#at least as far as I'm understanding thats the point
iwanttobepersephone · 4 months
My dad bought me a "beginners guide to witchcraft" or something book years and years and years ago, but recently, I've been reading through it more often, and it's literally so fun. Mostly because the more I read it, the more I realize witchcraft is literally just self care with a different font.
"Use this ritual to connect with Mother Earth!" And it's just sitting outside for like 5 minutes. But you bet your a++ I'm gonna do that ritual anyways, it's fun
"If you're having trouble sleeping, here's some teas you can drink! Make sure you know what's keeping you awake, though!" Yeah, that's just. Self-awareness and tea. But y'know what I like tea so yeah I'll do that
This isn't even a "gotcha!" Moment btw this is literally just the point of witchcraft
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neteyamswifee · 1 year
𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝑔𝒶𝓏𝒾𝓃𝑔; 𝘕𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘺𝘢𝘮 𝘹𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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Romantic Story about you and Neteyam Stargazing.
Warnings: Smut, toe curling- feet kicking stuff , bad grammar and no proof read, i guess thats it.
It‘s my first story and english is not my first language SO pls be gentle:,)
I was mad. Angry and disappointed with my brother's behavior and the consequences that followed. Ao'nung had known very well from thousands of conversations with our father what he thought of unauthorized excursions outside the reef.
But then also take someone who doesn't know their way around and then leave them there. Alone? My brother was lucky that Loak had taken the blame.
But since dad knows his children, there was a lecture behind closed doors anyway.So now it was my turn to apologize to the Sullys. Or at least with Neteyam, who got sucked into it all. I really felt sorry for him now. Every time his brother messed things up, he had to pay for it.I knew that all too well. I was starting to feel like the babysitter, the one who was sent to make things right without anyone noticing.
Actually I should have drowned Ao’nung after this drama he caused.
Instead, I was on my way to the Sullys' hut, basket in hand and a smile on my face. So I should apologize on behalf of my family.
As if this were my job...
But instead of the whole Sully family, all I saw was Neteyam staring at the floor.He was sitting on his bed, his hands propped behind him, and he was looking down at his stretched out legs.
"Hey.." I started waiting for his reaction. Neteyam looked up in surprise and smiled sadly.
"Hey nice to see you what are you doing here?"He sat up and stretched while I set the basket down in the corner.Neteyam has always been good-looking. Jake showed me and Tsireya some childhood photos of him and Loak because he knew how embarrassed Loak was in front of Tsireya.He was slim but muscular even as a child and an absolute charmer.
 No one has ever thrown compliments like that at me just to take me for a walk on the beach. But Neteyam was gentle and respectful. He was never pushy and always gave me enough space. I didn't really know what exactly that was with us. It felt like friendship, but in some moments more intimate than a friendship should be.What I kind of liked was his jealousy when I was talking to other Metkayina. Neteyam used to do this weird thing with his eyes as he looked me up and down and then smiled away the flirty comments the guys made. It gave him a kind of confidence that reassured me what a good leader he would be.
Right now he's looking more downcast as he tries to somehow smile at my father's gift of exotic fruit that I'm pointing to."It comes from my father, I think everyone here knew it was my brother's fault. I apologize for his behavior."Neteyam's eyebrows rose. "Thanks to your Father Blut that wouldn't have been necessary, they're just children, what can you do?" I sighed. He was again far too good-natured. Another reason why the clan would be mighty proud of him.
"I'm sorry for you too." I whispered and wrapped my arms around my body. "I mean you really have to take a lot with your brother, the expectations of the family and now your escape. You seem so composed. I'm overwhelmed with my brother." I laughed. I could hardly imagine his train of thought in the last few weeks.
"Yeah." He murmurs, sitting back on the bed with a sigh and patting next to him as a sign for me to sit down, which I'm doing."You know even if I don't show it, sometimes I could really cry when I think about all of this. I mean I'm proud of my family, but all of this is unfair."I put a hand on his leg to let him know I understand. "I am very sure that you can do all this. My family would tear for a son like you, I think."
Neteyam shakes his head and fixes my hand on his leg, then my eyes. "If I had a daughter like you, I wouldn't worry about the son anymore. You do a lot more than necessary."I shrug my shoulders, rolling my eyes. "As a first born daughter I don't think I can do enough to be placed on the same level as your brain burned brother."
Neteyam sits on the floor and pulls me down with him. All he does is hold my hand while he looks at me like I offended him.He squeezes my hand, which is so much smaller than his."Stop making yourself worse than you are." He pauses, reaching up to brush a strand of hair out of my face and running his finger down my chin."i see u y/n. With full respect."I spit out almost implausibly until I realize how serious he means it. "I see u too Neteyam." I whisper.
The next few weeks were just weird in a cute way. Of course, Neteyam always showed me respect, but never like on our last night. There was that intimacy I was talking about again. And since then I, as well as Neteyam, have been more open about our feelings. Instead of a little smile when we crossed paths, he literally stared after me, put his arm around me in public, the compliments were no longer thrown at me, no, I was literally showered.
And now they were all sitting around the campfire. My people and his family celebrated our coming together while I and Neteyam had long since made off."Where are you going?" I ask quietly as we stumble across the sand together. He holds my hand and invites me into the water. I just follow him silently and wait for an answer.
As we stand chest-deep in the water, he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me towards him, and I immediately wrap my legs around him. This is the first time we've been this close. And it's the first time Neteyam has renounced all of his resolutions. I look deep into his eyes, almost seeing his pure soul and the Na'vi I've lusted after for so long. All my heart was screaming for was this moment here."You trust me don't you?" He raised his eyebrows.
I answer quietly and have the feeling that I have swallowed my voice.Neteyam swims out a few meters to a rocky seat just before the end of the reef. I reluctantly let him get out of the water before he pulls me onto the cold stone slab. In front of us the open sea and the sound of the waves."I just hope that the lunar cycle doesn't put a spanner in the works"
I bow my head in confusion, but a short time later I understand what he means. A shower of stars tears open the sky. Individual long white threads shoot past the heavens like rain. With my mouth open, I admire the game in the sky.
"Neteyam-"I get up to get a closer look. "that is beautiful. "That was it. Most likely the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
"That's it."
I hear Neteyam saying, who looks at me enthusiastically as I look down at him. Only then do I realize that he means me. He takes my hand and I sit down with him on the pleasantly lukewarm ground, warmed by the hot springs nearby."I was actually going to do this a few weeks ago, but missed the moment to ask you." he says dejectedly, as if he hadn't just given me the most beautiful present in the world.I take his hand and put the other hand on his neck. "It's perfect." I breathe in amazement.
The moment Neteyam licks his lips and kisses me just feels blurry.His lips are soft, gentle. Even as he kisses me so urgently, I can feel the caution in his kiss. While his one hand rests on my thigh and squeezes it lightly, his other hand travels from my face down to my waist. As gently as he kisses me, as gently as he turns us around until he lies between my legs. At that moment I feel everything and nothing at the same time, simply because it seems so surreal. His hand still on my waist as he kisses wantingly down my neck. It's warm, as are the kisses as it travels down my chest. He looks up, I'm breathing heavily and just want him to continue. But he elicits my silent approval in the form of a nod before touching points that make me moan.Neteyam is slow, just to torment me he kisses every part of my thighs before tampering with my wet sensitivity.I giggle because he keeps me waiting so long but enjoy it.
As soon as he touched my soft spot, I only hear a soft moan from him, which drives me crazy. I've never seen Neteyam so excited but the way he's looking at me like a goddess makes me weak. He keeps going, never missing an opportunity to touch me anywhere, until he stops. I exhale violently.His face appeared over mine. It's his eyes I look into, his tongue pressing against his cheek as he enters me. Fucked me almost unconscious."fuck you are so incredibly beautiful." he gasps. His eyes wander over my whole body, my face, my breasts on which he distributes kisses. On his thing that breaks me down.
I claw his back and accept the tugging sensation in my stomach that washes over me just before I come and Neteyam pulls himself out of me. The white liquid lands on my stomach.It feels like minutes he's still crouched over me looking me in the eyes just before he collapses next to me. Still breathing heavily, I turn to face him. He kisses my forehead."Im glad ." he grins and caresses my cheek. "how come?" I ask laughing.Neteyam shrugs. "Well. There's no place I'd rather have done it than with you here. A month ago I didn't even have the guts to kiss you, you know? I think it was right because i really,like, really like you." He kisses my forehead dreamily and I smile.I snuggle up to his neck, breathe in the scent of sea air and watch the stars in the sky, which are our only witness.
