#aspie against aspie supremacy
sugar-coated-saphic · 9 months
why some autistic people might use the term aspergers
after recceiving some anons acusing me of being an “aspie supremacist” i feel the need to clear some things up.
1. i and some others may use this term because it was the diagnosis we recceived, as well as autism/autistic. i completely understand someone not wanting to use this term especially if you’re jewish but i’m of the opinion that people who have the diagnosis can use it. i also use the term high functioning because its far eaiser to use a catch all term than to list everything i do or don’t need/struggle with, as the latter would take too long and take up too much space in my description. low needs autistic works too. these are the terms i grew up with and are used to which is another reason i use them.
2. just because a term is associated with a bad person or thing does not mean they condone or are okay with what they do or did.
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the fashions shown here are known as a “lolita” which term originates from the book lolita, written by Vladimir Nabokov. in it,  the protagonist and unreliable narrator, a middle-aged literature professor under the pseudonym Humbert Humbert, is obsessed with a 12-year-old girl, Dolores Haze, whom he kidnaps and sexually abuses after becoming her stepfather (copy and pasted cos i’m lazy). just because people use this term to describe the fashion they wear, does not mean they condone such horrible things.
on a fina note, i learnt what aspie supremacyis after looking it up (quite surprised its a real thing), where people with aspergers believe they are superior because they struggle less. athough i don’t get to spend much time with other autistic people (because i don’t go out much), i accept any autistic person whether they have many or few needs and don’t put myself on a pedastal, and i’m sure not all people diagnosed with aspergers are apsie supremacists :)
if you find my blog triggering, upsetting or offensive in any way, feel free to block and dni. i just want to have fun on this site like everyone else and don’t want to have to deal with fights, arguments and discourse.
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this is aspie supremacy.
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the amount of people agreeing with this creator in the comments is alarming
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zebulontheplanet · 9 months
Just a reminder that wanting the autistic community to be separated into two is bad.
Why do you want to separate yourself from higher support needs autistics so bad? Why do you want to be separate from them? Higher support needs autistics have spoken for years about how there needs to be more community and uplifting of their voices. NOT a separation.
A separation between lower support needs and higher support needs autistics will only cause divide, more struggle getting resources, and more.
Also, the fact that some of y’all try to use Intellectual disabilities to put a divide is even more disgusting. Autistics with intellectual disabilities DESERVE to be in the community and deserve to not have their intellectual disability used as a weapon against them.
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clownrecess · 1 year
(Tw for ableism, aspergers, etc.)
I want to talk about aspie supremacists, and accidental aspie supremacy.
First, what does Aspie supremacy mean? It is the belief that autistics with "aspergers" (a bad term for multiple reasons. I've talked about it before.) or those who are considered "high functioning" have a "superior form of autism" and should have more authority or influence within the community. This leads to the marginalization and silencing of high support needs autistics. The concept of "Aspie supremacy" perpetuates an ableist hierarchy that undermines the principles of inclusivity, intersectionality, and solidarity within the disability community.
Aspie supremacists, whether consciously or unconsciously, perpetuate ableism by marginalizing those with high support needs. They speak over us, disregard our experiences, and promote harmful stereotypes that undermine our value and contributions. This behavior is not only hurtful but goes against the core principles of neurodiversity and inclusivity, and I am tired of seeing it so frequently accepted.
Even if it isnt labeled as aspie supremacy, it is still harmful. One of the biggest challenges lies in the unlabelled nature of this supremacy. It often operates covertly, disguised as a preference for certain autistic traits or as a focus on specific experiences within the spectrum. By prioritizing these aspects without acknowledging the diverse range of needs and experiences, we inadvertently silence and exclude people like me.
Unlabeled aspie supremacy is extremely prevalent in both online and in person neurodivergent spaces, usually taking form as a lack of mention, education, and understanding of high support needs autistics. YES, only ever talking about level one autistics and ignoring the struggles and ideas of high support needs autistics IS aspie supremacy, whether purposeful or not. If you are only listening to and reading from low support needs autistics with no attempt to listen to higher support needs autists, you are contributing to the problem.
