#asoiaf fic recs
bee-a-garbage-shipper · 5 months
Game Of Thrones Fanfiction List
Bequeathed from Pale Estates By Author376
In a Westeros where Soulmates are bound and Marked by the Gods to bind Houses together and pay blood debts, Lyarra Snow and Oberyn Martell are about to get a shock…
Winter Thorns of Highgarden (FF | AO3) By Madrigal_in_training (FF | AO3)
The knight's supposed to save the princess from the dragon but here, the princess is a dragon, the knight is a bookish lord, and the greatest threat is either the old lady in the blue wimple or the honorable warden with the Ice sword. Because no one thought a second Stark girl would be kidnapped for marriage or that the sensible Willas Tyrell would be the one to kidnap her.
Incandescent (FF | AO3) By Madrigal_in_training (FF | AO3)
In a moment of grief-stricken madness, Catelyn Stark attempts to murder her husband’s bastard. Yet her entire worldview shatters when Lyarra Snow refuses to burn. Fem!Jon, Lyarra x Robb
A Golden Age By margotdavid (FF | AO3)
At her father's request, Alysanne calls the banners and marches south. For what reason, she is not sure, but as she meets the lions on the field, Alysanne finds that she was more fire in her blood than she though. Tywin Lannister is seeing his house crumble to the ground because of his daughter. Worse, a wild girl just defeated his army. But when the face of Rhaella Targaryen appears in front of him, he makes a gamble that might just save his legacy.
A Song of Vengeance (AWOIAF | GOT | AO3) By IWantColouredRain (FF | AO3)
15 years ago, the Targaryens were forced into exile by the rebel alliance of the West-Stormlands-Vale-Riverlands... and Dorne. To ensure the loyalty of the hostile North, Aly Stark was wed to King Robert's closest friend, Oberyn Martell. Now, after 15 years, the wolves and dragons' pieces are in place, and they will have revenge. (Role Reversal.) Martell Centric. Hiatus
A Song of Marked Souls (AWOIAF | GOT | AO3) By IWantColouredRain (FF | AO3)
In a world where magic remains strong and the Old Gods keep active in the lives of their followers, Alyssa Snow and Oberyn Martell bear Marks that, according to the ancient gods that lurk in the weir woods, destine them for greatness. (Fem!Jon Snow. Not for Tully fans. OOC!Characters)
Princess of Wolves, Prince of Snakes (AWOIAF | GOT | AO3) By IWantColouredRain (FF | AO3)
After the Lions' coup, Aegon VI flees with his wife, mother, uncle and cousins in search of allies and safety in order to regain his throne. But there is only one place to go: The Winterlands, the only part of Westeros to remain independent of the Iron Throne. Hiatus until summer
The Star of the North (AWOIAF | GOT | AO3) By IWantColouredRain (FF | AO3)
Just when Lady Alarra Stark feels she has no escape other than death, she finds another option in the form of a Dornish viper and his elegant paramour.
There and Back Again (FF | AO3) By Naerys Blackfyre (FF | AO3)
After the events of season 8, Jon of House Targaryen is sent back in time to fulfill his destiny as the prince that was promised. Jonsa, Gendyra, RhaeLya, Anti-Dany, Dany fans beware. AU! NOT ANYTHING LIKE CANON!
Father of Dragons (FF | AO3) By Naerys Blackfyre (FF | AO3)
"How did you know of this chest Sam?" Jon's eyebrows were drawn together in a frown. "Hummm…oh uh well Maester Aemon told me to give this chest to you when he died. He said that you would most likely be in need of them." Sam answers with a shrug. Jon stared at Sam with a frown painted on this face. What could Maester Aemon possibly wanted to give him? Jonsa, Gendrya, Braime, RhaeEliaLya, Anti-Dany
Lost Girl By prussianblues
She leaves the Seven Kingdoms a bastard and returns a queen.
Or, Joanna Snow is in King’s Landing when Cersei seizes the city, and Varys sneaks her out to meet her brother. A meddling Magister later, she meets Daenerys as well.
A story told in drabbles.
To Go Forward By togo
Jon Snow wakes up in Winterfell, two years in the past. He struggles with his knowledge of the upcoming wars, the mystery of his mother's forgotten letters, and the prophecy of the Prince That Was Promised. How much time does he have until the Others invade Westeros?
A Second Time Around By ratclanqueen
"I know this is hard for you to understand but we have already lived this life once. The Gods are blessing us. I saw this before the Night King broke through the Wall. We have been reborn into our bodies before Jon Arryn's murder with our memories and knowledge of what could possibly lie ahead," Bran told them.
When all of House Stark wake up one morning with their deaths being their clearest memories, the wheel begins to turn. The game has a new player in the form of Sansa Stark, the Red Wolf of Winterfell and the Queen in the North before her death, who is determined to see her family grow old and happy in Winterfell and the Iron Throne melted to a puddle of metal at her feet.
Dragons of Red, Dragons of White By NightDrake
After the Duel on the Trident, there are ramifications that none could foresee. In the world built afterwards, dragons once again rule and roam Westeros, among them the son of a northern beauty and the king. Prince Jon and his kin, Stark and Targaryen alike, face new challenges from both without and within. Whatever the future holds, the Seven Kingdoms will learn that, whether in a coat of red or a coat of white, a dragon still has claws.
Manners and Misunderstandings By mostlyclouds
The Stark sisters have travelled all the way to London to begin their first season, leaving behind the familiar world of Winterfell Hall and a disappointed Jon Stark- with whom the eldest Miss Stark has been convinced to break off a connection. In London they join family friends the Baratheons and the fashionable young Tyrells in a world of romance and balls.
Meanwhile Gendry Waters has been plucked out of the life he knew to become his ailing father's heir, Robb, Theon and later Rickon embark on military careers in the Napoleonic wars, and their aunt Lysa makes a foolish marriage.
When tragedy hits the family, they must come together, learning how manners may hide monsters and the best people are often those misunderstood by society.
The Conquest By DolorousEdditor
An AU of grand scale inspired by a prompt by Oblongata.
Three hundred years after Aegon the Conqueror built a new empire on the ashes of the Valyrian Freehold the known world is a place of war. The Targaryen Empire is pressed by enemies, the Seven Kingdoms war amongst themselves and forces contrive to pull them all apart.
Amidst all this are a prince and princess who fear themselves ruined by the horrors they've endured. Together they might be the hope their people are looking for. More importantly, they might be the dream both abandoned long ago.
A Caged Songbird By bikadoo
“I will be a silent, and dutiful wife,” Sansa spits. “I will be their pretty little songbird, and wear their ugly crown, and sit on their painful throne. I shall give him a babe, and my love, and I will wait until he thinks that he has won. And then I shall take his life."
Shae goes still. "You ... you plan to kill the King?"
"No," Sansa says. "I plan to kill my husband."
A Knight's Watch By DolorousEdditor
Jon Snow is forbidden to take the black by his father. Instead he sent to squire for a famous knight, beginning a long arduous journey that causes him to cross paths with characters he never would have. Along the way he learns truths long hidden and discovers love in the most unlikely of places.
All of this in the shadow of the War of Five Kings and the coming of the Others.
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reignof-fyre · 1 year
Wassup y'all, my bestie has some fire as fuck fics you all have to read. They're so fuckin good you have no idea. So go on over to Ao3 and read them and have your eyeballs blessed like i have 🙌
A Hate so Sweet, A Love so Bitter by butterflies_and_dragons
Okay, so, Rhaenyra's firstborn twins are Daemon's; Jacaerys and Visenya. They're bamf and adorable, especially Visenya. She's such a badass I want to legit marry her. She and Aemond were bffs but ya know, things happen and they're great and it's great and READ IT NOW THANKS I WILL HYPE THIS FIC UNTIL IM BLUE IN THE FACE IN THIS ESSAY I WILL -
The Conqueror
THIS IS ABOUT AEGON I, VISENYA I, AND RHAENYS I - AND GUYS IT MAY ONLY HAVE A FEW CHAPTERS BUT THIS SHIT IS FUCKING BRILLIANT and I love it because they have a baby sister, Daenaera, and she's so sweet and cute and there's family fluffies and I perish thinking about it. Serves Targaryen Realness.
