#attack on titan literally became not about the titans
doghearted · 2 years
remember when attack on titan first started getting popular and it looked like a cool mystery horror story and then it just turned into Politics the Manga™ and the author turned out to be a nazi
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jeanbie · 4 months
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pairing: eren x reader
genre: best friends-to-lovers-au, actor au, fluff mostly | warnings: fem!reader | wc: 2.6k
note: hey. i still love u guys and i am still pining over aot. will never stop probably. anyway, this was an older fic i wrote but i'm handing it down to eren! title is taken/inspired from chasing cars by snow patrol (my fav song)
⏤ Eren has had enough - it's been four months since he's last seen you, and he's not going to let his fame status keep him from seeing you any longer. He just hopes that you feel the same way when you see him again.
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Eren was taking a pretty big risk, he knew that.
It was risky taking any step out of his apartment at any moment; he’d think he was safe until he made it to the end of the road, earphones snug in his ears, and the flash of a camera behind the bushes in the corner of his eye blinds him back to his front door in a twisted shame. 
Granted, he’d expected it to be worse now that he'd booked a plane ticket and made a rather hasty, in-the-moment journey to the airport and on a plane with no layover. Usually when Eren takes a journey overseas, there’s at least one or two fans hiding in the corner of the suites waiting for him, or someone on the plane who’d recognise his face.
For this, he’d suck it up and take a photo. It was better to have good PR and be a little bit pissed off that he’d been discovered, than to have bad PR and to be known as the actor from Attack on Titan who didn’t give a damn about the people who essentially made him and his friends famous.
But Eren thought the risk was worth it this time. The plane touched down in a different country, and from there, it was an hour long train journey to a station he didn’t know anything about to meet a friend of yours he’d only seen in Instagram pictures.
You were at university now, a face he saw on a screen rather than a face he quite literally saw every day months before. It had been four months since Eren had seen his best friend, and fuck anybody who was going to make him wait a second longer before seeing you again.
You were his greatest risk, but it was worth it. You were worth it.
“Fuck, it’s insane to actually be meeting you right now.”
Frank is a good guy, ginger with circle glasses resting on the end of his roundish nose. He led Eren out of the train station, offering to pull his suitcase for him. “I mean, I’m a huge fan.” Followed by a sigh and a quiet, “Who isn’t…?”
Eren smiled at him, squinting in the sun as it hit his eyes in the direction of Frank’s face. “Thanks. I hear a lot about you, too.”
Frank grinned, whipping his head towards Eren. “All sexy and scandalous things, I hope. You know, none of us believed Y/N when she said she knew you. We thought the pictures were Photoshopped, you know how she is.” They both paused by the side of the road waiting to cross, “Shit, she’s gonna freak out when she sees you.”
That was three minutes ago, but Eren's still playing that sentence on a loop in his head. She's gonna freak out when she sees you.
He walks alongside Frank down one of the streets, past a redundant furniture store that quirks his brows. He’s missed it here, and how unbelievably, shockingly awful it all looks when you’re not looking at picturesque photos of it online.
“I thought you’d know that Y/N’s my best friend,” Eren says thoughtfully. He pauses as Frank does as a car zooms past when they’re about to cross. “I mean, people know. The photos got leaked, all of them.”
“Hey, give me a break,” Frank says dramatically. “I only really became a super fan three months ago. I'm more into Levi, you know how it goes. And yeah, I figured it out eventually. Finally, I understood why so many people at this uni wanted photographs with her and to be her best friend…”
Eren frowns. “Is it bad? She doesn’t tell me this stuff on the phone. I mean, they go crazy online when she posts pictures and we interact, but I didn’t…”
Frank shakes his head and grins at Eren as the words die out in his mouth.
“Nah, don’t panic. It’s not that bad. If anything, she might get a kick out of the fame. Trust, there’s always gonna be the girls who hate her because she’s friends with you and that’s like, what, threatening to their fantasy? But she loves you a lot, and a friendship like yours…it’s kinda like family, you know?”
Eren feels his stomach flip, butterflies going haywire. These butterflies are bitter and relentlessly fast, his heart racing that extra bit quicker. He likes the sound of family. He doesn’t like the way Frank implies it, because if Eren is ever going to consider you as family, it won’t be as his sister.
You’ve never been his sister, even when you became part of his family growing up on special occasions, or even just on a daily basis when you came to visit. There were times his family called you their own, but you were never his sister. It was different than that; you both knew it but never dared acknowledge it.
Frank makes small talk until they make it to the student accomodation you currently live at, and because Frank knows basically everybody, a student comes to the gate to let them both in. They’re nice and tall, wearing an Aston Villa shirt that Eren remembers looks a lot like your dad’s back in the day. Might be the same kind, might be a vintage.
He smiles at him, because maybe this guy knows Eren, but then the guy just turns back into the common room and doesn’t come out again. Frank doesn’t live here - he lives in a flat of his own around the corner, but Frank might as well be a resident here. He lets himself in towards the lift and shoots a text to one of your flatmates.
“Apparently she’s in the shower,” Frank says casually. He locks his phone, taps his foot as the lift rises, “Let’s hope she doesn’t stride out completely stark naked as you’re in there.”
He almost blushes, “Ha, yeah.”
He declines to mention the times you two have showered together, the time you went skinny dipping together when you were seventeen. Those were things that might end up getting misunderstood, and those are his memories he’d like to keep a secret. He says nothing, nothing but a thank you when he enters your flat with Frank and takes a different turn to the left whereas Frank goes right, towards the kitchen.
Your room is at the very end, your name on the door in stickers from a set you got from the market, and from inside, he hears the music in the bathroom. The door opens silently and closes with the same volume, and Eren manages to wheel his suitcase to the end of the bed and plonks himself down.
As expected from pixels on the screen, your room looks better in person - white walls and a bed set that’s white and covered with little peonies. Above your desk, Eren recognises all your photos together, new polaroids of you and the friends you’ve made at university who Eren always felt kind of threatened by. He smiles to himself, and rests his head against the wall your bed is attached to. From here, he can see the bathroom door in the mirror on the opposite wall, but he knows you’ll only see his feet when you come out.
Speaking of which; the song playing in the bathroom ends suddenly and the shower water has stopped running. Eren hears the toilet flush and his heart starts to race.
Four months of falling asleep on Facetime and texting when there was no time left in the day, and now, here he is, on your bed, waiting for you to step out and… And, then what?
Maybe you wouldn't even want him here. Maybe you were happier now that Eren was travelling the world with his other friends and film crew while you were still here, in a new city with new friends and a new life. Maybe the memory of Eren was burdensome to you. Worse - maybe he was something you felt you had to remember but didn’t really want to.
Eren's always been scared of the rejection he might receive from you. He might be a dream for fans across the world, but there’s a split second where Eren feels like he might not be good enough for you. He’s the world to other people. But you deserve the whole galaxy, and he’s afraid that’s something that he might not ever be able to give you, even with all the money and the fame.
The bathroom door opens and in two seconds, the light is shut off and he hears you sigh.
“Jesus, Frank, you gotta stop letting yourself in here without telling me,” your voice says. “Good thing I’m semi-decent. Usually I’m not.”
“No fun,” Eren teases, and silence follows. There’s a pause, and Eren cocks his head, his left cheek on his shoulder, waiting for you to click and appear in front of him.
Suddenly, he hears small but quick thuds across the carpet and Eren feels his chest tighten with a nostalgic feeling when you come into view with wide eyes, damp hair and nothing but a bra and those stupid black worn leggings you refuse to throw out.
The grin that reaches Eren's eyes now aches as he laughs at you, at the way you gape at his presence. It takes a moment, a moment of what feels like could be the rejection that Eren absolutely fears, but then you smile so wide that Eren feels it in his stomach.
“Holy shit!” you exclaim loudly, bringing a hand to your mouth as you hurry towards the bed. It dips beneath your knees and Eren rises up to a more comfortable position. “What the fuck!”
He laughs out loud, and when Eren wastes zero time in bringing you into his arms, hugging you tightly.
“Careful, my hair’s all wet,” you squeak.
“Don’t care.”
He really doesn’t. There’s probably going to be a damp spot on his clothes after, but that’s okay. You groan loudly with happiness as you hug him in return as tightly as he is hugging you, your weight on his lap and your arms around his neck.
Eren smiles so wide, sighing with content into your neck. Here, he smells the marshmallow body wash on your skin, the fragrance of your hair that kind of reminds him of Cabbage Patch babies.
“You smell good,” he mutters. You laugh quietly, squirming when his nose sniffs across your neck like one would kiss. “I don’t.”
“You do, you always smell good,” you reply. One sniff, he laughs, “See!”
“Mmm,” he plays along, “the sweet smell of planes and trains and jet lag.”
That makes you laugh, and at the mention of jet lag, Eren realises he could probably fall asleep like this given the chance. He has missed this, missed you, so fucking much. The emotions are overwhelming. 
Eren kisses behind your earlobe, and then just underneath your jaw. That’s new. Eren was always a cheek-kiss kind of best friend, but never this.
You’re not complaining. Your head drops to one side, almost giving him more access to the space free, and he occupies it. Those fucking butterflies; Eren feels sick with nerves as he kisses you, under your chin and across your neck, on that spot on your collarbone you found out tickled after Seven Minutes in Heaven in Year 8.
Maybe your fingernails in his hair are a way of you telling him to stop - it’s something he can think about tonight if he can’t fall asleep, something he doesn’t care to think about when he kisses on your actual jawline, to your cheek and the corner of your mouth, your cupid’s bow.
He moves away with a blush that matches your own, but maybe you can’t see his in the colour of your fairy lights. He plays with the dazed confusion on your face as he moves the hair from across your face to around your ears, smiling and raising his eyebrows.
“Your hair is so fucking wet,” he sniggers boyishly.
“I told you,” you shrug. You shrink, relaxed, “Fuck, why are you here? I mean, I’m literally so happy, but… Are you gonna get in trouble for this?”
“I dunno,” he admits. “Maybe, probably. I mean…the guys know I’m here. Jean drove me to the airport with Armin.”
“That’s not what I mean, though.”
Eren sighs loudly. “Yeah, I know. Frank told me all about the girls.”
“Little fucker. Is he here? I’ll punch him for mentioning it to you. It’s honestly fine. It's only a few. Most are really nice!”
“You’re my best friend for life, it’s important to me that you’re not uncomfortable by--”
“I’m not,” you assure him, hands trapped in his hair. You frown and try to change the subject, “Damn, this got long. Didn’t look long over the phone.”
“I've been growing it out,” Eren replies. “Heard you fancied Keanu Reeves, couldn’t handle the competition.”
“Ha!” you retort. “Simp.”
“For you,” frowns Eren dramatically.
Conversation fizzles comfortably, to the point where you both forget that Eren's underneath you and your legs are wrapped like a koala around his middle.
The fact that this is normality for you both is ignored. You’ve done worse things together. Eren even knows that the bra you’re wearing now is one he bought for you, half as a joke, half not. That could be why Eren feels the way that he does, why the confusion wraps around his body and traps him.
Eren knows that the butterflies in his stomach don’t just appear because you’re his best friend he hasn’t seen in a while. He knows what they mean when they flutter when your name pops up when you’re calling him, when an interviewer tries to catch him out by bringing you up in another interview that you don’t need to be mentioned in.
