#at this point it's a dammed of you do dammed if you don't situation
akutasoda · 6 months
don't say anything else just stay
genshin ver part 2 [part 1 here]
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synopsis - after a heated argument, maybe a resolve is found in a comfortable embrace
includes - diluc, xiao, kazuha, tighnari, freminet, dottore
warnings - gn!reader, angst to comfort/mild comfort, arguing, some characters are kind of scummy, maybe ooc for some, dottore, minor alcohol mention, wc - 2k
a/n: kept thinking about this and finally after ages i wrote it!
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diluc ragnvindr ★↷
diluc, on the outside, was seen as the rather perfect lover. someone you could easily take home to parents and they would be so impressed, someone who is a classic romantic always aiming to sweep you off your feet.
and while he could be like that sometimes, some rare moments that only and very few knew off made you scoff at any comments about how perfect of a lover he must be. afterall, arguments always tore holes in relationships if not dealt with properly.
normally diluc was attentive and was very good with arguments. you two normally wouldn't worry about them. but sometimes his work life balanced suffered and he brought home all anger he held and unleashed it on you.
this was when problems arised as you both knew he shouldn't do that to you. so when the argument reached a rather harsh point you took the situation into your own hands and left dawn winery. you would return to your residence until diluc calmed down and would properly talk to you.
he stewed in his anger for much longer than he preferred and when he started to calm down he went looking for you. he assumed you would still be in the manor, just elsewhere. but he couldn't find you. and his heart absolutely sunk when adeline informed him you had left ages ago.
he cursed himself for being so reckless and he no longer cared about anything else and knew he had to try and sort things out - hoping you would give him such an opportunity.
when you saw diluc on your doorstep you still had half a mind to ignore him but you knew that would get you nowhere and you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn't miss him. and as soon as you opened the door you could see the noticeable lift in his eyes upon seeing you again.
the silence was quickly swamped with diluc's profuse apologies and regrets. and while he was rambling away you found yourself compelled to crawl into his arms. and so you did. and as soon as you hugged him, and he hugged back immediately shutting up. he basked in the moment as told himself he would never do something like this again as he would be dammed that he should ever lose you.
adeptus xiao ★↷
anyone that ever knew the adepti would know he never understood feelings. in fact one could take a guess from looks alone and assume that he struggles with emotional intelligence. and going into a relationship you were well aware of this and thought you would never mind.
and for the most part you didn't. because after the first major argument you two had he quickly learned that if he wanted to keep what you two had he would have to try and learn. try and learn human emotions. which he very quickly did, while he didn't express them he became surprisingly good at reading yours in particular.
but that didn't mean petty arguments still arose. petty arguments that sometimes would push you over the edge. as sometimes it felt as if you were the only one fighting for this relationship.
sometimes seeing xiao arrive home with scratches and such worried you. while you knew that it was minor and probably did nothing - it did make your mind over exaggerate other scenarios. and when you expressed your concerns, he would brush you off.
and eventually he started arguing back, saying harsh comments that he didn't mean but that didn't stop him from saying them. you were rather shocked it got to this so you left. and the minute you disappeared from his line of vision he panicked.
he realised his mistakes. and he knew he would have to own up to them. he was rarely used to people truly caring for him and when they did he lost them. and so he immediately set out to find you and when he did you were still fuming but to him, atleast you were safe.
he tried to apologize but he struggled deeply to find the right words to express how he truly felt. but seeing him try made you calm down - you knew he was trying his hardest. and you calmed down enough to head back with him and try talk it over properly again.
kaedehara kazuha ★↷
arguments were a rare occurrence with kazuha. he was very rational when it came to it but also did try and avoid getting to the point of an argument with you. but he knew some where unavoidable and that's why he would want to solve them as quick as possible.
most arguments did stem from mistakes. more commonly kazuha being swayed into drinking quite a bit with beidou. now she ment no harm by getting him to enjoy himself with the crew, but in that state he did start saying things he never meant.
so when you were trying to get him to bed as everyone else on the crux had retired for that night, he proved to be rather difficult. so much so that he started hurling insults your way. you knew he meant nothing by it but it still hurt.
and eventually you needed a minute or two to yourself. a few minutes turned into a couple of hours as you decided maybe he needed some space and eventually you drifted to sleep in the spare room on the crux that beidou originally gave you.
waking up the next morning, kazuha had a rather annoying headache but immediately noticed you weren't beside him. and then everything came flooding back to him and guilt consumed him whole. stepping out his room he realised how early it actually was so decided to look for you as silently as possible.
and when he found you in the spare room the guilt seemed to increase. he didn't want to wake you but he wanted to apologize. so he settled for sliding into bed next to you before apologizing even if you couldn't hear as he wrapped his arms around you. this way when you woke, he could sort it out with you.
tighnari ★↷
some may call tighnari stubborn and in retaliation he would just say he was dedicated to his work. and both of those were true. you were well aware that his work often stressed him out and he became very stubborn. and rightfully you didn't like it when he brought it home.
especially after you had a difficult day. wanting to see your boyfriend after a long day just to find him taking his anger out on you for a simple question. you only asked him a simple 'how was your day?' and it seemed as though he hated you.
and so you started retaliating his behaviour in the same way. forming a rather difficult argument. so much so that tighnari said a particularly harsh comment before storming out of your shared residence. you practically scoffed before deciding you had enough and wanted just to go to bed.
tighnari hardly got far before the argument registered in his mind. his ears flattening against his head as he felt regret. but another issue was that he wasn't that great with emotions, so he silently feared that he would make it worse should he do the right thing and turn back to apologize.
but he knew that should he let it last, it would only break the relationship more. so he turned and headed back to apologize. and when he arrived he caught you heading to bed. but it appeared you had no intentions on sleeping with him. and this made his ears and tail sink even further.
and before he knew it apology after apology spilt from his lips. you stared at him and you could feel him pull at your heart strings but you knew should he not learn, this would be a recurring problem. so you gave him a hug and returned to the couch. and he understood.
you two would talk it over in the morning but tighnari barely slept as your missing presence really disturbed his sleep. so much so that in the middle of the night he managed to settle next to you on the couch and almost immediately fell asleep.
freminet ★↷
to many people, they knew freminet was rarely expressive. and even from a distance it didn't take much to figure out that he struggled to express emotions. you knew this going into the relationship and you knew you would have to be patient with him.
but seemingly because of your relationship, he did make an effort to try and get better at expressing emotions. after all communication in different ways is very important. so he knew that this would be a weak point in the relationship but so did you.
and you always told him that he didn't have to try and learn as you couls help him figure it out along the way. but that being said, arguments were very rare. and when they occured they were very different to other arguments.
whenever an argument happened they were always ovee small insignificant reasons. and each time freminet went into this isolated state. he blocked out everything around him and ignored you, secretly hoping the issue went away but this time all it achieved was you going away.
you couldn't help but feel slightly bad for leaving so abruptly but you truly did need time to calm down. and if anything him ignoring you was worse than him arguing back. but freminet had panicked when you left and immediately wanted to find you and apologize.
and you barely heard him until you felt his arms wrap around your midsection as he apologized. and you knew how hard he was trying so you awkwardly shuffled in his grip to return the embrace. you two stayed like taht a little while longer as then you two could properly talk it over.
dottore ★↷
dottore was quite honestly far from being the perfect lover. and to many from the outside they would fear for the people daring enough to be in a relationship with him. but you knew differently. sure he had a very different way of showing affection but maybe you preferred it that way.
and he was a rather rational man - more so when it came to you. so arguments were rare and often dealt with swiftly. but for all the knowledge he had he was very inexperienced in emotional intelligence. so often could be stubborn or dissmissive of your feelings.
a common argument for you two was his work. not so much the fatui part, but the fact that he would most of the time choose to spend all his time in the lab for days on end without speaking to you. rightfully, this made you mad and for a while his segments did dampen this.
but you wanted to see your actual lover not his clones. and eventually he kept needing more and more in the lab. so you decided that if he wasn't going to acknowledge you, you weren't going to acknowledge him. so from the minute you next saw him, you ignored him.
he had little time for your antics. his experiment didn't go anywhere near how he wanted it to go and he did want to see you but now you were ignoring him. ao his already thin patience ram thinner and he eventually made the snide comment about your so called 'childish' behaviour. and eventually an argument ensued.
you had enough of him and left. atleast his segments had more emotional sense than he did. and it was one if the older segments that convinced him to apologize to you. so when he saught you out and found you he immediately dissmissed any segments you found company with.
you still ignored him up until you heard him apologize. you had half a mind to tease him but you knew how hard he struggled with stuff like this so you let him continue. he rambled on and on about how he promised he wouldn't do it again and how sorry he was. and eventually, very reluctantly, he opened his arms as if asking for a hug.
and you felt compelled to agree. you stayed in his embrace as he made his final promise. he soon came to realise actually how much you meant to him and you better believe him that he would do anything to keep you happy with him.
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i'm loving your posts about the Ghoul!
What are your thoughts about the first time with him? i think it totally makes sense that he is touch starved for the last 200 years.
Maybe the reader reassures him that she wants it, and he says for how long he was thinking about it 😆
Thank you so much for the ask, Anon! I actually have multiple pieces in the works depicting this, so I thought I'd do a little general headcanon overview in the meantime.
First Time Sex With The Ghoul
Despite his big, tough exterior, the poor man is so nervous (and also having a lot of feelings about being with someone for the first time since Barb), so you'll have to really be sensitive to that.
Definitely a long time coming. Even if you started propositioning the man the moment you met him, it would take a solid while of traveling with him before he would even begin to really consider any sort of physical affection between you two as an option. Between self consciousness at how long it's been since he was with anyone, body image issues, touch issues, and genuine disbelief that you'd actually want that with any ghoul, let alone him, he's gotta take a while to work up the guts, frankly.
Also takes quite a while because the mood is spoiled for him easily. I won't say that he's looking for reasons to not have sex (or to stop if you're doing things); moreso that the poor thing simply suffers from hypervigilance after not being able to be that vulnerable for so long. You're camping out within ten miles of a settlement and you wanna fool around? "We shouldn't. Could cause trouble if someone sees us." Slight noise somewhere off in the far distance? "I better go check and see what that was." You make a slightly strangled sound of pleasure? "Shit, am I hurtin' you? Maybe we should stop."
Once you finally work your way up to that point, don't expect to see much of his actual body. At most, he'll take off the hat and the duster. The very first time, I don't even see the gloves coming off, honestly, unless lightening has struck between you. I don't think he would want you to touch any more of his skin than necessary.
All that said, I think once you get him comfortable enough that you're getting naked, he'll be much more at ease. He feels both protected and aroused by being fully clothed while you're naked against him.
Spends a long time in the foreplay stage, mostly because he still remembers what feels good on that front and all your sounds and reactions make him feel confident. Lots of kissing; he adores how much you like to kiss him. He's not so sure he remembers all the steps of the main event, so making you cum on his fingers and tongue over and over again eases his nerves a bit, since he knows that even if he's terrible when the time comes, he at least showed you a decent time.
Speaking of which, as positive as I am that becoming a ghoul would give you pretty decent stamina (increased healing and "recovery" rate?), I am also positive that the second this poor touch-starved man is inside you, he's cumming. You both are sort of anticipating it, though, so no one panics. Give it a few and y'all can go again, trust me. He definitely feels embarrassed, but it'll help a lot if you don't make a big deal of it, reassure him how much you want him, how good he makes you feel. Resist the urge to use the "L" word; this whole situation is already so emotionally overwhelming for him that you're better off waiting.
Once that particular pitfall is navigated, though, his sexual confidence skyrockets. He's dipped his toes back in the pool and no one is dead or heartbroken, and it felt amazing, so have fun navigating 200 years of backed up sexual urges once that dam is broken!
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makuzume · 9 days
The Last Time You Talked to Him
🔅Yuta Okkotsu
🔅Content: Inspired by the recent spread on the events happening in JJK 261🥲; MEGA spoilers; gn! reader; Word Count: 1k
🔅a/n: I was genuinely sobbing with hot streams of tears falling down my eyes while writing this at 4 AM I am DEVASTATED I had to express it somehow,, Didn't expect to have such attachment to this boy.
