#bc it always sucks when you can't/don't use characters you like
dmclemblems · 2 years
ajsdhgjkh yeah sorry shinon! he's good but i don't remember him ever being top for me, though i've probably done por 4 times and rd twice. i started using oscar because the nintendo power strategy guide said to plug the one bottleneck in the map on the chapter shinon and gatrie leave, because he's a brick wall. and they were right. he would never let me down etc etc. i think i gave him a custom forged lance called the BadGuyKiller. Kieran got the OscarBane, which was hot pink.
For some reason no matter how much I love other FE games, I always keep replaying the Tellius ones. I guess maybe in part it's because growing up I took to PoR a lot more? I started with FE7, but 7 and 8 weren't as strong for me and didn't keep me as interested. Also, I was kind of the shy nice girl growing up who stayed out of trouble, so I kind of grew up really admiring Ike. Even if I don't play either game for a year or two straight, I always come back to them and end up playing at least one of them once or twice through before taking a break again. Even though 4 is my favorite FE game, I guess between Tellius' gameplay, the characters and how I felt about those games growing up ends up pulling me back to them all the time.
NINTENDO POWER LITERALLY SAID USE OSCAR? Damn, I didn't give them enough credit. My sister subscribed to that magazine and I never read it. They're RIGHT though, I love plugging bottlenecks with him and Shinon. Chapter six is a pain in the ass but I rely on the two of them to cover the front, and in chapter eight I similarly have Oscar handle the front. Oscar dodges enough and he takes very low damage if he gets hit. My strategy was to keep a javelin equipped for most of chapter eight since a lot of the enemies used them as well, so he was always able to hit back and he took out the enemies in the front all by himself (which is pretty impressive at that point in the game considering how many enemies he'd be fighting by himself).
It's actually funny to me because he has no trouble at the front, but meanwhile Titania and Boyd are handling the right side of the map and kinda having trouble. Soren and Ike handle the left side (and eventually Ilyana if she even makes it down there in time to do much of anything lol), and I have Rhys run around healing as much as he can with Mia using her turns to shove him out of harm's way if he's in range of an enemy's distant attack when he's behind someone. Mia's too weak at that point for me to use her for anything else, so she's kinda just Rhys' support to keep him safe while he heals.
Agreed, Oscar never lets me down. IN FACT, IT'S ALMOST ALWAYS BOYD WHO LETS ME DOWN LMAO. Last run I did with a friend watching was fun because we were picking on Boyd lovingly. He was actually pretty damn for me in that run but whenever he screwed up we'd poke fun at him.
THAT'S SO FUNNY LOL. I love giving Oscar forged weapons. Actually, since they're so expensive if you want them to be really unique and not super close to an existing weapon that I don't make forged weapons that often at all. Generally Oscar is one of the few if not the only one in a playthrough who gets one. I always make it insanely OP, like, as OP as you literally make it lol. I make it green for him and give him all sorts of names for his weapons.
KIERAN GOT THE OSCARBANE AND IT WAS HOT PINK JUST LIEK HIS PERSONALITY. Kieran no you're supposed to fight the enemies, not your allies. SIR.
My friend in the playthrough I played with them watching tried to convince me not to use Oscar in chapter 28 and I firmly refused LOL. He basically handles the whole left side of the map by himself or has like, one other person with him helping out a little bit while Ike, Soren and Ranulf take the center and everyone else takes the right side.
Also this has nothing to do with Oscar but LISTEN. Have you ever put Vantage AND Adept on Ranulf? They behave differently in RD so it won't work the same, but in PoR Vantage always activates so your unit will always attack first if they're attacked by an enemy. Combine that with Adept and it's literally so broken because the sheer number of times I had Ranulf attack first and use Adept, attacking first twice and killing the enemy just for initiating combat was so bonkers it was like easy mode lmao.
It's kinda like when I discovered that putting Gamble on Shinon was stupid broken because he'd keep getting a 100 percent crit rate with a killer bow.
Oscar and Shinon are already broken and I somehow always seem to find ways to make them more broken. Then I got to add PoR Ranulf to that list... and honestly, once RD Ranulf gets Rend, he's basically as much of a monster as those two (especially if you're playing the endgame parts and you give him a Laguz Gem to be transformed for the entire battle LEL).
#nintendo power is a CHAMP for suggesting to use oscar The Correct Way (tm)#when I was younger and I first started playing PoR my sister convinced me that pre-promoted were ''bad''#when I grew up I was SO MAD LOL bc she was basing that on playing FE7/8#where generally pre-promoted units barring game soloer King Seth the Great weren't that great#(though I did use Saleh quite a bit... and to my recollection he wasn't bad)#and I literally SUFFERED trying to train Rolf bc of that. now I just train him enough to withstand that Blizzard#in chapter 18 in case he gets hit by it when I'm going down the corridor to reach Shinon#and basically once I get him back Rolf is benched for the rest of or most of the rest of the game hfkjsagjsg#BUT KNOWING THE SHINON I KNOW NOW I'M SO MAD SHE CONVINCED ME NOT TO USE HIM FKJSHJHFG#I can't remember what playthrough I finally started using him or why at this point#but I wouldn't be surprised if it had to do with me wanting to try out using a unit for a character I enjoyed#bc it always sucks when you can't/don't use characters you like#KINDA LIKE WHY I USUALLY BRING TORMOD TO THE TOWER OF GUIDANCE?#BC I'M RLY FUCKIN' MAD THAT HE'S HARDLY IN THE GAME AT ALL AND I NEED TO MAKE UP FOR LOST TIME???#I angrily get Tormod to tier 3 level 20 at all cost bc RD did him so dirty with screentime#OH AND ALSO Geoffrey was another pre-promote I didn't use because of my sister LOL#nowadays I tend not to use him and Haar bc they join so late into the game and by then#most of my roster is pretty figured out while still making room for Ranulf prior to him and Haar joining#I use Geoffrey as much as I can in RD though because I love Geoffrey#also like ofc Shinon is gonna be behind everyone else for a bit when you get him back bc he's the same level he left at#it's like playing Tales of Phantasia and benching Chester permanently just bc he rejoins you at the same level you left him at fjksghjgsg#now I just like to meme about Shinon killing everything and how the AI actually works when it comes to Provoke#DCE Ask
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goldentigerfestival · 19 days
I love the vocal nuance in this exchange, but also posting this for my differences posts because this is one of the changes that infuriates me the most. Yuri didn't threaten Ioder, did not threaten him with a weapon, and just said he'd punch him in a lazy, half joking voice (half joking as in, he really doesn't want to hear that - that's just his way of saying so; but that's not the voice of someone who is super angry and threatening).
My other huge grievance is that this is a recurring issue between them in the dub. Yuri is pretty much always vocally rude to Ioder. Ioder has done nothing to wrong him or anyone and has only ever done good for the people where he's able to.
Yet despite Ioder being nothing but sincere, honest and polite with Yuri, in fact even happy to see him here and there, dub Yuri is outright tonally rude to him leading right up this scene where he threatens Ioder in this dark voice. Meanwhile he's actually just supposed to be… lazily telling Ioder he'll punch him in his Yuri Lowell way of saying "I don't want to hear that".
The dub really just wanted to turn Yuri into this dark edgelord and I hate that for my goofy, silly boy.
#GTF Vesperia Clips#honestly JP Yuri talks abt punching ppl often enough that it's like... this should have been an easy tl#and like honestly wtf is with the dub having Yuri at Ioder's absolute THROAT every time they talk#I'm serious when I say dub Yuri genuinely pisses me off sometimes bc he's an asshole for NO reason#it's not cool. I'm not rooting for him. I'm rooting for someone to punch him in the face for being an ass#JP Yuri would love to do it honestly he's always up for punching ppl it's a recurring theme for /him/#I've never wanted to punch JP Yuri in the face. I've wanted to punch dub Yuri in the face multiple times#that's enough for me to recognize that the dub took more than just ''creative liberties'' with the loc#it SUCKS too bc the dub in and of itself isn't bad. I've said this before but#it really is primarily Yuri and his absolute ATTITUDE problem /and/ the way the dub treats Flynn and puts him down constantly#and unfortunately often uses Yuri to do it... when they're not having Flynn himself do it#all always in areas that never even happened originally. they just literally made it up#still not over how they had Flynn basically berate himself by saying ''like a /good knight/'' at Yormgen#the dub very clearly had a /narrative/ bias against imperial figures/knights that wasn't in the original#what was the reason to drop Sodia calling Yuri ''sir'' at Aurnion? there wasn't one!#but Sodia BaD so we can't possibly let anyone see her character development and have to hide it from dub players!#unfortunately for me the dub not being bad in and of itself truly is trumped by#its treatment of Yuri and Flynn as characters and the way the game narratively directs players#for me it really is THAT BAD that it's stronger than the rest of the dub being just fine#and it really truly honestly RUINS the entire dub for me bc I love Yuri and Flynn and hate seeing them treated like that#I mean literally the whole point of me making those text posts is bc of my love for Yuri lol#and it's so sad and hard to see dub players not get the same Yuri experience simply bc... they don't even know#a lot of people didn't even realize how different he was and like... I get loving Troy's acting#but again Troy isn't the problem here. I don't want a dub that treats my favorites the way it does#I WISH Troy could have voiced Yuri the way he really is. in some way for me it feels very lonely#bc like the casual person I pass by who knows Vesp isn't likely to have not played the dub you know??#so it's like... I wanna talk abt Yuri but we aren't even talking abt the same Yuri#nearly outta tags lol but yeah it just... makes me SO sad that they did all this to those two
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 1 month
hawthorne brothers in bed head canons
@s-rosie requested javery ones but it disappeared so im just tagging you T-T. ok so i decided to combine two posts so i wouldn't have to do this twice. i sort of promised i'd do hawthorne brothers and then i got this request so this is both of them. @catapparently and @never-enough-novels helped with this a bit. i apologize if this sucks, i felt kinda awkward making this (and you can clearly see that bc of the way i wrote things but i also had fun). also, there are more averyjameson ones cause i love them and find it easier to write for them. some of these are also less dirty than others (i also apologize if yall wanted something dirtier). hope you like them <3. tags: @lanterns-and-daydreams
jameson and avery:
i saw someone make a post about this but jameson is totally into being handcuffed to the bed (or wherever they're doing it).
they both have praise kinks (i think this is obvious) (especially jamie)
avery always wears clothes that are either easy to take off or give easy access if you know what i mean (cause there's always a chance they might do it in a random bathroom somewhere and she wants to be prepared).
jameson is really into dry humping (with avery of course)
they're both switches (they're not doms or subs, they're a mix of both sort of for those who don't know what a switch is)
jamie will literally always eat her out before they actually fuck bc he's terrified of hurting her and wants to make sure she's wet enough.
they love doing it from behind (doggy style, spooning, etc) but jamie also loves anything that allows him to look at her face cause he loves seeing her when she comes (and just looking at her in general cause he loves her).
oh and jamie loves seeing her ride him. he can't help but think his gf is the hottest girl in the world.
jamie honestly doesn't care if he comes. all he cares about is avery's pleasure.
a lot of hickeys in places where people can't see. that's all i have to say
jamie put candles and flower petals everywhere for their first time. they both cried.
jamie loves dirty talking bc it always makes avery blush.
sometimes they'll be watching a movie with avery sitting with her back to his chest, and he'll put his hand in her pants and start pleasuring her.
i mentioned in another post that avery sometimes becomes insecure about her looks (its pretty much canon bc she hints towards it in the books), jamie will catch her watching herself in the mirror clearly judging herself, and he'll pop up behind her and start fucking her in front of the mirror (with her consent of course) whilst whispering in her ear that she's beautiful and stuff
he talks her through it. whispers sweet nothings in her ear and all. (also he's a consent king as he should be. he's always making sure she's ok)
jamie is a very big boobs guy. im calling it. it doesn't matter if they're small or big, he loves them.
