#assume i am dead 😂
captain-mj ¡ 4 months
Hiiiii can I please request a PriceGraves fic where General shepherd would like sexually harass Graves (ass slapping/grabbing, comments, etc.)? And like Graves is a bit scared to do anything of that nature with Price? Idk this came to me as I was under the effects of anesthesia 😂
I certainly can! I'm assuming you mean Graves is nervous to enter a relationship due to concerns that Price would start acting like that but if I misinterpreted, just send me an ask with clarification and I'll rewrite!
Graves felt his skin crawl every time he thought of Shepherd. Now that he was dead, he definitely felt better, and he'd never admit this to anyone, ever. But some of the... behaviors he had exhibited had put Graves on edge.
Graves was not a stranger to locker room talk and how men bragged about touching people, regardless of whether it was asked for or not. As a teen, he would participate, trying to fit the mold of straight man in the American South. As he got older, he started to avoid it, claiming he thought it was childish to talk about people, especially women like that. Which was partially true. He naively thought this was something straight men did. His bubble was quickly burst when he joined the military and found himself the target of that derogatory talk.
But hey, he managed. He kicked ass. Started a company. Made sure anyone that spoke or acted like that either learned their lesson and shut it up or was booted off to scramble for work elsewhere like a dog.
When Shepherd stood behind Graves during an explanation and his hand just brushed against Graves's thighs, he brushed it off as an accident and kept talking.
Then his hand firmly grabbed his ass and squeezed. Under his breath, just loud enough for Graves to hear, “firm”.
Graves despised working with him after that. When he sent his men to die in Russia, he started working through the red tape to separate themselves. Every time they were in the same room, there would be some comment, some line, even just full on grabbing and the only reason Graves didn’t kill him was that his Shadows would be dealing with the repercussions of it. So he sucked it up, minimized contact and kept it moving.
Almost a year later, with Shepherd dead and him in an entirely different position, he'd think the idea of it happening would be the farthest thing from his mind.
But he... felt Price's eyes on him. He was polite and a gentleman.
Unlike Shepherd, Graves liked Price. Really. He wouldn't mind rolling around the hay with him. But they worked together and he didn't want another situation like before.
Price sat with him one day, after a mission and everything had simmered down. He even bought him a drink at the bar. The Shadows and the 141 mingled some, chatting normally.
Graves hesitated to take the drink. "Not going to owe you anything, am I?" He didn't sound like he was joking.
Price paused, bourbon almost touching his lips. "I'm not that kind of man, Graves. I won't lie. I want you. In a way that's not that gentleman like. But I won't ask you for anything. Not unless you ask first."
Graves looked at his drink. "I don't think you'd take advantage of me. I wouldn't let you. Worried you won't respect me."
Price frowned. "What do you mean?"
"Shepherd. He didn't respect me much."
"Did he ever?" The sudden anger in Price's voice was shockingly reassuring.
"Besides grabbing me a little, no. Made some disgusting comments."
Price downed his drink. He ordered another round for the two of them. "I don't allow that kind of behavior. Not among my men. Hate to see someone in power take advantage of it."
Graves was quiet a while, finishing his drink up. He wanted to. He really, really did. He glanced over and they made eye contact.
Price never bothered to hide his emotions. It was an admirable trait. He looked at Graves with such passion and ardor.
Graves broke the gaze and kept drinking. Price patted his shoulder, like they were just friends. "Phillip, I'll always respect you. You made a company from scratch. Stronger men than most."
"Thank you, John."
They separated and Graves wanted to ask him to come back. He didn't. He kept drinking until the Shadows could pull him into karaoke. This was all he needed. They were great. The best friends and coworkers he could ask for.
The bar got ready to close and they were all kicked out. Graves felt that surge of confidence that only came from being too drunk for your own good. He grabbed Price's arm and they stumbled forward.
Price let him into his quarters. He kissed him softly. Sweetly. They both tasted of bourbon.
"Graves, you're too drunk."
"Only time I'll be dumb enough to say yes."
Price smiled at him, though it was a tinge sad. "Let me get you in bed, love." He picked him up, like he didn't weigh anything. He carried him to the bed and laid him down, making sure both of their boots were off and on the floor.
Graves pulled off his shirt and pants, quickly waving his hand at Price's grunts. "I refuse to sleep fully clothed. I'm not in the field."
Price sighed but didn't stop him, only kicking off his own socks. "I'll make tea in the morning."
"....no coffee?"
"Don't drink the stuff."
Graves groaned loudly. "Should've just went back to my own room. No dick and no coffee."
"You're too drunk for me to sleep with you."
"You're buzzed. Cancels out."
"I don't think so." Price ran his fingers through Graves's hair, admiring his flushed face. "What are the chances you pretend you don't remember tonight?"
"Higher than I want to tell you."
Price nodded and leaned down, kissing him again. Graves could feel his heart in his throat. "Not being much of a gentleman, am I?"
"You're the one person I'm okay with it." Graves told him softly. "Look, sleep in the bed with me. Nothing has to happen, but I don't want to kick a man out of his own bed."
Price nodded and crawled in with him. They pressed close together and his arm went around Graves's middle.
It felt nice. Being held. His hands didn't wander. He didn't make any comments. Even pressed against his body, where he could no doubt feel the muscle and how his hands fit around his waist and his ass pressed against him, Price said nothing. Just held him.
Graves felt his eyes start to close. "John, I want you back."
"I know."
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fandominstability ¡ 17 days
Athena can just see how much he doesn’t want this medal
Bobby, baby 😭😭😭
Madney and Henren cuteness at the ceremony, bless 😭
Evan you leave Ravi and his food alone
“I assumed he was dead” “only in our hearts” CHIMNEY PLEASE 😂😂😂 (no but I agree, fuck gerrard)
“Whenever I see some filth, I think of you” chimney han, funniest man alive
Fuck off councilwoman
“Sadly her heroics didn’t extend to my son” bitch HE REFUSED CARE stfu
Mara is smiling and having fun and hanging out with her big brother and TALKING, god I love this for her
I’m sorry, your WHAT NOW MR NASH?
Not the point, but Athena’s little finger thing when she held her hand out for Bobby to take? The most adorable thing
Eddie Diaz, you messy, messy bitch, why do you have this bitch out on a boat in the middle of the city in broad daylight
Not Kim being an actress
Not Athena faking an emergency with one of Amir’s patients to get him to come up there 😭 a whole family of messy bitches apparently
“Nash doesn’t seem like the impulsive type” “normally he isn’t” says the woman he impulsively proposed to 😂😂😂 (which I fully supported, this just made me laugh)
This has nothing to do with anything, but Athena’s nails look so good
He’s parenting them all one last time, I am chewing glass
“My work here is done” NO THE FUCK ITS NOT
Oh god Buck is meeting Kim
“She’s not my girlfriend” okay Eddie
Eddie “messy bitch” Diaz
Wilson-Han family night together??? I fucking love this???
Finally someone recognizes something’s going on with Bobby
Fuck you Olivia Ortiz, I know you’re fucking with Henren’s adoption
Oh you finally told her about Shannon, that’s good I think?
