#and yea it started two days ago thankfully
lotus-pear · 6 months
MY SECRET SANTA GOT ME BSD FIRST VOLUME (i mean we did a wishlist thing but askejfjshfjjdj)
i understand your giddy joy
alsoooo you have winter break now right?
OK SO FIRST OF ALL..GIVE ME THAT. secondly omggg that was so sweet of them no way ur friend actively went to the manga section and braved the embrassement of seeing other anime fans there and then PROCEEDED TO CHECKOUT and had to face the cashier…babygirl….ask for their hand in marriage
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cultofdixon · 6 months
Stress is a silent killer
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Don’t get me wrong, mothers are strong motherfuckers. But that doesn’t mean you can abuse an expecting mother’s abilities. • ANGST/SFW • TW: Pregnancy / Pre-Term Labor Anxieties / Anxiety
Requested by: Anon
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Daryl silently returns his home he shares with Y/N who was currently seated in the living room wide awake. She was decked out to go outside the walls and search for him after the news but thankfully he came back in time before she risked herself at the hour it was.
“I’m sorry”
Y/N didn’t say anything, all she did was let the tears that build up roll off her cheeks.
“I’m sorry I walked away when yea first told me” His voice broke as he brought himself to kneel in front of her resting his hands on her thighs watching her tearful expression meet his gaze.
“I’m scared, Dar…”
“I know, me too. Cuz I want this. I want this with yea and I’m afraid of losing you…like Lori…or like…the others. I can’t lose yea to anythin’ or anyone.”
“You can’t…you can’t walk out like the way you did” She choked out through her sobbing as Daryl brought his hands onto her cheeks wiping away them while they fell. “Please…if you do that again, I’m only going to think the worse possible things”
“I’m stayin’ right here, sunshine. I’m never leaving again.” Daryl pushed himself forward and wrapping his arms around her as she did the same gripping onto his vest. “I’m never leaving you and this baby, I promise”
7 1/2 months later…
Another cold spring morning comes through causing the somewhat irritable not-a-morning person Y/N to bring herself to sit up the best she could given her “natural” circumference was different compared to the first and second trimester.
“Did you leave the window open?” She tiredly asks her husband who had sat up when she did, given the closer they get to 9 months the more he’ll be up and at it for anything.
“It was stuffy last night, yea asked me too” Daryl yawns stretching out his back hearing his partner hiss when she heard the occasional stretch out crack. “I’m good”
“Working on the wall repair does you no good…and I think I just forgot I asked you to open it” Y/N frowns bringing herself to the edge of the bed causing Daryl to get up in his shirtless glory about to close the window. “What are you doing?”
“I told yea you don’t have to get up and close it”
“I gotta get up and pee cuz a certain someone is stepping on my bladder.”
“So is that a no on me closing it for yea, love?”
“Can you please close it and help me stand up?” Y/N gave him a tired smile as he did exactly what was asked and while Daryl helped her up she couldn’t help but grab his face to bring him to her level to kiss him before separating to do what she needed.
“Are you sure you don’t need me or want me this morning? Rick completely understands why I can stay here” Daryl started to remind Y/N about the run he was asked to go on that involved stopping at the Hilltop to drop off supplies and go pick up more from the Kingdom.
“You pawned it off to somebody for the past two weeks. I’m not going to go into labor the second you leave. I’m not 8 months yet”
“Pre-term shit. You were put on bedrest during the second tri—whatever it’s called because your stress wasn’t helpin’” Daryl states slipping off his sweats to put jeans on when Y/N stepped out of the bathroom. “It’s easy for yea to stress out and back in the prison you passed out once cuz of it. Now you’re pregnant and Siddiq said it could cause more harm than good”
“Are you trying to stress me out now?”
“No, I’m just telling—-“
“It’s only for half the day. Both Maggie and Ezekiel know who you have to come back home to, they won’t hold you up and we also know Carol will shut Ezekiel up if he does start another endless conversation with you. You’ll be back before nightfall and I’ll be here waiting for my husband to come back”
The archer only gave her a worried expression because of how calm she was being, since a month ago she’d scream at him for just leaving the house. He brought himself over kissing her lovingly and holding her for as long as she let him, which could be hours and he’ll not be able to go anymore. But Y/N knew this trick.
“You seriously walking me out to make sure I actually go?” Daryl smiles walking his bike with his pregnant wife on the other side of such still wearing her sweats and one of his shirts.
“Did you forget about the morning and evening walks we do?”
“Nah I did not. Which reminds me to tell yea to wait for me for the night one. Take it easy walking back home and stay away from the new infusions”
Y/N whistled for Daryl to stop given she can’t maneuver fast enough to grab his arm. “Stay away from the new infusions?”
“Rick let in more ex-saviors to help around here. They are staying in the apartment looking houses” Daryl parked his bike a moment bringing himself to rest his hands on her belly. “Two of them are annoying shit stains of humanity. I don’t know the other one’s name but one of’em is Bryan and they’d much rather pawn their work off to somebody else”
“Daryl. I doubt they’d make a pregnant woman do shit”
“Well. I told Aaron to check on yea if he sees you doing anything sketchy”
“Seriously. Rick is at Oceanside, Michonne is watching a sick Judith, and the others are working on the bridge repair. You won’t let me stay to make sure you don’t over exert yourself. Somebody’s gotta check on yea and since he’s takin’ care of a baby girl at the moment? He’s more than happy to check up on you when Gracie is napping”
“You really have everything planned. Even have a radio?” Y/N smiles crossing her arms as he took out said device to show her resulting in a playful eye roll. “I’ll do my best, my love. But I’ve never seen those individuals before…you can’t blame me if something happened”
“Yeah, but I sure as hell can kill a man if he harms my wife and baby” Daryl states, sneaking in a kiss before getting his bike back up and heading toward the gates.
“I promise nothing will happen, Dar”
What was meant to be an easy day, turned into a weird one.
When the gates closed, Y/N held her belly for a moment feeling the shifting baby inside her make it a bit difficult to go immediately back to her home. She decided to take a longer walk around Alexandria, stopping occasionally to talk to her friends and see what they were up to improve their community. Then on her way back there were two Alexandrians carrying a few boxes to the pantry and infirmary. Both looked at her with curious expressions…
Y/N ignored it at first until she flinched to the sound of the box dropping beside her.
“You’re Y/N right? The other Dixon in this place”
“Yes…? And you are?” She frowns, not liking the feeling the atmosphere gave when the individual didn’t share his name right away.
“I’m new here. Do you mind helping us with something?”
“Uhm I’m not exactly supposed to be…lifting anything heavy” Y/N gestures a bit on the obvious side about her pregnant belly as they both still gave stone cold stares.
“We’ll carry it to the pantry and infirmary. Just could use somebody to put it away while we bring the rest”
“Is Siddiq not her—-“
“Seriously, Dixon. You’re just pregnant not incompetent” one of them stated only for Y/N’s expression to go south as she supported her belly telling them that she’ll meet them in the pantry first to unload the boxes.
Once she stepped far enough, one of them couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his lips.
“Cant believe that worked”
“Can it Bryan. We still gotta bring the boxes over then we can go fuck off for the rest of the day” The other scoffs picking up and the box carrying it to where it needed to be.
It had been a couple hours of putting supplies away in their perspective areas, thankfully Y/N has worked with Siddiq before so she knows where he likes everything to be. The doctor just didn’t expect to come back from checking on the little ones of Alexandria after lunch time to find Y/N standing on a stool putting away spare gauze in a tub that Siddiq put them in.
“Are you crazy?” Siddiq frowns watching Y/N stumble a bit unexpected as he quickly drop his medical bag to help his friend off the stool. “What’s wrong with you? Why are you in here?”
“Because I have to be useful!”
“Y/N what the hell do you mean?!” Siddiq frowns watching the discomfort grow on her face along with the tears forming. “Okay, come on. Sit down and tell me what happened” he made her sit on the gurney sitting with her.
“My husband—-“
“Did Daryl get hurt?!”
“No! He warned me about some slackers and I just. I didn’t think I was this stupid enough to fall for their shit” Y/N frowns wiping away her tears before wincing and holding her belly instantly. Siddiq pulled away to get the portable machine helping her lay down onto the gurney adjusting it for her to sit up. “It was just one damn conversation and I felt like I was being useless. We won that stupid fucking war. Lost a lot of people. Then this happened and it’s the best thing but all my hormones are all over the place—-“
“And that’s normal! It’s normal for hormones to take over control with all your other emotions.” Siddiq carefully rolled her shirt up to apply a bit of the gel and gently place the wand to check on the heartbeat. “Can you tell me your pain level? And I’m talking from the moment you’ve felt uncomfortable”
“A six…”
“Are you lying?” Siddiq stated watching the tears build up more. “Y/N how long have you been working today?”
“About an hour after Daryl left”
The look on Siddiq’s face only grew even more worried for his friend as he cleaned her up and before she even tried to get up, he carefully helped her back down grabbing a blanket to cover her.
“You’re having contractions and I don’t want you to force this baby out from your stress because it’s too early and while I think we can…handle that intense situation…I don’t want you to lose this baby if it goes south.” Siddiq frowns covering her more in the blanket and putting the gurney in the trendelenburg position to have gravity help slow the contractions. Before he pulled away to grab a few things that will help, Y/N grabbed his arm. “You stay here and I’ll get someone to radio Daryl to come back a bit early”
“You think he’ll…uh…y-you think he’ll be mad at me?” Her voice broke as Siddiq took her hand into both of his shaking his head.
“No. But when he finds out about who made you overwork, they aren’t going to see the next day”
By the time Siddiq got Daryl on the line, he was already making his way back to Alexandria and when he heard about his wife he was speeding even faster. Daryl parked in front of the infirmary, dropping his bike without another thought as he enters the building bringing himself to her side resting his hand on her belly.
“How are yea feeling?”
“I’m sorry—-“
“Love, please—-“
“I’m really sorry” Y/N broke down in a sob making her husband out of instinct gently wipe away her tears. “I’m really sorry I didn’t take it easy—“
“Y/N. I’m serious when I say this. You don’t have to apologize.” Daryl frowns rubbing circles on her belly watching her bring her hand over his. “Did Siddiq tell yea how long you’d have to be—-“
“She can go back down.” Siddiq interrupts the two coming down from his flat above the infirmary with a filled canteen for Y/N. “You can take her back to your home to be more comfortable in her bed but again, bed rest—-“
“Fuck” Y/N sobbed hating it already and she’s not in her own bed.
“Just for a week until your stress levels and blood pressure go down. Thankfully trendelenburg worked with the contractions but don’t want you, again, to overwork yourself” Siddiq set the canteen down to help Daryl get Y/N on her feet before giving her the filled bottle. “Don’t let her leave the house, then maybe nobody would abuse your hormones” he stated letting them be to finish what Y/N started before he made her rest.
After getting Y/N back home and in their bed, Daryl stuck by her side thinking of the words Siddiq had said before they left. But he wasn’t going to address it when she was still experiencing a bit of discomfort.
“You want another pillow?”
“Then what are you going to sleep on?”
“A mattress? I don’t need a pillow, just need my woman comfortable while she’s a human incubator” He jokes getting a short lived laugh out of her as he moves the extra blankets and his pillows to support her back and belly. When she first started getting uncomfortable, he tried looking for one of those pregnancy pillows that Carol had told him about but it was a lot of work and he didn’t want to leave her at all. Like he promised and is semi-regretting given he left to take care of business and some assholes were pushing her limits with emotional abuse.
“Daryl…?” Y/N tiredly calls out for him as he returns with her canteen filled for a fourth time since being home as he brought himself to sit on the edge of the bed setting her bottle on the nightstand.
“Yes, sunshine?”
“You still love me right…?” Y/N pouted only for Daryl to scoff at such a ridiculous question, leaning over to shower her in kisses making her bring her arms around his neck to keep him close for the moment. “Dar…”
“I’ll always love you. Even when yea risk yourself. But, imma stick by yea for the rest of this.” Daryl states. “No more tellin’ me I gotta go cuz I promised somebody. Someone else will get the work done, doesn’t have to be me and definitely doesn’t have to be you”
“Can you hold me tonight?”
“As long as you don’t kick me out of the bed when it got too hot” he laughs softly, bringing his lips to hers for a few short soft kisses before pulling away to get into comfortable clothing to sleep in and hold her.
The second Y/N fell asleep and was in deep enough sleep for the archer to slip away to check on a familiar hiding spot in Alexandria. Said hiding spot would have those who didn’t want others to notice they were smoking. Knowing damn well he’ll find the right men that have been bothering his partner.
“Ayo the other Dixon has retur—-“ Bryan immediately shut up when Daryl grabbed him by the collar forcing him against the walls of the community.
“You talk to my wife today? Mess with her and had your buddy over here help?”
“Dude I have no idea—-“
“Don’t lie. Don’t even try, or I will fucking end you right here and now” Daryl hissed shoving him harshly against the wall letting go of his shirt. He quickly turned to his buddy who put out his cigarette before holding his hands up defensively. “If I see you and or this son of a bitch near my wife or even hear about it, I’ll feed you both to the walkers after I’ve knocked the living shit out of you both. And don’t yea worry…I’ve got friends to let me know if yea fuck with the love of my life and soon to be mother of my child” and with that he took his leave letting the two regret their decisions and contemplate being moved to a different community to avoid the harsher Dixon. But even then, he’d tear them apart anywhere.
Y/N shifted slightly when the bed moved behind her, she relaxed instantly feeling her husband bring his arm around her pulling her into him.
“Where’d you go?”
“Got yea more water, and heard somethin’ outside”
“Another possum?”
“A pest that’s for sure”
“Mmm…” Y/N snuggles into his embrace getting comfortable as Daryl kissed her temple. “Nothing you can’t handle right?”
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sarahrogersevans · 1 year
Special Valentines Date- Sebastian Stan xreader Fan Fic
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Summary: Sebastian plans a very special Valentines date for him and reader
Warnings: none, just a lot of fluff
(Sebastian’s POV)
I was really excited about Valentine’s Day I have a really special day planned for Y/N and I this year and she usually plans our dates but I told her a few days ago that I wanted to take a turn planning a date for us and thankfully she’a letting me plan today’s date.
I went to the grocery store to grab stuff to make her favorite meal and her favorite flowers. Y/N is out with her sister for a bit and I went home to set up an indoor picnic blanket fort at home after making her favorite pasta Chicken Alfredo and got her favorite flowers set up. I heard Y/N come home and she said “babe! Are you here?” I walked into the room to greet her and I kissed her and said “hey sweetheart, I have a surprise for you.” Y/N smiled and hugged close to me and I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head and said “hey you ok doll?” She nodded and said “yea just happy to have you home.” I rubbed her back and said “me too darling, are you hungry? I made your favorite and I wanna show you something.” Y/N looked curious and said “oh yea?? And you made my favorite? Oh now I’m excited.” I guided her upstairs and opened the door to our shared bedroom and she looked around and said “wow!.. babe you did all this and got my favorite flowers, honey this is amazing, I love you.” I pulled her close and kissed her and said “doll I love you so much you don’t even know, do you wanna eat in the blanket fort or in the kitchen?”
(Y/N’s POV)
I adore this man so much and I love how he knows me so well and does so much for me. I smelled the flowers and said “could we eat in the blanket fort and watch a movie? And maybe after that we could cuddle?” Sebastian kissed me and said “baby we can cuddle as much as you’d want, this is your day.” I shook my head and said “no, it’s our special day Seb.” He blushed and kissed my forehead and said “get comfy in the fort and I’ll go grab two bowls of the Alfredo ok? I’ll be right back.” I nodded and got in the fort and sat on some of the pillows and got looked through movies to watch. A few minutes later Seb came in and handed me a bowl and said “here you are doll face, hope you like it. I did my best.” I took a bite of the pasta and it tasted so good and I smiled. I said “yum!! Babe this is delicious!! The chicken pieces are so good too I love it, thank you for everything Seb.” Seb scooted closer and moved some of my hair away from my face and said “anything for favorite girl, I love you and would do anything for you.” I put my hand on his cheek and smiled at him and said “I love you too and I know you would, I’d do anything for you too my love.” Seb leaned in and kissed me and said “and that’s why I love you Y/N.” We finished eating and then put on our favorite movie and I started to fall asleep on him after a half hour and I noticed I was starting to sleep and I opened my eyes and sat up more and said “oh shit I’m sorry babe, this is our date.” Seb said “hey hey no it’s ok doll come lay closer to me here on my chest.” I relaxed and laid my head on his chest and Seb started to play with my hair and I couldn’t help but smile and Sebastian whispered “get some rest Y/N happy Valentine’s Day sweetie I love you.”
Happy Valentines Day lovelies I love you all ❤️♥️♥️♥️🤗xx
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guzsdaily · 1 month
Another attack, another change of plans
Day 179 - May 2nd, 12.024
So I almost had an anxiety attack today due to programming and my current plans besides "The System". "The System" is dead.