If this is something you are doing accidentally, I want you to please think about why it is you don't make an attempt to listen higher support needs autistics, and acknowledge your mistake. You should then try to fix this, and begin listening to our experiences, and spreading them through reblogs or similar means.
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disabledunitypunk · 6 months
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Image ID: comment reading "lunod 14h ago @smolfrenchtoast my eyeglass prescription is -6.25/-6.50 and I have 4 separate eye-related conditions besides the nearsightedness. I am aware of why people wear glasses. It doesn't make it a mobility aid and it definitely means if you're trying to call it a mobility aid that you should be educated on and participating in blind/VI community and talking about issues pertaining to them."
You don't get to decide that for the entire community. "You need to be educated on participating in blind/VI community"? So far I've read more blind and visually impaired people calling their own glasses mobility aids than I've read sighted people doing so in my entire life.
But more to the point, it was a comment on this post:
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The post reads:
"What about high support needs autistic people who use wheelchairs/have severe motor skill issues!"
What about them? Last I checked, you all treat them like shit and talk over them. Last I checked, half of you saying that kind of thing are still on your "autism actually makes me smarter and better than everyone else :)" schtick. In fact, are you normal about any and all stigmatized psychiatric conditions?
"Eyeglasses are mobility aids too, being mildly nearsighted makes you disabled"
Okay, and have you spoken At All about how people using white canes are treated or about genuinely any accessibility issue the blind/VI community faces? Have you talked about Any mobility aids, really?
"Psychiatric conditions are physical disabilities because it affects the brain"
Okay, and do you identify as physically disabled broadly or only when you're trying to be in cripplepunk? Have you aligned yourself with Any of Us beyond semantics arguing on the internet? Have you talked about any disability issues at all that aren't about your specific mental health diagnosis? How have you approached and reconciled the social, political, and legislative differences in how physically disabled people are treated versus mentally ill people?
Otherwise what it sounds like is you using other disabled people as tools and tokens in your arguments and that you don't actually give a shit about any of them.
Ah yes, the old, "you're tokenizing yourself!!1" argument. Because here's the thing: these points are primarily being made by multiply disabled people negatively affected by these things.
Let's take this point by point, shall we?
- What about them? Last I checked, you all treat them like shit and talk over them. Last I checked, half of you saying that kind of thing are still on your "autism actually makes me smarter and better than everyone else :)" schtick. In fact, are you normal about any and all stigmatized psychiatric conditions?
Okay, so platforming severely autistic voices is an ongoing issue in our community, one that a lot of us are working on addressing. Autism/aspie supremacy and ableism does exist on our communities - and is being shut DOWN to the point that even FACEBOOK GROUPS don't allow conditions as stigmatized as NPD and psychotic disorders to be used in their colloquial derogatory form of synonymized with abuse or a lack of ability to exercise autonomy.
Also, the existence of ableism against a subgroup does not mean people cannot bring up other forms of ableism against them. Not to mention this is a fucking spectrum. Quite frankly, the ONLY reason I don't consider my autism, which causes me to have middling to high support needs, a disorder, is because those needs are actively and continuously being met.
I am not severely autistic, but I am SIGNIFICANTLY autistic. I am the autistic person in between the person you're accusing me of tokenizing and the one you're accusing me of being.
-Okay, and have you spoken At All about how people using white canes are treated or about genuinely any accessibility issue the blind/VI community faces? Have you talked about Any mobility aids, really?
First of all, what about the people who aren't 'mildly nearsighted' who are saying this. What about the significantly visually impaired and even legally blind people who are saying this? What's with your assumption that everyone saying this is in fact privileged? You did that with autism too, because apparently none of the high support needs physically disabled autistics you're white knighting for are saying this too. Almost like you're not listening to them, the same thing you accuse us of doing.
What about the people who are talking about all those things? What about the blind/VI people who don't or even CAN'T use canes? What about the people who are simply focusing on a form of exclusion that harms them?