Eren knows that coming here was worth the confusion, and the nerves, and the fact that this will be a headline when it gets out. EREN YEAGER GOES TO VISIT HIS BEST FRIEND…BUT ARE THEY MORE? Or worse, NETIZENS HAVE PROOF THAT A.O.T EREN IS DATING HIS BEST FRIEND Y/N…
He doesn’t want to hurt you. That’s why he feels scared. For you to be scandalised by an article online that caught him out in his feelings, he knew it wasn’t fair. Eren might be too afraid to say he’s in love, and too afraid to find out if you feel it too, if all those years of confused relations and flirtations meant anything, but he’d risk those feelings and the headlines if it meant being able to spend one more day with you.
Eren's got a week and a half with you. Something’s gotta give within this week. He doesn’t want to go back to filming with more regrets than he came here with, and so for now, he’ll just have to swallow those butterflies back down when they pour out of his mouth.
Right now, he can’t afford to be caught out. It has to be said on his own terms, when the timing is perfect. It has to be perfect, because it’s what you deserve. It has to be perfect, because if it isn’t, then Eren doesn’t think it will be worth it.
Losing you to a headline and a butterfly is out of the question. You hop off him and shrug on a jumper from out of your wardrobe. If you noticed his unease, then you didn’t mention it. He almost wants to cry, wants the confusion to go away for the night so he can enjoy being here.
For now, he thinks as he follows you with an arm around your shoulders out of your bedroom and towards the kitchen to meet the others, he’ll just have to fake it 'til he makes it. Just like always. Put on a face, put on a show, until it all feels worth the spillage. He can’t let the butterflies escape yet.
It has to be perfect, and until then, he’ll just have to be patient, even if it breaks his heart more by pretending.
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oh-meretseger · 3 months
part 4 - Tease
attack on titan modern college au // Jean Kirstein x fem!reader
summary: the sexual frustration between you gets to its peak when your first kiss happens (🥹), starting a game of brutal teasing on both sides
notes: 18+! although not so much of a smut (some public touching and groping, making out hehe), mainly fluff, some cute moments before posting some disgustingly dirty smut in the next chapter lmao
word count: 4,6k
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"Sasha, stop calling me pookie bear or I'm going ballistic" Jean calmly blinked in her direction after setting the empty box of pad thai down. Sasha was already on her third portion, mercilessly stuffing her face full like she's been starving for a week.
"But you're my pookie bear, what do you mean?" Sasha's jaw stopped chewing, stunned for a moment by hearing such astonishing nonsense, as she stared back at Jean. She notoriously got addicted to every single silly nickname she made up for her friends, and used it uncontrollably until she discovered a new one.
Jean let out an exhausted sigh, but still leaned back on his bed with a chuckle as he shook his head.
"And what about me?" Connie complained loudly from the other bed with a mouth full of noodles. None of the three were giving any more fucks about the movie playing on Connie's notebook in the background.
"You're my pookie pie"
"Yeah, I like pie" Connie shrugged, giving his blessing as Sasha nodded diligently.
"I know"
"Yeah, but I'm not a bear, so how does that work?" Jean huffed, holding back a smile at how Sasha's expression instantly turned outraged, just like he guessed.
"You are!" Sasha snapped at him and Jean laughed out loud. "You're a big ass hairy animal, but still cute and huggable"
"Ah right, thanks" Jean's ironic tone did not faze her in the slightest.
"I'm deeply sorry bro, but I wouldn't say you're cute, at all" Connie's eyes were back on the movie, although his attention was fully on the brilliant, highly knowledgeable conversation in the background.
"Y/N thinks you are" Sasha shrugged carelessly while ruthlessly devouring her last bites of dinner, and Jean's heart started pounding in his chest all of a sudden.
He cleared his throat to avoid choking on his own saliva, and tried to reply just as casually as Sasha spit out this small little information.
"What do you mean?" Jean couldn't believe how flustered he became by simply hearing your name. He didn't like it. The hell is his heart beating so fast for?
"She has the biggest crush on you, don't tell me you didn't notice" Sasha giggled to herself at Jean's honest, dumb expression. She found you two idiots adorable, pretending you didn't absolutely have the hots for each other.
"The hell are you on? They're at each other's throats all the fucking time" Connie turned his head at hearing such nonsensical gibberish.
"I truly feel sorry for you men sometimes" Sasha blinked at two of the most imbecile faces she's ever seen. "Are you really that slow?! Why in tarnation do you think I left you two alone?"
Jean felt heat spread through his body as images of you popped up in his memory, your warm body against his, teeth sunk into his skin...
"They fucked?!" Connie yelled out in shock and Jean couldn't help cracking up at how serious he sounded.
"Not YET" Sasha looked at Connie with a nod of true wisdom as Jean huffed in disapproval. Although deep inside, a feeling of excitement started to make him tingle.
"Shut your silly mouth, Sasha" Jean snapped at her, holding back a smile trying to climb up on his face all the way from his heart. "You've been acting a fool since you started latching onto that canteen guy"
"My brother in Christ, you're in denial" Sasha gave up. She already knew you were bound to be together anyway. "And I've always been silly, Niccolo just brings out the best in me"
"I love that guy, he makes the best risottos" Connie agreed in his own way, still pretending to watch the movie.
"He cooks me his secret special meals" she added, her eyes literally sparkling with pure bliss as she said those words, and Jean rolled his eyes. "I'm bringing him to your party, Consuelo"
"That's literally not my name" Connie stated, not even moving his eyes from the screen in front of him.
"Okay, Conrad"
"I'm texting Marco to come" Jean grabbed his phone, verbalizing his actions as both Sasha and Connie turned their head in excitement.
"Yesss, I miss Marco!"
You were rather anxious about this party. Connie's parents lived close to the campus, and the group of people Connie invited over to their house sounded fun when Sasha listed them all to you in detail. But still, there was something unnerving about a night of careless fun, coming out of your little shell and letting yourself go in front of such new people, in front of Jean.
"C'mon, we're gonna have an amazing time!" Sasha encouraged you after seeing a small anxious frown form on your face.
"I know, it's always an amazing time with you guys" you smiled, your heart pounding hard at the thought of seeing Jean at the party. "But what should I wear?"
"POOKIE, let me help you with that" Sasha jumped up from your bed and shot straight to your closet, as you watched her with an entertained grin.
You walked down the hallway on the way to your afternoon class, Friday leaving a freeing bliss in your chest as you listened to your playlist. The always busy corridor was now almost empty, everyone having left the stress of weekdays behind to finally enjoy their free time. Anxiety turned into a small glimpse of excitement in your stomach the past few days, and you couldn't wait for it to be tomorrow night.
Your headphones suddenly flying off of your head jerked you out of being in your own thoughts, and before you could even react, a strong hand grabbed your wrist, pulling you into a narrow passageway with an overwhelming force.
Your body crashed into a much larger frame, and a familiar sense of warmth flowed through you as Jean's smell hit your nose before you could even get a look at your kidnapper.
"Hey! Give it back!" your hand shot towards his immediately, but of course with one movement of his arm your headphones were instantly removed far from your reach, as he held it up above his head. A grin grew on his face as he looked down at you, his other hand still squeezing your wrist, and once again, you felt your cheeks get warm under his intense stare. That stupid cocky grin of his...
"D'you think I should?" Jean's voice was smooth and low, enough to make your mind go hazy. You couldn't believe how fast it all could get too much. His intoxicating scent, the warmth of his body as he towered over you, his fingers' touch on your skin, his voice and beautiful hazel eyes melting you into a puddle...
You felt weak.
"Can you stop doing that? My arm is getting all bruised up from you pulling on it" you sneered up at him, not even trying to get further away as your bodies pressed into each other. Jean's eyes slipped down to your plump lips as you mockingly smirked. "And kidnapping me"
"Kidnapping you? You could definitely not move your little hands around like that, if I were to kidnap you" Jean's raised hand inched lower and lower to slowly put your headphones around your neck as your eyes desperately pierced into his. You felt yourself melt into him, his look deliberately making you go soft and mindless, as his delicious-looking lips were so dangerously close to you...
As Jean's other hand became free, it slid down on the sleeve of your hoodie to grab your other wrist. The hard grip of his hands restraining yours was enough to make you soaking wet.
And that strangely made your confidence bounce right back.
"Why are you stalking me anyway?" you stared into his eyes with a self-assured smile slightly curving your lips.
Jean felt blood rush right to his crotch at the devilish sparkle in your eyes, almost visibly turning dark as you looked up at him. What a naughty girl.
Although weakness was palpable in the air between both of you. You both knew you would fold the moment your hips pressed into each other just a tad bit more.
Jean's hands gripping your wrists moved them behind your back with a swift motion.
"Don't think so highly of yourself, Miss Important" he smiled and you felt yourself blushing again as his arms pulled your body more into his, cuffing your hands behind you. Being controlled by Jean's big arms felt... Heavenly. "You want me to stalk you, don't you?"
"Unlike yourself, I'm not a pervert, dumbass" you let the magic word slip from between your lips, and warmth filled your chest as Jean cracked up. You felt like you could stay in his embrace forever, looking at his handsome face and beautiful smile endlessly... If your pussy didn't ache from the tension of being restrained by his tall frame. "You're lucky you have such pretty eyes, otherwise I would be kneeling on your back right now"
Your obvious joke of physically overcoming him flew right over his head as your words of praise reached his ears - and a slight tint of pink immediately dusted his cheeks. From ear to ear.
You couldn't believe your eyes.
"Jean" your smile grew into the widest grin as the rarest species on planet Earth, flustered Jean hesitated momentarily, looking into your eyes. "Are you-"
You stopped your own words. Instantly wanting to tease him was like a natural instinct, but in a matter of moments, your urge to deepen that adorable blush on his face became overwhelming. You wanted him to know how much your lips desired his at that very moment. You wanted to make him feel good, you wanted to feel good.
Jean felt your body rise onto tiptoes under his arms as your heels parted from the ground and in a second, your face reached his, your lips connecting in a soft kiss.
You immediately melted at feeling each other's lips, sensitive nerves making your hungry minds explode with pleasure. Jean felt all tension leave your body, and let go of one of your wrists to catch you from collapsing. You literally felt your knees give out. Jean's arm felt so strong as it snaked around your waist, you barely audibly whimpered into the kiss - and Jean felt himself grow hard at the sweet sound.
"Mmph y- your lips feel so good" you mumbled against his soft lips and Jean was seeing stars. He never imagined your honeylike voice to be able to make him crumble even more in real life, than on the phone the other day. Your body so hot against his, the touch of your lips so plump and sweet on his, your scent making him feel like he was drunk out of his mind.
Jean let out a quiet moan as your tongue danced along his lower lip, then slipped into his mouth eagerly. Immediately after you granted access, his tongue answered, sliding against yours, and you felt warmth flooding your pussy at the wet sounds you two were making. Jean's one hand gripping your wrist, the other one slowly sliding on the side of your waist, finding its way under your hoodie, making contact with the sensitive skin close to your breast...