I started this project of automating my social media around 1 to 2 months ago, counting pretty much from the days I started my homelab, and it seems to be falling apart. In summary, the whole idea was to use scripts on the server/homelab, or nowadays, my computer, to post Twitter, Mastodon, Tumblr posts based on these daily blogs, however things started to crack this week. Yesterday I realized that AI is simply not feasible to create posts, running locally is impossible due to the computing power needed, and the [free] options that I have aren't good or give satisfying results. But I tried to then just, I don't know, use scripts for posting from Obsidian, manually really, and neither of it worked, handling authentication without a proper server is too much, and things like attachments need a lot of work to get done. So I give up.
When I started to realize this today, I have to admit that I started to feel an anxiety attack, and probably if it wasn't therapy, I probably would have gone down spiral into a full stop and just gave up on everything. Just imaging passing two months doing something which you believe can change your chances of getting a job, working every fucking day, dreaming of having somewhere to work so you can afford to see the person that you love, right after your family went through times which it could break everything apart, and this something simply doesn't work. And now almost half a year already passed and I can even put this project on my resume. I started to lose hope.
Thankfully, therapy really helped me come back somewhat fast from these attacks, and right when I started feeling it, I started to whisper to myself that everything would be okay and trying to create another plan. I almost felt like someone crazy for talking to myself and calming me down while I could stop breathing rapidly, but it worked. Everything will be okay Gustavo… You will be successful… You will be successful…
Now the plan is to just post manually for now, and focus on a project which is monetizable and something that I can show people easily. Not only that, but it is a project that I'm wanting to make for years, and have been wanting and preparing to do, instead of just doing it and learning and figuring out what I need on the way. It will consume some months of my life, but hopefully it will all pay out. And if it doesn't, at least I have a new tool to I use to help my own life and career.
And, even if I feel like I wasted months of my life, this month in specific, I learned Rust, I learned something new, and I created the prototype of another future project, so yea, at least it wasn't all for waste.
Today's artists & creative things Music: Måneskin - THE LONELIEST (Official Video) - by ManeskinVEVO
© 2024 Gustavo "Guz" L. de Mello. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
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inchidentally · 5 months
Maybe I’ve been reading too much fan fiction but part of my feels like it could really happen where Oscar assumes Lando is too cool or too wild for him and doesn’t push for more of a friendship. I remember Carlos and Daniel having no problem doing trips and social stuff or just hanging out more with Lando pretty soon after being his teammate. I feel like Oscar having been a fanboy he’s just assumed he would be too quiet and shy to join in Lando’s partying and cool friends.
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(mental note here I'm speaking fully non-RPF and purely the real life friendships)
well I will weigh in and say that Carlos and Lando didn't start properly socializing (apart from golf, which was always in a group of 4 or more) until 2022 when he went for the wedding. before then yea, Lando's never minded third wheeling with Carlos and Isa like he does with Carlos and Rebecca but I don't really count that as much bc it's sort of like parents and child aslfglafg
and it was the same with Daniel - they didn't immediately bond and it was probably around the same time as with Carlos that they started hanging out more socially. it all makes sense bc Lando finally got old enough to have more in common with those guys and to fit in with their friend groups more. a 19 or even a 22 yo gamer/youtuber isn't going to have much in common with guys in their late twenties or thirties who have steady girlfriends (apart from F1 or sport) esp when Lando has always been young for his age. Lando hinted at wanting to visit Daniel's ranch like what, two or three years ago? and he only just now visited and only for one day during his winter break with his (very definitely close friend) Martin Garrix.
and it's worth saying here that an anon gave a very detailed rundown of just how much Lando and Max V have socialized for years to a degree he never has with Carlos or Daniel. same with George and Alex who he's also known for ages. so I'd say a lot can be said for people misinterpreting Lando's closeness with the F1 friends based on "bromances" rather than reality. car|ando is big business in fandom world, closely followed by dando - so that's the stuff that gets cherry picked out. but you could find the same content with Max, George or Alex.
Lando's degree of actual friendship with someone clearly takes a while for him to warm up to. and as another anon said (and as Lando said himself) he has an entire friend group from karting days who are no longer involved in racing who are his tightest friends.
so I think for those waiting for Oscar to maybe become closer friends with Lando socially, it was never going to happen after just one season! thankfully we have two more seasons to see where things go <3
as far as how Oscar feels or views himself I just feel like we're missing wayyyy too much authentic info about Oscar to make any conclusions! since it's what I do I'll theorize that it would be way less to do with Lando seeming "too cool" since Oscar's seen so much of Lando's content over the years to know that Lando would never classify himself that way lasfgljsahfa.
I think it would more come down to Oscar saying that he's a very mellow, lower energy guy and spends most of his time with Lily or his own friends in small groups in private rather than at events or clubs etc. now! a lot might still change as Oscar relaxes into his F1 role and starts getting more invites from the rest of the grid. I'd personally like to see that bc he deserves to flex a little and stake his rightful place among those guys!
but as of right now, Lando's energy levels and the type of fun he has doesn't line up with Oscar's. Lando also lives a very blissfully happy bachelor existence and that's not rly 'conducive' for a guy in a ltr. and Oscar hasn't been in Lando's life long enough to start popping up at golf or padel with his friends of 4+ years.
but considering everything Lando, Oscar, Zak, Andrea etc etc have said about what perfect teammates they make for each other, and that F1 is Lando and Oscar's number one priority in life for the foreseeable, having an F1 bond is pretty damn strong??
oh and unless he relaxes a lot more I don't see him jumping on stream with Lando. he's so carefully cultivated a friendly but not hugely accessible relationship to fandom that something as unpredictable as a stream seems way too out of character.
I feel like I veered all over the place w this anon but it was a bit difficult for me to answer!!
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ladysqueakinpip · 10 months
oc ask meme! hirmi: 3 7 9 12 bodrum: 1 12 13 19
For Hirmi :3c
3. What is your OC’s fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
he's a people-pleaser through and through. a real peacekeeper. which can be a strength but! he tends to be submissive and frequently takes the backseat of his own life to prioritize the needs of others (usually his family). it's very unfortunate for him bc he has desires and goals that vastly oppose what his culture tells him he should want out of life. he's always torn between making the people around him happy at the expense of his own happiness vs pursuing his own goals and creating a lot of family tension.
he is absolutely not aware of this flaw lol. he's not self-reflective enough to realize he's doing this.
7. What’s one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
originally he was going to be tall. he lives FAR north tho and i found out a lot of animals in the north tend to be compact to preserve body heat. so i made him a little dude instead.
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
MANY. i answered a question similar to this a while ago for him but i didn't get to use ALL the songs on my hirmi playlist so i still have more.
"I was walking through icy streams / That took my breath away / Moving slowly through westward water / Over glacial plains / And I walked off you / And I walked off an old me" - Alaska, Maggie Rogers
12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
yea i think so. in some ways. definitely not as bad as other ocs of mine. i've hinted at some family tension above. his mom has a history of making some pretty not great comments about him to his face! especially about his appearance! which he has unfortunately internalized. he's especially concerned about overeating/bulking up/putting on weight and budgets his daily calories with goodberry (dnd spell)
For Bo :3c
1. What memory would your OC rather just forget?
every time alekah makes a joke in front of the group at his expense. this happens frequently!
12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
thankfully, i don't think so! bo has a LOT of issues from his past but his story is about confronting those issues in as healthy a way as alternian culture would allow. which means getting a moirail! he relies on his moirail amytis to keep himself in line. maybe he should invest in a real therapist instead of putting all the responsibility onto her, but hey at least it's a start.
13. If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
i think so. we could chill and read. go on a quiet nature walk. go to a bakery and satisfy our sweet tooth. fill up on more sugar than either of our little bodies can handle. it'd be a good day.
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
not great, lol! violently! i am realizing now the reason why bo gets a pass on the self-destructive label is because he takes all his destructive tendencies out on others! subjugation is his coping mechanism <3 thankfully for the safety of everyone around him he has amytis who tirelessly stops him from going on an insane purpleblood murder rampage when provoked. which again, with alekah around, happens frequently!
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colossal-red · 2 years
Just an Ordinary Life: Chapter One: A Planned Escape
Tw: Swearing, Dehumanization. WC: 1,496
Quick Disclaimer: This fic is relatively confusing at the beginning, but don't worry, you'll hopefully be able to connect the dots at the end (Psst, Also, send me an ask if you're still confused, I'll gladly answer any questions!)
Tommy opened his eyes, ah, Summer Vacation. It was always the greatest time to be alive. He got up and out of bed, grabbing his phone and sending a quick DM to Tubbo that he’d meet him at Fort Big in a bit. He quickly put on his standard Red and White Shirt, heading downstairs to eat whatever Breakfast Phil had prepared for him. He made sure to be mindful of his tail however, didn’t want to get that stuck in a door again. “Philll? Did you make breakfast yet?” He called out as he took a seat at the dining table. “Yea, just one-second mate!” Came the voice of his father, the last remaining Elder in the village. Soon after he emerged from the kitchen with a plate full of pancakes, just enough for both him and Tom. “Here ya go, mate.” He said as he placed a plate of ‘em in front of him.
He finished them up fairly quickly, scarfing ‘em down so that he could go hang out with Tubbo sooner. “Right then, I’m going to hang out with Tubbo now!” He shouted to Phil as he put his shoes on at the front door, “Ok, just be back for Dinner!” “I know Dad!” He rushed out the door, heading down the sidewalk, Ranboo had just sent a message to their Group-chat together.
Ranboob:I wish I could be there today at 9:36
Tubbee:Don’t worry about it Boo, we don’t mind-
Ranboo didn’t live in their Village, he lived in some other random-ass place in Soot knows where. One day Tommy and Tubs would meet him, Tom would make sure of that. After passing several cars, buildings, and other borrowers, he finally reached Fort Big after going through the forest for a bit. He entered the makeshift Fort that he and Tubs had made years ago, and settled down on a pillow he'd sewn back when he thought he could. He sent a message to the Chat asking where the fuck Tubs was, and thankfully the dick was almost here. Tommy would've been giddy with excitement if Tubbo hadn't been practically jumping up and down when he'd suggested the idea, that they could go over The Wall. The Wall was the thing that kept all the Borrowers inside, supposedly, there was something out there that was so dangerous, that the Elders from a few decades ago decided was enough to separate Borrower-Kind, and stay in secluded walled-off villages.
Tommy thought it was bullshit, who knows what kinda cool shit they could find out there? Tubbo suddenly came into the Fort, interrupting Tom's train of thought. "Hey Big Man, sooooo, when are we gonna go?" Tubbo asked with a grin as he sat down. "I told you, Punz was gonna make the distraction tomorrow at 11:30 AM on the dot, I paid a lot of allowances for that Prick to agree..." Tubbo frowned slightly, "Isn't he part of Dream's gang?" He asked, taking out a sketchbook and beginning to absentmindedly doodle. "Yeah, but he'll do anything for the right price." Tubbo looked back up at him. "So, what should we do for the rest of the day?" He asked, slightly tilting his head, "Well, do we got everything?" Tom asked, already getting up to leave.
“Hmm, yeh, I’ve got my Big-Ass-Hammer-“ He chuckled slightly at that as he left the Fort, waiting for Tubs to follow. They walked through the forest, it wasn’t super big, but it was big enough for someone to not be found for a while. The Duo eventually came across their two make-shift swords that they’d made a year back, they looked at each other, knowing instantly what the other was thinking as they grabbed the play-swords and started battling. The duo battle for a long while, until eventually, Tomathy Inside Of It won the day! Tubs fell to the ground, laughing as Tommy tackled him, to which Tom held the play-sword to his throat and said in a mock voice, “Bye-Bye Bee Boi!” The two laughed for a bit before Tubbo got up and took on a more serious tone. “My arm does hurt a little, think I should get it checked out?”
“Hm, it’ll be fine I’m sure, makes sense though that I’d inflict that as The Biggest Man around!” He proclaimed as they continued walking, Play-Swords left abandoned. He checked his phone, damn it was already an hour past Lunch. “Where should we go Tubs?” He asked as they emerged onto the sidewalk of a street, around them was an apartment complex, a McBorrowers, a Chick-Fil-A, and one of those malls that all those weird Teen Girls went to. Tubbo thought for a moment, tail idly swinging in the wind. “We don’t have that much money on us, and I don’t really wanna go home yet…” His dad was probably drunk, so Tommy understood why he wouldn’t want to go. “Can we just have some McBorrowers?” He nodded his head in response as they crossed the street and went inside.
After a cheap as hell meal, they vibed near the edge of the wall that they’d break through come tomorrow. They didn’t do much, just plan out what was going to happen, the spot on the wall that was weakest that Tubs was gonna smash through, y’know, the usual. He checked his phone, shit, it was getting late. “Tuuubbbs? It’s about time for me to go home, Phil will take the piss out of me if I’m not back before dark-“ He told Tubbo, getting up from his position next to the Wall. “K sounds good Big Man.” He responded from a tree that he’d climbed to sketch a bee. “Bye Tubs! See you tomorrow-“ He began to walk home, walking at a fairly quick pace with how fast it was becoming dark.
He trusted Tubbo to get back home, so he didn’t worry too much about him. He entered his and Phil’s apartment, and emerged into the living room, he could smell something coming from the kitchen, which he then saw was a plate with Meat from the Church of Soot. It was an odd thing, the Church. Every once in a while, food just sorta appears outside of it, which people claim to come from Soot, who was some sort of Deity or some shit. He didn’t really believe in that sort of thing, but there wasn’t really another way for food to magically appear like that. That’s just kinda the way it’s always been, but he was hungry, so he took the plate that was awaiting him, and read the note on the fridge.
“Hey, Toms!” The note read, “Sorry I can’t be here, I got called in to go do some work for the President, and as such, I’ll be back at around Midnight.” Tommy frowned, that was odd, his Dad had been going out more and more for ‘work’ late at night recently. Tommy suspected it wasn’t actually that, but to be fair, as Phil is the only living Elder who was alive back when the Walls went up, it made a tiny bit of sense. But the way Phil treated it when Tommy was around to witness it made him think he was seeing someone. Eh, he didn’t give that much of a shit anyway, as he downed the food and got ready for bed, he thought excitedly about what he and Tubbo were gonna do once they were outside. First thing, after exploring, they were gonna find Ranboo and figure out where he lived, after exploring of course. Eventually, his eyes drifted shut, his tail going slack as he slept…
Wilbur stared through one of the many cameras around the Borrower Colony of L’Manburg. He didn’t know why he enjoyed watching the small creatures, there was just something so interesting about them that almost seemed human. It fascinated him to no end, and evidently, it had fascinated his father and grandfather as they’d been the ones to suggest keeping the pathetic creatures alive when they could’ve gone extinct. He’d especially grown to have a small affection for this one Blonde who he’d seen wander through the city, and even disappear into the forest to do XD knows what. He looked down at his clipboard, ah, Kristin was supposed to be there at the Colony right now, he was glad that she’d been wanting to look after them, took a lot of responsibility off his shoulders.
He started packing up his shit, through one of the cameras he could see the Blonde getting ready to sleep through one of the windows. He sometimes thought about going and taking him home, but it’d be way too dangerous outside the walls for such a smol animal. He left the room, flicking the lights and screens off. He wondered what had the Blonde so excited, it’s a real shame that the camera can’t pick up sound, not that he’d be able to speak English…
@squishys-soft-stories @funtimemoth
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cyantomatos · 2 years
Wheel of Writing - Day 22
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Pairing: Benny Miller x f!reader Prompt: Getting stuck at the top of the Ferris Wheel.
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"Baaaaabe!" If you rolled your eyes any harder you were going to see your brain at this point. Benny tugged on your arm, his eyes wide as he tried his best to convince you.
"Benny, I told you, that's way too high up. I'd freak out." You honestly felt bad about telling him no with how excited he was, but you knew you wouldn't handle the height of the ferris wheel well. "Besides, you can go on it alone, there's no rule against it.
Your boyfriend pouted, looking up at the fair ride longingly. "Yea, but people will look at a grown man riding a ferris wheel alone weird. At least with you I look like I'm riding it for my girlfriend."
You sighed, glancing up at the ride. Just looking up that far made you feel dizzy, but when you looked back and saw how dejected Benny looked, you sighed again. "Alright, fine. But I expect something good as payment."
The way his face lit up at your agreement felt like it was beyond worth any ill effects you were going to suffer.
Minutes later you were being locked into the swaying candy colored car, your heart already racing. You gripped the center pole tightly, eyes fixed firmly on the floor of the car as you heard a faint chuckle from the ride operator.
The wheel went up, and for a second you thought you might be okay. Benny was looking over the side, fascinated by the aerial view and thankfully not trying to talk you in to seeing it yourself. He was happy, and you were willing to put up with any amount of vertigo for that.
As soon as the wheel started back down the other side you weren't so sure anymore.