he's a really big fan of putting his hand on her thigh. when he's driving, at an event, etc he'll put his hand on her thigh and just leave it there (and sometimes it leads to more)
grayson (and hypothetical love interest cause i don't like writing about a character we know nothing about *cough* lyra *cough*)
he's a very plain guy. his favorite position is missionary.
he's a sub and has a praise kink. he'll never admit it but he loves having his gf have her way with him.
his gf uses his suit ties to tie him to the bed (or he blindfolds her with them sometimes)
definitely not rough, like ever. he's a very sweet lover and will constantly ask his gf if she's ok or if she wants to stop.
one of the reasons why his gf ties him to the bed sometimes is that he's such a people pleaser that he'll stop his lover from making him feel good because he feels guilty that he's not the one doing it to his lover if he isn't tied up.
very loud in bed. sometimes people will hear from the other side of his room and scurry away.
gray and his gf have fucked in the pool before (lets just imagine its his pool and no one else goes in there cause umm... yk). he either sits on the stairs and lets her ride him or they do it standing.
he has an obsession with thighs. loves being smothered by them and always has his face between his gf's, pleasuring her.
he's a very big fan of neck kisses (receiving and giving). he isn't a big fan of hickeys though.
a lot of lazy sex bc he's usually really tired from working all day but still wants to ravish his gf.
nash and libby:
nash most definitely calls her good girl and stuff like that
very big fan of face sitting. if has to choose a way to die, it would be being smothered to death by libby's pussy.
will not let libby close her eyes when she comes. he wants to be able to see her when she does.
they have done it in the kitchen before bc libby basically lives there at this point (so, countertop sex).
his favorite position (idk what its called) is missionary but he folds libby's legs so they touch her chest (maybe this is just a variation of missionary idk T-T).
libby puts on nash's cowboy hat whenever she rides him (i think other people have made posts about this).
nash is very big on aftercare. they always cuddle after, he cleans her up, etc
libby most definitely has a praise kink. i think it's quite obvious
i honestly think they're both switches cause i can see both of them being tops and bottoms.
he's very big on foreplay. he is not into quickies. if he's having sex with libby, he will be taking his time making her feel good and stuff.
max and xander (i honestly don't really know for them):
they most definitely have like cringy sex but as a joke (like they'll call each other my kitten or my prince or smth like that and then just laugh)
they have tried every single position in existence for experimental purposes but at the same time are very innocent (it took them years to get through all of them). idk how this makes sense but its max and xander so nothing makes sense. (idk what their fav position would be though T-T)
max really likes being on top bc she feels powerful, and xander lets her bc he loves his gf and women in power
they usually do it in his lab because he's always in there (so a lot of countertop sex). they do it there so often that he bought a couch so to put in there so that they could be more comfy.
xander takes his time to learn all of the things that make max moan harder or arch her back. he's a very attentive lover and notices everything.
max is really big on consent. their first times consisted of max stopping every one second to ask him if he was ok (xander would to but bc of what happened to her with her ex (the nudes) i think that she's really big on consent, more than xander).
i hc that max is really short, meaning that xander constantly has to bend down or pick her up in order to kiss her (bc he's canonically 6'3), and that also means that some positions don't work for them bc one is max too short or xander is too tall.
after they're done, he kisses her from her hand up to her shoulder, and mouth, and, then, he'll look at her with a big smile. its like this ritual he has and he always does it.
they're very into dirty talk because they both read smut on ao3 (ive mentioned this in other posts). xander can read dirty talk (and smut in general) with a straight face, but, if max is the one doing it, he becomes a blushing stuttering mess. max takes advantage of this in bed when she wants to be on top. she'll whisper something in his ear which catches him off guard, and then she flips them over and takes the lead.
max is a very big fan on lingerie. it makes her look sexy and xander finds her hot so its a win win.
i really apologize if this sucks. for some i didn't have as many ideas and then sometimes i got a little awkward (but i mostly laughed a lot making this post).
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dyemelikeasunset · 7 months
I can't sleep so I'm venting. for the most part i love my d&m readers, but oml sometimes i get qpoc blues so bad 😭😭
It's just liiiike. ppl either don't talk about Mor or completely misinterpret her personality. Like I can always tell if my readers are black or not because nonblack readers no NOT see Mor's significance, or just miss the mark when they talk about her, or they misread her personality. Like I don't understand what's so hard to understand about a cute and thoughtful artist??
AND LIKE LMAO Dom's sexuality gets brought up all the time but no one talks about Mor being a lesbian and how rare that is to find in media 😭 white lesbians are always talking about "we need more open lesbians in media!! ppl shouldn't be afraid to use the word lesbian!! blah blah" and i'm like "here you go!!" and no one claps at all lmao. Like I get it, i know why it happens, i understand racial microaggressions, i know how fandom spaces treat Black women, I UNDERSTAND BUT I CAN STILL BE UPSET. I have the right to be upset about it!!! 💀💀 And I know fem lesbians get ignored all the time, invalidated all the time, but it just sucks to see it happen to my character. I just feel like her being lesbian doesn't clock a lot of people, and I get asked to do more thirst trap art of Mor and I do want to but i'm also trying to be careful about like. Idk reducing a dark skinned fem lesbian to being validated only thru being sexy? LMAO.... Mor should be able to be attractive and lovable without tons and tons of thirst trap art (and it's not like I don't do it at all!! I'm not trying to be overprotective or deny her sexiness but I guess it's considered not enough?? give me a break)
And mannnn I was so mad actually that several comments voiced thoughts that essentially said Mor didn't "help" or "take care" of Dom enough, and that when Dom was finally opening up to her it was "Morgan finally doing something" LIKE HELLO??? HELLO??? It's DOM'S flaw that she can't open up? And Morgan does a lot??? I know immature ppl do not appreciate more soft and domestic/feminine forms of care bc they're used to taking their mothers for granted lmao but wooow I was taken aback. First of all, like, I try to show that Mor is the main cook, works just as much as Dom (let's go double income household), is always checking in on Dom's comfort as she navigates being queer, and is overall a very considerate girlfriend. AND SECOND OF ALL LMAO like even if she didn't do all that she doesn't need to have relationship currency to have a doting girlfriend, like the fucking trope of black women needing to suffer for love is so terrible I'VE HAD ENOUGH AND i"M NOT EVEN BLACK. Like there is NOTHING WRONG with their typical dynamic and I'm sick of people acting like there is. SOMEONE SAID DOM WAS LIKE A COMFORT PILLOW W NO AGENCY AND i"M LIKE WTFDYM???? She has TONS of agency and her sense of agency says she wants to LOVE AND DOTE ON HER PARTNER LIKE LMAO. WHAT?? Why is that hard to understand??? Is it because I made one (1) joke bout Mor being a pillow princess and the anti-princess squad are grinding their teeth in the bushes seething over it? Ppl are so twisted sometimes oh my goddddd. Like as an ace who was very confused navigating the lesbian dating scene as a teen and young adult I WISH i had met a pillow princess. Sometimes ppl don't realize that stone dynamics are very safe for aces!! Dom literally says she prefers it!! It's not Mor being selfish like lord please GOD ALLAH I'M TIRED I'M SO TIRED
and like on the topic of Domi overall she is more "popular" but sometimes I feel like people don't even really take the time to appreciate the significance about her either. She's not just a funny thirst trap 😭 and I feel like ppl dont acknowledge that she's asian half the time. I have so many white aces who only zone in on that aspect of her and it's like YEAH I GET IT, I'm ace and we don't have a lot of nuanced rep but she's also got more layers than that too. Tons of people related to her in the chapters where she talks about her childhood abuse yet very few people really, like, talked about the type of generational trauma that is very deeply embedded in her different cultures, no one saw that and oooof idk idk it felt inivisible. It's sometimes harder to talk about the racist microaggressions that Domi experiences thru my readers bc ppl will argue "well most webtoon leads are asian" but not many of them are asian in a way that like. talk about it. I'm born in the US so my experiences with being othered as an asian is just gonna be different and it's gonna affect my art and writing but it feels so unappreciated. I've had some queer asians relate to her but i can count them on my hand 💀 (I actually think it's two LMAO i"M SO SAD)
And going back to Dom and the comfort pillow w no agency comment lmao. This is another thing that rubs me the wrong way is once again, people are ignorant to the ways asians get pigeon-holed to media roles that have us being depicted as incapable. Maybe I want Dom to be more of a protector archetype bc I'm tired of meek Asian women in media? 🤔 Maybe I want Dom to be a prince-like character because asians get emasculated a lot?? 🤔🤔 Maybe I want Domi to maintain her prince persona instead of being "'physically' androgynous/masculine but really soft and girly on the inside uwuwu please treat me like a 'real' girl" because even in east asian media we won't allow women to exhibit strength and dependability??? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 Like why is a tough girl empowering but once we have a gentle and doting personality in a romance it's considered cliche and the flaw of her partner for being "too weak." MAYBE THEIR PRINCE/PRINCESS DYNAMIC COMPLIMENT EACH OTHER??? HAVE YOU CONSIDERED? I WROTE THEM THAT WAY FOR A REASON??
Good lord this turned into an essay but I have so many things on my mind always
if you read this all. Thanks. I mainly needed to scream into a towel and put this down somewhere bc I complain about these issues to my discord and they understand/validate me all the time, but I wanna give them a break 😭 I also lowkey wanna document my various feelings as I work through Dom & Mor so I can remember and also grow from it
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undeadcannibal · 10 months
I would (and will) fight a small child if it means I can get Gaz fics!!!! Nsfw or sfw (nsfw preferably bc this man does NOT get enough attention)
If you have any ideas you've been wanting to write but don't have a character feel free idc JUST WANT GAZ
But if you need ideas, literally anything with voyeurism and/or exhibitionism. ←Literally my weakness. Sharing, sharing is always fun. Uhhhhm God I swear I come up with shit all the time. Oh! Maybe sharing with Price? I don't ship the two at all they both just happen to be my favorites. Or sharing with Soap! Maybe
I'm trying to help I swear I'm just so tired💀
I'll leave you alone now, thank you!! I love your writing and your page sm! Can't wait to see more from you!!!💕
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Summary: One-shot with Gaz about him going wild eating out an AFAB Reader~
Genre: One-shot, ficlet, request(s)
Word count: 805 Characters featured: Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Warnings: AFAB reader, no pronouns used (I hope, but I’ll change this if someone finds something that I missed!), explicit details about oral sex/cunnilingus, nsf/t!
A/N: Okay look, I know this isn’t what was asked for, but damn it, I know Gaz needs more material for him. And I’m more than happy to provide. Idk. I apologize, but I NEED this man’s mouth on me ASAP! Hopefully you enjoy regardless though ToT and thank you for enjoying my works! ( Gif credit: xxx )
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He doesn't like to admit it aloud but he knows he turns feral when eating pussy. Or ass. Really, he's a huge oral fan in general.
There's times where he's content with just going down on you whilst you're preoccupied with another task. He loves the thought of you trying your best to focus while he's got his mouth on you.
So, when you confess you're in the mood to have him eat you out, he's all smiles because he knows it's going to be a good time for both of you.
Doesn't give a damn what you weigh, he'll ask if he can pick you up and sit you on his shoulders so he can eat your pussy while he's standing. When he has permission, it doesn't even matter if you have work that day, he'll convince you to call out. Says he has to "do it properly" or something of the like.
He'll allow the two of you to go about your day together as the two of you normally would. It's not till the two of you have some downtime around noon when he finally makes his move. He asks you to undress and you oblige, getting fully nude for him before he beckons you over.