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briefpeachdinosaur · 1 month
dazai and flirting
NSFW Minors do not interact. Mention of suicide ( It's dazai ) And this is just an Observation of how dazai flirts with women, why and when.
It's your girl Mina Posting I'm nervous-
•I know it seems silly But when dazai flirts most of the time and what we have seen so far, is that he always wants something from the women he flirts with.
• It is either related to go and Do a double suicide with him or that he Plans something ahead already.
•for example when higuchi was there for the first time, he flirted because he noticed there was something wrong and decided to spy on her. And he was right.
• or with the nurse, I know there is a big discussion how he and the nurse must have had Sex but I think he was A too injured to do it ( without him being hurted ) and B it didn't (at least for me) came across like they did it lol.
• Anyways I think he used his charm on her to get his Phone so he could do a call.
•LMAO he always becomes a Poet when he flirts LOL.
• He ALWAYS makes poems.
• dazai knows how to Deal with women.
• he is skilled in flirting lets not forget that he does has one night stands (comformed by chuuya)
• but I do believe that he respects women.
• he never flirts or ask for a double suicide with yosano or any of the women in his work place, I think it Shows how much he respects them.
• (I'm also not saying he dosen't respect women whom he ask to take there lifes with him btw)
•( if he would offer ME a double suicide bye guys i would have said yes)
• but we are all like this that we have extra respect for some and not for some others.
• if however he ask a women to make a double suicide with him and they turn him down he dosen't pressure him. He might be like " but a double suicide dosen't work alone Belladonna " but let go after that. ( as we saw with him and the waitress lol)
• I also think he notice If a women is not into him in that way he'll not pressure her or try to Manipulate her into doing smt she Dosen't want to.
•I think he notice right away if she is into him or not.
• so like he walkes into a Bar and sees how a women looks at him he knows.
•when he Talks to her he knows if she really wants to or not.
• i think he is the typ of guy who likes someone who really wants to sleep with him just like how he wants to sleep with them.
•I think if he sees a women being harrased he probaly do something. He is not an ass just a big tease who likes to annoy people.
•i also don't think he would try his shoot to them after helping them ( he isn't an idiot as we all know he is super smart)
• i think he has a normal Sex drive.
•now lets go to the suicidal part.
• I think we all overlook how it is very selfish and greedy from him to want a women to take her life with him.
•he is basiclly asking to throw her life away for him and her future with that. I think if she changed her mind he be like : what serious ?
• I think he would let a big shign pass his mouth and be like : well It's your choice after all...
•tbh I think he, deep down, he know he can't die bc he promised oda that he will do something that will help people around him.
•I think dazai has a big disconnetion to himself, aka his feelings and the World and humans in generell.
•I think thats why he dosen't see a good point in living cuz he is so disconnected from the World and he Dosen't understand why or perhaps Dosen't even know.
• not to mention the mafia really messed with him and his moralitys. I know he himself is already messed up but imagine he grew up in the ADA like ranpo.
•I'm quit sure he would have been a bit different then.
• Perhaps deep down he dosen't wants to Die but he sees this as the only chance to something better. To be free from all this pain he dosen't even get.
• Dazai dosen't realize that the people he cares for also care for him equally.
• but have you noticed whenever he tried to end his life it was bc he Planed smt ahead ALL THE TIME ( ok maybe almost all the time)
• idk if it was intentional but when he jumped into that Lake he met Tiger boy remembere ?
• Or how he was there durning the investigation of the death of that women where he told Tiger boy that ranpo dosen't has an ability acually.
• now this was intensional, when he, like I said, ask higuchi to kill hersef with him.
• or why he was so overly friendly with Nobuko Sasaki.
(I read that sasaki was more dangerous in the manga )
• He KNEW there was smt wrong
• Poor kunikida tho...
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ride-a-dromedary · 8 months
#also *is* it canon that he’s like 7ft at least?? bc he has to be#average elf height is 6ft I know this bc. yknow. I’ve read the elf parts of the 5e descriptions#and iirc bg3 moooooostly follows that#so everybody saying ‘oh Halsin is 6ft tall’ THATS NOT EVEN TALL FOR AN ELF THAT IS AVERAGE
@whatever-man-whatever I have been summoned!!
The short answer is no; Halsin's height has not been canonically confirmed in game as far as I'm aware (though I would be a little dodgy if it was anyway, and you'll see why in a moment, but mainly due to the fact that because Halsin is still considered a medium creature, as an elf, the game lists his weight as 75KG - look me DIRECTLY in the eye and tell me that man is 165lbs). And, as far as I am aware, there hasn't been any confirmation of his height from Larian either (though I am happy to be corrected if they have).
But you know whose height has been canonically confirmed? Astarion's. And you know that that leads to? The long answer, which is: logical approximation time with yours truly.
Larian tweeted Astarion's height as being 5'9" in 2021:
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Which is slightly contradicted by the fact that, when playing as a Gith character in the full release, you can choose the option to describe Astarion literally to him when he asks:
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Which - while understandably says 'approximately', so it is just a logical guess on Tav's part - obviously contradicts what Larian indicated previously by implying he's 5'11". Likely this was changed in the two years, or just tossed out there as a joke, or genuinely just mixed up (but I much prefer the 'gith count hair as height or are just not very good at height estimation' and @winter2468's theory that Astarion just wears lifts in his shoes).
However, what this does give us is a point of reference, with the possible height range of Astarion (and I suppose by extension the lithe elf body type in player characters) being somewhere between 5'9" and 5'11" (both a little on the taller side of the average for an Elf in 5e descriptions, but very tall for - say - 3e descriptions).
Now, this has to be taken with a grain of salt because all of the smaller male body types are the same height, so a visual doesn't necessarily say TOO much, however:
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(Note that this is the two of them standing side by side in their idle pose, which means they are balancing weight on one of their hips, cocking it to the side. Astarion's idle pose also has him lifting his chin considerably, which makes him look a little taller. These both affect the measurement slightly but bear with me. I have also made an estimation as to where Astarion's skull would actually begin in relation to the bouffant of his hair)
So what this immediately tells me is that Halsin cannot be only 6ft - he stands significantly taller than an individual who is allegedly between 5'9" and 5'11"
A few more for good measure:
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(The left bottom image is Astarion standing straighter with Halsin still bent at the knee - I have also noted that Halsin's left shoulder slopes lower than his right when standing idly)
So it's evident, by visual average, Astarion stands pretty consistently at about Halsin's shoulder. The only times they don't stand at this same relation in height difference is in character sheet screens (and level up screens by extension):
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Which is what I meant by a little dodgy in visual base, so for the sake of this we'll keep outside of menus.
The average height between the shoulder and the top of a head is approximately 1 ft (with of course variations of neck length and head size in between, but let's stick with average for ease)
THEREFORE - if it looks to be that Astarion stands pretty consistently at the height of Halsin's shoulder, give or take an inch or two, Halsin is approximately about a foot taller than he is. And if Halsin is about a foot taller than he is, and Astarion's canonical height sits somewhere in the range of 5'9" - 5'11", that leads to reason that Halsin stands at somewhere in the range of 6'9" - 6'11".
(The other source of this conclusion is that I feel it in my heart that Halsin is pushing 7ft because I reason his height would need to be significantly above average for everyone to make a comment on it)
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wordsarelife · 5 months
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pairing: george karim x gn!reader
summary: george admires you deeply. not only because you're his girlfriend, but because you have an extraordinary gift
warnings: slightly suggestive if you squint, mentions of dying, ghosts, the usual
note: i just noticed, that this was probably the last george fic i'll ever write. it was so fun to write and i love george with all my heart. i hope you guys like it!!
the stairs were rusty and every bit of wood was making a sound when you were walking over it. george was following you and even though you knew it were his steps behind you, they still made you turn around and check. just to be sure.
lockwood and lucy were inspecting the first floor of the house, while you had decided to accompany your boyfriend upstairs, feeling like a type two wasn't far away.
george had been impressed by your ghost fighting skills ever since you had joined lockwood and co. you were one of a kind, able to talk to ghosts and calm them down.
george had been a bit suspicious of you when you had told him and lockwood what you could do.
