#although hes kinda on board with the be wearyness of it all he feels a wee bit better after going after him at his job lmao
theosconfessions · 6 months
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if youd like to read the stephens from the beginning you can over here :)
if youd like to read the stephens continued you can over here:)
theo-heard a lot of it. you did good, kid. BUT...
dustin- i know rivers going to do what he wants. i just really really do NOT like blake.
theo- no shit. but you have to give the kid a chance. i mean rue gave me a chance..and i made him regret it .
dustin- [scoffs]
theo- blake didnt do shit yet.
dustin- he didnt use protection...
theo- i know but one shitty thing doesnt make him a bad dude
dustin- theo.. if that one shitty thing causes river to get sick.
theo-i know trust me i know. but theyll go get tested. go from there.river obviously digs him
dustin-too much
theo- mmhmm
dustin- what?
theo- nothing just mmhmm
dustin- say it ,theo
theo- i think youre being pretty rough on blake because he reminds you of me.
dustin- no shit
theo- no, hear me out. i think youre being doubley hard on the kid because we have some parallels . But youre also not fully over everything ive done to you. BUT youre afraid to say that to me because my minds not great. youre coddling me. so youre directing it on him.
dustin- i mean maybe? a little? but blakes also deserving of that shit.
theo- maybe he is but if he is..he needs a chance to prove it
dustin-[smirks] i just dont want my kid to waste his life following around someone who is just going to break his heart.
theo- but hes a smart kid dusty..i know we wasted a lot of time kid but we're not giving river or blake a shot here in HELL...because of us
dustin- for good reason.
theo- i know but its not fair.
dustin- i know i just worry about my kids.
theo- so do i. and hey maybe blake will prove you right..but for now dusty...chill. a little bit.. i mean we're good right?
dustin- right but theo that took years..and you losing your mind
theo- well [shrugs] lets hope it takes less for blake. oh and on the subject of losing my mind..you need to stop coddling me. im still one hundred percent your motherfucking daddy. and i fully anticipate reminding you of that every single..fucking..day
dustin- mmm yessir.
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