#only Patton is allo
anxiouslyfred · 1 year
Performance Over
For @sanders-sides-a-spec-week free day
Summary: Life is a performance to Janus as he tries to be successful in his career, but pretending that sex or romance interests him gets to be too much sometimes. On one of the days he takes to avoid all flirting, he finds himself new friends who understand.
It was all a performance and Janus knew people never understood that. He didn't want them to understand it either, but that didn't make it any less exhausting.
Occasionally someone would almost get it, almost understand just how much was a performance, but never quite. They always believed that he was being genuine to them, or revealing who he really was to them because they were special, not because they were the type to be convinced by feeling they were different to other people. Honestly, Janus could do without people pointing out his treatment of others was all an act and ignoring the biggest act he'd ever had to perform: The romancing, the wooing, and especially the flirting to convince people to do or think how best to benefit him.
As the door to his home fell shut, Janus could only let out a heavy breath. He'd taken his bows and left the stage for the day.
It had been building up for a while, just how badly keeping this performance up constantly was making him feel, but it wasn't so simple to find spaces to let down the act. Sure, he could go to a bar, and spend an evening without trying to charm or get something out of everyone he spoke to, but he'd still be expected to flirt.
And flirting, showing any interest in dating or fucking another person, was the most exhausting part of this personality Janus showed to the world.
He needed a day without people, or a miracle to strike and reveal a group of aroace people he could hide with.
A day going on a hike it is then, he decides.
There's a hill that Janus tends to climb when he wanted to get away from people. It wasn't that nobody else went there, but usually the people who did were hiking themselves or with a group and didn't want to speak to strangers equally as much as Janus.
“Virgil, you can bury yourself in your room when you're home again. You promised me you'd spend time with us all today.” A masculine voice was chiding and sounding far too friendly for Janus's liking. Since they were ahead of him on the path he could only hope to pass whatever group there was without getting noticed.
“I said I'd spend time with you, not that I'd be dragged up a mountain because of your whims.” Presumably Virgil replied, grumbling, and now Janus could see the group and hence the speaker, looking around their group as if hoping one of the other 3 with them could distract the person trying to grab his hand.
He was just behind the group now, trying not to listen to the conversation. Besides the conversation between Virgil and the man who'd been identified as Patton over Virgil joining them, there was a pair of brothers prone to wrestling or deciding to simply carry one of the others of the group, as well as very teacher type person, who'd gone of on a few rants, barely listened to, over the plants or bird song they could hear.
Then Janus found himself grabbed in a bridal carry by one of the brothers. It was the one in darker clothes but he hadn't been able to figure out their name. “Excuse me?” He stated, shocked enough that no venom or anger made it into his tone.
“If Roman gets to carry Virgil, then I get to carry someone, and I'm not getting in the way of Logan doing science stuff.” The person explained, as if that ruled everyone out.
“I'm a stranger and what about that guy?” He growled, gesturing sharply towards Patton.
Remus pulled a face, sticking his tongue out as if disgusted. “He thinks romance is great. I'm not doing anything that could be seen that way to him if you offered a million bucks. Besides I'm Remus, and now you know my name we aren't strangers!”
“Janus, and are you saying everyone here except whomever that is, is aromantic?” He blinked, frowning for a moment. The entire reason he chose hiking over socialising when needing to get away from the performance of romance was because he couldn't find a group of people like this, and now he's seemingly being kidnapped by one, given he's still being carried.
The other shrugged, “Aromantic Roman, asexual Me, both Virgil, demi-aroace Logan, and fully allo Patton.” Remus nods to various members of the group, identifying them for Janus, who was even more surprised when as they were mentioned everyone waved, or called a greeting. “Why? You looking to know more people who only flirt to joke at how many absurd things people try to claim are flirting? Hell I've been told I flirt with my brother because we had month long competitions over who can take the longest to say hello.”
“More like people I don't have to pretend romance is a thing I'd want at all around. I'm aroace, by the way.” He admits, smiling when that gets and excited grin thrown down at him, until the moment Remus stumbles because he stopped looking at where his feet are going.
“You got us now!” Remus yells, making Janus startle in his arms.
Virgil snickers, making them both notice Roman is now walking beside them, still carrying him. “Or rather Remus has you. I hope you're okay with being carried. These two don't put new friends down easily, well unless requested, demanded or said person is spiralling into a panic attack and they start freaking out over scaring their new person.”
“I'll assume you were the one to panic then.” Janus countered, sparing a glance for the path ahead and the other member of the group he'd been made to join.
“And will share stories of it forever more.” Virgil's smirk widened at the protests that came from the brothers. “These two are still learning how to help with them, even after knowing me for 3 years.”
Janus smirked back, letting the conversation carry on around him easily.
Life is a performance for Janus, and flirting was the most exhausting part of it, but today a miracle happened and he found people the performance didn't need putting on for. A blessing he hadn't dreamt of receiving.
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Perfectly Fine
Prompt: Hi! I would love to read something from you featuring asexual Remus! - anon
it is project onto fictional characters hour my dudes
Read on Ao3
Warnings: discussions of the reality of being a sex-repulsed ace in a very allo world, nothing explicit
Pairings: none you heathens
Word Count: 1358
It takes them longer to figure it out than it should have and honestly, that’s on them.
But Remus is Remus, and that's perfectly fine.
It takes them longer to figure it out than it should have and honestly, that’s on them.
So it’s no secret that Remus’s particular sense of humor is equally as derived from what he finds funny and what makes the others the most uncomfortable. Logan did an analysis of it once and the results were 49%-51%. Which one is which varies but the quantities are incredibly consistent.
The trick is figuring out that the balance applies to Remus too.
And sure, the idea of Remus being uncomfortable is…difficult to remember sometimes, given that, you know, he’s Remus, but it’s there! It’s worth remembering! He’s a Side too! But considering his metric for ‘uncomfortable’ is wildly different from everyone else’s, it’s easy for them to overlook it. Maybe he gets some excitement out of grossing himself out too, maybe there’s a sick thrill in seeing just how close he can get himself to vomiting, honestly, who knows. Remus is Remus and that’s perfectly fine.
So here’s the big one that, again, took them way too long to figure out.
Remus is asexual. Not just asexual, sex-repulsed asexual.
Let’s reiterate: Remus is Remus and that’s perfectly fine.
It just…took them by surprise, is all.
“Wait,” Logan says, adjusting his glasses, “you’re asexual?”
“Those are the words I used,” Remus says, his head hanging off the couch.
“I—I heard you, I am…simply surprised,” Logan settles on, closing his notebook and setting it aside. “I would not have guessed that Thomas’s Sides would have different sexualities or romantic orientations.”
“What does it matter, Pocket Protector?”
“It doesn’t, it’s interesting to me.”
“Does that mean that all of us could potentially have different sexualities?” Patton’s head pokes above the counter as he digs for the good muffin tray—not the one Janus swiped three hours ago, of course not—in the cabinets. “Or no?”
Logan shrugs. “I imagine it would be possible, though I find it likely that at least some of us share Thomas’s.”
“My ears are burning,” Roman announces, plopping onto the couch next to his brother, “what incredibly gay thing are we talking about now?”
“Yeesh, Princey,” Virgil mutters, recovering from flinching horribly into the chair, “don’t do that, you scared the hell outta me.”
“Sorry, Virgil.” Roman taps Remus’s leg, hanging up over the back of the couch next to his head. “Why’re you upside-down?”
“Why’re you right-side up?”
“Remus…prompted a discussion on sexualities,” Logan says carefully, sparing a glance at Remus, “and we were debating the question of if we, as Thomas’s Sides, all have different sexualities.”
Remus kicks Roman in the head. “Told them I’m ace.”
“Oh, that makes more sense.”
“Really, and here I thought Remus beginning a complex introspective conversation was the height of character accuracy.”
“Payback,” Virgil sniggers as Roman startles horribly as Janus appears from behind the couch. “All jokes aside, I’m with L, I, uh, didn’t expect Remus to be ace.”
“Why not?”
Janus scoffs. “Couldn’t be the number of sex jokes you make on a daily basis, not at all.”
Remus shrugs.
“I think it’s just surprising considering how comfortable you are making the jokes, kiddo.”
“The fuck makes you think I’m comfortable with them?”
“Lang—what?” Patton’s head pops up again.
“A wild Patton appears!”
“Has Thomas…ever been interested in Pokémon?”
“What do you mean, comfortable?” Patton tilts his head, focused entirely on Remus and not the others making Pokémon jokes. “Are—are you not comfortable?”
“Remus isn’t exactly known for his ‘comfortable’ sense of humor, Padre,” Roman says, leaning back on the couch to make eye contact around Remus’s legs.
“But—but that—hold on.” Patton stands up—“ah! More Wild Patton!”—and puts his hands on the counter. “Remus, why would you make jokes that make you uncomfortable?”
Remus eyes him from upside-down. “Why does anyone do anything?”
“Sheer, absolute boredom, yeah, yeah, we get it,” Virgil sighs, “but it’s a good question, Remus.”
Remus just shrugs, only for it to dislodge him from his precarious position and slide toward the floor. Roman watches him collapse into a graceless heap and rolls his eyes, lying down on the couch.
“Hey! You stole my spot!”
“You’re the one who moved. Hey—!” Roman squawks in surprise as Remus throws himself on top of him. “You’re squishing me!”
“Too bad for you.”
“Remus,” Janus says softly, “are you…does sex make you uncomfortable?”
“Like maggots are crawling through my bones!”
The living room is quiet for a moment, enough to make Remus push himself up and stare around at them.
