#and this doesn't even touch on who actually confesses first after all that. which could go either ways too! many possibilities lol
ridl · 6 months
So like with ganqing
Who fell first and who fell harder?
Hmm, not sure if i have a truly definite answer. It could go either ways - Keqing realizes her feelings first because she's analytical, she quickly notices all the changes in herself in regards to Ganyu. And Ganyu is more of the quiet type, who also doesn't think abt doing things for herself. Being like 3000+ could also mean she's fine with living alone, she doesn't necessarily need romance. Maybe even neither of them need it. But eventually she realizes that maybe she can take a chance at some new happiness, at sharing a life with someone. So once it hits her how much she cares about Keqing, it kinda just hits very strongly all at once. It becomes a strong want that she's finally willing to follow, despite her withdrawn nature. - Ganyu realizes her feelings first because her experiences with Keqing taught her to be bolder, to live more for herself and pursue her own wants and happiness. On the other hand, Keqing is focused on her dream of building the new era of Liyue, she's straightforward but cares about boundaries, so maybe she's not aware just yet of what she's actually feeling for Ganyu, who's fully supporting Keqing in that goal. And once she realizes those feelings, it hits her all at once like "oh. i'm in love with her. of course!", and she basically immediately wants to act upon it, because that's just how she is.
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yesokayiknow · 6 months
they try, honestly they do, but the doctor isn't a stationary creature and never has been, especially not when they know there's something they could help with. which is to say, it takes a week of soft quiet life before he starts begging kate for a job. kate in turn withstands three weeks of the doctor's incessant begging and big puppy dog eyes while donna noble stands right behind him and mouths don't you fucking dare before she makes a counteroffer: he can work in a lab (the 'very far away from active duty' is implied) as long as he meets with unit's therapist.
and he refuses, of course, loudly and profusely, right up until donna very gently but very firmly tells him that it really could help, actually.
so. therapy. the doctor assumes it won't do anything. the unit therapist is no nonsense and unflinching and very very bright, and twenty minutes later the doctor sits outside the room hyperventilating while kate finishes paperwork and kindly doesn't mention the way he's all but curled into her.
the second session ends much like the first, and the third, and then the fourth he walks out with dry eyes and a tremulous smile. the fifth, kate calls donna and she takes him home and they drink hot chocolate and he doesn't start talking again until the next day. it takes him seven sessions to be able to stay in the room for the full hour; kate pats him on the back and then finally allows him to build a shield for her office as a reward. she sits outside the therapist's office every time he has a session, even though she has to have better things to do. they don't talk about it.
unit only has files on things the doctor's done on earth, and even then, only sometimes, which means that when the doctor talks about some things he just. edits, a little. talks about two weeks in a confession dial and a month in prison, because maybe then he doesn't have to think about the enormity of it all. and every single time he does this, the therapist looks at him and very kindly calls bullshit. it's weird, being known. it's different with donna. he is donna and donna is him, in ways they will probably never talk about. but he sits in that cluttered little office for an hour a week (sometimes two or three times, if he's doing particularly badly) and he feels seen.
after four months, there are memories he can touch without flinching, and people he can talk about without crying. he starts spending a couple of hours just sitting in the vortex, not because he's hiding or running but just because he likes the way it feels against his skin. he cooks dinner every other night and washes up when he doesn't. he takes out the bin every week even though it's rose's job, because he loves her. and he can say that now, and he doesn't think about her short lifespan or about all the other people they've loved and lost. he can say that and just mean it.
part of his contract is an agreement to never offer a trip to a member of unit unless it's actual life or death (the small chemical leak in the lab doesn't count; he takes shirley to new mars anyway) but he finds himself toying with the idea of asking for a session in the tardis. just once, just to see. the therapist looks at him and sees him and it is monstrous and they keep looking anyway and now the doctor can sit through a family dinner without wanting to tear his skin off and he doesn't know any other way to say thank you.
it's funny, almost, how quickly he grows attached to this person who picks through his hurts and rifles through his traumas and holds direct eye contact while doing so. the doctor talks about their deaths and their crimes and their cowardice and the therapist nods and asks him how he feels and it's. it's terrifying. it's beautiful. it's the worst thing he's ever ever been through, and the best. he feels ripped apart and put back together in a way that few people have ever been able to— huh.
after his sixty eighth session (he's unable to not keep count) the doctor walks outside to where kate is annotating a schematic and says, thoughtfully, they're the master in disguise, aren't they. and kate says oh 100% and please don't let them know that you know because they will definitely go to the second stage of whatever long con they've been hatching and they're too good at this for us to let them go
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monkiesimp · 1 year
Sun Wukong, Macace and MK realizing that they are in love with READER?
Uhhhh am I even doing this right? I'm beginning to doubt my skills.
- Honestly? He falls in love with you nearly as soon as he meets you
- He didn't realize it at first though, but it doesn't take him a long time to realize he loves you
- Since you can't really come to the Flower Fruit Mountain all by yourself cause, y'know, it's a ocean away, he comes to visit you in your home instead.
- Or you sometimes come to his temple but very rarely since most of the time he spends is at the Flower Fruit Mountain.
- You two would just hang out at your house and draw together, surprisingly Wukong does love to draw and he's quite good at it
- During one night, you were drawing while Wukong was hugging you and just relaxing while watching your pen move on the paper, since you two weren't able to hang out much you suggested he stays overnight with you. He agreed of course.
- It was all nice and peaceful as you two talked, but when he asked you a question you didn't respond.
- Then, he heard you snore and realized you fell asleep.
- He just pushed you towards him so you could rest against him, he didn't want you leaning to a wrong direction and hitting your head on something by accident.
- And when your head was on his chest and you tilted your head to the point he could see your face more clearly, his heart nearly melted at the sight in front of him. The warm smile you had on your face while you slept made him feel so much happiness and love towards you.
- Wait.
- Love?....
- Oh. That's when he actually realized he loved you and come to think of it, he does think about you often when you're away.
- When he realized that, he was kinda... Shocked. And unsure what to do.
- He never predicted he'd ever find someone to love ever again in the near future (or ever), yet, there he was. With you in his arms, and the warm feelings you gave him without even realizing.
- He wasn't really happy when he learned he was in love with you. I mean, he was, but he was mostly worried.
- He's immortal, once you die, how will he live on? It's just the same like with his old companions who he missed dearly, but he felt like it would be much much worse if he lost *you*, since he LOVED you.
- Plus if he grew too attached, some demons could use you as a hostage to get to him.
- Wukong had to distance himself from you and forget about you, and that's exactly what he did. When you woke up, you were all alone with no sign of the Monkey King.
- It took him his all not to visit you again after days and days passed, he missed your touch, your voice, he missed everything about you. But he chose not to, it was better for the both of you.
- You on the other hand were completely confused and heartbroken, you asked Mk if he's still seeing Wukong and when he said he was, you thought you did something wrong and ruined your friendship with him, that it was all your fault.
- You two wouldn't see each other for about a month, until Mk invited everyone to meet up for Christmas.
- Then, then you'd see him.
- Both of you kinda avoided each other, but you took the courage to talk to him.
- After two hours, once you saw him alone you took the opportunity and went up to him, adkinht why he avoided you for days.
- He lied and you could see right through it.
- So you two would kinda end up arguing, you telling him to spit it out and a bit irritated he was avoiding the topic while Wukong still refused to confess anything.
- It wasn't until you heard a sob from him that all your frustration suddenly died out.
- He had his back to you while hugging himself, but you could clearly see by his shaking shoulders and his sniffles... He was crying.
- You ended up hugging him which caused him to stop holding his tears back and let it out, he missed your hugs so much :(
- He ended up telling you everything, why he avoided you and why he was so afraid
- You listened to his every words and held his face in your hands, wiping away his tears as he talked.
- Well, you two do end up coming with a solution, and that's for you to become immortal if you want, Wukong will find something to make you immortal
- On the other hand, if you need time to think, he will give you time.
- And if you don't want to be immortal then uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
- No bitches.
- At first he didn't care about you, you were in Mk's crew and he knew you as much as he knew Tang tbh.
- Yeah, you two weren't really friends, you knew each other's names but nothing more than that.
- That is, until you were at a party (yeah, again, Mk invited everyone) and you got overwhelmed by the crowds and music, that was when you saw Macaque again.
- He just saw you with Mk and Mei while Wukong was yelling at him before the King stormed off while he was zoning out.
- Then he tried looking for Wukong to annoy him again but accidentally saw you at the exact same spot he saw you last, except that now Mk and Mei were nowhere in sight and you were alone and looked somewhat... Scared? He wasn't sure why.
- He was hesitating between annoying Wukong or coming to ask you why you're so glum, in the end he picked you.
- You were a bit stunned when he sat down in the chair beside you.
- He didn't ask much questions, just made some comments. Then he offered you to dance with him.
- You didn't know how to dance but agreed anyway, and honestly he was good at dancing, also good at showing you what to do and how to move.
- That was the night you two became friends :D
- After that night he'd visit you A LOT, it's like this guy has nothing else to do in this world of how many hours he could spend with you.
- He would flirt with you and tease you very often, honestly he didn't realize, but he caught feelings for you since that dance.
- It took him a month til he realized he loved you.
- And when he did he honestly didn't care much but he'd be extra flirty and teasing.
- He'd often push your buttons and test the waters to see how far he could go.
- He could go pretty far XD you were extremely flustered whenever he'd flirt with you.
- But yeah, you two didn't really hug each other or show any affection (Macaque kinda would only do small gestures when teasing you, such as being close to your face or wrapping his tail around you, besides that nothing much during that time. But it did quickly develop to the point you'd cuddle every night.)
- Overall, he wouldn't really have much of a reaction. He'd just accept that fact immediately and his next plan? Try his best to make you fall in love with him too.
- You two are BEST BUDDIES!!!!
- Along with Mei too, you three are the best duo.
- You go out every one or two weeks to hang out when you're not busy and it's mostly playing video games.
- It would be you who's in love with Mk first, and each time you flirt with him he just blushes but doesn't seem to take the hint you like him.
- He's just so... Oblivious to your flirting. He probably doesn't even realize you're flirting with him.
- He loves you by now but he just can't take a hint and it's 😭
- He would always gift you something on every event, valentine's day, Halloween, ECT, and you'd always thank him by kissing his cheek and gifting him something too.
- It makes him REALLY overjoyed when you kiss his cheek and he's happy for the rest of the day.
- Would be a slightly bit concerned over you, not that there's anything wrong but he wants to make sure you're okay and that you're not sad or anything.
- If you are, he wants to be there for you. He's a goodie boy.
- After like two years of knowing him, you start being a bit more flirtatious so he can take a hint.
- No matter how hard you try each and every time you two hang out to tease and flirt with him, he never, not even ONCE realizes anything.
- Honestly you begin flirting too much at the point of everyone around noticing.
- And Mk STILL remains clueless.
- Then he begins to get confused by you and why you always try to make him embarrassed, he rants to his problems about you with Monkey King.
- "I JUST DON'T GET IT! Why are they acting so weird?" ... "I mean it's not that I don't like it but they're more focused on making me flustered than hanging out with me."
*Monkey King shuffled through his stuff, trying to find something.*
- "Bud, they like you. They're flirting with you."
- "WHAT?"
- He doesn't believe it at first and Wukong has to sit him down to prove it to him by explaining what your words meant and your actions.
- He doesn't even get through half of it (thankfully) until Mk realizes you really do love him.
- He's in complete shock for a good few seconds but then he explodes in happiness, he's overjoyed.
- He kinda feels stupid he didn't see that in the first place... But at least he figured it out in the end!
- Honestly, he will just be a innocent boy. He would never take any action towards you if he loves you, he's innocent and nice.
- And he's a bit shy to take the first move, kinda has self esteem issues so that's why he didn't believe when Monkey King told him you liked him at first.
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anantaru · 2 years
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ex! husband pantalone feat. pantalone x fem! reader
ex husband series.
