cllynchauthor · 1 year
Being judgemental is a form of violence and you should employ it with this in mind.
Many people think it's harmless to go "oh my god, look how fat that guy is" "ugh, she smells like she hasn't showered for a week."
Often very funny jokes and comedy come from mildly judgemental opinions.
But comedy can also be a form of violence. That doesn't make it BAD. Comedy has been used to make fearsome figures like Hitler seen less scary, to belittle people with overinflated egos, and to turn counter culture into pop culture.
Obviously I'm not anti-comedy - my book won an award for its humor - so why am I saying this?
Because its true and its important for people to understand... ESPECIALLY comedians and comedy authors.
Judging others is a form of violence. Judgmental comedy is a form of violence.
Many of the politicians condemning shootings at mosques, synagogues, and gay bars are responsible for these shootings, because they openly judged Muslims, Jews, or LGBTQ people.
Human beings are naturally violent toward those we see as "other". We invaded and obliterated every other species of hominid and took over the entire planet in a geological blink of an eye.
And when we ran out of other species of people to kill, we started on each other and we've been doing it ever since. Hatfields vs McCoys, tribes vs tribes, city states vs city states, nations vs nations, and now alliances vs alliances.
It's human nature.
When we judge people, we "other" them. That's pushing them into the cross hairs of more overtly violent people.
If you push someone in front of a train and the train hits them, you don't get to blame the train.
Laugh at a fat person, and next think you know, someone who heard you is bullying the chubby kid at school.
And maybe you're thinking "what, so I can't judge supremacists?"
I mean, you CAN, although it will other them and make them even less likely to change their minds. But the really important thing is just to ask, "does this person justify violence towards them?"
If it's a white supremacist ranting against the Jews - doing violence to Jewish people - then maybe you're completely okay with hitting them back.
But if it's a poor woman feeding her kids mcdonalds every day because it is cheaper and more filling than stuff from the grocery store, is it violence she needs? Or help?
If it's a worried mom of an autistic kid following doctor advice, does she deserve violence? Or education?
If it's a really fat dude, does he deserve violence? Or empathy for his struggles and assistance?
Think before you judge, and before you crack a joke.
Punch UP. Not down.
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cllynchauthor · 1 year
Visual-stress-relief, Its ok to be concerned by all of these things but it is also important to know what you don't know.
For those of us who have had the privilege of education, your reblog reads like a word salad of nonsense.
But under that, this is what I hear:
"I don't understand why this is happening when the vaccine is supposed to protect people. I hear a lot of stuff about how the vaccine is actually to blame, and that masking is a political trick".
Its ok to be concerned and afraid.
Let me explain what is happening. I know I am just another voice on the internet who sounds confident and knowledgeable, and at least half of those people must be full of crap, because we contradict each other constantly. So you may not believe me. That's ok. Just think about what I say ok?
My credentials: a bachelor of science, and a diploma in animal nursing. I am not a pediatrician or pandemic scientist. I'm an author with a science and health education.
1. The wave of colds and flus IS kind of a result of masking and social distancing. This is true. But not for the reasons you think.
Small children born and raised in the pandemic with social distancing and masks have not been exposed to the normal level of germs that they would have otherwise.
We had measures in place to reducd the spread of germs, which was important to slow the spread and help doctors and nurses deal with the pandemic.
So now these kids are getting their first real exposure to colds and flus of their lives.
2. This happens in every child's life, and is normal and natural. Hell, both my kids had CONSTANT cold theirs first year in daycare. And croup and burning fevers and all that.
This was delayed by everyone working to prevent the spread of COVID.
3. The problem is that it is happening to so many kids at once that the hospitals are getting filled up. When the doctors and nurses are overwhelmed, they can't help everybody. That is dangerous because each of these kids deserves and needs care.
4. When this happens, when hospitals and doctors are at their maximum capacity and struggling, we mask up. By reducing the spread of germs for a while, we can slow things down so the doctors and hospitals can focus on the kids who are already sick.
This saves lives. I can't stress this enough. We do it because it is proven again and again to save lives. When doctors have more time to rest, they can give people better care.
You can google "excess deaths" in countries that did and did not mask up early in the pandemic and see how many extra people died (excess deaths means more than usual, the ones who wouldn't have died in a normal year).
By slowing the spread, we give doctors time to treat the sick and this saves lives.
5. Masking when you feel sick is VERY important but it is also good to mask when you don't feel sick. That is because many colds and flus make you contagious BEFORE you feel sick.
By the time you feel sick, you may have already breathed the same air as some kid who may end up going to hospital and finding no nurses or doctors free to help them.
6. Vaccines have nothing to do with any of this. There is no vaccine for the common cold. It's COMMON. It's annoying but harmless UNLESS you are a little baby or very old person who needs some help from a doctor and the doctor is too busy to help you.
