#ask boundaries
mosaic-system · 7 months
Creating a new one because tumblr ate the old one:
Ask boundaries
“I have xyz specific experience do I have DID?”
Gonna stop you right there.
I’m not a therapist or a clinical professional and even if I was I’m not YOUR clinical professional. Also tumblr isn’t a great place for any kind of professional advice tbh. I can offer a listening ear if that is what you desire, but I cannot diagnose you.
“Hey so (insert trauma dump here)”
We are traumatized individuals, and while we can offer a listening ear we NEED trigger warnings. I’m not going to have a specific list but c’mon, if it’s NSFW please just trigger warn, otherwise I’m going to have to delete for our own mental health.
Asks that break our DNI will also be deleted
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0pawprint0 · 21 days
Guys, don’t send me asks that are literally just links, please. I won’t click on them and I will immediately delete the ask. Same goes for anything offensive or sexual. Thank you ^^
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Good Morning, World.
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tangledinink · 7 months
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hey gang! me and some of the other creators i talk with have been getting some not-so-fun messages and comments lately, so in wake of both that and the fact that i'm starting my new job soon and will likely be posting less for a bit while i'm adjusting... here's a quick, friendly reminder!
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konigsblog · 4 months
i need to write a soapgaz threesome where they're both owners of a bar, and let you stay afterwards because you're too drunk to walk yourself. who knows, maybe they'll have their fun with your drunken self for letting you stay after hours... :(
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
I think it's completely ethical for a child of influencers to sue their parents for non-consentually making them a child influencer
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familyabolisher · 6 months
I don’t want to sound like I’m asking this in bad-faith but could you please explain why criticising certain kinks like cnc, ageplay and incest-play is specifically transmisogynistic? I keep seeing posts defending ‘taboo’ kinks like that with the claim that thinking it’s gross is such and I don’t really get it?
Many people I’ve been mutuals with who’ve criticised it in the past both as IRL kink-practice and as fanfic are trans (both TMA and TME) or queer in some other way but I’ve seen this argument quite a lot recently. It’s just the implication that trans women are more likely to be into those things that bothers me if you get me when most of the criticism surrounding them usually point to white daddy dom types instead. Apologies as I’m bad at phrasing things.
it's because trans women are disproportionately targeted in "callouts," which in turn can be linked back to the fact that trans women/TMA people are already culturally perceived as sexual predators/sexual degenerates/etc even by other queer + trans people. certain articulations of a kink are able to fly under the radar when articulated by demographics for whom a socially unacceptable sexual degeneration is not already presumed -- as many others have noted, the only difference between a cishet woman calling her boyfriend "daddy" and trans girls calling one another "sisters" sexually (or similar, ygwim) is that the latter are operating within a discourse that already casts them as sexually predatory, and all sexual expression thereafter merely functions as confirmation bias. the "callouts" which circulate on this website and the scale of vitriol that they attract (doxxing, sexual harassment, social murder) are almost always for trans women (i'm not going to name names but think back on some of the biggest ones!) and almost always rely on significant actual violation of consent and boundaries -- digging out and circulating screenshots of people's private nsfw sideblogs, for example, is unambiguously sexual harassment, but never gets regarded as such, and the people who make + spread the callouts are never called to account for their participation in said sexual harassment.
"criticising [x] kink" is a bit of a rhetorical sleight of hand here, because that's not really what's happening -- there's no "critique" of a kink actually taking place, only calls to action predicated on a presumed shared assumption that xyz kink is a) morally wrong and b) indicative of harm being committed. if you said "incest kinks are wrong because x, y, and z," irrespective of whether i agreed or disagreed with you, you would be making a fundamentally different statement to that of "x person has an incest kink, and i am sharing this information on the assumption that we all agree what should be done with it." i think this distinction is necessary because it's easy to let online sexual harassment fly under the radar under the guise of "criticising," being "critical," having "critical thinking," etc etc.
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
Trigger Warning: blades, mild torture, injuries, and what amounts to suicidal thoughts and actions (he lives at the end but he does need a hell of a lot of therapy)
Tim shudders, as best he can while bleeding and bruised and broken.
The Red Hood is above him, mechanical voice melding into the raspy deeper tones of an Older Jason Todd. His voice is hollow and cruel as he digs his blade into Tim’s flesh. It hurts. But, Tim thinks dazedly, having Robin, Tim’s Robin, hating Tim hurts worse.
“Wow, Replacement, no last words for the person you stole everything away from?”
Jason’s mocking him.
“What’s that, Replacement?”
Tim is so incredibly tired. And the blade held to his neck is starting to look like comfort. Tim thinks-
“My last words. You- You want to hear it?”
