#anyways shifters unite!
mysticalsoot · 2 years
help I'm in love with a guy and he doesn't know I exist because he's in aanother fucking reality and it's been FOUR MONTHS and I can't get rid of him, I'm stuck with him helllpppp
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Knowing Bailey would be a Paladin but not liking any of the existing Oaths for her is extremely frustrating
Gavin, on the other hand, fits very easily into the role of a Warlock with a Fiend for a patron
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0h0possum · 3 months
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A Codywan and How to Train Your Dragon crossover that turned into a the Mandalorians factions are dragons AU, because I can never just do something simple and for the heck of it.
If you’re not interested the AU lore, leave now or suffer my rambling lol.
Basically, the idea is that Mandalorians started as a race that could shift into dragons. The Mand’alor line and those of most influence were notably ‘Fury’s (for example Mand’alor Tarre Viszla was a Nightfury and so is his generational line). But over time most Mandolorians who could shift were killed off or just lost the ability as more non-shifter Mandolorians married in. Eventually only a few of the Fury’s were around, and when Mandalore split most chose factions lead by the remaining Fury lines. AKA: the New Mandalorians/Lightfury’s, the Haat Mando'ade or True Mandalorians/Duskfury’s, and the Kyr’tsad or Death Watch/Nightfury’s.
Basically this also helps explain (in my head) why Mandalorians would follow Death Watch (terrorists) or the New Mandalorians (Intense Pacifist). It’s because they see those lines that can still shift as chosen leaders or a physical embodiment of the Ka’ra’s will.
How is Obi-Wan a shifter though? Well in this AU he’s the son of Tor Viszla. Long story short, early on when Obi-Wan was born he displayed being force sensitive, and Obi-WAN’s mom (Tor’s wife??? Idk it’s not important to the story) basically went ‘Aw hell naw’ and tried to drown Obi-Wan. Only to be stopped by a traveling Jedi who stole Obi-Wan and saved him. Totally unaware that this baby was Mandalorian, the son one of the biggest Mandalorian factions, AND also one of the last few existing Mandalorian dragon shifters. (Also Obi-Wan’s mom doesn’t want to admit that she lost Obi-Wan to a Jedi and just tells Tor that he was force sensitive and she succeeded in drowning him).
Maybe I’ll get into it later but basically Obi-Wan grows up as normal in the Temple, but obviously at some point he shifts and has the biggest panic of his life. But with help from friends (Quinlan, Garen, Siri, and Bant) he figures out shifting (enough to control it) and helps keep it a secret (Mandalorians and Jedi still don’t have best relations and Obi-Wan is paranoid about being kicked out of the Order anyways *cough cough Brandomeer cough cough Melinda/Daan*). To be clear, Obi-Wan isn’t like ashamed of what he is. He just doesn’t want the judgments of coming from CLEAR Mandalorian roots, and Death Watch at that. Plus he kinda just decides to not think about how he’s pretty much definitely related to well known terrorist Tar and Pre Viszla, because then he doesn’t have to address it. Besides he’s happy as a Jedi.
Anyways, NOW CODY-
So without getting to detailed (mission failed lol) all the clones ARE shifters (Duskfury’s just like Jango Fett), but they have it suppressed by the Kaminoans (probably part of their chips? I haven’t thought it fully out yet). BUT THINGS HAPPEN, probably Cody and Obi-Wan get stranded alone somewhere for a long time and Cody gets his chipped fucked up somehow, and now he’s shifting into a dragon???? And scaring the shit out of both him and Obi-Wan. But Obi-Wan exposes himself as a dragon shifter as well to comfort Cody and show that he will keep his secret. Plus he clearly understands him. (At this point they both are under the impression the clones aren’t shifters, and think Cody is just an outlier and “late bloomer” so to speak). Cue them learning how to be dragons together and be comfortable in their other form.
And eventually they get rescued and find out somehow all the clones are shifters, and therefore find the chips and discover Palpatine’s plan, SO THE GALAXY IS SAVED!
(Additionally the clones get rights and go to form their own society/group (Obi-Wan comes with to be with other dragons, but mostly to be with Cody), and they form an alliance with the New Mandalorians and accidentally unit Mandalore purely by the three Fury types (Nightfury/Obi-Wan, Duskfury/Cody, Lightfury/Satine) being around each other lol.
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 28 days
Lich-Queen, pt 7 (FINAL)
I'M DONE!! AAAAA >:)) Thanks to everyone who followed this thing, I love y'all platonically. Anyways, to anyone who's new, I'll post the full thing soon, so in the meantime have part 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and the drabble accompaniment that we can pretend is part 4!
Story below cut :D
My steps down the stairs left a trail of blood behind them. I stopped at the base of the stairs, meeting the eyes of my new allies. There was approval in Empress Sucsu'anane's nod, delight in the shifter delegation, and… Horror? Fear? Amongst the elves.
Saivere, the same elf who had been ever so pleasant towards me, stepped forth. “What in Solaria's name have you done? That…” He shook his head violently. “That was wrong. Do you not understand the meaning of the word?”
Empress Sucsu'anane laughed at him. “Young Nari-ilra, do not be rude. All reigns end and begin with bloodshed, even yours. Why should she try to hide it under a veneer of civility? Honesty is a valuable trait,” she told him.
Saivere squared himself resolutely. “This is inhumane,” he insisted. “We just watched an innocent man be tortured to death. I will not stand by and watch this travesty, and if you had any sense, you would not either.”
Like a kindergarten descending into chaos, the people before me divided into two camps. Overlapping voices argued with each other, clamouring and demanding to be listened to. All for little old me! It was absolutely delightful.
When I had grown bored of the fuss, I raised my knife and tapped it on the metal railing. The resulting clang resounded through the hall, silencing the crowd as it went. 
“Now,” I said, into the void of suits. “If you are done bickering like little children, I have a thing or two I'd like to say.” 
Crossing my hands behind my back as straightening up to my full height, I continued, “It has been brought to my attention that we are having a certain… overcrowding issue. We, as immortals and long-lived species, are running out of living space, living space that we deserve. Now, who has been taking that space?”
I paused, and the shifters piped up. “The humans,” they cried, joined in belatedly by the spirits and my ghouls.
“Exactly,” I replied, nodding. “The mortal mayflies. Irritating, multiplying, and absolutely everywhere! Even the spirit-tongue recognises them as Kina-ilra, the everywhere people. Bad enough that they pop up all over the place, but that they are driving us out of our lands? That they are moving into our cities and taking up jobs that belong to our people and coming up with new technologies? That they have forgotten their place?”
Saivere's face fell. “Have you forgotten your past? You were a human once too,” he cried.
“Don't hold it against me,” I quipped, grinning at him. Yes, the flow of the crowd was turning against him. I could feel its heartbeat, the crashing waves of murmurs. “I'm trying to put those days behind me.”
Saivere opened his mouth to rebut me, and I hushed him again. The creases of anger and worry on his forehead gave me another idea. I took a mocking bow towards him. “You know, ladies, gentlemen, and eternal abominations, we all have one thing in common. Can anybody tell me what it is?”
From the crowd, someone piped up. “We're all inhuman?”
“Do you hear that? That's human centric language right there.” The rhetoric of Queendom was coming to me. “We need to stop that. Tell me, what unites us?  We're all Ilre, Kitzche, immortals! That's what defines us, not that we aren't forsaken mayflies.”
“But the elves aren't immortal,” another member of the elven delegation shouted. There was a distinct aura of gotcha from him. Oh, we were going to see who had gotten who soon enough. “We just happen to have long lifespans.”
I stepped forward, and the elves stepped back. “Exactly. Tell me, who taught the humans machinery? Who helped them with agriculture, encouraged democracy within their borders? Which non-immortal species is currently infringing on the Cescere spirit's lands?”
A dangerous hush descended upon them. I smiled even wider, grateful for my new face, for I could literally smile ear to ear now. “Tell me… Who is just as much to blame as any human?”
The answer came in a ripple, as much magic as any spell. The elves. The nari-ilra. The mortals. All of them. Every last one. Not a good one amongst them. Fingers sharpened to claws, weapons drawn. 
The elves never stood a chance.
I watched Saivere be shredded before my very eyes, letting his gore mingle with Tamaris'. I grasped his severed head and lifted it up. By the gods, if my sister could see me now. She would weep with horror and fear, to see what I had become. I revelled in the thought that I had become the very monster she so desperately sought to stop. That in the end, she was the powerless oracle, and I the great necromancer. That all her prophecies were not enough to prevent the fate I had so craved.
“Look at this,” I commanded. My people obeyed.
“This is a sign of our new regime,” I announced. My people listened.
“We will kill every human, and then we will rule atop their corpses!”
And my people cheered for me, their Lich-Queen.
@coffeeangelinabox, @dorky-pals, @calliecwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @shukei-jiwa
@thewingedbaron, @pluppsauthor, @cowboybrunch, @wylloblr, @possiblyeldritch
@ramitola, @urnumber1star, @fortunatetragedy, @bigwipscholar, @ratedn
@vampirelover890, @possiblylisle, @illarian-rambling, @the-ellia-west
@finicky-felix, @evilgabe29 (Anyone else who wants to get added can tell me in the comments, pm me, or send me an ask about it!)
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madstronaut · 3 months
guess wot my fellow hoes (fellhoes?) you’re getting a two-fer-one deal
obligatory alpha post link below:
because I have been deep in my werewolf/hybrid!CODmen fixation while I was drunk off reading moondrunk I decided to take a break...
....by reading johnny boy and i dont want to even look at that ao3 history stat that tells you how many times you've visited this story IT IS A LOT
my record for one of my comfort stories is 79 times and that was back in january last i looked, and it doesn't count the copypaste backup i have in my notes in case of airplane mode. don't look at me rn (cough obligatory @the-californicationist G&G reference/tag here)
Reading: Moondrunk Monster by @ghostgorlsworld
so I went to watch the Love Death Robots episode referred to here and UNFFFF forgot how good that whole series was! wolflovers, go watch the Shape-Shifters episode from S1
once again i love a good fleshed-out reader backstory and this one is no exception
also as a certified graves simp the spittake I had to clean up at reading the phrase “Captain Graves”
also wolf-friendly pain medication? please i would happily read an appendix or endnotes/footnotes about the lore/worldbuilding here <3
"They weren’t used to humans being kind to them."🥺🥺🥺🥺
me to myself: tbh in many ways this is the world we are living in rn
that line about reader sleeping in the back of the med bay reminded me of this famous pic I saw way back when:
U.S. Army nurse Amy Stuart of the 5th MASH unit deployed in Saudi Arabia naps on a cot while hugging a teddy bear sent by her family during Operation Desert Storm (February 22, 1991)
getting a little too real but at my age, always hurts my heart and deeply disturbs me to see people younger than me who i consider children going off to/waging war COUGH ANYWAY SRY ESCAPING REALITY BACK TO FANFIC-
piney has such a succinct, tight way of writing to set the scene and story premise up so well - fucking salivating at ghost taking reader to their tent and him getting miffed at her sitting on soap’s bunk until she sits on his <3 LMAO I SEE YOU GHOSTY YOU LITTLE LOVESICK PUPPY YOU~
You glanced down, seeing the Scottish flag on the wall, the photos of a couple that looked exactly like Johnny. “Oh, sorry.” 
ok but also johnny WOULD have selfies of himself up on his own bunk
“ahm easy on the eyes, aint i LT”
“shut it”
You were American, so you didn’t have much taste for tea unless it was iced and sweet. 
me, a rabid tea swiller, raising my hand: UM NOT ALL AMERICANS HATE “TREE PISS” AS TED LASSO CALLS IT OKAY (okay but I love that show so much)
unfff wolf!ghost crowding reader into his own bed forcing her to sleep in it is just *so many chef’s kisses*
Gaz was healed within a day, coming to visit you with a Snickers bar as thanks. “I’ve been saving it for an occasion,” he said. “Wolves…well, we can’t really have chocolate without quite a bit of pain so I thought I would give it to you instead. As thanks.” 
ok this was the most adorable loredrop ever also literally heartbroken at the idea they can’t enjoy chocolate!!!!
The adjustments were freezing slabs of raw beef and plating it up still half-frozen. this reminded me of this frozen organic dog chow i kept getting insta ads for after dogsitting for a friend (if u can hear this siri/insta ad algorithms, FUCK YOU RESPECT MY PRIVACY) anyway in the ad the way the person plated it for their dog and the way their dog ate it with such gusto made me, a human, want to try the dog food lol
“Not everyone in America lives in Texas, Soap.”
👏thank👏 you👏facts👏
You smiled. “A small town in Oklahoma.”
“Bloody hell, that’s just Texas.”
👏also👏 facts👏 (don’t come for me texans this new yorker will (lovingly) fuck you up; god bless amurica)
He was wearing gloves, as always, but they were warm when he pressed them against the scars, fitting his fingers into the obvious claw marks.
The 141 was silent, watching Ghost with a mixture of surprise and horror. Price looked as if he were about to intervene, his knuckles white around his fork.
i fucking l o v e this entire scene
They were still strangers to you, but the base felt too quiet without them, and your skin felt bare without Ghost’s stare upon it.
i am shivering at how good this sentence is
ghost: has a record for being more wolf than human and acts of aggression against humans
also ghost: makes tea for reader regularly when she can’t sleep
also reader if you’re having a eat-three-powdered-donuts-in-one-sitting kind of day, you eat that whole box girl no one will fault you for it <3
Ghost hummed, then came the unmistakable sound of licking the sugar off his fingers. There had also been blood on his fingertips, from the night’s previous activities.
You don’t want to think about why that makes your belly clench. 