"sure" george had said "you know, when it gets dark i can fly"
lockwood had noticed the look you where sending his friend and had known right in that moment that the two of you were a match made in heaven. or at least thats what he liked to claim.
in reality he had to seperate the both of you, because you kept making each other more angry.
after your first case george had apologized to you and the rest was history.
"do you have the chain?" you turned around to look at him
he patted the bag hanging from his shoulder. you could hear the silver clinging and nodded relieved. "good"
he followed you into one of the bedrooms and closed the door. he put down the bag and started laying down the chain, while you inspected the walls. "not long" you mumbled while checking the temperature
"i can feel it too" george got up from the ground and watched you closely. you closed your eyes, feeling over the walls and hearing voices fill the room. you gasped, walking backwards, right into george's arms.
"what is it?" he asked worriedly
"it was an accident" you mumbled "she isn't angry"
as if on cue, a ghost emerged from the wall. she was flowing in front of you in a constant motion.
"then what is she?" george voice slipped into a light panic
"sad" you answered softly.
even without your special talent, you were able to notice that the ghost in front of you was the opposite of angry. she wasn't even coming closer. her long hair was flowing in the air and her eyes looked so regretful you almost wanted to pack everything up and leave her alone.
"hello" you said instead.
she looked confused at your try to talk with her.
"i'm y/n" you continued. you pointed behind you "this is george"
george raised his hand hesitantely "ehh, hi!"
"and you're maddy, right?" you asked and the ghost smiled "your mum told us about you" what she leave out where any information about how her daughter had died. now you were wishing she hadn't. the eyes of the little girl made you so sad, you almost couldn't concentrate. but you had to.
"yeah" george added, unsure if she could understand him as well. but you had told him she could, as long as he was holding onto your hand.
that was another extraordinary thing george had noticed. you were even able to share you talent, by touching other people. he could only admire you for using your power. he had never met someone less scared of ghosts than you. not even lockwood.
no ghost could scare you, he thought. not even wraiths. most of them would calm down by your presence alone. maybe it was that they had no one to talk to before, or it was just something about you. maybe your smile or your kindness that they could feel and kept them from hurting you.
"mum" maddy repeated and george's eyes grew soft when he heard her voice. it was a lot to see a young girl as a ghost, but her voice tore his heart open.
"yes" you smiled sympathetically. "she moved, that's why she's been gone"
"because of me?" maddy asked
you shook your head. "no, sweetheart. she wanted to take her with you, but she didn't know how, so she called us"
maddy smiled.
it was true what you were saying. her mum had been too scared to hurt her or destroy the ghost form of her daughter, while she had sworn that she was a friendly ghost. but she wasn't sure of she would react to the strange agents in her house. she had thought that maddy would be angry perhaps. that's why you came as prepared as you were.
lockwood had promised the woman to safely secure her daughters source, so she could take her with her.
"teddy" maddy said simply. your eyes wandered around the room, until they landed on a chair, a little teddybear sitting on top of it.
"this one?" you asked, picking up the bear.
maddy nodded.
"okay" you smiled. "we will put it under this net. you will be gone for some time, but we will give it to your mum and when you wake up, she will be there, okay?"
"okay" maddy said and george was surprised how easy it was to deal with her. almost too easy. as if on cue, you could hear loud sounds from downstairs.
"the man" maddy said fearfully
"what man, maddy?" you asked, hearing lucy cry out your name "you have to tell us, okay?"
"the angry man" maddy said again "he is screaming and he is mean"
"it's alright, sweetheart" you tried to calm her. george had never seen a ghost be scared before. "wrap her source" you took out the silver net and held it in george's direction. "we will make him leave" you assured maddy "and you will be with your mum"
"okay" maddy nodded and the next second she was gone.
"what now?"
"we have to get rid of an angry man" you smiled, leaving the room and dashing down the stairs to help your friends.
lucy and lockwood were in the middle of a fight with the ghost, when you entered the living room. "y/n" lucy called relieved "maybe you can-" she jumped to the side, escpaping a chair the ghost had swung at her "talk to him"
"i'm not sure that will work" lockwood panted, throwing a few saltbombs. "it won't take him long to come back" he fixed his suit.
"we have to find the source" you turned to george, who nodded at that. "you go" you told lucy and lockwood "we will take care of him"
"are you sure?" lockwood asked and you nodded, making a gesture for them to leave the room. "okay" lockwood said "we'll be quick"
"i know" george took his position next to you
"how about some netflix and chill after this?" you asked as soon as your friends hat left the room
"y/n!" the shock on george's face made you giggle
"what?" you laughed "a perfectly normal question if you ask me"
"you are always flirting in near death situations" george rolled his eyes
"yeah" you smiled smugly "but it got you to sleep with me, didn't it?"
"oh my god" george hid his face in his hands
"shit" your words made him look up. the ghost was slowly coming materialising again. you losened your belt, holding it in george's direction
"are you getting undressed?" george asked and his voice seemed to be a pitch higher than usual
"no" you dragged the word out "the belt is filled with saltbombs. i want you to get behind him and throw it, in case my plan doesn't work"
"what plan?"
"just do it, darling" george complied hesitantely, but did eventually walk across the room, behind the patch where the ghost was slowly coming back.
"hello" you muttered "maddy already told us about you"
"a talker" the ghost bid back, in a voice that send shivers down your spine. he seemed to be intrigued by you, which held him back from attacking you. well at least for now. "did she now?"
"she's scared of you"
"did you destroy her?" he was a lot calmer than he was before, george noticed, so he relaxed a bit, having new found trust in your abilities
"no" you said, truthfully "her mum is moving. she couldn't leave her behind" you explained "where did you come from? you weren't mentioned"
"i wasn't mentioned?" he repeated, laughing sarcastically "this is my house. i was here before any of you were even born" he screamed the last part and george was ready to throw the belt.
not yet, you mouthed in his direction. "we want to find your source. you'll be at peace" you said
"you want to destroy me" the ghost corrected angrily, but to george's surprise you didn't falter at his tone, but rather matched it.
"we want to save you" you said between clenched teeth "there's a clear difference there. let us help"
"you can't fool me" the ghost laughed
"fighting me is a lost cause" you crossed your arms "we got the best listener in the country. she will find your source and any fight will be in vain"
"you're foolish" the ghost muttered "you can talk to us and you don't use it for bigger things? we could rule the world" he clenched his fist, raising it diabotically.
"sorry" you smiled "i have a date at seven"
in the exact same second, as the ghost began charging at you, lucy called from the next room. do it you mouthed in george's direction. "contain it!" you called to the next room, moving on your feet quickly, to dodge the ghost's closer coming form.
george threw the saltbombs and a second later, the ghost disappeared. lockwood and lucy came back into the room. lucy held up the silver net, which was wrapped around a book.
"the bible" she said "who would've thought?"
"i don't care about his source" you shrugged your shoulders "let's get maddy back to her mum"
your friends nodded. leaving the house close behind you. ghosts like the second one where the true threat to your world, but maddy was the opposite. you didn't use your powers in a wrong way, like the man had claimed. you were doing the right thing with them. helping people who weren't able to help themselves.
on the way out you interlaced yours and george's fingers, thankful that the world you were living in had at least brought you both together.
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Am I the asshole for dumping my now very much ex boyfriend in front of his family?
Important context, I have a LOT of allergies/sensitivities. But the one thats important for this story is that I am allergic to pork and pork products. I literally cannot eat pork without vomiting and breaking out into painful hives
This will be important later
Me (25F) and my boyfriend (24M) were dating for over a year by this point and I was in the process of moving into his apartment when this went down so we were decently far along.
Then my boyfriend invited me over to his family's house for dinner one night which I naturally accepted. Now I made SURE to remind him multiple times that I have food allergies and intolerances (pork is one of the big ones) so he could tell his family not to make anything pork related, or at the very least dont cook any other food in anything the pork would be in.
I didnt think this would be such a big deal since my boyfriend is allergic to shellfish.
We were having a nice dinner he and his mother made, having a great time until I started breaking out into hives and immediately started feeling sick.
I look in the casserole his mother had cooked that I was currently eating.