They also have Bloodline!!!!!!
Percy Jackson has a twin, and they're all so bamf and it's found family and goes real deep into Greek mythology and Camp Half-blood is one giant family and I love it and I'll scream it from the ROOFTOPS how brilliant and addictive this fic is!!!
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consistentsquash · 6 months
Your GoT recs are impeccable! Please do more of those, I am begging you! 😭 No other fic threw me for a loop the way Rubicon did. I am still floored and speechless and numb months later. I hated Rhaegar before reading this fic. He is the ultimate card-carrying loser for Targaryen gender fluidity and identity. Rise up to meet her! 😭Rhaegar and Elia characterisations deserve all the praise. Oberyn, parted in thirds. 😭 The scorching chemistry Rhaegar/Oberyn turned me into an unashamed fujoshi
Sorry for the super slow reply. I was awol for a couple of months.
Yay! I feel like a successful matchmaker when somebody loves a fic that they found from my rec :D It's the best thing ever <3
Also I got one more Rhaegar/Oberyn rec for you to celebrate your new fujoshi club membership :D The Consort by Miss_M from Fandom Growth Exchange collection. Miss_M is one of my fav multifandom authors. 100% guarantee you are going to love this :D Arranged marriage trope with perfect execution.
Also I am the opposite of you :D I really love slash fic. Het fic is kind of not my thing. I got sold on het with Rubicon.
Rhaegar and Elia are absolutely brilliant characterizations. Rhaegar is so loser like the worst but also the best. He's just insanely lovable. He is literally 40% anxiety 40% analysisparalysis 20% recklessness. But also scary intelligent. I feel that intelligence/sensitivity/anxiety balance makes the characterization. Definitely the best I read for them. Also agree on Oberyn. The Rhaegar/Oberyn fics really went underappreciated but they are the best slash fics I read this year. Gosh love those <3 The series really defined those characters for me.
Also yeah! Rise up to meet her and parted in thirds. Cat62 forever <3 Of course. Unforgettable!!
But I really feel what made the series was the Aerys characterization and the interplay with the other characters. The whole Grendel/Grendel's mother/Parthenogensis dark concepts. That plus the survivor guilt trope the fic does really, really uniquely also just puts it kind of outside the big genres making it super hard to rec or describe. Living after a big mistake which directly caused a lot of death/war/suffering is a bigger punishment than death. Like how do you live with consequences of that mistake. Ofc love isn't enough to fix that type of guilt. This is somebody who has got to wake up everyday and literally everything/everybody reminds him about the huge cost of the mistake. It's literally the death of the ego again and again and again a billion times and you still keep rooting for the loser :D I feel the true power of the fic is how the characters are super relatable. Like it can go full this v. that which generally gives closure because we can pick a side but instead it just made things a billion times worse by going for the sustained bittersweet. Cry smile cry smile cry heart broke because hope doesn't get to die cry smile. Yeah, that fic <3
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satinoflowers · 11 months
Just thinking about how jb subverts the “i can fix him” girl trope, brienne is just her amazing morally strong (not perfect ofc but she’s learning too) self and jaime changes FOR HER. FUCKING-
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evax3 · 7 months
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mom & dad ♡
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martellspear · 2 months
Hey! I love your blog and your dedication to Elia Martell as a character. I have read your fics on ao3 and absolutely loved them. And I was wondering if you had any recs for us Elia enjoyers out there? Canon-compliant or AU it doesn't matter I just want to consume Elia content like there is no tomorrow <3
hi, anon!! thank you for your sweet words, they mean a lot and i'm so happy that you enjoyed my fics 💗. i haven't read many fics - studying is getting in my way -. but, i'll share a list of my favorites ones and my bookmarks.
* warning: it's LONG
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First of all, I'd recommend checking Failed_to_Deanon, she's insanely talented and has a lott of elia-centric works
A Farewell by Ramzes - one shot
In the morning of Rhaegar's departure for the Trident, Elia Targaryen makes a surprising discovery about her husband and their marriage.
The Sun Rises Again by amn_elfire - fanfic - 10/?
After her death, the Seven give Elia the task of saving her people from Rhaegar and Lyanna's folly with the opportunity to avenge her children by sending her back in time to before her betrothal with Rhaegar was ever arranged. Or With her prior memories still vivid in her mind, Elia sets out to prevent the events that led to the deaths of thousands while never forgetting who was at fault for the deaths of her children. But she isn't the only one.
All Too Well by starboundheart - fanfic - modern!au - 1/?
Five year after a fairly clean divorce, Rhaegar decides its time for a family vacation - to Summerhall. Under the guise of his children needing to know each other. But as always, the man has ulterior motives. Or does he?
Elia's House of Ghosts! by biohazard603 - fanfic - 3/?
i can't wait to read this one!!
Elia buys her first house! She has always been drawn to that old abandoned tower, the Tower of Joy, and now it was finally hers! Too bad she doesn't know or remember the ghosts that were there first. or Modern AU where Elia buys a haunted house.
clear the board, reset the pieces by lostchildofthenewworld - fanfic - 9/9
All they ever wanted was the opportunity to go back and do it right, to allow themselves to be happy.
The wolf burned like the heat of the sun for her alone by Redroses123 - fanfic - 10/?
Rhaegar has to get rid of his wife so that he can be with the woman he loves. He does this in mad Targaryen fashion. Elia finds herself hitched for life to the second son of Rickard Stark. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise she doesn't understand yet. How will this change fates design. NOT FOR RHAEGAR FANS
Repercussions of the First Sin by Sunspear22 - fanfic - 27/?
It started with a blue crown...
The Bereaved Dunes by aurasjournal - one shot
this one is so beautiful
In the Bereaved Dunes, where shadows weep, A tale of love and sorrow, bound to keep. Elia, my sun, in your memory I tread, Through sands of despair, where tears are shed. I should've taken you far away, my dear, To Dorne's warm embrace, where skies are clear. But fate had other plans, a cruel twist of hand, In the Bereaved Dunes, where sorrows expand.
What if you go, what if you stay by Biggestscarinyourback - fanfic - 4/4
She listens to the eyes of violet and sits down. Her husband's eyes are almost this colour too, she reflects again. But not half as bright, certainly no laughter in them. His are darker, cold as they are soft, a confusing contrast that gives her no reprieve. They should have been burning, The Last Dragon they had called him and yet he lacks any and all fire in those eyes, as far as she has seen. The blood of the dragon runs hot, they had declared, she has it too, running in her veins, burning. A bittersweet look into Princess Elia Martell's life amongst dragons and lions, from the day of her wedding to her tragic demise.
Lazarus in the Sun by Anonymous - fanfic - 3/?
The Princess of Dorne is a marked woman. With her husband victorious at the Trident yet somehow still missing, now more than ever does Elia Martell find herself stuck between a rock and a hard place: to stay in King’s Landing with herself and her two children at the hands of a madman, or to take the jump and escape? A spur of the moment decision turns into a years-long deception as Dorne wrenches her way out of the Seven Kingdoms on the back of a lie. And though peace is finally taking root once more in this corner of the world, no sooner do the gods laugh when an unexpected figure from the past comes back and unsteadies the ground beneath them all.
Hourglass by spearsndragons - fanfic - 11/?