😏😏😏we love the feral ones
also unexpected gifts are some of the best ones
i felt the adrenaline of the humvee ambush like i was watching a live action movie - i could picture the entire scenes very easily in my head <3
and ghost taking off her boots >>>>>>>>
A man in a skull mask was asleep in the chair in front of you, his head tipped back against the wall, his legs relaxed and spread wide. 
ah yes, classic submission position~
The meek little nurse that had put a Colonel’s son in the ER. 
meek is one of my favorite words. i have heard an alternate definition for this as “meekness is great power under control” and it stuck in my head ever since; pls bow before medic reader my meek badass queen
Your heart raced. It was such a human instinct, to see a predator and want to either kiss it or run from it. 
ah yes imho the heart of why wolf/hybrid and enemies-to-lovers etc. etc. etc. tropes and fics are so popular~
Ghost seemed to like your attention, his ears perked at the top of his head. It was oddly endearing, and you normally considered yourself a cat person.
hehe big ghost wolf, smol floppy ears - i will not let this image leave my head
ok and the wolflore about the recessive genes!! eating it all up <3
also i know this is a ghostfic but soap blushing and mumbling bout his coffeeshop crush is soo <333333333
"you’re too young to feel old and miserable like me.” Soap smiled, a bit of cheer back in his eye. “You’re only three years older’n me, lass, I wouldn’t call ye old.”
literally me to anyone <30/even a year younger than me
"ALSO, yes i'm setting up for a future soap/cafe!reader fic"
okay the unholy screech that erupted from me at reading this author’s note i’m-
Graves sat in a simple metal chair, cool, calm and collected without a single blonde hair out of place. 
me fully knowing graves isnt even doing anything here, just sitting: go off, king
“I wasn’t going to let that boy take my soul, sir,” you said calmly. “Not for something as worthless as a career.”
well said indeed <3
You wondered if he would come visit you, if you asked. If he would sit in your dusty, frilly living room and drink from your pumpkin shaped mugs.
Price looked up from a paperback, a twitch in his brow. He preferred to keep out of conflicts between the pack, only interfering when blood was spilled. 
oh please my headcanon for price is that he inhales gossip like oxygen and keeps it filed and sorted alphabetically and chronologically in his mind palace to pull up as needed
They were on active duty, for Christ’s sake, it wasn’t like he could bend her over against one of those cots and stake his claim,  COUGHOMGWHYTHEEVERLOVINGFUCKNOTCOUGH no matter how badly he wanted to.  
The 141 hunted at night, so during the day Gaz and Soap would occasionally bring you a muffin for breakfast or a stray cup of coffee. Even Price, the fatherly man he was, brought you one of his extra novels to read while you were awake during the night shift, one of those cheesy detective thrillers that helped you get through the night without passing out on a patient.
who doesn’t love familial!141 🥰🥰
it’s nice to remind yourself that you’re still a simple woman that appreciates a nice mani-pedi and a good hair day.
this is so real - taking care of yourelf/reminding urself to feel human is so important <3
You had the rank and the experience, so of course, you got the lion’s share of reports. ahem this a small almost throwaway line but much appreciated - LEADERSHIP IS FOR SERVICE. TO SHOULDER THE BURDEN FOR THOSE UNDER YOU, AND LIFT THEM UP. TAKE THE HITS SO THEY DON’T HAVE TO - ONES THEY AREN’T EVEN AWARE OF IF YOU’RE GOOD AT IT. anyway stepping down once again from my soapbox-
ah reader i can think of many MANY MANY spicy ways to motivate ghosty to do his patriotic duty~
AND ALSO Reading: Johnny Boy by @ghostgorlsworld
first off being thrown into the deep end of the incredible lorebuilding had me ready to swim and dive deep without even taking a breath of reality because the story!!!! the worldbuilding!!!! absolutely immaculate
a recurring daydream/brainrot scenario ive gone back to time and again with my blorbos through the years is getting knocked up with their spawn and having to escape and go on the run and hide the child then have an implausibly wild reunion, often with some physically impossible makeup sex and then birth my own private sports team's worth of children to build our world empire (drama, romance, intrigue, adventure - i would buy out opening night tickets to the movieplots my brain spits out, anyway ty for coming to my BedTedTalk) anyway this has such a unique niche in the CODfics ive read with the almost enemies-to-lovers-back-to-enemies flavoring with brother’s best friend trope in play
on that note, shaking tom’s hand vigorously for sneaking johnny back into reader’s life, then backhanding him with my other hand - also for sneaking johnny back into reader’s life
cute-ass mactavish sire emma needs to eat raw meat to survive? her supernatural senses make her an old soul in a child’s body? no further comments, absolute perfection. i love the explorations of “hey scenting/being a hybrid, ESPECIALLY growing up as one, ain’t all its cracked up to be and is not just all 100% sexy times and funsies” and her picking up on mom being sad all the time a certain someone is near and declaring “if mommy doesn’t like him, I don’t either” just UGGHHHH i just want to give her a hug and tell her it will all work out, shes is in good hands (including but not limited to her own!) also tear the throat out of anyone who would dare steal her childhood (fistbumping my fellow immigrant first gen firstborns&eldest daughters who had to grow up too fast/take care of adults)
also one of the reasons i love this fic is the very fierce and protective love reader has for her emma and their really beautiful bond <3 fanfic can be so healing and tender in very unexpected ways and their relationship slipped past all my walls and armor and just stuck me right in the feels <3
the conversation about grandpa jack haunting them and turning the book pages for him was so sweet i think my molars rotted away on the spot, 🥺🥺🥺 piney i will be billing you for my dental visit expenses; be prepared to pay cos ive always wanted to secretly try out grillz as a new yorker girlie 
also random brainrot but 1000% positive grandpa jack was a fucking hottie in his glory days (underground fighting rings? picturing tyler durden rn)
also please give mama reader a fucking medal, cutting up raw meats and organs first thing in the morning (EVERY morning) is a feat indeed
also johnny/reader’s first meeting at the funeral home is absolutely exquisite, the perfect amount of drama and angst!!! raaaaaa biting my pillow and tearing it to pieces
- reader’s physical reaction to the “he’s behind me, isn’t he” revelation
- johnny’s physical glow-up described through reader’s eyes is just UNFFFF *chef’s kiss*
- reader going straight into panic/mama bear mode re: emma
- “your voice so cold it stung your tongue as you spoke. The ache in your chest was overtaken by rage, pure and hot. “Excuse me.” i am f e r a l for this line, this is PERFECTION i can taste the emotions here like viscerally on my tongue 
- honestly kudos to reader for not punching tom’s lights out when she’s running to get emma from him
“I don’t care.” You wanted to scream. You wanted to cry. You wanted to dig your nails into his skin and hurt him like he hurt you. “We don’t need you, we never needed you. I loved you, and you left for years . Deal with the consequences.”
Johnny Mctavish, a wolf, a soldier, flinched from you. 
It wasn’t the victory you thought it would be.
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also the last line of ch1 being “Forget him. John always runs.” and summary of Ch2 being “Johnny comes home.” ????? gonna run out of my lipstick giving chef’s kisses to piney here
the way piney fleshes out reader and her story and history with johnny just makes me want to give her a ginormous hug, also like an all-expenses paid weeklong vacation to the maldives or something for the absolute bullshit she’s endured (might have to join you on this though dear reader my salary/responsibilities working in [redacted] means i also need an all-expense paid weeklong vacation to the maldives)
“Because you still smell like me, kitty.” brain going brrrr being overloaded with conspiracy theories about teh many layers what this may mean
wolves were different from normal men. Territorial. 
me, reading about fictional territorial wolfmen on tumblr: 🥰🥰🥰
me, reading about IRL men being ‘territorial’: 🤢🤢🤢
“Grandpa was like me,” she said, loyal as always. 
i’ll be totally honest the character i fell head over heels with in this story was not johnny taking first place no - EMMA MACTAVISH MY HEART <3 i hope my future children will be brave, kind, wise, funny and compassionate like you <3
It seemed that the only person suffering in this situation was you.
this line + the short almost throwaway line of reader “laughing wetly” just before it just ughhh my heartache! shoutout to all the hardworking parents/caregivers simply Trying Their Best And Getting No Recognition™️ (madstronaut sees you and applauds you, great is your reward in heaven and or the pits of tumblrhell, dealer’s choice)
“It wasn’t your decision to make, Tom,” you said, your voice reaching that pitch that made you feel like your mother. god this got too real, when i hear myself sound like my mother sometimes (esp. when im mad) i literally narrow my eyes at my own reflection and have to check myself before i wreck myself iykyk
also freaking love the lore about hybrids/wolves being discriminated against in society and johnny’s own experience and pitfalls navigating the world! lorebuilding>>>>>>>>>>>>
You were dressed more appropriately this time, a Black Sabbath tee and sweats, your work clothes of pencil skirts, trousers, and wool sweaters currently drying on the laundry lines in the backyard. 
ok reader i see you my little rocker <3 you would love saint vitus bar in brooklyn; make tom or johnny watch emma so we can headbang to our heart’s content and you can enjoy a well-deserved night out <3 (on that note #REOPENVITUSYOUCOWARDS)
Emma two-handed it, just like you tell her to. It seemed she was trying to be on her best behavior, the little traitor.
Something in your chest squeezed when Johnny tucked the blanket around Emma’s skinny arms, more gentle than you had ever seen him.
ok though real talk men being gentle and tender, esp. around kiddos - hi, yes please sirs you can indeed help me mop my panties off the floor
Susan didn’t know what to do with a little boy that chewed on the furniture and got sick when she didn’t let him eat raw meat. 
i physically need to see fanart of young wolf!soap gnawing on an armchair leg
This was why you liked Charlie, he was so, so reasonable. 
hello charlie or as i like to call you “walking beige flag” the way i would roast him if i was bffs with reader..
also emma drawing that wolf catcher memory and waiting until soap was there to show it to both him and reader - AAGGGGH I freaking loved this and how clever this is i can do an entire pepe silvia conspiracy board meme breakdown of why and how much i loved this whole interaction
emma knowing it is a tough memory for her mama but choosing to draw and show it specifically to johnny - and waiting til they are all in each other’s presences (presence? idk)
i can see reader fighting (a losing battle lets be honest this is johnny fucking mactavish) tooth and nail so far to maintain the armor of assumptions and explanations she’s told herself to deal with the pain of being in love then (from her pov) rejected and how this has bled into how she paints johnny to emma despite her best efforts 
and yet as they say sometimes the body says and knows what the mind/heart cannot say yet and 1000% sure that little miss wolf emma mactavish loves her mom but is also sure that momma isn’t sure on where she stands with johnny
also ALSO the fact that jack raised both johnny and emma HAS TO MEAN SOMETHING RIGHT - even though they’ve just met i love the little tidbits of the special wolf-to-wolf and father/daughter connection they have
AND AND AND so my grand theory here is that i believe emma made and showed this drawing to johnny because from what she knows - she perceives mama reader to despise johnny on the surface, yet still wants him - but based on what she’s told her about johnny, thinks johnny may not want mama - and drew this to prove mama is still worthy and a great protector - “You haven’t got any teeth or claws but it didn’t matter.” - and “showing her off” to johnny COUGH ANYWAY THAT’S WHERE I’LL END MY THESIS TYVM
also i love the bits sprinkled around the fic about johnny’s eyes sparkling eerie/brighter when he gets worked up
Perhaps all the war and killing really was good for his temperament.
HAHAHAHA OKAY SHIT, MAMA, WHO IS THE DELULU ONE NOW????????? (tbh it’s me, hi im the probl-)
johnny trying to find excuses to spend his PMC savings & money on reader + emma - IRL me and my bills & student loans crying laughing hysterically at reader turning this down
“Shut up!” Tommy said, frowning at you from the couch. “Fuck, lovie, he’s a friend from work.”
The man in the mask raised a hand in an awkward wave.
HAHAHAHHA SIMON!!! his entrance totally threw me off but ofc tom’s SHUT UP (true sibling energy right here, no greeting, just yells) and simon’s lil wave just UGGGGGGGHHHH such a nice palate cleanser from the intense but delicious angst - also tipping my hat at the subtle way to introduce Bi!Tommy with the “he’s not company he’s a guest” line 😏
You felt Simon’s eyes on you, judging, appraising. You were sure Johnny probably didn’t have the nicest things to say about you–most likely that you were an irritating little girl that followed him around for twenty years then proceeded to get pregnant and raise the child without him knowing,
would love to know what and how TF141 thinks of mama reader from how johnny has described her…despite her own misgivings <3
Johnny was an unsuspecting kind of violent, always smiling and laughing until he wasn’t, until it was serious.
Simon was different. He felt older. 
aaaaaa this is SUCH a good characterisation of them both
You had missed him like a lost limb-
ooh i absolutely love this phrase! I have one person in my life i went through a friend breakup with (iykyk - these are more painful than romantic breakups imho) and we mended things and discovered afterwards we both referred to our break in our friendship as ‘having lost a limb’ to other folks (!) sometimes birds of a feather really do flock together
 “It’s just…we’re adults, and adults have tricky feelings. preach mama 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️
but also pls mama i know you have a kiddo but putting on nail polish right before a date? nooooooooooooooooo though chanel polishes ARE superior cos of that fat brush so all is forgiven <3
anyway climbing down from my soapbox on behalf of women everywhere, back to the fic
as a tiny tiny redeemable bit - charlie having weekly dinners with his gran is a huge green flag trait
He stilled, looking at you. His hand came up, pinching your chin like he used to. “You havnae called me Johnny in a very long time.” The rawness of his voice broke you down into someone you used to be, someone that loved him.
me, extremely pleased, reading this: ah yes, in vino veritas~
The alcohol had dampened the anger in your chest, you felt…open. Open to talking about it. Bleeding the poison from the wound.
<3 <3 <3 this line <3 <3 <3
irl sidenote: u can also do this without alcohol my friends <3 trusted friends, therapy, long retreats into nature, safe places, safe people all very effective and cutting right to the heart in the gentlest ways possible, painful but highly recommend over the alternative (and lesser) options of keeping the poison inside <3 
Within a blink, Johnny was kneeling before you, his hands on your knees as his eyes bored into yours. You felt a chill, a whisper of fight or flight pricking your neck at his predatory stare.
ahem hello this is it
this is what does it for me
kneelng for your prey <3
also i love that their first real physical intimate contact after reuniting, beyond that hug after the wolf catcher story, is johnny LICKING reader’s tears off her face
“All I had was a picture and letters, but I could get off just from you writing that you missed me, just from your smell lingering on the fucking paper.” whats that phrase? marines make do? 🥰🥰🥰
me, reading about lacy underwear getting shredded: mmmmf yes sexxxxxyyyy
also me: ok i just know that was expensive, cringing inside at having to replace it
also fics that have men talking to ur pussy as they take care of it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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riddlemethisjeremy · 1 month
All of these stories take place on Effpedelia, a continent connected to earth through a wormhole that coalesced from the weight of the human imagination. Upon Effedelia, you can find every story humanity has ever told
A Game Of Kings: This story takes place in the "Feywildes", along the Elvish side of the continent. Jaylinn, a young Aelvish noble who grew up on the streets of Lux Portem, has to infiltrate the Aelvish court and stop the devastating war between the Aelvish and their Freiralf brethren. Now is the time to strike, as the crown of the kingdom has recently changed hands, and to one that some might still call a child at that! The mission is simple and straightforward enough, but Jaylinn makes one fatal mistake: They get attached.
