#as I've mentioned before
tal-vez-o-quizas · 1 year
We always discuss how badly El needed a female friend (she got Max), how Nancy needed a female friend (now she has Robin) but why do we never discuss how badly Steve needs a friend that is around his same age?
Sure, Steve's friends with Dustin and is very close to Robin (he's the only person that knows she's a lesbian) but imagine Steve becoming friends with Jonathan?
That would be so beautiful, poetic and it will literally kill two birds with one stone: Steve gets a male friend closer to his age group, he bonds with Jonathan, they both see how great each other are as a person and regardless of what happens with Nancy, more character development ensues and everyone is gonna love to see those two interact.
It's a win-win situation!
That's how we get Stonathan.
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chucapybara · 1 month
oh you know what's interesting
"ina" is one of the words we use in filipino to refer to our mother. it's an alternative to "nanay" which also means the same thing but you can use either
so... inna... yeah
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thesilliestofgals · 11 months
Curious, why is Brooke your favorite character? Is she still your favorite?
When did she become your favorite?
Before Brooke as introduced, when it was just her parents, who was your favorite?
Do you like the narrator trope (when done well) in most fiction, or only Ever After High so far?
Honestly, I like her because, at least in my opinion, she's written in canon to be like the a viewer of the show itself; she harbors the same love we do for the characters, and as we saw in "Bunny + Alistair 4 Ever After", has tried to help fix/rewrite parts of the overall story. I rotate her in my brain whenever I can. She is just such... Best Girl Brooke. A scrunkly. A little scrimblo spoingle. Maybe even a mipy.
I can't really say when she became my favorite character... I've just always liked the idea of her, because, again, she's almost in the same boat as the viewers, to an extent.
Before Brooke came along, when it was just her parents... I have mixed feelings on them? On one hand, I liked the personification of the Royal and Rebel sides of the Destiny argument, but on the other, their arguing got pretty old, fast.
As for the narrator trope, when it is done well, I do like it a lot. The idea that the narrator is their own person is absolutely fascinating to me! For example, the narrator of Undertale is an example of it done right, giving them a personality and quirks... it's just fun!
I've seen really good examples of the narrator trope in EAH rewrites. For example, After Ever After, by FabFuta1234, and Ever After High: Rewrite, Ignite, Restart by @gumjester, both on AO3, utilize it quite well! Highly recommend both of them.
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cuckoo-among-beasts · 5 months
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glo-shroom · 3 months
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yes & no by Natalie Wee | Trigun Ultimate Overhaul
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devilart2199-aibi · 4 days
Imp and Skizz pod, ep 95: Etho!
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Wanted to doodle real quick while listening :3c
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whatisgoingoninmyhead · 6 months
there's something to be said about how public unawareness about aspec identities contributes to the infighting within the aspec communities.
for example, I've seen a lot of "don't say ace people don't have sex because that's harmful to the sex favourable aces" and the opposite: "don't say ace people can have sex because what about the sex repulsed/averse?"
and they're both valid points, but because of it, aspec posts have to cater to the entire spectrum or risk starting arguments over this. Ideally, people could look at an aspec post and accept that it's for a different part of the aro/ace spectrum to where they are, but that's where the public unawareness comes in
because outside of the aspec communities, there's so little understanding of what the terms mean, that people within the community have to make every post generic so that the unaware won't see one post and make an assumption for the entire community based on it.
I see where every side is coming from, but infighting doesn't really solve any of the issues. The only thing that can start to solve it is more expansive aspec media representation, and spreading the "aro/ace identities are a spectrum" posts as much as possible to reach outside of the community, rather than trying to make specific posts fit that generic message.
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the-catboy-minyan · 3 months
I will never forgive goyim for taking the word for the group that was literally all about mass murdering 6 million jews in the most horrific genocide in history that wasn't even 100 year ago, and twisting the meaning to be "evil person that is so fascist and evil they're not human anymore" and then turn around and call Jews that.
the Nazi belief is literally that JEWS ARE SUBHUMAN. Jews literally CANNOT be Nazis unless they genuinely see their people and themselves as subhuman and deserving of death.
