#anyway might post some gifs tonight idk
ghostxrose · 5 months
Dance With a Demon | Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Summary ~ You thought it would be just another night at work until your eyes met the crimson ones of Pro Hero Dynamight..
Tags/Warnings ~ Minors DNI, NSFW 18+ Content, Charaters are in their 20s, FemStripper!Reader, P in V, unprotected sex, porn with some plot, oral sex, face riding, multiple orgasms, creampie, WC 9k, idk what else to tag
Note ~ Hello Lovelies! I hope you all enjoy this spicy lil fic i've got for ya here! I'm still not all that good at writing smut stuff so don't expect too much of me, haha. I do want to give a quick thank you for all of the hype I got for this fic from my Sneak Peek post, so thank you Lovelies! Anyway, I'll let all you fiends get to reading! <3
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You let out a heavy sigh as you stare at the back door to the nightclub you work at from the driver’s seat of your car. You weigh the pros and cons of going inside and clocking in for your shift while you sip on your first Red Bull of the night. It’s not that you hate your job or your coworkers, it’s just that feeling that everyone gets before walking into work. That feeling of “ugh, I wanna go back home and be lazy” that settles over you until you shove it away and force yourself to get out of your car. With your bag slung lazily over one shoulder you lock your car, then head for the door that you’ve been dead-eyeing on and off for the last 30-ish minutes.
Once inside the nightclub, you make your way to your dressing room. The bass from whatever song whoever is on stage right now has chosen thumps through your eardrums and chest. You absentmindedly nod your head to the beat as you enter your dressing room. You close the door behind you and lock it, then walk over to the vanity. Setting your bag down, you grab the tablet sitting at the corner of the vanity countertop from its charging port and sit down. You log into the nightclub’s app and clock in before clicking the “songs” tab within the app.
Once it loads up you scroll through the list of suggested songs but none of them really call out to you or feel right for the vibe you create when you get on stage. You tap the search function then get to typing and looking up songs to add to your list for your sets tonight. As soon as you’ve lined up a pretty nice selection of six songs you submit the list, then shut the tablet off and begin prepping yourself for your first set.
You touch up your makeup and loosely curl your hair. After laying out both outfits you brought for tonight, you decide to flip a coin to see which one you should wear first. Heads is for the lacy dark purple bra and thong set with a pair of black open-toed stilettos - simple but still a favorite amongst crowds. Tails is for the slightly more intricately designed deep wine colored bralette and g-string set with dark red cross strap, heeled sandals - another crowd favorite because of the way it’s slightly more.. sheer as far as materials go.
You toss the coin into the air with a small but knowing smirk because you know that it really doesn’t matter what outfit you wear. What people really show up for are the feelings of dark attraction that the physical traits of your Quirk stirs up inside them. Attraction that makes them feel as if it’s taboo or maybe even dangerous to tamper with, but they enjoy the thrill either way.
Your Quirk is called Hellspawn, but you’ve never viewed it in a negative light. Your Quirk is the product of generations of similar Quirks possessed by both sides of your family. You’ve been taught your whole life to be proud of your Quirk and its traits, no matter what people might say or think. You confidently show off your demon-like horns, wings, fangs, and tail every day.
The coin lands on heads so you put on the dark purple outfit and stilettos, taking your time to make sure everything goes on just right. With one final glance in the full length mirror in your dressing room you smile at your reflection, then turn to leave and head backstage. As you walk through the back hallways of the nightclub you begin to feel excitement and adrenaline thrum through your veins. Just because this is a job doesn’t mean that you don’t have fun when you’re up on stage.
“There’s my girl! How’re ya doin’ tonight, Luci?” Sakura, the nightclub’s manager and owner, cheerfully greets you when you get backstage.
“Ask me that after my set,” you say jokingly. “Better yet, when you see me raking in tons of bills just assume that I’m feeling pretty good!” You add on with a smirk.
“Mmm, always love your confidence, Babes! Alright, now get out there and kill it like you always do!” Sakura says with a wink, then focuses back on whatever she was working on her tablet.
You smile to yourself, amped up by the vibes within the club and your rising confidence, and begin stretching to warm your muscles up for your first set of the night. More adrenaline, and the caffeine from your energy drink, hits your veins when you hear the ending of the last song for whoever is on stage and you wait for your stage name to be called.
“Alright everyone, can I get a round of cheers for our lovely Siren?! Don’t worry, they’ll be back a little later!!” Hikari, tonight’s DJ, says after hopping on the mic.
“You all are in for a real treat now, though! Please help me in summoning our resident hot demon-babe to the stage; Lucifer!!” A wild smile pulls at your lips as you take in the crowds hyped up cheers from the other side of the curtain. “Get your sexy ass out here, Luci!!” Hikari excitedly calls for you and you let out a giggle before taking a step forward.
Pulling back the curtain you slowly walk further onto the stage, emerging from a cloud of smoke and into the dark-neon lights shining onto the stage. You smile and wink over at Hikari in the DJ’s booth and she blows you a kiss making you giggle a bit. Looking back towards the crowd you sway your hips as you walk, your eyes half lidded and a sultry, fanged smile on your face. Your body getting into the flow of the music from the first song of this set. The bass produced from Obsolete Ritual makes you vibrate when it hits and it’s a rush that fuels the amped up fire within you that you’ll never get over.
Getting up to the pole at the end of the catwalk, you wrap your hands around it and walk in a slow, teasing circle despite the song’s tempo having sped up. Your eyes scan over the crowd, running across the familiar faces of regulars and lingering for mere seconds over new faces. For reasons unbeknownst to you, your gaze gets stuck on one new face in particular.
Sharp, crimson eyes connect with yours, the stranger’s handsome face set in a scowl. ‘The hell is he scowling in a stripclub for? If he didn’t want to be here, then why did he come? Or maybe he’s just mad that Siren’s set ended? Whatever, buddy, try to enjoy the show.’ You think to yourself as you pull your gaze from Grumpy Hot Guy and officially begin your routine.
As you bend, twist, and dance your way through Obsolete Ritual, Veins, and Descending you find that Grumpy Hot Guy’s eyes never seem to leave you. His scowl remained but his eyes seemed to burn more with every movement of your body. When you finish your set you have to force yourself not to look at him as you spread your wings and bow to the crowd.
The weight of his eyes on you grows heavy as you help the club’s “Money Grabbers” rake in your earnings. Purposefully ignoring him you smile, giggle, and thank customers as they stuff more bills into your lingerie as you work to grab cash from the floor of the stage. You move to head offstage once all of the money has been gathered when you’re stopped by a tug on your tail. You let out a yelp, then quickly turn around to hiss at whoever the perv is that committed the action. A security guard is already handling the guy but he still has the nerve to shoot you an unsettling and creepy smirk. You hiss anyway, then roll your eyes as you stand and quickly leave the stage.
“Christ, are you okay, Luci?? Fucking hate pervs like that bastard! He’s being thrown out as we speak, so don’t worry! How’s your tail??” Sakura frantically asks, immediately mother-henning you as soon as you’re backstage.
You let out a soft giggle and give her an appreciative smile, “I’m fine and so is my tail, but thank you. Handsy people are very annoying but I can handle it and I’m fine.” You say reassuringly and Sakura lets out a relieved breath, then looks you in the eye with a smirk.
“Ugh, what’s with the look, Sakura? Did I really make that much from the set?” You question with a slightly bored look.
“Way off base with the guess there, Babes! Seems like we may have a few heroes in the house tonight, literally! I was watching the cameras when that creep grabbed your tail and I saw a few customers try to get to you, one in particular seemed especially pissed. Any guesses as to who they could be before I tell you?!” Sakura explains with a playful glint in her eyes.
“You know I hate guessing games,” you say in a forced bored tone that hopefully masks your itching curiosity.
“Oh, you’re no fun sometimes, Luci! Anyways, Pro Heroes Cellophane, Chargebolt, Pinky, Red Riot, and Dynamight were rushing to be your knights in shining armor! How crazy and exciting is it that a few Top Ten Pros are here at my nightclub?! Wild, right?!” Sakura reveals and you mentally kick yourself for not piecing together that Grumpy Hot Guy with the crimson eyes and spiky blonde hair is Pro Hero Dynamight.
“Uh, yeah, that is pretty crazy.. Uhm, I’m gonna go clean up and get ready for my next set, see you back here in an hour.” You say in a slight daze, the shock from Dynamight not being able to keep his eyes off of you clouding your mind.
“Mhm, gonna go make yourself extra pretty for the Pros, huh?” Sakura says with a devilish smirk.
“Sakura, please, I’m hot enough as it is. If I got any prettier customers would start dropping dead.” You say matter-of-factly after you’ve turned to walk away, hoping that Sakura didn’t see your blush. Sakura bursts out laughing behind you telling you to not kill her sources of income. You wave a playfully dismissive hand in the air before disappearing down the hallway back to your dressing room.
Once you’ve locked your dressing room door you let out a long exhale. You had run into a few of your coworkers on your way back to your dressing room and had to reassure every one of them that you were okay. But not only that, you were reminded again and again that there are Pros out in the crowd tonight via your coworkers gushing over their favorites within the group that came. Apparently a couple of your coworkers are major Dynamight fans and you tried your best to keep your cool when they wouldn’t shut up about how hot he is.
Even now, sitting at your vanity touching up your hair and makeup, you swear that you can still feel his burning gaze on you. Thinking about every time you made eye contact with him during your first set stirs something up inside of you and your reflection shows the blush you can feel heating your cheeks. As you change into your second outfit of the night you can’t tell if you’re nervous or hyped to get back on stage.
As soon as the straps of your heels are tied you make your way towards the mini fridge in your room. You grab the small bottle of Grey Goose and a small can of Red Bull from inside the fridge, then a shot glass from the top of the fridge. Sitting back down at your vanity, you pour yourself a shot and crack open your Red Bull. Downing the shot, you give it a second to settle before you pour a second. After shooting the second shot, you put the Grey Goose back and start drinking your Red Bull.
‘Nothing wrong with a bit of liquid courage, right? It’s just to help me through my next set after that creep touched me.’ You reason with (aka lie to) yourself as you look over yourself in the mirror.
A little over five minutes before you are to be called onto stage again, you make your way backstage. The shots you took earlier have succeeded in helping you feel like the confident and powerful Queen of the Underworld that you are. A cat-calling whistle pulls your attention over to Sakura and she gives you a smirk.
“Thought I told you not to kill my customers, Babes! Gah damn, you look hot! Trying to impress some certain Pro Heroes out there?” Sakura exclaims with a shit-eating grin.
You roll your eyes and cross your arms, “Being hot is part of the job, Boss. I don’t need to impress anyone but myself.” You say as you suppress a blush and look at your nails.
“Damn straight, Babes! Preach! Ugh, sometimes I’d really kill for your level of confidence.” Sakura says in all of her dramatic flare.
You giggle and shake your head as you blow her kiss, then turn towards the curtain. You exchange smiles with Siren as they walk through the curtain to head back to their room and wait for your cue.
“Everybody, shh shh, quiet down for a moment,” You hear Hikari say over the club’s speakers and you wonder what she has planned. You stifle an excited giggle and bounce a bit with anticipation.
“Oh, sexy Queen of Darkness, please grace us with your presence!” Hikari half chants, half moans into the mic, and you have to cover your mouth to hold back your giggles.
“Lucifer, hear us and show yourself! We’re on our knees, begging! Get out here you little vixen!” Hikari dramatically cries out and you do your best to not laugh your ass off at her antics.
With smoke clouding the view of the curtain you slip through carefully so you don’t disturb it. Suddenly, you flare your wings out and let your eyes glow, your arms held out to your sides a bit as you slowly walk forward. Spotlights slowly crawl towards you and up your body until you’re illuminated and you flash an “evil” grin at the crowd.
“Oh yeah, baby!!” Hikari dramatically moans out as she starts the first song of this set.
A laugh leaves your mouth and a genuine smile pulls at your lips as you walk to the pole at the end of the catwalk. Each of your steps deliberately heavy so that your breasts and ass bounce to the beat of Hot Demon B!Tches Near U as you walk. You briefly lock eyes with Dynamight and in all of your confidence (liquid and natural) you wink at him before grabbing the pole and getting to dancing.
HDBNU and the second song Slayer are full of fast paced moves and ass shaking, money seemingly raining down like confetti. So caught up in keeping time with the song, you had blurred out the crowd. It wasn’t until the first base drop of your last song, Fill The Void, that you noticed something slightly startling.
You had your back against the pole and slowly slid down it. Your arms stretched above you gripping said pole and your legs spreading as you sank to the ground. Your breathing hitched a bit when your eyes connected with burning crimson, the owner of the eyes standing at the front of the crowd at the edge of the stage. You did your best to hide your surprise but of course Dynamight noticed and he sent you a small smirk.
You smirk back at him, accepting an unspoken challenge of sorts, slowly and sensually standing back up. Wrapping your legs around the pole you do a few tricks before you slowly slide down, feet hitting the floor once more. Swaying and moving your body to the music, you get to the front of the pole where you sink to the floor once again, this time getting on your hands and knees.
You bite your lip seductively and slowly crawl towards the crowd, your tail slowly swishing side to side and your eyes glowing. You stare Dynamight right in the eyes as you crawl and mouth the last few words of the song. You stop about half a foot from the edge of the stage and gently roll onto your back, arching it and sensually running your hands down your body. As the song comes to a close, your eyes glow significantly brighter, you let out a puff of blue-colored fire.
When the song finally ends, you stand up and bow, blowing kisses and smiling at the crowd. You cast one last glance at Dynamight and find that he looks slightly stunned. You smirk, then turn to make your way off of the stage, hips swaying the entire time. Getting backstage, your body feels like it’s on fire in the best way possible and Sakura definitely notices.
“Christ, Luci, I’m gonna have to call every ambulance in Tokyo after that performance! Shit, I think I’m even having heart palpitations! You fucking killed it out there, Babes!” Sakura exclaims, one hand fanning her face and the other on her chest.
“Stop, you’re gonna make me blush!” You say, feigning embarrassment, but ultimately giggling.
“You know who's blushing? Everyone out there who just jizzed their pants!” Sakura says, sending both of you into a laughing fit.
“But for real, great work! Now go grab a snack, get changed, and help out the other servers on the floor, please!” Sakura loosely orders with a bright smile.
“Yes, ma’am!” You say with a mocking salute and smile, then head to your dressing room.
Once you’ve changed into the club’s server outfit, aka a top that is basically a bralette paired with what could be the shortest skirt in the world, some cheeky panties underneath, and knee high stiletto boots, you make your way out to the bar.
“There she is; the girl who always makes me regret not bringing an extra pair of underwear!” Ruby, the bartender for the night, playfully exclaims as you walk up to the counter.
“Thought you knew better by now!” You say with a laugh and Ruby rolls their eyes with a smile.
“Alright, Love, here’s a tray of drinks for the group over at VIP table three. I don’t know if Sakura told ya, but the VIP section will be yours tonight.” Ruby says as they carefully slide a serving tray full of drinks towards you.
“C’mon, Rue, of course she didn’t tell me. Do I ever work any other section?” You comment with feigned annoyance and Ruby laughs.
In reality, you love working the VIP section. It’s always full of rich people with too much money to spend and they always tip very generously. It certainly helps that you flirt your ass off whilst serving but everyone does that.
Picking the tray up with the skill and grace you’ve perfected over the years of being in this industry, you send one last smile and wink to Ruby before heading for the VIP section of the lounge. You smile at patrons as you move through the crowd, giggling and thanking them for the compliments they give about your performance. While you truly do love your job, customer service could still be considered a performance and you are flawless at it.. Until you make it past the roped off entrance to the VIP lounge and see the group at table three.
Virtually unnoticeably, your steps falter and you’re thankful that the club's ambience is fairly dim as you take in a steadying breath. Mentally reasserting your confidence, you paint on a cool and flirty smile as you walk over to table three. Your thoughts run through your mind, filling you with the tiniest bit of dread, ‘Of fucking course it’s them.. I mean, they are Pro Heroes, why wouldn’t they be in the VIP lounge.. For fuck sa-’
“Good evening, everyone. My name is Lucifer, or Luci for short, I’ll be one of your servers tonight. I have your drinks here, but let me know if you need anything else.” You say as you set the tray down on the table, your voice coming out impressively even and a bit sultry.
“Yeah, uhm, I’m gunna need your number,” Chargebolt drunkenly slurs out, a dopey smile on his face and hearts practically in his eyes, as he grabs his drink from the tray.
You giggle at his attempt at hitting on you, having to keep from full-on laughing when you notice Dynamight’s jaw clenching out of the corner of your eye. You smile gently at Chargebolt, “Sorry, babes, but I don’t give my number out to strangers.” You say with a sympathetic pout as you try not to join the rest of the group in their laughter.
“I’m not a stranger, I’m Chargebolt aka Denk- OW! Man, c’mon, you don’t gotta hit me!” Chargebolt whines as he pouts at Dynamight while rubbing the back of his head.
“Sorry about him! He hits on anyone who breathes his way! Thanks for the drinks, Luci!” Pinky giggles out over Chargebolt’s whining, said man still on the receiving end of Dynamight’s murderous glare.
“No problem! I’ve got a few other tables to serve but I’ll check back in a little bit!” You say as you pick up the now empty tray and step back from the table.
You hear the rest of the group thank you as you walk away, Dynamight’s grumbled and gravelly ‘thanks’ sending a wave of heat through your body. ‘It should be illegal for someone’s one-worded, grumbled response to sound so sexy, what the fuck?!’ You mentally curse as you walk up to one of the other tables.
The hours fly by quickly as you wait on each of your tables. Every stop at the Pros’ table met with flirty quips from the group, minus Dynamight. In fact, he hasn’t even looked at you the whole time you’ve been off-stage. You’d be lying if you said that you weren’t just a little disappointed, but you shove it down to keep your sultry and flirty persona up. You flirtatiously thank the group at VIP table five as you stick the wad of bills that is your tip from them into your bralette and blow them a kiss as you walk towards the bar.
“Hey Ruby, you got the time?” You ask, exhaustion leaking into your tone.
“A little past one. You’re off at 15, right?” Ruby asks as they wipe off a glass. You nod, relief settling over you as well as exhaustion. It was a good shift but you are so ready to go home.
“This tray is for three, right? I’ll take it to them before I head back to my room.” You say, picking the tray up with a bit of a huff.
“Don’t act like you’re doing any favors for anyone, you just wanna see the Pros one last time before you leave.” Ruby teases with a smirk and you feign offense.
“Or I just want to reem them for tips, but go off I guess.” You playfully bite back, then giggle as Ruby raises an eyebrow at you.
Despite your exhaustion setting in more with each minute passing, you quickly make your way to the table of Pros. Pouring the last of your energy into your customer service persona, you set the tray of drinks down on the table and smile at the group.
“Hey Heroes, it has been an extreme pleasure serving and meeting all of you but it is now the end of my shift. One of our other servers will take over for me, I hope that you all enjoy the rest of your night!” The well-rehearsed spiel leaves your mouth with a pleasant tone and warm smile.
“I know I’ll be back if only to watch you dance again,” Pinky says with a flirty smile and wink that makes you giggle.
“Thanks for being so amazing!” Red Riot says with a bright smile as he hands you a fat wad of cash. You feign surprise as you take the cash and thank them all as you shove it in what little space you have left in your bralette. You spare one last glance at Dynamight and suppress a frown when you catch him looking very intently at his phone. You say your goodbyes, then rush to drop the empty tray off at the bar before heading back to your dressing room.
Changing back into the sweatpants and sweater that you arrived to work in, you feel the bone-deep heaviness that comes with being tired. You throw your hair up into a messy bun and slip your shoes on, then clock out from the tablet in your room. Slipping your bag onto your shoulder you leave your room and head for Sakura’s office to pick up your earnings from the night.
“Hey Boss, I’m outta here,” You announce from the doorway of her office.
“Alrighty, Babes! Here’s your check, you made pretty good bank tonight! Might be a little more than usual, awesome job!” Sakura beams as she hands you the envelope with your check in it.
Taking the envelope and putting it into your bag, you smile tiredly at her, “Thanks, Sakura. See ya later.”
“You want an escort to your car? I can call one of the bouncers back.” Sakura offers like she always does.
“Nah, I’m good. You already know that I’m the scary creature that lurks in the shadows.” You joke as you activate your Quirk a bit causing your eyes to glow while you shoot her a fanged smile. She laughs at your antics then bids you goodnight and you begin your walk to the back door of the club.
You step out into the chilly night air and are nearly blinded by a set of headlights coming from a car parked in the spot right in front of the door. You put your hand up to shield your eyes from the bright ass headlights and try to see who may be in the car. Suddenly the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and an anxious chill shivers down your spine. From your peripherals you see a hand reaching toward you and you try to move out of the person’s reach. Unfortunately, you’re a tad too late and they are able to grab your wrist and pull you towards them. You come face to face with the creep from earlier and your stomach drops as fear begins to course through you.
“Finally, some alone time with the demon-whore herself. Ya know, I’m a real big fan of yers. Wha’ do ya say we go back to my place and commit some sins, baby?” The creep-ass perv drawls out with a sick smile and your fear quickly turns to anger.
“Fuck off, you corny-ass pervert!” You growl out and you jerk your wrist up to your face, letting out a small breath of blue flames aimed towards the creep’s arm.
“Fucking bitch!” The degenerate of a man roars out as he yanks his hand away, continuing to curse from the pain.
You take the opportunity to whirl around and rush back into the club, locking the back door behind you once you’re inside. The door begins rattling from heavy banging against it and you can hear muffled shouts coming through from the man. You stand there shaking and trying to think of what to do now when you hear the footsteps of someone running towards you. Squinting through the dim lighting you nearly cry at the sight of Sakura and Pinky.
“Are you alright?” Pinky asks, her years of being a Pro making her voice come out steady even though she just ran here, and you nod shakily.
“I’m so fucking sorry, Luci! I should have checked the cams before sending you off! Fuck, I’m so stupid!” Sakura cries into your shoulder after pulling you into a tight hug.
“It’s not your fault, Sakura, it’s okay.” You whisper, your voice coming out strained as you try not to cry, and hug her back.
The three of you jump at the sound of an explosion coming from outside the door, and Pinky pushes you both behind her. You all stand there quietly for a few moments until Pinky’s phone goes off. She answers it quickly and you’re only able to catch her end of the call, “Yeah... She’s fine... Ugh, gross, what a bastard… Okay, thanks Red!” She finishes, then hangs up and turns around to you and Sakura.
“Are you sure that you’re okay? You don’t need to be checked out by a doctor or anything?” Pinky questions as her eyes roam over your form to visibly check for any injuries whatsoever.
“No, no, I’m okay. I just want to go home.” You quietly assure the two; Pinky cautiously believes you but Sakura is still suspicious that you’re hiding any sort of pain. A loud bang on the door makes both you and Sakura jump while Pinky just lets out a sigh.
“Unlock the door, dammit!” A voice shouts from the other side of the door and Pinky takes it upon herself to fulfill the demand.
The door swings open to reveal Dynamight, the dim lights from inside the club and the street lamps from outside the only things illuminating his figure. You can still tell that his face is scrunched up into something angry even with the poor lighting if the way he is grumbling about the “fucking creepy pervert” is anything to go by.
“Good job taking down that creep, Blasty!” Pinky cheers with a smile and a thumbs up.
“Shuddup,” Dynamight says with annoyance laced in his tone, but Pinky just laughs it off as she walks past him.
“Miss Sakura, if you could come with me? The police may want to see the security footage or get a statement from you.” Pinky says from her paused position in the doorway.
“Of course! Text me when you get home, Luci! I mean it, like, as soon as you pull into your driveway!” Sakura demands with a stern look on her face as she moves to catch up with Pinky.
“I will,” You promise with a small smile and send her a wave as she leaves.
A few moments of silence pass as you and Dynamight just stand there, an air of awkwardness beginning to settle in before you speak up, “Thanks for.. arresting that guy.” You say quietly, looking at him with a small smile.
“The guy had a pretty bad burn on his arm when we showed up.. Any idea where it might have come from?” Dynamight asks in a low and even tone, his sharp crimson eyes looking into yours.
Your smile drops and panic churns at your stomach, “I-I.. it was self defense! I-I didn’t know what else to do, h-he wouldn’t let go of me!” You fearfully begin defending yourself, only just now realizing that you used your Quirk unlicensed to harm somebody. Your heart begins to race and your breaths start to stutter, mind racing over the fact that you broke the law.
“Calm down, I was just curious. As far as the cops are concerned they think I did it, so you’re in the clear. Even if they do find out it was you, it’s legal if it’s in self defen- Jesus christ, take a deep breath, it’s okay!” Dynamight’s voice raises a bit when he notices you beginning to hyperventilate.
You turn away from him and make your way towards the wall, leaning against it to steady yourself. You close your eyes and take some deep breaths in hopes of calming down. After a minute, you open your eyes and look at anything except the hero in front of you when you turn back around.
“I’d like to go home now, if that’s okay? Or do I need to speak to the police?” You meekly ask as you adjust the strap of your bag on your shoulder.
“I’ll tell them that you’ll go down to the station tomorrow. The security cam footage should suffice for tonight.” He says and you can feel the weight of his gaze on you as you nod your head.
“Well, thanks again.. Goodnight, Dynamight.” You mumble as you move toward the door to leave.
“I’ll follow behind you.. to make sure you get home safe.” You hear Dynamight’s rushed and raspy words from behind you making you stop in your tracks.
“That’s not necessary, really.. Should you even be driving? You’ve been drinking all night..” You ramble out after you turn around to face him, your heart thundering in your chest when you find that he’s right there. 
“I only had a couple drinks, plus I’m not weak like Dunc- Chargebolt, I can handle my fucking liquor. I’m gunna go get my car, do not leave this parking lot until I get back here.” Dynamight firmly demands before rushing off toward the front of the building.
You stand there dumbfounded for a moment before you shake yourself out of it and make your way to your car. You get in, hitting the lock button as soon as your door closes, and start it up. You spend a few minutes queuing up songs until you hear a honk from next to you. Nearly pissing yourself, you send a glare to Dynamight for scaring you but he just rolls his eyes and motions for you to go.
With a little bit of hesitancy in your gut, you back out of your parking space and begin your drive home. Looking at the routes on a map, it’s not a very far drive, but traffic always turns short trips into longer ones. Periodic glances at your rear view mirror tells you that you’re not the only one annoyed with the traffic. A small giggle leaves your lips every time you see Dynamight puff his cheeks with a huff or yell at some dick speeding past the both of you.
Finally, you arrive at your house, clicking the button on the gate opener and waiting for it to open fully before pulling up into the drive. Dynamight follows right behind you, pulling up next to you but just sitting in his car. You wonder if he’s going to watch you walk into your house then you wonder why he’s doing this at all. ‘There’s no way the Dynamight does this with even half of the victims he helps rescue..’ You think to yourself as you pull out your phone and tap the call function on Sakura’s contact.
The conversation is short and as soon as you hang up you turn your car off and gather your stuff, then get out. You barely register that Dynamight has gotten out of his car before he’s walking toward you. You look between him and his off car with a confused expression on your face.
“You gunna close the ga-” Dynamight starts but cuts himself off when he sees that the gate to your driveway has automatically started closing, the allotted time you have it set to stay open if you don’t close it yourself having run out.
“I didn’t realize you’d even be getting out of your car..” You comment quietly, and albeit nervously, as you make your way to your front door.
Silently, you take your keys out of your bag, placing the magnetic fob on its spot just above the doorknob. The lock makes a small beep and the keypad above the spot for the fob lights up. You sneak a glance behind you to see if Dynamight is looking but his back is to you as he seemingly surveys the driveway. You quickly type in the code for the lock and a chime rings through the air as the door unlocks. You push the door open a bit before turning around to Dynamight, unsure of what to do or say.
“Uhm, so-”
“Are you sure that you’re alright?” He cuts you off with his question as he turns to face you and his eyes scan over your body as you blink up at him.
“I- yeah, I’m fine..” You say, a little bit shocked by his behavior, and he just nods his head as he stuffs his hands into his pockets. 
A moment of silence fills the air between you two before you blurt out, “Why did you do this? Made sure I got home safe, I mean. You.. you barely even acknowledged me after my performance at the club, and it’s a pretty well-known fact that Dynamight doesn’t really follow up with those that he rescues, let alone escorts them home..”
Dynamight’s jaw clenches and irritation fills his handsome features, and you have to remind your body that right now is not a good time to be getting aroused. His eyes meet yours and promptly melt you with their heat, whether it’s from irritation or something else you don’t know.
“Because, dammit..” He starts, dragging a hand through his hair and letting out an exasperated sigh, his eyes flicking to the ground and glaring at the cement.
“Strip joints aren’t my thing. They’re too fucking loud, there’s too many damn people, and I’ve never had any interest in watching people twirl around on a pole.” He continues, but gets interrupted by the scoff you defensively let out.
But he continues on before letting you get a word out, “But it was stupid Pinky’s birthday and that’s what she wanted to do, so I was dragged into going. I sat at that damn table hating every second until.. Until you got onto that fucking stage. And I know, I know, you probably hear this shit all the fucking time but dammit there was just something about you. I couldn’t tear my damn eyes away from you.”
You’re not sure when it happened but suddenly he is so close to you, crimson eyes sending a blazing heat through your body. Your breath hitches when you catch a whiff of his cologne and your panties are starting to feel much more damp.
“There’s some sort of lust factor to your Quirk, right? There has to be because I never feel like this towards anyone right off the bat,” He rasps out, his voice quieter than before and husky.
“Feel like what?” You whisper, playing the dumb-innocence card heavily as you stare into his eyes.
“Like I wanna fuck you until you’re nothing but a drooling mess cumming on my cock,” He rasps out huskily, his face mere centimeters from yours.
You can’t take it anymore, something in you just snaps and you’re smashing your lips onto his. Your moan mingles with his groan as your arms wind their way around his neck. His hands quickly find purchase on your hips and his fingers dig into the fabric of your sweats as he pulls your body impossibly closer to his. The kiss, if one could call it that, is aggressive with sharp canines nipping each others’ lips and tongues fighting for dominance.
In the midst of your devouring of each other, he backs you into your house, kicking the door shut behind him. You absentmindedly hear the chime of your door locking itself over the rush of blood in your ears and Dynamight’s groans. Your bag ends up crashing to the floor and you both somehow manage to haphazardly kick your shoes off.
You both stumble down the hallway as you lead him to your bedroom, pieces of clothing almost literally torn from each other’s bodies littering the floor as you go. By the time you fall back onto your bed, you’re both in nothing but your underwear. Dynamight stands at the edge of your bed seemingly entranced as you drag your hands along your body up to the front clasp of your bra. You slowly and sensually unclip the bra, making a show out of taking it off even though the Hero’s focus is solely on your tits.
His eyes then meet yours and his tongue darts out to wet his lips, “Are you sure you wanna do this?” He asks, his voice rough with lust but you hear the slight hesitance.
“I kissed you, didn’t I? Listen, I know I’m a stripper but I don’t usually fuck the patrons, I simply have no interest in it. I want this, I need this, and I’m clean if that makes you feel better. Plus, I’m on birth control, so please Dyn-”
“Katsuki. If we’re gunna fuck then you at least get to call me by my fucking name.” He bites out with fake annoyance, rolling his eyes as he shoves his underwear off.
You smirk up at him, toying with your breasts and moaning his name, just to test it out on your tongue and goddamn is it delicious. His eyes darken yet seem to glow at the same time like a whole new level of lust flowed over him, and you give him your real name.
“So, Katsuki, are you gunna fuck me til I’m a drooling mess cumming on your cock or am I gunna have to call Charg- shit, ahh, fuck-” You try to taunt him but are quickly cut off when Katsuki is suddenly on you, mouthing at one of your breasts while his hand kneads and squeezes the other.
He grinds his hard cock on your clothed pussy, right on your clit, the friction of it all making you pant and moan underneath him. Your hands sink into his hair, your claws scratching against his scalp and pulling more groans from him. He gives both your breasts equal attention, biting and sucking and leaving hickies in the wakes of his lips. His kisses begin to travel down your body until his hot mouth is sucking and licking over your already soaked panties.
It’s a slow kind of torture when he finally decides to drag your panties down your legs and off of your body. Needy whines and breathy begs leave your mouth as he uses one hand to slowly drag your panties down your legs while the thumb of his other hand rubs torturously slow circles into your clit.
“Fuck, you’re soaked.. You that needy for my cock, baby?” He husks out as he settles on his stomach between your legs.
“Y-yes, ah, been wet since, fuck, since my second s-set when, a-ah, wh-when y-you were by th-the stage,” You barely manage to get out between the slow stripes he’s licking up your pussy.
He sends you a cocky smirk before fully diving into your wetness and one of your hands flies to his hair while the other grips the sheets. He drinks you up like a man dying of thirst; going from sucking your clit and flicking his tongue against it to dipping lower and slipping his tongue in and out of your slit. Every ministration pushes you closer to that edge and you can’t stop your body from squirming as moans fall from your lips.
An idea manages to slip into your pleasure-addled mind and you pull at his hair to get his attention. This only results in what could only be described as a growl leaving his mouth and vibrating against your clit, nearly sending you. You fight off your impending orgasm as much as you can manage and try to use your words instead, “K-Katsuki, w-wait! I-I wa-wanna ride your face!” That gets his attention immediately, making him pause mid-lick to lean back a bit and give you a wild smirk.
“Fuck yeah, baby,” His lust-laced voice carries through the room as he shuffles around to get into position.
Once he’s comfortable, his lust-darkened and excited eyes catch yours, a devilish smirk sitting on his lips. You send him your own fanged smirk and carefully climb over his body, the shuffling of limbs resulting in your body facing your headboard as your pussy hovers over his mouth. His hands come up to grip your thighs as you slowly seat yourself onto his hot and waiting mouth. A half moan, half gasp leaves your lips when Katsuki immediately gets back to devouring you and one of your hands buries itself in his hair.
You let yourself drown beneath the waves of pleasure for a moment or two before forcing some clarity into your mind. You smirk down at him and his ministrations falter a bit as you trail the tip of your tail down his torso. He questions your action with his eyes until they widen a bit out of surprise as your tail slowly gets increasingly closer to his cock. His groan vibrates against your clit as you wrap your tail around him and his eyes flutter a bit.
You start jerking his cock slowly, your hips moving in sync, and both of your moans start filling the room. Katsuki becomes more aggressive with his licking and sucking, his tongue delving into you every now and then as you grind against him.
“Hah.. ah.. I-I’m g-gunna f-fucking.. cum..” You pant out between moans, your grip on his hair tightening as the overwhelming sensation of your orgasm begins flooding you once again.
“Fucking hell.. Cum, then, baby. Cum on my fucking tongue.” Katsuki’s muffled command is followed by another groaned out curse, his hips bucking a bit off the bed as you continue to jerk him.
“Aah, Katsuki,” His name comes out as a high-pitched moan as your orgasm hits you. Your pussy clenches around his tongue as you double over, your free hand sinking into the mattress next to his head. He tongue-fucks you through it as your eyes squeeze shut and your nails scrape against his scalp. In your bliss, you hear and feel him let out something between a groan and growl, and you’re not sure if it’s from pain or pleasure.
He continues swiping his tongue against your pussy as whines from overstimulation leave your mouth. Something more begins building in your abdomen and you forcefully lift your hips from his face to keep from potentially drowning the man beneath you.
You're both panting as you stare at each other with the same look of feral lust in your eyes. The moonlight shining in from your window making it look like his eyes are glowing and you feel just a bit envious over how fucking effortlessly attractive this man is. A playful smirk pulls at your lips when you squeeze your tail around his cock and he lets out an unintentional moan. Suddenly, in a blur of motions, you’re flipped onto your back with Katsuki hovering over you, his lips still shiny with your cum.
“Ya know, teasing isn’t nice.” Katsuki comments huskily with a smirk as he grinds his cock against your wet pussy, his tip catching your clit with every stroke.
In an instant his lips are on yours, swallowing your whines and moans. He holds himself up with one arm while the other leaves its position from beside your head. His now free hand runs down your body until he gets to your pussy. His fingers rub at your clit a bit before moving further down where he slips a finger into you. Your moans go up in volume as one finger becomes two and his lips suck hickies into the column of your throat. Your body begins to writhe a bit as his fingers brush over your g-spot and his teeth nip at your hot skin.