And guess what was in it.
Pork loin LOTS of it all hidden in between layers of chicken, veggies, cheese and noodles.
I spent the rest of the night vomiting in the bathroom, covered in hives and crying because this was supposed to be a fun night with my boyfriend and his family and it was ruined.
When I'm slightly better (still covered in hives) I asked my boyfriend what happened because I had explicitly told him MULTIPLE times to tell his mother not to use pork or at least keep it separate. Because again he has food allergies himself so he KNOWS how horrible it is to get your allergy triggered and his mother KNOWS not to make shellfish.
Well guess what he said?
"Why are you overreacting? Its not a big deal."
So I blew up at him and his mother, in front of the rest of his family, yelling until my already sore throat gave out. My boyfriend started yelling right back and we had a massive fight right there.
And I dumped him, again right in front of everyone.
I blocked him on the ride back to my old roommate's apartment and was crying for the rest of the night because how could he do this? He was always accommodating to me before why was this time not the case? Why didnt he see that his mother literally trying to POISON me was a big deal? I understand pork allergies are not as well known as things like peanuts but how hard is it to not use pork one time. And if you absolutely must at least make it in a separate dish so I dont eat it and get sick?
My now ex boyfriend has been texting my roommate constantly, saying that he's sorry, that I'm overreacting and it was just a little mistake, that he wont do it again, etc
Im currently getting the last of my stuff back from his apartment because I do not trust him anymore
So am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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firedjinni · 4 months
what do u even call the slugcats cause they're "names" are fuckinfg BORING! "monk" "survivor" yap yap yap! thats why I call them flowerboy and ponyboy hunter is a cool fucking name but still WOLFBOY. is better I know theres... other slugcats the only ones ive seen are the fat one and the darker red one. and some weird... mutation looking slugcat... weird eyes... weird colors. whateverrrrrr ill enable the dlc after i do this damn wolfboy run 4 DAYs. LEFT.
okay, I understand this was probably not the intended point of this ask, but it is too late. you have activated my trap card. we are talking about Slugcat Worldbuilding Headcanons now.
(Spoilers ahead for… basically every campaign.)
For Hunter: I imagine "Hunter" is more of a nickname, and that NSH normally refers to them more as his courier or messenger. I tend to call them "Hunter" for writing convenience (even in their own POV, so far), but they don't really call themself that much. They have a lot of identity issues tied up in being created for a Very Specific Purpose and not really knowing how to think of themself outside of it; they're a divine messenger, but that's not really a name. Until their purpose is fulfilled, they don't think about themself as a person often enough to actually consider things like names.
For Survivor: I like the headcanon that slugcats (at least in Surv/Monk/Gourm's colony) are given simpler names as pups, and sort of "earn" a more descriptive title/adult name as they mature. In my usual read of them, they would have just been "white/pale one" when they still lived with their colony, and gave themself the name "Survivor" some time after their fall.
For Monk: their pup name, which they have during their campaign, is something like "yellow one", and they don't earn a title until later. Even then, they aren't ever "Monk" in-universe, as slugcats don't quite have an equivalent social structure or role for that term to translate directly. The name they take instead means something more like "pacifist" or "gentle/wise/peaceful one", though there are some loosely similar social connotations to early Ancient society's version of monkhood, with implications of spiritual attunement, insight, and vague otherworldliness.
For Artificer: I imagine this name to be a matter of in-universe translation jank. Their actual name is something closer to "crafter" or "clever one that makes things" (again, connotations are tricky to translate!), but those simply do not possess the same pizzazz. The Scavengers also call them "Red Death" or sometimes "Red Mother", which ends up becoming a sort of mythological figure later on, like a Scavenger boogeyman. Future slugcat colonies end up sort of adopting back the mythology of the Red Mother as a protective deity/spirit, so they mostly call her that in the future. "Red" was probably their pup name, too.
For Spearmaster: Seven Red Suns calls them "messenger" and "07" -- I like to think the former becomes a nickname (their character designer, Faeling, headcanons SRS calling them "Messy" as a nickname/diminutive which I think is adorable), but Spearmaster themself might have adopted the latter too at some point, maybe almost like a family name, because they like that it connects them to Seven Red Suns. I also figure that other wild slugcats might have various nicknames for them, especially since SM would have no easy way to introduce themself -- and the name "Spearmaster" might come from that, actually! But I also like the idea of a future folktale version of them similar to with Artificer, with various names depending on the opinions of the colony/culture in question: "Cousin Thorn-tail", "the Spear-sapper", "the Drinker", and so on.
For Gourmand: again, I imagine this as a case of translation jank, and whatever they're called has slightly different connotations, though I'm less decided on what it should actually be. "Gourmand" is just so… specific? I feel like whatever they've got going on should be equally untranslatable, though. It's something along the lines of "appraiser" and "crafter" and "skilled forager", with this implication of like… knowing about valuable/desirable things and how to find/make them, and also having a strong personal taste for them? "Connoisseur", almost? But not quite as fancy. Their pup name was just "big one", though -- pup Gourmie wasn't quite the absolute unit they are as an adult, but they were definitely always a big slugcat.
For Rivulet: I like the idea this really is just their name! Little-stream-of-water! It's actually their pup name, but they left their colony before coming of age (ran away to become an adventurer), and never really found a title they liked. They think Moon calling them Ruffles is cute, but it's definitely just a nickname.
For Saint: the name does translate directly, not because slugcats have a concept of sainthood, but because the title they gave themself is the literal term taken from the Ancients. I headcanon that they were raised by or around an iterator and know a lot of The Lore, and sorta borrowed some of these concepts for how they see themself… a sort of divine sufferer bringing peace to others, martyring themself for the sake of mercy. Their pup name was just "tongue" or something, though, if they had one at all.
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alicentsgf · 1 year
I want to like Rhaenicent but I feel like Alicent protects Rhaenyra and cares for her way more than Rhaenyra does for her. Adult Rhaenicent seems rather one sided to me ngl. One way Rhaenyra betrayed Alicent was by marrying Daemon, a man who absolutely despises the Hightowers and who wouldn’t hesitate to slaughter Alicent’s children. Does Rhaenyra really not realize how ruthless Daemon is? Daemon is arguably the biggest threat to the Green kids who are Rhaenyra’s own siblings. It just kills me that Alicent stood up to her abuser for Rhaenyra’s life in 1x09 and Rhaenyra has never done anything of that severity for Alicent. And Rhaenyra will likely never know how much Alicent fought to save her. Idk, I just feel like Alicent deserves someone who will love her completely. I can’t see Rhaenyra being that person with the way she’s disregarded Alicent’s worries and feelings.
I'm going to be totally honest and I say this with love... a lot of it becomes easily justifiable for me when i acknowledge that Rhaenyra is just a bit dense. like shes always been sheltered and naive, to the point of genuine stupidity sometimes. she isnt inherently so but her father stomped all over her developing any kind of critical mind early on and she did nothing to overcome that mistake. she became far too comfortable with Viserys waving his crown and magic-ing her problems away and its just a fact shes never managed to see things from alicents perspective... but that doesnt mean alicent isnt as equally important to her as she is to alicent. please bear with me because i promise i will explain this fully.
but first of all, to answer your question 'does rhaenyra not realise how ruthless daemon is?' I mean, giving her the benefit of the doubt ...maybe not? shes pretty much always always seen the best side of daemon. with viserys. with her. with their children. what does she know of daemons genuine ruthlessness? we cant say for sure. once again, giving her the full benefit of the doubt, we dont even know if rhaenyras aware that daemon murdered rhea. like daemons not exactly gonna bring it up and who else would dare suggest that to her of all people? sure shes seen him fight at tourneys she knows hes capable of killing but thats a controlled enviroment where its expected. and she clearly feels safe enough with him personally otherwise she wouldnt have laughed in his face after her grabbed her neck.
its going to be very interesting to see what they do with B&C for this reason. because if rhaenyra isnt involved, at least in the Details... will she be shocked by what daemon is capable of? depends on what version of rhaenyra we get post-luke i suppose. but i dont know if i believe they're likely to have her go That dark so quickly that she'd agree to B&C. (sorry. tangent.)
