#as is the heartbreak it causes me
spiderwingz · 1 year
Do you think it’s possible for the enemy book series to ever be adapted in the future ?
i really want to say yes.
we have a really strong trend of adaptions going on. and especially after the success of the last of us, i think the interest is definitely there. plus, since there’s so many books and they’re so long, there’s plenty to go off of!
but that’s also part of the problem. adapting such a long series would be way better off in a tv format vs a movie format (think of manga to anime). if we’re going live action, then it becomes even harder bc actors age and the characters not so much.
though small, another problem is how the ages differ depending if you’re reading the american version or the british version. the british one (the original) has everyone over fourteen/fifteen contract the virus. but the american one has everyone over sixteen. it’s a minor detail but still might be important depending on who’s making it.
the biggest problem might just be the amount of violence. i mean, it’s a series where the only ones to survive are the kids and the adults literally become your worst enemies. of course there’s going to be violence. literally so much violence. i can think of so many death scenes that were so terrible and gorey that they still stick with me years later. not to mention trying to get sickos looking scary but not overly touched. and the twisted kids?? i’d love to see them. there’s a delicate balance in creating the sickos that the last of us did really well.
not to mention that most of the fear (and realism, i’d argue) comes from not knowing if certain characters will make it out of their situations alive or not. the lack of plot armor keeps things interesting and tense and it’s one of those things that makes the series so special. plus every book focuses on specific groups of kids and has a lot of pov switches in order to better tell the story, which isn’t bad, just a thing to point out. the lack of a sole character might turn away potential investors, either financial or attention wise, because it would be harder to promote. think of the hunger games with katniss.
the only thing i’m not sure about is how popular the series is, in both america and overseas. i discovered the series on accident when i picked up the sixth book off the recently released section in the library back in 2015, got halfway through before i realized it was part of a series, and then started the whole thing for real. most of the people i’ve talked to irl haven’t heard of it but that might just be because horror novels aren’t their thing. i was pleasantly surprised to see so many people online love it tho.
overall, i’d say the chances of the series getting adapted are about 50/50. i think the idea has to be pitched by someone with influence to really get the whole thing moving. there’s so much potential in it, tho, and i’d love to see it happen. i’d do it myself if i could!
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blakbonnet · 9 months
it's his lil excited nose scrunch from the lighthouse fuckery 🥹
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atelierlili · 10 days
I really hope that Katniss one day gets her exile lifted. Idk I think it’s so sad that she unwillingly gave up so much for the rebellion and she can’t even see or experience the new free Panem.
I want her to have a real victory tour with Peeta. Maybe they could have a proper one as a honeymoon trip 🥲
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uncanny-tranny · 6 days
Every now and then I remember I am significantly older than the legalization of gay marriage in my country and I take psychic damage every time. I am not that old, like my life has just begun.
Just... Remember our rights didn't just descend from the heavens hundred of years ago. It is still a fresh memory, a blip compared to the timeline of the world.
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lazybug16 · 2 years
Autistic rep?
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Asexual rep?
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Non binary rep?
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g4rdensofb4bylon · 3 months
still cannot fathom how Oliver said like the most romantic thing ever to Meredith and then went to jail for James 5 minutes later
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blorbocedes · 10 months
hi hi hi I have a question o esteemed brocedes historian: I saw this official 2014 end of season montage thing on a chinese video platform (not sure if it's made by sky sports or f1 because both logos are on it), but I couldn't find it for the life of me... searched all kinds of keywords and there's nothing... I was wondering if you've come across it? it's the one that's a bit over 7 minutes and has a bang bang (my baby shot me down) brocedes moment. thanks!!
hello! that did sound vaguely familiar, but I'm nothing but a fraud and went to the ACTUAL brocedes historian of our times @fzxy40 who immediately knew
so yes, sky sports did make a 2014 brocedes fancam to My Baby Shot Me Down (Bang Bang) and got paid for it, instead of us -- making edits for free like idiots!!!