Soon enough two fingers turn into three and the tsunami-size waves of your next orgasm crash against the poorly built dam you’ve built. All the while, Katsuki just swallows all of begging and pleading for him to just put his cock in you already. His hot, hard cock that is currently weeping pre-cum all over your thigh.
“I-I think I l-learned my lesson ‘bout teasing, Ka-Katsuki! Oh fuck.. J-just put it in!” You demand when his mouth goes back to sucking more marks into your shoulder.
“Demanding little slut, flip the fuck over.” Katsuki commands after he pulls his fingers from your pussy.
You flip yourself onto your stomach, ass up in the air and tail swishing sensually slowly behind you. You look back at him with a smirk that quickly falters when you meet his gaze dead-on as he licks your cum from his fingers. A cocky smirk pulls at his lips when he finishes and uses that same hand to smack one of your asscheeks making you cry out. Pain and pleasure tingle up your spine and your pussy continues to leak.
“Yeah, kinda figured you were a pain slut by now. Only fitting for someone with a demon Quirk, huh?” Katsuki husks out following another smack to your ass.
Finally, without any further commentation, the fat head of his cock nudges its way between your pussy lips. He enters you slowly, groaning as you pant through the welcomed invasion of every inch of him. When his hips finally meet your asscheeks you understand why he had taken his time fingering you. Of course, you had noticed that his cock is big but you weren’t quite prepared to feel this full. There isn’t a single complaint that runs through your pleasure-melted brain, though. Only praises intermingled with moans fall from your mouth when he gives an experimental thrust.
“Shit, you’re so fuckin’ tight.” Katsuki grits out as he sets a steady pace, moving in and out of you while his hands grip your hips.
“So.. fuckin’.. good.. s-so.. full..” You moan out as you push yourself back on his cock, absentmindedly wrapping your tail around one of his wrists.
The room becomes hot and stuffy, the smell of sex and Katsuki’s cologne on every breath you breathe in. Your eyes are half-lidded, wanting to roll back, and your mouth hangs open as Katsuki begins drilling into you. You nearly cum from the sight of him throwing his head back and groaning at how your pussy squelches and clenches around him.
His cock hits your g-spot over and over, making that overwhelming feeling inside you unbearable. You don’t get anything other than a high-pitched moan out of your mouth as your second orgasm crashes into you. Your eyes roll back as you squirt all over Katsuki’s cock and pelvis. You become a babbling, drooling mess as he fucks your through your orgasm, his pace somehow getting faster. His exhales become grunts and growls as he pounds into you, his hands now gripping you so tightly that you nearly cum again thinking about the bruises they’ll leave.
“Fuck, I’m gunna fucking cum!” Katsuki groans out, his thrusts beginning to falter slightly.
“Ah, please cum, a-ah, pleasepleaseplease,” You mindlessly beg as you cum on his cock again.
“Sh-shit.. I-I.. fuuuuck,” He stutters out as he thrust hard into you one last time before stilling. You moan softly as warmth fills you, your eyes shutting from all of the bliss and pleasure you felt throughout the night.
Katsuki is hunched over you for a moment just trying to catch his breath before he kisses your shoulder and straightens up. He slowly pulls out causing both of you to groan, then he collapses onto the mattress beside you. You lower your hips down to the bed and stretch your body a bit before shuffling over to lay on his chest. With his eyes closed, Katsuki wraps an arm around you and begins lightly rubbing your lower back. It’s a peaceful and calm silence between the both of you, the only sounds being both of you breathing and your house’s A/C kicking on.
“There’s no lust factor,” You say quietly, your chin resting on his pec as you look up at his face.
Katsuki cracks an eye open and tilts his head to peer down at you in confusion, “What?” He rasps out.
“My Quirk, Hellspawn, is just demon traits. I don’t have any succubi traits or powers, so there’s no lust factor to my Quirk.” A teasing smile plays on your lips as you explain.
Katsuki is silent as he glares down at you, his face unamused until his lips twitch and a chuckle escapes him. You let out a few giggles yourself and Katsuki runs a hand down his face.
“Well, shit, there goes that explanation. If you’re telling the truth, that is,” He says as he gives you a look of feigned suspicion.
You gasp with feigned offense as you sit up a little, “I would never lie to a Pro Hero such as yourself! What’s the matter, Mr. Dynamight, you don’t believe in lust at first sight?” You can’t help the giggle that escapes you at your bad pun.
Katsuki groans as he rolls his eyes, “Jesus Christ, ‘lust at first sight’? I can’t tell if that's the stripper in you talkin’ or the succubus.”
“I’m not a succubus!” You exclaim as you playfully push him, a laugh leaving your mouth as you stare down at his smirking face.
“Where’s your bathroom, Succubus? We both need a damn shower,” Katsuki asks as he sits up.
His question feels like it’s muffled in your ears as thoughts of not wanting this to end flood your brain. You wonder if he wants this to be a one night stand. If he’ll get dressed, then ask you to not tell anyone about what you two did tonight. If maybe he doesn’t want the fact that he slept with a stripper to get out and ruin his grand reptati-
“Hey, we gunna get this shower over with so we can sleep or what?” Katsuki’s voice breaks you from your thoughts. “I’ll help ya change the bedding and shit after we get done ‘cause I’m sure as hell not sleeping in the puddle you made.” He says with a teasing smirk. You blink dumbly for a moment, then move to stand up to lead Katsuki to your bathroom.
‘He’s spending the night? Maybe he doesn’t want this to end just yet, either..’ You think as you step into the warm water of your shower, Katsuki stepping in right behind you. His arms wrap around you as he pulls you back flush against him, being mindful of your wings. He sighs as he kisses the crook of your neck and you lean back into him, closing your eyes and just enjoying the moment.
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Note ~ Welp, there we go, Lovelies! This was a fun fic to write even though I'm not familiar with the workings of a strip club. I did recently watch the movie Hustlers and felt a bit more confident about what I was writing, haha. Hope it was a good read and y'all stay tuned for more fics! Love and appreciate all of you, Lovelies! <3
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Sleep Little Angel, Sleep
Pairings: Castiel x Winchester!teen!reader
Imagine: you can’t sleep but Castiel is there to help
Warnings: angst?, sleep deprivation, mention of depression, mention of possession by a demon (not really), I think there’s one mention of the f-word, idk what else, mention of y/n if that’s a warning I have no clue if I’m honest
A/N just a short comfort fic for all you sleep deprived supernatural fans out there *cough* me *cough*, writing this actually helped me sleep so + to that I guess, bc this is kinda how it have been for me lately except I don’t have a Castiel to help me sleep. Which is why I haven’t posted/written anything in a while :) anyway hope you guys like it bc idk really and I hope you all have a good sleep tonight <3
As usual I put it down as teen reader but the reader can be older and Cas might be a bit OOC
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You layed in bed, staring up at the ceiling, but at the same time nothing in particular. The sound of silence filled your ears and the occasional cars that drove past outside the window was a refreshing sound. Your tired eyes dropped but you couldn’t in any way sleep. It was for some unknown reason impossible.
For once your head was empty of thoughts. Nothing ran through your head. You didn’t have the constant race between hundreds of thoughts competing to be heard the most. Everything was silent.
The other people in the bunker were quiet, not even a sound from your brothers was heard, and they often stayed up longer than you did. It was too quiet. The cars only came one by one each hour or so in the unhealthy times of the night.
Sometimes you thought you were possessed by some demon making you feel this way, but you were pretty sure a demon possessing you would be more fun than the boredom of the night was giving you.
The tiredness that went through your whole body did nothing to help. You were exhausted, but still you couldn’t bring yourself to sleep. It wasn’t intentional, you’d tried to sleep many times, but nothing seemed to ever work. So instead you continued to stare up at your sealing, there wasn’t much else to do at this time anyway.
It took another three hours, before you completely gave up. Turning on your side you checked the watch. Two in the morning. You didn’t entirely know how you could function by now, you hadn’t slept in three days, except for the one nap you accidentally took in the car while Dean drove to the store to pick up some pie if you remembered correctly. But that was days ago, maybe it had been more than three days ago, you didn’t quite know. The only thing you knew was that you were bored to death, sleep deprived and probably in one of your depressive episodes. But you could never be sure about the depression, it always lingered around the corner waiting to strike you down.
You wanted to go up and maybe take a night snack but it would wake your brothers up and you knew it wouldn’t help either. So you stayed in your laying position, still staring at the apparently interesting sealing. You noticed some new shapes that you swore hadn’t been there before, but maybe you notice more things the more you watch something. It was like when you watched a movie for the hundredth time and noticed something new. Except it would be more exciting to watch a movie than your sealing.
A few hours later, or maybe it was just a few minutes a flapping of wings was heard. Your eyes were still unmovable from tracing every dent and dusted corners of your sealing. It was most probably an angel who’d appeared in your room, and you couldn’t care less of who, if you were honest, maybe you could get an excuse to get up and do something exciting. However it turned out to be your favorite angel.
“Y/N, you need to sleep” Castiel’s voice rang out making you look at him, it was strange to hear something break the silence. Your irritated eyes were a bit glossy from not sleeping and Castiel noticed that the dark bags under your eyes were more prominent than ever. He and your brothers knew of your problem with sleeping but it seemed you never tried to get help from them, or to even get some of those sleeping pills. You’d always shrug it off saying you were fine, that you weren’t tired, or for those occasional days you told them you were tired they’d make sure you slept in the car, but those rarely happened anymore. Castiel had sensed your tiredness, and when he’d have to save you from a vampire he knew he needed to help you, but you had shut him out. The angel didn’t want to force you to sleep but if that was what it took to make sure you were sleeping and taking care of yourself he would.
“I know Cas, I just, I can’t” you paused before your voice cracked a bit at your next words “I’m so fucking tired Cas, I, I don’t know what to do”
Castiel walked closer to your bed until he was right next to it. A bit uncharacteristically of him he bent down and tilted his head while he took in your appearance from a closer view. “Let me help you” his blue eyes stared into yours and you closed your eyes for a second, which caused a new wave of tiredness to crash through you.
“Will you stay here” why you asked you weren’t quite sure, but you did anyway and got a nod from your favorite angel. You knew what he meant by helping you. You’d seen him do it to Dean a lot of times, but you had never brought yourself to ask Cas to do it on you. It felt strange and wrong, but at the moment you didn’t care, you were too exhausted. Sleep would be your only release and nothing in you seemed to be willing to give it to you. Maybe that’s why you wanted him to stay, so that he could protect you when you were in a deep sleep that you wouldn’t wake up from in a while. So that he could wake you if anything went wrong.
“I will stay, I promise, I’ll be right beside you when you wake up” with that you gave him a nod and he gently put two of his fingers on your forehead. It didn’t take long for sleep to take over you. Exhaustion and tiredness took over your whole being in one sweep and your eyes closed. You could finally get your release from the life you lived. You could finally rest for a while, You would for once not be exhausted when you woke up.
However before you fell asleep you heard Castiel softly murmur in a whisper “Sleep little angel for nothing will come your way tonight, sleep and dream of sweet dreams”
True to his word Castiel stayed by your side, he made sure no nightmares came your way, and you slept peacefully for the first time in a while. You slept for the first time in a while, and Cas woved he wouldn’t let it go further than this again. He would protect his baby angel if it so was the last thing he did, and to make sure you slept was only one part of it.
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2jcore · 4 months
hwanghon brew director's cut
hello everyone first of all, please bear with me this is the first time i've tried using tumblr and i honestly don't know my way around it yet. With that being said, please allow me to give you the director's cut of Hwanghon Brew i promised 2 years ago lmao TT
So, for starters, hwanghon brew was commissioned by my good friend ate cams (who was absolutely patient with me. love u ate cams mwa) 
These were the things requested:
heejayke poly
established heejay
modern vampires
college/frat au
heejayke feeding on each other
I was given the freedom to do whatever, come up with whatever plot that ties these things together, so I did! The first thing that came to mind of course, was the vibe I wanted to go for. So i immediately looked up a modern vampire playlist to set the mood, and stumbled upon this playlist. which is honestly so fitting because 1) the cover is a screenshot from the given-taken japanese mv, and 2) the person who made it seems to be an engene seeing that the first song in the playlist is drunk-dazed.
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Anyway, Supermassive Black Hole by Muse became the first song that I associated to Hwangwon. It was like, idk the theme song while i was writing it? In fact, the whole black market scene during the intro was written to supermassive black hole. I didn't really make a moodboard for HB and instead created a playlist and relied on getting the vibe from that instead.
if i were to describe the songs that i picked out for hwanghon, it would be dark and somewhat eerie. most of them were rock/alt, (Test Me - Xdinary Heroes, One in a Billion - Enhypen, Tonight is the Night I Die - Palaye Royal)
some were also alternative/indie like Teeth - 5SOS, cult leader - king mala, and Blood // Water - grandson.
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I played this playlist 24/7 while writing the fic NO JOKE LIKE ESPECIALLY IN THE SHOWER even though some of the songs creeped me out T^T bc honest to god some of them lowkey sounded demonic but it is what it is. So, I listened to these vampy songs while trying to come up with the main theme of the fic.
If you watched the video teasers I posted on my twitter, you'd know that I strongly associated Xdinary Heroes songs to HB, especially during the scenes where they're playing tag and running around the city, especially Test Me.
Hold Me Tight, and Tunnel by KimYeji were for the more somber parts like Jake's inner monologues about fitting in, heejay talking about the coven and jake, and especially the scene were Jay runs to Jake in the bathroom and relives Heeseung's near death.
And while I do associate their running scenes with xdinary heroes, BONBON GiRL by SARM is an honorable mention. To me this is a bouncier song for the times they're leaping from one rooftop to another, just having fun while Seoul's citylights shine below them. When I play this song, Hwanghon Brew suddenly turns into this cyberpunk vampire anime in my mind.
Some special mentions that I really enjoyed listening to and helped me brainstorm for scenes are: Real Boy - Lola Blanc, Verbatim - Mother Mother, and Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High - Artic Monkeys.
As some of my readers might know, my first step when writing a fic is to make an outline. My first thought was to think about the characters. With heejay being established, it only made sense for me to make them members of the frat/coven. With that thought in mind, I wondered how to write Jake into their lives. And thought, hmm, what if he moved to Seoul for college and stumbles upon one of the coven members? Let's make him a newly turned vampire from the country side.
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(jake bagong salta to coven = jake new to the coven)
So i was trying to come up with the main theme of the fic and initially came up with this:
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I was just thinking that jake was just, idk, desperately trying to fit in even though he was already part of the coven, and heejay could teach him how to be a vampire and their feelings could develop through that. Of course, this idea changed as the outline became more fleshed out.
After establishing the basics of the character backgrounds, my next step was to outline the plot itself. I divided the plot into the 5+1 structure, and brainstormed for a main event/scene per number.
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this is the unedited original outline LMAOO which obviously was changed as I went along with writing it. I wasn't given an exact word count and was just told to write whatever I wanted (thank you sm ate cams 🥺) and honestly i went into this thinking that i'd be done by 10k HAHAHAHA BOY WAS I WRONG. then again, i shouldn't really be surprised because i have the habit of going over my target word count. In fact my bestie Erina (who helped me brainrot a lot during the writing process (luv u bubbie hwanghon brew will forever be your inaanak) was like. bubbie. how could you even think you'd be done by 10k LMAOO)
anyways, let's unpack this original outline. the [ 5 - hoon supposed to take him to hwanghon but can't ] made it to the fic since Sunghoon really asked Jay to take Jake to hwanghon. [ 4 - heeseung arc, bonding over ramyeon ] was only partially kept. Instead of the 4th part being about jake feeling hesitant, it becomes heejake growing closer through their convo while having ramyeon, and jake trying to get closer to jay by using the honey cookies. So i guess you can say that food holds importance in this part.
the third part where jake underestimates his appetite and heejay come to the rescue is kept, but added to it are heejake and heejay scenes, the latter giving more insight to the jayke aspect of things
The 2nd one. So my thought process here is: the initiation is successful. However, throughout and after this, heejay become more and more possessive over jake without them actually noticing and without them realizing why. So, the members intervene by acting all flirty with jake until heejay finally acknowledge their feelings, and this leads to the jealousy jealousy part in number 1. and somehow the tension just builds up until they all just erupt and make out, which would lead to them feeding on each other.
as you can see, khan's appearance in the fic was not part of the original outline. and that definitely changes a lot of things.
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for the first few parts of the fic, i outlined the turn of events and crossed them out once i finished writing that sequence. my original outline somehow ends here? IDK how i outlined the rest of the fic LMAO IT WAS A FEVER DREAM. ANYWAY.
i wanted to start the fic with a banger. literally. so, what better way to do it than to bombard countryboy Jake with the grim reality of the city, right?
After listening to Supermassive Black Hole, this black market scene immediately played in my mind and set the tone for the rest of the fic. It came to me quickly--the image of Jake stumbling upon a black market swaying, dizzy as hell, his vision splitting and all these neon signs swirling around him. for me, the song cemented the over all night life/cyberpunk vibe that I was going for.
At first, I was thinking that it's Jay who finds Jake in that market. Like the thought of spotting Jay amidst the blur of people was so appealing to me (especially as your resident jayker). But I figured that it would be better for Sunghoon to find him first, because not only does this create a foundation for jakehoon's friendship, but also sets the stage for a better meeting between jake and heejay.
Right off the bat I wanted this scene to be as descriptive as possible, so that I could immediately give the readers a good feel of the universe and the dark tone of the fic. Hence why I enumerated every single thing from a man trying to sell Jake drugs,
“Hyungnim,” A man suddenly slings his arm around his shoulders. “You looking for a good time?” “N-no,” He answers meekly, pushing away the man who had a couple of tattoos dotting the left side of his face, his leather jacket reeking of alcohol and some kind of earthy, herby scent.
(that's why he smelled earthy - y'know...marijuana) to prostitutes trying to beckon him over
“Hey, are you lost?” Two girls call out to him in coy voices, breaking out into giggles and taking drags of the cigarettes pinned between their long manicured nails.
Anyway, while i was writing this, i was constantly seeking opinions from my close friends (love u erina i could not have written most of this without you) and recieved good feedback about the intro, so i think it was pretty effective.
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(this is the hoon in my head!! ugh so hot fr fr imagine him just walking along seoul at night jumping from one roof to another)
like I said, since i made Sunghoon the character who finds Jake, I wanted him to make a strong impression, which is why he is how he is--practically dragging Jake to the cafe, ordering for him, talking on and on even though Jake wasn't responding LMAO like Sunghoon didn't really care TT
I also wanted him to have #humor which is why he's so damn sarcastic all the time "don't worry i don't bite" SAYS THIS WITH HIS CHEST WHILE BEING A WHOLE VAMPIRE LIKE FUCK OFFF "no humans were harmed in the process" he's so??!?! anyway, it was super fun writing him, he's easily one of my favorite sunghoons in all the fics i've written.
though it looks like him being a lovesick fool is a common thing among my fics and i don't regret this one bit. It's so funny writing Sunghoon pining over Sunoo when the latter doesn't even give him his time of the day (not true, actually he's just equally enamored)
While it is true that Sunghoon is one of the comedic reliefs in this fic, Sunghoon is also the token best friend that everyone needs. He has his own way of looking after Jake that is just so endearing to me. In fact one of my personal favorite scenes would be the jakehoon skirmish during the initiation where they're just tumbling down from one roof to another. They way Sunghoon was so proud when Jake managed to get his necklace 🥺 and the way he was like "Go. The other three won't be as easy as I was."
In his own silly little ways, he makes sure that Jake isn't left behind and watches over him. (Sunghoon wouldn't have brought Jake to the cafe and bought him a blood smoothie to begin with if he wasn't so kind) Speaking of blood smoothie, that brings us to the next part
also known as blood oranges, where Enhypen coined their album name "Orange Blood" from. If you check the dates, Hwanghon Brew was posted before this release so belift, i was first 🙄 (lighthearted) anyway, blood oranges are literally just oranges but the insides are red.
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I was searching for a fruit that would pass off as the same color as blood because I wanted Sunghoon to order something cryptic. In the sense that it's not really on the menu since only vampires would know about it because it's a code for blood, but if per se, a human manages to overhear it and ask about it, they could just serve a real fruit smoothie and it wouldn't look any different.
I thought maybe dragonfruit? but it's too purple. raspberry is too pink. strawberry would be too pale. I stumbled upon the raspberry orange, saw the pulp looking like blood and i thought, yeah this is it. This looks vampire-y enough.
I included this fruit solely because of that and didn't really think of anything else lol. Later on, I found out through my moot Kaia that blood oranges hold meanings that really align with the concept of Hwanghon Brew
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I don't know if i should feel flattered, scared, or annoyed that there seem to be so many parallels between hwanghon brew and official enhypen content. because first of all, i posted HB in october of 2022, and it had the line "bite me" (i'm not gatekeeping that phrase but the parallels are just fascinating) and then they come out with Dark Blood and Bite Me as the title track in 2023. Also, like i said, blood oranges, Orange Blood, etc etc. And the basement/frathouse IS EXACTLY WHAT THE SET IN SWEET VENOM LOOKS LIKE
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like. the strobe lights, the party, the dingy mattresses??? thanks to belift for bringing my fic to life i guess??!?W@#$ anyway, since they were a coven disguised as a frat, i figured it was only right for them to have a frathouse. i didn't do much research on frats because i didn't focus on it much in the fic, but i guessed that frathouses were mostly...well, messy. Plus, they're supposed to be broke college kids, so i thought it'd be fitting for them to rent out a cheap basement in one of the shady alleys in Seoul.
While it is true that they're also kind of a frat, like Sunghoon says,
“It’s a coven and a frat. I mean, we’re fronting as a frat. But, it’s not exactly a disguise because we really are a frat? You get what I mean.” Sunghoon waves his messy explanation off.
they are a coven first and foremost, which to me crosses out the thought that they only have men (since y'know. frat). in my mind the coven also has female members. since txt are part of it, i immediately thought of itzy, pictured yeji and ryujin on the couch making out and i was like yeah, i like that.
aside from the basement looking like sweet venom, at the time I was writing it, SV wasn't out yet. So the party was actually mostly based on the drunk-dazed party
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Anyway, it's mentioned in passing that the pioneer of this coven is Jay, and he served as its leader for a good few centuries before handing the torch to Jungwon. Since then, he took the backseat with the leadership, but still helped in calling the shots. Jungwon doesn't make big decisions without consulting him (and Heeseung consequently)
Like I said, I wanted to set the stage for heejay--present them in a way that both Jake and the readers know that they aren't like any other. I wanted them to be revered. While everyone was wilding it out partying, they were in the backroom watching it all unfold. idk there's just something about them just sitting there and watching over their people. literally like kings over their constituents. (constituents??!!)
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Tall nose, sharp lips, tanned skin peeking out from the rips in his jeans
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Tall nose, small lips, sharp jaw trailing down to a chin that juts out when he frowns. A leather choker around his neck, his knitted top torn.
These were the pictures in mind when I wrote the descriptions of heejay's first appearance
i can't recall if someone left a comment about this or a friend told me, but i remember someone saying that it made so much sense that Jay was the eldest vampire. they said that usually, people would think of going according to enha's real age, so it was refreshing to see Jay as the eldest.
to me it just felt right to make Jay the eldest and only pureblood in the coven. I think i based this off of the fact that Jay in real life was obviously brought up in a high class (?) family and environment. He knows a lot of things, is well off, and yet he seems street smart and wise.
with this, i came up with his background--his family being around for ages, somewhat pioneers of the current seoul vampire society, and owners of the disguised vampire establishments. speaking of family, it's implied that Yoongi is Jay's relative.
aside from this, I was thinking, Jay is mostly a loving sweetheart in the fics i've written, so why not make him a loving but emotionally constipated tsundere in this one?
anyway, given the fact that jay is the eldest, only pureblood, and founding father of their coven, i think his disposition was to be expected. he's literally like a grumpy overprotective father. to him his coven is his family, which is why he's skeptical to let strangers get close to the people he loves. especially after the first khan incident. He let khan into the coven, treated him as his own kin, and khan betrayed him by abandoning all the principles and beliefs he stands by, and put their coven in a bad light because of this. I can't really blame him for being on guard and cut throat with accepting new members after this.
heejay being 7yearz going on 8yearz in real life is truly the basis of heejay in this fic, and consequently, Heeseung's characterization. much like in real life, i wanted them to have spent a lot of time together, which is why i wrote Heeseung as coming from 1235, which was the Goryeo era. Originally, I wrote Heeseung as coming from the late 13th century, but wanted to align his story with a real historic event. That's why I moved his year to 1235 where there were Mongol invasions, which led to him being injured, and then led to him being turned.
I think it's evident especially with the whole "While Jay is the storm, Heeseung is the calm before that" part, that I wanted to strike a balance with the characterization of heejay. To me it also felt so...idk, couple? so parents of them to be opposites in this way. It was like Tamaki going all out and then there's Kyouya, his silent and supportive right hand man. (from Ouran High School Host Club)
Which is why I leaned into Heeseung's laid back traits in real life and channeled his relaxed and easy going disposition. I just figured it would have been too difficult for Jake if both Jay and Hee were skeptical of him, so i thought let's make Heeseung someone who is a good judge of character, someone who immediately sees the good in Jake and becomes smitten.
I believe Heeseung acted as a bridge more than anything because jayke's bond was honestly the last to form, so he's a mediator in more ways than one.
With regards to the coven, it is mentioned that Heeseung is the second eldest, which means that next to Jay, he's the most respected because #age and #heirarchy and all. Also, no one would dare question Hee because he is after all, Jay's life long partner and lover.
In my mind, Heeseung is very wife in this fic, in the sense that most of the time he is Jay's voice of reason, lending his silent support especially during the times it is most needed. While the coven was founded by Jay, it would be crippled without Heeseung.
On the day that Sunghoon told Jake to come to the coven, Heeseung was the only one in the basement. Jay went grocery shopping and Sunghoon bumped into him on the way there. they both make an entrance while bickering
the door swings open and in comes Sunghoon and Jay, at each other’s neck. Figuratively.  “You should have told me beforehand!” “Well, I’m telling you now,”
Actually, they were fighting over Jake. The whole conversation goes like this:
"I told him he could join." "Who are you to decide that?" "Oh c'mon, aren't we like allowed to make referrals? like in companies? I'm pretty sure I should be getting a commission for recruiting him." "??? we are not a multi level company. Go bring your pyramid schemes somewhere else. Not to my coven" "But I already told Jake to come over," "You should have told me beforehand!" "Well, I'm telling you now"
their convo sounds pretty funny and sooo jayhoon in my head that i just had to share this even though it didn't make the cut in the fic
the heart of this fic (only actually partly, but the fact that this fic is named after the cafe make a big difference, no?) I'm not sure where this idea came from, I just figured it would be nice for them to have their own establishment. Like. #made by vampires for vampires. something like that, and thought hm, why not a cafe? so i went on to a name generator and it showed me a bunch of corny names for cafes T^T. I saw the word brew and it kinda stuck. So the next thing i did was to search for the korean words of vampire related things--moon, blood, twilight. And that's how i found the word hwanghon.
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I put hwanghon and brew together, decided that i liked the sound of it, and put it as the working title while i was writing. i honestly didn't think that it would be the final title. I was just thinking of replacing it when i thought of something better, but fortunately i was unable to come up with anything that topped it DFAHAHAHA i am also so relieved I kept the title because i think it's so distinct? It has a very nice ring to it and makes it easy for me to search people talking about it on twitter HAHSDHF
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here's the logo/symbol of hwanghon brew, and it's exactly as it is described in the fic
a crescent moon with the tips downturned, red rays dripping down from the middle. 
the red rays are an allegory to blood, hence why I used the word "dripping" to describe it. also, to me, the downturned crescent moon is a hollistic symbol of vampirisms. it is both a moon, and a pair of fangs. This symbol also plays a big part in the initiation because the necklace's pendant is in the same shape.
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anyway, onto the system of hwanghon brew itself. Like Jay explained, the process of blood goes like this: human donations > health organizations > human government > high council > blood banks > vampire establishments (like HB) honestly, i didn't really consume much vampire media. i have never watched twilight or vampire diaries. the only knowledge i have of the collective concept of vampires would be from interview with a vampire, supernatural, a few clips from vampire knight, and a few panels from blood bank.
though i think the fact that i didn't really consume vampire media turned out to be a good thing in the long run, because I eventually had my very own take on the vampire universe and the world building. Though, it's not uncommon to have blood banks and whatnot, i just find it fascinating to have the vampire high council working hand in hand with the human government.
oh my sweet Jake. he's just a baby girl, that's all. His characterization here isn't really far off from how i see him in real life? happy go lucky, very determined, absolutely resilient.
besides, i think that these are qualities of a person who can go through so much and come out of it stronger. these are the traits that would enable him to put his foot forward, join the coven, butter up to heejay, and go against a monster like khan.
however, while he is all those things---strong and brave, he is also very hesitant at the same time? He's the type to rethink his actions and mull over his decisions over and over again and question himself if he made the right choice.
he's also very conscious of the people around him, and he has his own insecurities, which to makes him feel more human than any of them, which also makes sense given that he's the youngest vampire.
I mention this throughout the fic--their eyes flashing inhuman colors whenever they're either hungry, protective, angry, etc etc. For Jake, it's blue. For Jay, it's red. This small detail isn't really important aside from the fact that only purebloods have red eyes, but I just got this idea from the japanese MV of given-taken. (actually, i rewatched that mv so many times while writing this fic)
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it's mentioned in the fic that vampires develop gifts down the road. Jay's is super strength, Heeseung - telepathy, Jungwon - speed, Sunghoon - shapeshifter(?), Sunoo - gravity defiance, Riki - shadow manipulation/teleportation
Honestly, i just got this from the dark moon webtoon because i wanted to add a little flare to it lmao. Given, Jake's power would be fire. Initially, I thought of including his power in the fic. If I did, it would play out like this: jake getting beat up by khan > heejay comes to the rescue > khan puts up a fight, drives them into a corner > jake, livid that khan had hurt heejay, awakens his power and uses fire for the first time to protect them (wow, zuko who?)
but I decided to scrap that idea because I wanted Jay to be indomitable, and also kinda wanted Jake to play into that whole damsel in distress thing
anyway speaking of powers, if anyone's wondering why heeseung didn't just tap into jake's mind to find him, it's because heeseung's telepathy in this universe only works on covenmates. and since jake technically wasn't a member yet, he couldn't reach him.
actually, if i remember correctly, this idea came from one of my twt besties and gfs, nina. it makes sense of course, because they're a frat. and frats have initiations and it's just terrorizing new recruits, like Sunghoon said. They reason that it's to assess the new member (especially after someone like khan), they wanted to be more sure of new recruits--whether they'd play dirty just to be part of the coven.
Sunghoon also mentions that it's Riki who suggested to have initiations and that it usually consists of playing games (tag, hide and clap) but with a vampire twist. Not only does this allow the existing members of the coven to assess the new recruits physical abilities (speed, senses, etc.) but it also allows them to asses their decision making.
admittedly, I didn't put much details about these three compared to the hyung line for various reasons.
for one, I wanted Sunoo to be a mystery, and figured that would only be effective if I only gave out little information about him, leaving gaps and spaces for the readers to imagine. Which is why I mentioned that aside from Jay, no one really knows about his age or where he came from. (but his backstory is complete in my mind lmao.) also, I wanted Sunoo to be different from the other vampires, which is why he sometimes talks in shakespearean HAJSHA. AND I wanted his character to be different from all the other sunoos I've written. I just really love playing into the opposite of how majority of the fandom perceives him as well.
Jungwon, while being the coven's leader, only makes appearances once in a while. Despite his little screentime (sorry won I'll make it up to you), I wanted to make sure that he came across as reliable, especially since he is the coven's acting leader. Which is why he shows up to remind Jake to feed. To me, while he participates in initiations, he makes up his mind about the new recruits prior to that and acts based on this. He went easy on Jake because he actually liked him and wanted him to be a part of the coven, which is why he played along but gave back Jake's moon necklace in the end.
And Riki. He may seem like a playful vampire who's just there for the vibes, but he is also very perceptive. Like Sunoo, he plays a bigger part than what is implied, but I don't want to give out too much information bc I want to write a prequel HSDFHAHSD but yeah, Riki knows the streets and knows his shit.
well, that's that. Thank you for coming to my ted talk! I really enjoyed writing about my thought process while writing, and where I pulled inspiration from. I still think that I really outdid myself with writing this one and I think the comments I got just prove it. I love Hwanghon Brew with my whole heart and I am beyond happy that I get to share this with people who enjoyed reading it just as much as I had fun writing.
whatever i didn't cover here (like most of their character backgrounds, and khan) I will be including in the prequel. Anyway, speaking of the prequel, I've been told that some readers are curious about the timelines and the backstories of the members. I think if you pay enough attention to detail, you'd be able to gather a few hints about the timelines and their ages.
I do hope that if I ever do push through with it, you would be tuned in as well >< I have actually finished the outline, all that's left is actually writing it. I don't know when because I am unfortunately a busy college senior (writing her thesis and having her internship). But I do hope I get to do it soon because some of you really seem enthusiastic about it and it really warms my heart. Anyway, please consider this a love letter to the readers who enjoyed Hwanghon so much and showered it with so much love.
love u all ❣
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eddiernunson · 2 years
Trapped | Eddie Munson | Part 5 | 18+
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Paring: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 29k (Idk how it got this many words lemme live)
Warnings: Smut, oral f+m receiving, unprotected penetration, dirty talk, slut shaming kink, touching in class, waking someone up with kisses before talking about it, general newbie when it comes to writing smut. Other Warnings would be new relationship stuff, reader dresses a little proactively.
Its literally just PWP. I wanted them to earn their smut this chapter.
Authors note: Hi! I know it's been a while since the last part, but it literally took me a week to write each scene, and I work 40 hours a week. There were also a few scenes I felt just weren't quite right, you know? Anyway, please enjoy this new update. Lots of shenanigans. I had a lot of fun writing this and asking my best friend for help.
Minors DNI for the Smut.
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Eddie drops you off with a kiss goodnight and an awkward yet very polite hello to your mom. She smiles warmly at him, seeing the glow in your cheeks as you looked at him. Before you close the door, lingering your hand on his, he mouths I’ll call you.
It took everything in you to close that door those final three inches. You leaned against it, feeling weak in the knees from what you couldn’t believe was your night. Your mom waddled over to you and kissed you on the forehead. “We’ll talk tomorrow.” She promises you. For now, she let her obviously happy daughter stay blissful.
Blissful was one word to describe you tonight, sure. It just didn’t come close to how you felt. You look around, wondering when exactly your mom went upstairs. You shrug your shoulders, smile on your face as you goofily trudge up the stairs. Your mind kept wondering, wishing you were in Eddie’s arms again.
The extra special attention he paid you when he realized Daisy was making you feel anxious. His eyes on you, watching you figure out how to tell a three-year story without embarrassing yourself. His concern when you told him you thought you had no chance with him. His knee shaking as you enter the booth, telling you he was just as nervous as you were, if not more.
His words and how they never failed to make you weak in the knees. Your thighs clutching onto his face, Eddie never seeming to mind suffocating in your cunt. The door suddenly right up against your back as he kisses you as if he has just wanted to kiss you like that all night long.
You knew it was nearly 12:30, but you wanted music to listen to in the shower. You brought your stereo over to the bathroom, placing it on the threshold. You put in your favourite tape before getting into the hot shower.
Your mind could literally not make up its mind on what it wanted to think about. One moment it was thinking about how sweet he was when you talked back and forth in his van on the way to drop you off. The next moment it was thinking about the shine of those pretty pink lips after just making you come. You felt a million tingles all at once. Some were great, the tingle you feel as a dog that doesn’t like other people chooses you. Some were great, the tingle you feel as your wildest fantasies late at night just became a reality.
You weren’t lying when you said you thought about him multiple times a week. Hell, two or three was an understatement. You were thinking more like 5 or 6. Two or three sounded reasonable to you. Yet, you wondered if he had ever thought about you like that before you were his…girlfriend?
Wait was that what you were now? Is that sealing the deal?
You finished your shower, yanking the stereo and your half-naked self to your room. Your room seemed to be messier than you remember leaving it. A few dresses were on the floor scattered by your closet, multiple hair styling tools on your dresser, your bed just littered in teen magazines. You didn’t mind, going to the new hiding spot you decided to use for anything Eddie might lend you.