This Is Home: Finnick Moreno has lived with his best friend, Tristin Quemadura, since he was Chosen by Tristin's step parent, Kip, and by extension, his clan. The two haven't spent a moment apart. So when Tristin gets accepted into the Borellian School of Mystical Arts, Finnick fights his way in as a part of the "Consortio Ferrum", Brotherhood of Steel. College takes quite a different turn when your students have the power to end the world.
The Blinding Lights: Fenelle is a Shifter. She's the first one in her family for generations, and the control she has over her abilities are insane, so much so that she manages to keep them a secret, allowing her to live a dangerous double life. Until one day, her dream comes to fruition, and she's picked up by a licensed producer to perform and produce her own music. How will she continue to juggle the different people she is trying to be?
Caught In The Jaws Of The Wolf: When the Gods of All Things suddenly cease the flow of power between the True Fae of Effpedelia and themselves, they dont even think to take responsibility for the actions the gods are punishing, instead blaming the Wilde Fae for their "savage and unnatural ways". In response to this perceived threat, the True Fae begin an all out massacre, desecrating the Wilde Fae population. Simon is a survivor of this genocide, left behind to raise his two younger siblings, and Myles was his best friend. Too bad, you can't really trust a friend who watched his people burn down your home.
Nyxle Boys: Daerick is meant to save the world. He was born to end the War of Elfkind, and bring peace to the Feywildes once and forever (or for a while anyways). The prophecy speaks it. And yet? Here he is getting high in the woods with his bestie Kore. He wished all he cared about was whether he'd still be too green to attend his lecture in the morning, but it was going to take a little more than that for him to avoid his destiny
Oops, I Did It Again: Warren is a human druid with a special affinity for fauna - so much so that he can't help but turn into a salamander sometimes - which makes his library meet-cute with heartthrob Robert all the more awkward. As circumstances shake Robert from his toxically unstable home and into the path of Warren the Wanderer, the pair struggle to find a place where they belong. On the way, they may even find who they really are.
I'mAre We The Hunted?: Josh, Hunter and Lukas were all raised by True Fae as hunters. They have learned to distinguish the Wilde Fae in their beast forms from the creatures they have mimicked, and to slaughter them without mercy. The Wilde Fae are savage and unnatural, after all. Except Lukas starts to question this. How different are they to the Wilde Fae? They have the same abilities, the same pointed ears and keen canine teeth. When he discovers the truth - that he and his unit are being used as a weapons against his own kind - Lukas is astonished. But what can he do; he is, after all, their weapon.
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24-05txt · 5 months
Please tell me more about "Wolf at the Door" and "Flock"?
I GOT YOU !!! (Wip ask game!!)
The first chapter of Wolf at the Door is posted here, although it's missing some content because of the word limit on that exchange (gaz content. The world mourns). I'll be adding it back when I FINALLY FUCKING FINISH THE SECOND CHAPTER—anyway. WatD is the "Ghost as a dog-shifter" AU where Soap discovers him on base, assumes he's a K-9 unit, THEN thinks he's a stray, then befriends the stray because he runs his big fat mouth, and ONLY THINKS the dog is incredibly weird when it follows them to the next base too. He does eventually find out that it's Ghost. First work has 3 chapters planned and as a series I'm thinking at least 2 works because I can't fit in everything i WANT to and have it be plot-relavant.
I am having a lot of fun with it so far though because I'm thinking of Soap (at least the way I'm writing him here) as 'Apprehensive' of canines so he's like "this huge fucking beast. Glowing eyes and sharp glinting teeth. It could kill me I could die it would shred me apart" and Gaz who's hearing most of this second hand is like "pubby :)"
Anyway here's a snippet from my document-of-upcoming-scenes-that-are-unattached-at-the-moment. Also he names ghost-as-a-dog Spoon. :)
(I also talk about "Flock" under the cut)
Probably chapter three: post 'reveal'
“How long have you known?”
Someone must be feeling especially merciful for Ghost to have broken the silence first. (Actually, Soap figures it’s the fact he’s accidentally gone and let himself into Ghost’s personal life, via the whole ‘I occasionally turn into a giant fuck-off dog’ thing, but he’ll take what he can get.)
“Och, I dinnae ken,” he sighs a little and leans against the door, looking out the window. “Not when you scared the daylights out of me at ass-o’clock, sometime after I started callin’ ya ‘Spoon’,” Johnny has it in himself to be a little embarrassed, and he scratches at his slowly warming cheek. “...s’pose sayin’ I knew was a bit of a stretch, but I’m not exactly surprised, y’know?” He hears creaking leather and risks a look at Ghost, who’s looking at the road. 
“...Price didn’t tell you?” It comes out slow; low, and dangerous in the way that Johnny has learned means they’re in the territory of emotional landmines. He treads carefully, hides the vindication at his suspicions of Price confirmed, and focuses on his honesty.
“No. Went to go ask him about K-9 units too, the first time I saw you. Didn’t tell me shit, just seemed to think it was some kinda joke.” He watches Ghost’s hands relax on the wheel and feels a little tension leave his own shoulders. “...Sorry about all the nonsense, sir,” he mutters, referring to…well, to the whole bit; the patting, the baby-talk, the names, the collar. Steaming Jesus. It was one thing to not be surprised, but having it confirmed still leaves Soap confronting some of his own actions with Ghost-as-a-dog, it leaves him with an emotion somewhere between giddy delight and chagrin. Feeling like a bit of a kicked puppy himself.
Ghost shakes his head silently in response, but that doesn’t really mean anything to Soap. That gesture could be anywhere from ‘I don’t mind’ to ‘just drop it’ or even ‘you confound me with your whole fucking existance, MacTavish’, which—none of those options are life-endingly horrible, but he still needs to know which it is.
So he pushes, of course he does.
“I mean it. Not being sure it was you doesn’t excuse it if you didn’t like it, ‘n I can stop if it bothers you.” Silence from the driver’s side. Ghost doesn’t so much as twitch. “I can get the others to stop too, get ‘em to leave you alone so you can go back to whatever you were doin’ before—”
“No.” The interruption is abrupt, but not with any particular emotion that Soap can recognize. “It’s alright. I…” Ghost trails off, adjusts his grip on the steering wheel, clears his throat. “It’s nice.”
“Well. That’s good then.”
Ghost puffs out a heavy sigh, “...Yeah.”
Johnny is trying to find something to say, but has kind of been blindsided by the fact that Ghost thinks it’s nice. He likes how he’s been treated as Spoon. In the same way that he wasn’t surprised to find out that Ghost was the dog in the first place, he’s also not surprised to find out that Ghost likes being scratched behind the ears—it’s just that now he knows. He can be fully aware that Ghost had every opportunity and reason to maul one of them for treating him like a common household animal and didn’t, but it’s another thing entirely for Ghost to tell him outright.
It’s a lot to think about, a lot to reconcile. He notices that Ghost is hunched defensively over the wheel at around the same time Soap notices he’s been staring at his poor lieutenant for an unknown number of seconds. 
“Would you…” Soap actually takes a moment to think about what he’s about to say. “Would you like a scratch behind the ears, sir?”
Cliffhanger because I'm a kind and benevolent writer. How does Ghost react? Tune in for when I chew up and shred the second chapter, then post the third one like I'm tossing it out the car window <3
ANYWAY FLOCK!!! Flock is a wings au one-shot that's just. It's just fluff, a la Figure Study yk? There are probably specific amenities for Ppl w wings (who I am literally calling 'birds' in the fic. Probably not the PC term but I doubt two army dudes are gonna care much if they're just talking about eachother) in shower rooms/maybe separate rooms entirely (bc could you imagine showering and minding ur own business and then get swatted by a wing bc the guy next to you is tryna clean his wing. No bueno). That base concept down its post-mission, they're getting cleaned up, Soap fucked his shoulder so Ghost helps him preen, Soap isn't a chump and returns the favor but it's been 50 million years since Ghost was gently caressed by the human hand and after having at least One emotion about it this fucker passes out like an old man in front of the TV. Then Soap gets to go "OK grandpa lets get you to bed" and tuck him in. (I am the CEO of naptime. It is me.)
The fic is like—like I basically wrote it, it's practically written... had I not changed my mind twice back and forth about the setting. It's in desperate need of editing because right now they're just in some amorphous hotel room that MIGHT be vaguely pool-like or might not be pool-like at all or MAYBE they're not even in a hotel. Is it in Chicago post-hassan? Is it just Some Mission? What needs to happen is I need to make up my mind.
Anyway here's a snippet!
Ghost climbs onto the seat and crosses his arms, almost folding in half when he leans down to rest his elbows against the counter. After a beat, his wings loosen some from their typical tight fold, and Soap's mouth actually waters a little bit at the thought of how they'll look spread to full span.
He can't be blamed, Ghost has gorgeous wings and hasn't stretched them once since removing the matte-black. Soap already knows they're massive; even folded up they promise an intimidating size, just like the rest of him, and—wow. Soap should stop this train of thought. He steps up, directly behind Ghost, who turns to glance over his shoulders. His eyes are sharp, calculating. Soap feels seen. So he says the first thing that comes to mind.
"I broke my left wing once. Have I ever told you that story?"
"...Only once?"
"Piss off," Soap mutters, no real heat behind it since he's a little busy trying to find a safe place to put his hands first. Right on the wing seems a little too bold. "It was during basic, actually, we were climbing—I'm gonna touch the back of your neck—we were climbing one of those giant rock-walls—" he places his palm on the warm skin of Ghost's neck, blathering all the while about this stupid story from years ago that he only tells when he needs to defuse a tense situation. When Ghost doesn't tense any further, Soap slowly slides his hand into the downy feathers between his scapulars.
That gets a reaction; Ghost's wings draw inward, tense like a bowstring ready to fire. Soap can feel follicles rising under his hand as feathers puff up—for a moment, he actually expects Ghost to try and physically shake him off. Soap waits, rubs small arcs with his thumb, keeps his mouth running for background noise. When Ghost doesn't pull away, he slowly, carefully, pets through the soft plumage, soothing the irritation with his fingers.
He's off on another tangent by the time it feels safe enough to bring his other hand into play. His fingers are quickly coated in oil from compulsively sliding over the hidden line of Ghost's spine—tense in a way that Soap desperately wants to smooth with a firmer touch, but that would be far, far too much. Smartly, he sticks with picking out grains of sand, dirt, or powder and tiny, loose feathers.
(Occasionally, he thinks he hears Ghost make a noise, something quiet and vulnerable, but he drowns it with the sound of his own voice to save the both of them from having to address it.)
When Soap deems that section complete, it's bright and glossy and only serves to highlight how much trouble Simon must have been having, trying to keep up with his wings on his own for however long. From a polite distance, with his wings folded in and without being familiar enough with him to know what they're supposed to look like, they seem fine; perhaps a little ragged, but rarely are army wings anything less. Soap doesn't know what Simon's wings are supposed to look like, but now he's starting to get an idea.
He says, "I never knew why he had it out for me so bad. I'd think it was the wings—that's what usually gets people—" as he slides both hands over Ghost's wing, one stopping on his elbow, the other coming to rest just above his wrist. He presses up on the elbow, down on the wrist, and has a split second to realize that may have not been the move.
Then Ghost full-body twitches in an aborted flap that sends his wing to John's face, which makes John grip harder, pressing into Ghost's shoulder, instinctually trying to hold him down to keep from getting his nose bruised. Ghost's other wing flares out, scattering water as he twists around to face Soap.
They both freeze. Ghost is breathing hard. His wide, brown eyes bore straight into Soap's skull. At the look on his face, John quickly drops one of his hands and moves the other to Ghost's back again, fingers sinking down into his feathers, trying to comfort.
"Sorry! Sorry," Soap says as soon as he's taken a breath again. "Was tryin' ta stretch yer wing out, just habit to do it myself—"
"It's fine." The rawness of Ghost's voice surprises them both. He clears his throat, and it sounds a little more convincing when he speaks again. "It's fine. Just—"
The wing John wasn't trying to get to ended up stretched out over the damp concrete of the bathing room, so there's a moment of awkward shifting while Ghost gets it back into the water and turns his back to John again. John is almost too mesmerized by the feeling of muscles shifting under his hand to notice the gesture. (Keyword: almost. Something in him still eases when Simon is willing to have him out of immediate line of sight.)
"Keep going. You don't know why he had it out for you...?" A clear prompt, and Ghost sounds almost normal, so John carefully lifts his other hand, trails them both through the down of Ghost's mantle.
"Uh... Yeah, no clue why he had it out for me, I thought it was the wings but he was sweet on the other bird we had—"
Trying to move someone's wing for them is a little bold, he'll admit. But it was a habit—most of his other partners are perfectly content to sit back and relax while he takes care of their feathers, and he was much the same. Ghost wasn't going to be the same; he'd known that, but clearly hadn't been paying enough attention if he made such a stupid mistake. Both of his wings are drawn tight again, and Soap's own twitch closer to mirror the posture.
Trying to be more conscious of what his hands are doing, he starts moving from the mantle and into the edge of Ghost's scapulars, taking his sweet time working his way out toward the rest of the wing.
Ghost takes easier to this approach; slowly, Soap feels muscles loosen, and while he's straightening Ghost's tertials, his wing unfurls a little further.
