#arcane slico x reader
admrlthundrbolt · 4 months
Reckless Paradise (Silco x Chubby Reader)
Having a food cart in the Undercity could be boring. But having Jinx as a regular customer made for interesting moments. When she has a fight with her father and comes to you for comfort. Well Silco thinks it's time to meet the person that his daughter always seems to run to.
Hey guys, I'm back at it again. So I just watched Arcane and fell in love with Silco. That of course means that he became my immediate muse and needed a story written. Anyways I hope you enjoy.
Jinx slammed a fist against his desk. “I just don’t understand why I can’t go to the meetings.”
Silco sighed. “Because your not old enough.” He gave the thirteen year old girl an irritated look. “We’ve been over this, it’s not safe for you.”
Her eyes began to water. Not wanting to let him see how upset she was, she ran out of the room.
As he watched her go his heart panged with sadness. It was always a hard task to tell her no.
Rushing down the street, she went to the only other place that felt safe. Your food cart was outside of the brothel. Joking that the workers there were the ones that needed a good meal the most. This logic kept your pots empty and pockets full. It also came with the bonus of the bouncer looking out for you. Something you were going to snub your nose at.
So to see one of your favorite customers stomping over to you. It was a sight to behold. The small blue haired teen was in a mood you rarely saw her in. Sneaking into your secret stash of fresh fruit. Something you kept on hand for her. You started peeling and slicing, as she plopped down on a stool.
“How's my favorite customer doin'?”
Folding her arms onto the edge of the cart, she laided her head on top of them. “Fine.”
As you put the final piece of fruit in the bowl you sighed in a exaggerated way. “To bad. I suppose I could trade this bowl of fresh fruit for a bit more information.”
She perked up at the offer, but raised her eyebrows in suspicion. “How much do I have to tell you?”
With a shrug you said. “Enough to make you get it off your chest.” Then you stuck out your hand. “Deal?”
A smile spread across her face and she shook your hand. “Now give up the fruit.”
Chortling at her demand, you slid the bowl to her. Then listen to her complain about her dad. You could see both sides of the argument. A kid that wanted to make her father proud. On the other hand a dad trying to keep his daughter safe. It was a tricky situation to say the least.
“I can’t stand when he treats me like a kid. When is he gonna take me seriously.” Her eyes began to water again.
Leaning forward you put a hand on her head, ruffling her hair. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but he just wants to protect you." She gave you a hard look, still you continued. “That being said, you should always know that you’re welcome here.”
Her grin returned, only to dampen. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
Putting a hand on your hip, you smiled brightly. “Of course I am. You can make up when you get back home.” Wiping down the cart top, you put away the last of your wares.
Shaking her head feverishly, she stayed glued to the stool. “Nuh uh, I’d rather sleep on the streets tonight.”
Bitting your lip, you thought through the options. Only one solution seemed the way to go. “I can’t let you sleep in a random ally. Come on, were going to have a sleepover.”
Jumping up, she helped you finish packing up and push your cart home.
He paced behind his desk, eyes occasionally darting between the door and window. Where could she be, it's getting late. The door opened, only for Sevika to walk through.
Her eyes looked over him and she scoffed. “She's still not back.”
He grumbled under his breath. “No, obviously not.”
Rolling her eyes at the boss’ mood, she nodded her head towards the window. “I'll go look for her, anything to calm you down.” Going back through the door she barely caught his last comment.
“As you should.”
She could hear the worry bubbling up, so she let it slide.
Bring a spare blanket and pillow to the couch, you set up a temporary bed. As Jinx skipped towards you, you gave her a mock glare. “Did you brush your teeth?”
She nodded with a frown. “The paste tasted weirded.” Then jumped onto the couch.
Tucking her under the blanket you laughed. “Sorry I only have mint. Now off to bed, need to rest up if you want to help me with the cart tomorrow.” This got her to settle down quickly. Brushing a bit of hair, that wouldn't fit into the braids you gave her, you turned off the lights.
Doing your own nightly routine, you were bombarded by thoughts of the girl lying on your couch. You tried to look after anyone that needed it, but Jinx was a special case. She had been through so much tragedy in her young life. She also had a habit of clinging to you after a fight with her father.
A sudden knock at your door startled you from your pondering. Waiting a moment, hoping it was someone at the wrong place. But as another louder knock sounded, you made your way over to the door.
Sevika grunted in annoyance and glare into the distance. It didn't take long, after asking around, to find out where the brat had gone. A food cart that hangs around the brothel. The only problem was no one would tell her where you lived. How was she supposed to question you if nobody would give up your location.
After more time than she would like to admit, someone spilled the info. It was a useless little welp that often gets thrown out of the brothel for wanting free services. He called you a stuck up bitch, because you wouldn't give him the time of day. So he was all to happy to direct her to your home.
Now that she was in front of your door, she hoped this would be simple from here on out.
Though when the door opened it wasn't at all what she expected. There you stood plump and with prominent laugh lines on your face. You looked all of a motherly type. So the frown on your face as you stared at her seemed out of place on you.
“Can I help you?”
She glanced past you and her eyes widen as she spotted the girl. Pointed her out, she said. “I'm here for her.” Seeing you block her view, by closing the door a bit, she added. “Bosses orders.”
Narrowing your eyes at her, you flashed a look over at the kid. Stepping outside of the doorway, you quietly closed the door behind you. “I'm not sure who your boss is, but I can make a guess.” You placed your hands on your hips as an exasperated expression sat on your face. “Look she's already asleep and doesn't want to go home. Do you really want to carry her back kicking and screaming.”
She cringed at the thought, the brat was bad enough in a good mood. Giving you another once over, she thought back on her search for you. Not one person had a bad thing to say about you. Plus if the brat was comfortable staying with you, what was the harm.
“Tell you what, my cart is set up at the brothel. Why don't you let her father know that he can pick her up to his leisure there tomorrow. I'm sure the gesture would make a better impression on her than dragging her home.”
You made a good point. So with a shrug and a smirk she said. “I'll let him know the situation. But I can't guarantee that I won't be sent back to kick in your front door.”
Putting your hands up in a sign of peace you shook your head. “No need, if he insisted I'll let you in. I just think him picking her up would mean a lot. Be it tonight or tomorrow.”
With a nod she starts making her way back to Silco. Only to stop after a few steps and turn back to you. “You know you have quite the reputation around here. Made it more of a challenge than I would have liked to find you."
This caused a sheepish smile to settle on your lips. “It helps when you can provide a hot meal.”
Her smirk deepened. “Maybe"
When she got back to the office he was half asleep in his chair. Slamming the door shut, she quietly snickered as he jump in his seat.
“Wha.” He scanned the room and glared as his eyes landed on her.
She couldn't help but noticed how the look fit much better on him than you. “I found Jinx.”
Glancing around her, his visage swapped to one of confusion. “Well, where the hell is she.” He gestured about her and grew more agitated.
Folding her arms across her chest she slid onto the chair before the desk. “With a food vendor that sets up shop in front of the brothel.”
Rubbing his temples, he tried to kept his temper in check. “And you didn't bring her back because?”
“The woman made to many good points.” She then launch into a recap of her conversation with you.
As the explanation was given, he couldn't help but agreed with you on most points. What he didn't like was you not giving him his daughter. How dare you keep what belongs to him, even if it was for only a night. He could tell by the way that Sevika spoke of you, it seemed you had garnered her respect. Which was a hard won thing to achieve. “Do you agree with her?”
This caused her to pause. Then realize that even if it wasn't what he wanted to hear, the truth was her answer. “Yes, she has the trust of the common folk and Jinx. Trying to disrupt either could result in negative backlash.”
He had to consciously unclenched his jaw. It was a thought out and comprehensive analysis. But not what he wanted to consider. “I suppose that given the situation, a little time apart could do us some good. Does she seem of the trustworthy sort.” His scrutinizing gaze rested firmly on her. Taking in any body language that may betray her thoughts.
“In all honesty, I didn't hear a single bad thing about her. Except that waste Mitch, but his opinion matters as much as a sewer rat's. It's like she's made herself a positive facet in the tunnels of the Undercity.” Placing her hands on the arm rest she leaned forward. “She might even be able to help with getting through Jinx's teenage years. Having some one she can confided in that's outside of the family business. Someone that you could keep in your back pocket for times such as these.”
The suggestion made his hackles fully lower. That could be a great boon in helping keep his daughter in line. For the first time that night he smiled. “Yes, it may be the right moment for me to meet this vendor. I will be freeing up tomorrow morning to gather Jinx from this woman.”
Nodding she had to restrain herself from smirking. She had a feeling that this meeting would be an entertaining event, to say the least.
He walked down the street with his usual swagger. The past couple of years had his reputation skyrocketing. Taking shimmer from a small lab to a large scale production had made him a respected yet feared person.
Still it seemed there were people like you. People who weren't under the thrall of his power. So to say he was taken aback at seeing you for the first time, would be an understatement.
Your cart was homey and decorated with many personal touches. There were a few plants hanging about the canopy. Odd sizes of seating set up in front of a bench attached to the cook top. Jinx was next to you, listening to you give her patient instructions.
Then there was you. Comfortable casual clothing clung to your plump body in an alluring manner. Your cheeks were flush with effort as you mixed together a bowl of ingredients. A beaming smile made him glance away, for fear your brightened expression would blind him.
He pauses and took a moment to gather himself. This was not at all the type of senerio he saw himself stepping into.
You noticed movement not to far from your cart and glanced towards it. It wasn't hard to realize it was Silco, Jinx's father. The marred eye was his biggest giveaway. Still you couldn't help taking in his lithe figure and handsome angular features. You had no idea that such a tantalizing treat was scouring the Undercity, right under your nose too.