୨୧ WARNINGS: nsfw : toxic relationships : manipulation : yandere ?? : cumming inside
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ex! husband pantalone who will still provide for you, even after the divorce, no questions asked, he doesn't take no as an answer either, will simply shush you with his pointer finger on top of your lips. "it's the bare minimum, really." he claims, his smile bright as always, with an innocent tone in his voice which you have never ever heard nor witnessed before, thinking that maybe, his intentions might be pure this once.
ex! husband pantalone who will have someone from the fatui check up on you every once in a while. He claims it's just a safety measure he has to take so he wouldn't worry. He's a harbinger after all, enemies aren't just going to dissolve into dust. Though reluctant at first, you complied hesitantly, under one condition that the guard he had ordered to look after you wouldn't be by your side all day.
ex! husband pantalone who will agree to your condition, yet little do you know he will still go behind your back regardless, having the guard watch you all day anyways. He'll order them to hide and pretend they left without actually leaving. After work, pantalone will show up to your home as well, unannounced, to check up on you and ask if everything's okay or if you're in need of something.
ex!husband pantalone who will indirectly ask you out about your day, who you've been with, how you spend your time and what you were planning to do tomorrow. He will again, brush it off as a safety measure, flashing you his bright white teeth upon smiling, canine's poking out from under his lip. You'd be reluctant to tell him at first, yet after he placed his hand on your shoulder, squeezed it playfully with the familiar touch hurrying into your body, you'll have a hard time keeping things from him.
ex! husband pantalone who will, speaking of keeping things from him, demand from you to never keep stuff hidden from him and at all times, inform him about your doings. You'll complain that he's being too pushy, leaving you no room to breathe, that the reason you got a divorce in the first place was for a change in your relationship, with in reality, nothing changing at all between the both of you.
ex! husband pantalone who will tell you that he'll give you the space you needed, apologizing to you in a sorrowful manner, his eyes low lidded. He admitted that he was only concerned for your wellbeing, trying not to think of anything sad whenever he'd be around you, instead blinking away all dark memories with you hugging him in response, feeling terrible about working him up like this.
ex!husband pantalone who will hug you back, resting his head in your neck as an almost menacing smirk developed onto the corners of his lips, without you being able to spot it, wrapping his arms around your body to keep you close, so close you could take in his familiar scent again.
ex!husband pantalone who will suddenly admit that he felt incredibly sad and bitter about you living your life without him, confessing his deep love and affection towards you again. Tears welled up in your eyes with his cold stare placed on your face. Warmth will invade your cheeks as he set his hands on top of them, carefully circling his thumbs around the flesh to brush your warm tears away.
ex!husband pantalone who will smile as he noticed the rising heat on your cheeks, placing a quick kiss on your lips, unable to resist you any longer. His lips covered yours in a warm embrace which left you short of breath, the passion and tension that was clearly evident, growing upon pulling away, driving your body into new heights of feelings and awareness.
ex!husband pantalone who will tell you that he regretted ever letting you pull through with the divorce, for a moment clinging onto you before kissing all the worry off your face again, whispering that there was enough time on your hands to think about the consequences later on, taking your hand in his to walk you to the bedroom the both of you once shared, nostalgia making itself visible on his face.
ex!husband pantalone who will worship your body, kiss every spot of your trembling skin with his tongue flattened out, licking around your breasts before hitting your nipples, sucking down. You surrendered to the affection and tenderness he always managed to arouse in you, gathering him in your arms. Pantalone is licking his lips, knowing your sweet spots and how it didn't take you long to become sensitive underneath his touches, nipping at your skin to get a good taste of you.
ex!husband pantalone who will bite into your neck, disguising it as a kink of his when in reality he just needed a way to mark you up, something that will show that you're still, clearly off the market and no one should dare to even look in your direction. You're whining, the pulsating flesh burning into your skin as you tossed your head around, waiting for him to finally fuck your brains out with every bone in your body forgetting that he still was, your ex husband, you willingly divorced, all the problems and concerns turning into dust in a mere heartbeat.
ex!husband pantalone who is fisting his cock in front of your cunt, teasing you with that damned smile of his, giving it hard strokes and tugs, groaning deep into his chest before prodding his tip against your sweet hole, feeling how you got even wetter than before, messier with your legs shuddering around him. As a result, easily sliding himself in with a deep hiss, leaning in so he could lay his body on top of yours.
ex!husband pantalone who won't stop telling you that he wants you back, that you're practically made for him and that he'd do anything to make you happy, regardless of plenty difficulties the both of you would face again. He's hissing out upon feeling you clench around his shaft, how you're sucking him in with your walls quivering on his stiff cock.
ex!husband pantalone who will lick his lips at the beautiful filthy sight in front of him, increasing the pace while pumping his thick cock quicker with the wet sounds rubbing off the walls. You're moaning in pleasure, eyes squeezed shut, spreading your legs wider to make more room for the relentless speed of his hips. You're sliding your fingers up his exposed sweaty chest to feel him, mind hazy and cloudy as he pulled you into his embrace further.
ex!husband pantalone who will cum inside you, his desire full with wanting to spill himself in you and look at the way his seed would pool out of your sobbing hole again. Your fingernails were digging into his back, scraping up his skin and leaving very visible scratch marks with pantalone hissing at the mixture of pleasure and pain. He'll watch your breasts bounce up at the impact he was going for now, pushing the both of you to your limits and practically tasting the sweet release on his tongue.
ex!husband pantalone who will grace you with an orgasm you haven't experienced in a long time, shockwaves rippling through your skin with goosebumps rising up your sweat coated body. Pantalone grunted as he neared his own orgasm, gasping as he forcefully made you look at him, wanting you to see how desperate he could become in your embrace as he spilled himself into you, thick white ribbons glazing your insides, all over your abused walls that were still squeezing him dry.
ex!husband pantalone who will watch his cum leave your cunt that was now fluttering around nothing, the filthy mixture coating the insides of your thighs and staining the silky bedsheets underneath you. He'll sigh out heavily, grazing his rough and calloused fingers over your folds before pumping his seed right back into you, your whines falling on deaf ears. "it's not supposed to leave you." he muttered in concentration, his cock semi erect and gradually softening.
ex!husband pantalone who will rest next to you, embracing you on his chest with his heart pounding heavily against your cheek. He'll caress your skin, kiss your forehead to show you how secure and safe you are with him. Your legs were wobbly, still shaky as you hugged him back, small regrets working its way into your mind as you tried to sleep them off with pantalone by your side, yet the next day waking up to an empty bed.
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do not! share, copy or repost my work. ✎ ©ANANTARU 2022
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moonah-rose · 7 months
What I love about Ghosts is how much of a slow burn the enemies to found family is. Yes there's a pretty big leap from "tried to kill her" to "forced allies of convenience" in the first two episodes, there needs to be to set up the premise, but after that there's such a gradual build up to a real cosy feel in the group.
It would have been so easy to have this dynamic reach its peak by the end of S1. There's a few soft moments like Alison talking to Pat's family and the Friends sofa bit outside but only after Pat explains to her how important the moonah ritual is to Robin. But it's not enough to make them that close yet and in the finale the ghosts mostly want Alison to stay for their own convenience, except Kitty and Thomas, with Fanny only just beginning to accept Alison is part of her bloodline. Captain still wants them gone but concedes to help them stay more for the others. Alison is touched by the gesture of the jewel but still admits that it's a nightmare living with them and wants to leave - and only stays because Captain screws her over via manipulating Kitty.
S2 starts with her waking up and sighing about how she's still "living the dream" (aka her nightmare). However, so we're not quite on the same page as last season, she has now established a routine with the ghosts and knows what each of them need. There's a feeling of comfort beginning to creep its way in, even if they still annoy her. And they're still not willing to help her at the drop of a hat, especially Julian unless he can get something in return, and some will go as far as to work against her when she's trying to make the house look haunted. Had the Grey Lady episode took place in S5 you know they would have all jumped at the chance to help Alison whatever she asked. But this series has a lot more episode focused on Alison connecting with the group like learning about how Thomas died and the Captain's past and Kitty's kinda sad childhood, so it feels natural and heartwarming when they all come together to help protect the house from burglars for her and she appreciates out loud how they're not as selfish as when she first came there. And they all do what they can to help with the wedding, partly for it to be a success for Alison but also just to help. Honestly on my first watch, with the snow and everything, I thought that was the Christmas special! So it lead in nicely to the actual one. Because the gang are finally at the stage where Alison would be comfortable spending Christmas with them and they all come together to sing with her to make her happy, even Robin who thinks Christmas is just a recent fad.
Series 3 is where that leap from friends to family happens and is contrasted with Alison thinking she's found a long lost blood relative, which she confesses is something she's wanted as she never had a lot of family around her. I like that they didn't have Lucy be her actual sister that turned out to be a villain, as we already have an abusive sister with Eleanor, but it still serves as a parallel between her and Kitty to make Alison realise that she has found a sister, and more. Robin saying "welcome home" and the look on Alison's face is enough to let us know this is no longer just a project for her with some annoying pests to deal with. And the final shot of them all "eating" together is one of my favorites.
The show could have easily ended there if it wanted to. Or it could have gone on another two seasons with everything being perfect and wholesome. But it doesn't; because families are not perfect. We still have an episode centered around the ghosts trying to apologise for upsetting Alison, much like a bunch of kids with an overworked mother, and they want to make it up to her not for their benefits but because of what she means to them. Episode 2 also has Alison missing feeling needed by the ghosts when they're busy doing their own thing and realising she just wants to spend time with them, even if it's just something as simple as a walk with Robin. And when Mary passes on, Alison is absolutely devastated and puts aside her work duties to prioritise helping the other ghosts grieve. Then there's her joining (evil) forces with Julian to take on Barclay together. And the series ends with Robin, who began the show just enjoying scaring the shit out of Alison for the lulz, confronting his ten thousand years old ptsd and taking a bolt of lightning to save her husband.
That's four years of development. Compare this to the CBS version where they all click together a lot faster and we don't see nearly as much of Sam losing her temper with the ghosts, and plots always seem to be wrapped up so much quicker (the fact there was no apology from Thor for possessing her still irks me). This isn't necessarily a knock against the American version, their episodes are ten minutes shorter because of ads, and it's more of a style choice as well as Sam just being a far more patient character than Alison. I know a lot of people prefer that the show begins a lot more wholesome to start with so it's down to taste. For me the heartwarming moments mean so much more when they've been earned over a lot of struggle.
Take the climax of Series 5. It's one of the few moments of TV that have made me gasp out loud. I genuinely forgot that we never saw Alison find out Julian pushed her. I guess I assumed she found out off screen or worked it out when she realised Julian's ghost power. But it really was the perfect point for her to find out; because had it happened any earlier then she wouldn't have hesitated to leave with no amount of speech able to change her mind, and likewise Julian wouldn't have had anything to say to her. But as someone else pointed out, it's much more difficult to forgive someone you love for doing something truly evil, even if at the time you were less than strangers. It's a crushing betrayal for Alison to find out that someone she thought as family once tried to kill her but also that the rest of them kept it secret. There's no obligation or pressure for her to forgive them; but she chooses to, because it's been earned over more than three years. And to parallel the S1 finale, the other ghosts are desperate for her to stay (including Cap this time), no longer for their own convenience but just because they love her.
And now we wait in terror for the Christmas episode to rip all of it to pieces. 🥺
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littlemissaddict · 2 months
Just a little idea that popped into my head while I was trying to sleep. And while I love reading reader x single dad! fics as someone who doesn't want kids I just feel it's not something I've come across in fics yet (it probably has been done and if you have any recs please send them my way)
Also this drifted away from my original idea and I'm too lazy to correct it so please enjoy whatever this has turned into.
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"And then Ella" Steve was replaying the story animatedly across the table from her. They were on a first date, after having bumped into him at the grocery store last week where he had surprised her by asking her out.
"Sorry you've lost me, who's Ella" she asks, interrupting him but it was hard to follow the story when she had no idea who she was. She had figured she was another friend or something as it was the first time her name had been mentioned all night where as she'd heard all about the kids he used to babysit, his best friend Robin and the metalhead who had been adopted into the group but Ella was new.
Steve's face fell and she worried her question had upset him, had he already talked about her tonight and she'd missed it so now it had come across as she hadn't been listening. Oh god, it had been going so well and now she'd messed it up with one simple question.
"Have I not told you? I could've sworn I told you?" He asked, there was no accusations in his tone. Instead, he sounded more confused. She shook her head in answer to his questions and he sighed, "I could've, it's the first thing I tell people, how could I have not mentioned her" he was muttering more to himself than her.
She offered him what she hoped was a reassuring smile as she reached across the table to rest her hand over the top of his where at some point he'd clenched his napkin in his fist. He looked up at her touch, "it's okay you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" she reassured him. It may have been a first date but he didn't have to tell her his whole life story in one go, she hoped there'd be a few more where they could learn more about each other.
"No, she's someone I like to be up front about, I need to know before I get involved with anyone so they don't freak out and leave when they do eventually find out and then I'm left picking up the pieces" he explains and her heart bleeds for him, thinking about Steve thinking everything is going well only to be left picking the pieces of his heart up after they leave but she also can't help the anxious feeling building inside of her.
"Ella's my daughter"
Her face falls as soon as the words slip past his lips, a reaction she's quick to cover but not quick enough as Steve sees.
"I know it's a lot to take in especially when we're just getting to know each other that's why I like to make it known straight off the bat but tonight, I don't know I guess I just got so caught up in the excitement of being here with you that I forgot and that sounds terrible that I'm admitting to forgetting my own daughter but it's been a while since I've actually been excited for a date and well you've made me feel like a teenager again which I guess is why" he rambles, his eyes closing as he rubs his fingers against his temples before he looks back at her. "Please say something, even if it's just to tell me I'm an idiot" he all but pleads.
"Steve" she whispers. Her mind is going at a million miles a minute as she processes his confession and her own feelings. "I don't know, I really wasn't expecting to be discussing kids on a first date" she admits, "but since we're being up front then I can't lie but kids have never really been in my plans for the future and I know your not asking anything from me right now but I've enjoyed myself tonight and I really want to see where this goes but," she pauses glancing at Steve and she can tell that he's expecting her to tell him that she doesn't want to be with someone who already has a kid and the acceptance of it is written all over his face which is heartbreaking because he deserves love she's just not sure if she's the one.