It felt like your stomach dropped out from below you, and you barely managed to muffle a shriek as your hand shot out for Benny's. He chuckled, sliding his fingers into yours and squeezing. "It's fine babe, I promise. These rides are solid as fuck, the operators know what they're doing."
Later, the phrase 'famous last words' would occur to you.
You took a deep breath as the wheel started back up the other side, bracing yourself for another down.
Instead, you heard a horrible, grinding screech of metal against metal, and the ride shuddered to a stop. You froze, expecting it to start moving again any second.
But it didn't.
You lifted your head after a moment, looking up at Benny for reassurance. They stopped the ride with people at the top sometimes, right? You were pretty sure that happened, especially for romantic occasions.
Although if Benny chose now to propose, you might just push him over the side.
You didn't get any reassurance from your boyfriend, though. He looked just as confused as you, craning his head over the side to see what was going on.
"Benny?" He shushed you quietly, squeezing your hand.
"I'm sure it's fine, baby. Probably be going here in just a minute.
'Just a minute' turned into multiple minutes, and then a quarter hour, and then finally at just past the half hour mark you were ready to throw yourself over the side.
"Benny, when we get off this death trap, I'm going to strangle you. I'd do it now if I wasn't worried about the car tipping." Your boyfriend looked properly ashamed, eyes fixed on the floor of your car.
"I'm sorry, babe. I wouldn't have brought you up here if I'd thought this might happen." He looked genuinely upset, and you almost caved, but you were still upset about the whole situation.
You opened your mouth, ready to complain more, and instead let out a proper shriek as the wheel finally ground to a start again. Your hands flew out, gripping the sides of the car tightly as Benny pumped his fists in the air. "Yes! We're moving again!"
The wheel spun slowly, letting out the passengers that hadn't been close enough to the ground to simply climb out half an hour ago. The two of you were the last to get off, and as soon as you were on solid ground again you stomped off.
Well, that's what you tried to do.
Instead, as soon as your feet hit the ground your legs gave out, and you felt Benny's hands under your arms keeping you from hitting the dusty gravel. "Woah, babe. Careful."
You got your feet under you, whirling around with a frown. "I wasn't the one that insisted we get on that death trap, Benjamin."
Benny grinned, and you wanted to scream at the way that grin made you want to forgive him immediately. "Hey, at least I didn't propose."
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htub · 2 years
I think what's really most painful to me about Lex's treatment is how much I see myself in him tbh. Putting this baby under a cut to be polite but the last post i reblogged illicited Thoughts and I'm being very autistic about this rn.
I don't wanna get too personal but I also don't actually care so just look. Look. He's just like me fr. This boy's been fucked over constantly from childhood but he's trying, he's trying so hard and so much. And yea, my mother died when I was a kid and left me to be raised by an abusive father, and I got bullied by my classmates, my teachers, even my goddamned therapists that were supposed to help me not make me worse. I swear I'm not trying to make this a sob story, I'm just saying my life was Not Fun, alright? I was just straight up not having a very good time. And one day years ago I just decided this sucks, people suck, and well I want it to be better and for that someone's gotta start. I don't ever want to make anybody feel the way I felt, the way people made me feel, so I'm choosing to do better because this cycle ends with me. So I'm actively trying to treat everyone how I want to be treated, even if they don't do the same, but a lot of times - most of the time - they really do not to the same so it's honestly pretty one-sided and not that peachy. Though thankfully I got no aliens gaslighting me yet, I think. Probably.
Still I'm nowhere near as good as Lex, and my god do I want to be like him, and obviously I also lack the money and influence he has, but I very much try. As much as I hate to admit it, I actually take after my dad a lot, and people even comment on how alike we are when they meet us together, but my dad's an asshole and doing better is a choice. A choice I actively make every day, because it's not how I was raised and not my instinctive behavior. I honestly was raised to be a piece of shit. And it's not always easy, and what I'm trying to say with this incoherent rambling is just, I get it. I get it way too much.
Normally this is why I'm drawn to Superman as a character, because he's got the same goodness I hope to have as well, the same kindness and forgiveness and just love. I'm getting the symbol tattooed on my arm for crying out loud. It's important to me.
But Smallville is really wanting to hurt me in different ways so they're instead giving me someone who's much more like me in backstory and personality and then they're making me watch him get broken into pieces, and there's no happy ending. Knowing there's no happy ending is the worst part. Normally fiction is an escape from reality, but this time it's too realistic, because yep, that's what the world does. It fucks us all over with no mercy, but that's not what I want to see! I want to see this boy be loved! And knowing I won't get that sucks.
And I'm still gonna be the best I can be even if I know the world's definitely headed downhill, because that's the kind of person I want to be, but the hopelessness and despair that comes with watching Lex's character arc is truly a new level of anguish I've received from a damn TV show. Congratulations on that, Smallville. I guess. At whoever was in charge of this, I hope you'll be pleased to know my therapist asks about this damn show every single week, unprompted. He's got it written down in his notes and everything. Probably not the most healthy reaction to a two decades old tv show? But like, I got all the DVDs. I cherish them. I love this show. Don't know if I'll ever actually watch it because it clearly is not good for my mental health but I love it. I hate it too. It just didn't have to go there, you know? That was just low.
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sa4phire · 1 year
i am not myself right now and it is the most agonizing thing. to watch myself. be this version of me when i so desperately want to be the real me. i am always sexual but it doesn’t hit this way for me at all when i am myself. i am ruining things for nothing, i am actively engaging in my eating disorder again, i am pulling away from everyone. i am not being a good wife in my opinion because cook clean and fuck and baby i have barely been cooking because i have no need for food. my man needs sustainable meals and shit and i haven’t been doing the shit. i have not been running my house like normal. i am checked out. i stay high, i write my poetry, i fucking do what i’m gonna do n that’s it. i be outside. i’ve been up for hours n this is after like another two day bender that was after another one and this has been going on for months but i had my job. now that i am koolin basically in the god damn queue for florida until i get certain strings tied (not ones i control), so im free. my man workin long days. im alone.
i am dangerously close to another psychotic break and i pulled away and have been… real with my friends and family but they have no fucking idea how bad i actually am right now. no one in my real life does. they can guess but not one single person actually feels the terror i feel right now. i will not go on medication. not after what happened to me not after my experience after my whole life. i will buck the fuck up and ride it out but i am telling you. my friends back home? we are about to have… demon time because we are all going through our second dark moment basically. so when i see maya… pray. like 🤌🏻🤌🏻😂 the drinks are gonna be rolling. for days. i’m telling you now. but it’s like. i am the kind of person where if i wear myself out i will be okay. that’s why i’m expressing my sexuality and my fucking jittery god damn buzzing energy in every way through writing through lives through sexting through blogging but also painting and caring for my plants and caring for my animals. i have receded to the point where nature is the only place i feel calm and sleeping in a bed is bringing bad things in my head right now so i’m not sleeping. but im also like. i say it’s bad because it’s like. im actively self harming again. i’m not eating, i’ve hit myself multiple times like i borderline cut n i said i was done like more than half a decade ago. be so fr. what the fuck. im to the point where it’s like i looked in the mirror after forcing myself to fucking do something i really. shouldn’t have and just said like “i don’t even recognize you.”
this is not me and if you’ve followed me for a long time you know about why i started this specific blog in the first place and what happened on the underground one that i lost. to censor. so like it just i don’t know it’s hard because i am meeting these souls here who are so important to me. so. important to me in a way i cannot explain. in such a deep way that it hurts to be in their presence sometimes even though they are some of my favorite people in this world. i don’t want to disappoint them or hurt them. i want to give them everything i can that is good i want to give to them.
i feel like no matter what i do right now it is not going to be right. so i go to my trees and i stay up so i don’t dream and i smoke to ease the ptsd and the anxiety and the other stuff. insomnia is nothing compared to ptsd. but thankfully i have met people here who like. understand me and are always helping me and checking on me and guiding me through it. no one knows the real real about some of the shit that i allow on here. like irl it is hard for me to look my husband in the eyes and tell him i can’t sleep a certain way in the bed because a nurse TRIGGER WARNIn bitch but yea a nurse groped me in my sleep in the psych ward and then after wards tried to say i was anxious. to medicate me bro. so like. i just. i am like. and also that’s another thing my sexual trauma ptsd whatever bullshit i don’t know it just is coming in so fucking hot rn. yet at the same time i’m insane. like insatiably horny and yet if i were to have sex right now it would feel like rape. like i can’t have sex right now dawg. i forced myself to today and literally had to stop. sucked his dick tho baby don’t worry lmaoooo my daddy definitely got um a good good nut but. like. i couldn’t stop clenching up because my mental blocks are up because i’m fucking insane right now and just. dude. i’m going to florida so like it will be okay because i can get straightened out down there without having to worry about the long term effects of this episode on my relationship to my husband. and responsibilities will also change which will really help me honestly.
the self hatred and seething burning rage i feel towards myself is immense and difficult to process and handle. i’m writing but it’s not enough. i’m pulling away from people in real life to protect them but god damn i need. love i need affection i need to be held. i crumbled in angie’s lap for a reason. she saw me. for a moment and i couldn’t even handle it. and like the way that she so gently pet me bro and looked at me. she has been through worse than me. she understands. me. but she moved over an hour away from me now. i just. i need support. but i don’t know how to even like live.
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theherbalsanctuary · 1 year
Late Night Thoughts-Spell at the end
This is sort of going to be a ramble- but honestly? It is a blog. If you are interested, there is a manifestation jar spell at the bottom.
I have been wracking my brain over the sheer journey it took me to get to the point where I am today. Listen, there is a reason why I have a jar spell at the end of this, because, holy shit it actually worked.
Little back story. Rewind to the end of 2021. We are at the height of the omicron variant, I am wrapping up my student teaching, teachers are dropping like flies. Students are all sick and stressed. There is not a sub in sight. This is when the seed of doubt was planted. Mind you, I have wanted to teach since I could speak. My desire to educate and help grow today's youth was shadowed by the weight of the world that the system places on teachers. I could make an entire post just on that, but I digress.
Forward to April of 2022. I had graduated with my Masters, was spending time as a substitute, and that seed from earlier decided to take root. By the end of April, I literally could not take anymore. This was when I told my husband that we needed a huge change. This included deciding to move across the country. Thankfully he agreed, and we both packed up and moved out to Tennessee by the end of September. Yea, from us deciding to leave, and us actually leaving was roughly 6 months. I am still shocked that it actually happened.
BY THE WAY, shout out to anyone in education. That shit is rough. Again, I loved my students. I loved the school I was in. Everything else was trash. If by chance you are reading this, and happened to be at Cascade Middle, in Washington State, hello! I still love you. I hope you are safe and taking care of yourself.
At this time, I had already been practicing spellwork for awhile, and felt perhaps a manifestation jar would help. If you are wanting my methods, I will have it down below. But basically, a manifestation jar is a vessel you use to fill your intention with for whatever you are wanting to bring into existence. For us, it was enough money to move, a safe home, the ability to start my business, and two jobs waiting for us when we would arrive.
Listen. Before I go further, I am so deeply aware of my privilege. Looking back, our respective families provided us so much help, from selling us an RV for practically pennies, to throwing us some money for gas to travel 3000 miles. These days, there are not a whole lot of people out there who can say that they had this much help. THAT SAID, where the spell comes in. I would argue it made pressing the life reset button ridiculously more efficient. 6 months guys, and we were in TN, living at the beginning of our new dream.
From October to now, I have been setting up to start my business. another rough 6 months. Guys, one year ago I was crying in the shower not knowing what the hell I was going to do with my life. In one year total, we decided to move, got our crap together and moved. We are both employed, got married, adopted the sweetest 8 year old pitty mix, and living in a cozy RV. So much can happen in one year, especially when you help the stars align a little.
You need:
-A medium sized jar or a vessel you can seal
-Honey as it is pure creation energy
-A petition for what you want to manifest, bonus if it is written on a bay leaf
-Some of your favorite manifesting type herbs. Mine included cinnamon, ground ginger, and dried basil
-COMPLETELY OPTIONAL: Anything that can connect yourself to what you are manifesting. I always like to tie myself into my spells. Think of it as an offering to the universe (or whoever) for what you are asking for. It can be hair, spit, or anything else you can safely extract from yourself. I also put in some carnelian and small clear quartz stones.
What to do:
I believe I put this together on a new moon. New moons are wonderful for setting new intentions. Take your jar and if you wish, cleanse the inside of it. I smoke cleansed it with dried mugwort. Then place all of your ingredients, placing them one by one in the jar- making sure to be constantly visualizing/vocalizing what you are wanting to manifest. Call in any deities if you wish to bless the spell.
Now, you can either close the lid, or as I did, keep the lid open. I did this in order to be able to constantly add new ingredients/offerings as I saw fit throughout the entire time it took us to move out here. I didn't actually close it until the day we started driving. I kept the open jar on my altar right up until the day I moved.
Obviously results will vary depending on so so so many factors. If you want any guidance, feel free to comment or DM me! I love helping people.
Anywho, thanks for reading! If you would like, please go check out my brand spanky new store: www.theherbalsanctuary13.com
You would be supporting a pagan, woman owned business, which is kinda cool.
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otptings · 3 years
BBF - Brother's Best Friend
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✂︎Idols: Lee Donghyuck, Lee Jeno
✂︎Request: yesss could you write something about the reader being jenos sister and haechan is her fwb or bf (smut ver)
✂︎Word Count: 5.5k+
✂︎Genre: Angst (smallest amount), Smut
✂︎Synopsis: Sneaking around with Donghyuck wasn't the plan but it just feels so good. That is until he gets jealous and your brother happens to find out.
✂︎Warnings: everyone lives in Dream dorm sans Mark, pretend their are like eight rooms, poor Shotaro, making out, dry humping, jealous Hyuck (look at him, it's too true), possessive kink, hickeys, oral (f & m receiving), riding, unprotected sex, cream pie, impossible refractory period, multiple orgasms, aftercare not mentioned (always do aftercare)
✂︎A/n: Not super proud of this plot, but I did like the sex scene so I'm halfway there. This request was vague which gave me a lot of leeway, but when it came down to the plot I kinda faltered on that and I really wanted to get this out quickly so I do apologize for that. Yea not my best work for plot, but I do like the sex scene and ending scene. Also don't ask me why I used donghyuck, I don't truly know myself. If you enjoyed this requests are open for NCT, SVT, Treasure, and Enhypen. Please like, reblog, or donate to my Ko-Fi or cash app in my bio.
“How long are you staying? There’s so much stuff we can do. Mom and Dad are super excited to see you too. And the cats, they missed you so much too, you can come to the studio with me, or I can take you to the museum I know you love then.” You smiled listening to your overexcited older brother. As much as you loved attending college in Canada - the mountain ranges and hiking trails were surreal - you couldn’t lie and say that you didn’t miss your big brother, or being in Seoul.
“Only a week, that’s all my college gives me.”
“It should be longer, how can you relax with only five days?”
“Not all of us are jobless idols.” Shrugging your shoulders you ignored Jeno’s glaring. Thankfully his manager butt in.
“Before you two start to fight, how did your flight go? Was it too long?”  You smiled sweetly at the manager before recounting your past 14 hours. The flight was awfully long, and bad bordering on tortuous due to the child sitting behind you that decided to play soccer by himself against your seat, the mother who refused to tame the demon and threw a hissy fit when you asked her to control them, and last but not least the stale airplane snacks you were forced to eat because you forgot to pack enough - an amatuer move.
By the time you’d finish your recount of your miserable flight, the van was parked outside of the dorm, and the manager was opening the trunk. It took only a couple minutes to get upstairs - thanks to all of your bags being carried - but you were stopped outside of the door by Jeno placing his hand on your arm.
“Just a warning they can get really loud, and they might be hyper because it’s been a year. Plus Sungchan and Shotaro live here, they’re really nice and sweet they shouldn’t give you any trouble but if any of the boys irr-” Cutting Jeno’s rant off you placed your hand on his shoulder. He tends to be protective over you, mainly due to your extreme clumsiness as a child that left you with scraped knees and broken ankles, forcing Jeno to come and rescue you.
“It’ll be okay. Did you forget about the group chat? I just talked to all of the boys a couple minutes ago. Plus I'm excited to see them all, especially Jisung. He’s so much taller than me now.” Dramatically sighing you poked out your bottom lip, hoping to soften the mood. Jeno let out a little laugh, patting your shoulder before turning to the door.
“He’ll be super happy about that.” Jeno reached for the door knob, but before he could grab it the door was yanked open. You barely registered your name being called - Chenle and his disorientating screech - before someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you into the apartment.
Jeno shook his head at the sight of the boys forcing you into a group hug. Picking up your suitcases he carried them over the door threshold, stopping beside Donghyuck who was hanging back, watching all of the boys fawn over you with a smile on his face. Squinting his eyes Jeno clapped him on the shoulder, causing him to jump out of shock.
“Help with the bags?” Nodding his head Donghyuck grabbed one of your suitcases, heading towards the guest room which was really only used by you during your visits. “Surprised you’re not all over her the others.” Donghyuck shrugged his shoulders, placing your suitcase inside of the empty closet.
