#at least the pain meds finally kicked in
mejomonster · 2 years
im not saying its whats helping for sure (cause im on better meds too and in theory just moved out of a house that was making me worse)
but i can say im drinking 4-8 cups caffeine again and if anything my tummy is way happier with me and working way better
as in better enough no pain and i can eat 2000 calories like a normal person in a day. which is beyond amazing to me i am so thankful
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toomuchdickfort · 2 years
Increasingly tired of not being able to do things
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fabulouslygaybean · 1 year
god, fucking.. the fact that so few people acknowledge the intense brain fog you feel when you're in immense pain is a crime i think
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mr-mandalorian · 2 years
ghost x f reader, hurt/comfort, blood & violence, ghost gives reader his mask
she could only ever see his eyes and yet at times it was still too much. shutting the door behind her, she found him at the entrance of the med bay. he was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed, and with what she could only guess, a permanent scowl fixed on his face.
“you didn’t have to wait.”
“you disobeyed a direct order.”
she sighed, not in a mood for a lecture. while she’d never admit it, even with tolerance trained to bear it, her side was absolutely killing her.
“and yet it got us a lead.”
“you put yourself in unnecessary danger. what if the bullet moved just a little bit to the left? you could’ve died.”
“if i did, i’m sure you’d be more than happy to find yourself an obedient replacement.” she pressed further, holding his gaze. she knew she was being unfair, stepping over a line with her lieutenant. and yet she still wished to strip them of their titles, have him admit that there’s more than just friendly comradery making him wait for her to get patched up.
ghost didn’t respond and she could feel months of bonding crumbling before her feet. it’s the way his eyes changed, glazing over with the same coldness when she had just met him. before she felt his flesh on hers, before there was a warmth reserved just for her.
so the silent treatment it was.
readjusting her position, she could feel the stitches at her side pulling. it’s only been two days, but the lead that was the reward of her disobedience could not wait. it didn’t help that the comms were silent, her ears deaf to any usual silly banter that would ensue during a mission. even if she tried to utter a whisper to soap or gaz, ghost would cut in, deeming it unnecessary and distracting.
“entering basement now, how’s it looking on the upper floors?” she voiced an update, slowly ascending down the stairs, finger ready on the trigger as she looked down the narrow hall.
she waited for ghost to confirm, but when no response came she could only roll her eyes. so now even necessities were off the table?
positioning her heavy boots with feather like steps, she made her way down the stuffy hall. the only light illuminating the walls was coming from the door at the end and it didn’t take long for her to spot shadows coming from the gap at the bottom.
“movement spotted, permission to go in?” she quietly tried again only to be met with more silence. “Lt, how copy?”
with a minute to spare and another roll of her eyes, she slowly pushed the door open. a secret tunnel system underneath the building, at least eight goons loading a truck for their escape. but the target was there, a sleek silver briefcase handcuffed to a man.
with the element of surprise on her side, she fully kicked the door open. static filled her ears with ghost’s cursing coming in broken through the comms. four men gunned down, she pressed herself back against the wall, holding her breath and counting down the shots. when the noise died down, she waited. she waited and waited, until a silhouette appeared before her. wasting no time, she kicked the man’s gun up, jabbing him in the neck with her knife. with more goons to follow after, she used the man’s body as a shield as she finally stepped through the doorway. she released the body when the ammunition stopped, throwing herself at another man to slice his throat.
with two men left, she tossed her knife at one of them. a mistake on her part as the briefcase goon pulled it out of his shoulder unfazed. before she could reach for her handgun, the other man flung himself at her, kicking and ripping the stitches at her side. movements slowed by the pain, she danced around the man, missing briefcase coming at her. barely yet not enough out of reach, he launched at her with her own knife, slicing the left side of her face. with blood dripping into her eye and vision turning red, she could only scream in misery and continue to stand.
when the team had finally made their way down underground, they found a bloodbath cooling in the basement. surrounded by corpses, y/n laid in a pool of blood on the floor, briefcase tightly clutched to her chest.
nine days without any communication with ghost. the nurses that tended to y/n, while at first a little terrified of the giant man lingering around the med bay, have grown to admire his patience and started guilt tripping y/n into letting him come inside her ward. but how could she? even with one eye left to see, she could not face his disappointed gaze.
they were removing her face bandages today. dreadful stitching starting from her chin all the way up to her eyebrow that she refused to catch sight of in a mirror.
“you know, it’s not only him today. the whole task force is here to see you.” the nurse spoke finishing up, her tone sympathetic.
“well, let’s get it over it then. tell ghost he can have the honor of chewing me out first, i’ll see the others after.”
moments later ghost entered the room. he looked so out of place, a dark looming shadow a stark contrast to the med bay’s sanitary white. only his mask matched, concerned eyes behind a pale skull boring into her own.
silence seemed to follow ghost everywhere he went. but it was no longer some petty treatment, it was uncertainty. he was overwhelmed, seeing her up and about when the image of her unmoving body still haunted him. he’s endured trauma beyond belief throughout his life yet somehow nothing compared to the nausea he felt when he saw her sliced up face.
“you went in without permission.”
“here we fucking go.” turning away, she hung her head low, hoping to hide herself as much as possible. “i did ask for permission, but when you didn’t respond i thought you were just being prick. only later did i realize the comms got fucked when i went underground.”
“you still should’ve waited for backup. look where it got you-“
“i did wait, but they were about to escape! i got the briefcase, didn’t i? what else matters?”
“what else-? fucking hell, y/n, i thought i lost you!” grabbing her arm, he twirled her around to face him. “i thought i lost you for good. a pain in my ass you are, doing whatever the fuck you want with no regard for your own safety.”
she shrunk under his frame, eyes still glued to the floor. a gloved hand raised her face, cupping her jaw gently to make her look at him. she never understood how a man of his size and talents could be so tender with his touch, always holding her like a porcelain doll that was bound to shatter at any moment.
“keeping me waiting all these days like a fucking dog, trying to break my heart or somethin’?”
her stomach twisting with butterflies, she held his gaze. there was nothing but sincerity behind the hollow curves of his mask.
“you started it.”
“for fuck’s sake-“
“i’m okay, Lt. as okay as i can be, but it’ll take time getting used to this.” she gestured towards her eye. “it’s why i didn’t want to see you, or anyone else. any chance you have a spare to share?”
she gently tugged on the bottom of his balaclava, a sad smile painted on her face.
“love, you took eight men down. the boys were speechless when we got there, it was like a fucking massacre. you’re the most divine woman i have ever laid eyes on, but now there’s a pretty scar on your pretty face to remind me not to fuck around. god knows, you could fucking take me if i act a fool again.”
“mmm, i don’t know.” she hummed, breaking into a genuine smile. “i don’t feel ready yet, you know? i appreciate everyone coming to see me but-“
before she could finish talking, she was cut off by something getting shoved down her head. she gasped as realization set in, immediately raising her hands to cover her eyes.
“simon! what are you doing?” she gaped, pressing her palms further into the fabric of the skull mask that covered her face.
“i trust you.” taking her hands into his own, he lowered them without any intent of ever letting go. “besides, what’s the harm? you only have one good eye left to look at me.”
her cheeks hurt from smiling, she couldn’t find it in herself to be mad. she stood on her toes, reaching up to ruffle his hair, ghost closing his eyes in content. she only ever hoped for him to confirm that the yearning was mutual, she never expected to receive a gift as precious as adorning his infamous mask.
“now go on, go wave hello to the lads. i’ve waited days to see you, what’s a few minutes more?”
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navstuffs · 1 month
hi!! i really love your writing and i would love if you could feed me with a request (only if you're comfortable with it, ofc) 👉🏼👈🏼 what about a leon x reader where reader is passing through a very tough depressive crisis and is really not fine mentally speaking — and leon just try to help and comfort them through this? 👉🏼👈🏼
anyway, thank you for your fics, they really helped me these days 😭💗
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x GNPartner!Reader
Summary: It is 1 am when Leon Kennedy knocks on your door. He shouldn't be there and you shouldn't have opened it. 
Warning tags: hurt/comfort, angst, leon almost died, reader is suffering with anxiety due to past events, can be read as platonic or romantic (you choose)
Writer's Notes: hello! first of all, im sorry i took so long to write this request for you. i changed some stuff and i hope you don't mind (reader is still depressed). thank you so much your kind words and i hope this fic serves as comfort for you!! <333 stay safe anon!
for more painful leon's fics, check my masterlist. i have some happy ones too :)
It is 1 am when Leon Kennedy knocks on your door. It is the third time that week only, the fifth of the month. 
It starts when you don’t appear at work after two weeks since his return, and no one knows where you are. HR informs you are sick, which means you are still alive somewhere in the world, just sick. Okay, but sick with what? Sick how? Are you in the hospital? Do you need any help? Leon knows you don’t have family around, like him, and you are pretty much alone - like him. 
So, as any regular worried friend would, he calls and texts. He wants to hear your voice and guarantee that you don’t need help and have everything you need. That you truly are okay. No answer. HR has guaranteed him you are not dead, but what if you—no, he shouldn’t think about that.
The next step is going to your house. He knows where your address is and wouldn’t be a complete weird appearing there in the afternoon. No answer. Leon won’t be a creep as far as looking at your windows, at least not yet. He won’t go as far as busting your door and checking how you are feeling because he needs to confirm you are okay. You might just not be home.
