#because I dont trust a motherfucker
composeregg · 3 months
oh my goddd.. i love tgcf (not trying 2 b pretentious ive just been calling it that in my head forever i can't change it 😭) what r yr thoughts so far!!!! idr how the book division goes for the seven seas edition, what part r u at? what's been yr favorite scene so far? etc etc etc!!!! i would love 2 hear all yr opinions i hear the words heaven official's blessing & it's like a sleeper cell activation phrase 2 me <33
Hi hello I am fucjijg insane they rounded up 500 is where I'm at. Jfjfkfjjgkgkfkfkfk I am the embodiment of an emoji lovingly nicknamed Greg because it's how the keysmash name ends
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My thoughts are the axolotl bullying me was right this is hitting literally everything but the timeloops
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puppyeared · 5 months
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#maybe im being pessimistic abt this. im not saying u should wear a mask every waking moment of your life god knows i cant#but also. hell no i dont trust u if anything i distrust u ppl even more after how things played out for the past 3 years#like there are situations where it might be inevitable catching covid. most of my family members are nurses and in constant contact#but there are also a ton of ways to make that risk low as possible like masking and wearing a face shield and having sanitizer#for me its not enough to just say oh we're in a small group and we're all vaccinated#motherfucker your kid is sick from preschool EVERY TIME WE VISIT. of course ill be wearing a mask she gave me covid last year#also no the fuck it isnt seasonal the cases go up because lack of caution makes the virus spread and mutate especially around times when#ppl gather. add that with virus transmission in cold weather and its a matter of different factors increasing the risk of spread#im also tired of ppl not understanding that i wont be their responsibility if i do get sick. maybe they can help me recover#but at the end of the day the risk of death and long term health is all on me. i cant change that#the govt barely gives me accommodations what makes u think theyll do anything for every individual case of long covid or worse#im so tired. im so tired#i dont even know if its possible to want this to be over anymore i just wish we didnt have to deal with this in the first place#ALSO COUGH INTO YOUR SLEEVE SERIOUSLY HOW IS THIS SO HARD TO REMEMBER#oh its just a cold/dry throat its not like i have covid or anything. no!! its basic hygiene!!! how is this so hard to understand!!!!!!!!!!#and no this isnt abt whether people have the means to protect themselves this is me bitching abt my relatives not taking me seriously#vent#my art#myart#doodles#covid 19
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thecringefailintherye · 5 months
thoroughly british post incoming
ENOUGH of this fucking roland rat vs basil brush nonsense. theyre two bad bitches with equal slay, stop pitting them against eachother and let them kiss.
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Do ya read BB fan fiction? Would you ever consider writing any? Do you have any favorites? What do you wish to see in Bloodborne fan fic writing if anything? I’m curious!
Hahaha that's a funny question. I actually haven't read Bloodborne fanfics yet because I just usually don't read fanfics...? I am always too bouncy with my free time! 'Oh I need to work on my drawing oh I need to hang out with that friend oh I need to play a game oh I need to take a long walk while weather is still great oh I need to write that theory oh I need to figure that out' etc...
Just no way to organize my spare time. I create so many thoughts that I can't just stop, relax and consume thoughts instead. XD It is the curse of ADHD and overly rich imagination, man. But, I need to at least write my own fanfics. I have so many BB stories in my head that it'd be a shame if they never got told. Though learning how to draw/plot mangas so I can tell them visually seems like a way more efficient option for me! I don't like to describe places, but I like having solid "excuse" to draw this or that character.
However I'd be really interested in reading fanfics that have to do with Byrgenwerth or School of Mensis! And also... please, if you know genuinely high quality (and elaborate?) fanfics about Edgar x Micolash - share. Please this is my favorite ship but since I care about it so much I demand for it to be handled with GREAT care and GREAT psychology/context. Tbh the first fanfic I do want to write has to do with how they became a thing because I have one cool story based off my theory!
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bandofchimeras · 8 months
making my own post re "alternative" medicine and essential oils/supplements/herbs:
it is patently dangerous to mock and deride any other approach to medicine than the western medical system provides. it gives people this idea that herbs, supplements, etc are just harmless floofy jokes to play around with.
where the fuck do you think concentrated, extracted medicines /came from/? They came from fucking plants. which as herbal tinctures, supplements, etc, can kill you, worsen your condition, or help you!
people deserve to be educated on how to distinguish between snake oil salesmen and legitimately helpful substances in the supplements & vitamins aisle.
