#anti Sophia Di Martino
skipperauroras · 8 months
Did a Video on why not to support the Loki Series because it is run by Terfs
I almost forgot that this was going to upload today, but it works good because they are releasing it early, down side is I meant to have it in the middle of the week to not be too early or late but Disney just had to ruin that like they always do. But anyways it's just me talking about how the series in run by terfs.
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justarandomgirly · 2 years
Sophia: Sylvie gets Loki out of the way and sends him to TVA to keep kim safe
Me: because nothing says "im safe" more than people who arrested him and wanted to kill him and who arrested her as a child as well
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alwida10 · 2 years
If you're going to say Sophia got the role because of nepotism (it isn't btw, it's cronyism when you're not blood relation), then Tom Hiddleston also got his role in Thor through "nepotism" via his connection with K. Branaugh. Keep it straight.
A) thank you. I did not know the word “cronyism” before, but it is always good to expand one's vocabulary. Wikipedia however says that nepotism includes both family and friends.
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B) yes, tom worked with Branagh before and most likely got a hint or recommendation because of this. So, where is the line between recommending someone who you know to be qualified and nepotism? I would say it’s Nepotism when your friendship or kinship is your only or at least the most important qualification. I would say Tom was more than qualified to play Loki. In fact, his performance was so outstanding he recruited one of the biggest and most loyal fandoms and even outshined the heroes! Additionally, he didn’t get the role he wanted (Thor) but the “villain”.
Now regarding SDM. She said many interesting things in various interviews on the matter. For example, Kate specifically asked for her making an application.
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She was heavily pregnant (third trimester) and therefore unable to apply like the other people who wanted the role. Instead of an in-person demonstration, she just sent a tape. The scene which the applicants have to do is chosen by the director, and in most times there is a certain variation included, to check if the applicants can portray the whole spectrum convincingly. in Marvel this includes the emotional parts and the action scenes. We know Tom did one with Mjolnir (there is a video on this. I won’t link it because it gives me the creeps) and some scenes he had to read together with Hemsworth. Sophia, being in the third trimester, would have been unable to do action. Luckily for her, the scene chosen was the train scene.
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Now, normally the casting process is quite detailed, and those projects are high-profile, meaning a lot of people would apply and there would be a lot of competition. If you aren’t even physically there, your chances aren’t exactly stellar. So, her chances for the job must have been moderate, to say the least. Both she and her agent openly admit how much “luck” there must have been involved.
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Now, make from this what you want.
Sources: x, x, and x
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The ending scene was them pining for each other.
Mobius' echo of "let time pass" reaching Loki and making him tear up confirming he was watching over Mobius.
Mobius leaving the TVA because Loki isn't there anymore.
Mobius being completely miserable whereas Sylvie is seen happy and care free and time hopping with only a "it's weird that Loki's not here, isn't it?"
Loki going to seek Mobius first for comfort when faced with the moral dilemma of choosing who lives and dies.
Loki staring at his hand wistfully, with tears in his eyes while he watches Mobius slip away.
Mobius being the first to notice something was wrong when Loki started walking towards the loom.
The fact that Mobius was present when Loki said "I know what kind of god i need to be... for you" means the director(s) and writer(s) are seeing him as a possible romance arc in the future for Loki that's why they put him there with Sylvie to claim plausible deniability.
The season one kiss being retconed.
Loki not killing Sylvie (which he contemplated at first) means he wants to give her the chance to go write her own story like she's always wanted without running. And we can see her being happy (without Loki) at the end because she's finally free.
At the end, Sylvie is comforting Mobius because he's hurting more and evidently more miserable.
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p4nishers · 7 months
god between sophia “im not super into them as a couple, i dont think the kiss was romantic” di martino and tom hiddleston constantly going on tangents about mobius means to loki, i fear lokius stays winning
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agentoffangirling · 5 days
Oh I wonder how Sylvie feels about Loki. Maybe she's a bit more introspective now, maybe she'll actually feel bad about his sacrifice
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Or. Not 😬
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bylertruth3r · 7 months
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curiositysavesthecat · 2 months
*this poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. if you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post)
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Unpopular opinion:
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If Loki was a cisgender character I wouldn't give a fuck about the sylki ship. I would not have been a sylki shipper and I would have thought that it's weird, but at the same time I would have been neutral. I dislike it mainly because it harms the genderfluid community and also because the dynamic between Loki and Sylvie is toxic, but again, if Loki was cis and the dynamic was healthy I wouldn't give a fuck.
Selfcest is weird, but in this case I don't think that it makes sense to compare it to incest since Loki and Sylvie come from 2 different universes. I believe that selfcest can only be considered incest if it involves dating / having sex with a clone since, genetically speaking, a clone is like a sibling.
Again, I hate it because it harms the genderfluid community and because the dynamic is toxic, but if this wasn't the case I wouldn't give a fuck about it.
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skipperauroras · 1 year
Youtube video I made to talk about how horrible the Loki writers are.
This video isn't very well made, but I wanted to post a video on youtube on why I dislike the writers of the Loki Series.
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justarandomgirly · 2 years
This bitch
First she says this
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then she has audacity to speak about Loki's character
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How dare she speak about Loki & what he is like, makes claims about him, if she admitts not really knowing him before??
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shivieroy · 7 months
that's going the be the first and last time I'm talking about this ship here but how tf can a fandom be so delusional? i mean idc about your ship preferences if you want to ship lokius go with it but why are they acting like this is a canon thing... istg it would be so much easier if they just accepted this ship was never meant to be canon in the first place 😭 and now they're twisting the words of ppl who worked on the show (they've been doing it for +2 years now anyway) to fit their narrative and then get mad when it's later revealed they're wrong
loki and sylvie kissed, he showed and even ""said"" he's in love with her and mobius was the one to acknowledge that and support him.
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bisexual-panic · 8 months
It’s interesting how lokius is the ship that people are using to hate on sylki when these scenes happened
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The lokius soundtrack playing as Loki was becoming the god of stories was symbolic. He wouldn't have fulfilled his glorious purpose if it wasn't for Mobius' love and affection.
❝ You saved my life when I first arrived. You saw something in me that I hadn't seen in myself. ❞
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kamwashere · 2 months
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sy*ki stans just keep taking Ls after Ls
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lazy-cat-corner · 2 years
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A valid question I’ve been asking all day. 🤔
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