#and they look nice.......... and have a replaceable cable........... ............
KICKING myself over seeing mx-40s on ebay auction for 30 bucks and being like ehhh idc that much. why did i do that!!! i DO care that much i want those!!!!!!
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lovebugism · 1 year
band!eddie and reader finally having some alone time in the tour bus *wink wink*
18+ rockstar!eddie universe <3
It was one of those rare occasions where the rest of the band wanted to go out and you wanted to stay in. There hadn’t even been a show that day, just interview after interview after interview. It left your social battery at an all time low. So when Jeff and Gareth wanted to barhop the night away, you lamented that you were way too tired to accompany them. 
And Eddie, being the nice guy he was, opted to stay in with you. “Someone’s gotta make sure the lady stays safe. Wouldn’t want someone to steal ya,” he’d half-joked.
You scoffed. “Because, god forbid, you lose your bassist, right?”
“Well, if I lost you, I think I’d die, but…  yeah, having to find a replacement would definitely be more emotionally taxing.”
Eddie Munson was the only person in the world who could rival your sarcasm. It was so easy for the both of you to cover up a sweet thing with something so playfully sour. The boy finishes his quip with a stupid, lovedrunk grin that nearly makes you melt. 
“Obviously,” you retort.
The rest of the boys disappear for the next several hours, enough for the sun to have set and stars to sprinkle the sky. If you had to guess, they’ve probably got a running bet on how many bars they could get free drinks from. It’ll go on until they can’t see straight anymore, no winners or losers — unless you count your manager, who’ll no doubt have to escort them back to the bus. 
With them gone, the bus is practically silent for the first time all tour. There is no boyish yelling or tuning guitars or video games. There’s not even the muffled sound of tires on gravel with the tour bus parked. It’s total silence filled only with the faint sounds of Charlie’s Angels coming from the common area. The episode is practically on mute, though, because Eddie knows you’re tired and doesn’t want to disturb you.
The soft quiet ushers you into its velvet arms. It almost lulls you to sleep several times over, but something in the back of your mind refuses to let you slumber. You were annoyed at first. You were squirming in your tiny bunk for nearly an hour until you realized you were filled with a need of a different kind.
You didn’t need sleep. You needed Eddie. Like a child needs their baby’s blanket — you can’t be without him for too long, or you might start screaming. The sudden ache to be close to him hits you like a freight train.
The sliding door of the bunks glides open with a mechanical schlick. You lean against the frame of it, clad only in a too big shirt that probably belonged to all the boys before it got to you, and admire your boy in his element.
He’s all spread out on the leather couch, curly hair untamed and in a messy chestnut halo on his head. He wears a piece of outdated Corroded Coffin merch from back when you only played gigs at The Hideout. The shirt clings to his torso while a pair of old pajama pants hang low on his hips.
Eddie’s eyes are firmly trained on the small television in the corner of the bus. The chocolate of them dart around the screen as Farrah Fawcett turns flips beneath a shoddy cable service. He barely acknowledges your presence, too engrossed in the climax of his show.
“Thought you were sleeping,” he says without looking at you.
“I’m too bored to sleep,” you practically whine. 
Your feet shuffle along the carpeted floor as you walk the short distance to him. You all but flop onto the couch at his side, burying your face into the warmth of his neck.
“What do you mean you’re too bored to sleep?” he mocks with a soft laugh. He turns to press his lips to your head, not exactly kissing you there, just resting against you. His words are muffled: “Why didn’t you go out with Jeff and Gareth?”
“Didn’t want to,” you answer shortly.
“Solid answer,” he nods. “What do you wanna do then?”
He doesn’t necessarily mean it suggestively. He’d probably go lie in traffic if it’d make you less bored, he loves you so damn much — but fuck if a million dirty things don’t pop into your head all at once.
It’s practically the first time you’ve been alone all tour. 
Now that you think about it, every time you’ve fucked Eddie, it’s been at the discretion of prying eyes just behind a door or in a room over. Hotels are few and far between, and you and your boys are the tightest clan the universe has ever seen, so it leaves little room for opportunity time for you and Eddie.
But here you were now, with no one around, and practically all the time in the world (or rather, until sunrise, when the rest of the band shuffled back onto the bus).
“I don’t know,” you lilt, though you’re already hooking a leg over his thighs.
Eddie feels like a teenage boy all over again as you settle onto his lap. A wide grin tugs slow at the corners of his mouth. He doesn’t bother to hide his excitement. “What are ya doin’, doll?”