The moment you're close enough to grab, his hands are on you. Pulling you closer so he could then slide his hands down to the back of your thighs, just below the curvature of your ass. With a cheeky grin on his face, Gaz was then making you squeal in surprise as he suddenly hoisted you up into his arms. Lifting you up until you had no choice but to sling your legs over his shoulders for just the slightest sense of stability. Even more so as he lead you towards the wall for your back to rest against.
"Doin' alright, love?" 
You'd nod down at him in acknowledgement, reassuring him right as you saw his head disappear between your spread legs. Immediately feeling the sensation of his tongue swiping along the length of your opening, you released a keening moan. Your hips working back and forth against his face as you tried to chase that pleasurable sensation. Thankfully, Kyle didn't seem to mind one bit, grinning for a second before returning to the task at hand. 
His hands splayed across the globes of your ass cheeks as he literally dug in, wiggling his face as he worked his mouth deeper into you. His wet and warm tongue wiggling forth till he was teasing your entrance for a few moments - causing you to huff and breathe harder than before - before pulling back. Placing wet, open-mouthed kisses along your puffy cunt till he reached your clitoris. 
Gazing up at you with warm brown eyes, he made sure you were looking at him the moment he sealed his lips around your swelling bug. Sucking the hypersensitive bundle of nerves into his mouth as spikes of pleasure rolled up from your groin to deep within your belly. Twisting that familiar knot within you tighter as your head fell back against the wall. Your eyes drifting shut and mouth falling open in a silent cry as Kyle worked you over with his far-too-talented mouth. 
His name along with a few cries and pants fell out of your mouth over and over till your mouth felt dry. Beads of sweat matting your hair to your forehead and the rest rolling along to soak into the roots at your scalp. 
The ecstasy he was causing you to feel had you literally hot and bothered as you squirmed and ground your pussy against his face. Your thighs threatened to clamp down on both sides of his head as he ate you out vigorously. Moaning and grunting against your flesh as his mouth drifted away, giving your clit a break so he could leisurely work his tongue in and out of your fluttering core. Pulling his dripping tongue away just to introduce his fingers to your opening.
You'd been far too gone to really feel his hand leaving your ass so he could push his index and middle finger into you. 
Kyle's calloused fingertips wriggled forth till he was sinking into the second knuckle of both digits. Taking personal delight in the way you writhed and cried out for more from him. Watching you lose yourself in your own pleasure just before he moved his soaked mouth back down to your clit, laving his tongue back and forth quickly and repeatedly till you were gasping and crying out that you could barely take it anymore. Grunting and practically growling against you as he works you over till you’re squirting against his face. 
He gladly goes down on you till he knows you’ll struggle walking correctly the next day with how spent your muscles are. 
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level2janitor · 5 months
grid-combat sandbox thing!
i get distracted with new projects a lot, but lately my brain's been hyperfocused on one in particular. i wanted to take a crack at combining 4e-style tactical combat with OSR-style sandbox play, which on the surface seem like entirely opposite directions. and they kind of are, but i think i have something
since i started work on it i ended up dropping the words "OSR" and "4e" from my descriptions of it bc i think they end up evoking the wrong image. there's a lot that's core to both playstyles that i'm omitting to make it play nicer with the other playstyle. but it's far along enough now that i can talk about some of the design philosophy and how that manifests.
little to no scaling
the traditional way modern D&D (and to an extent even old-school D&D) handles progression is with big numerical scaling. a level 2 PC has nearly twice as much HP/damage as a level 1 PC. so you scale monsters to match, because the PCs have to get into fights around their level for the game to work.
skeletons are a real danger at 1st-level. they're manageable by 3rd, easy by 5th, and a joke by 7th-level. so you just stop running into skeletons, and when you're nearing the end of that level range any skeleton encounters that do happen will have a lot of skeletons.
this is bad for sandboxes! say i'm preparing a sandbox setting ahead of time and have a dungeon with a bunch of skeletons in it somewhere. i don't know what level the PCs will find it at - depending on whether they go through it as a 2nd-level or 6th-level party, it might be incredibly easy or so dangerous there's little they can do to mitigate that difficulty. or i'll just have to redo my encounter math the moment they find it, and that sucks for both the GM and players.
so, big numerical scaling is out. there's levels, you level up, but most of what you get from that level-up is a new ability. not a big pile of hit points and more damage. there's some scaling, your numbers are like twice as big at 10th-level compared to 1st-level, but it's a small enough range that a hard encounter at 1st-level will stay relevant throughout a whole campaign.
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the game's far along enough i can create & fully level a fighter PC, so i made a 1st and 10th-level (max) character and put them side-by-side to get a feel for the scaling.
the warrior class
speaking of, the first class i made is the fighter, obviously. it's always the first thing i want to get right if i'm making a D&D-like system.
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this is a good showcase of what each class is going to end up looking like: you start with a few core features & two perks (3 for warrior bc i like them being customizable). warrior perks range from a few unique moves to useful passives that let you resist statuses, strike multiple enemies, move further, equip heavier gear, parry weak attacks, etc.
the two core features, versatile fighter & combat opportunist, are designed to reward you for engaging in core combat mechanics. you get bonuses to attack from high ground, and this increases that bonus. every weapon has a unique special move you can do with it, and this lets you use any weapon you have with no cost to switch.
i've never liked the way most D&D-likes handle weapons, where you design your build around one specific weapon. you invest all your feats into being The Polearm Guy and when you find a cool magic warhammer or dagger you're just like. well i don't want this. it's not a polearm. so this fighter is instead designed to encourage you to carry around a ton of different weapons and use all of them.
exploration & the ranger
i used to hang out in the 5e community a lot, and people hated the 5e ranger. why? cause nobody used the travel rules, and you can't really blame them. the game has rules for how far you can travel each day, for random encounters & whether they ambush you, foraging, encumbrance, different travel speeds.
but most people who play 5e don't want that kind of experience, and 5e half-commits to it by leaving these rules scattered through the dungeon master's guide and making them too tedious. everything's measured in real numbers - miles, minutes, pounds. you track weight with pounds instead of item slots. of course nobody wants to track encumbrance when they have to stop the game to ask the GM how many pounds the macguffin weighs. nobody wants to dig through the DMG looking for the rule that tells you how many miles you can move. it just gets in the way and stops the game, so nobody does.
all of this screws over the ranger class which gives you bonuses to things like travel speed, not being ambushed while traveling, finding more rations, and tracking. people disliked the ranger so much that a supplement came out that replaced all of their exploration features with naturey combat features and some skill boosts, and since then that's the actual ranger when anyone wants to play one.
with that context, here's the exploration features my game's ranger gets.
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the feature on the left is inherent while the right two are perks. there's combat features, but they're not part of the point i wanted to make.
the ranger needs to feel useful, and for that, the exploration needs to be front and center. so what better game than one designed for sandboxes?
i don't want this to be the kind of big-damn-heroes game where you skip to the next setpiece because the travel is boring. the travel is the game. that's where the OSR influence comes in.
you track rations. it's important - if a place is far from civilization, it feels like it because there's nowhere safe nearby to restock rations.
you track encumbrance. deciding how much space to spend on arrows and rations, and how much to spend on treasure, means more decision-making.
you do hexcrawling, you track time, and you care how many days a journey takes because the world changes as time passes. enemies & other factions progress their schemes, new developments come up. so sometimes you go, wow, good thing we have a ranger - we can move 3 hexes today instead of 2!
the ranger is better at foraging rations so you can venture further into the wilderness, better at moving your party faster, better at keeping watch. i want that to matter! i can envision it being so satisfying to play a ranger and constantly come in handy. and i want parties without a ranger to wish they had one in a way that isn't just tedious.
so hopefully that gives you a good idea of the sandboxy direction for this game. will be posting about it more as i make progress, and gonna continue to support iron halberd in between this sort of thing
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toxictoxicities · 7 months
i wish i could draw anything humanoid so i could draw your iterator designs
A /// I recently gave a handful of drawing tips in my stream! Though it's mostly animation I talked about a few things!
So for some general tips
Don't worry about what everyone is doing
Compare yourself to others (positively). What I mean is don't say "I can't do what they do" but "How do they do this" and try to learn from them, learn what you like from them, the more artist you reference from and compare to the more you'll be able to draw in and create a unique style!
Remember everyone improves at their own rate, we start at different time, have less or more time to practice, different resources- the main thing is that you improve yourself over time- linear improvement or not! You never stop improving, there is no end goal, so enjoy the journey!
Brushes do and don't matter. Try to collect as many, explore them, I've grabbed brushes from some really cool artist and tossed them because I don't understand how they work. The main thing is understanding what brush gives what effect and what brushes fell good to use. Your taste in brushes will always change (mine do always when I find something!) These are my brushes as of now!
Don't worry about what everyone is doing
Program means nothing- the only reason why I have CSP is for animation and nothing more (bc adobe animate sucks and I came from Fire Alpaca so I was lazy to learn Krita) Legit only get CSP if you want to animate
Finally, don't waste time with anatomy. You learn it as you go and with reference you get better, like yes study it if you want to for fun but you don't need to study it to be able to produce art work, just your ability to observe and be critical of you work is a skill required to improve! Also 100% don't if your character has baggy ass clothes, you'll spend 30 minutes drawing out those boxes and making sure it's perfect only to erase a god 80% of it, just get the rough shape out! If they're nude then different story or skin tight clothes but majority of clothes are slightly loose. Practice it yes but, you will improve in all skill sets together as you continue your journey.
Don't worry about what everyone is doing I hope any of these somewhat help, good luck on your artist journey man~! <3
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vaspider · 2 months
Last night, I turned off ep 4 of Discovery out of disgust and went to watch Fallout.
I put up with a lot, but you don't drydock a fucking starship in atmosphere and Utopia Planitia is on Mars, for fuck's sake. It's not sitting in the fucking hills of San Francisco where you can see the Golden Gate Bridge out the window.
[Below there be spoilers.]
For 4 seasons, I have defended the FUCK out of this show. For 4 seasons, I have genuinely loved most of Discovery, and I've loved it enough to make me keep watching it even when we only found out that one character basically had a full-body prosthetic in the episode where they killed her off, and when the Red Angel turned out to be the hokiest answer ever, and when Disco fell prey to the storywriting trope I tend to call Skywalker Syndrome (you know, the one where there are only like 6 people who matter in an entire galaxy and anybody who matters has to be related to them somehow).
But I can't fucking put up with what they're doing to Discovery.
It started with the decision the writers made - for the sake of POINTLESS DRAMA - to have an Admiral look at two captains about to go on an Extremely Crucial Mission, which they told us over and over again was Extremely Crucial, using a term nobody had ever heard before like we were supposed to know or care what that meant, "why don't you two try to get along" when they asked who was in command of the mission.
Okay, look, first of all, absolutely not, and you're a shitty admiral if that's what your response is. SOMEONE is in command of this mission. And second of all, if you're the admiral and that's what you said, then who is the one in trouble when things go to shit bc there is no clear chain of command? YEAH. IT'S YOU. Holding one of your captains responsible for making a decision that you wouldn't have made, and for "not listening to the better decision," and taking his ship away? That's bullshit. You put two captains at odds and then you hold them responsible and not yourself?
Dude, you fucking suck, and this shit ain't Starfleet. It ain't even acceptable under the "oh no we're post-Burn and getting our shit together." This is basic stuff. There's a chain of command for a reason.
Then you have Saru suggesting that Burnham make her Extremely Recently Ex-boyfriend, a convicted criminal who stole crucial technology from the Federation and tried to break the universe, her Number One bc Saru is resigning his commission to become an ambassador. Her never-been-Starfleet ex-boyfriend. Yeah, sure, I'm sure that's the Very Best Idea that a Federation and Starfleet idealist like Saru would suggest. Let's put this guy who has never worn a uniform and has been very loudly Not A Team Player and has no idea how Starfleet works and hasn't done his Time In Grade one heartbeat away from being in command of the Discovery. I'm sure that will be GREAT for crew cohesion, having this dude who has not put in the time just leapfrog his way past everyone who has been busting their ass for years and who literally left their entire lives behind, centuries in the past, to land in the XO spot because "he works well with you" and "he knows [this season's antagonists] and how they work."