As for the flu, there are many many kinds of flu and we don't get vaccinated for every single one. Instead we get vaccinated against the nastiest strains. This is enough for most people except those who don't have good immune systems yet like babies.
The babies will get good immunity with time. But it used to be that a lot of kids would die instead of fighting off these bugs. In Victorian times it was normal for each family to lose a baby now and then.
We don't want to go back to those days.
So mask up for a while. Do it for the babies and the doctors and the nurses. Do it because they are asking you to do it, and they're the ones who have to do the overtime if you don't.
If you stopped masking, it’s time to start again, today. I’m not asking you to stay home, just to mask as well as possible, and do hand hygiene.
In multiple communities all over the USA and Canada, every pediatric hospital bed is full, mostly with babies and toddlers who have severe respiratory infections. It seems to be a combination of flu, RSV and COVID, sometimes more than one at a time in the same child.
We can sort out why this happened later. Right now, there’s an emergency that should be front page news, and isn’t, and the best way to stop it is to reduce the circulation of all respiratory viruses in our communities by masking everyone who can mask, before babies start dying because there isn’t enough care to go around.
Get your current flu shot and bivalent COVID booster if you haven’t already, but also please mask now.
Please do it for the babies! Nov 15, 2022.
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cllynchauthor · 1 year
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cllynchauthor · 1 year
My books definitely don't have this problem.
But legit if your characters aren't outright contradictory in some day and if they don't seem slightly too nuts to be real then your characters are flat and fake.
Every human is weirdly contradictory in some way and has some quirk that surely cannot exist in real life.
Fiction is disappointing in its portrayal of…people’s weirdness. Just how weird people really are in real life.
So many books have all their characters be incredibly normal and I’m like ????? You guys can go outside and not run into someone who is even slightly strange? Or act like “quirks” are only for characters who are explicitly supposed to be eccentric instead of just…people being people.
like, my neighbor sunbathes in his driveway in his underwear and builds coffins in his spare time. My OTHER neighbor just sets things on fire whenever he needs to relax so at random times he’ll be out burning his deck furniture or something. I knew a guy in high school who woke up every morning at 3am and could lip sync flawlessly to every veggietales song. I knew a girl who collected hand sanitizer and wore bright, glittery green eyesore alligator earrings after she got her ears pierced. our family friend back in Tennessee owns six pugs and an unbridled pug obsession. My brother (13) aspires to be a hobo and calls himself Moped the Cheapskate. My grandma reads ya novels (she loved six of crows btw), determined that she was a ravenclaw through the internet, is responsible for me learning my first curse word, and flips off trump when she’s watching him on TV. one of my high school friends was a conspiracy theorist who did intense research about chemtrails. a member of my squad when I was like 14 was referred to by us only as Poodle. the guy who taught my public speaking class in high school moderated a doomsday prepper forum and would talk wistfully about how he would like a bunker. I used to work out with a guy who worshiped Thor smack dab in the middle of the Bible Belt. today my best friend literally just ate dirt while we were hanging out and I can only be just like “whatever, he eats leaves, the little packets that say do not eat, and food off the floor of restaurants, how could a little dirt hurt him?” because that’s just what he does he just…eats things
The sad thing is that almost everyone I know would be The Weird One if they were part of the cast of a book?? But it isnt weird to be weird or eccentric or the opposite of normal. people are just…that way. books drop any somewhat unusual quality as a marker that a person is “eccentric” and I promise you can’t make your characters too weird
Because I write down people that I meet and hear of: my dad met a lady at his work who claimed to be psychic and talked at length about how ghosts would watch her shower (“I hope you like what you’re seeing!” she would tell them) and about the ghost-seeing party she was planning. He talked to a woman who was a sonographer and who had an enormous tattoo of a dragon all the way up her leg and thigh. “Organs move. Babies don’t,” was her wisdom. He met a guy with a phobia of glitter. People are weird. There’s no excuse to make stock characters and people who are average and without quirks. To me it just makes them seem undeveloped because EVERYONE HAS SOMETHING.
People are just weird. let them be weird pls
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cllynchauthor · 1 year
i'll be honest. not a fan of how the nonpsychotics are treating this goncharov thing. so PSA: if someone asks you if something is fake, DO NOT lie to them. yes, even if you think it's funny. yes, even if it's a meme. not everyone has the grasp on reality that you do, and you never know when a "funny" lie will cause actual harm.
also for fuck's sake, tag it as unreality. memes are not immune to unreality.
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cllynchauthor · 1 year
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cllynchauthor · 1 year
If you stopped masking, it’s time to start again, today. I’m not asking you to stay home, just to mask as well as possible, and do hand hygiene.