It all felt so filthy, you were turned on beyond belief.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” Jean grunted quietly after your lips parted, looking into your big, pleading eyes, but you already missed their warmth, so you softly pressed your lips back to his.
“What?” you whispered against him, your eyelids low from the heavenly feeling, and you felt Jean’s lips curve into a smile.
“You make me want to rip this off of you, right here, right now” Jean pulled on the sleeve of your hoodie, then with that same motion he grabbed your hand, removing it from its comfortable place on the side of his neck. You quietly whimpered as you felt one of his large hands gripping both of your wrists behind your back, his now free hand starting to slowly roam over your clothes. “You seem like the type of bad girl that likes the danger of getting caught”
“And you seem like the type to talk big, but do nothing” you knew exactly how bratty you sounded trying to tease Jean, but you also knew he had complete control over you. Your words were snarky, but your eyes blinked up at him with desperation, cheeks flushed with arousal.
Jean let out a chuckle.
“Yeah, you’re right” he smiled, but a sinful light flashed in his hazel eyes. Oh, you’re in for it. His free hand skimmed down to the brim of your hoodie, lifting it to expose the jeans tight on your butt. You unintentionally let out a sigh as his fingers gripped into the fabric and he started groping your ass without any shame. “I wouldn’t have the balls to touch you like that”
You felt wetness soaking through your panties at his firm touch, his breath hot on your ear as he looked at his own hand’s movements over your shoulder.
“I wouldn’t dare to pull these down” the groping stopped as a long finger creeped under the waist of your jeans, sending chills up your spine as he lightly dragged his fingertip along your skin. “What would we do if someone caught you with pants around your knees, moaning like a whore?”
“Jean” you quietly whined his name, losing your mind as his palm slid up your waist, over that stupid hoodie preventing his skin from touching yours.
“Getting desperate, are we?” he spoke softly, his hand stopping right at the underwire of your bra. Jean’s fingers moved carefully around the curve of your clothed tits, earning another whimper from you as you felt your pussy clench around nothing. “How outrageous would it be to grope your naked tits…”
You wanted him to grab them, feel the soft tissue with his hand, but Jean’s thumb just gently brushed over your nipple getting hard under the multiple layers of clothes.
“Or to take them into my mouth… Suck on them” Jean felt like all the blood in his body rushed to his groin as he pressed his thumb into the plush of your breast. Feeling you against himself, watching your eyes close in pleasure and your pretty swollen lips form an O made it extremely painful to hold his composure. Your flushed cheeks made him want to press you against the wall and do exactly what he just described. “A coward like me wouldn’t wanna get caught licking you, fingers buried in your wet little hole”
Jean felt his hard cock twitch in his pants as you pressed your hips even harder into him, desperate to feel his growing erection. His hand slid onto your delicate neck, fingers gently pushing into the sides.
“Holy-“ you mumbled, your head falling back as Jean leaned closer, his scruff scratching the sensitive skin as he earned access to your neck. His lips grazed over your skin, sending tingles down your body, and he deeply inhaled your sweet scent...
Then everything got cruelly ripped away from you in a matter of seconds.
“See ya tomorrow, smartass” you heard Jean’s voice and your eyes shot open, only to be met with his self-assured, cocky grin. He let go of your wrists and your neck, hands sliding into the pockets of his denim jacket while he stepped back, depriving you of the blissful heat of his body.
Jean felt so satisfied, so pleased with himself. You stood there for a moment, left utterly confused, your big eyes still eager, blinking towards him, swollen lips parted as if you wanted to say something, but the feeling of surprise made you catch your breath. You were so adorable, he had to hold back a chuckle.
He liked how confident sexual tension seemed to make you, but he just couldn’t help himself teasing you, making you go weak under his control.
“Je-“ a fragile little sound tried to break through the shock gripping your throat, but Jean’s reply cut you off as he turned his back to you, simply walking away.
You just stood there, astounded, your heart still racing, warmth filling your cheeks and panties damp from your wetness. Jean’s grip still burned the skin on your wrists and neck like a phantom. Your mind was so confused, you couldn’t even be mad at the man arrongantly strolling away from you like this was the most entertaining walk of his life.
And you completely forgot about the afternoon class you were originally headed to.
Frustration quickly turned into confidence as you stood in front of the mirror in your dorm after your little ice cream date with Sasha, getting ready for the party. It was a rare occasion, so you let your hair down, to Sasha’s biggest delight.
"You look sooo good, dear lord!" she exclaimed with an enthusiastic smile, encouraging you to do a little spin and she howled like a wolf.
"C'mon, it's not that special" you laughed at her excessive reaction. "But you do look breathtaking in that dress, emerald suits you"
"You think so?" Sasha looked down at herself, hands soothing the thin fabric. It was quite short, sleeves off the shoulders, showing off her delicate, pale skin. She truly looked beautiful.
"Niccolo's gonna pee his pants seeing you" you nodded and Sasha cracked up.
"He better pee his pants" she slipped her arms into her bolero. "And Jean better jizz his pants, to be honest"
"Sasha!" you chuckled as you shook your head, trying to shake off the thought of Jean orgasming, in any way, before your blushing could give any awkward feelings away. Sasha jumped to you and leaned over to pull your dress in all the right places to make it look even better. It was black and tight, its length ending right above your knees, but a longer slit letting one of your thighs be seen.
"What? You're a goddess, you better start believing that" Sasha threw her oversized leather jacket on your shoulders. "C'mon, grab your phone, let's go"
Connie's parents must be delighted to let a bunch of kids trash their house, you thought, as Sasha closed the door of your Uber and caught up to you waiting on the pavement. It seemed like a nice and quiet neighborhood, now muffled thuds breaking the silence of the street as you heard the bass of the music coming from inside.
"Bruh, Cornelius told me he invited twenty people at max" Sasha noted as you walked past a few unfamiliar faces sitting on the stairs of the front porch, drinking and cackling loudly. She swung the front door open like she owned the place, and the brutal noise hit you in your chest.
"Who the hell is Cornelius?" you asked with an amused laugh, but Sasha couldn't hear you anymore, the sound of loud music, people shouting, laughing and just generally being intoxicated deafening both of you. Sasha grabbed your hand, pulling you through the crowd.
Bumping into a bunch of strangers in a dimly lit room and loud noise overwhelming your senses was not how you imagined Connie's "friendly get together" to go.
"There he is" Sasha let go of your hand as you reached the kitchen, the lights brighter and the noise slightly less disturbing than in the crowded living room. You leaned against the doorframe where Sasha left you as you watched Sasha punch Connie's arm without a word being spoken between them.
"AARGH, are you out of your mind?" Connie jumped back from the open fridge in shock, his hand shooting towards the painful shoulder.
"You told me it was gonna be a small party! How are we supposed to order pizza for so many people?" Sasha yelled at him, absolutely infuriated about the food situation.
Non-existant food situation, may we add.
"Why should we order pizza for everyone?! I don't even know them, who cares?" Connie yelled back at her, grabbing a bottle of beer from the fridge. "Did you come over to ask brainless questions, or will you let me have a fucking break?"
"Hi Y/n!" you suddenly heard your name from behind and your head snapped towards the familiar voice. You were met with Berthold's smile and his usual peaceful expression, not even minding Sasha and Connie killing each other in the background.
"Hi Bert" you smiled back, happy to see him. You rarely got to talk to him at the one single class you had together. "How are you?"
"Uh, good thanks, barely holding on inside this hell of a house" he replied and you chuckled, perfectly understanding his struggle with crowded, loud places.
"You're telling me! I feel like exploding and we just arrived" you shook your head. "Where's Annie?"
"We're sitting outside on the patio, you should join us. It's a lot more quiet out there" he suggested as a large hand slapped on his shoulder. You looked up at the tall man appearing next to Bert, broad shoulders towering over you, fingers running through his blonde hair, bright eyes and a charming smile glistening towards you. "This is my friend, Reiner, by the way. I don't think you've met"
"Nice to meet you, Reiner" you nodded with a friendly smile and he accepted your hand reaching towards him, shaking it gently.
"The pleasure's mine, Y/n" Reiner softly returned your smile, and you started to feel flustered at the intense eye contact. "How come I've never seen you around campus?"
"She's pretty lame, looks like a grey little mouse most of the time" an unmistakable voice appeared next to you, and you turned to Jean sticking out your  tongue in an instant. Bert rolled his eyes with a laugh and went over to the fridge, probably getting the drinks he originally came there for.
"Who asked the blockhead?" you snapped back as Jean stopped close to you, one arm pressing to yours, grinning down at you.
Your heart secretly started racing just by seeing him.
"Dunno man, looks like a gorgeous mouse to me" Reiner said winking at you, then turned and went to join Bert pondering in front of the open fridge. Warmth spread on your face as you watched Reiner grab a beer, and you deliberately avoided looking at Jean. "You want one, Jeanbo?"
"Nah, I'm good, thanks" Jean replied casually, but clenched his teeth as he looked down at your face, blushed from his compliment. The hell are you blushing for? Is this buff jock what you're into? Reiner, really?
Jean's jaw relaxed at the thought of how you'd probably clown him for being jealous. Jealous, good lord... It was like you sensed his eyes stuck on you, you raised your face to look at him with those big, sparkling eyes.
How could he not be jealous?
"Big man's not wrong" Jean said softly, so only you could hear, his eyes glancing over your outfit, then back to your face, and you felt your cheeks burn under his look. "You look beautiful"
Your heart fluttered at his words and you couldn't help the smile instantly widening on your face. You turned your whole body towards Jean and felt your stomach flip at how his hazel eyes glistened right back at you with a warm smile.
"You look pretty handsome yourself" you grinned, moving to hold both of his hands. Jean's heart fluttered to the same rhythm yours did as the sight of your pretty smile and the touch of your fingers combined started to make him melt. "This shirt looks so good on you"
Your fingers ran along the collar of his dark button-up shirt, the fabric soft, comfy and smelling of his delicious scent.
"Don't try to make me blush, you little rat" he grunted with a low voice, making you laugh out loud, and he lifted his hands to grab both sides of your face, long fingers reaching into your hair at the nape of your neck. Tingles ran down your spine as your arms moved automatically to hug his waist as he stood so close to you. "Where are your glasses, smartass?"
"I'm wearing contacts" you blinked up at him as he stroked a few strands of your hair to tug them behind your ears.
Your stomach doing a backflip once again.
"I like the glasses" he brushed his thumb over your cheek, then looked back to your eyes, making your body burn with the familiar sense of warmth. "But you look pretty regardless"
You swallowed your reply as Jean's eyes shot to your lips. So plump and invitingly glistening with gloss. He wanted to kiss you so much.
"I like the earrings, too" Jean swiftly shifted his eyes to the little silver figures dangling from your ears. He  thought they wonderfully emphasized your delicate little neck.
"Thanks, they're ladybugs" you grinned and Jean chuckled.
"Are they your little magical ladybugs? I knew you were a witch" he watched with a smirk as you bursted into laughing. He also noticed the shimmery eyeshadow on your eyelids, and how the makeup and your jewellery complimented your look so well. Although he knew exactly how gorgeous you were without them.
"You're very attentive tonight, Jeanbo" you sneered at him and Jean rolled his eyes at your smug smile. He hated that nickname.