“Sex isn’t something shameful, Remus,” Patton says patiently—and wow, isn’t that a surprise— “I promise.”
Remus rolls his eyes. “I know that, it just makes me want to rip all of my skin off and start over.”
“It’s bad enough I have to live in this meat sack,” he grouses, flopping back down and eliciting a soft ‘oof’ from Roman, “don’t need to be consciously reminded of it.”
“...‘meat sack?’”
“Oh, sorry, Lolo, ‘flexible container of mostly water.’”
“That’s not—well, yes, I suppose that is more accurate,” Logan says as he adjusts his tie, “but why would you choose to refer to your body as a meat sack?”
Remus shrugs. “’S not like I’d choose to be in this fucking thing. Evolution fucked up when it made us this way, at least we aren’t fucking horses. Oh, hey—“
“No,” Roman interrupts, “no jokes about that.”
“What do you want, Snake-Face?”
“Are you…uncomfortable with your body?”
“Every day! It’s awful! I wish I didn’t have one!” At Janus’s muffled noise of heartbreak, Remus cranes his neck to look up at him. “Oh, relax, I’m fine, discomfort is part of my existence.”
“But it shouldn’t have to be.”
Remus huffs a sigh when he realizes that everyone else is looking at him with a similar amount of concern. Well, except Roman, but Roman gets it so that makes sense.
“I may or may not be being slightly dramatic, I am fine.”
“Can confirm,” Roman hums lazily, “comes with the Creativity gig.”
“Look, I just don’t like that it’s—it’s—“ Remus’s gaze lands on Patton— “look, Cookie Monster over there is allergic to cats, right?”
Logan frowns, glancing back and forth between them. “Yes, what does—“
“He’s not gonna die from it and he can still be around them, he’s just hyperaware of when there are cats and he can’t spend a lot of time around them without being really uncomfortable, right?”
Logan blinks in surprise. “Yes, I understand what you’re saying. Very clever analogy.”
“I am Creativity, you nitwit.”
He rolls his eyes fondly. “Of course.”
“So,” Virgil says cautiously, waving a hand at him, “you’re…good?”
“Yep. Goody-goody gumdrops, that’s me.”
“As long as you never say that again, fine.”
Roman gives him a hug. “I’m proud of you, Re, coming out is hard. Especially when you have to give people a vocabulary lesson when you do it.”
“Thanks, Ro-Bro.” Remus’s grin widens. “Does that mean I get to pick the movie for tonight?”
“What? No! It’s my pick! Hey! Hey!” Roman squeals as Remus starts to poke his belly. “Don’t! Dohohon’t!”
“Let me pick!”
“Boys,” Janus sighs, reaching out and using his six arms to separate the twins, “that’s enough. Roman, what movie are we watching?”
“Pacific Rim.”
“Hey, wait, that’s what I was gonna pick!”
“See? There you go.”
Logan perks up immediately. “Does this mean we finally get to watch a movie with no romantic subplot?”
“And batshit physics.”
“We can overlook the batshit physics.”
“Whoa, L, what happened to you?”
“I…may have a greater appreciation for the cinematic depictions of the machinery.”
Patton just rolls his eyes and gets back to searching for the muffin pan. No movie night is complete without fresh baked goods. Ah, there it is, although he could’ve sworn he looked there a few moments ago…
Anyway, they end the conversation in the same place it started.
Remus is Remus, and that’s perfectly fine.
General Taglist:@frxgprince @potereregina @reddstardust @gattonero17 @iamhereforthegayshit @thefingergunsgirl @awkwardandanxiousfander @creative-lampd-liberties @djpurple3 @winterswrandomness @sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes @iminyourfandom @bullet-tothefeels @full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind @demoniccheese83 @pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious @firefinch-ember @fandomssaremysoul @im-an-anxious-wreck @crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch @enby-ralsei @unicornssunflowersandstuff @wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams @averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb  @cricketanne @aularei @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws @cecil-but-gayer @i-am-overly-complicated @annytheseal @alias290 @tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance @whyiask @crows-ace @emilythezeldafan @frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires @cyanide-violence @oonagh2 @xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx @rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734 @triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo @cerulean-watermelon @puffed-up-bees @meltheromanstan
If you want to be added/taken off the taglist, let me know!
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count-woe-laf · 4 years
You can’t spell stargaze without gays
I write? Since when? Yes I’m aware the title makes no sense, I’m uncreative. This was supposed to be a late birthday present for @me-a-mess-morelikelythanyouthink but it’s super late now, I still enjoyed writing it and planning it with her, I hope you’re having a great day, Silver. I’m sorry I got science facts wrong and I don’t know how to end things or how normal people talk
Logan and Virgil are hopeless pining gay idiots with horrible communication skills, but they’re working on it. (Romantic analogical, very background royality and platonic dukeceit.) 1850 words
"Bring me a diet coke!" Virgil called to Roman as he ran out of the truck, through the gravel parking lot, and towards the bright 7/11.
Logan let out a small laugh from next to him. "You know he's going to spend an hour flirting with the cashier and forget."
"Yeah I know, it's fine. Surprising that he's moved up from panicking around Patton to flirting with him, that's what I call character development."
"Character development that's gone on for ten too many seasons."
"True. But while he's in there I have more time to spend with you," Virgil replied with a smirk, Logan's cheeks reddening.
"You all are disgusting," called Remus from the backseat.
"I agree," Janus sighed. "Though I can do many things, understanding allos is not one of them."
"Then get out of my truck," Virgil jokingly glared into the rearview mirror.
"It's Roman's truck-" Logan started, Virgil shifted his glare towards him. "Ok yeah, get out."
"Think we can find bigfoot, Jan?"
"We're only half an hour away from the city, try again," but Janus let himself be dragged out into the nearby forest.
Logan and Virgil were left alone, thoughts of what had gone on the past week between them running through their heads. The hand brushes, the late night phone calls, the hoodies, the excessive amount of feelings that for once, neither of them minded. There was always more to say though.
"You can see lots of stars from out here," Virgil commented rather nervously. "You should come outside with me and look at them."
It was an offering just for Logan. He was the only one allowed to stargaze with Virgil while others were flirting in a 7/11 and being chaotic in a forest. Logan and Virgil in the bed of a truck staring at the night sky. ...Well, one of them was looking at the stars.
"You know to stargaze you actually have to look at them, right? You can just look at me, V."
"Who's saying you're not a star? 'Cause you definitely are, love."
"Love?" Logan tilted his head towards Virgil's red face.
"Uh-" Virgil looked away quickly. "What is that constellation? It looks like a spoon."
"Do you seriously not know? That's the big dipper, it's part of the constellation ursa major."
"You're the science-y one here, how would I know?" Logan just sighed. "You should keep talking though, I love your voice."
"Oh… Well that's the northern star…"
"Why is it called that?"
"Um, it's the most northern star, I believe astronomers base things off of it."
Virgil snoted, "wow. Star dudes sure are creative."
Logan looked over, an indescribable emotion on his face. "Pardon me, but did you just call astronomers, 'star dudes'?"
Virgil stared back, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Star. Dudes."
"...I will defenestrate you."
"Do you even know what that means?"
"Yeah," Virgil said. "It means you pick me up and I get to simp over your muscles."
"It also means I throw you out of a window."
"I'll take what I can get." Logan let out a fond sigh. "Ok 'cause your constellations are boring and factual- don't worry I still love them- but I'm telling stories now."
"You're going to kill me."
"In your dreams, babe."
"What's that supposed to-"
"Over there is Elenor, it kinda looks like a bunny, I know. Their boyfriend is Jesse over there-"
"Virgil I swear, I'm leaving you in the forest." Logan's words gave a much different meaning when he was struggling to keep in his laugh.
Virgil chucked. "Oh Logan, so naive, there's so much more. Those three stars? Yeah they're Bo Peep's sheep."
Logan choked, the statement taking him by surprise. "Excuse me? You can't just…"
"Y'know, from Toy Story? Doesn't she have three sheep or something? I swear that was a plot point in one of the movies."
"The threat of being thrown out of a window still stands, Virge." 
"Good, now that star over there…"
"Her name is Jennifer, she got a constellation for making the best bean salad."
Virgil tried to hold in a laugh. "And what did you say that one was?"
Logan was so enamoured with Virgil's laugh that he almost didn't notice him intertwining their fingers. Almost. He still had to take a breath to regain his nearly non-existent composure. Although fifteen minutes couldn't have passed, Logan could tell that it was a good decision to accept Roman's offer for a fake road trip.
"That guy with the belt?" Logan continued. "He was the first person to invent clothes. Quite the fashion icon for his time."
"Oh yeah?" Virgil giggled and Logan's heart stuttered in his chest.
"Yeah, he was also the only straight man in his village. It was very controversial." Virgil hummed in response, trying to calm his laughter.
"We're pretty controversial."
"What do you mean by that?"
"We're lying in the bed of Roman's truck, well past midnight and the city limits, looking at stars. Janus and Remus are probably lost in the forest and Roman and Patton have probably gotten over their gay panic and are planning their wedding together."
"I'm not sure how that's controversial, but it is interesting that we've achieved nothing compared to them." Logan's eyes drifted back to the stars.
"I think not getting lost is a plus." He made a noise of agreement. "And uh… I know we're not as vocal about stuff like the others but… Dating you wouldn't be bad." It came out more like a question, causing Logan to look back at him.