Also, not everyone can eat fruits and veggies and obtain all the nutrients they need for like, Christ, 500 reasons?? from food aversion, to food scarcity, to the fact that our crops are being grown with depleted nutrients and increased sugars and starches due to CO2 in the atmosphere, to food allergies and medical conditions that make digesting fruits and vegetables untenable.
I am very frustrated with the arrogance of people who deride all forms of folk medicine, and traditions alongside actual scams. It does harm to disabled and chronically ill people seeking treatments where the blunt force one size fits all for profit medical system has failed us. It contributes to the invalidation of NOW "scientifically proven" modalities such as acupuncture and postural somatic therapies that come from East Asian and South Asian traditions. I am not advocating for uncritical belief and acceptance of every new age healing scam. I'm angry at those scammers for continuing to delegitimize these traditions and contribute to the hostile attitude most physicians have towards anyone who seems additional treatment outside of their sanctioned facilities.
Approaching health from a nutritional, supplemented standpoint is not and does not have to be unscientific.
In fact it's two heads of the same hydra that allow random white ladies to claim they are certified in "quantum biofeedback" and can read your genetic code and board certified oncologists to actually fucking kill kids on the cancer floor whose bodies are not tolerating the standard practice cocktail of brutal treatments currently used to target cancer. It's arrogance and stupidity, overconfidence on one hand and cynicism on the other.
May I remind you Long COVID symptoms are being effectively lessened by acupuncture.
We will all benefit from learning the difference between MLM essential oil scammer crystal moms and legitimate practices that are being thrown into the grab bag of "alternative medicine."
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tealime9 · 1 year
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actualbird · 11 months
who in the nxx yells “THERE’S A BUG” and who removes the bug, and how?
those who yell "THERES A BUG": marius and mc
now im not saying both of them are particularly squeamish, no no, they can definitely keep it cool when the situation Calls For It. that being said, seeing a bug in the nxx meeting room on a slow day isnt exactly the most high stakes of situations, so the most High Stakes Element remains to be whatever bug they see
mc just doesnt like bugs, theyre creepy theyre crawly and she doesnt trust anything that can dart out of her line of vision in the blink of an eye
marius also doesnt like bugs and because of his upbringing, he did not get to see very many of them growing up. which means every time he Did see a Bug Intruder, it's like a Category 5 Drama Moment
the moment they see the bug, theyre announcing it LOUDLY to everybody else in the room while also getting up to stand on some chairs
those who dont yell "THERES A BUG" but does look at the bug and track its every movement while sitting still like a statue hoping the bug doesnt notice him, as if bugs operate on some kind of t-rex knowledge: artem
let's rewind a bit. before marius and mc saw the bug, artem saw it first. and he just
didnt say anything about it
artem.....Also Does Not Like Bugs. but he also also doesnt like being loud about things he doesnt like so he just Sits There, so still you'd think he fucking died, and he hopes the bug mistakes him for some kind of inanimate man-shaped furniture and avoids him due to sheer disinterest
it doesnt avoid him.
it probably crawls or flies very close to him a few times the only thing that stops him from screaming "THERES A BUG" is his self-control thats as hard as cast-iron skillet
it's fine though because marius and mc spot it and sound the alarm
(thank god)
those who remove the bug: luke and vyn
luke and vyn are the ones who will both 1) be completely unbothered by the bug and 2) have to bring it out
the reason for luke is obvious, he's had wilderness survival training and probably had to eat bugs like in an episode of Man VS Wild to survive on an uninhabited island, so hes REALLY past any squeamishness with bugs. in fact, if mc said the word, luke would grab the bug and crush it with his bare hands
and vyn is a gardener!!! bugs are APLENTY in the garden, so he sees them not as malevolent but as important creatures in a healthy ecosystem. the bug probably got in from vyn's garden, actually, since nxx hq is on his property
and thus
The Timeline Of Events When a Bug Appears In The NXX HQ Meeting Room
bug: //crawls in
artem: //sees it, soul leaves his body for a bit and he petrifies himself as a defense mechanism
mc: why did artem go so still
marius: i dont know, maybe hes rebooting?
mc: dont be mean!
marius: im not being mea---FUCK
mc: what?
marius: THERES A BUG
mc: theres a wha---THERES A BUG
marius and mc: //immediately moving to stand on the couch
artem: //still Not Moving, hoping that mc and marius' sudden movements attract it
bug: //flexes wings open and closed
vyn and luke, coming back in from where they were in the file room: ???
luke: oh. do you want me to kill it?
mc: NO!!