It was a few moments later that he heard his daughter call him over. Putting on his best face he made his way over to the pair. “Hello Jinx, how pleasant to see you this morning.” He was hoping the jab would be understood.
She looked up at him with excitement as she flipped the cooking batter. “Hi, can you believe how good this smells. I've never had breakfast from here.” She turn her attention back to the cook top and continued flipping.
“Well thank you honey. I'm glad that you feel that way." Facing him you nodded your head at the seats. “Take a seat, it won't be long before it's ready.”
He was grateful for the invitation. She was right about the smell, it was heavenly. “I believe I will take you up on that. My daughter didn't give you to much trouble, did she?”
Shaking your head with a chuckle, you began to plate up some fresh fruit and hot cakes. “Not at all. If anything she's been a great help. Didn't even complain about waking early to set up the cart.”
She perked up and jumped onto the seat next to him. “Yeah, we were out here before the morning rush. You should have seen all the people that came by.” She began shoving food in by the shovelful.
Noticing a plate had also been slid in front of him, he took a bite. It was delicious, the pairing of the lightly dressed fruit and warm pillowy cakes. He hadn't enjoyed a meal this much in a long time. Finishing the dish faster than he would have liked to admit, he couldn't keep his gaze from you.
You moved with such practiced precision behind the cook top. The way you wielded your knife made him believe you could transition into a proper assassin easily. But as he looked over at his daughter, smiling and chatting with you. He knew that you were in a better postition here.
Finishing the delectable dish he brushed away any debris from himself. “Thank you for the fabulous food. But I think it's time we be on our way.” He stood, then turned to Jinx. She was disappointed, though she followed his lead.
Smiling at the duo you held out a container filled to the brim with various items. “Here's something for the road. And I don't want either of you to hesitate to come back either.” Winking at the pair, your smile widened at the happiness on the kid’s face.
Nodding at you, he hoped his expression didn’t show how flustered he was. You were stirring feeling in him that he hadn’t felt in quite some time. “We will have to do this again then, Mrs….”
A more alluring cast settled on your face. Full attention landing on him you said. “Actually it's Miss (Y/N).” Holding out your hand, you gave his a healthy lingering shake.
Keeping a calm appearance he released your hand. “A pleasure, until next time.” Walking away with Jynx, as she called out her goodbyes. He couldn't help glancing back. Only to be shocked at your eyes raking over his own figure. Your gaze met after a few moments and you gave him a heated look. The spell broke as his daughter yanked him forward, going on about how much fun she had with you. It had him thinking about all the fun times that you and he could have together. But that would come in time. For now he would enjoy you through the stories Jinx were telling.
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Arcane Masterlist
Updated: 03/29/2023
Angst: 🥺
Fluff: 💫
Smut: 🔥
male! reader: 💙
fem! reader: 💕
gn! reader:💜
other reader: ⚡
Arcane Taglist: No one yet
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Observant (might be a series later who knows 🤷) 💫💜
The river meeting the ocean ❣💜
Tick Tock ❣💕
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takalzuoom · 2 years
I know I just sent one in, but I couldn’t help but send another, but you don’t have to write it if you don’t want to. How about Viktor and Silco and Jinx with a very short s/o who’s insecure about their height?? And hates to be made to feel small? Thanks for your time 😊
Okay okay okay- part 2
Hey! Thank you for waiting for requesting! And I’m so sorry for the wait as well!
Originally in my post, I said I write only for Viktor, but since I’m not doing your other ask ( i have no idea how to write it, I’m so sorry😭) So I’ll also include Slico this time!
im so sorry if this sucks i’m literally writing this at 3 am💀
highkey don’t like how this came out 😐
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“Yes my love”
“Did you do this?” You pointed to your lost object, that sat upon a shelf- all other objects pushed aside as a golden beacon shone through and on it.
Will use his cane to keep things away from you- he’s not helpless after all
But he pretends to be🙀
“Y/n, my leg is hurting, can you get me my blueprints?”
“… no. “
“But darling-“ 😿
“I know you're leg ain’t hurting because you went on a coffee trip five. minutes. ago!” You glare at him
“… carrying coffee is well- lots of work for someone like me”
OKAY OKAY- I have no idea how tall he is, as there's no official measurement of his height. But lots of people say 5’10 so I agree. Almost 6’0 king 😻
But due to his cane, he’s slouched over a bit so it saves you some grief. But when he really wants to piss you off he’ll stand at full height.
Sees you reaching for something, goes to grab it but at the last minute, he grabs the item next to it.
“Oh I’m sorry, did you need something?”
You like to compare him to a tree. He calls you his little mushroom. Very cute. Very domestic, he thinks. Sometimes ignoring your glowering face and sometimes telling you ‘he was just joking and didn't mean it’
When you're both at work, you both dance around each other so easily? You usually deal with the bottom stuff while he does the higher things, and when one of you has to grab something the other moves precisely, mindlessly at that that Jayce would just wonder if you two were somehow telepathic
though sometimes you’ll try to reach the higher parts, proving him that you’re not useless and that you can do it yourself
You don't even notice it until Jayce comments about it, which you immediately give him a face of disgust as you detach yourself from the situation immediately
As I’m writing this part I’m thinking of the scene in monster university, the one with mike and sully in their dorm room after they become friends
I do see you getting pissed off enough to tell him off, having a one-sided argument as you storm away from
He tones down on the teasing once you tell him you hate it.
And now that Viktor knows about your distaste for the height difference. So he refrains from giving you back hugs at full height, opting to instead pull you by his cane and hug your waist whilst sitting down
Though you take notice of his longing looks, over time pricing 4 and 4 together as you feel slightly guilty- yet thankful for giving you space
But on a practically hard day, you decide, just this once, you’ll indulge him. Dragging him up by his hands, pulling him up. You hug him first, as his arms slowly wrap around yours.
He feels the soft smile in his skin, as he sighs, feeling the day catch up on him as he relaxes into your hold. His hand in your hair, keeping you in place as he relishes your company
I see him as someone who’d purposely put things on the highest shelf just to see you jump for it 😭
Like it makes his day- a deal went bad? Suddenly an object you’ve been looking for is on the top shelf in his office-
Won't help you- even if you give him glances- pride too much to outright ask him for help, he’ll just ask if you need something.
“Slico… I’m going to kill you the most painful way i can think of”
“Darling you make me blush’
Uses you as an armrest 😭 though you have to constantly smack him off as you tell him to go fuck himself
He laughs, doing it again just to get a reaction out of you
He’s not the tallest nor the shortest standing at 5’9 but he’s taller than you so that’s all that matters 😎
If you tell him about your distaste about all the nagging and teasing- he’ll only tease you some more, egg you on as he gets some joy out of your frustrated look
Though when you start flinching away from him, ignoring him he’ll start to consider it
Well, more like he's forced to as:
1. He's gonna need more men
2. You don't like how Jinx is looking at you 😟
So like what he does best, he makes a deal with you- stops teasing you… a bit, but, only if you sit in his lap… when people are there 🧍 especially Finn
Just saying It’s easy for you to fit in his lap so pest to be there when he either wants your company and has too much paperwork- or wants to pull a power move on the annoying bugger
Doesn’t appreciate your grumbles and fidgeting self. The way you were trying to get out of his lap was annoying him as he didn't like Finn’s snickers
For that, he’ll tease you extra hard, which results in an argument. Which resorts in explosions and mass destruction caused by jinx cause seeing you two fight is… stressful 😺
He will have you on his lap, though sometimes listening to your annoying complaints, rolling his eyes as you stormed away
Though sometimes you’d humor him when he asks for injections. Slico musing that the only good place to do it ‘properly’ is in his lap
“Stop smirking, you're pissing me off”
You can only do this when Jinx is away- cause if she walks into you stealing her job, she’ll lose her shit 😻
Doesn’t care if you flick him or curse him out, he’ll eat it up, making some shameless comment about the whole situation.
Please go into his office, draped in covers as he’s burning the midnight oil. Ask him in sleep riddled voice to ‘join you in bed for some cuddles’ and (if you’ve been a thing long enough) he’ll melt and either cave in, or tell you to sit (on his lap)
He knows that you only pull that card once in a blue moon, so he’ll either finish up that last of his paperwork or stop what he's doing and save it for tomorrow
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juxl25 · 2 years
Arcane x drunk reader hc
Sevika, vander, jinx, vi, caitlyn, viktor, jayce, silco, Mel, ekko
A/N I will make a part 2 for this eventually! So let me know what character you want to see in it :D
Thinks you being drunk is the funniest thing ever
Mind you, she got you drunk in the first place just to see you like this
She will keep a close eye on you so you don’t end up getting hurt but apart from that she won’t parent you to much
But will stop you drinking when I gets to much
At the end of the night she will carry you home and put you to bed
Making sure you have water and meds for the upcoming hang over
You probably got drunk from all the free drink you get, cause your bf/husband/sneaky link runs the bar
Will let you get tips but not to drunk as he doesn’t want you to get hurt or cause some other issues
After the bar is closed tho he will drink with you
Drunk dancing around the bar
Will hold your hair out of your face if u end up vomiting
Honestly will be the best bar buddy
You both get wasted and starting sing round the bar
Your both banned for 99% of bars in the under city and piltover
She will keep her arms around you all night and just spin you
Both somehow end up unconscious on silcos desk
You both make fun of each other when your suffering from a hang over
She will let you get absolutely wasted but she won’t drink to much
Will keep you safe while you drink, wether that be by watching your drink or making sure no one can hurt you in anyway
Will sing karaoke with you
Body shots off each other
Will help you get cleaned up and reader for bed after you get back
Will hold your hair back if you need to puke
Will take you to a nice bar in piltover
She will buy you any drink you want
She only drinks fruity cocktails or just fruity drinks in general
Wont let you get to drunk
But if you do get to drunk she will try and get you home but will fail and call vi to help
Will close the last drop so you can drink in piece
He has a bed ready and waiting for you so you can get totally smashed
He will only drink whiskey on the rocks
You get all your drink for free
Have your favourite songs blasting all night
Drinking party for two
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a-gal-with-taste · 2 years
Alt. Timer (Part 1)
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Summary: (Standalone) Alternative Ending to Timer Pt 1., in which there is no near-miss, and shared timers are allowed to reach zero.