"Fuck- I mean-" Virgil ran a hand down his face. "It would actually be really really nice if I could be your boyfriend because- ugh stop staring at me like that! It's just that you're really great and nice to be around and to talk to and I can't imagine you not being in my life. A-and I know we've been kinda sorta dating but you know how dumb we both are about romance and all that stuff- oh god this is romance, I can't believe that…
"I just really like you, Logan and I need to make sure you know that."
Virgil's words swirled into the air, into the sky, into that great expanse of stars and light.
They laid there and stared at the stars, thinking, considering, and a fair amount of staring on Logan's side.
He couldn't help it, really. He couldn't stop his eyes tracing the curve of his jaw, his bitten lips, the words that previously escaped them were still spinning through Logan's head. And Virgil's hair, his adorably messy hair that was usually hanging in front of his eyes, was pushed to the side, Logan could see a galaxy reflected in his beautiful eyes.
Virgil was his galaxy, his sun, his stars. He had kept him sane through years of school. He constantly went out of his way just to brighten Logan's day a little bit more, and brighten he did.
Virgil meant everything to him and he'd be damned if he went home tonight without showing him that.
"Didn't… Didn't you say you always wanted to go stargazing with your partner?"
"Uhh, yeah." Virgil replied hoarsely.
"I suppose you get to cross that off your list, then." Logan wondered how he suddenly had some semblance of smoothness to his words.
The stars seemed awfully bright that night, especially in the way they reflected off Virgil's freckles.
"Is… Is that a shooting star?" Virgil lifted his free hand, tracing the bright line across the map of stars.
"There's no such thing as shooting stars." Virgil rolled his eyes. "But, I… do believe that's a satellite."
"Then make a wish."
"That's stupid and makes no sense, wishing on a satellite has no affect on my life."
"Just do it, my northern star."
Logan's red face was a reflection off the far away street lights, nothing else. "Am I supposed to tell you what I wished for?"
"Not really, but you can. I'd love to know what goes on in that brilliant head of yours."
"My head is empty, unfortunately." Virgil laughed, he did that quite a bit around him. "I wished that we'd have a good relationship. Apologizes, is that weird, or too soon? I… just mean that we're both terrible at communicating, I hope that we can improve together as a couple."
Although Virgil may not have realized it, Logan noticed as he lightly brushed his thumb over his hand. It was stupidly endearing and soft, just as Virgil was.
"That's probably the cutest thing anyone's ever said that slightly regards me."
"Glad I can be of service, darling."
"So darling is what you go with?"
"Would you prefer something else?"
"...No. If I can call you my boyfriend you can call me whatever you want." Virgil smiled. "…You're my boyfriend. That's nice to say."
"It is. I wonder how I stumbled upon a boyfriend as good as you."
"You- you need to stop doing that," Virgil blushed.
"I'm not doing anything!" Logan shifted closer to him, for heating purposes of course, it was a little chilly. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"You know full well."
"Do I really, Virgil?"
"Shut up and look at the stars."
"Make me."
"Logan I swear-"
"Fine, fine, I will." Virgil mumbled thanks under his breath. "But they aren't as pretty as you."
Virgil let out a noise, a mix between a screech and a cough. There was no way he was showing Logan how fluttery his words made his heart feel. (Although he felt it was common knowledge among them.)
"There's around twenty minutes until the others get back, that's twenty minutes to mess with you."
"I'm already regretting this, Lo."
"As you should, my love."
Yes, their friends may have interrupted their stargazing a few minutes later. Yes, Roman may have forced Patton to leave his shift early resulting in one too little seats and an angry boss. Yes, they may have almost ran out of gas on the way home. Yes, they may have bought fries as Janus looked for a gas station. Yes, they may have fallen onto the floor seconds later. Yes, Remus may have jumped out of the car afterwards because he said it looked fun and almost sprained his ankle. And yes, Roman did have to explain the situation five times to his parents because they couldn't stop laughing about all the shenanigans they got into that night.
Still, Virgil's arm stayed around Logan's waist like it was the most casual thing in the world. Still, they shared a milkshake once everyone had given up on the fallen fries. Still, they were both filled with such a bright happiness that it was impossible to drag them down. And maybe they fell asleep on a video call that night. Or maybe Logan stayed over and they woke up with their limbs tangled in each other's, feeling content and appreciative of the other as they slowly woke up. Honestly, who's to say? It was just a good night.
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remuscore · 3 years
I’m bored once again and when I’m bored I make lists so here’s a lists of vibes the sides give off and play into how I see them
Patton - BIG religious trauma vibes. Also big burnout kid vibes. Some Bipolar 1 but I don’t know enough about that disorder to say anything much about it. Aro Allo idk I just don’t see him having romantic feelings but sexual yes. Mostly because of that Top joke. OH OH and while I’m here, I totally see Hippie Patton as a thing (and a bit of stoner Pat).
Logan - Quiet kid energies. Not in like a bad shooter kinda way no like the non confrontational quiet kid that is actually really violent and aggressive because he keeps pushing down his emotions. ADHD definitely no doubt about that. Seriously gives off agender vibes. Not really a reason for that but there isn’t a reason for most of these. Don’t know why but Tourette’s seems to fit his vibes too.
Roman - Repressed bully. You know how gay people are bullies?? Exactly like that. Someone that was a really loud and insensitive child and was labeled such a bad kid that it stuck with him for life and he kinda became an insensitive asshole despite trying his best to be nice. Really severe anxiety and obviously ADHD. Gay man but like Drag Queen gays that have a complex relationship with gender. FUCK BRO definitely some joint problems I can see it.
Remus - Thought the others where projecting HA!!! HERE IS THE REAL PROJECTING!!! Blunt kid that never understood why everyone hated him. Considered the family disappointment because he’s happy being different and weird. Doesn’t actually care about gender and never has, lets everyone else see him how they want. ADHD, maybe some kind of psychosis, probably a bunch of other problems he doesn’t know. Joint problems again, but completely ignores that shit.
Janus - One of those kids that procrastinates and procrastinates until they are buried under work and still just ignores it. DEFINITELY has a mild addition to social media. Spends way too much many. Like really his bank account is fucked. Also yes he spends way too much time on his self and his needs, but also gives off the vibes of caring too much about others to the point of him being a little too much. I cannot see him as cis there is absolutely no way.
Virgil - Emo kid yeah, but specifically those aggressively emo kids that get really upset if he’s compared to scene kids or goths. I don’t get too many vibes from him weirdly enough. He does give me a little bit of a gay bully vibe too but only to his friends which seems reasonable. ADHD for sure yeah, but not much else. Gender is a tiny bit of a question mark. Like yeah I see a bit of trans man vibes, but that might be because I know a shocking amount of emo trans guys.
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notveryglittery · 4 years
"dark" side au, but -
they're actually just a bunch of assholes having fun, being petty, and taking advantage of their forms being imaginary and therefore immortal.
roman waking up each day and with a snap of his fingers, looking as if he's ready for the runway. eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man (he's got a sword for that though), perfectly intentionally tousled hair, model ass handsome ass so full of himself ass -
"no weapons at the table," chides morality as he sets down breakfast. yeah dark side!patton, idk, his morals are skewed or whatever? don't ask me, let's just say he's a touch more mean, more aggressive than passive, whatever anyway - 
"hardly a weapon when he isn't any good with it," virgil snarks which are bold words from someone in stabbing distance. 
roman stabs him.
virgil disappears in a poof of shadows and reappears in the seat across from where his illusion had been sitting. he sticks his tongue out at roman.
"no stabbing at the table!" chides morality who can't believe he has to deal with this nonsense at breakfast, the day has just started, get a fucking hold of yourselves, children.
if logan weren't planning on drinking all the coffee right from the pot, he'd probably just pour it over patton's head because maybe then that would stop him from being so bossy. but that would make a mess and it would ruin his crossword so he continues to ignore the nonsense going on around him.
which of course is why virgil takes his glass of juice and knocks it over logan's place at the table, ruining not only his crossword but his plate of food too.
"it was an accident i swear," virgil says
"shut up," roman says but he's laughing too hard for it to really even be understood
logan takes the glass and throws it at virgil's face. it crashes against the wall as virgil once again takes his shadows and melts away into them. 
"it is really too early for this," patton sighs.
logan grabs the handle of the coffee pot and weighs his options.
deceit appears right beside logan and pats him on the head. "none of that now," he soothes, as if he has any right, being the second worst instigator in the house. (yes, virgil's got him beat) 
so obviously logan instead dumps the coffee on deceit
"oh good," he says, unphased, "i so love this smell. it'll keep me awake all day. thank you very much." 
"do you like, ever shut up?" patton asks.
"no," deceit answers with a charming smile.
"no flirting at the table!" roman interrupts, "unless it's with me!" 
and if there's one thing patton and deceit can agree on, it's seeing which of them can fluster roman the best. "okay," they decide simultaneously.
logan looks into the camera like he's on the office and leaves the table before he has to deal with any of that allo-tomfoolery.
it basically boils down to the "yeah i hate this person but also i'm the only one that can fuck with them" trope. they got a lot of pent up anger and frustrations and all that and maybe "dark" sides is pushing it when they're all basically the same functions still, just a lot meaner and with less caution. like, they technically can't be permanently injured or killed, so maybe they can have a little stabbing... as a treat. 
i ended up taking this to discord bc i got self conscious about posting it, so there's extra under the read more. i'm going to say this above the read more though so it doesn't get ignored: please do not ask about/do not add remus to this post. if you really want to include him, feel free to make your own post, though i would appreciate if you gave me credit/linked back to this post, if you do so.
so we got to talking about logun, in which case i mentioned roman making a paintball course/field for them to all release some steam. but then logan loads his paintball gun with real bullets. "that is DECIDEDLY LESS FUN," roman screams. at which point, bc he can't be outdone, virgil starts ducking in and out of shadows, and just assassin knifing anyone he can. patton, with multiple stab wounds, and a gun full still of paintball bullets: this is the best, i'm having such a good time.