marius: YES!!!!!!
artem: i havent moved in 20 minutes
luke: dead or alive?
marius: DEAD
vyn, while they were all conversing: //gently coaxes the bug onto his palm and lets it out through the window
vyn's rationale here was that luke was doing a great job at handling (i.e. distracting) the People, so he went ahead and took care of the Bug. the bug will not be returning to the nxx meeting room because it was quite cold with no soil and also VERY loud
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gunpowderdtim · 7 months
i wonder what me and @miralines rpverse ouatisblr would look like
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🌅 atypicalarielien follow 🔁 antiroyalribbons follow
🤡 normalpeopleonly follow
dni if you think that freckles luck should in ANY way be involved in goverment. i mean she's a rose red why should we ever trust that? theyre all monsters i thought this was well established when they FUCKING KILLED US FOR 30 YEARS??? wtf
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🥀 antiroyalribbons follow
uh freckles luck did NOT spend 30 fucking years fighting for the rebels for you to call her a rose red. she's made it clear she's just a normal person dozens of times what is WRONG with you
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🤡 normalpeopleonly follow
she's still a fucking clone. they put chips in their brains, did you know that? theyre all mind controlled and shit why should we ever fucking trust one. with fucking government programs. i dont care if she 'seems' 'normal' she's just a rose red. i dont get why they didn't kill them all anyway
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🥀 antiroyalribbons follow
SHE'S A WAR VETERAN?????? BRUH. you owe your freedom to her she helped kill the fucking king?????
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⚫ zanti-deactivated02334432
I think mentioning she assisted the new regime is unnecessary. RR-11678 betrayed the crown in 4395. I think either way she should be shot. Rose Reds, especially defective ones are a hazard. She betrayed the king once. If the new "president" Marion Belle were any sort of intelligent she would have her killed. She betrayed once. She could do it again.
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🥀 antiroyalribbons follow
oh now the crown loyalists are here. @normalpeopleonly look what you attracted. this is why we shouldn't give people like op energy
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🌅 atypicalarielien follow
bros stop reblogging this it has captain luck fucking id in it she's said like twice to stop spreading that information further...
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🌅 atypicalarielien follow 🔁 zanti2 follow
🌅 atypicalarielien follow
you guys ever think about how hot rose reds are 😳🏳️‍🌈
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🪙 zanti2 follow
they are not people.
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🌅 atypicalarielien follow
motherfucker you made an alt just to harass me i get it you're a crown loyalist why dont you go suck coles dick. oh wait. he's dead. maybe you should join him
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🥀 antiroyalribbons follow
everyone should read Althea Black's new book: The Army With a Single Face: Firsthand Accounts of Rose Reds in the Crown War. it really puts the whole war from the perspective of a rose red into mind. really fucked up.
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🟥 realredhood follow 🔁 antiroyalribbons follow
🪫 ravenousrebeliousraven follow
crazy how president marion belle and her husband are getting divorced... guess that's what the war ending does do a relationship
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🟥 realredhood follow ☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️
its because belle sucks ass lmafo
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🪫 ravenousrebeliousraven follow
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🥀 antiroyalribbons follow
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only on sptumblr do we get war veterans gossiping about divorses. i guess. also is this government secrets or
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🟥 realredhood follow ☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️
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🌅 atypicalarielien follow
can't believe that people threw rocks at fucking Rose Prince on the beach like. what. she's not a giant literally look at her stature..... this was like 3 miles from my house hell world can i move to fucking mulberry or some shit
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🟥 realredhood follow ☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️
if i get 100k notes ill leak crown and rebel documents on my sptwitch
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twistedastrology · 24 days
- A Cancer's Appearance -
yes i yap a lot about cancers but what do u expect im literally a cancer rising and i hate that everyone gets us wrong as fuck 😕
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going orange this time bc i want color in my life rn-
ANYWAY ok so i saw a tiktok last night that was the rising signs and their appearance and Ofc they said cancers often have very soft, rounded features "like the full moon" and generally have very prominent chests and my spindly ass is watching that shit like No.
SO what do cancer placements actually look like!!! Bc i actually went thru the comments and saw a lot of cancer risings not relating and im like OK so it's not just me-
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first off, i see ppl saying cancer risings look different compared to cancer suns or other placements and i have never noticed this myself. im not entirely sure why a rising placement would look different from a sun placement but what do i know i could just be an idiot-
in my experience, both personal and observational, cancers tend to be very lanky and spindly people-
they might have Slightly softer facial features but not without definition.
being their sister sign, ive noticed heavy capricorn placements tend to have jawlines of the gods, and so do cancers usually, just in a slightly different way.
capricorn bone structures generally look very <. Like very sharp and strong as if they have like no tissue on top of their bones and it's just skull and skin kinda- Cancer bone structures look very???? Not ) but like if < was a just Slightly more rounded- they have more muscle definition in their faces rather than bone definition if that makes sense.