-Okay, and do you identify as physically disabled broadly or only when you're trying to be in cripplepunk? Have you aligned yourself with Any of Us beyond semantics arguing on the internet? Have you talked about any disability issues at all that aren't about your specific mental health diagnosis? How have you approached and reconciled the social, political, and legislative differences in how physically disabled people are treated versus mentally ill people?
Yes. Fucking yes. The people screaming for cripplepunk inclusion are by and large ALL physically disabled. Most are physically disabled by primarily physical conditions, and simply have physical symptoms from their psychiatric disabilities as well. Most are screaming about disability issues, from physical accessibility to the struggles with their illnesses and injuries to being physically assaulted by strangers. We talk about legal issues from lack of regulations to archaic and inhumane regulations to "benefits" laws to eugenics movements like MAID. We talk about how we're being exterminated.
We talk about the differences in our treatment, but we also talk about how they're less than most people say they are. We talk about how when mentally ill and invisibly physically disabled people experience the same oppression, it is erased. We talk about the vectors along which neuroableism and corpoableism sometimes operate identically, and you don't like that.
We are not "aligning with Us" because we ARE us, and that's the whole point we've been making this whole time. As soon as we disagree with you, you strip our entire disabled identity from us. You call us "abled" and even "able-bodied". You accuse us of tokenizing ourselves and not giving a shit about disabled people when we're telling you WE ARE DISABLED PEOPLE AND OUR EXPERIENCES MATTER.
What was the point of this post? Quippy discourse to fulfill your internet superiority complex? Other than visual impairment, are you insane? Do you have stigmatized disabilities like NPD, ASPD, schizophrenia, and DID. Do you actually acknowledge the depth of stigma that exists for "acceptable" mental illnesses such as autism, ADHD, depression, and anxiety, and that the veneer of acceptance only holds up so long as we aren't symptomatic?
Do you identify as physically disabled outside of cripplepunk, or is this all projection? Because even if you are all these things, You're certainly tokenizing the rest of us.
If your point was "hey make sure you're not doing this because it's still harmful and ableist even when fighting for unity, inclusion, and safe spaces for neurodisabled physically disabled people" then you should have said that. A single line about "if you're not doing this, this post isn't about you" would have gone far. An additional line to the effect of "I'd like to think most people involved in the discourse are not doing this, but I've still seen too many" would have gone further.
Because unless you and I have seen completely different discourse, quite frankly, you're making up a strawman.
The people arguing for cripplepunk inclusion are physically disabled mobility users. The people calling glasses mobility aids are referring to their own glasses helping with vision so bad or comorbid with other conditions (such as ones affecting balance) they can't move through the world without them. The ones talking about people physically disabled by their autism who have high support needs are one or both.
I'll point again to the assumption in each point that the people saying this are the privileged ones within each group. "Last I checked, you all treat them like shit and talk over them." Not even an allowance that some of those people are saying this too. A mention of essentially autism supremacists, by their description of the type most of the community can't stand. No acknowledgement that autism is anything other than essentially "a socially awkward savant" or "a severely disabled person".
"mildly nearsighted". Aside from the fact that yes, this does still in fact make you disabled, and that you're allowed to talk about erasure of your own disability and fight back against it and name what category your disability aids fall into, it's literally primarily actual visually impaired and blind people having this conversation. How dare you.
(For reference for those that might not know, visual impairment is a specific term that does not cover visual disabilities that are fully corrected by use of glasses. Not sure if OP considers visual impairment to the point it cannot be fully corrected by glasses "mild" or if they're just erasing everyone in their community who disagrees with them entirely. Considering how they say that glasses are not a mobility aid, period, despite that experience not being universal and blind/VI people who do consider their glasses a mobility aid existing, I suspect the second.)
And finally, there it is. "Do you ALIGN yourself with Us." Not, are you one of us, but do you even consider yourself to be part of OUR group. Do you IDENTIFY AS one of us.