@hawthornshadow then suggested horror movie nights for roman and virgil in which they snuggle up together for, despite their bickering throughout the day. they'll critique the especially bad ones, with logan's help sometimes. he covers plot issues, virgil covers how it could be worse, and then they pause the movie so roman can cover how to improve it. storytime with roman is always a treat, no matter what!! he gives the movies semi-happy/fulfilling endings with patton in mind. (hawthorn really knows the way to my royality heart lol.)
and final random one i don't know where else to put: patton ""drops"" a heavy iron skillet on deceit's foot and when deceit realizes he technically doesn't need feet or nerves to feel pain, he realizes also that patton technically doesn't need lungs to breathe so deceit stabs him with a big fucking knife! 
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entity9silvergen · 3 years
My Stories For AroWriMo 2021
Week 1:
Thought That Cupid Shot Me With Love But It Was Only An Aro
Summary: Soulmates were supposed to be the other half of your soul. Your one true love. Ino always dreamed of finding her soulmate. Sai never wanted one. Still, they cared for each other so they were going to make it work. Somehow.
Characters: Sai, Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, Shin, Kakashi
Relationships: Sai & Ino, Sai/ Ino, Sai & Team Kakashi, Sai & Team Asuma, Sai & Shin, Referenced Naruto/ Hinata, Referenced Sasuke/ Sakura, Referenced Kakashi/ Guy, Referenced Shikamaru/ Temari, Referenced Choji/ Karui
Warnings: Minor aphobia
Other: AroWriMo 2021, Soulmate AU, Aroace Sai, Aro/ Allo Relationship, Oneshot, Aromantic Writer, Queer Themes, QPRs
Word Count: 10K
Summary: We are just mosaics of everyone we love and that mosaic shows everyone we love how beautiful they are. Bean doesn’t think she can love like everyone else but maybe that’s okay.
Fandom: Disenchantment
Characters: Bean
Relationships: Bean/ Mora, Mentioned Bean & Everyone, Mentioned Odval/ Sorcerio, Mentioned Zog/ Oona, Mentioned Zog/ Dagmar
Warnings: Internalized arophobia, first person pov, some self-deprecation, sex mention, drug mention, mention of interspecies relationships in fantasy setting
Other Tags: F/F, Mentioned F/F QPR, Reflection/ Self-Reflection/ Internal Thoughts, No Dialogue, Queerplatonic, Aromantic Character, Aromantic Homosexual Character, Arospec Character, Queer Themes, Unreliable Narrarator, S3E6, Oneshot, 
Word Count: 2K
Week 2
We Dance To Fast Music
Summary: Zuko didn’t like to dance. Neither did Mai. But Ty Lee did and they’d do it for her. Fortunately for them, Ty Lee cared about how they felt and wanted to show them just how wonderful music could be. All Zuko and Mai knew were slow dances, the things of ballrooms and romance. Ty Lee only knew the dances of friendship, freedom, and fun.
Fandom: ATLA
Characters: Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, Sokka, Suki, Aang, Katara, Toph
Relationships: Ambiguous relationships, Katara/ Aang, Zuko & Mai & Ty Lee, Gaang & Mai & Ty Lee, Zuko & Mai & Ty Lee & Suki &Sokka
Other Tags: Ambiguous Relationships, AroWriMo, Dancing, Dancing Dragon, Tsungi Horn, Wedding, Platonic Relationships, Music
Warnings: None
Word Count: 8K
Chapter Count: 1 (Oneshot)
Week 3
Summary: Unable to experience romantic attraction, Remus feels incomplete. Unable to feel sexual attraction, Roman feels less than. Maybe as the King, they decide, they will feel whole again. Their partners and friends, however, know this isn’t the solution and seek to help them realize there’s nothing broken about them before it’s too late.
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Characters: Logan, Patton, Roman, Virgil, Nate, Remy, Emile, Seth, Toby, Janus, Remus, Unnamed Orange Side, Romulus, Dragon Witch 
Relationships: Logan/ Patton, Virgil/ Roman, Janus/ Remus, Remy/ Emile, Toby/ Seth, Nate/ Orange Side
Other Tags: AroWriMo, Aromantic Remus, Asexual Roman, Spider Virgil, Snake Janus, Orange Side, 7th Side, Additional Sides, No OCs, Short Vid Characters
Warnings: Mentions of Sex, Internalized Arophobia, Internalized Aphobia, Violence, Fighting, Minor Swearing 
Word Count: TBD (estimated 12K)
Chapter Count: TBD (Estimated 3)
Week 4
He Is Mild And He Is Meek
Summary:  He is mild and he is meek, he is Momo and he is what I seek. Suki always wanted three things in life. One was to become a professional soccer player. The second was to live in a cute apartment filled with succulents. The third was to get a cat. Momo probably wasn’t anyone’s first pick as a pet but Suki was determined to get this cat to love her as much as she loved him. If only he’d accept he had a home now.
Fandom: Avatar The Last Airbender
Characters: Suki, Momo, Sokka, Aang
Relationships: Suki & Momo, Suki & Sokka, Momo & Aang, Mentioned Aang/ Katara, Past Suki/ Toph
Other Tags: AroWriMo, Oneshot, Modern Setting, Modern AU, Transgender Character, Aromantic Character, Trans Suki, Aromantic Suki, Lesbian Suki, Aro Trans Lesbian Suki, Trans Aang, Bi Sokka, Queer Toph, Cat Momo, Dog Appa, Pet Adoption 
Warnings: Brief Mentions of Sex, Minor Swearing
Word Count: 6.7K
Chapter Count: 1 (Oneshot)
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gender-snatched · 4 years
So I had a LAMP dream so you fuckers better believe I'm posting it on here. If you want make this into a fic please do, just let me know, I would say tagging but IDK how to see when I'm tagged in stuff so just sgoit me an ask telling me you did it and ill check out ur blog/ao3
So some background:
Everyone has soulmates. Its kinda like the string situation, but its like those things cords or pipes or whatever can plug into, and its three for each soulmate. With their name amd its in their fav color. Nothing connects them until ur within 1 mile from them. However, if you grow up with an abusive/controlling parent you get the wrong soulmates, however there will be the same amount. Platonic soul mates are a thing. You can only fall in love with ur soulmate(s) if ur allo (like you cant love another personl.
So anyway Virgil (gay and trans ftm) , and his triplet siblings Remy (pan and nb) and Damien (aroace and demiboy) have a really controlling mom. So Damien's soulmate says Logan, Remy's says Roman, and Virgil's say Kai, Elliot, and Emile. This is LAMP, Remile, and queerplatonic Demus endgame BTW. So anyway Virgil's mom insists that Virgil MUST date Kai, Elliot, and Emile, but Virgil cant fall in love no matter how hard he tries. But his mom insists and she takes them all (including Kai, Elliot, and Emile) on a road trip to find Roman and Logan. On the way, Emile and Remy fall in love, and Damien finds himself repulsed about the idea of romantic love.
So the boys find themselves in a small town. Here the Roman and Logan cords connect, but Remy's is fading fast, and soon its gonna be pink wi th t the name Emile.
They find Roman and Logan and Patton and Remus and then I woke up, so if someone wants to write this, please do, I wannt read it!
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rosesisupposes · 5 years
If We’re Tryin’
Part 7 of Breakin’ Free, a High School Musical Sanders Sides AU
Chapter Pairings: Prinxiety, Logicality
Chapter Warnings: Scheming Deceit; 
word count: 4,025
Reader tags: @residentanchor @royally-anxious@bewarethegrammarpolice   @jemthebookworm@arandompasserby  @sparkly-rainbow-salt@astral-eclipse​ @thelowlysatsuma @adorably-angsty
<<6. Lunkheads | 8. Going For the Glory >>
read on ao3
SCENE: East High
Roman stood frozen in the middle of the hallway, a terrible weight dragging in his stomach as he watched Virgil walk away, disappearing into the crowd of students. Virgil didn’t want to do callbacks. He’d given up. But why?
The team finally seemed to have stopped being disappointed in him, but if Virgil was mad at him now, what was the point? Roman was so excited when he was with the shorter man. Like he was on the verge of some amazing discovery that he couldn’t quite name yet. And the more he sang, the more comfortable and fun it became. He didn’t want to lose that, not when he’d finally started to see himself as someone who could both sing and play basketball.
But if Virgil didn’t want to keep going, how could Roman continue?
He made his way to outdoor practice with the team, numb. Remy was running a scrimmage and grinned as he caught sight of Roman.
“Hey captain! Get your ginger ass in here!”
Roman stared blankly at the energetic team, dodging and weaving and shooting. It was too much. He waved Remy off and made his way to the track, jogging laps instead. Maybe the steady rhythm of running would help his jumbled thoughts and unsettled heart to align.
“Rem, is he okay?” Patton asked, watching the figure slowly jog further away.
“Don’t worry about it, Pat, he just needs to blow off some energy. I bet the pressure of the game is just getting to him.”
Pat frowned. “I hope you’re right.”
But even when he finished his laps, Roman didn’t rejoin the group, but went inside instead. Rem followed him in, only to see the star of the team failing, over and over. He was missing the basket even on easy shots. What was going on? Ro could make a layup in his sleep, but now he was struggling? As Rem watched, trying not to draw attention to himself, Roman managed to trip over his own shoelaces and fell to the gym floor.