"He's my teammate, your ass is not allowed to use that name"
"Will I be allowed if I start beating you with a stick as well?" your smile widened at making Jean crack up.
"The hell do you think we do while playing hockey?" he laughed, one of his hands moving to grab your chin. "It's not just beating each other with sticks, believe it or not"
"Sure" you borderline didn't even know what you were talking about. Not even having a sip of alcohol yet, you smiled up at Jean drunkenly, intoxicated by how good he felt to all of your senses at that moment.
Sasha's loud sounds of excitement snapped you both out of your own little world.
"WHAT, they're filled with cherry cream?!" she covered her mouth with a hand, in a state of complete shock as Niccolo held out a tray of cupcakes in front of her.
Niccolo nodded with an enthusiastic smile in your direction, and you waved at him with an amused chuckle as Jean let go of you and walked over to them. You've already met Niccolo countless times, but you could never get enough of their emotion-filled interactions with Sasha - strong emotions about food, mostly.
"Hey!" Connie yelped as Sasha slapped his hand trying to steal from the dessert. "This is my house, give me a cupcake!"
"It's your father's house, Constance" Sasha stated seriously, and you bursted out laughing as Connie's low-lidded stare met your eyes. He was so tired of the names.
"Are you pulling these names out of your ass?"
"I'm pulling the cupcake out of your ass, if you dare to steal any of- HEY!" Sasha practically jumped on Connie's back as he rapidly grabbed one of them from the tray, trying to get away and stuff it into his mouth before Sasha could stop him.
A few people, unfamiliar with this otherwise very usual situation, quickly left the kitchen before they found themselves in the middle of a physical altercation, and you and Jean were in absolute hysterics.
"Eat it then, you fucking piece of pie!" Sasha shouted at Connie, still riding on his back, smearing the cherry cupcake around his face with her palm.
"Uh- Yo-" Connie's desperate attempts of yells were muffled as Niccolo tried to pull Sasha from him with no success. "Y'suff- You'll suffocate me!"
"Ah, feels like I never left town" a voice laughed loudly next to you, and you raised your teary eyes to look at the stranger. The tall, brunette man stepped straight to Jean, throwing an arm around his shoulders as he snatched his head in his direction.
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cosmicjoke · 7 months
So I wanted to just take a moment to elaborate a little more on Levi's leadership during the Battle of Heave and Earth, because I think it's so important to understand just how vital Levi was to that final battle and, ultimately, toward the alliances' victory. Everyone was vital, of course. Everyone contributed in ways indispensable. But I think Levi's role was particularly crucial, and I want to explain why.
They wouldn't have won without Levi.
Full stop. They wouldn't have won.
I spoke before about how so often we've heard criticisms of Levi and his choice to let Erwin die, accusations hurled at him of having "robbed" humanity of the only leader that could save it, and I spoke about how those accusations, in the aftermath of Levi's contribution to that final battle, fall so utterly flat, because Levi became the leader that humanity needed in the moment when it counted most.
Armin was out of commission for most of the final battle. Of course he was doing his own, important work toward ensuring victory by convincing Zeke to stop wallowing in self-pity and actually do something (Zeke gets no credit from me, he let 80% of the population die because he felt sorry for himself). But my point is, Armin, despite being the Commander, wasn't able to lead during most of the battle because he was trapped in the Paths.
Levi took the reigns, then, without even needing to be asked or told. He simply took command, and it was his decision making that lead to their victory.
But before that, he fought alongside all of them as simply another soldier, putting his body and life on the line to take down as many titans as he could in the attempt to clear a path back to Armin. Levi was literally half-dead during this battle. His body was beyond compromised. He was suffering internal bleeding, likely major trauma to his organs, half blind, his dominant hand half-mangled, and later, his leg likely broken and torn apart and open. His ability to fight, and to fight so well and with so much strength, was nothing, then, but pure will on his part. Pure determination and refusal to quit. He never gave up, not once, despite his body needing him to.
When he sees the tied of the battle not going their way, then, a path back to Armin seemingly impossible, he takes charge and calms everyone down, tells everyone to stop and think. When it becomes clear that they won't be able to simply retrieve Armin and win this thing, when it becomes clear that killing Eren is the only way to actual victory, Levi is the first to organize everyone into accepting that bleak and awful reality, and to lay out a plan of attack toward accomplishing it. He breaks their team into two units and instructs them on what to do, one to go after Armin, the other, Eren's neck. This was Levi's plan, Levi's decision, and it's largely why they were able to succeed in their goals.
And then later, when he heartbreakingly thinks of himself as a burden, as someone who will just get in the way, he disproves his own self-criticism by stepping up and once again taking command in what truly was the most critical moment of the battle.
He takes out Zeke, of course, which stops the Rumbling. But then Armin's initial plan, of using the blast from his Colossal Titan transformation to kill Eren, fails, and the worm responsible for Eren's power threatens to reach him and start the Rumbling back up. It begins to release the same gas which Zeke had used on Ragako Village to turn the Eldian's into pure titans, and in that moment, with hundreds of Eldian's on the ground, it would have proven the end of the battle for all of them if Levi hadn't acted as quickly and with as much clarity of thought as he had. They all would have died, and the entire population of the world would have been wiped out.
Nobody else realized what was about to happen to them, too dazed and complacent and stricken with hopelessness, even after Connie posited what the gas could be. Only Levi understood what was about to happen, and only Levi took action in that moment to prevent total disaster. And then, while everyone else is standing around, paralyzed by their horror at the realization of what's happening, overcome with grief and fear, in that moment, Levi didn't hesitate. Like he once told the 104th, if disaster struck right now, he would act faster than any of them, and that's exactly what he did.
He understood the situation within seconds, and understood within seconds what needed to be done to avoid total catastrophe. He understood that he and Mikasa and the titan shifters were the only ones who would be immune to the gas, and so it was up to them to take action and end Eren's life, or all would be lost. He understood in that moment that they would be forced to abandon their family and comrades on the ground, abandon them to their fate of being turned into pure titans, in order to save what remained of the rest of the people trapped down there, and he didn't hesitate. He didn't falter. He pushed aside his own grief and horror, his own driving need to save everyone, in order to save who he could, just like he's always done. He armed himself with their only remaining thunder spear and ordered with commanding force for Mikasa and Pieck to get onto Falco's back, for them to take to the air, because he understood on the ground, they would all die, and if they were to have any chance of victory, they needed to be up high. He was able to ignore their stunned and frozen grief and initial refusal to move and act, and overcome it with his own refusal to give in. He made them act in the moment when it mattered most. And when Mikasa was overcome with grief at what was happening and the prospect of killing Eren, Levi refused to let her lose herself, screaming in her face to get it together, reminding her again and again that only they could stop Eren now, only they could save what was left of humanity.
And finally, with his failing body and waning strength, he fought side by side with Mikasa, battling through what seemed literal hell on earth to give her the opening she needed in order to deliver the killing blow to Eren and end it once and for all.
Mikasa wouldn't have been able to do what she did if not for Levi. If not for Levi's quick thinking, if not for Levi's orders, if not for his command, if not for his battling side by side with her, clearing a path for her. If not for his own sacrifice, giving up everything, having to leave behind the people he loved for people he didn't even know. Levi made that final push toward victory possible.
Levi essentially took over for Erwin when no one else could. He took over for Hange when no one else could. He became the Commander of the Survey Corps in that final battle. He became the one who lead them to victory.
I think understanding that is so important. For anyone who ever tries to accuse Levi of not caring about humanity, or accuse Levi of dooming humanity because he let Erwin die, you're wrong, you're so wrong. Because Levi became every bit the commander Erwin ever was in the moment when it mattered most. He refused to let humanity fall. He lead humanity to victory.
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If I had a nickel for every time Hiroshi Kamiya voiced a clean freak, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice (Levi Ackerman and Rollo Flamme)
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That is quite literally the only thing I know about Levin through internet osmosis (I don’t follow Attack on Titan) 😭 Does this count as typecasting their VA for specifically clean freak serious-looking anime boys/j
Along with serving as Levi in the AOT anime, Kamiya-san has also starred in a number of cute drama CDs 💿 which makes it really easy to trick myself into thinking Rollo has more voice lines than what we got in just his SSR card… (<- delusional)
Oh yeah! Recently I learned that Rollo’s VA also voices this (fantasy) French judge 💀 who also has white/silver hair… Wet Rollo that managed to finally chill, grow his hair out, and became a Real Ass Judge with Old Man Energy…
Cool, more pseudo-Rollo content for me ❤️ I can go listen to Neuvillette’s voice lines and close my eyes to pretend it’s Rollo judging me—
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amiizuki · 2 months
it will be forever funny to me how the flashback portraits of Wittebrothers made Caleb seem like he's had packing peanuts for a brain
(this post ended up becoming quite lengthy, and so did the tags somehow, because I kinda devolved into a rant closer to the end of writing this whole thing, so bear with me here)
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so we know that Philip and Caleb became orphans when both of them were still kids. after that, they ended up in Gravesfield and, to fit in with everyone else who lived there, picked up witch hunting and started thinking that witches are pure evil. Caleb knew perfectly well that he's the only family Philip's had left and that he even may be his his only friend, since, judging by the portraits, they've only ever hung out with each other and we don't know if those two ever made any other actual friends.
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until one day, during a witch hunt he and Philip were both a part in (something Caleb seemed happy to do, judging by his smirk there), he met a witch – Evelyn – someone he's been taught to hate and want dead by the townsfolk. someone who, again, in his mind, should be evil.
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but he just suddenly does a 180 and goes "damn, you can make fire with your hands, you're actually pretty cool"
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and then a few days (?) of talking to her later, he's running off to live with her in the Demon Realm, while simultaneously not giving a single fuck about the brother he's abandoning.
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(he even runs off with a smile, with a literal :D face, I fucking can't lmao)
Philip ends up seeing Caleb get dragged off through a weird portal and later follows along, thinking something like "no, my brother wouldn't just up and abandon me without saying anything. he probably got captured by that witch we saw together that one time! she probably used some demon magic to bewitch Caleb and took him through that portal to kill him or worse! I gotta go save him!". and, after spending god knows how long in that realm, searching endlessly for his missing older brother, he eventually finds him. but he also finds that Caleb is not only perfectly okay and not hurt in the slightest, he's also peacefully walking together with the same witch who "captured" him, even holding hands with her.
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and when enraged Philip tries to attack Evelyn, to protect Caleb from the witch who took him from his home, from his brother, still thinking that Caleb's under her control, Caleb just... gives him a hug and goes on to introduce the witch as his new wife to him (I'm assuming that portrait is the same day as the other three, if not the same scene), also adding on top of that that they're having a child. all as if nothing happened. treating the whole thing like everything's perfectly okay and just another normal day, fully ignoring the fact that he threw his brother away with no care or thought, leaving him completely alone, a full orphan, now with zero actual family left (in TTT, during their backstory, it's said that "Caleb did his best to take care of his younger brother", meaning that either they never got adopted in Gravesfield, or whoever adopted them didn't give a shit about the two, so they still mostly had to fend for themselves), all to go smash some random 5 out of 10 witchussy he talked to, like, 3 times. no fucking wonder Philip killed him!