“Nothin’,” you shrug, feigning innocence, like you’re not slipping your fingers through the hem of his pants. The tips of them inch into his boxers and trail down the thin patch of coarse hair there with a touch that’s smoother than water.
His cock is already half-hard when you take him into your hands, warm and soft and stiffening in your grip. Eddie exhales deeply through his nose at your gentle caressing, his gaze now turned down to where work him harder.
“Keep watching your show, baby,” you tease with a knowing grin as you slip his dick from the confines of his pajamas.
“How can I—” he tries to joke, but the words get lost in his throat when you slide your panties to the side. He goes instantly stupid at the sight of your slick collecting along the manicured thatch of pubic hair just above your pussy. His brain all but ceases to function when you rub yourself along him, drenched folds parting to welcome the bulbous tip of his cock.
You feel like silk, he concludes, or maybe something somehow softer. 
Eddie swallows thickly while his obedient hands settle on your hips to steady you. He continues, this time with a tremble in his voice. “How can I when you’re pullin’ this shit, huh?” his button eyes flit back up to look at you, a smirk forming on his pink lips. “You just wanna ride me, huh? That’s what you need?”
You don’t answer him. You’re barely listening, if you’re honest, too concentrated on positioning him at your opening. You gasp softly when you pierce yourself with him, then exhale low moans as you sink slowly onto his cock. The burn is a minimal one, somewhere in your lower tummy, that washes away with a flood of velvet-coated pleasure. 
Eddie fills you so perfectly, just like he always does, like he was made to be seated inside you.
“Well, this is an excellent way to pass the time, if I do say so myself,” he manages to quip through bated exhales from where he’d been holding his breath. You rock your hips over his lap without warning. His pink lips form a tight line as something short of a growl bubbles in his throat and rumbles in his chest.
You watch with a proud grin as his eyes flutter shut and his head falls back. You push his curls over his shoulder to press open-mouthed kisses along the pale expanse of his neck, occasionally dragging your teeth along the milky white tendon there.
Eddie hums to himself when he feels you mewl softly against his skin. Your hips sway back and forth over his thighs, moving to a rhythm of their own accord — all slow and methodical. It’s a pace that always gets him pussy drunk. A steady rise and fall that forces him to feel all of you and makes him swear that you’re some kind of succubus.
“Oh my god,” he says within a dragged out exhale. He starts to babble to himself while you work yourself over his lap. “Fuck me… This is so… so fucking hot. Shit— your pussy is so good to be, doll…”
He forces himself to open his heavy eyes to watch you mount him. His chin tilts down towards his chest and he shifts his hips so he has the perfect view of you. Your honey coats his lap, leaving his cock and pubic hair glistening with your slick. The sight of him all shiny with you makes him dizzy.
His palm leaves your hip and seeks purchase on your ass, not really thinking about it, just gravitating to hold you there. He grips you with guitar-string calloused hands that encourage you to rock harder against him.
Your hand trails from his shoulder down to where the two of you meet. You start to rub your clit with a lust-fueled fervor that just about makes him implode. You whine when your fingers meet the sensitive button, clenching somehow tighter around him as your pleasure begins to crescendo.
“That feel good?” he wonders through bated breaths. His hand leaves your ass, rising for no more than a moment, only to come down again in a practiced slap that makes you jolt against him. The sting of his palm adds gasoline to the simmering embers of your impending orgasm.
You whine, louder this time, arching your back and keening shamelessly against him.
It makes him grin. “Huh? Feels good on your pretty little clit, doesn’t it, doll?”
“Fuck yes…” you cry through a tight throat. “Feels so good, Eddie— fuck.”
Your hips lose their rhythm as your body fights to find its own pleasure. 
You’ve got his dick locked inside you with a grip so tight it’s got him seeing stars, and it makes him wonder if you’d stop. Like, if the boys barged in right now, would you keep going, too far gone and dumb on his cock not to see it through. 
Something about that, you riding him for all he’s worth, whining while you come on his cock with your friends watching — seeing firsthand who you belong to — makes him want to burst all at wants.
“God, this pussy’s amazin’, baby… ’S gonna— holy fuck… You’re gonna make me come if you keep riding me like this... Shit, yeah, just like that, doll.”
When you come, you do it together.