He rolled over onto his back, muttering swears, before flinging the ball away and stomping off to the locker room.
Remy winced. They hadn’t messed up with their plan, right? It was just supposed to help Roman get back to focused. It was intended to help. So it couldn’t be a bad thing.
Two days later, Pat and Remy were in the cafeteria, waiting for Roman to join them from the lunch line. Just as he turning to join them, he practically walked into another student. He looked down, into deep brown eyes under purple hair.
He froze for a moment, then took a breath to start babbling apologies. But Virgil was already turning away. He neglected the table where Logan and the decathlon team sat, choosing instead to sit at a quiet table of mismatched chatter in the corner.
Roman stared after him until Remy called his attention. He looked up and gave a weak smile, then walked past their table to leave the lunchroom.
Patton chewed his lip, worried. “Rem, I really don’t think he’s okay.”
“Of course he is. Or will be. Maybe.” Remy sighed. “Fuck. No, you’re right. Even if he was a little bit unfocused before, it’s just worse now. The plan didn’t work, and we fucked up.”
“Language! But we do need to fix it, Rem. He’s our friend, and it’s our fault.”
“How do we even do that, Patton? It’s not like we can just hit undo.”
“This started through a miscommunication, right? So we’ll need to communicate really well to set it right. And we won’t do it alone.”
“We won’t?”
Patton shook his head, then stood and walked across the room.
Logan didn’t notice someone approaching until the students besides him were looking above his head and looking star-struck. He turned, to see Patton smiling at him from many feet above him. In a less sunny person, it might have been called looming.
“Pa- Mr. Baylor. Salutations. Was there something you needed from me?”
“Yes, Mr. McKessie, there is,” he responded, grinning a bit as he mimicked Logan’s manner of speech. “We need to talk, you see. About yesterday.”
“I see. Will you all excuse me?” He nodded to his team, then stood and followed Patton out of the lunchroom. Patton stopped by the basketball table to drag Remy along with them.
“Pat, babes, you could just ask if I can come with,” he complained.
“No I can’t, Rem, you’re too good at avoiding conflict.”
“Not my fault my reflexes are better than yours.”
“I find that very surprising,” Logan said, rolling his eyes, “because Remy causes my gag reflex to activate daily.”
Remy turned to face Logan with a terrible grin. “Oh hun, that can be arranged.”
Logan blessed his dark skin for making his blush that much less visible.
“Hey, no making fun of the allos, Rem, you already know you’re too much for us,” Patton admonished, utterly failing to keep his giggles from bursting of from behind the hand that strove to hide them.
Logan coughed and turned entirely away from Remy.
“What was it you wanted to discuss, Patton?”
Patton immediately sobered. “It’s Roman. He’s miserable. Has Virgil been down as well?”
Logan adjusted his glasses. “I am not particularly skilled at gauging others’ emotions, but Virgil has been rather avoidant over the last day. And even quieter than usual. It is very possible that he, too, is unhappy.”
Patton nodded. “I think the plan was a mistake. And since it was our mistake, we need to fix it.”
Remy ran a hand through his hair, his sober face a sharp contrast to his ‘Laughing On the Inside’ t-shirt.. “Not saying you’re wrong, Pat, but I really don’t know how we do that.”
“We caused this situation by removing the context of Roman’s outburst, did we not?” Logan said, thinking aloud. “So perhaps if we were to restore the context, and explain our collective part in generating his uncharacteristic response…?”
Patton nodded eagerly. “That’s what I was thinking too, Lo.”
Lo? Did he just give me a nickname?
“Will they believe us?” Remy asked
“They’ve got to,” Patton said fiercely. “We can’t be the ones who ruined true love!”
“True love?” Remy and Logan chorused, then glared at each other for voicing the same thought.
“Well, yeah! You two didn’t think the moping was just about the singing, did you?”
SCENE: Rooftop Garden
Roman was sitting alone on the roof, trying to absorb the sound of the wind, when the quiet was interrupted by a set of footsteps. He looked up to see Patton and Remy coming up the stairs. Well, there goes the secret hideout, he thought. Just another thing I’ve lost recently.
Rem seemed to hesitate, but was prodded on by Patton.
“Hey, Ro. Um. We just had another team meeting.”
Roman looked down. He’d missed it. Again. “Great.”
“We had a team meeting about how we haven't been acting like a team. I mean us, not you.” Remy took off his sunglasses and sat next to Roman. “Look, babes, about the singing thing…”
“It’s not happening anymore, Rem, I really don’t want to talk about it,” Roman said, refusing to face him.
“Ro, I just… I want you to know that we’re gonna be there, okay? In the audience, cheering for you.”
Roman looked up, startled. “What?”
“If singing is something you want to do, kiddo, we should be boosting you up, not tearing you down!” Patton added, smiling.
“Win or lose, we're teammates. That's what we're about,” Remy said, tentatively putting a hand on Roman’s shoulder. Then he grinned. “Even if it turns out you sing like a drowning cat.”
“Rem, I am sure he’s great! We just don’t know, because we’ve never actually heard you?” Patton interjected, turning expectantly to Roman.
Roman’s mood fell again. “Yeah, well, you’re never going to. Because Virgil won’t talk to me. And I… I don’t know why.”
Remy looked nervously at Patton, then back to Roman. “Um. We do.”
“Excuse me?”
“Here,” Patton said, handing him a packet from the lunchbox he carried. “I baked these fresh today. Thumbprint cookies, with this jam I just discovered in the health foods store. I think you should try one now, before we explain. After we do, you might need a second cookie.”
SCENE: Science Lab
Virgil was busy working through a particularly complicated reaction formula when Logan approached him.
“Virgil, can I talk to you for a moment?”
The shorter boy paused a moment, then shrugged a nod. He pushed his book aside and turned to face Logan.
Logan took a deep breath. “Virgil, I was, for lack of a better term, an asshole. But worse than that, I was an inconsiderate asshole. I mistakenly believed your interest in the musical auditions was killing our chances of having you on the scholastic decathlon team, and-”
“Logan, I don’t care about the goddamn auditions. I heard what Roman had to say. I'm on your team now. Done.” Virgil said curtly, turning back to his textbook.
“No, not done,” Logan said, stepping a bit closer. He didn’t want to invade the others’ personal space, but he needed to be heard out. “We planned it, Virgil. Remy knew he could get Roman to say things to make you want to forget about the callbacks. We orchestrated the whole thing. I am embarrassed that I was such a willing participant, and I am truly sorry for the adverse impact it has had.”
“No one forced Roman to say anything, Logan. It’s fine. We should be focusing on the decathlon anyway. It’s only a week away.”
“It is not fine!” Logan protested. “Doing well in the decathlon would be pleasant, but it is nothing compared to the regard you hold for your friends, myself included… or the regard you hold for Roman. That matters, too. And I regret that it took me so long to realize that.”
Virgil stared at him for a moment, then turned back to the board and continued writing chemical formulas, dark eyes focused on the task.
Logan nearly reached out to stop him, but let his hand drop. He allowed himself to send one last pleading look Virgil’s way, but it went unnoticed. With a sigh, he went to find Patton, to let him know that at least he had tried.
SCENE: The Montez Home
That evening, Virgil helped his mother continue to set up their house and unpack. They were very efficient packers after all these years, and tiered everything by importance. All the most essential supplies and clothes had been unpacked for weeks, and there were only decorations and knick-knacks left. His room finally felt settled now that his Nightmare Before Christmas posters were in a place of honor on one wall, and the cover art of treasured albums decorated another.
Humming Sing to himself, he carried his empty box downstairs, heading for the basement.
He was halfway down the stairs when he heard a knock on the door, and his mother opened it.
“Hello, are you Ms. Montez?” a familiar voice asked. His eyes widened as he saw his mom nod.
“Good evening - my name is Roman Bolton. Is Virgil home?”
Lisa slightly closed the door and leaned around the corner to make eye contact. Virgil shook his head, throat tight. She nodded in understanding, and flashed a brief “I love you” at him in ASL.
Turning back to the door, she responded to the tall ginger boy who was nervously shifting his weight from foot to foot on their doorstep, fiddling with a sheaf of paper in his hands as he did so. “Unfortunately, Virgil is rather busy with homework and such, so now's not really a good time.”
Roman gulped audibly. “I understand. It’s just that, I made a mistake, Ms. Montez. He doesn’t need to listen to my apology, but I really want him to know how badly I feel for making that mistake. Would you be willing to tell him I came to see him?”
Lisa softened a little. “I think I can do that, Roman. Have a good night.”
“Buenas noches, Ms. Montez.”
Roman turned and walked back down the entry path as the door shut behind him. He stopped and gazed at the house, wishing that he could somehow earn Virgil’s trust back. Listening to the quiet night sounds, he admired the balcony and graceful trees in the backyard of the Montez home. Wait. Balcony! That was it!
He took out his phone and dialed Virgil’s number. If he didn’t pick up, Roman would leave, and wouldn’t force himself into his presence. But if any part of him still was willing to talk…
After 4 rings, Roman was ready to turn away. But just at the last second, Virgil picked up.
“Virge, I know you heard my idiotic rant, and I am so sorry. None of it was true - I’ve enjoyed singing so much, and particularly singing with you. It’s not nothing, it means so much to me. I just - I was so sick of my friends giving me constant shit for it, so I said things I knew would shut them up. I didn't mean any of it, please believe me.”