[JJK Masterlist]
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The silence was loud, deafening even.
The weather tonight was pleasant and had a clear sky: the moon was high, the stars were out, the breeze was calm...
You could say it would've been a perfect evening to have another lovely date by the usual spot: under the big tree, behind the school, sitting on the soft grass...
However, despite the scenic atmosphere that surrounded you, the look on both of your faces were low-spirited, displaying a sorrowful expression.
"...Yuta..." Slowly, you lowered your head, staring at the ground in front of you as you hugged your knees closer to your chest.
"...Please...." You whisper, almost pleaded as a few droplets began to form at the corners of your glistening eyes.
As you did your best to remain composed, you couldn't help but feel your facade begin to slowly break, like a dam of overwhelming emotion threathening to burst at any moment, bit by bit-
A dam that's ready to release all sorts of feelings: pain, sadness, fear, worry, hatred, and love.
Your breathing slowly began to turn uneven, your quiet voice shaking slightly.
"....Don't go... please..."
That was it for you.
Those words were enough to completely break your self-control, cracking the dam open.
Your face immediately hid in between your arms as you tightly gripped on your knees, releasing all of the emotions that had built up inside of you, unable to contain them any longer.
It hurt, it really hurt, knowing what will happen to him after tonight.
"....." Yuta was silent, dead slient, unable to think of any proper response to say to you.
I mean, what was he supposed to do in this situation? Should he hug you? Hold your hand? Lie Reassure you and say he'll come back safely??
If the one you loved comes to you and suddenly announces that he'll be stitched into another person's dead body to battle against the most notorious curse in history within in the next hour, what else are you left to follow up with??
The person you loved the most... now using your dead teacher's body, whom you both respected so much, as a vessle, a puppet, nothing more than a weapon... isn't that a little too messed up?
Why him?
As sickening it is to use Gojo's body to the very end, you're just as disgusted at the situation where it came to a point that a young man, such as Yuta, needed to be the one to step up and tackle the situation.
For his friends, for Gojo, for all sorcerers, all civilians, and even for you. Your peace.
And everyone agreed to this, even Gojo, which made you sick to the stomach. Seeing how even your late teacher accepted the dehumanization of his own being for the sake of becoming a mere shell of a weapon, further being pushed even agter his death; turning himself into the monster everybody needed him to be.
'I will be the monster.' He just had to say it.
Your growing disappointment in the reality of the sorcerer world only continued to grow more.
But you knew it was something he has to do... he wants to do... for everyone. It would be selfish- incredibly selfish for you to beg him to stay with you, endangering the world because of it.
But you couldnt help it. Every fiber in your being was screaming for him to not do it, it's gone too far, all of it, even though that the plan was already set in motion when you found out.
It was hard to hate him for doing that, but at the same time, you hated the fact for still loving that strong sense of morals he clings onto so much.
With your head still hidden deep within your knees, you sob "...Please.... please don't go... pleas, Yu...." You tried your best to speak in between your desperate cries, your words getting more and more inaudible as you weakly shaking your head in denial.
You couldnt help but still try to plea desperately, as void as your attempts would be.
You knew your words were uselses, you knew he would push through anyway, you knew he was the one who wanted to do this, for the sake of humanity- but still.
All you could do was plea, as if asking the Gods for a miracle. A miracle that somehow all of this this: the deaths, the curses, Shibuya, Sukuna, sorcery as a whole... was just some big screwed up dream.
Yuta slowly scoots closer to you, his hand ever so gently resting on the top of your trembling body. His hand gently caresses your back, comforting your shaking figure that hitched out quiet, miserable cries.
"My angel...." he spoke, calling out to you gently as you let yourself cry for a little more before trying to calm down.
Your heart ached for a moment upon hearing his affectionate and caring tone once more, and perhaps for the final time. It was already impossible for you to cry any more intensely. It hurts you like hell and you were already crying as if you had already lost him.
He knew nothing could ease the situation and trying to lighten it would only do nothing. All the both of you, and everyone else, could do is just accept the fate this world has to offer him; Accept the gamble of a lifetime Yuta will be risking.
Risk if never coming back as himself, risk of death, risk of defeat and the triumph of curses...
He wanted to say so many things he could never say in an hours worth of time. Yuta still wanted to tell you how much he loved spending time with you, how much he admried you, how happy he is everytime he made you smile; how happy he is just even thinking about you...
He ended up saying none of it, hoping you would have already known all the things he wouldve wanted to tell you.
The sad part is: you would know. You understand him better than anyone else- and you knew every single word of affection, fear, regret, guilt, and love he wanted to tell you. And imagining hearing him say those things would only end up hurting you even more.
Will it be the same? Will he come back? Will he survive.
No one's certain, yet, you remain clinging on to hope.
But fate is cruel, in reality. Fate is painful. Fate is uncertain. No one knows what will make of him after this
After taking a while to collect yourself, finally, you look up at him, your hand clenching so hard to your chest, your lungs so empty of air, and your cheeks stained with the warm stream of tears falling from your eyes.
"...I love you most....don't ever forget."
Yuta said, almost like a promise, like a goodbye.
He loves you, more than anything, even his own life itself- he loved you more.
Which is why he is willing to risk it in order to create a peaceful world for you to live in, and only he was ready.
As difficult as it may be, you knew it was a hard slap to the face by reality for you to accept fate. It was imposisble, but inevitable.
The world of sorcerers was never a place of clear blue skies and joyful songs. Its a dark place.
It's hard to blame anyone, because this is where fate had let you afterall, a tragic end to a supposed-to-be love story that could've ended with a better ending.
"....Let's meet here again... once everything is over." In the most gentle tone, he spoke. His eyes looking at you filled with so much love as if you were the only thing that mattered that moment.
Against all opposing forces, you somehow convinced yourself to force a smile: it was weak... filled with sorrow and affection mixed together, and you did your best to show your pretty little smile he loved so much, knowing it might have been something he needed the most right now.
He only regrets he may not be with you after everything has finished; not be able to train with you and get stronger together- not be able to spend the rest of his days with you anymore, like he promised, like he hoped.
....That, and the fact that this would perhaps the last time he would be able to see your smile ever again.
I'll see you again soon...
[Back to JJK Masterlist] [Overall Masterlist]
a/n: It took me a while to edit this before posting cause of the amount of typos I had to deal with as I sobbed while making this but at least I captured the heart of my emotions during a vulnerable time lol I guess
Credits to @makuzume on Tumblr || Do not steal, translate, modify, reupload my works on any platform.
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iaure · 1 year
𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁; 𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗼𝗿
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚the dearest collection - part one/beloved 𓆩♡𓆪 part two/prized 𓆩♡𓆪 part three/devoted 𓆩♡𓆪 part four/desperate 𓆩♡𓆪 part five/blind 𓆩♡𓆪 part six/watcher 𓆩♡𓆪 part seven/ardor 𓆩♡𓆪 part eight/fervor this is very heavily inspired by @//clusterfuck-yandere's yandere leon headcanons; please check out their works. this is something of a love letter to their puppy obsession series.
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yandere leon s. kennedy headcanons; reader is a survivor of raccoon city.
tw: general yandere behaviour, stalking, harassment, ptsd, entrapment, delusional thinking
notes: the formatting will be slightly different in some parts, as using the headcanon format with dialogue can feel quite clunky.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ it's here it's here! the confrontation! leon being needy and begging! it's here! there were some zingers in this that made me laugh, and i hope they make you laugh too! i want to write the nsfw accompaniment after part 8 or 9 Ꮚ☆ꈊ☆Ꮚ i'm also getting a new pc!! which will be so so nice!! but that might mess with my writing for a bit, as i'll be getting it set up !
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this was too much.
♡ you know, you'd imagine a situation like this a handful of times.
♡ a man sitting before you, with flowers and candles and clothes that looked divine and an expression of reverence beyond worship.
♡ in your head, it weas usually after a year or two of dating, followed by a proposal and living life happily ever after.
♡ but this situation felt like a cruel parody of that.
♡ when you saw Leon on your couch, your blood ran cold.
♡ this was something you'd hear about on some shitty crime podcast or an even shittier show on some late night cable channel.
♡ what was he going to do? drug you? kidnap you? kill you, even?
♡ when he said that you needed to talk, it was like a waking nightmare.
♡ he seemed like he was trying to be as non-threatening as possible, though.
♡ he was staring up at you with big puppy-dog eyes, and his floppy hair fell over his eyes.
♡ he looked absolutely desperate, and when you froze in your tracks, he held up his hands.
♡ "i'm not mad at you! i swear!"
♡ his voice was a bit pitched up, and his nervousness would've been if he hadn't blocked off your door and broken into your home.
♡ "get out of my apartment."
♡ Leon was clearly distressed, trying to placate you with fear on his face.
♡ "wait, wait, please!" he begged. "please, i just need you to listen to me!"
♡ and just for a moment, something wavered.
♡ he was, at one point, your friend. he deserved at least a chance to explain himself before you had him thrown in prison with a sturdy restraining order.
♡ you hesitated, but crossed your arms. "then talk."
♡ and the proverbial dam broke.
♡ Leon, at first, was just babbling, hands waving everywhere as he tried to spit everything out at once before you lost what little patience you had left.
♡ it was almost cartoonish, but you put your hand up. "i don't understand gibberish."
♡ he stopped immediately, eyes wide, and took a breath. he began padding down his pockets for something, and you realised that he was fumbling for flashcards that were sticking out.
♡ when he finally got to them, he took a second to read over the first, and you saw that his hands were shaking.
♡ and as he took a breath to compose himself, you watched his face.
♡ he had a ruddy, blotchy blush across his cheeks, and his mouth was slightly agape.
♡ when he looked up at you past his bangs, you saw his eyes, and they were by far the most expressive part. they were fully on you; not predatory, but oozing devotion. not lust. not childish infatuation. love.
♡ love, dedication, worship.
♡ all for you.
♡ there was a second where he just looked between you and the flash cards, before tossing them onto your coffee table.
♡ "i love you!"
♡ the look you gave him was...unimpressed to say the least.
♡ "and why does that warrant you breaking in?"
♡ you could see his heart plummet at your questioning.
♡ "i...i needed to talk to you. and you've been avoiding me, so..."
♡ "and how does that translate into you harassing me? stalking me? scaring the hell out of me?"
♡ were he a dog, his puppy ears would've been plastered to the side of his head.
♡ it was like you were kicking him while he was down.
♡ you began walking over to your landline, about to dial 911, when he shot up form the couch.
♡ before you could even react-was he going to attack you?!-he made an abrupt dive and clung to your legs, holding steadfast and almost making you fall over.
♡ it was, truthfully, pathetic.
♡ and you stared down at him.
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Leon looked closed to tears, placing his head against your thighs and locking his hands around the back of your knees.
"Please! Please don't!" He was whimpering and borderline about to shout, breathing hard. "If you leave, I'll die! My heart would just stop beating! I can't live without you! You're everything to me! You're my world, and-! Please!"
You stared down at him. He looked helpless, like he really would just drop dead if you picked up the landline. And there was a second where you just felt...bad.
Everything he had done was with good intention, even though it was creepy. He never did hurt you, and it was clear that something was just...wrong with him.
He saw your silence, your stillness, and looked up at you with those big hopeful eyes, wide and glittering from his tears. He slowly stood, still staring at you, and began gently guiding you back to the couch.
"Please. Just hear me out."
He sat down, and you sat down, and there was a beat of silence. Then he opened his mouth, and everything came out like a waterfall.
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♡ he admitted to being K.
♡ you knew-suspected-guessed-had a hunch-but it still made you ache. how long had he been like this?
♡ his devotion was obvious. he began listing off things he did for the sake of honesty.
♡ he admitted to stealing your clothes, to breaking in and stalking you. at first, it was like a sick joke with everything he said.
♡ but slowly...you started to get less mad.
♡ he broke into your house...to clean.
♡ he followed you to and from work...to protect you.
♡ he never once meant to harm you or others. physically, at least, as he confessed wanting to get Selia fired.
♡ he admitted to having to build up the courage to talk to you, standing outside, watching...out of love.