What does that mean? Is it quite literal? Are you saying 'do you consider yourself a physically disabled person in general when you say your neurodivergence physically disables you?' is it less literal, meaning 'are you physically disabled outside of your physically disabled neurodivergence?' Is it 'are you a disabled activist and have you done enough for our liberation to have a voice on our liberation?' None of those options are good.
Why does someone have to talk about other issues to talk about being physically disabled? Is someone with a primarily mobility disability only allowed to talk about it being physically disabling if they address general physical disabilities? What about someone with a chronic illness, whether gastrointestinal, cardiac, autoimmune, vascular, respiratory, limbic, endocrine, renal, multisystemic, other, or multiple of the above? What about someone with a sensory disability that affects their mobility?
Where do you draw the line?
Why do you draw a line?
Why must people do a deep dive into the plight of all disabled people to justify talking about their personal experiences with disability? Is it not enough to acknowledge and allow room for intersectionality - something this post seems to be actively pushing against?
Like, this is not helping. There are actually good, salient points that COULD have been made with some of these arguments, but none of them actually WERE.
It seems a bit like you're making up a guy to get mad at on the internet.
If you're not, perhaps you should make a post about them DOING these harmful things, and not that they also happen to be against mind body dualism (usually due to being materially harmed by it, as it is a key component of legal and medical ableism) and exclusion and gatekeeping in disabled spaces when talking about shared oppression and experiences.
Just a thought.
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sniffanimal · 5 months
unpopular opinion that I don't have the time to write up a more nuanced take on atm but I think the Level system for labeling autism is good and useful because 99% of online autistics I encounter have no fucking clue what life is like for levels 2+3 autistics let alone empathy or space for listening to them and supporting them meaningfully
if your autism advocacy starts with "I wasn't diagnosed until I was 25 because masking" and ends with "autistic people are extremely capable of anything and everything allistics can do" then I really don't care what you have to say on autism
listen to the profoundly impacted. center their experiences in your discussions. do some damn research. spend time volunteering with local organizations. use your position as a likely able-bodied verbal adult to advocate. autism advocacy is disability advocacy because autism is a disability.
this isn't a post about self diagnosed TikTok autists but it isn't not a post about that either fwiw. I've got room for nuance in my opinion but not the time or energy to fully discuss it here. I'm not anti self DX, or anti online community resources. I am against the overwhelming amount of online information, advocacy, awareness, and support being directed at self DX/late DX level 1 autistics.
while I'm here, you're not "going nonverbal" or "sometimes nonverbal". you have selective mutism, or low expressive language. you might need AAC supports during those times, but nonverbal has a specific meaning in speech therapy contexts. words have meaning!
I don't like the terminology of Asperger's/aspie, especially since it boiled down to autists who are useful to the Nazis vs not, but it is good to look into posts critiquing "aspie supremacy". aspie supremacy is stuff like insisting you're a Good Autist because your meltdowns are private and nonviolent, or that autism is just a different way of looking at the world.
the reality is autism is a Spectrum of Disorders, a lot that we don't know anything about! It's like saying "autoimmune disease" like do you have cataracts or are you going into multiple organ failure? you see what I mean.
this post is getting long but I've been thinking about writing a fucking essay on the topic ever since I saw someone say "after I was diagnosed at 22 I could really look back and see all the times I was being r*******d as a kid" [censorship mine]. like can you fucking listen to yourself speak for once
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elinaline · 1 year
There's someone on TikTok dead set that they have savant syndrome and no they're not doing aspie supremacy bullshit if we'd just listen to them we'd understand how much cleverer and faster they are and how no one understands them and how annoying it is; and besides my obvious annoyance at this rererererebranding of aspie supremacy I am just really sad that people are so terrified of admitting that they're disabled, or that they're disabled normally, just like the other disabled people who are offering help here, they can't be, because disability is obviously deserved, so what they have is that they're better somehow... Like this whole culture is hellbent against disabled people living in dignity. Like dude. We're all trying to tell you that if you'd accepted just for one second the hypothesis that we get exactly why you're miserable, we could give you real world help and coping mechanisms, instead of whatever delusion your family is feeding you. One day you're gonna face the world and you're gonna break hardcore because you never got the help you needed, and you won't understand because you've lived your whole life believing your were some kind of Chosen One and not just an autistic person.