Thankfully that didn't fucking happen, but having Saru even suggest it felt like a profound betrayal of Saru *as a character.* File that under He Would Not Fucking Say That.
I can't even enjoy Leoben's actor, and i can't even enjoy him being from an alien species that somebody dug up from one episode of DS9, because he is not just an asshole but he's an asshole who has no respect for anybody or anything. Star Trek's assholes are always the ones that you can at least understand why they are the way they are, and you can excuse it because they are Federation Idealists or they have such great skills or respect for an ideal that you might not understand but you understand that it's important to them.
No. This guy is just there to be a dick and make Burnham look cool and reasonable and nice by comparison, and he's 90% of the time incompetent as fuck. Like, one time his ideas are good, but when his ideas are good, it's only because he's been disrespecting chain of command so hard for so long that he has info he shouldn't have. They made him suck so much that I can't find ANYTHING about him to like, AND I LIKED LEOBEN.
"But at least we've got our gay relationship-- " Nope! They broke up one of the queer relationships pretty much right away, and the other one gets zero screen time and might as well not exist. They don't even really interact at the one party we've had. It's almost painfully obvious that they're avoiding having the two of them together.
"Maybe I can tough it out to see Tig, I love Commander Reno-- " Nope. We've gotten one scene in which she predicted the breakup of the baby gays.
It really feels like they took away all the writers who know and love Trek and understand what makes it good, and filled the writers room with people who are just standing around and peeing on the show Bible while saying "THIS WILL MAKE GOOD DRAMA."
I'm sad. I hate this season, and after suffering my way through s3 of Picard out of hopes they'd answer the goddamned question finally, I'm not putting myself through this again.
I used to love this show.
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rebornologist · 2 months
Omg I can't believe I found a blog that writes for khr <3 I love your writings!! If you're comfortable with it could I request a imagine or fic with TYL!Tsuna x reader where they're making out for the first time and reader receives hickeys for the first time and reader is like shy about it bc it feels weird at first but they don't hate it👀 and once Tsuna hears that maybe he goes hammy or something idk u can start and end it however u want!
I be like, "a fade to black? ew... (slams gavel) GUILTY."
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character: Sawada Tsunayoshi (tyl) warnings: making out, love bites, tongues and teeth and openmouthed kisses, shy reader, sweet Tsuna.
✧ Tsuna really does enjoy his physical affection, but he’s often more reserved with it because PDA always made him feel shy, no matter how old he got or how often it happened. He just gets a little nervous when he becomes hyper aware of how he is being perceived by people. In the safety of his own home, on his cozy comfy couch, he finally gets to be as close to his love as he wishes, and as they allow.
His lips are sweet from the simple syrup in his drink, and soft despite being slightly chapped. You can taste the warm aftertaste of the booze, but you don’t mind. Clearly, neither does he, as he softly cups the back of your neck, threading his fingers through your hair and pressing himself about as closely to you as he can in the plush couch in his living room.
The drinks sit abandoned on the coffee table, and the television might as well be defunct now, the way that your focus is solely on him. And his, on you. The way your warm and soft body feels as he runs his hand over your thigh, brushing against your hip and caressing your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“[y/n], do you mind if I..?” he pauses, dipping his head and brushing his nose against the crook of your neck and pressing wet kisses to the soft, sensitive skin.
He withdraws when he hears your breath hitch, giving just enough distance between the two of you to look you in the eyes. His eyes are like pools of the sweetest honey, darkened by the way his pupils are blown wide partially from the dimness of the room, but mostly the physiological response to his pure adoration for you. He’s about as breathtaking as you feared, and your chest heaves softly as you take in the feeling of his warm and wet tongue against your skin.
“I-I don’t,” you shake your head almost imperceptibly, and you bite back the ghost of a smile on your lips, swollen by kisses.
He smiles, pressing his forehead to yours. “I won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with.” He reassures before moving back to sweetly litter your jaw with little kisses, his fluffy brown locks sticking out every which way as usual and brushing against your neck, making you feel a little more ticklish than usual.
You curl into him, whining softly as you feel a slight sucking and biting at your neck. “Tsu..na..?”
There’s a sound, soft and wet as he pulls back once again, tongue darting out to lap at the corner of his mouth. He's so fucking cute, your heart would be cursing him right now if it wasn't pounding out of your chest.
“Something wrong, [y/n]?”
You shake your head, clearly, this time. “No, nothing’s wrong. It’s just.. not a feeling I’m used to.”
He sits up straighter at that, his concern palpable as he asks if that’s a good or bad thing. His brow furrows, and you see hesitation in his big honest eyes.
“I.. don’t mind it. Not at all, actually. It’s..” your fingers trail up to the spot on your neck where he had left a light love bite, pressing into the softly bruised flesh. A shudder goes down your spine at the sensitivity. He notices the gooseflesh on your arm, and your whole body seems to light up at the feeling.
“It’s nice,” You mumble with a small smile. You could absolutely revel in more of this pleasure, and you know it.
And with his super-intuition, your dear Tsunayoshi knows it as well.
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justalazywriter · 2 years
HCS| they are the little spoon| Naruto| gn!reader
Warning: none
Requests open
A/n:Well some are short and some are long , I'm not too happy with the outcome but I hope you liked it
Characters : Kakashi , Hashirama , Tobirama , Madara , Iruka , indra , Naruto
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Kakashi (ofc)
It's a lot easier to get him be the little spoon when he's tired.
He won't let you go and you can't change anything (unless you need to use the toilet ofc)
I would say his touch starved side really shows when he's the little spoon . Feeling safe for once and enjoying your presence is heaven to him .
He likes that he can show this kind of side around you and that you don't think of him as weak bc he is like this.
Cuddling like this with him is like having a huge heated teddy bear on top of you Wich is really nice (especially in autumn or winter nights )
It's a lot more common with him and honestly he's the best little spoon in my opinion
Huge heated teddy bear 2.0
he will fall asleep so easily on you and gosh his breathing is really relaxing and you might fall asleep but try not to, it's worth it
He is a funny sleeptalker
Honestly there could be a tired version of the muffin man "have you heard... Of the muffinnn man?" "The muffin man?" "The muffin mann"
Or just random words but honestly that makes him even more loveable
Extremely rare but not impossible
You might have to beg him unless he's really tired
2nd best little spoon just a little cold
His temperature is below average but not too much still in summer this could be pretty useful lmao
Tobirama naturally seeks warmth when he sleeps so if he falls asleep on you expect him to have a little grip on you and cling a bit
He isn't a sleeptalker nor snores but he sleep really light so don't try to read with him on top of you (if your arms are free ) unless you want to wake him up. It's either the light or the page flicking that'll wake him up
Tobirama will never admit how much he loves it but it's noticable bc after some while it takes less and less effort to get him to be the little spoon
Honestly if you get this man to be the little spoon you have my respect
I don't mean it's impossible but it's really really hard
However don't give up , hell eventually crack and do it but get him to do it when he's tired . Madara moves a lot and when he's tired hell maybe realize it's not that bad to be the little spoon
Heated big blanket
What's even rarer is to get him to fall asleep on you . He always has the want to be able to protect you and he can't do that as good when he's sleeping
But it's easy rub his back slightly and let him listen to your heartbeat (it calms him knowing you're there calm and alive ) maybe he might fall asleep
Sleeping Madara increases temperature and clings more (can't decide if he is a light snorer or not a snorer?) would be suprising if you don't falls asleep bc it's pretty calming with that heated blanket lmao
Unless it's summer , might suck a little then
Like Tobirama a light sleeper but not as light as Tobirama
Won't have to ask him twice to be the little spoon . He loves it . The calming heartbeat he can listen to and so on . Iruka could name a hundred reasons why he loves it
Medium heated blanket
He isn't too warm . Just right to go through summer too
Falls asleep easily and is kind of a deep sleeper but will notice if you try to get away
Might act sad about it
Almost impossible
However if you ever get on his real warm side yeah he maybe might do it
Let's say you did it (yay) and now got an Indra laying on you
What to do next? Nothing . Just kidding . If you're brave enough glide your hand over his back or just have your arms around him and he'll surprisingly relax .
Relaxed Indra is just *mwah* perfect , peaceful and extremely rare
Medium heated blanket 2.0
I dont think he has a cold temperature, maybe a bit higher than normal but that's it
If he ever falls asleep on you don't move , he sleeps lighter than Tobirama and there's no way you can do anything without waking him up
Unless you make no sound and no noticable movement
Like Tobirama , won't admit that he likes it but unless him you hardly notice that he actually likes it
Unless you pay attention to how quickly he relaxes or falls asleep and that he gets less stiff every time
Naruto (grown up(romantic) or friendship cuddles , you decide )
Moves a lot and snores actually
But he might ask you first if he can be the little spoon
Heated big blanket 2.0
Can't stop talking and will beg you to play with his hair , it relaxes him
Surprisingly falls asleep rather quickly when he's tired
Loves listening to your heartbeat/breathing , it calms him
A deep sleeper around you and won't really notice if you try to get away or read etc
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olivyh · 2 years
someone play big bank ft nicki minaj bc uh oh, back again
IM SO SORRY i am so in love with your writing
may i request someone falling into a deep sleep (either the reader or the character- it can be diff for every scenario if u want !!) and the other person has to perform True Love’s Kiss™ but it goes wrong (nothing too angsty pls im too weak)
that one scene between luz and hunter from the owl house, somebody falls, the cpr kiss between apple white and darling (man there are a lot of failed kisses in media) and any other shenanigans you can think of
with riddle, jamil, neige, ace/deuce, jade, and anyone else you want to do !
tysm in advance !!
A/N: OH MY GOODNESS THANK YOU SO MUCH??? AND PLEASE DONT APOLOGIZE I LOVE SEEING WHAT OTHER PEOPLE WANT TO READ!! I also have some spare time before stuff picks up later in the semester, so I'm getting most of my writing done now ;;;; I never watched any of those shows, so I just went with 'gone wrong after', if that's alright!
-He knew that mer was up to no good, especially when Floyd outright ASKED to be Riddle's partner
-Despite his gut instinct, he went along with it and, of course, Floyd threw in one of the ingredients sitting on the shelf, the entire jar sinking below the surface of the potion that threatened to bubble over and spill
-It never bubbled over, rather it EXPLODED
-Riddle would have lost his mind screaming if it wasn't for the way that his head began spinning and how quickly he seemed to be falling to the ground.
-Ace and Deuce, of course, were the ones who came to grab you, hoping to save their dorm leader
Outside of the infirmary, you stand with your arms crossed, glaring at both the boys. 
"Have you forgotten that I have no magic? I can't wake him up," Ace groans, rolling his eyes. 
"But if you do, he might feel, oh, I don't know, indebted? So he'll feel bad when he goes to collar us." You fight the urge to smack Ace and look to Deuce, who's staring at the ground in shame. 
"You too?" The blue haired boy doesn't respond and you sigh. "What do you want me to do?"
"Well, there's this fairytale thing..." Ace starts with, face breaking into a grin. "And it says it'll break any curse, so-"
"Are you talking about the-?!" You punch his arm, face flushing a bright red. "I knew you were up to something stupid!"
"You like him, he likes you! What, did ya want Deuce to kiss him?!"
"What the fuck, Ace?" Deuce shoves Ace, who cackles and turn to you, walking forwards quickly and making you stumble back into the infirmary, quickly slamming the door closed and yelling from the other side. 