Wordcount: 2.4K
Pairing: Silco x GN!Reader (Soulmate!AU)
WARNINGS: SFW Angsty, language, hurt/comfort, violence and descriptions of blood, injuries and eye-trauma.
"Watch it! This way's closed, piss off-!" You're turning and running back the way you came before he can even finish his bark of an order. Annoyed at the gall of the man, you snarl right back at him over your shoulder, something that sounds vaguely like a curse. You catch a glimpse of your wrist as you dip back onto the main street, a quick glance to either side as you mentally map out the next nearest shortcut, before resigning yourself to take the longer-way around to the docks, but you feel only exhilaration at the trek ahead of you.
Because it's two minutes.
Two minutes.
Thunder cracking overhead along with the sounds of shouting as you approach the bay. You worry you're going to utterly bowl over your missing-half, and subconsciously slow from a flight to a sprint, then down to a more casual fast-jog, but you just aren't thinking as you jump over a crate, weave around another corner, you can't even look at your wrist now, even though you must be so close-
Then, you slam into a figure running at a speed that makes your prior streak through the streets of the underground look like a pleasant stroll.
Soaking wet, reeking of blood and the docks. The toxic scent of the water immediately clogs your nose. You would gag at the chokehold it has on your senses, if the force of impact didn't send the two of you falling back, at the same instant that sound cuts out entirely for you both. All other senses are cut out as you tumble back with them, back into the alleyway you had been racing through, as... something clicks into place, and it takes you an eternity, and an single instant, to realize what it is.
If your cranium hits something, you never feel it. If a knee crashes against the ground, you don't process the hardness beneath, or the jarring pain racing through your spine as you fall to the ground, either. As the two of you finally come to a sprawled, tangled mess, the only sensation breaking though the thick silence that had suddenly cloaked in the minds between the two of you, is a faint sound of rhythmic ticking.
Not a heartbeat, not breathing, but the one sound you somehow knew had been there your entire lives, and you're only allowed to be hearing now...
Then a bloodied knife hits the ground with a loud clatter, from where it went flying on impact, and that perfect moment of that peaceful near-silence is broken by a loud, wretched screech as the man collapsed around you begins to yanks and tear in the effort to remove you off of him, or him off of you. "Hey, hey, wait-!" A loud yell of pain escapes through your lips as clawed hands drag over your skin, dig as they go to try and pull you away. Gritting your teeth, you throw yourself up with your own grabbing hands.
The man clearly is a fighter. You feel wiry, but iron-tense muscles under skin, and even in this feral state of him trying to get as far away as possible, each blow he manages to yield is direct, and meant to devastate.
At least, it would, if he didn't currently have the strength of a half-drowned rat.
Which, fortunately he does, so you're able to grab at those cloying forearms and brace him back, dragging him back into to the wall before, instinctively, you release one arm to brace around him to soften any further impact as you press his trembling body against the wall with your own.
His body still collides with a faint bang against the building, and it's overshadowed by the high-pitched, ragged shadow of a scream, barely louder than a whimper but somehow thrice as fierce, that sounds from him as fight evaporates off him instantly. And you're left swearing and trying to keep him upright, and yourself, as his legs give out.
Clinging both arms around him, you're left squatting with his head lolling forward against your shoulder, every torturous, rasping breath scrapping past your ear as his chest heaves against yours.
"I... it's okay," You attempt to find your voice, and let it be heard over his wretched breaths, and you think you fail. Then, after a beat, you feel him freeze, even his rapid rising and falling of his chest stilling in his hysterical panting, while you lick your lips, trying to be louder. "You're okay, i-its just... me, I-"
You blink at the sound, that's akin like it's being dragged through broken glass, then tossed into lake full of even more shards, but its still a voice and it's attempting to form a word. "What?"
"... go..."
As...as in a dismissal?
Something snaps tight in your chest, and you fight back your own rasping as you gawk in astonishment, hurt and a bit appalled, as you go to pull away from him, feeling as though struck-
But then those lifeless arms are reborn the moment you go and begin to loosen your grip, and you're not afraid to admit that you let out a startled squeak as his arms lock around you like a vice, a strangled hiss as he presses his mouth directly against your ear to get every attempted-syllable out in one last, final bid:
"We need to go."
And with that there's a howl, human but mad, in the air. It's pained, angered, deadly and close. Those arms around you lock on tighter, in no shortage of terror and bracing for an inevitable you aren't aware of. No, you don't fully understand the situation, but still automatically find yourself accepting the role of being the strength that quickly brings the two of you rising back up again, nonetheless. Suddenly finding yourself agreeing that, yes. The two of you absolutely needed to leave right now.
The strength he had in his arms to lock you in place, is gone almost immediately after he finds his footing and slips a near-lifeless arm through the crook of your elbow as you take lead, but that missing energy must transfer directly to his legs, as both of you somehow manage to match in speed as you twist around back through the alley, and race through the Undercity.
At one point, you let out a wordless sound of protest and concern as he suddenly yanks himself away when together, you pass outside a shop. But he's returning to your side almost immediately, pressing close enough for you to feel every shuddering passage of air that makes it through tight, pounding lungs as the two of you run and run-
You honestly don't know how you both have the strength to keep going. Perhaps it's a side-effect of having found one another, but you never know, and you don't have the time to relish in the euphoria, the confusion or any emotion you'd thought you'd have at the moment of this fated union. Every time you blink, it seems you're racing through a new part of the city; everything constantly changing, except his presence beside remains, solid and unwavering, in your fleeing.
A blink, and you make another turn into yet another endless alley.
A blink, as you ignore insults and curses as you twist though a community of vagrants.
Another blink, and now... it's a building.
Dilapidated, with rot and dust clinging in the air, but for the first time since you stepped out on the streets (and eternity ago, surely? It feels like it, waking up this morning feels like a entire millennia ago...) you're not actively being soaked, you're not running, and you are utterly immobile against someone's arms.
Well, it's mostly immobility out of your own volition, as your body comes back to full awareness with aches, sores and bruises that'll surely last days. Price for the collision, and judging by the pulsating cramps you already feel racing up and down your legs, you also did your body no favors with the two rounds of extended sprinting you did today.
Pulling thoughts out of your own body, you start to familiarize yourself with the one around you. It hasn't changed, the barely-there arm that flopped onto your waist and hasn't moved. You still hear the rasping, stifling attempt to return to normal breathing, where apparently all the strength left in his body is going to, as you feel the chest you rest against still jerking with every deep, long inhale he manages to pull in.
You could probably send the grip around you halfway across the floor with a push of a hand, a finger, but instead you bite down your own groan of agony back as you work out muscles to move again, one hand creeping up to, gently as you could, tap your finger twice in his chest for his attention.
There's still flinch, like he'd just been stabbed, two times.
"Sorry." You swallow thickly, your throat making up in the dryness the rest of your soaked body doesn't possess. You still feel the rain clinging to you, oddly warm from where it had oozed down, some of it speckled on your cheek as you inhaled a hiss, carefully raising yourself up. "Sorry, I just-"
Suddenly, as you raised your head to look up at your other half for the first time, you found out why the rain had felt so warm.
You also found out that it was not in fact rain, and the cloth he had managed to snag from the shop during your dash of an escape, was dripping down onto you with the blood that coated the entire right side of his face. The loud, incredibly explicit exclamation you made at the sight was enough to once more make the otherwise-prone man flinch violently, but the moment your fingers touched his face, he once more came alive as if electrified.
"St-...hey, seriously, stop!" His attempts to throw or push you away was, again, fueled by a sort of hysteria and not actual strength in his state, and you quickly dodged another clawed hand trying to push you away to grip his shoulders. You almost recoiled at how hot his skin felt, fever already rising through under the layers of fabric, but forced your grip to stay, speaking urgently with a rasp of your own. "You are bleeding everywhere, I just want to help you... Gods, why didn't you say anything-!?"
You cut yourself off, and blinked. This was the first time you had taken him at face-value, you realized. The blood had been the first thing of note, of course, but your eyes roved over the arched nose, drenched dark strands of hair spilling everywhere...
Then you saw how he had turned away to press his injured side into the ground, jaw tight as a bowstring with how he was gritting his teeth, prepared for a blow. Finally, your eyes dropped to the large, purpling marks on his pale throat and your fingers snatched back as if burned.
"... hey." You were trying to be softer now, even as you are fighting back nausea at what you were seeing as you, slowly but determined, brushed your fingertips to his cheekbones. Something panged inside you at his wince, but your voice managed through, "Can you look at me?" A beat, then as gently as you can manage even with your voice cracking: "Please?"
In any other scenario, you would be thrilled as you finally got to see that green you'd had glow under your skin your entire life. Now though, as it glares at you half-dazed, half-resigned, and half-accusing, like he was waiting for the blow, Gods..., a part of you has to struggle not to turn away from the hooded eye of your other-half, boring into yours.
