#aroace Janus
anxiouslyfred · 1 year
Performance Over
For @sanders-sides-a-spec-week free day
Summary: Life is a performance to Janus as he tries to be successful in his career, but pretending that sex or romance interests him gets to be too much sometimes. On one of the days he takes to avoid all flirting, he finds himself new friends who understand.
It was all a performance and Janus knew people never understood that. He didn't want them to understand it either, but that didn't make it any less exhausting.
Occasionally someone would almost get it, almost understand just how much was a performance, but never quite. They always believed that he was being genuine to them, or revealing who he really was to them because they were special, not because they were the type to be convinced by feeling they were different to other people. Honestly, Janus could do without people pointing out his treatment of others was all an act and ignoring the biggest act he'd ever had to perform: The romancing, the wooing, and especially the flirting to convince people to do or think how best to benefit him.
As the door to his home fell shut, Janus could only let out a heavy breath. He'd taken his bows and left the stage for the day.
It had been building up for a while, just how badly keeping this performance up constantly was making him feel, but it wasn't so simple to find spaces to let down the act. Sure, he could go to a bar, and spend an evening without trying to charm or get something out of everyone he spoke to, but he'd still be expected to flirt.
And flirting, showing any interest in dating or fucking another person, was the most exhausting part of this personality Janus showed to the world.
He needed a day without people, or a miracle to strike and reveal a group of aroace people he could hide with.
A day going on a hike it is then, he decides.
There's a hill that Janus tends to climb when he wanted to get away from people. It wasn't that nobody else went there, but usually the people who did were hiking themselves or with a group and didn't want to speak to strangers equally as much as Janus.
“Virgil, you can bury yourself in your room when you're home again. You promised me you'd spend time with us all today.” A masculine voice was chiding and sounding far too friendly for Janus's liking. Since they were ahead of him on the path he could only hope to pass whatever group there was without getting noticed.
“I said I'd spend time with you, not that I'd be dragged up a mountain because of your whims.” Presumably Virgil replied, grumbling, and now Janus could see the group and hence the speaker, looking around their group as if hoping one of the other 3 with them could distract the person trying to grab his hand.
He was just behind the group now, trying not to listen to the conversation. Besides the conversation between Virgil and the man who'd been identified as Patton over Virgil joining them, there was a pair of brothers prone to wrestling or deciding to simply carry one of the others of the group, as well as very teacher type person, who'd gone of on a few rants, barely listened to, over the plants or bird song they could hear.
Then Janus found himself grabbed in a bridal carry by one of the brothers. It was the one in darker clothes but he hadn't been able to figure out their name. “Excuse me?” He stated, shocked enough that no venom or anger made it into his tone.
“If Roman gets to carry Virgil, then I get to carry someone, and I'm not getting in the way of Logan doing science stuff.” The person explained, as if that ruled everyone out.
“I'm a stranger and what about that guy?” He growled, gesturing sharply towards Patton.
Remus pulled a face, sticking his tongue out as if disgusted. “He thinks romance is great. I'm not doing anything that could be seen that way to him if you offered a million bucks. Besides I'm Remus, and now you know my name we aren't strangers!”
“Janus, and are you saying everyone here except whomever that is, is aromantic?” He blinked, frowning for a moment. The entire reason he chose hiking over socialising when needing to get away from the performance of romance was because he couldn't find a group of people like this, and now he's seemingly being kidnapped by one, given he's still being carried.
The other shrugged, “Aromantic Roman, asexual Me, both Virgil, demi-aroace Logan, and fully allo Patton.” Remus nods to various members of the group, identifying them for Janus, who was even more surprised when as they were mentioned everyone waved, or called a greeting. “Why? You looking to know more people who only flirt to joke at how many absurd things people try to claim are flirting? Hell I've been told I flirt with my brother because we had month long competitions over who can take the longest to say hello.”