You breathe in the black fabric, the smell of him completely overwhelming your senses. If you tried hard enough, you could hear and feel his voice in your ear. You don’t remember falling asleep that night, but you did with a smile on your face and your toes curled after kicking your sheets for what felt like an eternity.
Sunday morning sun hit you hard, the sun harshly coming through the open window by your bed. You woke up with a start, only in your panties and Eddie’s t-shirt as you rushed to sleepily close the window and its blinds so you could get more sleep.
That lasted another two hours.
Your phone rings, and your dad picks up. Next thing you know, there’s a short knock at your door following by the feeling of the plastic phone in your hand. By the time you open your eyes, your dad is already out the door. Strong and silent type.
“Hello?” You answer, your voice sounding rough. (Like you had just woken up or something.)
“We need details, and we needed them yesterday. Meet us at Nancy’s in an hour, pronto!” Robin’s voice is loud on the other line.
You groan into the phone, just wanting to sleep in today.
“You woke me up at 8am yesterday, Y/N L/N! This is generous. Meet us here or I am calling Munson and asking him for the dirty details.” Robin promised.
Robin did not have the social confidence to just call him up.
Nancy Wheeler, however, 100% would call him even without threatening you.
You said you’d be there, suddenly aware what the stakes are.
You got ready as fast as you let yourself, pausing when you remembered you slept on wet hair. It dried weird. Shit. You spent an extra ten minutes or so just fiddling with your hair.
You spent no time picking out an outfit, just wanting to be comfortable with your girls. Reluctantly, you took off Eddie’s shirt, wanting to preserve his scent for as long as possible, seeing how fast the scent alone put you to sleep.
A little bit of face brightening makeup to make you look alive and you were out the door with a bagel in hand. You made it to the Wheeler’s house with fifteen minutes to spare. You walked right in, knowing to Karen Wheeler you were almost like her second born. You weren’t but your parents knew each other for so long it was like you were one of her kids. You just weren’t that close with Nancy until a Demogorgon wrapped you in shared trauma. Now, you both had no idea why you weren’t friends to begin with.
“Morning Karen!” You called, Mrs. Wheeler doing her best to feed her seven-year-old child and juggle appointments.
“Hi sweetheart!” She called out. “They’re actually in the basement right now just so you know.” Karen said, chewing as she pointed behind her.
Odd, Nancy usually goes for her room rather than the basement. Lately the basement has been Mike’s place. That much is obvious when he hid a whole human, and nobody noticed because El was in the basement. “Thanks!”
You made your way down the steps, the girls engaged in a conversation with a Molly Ringwald movie playing in the background.
“Hi dummies!” You greet cheerfully, the two girls jumped, and came and hugged you with cute squealing voices.
They had taken over the basement, setting a large blanket down with snacks and drinks.
“Morning, sunshine.” Robin says, booping you on the nose.
Nancy was excited to see you, just felt a tad left out. “You owe me the whole story, not just what Robin says.” Nancy huffs, her arms not crossed but tense by her side. “So, tell me. Up until what Robin and Steve Harrington, of all people, know.”
You tell her the juicy details. Getting good reactions out of Robin, too now that Steve isn’t overhearing/judging the conversation.
“Hell, you didn’t need me. I’m telling you. That boy was going to rent a movie one day and that was supposed to set you guys up. Fate. I just put fate into fast forward.” You look at Nancy, a hint of a god complex in her eyes.
“You also stopped probably another year of silently wishing he would confess his love to me.” You tell her, waiting for her tense muscles from her excitement to relax. “It was the kick in the pants we both needed.”
You were now cozied up in a blanket, hot drink in hand and sitting comfortably in between the two girls. It was about an hour of “let me finish” and blushing as Robin and Nancy kept trying to secretly steal glances.
“If that was your Friday I want to hear about your Saturday,” Nancy urged you on, wanting to get to the date.
“Well I woke up yesterday morning swearing I must’ve fallen asleep on his couch because there was no way what happened could’ve happened anywhere but in my dreams.” You pause, grabbing some chips from a nearby chip bag. “Eddie was in the kitchen making breakfast.” Nancy melts into this. “It was cereal, but it was my favourite, so he gets points for that. I asked if I fell asleep on the couch. He said ‘No, but I did eat you on the couch.’” Nancy’s soft eyes turned startled, only expecting sugar, and getting some spice.
“So was he a good kisser? I know you said he was when we were at work, but c’mon how good?” Robin, asked, her legs crossed and snacking on some chips.
You huffed, remembering the feeling of Eddie’s lips against yours, rough and hypnotising. “Just, fantastic. He knows where to put his hands, what to say, not too much tongue. He is an amazing kisser seeing as he’s never been kissed before that.”
The look the girls gave you reminded you that you haven’t been open about that. “Wait, wait, hold on.” Robin pauses, taking a moment to swallow the food in her mouth. “Eddie has never been kissed before you? Does this mean,” her eyes shift to Nancy for a beat and back to you. “Is Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson a virgin!?”
You panic for a moment, feeling like you had fucked up by telling something personal about your…boyfriend? At least Steve wasn’t here.
Then you smirk.
Robin and Nancy watch your face, confused by the sudden shift from anxious to smug.
“Well, not anymore.”
“WHAT?” They shout together, both sitting up on their knees.
“He was when we kissed on Friday but he’s not anymore.” It takes everything you have not to burst out giggling at their faces.
Nancy’s jaw is just straight up on the floor while Robin is covering her mouth with one of her hands. “Ok skip the morning, go straight to your date I just don’t care enough about your morning anymore.”
You ignored her. “Eddie asked about my day, we decided on a date time, he drove me home. I went to work, got ready for my date, Eddie picked me back up again. We went to Chef’s Table. Steve got us a last-minute reservation there at a table in the back.”
“Wow, he gave you his table?” Nancy, commented, now lying on her stomach, and resting on her elbows while munching on a crunchy snack. “That was nice of him.”
You were taken aback by Nancy’s word choice. “What do you mean, his table?”
Nancy’s mouth upturned slightly, not sure if you were joking. “It’s one of his make out spots. If you go to Chef’s Table and request a spot in the back, it’s more than likely you want to make out. The staff are more likely to keep their distance. I know, he took me there.”
“Wait what?” You ask, your head moving slightly forward and tilting your head in disbelief. “We spent the whole time trying not to make out thinking we were in some fancy restaurant!” You thought of all the times you wanted nothing more than to lean in and kiss him in the candle lit booth. Sit on his lap and grab his face mid conversation and let Daisy see just how much Eddie was into you.
“Nope, his tried and true.” Nancy said, adjusting her shirt as she had attempted not to think about amount of hot make out sessions Steve has taken her to in that booth. “He’s gonna be pretty pissed when he learns he gave you his spot and you didn’t even make out in it.”
“We were trying to behave! I thought he might’ve gotten this spot under his mom’s influence or something I didn’t know! That’s a detail Steve should’ve told me when he called me before my date.” A thought occurs to you. “No wonder that bitch thought Eddie was free game!”
“Huh?” Robin asked, wondering where this came from.
You roll your eyes, remembering the straight up audacity that is Daisy. “My waitress was literally only talking to him the entire night. It was incredibly aggravating. Eddie just ignored her once I made it clear it was genuinely worrying me he might realize he had better options. I guess she might’ve thought she had a chance when me and Eddie weren’t all handsy.” You held your head in your hands, somewhat upset you didn’t know this detail. “Believe me if I knew I would’ve been handsy.”
“What you do then, talk?” Nancy asked, sounding sarcastic.
“I mean, yeah. The whole time.” You said, shrugging. “It was really nice.”
“So what did you talk about?” Robin asked, sitting up and crossing her legs criss-crossed.
“Well, he wanted to know if I had actually liked him for three years. I explained that story, including the embarrassing parts of my friends setting me up and puking after him coming in to work on Thursday.” You pause, taking a sip your pop. “You know those parts. Eddie told his side of the story too. Both of us essentially were into each other but not a big fan of the rejection. Eddie liked the idea that someone might be into him despite the attention his reputation might draw to anyone involved with him. I liked the idea of keeping it secret so no one would try to actually set us up so I couldn’t get rejected. If he turned out to be wrong and I didn’t like him, then no one did want to be with the freak and all of his worst social fears were true.”
You all sit in this moment, allowing your words to sink in.
Robin leans into Nancy, speaking under breath but loud enough for you to hear. “They definitely couldn’t have done it without you.”
Nancy leans in, too. “No, they wouldn’t have done anything unless someone got the ball rolling for them. They’re both anxious little shits.”
You threw your supporting pillow at them, annoyed. Mostly because they were right. Without someone to nudge them in the right direction you would be both hopelessly stuck in your own loops.
“Now I want to get back to the was a virgin part of this,” Robin says, her eyes intense on you.
“Yeah, stop stalling. Tell us what happened when you guys got back.”
“Well we ran to the van, and Eddie stopped all of his good behaviour. He started driving like a maniac again, turned his music back up. When we got back to his trailer he literally forced me to keep up with him as we ran into his door. The moment his front door was closed I was pushed up against it.”
“C’mon keep talking.” Said Robin, excited for the good shit. “Keep talking. Don’t hold up now.”
You sigh, feeling almost embarrassed. “Well he stepped back to take off his shirt, and by then my leg was up on his hip and his knee accidentally- yunno.” Robin looked clueless, while Nancy nodded her head. Oh, she knew. “He saw a reaction, and he kept doing that. Essentially that might have led to me grinding on his knee not touching the floor.” You pause, eating a chip or two. “A little bit of that and he took me to the bedroom. He wasted absolutely no time, going down. He kinda can’t shut up when he really gets going.”
“Can’t shut up how? What does he say?” Robin asks, leaning in closer.
You cross your arms and hug yourself, despite the just sinful things Eddie has said replaying in your head. “I am not spilling literally everything to you two. Some things are still sacred. But they are vile and perfect. He does that until I finish and that’s when he asks if we can take it to the next step, in so many words.” Can I fuck you is not exactly the same, but it got the message across. “So we did. It was,” you pause. Your mind is elsewhere for half a second, a flash of Eddie’s skin right against yours, his hips hitting yours hard. “It was great.”
“Jesus, Y/N, tell us some more.” Nancy all but begged. “I’m dying to know at least one more detail.”
You become smug, resting your chin on your knees. “I will tell you one more thing. You have to shut up after this. We’ll gossip about our classmates, what I said is enough to tell the story but allow Eddie and I to have some secrets.” You took a breath to surge your confidence. “Eddie was a virgin, but he does not fuck like one. I had to teach one or two techniques sure, but he catches on like a-astonishingly quickly.”
Your cheeks heat up due to the look you receive from them, and you sit in it for a moment before you shift and sit in a way that allows you to extend your legs and feel comfortable. “Okay, so now that you guys know what went down, you’ll shut up. So, Nancy. Tell me some class gossip, please.”
“Well, Eddie Munson just hooked up with-“ Nancy is hit in the face with another pillow you were hit with earlier when they had to encourage you to talk about Friday night. “Okay I was kidding. You should hear about Nathan Duncan on the basketball team.”
You all sat giggling like idiots, the class of ’86 gossip enough to keep you all entertained.
“Oh, Y/N!” Karen calls from upstairs. “Someone is on the phone for you!”
Your eyebrows furrow, wondering who was anxious enough to speak to you that they tracked you down. You were certain it wasn’t that important. “Can you take a message for me, please?”
“Sure can!” Karen stays by the door, projecting her voice so you could hear. “Sorry, Eddie I’m afraid-“ Before you could get up and grab the phone off of the receiver downstairs, Nancy is already up and tossing you the phone.
“Hi, sorry Karen, I can take it from here.” You said on the phone, and Karen laughs into her speaker and hangs up.
“Hi princess,” Eddie says, laughter in his voice.
“H-hi” You reply, out of breath and your heart in your stomach just from hearing his voice. “What’s up?”
Eddie paused before responding. “I called your house, but your mom said you’ve been over here for a bit. Figured I’d be able to catch you.” You nodded, knowing he couldn’t see you, but he took your silence as a sign to keep talking. “I just wanted to see how your week looked.”
Your mind stutters before it’s able to come up with a tangible response on your upcoming week. “Well, I am working Monday to Wednesday. I work 5-9 on each of those days. I can still see you during lunch and World Geography, right?”
Eddie chuckles, resulting goosebumps down your neck. “Shit, I have all my deals during lunch until Thursday. Band rehearsals today and tomorrow, plus the extra DnD session on Wednesday.” Eddie pauses, you hear a distant “Motherfucker,” as if he turned to speak away from his phone. “World with you next to me until then?” He asks, almost sounding nervous.
You were annoyed at the lack of time you’ll be getting with him over the next week “I guess that’ll do,” you say, Eddie laughing closed mouthed at your dry response. “You owe me extra time during the weekend, though.”
“Doesn’t Wheeler already owe you a Michael J. Fox-athon?” He asks, bringing you back to Friday night in his club room when you were nearly too nervous to say a single word to him.
You glance at Nancy, who was attempting to not seem nosy and into your conversation. “I think she’ll get over it.”
You hesitate in saying what you want to say.
Eddie, unable to see you, can still sense it. “Use your words, sweetheart.”
You can feel yourself melt. You were putty in his hands. “Is it lame to say I miss you already?” Your face squishes up in embarrassment, hiding your face in your hand.
Eddie on the other line falls backwards where he was sitting on his bed, his smile wide and brown eyes soft. Holy shit were you cute. “Nah. I miss you too,” he admits, his voice soft.
Your breath hitches, feeling giddy. Eddie Munson missed you. “Good.” You whisper. “Good luck with your rehearsals. See you soon?”
“Soon, sweetheart. Soon.”
The line goes dead, Eddie hanging up for you before things got any more embarrassing in front of Nancy and Robin. You absent-mindedly smile as you put the phone onto the receiver, turning to face their faces. “If you keep looking like this at me every time I interact with him I’m going to have to find new friends.”
“I’m sorry it’s just hard to admit you are the same person we have watched silently moon over him.” Robin admits, apologetic. “Every time you saw him at the mall for one of his deals you would spend all your time up serving the ice-cream just hoping he’d come in. He never did.”
You had to admit, you felt like a different person. You weren’t sure what that meant for you and Eddie, though. Him calling to see what your plans were for the week seemed like something that someone in a committed relationship would do, but it was never confirmed by the two of you.
The conversation strayed from you and Eddie, and you all stayed hanging until Robin needed to go home and needed a ride. You offered one, knowing you had homework to do and a mom to face.
Robin was dropped off after you both debating the better Star Wars film. You loved A New Hope and she liked Empire Strikes Back. Something about the Heroes losing for once, she said. Yeah you told her you thought it was just depressing.
You approached your house cautiously, knowing your mom had told you that when you got home you would have a conversation.
“Hi!” You called, entering the front door with your key. “I’m home!”
Your mom welcomed you, coming from the kitchen making dinner. “My girl,” she says hugging you. “Come, let’s talk in the kitchen.”
Your kitchen was decent, an island in the middle with chairs seated at it. Many a night were spent with you talking to your mom as she made dinner, laughing and chatting. You sat at the island like normal, your mom waiting for you as she leant onto the countertop. “Do you know why I want to talk?” She asks, her voice not gentle but parental.
“I was at a boy’s house?” You ask, your shoulders moving up to your ears.  
The look on her face told you that it was not the reason she wanted to talk. “No that’s not the reason. There are two reasons. Number one, I don’t care if you spent the night at a boys place. You’re 18, and I have raised you to make smart decisions, have I not? It wasn’t a school night, your grades are up, and you had a ride home. I just need to know where you are so that if something does happen in town again or to you, god forbid, I have accurate information on your whereabouts. I just like to know you’re safe, does that make sense?”
What your mom said made more sense than you had anticipated. You were expecting to be yelled at for sleeping at his house and coming home with his shirt the next day. “I understand. I lied because I knew you’d ask for a name, and I wasn’t ready to tell you that yet. Now I realize what you were worried about.”
She smiles, understanding. “Second, why didn’t you think you could tell me the boy you liked all this time was Eddie Munson?”
You move your hair out of your face. “I didn’t want the encouragement of talking to him when I figured I had no chance.” You didn’t want to be honest, but you knew it was time. “I figured if I told you, you would tell me to talk to him, and he would flat out reject me. I didn’t want that possibility. How could you encourage me when you didn’t know who it was?”
Your mom shook her head, almost stunned at your roundabout logic. “I mean I’m not thrilled its Eddie Munson, but I think you were a little too hard on yourself.”
“Considering he liked me back, I think you’re right. You know me, over thinking is something I’m good at and takes me no effort.” You smile through it, but your mom looks at you with sad eyes. “I’m just glad it all worked out.”
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that as cheerfully as you did. Now I understand wanting to stay over night at your boyfriend’s house. I was a teenager too, and back then it was even more frowned upon then it is now.” She comments, a teenager in the late 60s. “I will let you stay over one night every two weeks until you graduate. When you graduate then it’s up to you.”
You felt annoyed how often she chose but you felt lucky to have such an understanding mother. “Thank you mom!” You leaned in to give her a big hug.
“You two have already done the deed, I’m assuming?” You heard your dad’s tv go louder, not wanting to hear this part of the conversation. You nodded, sparing his ears. “I assumed when I saw his shirt. You can have his shirts, just keep them in a box where I can’t see them. It’ll let me pretend a little bit longer.”
You roll your eyes at this, now wanting five of his shirts so you can scatter across your room. “Maybe if you didn’t go through my stuff, you wouldn’t see any then.” You mutter as you wonder up the stairs.
Your mom’s hearing is freakishly good. “I didn’t snoop! You left that thing in the middle of your floor! Some teenager you are! Don’t even know how to sneak!”
You let laughter out as you enter your room for the night. Time to do the assignment, and get a C.
You pulled up to Hawkins High that morning twenty minutes before the first bell rang. The parking lot was sparce in cars, though Eddie’s van was in the back corner in its usual spot. Your heart pitter-patters and a large rush of air overwhelms your lungs. You knew he would be down a path and at his picnic table, over charging an athlete who just finished their morning practice.
Sighing, you turned your car off and made your way to the front doors. You went and grabbed what you needed and went to the cafeteria, hoping he might be there and his deals were cancelled. Not that he gets to school early for the fun of it.
When you got to the cafeteria, your eyes immediately scanned across to the Hellfire table. There were three members who were there and already early, but none of them with his gorgeous curly hair. You sat next to Nancy, damn near pouting. Nancy was writing in her notebook, getting a few sentences down before school started. “Morning.” You mumble, forehead landing onto the table.
She shifts over to look at you, a slight smile appearing on her lips. “Hi Y/N. No knight in shining jean vest yet?” She asks, her eyes glancing to her brother and Dustin sat next to Eddie’s empty chair.
“No, he’s busy.” You mumble against the table. You turn your head to face her. “How’s the story coming along? I remember you really struggling with it yesterday.”
Nancy rests her chin onto her hand, rereading over her work. “It’s coming. I can do better though.”
“You will. Stop thinking about it, come back. Like studying.” You recall Nancy’s advice when you were in trouble unable to focus on studying. Nancy telling you to come back to it if you can’t retain any information changed your GPA. “Talk to me, instead. Please?”
Nancy decides you were right and puts her notebook aside.
Robin arrives about five minutes later, her hair frazzled and face a little splotched sits next to you.
“Robin, you ok?” You ask, wondering if she was just being Robin. She nods, not giving anything away. “Will I ever understand why you feel like this some mornings?”
Robin rests her head on her arms, her mind at war. “Someday soon.”
There was more to what she was saying, you could tell. You just hoped everything would turn out for her.
The warning bell rings after some further mindless conversation about ridiculously hard homework, or the eye-roll worthy speech Jason gave at the away game. Nancy had her sportswriter go down, and it was worse than the ones he gives at home. By miles.
The final bell rings and you say your goodbyes and make your way to first period. When you are among the second half of the class that are arriving, Eddie is still not in his seat. That was something you were used to, but still felt a pang of disappointment. The teacher is mid-way through her plan about the upcoming week when he rushes in, right past your desk and to the opposite back corner. As he comes in, you get a rush of his scent, freshly showered with a strong essence that was straight up Eddie.
You turn and face him, no longer worried of what the mere indication of you liking him would do. Cause now he knew. He catches your eye as soon as you turn to face him, winking at you. You smile widely in response, turning back around when Señorita Mandelez starts pulling out the work for today.
Throughout Spanish, you feel his gorgeous brown eyes staring a hole in the back of your neck. You didn’t mind, it meant he had trouble not letting his eyes wonder, too. He was just better at it. You manage to get the notes all down but didn’t end up retaining anything you had learnt that class. The bell rings and your teacher dismissed you.
You hear him faster than you were expecting, right behind you as you put your books back in your backpack. “Morning, princess.”
You turn around as you finish putting the textbook in. “Hi, Ed.” You greet him, unafraid to show your wide smile. “How was your Sunday?” You ask, genuinely wanting to know.
“Oh not too bad,” he feigns boredom, as if he wasn’t looking forward to hearing you talk to him for this whole class. “Band rehearsal could’ve gone better. My second guitarist is really attempting to nail a certain part of Sweet Child O Mine and he just can’t seem to get it.” Eddie stares off as he says the last part, his eyes becoming hard for half a second before turning back to you. “How was gossiping with the girls?”
“We don’t gossip that much,” you defend, Eddie gives you a ‘c’mon’ look, “well we do, but they just wanted to know how our date went.”
You’re halfway to your next class by now, suddenly realizing he was walking you to class. “What did you say?” He asked, almost nervous.
“That it went well is it could’ve. I also might’ve given one or two details about what happened when we got back.” You admit, looking at your feet as you reach the final hallway to Literature Studies.
He takes your hand. “What details?” He asks, now just curious.
“Might’ve accidentally told them you were a virgin.” You admit to him, hoping he doesn’t get mad.
Eddie didn’t seem mad, his face expressionless. “What did you say after that?”
“That you don’t fuck like one.”
Eddie pulled you into his arms, stopping about ten paces away from your class. “That’s my girl. That is the perfect answer.” You close your eyes as you breathe him in, turning on the spot back and forth. You wanted to stay like this until the bell rings again, time for next class.
“I gotta go. See you around, Ed?”
“If the stars align, sweetheart.” He says, kissing your temple. “Go.”
You feel him lightly push you…something you needed to let go. Your teacher was looking over her lesson plans, allowing the class to chatter quietly and you enter the full class without being noticed.
Robin gives you a smug look, nodding her head to the door. “What was that?”
“He walked me to class.” You state, bringing out your textbook.
“That was on hell of an embrace, though.” She mentions, holding her stare on you.
You glance into her bright green eyes, scratching your jaw. “You saw that, huh.” You paused, drawing a little devil in the corner of your page. You glance back at her, her face still expectant. You shrug, not wanting to add more context. “It was a hug, Robin. Yunno, physical affection? The kind you hate?”
Robin rolls her eyes at your sarcasm. She opens her mouth to come at you with something when your teacher interrupts you, introducing the weeks lessons. Of course, she didn’t let that from telling you what she needed to say.
In the corner of your eye, you notice a folded piece of paper. You open it, If that was your guys’ idea of a hug then I could see why you were shy sharing with the class.
You huff out a laugh, your face heating up in the process. You don’t respond, instead focusing on the stupid lit lesson, despite Robin occasionally teasing you in the corner of her eye.
Literature Studies was incredibly dull. Robin always makes it better. You were given the second half of the class to complete your homework. Robin spends the better part of the 45-minute period teasing you and the lesser part chatting. She and Steve finally organized the back section filled with unmarked tapes when it was particularly slow yesterday. You were thankful you weren’t working; you hated that task most of all.
Biology was nice today, focusing on the final parts of genetics then moving on to hormones. That meant a chapter test was soon, which meant too much time studying shit you didn’t want to. The bell came as your teacher was explaining the final test and the review you were going to do tomorrow. You were already packed for five minutes, wanting to go to the damn cafeteria.
You just wanted to hold on to hope, for five more minutes.
You stopped by your locker, putting your bags away and heading the cafeteria with a heavy feeling he won’t be there. You stopped at the threshold of the cafeteria, scanning the room until you see the Hellfire table.
There they were, engaged in their conversation, laughter roaring. Their leader’s chair, however, empty.
His chair was empty.
You felt a knot in your stomach, unsure why.
Despite the knot, you needed food. You lined up, opting for a lighter choice. Pre cut fruit and some juice would be okay for now.
When you sat down, Nancy and Robin were already sat, prepared for your glum self. “Hi, Y/N. You doin ok?”
“I’m annoyed. I just wanted to spend time with my- whatever he is.” You said, still unsure what you were.
“After the hug I witnessed in the hallway, it is clear to me and anyone else who witnessed it that the word you’re looking for is boyfriend.” Robin stated, exactly no doubts in her voice.
“You can ask what he defines your relationship as, you know.” Nancy shrugs. “That’s allowed.”
You squint. Have they met Eddie Munson? “Is it?”
“Yes.” They respond together.
You a portion of your lunch with Robin describing in detail what she witnessed outside of Literature Studies. You were sure you were further away from the door, but she sounded pretty accurate. The girls then prodded for what you were talking about. You shrugged, pretending not to remember.
By the end of lunch, your tray was empty and your juice gone you felt better, despite the looming presence of an empty chair that was across the cafeteria from you.
“By the way, when he isn’t dealing are you going to be sitting with him during lunch now?” Nancy asked.
“I’m assuming so,” you say, walking with her down the hallway.
“Where would you sit?” She asks, knowing the established seating plan.
“I dunno, his lap.” You shrug.
“I like the sound of that.” Eddie says, right behind you now.
You feel your eyes widen and you stop mid-pace. As you turn to face him, you can hear Nancy trying and failing miserably to hold in her laughter. “Eddie, you remember Nancy.” You say, deflecting from the conversation.
“Ah yes the infamous older Wheeler. Your brother speaks oh-so highly of you.” Eddie says, voice dripping in sarcasm.
“Im sure he does.” Nancy laughs, still giggling. “Hi, Eddie. Please excuse me I’m going over there so I can share this with Robin. She and Harrington will love this.”
You make your way to your locker; aware Eddie is still right behind you. He waits for you patiently to grab your books, leaning against the locker next to yours, hiding behind the metal door. You close it, his smile mischievous. “So, my lap, huh?”
“Your fault.” You state, turning away from him to head to math class.
Eddie half jogs to catch up with you. “My fault?” He asks, his voice incredulous. “H-how?”
You turn to face him, you weren’t sure what his reaction meant. “Our date. You want to show off the person you’re dating? What better way than to sit on your lap during lunch?” You ask, and walk away, only a few minutes to get to your class.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, princess.” He says, quickly catching up to you, his legs much longer than yours were. “You can’t keep saying shit like this and walking away. That is where your mind went to, damn you know me better than I know myself.” Eddie turned on you, blocking your path.
He frames your face with his ringed hand, you lean into the touch instinctively. He leans in, placing his lips on yours. His kiss is heavy, and a little too much for school. You were thankful the hallways were already dwindled down, most kids gone to their classes. You look at him, switching your face between his two brown eyes. “I have a question,” you start, embarrassed about it already.
“Don’t laugh.”
He pauses, as if considering your request. “Maybe.”
It takes you a moment to summon the courage. “A-am I your girlfriend now? Is that what this is?”
Eddie’s kissed-bruised lips turn up into a big smile, holding back a laugh. He opens his mouth to respond but takes his hand and places it on your chin. He angles your chin up ever so slightly, and places a kiss on your forehead, before wordlessly walking away.
You were still confused.
You sat in your math class, not taking a word your teacher was talking about, but attempting to write it down anyway. You can reteach yourself later with the help of Nancy Wheeler who was in AP Algebra. It might have been better if you learned from her from the start.
The bell couldn’t have come fast enough. You packed up your stupid calculator and your stupid textbook and charged for the door. There, back from his free period, was Eddie Munson, leaning on the lockers diagonally across from the classroom, one knee propped up and bouncing and the grey lunchbox he carries resting on it.
You feel your face break into a smile and pick up your pace to him. “Hi,” You say, grabbing his hand.
Eddie’s instant reaction is startled, until he realizes your hand is around his. “Oh- Jesus H. Christ, hi, sweetheart. How was, math?” He asks, not knowing the finer points in your schedule yet.
You make note of how much you still need to learn about one another, it being only a few days since Friday evening. “Yeah, math.” You confirm, yanking him towards World Geography. “It was stinky. I hate math.”
“Really,” Eddie said, sounding surprised. “I mean I’m still good at math. I can always help you out.” You’re taking your time, your pace much slower than you know Eddie usually walks at.
“Thanks.” His thumb is rubbing against yours, his fingers flexing somewhat in your own. “How was your free period?”
He shrugs, non-committal. “It was lame. Got all my deals in by the end of lunch. Took a lot of effort to not convince you to skip with me.”
God, you wished he had convinced you. “So what did you end up doing, then?”
“Goof off with Jeff,” he answered, starting to swing your interlocked hands between you dramatically.
You face toward him, the crowd getting smaller as the next class grows closer. “I have a question for you, and it’s just as embarrassing as the last one I asked.”
Eddie chuckled, his head ducking before turning his head up to face you. “I’m intrigued.”
“Did you know that Chef’s Table is a make out spot?” You ask, hoping he was just as clueless as you.
He looked up, his eyes telling a story before his mouth did. Oh no, he knew. “Yeah, that’s a known make out spot.”
You sigh, pissed at this answer. “Well, I didn’t. There I was, thinking we were in some fancy restaurant where the lighting is far too tempting, and I should’ve just crawled onto your lap when I had the initial thought to.” You tugged his hand, pulling it a little harder than necessary when he started laughing and leading him towards your class again.
“Sweetheart you just need to start trusting those instincts and following your impulses.” Eddie chuckles, lowering his voice as you enter the class together still hand in hand. “Usually those are the correct ones and the ones that surprise me the most. I was waiting for you to make the first move.” You walk to the back of the class with him, no question your seat was now the one right next to his. He sits down, placing his lunch box on top and sitting with his body and knee more towards you. “The more you tell me those small thoughts the more you liking me makes sense.”
You were about to ask him to elaborate when Ms. O’Donnell interrupts him, the class ending their conversations as if she put you all on mute.
She asks for your assignments from over the weekend. You pass yours to the front, grinning back at Eddie when he gives you his shit-eating grin. Once those are in her grasp, she starts to explain the plans for the upcoming week. She leads right into the lecture, opening the book and calling on random students to start reading each paragraph. She usually doesn’t call on Eddie for these, but she does call on you almost every time. As you were trying to focus on what paragraph you were on, so you didn’t look like an idiot in front of Eddie and the strict teacher.
That didn’t stop Eddie from being hella annoying in distracting you. After multiple attempts of distracting you, you think he gives up when he surprises you and brings out a notebook. You think you might’ve ignored him into submission when you hear a rip. Uh oh.
You were right to be worried, not two minutes and half a paragraph later you feel something hit your forehead. You look down at the culprit, a crumpled-up piece of paper.
Your eyes shift to him. Open it, he mouths, his face manic.
You keep your finger on the paragraph you are currently on, single-handedly opening the little note. There, in Eddie’s chicken-scratch written was You look earth-shatteringly beautiful today, sweetheart.
You blush hard, moving your finger to the next paragraph. The next student is talking stupidly low and you can’t tell where she is, you’re normally closer to her. You finally catch up to her when another paper hits your temple, landing on the ground next to you. You glance to him, and he points to the paper on the floor and mouths Pick it up.
You keep your finger on the paragraph and inconspicuously reach down to grab the paper. You were successful and as you’re about to open it, Ms. O’Donnell calls your name. Great.
Luckily you were following along and you knew exactly where you were. You start reading, and suddenly there were a bunch of eyes who turned to face you. Shit, usually you were in the front row and didn’t have to deal with an audience. How ever anxious the lingering eyes made you; you successfully stumble your way through the longer than average paragraph.
Once that was over, she calls Eddie’s name. By the collective whispering, no one was expecting it just like you weren’t. Eddie’s eyes are full of panic, not even a textbook on his desk. You put your text on his desk somewhat haphazardly and point your finger to the paragraph you were on. It’s a small one, but you were still surprised she called him.
When Eddie was done, he leaned back in his chair, letting out a large sigh of relief. Almost immediately he hunches back forward and mouths for you to open your forgotten squished up note.
It says, the things I would have done to you if I managed to convince you to skip class with me.
You look up from the note, startled. Your body has a different reaction, panties gaining a wet patch in the middle. You crumple this note back up, wanting to destroy the evidence of a dirty message like this. There was no trash can right by you anymore, you might as well eat it. You put it in the front pocket of your bag.
Your period continues like this, Mrs. O’Donnell finally finished calling on students and now ready to give some notes. When you think Eddie is done, he surprises you with another note. Here are just a few examples of what he had given you.
Look. You looked up at him, he was sticking his tongue out.
I’m serious you in those jeans are killing me. Thursday can’t come fast enough.
Look. Seriously look. When you looked, he reached up grabbed your nose. You felt another one hit you right after. Got your nose.
You should’ve been more annoyed with each note, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to be annoyed with him. If anything with each note you just smiled wider and felt giddy.
Last Monday you were probably split between sneaking glances and paying attention.
Today you were split between him distracting you with cute little notes and paying attention.
Unfortunately, Ms. O’Donnell didn’t give any in class time to do the insane amount of homework she assigned. She was asking if anyone had any questions when the bell rang.
“Will you do this shit with me?” He asks, looking at the stupid homework listed on the board.
“Does that mean you have time this evening? It’s due tomorrow.” you tease, giving him a quick peck.
“Fuck,” he mutters, crossing his arms.
You giggle, and bump into him lightly. “So, elaborate?”
Eddie gives you a confused look, his eyebrows knitted together. What the hell were you talking about?
You sigh. “The thing I’ve been thinking about other than trying not to be distracted by your notes. What do you mean it’s starting to make sense?”
He pauses, thinking back to the conversation prior to World Geography class. “Oh! That. I mean I kept wondering why a shy an academically successful girl like you would want to be with me. You and me aren’t exactly what people were expecting if you couldn’t tell from their gawking today.”
You haven’t noticed any staring, and you didn’t want to. “Okay, and how does this have to do with our conversation?”
Eddie is silent, waits until you pack of your things, and escorts you out of the classroom. Once you were in the halls, he puts his arm around your shoulders and whispers, “The more you tell me your dirty little secrets the more I understand she is just as a freak as I am, she just keeps it well hidden.”
You turn your lips inward, the patch on your underwear that was almost dry now getting wetter.
You go to your locker to switch your books for last period, expecting Eddie to turn to leave since his gym class was the other way. Instead, he leads you back into under his shoulder. “What are you doing?” You ask, keeping his stride has he casually walks with you down the hall.
“Walking my girlfriend to her class, why?” Eddie says, his voice stating the obvious
You accept this answer until your brain short circuits. “Wait girlfriend?” You feel a wave of relief rush over you as it was finally confirmed for you. Eddie Munson considered you his girlfriend.
Eddie Munson was your boyfriend.
“Yes, sweetheart. Girlfriend.” He says, placing a kiss in your hair. “That’s okay to call you that?” He asks, moving his head back to look at you.
“You could say that” You reply, failing miserably at hiding the sheer joy the word gave you.
Eddie sent you into class, keeping letting his eyes linger on your ass longer than necessary.
Your final class was easy, the teacher deciding to let you finish any outstanding homework or study for majority of the class, if all this class’s assignments were finished. Man, you had wished Ms. O’Donnell was this kind. Sure, she was helpful on Friday, but she would never remain as helpful as she was.
You had finished all your assignments except the last two long answer questions for World Geography. Not even if you were slow at work will you finish them there. Only reason you haven’t dropped that class because it was one more class you had with him. It was just terribly dull.
As you get to your car, you glance across the lot to where Eddie’s van was, seeing him and his band members climb into it. He had practice until right when you started work. You felt a light pang in your stomach, you also knew it was good you both had your own things and weren’t co dependant on one another.
You felt better when Eddie catches your eye, giving an air kiss. He drives off, his music blaring.
You start your car, heading home to sit around until it’s time for work.
Despite your dissociation, your mind was still buzzing with the time you spent with Eddie today. You did go into the day thinking you were only going to see him class, but he made the extra effort to talk to you. In reflecting this, you feel yourself smile as you kill time lounging on your bed. On Friday you were killing yourself with glee in the mere idea that he was talking to you.