"Good luck, Prefect~" Ace coos. "Oh, I also told Trey that you woke him up already. Won't wanna make our resident baker sad, would we? He told me that he'd make you something as a thank you~"
"Damn you, Trappola," More laughter as footsteps echo down the hallway and disappear, leaving you in the dimly lit infirmary. 
Just you. 
And an unconscious Riddle. 
You take a breath, sitting on the edge of the bed and staring down at his soft face. He was always boyishly handsome in a way that made your heart flutter whenever he looked in your direction, his stern gaze never failing to make you swoon, much to Ace's dismay. Now that he's asleep, calloused hands for once unclenched and relaxed at his sides, you can take a moment to notice the small things about him that you don't have the chance to normally see. 
Everything from the small freckle that sat upon his eyelid, to the dark circles under his eyes, to the way that his face, even in sleep, was still flushed a light pink. You slowly grab his hand and feel a wave of sadness to find it cold. You wonder if he's ever had someone hold his hand, if it was always this cold, if the scowl that was no longer on his face was how he would look no matter what or if it was an expression trained into his soft features.
Biting your lip, you look to the door and back, deciding to suck it up and kiss your crush from the beginning of the school year. 
You slowly lean in, lips connecting to his own slightly chapped ones before pulling away slowly. You notice how his crimson eyelashes flutter, his chest rising much higher than it had as he takes a deep breath. His cool gray eyes open to meet your own, thin lips forming a small smile as his half-lidded eyes take in your features. 
Until it sets in. 
His hand rushes to his mouth and he sits up quickly, making you lean back as to not bump his head. He gapes, mouth opening and closing as a bright red rises up his neck, soon covering his entire face. Riddle stares at you for a moment, terrified before making a sound that was something akin to a dying hamster, scrambling as far from you as possible and trying to get off the bed.  
Mumbling to himself quickly, mind seemingly in a frenzy to explain the situation, to find a way other than his first kiss was when he was asleep. 
He didn't seem to notice how the blanket got tangled in his and your legs, pulling both of you to the ground with a loud thud. He also didn't seem to notice Professor Crewel standing in the open doorway, the antidote in hand, eyebrow twitching at the scene before him. 
"You couldn't wait two seconds?!" The professor groans. 
-Both of them were dumb, and partnered up during potions class, accidentally making a potion that exploded all over them both
-What did you expect? You should have offered to separate the two rather than agreeing to Partner with Sebek during the joint lessons...
-Now you're stuck with two sleeping idiots while the professor works on a solution
-It's Epel who suggests that you kiss him to wake him up
"Oh, come on, Prefect!" Epel sighs. "It's not that bad! Besides, we all know that you like him!"
Ace route:
"Why would you think I liked him?!" You retort, frowning at the lilac haired boy, who shrugs. 
"You two are always together, even when Deuce isn't there!" Epel fights back. "And he was the first one you met here..."
"He's-he's Ace! He's a bully, and doesn't think at all, and is-is-"
"Just kiss him!" 
You scoff, looking down at the sleeping redhead, eyes tracing over the light freckles that crossed over the bridge of his nose. It was weird seeing his face look so... peaceful. For most of when you'd known him, he'd always have a shit-eating grin or a pout. He was always so expressive and seeing him look so still made something in your heart ache. 
For a moment, you think about what would happen if he didn't wake up. Epel was right about one thing- that he was your closest and oldest friend here. 
He may be annoying and a general menace, but he was still your menace. Ace was still the boy who would do anything to make you smile after Crowley runs you ragged, he was still the same boy who would steal stuff from Heartslabyul's kitchen if he heard that you liked it, dropping it off at your dorm before shyly asking to stay the night because he was sure that Trey had seen him do it and that Riddle was hot on his trail. 
He was the one who protected you during countless overblots, throwing his life on the line and using as much magical power that he had to keep you safe. The one who made sure you ate every day, and had enough spare madol in your pockets for when you didn't have the time or the money to eat. 
You look at him before frowning, making your resolve. You look at Epel nervously, who apologizes and averts his eyes. Your eyes scan his face once more, lightly brushing some of his ruby hair off to the side as you lean in and press a light kiss to his lips, leaning back and trying to ignore Epel's gagging and laughter. 
Ace sighs, eyes slowly opening when you notice your hand was still resting on the crown of his head. You pull it back and the boy laughs softly, moving to sit up, raising an eyebrow. 
"You're a perv-" He snickers, making you huff and shove him lightly. "H-hey!"
You rush out of the room, hearing Epel's laughter grow into cackling as Ace's voice sounds from the infirmary. "It was a joke! I meant in a good way! A good perv!" Epel laughs harder as your face flushes and you rush back to Ramshackle. 
"Dumbass..." You mumble under your breath. 
Deuce Route:
"And?!" You retort, making Epel snort. 
"And he likes you," Rolling his eyes, he puts both hands on your shoulders and frowns, looking deep into your eyes, making you gulp at the intensity of his expression. "Prefect, on behalf of every first year student who is tired of watching you both be pathetic around each other-"
"Okay, Vil~" He lightly smacks your arm.
Laughing, you pull away from him, fighting the blush that creeps up your face as you stare down at Deuce's sleeping expression, lips slightly parted accompanying the soft rise and fall of his chest.
"And imagine how happy you would make Ms. Spade~" Ah, his secret weapon- Deuce's mother who had taken a liking to you due to how often Deuce tells her about you. After learning of your 'other world' situation, she began talking to you more and more often, checking to see how you were doing or if you needed anything. She even offered to allow you to live with her and Deuce over the duration of summer break should you still be here, already making plans to take you out to get clothes of your own (rather than hand me downs from your friends, as well as from the dorm leaders and the teachers). 
"Okay, okay, I'll do it..." You mumble. Epel pulls out his phone, camera on when you push him out of the room, huffing at his muffled laughter from behind his hand. "You could be such a bully sometimes!"
"Have fun!" You watch him disappear down the hallway and close the door to the infirmary, sighing as you sit on the edge of the bed, lightly toying with the flimsy sheet that covered the boy. 
Smiling, you attempt to fix the smudged spade that covered his eye with your thumb, only managing to smear the makeup further across his face and down his cheekbone. You can't help but rest your makeup-stained hand on his face, feeling how much his body temperature had dropped in his sleep. 
Normally when you would help him with his makeup his face was so warm as you held it in your hands, pleading for him to stay still and stop squirming so you can make the shape look neat. You can't seem to forget that same warmth that he would hold when you would both sleep on the floor during sleepovers, the two of you sleeping back to back in between the rest of the first years, legs barely intertwining with one another. 
And how his face would flush as you tutored him, feeling his labored breaths dust over your face as you backed away, realizing how close you had gotten to him while trying to explain the problem. The same flush that painted his face after you would thank him for everything, patching up his wounds when he would get into fights on your behalf, silently weeping about how he was doing so well and went back to his old ways. He would let you hold him close then, every ounce of shyness pushed out of his system as he sniffled and you reassured him that he was going great, that you were glad he was there to be your knight in shining armor...
You wanted to see that comforting shade of red again. 
Leaning in, you press a kiss just shy of his lips, the corners of your mouths connecting before you shyly lean back, watching his eyelids shoot open.
He gasps and you feel an immense pain in your stomach, winching and hissing as you grab the spot that you realized he had hit. 
"P-prefect!" His face pales when he realized that he just had his fairytale moment, and also that he had kissed- and, on instinct, punched- his true love. "I'm so, so, so sorry!"
The rest of the first years made fun of you both- Deuce on the verge of tears apologizing and begging for forgiveness and you with a massive bruise on your stomach, holding an icepack to the spot. He promised he would make it up to you later- or you could hit him back.
-Ate something completely on accident. He was so hungry after his shift, and the fruits on that tree just looked so good... and don't blame him! They looked like normal apples, and they smelled and tasted the same, especially to his half asleep and starved self
-He was passed out in the forest near Ramshackle when you were making your way to Sam's shop, noticing the familiar pair of hyena ears peeking out from within a bush
-You pull him out with a little bit of a struggle, what with the branches getting stuck on his clothes and hair as you attempt to yank him out
-Finally, you manage to get him on his back on the ground, pulling the twigs out of his hair and noticing how, in sleep, his ears still twitch when you accidentally brush too close. 
-You shake him a few times, getting more and more nervous when you realize that he wasn't responding
-You pinch his cheek, blow on his face, pulling his ears, you even dump half of your water bottle on him
-You call Leona in a panic, the lion grumpy about being woken up from his nap
-He tells you that he'll tell someone, which you highly doubt, and adds a second solution before hanging up on you
"-or ya can always kiss him."
"Leona, what do you-?!" The sound of a beep signaling the end of the call makes you huff, face alight from the prince's suggestion. You put your phone in the grass, mind racing about what you could do to help him, the kiss echoing throughout your skull and making your heart skip a beat. You fumble to make yourself busy as to get rid of the thought, a blush creeping up your neck at the suggestion as you peeked over to the unconscious hyena beastman.
You feel a stab of pity once you see his vacant expression, freckled and scarred face shifting every once in a while as a reaction to whatever dreams he was having. His brown hair streaked with blonde sways in the afternoon breeze, some of it blowing into his eyes. You hesitantly reach over to brush it away, getting to see the small details you're never close enough to notice. 
The heavy freckles that coat his entire face, thickly concentrated on his cheeks and along the bridge of his nose. The light scarring from scraps he'd told you about getting into growing up. You lightly run your thumb over the light nicks that lined right below his bottom lip, small white lines that indicate where he'd accidentally scraped himself while growing in his fangs- a common occurrence amongst beastmen. If your eyes traveled down, you could notice the thin, crack-like scars that creep up his neck and disappear below his collar from Leona's overblot. 
You also take a moment to notice just how... frail he seemed when he wasn't as active as he always is. The purplish-blue circles under his eyes that seem even deeper with how his eyes seemed to be sunken in. How narrow his face was, cheekbones prominent. You grab one of his rough, calloused hands in your own, noticing how large his hand was compared to the rest of his forearm. Frowning, you run your hand over his features, wishing that the boy would allow himself a break or at least accept your offer to take over his jobs for him. That he didn't think he owed you anything for trying to help him. 
You couldn't deny your crush on him, not even if you wanted to. His clever tricks and pranks never failed to make your heart flutter- and annoy you. No matter how much of an act you could put up, how angry you pretended to be when he stole your bag and wouldn't give it back until you shared your lunch with him, when he purposefully annoyed Grim and ran away, you were sure that he could see through it. 
You wouldn't undermine his intelligence so much as to think he didn't notice your nervous stammering, the surefire blush that would make it's way onto your face whenever he got to close. You're sure that only lead to him teasing you more to watch you sputter and try to regain your composure. 
Despite all of that, he was still one of your closest friends. He still checked up on you and often (jokingly) doted on you like a worried mother, trying to make you laugh during the times when the pressure of being alone in an alien world seemed to be too much. He would still take time out of his busy day to teach you some tricks about the world, how to get around and get things done with or without the help of magic. He even went so far as to share some of his food with you when he noticed how Grim seemed to be your priority, how you would put him before yourself, neglecting your health. 
Despite how he seemed to most of NRC, he was still one of the sweetest, most hardworking, earnest, caring boys you had ever met. 
And, you decided, you would not let him wither away here. Sleep curse or not, you were going to wake him up!
You lean in and press a small, inexperienced kiss to his chapped lips, sitting back in the grass and watching as his nose twitches a few times, groaning and sitting up. His light gray-blue eyes open and he gapes at you, jaw hanging open as he presses a clawed hand to his lips, eyes wandering down to your own. 
"Y-you..." He mumbles, face flushing. "Do it-...do it again?"
You pause and nod, heart pounding as you lean in, your hand landing atop his own as  you both lean in, opting to close your eyes as you feel his warm breath on your face and-
Then you feel a tongue run along the bottom half of your face. You pull back, staring at Ruggie, this time it's your turn to have your jaw dropped. The boy stares, droopy eyes laced with mortification as his ears sit flat atop his head.