On the second visit, Leon got awfully close to kicking your door. Before he could do that or even knock, he saw a shadow pass over the window. Though Leon told himself he wouldn’t, he looked inside just in time to see you disappear to the second floor. So, at least you are really alive, Leon’s body filling with relief. It could have been a bad case of flu, and you don’t want to contaminate anyone.
One more week passes, and he visits your house two more times. Those times you didn’t even bother to hide yourself, lazily lying down on the sofa in a way Leon couldn’t see your face (oh yeah, now he is definitely peeking out your windows). So you are genuinely ignoring him or truly sick with some contagious disease. Maybe Covid?
The fifth time he knocks on your door, it is 1 am and Leon is deeply not only worried but bitter. He was sitting in his apartment alone, wondering what you had and why you didn’t open the door for him. You two are colleagues, and Leon would dare to go as far as to call you his friend if anyone asked. How many times have you brought him soup while he was sick? Brought him meds, kept him company? Checked on him until he was finally all better?
It would be only fair if he did the same.
Leon grabs his keys without even thinking: You will open the door for him tonight. And if you don’t, well, he will kick it open. To hell with the civil approach.
All the courage slips away from his body when he notices the kitchen’s light on. Leon can’t see anything inside since you decided to make his life harder and close the curtains. So, instead of kicking that door until it’s down, Leon goes back to the gentle approach (like the idiot he is): he knocks.
The door opens not even ten seconds later, and Leon blinks, surprised. You are there. You, not a trick of his eyes: a fluffy and long blanket covering your body, only your face peeking with a familiar expression Leon recognizes immediately - he had seen in his own mirror before.
“You won. What the fuck do you want?” Those are the first words to him in weeks.
“May I come in?” 
You ponder for a moment, your eyes red, and Leon wonders when you last slept. You walk away, leaving the door open, and Leon follows inside, locking the door behind him. 
Your house isn’t in the best state. He had been here before and thought you weren’t the most organized person (“I can find myself in my own mess, Leon.”). The mess had grown too much from normal. There were tons of take-out boxes on the kitchen counter, pizza boxes, and fast food bags. At least you had been eating—not the best food ever, but feeding. He could work with that.
And the bottles—oh, those Leon would identify anywhere. You weren’t a heavy drinker, and you mentioned plenty of times you didn’t know how he liked whiskey. Now, there were countless empty bottles of whiskey, beer, and vodka, so much so that the place looked like a bunch of frat boys had a party just the night before and didn’t bother to clean.
Leon follows you to the living room as you fall onto the couch. An old Simpsons episode plays on the TV screen. There are still some bags and bottles on the floor, but fewer. Your eyes focus on the TV, not really watching or paying attention to him.  Leon stands there, keeping a safe distance from you and gathering what to say. 
“I came to check on you.” Leon starts, his eyes glued on you. “You haven’t called or texted me back. The HR said-”
“I am sick. I wanted to be left alone.”
“I know, but-”
“I could complain about this to HR, you know? It could be considered an invasion of privacy, and you could lose your job. “
“I was worried about you.”
“You saw me in the window that day, didn’t you? I’m alive and breathing. Now get out.”
You hide your face in the sofa, conversation clearly done on your side. It feels like an impossible battle to win. Leon then tries again, “Do you need anything?” 
“No. Get out.”
He sighs, turning on his heels. Leon wants to say you can call if you need him, any time, but Leon knows you wouldn't. This is an impossible battle to win, Leon realizes as he starts to leave. But then he freezes, a memory piercing his thoughts. Leon comes back to the living room, your face still hidden.
“I am not leaving. Not before I know what is wrong.”
“I am sick.”
“Yes. So I have heard.” 
You don’t turn to look at him, and that’s fine. If you want to be stubborn, so could he. Leon can wait. The episode on the TV finally ends, and as the familiar opening plays in the background, you slowly turn in his direction, one eye appearing first, then the other, as if expecting Leon would be gone by now. Unlucky for you, Leon S. Kennedy didn’t give up that easily, especially for his friends.
“I don’t know what you are feeling, but I know that face.” His voice manages to sound neutral.
Of course, he does. Of course, your partner, the legendary D.S.O veteran, would know. You, just a newbie, would have no idea what he went through, but Leon didn’t seem the kind of person to crumble for anything. Leon would probably be fine if you were the one to get shot, not him. He wouldn’t have panicked, he wouldn’t have started crying, screaming for someone to help them, losing themselves in a sea of despair and pain.
Blood. So much blood in your hands. You are useless, you can’t help him as Leon’s face loses color-
He deserved someone better—someone much better as a partner—not you, a weak agent who thought you were strong enough to stand by his side. Oh, how wrong you were.
Leon calls your name, more urgent this time, and your line of sight is filled with the face of the man you considered your friend right at your path—concerned blue eyes, his hair tickling against your face. His forehead is in concentration, the faint ghost of a beard, as he speaks soothingly. “Hey, look at me. You are safe. Deep breaths, come on.” 
The visions mix as you blink: Leon losing blood in your arms, unconscious, back to being safe, his worried eyes staring at you.
Your rapid breathing noise fills the room, your heart wanting to burst as the pain spreads over your body, the pain worse than being stabbed or punched. You keep your eyes on Leon - he is fine, he is safe, he is well, he is worried sick about you- as he continues to nod and tell you to breathe.
It takes a while, Leon’s hands on your shoulder as you finally calm down, the tears rolling freely from your eyes.
“I am sorry.” You manage to whisper. “I am so sorry.”
“You are safe. We both are safe.” Leon declares, and you take that in. Right now, yes. But what about tomorrow? What about-? “Hey, eyes open at me.” When had you even closed them? “Come on. There is no one else, just you and me. And we are safe.” 
You nod, not arguing back. Finally, you sit down, and Leon takes two steps back. “Water?” 
“I think there are some in the fridge,” you reply, cleaning your tears. Leon leaves and quickly comes back with two bottles, unbottling them for you. You shake your head, but Leon insists, and you drink in small sips, the cold liquid refreshing your dry throat. When was the last time you had any water? Or took a shower? Or slept?
Finally, you give him space on the couch to sit. Leon doesn’t, and you point your head to your side, and he sits, keeping a safe distance from you. You two say nothing for a while, simply looking at the TV to watch Bart Simpsons on his shenanigans. 
“I am sorry.”
“Would you stop that?” Leon sighs back, frustrated. 
“No. I am sorry.”
“Fine. I forgive you. Are we good now?”
“I knew it wouldn’t be,” Leon replies with a sad smile.
“You could have died, and I didn’t-” Leon says your name, but you continue “-let me finish. I didn’t help. I didn’t move. I did nothing.” 
Leon didn’t want to talk about this, knowing it was inevitable. The day he took a bullet for you: not one, but two. Leon noticed before you, his reflexes quicker than yours. It was his responsibility anyway.
You only watched, shocked, as the bullet pierced his leg, then his chest. You didn’t move or flinch; you just froze, your hands closing and opening nervously as Leon fell right in front of you. You had been fortunate that the backup team had arrived on the other second, finding in the middle of the swarm of bullets a screaming you protecting Leon with his own body, all training thrown out of the window. You two should have been dead. Life had given you and him another chance, since no other vital organ or vein of Leon had been damaged.
You don’t remember much after except asking for your resignation that same day and getting a “No” as an answer. So you decided to get on sick leave until some higher-up got tired and fired you.
“I did nothing.” Leon tries to interrupt you again, but you continue, “You could have died, and I did nothing.”
“It wouldn’t be your fault.” 
“What? Of course, it would!” 
“No, it would not.” 
“Can you fucking stop trying to make me feel better?” Your tone is so angry, so vile, that Leon almost flinches. 
Death is always in the back of his mind. Every time he is out there, he could die. He is expandable; they all are, but he couldn’t just let you die. You a much smarter version of what he once was during Raccoon City. The same bravery, but not foolish as his. Much sharper. Leon knew why he got paired up with you in the first place, the irony not completely lost in him. 
It would have been fine if Leon died that day he protected you, but not okay if you did. Not on his watch. Not now, not ever.
“I can’t help it,” Leon replies, a sad smile on his lips. “I can’t help it, especially when a friend needs my help.” 
A friend? 
Do not grow attachments. Wasn’t that your first lesson? It had been hard to be paired up with a man who hated it at first, then to learn how to laugh at his silly jokes or admire how far Leon would go for anyone. For anyone, except himself, stupid brave man.
You open your mouth and close it, simply lying against the sofa with your eyes closed. 
“So, let me help you?” His voice is warm and inviting. 
It would be best if you said no. You should kick this man out of your living room, out of your life, and never go back to that stupid job fighting an endless battle that would end with you dead or someone you cherished dead. You don’t know how Leon does it, but as you open your eyes, his blue eyes look straight at you awaits in hope. Waiting to comfort you, support you to the best of his abilities, and be your friend.