Now, your stunning boyfriend was making time out of his day to make sure he still saw you.
You arrived to work ten minutes early, wanting to goof off for a little without being yelled at to do something. Do what? Not like you were being paid yet. The door went off as you entered Family Video, both Robin and Steve already there. “There she is! My hero.” Steve grabbed you and wrapped his arm around you, escorting you to the backroom where you were headed to drop off your shit as normal.
You escape his arm, giving Robin a weary glance. “Why am I your hero?” You ask tentatively.
Your bag hit the floor of the office when you hear “You left a mark on Chef’s Table! So proud, that spot must’ve worked, huh?” You don’t have to see his face to know his eyebrows are raised and there was a cocky little smirk on his face.
“Not sure if you mean Daisy, but Steve what do you remember about calling me to tell me about the reservation?” You ask, putting the lame green vest on and fixing your hair over it.
“That you sounded really nervous.” You raise your arm to hit him, “Okay! I also remember telling you about the spot.”
You huff, moving towards where Robin was stationed rewinding tapes. “Robin!” You say halfway to her.
“Yeah?” Robin says, mindlessly pressing the buttons.
“Steve is an idiot.” You state, leaning on the counter.
“I-wha-“ Steve stumbles, oblivious to what you were trying to accomplish.
“I know but why this time?”
“Steve called to mention he got me a reservation, that was the word he used, at Chef’s Table and that he had told Munson. Then Dustin stole the phone. That was basically the gist of our phone call.” You pause waiting for her to ask what the problem was.
It took Robin a little over a minute to understand. “Oh! A-and?”
“He didn’t think to tell me that this particular restaurant was one of his make-out spots.” Steve, who was now leaning on the counter, slowly slid backwards leant on his elbows with his eyes wide and lips tucked in as he had realized his mistake.
Steve lets out a chuckle or two, biting back actual laughter. “Wait, you didn’t know?” You quietly shook your head, doing your best to glare at him. “So you and Eddie were in the best possible booth for about an hour with the least amount of foot traffic and you didn’t take advantage of it.” He stated, wrapping his head around it. “I thought everyone knew.”
“My parents go there when they have a date night!” You exclaim, putting your arms up dramatically. “I thought it was just a nice dim restaurant setting! I didn’t think they would go to a make out spot!”
You check your wrist, one minute until you officially start your shift. You make your way back to clock in. As you punch in your card you hear Steve, “Not my fault you’re so goddamn wholesome about that shit!”
“Wasn’t wholesome when they got back to his,” Robin mutters under her breath, loud enough for Steve to hear.
Steve tilts his head towards you, wanting you to elaborate. “If it makes you feel any better Steve,” you say, smirking. “Any sinful, crude thing we didn’t do in your booth, we made up for at his trailer.”
You grab some tapes from the return pile, ignoring the sputtering mess that was now Steve Harrington. You pass Robin, then walk back to her again, “What’s with him and wanting to know about my love life?”
Robin shrugs, completely clueless herself. “Believe me, he’s like that with everyone.”
Confused, you feel your eyebrows knit together for just a fraction of a second. What love life did Robin have that you had no idea about? You let go, knowing you were dead silent about Eddie for years. You respected what Robin might not want to tell you.
Even if it did hurt for a moment that Robin has been telling Steve.
You’re about halfway through your shift, your turn on the front counter and mindlessly watching the evening choice for the movie to watch. “So, Y/N, I heard you and Eddie were basically making out in the hallway earlier.”
Startled, you shift your body so you can see her. “Huh? Who did you hear that from?”
Robin chuckled, one arm protecting her put away pile. “You two were the talk of school today, and technically now that makes you the talk of the town. Small town bullshit, you know?”
You didn’t remember hearing anything. Did Eddie?
“Huh. Didn’t know that.” You state, zoning out at the implications of people you barely knew using your first and last name with Eddie Munson as if it was so shocking. “I mean we won’t really have time to spend together until Thursday. He’s busy dealing during lunch all week and has his band rehearsals.” You sigh, turning your head to watch the movie again. “I’m going to take what I can get until then.”
Steve startles you as he clears his throat behind you. “So what I am hearing,” he starts, feigning causality. “is two horny and revved up newly dating teenagers have to wait a few days mostly apart, correct?” He states, almost too specific with his statement.
“Yes,” you confirm, turning your head to look back at the movie. “Your point?”
“My point-“ he runs around the console so he can face you at the customer’s spot. “is you are doing this new relationship where you’re clearly already fucking thing, all wrong.”
You feel your cheeks heat up but you don’t drop his gaze. There was a small but insistent part of you that wanted to know what he meant by that.
You fight this part, she was small but she was strong.
She won over. “How?”
He smiles, almost evil, though he never could be. “All sorts of ideas.”
Your face fills up with a smirk. This could get interesting.
Steve gives you some of the best advice you have ever received from him, and it had made you see him in a new light.
Before going to sleep that night you had a hot shower, prepping yourself as if you knew Eddie was going to plow you the next day but you knew you were both going to have no time. You went to your closet, knowing there was something specific you could wear, but you were waiting until Thursday for that one. Instead, you picked something that won’t be as effective, but it will get a result.
Surprisingly, you sleep well considering the plan you had come up with the help of Steve Harrington. The whole time Robin rolling her eyes at the two of you. Your alarm goes off early as you had planned, giving you plenty of time to fix your hair up and wear maybe a bit of a more dramatic makeup look. You almost second guessed your plan as you look at yourself in the mirror, but it was 25 minutes until first bell.
Too late to go back now.
You drive to school, your heart in your stomach for the first time but not crush-like butterflies. More like I can’t believe I’m fucking doing this butterflies. The lot was already decently full when you pulled up, five minutes left until first bell. You walk the hallway, ignoring any odd looks you receive from your classmates. You knew you were looking for a reaction, but already getting something out of your peers was giving you something of a confidence boost.
First bell rang, you walk into class with the usual slackers. He was there already, sitting in his seat with his eyes on the door. It takes Eddie a second to realize what the hell he was looking at, seeing you hotter than he’s ever seen you.
Maybe a close second to seeing you with your hips hugging his face as you finished against him but a close second.
His pants feel instantaneously tighter, taking you in. Your pants hugged your ass perfectly, giving a damn near perfect map to the outline of your gorgeous cunt. Your shirt was small, showing off your arms, a sliver around your torso, and some cleavage. You styled the shit out of your hair, making it seemed effortlessly beautiful. (It wasn’t effortless, it was the whole can of the shit Steve lent you.) Your lips were a juicy bright red, and your eyelashes against your cheek just heaven.
Holy shit, Eddie was going to have more trouble focusing than normal today.
When you sit down, you turn your body to face him, and witness the face of a plan that had worked. Tease the shit out of him until you finally get a piece. If you can’t right now, might as well had some fun until you could. Eddie’s mouth was a little open, his lips with a light shine on them. His normally relaxed body was now sat up, probably attempting to hide his growing problem.
You waited until he realized you were watching him. He gives you an almost fake smile. He knew that you knew what you were doing. You wave to him, smiling brightly. Eddie, stubborn, winks back at you.
Your Spanish teacher finally struts in, a coffee in hand and clutching her binder. “Sorry class, line up at the coffee maker.”
She sets down her binder, opening to look at her plans. “Alright today we are going to be focusing on…” she fades into the background, feeling Eddie’s eyes on your back. You turn around to grab your bag on the back of your chair to grab a pencil and let your eyes land on your boyfriend.
As soon as your eyes land on his, he mouths, “you little shit.”
There were several responses you could’ve replied to this with. You choose your first instinct, remembering Eddie’s comment yesterday. “What, why?” You feign stupidity, pretending not to know a single thing about what he was talking about.
Spanish ended up being very successful for you.  
The school bell rings and Eddie is at your desk before you can even manage to close your notes and textbook. You up at him, you’re still sitting but he’s stood over you. You look up at him, somewhat innocently peaking your eyes up at him through your eyelashes.
This sight causes Eddie to stumble back for a moment, taking a moment before he comes back to you. You stand up, a sense of accomplishment rising in you. You grab your stuff and put into your bag, feeling as Eddie rushes so he’s against your back just behind you. You ignore him, placing your bag on your bag before turning to face him. “Hi, baby.”
You grab his hand and pull it, forcing him to walk you to your next class.
“Woah, woah,” he attempts, holding you back.
It doesn’t take much for him to slow you down completely, you yank his hand but going nowhere in the middle of the hallway. “Hold on, there sweetheart.”
You give up, knowing there was limited time to get to your next class. “Can I help you? I have literature studies to get to.”
“And I have a girlfriend who is so goddamn hot I don’t know how she expects me to let her go to class.” Eddie mutters, pulling you in.
You figured now was a good time to tell him. You lean in, kissing him admittedly more chaste than you would’ve preferred to.
Far more chaste than what Eddie was currently craving. He nearly whines when you pull back, a sound that was music to your ears, something to get you through the rest of your day. You wrap his arms around his neck placing your lips right by his ear. “My mom said I could sleep over at yours once every two weeks if I keep my grades up. I can’t keep my grades up if I skip class. Please walk me.”
You pulled back, waiting to see his reaction. Eddie licks his lips and nods his head hastily. You lean away from his hug and tug his hand again. The bell rings as you turn the hallway to your class. Shit. Eddie let go of your hand so you could jog, you kiss him on the cheek when he does. You barely make it, and your teacher calls your name as you run into the door. She doesn’t see you enter, doesn’t look up as you take a seat.
As you get yourself situated, Robin leans into you. “I know what you’re doing with your outfit today, but Jesus, are you trying to give him a heart attack?”
You lean in, taking the advantage of your distracted teacher. “If that is your way of saying I nailed it, then thanks!”
As your teacher lectures on the short story you had been studying, you’re suddenly aware you’ve been getting side glances from your classmates. There was a little bit of your class when your head was at war. You thought, Holy shit I hate being stared at I forgot this part of my school day in my plan or, What the hell are they staring at? So you dressed up a little, big whoop.
That wasn’t fun to deal with. You really could’ve done your class with out it and it would’ve been fine. You tried to convince your own brain, but the dumb two braincells refused to listen.
Your lecture goes by in a blur, only managing to write down the long answer questions she had on the blackboard. You knew if you didn’t write them down then you wouldn’t have them to do your homework.
As everyone gets up for their next class, you find it hard not to be self conscious now. Eddie’s reaction was what you had anticipated for the most; the way his eyes get dark being your main motivator. Robin telling you that you were the talk of the school and therefore the talk of the town, it sank in.
You ran to your locker, switching books for biology and walking quickly to class. You take your normal seat, you glance around you, still seeing at least three pairs of eyes just looking down as you see them. “What? Take a fucking picture.” You state, now annoyed at the amount of anxiety these stupid fuckers were giving you.
How the hell Eddie dealt with it, you’ll need to ask him.
After your comment, biology went without a hitch. Socially, at least. Getting ready for the big test this Friday was about to make your brain melt into goo. Maybe Eddie had you covered for math, but you needed Nancy if you were going to survive biology.
You needed them both if you were going to survive.
The bell came, you are placing your practice questions into your bag and wanting to forget about them. On the way to lunch, you chuck your bag into your locker, not caring about the mess you will have to clean up when you pick up your books at the end of it.
Your tray filled up easy enough, fruit, sandwich, some juice, granola bar that was probably going in your bag and being crumbled before you eat it. You lay your tray on the table, sitting next to Nancy as she sits with her unofficial assistant, Evan. Evan only sat with you when it was necessary, him and Nancy probably having no other time to privately discuss this week’s issue.
Not that you particularly minded Evan, he was just a pessimist and sometimes it was glaringly obvious he refused to look at a bright side. You were once trapped and drugged underneath the mall by Russians who were attempting to open a gate to the Upside Down. Even then for you there was a bright side. To Evan, a bright side could not occur even in the sun.
Today, Evan scooted closer to you. Unusual. “So, Y/N.” He starts, his reporter voice on. “I hear you and Eddie Munson are an item, care to comment?”
You look past him to Nancy. “What is he doing?”
Nancy huffs, knowing she has asked him not to do this several times before you had arrived. “Trying to get you to comment on the record whether you and Eddie are together, so to speak.”
“Is that why he’s sitting with you today?” You ask, hoping she would say no and that assuming the best in him was the right thing to do.
Nancy says nothing, knowing that was an answer enough. You look at Evan, smiling as if you’re about to answer his questions and be cooperative about this. “Go away. Please.”
“I told you so,” Nancy singsongs as Evan gets up, rolling his eyes. “Evan please help the team if they need it, see you after school.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Evan says as he walks away, ripping up his list of questions for you.
“Why would the paper need to know if me and Eddie are dating?” You ask confused to how that’s anyone’s business but to who you decided to share it with.
Nancy shrugged, putting her hands in a surrender position. “Hey, I don’t know. Evan has insisted we need a student gossip column, but we can’t afford the space in our paper. He says that if we make it then more students will want to read our school paper.” She pauses, turning her notebook over now that he was gone. “He thinks you two would be a great kick off to the column.”
“Why are we so entertaining?” You ask, opening your fruit salad.
“Well,” Nancy pauses, thinking how to delicately put it for you. “Think about it. You or Eddie barely spoke until Thursday and Friday last week.” She leans on the table, fixing how she was sitting on her leg. “I mean you two were considered to be in different social circles, never interacting. Now, rumour has it you two were all over each other in the hallway yesterday, this is out of nowhere to most of your fellow students. The main rumour is that you were paired up in World Geography and when you went over to do the project together you hooked up. That’s what most students think it is.” Nancy, had her notes open, reading along the lines of what she had heard.
“They really have nothing better to do?” You ask, not eating a bite after hearing the main rumour.
“No, the mall burnt down, remember?” Nancy asks.
You stare at each other and burst into giggles.
You were nearly done when Robin arrives, finally, only ten minutes left until lunch was over. “Hey Nance, hey famous lady.” Robin greets, her head nodding.
You ignore it. “Band practice?” Knowing Robin, it was one of the only reasons she was this late.
Robin rolls her eyes. “Yeah,” she confirms. “We have the football game hosting the Eagles tonight.”
“This is one of the only times where I have no interest in going. Not when I seem to be an attraction myself.” You say the last part a little loud, telling the few people at the next table staring to cut it out.
“We’ll miss you,” Robin states.
“Robin if you are going to the game tonight, then is Keith working with me and Steve?” Robin nods her head sadly, knowing Keith wasn’t the worst, but you much preferred Robin to keep Steve and Keith in line.
Together they were a bit of a nuisance. Keith might’ve been wary of hiring Steve at first but now he worships the man. It gets weird.
The warning bell rang, you wished your friends goodbye and off to Math you went. Oh boy.
Your classmates in math were much more polite than the ones in your bio class. Either word gotten around that you were annoyed at the gawking, or they just knew better. Something told you it was the former.
If you were this annoyed at gawking after only one day of it you could only imagine what Eddie had to deal with in his day to day life. It put things into perspective.
Like biology your teacher was wrapping up the current chapter to prepare the class for an end of chapter test. Your bio test was Friday and this test on Thursday. How lovely. Eddie wasn’t going to be able to help you until after you flunk your test.
This class miraculously flows right by some of the practice test questions stumping you so hard you stare at your teacher like she has three heads. How did she get that, from that? The only way you could tell it was almost over was the number of kids already packing up. “Finish your practice test and study those questions and you should pass with flying colours, tomorrow we will work on some more and let you finish any unfinished assignments from this chapter! See you tomorrow!” She finishes as the bell rings, a handful of them already out the door.
You toss, albeit a tad rough, your books in your bag and leave the class, meeting the same sight you had seen yesterday, Eddie leant against the lockers diagonally across. It was a sight for your sore eyes. You walk fast to him, running directly into his chest.
Eddie wasn’t expecting the amount of force behind your hug, his arms floating up in the air as you wrap your arms tight around his torso. “Hi, princess,” he mutters into your hair, giving it a kiss. “Long day?”
You look up at him, nodding. “Eyes. Everywhere.”
“Don’t worry, I got you.” He says, carefully leading you so you were walking with him with his arm around your shoulder to class.
“Did you finish your homework?” You ask, walking intime with him and ignoring the blatant regard for human decency your classmates had.
Eddie smiled, mouth closed. He thought of himself last night, high as shit but actually trying to focus on his schoolwork for once. He figured his strain of indica would make him focus and answer the boring ass questions. If you couldn’t help him but was still offering it, he would make sure he earned it. Even if his answers sucked. “Yeah, actually. Did you?”
You hate to admit it, but you were surprised. “I did. I hated every minute of it, of course.”
“Oh of course,” He says nodding in agreement. For once, you and Eddie weren’t arriving just as the bell ringed. Either Eddie was taking class seriously or he was taking you sleeping over next Friday seriously.
It was definitely the latter.
Ms. O’Donnell was kinder today, for whatever reason. Once you handed your assignments forward, including Eddie, who surprised the person in front of him by placing it onto their desk. She announced you were watching a documentary based on what you read as a class yesterday. “If you want you can move your desks-“ Eddie didn’t even wait until the end of her sentence. He moved his desk right next to yours. The sound of his desk against the linoleum floors was enough for the rest of the class to start doing the same thing.
Ms. O’Donnell brought the TV from the AV room to the front, the VHS tape already in and ready to play. You were about to grab Eddie’s hand and lean back when you hear your name called by her. “Y/N L/N! May I see you at my desk?”
You gulp, and walk in the shadows to her desk where she was sitting just behind the TV. “Hi, Ms. O’Donnell.”
“Hi, Miss. L/N. I don’t know what you did with him,” she says, pointing to him, “I don’t care either. All I know is in two years of him being in this exact class he’s never once turned in homework. I didn’t even know if he had a textbook.” Her hard eyes soften, something you’re not sure if you’ve ever seen this on her before. “However you are helping him, please keep it up. We’d all love to see him graduate this year.”
You nod your head, your throat tight. More people cared about him than he had thought.
“Ok, go sit down.”
You turn back to your seat, walking half a step faster to Eddie.
As soon as you sit, he leans in. “What did she want?”
“She was shocked you handed in homework.” You reply, leaving out the part when she said they all wanted to see him graduate. You’re not exactly sure how he’d respond to that. “She said to keep up the good work.”
Eddie half smiled, proud of himself.
You and Eddie sat through most of the documentary, holding hands on top of your joined desks and his thumb rubbing against your palm the entire time. You were ten minutes away from being done class and you were surprised how wholesome this day was.
Until Eddie leans in right into your ear. “If it were up to me I would’ve dragged you into an empty classroom and bent you over a desk by now. You had made it very clear that’s exactly what you wanted, dressing up like this.”
You had nothing to say. No quips, no witty comebacks. You were stunned. And soaked. Eddie let go of your hand, mouth still right by your ear. Now the screen was darker, showcasing something about the ocean tides but the footage taking place at night. He subtly used this moment to sneak his hand right against your heat, feeling how hot he had made you and how soaked your jeans were at the crotch. “Jesus, you’re this wet already? I know what you were trying to do today but baby you need me as much as I need you.” Eddie removes his hand from your crotch, lifting your chin to face him. “Little did my princess realize is that you also have to wait until Thursday. I can do many things until then.” Eddie places a gentle kiss on your cheek, letting you go before he attracted any unwanted eyes.  
Shit now you were just straight up horny. You kept your eyes on the TV, paying extra attention to the rest of the movie. It was only a few minutes remaining, but it felt like an eternity. The bell rang, just in time for the credits to roll. As you grab your bag, you notice Eddie stretching, his forearms and hands flexing as he does so.
You can’t help but stare at them. Your unkind brain reminds you of the feeling of his strong hands holding you up against his door effortlessly.
When Eddie finishes, he gives you a look as if he knew this. You gulp, grabbing his hand and taking him to your locker.
You open your lock, opening the door so Eddie was blocked on the other side. “You okay?” Eddie asks, airiness in this voice. You exchange your books just in time for you to dramatically close the door.
“No! I am fighting the urge to drag you to your van. But we can’t. So, you drag me to my next class.  Without flexing. Please.”
Eddie leans in and gives you a kiss, cupping your cheek with his free hand. “You will be okay, baby. After Thursday night though, you won’t be able to walk normally for a week.”
You feel almost glued to the floor with how bad he stuns you with this comment. He takes your hand, dragging you to your final class. As you approach the classroom push you through the door. This dress-up plan might have backfired. It also might have been the best idea Steve Harrington has ever had.  
As the final bell dismisses you, you’re already packed and out of the classroom before your teacher could yell out her final reminders. It wouldn’t have been the end of the world if there was a pop quiz you didn’t know about.
Not that today was terrible, quite the contrary. It was almost as if life reminded you that you couldn’t have the good without the bad. The good? Eddie waiting for you outside math for two days in a row. The bad? People being stupidly nosy about it.
You went to your locker one final time, grabbing the books you needed and wondering how you were going to have the patience for Keith and Steve.
You headed to the school parking lot, you making eye contact with your boyfriend as he and his bandmates are closing the back doors on his van. You tighten your grip on your backpack, admiring how gorgeous he looked, his curly hair framing his face just right. Stopping your stride, you wait until he sees you. It took a minute, but as soon as he sees you a wide smile breaks out, his pearly whites shining. He was heading to the driver’s seat.
After starting with a delay, he gives you a saucy little wink.
The van passes in front of you and you finally cross to the far corner to your car.
Your green Honda civic gets you home, your mom’s car is already there for once. She’s not usually home until after you leave for work.
“How was school today, darlin?” She asks as you open the door.
“Interesting.” You say, running upstairs before she sees your outfit.
She just misses it, seeing your ankle around the corner. “Why interesting?”
You run into your room and switch your clothes into something more suitable for work. After coming out with high waisted jeans and a cute shirt, you run back down to where your mom was sat at the kitchen table. “Sorry, you said?”
“Why was it interesting?” she asked, seemingly uninterested and reading the paper.
“People stared. It was weird.” You comment, looking in the fridge for something to snack on.
“You know you two are the talk of the town?” She asks, taking her eyes off the paper.
You turned back to face her, some pre-cut apple in your grasp. “Yes.” You take a bite, and something occurs to you. “Wait how do you know that?”
“A colleague asked me about it with a very concerned look on her face. They all acted as if you had decided to drop out and move to London.” She chuckles, remembering the laughably funny look of concern on her co-worker’s face. “Trust me, people know.”
Interestingly enough, this wasn’t helpful. “That made me feel no better.”
“People in Hawkins are going to talk whether you know about it or not, darlin. You wanted him for what, 3 years? You had to realize this would be a possibility.” She wasn’t wrong. You did. Fantasy is often better than reality, even the bad ones.
You let yourself chew on your last apple slice before responding. “They don’t have to be dicks about it.”
She laughs, and asks kindly for a hug. You accept her request and run back upstairs to your room. There was about 45 minutes realistically before you had to start getting ready for work. If you had wanted to, you could spend that time getting some homework done. Instead, you’re laid on your bed with a tape blaring out of your boom box. David Bowie really couldn’t do any wrong.
Before you knew it, you had gone through most of the greatest hits and the alarm you set on your clock to keep you from being late for work goes off.
Hastily, you grab your little backpack that holds your green vest and lip gloss. On the way out the door you shout your mom you love her.
As you pull up to work, the nights growing shorter, you dread having to put in more effort now your manager was around. You open the door with a ding dong, Steve’s head peering up at you from a magazine at the front counter. Huh. Ballsy with Keith around.
“Aah, there she is. Finally, some company!” Steve greets you, hopping onto the counter.
“Yes hi, Steve. Where is-“
“Keith? Stomach flu. Just me and my lonesome, helping all these beautiful ladies, pick out a movie to watch with their boyfriends.”
“How many tallies do we need to add to ‘you suck’?” You ask, knowing Robin relied on you when she was absent.
“Oh, don’t worry, Y/N. Already added.” He insisted, but you didn’t trust him.
You glance at the shitty security cameras Keith had set up. “You know, our security cameras suck but I am willing to check them.”
“Fine! Eight.” Steve says, sounding angry about it.
“Awww, Steve.” Mocking him, you stick your bottom lip out. “Poor thing.”
You check your watch, one minute left. Sighing, you slip on your ugly ass vest and punch in. You walk back up to the front counter and stand next to him. “What were you reading?”
As hard of a time you and Steve give one another you enjoyed working one on one with him. Robin and Steve usually equalled to unchecked clownery. You and Steve usually meant dumb movies on the screen and wild movie recommendations and purposely giving out the wrong name when customers asked for them.
With an hour left in your shift and somewhat of your duties done, you’re sitting at the front immersed in Alien when the door opens for what feels like only the tenth time since you started. You wait a minute, a particularly iconic scene happening until you finally look at your newest customer.
Eddie was right in front of you at the counter, watching you with a peculiar look on his face. “Hi,” He says, voice light.
“Hey,” You greet him, happy to see his face.
“You were pretty much in your own little world there, hey?” He asks, looking up at the screen.
Turning back to face him, you shrug. “Slow night.” You take note of what Eddie was wearing, not something you’ve ever seen him. “What is this, pray tell?” You weren’t sure what the leather jacket on leather pants with his hair pulled back into a bandana was doing to you but you’re sure your breath just got heavier.
“We perform at our regular gig on Tuesdays. This is just my get up.” He says, gesturing to himself.
“Nice get up,” you mutter, admiring how well his pants fit him.
Eddie chuckles, reaching into his leather jacket pocket. “Well, I’m also here to return a movie late. Turns out Wheeler didn’t want shit.”
“Really?” You asked, pretending to be shocked. “How strange!” You turn to your computer, putting in Eddie’s information and bringing up the 1.20 late fee. 30 cents a day. “There is a late fee, but I don’t care enough to make you pay that.”
Eddie’s eyebrows raised, probably fully expecting to pay the fee. “Well aren’t I a lucky dude.” He laughs.
Suddenly and scaring you was Steve, his arm wrapped awkwardly around your shoulder. “I would have to agree, you are a lucky dude.”
It just occurred to you that the only friend Eddie has officially met was Nancy. You were still on that phase. There were many things you still haven’t done with him. It made you excited. “Oh. Steve, Eddie. Eddie, Steve.”
You looked up at them, both over towering you. This was an image to see, both men sizing one another over. It barely even occurred to what as about to happen.
They glanced at each other for about a whole minute before they hop onto both feet solidly. “Steve-o!” Eddie declares, both fingers pointing at him.
“Eduardo!” Steve declares, fingers pointing straight back at him.
Suddenly, the two are talking like they had plans to meet up all along. “Thanks for keeping an eye on my little disaster.”
Steve shrugs it off, waving his hands. “It’s the least I can do. I mean if I can watch her watch you make about seven deals at the mall while still hoping you have a sudden itch for ice cream eventually, I can keep her out of trouble.”  
You feel your cheeks heat up as Eddie just found out a pathetic new layer to your crush. Dammit.
They continue talking like this. At first you were contributing to their conversation. Eventually, they could barely make out that you were talking. Steve eventually says something, causing Eddie to buckle down in laughter.
Watching this all go down had you suddenly approach a worrisome realization.
Uh oh.
Oh no.
Please no.
You look at them, twisting your head to look at them one at a time. “Oh no. No, no, no, no. Please don’t tell me.” At your reaction, Eddie lets out some harder laughter, Steve joining in. “No, no, no, no, no. You.” You turn to face your boyfriend. “Leave. Now. This is not happening.”
Eddie takes a little long to recover, you impatiently waiting for his response. “What isn’t happening?”
“You and him, being friends. Buddies. No. Go. See you tomorrow. Go.” You push him now, Eddie resisting with little effort.
“Think I’m being kicked out.” Eddie mutters, keeping his spot for another second then turning towards the door. “Remember me,” Eddie requests melodramatically.
Steve has far too much fun with this. “Don’t worry baby. I’ll call ya.” He reaches out to the door dramatically. “She can’t keep us apart forever.”
“Oh fuck.” You land your face into your hands, entirely not ready for what energy was introduced into your life.
Eddie laughs at this, the last thing you hear from him before the door opening and he jogs back to his van.
Steve, ever the helpful friend, takes a large pile of tapes and asks you to put the last of the returns away while he starts to count the till. “You’ll get over it.”
Steve teases you for the rest of your work night about it. You spend most of your time attempting to ignore him.
There was already a small part of you that had already accepted their shenanigans as a regular part of your life.
There was another small part of you that had already missed the quiet you and Eddie had.
That night of studying was murder on your brain, studying for two tests you knew was turning your brain into a pot of melted goo. Seeing Eddie dressed in all leather started the process, this had just finished it.
This morning was going a lot better, your outfit choice slightly more revealing than yesterday’s. Instead of pants, you opted for a miniskirt but opted for the same type of shirt. Your shower last night washed all of the gunk from the hairspray can so you started from square one this morning, taking longer since your hair was clean.
Arriving with barely enough time to grab stop by your locker, you hit the breaks hard in the back corner of the parking lot again. You make it in as the final morning announcements are made, ignoring the stares you knew you were going to receive. Will someone do something scandalous already, you had to wonder, so I can stop being stared at by people with nothing better to do.
You finally enter the class as the beginning of the pledge of allegiance starts. Your bag hits the floor by your desk with a plop, an astoundingly loud noise in your class. You look down shyly as you feel his eyes on you, there before you yet again. Today, your legs were exposed, a handful of bruises on your thighs in the shape of three rings, something you didn’t even notice yourself until Sunday night.
Your Spanish teacher waits as the intercom is finally turned off and starts off the class with introducing some harder verb conjunctions. She spends most of the class speaking in Spanish, something she said she’d start doing the further into the semester you are.
Today you spend all your time focused on not turning to face him, knowing this was more of a test of your own self control. Despite it only being a few days, you were getting very antsy. A breeze between your legs was almost enough to get you going. You couldn’t imagine what his brown eyes looking at you just the right way would do to you. He knew you too well at this point, he’d take one look at you and just know.
All those rows behind you, Eddie was wrapped up in his own brain. He thought you were really going for his jugular in the jeans you wore yesterday, but it was nothing compared to what you had chosen to wear today. Not only did the skirt lead very little to his imagination, but he could only picture you bent over while he moved your underwear aside to slide into you with your skirt hiked up around your hips. Eddie nearly cursed himself for picturing this in class, his hard on now painful against his jeans.
The gloss on your lips shined as you rushed into the classroom, your hair falling effortlessly over your shoulder. His hands literally itched to grab it and pull. All he had currently wanted was to see your face squished up as he fucked into you. Eddie knew you were dressing like this since you had limited time this week, but he wasn’t sure why he was being punished for something he couldn’t control.
Stop thinking of this, Eddie begs himself, straining hard against his jeans. Focus on something. Anything.
While Eddie was finding it in himself to stop thinking about your perfect lips around him, you delve yourself into the lesson, understanding most of the Spanish she was speaking. It surprised you.
The bell rings as she hands out the homework, asking it to be on her desk by Friday. She always gave you more than one day to finish assignments, and you loved her for it. You had your stuff already packed up, except today when you stood up with your bag Eddie was still in his seat.
Not sure what to make of Eddie’s reluctance to get up, you make your way to his seat. “Trouble?” You ask, mocking him only a little.
Eddie sighs, the next group of students starting to straggle their way to their seats. “Just a bit.” You let Eddie take his time, offering your hand when he starts getting up. As he holds your hand and fidgets with his other, he leans into you. “You’re just lucky I want you to spend the night at my trailer again so damn bad.”
Blushing, you wait, silently egging him to say something else. He doesn’t. He just silently holds your hand and escorts you to your Literature Studies class. As he drops you off with a kiss on the forehead, not even wanting to tempt himself into craving your sweet wet kiss, you give him a confused look.
“Later.” He promises, giving you a reassuring smile before taking off.
The rest of your morning goes on as it could, the occasional stare from a passerby. You weren’t sure if it was because of your outfit choice or because you were dating Eddie. You’ve worn dresses as short as it was now. You sit at the lunch table where Nancy was sat with Robin, the two talking absentmindedly. Your tray lands with a small clang and you sit down, staring at your food blankly. Strangely enough, you weren’t hungry.
“Hey, Y/N.” Nancy greets you, no notebook in front of her today. Usually on Wednesdays was her rough draft of this week’s paper.
“Hey, you two.” You greet, glancing over to his empty seat for a moment. You really could not wait until tomorrow. You will be exactly where you belong. On his damn lap.
“Those, are some bruises, you have there,” Robin awkwardly commented, her eyes glancing down to your slightly exposed thighs.
You match her eye sight, three bruises along the top of your thighs sitting right at the hem of your skirt. “Yep,” you reply, feigning all sense of casualty. “Wonder how they got there.”
Sighing, you look at Robin pointedly. Please leave it alone, you silently asked her. You knew silent cues weren’t her strongest suit, but she usually knew what you meant.
Other than that, lunch carried on like normal, the three of you teasing one another but supporting when you needed it.
“Oh shit. I might have something you two will be satisfied to hear.” You say, realizing you haven’t even told them about your updated relationship status yet. “I asked Eddie what he considered our relationship.”
With lunch nearly over, they both went off how you could spend the whole lunch and not mention that.
Maybe you shouldn’t tell them this happened on Monday. “Okay, I’m sorry. Do you want to know what came out of that?” You asked pointedly, moving their jumbled up brains along the conversation.
“Maybe I’ll wait until tomorrow when we can tell you together,” You tease them, getting them back for the amount of times they have made you blush in the last two weeks. They fall into the trap, outraged by the mere suggestion. “What? It’s normal for a girl to want to sit with her boyfriend. Sheesh.”
You giggle as the word finally sinks in for the two girls, the realization lighting up both of their eyes. Nancy was a tad faster than Robin, but Robin was so damn excited when she understood.
For the rest of the lunch period, you tried explaining how the conversations went. As Nancy gushed and Robin looked proud, you wonder how your conversations suddenly only became about you and your relationship. Didn’t Nancy have a long distant boyfriend? What was Robin up to? You insisted you talk about them, but the girls insisted just as hard, emphasizing how invested they both were.
The bell rings. As you get up to place your tray in the dirty tray pile you Eddie is in your field of vision, startling you. “Hi princess,” he greets you, wrapping his arms around you from behind.
You turn around in his arms, throwing yours around his neck. “Hello.” You lean into him, taking in his scent. The shirt you had stolen from him was almost out, no longer as calming as it once was. You’ll have to ask for a new one. “Can’t wait for tomorrow.”
“Oh?” Eddie asks, sounding clueless. “What’s tomorrow?”
You pull back, and he yanks you back into his arms, chuckling lowly. “Me either. Let’s get you to math before I take you home.”
“Just take me home.” You mutter, wanting nothing more than to be in his bed with him, lying on top of him napping.
“The most tempting request I have received in a long time. Come, princess, we’ll make up for it tomorrow, I promise.”
That was enough to get you walking, his arm around your shoulder. You walked to your locker, grabbing your necessary books for your afternoon classes. You almost walk in a daze, Eddie guiding you to your dumb math class. “Thank you.” You say, eyes heavy lidded.
Eddie looks at you with genuine confusion in his eyes, his eyebrows furrowing. “What, why?”
You look down at the ground sheepishly, almost embarrassed. “You didn’t have much free time this week but you’re still making an effort to walk me to class and see me when you can. I really appreciate it.”
He nearly goes mental at your words of appreciation, not used to his little things matter in a way that someone points it out. He does little things like this all the time for Hellfire, his band, his uncle. It’s one of his main love languages. Hearing you take the time to acknowledge it nearly made him want to cry. It made him feel…needed.
You note the sudden glossiness in his eyes, the way his cheek melts into your hand. Wordlessly, you knew how much he needed to hear that. “See you soon, Princess.” He says, letting you go with one last lingering touch.
Dammit. Math.
Dammit. Math. You didn’t know a good chunk of the study questions but you knew one thing. You were screwed for tomorrow’s test.
There, waiting where he normally did outside your classroom he was again, leaning against the locker with his little metal lunch box in one hand. You grab his hand, yanking him to World Geography.
“Woah, so soon?” Eddie asks chuckling, used to a big hug when you got out.
You nodded your head. “Yeah. I don’t trust my feet to take you to World if I lean into you another time. I could totally use a nap right now.”  
Eddie stopped mid stride, yanking your hand back with little effort. “Hug me.” He states, pulling you into his arms.
You protest, a small whimper escaping your lips as your head impacts with his chest. “I told you I can’t. It’s too tempting to skip class right now.”