His hero’s face tilts, green eyes sparking something deep within Tim’s memory. But he’s so tired.
“Sure, let’s see what kind of recruitment pitch you’ve got for me, Replacement.”
Cruel. So cruel. Mocking him with false warmth. But false warmth is better than the coldness of Drake manor, the coldness of Bruce’s grieving form or Dick’s smile, sometimes when he thinks Tim’s not looking.
Ah, Tim knew it. His Robin will always be better than any other heroes, even if the false warmth makes his heart hurt worse than the broken ribs he’s now sporting. That Hood is pressing a knee down on to keep him immobile. Not that Tim could move anywhere considering both of his legs are broken. Tim wonders what it is about him that makes it impossible for people to muster up warmth towards.
“Do you know why… why heroes are so… so loved?” He wheezes out. He doesn’t wait for a response from Hood. “It’s because… they choose good- they choose to better the world- to save people, even if… even if they weren’t saved themselves. No matter how much- the obstacles, there’s always, an obstacle. But they try anyways.” Tim has to wrap this up. He’s losing coherency. “It’s why… it’s why this is okay. You… you’re choosing to save… to save Gotham from the Joker. Ev’n if you weren’t saved yourself. You’re not… good. You kill.”
Red Hood- Jason, snarls. Tim, blinking slowly, admires the man’s green eyes. “That’s fucking right-”
“But, you can be. Y’re helping.” And because this is important, because Tim has an alter set up to mourn Jason, “You were my hero,” Tim says, and Jason stops short, expression blanking. “So. I’ll help- help remove an obstacle so… so you can keep helping. Helping people like… like me. Or, not like me. Something.”
With that, Tim summons the rest of his strength and presses his neck towards the blade, starting the process to slit his own throat.
Jason flings the knife away, expression crumbling in horror as he stares down at the child he just tortured.
And as Tim’s voice fades, as blood spills out of his neck, as Tim gives him time to retrieve the knife, Jason breaks.
Oh, Tim thinks. His eyes weren’t green. They’re supposed to be blue.
Jason sits beside the medical cot, the steady beeping of the heart monitor grounding him as he held two fingers on the kid’s- oh god, he’s a fucking kid, Todd, you monster- pulse.
Jason will grovel when Tim wakes up. Because he turned into the kid’s Joker and Willis and if there’s anything Jason won’t ever allow himself to turn into, it’d be those two. He crossed a line. If Tim wants him to rip his liver out and present it to him, Jason thinks he’d do it on the spot.
Fuck. He fucked up.
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th3e-m4ng0 · 4 months
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osachiyo · 1 month
You adults need to grow the fuck up. I am a writer myself and i think minors should be allowed to read and interact with smut. I don’t understand what the issue is?? What’re y’all adults even “protecting”? Minors from smut? LMFAO please, I know you all watched/read porn when you were a teen, so why are WE the problem when it comes to interacting with nsfw??
i was not expecting this kind of ask today but 🤡
listen child, your first mistake was assuming that i want to protect you from porn/smut on the internet because i don’t ! i don’t know who the hell you are and it sure as hell isn’t my responsibility to protect you from these things — that’s your parents job. i could not care less about you, you are a random stranger in the internet to me as i am to you so let’s just get that out of the way 💀
secondly, you assumed that i watched porn as a teenager to which my response is absolutely not. i grew up in a very religious and strict house and wasn’t even allowed to have my own phone until i was 16 so that’s that. and i didn’t even LIKE porn, and i still don’t to this day. seeing naked women and men is not my thing, that’s why i READ it ! and honestly, you should not be proud to watch/read porn at a young age, that is not anything to boast about. especially if you have a porn addiction.
when i was a teen, i thought fanfics were cringe and nerdy as fuck, that’s why i didn’t read them 💀 and my mindset has definitely changed since then !! i didn’t start reading fanfics till i was 17 and my go-to was wattpad :) i was reading haikyuu fluff and heavy angst series’s because i wasn’t interested in lemon/smut.
thirdly, you think you’re so mature but you can’t even comprehend that people have boundaries, and you should follow those boundaries. not letting minors follow me is my boundary and im sticking to it. i couldn’t give a shit if you feel attacked or left out because of a simple boundary that a random ass stranger on the internet has ! and wanna know the funny thing? you could always read the fic and not interact with it so you don’t get blocked 🤯 shocking, isn’t it? now go and do your damn homework 💀
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gremlingottoosilly · 4 months
hello! I know ask are closed, but I just wanna ask you something. Why won't you write for Nikto? He's one of my fav character and I want to know your reason! Thank you!