Like not even mentioning how deeply rooted in white supremacy this is, just the fact that people create all these fictions to avoid admitting that they're disabled. It's disheartening.
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telepathicfeline · 2 years
You can’t say you’re against “aspie supremacy” and then turn around talk about how autistic people are just more moral and good and kind than neurotypicals... like do you even hear yourselves?
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so australia has this important referendum coming up for an indigenous voice to parliament, an agreed upon low level first step to some kind of reconciliation which is so fucking necessary i can't even say how much. it's a weak pathetic little step and of course i opened fb and of course i did a little investigate the 'no' vote reasoning and yeah it's a lot of it fear propaganda that maybe like 3 people believe but. they're calling it the voice of division. and the only voice of division is the one that made this political in the first place, they did it for same sex marriage in 2017 and like ?? it sucks. i still don't know how else to do this. to get these things passed. do i think it's going to snowball into decolonisation the way I hope? i'm not that optimistic. but will it start the conversation or is it too little too late? does it go against the very grain of what Indigenous culture is, a organic and connected and balanced kind of diversity that one voice has the risk of erasing? but if it gets us to listen out for the others, may it do so. it reminds me of people saying 'oh everyone is autistic/adhd now'. it can erase neurodiversity, even though it gets us talking about it. yet aspie supremacy still exists. are we going to do that with our Indigenous culture: what is spoken in english and passes the way whitefellas feel comfortable with? almost undoubtedly. and that makes me so, so sad because, when is it ever enough?? when will this oppressive chokehold stop instead of just easing off slightly and patting itself on the back? something is coming. but please, please don't water our cultural richness down. please let the dam be breaking before any culture dies. our red soil plains are suffering, groaning, how is the red desert going to be healing into the future if all we do is exploit, exploit, exploit? and just. i've been praying for this for as long as i've been alive. shared hope for the future: what even is this? when there are 26 million different souls, different things we long for, some of us with that ancestral connection to the land: are the rest of us not feeling lost? maybe it's too little too late but God, I'm just praying for something. power to go back into the heart of our nation, make us a living, breathing creature. that i can design the cities of like inked tattoos into our dirt, sacred for the lives they carry, and listen, listen, piece it together like the brainstorms i store my knowledge from uni in. spit out something that feels like love. build it into the red clay. fill it with souls, souls happier, less divided, connected. when will we ever be?
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domwho11 · 1 year
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on one hand i know why like in online autistic space, people are really against assuming support needs online. because sure what put online is only a fraction of experience. some only want post positive things. and other people mask difficulties so appear better off than actually are, etc. know all that!
but issue comes when… there is consistent pattern of a specific type of lower support needs (LSN) autistic generalizing their LSN experience, pathologize every little experience as autism, spread misinfo, use aspie supremacist rhetoric,
erase higher support needs (HrSN) autistic experience, speaking over us, perpetuate extremely harmful ableism against us, do not reflect own privilege, pose self as most oppressed,
and misusing support needs label
and it’s important to note that it’s mostly being done by (a specific group of) lower support needs autistic. because they have more communication abilities, more self advocacy abilities or more able to learn self advocate, more independence, more closer to the mythical “neurotypicality” ideal, more able to mask, etc etc… loudest, most majority, most listened to.
“how dare you assume my support needs when you don’t know me” has been conveniently used as a shield to free them of responsibility. “if conveniently don’t mention that have lower support needs, or have level 1 autism, then they can’t criticize me of perpetuating aspie supremacy can’t criticize me of not reflecting on my LSN advantage, and i can become the victim and escape accountability.”
and. another layer of issue is. some of them genuinely think they high support needs or have substantial support needs because they need support and don’t have needs met. when they’re… not.
i have been putting off addressing this topic because i don’t want a slippery slope to fake claiming, or give off “i know you more than you” because i don’t.
but. i know the autism spectrum more than them. i know the support needs spectrum and autism levels more than you. and maybe even most important, i know what i don’t know about these topics more than you.
yes, HrSN autistics can achieve great things, as much or maybe even more than LSN and nonautistic nondisabled people.
yes, some HrSN autistics can speak relatively fluidly. some HrSN autistics may be able to mask. some HrSN autistic may be not as visible HrSN/autistic every single second of day—less likely, but who am i to generalize?