In multiple communities all over the USA and Canada, every pediatric hospital bed is full, mostly with babies and toddlers who have severe respiratory infections. It seems to be a combination of flu, RSV and COVID, sometimes more than one at a time in the same child.
We can sort out why this happened later. Right now, there’s an emergency that should be front page news, and isn’t, and the best way to stop it is to reduce the circulation of all respiratory viruses in our communities by masking everyone who can mask, before babies start dying because there isn’t enough care to go around.
Get your current flu shot and bivalent COVID booster if you haven’t already, but also please mask now.
Please do it for the babies! Nov 15, 2022.
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cllynchauthor · 1 year
Excerpt from Haunted by the Narrative: Fictional Fiction at the End of the Early Internet Era, by H. Ma and T. O’Neill. Published in the Journal of Digital Archeology, Issue 43, pp. 87-93, May 2094:
In late 2022, a surge of posts on early social media site Tumblr (2007-2029) appeared discussing a film entitled Goncharov, supposedly directed by Martin Scorsese and with a tagline that called it “the greatest mafia movie of all time”. While references to this film exist on movie review sites such as IMDB (1990-present) and Letterboxd (2011-2036), they all appeared after the creation of the earliest posts discussing the movie on Tumblr. Despite the fact that Goncharov appears to be completely fictional, Tumblr users collaboratively generated a cohesive narrative for the movie including characters, themes, and story beats (Figure 3). The vast majority of these elements were communicated through the creation of fictional analysis, discourse, and memes reflecting the popular modes of discussing media on Tumblr during this time period. In Figure 4, a post from user “lesbiancousingreg” references in a derogatory manner fans of Goncharov who ignore the deeper meaning of the film in favour of focusing on “shipping” the various main characters together, a common complaint in online fan spaces at the time (Aiken et al. 2091). Exemplifying the ways in which the self-referential nature of Goncharov’s creation was used by those participating in it to hold up a mirror to themselves in a form of light-hearted self-parody.
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cllynchauthor · 1 year
I can't forget. I actually got a copy of the play and live tweeted the whole thing because every page was just atrocious.
I won't delete my Twitter even though I have stopped using it, because I don't destroy my own work to spite other people, but I do miss it.
Those of you who aren’t on autistic twitter are missing out on Puppetgate.
Hold onto your pants because this is going to get UNREAL.
1. A London playhouse reveals that it will be doing a play about a family whose non-verbal autistic child is being sent to an institution.
The autistic child will be represented by a puppet.
2. Autistic Twitter: “A puppet? What the fuck? Like we already feel like we are treated as inhuman things with no voice.”
3. Play supporters: “but Julia from Sesame Street is okay right?”
4. Autistic twitter: “…true but why a puppet?”
5. Playhouse: “because of child labour laws. You can’t ask a non verbal autistic child to perform in a play day after day.”
6. Autistic Twitter: “but why couldn’t a small adult actor just…”
7. Playhouse: “okay and here is the puppet!”
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8. Autistic Twitter: “Oh dear god what is that unholy abomination?”
9. Playhouse: “it’s great right? This puppet is going to be SO MUCH more like an autistic child than a human could ever be!”
10. Autistic Twitter: “how could that creepy goblin represent an autistic child better than an actor could?”
11. Playhouse: “Well you see because he’s a non verbal autistic and aggressive so things get pretty physical and also it would be stereotypical and insulting to make a human play an autistic person but if we use an inanimate object it’s fine.”
12. Autistic Twitter: “We are NOT okay with this.”
13. Playhouse: “You haven’t even seen the play. We consulted with so many autistic people.”
14. National Autism Society: “Yeah you consulted us and we told you that this play was problematic and that you should make some major changes including dumping the puppet.”
15. Playhouse: “And we took those notes under advisement.”
16. NAS: “But you didn’t make the changes.”
17. Playhouse: “No. Because you just a read a script and we know you’ll all feel differently when you see it.
18. Autistic Twitter: “So… can autistic theatre critics get free tickets so we can see if?”
19. Playhouse: “No we can’t afford to give out free tickets to critics.”
20. Non-Autistic Critic: “Actually you offered ME free tickets and I turned them down saying you should give them to an autistic critic.”
21. Playhouse: “…Hey look, opening night!”
22. Non-Autistic Critic: “So I went to see it and… it’s really weird. The parents are terrible people and I cannot for the life of me understand why they thought an adult man with a grey faced goblin sprouting from his groin making autistic noises was more realistic than an autistic actor playing the child themself.”
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23. Non-Autistic Autism Advocate: “I went to see it and it was SO GOOD. I totally forgot that Laurence was a puppet he seemed so much like a real autistic child in that he was not human and he didn’t even feature that much in the play.