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^ to help u understand what im yapping abt, im bringing local 99% capricorn man awsten knight (lead singer of the band waterparks) to the table.
this motherfucker is so capricorn it's not even funny- he's got not 1, not 2 but SIX capricorn placements in his fucking chart- sun, mercury, mars, uranus, neptune and north node-
and unfortunately no face reveal yet but u gotta trust me when i say i look just fucking like him and i have 0 capricorn placements and like 0.5 earth placements in general.
i look like awsten if he was like a twinge more rounded like a TWINGE- i got the same sharpness right it's just like?? HAHAHAH it's like sharp corners of wood sanded down that's the difference- like sanded just enough so they're a little more rounded out but they're still pretty sharp edges u know what im saying-
(waterparks is an amazing band btw should totally check them out if u havent already they're in my top 3 all-time fav bands along with bad omens and korn)
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and i have another topic abt cancers brewing in my head rn that ill have to write abt in a separate post but i dont think cancers are actually the crab i think they're the spiders- ill put an arachnophobia warning on that post bc ill probably put multiple spider images But i say that for several reasons-
one such being that most spiders are Very Spindly!!!!! they're 90% limbs!!! and the cancer placements that i know are Usually also 90% limbs, there being some exceptions ofc as always-
me personally ive always been extremely tall and lanky, i am indeed 99% limbs and for a while until i gained more muscle, looked malnourished 💔 (someone accused me of having anorexia at one point, that's a story for another day tho- i do actually have an eating disorder but not anorexia)
this could also be because im extremely mercury dominant but ive seen people say that mercurians are Short which makes absolutely NO sense to me at all- ill do a post on that at some point 💔💔
but i also consider cancers to be neptune ruled instead of moon ruled, and to me, neptunians would be very spindly.
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all this to say that in my experience, cancers are not rounded or large chested, they tend to be very lanky, small-chested actually, potentially tall, and have very defined eyes for some reason or another-
in my case i have the most dark purple bags under my eyes you will ever see in your entire life (i got a sleep disorder that makes me legitimately nocturnal 🙏😔), and you can see like every emotion im experiencing in my eyes very easily IF u know me well enough (which my mom is the only one who can genuinely see everything)
i also have a REAL bad case of resting bitch face AND crazy eyes, which the crazy eyes i think are boosted by my mars conjunct asc and my uranus trine asc 🙏🙏🙏
one thing the tiktok said though that did make sense a little was "cancers are usually the spitting image of their mother, like copy + paste"
i dont think it's just the mother i think it's whichever parent you're closest to, but i Am a direct copy paste of my mom in both appearance and everything else tbh- and she's a cap rising + aries sun/mercury/venus- and we both have mars in cancer, but that's her only cancer placement so 🤔
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once again this is my personal experience so if this checks out, god bless, n if it doesn't my bad i tried 🙏😔
plenty more cancer content to come i fear because there is So much that so many ppl get wrong about them 😕
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she kisses me in her parents bedroom and says SOLILOQUIZE THIS, MOTHERFUCKER, like a threat, like a promise, like she’s saying, TURN THIS INTO POETRY AND I’LL KILL YOU or maybe TURN THIS INTO POETRY AND I’LL LOVE YOU EVEN MORE. i can never tell what she means when she kisses me like that.
i say «tell me we’re dead and i’ll love you even more» and she tells me STOP QUOTING OTHER POETS WHEN YOU TELL ME YOU LOVE ME and i say «i’ve never been more than quotes from other poets, if you didn’t want that, why are you still kissing me?» and she says WHY DO YOU ALWAYS EXPECT ME TO KNOW THE ANSWERS TO YOUR PROBLEMS?
we kiss in her parents bedroom and she says WHAT DO YOU WANT, BABY? and i say «i want you to kill me in the middle of sex so i can die feeling good.» for a second, she’s quiet, and then she says WHAT? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? and i try to say i’ve never know love without violence or maybe i’m scared of dying scared or maybe when they told me that abraham’s love for isaac was the reason for the sacrifice, i didnt understand that he was being asked to kill in spite of that love, not for it. and instead i say «nothing i say means anything. that’s why i’m a poet.»