imo you have to try and see her perspective - rhaenyra is deeply Confused. she thought for many years alicent just suddenly Hated her on the basis of her /loose morals/, like purely hated her, the girl she loved is Gone overnight right when they'd begun to reconcile, and she couldnt really understand why. she just does not understand alicents perspective and she cant begin to fathom alicents situation. and in a way, how could she? shes never faced similar limitations theres an argument to be made she wouldnt be able to even conceptualise it without alicent taking her by the hand and walking her through it. even when they were friends i doubt rhaenyra thought about the privileges she held over alicent (after all, she was a child, it was just what she knew and as far as she could see alicent got to do everything she did so there was no visual imbalance). from rhaenyras point of view, all those years alicent was being unnecessarily antagonistic over something that didnt effect her. this girl she loved and in rhaenyras eyes she is betraying her again and again and again. and rhaenyra thought all that because she couldnt see the bigger picture. how could she begin to understand 'alicent fears what my reign could mean for her children' when viserys actively disencouraged her political interest - her opinion on that point would likely only be 'well obviously i would make sure nothing happened to them', not understanding that That isnt the reassurance she thinks it is.
so yeah. rhaenyra truly doesnt understand what went on or whats going on. but alicent Does (and this imbalance is perfectly demonstrated by the dialogue in the knife scene because, lets be honest, alicent pins down the situation and how rhaenyra fits into it kind of perfectly... whereas rhaenyra incorrectly attributes alicents rage to 'righteousness', not fear.). and personally i think thats why it seems unbalanced or one sided, especially in episode 8. alicent could afford to be genuine, rhaenyra isnt hard to read, whereas rhaenyra still had her guard up because she was just so fucking confused lmao. she briefly saw the gentle, beautiful, kind girl she was in love with in alicents treatment of a dying viserys at the dinner table - and upon realising alicent actually Does still have that side to her rhaenyra doesnt know what to do except subtlety apologise for perhaps not truly Seeing alicent and for accusing her of trying to harm viserys. she thought the alicent she knew was long dead until that moment - the girl has got emotional whiplash. so its not that rhaenyra loves alicent less. her reactions in episode 10 make it very clear there is still A Lot going on there for her (and we know emma d'arcy's pov on it was that rhaenyra genuinely considers conceding the throne with the hope of alicent 'taking her back'). shes just very very Very muddled about whether the current version of alicent is Still the person she loves...
and i think maybe 'love' is the wrong word for what they have when theres so much piled on top but its definitely a devotion. its this constant need to reconcile and be close that they just cant shake because a part of them will always desire the other.
tl;dr rhaenyra is just... kinda dumb god bless. and their imbalance is in their ability to understand the situation, not in the amount of love thats held.
(besides they were never exactly going to be a healthy equal deserving love thats not the point of them imo. they are a missed opportunity. a greek tragedy. starcrossed lovers. etc)
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prince-kallisto · 11 months
So if Crowley was Levan...
Why would he be *gestures at him* the way he is now? I think that's the general roadblock to this theory, which is so understandable. The Levan/Revan (how is his name spelled) we know of so far is loyal, dependable, and truly in love with Mallenoa, as its the only way for a dragon's egg to hatch. There's so little we actually know of the TWST universe, so we could be blindsided by any answer haha. But using what we know so far, I want to risk a little guess:
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A genius post once mentioned how Crowley's mask and gloves (that he still wears in his vacation outfit) are accessories that would cover overblot markings, like ink on his hands or face. Another detail I noticed are Crowley's lips. of course, it could be makeup or a fae feature, but I've begun to doubt it. Malleus, for example, has noticeably darker lips, but not to the point that they're super noticeable on his model. But Crowley's lips are ink black- that same type of black that has been present on several Overblot victims.
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But a very noticeable change that overblot victims have are their personalities. It's like the worst aspects of themselves, or their suppressed desires, come out and magnify themselves tenfold. It consumes their original personality, and as we learned from Styx, the blot eats them up until there's nothing left. However, there's very little known about overblot, and the potential of Fae magic in general.
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This, added with the fact that in rare cases, phantoms can blend in direbeasts, and how Grim has thousand-year-old magic cast on him (currently unknown if its a blessing or a curse), I have an absolute insane crack theory to suggest:
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Grim was Crowley's phantom.
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Yes yes absolute nonsense I know oavfjkbsd. We know Grim is currently eating the black overblot stones, which will probably make him the phantom he's theorized to become. But why then, was extremely powerful magic cast on him a THOUSAND years ago? Combining this with Crowley's potential overblot markings, I'm thinking that Crowley managed to force his own phantom out of him, sealing it away with magic- OR had someone else seal it.
Again- STYX knows so very little about overblot despite their advanced technology. Pretty much anything is possible, especially when there's a potentially powerful fae involved. But this part of the theory is kinda optional, just because a thousand years wouldn't line up with the timeline akcjbvsk. Of course, Idia could've been exaggerating, but the Grim theory is already a bit much haha
Another edit: Another big brain genius comment mentioned how the thousand-year-old magic could also refer to a SPELL thats a thousand years old, so the timeline could still be accurate. This makes a lot of sense, because the transcription of magic and history vary A LOT throughout the kingdoms, and extremely little is known about fae in general. It would make sense that even STYX wouldn't know an ancient fae spell.
Edit: An absolutely genius comment mentioned how Grim managed to open MC's coffin. Crowley says no one has ever opened the coffin before he opened it for them, and he's been the headmaster for at least 100 years. If Grim was a part of Crowley, he would have the ability to open the coffin by himself! Thank you for this comment <3
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According to Book 7, Levan was constantly praised by Mallenoa, for stuff that really didn't deserve it. Yet was loyal and dependable, to the point Lilia dedicated a long time to search for him. But as we know, Overblot changes the personality significantly- or rather, magnifies what was already there.
If Crowley managed to suppress the majority of his Overblot state and seal his own phantom away, he still wouldn't be the same person he was before. He never cured himself of his overblot like the other TWST characters- he's still trapped in a limbo. Although he's not in a senseless rampage, the worst aspects of himself overtook the person he used to be, becoming greedy, shifty, self-serving. I've heard popular theories of Overblots being tied to the Deadly Sins, and we could even say that Crowley's is Vainglory: Excessive boasting, excessive self-love and the desire to be loved, even if it isn't deserved.
To sum it all up, I think Levan/Revan overblotted some time soon after he left Mallenoa and the egg- perhaps a certain battle was too much for him, and never returned. Somehow, his phantom was torn from him, but lingering effects from the overblot essentially wiped the original person he used to be. Crowley is very sus and seems to be up to something, but I have no idea what. But if he's been in that state for this long, it's possible that he could never return to being Levan.
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Edit: I also want to add how Crowley says "fear not the power of darkness" in the opening. I think this opening sequence has a lot of importance and has a lot of foreshadowing, But notice how he says "darkness." It's kind of a running joke in the TWST universe how all the villains are treated like the good guys. Everyone thinks their actions are just, they never treat their powers or actions as 'evil' or 'dark.' But if Crowley overblotted- and was somehow tempted by its power, he may acknowledge its dark and forbidden powers and is attempting to harness it
ANyway im an absolute clown and will remain this way until my silly crack theorists are crushed by canon haha
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haethyre · 14 days
X-Men 97 Thoughts
My personal opinions
Okay. So I grew up with X-men The Animated Series. It was one of my fave shows. It always came on late at night on Toon Disney (at times i shouldnt have been awake LMAO) so it has a special place in my heart. I was very surprised that of all things they decided to "continue" it. So, when I heard about it, I did a full rewatch (even that ungodly last season where quality took a nosedive OOF) Anywhoo! Started and finished 97. Those who know me best know at heart I am a big OG fan of my fandoms and am trepidacious of reboots/even continuation reboots, bc lets be honest most of them are all about stomping on the source material, SO I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed Xmen 97.