Soap gets down the rest of his wing that way, with it slowly stretching outward until Soap is combing through his primaries. He stopped talking some time ago, he's not sure when. He's not sure when Ghost dropped his face into his crossed arms either, but sure enough, he's half-laying on the concrete, hunched over the lip of the pool, and his mask is shoved into the crook of his elbow.
He's also not sure when Ghost started trembling, but he is. Soap can hardly tell except for when he's got his fingers pressed against the convulsing muscles and the tips of Ghost's primaries are shaking even when Soap isn't touching them. He stays where he is for a moment, drawing his fingers down over the same spot, carefully watching Ghost's head as if he might catch a peek of an expression.
It's a hopeless endeavor, and he doesn't stop shaking.
Get that man a fucking hug. Stat.
ANYWAY those are the things ✨️ I hope you enjoyed:>
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bearwithmeshifting · 2 years
I’ve always been fascinated by the topic of p-shifting, but really unsure of reliable resources. I’m not exactly in the therian or otherkin scene, do you have any resources I can look into?
Yeah P-shifting tends to be a very dubious concept, especially when you’re used to one set of terms and attempting to see if another group is describing something similar with different terms. I’d personally suggest that you avoid finding truth as part of the enjoyment with the topic of shapeshifting, assuming you aren’t a shifter. The various claimed experiences of shapeshifting are interesting enough on their own, and maybe its best to consider it folklore. When it comes to recorded resources on physical shifting, I only know of one that is probably truthful, and its about the social structure of Selkies around Orkney (I think, I may be misremembering the region). The document was written to be seen in private among a few, and I may add it to this post should its author deem it alright. (Edit: check reblogs, its there.)
Here are a few hints at what to consider untrue when investigating the veracity of shapeshifting claims, if only because I know that what I said probably won’t discourage you from attempting to find truth anyways.
Who wrote the source? Witnesses may be mistaken, authorities may be motivated, and self reported claims are uncommon.
Is the shapeshifting process described? Is something is explained in a way without a way to materially verify it? (For example, claiming that shapeshifters are ACTUALLY just people who dream themselves into a new form at night, or that a secret new hormone that’s undetectable to all medicine is responsible.) If so, its likely to be misinformed to some degree, and may be false.
Is the ability to shapeshift contagious? If so, it’s highly likely that the source was written with conceptions of shapeshifting after the werewolf monster became popular in pop culture. A common pattern in older sources was that shapeshifters just were shapeshifters, perhaps by curse/blessing or birth, but without spread.
Does a person claim to have made themself into a shapeshifter? The processes that would make this possible are ahead of science by possible centuries, and the magical ability to do so is dubious. Doubly so if the source was written to inspire others the “become shapeshifters” by their guide, and triply so if the price of the source is in the triple digits.
This one is obvious, but if there are generally any notable features that were only brought up in fiction prior to its sourcing, its likely untrue.
Should you find yourself changing into a beast, the secret cheat code is to find sources that detail things similar to what you experience, and read about other topics written by the same individual. Should they say something that goes against all reason, then you can discard them on the truthfulness. Otherwise, info of maybe truth is helpful backside knowledge to reference when investigating similar subjects.
This is a nonexhaustive rough guide to tell if a shapeshifting source isn’t based in reality. This isn’t to say that those sources are less valuable when physical shapeshifting is out of the picture. Werewolves who couldn’t shapeshift were sometimes “just” murderers, their humanity being taken away by systems of power to help make their executions more moral. People who would dream of being wolves in the night to help fight back demons are a wonderful story of harmless metamorphosis and devotion to one’s community. When the truth of shapeshifting is less of a concern, it can make the enjoyment of the concept easier.
If you wish to find resources on what it means to be a physical shifter, most of the people who claim to be physical shifters tend to vary on specifics. The only uniting factor is that we’re people who claim to physically shift. If you aren’t a physical shifter yourself it’s difficult to discern who can shapeshift or not, especially only online. I’ve written some about my experiences, but you should really check out all the blogs who have posted in the physical shifting tag to contrast and compare. Offsite I can’t easily recommend anything else.
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yerbamansa · 1 year
share ten songs you’ve had on repeat lately and then tag ten people!
i was tagged by @epersonae several days ago!! thank you!!
hoo boy tagging. if you wanna play, pretend i tagged you and tag me in your post so i can seee itttt. i miss most of what happens on tumblr lately.
anyway, i've been working on a playlist to go with a new fic that's taken over my brain, so most of these are from that, except where otherwise noted.
Taking Things For Granted - Joy Oladokun (new album yay!)
Radio Friendly Unit Shifter - Nirvana (in honor of having the urge to put on In Utero while doing the dishes and NOT feeling more depressed afterwards)
We Invent You - Unwound
Vibrant Colors - Taken By Trees
Harakeke - Jen Cloher
Everywhere I Go I Bring The Rain - Caroline Rose
The Weather - Built To Spill
Hard To Build. Easy To Break. - Cowboy Junkies
Pitch Or Honey - Neko Case
Big Time - Angel Olsen
the ✨vibes✨ this new fic has. and of course i have to put my current musical fixation jen cloher and all-time musical fixation neko case on there.
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theghostpinesmusic · 2 months
As we (I) speed toward the dramatic conclusion of Phish's seven-night MSG run from July/August of 2023, it's time to consider "Prince Caspian." Why is he afloat upon the waves, anyway? And how does he stay afloat, with stumps instead of feet? So many questions.
Perhaps the most important question of all, though, is "Why did Phish share this 'Prince Caspian' video on YouTube instead of literally any portion of the "Tweezer" -> "Guy Forget" -> "Tweezer" > "What's the Use?" > "Scents and Subtle Sounds" -> "Tweezer" -> "Everything's Right" segment from the second set?", which was easily my favorite consistent hour-plus of Phish music in a long time.
My suspicion, after experiencing years of questionably-chosen show "highlights" from this band, is that they choose to post videos of the parts of the show they like the best, rather than what they think the fans will like best. Probably a good move, actually, considering that 95% of hardcore Phish fans seem to hate Phish anyway.
Well, with that theory in mind, let's see what Phish might have enjoyed about Phish's performance of "Prince Caspian" from 8/5/23!
"Caspian" has a bit of a bad reputation in the modern era, as it has a tendency to a) not get jammed out, and b) get dropped into sets at precisely the perfect time for ruining the flow completely. Of course, there are a few notable exceptions to this (I'm looking at you, Magnaball "Caspian"), but generally speaking I understand the groans that typically accompany the song starting up even though I think it's fundamentally a great song off of a great album (Billy Breathes).
All that said, the 8/5 version is a rare standalone take, which sort of insulates it from flow-ruining status (yes, "officially" it's a > out of "Divided Sky," but it's about as non-segue-y a segue as you can get). And, of course it gets jammed out, or else we wouldn't be here!
"Caspian" is a short tune, even by Phish-let's-just-get-to-the-jam-already standards: by 2:30, we're moving into the jam, with Trey starting off by playing around with the song's melody line a little bit and keeping things "Type I." This section is pretty straightforward as Phish jams go, but nobody told Fishman that, apparently, because he's just all over the place on the drums, and dragging the beat in cool ways as if we aren't three minutes into a two-and-a-half-minute-rock song.
Trey changes tone and starts injecting some tension into the jam at 4:20, but the band as a whole is reluctant at first to leave the "Caspian" structure. At 4:54, Trey deploys his octave shifter, which, in case you're interested, is one of the things that makes me happiest in the world. It's just such a goofy sound, but he somehow manages to always deploy it in the exact right circumstance so as to keep it from being ridiculous [citation needed from basically any one of the many incredible 1999-2000 Phish jams].
The octave shifter seems to pull the rest of the band out of "Caspian," and we're on to a sort of call-and-response...alien mating song?
Around 5:40, Trey asserts some bluesy influence over the proceedings, and the band slowly turns away from alien soundscapes toward something more recognizably human. The chunky, stop/start nature of the jam continues, though.
Then, at 6:45, Trey's guitar transforms into a...Transformer? He used this super-chunky, super-distorted effect a bunch in 2021, when I last saw them live, and I love it. It is the weirdest. Everyone in the band seems to like it, too, as they unite behind the riff he's playing and we change gears again. This section of the jam makes me think of the "Split Open and Melt" from earlier in the run, except it makes you want to dance instead of making you afraid that you've gotten sucked into a black hole.
Also, what is Fishman playing here? I mean, seriously, what is this guy?!
Eventually, the lights get weird too, and it's hard for me not to just laugh at how strange and unique and wonderful this band can get. Like...what is happening at 8:40?!
Trey changes keys at 9:10, and the rest of the band exits the alien dance party on a dime to follow him into a somewhat more mellow space. I love what Page is doing on the piano here, especially contrasted with the fact that Mike is still playing his comically effects-heavy bass.
This (return to?) blues-heavy jamming features another brief stop/start section, and then Trey decides it's Space Robot Time again at 10:35. And I am laughing out loud in this coffee shop relistening to this.
I don't want to give Trey all the credit here: Page's weird skirling organ melodies are as much a part of this jam as anything else, and once again: what the fuck is Fishman?!
We kinda-sorta exit the Robot Jam for more blues at 11:30, though again Mike seems reluctant to revert to a normal-sounding bass right away.
Somewhere in there, the band pulls off an incredibly smooth transition into more straight-ahead rock-and-roll territory, and by 13:00, Trey is shredding over top of what would be a really standard (if great) blues vamp if Fishman were not an absolute alien.
You like guitar loops?! You like guitar peaks?! Trey has you covered starting around 13:45 and continuing until MSG catches on fire.
The crowd absolutely losing their minds at 15:10 is a great moment, and then Trey engineers some weird noise-rock, complete with Full Band Moaning...you know, just because.
If I have one gripe about this "Caspian," it's that this weird keening section only last a minute or so (yeah, weird thing to complain about, I suppose) before it gives way to a nice transition into "NICU," which is not part of the video, but was the song they played next!
So...that was fun. One more Phish jam to cover, and then I'm off for a bit to pastures that, while not necessarily greener, are certainly different!
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polhphp · 2 years
Red panda raster 2
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Red panda raster 2 manual#
Red panda raster 2 plus#
Whether you’re a singer-songwriter, rocker, or ambient player, the Raster 2 is guaranteed to bring something new, wild and exciting to your sound. It takes 9v power and needs at least 250ma to run properly. Four presets are available on board with the additional option for up to 128 presets via MIDI. The footswitches can be configured to be momentary or latching and there’s also a control input for expression pedals which can be assigned to affect any parameter you choose. Half, whole, or quarter note divisions are also available for the delays as is whether the feedback cycles forward, in reverse, or infinity (back into itself). Tremolo is also possible as are glitchy, stuttering pulses to chop up your sound anyway you like. Add to that the fact that you can really customize the LFO modulation by scrolling through different waveforms, different rise and fall choices for both speed and depth using the alt switch that’s part of the wave button and you really have a sonic, cosmic dream. So the technical stuff is cool but how does this sound in practical use? So, for instance, you’re playing along and you’ve got a groovy little part going with some nice clear delay, a little modulation and you simply step on the left switch and you will have a rippling, cascading goddess flowing through your signal. It’s very handy that you can use the pedal as a straight delay with no pitch shifting at all and simply add the shifting via the dedicated left footswitch. In between, you will discover inversions and chords along the way.
Red panda raster 2 plus#
Counterclockwise is below standard pitch to minus 1 octave and clockwise past noon is 2nds, 3rds, 4ths, etc., to plus 1 octave. The tone control varies, from darker analog-voiced repeats counter-clockwise to bright, crisp color fully clockwise, emphasizing your attack.īut of course, the real star of this unit is the pitch shifting and the various combinations thereof that should really spur your creativity, and isn’t that what any new music toy is really about? Where does it lead you and what new sounds do you come up with? The shift knob is the key element for shifting the pitch. The left and right delay times (that’s right, two delays) can be set in series, parallel or ping pong and can be set as a ration so a single knob changes both in sync. Resonant feedback sounds are also available through three delay ranges fixed by a switch. Infinite repeats start at 3 o’clock on the feedback control and above that lives beautiful chaotic mayhem. The Raster is a digital delay with a pitch and frequency shifter integrated into the feedback loop. The web app includes control over many other deep dive functions and greatly increases the functionality of the pedal and lets you assign MIDI and other applications if you wish. Stock delay time is 1600ms, which can rise to 3200ms via their web app.
Red panda raster 2 manual#
You can deep-dive if you’re into that sort of thing but all of the tactile, manual features at your fingertips are highly useful and easily accessible.Īt its heart, the Raster 2 is a digital delay with pitch and frequency shifting integrated into the feedback loop. Would mean they’re overly complicated, but they’re not. Red Panda packs as many features into their pedals as anyone I know and you’d think that
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stanurines1mp · 3 years
Play Fire With Fire
Pairing: Jean Kirstein x Fem!Reader (she/her)
type: fluff + steamy
an: literally wtf is this? it's kinda hot though oml. someone get me a Jean irl. I want him honestly. also, please give me requests or smtng idk... it's not technically fluff tho- but it's not angst either and def not smut. a part 2 for this where its just filthy smut wud be good tho eheh. i apologize in advance tho-
warnings: mentions of being an orphan, mentions of injuries, slight angst if you squint, steamy-ish, enemies-to-lovers-esque, not even enemies really tho. suggestive flirting so if youre not comfy, don't read. coz there's a lot eheh. they're very dirty dirty. but no smut tho. tell me if i missed anything.
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You had no idea what came over you. But when your ship was hijacked, you voluntarily went with Yelena. You had no idea what her and Zeke's plans were but you went with them anyway.
While the other Marleyans were held captive as prisoners, Yelena made a request to let you roam free under the supervision of the Scouts. It took a lot of convincing but ultimately, Commander Hange Zoe allowed the request after the discussion held with the other high-ranking officers of Paradis.
You were introduced to the main unit of the Survey Corps. The Commander was exceptionally friendly and eccentric that even if you actually hated Eldians, you were sure you would have loved them either way.
Then you met the man dubbed as Humanity's Strongest Soldier; Captain Levi Ackerman. You didn't expect him to be so short or slender, to be honest.