The pain is still there, vivid in your soul and mind, but there is hope. Right there, in that tiny spot you gave Leon S. Kennedy. That’s why you shouldn’t have opened that damn door, you realize, but it is too late. You limit on nodding.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 6 months
Seven Days to Fall Again | Tuesday | Jeon Jungkook
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Inspired by the MV "Seven" by Jung Kook ft. Latto (obvi lol) Summary: Train to take us back. Jungkook wants to talk it out so you can be together again but you're hellbent on not taking him back. Paring: Reader x Jungkook (almost exes to lovers lol) Word Count: 2k~ Warnings: No real warnings honestly just an argument. a/n: The next few days will be shorter since I had planned on making this a series with shorter parts to begin with. I just needed to set up the state of their relationship on Monday with the breakup. I let me know what you think in the comments and I hope you're looking forward to Wednesday (superior jk imo hehe) Start from the Beginning
Waking up the next morning I, on instinct reach out to search for Jungkook lying next to me and when I don't find him it all comes back to me. "Shit" I say, sitting up and feeling the pounding in my head already. 'So that's why I don't keep that wine at home' I think to myself and head to the kitchen to search for some pain meds, but before I'm even able to open the cabinet I hear the sound of my doorbell ringing. 
I wrack my head thinking of who could possibly be coming over this early in the morning but no one comes to mind. I look through the peep hole and see it's the one person I hoped I could avoid for at least the next few days. "Go away Jungkook" I say, just loud enough for him to hear. "Please open the door" he says softly but even through the closed door I can still make it out. 
"Why don't you open it yourself?" I ask, now curious as to why he hasn't used his keys yet. "I wanted to respect what you said about not coming home by at least knocking and waiting to be let in" he mumbles and I finally just decide to open the door, tired of having to lean up against it to hear his muffled voice. "Yet you came home anyway" I say holding onto the door in a defensive stance, still wanting to have the option to shut it in his face. Petty? Probably. Deserved? Yes. 
"I wanted to talk to you and, I don't know, maybe get some clothes if you still want to kick me out" he says and I know he's doing this to make me feel bad but I just give in and walk away from the door and leave it open. Neither inviting him in, nor shutting him out. "Thank you" he says and comes over to the table, placing down a bag that I didn't even notice he had.
I look at it questioningly for a second waiting to see if he might disclose what is in said bag and luckily he does so before I have to swallow my pride and ask. "I brought breakfast" he says unloading some takeout boxes from the nearby bakery that I love. "And pain meds, just in case we had run out" he says and places that on the side of the table closest to me. 
I ignore the last part and look in the kitchen cabinet to search for some on my own and to my dismay I come up empty handed leaving me having to accept one of his peace offerings. "Thank you" I mumble and head to the sink to get a glass of water. "How did you sleep?" he asks, watching me gulp down the glass to aide in getting it down. 
"How do you think I slept?" I question back sarcastically, him now looking at the disheveled state I'm in. "Right..." he trails off, realizing it was a pretty stupid question to ask. "Jungkook what do you want?" I ask wanting to bypass his stupid excuse of small talk. 
"I want to talk about what happened last night. Why do you want to break up?" he asks and I slam the cup down on the counter, infuriated as to why he would even ask that question again. "I told you in explicit detail last night and you still don't know? I didn't realize I needed to add clueless and a horrible listener to the list as well" I say crossing my arms over my chest. "Unbelievable" I mutter to myself. 
"What is unbelievable is that you didn't give us the opportunity to actually sit down and communicate things like adults in a controlled environment. Noona, half the stuff you said was difficult for me to hear because of the other people around us. I wanted to give both of us a chance to talk this out a bit more so we can figure out if there's any way we can work this out so we can still be together" he says trying his best to convince me to even give him a chance to at least say his piece. 
"I told you last night Jungkook. I'm done and I don't want to be with you anymore" I state and turn to go back to the bedroom. "Just let m-" "I need to get ready for class. Grab what you need and make sure you're gone by the time I get out of the shower" I say grabbing a towel and closing the door to the bathroom behind me and turning on the water before he tries to say anything else.
Feeling the warm water run over my body has me sighing in pleasure, finally getting rid of the tension throughout my body and eventually the medicine kicks in and is able to reduce my headache to a dull pressure which is definitely an improvement from earlier. Jungkook's surprise visit making it even worse. I just need to go to the library to write and submit my paper so I don't get distracted at home and then I'll have the rest of the day to relax after cleaning up the house for a bit.  
After I finish getting ready I walk past the kitchen and notice that the take out boxes he brought are still there. My stomach grumbles and I contemplate eating it. 'He wouldn't know either way' I think it to myself. I take a second, debating on if I should just do it but decide on leaving them where they are, adding it to the list of my to dos.
I grab my bag and get ready to go while letting out a frustrated sigh, upset with myself for being so stubborn. If I give in to him too much I might end up taking him back, I just have to keep rejecting him and hopefully he'll eventually get the memo.  
Opening the door and taking a quick glance around the hallway I am thankful to say that he's no where to be found. 'Well at least he listened to me this time' I say to myself, locking the front door behind me and taking the elevator downstairs to start on my journey to the library. Once the doors open at the ground floor I am unfortunately met by the sight of Jungkook leaning up against his car right outside. 
"I thought I told you to leave" I say and fix the strap on my bag before continuing on my journey. "Just let me drop you off. We don't even have to talk" he says chasing after me. "No" I decline, sticking to my strategy of rejecting him. "Then let me walk you there" he offers up instead. "No, leave me alone" I say and start walking faster and he thankfully he doesn't chase after me. 
After a few minutes though I can still sense his presence behind me, "Stop following me" I say without turning around. "I'm not following you, I need to go to the station too" he says, making up a sorry excuse for his motives. "Whatever" I mumble under my breath and we, to my dismay, both make our way to the station. 
"Where are you even going?" I asks once we both end up standing in the same line waiting for the same damn train. "I'm going to the library" he says simply and looks past me to where the train will be arriving in a minute. "But I'm going to the library" I say, crossing my arms and raising a brow at him. "I know, I knew you were lying when you said you had class because you don't have any classes on Tuesdays" he says, surprising me that he actually remembered part of my schedule. 
I open my mouth to respond but before I can the PA system tells us that our train will arrive in 30 seconds so I turn back around to face it and start making may way in after it arrives. Before I'm all the way inside though I catch Jungkook off guard by shoving one of his shoulders causing him to stumble back, stunned for a second which is just long enough for him to not make it past the doors in time, with them closing before he can even recover. 
I smile and wave at him triumphantly, seeing his slightly irritated expression but when the train starts moving he runs alongside it for as long as he can, causing me to roll my eyes at him and turn back around to face the inside of the train and put my earbuds in, praying that I'll be able to go through the rest of my day without him...     
Seeing that luck is not on my side today I find him right on the steps of the library waiting for me. "I brought you coffee. I know you didn't have any this morning and you usually get even more of a headache than you probably have now if you don't have any caffeine in your system" he smiles sweetly, to which I send him a sarcastic one and take the coffee out of his hand before throwing it in the trashcan and making my way up the steps to get inside. 
He is able to run up the steps faster than I am, enough to where he's able to open the door for me to get inside. I ignore him and go to one of the other sets of double doors and open it to let myself in. This day was already going to be hard enough with this stupid hangover that the slightest things will irritate me and he knows that. So why he would possibly think that following me around and pestering me would be a good idea is beyond me. 
"Leave me alone, I need to study" I whisper when I finally find a spot that unfortunately has an empty seat right next to it. "I know, just let me keep you company" he says and lays his head down on the desk and looks up at me for a while with a lovesick smile. "Don't give me those puppy dog eyes or I'll gouge them out myself" I threaten, which gets him to sit up straight and take out his laptop that he somehow was able to hide from me. 
"How are you able to be here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I question quietly, hoping I won't get scolded by the other people around for being too loud. "I work from 'home' this week" he says putting home in air quotes. "You've never worked from home before" I say getting suspicious. "Well, now I am" he says simply, opening his laptop and getting to work. 
After a few hours of sitting next to him with only the sound of our keyboards to remind us of each other's presence I submit my paper and pack up my stuff so I can head back and Jungkook decides to do the same even though he was clearly in the middle of something. "Are you done for the day?" he questions, as he lets me lead the way when we get out of the library. 
"Not that it's any of your business, but yes I am done for the day" I say and make my way toward the station again. "Can I give you a ride home now?" he asks with us clearly passing his car. "Nope, but feel free to take yourself anywhere that isn't home and never come back" I huff and make my way back to the train station. He decides to do the first part of the statement after watching me walk away until I'm out of his line of sight but we know as much as I don't want him to, he'll always comeback...
Monday / Wednesday
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cloudsstarlight · 9 months
Comfort writing cuz. I'll be lowkey honest I don't see many x readers revolving around helping lovers with their periods??? Yah yah it's an icky subject but you can't tell me it's not wholesome as fuck when your cheesecake boyfriend volunteers to make you feel like a princess when you're in massive pain
So now Cloud is my victim of testing out to see what he'd do huehuem
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♡Period Problems♡
Summary: Headcanons/short scenario of Cloud helping out with his girlfriend's period issues.
Reader Details: The reader is female!
Warnings: ...uuhh, if you don't likey period topics then don't read? I kinda don't know why I'm putting that there, just wanna be sure no one gets disgusted. Meds are also involved.
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Okay obviously the man knows what periods are lmao
But....never did he think he'd have to get involved with it, hell he didn't even think he'd get this far to have a girlfriend that he cares for like crazy.
So in the beginning, he was a bit awkward when being given the news that it was that time of the month. He'd give you your space if ever you felt under the weather, or would stay by you like he usually does when you aren't on your period.
It really depends on how you feel, really. He already knows that your body is going through a lot, so he doesn't want to add onto it.
"..Hey Cloudy? May I...have favor from you?"
"Sure, waddya need?"
Yeah Cloud didn't think he'd be caught dead in the feminine products aisle. he's. he's trying okay .