It’s a borderline spiritual feeling, one that doesn’t happen very often because Eddie’s usually adamant about you coming twice before he has the first time. But now, both of you are sensitive and whining through your orgasms, heaving out incorrigible moans and grasping tightly onto one another.
Eddie takes to fucking up into you while you reach your simultaneous highs. He grips you hard enough to leave bruises while his thighs audibly slap slap slap against your more slick ones. You cry at the oversensitivity — electric shocks that contrasts heavily with the warm feeling of his come spitting into your fluttering walls.
You shake violently in his hold, moaning his name over and over like it’s the only word you can remember. Your orgasm comes and goes, and you’re left whining pathetic Eddie, Eddie, Eddie’s into the mostly silent tour bus.
The boy isn’t in much better shape either. He fights off a cramp in his foot from where he’d curled his toes too tightly and blinks away burning tears that sing the backs of his eyes from coming so suddenly.
Your hips come to a slow stop over his lap, too quickly and yet not soon enough. You rest your forehead over his own, knocking your nose with his before you lean in to press several lazy pecks upon his lax mouth.
“See?” you manage to tease through heavy pants. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“I guess that wasn’t the worst idea you’ve ever had,” Eddie quips with a wide grin and eyes that are still slightly glazed with dispersing pleasure. He rubs his hands over the skin of your ass to soothe where he’d held you too tight. It’s soft, too soft for what he’s about to tell you. 
“Now, how about you spread yourself out on this couch and let me clean you up, ‘kay?”
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gothgengargirl · 1 year
The Works
You came to the new salon mostly on a whim. It was a Sunday, so it’s not like you had anything special in mind for the next day. Just work. Boring, dreary, work. But you thought that feeling pretty might help the work week go a little more smoothly. Give your colleagues something else to talk about besides meetings and progress updates. You wanted to feel seen for once.
For such a nice place, it was a pleasant surprise that you were able to get a walk-in appointment. Fern’s Grove, it was called. Cute name. The ceilings were high, and the place felt remarkably open and airy for being just another building in a strip mall. A fountain bubbled away cheerfully, a variety of exotic plants growing alongside it. The air was even perfumed, floral and berry-like, but in a way you couldn’t quite place. And the woman at the counter, who set your bag in a drawer and got you settled into a astonishingly comfortable chair, was gorgeous. Everyone who worked here was gorgeous. If this was how they took care of themselves, you felt like you were in good hands.
Your cosmetologist came up to you just as you were getting settled. She was just as beautiful as everyone else, maybe more so, with her dramatic cat eye makeup, purple hair and generous curves. She handed you a laminated list of your options, and you could hear her whistling cheerfully in the background as she got her instruments together and you looked over your choices. Hair cut, hair color, hair extensions. Face wash, moisturizing treatments, full makeup. Permanent makeup? That sounded intriguing. Manicure, pedicure, they even offered waxing services (presumably those were in another room). And one thing at the bottom stuck out to you, drawing your attention like a light in the darkness.
The Works.
“I’ll take The Works, please,” you said, almost instinctively. You wanted to see what this place could do.
“Sure about that, doll?” Her voice was sweet like honey, with an edge of something in it. Condescension? Anticipation? Both?
“I’m sure.”
“Okay, then, The Works, coming right up. Lift your arms.”
You did so instinctively. You were always good at following directions. And you thought you knew what was going to happen. She would put an apron on you to protect your clothes, you would talk about what cut and color you wanted for the hair, maybe get your shoes off and your feet soaking for the pedicure.
That’s not what happened.
Cables descended from that high, airy ceiling, and wrapped themselves around your wrists. You tried, briefly, to pull away, but you were held in place. Like a puppet on her strings. Clamps emerged from the chair to do the same to your ankles. You were stuck.
A momentary wave of panic was replaced by a curious fear, as you could feel something seeping from your new restraints. Soaking into the skin of your wrists and ankles. It felt GOOD. Like you were being polished from the inside, like all of the tension in your body was replaced with pleasure. And as you sank back briefly, She placed something over your head. A visor. You tried to close your eyes, but the flashing colors shone through your eyelids, and you opened them out of curiosity. And once they were open, you never wanted to close them again.
At first the messages were simply soothing. Telling you to relax, to sink, to accept all of the new feelings in your body. And there were new feelings. You couldn’t see anything but the swirling colors, couldn’t hear anything but the whispered suggestions from that set of headphones that must have come on just after the visor. But you felt good. Hands nimbly massaged your scalp. The waves of whatever it was from your restraints spread all the way through your arms and legs, making them feel limp and loose and silky smooth and perfectly plastic.