It's from this dailymotion video which is an 8 minute rundown of the 2014 season almost entirely in music video montages, including a daniel ricciardo redbull slay era
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park-hyungsik · 22 days
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We wanted you to live proudly without feeling discouraged out in the world... So Myeong, if someone asks where you belong to, say, "Me? I belong to Hyungnim." Okay? Whether you went to college or not, no matter where you were born, and whether your name is known or not, say, "I forever belong to my Hyungnim." Got it? Congratulations on graduating, little brother. You did so well.
TMS tearjerker series 3/?
The Sixth Shot: We'll See Each Other Tomorrow
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paperglader · 1 year
Jackie and Shauna are definitely winning at most fucked up canon wlw pairing at the moment... Just watched heavenly creatures for the first time and some things are clicking.
Once you realize that Jennifer's body and heavenly creatures set the tone for those two from the start everything sort of makes sense.
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drizzledrawings · 7 months
That one line that Dutch says after guarma to Arthur
“You sound like him” makes me wanna bash my head into a wall!!!!!!! Dutch’s coldness and dismissal of Arthur is so tied to Hosea’s death and I stand by that! Dutch’s grief over Hosea was such a tipping of the iceberg
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friendly-jester · 1 month
okay this will be my last post about it i'm probably lying but just. i can't stop thinking about it. fcg loved them so much that he found his purpose and what i means to truly be alive. and that was because of his family so of course he had to make sure they'd be safe. even if that meant he'd be gone.
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
If five pebbles was ever built for zephyr the same way he was built for moon, would he ever see her as a mentor?
i imagine that he'd!!! be more open with her than he is with Moon, because their personalities match better. Zephyr isn't really the doting, overprotective kind. She didn't have the chance to learn how to be affectionate and warm even though she wishes she could be and she needs to watch her own systems like a hawk 24/7 so she ain't got the attention to spare to nag at him even if she wanted to. they'd end up bonding over their anger at the injustice of the Iterators' fate, though
Pebs would probably take someone else as Mentor™ (she wouldn't be capable of fullfilling the expectations of that role), but he'd probably still look up to her a lot. she'd be like. a not-the-title mentor in the specific field of being angry at their situation and doing Something about it
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thebloodredraven · 2 months
The "why are people criticizing romance tarot readers, I don't want to do shadow work readings" shit I saw on here a few months ago did a lot to my psyche, mostly make me realize I should not be consuming that content as much as I have been over the past few years.
I also learned that anyone who has a problem with doing shadow work or self reflection readings but obsesses over romance are probably suffering with limerence like me and that snapped me tf awake
Edit: also what the FUCK do you mean "if this pile just sounds like it's describing yourself, that just means your person is mirroring you!!" NO???? THAT MEANS YOU NEED TO FOCUS ON YOURSELF BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE WHY ARE WE SAYING THIS TO IMPRESSIONABLE PEOPLE
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starwarjotta · 1 year
there’s a special place in hell for people who take the time and go through the effort of leaving negative comments on fanfics, like-- what is wrong with you, what is LEGITIMATELY wrong with you? I’m so angry and so devastated on behalf of everyone who has been harrassed like this and who is going through something like this right now. There’s no excuse for shitty behavior - if you intentionally leave a hurtful comment on something someone created and put out there for other people’s enjoyement, for free, after spending probably HOURS if not WEEKS or MONTHS or longer on it, you’re an incredibly shitty, disgusting, miserable waste of space of a person be better
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
I think it's only natural to feel anger when somebody isn't "taking your advice" or listening to you about their mental health or what will help them. People want to help people, and the anger comes when you are perceiving somebody as not being receptive but...
It can be a selfish impulse to say that your opinion about their illness is the only thing they need. It isn't about you, even though the advice you give is given by you.
Nobody deserves to suffer, this is true. But, also, nobody deserves to be forced to do things that either won't help or won't be genuine. If somebody isn't taking your advice, there's a reason for it (maybe it's not a good enough reason for you, but this isn't the point). It's okay to be disappointed or angry, but it's not going to help to lash out at them. That is only pouring water onto a grease fire.
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Fandoms stop patronizing the autistic character challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]
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