You were lucky enough to actually spend time with the person Yelena so desperately wanted to meet; the Titan shifter, Eren Jaeger. Along with him, you met Armin Arlert, the one with the power of the Colossal Titan.
Their unit consisted of a few others; Mikasa Ackerman, Sasha Braus, Conny Springer, and Jean Kirstein. All of them were about your age. Which made them wonder how you were even a part of the cavalry sent to rescue the lost soldiers.
"I'm an orphan. So they pretty much just took me and made me a soldier since I was a kid," you confided to Armin on a cold night by the fireplace.
"I'm sorry to hear that. How old were you when they took you?" He asked, voice intended with care as he worried over the crossing of boundaries.
"Five years old," you mumbled under the starry night.
"I'm sorry. No one deserves that," he sympathized, understanding that you now had a bond with him.
It was clear that there was a lack of trust at first between you and the Scouts of the main unit. But Armin was the connection that insisted trust be built.
So over time, you trained with them and shared stories of your life with them. Trust strengthened the friendships you had with them all.
Once the trust between you and those of the Scout Regiment was strong enough, you began training with them. You learned to use their gear, their blades, though you knew that Titans weren't really the ones you'd be fighting against. You were just curious and the others had taken a liking to your curiosity that they helped you with it.
To say you were a natural was an understatement. With no experience whatsoever, you managed to use their ODM gear perfectly. They even compared you to Captain Levi and Mikasa, saying how you were almost as good as them. The keyword being almost.
You'd train one on one with most of them. Easily, you won. Eren, Armin, Sasha, and Conny fell victim to your strength during combat training.
You had yet to train with Mikasa and honestly, with the way everyone praised her, you were certainly excited to test your abilities against someone from the Ackerman clan.
The session you had with Mikasa was long but you weren't even upset when she ultimately won. But still, she gave you injuries and wounds that seriously hurt like a bitch.
"It happens," Jean chuckled while he stood by your side, helping you to your wounds.
"I'm used to it," you shrugged.
"You know, you haven't fought me yet," he smirked, wiping some rubbing alcohol on your skin. "Shit, sorry," he mumbled apologetically after you winced at the sudden contact.
"You think I can't beat you?" You laughed, the sound music to his ears.
"It would be amusing to see you try," he grinned.
You couldn't help but want to smack the smug smirk off his face. You didn't hate Jean. In fact, his leadership skills were admired by you.
Not to mention, you did think he was quite attractive. But his complexion was that of a challenge. And you weren't the kind to back down from a challenge. Because of that, you took it up on him once your injuries settled.
Honestly, Jean had no idea why he was being so smug with you. He knew damn well that the chances of you taking him down topples the chances of him actually winning.
He was there when you went on against Mikasa. He watched your every move, he studied you. He examined the way your slim body moved against Mikasa.
Your movements were swift and your techniques were unique. Even with how much his eyes were focused on you whenever he saw you train, he still couldn't master your techniques. And he really tried to.
So again, he had no idea why he was being so cocky. Maybe because he wanted to impress you. Or maybe because it was just you. Either way, he was ready to give it his all during your training session with him for the first time.
"Why are you all here?" You quirked your brows at everyone who was sitting by the clearing just like last time when you trained with Mikasa.
"We're here to see horseface gets his ass kicked," Eren shrugged.
"I take it you're on my side then," you smirked, sending a wink to them before you warmed up. "Get ready to go down," you grinned, walking past Jean.
"In your dreams," he huffed, rolling his eyes sharply.
But something in the way your voice was a sultry, chest-originating tone caused his breathing to stop. It was just for a second, but it was a second. The two of you warmed up before approaching one another on the field. You began.
It didn't take long for you to win the first session. You had your right leg pushing him on the ground against his chest. Your lips were curled in a victorious grin that erupted a swarm of butterflies in the pit of Jean's stomach.
At the end of the day, you really did win against him. Well, almost. At the last round, somehow, someway, Jean swooped your leg and pinned you down.
Your back hit the ground with a thud. Your throat let out a muffled grunt before your whole complexion turned into a scowl at the sight of Jean's lips that mimicked the ones you sent to him before. Your ears caught the gasps of shock from the others.
"Got you," he winked, absorbing the victory.
You didn't hate Jean. But now, you do. All because he won against you one time.
So after that, you kept training with Mikasa just so you can improve your skills. One day, the Captain himself wanted a shot at you. You didn't mind. Even if he won, which he ultimately did, you'd understand. He was an Ackerman.
But Jean wasn't. So how the in the goddamn fuck did he manage to pin you down?
You made sure that he knew you were holding a grudge. You couldn't help it though. Because after that day, everything about him annoyed you. His incessant, constant flirting. His stupid smirk. His dopey grin. His whole fucking existence.
"You lost against Mikasa and Levi, why are you giving him such a hard time?" Sasha queried, taking a mouthful of food.
"Because he's annoying," you grumbled bitterly, watching as Jean chuckled with amusement.
"Welcome to the Jean hate club," Eren patted your back gently, slightly scared of you after you caused him to get five stitches during the first round of your training with him. "I'm the President of it."
"Shut up, you suicidal maniac!" Jean growled through gritted teeth, and you couldn't help but appreciate the sight of his anger.
He looks kinda hot.
You hate him.
You hate him but you're not blind.
But you hate him.
And as you spend your days with a grudge against Jean and hating at each movement of his, he couldn't help but fall head over heels in love with your whole existence.
He fell infatuated with each part of you. So while you would make a remark about anything of him, he'd stare with eyes so fucking loving.
You'd agree with whatever insult Eren let out, adding a comment of your own. But Jean would admire your soft pink lips that would curl into a grin.
He knew you'd one day want a rematch with him. He looked forward to that day the second you mentioned it in a tone he assumed was meant to be threatening. But to him, it was mere beauty.
At nights, he'd think of you before sleeping. He'd think of how the skin of your fingertips would look against his.
He wanted to know how his palm looked against yours. His palm would probably be bigger. He wanted to know how your hands would look intertwined with his.
He wondered how both of you would look when he had his arm around you. Your waist, your shoulders, your body.
He wanted you.
One night he thought of how to get closer to you. How to have a relationship with you. He came up with an idea to begin flirting with you.
The whole day before he saw you, he was mustering up the courage in his body. At first, he was almost sure you would hit him or just straight-up murder him. But he was wrong.
When he laid eyes on your appearance by the hallway, he rushed out, an arm smoothly stretched out around your shoulders. At first touch, you tensed but then you immediately relaxed at recognizing Jean's touch.
"Hey, gorgeous," his lips were twitched upwards in a smirk while his deep voice warmed the side of your ear.
While your eyes were intensely stared forward, his were on you. Careful, sharp light-brown eyes studiously raking your reaction. Much to his surprise, he noticed the sharp intake of breath of yours at the same time red hue splattered your complexion.
But the reaction that caused his confidence to shoot up the roof is the flash second after his flirty greet when your breathing stopped and your eyes fluttered.
Your chest then heaved rather nervously, like your heart was beating fast because of his words. Because of him. Your jaw clenched before you relaxed and tried your best to pretend you had no reaction.
"What do you want, dickhead?" Your voice was scrunched messily at first before it took a steadier tone.
"Is that a way to greet your favorite Devil?" He chuckled, noticing that you hadn't pushed his arm away or even tried to squirm. You just continued walking alongside his pace, arm still around your shoulder.
"You are in no way my favorite," you also let out your own humorless chuckle.
"Wanna have dinner with me, doll?"
"Like you'd even give me a moment of peace anyway," you retorted, unknowingly warming his heart.
After that night, he just kept on going. In addition to the nicknames, he started giving you flowers. Random flowers he'd pick up whenever he'd see one.
"For you, princess," he'd bow down jokingly while handing you a single daisy.
You'd roll your eyes, pretending like he was annoying you. You did still find him annoying. But you began to like having him around.
He did make funny jokes. Even though they were mostly, usually, stupid. But you decided you actually did like stupid jokes. Especially his stupid jokes.
But you liked what you had with him. So you kept it going.
You'd still roll your eyes at his appearance. You'd huff out a breath at his words. You'd give him a scoff like everything he's doing and saying is stupid. Maybe they were. But he liked doing them all to you and you felt the same.
But you'd never let him know.
Because he still managed to beat you that one time.
And he was so smug about it that you needed to win.
"You're glowing, love," he greeted you with awe at the training field.
The day both of you were looking forward to had arrived. You were more than ready to kick his and he was more than ready to see the joyous look on your face when you'd do that.
He knew that you'd win. The only reason he won that day was because of pure luck. He'd seen you and the way you fought. Still, he wasn't going to let you win that easily. He respected you too much not to give you a real fight.
"Get ready to get your ass kicked, Jean-boy," you winked playfully.
Fuck, Y/N, if I could, I'd let you ruin me. He wanted to say that. He thought that. But of course, out of respect, he'd kept them as nothing but a mere loving thought.
The others had gathered around the field. The ones most excited for the fight were, of course, the two titan shifters as well as Conny, Mikasa, Sasha, and Commander Hange.
Captain Levi was there too but you were sure he couldn't care less about it. But maybe he did a little because you had been training with him a lot that he considered you a friend.
So you began once the two of you were ready. Just as you had expected, Jean wasn't going to give in so easily. You realized that he, too, had gotten better with his techniques.
Despite the number of nights you had spent staying up thinking about Jean, it was becoming hard to predict his next moves. Thankfully, you were fast.
But not fast enough that Jean had your back against him. Your body was pushed flushed, a light thud emitted at the rough contact, causing you to drop your knife.
His arm over your collarbone was strong and firm, holding you in place. Your breathing was heavy, your head slightly turned to the right to see him.
You felt his head lean down to the right side of your face. His breath was warm against your skin, sending goosebumps at the close contact.
"I got you," he let out a deep chuckle, so cruel yet arousing.
"Yeah?" Your voice is intentionally sultry to catch him off guard. "What are you gonna do to me now?"
Just like you planned, he was extremely surprised at your sudden words and tone. He didn't really let go of you but his arm loosened away and his mind was clouded with desire.
You took the opportunity to make your move. You swooped his right leg with your own, causing him to tumble down.
In one swift movement, you took your fallen knife before turning Jean's body around so you were face to face while you had him pinned on the ground. The knife you held was strained against his throat. Of course, you wouldn't actually hurt him.
"You talk too much, Jean-boy," you hummed. "Should just slit your throat right now. That should shut you up."
Your threats were empty, both of you knew that. But your eyes were glaring sharply at him. All while his complexion wore a dopey smile like he was drunk. Drunk of your sweet scent. Drunk of your touch. Drunk of your presence. Drunk of you.
"You're beautiful."
His voice was so steady. Your mind was a little blank at coming up with a remark. You were blushing madly as your eyes met his.
Your face relaxed a little but before a proper smile could form, you heard Hange and Armin stopping you. They probably thought that you were really gonna hurt Jean.
"That's enough, Y/N," they chuckled nervously. "I'll treat us all to a dinner tonight at your victory," they announced happily. "Please wear nice clothes."
"Oh, fancy," you giggled before getting off Jean's lap on the ground.
You made sure he caught sight of your wink that sent him into a frenzy. He sighed contentedly, falling back onto the ground. He laid there for a while before getting up himself.
He didn't even feel angry when Eren made an insulting jab towards him. He was much too blissed out by you to care about anything else.
And just when he thought he couldn't be even more mesmerized by you, he was proven wrong. Standing before his eyes was you in a long, silky sage dress.
The straps holding the dress were so thin, he couldn't help but conjure the image of his fingers wrapped around them. He was wearing a suit, his growing mullet styled nicely.
He leaned against the doorframe of Hange's office where you and Levi were conversing. He couldn't help as his eyes raked over your figure. You could feel his fiery gaze on you but you couldn't ignore the way heat was flushing your body.
During the fancy dinner, you were sat across Jean. And his gaze never once traveled elsewhere. Unless someone was talking to him. So in between the praises and questions, you let your eyes meet his.
Somewhere over the course of the night, you caught him staring at you, eyes flickering up and down. Deciding that your actions could probably lead to something irreversible, you ignored all rational thoughts and reciprocated his demeanor.
So you played fire with fire.
"That last technique was really good, Y/N," Armin complimented, taking a forkful of food. "Where'd you learn it?"
"One of the first things I was taught," you answered with a sly smile, distracting enough so the others wouldn't notice you and Jean eye-fucking each other. "Distract your opponent and hit them when their brain is all mushy and confused."
"How'd you distract Jean?" Levi's voice was laced with suggestion more than curiosity.
You'd spend enough time with the Captain to notice his little hints. Of course, he knew something.
"Come on Captain, I'm no snitch," you let out a soft laugh while your gaze wandered to him again. "Everyone craves a distraction honestly."
"That, I agree," Sasha smiled innocently, shoving her mouth with more food.
Once the night ended, you all returned back. You said your farewells to the others. Your ways parted with theirs when you made your way to your room.
But you didn't have to look behind to know Jean stayed his journey with you. His presence was so filling that you could sense him easily.
"Getting a little creepy there, horseface," you simply let out, feeling as he picked up his pace so he can walk alongside you.
"Can I walk you to your room?"
It was an accident but you felt his fingertips brush against your bare forearm. "Aren't you doing that already?" You laughed softly.
"Sorry for that," he hummed, putting his hands in the pockets of his pants.
You chuckled breathily, a little amused at his sincere apology. The whole way over to your room was silent. You didn't say anything and neither did he.
When you finally reached the door, you held the doorknob against your flesh. But before you actually turned it, you faced him, eyebrows raised, a suggestive smirk lingering on your lips.
"So are you just here to be a gentleman or do what you wanted to the whole night?"
The next thing you knew, your hands grabbed at his tie, pulling him closer to you. His hand quickly was placed on yours at the doorknob, quickly turning it.
His body pushed against yours into the room. The door was closed in a thud that you wished wasn't too loud. His hands roamed to your body, your body pressed against the wall while his lips fought yours in a battle of dominance.
When you both needed air, he pulled away, making sure to drag out your bottom lip with an arousing bite. A small whimper of pleasure escaped your throat at his action.