"If this did progress, if we did get together I just don't know if I'd fit your expectations or even hers" she admits, already feeling like she'd be a disappointment to the both of them when she couldn’t fill the mother roll that she thought he was expected her to fill. "I just don't want it to get to the point where we realise that maybe it won't work and then we're left as you say picking up the pieces" she finishes with a sniffle, god please don't let her cry.
And Steve, wonderful Steve, leans even further across the table, his large palm cupping her cheek as a small smile graces his lips. "I have no expectations, this would be new for both of us as its only ever been me and her for the longest time, all I need to know is if you'd be willing to try, take things slow until we figure out us and then when you're ready then we introduce Ella, we could just even say your a friend if that makes you more comfortable" he tries and she melts under his touch, his gaze.
"I'm terrible with kids" she adds, giving him one last out to change his mind but he just chuckles.
"They're a learning curve, trust me but she's a good kid" he promises with a nod that somehow has her feeling at ease. Kids may have not been in her plan for the future but maybe one wouldn't be so bad.
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❣️forever isn’t long enough❣️
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Pairing: Charles leclerc X Cherrie!
Word count: 7.4K
Summary: in which Cherrie is stubborn and refuses to admit that she loves him. So Charles bullies it out of her.
Or basically just two idiots in love bullying each other into confessing
As Cherrie walked into the room where the team would be filming a question and answer live video as a welcome back for the new season , she was immediately met with the narrowed eyes of a concerned charles and a amused smirk from Sebastian as they both sat waiting for her arrival on the red couch.
She gave them both a small, sheepish smile along with a tiny wave.
Knowing for a fact that she should have arrived here more than an hour ago but she had been too busy stopping off to get a hot chocolate from her local cafe to care.
Waving around politely to the exasperated crew who were more than used to her constant tardiness , she took a sip from the cup in her hand as she slowly walked over to the couch, looking at the small space that they had left between them knowing that they expected her to squeeze her ass between them while they man spread and took over all the space left.
Charles was looking up at her with a frown , more than a little bit annoyed by how this was the first time he had been able to see her and actually speak to her in over two months .
Cherrie knew that he wasn't very impressed with her sudden disappearance over the holidays , having turned off her phone and refused to tell anyone where she was going or what her plans for the holiday were.
But she just needed some time and some space on her own after a emotionally rocky year for her . She needed time to recoup her thoughts and be able to get back up in the morning without crying over every single thing .
She was utterly exhausted. Both physically and mentally the year has taken its toll on her.
Between the loss of points and not being able to win as many races as she had hoped to do, as well as the growing tension between herself and Charles , late nights and risky mornings in hotel rooms and hasty goodbyes before he could even try to convince her to stay .
It had been difficult because Cherrie didn't know what to do with these new , overwhelming feelings that sunk her stomach and tightened her chest whenever they were alone together .
She wasn't used to someone being kind to her just because they wanted to and not because they wanted something out of her .
She wasn't used to the sweet looks and shy smiles that always lit up Charles face whenever she was near by.
She didn't know how to handle the soft touches and tender gaze, doesn't know how to cope with the way he looked at her like she was something special , as though she was something to be adored.
She wasn't used to it. She wasn't a soft and gentle woman who could just hold someone hands and kiss them so softly that it felt like the world had come to a stand still just for the two of them.
She couldn’t name hardly any of the people she had slept with in the past. But she could remember each person that she had held hands with. Because there was only two.
She was used to rough touches and messy kisses in the back of a car and careless fucks in somebody else's bed .
She didn't stay for anyone , didn't know how to be someone that somebody wanted , unable to fathom the thought that she was something more than fuckable. That she was more than a good time and a quick distraction .
She didn't like the way her feelings and the way he touched her and looked at her made her feel so vulnerable.
She wasn't a weak girl who caved into every man that as even so much as glanced at her twice. She didn't laugh at someone's jokes even when they weren't funny just to make them smile.
She didn't hold someone in her arms without saying a word after having another bad race .
She didn't open up to people, she didn't show them how she felt through her fingertips and with her tongue . She didn't let anybody in.
But she had with Charles. She had done everything with him that she told herself over and over again that she would never do.
She was there to race , not to fall in love . But this time her own feelings were out of her control and it had scared her.
It had scared her to see the way he always clung onto  her after a long night together, the plea for her to stay going unspoken but Charles didn't need to beg or tell her what he was feeling. Because she could see it in his eyes how much he wanted her and how much he didn't want to let go.
So she had only mindlessly nodded along when her teammate had talked about travelling during the holidays . Had only smiled briefly when he looked hopefully at her and whispered that she should come along too. That she would love his family and they would love her. That he could show her all the places she had never been.
And when Charles had been packing his bags to go back home for the holidays , Cherrie had done the same thing.
She had left his bed without a word and without leaving a single trace of her herself behind. She had turned off her frantically buzzing phone with incoming calls and confused texts from Charles asking her where she was and why she had left so quickly .
She kept her phone off for two whole months, she didn't speak to any of the other drivers who had become such good friends.
She forgot about her feelings for a while and got the hell away before she could have a mental breakdown over the way she could no longer control her own life .
For so long she had been in control. She had a routine and barely did it ever change. She liked things to be simple and easy.
And the way she had so suddenly craved to be in Charles presence wasn't simple. It was scary and it was overwhelming and the last time she had felt something even remotely close to the way he was making her feel, she had ended up running away too.
Because feelings weren't for everybody.
She wasn't a happy go lucky person who could embrace friends and tell them she loved them. She couldn't be soft and gentle , that just wasn't her.
She was blunt . She was hard headed and driven by success. She didn't have time or the energy for blinding feelings .
Until Charles came along and wrecked away all of her walls like it was nothing.
It was just too much and the overwhelming urge to run away had taken over any rational thoughts about just telling him how she felt. Knowing deep down in her mind that Charles would understand , that he would be patience and kind. That he would help her though it.
Because he was a good guy and Cherrie had seen the way he had been looking at her since they were teenagers .
Even when she was a teenager who barely glanced his way, he had always followed her around like she was something special , as though just being near her calmed him down .
She had seen the way he smiled at her when he thought she wasn't looking. Had noticed the little things he did without even saying a thing , just wanting to make her life a little easier.
Like the way he always carried a packet of candy in his bag because he knew that she got moody when she didn't have anything sugary.
It was the way he carried two water bottles and silently handed her one after each race , having put diluted orange juice in it after learning how much she struggled to drink water on its own.
It was the way he pulled out her chair at dinner and the way he didn't start eating until she did.
It was the way that he waited around for her to be done with press and her briefings after each race , just to drive her home while her car was in the garage getting repaired.
It was the way he silently handed her flowers after dnf'ing. The way he would just put in a movie and caress his fingers through her hair till she fell asleep after a difficult day at the track.
It was the way he stayed sober while she got drunk with their friends , just so he could look after her and take her home safely .
It was the way he held her hair  and rubbed at her back while she regretted ever drinking in the first place , laughing softly at the way she would promise that she was never drinking again only to get plastered the following weekend and repeat the messy process .
It was the way that he looked for her in a crowded room.
The way he always asked the other drivers where she was when he couldn't see her, leaving to find her, not wanting to be in a group if she wasn't there with him.
It was the way he called her own father to let him know that Cherrie was okay after a particularly nasty crash. The way he stayed by her side with tears in his eyes , refusing to leave her until he saw that she was fit and healthy with his own two eyes.
It was the way he learned to cook new things that she liked after she told him that she was going vegan.
His phone filled with vegan recipes and his kitchen a mess of strange ingredients as he stayed up all night to make her a plant based macaroni after seeing her pout over their friends getting the cheesy goodness during dinner while she was stuck eating a salad.
It was the way he way he always helped correct her English when she got a word wrong or struggled to translate what she meant, not as fluent in English as their friends . He would simply whisper to her the right way of saying what she meant and give her a proud little smile when she remembered it the next time she spoke.
It was all these little things that Charles did that made her stomach turn into a whole damn zoo and made her unable to even think straight.
Because nobody told you that falling in love could feel like a never ending panic attack, heart racing in your chest when they smiled. Throat running dry whenever they said your name.
It scared her . So she left without a single word, despite the guilt that took over her chest as she told herself over and over again that he wouldn't care. That they weren't together . He wasn't her boyfriend and she wasn't his girlfriend .
They were just friendly teammates who slept together sometimes. (All the time).
It was okay. She was okay. It was going to be okay. It had to be.
"Where the hell have you been?" Charles blurted out before he could even think to remember that they weren't alone and that he was supposed to be sounding like a teammate and not a upset lover.
Seb smirked behind his hand as he rubbed at chin in amusement , having been listening to Charles rant to him about how worried and stressed he was about Cherrie suddenly going off the radar for two fucking months.
He thought it was funny how obvious it was that Charles was in love with her while Cherrie acted as detached and emotionally constipated as usual.
Cherrie glanced down at her drink as she hesitantly squeezed between the two drivers on the couch, fighting back a wince as her bare leg brushed up against Charles's thigh who has turned in his seat to stare her down . With an unimpressed look on his handsome face .
"I got a hot chocolate on my way. I was also gonna stop for a breakfast too but-" she knew that he wasn't talking about where she had been just that morning yet she still tried to play innocent .
Charles narrowed his eyes at her , shaking his head in frustration. "That's not what I meant and you know it! I'm talking about you going M.I.A over the holidays and no one being able to get hold of you!" He couldn't help but snap.
Having spent the whole time worried out of his mind only for his concern to quickly turn to anger when paparazzi pictures of her lounging on a yacht and at the beach came out.
Those pictures of her casually drinking in the sun were the only way he knew that she wasn't dead.
Cherrie kept her eyes down to her drink stubbornly , knowing that one look at his pretty face would have her defences crumbling down again. The same walls she had spent the last two months rebuilding , telling herself that she didn't need anybody but herself.
That was a lie and she knew it. But she had always believed in faking it till it came true so...
Acting oblivious to Charles's and her own feelings would have to do.
"I was on holiday. I didn't want to talk to anyone." She simply muttered , glancing over beside her at Sebastian who was casually listening into her excuses with a knowing look on his face, raising his eyebrow at her disapprovingly .
She looked back down at her drink quickly .
Charles frowned , feeling hurt and it showed in his voice as he continued to look down at the woman he adored so much, the one woman that he would willingly get down on his knees and beg to be with, just wanting her to give them a chance to be something beautiful.
"Not even me? You just left without even saying goodbye . That wasn't very nice." He muttered to her quietly .
Cautious of the camera crew setting up the finishing touches in front of them, their media manager motioning for them to straighten up and get ready to start.
Cherrie pushed down any guilt and simply sighed, leaning back against the couch to get comfortable rubbing at her aching head. Still slightly hungover from the amount of wine she had drank on the plane back to Monaco.
She had always been a stress drinker . Now was no different. But no amount of alcohol could take away the nerves she felt at being beside Charles again.
"I was late for my plane. You were still sleeping and I didn't want to wake you.." didn't want to give you the chance to convince me to stay . Is what she meant.
Charles huffed at her stubbornness , knowing her far too well to believe her bullshit excuses for leaving.
"You should have woken me! Do you know how worried I've been?" He gave her shoulder a nudge with his own , trying to get her to look at him so he could look into her pretty eyes and see what she was thinking .
Cherrie just shook her head at him, plastering a smile on her face as the man handed some cards to read off, counting down from three as the camera trained on them clearly.
"Sorry. But you had nothing to be worried about. I just needed a break away from everything." She muttered before smiling at the camera brightly , giving a small wave and ignoring Charles pouting beside her.
Seb smiled at them as he made the introduction and got the video rolling . Glancing down at the cards with a small laugh as he spoke up.
"So the first question is for you Charles.." he said to him , hiding his grin as he watched Charles quickly snap his eyes away from where he had been gazing at Cherrie , clearing his throat and smiling a little awkwardly to him.
Charles nodded at him to go on while Cherrie just drained the last of her hot chocolate and placed the empty cup at her feet.
"Where do you see yourself in the future?" Sebastian asked him , reading off the card.
Charles smiled and answered easily "a world champion definitely.. hopefully.." he laughed a little before looking at Cherrie again who was smiling at his answer.
He hesitated for a moment before deciding to say fuck it.
She may not like talking or acknowledging her feelings but he did and if she refused to listen to him in private then he would make her understand publicly instead. Knowing that she couldn't run away from him this time, not while the cameras were still rolling .
So he said "and I see myself still in love, maybe married and with my own little family too. That would be nice." Glancing pointedly at Cherrie who had frozen up next to him.
Giving him a small cautious glance , frowning a little at the way her heart sped up at his answeR.
Surely he didn't mean her..? No. He can't be because Cherrie wasn't the kind of girl that was someone wanted forever .
She was too much work and not wife material at all, surely not ...
Sebastian smirked knowingly at them, amused at the way Cherrie was still stubbornly refusing to look at Charles even though he was glaring a hole into the side of her face with his challenging stare.