Eddie sighs, his arms around your back as you breathe him in. “Yeah but you still needed a damn hug.” He mutters, inhaling the sweet smell that is your shampoo.
You squeeze his waist, suddenly overpowered by the sheer want you feel start to stir in your tummy as you feel his arms flex somewhat around you. “Alright, let’s go.”
Eddie can hear it in your voice how bad you do not want to leave. Reluctantly, he grabbed your hand and led you to World Geography. As you get to the classroom, you arrive just as the bell rings, Ms. O’Donnell not too far behind you.
“Alright, everyone. We will do an open book pop quiz. Everyone take one review and pass it back. I will give you an hour to fill it in and we will spend the last thirty minutes filling in the correct answers. You may partner up if you think it will help. If the class gets too out of hand, I will have each of you work individually.”
As soon as the practice tests are starting to get handed out, you hear the familiar sound of Eddie’s desk being dragged right next to yours. “Ms. O’Donnell is really going to have to stop letting us pair up for class, I’m starting to get used to sitting right next to you,” Eddie says, leaning on his hand as he stares at you.
You stare back at his brown eyes, the paper your classmate passed back hitting you square in the face. “Ow,” you mutter, grabbing the sheets out of her hands. Thanks.
Glancing at the first question, you are already regretting this. What country does the Rhine River run through? At least it was multiple answer questions. You open your textbook, getting ready to look up questions with Eddie as you answered them.
“I think this is Germany,” you hear Eddie mutter. You look up the river in the index. Switch to the page, he was right.
“Damn, babe.” You comment, filling in letter B.
“Oh. Cool.”
You and Eddie end up filling in the test within forty-five minutes, both you and him knowing enough to not have to check the text very often. Having fifteen minutes to talk, Eddie turns his body to you, speaking softly as you stare into his beautiful chocolate eyes. “I noticed I might have been a little too rough, sweetheart.” He says, his slender fingers hovering above your thigh where your bruises were resting.
“Nah,” you say, shaking your head. “I like them.” The look Eddie gave you then made you especially grateful you were in the far corner of the classroom. “What?”
Eddie looks away from you, his adam’s apple visibly moving up and down as he gulps. It was almost sinful to watch. “Just trying to hold myself back from giving you more right here, right now.” He mutters, his voice barely above a whisper.
You giggle, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “You’re the one who brought them up,” you remind him. You simply just told him you liked them. They were a reminder of what you did with him, something you would let our hands brush over occasionally when you were alone at night. Alone, your boyfriend across town and the sweet reminder of his rings against your flesh real and the strong memory of his rough voice in your ear.
Still looking away, Eddie places his hand right at the hem of your skirt, just slipping underneath it, resting where the fingerprints lie. It takes everything in you not to immediately moan at the contact. Eddie hears your sharp inhale, a grin of satisfaction taking over his features. “Are you okay?” He mutters, his hand sliding higher, higher, and higher until finally, his pinky brushes up against your clothed cunt, where you’re dripping against his finger and coating the plastic chair beneath you. “Holy shit, you are soaked,” he whispers, starting to move his finger up and down lightly.
Your thighs tense up as he continues, only using his pinky as it moves a tad faster, using his knuckle to rub lightly against you. All you had wanted at this moment was to spread your legs, let him fuck you with his finger. It was all you needed for the last few days, but it wasn’t enough. If you weren’t surrounded by the quiet bustle of your fellow students you would start to beg him to go faster.
“Alright! I can tell almost everyone is done with their quiz so we will go through each question.” As soon as your teacher’s stark voice quieted the room, Eddie’s hand abruptly left from underneath your skirt, the loss causing you to verbally whine at the loss.
Eddie adjusts himself so he is on the first page of the practice test, acting as if he was suddenly a student who was 100% serious about their schooling. You shift awkwardly in your seat, the heat between your legs radiating and your thighs covered in your own slick wet. He leans down as Ms. O’Donnell continues going through her questions and whispers, “Aww, sweetheart really needed my fingers, huh.” You gulp, losing it at his pretty and terrible words. “I didn’t even touch you yet and you’re already this needy.” He comments, chuckling lowly.
Your thighs clench up even harder, you crossing your legs as you pretend you’re paying attention. “Munson, don’t pretend like you’re not hot and bothered, too.” You mutter, momentarily grabbing at his thigh and feeling it tense beneath your hand. “I know what this skirt is doing, just wait until you see what I’m wearing tomorrow.”
Eddie is silent, his mouth gone dry and suddenly forgetting that you can do oh so much worse than what you’ve chosen to wear today.
Ms. O’Donnell finishes wrapping up the quiz, letting the class know to focus on these questions and you’ll be fine. You pack up your things, and yank Eddie’s hand up before he’s even ready himself. As you leave the classroom, you escort Eddie straight to your locker. He’s about to ask you what it is you’re doing when you give him a big kiss, your sweet wet mouth giving everything Eddie wanted. Well, not everything he wanted.
“Shit, princess,” he mumbles, his eyes half lidded. “What was that?”
You grab at his collar of his jean vest, leaning in for another one. “If I can’t get any then I’m at least going to get something.” You whisper, feeling Eddie’s hands suddenly framing your face.
The bell goes off, and you reluctantly pull away from him. When he drops you off at class, you can still see the sleepiness behind his eyes as he waves to you.
When the final bell rings for the end of the day, you get excited. One more day. Today, Eddie can walk you to your car from your final class, only having his makeup session for Hellfire tonight. In tow, however, is Mike and Dustin. Lucas was off with Max, probably being cute as ever.
“Hi,” you greet him giving him a big hug, “everyone,” you add, seeing the two right behind him.
“Hi, Y/N.” Dustin waves at you from behind.
Mike is a little fixated on the fact that Eddie is giving you a quantifiable amount of physical affection. In Hellfire, he was not physical. On the contrary, his weapon of choice were grapes. “Hey,” he mutters, his eyebrows furrowed.
“You okay there, Mike?” You ask him, knowing this was a common look on his face but there were usually reasons behind them.
“I’m just glad I don’t have to catch him stare at you anymore,” Dustin says, his voice loud.
“Huh?” Eddie asks, lifting his chin. You haven’t seen very much of the Dungeon Master side of him yet, but you could tell he usually fit the persona when his freshman were around. “What…what do you mean, Henderson?”
Dustin’s smile somewhat faded, a scared look in his eye. If they knew what a softie he was, you wondered. “I mean,” he continues, “is that sometimes when we were in the middle of a conversation, I would catch you staring at Y/N here.” Dustin pauses, looking at Mike for help. Mike shrugs, letting him know he was on his own. “A-at first I thought it was Nancy until I noticed he stared at you in the hallways, too.”
Eddie chuckles darkly, letting one of his arms drop and his other stay around your shoulder. “I don’t stare. I was the stared at- not the starer.”
“Oh you were definitely stared at,” Dustin comments, knowing more of the crush you had on Eddie thanks to Harrington than his friends did. “But you were also the starer.”
“Wait when did this happen?” Mike asks, pointing between the two of you. The last time he checked you were a blubbering mess around him and Nancy was setting him up to be in your workplace. He missed a few chapters.
Eddie and you look at each other, and then at Dustin, who was already looking at you. Mike was cool, but he was dense. “Friday.”
“How did you know about this and I didn’t?” Mike asks Dustin, confused.
“I pay attention to our friends, dickhead.” Dustin responds, quick witted.
“Alright, break it up, you two.” Eddie calls to them, rolling his eyes. He grabs your hand, leading you to the exit of the school. “I will see you both in Hellfire.”
“What the fuck are we going to do until then?” Dustin asks, voice echoing loud in the near empty hallway.
“Figure it out. It starts in twenty minutes you’ll be fine until then.” Eddie calls back, his other arm flying over his head dramatically.
The two of you walk to the far side of the parking lot, Eddie walking in step as he escorts you. “See you tomorrow morning?” You ask, putting your key into your car to unlock it.
“Tomorrow morning.” You get in your car, turning to face him one last time before you drive off.
Eddie crouches down to your window, leaning with both arms extended on the window. You roll your window down, slowly and tediously. “Yes?”
“Just one last kiss,” he mutters, leaning in with his mouth deliciously open. You nearly yelp, surprised by the utterly stunning feeling of his tongue against your own. You moan into it, openly wanting more. More of him, his kiss, your tongue sliding with is. “Jesus, princess,” Eddie reluctantly pulls back from you. “You can’t keep doing this shit to me. It’s downright reckless.”
You giggle, looking down at your lap. “Reckless?”
“Mmhm. Reckless.” Eddie confirms, shifting his weight has he continues leaning on your car. “One of these days I won’t be able to hold back and then we’ll both be in trouble; my tongue on your gorgeous pussy with your legs spread open on the desk, you won’t even care about those assholes watching you.”
Your breath is shallow, you feel your muscles tense up as you felt your core get drenched, your skirt doing nothing to help the smell exuding from your center.
“See you soon.” Eddie promises and pats the roof of your car. He runs off towards the school, leaving you sitting in your car, wide eyed and breathing heavily.
Shit. You thought Eddie Munson would be the death of you when you would hyper-fixate on his fingers flexing, holding his medal lunch box absentmindedly in the cafeteria.
Turns out, Eddie Munson is the death of you by using his goddamn words like a connoisseur, expertly managing to stun you every time he opens his mouth to tell you anything less than wholesome.  
Eddie watches you sit in your car for a minute or two before you finally have it in you to drive off after collecting yourself. He checks his watch, he has ten minutes to get to Hellfire Club. He was usually a dick to the club members when they were late. He hated to guess how much shit they would give him if he was late. Ten minutes? He could do it.
Thank god Eddie was a fast walker with some long ass legs. Eddie knew Wednesdays were some after school band practices, having been to them himself for his first attempt at Senior Year. To him, band class was a breeze. Helped him learn techniques that were essential to his ability to learn by ear. He caught Robin as she was on her way to the classroom, trumpet case in hand and her other hand rummaging through her hair.
“Hi Buckley,” Eddie says, greeting Robin with a sense of familiarity. They had a shared connection through band, Eddie and her talking occasionally when another student just couldn’t manage to get a melody right.
Robin’s flustered stature is knocked down for a second, a smile breaking on her face as soon as she sees him. “Hi Munson. I’ve heard a lot about you recently,” she adds, her face smug.
Eddie chuckles. “Oh, I’m sure you have.” He would have to get you to elaborate on what exactly these girls know. “I only have” he checks his watch again, “eight minutes but I have a quick question. How is Y/N’s room set up?”
Robin’s face breaks out into a wider smile, knowing exactly where he was heading. “She has a window literally right next to her bed. Steve and I always joke that her room is wasted on her, a teenager that never uses it to sneak out.”
“Or in.” Eddie says, giving a bit of his plan away. “Looking at the front of her house, which one is her bedroom?”
Robin has to think about it for a second. “The one on the left.”
“You sure?” Eddie asks, wary about her hesitation.
“I’m sure.” Robin nods her head.
“I swear to god Robin if I end up sneaking into her parent’s room,” Eddie half jokes, curious to how that would turn out.
“No, I’m sure.” Robin laughs out, imagining your mom waking up Eddie Munson’s boots landing on her carpet.
“Sweet. What time does she wake up?”
Robin shrugs. “That is subjective. Since I know she has a bit of a plan tomorrow, I am guessing it’ll be earlier than normal.”
Eddie thinks on this. “What time does she normally wake up then?”
“Around seven, I think.” Robin starts making her way further up the hall, walking towards the band room.
Eddie realized he was going to have to be up early-early.
“Thanks, Buckley.” Eddie took a few strides away from her when he stops, turns around to face her again. “Just how much as Y/N told you?” He asks, his eyes narrowed, and his jaw fixated.
Robin turned back to face him, half on a smile on her face. “Well, enough to tell the story but she could be a little less dodgy with the details.”
Eddie nodded, satisfied with her answer. He checked his watch, only three minutes until Hellfire started. “Well, I will catch you later.”
“Have fun, Munson!” Robin called down the hall as Eddie ran the other way to the drama room.
Your night at work was uneventful, as you expected. After two days of exciting shifts at work today was finally a regular night, almost boring with finishing all daily shift chores by halfway in and mitigating the spats between Robin and Steve.
After a couple of hours studying for your stupid Math test with an incredulous Nancy Wheeler on the phone attempting to help you out with the 75% you didn’t know, you passed out on your bed in Eddie’s t shirt and a pair of underwear.
You had left your window open; your room was starting to get hot at night. Lately when you wake up, especially since Friday, you have been waking up with your underwear soaked and vague memories of your dream from the night before. Usually involving you, bend over some hard surface (a desk, maybe?) and Eddie pounding into you hard.
The last few days of you feeling antsy and Eddie teasing you on purpose hasn’t exactly helped your dreams. Tonight’s dream was no less lewd, this time you’re picturing Eddie railing into you as he holds you up against a wall, his chest against yours. It feels fuzzy, clouded as it usually does, like a memory. Eddie’s forehead is against yours, the vague feeling of his sweaty bangs against your own. Out of the blue, dream Eddie leans in to kiss you, stronger than anything you’ve ever felt while dreaming.
You’ve dreamt of kissing him before, what was the main event of Friday night’s dream, but this time seemed vivid. You felt yourself kiss him back, admiring the way his tongue felt like silk against yours. “Wake up, sweetheart,” he whispered. Suddenly, you’re aware of some warmth on the side of your head, a heavy feeling of his chest on yours.
You sharply inhale as you could feel his leather jacket, in your dream he was shirtless. It hits you. Eddie was kissing you awake. Both of Eddie’s hands are framing your face, you could feel his thumbs against your cheeks. “Wake up,” his mouth leaves yours, trickling down to your neck. You moan into it, loudly as his tongue on your neck spreads tingles from your neck down.
“Sweetheart, shh. Your parents.” You still feel fatigued in your daze, your eyes blinking open to see Eddie’s curls fallen onto your face, his eyes closed as his tongue still works on the crook of your neck.
“H-hello, Ed.” You take in your surroundings, your window by your bed still open and Eddie’s boots taken off at the end of your bed.
Hearing your greeting, Eddie started to nibble on your neck, causing you to whine a little. “Hello, sweetheart. Can I mention how hot it is to see you in just my shirt and underwear?” Eddie starts to move his way down your chest, lifting his shirt to expose a strip on your stomach but not taking it off. He licks a few times on your tummy, sending waves down straight to your clothed cunt. “May I?” He mutters, tugging on the band on your panties.
You nod your head, still half asleep but waking up with this new kick of adrenaline.
“I need verbal confirmation, sweetheart.” Eddie mutters against your skin.
“Eddie, please. Need you.” Your legs open wide by their own admission.
“Wow, you are soaked” Eddie comments, seeing the darkened patch on your panties. “What were you dreaming about, princess?”
“You,” You admit shyly.
You feel your underwear move down your legs, Eddie’s rings moving along your skin as he does so. “Care to expand on that?” He asks, his hot breath against your folds, making your whimper lightly.
“You were fucking me-“ Eddie kisses just next to your pussy lips, teasing you. “against the wall, like when you-“ you stutter again as he moves the other side, “kissed me against the door on F-Friday.” Eddie’s hand grabs at your thighs, right where your bruises were sitting and finally gives a wet kiss to your lips, his tongue just gracing your entrance.
Your thighs attempt to slam shut against his head, but Eddie shoves them back down lightly, but still forcefully. “Have you been dreaming of me lots lately, baby?” He asks as he feels your wet heat get even wetter.
“Yea,” you whimper, knowing your parents were only across the hall. “only every night.”
Eddie’s hands were holding your thighs down, but your feet were still planted on your bed. You use the traction you have, grinding up against Eddie’s face to get some release. “Ooh, you’re so needy,” Eddie comments, leaning into your buckling hips. He climbs onto his elbows more, his grip on your thighs tightening.
As you could feel yourself get closer, it felt harder and harder to continue remaining as quiet as you were. Eddie was taking in every minute of you falling apart under him, missing this every moment he didn’t have time with you over the week, fucking to his own hand thinking about you. Feeling your thighs tense up underneath his hands, he looks up to see your face, already squished up. “Are you getting close, already sweetheart? I haven’t even touched your clit yet.” He comments, bringing his thumb to your clit ever so lightly.
“I missed you so much,” you whine, almost embarrassed how fast you were about to cum. “I wanted you so badly.”
“I know, baby,” Eddie replies, now using his thumb against your clit in a fast circular motion. “You were dressed up like a little slut, how could I ignore that?”
You pause at his word choice. “Slut?” You ask, the word making you wetter. You didn’t know that was something you were into.
“Is that okay?” Eddie pauses, making sure it didn’t hurt your feelings.
“Your slut,” you whimper, grinding your hips even harder now, pushing yourself to finish.
Eddie chuckles lowly, staring up at your face as you whine lightly. “Yes, Y/N.” He moves downward, his thumb now going faster and your dripping cunt making unholy noises. “You’re my slut. But you made sure everyone knew that, didn’t you? Everyone knew when you came to school in those tight jeans and fucking-“ Eddie sharply inhales, “tiny ass skirt that you wanted me to bend you over.” You whimper at these words, surprised at yourself for how much you enjoyed being degraded like this.
You loved it.
Eddie starts to lick circles around your clit, and the knot in your stomach threatens to snap. “Eddie, I’m gonna-“ At this, Eddie stops, kissing your thighs instead. “No,” you whimper, almost there and still sensitive.
“I’m not sure my little slut deserves to finish,” Eddie comments, rubbing your thighs comfortingly. “The way you’ve been teasing me this week tells me you wanted to be treated like a little whore, so here we are.” Eddie crawls up to you, kissing you lightly instead of the tongue and teeth you were so desperately craving. He uses one finger against your folds, lightly tracing along your sensitive entrance. “Do you think you earned it?” Eddie asks you, his brown eyes harsh against your own.
“Please let me cum, Eddie.” You whisper, trying to grab at his vest to give him a wet kiss. He refuses. “I want it so bad. I’ve been a good girl; I didn’t skip class when I really wanted to skip and ride you instead.” You remember daydreaming about it in class, a reason why you were soaked when Eddie had decided to tease you.
Eddie rewards this confession with his finger really against your swollen bud, rubbing slow circles. “That’s what I wanted to hear, princess.” You feel yourself already close again, Eddie also knowing the tell tale sings. Without warning, he slips his finger into you, starting to finger fuck you. “Baby, you’re so wet and needy for me, I haven’t even put my cock in yet and you’re already fucked dumb.”
“So good, Eddie.” You whine telling him why you’re already blissed. “You’re so good. F-feels so good.”
He leans down to suck on your clit, the knot snapping finally. You feel yourself go over the edge, a white hot flash before your eyes. The waves of pleasure overwhelm you, your legs shaking uncontrollably as he works you through your high. “That’s a good girl,” Eddie soothes you as you bring yourself back to earth.
You feel your bed beneath you, finally. Soon, you hear metal hitting hardwood and a shirtless, pant-less Eddie Munson is in your line of sight. He crawls onto you, kissing you wet and hot. “Gonna fuck you now, ok?”
“Please fuck me.” You whisper, wanting to be filled with Eddie’s cock.
He lines himself with your entrance, taking a deep breath as he knew he had to go slowly again. First he only puts his head in, you whining as you adjust to his size, easier this time. “Shit, your pussy feels so good.” Eddie whines, a sense of release finally.
“Shh,” You whisper, now realizing it was probably almost time your mom woke up. Pain transfers to pleasure and you nod, asking him to go deeper. He does so, and you wonder what something feels like. Having no space between irrational and rational thought, you grab Eddie’s ass and pull him all the way in, surprising the shit out of him.
“Holy fuck,” he whispers into your ear. “Jesus you can’t keep doing this shit to me.”
As his husky and lust-ridden voice is enough to make you shiver, but Eddie bottoming out in you all at once is more than enough to make your eyes roll back into your head and your tight cunt to pulse around him. Your legs tighten around his torso, begging his body to be impossibly closer to you than it already is. Your wet heat keeps Eddie feeling like he’s about to pass out from pure pleasure, despite not even moving yet.
Any pain you have felt from the lack of patience on your part has completely diminished, only feeling utterly full. “Eddie,” you whimper, his hair a mess framing your face, but you didn’t mind.
“Princess,” Eddie responds, quiet and restrained. He was holding himself back, taking everything in him not to buck his hips since the first thrust you pulled from him.
“Move, please.”
He needs no further explanation, his hips moving as soon as he hears the initial syllable. After a few thrusts, he sits up, thrusting into you as you lay on your bed with your legs wide open clutching on to him. He starts slowly at once, then he gets merciless, each hit nearly hurting if it didn’t feel so goddamn good.
Eddie is uncharacteristically quiet, his mouth usually going off. “Talk to me,” you start to beg. “How does my pussy feel?”
“It feels fucking amazing, sweetheart,” Eddie starts, his voice only a notch louder than a whisper. “But if I start talking to you now, I will not stop and I will not be quiet about it.”
You grab his hand and yank him so he’s back to being chest to chest with you. “There. Please tell me.”
“Fucking hell, princess, your hot cunt feels so goddamn tight and good. I could literally spend all day fucking you, if you’d let me.”
“I’d let you,” you respond, your breaths heavy. “Ed, I’m getting close again.”
Eddie reaches down, his hand rubbing circles over your clit. Your pussy immediately reacts, clenching around him making it tighter, something Eddie didn’t know was even possible. He feels his stomach start to tighten up, and you feel his rhythm start to get sloppier.
As Eddie starts to buckle into you, you clutch onto him desperately, a second orgasm bursting through you. Somewhere while your orgasm was pulsing and making you shake, you wonder how Eddie was able to make you finish with out so much as stimulating your nipple. You were striking up the courage to get him to put his hand around your throat.
How much he had you wrapped around his ring clad fingers, you were able to come just from his cock alone. “Where do you want me to come this time, baby?”
You nearly beg him to come inside of you, wanting to be full of him the entire day. Instead you hold back and manage to say “On my face. Claim me as yours, Ed.”
Eddie has to hold back in a moan, hearing vague stirring in the next room over, something your cocked-out brain doesn’t even register. “Get on your knees, sweetheart.”
Eddie pulls out, and you whine at the loss, but climb off your bed and onto your bedroom floor, staring up at him through your eyelashes. The sight of him jerking himself off into his own hands is lewd and a sight you promise to memorize next time it’s only you and your fingers. The sight doesn’t last very long, white hot cum shooting onto your face, narrowly avoiding your eyes. You open your mouth, welcoming any droplets that fall past. More ended up in your mouth than on your face, but you didn’t mind.
He eventually, leans down onto your bed, exhausted from waking early and already somewhat hard from the sight of his hot girlfriend covered in him, welcoming it.
You glance around your room searching for a towel. Luckily you had one from a recent shower. You wipe your face off, and stand up, legs shaky. You sit next to him, still butt naked and in his tshirt. “Morning, baby.” You giggle, petting his frazzled curls.
Eddie looks you up and down, his brown eyes dazed from coming but soft as he looks at you. “Morning, princess. Did you mind waking up to me making out with you?” He asks, making sure he didn’t overstep.
“Id love to wake up like that every morning now.” You admit, remembering the utter joy you felt as you realized it was real. “I’ve had a lot of dreams about you, baby. The fact that it was real is enough to ruin sleep forever.”
Eddie chuckles, somewhat still not believing you liked him that much all that time. “So I have your permission to wake you up doing more if I wanted?”
You nod vigorously, bringing your hand to his chin to smooth it. “Oh, god, please.” You manage to whisper, the idea waking up to Eddie’s cock in the front of your mind. You lean in to give him a big kiss, wet and full of excitement at your still new relationship with him. “What time is it,” you wonder, remembering you still had to get up for school.
Eddie chuckles lowly, checking his watch. “Half an hour til school starts.”
Your eyes go wide, and you yank yourself from his chest and run to your closet where your outfit was still hanging. Eddie notices the outfit for the first time, his brown eyes widening. “Hold up, princess. You’re not wearing that, are you?”
You nod your head slowly, already getting dressed into a pair of underwear and a lacey bra. “I warned you.”
“No you didn’t” Eddie shook his head. “If you did, not nearly enough. How the fuck am I supposed to keep my hands to myself today with you wearing that? Fuck, I’m screwed.”
You shrug, slipping on the even mini-er skirt and the crop top with his shirt layered over it. “You’ll figure it out, baby. I’m just wearing this because it’s fun to see my boyfriend is as attracted to me as I am to him.”
You switch your attention to the vanity, slipping on some mascara and lip gloss really quick, ignoring any styling of your hair for the day except minor grooming.
By the time you’re finished at your vanity mirror, Eddie had put his boots on and was climbing back onto your bed to climb out the window. “Will you drive me?” You ask, just as one leg is already out.
“That’s the plan” Eddie laughs, blowing you an air kiss before stumbling onto your roof.
Soon, after you grab your bag and hide your towel from your mom’s prying eyes, the front door is knocked on. Your mom is awake, stumbling to the door and opening it, surprised to see Eddie at the door.
“Y/N! Your boyfriend is here! You have fifteen minutes til school starts, get going!” Your mom calls, slightly cranky due to no morning coffee yet.
You rush an I love you to her as you’re out the front door, grabbing Eddie’s hand as he escorts you to his van. You were definitely going to be late for first period, and people were definitely going to talk because you were wearing his shirt.
You didn’t care, staring at him as he drove haphazardly to school, his music blaring and breaking at least three laws.
As he drove wildly while you hold on to a handle by his window, you grip onto the middle console a little tighter than you normally would, leaning back into your seat. When you pulled up to the school, you knew you were late. With the smile Eddie gave you, his smile a bit delirious but charming all the same, you didn’t care.
You really did not care.
As you entered your first period, one thing you noticed was an increase of whispers when you and Eddie took your seats. Eddie, of course, took it with a roll of his eyes. You, however needed to look at him for reassurance. His soft eyes and his unbothered stature relaxed you, the anxiety you felt in your tummy practically melting away.
Class ends, and he’s at your desk as you sit up, shielding you from the side-glances your classmates aim at you as they pass you to the door. You sigh, grabbing his hand and letting him escort you to your next class. “I know it’s lame but I really would rather be with you,” You nearly whimper, Eddie holding your hand and leading you to Lit.
“No, I wish I could crash your class, but I will see you after, sweetheart.” He soothes, his thumb over yours.
He leaves you with a wet kiss on your lips and you walk into Lit in a daze.
Robin is waiting at your desk, a wide smile on her face that tells you she was up to no good. You ignore her, opting to sit in your seat and bring out your books.
This infuriated her. “So, how was your morning?” She asked, her tone sounding suspiciously knowledgeable.
You narrowed your eyes at her. “What do you know?”
Robin clicked her pen absentmindedly. “I know Eddie came to me after school yesterday asking me which window was yours.”
“So that’s how he knew! I was just hoping he didn’t find out through trial and error.” You giggle, happy to get resolution from a question in your head all morning.
“No, he really wanted to surprise you with extra time today. How was it?” Robin asks, her voice suggestive.
You had no complaints. Your only complaint to be found was you were on limited time. “No complaints. It was-“ your breath hitches, “It was nice.” You pause for a moment, leaning in as your teacher finally introduces the lesson of the day. “You are consistently plotting against me and I don’t know whether to thank you or hit you.”
Jokingly, you lift your arm up as if to whack her head, Robin blocks it, glancing up at you giggling. “Thank me! Jeez just a week ago you had no appetite just from the sight of him alone.”
You push her, mouthing thanks when you’re now required to turn your textbook to a certain page for the last short story your teacher had wanted to discuss.
Robin and you work on the assigned questions together, you mostly helping her but her intelligence surprising you time to time. After finishing with ten minutes to spare, you end up talking quietly with her, asking prodding questions about her life and her expertly avoiding every one. As you were packing up your books and getting ready to leave to your bio class, you beg her one final time. “Tell me something! I feel like you know everything about me!”
Robin can tell you wanted to be supportive of her, and she didn’t take it lightly. “You busy this Sunday?”
“Shouldn’t be, why?” You ask her, walking with her through the door of the classroom and you see Eddie right around the corner, talking absentmindedly to Gareth.
“Come over, you, me, and Steve haven’t had a chance to hang out outside of work in a while.”
“Sounds perfect.” Robin gives you a closed-mouth smile, nodding her head. Without saying a word, she runs off to her next class. You look after her, worried but assured that if there was something to be worried about then she would tell you.
“Hi Ed,” You greet him, interrupting their conversation.
Eddie says nothing, just grabs your hand as he finishes his sentence, acknowledging you. As Gareth continues his part, something about the origins of the role of a bard, you tug on Eddie’s hand, asking him silently to walk you to your biology class. Eddie follows you, engaged in his conversation but his thumb rubbing yours to let you know he’s paying attention to you.
A few paces before your classroom Gareth and Eddie finish with an agreement you can’t make sense out of with the corner in your thumb trickled up to your mouth again. Gareth wonders off to his class and Eddie turns to face you finally, his mouth in a half smirk. “Hi sweetheart.”
“Hi,” you peep out, sad about the lack of conversation you had with him.
Eddie chuckles, only a step away from sounding cruel. He didn’t mean to be of course. He leans in, close, his chest against yours and you can smell his musk right on his neck. “Aww, did my pretty baby want to be the center of attention?”
You audibly gulp, only nodding your head in confirmation, embarrassed. His tone of voice also had your gut flare up, a certain heat warming your centre.
“Well, you get the best seat in the house during lunch to make up for it.” Eddie comments, his hand soothing your forearm lightly.
Your mouth says it before your brain even registers what you’re thinking. “Oh, so your cock?”
His hand on your forearm gains tight grip, your words giving him a run for his money. “I-I meant my lap but if you’re into that then-“ You giggle, cutting him off. He leans down to give you a nice wet kiss, your heart wanting nothing more than to run off with him, anywhere but here. “Fucking Christ, you’re perfect. See you during lunch, baby.”
He lets you go, the bell going off in time.
Your biology class was essentially study-hall, all 22 of your classmates getting ready for the test tomorrow. You feel somewhat confident after asking the questions you wanted to ask your teacher and you take off as the bell rings signalling lunch time.
On your way to the cafeteria, you drop your bag off at your locker, slamming it shut before it could fall out. You’ll deal with that right before math. Only thing you needed for math was a calculator and a pencil anyway.
You stop in the line, grabbing yourself some fruit and some juice. You wanted to be spending majority of your lunch talking to your boyfriend, anyway. After paying for lunch you take a look, scanning the tables once more. Finally, there he was in his seat, Hellfire club members listening as he goes on and on about something. Your heart races, your breath hitching. You remember what Robin said to you earlier.
Was it only a week ago you were spending your whole lunch staring, dry in the mouth at the very sight of him? It felt longer. Felt like you could spend your whole life lov- with him and it would feel like only weeks have gone by. You start moving towards him, you can barely feel your feet walking. How were you nervous, didn’t you just make a sex joke with him about two hours ago?
You finally reach the hellfire table, all members looking up at you as you approach, Eddie with a wild look in his eye. “Uh, hello,” You greet, gulping.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Eddie gets up, walking around his bandmembers. “Come on over.” He grabs your hand, yanking you to where he was sat. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, is the only thing on your mind.
Jared is looking at Eddie bewildered, seeing a new side of Eddie Munson he’s never seen before. “So, this the girl you were telling us about, Ed?”
As you’re sat on his lap, you glance at him, your eyes wide in surprise. “You told them about me?”
Mike looks around him, bewildered. “Am I the only one that didn’t know about these two? I mean I knew she liked him but I didn’t know they got together.”
“That’s cause the only thing you’re interested in right now is El,” You comment, Nancy’s complaints fresh on your mind. “on the phone, for hours.”
Dustin glances looks to him, shocked. As his friends are judging him with wide smiles, you grab a slice of melon, tossing it into your mouth, amused. Eddie pulls you tighter into his arms, proud. “Dude, hours?” Dustin asks, his brows raised to his curls. “C’mon.”
Mike’s nose is scrunched up, his brows knitted together. “There’s no way she could know that! She’s lying.”
You smile evilly, glancing at Nancy who is at your normal table sat next to Robin. “I mean, I’ve watched my fair share of movie marathons in your basement, Wheeler. You don’t think we see that the line is busy for 120 consecutive minutes?”
The table breaks into laughter, and your stomach finally calms down. Gareth starts bringing up an idea for the newest campaign for Lucas’ character, a joke character he and Dustin invented on the phone with Will one night. As the conversation continues and you can’t contribute, you settle into his lap.
Eddie doesn’t talk much during the talks, not nearly as much as he would’ve liked to. Your skirt is short enough to the point where it barely covers your ass, therefore your pretty lacy panties poking out and almost nothing between your hot cunt and his jeans.
You notice his lack of participation eventually, leaning back to where your back against his chest, your mouth against his ear. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
Nothing was wrong. Especially now, where your ass is at an angle where it can finally run against the hard-on he was nursing. “Nothing, sweetheart. Just enjoying my time with you.”
As soon as you leaned back, you felt Eddie’s hard cock against your ass, realizing why he was so uncharacteristically quiet. You pretended not to notice. Just enjoying my time with you, my ass, you thought. Much to his dismay, you stay quiet too, pretending to adjust yourself by wiggling on him, leaning forward to grab your juice, licking your lips as you glance back to tell him something, you really rub the salt in his wound.
“Eddie, you okay?” Dustin asks, naïve and unassuming. He had just noticed Eddie wasn’t saying much.
“Of course! Sore hip from rehearsing so much lately, is all.” Eddie explains grimacing while he rubs his hip for special effect.
Gareth laughs audibly, a little too loud. “Sure, Eddie. You’re sore from rehearsing so much. Mhm.” Josh gives Gareth a fist bump, and suddenly you wonder if Eddie has told anything to his friends like you had to yours. Was Eddie ok if you did? Were you ok if he did?
Eddie hasn’t, not exactly open about his love life when he realized some of his own friends had the wrong idea about him. He shrugged at Gareth, pretending not to know what he was talking about. He didn’t sway them either way, he wondered what the repercussions of telling them would be. If he had told them their lack of experience, he doubt they’d laugh, but he knew they would start trying to set him up with different women. He really didn’t need that added layer of rejection in his life. He wasn’t open, but he knew they would start asking questions, and he wondered if that mean opening a door to telling them the truth about their misconstrued notions about him.
When you sat forward in his lap, chewing on some fruit while listening intently as Dustin started explaining their campaign in a way you would understand, you started subtly wiggled your ass, pulling Eddie out of his downward spiral, remembering how just hard he was.
As you wiggled you could feel his cock start to get harder, and you could feel how wet you were. If you weren’t careful, you would be leaving a very wet stain on his jeans. I should stop, you realized, Eddie leaning back and staring at the ceiling for strength. You hopped to one leg, throwing your leg so you were sitting bridal style.
“You stopped.” He states, his brown eyes staring into yours.
“Yeah well the next step was a little too much for the public eye.” You said, staring at into his eyes, them pulling you like a gravity. Next thing you knew, you were kissing him, your mouth feeling electric against his. He inserted his tongue into your mouth, silk against your own as he had complete control over you. Eddie’s arm wrapped around your waist, you feeling his strong arm hold you.
Far off, somewhere in the distance you hear Lucas say, “Okay, we get it. You like each other chill out.”
The arm around you lifts flipping them off, and you remember something you pictured very clearly last week in a dark atmosphere. There you were, picturing kissing him on his lap at lunch as he told you he wants to show off the person he’s dating.
Here he was showing, you off, one of his hands framing your face and you melted. One of his friends come up to you, you hear “Get a room” and Eddie swats them off, not giving a shit.
Eddie finally pulls away from you, lips shiny and your core aching from the lack of attention. Your thighs clench together, a dead giveaway to Eddie that you are wanting it just as much as he is and pulling away was the right thing to do. “You okay, princess?”
You stare back at him, eyelids half open. “Yeah,” you reply, your voice giving away just how smitten you were with him. “I will need convincing to go to math, though.”
Eddie laughs, tightening his arms around you as he wraps you into a hug. “Hey, uh, guys.” Dustin says. You both separate, looking at him expectantly. “You’re adorable and all, but, I’m getting sick from looking at ya.”
“Seriously, what did you do to him?” Mike asks, mourning the loss of the terribly cool dude he worshipped. (Truth is that version of Eddie was just a very edited version of a person Eddie chose to show.) “He’s whipped, now.”