Elia dies and awakes on the day of her wedding. Armed with the memories of her previous life, she is determined not to let them come to pass. She will make the Seven Kingdoms regret they ever underestimated her. In another part of the Red Keep, the Gods of Old Valyria send Rhaegar back in time to fix his wrongs and ensure the survival of House Targaryen. Rhaegar knows his madness and hubris led to the destruction of everything he loves and cares for. Never again. OR AU: The Gods and fate reverse the hands of time. Elia seeks retribution and Rhaegar endeavors for redemption. In one life, they were husband and wife. In this one, they might just be each other’s biggest adversaries. But, while Elia and Rhaegar plan to prevent the tragedies that befell them, they find out they are not the only ones who were given a second chance. And not all who came back are their friends.
we fall apart as it gets dark by sunstealer (TheSunsetStar) - fanfic - 2/?
this one is SO dear to me <3
The apparent abduction of Lyanna Stark sets off a chain of events: Brandon Stark and his allies march to the Red Keep, where Brandon demands Rhaegar's head. A duel is called by Aerys, and fire serves as his champion, leading to the death of Brandon's father and Brandon's own imprisonment. It's only after these events that a letter arrives at Winterfell, written by Lyanna herself, explaining that she left of her own accord. The deaths of the Lord of Winterfell and the Heir of the Eyrie, along with Aerys' demand for the heads of Robert and Ned, ignite a rebellion. Elia, isolated in Kings Landing without her children, must play her role as the dutiful wife. However, complications arise when the man who once demanded her husband’s head becomes her constant companion, the Kingsguard sworn to her. Will she stay true to her duty or follow her husband's example and forsake it?
Sunset Embers by spearsndragons
Five years into King Rhaegar I's reign, the realm prospers under his progressive leadership. However, the same cannot be said for the king's family. Behind the walls of the Red Keep, Rhaegar grapples with his inner demons, and House Targaryen continues to be haunted by the war's tragic end. Water magic resurfaces across the sea in the Golden Empire of Yi Ti for the first time in centuries with the arrival of the Emperor's new wife. She works to uncover the forgotten history of the world, only to realize that her own past refuses to be buried. OR Dark AU: Is this love or a curse? To yearn for freedom while willingly chaining ourselves to someone, finding solace in the very shackles we can't bear to break?
wherever the wind blows by TheSunsetStar - 1/1 (part of a series)
Rhaegar comes back to her, bringing along a wife and child. Ashara comes back to her, grieving the loss of a child with wolfsblood. Oberyn also returns to her, having just returned from his journeys across Essos, offering words of apology. Everyone returns, yet her daughter never does. or in her desperation Elia gives her daughter to Varys and never sees her again.
Reckless by sunstealer (TheSunsetStar)
"Get out," she tells him. "Leave." "You're not going to talk to me?" His voice comes out hoarse; she wonders why. "You've done enough!" she lets out. He looks disappointed when she says it, his eyes clouding over. She almost apologizes for snapping at him. But she reminds herself that he shouldn't be here at all, he shouldn't be here with her. "Goodbye, Rhaegar," she says gently, not allowing any trace of emotion to surface in her voice. The name sounds foreign coming out of her mouth, as though it belongs to someone else. She wishes for the days to go back to before he met Lyanna. Before everything turned sour. Before it was too late. or Rhaegar returns to her but things are difficult now.
Baelon the Cruel and His Queen of Love and Beauty by sunstealer (TheSunsetStar) - fanfic - 6/?
Baelon Targaryen, the second-born son of King Aerys and Queen Rhaella, and the twin brother to Crown Prince Rhaegar, possessed an ethereal beauty expected of one with Valyrian blood. Yet, behind his captivating face, an aura of cruelty and ruthlessness lingered, casting an unsettling shadow over his reputation. And his sudden appearance at the Tourney at Harrenhal unknowingly changes everything. (or just a crack fic about Rhaegar's 'cruel' twin brother and his shenanigans at the famed Tourney at Harrenhal)
Right Where You Left Me by TheSunsetStar - fanfic - 19/19
elia is dead in this one, but she's so important to the story and i love this fic, so it makes the list :)
Rhaegar's life is spared by the valiant intervention of Arthur Dayne, moments before Robert deals the fatal blow. With their lives preserved, Rhaegar and the remaining Targaryens seek refuge on Dragonstone, eventually making their escape to Essos. Regrettably, Rhaegar is forced to leave his eldest daughter behind. Left in the midst of her adversaries, Rhaenys grows up surrounded by those who view her as an enemy. As time passes, she becomes entangled in the treacherous game of thrones, particularly in the aftermath of Cersei and Jaime Lannister's public execution for their incestuous relationship. Caught in a web of schemes and deceit, Rhaenys finds herself compelled to employ similar tactics in order to ensure her own survival.
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witchofthevale · 8 months
↷ september '23 fave fic recs!⋆☂。☽˚.
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Okay, okay here we go! This nearly killed me to make, so you better read them.
I'm kidding... I think.
Gentle reminder that what I consider 'fave' is by my own personal tastes and preferences, and you might not agree with them and that's okay! These are very lovely authors you can peruse on your own to find the right fic for you, and there are always the tags + algo. Just because your favourite fic isn't here doesn't mean it's not good; it could be potentially for a variety of reasons (I haven't read it yet, I have just not this month, I don't vibe with that character, etc).
That's what I love about the individuality in fandom and writers— there will always be that right fic from that right author that just hits all your good spots.
This is mine. For the month of September. If you find your next favourite fix here— I'm glad! If not, that's still swell! Hope you find it!
To the writers— thank you for writing such brilliant fics! I struggled setting this up because of how many I enjoyed 💝.
More quick reminders!
This is set chronologically; both by character name and by fic title.
If you are familiar with my blog, you will mainly see HOTD, some TLK, then random characters.
There may be smut! There may be dark fiction! I support and consume both! Please read trigger warnings actively! You are responsible for your own person! Community Labels ruin fandom ecosystems, stop snitching! Ignore or block at bloody will!
There are no series parts here. That is in a different display post that is still being processed lol.
If you see repeated author names, it can be numerous things— mostly, they're just that good, okay? Okay.
These are only for September 2023. I've read about 500+ on this account alone, and would die if I tried to go back before then, sorry. You can still check them out through tag navigation here!
I've also added some of my works that I enjoyed writing for the month, because why not.
Now that's fucking over, I hope you enjoy!
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ABRAHAM (Grantchester)
*Untitled Piece by @ewanmitchellcrumbs
Ceilings by @sapphire-writes
Lemon Cake To My Tea by @darlingofvalyria
Merciless or Ruthless? by @lovelykhaleesiii
Moan for Me by @st-eve-barnes
A Mutual Feeling of Hate by @fan-goddess
Gelato by @oneeyedvisenya
Hell Hath No Fury @fromforeigntofamiliarity
His Love by @valeskafics
I'm A Fire, And I'll Keep Your Brittle Heart Warm by @randomdragonfires
Revolution by @valeskafics
The Black Stag by @darlingofvalyria
Til Death Do Us Part by @asumofwords
Unnerved by @dulcewrites
*Untitled by @ewanmitchellcrumbs
*Untitled by @missglaskin
Vulnerability by @valeskafics
My Heart by @silens-oro
The Perfect Send Off by @ewanmitchellcrumbs
Lonely This Christmas by @ewanmitchellcrumbs
Ask, and You Shall Receive by @ewanmitchellcrumbs
A Thousand Words by @arabellasleopardcoat
Capital by @arabellasleopardcoat
Curse of Womanhood by @just-some-random-blogger
*Untitled by @barbiedragon
Valyrian Bride by @cryingforlife
A Political Arrangement by @valeskafics
In Bastards of Blue, Wager in War by @darlingofvalyria
Little Lights by @dreamsofoldvalyria
Lacnunga, Or, Remedy by @assortedseaglass
Little Warrior by @ewanmitchellcrumbs
Hours by @valeskafics
It's Urgent Darling by @sihtricfedaraaahvicius
Take No Wife by @valeskafics
A Good Wife by @valeskafics
Rest by @fidelias
*Untitled by @barbiedragon
Conquerors Reborn by @undertheorangetree | Helaena, Aemond x Reader
El Tango De Roxanne by @valeskafics | Jace, Aemond x Reader
Royalty Fucked by @oorhaellaoo | Baelon, Alyssa x Reader
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bookishcarmela · 11 months
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Smoke, Fire and Ash by @asumofwords is a fic I’m absolutely obsessed with
So after a few years of being on here and not posting anything I decided there’s no better place to start this journey than with creating a piece of the main character from one of my favorite fics.
