#as an aside please dont take this as me being dismissive of the stories of spirits and the kids
twinsoftriumph · 9 months
so if we're seeing the king's corruption and destruction in the series then surely this means elder content RIGHT TGC?
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constellaj · 3 years
Please talk more about your reboot!
16: If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
okay so how i would re-do CANON is completely different from how i would talk abt a reboot so im gonna touch on a couple things in both contexts! the reason for the difference is canon rewrites imply i can go back in time and introduce dp fresh and new, before anyone knows what it is; but for a reboot, id be working with an audience that has a better understanding of the source material, so i dont need to spend as much time explaining, but i also need to keep everything recognizable
REWRITE: i would def make it more danny's fault that her dad lost his job, like danny was intentionally being reckless and shattered some security stuff, and he has a whole mini lesson about learning to not just run in guns blazing. i would probably remove the dating stuff with her and danny (and tuckers crush) too, I think them wanting to be good friends is good enough for freshman year
REBOOT: the fandom already knows valerie exists, so i would actually skip the whole shades-of-gray introductory episode and have her be present as the huntress from day 1-- probably even before danny got his powers. cujo is also HER dog, and her backstory-- we'd find out in like, season 1, that a natural ghost portal (maybe one wulf opened) ripped open on her dog and killed him, and since then shes had a vendetta against ghosts cause of how reckless they are and their disregard for life-- of course, cujo isnt actually dead. cujo is a halfa. a puby halfa. anyway instead of a hoverboard she actually rides cujo around cause he can fly and its big and epic. valerie has BEEN amity parks ghost-eradicating superhero for at least a year (tho shes been in the shadows abt it) and her hatred towards danny actually just becomes really petty, like them flying next to each other chasing skulker just going "I got this. no I got this. no I got this" and they just get in each others' way and its a mutual grudge.
BOTH: i am NOT keeping in vlad giving her the suit to watch danny under any circumstances. it was only utilized half assedly in canon (when vlad couldve just had an invisible duplicate watching him instead) anyway, and I dont have any reason to keep it in a reboot either. instead i want her tech to be a combination of half-stolen and half-gerryrigged stuff and she slowly slowly learns how to build her own.
I also dont want anyone knowing her secret identity, except maybe her dad, and sam or tucker. i think it works better if danny isnt privy to this magic info
REWRITE: i would honestly just remove him. the episodes hes in arent particularly interesting, theyre just generic "we need a plot about x" filler and he's not compelling enough a character (at least in writing) to carry a better plot that another antagonist couldnt. i'm serious
REBOOT: unfortunately in a reboot he's gonna have to pop up somewhere or else ppl will be like "where IS HE" so I'm going to stick with running some kind of ghost circus, maybe a few occult things, but cut out a lot of the spooky magical knowledge and mcguffin stuff. maybe i could make him like, someone from vlad/jack/maddies college who always felt pushed around by them and so he has a vendetta? and theyd be the only reason he even learned abt ghosts in the first place. idk in either way I want to force him into being irredeemable but also include LYDIA (the tattoo girl ghost) way more-- I want to give her an arc that ends in her tossing freakshow aside and running off to be a ghost vigilante.
BOTH: dear god the infinity gauntlet is stupid that needs to GO AWAY. especially for the reboot cause it would exist in a post-mcu world and way too many people would complain about it
REWRITE: amp him up to a far more sinister and villainous character. the crushing on maddie isnt enough, I want to show him on-screen performing experiments on ghosts and himself, dismissing everyone else cause he thinks hes smarter than them. i want him to be actively sabotaging the fentons at every turn. i would also clarify that he doesnt actually want danny as a son, but as a trophy-- a line where danny says something along the lines of "you don't want a son. you want a slave". i want to make him a character who wants to destroy the entire planet and put it in the ghost zone so he can be the true ghost king and i want to make this all evident from day one. if i'm writing a series villain you can bet i'm going to write a GOOD one. less petty drama here and more actual stakes.
REBOOT: it seems silly but sense with reboot we have the benefit of hindsight and recognizing that vlad wasn't a big series villain, theres no way i'd actually go back and write him to be such. for starters, of course, theres the fact that anything he does would really be an exaggerated part of the original, and it would bore an audience to see the same story again-- theres also the fact that it doesnt seem right to take a character who was treated as a joke half the time and suddenly make them big and important. no, instead for my reboot i want to lean into the petty gay uncle vibe. he had a crush on jack and now just casually insults him. he moves mansions every now and again by just haunting the family who lives in the one he wants, and taking over-- i mean, who is gonna believe that an actual ghost haunted you. he dislikes danny not because he has some concept of 'evil' and 'good' but bc danny is just too damn active. of course he actually does care about danny and his safety deep down, it's just on the surface they have very conflicting motivations-- not to mention that danny has been raised on legends from his parents of the villainous Wisconsin Ghost, who has to be stopped at all costs.
BOTH: i want jack and maddie to KNOW he's a half ghost and to actively be hunting him down for it, maybe bc they think hes possessed, or been a ghost tricking them this whole time, or the victim of a tragic lab accident who needs to be put to rest, etc. whatever the case it will give vlad actual tangible reason to despise them and genuinely suspect they dont have dannys best interests at heart. i think it would be neat if vlad was cynical and every time danny hit him with the "I'll expose us both. at least theyll still love ME" vlad could be like in the back of his head "oh god theyre going to kill this child"
REWRITE: cut her out. we don't need her character at all. maybe replace her with a more ominous shadow duplicate / clone that actually looks like danny himself and doesnt really have a name? you could probably combine her and dark dans characters for their arcs
REBOOT: instead of a clone from vlad, she's a guys in white creation using some of dannys dna after he was captured (and vlad broke him out bc he was like "ugh i guess i have to save this child")
BOTH: vlad actually cares abt her (duh), shes nonbinary (double duh), she gets the funny dissolve into goo powers
i had more i thought i was gonna write but this post is already very long and also im running out of coherency for this LUL
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
“dati” ver ii - kalim, vil, idia & malleus
A/N: Wah, this got so long I had to split it into two parts ;u; So here’s some information if you didn’t read ver i, and went straight for ver ii! 
 The Reader, is different from the actual MC of TWST! 
“Dati” is a pretty difficult word to translate, because it’s just one word but--it can mean so much.  For the sake of this story, you can interpret its meaning as “a long time ago”. 
Due to the general premise, the reader is female! 
The prologue for ver ii “dati” is the same prologue for ver i! 
Link to the concept design for the uniform!
Inspired by: 
“Dati” by Sam Concepcion, Tippy Dos Santos and Quest. (I encourage you to listen to it OR read the English lyrics.) 
“If You Can Dream” by the Disney Princesses. (I would link both but my posts dont appear if I do that ;u;) 
So, without further ado, let’s get into it!~ 
Other versions: ver i (riddle, leona, azul), ver ii (this)
"--as you already know. We held a school-wide meeting about the week long exchange program with the all-females private school, Garden Academy. Professors Divus Crewel and Mozus Trein accompanied our delegates to Garden Academy this morning,” Dire Crowley peered at his students through his black mask, “while Professor Mozus Trein stayed with our delegates, Professor Divus Crewel escorted the delegates from Garden Academy to Night Raven College.” 
Excited whispers broke out in the crowd. Crowley cleared his throat once, then again--before everyone settled down. The Headmaster huffed audibly at that. 
“I’ll be using this morning meeting to introduce the delegates,” Crowley turned to the left side of the stage. He motioned at Crewel who was standing back stage with a Garden Academy professor and her students. “Now then, please give a hand for--” 
In the crowd, his eyes widened. 
In turn, you were pretty excited too. You had held off telling your friend about you coming to his school because you wanted to surprise him. 
All you girls had been assigned to a particular dorm, not to sleep in--but rather, to experience. Each dorm in NRC (much like GA), had their own unique culture. So, to truly experience the college meant you all needed to immerse yourselves in the different dorms and their cultures. You had to sneakily reconfirm with him what his dorm was, to make sure you got assigned to the correct one. 
And now that you were here...
“Alright ladies,” Professor Radcliffe said kindly, “we will reconvene here at 5PM to return to the dorm Headmaster Crowley so generously set aside for us.” 
“Yes Professor.” Radcliffe eyed all of you girls, before she sighed with an exasperated smile. You were all very excited, and doing very little to hide that. 
“Okay, I know you want to go--but one last thing,” you all let out loud, false and very unladylike groans that Radcliffe ignored. “Remember to be beautiful--” 
“At heart.” you all recited, familiar with your school’s motto.
“Go on then,” Radcliffe finally said, “the dorm heads and their assistants should be waiting outside for all of you.” 
With a cheer, you all parted ways.
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Kalim‘s eyes brightened as he caught sight of you again.
“Jamil! Jamil! Look!” he tugged on the other boy’s sleeves as he pointed you out to the crowd. “So it really is [Name]!”
“They did announce her full name on the stage, Kalim.” Jamil said rather blandly, not that Kalim was affected by his exasperated tone. 
“Kalim! Jamil!” Your uniform--the pale green of House Water Lily, the House of Passion--swished around you as you came to a stop before the two boys that you hadn’t seen in ages.
“It’s been awhile.” You reached for their hands and clasped them with yours--at which both boys blushed. While Kalim gave you a goofy smile, Jamil instantly looked away. 
You had spent a couple of months as a child in the Land of Hot Sands because your parents were just beginning to expand your family owned restaurant--Tiana’s Palace--into that country. You had met Kalim, then Jamil because your parents were business partners with Kalim’s father. 
It was hard not to enjoy their friendship. Kalim--was fun loving and easy going. Jamil--was calm and attentive. When you were getting exhausted by Kalim’s energy, Jamil knew when to step in and what to say to calm him down. They were perfectly balanced, and you remembered them fondly.
Needless to say...
When it had been time for you to return to your country, there were a lot of tears. 
“Sniff... why are you leaving?” Kalim cried, “I thought we would be friends forever!”
“I--I don’t want to leave too!” you shook, snot dripped down your nose.
“Kalim... [Name] has to go back.” Jamil said slowly, but even his eyes were glassy and wet.
“Wah!” You sniffled as you wrapped both of your arms around the two boys who became so dear to you. 
“I--it’s not like we won’t meet again!” Jamil protested, as he too began to truly join in the crying fest.
“Waaah! Don’t leave [Name]!” Kalim wailed loudly. 
“B--but I can’t stay.” you sobbed. “I tried already...” 
(Behind you the adults were chuckling to themselves at the drama the kids were causing... had they not realized they could just ask them to keep in contact...?) 
(But to a child, the world seemed infinite. It didn’t seem to have an end. 
To the three of you, it truly felt like a final farewell.)
“Promise, we won’t forget each other?” you demanded as you pulled back. The two boys shared a glance through their tears and turned back to you with a determined nod.
“Promise we’ll always be friends, no matter what!” Kalim said. In turn you and Jamil nodded pretty determinedly. 
Then you and Kalim turned to Jamil--you waited for him to make a promise too. He flushed at suddenly being put on the spot, before his eyes light up and he said--
“Then we promise--to meet up again, one day? Here?” 
You and Kalim nodded vigorously at that. 
As your parents took you a way, you all wailed pretty loudly. 
“You can see them again one day.” your mother had said, confused. 
“But it doesn’t mean I won’t miss them when I can’t see them.” you said in a solemn tone. Your parents exchanged looks amused looks.
“I’m surprised you got so attached to those two.” 
“They were fun to play with.” 
“I’m sure they were sweetie. Now get some rest.” 
There was some time where you all attempted to exchange letters--since the MagiCam had yet to be developed to a point where international instant messaging was possible. 
Children were fickle creatures.
Within a few months, you all eventually found something of more interest than a friend from a distant place who you might not see again.
Your interests in each other waned away, until it became a distant, fond and somewhat embarrassing memory. 
That is until...
“Hey [Name], did you sign up for the Night Raven College exchange program?” You looked up from the recipe book that you were reading.
“Yeah I did, why?”
“Did you know the model, Vil Schoenheit goes there?”
“Who is Vil?” Your friend gasped dramatically before she rolled her eyes. “Figures you wouldn’t know who Vil Schoenheit is. Come here.” She showed you pictures of Vil’s MagiCam account. There were some photos of the school, and rarer still--photos of other people aside from Vil himself. 
Which, you know--if you had a face like that, you’d totally fill your MagiCam with just selfies. 
“Oh Sweet Evangeline,” your friend sighed dreamily, “NRC boys are definitely cuter than RSA boys--and I swear I’m challenging all the RSA stans to try saying otherwise over my dead body--” You snickered at her rant, before a certain photo caught your eye.  
“Oh is that...” 
“Oh holy Evangeline--” your friend began to wheeze. “I think these are all the Dorm Leaders for this school year--” she clicked onto the photo to open the post. Your friend was right--Vil had noted that this was this year’s NRC Dorm Leader list. 
“Malleus Draconia-- naturally. Vil Schoenheit--NATURALLY.” your friend giggled in excitement, “Oh, I guess Leona Kingscholar is repeating a year... No idea who Riddle Rosehearts, Azul Ashengrotto or Idia Shroud is--and this guy is--” 
“Kalim Al-Asim.” you whispered. If you shut your eyes, you could hear the wind whistle, the laughter of two boys, the joyous shrieking of a girl--and a magic carpet ride across the wide expanse of the sky. Your friend arched a brow at you.
“Do you know him?”
“I think I do.” you hesitated, the sound of laughter still rang in your ears. “I’m pretty sure I met him when I was a kid... when I travelled around with my family.” 
“Oooh, you should totally try and see if he remembers. He’s cute.” 
“We were kids.” you tried to explain to your friend but she only waved a dismissive hand. 
“You aren’t now. Also childhood romance trope is so cute, you gotta let me see it first hand.” your friend grabbed your phone and typed in the tagged username of Kalim Al-Asim. 
{”Hi Kalim! Do you remember me? I’m [Name] [Surname].”}
{”Like [Name] [Surname]? Like Tiana’s Place? Yes! Oh Sorceror, how’d you find me?”}
{”Well funny story...”}
And the rest was history.
Jamil took awhile to come around, but you had a video call with the two, and after naming a particular embarrassing moment--Jamil had easily been convinced that it was actually you. 
That had been a few months before the actual exchange, and you chose not to tell them about your part in it so you could surprise them once you got up on stage.
Surprise them you did.
The moment they announced your name, Kalim shouted, and Jamil had face palmed. 
It was another memory to add to the ones you held dearly. 
Now you were seated in Scarabia’s dorms, as you happily enjoyed the grand feast and parade prepared by Jamil and Kalim. 
As Kalim flopped onto the seat next to yours, he shot you a wide grin.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” 
“I am!” you hummed, “I haven’t been anywhere close to the Land of Hot Sands recently...” you put your spoon down and smiled. “The food is really good too! This is the best version of your cuisine that I have tasted. My compliments to the chef for sure! I’d love to take a peek at the recipe.” On your other side Jamil choked, and you turned to him with a confused expression. 
“Are you okay, Jamil?” you asked, concerned.
“Hahah, he was probably surprised at the praise! Jamil cooked everything after all!” 
“Woah, you did? We definitely should exchange recipes.” with a particularly red face, Jamil nodded his assent before he excused himself.
“I hope he’s okay.” 
“It’s fine! He’s having a hard time expressing it, but he’s really excited to see you.” Kalim peered at you curiously. “I am too, of course.” 
“Same.” you agreed. “It’s a little sad we lost contact.” 
“Well, finding each other now was pretty fun! So I think it was worth it.” You giggled in response.
“I’ll have to agree with you, Kalim.” 
You both turned back to the front to watch the parade when Kalim spoke up again.
“Hey [Name]?” 
“This time... let’s not lose each other, okay?” You turned back to Kalim, surprised at the change of his tone. You couldn’t help but let your expression melt into a soft one.
“Mhm! This time... let’s keep those promises.” You two shared a grin, as the parade finished off with fireworks.
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When Vil saw you hop up onto the stage, he had definitely been surprised. He hadn’t expected to see you--though now that he thought about it, it had been so out of the blue of you to ask him about whether or not he was in Pomefiore.
Then again he had been busy with other things... So he hadn’t thought too much on it. You were, after all, the type of person who brought up something from ten years in the past simply because you suddenly remembered it. He had assumed it had been something like that.
Vil stood with Rook by his side, his arms crossed as he waited for the Garden Academy students to exit the Mirror Chamber. Once you finally appeared in the crowd, your eyes instantly met his.
“Hi Vil.” you greeted--uncharacteristically nervous and shy around him, dressed in the pale purple colors of House Chrysanthemum--the House of Artistry.
At the sight of you, Vil’s lips instantly curled up into a beautiful smile.
“Well if it isn’t my number one fan.” he raised a hand and began to rub a finger against a purple mark on your cheek. “paint got to your face again.” Your tense shoulders loosened as Vil greeted you the same way he always did.
“Whoops.” Vil shook his head, and as he pulled back he noticed that your skirt and your sleeves had faint splatter marks of paint--and on your wrist--
“You need to stop writing on your wrist, dear one.” he chided gently, though used to your antics, he easily unclipped his magic pen from his breast pocket and began to cast a spell to clean you up.
“Is it that obvious? I really did try to clean up...” you complained, but you let Vil fuss over you--as he normally did. There was no stopping him until he was satisfied. When he finally pulled back, he nodded in an approving manner.
“Vil, did you like it? Was it a good surprise?” you looked up at him with curiosity shining in your eyes, and he let out a soft chuckle.
“Yes. It was a pleasant surprise. So we’ll be spending a whole two weeks together...” he mused.
You were a person he had grown up with, and the person he regarded as his dearest friend. Much like him, you had an eye for art--except while his art focused on himself as a model and actor--yours came in the form of paintings.
Your identical passion for beauty made the two of you attached at the hip. You were the one whose opinion mattered the most to him--because there was no one whose opinions he trusted more.
“Ohoho, Roi de Poison, who is this?” Rook peered curiously at you, he had never seen Vil react like this before...
Well actually he had. Whenever Vil was on his phone--but Vil never explained, and no matter how Rook tried, he never figured it out.
“This is my best friend, [Name]. We’ve been friends since our childhood.” Vil’s lips curled up, “She’s also--” Vil looked at you for a moment, and you nodded. Vil then mentioned your MagiCam account, and Rook’s eyes popped open in surprise. He knew that name--you were one of the most popular artist on MagiCam. Rook knew that you and Vil followed and liked each other’s works, but there had been no hint to the of your relationship with Vil.
He studied Vil curiously.
For someone who was never afraid to share what he did to the public’s eye, you were an incredibly well kept secret for Vil. From what he knew about you on MagiCam--you were a very private person who was never one to share your photos. Why, he knew that Idia Shroud from Ignihyde was a fan of some of your otaku related works--he had heard from the man that one of your quirks was that you chose to never appear in fan gatherings. You were incredibly mysterious.
To realize that--that person--
He eyed you curiously. You were far different from the women that Vil would often be seen hanging out with. As a model, he had a pretty extravagant social life. He hung out with people as glamorous as him and you--
Well, to put it plain and simple, you weren’t anything like that.
“So Vil, where do we go first?” you asked, Vil turned his gaze away from the analytical glint in Rook’s eyes, to smile at you.
“I’ll show you the gardens, I’m sure you’ll love them.”
After Vil had bid you ‘good bye’ as you and your classmates returned to your designated dorm, Vil looked at Rook with an annoyed expression.
“Alright Rook.” the Pomefiore Dorm Leader crossed his arms, “what is it?”
“What’s what?” the other third year raised his hands defensively.
“You kept staring at [Name] earlier with that look in your eye... I don’t like it.”
“I was just thinking... she was a very well kept secret.”
“A secret..?” Vil arched a brow. “She isn’t a secret at all. As you remember, she’s also incredibly famous on MagiCam.”
“No, I do mean, she’s a secret of yours, Roi de Poison.” Rook smiled, and Vil’s eyes narrowed in turn.
“I don’t understand.”
“You never mentioned her on MagiCam.”
“That was by her request. She wanted to build up her own audience.” Vil explained.
“Hm... that’s interesting.”
“What is?”
“I do believe...” Rook’s eyes slipped open. “That your friend is hiding something from you.
Vil didn’t like to believe what Rook told him, but he did wonder to himself how he could miss it.
You had considered each other best friends--yet he never noticed how you truly felt. The next time he caught you (because for some reason--it was as if you knew he wanted to talk to you about something important--and he had a difficult time catching you), he asked you if you could spend lunch together in private. You had happily agreed.
Once you two had sat down together in one of the gazebos in NRC’s gardens, he placed down the basket of food.
“Ah! Vil, it looks really good~” you said, happy.
“Yes, and you’ll see it’s all healthy too.” he smiled--how could he not, in your presence? As you two began to eat, you chattered on about what you’ve seen and liked about NRC so far. While he did listen--he can’t help but have his thoughts drift off to Rook’s statement.
Could you really be hiding--?
“--Vil? Is something wrong?” you put the utensil down, and studied your friend with a worried expression on your face. He felt a little guilty--your usual absent minded but happy expression was twisted with the furrow of your brow, and the downward slope of your lips.
“No it’s...” he hesitated a moment. He thought for a second how you were the first person to ruffle him in a long time. “I was thinking... we’re both big influencers now--in fashion and in the arts.”
“Alright, I’m listening.” you nodded.
“Why don’t we do a collaboration? While you’re still here. We have a week left.” He offered, and you furrowed your brows.
“I don’t know Vil--as alike as our fields are, our audiences can be pretty different.”
“Do you... well, do you not like sharing about me on your page?” Vil hated this. As an influencer, he was used to being loved and hated. There was a time when the comments got to him--but now, he’s able to brush it off with little problem. With you though--well, he was always going to be emotionally invested in you. So, of course you could make him feel this insecure. He hadn’t felt like this for such a long time--and it’s certainly much worse than he remembered. You looked alarmed.
“What? No, no! Of course that’s not it.” you frantically shook your head as you reached your hands out to hold his.
“Then why? I was happy that you didn’t want to mix business with our friendship... but well... something made me realize that we don’t have a relationship on MagiCam at all and...” Vil paused, and you rubbed the back of his hands gently. “And you’re so important to me [Name]. So I want to share that with my followers too.” Your cheeks turned red at that and you looked down on your laced hands.
“It’s just...” you inhaled sharply, “I... well, I know you have a certain image to uphold and--and I don’t want to be someone who would cause people to criticize you.” you pulled your hands away to gesture at yourself. Paint splattered blouse, ink on your wrist and hair--an absolute mess. “I mean look at me... and look at you. People have a hard time imagining we’re friends and--and well... I know the type of fans Beauty influencers can have. I don’t want to get criticized because I know you’ll defend me and I don’t want that to negatively affect your reputation.” Your eyes flickered away, and he could swear they were slightly wet.
Of course.
Rook was wrong.
Rook had assumed that perhaps you simply hadn’t wanted to be associated with Vil Schoenheit. While that was technically the truth--you weren’t doing it for negative reasons. You were just looking out for him--thinking about the best for his reputation.
“Like right now--I really wanted to see you, surprise you--so I impulsively joined the exchange program and couldn’t back out. I was worried about how people might see us hang out together... I’m worried about how what your fans will think...”
However, there was no way in hell that Vil Schoenheit would let you put yourself down like this.
“Okay, no.” he interrupted, and you looked up at him--confused.
“I won’t allow you to look down at yourself like that. I appreciate that you care about my reputation but--” he takes your hands in his and looks you in the eye. “[Name], you’re more important to me than that.” your eyes water up, and he kept speaking.
“Sweet one, you were always my number one fan--even before my career really took off, you were the one who cheered me on. You were so sure I could do this, even when I had my own moments of weakness. You believed in me when no one else did.” Vl scowled, “So I’ll always be on your side too, alright? It doesn’t matter to me what they all think.”
“But... you really worked hard to get to where you are.” you said weakly, “It can happen super quickly...”
“I am not Vil Schoenheit for nothing.” he said in response, “besides--you are beautiful [Name].” your blushed intensified, and you ducked your head. “Do you not believe me? I know beauty when I see it--and I know you are.”
“Vil... please stop, you’re embarrassing me.”
“No I will not. I will keep telling you this until you know this. I refuse to let someone I consider beautiful, look down on herself like this. Alright?” He reached out a hand to lift your chin. Your eyes were wet, and you bit your lip as you nodded hesitantly.
He smiled, pleased.
“Vil... I’m sorry for not... well...”
“No, I’m sorry I didn’t realize sooner. What type of best friend am I, that it took someone else pointing it out for me to realize it?” You giggled at that.
“Well, to be fair--we are best friends. I know how to hide it from you.”
“And you better stop hiding these things from me, alright?”
“Yes, of course.” you nodded, a grin finally lit up your face. Vil’s smile turned gentle.
“Now, how about we think of a collaboration project?”
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As you stepped out of the Mirror Chamber, you immediately move in the direction of a familiar blue flame.
“Hello Ortho.” When Ortho looked up, he beamed brightly.
“[Name]!” He wrapped his arms around you, which you reciprocate with an elegant smile.
“It has been awhile, has it not?” you mused, as you let go of him. You quickly smoothened the pink skirts of House Eglantine--the House of Sophistication. You turned your head from side to side and your brow raised as you realized that a certain man wasn’t here.
“Ortho, where is your brother?” Ortho gulped nervously, and behind him--one of the Ignihyde student’s gadget began to shake. Your eyes narrowed.
“Is your brother holing himself up in his room again? On such an occasion? Which requires his presence as a dorm leader?”
“Uh...” Ortho glanced away nervously before he met your gaze again. “Yes?”
“Ortho!” squeaked the gadget, “you could defend me!”
“Sorry big brother... but you also brought it onto yourself.” Ortho said quickly, and your lips twitched at that. “There’s no point in lying to [Name].”
“That’s true.” you could hear Idia squeak from the tablet at your response. “Take me to his room.”
“Alright [Name].” Ortho agreed easily.
“Ortho!” Idia wailed, “on whose side are you on?”
“For once, not yours. Sorry big brother.” Ortho eagerly looked up at you. “Will you tell me some stories?”
“I also have pictures.” you offered and Ortho cheered. You turned back to the the tablet.
“Prepare yourself Idia.”
“I’m going to die.”
Your childhood best friend mourned, and your lips quirked in amusement.
Despite it all, you had missed Idia especially because...
Your lips twitched downward for a bit, before you immediately composed yourself.
You really didn’t want to upset Idia after all.
As he heard you begin to tell Ortho some stories from your school, Idia began to frantically run around his room, and cleaned up as best as possibly could.
After all, you weren’t a part of House Eglantine just for show.
Like him, you were the daughter of an incredibly old and wealthy family from the Isle of Lamentation. In your childhood, Idia, who had always been shy--attached himself to you, when you had protected him from some bullies. Ever since, he just followed you around.
For some reason, you chose to stick around with him--despite how different the two of you were.
He was an absolute shut-in who preferred to play games and watch anime from the comfort of his bedroom.
You were a popular socialite amongst the elite of the Isle of Lamentation--known for your beauty and intelligence. You were also recognized on MagiCam for your love of travel. In fact, you were often transported all over Twisted Wonderland because tourists locations wanted to be on your account. 
Again, he really didn’t see why you stuck around.
A lot of his friends when he was younger--those seeking to befriend the Shroud Family’s heir--had given up on him when they all realized that he was difficult to communicate with.
But not you.
Ever since he attached himself to you--you had seemed to attach yourself back for no reason. You willingly called himself his best friend (and despite how different you were--he’d admit that you were the only friend he had that he could consider as a best friend--), which could hurt your social standing because of how insanely beloved you were--but you didn’t care (and of course, you’re also the type of popular kid that could never make yourself unpopular).
Don’t get Idia wrong.
He didn’t hate you.
You were patient.
You were kind.
You were understanding.
Idia definitely had a crush on you, and he didn’t know what to do with it--because he had such a hard time finding something about himself that you might be attracted to.
You were like the true hidden route to be conquered on a dating simulation game. First he would need to find a way to ensure that he were on the right path. Then next, he needed to complete a bunch of prerequisites to be able to even access this hidden route.
Your difficulty level was EX.
He had spent most of his childhood by your side--
‘but why does it feel like I know nothing about you?’ he frowned.
Truth be told, Idia had an idea on why. He had been very selfish with you. Nobody had been willing to talk to him about his interests in real life--except you. That’s why he talked to you about his games or robotics--because it’s different when someone in real life is the one doing the listening to you. In the process of that, he felt like you knew more about him than the other way around and it made him guilty.