You could really see how much they tried to capture the feel of the old show and the characters. The voice replacements were surprisingly well done. (i mean, Wolverine is a little off, but i'll give the guy a break its been like...28 yrs XD ) The animation looks amazing. Even if i'm taking some points off for the hair hfgjhdf haha
Now the storyline.... The elephant in the room. We all know the one. I have been a Romy fan since I was a kid and yes, when I was a young girl in Borders, I did come across the comic that showed the RoguexMagneto storyline. I hated it then and I hate it now. Its just...weird. (Again, my opinions. If you like it, power to you. Enjoy, but its not for me and this post isn't for you) but its even weirder in the show, and ill tell you why. As a Marvel comic reader, I'm well acquainted with the fact that everyone gets with everyone. That is just a trope of Marvel comics. All ships of imaginable and unimaginable proportions happen. BUT I think when doing this, they really should have thought it through a bit more in context of the show's universe alone . Bc I'll be real, if you're coming in from TAS, this kinda hits you out of nowhere. She had no form of connection with Magneto in the past show. Like....they had a makeshift funeral for him and she didn't even care. She was just worried about Gambit being stuck in space. So, their "secret" just seems so random and out of place. I do like that it was used for her to understand fully her feelings for Gambit, but man was it frustrating to see him just killed off when he was one of the best characters.(even if it was really well done and the animation, again, was amazing)
There's talk of him coming back as "Death" which is a storyline I'm not familiar with but I also heard talk of the original showrunner idealizing a timeline where Rogue and Magneto have kids....so... IDK It all just left me a bit frustrated and disheartened bc Romy was like one of my earliest ships before i knew ships were a thing. To see what happened to it made me sad, even if it could be part of a long game to get them to their HEA. (and thats always an if bc we don't know, even if the original guy isn't in charge anymore)
Other things that bugged me a little but not too much. Gonna bring up Morph. I love Morph. They were always a fave and they went through so much to finally be back on the team again. I really don't understand why they changed their character design tho? I read it was to make Morph look more like the character changeling from the comics but this is again something that doesnt make sense coming out of TAS bc Morph always had that other appearance throughout the entire show. I mean...it could have at least been explained... Also, as far as the feelings for Wolverine, i kinda found it funny XD bc in TAS, it always seemed like it was the other way around jkhfgjkdfh Wolverine was so attached to Morph and wouldn't let 'em go. That being said, I kinda wish they didn't go this route if its only meant to be unrequited and sad. AGAIN. I know. Marvel is all about unrequited drama jfhdkjfdh but hasn't Morph been through enough??? That being said, I love the ship even though I know its doomed. Wolverine is the worst person to be down bad for tho. Mans falls in love at the drop of a hat fhghdfjhsd
Other than these couple things, I really loved the show. Some people said "why are they shoving so much story into such a short amount of time" XD The storyteller in me would like to agree but i will be honest, there is nothing more like Xmen TAS than smooshed storylines jkdfhfkjds with random one-off eps in between. XD So, I was fine with it.
I liked the conclusion with Scott and Jean, as messy as it was. The family fun time was a pleasure to watch.
Xavier and Magneto. They really highlighted their messy, but still devoted relationship from the original series, so that was nice to see. I was glad to see him back in the red suit LMAO bc the one he was wearing all season was weird for me.
I loved Jubilee's journey, and it was cool that they brought Alyson Court back for that one episode.
I was very pleased overall that they didn't tone things down and since censors are different these days, they could show more stuff they couldn't in the 90s. So, I am looking forward to more seasons (and pleeeeease for the love of god give Romy back to me i am begging)
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
Okay I was planning on staying out of it but this is painful to watch.
To be clear, OP was being very weird and didnt at all need to say that. But it seems like hald the people since then have just been trying to explain what OP mewnt and doing it horribly, because I do in fact get ehat thry were saying.
Theres been a bug movement with online fascists thats like "modern society is too urban (see: diverse). Weve gotten too far from how we traditionally lived, and were so out of touch with nature. Kids spend all their time inside or in the suburbs and never get to see real nature." And its all a recruitment tactic.
The Start of that pipeline is often just "huh modern scoiety is extremely out of touch with nature. Kids grow up without the experiences I had as a kid running around in creeks and stuff. Kids cant recognize plants." And most of that is true and it Is bad, but they then often make a very quick leap to "this is a problem with Society." And from there to fascist talking points.
And like, if you squint, you can very easily draw similarities between the very start of that pipeline and your recent posting.
Again, this is Obviously incredibly stupid and anyone who actually reads anything you post can see that. But like, I can at least see how, if someone is primed to always look only for fascist dog whistles, and one of your recent posts crossed their dash, if theyre not smart, they could arrive at that anxiety.
Everyone since then has just been dumb about it.
...Okay I'm thinking the "cottagecore" discourse has just rotted people's brains out here. I didn't realize it until now but "posting pictures of a basket of freshly picked strawberries is a fascist dogwhistle" really was a Thing on here a while back. Okay. That makes sense now.
I know about the "trad"/fascist-adjacent 'homesteading'/off-the-grid doomsday prepper attitudes. Where I live, being a 'homesteader' often goes along with stockpiling guns.
But these people's attitudes are individualistic, it's all about personally escaping the "Modern" world and living in The Wilderness(tm) somewhere and being "self-sufficient" (lmao). Kind of a manifest-destiny adjacent fantasy (gross)
This is where the "cottagecore" discourse brain worms did immense damage—no one wanted to explain why the individualistic, intrepid settler homesteader fantasy was a problem, so all the well meaning people on the margins of the discourse went "oh, okay, wanting to reconnect with your natural world and consciously participate in your local ecosystems is a fascist/colonialist thing."
I have multiple posts buried deep in my drafts about this somewhere that I was afraid to post, because I was met with the "google is free" stuff when I tried to figure out what was going on, and Google was entirely empty of any material explaining the (alleged?) fascist and colonialist roots of cottagecore.
It makes my brain hurt because yes, actually, I *see* how "homesteading" is sometimes related to white supremacist and colonialist shit, and the fascist and "cottagecore" communities do have an overlap that is not purely coincidental. That's real. It's not made up. But. A lot of people on the internet have learned to recognize fascist "dogwhistles" instead of learning to recognize fascist ideas.
A lot of the work of recognizing fascist-adjacent stuff in the wild does rely on developing a sensitivity to such "red flags." I've talked about things that I consider to be red flags, and I sometimes respond strongly to them. But—it's crucial that you understand that the red flags themselves are not what fascism is. You have to be able to see and recognize the actual harmful components of an ideology instead of deciding that any similarity, no matter how superficial, Is Fascism.
A lot of colonialist and fascist systems of thought have "relationships with nature and growing plants is good" somewhere in there, but the actual poison here comes in a few forms:
unquestioned romanticization of settling/colonizing an Untouched Wilderness
deciding that some kind of stable, inherent 'natural' state of human existence is always good, and 'unnatural' things are bad
modern society is decaying and degenerate, "traditional" values and lifestyles are better (enter romanticizing the past as a paradise of moral and racial purity)
Yes, there were statements in my post that looked superficially similar to some of these. No, those statements were not even remotely close to communicating the same things.
And "dogwhistles" are not about superficial similarity. If you learn about 'homesteading' as a white supremacist fantasy being a thing, and you jump onto a post talking about growing native species like "Oh look I've found a fascist dogwhistle!" You've misunderstood the assignment.
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entomolog-t · 3 months
Hey! I’ve been a fan of G/T content for quite a while, but I’ve mostly stuck to Deviantart&Wattpad. Pretty recently I decided to create a Tumblr account in an attempt to find more content, and I’ve been amazed by how interactive the community is here! However, I noticed something that I find pretty weird, and just wanted to get an opinion from someone who seems to be a pretty active member of the community, at least from what I’ve seen.
In all the posts I’ve seen, I’ve never seen VR mentioned even once. I might just not be looking in the right place, but I just found it weird. I’ve been an avid VRChat player for a while, and having spent a large amount of time there I noticed the potential it holds for genres like G/T. I was expecting to find at least a single mention of it somewhere here, but I never have. I see lots of posts from both sides of G/T that mention something like, “I really wish I could just hold/be held by someone, etc.” and, well, I’ve had experiences like that. I’ve fallen asleep and woken up in a friend’s hands before. I’ve had friends sitting/standing on my shoulder. They don’t even know this community exists, these interactions just happen naturally. 
I just want to share some of the experiences I’ve had, and when I went looking, nobody here seemed to know it was even possible. So yeah, that’s what finally motivated me to interact directly with the community. To at least let someone know that it is possible, and far more accessible than most seem to realize.