Smoke, Fire and Ash is one of my all time favorite fics and is definitely a most read❤️
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rhaenicentsaid · 7 months
ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴡᴀʏ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ
ihaveaplan • ao3 • ongoing
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synopsis: Alicent and Rhaenyra have been best friends almost from their very first meeting in their freshman year of college. They've been through a lot together, not least of all the COVID pandemic and Alicent's atypical cystic fibrosis diagnosis. They have an apartment together in Brooklyn, a cat, and a life together neither of them are eager to set aside. Things become immensely more complicated, though, when Rhaenyra's estranged father dies and leaves her his staggering wealth... and his other three children, all under the age of five.
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pixiecactus · 4 months
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🍂​book!(mostly)gendrya fanfic rec (part one)🍂​
oh boy this is a doozy, so here they are the first one to twenty, most of the summaries were written by me, so if you ask yourself why the summary is really shitty and not appealing, that's why. a high number of these fics are restricted so you'll need a ao3 account to be able to see them. any kind of triggering content i put with the corresponding warnings, same with any minor pairings featured and finally if the fic contains smut (so if that is not a thing you're interested in reading you can skip it)
➤the rabbit by aneedleofmyown - arry and gendry banter/friendship back when they were travelling with the night watch's recruits
➤out of the dark by schwoozie - arry and gendry share a bedroll/cloak on their way north as night watch's recruits
➤my forest lass by theviolentdelight - smut - before the battle against the others arya visits gendry's tent - future au
➤cold by callioope - arya returns to the inn at the crossroads, gendry does not recognize her - future au
➤lay me down by elenei - smut - gendry sees arya wearing a dress once again and pretty much my featherbed starts playing - future au
➤the tilt by acornsandravens - smut - jon arryn sends gendry to the vale and he end up as a knight during the bolton and frey rebellion. arya and gendry meet at a tourney with good old stubborn arya and good old stubborn gendry - canon divergence - arranged marriage - minor bran/meera
➤cloaked by acornsandravens - smut - five times arya and gendry share a cloak and one time they share a cloak with someone else - future au
➤sapling by elephant_eyelash - arry, gendry and hotpie friendship, arry teaches gendry and hotpie about nature
➤conversations with dead people by prettyy_vacant - gendry sees dead people when he's at the crossroads, i know it sounds like a modern au, but it's not - future au
➤forest love by elenei - arya is confused and scared about her feelings for gendry cue godswood love confessions - future au - really minor daenerys/jon - (fic has talks about gendry and lordship)
➤wild forest lass by persuade_me - arya is never found after the fight with joffrey at the trident, she and nymeria have been surviving alone for years until she is found by the inn's blacksmith where she was trying to get produce - canon divergence
➤ser gendry of the hollow hill by vanillamostly - gendry's pov during and after the red wedding do i need to say anything more
➤caught a long wind by macneiceisms - domestic gendrya, arya and gendry arguing about their family sigil - future au
➤warmth by madaboutasoiaf - arya and gendry friendship during the bwb days and the end of said friendship a little bit angsty
➤dream by madaboutasoiaf - gendrya reunion, a really heartfelt one - future au
➤the first one by aliceinwonderunderground - lovely gendrya reunion - future au
➤there us no word for bull in old valyrian by bluethunder - i know that this fic has lord of storm's end gendry, but most importanly has past cat of the canals x young griff, a rare pair that i found actually fun, so this is aegon meeting arya again and trying to woo her and arya is having none of that also it has dany as a interpreter and a reversal in the targaryen-stark-baratheon debacle of old time - future au
➤the green eyed monster by joyblue - going to copy the fic summary because it's perfect, times the green eyed monster visited catelyn, ned, jon, sansa and gendry all because of arya. it has gendry being legitimized by stannis, but he doesn't get storm's end - canon divergence
➤fair gendry & ser arya the gallant by macneiceisms - smut - forge sex with first times and love confessions other than arya saying that sansa would understand her wanting to be with gendry and not be betrothed to some lord (we know sansa would not) is pretty much perfect - fluffy fluff - future au
➤don't go without me by like_a_dove - gendrya childhood friends in winterfell, basically gendry is hidden in winterfell and you know how it goes with this couple - friend to lovers, but arya is betrothed to lord edric dayne of starfall and their time together is coming to an end - canon divergence
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alleyskywalker · 6 months
do you have any theyne fic recs? I already went through your entire catalogue and I am unwell 😭
gfnsjlkgf I knowwww, there are really not enough Theyne fics! (If by my catalogue you mean what I have up on AO3 for them...somehow it's only like 4 fics?/ I gotta find a way to write more for them.) Anyway, really wish I was better at bookmarking/remembering the fics I've read lol. But here are some truly amazing ones ❤
Take My Hand as the Sun Descends by MymbleHowl / @st-clements-steps (E; 9,266)
So anyone who knows me knows I'm not into porn like at all but DAMN this fic is just so good in every way, including the sex. Just brilliant characterization and a happy ending post-canon. Just everything you could want for this ship.
Afterlife by silverapples (M; 49,711)
The theyne novel we all need in our lives. This one starts more immediately post-canon so there's lots of angst. Theon and Jeyne go through this absolutely excruciating (in the best way) roller coaster of learning to live again (especially Theon), falling in love, going home, falling apart, and ending up together again. Tender and romantic and frustrating at times where you just want to shake them (especially Theon lol) but so good in the end.
a sparrow alighted upon our shoulder by oceaniads / @oceaniads (T; 3,053)
Beautiful and sweet fic. If you're looking for fluff with Theon and Jeyne happily married, this is the one! A fic for the shipper's soul, so to speak :D
Stormwatching by cealtrachs (G; 932)
This one's more gen, but it can easily be read as ship (and they're married so....) Gorgeously written, with lovely domesticity and care and friendship.
waltzing with the open sea by oceansoflove (T; 4,352)
So, just as I'm not a porn person, I'm also generally not a modern AU person, but I really loved this fic. It's probably my fave theyne modern AU. The writing/style is wonderful and if you're looking for an angst with a happy ending modern teenage romance AU, this is the one!
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lemoncakz · 7 months
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art thou pale for weariness by wispenwillows
—‘Ghosts are real. This much, Sansa knows.’
Sir Jon Snow, baronet, arrives in New York City on a black barouche, seeking a bride. Miss Sansa Stark is ready to be swept away from the grief and sorrow of being suddenly—and violently—orphaned. But Jon is not who he says, their marriage is not what it seems, and the ghosts who haunt the decaying halls of Dragonstone Manor bear her a dire warning: their bodies are buried somewhere on these grounds, and she may be well on her way to joining them.
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consistentsquash · 2 years
TL;DR - A really beautiful fic which uses fourteen creation myths to show how Rhaenyra’s relationship with Daemon changes. It will break your heart. But it’s also going to make you feel everything you knew you are capable of feeling. Plus some new emotions. This is the ASOIAF fic for you if you want to feel. Definitely the best Daemyra fic I have read so far.