♡ he tried everything to take care of you.
♡ and something in your heart shifted.
♡ he did this, and certainly he needed help, but was it really fair?
♡ he risked so much to do what he perceived as love. as care.
♡ maybe...you could help him get help. you doubted he was lucid enough to know he needed it.
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While you thought, Leon kept on talking, trying to keep you hooked on his words until your patience was gone again.
"I've loved you for...god, so long now. It's been months, I think. You were always just so nice, even to people you didn't know, you know?" He played with his hands, the desperation in his voice beginning to edge away. "Back on the forum, I didn't like that you were trying to help everyone by yourself. And you were always so sweet when you responded to me. It felt like I knew you my entire life. The people from Raccoon City, the people that know what happened...it's really a world of it's own."
You nodded. It really was. Leon sighed.
"Trying to save those two...I never said their names, did I? Sherry and Claire. Sherry was maybe ten, I think. She was under my care for a while, and I saw how the outbreak was scary. Caring for someone like that is scary. And you were trying to do it for so many people. I wanted to help you."
"You know stalking someone is scary?" You glanced up at him, breaking your gaze from the flashcards that sat on the table.
"I'm sorry." He whimpered. "I'm sorry."
"When you sent those messages, I was scared shitless, Leon." Your voice was firm, but quiet. "I thought you were going to kill me or kidnap me or something."
"Never!" Leon's voice jumped. "I'd never do that! Swear to god! I wouldn't ever hurt you! I just-! I was scared. Scared that you hurt yourself, or something. I wanted to respect your privacy for as long as possible, but...I really wasn't sure what happened."
You stayed silent.
"And I love you. I really do." Leon bit his lip, trying not to cry again. "I know I didn't really talk about my family."
"Mhm." You watched him bite, eyes going up and down and across his face. "You knew all about mine."
"I'm sorry."
"Your family?"
"They're...well, my parents died when I was a kid. And a cop took me in. And there was a lot of people liked me when I was a teenager for my looks, and it really messed me up. Literally right before the outbreak, I had just broken up with my girlfriend."
You raised an eyebrow, and Leon gulped.
"Am I a rebound or something?"
"No! No! I didn't mean it like that!" Leon gasped, jumping out of his seat and reaching across the table. Your hands had been right on the edge, and when he touched them, you pulled back a bit. "She didn't really seem to love me, and I wanted someone who wanted more than just a guy who was nice-looking. And you were nice to me when you didn't even know who I was. And you were nice to me at the bakery, and during the power outage, and it was just a lot."
You were silent again, biting the inside of your cheek. Leon began panicking again.
"I wanna marry you someday. If you want to get married, that is. I wanna do everything for you. I want you to just stay home or go out and have fun or do whatever you want while I take care of the house. I want to see you happy. I want to see you safe. I want you to live out the best life you possibly can, and I want to be next to you during all of it."
You finally spoke, and your hands reached forward a bit to actually hold Leon's. He gave a stuttering gasp, and you could feel the sweat building up.
"What do you want out of this?"
"What?" He tilted his head, squinting. He took a second for it to compute, before making a confused expression. "What?"
"You came in today hoping for an outcome." Your words were eerily clinical. "What's that outcome? The best case scenario?"
Leon went still, thinking hard. His eyes glanced to the side, before nodding.
"I want to marry you."
"Okay." He gave a bitter chuckle at your quick response, face falling with a wince.
"However?!" He gasped, lighting back up again.
"I'm open to dating-"
Before you could even finish, Leon leapt up with a cheer, picking you up and swinging you around in a hug. The sudden brute strength was startling, but he was too busy rejoicing to notice your gasp.
"I'll be the best boyfriend ever, I promise! I'll do everything for you, I'll move in right away-or you can move in with me! We'll figure it out! I love you! I'm so excited! This is the best day of my life! I love you so much!"
"L-Leon!" You gasped, trying to get some words out past his bear hug. "On some conditions!"
Leon stopped swinging you around, putting you on your feet with a big grin.
"Of course! Anything!"
"One-don't threaten Selia."
"My coworker?" At your words, Leon's eyes went wide, with a 'ooohhh'. "I, believe or not, like hanging out with her."
"Okay." Leon nodded.
"Stop stealing my stuff. Ask first."
"Sounds good!"
"And just walk me home. Don't stalk me."
"I mean, I was doing that before..."
"Don't sass me."
"You're the boss!" Leon bent over to kiss you with a happy smile, but you blocked him with your hand, putting it over your mouth. He laid a full smooch onto your palm, opening his eyes with a questioning look.
"Mmh mmh? (Too soon?)"
"Yes, Leon. Too soon."
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ʚ♡ɞ taglist @theybotomy ⸜❤︎⸝‍ @kujosuke ⸜❤︎⸝‍  @je-suis-argent-miel  ⸜❤︎⸝‍ @xxacademy ⸜❤︎⸝‍ @apollodarling-writes  ⸜❤︎⸝‍  @gettingsilly ⸜❤︎⸝‍ @yumekos-gamble
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What if we fake married for real? (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^) ~★ (Idia)
Eliza is gone, but not without making life harder for Idia.
NOTE: I only write for female reader but everyone is welcome to read it!
A continuation of Homewrecker, husband-stealer villainess!
I had this sudden idea and couldn't do anything until I wrote it, so here we go
— (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^) ~★
After the honestly prize worthy drama that took place in NRC, things are finally settling. When (Y/N) was ready to beat the living—the, uh, dead daylights out of Eliza for "stealing her man", Eliza's guard stepped in, determined to protect her.
When the Prefect pressed him for answers as to why he's protecting the homewrecker, he admitted to loving his princess and wanting nothing more than to see her happy. Somehow, that touched Eliza so deeply, she... Decided that Puffy was her true prince.
Everyone is still trying to understand what just happened, but hey! Eliza is finally married and Idia is not dead and they're all unfrozen!
"I'm so sorry for almost taking your groom from you!" Eliza apologizes again, holding the Prefect's hands like they're old friends, and (Y/N) lets her like she didn't just try to kill one of her friends.
"I forgive you, Lizzy. I can't hate someone who also sees just how great my Idia is, now can I?" She winks at the ghost princess, as if Idia is not literally standing a meter from her, trying not to faint.
"You're too sweet... Oh, your wedding! It was today, wasn't it?"
"It's ok, it's ok. I did want a spring wedding, anyways."
"Oh, then I'll come visit during spring! And maybe I'll see the children? I can't wait to meet Little Meg and the new baby!"
"... Of course!"
The sound that left some of the people present in their efforts to not reveal the ruse will forever haunt the halls of NRC. And it still doesn't reach the levels of... Whatever it is they're feeling that shows on Idia's face alone.
"Then, it's decided! We'll see each other next year!"
And Eliza leaves with her husband and her entourage, just like that. Silence befalls the room, eyes meet in surprise, smiles widen on the faces of the bastards, Idia looks more aghast than anyone has ever seen him.
"Hey, Idia, wanna marry and have children?"
"Big Brother!"
The Prefect laugh as Idia finally loses it, falling like a log onto the nearest chair while Ortho fans him with his hand fan—literally, his hand turned into a fan. That's enough to break the dam, and then everyone is saying everything at the same time and no one is understanding nothing at any point.
"Absolutely not!" Crowley booms, and where the fuck has this guy been? "You are far too young!"
"Idia is eighteen and so am I, we can marry and adopt a child. As for the baby... We can make one in time if we start today~"
"You're eighteen?!"
"You don't even know my age, you deadbeat?!" Rook is there in a breath, holding (Y/N) to his chest so she can't kill the Headmaster. "And you ask why I call Crewel dad instead of you?!"
"Calm down, mon amour!" The blonde is smiling far too big for someone well meaning. "Besides, if Roi de Ta Chambre isn't up to it, I'll gladly follow our novella and step up."
As if that makes the entire situation any less weird.
Wait, no, scratch that. This makes the entire situation way weirder.
In an out of character plot twist, Idia rises from the chair, hair burning a voracious red. He's using all of his height—and, fuck, they forgot how tall he actually is!—to glare at Rook.
"A–are you implying I'm not h–h–husband material?!"
Being dumped by Eliza did some unexpected damage, it seems.
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chaotic-archaeologist · 10 months
got a question for ya regarding sex and online safety.
Background; I am an adulty adult. I have been able to and have voted in more than 3 elections. [I know you take interactions with minors seriously]. I am also ace and autistic. as a result I have never felt the urge to date and I normally don't mind having friends close by.
However, I also just moved for the 4th time since 2019 and would like to meet people.
So I downloaded Grindr. already got my first dickpic lol. I have also been chatting with a fellow who I like and would like to be friends with and I also wouldn't mind exploring my kinks with people... but I have never had to worry about safe online sexy stuff before so I don't know the basics beyond normal internet safety.
What do I do‽‽‽
Okay first, thanks for clarifying the adulty part. This is an awesome question, and here's the advice/steps that I personally follow for situations like this.
Have your first meeting in a public place. Go for coffee or ice cream or lunch or dinner or whatever. But don't meet them alone. This way, if you get uncomfortable with anything that's happening, they're much less likely to continue with that behavior after you attempt to extricate yourself.
Make sure there are no expectations. Plan not to have sex on the first date/meet up. Grindr often tends to ignore this rule since it's very hookup centric, but you're absolutely within your rights to insist on taking things as slowly as you want to.
Don't rely on the other person for transportation. If you choose to meet someone, get yourself there and plan to get yourself back. Walk, bike, drive, public transportation, unicycle, it's all good. But there's much less room for pressure if you're not depending on them for a ride home. This segues nicely into my next point:
Do not tell them where you live. At least, not right now. Plenty of people on Grindr are willing to "host" meaning you can come to their place. That's fine for them, but I err on the side of never giving anyone my address until I've had a thorough chance to assess their character and meet them a few times.
Tell someone where you will be. Let someone who cares about you know that you're going out, where you'll be, and what time you expect to return. Establish a time to check in when you're going home/if you choose to extend the meeting. There are also apps like Noonlight that can function similarly.
Be careful about what you consume. If you're going to enjoy and mind alternating substances, be very, very careful. This goes for anything from getting drinks at a bar to any and all of the recreational drugs on the market.
Be prepared for a little bit of awkwardness. Meeting someone in person is often very different than chatting online. If the conversation is awkward or halting, that's okay. Give it a little time (but also don't be afraid to trust your gut if it's telling you something is wrong).
Communicate clearly. If you have any needs—which can range from an allergy, not being able to stand for long periods of time, needing them to speak loudly so you can hear them, safety concerns—the best way to get those met is to be upfront. You don't need to disclose the reason why you need something if it makes you uncomfortable, just state what you need. People worth spending time with will respect that. The same thing goes for your wants.
Use protection. Maybe this isn't applicable for you specifically, but I think it belongs on this list. Condoms. Dental dams. Gloves. Someone on an app telling you they're negative for any number of things is not an actual guarantee they're not lying to you. Not wanting to use protection (not just for anal/vaginal intercourse, but for oral sex as well) is a huge red flag. Decide in advance what your boundaries are and stick to them.
If it sucks, hit da bricks. Fundamentally, you owe this person nothing. There is no consequence for saying "you know what, I'm not feeling this and I'm going to leave." Be as polite as you want to, but put yourself first.
At the end of the day, the only thing you have control over is you. How you react, where you meet this person, what you do—that's what you control. Hopefully any meet ups will be fun and relatively safe, but just in case, set yourself up for success by maintaining what control you can.
From one adult to another, these are all suggestions rather than rules. Many people on Grindr choose not to follow various ones, and that's fine. Take some time to think about what you're comfortable with and make your decisions accordingly.
Also, best practice for someone sending an unsolicited dick pic (if you don't want them) is just to block that person. But sending a return picture like this one is a hilarious option.
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al3x-y · 25 days
Heyyy, I know I don't do this kinda stuff for a while by now, the last time was abt palestine ig? (Don't forget about palestine y'all)
But palestine is not the point of this post, I wanna talk about a tragedy that is happening on my country, Brazil, on a State called Rio Grande do Sul..