Perfect. Plastic. Puppet.
Pretty. Programmed. Plaything.
This was what the suggestions in your head were saying now. And you kind of liked the sound of it. On some level, you knew that you had work in the morning. You were a Busy Woman With Important Things To Do. But you always hated it. There was another way now? And at least for this afternoon, you could enjoy being a
Time passed. You couldn’t tell how long. Minutes? Hours? Days? Time felt less and less meaningful, paying attention to the sensations running through your body. It was almost like an orgasm, but orgasms came and went much faster than this. This was a slow build, leading to a great flowing tide of ecstasy. You didn’t want it to stop. You never wanted to stop being a programmed plastic puppet.
But then, as suddenly as it started, it ended. The visor and the headphones were pulled off. The restraints at your arms and legs snapped open, your arms dropping into your lap. Your hands moved automatically, one of them grasping a breast, the other rubbing at your crotch shamelessly.
As your eyes focused again, you were amazed with what you saw in the mirror. She… you… was different. Your clothes didn’t fit the same way—blouse swollen and buttons open, skirt disheveled and riding up over thicker thighs. Your mouth was hanging open, lips larger than they were before, and your tongue was hanging out. It was pierced! A blue gemstone sitting in your pretty pink mouth, its color matching your new long nails, your thick eye shadow. Your gleaming metallic hair. And the place on your neck that didn’t even look like flesh anymore. It was seemingly embedded in your skin, blue circuits tracing out from a thick black band.
A Collar.
You didn’t even look human anymore, did you? You looked like…
A Doll.
“What do you think, hun?” said the voice behind you. The voice you now instinctively knew as Owner.
“I don’t think. I just obey.” Automatic.
“Good girl. Stop touching yourself.”
You did, immediately. Arms limp at your sides. Awaiting further instructions.
“What are you?”
“I’m just a doll. An empty-headed plaything.”
“Excellent! And what do you want me to do next?”
“Please…” these words felt like they were escaping from your soul. They were your soul. All you had left was this one thought.
“Please play with me”.
You saw Owner’s luscious mouth open into a wide toothy grin as you said that, watching her and you in the mirror. And then you didn’t think anything else. Not for a long while. Dolls don’t think, they just obey.
Good Doll.
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mystellenia · 5 months
hello love!! hope you're doing well :)
can i request ellie x reader first time? not having found the right moment for a while, maybe reader bought lingerie for ellie? fluffy would be nice :)
first time with needy!ellie ୨ৎ
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summary: you and ellie cuddle up on the couch for a night in but it escalates quickly to become your first time together. you're shocked when ellie says she has a surprise for you...
content: fingering (r receiving), cunnilingus (r receiving), a little bit of loser!ellie being like sheepish with starting things, then quickly replaced by needy!ellie 🤤🤤 that's about it hehe
notes: like no plot, jumping STRAIGHT in 💕 eventual smut under the cut. sorry to the anon who requested this because it took so long to be able to update it since daddy tumblr decided to shadowban me. ALSO sorry because the request asked for ellie to be the one wearing the lingerie, but... i just can't imagine that and then write that when seattle and santa barbara ellie exist... i hope the change wasn't too bad <33
(wc 2.3k)
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the windows rattled from consistent gusts of wind, chilling drafts seeping in through the edges. the weather had been particularly bad the past week, alternating between heavy downpour and whistling winds. with this, you and ellie mostly stayed in, cooped up in the comfort of fleece blankets and old cable reruns. 
the two of you now sat on the couch, your intertwined legs covered by the large throw blanket the two of you shared. ellie absentmindedly traced figure-eights on your upper thigh where her hand rested, her arm draped limply over your waist. you glance up to watch the colors of the tv dance across her face, painting multicolored hues on the freckled apples of her cheeks. reaching up, you delicately rake her hair back from her face, your hand trailing down to cup the back of her neck.  
at this, ellie rears her head back to catch your stare from where your cheek lay on her chest, your eyes flicking between both of hers. “hi,” she prompts with a curious tilt of her head, a lazy smile teasing her lips. 
you hum in response, your gaze tracing the freckles adorning the high points of her face, the caramel flecks arranged like a constellation—a constellation you’d recognize in the dark, like a fingerprint.  
ellie moves to grab your chin and press her lips to yours in a slow and simple kiss. after a moment, she pulls back to swipe her thumb over your cheek and drags her hand back to cradle your head.  
