shitswiftiessay · 1 month
Swifties really just type up the STUPIDEST fuckshit ever and then hit send and get thousands of likes.
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Also THANK GOD Mother Taylor is able to be herself again because of a MAN!! Joe would’ve forced her to retire!! And Matty would’ve forced her to take loads of drugs 😰😰😰 but now thanks to a MAN, restoring Taylor’s youth with his magical D, Taylor is able to be just Taylor.
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thedumbginger · 1 year
It's so strange that no one on here is talking about how the intro to marvels secret invasion was created entirely by ai. This is the first time a major studio has done this. Just think of how big the MCU is. Think of how many people watch these shows and will be inspired by the opening and create their 'own' shows and openers consisting of stolen artwork. AI is taking the place of actual human artists. It isn't a what if anymore. It's real.
And it's completely terrifying.
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fotibrit · 4 months
Fully convinced that the main reason Tony was never made an Avenger was because Fury did not want Tony, he wanted “Tony Stark: Iron Man”.
It says so, in the file. Iron Man was approved, Tony Stark was not. Fury knew and understood that if he accepted Tony onto the team fully, if he let Tony believe himself embraced, then Tony would be able to (eventually) drop the show. He could stop acting 100% sure of himself all the time. He could have flaws and doubts and insecurities which he openly expresses.
Tony’s biggest appeal to Fury was that he was impulsive and expendable. Tony was willing to fly into fire on a whim, and Fury had a front row seat to Tony doing so (by fighting Vanko even while his heart killed him). But the thing is, if Tony saw himself as an equal to the other Avengers, he might start feeling like he had a community, and therefore a reason not to fly into fire. He might start opening up to people he viewed as equals, which would make him more likable and less expendable.
Fury couldn’t let Tony feel like an equal to the others. Tony had to feel like he wasn’t really on the team. Still, he had to be on the team.
So Fury managed it. He told Tony, in private, that Tony would be a “consultant”. Fury knew that Tony would still help the team without the title, and Tony knew that, in the eyes of the Avengers, he was still a “textbook narcissist” and had to act as such.
And then in public, Fury introduced the idea of the Avengers Initiative by implying that Tony was the first Avenger. “There was an idea- Stark knows this- called the Avengers Initiative”. Fury managed to convey to Tony that he was still expected to act superior while implying to the others that Stark was favored.
And there you have it. The perfect situation, for Fury. Stark would act high and mighty while still feeling unsupported. The team would see him as a symbol and founder, rather than a teammate. Tony would be willing and expected to sacrifice himself whenever Fury needed.
Iron Man would be on the team. Not Tony Stark.
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henk-heijmans · 5 months
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Woman sticking anti-burglar glass onto a back wall of a house, Liverpool, 1971 - by Nick Hedges (1943), English
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aliitvodeson · 9 months
so Nick Fury made Director of SHIELD sometime between 1995 and 2008. He's a regular field agent in 1995, so personally I'd put it close to his interactions with Tony in 2008, but I'll split it in the middle and say 2002.
That means he's Director of SHIELD for roughly 12 years before he starts getting curious about what Pierce is doing, begins digging and Hydra attempts to kill him.
Meanwhile Peggy is Director/Founder/High Command from 1950ish to at least 1989, and she gets to retire, relax, and die peacefully in old age
So we don't even have to unpack all the Hydra scientists it's implied she recruited. Because how on EARTH did she run things for FOUR TIMES as long, and didn't see enough to make her question things??? While it was a SMALLER organization? She really didn't ask a single damn question that ticked Hydra off in fourty years? Not one?
Peggy Carter is either incompetent, or complicit.
the way I've seen multiple Peggy stans attack Nick Fury for not noticing faster- the racism is real
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makorragal-312 · 10 months
Alice taking Charlie's speech to Harry at Tara's party and instead having him say it in his final scene with Ben where he's able to finally tell him off.
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boneyardbimbo · 9 months
The words “I am bisexual, actually” do not mean the same thing as “I’m gay, but I’m not that gay.”
Telling someone that you’re bisexual does not make you inferior to the rest of the LGBTQIA+ community because you’re “not gay enough.”
Being bisexual does not mean that you don’t like nonbinary, genderqueer, or gender-fluid people as people or as friends.
Being bisexual is not inherently bigoted.
Explaining that someone is bisexual is not “cringe” or “stupid.”
Correcting someone and telling them that someone else is bisexual and not gay OR straight is not “cringe” or “stupid.”
And if I hear one more Heartstopper fan say that Nick is in the wrong for telling people that he’s bisexual, I will slide into their ask box and raise some hell.
Love is love, people are people.
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frozenfrogz · 5 months
Do I want winter byler? Yes.
Do I need winter byler? Yes.
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snogards · 1 month
If I have one enemy in Julie and the Phantoms, it's Nick.