BUT. and i have addressed this over and over and over again in my posts. being HrSN is not just about needing help with “eating” (and by eating they mean cooking and not actually feeding), reminder to shower, budgeting, getting groceries, some of the time. being level 2/3 is not just about other people think you “weird” sometimes, or meltdown once in a while (like weeks apart).
overwhelmingly more HrSN autistics struggle with masking or unable to mask at all, with most or all communication, living independently is often not even an option to consider for us, can’t hold job (mayybe unless very specific employment support), visibly autistic, visibly disabled.—as in, you can tell. strangers can tell.
for many of us, there is no reasonable deniability, there’s no benefit of the doubt, there’s no hiding.
for many of us, we are concerned and focusing on basic living skills.
and i’m trying to be generous here. i’m trying to give these people & behavior i’m critiquing the benefit of the doubt. there are harsher things i want to say that im holding off right now.
not saying there’s nothing wrong with assuming support needs. not saying we should all start random assign internet people support needs labels.
but there is nuance. some people don’t like that nuance tho because it not in their favor and they can’t play victim anymore
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cllynchauthor · 5 years
On Aspie Supremacy and the Aspergian
CW: bullying, suicide, aspie supremacy
I feel the need to talk to you guys about what has been happening on autistic twitter lately surrounding the autistic website The Aspergian. I write for The Aspergian. Here are some of my articles:
While I am white, cishet, and speaking, I am in the minority at The Aspergian.
The majority of contributors are mostly either LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, or high support needs.
Here are some of their contributions:
Despite this, the name The Aspergian makes many autistic people uncomfortable. Several ASAN members have spoken out condemning the name.
In these days of #AltAutism, the autistic dark web and other aspie supremacists have turned the word Aspergers into a borderline slur.
Aspergers and “Aspergian” are becoming dog whistles for function labels, white supremacy and incels.
The founder of The Aspergian knows that. That’s why she named it The Aspergian.
With every pro-RPM, pro-Neurodiversity, feminist, intersectional article The Aspergian publishes, it gets left wing values all over Aspergers. If you google Aspergian now, all you will find are social justice articles.
And the AltAutism folks HATE IT.
But so do a lot of autistic advocates, for whom “Aspergers” conjures up a lot of trauma.
The founder has trauma from it too, though.
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Image Description: screencap of a tweet from @TheAspergianCom reading
When I first told my closest living friend about being autistic, it was the first person I'd told other than my husband. This was her response:
Below is a screencap of a text conversation. The friend is talking about her autistic son saying “at this point I’ll be fucking happy if he ever calls me mom and stops trying to attack me.” Then she says “I think your autism is fucking bullshit.”
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Image description: screencaps of more tweets reading:
Though she knew I was going to be tested, she'd continued to use the word Asperger's. I'd been helping her through the process of understanding her son and autism. I loved her deeply. I still do. But she blocked me on social media and told everyone before I was ready to come out.
So instantly all my social media was flooded with all these speculative and veiled comments I could only see portions of, and I was humiliated. I was a new mother struggling and lost my support system. She thought it was sinister I used the same label as her son. Minimizing.
Autism was my diagnosis. She didn't know that I was made to believe I was possessed by demons in my youth or all the hell I'd endured and all the struggles I had like being the last person in my school who learned to read six years late. She knew an articulate adult.
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Image description: the next person I told, things went even worse. She outed me in local Facebook groups where I was the admin and parent groups. I had postpartum anxiety and severe breastfeeding aversion but my child wouldn't eat food. So it was BF constantly or a feeding tube. And no meds for me.