“you’re just so pretty,” she mumbles while looking at your lips, her eyes quickly flicking up and slightly widening in realization that she’d said that out loud. you smooth her hair back with both hands before interlinking your fingers behind her neck, and a rosy blush covers her cheeks at your silent stare. you pull her back in by her shoulders, feeling the heat radiating through the thin cotton of her long-sleeved henley. her tongue prods the seam of your lips in permission, which you readily grant as you give an open-mouthed kiss.  
in no time at all, the kiss grows rushed and desperate, your hands tangling in her hair and hers clawing at your shoulders. your hands begin their way down her back when she abruptly pulls away in what seems to be self-restraint, her eyes screwed tightly shut as she rests her forehead on yours. 
“hey, hey, i’m here,” you assure, easing her back to meet your eyes.  
“i’m sorry,” she starts, “i just… i…” she trails off as she finally looks into your eyes, brows drawn together tightly in almost pain. the vibrant green of her eyes had almost entirely vanished, replaced by the black of her blown pupils, her intentions now clearer than ever. 
it wasn't like you two hadn't kissed; of course you had. they'd even gotten heated like this very kiss, but ellie had never displayed such hunger in her eyes, such restraint.  
you guys didn't want to rush anything. after all, you had all the time in the world together, so why speed through things when you could take your time exploring each other? 
but now you were ready. you had been for a while, and you find the words leaving you before you even realize what it means. 
“yes,” you breathe out, eyes darting across her face in anticipation as you await her response. she begins to ask what you mean but is cut off by your hands on either side of her face pulling her into a bruising kiss, teeth clashing in a fervent dance, answering any unspoken questions.  
she deeply hums into the kiss, grabbing on to your wrists and easing you back to lay against the cloth cushions of the couch. fingers teasing the hem of your shirt, she swiftly pulls it over your head and discards it somewhere in the room, leaving you in your simple bralette as she returns to her brutal determination in dismantling you. 
you thumb the waistband of your sleep shorts, your fingers beginning to untie the bow securing them to your hips. ellie watches you shimmy your shorts down your legs slack-jawed, then pauses their journey down, blurting out, “wait, wait. i have something for you.” 
she darts off you and into your shared bedroom, beckoning you with a call of your name. you enter the room to a dark blue gift bag on the bed with a name written on it in gold script that you wouldn’t even try to pronounce. pushing the black tissue paper aside to peek in, your eye catches on the lacy strap of what seemed to be a bra, a shade of red so dark it looked black in the dimmed light of the bedroom. 
fidgeting with her hands, ellie finally addresses you. “it’ll look nice, i think. go try it on,” she instructed, her head nodding to the cracked bathroom door. 
you follow her instructions and head to the bathroom with the small gift bag in tow, the door shutting behind you with a click. you’re met with your reflection, eyes wide and mouth agape in desire. setting the bag on the counter, you begin to remove the tissue paper to reveal the set. with the better lighting of the bathroom, you begin to see the intricacy of the lace and stitching.  
pulling the bra out, you hold it up to your chest and examine it in the mirror. a wine-red bustier style bra greets you, with tulle panels along the sides and laces running down the back for corset-style tightening. setting the bra down, you reach for the matching panties of the same red color. along with them comes a garter belt embellished with silver decals, laced scalloping trimming the edges. 
after taking a moment to gather yourself, you begin to carefully slip on the pieces of the set, careful not to tear anything. you secure the bra and position the garter belt to sit snugly on your hips and smooth your hands down your body in satisfaction; it did look nice.  
you quickly wipe the giddy smile off your face at the thought of ellie’s reaction and fix your hair, finally turning to exit the bathroom. as the door slowly opens, you see ellie quickly standing up from the bed to meet you, her chest caving at her audible gasp as her gaze leisurely rakes down your figure. suddenly shy, you glance at your feet and trail your hands down your sides to dry them off.  
trying to calm the rapid rise and fall of her shoulders, she shuts her mouth and begins her journey towards you, her hands clenching and unclenching at her sides. “jesus,” she hisses, her hands landing on your lace clad hips and venturing to your lower back to pull you into a slow but sensual kiss, evoking a shudder to rake down your spine.  