Hi! I am not writing for Nikto, Nikolay and Makarov because they are rusians and I am a Ukranian girl who lived under rusian occupation for 9 years. I have no desire to engage with rusian characters even in fiction, as I already saw these soldiers for the big chunk of my life, so I don't really want to write anything for them. I understand that some people like them, and there are writers who write about them but it's not me and I'm not going to lecture anyone, so yea I'm constantly having Nikto in my asks, but the only time I can actually think about him in a normal way if I gaslight myself into thinking he is from Dagestan and engaged in Caucasus separatism, so I kinda just delete any asks with him. Sorry
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bluest-fluff · 7 months
Wishing all of you a very "finding people who openly love and cherish you for all the things you were once shamed or hurt for"
While also reminding you that you must first be that person for yourself, if you're to break the pattern of tolerating people who continue to harm you that way.
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momotonescreaming · 6 months
A semi-sequel to this ficlet of mine
"Can you take us to the arcade?" Dustin asks in a rush, the split second Steve picks up the phone. Steve lets out a sigh, and scrubs a hand down his face. He's standing in the hall outside his bedroom, wearing nothing but sweatpants, trying not to fall asleep into the phone.
"Hello Steve, how are you Steve, sorry for waking you up the morning after you did the late shift Steve." He replies, letting the sarcasm and tiredness sink into his voice. He really doesn't have the time or energy to deal with Dustin's energy right now. Or his attitude, for that matter.
He had swapped shifts with another of Family Video's employees - Brittany, who does the late nights - in order to earn a little extra cash. And Family Video, Dustin knows this - closes at midnight on late nights. And because there's always things that need being done after the doors lock, Steve didn't get to sleep until 1am, and he was feeling it.
Dustin groans right into the speaker, the sound coming out tinny and sort of warped, right into Steve's ear. He can practically hear the roll of Dustin's eyes as he replies.
"Fine, hello Steve," he says, sounding sarcastic and exactly like he's being forced to say it.
"Thank you," Steve says with a heaving breath, suppressing a yawn. It really is too early for this. He doubts the arcade is even open yet, and Dustin's already begging for a ride.
"Now can you give us a ride?" Dustin instantly fires off, jumping straight back to the point of his call.
"Not even a please?" He replies, yawning, not able to hold it back this time. "You wound me."
"Ugh," Dustin groans. "You sound like Eddie."
"Yeah, it's almost like we're friends or something." Steve retorts, adjusting his position so he's leaning on the wall, staring through his open door towards his warm bed. It's taunting him. He could be sleeping right now. "Is your bike busted or something?"
"No, what?" Dustin replies, sounding a little confused. "Why?"
"Bike to the arcade then," he says, letting his eyes droop. "Bye Dustin."
But before he can hang up the phone, before he can head back to bed, Dustin shouts so loud Steve can still hear it when the phone isn't pressed to his ear.
"Yeah?" Steve replies, pressing the phone back up to his face, a little worried now.
"It's just-" Dustin starts, then stops, sighing. "It's getting colder, and it's supposed to rain tomorrow, and my bike is too small, and yeah, Mom said she'd drive us but she'd be way too embarrassing about it so can you give us a ride, Steve?"
All of the words tumble out of Dustin in a rush, and he's almost breathless by the end. Steve can hear his panting through the receiver. Dustin catches his breath, and it gives Steve time to think. He needs more time to processes things now, after the concussions. Likes to hold thoughts in his head first. Running them over. So Steve waits, processing Dustin's ramble, and then it hits him.
"Wait," he says, throwing a hand up in front of him, brows furrowing. "You already have a ride?"
"I mean, yeah," Dustin scoffs, sounding ever the petulant child. "But it's my mom, dude. I'm in high school now, I can't be seen getting a ride from her, that's lame."
"So let me get this straight," Steve starts up, frowning. "You wake me up to ask for a ride the day after you know I'm doing the late shift. You don't say please. And then it turns out you already have a ride? What the hell dude?"
"I mean," Dustin starts to falter. "When you put it like that..."
"We talked about this dude," Steve says, closing his eyes. Leaning against the wall, phone pressed to his ear. Voice softer now. "If you want to hang out with me you can ask. At a normal hour."
And then he hangs up.
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baihujun · 1 year
I was wondering have you made Green Lantern Jason Todd?
I haven't yet! Here's a quick, very bullshitty design; maybe I'll do a better one some day:
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Jason Todd of Earth, you have the ability to overcome great fear...
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yearning-gay · 2 months
more doms who need to get their subs preggers. more doms asking for permission to cum inside unprotected so they can knock you up and change your body. more doms with breeding delirium who'd be so happy if you just let them impregnate you this once please?
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mechagender · 1 year
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bad tarn
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