You cover your mouth, shoulders shaking as you laugh. 
"H-hey! Don't laugh!" He yells, face flushing a brighter red than you had ever thought you would see on the normally laid back boy. "It was my first kiss! I don't know what I'm doing!"
You ended up going on an actual date after that, as long as you swore on your life that you would never tell anybody what happened.
-He invited you to go camping with him
-Most people would turn him down before you even asked, but you were hopelessly in love with the eel, so...
-Here you were, atop one of the mountains near campus, backpack in hand, being tasked with the job of holding the glass terrariums that the boy would put his findings in and trek back to campus with
-That is, until he touched a particularly fascinating mushroom that exploded in his face
-He fell to the ground, unconscious, and you panicked, immediately dropping the terrariums to fall to your knees and shake him, doing anything to try to wake him up
-On the verge of tears, you call his brother, who laughs at the situation
"Just kiss 'im, dummy!" That makes your tears stop as you sniffle and wipe your nose with your sleeve. 
"Yeah, you kiss him and he'll wake up. It's a magic thing, you wouldn't get it," The other twin, starting to sound annoyed, groans when you hear Azul's voice in the background beckoning him back to his work station. "I can't!" A distant 'why?' from Azul, clearly fed up with Floyd. "Shrimpy killed my brother!" A louder 'what?!' followed by Floyd's laughter rings from the other side. 
"I gotta go!" He hums. "Try to bring him back in... at most three pieces, yeah? Mama would be pissed if I came home without him," You pick up on his soft snickers before the call drops and you drop the phone in disbelief, watching the eel mer sleep. You fashion a pillow out of your jacket, propping his head up so it's not rested against roots and rocks and bugs. 
You take a second to run your hands through his teal hair, twirling the black strand around your fingers a few times. "It couldn't be that bad..." You mumble, face heating up at the thought as you stare down at him, sighing as you continue to play with his hair strand, mumbling and swearing to yourself as it gets caught on his earring that glimmers in the afternoon sun. 
You work to untangle it, feeling his warm breaths against your forearm, which doesn't hep to stop the shaking of your hands. You try to keep yourself balanced, ducking down to see exactly where the hair strands were tangled. 
He had let you touch his shockingly soft hair once before, when you had asked. You ran your hand over the cold sturgeon scale earring, glad that you could finally touch it. Jade had told you the story behind him and his twin's shared earrings as well as other stories from their childhood, which captivated you to no end. 
Living under the sea? Swimming with sharks on a daily basis? Having a tail (or tentacles) rather than legs? It all seemed insane to you... and Jade seemed to take great pleasure in telling you all about his hometown. 
He had promised to take you there someday, which made you so excited you nearly dropped the glass cup you were drying off after your shift at Mostro, the eel chuckling and lightly chastising you for your clumsiness. 
How did he not know that you were in love with him? Someone as observant as him surely would have noticed your reactions around him- his brother sure did. 
And Floyd never let you hear the end of it. 
He also told you that his twin felt the same way, often going out of his way to push you two together as often as possible. you were considering begging their childhood friend for his help, but you were worried that he would try to take something, despite having changed his ways after his overblot. 
You could deny it all you wanted, but you could not deny how his soft touches made you feel. Everything from the gentle way he would look at you when he didn't think you would notice, to the gentle way he held your hands when he was helping you pitch your shared tent, to the domesticity of cooking dinner with him over the campfire the night before. 
Without thinking, you slowly kiss him, pulling away once you realized what you had done, face turning a bright red. 
Jade's eyes peek open, finding your own as his mouth breaks into a wide, toothy grin, one more earnest and softer than any you had seen. He silently holds your hands in his, moving to sit up as you hear something snap and watch as his body sways to the side before he cascades down the hill and disappears into the bushes. 
"Jade?!" You shout, scrambling after him and hearing his muffled groans and swears as he continues to plummet down the hill. "Jade, I'm coming! Hold on!"
Floyd lost his mind when you both came back and Jade had his arm in a sling, finding it hilarious how you managed to bring his brother home in pieces after all...
-It was during one of NRC's family events
-It was heavily guarded, but that still didn't mean that something wasn't going to happen
-Being the son of a wealthy merchant does get you enemies, but it also gives you people willing to do anything to get involved in the family
-So when Jamil taste tested one of the carnival snacks meant for Kalim and fell to the ground, the noble girl throwing a fit about how that was meant for Kalim and how she should have been the one to wake him up with a true love's kiss, all hell broke loose on campus
-Kalim, knowing that you were incredibly close to Jamil, dragged you to the infirmary, pleading for you to kiss his best friend and wake him up
"Kalim, I really can't-"
"Oh, please!" The boy grabs your hand in both of his, eyes brimming with tears and his bottom lip jutting out. "She-she said that the only way to wake him up would be true love's kiss! And he really, really likes you, so it has to be you!" You flush at his statement, hoping to pass it off as just being Kalim's optimism kicking in during the bad situation. 
"He's asleep! I-I can't just kiss him!" You shake your head, trying to fight the blush that creeps up your neck. "That's wrong!"
"I'm sure he'd understand!" The boy practically wails. "Just try, please!"
You sigh and try to shake him off, begrudgingly agreeing to help your friend. Of course, you'd been harboring a crush on the boy since you first met him before the Magshift match in October, the crush only growing throughout the rest of the year. His snide comments, dark humor, and responsible nature warmed your heart. Even when he acted like he didn't want your help with preparing dinner, or to help clean up the gym after basketball practice, he still joked and laughed with you. 
Even when you noticed how he hung his head with every little compliment you attempted to send his way, suddenly pulling his hood further over his eyes. 
You walk into the infirmary, Kalim excusing himself to give you both some privacy. You sit on the chair next to the bed, watching his sleeping face. After the fall, some of his hair had fallen out of his braids and ponytail, cascading down his face. You couldn't deny that he was attractive- his charcoal gray eyes that twinkled with mischief, the way he would bite his lip when he was practicing basketball, toned arms shifting with every move, practically glowing in the lights of the gymnasium. You couldn't help but admire him more when you reached out and toyed with one of the bells that decorated his hair, smiling softly to himself. 
The first time you watched him dance, you practically had to leave the room. His long hair that would swirl around him as he spun and stepped, his sharp eyes meeting yours and grinning, baring his slightly sharpened canines. The thought of the moment makes your heart skip a beat as you fight the urge to trace a finger over his sharp features, opting to settle your hand on his cheek, cupping it and running your thumb on the space beneath his eye. With your other hand, you brush a strand of hair out of his face, his sleeping form on display. You take a breath, leaning in and pressing a chaste kiss to his soft lips, backing away and covering your face from the effort. 
You watch his face slowly contort into a grimace, groaning as his eyes slowly open, a hand making it's way up to his cheek to hold your own. His hand feels so warm over your own, matching the slow heating of his cheek as you gulp. He gasps softly, quickly sitting up and turning to face you, mouth agape. 
"S-sorr-" He cuts you off by practically lunging at you, lips colliding with your own as you yelp and scramble for balance as the chair begins to rock, tipping backwards. Jamil swears and you hold onto him for dear life, one hand pulling his hair and the other awkwardly wrapped around his arm, as you both plummet to the floor.
You walked away with a sprained wrist and he walked away with a sore scalp and a nasty scratch on his forehead, but hey, at least you got a date out of it.
-When you're in the public eye as often as he is, you tend to have a few fans who are willing to go above and beyond to get any sort of interaction with you
-Neige was well aware of this, just just couldn't refuse when one of his fans gave him a box of homemade chocolates, begging him to tell them how it tastes
-He obliged, despite the feeling in his gut as he took a bite of the apple-shaped chocolate, a caramel-like substance leaking out of the side
-One of the volunteers at the event managed to catch him before he hit the ground
-You, being there to support him during the meet and greet, were the second person to get to his side, shaking him and yelling at someone to grab security and a medic
-That's how you both landed here, in the city's hospital. 
You sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair at Neige's bedside, the endless flowers and cards sent by fans piling up in the room, barely leaving enough space for you all to walk through. You had to go live on Neige's magicam account on his behalf to thank everyone for their well wishes, but also to kindly ask them to stop sending extravagant bouquets due to the lack of room in the hospital, joking that the nurses were thinking of kicking you two out. 
You couldn't help but let your eyes wander over the chat, countless donors and commenters telling you to kiss him. 
"True love's kiss, huh?" You said aloud accidentally. 
'its like the story, right?'
'they don't know about it?'
'do u think its gonna work?'
'it has to!!!!!!!! THEY'RE BOTH SO CUTE TOGETHERRR!'
You can't help but blush at the comments, quickly thanking everyone once more before turning the live video off, setting his phone off to the side. You were both well aware about your... fanbase. After seeing you and Neige attend so many events together, some of his fans had taken it to the next level. 
Fancams of the two of you two together, countless edits of your small moments together that the fans are adamantly arguing is proof of your relationship. You have both received fanart of the two of you together- ranging from very cute (a small drawing of the two of you together having a picnic) to... borderline uncomfortable (pictures of you two and your 'children' named and given personalities by the fan themselves...). You had even been sent popular fanfiction about the two of you from Cater, who laughed like a madman when you called him immediately after he sent the text, flustered and annoyed. 
Neige didn't seem to mind, even going as far as to point out the good things about even the worst things you two have been subjected to. ("The anatomy is very well done!" "Neige, it's creepy," You pouted, earning a nervous chuckle from his end.)
You wipe the remainder of his stage makeup off gently, patting his face down with one of the towels given to you by the hospital. The light mascara had smudged in the fray, not having enough time to clean his face off until just now. You gingerly wipe around his eyes and under his soft cheekbones, sighing in defeat when you notice that his long eyelashes don't even flutter at the touch. 
Of course you knew what true love's kiss was (aside from the perfume brand that Neige had modeled for a few months prior). Neige had told you the story once after being compared to the infamous Princess by a fan- a girl with an evil stepmother, stepmother orders to get her killed, she runs into the forest and finds seven dwarves, she eats a poisoned apple, the prince kisses her, they wake up, and happily ever after. 
You can't help but be skeptical of the situation, especially coming from a world where there is no such thing as magic. 
Seeing the disheartened faces of Neige's roommates made your heart sink. Those boys all cared so deeply for their friend, and were so worried when they heard what had happened. You remember Dominic asking if there was anything you could do, hinting at the true love's kiss once more.
You take a breath and lean in, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips before slowly peeling back, watching his dark eyelashes flutter as he lets out something that sounds akin to a whimper from the back of his throat. He gasps, deep brown eyes meeting yours and lighting up as he smiles softly, raising a hand to cup your face. You hold your hand over his own before both of your phone begin buzzing incessantly, making you both jump and breaking you out of the moment. 
There you see it. A screenshot of a livestream of one of the nurses raving about Neige LeBlanche being in her hospital. And in the background...
You, very clearly, kissing him awake. 
You sigh as Neige giggles. 
"At least we don't have to worry about telling anyone!"
And so your fanbase grew.
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I had a thought about Derision while at work, and I was wondering if I'm just overthinking things bc of how bored I was
I don't think that the Chloe stuff in Derision actually counts as a retcon if you really think about it?
Like, a retcon is a retroactive continuity change, something that blatantly goes against something established previously.
Derision does have a few actual retcons, like Kim being head over heels for Chloe in the present, which directly contradicts what we see in both Dark Cupid and Syren.
But Chloe being a massive bully who went out of her way to target Marinette doesn't go against established continuity, it's something we learned all the way back in Origins.