I’ll also make a standard post, but considering the fact that I’m a very new account I don’t expect many to see it. Thus why I messaged directly. I know this was a bit of a ramble, I'm still a little nervous about finally interacting with something I've only passively watched for quite a long time. So thanks for taking the time to read through, and I’d love to hear your opinion on why it isn’t mentioned, or anything else you wanna say! Take care out there!
OH! This is quite the interesting ask!! I may not be the best person to answer as I am far from techie.
First off, that sounds incredibly fun! I've only ever tried VR with an escape room - which oddly enough had a silly sizey experience; There was an issue with the calibration or something on one of the headsets and a friend who's just a little over 5ft had their in game avatar show up ballpark around 7ft tall.
I love that g/t seems to happen naturally with your interactions too! I'd love to hear more!
Now for the meat of the question- why isn't this mentioned? Again, keep in mind, I'm no techie or avid gamer so this is really biased towards myself. In no particular order,
Price point
Tech Difficulty
Missing sensations
My first guest would be age. I myself am in my mid/late twenties, and just never really grew up with that kind of tech, so theres just a lack of knowledge and not more than a passing interest in it. I think with age there also comes issues with free time, though I'll speak on that more with privacy. I think in general there tends to be a perception that VR chat rooms have a lot of minors (whether this is true or not, I have no clue, but as an adult that is a concern).
My second guess would be price point. Now, again, I am not a tech wiz, so I really don't know too well what would be a good headset (if any ol' cheap one would work, or if the oculus is the way to go), but I know the well known headsets are not at all cheap, and do also require a something to run them on (from my understanding thats just a good enough gaming pc? I have no clue.) Basically, there is a monetary component at play.
Thirdly would be tech difficulty. Some people are just bad at technology, and don't want to learn a new form of it.
Now privacy is what I would think is a big factor- and not online privacy. Roommates, siblings, spouses, family- if someone lives with another person they may not be comfortable being seen interacting on VRchat (especially with how paranoid some of us get with g/t), and then finding alone time is just an absolute pain with work, school, clubs, responsibilities etc.
Lastly, I think some people are hesitant about the missing sensations. Essentially, "who cares if all I can do is see it, I want to feel it." I think for some people it may have the opposite effect, and the degree of realism mixed with the very obviously "not real" cues could be more upsetting- being so close to having something you fantasize about but being reminded its not actually real.
Those are just my thoughts- and I hope others will add some of their own! This is quite the interesting topic and I'd love to hear more about it! As I mentioned earlier, I have very limited experience with VR, but from what little experience I did have it was a ton of fun! I feel like VRchat could be something a lot of people in the community could enjoy if they knew more/had access to it.
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eldritchminmo · 8 months
Things about the silent hill x submas au that I'm picking at but don't have any art to speak of atm other than my boys 2car:
Emmet was called back to his and Ingo's hometown by a polaroid of Ingo and Emmet in their hometown at the first station. It's them as kids, and at first Emmet brushes it off, but written on the back, in Ingo's handwriting, is a note: "I am waiting at our final stop."
The town is different than silent hill proper. It's a forever dark city that's connected by seemingly endless subway lines, though the lines all end and start at specific stops. In order to progress, Emmet must ride the rails to their ending point, then venture out into the city and face his demons while chasing a shadow of Ingo that always seems just out of reach. His goal? Reach the next station to proceed forward.
On his way through the town, he will run into people having their own journeys, different as they may be: Leon, having lost the champion title and lost without Rose to guide him and seeking some way to move forward. Volo, someone who seems all too familiar with the city and seems to know something Emmet doesn't.
There's a possibility of a modern day Adaman also searching, but not understanding what it is that he's looking for that may end up as a companion for Emmet like everyone else at points. I'm not fully set on this thought yet, but it's bouncing around in my head a little.
There's seven different monsters, plus at least 2 boss monsters.
Pokemon are not permitted in the town; upon entering the other town, all pokemon and pokeballs vanish, leaving Emmet needing to rely on himself to solve the city's puzzles and face his traumas and anxieties. Pokemon = safety and protection, and there's none of that here.
As with any Silent Hill game, there will be gore, dark themes and concepts, and body horror.
Thats all i have so far. I might make a town map at some point tho. I have lots of things i wanna draw and make for it, but i gotta find the spoons to do it.
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First of all, I'd like to say I'm sorry for how offended I sounded in this post. I was offended, and honestly, I still am. I don't understand how any logical person can genuinely consider pedophilia to be such a non-issue as in the reblog you shared, and it terrifies me. The fact people can not only say things like that, but it's a widely shared opinion in this community is specifically why I don't feel safe in proship circles anymore. I've tried to put my thoughts together in a (hopefully) clearer manner.
I think there are some subjects that inherently don't deserve to be treated with polite discussion the same way most do.
You don't debate with people about transphobia or racism because making it a debate implies it's even something that needs to be considered from "the other side" at all, and I think pedophilia needs to be treated the same way. What pedophiles think shouldn't matter in the same way that what homophobes think doesn't matter. I hope we can agree that the fact we've gotten to a point where what rights gay people deserve is considered a political topic is horrible, and I believe we've gotten to that point in part because engaging with the subject at all lends credibility to it. It's a relevant/correct enough opinion that it has to be argued about, and that puts their foot in the door.
Whether or not pedophilia is objectively bad shouldn't even be a discussion, let alone one so widespread and pressing in this community that almost everyone has a statement about it somewhere on their blog. Echo chambers aren't beneficial to anyone when there's a conversation to be had and outside perspectives to consider about a given topic. But you can't seriously engage with people who try to defend pedophilia (offending or not) in the same way that you wouldn't consider the viewpoints of people talking about how they think being gay is immoral. We cannot lend credence to what these people think, and treating the discussion like a debate to be had at all gives them all the validity they need.
These are dangerous things to be posting. I know you probably get the words "normalization" and "politicization" thrown at you a lot, but that's what you're doing by posting/reblogging things like that. Trying to make pedophilia seem like something that shouldn't define a person and isn't innately bad or immoral is normalizing pedophilia, and considering their points at all is politicizing pedophilia. Of course, you as one blog runner aren't going to suddenly make everyone believe that pedophilia isn't that bad, but I don't think it's a coincidence it's such a common sentiment in this community. Nowhere else even engages with the idea, so it doesn't surprise me that neutral/positive feelings toward actual, real pedophiles is all too common here.
There are some things that don't need to be given the dignity of being an argument to be considered, and I believe pedophilia is one of them. You don't genuinely listen to or consider whether Jewish space lasers caused the California wildfires because that's objectively an insane thing to say out loud. Nobody hears that and thinks, "Well, I should at least hear what they have to say to back it up, maybe they can say something insightful." I think we should treat people trying to defend pedophilia with the same attitude.
I've noticed how normal it's treated as in this community, and I mentioned the slip backwards in my original ask. The general consensus on "para discourse" keeps going farther little by little and it scares the living shit out of me. First, I was told that proshippers don't support attraction to real children. Then, I saw that far too large a chunk of the proship community are actually attracted to real children and self-identify as MAPs. Then, I was told they were deeply ashamed and used their blogs to vent about their sicknesses and would never seek out contact with children. And now, I'm being told it actually is okay for pedophiles to be in contact with kids and that they shouldn't feel ashamed of it. We keep walking backwards as a community, and I don't feel safe or comfortable with it anymore.
If you (proshippers in general) don't want people to assume you're a pedophile when there's a community-wide pattern of pedophilia apology and normalization, you have to be loud about disavowing them and excommunicating them from your community. You can't be in a community that's 1/5 pedophiles, defend them with your platform, and welcome them into your spaces with open arms, and then be shocked when people assume you're a pedophile too. Especially when that pattern drives out people who are also staunchly anti-pedophile. It's a serious problem I don't see many people try to do anything about. There are awful people everywhere, but I've never seen a group where they're so loud and visible with it. The fact they feel comfortable doing so here is another testament to how normalized it is in this community, and you as a community really shouldn't let it get any worse. You shouldn't tolerate sharing a space with pedophiles.
-anti anon
A big thing you still have to keep in mind is that paraphilias are not controllable. You don't wake up one day and decide you want to have a piss kink or a sadist kink or anything of the sort. It just kind of happens. And the big three paras are the same way. It's not quite something you choose.