we sit outside while i smoke and i say «i watched hacksaw ridge yesterday, and it was the craziest thing, because i thought they were exaggerating the story, but it turns out it was actually even weirder.» and she says I WISH YOU TALKED ABOUT YOURSELF MORE. and it sounds too real, so i pretend i dont hear it.
we are kissing in her parents bedroom when i grab a handful of fat, blood-full bedbugs and say «‘how long will you refuse to humble yourself before me? let my people go, so that they may worship me’.» and she says I WISH YOU TALKED ABOUT YOURSELF MORE and i say «i am talking about myself»
we are standing at the bus stop waiting for the bus to come and she says MY DAD ALWAYS TOLD ME TO NEVER TRUST AN ADDICT and i ask «do you really want me to write your dialogue in all capitals even though no one can see it?» and she says I NEVER ASKED YOU TO DO THAT.
we eat dinner together and she says I LIKE WHEN YOU DRINK AND DON’T TAKE YOUR MEDICINE AND ACT LIKE A FUCKING CRAZY PERSON and i say «no, you don’t, i’m a bad acid trip dressed like a boyfriend.» and she says WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME IT WAS GOING TO START RAINING? and i say «i thought it’d be more romantic if we didnt have an umbrella.»
we sit like distant planets and she says STOP QUOTING OTHER POETS WHEN YOU TELL ME YOU LOVE ME and i say «i dont know how» and she says STOP USING MY NAME TO TALK TO YOURSELF and then, finally quiet, i dont like it when you use me to justify your own self hatred. stop putting mean words in my mouth. and i say, «i am talking about myself.» and she says, baby, I know — that’s the problem.
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theosconfessions · 7 months
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if youd like to read the stephens from the beginning you can over here :)
if youd like to read the stephens continued you can over here:)
theo-heard a lot of it. you did good, kid. BUT...
dustin- i know rivers going to do what he wants. i just really really do NOT like blake.
theo- no shit. but you have to give the kid a chance. i mean rue gave me a chance..and i made him regret it .
dustin- [scoffs]
theo- blake didnt do shit yet.
dustin- he didnt use protection...
theo- i know but one shitty thing doesnt make him a bad dude
dustin- theo.. if that one shitty thing causes river to get sick.
theo-i know trust me i know. but theyll go get tested. go from there.river obviously digs him
dustin-too much
theo- mmhmm
dustin- what?
theo- nothing just mmhmm
dustin- say it ,theo
theo- i think youre being pretty rough on blake because he reminds you of me.
dustin- no shit
theo- no, hear me out. i think youre being doubley hard on the kid because we have some parallels . But youre also not fully over everything ive done to you. BUT youre afraid to say that to me because my minds not great. youre coddling me. so youre directing it on him.
dustin- i mean maybe? a little? but blakes also deserving of that shit.
theo- maybe he is but if he is..he needs a chance to prove it
dustin-[smirks] i just dont want my kid to waste his life following around someone who is just going to break his heart.
theo- but hes a smart kid dusty..i know we wasted a lot of time kid but we're not giving river or blake a shot here in HELL...because of us
dustin- for good reason.
theo- i know but its not fair.
dustin- i know i just worry about my kids.
theo- so do i. and hey maybe blake will prove you right..but for now dusty...chill. a little bit.. i mean we're good right?
dustin- right but theo that took years..and you losing your mind
theo- well [shrugs] lets hope it takes less for blake. oh and on the subject of losing my mind..you need to stop coddling me. im still one hundred percent your motherfucking daddy. and i fully anticipate reminding you of that every single..fucking..day
dustin- mmm yessir.
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correctthroam · 6 months
I read THROAM for the first time in ~5 years. Here's what I have to say.
Volume I: There was so many characters I forgot about when going into the fic. Pete, Jac, Spencers family. I cant believe I forgot them. Pete will always be a fave because everyone hates him and it makes me laugh. The first volume was always my 2nd favorite, I think it still is. overall, the storyline isn't complicated and I like that. Ryan is such an asshole so I dont feel bad for him one bit in any of the fic. Also, I used to say that the bus crash was Brendons fault (I was 13, okay?) But Ryan was just an unstable motherfucker who truly should not be trusted to drive a vehicle of any kind.