"You'd be a good husband and father. I can imagine you having cute kids." He mused as he picked another card up ready.
Charles smiled bashfully at his compliment and nodded his head, fiddling with the mood ring on his finger that Cherrie had gotten him when they were still teenagers .
Giving it to him with a shy mumble on Valentine's Day after he had made her a giant card in the shape of a heart alongside a teddy bear with roses in its hand.
Her dad had made her get Charles a gift too, while Cherrie had just blushed bright red the whole time, hardly able to look anyone in the eye as she shoved the ring and a poorly made card in his direction with an embarrassed scowl on her face.
So not much had changed really. Charles was still hopelessly in love with her and feelings still made Cherrie want to throw up and disappear forever.
"Yeah, they'd be cute . With little curls and big blue eyes , a little button nose and freckles.." he listed off all the features that Cherrie had without any shame, knowing exactly who was going to be his future baby mama if he had his own way.
Cherrie sunk further into the couch with a flush, swallowing dryly . Utterly mortified by how obvious he was being.
She almost had a panic attack right there and then. He wanted them to be together?! Get married?! Have kids?!
She could barely even hold his hand in the privacy of their own room!
"Dieu, ça ne peut pas m'arriver." She muttered beneath her breath in embarrassment.
(God , this can't be happening to me)
Sebastian just laughed and moved onto the next question before she melted into a puddle of red beside him .
"Cherrie this one is for you.." he grinned at the flustered girl next to him in pure amusement .
"What's your favourite thing to do in the off time?" He asked her .
She picked at her nails boredly, looking down at the bright red colour as she thought about it.
Before humming and giving a little shrug "I like to go on little adventures with my friends. See new islands and try new things.." she told them honestly , smiling a little as she thought about her most recent trip.
"-but mostly I just enjoy reconnecting with friends and having fun . Getting some drinks and messing around."
Sebastian looked at her curiously "where did you go this time? I saw pictures of you on a yacht but I don't know where. No one really knew where you were." He said.
Charles having been the one to show him the recent photos of her with a scowl on his face as he complained about her ignoring him.
Cherrie glanced over at Charles to see him waiting for her to tell them exactly what she had been doing after ditching him in his bed, raising a judgmental eyebrow at her when she hesitated to answer.
Before finally giving in and telling them quietly “I went to Brazil and met up with neymar. He was having this big yacht party the whole weekend. Then we just traveled around after that. We spent some time in Italy and Spain and even went to England as well. It was fun." She muttered with slight smile.
Charles looked at her with wide eyes , frowning in disbelief .
"Neymar? As in the footballer? The guy you used to date?" He felt his stomach turn at the thought of the two of them getting back together while he sat back in the sidelines with a broken heart again. Unable to do a single thing but watch in misery as she dated a guy that wasn't him .
Cherrie frowned back at him, finally looking at him again. Chewing on the Inside of her cheek nervously when she saw the annoyed look he was giving her , fingers tapping against his knee impatiently as he waited for her to explain herself.
Cherrie groaned in annoyance, not liking the hurt puppy look he was aiming her way.
Fucking hell. She thought in misery. Why does he have to have such a gorgeous face?
How was she supposed to act unbothered by him when just the sight of his puppy eyes had her stomach turning into a whole Damn zoo!
"We never dated... seriously. We're just really good friends." She mumbled flustered by his heavy stare.
Wondering what happened to the shy stammering Charles that used to go bright red and speechless whenever she used to simply just look at him.
It felt like they had swapped roles. She was usually the confident and intense one out of the two of them.
I mean, for heavens sake! The first time that they had sex Charles had thanked her for it!
And then he had proceeded to politely ask her if she would like do it again sometime with a blush on his face while Cherrie had just been panting up at the ceiling in pure disbelief . Muttering a amused ‘sure. Same time tomorrow?’ To him fondly.
Charles scoffed at her , pursing his lips unhappily. "That's not true .. I once watched the two of you eat each others faces at an after party . You were more than friendly." He reminded her bitterly .
Cherrie just rolled her eyes, huffing a little at the way he was calling her out on her lie right in front of the cameras too!
Gritting her teeth as she sent him a small glare , getting a pointed look in return. Daring her to deny it.
"We- we were just having fun. We really are friends now! You're telling me that you've never fucked around with some of your friends when you were younger?!" She defensively threw back at him .
Sebastian was grinning beside them, looking into the camera with a arch of his brow like he was in an episode of the office.
Charles pulled a face at her , rapidly shaking his head no. "I haven't! You can't call someone your friend if you're sucking their dick Cherrie!" He exclaimed as a jab towards her past relationships and the one that she also had with him.
Unable to believe the way she could give him the most mind blowing sex of his life and them tell people that they were 'just friends' as if she didn't just have his dick in her mouth ten minutes ago!
He had to give her credit though, she was a really fantastic bullshitter! And if there was an award for being in denial of her feelings , she would win without any hesitation!
Sebastian's eyes widened as he saw the stare down between the two of them, laughing a little as he gave Charles a look to behave himself , already used to them bickering like little kids since they were , well, kids!
Gently pulling Cherrie by the shoulder to lean back again once he noticed the way she looked ready to lay into him, both of them forgetting that they were being recorded live to the whole World.
"Okay! Next question I think!" He exclaimed with a amused smirk , clearly loving the drama .
"Favourite food?" He asked them trying to clear the sudden tension between them a little.
Cherrie looked away from Charles and back at Sebastian again. Humming softly in thought .
"Probably stir fry. But If we're talking desert then there's this cafe near my apartment that does these beautiful vegan cupcakes and honestly you can't even tell the difference . They're amazing." She gushed , almost drooling just thinking about them.
Charles, momentarily forgetting his jealously and anger for a second, smiled at her in amusement .
"Is that the one you dragged me too last time?" At her nod , he laughed in agreement.
“Yeah they were good! We have a tradition of swapping deserts if we win a race. When she won last time I tried to make a replica of the cupcakes she loves but it didn't turn out so good.." he told Sebastian , smiling at the memory.
Cherrie giggled a little and patted his thigh comfortingly without even thinking , so used to their easy touches and messing around even when they were arguing .
Her dad had once been stood with his mouth wide open in disbelief when he witnessed her and Charles had arguing with each other nastily , snapping at each other even though they had been laid on the couch together with his arm around her shoulders and her own arm around his back.
Cuddling while arguing . Her dad couldn’t believe it!
She grinned at him in amusement "you did good! I told you that they weren't that bad! Just a little ...burnt." She tried to make him feeling better about it just like she had done back then.
Giggling to herself as she recalled the way a pouty Charles had shown up at her door with a loud sigh of defeat as he sheepishly held up a tray of burnt cupcakes to her, looking like he was going to cry.
She had kissed his pout away and scoffed down those burnt cupcakes like they weren't making her teeth hurt with each bite, not wanting him to be sad.
Charles squinted just eyes at her , still not believing her lie.
Sighing loudly as he leant his body back against the couch, nudging his shoulder against hers affectionately.
"You went to the dentist the next day!" He whined laughing despite himself and his shitty baking.
Cherrie grinned cheekily "for a checkup!"
"Yeah right!" He rolled his eyes at her playfully , pulling at her one of her curls with his fingers .
Sebastian laughed at them and asked them another question "have you ever been in love?" That question wasn't even on the card but Sebastian had a plan for the two in love idiots in front of him.
Knowing that Charles wouldn't have any hesitation in admitting his feelings to the world , maybe it was the push that Cherrie would need.
Cherrie laughed a little and shook her head no . "I'm not the kind of girl that guys fall in love with easily. I'm okay for a short time but not for a long time. I'm not girlfriend material.." she muttered her thoughts out loud.
Only to flinch a little in shock when Charles let out the loudest scoff ever, eyes blown wide in disbelief as he gaped at her like she had frown an extra head right in front of him.
"You're kidding right? You've got to be joking!" He almost shouted in shock, speechless at how oblivious she was acting.
Did she really think that his feelings for her were nothing more than 'casual'? Did she really not know that she was in his every thought? That she was his first  thought in the morning and his last wish at night?
She drove him crazy and she didn't even know it!
Cherrie looked at him with small frown, stomach turning at the familiar way he was looking at her.
Nervously fiddling with the fray edges of her denim shorts , clearing her throat a little nervously .
"I mean- I just mean that I'm not a girl that guys take home to meet their mother. As soon as they get to know me properly it's like... nope, not a forever thing! And definitely don't love me after that!" She laughed a little depressingly at herself, truly believing that she was only loveable when the sun went down.
Charles tried not to shake her shoulders and scream at her.
Instead he took in a deep , calming breath to gather his patience. Reminding himself that it wasn't her fault she was so emotionally stunted. That she didn't know that someone loved her until it was spoken directly to her face with no way of her misunderstanding.
Charles realised then that perhaps never telling her directly how he felt was a giant mistake on his part .
He had hoped that his actions would speak for him, that she would feel his love and understand how gone for her he was.
But apparently not. Apparently she was blind!
"I know you and I think you're amazing. You're the most lovable woman in the world! Everybody wants to either be you or be with you! Surely you can't believe that?!" He exclaimed in shock by her stubbornness to give in and let herself be loved.
Cherrie flushed darkly and frowned at him a little , trying to not throw up from the way the butterflies wouldn't stop flapping their wings rapidly in her chest.
Barely able to hold eye contact with him, seeing the way Charles was looking at her with a face full of disbelief and frustration .
She huffed, feeling uncomfortable talking about her feelings and love in general.
"That's not the same thing. I mean, I'm just not good with feelings and I'd be a terrible girlfriend-"
Charles let out another loud scoff , placing his head in his hands and trying not to scream.
Sebastian was grinning behind his knuckles as he tried not to laugh at the two idiots in love in front of him. Charles looking like he was going to burst if she denied his love one more time.
"How can you know that If you don't try it?! I didn't know I liked spaghetti until I ate it!" He almost shouted at her in frustration.
Referring to the way Cherrie had told him that he didn't want her as a girlfriend, that he wouldn't like it if they became serious.
The same old bullshit excuses but Charles had enough of her lying to herself.
He was leaving here with her as his girlfriend whether she liked it or not , he was done with her denial. Enough was enough!
Cherrie scowled at him, oblivious  to the team
Behind the cameras who were watching them argue in absolute confusion. Having absolutely no idea what was going on.
"What has spaghetti got to do with love?!"
"I'm not talking about the spaghetti itself! I'm talking about having to try things to know you like them! If you don't give the guy a chance then how can you know that it won't work out?! You don't!" Charles snapped back at her with wide eyes.
Cherrie rolled her eyes at him dramatically "it's the same way that you want to do anal but won't let yourself be pegged! It's a bit hypocritical isn't it?! To want to do something to someone else but not letting them do it to you?!" She shouted back at him, completely having lost sense of what they were even arguing about now.
Sebastian was giggling behind the cards, having the time of his life watching them shout at each other like stubborn children . Cherrie refusing to admit that she was wrong.
Charles blinked at her in disbelief, mouth dropping open in shock. Wondering how they went from spaghetti, to chances and then to anal within a second.
"Well you'd only do anal with somebody you trusted wouldn't you? Like a boyfriend! And I never said I wouldn’t try anything! But if I was going to do it I'd want it to be with someone i loved , someone that i could call a girlfriend!" He flung his hands up into the air dramatically , easily matching her energy like usual .
Cherrie huffed loudly , glaring back at him. "That's not the point! I don't want to be anyone's girlfriend! I'm happy as I am thank you!" She snapped back at him.
Charles pulled a face of disbelief at her "why not? You're happy having sex with me , nothing would have to change except me being able to call you my girlfriend!" The gasps of shock from the crew didn't even reach his ears as he openly told the whole world that they were sleeping together without any shame.
Sebastian gasped a laugh. Wiggling his eyebrows at the camera as he sat back and happily Enjoyed the show in front of him.
Cherrie gasped sharply and smacked his arm, hard. Flushing bright red. "Everything would change! You want to marry me and have kids with me! That's not casual at all! That’s A lot different than just sex!" She exclaimed stubbornly . Not giving in .
Charles rolled his eyes at her , shoving her shoulder in response .
The two of them starting to shove at eachothers sides like naughty children as they bickered on live video stream.
"Maybe a little bit but you'd get used to it! It would just be nice to hold your hand in public and tell you I love you without you freaking out! I know you love me too! I'm not blind or stupid!" He pushed her head with his hand , almost pushing her into Sebastian's lap.
She immediately pushed him back, kicking him as well as she huffed and puffed at him angrily.
"I don't love you!" She shouted, clearly lying.
Charles scoffed at her loudly "yes you do! I heard you whisper it to me once when you thought I was sleeping!" He admitted to her shamelessly.
Cherrie gasped , hitting his arm again. "You were pretending to be asleep?!" She was mortified "see! I don't want to date a liar! You just heard me wrong!" She lied .
Charles looked at her with wide eyes , unable to believing that she was still lying like this.
Talk about denial!
"Sure! What did you say then?!" He challenged her knowing exactly what he heard that night .
Cherrie hesitated before looking away from him stubbornly . "I said - I said I love you but like- in a platonic way-" she flushed, stammering .