Eventually though, he does get used to it whenever you couldn't get pads or pain meds yourself. Cloud was gradually starting to even preparing your needs in advance.
Pads and meds weren't the only things he'd get for you though, as he started bringing some chocolates or other comfort foods that you'd have cravings for.
And if ever you'd have accidents, he would never get mad, after all, it's not your fault since you can't really control it.
That being said, he'd change your clothes and the sheets if you were in too much pain do it yourself(but I'll be honest I don't think he'd care if you were in pain or not, man is such a sweetheart, he just wants you to relax).
"I'm back."
Cloud had just returned from doing arrands for the stuff you need to get through your period days, setting the bag down on the table and calling out to you.
He walked over to the bedroom you two shared, slowly pushing the door open a crack to reveal your exhausted form, resting after having to battle endless waves of cramps until the painkiller finally kicked in, but you were knocked out by then and asleep. Cloud sighed, relieved that you were alright at least.
He walked over and kneeled down, facing you as you were resting on your side. He gently brushed the strands of hair that fell on your face and smiled at your relaxed state. He planted a soft kiss on your nose.
"...It's okay love...I'll help you get through this."
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bad268 · 3 months
Every Step of the Way (Pablo Gavi X Barca! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/FCB
Requested: Nope, I’m testing it out. I’ve been a Barca fan since 2018, but never actually did anything with it lol. Also, I’m aware he doesn’t speak English, but my Spanish is elementary level at best, so I’ll stick to English with Spanish nicknames.
Warnings: ACL recovery discussed A LOT  (I used my sister’s experience with it so yeah)
POV: Third Person (She/her)
W.C. 2208
Summary: What's worse than one ACL injury? Two ACL Injuries!
As always, my requests are OPEN
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Within 10 seconds, the lively stadium became silent. It was a freak accident, and it never should have happened. It was a normal game against Madrid, and she had already scored the point that took the Barcelona team ahead 2-1. Looking back, maybe it was ambitious to go for another goal so soon. 
She remembered going for the kick but could not remember anything after that. Maybe she got hit by another player or maybe she twisted her leg wrong. All she knew was that it hurt like hell. It felt like her leg was on fire as she registered being carried off the field by the medical team. 
In the locker room, she learned that she had torn her ACL. That was not something she needed to hear during the height of her career. Like her boyfriend, she was one of the youngest on the team and one of the most promising talents. And now, she had to come to terms with being benched for at least nine months.
The same week that she sustained the injury, she was already in surgery. It was a fast turnaround; she felt like she was getting whiplash. Everything during that week hand blurred together, and the next thing she knew, she was in their bed at her and Pablo’s apartment with a metal knee brace. That’s when it started to set in. 
What if she could never get back to her normal? What if she could never play again? What if there are complications with her recovery? What if this…What if that…What if… What if…What if…
That’s what Pablo walked in on; his girlfriend of two years was on the verge of a panic attack as she frantically pulled at the metal brace. She was crying and screaming that she was fine. She was just dreaming. She was not actually injured because it was all in her head. 
Pablo ran forward, pulling her hands away from her knee quickly before she could do real damage. He held her hands as he watched her thrash around before finally settling down when she met his eyes. Her eyes were watery as she met his, trying to regain her sanity, until she was able to understand what he was saying. “You’re okay. You’re going to be fine, mi vida (my life). I’m here to help you every step of the way. Wait, wrong choice of words.” He was rambling, something he only did when he was extremely nervous. The thought made her smile a little as she squeezed his hands to get his attention. “How are you feeling now, mi amor(my love)?”
“My leg is on fire,” She sighed, and Pablo had to hold back the smile since he knew the thrashing and pulling at the brace did not help her in any way. If anything, it made the pain more intense. Instead of voicing these thoughts, he just moved her to sit up on the bed. “Where are we going?”
“We are going to get you out of bed and get food. Then, I can give you more pain meds,” He replied quietly as he leaned down to press a small kiss to her forehead before kneeling to make sure none of the cogs on the brace came undone. That was the last thing they needed. “What are you feeling?”
“I don’t really care, whatever gets the pain to stop faster,” She complained as he pulled her up to stand on her one good leg. He pulled her crutches over as she playfully glared at him with no *real* heat behind them. “Do I have to use the crutches? They hurt my arms.”
“I could always carry you around,” Pablo offered with a smirk as he moved his arms to be under her arms and around her back as he picked her up straight. Clearly, this was not what she envisioned, causing her to laugh. Pablo chuckled with her as he was happy she was starting to get out of the deep rut she was in moments before. “Was this what you were thinking?”
“I imagined bridal style, but now looking back, this is probably the only plausible way you could carry me,” She admitted, and she was right. He could not really hold under her knees because of the stitches and the brace. It would have been more uncomfortable for her than using the crutches. “I feel like a ragdoll.”
“The cutest ragdoll I’ve ever seen,” He joked with her, causing her to roll her eyes as she slapped at his shoulder. “Hey! I wouldn’t hit the person who’s holding you up right now.”
“You wouldn’t drop me,” She gasped in mock offense. Pablo sent her a look that said ‘Challenge me,’ and she knew it was over. He loosened his hold on her as she slowly slid down his chest. She jokingly pleaded, “No, Pablo, please. Don’t let me go!”
“I’d never leave you,” He reassured as he pulled her back up and kissed her. “I’ll be by your side every day until you’re back on the field.”
“Then you’ll break up with me?” She teased.
“No,” he chuckled bashfully as he hid his face on her shoulder. “I’ll be on the sideline then.”
After a week of recovery and relaxation, she started rehab. The specialist started her out on small exercises like bending her knee and slowly putting more weight on it. It was a slow process, but she was getting to the point where she could walk unassisted. Sure, she still had to wear the metal brace and use at least one crutch, but it was so she did not strain it any more than she already had. 
And who was by her side through every appointment? Pablo. Who was there every time she needed new medication? Pablo. Who was there to carry her every time she did not want to walk because he had no backbone when it came to her? Pablo. Boyfriend of the Year, honestly.
It finally got to the point where she could go to a game a month after her initial injury. Not to play in it, but she could sit in the stands and cheer on her favorite country. She was cleared just in time to attend the final game of Spain’s European Championship qualifying group against Georgia, and of course, her favorite midfielder was playing. She was not on the sideline per se, but she was in the stands in the first row from the pitch.
She was wearing one of Pablo’s kits (obviously) as she leaned her body weight against the barrier, cheering him on. It was still early in the game, and there were no points on the board. He was doing an amazing job given that he tweaked his leg a couple of days prior in the Barcelona game. He was running like he owned the field and making some good plays. 
Within 10 seconds, the lively stadium became silent, and she felt her heart drop. All she did was blink, and suddenly, she knew something was wrong. The camera zoomed in on Pablo, who was lying flat on the ground, clutching his right knee. His face clearly showed his pain, and it hurt her to see him in pain. It took a few minutes, but he was walking back on the sideline, getting checked out.
He came back a little while later for another play. Before he even started running, she had that feeling in her gut again. It was not long after running back to the field that he was kneeling on the grass, clutching his leg as the yellow card was thrown.
It felt like forever for her. She wondered how long it felt for him. How bad did it hurt? How bad was the damage? Did he just dislocate his knee? Would he be back in later?
She did not get to delve too deep into the rabbit hole. He was walking, well limping, off the field again with some assistance, but at least he was walking. That had to have been a good sign, she thought. She turned to grab her crutch, so she could make her way up to the concourse. Maybe they would let her down into the locker room to see Pablo.
It was a little difficult given that the game resumed and people were back up and cheering, but she managed to get to the concourse without tripping or injuring herself more. She approached a couple of security guards that she knew personally. 
“Do you know if I’m allowed to go down to the field or in the locker room?” She asked, hopeful, as they stepped away to radio down to the security by the locker room. It did not take them long to go back over to her and direct her to the elevator. Once again, it felt like forever, but she made it down to the base floor. 
She hobbled her way over to the locker room where she immediately recognized one of the Barcelona physicians walking out. It was eerily quiet despite the game being in full swing just outside the hall. It filled her with nerves.
She needed to keep her composure because he needed her support more than ever. She took a minute for herself and took a few deep breaths before she pushed through the door. Despite expecting to see him injured, nothing could have really prepared her for seeing him flat on the table. 
She limped over beside him where he had one arm over his eyes and the other fist clenching as physicians assessed his knee. She made sure to stay out of the way as she grabbed his fist, unwinding his fingers to grasp at her hand. She used her other hand to run through his hair as he kept his eyes screwed shut, leaning into her. 
After a few moments, the physicians finished up. Instead of vocalizing what was wrong, they gestured to her leg before pointing at him. They stepped out of the room, and that’s when Pablo noticed they were not touching his leg anymore, causing him to lift his head and look around. She took her hand out of his hair as she sat on the table since her knee started bothering her, and when he laid his head back, it landed on her lap. She moved her hand right back to his hair as he stared up at her.
“Guess who gets to play nurse now?” She attempted to joke.
“If you’re insinuating that it’s you, we’re screwed because you’ve only been recovering for a month,” He sighed, “No offense.”
“Oh, none taken,” She replied sarcastically as she took her hand out of his hair and leaned back on it. Immediately, he started complaining as he used his hand that was not already holding hers to reach back to find the other. “No, that was mean. Say you’re sorry.”