(btw, jokes aside, it didn't seem like he intended to kill Caleb, because in that portrait where he's ready to kill with a knife in his hand, he's facing forward, while Caleb is actually to his left. so it just looks to me like Philip was gonna try to kill Evelyn again, and Caleb either jumped in front of her to protect her and got accidentally stabbed or he attacked Philip back, to, again, protect Evelyn, and Philip ended up winning that fight. but that's just my theory)
my brother in literal christ and literal titan – why in the FUCK are you just hugging it out with a smile on your face??? you ran off while giving absolutely no warning to anyone, especially your younger brother! why do you think he's here and actively trying to attack you and your new wife? you're not even trying to address the fact that you left him! at least when Luz ran off to a different realm without warning, she had a "I'm still at the camp" cover, so Camila wouldn't worry that much about where her daughter is, and even then she still felt bad for leaving her mother and planned to go back home once summer was over. this chucklefuck, on the other hand, just permanently portaled away to the Boiling Isles, knocked up a witch and fully settled down there, walking around with a big ol' smile and no care in the world. "Philip who? never heard of him"
the only thing that would sorta make this situation seem better (as in, not make Caleb seem like an overly naive ignorant brick), in my opinion, is if they added one more portrait – after the one where he meets the witch, but before the one where he leaves. in that portrait, Caleb would look like he's trying his best to convince Philip that witches aren't actually evil, and perhaps even try to get him to go live with them in the Demon Realm, all the while Philip's looking at him with either disagreement/disappointment/disgust or just rolling his eyes and full on ignoring him, while sharpening his witch hunt tools or something. then it would look like Caleb at least tried to make his brother change his mind, like he tried to offer him a chance to go with them. but no. with the way the portraits look in the final version it just seems like Caleb was fully on-board with killing witches since he was young, even pulling his younger brother along to think the same way, Philip also thought that Caleb was perfectly fine with killing witches, but once he actually meets a real witch (assuming they've never met one before) he instantly pulls an uno reverse card and just runs off with her, without so much as telling his brother beforehand.
I'm not trying to say that "Belos should've been redeemed, because he's the victim here and Caleb is bad and it's all his fault". he still murdered his brother and went on to manipulate everyone on Boiling Isles for centuries, with his end goal being the death of all witches, while simultaneously being stuck in the loop of "denial" and "bargaining" stages of grief – repeatedly trying and failing to recreate a perfect copy of Caleb, but also killing each one that came out wrong or went against him. Belos not being redeemed in the end was the right choice (ignoring the "Belos was always le bad" from King's dad), I agree with that. frankly, if he actually got redeemed in the end, I'd probably be seething for the next 3 to 5 years, like how I did after the Diamonds' "redemptions" in SU (yes I'm still pissed about that lol). I'm just saying that, from what was shown to us, Caleb didn't seem like that good of a person either, not as bad as Belos ended up being, but still not that great. and, once again, seemingly had a raisin for a brain.
(off topic, but during Masha's retelling of Wittebane's backstory, their "sounds like big bro got a hot witch girlfriend and little bro got upset" line was so fucking cringe, it gave me a fever for 3 days the first time I watched the episode)
k, rant over, I dunno what else to add
TL;DR: I think Caleb was dumb as a brick, because, from what was shown to us in their backstory, he seemed to have run off to Demon Realm and abandon Philip without telling him anything beforehand. when Philip came to BI to look for his brother, who he assumed was under control of the witch who "took" him, since he thought his last living family member wouldn't just abandon him, and when he eventually found him, and it turned out he wasn't in any danger at all, Caleb just brushed the whole "I left you for witchussy" thing under the rug and pretended everything was and is perfectly fine, even though it clearly isn't. rip bozo
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romantichomicide95 · 7 days
You Levi fans just need to accept that Levi was overtaken by Eren in cultural significance and popularity. Go to anything Attack on Titan related and you’ll see that people in the comments will be mentioning Eren not Levi. S4 is when Eren took over and thats when AoT became mainstream. Eren is hot, has massive aura, crazy good character development comparing to the likes of goats and cultural icons like Paul Atreides and Anakin Skywalker, a genius, and sympathetic all which lead to more love and no one cares that he even did bad things . Levi can’t even be more popular than Yuji Itadori who literally does nothing in his own manga and is overshadowed. You know who was more popular? Eren
This vid comment section is an example of what I’m talking about https://youtu.be/B4PJa8FEFbc?si=UzSJJHQurOYE5qtp
this is actually so funny.😂😂😂 thanks for the laugh anon…good way to start my day 😜
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cruilsummer · 5 months
the curse of freedom vs ymir's curse
Last night I finished attack on titan - it was something i had been dreading and postponing for a while, having received a few spoilers from the manga and seen mixed reactions from fans.
I'm not here to judge wether it was good or bad, or to make huge analysis of it as a finale - after all, i'm still digesting and understanding where i stand regarding that.
However, while watching these last chapters, I felt really close to Eren's character. It's funny, because he is purposefully pushing everyone away from him, and for most of the season, we barely see him. He is hiding not only from his friends, enemies and from everyone in between, but also from the watcher. And weirdly enough, that's when I got time to really think about him - and specially after the finale, i felt like sharing some of those thoughts.
When we think of young Eren, the child we are first introduced to, we know that freedom is a very important part of his character. He wants to see the world, to know the truth, to go beyond. He's also obstinate, vengeful and stubborn. Eren is a great main character not because he is the most powerful, the smartest or most skilled, but because he has a personality that is intersting to watch. He is flawed, he is human. And even after getting it wrong multiple times and not being the best, somehow he is magnetic enough to keep the best, wisest and most skilled around - either to protect him of protect others from him.
Jean Paul Sartre says that humanity has the curse of freedom - a burden. It makes us responsable for our choices, making it both a gift and a curse. I kept thinking about it the entire time I was watching this last part of the anime.
Because freedom has always been a key element to Eren's character. Both literally - the freedom of being away from the walls and seeing the world, and figuratively - the freedom of making his own choices, deciding who to trust, fighting for what he thought was fair...
And the worst thing that could happen to him, happens: he is the titan that bares the memories from everyone who has been in that position before. From the moment the touches Historia's hand on, he can't go back - now past, present and future coexist, and his choices don't feel like his anymore - it's just fate.
It's Ymir's curse robbing him from the humanity's curse.
He sees the outcome and knows it cannot be changed. It's impacting because, being Eren, he will try to change it. It's who he is: stubborn, obstinate, vengeful. Obsessed with justice, obsessed with freedom. But now he can't. His entire life he felt in charge, deciding his own destiny based on his perceptions of justice, his bonds, his story. But now he is not so sure - how much was already decided? How much was like that because of the ones that came before? And how does one just keeps living like that, not only questioning everything, but also being aware of all those different memories that used to constitute very different people? But how different can they be, if they all share the same memories?
That's the beginning of the end for him. And he knows that reaching the sea doesn't mean he is free, like he used to believe. He knows that killing every titan won't make him free either, and killing everyone outside Paradis won't either. He's lost his freedom, his gift.
On the other hand, we have Mikasa. Eren tells her that (just like him), she is not free. Her every action to protect him, her love for him, is just the Ackerman's curse. And that's where he gets it wrong. Because Mikasa is free. And it's a burden and a curse for her, unlike for Eren, because it would be easier if she didn't have to choose between saving the world and saving her best friend, the love of her life.
Parallel, Ymir's love for the King kept her hostage, wasn't healthy, made her unable to stop what became her curse, what would haunt all Eldians.
Mikasa loves Eren - and not because of her clan's curse. It's hard to explain what exactly makes us love - we simply do. But to make a long story short, and in an oversimplification, she loves him because of everything they lived together and because she knows him. And her love could be like Ymir's, and keep her hostage too. For the most part of the show, fans made fun of Mikasa for her love, called her a simp, said it made her weaker. But she was the one who killed Eren, because she knew that it was the right thing, even if it was the hard thing. She knew there was no other way. And, deep down, she knew that it was not Eren anymore - and at least she could be the one to, at last, free him. Give him what he had been seeking his entire life.
And that act alone is what touches Ymir and frees her as well. It's not Eren's death. It's Eren's death by Mikasa's hand. It's knowing that love can coexist with all sorts of mixed feelings, and that the freedom that comes with our condition as humans sometimes means that we make choices not only based on our love, and not only because they're easy.
Staying is easier because it means not changing anything - and it feels like no choice was made. We trick ourselves into thinking that leaving, changing and doing the hard things are the only decisions, because they imply movement. But staying is also a choice. Not changing is also a choice. That's our curse: living with the outcome of everything we chose to do and everything we chose not to do. Owning up and taking responsability for staying and for leaving. For hesitating or killing.
And don't get me wrong: it is not easy. As humans, we also have the burden of emotions, mixed feelings, traumas. Ymir's choice - and her love - were so complicated that they paralyzed her. And it was seeing that Mikasa's love was so equally deep that ultimately it made her move to do the right thing what moved Ymir too. And she could finally let go, even if it was the hard choice - because she had Mikasa's example.
Mikasa didn't stop loving Eren just because she killed him. She hadn't stopped loving him when he was terrible to her. She never loved him because of the Ackerman's curse - when the curses ended, she kept the scarf. She loved him when she mourned, and loved him even when she was ready to move on, and she died loving him still - altought love can change troughout somebody's life.
Setting Eren free, she sat Ymir free. And that made all Eldians free - well, as free as one can be, still bearing the burden of humanity. The ending shows exactly that: we can't control what people do with their freedom: what wars are started, whos justice empears, which cycles are repeated. But we can control what we do with our freedom, our choices.
And, just like it was Ymir's curse that ended Eren's freedom, it was humanity's curse, Mikasa's freedom, that ended Ymir’s curse.
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anime-fan-05 · 4 months
Attack on Titan ~Characters with a reader with Madoka's powers~
Manga/anime: Attack on Titan
Warnings: spoilers of all the manga
Requested by: @happybunny999
Some information about the reader:
- Reader can know the past, present and future and they're able to control the Coordinate and all worlds, universes and timelines;
- Reader teleported themself to the world of AoT and decided to collaborate with the Survey Corp.
Eren was both intrigued and scared of you: he feared you were an enemy spy and you could betray them, but he also wanted you to help him to control the Coordinate. He didn't know what to do! Finally, convinced by his superiors, he decided to talk to you. A friendship soon developed between you two, but this will be broken when he infiltrates Marley and treats you badly.
Armin is the one of the trio who's most open to dialogue and friendship with you. Certainly, at first he too was a little hesitant about talking to you, but soon your behavior dispelled his doubts about you; so, you two became friends. Now you spend a lot of time together: you talk to him about your world, he about his.
Until Eren didn't know whether to talk to you and suspected you, Mikasa, unsure whether to talk to you or not, stared at you from afar and monitored you. However, even after Eren becomes your friend, she'll still remain very cold towards you, as she'll never fully trust you.
Jean loves training with you even if he always loses and hearing your stories about your world. He'll always remember the first time you two met: that time, he tried to flirt with you, but you didn't even consider him; you quickly shook his hand and went to talk to Sasha and Connie. He confesses that was his greatest failure.
Sasha and Connie are probably your closest friends. They immediately opened up to you, even though their friends and superiors were against it and more suspicious. They want to spend a lot of time with you and are very curious about your world. Connie is the person who adores you the most because you managed to make his mother human again, and he'll never thank you enough for that.