Even Sebastian rose a brow at her in disbelief . Giggling to himself at how stubborn she was .
Charles wanted to throttle her. "Oh stop it! We could have been married happily by now If you'd just stop being so fucking stubborn!-"
She looked at him with a scowl , heart racing in her chest nervously.
"je ne veux pas t'épouser ! Ce n'est pas parce que je t'aime que je veux être à toi ! je suis ma propre personne! Je décide avec qui je veux être !" She snapped at him, shuffling away from him like a child.
(i don't want to marry you! just because i love you doesn't mean i wanna be yours! i am my own person! i decide who i want to be with!)
Charles just shuffled along with her , throwing his arm over her shoulder and ducking his head down to meet her pissed off gaze.
A slight amused smile tugging at his lips as he looked at her seriously .
"voir! tu m'aimes ! et je t'aime!" He muttered to her , gently stroking her hair away from her face so he could see her flushed cheeks better.
The anger flowing away from him just like that as he admired how beautiful she was, even when she was trying to break his heart into pieces .
(See! You do love me! And I love you!)
Unfortunately for Cherrie, Charles was just as determined and stubborn as she was. And he knew that they belonged Together. No one else's hand fit between his own as perfectly as hers did.
She was the one. He knew it. Ever since they were kids and she threw a football at his head and told him that it was a girls only team.
Only to pick him a daisy and whisper to him that they could play together in her garden later when the rest of the girls she had been trying to impress were gone.
He loved her then and ten years later he still loved her now. Nothing had changed at all.
Cherrie glanced down at the soft smile he was giving her, her walls quickly crumbling down as she felt his thumb gently run back and forth across the back of her neck soothingly . Looking at her like she was his whole world.
She sniffed , fidgeting with her necklace . The same heart shaped locket that Charles had given her on a random Monday afternoon just to see her smile.
It had two pictures inside. One of them as kids, stood side by side with little Charles kissing her cheek. And another picture of them as adults, also stood side by side on the podium as they grinned up at each other with nothing but pure happiness on their faces .
She loved him. And he loved her. He always had.
Would it really be so bad to give him a chance? He made her happy.. so why was she making herself unhappy by denying his love for so long?
Who else was going to deal with her craziness and stubbornness like he did?
Who else would dare to look her in the eye and tell her to stop being so stupid? To get her to admit that she was wrong .
He was the only one that she thought of when being asked of what her future held.
She saw herself winning more races. She saw her family . She saw her friends and she saw Charles right beside her for all of it.
Didn't she deserve to be happy? No matter how frightening taking them first step towards forever love could be?
It could be worth it in the end.
"I do but.." she sighed , conflicted on what to do.
Charles made the answer easy for her. Gently leaning his head against her shoulder and kissing her jaw softly , he wrapped his arm around her back and held her close to him .
"I want to be your boyfriend. Okay?" He whispered  to her simply not caring about anything else but her.
Cherrie glanced down at his soft eyes and the love written across his pretty face and easily gave in.
Pouting a little at having to admit that Charles was right and she was wrong .
"okay." She mumbled with a small smile as she wrapped her arm around his back in return, leaning down to kiss his eyebrow gently .
Charles inhaled deeply, unable to hold back his excited grin as he peered up at her through his lashes. Heart threatening to beat right out of his chest in excitement .
"Yeah? Me and you? No more bullshit?" He needed to her say it.
Giggling at the way she playfully rolled her eyes at him, cupping the side of his head and pulling his head down to her neck for a snuggle . Charles kissing below her ear delicately , feeling him smile against her tender skin.
"No more bullshit." She promised him quietly, running her fingers through his hair gently. Kissing his head as she heard him sniffle against her, squeezing her tightly to him.
And Sebastian could only watch with a proud smile as Cherrie finally let go of her fear and gave into love.
Charles sighing contently as Cherrie hugged him to her chest, closing his eyes and crying into her shirt while she rubbed circles over his shoulders with a small, amused smile on her face at his emotional he was.
He always had been the crier out of the two of them. He had also cried when she gave him a valentines card and drew him a picture of him in a Ferrari , writing NO.1 messily at the top.He still has the picture on his wall at home.
But Charles didn't care about anyone seeing him cry. He had waited for this moment for what felt like his whole life.
He had loved her every winter, every spring , every summer.. it had always been her. Never once had his love gone cold, it never faded , only blossoming into something untouchable over time.
He had loved her every season and now he wanted them all. He was never going to let her slip away from him again.
"Je vais t'aimer dans chaque vie. quoi qu'il arrive, je t'aimerai pour toujours." He whispered to her softly.
Cherrie let out a wet laugh and leaned down to kiss him properly, cupping his jaw in her hand as he nudged her nose with his own gently . Both of them smiling giddily into the kiss .
(i'm going to love you in every life. no matter what, i'll love you forever.)
"Je vous aime . j'ai toujours. Je suis désolé d'avoir mis si longtemps à l'admettre. mais je suis là maintenant et je ne t'aimerai plus jamais." She promised him .
(i love you . i always have. im sorry it took me so long to admit it. but i'm here now and i'm never going to not love you again.)
As  the two kissed some more and snuggled up together on the couch without a care in the world, Sebastian looked at the camera with a smug grin on his face.
"I am Cupid. The love question was all my idea." He told them proudly before grimacing as he felt a foot nudge his side as they rolled around on the couch beside him like a pair of horny teenagers.
He leant over and pushed the both of them off the couch , both of them landing on the floor without even breaking apart .
Leaving Sebastian to look at them in disbelief as they just carried on making out on the floor in front of him, not giving a single shit about anybody else around them.
"Oh no.." he groaned with wince as he looked at the camera worriedly. Still live .
“What have I done? Okay! That's enough! Stop trying to eat her face!" He snapped down at them.
Dropping his cards and leaning down to try and pull the two of them apart before they made a sex tape on stream. The two of them just laughing at the disgusted look that he was giving them.
Sharing a mischievous look between them before charles yanked Sebastian down between them, both of them Hugging him tightly as Cherrie laughed like a naughty child as she kissed all over his grimacing face as he huffed and puffed, trying to push them off.
"I better be best man . And you better name your first child after me for this." He grumbled to them.
Grinning despite himself as he gave Charles a proud pat to his shoulder while Cherrie was preoccupied with clinging onto his back like a monkey, trying to annoy him like she usually did.
Sebastian just picked her up and threw her down onto the couch. Dusting off his clothes and pushing Charles down onto the other side too , sitting between the two of them so that they were separated again.
Rolling his eyes in amusement  when Charles just extended his arm out behind his back and held cherries hand behind him. Both of them giggling and beaming at each other happily.
And all Charles could think to himself as he looked into her pretty eyes dazedly …was that forever wasn't long enough.
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kazvha · 4 months
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Including: Kayden, Kartein, Inhyuk
Notes: Thank you both for requesting, and also for the compliment! Hope you enjoy💌
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• Everybody knows him as an arrogant madman who likes to pick fights with everyone. But around you, he acts like a whole different person. — Ok, maybe not that different, but Kayden is definitely more tolerable in your presence and he's literally the funniest person you know
• We all know Kayden is a confident person, but sometimes there are moments in which he's surprised you actually put up with his persona
• He knows nothing about being in a relationship, so you have to take the lead. Especially in the beginning stage
• His favorite dates are dates that involve any type of action. It could be going to an amusement park and riding the craziest roller coasters, trying new sports together, or even singing your lungs out at a karaoke bar
• In terms of love languages, Kayden's mostly giving you acts of service and sometimes physical touch. He himself likes to receive words of affirmation. Just praise him for a little thing and he won't stop boasting about it
• He's not against PDA but he prefers to keep it all private
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• Who thought that you would get into a relationship with such an eccentric?
• You are the one who had to confess first because Kartein is way too stubborn. He denied his feelings for MONTHS
• For your first date, after he finally accepted your feelings, Kartein invited you to his apartment and prepared an amazing candlelight dinner for you. The longer you two had talked, the more he realized that you're definitely the one for him. It made him mad that he wasted so much time fighting himself and his feelings
• At the end of the night he drove you home and you also had your first kiss which was kinda awkward?
• You were sitting in the car and Kartein leaned over from his seat. You thought he would kiss you, but turns out he only wanted to get something from the backseat???
• In reality, Kartein wanted to gauge your reaction. You had a positive reaction, so he came close to you again and kissed you for good. If you had reacted in a bad way, like leaning back, he would have pretended that nothing happened
• His favorite dates are calm ones, in which you can destress together. Pottery classes, paint and sip, self-care days, etc. You get it
• Love language: Give: He gifts you little things that remind him of you. Also, he's someone who values his time alone, but he'll free his schedule to spend time with you. Receive: Like Kayden, he lives off of compliments
• He hates PDA, every type and form of affection has to be behind closed doors
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• Even before you got into a relationship it was visible to everybody else how much you liked each other. Inhyuk likes to take care of everyone, but the way he treated you was on another level
• Like, Inhyuk really cares about how you feel and always wants to know the long answer whenever he asks you how you are. He's attentive to your needs
• His favorite dates are trying out new restaurants and leaving them petty reviews after eating, taking dance classes together, or strolling in your hometown and feeding stray cats. Inhyuk's up for anything really.
• He likes to write down everything new he learns about you. He never forgets important dates like your birthday or your anniversary and when he plans out a trip or a date, he makes sure that you'll both like it
• Love language: Give: He loves spending time together and like I already said, he takes care of you, often with acts of service. Receive: Inhyuk will never say no to your physical touch
• He doesn't mind PDA at all. He will show you his affection everywhere and he might even rub this sight into other people's faces. *cough* Seongha *cough*
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outsideratheart · 1 year
I’ll protect you (Ana-Maria Crnogorcevic x reader)
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Based off this request.
Have you ever met someone who you instantly have a connection with? Where it's like you knew each other in a past life and your first meeting is actual a reunion? That is the way you would describe the day you met Ana.
Now almost three years later the two are you are inseparable although neither one of you have confessed that you want your relationship to be more than platonic.
One of the things you loved about Ana was her commitment to the team and the Catalonian people. It came as a shock when she picked up Spanish as quickly as she did but it could be argued that it wasn't the student that was good, it was you the teacher.
Her passion carried over when Barcelona played Real Madrid, the legendary El Classico.
"Someone's excited" you spot Ana in her locker, her knee bouncing up and down.
"And you're not? I know you love this match just as much as me, if not more" Ana helps you tape your wrists, it was your first of many pre match rituals.
"I know that with Jenni gone and Alexia on the sidelines I am going to be their number one target"
In every El Classico so far, Real Madrid were predictable. They made it known very early on in the game who they wanted to take out. You enjoyed it and you loved any chance to tease your Madrid counterparts although they didn't find it fun getting beat time and time again.
"I'll protect you" Ana is deadly serious when she makes her promise to you.
"I can look out for myself. Focus on getting the ball in the back of the net"
History is sure to repeat itself as Barcelona find themselves 2-0 up just before half time. Madrid start to get desperate but it was to be expected and you warned the girls of this. Esther was no longer hiding her intention to hurt you and after the third of fourth tackle she got a yellow card. At this point you thought she would back off in fear of getting a second and then a red only this doesn't happen.
The half time whistle blows and instead of going into the locker room, you go straight for the woman that has been on your back the entire game.
"Keep going Esther. You know I have my limits and you are dangerously close" you body check her before walking away.
"I barely touched you. You just don't know how to play football without your friends. The whole world knows that you're struggling to play without Alexia and it is only a matter of time before they see that you're not worth the credit you get" Esther spits.
"Shut up or the next thing to come out of your mouth with be your teeth" Ana's presence startles you.
Esther continues rambling as she walks through the tunnel, her voice becoming quieter with every step she takes.
"She's right" you admit as you sink into your locker.
"No, she isn't and you'll prove her wrong when you go back out there and show the world just how good Y/N Y/L/N is"
Ana always has faith in you even when you didn't. Over the past few months you have doubted yourself more than ever but she was always there to remind you who you are.
In the second half you played with a new purpose, to show Esther who Spain's best forward was. With your confidence level at an all time high it led to Esther making more tackles than she did in the first half and every one she made got worse and worse.
Whilst you remain level headed you knew Ana was get close to blowing up. She liked to protect you whether that was in a nightclub when a stranger refused to take no for answer or like today when you're get getting hurt and nothing is being done about it.
The final nails on the Real Madrid coffin come in the form of two more goals, both coming from you. After the second one you saw the opportunity to taunt Esther and get in her head so after you finished celebrating with your team you look directly at her and do her signature celebration. You knew that it would anger her more but you no longer cared. There was only 7 minutes left on the clock, you could handle it.
Barcelona receive a corner which doesn't go to plan. Instead of football it becomes a game of ping pong, the ball going from head to head. You see it coming your way and you jump to head in the direction of the goal but at the last minute you see Esther coming towards with her foot high. Already in the air, you close your eyes and wait for her foot to hit your head only it doesn't, instead you feel her studs connect with your sternum.
The breath is knocked out of you, a mixture of the impact and the force in which you hit the floor.