“I’m sorry, mi amor(my love),” He mumbled as he stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. “Will you play with my hair again now? I’m in pain. Speaking of that, did they say what they think it is?”
She smiled down at him as she put her hand back into his hair and he reached his hand back to hold her wrist there. “I know you are, and I’m sorry. At least we get to go through the same recovery.”
“You’re lying,” He gasped, eyes widening as he sat up and looked back at her. “Do they think I tore my ACL? That would mean I’m out for the season! And the EuroCup!”
“Welcome to the club,” She tried to joke, but he was not laughing. She moved so that she was sitting right next to him as she wrapped one of her arms around his shoulders and still held his hand in hers. “Hey, don’t start just yet. They probably need to take you for some X-rays and do a couple more tests. Don’t get too far ahead of yourself. You could have just strained it.”
“How long would I be out if it’s a strain?” He asked quietly, leaning back into her embrace. 
“Pretty sure it’s anywhere from three weeks to three months,” She said after she googled it. “Whatever happens, just know I’ll be with you every step of the way…wait. Not that. Wrong choice of words.”
That’s what broke him. He started laughing as he leaned onto her shoulder before whispering, “I get it.” Then, the physicians came back into the room with a gurney to take Pablo to the X-ray. He looked nervous and anxious again, but as soon as he looked over at her, he knew he would be fine. “Will you hold my hand, mi vida (my life)?”
“Of course, I will,” She answered endearingly as she stepped aside for the physicians to move him to the gurney. She grabbed her crutch and followed them toward the X-ray. He looked over at her, and at that moment, he knew that he could not live without her. They would be with each other through every step of the way, and when they were both healed, he knew just the way to thank her. 
Part 2 ->
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futbol16 · 1 year
La Princesa  • Barcelona Femení
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Sorry for disappearing for a few days, had to catch up on some of my exams.
Hope you enjoy this fluff bomb!
“I have really been enjoying all the requests you have been writing especially 'your four tigers'. Could I request a second part to 'your four tigers' with the four taking care of R while she has a concussion.”
Part 1 Your Four Tigers
Word count: 740
“bebe somnoliento” Irene muttered into your hair as she held you close. You sighed comfortably in your position, laid over Mapi and Irene’s laps. 
You had gotten a concussion during a game the other day after a hard collision and you were definitely not handling it well. At least you had the day off for today to get through the harder part of it. Your four protectors have not left your side since, except Alexia who was at rehab right now. 
Ana-maria comes back in the room with a glass of water as she hands you a pill.
“Take it Y/N/N.” she told you as she nodded. You eye the pill for a second, but when you part your lips a hand on your wrist stops you from popping it into your mouth. You both look up at Irene questioningly.
“Ana, she's already had enough pain killers. We’re not going to drug her into oblivion!” she scolds with a pointed look when the blonde throws her arms up.
“But she’s still in pain! I don’t want her in pain.” she says, calming a bit and staring back at Irene.
You look between the two of them before looking over at Mapi for help, she only laughs at your expression.
“No can do cariño.” she shrugs and you huff at her, moving off your teammates’ lap. Conversation between Ana and Irene comes to a halt as they watch your every move. Standing up you reach for the glass that was now set on the coffee table and drink it all. As you move your head from its tilted back position you suddenly feel even more dizzy than before and stumble forwards a bit.
 All three girls spring to their feet but it’s Mapi who reaches out to grab your hips and steady you. You lean back into her body, your lip quivering. 
It's only been a day and you were already so tired of this concussion. Mapi shushes you, pulling you with her to the bed of the hotel room. She sits down at the headboard and pulls you into her lap, your back against her chest. She tightens her arms around you and mumbles something to you.
The other two look at each other with a shrug. They settle either side of you and turn on the TV at a low volume hoping it would take your mind off and the last of the pain meds would finally kick in.
Sure enough a good 40 minutes later you were sound asleep in Mapi’s hold, your hand in Ana’s and Irene’s fingers running through your hair. You had no idea how they all managed to be so close to you without practically sitting on each other, but the three of them didn’t mind. Their priority was you.
A soft knock on the door has you groaning at the sound and turning, your head falling to Ana’s shoulder. Mapi is quick to lean down to press a kiss to your cheek knowing it comforted you. She looks over at Irene expectantly and the defender gets up with a playful roll of her eyes, opening the door.
Alexia stood with a smile on her face at the prospect of finally getting to see you, she had been at rehab for most of the day and she missed having her bebé close to her. She walks past Irene and to the bed, staring at the three of you with a fond look. 
It was adorable how the tough looking Mapi and stubborn Ana-Maria held you close to themselves like you were their own little teddy bear. Irene gives the girl a gentle nudge towards the bed and she doesn’t have to be told twice as she crawls up the bed and into the small space Ana had made for her. 
Your eyes flutter open at the familiar smell of Ale and you smile at her lazily.
“Ale” you whisper faintly as you move from Mapi and practically collapse on top of your captain, cuddling close to her with your head in the crook of her neck.
Alexia doesn’t pay any mind to the scoffs let out by the other three, too focused on your sleepy face as she runs her hand up and down your back.
“Of course all she needed was Alexia.” one of them says, shaking their head with a tiny smile.
“She really is the princesa.”
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alice-after-dark · 14 days
regarding your canon v. fanon post, I have one that may be a *bit* of a stretch/a controversial take (ooo~), but: there’s this general perception of Vox in particular being this big ball of toxic masculinity who cringes at the slightest idea of being perceived “feminine” and the like, which I just...don’t see? Like, this guy? The man who immediately engaged in a romantic dance with his partner in the finale with no qualms in the privacy of their tower (Velvette filming them disregarded)?
I’m assuming it’s because he canonically died in the 50s, but even then, Vox is all about *image* and being in the public’s favour as opposed to whatever strict gender roles he was forced to live in on Earth — he seems the type to wear a dress on air if it guarantees more eyes on him. And even then, with all the time he’d spent in Hell from then on, you’d think whatever shame he’d likely intially had regarding his vices had long been since knocked out of him as he adapted to Hell’s hedonistic environment.
Idk, it’s weird to me how it’s almost always Vox I see portrayed like this; like, Angel Dust was a mafioso from the 1940s — an environment rife with homophobia and sexism — and likely had internalized at least some of those ideals upon arriving in Hell, regardless of how progressive he may have been for his time, but I almost never see that brought up when discussing his character in the present timeline; same with Niffty and her sexism, which has been all but scrubbed away from her character since the pilot. Honestly, if any character best represents toxic masculinity in this series (outside of our beloved Dickmaster, ofc) then I’d say it’s Valentino, given his occupation and general treatment of his subordinates, but that’s just me—
(sorry if this is a bit rambly/incoherent; my pain meds are kicking in, so i’m a *tad* loopy, lol)
"(sorry if this is a bit rambly/incoherent; my pain meds are kicking in, so i’m a *tad* loopy, lol)"
All good, friend, all good lol
I get what you're saying and yeah it does make sense. Like, if he existed in the 50s with the personality he has now, he would absolutely be labeled as a flaming homosexual. I can see him still having these issues and ideals maybe when he first drops into Hell, but overall, yeah I do think that they would have mostly left him by the time that the series takes place. He's definitely masculine-presenting, but that doesn't inherently mean toxic masculinity.
Now, that being said, toxic masculinity still exists today and so I can see him still engaging in it, but it wouldn't have anything to do with him being from the 50s and it would really only be in regard to certain aspects. Like, I do believe that the concept of looking weak in front of people would infuriate him, but that can be just as attributed to Hell's power structure as it can be to toxic masculinity.
You make a fabulous point about the other characters too. Like, I have definitely never seen Angel Dust portrayed that way and definitely not Niffty (even though yeah she kinds was misogynistic in the pilot). I absolutely agree that Adam and Valentino are way better examples of toxic masculinity than Vox.
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starry-hughes · 4 months
[ TENSION ]  one muse is patching up the other’s injuries which leads to intense eye contact,  lingering touches and them finally crashing their lips against each other’s.
quinn plss
star’s 1 year celly!
quinn had gone down to the ice, clutching his head after the puck hit his face, the blood from the new cut on his brow line was deep. he didn’t even know how bad his luck had to be for this to happen.
the med staff from the bench came rushing over when the whistle had blown. there was a towel on his face and he was in pain.
you were new to the canucks team, usually you didn’t have much to do during games except minor repairs during intermissions. but then quinn was brought in.
he sat up on the table with the towel on his face still. you had harbored a bit of a crush on the captain for a little now but you didn’t act on it. “oh my god,” you mumbled, grabbing some gloves. you shooed off the other medical staff, saying they could return to the bench to watch the other players and you would handle quinn.
he carefully took his helmet off at your request and threw his gloves off. “just let me know if it stings, okay?” you whispered.
quinn wouldn’t consider himself someone who enjoys pain. usually he would have his eyes shut tightly but now all he wanted to do was stare at you. “you need at least one stitch,” you mumbled as you worked.
“do whatever you need,” he responded. once you had it all cleaned up, you got him ready to get the stitches. the period was ending and you kicked the door shut, not needing anyone screaming and distracting you from the locker room. he winced in pain and you apologized. he grabbed onto your waist to ground himself and he was ready to apologize and let go but you whispered that it was okay.
you did your work quickly and as gently as possible. “okay, i’m going to put some ointment on the whole area now, i don’t know if i feel comfortable with you joining the game again,” you said. he sighed but nodded.