At first, Ymir was only impressed by your powers; then she was also staggered by your character: she was shocked by your understanding and by the fact you never revealed anything to anyone, despite knowing her past. When she needs someone to vent to, she comes to you because she knows you'll never tell anyone what she says.
Historia is impressed Ymir is with you so much. Furthermore, thanks to Ymir, she was able to meet you. She appreciates your wisdom in giving help and advice: in fact, whenever she needs help, she always comes to you. In addition, she totally trusts you.
Annie really enjoys training with you: she thinks the more she trains with you, the more she'll improve. Furthermore, she used to try to spend time with you, so that she could trick you and kidnap you more easily; however, over time she grew very fond of you, and so she didn't want to hurt you anymore. After Eren's death, she'll want to spend a lot of time with you.
Reiner and Bertholdt feel very good when they talk to you: they appreciate your listening skills (in fact, you don't judge them despite everything they've done, you listen to them patiently, you console them when they're feeling bad or if the weight of their actions weighs on their conscience...) and your advice. Plus, they adamantly refuse to kidnap you.
Levi treats you like his little sister, and loves you dearly. He's overprotective, and, in some ways, also affectionate and loving. After Eren's death, you'll heal all his wounds, both those caused by the explosion and those he received during the last battle, and he'll be very happy about it. Furthermore, he'll ask you to live in Marley with him.
Hange and Erwin love chatting with you, especially about your world. They appreciate your help with both their inventions' progress and their plans. Hange comes to ask you literally everything whenever they can; Erwin is a little more reserved, and he tries not to put too much pressure on you with his questions. Both, in their own way, try to protect you.
Ymir Fritz is surprised about your first meeting: while she was in The Paths, you appeared in front of her, starting to chat with her naturally. At first, she didn't talk to you, but, after a lot of convincing from you, she started to open up and talk. She really appreciates your company, as she has been alone for a long time. Just before disappearing forever, she'll thank you for keeping her company.
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animemensblog · 1 year
He sounds needy
Erwin x reader
Summary; Y/N is convinced that she's not worthy of anyone's time or effort. Yet someone in particular disagrees, and goes to great lengths to show her why.
Warning: Erwin being desperate, literally gets drunk off pussy hehe. Erwin does, in fact, beg. Face sitting, cockwarming, size kink? Slight mentions of insecurities and family death
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You've always been insecure, whether your body or your abilities. It makes it hard to get, well, close to anyone. Particularly your commander Erwin Smith. God, that man makes you weak in your knees. Meeting him was a blessing, when he shook your hand it was gentle, welcoming.
That comes in handy when a fellow cadet made a comment about your body, then another agreed, adding his input how they couldn't be paid to touch your body. When you bit back, some others chimed in saying you're crazy. That you deserve to be in the ground, how your family who died protecting you were stupid for doing so.
"Oh please, they became stupid the second they decided to keep you" he blurted between laughs. You left without a sound, hoping you'd forget their silly statements. Except you knew its true. You don't even like touching yourself. You're not a virgin in the slightest. However all the men you've been with didn't care about your pleasure, let alone if you felt comfortable.
Any and all memories of doubt resurfaced. As you were searching for your room through teary eyes, you slammed into an opening door, falling onto your ass and knocking the air from you.
With no air left to use, plus the flooding emotions, you succumb to your anxiety. It's been so long since you've had a panic attack you forget how to stop it. Your body immediately curls up against the wall as a tall figure peaks around the door. The gently clicking of the handle made you look up- 'of course it's Erwin' you think to yourself.
He can't seem to form words, he didn't know you could fall apart like this. Honestly, he thought so highly of you the idea that you or your life wasn't perfect (despite living in a titan infested world) shocked him. First instinct is to grab you for comfort, but being who you are physical contact wasn't in the equation. Unlike everyone else Erwin respected your bubble. Regardless your reasoning he understands and hasn't felt you since meeting.
"Are you alright Y/N?" He whispers, his tone takes you by surprise. Your eyes follow his as he kneels, only for you to sob a little louder. The fact he has to see you like this only adds to your embarrassment.
With no idea what to do, you crawl into Erwin's arms. Tears kept falling but your cries slowly softened. Mostly muffled by his chest and his shushes. He fully sits and pulls you closer, continuing to pet your arm with one hand, and the other on your back.
"Y/N, you need to breathe- God you're shaking" the last part is mumbled but clear enough for you to snap out of it. You push off of him, leaning on the cold wall behind you. He freezes, face covered with concern. He hesitates to pull you in again, but decides to reach just his hand out. "Come with me. We'll talk in private cadet".
You suddenly were aware of the handful of people staring at you. Whispering to each other- no doubt about you freaking out.
You grasp Erwin's hand internally begging him to save you. He helps you up then moves you in front of him, his free hand on your shoulder guiding you into his office/bedroom. Your hands don't leave his as he shuts the door, you turned to him waiting for something. There wasn't a real excuse for him dragging you here, he just wanted to be alone.
He looks at your tear stained cheeks and red eyes, then smirks down at you. Once again, he realized how nervous and giddy you make him even if you were distressed.
"Y/n?" He steps closer, putting his hand to your chin bringing your eyes to his
"Yes commander?" A small sniffle escapes along with a tear
"A-are you alright?"
"Enough, yeah" you force yourself to look away from his gaze, "um, was there a reason you brought me in here commander?"
He clears his throat and steps towards a chair near his desk, "I assumed you wouldn't want an audience" he says it like it's the only possible explanation, like he couldn't have said 'leave her be' and it work.
You move over to his desk, lifting yourself up letting your legs dangle off the edge. You spread your legs enough to set your hands on the desk between them. "Well thank you, Erwin, that was very thoughtful."
"You're welcome"
There was a short pause as you stare at your swinging feet, and he stares at you. He watches as a few stray hairs fall down, swaying each time your legs shift. You looked adorable sitting there.
"Did you want to talk ab-" he gets cut off by a knock at the door, then a raspy voice following.
Levi walks in, his eyes going straight to you on Erwin's desk legs slightly spread, leaning forward with your arms pressing your chest together. Then, of course, Erwin sitting in a chair directly across from you. He posture is relaxed, and his legs are spread open just a few feet facing you.
"Sorry commander, didn't know you had company". It was clear Levi was hiding a smirk, Erwin motions to the door trying to push this conversation outside.
By the time they reached the hall, Levi's objective had left his mind. The only thought was 'what's going on here? Did I interrupt something?' In which Erwin had to frantically explain himself.
While they talked, you began wandering the room. Seeing his collection of books and stacks of papers. You were caught up in snooping when he snuck back in.
"See something interesting Y/N?" He says behind you, making you jump. He chuckled at your reaction, pushing his warm breath against your neck- then you noticed how close he is.
You spun around to face him, "just got bored is all"
Your tears had dried, along with your lips at this point. Any word you spoke is rough and coarse, alerting Erwin.
"Let's grab you some water", he sat you on his chair behind the desk and marched over to a canteen. You watched in silence while bringing both knees to your chest. When Erwin turned to you he wasn't expecting you to look so small and fragile in his big chair, waiting for him.
He leaned against the surface and handed you the water, you gave him a smile. Erwin couldn't help but watch you gulp it down like you've never had a drink before. He watched your chest rise and fall. Some water dripping down your chin, then neck and chest until he couldn't see it anymore. He turned away with a red tint to his cheeks.
"So, did you want to talk about why you rammed into my door? Or why you were upset, maybe?" Erwin didn't want to pry but needed something to focus on.
"Nope. I'm good."
"If you say so" he obviously doesn't believe you, but that's okay because the way you keep curling up is distracting, so much that his usual banter isn't familiar anymore.
"Erwin, can I ask you something personal?"
"I suppose so" he says with a grin, looking down at his feet.
You take a second to think if this is too personal and random but you're so out of it there's no stopping your mouth from asking.
"Have you ever wanted to touch me?"
The silence says enough, whereas your question didn't. You didn't think how sexual it sounded until it was said, you only mentioned it 'cause you saw how he wanted to pull you in after finding you, but didn't.
While you were feeling regret, he was debating if he was going to say 'yes, in fact several times' or let the quiet continue so he wouldn't have to admit.
"I-I'm sorry commander" you jump from the chair to salute him, "I should respect you, not interrogate you". Oh how he wanted to shut you up and tell you; but he couldn't. And still couldn't as you hurried past him to leave.
The following day you avoided him. You also avoided Levi just in case, you requested Hange to take charge of you for the week. She loves you so much she'd kidnap you and keep you to herself, so naturally she says yes.
Hange went about bragging to Levi and Erwin all her paperwork and cleaning were taken care of, "I'm not joking, Y/N chased after me all so she can beg for all the work. I'm not gonna deny her that!" Levi stops them just to nag how that's irresponsible of a captain.
"That means you know where she is, correct?" Erwin blurts out
Levi and Hange stop their bickering, "yep! She's off cleaning my office". Erwin nods and heads straight to you.
You were dusting up on top of bookcase, one foot on a shelf and the other on a chair. The position was awkward, and unstable, though you didn't care. That was until Erwin knocking scared the living shit out of you, making you fall. He barges in to find your small body on the floor starting to sit up.
"Am I going to find you like this from now on?" He says as he lends a hand
"I guess I'm just bound to be beneath my commander", you say with a laugh, like that humor was normal for you.
He can't think clearly after being called 'my commander', your tone was soft and airy. He wondered if that's how it sounds if you were actually underneath him.
"I've thought about touching you.." Erwin hasn't the slightest clue why he said it abruptly, or why he pulled you in closer with your hand. "Truthfully an inappropriate amount of times."
You don't move as he lifts you up onto Hange's desk, he swipes away loose hair on your face.
"What do you think about, commander?"
He leans his forehead against yours, you wrap your legs around him pushing his hips closer. He watches as his bulge rubs on your core, "I think about how you feel, how you taste" he emphasizes the last part as he reaches for your waist to pull at your pants.
You hum in response, letting your face form a smile, a hand drags down his chest feeling his firm torso behind his shirt. Your free hand goes to his hair to bring your lips together. The kiss was messy, covered with quiet moans from both of you. You start getting lost in the feeling when he pulls away to move to your neck.
"Do you love when I kiss you?" He says, moving closer to your chest, "when I leave kisses all over your body?" He's so quiet yet his voice is deep enough to send vibrations through you.
You whisper a small 'yes' as he lifts your shirt off, then taking his off right after. He nips all around your nipple, placing small licks and sucks after each bite. Erwins groans are getting louder and his grip gets tighter. He suddenly stands back up to hover over you, resting his forehead to your head.
"Please sit on my face" his voice wasn't so deep anymore, but gentle and soft. He sounds needy. You hesitate though, making him step back to give you space. You don't refuse whatsoever, no sign that you were going to. So he picks you up and takes you to the couch. He lays down the best he can, his long legs hang over the edge. You were left sitting on his lap.
"Please Y/N, please sit on my face, let me take care of you" he was asking so nicely and he seems so gentle, you can't say no. You nod and adjust so your heat was above his lips, but leaned back so you weren't fully covering him. Erwin's eyes looked darker, filled with lust and desperation. He let's out a laugh and lands his hands on your ass.