"What did you say about my mouth earlier, Y/N?" He chuckled darkly, his deep voice rumbling from the pit of his chest. His tone was condescending and belittling.
You couldn't help but let your own hands wander to the buttons of Jean's shirt. His lips were slightly swollen and you knew that yours were too. Pants were in sync, filling both your hearings like music on a sweet summer day.
"Fuck you, Jean," you seethed.
Then he let out the most rumbling voice against the heat of your ear. The darkness of his tone matched with the dominating breathing he kept by your earlobe was enough to free every inch of you from any self-restraint.
"Trust me, gorgeous, you're about to."
Don't play fire with fire, they say.
You were glad to never have been one to listen to anyone, anyway.
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“Kisses in the Morning Rain” Pt. III
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Fandom: Attack on Titan  Pairing: Eren x Reader  Words: 4.2k 
Warnings: Season 4 spoilers (namely for Ep. 7), canon divergence, Reader is a Titan Shifter, open discrimination against Eldians and Paradis, blood and violence, character death, mentions of past romantic feelings, mentions and references to depression
A/N: This chapter dabbles a little in Eren and Reader’s backstory, especially towards the end of the chapter. I’m really excited to get into the real angsty bits of this story, especially now that they’ll have more face-to-face interactions! Of course, this story doesn’t go exactly the way of the anime so I had to tweak a few things here and there. So it doesn’t line up perfectly, but hey, that’s the beauty of fic, right? Anyway, thank you so much to everyone who’s read this little story so far, and I hope you enjoy the chapter! (And if you want to be added to the taglist, just let me know!) 
Taglist: @ranitani​ 
“Kisses in the Morning Rain” Masterlist
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Eren’s jaw shatters against the crystal. Dark trails slide down the edges, painting the crystal in a sheen of red. It’s hard not to smirk as he stares down at you, obviously forming another plan in the back of his head—you can practically see the wheels turning around and around.
The Warrior Unit is already occupied—the Beast Titan’s arms swing violently, catching a few stray Scouts off guard, while the Cart Titan picks the rest of them off with the gunfire. The Jaw Titan lingers close to you, ready to pounce again if Eren decides to go for you again. But even if he does, you’ll be ready for him.
Something long and gray soars through the air and slams into the surface of the crystal. The thunder spear explodes upon impact, but does nothing against the shiny surface, leaving the crystal completely unharmed. Mikasa is seething—you can see it on her face, as she hovers close behind the Attack Titan’s shoulder.
It’s no use. The crystal is nearly indestructible, made of the same hardened Titan flesh that creates the War Hammer’s body. Perhaps the only Titan that could come close to breaking it is the Armored or the Jaw, but both of them are on your side in this war.
Eren doesn’t stand a chance.
A cloud of steam bursts from the Attack Titan’s nape. Eren steps out, red marks scorched on the skin of his face, long hair blowing in the breeze. He gives you one final glare before leaping down, teeth sinking into the meat of his palm. His Titan suddenly appears below you, crouched on the ground, as the one gripping your crystal begins to dissolve.
His stamina is incredible—what has he been doing these last four years? Transforming so quickly even after putting up that much of a fight… His energy rivals that of your own Titan…but he doesn’t appear to be needing a break anytime soon.
He swipes the crystal away, fingertips digging into the sharp edges. You have half a mind to pierce him with one of your spikes again, but now’s not the time. You need to save your energy for when you really need it. Save it for the real fight, when you truly need the War Hammer’s power.
The Beast Titan is so close, leering down at Eren. Then again, he doesn’t appear to be interested in the Attack Titan; everyone on this battlefield knows who he’s really looking for.
His hands clench, and tiny pebbles spray from his palms. He growls out Captain Levi’s name, but the Scout is nowhere to be found. And for some reason, you can feel the Attack Titan’s fingers closing over the crystal even tighter.
What are they waiting for?
It’s hard to keep your heartbeat steady, even under the protective barrier around you. Why haven’t the rest of the Scouts attacked for a while? You know they have a limited supply of ODM gear and gas with them, and that’s not including their ammunition, blades, and thunder spears. Are they taking refuge for a bit just to reload their weapons? Or are they waiting for another opening to attack? It would be stupid of them to charge out in the open, especially with the Beast so close to the Cart and the Jaw.
Not to mention, the War Hammer right in the palm of the Founder. One wrong move, and their most precious weapon is blown to smithereens.
And that’s only considering the Titans within range. From the hurried movements of the soldiers nearby, it’s safe to assume every single one of Marley’s forces are on their way to Liberio. The ground troops, the snipers, even the thousands of ships they have at the port—the entire zone of Liberio has been cut off from the rest of the world. The island devils are severely disadvantaged.
Still, that’s no reason to underestimate them. You’re familiar with the way the Scouts have operated over the last few years. Even before the battle for Shiganshina, they were strong enough on their own to survive multiple expeditions beyond the Walls, traveling straight into Titan-infested territories every few months, making small victories along the way. Supply bases were set, live Titan captures were made, and with the addition of Eren within the ranks, they were able to make great strides when it came to the research of Titan anatomy and physiology. And within two months, they were able to defend Stohess District from the Female Titan’s assault, even without the help of the Military Police.
The Scouts know their way around a battlefield. It doesn’t make sense that they would barge into Liberio without a plan up their sleeve. They would consult with the brightest minds possible—Section Commander Hanji, probably, and maybe even—
Golden light pierces the night sky. A thousand shadows dance along the rubble on the ground. Everyone on the field, soldier and Scout and Titan alike, stare up at the burst of energy at the edge of the zone, right where the beaches leading to the ocean are located.
Your jaw freezes up. The Colossal Titan—you’d recognize that light anywhere. Fuck, you didn’t count on Armin making it here…
You were there when Bertholdt was captured. Watched in horror as he was eaten alive by the sweet boy with blond hair and blue eyes. Felt your stomach churn as you watched Armin emerge from the Titan’s carcass, fresh marks embedded on his cheeks and eyes.
Of course, they would use him in their fight. Besides the Founder’s power, the Colossal Titan is their best shot at making an impactful attack. And it looks like they’ve done just that, as bits and pieces of the ships soar out of the port and into the zone.
The Jaw Titan roars and rushes forward—the Cart lingers back, heavy artillery still trained on the Attack Titan. No doubt they’ve realized what’s just happened; they probably didn’t count on having their entire fleet destroyed by one single blast.
The Beast suddenly roars and sinks to his knees on the ground—its nape bursts open with blood and steam. A small shape lands on its neck—Captain Levi, you realize with a shudder—and suddenly there’s a boom—
And the Beast is left defenseless on the ground, its nape blown to bits and gushing a river of blood.
Hands tremble at your sides. Teeth clank together. So fast—did that really just happen?!
You’ve always known Captain Levi to be ruthless with his enemies, but this? It’s almost too much to comprehend.
The Cart Titan’s artillery is firing off in every other direction, picking off Scouts one by one. But suddenly it stops—and in the split second the gun lowers, a storm of Scouts rain onto the Panzer Unit. Thunder spears soar down, flooding the Cart in flames and smoke. The Titan screams, barely scrambling out before toppling over the edge of the building.
Shit, the Cart too?! Something cold grips the base of your throat as you stare up at the Attack Titan—who’s looking rather pleased with how everything’s been turning out.
Two down, one to go. You can practically read his mind with the way he’s peering down at you, fingers gripping the edges of the crystal.
There’s a roar on the other side of the battlefield; the Jaw Titan leaps over the nearby buildings, hands and legs thundering against the rooftops. Jaws opened, teeth bared, claws stretched out.
Eren growls as he slams his fist into Porco’s face, but he’s too quick for him in the end. The Jaw pulls himself up, slashing Eren’s arm to bits before lunging right for his face.
The crystal suddenly trembles violently. Everything seems to slow to a stop as you stare at the three fresh claw marks right on the surface of the crystal.
A gasp slips through your mouth. Hardened Titan flesh—the only strength against the War Hammer’s skin and crystals. And the Jaw Titan’s claws and teeth are welded perfectly to match it in a fight.
The Attack Titan falters just a bit, as Mikasa swoops in and slashes her blades at the Jaw. As Porco leaps back, you can see the flicker of realization in those dark green eyes. You can see the wheels turning in his head, already forming a plan to break you out of the crystal.
To finally kill you himself.
You have to act soon. You can’t let yourself be put in danger like that. If he corners you and attempts to steal the War Hammer Titan, you have to be ready to fight back.
But even as you flex your fingers through the crystal, you can’t feel the full thrum of your Titan’s strength through your veins. It’s still dormant, recovering from the previous battle with Mikasa. Just a little more time and you’ll be able to hold your own again.
One of the greatest drawbacks of wielding such an incredible power in the first place, as your uncle always warned you about, was the recovery time of said power. Depending on the skill of the user, it could take days to recover any strength lost in a fight. You’ve been trained as a soldier, both by Marley and then Paradis, so your stamina is already superior to that of a regular human’s.
Still, there’s no telling how much time you have left before Eren decides to attack. An hour, maybe? A few minutes, a few seconds? It all depends on him—and now, Zeke and the others aren’t here to back you up and buy you time.
You’re on your own for now.
A low buzzing fills the air. The Jaw Titan’s attention turns to the side, and you follow his gaze eagerly. Your stomach drops like a stone when you see a small airship flying close to the rooftops, following a trail of bright lights planted on every other building.
The Scouts must’ve set those up during the fight, when you were all occupied with the soldiers and the gunfire. And the airship must be their ticket out of here once this is all over.
The perfect getaway. Armin definitely had a hand in planning this attack.
The thought makes you sick—but it doesn’t surprise you. Armin has always had a bit of a manipulative streak when it comes to planning against the enemy. You’re just not used to being on the receiving end of it.
The Jaw makes a run for it, claws drumming against the rooftops. You understand his plan at once—charge in there and rip the airship to shreds.
But then he’s growling something fierce, hitting the ground face first onto the rooftop in front of him. His legs are no more than bloody stumps—and Mikasa’s twin blades are dripping, a stark red against the shiny silver.
The Attack Titan glowers at Porco. And the moment he reaches for him, nails digging into his scalp—you realize just what he plans to do with him.
To the both of you.
The Jaw slams onto the ground with a groan. One by one, Eren rips off his arms with a startling display of strength, before throwing them to the side to join the rubble on the ground. The Jaw roars again, but Eren’s arm lurches forward; and suddenly you’re staring up at him from the Jaw Titan’s opened mouth.
Your mouth falls open. Eren lifts the two of you up in the air, Porco’s head dangling from his hands, with the crystal still lodged in between his teeth.
Not like this. Don’t kill me just yet.
Fine’s face flashes behind your eyelids. You promised to come back to her, to tell her what exactly happened to her father. To be there for the rest of her life, and for her brothers and sisters, as well. You’re not about to leave this world without at least saying goodbye to her.
You will your fingers to come to life. A familiar surge floods through your veins, but it’s much weaker than before. But you have no choice—attack now or die. You’re out of time to think.
The surface of the crystal begins to split apart. The edges vibrate violently as the Jaw roars against it.
Fuck, hurry up!
Your hands curl into fists at your sides. The Attack Titan opens its mouth. The blood on your forehead begins to burn. The Jaw Titan growls again—a desperate sound against your ears.
You scream as a burst of lightning explodes from the crystal, and another white spoke lodges itself into the Attack Titan’s chest.
It’s a weak one, only designed to catch him off guard instead of trapping him. But it’s enough to make him loosen his grip on the Jaw Titan, and the crystal tumbles out of its mouth at once.
The barrier shatters around you in one split second. Panting heavily and still bleeding from earlier, you allow the surge of power to completely overtake you, letting the War Hammer Titan step up once more—with your body safe and secure in its nape this time.
I might not have much time. I have to end this now.
The Beast Titan’s been destroyed. The Cart Titan blown up. The Jaw Titan bleeding from all four limbs, sprawled out onto the dusty ground below. And there’s no sign of the Armored Titan anywhere—either Reiner’s already been killed, or he has no interest in joining this fight.
And honestly, after everything that’s happened, both tonight and within the last four years…you can’t find it in yourself to blame him.
You can feel your stamina draining by the second. You have just enough to form the giant war hammer’s handle into your palm. Eren sneers at you, teeth bared and ready to pounce.
He won’t be killing you just yet.
Eren dodges the first swing with ease, the gaping hole in his chest steadily sewing itself up. You grit your teeth and swing again, desperately trying to ignore the heavy weight against your chest.
Don’t push yourself, you can remember your uncle’s words clearly, when you first inherited your family’s precious heirloom. The last thing you want is to faint in the middle of a fight.
Ten spikes burst from the ground to pin him into place—and just as he roars from the impact, you can feel your eyelids growing heavier. It’s getting harder to breathe as you raise the hammer again.
You’re surprised Mikasa doesn’t jump to Eren’s aid, just like she did before. But then you bring the hammer down—and you understand why she’s lingering back this time.
A meaty hand catches the hammer in time with your swing. Before you can even blink, the Titan rips it out of your hands completely, leaving your fingers bare and stretched out at nothing.
Suddenly you remember something: back in your training days, fooling around with the green-eyed boy, roughhousing and play fighting like two overgrown children. Too many training sessions ended with one of you pinning the other down, before gloating about your victory to the other’s face until their cheeks puffed out in a pout. More or less it was always Eren who was pouting—but he got back at you during ODM gear training. Always stealing your Titan kills, speeding ahead of you no matter what the mission was.
The head of the hammer knocks your head clean off, leaving your nape completely bare. The hardened skin around your body begins to chip away, and a gush of night air spills against your back.
The Titan’s flesh clings to your cheeks as you raise your head. The Attack Titan is staring down at you now, still clutching the war hammer in its hand. Your Titan’s head is somewhere on the ground. Your muscles scream for you to stop, your eyelids begging to close forever.
Not yet! You still have to fight!
You barely have time to spit out his name before the whole world goes dark.
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It’s silent after the fight. You’re both too afraid to speak up, too scared to bring any sense of reality to the situation at hand. Even now, a few minutes after the ordeal, your palms are still quivering at your sides.