"But Nick didn't do anything wrong!" 😑
That one scene in episode 5 felt like a personal attack. It's stated in episode 1 that Julie barely, if ever, talked to Nick. SO TELL ME WHY THIS BOY IS ALL UP IN HER BUSINESS BACKSTAGE BEING NOSY AF TOWARDS A GIRL HE BARELY KNOWS (and one his girlfriend has potentially unresolved beef with, at that).
Nick hyping up that performance that wasn't going to happen made the situation MORE embarrassing for Julie, in my opinion. Like, the poor girl was already gonna be embarrassed; why add Nick into a scene that already makes me feel second-hand embarrassed for Julie and add pure, unfiltered rage to it.
I physically can't watch that episode. I can quote the other episodes line for line, but episode 5? I've watched it maybe like 3 times because I skip it every time I rewatch JATP, which is at least twice a month.
I also have a grudge against him (mostly Netflix, but also him) because SPOILER ALERT!!!! He's the last face we see before the show is canceled. Is it technically Caleb? Yeah. But if he hadn't shown up to Julie's house, he wouldn't have gotten possessed, and I would have gotten a half-way satisfying ending. We did NOT need that cliffhanger. So everytime I see his face (not the actor, just Nick's face, it's weird) I get reminded that the show was canceled, and my day gets ruined.
Anyway, if Nick has no haters, then I'm dead.
Edit: just realized that if you take Nick out of the story the only thing that changes is Perfect Harmony and the cliffhanger, but you can still have PH if you tweak the performance to be with some random and with the cliffhanger we could have gotten a banger with Caleb possessing Carrie or Trevor.
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melina-mellow · 1 year
Look, I get what they were trying to go for with the whole commentary about how AI "art" is imperfect, soulless and uncanny imitations of real art just like how Skrulls are imperfect, soulless and uncanny imitations of the humans they copy.
But we should still call this shit out. Cause if we let a company as big and influential as Disney/Marvel get away with (despite the intentions) then others will see this as a green sign to pursue AI in their works.
Like, I get the thought process they went through... but you seriously cannot tell me human artists could not have produced the same result a thousand times better than AI.
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lily-s-world · 2 years
I'm so so mad about this!!! And I never rant about stuff, but I'm about to do it cause some people need a wake up call.
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You just made a teenager, a kid... No, not made, you forced him to be out of the closet. And what for?? Cause his Nick Nelson portrayal wasn't going to be appreciated if he wasn't really Bi?? That's bullsh*t.
The entire fandom and all the new comers of the TV series loved him as Nick Nelson and they didn't need to know his freaking sexuality to love him. He was amazing in the show and he doesn't deserves this.
The entire focus of Heartstopper is about loving who you are, but taking your time and space to understand yourself. Is about don't owing anyone anything about yourself. About realizing every queer person is different from each other, and they all handle it on their own away. There are literally dialogues in the novel about all this stuff. But you completely missed the point!!
And the worst part is that you are going to defend yourself saying that "is because we want queer characters to be played by queer actors", but that is a lie, cause you are creating a completely toxic environment around the queer characters.
Imagine you are an actress/actor about to audition for a queer character. You are queer yourself but you aren't ready to come out yet, specially not to the Internet. And you see how other actors of the same show had been forced to be out by the so-called "fans" of the show. And you start to think that maybe the role isn't worth it, if it is going to force you to do something that your aren't comfortable with it. So you drop the audition and look for a different role that doesn't compromise your personal life. That is the environment you are creating with this awful thinking!!!
You are making people feel attacked and insecure about themselves. When you should be welcoming to them, to share the experience of such an amazing story.
What it also bothers me is that it doesn't stop in the Heartstopper fandom. It has also been presented in other places, like the new Red, White and Royal Blue movie. Casey McQuiston, the writer, literary released a new chapter where one of the characters admitted he had PSTD due to the traumatized way he was outed to the world. And yet, you continue bullying and harrasing people into coming out.
Heartstopper talks about how Charlie is traumatized for all the people that bullied him after he was outed accidentally. And yet, you continue bullying and harrasing people into coming out.
Get a life people, cause the actors and actresses of a show don't owe you theirs just because you are a "fan".
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fallingleaves-46 · 9 months
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charlie's speeach at the end of 2x01
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nick's speech at the end of 2x08
i love how both of the vow to be each other's safe place. the journey isn't going to be easy or perfect, but they will 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 be each other's anchor no matter what.
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normalpeoplethiings · 7 months
genuinely wish we knew more about carys and her relationship with her mother and what happened after she ran away
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sarazanmai · 6 months
I'm like the millionth person to say it, but nothing Taylor does could ever top Stevie Nicks singing Silver Springs while making direct eye contact with Lindsey Buckingham while he's like three feet away. She could have killed him.
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 22 hours
Since I stopped being a fan of Taylor, I have noticed just how many legends of music just don't believe in her artistry the way some people would have you believe. Stevie Nicks and Paul McCartney are the two that have actually given her something that could be considered praise, but that's standard for them with most modern artists.
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hedonists · 7 months
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Fuck (me) up
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