“She’s been here before and she’ll be here all week. I’ll have time to see her.” Raising his eyebrow Jeno couldn’t ignore his weird gut feeling. Donghyuck is never this calm, especially whenever you visit. He’s typically the first one to jump on you, pulling you into a hug and attempting to place kisses on your cheek as you gagged.
“You good?”
“Yea, why wouldn’t I be?” Walking closer Jeno carefully watched his expression, something was off about him. He couldn’t figure out what.
“Normally you’re already flirting with her. Or even giving her attention. You haven’t even said anything to her.”
“I guess I’ve just matured. Why flirt with someone who doesn’t want me to. Besides, like I said, she’ll be here all week under the same roof. I’ll talk to her later.”  Shaking his head Jeno walked over to the doorway, pausing with a quick glance over his shoulder.
“Just make sure she feels welcome. She missed us.” Donghyuck nods, grateful to see and hear Jeno’s retreating footsteps down the hall.
“Will do.” Impromptu interrogation over Donghyuck leaves the room, intent to find you. After his quick one sided game of hide and seek he found you in Jisung’s room, watching him show off his pc setup. A creaky floorboard alerted you of his presence, and he couldn’t deny that your look of relief at the sight of him made him happy.
“I will now be taking her. You’re not the only one she wanted to see Ji Sung-ah.” Donghyuck’s teasing voice caused Jisung cheeks to grow red. Nice to know that even after growing in height and into his looks he was still the same underneath. Jisung attempted to stutter out an apology but you reassured him it was okay.
“Is it alright if you show me after dinner?” Nodding his head Jisung leaned into your hand as you affectionately patted his head. After two seconds though Donghyuck was pulling you out of the room, making sure to close the door behind him. Once out into the hallway Donghyuck looked both ways, checking to see if it was clear before pushing you against the wall.
“Thought I’d never get you alone.” Your halfhearted smirk was met with Donghyuck’s lips pressing against yours. Your body tensed before relaxing, a reflex when kissing Donghyuck.
“Missed you. S’much.” You couldn’t help the soft sigh that left your mouth, Donghyuck easily swallowed it. His hands made their way to your hip, keeping you pinned against the wall. Your hands wrapped around his neck, dragging your finger nails leisurely over his hoodie. Kissing Donghyuck was an experience, and you wished you could get more every time.
It’s hard being in a long distance relationship. You still have two years worth of college to finish before you can move back to Seoul, Donghyuck is an idol who’s permanently living in Korea. You never saw yourself in this predicament, but now you don’t ever see yourself leaving it. You still remember the day he asked you, as if it was yesterday.
All the boys were asleep in the living room, they wanted to spend your last night watching a movie with you but practice left them so worn out they fell asleep only thirty minutes in. Except for Haechan. He’s used to pushing himself thin, something that you constantly worry about, so it was nothing for him to stay up late. He walked you back to your room after you both called it a night, stopping you before you entered your room, kissing you with a mumbled confession of  ‘I love you’.
Both of you had teetered the line of crushing and dating since you were 15 and he was 16. You were emotionally conflicted, your first reaction was to pull him into another kiss. The second was your heart breaking, how would the both of you last being so far away from each other. Donghyuck assured you that you could make it work, both of you. You took a leap of faith, and trusted him. He was right. Almost a year later and you are still going strong.
Both of you were wrapped up in your old world, sharing sweet kisses, until you heard footsteps, light enough to barely be there but still there. Donghyuck jumped back, just in time for Renjun to turn the corner. At the sight of the two of you his eyes squinted.
“We’re ordering food for movie night. Any suggestions?”
“Pizza.” Both of you spoke in unison. Sharing a look Donghyuck and you started to laugh. Any suspicion Renjun had went away, you were still the same.
“Y’all are weird.” Shaking his head Renjun turned around, walking back where he came from. Once he was out of sight you pulled Donghyuck into your room.
“I think he’s sus of us.”  Donghyuck laughed before switching your positions so your back was against the door.
“He’s oblivious. Besides, none of them would even care.”
“Jeno would.” Donghyuck only shook his head before placing kisses along your neck. Biting your lip you held back another sigh, tilting your head to give him more access.
“You’re an adult, and only a year younger than him. He’ll live.”
“We’ll talk about this later. I want to enjoy my boyfriend for as long as I can.” Donghyuck bit your neck, licking over the spot before pulling away, a smirk tugging at his lips.
“Love the sound of that.” Wrapping your arms around his neck you lean in for another kiss, parting your lips to deepen it. Donghyuck groans at the feeling of your tongue licking his lips, letting his slip out to meet yours, licking into your mouth. Grabbing the back of your thighs Donghyuck lifts you up, your legs wrapping around his waist. Walking the two of you over to the bed, sitting down so that you were now straddling his lap.
His hands slid up from your thighs to cup your ass, squeezing it harshly before massaging them. He swallowed each of your moans,  only upping his antics when he rolled his hips. Donghyuck was already hard, his cock was trying to escape his tight jeans and with every well placed roll of his hips it rubbed against your clothed clit. You rolled your hips down, meeting his halfway, pulling a deep groan out of Donghyuck that made you smirk. Grinding turned into dry humping, both of you eagerly chasing an orgasm. Your kiss was a simple pressing of your lips, sometimes parting to cover up your moans.
“Close.” Donghyuck tangled his hand in your hair to pull your head back, nipping at the sensitive skin on your neck. Your orgasm was so close you could taste it, biting your lip until you tasted blood to cover your moans, the both of you in your own bubble. Of course it had to pop.
“Foods ready! Jisung and Sungchan are going to eat it all!” At the sound of Jaemin’s voice both of you stopped, fear from almost being caught was enough for your orgasm to wither away. Standing up from his lap you walked over the mirror. Your lips weren’t too swollen, only a little red from your biting, and the hickies were still light enough to not be noticeable. Pulling on a hoodie you turned around, laughing at the pout on Donghyuck’s face.
“I can’t go out there like this.” Donghyuck’s whined, pointing at his very noticeable erection. His pants left little to the imagination.
“Do you want them to come in here and see you like that?” Donghyuck’s silence was the answer you needed. “Guess you’ll have to figure it out.” Blowing a kiss at him you left the room, ignoring his quiet whine as he tried to fix his situation.
Walking into the living room you were not expecting to be met with the sight of Jaemin physically restraining Jisung so that he wouldn’t go after the four pizza boxes sitting on the coffee table, while who you presume to be Sungchan and Shotaro are talking.
“Why are you holding my child?” Jisung perked up seeing you, as Jaemin finally released you. Running behind you Jisung held you in front of him as a shield, sticking his tongue out at Jaemin.
“Your child was trying to eat the pizza.” Jaemin playfully glared at Jisung from his spot on the couch.
“I’m hungry.” Shaking your head as you gestured towards the pizza boxes, Jisung turned around once more to mock Jaemin before opening one of the boxes and pulling a slice out.
“Hi.” A soft voice spoke from beside you. “I’m Shotaro.” Turning your head you were met with the sight of him smiling shyly, holding his hand out for you to shake. After introducing yourself he offered to make you a plate, since you were a guest. You declined the offer but he insisted, piling up two plates with food and handing you one.
“Aw, I think Shotaro has a crush.” Shotaro’s face went bright red at Chenle’s statement, looking down at his plate. “He even made your plate. So cute.” If Shotaro could he would’ve burst into flames, thankfully for him you’ve dealt with the boys teasing for years and were immune to it.
“You’re being childish, let me enjoy my new best friend.” Playfully scolding the boys you threw your arm over Shotaro’s shoulder, pulling him closer to you. Missing the way that Donghyuck’s face fell.
Once all ten of you were done eating, and the plates were placed in the sink - Jisung and Sungchan lost the game so they were forced to wash them - you figured out seating arrangements in the living room. The dorm was by no means small, but it only had one couch and the coffee table decorating it. Jisung, Chenle and Renjun made it easy, choosing to settle on the floor with three big pillows and a blanket for them to share. Shotaro, Haechan, Jeno and you decided to pile up on the couch, despite it only having enough space for three people.
“You can sit on my lap. J-just so you don’t have to sit on the floor.” You declined Shotaro’s offer, saying you’d feel more comfortable sitting beside him, leaving you squished between Shotaro and Donghyuck. Sungchan and Jaemin just dragged two dining room chairs over, placing them on either side of the couch so that they could see the tv. After the seating arrangements were made you started the movie, they decided on the Conjuring despite five of them hating scary movies. The movie choices ended up not mattering, as all of you gave constant commentary, criticizing the movie and pointing out all of the glaringly obvious plot holes.
Donghyuck was the first to leave ten minutes before the movie ended. Sitting and watching his girlfriend flirt with one of his group members was more than enough to develop a bitter taste in his mouth. He can’t blame either of you, if you try to deflect  his flirting the rest of the boys would question it, Shotaro didn’t even know that you were taken, none of them did. He could only truly blame himself, but even then could he really? You agreed to hide your relationship too.
Shaking his head Donghyuck sighed, closing his door quietly, making sure to lock it. Call it childish but he couldn’t face you. Flopping onto his bed he didn’t bother changing his clothes. He can always take a morning shower. He couldn’t get the sight of you so close to Shotaro out of his head, Shotaro glancing to you more than he watched the actual movie, and the fucking giggling. Hearing your adorable giggle every time Shotaro cracked a lame joke, or either of you jumped at the movie.
His phone buzzed. Picking his phone up he instantly dropped it back on its face. He didn’t want to talk to you right now, otherwise sleep with you. You were in the room across from his, pouting at your phone. Your message said read, but Donghyuck hadn’t replied. The three little message bubbles hadn’t appeared either.
Both of you curled up in the middle of the bed, pulled your blanket up to your chests and closed your eyes, Donghyuck attempting to ignore the bitter taste, while you ignored the pang in your chest.
By the time you woke up the next morning you’d forgotten about the ignored message, only remembering that you’d forgotten to take a shower and were still wearing your travel clothes. Standing up you grabbed your toiletry bag and a change of clothes, before walking out into the hallway. Reaching for the handle of the bathroom door it suddenly opened, humidity rushing out to meet you. You smiled seeing Donghyuck, wishing him a good morning and leaning in for a kiss, but you got brushed off. Donghyuck only walked around you, heading back into his room. Scrunching your eyebrows together you stared after him. Weird.
Donghyuck ignores you for the rest of the day, and even though the boys are dragging you around Seoul, taking you to the Han River and various cafes that you’d missed in Canada you couldn’t shake the disconcerting feeling. Did you do something wrong? Everytime Donghyuck was near you, he’d immediately walk away, putting space between the two of you. When you were alone Donghyuck made sure to call over one of the others, pulling them into a conversation.
The following two days are the same, Donghyuck ignoring you at every opportunity. Your multiple text messages, and various attempts to corner him in the dorm so that you can talk all end with him only giving you a blank stare before leaving. It’s hard being joyful in a dorm when someone is purposely ignoring you, and you don’t even know what you did wrong. You tried to put on a smile, and pretend that everything was okay, knowing that two days of your vacation have gone by without your boyfriend acknowledging your presence.
Typically on campus you can hide your emotions. It’s not a hard feat, smiling and pretending to laugh at their awful jokes. Back in Seoul with your brother, it’s a lot harder. It’s not a surprise when Jeno pulls you into his room one day, and asks what’s wrong.
“Nothing’s wrong. Why are you asking?”
“Listen. I know I’m overprotective sometimes, but I see the way you look at Hyuck. I know you like him. And I wouldn’t be upset if you confessed to him.”
“Really?” Shaking his head Jeno tosses his arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer to him.
“Of course not. He’s a great dude, plus I just want you to be happy.” You didn’t think Jeno would be this accepting of your relationship. You never thought he’d be okay with you dating anyone, but knowing that he accepts Hyuck makes you happy at the thought of being able to show affection in the dorm. Until you remember your situation. You couldn’t hold back your tears, hiding your face in Jeno’s shoulder and letting out a shaky sob.
Jeno always knew how to calm you down, rubbing your back and singing the song you’re mother used to when you were younger. It doesn’t take long for your sobs to turn into sniffles, and the fleeting thought of Jeno being a wizard comes to your forefront. Giggling a little you sat up to wipe your tears, remembering how you would tell your friends that your older brother was a wizard in the school yard.
“Now are you ready to tell me what’s wrong?” Nodding your head, you turned to face him, crossing your legs and letting out a deep sigh.
“We’re fighting. Hyuck’s been ignoring me for days, and I don’t know what I did.” It took Jeno a second to calm himself, knowing that your tears were because of Hyuck, but he told himself to be a good brother and not overprotective.
“He hasn’t talked to you at all?” Shaking your head you stared at your lap.
“I don't know what I did. He ignored my text message the first night, and now he’s actively avoiding me. I don’t know what to do Jeno, it hurts so much.”
“I’ll be right back.” Grabbing Jeno’s arm you stopped him from getting off the bed.
“No, don’t. I’ll figure it out. Please don’t do anything, I don’t know if I was even supposed to tell you we’re dating.”
“I promise I’m not going to talk to him. Just get him in the same room, okay?” Slowly releasing him you nodded your head.
Jeno was a wizard. Ten minutes later Donghyuck was in your room, standing in front of the locked door.
“Don’t think about trying to leave this room until you make up.” The sound of his footsteps disappeared down the hall.
“Bastard.” Donghyuck mumbles under his breath, kicking the door before sitting on the opposite end of the bed. Him sitting so far only caused you to curl in on yourself, wrapping your arms around your knees. The silence between the two of you was deafening. You’d never fought with Donghyuck before, and you didn’t even know what the fight was about. Swallowing your nerves you decided to just bite the bullet.
“What did I do?” Donghyuck’s heart wasn’t made of steel, hearing your voice that broken forced him to turn to you, shocked when he saw the tears running down your cheek. “I’ll apologize, but I just don’t know what I did to make you upset.” He was being childish, and hurting you in the process. Crawling across the bed Donghyuck sat back on his heels, cupping your cheek.
“I’m sorry. It was me. I was jealous.” Your eyes widened but Donghyuck stopped you before you could speak, “I was jealous of all the attention you were giving Shotaro. It was so easy for you, everyone joked about your flirting and him having a crush on you. It got to me, I want to be able to do all of that with you. I’m sorry for making you cry over my pettiness, I just didn’t know how to act when all I wanted to do was kiss you infront of all of them, especially Shotaro to end his little crush.” Giggling a little you smiled softly.
“You’re the only one I want, Hyuck. Shotaro is adorable of course, but you’re the one I’ve liked since I was 15. A crush like that isn’t going away easily.” Your teasing tone helped Donghyuck relax. “You’re my boyfriend. Not Shotaro, or any of the Dreamies. You. And only you.” Releasing a sigh Donghyuck placed a kiss on your forehead.
“I’m so sorry, I was so selfish and childish. I don’t deserve you.”
“Yea, well I deserve you. Plus who would turn down dating you?” Donghyuck playfully growled before pushing you back against the pillows and crawling over you, propping himself up on his elbows placing kisses over your face before ending at your lips. Sweet, chaste kisses turning into proper ones. You felt Donghyuck smirk against your lips when you attempted to deepen the kiss by licking into his mouth. Donghyuck sucking on your tongue caused you to whimper, your hips bucking up to meet his. You felt him mutter ‘needy’ against your lip, so you returned the favor savoring his groan he let out. Both of you pulled away from the kiss, breathlessly staring at each other.
Kissing Donghyuck was a dreamlike experience that ended with one of you getting overwhelmed to the point you’d leave to go take a cold shower. Not today. You missed Donghyuck, being in a different continent than him plus the days he was ignoring, and you needed him.
“Fuck me.” Donghyuck’s eyes widened almost comically, if you couldn’t feel your heartbeat in between your legs you would’ve laughed, but there was a more pressing matter.
“Fuck me. Please.”
“Are you positive?” Rolling your eyes you whined loudly.
“If you do not fuck me I’ll go find Shotaro. I think he’d fuck me.” His growl sent chills through your body, you had no time to think about it before he was nipping at your bottom lip. Donghyuck was a man on a mission. Those nights spent rereading your texts, telling him how much you needed him, hand working over his cock desperately imagining that it was you instead. Now with the opportunity in front of him? He was going to show you just how good he was, until he was the only thing on your thoughts. You wouldn’t even think of Shotaro afterwards.
Your hands slid under his shirt, running your nails over his back, smiling at the way he visibly shivers. “Off.”
Sitting up Donghyuck pulled his shirt off, dropping it to the floor before helping you out of yours. The sight of you shirtless below him had Donghyuck thanking every god that existed. His hands slid up your waist, leaving goosebumps in its wake as he cupped your breasts, gently squeezing them. You felt exposed with Haechan ogling you, but the feeling disappeared when he encased your nipple in his warm mouth. A shuddery breath left your mouth as you ran your hand through Donghyuck’s hair, pulling it when he sucked a mark on your breast. “Stop teasing.” You tried to come off demanding, but instead it came off whiny. It got the job done regardless.