I had to pause in the middle of Eddie and Kim’s convo so here’s my “live blog” up to that
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lavaflowe ¡ 9 months
CHPT 7-9
Chpt 7
•”All this was probably refined in his stomach by the Samadhi fire to form a single solid mass” I know other deities can use the fire but I’m wracking my brain for when it used before(this point) specifically- My understanding was the furnace refined the immortal elixirs and fruit- I’m going to assume Laozi is just theorizing and doesn’t know what actually happened
•Diamond body….👀
•Erlang gets absolutely DRIPPED out, he earned it FR
•eyes permanently irritated by the smoke churned up the the Xun trigram, someone get this man some eye drops
•he is extra pissed
•”this cosmic being fully fused with nature’s gifts passes with ease through 10,000 toils and tests”
•Big war form out to beat serious ass, he’s not jokin bitch
•” bright and luminous; ….illustrious pearl of mani he is indeed” MMMMM comparing him to a mani- a flaming (wish granting) jewel is hilarious 💀
•Tathagata bringing in the big guns (himself)
•”how tf do you know The Way and not know who I am?? And you’re so….violent” I can sense the side eye
•I wonder if Wukong has previous incarnations?? Buddha says he just reached human form this incarnation but if his rock was there at the beginning of creation, wouldn’t his soul be ‘baking’ (for lack of a better term) the whole time until he hatched?
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•” and with a total lack of respect he left a bubbling pool of monkey urine” Iconic moment LMAOOOO
•smart for Wukong to leave a momento- too bad it didn’t matter lol
•ah so he was jumping to visit the pillars again, not run away(supposedly)- he’d rather prove he’s right than escape💀 that checks out
•monkey has been squished, it is now party o’clock
•are you allowed to give the Buddha drugs if it’s an offering? Like wine??🤔 “wtf is this allowed? Wtf”
•”Wukong is wiggling out”
“Dw, take this”
*slaps tag on the mountain like flex tape*
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•enough room to breathe and move his hands- I would lose my mind
•Molten copper & iron pellets mimic punishments in hell (just learned this🙏), shedding the Karma like water -I feel like 500 years is pretty good tbh considering everything
Woe molten metal and iron upon ye
Chpt 8 + 9 under cut:
Chpt 8:
•lots of lovely poems in this chapter
•a paragraph recap of the past 7 chapters
•wonder what Feast of the Ullambana Bowl is? (the notes say it’s a mass for the dead and is also know as the Ghost festival, practiced by Taoists and Buddhists)
•”the Chan mind shines bright like a thousand rivers’ moon; true nature’s pure and great as an unclouded sky.”
Lovely poem, and I’m beginning to realize this book is very heavily focused on the Chan school, which I don’t know why I didn’t pick up on sooner? White-Robed Guan Yin is a Chan specific form, usually depicted in their bamboo grove
•Tathagata reveals his 3 baskets of scripture after everyone is done presenting their poems, feels almost like he suggested the celebration to announce these
•Each basket corresponds to scriptures of Heaven, Earth, and the Damned- a total of 15,144 FUCKING SCROLLS
•oooo Guanyin poem!! “ a golden body filled with wisdom, fringes of dangling pearls and jade, …dark hair piled smartly in a coiled-dragon bun. With brows of new moon shape and eyes like two bright stars, her jadelike face beams natural joy. …Her orchid heart delights in green bamboos; her chaste nature loves the wisteria. The living Guanyin from the Cave of Tidal Sound.”
•5 Talismans: Embroidered Cassock that will protect him from falling back into the Wheel of Transmigration, a 9 ring priestly staff that will protect him from poison or harm, 3 tightening fillets- the Golden, the Constructive, and the Prohibitive Spell.
•Guanyin thinks this will take about 2 to 3 years💀 hooooo boy….
•Green and Black complexion, Gleaming eyes like the lights beneath a stove, forked mouth with teeth like knives and swords, and disheveled red hair
•like that Wujing is using a priest staff he def took from one of the monks he ate lol
•Wujing fighting Moksa for his life only to drop everything to apologize and talk to Guanyin LMAO
•I like the interpretation that he could have been trying to signal a coup by breaking the crystal cup
•Guanyin hearing about Wujing’s string of skulls: it’s a surprise tool that will help us later
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•Wuneng is reincarnated, he got beat to death in Heaven for hitting on Chang’e LMAOOOOO GET REKT
•ah yes, casually mentions killing his pig family and then his life of eating humans. Lovely.
•I committed a little accidental arson, please bail me out
•Damn, he got a really short intro
•interesting that Guanyin id’s the Peach Banquet as Wukongs fall from grace. I would def agree with this- eating the peaches like he did was extremely reckless and the beginning of the end imo
•”who tf is talking shit up there”
•No one has ever visited Wukong, I’m guessing the Guards were horrible company
•I like how both Guanyin and Sanzang try to give Wukong a religious name- Guanyin is very happy to hear he has the Wu- prefix as well lol
•arrived in Chang’an, let the hunt begin
Chpt 9:
•Chang’an bb, all blooming flowers surrounded by 8 rivers (DAMN, that’s a lot of water)
•Guangrui got first place in the examination, good for him UwU
•”gave the girl to Guangrui as his bride” UM I THINK SHES THE ONE WHO GRABBED HIM LMAO
•Guangrui has some fated beef with these two random boatmen, Liu Hong and Li Biao- states that he was destined in a previous incarnation to be enemies with them, is this a result of bad karma?
•Liu Hong reminds me of Liu’er Mi-*gunshot*
•since they’re at the bottom of the Hong river, which Dragon King is this?
•Golden Carp coming in clutch, nice
•LADY YIN IS SO METAL LETS GO “she hated the bandit so bitterly that she wished she could devour his flesh and sleep on his skin” DO IT GURL, KILL HIM
•damn, too bad she’s pregnant with Sanzang….dw Girl I know you would kick his ass otherwise…
•there goes his toe…
•get named River Float idiot
•damn bro chill, that wasn’t very monk-like of you
•homie got called an orphan and cried JAKDJSJFJ I FEEL BAD
•she didn’t even check the toe I THOUGHT SHE DID- WHAT WAS THE POINT LMAO
•I guess licking the eyes is better than spitting on them…sigh…
•GODDAMN THEY RIPPED LIU HONG AND LI BAIO APART….good for them, deserved in fact
•Lady Yin committing suicide even after she was reunited with her husband makes sense, as there was a trend where wives whose husbands died or they were assaulted, killed themselves. This was show loyalty to their husbands and add weight to their claim of SA- Lady Yin’s husband coming back does not change the fact that everyone knows she was forcefully married :((
(I use the term ‘trend’ only as a way to describe the rise and fall in wife suicides tied to either a husbands death or as a response to SA)
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yersina ¡ 8 months
a linguist plays chants of sennaar (pt 5)
[pt 1] [pt 2] [pt 3] [pt 4]
the home stretch!!
disclaimer: can't promise that i'll have any insights that a layperson wouldn't have, this is kinda just me thinking through the grammar of the language out loud haha.
this post covers the fifth and last language in chants of sennaar and will contain spoilers for both the language and the endgame! it also assumes you know what the symbols mean already.
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i.... to be completely honest with you, i did not enjoy this language 😂 i think the experience of deciphering it got lost in favor of the storyline, which isn't necessarily a bad thing for everyone, but hey, i am the one going through each of these languages like a linguistic bloodhound here lol. because of that, i'm not as familiar with these words as i am with the other languages.
before we get into anything else, and also because i imagine that this will be a shorter post because the game itself tells you what patterns to look for, i do want to say that this language strikes me as being incredibly artificial. which is a good thing! it emulates the digital apocalypse vibe that exile gives. but a language that leans so heavily into being constructed and recombined and modulated so easily really gives me the impression that it was created and not organically developed. the only other irl example that comes to mind at the moment is korean hangeul, which was purposefully created by king sejong and is an alphabet, not a logography. like, this is a language that i would make for fun in high school (which is to say, it gives a kind of overly grammatically strict, awkwardly too regular vibe?).
it's kind of funny that this language is where i'm starting to get reminded of conlangs, especially when, well, everything in this game is a conlang. but if we take each of the radicals in this language as affixes/morphemes when they're being combined into one character, then this actually reminds me of a specific conlang (ithkuil, i think?) where you can convey incredibly complex ideas through very few words.