The heartbreak of the family dealing with the tragedy of autism was so real and honest and I have NO idea why people are offended by this wonderful play that portrays autism as a family-destroying evil.
24. #ActuallyAutistic Critic: “GUYS I WENT TO SEE IT AND OMG. Theatre isn’t sensory friendly, non sensory friendly performances, no trigger warnings on anything even though it’s full of ableism and screaming people.
Plot of the play is that the kid is being taken by social services to go to an institution.
Big plot twist is that the mom called them herself because she couldn’t handle the autism anymore.
Puppet just flaps around and occasionally attacks people. I actually really love puppetry but this was messed up and not well done AT ALL.
These people are all terrible. Dad has been taking shits on the Mom’s pillow and blaming it on his non-verbal son.
Puppet gets pinned to the ground in that move that can kill people.
The puppet’s care worker says that autistic people are animals who have reincarnated as people, and he’s still the best human being in this play.
This is play is an ableist shitfest written by allistics for allistics about the tragedy of autism and how it destroys families.”
25. Autistic Twitter: “Sorry, did you say the Dad SHITS ON HIS WIFE’S PILLOW AND BLAMES HIS SON??”
26. Allistic Twitter: “This play was SO brave to be so honest about how awful autistic children are! So refreshing to see a play showing the PARENTS’ viewpoint for once!
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So that’s where we are right about now. If you want to go be angry the hashtag on twitter is #puppetgate
Here is a link to Shaun May’s amazing and horrifying review of this tire fire of a play.
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cllynchauthor · 1 year
I mean. Israel. But that's just humans being humans.
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I stand with the Jewish community, and everyone who is part of it.
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cllynchauthor · 1 year
Just so we're all clear here, I block immediately if I see someone say, "[X group of people] aren't human!"
Yes. Even them.
I need more people to unpack that vile, disgusting sentiment, and think about just what terrible atrocities have been committed under its name.
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cllynchauthor · 1 year
This is a little fandom etiquette 101 for anyone that's new to fan spaces. You categorically DO NOT need the author's permission to create fanworks. You don't need to reach out and ask them. It's actually weirder if you do.
You especially should NEVER ever ask them if it's okay to create fanworks for commissions or donations because we are then obligated by copyright law to seek you out and issue a DMCA.
Got it? Good.
Now, on an entirely unrelated note, per the ask I just definitely didn't get:
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ID: a looping gif of Mariah Carey donning sunglasses as she proclaims, "I can't read suddenly. I don't know."
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cllynchauthor · 4 years
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I love this because it is amazing and such a great way to troll my ADHD spouse. I’ve already driven them crazy by colour coding the books.
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cllynchauthor · 4 years
And then the neurotypical enters the room:
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No one is advocating for babies to be unbuckled.
Autistic people are just way more aware of how many solvable problems could be involved, and as people who live continually with discomfort we care a lot about minimizing it whenever possible.
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Image Description:
Screen cap of a Facebook post, reading:
Something ironic that I’ve noticed from being in both autistic mom groups and NT mom groups. Let’s pretend a child cries every time they have to be buckled in the car seat..
NT mom group: “tell them to deal with it, it’s for their safety” “ignore the outbursts, they’ll get used to it” “maybe the straps are too tight? If not, and nothing seems to be wrong with the seat, let them cry it out, safety is most important.” “Sometimes, you just gotta deal with it, hugs mama, sorry this is happening.”
Autistic mom group: “is your child verbal enough to express or show why they’re in distress?” “is the fabric of the car seat scratchy?” “Are the windows tinted? If not the sun may hurt.” “Maybe he wants someone to hold his hand, can you reach back and hold it maybe? anxiety is a real bitch” “transitions can be hard, especially on little humans, maybe give advance notice that you will be leaving in the car at x time?” “Obviously something has him distressed, does he have a toy he’s attached too and can hold?”
And they say autistics do not experience empathy.
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cllynchauthor · 4 years
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cllynchauthor · 4 years
....so it’s okay for cops to do this??
and y’all WONDER why people are rioting. because it’s “ok” for officers to do this. they were pretty peaceful until the police acted maliciously. they were throwing some things (at cars, the cops weren’t in danger), but does that give officers the right to run them over? the answer should be NO. if your answer was yes, your values are pathetic. you are exactly what is wrong with this country. it is saddening how blind, complacent, and manipulated you are.
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cllynchauthor · 4 years
The neurodiversity movement should be inclusive. By definition we should welcome diversity. When white autistic people put themselves against autistic people of colour, we engage in the same power dynamic that NTs use against us.
ND people are disabled in so many ways by living in a society built for and by NTs. Black people suffer also from living in a society built for and by white people. Black autistic people need the support of fellow NDs to help them stand up against this double whammy.
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