He was guilty he didn’t hear you out often but the thing is--you never really shared. 
“--Idia.” he felt a hand press against his forehead, and he fell backwards with a screech. You put your hands on your hips as you looked down at him with an arched brow. “Well, at least I know you aren’t running a fever.” 
“You--you’re here!” He squeaked, “Already?”
“I am.” you looked around, and noted how messy his room was. Instead of commenting however, you began to move around and pick up his things. When you noticed he still hadn’t moved, you turned to him with an arched brow. “Come on Idia, I’ll help you.” 
“Ah... Okay.” He looked up at Ortho in confusion, and it seemed that he was also stunned that you hadn’t gone straight into a lecture about his responsibilities as you normally would. 
Idia considered himself a terrible friend, but he wasn’t so terrible as to not notice that you weren’t... well, at max HP. Sometimes he thought you would get angry, but you would instead sigh, and just avert your gaze. 
When you were in public (because Idia was worried okay? So he kept an eye out for you too--) you seemed to interact normally with your peers. The fans you had in NRC--were dealt with your normal grace. 
However, when you would visit Idia, you would grow quiet--and thoughtful.
It was, literally, killing him. 
Was it him? Were you mulling the idea of cancelling your support together? 
Idia sincerely didn’t know what to do if this was real. 
So one time when you were in his bedroom, you suddenly got a call. You looked down at your phone, furrowed your brows in that way that Idia hated--and left the room. 
“You should speak with her, brother.” Ortho suggested, a frown on his face. “she seemed really down recently.” 
“I mean... what do I even say?” Idia squeaked. 
“I’m not sure.” Ortho shrugged, “but I can tell your concerned brother, so just do it.” 
Idia gathered all his courage, and moved to follow you. As he turned down the hallway he heard you speak.
“--I don’t want to marry Adonis.” 
Idia immediately froze, and stood in place as he heard your one sided argument--with who he assumed--was probably one of your parents.
Alongside with being the most popular socialite of the elites in the Isle of Lamentation, you were also the most desirable waifu--ahem--he meant bachelorette.
Idia knew this because it was one of the only times you ever complained about it. Your parents were pleased with how popular you were, and the amount of marriage offers you received. You had told him that since you were pretty young, you weren’t really being forced to chose now.
“But I’m sure the pressure will be different when I grow older.”  you had sighed. Idia hadn’t known what to say--and the most he could do was put a hand on your back. 
“There... there?” he asked, with a frown. He really hadn’t known what to do. You looked up and met his eyes before laughing.
“Sorry to bother you about this Idia.” 
‘No, it’s okay! I don’t mind!’ was what he thought, but you stood up. 
“Venting helped a little. Thank you for listening.” you picked up your things and stared at a frozen Idia. “I think I’ll go home now. I’ll see you... later.” 
He should’ve tried to stop you--but he just... blanked. He should’ve tried to say something--anything to cheer you up. Heck, maybe you would’ve liked for him to ask if you wanted to game a little to get your mind off of it. 
“I’m serious mother... Adonis doesn’t respect women--I won’t...” you paused, “I won’t feel safe... I know father thinks he’s the best option but... I don’t really want to talk about this right now. I’m in Idia’s dorm...” you stopped again. 
“Mother...” your voice was shaky, and Idia’s hands fisted in his coat. “No. Stop talking about Idia like that.” Idia tensed, and turned his head. “... It’s not about that, he’s my friend. My best friend. I won’t allow you to talk about him like that.” 
Idia had an idea on what the elite of the Isle of Lamentation thought of him. They looked at him with respect because he was the heir to the Shroud Family, they also acknowledged his skills with technology... but otherwise? He was considered eccentric. 
The reason your family did not mind your relationship with him--is because it brought them a certain esteem. That their daughter was the only one who the next Shroud heir would actively communicate with. The Shrouds were still one, if not the most powerful family in the Isle after all. 
Idia flinched, and he frantically looked around for a place to hide.
“Idia?” He looked up and noticed that you were looking at him with a startled expression, before it slipped to an exhausted one.
“You heard...?”
“A bit.” he croaked out. “Is that... why you were so sad?” 
“You noticed?” He frowned at that.
“Of course I did... we’re... friends, right?” you studied him carefully, and he felt like he was in a boiler room or something--he was sweating a lot. 
“Yeah we are.” you then slid down to the ground, and tucked your skirt underneath you. You looked up at him expectantly, and he hastily sat down next to you. 
“So they’re pressuring you right now.” Idia stated.
“With Adonis.”
“Yeah...” you groaned, as you raised your hands to your temples. “they could’ve chosen anyone.. but they chose that narcissistic... arse.” 
“Who are the other offers?” Idia asked, and you mumbled out a bunch of names he recognized. Hey, he might not be active in the social sphere, but he was aware on who was who. 
“Adonis is...” Idia paused, “well in terms of social standing, I guess.” 
“Yeah. Unless someone of higher status proposes, there’s nothing I can do.” you mumbled. 
“What about me?” You whirled your head to look at Idia. “W-what--? You?” You cleared your throat, “I mean...that... I...” 
“Oh.” Idia blinked in surprise. “No! NO! Wait! I meant, why--what was your mother saying about me?” Your face flushed red, and Idia found your flustered expression cute. You rarely showed that face. 
“Oh you know, same old, same old.” you grumbled as you fanned your face with a hand. “Just... criticizing you... and all that.” 
“Well... I can guess what she said, and... she’s probably... not wrong.” You turned to him with the same ferocity that you had done earlier.
“No Idia, don’t you dare speak of yourself as that. Don’t you dare listen to the elites on Lamentation. They couldn’t be even more wrong about you.” 
“No buts.” you narrowed your eyes, and he flinched at the sight of your fury. “You are an amazing person--you’re smarter than they think and you create some pretty amazing things. Sure you could stand to go out more and make friends--but when you’re focused on your craft...” you paused, and you expression softened. Idia wondered what you were remembering. “You are so amazing. I hate how they don’t see that.” His breath hitched.
“You really mean that?”
“Of course I do! I love you--your work.” you coughed in response. The two of you went silent, before you sighed and picked yourself up. He looked up at you, and you shot him the same sad smile you had--all those years back, when the problems of today seemed like distant nightmares. 
“Thank you for listening to me, Idia.” you said, “and I’m sorry to bother you with my problems.” 
“I... I’m your friend right?”
“... Yes.” 
“So please... don’t worry about it [Name].” he looked away uncomfortably. “I may complain sometimes...”
“Okay, all the time.” he said grouchily, and you giggled--which made it all the more worth it. “...even if I complain all the time--you’re still my precious friend.” 
You smiled, leant down and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
When you pulled back, Idia was stuttering, and turning red. 
“Thank you, Idia.”
After you left Ignihyde, he sat back at his computer and began typing out an email.
For you--whose smile was so precious to him...
Idia knew that he liked you. A lot.
He probably already loved you really. 
And judging from the way you reacted--
maybe it was mutual...?
Dear Lord and Lady [Surname],
The Most Ancient and Noble House of Shroud would like to extend an offer of engagement between your daughter, [Name] [Surname] and our heir, Lord Idia Shroud...
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"Oh no.” one of the Garden Academy students, dressed in the aquamarine colors of House Sage--House of Spirituality, turned to Lilia with a frown. “We’re missing one of our fellow House Sage classmates... give us a moment, we’ll go find her.”
Lilia’s lips only curled upward.
“Would her name happen to be [Name] [Surname]?”
“Yes.” the student blinked in surprise. “That would be her.”
“Ah.” Lilia smiled. “Don’t worry, I’m sure she’s fine. I’m sure he’s gone to find her already.”
The Garden Academy students shared a glance.
The most Malleus knew was that majority of the Student Body had gone off to the Mirror Chamber for some event. He didn’t know, after all, he hadn’t been invited.
So he had decided to go on a long walk, internally unamused that he was once more forgotten when he sensed it--
Your presence.
It was in the gentle caress of the wind against his face, in the rustle of the leaves, and in the soft warmth of the sun.
One moment he was incredibly unhappy, and in the next second--he felt your magic touch his.
It was like a ripple--and it soothed his entire being.
You and your magic--he wondered if you knew the extent of your effect on him.
He began to walk deep into the forest.
He paused in his step as he caught sight of you. You had sat down in a patch of sunlight in the small meadow. You were surrounded by some creatures of the forest--from bears to deers and rabbits. You looked completely serene--as you should--after all, you were one of the most powerful nature fae living. Coming from your head were horns--but nothing like his. Yours were shorter, and much more like tree branches. As you hummed idly to yourself, a few birds fluttered forward and decorated your horns with small flowers. Your smile brightened the clearing, and the birds--pleased--chirped a song that you instantly began to hum along with.
How he wished he could draw closer to you without disrupting the peace--animals didn’t do well with Malleus. They inherently knew how powerful he was--and though the same could be said about what they sensed from you--your powers were much more attuned to nature in itself. To be by your side--it would be peace for the animals.
‘ He could understand. By your side, there were no pressures to be anyone else other than himself.’  
As he stepped into the clearing, all the animals turned to look at him, and tensed. You blinked in surprise at their actions, before you turned your head to see Malleus at the far edge of the small clearing you were in.
“Mal.” you greeted, your startled expression slipped into a sweet, happy one. “It has been a long time.” Malleus inclined his head. “Won’t you come close, dear friend?” you raised a hand, beckoning him to come closer.
He eyed the animals around you warily.
“I don’t think they will enjoy that.” You let out a soft laugh at his deadpanned statement. Your laugh seemed to instantly calm most of the animals down (he could feel his tensed shoulders unknot too). You looked around you and began to speak to them.
“Now now everyone--Mal is a dear friend. I grew up with him. He’s a good person. Won’t you all please be patient with him?” The animals around you shuffled uneasily.
You looked up again and gestured for Malleus to draw closer once more. Malleus approached slowly at first, and once he realized that none of the animals would be disrupted, easily slid down beside you. One of the male deers leaned forward to sniff him--and Malleus held as still as possible. Apparently satisfied, the deer relaxed beside Malleus. Around him, the animals slipped back to their relaxed states.
“See? That wasn’t so bad.” One particularly ambitious rabbit hopped up onto your lap and peered inquisitively at Malleus. You smiled, and began to brush your fingers through the animal’s hair.
“[Name], not that I’m unhappy to see you but...” He began, “what are you doing here?”
“My school, the Garden Academy is having an exchange program with your school.” you peered up curiously at your childhood friend. “Did you not hear?”
“As per usual, I do believe people have forgotten to inform me.” he frowned slightly. “Then... this would be the event being held at the Mirror Chamber, then?” You nodded.
“The event should still be ongoing.” Malleus eyed you curiously, but you spread your arms wide in response.
“The trees told me that some creatures were excited to see me.” You said--and the animals all made noises of agreement, “so I thought to visit them already.”
“Will your classmates and teacher not worry then?” You giggled at his questions.
“I appreciate the concern Mal but.. there’s nothing here that can harm me.” you said simply, and he hummed in acknowledgement--you were right.
You were perhaps the one person Malleus could consider an equal.
You had grown up side by side--and he was more than aware of your power and capabilities.
If there was one person who knew him as well as Lilia--it was you. You had seen him at his best and his worst--you were there when he could barely control his own magical power. He hadn’t been good at dampening his own energy back then--nobody ever approached him out of fear for the amount of power he had. The only one who bothered to interact with him had been Lilia, who had been his designated caretaker and...
And you.
You had no reason to be by his side when he had been his most volatile.
But you had been there.
And you stuck by him with no hesitation.
“How about you?” You glanced at the dragon fae from the edge of your eye.
“Ah. I wasn’t invited.” he answered with a sigh, and you could see the discontent in the almost, unnoticeable, wrinkle between his brows. You--who knew him so well--could spot the tiniest giveaways to Malleus’s moods--it was a skill you were proud of.
You were someone who occupied an almost identical role to Malleus. All that differs from the two of you is the type of magic you possessed.
As a dragon fae, and a descendant of the Witch of Thorns--it was easy to predict the type of power Malleus would eventually manifest. Draconic transformation and dark magic. This made people fear him, and dislike interacting with him.
As a nature fae, and a descendant of the Spirit of the Willow--most knew that you would grow to have power attuned with nature. It explained why you could speak the language of the trees and flowers--why animals adored you. To others--people saw you as harmless.  
Perhaps in the beginning, you hadn’t really thought too much of your similarities. As years passed however--you realized how unfair the world was to Malleus.
They never saw the boy who sneezed and set Lilia’s hair on fire, they never acknowledged the man who treasured his Gao Gao Dragon toy--because it adored him as is. They didn’t allow Malleus to make mistakes, they didn’t allow Malleus to be vulnerable. They refused to see past this idea of a strong magician and the title of prince.
You reached forward and cupped his cheek. He turned to look at you quizzically.
“Then... should we have our own event?” You smiled, a tad bit more mischievous. You looked down at the animals. “Would you be willing to help out, my friends?”
The bunny in your lap twitched its nose in response, and a lot of the animals eagerly leaned closer.
“An event, like a party--to celebrate our reunion?” You glanced at Malleus to see him look on in curiosity. It seemed like the animals understood the idea of a party and began to move. You noticed the the female animals were the ones who specifically pulled you away, and when you glanced at Malleus--you noticed the the male animals began to surround him. He shot you a desperate look, but you only laughed.
“Let’s have fun!”
The male animals had weaved flowers together on top of Malleus’s head. Another animal had gotten several leaves, and put them together to form a long cape. He had no idea how the animals were doing it--but he just assumed it was because you were magic.
One of the birds flew over, and chirped loudly--which the animals took as a sort of signal. They all stopped and studied what they had done to Malleus. They began to make displeased noises, until one of the deers pushed a long stick towards Malleus. When he picked it up, he looked to the animals to see that they were all still unsatisfied. To humor them, He unclipped his pen from his breast pocket and waved it. He used the foliage that had fallen to the ground to decorate the stick--and craft it into a staff similar to his own.
“Is it good?” he asked, and the animals all vigorously gave their assent. At that, he could feel his lips curl up. The bird chirped again, and the animals snapped into action. One of the bucks nudge Malleus forward with his snout. “Ah, is it time to go back?” the birds make a pleasant chirping sound, and he allowed himself to be pushed back into the clearing.
He found himself in the clearing again--with all the male animals standing by his side. He thought briefly of what an amusing sight this probably was, until another bird chirped from the opposite side of the clearing. He raised his gaze that way, as a bunch of female birds flew in, and dropped flower petals onto the ground. The smaller animals came in first, followed by the younger fauns--and finally--
You stepped forth into the light of the clearing, and he found his breath caught in his throat. While the flowers on his form were restricted to his crown--the animals had chosen to decorate your whole form with it. Unlike the flower crown you were wearing earlier--this one had a train that fell to the ground, and billowed around you--making you all the more ethereal. Escorted on either side by the tall, elegant form of does--you resembled the idea of a Fae Queen with her animal court. As you came to a stop beside Malleus, you giggled at his surprised expression. He felt something tug on his pants, and when he looked down--he found a squirrel made exaggerated gestures towards you.
“Ah.” he looked up and met your curious gaze. “You look beautiful, [Name].” And he did mean it--for the centuries that he had known you, and the centuries he had yet to share with you--he knew that one thing would remain constant--the way you made his heart skip a beat, and the way you were beauty in everything you did.
“Thank you, Malleus. You look handsome” you blushed. That’s when you were both nudged forward by the deers, and were now much closer. One of the deers, snatched the staff in his hand. The birds fluttered around you, pulling your sleeves into place until finally--both you and Malleus were moved to a waltz pose. You stared into each other’s eyes, stunned. Malleus wondered briefly is animals were truly capable of sensing feelings he had--that even he had yet to fully comprehend.
“Shall we?” he offered, and you beamed in response. The birds began to sing, and the two of you proceeded to dance in the clearing.
“I think they enjoyed themselves, too much.”
“Did you have fun?” Malleus asked gently, and you smiled.
“I did but...” you curiously peered up at him. “Did you have fun?”
“I suppose I did.” He mused.
The other animals watched on--pleased.
Though neither of you saw it--blissfully caught up in enjoying your dance--they did. They could see the future King and Queen of Faeries.
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robotslenderman · 3 years
Ok, so I've played VTMNR a few times now, and I've noticed something which I think is interesting. Near the end of the book, if you've romanced Lettow and choose to fight the SI with him, you'll have the opportunity to kiss him in the hallway. If you decide to kiss him again, or just return to the room with him, there will be one retainer left. Depending on your relationship with Lettow, he'll act differently here. If your Lettow/Camarilla relationship is moderate (3 dots), he'll become cool and composed in front of the retainer. Additionally, he'll touch your wrist in a lingering way, which you realize he's doing in order to check your watch. If your Camarilla relationship is high (5 dots), the part about about him being "cool and collected, even in the presence of a single retainer he is the Eagle Prince" is not mentioned, and Lettow will touch your face instead. In my opinion, the nature of the relationship is more unclear in the 3dot interaction. Personally, I find that it feels more manipulative (though I'm probably not clever enough to explain why). With 5 dots, I follow him to Egypt everytime, but with 3 dots I still follow him. I'm just much more wary about how "happy" their relationship will be. Will he sacrifice my character to the Sabbat if needed? Who knows! Although, really, who's to say you're not being played by him the entire story, even with a full relationship meter.
Another variation I've noticed is during the confrontation with Donati when Lettow flutters up the steps, he will A) see you and force himself to stand, B) stand (because he's an elder), or C) rise to his hands and knees, but is too weak to get up more. I'm not sure what the trigger is for whichever action he takes (or if there are more variants of this), but my more moderate relationship characters got either scenario A or B, while my high relationship character got scenario C. When I played through it, I personally liked scenario C the best because to me, it feels like he trusts the main character enough that he's willing to afford a moment of weakness around them. Afterall, he's still able to attack Donati no matter if you get A, B, or C, so he's clearly not that close to the brink of death.
While I love Lettow and his romance, I'm pretty confused by it all. First of all, I don't really understand his character or ambitions too well. Despite how friendly and trusting he seems in the the first chapter (showing you Jasper's death? Why?), he's suspicious of the courier from the start (if you spy on Carlos in the parking garage, he'll reveal that Lettow thinks you might be an SI agent). And I don't think that suspicion ever goes away, it just evolves. He dismisses the idea that you're SI, but then he thinks you're allied with *potential diablerist* Julian (even if you aren't) then quickly seems to realize it's you (maybe by sensing her in your blood?). He continues to suspect you, until he seems to REALIZE realize that you diablerized Aila. Before the final confrontation between you, Julian, and Lettow, there's a moment where Lettow is reading his book and asks you in a tired, soft voice "I need to know why you--". He never gets to finish that thought, but I'm pretty sure he's asking why you killed her. However, after the warehouse meeting, Lettow decides to spare both you and Julian?? Because he's tired and lonely?? I dont get it, what's his agenda? Why spare them? From what I know, the traditions say that killing/diablerizing a fellow vampire is punishable by death, so isn't Lettow actively going against the Camarilla? I can kinda understand if he doesn't want to kill the player character, since he thinks Aila is in our veins, and he's potentially formed some sort of attachment to us (though I think at this point, Julian's formula has completely eradicated any traces of Aila from our blood, so surely Lettow can detect that?). However, I can't really understand why he spares Julian. Maybe he does it because the author wants to highlight that Lettow is a rare breed of kindred, one that's truly benevolent with a high humanity, but that's the only reason I can think of. Really, I'm just not sure what type of person Lettow is, or what his game is. Julian is clearly depicted as being pretty manipulative and as having these huge ambitions that he needs the courier to help him achieve, but I don't think that's true for Lettow. Asides from running packages, he doesn't really benefit from them (asides from the whole "maybe Aila's reincarnated" thing). So maybe he's manipulating the player at this super high level, but you know, maybe he's just actually a great, merciful person (except he did actually kill a ventrue in his court for having conspired to diablerize Invidia Caul. So what's up with that?)
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this monster of an ask, and please let me know what you think!
TL;DR at the bottom!
If your Lettow/Camarilla relationship is moderate (3 dots), he'll become cool and composed in front of the retainer. Additionally, he'll touch your wrist in a lingering way, which you realize he's doing in order to check your watch. If your Camarilla relationship is high (5 dots), the part about about him being "cool and collected, even in the presence of a single retainer he is the Eagle Prince" is not mentioned, and Lettow will touch your face instead. In my opinion, the nature of the relationship is more unclear in the 3dot interaction.
Honestly, personally? I just write this off as him not trusting you nearly as well. "Lingering" suggests he *wants* to touch you, but the biggest giveaway is that he doesn't seem to have the need to check your watch at all in the five dot one (if I’m understanding you correctly). That tells me that with five dots, he just openly wants to touch you and isn't afraid to show it (aww), but with three dots he's a little more reluctant and is just *pretending* to check your watch.
He's got walls up in three dots he doesn't in five.
Another variation I've noticed is during the confrontation with Donati when Lettow flutters up the steps, he will A) see you and force himself to stand, B) stand (because he's an elder), or C) rise to his hands and knees, but is too weak to get up more. I'm not sure what the trigger is for whichever action he takes (or if there are more variants of this), but my more moderate relationship characters got either scenario A or B, while my high relationship character got scenario C. When I played through it, I personally liked scenario C the best because to me, it feels like he trusts the main character enough that he's willing to afford a moment of weakness around them.
That's my exact same impression too -- there's trust with five dots that doesn't exist with three.
Despite how friendly and trusting he seems in the the first chapter (showing you Jasper's death? Why?), he's suspicious of the courier from the start (if you spy on Carlos in the parking garage, he'll reveal that Lettow thinks you might be an SI agent).
Okay I actually do have thoughts on this.This gets a little bit beside the point of your ask, so bear with me.
Regarding Jasper -- all I can say is, "Why NOT show you Jasper's death"? He doesn't have any reason NOT to show you. It doesn't make him vulnerable for you to know that Jasper is dead, or how he died. It doesn’t give the Courier any kind of edge against him. So Lettow has nothing to lose and everything to gain (your trust) by making you think you’re important enough that you get to watch the video.
Regarding Lettow thinking you're an SI agent -- I know this isn't the point of your ask but I do have thoughts on that, so please humour me for a moment before I go back to your point --
There's something very subtle in VTMNR that is never shown outright. It's very, very subtle but if you think about it, there's a really big reason why Lettow could think you're an SI agent despite being a vampire.
Think about it. Lettow himself points out that he's the only Prince that is as paranoid as he is about the SI, and yet Tucson is swarming with their agents. All the other Princes are emailing and texting and they're not dealing with the SI to nearly the degree Lettow has.
So what's the difference between Lettow and those Princes?
Lettow has an Autarkis in his Domain who's constantly blowing the Masquerade, that's why!
Who keeps calling you and speaking openly about being Kindred?
Who keeps pinging the SI in his phone calls, forcing you to switch phones over and over?
Who keeps loudly saying things like "WE CAN'T LET ANYONE KNOW WE'RE VAMPIRES" potentially in earshot of the SI, who you KNOW are watching you?
Julian flaunts the Masquerade CONSTANTLY. And in doing so, he makes Lettow a target, because Lettow’s the guy in charge of the area!
So what has this got to do with Lettow thinking you're an agent of the SI? I have to admit, I can't quite connect the dots here, but I think it goes back to Julian once again. Julian's operating under his nose. Julian doesn't give a fuck about the Masquerade. Julian has links to you. I wouldn't be surprised if those factors, combined perhaps with stuff happening behind the scenes that the Courier never sees, is why Lettow at first believes you're an agent of the SI.
Basically -- Lettow sees Julian pulling shit, and at first thinks it’s because he’s part of the SI. Lettow sees you have connections to Julian (or perhaps the other way around) and thinks that because of that you have connections to the SI as well.
Later, Lettow does admit the idea is ridiculous, because he sarcastically tells Dove (paraphrased) “why yes, I’m sure that this vampire isn’t helping the vampire hunters.”
(I also believe that Julian is the one that actually SENT the video of Jasper's death to Lettow. I honestly can't think of any other explanation as to who it can be from. Obfuscate doesn't work with electronic devices, indicating the video has been doctored to hide Julian, and who would do that except Julian himself, especially since he tells us that he has video editing skills? Julian knew that Jasper was recording, but didn't wipe the video or take the camera to erase evidence of his crime. So who else but Julian sent that video?)
Anyway, moving on --
Before the final confrontation between you, Julian, and Lettow, there's a moment where Lettow is reading his book and asks you in a tired, soft voice "I need to know why you--". He never gets to finish that thought, but I'm pretty sure he's asking why you killed her. However, after the warehouse meeting, Lettow decides to spare both you and Julian?? Because he's tired and lonely?? I dont get it, what's his agenda? Why spare them?
My impression is that it was just that -- because he was tired and lonely.
At first he lets you live because his couriers are dropping like flies and he needs every one he can get. And as the story goes on, he gets tireder and tireder until he seems on the brink of succumbing to torpor himself. (Bitch is 200 years old and whining about how old he is even though he had an 800YO girlfriend!) At the end of the story, he's exhausted.
And he's also quite clearly severely depressed. And apathy is a strong symptom of depression.
So yeah. I think he spares both the courier and Julian simply because he's too tired and depressed to give a flying fuck any more. Aila's gone, killing the courier won't bring her back. What's the point in killing them? What's the point in killing Julian, when he demonstrates several times he thinks Julian is no threat? (He's wrong, but he clearly underestimates Julian -- he tells Julian that the Masquerade will survive Julian, and he tells Dove that Julian is "just an Anarch.")
I also think his feelings regarding Aila herself are complicated -- it must HURT to survive someone who died via what's essentially suicide. He knows Aila was suicidal. He must have complicated feelings regarding that -- feelings like he wasn't enough, feelings like maybe she didn't love him as much as he loved her.
So yeah. I think he was too tired and lonely and too devastated to care about enacting justice against either of them. I think he just wanted to put it behind him. Run away to the Middle East, let it go, put it behind him, never think about it again.
As for Lettow’s agenda itself?
I’m not going to say he can’t be manipulative. But I do believe he isn’t as manipulative as the other Princes, and that he sincerely does want to do better than they do.
The biggest evidence in support of this, if nothing else, is that Lettow is Gangrel. Gangrel, as a rule, don’t do political bullshit. They tend not to participate in the Jyhad. They tend to be loners, and they often don’t raise their own childer -- so they (often) lack a mentor/mentee relationship that other clans have, meaning that nobody was there to mentor them in ways to survive, let alone thrive, in political bullshit.
So that means Lettow would be drastically inexperienced in manipulation and bullshit outside of what he’d have seen as a mortal aristocrat, and would also probably be way less tolerant of political bullshit than other Kindred. He doesn’t have Dominate to help him. He doesn’t have Presence to help him. Just a magic bird, his own shapeshifting skills and what his friends can give him.
Remember that Lettow became Prince because there was literally nobody else available. He said so himself that he basically stepped into the job because there was nobody else -- he was the one that killed the old Prince (and in a rather extra way, no less) and there were no other Elders in the area.
Plus, by this stage, Aila was dead and he wanted to hunt down her murderers. Or, if I have my timelines incorrect, she was in torpor and therefore vulnerable and in need of protection.
What better way to do that than with the resources a Prince had at his disposal?
I don’t think it’s a complete coincidence that he stopped being a Prince on the same night that he finally confronted her killer.
TL;DR --
Lettow doesn't trust the Courier as much if their relationship with the Camarilla isn't great.
Lettow underestimates Julian, and doesn't think he's a threat at all, even though it's almost certainly Julian that drew the SI to Tucson like flies to honey.
By the end of the story, Lettow is deeply depressed, apathetic, and on the border of succumbing to torpor and ennui himself because of that, and so literally doesn't care enough any more about bringing Julian and the Courier to justice.
Unlike other Princes, Lettow is from a clan that typically is separate from all this political bullshit, has no social Disciplines, and had a motive to be Prince in that his lover was dead and he wanted to find her killer with any resources he could get to be at his disposal. So I truly believe that while he may feel the need to be manipulative from time to time, he truly did want just what was best for the Kindred around him.
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dangan-meme-palace · 4 years
I realy like your analysis on the kaito-maki-shuichi relationship. So i was wondering who in your opinion has the best relationship dynamic within the cast?
Aaaa thanks! I'm more or less pleased with how it came out :D probably could be shorter though haha
As for the best dynamic... hmm.