she spins you around to walk you back to the bed, the blanket tickling the backs of your thighs as she folds over you. as she crawls over you, both of her legs tighten around one of your thighs as she nudges her knee into your core, pressing your damp underwear to your clit and making you moan into her mouth. her kisses move to your neck, and you cage her head in with your forearms, hugging her head and willing her to stay where she was. her hand moves to your left breast to experimentally swipe a thumb over your nipple, the friction from the lace making you arch your back into her hand to chase the sensation. 
ellie slowly but surely pulls back to give you a starved stare, her arousal visible in the flush of her cheeks and the huffs and puffs of her chest. your eyes meet hers as she gives you one loaded stare—a silent plead for permission to take things further. her cold palms slide from their previous position on your boobs down to your waist, then your hips as she pushes the hem of your underwear down just a hair. you place your hand over hers, agreeing with her unspoken words as you move her hand with hers to push your underwear down to your mid-thigh.  
her hand stutters on its way down your thigh, stopping your underwear on its journey off your body. she simply stares at you, at your glossy cunt and how swollen it is from neglect. her index finger trails through the crease of your thigh and hip, created by your bent and spread knees. 
you take over and completely remove your underwear and fling it to a corner of the room. ellie quickly pulls her tank top over her head, leaving her in just a sports bra and startling you in the process from the sudden movement. 
finally, her hand moves to your core while she swipes a thumb up your slit, eliciting a throaty moan from you. she begins circling your clit, her gaze locked on your face and feeding off of your little whines and cries. you fold over and yelp when she inserts her middle finger inside you, her thumb still expertly moving around your pulsing nub.  
her fingers still moving in tandem on you, she breathes, "god, you have no idea how pretty you look right now. my pretty, needy girl." you moan at her words, and she nods, as if approving of your reaction and asking for more. 
the finger moving inside you was just constantly hitting that soft, spongy spot that she found so effortlessly, and you desperately clawed at her wrist and pleaded, "waitwaitwait- el i’m- i’m gonna-" she kisses you to shut you up, but ultimately obliges as she slows her movements down to a stop. 
she brings her fingers up to look at the mess you've made of them, then moves them to your mouth before ordering, "clean 'em up, baby." 
you do just that, propping up on your elbows to take her fingers in your mouth and swirl your tongue around them, humming at the tangy taste. looking up through your lashes, you see her face and how her bottom lip is pulled into her mouth, how her eyes lazily focus on yours. 
she lays down beside you and pats her chest before saying, "come sit." 
"what?" you question. 
"come sit—like on my face," she clarifies. 
"oh, i- you don't have to do that." 
"i know that, i want to," she insists. "now come on." 
she grabs your waist to guide you up as you straddle her torso, the cloth of her sports bra deliciously tickling your glistening cunt. as you shimmy up, she locks her hands under and around your thighs, strapping you close to her mouth.  
her warm breath feathers across you, and you stifle a shudder at the sensation. you feel her nose touch your clit and you jump up, causing her to huff in frustration. 
"i swear, if you don't fucking—" she pulls you by your thighs to sit flush against her mouth, "—sit down." you harshly drop against her lips and she hums into your vulva, making you groan against the back of your hand. 
you nearly scream as she licks one flat stripe up your slit, then your hands shoot out to catch your weight as your body threatens to fold flat over when she starts making out with your cunt. kissing on you as she would do on your mouth. your knees lock around her head as you thread your fingers into her muddy hair, rocking into her sloppy kisses. 
the room now smelled of sex, your moans and cries dancing with the vulgar smacks of her tongue. she switches from sloppy kisses to calculated flicks, her tongue bringing you closer to the edge just so. 
the vibrations of her pleased moans on your clit make your legs twitch each time, and she speeds up her movements, moving down to begin fucking into you with her tongue. your body takes over as you rock into her mouth, riding the slow buildup of pleasure while rolling your hips for your clit to meet her nose with every back-and-forth.  
but when ellie sucks on your clit so hard it makes you see stars, your orgasm catches you by surprise and drowns you in an all-consuming wave of ecstasy, your vision blurred by unshed tears as you cry her name out. she doesn't stop, though—her tongue continues its violent assault, sliding through your folds with ease thanks to your endless supply of slick. 
once you come down from your high and your eyes focus once more, you see ellie's eyes, still closed, and her tongue peeking out as she cleans you up in long, flat strips. her hands guide you off her to lay on the bed next to her.  
perched up on her elbow, she looks down at you and chuckled at how you still struggled to catch your breath.  
"jesus, you taste good. i can't believe we went that long without doing anything," she announces, looking lovingly at how your hair splays around you in a halo. 