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the language of the anchorites isn't quite this complex, but hopefully the comparison gets my point across?
i’m curious if only certain elements can be combined with each other or if there’s a certain order to them, but it’s hard to tell when there’s such limited evidence in the game. interestingly, i believe the anchorites’ language is the only one in this game that makes a distinction between “die” and “death/dead” by combining the noun with the verb “go”. not sure why the developers suddenly made that decision haha.
this language, like most in the game, is an SVO language, which we can see below:
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but i think also they (the developers) were trying to convey more complex sentence structures than their language was designed to communicate??? so then you end up w smth like below:
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which, if you translated literally, would actually be “you man i wait”. again, super interesting bc i think an actual, more accurate anchorite sentence should be “i wait you man”. they have a more complex sentence here bc of the predicate (“you’re the one”) and the dative (“for”), but really the sense that they’re trying to go for is “i was awaiting the one [who is you]”. i guess it’s possible that different grammatical cases are treated differently in this language, or that, like english, word order is occasionally variable (even tho that option seems iffy bc we haven’t really seen evidence of it before), but tbh i suspect that really it’s that the developers wrote the dialogue and then brute forced it into the anchorite language haha. no shade! (and also impossible to confirm either way lol) just kinda amusing and also it makes sense when it’s p obvious their focus shifted from the language to the story.
this trend continues throughout all of the anchorite dialogue (imo) and makes it kinda slow and awkward to read if you don’t have all of the characters translated. in my opinion, the way that the language functions in the last part of this game makes it pretty clear that the developers meant for you to rely on the given translations during this potion of the game, especially when the translation mechanic is mostly through the matching terminals in exile, rather than speaking with people.
annoyingly, the anchorites’ language is also the only one in the game that doesn’t have words for the other people/cultures in the game (demonyms), which also doesn’t give much to work off of in terms of cultural context, relationships, etc.
again, i’ve decided not to get into an in-depth orthographic analysis of this particular language bc the game itself introduces you to them. one that i noticed that wasn’t specifically addressed in-game is the similarity between “open” and “key”, which is something that i actually also noted before in the devotees’ language. i’m sure there are others, but i’m also sure you can find them yourself!
all in all, a strange ending to this game. if you’ve made it this far in all of my posts—thanks for hanging around! hope you were able to learn smth new :)
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nanabansama ¡ 4 months
If what the mysteries of time changed only in 1968, do you think Hanako or Tsukasa would still be alive in this new present?
Hi! Thank you for the question, but...if I am to be completely honest I have no idea what changed and how that will affect the present!!! I think that's one of the funnest things about the new chapter, in fact: the possibilities are endless. But...I will try my best to guess what changed regardless!
We at least know that Aoi's hair changed, which is directly related to the Severance in one way or another. What caused the Severance (beyond just Aoi being sacrificed) was No. 6 taking drastic measures after so many yorishiro were destroyed, causing an influx of supernaturals in the Near Shore. We also know Kako seemed to have changed something in 1968, the year Amane tried to fix the clock at the School Festival. (And failed.)
Kako said to tackle the root of the problem...and if we say the root is whoever is destroying the yorishiro, then it is indeed Hanako and Tsukasa. Tsukasa coordinated an effort to coax his brother into destroying the yorishiro, and Hanako's yorishiro is Tsukasa. However much you think Hanako is responsible for everything that's happened, the fact remains Tsukasa is his yorishiro and Tsukasa is a big player in all of it.
That said, Kako is totally ignoring Sakura and Natsuhiko (of whom he knows Sakura wants the yorishiro destroyed thanks to Tsukasa's confession during the trial, thus incriminating her), but it's possible they can't do anything without Tsukasa and Kako knows this. Regardless, that's a possible safety net...
Anyway, I think your ask is kind of funny since you seem to be implying Kako performed some kind of Yugi assassination back in 1968? 😂 I mean, we must remember, the Yugi twins WERE dead in the previous present...but yeah, changing the circumstances of their deaths would certainly be one way to alter the present. After all, it's possible the only reason Hanako was able to become a mystery was because he killed his brother in a very specific way in 1969.
But let's look at it this way...in order for Kako to have succeeded at birthing a new, more beneficial present for the Clock Keepers, Hanako needs to have not destroyed the yorishiro and Tsukasa has to either be locked away somewhere or totally gone. Considering Kako's calculated effort to sow seeds of discord in the Yugi relationship, too, I have to assume that will play a role in it...so I'm going into this under my theory that Amane at least still feels that Tsukasa is an impostor after Kako turned back time, due to his powers as Number 7 allowing him to retain his memory.
Thus, we have a few options for how the future changed. Here's my list of "hows":
Amane's relationship with Tsukasa deteriorates in 1968 and he never commits a murder suicide with him.
Alternatively, he still commits a murder suicide but without any of the previous love he had for Tsukasa. (i.e. he kills himself out of honor instead.)
Amane fixed the clock with Kako's help and accomplished whatever it is he wanted to do by doing that, which somehow changed his future significantly.
Kako blew the clock to smithereens in 1968 and the explosion killed them both. (What can I say you inspired me anon.)
And here is my list of outcomes (the numbers do not directly correspond to my list of "hows"):
Amane never died as a child and became a school teacher instead.
Amane does die and become a school mystery but his yorishiro isn't Tsukasa, whom he now believes to be an impostor.
Alternatively, perhaps his yorishiro is still Tsukasa but he either destroyed him single-handedly or is keeping him locked away somewhere.
Amane did die, one way or another, but his regrets weren't powerful enough to become a school mystery and he just passed on normally. Or worse.
These are FAR from comprehensive and I'm sure any of you reading this could come up with some good ideas of your own, but these are the best I can do right now! Thanks for reading. :)
I think Kako's plan probably wasn't Yugi Clock Explosion but I can't deny that would be hilarious, lol.
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turtledotjpeg ¡ 1 year
(chapter 400 spoilers)
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i have been fed and i must make stupid internet doodles about it
my wife is so successful and popular (said with distress) and she is doing her best and she just wanted to do healing and said 'noooo' to murders and she cried about kacho and hates being called old and kurapika is the only one she can rely on and i'm gonna cry
more thoughts (not interesting) under the cut because this is an art blog but I am compelled to yell into the void about this chapter
man I was ready to be happy just to see Melody for one panel, but there was So Much in this chapter 🥺 feels like we're getting to see some new facets of her personality (see: Old Maid Melody lmaoo) and it's so fun
it was nice to see her and Kacho getting to interact a bit more openly - for some reason I was expecting nen-Kacho to be more of a separate entity, rather than the "brought back to life" kind of deal where she basically feels and acts like she's the same person? I like it though, I want to see her messing with Melody some more lol
I was wondering if Kurapika's goal might come up re: the fourth prince's invitation, but it seems like the immediate concern with Fugetsu takes priority, which makes sense Zhang Lei also wanting a private audience is interesting, I wonder if that could give her and Kurapika an opportunity to meet up and plan things out before she visits terrorsandwich? Before all that, though, they'd have to deal with Benjamin (assuming it's a first-rank-first-served kind of deal), no idea how that's gonna work out unless they actually pull off the Just Murder Everyone plan
also lmaooo the love confession 😂 one the one hand I feel like all her initial suspicion and mistrust towards glasses guy has to be a setup for him to actually be more honest than she expects, but I still can't help being a bit skeptical of him... both because there has to be something going on with the heartbeat thing, right?