“you can take your gear off it you want, let me just tell them you aren’t going to return,” you said taking your gloves off as you exited the room. when you came back, quinn was out of his jersey, just in his long sleeve undershirt. “you feeling alright? i can give you some pain medicine.”
he nodded and you gave him the medicine as requested. you slotted yourself back between his legs, taking a small piece of gauze to dab at the left over blood on his face.
you made eye contact with him, stopping your movements. “kiss me,” quinn said softly so you did. you kissed him softly, forgetting that you were definitely supposed to be cleaning up his injury. quinn would have taken you right then and there but he knew he shouldn’t.
you gasped for air as you pulled from him and he just stared at you as he caught his own breath. “sorry i didn’t mean to-” he started but you kissed him again.
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daughterofthequeen · 1 year
Fear is Only a Obstacle
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Pairing: Poe Dameron x reader
Summary: Poe is finally able to see you and he’s not wasting anymore time
Warnings: Describing injuries, cliche cliche cliche, fluff a lot, and angst but this time the fluff out ways the angst, not proofread I’m sleepy you guys, let me know if I missed anything
A/n: Just a part 2 to my fic Till the End of Time
The sound of tie fighters are deafening
Along with the sound of exploding ships
Laser canons of different ships all around you
All of it replaying in your mind over and over until you finally wake up and the first thing you see are a pair of annoying bright lights. Groaning as your sitting up, it seems like you’ve been here for a few hours if you listen to what your body is telling you, but it only feels like a few minutes have passed. You remember trying to land as best you can with a blown engine then nothing. And now you’re even more confused because you’re not in any pain.
“Why happened?” You said getting ready to stand up and get out of the medibed you were in. “I hate med bays. Hello? Anyone here? You know im not claiming to be the smartest person in the galaxy but im pretty sure someone is supposed to at least be hovering over me.” You say in a semi loud sarcastic tone to make sure the person at the front desk could hear you.
And as you suspected your nurse came in. “You shouldn’t be sitting up just yet”, she said gently laying you back down on the bed. “It’s not like anyone was here to stop me. What happened anyway, I’m guessing the crash knocked me out but I’m not in the slightest of pain, you guys must’ve gave me some of the real good meds.”
Catching the nurse off guard she started laughing. “Yes, with all the injuries you have they were needed before you woke or you were going to be in a lot of pain. A migraine due to your concussion, fractured rib, a severely sprained ankle, and all of your cuts and bruises to top it off, you are very lucky those were the only extents of your wounds.”
“Yeah, I guess so. I’m not gonna be as lucky soon though because these pain meds are starting to wear off.” The groaning thats coming from you and the intense pain in your ankle is saying enough.
“Yeah, according to your chart it is time for another dosage. I’ll be right back.”
“Oh wow she wasn’t kidding.” You whispered feeling a major throbbing pain on the left side of your ribs.
Heading someone knock softly on the door you look up and see Leia standing in the door way smiling at you which causes you to smile back.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” She asked sitting down next to you on your medibed.
“The pain is starting to kick in but my nurse is going to get me another dosage for the pain. What about you and everyone else?”
“ We took some heavy loses and a bunch more injured including yourself, I had to come down to check on your all.”
“ That’s going to take a while.”
“ I don’t mind it, you all risk your life to fight for a cause that could affect the whole galaxy willingly under my orders the least I can do is sit with you all and keep you company.”
“Your kindness never ceases to surprise me.”
“That’s something I use to tell your mother all the time.” That caught you off guard but it brought you joy, you knew your mom and Leia were friends before she passed. And it gave you some comfort to know you could got to Leia and ask questions about who she was and what she was like as a person anytime you wanted. It was one of the reasons you and Poe had bonded so well because you understood each others pain. Wait a minute, Poe.
“Oh Maker, I gotta find Poe, is he ok?!”
“Calm child. Poe is just find he’s out in the hallway now waiting to see you.”
“He’s not injured?”
“No. He’s perfectly fine, he seen you going down and was trying to get to you but you crashed. He’s actually the reason your alive he got you out the ship and here to the medbay in time enough for them to heal your wounds.
“He’s probably a mess right now.”
“Oh he is in complete distress but it’s not as bad as it was.” Looking up she says your nurse with the pain killers, getting ready to put them through your IV.
“Nurse Poy.”
“Yes general?”
“After you finish giving Y/n her medicine let Poe Dameron in. Seeing the nurse about to protest, she stops her in time. “I know visitors aren’t aloud right now but he needs this, they both do. Just let them have the room for a few minutes. Please?”
“Yes general, but make it quick.” The sides says looking down at your worried eyes. “If anyone see’s it’ll cause a ruckus and everyone would want to do it, then the whole medbay is full.”
“A few minutes is all we need.”
Leia stands and heads out the door into the hallway where Poe is waiting to hear anything about your condition. “I’ll get him.”
After a few minutes you see and hear Poe rush through the door. It actually startled you a little bit.
“Hi? You ok?”
“Am I ok? Are you ok? I’ve been worried for hours and all they kept telling me was that you still weren’t responding. They wouldn’t let me in no matter how many times I tried, they actually threatened to sedate me if I didn’t sit down. I was this close to punching a doctor Y/n I swear.”
All of his rambling was making you laugh until you seen the tears still coming out of his red and dry eyes. “Poe, you’re crying. Stop crying, I’m fine.”
“ I was worried about you. Seeing you just lying there in my arms not moving and barely breathing, that out a picture in my head that I never wanted to see. And now it’s something I can’t get out my head.” He says grabbing your hand that’s closest to him and squeezing it softly.
“No, wait a minute, just listen for a second, okay? I prayed and promised to whoever was listening that if you made it out of this I would tell you the truth, and we only have a couple more minutes, so just let me say it, please?” He took your silence as a green light to tell you.
“Okay look Y/n, I don’t know how this is going to affect us but I can’t hold it in anymore. I’m in love with you.”
That made you stop breathing completely.
“And I know we always flirt and joke around but it’s real for me and I know it is for you too. Why do we keep torturing ourselves? Why don’t we just let go of the fear and see where it takes us?” Taking off his signature necklace, the one he holds close to his heart the one with his mothers band on it, and he holds it up for you to see it clearly. “You see this? When I met you I knew this ring was meant for you, I just didn’t know how to approach you with it. Now I am, and I know you’re afraid about what could happen to one of us in the future, but to be honest I don’t care about what could happen. Because I would rather us be together whole heartedly in love with each other for only one day, then to continue putting ourselves through this cycle of suffrage, and not having the chance to show it at all. I know you’re afraid but we can’t let fear dictate how we feel about each other anymore. So what do you say?”
“Poe”, you sigh. “Poe I have lost to many people to this war, if let you in now and something we’re to happen to you, the pain would be unbearable. And don’t say you promise you won’t leave because that’s not a promise you can keep, no matter how loyal you are. Trust me many have, and their deaths still way heavy in my mind.”
“I wasn’t going to make you that promise because that is not in our control, you’re right. But I can promise you that I will love you unconditionally till the day I die whether that be on the battlefield or after we grow old together, I’m going to love you. So what do you say?”
“It’s ok you don’t have to answer right away I know it’s a lot to think about and pro-”
“Yes. I love you, and you’re right, no more hiding behind fear, its just me and you from now on, the good and the bad.”
The joy that Poe felt go through his body was one he had never felt before. Fumbling a little to get the ring off of his chain and put it on your finger but you stop him, and the hurt and pain in his eyes caused you to elaborate more on what you meant.
“I mean not right now. I want to receive this ring at out ceremony, just hold on a little bit long because I will be expecting that ring to be on my finger very very soon.”
Pure joy goes through Poe’s body from head to toe and he was smiling so hard that his cheeks were hurting. And he did something that he has been wanting to do since he laid eyes on you. Faster than you can comprehend he stands up from his chair and smashes his lips onto yours. Catching you off guard but you quickly recover, melting into the most explosive and head spinning kiss you’ve ever had, no scratch that you’ve never had a kiss like this before. It’s a good thing you’re already laying down in the bed because if you weren’t you were sure your knees would have gave out on you. You both pulled away after a few more quick pecks, and just sat there holding hands, staring at each other. Talking wasn’t needed to know what the other was thinking. Both of you wondering how did you get so lucky.
A/n: Running on a couple hours of sleep from last night. But I can’t believe I got this done in only a few hours. Would’ve been a lot sooner if tumblr didn’t erase the whole ending so I had to rewrite what I remembered. Which I am not completely satisfied with because I liked the original ending a lot better than this even though similar. Curse tumblr and my foggy brain u should sleep but that’s most likely not gonna happen anytime soon.
@theidiotsincontrol @book-place
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f1-disaster-bi · 2 months
Lance + Lando and Sleep 😉🫶
Bringing back an old favourite just for you bestie @princelancey 😘
"I'm going to murder Daniel", Lando hissed to no one in particular despite Lance being right beside him.
Lance was as good as dead to the world despite the dopey grin on his face and the words he kept mumbling as Lando dragged him out of the elevator. He was saying something about dancing lights while trying to pat Lando on the head but only succeeding in almost sticking a finger in Lando’s eye.
"You're not allowed drink anymore", Lando threatened, mainly just to hear the way Lance sighed and see the pout the other man gave him as he squinted down at Lando.
"S'mean", Lance slurred and huffed a little but he remained curled against Lando, leaving the shorter man to take the bulk if his weight as they finally found their hotel room.