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purpleshadow-star · 4 months
I'm actually so glad that they brought up the fact that Hades saved Sally's life cause... yeah. He did. Sure, it wasn't for a super good cause, but he still did save her.
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rhys-ravenfeather · 8 days
Time travel is a reality! However, it's still in the early stages, and you can only go as far back as seventy-something years.
Feel free to explain your reasons in the tags :P
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canisalbus · 4 months
I wanna wrap Machete in a weighted blanket but I'm scared that it would crush him
You put the blanket on him and it sounds like a pile on nachos being stepped on.
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onesidedradiostatic · 13 days
I feel like there's an interesting aspect when it comes to vox and huskerdust in that there's a non-zero chance that vox also has a sort of indirect relationship with husk along with the already existing indirect relationship he has with angel, like yes there's the former overlord stuff but they may also know each other a bit more personally due to vox's past association with alastor, like how mimzy knows husk and niffty, so huskerdust to him is like… the weirdest crossover of all time to him, val's whore getting together with alastor's pet lmao
honestly bonus points if he also calls husk "husker" like alastor and mimzy
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heavendraven · 9 months
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twilight princess really dropped the character design of all time and then did NOTHING with her....
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thestarswhim · 7 months
So this tweet made a real good point and got me thinking about this scene:
As mentioned in their tweet, "you don't 'beg for mercy' for a job," and here he sounds so scared and desperate, like he's had to do this A LOT before with the directors and it's so... sad.
(more under the cut)
Before he finds out the truth about Eden, he believed they saved him from his former life and gave him new opportunities to continue his dreams, but do you think having to needlessly beg to keep your position as literally being the face of Eden out of fear you'll be replaced and thrown right back out to your old life is a so called dream come true?
Eden even made a trailer for a movie about his life to fame, showing how everyone was rejecting him as a person, which they definitely made it more simplified like I KNOW he was getting way worse treatment than what was shown.
My main point is that despite believing in Eden's motives (before knowing the truth), he still wasn't truly happy deep down. He was STILL getting rejected and slandered by society, and he knew that deep down, so it's not surprising how the possibility of him losing his job made him have a whole breakdown and do the things he did to try and cope.
He quite literally has no one to lean to and hasn't had anyone since showing up to Eden besides the directors (because he probably believed they were treating him fairly and with respect), but... yeah.
He wanted to make a difference, to give hope to hybrids, and he thought he was doing just that. Despite the way the directors and everyone thought of him, despite how alone he felt, he still thought he was achieving his dreams and sharing that onto others
and yet... he was being used this entire time. None of it was true, all the hard work and the things he went through was for nothing.
Everything that Eden has done, and he was the face of it all... it's just devastating.
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HARLEY and IVY | Harley Quinn: The Animated Series – ‘A Very Problematic Valentine’s Day Special ’
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rampantram · 2 months
Who initiated the relationship between the Lamb, Narinder, and Ewe?
I would say the lamb, initially; after they and Narinder found Ewe, the lamb took her recovery and happiness as their responsibility, wanting to make sure she had the life that she deserved - that they'd BOTH deserved. And while romance wasn't on their mind in the beginning, as she began to emerge from her shell (she was pretty much catatonic and non-verbal at the beginning), they eventually fell head over heels for her~
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Narinder wasn't against Ewe's presence, and he couldn't blame the lamb for their enthusiasm in taking responsibility for her, but he did work to keep the lamb grounded throughout the whole ordeal (at first, they wouldn't leave her out of their sight for a moment). Once the lamb returned to crusading, they left Narinder as her watch, and he soon found out why the lamb had become so taken with her, particularly by her eagerness to learn and (albeit reluctant) connection with death.
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From Ewe's point of view, once she'd exited survival mode, she soon felt like a burden: encroaching on the lamb and Narinder's established life. It didn't help that the followers in The Flock were at no loss for gossip, filling her ears with even more reasons why she had no place on the cult grounds. She tried avoiding the lamb and Narinder, excusing herself from their conversations and gently refusing their requests to help her with whatever she was busy with.
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These tensions came to a head eventually, though, forcing the three to confess their intermingling feelings for one another. They took things slowly after that, wanting each member of their throuple to feel comfortable and seen, eventually creating a rather tight-knit bond.
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