For those who don't know:Rio Grande do Sul is suffering the biggest tragedy ever seen in Brazil, because of the frequent heavy rains that are happening in the country, Rio Grande do Sul is suffering floods and flooding, all cities were affected and the water dams simply cannot handle everything. Seriously, the water level is VERY strong, MANY people were left homeless because their homes were FLOODED, do you realize what it's like to lose EVERYTHING overnight?
Not to mention how many people have DIED and are MISSING, when the water level drops, do you know what will be in the streets? Bodies. Bodies of people who were unable to save themselves. Citizens, police officers and the fire department are rescuing people and animals with CANOES, which soon become too full to hold more people, they are using helicopters to save people who are on the ROOF of their homes to save themselves, the situation is alarming..
Do you know the audio reports of people I heard? Do you know what people say on then? People who are volunteering to save others in canoes have many of their reports posted on tiktok or instagram, here is a very small part of what I heard:
"One of the children kept asking for a doll that was floating in the water... I went to get the doll, it wasn't, it was a baby, it was a dead baby."
"4 girls were on the roof, I went there and 2 of the girls said: 'You're going to take us all, right Mr?' So I said 'I will, I will' and one said: 'Take our little sisters too'... the girls were dead. . I didn't have the courage to leave their bodies there and I took them with us."
"I saw my dead dog floating in front of me, take care of Mark for me *the audio was cut off because the water interrupted.*"
Please, please boost this to help Rio Grande do Sul, please donate with as much as you can, it can be 54 cents, 1 dollar, 1 real, just please help the the people who were left homeless by the flood.
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This is the Pix qr code to donate made by the State Government, but you can find many other donation links with just a little search, I'll try to post some of them with a reblog.
@yo4sblog @nottefierr @amoratheskeleton @dreamsouless @karineverse @thomasotrem
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The Arcana HCs: M6 with an oblivious MC
~ In case you're wondering how I understand this situation so well, it's because I share in MC's level of obliviousness :') For headcanon purposes, MC and M6 do not progress past the "friend" stage until the M6 confess - brainrot ~
Oh goodness, he's never been so genuinely confused in his life. He's absolutely, completely, entirely lost
He knows that he tends to come across a little strong. He knows that he couldn't hide his attractions to people if he tried. He knows that he's a shameless flirt
So HOW on EARTH are you somehow so convinced that he feels nothing more for you than for a friend? Has the sun started rising in the West? Has gravity stopped working?? Is he turning blonde???
Constantly second guessing himself because of it. Maybe this is your way of letting him know that you're not interested
Maybe you find him so completely unattractive that nothing he does can come across as remotely romantic? Is that it???
Everyone who watches this dynamic play out thinks it's the funniest thing they've ever seen (Asra and Mazelinka especially)
The infamously suave Dr Devorak, fumbling and blushing after someone who looks way too innocent to be receiving the comments that he's making
On a more serious note, your obliviousness pushes him to think through his romantic actions, which makes all of his efforts at wooing you much more intentional
Confesses because he doesn't know what else to do and is genuinely surprised when you tell him you feel the same way
So excited once you're together to find out what it's like when you decide to flirt with him. Now that you two are on the same page everything you initiate makes him swoon
The things they've lived through and sacrificed for you were not done with any kind of reward in mind - they genuinely just wanted to give you a second chance
But you're growing stronger every day now, and soon you might be able to handle the truth, and you're somehow so indifferent to him
On the other hand, they're secretly relieved because it means that if they slip up and show you more affection than they intend to you won't notice
Poor Faust tries to step in and help at one point, but she can't use that many words at a time which is useless where you're concerned
Love Master? "Aww, Faust loves you, Asra!" No! Master! Love Friend! "Oh, you meant that you love me, Faust? I love you too!"
Asra watches the whole thing play out in disbelief, hands in his hair, because it's more cuteness than his heart can handle and he wants to be the one you're saying that to so badly it hurts
Eventually assumes that you're playing dumb and confesses to get rid of the elephant in the room, is surprised when you're surprised by it
Doubly shocked and delighted when you say "I love you" right back
They have literal years of pent up emotion to let out and now that all the cards are on the table it's like a dam has burst (be prepared)
He's determined to teach you how to read the signs of seduction so you never run into this situation again
Is this some kind of sick joke? Do you not know that she is not the type of woman to be trifled with?
Almost instantly recognizes that you're truly that oblivious, has absolutely no idea how to get her point across any more obviously
Nothing seems to be working. Not the touches, not the praise, not the gifts, nothing. You keep interpreting them as signs of closeness (which, technically, they are) and don't see any of the romance!
Does briefly wonder if this is your version of gentle rejection
Maybe you're hoping that if you accept the relationship without acknowledging the interest then that's all she'll offer you
But no, she's not stupid
She sees the way you look at her, the way you get flustered around her, the way she makes you fumble. She knows there's some level of attraction there, she just has no idea how to tap into it
She finally confesses once she's as sure as she can be that it won't be unwelcome
Relieved but unsurprised when you tell her you like her back
Will grill you relentlessly afterwards on how you missed the signs
The clothes? What did you think she was doing? The bath? What did you think she was doing? The romantically charged praise? What did you think she meant? She loves you so much, now please explain!
Now that she knows that you know, she has a lot of flirting to catch up on
You're about to be a constantly flustered mess for the next few weeks at least
So relieved, he's thanking his lucky stars that your insightfulness has a blind spot when it comes to his attraction to you
He likes to do things at his own pace. If you're not aware of and responding to his feelings, that gives him space to process them and decide what to do
That said, how is it possible for someone to be this blind?
Morga has noticed and she keeps looking at both of you with increasing levels of pity, concern, disbelief, and annoyance
Don't get him started on how hard Inanna is laughing
And the worst part is - it's still anxiety inducing, because he's never 100% certain that his next slip-up won't be the thing that clues you in to his emotional state
He's living on pins and needles, and he's even tempted to try doing something actually flirtatious just to see how far your blindness goes
He compliments you one time, and nearly buckles with relief when your response is just "Oh, thank you Muriel."
He's not oblivious the same way you are, though, and he can tell that you're interested in him
It's what gives him the courage to confess. That and Inanna's, Morga's and Khamgalai's constant judgemental looks
Very proud of the shocked and delighted reaction he gets from you
He got so comfortable going unnoticed that now he malfunctions every time you notice him adoring you and take that as an invitation to flirt
Is this a challenge? She thinks this just might be a challenge
Or at least, it's her cue to not hold back
She's going to flirt with you relentlessly, obviously, in every genre she knows how to, until she finds out what your obliviousness threshold is
For science, of course, and also because she thinks you're hot
Physical touch? She's putting her arm around your waist to steer you through the crowd. Acts of service? Stand back, that's her forte. Affirmation? She can quote pages of compliments
Quality time? Spend the afternoon in her cottage! Gift giving? Here, she snuck so much food out of the Palace kitchen to share
More delighted than disappointed at your blindness, it's more opportunities for mischief and a good story to look back on
Does her best to see how interested you are in her, just in case. She doesn't want to find out that you were actually ignoring her all this time and that her actions made you feel uncomfortable or disrespected
Orchestrates a few heated moments that tell her the flush on your face is out of interest and not embarrassment
Confesses to you because she got tired of waiting and is impatient to start dating already. Unsurprised when you confess back
Very surprised by what it's like to have you respond in kind when she flirts with you
She used to say way more suggestive things to you, this is all it takes to get a kiss??
Oh no, he is not used to this kind of neutrality at all
Floating around Vesuvia for three years made it pretty clear to him how the people close to him really felt. It was all fawning and flattery to his face and manipulation and politics behind closed doors
Everybody wants something. Everybody will spring at a chance to exploit. Hell, that's how he's used to functioning himself
But you're just ... helping him? Without expecting anything in return?
One moment, you compliment him, so it must mean you adore him
The next moment, you're confronting him about his mistakes, so that must mean you despise him
And now he's flirting with you because you're hot and it's like everything goes in one ear and out the other!
He's so frustrated but he can't even begin to get mad because oh look at that, you're being kind to him again while he's vulnerable
Multiple private freakouts when you keep missing his signals. Watching you snooze on his shoulder was just the beginning of it
He'll never forget it, marveling at the trust you must have to sit next to your enemy while his sword is drawn, fast asleep and oblivious to the way the first human touch in years is making his heart pound
Finally confesses to you out of desperate honesty. He's going to be a new man now, and he's not going to fake it around you
Borderline panics when you say it back
Get ready, he's been craving more of that physical touch and he intends to indulge
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bibibbon · 2 months
MHA chapter 420 rant
New chapter new rant it's become somewhat of a thing at this point 😭
So hori's out here deflating any stakes or tension as always. I personally hated what happend last chapter with Izuku losing both his arms but I did wish for hori to continue on the path he chose instead of completely reversing it with some bs in this chapter. Heck I don't understand how Eri even had enough energy to heal his arms considering it was stated chapters before that she couldn't and shouldn't help Izuku it wasn't her fight and neither should she be forced to watch what's going on but here we are.
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Heroes are hypocrites when it comes to Eri and she deserves better. Oh Eri the ever so lasting plot device. As someone that likes Eri's character and wished for her trauma and what she went through to be explored this is just bs and shows that the heroes are incompetent hypocrites at their jobs for allowing Eri to mutilate herself (the same thing overhaul did to himself) so she can be useful to these people who she views as her saviours?!?!?! Let's not even tall about the fact that ECTOPLASM stated that he helped her with that and allowed her to do that like?!?!? You're an adult who is supposed to be supervising the child and you almost failed to stop her from running away into the battlefield but allowed her to do that to herself. Let's also talk about how aizawa horribly failed as a guardian like its clearly stated in the chapter that she did want she did because she was inspired by aizawa and how he cut his leg off so she mimicked him so she can be helpful?!?! Aizawa isn't angry, worried or disappointed but shocked and that's it nothing else he doesn't even reprimand her like seriously 😑.
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Present mic and kurogiri deserves better. We still don't know where present mic is but he deserves better than this I still hate how his feelings aren't acknowledged in this bs and he is just there pushed to the side as support. Kurogiri is a mix at this point they seem to realise that oh oboro is dead he ain't coming back but kurogiri is acting on memories that haven't died and to be honest Iam sick of hori drawing the same memory panel over and over we should just get new content show us them play fighting or doing something that friends do idk 🤷‍♀️
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Wasted potential aizawa at this point. I lasted made a post about aizawas wasted potential but dam does it really show and basically at this point hori reduced all the characters involved in the kurogiri situation to just that and it's sad like we could of had more and we should of. Aizawa was doomed from the start as he was hori's mouthpiece which sucks
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Iam not a fan of everyone coming in to fight AFO. I already hate the fact that AFO is back but having everyone who hasn't had a big moment or can still fight yet come into the fight is horrible. Iam ok with having a few characters come in but having some endgame avengers type of thing is horrible especially because class 1A and izuku aren't shown to have a strong bond a lot of the time it's one of the reasons why the vigilante arc fails and why a lot of other moments concerning class 1A and izuku fail.
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Iam a fan of the civilians trying to help however they can but no inko?!?!!?!!. I loved that we got the page of civilians genuinely wanting to help Izuku and offering their shirts to stop the bleeding also even though we don't get much from the all might guy I genuinely loved the development he has gone through. Sadly, I was expecting to see inko in this chapter and considering we had a whole page dedicated to the civilians it's sad that we didn't get any update on inko as she was probably there watching what happend to her son
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Eri's dream. I loved that Eri's dream is something way outside of heroics and it's something that doesn't involve her quirk at all. It makes me remember of izuku holding her hand and telling her that he supports her dream. I wonder if Eri and jirou hang out often or anything considering that jirou is Eri's inspiration or if present mic also inspired Eri. it's sad that Eri's character is never truly explored considering what happend to her this chapter and the double standards that are with both heroes and villains.
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blue-sadie · 9 months
Can you do a Togruta fem x Jake Sully where and everybody is just amazed at what she looks like especially the kids
A Gift From The Stars
Jake sully x Togruta Reader
Summary: maybe being different is a good thing
Warning: lekku = head tails
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Yn/3rd person pov
Coming into contact with the navi was a struggle especially when the tried attacking our ships with their ikrans but when we didn't engage back they stopped.