Virgil sat back on his bed, leaning back as he fought to keep the emotion and leaping hope out of his voice. “You sounded pretty convincing to me, princey.”
“I know the anger sounded real, because it was. I was frustrated and hurt and guilty, and I let my mouth run away with me, saying literally anything I thought would make them get off my back. But… Vee, the Roman you met on vacation, at the ski lodge… that guy was much more me than the dumbass you heard the other day.”
Virgil sighed. “Even if that’s true, the whole singing thing is making the school lose its collective shit. You said so yourself- everyone is treating you differently because of it.”
“Maybe because I don't wanna only be the basketball guy and they can't handle it,” Roman’s voice was rough - was he breathing heavily? “ That's not my problem, it's theirs.”
“What about your dad?” Virgil asked. He clamped down on the fluttery emotions in his stomach. Don’t get your hopes up don’t get your hopes up don’t get your hopes up.
“None of this is about my dad. This is about how I feel. I'm not letting the team down. They let me down. So I'm gonna sing. Will you be there next to me?”
Virgil rolled over on his bed, facing the wall. “I don’t know, Ro.”
“I need you to say yes, Virge. Because I brought you something.”
“What do you mean?” Virgil asked, sitting up.
“Turn around.”
Virgil turned slowly to face the window. There was Roman, smiling tentatively, standing on Virgil’s bedroom balcony. A leaf stuck in his hair called out the big tree behind him as his accomplice in getting up this high. Virgil slowly walked to the window-door and opened it.
“This could be the start of something new,” Roman sang softly, a capella. “It feels so right to be here with you.”
Virgil could feel a blush spreading over his cheeks. How could he not, when Roman was smiling at him with so much liking in his eyes, and singing their first shared song with as much feeling as he could muster?
“And now, looking in your eyes,” Roman continued to sing, bringing a hand up to cup Virgil’s face. “I feel in my heart the start of something new.”
Virgil was sure Roman could feel the heat of his cheeks where his fingers touched them, but the taller man didn’t try to rub it in. He just smiled earnestly, blue eyes meeting hazel, as he asked, “It’s a pairs audition, Virge. Are you with me?” He held up the paper in his free hand. It was Virgil’s sheet music.
Virgil smiled. “Yeah, princey. I’m with you.” He edged a bit closer, and took the music. Roman’s face was so close to his, but it was no longer physically possible for him to blush harder. Something in the taller man’s eyes changed, almost like a look of recognition or realization. Virgil leaned in, rising on his tiptoes as Roman slowly leaned down.
A car alarm went off on the street below, startling them both into leaping back. Roman’s face was even redder than Virgil’s, clashing terribly with his orange hair.
“I should, uh-” he stammered.
“Yeah, it’s late, and-”
“Thank you for, uh-”
“Yeah, you too,” Virgil said, and swallowed. “Um. Good night, Roman.”
There was that smile again, all freckles and pale skin and unabashed delight. “Good night, Virgil.”
He swung himself over the balcony railing, back into the tree, and grinned at Virgil from through the branches. “Sweet dreams!”
Virgil closed the balcony door again and collapsed onto the bed, still blushing. “Oh, I’m having sweet dreams alright,” he mumbled to himself. “And I’m not even asleep yet.”
SCENE: Music Room & Auditorium
Roman tore through the gym, dodging, spinning, and sinking baskets left and right. Not even Patton could guard him - he was here one second, gone straight to the hoop the next. The whole team felt the shift in energy - this was the focus they’d been striving for. They were one cohesive unit, sensing rather than seeing where their teammates were, passing with ease. Coach Bolton had nothing but praise: only days away from the game, but they were exactly where they needed to be. He could feel it in his gut - they were gonna win this thing. He wasn’t clear on the exact details of what had changed his son’s mood, but whatever it was, it was clearly working.
Still riding the energy of a successful practice, Roman flew through his post-workout shower. Teammates laughed and pointed at the clock as he shot finger-guns at the mirror. He grinned at them, and took off down the halls of East High.
In the science lab, the scholastic decathlon team was just as on point. Virgil had connected with the underclassmen in particular, and was walking them through a practical experiment. “See, guys, come look,” he instructed. “You’ve measured out five grams, right? Okay, now add that to the beaker.”
The younger student did as he instructed as the group gathered to take notes.
“See how it foams up? It’s been changed into an acidic state. And now our solution changes from pink to blue - just like the pH test strips.”
“It all makes sense now! Thanks, Virge,” a student said with a smile. Turning to give her a pat on the back, Virgil caught sight of the clock.
“Shit, gotta go! See y’all tomorrow, okay?” He quickly made his way to the door, removing his protective goggles and apron as he went.
He ran through the halls and nearly ran slap-bang into Roman as he rounded a corner.
“You’re late,” Roman said teasingly as they both ran towards the music room. Virgil grinned and grabbed Roman’s hand, pulling him along as they hurried to meet Joan for rehearsal.
Dee was strolling through the halls as if he owned them, as per usual. He hummed to himself, the callback song he and Cee were to perform in just three days. Even if this whole ‘callback’ thing was an irritating formality, it was nice to be able to
H suddenly heard something that sounded like voices accompanied by piano coming from one of the music rooms. He stopped short, reaching out and grabbing his twin’s arm without looking. They leaned as one to listen more carefully.
Two people were singing, and they sounded beautiful together.
“Wow, they sound good,” Cee said, not just a little concerned. Dee frowned, and crept to the door. Maybe it was some ensemble members?
Dee’s eyes widened as he saw that it was in fact Roman and Virgil singing, accompanied by Joan on the piano. “Cee, we have to do something!”
Cee furrowed his brow. “What if they’re just… better than us?”
Dee scowled. “They might be good singers, but they’re not actors. Now shush and let me think.” He took out his phone and scrolled through the calendar. “Hmm, ok. Our callbacks are on Thursday and the basketball game and the scholastic decathlon are on Friday…” He looked up, smirking. “Too bad all these events aren't happening on the same day... at the same time.”
Cee tilted a head, confused. “But that wouldn’t work, because Roman and Virgil just wouldn’t be able to come to the…” Dee nodded as realization dawned over Cee’s face. He smiled, finally seeing what the other intended. “I’m so proud to be your twin.”
“Don’t I know it,” Dee responded with a smile, and walked on with a new spring in his step.
That afternoon, Joan was in the auditorium instead of math class. They’d been struck by inspiration and also imaginary numbers were ridiculous, so composing was far and away the best use of their time right now. Humming very softly to themself, they revised and edited the sheet music on the piano as they relaxed in a corner of the backstage area. Suddenly, they heard voices walking in, and ducked to fully hide behind the piano.
“I don't want to hear about Roman Bolton or that Montez boy,” Ms. Darbus said, walking in. “In fact, I can’t hear anything about them.” She turned to face Cee & Dee, who had walked in with her. “But if you're telling me as co-presidents of the drama club that changing the callbacks would be what's best for our theater program, then I might be inclined to agree with you.” She checked around the area, confirming they were alone. “I will trust your judgments, Mr. and Mr. Evans.” She nodded decisively, and left.
“That was a yes, right?” Cee asked. Dee winked hugely, and walked off in the opposite direction from the director, singing under his breath. “Bop bop bop, bop to the top, wipe away your inhibitions!”
Cee still looked a bit confused, but followed his brother.
In their hiding place, Joan sighed in frustration. Would nothing with their show go smoothly?
They practically sprinted to the announcements board the next morning. But even though they’d expected it, they still felt the cold of disappointment steadily dripping down their back.
They were still standing and staring when the basketball and science teams came by.
“Callback Auditions reschedule to Friday starting at 3:30pm,” the sign proclaimed.
“Callbacks at the same time as the game?” Roman said.
Virgil’s mouth twisted. “And during the scholastic decathlon.”
“Why would they do that?” Patton asked unhappily.
“I hear hissing, and the snake’s named Darbus,” Remy growled, glaring accusingly at the poster over his sunglasses.
“It’s actually two snakes, and neither’s named Darbus,” Joan piped up.
Remy turned, and looked down. “Do you know something about this, small person?”
“Ms. Darbus thinks she’s protecting the show,” Joan told the group, “but Cee & Dee- well, mostly Dee - he only cares about protecting himself.”
“That’s it, bitches need to die,” Remy said, already about to storm off.
“Rem, no, no murder,” Roman interrupted. “We’re not going to do anything to them. Except maybe sing. I have the beginnings of a truly brilliant plan, if I do say so myself, but it’s only going to work if we can work together. Who’s in?”
Roman put out a hand that was immediately covered by Virgil’s and Joan’s in quick succession. Remy was next, and two underclassmen from the each team. Logan had gotten stuck on the outside of the group, but Patton put a hand up to high five him, then used his other arm to connect them both to the huddle. Logan smiled and felt the faint tinglings of a blush when Patton didn’t let go of his hand, instead clasping his hand more firmly.
“What team?” Virgil called with an ironic smile.
“Wildcats!” they cheered as a group.
Roman’s freckled face curved with his enormous grin. “Let’s do this, y’all! Game on!”
a/n: i’m having so much fun with this story, can you tell?
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sam-i-am-27 · 6 years
Dive Right In
Word Count: 1901
Summary: Virgil never suspected that anything was different about him, his town or his family. However, just like in most stories, that all changes when he meets someone who proves him wrong.
(Previous) (Next)
Virgil pulled up to the house twenty minutes after he left the school and to his delight, saw his father’s boat parked at their small dock. Even from the driveway, he could smell sizzling pork and cooking pasta, making his stomach rumble. He drifted forward in a bit of a daze and opened the door.