And like, the Derision flashback is the only time in the whole series where we actually get to see what pre-Origins Francois DuPont was like, so we can't even say that the stuff we see in the Derision flashback wasnt in line with what Chloe used to do before Mari actually started fighting back
I wanna make it clear I'm not trying to defend any of the dogshit writing and character assassinations and everything that happened in Derision, it sucks (and it's absolutely infuriating that the only flashback we get to pre-cannon is used to beat the dead 'Chloe is Satan' horse again instead of, oh I don't know, showing us what Gabriel was like before Emilie's coma? Or something even remotely related to the shows main plot?), but I'm not sure the Chloe stuff counts as retcons, just shit writing
So here's the thing:
It's not a retcon in the fact that Chloé was a bully. That was established Day 1. She's always been a jerk. I might like my girl, but I am fully aware that she was an absolute bitch.
But it /is/ a retcon in how much damage she caused, how afraid everyone was of her, how this is an 'origin' for Marinette's stalker tendencies, etc.
Let's look at the differences between the flashback in Derision, and the beginning of Origins:
In Derision, Marinette is having a panic attack at breakfast and trying to fake being sick to get out of school and too scared to tell her parents why. When she does get to school, she's terrified and looking around and trying to sneak past, paranoid of what trick Chloé may pull. Running to hide the first chance she gets.
In Origins, Marinette just rolls her eyes and makes a comment about how she'll probably be unlucky enough to be in Chloé's class again before excitedly heading in for the new school year. That's it. She walks into class perfectly normally and sits at her desk. When Chloé walks up to her and tells her to switch seats, Marinette stands her ground and says that no, actually, this was her seat first. Marinette only moves because Alya dragged her out of the situation.
Remember: These scenes are only a single summer break apart, and in Derision Marinette could at least rely on Socqueline while in Origins she would've had no one. Marinette hadn't even gotten the Ladybut Miraculous yet in the Origins scene.
And that stands for other scenes as a whole as well. Season 1-3, Chloé being mean was treated as an annoyance. Not horrifically traumatizing. Though she was a bully in the fact that she was often the instigator, she was a rival in the sense that Marinette was on equal ground with her the whole time. Even the other classmates, no one's really scared of her in Season 1-3. Some even call her out on her shit. Some are even mean as fuck when she wasn't doing anything of consequence(*gestures to Zombizou where they call her a heartless bitch for not getting a teacher a birthday present*). And they are perfectly willing to be civil with her when she's offering nice things(they show up when her class president campaign includes a meet and greet with Jagged. When she invites them to a party in Despair Bear, they all shrug like 'eh she's a bitch but the event will be fun!')
Compare that to Origins where they're too scared to even talk to Marinette when Chloé's around out of fear that she'll target them too.
/This/ is what we mean when we call it a retcon.
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yardsards · 4 months
I hear you and I agree with you but also I raise you: queerplatonic the spares?
assuming you're talking about this post that i made a while back but blew up again recently?
i got a very similar ask back when i first made the post (which is buried somewhere in the depths of my blog bc tumblr search sucks) and i'll say now approximately what i said back then:
that kind of sucks too, actually.
the main problem with the "pair the spares" and "everyone must be paired" tropes is that they generally imply that it's not a happy ending unless everyone is in a committed monogamous romantic relationship. that characters (and real people, by extension) are somehow incomplete without a romantic partner, just like a sad single sock.
and removing the word "romantic" (or even any of the other adjectives as well) from those sentences and allowing them to include queerplatonic partnerships too doesn't really make the idea that much better. doing that doesn't break down the walls, just widens them a bit so that more people can be allowed in.
like yeah, one of the problems with the "you're incomplete without a romantic partner" idea is that it excludes people who can't feel romance. but that's far from the ONLY problem with it (in fact, the term "amatonormativity" wasn't even coined with aromantics specifically in mind, iirc).
it tells single people that they're not good enough, that they're incomplete. it tells single people who want a relationship that this isn't just a matter of "aw bummer, you want this thing but don't have it yet" but is rather a massive fundamental issue in their life that must take priority and be solved posthaste. it tells people who are happily single (including happily single alloromantics. because yes, they exist. not everyone who feels romantic attraction necessarily thinks that getting into a traditional romantic relationship about those feelings is right for them) that they're just deluding themselves and that they truly would be happiest in a partnership. it tells people who are in unhappy relationships that it would be better to stay than to become single. it says that relationships must look a certain way. it says that friendship is insufficient and is always inherently lesser than a partnership.
and allowing "partnership" and "relationship" to include queerplatonic as well as romantic doesn't fix a lot of those
amatonormativity is a cage that hurts those who can fit themselves in it as well as those who can't. widening the cage to allow more people in won't fix that. and there will always be people who don't fit inside the cage no matter how much you widen it. for example, non-partnering aros exist and would still be excluded here.
(and on another note: "pair the spares" and "everyone must be paired" generally are used derisively to refer to like. when characters are shoddily shoved together last minute because the writers couldn't figure out what else to do with them. it's generally just like, bad writing. and while i would LOVE more queerplatonic relationships, i want them to actually be GOOD, not just be some sloppy seconds leftover from a romantic ship.)
anyway i got rambly and possibly confusing there, and went Way Too Deep about what was almost definitely just a silly lighthearted ask. but i have so many Thoughts on the matter
there's just like. this mindset i notice (primarily in newer/younger aromantics who have just begun to question amatonormativity). where they see queerplatonic relationships and just think "ah, so this is just our version of a romantic relationship?" and don't really think about the complexities. ignoring the fact that some social constructs around romance are simply Not Good and that they will not become good if you separate them from romance. and ignoring that queerplatonic relationships are not always just "like a romantic relationship but minus the romance".
like it's a mindset that i understand (and i think was a lot like how i thought when i was younger and first figuring out these concepts). because this shit is CONFUSING and hard to explain and complicated to think about and so hard to unpack. so i hope i'm not coming across as rude to anon or anyone like that. it's just kinda something that's on my mind a good bit so i went off on a ramble, y'know?
edit: dug up the old post with a similar ask
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italoniponic · 2 years
Congratulations for the event! May I request hcs of Leona and Floyd (seperated pls '^^) with a s/o who's significantly shorter than them but is still bold? Like their s/o is 150cm but doesn't give a shit and still annoys the hell out of them and threatens them even tho they don't stand a chance against them.
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
| Notes: Hi, dear! This made me remember a Brazilian expression about short people that have little to no patience for things (the exact word for that doesn't translate to english). It’s like saying “oh, that angry shortie, right?” That’s the feeling I’m looking for here lol  And I changed Leona and Floyd’s nicknames just for the sake of adding a bit of personality to this reader, so instead of herbivore and shrimpy, we have “meerkat” and “flounder”. A-ha title reference just bc~ Thanks for the request <3 |
Leona Kingscholar, Floyd Leech x g!n short reader / headcanons / fluff & comedy / teasing / reader has 150cm and is feral / movies references / use of “you” pronouns
Cherry’s Harvesting event 🍒 Masterlist
Fighting High and Low
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“Enjoying the Sun, little meerkat? Or am I doing a shadow for you?” You snorted at those words, turning to face Leona Kingscholar who was resting his arm on your head. But you wouldn't let him just take advantage of you like that. You elbowed his rib and stuck out your tongue. This was a typical scene for you two;
As Leona met you more and more throughout your early days in the NRC, he gradually became interested in you. Not only because of the situations you got into sometimes, but also because of the way you faced everything so bravely even though you are the height of a child. He thought you were a very special source of entertainment at first;
Teasing you has become one of the peaks of Leona's day. Studying could suck, being bothered by annoying herbivores even more so, but seeing your angry face and your attempts to fight back with him always improved his mood. Your courage — and a bit of senselessness — sets you apart from the rest and Leona gets to respect that;
That's why he nicknamed you “meerkat”. There is a little tale for children in Afterglow Savannah that the most clumsy of the meerkats managed to be friends with a large wild boar and was brave enough to find a safer place for his flock. They said he was kind of crazy and Leona remembered laughing a lot at this story when he was little;
When you nudge him out of your way, step on his foot, or call him an “furry electric pole”, Leona remembers this classic character from his land. Would you dare to throw yourself in front of a lion like him and say what you think, without being afraid to die? Absolutely. You already called him “lazy cat”, wringing a delicious laugh out of him;
And to your worst bad luck: you liked to see Leona laugh. Sometimes not laughing in a smug way, but genuinely. Because, as time went on, you came to realize that this is how he laughed during the provocations between you. His smile, wide but light, showed a joy never seen before. You once even literally tried to climb Leona to see his smile more closely;
Having a smaller height in relation to that multitude of jungle trees that you called colleagues was a problem at times, but you didn’t let yourself be felled by it. And there were other short guys full of rage and courage out there, so you didn't feel alone in your problems. You were one of the few people who made Leona pay attention to something and not necessarily annoy him in the process;
Before, when you were still really annoyed by his attitudes, you would pull him by the tail to get his attention. “I'm sorry, with my height, I can't reach your shoulder,” you'd comment, making a cute but mocking pout. To which Leona would lift you up by your arms and reply, “Now you have my attention, annoying meerkat.” But this was in the past;
Not that you have lost the ability to call him creatively. You literally jumped near him, managing to reach his shoulder and announce your presence. Leona would give you a little look, seeing your hands sliding down his arm without letting go, and grin. You two are a pretty weird pair;
No matter the situation or environment, Leona likes to lean on you and defend himself without concern from your punches to his torso and your kicks to his shin. You lose complete track of time or what people are talking about but it's so fun that it's worth it;
When you eventually confessed your feelings, it was time for your first kiss. You laughed, asking if the most dignified lion could squat down for you to reach him and in response, Leona held on by the waist, so that you ended up even taller than him. “Is the view from the pride rock beautiful?,” Leona asked. “Um, the Lion King over here is more.”
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“Hey, little flounder… smooth? What's that face?” Why do light breezes always carry a tsunami with them? You sighed as you felt a big, tall presence leaning against you. Floyd Leech had another one of those big, toothy smiles on his face, his eyes staring at you with a mysterious glow. You tried to step on his foot and run from there;
From the very first moment, Floyd felt that you would be an interesting person to get along with. You must have been one of the shortest people he has ever met — in general, everyone is already short to him — but, there is something in your gaze and in your stubbornness to accept yourself as a prey in that ocean of dangers that awakens unexpected feelings in Floyd;
Therefore, he likes to observe you and talk with you, observing your reactions and the way you act. Floyd would joke that this is “tasting the food” but in reality, it's a very detailed study of you as a person. This is what helps Floyd in any quarrel. He knows exactly what to say or do to disarm you and hit your nerves just right;
Proportionally, you ended up getting his way of acting. At first, you responded to Floyd's taunts in the same way. When he asked where you were because he didn't see you, you said you were right below him, ready to punch his balls. You also have this thing where Floyd would lift you up by the collar and you'd try in vain to kick him in the stomach;
But, now more experienced, you found a way to cut Floyd’s animation before it stretched any further than it should. It was only when you started complimenting the fact that he was tall that everything would lose its grace. However, sometimes you would give such an ironic and backhanded compliment that a smile would quickly return to Floyd's face. Did you really think you would get rid of him so easily?;
Your affectionate nickname as “flounder” is a joke about the favorite type of fish of a famous mermaid in the Coral Sea. She was friends with an especially fearful flounder, but at the right moments, he swallowed his fears and even managed to hit an eel with his tail. Floyd can see these same characteristics in you;
It makes Floyd even imagine what you would be like if you were underwater because his original form of eel is immense and if you were really a flounder — or a shrimp, whatever — you would remain a cute little thing that he would like to bite and tease. And you would have the same amusing folly of trying to hit him with your short tail;
Certain times, when you were in a bad mood and Floyd appeared, you would run up to him to hang yourself in his arms as if he was a large tree branch at your disposal. Floyd didn't care because it was kind of funny. “Do you think my arm is a plank?,” he laughed. “Forgive me for stealing the joke, but honestly, I'm short-tempered today,” you'd reply, frowning;
Without you two being able to stop it, something else came up between you. The pranks and jokes were getting less serious and ended up becoming a cool dynamic banter. Floyd liked to mess your hair up and give your head a strong caress, which you responded to by holding his back tight and sometimes climbing on him like he was your seahorse. Imagine the chaos in the hallways;
Falling in love with a tall person has its advantages. Floyd also sees this in your case as well. With you next to him, he could just hold you in front of someone and let your cute little face melt the person's heart. To which he ends up blurting out that this effect would be short-lived because you’re a little gremlin — as if he weren’t some ninety-one foot tall Godzilla;
When you had called Floyd to go in the yard that day, he thought it was funny that you had climbed up on the bench and stared at him from up there. “Will you try to dive on me, little flounder?,” he asked, amused and curious. “Only if I'm going to kiss you, stupid!” And it was in that moment that Floyd was sure you were the one.