"Y/N" Aitana tries to get your attention but your eyes remain shut as you try to focus on your breathing.
Something else that sticks out is the headache that comes thick and fast, you know you must have hit it on the floor when you fell. Your surroundings are a blur but you recognise the sound of the medics asking you question.
"I-can't-breathe" you say through laboured breaths.
"Try to stay still" one of them tells you.
"Ana" you use all your energy to call out for the one woman you want by your side.
"I'm here Y/N. Everything's going to be ok" Ana takes a hold of your hand. When she sees you close you eyes she squeezes you hand tightly so that you know she is there even if you can't see her.
Ana has never felt more helpless in her life. The medics cut open your shirt so they can asses the damage, it's something she wasn't ready to see. There in the middle of your chest was a boot print, some marking had even opened up and blood was trickling down your chest. You wince when you feel someone brush over the point of impact.
You swat the hand away immediately.
"Y/N let them do there job, please" you turn your attention to Ana. Her face is pale and you see a single tear roll down her cheek.
The medics lift you onto the stretcher, Ana remaining by your side the entire time. That is until she hears Esther speak ill of you, yet again, only this time she does something about it.
"At least now she gets to watch in the stands with dear La Reina" Esther jokes with her teammates only no one is laughing. Their faces drop when they see the Swiss international approaching them at speed.
"You're so insecure of your own abilities that you purposely try to hurt Y/N. You are a discrace and don't deserve to play football" Ana shoves Esther, sending her to the floor but she is soon back to her feet.
"Mierda!" Patri says as she runs after her team mate, others follow in suit.
Patri and Irene try their hardest to pull Ana away but nothing they do works.
"Come on" Patri begs.
"Don't let her get to you" Irene adds.
They both grab hold of her but she shrugs them off, clearly she wasn't done with the Madrid forward.
"You better hope she is ok or the next time we meet i'll--" Ana threatens only to be cut off.
"You'll do what?" Esther pushes Ana again.
This time Ana shoves her a lot harder than the first time and Esther hits the floor hard.
"You don't want to find out"
"Ana, walk away" Marta, who has been called over for extra help says "They are taking her to the hospital. Jona has got Mariona ready to sub in for you but if don't leave now you won't be able to go with Y/N"
This seems to work because Ana runs off the pitch without saying another word. She ignores the ref but thanks her coach when she gets to the side lines.
Later than night you are discharged from the hospital. After getting several scans you are told that you have a minor concussion due to the fall and a broken sternum thanks to Esther.
Ana accompanies you back to your apartment and insists on staying the night despite you telling her numerous times that you are fine. After all the doctors gave you some strong painkillers which reduced the pain significantly although you were warned that you would be very sore in the morning.
She helps you get changed, turning around when you are indecent even though she has seen you topless number of times.
Once in bed Ana helps you get comfy before leaving.
"I thought you said you were staying the night" even though you are adamant you don't need help you were still looking forward to the sleepover with your best friend.
"I'll be in the living room. You need to get some rest" Ana leans against the door frame.
When she sees you pouting she shakes her head ever so slightly. You pull back the corner of the duvet on the empty side of the bed and pat it a couple of times.
"Ana-Maria Crnogorcevic please come to bed"
Ana loved the way you said her name. The way you pronounced every syllable and how your spanish accent meant you rolled the r's. It made saying no to you incredibly difficult and you were fully aware of this, it's why you did it.
The two of you gets settled and Ana picks out a movie, one that she is sure you've never seen before. You may be focused on the TV but whenever you look over to your best friend you find her staring at your chest.
"Stop looking at my boobs"
"I -- I wasn't looking at them -- I mean I was but I wasn't -- I was looking at--" Ana face rivals the colour of a beetroot at your accusation.
"Looking at this" you pull the front of your tank top down revealing all of the marks left by Esther's boot.
"I told you I would protect you" Ana refuses to look you in your eyes as she thinks about how she failed you.
"There's nothing you could have done and from what i've heard you defended my honour afterwards" you could tell that Ana felt bad about you getting hurt and whilst you don't mind being the damsel in distress if she is the one saving you, you knew that this was just one of those times where nothing or no one could stop Esther from her attack.
"It's my fault"
"Really Ana?" You were staring to get annoyed. Ana was making is obvious that she wanted to punish herself but you really didn't want to spend the night talking about what happened.
"Don't look at me like that" Ana senses your annoyance "I provoked her at half time and since then her tackles got worse. She knew that by going after you she would be hurting me"
"This isn't about you"
"No it's not. It's abut you Y/N. Do you know how scared I was? I told you I would protect you and I failed you. I couldn't protect the woman I" Ana stops herself before she says something she cannot take back.
Your eyes widen when you realise what she was about to say. Is this really what it took for you both to admit your feelings. Was you getting put in the hospital your version of an airport confessions from the movies.
"Finish your sentence" you tell her. The expression on your face is serious. No part of you wants her to think you are making fun of her.
"I can't"
Then it hits her. You know what you was about to say and you want her to say it anyway.
Ana tucks a stray hair behind your ear, her palm rests on your cheek and you melt into her touch. She looks you in the eye then at your lips, you didn't pull away from her touch yet she was still hesitating.
"Fuck it" you lean forward, ignoring the pain that rises to your chest at the sudden move and kiss your best friend.
It is Ana who deepens this kiss but you have to push her away.
"Ow, ow, ow" you lay back down as you try to get your breathe.
"Sorry. That's my fault, I shouldn't have -"" Ana begins to apologise only for you to cut her off.
"I swear to god Ana if you blame yourself once more I am kicking you out"
Ana hold her hands up in surrender. In this moment she would do anything to stay with you.
"Come here" Ana extends her arms so you can lay against her side" Carefully" you warns when she hears you wince.
The two of you go back to watching the film only for Ana to pause it after 20 minutes.
"The woman I love. I love you Y/N" Ana finishes her sentence.
You turn slightly so that you can face her.
"I love you Ana-Maria" you softly kiss her again. You want her and in this moment you ignore the pain you are feeling.
Ana cups your face and gently pulls away. You pout at the lack of connection but this time is doesn't work.
"Don't look at me like that. I want this just as much as you do but I won't have you hurting yourself more" Your heart warms at how Ana was back to protecting you, only this time it was from yourself.
It took 2 weeks for your concussion to pass and 6 weeks for your broken sternum to heal. The day you got the green light Ana took you out on your first official date and that night the longing you two of you experienced over the years was let go.
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petpippin · 7 months
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୨ৎ sweet escape! — chifuyu mats.
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it came first with the shoujo mangas he'd bashfully keep hidden under his mattress, vowing to never have that guilty pleasure slip to even his best friend, baji.
there had just been something about whirlwind romances, the fateful meet of a guy and a girl, destined to evolve into something deeper that set chifuyu's cheeks ablaze, having to fight the urge to grin so stupidly.
he'd always considered himself a tough guy, too.
hands shoved into the pockets of his ill-worn pants, hair put up in a way that looked so cool. (there had gone months before baji had set him straight with that awful 'do.)
but there'd always been something about those types of girls, that stayed with him.
charms that jingle as they skipped by, all soft-spoken, with gentle hands and tooth-rotting smiles. the type of girl that'd shrink under the scrutiny of bigger guys like baji, or draken, yet would curl up so perfectly in chifuyu's palm.
yeah. girls like that, girls, it so happens, like you.
which is why chifuyu is counting every lucky star in the damn sky, when you, fumbling with your hands, let a pink-tinted pencil slip from your grasp.
staring habit ramming into him like full-speed train, chifuyu barely has time to react before he's bending down, nearly making it a race, picking up the jingling little thing for you.
he nearly stares you into the ground, growing red and flustered, shakily handing you back your pencil.
"here's-- your-- pe-en-cil," it's a dire realization chifuyu is quick to make in that moment, that he definetly isn't making the introduction he'd desperately dreamed of.
but you don't laugh at him. you try to smile, just as bashful and shy as he is, just as quick to snatch your pencil back.
it's unfortunate, much to chifuyu's dismay, that mere days after your encounter, baji has him all figured out.
the red thread doesn't even directly lead to you at first, the captain's first clue being the few curious bumps along his vice-captain's bed.
mistaking them for the racier of magazines is baji's very first blunder, as it had only lead to a hefty stack of brightly-lit, cutesy cartoons.
chifuyu couldn't die with dignity after that, but he did decide to make peace with the humiliation that would come of his most prized possession.
it's a sacrifice he would readily make, but with you, that one proved a harder task.
stealing glances, touches chifuyu could sneak, noting each and every of your little quirks. baji has long dug his grave.
it comes to a damning head, one fateful day, one where baji has been smirking so ominously all morning, that chifuyu doesn't even know what to make of it.
they're waddling the dozey early-morning halls, only so happening to pass a certain someone that has him momentarily rearing his head.
that was what chifuyu had hoped, at the very least. a glance at the very pretty girl who's presence he had been graced, perhaps catching the trill of a new charm dangling from your phone.
and yet, with a singular, cunningly placed elbow to the side, chifuyu had went stumbling like an idiot.
knocking into you, death should've never come quicker. but such mercy didn't befall upon him, and baji was only watching on.
it only worsens when something falls out of chifuyu's pocket, and now it's your turn to pick it up. and by god, does he immediately recognize that awful handwriting.
you look up at him, suddenly turned all giggly, a ring so sweet it overrules any of your little trinkets.
you smile, briefly glancing over the note. much to chifuyu's dismay, it's littered with hearts and he's, unfortunately, actually able to make out what's been written.
something along the lines of. . . a confession.
time freezes for such a while that chifuyu doesn't know whether to cry or take off running, in a stupor only managing to freeze up completely.
an angel stands before him, the overhead lights suddenly simulating early death. was it just chifuyu imagining the heavenly light?
"okay. i'll go out with you."
you're grinning so hard your cheekbones ache, and chifuyu soundlessly crashes back onto earth.
the lights even out in the background, and he mirrors your smile with vigour, a short breath of 'really?'
chifuyu doesn't know who he'd rather kiss.
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thenightfolknetwork · 6 months
Back when I was in school, I thought it'd be great fun to create an urban legend or local cryptid. I got some friends together, managed up some costumes, snuck out at night, wandered around looking creepy. And it was; great fun, that is. Sure we were all tired the next day whenever we did that, had weird scrapes and bruises from stumbling around in the dark, and at most we ever heard someone mention that they thought they saw "an animal" out where we were lurking; but we were out with friends, doing something we probably weren't supposed to do, we were young, it was wonderful.
We grew up, as tends to happen. We found more interesting things to do late at night. A bunch of us moved away, including myself. Gradually, we mostly lost touch with each other. I mean I could probably still contact all of them if I really needed to, it would just be awkward. I never mentioned those "adventures" to anyone, because as I got older, it just seemed more and more embarrassing, plus -- as I came to realize -- INCREDIBLY insensitive to the creature community. For the last few years, I've been trying to forget all about it.
Until recently. I was chatting with my mother on the phone, and she mentioned that in the past few weeks, there have been Sightings in the area. She'd never shared it before now, because it was just some minor local gossip, except she'd seen it herself the day before; just a glimpse, but what she described, it matched how we'd dressed up, how we'd moved, even the places we'd done "appearances" in.
My first rational thought was that maybe she'd known the whole time -- as a kid, you're a lot worse at being sneaky than you think you are -- and this was just a very time-delayed prank on me. But I looked into it, and it's not just her telling this to me; I won't bore you with the details, but if this is her prank on me, it's better planned and coordinated than most military operations.
There's three explanations I can think of. The first is that one of my friends has decided to start it up again, after all these years, for whatever reason; or they'd shared it with someone who decided to do the same. On the face of it, this would be easy to check, but that's not taking into account the crippling awkwardness that doing so would entail, plus I know for a fact that the person who'd be my best suspect for doing this, doesn't live within easy travel of the place any more. There's other reasons that make this option seem unlikely to me, but they involve personal details I'm not going to share.
The other possible explanations I can think of, are more up your alley. That either somehow a bunch of dumb kids managed to close-enough replicate what an actual being, that actually exists, is like, and now one of them is there, maybe as a coincidence, or maybe to find the "other one" (which never actually existed, because it was just us). Or that somehow, that same bunch of dumb kids managed to accidentally CREATE a being. To put it in the silliest possible way that my brain keeps repeating on endless loop, accidental catfishing or accidental parenthood.
Should I look into this further? Do I need to swallow the awkwardness and talk to the others? Come clean in public with what we'd done? (I don't think any of it was technically illegal, plus we were children at the time, but it would still be even more awkward than my current benchmark for 'extremely awkward'.) Is it none of my business? Should I start actively hiding any involvement? I go back there about once a year, to visit my parents, and it's a few months still before I'd be expected, so I have time, but I'd need to have a plan in place first.
First of all, reader, I'm glad to hear you have since come to understand how incredibly inappropriate and insensitive your actions were when you were a teenager. I hope young sapios today are a little better educated on the matter of treating liminal cultures and identities with respect, but I confess, it is not a particularly robust hope.