Need another reason to read it? - Because this is Rhaenyra’s Paradise Lost/Fall of Lucifer story. Because she sees it happening and realizes what’s going on. There is probably nothing more tragic than somebody who is seeing their own fall happening in real time. They start getting attached to the good things, they start getting afraid of whatever good stuff they have going on because they know they are going to lose it soon and it becomes this horrible self fulfilling prophecy.
Need yet another reason to read it? - Because the best tragedy is an epic romance with epic storytelling payoffs. Morals, ethics, religion, philosophy which go totally out the window because the human heart in conflict. Selfishness and sacrifice both happening because of the same reason. This is somebody watching the destruction of her family and a whole civilization with the  knowledge that her actions/choices led here.  
Need more reasons to read it? - Because the structure of the fic is absolutely brilliant.  This isn’t writing. This is something else. It’s like music. Definitely don’t have the right word to explain. It’s powerful, evocative and builds the layers to deliver something absolutely stunning and unique. It won’t be a fandom favorite because of the complexity of the fic. But it is definitely  craftsmanship at its absolute best.  This is somebody who gets the fantasy genre tropes/beats and it really shows.
Need even more reasons to read it? - the prose! The prose is  something special and beautiful.
Normally I pull some quotes from the fic. But I don’t even know where to start with this fic! It’s just. Literally everything is worth quoting.
"Aerion was a boy born in the Valyrian hills. He fell in love with dragonlore. He abandoned his people and took to the caves. There, he pilfered a dragon-egg and began carrying it about with him everywhere. It hatched for him. Karnax, he named the dragon. They were the closest of friends. They hunted together and slept together. Karnax grew, as dragons grow. Aerion could no longer keep up with his friend. Seeing Aerion's grief, Karnax allowed the boy to mount him. Aerion became the first dragon-rider. And thus came about the doom of the dragons, when one allowed a man to mount him in friendship. It did not take long before men rode them to war. Friendship turned to claim, and claim to gyve."
Summary - Fourteen songs she sings to him.
Length - 16500 words. Complete.
Rating - M
Pairing - Daemon/Rhaenyra
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msmorningstaarr · 7 months
Holy and Heathen - 6 (Defiance.)
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Pairing: young!Oberyn MartellxF!Original Hightower Character
Word count: 5.7k
Chapter Warnings: domestic violence;
ao3 | masterlist
SUMMARY: Lady Melara Hightower is the youngest daughter of Lord Leyton Hightower and has a distinct, serious and pious personality. She is sent to serve the Faith as a Septa, but her destiny suddenly changes once she becomes betrothed to the heir of Dorne, Prince Oberyn Martell. She sees herself living in a land far from hers with distinct habits, dealing with many divergences and a husband far more wild than she could ever expect. Would she be capable of lighting the way of her mind and heart?
(Except for Melara Hightower, all characters do not belong to me but to George RR Martin, author of the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' book series.)
Taglist: @princessanglophile @hiroikegawa @hiraethrhapsody
Before you read: I'm so sorry taking so long to update. Life has been a mess lately but here I stand! Thank you all who wished me well on my last post. <3
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“You look marvellous, my princess.” Melessa finished braiding the last section of her lady’s hair in front of the mirror. Melara touched her skin gently, feeling the slight sensation of overheating.
“Thank you, Melessa.” Melara said, still looking at her own reflection. The heat burning her skin provoked the flush on her cheeks due to the intense sun of Dorne. The princess stood up, pushing the fabric on her tail so it wouldn’t get stuck on the small bench in front of her vanity. 
“The dornish climate agrees with you, princess.” Lys grinned, joining her hands in awe with Melara, who nodded calmly. 
“I fear I’m not as accustomed as I thought I would be with the weather, in truth,” Melara replied, caressing the silk covering her body. Her garment was red with a silk that came from Qarth, no sleeves and a cleavage bigger than usual. Although her curves were often praised, Melara felt uncomfortable with so many parts of her body on display. One way or another, Oberyn expressed his desire to see Melara with more dresses that exposed her body and wearing jewellery with pendants in the shape of suns. The princess found his request reasonable and wore it to honour him, even when he was not around.
The marriage so far was not the worst thing that could happen to her. Oberyn lavished her with gold, gifts and dresses to amend their complex beginning and his current absence. He sang for her in the nights they coupled and was slow in the moment, never taking her clothes off or trying to do the things that made her feel distressed. He penetrated her with ease, spreading her legs and eagerly going in and out between the apex of her thighs, making Melara forget for some brief moment all the thoughts in her mind. The dornish Prince seemed slightly annoyed by the incessant wish to not do bedding on his way, but he had no other option but to respect her.
“It is only a matter of time, my princess.” Megga said, applying some lavender oil in her lady’s fists and behind her ears. “We seem to be living inside the sun, but Dorne is beautiful.”
Melara nodded and curved her lips on a coy smile. “I am not sure if my skin will handle the weather. Oldtown was not as warm as Dorne is.”
She missed the wind. Even in the Water Gardens, where she was surrounded by exotic trees, their shadows and pools, the heat was overwhelming. She missed the Starry Sept, her simple attire, her small window and the matutine breeze she would feel when she was praying before her chores. Even missed Lya spilling a handful of words. Even missed Hightower, with Lynesse and Alysanne laughing at her when she missed a stitch on an embroidery lesson and their Septa slapped her hands until Melara would do it accurately. She missed Septon Lowan forgetting about her former choice of joining the faith and asking her to go back home. Now, she felt homeless, drowning her body in the dunes of sand.
“We will make sure you keep your beauty intact, princess. ‘Tis we assure you.” Lys guaranteed, giving Melara a glass of water.
“Thank you.” She said, after drinking a sip of the fresh liquid. And then, the girls heard a knock on her door.
“My lady, may I come inside?” It was Ysilla on the outside. Melara nodded at her handmaidens and Lys headed towards the chambers’ door to open it, proceeding with a bow at the princess in respect.
“Mother.” Melara left her goblet over a small table and approached her mother by law. “Is very pleasing to have your company today.” Then, the young princess signed for Lys, Megga and Melessa to leave the two alone.
Ysilla raised her eyebrow and expressed some confusion while her eyes travelled Melara up and down. “My lady, is that Elia’s dress that you are wearing?”
Melara looked puzzled at Ysilla and immediately changed the look on her face to embarrassment. Why would Oberyn present her with a dress that belonged to another lady? A sudden ache hit her heart.
“Mother, princess… I had no idea it belonged to Princess Elia…” Melara replied, nervously. “Oberyn presented me with this dress. I can switch right now and return it to Elia’s former chambers…”
Ysilla grabbed her hands gently and smiled, cutting her words. “No need, princess. My princeling son values his sister too much and I am sure he had the very best of intentions in presenting you with one of her dresses. You look splendid.”
Melara noticed a strange feeling coming from Ysilla’s eyes. Growing up around Lady Rhea made her quite sensitive to mood swings and Melara could sense something about her new mother not being happy about the dress. The young princess felt anxious and fiddled her hands behind her back, lowering her head.
“I have a letter for you.” Ysilla changed the subject, delivering her a small envelope. “From Bear Island.”
Melara raised her gaze and narrowed it, eagerly holding the piece of paper. She exhaled and felt relieved that Lynesse replied to her last letter. “Lynesse.”
“Would you mind reading it later? I have a few things to show you today.” Ysilla headed to the door, expecting Melara to follow her. The young girl nodded and left the letter over her desk and walked alongside Ysilla through the hallway.
“Can I trust the statement that Oberyn is treating you well?” She asked, caressing her own nails.
Melara nodded. “He is very kind, my lady. I could not ask for a better husband.”