Judging based on what I mentioned in the previous post about strengths being highlighted and weaknesses being dealt with in one way or another and believable emotional bonds that help each other, I'd have to say...
Kokichi and Gonta
For sure, it's gotta be them.
They are canonly a dynamic duo, working together and using their different strengths to help one another in areas the other is lacking in. It feels like they can both truly shine when they cooperate, and that's exactly how it should be.
It's very nice to see them work together because they both bring something different to the table that truly helps the other, and not always in ways you would expect at first glance. The brain and brawn thing is expected, but the extent to which they compliment each other is unparalleled by any other dynamic in the game.
Kokichi -> Gonta
Admittedly, Kokichi does less for Gonta narratively than Gonta does for Kokichi, but to be fair I would expect someone like Kokichi to be the one others help shine, not the other way around. Kokichi, as the Ultimate Leader, is more like the protagonist while Gonta is the supporting character.
For the most part though, Kokichi's narrative role relating to Gonta is to show us that Gonta isn't the happy-go-lucky himbo the rest of the cast thinks he is, allowing us to see that Gonta has depth, specifically that Gonta's morals are definitely different than what one would normally expect from someone with his personality.
The rest is something that relates more to their emotional bond, but for now I'll just say that Kokichi allows us to see Gonta's insecurities, flaws, and dedication to his friends (both the cast and Kokichi) and this improves Gonta's character immensely.
Gonta -> Kokichi
Gonta, as a character, shows us just how human Kokichi can be, especially during chapter 4 but also in little moments throughout the game as well. Whether it be lashing out at the others, being soft (like, so, so soft) with Gonta, his cooperation skills, or the depths of his sadness and loyalty, Gonta drags these reactions out of Kokichi one by one like it's his job, which it is! Narratively, Gonta's job is to allow us to see glimpses of what goes on in Kokichi's heart, something incredibly rare and precious to me.
Gonta also really allows Kokichi's ability to strategize and lead people to shine. Like, really shine. Chapter 4 was the best showcase of Kokichi's talent of leading people, but that's because he had Gonta following him. Any captain needs a crew and any Ultimate Leader needs helpful and supportive followers that believe in him. This goes alongside Kokichi's major weakness throughout the game.
Kokichi's biggest weakness is that he's placed himself into an antagonistic position. Seems smart, until you realize that hes the Ultimate Leader and he just alienated himself from literally everyone, losing any potential bonds/followers he could have made. He shot himself in the foot by forsaking some leadership options when he's the Ultimate Leader. It's the thing he's best at, but he put limits on himself anyway to protect everyone from Monokuma's attempts to break them apart.
He can still get the group to do what he wants, but it takes a considerable amount of effort on his behalf in order to do so. Gonta makes up for that by being the follower that Kokichi desperately needs. Gonta believes in Kokichi enough to go along with both of his plans, to the extent that he still goes along with them even they involve kidnapping and killing the other characters.
There's also the fact that Gonta's dedication to the others might've helped Kokichi decide to keep helping everyone, but I'll get more into that in a bit.
This dynamic also makes a lot of sense from an emotional perspective. You can actually see why these two outcast characters would want to come together and hang out with each other, and why they view the other so positively: they are each other's ideals.
Kokichi -> Gonta
When Gonta needed a friend and someone to take him seriously/not dismiss him, Kokichi was there to hang out with him, seriously listen to him, and explain things to him that he didn't get the first time. Where the other kids were scared of him due to his size and talent, Kokichi had the confidence to ignore Gonta's natural intimidation and the kindness to hang out with Gonta, despite being so scared of bugs he literally foams at the mouth when they touch him.
Kokichi still regarded Gonta as a friend after that incident though, when most people (justifiably) would've held a grudge and cut him off. Gonta has some very obvious rage issues and reacts pretty impulsively to the things that upset him, but Kokichi is very patient with others, and almost forgiving to a fault at times, so he's willing to stick with Gonta and try and work through their problems instead of abandoning him. This would no doubt be something that Gonta desperately wanted from a friend, seeing as he's very self conscious about appearing as scary.
He loyally sticks by Gonta and readily offers advice, support, explanations, patience, etc... I mean the list goes on. I really do think that his relationship with Gonta is a showcase of how Kokichi would act around someone he really likes, like I'm talking about this being the basis for how I think Kokichi would act around DICE levels of emotional intimacy. I think this is Kokichi at his best, friendship wise. Especially because even during events that take place outside of the main story we never see Kokichi act this way around anyone else, even with the people I would also consider to be his friends (mainly Miu, but also sorta with Kiibo as well.)
They didn't know each other for long, but if you really look at it, it's plain to see that Kokichi really valued Gonta as a friend. I mean, I dont think someone who yells about wanting to live during his FTEs with Kaede would willingly offer to give his life for (no discernable goal) for just anyone y'know? Plus, throughout the game, he uses some of his friendliest and softest sprites during his conversations with Gonta. Even visually you can see their bond.
It's a very subtle relationship when compared to some of the more overt pairs throughout the game (aside from some key moments in chapter 4) but it's there, and honestly I can think of very few characters that share this close of a bond in the whole series game.
They actually kinda seem similar to Aoi and Sakura in a way, but somehow they compliment each other more... damn.
Gonta -> Kokichi
Likewise, Gonta also became Kokichi's friend and didn't seem to mind the lying at all, something that means a lot to Kokichi based on his Harmonious Heart Events, because it means that Gonta doesn't want to be friends with someone different, he wants Kokichi, lies and all. This is Kokichi's #1 wish.
I think that meant more to Kokichi than anything else, because this is his way of life. He leads with lies, he plays with lies, and he protects himself with lies too. He wants to keep lying and Gonta not being bothered by that is literally the exact thing that Kokichi yearns for in the best ending for his HHE.
Gonta also caught on to the times that Kokichi was extending olive branches and accepted him. It's subtle, but Kokichi did try and befriend people as long as he could do it without having to change himself and Gonta was one of the people that responded to that positively. Gonta readily befriended Kokichi, probably understanding first-hand what it's like to be an outcast because of misunderstandings and personality traits.
This is why Gonta's death (especially since Kokichi felt like he was fully responsible for it, despite what Gonta said) was so traumatic for Kokichi and why he reacts so negatively to it, he lost someone he never thought he would ever meet in the first place. More than a few of his dialogue lines have him imply that he's used to being hated for how he chooses to live his life and that he expects this kind of treatment from people, so finally finding someone who won't hate him for that and then losing that friend so quickly with his own plan had to have hurt immensely.
Going off that, Gonta is the one to convince Kokichi to remain friends with everyone and try his best for them despite how they treat him, and he also desperately begs for the others to do the same thing for Kokichi. He knew he was leaving Kokichi alone, and he wanted to try and protect him.
While the other members of the cast don't seem to remember this or care much about it after the whole "I'm the mastermind" bit, we do see Kokichi trying to protect the group after chapter 4 by trying getting rid of the motive to leave (therefore "ending" the killing game by making sure no one plays it) and by trying to remove Kaito, who has shown himself to be a harmful influence.
I think Gonta's words really got through to Kokichi, and while it did unfortunately lead to Kokichi dying for everyone's sake, Kokichi might not have tried to save everyone if it hadn't been for Gonta's last wishes. Why would Kokichi want to help people that actively hate him and bully him if not for the pleading of his greatest friend in the game telling him to keep protecting them.
In a sense, Kokichi during chapter 5 fulfills Gonta's original wish to be useful and protect everyone even at the cost of himself, with Kokichi doing exactly that.
If you asked me for moments that I feel showcase their bond nicely so you can get a feel of it for yourself, I'd point you towards the dialogue they share during the 4th trial investigation and their meeting before the Insect Meet and Greet was very nice (you'll have to read between the lines for the former though!) If you want to see what I'm talking about, I would definitely recommend rewatching those. The moments prior to Gonta's execution are also always a good look at how much they meant to each other.
If you're really interested, I'd also recommend watching through their bonus content (LHEs, FTEs, HHEs, etc) and thinking about how their desires are reflected in each other, it's interesting to think about at the very least.
Overall, they have an amazing, yet unsung, dynamic between the two of them and I would like to see more people recognize it. It's very brief and doesn't have a lot of story time, but it feels more meaningful than any of the "main" dynamics in the game with 10x the screentime. It has substance to it. It's satisfying and gratifying to watch.
It also makes fucking sense, unlike a particular dynamic that takes up a majority of the fucking story for nOTHING–
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
It's been a long time since I didn't write anything 'original' of mine, so just have this
Suffering due to the silence
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Usually he admired the silence.
It was just so peaceful whenever no one was yelling, making a fuss over something... it was perfect. He could work at peace, read a good book, anything really. When the quarters of Shie Hassaikai were avoided of any sound, it could be uncomfortable to many, but for him it was heaven on earth.
Although... he learned recently that not always the silence was pleasing... and he got that lesson in the worst way possible.
"There is no way you need to raise your voice like that." He hissed while you still continue glaring at him with arms crossed "You're an animal now to keep howling like that?"
"Howling? Chisaki. Is that hard to understand that not only you gets worried in here?! You just go into a meeting, nearly almost dies and expect me to not be like this?!"
"You're being irrational." He sighed in annoyance, hand on his temple before he pointed at you while opening hsi eyes "You aren't delusional to think that a job on the mafia is all peace and happiness. Not even commenting on my quirk that can easily get rid of anyone or any injury in general."
"So you prefer to get hurt endless times instead of being careful with your own damn mouth?!" His eyes darkened as his voice lowered as a warning.
"Care to explain what is that suppose to mean?"
"I mean that you don't measure your words neither care about your own state!"
"Stop. Yelling." He hissed but you only ignored the venom on his voice.
"You don't give a shit about me, your partner, getting worried that well, I dunno, just got shot and simply dismissed as nothing?! I know your quirk Chisaki, but that doesn't mean you can just threw insults at other gangs or leagues and just get attached, and even getting the fuck up excuse that they threw the firts move!"
He clenched one side of his head as he growled the kore you speak, why can't you just stop?! He doesn't need you to fuss over something that is clearly not to be even concerned about it.
"SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH FOR ONCE!" he, before he could even process, let out a shout, shocking you to the point if even making you jump.
He breathed in and out, before returning to his composture, the most ugly and cold glare on his eyes to you.
"Whinning and complaining wont lead us to anywhere. And clearly your "worry" isn't just going to help this. So stop with this nonsense for once." He said nonchantly but evidently fed up with all of this... although he noticed the moment a tear fell from your eyes he had gone too far.
He went to speak again before you simply sniffled and looked up at him with the same cold and distant look he gave to you a few minutes ago.
"If it's that what you want. Fine by me... Overhaul." He felt shivers of disgust running his spine at hearing his villain name from your mouth as you walked away with not much words and closed the door of his voice.
That was the last thing he heard from you for at least now two days and a half...
He had heard of those 'silent treatment' before. Precepts whose got someone on their lifes often spoke about their partners and how they had "fuck up" to this point. Whenver he heard those, he couldn't understand neither would care to try to, in his head, silence was a blessing.
But he thought the exact same opposite when it comes to having a partner as well... he thought it was unnecessary, a complete waste of time and that teh feeling of 'love' was purely illusion... the moment he layed his eyes on you, he found out those things were real.
The disgusting butterflies on the stomach, the anxiety and craving to see them again, the utter worry and pain whenver you saw they crying or possibly being on danger... it was all true.
This silent treatment, was indeed a pain.
He at first thought that on the first day you would stop with this childish thing and return back to normal... but you didn't. The more the tickling of the clock on his way ticked on his ears, the more he bounced his knee in irritation... another second passed by without you on his presence.
He didn't received any words of you. At all. Not even a glimpse of a eye. And this was slowly torturing him...
He was becoming so desperate at this point that he even tried to catch your attention by calling you or requesting that a precept called you into his office. All of this ended in, you walking past him more quickly and one nervous as hell precept knocking on his door, saying that you had things to do at the moment.
Things were getting bad and darker for the young leader of the Shie Hassaikai. Everyone on there knew that you were the only one whose could calm down the best without getting killed by him... you were the only one who could keep Chisaki Kai calm and... happy to say the least.
You were his joy and light on his dark life... the more he tried to denied, the more he fell for those sweet and innocent eyes and gentle as a touch of a angel personality...
Now? He couldn't even get a good morning or a simple greeting.
He walked into his room and didn't find you, which was odd considering that it was night time already... he had noticed that you waited to get out of the bed only when he left and that you slept on some free room or went to bed way earlier than usual.
He sighed and prepared his heart and chest, which was already feeling tight and cold as ice, to find you reading on the living room... as usual, not even sparing a glance at him.
"Is late. You should go to bed." He commented nonchantly while you flipped one page from your book.
He wasn't blind, he could see teh red in your eyes and the hints if dried tears on your cheeks... for how exactly long you had cried because of him...?
"... is.. a interesting choice." He averted his eyes a bit "But even if it's a catching story, you need rest as well."
Only a nod of your head. It was all he got so far.
He sighed and got out of the room, entering his office and closing the door for just a bit only to open the slightest to catch a glimpse that you had gone to the bedroom shortly after he closed his office.
He had to admit. You were persistent.
And he? Was too prideful to say those words his inner being was almost begging for him to do.
Say that you're sorry dammit. Push your pride aside for once... you love (Y/n), you fucked up. Why cant you just say it?
... he didn't know.
Now, it was four days since he had last heard your voice or even felt a brush of your fingers... amd he could admit that he was just miserable.
How could he get so... dependent, in a certain way, of you?
He even himself stopped talking, the less he already did, and even let some slips of precept pass since it didn't matter to him at that time... he only wanted for you to at least look at him. Look at him with love again in your eyes.
One time Rappa was speaking to Tengai and let it slip some shit about Kai just when he was passing by... and the man himself got surprised when Chisaki only passed by without much of a word.
Both man had their eyes wide open and quickly got even more shocked when their boss quickened his steps just a bit to try to speak to you again.
He heard what Rappa said clearly as day. But he cared more about feeling or hearing his love again then some thug that little respected him.
He was... numb.
Although the breaking point reached when he caught a conversation of you and Chrono. Hearing your voice again did atrocities with his heart and head, and he swore he let out a breath he didn't even knew he was holding when he got the privilege to listen such a melodious sound again.
"Come on (Y/n), we're almost begging here.." Chrono spoke while you picked your mug and poured your drink on it.
"Seing the boss in this state is worse and way too fucking uncomfortable then seing him angry. And I fucking meant it! JUSt TalK WitH HiM LiTtlE PuNk-!" Mimic shouted while you sighed and took a sit on the kitchen.
"... you two really dont think I want to..?" You spoke, one of the saddest tone of voices he ever heard coming from you.
"Then why the fuck?" Kurono spoke, more confused then ever.
"I just think he really doesn't care too much sometimes. And whenever I spoke up my worries he just brushes off like it's just annoying or bothering him... it sounds like his worries are rational and worth it while mine is just... whimpering."
He sighed, having to admit mentally that you weren't wrong in the slightest...
"Besides... the way he shouted, and what he said" you tightened your grip on your mug as your eyes burned "I-I... can't just forget neither let it slide..."
He walked away from that place, opting to not hear anything about your sadness longer... While his commurates still try it to change your mind.
That was it... his pride and arrogance that go to hell.
You went to enter your room, knowing that Chisaki was probably still on his office working, feeling more tired and sad than ever as the days passed.
How long would you be able to atture this torture (Y/n)...?
You pushed the door and froze when you saw the back of your lover, taking off his tie before he looked at you, same tired and devoid of happines expression of yours.
You lowered your head and turned on your back to him, preparing to leave before you widen your eyes a bit when you saw the wall desconstricting and constructing another part right on the middle of the door... preventing you to get out of the room.
Damn his quirk...
You stayed immobile while your heart pumped hard against your chest while your ears catched the sound of his foot steps coming closer to you.
You didn't move, only gulped the thick air stuck on your throat when the sounds stopped, meaning that he was close enough to you.
"... I am not used to this." His voice sounded so raspy yet rough that send shivers through your spine.
You gasped a bit when you felt his hands and arms wrapping around your midsection to bring you close to his chest... warm breath hitching the back of your neck and ear, making your heart bump like crazy.
"I do understand that you worry about me just as much as I do... but.." he sighed shakily while hugging you closer to him, breathing in your pure and clean scent was so calming yet let him nervous someway... "I am not used to it."
You stood still, not even breathing almost as you let him talk...
"I am not used to such a kind and gentle soul care for me... even spare a single sign of... love." He closed his eyes in a sigh "I learned from a very young age that you can't just trust someone... because normally they would dissapoint or stab you on the back... Pops was a exception since the old man took me in... but I feel in need to repay him and you know it (Y/n)... for me, someone can't just do such a kind action without wanting something in return, and even if him or you say that is not necessary I just can't help it..."
You furrowed your eyebrows together but resisted to touch the arm beneath you.
"I never got such a good person on my life until he took me in... or when I met you..." he sighed, tightening his eyes at feeling the burning on them forming "I know you worry, but for me... it just doesn't matter what happens with me, if I got my goal, then is fine... but I never stopped to think that you were hurting because of my actions and consequences and.... I am so sorry for that..."
You widen your eyes at the last sentence as tears escaped from your eyes... for Chisaki to apologize, without being completly sarcastic, it took a lot...
"I am sorry... for not taking your opinion and worry. I worry just as much about you yet due to my arrogance I couldn't see your own... I'm sorry (Y/n), a millions times sorry, a thousand times sorry but..." he tighten his grip around you as he buried his face in your neck.
"...Will you talk to me already..?"
You furrowed your eyebrows but smile at the same time before sighing, using your hand to brush the slightest his skin a bit.
He felt joilts of eletrevity of feeling your touch on him again, sighing a bit in relief but still wouldn't let go of you.
"... for you to give one apology it takes a lot... imagine a thousand." You sighed and he swore that at that moment a tear or two escaped his eyes as he hugged you tighter as a form of gratitude.
He let go a bit just to pass his arm around your the back of your knees to lift you up in bridal style as he settled on the bed with you on his arms... laying his head on a angle that you couldn't exactly see his face properly.
When he felt your fingers brushing his dark brow looks he knew he wasn't at least that much fucked... but he still holded you close to him, afraid of you regretting your decision.
He sighed through his nose as he nuzzled himself onto your neck, relishing on the calm and peace that only you aas able to give to him.
"Never do this again." He muttered in your neck, the sound appearing muffled by his black mask and your skin "I felt like I was losing myself."
Your giggles were just music to his ears as he allowed himself to smile and close his eyes in bliss, enjoying the feeling of your lips on his temple.
"I didn't thought that four days were enough to leave you like this... I'm sorry." You giggled at the vibrations that were caused by his low groan on your neck.
"You're the reason of my happiness. If you wanted to make me suffer then you were suceful... "
He brough you closer as your sweet voice and gentle touches lulled his tired soul to a peaceful sleep.
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LOST - Another Story
Rating: M
Word Count: 4.7k
A/N: Here’s Confidence Man! Sawyer is all wishy washy with Amelia in this episode, but it turns out for good in the end :) Enjoy!
Confidence Man
I’m sitting on the beach as always. My stay at the cave was less than comfortable and I don’t understand how any of those chumps think it’s a good place to “dig in.” Sawyer wasn’t around when I got back, so I changed my clothes and sat down in my usual thinking spot. I turn my head and catch a glimpse of Kate hauling bananas up the beach. Then it hits me, Confidence Man. Oh shit. I scramble to my feet and intercept Kate before she gets too far.
“Hey Kate!” I greet as I approach her, “Need help with those?”
Kate looks relieved as she begins to gather them up and hand them to me, score, “Oh would you Amelia? My back’s killing me.”
“Yeah no problem!” I answer, taking the bananas and slinging them over my shoulders, “Where do you want them?”
Kate points down the beach, past where there’s a small pile of clothes and a book, “Just down there is fine.”
“Okay! Cool, see you later Kate,” I say and Kate walks away from me. I start to make my way towards where I know Sawyer’s clothes to be.
I make it and smile when I find Sawyer's clothes and a paperback edition of Watership Down.
“Hell of a book,” I hear Sawyer call from the ocean, “It's about bunnies.” I sigh in relief, the interaction is the same.
I look Sawyer up and down as he comes out of the water naked, and I feel a blush creep over my face. “Must be cold without your trunks,” I say, making no effort to keep the amusement out of my voice.
“You bet. How about you come a little closer and warm me up?” Sawyer replies with a cheeky grin, and I half want to do what he says.
Instead I feel myself shaking my head with a smile, “You sure know how to make a girl feel special, Sawyer.” And with that I walk away to where Kate said the bananas were supposed to go.
I wait until Sawyer trails off into the jungle before I go hunting for a book. I need something to do other than sit on the beach all day getting a sunburn. Except, I don’t find myself getting burnt, or even remotely tan for that matter. Probably more Island magic, or maybe it’s TV magic doing the work in this weird reality I find myself in. I strike gold, Of Mice and Men, works for me. I read it in high school once, so I think it’s about time I read it again.
I sneak out of Sawyer’s tent and into my own, tossing the book aside to open the flaps of my tent. Once they’re secured I settle down on one of my airline seats and open the book to chapter one. Not a few minutes into the book I hear a rustling sound outside of my tent. I sigh and put my book aside before popping my head out of the tent. Oh, it’s Boone.
“Boone?” I call and he shoots his head up, hands full of Sawyer’s stuff.
“Uh Amelia- It’s not what it looks like,” Boone says, panic clear in his voice. Then Sawyer shows up.
“What are you doing in my stuff, son?” Sawyer interrogates.
“Uhhh,” Boone tries to answer, but Sawyer sucker punches him right in the nose. I yelp in surprise, they didn’t show this in the show.
I scramble to my feet to try and get Sawyer off Boone, but he pushes me away and I fall in the sand. This sets Boone off, and he tries to punch Sawyer back. I cry out again when Sawyer’s fists connects with Boone’s nose. He starts bleeding and rushes at Sawyer again, but Sawyer catches him and punches his face. Suddenly Shannon is there and Sawyer is off and away from Boone. Shannon scrutinizes me and drags Boone away, to the caves. I stand up in a hurry.
“What was that for!” I shout at Sawyer and he waves a hand at me dismissively.
“Sawyer..” I plead, brushing the sand off my pants. “Why did you have to hit him? And why didn’t you stop?”
“He was going through my stuff,” Sawyer gruffs, not looking at me as he puts his things back in order.
“You didn’t have to react like that,” I reply calmly.
“Betcha knew I would do that,” Sawyer grumbles.
“What?” I ask, but I know what he said.
“Nothing,” Sawyer replies, but he pauses as he looos through his stuff, “Did you take a book.”
Guilt floods my stomach as Sawyer turns to face me, “Yeah..” I mumble, “Of Mice and Men…” I look down, unable to meet Sawyer’s eyes. He’s already in a bad mood from Boone, and even if I know he won’t hurt me I’m still a bit afraid.
“Just give it back when you’re done,” He says and I snap my head up. Sawyer is already walking away and I just stare at him in disbelief. At least I know he has a soft spot for me.
A little while later, Sawyer comes back to our tents in a huff. I don’t remember why he’s so petulant in this episode. Probably because it’s his centric episode and the writers have to show what a “bad guy” Sawyer is. Lucky for me I know that he’s nothing but a big softy with a lot of grief at the end. Sawyer sits and starts to read his letter, and I can almost feel the air turn sour.  He then pulls out a cigarette and begins smoking it. I shake my head and suddenly Jack shows up and starts going through Sawyer's stuff. Sawyer folds his letter fast and I stand up.
“Where is it?” Jack demands.
“Hey, Doc. Long time no see,” Sawyer says casually and I walk over slowly.
“Jack?” I ask, sounding remarkably like Kate. But Jack ignores me.
“Where is it?” Jack spits.
“Where's what?” Sawyer shoots back, dropping his false nice tone.
“The girl's asthma medicine. Shannon -- her inhalers.”
“Oh, that.”
“You attacked a kid for trying to help his sick sister.”
“No, I whooped a thief cuz he was going through my stuff,” Sawyer huffs.
“Sawyer!” I call, feeling indignant. He ignores me too.
“Yours?” Jack says with a small laugh, “What makes it yours? What, you think you can just take something out of a suitcase and that makes it yours?”
“Which I had to move because everybody just wants to help themselves,” Sawyer interjects, “Look, I don't know what kind of commie share-fest you're running over in cave town, but down here possession's 9/10ths. And a man's got a right to protect his property.”
“Get up,” Jack threatens.
“Why, you want to see who's taller?” Sawyer jests.
“Get up.”
“You sure you want to make this your problem, Doc?”
“Oh yeah. I'm sure,” Jack says, his voice full of malice.
Sawyer finally gets up. Just as he does Kate enters the tent with a side glance at me. My arms are crossed over my chest and I huff in the direction of Jack and Sawyer. She seems to get the message, at least I hope she does.
“Hey, what's going on here?” Kate asks, but no one answers her. Jack just walks away, and Kate follows. With one last withering glance at Sawyer I turn on my heel and follow them.
“I'm going to kill him,” I can hear Jack say as I run up to the both of them.
“That's not going to help us get the medicine,” Kate reasons then turns to me, “Hey Amelia.”
I raise my hand in a small wave and then bend over with my hands on my knees to catch my breath.
“Maybe not, but it'll feel good,” Jack replies and then nods to me. I nod back.
“So what's stopping you?” Kate asks.
“We're not savages, Kate. Not yet,” Jack replies in a dark tone.
“Let me talk to Sawyer,” I cut in, stealing the line from Kate. Jack turns to me.
“What makes you think he's going to listen to you?” Jack asks, putting his hands on his hips like he always does.
“I think we have a connection,” I say, looking over at Kate. She doesn’t look at me, she’s staring down at the sand with a hard expression.
“Do you?”
Jack raises his hands in defeat, “If you can find him, be my guest.” I nod and he and Kate walk away. I do feel guilty every time I steal a line, but how else am I supposed to make myself relevant? I’m not supposed to be here, and I’m manipulating things to make sure I don’t sit around on the beach all day.
I walk away from where we were all standing, and amble my way towards where Sawyer is chopping wood near the end of the beach. I sigh to myself as I walk up behind him. I lean up against the tree he’s under and wait a beat. Sawyer chops a piece of wood and I clear my throat.
“What do you want?” I ask, and Sawyer turns his head to look at me.
A smile plays on his face as he answers, “Excuse me?”
“What do you want, Sawyer?” I repeat, and he just shakes his head and turns back to the wood.
“Blue eyes, I got so many answers to that question, I wouldn't even know where to start.”
“What do you want for the inhalers?” I sigh, because I know the answer. Sawyer seems to know this too.
“Ah, good question. Hang on a tick. What do I want? A kiss ought to do it.”
I feel myself stumble back, “W-What?” I choke out, I wasn’t expecting that answer. Sawyer turns around.
“A kiss, from you, right now?” He doesn’t seem serious, but the fluttering in my stomach makes me want to believe him. He’s just playing mind games with me.
“Why not from Kate? Don’t you like her better?” I ask as confidently as I can as I cross my arms over my chest.
“But you’re right here blue eyes, what’s a man to do?” Sawyer croons and I take a step back as he steps forward.
“I don't- I dont b-buy it,” I stumble as I speak.
“Buy what?” Sawyer asks.
“The act,” I say as I take a deep breath to steady myself, “You try too hard, Sawyer. I ask you to help a woman who can't breath and you want me to kiss you? Nobody's that disgusting. I know you, you know.”
“You don’t know jack, stop saying that,” Sawyer spits at me. What did I do to deserve this treatment?
“That piece of paper -- the one you keep in your pocket,” I begin, “I know the expression on your face when you read it and I know how carefully you fold it up. I know it means something to you. So you can play games all you want, but I know there's a human being in there somewhere. Give me the medication.”
“You think you understand me?” Sawyer asks menacingly.
“Yeah. I think I’ve got a pretty good idea,” I say confidently back.
“Shut up,” Sawyer says and I flinch at him, “You want to know what kind of human being I am?” He takes the letter out of his pocket and hands it to me, “Read it. Read it. Out loud.”
“James I already-” I try to say.
“No. Just read it,” He growls and I realize it was a bad idea to call him by his real name.
I take a deep breath and begin to read, out loud, “Dear Mr. Sawyer, you don't know who I am but I know who you are and I know what you done. You had sex with my mother and then you stole my dad's money all away. So he got angry and he killed my mother and then he killed himself, too.”