I hear your concerns that you and your friends may have participated in some kind of accidental manifestation. I think I can put those fears to bed. Bringing forth an entity through the power of imagination alone is an astonishingly difficult feat, and one which requires a great deal of concentration, dedication and, frankly, natural magical talent. It would be unusual to the point of near impossibility for a group of teenage pranksters to stumble their way through such a working without knowing it, and even more unlikely that the effects of that working should remain hidden for so long.
I think it equally unlikely that you somehow happened upon an accurate representation of an existing, but as yet unknown, genus. The creature community is vast and varied, and the chances of you managing to cobble together anything like an accurate representation of a genus you've never seen before seems highly unlikely.
However, there is always the possibility of… let us call it “suggestion”. When you think back to that period, is there anything you can remember that motivated you to design the costume as you did? If you can trace your inspiration directly to, say, a particular book or a certain film, then we can set this aside as a possibility.
But if at any point you felt your decisions were driven by something less tangible – if it felt as if “inspiration” had struck, and you moved by shared instinct, all seeming to strive for the same end without communicating that end to one another – then we might start to consider the possibility of external influence.
This could also explain why these sightings have started again. Rather than being a living creature suddenly coming out of hiding, this sudden apparition seems more likely to be another group of young sapios, subject to the same external influence as you and your friends were all those years ago, compelled to don the same costumes and cavort in the same places.
Quite why anyone or anything would be exerting psychic/phasmic influence to this end, I can't guess. There doesn't seem to be any harm in it, apart from inducing sapio teens into insensitive behaviour – and let's be honest, it's even odds they would have done that anyway. And in any case, I think this explanation falls firmly in the “none of your business” side of things.
I say, draw a line under the affair, and move on. Someone in your town may be playing silly buggers, but as an erstwhile silly bugger yourself, I'm sure you can allow them their bit of fun.
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wackybuddiemewbs · 4 months
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Buddie Moodboard - Red, White & Royal Blue AU
So, guess who's been watching this movie adaptation way too often as of late? I'm taking the usual moodboard-y liberties, including mixing in some stuff from the book and the movie adaptation and keeping them at their ages from the show (and change their roles in society up as well...) Also, just imagining Oliver getting to speak with his actual accent lives in my head rent-free, as do many other things. But that's definitely up in the Top 10. Cheers!
Vice President Eddie Diaz could not be any more excited to attend the wedding of his friend Chimney and Princess Madeleine, Maddie for short. Well, he could be a bit happier, if Prince Evan, Maddie's brother, did not attend. He can't stand the guy ever since they met at a climate conference years ago. Eddie just doesn't have the patience to deal with entitled rich boys the likes of Prince Evan. After all, Prince Evan's only achievement in life seems to be to have a new girl every other week to have his picture on the front page of every tabloid there is.
While Eddie will insist that Prince Evan started this, he winds up having some part in what later spreads across social media as #cakegate. Which means the Vice President of the United States and the Prince of England are caught on camera, covered in cake, in Buckingham Palace, at a royal wedding.
Like winning re-election for President Robert "Bobby" Nash wasn't hard enough as it is. To relieve the situation, Eddie is stuck flying down to London for several photo ops to sell the story that him and Prince Evan are year-long friends. After all, alliances with Britain will be important, moving forward in Bobby's campaign.
Though the more time he's forced to spend with Prince Evan, the less he seems like the guy who was being such a jerk to him at that climate conference years ago. In fact, he seems like a genuinely good person. Who could have guessed?
While Eddie will insist that the prince enlisting MI6 to get his personal phone number, it does amuse him that Prince Evan seemingly wants to stay in touch. Over the next couple of months, the two wind up messaging each other almost daily. And to his even greater surprise, Eddie finds himself opening up to this man more than he's opened up to anyone ever since his wife passed away.
Prince Evan, or "Buck" as only friends get to call him, turns out to be anything but the persona portrayed by the Palace as well as the tabloids. Sure enough, he is a flirt, but a lot of his bravado covers up a rather insecure person who feels like the weight of the world is resting on his shoulders. Though the moment he is just with Eddie or Christopher, Buck seems perfectly at peace.
And strangely enough, Eddie does as well. After everything that's happened, he struggled trusting people with his son - and with himself. But with Buck, it's shockingly easy.
But things get complicated fast at the new year's party hosted at the White House. Because Eddie was not prepared for only just a second that Buck would end up kissing him.
And he did not expect to end up liking it.
Because he most definitely thought he was straight.
But after a few very awkward conversations with his friends, Eddie starts to realize that his actual sexual orientation may have been one of those other things he has since repressed. Who would have thought?
Buck is mortified at first, as he did not intend to confess his feelings for Eddie. But when they see each other again and Eddie kisses him back like that, Buck starts to believe that Eddie actually likes him back.
As both do not want a coming out just yet, considering their current situations as public figures, the two promise to keep things "casual". This arrangement works for a while, or so it would seem. Because it gets hard to stay "casual" when you start to care about someone so very deeply.
Buck makes some shocking discoveries surrounding his brother Daniel, which sheds a very different light on what he thought was his "destiny" and why his parents are acting that distantly towards him. To support Buck, Eddie invites him over to Los Angeles - where he normally lives, if not for his current political duties calling him to Washington. He wants to be there for Buck, and hopes that spending quality time with Christopher is going to get Buck out of his own head.
The plan proves to be a disaster, though. Buck spending a day "incognito" at the pier with Christopher results in both of them getting caught up in a tsunami. While both thankfully survive the natural disaster mostly unharmed, Buck is livid in the aftermath. He is convinced that he lost Christopher and thus failed him and Eddie.
Eddie draws very different conclusions after the event. After nearly losing both Christopher and Buck, Eddie is done being afraid of what other people - including his family - may think about him and his sexual orientation. He makes plans to bring Buck to Texas with him, to get to know his family, and to come out to them. And to make it clear that he is serious about wanting a relationship with Buck, as he has since fallen in love with him.
Just as Eddie is about to profess his feelings, Buck flees the scene and flies back to London. He refuses to talk to Eddie after that. But Eddie is not willing to give up just yet. So Eddie takes Christopher with him on his last-minute trip to London. Buck is in shock when he sees the two basically storming a castle to see him. Eddie confronts him about rushing off and ghosting him. Buck tries to act the part, but Eddie has since understood that Buck is just putting up a facade.
Buck eventually drops the act. More than anything, he wants to spend his life with Eddie and Christopher. He simply didn't dare to think that he could, given his role in life, and the fact that he still blames himself for what happened during the tsunami.
The two eventually reconcile, now sure of each other's true feelings for one another.
But just as they are about to get their lives back together and plan for a future together, chaos strikes when news start to spread about their relationship. Buck is yet again terrified, as the journalist running most of the stories is Taylor Kelly, an ex he thought he could trust in. And now it may cost Eddie his career, Bobby his re-election, Maddie's freedom away from the palace to find happiness with Chimney, and Buck the future he finally dared to fight for...
Find more moodboards here.
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thefiery-phoenix · 8 months
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Damn... it's UNFAIR that most of the characters from the Manga are so good looking😭 Those pecs though...😏
Honestly it would be quite difficult to even figure out if he really was a yandere or not. Though he doesn't really interact with people that much, he's the silent observer and mentally takes note of whatever is going on. Even if someone picks on you for something, a single death glare from him is more than enough to send them running in the opposite direction. Or the two of you could end up being paired up for a project or something together, he understands if you don't feel like working with him since apparently he's scary to the rest of the class because of his fighting skills. However he's surprised when you start talking to him brightly with a smile gracing those beautiful features of yours. He notices the gleam of excitement in your eyes shining and he can't help but think you look adorable
The two of you will end up hanging out and even as friends he's really over protective of you. He doesn't trust the city and it's people after the sun goes down and for a good and valid reason. For all you know, there could be drug addicts and organ traffickers lurking around somewhere round the corner of a dark alleyway which makes him paranoid for your safety which is why he simply HAS to drop you to your house. He won't rest till you text him and tell him you're in your house as well. Only then will he breathe and take it easy
He finds out about everything you love. Remember that book you've been wanting for a while? Guess who has a little surprise for you. He loves your hugs and any form of physical affection from you basically. Your touch is all he needs for him to be at peace and forget all his troubles. Of course, Bomi and Hobin will eventually find out about you and will encourage Munseong to pursue a relationship with you. Except he's a bit shy when it comes to his feelings for you. He's fine with stalking the living hell out of you and beating people up whenever they mess with you but confessing his feelings for you is something that makes him flustered and he gets red in the face which honestly, is quite adorable
The two of you will actually have a normal relationship. He likes the admiration in your eyes when he flaunts his muscles for you to see, everyone else in the gym can clearly see he's doing this for you. Logan Gracie is amused at his student's antics when it comes to you but will dramatically sigh and say something like "Ah, the joys of young love" which will just end up making Munseong even more flustered
Despite him being soft and caring around you, he maintains a tough exterior outside to protect you from anything that can harm you. No one has the guts to hit on you or flirt with you and if someone does so, they clearly have a death wish. He'll just wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer to him and silently glare at the person till they get the hint to leave if they're smart enough and don't want their bones twisted in another angle
He loves cuddling with you and the moments when you run your fingers through his hair, he feels pure bliss at the tranquility and peace with you. He adores everything about you, there's no room for you to feel insecure about yourself because he'll kiss away all your insecurities and hold your soft hands in his rough large calloused ones and rub slow circles on your back while he gently kisses your forehead and whispers comforting things to you. It hurts and he feels like his heart is breaking when he gets to know that you feel insecure about yourself, you're perfect in his eyes and he'll proudly keep reminding you so everyday
He might start getting a little too possessive and over protective of you because deep down he's worried you'll find someone else and leave him. That paranoia alone is more than enough to provide him with thoughts of taking you for himself. At first he's disgusted with himself to even think of such things, you would never forgive him. However day by day, his insecurities keep eating away his confidence and he sneaks into your room at night and will take you to his place. He won't restrain you or anything, he can't bear to see you tied up like some kind of animal but at the same time, he won't let you leave either
It pains him to see you cry and he'll hold you and comfort you in his arms. He'll kiss your tears away and tell you how everything will be all right and he just wants to protect you and keep you safe. He'll understand if you're mad at him but he really cherishes you and wants to keep you safe. If you try escaping from him he'll just be hurt and his expression will change to that of a kicked puppy's. But he knows you're dying to go out again which is why he'll let you go out, provided you hold his hand and make sure you don't try escaping from him again
Would very much love to have a family with you when you're ready. He won't force you to do anything you don't want. He knows one day, you'll love him too just as much as he loves you which is why he's being patient. Patience is key after all and sooner or later, he's confident that you'll love him back
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 days
ARC Review: The Next Best Fling by Gabriella Gamez
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4.25/5. 7/9/24.
Vibes: hooking up on the low, getting over the Worst, big guy/plus size heroine, librarian joy!!!
Heat Index: 6/10
The Basics:
Marcela has been in love with her best friend Ben ever since he decided they were better as friends after a few dates in college. Now he's engaged to his longtime girlfriend, and she's struggling. Until, that is, she realizes Ben's older brother, erstwhile ex-NFL player Theo, is in even worse shape when she overhears him practicing a speech... Confessing his love for Ben's fiancee. Marcela prevents a disaster--and everyone now believes she's in a hookup situationship with Theo. Hmm... while they're there and they both need to get over people... might as well, right?
The Review:
Aaaah, this was such a good debut! Gabriella Gamez has a real touch for a romcom--and she knows how to bring the heat too. Like, this is an actual romcom; it's funny and it centers the romance. And there's an edge of the illicit to it as well. The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else, but what if that someone is the first person's brother...? It's kind of delicious.
There's a lot of heart here, and the dynamics of longing for someone you've built up in your head versus the real opportunity right in front of you. And like, of course, the idea of being with a person who actually values you for who you are and puts you first. There's a real sense of "so that's what it's supposed to be like" in this book that I think a lot of people can relate to.
Also--the writing is snappy and I swept through this super fast. I'm so excited to read more from Gabriella!
Diving Deeper:
--I'm actually a big fan of a "girl has been longing after dumb man for far too long and then Good Man comes along" moment. I think we have way too many stories in which it's like... oh, he's finally noticed you (or run out of other options) hooray, the boy is yours! And I don't know. To each their own, but I always feel like the heroine is settling for someone who never actually valued her. I don't want the heroine to finally get the attention of someone who should've seen her early on; I want her to get someone who doesn't need to be convinced to want her.
And Ben is just such a tool in the best kind of way. I loved watching him lose. Frankly, I also loved that Theo was this BIG STRONG HOT MAN and Marcela basically went from wasting away over the nebbish brother (largely because she didn't get closure and always wondered about what would've been) to this giant dude who is SOOOO physically about her, and then gets to know her and is also mentally tapped in.
Because I also like a story in which the couple is initially all physicality and catches feelings more gradually. And you definitely get that here. In a lot of ways, Theo awakens Marcela; she's not a virgin heroine by any means, but she hasn't really had someone... light her fire, as it were. There's this vicarious quality to it all. You really feel like you're reading about someone who's finally getting the opportunity to be THAT GIRL. And it's so great to see that happen not through Ben finally Seeing Her, but through another man having his moment with her and going "all I CAN see is her".