Eren crouches down besides Armin, who’s sprawled out against the tiles of the roof. His skin is burnt to a crisp, every blond strand of hair singed from his head. Burned to death by the Colossal Titan’s steam, just to buy you and Eren some time to take it out. A hero until the very end.
Bertholdt is lying on the rooftop beside you, his limbs cut off and his eyes shut. He’s still breathing, though, so you’ll be able to use the serum Captain Levi has to transfer the Colossal Titan to a soldier of the Scout Regiment. It’s better to keep the Titan in your possession rather than get rid of it as a whole.
He jerks his head up at your voice, soft and gentle against the breeze. The two of you stare at each other for what feels like forever, before he finally decides to make a move. He straightens himself up and rushes forward, before pulling you against his chest in a hug. Your hands find purchase against his hair and nape, his heart thrumming powerfully against the shell of your ear.
So many things you want to say—so many things you know you can’t say. So many things that are just better left unsaid, and things you know you have to say right now, or else there might not be another chance to say them.
But for right now, you’re content with just holding him in silence, eyes fluttering shut at the sound of his heartbeat.
Suddenly a thundering sound echoes throughout the district. Your eyes fly open at once—just in time to see a familiar shape leaping from each rooftop to the next. A shape you haven’t seen in years, ever since you left Marley with the other four kids.
The Cart Titan—Pieck, you think her name is—and strapped on top of the crate on her back is none other than the Beast Titan himself, Marley’s own War Chief Zeke Jaeger.
And Eren’s brother, somehow. The thought makes your stomach flip.
Eren wastes no time in grabbing Bertholdt and pressing the edge of his blade to his throat. You slide your own blades from their holsters, ready to defend Eren with everything you have. If this grueling battle has taught you one thing, it’s that your loyalties with Marley have been severed beyond repair.
But you can’t take on the Beast Titan and the Cart Titan at the same time—at least, not without revealing your secret to Eren and the rest of the Scouts. Besides, from the looks of it, Zeke doesn’t appear to be in great shape; both of his arms have been torn at the elbow, steam gathering in heavy clouds at the wounds. He’s in no condition to fight. At least, not at the moment.
At first, Zeke’s eyes land on Eren, as the green-eyed boy screams at him to stay back. He looks at Bertholdt, and then at Eren. And finally his eyes land on you, and a sad smile stretches along his face.
“How unfortunate,” he murmurs, “Reiner and Bertholdt were right. You did betray them, didn’t you?”
It takes a bit of strength to keep your face calm and composed, but you manage. Even if Eren is staring at you, lips parted slightly in shock.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
But he only gives an airy laugh; and suddenly you remember how he used to decimate entire towns and cities with only the power of the Beast Titan, all in the name of Marley. He could do the same again, even if he isn’t in his best form. All he has to do is alert the officials at Marley about your treacherous behavior, and your reputation (and your family’s line) is tarnished beyond repair.
“Don’t play mind games with me, I’m not in the mood. But I’m curious as to why you betrayed them in the first place, Lady Tybur.”
A title that sends a shiver down the length of your spine. A title you haven’t heard for at least five years, not even in the company of Reiner and the others. A title that reminds you of the crushing weight on your chest and shoulders, of the responsibilities waiting for you across the sea.
“Stay back,” Eren shouts again, “or I’ll kill him!” He digs the blade deeper into Bertholdt’s throat just to prove his point.
The Cart Titan freezes in its spot on the rooftop. Zeke only shakes his head, eyes as sad as ever as he stares at Eren’s face, red Titan marks and all.
“You don’t look a thing like your father,” he mumbles, but Eren only gets angrier. You can see it in the way he tightens his grip on Bertholdt’s body, keeping the blade firm against the soft skin of his throat. “Believe me, I know what you’ve been through. We’re both victims of that man. You’ve been brainwashed by your father.”
And slowly, you can see his arm begin to relax. Bertholdt coughs out as the blade loosens against his throat, but his eyes remain shut.
But then Zeke sighs, turning his gray gaze back to yours. “You don’t belong here, Tybur. You know that—it’s written all over your face. This isn’t really your home. So come back.”
The leather hilts of the blades bite into your palms. “You don’t know anything. Don’t try to convince me otherwise—I’ve already made my decision!”
“Of course you have,” he replies coolly, “but what would your family think of your choice?”
You nearly sink to your knees right then and there.
Your whole family is still across the sea, ruling the nation of Marley from the shadows. Your aunt and uncle, who have treated you like one of their own ever since your mother died when you were young. Fine, your precious younger cousin, and her three little brothers and one little sister—the kids she’s dedicated her life to watching over whenever her parents can’t. You remember their smiles, the warm hugs and soft kisses, and the stories you would tell them before tucking them into bed.
If there’s anything in this world that could convince you to return to Marley at this point, it’s not your family’s reputation, or your own reputation; it’s the promise of seeing Fine and the kids again, and making sure they have long and happy lives ahead of them.
Eren glances up at you, and the question passes between you in silence: Is this all true? What haven’t you been telling me?
You made your choice that day at the top of Wall Rose, when Reiner and Bertholdt begged you to come along with them. But you had refused—your place is here with Eren, no matter what.
Because you love him.
But you also love Fine, that little voice in the back of your head whispers. You love her and the rest of the kids. How could you live with yourself, knowing that you left them behind?
Your knees begin to wobble. The blades shake against your palms. Eren continues to stare at you, mouth open and eyes as wide as ever.
Please, don’t hate me for this. Don’t hate me for what I am.
Suddenly Zeke growls, tilting his head up towards the top of the Wall. You and Eren follow his gaze, and a breath of relief escapes your mouth when you see Captain Levi standing at the edge, stained with blood but still breathing.
He must’ve been the one who left Zeke looking like this. Only he could manage to bring the War Chief to his knees.
Zeke mutters something else under his breath as Levi slides down the length of the Wall. But you don’t hear a thing; all you can hear is your own heartbeat echoing in your ears, and the words Lady Tybur swirling around in your head.
You don’t belong here. So come back.
To your real home, across the sea.
Zeke will be waiting for you to accompany him and Reiner (if he’s still alive) on the trek back to Marley before they leave the island. If you don’t, you can consider yourself an enemy of the nation, a traitor of devil’s blood, with your name cursed to every hell on earth.
But if you don’t leave with them, you’ll lose any chance of seeing your family again. Your aunt and uncle, Fine and the kids. You can’t leave them alone without saying a proper goodbye, at the very least.
Eren’s eyes linger on you for one second more before he turns to the captain, who lands on the rooftop between the two of you. Wordlessly, you snap back into your soldier persona, attention focused solely on the pair in front of you. But for the rest of the day, even as the fires around you begin to die down, Zeke’s words never leave your mind.
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WIP Wednesday
Title: Extraordinary
Pairings: HotchReid (more to come)
Summary: League of Extraordinary Gentleman/Vampire AU;
Within the FBI there is a specialized team full of an elite selection of people. Unique individuals with very particular skill sets. And their job is to take the unusual cases: the ones that need to not only be solved, but are undetermined if the unsub is human, or something else entirely.
In a world filled with Vampires, non-human creatures, and subspecies unknown, there is only enough information to have them vaguely regulated. Rules that are so easily, and violently broken, all while hidden in plain sight among the unsuspecting public. Unrivaled for eons.
That’s where the BAU comes in.
Official Posting Date: October 2021
Links: (Masterpost) (Snippet 01) (Snippet 02) (Snippet 03) (Snippet 04)
(TW/CW: dead body/crime scene, blood and bite wounds talked about in detail, hypnosis/compelling someone to do something against their will, overall discussion of murder (basically what we see in every episode of the show))
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(the story so far/what you need to know for this clip at least: Absolutely nothing you don’t already know, this is legit from the first chapter. Hotch is a Vampire (although the LEOs don’t really know that), Rossi is a priest, Morgan is so empathetically telepathic he can touch the auras in the air, and Reid is Reid. I know I’ve been giving you the juicy HotchReid stuff but here have some case stuff too, to see what you’re in for with the plot and everything. This is FIRST DRAFT so it’s terribly unpolished, first part is generalized POV (hence the more professional titles) and the second is within the team dynamics so they get more familiar. idk my first drafts are messy and indecisive, enjoy anyway. 💕)
They approach the body and Rainer shoos away his pestering, hovering officers and --- winces once again at the sight of the bloodied woman. “This is the third body in two days; a jogger found her about 6 am. Coroner says she thinks she’s been dead for about 6 hours; killed in the middle of the night, just like the others.” 
“Closer to five hours, I think,” Dr. Reid says, crouching down to look closer. All long legs and his gun looking too big on his belt next to his FBI badge. “Could still be within the Witching Hour, though.”
“Do you have accurate time of death estimates for the other two bodies?” Agent Morgan adds on, already picking up the train of thought Dr. Reid has started on. The detective pulls out an old-school flip notebook book and looks through it before answering.
“3:15am the first night, 9:30pm last night and now this.”
“Well that rules out hex, sacrifice, and spell gone wrong,” he concludes, as the other agents surround the body to inspect it from all angles. “So what are we thinking?”
“It’s a frenzied bite,” Agent Hotchner points out, looking from where he stands and not having to get as close as Dr. Reid to inspect it accurately. His eyesight is better than any microscope. “Shows multiple entries, it couldn’t get a good enough hold to rip her throat. Or she struggled, so it wasn’t strong enough to keep her pinned down.”
“The boys think it’s a Vamp,” Detective Rainer points out. “Maybe a baby one, still learning the ropes?”
“Vampire changes are regulated and no sire would allow whoever they turned to do this,” Agent Hotchner says, a colder flint to his voice that matches the way his dark stare cuts up to the detective. “No one has been turned in the United States in the past twelve years.”
“It’s not a Vampire bite,” Dr. Reid agrees, putting on latex gloves to further inspect the body and test the bite radius. “And it’s not a werewolf bite, either.”
“...Werewolf?” the detective says with a winded sound, eyes wide and looking to the three agents who didn’t even blink at the word. “There’s -- there’s such thing as werewolves?” 
“Detective, I think you should let my team and I work, we will come to you with our findings and then help you track down your killer.” Agent Hotchner doesn’t leave room for argument, his dark brown eyes looking pitch black in the early morning light, and Detective Rainer… suddenly feels the overwhelming urge to walk away. Like he can’t breathe if he doesn’t comply; he fights it, tries to fight it, and feels his will crumble beneath him like a sand bank giving way under his feet. He turns, even that small gesture lessening the pressure crushing his chest, and takes a step away from the group, air swept into his lungs like a riptide. He makes a hasty retreat after that, winded as if he just ran up a flight of stairs and the sweet taste of oxygen being his only reprieve. He doesn’t know what happened, and wouldn’t upon further inspection until much, much later.
“That wasn’t very nice, Hotch,” Rossi points out with a look of glib reprimand towards their team leader. “I thought compelling feeble minded beat cops was for those who have no skills to avoid it.”
“My patience was running thin, and we need to move faster on this case before our unsub kills again. He’s escalating.” That much is obvious, by the timeline alone, but Father Rossi still gives him a side-ways glance that says he finds far too much amusement in the undead’s antics. “Reid, are you sure it’s not a werewolf bite? It would explain the lack of control and precision.”
“I’m sure,” Reid says with finality, and no one makes a mention on why. He had done more research than any human possibly could in the past few months on werewolf transformation and the after effects of attacks. With what happened to one of their former agents mere months ago, no one doubted his newly learned expertise. “It’s also not a shifter, or a ghoul. We can rule out ghost and poltergeist as well, no residue or temperature shifts.” 
“Demon possession?” Morgan asks, looking to Rossi just as he does his customary Sign of the Cross at the mere mention. Can’t help the gesture, after his own past experiences. Giving anything the power of a name, even arbitrary, can be a dangerous thing. 
“We can’t rule it out,” he admits. “The teeth marks are human, someone possessed would still have a hard time biting that deep and doing that much damage. Cannibalism is only reserved for the amusements of level three demons, however they aren’t usually powerful enough to reach the mortal plane or take possession of someone’s body. They would need help.” 
“You really think someone would weaponize a demon like that?” 
“We’ve seen people do worse things, as has history, but I’d like to hope it wouldn’t happen in my lifetime.” 
“We need more information,” Hotch concludes, arms crossed and watching as Reid stands up and removes the blood stained gloves. “Morgan,” his gaze cuts to the tall man in his deep blue suit. “Can you walk the scene, tell us what you see?”
“Not with this many people around,” Morgan shakes his head, eyes glancing to every person within a twenty foot radius. “Too many readings, the aura field here looks like an oil spill. The only thing I can latch onto is…” his gaze is back on the ground, hovering over the dead woman, who would have no aura to speak of at all and therefore a blank canvas. He replaces Reid’s space, crouching down to touch the air over the bite wound. Fingers spread wide, less than a foot from her but not touching, palm suddenly curving as if over an invisible shoulder, the place where someone had once been not so long ago. It could have been the coroner, or the crime scene photographer, but with it being so close to the body -- chances were it was the unsub.
“They were crouched down, half on the ground, no… human thoughts that I can hear,” he says, closing his eyes and letting his hand glide through the air a little more, following the curve of someone’s spine and up their neck, resting where the head would be. “They have a fever burning them up, hot as a furnace--” he keeps his hand there too long, suddenly jerks it back as if it had physically burned him, then stands up again. Shaking off the aura reading still sticking to his fingers and the forefront of his mind. “Sound like anything you’ve heard of, pretty boy?” 
Reid shakes his head, sharing a glance with Father Rossi. “We might have to go through some of your demonology books.” The older man grins wide.
“You just want to get your hands on them, at this rate you’ll have them memorized by next week.” 
“Dave --” Hotch says slow, a reprimand of his own.
“Fine, fine, I’ll have Garcia send us some scans. If the Vatican knew I was putting a book like that in his hands they’d strip me of all my titles.”
“Didn’t they already do that?” Morgan teases with a grin.
“Ex-communicated. I got to keep the dog collar, the honorifics, bless the holy water, you know -- the party tricks.” 