Donghyuck wasted no time after that, planting kisses down your body while he fumbled with the button on your jeans. He was forced to pull away to slide them down your legs with your panties, but he went right back to planting kisses and sucking hickeys on your lower stomach. He finally had you where he wanted you, and he’d be damned if he didn’t take advantage of it. You let out another whine as Donghyuck bypassed your pussy to suck more bruises on the inside of your thighs. He was so close, but so far.
“Hyuck, please. I need you.” Donghyuck has been an idol for years. He’d like to think that his career had hardened him, but hearing those words fall from your mouth he was weak. Who was he to ignore you asking so nicely?
“Hands above your head. Don’t move them.” Donghyuck smirked at you obediently placing your hands above your head, grabbing at your head board. You should’ve known he was good with his mouth with how much he argues. His tongue was magical, the way that it separated your lips, tasting all of your arousal as his nose rubbed over your clit with every lick. It was taking everything in you to be patient, but your hips continued to buck up despite Donghyuck holding them down with one of his hands.
“S’close.” You thought Donghyuck would pull away, but he started to rub your clit with two fingers you knew he was testing you. You failed. Badly. After his tongue started to shallowly fuck into your hole, you came harder than you’d even cum before. You expected him to slow down, but he only continued to tongue fuck you through your orgasm, his fingers still rubbing you clit in small circles. Digging your fingers into the headboard you cried out as the pain set in, your clit was so sensitive that every time his fingers lightly dragged over it you jumped. You tried to tell Donghyuck, but his tongue was soon replaced with two fingers and all thoughts left your head.
His fingers massaged the inside of your walls while he sucked on your clit. Your thighs tried to close around his head but it didn’t stop him, only making him mutter ‘take it’ as he continued to eat you like you were his last meal. You felt as if you were going insane. Donghyuck was in heaven. Your reactions only spurred him on, breathy moans that you were obviously holding back, hips bucking up in an attempt to meet his tongue and your thighs attempting to close around his head. Donghyuck didn’t care about breathing if this was the way you reacted. Before either of you knew it your walls were clenching around Donghyuck’s fingers and you were cumming again with a moan that was loud enough for everyone to hear. Donghyuck watched your chest rise and fall as he licked your cum off of his fingers.
“Did you like my apology?” You glared at Donghyuck, flicking him off before you got an idea.
“Can I suck you off?”
That question was stupid. Donghyuck would never decline that offer, it’s how you found yourself sitting in between his legs while he laid back against the headboard, hand gripping your hair tightly as you worked yourself down on his cock, hand stroking the part you couldn’t reach with your mouth. A hiss left his mouth when your tongue ran over the sensitive vein under the head, hand yanking your hair. A moan left your mouth, the vibrations causing Donghyuck’s hips to buck up.
“Fuck, gonna make me cum.” Donghyuck was thoroughly impressed by you, especially when he came inside your mouth and you swallowed it all, even sticking your tongue out to show him. He had never come that fast in his life, but he wasn’t ashamed of it being because of you. “Come here.”
Grabbing the back of your neck he pulled you into a kiss, your legs straddling his lap as you got comfy, wrapping your arms around his neck. Donghyuck was a little pissed. You sucked his soul out through his dick now he was stucking kissing you until he was hard again. Though the way you were sucking on his tongue while grinding down on his cock was lessening his pain, and soon enough he was at half mast. That’s all he needed.
“Ride me.” Donghyuck didn’t have to tell you twice. Grabbing the base of your cock you slowly sat down. You were still so sensitive from both of your orgasms so his cock dragging against your wall caused you to hiss. When your ass finally met his thighs you sighed, his cock stretching you in the best way possible. He gave you no time to adjust as he smacked your ass. “Baby, ride me like a good girl. Wanna be good for me right?”
His words triggered something in you. A whimper left your mouth but you listened to him, setting a slow pace to get used to the feeling. Donghyuck watched you, committing this memory. He never wanted to forget this. The way you pulled your plump bottom lip between his teeth, sweat dripping down your forehead, the feeling of your nails digging into his shoulders as you used him for leverage to quicken the pace. All of it was beautiful, with the plus of your silky walls squeezing his cock so tightly that he thought he was going to cum before you again.
There was no hiding what the both of you were doing, the bed creaking beneath you and your moans loud enough to echo throughout the room. He can’t put it all on you thought, each time you clenched around him he let out a low groan. Shotaro was probably jealous. Donghyuck was the one making you moan like this, watching your breast bounce with every thrust. He’d already made you cum twice, and was gonna make you cum on his cock. Shotaro could only wish of having you like this.
“So loud baby. Everyone can hear you.” Donghyuck’s voice was raspy, and lower than you’d ever heard it in years of knowing him. It was sexy, and only helped add fuel to the fire burning in your gut. “All mine.” Letting his hand come up to your neck, thumb tracing the hickeys lining your neck. They’d be impossible to hide. Donghyuck smirked, knowing that everyone would easily know you were his.
“S’good for me.” Letting his other arm wrap around your back, he planted his feet in the mattress, fucking into you. Donghyuck gently squeezed your neck with each thrust. Your brain was fuzzy, complete mush. Watching Donghyuck look as if he wanted to devour you while riding him, and now having his hand wrapped around your neck, you were a puddle. Whining you dropped your head down to his shoulder, biting it to try and cover your moans. Letting go of your neck Donghyuck smacks your ass harshly, causing you to gasp out of pain.
“Let them hear. Want them to know how good I make you feel.” Whatever incubus possessed Donghyuck, thank you. His thrusts were hitting deep inside of you, thick cock head rubbing over your g spot. When his hand dropped down to rub at your clit  all you could do was let out a whimper before you were cumming so hard that your vision blacked out.
Donghyuck continued to fuck you through it, staring at amazement at your juices glistening over his thighs and stomach. When your vision came back you saw the amusement on Donghyuck’s face, one glance and you could see why. Placing your head on his shoulder you hid it from his smug look.
“Don’t even.”
“That’s the hottest shit I’ve ever seen.” You felt heat rising to your cheeks, letting out another whine before stopping. Pouting you looked up at Donghyuck.
“Did you cum?”
“I’m good. Seeing you squirt was enough, trust me.” Donghyuck pulled out, causing you to clench around nothing. Turning around you pressed your chest to the bed, arching your back.
“Please Hyuck. I want you to cum.”
“Baby, are you sure? You’ll know I’ll be fine regardless.” Shaking your head you arched your back a little harder, feeling Donghyuck run his finger over your pussy that was dripping with your cum.
“Please Hyuck, fuck me. I want you. Please breed me.” You were gonna feel embarrassed about that in the morning, but it got the job done. Donghyuck sat up on his knees and bottomed out with one smooth thrust, both of you letting out matching moans.
You should’ve thought this through actually. He was deeper in you now, his hands on your waist helping him pull you back to meet his every thrust. There was no other way to describe it then ethereal. You felt as if you’d ascended, electricity shooting through your body. Donghyuck pulled up to meet his chest, wrapping his arm around his chest and settling his hand around your throat.
“S’tight baby. Gonna cum for me again?” Your answer was a moan that was so loud that Donghyuck heard the tv in the living room become louder. They definitely heard that. That set Donghyuck over the edge, two more thrusts and he was releasing inside of you, biting your neck hard to hold back his groan. His warm seed filling you up pushed you to your fourth orgasm, you truly blacked out by then. Pulling out Donghyuck lays you on the clean part of your blanket, knowing he’ll have to change it when he gets back.
Climbing off of the bed Donghyuck pulled on his sweatpants. Opening the door Donghyuck walks to the bathroom to get a rag, but bumps into Jeno instead, whose face shows a mix of disgust and rage.
Jeno raises his hand, cutting off Donghyuck before he even is able to speak, mouth closing instantly.
“I don’t give a fuck what you have to say. I never want to hear you having sex with my sister again or else I will beat your ass. Understood?”
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sageworld · 3 years
When We Have Cyber Sex Pt 2; JJ Maybank & John B
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Warnings; Smut, chubby reader, jj & john b are meanies
Part 1; Here
-The one where you get fucked after a kegger !
*JJ is typing* You phone vibrated in your back pocket, not loud enough to make a nose but enough for you to feel it. You pulled it out, read the notification & looked over at JJ who was smiling softly back at you from his seat before turning away.
JJ; kegger tonight u comin?
You smile and roll your eyes, knowing what he just wants to fuck & not wanting to give in to quickly.
Me; im busy tonight srry
JJ; doin what?):
Me; i have plans with topper
It was no secret that Topper & you had been good friends since 2nd grade, even despite your chubby body weight, he never cared. He would constantly tell you how nice he thought your body was and although he was with Sarah, he had no issue of telling you he’d hit.
Yet, you didn’t really have plans with Topper, just wanted to make it seem like you’re busy.
JJ; oh come on that kook
JJ; please baby, c’mon):
Me; maybeee but idk
JJ; it’ll be fun, we can hang out by the bond fire
JJ; and drink beer , smoke something, maybe have some fuuuun🕺🏽🕺🏽
Me; fine but i’m gonna be late
JJ; awh yeah
JJ; what were your plans with that kook anyways
Me; nothing important
JJ; Tell meeeee
“Mr. Maybank, would you like to answer the question?” You hear your teachers voice boom. “Uh.” “No? Okay well how about you Miss. Y/L/N?” Your teacher pointing you two out for obvious reasons but thankfully you were listening.
“Oh yea, y’s of 9 minus x of 2ª over 231.” You simply reply. “Very good, I trust the two of you will be off your phones in my class room from now on.” “Yes sir.” JJ says & you nod. “Let’s continue class.”
You don’t receive another text from JJ until 8pm, in the past two days that was the normal time he would text.
JJ; are you getting ready or on the way
Me;Just came home real quick to shower again & change
JJ; okay baby, you can text me when you’re here & i’ll walk 2 get u (:
That was one of the only text you’d got from JJ that seemed like her cared about something other than fucking, you were sure in between the lines somewhere it was something about fucking but nevermind that.
You search through your closet, towel wrapped around you. You’re end result is ripped denim shorts, pink crop top with a powerpuff symbol in the middle with some slide on vans, topped off with your Columbia jacket. You look in the mirror, admiring your thighs & their thickness before deciding it’s time to leave.
You don’t end up showing up until 9 when this kegger started at whenever the hell they group had got there which was most likely hours ago.
*JJ is typing*
JJ; is that ur car i see ?
Me; yeah probably, i just pulled in 😂
JJ; Omw
You quickly spray a bit more of your grapefruit scented perfume. You close it back into your glove box, suddenly startled by the sound of not one but two of your door handles wiggling. You look to your passenger door & see JJ. You unlock it, JJ & to your surprise John B hop in.
“Hey, Y/n.” John B says cheerfully from the back, “Haven’t talked to you in a while, huh?” He finishes. “Yeah, I guess it has been a while.” You turn back, one hand still on the wheel to smile at him. “God, it smells good in here, is that you?” JJ sniffles a bit before putting his face into your neck, breathing in the smell of you. “Fuck you smell good.” He quickly kisses your neck, your hair covering his actions from John B. “She always does.” John B says from the back, softly pulling some strands of your hair into his hands, playing with it.
At this point you feel like you’re about to explode, what the fuck is happening. “Let’s go, yeah baby? We’re about to tap another keg.” “Yeah, let’s go.” You smile. The three of you make your way out of the car, you in the middle of the two boys who are towering over you.
Before you could wander off to find some of your friends who texted you earlier saying they would be here you feel a hand pull you back. “Wow wow wow, Y/n. We didn’t invite you here just for you to run off on us.” John B smiles down at you. “Oh yeah sorry I know, just wanted to see if some of my friends were here.” “I can garante they are so let’s go tap this keg.” JJ comes behind John B, patting his shoulder & holding a hand out for you that you grab onto.
“Oh my goshhh, Y/n.” Kiara comes sits up from the log she’s sitting on, clearly drunk. She pulls you in for a hug “Girl, I haven’t talked to you since like Mrs. Esterllas class.” she slurs. “That’s right, huh?” You attempt to pull back & smile, in the process somehow Kie manages to spill half her beer on your jacket. “Oh my god, I am so sorry I did not mean to do that.” She cries out. “It’s okay.” You step back, looking down at the damage.
“Shit, you okay Y/n?” John B & JJ finally turn back from the keg they were attempting to tap, in their defense this whole ordeal happened in like 5 seconds. “I’m fine.” You begin you pull the jacket off of you, no matter how self conscious you know you’ll feel. “It was just a slip, i’m fine.” You smile at the group.
After an hour of sitting there, sipping on the same beer JJ had gave to your once they finished tapping it & having conversations with Kiara while the three boys wrestled in the sand. At this point most of everyone else had gone home, you could feel it in the air that a storm was brewing for sometime in the next few days. Everyone except a few friends of yours.
“Yo, Y/n are you coming to Gabe’s place with us?” One of your friends called out causing John B and JJ to pause and look at you. “Depends, what’re you guys doing?” You finish off your beer in a gulp. “Actually, Y/n you said you’d help me with my math tonight?” JJ quickly interrupts. “JJ, it’s 10 on a Friday, you can’t do it tomorrow?” Your friend rudely asks. “It’s 10? Well we better get going, Y/n. It’s due at 11:59pm, sorry.” JJ grabs your hand to help you up & your friend walks away mumbling a bye.
“Eh, we can come back for them tomorrow.” JJ turns to Kiara & Pope who are cuddling on the sand. “Yeah they’ll be fine.” John B agrees. “JJ, we don’t have math homework.” You say as you guys begin back to your car. “I know I just didn’t want you to leave us.” He wraps his arms around you waist, walking behind you.
As the three of you make it up the walk, you begin to question, “Wait, my cars the other way isn’t it?” “Yeah but that’s not where we’re going.” John B says, humming. “Well where we going.” You giggle when JJ kisses your neck. “To this!” John B cheers, as you realize you’ve arrived at this van who you knew was named Twinkie. “You guys are to much.” You smile, JJ pulling his face out of your neck, before tapping your butt & telling you to get in the van.
The three of you hop in & JJ pulls a J out of the cup holder, lighting it up as John Bs hand finds it’s up to rub your thigh. You sitting with you legs bent up, in between the two boys once again. “What’re you doing John B?” You put your head back, letting it rest on the interior of the car & looking at him. “Nothing, I just wanna feel you again, that’s all.” This time his face going into your neck, kissing it.
You hear JJ inhale from the joint before putting it up to your lips, letting you take a drag. It goes on in a rotation of whoever has the joint & who’s kissing your neck until you three finish it. At this point you were pretty high. “What’s your favorite animal.” JJ randomly asks you. “Hmm, I like flamingos.” “Yeah baby?” John B asks, “Mm yeah.” Your head rolls back as you feel one of there hands begin to grope your tit. “JJ.” You gasp out, looking down to see his hand. “Oh don’t act like you don’t like it.” He rubs your nipple through your shirt. “I think she likes it a lot.” John B joins in, groping you as well.
Boy boys begin to kiss at you, on the lips, neck, wherever they can. You turn to JJ, your tongue rubbing together in the kiss as you feel his hands go down to unbutton your shorts. John B’s hand finds it’s way inside your pants, rubbing you through your panties.
“Fuck.” You moan out, putting both of your hands on either of the boys, rubbing their erect dicks over their pants. JJ begins to pull your shirt over your head, letting your bra come off as well. “Fuck these are so big.” He smiles at your tits, groping you again before putting one of your nipples in his mouth. John B uses his other hand to rub the nipple not being occupied by JJ. “I don’t know about you JJ, but i’m dying to see her with a dick in her mouth again.” “That, John B is something i’ve never had the gift of seeing, can we make that happen?” He asks John B, “I think so, can we princess.” They both pull away. You eagerly nod.
“Good girl.” JJ softly slaps your face. they both sit up on their knees and pull themselves out of their pants. Quickly you have two red & angry tips in your face, both boys perched on their knees, you sitting on your butt with you knees bent up making you shorter than them still even if on their knees.
You grab onto both lengths before deciding to start with John B’s familiar one. You suck on the tip, your tongue swirling around it knowing how much he liked that, especially because of your tongue piercing. His hands find his way into your hair, pulling you down onto him making you take more. “Fuck you’re so good.” John B throws his head back, once you begin to gag he let’s go, letting you give JJ a try.
“Hi.” You smile up at him, “Hey pretty girl.” He smiles down at you, rubbing his hands through your hair. “Come on baby, open wide.” He thrusts his hips forward, allowing his dick to rub on your face. You open your mouth & quickly he’s thrusting into it. He lets out a loud groan and throws his head back.
You go back & fourth between the two boys for about 10 more minutes, mascara running down your face from all the gagging.
“Alright, c’mere.” JJ roughly begins to tug at your short and you slide your body up and forward, allowing yourself to lay down & giving him some help getting your shorts off. John B comes over you, holding his dick up, you instantly begin to suck at his balls.