"I just want to help you," You breath as you look down at him, swallow thickly as you continue. "... please trust me in the fact that I want to make sure you're alright-" You're cut off by the thin, wisp of a noise beneath you, and you realize it's a laugh at your mention of having trust.
You take another breath; you force yourself not to gag at the stench of blood reeking around you. Before reaching down and pulling his limp-arm up, turning to hold the wrist over his face. "Look," You point a shaking finger at the numbers, in your color, on his wrist. His green flicks to it, back to your before slowly sliding back over to it. "...something out there put us together, okay? I don't know what that means for you, if it means anything to you, but you being connected to me means something. So please, just trust me to fucking help you."
Seafoam has slid back over to to your eyes during your shaky speech. It's fixated on you for a long moment when you finally stop, before slipping shut, dark marks rippling at his throat as he swallows a harsh breath before going still.
You fear he's finally lost consciousness. It's no relief when he merely turns his wrist into your hand, now gripping onto you like a lifeline, before he flops his head in the other directly, giving you access to the blood coating his face.
There's no relief from the action, but, now one-handed, you somehow manage your fingers to pull the cloth away, and keep stable as you do your work. You swallow back retching as the hot, sticky fluid quickly coats your hand, even as you pull away to catch the flowing rain-water that drips from holes in the ruined ceiling above, to pour over the wound and try to clean the area to work where it's needed the most. (Nails dig into your hand as you pull away, quickly earning your assuring whisper, "I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere, I promise...")
Somehow, you manage. Somehow, while the blood still runs, it's slowed as you press the rain-washed folded cloth over the worst of what his red-eye has become. You let out a breath, still holding his hand... before immediately slumping down back onto his chest, face pressed against his shoulder as you feel exhaustion, in every form, run through your being.
"We'll... get it... better later..." You mumble tiredly against him, emotions and the ability to form proper sentences fading as you mind gracefully begins to shut down. Your soulmate doesn't answer, and as darkness begins to ebb at your vision, you imagine, hope, that he's passing out as well, free from... whatever kind of ordeal he's been through, at least through the temporary peace of darkness.
Your eyes mercifully slip close, overwhelmed mind going blank to the sensation of a thumb slowly, repeatingly rubbing along your wrist, smoothing over numbers you both share.
Now together, seafoam, red and black steadily continue to count upwards along your skin...
…marking the time you and him, are together. 
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veethewriter · 2 years
Arcane Master list!
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Caitlyn with a chubby reader that she saves from trouble: here
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hex-fics · 2 years
To The Wolves: Chapter Two
AN: Hey all! Once again this is a Silco x reader with light Vander x reader. First chapter is up on my page as well. No major content warnings for this chapter other then mentions of injuries. Also I promise character inconsistencies will be explained eventually.
Chapter one
When you opened your eyes the next morning there was a part of you that hoped that somehow it was all a terrible dream. However it was too difficult to ignore the throbbing in your head and ribs.
Softly you bring a hand to your head to check on the damage.
“The Doctor says you likely have a concussion.”
Your eyes shot open at the words. The man from last night sitting across the room on one of the cleaner chairs. You recognized your location as the kids rooms below the bar. His elbows resting on the arms.
Slowly you begin to sit up slowly wincing as you do.
“Bruised ribs too, but overall you’re lucky it wasn’t worse.”
You put your elbows on your knees and hold your head, “wish it felt that way.”
The man just continues to stare at you.
You finally have the opportunity to look at him clearly. His face was partially scarred, his eye on that side a dark black with a burning iris. His other eye, blue or green, you cant quite tell in this lighting. His dark hair is slicked back and his features are sharp.
He’s actually rather handsome.
“Where’s Powder?” you ask trying to ignore that last thought.
He shakes his head slightly, “she’s asked that we no longer refer to her as Powder.”
“She felt that with the abandonment of Vander and sister she should abandon the name as well.”
“Vi still isn’t back?”
He shook his head.
“I have to go look for her,” you say, rushing to your feet.
Your body had other plans.
As quickly as you shot up your head seemed to flood with pain, the vision at the side of your eyes blurring. You started to fall forward when you were grabbed.
The man had managed to anticipate your fall and grabbed you before you hit the ground.
His arms were wrapped around your back and he slowly lowered you back down to the couch speaking in your ear as he did.
“Easy dear.”
“No you don’t understand, Vi would never leave Powder not for anything.”
“All I know if they were seen boarding a ship last night.”
“This doesn’t make any sense.”
“Betrayal rarely does.”
You can feel tears forming in your eyes at that one. Because there is one thing in this world that you know. Vi would not leave Powder unless she was forced to.
Unless Vander had forced her to
You wipe your eyes quickly and take a breath,” I never thanked you.”
He raises an eyebrow at that, “For?”
“For saving-” you pause, realizing that you didn't know Powder's new name yet, “for saving us. Last night.”
His expression becomes unreadable for a moment before he speaks, “Jinx tells me that in addition to bartending that you are a friend to her.”
You can remember all the times Mylo had said the biting word to Powder. You wish you could have done more to stop him but it seems as though it's too late now.
“I am a friend to her.”
“Well in that case you’re welcome to stay on in your former position.”
“I'm sorry I don’t think I understand.”
“I’ll be taking over The Last Drop.”
Every time he opens his mouth Vander seems further away. He wouldn’t leave his children or The Last Drop to just be taken.
You begin to wonder if you ever knew him at all.
But right now the only thing that matters is Pow- Jinx. Jinx is all that matters. Even if Vi is gone, she asked you to take care of her sister. And you get the sense that this man would not be letting go of Jinx easily.
Given the way he was looking at you. You’re not sure he’s eager to let go of you either.
“That is very generous of you. Thank you, sir.”
He grins at you.
“Call me Silco.”
With that he walks out of the basement.
When you manage to leave the basement you were greeted by a small figure slamming into your side and squeezing.
You try not to show the pain in your voice.
“Hey Jinx.”
She doesn’t look at you. Just kept holding onto your side.
You managed to pull her away from you so you could kneel down to her level. She had tears in her eyes and it wasn’t hard to tell she was trying not to make any sound, almost holding her breath.
You cup her cheeks with your hands and try to smile,”whats up little one?”
“I’m sorry,” she sobbed.
You wipe a tear away with your thumb,”there’s nothing to be sorry about.”
She collapsed into your chest again sobbing.
You pick her up as gently as your can manage and carry her to the bar, placing her on one of the stools before heading behind it.
Your grab two cups of water (hers in her special cup of course) and take the seat next to her. You begin to rub her back softly as she continues to cry quietly.
She finally looks at you, “please don’t leave.”
You just smile and hold out your pinky finger.
A small smile breaks out on her face as she wraps her own finger around yours.
“Never,” you promise.
For the second time today Jinx tackles you into a hug.
Both of you unaware of the eyes watching you from the top of the stairs.
Chapter Three
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enforcer55 · 2 years
A/N: did I really write down mad plot for this just I could post it on tumblr? Yes,yes I did. This is planned to be a series. I’m still working on how this will go but it’s going well to say the least.
**what to expect during this series:**What you should expect during this series is dark themes. Such as,Mild incest,Rape, sexual content,violent content, pedophilia,underage sex,drinking,past abuse,homophobia and transphobia. By reading this series you are consenting to read this and it’s contents. If you would rather stay on the fluffy side of things I suggest you move on. Because this series not be the one for you. Of course reader will have some fluffy moments with the characters but the series is most likely on the dark side of things and how it effects people. To put it simply,it’s slow burn angst. It may be fluffy as it starts but it gets darker as we move on.
I will also be focusing on the reader’s/main character’s character development as the story continues.
The POV will switch to time but it will be mainly third person and second person. I can’t see my self writing first person at all.
***what will be the ships during this story?:***the ships will be.
(Jinx x reader) (Vi x reader) (Caitlyn x vi) (Caitlyn x reader) (slight sevika x reader *mainly one sided*) (Vi x Caitlyn x reader)
Yes,it may be weird for jinx to be shipped with the reader since the reader is based off of slico,but it will make more and more sense as we go on with the series.
**what is this story really about?:**the reader’s upcoming and how they change from their past.
**What will the reader’s pronouns be?: **at first I was thinking of making it she/her but that would make other readers you don’t go by those pronouns uncomfortable. So
The pronouns will be switch between They/them and he/him. But that would be a hassle to type,so the pronouns are he/they.
**What is the reader’s sexuality?:**The reader is hinted as pansexual and trans(FTM). The reader has shown some interest in girls as an child but it effectively changed while growing up.
**Could you expect an happy ending during this series?:**Its not going to be an happy ending,but not an bad ending either.
**Is Vander going to be in this series?:**Its mainly going to start of as Vander and the readers childhood as the first few chapters. So yes,he is in the series,the childhood is just going to be very uncomfortable.
**is Vander going to die in this series:**No. I’m kinda following off the arcane’s plot but that doesn’t mean I can’t make my own. So no,Vander is not going to die.
That’s all the questions I can think you guys might think off. But If you have any questions please go ahead and ask.
-A/N end.
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biloveandyr · 2 years
No One Touches Silco's Pet
Chapter 2
Slico x TransMasc!Reader
Viktor x TransMasc!Reader
Warning: The first chapter is mild and only gets more NSFW in the future. (Must be 18+)
(I read somewhere that in the world of arcane they considered being gay as normal. So I wanted to write a story in which being trans is just as normalized.)
Synopsis: Reader serves Silco in anyway he demands but after seeing what he is capable of the reader considers a different life, meeting Viktor in the process.