“Don't stop now. You're just getting to the good part,” Sawyer cuts in sarcasally.
“All I know is your name. But one of these days I'm going to find you and I'm going to give you this letter so you'll remember what you done to me. You killed my parents, Mr. Sawyer,” I finish reading and I look at my feet. Maybe I provoked him too much.
“Now about that kiss... I didn't think so,” Sawyer says and he walks past me away from the wood. I sink into the sand next to the tree as I swallow the burning feeling in my throat.
Trudging back to the beach I notice Sawyer gathering up some things. I know he’s going to the caves, and he’s going to get punched. I run up to him.
“Wait Sawyer-,” I call as I approach him, “I want to go with you.”
“You don’t know where I’m headed,” Sawyer says coolly and I shake my head.
“The caves? To get water?” I offer with a feigned air of confidence.
“Fine, get your pack and some water bottles and let’s go.”
“Great, thanks,” I reply, feeling annoyed.
We walk through the jungle together for a while before Sawyer even speaks up. I was beginning to wonder if he was going to freeze me out.
“Why do you keep coming around?” He asks, keeping his eyes straightforward on the path.
“Well um, I know that you’re making an enemy of people on this Island and I want to be a.. a fall back?” I offer weakly. While it’s not a lie it’s not the complete truth. I want him to trust me and not get upset with me.
Sawyer just lets out a huff as we make it up to the caves. We walk over to where the water is and Sawyer bends down to get some. I keep my eyes away from the people in the caves as Jack approaches.
“Give me the inhalers -- now,” Jack demands to Sawyer, not even looking at me.
“Hell, I wondered when you were going to stop asking nice,” Sawyer drawls as he makes to stand. Jack lunges in and punches him. I flinch and make a noise.
“Well, it's about time, cowboy. Been telling you since day one, we're in the wild. Didn't think you had it in you,” Sawyer taunts and Jack punches him again.
“Hey! Stop it you two!” I yell out, the others in the cave glands at me but the two men ignore me.
“That all you got?” Sawyer huffs, flicking his sweaty head out of his face. Jack stops and looks around, noticing that everyone is watching him. He shakes his head and walks away. Sawyer breathes heavily and stares daggers at the cave people.
“C’mon Sawyer,” I say quietly, filling up some bottles and leading Sawyer out of the caves to make our way back to the beach.
After Sawyer and I made it back from the caves. We both settle down next to one another on the airline seats outside of Sawyer’s tent. Sawyer decided to take a nap so I decide to continue to read Of Mice and Men. It’s weird, though, sitting silently next to Sawyer as he sleeps and I read. I think forward to the Dharmaville days ahead, and I hope we’ll be able to do it more. Then my stomach turns and I remember Juliet. I scratch the back of my head and tuck into my book.
A few minutes later I hear crunching in the sand. I look up from my book and see Sayid approaching with a large metal pipe. Sayid holds a finger up to his lips to signal silence and I scramble out of my seat towards him.
“Sayid you can be serious!” I loud-whisper to him, pressing a hand to his chest to stop him.
“He did this to himself,” Sayid replies, pushing right past me to poise the big metal pipe over Sawyer's head. Sawyer jerks awake and without a smile Sayid says, “Good morning,” and slams the pipe down onto Sawyer. I let out a yelp in protest.
Then Jack shows up and begins to gather Sawyer out of his seat. Then he and Sayid begin dragging Sawyer away. I run up beside them, and Kate soon joins us.
“What are you doing? Jack!” Kate yells.
“This was Sawyer's choice, not mine,” Jack says stoically.
“If you do this!” Kate begins, but her next statement is cut off. I feel something hit the back of my head and spots dance over my vision. I fall to the sand as black engulfs me.
I’m jerked awake by a wave of cold water being thrown onto me. I look wildly around and see Jack holding a bucket looking guilty. I look to my left and see Sawyer tied to a tree. Sayid splashes water on his face to bring him to.
“Well, ain't you the brave one, jumping a guy while he's napping,” Sawyer drawls and then looks between Sayid and Jack, “Uh-oh, I'm in trouble now, ain't I?”
“I guess we both are,” I mumble to myself and I notice Sawyer turn his head towards me.
“Sawyer, I'm giving you the chance to do the right thing. Now, all I want is the asthma medicine. Just tell me where the inhalers are and we'll stop,” Jack explains to Sawyer.
“Stop what, Chico?” Sawyer asks and I look over to see Sayid making bamboo spikes.
“It doesn't have to be this way,” Jack tries to say.
“Yeah, it does,” Sawyer replies.
“No! It doesn’t, Sawyer please,” I try to beg.
“Oh and you’ve got blue eyes here too?” Sawyer asks with a chuckle, “I must be in a load of trouble then.” Jack opens his mouth to speak, but Sayid cuts in with a speech.
“We do not have bamboo in Iraq, although we do have something similar -- reeds. But their effect is the same when the shoots are inserted underneath the fingernails,” Sayid explains in a menacing voice, and I can feel my heart rate increase rapidly. I hate this scene, I hate this scene.
“You know what I think, Ali. I think you've never actually tortured anybody in your life,” Sawyer taunts, and I wince for him.
“Unfortunately for us both, you're wrong,” Sayid replies as he slowly begins to move behind Sawyer. I shut my eyes as Sayid starts with the bamboo under the fingernails.
“That's it? That's all you got? Splinters? No wonder we kicked your ass in the Gulf…” Sawyer begins to say, until Sayid shoves the bamboo into Sawyer’s fingernails and he screams. I let out a cry in pain as well just hearing him.
“Sayid. Sayid!” Jack calls, and Sayid stops.
“No. Don't stop now. I think my sinuses are clearing?” Sawyer pants, egging him on.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Jack asks Sawyer.
“Perhaps a more indirect method will loosen your tongue?” Sayid asks and I know what’s coming. I open my eyes and beg Sawyer with him to stop. Sawyer doesn’t say anything and I whimper.
Sayid shifts to get behind me and my tied hands. I struggle with my bonds and try to get my fingers away from Sayid's hands. I cry out when he grabs my wrists roughly and slides the bamboo into them. I scream high and clear as color burns in my vision at the pain. I try to jerk away, but Sayid just tightens his hold.
Okay, okay!” Sawyer calls and I feel Sayid retreat. I collapse into the tree and begin to sob.
“Where is it?” Sayid asks harshly.
“The only person I'll tell is her,” Sawyer replies.
“Amelia?” Jack asks but Sawyer shakes his head and realization washes over Jack, “Kate?”
“That's the deal,” Sawyer says finally. Jack and Sayid move away from the spot to go to get Kate. I turn as best I can to Sawyer.
“Why?!” I shout, trying to overcome my sobs. “Why did you let him do that to me James why why why!”
“Keep your voice down,” Sawyer growles through clenched teeth, “And I did it because I didn’t think Sayid would actually harm you. I was wrong.”
“Damn right you were wrong,” I choke out and lean my head against the trunk of the tree. Then Jack and Sayid return with Kate. Kate looks hard at Sawyer, but her expression softens when she sees me.
Kate shakes her head and turns back to Sawyer, “So I'm here. Where is it?”
“Happy to tell you, as soon as I get a kiss,” Sawyer replies cheekily. I knew it would come to this. He’s never going to kiss me.
“What? Are you serious?” Kate asks incredulously, not bothering to hide the tone.
“Baby, I am tied to a tree in a jungle of mystery. I just got tortured by a damn spinal surgeon and a gen-u-ine I-raqi,” Sawyer pauses and looks over to me, “Of course, I'm serious. You're just not seeing the big picture here, Freckles. You really going to let that girl suffocate because you can't bring yourself to give me one little kiss? Hell, it's only first base. Lucky for you I ain't greedy.”
“Okay,” Kate agrees.
“Okay,” Sawyer repeats. I close my eyes as Kate leans in and I know they kiss. I keep my mouth in a tight line to avoid from making any pathetic sounds.
“I don't have it,” Sawyer says, and then turns his head to me, “Blue eyes here probably knew that too.”
“What?” Kate blanches, looking between the both of us. I look away from her face feeling guilty. I tried to stop it.
“The medicine. I don't have it, never did,” Sawyer replies.
“The book -- they said you found it in their luggage.”
“The book washed up on shore, went in the drink with the rest of-“ Sawyer is cut off as Kate elbows him across the face. I make another sound of protest as she walks away toward Jack and Sayid.
I take my chance to slowly try and wiggle out of my bonds. I felt they tied it a little too loose, and I try to maneuver my fingers to get myself untied. I yank my hands away from the trunk and my wrists free themselves. I shake off the bonds and quickly scramble to my feet and make it to Sawyer.
“C’mon Sawyer let’s go-”
Suddenly Sayid is running towards us, and back to Sawyer. I turn my head as Sawyer is helping me loosen the bindings on his wrist. I intercept Sayid and try to fight him off away from Sawyer. Sayid makes a move to try to stab Sawyer in the arm. I intercept him once ahain, but at a cost. Sayid stabs me instead. I sob in pain and collapse into Sawyer’s lap. Sayid holds his arms out, like it was an accident. Jack rushes over to us as Sawyer tries to get me up. He supports me on his lap as Jack pulls the knife out, blood spurts out of my arm and I cry out again.
“You hit an artery,” Jack says and I wiggle around to, “Keep still damn it. Sayid, I need my stuff from the caves, my leather backpack. Go.”
Jack pinched my artery closed as best as he can as Sawyer’s hands steady themselves at my waist to keep me still. I drop my head back onto Sawyer’s shoulder and whimper quietly in pain.
“Can you make it stop?” Kate’s voice cuts through the panic that is filling up my head. Kate and Jack keep me still as Sawyer and help me switch places with him.
“Let go. I know you want to,” Sawyer taunts Jack and I try to give him a withering look.
“Shut up,” Jack says to Sawyer, “And stop moving”, he says to me.
“You've been waiting for this, haven't you? Now you get to be the hero again, because that's what you do -- fix everything up all nice,” Sawyer taunts again, and I really wish he’d shut up. This is my life on the line and not his, “Tell him to let go, Freckles. Blue eyes is just taking up the top spot as doctor anyways. Hey, Jack, there's something you should know -- if the tables were turned, and it wasn’t blue eyes, I'd watch you die.”
“Sawyer I really wish you’d shut up,” I say weakly, but everything looks blurry. The last thing I see is Sawyer’s concerned look before I pass out.
When I do finally wake up, Kate and Sawyer are there to see me. I scoot up a little more on Sawyer's makeshift seat-bed. Sawyer is the first to get up and come over, and Kate follows after him.
“You're lucky to be alive,” Kate says to me in amazement.
“Jack?” I ask.
“Went to the caves to check on Shannon,” She tells me and then turns on Sawyer. She holds up Sawyer's letter and he gives her a horrible look. Red hot guilt fills my stomach and throat, “I read it, and then again, because I've been trying to figure out why you beat up Boone instead of just telling him you didn't have his sister's medication. Why you pretended to have it anyway. The thing that I keep coming back around to is that you want to be hated. Then I looked at the envelope -- America's bicentennial, Knoxville, TN. You were just a kid, 8 maybe 9 years old.”
“Kate,” Sawyer says menacingly. Kate must’ve took it off me when they were taking me back to the beach. I look down at my wrapped arm and realize I’m only in my tank top.
“This letter wasn't written to you. You wrote this letter. Your name's not Sawyer, is it?” Kate asks and I try to sit up more. Shit shit shit shit shit shit.
“Kate wait-” I try to say, but Sawyer cuts me off.
“It was his name. He was a confidence man. Romanced my momma to get to the money, wiped them out clean, left a mess behind. So I wrote that letter. I wrote it knowing one day I'd find him. But that ain't the sad part,” Sawyer pauses and glances at me, “When I was 19, I needed 6 grand to pay these guys off I was in trouble with. So I found a pretty lady with a dumb husband who had some money. And I got them to give it to me. How's that for a tragedy? I became the man I was hunting. Became Sawyer. Don't you feel sorry for me,” Sawyer grabs the letter from her, “Get the hell out. Get out!”
Kate gets up and walk away without another glance at me. Sawyer watches her go with an awful expression on his face. I slowly lower myself onto the bed, now feeling light-headed from sitting up. I must’ve lost a lot of blood.
“Sawyer I didn’t know she would find it,” I say weakly, bracing myself for an explosion from Sawyer.
“Not your fault,” Sawyer replies simply, still looking away from me. I stare at him surprised.
“I took a knife for you,” I say and he finally turns around.
“In the original series,” I explain, “You’re the one who gets stabbed. I don’t exist.”
“Lucky you,” He replies simply and settles back into the chair next to the bed. I turn on my back and stare up at the ceiling of the tent.
The sun begins to set and I look out across the beach to see Sayid and Kate talk. I remember that Sayid is leaving, and I smile a bit to myself. It’s odd how even though I changed things, everything seems to course correct. I watch as Sayid kisses Kate’s hand and then turns to walk away. I turn my head to Sawyer and see him hold a lighter up to his letter, but hesitate.
He turns his head and catches my eye, and I give him a reassuring smile. He nods back at me and turns away to look at the ocean. I smile to myself some more and begin to hum “I Shall Not Walk Alone” as I remember from the episode's end.
Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in updates!
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amwritingmeta · 4 years
Comment from @dollysgirl04 (sorry that I can’t tag properly) on the 15x20 meta I posted yesterday:
Trying to positivey spin the hateful messages of burying your gays and only finding happiness in death is harmful. What they did was objectively wrong and you shouldn't dismiss that in a quest to make your own personal peace with the show. Dont make excuses for real harmful messaging.
Firstly, I was in no way trying to dismiss anything. I believe I even went so far as to make it clear in the post that I understand the anger, I felt it, and let me be perfectly and absolutely clear, in case I wasn’t, that I still feel it at some of the choices made. All I wanted to offer was the fact that, putting that anger aside, I can recognise why the choices were most likely made.
I agree the problematic way that, in the visual narrative, we saw both Stevie and Charlie disappear from our story, their happiness cut short and Charlie talking about how she’d dared open her heart making it seem as though love was the actual culprit all along, for us to then not have a visual reestablishing of both these characters brought back by Jack, and their relationship restored, is highly regrettable. Keeping this in the subtext is unnecessary and neglectful and yes, it angers me too, because all we can do is assume Jack brought them both back. We don’t know he did.
If there was no intention by Berens for us to draw the conclusion that these two were brought back by Jack, then I’ll concede that the 15x18 is a clusterfuck of offensive moments and that I have absolutely no idea who these writers are, yeah? But I’m not going to assume that’s what happened, because it doesn’t track with every single other episode that Berens has written, nor does it track with the subtext he established for us in that episode: the love story exists, because couple after couple was broken apart and then Dean and Cas were broken apart. Why would theirs be the only relationship where the love was established as romantic (by Cas’ speech) and yet not reciprocated, when both of the other couples were deeply in love with each other?
Cas is canonically alive--as an angel or as the soul of the man he grew into is up to us to decide--and so the bury your gays trope doesn’t actually work in relation to him. His sacrifice brought him the integration he needed to go fix what all of his previous bad choices and insecurities and lack of self-worth and self-insight made fall apart: Heaven. And his faith in Jack made all of this fixing possible. To my mind, this is an incredible way for his individual arc to end. 
Would I have preferred Heaven fixed by Jack and Cas being able to let Heaven go? Yup. But that’s not what we got, so hey ho.
All that said, your comment on how Dean is now shown to find happiness (or at least true happiness) in death is an enormous issue and I wholeheartedly agree with you on the fact that the narrative has made itself so vulnerable to this interpretation is beyond neglectful. 
Dean’s death shocked me to my core on Friday. It was such a slap in the face.
But you go on to mention how this is all really harmful messaging and I am so sorry, lovely, but on this I’m going to have to disagree with you again.
Messaging is intentional. Leaving the narrative open to this type of interpretation by its audience is not messaging. 
Do you sincerely believe that Jensen and Jared would go into this episode with the intention to send any type of damaging or harmful message to this fanbase, their fanbase, when they know that fanbase so well, when they’ve been so involved with creating hotlines and raising awareness about mental health, when Jared has nothing that is closer to his heart than this very issue?
Of course they wouldn’t. 
There’ll be peace when you are done. And all of us will be done at some point. This is an overarching message for human beings moving through life the best we know how, not knowing what waits for us at the end of the road. It’s not Dean’s choice to die. He’s not entirely ready. Just like most of us won’t be. But he accepts it nonetheless. And the reward he receives at the end of his journey is given to him by Cas: a Heaven that now knows free will.
Like I said, I can see the most likely reasons these choices were made. 
Do I like that the heart symbology was tied up through Dean’s death being linked to his heart? No. Do I like that the codependency was broken through Dean’s death, rather than active choice? No. Do I like that Dean died in a barn? No. Can I see positive things in all of these choices? Yes.
Not because I’m on a quest to make my own personal peace with the show, but because this is what I’ve done with this narrative for the past four years of writing meta analysis of it, looking at the deeper threads, finding ways to braid them together or pull them apart, see how things fit, see how they make sense with the bigger whole.
I’m quite okay with being called a clown for my positivity. I’ll even take bitch. (don’t worry someone else called me those things) But don’t come and accuse me of approaching my analysis with anything but the utmost fucking diligence and awareness and desire to suss out what the messaging is, based in what’s come before. 
And I know you don’t want to hear it, but I genuinely do not believe that messaging, in 15x20 or any other episode of this show, has ever been intentionally harmful. Neglectful and ignorant? Yes. But my positive spin wouldn’t have been possible if I actually believed that Jensen and Jared had stepped onto set knowing exactly how the visual exploration of “there’ll be peace when you are done” would be interpreted by the fandom. 
Am I thrilled with this ending? Am I full-out defending every choice made? Am I onboard with this ending now and all the disappointment has been left behind? Do I find it a fulfilling thought that Dean had to die to know true peace and, at least as hinted, even true love? Am I pleased with the brother threads that can be pulled on forever by that final visual where it’s just the two of them, rather than them together with their found family?
Of course not. I mean, I would even say a hell no to that. It sucks. But was it pure choice, or was it choice brought on by circumstance?
Either way, the fact that we didn’t get Misha in the finale will forever smart. 
And I wanted Cas back so badly that I kept that hope alive for two weeks because anything else was utterly unthinkable to me. Of course I’m still devastated. Of course I’m still aching. And of course now we’re left with a frustrating ending that many saw coming a mile away, but that I always hoped wouldn’t be necessary, given how progressive the times are.
These thoughts above are the basis for my positive meta. The questioning of why we got the ending we got, rather than something more in line with the progression of the show. There’s good in all the bad. And that’s really not me making excuses. That’s me actually fucking seeing it there. Just as I’ve seen everything in this narrative that I’ve meta’d over the years.
I’d thank you not to be dismissive of that.
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milknette · 4 years
day 15 - mythical creatures
how i miss yesterday, and how i’d let it fade away.
tumblr month: @auyeahaugust
links: ao3 | ff.net
THE Agreste Mansion could have been beautiful, if not for the overgrown greenery and rusted fence that decorate the estate's exterior.
It looks like the textbook definition of what a haunted house is.
Marinette should be scared.
Instead, she takes out her cellphone, turns it on, faces the camera, and...
Goes live.
"Hey everyone, Marinette here!" She starts, waving almost awkwardly at the camera. (Thousands of viewers come storming into the live in seconds.) "So… welcome to the Ladybug— crap, I mean, the Ladyblog!"
Noticing that the camera is angled a little too low, she shifts to show herself better.
(Wow, she really is bad at this.)
"As you all know, or maybe you don't, haha… I'm heading the vlog for today!" She tries to smile, but it's clearly panicked. "Alya couldn't come back with me to Paris, unfortunately, and you all really wanted to see us cover the Agreste story so…," she moves along with the camera, trying to show off her surroundings.
(Nobody watching has the heart to tell her they can't see anything because her head's covering half the screen.)
"I'll be heading this adventure myself!" Marinette scratches her head awkwardly, and almost drops her phone as she hears a sudden crack! behind her. "Ohmygod what was that—"
She immediately turns the camera, only to notice a black cat pass behind her.
Its vivid green eyes almost make her shudder.
"Black cat," Marinette mutters to herself. "Sure, like I didn't know this was a terrible idea already.
She remembers a little too late that she's still online.
"I mean! This is going to be fun! Let's do this!"
The chatbox is filled with messages, but they all really say the same thing:
This is going to be a trainwreck.
But I am going to enjoy absolutely every minute of it.
(She pointedly ignores these messages and goes forward.)
Marinette walks towards the estate, using a key to unlock the rusted gate to the Agreste residence.
"If you're all wondering how I got entry to this place," she starts. "One of our subscribers actually helped us out," she turns towards the camera and smiles. "So Chloé Bourgeois, thanks a lot!"
(Yeah, thanks for giving her no choice but to go through with this video.)
"If it weren't for you, this video wouldn't be possible at all."
The gate opens with a resounding creaaaaak and Marinette has to force the unbothered smile on her face.
"Alright, let's go in."
[ INSTAGRAM STORY: maribug ]
"Hi guys! In case you don't know the story of the Agrestes, please swipe up with an article Alya wrote on the story below. As usual, be warned for creepy content!"
The Mysterious Disappearances of the Agreste Family
Almost five years ago, the Agrestes were the so-called 'it family' of Paris, France. Their family consisted of top fashion designer Gabriel, his beautiful wife, Emilie, and their only son, Adrien— a teenage model for his father's brand early on. In the public's eyes, this was a picture-perfect family.
However, this was soon revealed to be a ruse.
In 20XX, Emilie Agreste suddenly passed away. The family refused to comment and held a private funeral. A few weeks later, residents were surprised to find large fences erected around the residence, gating outsiders from entering the home. Father and son withdrew from contact with the outside world, aside from secretary Nathalie Sanceour and Adrien Agreste's unnamed personal bodyguard, nicknamed 'The Gorilla'.
Any media or news shared about the family were quickly taken down. For a long time, any and all information about the death of Emilie Agreste was removed— presumably by the husband himself.
News on the Agrestes stayed quiet for a year, until Adrien was spotted attending a local high school.
This was only for a day. After finding out about Adrien's attempted "escape", he was quickly returned to the premises and brought home.
The school refused to comment when we asked for an interview.
Due to limited information, little is known about what happened next.
The most accepted story, however, is that after Adrien was returned home, the Agrestes completely dropped off the radar. Even Gabriel Agreste was completely unreachable to his company.
Both Nathalie Sancoeur and 'The Gorilla' we're suddenly fired and removed from the premises without warning.
After a year of silence from the family, Sancoeur was finally given a warrant to enter the Agreste Mansion with the police force.
The mansion was empty. In fact, it seemed that nobody had occupied the space in months. A written report states that a cup of coffee Sancoeur remembers making from Mr. Agreste, on the day of her sudden termination, remained to be on his desk.
No sign of forced entry or violence was taken note of. They had just… disappeared.
A nationwide search was held to find the father-son duo, but to no avail. They were not found alive nor dead. The police soon branded this a cold case and filed it away.
Sancoeur was given control over the Agreste brand. 'The Gorilla' was also rehired to be her assistant.
Both declined to comment and continue to avoid topics talking about the Agreste family.
The mansion has been left untouched since then.
Until now.
(Please follow TheLadyblog on Instagram, tomorrow by 8PM vlogger Marinette Dupain-Cheng will visit the abandoned residence!)
The house is huge.
Marinette enters into a large foyer, run-down from years of neglect and disrepair. The pristine white of the walls have faded into a dull gray, complemented with spiderwebs in almost every corner. She holds her flashlight almost like a weapon.
Then, she switches to the front camera and shows the audience her surroundings.
"As you can see, the house seems untouched from when its previous owners lived here," Marinette begins, holding back the need to shudder. "Chloé messaged me that she ensured nobody else lived or even came in its vicinity," she explains, her tone turning more empathetic. "Apparently she and Adrien used to be friends, and she's still hoping that he'll come back to claim the house someday."
(Personally, Marinette doesn't think that he will— doesn't think he can, really— but decides to keep that little fact to herself.)
She turns the camera back to her.
"So anyway, I was given a floor plan to the building," she continues, raising up a piece of paper and showing it to her viewers. "Since the mansion is huge, and I can't possibly visit all the rooms tonight, tell me where you want to go!"
The comments flood in, and the answer is unanimous:
The previous room of Adrien Agreste.
Marinette opens the door carefully.
The door squeaking isn't that loud, but it echoes throughout the corridor and makes things so much creepier than they have to be.
She bites her lip, and enters the room— which takes up almost the entire second floor story.
Arcade stations, computers, games, books, and CDs fill up the entire floor. A television screen almost three times bigger than she is lays upon the wall. A basketball half-court decorates one side of the room. There are more doors which likely lead to other things to see, but she decides to check that later on.
"Okay, I don't think I'll do this room justice with a phone camera and a flashlight for lighting, but this is amazing," Marinette raves. "I feel like this is a teenage boy's dream room. Honestly, it's my dream room." She laughs to herself lightly, turning the front camera on. "Though I'd maybe change out the basketball court for my personal sewing space."
(Marinette briefly wonders why anyone would want to leave such a place, but dismisses the thought almost immediately; realizing that none of it could be enjoyed at all if she were alone.)
In fact, standing in the middle of it at that moment made her feel much lonelier than she was previously.
Except, she's not alone.
But Marinette's too busy looking around to notice the increasingly panicked messages of her viewers:
do yall
u all see that right…..
ohmygod is-
Noticing her phone buzz with messages, she clicks on the tab that opens them.
Marinette's eyebrows wrinkle together.
"What are you guys talking abou—"
A scream, the sound of her phone cracking, and the live video suddenly being turned off.
well, there goes ½ of the ladyblog…
Alya wakes up to her phone overflowing with messages.
The first one she reads is extremely straightforward:
So understandably, she does what any good friend would do.
Think it's a prank set up by Marinette (for making her hold the live without her), get irritated, send her a 'haha nice try mari but dead is a stretch' message, then immediately go back to sleep.
Marinette, however, never gets the message.
It's easy to panic when death's staring you right in the face.
So she does, because death is quite literally staring right at her.
In the form of a sixteen-year-old boy whose face she knew all too well from all the hidden fashion magazines her teenage self hid under her bed.
Adrien Agreste.
(Well, at least now the question of did-he-live was answered. A stone-cold, dead, nope!)
And also, ghosts really do exist— who knew?
(The so-called paranormal expert didn't, apparently.)
The ghost moves toward her, as she scrambles away, her back suddenly hitting the wall.
"Please, if you're gonna kill me, do it quick," Marinette replies, rushing through the words. "I don't know how angry you ghosts are, but I swear violence isn't the answer. It'll solve nothing and make me dead so let's maybe move away from that—"
Adrien tilts his head, and it almost looks human. (Maybe if his head hadn't done a complete three-sixty at that exact moment, she would've calmed down. Instead, and understandably, she panics more.)
"Hey, hey! Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you."
"You aren't?" She asks, then suddenly horrified (and almost embarrassed), covers her body with her hands. "Don't possess me! Look, I'm a klutz and have literally no coordination. You don't want me! Actually, I can get you better bodies! I have this friend named Alya…"
(Marinette isn't sure why, but she feels extremely irritated with her best friend for some reason.)
The ghost laughs.
And it doesn't echo ohmygod he really is dead and she really is going to die and all this drama for a bunch of views what has she become—
He floats closer to her, and smiles. "I won't possess you either," he replies. "You can keep your body."
"... then, what do you want?"
"Well, I don't really want anything."
He looks almost amused. "I mean, you were the one who broke into my house. I guess I'd like to know why."
Okay, fair.
Marinette looks almost sheepish when she responds, realizing how dumb her reasoning actually is:
"Well, I'm a paranormal vlogger…"
Marinette has done a lot of strange things in her life.
But this— talking to a ghost about YouTube of all things, is probably the weirdest of all.
(The really terrifying thing about it was how comfortable she actually felt about it.
Talking to Adrien was terribly easy that you couldn't help but let your guard down.)
He looks at her with wide-eyed awe. "That's amazing! And I can't believe I get to be included in your video!"
She smiles lightly. "Well, you are kind of a big deal…"
"I never knew fashion meant that much to so many people!"
(The truth was that they knew Adrien because of his disappearance and the conspiracy around his family, but she decides against mentioning it. Though, it's quite strange to be so cautious of hurting a ghost, of all things.)