We landed on what they call the hallelujah mountains a place where the humans couldn't track our movements I stood infront of the bay door with obi and anakin by my side.
"Just remember young yn they haven't seen another species other then humans so don't be alarmed if their surprised" obi said laying a comforting hand on my shoulder.
I've had bad experiences in the past about people hating my kind but it won't be like that i can feel it "I think you'll have to worry about big nose here" I giggled jabbing anakin in the side causing him to growl and swot my hands away.
"What's with you and my nose" he huffed glaring jokingly at me "it's just so big I can see it from planets away" I snorted covering my mouth as I laughed before jerking back to normal as the doors opened.
"We well be speaking to Toruk Makto the leader of the tribe be respectful and I'm looking at you anakin" obi said before walking out with anakin whining behind I took a few minutes to breathe before stepping out into the light.
It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust but when they did they widened 'dam they are tall' I caught most of them staring at me but no bad reactions my eyes glazed over each one till they met the leaders the one obi wan was talking about.
His eyes held curiosity in them as he looked over me "we are sorry we didn't know you weren't the sky people" he said as he turned his gaze back to obi wan.
"You don't need to apologize we should have tried contacting you further before our arrival" obi smiled and continued talking further about the problem at hand, jake started introducing his to the people who were with him "and these are my sons neteyam and lo'ak" he put his hands on the two boys behind him.
Their eyes were stuck on me "what are you" the shorter one blurted earning a head slap from the taller one "don't be rude lo'ak" neteyam snapped before apologizing for lo'ak.
"Its fine it happens alot" I smiled before changing it back to the subject "no we can talk about these later how about you come with us to celebrate your arrival" jake grinned and we all agreed.
Their lead us over vine bridges to get to their camp and the views were amazing and as we walked jake got into some of the history of the planet and how it got into this situation.
We reached an opening to their camp and the first thing we heard was a loud scream "daddy" I smiled as a young girl ran and jumped into jakes arms and he happily picked her up "this is tuk my youngest" jake smiled.
Her eyes look at obi then at anakin then to me she raised a finger pointing at me it was silent for a second before she blurted out "your pretty" a light blush from embarrassment dusted on my cheeks.
"Thank you you are to" I smiled and watched as she jumped down from her dad's eyes and walked over to me and grabbed my hand quickly turning back to her Father "can she come play" she asked politely her father nodded slowly.
I quickly glanced at obi who nodded as well before I walked off with her "where we go" I asked curiously as we left the group "to see my sister so we can play" she beamed.
I glanced behind to notice his to sons following us "you never answered my question" lo'ak murmured getting an angry side look from his brother.
"I'm a togruta" I smiled and started telling them about my kind as we reached their hut "kiri I brought a new friend" tuk yelled and a young girl emerged from the hut her eyes widened as she caught sight of me.
"Oh hello" she forced a fake laugh she looked like she was confused and weirded out at the same time "she with the people who are helping us" neteyam explained.
She nodded "well welcome I'm kiri" she smiled "yn nice to meet you" I grinned neteyam and kiri urged us to sit by the fire, I sat near a log a bit further back from the fire and the group seemed to follow.
"May I please touch your hair" tuk asked shyly "you may but we call these lekku" I had fun teaching them about my species and they did they same.
I sat still as she began tracing her fingers along my lekku her siblings eyes also filled curiosity my eyes began skimming over the surroundings till they landed on jake watched us with a smile
'I'm gonna like it alot here'
@greekgods15 @neteyamyawne @sweetirilly @erenjaegerwifee
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greenunoreversecard · 3 months
anyway, my request is for husk x optimist!reader, like the reader is this person who tries to see the light in all the crappy situations hell throws at them and eventually just can’t take it anymore and goes down to husk’s bar and gets a drink (which is a rare occurrence for reader) and then just starts rambling on about how life is just awful for them and that it’s just so hard for them to push through and act like everything’s just fine and dandy? and husk helps em thru it and carries em to bed? :)
gn! or fem! reader is fine for this, whatever you want!! feel free to take some creative liberties with this haha i trust you!!
i can’t wait to see it!!
— mio 💕
jsjdowid I do!!! I also try and request on others pages to help spread the love :p
The Healers Broken Heart
->Husk x Gn! Reader
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Youve always been know to rival Charlie's pep and optimism.
But it seems today just wasn't in your favor, was it?
Maybe it was sleeping through your alarm. Maybe it was seeing someone you'd rather leave in the past. Maybe it was the date itself. The reasoning isn't to important as you make your way through the doors of the hotel and beeline for the bar.
"Instead of a drink can you just hand me the fullest bottle of pink Whitney you have?"
Husk raises his eyebrow at you, before letting out a low whistle.
"Damn. Shit day?"
"Something like that."
"Well, angel drank the last of theWhitney, but i got everclear, and a couple flavored vodkas and some whiskeys, if any of those suit your fancy?" His voice low and gruff as he quietly lists the available alcohols.
"Fuck it, gimme the everclear"
He whistles lightly again, turning from the glass he was cleaning to the display behind him, grabbing the unopened bottle of everlcear and setting it in front of you.
He watches as you screw of the cap, and throw it back, chugging a good amount of the alcohol, unflinching.
"I was gunna ask if you want a chaser with that, but by the looks of it you don't." He pauses a moment, eyebrows still raised in shock as he watched you drink like a alchoholic of 30 years, before remembering himself and going back to the blank slate he normally keeps his face at.
"Wanna talk about it?" He treds carefully. But this question seems to hit the dam holding back the floodgates of emotions, and tears lightly prick you eyes so you take another large swig.
"Life fucking sucks, everything fucking sucks and I don't want to deal with it anymore." You go to take a third large swig, before his hands stop you.
"Maybe wait. Everclears stronger than a muthafucka, so give it a minute to set in, and then decide if you need more." He says, prying the bottle from your iron grip. "And when your ready, elaborate."
And so, after a moment, when you feel it start to set in, you do. You tell him all of your woes. Tears start streaming, at some point.
And at some point, Husk crossed the island between you two, and brought you head to his chest, gently stroking your hair and listening. Listening and caring. That's not something your particularly used to, So to speak.
And at some point, in your now drunken stupor. He dries your tears, assurance pouring from his lips like a waterfall, as he carries you up the stairs, and towards your room, setting you gently on the bed and helping you when you ask to change from jeans to sweat, always remaining ever the gentleman. He sets advil and a glass of water on your nightstand, before standing in front of where you lay, bleary eyed and lightly kisses your forehead.
And as you fall asleep, you realise. That maybe, just maybe, its ok to not be ok.
And maybe it's OK to cross some professional lines with the bartender.
Because in the end, you won't want have anyone but husk listen to you and care for you, and Carry you home.
Even the healers need to be healed.
A/N ending note: Hope this was OK, and hoped you liked it!! Thank you for requesting, i really liked it and enjoyed writting it<333 sorry if its short fiejfjks
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angel-of-the-moons · 3 months
Pavitr x reader where his wife or gf does end up pregnant? Idk maybe one where they find out they are and how they'd react to it, or one where reader has been pregnant a while and they do some...activities.
Canon Events
Pavitr x Wife!Reader
TW/CW: Anxiety, Miguel's Canon Event™ PTSD, Pregnancy, Pregnancy anxiety, baby talk!
Pavitr is obviously aged up in this fic
A/N: I'm going to work through my asks a bit to help take my mind off the grief and stress, so I simply had to make this fluffy. I might make a second part to it where it gets spicy, once I feel better.
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"Wuh-oh." Lyla said, swiping through the pop-up monitors surrounding her tiny yellow frame.
"What is it, Lyla?" Miguel asked, sipping his coffee. His deep chocolate eyes focused on the AI's persona as she squinted at the data.
"New canon event detected, Migs." She said, typing faster than any human could ever fathom.
"Where." He said, immediately setting his coffee down to furrow his brows at her.
Already he could feel his body tense at the news, after what happened with Miles and his canon event, not to mention Miguel's own...
He couldn't handle another mutiny, not when everything had finally been settled back into place, the web repaired and strengthened.
"Whose universe is it? Which one?"
"It's... Pavitr's." Lyla said, her eyebrows rising considerably behind her heart-shaped glasses.
He sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. Great. What horrible situation did fate have in plan for that particular Spider-Man, now? His Aunty Maya dying? One of his friends? You?
He knew Pavitr understood the importance of canon events, but...
"How bad?"
"Actually it's..." Lyla let out a startled chuckle, tipping her head to grin at Miguel with her crooked teeth. "It's... well, okay, depending on your point of view it could be good or bad, but I think Pavitr might consider this a good one--"
"Lyla..." He sighed, tapping his foot.
"Alright, alright big guy, don't get your panties in a twist." She snorted, "Pulling it up now."
Miguel turned his thick frame to peer at the hologram as an image of you materialized behind him.
It looked like you were in some kind of doctor's office. Judging by the pictures on the wall, some sort of women's health center.
He squinted at the posters, every inch of the room, until his eyes finally focused on you, holding papers in your hand, shaking, the gold band on your ring finger catching the lights above and glinting a little too brightly for his eyes.
Miguel slowly began to circle your image as you read the papers. Your face looked cold and clammy, a bead of sweat trickled down your brow.
Cancer? No, no, Lyla said this was good news, for once.
So, what...
His brows shot up, the creases in his tanned skin deepening as he leaned in to peer over your shoulder at the paperwork.
He rapidly scanned each word. Your flu tests came back negative, no allergens to report, no life-threatening diseases...
But the blood results are what intrigued him.
Estrogen levels were elevated...
As were prolactin and progesterone levels.
Miguel had to step back and let his jaw go slack as he looked at you, holding the papers that, printed at the bottom...
Reported a strong, tiny little heartbeat.
You were pregnant. And judging by the levels of hormones in your system, you were halfway through your first trimester.
He watched as your eyes welled up, fat tears burning hot as they broke over the dam of your lashes, dripping down your cheeks. Your doctor handed you some tissues and rubbed your back, smiling sweetly as she calmed you down.
"I know, I know, honey. It's overwhelming... Just breathe." She coos.
You wipe at your eyes and take a few shaky breaths. "I just... I'm sorry, it's hard to control it all. Ugh, I've been wondering why I've been so moody lately, but my period was late!"
"Mhmm... hormones will do that to a mama." She says patiently. "What will you tell your husband?"
"I think--"
Miguel raised his hand to Lyla to stop the hologram. This was something deeply personal, and it didn't sit right in his gut about this, that he found out before Pavitr...
He pulled up his gizmo and pulled up Pavitr's frequency, his fingers moving a little too fast so he had to backtrack a couple of times.
Finally, the voice to the chipper, younger hero came through.
"Hi, boss! Uh... What's up?" He said awkwardly.
"Go home, Pavitr, I'm assigning someone else to your workload." He said, his tone a bit softer than usual.
"I--whuh--huh?" He could hear the bewilderment in the man's voice as he stammered for a reply.
"Just go home, Pavitr. That's an order."
"I... Eh. Uh. O-okay?"
Miguel sighed as he terminated the connection.
He hoped Pavitr was ready for this.
"Heee-llo my beautiful wife!" Pavitr called out, dropping his duffel by the door, a bit of a pep in his step as he walked through your apartment to look for you.
Pavitr called your name once or twice, and his brows creased with worry when you didn't respond. Were you out? No... No. Your shoes were by the front door.
He spotted you, sitting at the island in your kitchen, a cup of hot chai in your delicate hands.
You giggled softly as he kissed your shoulder and cheek on excessive pecks and loud "mwah's" before dropping his chin onto your shoulder.
He looked at your social media feed (actually it was some kind of forum that you quickly closed) and chirped, "Whatcha looking at?"
"Oh, just... stuff." You say evasively, squirming in your seat.
"Oh? What kinda stuff?"
"Oh, I..." You say, splaying your hands over an envelope. The logo on the sticker was from your usual doctor's office, and his brows pinched in concern.
"Sweetheart, what's up? You said you had a doctor's appointment today. Is everything okay?"
"W-Well, I... I mean..." You swallow thickly. "It's... I-I mean..."