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The body is gone and the blood with it. Only the memory remains, a stain on your mind. You knew that this was the sort of thing Silco did, but you had never been in the room for it before.
The book at your side now felt so heavy it could pull you into the ground. Was this book worth a life?
All you wanted to do was go home and sink into your bed until you disappeared. But you knew on days you made trouble you always went home with Silco.
So for the rest of the day you sat in the corner of Silco's office as far away from his desk as you could get in the small room. You attempted to read the book you had spilled blood over but the finger marks that you knew were on your shoulder burned under your shirt with every passing word.
When it was time Silco stood from his desk and walk to the door. You clipped your book to your belt, damned if you were going to let it leave your side. Silco stretched his hand out to you, you took it leaving the building with him.
It was a quiet ride back to his place and you were glad for it. You didn't know what to say to him anyway. Everytime he shifted in his seat you could hear the gun shot that rang out this morning.
He took your hand again when leading you up to his room and you sat on the edge of the bed. He took off his vest and laid it on the chair next to the bed.
"You know, I am not mad at you" he said with a gavly tone that would suggest other wise.
You knew that Silco had a reputation and that anyone who spoke to him the way that the shop owner did would have been just as dead. But the stolen book and you being there made the target on his back that much bigger.
"I know" you said without meeting his eyes. But you of all people knew he was mad at you. He wants you all to himself. He wants to feed you, protect you, provide for you, and love you. But you have been trying so hard to hold onto any independence you can find.
He grips the bottom of your jaw making you look up at him. Almost as if he could read your mind he says "you're mine".
You swallow hard and continue to look into his mismatched eyes. "On your knees" Silco says leaving no room for argument. You slid off the bed, Silcos hand still holding your chin. "Open" he says and you obey. You open your mouth to allow his thumb in. He presses it gently to your tongue and you sucked on it.
His other hand caresses your face and you lean I to it. His touch does something to you, wakes a fire beneath your skin. It burns you in the most delicious way. Today was not a good day after all but now you just wanted to get lost in his touch.
He pulls his hand out of your mouth and takes a fist full of your hair. Silco undoes his belt with the other hand and then frees himself from the confines if his pants. He let's out a sigh at the sight of you on your knees below him.
"You are going to take all of this like a good boy, right?" You nodded opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out because you knew it drove him crazy. Silco gave a approving groan as he lowed himself to your open mouth.
His grip in your hair pulled in the best way and paired with the whines you were getting from his cock being in your mouth was enough to make the burning you felt inside scortch you everywhere. He hit the back of your throat and you just kept him there for a while giving him time to set the pace.
He took control soon after rocking his hips fucking moans from you that vibrated down his cock. Without pulling himself out of your mouth he pushed you against the end of the bed making you sit with your knees up and your hands holding you up.
Silco then pinned your arms to your side with his legs and pulled your head back by your hair. Your eyes went wide. "Your actions today can never happen again, you understand me?" You nodded the best you could with his hand still full of your hair.
"Good" he grouled and started pumping hard and fast into the back of your throat. It was almost to much the way he pulled your hair back with his hand and fucked your throat. He then slammed himself all the way in flush with your mouth and watched you gag. Your eyes began to water and you tried to pull your hands free from his vice grip.
"You will do as your told from now on, won't you?" You choked hard on his cock trying to give any kind of answer. But you were running out of oxygen and felt light headed. He finally let up giving you a moment to breath but keeping his cock in your mouth. "Your a good boy now, aren't you?" You nodded with tears fall down your face.
Nothing in the world existed but him. Silco and his touch consumed you and you let it devour you. He then picked up his pace hitting hard again in the back of your throat. You could take it this time letting him fill you like only you could. And then his thrusts became sloppy, teetering on the the edge. You moaned against his cock and that was all he needed to fall, spilling into the back of your throat. You took all of it without complaint and he pulled himself out.
He ran his thumb over your raw lips and leaned down to devour a kiss from them. Anything but gentle.
After he put himself back together he helped you take off your clothes and placed you in bed. You lay on top of him while he plays with your hair.
"I am sorry you had to see that today" his voice is soft and you can tell he means it. Silco isn't apologizing for killing the man, only that you had to see it. You only nuzzle your head into him as a response.
Within a couple of minutes Silco is sleeping his deep breathing the only sound in the room. You can't sleep from the days events so you grab Silco's coat and your book and climb out the window onto the roof. You open the pages with no desire to actually read them.
Silco isn't the best person but he keeps you safe. You have noone else in the world, but can you really live your life under his constant supervision? Being bought with food, money, and gifts? Is this really all life had to offer you?
Tears hit the pages before you knew you were crying. Today was not a good day. But there will be another one tomorrow.
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juxl25 · 2 years
Arcane x Reader request
Status: open/closed
A/N please read all of this so I don’t get requests I won’t write or that make me uncomfortable
Character I will write for:
What I’ll write:
Suggestive stuff
young! reader (like Young!vander x young!reader)
Character x reader x character
Things I won’t write:
Yandere/ stalker
Adult x child (unless it’s like parent role)
MxM (this is cause I’m not masc so I don’t think it’s write for me to write male!readers)
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biloveandyr · 2 years
No One Touches Silco's Pet
Chapter 4
Slico x TransMasc!Reader
Viktor x TransMasc!Reader
Warning: The first chapter is mild and only gets more NSFW in the future. (Must be 18+)
(I read somewhere that in the world of arcane they considered being gay as normal. So I wanted to write a story in which being trans is just as normalized.)
Synopsis: Reader serves Silco in anyway he demands but after seeing what he is capable of the reader considers a different life, meeting Viktor in the process.
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It was a hell of a time trying to get all the way to this dust bunnies lab. He did mention his name was 'Himmer-something' but your preferred dust bunny.
He did little in the way of helping but in his defense he was... well little. So you hopped multiple blocks taking brakes and even making a joke that if his lab wasn't close that he should just leave you to die.
But you eventually made it and fell with a huff into a very stiff couch. You weren't really conscious as the small man took stalk of your wounds. You hissed through your teeth when he applied alcohol to the cuts on your face but screamed when he set your leg with a brace.
Your body felt like it was on fire and you were sweating through your clothes.
"I am going to give you some morphine and a sedative. You need to get some rest." You didn't really have a choice. You couldn't fight him even if you wanted. But when the morphine spread you almost started crying at the relief. But next came the sedative and you were pulled under before you could thank the hairy man.
Viktors Perspective
It was unlike it for the professor to be out of his office, even this early in the morning. Viktor was eager to discuss a brake through he was having with the proffessor but no one had seen him this morning.
Viktor knew the only other place he could look was his lab.
He found the door closed when he reached the lab which usually meant that the professor wasn't in, but upon trying the door he found that it was unlocked. He stuck his head in announcing himself to avoid startling the professor, but with the clack of his cane whereever he went it was rarely necessary. Upon investigation he found the proffessor wasn't in.
Viktor thought that it was odd that the door was unlocked but thought the professor must had stepped out for food or something. He resinded himself to wait for the professors return when a small rustling sound caught his attention. It had come from the couch in the middle of the room  facing away from him. The little fluffy thing Himmer kept with him came to mind as the culprit, but he knew it never left his side.
Upon investigation he found a boy asleep laying on the velvet green couch. He had short (Y/H/C) hair and wore grimy clothes. He laid with his arms tight around his chest and his leg propped up in a brace. What stood out was his mangled face. Blood had covered his clothes and a giant bruise cover his eye and most of his face.
The fit-full way the boy slept was evident by his furrowed brow and shivering that was almostly shaking.
"Ahh! My boy!" A familiar shrill voice cut through the lab making Viktor jump. "You are just the person I wanted to see, I need your help" trailing after the proffessor was his pet that was never far behind. "I see you have met our subject" Himmer gestured to the couch now behind Viktor.
"Who is that?" Viktor asked a little bemused.
"He's some fellow from the under city I found him like that and offered my help"
"You picked up a stray" Viktor said slightly annoyed.
"What does that make you, Viktor?" The proffessor raised a brow in question.
Before he could come back with something that proved his situation was different both turned to the boy groaning on the couch.
He shifted, trying to get up whilst holding his head. Himmer approached "You mustn't get up yet, you need more rest"
His eyes opened to find Viktor staring back. Viktor could feel the boys eyes on him. First his eyes and then down his stim frame only stopping briefly on his cane.
The gravly voice of the boy was a raspy as he tried to speak. "No, I should really go."
"Go? My boy, you can't even stand!" Himmer said a little exacerbated.
He glances at his leg before swinging his feet off the couch and onto the floor, wincing with a sharp intake of breath. He purses his lips in an attempt to hide the pain. "I'll be fine, I made it here didn't I?"
Himmer tried again "You really need to take it easy. Walking on it now will only make it worse-"
"Proffessor if I may..." Viktor interrupted. Both of them looked to Viktor, the boy with a curious expression. "I may have something that will speed up the healing process, and in the meantime a crutch for you to use to get around."
It was hard for you to accept the kindness of these strangers but in the state you were in there was no other choice. It was maddening to go from a place were Silco owned you, and you had no choice but to take what you were given. To another situation where you had no choice but to to take what you were given. If you stayed you might never be free, aways in debt to another.
But a special medicine and a crutch sounded the the perfect beginning to your escape.
For some reason this offer was only available if you were moved to a different lab. Viktor didn't speak as he led you down to his lab, waiting patiently as you struggled to get used to the crutch he provided. The pain was immense as you hobbled down the hall. But still not as bad as the previous night.
The crutch looked much like the cane this man was using now, only with two holds instead of one. The top had to be adjusted to be shorter so your arm could fit over and your hand rest on the handle. You wonder if his was injured in a similar way, as the little dust bunny had mentioned how you two were similar.