Ysilla sighed and looked at a blank spot. “Good. I hope that you give me more grandchildren very soon.” More. Melara had forgotten the fact that Oberyn had two bastard daughters. She had mixed feelings over this, but none of them could be considered to be good. Melara knew from the beginning that the dornish had other approaches when it came to bastards, however, raising them inside the castle as if they were trueborn children was something beyond her understandment. The blonde princess had no wish to meet them and neither had any sort of interest in knowing their names. Her lips curled on a pout and nodded gently as Ysilla spoke. She discreetly frowned and agreed. “Yes, mother. I will provide for more children.” Her words carried a hint of bitterness and felt ashamed for it, but her mind found this situation distasteful and concerning. In a land where women can inherit, Melara feared one of them could try to claim and steal her future son’s birthright. Melara knew she needed to be wise. 
“Which leads me to another subject,” The mother sighed. “I believe you spent too much time retreating in the Water Gardens, my lady.” Melara narrowed her eyes. “It is time for you to return to Sunspear and be prepared besides Oberyn. Your absence is already being noticed at court.”
“Oberyn commanded me to stay in the Water Gardens.” The girl replied, muttering.
“And I command you to return to Sunspear, my dear.” Ysilla smirked. “I already demanded that the servants take all your things to your new chambers at the Old Palace. I have no wish to interfere on your marital agreement with my son, but I do hope you understand your role as his wife.”
“I promise to improve my demeanour, my lady.” Melara said, looking at a distant tree. 
“In the future, your child will marry Elia’s child. Which means that House Martell will maintain our strict bond with the Iron Throne,” Ysilla caressed her good daughter’s back whilst they walked. “You must be aware of politics to teach your children as well.”
Melara went mouth dried and disconcertedly agreed with her. “Of course, mother.”
"It may seem daunting at first, my dear, but you have the intelligence and strength to control these intricacies. And you will not be alone; I'll be here to guide you.” Ysilla smiled, assuring Melara.
And after an awkward silence, Ysilla spoke. “Are you well acclimated with Dorne? Is the cook of your liking?”
“Yes. The food is rather spicy but I am growing quite fond of it, although I miss a few things from the Starry Sept.” She replied, numbly. The food was one of her favourite things so far. Melara never considered liking spicy foods and the sweetness of the dornish wine, however, the first time she tried a roasted lamb covered with a special pepper and potatoes, she knew food would be the least of her problems. Melara also enjoyed being left alone in the Water Gardens, seeing the bright pools and the sea of Dorne by her window. Now, the bright princess had to go back to Sunspear and live her duty by Oberyn’s side. She could not help but feel insecure about Oberyn. She was unhappy to be married at all and scared Oberyn would be bothered by having her back on a regular frequence. Melara wanted to bury herself into faith once more and live her invisible life. Being a lady was an overwhelming existence.
“You are indeed committed to the faith and I can see it. It is quite admirable, my lady.” Ysilla said, raising her eyebrows.
Melara curled her lips and joined her hands, exhaling before her words came out. “The Gods are good, my lady. We must spread their words and values to our next ones.”
“I am not a religious woman myself, I must admit. But it’s quite impressive to see your commitment to faith. It is inspiring.”
Melara blushed and joined her hands. “Your words honours me deeply, mother.”
“You and Oberyn may not come to realise it yet, but you have needed skills. Involuntarily, Oberyn got the best match for him when he sent your sister away.” Melara felt a warmth, similar to a heartburn and her feet seemed to fly above the floor in pride for all she just heard. Ysilla was the only person she felt as closest to a true friend she ever had. “Religion speaks volumes when it comes to influencing people, my lady. You’ll learn to use it in your favour and Oberyn as well.”
Ysilla continued leading Melara through the castle, her eyes keenly observing the young princess's reactions. Melara could not send away the uneasiness that had settled within her since the mention of Oberyn's daughters. She wondered about the dynamic they would share if they ever cross paths.
As they walked through the corridors adorned with tapestries and the rich colours of House Martell banners, Ysilla began to discuss the responsibilities and expectations that came with being the Lady of Sunspear. Melara listened intently, trying to absorb the information that was being imparted to her. The weight of her role began to dawn on her, and she felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation.
Ysilla spoke of diplomacy, alliances, and the delicate balance of power in the region. Melara nodded along, realising the entanglements of her position. It was a far cry from the days of her childhood in Oldtown, where the concerns were more dull and shallow. She missed the cold, crisp air at that moment.
The two women entered a room adorned with maps and scrolls spread across a large table and enormous walls filled with books. That library remembered the one from Hightower and her eyes were lost in the moment, mentally praising the beauty of that place she never visited. Ysilla gestured towards the various documents, explaining the strategic importance of certain locations and the history of past conflicts in the region. Melara couldn't help but feel overwhelmed, her mind racing to grasp the complexity of it all.
Ysilla, sensing Melara's apprehension, placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and tried to comfort her and suddenly, a stormy presence opened the doors suddenly, revealing a child. She was dressed with a yellow mustard robe, similar to the ones Oberyn used to dress. Her hair, although, was messy and loose. The young girl possessed that tanned olive skin and his widowed eyes and fastly ran to Ysilla’s arms. 
“Grandmother!” Melara’s heart stopped for a moment when everything made sense. Behind her, a servant walked ashamed and apologised repeatedly for the girl’s behaviour.
“My princesses, my apology. As soon as Obara heard you were here she wanted to see you…” The girl spoke, fearing for her lady’s disapproval.
“Not at all, Myriah. You may leave, Obara will stay with me for a moment.” Ysilla said and the girl left. Obara stood still, hugging her grandmother and Melara had no expression but utter discontent with the presence of the infant right in front of her. She had no manners nor any ladylike demeanour, walking with a wooden sword and small spear on her hand.
“I missed you, grandmother. Why did you not come to see me and Nymeria?” Obara asked, impatiently. Ysilla caressed the little girl’s face and smiled widely whilst Melara watched the scene.
“I missed you too, sweet girl. I just could not have enough spare time to be with you and your sister.” The older princess replied, holding her granddaughter’s hand.
“Look what father brought me from aunt Elia’s wedding!” She proudly showed the wooden sword and Ysilla giggled, watching Obara dance with the sword.
“That is certainly a proper toy for a proper fighter.” She replied to Obara, who put her small sword back on her sheath.
“Can I see father’s wife?” Melara could hear from afar the request from the child and it made her hands sweat and feet retorse inside her shoes.
“As a matter of fact, your step mother is right here. Would you like to see her?” Obara nodded her head quickly and started walking towards the distinct figure that was Melara. 
The blonde princess closed the book and finally could look at the young bastard in front of her closely. She was the perfect image of Oberyn in all aspects, appearance and temper.
“Obara, this is Princess Melara. Princess, this is one of Oberyn’s daughters.” The six year old child stares deeply at her step mother with stern eyes, roaming her and raising one of her eyebrows. Melara stood still and remained cold in response to Obara.
“She is pale as father told.”
Melara's gaze met Obara's unyielding stare, and a small pout tugged at the corners of the princess's lips. She crouched down to meet Obara at eye level, maintaining a calm and collected demeanour.
"Pale, am I?" Melara said, her voice carrying a playful edge. "Well, it seems your father has been sharing stories about me. I assure you, Obara, there's more to a person than the colour of their skin."
Obara continued to study Melara, seemingly unimpressed. The young girl crossed her arms over her chest, mimicking a gesture she must have seen from her father countless times.
"Father says you come from Oldtown," Obara stated matter-of-factly, her gaze unwavering. 
“Is that true?”
“It is.” Melara replied, replacing the book back to the shelf. “I come from House Hightower, the guardians of Oldtown.”