and also, even if it is probably what's most practical for the situation, I'm not toootally sure if I love this "stop being sad and go use your powers to help us do murders" thing lol (granted kacho was very on board with both of those, too, but. idk man, maybe at least try to comfort her a little or something? xD)
that said, he is kind of risking his neck to help them, and i Am extremely in favor of anyone and everyone being in love with melody, so i appreciate him for that haha
okay, totally baseless "theory" #1: he's melody's dead sonata friend possessing the body (& therefore lying about the not believing in ghosts thing) - probably unlikely given Fugetsu is also said to be "possessed" and that looks very different, plus it sounds like that's something Melody should be able to notice? but it'd give him a genuine motive to help her out while lying through his teeth about all the details
or totally baseless theory #2: he's literally just a normal guy with a medical condition
melody: but I just don't get it, HOW can your heartbeat be so calm and steady all the time?!? kaiser: oh, cause of the pacemaker you mean? melody:
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(**based on about 2 minutes of research I don't think that's quite how pacemakers work, but it's hxh universe, there could be Something)
(on an unrelated note, I also really liked Tyson in this chapter…sounds like she was basically pressured into a death battle she assumes she won't win, but she's still just out here baking birthday cakes and trying to have a good time :( rootin for her)
...and finally can I just say, even if there was a good reason for it, I think it's hilarious that Melody's reaction to someone liking her is just "hmm... 🤔 kinda sus" alternative responses to "i love you": "with a heart rhythm as precise as an atomic clock?! yeah right!"
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invisiblegarabgetruck ¡ 1 year
just gotta say THANK YOU for introducing me to my fave rare pair ever hermit jer x weird rick, ur blog is filled with wonders
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AHHAHAHAHA im happy to hear that 😂😂😂😂(😈)
tbh at first, i can't think of any possibility of weird rick and jerry's ship. esp with hermit jerry (who we all assumed dead at the time) so when the season 6 premiere aired and that one-minute interaction happened??!!!???!! I am both shocked and hooked by these two haha
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i still HOPE (cope) that there will be more of them next season////
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galvanizedfriend ¡ 4 months
I’m about to be cheeky and ask whether we could have a sneak peek of the next chapter of the Wolf????? Or am I being too rude in asking that 😂.
Hi, nonnie! No, it's not rude at all!
I got this part out of the opening scene of the chapter, but I have to warn you that I am yet to review or edit anything, so it might change a little bit yet.
It's Caroline and Kol having a rather spiky heart to heart. I hope you like it! 🥲
"I was wondering when you'd come out."
Caroline sighs. Of course, Kol would know she was there. She wonders what it means that he didn't tell the others. Maybe he was trying to spare her, or maybe he just didn't want her presence to overshadow a moment that should be entirely about Davina. Either way, she's grateful.
"I almost didn't. Wasn't sure I should even be here, to be honest."
"Where are your loyal wardens?" he asks flatly. "Don't tell me they're so overcome with guilt after condemning an innocent girl to hell that they couldn't indulge in a bit of gloom. It's their favorite kind of party."
"Klaus wanted to come," Caroline admits. "But I told him not to. Didn't think it would be wise."
Kol huffs out a weak snort. "Since when does he care about being wise?"
"He doesn't," she replies. "But I do."
"Right. And he always listens to you." He pauses. "It must be nice to have family who gives a damn about what you think."
Caroline's jaw sets. She lets her eyes focus on the elegantly carved letters of Davina's name on the headstone. It's beautiful, but rough. Not a lot of details, no quotes or messages about her being a good friend, a loving girlfriend. Feels hurried. Unfinished. Less than she deserved.
"I hated Davina when she tried to Klaus," she says after a moment, words tumbling out of her mouth without consent before she can give them a second thought. "I didn't hate, hate her. Not really. But in that moment, while she was there screaming her spell from the top of her lungs, saying that he'd lived long enough… I hated her then. She didn't really care whether he survived that whole thing or not. She wanted to get you back and she was willing to sacrifice whatever it took to do it."
"What are you on about?" Kol turns to her, a sharp edge to his voice. "Nik didn't die."
"Because Marcel betrayed her, and Stefan and I let an unstoppable huntress with a magic stone loose in the city to create enough diversion that could have backfired in so many ways, just so we could stop it. And then I killed Aya with my bare hands before she could have the chance to try again, and took back the white oak bullet she was going to use to test the effectiveness of Davina's de-linking spell,” she lists. “If that sounds like a too long and complicated combination, it's because it was. It took a village for Klaus to get out of that place alive, and if any of those things had failed, he wouldn't be here right now. And even then, Davina still managed to break his sire line, which made him vulnerable, including to Lucien, who was then free to threaten him and everyone else at will, because his life was no longer tethered to Klaus'." Kol's expression darkens. If looks could kill, Caroline would probably drop dead right there and then. But still, she keeps going. "She knew what she was doing, she knew the consequences, and she didn't care because getting you back meant more to her than Klaus' life."
"I wonder why," Kol hisses. "You talk as if Nik hadn't given her extraordinarily strong reasons to have such disregard for his well-being."
"I'm not questioning that, Kol. Klaus is… Klaus. Whenever someone tells me they hate him, I just assume they have a good reason. It's usually the case. She did, too. But that's beside the point. What I'm saying is that she made a choice that night, and I’m sure it wasn’t an easy one, if not for Klaus, then for everyone else who stood to lose if she failed, including Marcel. We're all put in impossible positions sometimes, and we have to make choices that we might regret for the rest of eternity."
"That's brilliant," he says, lips twisted into an awful smile. "I expected that kind of bollocks from Elijah, but I thought you, of all people, would not try to defend the indefensible."
"I'm not defending it. And I understand your anger, Kol. I really do. Better than I wish, actually. I never wanted Davina to get hurt or to pay for what she did. I don't think she deserved what happened to her. You trusted your family, and… They let you down," she says, her voice fraying around the edges. "You're right. You should hate us. You, Marcel, Vincent. I would hate us, too. But what I can't stop thinking is that I hope I'm never put in the same position as Elijah and Freya. I hope I never have to find out who I would be willing to sacrifice for my daughter, or for Klaus. I wish I could say that I would do the right thing, but the truth is… I don't know. And I would hate to find out. Because there is no right answer. There's only a guilt that eats away at you, and then living with the consequences of your choice. I mean, yesterday would’ve ended in a funeral either way. If not Davina's, then mine and Klaus'. I'm sure you'd be happy to have her back, and regardless of your feelings for us, you'd feel sorry for your niece. But because of what Elijah and Freya did, I'm here today, and Davina is not. I'm grateful to be alive, but I'm not happy. No one is. I wish it didn't have to be like that."
Caroline swallows around the tight lump in her throat, forcing back the tears threatening to escape. Somehow, she doesn't think she gets to cry over this. Not here. Not in front of Kol.
Kol's jaw clenches, his face scrunched up with an emotion she can't really define.
Caroline hesitates, considers telling him that he will always have a home with them, but decides not to. He doesn't want to hear that right now. Not from her, anyway.
"I'm sorry for your loss, Kol," she says instead, and means it. "I really am."
Then she turns away and leaves him to mourn Davina in peace.
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porternash ¡ 26 days
Got tagged by @goodsirbeasts in this dope little get to know the blogger thing with a few questions I haven’t seen before so here goes!