“More like people I don't have to pretend romance is a thing I'd want at all around. I'm aroace, by the way.” He admits, smiling when that gets and excited grin thrown down at him, until the moment Remus stumbles because he stopped looking at where his feet are going.
“You got us now!” Remus yells, making Janus startle in his arms.
Virgil snickers, making them both notice Roman is now walking beside them, still carrying him. “Or rather Remus has you. I hope you're okay with being carried. These two don't put new friends down easily, well unless requested, demanded or said person is spiralling into a panic attack and they start freaking out over scaring their new person.”
“I'll assume you were the one to panic then.” Janus countered, sparing a glance for the path ahead and the other member of the group he'd been made to join.
“And will share stories of it forever more.” Virgil's smirk widened at the protests that came from the brothers. “These two are still learning how to help with them, even after knowing me for 3 years.”
Janus smirked back, letting the conversation carry on around him easily.
Life is a performance for Janus, and flirting was the most exhausting part of it, but today a miracle happened and he found people the performance didn't need putting on for. A blessing he hadn't dreamt of receiving.
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januscorner · 5 months
Fuck Aphobes here are some aro songs
Not A Love Song - bülow (this one’s specifically alloaro)
Aromantic Moodboard - Maxwell Anthony
Can We Just Be Friends? - FluffyEnderPug
Heart Heavy - MotherMother
Love Love Love - Of Monsters And Men
Don’t Fall In Love - Danko Jones
Crush Culture - Conan Gray
Home - Cavetown
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askdeceitsanders · 3 months
I love how Patton is just like:
"All by my-selffff."
"Don't wanna be-"
"aLL By MyseLf-"
Patton is actually aroace, so he doesnt mind
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i-am-bitterly-jittery · 4 months
Follow Your Aro
The aromantic follow up to Perfectly Normal
Word count: 871
Rating: gen
Pairings: platonic Dukeceit, platonic or pre-qpr Intrumoxiety, background Roloceit and Moxiety
Warnings: self discovery
In honor of Aro Week (next week, Feb 18-24) I’ve written a companion to my projecting ace on Remus 💚💚🤍🩶🖤 ♠️
“JANUS!” Remus yelled as he threw open the door to his and Janus’s shared dorm room. 
“Hello Remus,” Janus said without looking up from the assignment on his desk. “I’m sure the other people in our building are really appreciating your volume, thank you.”
“Any time, Snakey!” Remus grinned, throwing himself onto his roommate’s bed despite being three feet away. “Hey, I have a question.”
“I would love to help you at this exact moment, Rem, I definitely don’t have to finish this assignment before my date with Roman and Logan tonight.”
“Perfect! What are romantic feelings?”
Janus set his pencil down and turned to face Remus with an arched eyebrow. “They’re the feelings you have for a romantic partner? Are you okay?”
“Noooo,” Remus whined, sitting up and pouting. “I know what they are! I mean, like, how do you know you’re feeling them?”
“Oh…” Janus blushed. “It’s like, when you’re alone, and all you can think about is them. Or when you’re having a bad day, but when you see them, you think ‘oh, there they are’. They’re just… it’s so nice to be around them.”
“But that just sounds like friendship!” Remus huffed, flopping back onto Janus’s bed and glaring at the ceiling. “How do you know it’s different than friendship?”
“I don’t want to kiss my friends,” Janus deadpanned. “No offense.”
“Ew, none taken,” Remus stuck his tongue out at the thought of kissing Janus. “But I don’t want to kiss anyone.”
“I don’t know what to tell you, Rem.”
“Eh, I’ll probably figure it out when it becomes important,” Remus shrugged. 
“Sure,” Janus agreed distractedly, focusing once more on his assignment. 
It hits Remus like a wrecking ball two years later.
He placed his game controller down on his desk, shut his console off, and walked away. He didn’t save the game, but it was okay, he wasn’t ever going to play it again. 