“I come from Oldtown too. My mother is a whore.” Obara replied simply. Melara had to admit to being impressed about how well developed Obara was in her speech, but distantly shocked with how naturally the girl spoke about her true parentage.
“I see.” Melara replied, uninterested and Ysilla watched everything. 
"Are you my new mother?" Obara asked, her gaze fixed on Melara. The question hung in the air, laden with a complexity that Melara understood all too well. She took a moment before answering, measuring her words.
"I am your father's wife, Obara." Melara replied, firmly. Obara continued to study Melara, her expression unreadable.
Ysilla sensed the tension and knelt down to be at eye level with his daughter. "Obara, Princess Melara is now a part of our family. I expect you to treat her with respect," She said, his voice carrying a motherly authority that brooked no argument.
The young girl sighed, a mixture of defiance and acceptance evident in her demeanour. Melara felt a weird sickness on her stomach and a knot forming inside her belly, standing up swiftly to stay away from Obara. “My lady, I need to be excused from your presences.”
“Is everything alright, Melara?” Ysilla asked, concerned. 
“I am not, in fact. But I must prepare myself to arrive in Sunspear as you commanded, princess.” That interaction with the bastard was everything she had no wish to experience, at least not that day. As Melara excused herself from the presence of Obara and her grandmother, she felt a strange mix of emotions. Jealousy, anger, sadness, outrage. The encounter with Oberyn's daughter had left her unsettled, and the realisation that she was now not only beaconing the intricate politics of Sunspear but also the complexities of family dynamics weighed heavily on her mind.
Ysilla, perceptive as ever, watched Melara with a concerned expression as she sent Obara away with her nurse once more. "Take your time, my dear. Family can be challenging, but it's something we all must learn to navigate."
Melara nodded in acknowledgment, offering a clumsy nod before making her way back to her quarters. Once inside, she closed the door behind her and took a deep breath, trying to shake off the discomfort that clung to her like a stubborn shadow.
As she prepared for the journey to Sunspear, Melara couldn't help but reflect on the challenges that lay ahead. The courtly intrigue and political machinations were one thing, but the dynamics within House Martell were proving to be just as complex. The young Obara, with her bold demeanour and piercing gaze, was a constant reminder of her husband’s impulsiveness and lack of respect for her. How could he take a bastard into his lady wife’s life?
With a heavy heart, Melara started her small journey to the political seat of House Martell. The journey ahead held uncertainties, not only in the realm of politics but within the walls of her newfound family. She understood that the role of a stepmother carried its own weight, however, she refused to see herself as a motherly figure to a child born out of wedlock.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across Sunspear, Melara made her way to the courtyard where her chariage awaited. The journey to Sunspear awaited, and with it, Melara knew she would face not only the ramifications of court but also the challenges of forging familial bonds in a land where loyalty was as shifting as the desert sands.
Her new bedchambers were adorned with Dornish tapestries and intricate patterns that spoke of the region's rich history. Melara moved toward a window, gazing out at the sun-drenched landscape of Sunspear. The city, with its spires and domes, seemed to hold both promise and peril. The letter from Lynesse lay forgotten on her desk, overshadowed by the weight of her new responsibilities.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the Dornish sky, Melara couldn't help but feel a sense of isolation. She missed the familiar faces of the Starry Sept, the simplicity of her previous life. Little did she know that the journey she had embarked upon would challenge not only her role as Lady of Sunspear but also the very core of who she was. The blonde decided to open the letter and opened the paper at a slow pace whilst she could feel fragments of sand beating her face as the wind breezed inside her private room.
Dear Sister,
It has come to my acknowledgement that you had married my former betrothed to replace me as his wife. It surprises me, once I believed you took the vows on your sacred life. My husband, Sor Jorah is rather affectionate and handsome, a fearsome knight, therefore, there is nothing to worry about my safety. The lands of Bear Island are too wild and cold, though. Nonetheless, my husband lavishes me with gold and the fairest wools and fur coats I have ever seen. Please, send my regards to your Lord Husband for me as an insignificant attempt to thank him for his infinite kindness in discontinuing our betrothal and making my marriage possible. I do hope to read if Prince Oberyn is treating you properly. I also believe he will be the one who will finally make a bright smile rise on your face.
Father told me in a letter you were present at the royal wedding of Prince Rhaegar. What is he like? Did you become acquainted with Our Graces? I am eager to know your experience on King’s Landing.
Your beloved sister,
Lady Lynesse of House Mormont.
Melara embraced the letter with a longing tear scrolling down her eyes. Lynesse and Alysanne were the closest of her age of all her siblings and shared the same mother as well. Besides the constant mockery over Melara, Alysanne was rather protective and often told stories about their mother to Lynesse and Melara. The elder sisters often made Melara feel excluded, more of an outsider, for Melara was a quiet person and did not share the interest of playing with dolls and playing with other children of the castle. Still, Lynesse would climb to Melara’s bed on every storm and just laid by her side in silence, holding her hand while they slept because she knew how scared of lightnings and thunders Melara was. Lynesse understood how important the silence was for her. Melara sat on a chair in front of her desk and grabbed two pieces of paper and a feather pencil and began to write.
I am glad to know that your Lord Husband treats you well, it earnestly makes my heart relieved to know that you are safe and sound by his side. I pray for the Mother you write me with news that I am to be an aunt, for I truly hope for your happiness. I imagine how cold the North might be, but tales of its beauty always come to my ears. I am sure you will recognise it when the time has come. I will make sure Oberyn knows about your gratitude towards him.
As for me, life in Dorne is not as difficult as I thought it could be. My lord husband is not cruel nor violent towards me. However, the laws and costumes of the country are something beyond my understanding. Oberyn is handsome and a fearsome knight as well, but dismisses any kind of affection, being rather distant from me. It does not bother me, once I still did not find in my heart to love him, but he treats me respectfully and this is more than enough for me. 
And I indeed met Prince Rhaegar and Our Grace the Queen. Both of them are ethereally beautiful, but I sense they were slightly sad, even on a wedding day. Princess Elia is a very bright person and very close to Oberyn. I wish I had some sort of clue to his heart and make our relationship as affectionate as yours. King’s Landing would suit you well, once the city is full of eventful streets and the royal castle is full of adventures worthy of the eventful person you are.
I always figured I would never miss our moments in Oldtown, but here am I, shedding some tears as I think of how much I miss you and my former life. I wish I could remain in Oldtown as a Septa, but the Gods are good and knows best about my future. I truly hope to read your response soon.
Your dear sister,
Princess Melara of House Martell
Melara melted the wax and covered it with the sigil of House Martell as she sealed the first letter she wrote. Then, she took the second paper and started writing once more. 
My good sister,
It has come to my mind that I never exchanged letters with you and for thus, I must apologise. Since I married your brother, I had a hard time adapting to the intense dornish heat and life as Lady of Sunspear, therefore, I was not able to write for anyone. I pray for the Mother every day your womb will be blessed with a new heir to the Iron Throne very soon and your marriage to Prince Rhaegar grows peaceful and full of love as the days go. 
I write this letter with the intention of establishing communication with you on a regular basis, for I wish to nurture a friendship with you. I sincerely hope you found my request reasonable.
Your good sister,
Princess Melara of House Martell.
As she dropped the wax on Elia’s letter to seal it, she heard a knock on her door. “Who is it?” Melara asked, standing and fastly finding something adequate to dress herself.
“It’s me, wife.” Oberyn said behind the door. Melara raised her eyebrows in desperation and tried to look more presentable for her husband, wiping some traces of sweat and braiding her hair .  
“Let me look presentable for you first, husband.” Melara said while finishing lacing her dress.
“Melara, there is no need…” His words were quickly shut off once his princess wife opened the door for him.