It wasn't long until you arrived at a door that must had been his lab. He unlocked it and beckoned you inside. You weren't really fond of this man. It could be because he called you a stray when he thought you were asleep, or the fact that he seemed to dislike you just by looking at you. But you thought it was really the head strong way he held himself, like he was better then you.
You sat down in the nearest seat available and watched as he made a show of pulling out viles of liquid and pouring them into a single beacker. You let your eyes roam the large space landing on a book you recognized. You leaned over to pick it up realizing it was a copy of the book you had in your possession just yesterday.
"Don't touch anything" his voice sounded as a machine started up with a low buzz. You looked at him to see he hadn't even looked up from his work now spinning the liquid in its tube. You were frustrated but drew your hand back all the same.
Your attention snapped to a large piece of machinery. It looked like a hand, but the power supply was that of a Lazer. You spied the remote and without touching it gave it a once over. But you noticed that the batteries that conducted the electricity were rudimentary. The batteries would only allow for a short range connection and even so they were much to low voltage to keep a steady connection.
"You, uh, you're going to get someone hurt if you use these batteries."
He spun around looking absolutely furious. He looked down at the remote that you were pointing at.
"What is your name?" He demanded.
"It's, uh, Y/N" you stammered.
"Well, uh Y/N, I have a degree and a lab and  medicine that I am so kindly offering you so I would keep your uneducated options to yourself."
"What is your nam-"
"It's Viktor" he said shortly.
"Well Viktor, your back scratcher is to high voltage to be using these batteries."
He only scoffed and spun in his chair. Viktor turned back with the vile in hand.
"Take this and lay down there" he jestured to a couch. You took the vile down easily enough but did not move. You tried to meet his stare with the same amount of anger.
The side of Viktors lips turned up in a smirk. You wanted to prove to him that his machine would fail but words were hard to come by. Your head was heavy and you could feel yourself falling. Before you could hit the ground Viktor caught you. His arms snaked around your back and his chest rose to meet yours. Your head landed on his shoulder and you passed out.
Your fog was just starting to lift. The sharp pain you had felt earlier was more of a dull ache that covered your whole body like a blanket. Or it was a blanket. You were warm and felt safe under a soft fabric.
"This is what Jayce and I have been working on for the last few months." Viktors voice was clear and excited.
"We think this will be the future of Hextech" this voice you didn't recognize.
"We will see, Jayce. Progress takes time." This one you did recognize as the small hampster.
It was quite for a moment and then you could hear a buzzing sound. Himmer exclaimed and the smell of smoke was in the air.
"Wow that is quite remarkable!" Himmers shrill voice was loud over the buzzing.
When it stopped a voice came again, Jayce "Proffessor, we wish to unveil this invention at the progress day event."
"Well Jayce, I-" and the buzzing came again. I sharp gasp from everyone filled the room and then there was silence.
You couldn't help but chuckle. The whole room seemed to hear it because when you looked at the crowd formed in the middle of the room, they were all staring at you.
The look on Viktors face of panic made your smile dissolve.
"Well, uh, boys I think your work needs more time. It would be to dangerous to release your invention to the public, at this time."
Viktors shoulders fell and he looked defeated. Himmer made his exit and Jayce followed stammering over himself. The room was now quiet and Viktor had turn his back to lean on his desk. You sat up watching him. Viktor then cursed throwing up his hands up and tossing  paper in the air as a result. He then landed in his chair and put his head in his hands.
This must have been a big deal for him. You felt bad about the way you had talked to him earlier. You stood and walked over to Viktor. His back was hunched elbows on his desk and head in his hands.
You reached out and put a hand on his shoulder. He jumped taking in a sharp inhale. His hands came away from his face and you almost pulled your hand away in shock. But he composed himself quickly returning his hands to rest at his lips.
"You were right" You didn't say anything. Viktor continued. "I wanted it to work so badly that I over looked it's potential.. dangers." You gripped his shoulder in a reassuring gesture. You could feel his warmth through his shirt. He shifted his gaze to look at you from the corner of his eye. He looked curiously at you. "How is it that you knew about the batteries?"
You took your hand off his shoulder. "I like to read" You said simply. You reached over to grab the book that had caught your eye earlier in the day. Ignoring his later request not to touch anything, you held the book gingerly. Your eyes stayed on the book. "You know I was just trying to help. I have done something that resulted in someone..." You trailed off. You hopped he knew what you were trying to say. You wanted him to know that his mistake was nothing like the mistakes that you have made.
He gently slipped the book from your grasp and examined it. "You have read this?" He asked raising his eyebrows.
"No but I have read books like it. It was the book I had..."  that resulted in murder? When I killed someone? "Before I left the under city."
"You know, I am from the under city." Your mouth opened in silent question. He chuckled "I grew up there, as a cripple with no name." His gaze returned to the book and turned it over in his hands. "And professor Heimerdinder took me in when I had nothing, and gave me a new lif-" his paused stilling his hands.
You watched his consider something. You were about to ask what was wrong when he spoke. "Would you come work along side me?" This caught you off guard. He wanted to work with you? "At least help me with my projects...flaws" he added with a small grimace.
You weren't sure if he was asking out of pity or a genuine interest in working with you. Or if he was asking at all. You have spent your whole life doing what Silco told you to do you weren't sure how to recognize what choice looked like.
As if reading your thoughts he added "Of course you don't have to. You have a place here until you recover, and if you so choose to, a place to work after that" you stared for a long time into his eyes he seemed to be willing you to see his honest intentions.
But before you could reply jayce swung to door open with a loud crash. Making the both of you jump.
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biloveandyr · 2 years
No One Touches Silco's Pet
Slico x TransMasc!Reader
Viktor x TransMasc!Reader
Warning: The first chapter is mild and only gets more NSFW in the future. (Must be 18+)
(I read somewhere that in the world of arcane they considered being gay as normal. So I wanted to write a story in which being trans is just as normalized.)
Synopsis: Reader serves Silco in anyway he demands but after seeing what he is capable of the reader considers a different life, meeting Viktor in the process.
This is my first fanfic I have posted on here some for give the mistakes.
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Chapter 1
Today was a good day. Not everyday was good but this one was. You got up early to walk around in the cool morning air, early enough that noone was around to see you. You loved slipping in and out of the shadows, climbing on roof tops, and sneaking into buildings. Today your objective was the book store. You had last week's book strapped to your belt and a knife at your ankle. Not that anyone one would try and mess with you.
You were known as Silcos pet. People were terrified to look at you, but not because you were even remotely intimidating. You were thin and wirey, but not tall. Even though you were in your 20s most still mistook you for a teenager. No, people were scared to look at you because of Silco. If someone so much as touched you it would result in loss of life.
But that said you were free to go were you pleased. The security of your... postion yielded it's perks. Yet books were hard to come by in the under city not very many educated people were in these parts and those who wanted to still found it difficult to purchase such delicacies. But you preferred to borrow.
The run down building looked like it was sleeping just like everyone else at this hour. The shop owner often forgot the second story window open. Most would think that wasn't a big deal as it was on the second story and was no easy entrance, as was likely the thought of the book store owner. But you were very good at getting in and out of spaces.
The side of the building were dark not yet illuminated by the rising sun. You clicked the flashing on from your back pocket and put it in your mouth. This made it easier to wipe you hands on your pants and start climbing the pipes that run up the building. Your small frame was easy to haul up the wall and you had sure footing that did not fail you.
Once on the roof you stowed the flashlight and grabbed the rope you had stashed behind a vent box and threw it over the edge. You lower yourself in and slipped down the rows of books, successfully replacing the book you had taken. The next in the volume was double its size and hard to clip onto your belt. You were excited to get this back to the club and start reading more about hydraulics and their functions.
But you heard a click. Someone was walking into the shop. You didn't hesitate to dash to the window pulling yourself through and climbing down the building. You leaned your back to the alley wall trying to catch your breath when a hand reach out and grabbed your shoulder. You flinched and tried to pull away.
"So your the little shit that has been stealing my books" a raspy voice said belonged to an old man. For his age he had an uncharacteristicly firm grip on your shoulder. It hurt when he squeezed pulling you closer. "I am going to ring your scrony little neck, boy" he spit.
You finally grasped the seriousness of the situation twisted out of the old man's grip. He cursed as you ran full speed down the street only stopping when you made it to the Last Drop. You were still trying to catch your breath as you walk through the bar. Some conversations stopped and eyes stole glances at your back side.
Sevika didn't bother looking up as you passed on your way up to Silcos office. The door was slightly open so you knew it was safe to enter. Silco was leaning over some papers with his hand to his forehead. He didn't bother to look at you when you entered but leaned back in his chair as you climbed onto his lap.
"Had an eventful morning" he said without question.
If your panting hadn't given you away you knew that Silco had people following you to make sure you didn't get into trouble. Or that people didn't trouble you. No one touches Silcos pet.
"No" You said dropping your face into the crook of his neck. "I just went for a walk"
He just gave a hum as a reply and started to stroke your hair. His eyes were still fixed on his papers when he used his other hand to pull at the large book at your side."You know I can get you books".
You sighed and looked up at him. "I know I just..." Want to do something for myself? Want to have my own things?
"Want to get yourself into trouble" Silco finished for you.
"No!" You blurted out pulling back from him.
"Yes!" He said a little to loud reaching up to grab your face. His hand hurt while he pinched the sides of your face. "You like to get yourself into trouble. You like to make trouble for me, and you like to be punished for it." He then crashed his lips into yours.