"yeah," you breathlessly respond, "that was... that- i was..." you resort to just shaking your head to convey your disbelief at her sheer skill. 
"did i fuck the words out of you?" she teases, earning an annoyed glare from you. "relax," she laughs, "i'm just playing. you don't have to answer, i already know i did," she mumbles. you would fight her on it but can't seem to find the energy to when she scoops you into her arms and kisses the crown of your head. 
ellie's "g'night, my love" is the last thing you hear before falling into a deep sleep, warm from her embrace. 
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a/n: so glad to get this OUT OF MY FUCKING DRAFTS i got this req prob 19 years ago and i've just had the worst writers block. i hope u like it anon :)))
click here!! oh and here too!! ˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶
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Hi hi! Have you seen the new Rook and Jade cards?
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TWST REALLY SAID HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR (they dropped these card designs when it was still Christmas day in my time zone www) 🤡 IMAGINE THE PURE DISTRESS AND TERROR I FELT WHEN I SAW THE NEWS FOR THE FIRST TIME, I ALMOST CHOKED ON MY BREAKfAST The New Year Attire card artwork looks fantastic this year!! zs,j bdhjvkas3t77135f38odwOYdtSIvyiadiyisa I THINK THE tHIRD ANON SAID IT BEST, TREY, ROOK, AND JADE LOOK LIKE YAKUZA DRESSED NICELY TO USHER IN THE NEW YEAR 😭 and Ortho's there to be their cute and innocent errand boy nephew (when in reality he's committing just as many crimes as they are); I KNOW this kid's not above pulling out a laser beam and threatening people to get what he wants.
Trey finally gets another event SSR (man deserves it after like 4 Rs OTL) and not gonna lie, he kinda looks like my grandpa in that outfit... I really like the pattern on his rose print scarf and the flowerpiece though; you can also see the classic Heartslabyul solid sleeve-checkered sleeve combo. The parasol he's holding is nice too, it makes me think about him whimsically twirling it around as he walks through confetti.
This isn't one of my favorite looks for Ortho, but again I really appreciate how the designers and artists used their creativity to reinterpret the traditional NY garb into robotic parts! You can tell Ortho's "clothes" are more blocky and rigid than the others', yet it still retains the festive feel of the line. There seem to be cables and wires attached to the piece pinned to his chest, and, of course, three doggos at his waist to symbolize Cerberus~
Trey and Ortho being on the same banner... It feels like Ortho was dropped off for Trey to babysit, and Trey's the kind old grandpa who dotes on his grandkid.
... Okay, that's enough of being civil 😇
t315751vAUVgddfiyCUvILNDADFFIYAIBFQEOBNABHOACsdaafjkuc??F<>>Mw/q12yft7BLINJZ>?????m,A'PSCPK[QJNsn;nbegquo PLEASE, I'M SCREAMING AND CRYinf aG ON THE GORUNDA RN OTL Of course TWST would release a new Rook SSR not too long after I said Rollo has replaced Rook in my heart as the superior pseudo French anime boy, OF COURSE. WHY DiD THE YM HAVE TO GIVE hiM SUCH A SMYSTERIOSYF SMU g FACE TOO..... . . . ........ . . . .... . . . . AND THAT LIGHTING??//????? ? ?? ? ?hELLO??? ?? ? ?? ? ????? ? GORGEOUS 😭 THE FAN??? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ?? HOW HE's POSED AEJQWHLBIWQ WIHT IT, weL,Ccopmaifn G YOU INTO YHTE SHOP... I'M GOIBNG TO DUCKIUFN G CHEW HSis FINGNERS OFF, HOLD ME BACK BEOFRE I DOn kqw fhgutiuqfvwofueiyviHnsoguewtqtbwipFFQEGFVIVOQE8?>vLM;N;AEGFLQMJEINP I'm not super into Rook's outfit though; the peacock imagery incorporated into his robes and stuck in his hat are kinda... too much for me? The colors are also weirdly blocked out; it looks odd to have the hat as being the one prominent part of the outfit in red. I would have expected... I don't know, more red throughout the entire outfit? BUT IT'S OKAY, ROOK'S FACE STILL LOOKS GOOD AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS HERE
I love the fact that Rook and Jade are on the same banner this was made specifically to target me/j, shady bitches deserve to be next to other shady bitches 🤣 Imagine how much pettiness and fake smiling will be had between them????? ???? ??? ? I’ve been dying for more interactions between these two, so this is really a treat for me!! 😋
To summarize: yeaaaaaah uh my rolls are in trouble come 2024 🪦
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citadelsanchez · 2 years
Greetings, our dearest and best writer in the entire history of ever, could I interest you in a little scenario where Rick takes y/n and Morty on a little adventure and leaves y/n alone for a moment to meet up with a "contact" only to come back to y/n being surrounded by people and HEAVILY flirted with? I'd just love to imagine the look on Rick's face when y/n spots him with this helpless puppy look as they try to fend off suitors,,,
Hi. Been a minute since I've posted. Holidays and all that, plus I'm in the process of moving states so I apologize! I promise that I will still be slowly working on these. <3 anyways,, hope you enjoy.