"Are you okay???" He spun your stool around to hold your shoulders, his big dark eyes wide with concern for you as he scanned your face for any signs of... anything.
"I..." You cast a glance back at the envelope. The words felt like cotton in a dry mouth, choking and unable to utter.
Why were you so nervous about this? You talked about this together, brainstormed the "what-ifs" a million times during late nights, limbs tangled as sweat cooled on your bodies beneath the sheets.
You knew Pavitr would never be... angry about this. With you.
So why was there a nasty pit in the deepest part of your stomach right now?
Pavitr looked at the envelope, and slowly reached out for it, waiting for you to tell him to stop or if you were uncomfortable.
You wrung your fingers together and chewed the inside of your cheek anxiously as you watched him read your papers, mumbling about how everything looked okay.
Then his eyes got to the last page. Your pregnancy test results.
He lifted the paper--almost comically--close to his face.
For agonizing milliseconds that felt like ages, the papers hid his face from view. All you could see was how he trembled, his fists clenching around the paper.
Finally, he lowered them, and those big, beautiful, dark eyes were glistening with tears and his lip was wobbling.
"I'm l--I'm--I'm gonna be a dad?" He blubbered near-incoherently.
"Y.... yes." You peep.
The papers were immediately forgotten as he buried his face into your chest and full-on started to ugly cry, babbling about how much he loved you and how happy he was.
Why on Earth were you ever afraid of how he'd react to the news?
You sniffled and hiccuped, his high emotional rollercoaster hitting you, too.
Immediately, he lifted his snot-covered, tear-stained face to look up at you, and his hands went to your cheeks, wiping your tears away.
"Hey, hey, hey! I love you! I love you so so so so so so so--"
"Pav..." You sniffed.
"Right, right." He muttered lifting his head to look down the hall. The room you two had turned into a room for your sewing projects was across the hall from your room. A little small, compared to yours, but...
"So if we can move stuff around, your machine can come out here, then we can put the crib in there..."
You blink dumbly at him.
"W... wait so you... You're serious? About.... about this?"
Pavitr turns to you with a grin, grabbing a paper napkin from the counter and completely cleaning his face, taking a fresh one and dabbing your tears away.
He kissed the tip of your nose, then your forehead, your cheeks, and finally, your lips.
Pavitr's hands moved low, pressing over your belly ever so gently. His eyes flicked up to yours once again.
"You and this... our little baby, are the most important things in my life." He swears. "I'm never going to back out on either of you."
He kisses you on the lips one more time, pulling away enough to touch your cheek, a grin on his charming, handsome face.
"So! Wanna look at baby stuff online? We can order takeout and chill!"
You didn't know why you were ever worried in the first place.
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wishfuldivine · 1 month
[Part Two]
He fucked up. He fucked up pretty bad. He never should've let his thoughts get the best of him. Fuck.
He was currently waiting for exfil. His body leaned back against the outside wall of the front porch at the safehouse. A bullet stuck deep in his thigh as a frantic Price attended to his wound, and Ghost kept watch just in the case of anything.
"You alright, mate?" His captain asked. He was too focused on  helping out with his wound, but there was a certain tension surrounding him. As if he was trying his complete best to remain calm.
Ghost was the same but more subtle. He was standing right next to him, eyes roaming the area but would look back at them every once in a while. His jaw was tensed, shoulders upright, and his hands seemed to fight over an urge.
Gaz knew what was going on. Price was keeping himself from scolding him and Ghost  from fussing over him. And it was as if his thoughts summoned just that to happen.
"Yes, sir." The sergeant replied through a small groan. Which was the cause for what happened next.
"Next time, don't be so bloody daft, sergeant." Price's voice sounded very angry. His eyes were practically burning with a deep fire.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"Shut it. How can you be so irresponsible over this, Garrick?" Ghost said with equal anger. His hands were clenched at his sides  now.
Gaz closed his eyes to try and take a deep breath before everything went any further.
"I know it was my mistake. Won't happen again, Lieutenant Ghost." He replied while opening his eyes. The sign of a breakdown was slowly creeping in.
"Do this again, and I will have to keep you away from future missions, Kyle." Price said afterward. It was the first time he's ever used his name in this manner or under these circumstances.
That made his heart  break. It hurt even more than he thought. But what Ghost said next is what finally did it.
"I won't work with you either, Garrick."
Gaz had enough. That's when he broke and everything came through like a broken dam.
"Yeah, you wish to be working with Soap, huh? I get it. You know, I often wish it was me who died instead of him because I can easily see how much y'all hate it that he's not here. Perhaps me being gone instead of him would've been better." He said lowly, looking down at his lap in deep hurt as tears began rolling down his cheeks.
Price and Ghost froze once Gaz's words cut through the air. Their eyes were now wide, expression shell shocked as they watched how their sergeant broke down completely in front of them.
The tension grew thicker and thicker by the second. Gaz continued to let everything out and his mind was going blank at this point. He never thought he'd be in a situation where he'll feel unwanted and unappreciated. It hurt. Very much.
"Kyle. That's no-"
"Stop lying to me! I see it every time I'm around! You ignore me. You avoid me. You see me with some kind of hatred for being the only sergeant alive! I just KNOW you wish he was here instead of me. I JUST KNOW!" His voice filled such exasperation as well. The way both of them have been treating him was completely unacceptable.
Price and Ghost didn't know what to do. Gaz was spiraling out of control, and it was very heartbreaking to witness. They felt guilty for ever neglecting their sergeant to a certain extent that led  him to break.
Shame and guilt overcame them in strong waves. They had been blinded by their own grief  to notice. Far too unaware of how they've treated Gaz along the way. How could they treat him like this?
The unstopping sobs escaping the sergeant were absolutely heartwrenching. And to everyone's shock, Ghost was the one who went forward to envelope Gaz in a tight embrace.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." The lieutenant whispered into his ear. His voice broke just the tiniest bit at the end. He felt like complete trash.
Gaz only sobbed harder.
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tcshi · 1 year
isagi yoichi
☆ : an au where the blue lock project didn't happen but the boys are attending the same school and are part of the same football club ૮ • ﻌ - ა⁩
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for a guy who possesses an incredible intelligence in the sport he loves, isagi yoichi was oblivious as a tree when it comes to your advances.
at every chance you'd get, you always try to drop hints about your immutable fondness for him. it comes in the small notes being left at his desk, a bottle of his favorite energy drink or the words of encouragement and appreciation that tumbles out of your lips in a flash of word vomit. it was always there. vivid enough for the other guys at his football club to know of your little crush on him except for isagi himself. hell, even itoshi rin of all people knows it.
but isagi, the adorable elixir of your life isagi yoichi is still pretty much in the dark of the hints you've long dropped.
you've heard rin throw you a few motivational phrases to just give up. you've seen the pitiful and bashful looks you've received from reo and nagi upon seeing you march up to their oblivious forward with a grin on your face for the nth time since forever. you've had chigiri inform you of the chances that isagi might decode your unspoken proclamations of love was close to zero in comparison to the peaking 99.9% percent if you've just directly told him.
but of course, your nerves can be a little bit of a bitch to deal with in situations that requires you to open your mouth and tell isagi that you've been liking him for the past two years. hence you just stopped trying to vocalize your adoration from the very first try.
the very first time you've tried doing that was an absolute epic fail when you became an incoherent mess babbling on and on about how you found this football player from dortmund called jude bellingham hot and isagi encouraging you to grapple against your nerves and try to shoot your shot at said football playerㅡall the while being unable to do that with your irrevocable feelings for him who stands at 5feet away from you.
you've received more pats on the back from kunigami for trying at the very least (for the nth time, unfortufuckingnately) and a few more teasing remarks from bachira that you should just try dating him instead. you kindly rejected him a few times, and sadly enough with a few smacks landing on his skin as he grins playfully.
you've tried nearly a thousand methods to get isagi to know your feelings for him through showing it but none of them worked. not until an entirely unintentional incident that pushed the water to overflow from the dam.
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you look at him crazy, like he's shooting rainbows from the top of his head and his teal eyes crying colorful tears.
“your lukewarm approach to confessing is nearly as palpable as getting smacked by a football from behind.” rin mutters as he sits beside you. he gives you a glance, shaking his head like a disappointed mother nagging her child. “why don't you be upfront with him.”
not a suggestion. a demand.
how typical of rin.
“dude you know i can't be upfront with him!” you smack your cheeks with both your palms, itoshi rin judging you pretty evidently in the corner of your eyes with his teal eyes reeling in disgust. “you know how it went the very first time...”
“maybe you should try again... keep your idiotic commentary to yourself and just get to the point.” he tells you. “ever tried doing that?”
why of course he'd know exactly what happened. he was there, present and drowning in secondhand embarrassment from you after you've spewed whatever nonsense about your profound crush on another football player who plays midfield in a european team who's already thriving at the ripe age of 19. even rin can remember the wince that fell on isagi’s face as you continued blabbering in front of him like a madwoman.
you shake your head, fiddling with the loose fabric on your uniform skirt and rin scoffs. of course you haven't. the very first things to leave your mouth every time you approach isagi was anything but vocal implications of your feelings for him. your chances of dating isagi was nearly close to nothing.
“but riiiiiiiin...” rin rolls his eyes as you clamp your hands around his biceps, shaking the male sideways with a whine. “i get so nervous whenever i’m around him.”
“that’s because you're stupid and lame. just like the guy you're crushing on.”
you smack his arms, pushing him away from you with a huff. “that’s rude rinrin.”
he glares at you. “call me that one more time and kiss your chances of freely trespassing our training hours goodbye.”
“would you rather me call you rinnie then?” you pinch your chin, a pondering look in your face. “you hated it when i called you that when we were kids.”
“don’t call me stupid names, you stupid girl.”
“but what's the fun in that!? you're literally revoking my nicknaming privileges as your best friend and childhood bestest best friend after all the years we've spent together from diapers toㅡ”
rin stands up before he walks away, but not before throwing another remark about you.
“shut up and don't talk to me until you've fixed your boy problems.” you huff at your spot.
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“he loves me... he loves me not... he loves me... he... loves me... not!?!? ” you harshly throw the crumpled flower on the ground, going for extra mile and stumping on it with both feet.
besides the unfortunate approach to your boy problems, it seems that even a simple game of he loves me, he loves me not flower petal picking game was a major bust just like the outcome of your valiant efforts of wooing isagi yoichi awayㅡwell, not necessarily valiant considering you chicken out when vocalizing anything near as a confession but whatever, you don't want to dwell on that. instead, you gave the innocent flower one more stamp before turning to walk away.
only for you to realize that half of the entire football team with isagi was filing out of the school gates while you're busy murdering the flowers that now laid flat and unrecognizable on the sole of your feet.
you shot them a smile bordering grimace before waving a hand. “uh... hi?”
“did the pansies do something to you... or...?” reo asks, glancing the mangled pansy flower beneath your feet and sounding genuinely worried for your well-being, except for the shaking of his lips that told you he was trying to hold his laughter. “you look rather enraged...”
you shake your head promptly, ignoring the exasperated look on rin’s face from behind the guys when isagi spoke to you next.
“y/n... are you okay?” he hesitantly asks as he steps out behind bachira and chigiri’s back. “you look uhm... pretty upset back there...”
oh you were more than upset alright.
you heave a deep breath in, and you see your childhood bestest best friend itoshi rin leave the group but not before shaking his head before the others followed right after him and leaving you and an unaware isagi behind, already wary of the next incoming foolish gabber that's ready to flow out of your mouth.
and boy did it come in a tidal wave.
“yeah no i just uh you know the flower didn't do anything wrong but i kind of just played that game where you pick each petal and say he loves me he loves me not each time you pick a petal while i'm waiting for you guys to leave the pitch because i fear that rinrinㅡoh no i can't call him that please don't tell him i called him thatㅡwill revoke my license of free pass to your training hours and i won't be able to see you guys play especially you and yeah uh about the flower i was just a little bit cuckoo in the head because you know hahaha it landed on he loves me not and i don't think i can handle any more of that insinuation that i won't ever have a chance with you that's why i kinda murdered it even though i didn't really mean to-”
you chuckle uneasily, slapping a hand in the air. “haha yes no uh no but yeah but you know i think no but i do kind of have a small tini tiny crush on you so yeah i think i noㅡyes or no.”