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pt 2/4: little changes (gun park x reader)
...except the main character is goo and reader only plays a role in little dialogue. hear me out.
(pt 1)
details: fluffy oneshot, gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au, you and gun have been dating for a while in secret
summary: goo starts to notice little changes in gun, influenced by you. the thing is, gun is keeping his relationship on the low, so here are goo's antics of being annoying and trying to find out who you are.
warning: one part of these moments has implications of gun and reader in bed!
a/n: i dont rmbr how i got this information but at the time i wrote this, i heard gun couldn't drive so... yeah lol
(ironically i forgot gun's first appearance is him literally driving crystal around. but tbh, just bc i think its funny, i wanna keep it a headcanon that he can't drive LMAO)
"Make sure you don't text and drive."
"Hah, how old do you think I am?"
"Just saying! You text often on your travels so I wanna make sure."
"Don't worry, I always make my coworker drive."
. . .
The red stop light finally gave Goo a chance to snap his neck towards the passenger seat where Gun sat.
"Must be so nice to just sit there, huh?"
"Eyes on the road," Gun replied flatly, his gaze still glued to his phone. Nearly the entire ride he had his eyes on it. And it looked like he was texting.
Suddenly curious, Goo acknowledged Gun's comment with, "We're at a stoplight, dumbass," and then asked, "Who's so important you can't stop texting them?"
"Why is that the assumption?"
Goo scrunched a brow, lips twisting into a frown. "What does that mean?"
"I could be typing notes in my phone."
"Stop bullshitting, you and I never take notes."
For a second Gun looked like he was going to admit Goo was right, but then he just looked up and said, "The light's green again."
Goo looked back in front of him, only to see a red light. He deadpanned and turned back to Gun, staring down at his phone.
"Seriously, who're you texting? I've driven your ass around for twenty minutes and you've done nothing but stare and text on your phone."
"That's none of your business. How close are we to our destination?"
Goo tsked and sucked in a breath of sharp air, bringing his eyes to the road. "Almost there."
There was a pause as the light actually turned green this time and Goo pushed down on the pedal, pushing the driving limit like he always did. He decided to keep bothering Gun in the meanwhile.
"I know you're not texting the boss, he'd rather call you, and he only talks to us for business reasons. I'd guess it's also probably not Crystal since your conversations with her are always short and to the point. And you don't have any friends. Just who are you texting?" He kept on rambling his thoughts out loud, while Gun sat silently.
When Goo eventually gave up, he suggested Gun drive sometimes so he could just be on his phone for twenty minutes.
"I got Candy Crush levels to beat, ya know."
"You won't be alive to beat them if you allow me to drive."
Memories of a burning car with him and Gun standing in front of them flashed in Goo's mind three times--a different car each time--and he nodded.
"I don't know how you can fight a seven nation army but can't drive a car."
"That's a mystery to me, too."
Goo wanted to facepalm.
"That selection of jewelry looks so nice."
"You know you can buy it, right? My card is yours."
"No, Gun, we are not doing this again. Last time you let me use your card you ended up nearly buying the entire store for me."
. . .
"Rubies, eh?" Goo held up the necklace he picked up, embedded with emeralds. He glanced back and forth between it and the ruby necklace Gun was holding. "You buying a necklace?"
"No, I don't like jewelry."
"The hell are you doing here then?"
"I'm buying a gift."
Goo snorted. "Very funny, now tell me the truth."
Gun stared through his sunglasses, not a single muscle moving on his face.
"Oh?" Goo leaned in, staring more closely at Gun's face like there was some hidden movement of an expression change or something. "Who's it for, huh? I didn't think you'd be the type to buy jewelry for someone."
"I'm buying it for someone special to me," Gun answered surprisingly honestly, leaving Goo flabbergasted for a moment.
"Uh." He leaned back to compose himself, adjusting his glasses. "First off, that's so cringe. Secondly, you actually have a friend?" Or maybe a lover or crush? Usually that's what someone special meant. Still seemed unbelievable, but just in case, Goo added in, "...Or something?"
Gun made a slight smirk. "I'm not incapable of creating bonds."
Goo shivered. "Ew, why do you always talk like an alien? Just say you made a friend." He followed Gun as the latter turned away to look at bracelets. "Who'd you become friends with? Some new successor you're trying to impress through jewelry?"
"When have I ever done that? Of course not."
"Then who?"
"Does my personal life matter to you?"
Goo swatted at his shoulder. "I could care less, but you've got me curious now. Who's this 'special someone' to you?"
"Stay curious," simply said Gun, picking up bracelets with his free hand and comparing them to the necklace in his other hand.
Fine, Goo didn't care. It was probably some one night stand Gun just really liked the work of and wanted to keep around.
Actually... Gun had never said anyone was special to him before. It was cringey to hear him say that before like Goo stated, but now curiosity grew in him. What could it mean...?
"Oh, shit! I just remembered your meeting!"
"Damn, I lost track of time."
"It's fine, we both did, now hurry!"
. . .
Mr. Choi strummed his fingers across the table, not hiding his annoyance. "Gun, late again?" he questioned, Goo snickering.
Gun bowed his head slightly. "You called in a sudden meeting. I apologize for not being prepared, sir."
Goo was sitting leaned back in his chair, feet kicked up on the table. "Why do you look like a mess?"
Gun straightened up, finishing buttoning his shirt up and running a hand through his hair. His tone was much more sharper when replying to Goo. "I just said I apologize for being unprepared."
"So? It's late at night, what were you doing? Lounging around and being messy?" joked Goo.
Mr. Choi narrowed his eyes. "Or did you just come back from 'messing around?'"
Goo's jaw dropped when Gun's head slightly lowered once more.
"You youngsters..." Mr. Choi pinched the bridge of his nose.
"No fucking way!" Goo immediately started cackling as he leaned back, nearly falling from his chair. He moved to sit properly while giggling in between. "Sorry we interrupted your little fun~"
Gun ignored him and just mumbled an apology when Mr. Choi lectured him with, "I know you're an adult with the freedom to do as you wish, but don't be so careless by losing track of time."
The meeting began right after that, and Goo listened, of course. But he couldn't help but be mildly distracted by thoughts about the person Gun was "messing around with." Did they really do him so good he would lose track of time? Or did this person matter more to him than this meeting so he stayed back a little?
Probably the first, and it was also funnier if it was true. If the second was true though, that'd be interesting. Still kind of funny, though... Goo felt like he could never imagine Gun getting emotionally invested in anyone.
"Have fun at the party!"
"Ugh, I don't even want to go... promise me you'll still be here if I come back early. Which I probably will."
"Pft, sure."
. . .
Goo had a little too much to drink during this party. But he was having fun so who cares?
While chatting up some people, he saw Gun walking away to the exit of the room and ran after him, leaving the people he was talking to confused. He wrapped an arm around Gun's shoulder once he caught up, slurring, "Where're you going, huuuh~?" Gun shrugged him off but Goo just moved to hug his arm instead. "The party just began!"
"Ugh." Gun pulled his arm out of Goo's grasp. "I don't like parties like these."
"But you never leave this early! Come on, there's more to drink and eat!"
Gun sighed and looked around until he spotted a certain someone. "Crystal!"
"Hm?" She looked over at him, pausing from grabbing snacks at the tables.
"Keep this guy busy."
"What?" Gun was already sprinting away. Crystal started shouting, "Gun! GUN!! YOU ASSHOLE!!"
"Where's he going?" Goo wailed, heading to Crystal to lean onto her. "It's like he's sneaking away to see someone!"
Crystal shoved Goo away (or attempted to, because he kept falling on her like he didn't have a skeleton), saying something under her breath as she shook her head.
Goo didn't hear, and even if he did, he probably wouldn't remember tomorrow morning anyways.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 18 days
hi S ok you definitely dont have to answer this bc its basically just me venting and its pretty lame haha but im curious if its something you've ever dealt with or if u have advice... basically i have diagnosed ASD and marvel is my special interest and has been since i was a kid and im pretty positive its going to stay my favorite thing for the rest of my life lol. and sometimes i get so sooo sad and kinda lonely thinking about the fact that like .. i know its basically still one of the biggest fandoms out there but like all my favorite fics were posted like 5-10 years ago mostly from authors that arent even in the fandom anymore and theres never gonna be another movie with steve and bucky together that everyone gets excited about and wants to talk about and theres also just so much less of a fun goofy little tight knit community for stucky on tumblr and online like ... idk i just miss so bad when the mcu was at its peak and there was so much content to consume and so many people passionate about it... and i know theres definitely still a huge presence and like im so thankful that youre an author that i love thats still super active and im always glad to visit your page and to see that theres still so many fans out there that care and wanna interact yknow. but tumblrs different now and its been like ten years since peak stucky content and the actors are all doing their own thing now idk it just makes me sad 😩😩 i feel like such a loser saying it i swear i have other interests and an irl life that is very fruitful and lovely hahaha its just makes me a bit frustrated at my autism because i know i wont be able to ever really stop loving these characters even as others move on
Hey, sweets!
I understand what you mean and you're not a loser, not at all. It's fucking great to have an interest in something, anything--what else is life for? You gotta have something to be focused on and interested in that gives you joy, otherwise, what is there? Just blandness. And, yeah, Marvel fandom is still very much active and that's wonderful and great! But, it's also true that it will never be the same as it was in its heyday. Personally, I wasn't around when the stucky fandom was exploding along the release of CA:TWS/the general MCU height, but I certainly see all the old art, edits, cosplay, etc. that's still reblogged and I've read so many of the fics from years prior, so I have a grasp of what was happening. And I can totally see how you'd miss generally, but especially if your fixation has attached deeply to these characters.
I have a sibling on the autism spectrum (who's old enough to have been diagnosed with Aspergers's syndrome before that was phased out but they are, of course, on the spectrum regardless of arbitrary hierarchical labels that I will restrain from ranting about because I fucking hate that shit, don't talk to me about "high functioning" ugh) and they have a few different life-long hyperfixations as well. So, you're not alone, but, it is hard to think of any actual advice per se. I think you're already doing what you need to be doing, y'know? You're here and enjoying what is going on now, connecting to blogs that are active, finding space where you can talk about these characters, you've got other things to do that also capture your attention, and, of course, you know you're sad about what isn't going on anymore. It's okay to be sad. You can't control what you're passionate about in the same way you can't control who you fall in love with. Are these silly little fictional characters not just people we've fallen in love with a little or a lot, no matter if they don't "exist"? I love that for us. Humans are so cute and full of love.
Fandoms and people change and sometimes it fucking sucks when it happens, sometimes it's great. Either way, it's part of the ecosystem of life. Water and nutrients and air and sun--it makes people change, it makes them grow, and you're allowed to be sad about what they used to be, you just have to keep growing, too. Remember what they were and know who they are now.
Hopefully, something in there helped you feel better, even if it was just from telling someone how you feel.
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