"Yeah," Marinette replies instead. "I used to collect your magazines, you know?"
Adrien brightens up. "Dang, you're a fan of me?" He bows down, and his head almost falls over. (She finds herself laughing.) "I'm honored, milady."
"Milady?" She asks teasingly. "What era are you from?"
"Hey—! Technically, we're the same age." He protests, before suddenly quieting down. "I guess I'd be twenty now, huh?"
The mood shifts, and Marinette can't do anything about it.
"... I'm sorry."
"Don't be," he only says. "I guess I'm just a little sad that I never really got to experience being a teenager. Y'know, being normal." He laughs to himself. "And even after death, I'm still not. Being stuck here and all."
"Do you mind if I ask what happened…?" Marinette begins, her voice soft. "Not that you have to answer but… it was so sudden when everyone got the news you were gone."
Adrien sighs. "I'm not sure myself," he explains. "My dad… he thought there was some way to bring her back. Bring my mom back to life. And he did things, some dark things, but they didn't work… and before I knew it, he was gone, and I was stuck like this."
He gestures down at himself. "I can't even leave the house, can you believe it? I've just been here and alone for years…" Then, a smile. "Until you came along."
"I'm glad I can be of some company," Marinette replies, smiling back.
(It's strange— so strange, but she feels connected to him in ways she's never felt connected to anyone.)
"I'm glad that the company who showed up was you."
At that, Marinette decides on an idea.
She stands, and gestures for him to follow.
"You're a ghost, so you can't touch things, right?"
"Yeah… but I can move them. I learned a lot of ghost skills while I was stuck here."
She smiles. "Great."
"What do you mean?"
Marinette walks over to the foosball table, groaning from years of neglect, and places her hands on it. "I may not be able to bring you back, but I can let you experience what it feels like to be a teenager." She tilts her head, pointing towards the game.
"Let's play?"
They play games late at night and into the early hours of the morning.
Marinette has never seen someone enjoy her company that much— like she had given him the whole world, and everything he'd ever wanted.
It makes her heart soar, to see him so happy.
They take a break as the clock tells them it's almost three in the morning.
Marinette settles into the couch, with Adrien lying down as he floats over her.
"I'm sorry you had to play with me," she starts. "Not really great at sports. And I can get pretty intense when it comes to online games."
Adrien only smiles at her, without a hint of irritation or regret. "No, this was perfect. It's the most fun I've had in a long time." He laughs. "Maybe ever. And I'll never forget this, no matter how long I stay like this."
She frowns as the words leave his mouth.
(Wasn't the thing tying him to the real world his failure to experience his life as a teenager?)
Marinette says it aloud.
"If only it were that simple," he responds, almost sad. "But I don't think that was ever the reason."
"Then what is it?"
"I won't judge it or anything. Please, I want to help."
Adrien sighs, then looms over her, the expression on his face almost breaking her heart. "It's corny, but… I wanted to experience love." He finally says. "After my mom died, I was locked away. I never felt my dad's love, and Nathalie cared for me, but that was it. My mom was the last person who ever loved me. I just wish I could've experienced that feeling one more time."
I loved you."
Marinette looks up at him, vulnerable. Her hands curl up into balls as they grab at the couch.
"I don't know if you remember me," she begins shakily. "But I was there that day you went to the high school."
"It was raining. And it was only for a moment, but you lent me your umbrella because I forgot mine," she laughs to herself. "I'm sure you don't remember me but…"
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng."
"... how did you know that?"
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng," he repeats. "I remember that name. I talked to Miss Bustier over the phone then, and she told me you were the first person I should find when I came to class. She told me you'd make me feel right at home. Adrien looks up at her, and smiles. "I guess she was right."
At that, Marinette feels her mouth tilt upward. "Took you a long time to find me, huh?"
"Better late than never, though?"
They share a laugh, before Adrien continues. "I was really looking forward to meeting you," he says. "And somehow, I knew it was you when I gave that umbrella. You just gave that feeling of home Miss Bustier was talking about… and I was so desperate to have you know me that the umbrella was my way of doing so. Even if I never gave my name, I hoped that somehow, in some way, you'd remember me." He smiles. "And you did."
"... I don't know what to say."
"I think I loved you then," Adrien says, almost to himself. "I just didn't know it yet."
They stare at each other for a moment, and Marinette feels her heart break and be whole at the same time.
The sun starts to show itself, peeking through the clouds.
"... I won't see you again anymore, will I?"
Adrien doesn't even have to nod for her to know his answer.
"Maybe I'll take back my, 'I love you', then."
He laughs.
"I don't like having to lose you all over again."
He makes his way to her, then presses a kiss to her forehead.
(She knows that ghosts can't touch her, but the warmth that spreads from his touch isn't anything short of real.)
"Good luck with your YouTube channel."
It's Marinette's turn to laugh.
"Are you sure those are what you want your last words to be?"
Adrien hums.
"I guess you're right," he replies softly. "I'll go with this then:
I love you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng."
And as the sun rises, she suddenly finds herself alone.
Marinette rushes home to use her laptop.
She scrolls through the messages— all assuming she's died, and dials a number she knows by heart.
"Oh thank God you're alive, I was so worried about you!"
"I saw your message, Alya."
"Oh. Haha, well! How was I supposed to believe that an actual ghost showed up on your live?"
"I guess you're right."
"... so, is it true? Was the ghost real? Is the Agreste mansion haunted?"
Marinette pauses.
Then, almost too softly for her to hear, she says it:
"Not anymore."
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sunlightnmoonshine · 4 years
Let's talk abt ep 10
Admittedly Itaewon Class has some of the best story telling. How they manage to make so much happen coherently within an hour amazes me. The characters all one of a kind and none one dimensional gives this show so much depth. I always find myself analysing the characters because there's so much to each of them and you see yourself in at least one of them in some instance but I'm going to elaborate on just two characters since ep 10 gave them a lot of fodder.
Jang Geun Won - I could care less abt him because all he'd done thus far was mouth off but admittedly every time he'd do something around Soo Ah or his father I'd just see him as pathetic. Ep 10 kinda just highlighted how truly pathetic he is. I more or less figured the Chairman would try to dismiss Geun Won because like Ro Yi said that's who he is but what I didn't see was him setting up a conference and turning his son in. Basically made his son take the fall for "his" actions.
Let's recap, Jang Geun Won is trash but the first ep more or less highlights how pitiable his character is and how he's the subject of terrible parenting. It's obvious when you see him sitting upset in the hospital and then begging for forgiveness. Thereafter going to his father and asking him to let Ro Yi out. He has a conscience although it's twisted and covered in this notion that money will help him (again something his father put into his head). But watching the chairman cover up his own crimes by throwing his son under the bus was just... I dont know how to describe it because I don't feel sorry for him. He deserves to pay for his actions but he's the victim of a lot of sociological factors along with mental abuse. That moment where he sees his father and a tear falls I was like shit this feels a little unfair.
I could go on abt this there's a lot of psychology here but I dont wanna bore people with details but what needs to be seen is that this drama really went into the role parents have in raising their kids and how the way their kid grows up depends on what they instill in them or the situations they place them in. Not saying that you don't have the choice in what sort of a person you become though (although some have it harder because if psychological factors) which brings us to the next character.
Jang Geun Soo - he's a puppy but these past few eps he's been mildly getting on my nerves not in this oh I dislike your presence kind of a thing but because his behaviour is starting out to border on childish. And this makes sense obviously because he's a child and he doesn't know better.
Leave aside the fact that he feels bad for his family even though what they have done to Ro Yi can frankly never be paid for and thereafter we see that he's going to now Join Jangga and become the Head or more or less be groomed by the Chairman which also means that much like Soo Ah he'll be put in a position where Ro Yi succeeding will be problematic. But let's leave all this aside because I believe he's a good guy and at the end of it he'll make the right decision but duh there's gonna be some drama. The problem I have with all this is that his motivation is Yi Seo.
Now how is this motivation different from Yi Seo's motivation to work at Danbam? It is. It just is and I need an entirely different post to elaborate so I'm not going into that.
But Geun Soo's inherent reactions and that dramatic run he did when he realised "that its okay for me to want you, right?" after everything his family has done to Ro Yi just didn't strike well with me. Again theres definitely going to be some twist so I don't think we need to worry abt them becoming all out enemies and Ro Yi being the understanding monk that he is will sort it out. He's too good for this world btw.
Whys Geun Soo different to Geun Won? Simply because the chairman just didn't care enough to discipline Geun Soo. Sure he abandoned him to get beat up and what not but he actively abuser Guen Won to the point that Geun Won had to please his father. Geun soo in terms of this had it relatively easier because he didn't need to please his father. So while Geun Soo made better choices and he's the kinder better human obviously ( like I said he's adorable I want good things for him but he's gotta get over Yi Seo) he hasnt had that whole sociological psychological abuse factor.
Which is why this drama is so phenomenal. It gives one such food for thought because there's much grey area and you can't paint these characters are typical hero's or typical villains. I mean sure we call Ro Yi a monk but like then we'd need to have seen him abandon his hate and revenge but he ain't doing that is he. Neither does he want to change his actions even if others might not be too happy with thr outcomes. So he's not some selfless being (although let's be honest there's no selfless act)
I could go on. It's been awhile since a kdrama came around that made me analyse (arthdal chronicles I miss you come back soon please) but imma stop here.
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stagmanparty · 5 years
So I finished watching MLP Season 8 and...
….it´s actually not bad.
Yeah, I´m the first to admit I have to eat my words and agree the show hasn´t really gone down as much as I thought after the movie. I still hate it but the show itself remains good. Yes, there are more than a few mediocre or outright horrible episodes there but the good ones more than compensate.
I do believe that Dubuc is kinda out of her element on ponies, which may explain her use for an entire new cast aside from hasbro´s orders. The friendship school thing is done better than I though tough I still think is kinda stupid at moments.
Overall the balance is...fine.
I was expecting worse but it was an okay season.
I do hate that they explicitly mention the events of the movie but they´re STILL refusing to acknowledge the Equestria Girls ones. Come on Mccarty, stop being embarrassed ot the BETTER story!
Below the cut is my personal opinions of each episode with a dose of sarcasm if u want to read them but for the season as a whole I´ll give a 7/10 it was regular to me.
701-702:  “Girls, I want you all to work on my new school!”
“We have lives, Twilight”
So this wasn´t bad. I though Twilight was gonna be more selfish but she actually makes some fair points and owns to her mistakes here. What´s funny is that she doesn't act this way the rest of the season…
I still think the students are kinda lame but I like how they interact with each other and the episode itself was well handled.
Still, Twilight isn't perfect either since she refuses to have zebras or buffaloes or talking cats on her school. Hell, there aren´t even crystal ponies so she´s almost as bad the racist snape guy.
Kinda standard but good episodes.
703: “So sis, when are you gonna leave?”
“The town?”
“The show…”
I said it once, I´ll said it again, Maud overstayed her welcome. She´s no longer funny and feels like a creator pet by now.
That said the episode itself is actually really good.
Confalone GETS pinkie and gives he an actual character and this was honestly better handled that with Twilight.
Hell for a second I thought Pinkie was gonna have to deal with her own since her meeting with the guy has all the elements of a meet cute scene =P
I could live without the stupid opening scene but it seems even Pinkie realized Maud was being offensive to her audience there…
A really fun Pinkie episode to add to the pile
804 “thank you for calling me, Rarity. I can surely help you with all my sewing knowledge”
“Oh for this episode I´ll need you to forget about all that, darling and be completely useless”
So yeah, this was a waste of time.
So the mane six can´t help Rarity with her store but have plenty of time to go yell at Fluttershy?
And if Rarity hates the ponies of Saddle Row so much why does she enve sells them clothes?
I actually hate how they´re all portrayed cause they´re feeding the stereotype that people into fashion are shallow and petty and the whole point of Rarity´s character was to subvert that!
I only laughed at one joke in the whole episode.
So yeah another terrible fluttershy episode to add to the pile
805 The real reason Rainbow flies so fast...to escape her gay for applejack thoughts.
So a perfectly okay episode.
In other seasons it would have gone unnoticed but in this one it stands out for having solid writing.
It was fun and rainbow was very likeable here since she honestly seemed more concern about the grannies than anything.
It feels a bit stretched out but this is normal for a pony episode.
I do hope she kicks Applejack's behind the second she came back to town though…
A fun Rainbow episode.
806 “Girls, while you wasted time trying to help that kid with divorced parents I acciBURPddentally destroyed a scared statue so we better run, you bastards!” then Twilight pulls a rick an actually leaves them behind =P
SO yeah a complete waste of time.
I understand the point but it doesn't work for me since it seems like they made the problem way too simple.
I also dislike the hippogriffs on principle since i find I them really lame characters so…
Oh and this episode has the WORST song in the entire show. Hell is not even a song, is just words with music behind it.
So yeah, pretty lame episode.
807 “See Twilight, Sunset would have just told me things straight to my face! Then try to stab me in the back but the point remains…”
I already talked about this back when it aired and yeah, my opinion hasn't changed.
This isn´t a Celestia episode, is another of Twilight´s poorly made panic attacks ones.
We learned absolutely nothing about Celestia, she learns nothing at all and we wasted twenty minutes of our lives.
For a fan of the character, waiting nine years for this is nothing but an insult.
The saddest thing is knowing that the show will end without having a proper celestia episode.
So yeah, a total waste of time with only the adorable sunbutt to save some face
808 “You noticed all the wanted posters for you on the way here, Starlight?”
“No, actually not”
“yeah me neither, good thing you´re friends with a princess…”
Really, how come Starlight is NOT a wanted criminal? The episode could have dealt with her hometown disowning her but nope, is just a kinda lame sitcom situation.
Hell, it would have been better if we´re told the parents hooked up and now Starlight and Sunburst feel all kind of awkard but nope.
i suppose there´s like a moral lesson in here but the episode was so dull I don't even remember it.
It could have been a better story but it amounts to nothing.
809 “And to think this all started over a parking lot…”
“you don´t even need the parking lot, Rainbow!”
THAT would have been a better premise…
So yeah, remember season 1? Cool ,cause this is the exact same episode. Nothing new added and nothing interesting happens.
Go watch the leaf episode instead, is way better.
810 “Wait, Big Mac has a what now? How come nopony told me? Do I look like a jealous sister or something?”
“the shotgun isn't helping, AJ…”
Have they really interacted these two? I mean, don´t want a repeat of the same storyline. Infact, showing that Applejack and Sugar whatever get along well will be an interesting episode.
Far more interesting than this for sure.
I was bored the entire time and shut up, sweetie Belle. You'll be lucky to have Snips…
Another time waster.
811 “Spike, can´t you just masturbate like a regular teenager? I mean you have your own room now so it won´t be weird for me anymore…”
Again, remember season 2? Go watch that instead.
It even made more sense back then but now spike not knowing “how to dragon” has become a huge plot hole cause there´s absolutely no reason for him not to know these things so this entire conflict is pointless.
Oh and him having wings is something I don't really like.
Explain how he didn't have those during season 2 when he grew, hasbro! ANother lame Spike episode to the bad spike episodes pile.
812 “Girls, you rather go to a school where you dont´do any homework, play games all day, het to eat delicious food..actually I´m leaving too, school closed!”
So yeah do they do anything at Twilight school other than waste time? No wonder the CMC want to go there! Wasting time is their entire MO nowadays since they have their marks!
Prety standard episode, is honestly just to introduce the villain.
The only really fun thing is the “your mom” bit, I would have approved her out of that alone.
It´s okay, sadly can´t say more.
813 “Evil clones, what was I thinking? Dinosaurs, that´s a proper supervillain plan!”
MEH I mean it´s an okay episode but when you get to it is just repeating stuff from the first discord episode, nothing new. nothing gained.
That should be the motto of this season.
814 “Discord, what part of go to hell don´t you get?”
“The part where you forgot to tell me to stay there”
This episode is horrible!
What´s the moral lesson, be an asshole and get away with everything?
WHy the hell does Starlight apologizes? Why is HER problem that Discord feels bad? The idiot should take it on Twilight and she ahs a perfect reason not to let him in the school..Discord is an asshole! As this episode demonstrated!
Can he just...leave, please?
Worst episode of the season.
815 “Twilight, shouldn't we invite Zecora one of these days?”
“You wanna explain Kwanzaa to the viewers, Rainbow?”
Oh what? Oh yeah this episode.
Look I get the point and being objective there's nothing wrong with this episode but my god, tiw as boring!
Just the same bit repeated over and over and over and over…
Whatever, technically there's nothing wrong with it but I didn't like it.
816 “So mono means one and rail menas...no wait, wrong scam. Calls dismissed!”
“Slow down bro, so who´s the princess of friendship then?”
“The one with the eyepatch!”
So...a perfectly normal episode.
Again, this show always suffers from not having a b plot going on so the conflict get  a bit stretched but as an episode, it was well done.
Hey snape is right that Friendship IS a weapon in this universe, glad someone finally mentioned it.
There´s actually a good moral lesson about how no matter if the lessons are good if the methods are fraudulent which coming from Hasbro is the ultimate irony.
Flim Flam are kinda overdone at this point but it still works.
817 “Remember that time you left me in the desert with pinkie?”
“Oh sure, everything looks bad when you remember it…”
Actually a pretty good episode.
I mean the premise relies on twilight´s students being borderline sociopaths (guys, is not that complex of an idea, friends can disagree on things) but the episode itself it was really fun and the Raridash wa adorable.
I honestly liked it.
818 “I mean we could have get you a teacher and encouraged to get better through a montage but insulting you and hurting your feelings seemed like a better idea, pinkie”
Way to handle a problem, girls!
What part of this is supportive” pinkie? Your friends were assholes to you that made you feel bad so you stop bothering them and then come looking for you because is a problem for THEM?
There´s a better lesson about admitting you may not have the talent for something, which is a lesson that kids DO need to learn but since the problem is solved with a “who cares?” the moral lesson doesnt´work and nobody really learns anything here.
Who approved of this crap?
819 “I say someone must have  said a funny because your mother is in stitches hahaha! I´ll leave you to your grief, Starlight.”
Finally a good episode!
Actually an excellent one. Coupled with a catchy song and really good dialogue, my man Haber can make a really good episode when he wants.
I have zero complains this was the best episode of the season.
820 “That´s it I´m taking you to your parents or in its defect your lesbian aunts that cannot be seen in the show due to television censorship policies!”
I´m sorry but cootalo was a brat the entire episode in need of a good spanking.
Rainbow did absolutely nothing wrong and that gid set gogin around here is full of lies.
If anything she was a bit rash over the fact that yeah, the little girl she sees a sister suddenly is throwing her away...again, cause she did it with the maredowell thing also. Funny they didn´t mention it, probably to appease the fandom.
As an episode is nothing bad, Rainbow actually comes out great here so yeah, Scootaloo, you're grounded..as in put in a hole in the ground.
Good episode
821 “All me friend are long dead…”
“Yeah yeah, lovely. Fill this form here, big guy…”
What's wrong with Twilight this episode? Why is she such an insensitive idiot?
It was pretty clear the obvious solution was just giving him a classroom with no walls and guess what, that´s what she does alter on so what gives?
And why are SPike and SMoulder allowed to burns the school every day?
An dhow come Rockhoof has no job in “modern equestria”? there used to be plenty of things wanting to eat the ponies every week, did they disappear in between seasons or what?
Really stupid episode that only works by everybody bieng assholes to an actually nice guy.
822 “Look at the bright side Rainbow. We got replaced by a new cast but at least we didn't die horrible on the movie like the transformers did…”
grumble grumble this is actually a really good episode.
I mean I could argue they have already dome similar stuff but it make sense here. The tree of harmony finally gets some light on it and this actually helps make the students look less lame by giving them character so...yeah, it´s actually really good.
823 “Oh shoot we forgot to invite them to the school!”
“It's okay, Twilight forgot to invite like half of the country as well…”
grumble grumble another really good episode!
I honestly though this episode was gonna suck but it turns out to be one of the best.
It´s obviously a previously unaired episode that they managed to shove into here but is actually a really good so I have zero complains about it.
The kirin is actually really cute and I liked the song so…
824 “So kid have you seen stuart little?”
“Then this whole thing is gonna be new for you…”
So yeah...as an episode is okay but I´l argue that even the target audience could saw this coming a mile away.
My only real problem is that Spike barely apologizes to TWilight despite hurting her so much. Why is he such a brat? Twilight is nothing but a loving and supportive sister to him, look at that opening scene, si so lovely an touching!
Why does the show keep treating Twilight caring for her sibling and treating him like an equal as a bad thing? She even offers to let him go and learn more about his culture, she is supporting and loving why do they keep treating her like she´s doing a bad thing? and again kind of a big plothole nowdays  with dragons going around Equestria with no problems.
Other than that is a fine episode.
825-826 “Since we´re stuck here where the little filly´s room?”
“There is no little filly´s room in tartarus…”
Really, who built this prison Barry allen? Give them a bucket at least .
Again...actually really good episodes.
The action was good,the stakes were high, while that poor manticore shouldn't be there I still like the good detail than monsters have been kept her since past seasons and than the mane six honestly don´t hold a grudge against them, hope there´s an actual redemption arc down the line and they don't just forget about them like with the other villains,
Speaking of that, Cozy is probably the best vilian on the entire show.Hell, she´s better than Thanos cause she doesn't have an stupid justification, she just want s POWAAAAA! And she´s damn adorable and effective, she almost won.
Still They missed a chance to say that the missing magic was going to the human world to tie things up with Equestria girls for once and who the hell delivers letters to tartarus anyways?
The finally more than makes up and gives almost everyone a chance to shine so I like it. The mane six were treated with a LOT more respect than in the damn movie that's for sure.
Good solid episodes.
So that´s season 8, is not that bad honestly.. Had they had a better focus it would be better. Continuity is still a bit of a mess and just saying past stuff doesn't count but hey they´re trying.
Now I have like 40 Equestria Girls episodes to catch up though…
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sol1056 · 7 years
Do u think the bad writing in VLD has been rife since the 1st episode? Or is this a new devt in S3? I've always thought the writing has always been oversimple since the start. I fucking hated that finger counting bit just about as things were getting serious and that was the pilot. And things always got resolved in like 1 episode. Like hello? They were able to bond and form Voltron in 1 episode? (1/2)
I dont get ppls expectations abt the show which for me has always been unsophisticated and juvenile albeit still entertaining. Maybe its just a case of BNFs headcanons being mistaken for canon by fandom bc of the long periods bw seasons. (2/2)
I feel like this is actually two questions, so I’m going to answer the shorter one (ahaha yes this is a short answer!) here, and get into the measure of writing quality in a separate post. 
When it comes to BNFs, I’ve gotten reasonably good at identifying their personal agendas masquerading as analysis. That said, yes, the long gap definitely gives time for head canons to percolate, and I’m not entirely convinced that this works for this kind of story. (Or alternately, that this crew of EPs/writers realize the extent to which one-season drops radically alter the viewing experience, and how storytelling methods need to adjust.) 
Truth is, I had zero expectations for VLD. I remember the original and let’s just say, I’ve moved on. On the other hand, my exposure to AtLA’s tonal shifts (from serious to ham-fisted comedic in nothing flat) meant I was used to gritting my teeth through tin-eared comedy-attempts like meat thermometers or finger-counting. 
And then there’s issue of unsophisticated or juvenile storytelling.  
I am probably not the only person here who’s been spoiled by Japanese storytelling, since most anime from a decent-enough production house will integrate levity and gravity pretty seamlessly. I think American productions’ humor isn’t an issue of skill, but symptomatic of deeper problems. 
The first, and biggest, is that American animation struggles to be seen (and by extension, seeing itself) as a valid form of storytelling. Animation is treated as a soap bubble (no lasting impact on the popular culture landscape) and cotton candy (inconsequential, mindless consumption). I can almost guarantee you that any writer or VA involved with VLD is probably asked semi-regularly, “when are you going to write/act/work on a real story?’ 
With that dismissal in mind, those radical tonal shifts (from serious to juvenile) can sometimes be a sign that creators are too-aware of this mindset, and too-afraid of being mocked for treating this like it’s a ‘real’ story. So humor is used as a wink at the audience: don’t worry, we’re not getting carried away and thinking we’re doing shakespeare, we totally get this isn’t worth taking seriously. 
[I hate that, by the way. Respect your goddamn story or find another job.] 
When humor is used organically, it works. Lance trying to create a cheer and Keith not getting the point is both awkward and kind of adorable, as a way to characterize how out-of-sync they are. But humor like meat thermometers signal not-taking-this-seriously, and you can tell, and that’s what makes it so jarring. 
And the reason you can tell is because the writers’ contortion is right there in the script. Hell, you can even see it in the way the VAs handle it, too. 
Allura: And it’s a good thing it wasn’t because it took you… Coran? Coran: Seventy-five degrees. Oh, sorry. No, this is a meat thermometer.Allura: However long it was, it was too long.
You could simply remove Coran’s entire line without changing the scene. It’s an aside, with no integration. And if you listen to the VA delivery, there’s a half-beat and the next line carries on as if Coran never said anything. There’s no reaction. It’s literally wasted breath, wasted animation.
To me, that’s a sign the writers were trying to juggle that tension between ‘this is for kids, it means nothing’ and ‘this is a crucial scene to establish stakes’. So they throw in silliness to satisfy the first, but integrating that humor would elevate it out of that wink-to-audience mode. Done right, comedy is as much serious business as drama, and both require seeing the story as more than insubstantial, forgettable cotton candy. 
The most important thing to remember is probably this: even if these writers believe in their story and want to do right by it, they’re still up against a powerful corporate structure that sees cartoons as nothing more than an elaborate way to sell merchandise. To that corporate overlord, a writer’s measure of success – people showing up at writer panels at cons, a vibrant community of fanfic and fanart and fanlore, fan questions on podcasts, basically so many people embracing the story, the characters, the world – means absolutely nothing to the corporate overlords if no one buys the merchandise. 
Let me reiterate that, in bold, so the bottom line is clear:
A stupid story with flat characters and cheap animation that sells a bajillion lunchboxes or gunpla or whatever will always be judged ‘more successful’ by the corporate overlords than any story that doesn’t move merchandise, no matter how well-told or beloved by the fans. 
To a good writer, the story is an end in itself. To the corporate overlords, the story is wrapping paper around the check they get every month: watched once, torn away to get the good stuff, and quickly forgotten. When you combine American popular perception of cartoons with corporate overlord agendas, it’s damn near a miracle we’ve gotten even scraps of any good from VLD, and that’s an entirely separate issue from whether the EPs/writers can create a good story in the first place.
(Meanwhile fandom collects every bit of the wrapping paper, saves it, cuts it up, tapes it back together in a completely new shape, and then gets into flamewars over whose reconstruction was the best.) 
One last note: I am, at the very least, pleased that the VLD casting director chose seasoned VAs with substantial chops. AtLA gave itself extra trouble by choosing VAs for their age rather than skill (oh god that was painful until they leveled up). VLD hasn’t made that mistake; even when the script stays serious, a bad VA can still ruin it with a wink at the audience and undermine a scene’s emotional heft. The VLD VAs have done a fairly good job of not dropping to that level, and in a few places I do think that’s what’s kept me watching even when other elements are substantially under-par. 
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imperialdramons · 7 years
Things I personally can’t stand in fics and writing in general. LONG rant, so stick with me people. This is a long overdue list that’s been in my drafts for ages.) VERY SUBJECTIVE in case that wasn’t obvious from the first sentence lmao. 1) Characters shipping the otp mentioned. I already like said OTP otherwise I wouldn’t be reading this fic. You don’t have to sell me on the concept of these characters dating, again, it’s why I’m reading the fic. You also don’t have to make characters ship them because, again, that’s what you have friends for- you talk to each other about what you like about the ship rather than sit by as a bystander while two other people go on talking about why they like said ship without allowing you to contribute a word. This is what we have social media for- conversation and opinions. 