Downstairs, he found Patton sitting on the couch in front of a DVD menu screen, so he threw himself onto the couch and buried his face in Patton’s lap. 
“Everything okay, kiddo?” Patton asked, only mildly shocked from the intrusion after having been friends with Remus for nine years. 
Remus just let out a long, loud groan. 
“That’s okay,” Patton said, rubbing his hand along Remus’s back comfortingly. 
“You’re in my spot,” Virgil complained, coming back from the kitchen with what smelled like a bowl of popcorn. Remus didn’t move. 
“That’s okay, honey,” Patton said. “There’s plenty of room over here.”
The couch dipped as Virgil sat down on Patton's other side. Virgil poked at Remus’s head with his fingers, but Remus didn’t react other than to groan again. 
After a moment, the movie began playing, and no one spoke further. Patton’s hand continued rubbing along Remus’s back, and eventually, Virgil’s hand found its way into Remus’s hair.
Remus fell asleep like that. 
He woke up some time later. Virgil’s hand was no longer in his hair, but Patton’s hand was still on his back — though it had now stilled — and the movie was still playing. 
Remus sat up groggily. 
“How ya feeling, kiddo?” Patton asked quietly. Virgil was sleeping with his head on Patton’s shoulder. 
“Fine,” Remus croaked. “Better.”
“That’s good,” Patton smiled. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I was playing a video game, and it was making me feel icky, and I realized I’m aromantic.”
“You just realized you’re aromantic?” Virgil asked incredulously without opening his eyes. 
“Shh,” Patton shushed, petting Virgil’s head. “I’m sorry your game made you feel icky, Re, what happened?”
“It made me pick a character to date, and then it made me have an awkward conversation with a different character who liked me.”
“Gross.” Virgil agreed, hating any awkward NPC interaction video games forced on him. 
“Do you want to pick the next movie?” Patton offered, gesturing at the end credits scrolling across the screen. 
Remus perked up and jumped to his feet to pick out a movie from the house DVD before realizing something. “I’m crashing your Valentine's plans, aren’t I?”
“No,” Virgil answered immediately. 
“We like having you here, kiddo,” Patton smiled, patting the space Remus had just vacated on the couch. 
“Really?” Remus asked skeptically. Patton was way too nice to ever kick anyone out, even if he was trying to have a nice date with his boyfriend. 
“Really! We would have watched movies in our room if we weren’t okay with you joining us!”
That was a fair point, no matter how many lectures on the effects of watching TV at bedtime Logan gave, Patton and Virgil continued to have a TV in their room so they could watch movies alone when Virge was feeling too peopled-out. 
“Pick a movie and sit down.” Somehow, Virgil’s grumpiness was even more convincing than Patton’s cheeriness. 
Remus popped Coraline into the DVD player and happily joined Virgil and Patton back on the couch. 
“But seriously,” Virgil said after several minutes where Remus had thought he’d gone back to sleep. “How did you just figure out you’re aromantic? Should I have told you?”
“I’m not that obvious!” Remus sniffed indignantly. 
“Sure.” The eye roll was practically audible. “Whatever you say, Re.”
I spent several years trying to figure out if I was aromantic or not, but I couldn’t figure out what romantic feelings were (which honestly should have been a hint) so it took a video game forcing me to date an NPC to go “I still don’t really get what romantic feelings are, but they’re def gross”
Anyway I now avoid any video game that involves potential romance
General taglist:
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @arsonic-knight @misunderstood-shadowling
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dandycandyboi · 2 months
you guys. i am super gay. like really gay. super duper gay.
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lily-janus · 1 year
The Prince, The Dragon And The Knight
Summary: rescueing and marrying the prince didn't go as planned...
Word count: 568
Warnings: sword mentions
@acesidesweek day 2 fantasy/sci-fi
Roman panted as he rushed up the stairs of the tower, sword in his right hand and his red cape that is attached to his armor flapping in the wind. He hears the roar of the dragon that guards the door to the prince's prison and speeds up his pace.