It was a little mean, but the threat was an empty one. They both knew that no matter what, Lando would never stop Lance from having fun, and he would always traipse off to find him when Lance sent drunk SOS's because he had lost the group, Daniel was doing something stupid or just because he missed Lando.
Even on nights where they both went out, Lance would still pout at his phone and send a drunken SOS even if Lando was only a couple of feet away from him. The smile he gave Lando every time he came to find him was worth the hassle of wrestling a very drunk Lance down hotel hallways at 4am.
At least this time, Lando had gotten ro Lance before Daniel had convinced him to do something stupid again like the time in Italy where they almost got tattoos to solidify their "bro-ship". Lando had seen the word tattoo and enlisted the help of Sebastian and Checo to hunt down his boyfriend before it was too late.
No one needed a repeat of the Pierre incident.
"Love yuh", Lance mumbled into Lando's curls as he plastered himself against Lando’s back as they walked into the room.
"Love you too, asshole", Lando laughed and tried not to make a disgusted fa e when he got a particularly wet kiss pressed to his neck, "Stop being a menace. Water, meds and bed"
Lance mumbled something against his curls once more, but Lando could feel him kicking off his own shoes. He nearly knocked them over in the process but they both managed to get out of them with Lance still plastered against him and holding him tight. He tried to wriggle his way out of the older man's hold but Lance grumbled and somehow, marched them towards the bed.
"Sleep now", Lance yawned, turning at the last moment so they hit the bed on their sides.
"No, water and pain meds", Lando complained but Lance just patted his head while making shushing noises.
"Night night", Lance argued through a yawn and before Lando could wriggle away or even get them out of their jeans and under the covers, Lance had rolled so Lando was pinned under his larger boyfriend who was already snoring in his ear softly.
Lando just sighed and lifted a hand to pinch at his nose as he tried not to laugh.
"You're so lucky I love you", he whispered to Lance as he pressed a kiss to his forehead.
All he got in response was more snoring and some mumbled words about a rabbit.
Send me one word + a pairing and I’ll write a little something.
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Tapering down...
It's no secret on here that I'm a depressed old fuck who's barely surviving. I've been taking two antidepressants for the last few years, Sertraline (Zoloft) and Mirtazipine (Remeron).
I love the Mirtazipine because it helps me fall asleep at night and STAY asleep. Insomnia was one of my main symptoms...for years on end I never strung together more than an hour and a half of sleep at a time. If I take the Mirts right as I'm hittin' the bed, I fall asleep within 20 mins. Those I have no problem with.
Talked to the doc about 6 months ago about tapering down off the max Zoloft dose (150mg/day) and finally getting off them totally. Why? They never really seemed to DO anything. There may have been a slight sense of relief after awhile, but I never really FELT any kind of effect, and no real benefit, other than the possible "I'm taking meds now so I must be getting better" thing you have to tell yourself before they "kick in".
So, I tapered down to just 100mg for a couple months and then took the 50mg's until they were gone. Been completely off them for a few weeks now. Haven't really felt much different, nothing really negative, other than possibly feeling "hopeless" once in a while, which, frankly, anybody in my position WOULD feel.
My reason for writing this out? I never really considered that they might be masking some of my emotional range. After the big news of the day yesterday, after a few hours of sensing the giddiness in the ether, I just started crying. I know that's a perfectly fine reaction to have when something that's been horrible gets RESOLVED, at least on a certain level. It's a release of tension.
But there was more to it. Posted some videos, and listening to all the music, it just made me weep all that much more. And this was genuine grief...grief at the loss of what all those songs represented to me, to my own Personal Mythological Framework, as it were.
And yet, deep down I knew that it wasn't just the loss of The '60s Protest movement, or specifically 1967, The Summer of Love and what IT represents to me.
I think enough of the sertraline has flushed from my system now that my emotional body is releasing pent-up grief. I've written about my two Gemini loves, born a day apart, died nine years apart. That birthday anniversary has always been difficult to get through, but last night's flow of tears finally wound its way to that core pain.
I'm one of those people who has to know WHY.
Once the WHY is satisfied, the letting go can happen.
My last therapist was essentially a Buddhist witch, and I always struggled with what she said about the death(s), but it hit home on a deeper level last night. Her words? Essentially that we have to eventually get enough distance from it and see the "Rightness" of it.
That's a seemingly callous idea, but it's really not.
If someone dies, think of their lives and the trajectory they were on, and the trajectory the world has taken since their death. Eventually there will be a sense of "yes, that somehow HAD to happen for THIS to happen"...a sense of "rightness" in that definition is strange to feel, once you get to it. You may never GET to it...it may always be "THE GREAT WRONG" in your life.
Gemini 1 (my sweetie, my soulmate) died July 15, 2012; Gemini 2 (my bro the soldier) died four days after the January 6th attack, on January 10, 2021. I'm still surrounded by the detritus of both their lives, in my sweetie's case, I have every piece of art she made between Junior College and the day she died. In the case of my Bro, it's all the computer parts and tools and family camping stuff that hasn't seen the light of day in over 20 years.
I know that I've hung onto much of it out of desperation, out of duty and loyalty to their memory, their lives...but it is currently holding me back, and I can feel that. I have to find the stomach to go down to the garage and just start taking pictures of all the tech and camping stuff and being realistically ruthless about what I actually CAN and CAN'T use and hit CL and eBay with whatever might bring a buck.
Up until last night, the idea of that was just too overwhelming. I think last night's emotional release had an effect. Not sure just how any of it is going to happen, but I have to face all that crap down there and get rid of 90%, leaving only Char's artwork and a few tools i can use, and then finding a cheaper storage solution for what's left.
Especially since the evil landlords jacked the rent on the garage up another fucking $25 as of this coming month.
And back to that "Rightness" thing. I finally thought about that in terms of what has happened in the world since they both respectively left. I am certain my sweetie would not believe the shit that has gone on in the last 12 years. I'm pretty sure my bro's poor broken body would not have made it through the ensuing years, especially after that last bizarre injury.
It's a strange thing to see that from the distance of time. And last night's catharsis was certainly tied to it, but I'm sensing there was a component tied to the tapering off the sertraline. No more emotional masking, possibly there will be more peace of mind going forward, I can never be sure, as I pick up just about everything energetically. (Why I have to go "SHIELDS UP, SCOTTY!" while I'm out and about, and self-isolate so much of the time.)
We do have so much to grieve. It never really ends. You have to feel it ALL. You have to release it. You have to see the "rightness" of it when you look at the world in its entirety. The sertraline's masking of the intense sadness finally being gone facilitated the bulk of it, I'm pretty sure.
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oh-surprise-its-me · 8 months
Roy/Jamie prompt: Jamie takes a hard fall while he's home alone on an off day. He crawls to his phone and manages to call Roy, who in turn calls emergency services as he rushes to Jamie. He kicks the door in and finds Jamie a bloody mess who's barely clinging to life. A terrified Roy begs Jamie to hand on and confesses that he can't live without him. With whatever strength Jamie has, he kisses Roy and says he's gonna try before he passes out. EMT's finally get there and rush Jamie to hospital. He busted his ribs really bad and it's touch and go for a bit but he pulls through. He and Roy gotta deal with their confessions and being undoubtedly in love with each other.
When Jamie wakes up he knows he’s in the hospital. He can barely remember crashing down the stairs. But god does he remember kissing Roy.
He can’t fucking believe he did that.
Stupid stupid stupid.
His heart monitor spikes at the thought.
There’s a hand suddenly touching his cheek. “Hey come on. It’s okay. Look at me come on. Open those eyes.”
Jamie swears that’s Roy.
He turns and opens his eyes, the light is blinding at first. But Roy slowly comes into focus. “Oh fuck.”
Roy stares at him. “Pain? I’ll get a nurse hold on.” Jamie shoots a hand out, he’s not sure why but he can’t let Roy leave. Terrified that he’ll never come back. “No. Thought you’d never wanna see me again.”
Well. Jamie learns he’s apparently very truthful on good pain meds. Goddamn it.
Roy settles in the chair again, his hair is a wreak. Looks like he’s run his hands through it so many times. Jamie itches to touch it, he resists. Roy reaches out and holds Jamie’s hand.
“Let’s start over. Jamie, I love you, can’t live without you. That was undoubtedly the most terrifying thing I’ve ever walked into.”
Jamie thinks maybe he’s dead. This can’t be real.
“Love you too. Making that call to you was the only thing I could think of doing. Needed your voice.”
Roy gives him a soft smile. “Well then. Looks like we love each other. Wanna get married?”
Jamie stares at him, he pouts a little. He glances down at their hands. “I think you’re fucking with me. That’s mean. I’m too drugged for that.” Roy laughs. He leans forward and kisses their hands. “Yeah I’m fucking with you, we gotta go on at least three dates before we get married.”
Jamie smacks at Roy. His hand is caught and squeezed again. Roy leans closer and brushes the hair off of Jamie’s head, “can I kiss you?” Jamie breaks into a grin. “Abso-fucking-lutely I want multiple kisses.”
Roy presses a small kiss to Jamie’s lips, he lets out a whine to say he wants more. Roy raises an eyebrow but does it anyways. Jamie gets another kiss. Longer this time. Slower. Dirtier.
Jamie gently shoves Roy back and collapses against the pillows. “Shit we’re having sex as soon as I’m cleared.” Roy laughs he settles back in the chair, he’s holding Jamie’s hand again. “Anything you want baby.”