“chance with.... me?” immediately, you stop your blabber catching the mistake on your part. automatically, you zip your mouth. “you-you like me?” isagi points to himself, as if he can't believe whatever gibberish you just vomited out.
“breathe... and tell me honestly, do you like me?”
by the end of yet another foolish mutterings was isagi’s dumbfounded look. he can't understand if you really do like him or not because honestly, who would even confirm someone's feelings when said someone confirmed it in the way you did. so isagi did something he never thought he'd doㅡnot in this afternoon at least. he holds your cheeks, squishing them together in a pout that seemed to have calmed you down, or something... because you were definitely turning redder by each passing minute.
“yes!” you squeak, closing your eyes from the impending rejection that hang in the air. only it never came. instead, isagi lets go of your cheeks, chuckling at the heat that creeped into your skin before patting your head and fixing the messy strands of your hair.
“good because i like you too... i’m just glad that rin and the others didn't tell you anything...”
you open your mouth to say something, anything to divert your shock, embarrassment, joy and giddiness only to realize a very crucial piece of information from isagi’s words.
“wait... they knew you liked me and me like you-”
isagi clamps a palm of his over your mouth, chuckling as you proceeded to prattle behind his hand before he smoothly maneuvers himself beside you, the hand that was enclosed over your lips remained loosely hooked over your shoulders before he drags you away.
“okay you can stop trashing them now... let's just get you your favorite ice cream or something then talk. we definitely have a lot of things to catch on.”
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a/n: hi, it's me. i’m the one crushing on jude bellingham, it's me ✌🏻😋
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cybrpwup · 1 year
ꜱᴜɴꜱʜɪɴᴇ || ꜱᴏꜰᴛᴡɪʟʟʏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Softwilly x sunshine!reader !
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Warnings: none summary: Nick takes Y/n out for his video requested?: yes ! ↳ “sO WEVE ALL SEEN ISAAC X SUNSHINE READER RIGHT? (i think) BUT MIGHT I PROPOSE…..SOFTWILLY X SHNSHINE TEADER???!“
Y/n skipped ahead of the group, looking into every shop window they'd pass, 'ooh' and 'ahh' leaving her mouth as she did so.
Nick was constantly calling her back over to them when she wandered too far for his liking.
"Y/n, come here." He chuckled as he held out his hand. She was a dog and Nick was her leash, "Stay close."
She feigned a pouty face back at him, "you guys walk so slow." Her pout quickly turned to a smile as she stared at him, like his presence just made her happy.
A dreamlike haze clouded his head, and weakness overtook his limbs each time his eyes caught hers. Like many men, he did not think he had a specific type; he didn't consider himself picky in most situations. Women were women to him. if he could get with one that was good enough for him. But Y/n. Sweet, playfully, cheery Y/n, she was his type; she was everything he did not know he looked for in a woman. And it was... wow.
Therfore, Nick got extremely jealous of Isaac when Y/n stepped away from him to walk alongside him, getting lost in a conversation -- that could have been him standing shoulder to shoulder with Y/n. It was hard to be upset about it though as he watched her every movement; she was all giggly and bubbly and he adored it.
They finally ended up in a store and somehow Y/n had already gotten lost within the aisles, "How does she do that so fast...?" Larry commented as Nick began recording his journey to find his lost girlfriend.
On the way he spotted a bag and made a comment about how he wanted to buy it for Y/n.
She was found meandering an aisle where she was scanning the shelves of items from the bottom up, her eyes flickered over to meet Nick, flashing a smile.
A blush painted over Nick's face, and he could feel it too - how his face heated up at her smile.
"Come here," He grabbed her hand once again and lead her to the bag, pointing the camera at it then to her, "Do you like this?" He asked as she examined the bag, turning over the price tag and her eyes widened.
"Wow, almost $50 dollars for this tiny bag..."
"It's alright, let me buy you something." He reassured her, squeezing her hand.
She looked back at him, suddenly looking serious, "Nick. I know what I want."
"Okay, baby, what do you want?" a genuine smile took his lips behind the camera
"banana milk."
Nick faced her, a genuine, relaxed smile stretched across his face and he playfully rolled her eyes. He laughed, "we can't get banana milk."
It did not get the reaction he expected. Y/n's smile faltered, and for the first time in their interaction, her eyes dropped from his face. Pulling at the sleeves of the sweatshirt Nick let her borrow. She asked in a timid voice, "Why not?"
And god did it break his heart every time her smile went away.
"Well..." his voice became hesitant, "I mean we can't get it here. We'll have to go somewhere else for that."
That dammed smile of hers returned.
"Are you sure you don't want anything else for now?" Nick felt his face heat up again.
She nodded her head, this time her turn to lead him, "Let's go find the other's."
"Just this, please." Y/n spoke, placing the container of banana milk on the counter in front of the cashier. She did this thing where she could make conversation with anyone, and so she did with the cashier.
Nick felt his heartstrings being struck with each word out of her mouth, and as his eyes focused on Y/n, he thought he'd never before felt so calm and confident. It was something he thought he'd never get used to.
"the others are waiting, say bye and let's go." He said lightheartedly, giving the lady behind the counter a smile as if to say 'sorry about her'
Finally, back at home Nick was getting ready to wrap the recording up when Y/n yelled out, "Wait!"
She prompted the camera away from Nick and gave it to Issac to free his hands.
“Give me your hand."
“Okay.. what for?" He laughed as she took his hand
“Shush." She placed his palm right under her collarbone and used her hand to hold it there, applying pressure.
"Nick," She spoke, and you could tell by the way her nose scrunched she was holding back a laugh.
She searched his dark eyes for recognition.
Smiling a wide and toothy smile, Nick brought himself out of any other thoughts he was having and to his wonderful girlfriend and that sense of peace that came when their eyes clicked. He let his hand be guided from the cool skin of her collarbone to her face
"Will you, Nick," She knelt down on the soft rug and took something from her pocket, clasping it between her hands, "make me the happiest girl alive and marry me?" She opened her hands to reveal a ring pop.
Gasps filled the room as Nick laughed, "Y/n, I would be honored." He held his hand out for her to slip the ring onto.
Nick pulled her to her feet and then into his lap. Holding on tight and with a kiss to her neck, he whispered, "I love you."
"I know." Y/n giggled, "And i really love you."
"You guys are so cheesy. its gross." Isaac sighed contented
Y/n grumbled, putting on a comically exaggerated pout, "you guys are always so mean."
Nick simply ignored them, just thinking about another afternoon on the sofa, cuddling his girlfriend.
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thedeluluverse · 10 months
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Annyeong my darling @starfire21! Here is your request! Sorry it took longer than I quoted, hope it was worth the wait! Let me know of anyyyyy feedback ok? Enjoy :) <3333
Author’s Note: Big thanks to @starfire21 for this request as it beckons in a new era of not just BTS fics! I hope y’all enjoy and feel free to send me requests anytime 😊Also, I got a tad bit carried away so if it's too long, sorry! hehe
Summary: Being together for 2 years, there is no limit to how well you know each other. So why do you still try to hide?
Pairing:  softDom!Minho x subbyJYPstaffF!reader.
Rating: 18+
Genre: idol!au, angst, smut, fluff, hurt/comfort, established relationship, coworker romance
Word Count: 3,861
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI.  swearing, angst in a couple parts, fingering (f. receiving), breast play, dirty talk, pet names, overstimulation, clit play, praise kink, neck kissing, guilt, crying, cockwarming, mom and dad issues, reader highkey hates her dad and wants to unalive him so there's talk of that too.
It's been 2 hours, and you are still reeling. Despite living in Korea for about 6 years at this point, your parents still manage to get under your skin. A notification pops up on your phone that your boyfriend, none other than Lee Minho of Stray Kids, has gone live. A small smile appears, knowing that he helps comfort you even through a screen and wondering if he can sense your need for his presence. Probably not, but it's a nice thought!
Once the live is through, you give a sigh of contentment, quickly replaced by the familiar sinking feeling that comes with the trauma you can't seem to shake. You are on the verge of sobbing when your phone screen lights up, showing that your boyfriend is trying to Facetime you. Taking a few deep breaths and smiling, you accept the call and are greeted by an "Annyeong jagiya! Did you see the live?". Nodding your head, you reply, "I did, and you look so handsome today, babe!".
Despite you doing your best to smile enough to not worry him, he can tell that the smile far from reaches your eyes. His tone changes to stern as his eyes bore into your soul; thank goodness there's a screen separating y'all! "Tell me." He demands; you try to laugh it off. "Tell you what? That I love you; you know I do, Min!". He isn't laughing, "Don't play this game with me, angel, I can tell something is wrong. Please, I'm here for you, always.".
At his sincere words and concern for your well-being, the dam is broken, and you start bawling, unable to communicate for about 3 minutes. He understands and doesn't bother you; he just looks at you pitifully, upset that he knows there is nothing he can do to help right now. Once your breathing has regulated, you say, "Okay, well, buckle up, my love, because today was a doozy…" he nods to show that he is ready and you are free to start whenever.
After a sip of water, you begin, "First off, my dad, who I haven't talked to in about 7 years, texted me out of the blue asking what I've been up to, and he misses me (bullshit, you mutter under your breath). So this fucker asks if we can meet up for lunch or something soon. I told him that I was not in the States anymore. He said that my mom was bragging about me and accidentally let it slip that I live in Korea now, so that's no issue since he has wanted to take a trip anyway. “
“I told him to stay out of my goddamn life since that is what he is best at, and he lost his chances to reconcile with me a decade ago. Then he dared to get angry with me and say he deserves to see me because ' he's my father.' I told him he was just a sperm donor and he had no right to me, especially since I changed my last name once I moved out. He didn't like that and said that I was just like my mom, a bitch, and that was it. Now most times, I don't like being compared to my mom, but in cases like these, it's a badge of honor, lol.”.
As you take a breath, Minho stares off from his phone for a moment to process all of that. Now, that situation would be intense to hear about for anyone. Still, it's an entirely different playing field for your fiercely protective boyfriend who knows about your trauma. "I'm gonna kill him." He states, still looking off into the distance.
You damn near spit out your water at the suddenness of this statement, then reply with, "I mean, go for it, have fun even, but make sure I'm there. I want to see his pathetic life leave his blank stare as I deal the final blow." His eyes widen, knowing that your talk of wanting to kill your dad was serious all these years; his only response is to nod, "Anything you want, Princess.".
Blushing at the pet name and feeling a bit better, having vented some of the day away, you say, "You are already fuming; I can just finish up the story later. It's okay. I will see you, la-" "You'll see me as soon as you are done telling me what happened today. Yes, I am pissed at your dad on multiple levels. Still, I care about you even more. So what else happened, honey?". You close your eyes, and with your voice slightly cracking, you say, "My mom. She happened. So she Facetimed me earlier, like 10 minutes after the ordeal with 'dad'.
  She just wanted to check up on me, but I was snippier than usual because I don't like surprises like that and wouldn't have agreed to call just then. I told her that she needs to not just randomly Facetime me because next time, depending on what kind of day I'm having, I may not be in the mood to pick up. She didn't like that at all and tried to play the guilt card of not seeing me in forever despite her knowing I’ve been super busy lately. I told her that wasn’t fair, and we texted enough for her to know that my life has been hectic, so she needs to not try to make me feel guilty for my success."
“So then,” you continue, “she happens to spot that the sink has dishes, trash needs to be taken out, etc., etc., and huffs. I ask what's wrong, and she proceeds to say that, well, despite success looks like you can't handle it all if you can't maintain a clean living space and that after this long, she thought that I would’ve figured out a routine that works for me by now.
  She even had the audacity to say, 'Ah yes, your work is soooo taxing being around gorgeous people all day, you poor thing.' That set me off; I told her that my job is taxing because I want to ensure I am doing my best, so they do not have to worry as much. I have had no energy to do anything when I come home lately besides shower, eat, and talk to Min for a little while before I pass out. The final straw was when she said, ', Oh, so you have time for your boyfriend but not for your mom; I see how it is.' And just ended the call."