The burn of his lips was something you had felt a hundred times. His kisses were always rough and demanding. He liked to kiss you like he was taking it from you. It ignited a feeling deep in you and you could not put it out. Only he could put out the fires he started in you.
A knock came at the door before a loud bang. You jumped in Silcos lap but he didn't even turn to look at the intruders. His hand was still around your face when he spoke "Savika...".
Two men were stand in the door way. You recognized one of them instantly. Savika was also right behind them in the door. "Sir, they just pushed past me and came up here before I-"
"Close the door" Slico interrupted.
Savika did as she was told, shooting a glare at the back of the two men. Silco finally let go of your face to address the intruders. "Please sit" he said with a face that said anything but. The book store owner took a seat as well has the other man you didn't recognize.
"That little shit has been stealing my books for months" he shoots a wrinkled hand in your direction. "I want him delt with". You don't know where this man got the nerve but you have never seen anyone speak to Silco like that.
Without taking his eyes off of the old man Silco told you to go downs stairs. Without a moments hesitation you hopped off his lap and retreated to the door. Your eyes stayed fixed on the floor as you walked hands sweaty locked in front of you. But you didn't make it to the door because the old man grabbed your shoulder for the second time today with a grip that was definitely leaving a mark. He grouled under his breath "this little fuck isn't going anywh-" a shot rang out. You stiffened and so did the mans grip on you.
You didn't move, eyes still on the floor but you couldn't see. The old man's hand finally fell from your shoulder and he slumped forward. You were vaguely aware that Silco was speaking but you didn't know what he said. It was a while before you came back to the moment. It was Silco's arms wrapping around you that brought you back.
The blood on the floor had almost touched your shoes but you couldn't move to avoid it. "Why do you have to make such a mess" he said lowering his face to kiss your neck. No one touches Silco's pet.
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biloveandyr · 2 years
No One Touches Silco's Pet
Chapter 5
Slico x TransMasc!Reader
Viktor x TransMasc!Reader
Warning: The first chapter is mild and only gets more NSFW in the future. (Must be 18+)
(I read somewhere that in the world of arcane they considered being gay as normal. So I wanted to write a story in which being trans is just as normalized.)
Synopsis: Reader serves Silco in anyway he demands but after seeing what he is capable of the reader considers a different life, meeting Viktor in the process.
Sorry I didn't not get a chance to proof read this chapter.
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Was he serious about wanting to work with you? You could never imagine the day after wanting to end it all that you would be given a new shot at life. What new possibilities did this opportunity hold.
But what did Viktor want from you? It's obvious that you could be of use to him but at what price. You decided to give it a try. It's not like you could go back to your old life.
"I'd like to take you up on your offer"
Both boys looked up from what they were working on.
You had been introduced to Jayce and he seemed friendly enough, but I don't think he appreciated the way you laughed at their failure a few hours ago.
"You want to work with me?" Viktor asked.
"Yes" You said sitting up from the couch. "If you'll have me"
Jayce looked from you to Viktor, and back to you. "You offered him a job?"
"Yes, I think he will be a great addition to the team. He is after all the only one that has ever out smarted me"
Jayces eyes grew wide and his eyebrows shot into his hair line. "Well, uh, welcome to the team" he turned around a little stunned back to the black board but didn't start writing immediately.
You looked at Viktor and he winked before returning to his work. "I'd like to that you to dinner tonight" he said without looking at you. "We have much to discuss. Beyond that you are free to do as you please".
You were grateful for the dinner invite. Now that you were off Slicos payroll you weren't share how to get by. But you didn't want to live off his good graces forever. You wanted to make your own way.
You got up from the couch sliding the crutch under your arm. As you closed the door you had noticed Viktor had turned slightly as if to heard you better as you left.
The streets of Piltover were much easier to navigate in the day time although you did have to take a lot of breaks do to your leg.
The bridge was easy to find and to cross but once in the under city things got tricky.
You tried to rack your brain for anyone the could give you the batteries you needed that wasn't directly employed by Silco. Only one name came to mind but he wasn't really free from Silcos influence.
Singed had helped you build things in the past. They were mostly toys and small projects but you were sure he still had a soft spot for you.
The way to get there was out of Silcos high traffic areas but that didn't stop Sevika from grabbing you from behind and throwing you over her shoulder. "You are quite the busy little pet" she said with a cigar in her mouth.
"And you're quite the ugly dog" you spat, struggling to free yourself.
Everyone seem to watch Sevika carry you into one drop. If you weren't preparing yourself to see Silco you may have spared a thought to be embarrassed.
Sevika set you down and returned Viktors cane to you. Silco was seated with his eyes on some papers on his desk but he looked up to meet your gaze. He smiled, stretching his ugly scares in the process. "Ah! Y/N, where have you been?" He stood gliding around his desk to put either hand on your shoulders.
You grabbed his hands by the wrist and threw them down off of you. "Stop pretending you don't know exactly where I've been".
His grin fades into his more nature scowl. His arm shoots up to grab your throat using it to pin you up against the wall. The crutch falls to the floor and you are trying to remain up right as Silco lifts you high and higher.
He growls in your ear. "Yes, I know exactly were you've been and who you've been with" he hisses bring you higher. His hold on you is cutting off circulation and oxygen. "And if I didn't think that this situation could be some use to me, I would have killed you for the betrayl" his had slid down your pants grabbing a hold of you.
You would have gasped if you had the ability to breathe. "I own you. Don''t forget that. And if you won't serve me with this" he entered you with two of his finders. This time you let out a strangled moan. "I will find other uses for you" things grew dark and faded before he let you fall to the floor.
You cried out in pain with how hard you landed on your broken leg. You lay there holding it as Silco walked around you. "Now I know you are in contact with that little thing on the council, but what did you come back down here for" he crouched down to your level. "I am sure it wasn't because you missed me".
You were still reeling from the lack of oxygen and the pain of your leg. Apparently you didn't answer fast enough because he pulled you up by your hair earning a yelp. "Batteries!" You swallowed hard. "Batteries".
"Hmmm" he let your hair go and your head hit the ground. "What are you building now?"
You didn't want to anger him further so you told him all about the hextech device and machine attached.
"Well well you have proven useful" he opened the door speaking to Sevika to low for you to hear. And then closed the door. He walked back over to you. You flinched as he came down on top of you pinning your arms and legs. "Now... you are going to go back there and gather information and report back to me" he leaned to whisper in your ear. "But if you betray me again... I will break both your legs and use you like a rag doll".
Tears rolled down your face even though you were trying so hard now to cry. Silco then lifted you to your feet more gentle then before and gave you Viktors crutch back. "That boy is smart. You better be careful or I'll kill him". You knew exactly who his was talking about and you shivered at his words. "Now you hobble along, Sevika will have your batteries by now". He then turned and walked away.
Sevika did have your batteries and your pay cheque. You didn't want to take it but you didn't know how else to live so you took them both and painfuly walked to the bridge.
From a pet to a spy, how fitting. Why did you kid yourself. You could never escape Silco. He was your master and although your leash was invisible it chafed all the same.
How could you go back there. Go back to the people who were so kind and willing to invite you in and betray them. It made your heart heavy. Now on the bridge you pondered the idea of making the easy decision. Deciding not to decide.
It would be simple to just climb over and never be seen again. You are sure Viktor wouldn't miss you. Just another problem that seemed to resolve itself. But even then you were to weak to get over the rail and to stubborn to give up yet.
Once back in Piltover you entered a clothing shop. The woman looked you up and down and almost shrieked. You would laugh if it didn't cause you pain. You had a black eye, bruising on your neck, broken leg, and blood all up your shirt from the day before.
You cleared your voice before speaking "I need clothes from the male Trans section"
She stood just taking in your disheveled appearance for a moment before leading you to a section in the back. She explained that all their mens clothes ranged in size and fit so they could accustom to all body types.
You spent little time choosing a black long sleeve shirt and gray pants. You paid and thanked the women before heading back onto the street. You were sure Viktor would be well dressed for dinner like the last time you had seem him but you couldn't even manage to tuck in your shirt.
You enter the restaurant that Viktor specified, spotting him near the back. You struggled to move between the tables. The look of the place was very warm. The lights were yellow and a pale pink covered the walls. All the decor gave off a fancy air to the place. At least fancier then any of the places in the under city.
You struggled to sit using the table to steady yourself. Viktor looked surprisingly casual. He only had on a brown button up without a vest. It hit you how handsome he looked. Without the uniforn and his head strong performance he put on when you had first met him he was statue carved of gold. Viktor didn't look up from a book he had been reading. "You are late" he didn't say it with any annoyance only fact.
You pulled the battery from your pocket and set it in the middle of the table "I was getting this".
He looked up to the battery and then to you, and his eyes grew wide. You realized that the new marks on your neck must look worse then you thought.
"W-what happened?" He asked looking concerned.
You couldn't tell him the truth. You were a spy. Even now, miles away it still felt like Silco was choking you.
"Just the p-price of things in the under city" You tried to brush it off but the words were catching in your throat. He reached a hand to grasp yours across the table. His had was warm and soft despite his many calluses.
It was hard to meet his eyes. So you looked down at the table. His other hand placed a key on the table right in the line of your sight. Your eyes met his again and he was smiling. "It's a key to your new place". Tear fell down your face yet he still smiled. You could tell he knew... He knew what it was like to come from nothing. To have no future or choice.
For a moment you were happy. Happy at the prospect of a new life, a new dream to chase. A world where you were safe and free. But you were a spy, planning on feeding secrets to the most dangerous man you knew.