So I thought maybe the problem was me saying autism instead of Asperger's. My husband was aspie and always identified that way. I'd been a teacher with largely autistic classes for years. Those with that diagnosis were often intellectually disabled.
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Image description: My best friend and one of my oldest and closest friends, both autistic, had committed suicide, and the two living best friends I had blew up my whole social circle. I was afraid to seek help, afraid to go in public, and brutally reframing my whole life and reliving traumas.
I needed help. I joined about 20-30 autistic groups and made the mistake of saying that I was aspie. I didn't want to be insulting and have another incident like what happened the first time I told someone. It didn't go well. I had no idea of the stigma at the time.
And I had no idea why I was being called a supremacist, shiny, a Nazi, ableist, etc. I argued against those claims because I'm definitely not those things. I thought I'd entered a den of extremists. I got booted. Then another group I entered started with, "Oh, there's the Nazi."
In that tweet thread, Terra goes on to say that it occurred to her that her best friend who had recently committed suicide might have sought out the autistic community before he died. And she went to look and found that he had posted and been dogpiled in the same manner. The day before he died.
Terra Vance is desperately anti supremacy. But she is also desperately anti bullying. And she felt that if people couldn’t say “I’m autistic” without losing loved ones and “I’m aspie” without being called a supremacist, then autistic people were being put in a very tight corner.
Especially since Aspergers is still an extant diagnosis pretty much everywhere but North America so people are getting shunned from the autistic community because of their DIAGNOSIS.
That’s why she named it The Aspergian.
And you know what?
The aspie supremacists HATE IT.
They hate that their dog whistle is now a popular and booming hub of Neurodiversity, anti-ABA, and intersectionality.
They hate that The Aspergian is republishing deleted Wikipedia articles of autistic nonspeakers, which the autistic dark web worked hard to get removed.
They hate that we promote FC and RPM and other AAC. They hate that we keep claiming that autism and Aspergers are the same thing.
They don’t want to share space with nonspeakers and black women. They’re a bunch of altright white incels and The Aspergian is getting autism and neurodiversity over their shiny high functioning boots.
Worst of all, we’re reaching PARENTS.
Our most popular articles are not aimed at fellow autistic people. They are aimed at NTs, parents, laymen, trying to educate them about autism.
My article on ABA went viral and made so many ABA therapists angry. It was beautiful.
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Imagine description:
“And by some strange magic, we took off suddenly, going from like 100 views per month to over 100k, then 200k, then more and more. We heard a lot of stories that were not being heard. There are parents who read our site to learn about their children posthumously after suicide.
One mother told me that if she had found our site earlier, she would have known that her son's "aspie" diagnosis meant that he was fully autistic. She is filled with regrets. We hear from lots of people who had no idea that they were supposed to have these autistic struggles.
We hear from people in lots of non-white majority countries where autism acceptance and awareness is years/decades behind what a difference our site has made because they had no idea. They weren't reading other blogs and now they are. Now they are understanding autism.”
Understanding autism from a neurodivergent, autism-acceptance, Autism-Speaks-Is-Bad, anti-ABA, pro-AAC website.
The ADW HATE that.
So what do they do?
They stir up shit about the name. The autistic dark web have a bunch of sock accounts which they use to deliberately stir up shit among the #ActuallyAutistic tag on twitter so they can screenshot stuff and repost it out of context to further discredit autistic people.
So they know the ND crowd resent Aspergers. So they deliberately stir up crap about The Aspergian’s name and everybody eats it up.
They also spread lies like that we are racist and don’t have any contributors of colour (they block the BIPOC contributors who argue against this lie).
Image Descriotion:
Tweet from Riah Person (a black autistic advocate) saying
“The .@theAspergianCom has writers
• with I/DD
• that are nonspeaking
• with research background
• that are deaf
• that are blind
• with physically limiting disabilities
• that are autistic BIPOC
• that are autistic LGBTQ+
• with no formal writing skills
The list goes on”
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They claim that we plagiarize. But in fact each contributor owns their own content and is free to publish in other places and often they do.