He finally reaches the top and takes a moment to lean against the wall and catch his breath before marching on.
The prince was kidnapped by the evil dragon a few weeks ago, the king sent countless knights to retrieve him but none of them was able to find his prison's location. Roman suspected it was due to the dragon's magic, so he found a special necklace that sees through spells.
He clutches his sword in determination, he's going to save their beloved prince, no matter what it takes.
He finally catches sight of the dragon's tail, and charges with his sword raised. When, suddenly, he hears laughter.
Frowning, Roman stops, right behind the black and yellow dragon's back and watches the scene in front of him with his mouth gaped.
Prince Virgil was sitting on the floor, his purple, royal clothes a bit tattered but he seemed fine other than that. He was smiling and laughing, the dragon rumbling with laughter as well. They were… playing cards?
"Stop cheating!" Prince Virgil laughed as the dragon put a card on the floor between them.
"I'm not!" The dragon protested with a surprisingly silky smooth voice.
Dragons can talk?
"Liar! We agreed you're not allowed to use magic, Janus." The prince raised an eyebrow at the dragon.
It has a name?
"I didn't use it!" The dragon, who's name is Janus, apparently, continued to insist.
Prince Virgil gave him a look.
"Okay… maybe a little.." the dragon smirked.
The prince snorted, "cheater."
"You like it." Janus winked.
"Shut up-"
"Eh…" Roman decided to finally step forward and announce his presence.
The dragon and the prince barely flinched as they turned to look at him, "can we help you?" The prince asked with a bored tone.
Roman cleared his throat, "prince Virgil, I have come to rescue you!" He declared, raising his sword for emphasis.
Virgil and Janus exchanged glances, "rescue me from what?"
"I…I'm not sure, actually…" Roman admitted, lowering his sword and standing there awkwardly, "we were told the dragon kidnapped you but… you seem to be having fun."
"Oh, I did, but it was his request. And I can't blame him, there's a limit to how many arranged dates a man can bear." The dragon explained, making the prince huff.
"Don't remind me… they were nice people but… I'm just not interested in that stuff, you know what I mean?" he groaned.
"I see… so you wouldn't want me to bring you back…" Roman sighed, all this journey, for nothing. In truth, he planned to claim the prince's hand once he delivered him safely back to the king but… now it doesn't seem the prince would be interested "I'll leave you be, then." He turned to leave.
"...do you wanna join us?" Asked the dragon, "you did come all this way."
Roman turned towards them again, considering, then shrugged, "sure why not."
He sat down and the prince gathered the cards, shuffled them and split them between the three of them.
"No cheating, Janus, I'm watching you." Virgil warned.
Roman laughed when the dragon smirked.
"No promises."
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dystopiagnome · 2 years
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So meanwhile we got the prinxiety vampire diaries story over there, we have supernatural over here with Janus the angel sent to protect over Logan with a twist! A lot of stuff happens but anyways he’s a telepath, couldn’t read the angel’s mind until god grounded Janus for being a lousy angel but alas he’s already developed feelings for Logan by then.
This one features @expolikestoart’s Logan design.
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darth-does-stuff · 2 years
*remus discussing with janus about what they should call themselves’
remus: queer platonic partners sounds too mushy.
remus: i much prefer the term ‘partners in crime’
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soysaucevictim · 1 year
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I decided to sketch this instead of sleeping.
But here’s the Gymrat!Sides’ height comparisons (in their workout get-ups)... I’m just amused that Patton is the tallest and Remus is the shortest here. :,D
Yeah. I’m not dead yet, just busy adulting and being too drained to get creative as much as I want to be...
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emoprincey · 1 year
Bold of Janus to try and take his hat back from Roman in ATHD, doesn't he know that when u dump someone they get to keep any clothes u left behind? Smh.