And then quickly you pulled your hand back. If Silco saw this he would kill Viktor. Even now his little rats were always watching. You couldn't get to close. Silco demanded you learn the secrets of Piltover and this new technology, but also warned about what one slip up would cost. You disguised the action by rubbing the tears from your face.
Food that Viktor had ordered before for you arrived was being served and the moment was broken. Thankful for the distraction you were quickly consumed by the smell if the food. You can't remember the last time you ate.
You had insisted on paying but Viktor had persisted that he was the one that had invited you. You both walked at a stilted pace, more because of you and your injuries rather then his, to your new place.
It was located right in the academy. Technically student housing, but as long as you worked with him you could stay, Viktor explained. He walked you all the way to your door.
"I was told that it would come fully furnished and have extra clothes and toiletries"
You unlocked the door and gasped at the living space. Even as student rooms go this was bigger then your apartment back in the under city. The room was dark but you had a living room that fit a small couch and TV, right next to a kitchen. Down the hall were two doors that you could only assume were bedroom and bathroom.
"I really don't think 'thank you' is enough" You turned around to see him leaning in the door way hands in his pockets. You were quietly grateful that he didn't enter, you didn't know who was watching. "Why?" You questioned him.
He looked down for a moment and then met your eyes. "When Hiemmerdinger found me he saw potential that I did not. He clothed me housesed me and gave me a purpose" he looked down at the ground before he spoke again "I see the same potential in you".
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biloveandyr · 2 years
No One Touches Silco's Pet
Chapter 3
Slico x TransMasc!Reader
Viktor x TransMasc!Reader
Warning: The first chapter is mild and only gets more NSFW in the future. (Must be 18+)
(I read somewhere that in the world of arcane they considered being gay as normal. So I wanted to write a story in which being trans is just as normalized.)
Synopsis: Reader serves Silco in anyway he demands but after seeing what he is capable of the reader considers a different life, meeting Viktor in the process.
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You don't get one minute of sleep. When the sun just starts to brighten the sky you throw on your clothes and walk out into the cool morning air leaving Silco sleeping in his bed.
All night your mind was on the book store owner. You didn't even know his name. The book you kept close at your side was a weighted reminder of the violence of the previous day.
You knew that there was no way you could read the book now and it felt like a further disgrace to the man's memory that you even still had it. Your feet took you to the place your mind had been all night. The book store loomed, looking menacing in the dim light of the morning.
Putting the book back were it belonged felt like the only way you could move on. It was the one thing that felt like it could be both an apology and a goodbye.
The climb to the roof was a blur and when your feet hit the library floor all was quiet. The stale smell of book made you feel at home. You put the book back where it belonged and let your hand linger, you whispered sorry.
A crash to the back of your head sent you crumbling to the ground. Your vision went black. You opened your eyes when a fist went crashing into your face. You were now on your back someone sitting on you holding you down. You could feel wet and sick blood on your face and a blinding pain that took up all of your thoughts.
The man hits you hard again yelling something. You couldn't hear or see as the blow knocked your head back.
He didn't hit you again only stood. A ringing filled your ears. You could have been laying there for hours but when hauled to your feet by your shirt you knew it had only been a minute or two. The sound of the man's voice came from the end of a tunnel and it was to loud. "I would kill you right now if I didn't think I could buy so much more with your life." Your eyes just came into focus, able to see the group of men around you, faces all looking to kill. You recognized the one holding your collar as the man that stormed into Silcos office with the book store owner. You were only able to let out a small sigh before being hit by a bat. Everything went to black.
Pain. You could feel it through your unconscious state. It screamed for you to wake. The hands of pain pulling you in every direction until you surfaced. Everything was white and hot, your senses being over loading. But the sound of someone shouting broke the fog. "All the shimmer you have for your pet back." The man holding you up by your shirt said. It was the only way you could stand. When you lost your balance the man hauled you up from your collar.
Now you could see the Last Drop, back lit by the sun shinning directly into your eyes. And Silcos men were in the shade guns pointed but not to shoot. They wouldn't shoot unless he gave the order, and Silco would never give the order where your life was concerned.
He was standing on the balcony a symbol of calm with a cigar hanging from him mouth. But you knew even from this far away that he was furious. You almost wish that these guys decided to kill you, because if they didn't, Silco would.
Silco didn't take his eyes off the man holding your frail body when he spoke to Savika. She turned disappearing into the Last Drop. It wasn't three minutes later when she and more of Silcos men started hauling crates of shimmer out of the club.
The hand off was quick. More than 17 crates of shimmer pasted hand and were loaded onto the truck behind you. When all was done everyone loaded up into the vehicle, even you. The gun to your head gave you no choice in the matter and the fact that you couldn't stand made it even more so. But when the truck started to speed away you were thrown out the back.
The fall was worst than the beating and gave you a new gash on your left eyebrow and you were sure you broke your leg.
You just lay there in the position you fell not even bothering to open your eyes. Your head was reeling. But this pain wasn't the end of it and if you had it your way you would stay on the ground until you lost consciousness.
But already you were being hauled up and thrown over a shoulder. By the smell of smoke and whisky it was Savika that had you. Drops of blood fell from your face on the way to Silcos office. Savika put you down in the middle of the room, but after almost falling over she grabbed either side of your shoulders to keep you up.
"Leave" a gravly voice spoke from behind you. You had no choice but to stand on your own. Savika closed the door with a click just as Silco appeared in front of you.
"I-" was all you mange before a crack sent you backwards into Silcos desk. You caught yourself but started to slip. He caught your face making you flinch. He pulled you up by your jaw pushing you up against the desk.
"You promised me you would behave" he spit at you. "You promised you would do as you were told." He pinched harder earning a wine from you. "You promised that you wouldn't do anything like that again." The force of his growl hitting your ears felt like ice picks to your brain.
You closed you eyes letting out a squeak of pain. "Look at me" he shouted. You looked as he pulled the belt from your pants. "You made a fool out of me, and lost me thousands in shimmer" It tugged at your whole body as his hand was the only thing keeping you up right. And then it wasn't as he flipped you around until you were laying on his desk.
You had anticipated this pain. Silco liked to hurt you when he was mad but it was always in the ways that you liked. This was not one of those times. You had never made him this angry and you were about to learn the price.
You could hear the belt ring in the air as he reared back to strike. Your eyes shut whole body tensing. "WAIT" you called out. He stopped still heaving his breaths behind you. "Please let me make it up to you." He didn't say anything But you knew he was interested.
A long moment passed and you knew he ways debating his options.
"I could have lost you today." He whispered finally. And your body relaxed.
"But I am here now" You could feel him threw his pants. You leaded back enough to brush up against him. He groaned and dropped the belt.
Your pants were off before you could say anything else and he was lined up to your entrance, guiding himself in inch by inch. He groaned and you wined when he bottomed out inside you. Both of you were to stunned with bliss to move. When Slico finally started to move a shutter resulting in a moan tore through you.
His thrusts started as small movements he did while all the way inside you. But when he was confident you could take more he began crushing his hip into your thighs. You cried out and his hand went to your mouth muffling you sweet moans.
The pain of your injuries, your head and leg were all to much. Paired with the way your hips crashed into Silcos desk with every thurst, made you wish for it to be all over.
His pace didn't last long before he was shuttering against with his orgasm in toe.
You blacked out only to wake in darkness. Silco was gone and you were still stripped from the waist down. Your head was reeling and it was hard to stand. Tears welled in your eyes and spilled over your cheeks. Until today you thought you were the only person Silco wouldn't hurt. But broken and bruised you felt empty and cold.
You knew you couldn't live like this anymore. It took you ages to get your clothes on, having to stop multiple times to let your head settle. You avoided leaving out the front hoping not to run into anyone as you made your way to the roof. You fell onto the gravel top scrapping your hands before shakily righting yourself again. You made it to the edge of the building and stared down. The thought that crossed your mind was temping but you knew a fall from this hight would only put you in more pain.
You stopped when you noticed Silco on the balcony below you. He had a cigar in his hand and the other in his pocket. Lucky his face was turned to the city bellow and didn't notice you climb down the building.
You stumbled and fell all the way the the bridge. You weren't sure if you were going to make it there. But the street was as good of a place as any to die.
The bridge was deserted at this time but it made no difference to you if you had an audience. The wind blew at you clothes from this heigh up. It was a struggle to get yourself up over the guard rail and your shaking leg almost sent you over before you were even half way.
The moon lit up the water so that it sparkled and shimmer below your feet. It's was such a nice evening to die.
You spared a thought for the man who had died yesterday. At least now you hoped he was getting what he wanted. And Silco was not getting what he wanted. It felt fitting to go like this. Taking back some control get to make a decision for yourself. Even if it was your last decision.
"Good hevens, boy what are you doing?" A shrill voice called from the distance.
You lost your footing and slipped both hands grasped the railing before you went over. And in to everything you had left you pull yourself back onto the bridge. You fell with out grace onto the concrete of the road.
"My boy, you almost died!" The voice said now closer and even more shrill then before. You let out a chuckle before going into full blown hysteria.
Yes, he was quiet right. You almost died, accidentally, on purpose.
"Oh dear" was all he said while you laughed. It didn't help when you look up at him to find that he was a very short furry thing with an even shorter furry thing on a leash. You bust into laugher again when the thought of who was walking who crossed your mind.
He waited patiently has you collected yourself before speaking. "You are from the under city, are you not?"
You looked down at yourself covered in your own blood, ripped shirt, and pants that had slid down exposing your underwear in your near death experience. "Is it that obvious?"
"My boy, come with me. You are injured and I wish to help." He sounded sincere in his request. After a day like today, a former pet, following a pet, that had a pet, didn't seem all that crazy.
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