You glare at Mike, your nostrils flared. “Two hours, Mike! Don’t even start with me Mr. I can’t wait to hold your hand again.” Eddie chuckles under you, hiding his amusement in your shoulder.
Mike was about to retort, annoyed by two of his best friends laughing their asses off when the bell rings, saving from you and Mike hashing it out, not something you haven’t done before. As mentioned before, you were basically Karen’s second born, which meant to Mike you were basically another Nancy.
You get off Eddie’s lap, about to take off to let him do his boy thing with his friends, when Eddie yanks you into his arms wrapping them on your shoulder and around your neck. “You realize this skirt barely covers your ass, right?”
Gulping, you were tempted to shrug. Your tunnel vision faded, however, the faces of your classmates no longer fuzzy in the background. Suddenly, the number of eyes on your lower half were burning holes into your lower half. You felt panic start to rise, understanding you’ve had more than just Eddie staring at your ass today. “Shit.”
Eddie shrugs off his outerwear, the layered combination of his leather jacket and his vest. He separates the two, and hands out his leather jacket, knowing it would be at least longer than your skirt. You grab it gently, entirely happy about the idea of his scent surrounding you. ���I love that you dressed so pretty, sweetheart, but try to remember everyone else will see it, too. I have no problem with you showing up to my trailer like this though.”
He grabs your hand and drags you to your locker, then your class. With only your calculator and pencil in hand right by the math classroom door, you lean into his chest arms by your side, his arms wrapped around you. “Good luck on your test.”
“Bleh,” you answer, the last thing you’re wanting at this moment was to go in for a stupid math test. You still hated math, no matter who walked you to the class.
Eddie chuckles, low. He steps forward to give you a kiss on your forehead, taking note in how cute your face was. He pushes you lightly to your class, and you follow easily. He walks off, and you watch from the classroom door with your head peaking out.
Man, you were going to enjoy after school, today.
 Your test went much better than you expected. Turns out, your teacher made the practice test harder to freak you and your classmates out. It worked; you know much more than what you initially thought. You were just excited to be in class with Eddie next.
World Geography was a terrible class to be in, extremely dull topic to study, most students taking it for the credits alone. Right now, you didn’t care how dull it was, your boyfriend in the seat next to you and the ability to openly stare at his pretty face keeping you preoccupied. Eddie looks up from your textbook, doing the homework you weren’t for once. “What you lookin’ at, princess?”
You shrug your shoulder, casual about it. “Just your pretty face.”
You weren’t sure, but you swear you could see Eddie’s cheeks flush. “Pretty, huh?”
Encouraged by the heat on his cheeks, you lean into it. “Mmhmm, stunning. Why do you think I stared at you for?”
Watching his reaction, a little smile lights up his face, one he was holding back. “You’re not so bad yourself, sweetheart.” He responds, his teeth shining through.
World Geography is simple and sweet as that, despite the both of you having strong feelings deep down in both of your guts. Even with the both of you feeling horny as shit, the feelings of a new relationship were still very prevalent. Eddie still felt nervous as he would wait outside your classes, hoping you’d still get that smile on your face when you see him. Butterflies were still roaming around your tummy when his hand brushed against yours, sending tingles up your arm and down your spine.
It almost felt intimate.
As the two of you get up to walk to your last class, it takes a lot of convincing for you to go into the classroom. “I don’t want to,” you whine.
It takes several things that Eddie says for you to turn around and finally leave. School will call your parents, be a good girl, I gotta get to class, too. The one that finally convinced you was “Well I want to spend next Friday with you in my bed, so go.”
For the last hour and a half of your day, your leg shakes, entirely too excited about finally having an evening with him since you two called it official. Your mom knew about it, listening to your excitement about it on Tuesday, her listening as you smiled bashfully about it.
As you leave already packed up in preparation for the final bell, Eddie isn’t waiting for you as normal, but you had already discussed that in World. You would go to your locker, him to his own, and meet at his van when you were both ready. When you got to your locker, Robin was waiting for you, her back half against it. “Hi Buckley,” you say to her, prying your way behind to open the lock.
“Hi, L/N,” she says, greeting you with a smug look on her face.
“Can I help you?” You ask, trading for books you needed quick as possible.
“Nancy and I had a good view at lunch today,” she jokes. “But when you said his lap we didn’t know you were serious. It was quite a sight.”
“I mean, where else was I going to sit?” you ask, shrugging your shoulder.
“On a chair?” Robin laughs, her voice incredulous.
You laugh with her, her laugh contagious. “Hey, I stuck to my guns. I said I would sit on his lap and Eddie didn’t really let me back out.”
“But did you have to make out for ten minutes?” She asks, following you as you go to the double front doors.
You scoff. “We did not make out for ten minutes.” To you, it felt like thirty seconds.
“Well, seven and a half.” She says, waving her head side to side as if the details didn’t matter. And they didn’t all that much, you supposed. “I just want to make sure you’re not forgetting us. We didn’t see you very much today and it worried me.”
You smile, knowing just how much she cared about you. “No, we just didn’t get much time together this week and we just took advantage of today, you know?”
Robin mumbles under her mouth, “You can say that again.” You roll your eyes again, your eyes landing on his van in the back corner of the parking lot, Eddie leaning it against with one leg propped up. “Also I wanted to let you know that Steve asked about him.”
“Of course he did,” you mutter, remembering the awkward yet annoying way they both had promised of ‘next time’. “They got a long a little too well when Eddie visited work on Tuesday night.”
“Uh-oh,” Robin comments. “Watch out for that.”
“Oh I am,” you promised. You waved your goodbye to her, promise of more time with her tomorrow.
For now, you were his. You ran to him, practically jumping into his arms. Climbing into his van with him, you give him a shy smile as he drives haphazardly to his trailer. As you’re reaching out to hold his hand, there’s an excitement in the air in his van almost as present as his loud music.
Eddie finally opened his trailer door with a large smack, him grinning manically. “So do you-“ Well, Eddie was about to ask you if you wanted something to eat, but you couldn’t even wait that long. You practically jump into him, planting your lips onto his, sliding his tongue onto yours. “Holy shit,” Eddie gasps between kisses.
“Shut up,” you mutter, wanting to make good use of his tongue. “Just kiss me.”
Eddie laughs into your mouth, all giggles and smiles. He follows your request wordlessly, opening his mouth wider. As you continue to kiss, wet, and slick, a certain buzz went through you, tingling from your core up to your chest, causing you to forget how to breathe. You let go of his lips, gasping for air. “Remember to breathe, baby, breathe,” Eddie chuckles, rasping into your mouth.
“Your lips taste too good to remember to breathe, Ed,” you say, just higher than a whisper.
He rasps back, “You’re so eager, sweetheart.”
As you’ve been kissing, Eddie has been moving you both slowly, unsure of where you were headed. He had his room in mind initially, but somehow ended up in the kitchen. Your feet hit the floor of the tiles, the transition of carpet to smooth titles startling you. You feel Eddie’s smile turn up wider, chuckling at the way you let out a surprised gasp when your feet hit the tiles. It was only two more steps before you bump into the counter. As soon as Eddie feels your torso bump into the bottom cupboards, his hands make their way to your hips, lifting you effortlessly onto the granite.
The feeling of the hard countertop hits your ass, your legs wrapping around Eddie’s waist without any hesitation. “What are you wanting, princess?” Eddie asks, moving his lips to your jaw, his tongue feeling like heaven tingling your throat.
“I just want you,” you answer honestly. You couldn’t necessarily remember wanting Eddie in any specific ways, you just wanted him.
Eddie tightens his grip on your hips, causing you to hiss. “Princess,” he says, sounding sterner. “What the fuck would you like me to do to you.”
You grasp at his face, putting his lips back to yours. “I really want us to take it slow.” You admit softly. “I loved this morning but it went by too quickly, happened too fast.”
He smiled at your admission, one hand raising to your hair. “Oh we can do that.”
You continue kissing him, tilting your head when required and doing your best to copy what he’s doing. After a bit, you couldn’t tell how long, he slips his strong arms under your ass, supporting you surprisingly well. He lifts you up, you are straddling his hips, feeling his already hard cock poking you through his jeans. He takes you to his room and sits on his bed, where you straddle his lap, your legs either side of his own.
Your sleeves are too long for you, Eddie’s jacket consuming your hands. You’re already struggling with the sleeves when Eddie takes his hands from your hips to your shoulders, helping you take off his jacket. “You look so beautiful today, sweetheart.”
Your cheeks heat up in response, your forehead leant against his. “Grab my ass,” you request, your skin burning from the lack of contact.
Eddie’s mouth watered from this request alone, smoothing his hands along your thighs before he grabs your ass, still above on the fabric of your barely there skirt.
Your noses were touching, your lips brushing against one another’s when you realize what Eddie was doing, still teasing on you. Shit, you were so close to kissing. You lift your skirt up, having his hands drop directly down to the apples of your but. It feels phenomenal when his hands finally grab your non covered ass cheeks. “Harder, please.” Eddie chuckles, more than willing to fulfill your desires. You let a small moan out, just enough to get Eddie riled up.
After Eddie finally grabs your ass properly, you whine into it, your face all twisted up. Subconsciously you’re craving some friction, your hips moving down to grind up against his lap. Your cunt was only protected by the cotton pink panties you wore, your heat against his hard cock. Eddie wanted to rip off your clothes and fuck himself into you as soon as he felt your cunt against him, holding back with a high amount of struggle. For the moment, he settled with “Oh, f-fuck, can’t wait to put my cock in you.”
Right after Eddie says this you rip off his shirt you were wearing, toss it into the wind.
Eddie brings your slinky little strap on your shoulder down, causing half your tiny shirt to fall, sultrily hanging off your shoulder. He takes in the sight of you on his lap, your cunt right against his cock and your face already looking fucked out. The very sight of you already so blissed with him makes him groan, internally smiling.
He leans in, kisses your cupid’s bow, soft and sweet. You almost can’t take it, wanting more than soft and sweet. You wanted him, wanted so much more. His hand travels from your back to your breast, lightly massaging it to start. You whine lightly, encouraging him to put in more force behind it, massaging harder. This new reaction is just the thing Eddie wants to hear. “Is this slow enough, or should I go slower?” Eddie teases, lifting your exposed bra off your now budded nipple.
He leans into your chest, his tongue hanging deliciously from his mouth as he leans into your exposed tit. When his tongue finally reaches contact with your budded nipple it’s far too light, a teasing touch, if anything. You lean forward, an effort to gain more contact against his tongue, but he leans back, knowing exactly what your plan was. “Patience, or I will make you wait longer,” Eddie said, only lightly moving his tongue on your nipple.
You groan, annoyed and now wanting more. Your pussy clenches and you remember his cock still underneath you from the reaction of it twitching. Instead of moping, you start to roll your hips on him again, as you do so his mouth instinctively moving straight into sucking on your nipple, teeth grazing against it as if forgetting about making you wait.
You thought he was being accidental, but he was really just rewarding you. He leaves wet kisses on your breast, starting to move down with kisses between the valley of your boobs but his hand massaging the other boob he hasn’t touched yet. He sists up, moving towards your shoulder to lightly bite down to tease you even more. “I can’t wait to fuck you,” he mutters between small bites.
You sit above him, your hand now hovers over his cock. Kissing him hot and heavy, your tongue dancing with his own in an expert dance you two have already memorized, you silently ask if you’re able to put your hand down his pants. “Are you sure?” Eddie nods vigorously, his cock twitching at the idea of you touching him again. Eddie had the thought of you to get him through the week, but fucking into his own hand pretending it was your pussy clenching around him did nothing compared to your real thing.
“I’m sure,” You lightly tease, starting to cup him over his pants. Eddie’s head leans back against his wall when you finally but barely touch him, his eyes rolled back into his head. It wasn’t very long before his hips are bucking, begging you for more. “Please more,” he begs, his voice raspy and breathing heavy. “Baby, give me more, please.”
You can’t help but remember when Eddie was being a shithead in World Geo class, lightly teasing you through your panties. It was funny, how much he liked to tease you, considering how he buckles under your touch the moment you so much as softly graze on him. This man loved to tease you, but he was still a goddamn virgin when you met him. You unbuckle his handcuff belt, with only a slight struggle in working the mechanics of it. Eddie offered to help, his thumbs looping underneath his both his briefs and his jeans.
You glance up at him, blinking as if to say, What do you think you’re doing? You tap his hand lightly, causing the band of the briefs to snap back down against his hips. “Slow, remember, baby?”
Eddie groans, impatient. You had a feeling he would give the same energy back when he had the chance, but you felt your pussy become wetter at the very idea of it. You welcomed the idea. You let his jeans fall to his knees, his cock on now tenting in his briefs. Your mouth watered at the very sight of it, wanting to feel the weight of it on your tongue. If anything, sucking his cock got you off as much as it did him.
Despite these wants, you grab at the side of his tented tock, putting your mouth on his cock over his briefs, your hot breath causing him to jolt his hips up. The thought occurs to you, and you hesitate very faintly, your hand pressing against his cock as you think about it for only a second. One second is all it takes, the idea taking over your brain and almost being too much for you to handle. Your tongue leaves your mouth, using it against his girth and fully being able to taste the cotton of his briefs. The cotton was unpleasant, but the way he instantly flung his head back with his thighs flexing hard all worth it.
You mouth him more, your tongue finally used to the cottony feeling. “Jesus fucking Christ, princess.” He whimpers, his voice soft and rough, eyes wide open staring at his ceiling.
A few more minutes pass by as you mouth him, teasing all you can and memorizing every moan and whimper that leaves his mouth. By the time your fingers are ready to yank his underwear down too, Eddie was begging you to finally lick his dick, the tent in his underwear was soaked, covered in your saliva. “Please, Y/N. Please, just fucking put your dirty little mouth on my cock.”
You were smirking, yanking his briefs down and putting his cock straight to the back of your throat, taking in as much as you could. You had mentally prepared yourself for him to thrust his hips up, his tip hitting your uvula. As you bob your head, getting a good rhythm, you feel the amount of spit in your mouth increase. Opening your mouth, you let a large amount of saliva drop onto his length, covering his cock in spit, absolutely the most sinful image of anyone he’s ever seen.
Your eyes were focused on his cock, your mouth covered in your own spit as each bob of your head covered him in even more spit, embracing the messy blowjob. Your pretty lips are wrapped around him, one of your hands around the base where you couldn’t reach. Your hair was a beautiful kind of messy, most strands pushed behind your ears but a few strands hanging by your cheek.
Finally, after not being able to tell how much time has passed, long enough for your jaw to hurt, your mouth pulls away with a pop, jerking him off with your hand absentmindedly as you take in his state. Eddie is laying underneath you, his thighs open as yours normally are when he’s making you come undone. You use your forearm to wipe your mouth, the base of his cock now covered and your chin wet.
As soon as you look at him, his eyes open wildly, and before you can register it, he’s sitting up fast and grabbing you into his arms. You crawl onto him, straddling him once more as your panties nearly misses his cock, slightly teasing both him and you. Eddie roughly grabs you by your torso, almost bruising your ribcage. “Let me fuck you now, please.” Eddie pleads, his hips thrusting up as the head of his dick brushes against your panties.
His cock teasing you so makes you moan loudly, resting both hands onto his shoulders.
“See, my little slut also wants my cock inside her sweet little pussy, huh?” He comments.
You glance at him, wondering how he went from falling apart underneath you to amazingly confident/cocky once again. In spite of your momentary wonder his words still made you melt into him, your legs barely being able to hold yourself up. “P-please”, you find yourself begging him anyway.  
Hearing your own contradictions from teasing him playfully to desperately moaning as he teases you moves Eddie to hook your leg and move on-top of you. Your arms cross to take off your top, Eddie watching with appreciating eyes. It was a shame you were so focused on taking of the slinky top of yours, eyes closed because the look in his eyes he was giving you was absolutely depraved. Eddie took you in, eyeing every imperfection, every freckle, every dip and curve of your body.
Eddie grabbed your skirt, pulling it up your torso and over your head. “That’s better”, he muttered, nearly drooling at the sight of your skin all exposed except for your pink panties still grinding against his exposed cock. His hand moves up your thigh, sending shivers down your spine as his finger makes its way through one of your leg holes, sliding itself along your slick. “I-I think you’re even wetter than before.” He comments, sounding stunned. “Did sucking my cock get you off, princess?”
“You sound really good,” you manage to get out as Eddie only lightly treads on your folds. It feels good, but you’re craving more friction, harder. Your knitted eyebrows are a dead giveaway to what you’re thinking.
Eddie had to push passed aside that you just alluded that you were getting off to the sounds of him getting off. “Aww, I thought sweetheart wanted to go slower today?”
Your nails dig into his chest, annoyed. You were really starting to regret asking him this now. “More, please Eddie.”
His name moaned through your lips for the first time was like music to his ears. “Say that again?” He asks, quietly, his fingers pausing to grab your attention.
Your eyes open to see Eddie’s eyes fixated on them, scaring you with how intense they were. “Say what?”
“My name, Y/N. Say it again?”
You smirked and tossed your head back, memorizing the way he looked and sounded. “Keep doing that, and I will.”
Your panties were ripped off your legs without a moments hesitation. Eddie grabbed your legs, pulling your ass down so your pussy is face to face with you. “Oh, I fucking will.” He muttered against your puffy pussy lips, leaning right in and devouring you from the start, almost like he forgot to take his time with you in favour of listening to moan his name again.
Eddie was working his tongue on you, flicking occasionally into your entrance, completely engulfing your juices as you get wetter and wetter. “Look how wet my baby is,” Eddie says, putting emphasis on each word.
You had your hands in his hair, moving it out of his face, getting a better view of how focused he was trying to make you feel good. The sight of him, eyes closed, tongue moving was undeniably perfect, his eyelashes framing his cheeks nicely. Each lick Eddie gave you hit a wave of pleasure through you, your legs tensing and starting to shake.
“Eddie, feels so- fuck feels so good.” You manage, surprised your fucked out brain could even manage to say anything to begin with.
Eddie holds where he is for only one second more after you moan his name, the exact thing he was looking for. He sits up suddenly, his now neglected cock now in his hand, jerking himself off as he repositions himself. “That’s what I was looking for, princess. Now, be a good slut and take my cock, won’t you?”
You nod, eyes watery and cunt feeling sensitive but still slick as Eddie’s words got to you.
He positions himself at your entrance, his cock teasing you. “Please fuck me, please.” You cry out, wanting to feel full.
Eddie slams himself into you, bottoming out without pacing . You don’t even realize what’s happening at first, as he stretches you out and you have to adjust, him slowly thrusting. “Holy f-fuck!” Eddie is groaning, his words a mix of moans and worship. “Your sweet little pussy is so tight- so perfect.”
“Your pussy-“ you manage, grabbing one hand stationed at your hip, and placing it onto your neck. You tap it with your other hand. “Pressure- jugular, not esophagus,” you explain, your cocked out brain needing the feeling of his ringed hand around your throat.
Eddie just barely understands what you’re getting at, then he feels your pulse and gets it. He tightens his grip slightly, you feeling the air loss right away, marvelling in it.
“My, fucking, pussy,” Eddie says, thrusting hard on each word. You tap his arm twice, begging for air. Eddie holds on a second longer and lets go, you feeling light headed with how wild it just drove you. The choking alone brought on the familiar feeling in your stomach, a knot needing to snap open. You move your fingers to your clit, rubbing it to get your high even closer, chasing the feeling.
Eddie watches as your hand goes down, the perfect image to get him closer to his own high. You use your other hand to grab his arm, getting him chest to chest with you. “Kiss me,” you ask, still rubbing your clit.
He goes in, his thrusts getting sloppy as you feel your orgasm is almost there, just around the corner. His kisses feel desperate, like he won’t ever get the chance to taste you and he wants as much as possible. He did want you as much as possible, despite being able to kiss you whenever he could, he was just obsessed with you.
Eddie gnaws on your bottom lip as your cunt starts to clench harder around him, and it’s the final thing that pushes you over the edge. Somehow, you remain kissing him, the feeling of his perfect lips against yours, grounding you. One hand his in his hair, pulling at his scalp almost too hard.
You come down from your high, feeling sleepy. One thought occurs to you, and suddenly your body does it before your brain registers. You curl and twist around onto your knees, in a crawl position, Eddie slipping out for one moment too many.
Eddie stops though, wondering what was going on in that brain of yours. You simply say, “Fuck me as hard as you can, Ed.”
He does, hips snapping into you with such a vigor he would’ve been worried about hurting you if his horny ass brain didn’t take over. Your ass bouncing with every thrust was causing the heat in his tummy to rise. “B-baby, where do you want me to cum?” He asks, on the verge and his throat feeling tighter.
“Inside me, please Ed.” You ask, arching your hips for affect.
Oh shit, that did something to him right there and then, filling you up immediately. You helped a little, moving your ass down as he moved up. “Holy shit, Y/N!” He screams loudly, thrilled to see his cum drooling out of your pussy. “Your little pussy looks fantastic right now, baby.” He says, monitoring his hard work. The white thick cum was drooling out of you, a stunning sight for him to see.
Exhausted, you collapse down from your knees, barely able to hold yourself up. As your face fells forward, your ass is still in the air, giving a huffing Eddie Munson a great view of the white substance trailing down your slit. You heard him huff out a laugh, and you reluctantly sit up to see what was so funny.
As you give him a look that was an odd mix of content and confusion, Eddie’s face broke into a smile, somewhat leant over on the bed right in front of you. “What’s so funny?” you ask him, still in a haze from being dickeddown by him.
Eddie leans over comically, giving you the one up in his eyes. “Nothin’. Just glad you were as horny as I was.” His hand goes up to your face, framing it with his thumb.
Eddie almost leans foreword as if he were going to kiss you, and a part of you craved it after being with him so closely. There’s another part of you that wanted to push him after what he had just said. You let him lean in, his lips somewhat gentle on your own. He deepens it, letting your tongue slide with his. You give in to this for about two minutes before you push him away, getting him back. “I resent that. I might’ve been just as horny but with a face and hands like those can you blame me?”
He leant forward, lightly knocking his forehead against your own. “Alright there, sweetheart. I’m going to go grab you a cloth. Stay put.”
You laugh without humour, wondering where you would rather be. Only place is nice and naked in your boyfriend’s bed. He yanks it out of reach when you grab for it again, insisting he would clean you up. The heat of the damp towel on your pussy surprising the shit out of you. “Jesus, warn a girl!”
“It’s more fun to surprise you!” Eddie laughs, still being gentle with you and cleaning all the damp slick on the bottom your thighs right below your ass. He tosses the cloth somewhere onto the floor, and crawls up so he can lie down with you.
Your head lands on the pillow as Eddie lands on his side right in front of you, his arm bent and on your torso. He leans up to grab his blanket, displaying it across you and him. “What time is it?” you ask, sleepy and ready for a nap.
Eddie grabs your wrist, and lets it down with a plop. “Almost 5’oclock.”
“Are you gonna nap with me?” Your eyes are closed now, feeling safe as he pets your hair.
“Maybe. I can make sure you don’t sleep for three hours if you need.” You nodded your head, the blanket now feeling soft and just right.
“Get some sleep, then, sweetheart.” Is the last thing you hear before you drift off, his scent and the weight of his arm feeling like heaven around you.
As Eddie watches your chest expand and depress and your eyelashes against your cheeks, he was thinking, God I could get used to this.
Tag list: @emturtles @yourthebrokengirl @steeldaisies @skrzydlak
Please leave comments or reblog if you can I'd appreciate it xoxo
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Was reading this jikook au, and it suddenly got very understandable for me why jk behaved like that with jimin in those early years. The author caught their dynamic so well, even if was a college au.
Jk was totally unprepared for The Park Jimin, didn't know how to react to someone filled with so much love, and being the victim of that amount of love hehe. Boy was probably overwhelmed.
Anyway, here you go if you're a fic reader
I....... do not read Jikook fanfiction. Idk whether its because they're real people or what? But I don't read like the serious stuff. I only read the twitter crack AUs because they're not to be taken too seriously. Like I have it on good authority this one will make me laugh so I'm reading it tonight. But of course I'll post this for anyone who reads on ao3 to check yours out.
Is it hypocritical of me that I looooove watching them though? For example I've seen everything by this lady. (Warning everything she makes always ends up being Mpreg so maybe stop watching when Jikook get together and are finally happy) I highly recommend her stuff. She comes through with that angst.
I love this one. Have seen it more than once. (Episode 2 is my fav. The angst is sooooo good. The clips chosen for it are perfect 👌🏽 i love it alot)
And this one is a personal favourite. Definitely NOT pG13 👀 but really well done. She always has the right clips for everything
This one also gets quite explic!t when Jikook get together so definitely don't watch on the big screen when kids are home 😂😂
Also love this one
I've seen all their stuff but these 4 are my fav.
Now to some short AUs that I love. First of all, if you're not following Arch on twitter you are missing out!!
This one is my fav 🥵 -- Hindsight.
Damn! 🔥 And then it ends up here
I really shouldn't recommend this one because (we don't talk about Yoonmin) its not a Jikook happy ending. But it hurts so good 😭😭😭 OP somehow managed to find a clip of JK with his voice breaking and my heart clenches every single time 😩😩 No, but really watch this one at your own risk.
I think some of you might enjoy this a bit too much but I quite like it. V's boyfriend cheats on him with his bestfriend and well... poor V 😪
I think its well done. It has 47k views and I believe the 40k are me 🤭🤭
What happens when Jimin gets kidnapped? This one is amazing!! 💚💚💚💚
Eh? This one 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
This is just sweet and cute.
I love this one alot 🥰🥰
I don't read but I enjoy my fair share of watching. It's funny because I don't imagine Koreans would enjoy these things since they know what the members are actually saying 😂😂😂 Anyway, whoever chooses to watch these have fun. I'm sure YT will recommend many more once you're done. Enjoy!
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saber-slutt · 11 months
Writing practice: Obi-wan confessions - pt 2
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☆ Idk guys sometimes I lie and say I’m gonna post smut next but then I don’t because I’m like “hm I should split this up into the lead-in and actual smut”
☆ anyways enjoy! WARNINGS: None, this time. I’m like 99% it’s Gn!reader
☆ it’s writing practice so this SUCKS but that’s why we practice
☆link to pt 1 (if u want it’s not necessary at all to read) https://www.tumblr.com/saber-slutt/721080873884221440/writing-practice-obi-wan-confessions-pt-1
You dropped your kettle as the words left his mouth. He was waiting for you to say something. Neither of you knew what exactly. He sat cross-legged on your bed facing you, while you stood across your dorm at your mini stove. Obi-wan kept staring right at you, and you couldn’t bring yourself to look away. After what seemed to be an eternity of strained silence, you found a singular word, “What?”
“I think I’m in love with you,” Obi-wan breathed out, clasping and rubbing his hands around his mouth.
“Seriously, what?” you replied. Your stomach dropped. You couldn’t understand, let alone believe what you were hearing. Love? Love? He was being insane.
“Satine and I had a disagreement, and-”
“You came here to tell me you love me?” you said quizzically. A part of you was reeling now. Your heart raced, and you felt a tiny bit nauseous. This part of you had always wanted to hear these words, since the day you met him. But, another part of you was pissed. Obviously, he was upset from his fight with Satine, and was grasping at straws to make himself feel better, and that the fight was okay because he was ‘actually in love with you’. Love. He was playing with your feelings. And you didn’t know which was worse, that he did not notice or he did not care. “Obi-wan, you need to leave. I get that you're upset, but you don’t know what you're talking about. This fight’ll blow over, okay? We’ll talk tomorrow,”
“Please, hear me out.”
“No, not right now. Not tonight,” you said, gesturing to the door.
“We fought because of you!”
You choked, “What?!”
Obi-wan looked at you, deeply, before gesturing you to sit beside him. You did so, tentatively. He began, “That came out wrong. I was talking about you, with her, and she claimed that I can’t go a measly night without mentioning you. It evolved from there, I’ll spare you the details, but it ended with her suggesting that if I need you so much, I should be here with you. Permanently.”
“She meant it spitefully, but she’s right,” he said, moving his hand to hold yours on top of your thigh.
Your heart zoomed and your hands were clammy. You stammered for a moment, “Sorry, I’m just trying to, you know, understand what’s going on.”
“That’s okay.”
“But, we’re, y’know, Jedi,” while it was true you were worried about that fact, you were more scared that this was actually happening, that he might feel the same as you knew deep down you did. “We can’t. We shouldn’t.”
“I believe I’m my best self when we’re together. And that makes me a good Jedi,” he reasoned.
“Even so, you were just in love with Satine. How do I know you actually like me, and I’m not some rebound you want to use to deal with heartbreak?”
Obi-wan sighed, “I would never use you. I think I liked her because of our past, and the memory, but it truly wasn’t the same. When I found out that you liked me, it almost killed me not to say anything. I also wanted to protect you, we both know what would happen if the Council found out we were in a relationship. So I went to Satine. In a way, if I was with Satine, I thought it would sate the feelings I had for you.”
“And you just figured this all out?” you whispered.
“More like came to terms with it.”
“Wait, so, you knew I liked you? How? I didn’t show it, did I??”
Obi-wan laughed breathlessly, “No, darling. Anakin heavily hinted at it.”
“I am going to kill him! He said he wouldn’t say anything!” you groaned.
Obi-wan scoffed, “Yeah, king-of-subtlety Anakin Skywalker hid it very well.”
“I hate him,” you giggled.
“I don’t,” Obi-wan moved to hold you cheek, and leaned in for a kiss.
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koffee-lila-bailey · 1 year
Hello, I am the editor and writer of this page koffee-lila-bailey and I'm here to introduce myself
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Clearly, the women posted are the inspiration for this page buy today, I'm willing to go behind the editor and writer that's mad quiet and to herself.
Name- Tatianna
Zodiac- Taurus
Born- April 20th
Hobby- writing and listening to music (also does editing)
Likes- reading, music, trying new things, traveling, food
What I'll be posting- fanfics, imagines and edits (photos and videos)
Will I take requests- not at the moment but yes, I'm still new to the imagine thing and I'm still trying to figure out how Tumblr works
Type of music I listen to the most (as of now anyways) - r&b, reggae, pop and afrobeat
Something I never share with new people- I have a disorder called tuberculosis and had it since a child (might do a book on this)
Types of books I like reading- comedy, thriller, horror, fanfics and more
The types of books I write- imagines, fanfics and my own (some of them might be song based as well)
How long I've been on wattpad- since I was 14
Where to find me- YouTube, wattpad, pinterest (will be posting editing content soon) and Instagram
Will I post my pages- of course I will 😌
Am I a night owl?- yes
Who I plan on writing for as far as imagines and fanfics (at the moment- characters)
Shuri Udaku
Riri Williams
Queen mother (Ramonda)
Erik killmonger
Jazlyn Forster
Skylar forster
Tiana Brown
Izzy Morris
Who I will write for (irl- the ones that i listed below will be happening for now)
Lila Ike
Chloe Bailey
Letitia Wright
Dominique Thorne
Lex Scott Davis
Halle Bailey
Micheal B. Jordan
Lucky Daye
Lauren London
Sha'carri Richardson
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That's all for now, ig. I might start posting wattpad content tonight but Idk. I honestly hope those who viewed this will enjoy ❤️❤️
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immrbrightsideeee · 1 year
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I posted 12,266 times in 2022
297 posts created (2%)
11,969 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 562 of my posts in 2022
#delete later - 44 posts
#asks - 24 posts
#random rambles - 15 posts
#nickapocalypse - 9 posts
#cagepocalypse - 8 posts
#maneskin - 8 posts
#nick cage - 7 posts
#our flag means death - 5 posts
#goncharov - 5 posts
#umbrella academy - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#this is a really interesting thing for me (christian) to read cause like these are some solid points? that really makes sense? i'm confused
My Top Posts in 2022:
nick, where's the treasure?
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Oh, please. I am the national treasure
62 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Are you open for a tiny request, Love? It's cool if you're not but in case you are (and that's entirely too many words there lol), could you do something fluffy with Remington? Like a movie night with lots of cuddles and fun and comfort? I need a hug lol
I also wouldn't say no to some smut but that's your decision
Anyway, you're amazing <3
Love you
OK I'm sorry it took so long!!! Anyway there might be a fluffy smutty part 2 idk :)
Movie Night
Remington Leith x reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: none, just fluff.
Summary: Remington and Y/N have a fun movie night
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It had been a week. A long week. The kind of long, endless week that had you lying face down on the couch groaning the moment you got home. You wanted your snuggliest PJs, your best friends, boyfriend, movies and some pizza. But people were busy. And there was work to do. And cleaning. And a tonne of other responsibilities falling down onto your shoulders, and you were exhausted.
When your cat came up to give you an affectionate headbutt, you couldn't help but think why couldn't life for humans be as simple as a house cat? You get fed, loved, you play all day and night and do what you want? It was while you were pondering philosophies and cats that you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket. You frowned. Please don't be anyone important, please don't be stressful, please don't...
Oh. It was your boyfriend, Remington. You shuffled yourself around on the couch, rolling over and barely avoiding tumbling off as you answered the phone.
“Hey Y/N, how are you doing?” Remington's voice was a comforting sound on the other end of the phone.
“I'm good, you??” You shot back immediately, so quick that Remington got suspicious.
“..Riiight, I don't believe that but I'm not gonna push you right now. I'm actually not doing so good,” he said, slowly, “Today has just been shitty, and anyway I was wondering if you're free?”
“Ah, yeah, when?”
“Um, now? It's OK if not, I get that there's a lot going on it's just that, I dunno, I miss you.” His voice was so soft and sweet and you could almost picture him scrunching up his face a little and rubbing the back of his neck. The image melted your heart. How was he so impossibly cute all the time?
“I'm free, and I miss you too, trust me.”
It had been a few weeks since the two of you had seen each other, Remington was busy writing and recording his and his brother's new album, and you were busy with work and family responsibilities. There wasn't much time to see each other, and it was breaking both of your hearts. But you tried not to think about it, you talked every day anyway. But seeing him tonight would definitely revive you.
“So, got any ideas?” you asked, changing the mood to something lighter.
“Would it be OK if I come over? I just feel like staying in, but I also can't stand being away from you any longer, and I really can't handle another hour alone with my brothers.” Remington laughed a little and you smiled without meaning to, only able to imagine the nonsense the boys had gotten up to that day, let alone week.
“'Course! Just, um, give me a few, OK? I'm a bit of a mess at the moment.” You thought of the pile of clothes all around your room and the stack of dishes.
“Aw baby, you know I don't care about any of that, but if it makes you feel better would half an hour be good?”
“Yeah, it should be.” There was silence as the conversation started to end, then you spoke. “Oh! Wait, would it be annoying if I ask you to bring some dinner? I don't have it in me to cook.”
“Sure! What do you feel like?”
“Ah, surprise me, I trust you.” You smiled into the phone and could just about feel him smiling back. He let out a slight laugh of delight and you both said your good byes and got ready.
See the full post
77 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
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this has the same vibes as this
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112 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
nick caged
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129 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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139 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
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sour--disposition · 3 years
It’s Been A While
harry lewis x fem!reader
requested: hii idk if you’re taking requests but if you are can i please have one with harry where he has just come out of a long term relationship and so has the reader, and they really like each other and wanna date but they’re rusty on the flirting and dating thing? just a funny, fluffy one if you can 🖤 ty
please see my pinned post for masterlists/request info :)
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“Oh, sorry”, you blurted when you almost walked into the chest of the person leaving the lift.
“No worries”, the man smiled. “Y/N right? The new neighbour?”, he asked.
“Yeah”, you nodded. “Sorry, I don’t think we’ve met”, you said awkwardly.
“Oh, yeah I think you met my flatmate…”, he trailed off awkwardly. “Cal?”.
“Oh, yeah. You must be Harry?”, you asked.
“That’s me”, he smiled, scratching the back of his neck. “Nice to meet you”.
“Nice to meet you, too”, you smiled. “See you around?”, you asked, pointing to the lift awkwardly.
“Oh, yeah, sorry”, Harry fumbled. “See you around”.
You knocked on the door, taking a step back as you waited for someone to answer. “Y/N”, Harry said, seeming pleasantly surprised. “Nice to see you. To what do I owe the pleasure?”, he asked.
“I made cookies”, you said,  presenting the plate you’d brought with you.
“Good for you?”, Harry said, face contorting in pain from just how awkward the situation had gotten.