Do you make your bed?: *Starbomb Smash! voice* Absolutely fucking not! lmao not even as a kid tbh. Ama learned a looong time ago she was not winning that battle with me, putting the fitted sheet on each corner and the pillows in cases is as ‘made’ as it gets 😂
What’s your favorite number?: Six, and I couldn’t tell you why. It’s my go to tho!
What is your job?: CSRI in Spending Accounts—basically I talk to old people about their money in relation to healthcare. Also known as Dante’s secret 8th circle of hell! 😂
If you could go back to school, would you?: Depends! Does it have to be in America and can it be college? Like in this scenario, I’m assuming it’s my choice without money as an object, hell yeah, I’m going to university in Scotland and actually get my degree in literature. “Vince, you’d make the exact same mistake you did the first time?” Fuck yeah, I had a blast in the classes I actually wanted to take. I love learning. But I’m geographically challenged so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Can you parallel park?: ………………….Theoretically.
A job you had that would surprise people?: Uhhh underage construction worker? lmfao my old man used to take me to jobs with him over the summer because the neighbours kept calling CPS about me being 11 and home alone all day. Fun fact, that’s how I got the scar on my left foot! I jumped from an unfinished deck about four feet down directly onto an upright nail that went through my Super Construction Approved canvas sneakers, the bottom of my foot, the top of my foot, and the top of my shoe! So! 😂 I am my own worst enemy.
Do you think aliens are real?: I think it’s narcissism to assume they’re not, tbh. We know too much about this planet and humanity to believe it’s *just us*. Also I’d kind of like them to go ahead and just pull the trigger piglet.
Can you drive a manual car?: I can probably figure it out tbh. I’m a strangely good driver after I get a feel for the car/area.
What’s your guilty pleasure?: I don’t think I have any? I’m pretty open about what tickles my pickle. Unfortunately for you fuckers.
Tattoos?: Horny. lmao jk I have ….uh….ttttirteeen? 😅 (they said with absolutely no certainty) I’ll do an update post soon with all of them because they’re currently all healed and for the most part complete, but I have covered up my first ever tattoo because it was ugly and shitty and the dumb idea of an 18 year old off their meds lmfao and I have a pic off hand of the cover up here so enjoy~
Tumblr media
Favourite colour?: deep greens, teals, pinks, purples, and reds. They’re plural because I’m a bit colorblind and can’t tell shades.
Favourite type of music?: Honestly put it in front of me and I’ll listen to it, but the stuff I tend to keep and replay constantly is on the rock spectrum. But hell I know every word of Dolly’s 9 to 5, Ludacris’ Stand Up, fucking Cab Calloway’s Minnie the Moocher! So yeah, just, throw whatever at the wall see what sticks approach 😂
Do you like puzzles?: Yeh actually! I love puzzle games and like actual jigsaw puzzles and if I’m in the right mood logic puzzles are fun.
Any phobias?: It’s spiders. It’s purely spiders. It’s completely irrational, I know it is, but they fucking terrify me.
Favourite childhood sport?: Soccer and touch football in high school, because it meant we were playing with the weight training guys and that was always a blast.
Do you talk to yourself?: Not out loud normally but yeah in my head constantly. I’m like JD from Scrubs but without the budget for elaborate scenarios 😂
What movie(s) do you adore?: Fuck me dead. Okay. No order of preference these are just my top five.
1. The Brothers Bloom - My first exposure to Rian Johnson and a day I will genuinely never forget at the theater with @goodsirbeasts 💜
2. Pacific Rim - I was excited for this movie for years before it came out because all I knew was the cast list and the premise (GDT making giant monsters? say fucking less) Then it actually came out and I saw it in IMAX with that bitch *gestures to @goodsirbeasts* and again, fucking transformative.
3. Blitz - okay hear me out 😭
4. Inglorious Basterds - God fucking shit I saw this in theaters with @goodsirbeasts too, on my 19th birthday! Bitch we need to start going to the movies again I miss it.
5. Silent Hill (2006) - Like PacRim, I pretend the sequel doesn’t exist and they’re both perfect solo films. But it definitely hit something in me as a kid watching this because it’s such a fucking good movie even outside of the adaptation aspect.
6. Bonus mentions; Constantine, Too Wong Foo Thanks For Everything Julie Newmar, the entire Scream series of films, and Ever After. Just to pinball around the entire spectrum lmfao
Coffee or tea?: Coffee, I tend not to like tea for the most part unless it’s milk tea.
First thing you wanted to be growing up?: A drummer, for some godforsaken reason? I couldn’t play drums, at all. Not even a little bit at the beginning 😂 After that it’s never really changed, I always wanted to be a writer :3
This was fun! I’m trying to catch up on these tag games guys I swear 😭 Imma tag @kalgalen @captainsaku @bisexualr2d2 aaand @fuckwritersblock kissing you bitches all on the cheek 🩵
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nyxelestia ¡ 3 months
Be On Cloud REALLY wants to get a second season of Dead Friend Forever. Or at least a special episode. Or maybe a movie?
I'm thinking that they wanted a second season for KinnPorsche but never got it so they're really going all in to get their second season for Be On Cloud. 😂
On a more serious level - as a lot of other people have pointed out, there was a lot of build-up and hints and foreshadowing that just never went anywhere, which makes me think this wasn't intended as the final ending (of course, whatever their intentions are will matter little in the face of all the other factors that will impact whether or not they get a special episode or second season). While most Thai BLs don't get second seasons, BOC did land a television sequel for an original movie, so right now their track record for achieving a second part to a story is 50/50. That said, I'm trying really hard not to turn into one of those "Sherlock 404" nutjobs, so while I'll stand by my take that the writers wrote with the hope for or intention of another step (special episode or second season or movie) to wrap up all the threads they left hanging, I'm not going to assume that they will make it.
Independently of whether or not there will be a continuation:
If this is the ending, I am deeply unsatisfied with it.
The problem isn't that the show had an ambiguous ending; these can be really solid 'endings' in their own right and make their own statements.
The problem is that there were multiple plots going on and all of them are ambiguous.
If we'd gotten concrete answers about Non's death, the investigation, and how Tee's uncle was finally taken down, then the boys not knowing whether or not they ever actually escaped could make for a good ambiguous ending. "You know what happened in the past, but will never get concrete answers about their future."
Conversely, if the boys had made it out and survived, but never got answers about Non's exact death or the investigation, that would've been its own kind of commentary about the ambiguity of real life: sometimes, shit happens and you never get to know. We the audience get to see that the survivors will move on, but the lack of answers will haunt them and us forever, just like many real people have to deal with for real mysteries and events in life.
But leaving both unresolved - not to mention all the little cinematic tics and zoomings-in and foci and whatnot - is not a good story and doesn't really make a statement, save for "there's at least one more chapter but we didn't get the time to tell it."
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Oh my God the start of Neil's episode is so jarring and intense! Also I have no idea what he is saying or what it means. 😂
Neil and Nara are cute l, in that way that two people who are a little weird and on another wavelength together, but I also feel like she's making him a drug addict and I don't like that.
Joubaierre(??? I swear these fucking names!) is so intense and a fanboy 😂 kind of adorable.
Also I googled that a flight from the US to Baghdad is like 14 hours. How do they deal with that? Like I'm assuming private planes? Because it would jarring to basically having a corpse amext to you and trusting that no one pulls the little curtain open.
This conversation about time is just insanity. 😂
Kind of feels like Neil is being used, I don't like that. Being used by someone you call your beloved is not good.
"Have a vision, do it!" 😂 if only it was that easy.
So we know what the herald is exactly in this context? Let me rephrase: I do not know what the herald is in this context and why it's important.