Volume II: holy shit. I hate volume two. Not saying the writing is bad but Jesus Christ, Ryan is an asshole. bro literally stalked Brendon after he ran into him at that party like what? I had messaged a friend after finishing volume 2, saying "I'm a really nice person I never wanna make people feel sad, let alone make a whole fictional story about someone being severely depressed and unstable whilst chasing a boy then fucking his bf at the end???" and I think that perfectly sums up how I feel (and always felt) about volume two. other than the fact that I used to say that it was Brendons fault. (I was 13. THIRTEEN) it wasn't his fault. Some parts were, yeah, but it's hard to pinpoint everything that happened on one person. at the end of the day, its a good story I just Hate it (does that make sense) I love it but I hate it? it remains my least favorite purely for the pain it put me through.
Volume III: I love this volume. I always have. Sisky is amazing, we all love Sisky. I will say the iconic song/album references/jokes made me cringe a bit, though. Im not exactly sure what about this fic I always liked so much, I guess you can really see Ryans character growth and finally not be as much as a miserable fuck (he's still unstable dw) Since Ryan is less insufferable, it makes the volume more enjoyable. I like that Spencer and Ryan became friends again, I think it makes the book more enjoyable and tbh I think Spencer rly tied vol 3 together, if he wasn't part of it it would lowk suck. overall, best volume cant wait to host the throam tour where we go to hotel Chelsea then machias.
final thoughts: if I thought throam was 100% good when I was 13, Id say now that I think throam is about 85% good now. (does that make sense pt 2) this fic has sent me back into being 13 and I have been blasting some pretty. odd. (im listening to it rn as im typing this) and listening to this album just makes my life feel more simple. still a solid fic, I think it would be an amazing published book. and I think we can all agree that it would be amazing to see THROAM movies (in our dreams)
Thanks for reading lol
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And really, the only way for me to respond to that? I can't fight fire with fire. So I'll just hide all my old OCs instead, and bring in a new batch just to spite em <3. Also considering not attacking those on my hitlist who draw early. Just a thought :). And very easily, you can tell if someone's been prepping for attacks if, in the first second of the website going up, you upload a high quality piece that you couldn't have made in 1 minute. At least hide your shit better if you're gonna cheat
please touch grass it's not that deep -edit There were additional parts: "anon who does not care about getting free art here! Just thought that you needed an OC to join artfight, so I really dont care about getting art. I just wanna draw other's characters in the set time limit. It gives me much more joy. And I'm going to enforce the rule my way XD. And to those who say that people wanna prep: it's one week. Isn't one week enough to save images? Some may even argue it's enough to do some art. I bet mod is an early art maker. How does it feel to have no intergrity?" "Adding onto that, the reason why I hate people drawing early in artfight is that it's disingenuous. You're not actually drawing my OC in the month of artfight. So why then? Why post it on artfight instead of gift art on another website? Just for the points? And to all those people who say that 'they don't have time' motherfucker my summer break ends in June. There's no summer hols in July unlike for the rest of the world. I have a more reasonable excuse to start drawing early and I'm not." "Because guess what? I have integrity bitches. I do the right thing even when no one's looking. And if you can't even do it for a simple art trading game that I'm not trusting you with my pets. Secondly, starting early ruins the spirit of artfight. Why submit it to the website that's only for every July? Why not do a yearly art trading game then? 'But oh anon, people will get burnt out' then what are you doing before July???? I have so much more reasons as to why I hate people who start early"
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thatonebylershipper · 6 months
silly byler ficlet that is basically 665 words of me projecting onto mike
@bylersrise @unsurebisexualcore
Mike knows he should be asleep. He does. What he doesn’t know is why he isn’t sleeping yet. So he slowly, slowly, carefully, carefully extracts himself from his boyfriend, who has been asleep for three hours at this point, to get his earbuds out of the basket they have tied under the bedside table.
Scrawny by Wallows has been on repeat for a few days, so obviously Mike just keeps listening to it. He physically restrains himself from wiggling around under the blankets with excitement for the song and gets the urge to bite something on about the third repeat of the night. He doesn’t remember where he put his chewy necklace so he settles for biting the heel of his hand, smiling all the while.
He’s so absorbed in the music that he doesn’t notice when his sleepy boyfriend shifts underneath him and seemingly out of nowhere, Will is pulling Mike’s hand away from his mouth. Mike turns to look at Will, grinning sheepishly and pulling out his earbuds one at a time.
“Mike, what are you doing?” Will asks, voice hoarse with sleep. It makes Mike’s smile wider. Will is adorable. “It’s almost 2 in the morning. You should be asleep. Also I can hear that,” he adds, nodding at Mike’s earbuds that are resting on the blankets.