“Sorry”, you mumbled. “I made cookies and I thought I’d do the neighbourly thing and bring some round”, you said with a smile before thrusting the plate forward.
“Oh!”, Harry chirped. “You didn’t have to do that, but thank you very much. D’ya wanna come in?”, Harry asked, stepping back so you could walk into the apartment. “The kitchen is just through here if you wanna put the plate down”, he said, leading you through the apartment.
“They might not be any good, it’s my first time using this oven”, you told Harry with a soft chuckle as you followed him into the kitchen and slid the plate onto the countertop. “And I haven’t baked in a while”, you added.
“Well, they look lovely”, Harry assured you.
“Well, I won’t keep you”, you said abruptly. “I’ll see you soon”, you told him with an awkward wave before turning around and walking out of the flat.
A knocking on the door ripped you out of the imaginary world you’d surrounded yourself in after becoming absorbed in your book. You placed it down after marking the page, wrapping the blanket around yourself as you walked through the dark of your flat.
“Harry?”, you asked, opening the door. “Is everything okay?”.
“I don’t suppose you have any candles I could borrow? Or a torch or something?”, he asked you awkwardly.
“I’ve got all my candles lit, sorry”, you told him apologetically. “You can come in, if you want?”, you offered. “Is Cal there?”.
“No, he’s with his girlfriend”, he scoffed lightly. “Would you mind? My phone’s running low anyway and I don’t want to waste my battery on my torch”, he excused.
“What good are neighbours if you can’t stay in their flat during a power cut?”, you laughed, stepping back so Harry could let himself into your flat. “Can I get you a drink or anything?”, you asked him.
“No, I’m fine. Thank you, though”, he smiled.
“There’s some blankets on the back of the sofa”, you told him with a smile that you knew he wouldn’t be able to see. 
You walked back over to the sofa, situating yourself on the side that Harry wasn’t sat at, smiling secretly at the cocoon he’d made for himself out of the blanket he’d picked up. “This is good”, Harry sighed, pulling the blanket tighter around his body.
“Just ask her out, Bog”, Cal said, watching as Harry paced around the living room.
“What if she says no?”, he asked, voice laced with panic. “I’ve not asked someone out in years!”, Harry exclaimed.
“Well, she seems to really like you. The worst she can say is no. She’s not a bitch so she’s not gonna be nasty about it, even if she does say no”, Cal explained. 
“Okay”, Harry said, his wavering voice letting slip just how uncertain he was.
“Good luck!”, Cal called over his shoulder as Harry walked down the hall and towards the front door.
He hesitated outside of your door for a moment before knocking. You came out with a bright smile, something you always seemed to sport whenever you were around Harry. “Hey, Harry”, you smiled.
“Hi”, he said awkwardly, itching the spot on his chest as he kicked at the floor slightly.
“Is everything okay?”, you asked him worriedly. “Do you want to come in?”, you asked him, stepping back so he could follow you through to the kitchen.
“I was wondering if I could maybe ask you something?”, he asked, stumbling over his words.
“Sure”, you said sweetly.
“I was wondering - Would you want to maybe - Do you think you’d-”, Harry cut himself off, words seeming to get stuck in this throat. “Sorry”, he sighed.
“It’s okay”, you smiled gently, as pure and sweet as ever.
“Would you like to go out? With me? At some point? Maybe?”, he asked abruptly, eyes going wide as he froze on the spot.
“Oh”, you chirped.
“Nevermind”, Harry dismissed. “Sorry I asked”, he rushed.
“No!”, you blurted. “I mean yes. Not no. Yes”, you fumbled. “I’d like to go out with you”, you told him quietly.
You waited outside for Harry outside the bar that you’d agreed to meet at. He was already running 10 minutes late, but you were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. You’d seen him rushing to the lift, furiously typing on his phone, as he ran late for whatever it was he was desperate to get to.
“Hi, sorry”, Harry exclaimed as soon as he saw you. “Sorry”, he breathed out. “Traffic was awful, I actually set off in time, I promise”, he explained, panic rising in his voice.
“It’s fine”, you assured him, resting a hand on his shoulder. A violent blush rose on your cheeks as soon as you’d both taken notice of your hand. “Sorry”, you whispered, dropping your hand.
“Don’t be”, Harry said, reaching forward to take your hand in his own. “Is this okay?”, he asked, looking down to your entwined fingers.
“Yeah”, you smiled, your blush waning ever so slightly. “Yeah, it’s more than okay”.
“I - erm…”, Harry trailed off. “I’m not very good at this”, he admitted quietly. “Sorry”.
“Neither am I”, you told him. “This is my first date in, like, 5 years”, you admitted.
“Same”, Harry said, a little bit more confident. “Well, my first date with someone new”, he told you. “Shall we go in?”, he asked. Harry waited for you to nod before leading you into the bar and heading for a secluded table. “So, what are you drinking?”.
“I had a really good time tonight”, Harry said as you walked away from the taxi and towards the doors to the apartment building hand in hand
“So did I”, you smiled. “And you’re walking me home? What a gentleman”, you giggled softly.
“Oh, you know me”, Harry laughed. It was a soft, shy laugh that you had a feeling was reserved only for you, given the howls of laughter you’d heard coming through the walls of his and Cal’s flat.
“Ladies first”, Harry said, opening the door for you and stepping back so you could go ahead of him.
“Don’t think I don’t know you’re just looking at my bum”, you stage whispered to him, slipping your arm through his as you walked towards the lift.
“Guilty”, Harry laughed, blush rising up his cheeks. “It’s a good view, though”, he teased. 
When you reached the corridor, you and Harry both slowed down. He walked you the few steps past his front door to yours. You turned to him once you’d slowed to a stop, looking up at him through your eyelashes.
Harry cupped your face with one hand, leaning ever so slightly closer to you. “Is this okay?”, he whispered into the small gap.
“Yeah”, you whispered, letting your eyes flutter closed before reaching up on your toes to close the gap between your lips.
Your first kiss with Harry was very much like every encounter you’d had with him before, messy and fumbled until you both figured out what was going on. His lips were soft against yours, not pressing too hard or being too rough. Harry’s hand kept cupping your face, holding just under your jaw as his fingers slid into your hairline.
When Harry pulled back, he kept his face close to yours. His smile was bright and pure and honest and one of the most beautiful things you’d ever seen.
“Kiss me again, Harry”.
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daydream-believin · 3 years
Sign My Heart, Please
Summary: PART 1) Douxie is so excited that his favorite author is doing a signing at his store. Y/n can’t believe the owner of the store is thier favorite musician. But they may be more connected than they thought. (part two here)
warnings: swearing
word count: 2281
a/n: alright ive been in love with this idea for a long time and yet im taking it at a snails pace. so im breaking it up into parts. anyways this is more or less me gushing over douxie and letting him return the favor. its a piece of love or smth idk fangirl time
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It was times like these that made Douxie very happy to be a bookstore wizard. One of his favorite authors was doing a book signing for their latest release in his store. Y/n L/n, he couldn’t wait to meet you. Of course, one of the perks of his job was getting to interact with authors beyond standing in line, getting a signature in his copy, and maybe getting lucky enough to ask a question or two. He might even try his luck and see if you would agree to let him treat you to dinner afterwards. In a totally business professional fashion. Totally not just an excuse to get his fav to hang around a little longer. If you were to agree, he would not fangirl during dinner. Nope. He would be normal, Hisirdoux.
Douxie looked at the flyer that hung on the bookstore’s bulletin board.
Thursday 11-17-16
It was already 4:40ish and you’ll arrive in a little less than half an hour to get things settled before the event. Douxie leaned against the counter and took a deep breath. These signings were always stressful to host, and he always found himself nervous through them, even when he wasn’t also a fan. There were already people milling about the bookstore, purchasing their copies and talking amongst themselves.
Someone was messing with his cat. Doux didn’t pay too much attention to it until he heard Archie hiss and remove himself from the situation. After he watched Arch make his hasty retreat up onto a bookshelf, Douxie looked back to see the offending person guiltily mouthing a ‘sorry’ to him. Doux chuckled and made a ‘it’s fine’ gesture to reassure the poor person. It wasn’t their fault the resident cat-dragon hated being pet by randos. How were they supposed to know, all they saw was a cute and friendly bookstore cat.
The interaction with that customer did help take Douxie’s mind off of the event for a moment, but not for long. He looked around the room. Everything was mostly set up, and what was left would be things that you would do. He couldn’t help feeling like he’d forgotten something somehow. Pens? He should get you some more pens. He can’t leave his post at the counter, right now. It’ll have to wait. You probably are bringing your own pens. He just feels like he needs to do something. Another patron decided to buy a signing book from the stack. Ringing them up was something to do. Yeah. He made sure to direct them to the pad of sticky notes so they could write their info down, keeping things running smoother.
Doux glanced over to the clock on the wall for the hundredth time. A couple minutes past five… Where were you? Oh Merlin he hoped nothing bad had happened.
Nothing bad had happened. You were just very late. You were blaming it on this being a local event. Normally when your publisher sent you on signings you were in a cool city, with nowhere to be besides the event. Today, you woke up in your own bed and not a hotel room, had coffee with friends, and ran errands like it was a normal day. Your brain tricked you with familiarity. You completely forgot you had to do stuff tonight, and by the time you did remember, you were already running late.
You slipped your cheap wired earbuds in and leaned back in the uber you had to take since you missed your bus. You tried drowning out your mind, Ash Dispersal Pattern, your favorite band, blaring in your ears. Gods, your publisher was gonna kill you. Maybe you can bribe the manager of the store into not tattling. Maybe you’ll buy them dinner. That was a good plan that would probably hopefully maybe work. Uh huh.
You mouthed along to the words of the song. It wasn’t your favorite in this album, but it still made you go feral. All their songs did. The band somehow had consistently released nothing but bangers over the last decade. You are gonna be sad when they break up.
What really made the band for you was the guitarist, Hisirdoux Casperan. He was incredibly skilled, his melodies could get stuck in your head for weeks, and he also wrote all those lyrics that drove you mad? Not just an artist, but a genius, you would say. As a writer, you really appreciated the poetry he had going into these songs here. It was gorgeous and raw. Made you wonder what kind of things he could write in a love letter wink wink. And you weren’t too knowledgeable about stringed instruments, but you knew that those solos he made seem effortless were actually incredibly hard to perform. He was so good at what he did, it was obvious he loved it. He had talent, and he had passion, and it made him brilliant. And hot. Those talented hands could pluck at your heartstrings any day.
He wasn’t the lead singer, too shy maybe, but he did occasionally sing. There were around two to three songs per album that he lent his voice to, and needless to say, they were your real favorites. Casperan’s voice was that of angel. Or a siren, maybe. Either way, his voice belonged to an ethereal creature. You supposed that made him an ethereal creature. Well, as much as a mortal could be. You wished he would sing more. They were his poems, and hearing him speak the words himself just somehow made them more powerful, at least in you eyes. Or should you say ears.
And, thanks to his bandmate’s social media, you knew Mr. Casperan was easy on the eyes too. A bit of a baby face, but other than that, incredibly handsome. Fluffy hair, rough hands, hazel eyes? There may only be like four pics posted with him in them but you have stared at those pictures for hours. Not in a creepy way. In like a wow I can’t believe he exists on this planet kinda way. Okay so maybe that was a little creepy. Whatever. It’s not like that was the reason you liked him. It’s just like the first time you’ve really known what a musician looked like, and you just don’t know how to handle it like a normal human being. Thank you internet for having easily searchable pictures of every human alive now. Back in the seventies you could just be a fan of a band but manage to never see their faces. Well, technically you could do that now if you weren’t so nosy. But you were.
Funny thing, he also reminded you of a minstrel you used to listen to in the tavern back in the day. You’d wait for him to show up every night. Sadly, he didn’t stick around your town for very long, and he disappeared after only a few months. You can’t quite remember his face, and it was such a long time ago, such a short period of your life, but you still thought about the minstrel sometimes. Music was rare back then. He was special to you. Where were you going with this again? Ah, yes, you had a thing for men who wrote poetry and played stringed instruments apparently.
The uber came to a stop. An abrupt stop. You were still lost in space, so you crashed into the seat in front of you. Earbuds ripped out of your ears as you caught yourself. Fuck. The uber driver called out an apology. Regardless, you were here in front of the bookstore. The right bookstore, you double checked on your phone before gathering up your stuff and marching through the front door. Not the door you’re supposed to be going through, but you’ve got little time to be picky right now.
Douxie was almost about to call your publisher to ask if he had gotten the date wrong when you stumbled through his door. Frazzled, you quickly made your way into the store, putting your bag down on the table that wasn’t too hard to guess was designated for you. You took a moment to think oh wow that’s a nice table cloth before beginning your search for the manager. Lots of people, a dude trying to coax a cat down from one of the shelves, a couple of girls who noticed you and were not even trying to cover up that they were staring. Finally, you came to yet another person staring at you, the man behind the counter with a shaky grip on a clipboard, the manager, from the looks of it, also,, your favorite musician? Whaaaattttt. Okay maybe it’s just a guy who looks like him. He’s coming over to you. Of course he is, its his job. Oh fuck fuck. Act professional.
“Y/n L/n, right?” You nodded in response.
Nope that was definitely his voice. That was Casperan, no denying it. He presented you with his hand. You shook it. Somehow didn’t faint in the process.
“Perfect! Don’t worry too much about being late. I’ll admit I was getting a little worried- but hey! It’s all good now, love.” Douxie flashed his most reassuring smile.
Worried? That was not the word you’d have thought him to use. Annoyed, angry maybe. Not worried. Doux started helping you arrange your things on the table. As he fiddled with putting the pens in the pen cup, you made sure your notes were in the right order, and then searched through your bag for some stickers you had brought to make things a little unique. Douxie spotted the stickers in your hand.
“Oh are those for the signing?” You nodded shyly. “That’s a neat idea. I’ve never seen any authors do that before, at least not in my store.”
You finally found some words for the first time in all this, thanks to his enthusiasm. “Yeah—uh, I think it makes things special. I make the stickers myself, so they’re unique.”
“Nuclear, just when I thought you couldn’t get any more talented, huh?” You flushed at his compliment. “Uh, hey. You aren’t looking too well, are you doing alright? Are you up for this?”
“Yeah, I uh—I’m just having one of those days. It’s fine.”
Douxie grabbed a spare copy of your signing books. Or at least you thought it was a spare, but the one he presented you had been broken in, as if it was already well loved. He put on a cheeky grin.
“Here, why not try a practice run, to calm your nerves of course.”
You snorted, “Are you sure you’re not just trying to jump the line?” You teased, already scribbling down a message in the front page.
He feigned offense, clutching imaginary pearls. “Why, how could you ever accuse me of such a thing Mx. L/n. I am just a humble bookstore owner, making sure his clientele get only the best of services—”
“okay, okay.” You put the book back into his hands.
“Wait, but I never told you my—” He faltered, noticing the very long message you had written, “name.”
By ignoring his antics, you had successfully finished it before he was done talking. And that was a feat. That thing was a full-blown paragraph. Embarrassing enough, once you started, you couldn’t stop. It’s not like it was hard either, it was basically a fan-letter. You’d gone over all the things you’d tell him if you’d meet him in your mind over and over again, so writing it down was simple really.
Douxie ran his thumb over the page in his hands. Wow.
Dear Hisirdoux Casperan,
You’re amazing. You couldn’t believe how much your work inspires me. Your poems are so powerful, and make me feel less alone in the world. I admire you so much, and to have an incredibly talented person like you call me talented is unreal. And this book is definitely influenced by your music, by the way.       Love, Y/n L/n
The note was punctuated by a little sticker of a black cat holding a heart. Douxie almost choked. That at least answered why you never asked for his name. You, you thought he was amazing? And talented?
Maybe you went a little overboard by signing off with love. You don’t do that with all your other fans, they just get a yours, so you couldn’t even use that as an excuse. He still hadn’t said anything, still staring at the page. Finally, he did manage to look you in the eyes.
“I suppose this would be a good segue into asking you to join me for dinner tonight? Completely professional, of course. It’ll be late when the event is all over.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“I was actually thinking of asking you, to apologize for being late,” you snickered.
Douxie looked pleased at that, “So it’s settled then,” he started making his way back over to the counter, before calling back over his shoulder, “And, love, you have no need to apologize, really.”
You blushed. Maybe you were a little too attached to his voice. But maybe he didn’t need to say that so flirty. And maybe you shouldn’t be going to dinner with him. But maybe you really should.
And with that, you turned your attention to your audience, ready to begin the Q & A portion of the signing. Everyone here was so enthusiastic about your work. You pointed at a person in the front row.
“Yes, you. Ask away.”
“Hello, yes, so I think I speak for everyone here when I ask, What does the hero smell like?”
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outerbanks-fandom · 3 years
Too Much - JJ Maybank
Description: there's comes a time when people want to much from you and you can’t handle it. 
Warnings: slight sexual content, convincing reader to do things she didn’t really wanna do, sad, slight description of reader that might not apply to you, this is a female reader x JJ I’m so sorry if this doesn’t apply to you. 
Word count: 1,039
Edited?: spelling yes idk about the rest so technically no
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Part 1
Pulling into the chateau while John B and Sarah was presumed dead was the worst part of my day. Not only because they weren’t there but because I had to be faced with whatever mess of JJ I had to clean up today. I would never complain about it though because I knew he was hurting and I'd do anything to help him heal. 
He was here alone most nights when I worked. During the day Pope and Kiera kept him company, but nights were always worse for him anyways. The couple hours he was by himself he would let his thoughts take over. With no distraction he drank and smoked the pain away. Which caused one of two things to happen when you finally show up, he either yells at me for shit I didn’t do or he’d fuck me for his own personal pleasure. I just let him though, I loved John B also but John B was JJ’s best friend. They were the brothers to each other. 
So whatever JJ needed to do to make himself feel better I wasn’t gonna stop him from doing that. But tonight, tonight I couldn’t handle his loud screams at me or the bruising grip he’d have on me. I just needed my JJ back, I needed a good hug  and I know I won’t be getting that. Especially since I saw the empty beer bottles on the porch steps. Just to stall the inevitable I cleaned up the bottles and sat on one of the chairs outside. I just needed a minute to mentally prepare myself. 
I sighed before heading into the chateau. The door slamming behind me is what broke JJ’s gaze. He was standing in the kitchen, beer in hand just staring. A seductive smirk was on his lips, “hey baby, I haven’t seen your sexy ass all day.” 
“Hey J, works been crazy, but I'm here now” I very clearly had an exhausted frown on my face, but JJ could care less. He made his way to me and placed his hands on my waist. I know what tonight holds but I don’t know how to tell him no. “J, come on let’s go lay down or something” he didn’t let up though. :Come on baby, I really miss this pretty mouth” one hand reached for my face as his thumb rubbed my bottom lip. “JJ, come on we can just hang out or something. Your drunk” the anger rose in JJ’s demeanor but I can tell he’s still trying to convince me. 
“Y/n come on, just 10 minutes tops. I really need you” I gave in and nodded. All i have to do is give him head. Then maybe we can just go to bed. He’s trying to distract himself I know that. It’s the least I can do for him. I tried convincing myself that this was okay and that I wanted to do this but I just wanted to cuddle him for once. 
He kissed me quickly and I dropped to my knees. Okay Y/n just get this over with he’ll pass out, and you can sleep\on his chest again and pretend he wanted you in his arms. I hesitantly undid his shorts and pulled his underwear down with them. His hands went to my hair and directed my head onto him. As he directed my head up and down on him, the realization hit me. This is all I am to him, he’s using me as a distraction instead of something to help heal him. Tears ran down my face and I couldn’t tell if it was because he picked up his pace and was choking me or if the fact this is all I am to him. 
He groaned when I hummed around him hoping this will end faster. After a while though it was too much to handle, with my emotions going crazy I just needed a second. I pushed back on his thighs but he didn’t let up. So I pulled my head out of his grip as hard as I could and he finally caught the hint. “Y/n what the fu-” I didn’t stick around for his scream. “Sorry J, I can’t do this. I’m trying to be here for you and what you need, but I can’t be that tonight.” He was pulling up his pants now. “Before you speak I'm gonna say what I gotta say, I love you J, and I know that life sucks right now and I know that there's nothing I can do to bring John B back but that doesn't mean you can use me. I just wanted a hug from my boyfriend. I needed you tonight and you pushed me aside for your personal pleasure. I wanted to be here for you no matter what but I feel used and really gross right now so I’m gonna head home. I’ll have Pope check up on you.” 
It’s been a couple days since I talked to JJ but I've been checking up on him through Pope. School actually starts today and I know I have first hour with him, I'm not sure if I'm ready to see him. I might be overreacting but I really felt trapped. I know JJ and he wouldn’t intently hurt me, but drunk, high and broken JJ was a different story. 
He’s tried calling me and even came banging on my window but my whole body wouldn’t give. It was like I was paralyzed as he hit my window repeatedly and even a few sobs. It broke me to listen to him cry, but I couldn’t find it in me to fix him anymore. At least for right now. 
I made myself look like I was okay, full face of makeup, my clothes consisting of a white pleated skirt, an open Hawaiian shirt with a black body suit under it, and black & white adidas superstars. My hair was in its naturally curly state with some product in it to define my curls more. 
Taking one final look in the mirror I took a picture and posted it on my story ‘last first day...<3′ 
It’s time to face JJ Maybank and the pogues minus 2...
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the nightmares that keep you awake - tony stark x fem!reader
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SUMMARY: y/n is trying to adjust to life as an avenger, tony is dealing with the weight of future possibilities. y/n winds up in tony's workspace at 3am, and together they take a collective effort to open up.
CATEGORY: fluff, lil angst 
WARNINGS: stress, anxiety, nightmares 
《 ive never written for tony and ive never written angst, so this might suck, but I love this all the same, enjoy (this fic is post battle of new york, idk the timeline is wonky anyway who cares) 》
Y/n had gotten used to the sound of metal creaking in the Avengers compound. With all the suits and the tech, what can you expect? However, on this particular night, it wasn't the sound of metal lulling her to sleep; it was swearing. 
Specifically, Tony Stark's grumbling voice in a room a little farther away from hers. To her reluctance, since she was a new addition to the team, she got the worst room: the extra spare room right next to Tony's workspace. 
Y/n had been an official Avenger for nearly a month, taking a quick liking to the team and an even quicker liking to a certain billionaire. The very billionaire who never sleeps, just like tonight. However, one thing she still wasn't adjusting to, was the constant awareness that her every move is being monitored by the media as a "hero" and the aching in her chest about being so far away from family.
Y/n rises out of her almost slumber, walking barefoot on the cold floor to Tony's studio, hoping to just ask him to keep it down long enough for her to go back to sleep. But what she wasn't prepared for was to see the well articulated Tony Stark huddled on the ground, his face in his hands next to a pile of ripped wires and broken metal. 
She didn't know what to say or if he even noticed she was there. What do you say to someone you want to get to know? How do you ask them to be vulnerable with you? 
"Sorry I woke you up," His voice is softer due to the late hours of the night, exhaustion creates a heavy wave over him. 
"You didn't wake me, I wasn't asleep," a quick lie, a slip of the tongue, just hoping to ease his burden. "I.. uh heard the noise," Y/n briefly gestures to the mess on the floor beside him. Tony looks up finally at her, and smirks in the way he always does when he thinks of something snarky. 
"How is it that you light up a room even at 3 in the morning?" Even with his bloodshot eyes and droopy gaze, he still manages to make her blush.
"Oh, haven't you heard? The fluorescent light does wonders for the skin," Y/n jokes back, smiling. She hasn't been out of the compound since moving in permanently, she is no longer just a normal citizen; she's an Avenger now. But being an Avenger still takes some getting used to. 
She moved closer little by little in hopes of not scaring him off. She sits criss-cross next to him, "So what's the story here?" 
He sighs and rubs his eyes,"I'm trying to build a new upgraded AI system like Jarvis. In case something ever happens to him, I need to have a backup, except the technology I need hasn't been invented yet,"
"Well, aren't we lucky to have you here to invented it?"
"Or maybe we should just cut our losses while we're ahead," 
"What's that supposed to mean?"
All of a sudden he is silent, staring at the floor in front of him, dazed and dissociated. 
"Tony," Y/n asks like a question. "What do you mean by 'we'?" His eyes flicker to her, confusion drawn all over his face. In a heartbeat, he's up on his feet and returning to the tools on his messy desk. 
"Exactly what it sounds like, sorry about the noise, I'll keep it down," He cuts the conversation short there, with no explanation about the far off look he had, Y/n stands up at this.
"Look, I know I may not be that close with all of you just yet, and you may not trust me enough to tell me what's going on, but I know when something isn't right, so you could just let m- "
"First of all you couldn't be further from the truth," he interrupts "-and secondly, whether or not anyone on this team can admit it, I'm the one holding this team together, keeping it afloat. I always have been, its my job," 
"I'm apart of this team now. What did you mean by 'we'?" The stern and stoic look on her face was the one thing that made Tony Stark cave and talk about his emotions.
"I've been having dreams… of the future, nightmares actually," He fiddles with the tools on his desk, avoiding her eye contact, "we lost, Y/n"
"Lost what? A fight? Tony, we can always come back from-" 
"No we can't. Not with what I saw- the whole team was down with no fight left in them and you-," he chokes up at the thought. Before he let himself say more, he cut himself off, "With what I dreamt, there's no way out and we have to be prepared," he says in a low voice.
"Teams can't function without communication, Tony. Maybe you should let the team know,"
"We've done pretty well for ourselves so far," he says defensively.
"Have you?" It was a simple question, not meant to cause an argument or doubt in his abilities to lead the team. It was a question she asked herself often about the true nature of the team. Yes, they get the job done at the end of the day, but it seemed to her like the stress and anxiety of the job goes unnoticed and unresolved. The weight of the world on all their shoulders and no one utters a word; the biggest elephant in the room and they all pretend it isn't there.
He turns to look at her now, no longer droopy or tired, but a face full of questions, confusion, worry, and a little bit of surprise. 
"Ah, now she speaks," he raises his arms in the air like he's speaking to an audience, "I was waiting to see how long you would ask, I thought you would bring it up sooner," he states, sarcastically. 
"Clearly, your intuition is defective when it comes to me," it was meant to be a joke to lighten the mood, the air was getting too heavy too quickly. Y/n cringes slightly, that came out more depressing than she'd hoped it to.
He frowns at that, "I'm hardly ever wrong," his face hardens again, and Y/n realizes he isn't just talking about her. Silence fell over them, and suddenly they weren't superheroes. Y/n was just a recent recruit trying to make the best of a complicated situation and Tony was a tired man with too much on his plate. 
"You really think you can carry all of this?" Y/n looks around the large room, "- the wellbeing of everyone in the world, the team; isn't it hard enough to just take care of yourself?" 
Tony rubs the back of his neck, "If you haven't noticed," he gestures to the mess of scrap metal and computer parts, "I don't do the best at self-management,"
"You think you're the only one?" 
Tony simply lifts his eyebrow, a silent 'go on'. Y/n sighs, "I'm homesick," she looks away from him, playing with the loose string on her pajama top. "It's not easy for anyone to move so far away from their family in general, let alone to be a hero that saves the world. What if I'm not even cut out for all of this?"
"You are," his face is full of determination, he's never said something with complete absolute certainty before. 
"And if I'm not?" it was a whisper, annoyed at herself for almost tearing up, she tries to gulp them down; to push them away.
"Fury doesn't make mistakes. You've proven you're a valuable asset to every member on this team and you continue to do so every single day. If you weren't fit for this job, you wouldn't be here right now. You know that the good outways the bad. Don't let yourself forget it," 
"Then you shouldn't forget it either," Y/n eyes are glossy from the tears she's holding back. She hasn't had a proper cry since she got here, and she certainly wasn't going to start now. Tony takes a small step forward, closing the distance between them. He lifts his hand slowly to move the loose hair out of her face. 
"All I know for certain is," he places his hands over her arms, "You're meant to be here," 
Tony pulls her in and embraces her, he feels her sink into his body, wrapping her arms around his back. Y/n leans her head against his shoulder and she takes in the feeling of being held by someone who understands. The mood has calmed down immensely, sometimes the only cure is to hold onto and be held by someone.
"And if you're here, I don't think I'll ever forget what I'm fighting for," Tony didn't mean for it to slip from his lips, but he is tipsy over no sleep and too many cups of caffeine to even process his words. Y/n couldn't say anything, confused on whether or not she heard right, she quickly changes the subject to something more positive and slips out of his grasp. 
"Can I ask you something?" Getting more comfortable in his space, she leans against his work bench.
"Shoot, sunshine," he replies.
"I'm sorry, sunshine??"
"The fluorescent lights have to get their inspiration from somewhere," he winks.
The blush warms y/n's cheeks once again, but she composes herself and asks: "Whenever you have another nightmare, will you come tell me?"
A question. A suggestion. An invitation. A concern for a friend. Tony is silent, running the options and thoughts over in his head.
"As long as you come to me to let me know whenever you miss home. I'll have a flight booked and your bags packed before you can even say anything," 
"I really hope this isn't a secret attempt to get rid of me," Y/n questions with a genuine smile. 
"I would never dream of it,"
A/N: some plot holes were kind of left out, I don't usually have an outline for my fics, I just write what comes to me. with that being said, maybe I'll write a part 2! asks and dms are open ❤
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writersrealmbts · 3 years
Take This Road
Description: Part of the summer #btswritingbingo, hosted by @bangtanwritingbingo​! For road trip.  You've taken an unusual turn in your road trip, and your new passenger is the primary cause.
Warnings: casual discussions of arson and murder
Posted: 07/31/2021
Tags: Jungkook x reader, sort of mafia au? sort of gang au?, road trip au
idk what genre this is: 1,503 words
A/N: This one was really fun
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Too many snacks.
You had too many snacks for one person.
So...was it fate that brought your passenger?
Or was it the fact that he shoved someone under your tires as you were driving past?
“So...remind me again where we’re going to dump this body?” You asked.
“He’s not dead.”
“Yet. If he does die...well, there’s a nice floating bog not too far from where I live that could work. Or I could use him as a decoy body in a housefire.”
“Oooh, I know this one,” You chirped, turning the volume up and singing along with the radio.
Your passenger, the one that wasn’t dying, was soon singing with you.
It did strike you that maybe you shouldn’t be so casual about the fact that you were transporting a dying person with the person who had tried to kill him using your vehicle, but honestly...you kind of were guessing that the guy you ran over may or may not have been abusive and you didn’t really feel like asking.
“Such a good song,” Your passenger sighed. “Oh, I don’t think I told you, but I’m Jungkook, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you Jungkook, y/n.”
“Nice to meet you. Sorry to change your plans.”
“No problem, really. I was kind of bored. If you want any snacks, feel free to grab any. Any but the chocolate covered pretzels. Those are mine and I will shove you under my tires.”
“Understood. So, should I explain why I tried to kill him?”
“I mean, if you like. Do I need to turn here?”
“No, it’ll be the next one. So, that guy is actually a loan shark. Except, when you can’t pay in cash, he takes people.”
“Yeah. I was hoping he’d be helpful and tell me where he sent my friends, but...well….” He glanced back as the other man began to groan softly. “Oh. He’s waking up.”
“You tied him up, right?”
“Yeah. I owe you a roll of duct-tape and some zip-ties.”
“Don’t worry about the zip-ties. I’m not really even sure why I had them. Anyway, he took your friends?”
“Yeah. So I’ve been trying to track them down ever since. And then he told me tonight that one of them had died before he even sold them and I guess I saw red.”
“Well, I’d be concerned if you thought my car was purple or green.”
“True,” He tried a few different snacks before settling in with one. “Anyway, if he died, no big. If he lives and tells me what happened to them, awesome. I’ve got enough leads to carry on without him if I have to. What about you? You’re taking all of this surprisingly well.”
“He kind of struck me as an abusive bastard, to be honest. And that’s while looking at him half-dead on the road. But nah, I’m just sort of wandering around. I recently quit my job, and I’ve been on a road trip in the interim before my next job starts.”
“What’s your new job?”
“I’m working for Taiji International. Personal secretary to one of the higher-ups.”
“Isn’t that the one with suspected Mafia affiliations?”
“Possibly. I could probably poke around and see if they have any idea about your friends for you.”
“That’d be cool.” He sighed. “It looks like he might live.”
“Have you ever been to Keirishiro?”
“No. My parents always told me it was full of Mafias and gangs.”
“Exactly. He’s probably affiliated with some group. Which means they’re probably after you.”
“So, we put him in your place and burn it down. They’ll find out it’s him, no problem, and then there’s just the question of where you went. No one would expect someone so wholly unconnected to you to be hiding you, or helping you.”
“But the fire….”
“Is the easy part. Frito’s bag near some outlet or appliance. Leaves no trace. Set these aside.” You pulled the bag up and tossed it at him.
“What about your road-trip?”
“Oh, I thought we could go to Keirishiro after burning your place down. That’s where my job is. You can stay with me. We’ll work on disguises for you, and I’ll find out if my work is associated with a Mafia or not. Then we can go from there. Hopefully they’re not associated with this piece of work.”
“You grew up in the Mafia, didn’t you?”
“Nah. I just spent way too much time working customer service.”
“Oh, I love this song,” He turned the radio up again, jamming to the song on the radio.
You thought the trip ahead of you would be quite pleasant with Jungkook for company.
“We’re going to pretend we’re dating, right?”
You hummed. “Actually, we might need to pretend we’re married. I sort of lied and said I was getting ready to be married which was why I wanted so much time before I started this job.” You rolled your eyes. “I was just going to say, ‘oh, it fell through and I was so heartbroken’ but a fake marriage would suffice.”
“Okay. Sounds good to me. With any luck, even if people know about me they may not know what I look like, so I might be able to pass as someone else. Then I’ll be sure to sell the part. And when the time comes, we split amicably.”
“Works for me. Go fifty-fifty on chores?”
“Mmmm, sixty-forty, I might not be able to swing as much for rent as you.”
“Ah. Between jobs?”
“Kind of. Something about endangering coworkers.”
“Oof. Yeah. We’ll see if we can find someone to forge an identity for you, that way you can get a job if it’s safe to show your face.”
“I might know a place. Got any CD’s?”
“CD player is broken and the last CD put in was a kids CD. Don’t touch the CD player. On the one hand, I know twenty children's songs. On the other hand, I would like to throttle whoever broke the CD player because I know twenty children’s songs.”
“Got any drinks?”
“In the cooler, behind your seat.”
“Ah!” He unbuckled and reached around, getting drinks for both of you. “I’m thinking: maybe instead of burning my place we just clean it out and dump him in the bog, whether dead or alive. That way we don’t draw unnecessary attention to me.”
“Fair. Okay. Then where am I going?”
“Stay on this road for another...five miles?”
“Map in the glove-box.”
He pulled it out, unfolding it and taking a few moments to gather his bearings. “Yeah, about five miles, I think. It’ll be the third road on the left.”
“Okay. Feel free to mess with the temp controls, I tend to keep things cooler than they need to be.”
“I’m good. Might channel surf, though,” He said, waiting until you had nodded to start trying other stations on the radio.
“You have a license?”
“Great. We can take turns driving, then.”
“Works for me.”
You glanced in the rear-view mirror. “Oh dear.”
Jungkook quickly got up to deal with the passenger. “Didn’t expect him to wake up.”
You sighed. “Poor soul, he just didn’t know what hit him.”
“Better than he deserves,” Jungkook muttered, holding up a notebook. “I forgot to mention, I got his ledger from him. There are lots of names in here.”
“Ugh. A bog is almost too good for him.”
“Almost,” Jungkook agreed, sliding back into his seat. “You understand the danger we’re getting into, right?”
“Yeah. I do.” You gestured to your backpack. “Front pocket, there’s a bag with some jewelry in it. There should be two rings. They were my parents. But they’ll do.”
He followed your instructions, pulling them out. He slipped your father’s onto his ring finger. “Fits well. Here you are, my wife.”
“Why, thank you, husband,” You said, taking your mother’s ring and slipping it onto your ring finger.
“So...what happened to them?”
“Hmm? Oh, no, they’re fine, but my father can’t wear rings because they make his fingers swell and my mom broke her ring finger so her ring didn’t fit anymore. They tattooed rings on their fingers instead.”
“Ah. So...your family is alive...and you’re still okay with this?”
You considered what to tell him. “My parents are private investigators.”