Urshulgi?? Now you're just fucking with me.
Nooo initiative
So often Neil does something weird and I'm judt like idk probably weird malkavian shit, but it is actually a smart tactical move. See: him taking ash to make someone in obfuscate visible.
Okay Joubaierre is kind of hilarious in a weird way. 'why would you need to swim, what are we gonna do breathe out way out of this?'
Oopsie Nara is torpored/dead by a black goo knife. Black goo is never good.
Okay I am going to confess something, I kind of like to when Neil is in anguish. Not in a sadistic way but it always really touches me. Like when his haven was shot and he was just crying that was so good!
Joubaillere? I super get that you are frenzying because you lost your life's work right now. But also, dude, if you hadn't tried being fancy and had just used either a pencil or ballpoint pen we wouldn't have this issue. Then definitely part would have been recoverable easy peasy.
Neil wants to come home and I want him home. 😭 We need a Neil/Wynn hug stat!
I wonder if the others listened to each other's episodes before starting the new season.
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highladyluck ¡ 9 months
Season 2, Episode 2 Liveblog
Good lord the WLW Agenda on that girl! flawless, no notes
Oh Rand honey, your heart is in the right place but your hands are not
How long, Selene? How long EXACTLY?
Rand is here and he’s having a bad time
Rand made fun of Mat for wanting to pay rent by sleeping with the hot innkeeper, but here he is, doing just that!
Oooooh the Foregate! Oh, this is interesting! Rand the nerd is always researching, and I guess he’s researching madness.
Lmao Verin is such a smartass
Moiraine you are being such a regular ass right now
Eeeeey it’s the fly trap! That’s a neat little book cameo. Oooooh and the dead Fade too.
Oh yeah I was waiting for someone in Cairhein to give Rand shit for looking like an Aiel 😅 gonna give that guy even more PSTD
Ok, looking at this guy’s waffleknit bathrobe… Donal Finn is RIGHT, Mat has been wearing a bathrobe this entire time. I want him out of Liandrin’s weird torture basement and into some fancy duds immediately!!!
I bet this guy reminds Rand of Tam, assuming he knows Tam’s backstory
Wow who vets these employees?
Liandrin like ‘I’ll just pocket this deadly poison don’t mind me”
I am here to watch Nyneave Heal and to make snarky comments about Liandrin and I have paused the episode so I am temporarily out of snarky comments about Liandrin
Oh I like the Accepted sleeves
“Men who can channel are not a disease” You tell her, Nyneave!!!
I don’t think they should let Liandrin teach Accepted either >:( also lol @ thinking you could stop Nyneave from being a Yellow, that ajah has her name all over it
…honestly I’m with Mat, we just saw her palm a poison and Liandrin doesn’t give anything nice to men without an ulterior motive
Ok I laughed at Mat’s choreography
I really hope he’s breaking out and not breaking into A Secret Dagger Chamber or something
Oh Elayne you are about to get a shock
Oh Egwene’s face was PERFECT
“You know, some of the greatest pairings have been between novices in adjacent rooms” Good lord the WLW Agenda on that girl! flawless, no notes
I would also be like ‘yeah yeah’ if a Green told me the Last Battle was coming, tbf. They’re the Apocalypse Prepper Ajah, you gotta take it with a grain of salt.
Love the canon detail of Nyneave never giving Aes Sedai their honorifics
Watch Nyneave discover Mat’s oubliette but he’s already gone 😂 (my guess)
Oh Verin :D
Uh oh, I remember this part with the Trolloc mask.
Oh Rand honey, your heart is in the right place but your hands are not
Lmao she does not ever stop
This is not femdom!!! Illegal illegal red alert 🚨 🚨 🚨 Robert Jordan is rolling unquietly in his grave 😡 although I guess Selene got what she wanted so maybe it is femdom 🤔
Hah, I was wondering how Elayne got away with fancying up her room.
Liandrin loves someone??? OH SHIT that’s her son.
Awwwwwww we needed Min and Mat bonding and this is giving!!! I love that the show really shows how these people are friends
Mat is sharing his spoon, my heart ♥️
Moiraine like ‘oh god shut up, fine’
I do love the pond story, straight from New Spring :D
I cannot wait for Mat and Min shenanigans!!!
I was not sure about Donal b/c I loved Barney, but he makes his eyes sparkle & the little half-smile is pure Mat, so I’m sold
Ah Mat, you’ll change your tune on knowing the shit headed your way, if only so you can better dodge it
Awwww stabby??? No no stabby!
Lmao Selene he absolutely can hurt you
How long, Selene? How long EXACTLY?
Oh my god Elayne making hooch in her dorm room is the canon I never knew I needed, she absolutely would
Accepted Test! Accepted Test! *bangs on the table in rhythm*
The music in this series is so gooooood
Lan don’t read that, it’ll give you nightmares
Moiraine like ‘I knew you were the one when I could abandon you and you’d survive’ but a) you could not, Lan’s deathwish is So Big and b) I see Moiraine’s mentorship strategy at play here lmao
Moiraine is absolutely trying her best to platonic lifebond break up with Lan
(And ‘we were never equals’ is not a denial)
The battle sequences feel very RJ- chaos, impressions, brief intense focus
I would NOT want to piss off Loial
Also I only JUST realized it was the Seanchan a beat before the damane showed up, b/c I recognized the Samuri-ish armor
They all have baseball bats!!! This is so funny to me, I’m sorry, but then again what is more American and Japanese than baseball bats? (Besides imperialism)
They look so scary!
Oooooh American accent! Not Texas enough but still
Damn Rand, did you intend to take his job? Yeah, ok, I see you did. Damn, that’s cold! On par with book 2 Rand tho
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anneapocalypse ¡ 1 year
4, 8, and 16! 🔥🔥
For the 🔥choose violence 🔥 ask game!
Disclaimer: provocative name aside, I am not actually trying to be mean here, these are just my opinions offered for Entertainment Purposes™️, and I’m not mad at anyone who has a different opinion.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I'm lucky if I remember why I blocked anyone. I just have to assume past!Anne had a reason. 😂
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Okay, so this one's about Merrill, but before I say it I have to qualify that I am not on the Merrill hate train. I love Merrill, I think she's a great character, and I don't think she's wrong for wanting to restore her people's history. I do think that what she's doing is dangerous enough that it's in conflict with the duties of a Keeper to protect her people--but the thing is Merrill knows that, and that's why she agrees to leave the clan. She believes this is too important, more important than becoming a Keeper, which she also says she would have been terrible at. I do think Merrill is not being totally honest with herself about the danger at first; in Act I, she's very quick to insist that it's fine and she's got everything under control. But I think her years in Kirkwall make her more mindful--she sees a lot of demons, a lot of blood magic, she sees how Anders struggles with Justice, and she almost falls to another Pride demon herself if she goes into the Fade with Hawke. (Personally, I also think this might have something to do with her proximity to Audacity on the mountain, and then having more distance from it in Kirkwall, because I do think the Pride demon was influencing both her and Marethari. In the short story "Merrill" it's very clear that it called out to both of them, rather than Merrill seeking it out on her own.)
By Act III, she's undeniably aware of the danger because she asks Hawke to come along for that very reason. What Merrill is doing is undeniably dangerous, but dangerous does not necessarily mean evil or wrong. In the end, though I think there's undoubtedly some level of pride in her motives still, I do think Merrill is fully aware of the risks, and believes that the possible gain is worth it, and takes every precaution she can.