((if you want to be apart of the taglist just hit me up via comment, reblog tag, DMs or asks 💕))
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petra-realsnk · 3 years
Petra squad Headcanons I love them ! + some Rivetra
Sorry for answering so late! I’ve been so invested in writing that I barely can keep up with asks. I really do appreciate them, though 🥺💕
Petra’s squad headcons + Rivetra (sfw)
Edith Bisset (26-30 yrs old - she/her - 178cm)
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- She was Petra’s age when first introduced. Her personality and appearance were heavily inspired by Hitch, although she has many more things in common with Petra. If they were in a modern au, they would surely be besties! These two enjoy shit-talking a little bit too much.
- She and Hugo were some of the first friends Petra made after being resurrected. They decided to transfer from the military police after being heavily deceived by its structure and realizing how much more they could bring into their society by joining their Survey Corps instead.
- Edith comes from a middle-class family in Wall Rose. Her father is a successful fabric seller, but his relationship with her daughter was somewhat conflictive, so she enlisted as soon as her age permitted it.
- She’s the mom of the squad with Petra, doing a fantastic job keeping the younger members at bay when their leader is gone. Her mature yet teasy personality makes her one of my favorites tbh. Edith would be that mean girl you’re afraid of until you get to meet her and realize she’s not mean at all. (She would roast you, though, but that’s just her sense of humor.)
- Her skills are awe-inspiring for someone who’s not an Ackerman. That’s why she was initially named second in command until Petra decided to split that position with Hugo as well.
- She solved a lot of cases while working on the Military Police. Her intelligence and deductive capabilities are some of the aspects that make her a valuable soldier.
Hugo Herrman (25-29 yrs old - he/him - 191cm)
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- Cinnamon roll. He deserves all the rights. He tried to date Edith, but she ignored him (she kind of regrets it now). He comes from a modest family originally from Wall Maria. After he joined the Military Police, they were able to move inside Wall Rose. He was infinitely grateful for that decision after the fall happened. God knows if they would’ve survived otherwise.
- He has the most chill personality in the squad and behaves as an observer most of the time. His professional ethics and skills match with those of Edith, who is one of his best friends.
He’s a little bit of a “what if Marco was an adult man with a beard” character. Hugo is much more assertive, though.
- He and Petra bonded over their shared sweet nature.
- Irina had a big fat crush on him, but who wouldn’t? He’s probably one of the hottest members of the Corps. Unluckily, he’s too old for most of them.
Irina Moldovan (18-22 yrs old - she/her - 156 cm)
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- The daughter of a Doctor who volunteered to tend the injured of the Survey Corps. Irina’s dad had a significant impact on her, and her peers greatly value her medical skills. She worked with Hange a couple of times before officially joining the explorers. Now, she still helps them during the shifter tests. Irina has probably tended everyone at this point, which means she knows A LOT OF SECRETS. Thank god she’s not that much interested in gossiping.
- She has the craziest personality. Irina is spontaneous, witty, and accidentally hilarious all at once. However, she tends to be a little bit clueless when it comes to reading between the lines. Nathaniel could flirt with her for hours, and the girl would never get a hint. He eventually gave up. Which is a lot coming from him.
- Evelyn often has to take care of her since she tends to neglect herself a bit whenever she focuses too much on something. Queen of hyper-fixating with Hange. You wouldn’t want to get trapped in a conversation with both of them.
-She’s a hugger while sleeping. Everybody knows that whoever ends up on her side is about to get squished into the realms of Hypnos. Nathaniel didn’t inform Levi about this for fun. The result was tragic, but he still laughs about it.
Nathaniel Brzenski (19-23 yrs old - he/him - 180cm)
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-Flirtatious Himbo. Much more intelligent and emotionally mature than it might seem at first. He’s a bisexual mess who won’t stop trying to seduce everything that breathes.
- Sadly, he was the scapegoat child of the Brzenski family, a rich dynasty who had been investing in the army for decades. Of course, he grew with all the commodities, becoming the pretty rich boy who partied a little bit too much. His attitude was considered humiliating by his peers, who preferred his sister Rico, who became somewhat of the star child after joining the Garrisons. Finally, he gave in to the pressure and joined the Military Police, later changing to the Survey Corps still in hopes to regain the respect of his family.
- He excels at hand-to-hand combat.
- He was partially responsible for bringing together Petra’s squad with the 104th. This boy will approach everyone and make sure everyone stays friends, even at the expense of making himself the common annoyance.
- He’s not successful with women despite his nice looks. This is mostly because of his child-like behavior, although he would do much better if he showed his true self more often.
-He tried to hit on Levi more than once, and Petra watched in amusement each time.
Evelyn Lefebre (19-23 yrs old - she/her - 169)
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- She’s one of the most balanced members of the squad, especially among its young members. Her family owns a small goldsmith workshop in Stohess that suffered greatly from the crisis provoked by the fall of Wall Maria. As a result, Evelyn decided to join the Military Police to help her family pay their debts. Like all the women in her family, she has a great passion for craftsmanship, giving her an excellent eye for detail.
- Tsundere.
- The first time Nathaniel flirted with her as a trainee, she actually took him seriously. She developed a crush for like 15 min before she saw him doing the same with Irina. Since then, Evelyn has shared a love-hate relationship with him. She finds his himbo self both endearing and exasperating and feels somewhat embarrassed over the fact that she stills harbors feelings for him.
- She’s that one girl who was described as “really mature for her age” and would probably describe herself as such.
- Don’t try to fight her. She will find a way to win even if she’s wrong. In this sense, she’s a little bit like Edith, with whom she gets along well. These two have EGOS in different ways. It would be terrifying if they got angry with each other. Nathaniel would find it hot.
- She’s the only one in the squad who can properly cook aside from Hugo.
Sabah Fadel (Ackerman) (20-24 yrs old - they/them - 153 cm)
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- A long-lost member of the Ackerman clan. They lost their sister during the fall of Wall Maria due to an unfortunate intervention of Rico Brzenska. This led to a lot of resentment towards her and the Brzenski family, which made their first encounter with Nathaniel a little bit tense. Of course, he ended up becoming their best friend somehow. (Read full backstory here.)
- Everybody simps for them because they’re impossibly cool. When they joined the Survey Corps, Mikasa went into an existential crisis because nobody aside from Levi had ever equalized her skills.
- Serious, confident af, will call out and make you bite the dust 100%. Somehow, they’re dorky when you get to know them.
- Babysits everyone when they’re drunk, especially Evelyn and Irina.
- They have a stamp collection. Talking about their interests is a great way to get to know them.
Rivetra + Squad:
- Edith and Hugo were the first ones to suspect something was going on. They started to hang out with Petra before she became their leader and quickly realized how close she seemed to be with Levi. The moment they found out they were together, Edith couldn’t wait to scream, “I KNEW IT!” They’re totally professional about it but secretly wish to be able to tease her.
- The rest of the squad was a little bit louder about it, especially Irina and Nathaniel, who made sexual jokes when they weren’t around. It was certainly something to think about that pair together. They seemed total opposites from the outside.
- Levi was mortified when everybody found about their affair. He slowly got accustomed to it, but every time he approached her squad cringes at the thought. On the other hand, Petra got defensive whenever someone addressed the matter. Nathaniel once joked about it and ended up training until he nearly collapsed. Petra seldom applies harsh discipline, but whenever she does, it’s much worse than Levi.
- Levi and Petra like to make their squads compete during training. They can get really petty about it. They have fun roasting each other teams while hyping their own. Their units ended up realizing this, not that they can complain anyway…
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kewltie · 4 years
izuku takes in a very big stray dog and he never had a dog before so he's excited because kacchan is so SMART while his friends are like,,, that's not a dog but izuku just keeps insisting otherwise IT’S A DOG while werewolf!katsuki doesnt know how this useless human managed to survive this long.
So izuku is actually an ordinary, boring human, there’s absolutely nothing special about him whatsoever, and has no clue about the supernatural world especially how like ALL his friends are like not HUMANS at all (i.e. ochako is a witch) and how they try extremely hard to have him remain oblivious and protected from the supernatural shenanigans but ofc it's izuku so they worry a lot lol! so even though his friends try to keep izuku away from it, the supernatural has ways of finding him anyway (i.e. all his friends are like witches, zombies, etc) then there’s katsuki, who come from a powerful shifter clan, practically landed in izuku's lap somehow and Izuku IS STILL thinks he just got lucky and has a new dog now.
the joke is izuku is 100% human with no special power at all except if the power is attracting weird shit to him?? because he's magnet for it since young like how his next door neighbor NEVER SEEM TO AGE AT ALL because he’s a vampire or how his ‘imaginary childhood friend’ is an actual literal ghost. so izuku got really hilariously messed up scale of what is 'normal' for him is TERRIBLY FUCKING FUCKED up for everyone else like when he was walking home one night and got attacked by this weird homeless kid out for his literal blood and izuku thinks it’s a new hallucinogenic i guess?? then he's saved by this BLOND DUDE WITH RED EYES WHO KINDA LOOK LIKE HIS DOG KACCHAN. The blond dude bit the kid's neck but the kid didn't seem to die so IT'S OKAY. the man then turned to izuku and started to YELLED AT IZUKU FOR NOT PAYING ATTENTION and BE MORE CAREFUL BEFORE DISAPPEARING.
instead of being totally WEIRD OUT AND TERRIFIED BY THIS, izuku is like starry eyes and thinks blond dude is hero that he raced home and cuddle his dog kacchan as he gushed about this AMAZING GUY HE MET EVEN THOUGH HE ALMOST DIED AND THIS WEIRD DUDE JUST BIT A KID'S NECK LIKE HE’S A RAGDOLL BUT SOMEHOW THE KID DIDN’T DIE,,,, lmao.
izuku being totally oblivious to all things supernatural and is very much a human, still get wrapped up in all sort of magical hijinks and it's hilarious how this poor human is constantly surrounded by this op ancient creatures of legend and izuku is like,,, that's my dog and that's MY FRIENDS. which is now rumor about him started in the supernatural community because izuku is always with one of his magical friends so other creatures who doesn't know IZUKU AT ALL assume he's like some ancient creature lost to history thousands of years ago to be able to tame all these powerful beings to him LOL but in reality they all gravitate to izuku because he's PURE OF HEART, JUST THE SWEETEST AND THEY JUST LOVE AND ADORE HIM BECAUSE HE'S GOODEST BOI and they try their best to keep him safe and away from other dangerous creatures of the community but ofc it's IZUKU he's trouble even as a human.
he get involve in shifters territory war but think it's some weird neighborhood fight going on?? and that kacchan fighting other dogs is just kacchan not getting along with other dogs esp the strays that keep popping up while katsuki does his best to keep izuku safe AND FIX THIS SHIT. THEN someone raised the dead and izuku thinks it's some weird communal disease going on that make ppl act FREAKY as his friends and katsuki to scramble to put down a necromancer before izuku become part of the undead but he's like IT'S FINE IM SUPER HEALTHY I WONT GET INFECTED LOL. supernatural things keeping on izuku and HE REMAINS STAUNCHANTLY OBLIVIOUS TO IT. most of it is intentional by his friends/katsuki but some part of it is just izuku being izuku but he may be 100% HUMAN but he's the center of all the CRAZINESS and they love him for it even as they despair.
katsuki doesnt know how he got stuck with this dumb human because he's DOESN'T UNDERSTAND HOW IZUKU SURVIVED THIS LONG without like getting eaten/kill already because HE KEEP ATTRACTING THE WORST KIND OF CREATURES TO HIM,,, so katsuki sticks around izuku just to make sure izuku is HUMAN just to keep an eye on izuku ya know?? because maybe izuku is hiding some ancient superpower within him or something because izuku CAN NOT BE THIS STUPID AND OBLIVIOUS TO THE FACT THAT HIS 'DOG' IS ACTUALLY A WOLF AND NOT EVEN THAT BUT A WEREWOLF OK. like PLS PAY ATTENTION STUPID DEKU!!
katsuki comes from a lineage of ancient bloodline and superior species but THIS HUMAN IS LIKE STRESSING HIM OUT BECAUSE weird shits keep happening around him and it's a 24hrs job because he constantly have to keep an eye out for izuku unless he GET EATEN OR KILL OMFG. thanks to katsuki terrible anxiety about izuku's entire trouble magnet existence, rumor spread around the shifter community that izuku is THAT HUMAN – bakugou's pet human!! so they should be careful around him because bakugou will blow his shit if someone hurt or damage him at all.
so izuku finds himself surrounded by friendly animals wherever he go that when he got lost one time a cat led him back to the right path. another time a bird brought him back his lost keys etc and he thank the animal each time while the shifter is like,,, GOD THIS HUMAN IS FREAKY because HE'S UNFAZED BY IT ALL no wonder bakugou is keeping him AROUND obviously this human got some special power to him that bakugou is keeping protected so one day he can use this human as a weapon to dominate the supernatural fractions war or something AND that's how izuku accidentally become a legend in shifter community LMAO.
katsuki doesnt spend like all his time as izuku's lapdog because KACCHAN is so smart that he comes and goes from izuku's house all the time that izuku isn't worry that his dog sometimes disappear for days and return home whenever he want because he'd seen kacchan took down a bear ONCE and kacchan is super smart that izuku swears kacchan can sometimes understand him. he also doesn't find it weird that the blond dude who is call katsuki has a similar name to his dog and how katsuki pop it anytime izuku needs help, yell at him after checking that's he's 110% alright, and then disappear like some weird superhero but who only save IZUKU LOL.
izuku has the HUUUUUGEST crush on his hero and spend 40% of his time gushing it to his friends who is all concerned and is like pls pls bakugou is THE WORST STAY AWAY FROM HIM and the rest of it complaining to kacchan about katsuki while katsuki SUFFERS through the cuddles. katsuki and the dekusquad can't stand each other because katsuki is from the supernatural fraction that hates human and think they should live separately and well, izuku’s friends aren’t from that fraction obviously BUT they're united in reluctance unity in keeping izuku out of trouble AND SAFE and it's the GREATEST ALLIANCE EVER. is it an extremely tough job that take a lot of ppl to do apparently lmao but they're unified in that regard because izuku may be human and has no POWER whatsoever but he's the center of their world and they just want to keep him safe, OBVIOUS and HAPPY. he got the best PPL AROUND HIM!
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