But mostly they bitch about the name.
And I get it. I do. Aspergers brings up a lot of bad feelings and associations, especially since the anti-ND movement started pushing the “Asperger was a Nazi” stuff in order to discredit Steve Silberman’s book Neurotribes.
But we can’t make Asperger’s a slur. It’s still an existing diagnosis all around the world. Happily it IS being removed from the ICD 11 in 2022 but it’s going to take decades to change the assumptions around that word.
Terra wants “Aspergers” to become synonymous with autism. No difference. No barriers. No judgements. Not because she loves or even identifies with Aspergers. Her diagnosis is autistic and she calls herself autistic. But she doesn’t think autistic people should be bullied over a label. It smacks of exclusionism.
The founder of The Aspergian feels that no autistic person should be bullied to the point of death or near-death because of their diagnosis, or because they have been trained to say they have Aspergers so NTs won’t pull the whole “you don’t look autistic” crap.
The autistic community, of ALL communities, should be the most understanding of misunderstanding. We should be the most able to understand that people don’t always mean what it sounds like they mean.
“Aspergers” is not a slur. It is not a supremacist term. At worst it is an outdated functioning label. At best it is a synonym for autism.
And it won’t become a dog whistle. Because The Aspergian won’t allow it.
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advicefor-yu · 4 years
1/2* I'm the anon that asked about autistic/narcissism. I've asked other blogs&people just seem offended of the question. My ex was high functioning autism. But he used a lot of things against me. He made everything about himself & if I didn't agree with him he'd make my life hell. There's lots of characteristics of narcissism that really explain him. but anytime I would ask him why he did something against me he would just blame being autistic. He was very verbally&mentally abusive. It really
2/2* took a big toll on me. I started getting really depressed. I was dealing w/ a lot of my own trauma& abuse that was going on outside of the relationship. But he used a lot of my past experiences against me. And whenever we would talk about it he would just act as if he never did it. It's only been 6 months since I left. But we were together for over 4 years. I'm just trying to figure out if I'm going crazy... So that's why I asked the question. I still deal with a lot with him currently.
I’m sorry that you had to go through that at all. Another user (i posted the reply/feedback) stated that people with autism can show signs of narcissism and provided an example -“Aspie supremacy” movement- that talks about this particular situation, maybe you can read up on it to get a better understanding? 
Regardless, his actions were wrong. Using any type of disorder does not excuse the persons behavior, it does not give them a pass to be rude or abusive towards others. This is another form of mental/emotional abuse or manipulation, he knows that he can control you just by blaming it on being autistic. 
For your sake, you should create some distance between yourselves. 4 years of this is enough, don’t put yourself through anymore of this. You need to heal and focus on your well being, don’t let his actions put you down or define you. You’re above that and with time and patience, I know things will begin to look up for you, I really hope it does. Please, take care of yourself. 
I wish there was more I can tell you about this situation, but i’m not experienced or equipped with any info regarding it. If anyone else would like to weigh in, please do so and thank you :)
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trying think abt anti psych for mental illness stuff again & trying see how integrate it with “high support needs & severe & level 3 autism & other similar severity I/DD exist and we need all kind medical services lol”
bc anti psych places been in before, full of level 1 autistic people talk abt how autism not disorder, how don’t need any intervention (same time complain abt not have any service??), severe autism not exist, all autsitic people able learn understand change behavior like me & if they severe autism can’t then it mean people around them ableist infantize, go nonverbal is thing and it my word, like all the best & most evil of aspie supremacy (but “am against aspergers so am not aspie supremacist”)
and many big anti psych people have seen, hold same
(oh also many also used it to justify do bad things lol, which directly caused a small trauma lol)
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i spent 5 minutes trying to come up with what to say about this but i have no words
so fuck this hope this explodes
this is aspie supremacy + ableism against autistics who can’t mask + people with intellectual disabilities
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[id: an etsy listing of a button that reads “i can mask because i’m really smart
# still autistic though” end id.]
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