"How many times do I have to ask?' His voice changed again but louder- more like when he orders people around. "Please sit on my face" he begs again. You respond immediately with moving over him, his big hand smacks your ass making you yelp and your hole tighten. He watches as you pulse and drip for him.
"I'm so lucky" he says before kissing your pussy, "you have the perfect body and the perfect pussy" then plants another kiss. The praise is overwhelming, but the feeling of his tongue dipping inbetween your lips was far better. Erwin let's out a nasty moan sending more vibrations, earning a moan from you. "Suffocate me cadet" it's so quiet that you miss it, so he forces your hips lower as he gulps any drop you give him.
"Cum on my face" he spits out, "I wanna be a good commander". You know Erwin likes hearing himself talk but you never thought that'd carry over to the bedroom. His tongue slips into your hole, his nose started rubbing your clit. Erwin was gasping for air while you could only think about cumming for him.
Moans and slurping filled the room as you played with your tits, grinding on his face while he mumbled into your pussy. One of his hands let go of your hip and slipped a finger into you. Erwin's tongue latched onto your nub, flicking it before sucking on it. He puts a second finger in
"I wanna cum Erwin, please"
"Please cum on my face" he's almost yelling into you at this point and the vibrating alone could send you over the edge.
"I'm, I'm gonna cum" you pull at his hair hoping to get his attention
"Please," he whines "I want all your cum" he dives back in, rubbing his face back and forth, his tongue aggressively hitting your clit. "Cum, cum cum-" he keeps begging under his breath, fingers going faster, now curling up to find that certain spot. His tongue finds your clit again and doesn't stop. He sucks and nips at it, determined to taste and feel your juices on his face.
Thats when he feels you pulse around his fingers, your clit throbs between his lips, and liquid drips down his chin. He still doesn't stop any of his movements, purposely making you shake. Erwin keeps going until he feels your legs give out.
He slightly lifts you up just enough so he can talk. He places a kiss on your clit making you jolt, earning a devilish chuckle from him.
"Did your commander satisfy you?" He looks up at you, eyes still dark, as he plants another kiss then another on each thigh. You can only nod, he hums and lifts you off. Placing your back on the couch, walking over to grab your discarded clothing.
He waits to put his shirt on until you've been dressed, each item you allow him to put on earns you a kiss. He knelt on the ground next to you with a smile, barely open eyes, and red cheeks. If anyone else saw him, they'd think he was drinking.
You reach up to grab his face rubbing your thumb over his lips, wiping some of your cum off.
"So how do I taste?"
He leans down to kiss your forehead and mumbles "you taste wonderful, my dear". He takes your hands and before you know it, you're back in his room. Erwin picks you up to set you on his bed, he dragged his hand all the way down your thigh to your ankle. Slowly taking off your shoes, occasionally placing kisses to a spot above your knees. His touch is gentle and comforting, you think it could be addicting.
Once he takes your shoes off, he grabs a shirt of his so you can wear something different- something that wasn't dirty from cleaning. You're left in your lightly damp underwear and an oversized shirt. You flop backwards taking in the smell of his sheets and pillows.
He quickly slips off his shoes and clothing, Erwin was left in his underwear.
"Erwin" you whisper at him
You look down at his hard member and back at him, "I can take care of that for you"
He smirks at you, then shakes his head
"Today I wanted to take care of you, we can do that next time." He wraps his arm around your waist pulling you closer. You at least want to see and feel his cock, you've always thought about how it'd look. If it has bold veins. So you wrap your leg around waist.
"If you wanna take care of me I have an idea" you smirk and start kissing his neck as you reach into his boxers. Uncovering his long cock, letting it hit his stomach. He let's out a small moan while watching you slip your panties over.
"Can I .. put it in?" You say against his neck, then bringing to see his eyes. He eagerly nods and you rub his tip between your folds. He hands goes to your ass to help ease you onto it, both of you letting out moans and gasps until he bottoms out. You wrap your arms around him and rest your head on his chest.
He kisses the top of your head, petting the back of your neck to your lower back. His hand stays there as you start to doze off, the last thing you remember is Erwin mumbling something. He fell asleep not long after you.
Hours later you two woke up to someone banging on the door and jiggling the handle. You hear Hange yell something about not finishing her office, how you didn't sweep (you did literally everything else tho). Erwin says under his breath he'll apologize to them tomorrow.
You realize he's still inside, so you go to pull him out. That's when you find out he must've came after passing out. You giggle and bring your cum coated fingers to his attention. Erwin laughs and a soft 'oops' falls out before you both fall asleep again.
You passed out feeling content that you have someone like Erwin to make you feel comfortable with touch.
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benilos · 4 months
Can you tell me about ur version of LJ?
In TATA, Laughing Jack is an Alta Esterian, literally meaning "tall being" (very literally), and for context, Alta Esterians are titanic creatures that are born of the earth. So they can come from trees, bodies of water, and even remains of old settlements. Depending on where they come from they will look different!
Laughing Jack is a very very unique AE, and, while he comes from the same forest Slenderman came from (the Hercynian Forest), he looks very different from what an AE of his species should look. Slenderman is the standard of their species, as Splendor and Foss are as well. LJ is different because he did not come into being until after the tree he was borne from was cut down.
A noble in France had an incredibly old tree cut down from where the Hercynian Forest once was, and some of the wood was used to carve a jack-in-the-box for his son. This was around the 15th century! The jack-in-the-box was specifically made from a tree that actually had an "emergent" AE, meaning they were still forming. The soul's core remained in the wood that was used for the jack-in-the-box, so no, there are no LJ siblings running around unfortunately.
LJ became the "imaginary" friend of the noble's son, and was that boy's best friend his entire short life. After the death of the son, when he was about 12 years old, LJ revealed himself to the father, in hopes of giving who he also considered his own father comfort. He was seen as a monster, and was attacked and run out. He bolted, fleeing into the forest with his box in hand. He spent the next few centuries running across the European continent, protecting child after child as long as he safely could, until he found himself in North America around the 1960s.
His box was being thrown around for quite a while, but after his last owner (a boy who had grown up to be brutally tortured and murdered as a prisoner of war in WWII), he had refused to reveal himself. In 1964, he was found by a 20 yr old man from Ontario named Isaac. This is not actually the Isaac of LJ's og story, I just wanted to give a reference to him cuz I think that's fun. Isaac ended up being the first adult he ever protected, as Isaac was a very depressed and mentally ill man, and LJ essentially became the reason the man did not end up taking his life. He was passed down in Isaac's family until 2013, where the family was murdered in a very random and brutal attack.
It was an incredibly sadistic, violent attack that occurred, and LJ failed to protect the family in time, as he was downstairs in his box where he is kept, and the family was upstairs asleep. They were all tortured rather brutally, and when the killer came down the stairs and LJ saw him from inside the box, he revealed himself and ended up tearing the man limb from limb. When he found them all, the anguish caused him to lose his color. He holds their corpses inside the void of his body, and still carries them to this day. After he had pulled them all inside him, he fled the house with his box, and ended up falling through an opened Gate to Home. He actually knew of Slenderman a bit, as he had come across Der Grossman himself a couple times during the World Wars, which was shortly before he ended up in North America. He was very weak, and very sick from losing his color (which for him is essentially the equivalent to having your entire identity stripped away and your soul is laid bare and vulnerable, technical term would be Mosten in TATA), and Slender and EJ immediately agreed that he could stay.
Nowadays, he is actually a proxy of Moen! Though all he does is take care of the rose garden in the greenhouse, which he almost never leaves. His closest friends are Slender, Sally and EJ. Benil is rather fond of him as well! He's very sweet, very big and old guy. He is actively on his last legs at the start of TATA itself, and his "Legacy" is the first one Twitch meets.
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fanz-y · 4 months
So now that I've actually watched 10 anime I wanted to rank them from best to worst
1. MSG: the Witch from Mercury; I have not seen any other Gundam show but I don't think this one is leaving #1 spot ever, and Bandai were cowards and homophobic for not showing us either a kiss or the wedding even though they got married, also I'm so mad that I episode 11 during the hug they didn't even say "I love you". The robots became the least interesting part of the robot show (8th I watched)
2. Bocchi the Rock!; probably what I want most anime to be, can't wait for the movie('s), this, G-Witch and Your Name might as well both be #1, also I want a cute Bocchi plush but I can't find one that's affordable without a high delivery :< (7th I watched)
3. Your Name; A movie that I found on a trans subreddit about a year ago, I didn't think it'd be as good as it was or that it'd affect me as much as it did, but I was left in tears when the credits came on, the story went somewhere completely than I thought it would, 10/10. also tied for first place, it deserves to be watched in a movie theater so much (10th I watched)
4. Cowboy Bebop; twink and his bear friend go on space adventures oh and the twink has his own shadow the hedgehog (6th one I watched)
5. BNA: Brand New Animal; the one of 2 studio Trigger show I've seen but from what I've read and heard they have a pretty mid reputation, I really liked it tho, I watched it around the time I came out and it's a pretty good trans allegory (still feel a tad weird about the ending) (4th one I watched)
6. Neon Genesis Evangelion (and the 1st movie); (don't)Get in the robot Shinji, I had been interested in it a bunch, big robots and all that, but only just got to it. The self perpetuating loop of abuse and trauma that Shinji and everyone gets put through because Genduo can't get over the death of his wife is horrible and I can't think of a more despicable antagonist than him, the movie was so fucked up. I still struggle to get what Seele was supposed to represent. I loved every scene where the Eva's get shown as demons, those looked real cool (9th I watched) (watched it entirely cuz of Signalis)
7. Cyberpunk Edgerunners; watched this before I played the game, the abuse that David went through combined with the end that I miss interpreted put me a bit off and I missed the point, but I got it after a rewatch (3rd one I watched)
8. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure; now that I've grown as a person I can safely say that it deserved to drift from spot 1, part 4 is still my fave. And it's still really really good in spite of how low it is (1st I watched)
9. Guilty Gear Xrd & Strive story mode; I am both counting and lumping them together, I liked the oversized Smurf with a gun, also Elphelt bby girl, still would've preferred an actual game tho(5th one I watched)
100000000000. Future Diary; I've watch this in a trade to get someone else to watch JoJo's, they came out better off with that deal, I am also no longer friends with that person (not because of the show but it's funny to mention) (2nd I watched) I still think it's missing some zeros, just add however many you believe it needs
Honorable mentions:
- Signalis; I know it's not an anime but it's anime adjacent and it's the best story I've ever played through, I don't even like horror games or gore at all that much but I will 100% this game and get all the endings, I wish I could talk about it more but spoiling ANYTHING about it feels wrong and making posts where half the words are censored just so fans get it isn't gonna work
- Pokemon; I loved the XYZ and B&W runs but I haven't watched it all and only remember catching it on TV
-Scott Pilgrim takes off, I watched the first few episodes, I don't particularly care for it, but it looks pretty good
Dishonorable mentions:
- Attack on Titan; I've had a run in with the series back when season 1 came out, back when I thought gore was cool, now I have negative interest in the series, I literally couldn't care less and I'm only putting it here to be fair
After the Witch from Mercury and Evangelion, I don't care for big robots as much as I used to.
