#s: aejon
laufire · 5 years
roswell 1x13
--ROSA IS BACK FUCK YEAH. I had this weird suspicious they were going to go for some kind of twist with her death, but I really didn’t want to get my hopes up xDD (she is my fave lol). It will probably turn into a “comes back wrong” arc for her BUT I DON’T EVEN CARE OKAY. I just want more Rosa. Just please, please show, don’t kill her again D:
--I was LMAO at Michael’s seduction techniques. Still, this episode needed more Maria. I can’t fucking believe she still doesn’t know about aliens; Rosa should just walk up to her and tell her everything xD But at least she noticed his healed hand, so I hope at least she starts investigating on her own or something. And I liked the scene where Liz basically told her to go for Michael, but I’m 80% she got flack from the fandom for it lmao. (That and the fact that Miluca happened because Michael’s took to heart Max’s advice about leaving the past behind means the ship has their seal of approval, and I cannot at how hilarious I find this xDDD)
--OFC Alex’s dad killed Kyle’s dad LOL (I’m just saying, that’s a perfect set up for a ship AFAIC :P). But I wasn’t ~pulled into the drama of the moment, because for some reason Manes Sr.’s face in the video reminded me of that “don’t be suspicious” P&R gif and I found it hilarious xD.
--Kyle’s scene on the gun-shop I CAN’T. Like IDK if it’s just me but. You don’t know how surreal those conversations in USA shows look. I know that shit happens? But I can’t believe it, seriously. WTF muricah. I did like how he approached his fight with Manes at the end: bullet-proof vest and induced coma. See, tv shows? This is how you do “character has a code and won’t kill but he really needs to get rid of one awful person for everyone’s safety”.
--I can’t believe Kyle and Liz’s conversation where it’s revealed Rosa was their half-sister was so. Lukewarm. Like, wtf. I expected more. They were as nice to watch as always, but c’mon. That reveal deserved more of a punch. Meh.
--Yet another time they’ve put Alex and Michael’s fam in the two sides of a balance... *coughs*. I have a loooot of thoughts about it, but I’ll probably have to come back to it later because I don’t feel like inviting drama lmao. I really liked the scene where Michael described his feelings to Isobel, too. And OFC the poor guy couldn’t find some answers. I feel u bby.
--As soon as Noah said that “they always come back for YOU” bs I was like... if Max turns out to be some fucking alien royalty I swear to fucking god!!! What’s with the AeJons Snowrgaryen of TV and their fucking messianic storylines I fucking can’t xDD (that’s basically why I don’t believe for a minute he’s truly gone tbh). OTOH, he used his Jesus-mojo to make Rosa the Lazarus 2.0, so I’ve made peace with his role in her death and he's off the shit list for now xDD
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tiny-little-bird · 6 years
How about AeJon marrying both Daenerys and Sansa? Or Sansa and Arya? What'd work the better?
My girl Sansa deserves to have a man that is faithful to her and her only, that loves her and her only, she doesn’t deserve such a thing as to have to share the man that she loves with another woman. She’s been through SO MUCH s*t, she deserves to be the only and the most important woman in her man’s life.
Besides, Jon might be a targaryen, but he’s no Aegon the Conqueror lol
P.S Gendrya 4 ever 🤘
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