Furthermore, I think that Marethari fails in her duty to her people when she goes to the demon and allows it to possess her. Her responsibility is to protect the clan. When Merrill leaves, Marethari needs to accept her choice and let her go. She needs to move the clan on, out of reach of whatever danger she believes Merrill poses. If they need to contact another clan, raise new halla, she has years to do that. Instead, she keeps them on Sundermount for the better part of a decade because she (and her own pride) simply can't let it go, and in the end she leaves her clan leaderless and possibly dead because she (and, I think, Audacity) convinces herself that only she is capable of protecting Merrill. But Merrill isn't her responsibility anymore. Her clan is. And she abandons them.
So the one thing that kind of sticks in my craw is the idea that Merrill must be an unparalleled genius because she successfully reverse-engineered an eluvian from a shard. Because the thing is she didn't do that! That's the thing she didn't do! She never successfully got the mirror working in canon. Maybe in the next game, for some world states, we'll find out that she did finish it, or maybe we'll never hear about it again; as of the information we have right now, she never made it work.
And I know this one is contentious, because there's a big interpretive gap as far as how close Merrill was to making the eluvian work. And I'm not trying to step on anyone's headcanons here; there's room for speculation and when it comes to headcanon or fanworks there's truly nothing wrong with going the route that she was really, really close, and maybe succeeded down the road.
But as far as canon, we simply do not know. We do not know how close she was. We do not know whether she had built it correctly and simply needed the power to activate it, or whether there was some fundamental flaw in her theory she hadn't figured out, or whether it was wrong from the ground up. We do not know whether Audacity truly knew what she needed or would have given it to her had Marethari not interfered. We don't even know whether it's possible to build an eluvian in a post-Veil world, for that matter! We don't know, and we probably never will.
In fact, it's unclear to me whether Merrill actually knows the full extent of what eluvians are supposed to do. She says in her Act II quest "Mirror Image" that she knows that they were used for communication over distances (which was the extent of ancient Tevinter's understanding of them, and what Duncan remarks in Origins), but she doesn't know exactly how they work. I don't remember her ever saying that it's supposed to be a physical portal you can travel through. There's a moment where Hawke asks what's wrong with it and Merrill exclaims, frustrated, "Well... look at it! Do you think it's just supposed to sit there not doing anything?" I'm not convinced she actually knows what it's supposed to do, only that it's important to her people's history. I'm not blaming her for her lack of knowledge here--I think as fans we've gotten so used to hearing about eluvians that it's easy to forget their existence isn't common knowledge in-universe even among the Dalish. Ariane's clan was safeguarding an exceptionally rare text about eluvians and even she didn't know what they were (in part because most modern elves canonically are not fluent in ancient Elvish, something else I think people kind of forget).
Again, I don't think Merrill is wrong for wanting to discover and restore her people's history. If anything, the gaps in their knowledge only make that more important. I'm also not saying any of this because I'm trying to refute the idea that Merrill is smart. I think she's very clever and resourceful and I think this shows in a great deal of her dialogue with other characters.
I just don't think we can know, based on canon, that her theories were 100% correct and she is now the foremost expert on eluvians. Again, I have zero issue with this as headcanon--I really am not coming for anyone who holds it as such! My only disagreement is when it's put forth as Fact, and like anyone who takes a different view of canon is wrong and is trying to tear down Merrill.
Because like all my faves in this series, it is possible for a character to be good and compelling and interesting and even right about a lot of things without being right about everything all the time.
16. you can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Okay we'll take this one for whatever values of "so many people," because at this point I don't really see this one come up all that much, but as a huge Sera fan, I do not understand the appeal of the "Sera is Andruil/has a fragment of Andruil" fan theory, and I don't think I ever will.
For one thing, by the end of Trespasser we know that Solas and Mythal are walking around in the waking world still because they are exceptions. The rest of the Evanuris are not hiding among mortals. We know where the others are! They're in the Fade! Solas trapped them there! That was a pretty significant thing that happened!
For another, Solas and Andruil were not friends. If Sera was or was carrying a piece of Andruil, and Solas recognized her, I think he would have reacted strongly. Maybe he wouldn't be capable of killing her on the spot in his current state, but also I sort of doubt he would be walking around gently prodding her to remember who she is.
The theory also seems to be partially based on the misapprehension that Sera's archery skills are somehow magical, which I've already talked about.
But also, and more importantly to me personally, I feel like it just ruins Sera's character. Sera's story is that of a young adult with a lot of unrecovered childhood trauma, and deep issues with identity, rejection, and abandonment, still trying to find a place where she belongs and discover what she believes about the world. What does her unwittingly carrying around a piece of an elven god add to that? What does it add to her painful memories of Lady Emmald, to her sense of alienation from other city elves? It undermines the perspective she brings to the Inquisition as a commoner, a Nobody who is proud of being nobody. It completely ruins her relationship with Solas, turning them from a fascinating set of foils (the ancient elf who broke the world vs. the modern elf who is in so many ways the product of the world he created) into just two ancients arguing with each other. If anything, it feels like papering over everything that makes her complicated and interesting in an attempt to "fix" her: Look, she is Elfy after all! She's the Elfiest!
Sera doesn't need to be secretly an ancient goddess to be a compelling character.
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lou-iz-stat ¡ 2 months
4 more weeks or 1 month left until the new season starts and I feel like we are currently in the calm before the storm and I am definitely nervous. 😬
This is my rewatch for episode 4 of season 1 and I absolutely adore this episode as shit pretty much hits the fan after this relatively sweet episode. I have a feeling that we won’t have an episode as happy as this one in season 2 so it’s best to enjoy it as much as possible. 😭
Also spoilers for everything!
IWTV S1 E4: The Ruthless Pursuit of Blood With All a Child’s Demanding
This episode starts out with Daniel talking on his phone to I assume his agent for the book he is going to write about this messy vamps. I wonder if this will be important later?
And of course the sleep paralysis demon that is Armand/ Rashid is just standing there.
Some of the lines he says to Daniel are so archaic it’s crazy people didn’t think he was Armand.
But he has the important job of bringing Daniel to Claudia’s old diaries.
Daniel makes a remark about the tree and Armand says something about an architect which I wonder if that will also be someone from the book that we did not know yet.
And he tells Daniel where to start with the dairies but of course he doesn’t listen and starts reading one towards the end. 😂
Now we are finally starting Claudia’s pov
“You were ready to abandon our home. Now you want a third” Lestat was so hurt by Louis leaving :(
In this version it’s Louis that wants Lestat to turn Claudia instead of Lestat just out right baby trapping him. But that doesn’t mean that Lestat turned Claudia without selfish intentions. He knows if he does this for Louis that he will no longer want to abandon him.
God that look on Lestat’s face when he thinks he’s getting a family. ☺️
Also! No secrets my ass!!!
“A funny way of being nice to each other.” They’re gay dear.
When I first watched the pleated skirt line it took me out! They are everything!!! 🤣
Claudia is Lestat’s daughter alright. Claudia said ACAB and that is why she is an icon.
This episode is comedic genius!
I LOVE when Lestat sneaks in Louis’s coffin. It’s so sweet and since it’s from Claudia’s pov we can more objectively see the good parts of their relationship. I’m sure if Louis was telling this part of the story that he might have not mentioned their coffin-sharing almost every night.
I also really adore the scene with Louis and Claudia in the boat. In the book Claudia doesn’t actually know why or how she was made but in the show Louis tells her the truth that it was because of him that she was hurt so bad in the fire. I like that he just tells her outright for how she was made. I also really love that when Claudia asks Louis how love works between two men and Louis makes that adorable face. It gives me butterflies!