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Because brain is being kind of an asshole, going to express some thoughts/feelings through the Sides again (and humoring myself):
Patton: Gosh, a new home! A new beginning! Isn’t it grand?
Janus: And all to yourself! Isn’t it absolutely dreadful to not have to deal with that “hell is other people“ problem?
Virgil: It’s nice not being aurally assaulted by The News Channel That Shall Not Be Named. Constantly.
Logan: Yes, that was... insufferable. So much factually incorrect and blatantly inflammatory material. You had to pick your battles and hold your tongue around those people.
Janus: I’m totally not happy you don’t have to deal with Mr. Control Freak and Mr. Trigger Everything, anymore.
Virgil: Yeah, I saw how it made you stress-eat...
Logan: And impaired your ability to do your workouts.
Roman: It stifled your ability to make art like you used to, too!
Remus: Couldn’t really get into talking about your juicy horror projects with the company either. Or the spicy things you want to write and draw... Or ANY of that queer shit.
Virgil & Janus, sighing: Especially the queer shit.
Patton: Well, you must be grateful for all the help you had in getting this new place, and keeping your spirits high during the wait! It’s only been a few weeks and it’s really looking like home, already!
Roman: Now you can create in peace!
Logan: It took awhile, but you also have internet again, too. So you can research things properly for whatever you need to know.
Patton: And being able to stream your favorite videos and music again is awesome!
Virgil: Which is great and all... but then everything ELSE went wrong today.
Logan: That can be addressed after some time and some sleep.
Virgil: Negativity bias can be a real-
Remus: Asshole? Oh man, remembered when you first saw Goe-
Virgil, clamping Remus’s mouth: Let’s nOT talk about that?
Remus, wriggles out of the hold: Or Lemon P-
[Roman & Patton look scandalized.]
Virgil: Please, we don’t need to be thinking of vintage shock sites right now.
Remus: Well, they’re hilarious! Oh, don’t forget the Two Girls-
Logan, interrupts: DESPITE this obvious derailment... I suppose it does sound like a good... distraction from that emotional state, yes?
Virgil & Roman: I hate that you’re right about that.
Remus: Yeah, you also have plenty privacy here too!
[Roman blinks and overly dramatically pantomimes gagging.]
Virgil: How about we don’t overshare that kind of-
Patton, hurriedly: That’s all folks!
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januscorner · 1 month
Reminder that not everyone thinks being attractive is a compliment and it makes a lot of people uncomfortable. Not everyone wants to be "hot" or "sexy"
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i love anxceit with Himbo Virgil so much, also anxceit where they're both trans
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pencilpat · 3 months
okay okay! first i wanted to say i love your art! it's so unique and cool!! also super soft when you do moceit and analogical 🥺🩵💛 💜💙 i think those are the characters i find perfect in your style, logan is just 💙✨ (/gen)
so! on the topic of moceit and analogical, maybe some headcanons you have for both pairings? :3 🩵💛 💜💙
Thank you, that's so sweet of you to say! I love every tag you leave on my art, and the whole system is glad you enjoy our work!
Patton has trouble with seeing the other sides as equals, tending to view himself as an authority figure. Not only was Janus the first to challenge this, he was the first to become an equal. Janus challenges a lot of Patton's preconceived ideals and it's good for him - Patton has been living by the morals of a child while also putting himself in a role of power over the others. Janus is needed in order to break apart that dynamic.
Janus and Patton really both love hanging out in the outdoors, and just being around each other and chatting quietly is their favourite way to spend time. Very old married men behaviour.
Janus isn't much of a cuddly person, but Patton very much is. Janus is willing to concede to bedtime cuddles and maybe 5 hugs a day, but no more, no less.
Janus rarely talks about himself and his emotions, he's not fond of the vulnerability that comes with sharing facts about yourself. However, Patton tells Janus everything about himself. To the point that Janus knows about his cold shoulders, even though Patton didn't even know why Janus likes Halloween best.