Once JJ gets your shorts off he takes off the rest of his clothes as well before laying on top of you. He reaches down and rubs his tip all over your pussy, it making a gushy sound. “You hear that John B?” He asks. “That’s good pussy.” John B simply smirks, pulling his shirt off as well.
JJ doesn’t give much warning before pushing into you, he sits up a bit, trying to get a better angle. His thrusts aren’t soft once he finds exactly what he wants, he pounding himself into you. Your loud moans being muffled by now John B’s dick. “She feel good. JJ?” “Hell yeah she does, best pussy i’ve been in.” JJ throws his head back in pleasure. “I almost didn’t wanna let her go last year.” John B pulls his dick out of your mouth before smiling down at you, “Isn’t that right?” “Yes, fuck JJ.” You moan loudly.
JJ quickly pulls out of you & sits back. “Fuck I cant cum that quick.” He breaths heavily. “I told you man, she’s got the best pussy, isn’t that right princess.” John B smiles and grabs your face. You realize he isn’t looking for a response when he helps sit you up & faces you near the front of the car on your hands & knees. You arch your back, allowing your head to rest on the turtle pillow that’s in the back on the car.
John B, much like JJ doesn’t give any warning. He grabs onto your hips and begins to thrust into you. “Look at that ass.” JJ comes up, smacking your ass making you moan. “Oh yeah she likes that.” JJ says jokingly before doing it again, harder this time. “Is that a tattoo?” JJ questions looking at you upper thigh on your front, honestly having no clue how he spotted it. It was one you got a while back, in red ink, high enough that any pair of shorts would cover it you thigh reads ‘Talk To Me Nice’.
“Yea, oh fuck John B.” You you reach back to push him away a bit, he simply grabs both of your wrist & pulls you up. Your back now on this front. The loud slaps of his dick ramming into you over and over again becoming a lot. You open your eyes to see JJ shimmying over to your front, he put his dick in the folds of your pussy, rubbing your clit. He jerks half of his dick & let’s the other half poke onto you. John B puts on hand on your stomach & the other on your nipple. “I’m gonna cum.” “Me too.” JJ agrees with his bestfriend. “C’mon baby, ugh, cum for us.” JJ’s groan was enough to send you into a shocking orgasam.
John B throws you down & both boys begin to jerk off over you. You lay back and play with yourself giving them extra motivation. They both scoot closer before cumming on your face in sync, you moan out, not really meaning it but just for effect.
“Holy shit.” John B says letting the last of his load out onto your face. Both boys pull back & laugh a bit before dapping each other up. You collect some of the cum that had drizzled onto your tit onto your finger and put in into your mouth.
“Holy fuck that was hot.” JJ reacts to your actions. “Can we record that?” John B asks & you look at him crazy. “Oh come on Y/n all the shit we have of you that never got out, c’mon baby.” You think before agreeing, “Alright but just one video.” “Yesss!” Both boys exclaim.
The boy take their phones out, recording you licking some of their cum off your fingers. You realize it’s not going to be a quick video, not wanting to look stupid, you use your other hand to begin to play with yourself again. You rub yourself to the sound of the boys heavy breathing, their cameras now recording your bare pussy. “That’s our pornstar.” JJ jokes making you laugh & sit up. The three of you laugh together as they put their phones away.
“We should record the whole thing next time, like start to finish.” JJ says as the three of you all lay back again, you sandwiched in between. “That, JJ is not a bad idea.” John B looks up at you, playing with your nipple.
“I’ll consider it.”
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street-smarts00 · 3 years
Midoriya x f!reader
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Summary: Y/n had just realized that she has a crush on her best friend, Izuku Midoriya. She confides in Mina while they were walking to class. However, someone just so happens to overhear their conversation.
Word count: 1.9k
Fluff with ⚠️language
This is my first time writing, enjoy!
“I still can’t believe it took you that long to realize it,” Mina joked.
Mina had once again brought up this embarrassing topic. God forbid you mention anything about crushes, it’s all she wants to talk about. But then again you are a bit of a gossip too, you just didn’t like when the topic of conversation was yourself.
“I've been single for the past 16 years, you really expect me to know how my feelings work,” you mumbled while the two of you walked to heroics.
It was exhausting talking about your new found feelings for one of your best friends, Izuku Midoriya. The two of you have known each other for over a year now and had just started second year; and only a few days ago did you realize that you had fallen head over heels for the guy.
“So when are you gonna tell him?” Mina smirked. “What? Mina I can’t tell him that I like him it will ruin our friendship” you replied as your cheeks turned pink.
“Why do you think it’s gonna ruin your friendship?”
You sighed, “Because it’s gonna make everything awkward. I won’t know how to act around him once he knows and it’s not like he likes me back.”
Your friendship with Midoriya was more important than some silly crush. He was always there for you, giving you tips on how to improve your quirk or fighting style, helping you study, and whenever you were in a shitty mood he always knew what to do to lift your spirits.
“Oh please that’s a load of bull shit”
“MINA!” You exclaimed.
“What? You really think he doesn’t like you? You guys are super cuddly and touchy and you two always have to be touching whether your holding hands or your arms are linked.” Mina explained.
You shook your head, “No Mina that doesn’t mean he likes me, he’s just a touchy person,”
She smirked, “oh really, well I’m friends with him and he isn’t cuddly with me. Or even some of his other best friends, like Iida or Ochako, has he ever cuddled with them during movie night?”
You opened your mouth to respond but no words came out. She was right. You thought that he was just a touchy person. You had never noticed that the only person he was physically affectionate with,was you. The constant hand holding, and arms linked or draped across the others shoulders, the cuddling on the couch during movie night. It was only you, no one else.
“And, it’s not just the physical affection, he also goes out of his way to help you, like all the time. More so then the rest of the class. And remember when you sprained your ankle during training a few weeks ago, he freaked out and offered to carry you to recovery girls office, and when you did get there he refused to leave until you were all patched up”
You were speechless. You thought all of that stuff was just his normal helpful personality. He’s always trying to help others. Did he really give you more attention?
“Holy shit,” you whispered. Your heart was beating a mile a minute. It felt like you were frozen in place even though we’re you still walking to heroics.
“Awww now you have to tell him! Come on it will be so cute. You’ll confess your feelings, you’ll start dating and then you’ll be in love, and then soon I’m gonna have to start calling you y/n Midoriya.” Mina giggled.
“Mina!” You hissed, and she replied giggling.
In the middle of your rage, you didn’t notice Shinsou pass by the both of you.
“Hey Shinsou!” Mina said cheered. You looked up and mumbled “hey.” He glanced over looking exhausted as always and replied “Hey guys.”
He walked passed the two of you and always out of your line of sight. However, right afterwards you heard him say “Hey Midoriya”
Wait what?
Did he just say? Nope he didn’t, he did not just say Midoriya. He did not just say the name of the boy you and Mina had an ENTIRE conversation about.
It felt like the world was spinning. Your hands became sweaty and you almost dropped the case with your hero outfit.
You glanced towards Mina and she had the same expression as you, eyes wide, jaw dropped and face pale. The two of you turned our heads and unfortunately there he was. Your best friend, green messy hair, worn out old red shoes, and an almost identical facial expression as you. Except instead of all the color draining from his face, it turned bright red.
He awkwardly smiled and waved his trembling hand. You reverted your head and stared at the floor; you couldn’t look anyone in the eyes.
How long was he behind you? How much did he hear? You didn’t want to ask, you were too mortified to find out.
In your grief you didn’t realize that you had reached the girls locker room. You and Mina quickly ran inside and you sighed the tiniest bit of relief now that Midoriya was gone.
Heroics class was starting and you had barely spoken to anyone since the incident. Your mind hadn’t stopped racing. You played over what happened on the way here over and over again, trying to figure out how much he might have heard.
The only way you were safe from dying of embarrassment was if he only heard that last bit of the conversation where Mina had replaced your last name for his. If anything you could just play that off as Mina joking around or something.
You couldn’t gain the courage to go over and ask him cause there was a pretty high chance he heard EVERYTHING. He however, did have the courage to go over to you. You noticed him walking towards you and your insides felt like they are about to explode.
“Hey y/n” he said as he played with one of the gloves of his costume. You were surprised he wasn’t the same shade as a tomato right now. You on the other hand, we’re the shade of a tomato.
“H-hi Midoriya” you studdered.
He continued to fidget with his glove, “So about what happened earlier”
NO! No no no no! You were not ready for this. You did not want to talk about this right now.
“About what you said to Ashido, I . . “
“How much did you hear?” You had to know, it was eating you alive.
“Um well, a lot of it”
SHIT! Red alert! He knows, I repeat, he knows you like him.
“Oh yea right” you awkwardly giggled. “That was um, just uh. . . “
“All right class, let’s get started” All might interrupted.
“Today we will be working on close combat. You will all be in groups of two and we will take turns one at a time, so your classmates can observe and critique your work.”
Thankfully Heroics went by smoothly after your little, but very awkward, conversation with Izuku.
You didn’t speak to him the next day at school either. You didn’t know what to say and you were terrified of what he would say about what he heard. Others had noticed too, it was odd that you two weren’t holding hands or had your arms linked let alone not looked at each other.
Once you headed back to the dorms you spent the entire afternoon in your room just like the day before. Midoriya even tried to talk to you. He knocked on the door and asked if he could come in but you said you were in the middle of an assignment. Which was a lie and he knew it because you had finished all your work during free period. You were just too scared to even look at him let alone talk to him.
You didn’t leave your room until Sero came and practically dragged you downstairs for movie night.
You heard a knock on your door and prayed it wasn’t Izuku. “Hey y/n, it’s Sero”
You sighed and got up from your bed to open the door, “Hey.” He saw your tired eyes, “are you ok?”
You realized he saw right through you and replied “yea I’m good just kinda freaked out about something,” His face fell and filled with worry, “do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really, its kinda personal and embarrassing, you replied.
Sero knew not to push you. You tended to have a hard time opening up and if he kept asking you would end up never telling him, or anyone at all. “Oh ok, but if you ever wanna talk I’m all ears,” he sympathized. “Wait, I almost forgot the whole reason I came up here. We’re gonna start the movie soon.”
Crap. You completely forgot it was Friday, and Friday was movie night. Where everyone sits in the common room and watches a movie. The movie night where you cuddled with your best friend on the couch every week. The best friend that you have a crush on. The same best friend that now knows that you like him, and might like you back but you're still not sure because there is no proof.
“Ummm ya know I don’t think I can make it to movie night I have a lot of work to do” you lied.
“But didn’t you finish all your work during your free period? Remember you put your feet on the desk when you were done and Iida scolded you for descracing school property.” He replied.
Damn, he was there for that?
“Oh Yea, so I guess I am free,” you said with a fake cheery attitude as you fumbled with your bracelets. You grabbed your phone, turned off the lights and followed Sero down to the common room.
Once you two reached the living room you noticed that everyone was seated ready to play the film. There were two empty spaces to sit. One of them was right between Midoryia and Jiro. You couldn’t sit next to him and cuddle for the next two hours without your brain exploding. You tried to go to the other vacant seat but sadly, Sero beat you to it.
You had no other choice. You slowly made your way to the couch and plopped down in the empty spot as the movie started. You crisscrossed your legs and played with your bracelets again. Midoryia took note of this, he knew you always played with your jewelry when you were scared or anxious. He leaned to your ear and whispered “Hey, are you ok?”
You didn’t look him in the eye. “Yea I’m good”
You hated lying to him but you couldn’t gain the courage to talk to him.
He leaned over to whisper in your ear again. “By the way, Mina was right. I do like you back.”
This was now the second time today that you felt your heart stop. You turned your head to face him. You were inches apart. “Promise?” You asked.
“I Promise.”
You both smiled as your cheeks turned pink. You leaned into him and wrapped your arms around his waist as he put his arm around you and pulled your closer.
He kissed the top of your head, “I missed this.” It may sound cheesy, but your insides felt like they were filled with butterflies.
“I missed this too”
Over on the other side of the couch a smug looking Mina whispered to Jiro, “I knew it.”
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clue-can-writes · 2 years
Making Fun
Red Velvet 6th Member
Dumb Dumb Era
Jiwoo loves watching her boyfriend perform, but she didn’t think she would love it more when he performed her songs
Based on this ask!
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*Minhyuk is the one in the red dress with braids and yellow tights, in case you wanted to know
The Red Velvet members had finished promotions for Dumb Dumb and their album, The Red a while ago, but the hype over the album was still present! Overall the song had been successful, even if Jiwoo didn’t like the concept that much. However, this era had helped her meet her boyfriend, even if it was just by chance! After their “non-date,” Jiwoo realised that she really liked Minhyuk, enough to fully go against SM and start officially dating the same day!
They had been texting back and forth, but they hadn’t gotten another chance to be together, as BtoB was currently promoting their EP, I Mean. Thankfully, they were at the end of promotions and Minhyuk and Jiwoo had been texting, trying to get a date for their date!
Minhyuk: Good Morning! :)
Minhyuk: Are you up?
Minhyuk: Babe?
Minhyuk: Babe?
Minhyuk: Jiwoo?
Minhyuk: Seo Jiwoo?
Minhyuk: Did you die?
Jiwoo: Dude. It’s 6 in the morning
Minhyuk: I just wanted to tell you I love you! :)
Jiwoo: Yea, I love you too. Now why are you texting me this early?
Minhyuk: I think the more important question is why are you up this early? You would sleep on the roof of a car if it meant getting a few more minutes!
Jiwoo: Yeri and Seungwan thought it would be fun to play a video game at 5 in the morning. I woke up when Sooyoung pulled me out of bed to make them stop fighting.
Minhyuk: That sounds fun!
Jiwoo: ....What do you want?
Minhyuk: Well, I know you don’t have anything going on, so I wanted to see if you were free tonight. We’re going on “The Boss is Watching” later today, but we should be done by tonight!
Jiwoo: Yea, that would be fun
Minhyuk: Has anyone ever told you how dry your texts are?
Jiwoo: Yea. Sooyoung told me to use more exclamation marks to make it seem like i’m interested.
Minhyuk: Well she does have a point! But I do like it! It makes me know that i’m really texting you and not a demon that took over your body!
Minhyuk: Babe?
Minhyuk: Jiwoo?
Minhyuk: I can see when you read my texts.
Jiwoo: Did you still want to go out tonight?
Minhyuk: Yes!! :)
Jiwoo: Ok
Minhyuk: Thanks for letting me know that you’re not a demon!
Jiwoo: Dude
Minhyuk: I was thinking we could pick up some food and then go for a walk! Since it will be later, we shouldn’t have to worry about anyone finding us! I can pick you up from somewhere and we could eat in my car!
Jiwoo: That’s good, but it does make it seem like you’re trying to kidnap me with food
Minhyuk: Would it work?
Jiwoo: ...Yes
Minhyuk: Great! I’ll pick you up outside your dorm at 9? Does that work for you?
Jiwoo: Yea, that should be fun!
Minhyuk: Demon
And with that, Jiwoo turned off her phone. Even if she acted like she didn’t enjoy his quips, she did! It made her feel like they were a real couple, instead of two friends just hanging out. 
Jiwoo shook her head at the antics of her members, knowing that with Irene already gone for that day, she would have to take care of them. She and Irene shared a lot of the leader roles, even if only Irene had the official leader title.
Jiwoo could already tell this was going to be a long day.
(Time skip)
Jiwoo had less than an hour before Minhyuk would pick her up for their date and she could not stop bouncing with excitement. She told her members and SM that Moonbyul was picking her up to go to a movie she had been dying to see! Thankfully, Jiwoo had covered for Moonbyul on multiple occasions to the point that she basically owed her a favor.
“Someone’s in a good mood!” Wendy remarks, checking over Jiwoo. 
“I love whenever you hang out with Moonbyul! You always come back in such a good mood!” Yeri remarks from her spot at the table. 
Jiwoo smiles and walks over to the maknae, looking over her finished homework sheets. “Do you want me to help you with anything before I leave?”
“No, I’m good! Go enjoy your date with Moonbyul unnie!”
Jiwoo ruffled Yeri’s hair, chuckling at the baby. She was used to their teasing about her and Moonbyul, and besides, it was a really good cover! She went to the couch and sat down next to Seulgi, the younger girl instinctively laying her head on Jiwoo’s shoulder. Even if they weren’t that close, Seulgi always tried to find a way to snuggle with Jiwoo.
“Hey, did you guys see this?” Irene asked, walking over to the older girls. She pulled up a video on her phone. It was a clip from the show, The Boss is Watching, the same show Minhyuk said BtoB was promoting on!
Irene started the video and they heard Dumb Dumb playing. Jiwoo became confused because they weren’t performing, but her confusion turned into shock when she saw BtoB dressed as the Red Velvet members, performing Dumb Dumb! 