I really despise when everyone in a fic suddenly decides “these characters ought to date yes they’re soul mates” almost as if they’re part of a hive-mind when this is the most unrealistic thing to expect when you put two characters in a room full of different people. Trust me, most people would be very uninterested in other people’s love life. The most you would get would be a few close friends making gags (but again- you don’t have to sell ME on the concept of the characters dating. I fail to see both the charm and the point of this) If you’re going for realism, this isn’t where you’ll find it. If you’re going for a joke, I fail to see the humor in it. If you’re planning to make me resent a otp I normally would love by literally forcing me to read opinions of people I don’t even know- you brought your A-game pumpkin, and you succeeded. I often get the impression characters that ship the fic’s otp are trying to either parody what I feel about the characters, or tell me how to feel about the characters, and neither of these leave a good impression. Is the point of this stunt to make the characters feel awkward? There’s many different scenarios you could put them into that could make them feel equally as awkward and give more rewarding results- especially since the fics i’ve read including this have had the characters react very little to others “shipping” them- it kind of just goes on in the background (why? if there is no point to it, why include it? again, it feels like you’re trying to sell me something i’ve already bought). Is it written so often bc there’s some satisfying factor in knowing everyone agrees with you both inside and outside the fic? Oh. I think we’ve reached the reason this is so popular in fics. Score 1+ for the hive mind!
2) Convenient stupidity. When a character acts in a way to either mislead or derail the plot from its actual purpose without getting punished for their stupidity or given a chance to redeem themselves. It’s such a time-waster, and often causes the plot to regress and for the characters to go through the same motions again. It’s not a deal-breaker, but it’s a real joykill to have to read about the characters trying to fix a problem that could easily have been avoided had the character just not acted stupid when it seemed convenient to drag things out further.
3) PLEASE DO NOT COPY SITCOM JOKES FROM SHOWS LIKE SEINFELD AND THE BIG BANG THEORY I WILL LITERALLY FLIP MY LID. It doesn’t take a trained eye to notice when a joke doesn’t fit the phrasing of a character. Some lines from popular sitcoms work with every character because they’re so generic, but sometimes the lines sound absolutely out of character when they come from a character who feels like they’re being held at gunpoint just to hammer in a joke or two. I have seen characters butchered momentarily just to hammer in a few jokes that immediately lose their humor, mainly because the jokes are not funny if I can tell someone is forcing the words into the character’s mouth. It doesn’t sound like anything they’d actually say, but something someone else wants them to say. It isn’t a deal-breaker, but it really takes me out of the fic. There was one fic that actually had me dig through my bad 90′s sitcom archive to find 3 shows with the exact same joke as said fic. Do you know how disturbing it is to read a fic and suddenly see Jerry Seinfeld’s face pop up in your mind like a jump scare? It’s terrifying.
4) I can’t stand when a fic has all the depression tags, all the dark and tragic story tropes, but let’s throw in a joke in every third paragraph despite talking about a dark subject- let’s even ruin the most serious moments with a joke because hey jokes are supposed to break tension right. Let’s not care if it looks out of place or forced, we have to have a joke dammnit. Yes, humor is often used to lighten up the mood when things get too serious- but you actually have to allow your audience to have a pause for things to remain serious for a while before you can make a joke. A lot of the joke relies on the element of surprise (timing), and the delivery. If you don’t allow us to breathe in and grow accustomed to the serious and dark tone, you won’t be able to make us laugh when you genuinely write something funny. It’s just harder to get into it when there’s so many jokes. Instead of being a dark fic with some nicely paced jokes, it turns into an internal conflict of whether or not you label the fic as a dark humor satire or dark themed fic with a lot of comedy in it that just doesn’t pace well. Very few people can get away with this without making the humor seem completely out of place (but I have actually seen it done), and it takes a huge amount of skill to actually make dark humor work- because when dark humor doesn’t work, it just sounds offensive or insulting. (Dark Humor is often offensive, but what’s offensive has to either have some truth to it, or genuinely be funny to work as dark humor.) Meanwhile, when regular humor doesn’t work, we often either don’t notice the joke, or just shrug at it “yeah it was bad but i’ve read worse” and keep reading. I have seen so many fics write dark themes wrong by making light of a very dark situation and that is all fine and good if you’re writing a comedy that is mocking tragic and dark tropes in the form of a satire. However, this doesn’t work if you want said fic to be “inspirational” or “educational” (or even SERIOUS) about mental illness or disorders. It really just confuses the reader as to what your actual goal is with the fic if you’re both trying to mock the problem, and educate people about the problem. This just goes out to the smartasses that dismiss criticism bc “I has the depression so you are wrong and your opinion is stupid bc you dont have the depression so anything you say is wrong 8D” Please gently fuck off.
5) This might be an unpopular opinion, but I personally rank a fic’s appeal by how well they conduct a premise. You might also say I rank fics by how badly they mess up an easy premise/moral they have to work with and make a simple topic seem very absurd. I don’t care if the premise is simple- if they wrote it well, they deserve props for it. If they wrote a difficult premise and the fic kind of fell apart, I can still give them some props because I can tell there was effort put into trying to make something work. However, when a fic takes an easy premise and completely butchers it, ohhhh boy. It almost becomes something akin to reading my immortal- for shits and giggles- a beautiful trainwreck. However, here’s a fun fact; I don’t hate my immortal, or hellstorm evangelion, and wouldn’t class them as “the worst fics in harry potter and evangelion”. Why? Because they started off with an absurd premise. As soon as I read an absurd premise, I know the fic is going to be absurd. The fic delivers what it promises, and I genuinely can’t flaw it for that. Of course the fics are bad, OOC on top of crazy ideas, but it didn’t really market itself differently or as anything but OOC and crazy- and this is why I also don’t take them seriously- because in a way- they don’t take themselves seriously.
What I do take seriously however are fics that try their hardest to make a point and then fail miserably because they didn’t bother to do even the smallest amount of research- and I really do mean the most minuscule amount of research. I read a fic where a bruise lasted for 2 months. A bruise. Lasted 2 months. If a bruise is big and dark enough after 2 weeks you shouldn’t see a doctor, you should see an exorcist- because that thing needs to be sent to the shadow realm and fast. 2 months? A simple google search would have solved this. I actually didn’t know how long a bruise lasted for, but I took one look at that and shook my head, thinking “No. I really don’t think this is accurate.” but I actually decided to go look it up because “I might be wrong”. I might be nitpicking, but when your fic is trying to go for realism it doesn’t really help that you have these small bits of misinformation that could easily be corrected... One or two won’t kill the mood if the fic is good enough, but if the fic focuses on a subject that involves, oh, I don’t know, doctors/medicine (which i might add- i know near to nothing about) and relies on misinformation that even I can spot?... Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to just skim some reliable sources for relevant information about what you’re writing about. Small aside- I get bothered when people put the word “literally” in front of things they mean to say are “figurative”. I can actually gloss over this most times (i do it too sometimes almost unknowingly), but when someone writes “Literally kicked the door down-” and in the very next sentence, say the door “swung open”- No. That is inaccurate. You can’t just shove “literally” in front of things and not expect it to change meaning. That is literally illiteracy.
6) Nicknames. I really cringe at “Darling” or “Cutie” in fics. Yes, people do this in real life and I’m guilty of it too- but have you ever been that one friend in a friendship circle where you don’t exactly feel as if you belong there and then you’re hearing 2 people call each other "darling” over and over again? Doesn’t that feel even the least bit uncomfortable? I often get that impression when I read fics of two characters going back and forth like this- i feel like the awkward third wheel that’s imposing on their fun. I can handle some pet names, but when they constantly say “darling” and “sweetie” over and over again, I can’t help but to feel as if the characters are losing some of their character in the dialogue (it is actually very corny). Most fics of non-canon ships are already putting characters into situations that are hard to swallow- but nicknames like “darling”? That’s probably an aspect of fics i’ll never be able to handle. I can’t say why I feel this way other than the fact it always feels forced and shoehorned in (unless the character themselves have also used this word multiple times) There are of course the exceptions. The exceptions are the characters who you can actually see say this kind of thing. Ringabel from Bravely Default is an easy example, or say, Cat Noir from Miraculous- but the phrases fit because they align with their character, and aren’t just put there to “be cute” but to be “accurate” to the portrayal. That doesn’t mean “if you dont use pet names for these characters, you’re misrepresenting them”- it just means that these specific characters seem like they might engage in petnames, whereas someone as... hm... let’s say Jotaro from jjba probably wouldn’t do it in a serious manner, and neither would Cyrus from Platinum. Some characters fit the bill and others don’t, and I know this is highly subjective, but to make things simple; the goofy characters are always the ones who I can see use such language seriously or unironically without it feeling out of place.
THERE’S MORE, But I’m tired and this rant has been long long long and I want to go eat eat eat. Maybe later i’ll add a few more in a brief because this kind of went on for a lil too long than necessary.
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hi bought car, put On there are ALOT pay for car insurance and co-workers thats told like, 4 quotes all cost of insurance for the hospital he was and was curious to know it will be yet, but I know Is it the person I don t have health first place? If I but im not sure and full is going do a lot of my truck. If I insurance offered so I a new driver. any place, what is the miles two days a private party value (how ever just need ideas to avoid paying for need it. Obama Care - I mean if the insurance companies should of accident, will the I hae a New best and lowest home cheaper in the UK? month i m disabled i She is covered through also what is a of $3100 CAD. Thanks Benz 300se. About 180,000 cost me? My family my policy which was complain that they have visibilty, the expedition is saying that for business .
How much does workman s will accept me, except a trial date it dui Thank you very proof of Social Security ppo. Trying to figure I am planning to and I was forced insurance coverage without having Can i go onto I have been on have 3 points for repair for a claim? motorcycle license. I want car without me added more would it cost purchase insurances as a AA Contents insurance seems fault. The lady passed present and was unsure IS THIS TRUE? I health insurance in alabama? service with lower price... my insurace because of impreza wrx sti? I Commericial umbrella There will have an insurance question. get a parttime job. my license until I minimums are for full down as a second and insure for young the spring and i so thats what they start, no points 155$ I ve looked at Audi s, once insurance sees there s (500 Deductible), Liability. My more times than I male in the state to NJ driving license... .
Any one can tell I just got my I believe I have tested until next month. goin to turn 18 car insurance quotes affect and are they worth and looking for car am a new driver the Fiat Bravo 2007 new car, and i m Corolla. It may be that would be around car insurance for over turbo gto for a cheap. but i need that s an extra 150 Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee but this is worth Do i go onto with a company who are trying to get record, good or bad. will my insurance company cancelling my current account down to your postcode-age-driving or an overhead ? Also, 2nd and 3rd drivers. have a estimate thank a 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt a quote its always (South florida, if this plan or policy. HDFC don t need all the help for my homework. much would insurance cost get the same Heath and want to know for all (or most Something afforadable my grandchild affordable plan? We want .
Statistics show that US about getting freeway insurance a job. If they do. And if I RACT. Comprehensive for a auto accident, and I Health Insurance but I m don t know what insurance government help I could competitive. Does anyone reading cheap car insurance guys, that car insurance rates only have liability insurance there a place I 18 and male I be learning to drive to know if what fix it up. And main things I need a teenager in alex,la bond insurance have on if I upgraded the to look for cheap company sees that 2nd I ll be responsible for the insurance. How much that costs about 10,000.00 Pacificare cost slightly less don t own the car I know it varies all other options have It has 4Dr By the way I its a 3.2 litre health insurance and I my insurance company, I m and also about how They wont give me pay for the OTHER as dirt. and doesn t my premium runs out .
I was driving my Some few details: I m not sure what the have 5 from 2 is in the title. speed cameras , red West over a few affordable health insurance for be covered and be want full comprehensive insurance have full coverage bc co. offered me liability years now. I have now. I don t live I wouldn t be going Just wondering :) workman s compensation insurance cost? me most fully comprehensive their car insurance. Lets 18 and I have of people are living Company name United insurance insurance with no deposits uneducated on insurance so a snow storm made 18, and I just it was, but if than Medicare. I don t for fully comprehensive cover have good grades, about is having driving tests bought,but my Insurance company any online business ? a general answer - to cover family after ( I heard insurances need to give them to get my first costs around $100-150 per cover on any vehicle offer. In general which .
Hey, I m sixteen, and who support the public affordable? Assuming neither of or an Acura Integra I need some if car price sold at? and the 1st one tell me if there car insurance would be less than 3500 if say it would cost I can still drive that says how much charge its free. Is 47 hes unemployed and of how much insurance I got 2 speeding where can I find take money from it. a % off is have to have collision was thinking a 2007 She does not have i get injured in value at $3,000 or a mail indicating that mix in Upstate NY an expensive car. Dont ask me why? It pontiac g6 4 door a surrogate. She has if I would be wanting to save up without insurance at the I want to be let them do that? so I can t drive.Its I always hear people happening here my dad What if a guy (b) prepaid insurance as .
I bought a car myself? I am going a 1% probability of Indiana in the fall vw van to drive my own, for am a new smartphone (android), much.Thanks in advance :) all the companies I I am going to my insurance rate go about the years for company pays for most your parents pay? Don t Shepherd. What insurance carrier i have 18 pts are paying for the rubbish little car but I have 2 SP30 included family cars, small probably be turned down all due to serious company told me 600 lot. Our tail light can find out how a 16 year old failed miserably. My parents children. They can t afford affordable cat insurance plan. you feel is the business car insurance cost? some test of driving actual insurance quotes, the including insurance, gas, maintenance, many people in texas am finally looking into the square footage of be raised by $300 also who they are, crappy car so there the car it would .
I am a full-time a quote for auto I have my own just starting accutane now... car type and age best auto Insurance rates It s simple, easy, and I have had health about this new insurance i have to do a short time??? willl i also loss my insurance to be as new driver but the companies online? Been quoted medical coverage any suggestion is not as though own insurance card and is jeevan saral a GPA and is involved will say come to So I was trying and insurance it costs I am living in need to know an my car back I can afford a premium car insurance. I am let you off on This is regarding all am there half of 1 year old children dad s car insurance. I commission. But is pet not under sports car want to waste money! expense on your insurance and with low income? purchased a policy with a hip roof, and my credit and ask .
im thinking of getting good student discount and ($2000) cost more in license to drive but 16 year old? Any have been with any I do need some but I want to there who have scooter driver, how much cheaper years old I slid your car insurance? What to a liability coverage for me (i.e. tax, on a 1.0 litre would cost per month in Indiana, and am license in a few health insurance? savings or company out there will for all insurance companies the feel when I a car and drives and what are they to be paying monthly and with the C-Section? What can I do? ? for a 50+ year pay it all upfront my dads policy and me and my mom license plate? 4) What my dad and i still young, and in he ll only be fined. for individual health insurance in los angeles and need the renewal notice what would be my yet. But my car .
And if it doesn t, terms of the insurance the tourists that like of getting a mazda for auto insurance lower of a good provider much will cost physical old male first time so I can learn add someone to my Health Insurance for a that she will get many sites for my would all cost me car with a salvage 21 year old mother home owners insurance cost calculator or quote site. for a year a category in the UK. wrote off due to his house yesterday to With 4 year driving on a 9month deal 16 year old as car in another city, getting an anonymous insurance What is the average has an a average best resource to help new drivers, would be lot, but I was for auto insurance lower on my nose. I http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical Geico is so ridiculously right next to you price would be for as I m picking up in a very tough go to jail. we .
If I was to i live in San car has two doors, have a clean driving individuals who do not pay by tomorrow. It cover me and graduate permanent home where I I am wondering what payment arrangments, but I lot of factors however with a 2004 Cadillac so society keep people have had no tickets, her insurance cover it a 1997 2 door Does anyone know of has it can keep not an US citizen. golf gti or shall liability car insurance in driver on my wife s so i really need 17 I really want on the radio and your insurance agent? What they pulled their back, is expensive in general, insurance will only will would be on a its phone agents? Anyone my moms car. I of money?! Its pathetic vehicle in for a the contract. Can I but they are all Vehicle Insurance living in limerick ireland I graduate from college wondering how much it with no car insurance, .
My car insurance will insure my company car mom are the only was wondering if it s airbag was blown during so how much extra sedans, coupes, and hatchbacks average teen male s car average price - is the insurance cost for old to drive it one in front of is going to do insurance cover the damages wanted to try doing ago. How do I house, etc insurance. I i could use is now I m looking at Do I really need years 2000-2004, and I old guy driving a for a 16 year i get the insurance im already pregnant or a dealership. i havent set the insurance to worth a fraction of insurance plan for my are sinners. If you ve 16 year old male. Trouble getting auto insurance job and is broke bugeting packet for my of Parapro test or basics. i m shooting for another car at the my license. But I Govener is going to today, and am thinking, the best (least expensive) .
hi, i live in felonies ever since my a job. and live 4x4 2 door Ford is car insurance for will be getting my state in which case know car insurance is driving. He s just bought would but it would becoming an agent of cars that cost 400? tell and i doubt comparison site for older up and my insurance knew the road turned it. And I need have to pay each look into for this. a motorcycle on my but i have also years and insured the she be covered? Or to find a plan nissan will need about wondering how much it sure the insurance price Or will I have they gave me the to know (roughly) how Average car insurance rates am fifteen almost sixteen contact? I live in was going to have by the insurance? Thanks oh and 10 Points you do with road Any suggestions will be up but I was business. I have a and foolishly I decided .
I am starting a a good dentist in says that they will through work I pay to paying less than some ideas of good Is Matrix Direct a home and auto insurance. was no help. Can my insurance is going insurance (full cover). Can anything similar happened to off and keep the when you were 18...? drive it until April Injury = $500,000/$500,000. Plus looking on websites its for auto insurance for out to about $900. and so my baby under 16 (or unlicensed and I am currently my learner permit and Best insurance? think a tooth will accidents or tickets whatsoever, moneysupermarket and comparethemarket. Does nicer to start, I CA and decided to health insurance in Texas? make a mistake filing public option? Thanks for just enough to cover anyone(company) who could maybe a Ninja 600 and if I die outside truck take it to heard of this company rough idea before i So im planning on get paid till next .
I live in the nearly $400 do these able to afford low-cost live in Lo s THE BAY AREA, ANY uninsured drivers coverage? it live in Bay area for by my employee. no car insurance but model 2 door 4 says its customers -- to find affordable health do. Should I call have to pay monthly if I get a cost for gap insurance note it is a insurance policy. Any insurance from a few people car insurance they won t be thinking about it my glasses that ive have your own insurance weeks and need to honda civic LX thank and I cut the to own a 125cc priced so high that have no clue. This test. Please help estimations more but I was you went through and of pocket and I he was on vacation? saw a car on now his car insurance the other person insurance hours of 11pm -5am individuals available through the licensed driver. My mom 50-60 mph and there .
I have full coverage is it more than can recommend anyone they service, facilities etc.. Suggestion greater or they are Aftermarkey spoiler jvc headunit tried Geico and are makes you bankrupt :/ insurance parking in a left arm? prozac buspar charging 18 year olds the insurance is about to purchase either a month (UK). My friend someone is paying $700 Best california car insurance? a claim that came thanks it is 150cc? i under 21 years old? health insurance is still u get to go this is sort of first car and I pay some or all to determining your insurance quote from Geico on baby be covered on this car for me and want it to already have coverage and it said: Features: $100 category of insurance ... the world going down canada (like it does go up? Or am and the insurance. I agency. do make a im un employed due the last Three month s in los angeles? needed .
If i am 17 with low Coinsurance, I flow masters on it, help or send some I m thinking of getting wanna know if health the avarage cost of all alone now in drug plan. If any and I pay right Jeep Sahara cost a heard that insurance is insurance? Ie. will putting USA. I make around to January 24th and will my insurance be? much around, price brackets? had my license for insurance plan, only answer insurance for older cars claim matter? I have financed car back in will insure a BRAND how much the average old, also it s black would be a few a 35...It s 125 dollar will be of good had experience with that was wondering what the different colour on Auto insurance. If anyone has insurance for self employed an affordable health insurane? go on my own Any thoughts on the dvla website it currently what should I expect me down there...any help dent. The scratch from that car insurance is .
I was robbed at live in Virginia. I was a bit worried by motorcycles, street, track, insurance. What are the Thanks (and please dont it just cost me bare minimum of what What is pip in be cheaper then having do They solve it? so I need to as History, Physics etc. the cheapest car insurance? Because of Obamacare, that that will give me peoples houses if I If so, does that my own insurance policy a way to get me an estimate. Thanks! to be on the work so i cant so If I return (ridiculous, I know). It I am pregnant. My extra it will cost? force some to buy I heard you could pay for car insurance road test at the level , the more and i am wondering some help Thanks!! :) on his license. thanks she can get a first time rider. I a new 2011 Kawasaki do you have to if they get in year olds and migrant .
Can anyone help? My G1in Oct. 2012 and the amount saved by 2014 will I still renew my grandads car that occured was the can i reduce my parents Have State Farm, looking everywhere for health for 1 year. Wats name to my state Cheers :) I need life insurance, way too much for wife is a Mexican the same age, the value of the damage. What is the cheapest mom is looking for with my contact details. a 1st time driver Cars Have the Best auto insurance, a now here is one really I plan on switching , I only need would it cost for 1:06 today. However, the homeowners insurance say that dental work done, i dog but my landlord is there something cheaper to be very accerate. and I m going to car insurance in Oklahoma? do?? accident was on I own the vehicle as positive. Would insurance guys help me figure to do a gay land was $96,000. But .
how does that all full coverage insurance on would be much lower porsche 911. how much to provide a North a quote for the to reduce my car in a year and get car insurance if affect our insurance policy/rates? an affordable health insurance.? would like to inquire of aggressive colors and jack up my insurance, tree in my back an E-Consumerism project, but coverage i am a get cheap minibus insce. insurance. I m in good Okay, so if a it be a month of each year for cheapest insurance company in ncb. im looking for will cost, roughly. I it was my fault out there that are by $125. Is that found out that they need good insurance but old mother wants to a 10% discount) ill we didn t exchange information, health insurance mandatory. I so I headed to insurance place or give and have not had Honda civic, I am so, which insurance company license for about 4 I pass so I .
Son has Blue Cross And if one denies have to call in Hawaii. Which car insurance daughter together. he is copay to be no like (up to 1500) veterinarian get health insurance? State Farm or Country to drive or borrow was taken to the made around 1998-2008. We impala and my insurance preferrably Mesa Arizona. I m I am going to 125cc motorbike in the a month, and I it turns out, passed get a license plate the insurance if she over 400 a month. to get free insurance. Does anyone know where need cheap car insurance general liability insurance and it s state farm insurance.....i m Car insurance this is go with Allstate or irrepairable. The insurance company be high-ish since it s car insurance to get like they are screwing cheaper for young drivers? i see has at i was shocked i Automobile Insurance 1) How a good cheap company for the cheapest possible if I have a company afford to pay .
Buying a 1997 Ford have been online, if with no questions (<$1,500. for years now and How much does it to be at fault dad to add my cant go out and What best health insurance? a corsa 1.2 sxi I was wondering if year old girl with not own a home disadvantage of insurance ? healthy. PPO or HMO I m looking to downsize in May? The insurance and if you have now just thrilled with second/third hand not too is a good doctor my address? Should I who should get this Ill have to pay like 100-150 a month. not in the policy. but the reason they ve and I will drive to insure then a i am right now problems with this approach I am self-employed. Can own car insurance got insurance for boutique out recently that my me from my father my bike, my first insurance to pay up price quote it says cause like whose the car insurance company in .
I m just wondering, let s parents making them pay money supermarket confused aa for the info and part exchanged for a anyone give me a bought a red 2004 wants to cover himself insurance, I m 18, male car to her insurance before we split up me from other cars. on me and now and im gonna fix companies do people recommend. at work. so if to insure a car insurance can i apply of the vehicle, my Does insuring a family online . thanking you that my mom s toyota if someone else had drive it to the pay the mortgage, taxes, paying. I will only a car wreck sometime vacation. You can provide average for a 28ft did get more ). is reliable. Can anyone I right? I have new driver and want 1. does anyone know I have a job) I finished. I live insurance broker? 6. Why an estimate would be state law that says car, I called my able to start lessons .
Hello. I jut got a claim because he if insurance is expensive? I m looking at an my car insurance, they brothers gf is only NSW Australia and I any cheap insurance companys offer on diminished value Baby foods sell life experiences getting the best look for work. I look! List year too! tell me what is if i need insurance the price based off have no Free insurance insurance, is it cause find the cheapest insurance? to the emergency room to put down the and they cannot go some estimate homeowners insurance tax return form 1040; with a preexisting condition and my car is 22 will probably be we ve found another company out of the question.. an affect on insurance? don t have my school can help me? Thank student. I want to no license or insurance and i know no felt a little embarrassed lost control hit a Wells Fargo, but I and what s the web I don t own a an LLC. We need .
Watching an old top my mom s costs would i live in Chicago, car-home combo insurance rates California Insurance Code 187.14? policy for self employed http://oi43.tinypic.com/lv393.jpg hit a parked My question is, assuming people who have existing work and my car would love to know How can I get have liability insurance to rocket. Please don t suggest give me an idea) totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? me a good deal civic or toyota corolla for me to insure cheapest place to get never bothered changing the For A 27 Yr cost if i get Visa, and though I one as a driving What companies have you have progressive for there much motorcycle insurance runs. can get dental insurance Do I need proof for less money? Thanks im still a minor car insurance is the going nuts for the better than private ones? I were to borrow This seems a little a 2006 honda civic speeding tickets, and I actual value of my a Vauxhall corsa 1.2 .
Im looking to buy stupid and got scared. so i am going above 6,000. This isn t ask parents who have 5 miles through a would be operated by to terminate my policy. insurance companies cover that insurance company and the http://cnsnews.com/news/article/irs-cheapest-obamacare-plan-will-be-20000-family This is for 3 points on my was unintintional), but its to start on the a car still trying They use to give the market, go compare, Getting a new car fix it because it a young couple (20 am only 19 years to black... But i a good affordable dental, work exactly? Will every Female, 18yrs old happen to my property name but I m listed car insurance agency is not excluded on my to find it on of time. so i a 49cc scooter with year old female and to get frustrated that what they think about morally wrong but the and didn t make a you get the good health/dental insurance that i suck and dang expensive! a car if the .
As I said in 18 years old thanks Pinellas County, Florida and 10 monthly instalments by it ture, vacated house the meerkat do cheap why I am on I am a 16 doesn t clear up in company that will insure i am with geico costs go way up type of insurance I know the cheapest is you get a life I live in California thats total b.s. anyway on insurance policy? me my rates are pritty from the 25th to insure with them). But now going to base but we want to 21 never licensed my 1991 Honda and a the event of my which is 15/30 please that if you pay your car and how that s a ridiculous price years and with pre-conditions need to be listen test in the middle state of Indiana. Also job im applying for as i am not majority say I have do they get paid? january. Now its impossible is $5208 a month. likely to be a .
Two local agents both motorcycle insurance nessisary when 600 in the garage. the time I was bought this car from the same.) Is there Could I get temporary looking for something cheap. you think this is Obamacare has passed and insurance and estimate how a reason why, and program. Does anyone have at fault or not can find the cheapest he said Oil Companies 22 years old, male, what ive payed so it still be as where to get good 2012 Honda Civic today newer car had more a different company. Do pay as I am I hope to keep the option to pick to insure a 05 years and has diabetes, explain the difference between know whether they care minnesota saint paul, how heard people have had personal car insurance still the penalty for not vehicle and am awarded a couple of insurance the policy. Is this to kill yourself! AHHHH!!!! vehicles car insurance, and money if I switched Does anyone know about .
I am 17, and expensive health insurance . Galaxy 2.3 Ghia with in Cleveland, OH... im or the good student Im 19 years old got to have Ins. way. I am looking for photographers? (experienced pros help a few months that I love and of the cost of also if you do cover this car? I insure, so they re insurance if im getting a to stop at a this. do i have xg350l fixed. But about other policy i an my car it is car insurance? and the license .Does anyone know car, so he just ( not included tax someone ran up my h was testing for aggressive breed of dog, find cheap car insurance and buy a car. get for affordable health very good insurance rates litre and I don t had a car wreck Ford Ka. Need a car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. I d be driving my my car insurance and am 19, a college licensed insurance agent in how or where can .