Patton crochets so many warm clothes for Janus to use during winter to keep him from getting all slow and foggy brained. Janus can become nearly catatonic if he gets extremely cold, and Patton tries to help him stay warm as possible to prevent it.
I LOVE queer romantic analogical!! They care for each other so greatly, even if it couldn't necessarily be defined as a 'relationship', and neither of them want a relationship anyways. (aroace kings)
Logan writes fanfic and Virgil lays against his back on the bed and just hangs out with him. He calls it "nerd stories" but he loves editing for him and proofreading his work (and he loves the opportunity to spend time with Logan and engage his interests and passions in general).
Logan really enjoys letting Virgil show him his music! He enjoys breaking down the beats and melodies logically and the excitement of discovering new things. Logan is an emo and goth music fan by proxy.
Both of them are a bit touch averse and not incredibly physically affectionate, so cuddling or even hugging is rare between them. They much prefer to parallel play beside each other, doing their own thing yet enjoying each other's company.
Virgil truly understands Logan's current struggle, being disregarded and pushed aside, having your opinions discredited and ignored. That's why he never gets mad at Logan for snapping or jumping to conclusions that people hate him. After all, Logan was the one that taught him about cognitive distortions. Virgil is pretty much the only person Logan will accept comfort from at this point.
That's all that is on my mind for now, I love both of these ships so deeply <3
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canonically47 · 1 month
(human au) sanders sides queer hcs:
logan: demiromantic asexual gay, non-binary he/him
patton: aroace, transmasc he/him
roman: demisexual gay, boyflux he/him
remus: aroflux gay, agender it/they/he
virgil: aroaceflux gay, genderqueer he/it
janus: aroflux gay, non-binary he/him
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dustylogicalityrat · 3 months
you can call me Logan or Layla! (yes, i stole Logan Sanders' name, let's move on!)
she/him pronouns! (no preference! just either of these!)
DNI if you support:
genocide (fuck israel)
queerphobia (this includes aspecs, trans individuals, intersex individuals, and every other identity)
fun facts:
! i have autism and ADHD
! i'm white-hispanic
! i use tone tags
! Logicality is my favorite ship
! blue is my favorite color
! i'm still questioning my gender, lol (possibly bigender?)
! my favorite fruit are mango(e?)s
! i have way too many favorite songs
! my favorite Sanders Sides characters in order: Thomas, Patton, Logan, Roman, Virgil, Remus, Janus (i love them all so so much)
! my favorite Roleslaying with Roman characters: Roman, Youngblood, Noise, Henderson, Britney (chapter III), Lilypadton, Aunt Patty
! my favorite musical theatre characters include: Michael Mell (Be More Chill), Seymour (Little Shop of Horrors), Ram Sweeney (Heathers), Martha Dunnstock (Heathers), Beetlejuice & Miss Argentina (Beetlejuice), Jared (Dear Evan Hansen), Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen)
things you can expect from me + possible triggers:
reblogging Palestine news (FREE PALESTINE.)
Logicality (but also plenty of other Sanders Sides ships!)
all lower-case or all-caps
possible fics? (if so, i only write Sanders Sides fics)
occasional drawings!
discussion of my experience as an aroace and genderqueer individual
discussion of my experience as an autistic and ADHD individual
learning to un-mask my autism and ADHD
possible vents? (i don't really post those kinds of things, but if i do, i promise to tag them properly.)
discussion of special interests and hyperfixations which include but are not limited to:
SO MANY reblogs... (sorting system in the search bar for this blog!)
+Thomas Sanders (honestly, he's basically the only thing i post about)
+Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
+Good Omens
just a few examples:
>Be More Chill
(open to suggestions!!)
+Sonic the Hedgehog
+Will Wood
+so many cartoons (again, very open to suggestions!)
i've also realized i really like talking about myself. oh boy.
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