She was in shock watching her boyfriend perform more dramatically than they had ever performed before. She watched the full performance, noticing the fact that Minhyuk sang her ending ad-libs in the song! She sat back up, absolutely loving every second of that!
“Well don’t show that to SM or they might replace us!” Jiwoo said, gaining a few laughs from her members.
Irene turned off her phone, “I have to say, I don’t think we have ever performed the song like that.”
“We could always try!”
Jiwoo laughed at Seungwan’s comment, when she felt her phone buzzing in her pocket. She opened it to see a text from Minhyuk, telling her that she was here. She smiled and got up, “Bye guys! Monnbyul’s downstairs and I’ll be back tonight!”
“Be safe!” Irene called after her.
“DON’T DIE!!” Sooyoung yelled at her.
She shut the door behind her and walked down to her boyfriends car, already happier than she was before. She got in the passenger's seat and smiled up at her boyfriend.
“What are you so happy for? Not that I’m complaining, I love seeing you smile!”
“I just watched one of the best covers of one of our songs that I had ever seen! It was amazing! It was breathtaking! It was...”
“Me and BtoB?” Minhyuk asked, already knowing her answer. He didn’t think that it would be out this early, but sadly it was. “I have to ask, was it bad? We didn’t have that long to learn the choreography, so we had to work with what we had.”
Jiwoo smiled at him, “Yes, you did it amazingly! I was surprised at how well you 4 actually danced! Also, I don’t know why you had more energy it your minute performance than we have ever had performing that song, but it was one of the most enjoyable things I’ve seen all day!”
“I’m glad you liked it! I was thinking of you the whole time!”
“Yea, I’m sure you were!”
Unknown to Jiwoo at the time, but that was the moment she started fully falling for Minhyuk. The way he joked with her and made fun of her was all in good nature and she realised that she wanted to just spend a little more time with him, even if it was just for the night!
“Do you want to listen to some music? I know that great song by an amazing group and it just got released this year!” Minhyuk asked, as he reached for the radio.
Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb
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pleasantanathema · 4 years
Wet Pleasures
Fandom: BNHA
Rating: Explicit
Characters: Hitoshi Shinsou
Tags: dom!Shinsou, rough sex, dirty talk, hair pulling, bondage
Word Count: ~7k    
           “You’re such a good girl,” He mused, his other hand drifting down your arm, thumb dangerously close to the outline of your breast, “you never tell me no.”
           You shook your head faintly in agreement, your eyes drawn to the beautiful muscles of his body that you had yet to see before.
           “If you don’t tell me no right now, kitty, I’m going to do very naughty things with you.”
Request for dubliinwaltz
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           It was late, far too late to still be at the hero agency you worked for, and especially far too late to be taking a shower in the locker room. But, there you stood, frustrated and wet. You wanted to be home, curled up in your bed and reading your favorite book, but you were still trying to scrub your hair and body clean from the incident you had earlier in the day.
           Sometimes you forgot just how gross some quirks could be. But you were rudely reminded earlier when a villain you had been chasing chose to smother you in grey goo from his fingertips. You could feel the goo begin to crack and harden against your skin as you ran, matting into your hair and folding into the creases of your body. You had to wipe globs from your eyes and nose, unfortunately flicking the substance towards unsuspecting bystanders as you flashed by them. While you and your partner hadn’t stopped your pursuit, inwardly you had wanted to scream and use your quirk to actually kill this guy and end everything there and then. But you resisted that urge, and thankfully your partner was incredibly adept at capturing people.
           You could hear your partner sighing in similar discontent in a shower adjacent to yours. Shinsou was cursing rather loudly, mumbling profanities into the steam.
           “Are you okay, Shinsou?” You called out forcefully, hoping that he could hear you over the pounding of hot shower water against the cold tiles.
           You caught the grumble of a very angry affirmative.
           He cleared his throat, sighing stridently, “Actually…do you have any good shampoo? Mine isn’t cutting it for this stupid fucking goo.”
           You looked down at your feet, glancing over the contents of your little shower caddy. You had only showered at work a few times before, but fortunately your previous times had encouraged you to buy a few travel sized bottles and fill them with your favorite soaps. You plucked one from its home, twirling it in your fingers as you remembered that this particular shampoo was for thick hair, which would probably help Shinsou’s lavender locks.
           “Yea, heads up!” You tossed the little bottle over the white brick wall that separated the showers. You listened to hear if it clattered to the floor, but the lack of sound suggested that Shinsou had caught your throw.
           While some partners would’ve found it very odd to be showering in such close proximity, you and Shinsou were a little different than most. You were very comfortable around one another and had been from the start of your time working together nearly a year ago. But, there was also something about Hitoshi Shinsou that had you absolutely pining for him. He was inconceivably clever, and his keen intellect impressed you, especially when he used that wit to craft jokes that made you both chuckle. But aside from his charm, it was the mystery of him that had you thinking about him for far too long while in bed. Despite being so relaxed around one another, he didn’t open up much about his personal life, or really any very personal thoughts.
           Despite his aloofness, you did everything you could to please your partner. You never told him no, not like you ever really needed to, but everything inside of you trusted him and wanted to submit to him. He was powerful and you were drawn to him like a kitten to a new curiosity.
           You closed your eyes for a moment, running your hands over your skin, wondering what his would feel like instead of your own.
           You heard another very frustrated grunt from the neighboring shower.
           “Ugh, now I smell like flowers.”
           His complaint had you giggling to yourself as you continued to use a loofah and scrub at the undersides of your arms and behind your knees, and all the other nooks and crannies that this goo had decided to claim as a home. While the warm water still felt like a soothing blanket to your skin, your long time spent scrubbing had the soles of your feet aching against the rough tiles. You groaned, just wanting desperately to get clean. You stretched your toes, and soon you yawned, stretching your arms up and over your head. That’s when you felt the skin of your back crinkle in a very strange, and sticky, way. You stopped stretching and began trying to touch the skin of your middle back, but unfortunately there was a spot that you couldn’t quite reach. Undoubtedly, your back was still in need of cleaning.
           You cried out loudly in annoyance, head falling back and eyes closing as you let the shower water splash across the front of your body. Your desperation must’ve been made clear, as you heard the adjacent shower curtain rustle.
           Shinsou cleared his throat and the sound was closer than you expected. You peeked over your shoulder, finding only his head visible from around the wall. Soap suds still littered his indigo hair, and his expression mimicked the aggravation of your own. You suddenly blushed, realizing he was currently able to see all of your backside. You instinctively wrapped your arms around your breasts, maintaining eye contact with your partner.
           “Um,” he started, eyes darting away momentarily, “do you need help washing this shit off?”
           You sighed in defeat, nodding your head.
           “Yea. Do you?”
           “I can’t even get it out of my own hair.”
           He dipped back around the wall and you heard the creak of the knob as he turned off his shower. You began to breath more quickly, realizing that very soon he was going to be here, with you, in your space, in this shower, naked. You shook your head, hands running across your face under the fall of the water. Sure, the two of you had changed into your hero costumes many times before in this very locker room, but you’d never really seen each other fully nude. Your limits of comfortability with your partner were about to possibly reach their limit.
           “There’s a spot on your back, you know.”
           You let out another very exasperated sigh.
           “Yea, I know. Can you…?”
           “Of course.”
           Your back was still to him as he approached you in the shower. Casually, you handed your loofah to him over your shoulder, and he took it gently, fingers brushing over your knuckles. His other hand wrapped around your upper arm, steadying you as he began to rub at your back. His grip on your skin was delicate yet firm, large hand enveloping your arm. He kept a comfortable distance between your bodies, staying a step back so he could work at the crusted goo upon your skin. You reached forward and turned the temperature up in the shower, hoping to blame the heat of the water and steam for the redness of your cheeks and not him.
           You let out a groan of satisfaction when you felt something heavy peel off the skin of your back. His continued to scrub at the spot, but now more lightly, like he was rinsing off the remaining residue of the substance. You then felt the wisp of the loofah back on your shoulder, and he tapped you with it to get you to take it back. As you wrapped the dangling strap of the puff around your fingers, you assumed he was finished, but then you felt his hand on your back.
           “Why is this shit so stubborn?” He grumbled, using the tip of his nail to scrape at the portion of skin between your shoulder blades.
           Shinsou had been equally as frustrated with all this mess as you. Not only had the motherfucker you two had been chasing cover you both with his nasty quirk, he had coated Shinsou’s capturing weapon to filth. What he wouldn’t admit to you was the true reason he was struggling to clean off himself in the shower: he had been sitting over there diligently scrubbing the cloth of his weapon and tired himself out. Even now, the scarf like tool was pooled into a heap on the shower tiles, forlorn and still stained with dark spots.
           Instead of continuing to deal with this situation on his own, he had hoped you would be willing to help him. You always were, and he had taken notice that you hardly ever said no to him, which was something he found very appealing. He wasn’t ashamed to admit to himself that not only did he find you particularly attractive, he found you alluring and very compatible to himself and his…wants and needs, so to say.
           Shinsou liked a woman who would do whatever he asked, which was only natural, given his quirk. And he had an inkling that you wanted him to tell you what to do more often.
           He had successfully cleaned your back, so he took a moment look over you before continuing with bathing. He took both of your arms in his hands now, gingerly skimming his palms down to your elbows as his wandering eyes marveled over your beautiful back and plump backside. He was taller than you, and it gave him a great vantage point to peer over your shoulders to the front of your body. He could smell the sweetness of your skin, your scent filling the steamy air like a billowing aroma. If only he could just taste you, oh the sinful things he’d—
           “Hitoshi?” your easy voice brought him from his thoughts, “are you done staring? I need to wash your hair.”
           He grinned at the lax in your tone, delighted to know that you were aware of his gaze. He moved forward, wrapping his strong arms around your shoulders from behind, his embrace open and lazy, contented even.
           “Can I at least get a thank you, dear partner of mine?”
           He nestled his chin against your wet hair, and you could imagine the grin on his face.
           “Thank you, Hitoshi.” You grumbled it, but still you smiled.
           Shinsou slipped around your side, lean and towering body shifting to be in front of yours. The width of his body took over the spray of the water, leaving you cold and damp behind him. For an instant, you marveled over the muscled planes of his back, but chose not to stare like he had earlier. You reached up, standing on your toes as you raked hand through his wet hair. Somehow, despite being wet, much of his hair still seemed unruly and thick. It appeared dark blue now, with soap suds still dripping off the long strands. A few strands still were colored grey from the mysterious gunk, but not too many.
           “Rinse the old shampoo out and I’ll try another.”
           “Bossy, bossy.” He quipped, bringing his hands to his hair and scrubbing.
           You reached into your shower caddy once more, picking the entire thing up and searching through it for anything that could help. You found a bottle of hair oil, still mostly full. You shrugged, hoping that perhaps it could help along with more shampoo.
           Returning to Shinsou’s back, you sighed, looking up at the expanse of hair upon his head. You’d have to be on your toes the whole time to reach the strands, but you could handle it. You mixed some of the oil and shampoo in your palms, once again stretching up to reach his head. You lathered your fingers through his hair, paying special attention to pull at the pieces still stained from the goo on the back of his head that he definitely couldn’t have seen earlier.
           He hummed softly as your delicate fingers massaged at his head. He had definitely made the right decision asking for help, especially now that he could feel your body brush up against his back and shoulders as you attempted to clean him. He almost shuddered when he felt your breasts press up against his skin, nipples hard and skating across his wet back.
           Shinsou realized you were struggling to stay on your toes. He went to lean forward and bend down to alleviate your straining feet and calves, but his movement threw you off balance. He audibly hissed as your fingers wound themselves into his hair, clutching at him as you tried not to fall backwards on the slippery floor.
           “Fuck, kitten, easy with the claws.”
           Your other hand came to his arm, nails digging into his skin for purchase as you steadied yourself. You shook your head as you regained your sense of self on your feet. Then, you blushed, your brain recognizing the words he had just said. Kitten?Oh, oh that name sounded so sensual coming from his lips. You almost wanted to say something about it, but you assumed he misspoke—he never called you that, at least not to your face.
           “I’m sorry, just don’t fucking move again and I won’t fall.”
           He crossed his arms in front of his chest, peering over his shoulder, though he couldn’t quite glimpse you.
           You went back to working at his hair, mindful not to pull at him again. It took a few minutes, but eventually you worked most of the crusted gunk from his hair. A few times you pressed your palm to his head, forcing him forward to wet his hair more under the shower, which made him sputter and grumble as water dripped across his face. Hey, he asked for this, and cleaning his thick hair wasn’t an easy task. Eventually, his gorgeous locks felt clean and smooth in your hands, finally free of any lingering mess.
           You scanned his back, finding a few grey flecks. You used your nails to chip the substance off his pale skin, now made more pink and flushed under the heat of the shower. He hummed as you worked at him, eyes closing in delight at your touch. He wondered how far he could push you, if he could ask for more. He already had you with him, in the shower, naked, washing him, surely a little more wouldn’t push you away.
           He called your name softly, and you stopped touching his back, standing up straight and still.
           “Yes?” Your voice was quiet, almost meek in his presence.
           “Can I touch you?”
           An awkward moment of silence ticked by, but before you even thought about it, your mouth stammered out an answer that your brain didn’t screen for approval.
           “Of course.”
           You said it matter-of-factly, subconsciously confirming to yourself that telling him no just really wasn’t an option. Every fiber of your being wanted to please him. You could feel your gut stir with butterflies, explodingbutterflies, as he turned around, the two of you coming face to face in the shower. He cupped your cheek, thumb brushing over your flushed skin. You peered up at him with glossy eyes that trailed over the small perfections of his face.
           “You’re such a good girl,” He mused, his other hand drifting down your arm, thumb dangerously close to the outline of your breast, “you never tell me no.”
           You shook your head faintly in agreement, your eyes drawn to the beautiful muscles of his body that you had yet to see before.
           “If you don’t tell me no right now, kitty, I’m going to do very naughty things with you.”
           Your mouth opened before you realized, “please,” you sounded breathless.
           He leaned down, mouth trailing close to your own, tongue licking at left over water droplets on your cheek. You felt like melting against him.
           “Please what? I like when you use your words.”
           A gulp was caught in your throat, mind reeling over the turn of events. You wondered for a moment if this was even happening, perhaps your daydreams were becoming a little realistic. But then you felt his warm tongue against your skin again, and you knew that this was real. You moaned loudly, eyes closing as you gathered your confidence. His palm dipped low to cup your breast, squeezing it gently, like he was testing your resolve.
           “Please touch me, Hitoshi.”
           His tongue snaked between your lips then, mouth covering your own in a searing kiss. He groaned against your lips at your command, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you flush against his body. Your mind was overwhelmed with thoughts as you tried to make sense of every new sensation that was sending your nerves running wild. His lips on yours were dreamy and lazy, like he was kissing to taste you and drink you in. His body was warmer than yours, with hot water threading down the soft expanses of skin. You could hear the roaring sound of the water splashing against cool tiles, rumbling echoes of the splatters sounding around the darkened, empty locker room. You moaned as you felt his fingertips grip into your sides, one large palm still encircled around your sensitive breast. Your body curved against his, stomachs pressed together, and his muscles were lean and hard. He felt like some kind of divine being, raised from the sea and finally hearing your desperate cries for attention.
           After a few moments of holding you, tongues gliding over one another like shifting tides, Shinsou’s kiss shifted from languid to ravenous. You gasped as you felt his hands tighten around your body, gripping hard enough to bruise. The hand on your breast began tugging and pinching at your nipple roughly. Your lewd groan at his ministration had him smirking against your lips. A hardness was pressing against your thigh now, making your cheeks redden as you realized his cock was responding to your body.
           He used his hold on you to turn you around, placing your frigid body back under the warm spray of the shower. You slicked the hair away from your eyes as you stood before him, the water and steam pouring over your figure. He grinned roguishly at the sight, hand reaching forward and cupping your chin, keeping your eyes on his.
           “Get on your knees,” he whispered, authority laced between the words.
           You nodded quickly, taking a step back and sinking to your knees in worship.
           You tried to keep your eyes to his, but his beautiful, silken cock was now just above your line of sight, the head brushing against your brow. Your eyes widened at the sight. He was big and glorious, damp violet hairs kissing the base. He curved ever so slightly, ever so deliciously, and you licked your lips in anticipation. He fisted his cock, and you sat up straighter and to attention. He brushed the head against your cheeks, marveling at the lustful look on your face.
           “You look so pretty all wet, kitty.”
           Heat rose to your cheeks again, tickling up to your ears, making them burn.
           “I like that name,” you murmured, eyes fluttering up at him.
           Fuck, he groaned to himself, cock twitching in his hand. You were so perfect below him like that, supple mouth just waiting to taste him. You’d be the death of him if you continued to look at him that way and say words like that. He could already feel his core constricting into a tight coil at just the sight of you.
           “You’re my little pet now,” he nudged his cock against your lips, feeling your tongue tentatively lap against him. He pushed in a little deeper, finding the cavern of your mouth somehow warmer and wetter than his surroundings.