“Dad?” he asked as he closed the door behind him. His father was standing at the oven and at his name, he turned around. As usual, Virgil felt like he was looking in a mirror, except his reflection was older, more sun burnt and with a little less hair. He looked at Virgil and gave a wide grin that stretched his sun burned skin painfully.
“Virgil, it’s good to see you again.” His father wiped his hands on a towel and rushed over to give Virgil a hug. Within the embrace, Virgil could smell the boiling oil, pork and pasta all over his clothes, but that barely asked the smell of the ocean embedded in his very being. Like with the smell of cooking pasta, the smell of the ocean was one of Virgil’s many definitions of home.
“You too, dad,” Virgil murmured into his shirt and pulled away. “Dinner smells great.”
“I sure hope so. It’s your favorite so I sure hope you’re not lying to me just to make me feel better,” his dad said.
“Never, dad,” Virgil said. “I’ll get the table set and if you have anything to talk about, like what happened out there that made you almost a day late-” his dad winced in guilt “-we can talk about it then.”
His dad nodded and turned back to the pork. Virgil hated guilt tripping his dad, but being almost a day late on a a trip that should have had him back at the very least a day early would inexcusable to anyone in Virgil’s situation. But he didn’t say anything else and went to setting the table, putting plates down, napkins to the side, etc.
Soon, there was two full plates of noodles, cooked pork and sauce being slowly inhaled by Virgil and his dad. Virgil finished his first bite and sighed. “It’s great dad. Thanks.”
His dad nodded and wiped his mouth. “So.. the trip… there’s the explanation, and after that good new and bad news. Which do you want first?”
“Good news always comes first,” Virgil said, trying to keep his voice level and void of any worry. “So shoot, what happened on the boat?”
“Well… I was navigating really well and I found a pod that I could follow for as long as I needed. They really didn’t care that I was there so I followed them for about two days,” he took a bite of pork and ran his hand through his hair. “But then there was a feeding frenzy and I unfortunately got caught in the middle and broke my navigational systems, so I had to make it back to land by guessing and memory. Thankfully I wasn’t too far from the coast so I managed to follow it back, the only delays being checking up on the pod.”
“Okay… so what’s the good news?” Virgil didn’t know what was going to happen next but whatever it was wouldn’t be good.
“Well the good news is that during the frenzy, I was introduced to two new pods that I’ve never seen before,” his dad said. “I’ll be able to research them and hopefully gain some more information about them and with the multiple species, maybe even how they communicate between different species and pods.”
Virgil gave a small smile. “That’s a good thing! Congrats!”
His dad nodded but didn’t return the smile. Virgil knew the bad news was bad if he wouldn’t even give Virgil a smile in return to assure him that everything would be alright.
“The bad news… I have to go to the institution and ask for new navigational equipment, or at the very least tools to fix it… it will take a lot of money, more than we have and unfortunately… if I want to keep this job, we’ll have to move very far inland. And when I say very far… I mean far enough away so that A: I’ll have to drive from wherever we live to the public docks anytime I have a new assignment and B: you can no longer go to the school you’re currently attending.”
But Virgil had stopped listening after his father had said the word ‘Inland’. This couldn’t be happening. He had lived by the sea his entire life and now his father wanted to uproot them and move inland?! He had someone here that meant something to him who, despite how much he supported Virgil, couldn’t move with them!
“Dad… you’re kidding. You work on the water, with marine animals! You can’t move us inland!” Virgil said, involuntarily scooting back from the table. “We’ve lived here all our life and you want to-”
“Virgil, you gotta understand that if we want to continue living in a house, we need to do this!” his father said. “I know that you’re doing well in the school you’re going to right now but the school in that town is just as-”
“No! We need to stay here!” By this point, Virgil had no idea what he was saying. He was just spouting out every bit of anger into any excuse he could form. It didn’t matter that what he was saying was completely out of line and completely unreasonable; he was angry. He was angry that his father was late anytime he had an assignment; angry that to keep their life, they’d have to give up everything they’d ever lived with; angry that he had to move just because he was so dependent on someone…
He didn’t realize that he was running out of the house until he felt the cool sand under his feet and the handle of his car in his hand. Virgil heard his father running after him but he had already started the car and pulled out of the driveway before the words ‘I’m sorry!’ even reached his ears.
Virgil rubbed the tears out of his eyes long enough to pull out his phone and send one text to Logan:
‘Cove. Now… Please’
“Your Highness, Roman and Patton have returned from the surface,” a guard, Joan, announced. Patton and Roman both grimaced at their words. Looks like any lies they were going to tell were completely out the window.
“See them in, please,” Thomas’ voice said from somewhere within the immense hall. Joan nodded for the two to enter and so they did, swimming in nervously. The hall was about a quarter of the size of a… what did humans call it? A feetball field?
Either way, Thomas was at the very center, floating at one of the windows, staring out at his kingdom. His red-purple scales were flashing in the light, somehow sending off specks of rainbow across the hall. His simple gold crown was rested across his head, the rubies, sapphires, amethysts, and diamonds sending out the same colors. As the two entered, he turned around and gave them a wide smile.
It was the same type of smile that Thomas had given them when they first admitted that they were friends for life. When Thomas was still a young Prince and his father still ruled the kingdom. When the three of them only had to worry about having too many sweets and lessons. That time with the two of them led them to where they were today.
Roman still remembered when they had to comfort Patton the first time he learned about humans and their effect on their lives. He cried for two hours and than began to research how to help and became determined to end up where he was now: as Lead Scientist in the Pollution department.
He himself really hadn’t gotten anywhere in life yet but was being forced to train to become a member of Thomas’ royal guard… just like his father. He hated the idea of being in the same position of his father but he’d have to if he wanted to continue his seamless connection with Thomas and Patton. Learning how to use a sword and being able to spend time with his best -and only- friend was a bit of a perk to this situation.
Thomas had always been there for everyone. It was his job to be the shoulder to lean on since he was old enough to understand what death was (which was unfortunately very young in correspondence with the Queen’s death). But he had always been an incredible friend and leader to everyone who lived under his rule. Although people didn’t like the idea that his power would be passed down by choice rather than by blood, the kingdom was better because of him. Patton was a better person because of him.
Roman was a better person because of Thomas.
“Roman, Patton. Good to see you two again.” They began to bow but Thomas raised a hand. “You know how I feel about you guys treating me like I’m more than a mer. The only thing that makes me different is this.” He removed his crown and approached them, smiling brightly at them. “There. Now, I heard about your little adventure to the surface last night. What is it that you need?”
“Your high- Thomas,” Patton smiled at him. “We simply need to know if there are any reports or scans we need to do or finish before we- Roman goes off tonight.”
“Well from what I hear, you got ahead on your duties, didn’t you, Patton?” Thomas asked. “Good job on that.”
Patton gave a grin and visibly tried to restrain himself from rushing forward and embracing Thomas. Despite him being a king and Patton simply being in charge of the Pollution control in their kingdom, Patton loved Thomas, almost to a familial point. However rushing forward to hug the king wouldn’t have been very respectful or appropriate.
“As for you, Roman, you know the procedure for Sirens at the full moon. Just find a secluded area and you’ll be excused for the next two days. The only thing you have to do before than is simply give me a goodbye hug. Yes, Patton, you can get a hug even if you’re not going anywhere,” Thomas smirked and held out his arms and Patton instantly swam into them, but Roman hesitated.
“I feel like there’s a catch,” Roman said. “Hugs with you are pretty rare. You sure Joan over there will let us touch you?”
“No catch, just a hug. And Joan, it’s fine,” Thomas said, holding out the one arm. Joan, who was currently floating in the corner, shrugged and didn’t react to Thomas’ insistence for a hug. Roman shrugged and allowed himself to be hugged up to Thomas’ body, getting partially squeezed by Patton. Despite his suspicions that this hug might be for some other reason than friendliness, Roman couldn’t help but enjoy it.
“Now, Roman, you need to go. It’s getting late,” Thomas said, patting his shoulder. Roman nodded. “Got it. I’ll see you two in a few days.”
With that, Roman swam out of the castle, making sure to use the exit farthest away from his father, heading straight for the surface.
This one isn’t my best chapter but I have a solid vision of this story all the way through and I need a way to keep it going. And if that means pumping out this... I guess I have to. 
Trust me, it will get so much better cause I actually know what I want to do with this story! A miracle, I know! 
Also, Virgil’s dad’s name is Willy cause @fandomcrazy899 said they thought that his dad was a whale. For context, the song ‘Willy Was a Whale’ by Justin Roberts was my fucking childhood. Everyone go listen to it.
Well... that’s it!
Have a good day!
Taglist: @octopushugs @ryuity @fandergecko @rileyfirstname @spectacled-renegade @ijustreallylovesanderssides @fireflies-and-pattons-eyes @fireflies-and-pattons-eyes @thesynysterunknown 
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obsxdiannn · 3 years
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I posted 11,122 times in 2021
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11024 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 112.5 posts.
I added 6,614 tags in 2021
#bnha - 1459 posts
#sanders sides - 1343 posts
#not fandom related - 935 posts
#patton sanders - 550 posts
#aromantic - 494 posts
#izuku - 492 posts
#remus sanders - 380 posts
#rick and morty - 336 posts
#janus sanders - 323 posts
#important - 302 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#if you’re the kind of person to ship a canonically aromantic character and respond to backlash by saying ‘but romance favorable aros exist’
My Top Posts in 2021
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Bakugou “always caring” about Izuku is the dumbest shit ever and doesn’t make any sense because it contradicts his whole character arc. Bakugou’s arc is revolved around him LEARNING to care about other people that aren’t him. It’s about him LEARNING that he isn’t the only one who’s hot shit, and that he shouldn’t look down on others. It’s about him LEARNING how to be a decent person and grow out of his arrogant toxic behavior.