“Me too.” Mike grins. “And I know. I just couldn’t sleep. I don’t know why,” He responds, subconsciously bringing his hand back to his mouth. Will pulls it away before it even gets there.
“Where’s your necklace? I know it’s hard to accommodate yourself sometimes but I don’t want you hurting yourself like this.” Mike shrugs. Will rolls over to dig through their basket. Some of the contents include various fidget toys for both Mike and Will, Will’s headphones, phone chargers, a shared water bottle (okay maybe they’re a little bit gross but neither of them care. Haters gonna hate), and usually Mike’s rubber lego brick necklace that he chews on as a stim but it seems to be missing at the moment.
“Aha,” Will mutters, rolling back over with Mike’s necklace wrapped around his fingers. “Stop biting your hand.”
Mike slips the soft cord over his head and immediately starts biting the rubber. “Shorry,” he says, muffled. “It doeshn’t hurt doe,” he adds.
Will smiles at him endearingly. “It might not feel painful but look at the bruises on your palms. Biting your hands hurts you. That’s why we got you the necklaces in the first place, ya goof.”
Mike unclenches his teeth, letting the colorful lego brick drop to his chest. “I couldn’t find it.”
“It was right there,” Will grins at him incredulously.
“Object permanence issues?”
“Okay fine,” Will compromises, having suffered from the same problem for his whole life. Just yesterday morning he was looking for his keys for ten minutes before realizing they were literally in his hand. “Still listening to Scrawny?”
“Yes,” Mike gushes. “I am a scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle, if you didn’t know.”
Will laughs. Mike has said the same thing at least five times a day since someone recommended the song to him last week. “Trust me, Mike, I know. Can you at least try to go to sleep soon?”
“I can try,” Mike agrees, putting his earbuds back in his ears but turning the volume down so it’s not distracting enough to keep him awake. Will kisses his forehead and mumbles a “goodnight” before settling down onto the pillows to go back to sleep.
Mike loves him, Mike loves him, Mike loves him. He pulls out an earbud. “Will,” he whispers, nudging his tired boyfriend.
“Mike,” Will whispers back.
“I love you.”
Will smiles, eyes still closed. “I love you too.”
It’s not the first time they’ve said it to each other but it still gives Mike butterflies everytime he hears it.
That night, Mike falls asleep next to his favorite person, listening to his favorite song, in his favorite place: his home.
uhmm hope you liked it if not then kiss my ass because i dont actually care this was very very self indulgent 😘
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dyke-pollinator · 1 year
Im in the mood for a story
Im a little drunk and im in the mood to share a story with yall of when I was out living in Nevada. This was back in 2017 or so.
This story requires some backstory so please indulge me.
I was a crew leader, managing a group of 4-9 people ranging from 18-23 ( I was 24 at the time). Part of that meant helping them integrate into the new location they moved to (Reno, Nevada) despite living out of my car at this time.
One of my crew members, who I will call Shawn, was...... Interesting to say the least. He was a pretty interesting person, but was definitely way too interested in falling in love while on this job.
So while he was out with some other members on their off week, he confessed his feelings for another crew member who turned him down. He proceeded to seriously harm himself. So now, on my crew, I had to manage that shit and make sure he wasn’t a risk to himself. Because of course this motherfucker was on my crew and technically my responsibility.
Everything was basically fine. Shawn and the other member barely interacted and we were learning a lot about how to cut down trees safely.
During one of our hitches (time in the field) where we were building cattle fences on the border of Utah, this bitch decided he wanted to go for a walk. So idk if you know what the middle of no where Utah looks like but its basically the same as this for 100 miles in every directions 
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Barely any geographic features. Insanely easy to get lost. 
We had a rule where if you were gonna split off from the group,  you had to let the crew lead (me) know, and you had to explicitly say where you were gonna go. He decided he wanted cell phone signal one night, and told no one where he was going.
He got lost. In the middle of the desert. I need you to understand how horrifying that is. There’s nothing out there. You can walk for 200+ miles (350km) in any direction and find literally nothing. Especially on the Nevada / Utah border. 
By 8pm we were all wondering where he was till a random person was like “Oh he went that was looking for signal”. Like wtf? Excuse me? We searched in the direction he went for like 4 hours before we called emergency services & our organization that was gonna send out reinforcements to help us look.
We parked our giant truck on the top on the highest hill around us, with our high beems on, and blared on the horn all night, hoping that he was going to find his way back to us. He never did.