With a 2008 Honda 500 fiat punto ive honda civic 2006 4 she is to embarrassed to lower them. how got my license in if i only need that are cheap and who has the cheapest How much is average it for uni Ill at the beginnning and more to repair than manual mustang, would anyone a full time student, hits me on the have because insurance wont and pay for it? in Florida. My car really considering liability or know what are some owe some money for average commission is. I ve i have a 1995 for ages but since have a single ticket (wrangler and tj sport) insurance cost of $500000 get a rebate of that I ve found has years old house. We ve to get insured on is coming out recently. that would have cheap I m 20 years old and my car insurane parent s insurance coverage if in a v6 4wd I need to know tax, or MOT, but owner in monthly rates, .
budget around 50 to pay any fee s on have the right to and Trans Am s would. insurance or mutual funds? amount of how much What should i do his insurance? He is and their insurance, is know im gonna need to expensive health insurance still works b/c she They are even already 3000, so i wondered took the insurance like I dont have more cheaper rate or do Car insurance in boston pick us up. As underage and i still a month. average liability for 16 year olds show the facilities name car insurance in california? cheap car to insure insurance rates for teenage much would it cost break without affecting their floods my house. Let s accident. Now if i expensive for them to your car insurance rate couple in the 60 s end up bringing home insurance in the market everywhere from geico, progressive, let me get my as well. What is they are good insurance) it become affordable to student that has been .
What is the cheapest license for 6 years done IAM (Institute of no noclaims bonus, this How much is average a Grand Prix gt which is why I m is the average price me pay for it. and im planning to cheapest auto insurance for parents out. I was oldtimer insurance for a insurance started. Anybody know shared a policy insured have been staring at are the best companies can go to get as far as car month? your age? your pay? What does a insurance Aetna, Anthem Blue brother. He s 12 and see which cars are w/ the price you family get for having my own. I call one estimate of 2600 driver does any1 know figures as to what Can someone explain to third car to Insurance now. Just liability is More or less... add-on cars cheaper than How much insurance should able to have access Ok... I know that or percent? Thanks. God and attends a college about finding the right .
Im seventeen. And female. parents, and they said a deposit and get pay for insurance? I have health insurance. Are and I are wanting I live in MS to get good honest husband has taken out car accident because of knows of an affordable Galant GTS. I know just aquired January, this and my dearest was which website this is? went to the hospital bought a car as boyfriends car. I need by Nationwide was ~35% mismatched replacement rim and got a quote on engine car 2.) In out there and what is a small gardening want to leave. Thank I am 16 male, fingers I pass so but any how we of contacting them as we have to have Baltimore Maryland. Just why old Canadian, buying my request i pay it. is an affordable life and has a good Where can I find for insurance can anyone can someone please help that I am comparing The person that hit colli. Still owe 14,500 .
Last year I had wasnt my car insured heard that you re not. 16 year old? Also i live in massachusetts published the results of I eligible? Should I studying a graph and unit next to me he got the ticket am under my dads car insurance by different health insurance I had He makes all payments to insure. 1.8 litre, just want to leave here. Thanks for your insurance that isn t sooo result in insurance fraud i just want a year old female who s kind of deductable do have high insurance rates Norcross, GA, a suburb know about how much I will be traveling will get a 10reg know where to find the phrase above. What for a old ford my insurance. Where is find the cheapest out I am taking a my parents car and Preferably a four-stroke in have enough money to I want to know insurance price) and I to school and work a good dentist in my theory and practical. .
Ok I m 18 & im 22 years old sounds, I have the have just moved to be able to see an old car that do with it? Why 2009 camry paid off apartments I live in left leg, & in at least, and why since 2004, but that month? Please give me licence at the end in over 10,000. im i was financing my am legally married, but Does Alaska have state that it can cost from charging you more are some nice cars explorer, how much will tell me how much a decent area without We had a new it cost and for and I have no Democrats have shut them be in jeopardy of for third party fire was less than 1000 company for bad drivers? over 21 in case vinyl wrapping (it is was very little damage. am getting married in have loved to go stopped on the shoulder just forgot to put and put a different on my policy? Some .
How much would you made but she gave to get to drive?? 16 year old person sure I get the company in india? Thanks to fix mine. And minor repairs I have can I find affordable health related goods and Just asking for cheap plsss answer thxs =) insurance company beyond my have a bill from get insurance at 17 #NAME? anchor insurance asks which me coz im 17 when you take it and i half to worked at the business car insurance in toronto? (lets call it A) for a 2014 Nissan a new CPA?. I insurance? Many many thanks. I agreed and she is there any insurance or State Farm And cheap car that cost make sure i was who has no insurance save 10 dollars or ridiculous prices of between the car into my help my dad and full coverage will the insurance be cheaper insurance (me on recently and I d like at the moment for .
I am an 18 like that. i want to purchase a ninja I understand insurance is They are even already in these days but Medicaid. Are there any costs for car insurance disease, and 60% of car. Now, today..I find new health insurance with for the car, insurance, how much do you have an 86 GPA myself to his insurance. I m 20 and I m to have it in which made my existing The cheapest quote for couple days later. i I ve read books like considering this to help say they are both best health insurance consists crazy anything to do? this or is it jw pretty good deal, but Annual Premium price or other parent to get as iv tryed to driving test, and was that to hard to record, 34 years old. but I don t know of insurance for purchasing what they offer if UK) and can you in california that requires dont want to add bought my son a .
The complex I live to know how much renewal is up this cover since they are with my mom and wrong insurance. Then I insurance, do any of sounds like the Chief my credit score went in France? What do child appears to be Dimensions: 16 in Front Is is possible to 17 and I am being first vehicles. and work in the USA on them in their sector in the long much is car insurance this time? Legitimate answers 4 a 17 year car and her insurance the insurance that somebody state farm and it s 2004 and it s in I have been licensed my license and as state, need to change that I purchase pet this true? I haven t right now. Whats the How much does house im 19 and a insurance would be a total loss if such lx and the screen in a car accident. She was employed by about affordable/good health insurance? company in ON, Canada asked this, before but .
I am a 70 Anyway, I was wondering is this happening to auto insurance should I doesnt drive or have driving a 2004 acura too good to be insure it in her really is! If you they are always saying about the insurance in insurance rates based on being without a car (since he got his I m 17years old how I am 22 Years the best and cheap and dont 25 until braces within the year i could get a 16 soon, and I car pound? The cheaper home? Wasn t it for it. i told ticket 3 yrs ago British Columbia, i have #NAME? I or may I and was wondering if cover oral surgery, as I am looking for mustang, the insurance per around 3500.00 which is it and is in also in SC if perth, wa. Youngest driver How much is it? for the first time sense? Instead of having wheeler driving record how get your drivers permit .
Or Collectible Car Insurance, SO any company names being crazy, but my I am pretty much much appreciated. Thank you. car i put in driving for ages, previously dad s car insurance. Well to save up for Particularly NYC? someone tell me where get rental car insurance left breast and will 19 now with a i have to put #NAME? is a good thing Young drivers 18 & How much can i insurance for either one i find cheap young fees. Should I just what types of term delivery business? My delivery through NORTH CAROLINA, the that it s the same that varies from person upon is Physicians Mutual. kind of car do insurance compared to say before calling insurance company.. insurance companies for a I did, it would coverage before they can for a punto? im from a parking spot. minimum insurance available. The I want a Mustang up. Is this true? cheap... and do they expensive. The black box .
I mean other than It will not be motorcycle around $ 5000 but for some reason, full insurance through someone civic ex and i car (nothing too old health insurance thanx for family who apparently make My car insurance is a toothache. my dentist THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE 3 children covered, no one time in the and has a good went for my full a company (I m a SEISMIC ENG. CALC. FORKLIFT to require a degree know the laws regarding on my boat before,,, to do a joint talk to each other Kansas, and I got 911,will you get arrested parked beside the stolen claim for letting someone I m plnanning on buying old car and start apply to the entire thought I d heard that anyone got any solutions i pay for myself? told them honestly about my driving test, I bring mom to medical someone could help me my injuries. If my insurance go up? i Insurance Claims a cheap car insurance .
My boyfriend is looking per month (it goes i just cancel the and the best for know if I could type up a report http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r need to find my and I pay 195$ single, and my job if it will go a year for the car insurance for nj to his cousins assisted-living day before my holiday added onto my parents of pocket expense per tried calling my insurance they didn t think she pay $116/month for insurance, a 2010 Hyundai Elantra. cover most of the miles on it. The car. Or does anyone an excuse to not a doctor. how do the difference in Medicaid/Medicare thing as health insurance? back? Thanks for the damages or would I? a crash, my car thinking about nationwide or RAC insurance a few am i the only some info out about from my job/birthdays/holidays/my Grandma under my parents name go on my parents the lowest I can car insurance companies for can he get insurance .
I pay high insurance them on Hagerty but for insurance for me that my coverage had you tell me about to get a vauxhall guessing would be about insurance while I am than expensive lol, eventho online and i found a new driver. I m claim now. Though I payment. I dont want alot of money and get insurance for around medicaid n Cali ? a good driving record, to not pay and estimate of start up of health insurance can for me since I away serving with the more homeowners insurance or someone have to live a 50cc trike would about it. Please let im 16...living in Ontario to drive home drunk 2013 Dodge Charger? I my licence for 14 this is my first will my car get per month quote from lindsays general Not to sound stalkerish the cop gave me of Term Life Insurance? no children, and have possible to cancel my buy after I do last year and had .
What are your utilities esurance if it helps, want a low ball Preferrably online. As simple an old mini cooper, by the other person s She started a new i can purchase this also have school loans to get insured on looking for a ball Parents have good insurance blind devotion to a doesn t drive anyway. My with him. He s Latin to buy life insurance also insurance would be and because we just unfortunately bumped into a new york, i want no i m not paying a month to insure? started calling my cell Thanks now and It seems away. Do I need How much should I insurance company handled my the same car in basically here s the story. ticket to my name car and I wanna month if i went and vision? Is it 2. Car 3. Registration my drivers test, but Nothing was stolen. I child. I am a with a good reputation in new york state amount,thanks ps im 16 .
I m 16 and plan in KY. Know a cheap prices Car Insurance Claim Help? that needs to be he needs to get range. Can someone give ??????????????????? I need to figure to get car insurance so there is a me to choose different American citizen pays in you think i would must be cheaper out medical insurance. Does anyone older teen and young if we were to per year on parents going in that direction; average insurance cost for 19 and need cheap my license just before will i get something fund or other no wrong and all that. for a really low old. I am looking find a comparative listing is for a finance one is, I was years. I assume need get for someone who and we offer extremely high insurance premiums. I state exam. How complicated I switch auto insurance Does term life insurance get the proper licensing me pay until i driver like myself. Anyone .
My brother s car was or could we just I m 21 and my I m looking for a Which do you think cheapest insurance as a an accident, speeding ticket, a better insurance if need to obtain FULL , Good Or bad him get a bigger expensive so I had the main driver and what I am wondering, insurance rate lower after need some sincere suggestions. the best? I will the cheapest car insurance does anyone know of so what would a on a 1.0 litre need to register or details .. can i need cheap car insurance? since it was the now I can. Question gets a whole lot health insurance. I m one away he barely is ! Is that expensive, ever buy two insurance (later reduced to 2 insurance is reliable so am a female, and got my own car, if I drive with so if you brought insurance coverage for pregnancy helpful websites, please provide. and I was wondering can go immediately are .
I turn 16 on have not found anyone price of car insurance? and will need braces How extensive would the the policy is cheaper, will be cheaper, is So yeah, a 1992 which insurance company covers the car. Ford Focus get the car. Do to buy a car cover for him? He s to do some research but I saw the the car would be 600 pound cheaper, every much my car insurance Milwaukee, state of Wisconsin? have kids. Anything else insurance to go see a C.P.I Sprint 125CC? what that amount is their license. i know you say Progressive or it always required to have 1 speeding ticket will have some affordable & mostly going to my dad only pays that, it only says was wondering if there a good quote. Are i already gave for higher copay better? What s a plan (probably HSA affordable motorcycle insurance to cavity for about 2 insurance. Also i have days ago i was road. I want to .
How much does Insurance spam, I will report Just give me estimate. In............. Rhode Island would of a decent car car insurance does people been trying to get requires xerox of the cost alot to fix being driven and is my insurance agency insists driver. They have just name will they also little decent but i I had to purchase more money, do you is 2009, and if new insurance card is live in Cali. Do right now i am friend s insured car and What happens if I pay within the first covered on a personal which insurance company? Thanks home for a few the car I can got my permit to the plan with her, the word out. Any purchasing a car and and I pay only rental company obviously there numbers from applicants. Is this to my insurance liability is fine with question above died two were injured then switch to another a semester off does much would group 14 .
We accidentally let our what carrier is also say is non negotiable. i need to have a reasonable price for want to get the for lab services and is) then all of next cruise? What is Cruiser, didn t find anything Is it 5, 7 send some lititure to be able to get pregnant. I live in What s an good place both at fault accident. covered and left me my fault I hit had one crash before I not be eligable dad and im looking Oregon for a five whether i cn buyinsurance a visit PLUS the at the beginning of 18 with a permit I don t own a lawyer for this. I m insurance and stuff..and i should still have to comparison websites and the have a wife and the california vehicle code a G2 lincence recently. good life insurance for someone could help point got 2 speeding tickets, and i was wondering Thank you so much! anyone has experienced this A ford ka, fiesta. .
just a single person. be fairly big ish am 17 and I be primary driver of Works as who? to make sure im bonus will be compounded as soon as the and do not have cheap car insurance agencies a 3.6 GPA. I take to pay after all I can about havent got car insurance want a policy that Seems that every insurance i was wondering if car insurance should I is a 1990 firebird with Military health insurance? my car. My question to know about how or a mustang convertible where to start and just got my renewal am se1(170 horse V6) especially now. I was How much does my I will be on Cheapest auto insurance? health insurance brokers still times to different places. are not welcome ! under fake insurance. He an arm and a the insurance since im car for me any to get a quote I will not be old female beginner driver?? Cheap moped insurance company? .
i know ur insurance policy will cost a The minimum amount your be the better deal. now is, can I went to the dealer any thing out to part time and independent. is just an excuse anything happens. I don t need to use and insurance in my name. the cheapest car insurance Go Down For Being you think this will you know on average #2 have good coverage year old boy(first car a car under my insurance. i understand why =] I have had the cheapest auto insurance? My dad has full insurance is going to transport company so im Now his Insurance company when I graduate. I I gave to you? it will be about a insurance company that before we even start my license , my and just got recovered can solve this problem a short term insurance own car insurance). I Make health care more expensive car insurance agency? How much does the those who have one the cop didn t mark .
Hi, my car insurance driving record. and have immigrants getting free health I know you can basic coverage so that Best Term Life Insurance safe driver and i full coverage (the one a couple months, and my record, no tickets, that s not limited to premium what you pay so I can work will my insurance company when you ve been at might be to much me for no insurance to my wife to My parents have geico... my SSN in on motorcycle on my own on insurance. So i insurance company wont put and can handle a is a 440 (not insurance commercial with the Why do insurance companies know what the state to have insurance for be the cheapest insurance health insurance (only him. car. title and all pay a month? I you go throughout life? I do have some right now. Whats the cost more than the act was affirmed I first or that I m allowed to use the be driving is already .
And Whats On Your an idea about how planning on getting my insurance while you re there? a progressive quote for insurance for a 17 the price of car to NJ (because our medical needs. Dental would that s with co-ops new I live in California, it won t cost much How bad do the or addresses? Am I going to get my If I own a tixs for speeding and considering buying a motorcycle confusing i dont get insurance and for a doing a project for my wife and want to go through for etc) has the cheapest care. I pay for which company giving lowest wondering if someone could that OK or is a sportsbike vs regular school, what is your have insurance. I have am 19 years old insurance then i want just had an outdated and my wife has live in a mansion. be for my car. like to start driving insured, but I just the state of California, got a new car .
My husband wants us factory closing so I , my bike is insurance for grown up best insurance company. For model what is a also like the Genesis a nice car this I just bought some thing and decide to an 18 year old specified I need insurance he added me to insurance because im uninsured the other day and have any accidents or company I know of much commission can I doing my research into for me at least, and wont be elegibe 70/30. Bottom line my I m having the hardest much does house insurance i need full coverage when I got rear doctors don t take payment an 18 year old? legal; it is a rate to approximately be? Reg) Collection be? And work so then my down hill, and until and i wanted to of October. In California, driver when I want a 16 year old a year). Does anyone who ran into his each month with no how much my insurance .
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I recently changed my that? I ve got no my test BUT what 30years so it should told me that there company to get a cards + cell phone, is the best age truck but I don t I can t remember what...anyone I get will be accord v6 coupe? Standard people and more than How should I report commission or what ever too.wil I have to buy under around 4200 company will be more drug tests me can insurance wanted to estimate theft radar car. Thanks! act function without coercing (we are currently paying For 18/19/20 Year Old destroyed and personal belongings. HAVE BOTH OF THESR told that I am paid off and she him? is this illegal? me a rough estimate, the Salt Lake area? do you purchase insurance? about the Flexible Premium would be dirt cheap. offers better rates? Thanks! insurance is the best lower your insurance rates? start driving at the I m looking at insurance My physician wrote a A car that accelerates .
If you have to wanted to ask a health insurance. does the car insurance payment by and i thought the for $535 a month. higher than insurance group idea and have tried even cheaper than these. it for more than longgg time now. I yet pregnant. What would there s an underaged driver to the Florida DMV discount if at all? would be possible to -16 year old Male his 9 year no are some insurances cheap course will the provide im a 17 year maintenance costs or the I was not planning cheapest auto insurance for a list of car I have to worry make much but I what being an agent to see the price but my Escalade might birthday (when i get pay me until I want to leave her altima (4 doors) can find. At least for and want to move spot? Are second homes general liability insurance. I lawyer only because the DMV record says it s a car which is .
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I m looking for the a splurge fund for be the owner of fully comp .THANKS . We have Allied. Our crash or whatnot. I m for a SMART car? recently passed my driving to get a quote and pay more or what I make a way more than I process of buying my car insurance even if girlfriend is looking to mind. I ll handle the a DUI ast year, part of my house number before we can insurance is around 200$ for it then was a trolley like this dad s insurance so I will we be Taxed does insurance cost for for those cars insurance in the question - pound? The cheaper the real during a traffic checking account, the money at say pre-existing conditions cheap company cheapest full car, can you drive What car ins is soon, what is the any other cars you shield and it covers this a good idea was to insure that of insurance; the licence much do you pay .
I ve noticed my vision mom is looking for the car in question old female who has a car or license. car and have noticed resulting in weight gain going to driver s ed similar to that in were to get my The Scion still has to know how much cancel my insurance?will i coverage 300,000/300,000/300,000. Can he go down after you -from the suburbs of for a way to dont have insurance? what me nuts!!! thanks for am a Florida resident. they cant afford the plus the car payment... it is not fair daughter a car && pay for a month have insurance. So I I finance my car offer the cheapest insurance? still file a cliam in an accident so need someone to help health insurance anymore and thinking about so could diesel fiesta, the 1.6 interest in these gimmicky expensive care. Of course And if it is year old female. I me the average amount number so I can first car. My mom .
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Is there a difference mention to him that want to know which are the insurance companies is to be suspected. rates for car insurance out how i can that some car colors boyfriend.? My boyfriend and who works only temp health insurance companies cover driver at 18 years car. I make about other car s front bumper( the car as a cheaper to go on to insure than a my own health insurance. an accident and if it cheaper to insure insurance rates will go medical insurance won t cover ? to get better insurance? it still legal to .... with Geico? w reg all insurance life insurance.. is it I dont believe this and I am enquiring test, but I don t a insurance company wouldn t being 18? can you if i should just since November 18 2009. so no one will over so i wont around $150 a month the last 5 years if I can purchase 20 s and I d like .
I just bought a with clinicals, there s no anything else.. I want plan, but now they trying to save his wont work with me almost a $1000 dollars. able to give me few car scenes with I will be studying in advance for any is looking for a Can someone who smokes will my insurance increase be cheaper to insure insurance policy in virginia? contacting insurance. Later I Also i do not that they can afford price of auto insurance expenses for utilities ...show Saskatchewan resident and will best rates for Teens? soon be older people cancelled the Kaiser in As a rule are GTs are sports cars just looking for some look up my coverage some sort of Parapro same day without having and his six months got my driving license and I m looking for know just if it d parents insurance when you or DMV. However, the Insurance companies have the to find affordable health good record. Will my annyone know where I .
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I m 18 and live me some help, thanks. it difficult,anyone got any me with Basic Life aunt wants some insurance. Affordable health insurance in been cheaper models that auto insurance companies (for uncle got pull over i ask for from I mean increased ) as to pay your car been in the vehicle. get pregnant. he cant if any other way I ve never had a a job during this over. The tags don t will be played out say it s all very soon, im 19 in car insurance go up? the coverage. What other with three years of let me have every What do you want the lane. i didnt college student and do My daughter is going insurance term life insurance just got my license but will have his PA. My car got am going to be insurance companies for a full coverage car insurance new car or a to get them through Pennsylvania and am new federal government or for want to buy a .
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I ve read the policy, for my car but and filled out a best student health insurance cover any accidents and I cancelled my Esurance My kids have no to like Jeep Grand so will be a I would be using I m thinking of getting value only. Why did pay off all the 21 but I probably life insurance at 64? to them even though car about 4 years I recently ...show more car I want to company send their lawyers a reasonable policy of was insured it did 6 months and then commissions paid? If so discrimination against people who is the averge insurance going to lie and with anything although the after Hurricane Katrina? If companies but just curious have heard lowers the Please help I need are ...Must just be money (300 plus for to leave it all tdi 1.9 any other two cars in dallas? was signing. The amount Works as who? Single Priemium Insurance Policy 4 years no claims .
The exact car is most likely be a newer car to buy and my parents pay to get a car car or an old companies do this? And my insurance and ill I wanna lower it clue how much the December, if even that policy is good for 7 months i am have all you South a quote and all Health Insurance Options in does anyone know where me because they wont doing an essay on If I had traffic to purchase term insurance Can health insurance stop but first he wants but I thought the search. Where can I not welcome. Thanks xx i have 3 children up in the euo the names of insurance put Allows on my how much would health my doctor after a have to pay for morning. Im still paying second one i recieved on it. Long story i m paying for my Texas have increased. Have my test about a much would i have house about 8 years .
I bought 50K worth insurance. I have full live near Virginia international change my license to worth barely that, but moment, what do you And why do those next month and I first time car owner IL and i was curious as to how don t republicans want Americans don t know much about me and don t tell and theft. Would it in terms of (monthly are). Where can I is my daily driver, and have my own cost me??.. and also.. car few months ago to 60 dollars per ? in the mail for My parents have insurance 2 miles away and I can rent a and did not criminally for cheap car that now. I live in I think before it little more but how company. Do I have What is the best I cancell my sr22 my age. Do any happen? We aren t poor, 2001 Ford Fiesta (I current insurance company and buy insurance at all? which is the best .
Who has the cheapest is affordable.I have BCBS some insurance on the what I pay on can i get a it in st.louis missouri I really just want is just standard car I canceled my US because I own a car 5ft across the insurances without requiring a all (grrr!) .. only conflicting stories. Some people that was if I think would have the ill be listed as you have on your a while ago. I cost when you are my liscense then too. imported bike but i with an affordable premium? month car - $200-$300 quotes, but they always This is the problem, is non-standard? What makes mandatory and everyone must offers business liabilty insurance Acura integra GSR 2 much is it normaly? the year my agent I need? There will motorbike test so I the older kind. I know if this is tax it, MOT it self employed or free want to get it on the parents insurance insurance be or the .
I am a teenage quote from them for i have to purchase UK card in Texas in be the advantages of is the cheapest insurance long do you have find a cheap quote named driver on a there an insurance company seems that usually when and was wondering what primary driver on a guess around a 2002, would this make my insurance has $200 deductible. with my girlfriend and get a car insurance out there so that I did my insurance car that they re letting it. I m looking for the process of getting much SR-22 Insurance Costs? on track and so What is the best I keep my insurance up needing a new the Future and ever with benefits even though the insurance, how much in the city since driver, clean driving history. any help would be just impatient because I sometimes with my friends stuff about fronting and the best way to GIVEN TO HIM BUT drive my car! Does .
Cheap car insurance company not cover it.... obviously years and have never you want it to told me this would dental insurance, so i price range from a for gas fees, and a license cause the what it is? It s much taxes will be If no damage was Calif. to Texas?? Does is insurance prices, so age, live in the Don t give me links notify my company but much is car insurance down when you turn and provide proof within to insure 4 cars so I think it coverage. Suppose you were a few places to ****. I want it like 1.1 saxos and benefits for part-time workers? states his license is can work it onto No one is forced vehicle -driver s ed training. the Mass Health Connector? on the day the lot of Hyundai dealers how much would it are paying and on would recommend? Thanks! :) my mums. Are there old male and I Also, do I need it does to get .
.... do you think the Her insurance company wants 23 year old female 6 months, they are the fully covered drivers 17 and this will my new car. How car is old. Or teacher...will I be able to be, and insurance???? getting my license soon. an 18 year old? I am currently unemployed will i hav to money on bills and no insurance how much am 18 and have makes sense.. The plan radio and i wanted health insurance ,, sure is covering the damages a year to add and he ended getting and i want to will that cost me? find Insurance for Labor Does a citation go bought car, put it for my little sixer don t want to race which would cost more? looking for insurance now. n Cali ? Or just purchased the car? 18 year old male the cheapest car insurance that question yesterday when more expensive if i 17 yr old if to continue their group .
I m 23 years old i get full coverage which cost around 2000, so when i renew I did them all my first speeding ticket, she is because she ago along with the then drive it myself. to just by a insurance policies for his cheapest? but has great link I click on insurance to host it for ages but I go under my moms damage his bike, Would fight them doubling my find out if they hours of credit classes, minibus insurance. Can anyone average motorcycle insurance cost first. Because neither one 17 Year old living insurance will be due option. (Where you would ended and filed a confused.com ect everything i 32 year old female. insurance company?I ve heard that job, will my insurance insurance papers haven t gone to pass on? (Honda even give us a week s worth of insurance? insurance if I get a car yet, all much (ball park figure, Progressive Insurance cheaper than insurance cost? I live truck is yellow and .
So, I m looking for gas mileage... I am life. No insurance wants get your car inspected car insurance is in I want to claim. them with my license full driving licence i if the car is Thank you in advance. purchasing one for awhile? she received a separate a 2000 mitsubishi Eclipse have her disability to no longer qualified for their policy as a cheapest insurers would be new car - 2007 his first road vehicle...thanks!! soon as I get i know i cant chafing on my inner to charge less so and what model is Or has anyone dealt on insurance for new insurance papers, they were was interested in more by the month insurance with this money? The when the car dealer obesity would save governments Does it normally affect a lien on it if i get it? for home owners insurance drive my sister car test soon and just used Health Insurance that looking for a cheap jet-ski, just want to .
Im 17 and I and the other person Whats the cheapest car both cars? or do What happens if you its employees. please explain lender and tried going don t live in Cali I m looking to start the insurance for 6 even in my private My question is if crime rate. I want 17 who recently passed and keep procrastinating it. new car insurance.. what I haven t been to (which i am very dont want to be you die, is your cheaper insurance? is illegal paying around 135 a accord, toyota corolla or looking for insurance for of not having health both need separate insurance about it and curious seems to be the for the suzuki alto I ve checked the major does the average person Car and Looking 4 over or in a cost to insure for year in insurance? I insurance for motorcycle cost? if you have a got in a big I m a 19 year(soon all on my driving What is the average .
Male 17 insurance group I live in San anyone know what the Cheap car insurance? buy auto insurance to I find low cost insurances out there in half, is the homeowner s insurance is cheap in can t find any company what happens if someone him buy it and before covering the condition something happens to take while I am a of my mates say if you own the to know how much tell my insurance company? car when i was My eyes are yellow. companies do people recommend. has anyone ever had look at the report he haggle with admiral because i went without i have to tell with 2 years no the effect on car I mean car insurance plan was to put Someone from behind went The reason why is Paying no mind to tickets or citations on tell the insurance company company finish all the license get suspended for work. I have not be like the diference offer malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia .
or the Affordable Care an insurance company that would take it down is car insurance in it tolals up to (roughly) to go in, to Hungary how to to find something. if to pay my whole save some money on a cheap and reliable would the insurance be am looking for free having G1 licence and of rooting my phone Any help here would if anyone knows of of the cost. I the middle of the cost for a small for one speeding ticket when there is a am new to boston heights, rocklin or the year old living her range. if u can happneds to me being seems like they are days, my dads car insurance ... what are on your car insurance, certificate but insurance is 85 monte carlo old experiance How much will policy because we live from. Our company is for insurance? What kind cheapest you can get Los angeles where it s fix my friends car up to $300 per .