           “Yes sir,” you mumbled it against his cock, the vibrations tinging down his skin. He fisted one hand into your wet hair, encouraging you to take him into your mouth. Eagerly, you complied, placing your hands on his thighs for leverage as you dipped your head further down his shaft. You both moaned simultaneously. Your tongue flattened against the underside of his cock, keeping him moist and slick between your hollowing cheeks. His girth made it difficult to venture too far down, and you began to readjust your jaw, opening your mouth as wide as possible to fit him.
           You set a brisk pace, fervent to feel him deeper in your mouth. He helped to guide you, fingers weaving between the strands of your hair and his strength encouraging you to take as much of him as possible. You groaned and gulped against him, tongue swirling with each plunge of your head. You could feel the thick veins of his cock against your tongue and cheeks, the wide head skimming against the back of your throat. You closed your eyes against the running water, finger nails nipping into the skin of his thighs as you controlled your gag reflex. You had never had such a large cock in your mouth before and it felt sinful just how far he stretched your cheeks.
           “Oh kitten,” he groaned out, making your thighs press together in anticipation. His voice was low and succulent, growls continually ripping from his chest. His sounds invigorated you to please him more. You took all of him into your mouth, gasping as he slid down your throat. Your nose was buried in that violet hair at the base of his cock, bumping against his skin. A tumble of curses spilled from his lips, the hand in your hair tightening as you pulled back and repeated to the motion, saliva slipping from your lips to be washed away by the spray of the shower.
           He kept you between his legs for a while, captivated by watching your sweet mouth swallow up the whole of his cock. The feel of your tongue swirling around the head of his cock with nearly every thrust of your head had him panting for more. And then your eyes opened again, water dampening your lashes as you caught his gaze as you nearly choked on his cock. He almost lost it then, using his hand to pull you from his cock before he became too rough with your lips.
           “Fuck,” he hissed, cock throbbing as it once against rested against your face, “you be a good girl and stay right there.”
           You almost questioned him, but you were trying to catch your breath and couldn’t find your voice. He stepped from the shower, leaving you on your knees. You sunk down closer to the floor, hands against your thighs as you took deep breaths under the deluge of the warm streams of water.
           Shinsou returned quickly, his damp capturing weapon laced around his arm.
           Oh fuck, you thought, looking up at him like a lost lamb. He lifted his lavender eyes to scan the ceiling. You sat patiently, breasts heaving with breaths, the heat between your thighs growing as you thought about what he could be thinking. You’d be lying if you said you had never thought of the terribly dirty things he could do to someone—to you—with that weapon of his, and now he stood before you with it, naked and smirking.
           “Now let’s get you off the floor.”
           Before you could even blink, you felt the carbon fibers of his weapon wrap around your arms, hoisting you up into the air as the other end of the fabric looped over a steel beam from the ceiling. Your arms were tethered together above your head, dangling you above the floor and close to the back of the shower. Your body was still bouncing in gravity from his first action when he sent two more strands of the weapon to envelop your legs, pulling them apart and fastening the ends of the ribbons to the beam in the ceiling as well. You cried out in surprise at his rapid movements, effectively trapped and spread before him.
           Shinsou laughed at how easy you were to capture, but soon his eyes darkened as he soaked in the image before him. You looked perfect and delectable, dewy skin glistening against the binding of his weapon. He had thought of tying you up like this dozens of times before, even daydreamed about it when you trained together after work. He always felt a little twinge in his cock whenever he swung you from his weapon during missions, and he imagined binding more than just the occasional wrist or arm.
           He stepped towards your suspended body, reaching behind you to turn off the shower. He planned to keep you like this for as long as he could, no need to waste water. He skimmed his fingers up your legs, capturing a calf with his hand. He experimentally pulled on your body, watching your breasts bounce as the fabric allowed you to move only slightly.
           “This is perfect,” he mused, eyes dropping to between your legs, “oh fuck, kitten, what a pretty pussy you’ve been hiding from me.”
           You let out a small mewl at his words, desperate to touch him. You had barely gotten to explore his skin beyond his cock, and you wanted to hold onto him and feel him against you. You struggled against your captive binds for a moment, arms pulling at the weapon suspended above your head.
           “You know how this works; you’re not getting out of these ties until I say so.”
           You let out a huff, but you were quickly distracted from your binds when a slim finger unexpectedly slid between your folds.
           “Fuck! Oh, Shinsou—.”
           “It’s sir, from now on. You understand?” He emphasized his point by flicking his knuckle across your clit, sending shockwaves of pleasure across your suspended body.
           You nodded ardently, eyes closing at the pleasure.
           “Words, kitty.” He tittered.
           “Yes, sir, I understand.”
           “Mhm, good girl,” he smirked, watching your head fall back as he brought another finger to your pussy, dancing them playfully between your folds. His eyes watched your stunning breasts rise and fall with your heavy breaths, and he brought his other hand back to the breast he toyed with earlier. He rolled your nipple between his fingertips, pinching and pulling at it roughly. He delighted in the moans that tumbled from your parted lips. He dipped one finger into your sopping pussy, feeling your walls stretch and twitch around the digit. He slid it in and out of you with agonizing slowness, relishing how tight you were just around one finger.
           Heat was spreading across your lower belly like a fire, his finger stroking the flames. His hold on your nipple didn’t cease, he continued to pull and tease it as he finally added a second finger into you. You couldn’t help but cry out wantonly, and with the deafening roar of the shower gone, just your voice rang out against the cold walls. He curled his fingers expertly within you, continuing a slow and sensual pace.
           He was watching you keenly, observing how lewdly you responded to the simplest of his touches.  
           “You’ve thought about this before, haven’t you?” He chuckled, feeling your pussy tighten around his slow and steady fingers.
           “Yes, sir,” you admitted breathlessly.
           He only gave an appreciative hum in response, fingers picking up their pace inside of you. Your captured legs twitched at his antics, toes feeling cold and forlorn in their suspended state. His thumb began to circle your clit, sending bewildering shocks of pleasure throughout your body. You whined noisily, tugging a lip between your teeth at the searing pleasure of it all. He relinquished his grip on your nipple, choosing to instead soothe and cup your breast in his large hand. His fingers continued to curl up into your body, spread wide just for him. They were long and slender, perfectly twisting against the most pleasurable spots inside of you. He was confident in his actions, and the steady assurance of his fingers had you pining for him.
           “Please, sir,” you whispered, head sill lolled back, “more.”
           “Hm,” he pondered, “are you just a greedy little girl, or do you like it rough?”
           His fingers didn’t cease their actions, persistently plunging into your hot core. He spread them slightly, and you could feel your walls stretch and give at his actions.
           “I’ll be whatever you want,” you breathed out, puling your head up to catch his gaze once more. His purple eyes were dark like shadows in the night. His thumb glided wickedly against your clit, fanning the embers of your ecstasy even hotter and higher than before. A shriek of pleasure erupted from your chest, a lusty haze settling over your mind. You squeezed your core, body attempting to move against his fingers. But as soon as you attempted to move against your bindings, he stopped, slipping his fingers from within you.
           You were panting, about to start begging, when those dark eyes narrowed at you.
           “And what if I want you to be mine?”
           You quiet, almost speechless, his words like the most sinful temptation. He wrapped the fingers that were once inside you around your throat. The scent of your arousal permeated his skin, your slick sticky against your neck. He watched you, impatiently waiting for an answer.
           “Then I’m yours.”
           He hummed again, his other hand wrapping around your tied thigh. You could feel the swollen head of his cock brush against your folds, making you shudder. Your wet skin was still cooling, but the heat from inside of you made you feel like you were steaming.
           “I don’t know if you understand the weight of those words.”
           “I do,” you said quickly, eyes scanning his face, “I promise.”
           Without warning, he slammed himself inside of you, eliciting another blissful scream from your lungs. He groaned as he bottomed out inside of you, feeling your round ass pressing against his thighs.
           He stayed still for a moment, savoring the feel of your pussy clenching and stretching around him.
           “You know, I think you’ve been mine for a long time, partner.” He said the words weightily, authority resounding in his voice.
           You could only nod your head in response, hips burning from both his sudden intrusion and unbridled lust. He began to pound forcefully into you, fingers bruising your legs between the bindings. He tied you at the perfect height for his cock to sink into you deliciously and powerfully. Every thrust sent waves of euphoria blossoming from your core, your body unable to do anything but react to his movements. Your breasts bounded with every thrust, and his eyes were glued to the picturesque, moist globes as they swayed for him. Your head once again lost the battle of staying upright, reclining back to hang at his mercy.
           With your throat now exposed, he leaned forward, biting and kissing at your delicate skin. You gasped, the pain of his teeth melding with the pleasure of his huge cock spreading you. You felt dangerously full of him, like any push of his cock could rip you open. His heavy hands slid from your thighs to were your ass cheeks, pressing and kneading into the flesh violently. His merciless thrusting had you breathless, gasping for air every time the head of his cock slammed back into you.
           “Where’d all those pretty words go, kitty? I wanna hear you…” he growled against the skin of your neck, lips melting into the juncture of your jaw. His teeth sunk deeper this time, causing you to cry out at the concoction of sensations you felt spreading across your body.
           “Shinsou, s-sir,” your voice stammered between thrusts, “you feel so, so good, ah, don’t stop, please!”
           He picked up his pace, cock hammering into you ruthlessly, undoubtedly bruising your soft, tantalizing skin. He forced your body against him, one hand wrapping around the cloth bindings and using the leverage to keep you against him. Your nails began to bite into your hands, intense pleasure brewing inside of you. The sound of skin against skin saturated the locker room, your moans echoing off the shower walls. Your breasts were pressed to his muscular chest now, sliding against the light dusting of hair found there. You fought to keep your mouth from falling agape, but the intensity of him had your lips parting and incessantly moaning for him.
           “Such a naughty, desperate little girl, huh? You like being stuffed with my cock like this?”
           “Yes, fuck,” he licked a long, hot stripe up your throat, panting mouth resting at your chin, “yes, sir, I love being tied up…”
           He chuckled then, angling his hips to hit you deeper and harder, one hand leaving your ass and snaking up your back to pull at your dripping hair. He pulled hard and fast against the strands of your hair, arching your body as it could against his chest. You squealed at the smarting of your scalp, but were too overwhelmed with the throbbing of your stretched pussy to care. The pain heightened your senses, and you felt every deep plunge of his cock hit harder, more extreme than before.
           “Oh I knew you would, every little kitty likes to play with string, right?”
           You couldn’t nod your head for the grip he had on your hair. You screamed out for him, completely lost to your ecstasy as his devilish words had you edging towards true bliss. He continued to tug at your locks, enjoying every ounce of control and power he had over your body; and he didn’t even have to use his quirk, you’d do anything for him without his influence. This realization had him hardening even more inside of you, cock thumping with more blood as he shoved into your silken walls.
           He could feel your body start to tighten around him, your strung up legs beginning to shake. He grinned knowingly, slipping his other hand from your ass to your stomach, then dipping lower to your aching clit. He hovered his thumb over the bundle of nerves, letting each thrust of his cock allow your clit to skim just perfectly over the pad of his finger. You moaned louder than before, desperate to feel the bubble of pleasure burst from inside of you. But he wasn’t ready for that.
           “You want to come, kitty?”
           “Yes, sir, p-please, please.”
           “Then I want you to work for it.”
           Confusion washed over your mind and body as you felt his cock pull away, leaving you open and empty without him. You yelped in discontent, body struggling against your bindings in a vain attempt to free yourself and bring him back to you. He stepped back, eyes trailing over every detailed of your flushed, used body, tied up like a plaything for him. He was saving the picturesque scene in his mind. He pumped his cock a few times with his hand, finding it smothered in your own slick.
           With just a motion of his fingers, your legs came untied, tumbling down to the feat of gravity. But he didn’t release your arms. Instead, he came and sat below you on the tiles, back pressed to the wall of the shower with his lean, muscled thighs stretching out against the floor. His cock was rigid and hard, pressed up against his stomach like it was straining to reach you. He waved his fingers again, the ties around the steel beam loosening enough to drop your body into his lap, legs spread over his own. But he kept your hands tied securely above your head, leaving you without the ability to touch him.
           “Sit on my cock, kitty, I want to kiss you while you work.”
           You did as he commanded, sinking yourself onto his stiff, thick cock, eyes fluttering closed at the immense pleasure of being so full again. Your legs trembled, having just gotten their agency back and still numb from being tied. But you pushed through the lingering pain, desperate to please him. You rocked your hips slowly, letting him slip completely inside of you once more. The new position had his perfect cock hitting you in all new ways, sending new jolts of pleasure down your spine.
           Shinsou cupped both your breasts in his hands, using them as leverage to encourage you to rock harder and faster in his lap. His lips found yours again, tongue lapping against yours in a battle of dominance that he all too easily won. You felt the entire length of him slip from inside of you, only to slam back and fill you once again. The ecstasy overwhelmed you, knees slipping against the wet tiles. He kept his firm grip on your bouncing breasts, his strength and his capture weapon the only things keeping you upright in his lap.
           From this angle, your clit brushed against the violet curls at the base of his cock, stimulating you and emboldening you to roll faster against him, fraught to find your release. The coil in your belly was ready to burst, and his passionate mouth against your own was soaking up all the wanton moans you exhaled into him.
           But soon your own pace wasn’t enough for him. As much as he loved a show, he also needed his own release, and nothing set him on edge more than having full control. His big hands slid down from your breasts to your hips, using his might to lift your body in his own and thrust his hips up into your sweltering heat at a faster, more brutal pace. You broke from his lips with a scream, and the sound of his own grunts had your eyes opening to see him.
           His head was dipped back against the wall, eyes closed and lips just barely parted. His damp indigo hair was tussled into wild plumes, curving over his thick neck and expertly corded shoulders. He looked like a god below you, and felt divine within you. His thumb swirled against your clit again, and the unexpected touch had you exploding into euphoria.
           “That’s right, kitty,” his eyes opened then, lust simmering within them as he caught your gaze, “I want you to come for me now.”
           The circles of his thumb quickened, his cock still mercilessly pounding up into your core. You could feel the broad head moving against your insides, veins protruding even more noticeably than before. You felt like a toy in his hands, like his cock was too big for you and he still kept hammering himself into you for his own pleasure.
           Finally, you came, screams rippling from your throat and eyes closing as you allowed the waves of euphoria to wash over your body, every single nerve ending exploding with ecstasy and pleasure in intensities you had never felt before. Your walls struggled to clench around his massive cock, the fluttering of your insides lasting longer and longer as your body writhed in white hot heat. His cock never slowed, and your bouncing body was continually thrown over the orgasmic ledge, nerves trying to find purchase against the onslaught of his hips. Your hands were wrapped into fists around the binding above your head, gripping like you were trying to keep yourself afloat amidst the sea of ecstasy that your body was being tossed into.
           You ultimately came down from your high, body limp as he fucked up into you. With a satisfied sigh, you called out to him, “Hitoshi…”
           Your weak voice, and the image before him of your listless body riding upon his cock, had him tumbling over his own edge. He rasped out your name as he came, hot ropes of thick cum spilling inside of you. His cock throbbed and pulsated inside your womb, his lungs panting for breath as his fingertips gripped into your sweaty, damp skin. His chest heaved, shoulders slumping in bliss as he rode out the waves of his orgasm.
           You both sat against the cold tiles, breathing hard and letting your minds come back to earth. Your head was slumped down in front of your body, hair pooling around your cheeks and his chest. The fabric of his capture weapon was the only thing keeping you from sinking into him. His cock was still hard and hot within you.
           After a few moments, one of his hands left your hips, reaching up to grab your chin and pull your head up to look at him. He smirked at you, glancing over the already blooming bruises he left on your breasts, your hips, and the broken, purple skin on your throat from his bite.
           “Fuck, kitty, you really took a beating. Are you feeling okay?”
           You laughed, straightening your shoulders and pulling your body up by gripping the ribbons, legs twitching against his thighs.
           “I feel great,” your voice was weak, but your smile was beaming as you chuckled, “we should probably shower and clean up, don’t you think?”
           He laughed, kissing your lips kindly as he released your aching arms. He helped you stand, marveling over how strong your body must have been to withstand his fucking and his bindings. You stretched like the little cat that you were, waking up all the muscles that had gone dormant.
           You both rinsed off quickly, grabbing towels and finally drying your bodies.
           “I meant what I said earlier,” he said nonchalantly, like he was expecting you to know what he meant.
           You continued to get dressed and thought for a moment, thinking back through the hot haze of memories. Your mouth fell open in realization.
           “You want me to be yours?”
           “You’re the best partner I’ve ever had and I’ve had my eye on you for a while. You don’t have to say yes right now, but maybe another good fuck could convince you.”
           You slung your bag over your shoulder, letting him lean down and kiss you. You relished in the taste of him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and threading your fingers through the hair you had so carefully washed.
           “Yea, another good fuck wouldn’t hurt.”
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