If Bakugou’s whole arc is supposed to be about him learning how to care about other people, then by that logic, making it so Bakugou “always cared” about his legitimate victim means his development didn’t need to fucking happen. His arc didn’t need to happen. It’s completely worthless. Bakugou doesn’t need to learn any of the shit I just talked about. He already knew it.
I’m usually not one to straight up deny or reject canon, but I will never accept the whole “Bakugou always cared about Izuku” narrative because it makes no sense at all and contradicts almost, if not all, of Bakugou’s development.
70 notes • Posted 2021-03-19 18:49:20 GMT
My favorite part of chapter 313 is Toshinori. His part really emphasizes and reminds the reader how much he truly loves and cares for Izuku. He’s literally willing to die for this boy. That’s how much he loves him. Criticize his teaching methods, emotional constipation and first meeting with Izuku all you want, but you can’t say he doesn’t love Izuku. You can’t deny how important these two characters are to each other.
78 notes • Posted 2021-05-25 14:57:22 GMT
“Sometimes you gotta be an asshole. My grandpa taught me that.”-Morty Smith
200 notes • Posted 2021-06-21 03:27:51 GMT
Aromantic culture is going back and forth between “I know romance better than allos do” and “how the fuck is this???? What even is this???”
217 notes • Posted 2021-10-29 17:46:35 GMT
There’s really no wrong way to be ace or aro. And I love that, so very much.
232 notes • Posted 2021-06-17 23:39:12 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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entity9silvergen · 3 years
(OLD) Masterlist of entity9silvergen’s Fanfiction
My accounts for Archive of Our Own, Fanfiction.net, Twitter, and ATLA Twitter.  I have more fics in more fandoms on Ao3 and FFN. My Sanders Sides Incorrect Quotes and memes are posted on my Twitter and my ATLA Incorrect Quotes are posted on the atla twitter account. All Incorrect Quotes are also posted on Ao3. Status updates are posted on entityupdates.
Sanders Sides
Why Don’t You Play Me One of Your Songs?
Summary: Logan professes his love for Patton through song.
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Characters: Logan, Patton
Relationships: Logan/ Patton
Other Tags: Valentines Day, Band, Music, Song fic, BoJack Horseman
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1500
Chapter Count: 1 (Oneshot)
Written 2021
Summary: Unable to experience romantic attraction, Remus feels incomplete. Unable to feel sexual attraction, Roman feels less than. Maybe as the King, they decide, they will feel whole again. Their partners and friends, however, know this isn’t the solution and seek to help them realize there’s nothing broken about them before it’s too late.
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Characters: Logan, Patton, Roman, Virgil, Nate, Remy, Emile, Seth, Toby, Janus, Remus, Unnamed Orange Side, Romulus, Dragon Witch 
Relationships: Logan/ Patton, Virgil/ Roman, Janus/ Remus, Remy/ Emile, Toby/ Seth, Nate/ Orange Side
Other Tags: AroWriMo, Aromantic Remus, Asexual Roman, Spider Virgil, Snake Janus, Orange Side, 7th Side, Additional Sides, No OCs, Short Vid Characters
Warnings: Mentions of Sex, Internalized Arophobia, Internalized Aphobia, Violence, Fighting, Minor Swearing 
Word Count: 11.5K
Chapter Count: 3
Written 2021 
The World Was Made By Gran Gran’s Face
Summary: In the Southern Water Tribe, elders were the heart of family. There is no paper or books to record history, songs, culture, and the knowledge of the world so memory and skill of tongue were everything. Those with the longest memories were guides when it came to traversing the terrain, understanding the paths of prey, and the way of the spirits. Elders were the ones who shaped the worldview of the younger generation. They told the tribe what was and what wasn’t. Or, Zuko grabs Gran Gran and Sokka loses hope for the world.
Characters: Sokka, Gran Gran, Gaang, Hakoda
Relationships: Sokka & Gran Gran, Sokka & Gaang, Sokka & Hakoda, Referenced Sokka/ Yue, Referenced Sokka/ Suki
Other Tags: Drabble Series, No Dialogue, Canon Setting
Warnings: Minor Violence
Word Count: 9K
Chapter Count: 10 (in progress of posting)
Written 2020-2021 
We Dance To Fast Music
Summary: Zuko didn’t like to dance. Neither did Mai. But Ty Lee did and they’d do it for her. Fortunately for them, Ty Lee cared about how they felt and wanted to show them just how wonderful music could be. All Zuko and Mai knew were slow dances, the things of ballrooms and romance. Ty Lee only knew the dances of friendship, freedom, and fun.
Fandom: ATLA
Characters: Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, Sokka, Suki, Aang, Katara, Toph
Relationships: Ambiguous relationships, Katara/ Aang, Zuko & Mai & Ty Lee, Gaang & Mai & Ty Lee, Zuko & Mai & Ty Lee & Suki &Sokka
Other Tags: Ambiguous Relationships, AroWriMo, Dancing, Dancing Dragon, Tsungi Horn, Wedding, Platonic Relationships, Music
Warnings: None
Word Count: 8K
Chapter Count: 1 (Oneshot)
Written 2021 
He Is Mild And He Is Meek
Summary:  He is mild and he is meek, he is Momo and he is what I seek. Suki always wanted three things in life. One was to become a professional soccer player. The second was to live in a cute apartment filled with succulents. The third was to get a cat. Momo probably wasn’t anyone’s first pick as a pet but Suki was determined to get this cat to love her as much as she loved him. If only he’d accept he had a home now.
Fandom: Avatar The Last Airbender
Characters: Suki, Momo, Sokka, Aang
Relationships: Suki & Momo, Suki & Sokka, Momo & Aang, Mentioned Aang/ Katara, Past Suki/ Toph
Other Tags: AroWriMo, Oneshot, Modern Setting, Modern AU, Transgender Character, Aromantic Character, Trans Suki, Aromantic Suki, Lesbian Suki, Aro Trans Lesbian Suki, Trans Aang, Bi Sokka, Queer Toph, Cat Momo, Dog Appa, Pet Adoption 
Warnings: Brief Mentions of Sex, Minor Swearing
Word Count: 6.7K
Chapter Count: 1 (Oneshot)
Written 2021
The Spirits Threw Down Their Spears and Watered Heaven With Their Tears
Summary: Weak at birth, Tui asked Agni and the Blue Spirit to give the Fire Nation’s prince life. A few months later, she asked La and Tienhai to do the same for the Northern Water Tribe’s princess. She hoped they would live normal lives. She didn’t expect them to gain the power of transformation. | A dragon and a sea serpent, they don’t have much of a place in human society but all the loneliness was worth the wait to find each other and people who would accept them.
Fandom: ATLA
Characters: Zuko, Yue, Pakku, Arnook, Tui, Agni, La, Wolf Spirit
Relationships: Zuko & Yue, Zuko/ Yue (Ambiguous), Tui/ La, Tui & Agni, Zuko & Arnook, Zuko & Pakku, Agni & Blue Spirit, Blue Spirit & Zuko
Other Tags: Dragon Zuko, Sea Serpent Yue, spirits, Weredragon Zuko, Wereserpent Yue, spirit pov, Northern Water Tribe, Water Tribe Zuko, Northern Water Tribe Zuko, Blue Spirit Zuko, references to the comics
Warnings: Major Character Death, Canon Character Death, injury, canon injury
Word Count: 27K
Chapter Count: 8 (In progress of posting)
Written 2021
Thought Cupid Shot Me With Love But It Was Only An Aro
Summary: Soulmates were supposed to be the other half of your soul. Your one true love. Ino always dreamed of finding her soulmate. Sai never wanted one. Still, they cared for each other so they were going to make it work. Somehow.
Relationships: Sai & Ino, Sai/ Ino, Sai & Team Kakashi, Sai & Team Asuma, Sai & Shin, Referenced Naruto/ Hinata, Referenced Sasuke/ Sakura, Referenced Kakashi/ Guy, Referenced Shikamaru/ Temari, Referenced Choji/ Karui
Characters: Sai, Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, Shin, Kakashi
Warnings: Minor aphobia
Other: AroWriMo 2021, Soulmate AU, Aroace Sai, Aro/ Allo Relationship, Aromantic Writer, Queer Themes, QPRs
Word Count: 10K
Chapter Count: 1 (Oneshot)
Written 2021
Summary: We are just mosaics of everyone we love and that mosaic shows everyone we love how beautiful they are. Bean doesn’t think she can love like everyone else but maybe that’s okay.
Fandom: Disenchantment
Characters: Bean
Relationships: Bean/ Mora, Mentioned Bean & Everyone, Mentioned Odval/ Sorcerio, Mentioned Zog/ Oona, Mentioned Zog/ Dagmar
Warnings: Internalized arophobia, first person pov, some self-deprecation, sex mention, drug mention, mention of interspecies relationships in fantasy setting
Other Tags: F/F, Mentioned F/F QPR, Reflection/ Self-Reflection/ Internal Thoughts, No Dialogue, Queerplatonic, Aromantic Character, Aromantic Homosexual Character, Arospec Character, Queer Themes, Unreliable Narrarator, S3E6, Oneshot,
Word Count: 2K
Chapter Count: 1 (Oneshot)
Written 2021
Events And Series
AroWriMo 2021
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