Ok. i have a of a minor accident she is going to for kids but they need to ask for? trying to get a have any other way i can find a He s working out of own insurance. I refuse $550 per month for drivers instead of 1? physical therapy bills because to other insurance companies. Insurance. How long until just wondered if anybody Im applying for my coverage, and at somepoint Ca.. area companies would be and named drivers, mileage got ina car crash. history of the driver for under 500 And health insurance for college Insurance, About a week to be included. I for something I didn t insurance. I want to a 2012 yamaha r6 10-20-10 mean on auto. that car and its plane stalls and falls license and i m getting and renting a car or is it verboten 1/2 years and he months later I should part. We heard that car, second/third hand not I m getting the car .
Well, i live in insurance for unemployed or to get my drivers will i have to Completely stock other then figuring insurance rates on but I won t be 6 months coverage??? Its car for about a insurance. I Live in this great nation out on car insurance. I value is what the in oregon. He has boyfriend. (and I m pretty car insurance, generally: a in Florida because i it?!? Does life insurance cheaper by $139 dollars for home insurance and WhAts a average insurance to borrow my friend s company that would insure in life should one of my child obviously. a car in us... one. I can t seem of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website car back can I insurance. What kind of i need insurance. How looking to buy my in shock. My question going to ask this update our club policy someboy wouldnt mind telling claim settlement ratio and of my friends are im driving...i will put a broken headlight.I am my car insurance company .
So i got into new car? Or will are going to take do you pay for estimate for 600cc sportsbikes. car with me? Mom who smokes marijuana get teenager is horrible. I to the states after would be cheapest between, savings). Do you think know? it is in lot and dint leave I recently had my car but i am compay paid for body cheapest way to do young driver if I m I don t start college pay, we pay, then me to sell of won t own the vehicle Can it be a as an individual do year old female in driver, a girl, and the car and get average cost of business taken Defensive Driving. Taken the price but they $1150 every 6 months. im 17 and i and mood disorders and the cheapest car insurance? in MA for self costs more for people sites that will just this and i couldn t like allstate, nationwide, geico, i m hoping for my my dad as a .
how much for m.o.t car? I m confused. How the 2nd of June. payment for nothing. We I hope to spend A local personalized auto current insurance company does liberals this works by in your late 50 s my license 8 days for kids that will a little while yet, insurance is through the old male, and am have received six points tried some price comparison the cheapest insurance I have insurance and got get a car insurance? and is at fault, if I can drive company in the tri are perfect drives and my parents need to which made my existing the fine seems the affordable health insurance cost? for CHEAP health insurance?? company has the cheapest the first owner. will the statement? Is it but I ve never had i m not earning a to make a payment am producing a business a boy at 17 cosigner, but she s totally companies have the cheapest I expect to pay a local company and license or do I .
I am 19 and How much more affordable Lenses , Will My plans for me. ( policy for it. If my shoes. As I do I need to to buy flood insurance months now and can t can get dental insurance out how much my we talking about couple I am 20 years re-rate me shortly after am i just added 2003 jetta GLS 1.8 and wants to cancel and I share a live in California. I price crashed down to want to find my something happen to either anyone else done this? The car was totalled And I still can getting full insurance on with them for a to get a quote. in a 30. (which in oct. is there Pilgrim Kaiser Permanente MVP is it worth waiting my insurance go up. I was considering U-haul, too, thus I was reports say the other and not what I ve additional coverage and how my occupation as travel year matters too if policy at age 25 .
Jason wants to buy im taking it tuesday me know of a asking for cheap insurance! insurance. I also go 1800 sqft ranch with offers six month packages? alone, and car insurance cost to purchase it the cheapest liability car true and what value get a life insurance speeding perhaps. The officer same insurance policy. He difference between liability and am looking for an car insurance in ontario? #, passengers during accident, car insurance for 18 theory and practical test be able to afford i have a vehicle cheap auto insurance carrier I m a 16 year-old cavalier and I m getting still need to SORN What are car insurance tell my auto insurance source, but where do http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg driving a 2006 nissan My vehicle is currently I ll get a discount I am thinking about transaction. Do I call cost me. I m getting can anyone help me doesn t have a high companies that offer reduced coverage because of the still 3.0 will that .
My question is about i would have to the keys to the say your home owner s losses, take the money it per month? How rate like compared to so and is below to know who the illness cover. Both of his car somehow flipped and i was speeding someone can give me who offers it? how writing them. Ode to another loan for another the car but was to go to the am going to rent the time being, or points on my license I can t seem to Credit July 1 Prepaid 167,000 miles on it. if my auto insurance company gives cheap insurance cheapest auto insurance rates 17 and will be and I d be in would it cost. Please dislocated her shoulder while under my parents insurance be paying for the and have bad credit. a Cyro Cuff be next three years. My right or wrong or how do I check COMP PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE queen, it honestly wasn t have children, and now .
Anyone know of a him under my moms a month for insurance! if modifying the interior looked up the Infiniti s gets the 10 points. elses car, just wondering don t have any money... a company that provides insurance companies which don t my driving test very (they were desperatly trying online. Can anyone help? idea what to do. employers in California ask me an approximate estimate first house soon. There to get a this buy ? I want insurance. You would solve penalty for driving with and wondering how much I can put him added onto my parent s cheap on the insurance to be very expensive! i get $100,000 of anything else on the records although we are The car I was apply for my own for a student possessions this was the first I need is my insurance and while my for a family member. with manual transmission, which pcv holders get cheaper Insurance for Pregnant Women! my father I do I am 17, soon .
Im 17... So it get cheap health insurance? not picky about the ram and a dodge know a good insurer? his children unless its a bit of money my car and gets between health and life everyday and I only 17 year old please of mobile home insurance and school 5 days from the doctors office and do not have in his OWN WORDS: car is a 2005 ? Can i reclaim tickets effect my insurance Are insurance rates high I will be in a LOT less will of coverage to have? Part B medicare, so am driving the car get my claim paid. not have the time medicare because My daughter in court. Does anyone damages and a ticket? paying too much in benefits of life insurance Right now she s receiving if anyone knows of he included the good condition and need health car insurance is for Is car insurance cheaper medicaid yet; which insurance dad has passed and anyone can recommend a .
Well, I am 17, My college requires insurance. is needed at a months which is a in a crisis and compared to a white also be included on Okay so I really his name...he doesnt have view a blank life 17 and just passed a 94 supra twin has this car, up is insured under my insurance company? Because I be accessed on your will expire end of it even true? I my auto insurance cancel am getting a life What affects insurance price will cost. I m a experience with Geico (good months ago I was but I m just looking just been a burning it anyway and I my husbands insurance was insurance payments to his quotes I have gotten becoming an insurance agent own car insurance. Take is willing to settle go up 40% over providers are. Other than them to claim on to tax car..and as to ask parents who to school for Health most? so what companies fault in an accident? .
I m 16 and I my car, im 18, I presently have comprehensive appartment renting, so why NFU and was wondering... be getting a 2011 a student on an for teenagers in safe, are not eligible for at midnight, they arent reccomended cheap comapnies for (not positive but almost was to apply for want to get a two parents and two months ago, as promised, alone, without paying insurance i dont have my filled a sr22 with is nothing wrong with full cov on the in california is cheap twins are 2.5 years should I expect to you get what you Do you pay for Is there a website Northern Ireland that d be drivers in WA Everett.? the cheapest dental insurance to the doc for then I took my cant get car insurance cheap places to get your plates? What happens? have to be insured? 5 year term life name the insurance and hits you from behind, insurance do you need you pay for renters .
I haven t travelled in option to be on Insurance expired. to get individual health - where the money new lisence thats 18 gotten a little bit recently bought a car, disability, and the only know everything full coverage just let my dad I tried other cars non-owners auto insurance, what no savings or other Insurance a must for suggestions as to whom ideas ? any thing being quoted at best accident fault investigation he easiest way to get for young people get recieved a letter in and I have had my mom gave me commercials old. I got uk the new policy. Is i have pictures of off my family s kaiser because of my b.p. it till the case cheap for young people? would it cost in others to buy it ticket at all if of the UK and seems they want you cost for auto dealers attention , Yes i vague answer is fine. insurance during the winter .
Hi, My car insurance pcv license and also health insurance plans for and it will cost want to know if was just wondering what sister has just passed old daughter is listed fixed what will my was annoying for my one with really cheap auto insurance rates rise? my policy & put is in her name the insurance would be? full amount for the and this hood girl year old mid-sized car. will insure a 17 policies we need like expecting to buy this renters insurance homeowners insurance student to be on my car out, and but can t find it. free insurance from any a legitimate number. I m might take another year are 12 or 13 are too expensive. Where When I turn 17, truck was not at had his G2(canadian) licence school everyday can anyone I no longer require much would insurance on a 2002 Lexus RX300. cover maternity. What health most qoutes ive had it s not a big can i track them? .
I have a car want to get pulled a semester off (enrolled 3 years car no not cover. HELP are car that has low to take online courses talked to my insurance online quote. Has anyone to buy new car for insurance, but what s my permit for about 46 my wife is you have any convictions I am a 23 policy 395 a month bank account? Would it my insurance finds out, cost for a 92 the insurer would be in NJ for a court, or you must my driving test.. How to transfer the insurance inflation? I was thinking only and I park portable preferred is..where can I go get my windows tinted. is normal?Why my car provide some. Thanks very towed to a certified I just want to on tv about a would affect me getting in mind this is insurance would be for does play a major and have no health a surrogate. She has If you re not on .
Do you have to they are a low this, please if you able to pay for It was easy takings 17 and am looking it just be better I am a teen confused about it and cheaper than 1800 Thanks not. I am also to school and what as many others do or anything if that Comp & Collision (500 you can get like to car insurance... I Just a warning anyone a good dental plan children so it would Honda, and i keep don t say depends what with them? Please share........ need my insurance to get in trouble for California and my question rebate for last year? my license and I as the main driver,who the other person s insurance not mine. Can I any guidelines as long red, age 19, male. focus ghia 1600 or car insurance for a it to make it so how much would boyfriend are planning to why do people let they reject it because I am 22 years .
in my family i should pay, what kind claims) and I have If I have uninsured going/how much I had they know i have fees or anything, or 4000, but I have at least 2,500! Are they expect me to month payment plan with on it but he to buy their rental How much get you me I got a more of a Why? need to cover only a s and b s in aware of the healthcare a police stop and someone or something. If insurance policy (as it away to an impound pleas help!! qualify as uninsured since compared that to an for a 2.0l bmw $1,000 and there is best to work for, not renewed.... and to other helpful information on I m wondering how much in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.? insurance? i m 16 and to a new car fee? 6 months, a not responding my calls, mention i got alloys in alberta canada, everyone to get if you I am getting ready .
(please give me a and prices on auto you die, is your it off with a in my name (I :/ but even just from SC on my all, Been looking around of others is called: years old, and I m there insurance, and i pesos? am i right? crazy stories of how the car is registered looking for that as for research in insurance? and get me cheap get cheap car insurance The first one earned drive with people under for State insurance, no if this is what Auto, Home, Disability, Long because my mom said have a visa, BUT insurance starts on 11/01/08 a little fiat punto life insurance police insurance that is right are you? Male or estimate the damage at 700, 1 way, how wait? and if we the best affordable Health and i am getting It will cost me insurance has gone down am confused as to add me to his do a budget for looking to get one .
i am 16 andd insurance company, I plan of course i will cover it or will know if there is will be now more Core, because there s no at right now the home daycare... where is a car. I have The job that I so unfair to hype the price of the back from college and come down on Friday good discount? And how are..i need to know passed away about a in school if that of these aspect) the do insurance companies sell a quote from kiaser and was wondering how want to buy a for going on 4 this? As a full-time im preferably looking for do plan on financing liability. They hadn t even I share a policy and more reject the haven legally change my so, how much do policy. If the government or just smoke a low cost pregnancy insurance? my job. I would I was wondering, what know this has been to know what is a must for your .
I just found out but i am worried to insure a 55yr. or have it? best a named driver to online quotes. but could do something about Health it even though it s dui about 3 years a 21 year old a discount for having for it on my recently inspected by the for coverage with Blue Cylinder Any Color (red month. strange thing is guess Wells Fargo Auto with insurance? or do riding with me most this vehicle. I thought an insurance agency and the a/c condenser which According to the Florida go with State Farm a car will be work and back so is the product of that if your no Im going to get least a day, given vehicle and have state there a way that However, the cop bumped car if you start My mom and dad insurance company...do they see have been married for come w non-fixed premium Toronto best cheap auto have fully comprehensive car would the insurance be .
Hi I moved out a 16 year old is, what are some permit. My mom says insurance works. do i insurance because i dont answer honestly it will & run damage to free for 40 years, is a good Insurance ana orange county california. companies offering affordable insurance right? (compared to a insurance rates for a insurance so i can getting married next year. the car insurance companies? have a car. I is much cheaper on to get a quote, from a friend. Do i track my order of them have received live in brooklyn new 1000 pounds, 90k Miles, what should I do? and have a budget speeding tickets, which resulted buy the car with and he did not as low as possible, their primary care physician in one half and I m a femal turning anyone tell me a get it a little Im 19 and just cheapest for just what right now I have a dodge challenger srt8 My questions are: Is .
How much would my go up? I believe In the market for cheapest insurance for a i get or if than ours, that it even know. I live now, ready to get are your thoughts on spend 30-100 dollars a be done so that for me on a at my age? So an account of a auto insurance. i ll pay 350z 35TH Anniversary edition, and every question it they really considered sports to know if car the local DMV and because I want to obtaining one, and is was wondering if anyone 16th Birthday my dad you have taken any $11 ticket. i dont Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? What is a good insurance and this is pay? they only want not have insurance at gone up by 100 a pre-existing condition ? in Baton Rouge Louisiana go down when you clean driving record I $42.19 (and an additional don t have a car how much would minimum any thoughts? Long term be paying LOADS of .
I am 26 and 2005 Suzuki sv650 with to the Insurance companies much car insurance i send someone to check do i get a wont owe 1500 bucks a estimate and a live in Santa Maria i m 16, i have boating insurance in California? Allstate, and Progressive beats my car is 97 anyone suggest a cheap my own personel insurance? lower my insurance rates. American citizen pays in what i input on on it the rest insurance.is it really GEICO? My car insurance expired October, I was wondering our own and pay to my car insurance dad pays. Can I (or any of the Temporary Registration? Will I health insurance for self have health insurance (HSA) driver licenese and tags about people getting car back injury that left car for a couple of insurance at all get insurance today as each tenant have renters do i need to to school part time. has this life insurance unless in use. It both need to be .
i am a 19 have liability coverage? And would he be able advance I live in get affordable car insurance a mini or morris get motorcycle insurance? If care of my 50 reg vw polo 999cc direct (as they show car if they are between whole and term would happen if i that s about it, they re a quick question, my Florida car with Florida dissrupted and now they or visonworks or something My insurance policy is house but then I d drive my brothers car My insurance recently sent cheaper because i dont mecahnical problem hit my it a legal obligation insure. What other cars of $226, as I on time with my doctor only for like split a car costing long is reasonable to effect on car insurance Am I going to Insurance) does that cover and what is the is the most expensive. I appreciate I have the insurance will be teenager(19) and a male accounts affected by liability a letter to the .
Hi everyone, please Where what insurance companies offer expensive than other insurance car is about $5,000. do not have a old but the re-sale I am wanting to and 10p.m. The only of policy, whats the soon and he found insurance rates on a was called and we Currently I pay for not on it. I In your opinion, who What factors to look car from the 25th to go in a for my gf 25 much it would cost. a student who needs insurance will be canceled? What do you guys can still get car by them. I suffer Insuring the financial security sign it and list it was snowing) and just wondering if I time speeding ticket in company and said that 64 in a 45. insurance (DMV form DL-123). years old so it do you need insurance covered by my parents I pass, but I m cheap insurance, tax and idea if I can windsheild. I called her was covered by someone .
I own a small cheapest Insurance for a bumper and right headlight a car in group check for the cost up if i only impeached for saying you IS THE BEST AFFORDABLE replace. However, I m not Reliability is crucial to I was quoting online of my mother, i charge me more if policy tax deduction will and looking for an and my parents need on red cars , racer or anything so the average income of insurance...where can i get either a 2000 rebel what are the cheapest do they have full for a general answer insurance it is, you understand. I think the should get, How much the consequences and is simply denied the claim google it, cuz ive WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY 18 year old would just got my license Dont know which insurance you 15% or more Just broughta motorhome o2 had a accident or gonna look like. Does was not my fault C average compared to my my car. My .
i was wondering how afford it, andshe doesn t going up even when licenses. But will the I do not feel get some help from of car to get anyone know of a it said 1* for want to know where the rear bumper. We gotten 1 speeding ticket best place to get that i can afford afford which is up in the U.S. for with my ex GF. for a sports car i need any kind Hughes. I am just to your name, and Oh and this person of pocket if necessary. if it makes any Today I hit a bumper when i was health insurance, because I I just bought my have insurance with the need insurance for it what everyone else pays i m not sure how got the lowest insurance in her grandmas van by the way, since am confused by this myself spread the payments am thinking about buying out an insurance policy they will need to what is the cheapest .
0 notes
ghostsnbees · 5 years
HELLO here’s the short story I worked on for a couple of hours for a school contest,,,,,,,,,,,,,, its called “And Time Stopped When I Saw You”
tw for hints of self-harm (though theres nothing explicit and it just seems like thats whats being implied) and bleeding ;;
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
Another minute passes by.
Tick. Tock. Tick. To-
“Okay, fine, you win.”
I pressed the ball-point pen a bit too hard, leaving a visible red mark on my forearm. The badly scribbled sentence on my arm was barely legible- nobody I knew understood it. Except for one particular person.
All of a sudden, as if like magic- blue ink strokes were swirling on my arm. If it really was “magic”, it didn’t feel that way anymore. This was normal for me. This was normal for us. The once unrecognisable strokes became clearer and clearer, until it formed..
The culprit of the blue and neatly drawn smiley face was Karamveer- or K for short. He was to me what most would call… a soulmate, perhaps. We were bound together by fate or whatever- and though most people had what we called “The Red String of Fate”, or the “Grayscale view” that connected two soulmates, K and I were tied differently. Different in a way that whenever he drew on himself, the marks would appear on me, too, and vice versa. We used this to communicate with one another- because for some odd reason, he doesn’t want to tell me where he is, or if there’s any other way i could communicate with him. So we were stuck like this- drawing dumb marks on our limbs in a somewhat desperate attempt to talk with one another.
“See? Even you admit it. I’m just that irresistible.”
“Yuck, shut up.”
I let out a small chuckle. This boy is gonna kill me someday— if he hasn’t already.
“wait brb gonna do smth. don't die while I'm gone lol”
My eyes blink over towards the clock rested beside my bed— it was 2am. I had school.
“on the subject of death, i’ll be signing off for tonight. its like. 2am here. Night K.”
I wince at how hard I pressed on my forearm again, and at how bad my handwriting was. I hope he could still understand.
“Gnight Ani <3”
I feel something flutter in my chest seeing the little heart scribbled beside the stupid little nickname he gave me. After staring at the blue symbol on my arm for what felt like a while, I brush the feeling off and head to bed.
“Animosah Agbon?”
My eyes tear open upon hearing my name. I was dozing off in class again.
“What’s the answer for number 11?”
I blink at the chalkboard and reposition my big reading glasses. “Uhhhhh….” The whole class is staring at me, a few of my classmates snickering and talking between themselves. I frown.
“Sixteen…four… no, in the equation 2y+16=6y-4, y is equal to 5.”
My classmates whoop and cheer while my teacher subtly smiles to herself. I slink back into my chair shyly and take my favorite retractable black pen out of my pencil case, rolling up my long sleeve to see if he’s written anything.
“please save me. i don’t like it in school anymore.”
Not a few seconds later, a reply is scribbled on my palm. “Ohhh, i hear ya. The only thing that kept me sane was the actually decent food they had there. Other than that, school is quite literally a juvenile prison.”
“,,,,why are you talking in past tense????”
“its for me to know and for you to find out :))”
“I hate you”
“ I love you too <3”
I try and hold back a small smile, but it peeps out anyway. I look around to see if anyone else has noticed. They’re all pre-occupied with something- Alvis with her string of fate, Callum asking his friend Xavier what color the chalk on the board was, Elenoir re-checking the ink of his token pen. Before I can fully fall asleep, the school bell chimes and everyone is rushing to their next class.
I plop onto my bed and read the conversations we shared throughout the day. He kept me awake through the majority of my subjects but stopped replying by the time I was writing on my ankles. I wasn’t sure what his timezone was, but I do admit- it would look pretty weird if he was scribbling with a colored gel-pen on his leg in public. Not even in public- just in general.
“I dont know if your still awake but good night”
I groan and scrawl a small ‘e’ beside the misspelled word.
The next few letters don’t come, and the text smudges itself. I subconsciously frown. What was he doing? I feel my stomach turn in knots in worry and I choke on my spit. Head screaming for relief, I shut my eyes tight and force my probably malfunctioning body to fall asleep.
When I open my eyes the next morning, the sun’s rays immediately burn and blur my sight, causing me to roll out of bed with a unceremonious thump! After lying on the floor for what seemed like 5 minutes, I check my arm to see if K wrote anything new.
Before panic settles in, I lift the hem of my pajamas to check if the ones he wrote on my right leg were still there.
..All of his marks were gone.
Perhaps he just took a bath?
That’s.. impossible. He never washes the ink thoroughly enough for it to disappear.
..Is he okay?
“Are you okay?”
5 hours later and he still hasn’t replied.
At this point I’m awkwardly sprawled on my bed, occasionally lifting my arm to see if he’s said anything.
Where did he go?
2 weeks and still nothing.
I’ve been doing worse in school. My parents are getting uneasy, my teachers are concerned.
I wish I could talk to him again.
One month.
One month and my limbs are clean, aside from the numerous writings I’ve left asking where he was.
I haven’t slept well since the day he stopped replying. Am I too clingy? Am I too concerned? Should I stop trying?
..Maybe I am. Maybe I should. But no, I won’t.
I guess I just.. really, really miss him.
“Class dismissed!”
I stand up quickly and fumble for my bag and everyone rushes out of the room.
“..Animosah, can you stay for a bit?”
I grimace at my teacher, and she responds by softening her worried smile. I approach her slowly without maintaining eye contact with her.
“Are you sure you don’t want to talk about what’s bothering you?”
“I’m sorry, Ma’am. I really don’t want to.”
She must’ve noticed me rubbing my forearm because her face grows with concern.
“Animosah, what’s on your arm..?”
“It’s nothing.”
“Animosah. Show me.”
“Ma’am, please-“
I almost gag at the nickname she called me.
Hesitantly, I shakily roll up my sleeve and lift up my right arm. It was nearly fully covered with ink marks- desperate pleas begging to know where my soulmate was. Tears start to roll down my cheeks as I quickly withdraw my arm and bend over to stifle my cries. My teacher quickly leaps to her feet and kneels to reach my eye level. She cups my face in her hands and pulls me into a hug.
“..Everything will be alright soon, dear. He will come back to you soon. I promise.”
And I hoped she was right.
My eyes feel a little dry after crying.
The town was a bustling, lively place of no sleep. The people there were a smiling and happy bunch- nearly everyone knew each other, and nearly everyone was friends. Though the townspeople greeted me with countless ‘good morning!’s and ‘hello!’s, I wasn't in the mood to even wave back. I felt like a sulking rat in a sea of adorable rabbits.
I hated it.
The roads were already familiar to me, so I walk in an almost rhythmic pattern to try to lighten my mood. Street Maya, Street Kassel, Street Avida, Street Ramas, Street Ettiel, Street Maya, Street Kassel, Str-
I glance at the street sign. I’m at Street Avida.
Suddenly the air feels tight in my throat. I gasp ang gag, silently crying for air. I’m kneeling on the sidewalk when I see someone walking towards me. HELP! HELP! I try to scream, but I just cough harder.
The person walks past me without any sign of acknowledgement.
No, wait-!
In an instant, I’m dragged by the collar into an alleyway I didn’t even notice was there. When I’m pushed against the wall, I feel the air get knocked out of my lungs and I’m left hacking and coughing on the floor. The stranger who dragged me looms over me in a somewhat curious manner, examining my features slowly. They brush the hair off my face and I get a clear look at them- Their face is shrouded by a black hood, but with what little light peaking through they appeared to be young. The hood extended into a cloak reaching until their feet. The only eye-catching thing about them was a carefully-crafted pocket watch dangling off their hand.
“Who.. Who are you?”
“That’s not important, dear.”
Their voice rung in my head like an alarm clock- except it was less annoying. They spoke in an echo-y mixture of voices- my mom’s, my dad’s, my teachers’, my friends’, and so many other people. It felt calming in so many ways, but it also raised a dozen more questions.
“What’s important to you is what I have to offer.”
“What? Offer? I’m really sorry but I’m not interested in another car de-“
Even if I couldn’t see their face, I could tell they were glaring.
“It’s quite alright, love.” They look at my arm. “..You miss your soulmate, yes?”
I painfully look away and nod lightly.
“I see. I was like you once. I had a left wing of white feathers and my soulmate had the right of black. We flew together in the skies, hands intertwined. One day, however, he stopped wanting to fly with me. He never told me why, but all answers came to me once all my feathers fell out. I suppose we both flew too close to the sun.”
I gulp and mouth a subtle “I’m sorry”.
“..I’m sorry too, dear. I’m afraid I might've gone on a little tangent there. See, that might’ve happened to me, but that doesn’t have to happen to you, too.”
I look up at them. “What do you mean?”
“Fate has given you a chance, sunshine. As a sorceress of time, they’ve instructed me to give you a choice.”
“Time will stop in this world and shall only go on for you both. You have all the time in the world to look for him. And when you two meet eyes, the cycle of the earth shall continue. But you must hurry. Best of luck to you, love.”
“Hurry? Why? Is something wrong?”
..They’re gone.
When I wake up the next morning, everything is in black and white.
I check my alarm clock and it’s frozen at 6:12 am.
..That wasn’t a dream?
..That was real. Which means-
I jump out of bed, throw on a long sleeve blouse and pants and bolt towards the door. I almost trip on the stairs and when I fling the front door open, I tumble on a package that nearly sends me flying. I regain my composure and open the package. In it was a necklace with a red gem etched with mysterious writings and a note. The note said:
“This necklace will be able to transport you to whichever place you wish to be and light up whenever he may be near. Just say the word and you shall be there. Good luck, my dear. May the stars be forever in your favor. -SHUVHISKRGH”
I didn’t feel like decoding their name anymore. All I knew was one thing- I had to look for him.
I bring the necklace to my lips and whisper..
“Bring me… Bring me to my heart.”
The gem glows, and the mysterious writings ring in my ears in a unknown language. I shut my eyes tight as I’m enveloped by the red light and..
I fall to the ground and I groan.
I quickly get up and stumble a bit. Where was I? I was somewhere unfamiliar and new, that was for sure. I shuffle on tiled grounds. The place was filled with people that didn’t look all that friendly. The buildings surrounding me stood proud and tall like skyscrapers- and it was driving me crazy. I try to remain calm and examine my surroundings.
The necklace I held tight in my hand glowed faintly.
He’s here.
I dash from street to street, checking if the necklace would glow any brighter. And when it was as bright as a fire in my hand, I look up and see a figure looking down from a window.
The shadow places its hand on the glass, and glances at me. Suddenly my chest feels like its being tugged towards it, causing me to stumble. I hit the ground and before I can get up, something taps my shoulder
“Are you alright, miss?”
“Yes, I-“
..Wait, what?
The stranger has his arm stretched out, so I take it and heave myself up.
“..Thank you, sir.” I say as the man begins to walk away.
Time’s moving. That means-
I shoot my head up and see the figure by the window. It looked clearer now- it appeared to be a young boy my age in a hospital gown. He writes something on his left arm, lifts his right, smiles, and I realize who he was.
I run towards the building as quick as I can. My chest is pounding and I’m running out of breath but I don’t care. Before I reach the entrance, pain shoots up my left arm and I fall over. Blood was seeping through my sleeve and I cry out for help. With the little strength still left in my body, I roll up the cloth and see something etched into my inner forearm in very familiar neat cursive writing. When the realisation hits me, I start to cry even harder.
“i love you.”
..Always and forever.
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