“Please, come inside.” Melara said, making space for him. He smirked and walked inside her new chambers with a jar and two cups. 
“I heard mother has established Sunspear as your home.” He said, walking with his arrogant stride. Melara could see how much Obara resembled him and wondered if her own children would ever resemble Oberyn this much. The princess also rumined if her lord husband was discontent with the new arrangement of her living.
“Is it of your dislike, husband?” Melara asked, calmly trying to disguise her fears.
“In fact not. I suppose it is far easier to have our weekly moment while you are not with child.” He said, placing the jar and cups over the table. “I also agree with mother. Leaving you in the Water Gardens was a mistake. You need to learn how to administrate our household.” And then, he served her a glass of wine. He would never let her serve him and it undeniably confused Melara, for she always believed in the female role of submitting and serving to the husband, not the opposite. “Drink with me.”
Melara nodded and raised her goblet after Oberyn. “To your new chambers.” She drank a sip of her wine, which gave her a slight sensation of refreshment in that hot weather. “I see you wrote letters.”
“Yes,” Melara replied, walking towards the table. “To Lynesse and Elia.”
Oberyn raised an eyebrow, surprised. “Have you two been exchanging letters?”
“Not quite,” Melara admitted. “But I am trying to establish communication with my good sister. It was rather insensitive of me to not send her any letter.”
“Elia is not the type of person who would hold a grudge over such things, my lady.” Oberyn advertised, sitting on a sofa leaned by the wall. “But it is good to know that you are trying to bond with my sister.” His eyes were lost somewhere. Melara knew very little about Oberyn’s emotions, but she knew more than well that Oberyn was a high spirited person, always mischievous and playful before the marriage. After that he became someone else. Melancholic, distant. At least with her. But when she mentioned Elia, Melara could see his pupils dilate and his eyes felt to be at a loss. The blonde asked herself if Oberyn was that numb around Obara and his other daughter.
“Lynesse thanked you over her letter. She said she is safe with her lord husband and is glad for your kindness in ending your betrothal.” Melara said, standing up in front of him.
Oberyn smiled. “Lynesse is a good woman, she deserves to be cherished by a loved husband.” He stood up, left his cup on the floor and touched Melara’s lips, something he would do anytime he wanted to initiate intimacy. Melara was tired and still thinking about how offended she felt by his bastard’s presence, but complied nonetheless. Oberyn started kissing her neck, involving his arms around her waist and undoing the lace of her dress, guiding her to the bed. He was silent the whole moment, but his lips were eager. Kissing her collarbones, squeezing her breasts over the thin fabric of her underwear.
Melara, however, could not stop thinking about what happened at the library earlier. Her mind recollected Obara defying her and telling about her life proudly, being the image of a major threat for her future bloodline. “I saw one of your daughters today.”
The tension between them had been building ever since the encounter with Obara, Oberyn's eldest daughter. Melara had made it clear that she harboured reservations about being around Oberyn's children. Oberyn, however, was fiercely protective of his daughters and resented any implication that they were less than deserving of Melara's respect. As he stopped kissing her, he narrowed his eyes and sat on the bed, intrigued.
“You did so?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I did.” Melara replied, sternly. Oberyn laughed.
“The eldest or the youngest?” The salty prince asked once more.
“She seemed to be around five or six years of age.” The young lady replied, facing down the wooden floor.
“Obara is her name. She resembles me too much.” Oberyn carried a certain proud tone of voice that sickened Melara to the stomach.
“She is a bastard.” Melara pointed out. Oberyn’s grin disappeared.
“And what would exactly change here?” Oberyn asked, trying to control his annoyance.
“How could you allow such disrespect to my person?” Melara frustratedly asked.
Oberyn closed his fists in an act of anger. “Why would my children represent some sort of disrespect to you?”
“It is unacceptable to have your bastards being raised alongside your lady wife.”
Oberyn stood up, his voice carrying the weight of his frustration. "Melara, you knew I had children when we wed. You cannot expect to separate me from them."
Melara dressed in a satin robe as he stood away, her voice cold as ice. "I knew, Oberyn, but I did not expect to be thrust into a family where the bastard children lack any semblance of manners and rub their bastardy on my face."
Oberyn's eyes flared with anger. "They are Dornish, Melara. They are strong, free-spirited, and unapologetic. Just like their father."
Melara gritted her teeth, demonstrating a passive aggressive demeanour. "I did not sign up for this. I am your wife, not their nursemaid."
Oberyn's expression hardened. "They are my blood, Melara. You will show them the respect they deserve." Melara's frustration boiled over, and she covered her eyes with her hands in rage, which surprised Oberyn.
"Respect is earned, Oberyn. It is not granted simply because of blood ties."
The Red Viper, renowned for his quick reflexes, swiftly grabbed Melara by her arms. His voice is low and dangerous. "And what about the respect you owe me, wife? I am your husband, and my daughters are a part of me."
Melara's eyes flashed, and she tried to retreat with fear but it was too late, she had to carry on with her fiery determination. "I owe you respect as my husband, but that does not mean I must blindly accept everything that comes with it. I will not be forced into a role I did not choose."
The clash between husband and wife continued. Oberyn, getting back to his senses, pushed Melara back. She held her arms where he grabbed her and felt the instant pain but stood her ground, swallowing her tears.
"You will not dictate who is a part of my life, Melara. These are my daughters, and you will find a way to coexist with them."
Melara, fueled by her own determination, leaned on her window. "I did not marry you to become a pawn in your familial disputes. I will not be subjected to the chaos of your children. Our future children…"
“Our future children what?” He yelled, infuriated.
Melara had to stand up for herself. “This is an utter disrespect to my person and our future, trueborn children. How can you allow your bastards to grow up here as equals? And if the lords recognise her as your true heir instead of my children?”
Oberyn smiled bitterly. “You would have to be with child first. Something you were not even able to become all this time as my wife!” The fight reached its peak, both Melara and Oberyn locked in a struggle for dominance. Melara let a single tear fall from her eyes in the moment, letting him know he had her weakness. In the end, as the dust settled, they stood facing each other, chests heaving with exasperation from both sides.Oberyn immediately sensed the weight of his rude words to his wife and buried his face in his hands. emotional distance that had grown between them. Melara, her eyes ablaze with defiance, refused to back down.
Melara walked away from the window, a somber expression on her face. "Enough," she said, her voice cutting through the tension. "This is not the way to resolve your differences."
Oberyn, still seething with frustration, fixed up his garments fast. "We will discuss this later," he said, his voice a low growl.
As Oberyn dispersed, he left her chambers in an uneasy silence, the rift between Oberyn and Melara lingered like a shadow over Melara’s head and heart. Melara laid on her and cried silently. She wanted to be closer to Oberyn, but his children out of wedlock were something almost unforgivable to Melara. That was the first time he ever raised his voice and laid his hand on her and it scared Melara, making her wish to be back in Oldtown more than ever, so she would do what she always does when in need: kneel and pray with the seven crystals in her hand, begging for the Father to reason justice in Oberyn’s head. The conflict had laid bare the challenges of blending their lives and families, and the road ahead seemed fraught with uncertainty.  
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catofoldstones · 8 months
Hi does anyone have any modern nedcat fic recs?
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middlingmay · 1 month
Weekend posts
So I think I'm going to have a bit of a theme to my weekend posts
Sweet/sexy Saturdays, and
Silly Sundays
I'll be posting at least one post, usually a drabble or headcanon or a mini fic, about one of my OTPs on that theme each Sat/Sun.
So today you'll get two for the price of one!
Silly Jane/Lisbon
And some sensual Clegan, with an excerpt from my Pastor's son!Gale and Rebel!John AU.
Keeping my weekends fun and lighthearted!
Fell free to request something on either theme if we share OTPs!
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