After that scene, Daniel takes a break and walks in on Rashid/ Armand praying and he notes that he spoke a language that is from the Crimea which is a call back to the book since Armand’s character is originally from that area in Europe. So I think that they will still incorporate that part of Armand’s background in the show too.
This makes Daniel sorta suspicious of Rashid also because of him referring to Dubai as a ‘child’ Also Daniel’s notes on ‘Rashid’ is so funny.
We go back to the unholy family and they are just having a grand old time just being hella cute~
I wonder if the marquis Lestat mentions at Claudia’s birthday is his dad or his oldest brother? It sucks either way because they got guillotined during the revolution.
Loustat dancing is so sweet~
Movie theatre scene 🥰
Oh shit Mama Du Lac is dead
They look so good in their formation as the leave the wake.
Lestat bringing Claudia to the lovers lane for some dinner isn’t… the best but he is trying to bond with her and he does treat her so sweetly in the scene.
This does awaken something inside her like her sudden need to grow up.
And in her need to grow up she finally meets Charlie as her first love.
In classic vampire fashion Claudia accidentally kills Charlie
And though I hate to admit it Lestat is right when tells his fledglings to stay out of human goings on. He should have just been more sensitive about it when she brought Charlie’s body home.
Louis finally shows back up in the interview! I wonder what was doing other than ‘resting’
Louis so sad about Claudia. 😢
This episode ends so sad and miserable… Poor Claudia 😔
Okay with that ends my s1 episode 4 rewatch.
I am definitely not looking forward to episode 5…. It’s a tough watch but I’ll try to do it next time.
Thanks for reading this! We have only a month left and between this show and another show that is coming out around the same time I am losing my mind but I would have it no other way.
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trying414 ¡ 1 year
Maribat Prompt
This was titled post-idea, and i literally just copy-pasted my note, so thats why theres the crying prompt thing at the bottom.
Also, none of this is meant to be offensive or anything. I wholly support all genders/sexualities. And I'm pro-choice. So if this is offensive, I'm so sorry, and please let me know (gently, im sensitive) so I can try to correct myself ❤️
Damian ladybug, Marinette black cat
"Father, I have acquired a kitten. I'm keeping her. She's MINE." (Stake his claim so no adoption occurs. But also the kitten joke because he loves animals.)
"Holy shit, it's hereditary." (I've definitely seen this line with Mari being a cat, but she's always with a bird. Not a bug. Which is fun for the cat-who-got-the-canary plays, but not what I'm going for with this idea.)
He can become red bird or something, I don't know. He can't be ladybird. I know that would relate, but he's not a lady.
Maybe he does it just to spite people
And take down sexist, discriminating assholes
He might
His brothers would laugh, but they would get behind the cause
It would seem so out of character
But he would enjoy trolling people
Maybe the bats mention ladybird strategically
People are looking for a female
And then as soon as one starts talking shit, BAM!
(Those two lines were a reference to a play I was in when I was in high school and they fit perfectly 😂)
😘 drink your respect women juice, kids
And accept all.
Oh my God, though.
I know this started as damian, but could you imagine dick or Jason? Maybe even Tim. I feel like damian is just the least likely to pull this shit.
"Ladybird is a dude wtf"
Cue fake tears "I'm TRANS you PRICK"
he's not, but he supports whole heartedly and that will teach them not to assume one's gender
Suddenly, gothamites have united for Trans rights. Pride month is bigger than before. And gothamites protect their own. Someone says shit about their "Trans" bat? Oh FUCK no. And all the Trans gothamites finally feel represented. Whichever batbro is playing that part takes pride in helping them feel represented. He may not be Trans himself. But he knows how important it is to feel like you matter.
Bonus if it's Jason because he lived on the streets. He knows what being Trans and unaccepted can do to people, whether it be murder or suicide or rape. He's seen them turn to "hormone therapies" found on the street because they can't afford proper medical help or their family doesn't support it and the drugs are a bad batch or laced with something or not even the correct drug at all, and the next thing he knows, they're addicts or dead. Fuck yes he's going to represent.
Give him a more tragic backstory. Maybe he had a trans friend on the street that wasn't accepted by their family. Maybe he tried to help them get the drugs or tried to talk them out of it (having seen his own mother). And they died for it. So when he has the opportunity to represent, he takes it. No one knows if he's mtf or ftm. Maybe he's nonbinary or genderfluid (though I'm pretty sure that's not trans? I could be wrong. And if I am, please gently correct me. I want to learn, not be attacked.) Hell, maybe he's nb or genderfluid outside of the mask. I don't know. I don't think he would be trans, if I'm being honest. The only one I think I could really see as trans is Tim. Though, I'm sure there are great ways to spin Jason as trans, and no hate on that. Just not for this au (though if someone wants to run with this idea and make him trans, I have no problem with that, and I will happily read it 😊)
Fuck, I just wrote a whole goddamn prompt 😭
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chibipandaao3 ¡ 2 years
Thoughts on Between Us as a former swimmer and lifeguard.
• I’ve mentioned before, but I’ll say it again because I find it comical and endearing, their form when diving or swimming. It’s very cute and not great. And I can’t blame the actors for that. I was taught how to dive off the blocks (into shallow water) when I was maybe 12 so I’ve had lots of practice - and even I’ve biffed it.
• I’ve seen some people say that Team’s brother (Ton?) and Team struggling/drowning is unrealistic - no. In fact, that’s one of the most REAL drowning scenarios I’ve seen in media. Even as a lifeguard - 6 yrs under my belt, trained, etc. - my boss always said “don’t try to save someone if you aren’t on the clock” Why? Because oftentimes the victim unintentionally drowns the savor…it’s super common sadly.
• Team’s cramp/swimming alone/drowning - they did a good job of this in the show (but from what I’ve read it’s more explained in Hemp Rope) but a real talented swimmer is not going to be in THAT much danger normally. Why? We aren’t afraid of drowning, so generally we wouldn’t panic and therefore would be fine. Roll onto our back, tread water with single leg and arms, reach for the Lane line, etc. OBVIOUSLY, 2 other things are at play here with Team. 1) he’s exhausted, in part because of his extra practicing but also his chronic insomnia (both of which are more highlighted in the book) and 2) he does have a fear of drowning. So I think his panic is pretty justified all and all. And, yeah, never swim alone but certainly NEVER DIVE alone. A great swimmer will likely be fine even in an emergency like Teams BUT if you hit your head diving…which I’ve seen happen…no, no swimming alone please and thank you.
• this one is a strange one, but Win’s jewelry. Now obviously this is a club AND since they discussed things like being the country rep (hinting at Olympics territory) it’s kinda a mute point but I find it funny. In the US (at least at the high school level) you can’t wear jewelry at all during meets 😂 like I got my nose pierced before season once and, oh boy, I had to take it out for every event and then run to the locker room to shove that thing back in…it was a thing…
• Win being able to get Team out - based on the trailer it’s seems safe to assume that Team doesn’t fully lose consciousness BUT it is so hard to pull a person from the water by yourself! Like it’s not fun at all.
Related but unrelated rambling; Rescue Breathing =/= CPR. Now things might have changed since I was last certified but damn 😂 no one seems to get this. CPR is if the heart stopped beating - you don’t want to go crack a rib on someone if it isn’t necessary. Most of these fics Win (or anyone) would not be doing CPR (unless they’d checked and found no pulse). 😆
Okay………that’s it for my rambles. I really should be working but I’m just dead so this is what I decided to do. If anyone actually read this 😆 have a wonderful day and I hope you’re looking forward to Sunday cause I am! Hoping to trick my bestie into watching all the episodes with me, but we gotta finish The Eclipse first haha.
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