“So, this is….”
“Definitely not something they would want me doing. They’ve never been a fan of me sticking my nose into dangerous situations. But...you know. When both of your parents are private investigators….”
“It’s in your blood. Cool. I’ll follow your lead then.” He smiled, kind of peeking down at the ring. “I’ll be a supportive husband.”
“And I will be a loving wife,” You answered, sharing a smile with him. “This could be a lot of fun.”
“It really could.” Jungkook grinned and leaned back in his seat, staring at the road ahead. “Next road.”
You looked forward to where this journey led you.
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syubub · 4 years
Now, I know I've already done an energy check up on yoon but I wanted to see how he was doing now that he's gotten his shoulder surgery!
Disclaimer time: tarot is not to be takes as fact and is my interpretation if the cards :) entertainment purposes only~
SHIT IS STRANGE (it is Yoongi though so I'm not too shocked)
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So. For starters, his energy is pretty calm and chill. He's also a bit more quiet?
I wrote a note that tomorrow is exciting... idk I wrote it down and I'm not sure if its exciting for him or for us? Maybe its just a general like, "tomorrow is a good day" type thing.
Now. 11... I wrote this down and I'm not sure why though I believe that he might be seeing 11:11 on the clock or possibly that something exciting is happening for him at 11:11 (I just checked and thats in like an hour and a half from when I'm writing this down(( update i just finished writing the whole post and it is about 11 minutes away)) idk. I make no promises but I wrote it down so there you go.
I also kept seeing plants and I'm not sure if people got him flowers or plants as a "get well" type thing or maybe he's stressing bc someone has to water his plants lol
Okay. Okay. Hear me out. Black bean noodles. It popped into my head and I was told to write it down but I'm also really hungry so take that with a grain of fucking salt. (I even pictured a nice elaborate bowl that was red as well as the take out container. Yum. Send me noodles)
Here's the actual reading lol. He is bored.
Thats all. Thank you for coming.
I joke. The cards give me a kind of frazzled feeling? Its the struggle of knowing hes done something good but it comes at a cost. Yoongi works. A lot. All the goddamn time. So what now? He's having this shake up thats forcing him to deal with stuff. Him having this surgery also may have brought back some less than favorable memories/ feelings that hes being forced to deal with now. Over all though he feels like its good. The 6 of wands makes me think that he's thinking of our response when he comes back. Its like he's gonna be so much more confident in himself and his dancing and he can finally move on from the car accident? It happed so long ago but he literally carried this burden with him. Its good. The wheel of fortune and is about a change and the 8 of swords is about self imposed restriction, imprisonment and over all bad/ negative feelings. I pulled the wheel of fortune first and asked what was changing and that was the 8 of swords. This surgery is helping to free him from this restricting, painful thing that may have been reminding him of the past! YES HEALING
Now. For this section I just kinda asked "whats up?" And got, easy does it, divine life purpose l, balancing masculine and feminine energies and uplift your thoughts. He may be resting but he's got his mind working on 3,000 my dude. Its the regular "yoongi is woke af" bullshit but damn. The cards say what they say. He's preparing. I'll come back to this.
Now the 7 of cups and the 3 of swords. I asked how he felt about missing out on promoting. He's heart broken with the 3 of swords. It genuinely pains him. And with the 7 of cups he might feel like there's a lot of ways this can play out and he's considered a lot of options.
I was curious how he felt about me coming into his energy so I asked him what he thought of me. Lol. These each came out separately. We got, 2 of cups, four of wands, the empress, justice, the magician, the sun and the lovers. Ha
So. To add to the mood setting my guide said "he's a drama queen" lol yeah he is.
So so so so so. I was confused? Still am a little confused but I'm like 80.9% sure that he isn't bothered by me poking around in his energy n shit. In fact my theory is that he's using this connection to his advantage? Lol sounds dumb but my best guess is that home boy sees my energy/ what I'm doing as a way to figure out his own shit? Idk maybe he thinks I'm his energetic therapist. Maybe even a matchmaker (I mean... I have been putting a lot of energy and work into finding/ connecting with his soulmate so maybe he's letting me do all the dirty work) I really don't understand but I got no further explanation.
Oki oki oki. Now. I was drawn to 2 books. The kybalion and the prophet. I asked yoon if there was any messages that we wanted to point out through the books and I got a number for each book so I took it as page numbers. 28 for the prophet and 54 for the kybalion
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Take what you will from these if it calls to you. I haven't read these since I was around 13? The sentiments for each felt important to me so I'm curious what you all might think/ feel when reading these? ( I also get the feeling that Yoongi has read the prophet idk why)
Okay. At this point I was like cool, let's wrap this up but I need to talk about his pjs? Green/grey? Plaid pj bottoms don't ask me don't ask me don't ask me I don't know but It wouldn't go away so I had write it down? Help.
I had written yoongis brother down too. Theres something about him? I'm not sure what but thats all I got lol
I was very strongly told that I needed to remember 7, that its important. Got it. Worth it down.
Oki. As I was going back to the platform blah blah blah the string turned blue too. The cord is usually white or silver but it was blue so that was a fun thing and then I was like "nice. Cool. Thanks. This was awesome, get healthy blah blah" and go to leave/ end the connection but the cord wouldn't go away.
Then the string (idk if I said but that string shit is like on the third eye? Its connected to my forehead and his too.) Kind tightens.
I'm like, "oh shit."
Listen. Usually everything is smooth and nice and I just leave.
All is well though bc my guide is like, "stop being a little bitch" so I just let it happen.
Yoon shoves me back off the edge of the platform. Why he gotta be like that?
Now. This is strange. I had dropped down into a library.
I almost shit my fucking pants. Dear god.
He started walking me around until he found a blue book. His mother fucking book.
Home boy brought me to his fucking Akashic fucking blue fucking book.
I was big mad. "YOU LITTLE FUCKER! YOUVE KNOWN ABIUT THIS SHIT?" And he was like, "duh"
I've never felt more disrespect lol
Also the way the library was presented was way way way different from how it looks to me. So thats an interesting note. Looking at his book, on the base of the spine is a number 7...
Oki. Cool. I asked if I could look and he said, "Sure, when you can find your way back."
This mother fucker threw me out of a meditative state. Have you ever woken up just before you hit the ground in one of those falling dreams? THAT WAS THE FEELING.
?? I'm not sure what the fuck just happened or if it holds actual significance.
Anyway. After cursing the fuck out of yoobi I started thinking what else 7 ment.
I was specifically told to remember 7 and it was on his book. Then It popped into my head (I want to say its because I'm smart and thought of it all by myself but I think that was my guide wanting me to keep my last brain cell safe). What is yoongis life path number?
Now I don't know shot about life path numbers but imma read up on them tonight. I used a life path calculator on Google. HIS LIFE PATH NUMBER IS 7 Y'ALL.
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Maybe I'm dumb as fuck but yoobi never disappoints.
Conclusion: Yoon is fine. Hes just being a yoongi and a yoongi does.
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⬆️Me after this reading⬆️
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⬆️ Yoongi rn playing 12D chess⬆️
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crystxlclear · 4 years
sudden desire
chapter two: coffee times ten
part three of sudden desire
prologue / one / masterlist
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in which two best friends won’t admit they’re in love so decide to have a baby together instead.
pairing: marcus pike x original female character
summary: coffee, coffee and more coffee. coraline ropes marcus into babysitting duties.
word count: 4.4k
warnings: the slightest smidge of angst? boyfriend material marcus (needs his own warning because he’s soft af), mentions of divorce? mentions of pregnancy? two idiots being domestic af without realising it. honestly i’m just pulling these warnings out of my ass idk what counts anymore
author’s note: sorry if there’s any errors, i’m honestly the world’s worst proofreader (last time i went to post this, there were still passages from when this wasn’t fanfiction and marcus was an actor like cora, cause that would have made total sense!) but also i get super hypercritical so it’s best if i just don’t read and reread my work oops... anyway, enjoy!
Monday morning comes and she’s wearing the dress that he likes. It's the yellow one she wore the day they met, the reason he calls her sunshine, and she smiles as she sweeps effortlessly into the coffee shop. Coraline pushes the sunglasses she's wearing up onto her head and greets him with a hug and a small 'hello' muffled against his shoulder. 
It's only January but the sun still seeps in too brightly through the shop's thatched windows; it casts her in a halo of gold as she sits in the armchair across from him. Even despite the warmth pooling in the air, he can tell she's still cold, from the way her shoulders shrink inwards and she wraps her arms around herself. If she is cold, she doesn't let him know, just takes a moment to run her hands up her arms before wrapping them around the mug of coffee he'd ordered her. He'd told her to go see someone about it — constant chills aren't exactly normal — but she'd refused, brushing off his concern with a simple shrug of her shoulders and an insistence that she'd be fine. She'd also pointed out that it was, in fact, January and it was meant to be cold, even if it wasn't. It still hasn't stopped him from worrying, though. 
"You left early last night." He points out. Last night, some high-end gallery opening in downtown D.C., too many cameras and far too many people. He’d invited her as his plus one, purely platonically, of course, and because he knew she was the only friend he had that liked art just as much as he did, though she hadn't wanted to go. He hadn't blamed her, especially when they’d got there; Coraline's ex, Scott, and his new girlfriend had shown up, apparently friends with the gallery owner, their hands a little too wandering. If his ex and their new partner showed up, flouting their relationship in front of him, he'd be pretty upset and reluctant to go, too. He’d managed to persuade her to come the night before, albeit through incessant nagging, so much so that he thinks she probably only relented to shut him up. Though, looking back at it now, he wishes they had just stayed at home.
Coraline hums into her coffee cup. Her brown hair still falls in loose, half-styled curls around her face; she tucks a little behind her ear. "I was tired. My bed was calling," she insists with a bright smile. 
He doesn't entirely believe her, even though she's a pretty great actress and, consequently, just as good at hiding how she really feels. Because he knows she saw them last night. It was hard not to; a cramped room like that gave you no place to hide, and they weren't exactly being subtle. He saw the way she'd shuffle uncomfortably then their laughter would filter through the quiet space, soft but still piercing. Marcus was convinced that they were doing it on purpose, especially when he caught Scott stealing glances from across the room whenever he thought no one was looking. He was trying to get a reaction and, being as graceful as she was, she hadn't given him that, even if she had spent the entire night with her brows furrowed and wearing a smile he could tell was fake.
He watches her curiously; the way she sips her coffee slowly, how her hair curls softly against her neck, the gentle curve of her pink lips that seems permenant around him. But he’s never been the most subtle, at least, not around her. She notices him staring, gaze lingering for far too long over the gentle contours of her face, and their eyes meet for a second; they're immediately lit by another even brighter smile that pulls across her glossed lips. "What?" She questions. Her cheeks always flush pink whenever he looks at her for longer than a moment. 
He shakes his head, returning her smile, perhaps a little too enthusiastically when his teeth peak through a little. "Nothing, I just-" I just want you to be happy, he thinks. But he doesn't say it, because she must know that already, and just shakes his head. "Nothing." He repeats. 
"You're staring."
"I am not."
"Yes, you are." She chuckles, poking his leg with the toe of her boot. “Why are you staring?”
"Cora, I'm not staring."
He is staring. He can't help it. Especially when she smiles. 
She regards him for a second. Sometimes, he wonders if she can read his mind, given the way her eyes trace over his face like she's reading a book. Truthfully, he wouldn’t mind if she did read his mind. "I'm fine." She answers the unspoken question lingering thick in the air. The real reason he's looking at her like he is. A laugh lilts at the edges of her insistence and he can tell that she's lying; there's a furrow pulling at her eyebrows that gives her away. He’s learned to look for it. "Why wouldn't I be?" She knows exactly why. But it seems like that's all they talk about, how she is. And she doesn't want to anymore. She's fine. 
Because your ex-husband spent the entire night trying to make you jealous, he wants to say. But he doesn't. He leaves it alone.
Marcus leant back in his chair. He doesn't push it. "No reason." 
Coraline peers at him over the top of her coffee cup — it's almost too big for her hands — but she doesn't press it further, even if she does raise her eyebrows a little. Or, at least, she doesn't get a chance too, because someone is calling out to her from across the coffee shop. "No reason." She repeats with a soft hum. 
She peels her eyes away from Marcus, almost like it's some great hardship to stop looking at him, and turns her smile towards whoever had called her name. He recognises her as Loren Hull, Coraline's childhood best friend, struggling to push through the door with a stroller, even as someone holds the door open for her and another helps her inside. 
Coraline watches with amusement as Loren teeters towards them. "How are you?" She asks as she hugs her. Her attention switches towards the gurgling baby in the stroller; she was chewing on a toy, far too preoccupied to pay attention to anything that was going on around her. That was until she catches sight of Coraline and cries out with glee. "And how's my favourite goddaughter?" She coos. 
Loren huffs out a groan. Her blonde hair is tied haphazardly on top of her head, curls spilling out at either side, falling into her face. There are dark circles beneath her green eyes. "She's great-" She grins down at her daughter for a moment before her head throws back. "But I'm exhausted." She's talking far too fast, the words falling from her mouth, in the same way, an almost nonsensical rambling might. It's almost like she thinks that, if she doesn't talk fast, she'll never be able to get the words out. "I can't stay long- oh, hey, Marcus-" It's like in her hurry and she hasn't noticed he's there until now. He doesn't blame her; Coraline has mentioned that she's still getting to grips with being a single mom. "-but I need coffee otherwise I'm going to pass out."
Coraline is grinning down at Loren's daughter, Maisie, whispering soft 'hello's at her, completely distracted by the baby who seemed just as captivated. The baby giggles and reaches for Cora's fingers, kicking her legs excitedly under the pink blanket. "I could look after her tonight if you need some rest." Her eyes don't leave Maisie, who's tiny fingers wrap tightly around Coraline's pointer finger. Half of him wonders if she'd actually meant to offer her help or if the whispers had come out before she had chance to think them through. 
"You could?" Loren's face lights up with relief. 
"Of course!" Cora's eyes come to rest on Marcus. "Would you mind?" 
"Not at all." He shoots her a smile. They're meant to be seeing a movie. It's some horror film he's never heard of; he isn't a massive fan of horror but Coraline had wanted to see it — it had something to do with her and her father watching horror films together when she was younger, even if they were terrible and laughably cheesy — and had managed to persuade him the night before at the gala, when they were both a little too tipsy and he was trying his best to distract her as Scott's lips dragged over his new girlfriend's neck. He'd glanced up every now and then, just to see if she was watching them. Luckily, she never was. 
"Oh, you're a lifesaver." Loren exhales, like she's been underwater for months and her head has only just poked above the surface. "Both of you." She turns to Marcus and flashes him a bright but exhausted smile. 
"What are best friend's for?" Cora chuckles as Loren pulls away to order her drink. "Drop her off later."
"I'll be by at seven," she announces as she grabs her drink, backing the stroller out of the coffee shop with decidedly more grace than when she'd entered. Patrons part the way for her and she murmurs a 'sorry' at everyone she passes or accidentally whacks with her nappy bag. 
Coraline's eyes linger on the baby for a few moments longer as they leave; her expression flickers, softening, like she's considering something, like she's plagued by conflict. Coraline taps her fingers on the table, perfect pale pink nails rapping a steady beat against the wood. Eventually, her eyebrows furrow and she draws back into herself, like realisation has hit and she's snapped herself back to reality. 
"Are you sure you don't mind? You can find something else to do, you don't have to become a pro bono babysitter with me." She wants him to help her out. She really does. She tries not to let the hopeful glint reach her eyes.
But she feels especially bad because Marcus rarely has days off. It's a rare Sunday when he's in between cases and hasn’t been dragged in on a weekend. And she's dragging him along to look after a baby he's never even met before. 
He shakes his head. "Why would I mind?" He gets to spend time with her. He enjoys her company too much to turn her down.
She shrugs and takes another sip of her drink. He can tell by the way that she scowls that it's gone a little cold. He doesn't know how she drinks it, anyway. There's too much caramel — it was far too sweet — but she seemed to like it and he'd seen her tired self go through three in an hour before. "Changing diapers isn't exactly a thrilling pastime."
"I'm sure I'll live."
Coraline pushes herself to her feet. A breeze ruffles the skirt of her dress, billowing the pale yellow fabric against her knees like it had a mind of its own. She finishes off the last drops of her drink and sighs. "Well, then, we’re going to need some more coffee."
Coraline has been rushing around her apartment for most of the day. She isn't sure if she's nervous or if she just has too much caffeine buzzing through her veins. Perhaps it's both. She's not even aware of her surroundings, only that Marcus has been sitting on the couch trying to get her to relax for the past hour and she's fussed meticulously over every square inch of her apartment at least three times. She just needs to keep her hands busy. 
"Cora, she's a baby." He chuckles as Coraline scowls at the magazines on the coffee table. She bends down to straighten them, huffing out an inpatient breath as she does so. "She's not going to care what your apartment looks like."
She ignores him, turning swiftly on her heels to straighten out the woollen throw draping over her couch. "Relax," Marcus insists. He watches her with concern as she pauses, sucks in a shallow breath and turns to slump down against the opposite end of the couch. Her head falls back against the cushions. "What's wrong?"
"It's just-" She doesn't even know what she means to say. She doesn't really have an explanation for it — why she's frantically rushing around her apartment trying to keep her mind off Maisie and the babysitting job she'd found herself — so she doesn't bother offering one. Maybe it's because all she can think about is how much she'd wanted a baby when she was with Scott and how she has no idea what she wants anymore, now that he's gone and she's alone again. Everything's so confusing now; she can barely bring herself to think about it. It just doesn't make sense. Coraline tells Marcus a lot of things (he probably knows more about her than Loren does, and they'd been best friends since they were six) but some things just weren't for sharing. Maybe he already knows. She hopes he does, it would make things much easier, and then she doesn’t have to bite back pointless tears when she eventually tells him. 
Coraline lets out an overly-dramatic sigh and turns her head towards Marcus. He's still watching her, brown eyes softer now. He smiles and she shakes her head to clear away the thoughts. "I'm glad you're here, you know," she admits. Her eyes drag back up to the ceiling. 
"Of course you are. You'd never survive without me." He quips. 
"Oh, sure. How I ever managed to live twenty-eight years without you, I'll never know."
Marcus' eyes crease at the corner as he laughs a little at his joke. "I know you'll be good at this whole baby thing." She lulls her head to the side to watch him; she shuffles against her hip, resting her cheek against the dimpled green couch cushion and watches him as his dark eyes light up. In the time that she's known him, barely even six months, though it seems like far longer, she can only think of a handful of times when she'd seen him without a smile. Even then, most of those were after a long day of paperwork, and she could usually make him smile after a few minutes of prodding at him to tell her what's wrong. 
"I have work early tomorrow." Coraline points out. "This was a bad idea. I should be sleeping."
"Well, you did offer.”
"I know, and it was a terrible idea." She sighs. "Y’know, I think Maisie hates me."
"Maisie is a baby, Cora."
"Babies still have feelings, Marcus."
He chuckles. "She loves you, don't be ridiculous."
His words are punctuated by a knock on the door. It's almost frantic, like whoever's on the other side's intentions are urgent. Coraline groans a little as she stands up; she knows exactly who it is and she drags her feet towards the door, trying her best to push past her concern. She lowers her head to the door's peephole before yanking it open. She has a wide grin on her face when she greets Loren and Maisie. "Good evening." Her voice is lilting, soft and bright and cheerful, like Marcus is used to hearing. It makes him smile, the way she's gone from a worry that seemed to be spreading rapidly through her back to her bright self. He's never seen her so panicked, even around her ex; she's normally so laid back and relaxed. 
Coraline pulls the door open a little further before sweeping Maisie and her stroller inside. Loren murmurs that she's asleep and Cora starts to rock the stroller back and forth, trying her best to keep the baby asleep for as long as she can. It gave her time to regain her scattered composure. Marcus pushes himself up from the armchair he'd been reclined in and sweeps over to take Maisie from Coraline and away from the entryway. 
"Oh-" It startles her a little, when his hands reach out and fingers accidentally brush over her wrist. "Thank you." She smiles at him softly as he backs the stroller out into the living room. 
"Marcus is here?" Loren's eyes light up and a grin pulls at her lips when he falls out of earshot. Her eyebrows raise playfully. 
Her grin only widens. "Are you on a date?"
"No." Coraline scoffs. 
Loren doesn't seem to be giving up and she certainly doesn't believe her. She never does, not usually. She seems to have convinced herself that Cora and Marcus are in love or secretly dating, or both. "This is a date, isn't it?"
"It's not a date, Loren." Cora rolls her eyes but she can't help but smile. She tried to conceal it but she can't stifle the way her corners quirk upwards. It's most definitely not a date — that had ever even crossed her mind — and it's just hilarious how Loren seems to be convinced that her oldest friend is harbouring a secret affection for her best friend. She looks between them both with a glint in her blue eyes, like she knows something they don't and she's just waiting for them to figure it out. Except there’s nothing to figure out. They’re friends. Just friends.
"Whatever you say.” She giggles. Loren smiles back at Marcus, who's stood back by the couch, rocking the stroller back and forth. Coraline follows her gaze and smiles fondly at him; he's not paying attention to them and he doesn't notice the way they're both watching him. 
"We're just friends," Coraline insists again as she turns back to Loren. 
"Sure you are." She smirks. ”I promise I won’t say ‘I told you so’.”
"Just go." Coraline takes her best friend by the shoulders and guides her back out of the door but she can't help the smile that spills onto her lips again. 
"Can I be your maid of honour?"
"Go home and sleep!" 
"I'm shutting the door now, goodbye."
"There are diapers in the bag and she's already been fed," Loren adds hastily as Coraline inched the door shut. "I'll be back in a few hours."
Maisie slept for a little while, but now she's wide awake, giggling and trying her best to grab Coraline's curls. The baby sits on Cora's lap, small fingers reaching out towards her insistently. She'd offer her one of the toys Loren had left for her but she only seems interested in them for a few seconds before Coraline's hair tumbles over her shoulder and she grows distracted again. 
She's torn between tying her hair up or just letting Maisie tug on it to her heart's content. But she doesn't; she just lightly whispers no with a shake of her head, a smile and a shake of whatever toy she reaches for first. And it's a never-ending cycle until finally, Maisie decides that hair isn't for her and she prefers the blue teething ring that Coraline reaches for last.
"You really are great with her,” Marcus comments. 
She chuckles, a breathy laugh through her nose. "I'm great with everyone." She pokes her tongue at the corner of her lip and grins. He notices, when she does that, says something about herself being great or that she's good at something, her cheeks flush pink a little. She only means it as a joke, he knows that, but it's almost like it embarrasses her to say or think anything like that. Her eyes betray the way she struggles with it. 
"I have nephews." She shrugs. "I was a great babysitter back in the day."
Maisie makes a gleeful noise, halfway between a squeal and a laugh, and drops the teething ring to the sofa, disinterested. She makes a grab for Coraline's hair again, reaching forward to try and swipe it between her fingers. But Cora's own fingers block her clutches. "No," she whispers quietly with a smile and a chuckle. She pushes her small hand away gently but Maisie delights in it, face illuminating in a grin, and reaches out for Coraline’s curls insistently. 
Marcus reaches down to pick up the toy as Coraline laughs, too distracted to even bother. His arm brushes hers as he does so. She's always struck by how warm he is. The first time she'd noticed it, the day they'd first met, she thought it was because of the sun streaming in through the briefing room’s glass windows. But she’d noticed it every single time he’d touched her since — even just the slightest touch or brush of a hand — until she thinks she’s used to it. She isn’t. His touch warms whatever bare skin it touches immediately and she shudders; Marcus doesn't seem to notice and she's glad because she doesn't want to explain that one fleeting touch from him warms up her entire, otherwise freezing, body.
It's a cliche, she knows that. The kind of cliche you read about in cheesy romance novels. It makes her cheeks burn — Coraline knows she's going bright red; she can feel it crawling slowly over her skin and she shivers like there's a cold breeze dancing it's way up the back of her neck — because she doesn't know what it means. She's never really felt it before she met him, this odd, confusing burn that started in her chest, then blooms out like flowers through her whole body. She usually just brushes it off because it happens whenever and wherever, without warning It just arrives out of the blue, triggered by a glance or a laugh or the briefest touch of a hand. It's ridiculous but she can't help but turn it over and over and over in her mind at night, when she tries to sleep, until she's restless and staring at the wooden beams that stretch across her bedroom ceiling. 
"Do you want kids?" Coraline asks. It’s out of the blue. Her expression almost makes it seem like she wants him to ask her the question, like she's desperate to talk about it with someone, anyone, before it bursts from her chest. Although, he can't help but wonder if she never meant to ask, or if she regrets asking, given the way her eyes fall back to Maisie who's resumed her chewing on the teething ring again. Though, Coraline barely realises she's given anything away. Then again, she doesn't even realise that there is anything to give away. She's so enchanted by the baby and the brush of Marcus' arm against hers that she's giving away maybe a little more than she intends. It's strange to see her like this given her flustered panic of just an hour earlier. 
Marcus takes a moment, a pause to figure out the right answer, then he nods a little. "I would, yes. Some day." He pauses for another second, watching the way her eyes glimmer as she looks at her goddaughter. He already knows her answer before he even asks the question. Or, at least, the real answer. "Do you?"
Coraline's eyes light up; her blue eyes look like the sky on a sunny day. "Maybe," she hums. When she looks up to meet his eyes, the small smile she gives betrays the truth. But she cuts it off like it's wrong or forbidden or downright ridiculous, like she shouldn't feel those things. He notices the way her lips falter like she's biting back the urge to say something, a secret on the tip of her tongue, and how she tugs her lower lip in between her teeth to stop her from smiling again. 
He thinks he knows what makes her so unsure about that. Why she cuts herself off and seems to tell herself it's wrong. She's mentioned it once before, when she was tired — she talks a lot when she's tired, but it's mostly incoherent mumblings that he has to admit, he finds adorable — that Scott didn't want kids. Marcus has never brought up what she’d told him (if she really wants him to know, she'd have told him by now, when she's completely coherent and conscious) but it tugs at the edge of his thoughts as her sentences go quiet when she sees a mother and their baby. They make her smile fondly. It's a smile that's been all-too-lacking since her divorce. 
He understands. It’s happened to him before, twice now. Twice he’s faced heartbreak, that horrible moment when things go sour. When you’re left with a million little ‘what ifs’, wondering where exactly things went so wrong. Wondering if there was anything you could have done, anything at all, to make things better. It’s a dull ache that sits deep in his chest. And it’s agonising. He hates how familiar the feeling has become. 
Marcus has never told her about his past relationships - about his first marriage and eventual divorce, about his last engagement and how it had ended almost as quickly as it had begun, how he’d found himself alone in D.C. without a soul in the world to talk to - and he also hasn’t told her that meeting her was like a fresh start, like the sun had finally peaked through the rain clouds that had hung over his head for so long. She’d helped him settle, finally, even after six months struggling to feel at home in a new, lonely city. She’d welcomed him, helped him find new friends, and stuck by him the entire time. She doesn’t have to be his friend; he’s sure she has much cooler, younger friends that don’t spend most of their days hunched over an ever-growing mountain of paperwork or hidden away inside some tiny downtown art gallery. Sure, he’d be upset if their weekly meetings came to a halt, but he wouldn’t blame her if she chose someone more like herself over him.
Mostly, Marcus just hadn't wanted to dredge up old feelings, not when she was in the thick of a divorce and clearly struggling, no matter how much she pretended she was okay. So he never told her what had happened. When she'd confided in him for the first time those few short months ago, spilling her deepest secrets, staying up until 3am just pouring her heart out to him over the phone, he'd wondered if it was best to tell her. To let her know that he knew how she felt, that he understood. But he still hasn't. She’s asked about his past before, nagging until he relented and revealed things he's never really had much trouble revealing before, and he has told her parts of it. But he usually skirts around the details, like there's nothing important to reveal. He isn't sure why he does it, especially when she opens up to him so easily. He guesses that the moment has never seemed right. 
Maisie's hand is twisted into the fabric of Coraline's dress. She shakes the teething ring in her hands like it's a rattle. "I've never had the chance," she admits, suddenly. "To have kids."
"You've still got time."
"Barely." She sighs. He raises an eyebrow, like he's asking her what she means, but she doesn't continue. She waves a hand and brushes off his concern. "It's not important," she insists. 
But it is important. He knows it is. And, if it matters to her, it matters to him.
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Trust Issues
A/N This is my first writing...that has actually been posted so it might be pretty rough. anyway... feedback is welcome! thanks for reading
Warning: Angst, some language...umm idk what else
Summary: Shawn and Y/n have been married for a year and a half and he seems to be drifting. Will trust put this marriage at risk?
Word Count: 1.8k
posted 11-18-19
Don’t know who made this gif but if u did hmu so I can give you credit
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Y/n breathed a sigh of relief when she walked into their two-story condo. The paparazzi decided that they would not leave her alone since the news of her marriage to Shawn Mendes, even eighteen months after the fact. For them it was like being a kid in a candy shop.
They had dated for just over two years when she found herself in front of a kneeling Shawn, velvet box in one hand. She was happy, to say the least, and let the tears flow as she nodded, being at a loss for words. However, prior to dating they had been friends since they were both young, and they couldn’t be happier. Their wedding was a romantic day one with only close friends and family. It was a special day, filled with laughter and tears of joy shared between the couple.
However, at just a year and six months of marriage, it was already hard. Of course, the first year was pure bliss, and they were very much newlyweds. However recently Shawn had been more distant and Y/n didn’t like it. For the better part of the last five years, they had been inseparable, but he seems to be drifting. Longer nights at the studio, early morning at the gym. Even when he was home, his mind wasn’t, and a part of Y/n felt like they were falling. She wasn’t sure where they were falling. Whether it be out of love, or falling deeper into confusion, she had no idea, but she knew that something needed to change.
Shawn was getting ready to go on tour again, but that was nothing new. They had been through a couple of his tours while they were friends and even while dating. However, something seemed off with this upcoming one.
Y/n tried to brush off the uneasy feeling that settled in her stomach when she thought of her husband, but it just wouldn’t go away. To take her mind off things she decided to scroll through her twitter feed. The first thing to pop up was a picture of her husband and Camila, with the caption saying “Shawn’s new lover?”. She knew not to believe rumors and tabloids and had even grown accustomed to these stories. However, with Shawn’s recent behavior, she wasn’t so sure. Her mind told her to just stop but nevertheless, she clicked on the link that was provided.
She didn’t expect to find a picture of her husband’s face nuzzling into the neck of Camila, while she laughed and smiled. There were a handful of pictures of the two holding hands and laughing. It reminded her of when they first started dating. Young and in love, only having eyes for each other. 
Pain and numbness spread throughout her chest at the thought that her husband no longer loved her. These thoughts were interrupted however by the sudden urge to throw up.
Jumping off the bed, she made a quick dash to the connected bathroom. She emptied the contents of her stomach and sat there on the bathroom floor. Her breathing was ragged and she kept dry heaving into the toilet, while trying to suppress the urge to cry.
She looked like a mess, with her hair in disarray and makeup running down her face from her shed tears. Her brain couldn’t form coherent thoughts, and she felt the sudden desire to sleep for hours. However, she picked herself off the floor to examine herself in the mirror. Wiping off the makeup and putting her hair in a messy bun she decided to get back on her phone. They had plans to go to dinner tonight, so y/n decided to call Shawn.
However, before the second ring, the call was denied. Deciding then to text him, she texted, “Hey honey, are we still on for dinner?” As she waited for his response she decided to check her calendar for her upcoming appointments and plans. While looking through it she realized something was missing. She had not had her period in two months, almost three.
She sat there on her bed in a nervous panic. What if she were pregnant? She hadn’t had sex with Shawn recently due to his busy schedule at that time, but based on the last time they had it would make sense. They were always so careful. This couldn’t be happening. Maybe it was just her body being irregular like it sometimes tended to be. The logical part of her brain denied these excuses though, because that’s what they were, excuses. 
She immediately put on some shoes and a hoodie and drove to the nearest drugstore to pick up some tests. She was lucky to make the trip there and back without anyone snapping any pictures. The downside to having a famous husband was the unwanted pictures, but she loved him, so she made it work.
Once back safely inside the master bathroom, she undid all three tests and took them. She waited the time and when her phone alarm went off she froze. What if she were pregnant and Shawn didn’t love her anymore?
No time to think about that. She had to be positive, maybe this was the jumpstart her marriage needed. Taking a deep breath she grabbed the tests. They all read POSITIVE. She sat there for nearly  five minutes before the waterworks started. Tears were streaming down her face, but there were so many emotions going on. She was ecstatic, scared, and angry. Ecstatic because she already felt so much love for this baby, but also scared to be a mom. However, she was angry at Shawn, angry that he didn’t reply and angry that he wasn’t here to share her joy. 
She moved back to their room and hid the tests in the closet in some old shoes. As she made it back into her room she saw a message from Shawn saying, “sorry love, can I cancel tonight? I’m just really busy here at the studio.”
She let out a sigh because she was hoping to talk to Shawn over dinner. It seems she’ll just be eating alone again as she has for the past couple weeks.
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Y/n is lying in bed when she hears the slam of the door. Looking at the clock she read that it’s midnight. She waits until she hears the heavy footsteps of her husband before she decides to get up. However just as she’s about to she hears his hushed voice saying “No i don’t know how i will tell her. Well, she will just have to deal with it. I know, it’s just that she is so fucking clingy sometimes, always calling or asking to go to dinner or do this and that.” ... “yeah i will, okay goodnight.”
She decides to pretend to be asleep when he walks in. Usually Shawn takes care not to make noise, but tonight he is taking no care to be quiet. She can hear him move about the room until he finally goes into the connected bathroom to shower. Not until the water turns on does she let out her emotions. Tears yet again stream down her face as she thinks about what her husband was saying about her. In her misery, she doesn’t even hear the water turn off nor does she hear as Shawn comes back into the room until she hears his soft voice.
“Y/n, what’s wrong love? Why are you crying?” he asks while reaching out for her.
She turns around to see the concerned eyes of her husband. She almost gives in until she remembers the pictures and his earlier conversation. Instead she looks away and answers “I am fine Shawn, just go to bed.”
“No, tell me what’s the matter! Why are you crying y/n?”
She looks up at him and bluntly asks, “Do you still love me?”
He is a little taken back by her question but is quick to reassure her. “Of course I do, why are you asking?”
She has to scoff at this. “What do you expect me to believe when I see pictures of you and Camila laughing and looking in love? And that conversation earlier? hmm...I think your exact words were she’s so fucking clingy!” she spit out at him.
His confusion quickly slips into anger. “What do you mean “looking in love”? I kissed her cheek, y/n! That’s is! You should know how close we are by now and yes I said you were clingy because sometimes I just need some alone time...ever think about that huh! I thought relationships were supposed to be built on trust. I guess you don’t trust me. Is that what I’m hearing?” He yells.
Y/n is now backed up to the headboard is fear and shock. Not once in their years together has he blown up on her like this. Her hands immediately reach for her stomach, even though she isn’t showing. It is almost a comfort, even just finding out. A way to protect the unborn being that rest within her, relying on her to keep them safe.
“I don’t know what to believe! You don’t talk to me anymore! I love you, Shawn, please just talk to me.” She sobs in a defeated voice.
However, his anger just seems to build. “I need to get away from you sometimes! You never give me a break, and you always want to talk or cuddle or whatever shit it is.”
She is crying now and just wants this nightmare to be over. However, it has reached its climax. “Get the fuck out of my face y/n. I cannot handle this anymore. Just go stay somewhere else.”
In a state of shock, she sits there. Until she makes eye contact with Shawn and that’s when she knows he means it. She rushes out the door with her car keys in hand. Once she is driving away she finally breaks once again. With a hand on her still flat stomach, she drives. She has nowhere to go because all her family and friends are in the states. They had moved to Canada to be close to his side of the family and his hometown.
However, being distracted while driving is not good. Especially when she’s been on the road for over an hour and emotionally exhausted. She looks down to see a message from Shawn saying “sorry love, please come back home...we can talk when you get back” As she is reading this she doesn’t see the car that ran a red light and barrels into her car, causing her car to roll multiple times before coming to a halt when it came into contact it a pole..
All she can hear is the sound of her phone ringing with the picture of Shawn filling her screen. She soon hears sirens before she slips into the comfort of darkness that is pulling her deeper into the abyss.
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