But what you can control is the damage that occurs because you have that paraphilia. Just because you're into piss doesn't mean you are going to piss on your non-consenting partner. Just because you're into sadism doesn't mean you are going to hurt your non-consenting partner. Just because you have a big three para doesn't mean you're going to actually engage with the subject of those paras.
And that's what should be endorsed. Because, frankly, not endorsing anti-contact kink/para acceptance goes against something else I'm also very much so about - harm reduction. Acceptance leads to finding healthy outlets. A lack of acceptance often leads to unhealthy outlets and harm.
And I don't want to ever find myself on the side that leads to the most harm. And frankly, neither should anybody else.
It's like dog cropping. Keep it legal or you'll end up with backyard hack jobs.
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bleue-flora · 15 days
Hey, for the transcript for the fourth stream, my grammar is bad and its chat format and the start and last bit s2 stuff is missing, Its only the part where tommy goes to fight dream & punz. Hope thats alright. How would you like me to send it?
And to your reply, admittedly I am not heavily a Dream apologist. I'm not a Tommy apologist either, I always found myself in the middle. I perceive a lot of Tommys reckless actions as trauma responses, like believing dream is obsessed with him and trying to kill dream all the time even dream hadn't bothered him for months, but one of the last times tommy and dream were in contact was when dream chased him with an axe, the other being the cwilbur disc stuff, granted from dreams pov the chase was just out of scaring tommy away, and trying to regain his own agency after losing it to q in the prison (I think) But from tommys pov, its dream trying to put him back in exile so i can kind of get why tommy thinks dream wants to go after him all the time and I can understand him believing Dreams using the revival book for horrible things based on the threat he was told. Just to clarify that is not me justifying Tommys actions.
He and the Tommy apologists thought that getting closure would be done by killing dream when really, the closure came in the form of understanding dreams perspective since he kept asking 'why' a million times at the place. Thats been his motive all the time is finding out why Dream hurt him. Also, looking back on the final stream its not verbally expressed that Tommy feels remorse, but the body language he has shows that their was some sense of understanding there, perhaps not genuine remorse though. Or at least taken a back more than anything. I might just be reading too far into it tho like I'm pretty gullible.
Yeah, sorry poor wording on my part. Not give up the book, more like stop performing the spell but now I feel, it would be more like stop using the spell for bad reasons like experimenting on people. I see what you mean about Punz now, I read through your other posts about him and Dreams dynamic and I agree, I'm so used to seeing takes claiming he's just in it for the plan but I'm realizing now that, that doesn't make sense with his character. Ooh, thats a good point you brought up, I didn't notice Tommy and Tubbo being hypocritical when it came to that revival book, yeah then Its more the living for eternity immortality part. My last thing about majority server not being on revival side was more of a theory tbh, I guess its based on more of the rest of the server seeing Dream as a villain so they wouldn't want to go with any of his plans even if it benefited them. Forgive me I wrote a long essay in your asks xd
lol no worries about your transcript I have plenty that are quite messy but still good references. Chat format? (I’ll be honestly I’m not entirely sure what that means) Umm I mean you can dm me, You can post and tag me, you can put it in an ask if you want, whatever makes you comfortable.
I mean, yeah the last stream certainly had some trauma driving it, but before? Before exile? Before L’manberg? Can we use the trauma reasoning (not justification) across the board? And unless we are making the assumption he was traumatized before he showed up, which isn’t confirmed canon, then he wasn’t always traumatized and yet his behavior was the same. So, can we reasonably say that trauma was a major drive in his actions when his behavior was the same as it always had been? Is there reason to believe that even if Exile and Prison traumatic events hadn’t happened that Tommy wouldn’t have stormed the prison to killed Dream after months of being left alone? I’m just not sure I see that nor in the same way do I think Tommy felt truly remorseful enough to change his behavior after the finale. Regardless of what Dream’s point of view is or Tommy’s, using history as our guide, does it seem like this only happened because of Tommy being traumatized? I’m not so sure…
The question of Why is actually interesting because Tommy does ask it on more than one occasion including in the finale. But here’s the thing, do you think Tommy would actually listen to the answer? Did he not prove in the finale before dying that he wouldn’t? That Dream could give some genuine reasons and Tommy would disregard them. Tommy asked the question Why and yet didn’t listen to Dream’s answer, partially because the reasons didn’t agree with his perception of Dream. So Dream started answering instead with the answer they wanted to hear - control, power, enjoyment of Tommy’s personal suffering. Not even in the finale stream until the very end was his true motive the answer to Why, it was mostly used to stall. So personally I don’t see Tommy’s motivation as Why anymore than all the other characters who failed to even ask.
Fair assumption, it is interesting to think about. But what’s funny about the dsmp is that some characters can even agree with Dream’s actions like destroying L’manberg. I mean, is that not why Niki burned the tree. Hell, they even approved of the prison if you think about it even though it was a plan of Dream’s. So it’s not so much as they hate his plans but they hate him. So honestly I could almost see Tommy presenting the same plan as Dream and then doing it if he wasn’t involved though then again after prison quite a few characters became less anti-Dream so it would be interesting to see who is actually willing to work with Dream… I don’t know maybe. I think in general that’s partly what’s tragic about it, is that some characters have the same opinion as Dream and yet the propaganda got so bad that it didn’t matter, because it was Dream - the evil enemy…
Nah no need to apologize for writing an essay, I’d be pretty hypocritically to judge. lol XD
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novembermorgon · 2 months
I’ve just been trying to think, if there had been a Bolton queen, which Targaryen king would’ve been most likely to have one
REALISTICALLY? without changing around events in the story and setting up really specific circumstances .. probably none of them. </3 the issue i think here is that grrm doesn't seem super interested in exploring marriages between northern houses and southern houses in depth - if i remember right there aren't actually that many instances of marriages between families so far apart geographically; and given that it's mentioned how ned stark constructed a sept specifically for catelyn when she married him, i think we can read between the lines here and determine that it's kind of rare. wouldn't make any sense to build a sept if there already was one- and this is about the starks, a great house, so i'd assume it's even less likely in less influential houses. which makes sense! the north is more independent than the rest of westeros (save for maybe dorne, but that's also a far smaller part of the continent), they kind of have to stick together and build alliances with each other because of the harsh winters and the large distance that keeps them separated from the south- it's perfectly understandable that they'd have little cause to marry outside the north.
so unless something really specific happens to prompt it, i don't think the chances of a bolton-targ marriage is very likely at all, especially not to an heir or a targ that's already a king (given that they could also likely find a better match elsewhere).
BUT thats not a fun answer so let me cook . <3
i feel like saying maegor + aegon iv is kind of cheating in this regard - maegor yeah sure you can throw another wife in there and aegon iv yeah you can throw another mistress in there but neither imo are all that interesting because it's just another instance of women being put in bad positions by evil men we've seen it a bazillion times before whatever .
i could make an argument for both aegon ii and aegon iii i feel like . aegon ii because in MY eyes, viserys (at least in the books) intended to marry him to helaena partially because he didn't want the greens to have any marriage ties with a major house; he was definitely aware of the tensions at court and splitting the realm up further by letting aegon and later aemond (with the baratheons) marry into great houses would only make things much much worse. of course there's the targcest element to it too but that one's a given at this point i don't want to think about it . marry him to a bolton girl whose family and armies are 1. far away geographically 2. not especially wealthy (given it's said after the war that the north is struggling preparing for winter) 3. doesn't have as much influence as, like, the lannisters or the starks, and you can kind of see how that might work out if the goal is to make sure the greens aren't going off the rails too hard before the war. aegon iii is a bit more straightforward given that in another universe he couldve just chosen to marry barba bolton at the maiden's day ball and she would've been queen directly.
other than that i don't know about the boltons marrying a daughter to a targ KING, but i think there's some second sons and third sons etc that could be fun :- ) obviously i'm a fan of aerion brightflame and i think him with a bolton wouldve been actually fucking crazy in a really funny way. yeah of course he could have a wife that likes to flay people . similarly i think aemond is a fun one because i also think he would thrive with a weird twisted wife.
reversing it and looking at targ women i saw a post (sorry i can't remember who posted) about viserra marrying into the boltons instead of being betrothed to an old man manderly (🤢) and i love that .
sorry this was an insane post for my art account but im glad the inbox is letting me indulge in boltonposting. thank you anon!
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