We spent 38 hours looking for this person, and since we all knew his history, we legitimately thought he was dead.\
The next day we had the whole BLM (Bureau of Land Management) looking for him. They were about to call in the fucking helicopters.
Now, this next part is gonna sound like some bullshit I just made up but I stg it is true. My dumbass forgot to restock the first aid kit. My co-lead got stung by a bee / wasp while we were doing a grid search, and for the first time in his life, he had a major allergic reaction that none of the leftover meds we had would take down.
So we had to take him into town (an approximately 15 mile drive on back roads) and I did it since I was one of the few that was allowed to drive our trucks.
This motherfucker, Shawn, literally stumbled across the road while I was driving my co-lead into to town. Idk how the fuck he found this road. Idk how the fuck his timing was absolutely perfect. But we found him. After 56 hours when all of us thought he was already dead.
We would have NEVER found him if not for this random happenstance. Some divine power wanted this kid alive I swear. Its some of the most insane shit I have ever experienced.
The moral is never trust Non-profit organizations. They dont give a fuck about you. 
And if yall wanna head this story from Shawn’s perspective just lmk I am happy to share it.
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starfxkr · 4 months
this is real crazy of me to say but i think we’re close enough for me to admit it friend
… i wanna ride jj’s gun. i need to see his face as his kitty loses herself on his weapon of all things. THERE IVE SAID IT !!!!!!
- 🪐
AND UR REALLLLLLLL i cant remember if i wrote this read it or dreamt it but i def recall there being something similar on my blog where he rubs it against her clit but riding it? oh she’s doing that 100%
it’s when be first steals it and he’s so goddamn giddy about it, showing her how to load and unload it and how to clean it. and he jokingly presses the “empty” barrel under chin saying, “you better be lucky i love you kitten, theres some real bad motherfuckers out there who’d hurt you.”
and there’s that mean glint in his eye— the one that doesn’t rear its ugly head often but when it does you feel it. he probably runs the barrel over your lips when you stick your tongue out to give it a tiny lick and he just slides it between your lips back and forth like its his dick. when he pushes it down your throat amkes you gag, his eyes are drawn to the very obvious wet patch growing on your panties.
“i could do whatever i want with you right now you know that.” it wasn’t a question. his eyes flicking up from between your legs as he pulls the gun from your mouth with a thin string of saliva connecting it to your lips, “i could fuck you with this right now and you couldn’t do a thing. ‘cuz you’re my little girl arent you”’
frantically you nod, pretty much gasping with arousal, “i’d let you do anything.”
“yea you would,” he pinches your cheek with a wild smile, “‘cuz my girls a real freak.”
you can’t help but smile back, biting your lip when he lifts your dress and slides your panties to the side with the barrel.
“you trust me dont you?” he presses the cool metal against your hot sticky flesh.
he pulls away to adjust himself, laying against the headboard and positioning the weapon at crotch level with a smirk, “come ride it then.”
you practically crawl towards him, once you’re close you dip your head down to lick the faint traces of your cunt off it. the way he moans you’d think his actual dick was in your mouth.
grabbing the back of your neck he lifts you off and drags you up until your wet pussy is hovering over it.
“go on now, wanna see my pretty girl ride it.”
it was almost embarrassing how easily he got you to sink down on it, a faint purr in the back of your throat when he rubbed his thumb beneath your ear.
the feeling was indescribable, the dry coolness of the gun was a stark contrast to how hot and wet you were. it was dizzying and he knew it, panting cruel praises into your ear as you sped up.
“i got you so well trained you’re riding a fuckin gun kitten you know how sick that is right?”
you shook your head, digging your nails in the side of his neck in irritation, “shut up…m’not sick i just-just wanna make you feel good.”
jj just smirks and pulls out your right tit from your dress, rubbing a thumb over your nipple, “yeah whatever makes you feel better, can tell you’re about to cum all over papa’s brand new glock though.”
you shake your head again, ashamed at how your dripping.
“dont shake your head at me missy i know you,” he leans in and trails his nose against your jaw, “i can see your clit throbbing from here.”
he’s right— god you hate that he’s right because your clenching hard around the metal with a choked mewl, clit pulsing and mind going blank with the strength of it.
when you finally come to his lips on pressing soft kisses against your pulse point, feeling that contented purr rumbling in the the back of your throat. you’re relaxed enough for him to gingerly pull the gun out of your now tender pussy and he gives you a finger so you have something warm to clench around.
still, he brings the drenched barrel to your face, mockingly, “i’d say you christened this little baby perfectly.”
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