--I've talked about how I find the way heroines' insecurities regarding their weight is portrayed in romance often really doesn't work for me. As such, when I read that this book gets into Marcela's insecurities, I was... worried. However, this was one of my favorite portrayals of a plus size heroine. Marcela is hot, and she does know it; but she doesn't always know it. I found this deeply real, and I so appreciated the honesty in this narrative. Additionally, there's a moment in her past with Ben that reads as something that could happen, and that would also be one of my own personal worst fears.
It's like... not even that Theo is this hot guy, right? (Though he is.) It's that he can pick Marcela up like she's nothing. It's that being with him makes her feel... delicate, in a way that she hasn't always with past people. That's so real, dude. I got it.
--This is a first person book from Marcela's POV. Sometimes, first person single POV romance novels bug me because I feel like I'm not getting into both sides. However, the way that Gamez writes Theo is so clear. He's a good dude, but he's not a flawless dude. He can be a little prone to fuckups in the beginning (I mean: see premise of the book). He's a little messy.
But all of this reads as so, so endearing in this particular hero, and he's like... a good guy without being a boring guy. I mean, the premise of the novel in itself keeps him from being boring, right? He was thisclose to blowing up his brother's relationship.
--I think that if I was going to critique something about this book, it would be that Gamez could've gotten Theo and Marcela fully in the bedroom a little earlier. I mean, don't get me wrong, it doesn't by any means start late in the book. But when a book is pitched as center on a hookup, I do think you want to move that along a little faster. We had a couple of random interruptions, and I don't think we super needed that. But that's just a note; it doesn't take away from the story.
--There's so much love for librarians and libraries here. As there should be, as the series is indeed called "Librarians in Love". I so appreciated that. We need books about happy librarians and the happiness librarians help create--now more than ever.
The Sex:
While the sex here could've been a tad more explicit, is still is very much on the page, and quite hot. You get a few different scenes, and I loved details like Marcela being a little insecure about being on top (and Theo very much enjoying her being on top), fooling around as a totally valid substitute when condoms are forgotten... And dude, something you hardly ever seen in m/f romance! Theo doesn't come PREMATURELY, but he does come before Marcela couple times (well--before her last orgasm... she typically gets a few, yay for discovering multiples) and there's no weirdness or embarrassment. He just takes care of it. I found that realness super hot, personally.
I'm excited to read a new, fresh author in the contemporary romance space. It's a very crowded one right now, and I feel that there's a lot of repetition. Here, I feel like we got such a good combination of romance, character, and heat. It made me feel warm.
Thanks to NetGalley and Forever for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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tsukibarara · 2 years
Toxic Traits
Tw!: adultery, gambling, strong use of words,
CC: lucifer, mammon, levi, satan
A/n: this is really not of a hc, I just threw some rando bs here lmao
Lucifer is just straight-up ignoring you, not even batting an eye. He just really finds you a nuisance and annoying.
You're the one who fell in love first and initiated the relationship with him by confessing. He just accepted it just because he felt it his duty to make your stay satisfying and comfortable at the Devildom.
You know for the fact that everything he does and everything he says is only for Diavolo's sake–so you're not surprised when he's just ignoring all your sweet gestures and tendencies, and him getting all rage when you do 'something stupid that could ruin Diavolo's image'.
You always visit him during the afternoon break time. But this time, you made an extra effort since you got into a fight with him in the morning, 'Just like being a good lover, what could possibly go wrong–right?' you think to yourself. You sighed at the thought that you could be just ignored once again like every other day, but as soon as you opened the door you felt like a bucket of cold water just splashed down onto your head.
At the table, Lucifer's getting comforted by a witch–wrapped by his arms, and tasting each other's lips.
You scoff a laugh seeing the terrible sight. "You wouldn't even touch me your papers, but now you let her sit on it while you taste her lips?" Lucifer got stunned when he saw you leaning at the door frame of his office, "Oh, forgive me, I didn't consider that you actually don't love me. I'm sorry I got blinded by my love for you." And with that, you stormed out of the room without waiting for their response.
You never find Mammon in the house–If you do, he's just always sneaking and stealing things.
Even on your anniversaries, he's not on your side. He doesn't ponder that much about your relationship with him, he only thinks about himself we could say.
You may find him in the casino, or the streets–doing a part-time job or just simply selling some of your things. You never know where he spends all of the money he collects–some lavish things, some luxury he never needed, or to just simply pay off his debt that you know for a damn well that he never pays for, you really don't know. He never tells you this whole time you're tied with him.
Today is one of those said anniversaries. You're always worried about Mammon getting home late, but this time he's much later than usual.
Your ass can't stay in one place, you phase around your room, still not seeing your lover the whole day.
So you came to the idea of looking for him on the street night of the Devildom. Even if it's dangerous for a human like you, you still go out and look for him.
Not long after looking for him, you found him in his favorite casino–Drunk and passed out, mumbling repeatedly his winning.
This is it? Did you get worried over nothing?
You just sighed and tried not to let your tears fall.
"Mammon, that's enough. Let's go home." You tried to shake him awake.
"What?" He got a frown on his face, looking at you like you're a pest.
"I said let's go home.." your voice becomes shaky.
"Will ya' just leave me alone!? Tonight is my lucky night!" He raised his hand with a bottle in his grip.
"Come on, Mammon. You're drunk already.."
"Aya! I said leave me 'lone!" He shoved your hand which caused you to fall on your footing. "You always say do this, do that! Why can't ya' just understand me!? Stop stopping my fun, will ya'!?"
And with that, you snapped. Tears flowed down, you stood up. "We'll forgive me if I can't understand you? You never tell me anything regarding you. And I'm sorry for worrying about you."
You usually hang out in Leviathan's room. But all the time you're there, he's just in front of his monitor.
You don't have a choice of asking to play with him so you can have bonding together.
"Do whatever you want, just don't be a burden to the team." You just nodded, smiling enthusiastically.
Leviathan made you play a support role since that's the easiest role he could give you.
The game starts, and you're getting dizzy with the withs and whats of the game. You're always dying and can't play properly since you're just new to it. Every time you get slayed, you can hear him hissed, curse when you let the low life escape, or you click his tongue when you get his buff.
As the opponent wiped your team out, he turned at you.
"How can you be so stupid? That's really the easiest character in this game and you still manage to be like that!?" He's fuming mad.
"Levi, it's my first time to pla-" You flinched when he threw his mouse down to the table.
"Tch. Even an infant can play that. You're just a noob."
You slammed the phone down to his table, shaking in anger as you looked at him "Then let that infant play with you." you then just left him stunned and unable to process what happened.
Satan wouldn't let you touch his books, even just a teeny tiny bit of touch, in your whole stay in the Devildom, even if you're in a relationship with him.
He never clarified why, so you just assumed that he simply treasures his books a lot. And of course, you understand that.
When you hang out in his room, he's just buried in his book, reading quietly and not wanting to be disturbed.
He may think you're just a disturbance, but he didn't show any signs that you're one, but he didn't show any signs that you're welcome either.
You just come and go as you please.
Sometimes, you get lucky to have him read you a book and make him talk about it–even though it's boring, you're more than happy to listen.
One afternoon, you got snacks for you too. It's a nice day for you since today Satan promised he'll read a book for you.
As you enter his room, Satan is nowhere to be found.
You placed the tray of snacks on the table in his room. You jumped around, wandering inside his room, looking around and humming–you can't contain your excitement.
"Hmm, what book will Nyatan read to me?" You scroll to his books with your eyes, fingers to your mouth. You don't want to touch it having the thoughts that Satan may get mad.
"Ahh-" Books trampled on you, and you got buried with it. You pushed the books aside, your body hurting like you got crushed by a car. Luckily the whole shelf didn't fall on you.
"I told you not to touch the books!" The door flew open, there's Satan frowning down at you.
"I didn't-" you didn't finish what you're saying as Satan grabbed your arm, "Satan, that hurts-" you grunt in pain. Satan just threw you to his bed and started to pick up his book.
Satan just kept quiet, maintaining his wrath on him.
"I didn't touch it, really.." fidgeting with your fingers, tears forming in your eyes. "I swear.."
"Can you just please shut up?"
Tears streamed down, you just remained to look at your hands.
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human-psyche · 10 months
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characters: bangchan x reader; hyunjin x reader; minho x reader; jeongin x reader
genre: cute, comfort, falling in love
about: bangchan, hyunjin, minho and jeongin's reaction to reader going through a difficult time in her life, and bonus falling in love with language barrier.
一 Bangchan could just sense it that Y/n's feeling down and doesn't seem to be enjoying herself like the rest of the people around her. after awhile, when he makes it his mission to find her and greet her atleast, he stumbles upon Y/n crying, hiding from everyone else and instantly has compassion for her and wishes to make it all feel better.
一 Y/n is surprised when she realizes he puts effort in trying to get a few broken sentences of her language combined with some more english to get her to communicate with him.
一 somehow, he's able to pick up on her feelings which she's trying to convey very well because he's naturally attentive and very invested in helping Y/n; he squeezes her shoulder reassuringly then offers to buy her a drink.
一 over their favorite drinks, Y/n opens up and  speaks about her life. Bangchan likes the fact that despite the language barrier, they have some things in common; by the end of the night, he knows he hasn't done just a sincere, good deed to comfort her but also found a connection he had been searching for: he starts to like Y/n.
一 months later, they continue to communicate however they can with each other. although there are some problems with this a bit, it becomes wonderful once they get more familiar and it turns in the beginning of a carefree relationship, breezing through their different languages by turning it in a comfort filled game of who gets to understand the other first.
. . .
一 Hyunjin notices Y/n of all the others because she seems sad despite all the good vibes around her, it's like she's trying to carry a burden too heavy for her in a world that doesn't even care to understand her and neither does she show it. his stare catches her eye too and even as she tries to look away, Y/n doesn't.
一 he makes his way up to her; she's surprised that he doesn't just notice her but also cares enough about her to approach her.
一 he smiles but words fail Hyunjin due to the language barrier. still, he wants to find a way to make her feel special so he touches her arm lightly and manages to ask if she wants to eat with him.
一 Y/n is astonished to find that he's able to understand her over their moments spent together, even though the misunderstandings of different languages are there. he does his best to observe her behaviour and emotions in order to somehow make interactions which actually works
一 they exchange small details about everything, and he expresses how he'd noticed her sadness and wanted to make her feel better. Y/n confesses how his band's songs have been the only thing that comfort her lately and that this meeting definitely changed how she feels a bit even more.
一 time passes and before they leave, Hyunjin slips her a piece of paper under the table with his number and tells her to call him anytime because he has to leave, hoping to deepen their bond. he doesn't care about not speaking her language or her speaking his, he reached out to her initially to help her but now he's genuinely interested in her too, more than even he himself expected.
. . .
一 Minho's particularly mindful of the one person he notices in the back of the room: Y/n; she's wearing subtle, unshed tears of sorrow that seem to be ignored by everyone else who doesn't bother to atleast ask if she's okay.
一 when he walks closer, he can see the signs of her sadness, and he instinctively rushes to offer comfort. taking a more flirty but sweet approach to make things less awkward, he shares greetings with her and suddenly pulls Y/n in a tender embrace;
一 that manages to distract Y/n from all her problems with how bewildered she is, though, unfortunately, the language barrier between them is a very serious obstacle: she doesn't understand a single word from the joke he's trying to make. but she melts in his arms.
一 his move ends up being awkward anyway as they share glances after he pulls away. this doesn't discourage Minho tho, he feels something for Y/n that he hasn’t felt before, he's so intrigued that even the language barrier can't stop him.
一 it takes some time but Y/n eventually gets closer to him. day by day, Minho is stubborn to understand her, aided by the occasional translations which turn things funny with how many words he gets wrong and feels embarrased by his own failure but this too is all part of making Y/n feel happier given it earns her laughter
一 he can't help but be fascinated by her, seeing in her a deep inner beauty that words simply can't express.
. . .
一 Jeongin quickly sees that Y/n almost sobs during one song she's listening to by herself; he stops and goes to her, mustering his courage to ask if she's alright, not wishing to make her feel worse.
一 Y/n tries to push aside the issue and explain that she's just struggling but she can't hold herself anymore from talking to someone and breaks down, confiding in him.
一 watching her like this tugs at Jeongin’s heartstrings and he proceeds to sit with her and comfort her with stories of his own;
一 he speaks to her in his native tongue most of the time but despite the language barrier, his words are always gentle and kind, putting Y/n at ease.
一 later, Jeongin is more than proud to spot a smile that returns to Y/n’s face and he gets up to go, but not without making sure to keep contact with her.
一 talking or texting each other becomes difficult, however, they work together to learn each other’s language and pass adorable hints with simple vocab words, to use gesturing and facial expressions, and look up certain meanings in their languages together.
一 Y/n even teaches him a few phrases of her language and Jeongin finds himself unexpectedly falling for her in the time that their friendship progresses and they get to know each other more.
. . . a/n: share / reblog if you like and do follow me for more similar content.
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