Jamie dusts off the mental list of things he wants to do with Roy Kent. “Wanna be held by you. Now.”
Roy sighs, but he does obey again. He slips into the side of the bed. Jamie tugs him up until he can lay with his back against Roy’s chest. “I’m gonna sleep now. Love you.”
Jamie starts to drift off but he feels Roy press a kiss to his head, “love you too.”
He hurts but goddamn is he happy.
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firerose18991 · 1 year
A Fly In A Web
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Miguel O'Hara x GN! Reader
A/N: The time has come
Minors DNI(ageless and minors will be blocked!!)
Warnings: It's all plot, cliffhanger, strong language, small action sequences, inconsistent writing structure, gender neutral reader :-)
You had been a spider for 2 years now and not to toot your own horn but you were probably one of the best in spider society. I mean you handled your problems better than most. Though no one has told you how simple your canon was compared to everyone else's.  You had never lost anything significant, really you hadn't had anything to lose.  The job was your dream, ultimate freedom.
In the eyes of some you were a slacker, especially Miguel.  So when the society was spread thin on a particularly harrowing day in the multiverse he had to deploy you.  You showed up, brazen as ever, taking the lead on the mission and often getting in the way of those who knew better.  To you this mission was just as simple as everything else that’d been thrown your way and you approached it accordingly alongside your team.  The mission was completed successfully (by the skin of your teammates teeth) and you all returned to spider central to give reports to Miguel.  
You walked into the dark office and let the other give the report, you'd already been instrumental to their success.  You sat back and rocked in a chair till all was said.  In the end Miguel dismissed the group.
"Except you (Y/N)." He called, his back was still turned to you.
Obviously he had to sing your praises and it wouldn't be right to do that in front of the others. 
"I know what yer gonna say.  The mission went pretty well today." You spoke up as soon as the others left the room.
There was silence for a beat and then he began to laugh.  You laughed along unsure at first, Miguel never laughs.  But then it became clear he was amused at you.
"What's so funny?"
"You really believe you did good out there huh." He finally faced you from his platform.
"Oh please they wouldn't have made it without me."
"I suppose you did do well at taking enemy fire for them, but I can't say much for skills' ' He sat on the edge with his legs dangling off and his head cradled in one hand.
'Can't say much for skill? What!’ You thought.
"I'm one of the best Miguel!" You kicked the chair you were sitting in into the wall. "And don't you fucking forget it.". 
You stormed out of his nest and headed out to the hall to transport yourself home.
Throughout the next week Miguel’s taunting stuck with you.  Then another massive threat arrived, but this time it was your world.  The society would get the notification soon enough but as the native spider you were the first responder.  You really thought you could handle this big bad before it even showed up in their radar.  You suited up and headed into the fray.
At first things were going your way.  You evacuated the part of the city closest to the monster and swopped into tangle it in your webs like usual.  But it was powerful and ripped through them like string.  You tried again and again until exhaustion and just as you were about to land to reconsider your strategy it caught your foot.  You were dragged through buildings and concrete.  Each time it would find your body and continue its punishment on you like a child with a toy.  The only thing you thought while being thrown around was that at least your city was safe while it pummeled you.
You didn't even hear the hundreds of portals that spread all around you as fellow spiders rushed to subdue the monster.  You'd lost feelings in your body a while ago and your vision wasn't far behind.
You woke up in the med bay of the spider base.  The only light in your room came from the sun leaking through the curtains.  The room was various shades or blue and smelled like peroxide.  You looked down at your body covered in bandages and assorted castings.
"I lived bitch." You wheezed out a laugh that turned into dry painful coughing.
A small plastic cup of water was held to your lips followed by a strong hand pushing you back down into the bed.
"Eres una maldita idiota." Miguel looked down at you. 
You pulled away from the cup painfully swallowing the soothing liquid.
"You know I don't even understand English sometimes, so you're gonna-" Your coughing interrupted you again.
"Save the quips.  You're on bed rest and benched until further notice."
"Yeah I assume the two go hand in hand." You persisted stubbornly.
"You don't get it.  Once you're healed, you're benched.  I'll have another spider watch your turf and you'll train with me.  Until I can trust you in the field again."
"What was I supposed to do?" Your voice clawed through your throat.
"Call for backup.  We're seconds away, that's what all this is.  And if your pride affects your work this much, I can't leave you to your own devices." He set down the water cup and turned to leave
"Miguel!" You grabbed his arm.  You bruised fingers squeezed to a purple hue through your cast. "You can't do this."
"It's not up for discussion." He pulled your arm away effortlessly.
You were left in the same maddeningly blue room for the next 2 months recovering.  Once you were discharged you'd move to the rehabilitation wing for another 3 weeks.
Which wasn't all bad.  You weren't restricted to one room and you were out of those itchy casts.  Pav would stop by to see you and others from time to time.  He was still a happy spider, and it honestly made it easier to go on seeing someone get through the job unscathed.
After you were cleared for dimensional travel you had to be assigned back your watch by Miguel.  You hadn’t seen him since your accident and steamed with anxiety as you walked to his roost.  It was pathetic to go back and grovel for something you had earned.
"Miguel." You called halfheartedly to the dark room.
His platform began to slide down to a visible level.
"I'm not in the mood to wait for the snail tram.  Can you get down here?" You tapped your foot rapidly on the tile.
Much to your surprise he hopped down silently to your level.  He landed only an inch from your face.  His mask was up and he stared down at you for a moment.  
"Here to train, then?" The nanotech mask melted away to reveal him.
"Here for my watch, I'm going home."
"So you'll start tomorrow?"
"I'll start when I need it." You held your neck straight up to face him.
"Then I'll let you know this device can only access your dimension and HQ."
"Are you putting me on a leash?" You snarled
"Maybe when you get home you can look up the term 'benched'.  Safe travels." He tossed you the watch and fwipped back to his platform (that had still not descended fully).
Nonetheless, you returned to your apartment.  The spiders that had taken turns watching your dimension had also kept the place in good shape for you.  It was good to be back in your own bed.  And in your own New York.  You laid back to relax and looked over at your spare suit.  It mocked you.  Despite what you said you knew you couldn't live up to the symbol.  You'd think if Miguel wanted to bench you he'd have taken it away too.  
"But then what would I wear for training?" You sighed to yourself.
The next day you were up bright and early(ish).  You pulled your spare on and flicked your watch to the only other accessible dimension and stepped into HQ.  It'd only been a day but you felt like a stranger, giving up your pride and all that.  You wouldn't be surprised if Miguel rubbed your nose in it everyday for as long as your training lasted.
You decided to scope out the training center before going to see him.  You'd never been to this part of the building and the irony was not lost on you.  Going through the strength section you see none other than Miguel hauling a Uhaul sized slab of metal across the gym.  He wasn't wearing his spider suit and was instead covered in by a tank top hopelessly lost in his chest muscles and gym shorts that left nothing to the imagination.
"You showed up?" He sounded tired as he reached the other side of the gym.
"Yeah whatever." You shrugged, walking further into the gym's center.
He rolled his eyes at you.
"We’ll start simple, fortify your body."
"I know I'm not as ripped as you, but I'm plenty strong."
"Endurance is your best bet in a fight.  Anyone could train in that and not hit a limit.”
He started you on 2 different drills you'd be required to perfect by then end of the week before starting new regimes.  Each week you'd be facing more challenges to improve the targeted skill.
The first few days were rough.  Each day you'd end up battered and shaking from exertion and leave only to come back and do the same thing on Miguel's schedule, 6:00 a.m. at the latest.  On the last day of your second week of training you ended the day only 5 reps away from your goal.
You sat on the lat press machine struggling to get through the last few.  You felt a shift in the bench behind you and warm callused hands around yours.  Miguel applied nothing but the dead weight of his arm to the handle and yet it was just enough to allow you to complete the task.
You let go of the bar and let the weights slam down behind you.  You'd just chest pressed the weight of a semi truck and would promptly need to pass out as whatever pain you'd had from the workout would be nothing compared to your muscles response the next day.
"Rest up for the next few days.  We'll add on balance training next week"
"That's just insulting." You panted.
He patted you on the back and headed for the door.  So it continued for the next 3 weeks.  Miguel wasn't an encouraging coach; his stone demeanor probably would have made most quit after the first week.   But you'd felt yourself growing stronger each day of training.
"Listen I don't want you to mistake all the physical stuff for real resolve." He said at the end of the third week.  "As a spider you are expected to make choices for the greater good and bare repercussions on your own. The sooner you learn that, the better."
"Listen I'm sure that was a great speech and all, but I'm not gonna remember it.". You were standing en-pointe lifting 200 lbs in each arm.
"When are you going to start taking this seriously (Y/N)?!"
"Lemme know when spider-ham starts flying.". You had your eyes locked on a clock waiting for the final few minutes of your balance training to be over with.
"I'm done." He began to walk away.
"Wha-" you dropped your dumbbells leaving cracks in the ground and chased him.  "Miguel hold up.  I'm serious, alright, I swear.”
He stopped to study you. "Then we have a mission."
"Does this mean I'm off the bench?" You ran in pursuit of him.
"It means you've moved to probation. You'll only make jumps with me, I'll assess your fitness for battle when we're in the thick of it.  If all goes well-"
"I'll be the best spider on the force?"
"You'll be reinstated, but that's a goal I guess." He tapped his watch and opened a portal.
"So what's the mission?"
(This is going somewhere lol)
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