  He stares into space again and says, "Wait…what the actual fuck??!! She knows you have abandonment issues and how your energy levels can be, and she dares to pull that…. I'm so sorry, love, for everything." You sniffle, trying to ward off more tears and answer, "It isn't your fault, though; none of this is, which is why I wasn't going to bother you with it or bring down your day. Especially after a live because I know you get a mixed bag of comments with those; I feel extra bad now. I'm sorry; I'm selfish and shouldn't have word-vomited on you. Oh fuck, am I like my dad? I'm really gonna run into traffic now," you half-joke.
"AISH. Y/N-AAAA!! I've told you that you never need to hide anything from me, okay? I am here for you. I would’ve hated it if you kept all of this to yourself until you deemed that I was ready to hear it. Lovingly shut the hell up about that 'like your dad/being selfish' shit. I could tell you weren't okay and asked you to share why. Yanno, I love you and know you have struggled mainly alone for too long."
" Your dad would've just started unloading about his day without even thinking to ask how I was before, so stop. No running into traffic jokes either, alright? You really wanna do that to me and the kids?". The corner of your mouth twitches into a slight smile as you say, ", Okay, you maybe have good points; I'm sorry. And I wouldn't do that to you and those fuzzy little cuties in a million years!"
He smirks, "Good, and stop saying sorry. You did nothing wrong, okay?"; you nod in response, granting you a flying kiss through the screen. "Do you have any plans today y/n?" "Nope MinMin, I'm free the rest of the day; why?" "You'll see, just be ready in 15 minutes, dress comfy. I'll see you soon; gonna hang up now, saranghae jagiya!" "Saranghae jagi, I'll see you soon!". The call ends, and you put on your favorite pair of leggings and an oversized hoodie you had stolen from him on your third date paired with your trusty boots, and you are ready to go!
15 minutes later, your boyfriend is pulled into your driveway and leans against the car waiting for you, not wanting to rush you but letting you know he is there. The second you step past your door, he runs up to you and captures you in the most comforting hug that might've ever existed.
This causes you to cry more, and his only response is to softly rub your back, occasionally pecking your temple and forehead with kisses and soothingly whispering, "There there, y/n, I'm here. It's going to be okay, that's it. Let it out.". After about 9 minutes, he wipes away the tears for you, kisses their faint trails, and leads you hand in hand to his car. As he starts driving, you have no idea what he has planned, and frankly, it couldn't matter less; you are feeling better just being in his company.
Putting the car in park, he turns to you and asks, "You ready?" "for what?" you reply. He emerges from the vehicle and opens your door for you, holding your hand as you walk into the building, saying, "Just trust me.". As soon as you walk in, you are taken aback at how nice this place looks but are too entranced in the calming scents of rain and vanilla to put too much thought into it. He notices you just taking everything in and places a gentle hand on the small of your back to catch your attention, "Let's get this started, shall we? Don't worry, I pulled a few strings, and we have the place to ourselves.".
Returning to reality, you look at him with wide eyes, "Wait….did you rent out a whole ass spa just because my parents were jerks??? This is too much; I'll be okay, I swear!". He calmly places a finger over your lips, looking into your eyes. "Nothing is too much for my baby girl, you need to wind down anyway, and I just had an excuse to pull something like this off. Now… go enjoy my love."
You blush at the effort and care he put into this, all for you, and nod, walking to the back. First, you get the best massage of your life, not counting the ones that Min has given you; of course, once it is done, the masseuse leaves so that you can retie your robe and move on to the next room. Nearly falling asleep from how jelly-like your muscles feel, you don't notice that you aren't alone until you feel a hand gripping your ass cheek.
You bolt up and whip your head around only to find your cheeky partner showcasing the cat smirk that you so adore until he moves closer to you and bends down, placing soft kisses on your shoulders, neck, and all over your face until you are both giggling. "Now, on to the next room." He commands while taking hold of your neck with his strong, veiny hands that impress you more and more every day.
Helping you into the next room as you are still a bit wobbly, Min starts feeling like this was definitely a good idea since it has been ages since he has seen your features this relaxed. Once you sit in the massage chair, he plants a kiss on the top of your hand and then leaves you to enjoy phase 2. Phase 2 includes a full mani-pedi as well as a customized facial treatment due to him knowing that you have sensitive skin. He even asked the staff to provide extra cucumber slices to snack on if smelling them on your face kickstarted your craving.
Throughout the mani-pedi, you receive heavenly hand and foot massages, and you start to wonder if this is all a dream due to how perfect everything has been. As you wait a few moments for them to ensure the next room is ready, your sneaky boyfriend whispers into your ear, "Enjoying yourself pretty?" as your eyes are closed, leaning back in relaxation.
  Your eyes fly open, mainly from the realization that those 3 words created body-wide goosebumps. Hovering over you, he shakes his head and gently lowers your lids, "Keep relaxing, pet. Let master take care of you, yeah?". Biting your lip, you nod slightly while fighting a moan; at this green light, he starts a trail of kisses from your collarbone down to your sternum.
Your breathing becomes more uneven by the second as he takes one tit into his mouth, swirling and flicking his tongue around your hardened bud and occasionally sucking on it as if his life depended on it. He can tell that you are needy from his actions and stops right before the staff returns to lead you into the next room. Not before he leaves little love bites all over your cleavage, though.
Phase 3 is a special treatment that he personally requested. Now, the spa staff is well aware of your heat sensitivity, and you were fine temperature-wise until Min's little sneaky stunts left you panting with flushed cheeks. Well, it seems he anticipated this because he arranged a cooling stone treatment for you in the next room. They spend about a half hour moving stones of all sizes all along your body and double as many times over your pressure points to ensure you don't get overheated.
In the end, you are instructed to lie face down once again as they leave an even pattern of chilling stones all down your back as well as on the nape of your neck. In the midst of cooling bliss, you feel a familiar set of lips kissing up your calves all the way to the back of your thighs. Goosebumps appear again, and you can feel the desire pooling in your stomach along with the increasing wetness between the lips of your pussy.
He barely has to apply pressure to your inner thighs for you to spread your legs for him even wider. Leaning over your back, he nibbles your earlobe and coyly says, "Damn baby, you really are my subby little kitten, aren't you? All it takes is a few kisses and teasing touches, and you are dripping onto this table for me. I'm not complaining; I've just come to taste my handiwork.".
  Before you can object for fear that you'll be walked in on, his tongue is deep in your throbbing cunt, licking broad stripes along your lips. Feeling you adjust slightly in an attempt to grind against his face, he firmly holds down your legs, saying, "C'mon, my needy little babydoll, you gotta stay still so daddy can take care of you. Unless you want them to see that their handiwork has shifted and be privy to your true nature." You groan as if to say, "That's not fair," but you aren't complaining after all…
You finish for the third time, not 5 minutes before the staff walks in with a robe, ready to remove the stones from your back, ignoring the smell of sex as they were paid to do. Sitting on the end of the table, waiting to see what will happen next, Minho saunters in and extends his hand towards you while slightly bowing. Furrowing your brows, you ask, "Um, my dear boyfriend, it's a little difficult for me to walk. Could you tell me where we are going?".
Ignoring your question, he states, "You feel a little chilly."; you huff and reply, "Well, thank you, great compass, that helped a ton. For your information, I am, actually. The stones set me back to neutral, but then, all of that release burned a lot of calories, and now I'm resetting." "I thought as much. Well, welcome to the last stage of Min's 'If I can't kill those who hurt you, I'm gonna try my hardest to kill your unhappiness and soothe your soul for eternity' tour!".
Trying to disguise the tears in your eyes from being seen, you tease, "Damn, that's a mouthful, love…" He just grins and cocks an eyebrow replying, "Yeah, well, so are you, and I'm not complaining."; this makes you blush and scan the area, hoping nobody heard him.
He leads you into a private hot tub/sauna room with the temperature of everything set just warm enough to help you feel normal but cool enough that you won't pass out. You don't waste any time changing into a bathing suit and letting your body succumb to the sensation of the jets and the melting effect that the water is having over every inch of you. Eyes closed and head back, you still have trouble believing all this is real. Ten minutes later, you feel the water rise higher on your body, and it isn't long before you know the culprit is your Min joining you.
Looking to the right of you, where he is sitting, you pull yourself over his lap and start kissing along his neck, all the way behind his ear, and finally over to his lips for a steamy makeout sesh that leaves you both breathless and has him asking, "Well Princess what was that for? I am certainly not mad about it, but I figured you'd be too relaxed to be this bold right now."
It's your turn to smirk as you rub your clothed core against his growing bulge, then whisper against his ear, "See, the thing is…I was relaxed, then you made me all needy, so you have to fix it now, mister." "Oh, do I?" he teases as he slips two fingers inside of your soaked cunt easily, which elicits a very loud “fuck Minho” from your lips. He curls his fingers inside of you, occasionally toying with your sensitive bud while kissing you passionately until you have cum all over his hand 5 times.
He lets you stay collapsed against him for a solid 10 minutes before saying, "Let's go, my adorable little raisin.". Pouting, you lift your head up, meeting his eyes and saying, "But baaabe, I feel too weak to dry off, get dressed, and go all the way to the car…” He chuckles, tucking your hair behind your ear and placing a soft kiss to the tip of your cute nose before explaining, “I planned for this situation as well my love, just trust me yeah?” he says touching his forehead to yours as you nod.
He gets out first, quickly drying off, pulling on a pair of boxers, and heading back to you. He lifts you bridal style with ease out of the hot tub and places you on possibly the best bed you have ever laid on. As he joins you underneath the covers, you curl up against him with your nose on his neck and his chin on top of your head; "Jagi, did you invent a cooling cloud for me to sleep on?" you ask, half out of consciousness.
He gives a deep chuckle in amusement at how tiny you are right now, places a kiss on top of your head, and traces his fingers up and down your spine as he answers, "I'm not thaaat powerful jagiya, but that was precious."
Pressing yourself closer to his chest in embarrassment while giggling, you retort playfully whiny, "Don't make fun of meee. Just tell me what magic is underneath us right now, and can we take it home?". He smiles ear to ear, just as smitten with you as the day he met you, and replies, "Well, I thought you might get overheated, so I asked if they could set up the extra room as a nap area with silk sheets for cooling reasons. Sadly, they didn't have any, but thankfully, they did have this other fabric called habotai. It is much like silk but a bit cheaper and slightly more cooling. If you like it this much,  we can send a set home with us."
Barely raising your head, just enough for him to see your eyes, you ask, "Wait, really??" with the wonderment of a child who just got told they can take home the toy they've been eyeing in the store for the past 20 minutes. Kissing your forehead, he nods and can feel fatigue overtake his body; right before he drifts into dreamland, though, your sweet voice permeates the air.
Pressing a palm against his firm chest to let him know you're awake, barely above a whisper, you say, "Um…I don't want to be greedy, but I have a question….if that's alright. I know you've done so much already." He glances down at you and cups your cheek with his palm, "What is it, my star?" you feel your cheeks flush as you ask, "Well, see, the thing is, I was thinking, or rather wondering if you could just…be inside of me? If that's silly, I get it, just, I dunno, I want to feel as close as I can to you. You're so healing you have no idea…".
Before you finish your sentence, he is gently filling you up with his cock and softly presses his lips against yours right as you finish speaking. "I doubt you could ever make a silly request or be greedy where I am concerned, sweetheart. You could want to hula hoop with Saturn's rings, and I'd find a way to grant your wish, my love." Giving a contented sigh, you nod, and you both drift off to the most peaceful sleep either of you have experienced in a long while.
  Even though you felt like absolute trash earlier today, here you are, feeling like the most valuable piece of treasure. All thanks to your fantastic boyfriend who sees you as a goddess and would move mountains if it meant you were at peace. The reason is, to him, you are the rarest gem that he had the fortune of stumbling across in life, and he spends every day trying to think of ways to show you just how special you are to him and in general.
After that day, you both vow to always let each other know what is going on so that neither of you faces hardships alone; from now to eternity, you will be each other’s soul soothers, and you couldn't feel more thankful to have this man by your side now and forever.
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