Oh and I'm watching some more soon-ish gimme recommendations
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sugaroto · 4 months
I'm watching multiple shows at once and I can never finish them help
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Some of these have been sitting there for more than a year
And I want to start other shows but I can't have them all looking at me at the "Watching" section
I literally want them out if the way
Why I haven't finished them yet:
Elite: It became shit, but I've been watching since the start and I want to see where it's going (I actually used to like it) at this point I'm watching it on 2x speed which helps, I'm on the last season
Sherlock: the episodes are like 2 hours and I feel like I'm watching a movie which ruins the vibes if watching a series (I have 2 episodes left)
Marry my husband: I've read the comic, episodes are too long, I actually only saw the first 2 when they came out but now there's more, I'm not used to Kdrama effects but I'd like to see the differences between the comic and the show (there were already a few on the first eps)
A slap on titan: idk
Jujutsu kaisen: idk, I really like the anime but I'm not in the vibe to watch s2 rn??
To your eternity: I've read the manga and wanted to watch the anime when it comes out in greek but they still haven't translated it and so I kinda waited but at this point I don't think they'll translate it so I'll just watch it in English but I guess I want to see other stuff cause I know what happens and want to see it relaxed (btw I'm talking about subtitles)
Attack on titan: it's literally the last episode. If I see it aot ends. The experience of it is over. I read the last manga chapters some years ago and I hardly remember the details but-
Bungou stray dogs: idk the new season came out and I watched like one ep, tbh I don't think I understand half of what's happening there
Tokyo revengers: New season that I didn't bother to start
Your lie in April: started it with friends some years ago, we never finished it and it didn't felt right to watch it alone (I know at least one of them watched it tho)
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cosmicjoke · 3 months
What do you think Shadis meant about him and Eren not being special? I never understood that
I think quite literally, he means he doesn't have any special qualifications or abilities which would place him into an important or prominent position. Eren realized he wasn't "special" when he found out how he actually came into position of the attack titan, and it wasn't because of him possessing any special abilities or qualifications either. When Shadis talks about "special people", we see an image of Erwin, Hange and Levi, all three of whom are, objectively, special. Erwin for his exceptional skills and intelligence as a leader, Hange for their exceptional intelligence and innovation, and Levi for his exceptional skill as a fighter. It makes sense for them to be where they are, because they each have something unique to offer to the Survey Corps and to the fight for humanity. Eren is basically a bumbling idiot. He's not good at anything. He's not a good fighter, he's not a good strategist, he's not particularly intelligent, he doesn't possess any sort of exceptional physical talent. We see him take out exactly one titan in the entire story, and it's played as almost a joke because it's so unexpected. That's not counting the Colossal Titan, which he couldn't have done without Armin. And Shadis is in a similar position. He became commander of the SC without really being qualified for the position. He wasn't an innovative thinker, he wasn't exceptionally intelligent or determined or dedicated to freeing humanity, etc, etc...
So I think he basically just means it literally. His despair is rooted in the fact that he believed he wasn't able to become a hero because of his lack of exceptionalism. But of course, in the end, Shadis proved to be instrumental in the alliance having the chance to stop Eren, and he made himself into a hero, despite it all. It just proves that you don't need to be special to be a hero.
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
S/O Like Dazai
Armin Arlert X Reader, Jean Kirstein X Reader, Levi Ackerman X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Hello, i have some idea again, i want to request headcanons Armin, Jean and Levi from Attack on titan with Female Survey Corps(in Levi's S/O case she is squad leader) S/O who have personality and skill like Dazai from Bungou stray dogs?
Warning: Suicidal readers though it's not really framed that way or focused on too much
Armin Arlert
🌊 You ended up saving Armin from a bunch of bullies before the walls fell, that was how you became friends with him. 🌊 You were literally too smart for your own good, on the day that the wall fell you warned him that something bad was going to happen. Armin couldn’t find you in the chaos and worried until he saw you at the training camp when it started. 🌊 You were top of the class at everything, even Annie couldn’t beat you in a hand to hand fight mostly because you never stopped running your mouth. 🌊 Armin would run a plan by you to see how you’d disrupt it and account for those possibilities as well. 🌊 He admired the fact that you weren’t afraid to die, he wished that he didn’t feel that fear and the first time that you were all sent out everyone watched in fascination as you took down titan after titan. 🌊 You were the one who told him about Eren being a titan shifter and even manipulated Eren into using it the first time to protect all of you. 🌊 Figured out who the titan shifters were before everyone else but didn’t say a word until someone asked you. 🌊 Played bait far too often for Armin’s little heart. 🌊 Never told anyone about your plans, Armin constantly playing catch up and screaming at people not to do something when figuring out what you were doing just in time. 🌊 You were both risk-takers for very different reasons and 90% of the time Armin was talking you out of something stupid. 🌊 Armin made sure to tell you how important you were to him and how much he needed you hoping that would make sure you came back to him. 🌊 While everyone else left Levi to make the choice about who should be given the spinal fluid, you talked him into the decision you wanted. 🌊 He came to you for advice as weird as that sounds.  🌊 Armin sought out physical affection after long days or intense life events and while you weren’t very good at it when you first started you figured out what he needed and provided it because you loved him as much as he loved you.
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Jean Kirstein
🐴 Jean met you at the training camp and he hated you at first because you could talk rings around him and you were physically capable too. 🐴 He also thought that you were seriously weird because you were trying to die every day, he had once suggested just getting eaten by a titan which you dismissed as messy and painful. 🐴 Literally has no idea how you’re that physically gifted when you spend all day doing nothing, also doesn’t understand how you’ve gotten away with that for so long. 🐴 Gets angry with you when you give him actual advice because it’s always sound and he ends up following it anyway. 🐴 You don’t sleep very well and that was the first time that you both had an actual conversation, things changed after he found out about the friend that sacrificed themself so you could escape the titan attack. 🐴 It took a while for him to get used to you asking him about different methods of death and it often resulted in him flicking your nose or ear as punishment. 🐴 You worked well with him when you were on the field. He was smarter than he looked but once he saw how smart you were he trusted you to make a plan to get him out of a situation. 🐴 You were the one to save him when he lost his ODM gear “why’d you save me?” “wouldn’t you like to know?”  🐴 Stuck to you like glue after that, he realised that you weren’t so bad and actually worried about your mental state. 🐴 When you started dating, he learned more about you personally but he still didn’t know exactly where you came from or what happened to your family since you never seemed to talk about them. 🐴 He was always apologising for you especially when you talked to Levi or Erwin. 🐴 Laughed any time that you interacted with anyone else in their regiment because they were horrified by everything that you said. 🐴 Jean was quite an observant human when he wanted to be so he was the one to keep an eye on you when no one else was, which he didn’t mind too much considering the antics that you got up to were quite entertaining. 🐴 Jean is more physical than most which meant that he was the one the initiated most things, pulling you into cuddles or holding your hand where you would allow it. 🐴 Jean would never disagree that you were annoying but he loved you for everything that you were, he only wished that you valued your life a little more than you did.
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Levi Ackerman
☕ You met Levi in the underground, you both adapted very differently but unlike others you knew that there was something worth watching in him. ☕ You gave him food that you could spare and got into fights to protect him, that is until his mother died and his  uncle found him, that was the last time that you talked to him when he was young. ☕ The next time that you’d see him was in military training, both of you competing to be top of the class and moving on to the scouts. ☕ Now before you started dating your inability to stay out of trouble was of no consequence to him, he just found it absolutely unbelievable that no matter what you lived through every mission, despite the fact that you were trying to die. ☕ When you finally started dating it was because of Hange, who absolutely abused your want to die in order to get her test subjects. ☕ Levi moved you to his team the moment that he became a commander so that he could keep an eye on you. ☕ Didn’t miss a beat when you asked “what do you think dying by Titan would be like.” “Painful.” ☕ You both barely slept so that was where you had most of your more serious conversations and thought-up plans when it became increasingly dangerous to trust the higher-ups. ☕ People soon found out that you were just as good at killing humans as you were at killing titans especially when it came to protecting people that you cared about. ☕ Levi wasn’t a very affectionate person so you were the one that initiated most things and by initiate I mean fall onto him and hope he doesn’t push you off. ☕ You always share a horse with Levi because you get lost or lose your horse every time you are left on your own. ☕ Levi was always keeping a watchful eye on you making sure that you were safe because you never did that for yourself. ☕ Literally hated it when you start a sentence with ‘do you think.’ ☕ Levi loved you a lot but you never ceased to give him a heart attack every time that you weren’t with him, he gave specific instructions to anyone that was working with you and checked on you any time that he could.
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Request Here!!
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scales-n-art · 1 month
What advice do you have for someone hoping to start making money with art? I'm new to everything so building an audience and engaging with them feels like me shooting in the dark, let alone getting them to request commissions or join a Patreon!
Hi there!
I think you have the biggest part of it already figured out tbh. If you're aiming for it to be a side hustle kind of thing, then building an audience is definitely one of the best ways to go about it if you wanna stick to online. The way it's been for me, it's all been through fandoms and niche art. I drew a ton of fanart for Shadowhunters back in 2017, but it wasn't until I got into making fanart for Attack on Titan (mostly merfolk AU stuff) in 2018 that I really became more "visible" as an artist. Back in 2017 I had some commissioners, but from 2018 onwards is how I truly became a full time artist.
There's people who have the fortune of making it big with their own original art from the very beginning, and that's wonderful. But it's not something I can give you advice on, because I haven't figured that out myself, and it's not how I got here either. I know it's possible, however, so that's definitely always an option too.
As frustrating as it is, I think there's no real way around it. You need an audience who's interested in what you have to share, and a lot of it can become making art that caters to what your audience is interested in. So be very careful with how you go about it. I'd say just draw what YOU like, what YOU want to see. Most likely, there are others out there who want to see the same thing too. Algorithms online make it harder for people to find you, and it's very tiresome to adapt to them, but there's no way around it except keep pushing, keep trying, follow other artists, make friends with them. Comment on art, share art, join discord servers, talk with people. Interaction will take you a long way in this circle!
If you're not afraid of taking your art outside of the online market, there's always conventions, exhibitions and bazaars/markets in most cities, where you can take prints, stickers and other merch with your creations. They also work wonderfully as contact makers. You'll get to meet other artists in your area, and they can help spread word about your work, and you can do the same for them, aside from directly putting your work literally out there for people to see.
If you want advice on how to become a professional artist, getting studio jobs and such, I'm definitely not the right person to ask. I have no experience on that other than applying and getting rejected or "saved for later". Not that I've tried much tbh, I've been ok enough with freelance work.
I've worked mostly on commissions for individuals who just want a specific piece of their favorite character, and I've also worked on commissions for self publishing authors and one major awarded, published author in my country as well. All of it, just because I started an askblog about Merman!Levi when I was bored, depressed, and going through Big Shit irl. So an art journey can have many crazy looks.
I'm not sure how helpful this will be, because I'm honestly not the best example of How To become An Artist. I've had so many ups and downs, currently going through a major down. And the only thing consistent about my journey, is that I haven't given up. So I guess that has to mean something, as cheesy as it may sound.
I wish you the best on the journey though ❤️
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