((Gender neutral reader))
"Um.. I dunno, Jerry," you muttered uncomfortably. You were currently sat between Morty and Jerry on the Smiths' couch, and got caught in the middle of the two boys having a debate over Interdimensional Cable. Jerry insisted that he was best friends with Keanu Reeves and Dwayne Johnson in his alternate reality. Morty claimed that even in a different reality he'd never be cool enough for that to be true.
"Well it's nice to be reminded just how much of a loser my own son thinks I am. Y/N, what's your opinion on this?" Jerry asked.
You awkwardly shrugged as you checked your phone and hoped they would just stop talking altogether.
"Hey dipshits, is there some valid reason that you didn't come to the garAAGe when I called your names?"
You turned your head to see none other than Rick entering the living room to stand over you and Morty with his arms crossed.
"W-we never heard you call us," Morty spoke.
Rick scoffed. "Well you just heard me. Get to moving" he said, keeping stern eye contact with you before stalking back towards the garage.
You and Morty glance at each other before hesitantly getting up to obey his command, you're both used to his formidable attitude and being too overcome with curiosity to argue.
When you make it to the garage, Rick is already in his ship ready to depart.
"Get in, come the fuck on" he calls out harshly.
Morty stumbles in and you take your place in the back, wedging your legs between the middle of the floor between their seats.
"So what are we doing, specifically?" You ask, watching as Rick expressionlessly drives the ship. Adventures didn't phase you at all anymore; it had been about a full year now since you've started going on them with your esteemed older mentor and his grandson. The scenery never really made a difference anymore but the objective behind the adventures did.
"Just- it's just a compound I need for a project, that's all."
"That wasn't what I'd call specific" you frown, staring at his side profile.
"It's perfectly specific in being all the information that I care to give out," Rick retorts, throwing you an annoyed look.
"Geeez Rick," Morty adds.
You roll your eyes and decide not to further press the issue. You're no stranger to Rick's many moods and abusive jabs, but usually you were able to pinpoint reasons for them, even if small. Sometimes, though, it seemed deeper than what you could read into and you knew to just leave it be. It wasn't like he would relay his true emotions to anyone.
The ship whirred to a halt as you looked outside of the windows to see a lively city filled with people entering and exiting eccentric shops. Most of the inhabitants seemed to have a masculine appearance, some taking on hybrid human and alien features. Some were strange creatures altogether, and some looked to be completely human.
The three of you climb out of the ship as Rick starts talking. "Alright, so I've got to tend to my business. You two stay here and don't die."
He looks between you and Morty, a sense of guilt almost marking his face before the typical scowl replaces it. "I-If you can't manage that, use this to let me know." Rick shoves a device with a giant blue button in your hands now.
"Good luuUUCk" He burps before walking off into the crowd of humanoids and disappearing from sight.
"Wow, he's really on it today, huh Y/N?" Morty says, puzzled.
"Something's off, I can tell. I need to find out what it is," You respond. "Rick has obviously left us in the dark before but this just doesn't feel right."
Just as you're about to take stride to follow Rick, several warlock resemblant men surround you, blocking your path. Their curious inquiries spill out all at once.
"Look at this specimen, Norpel. Definitely not from around here."
"What's your name, gorgeous?"
"I was told not to touch the aliens that visit but I almost can't resist."
You take a step back and sigh in frustration. Damn you, Rick.
"And you're dead set on using this formula and enduring it's possible side effects, Rick?"
Rick frowned, irked by the fact that his colleague wouldn't just provide him with what he asked for without a 20 questions game.
"Yes, Shabablurb, I'm completely positive."
The mysterious man turned to face the older scientist. "I just have to make sure. I'll go get it then."
Rick tapped his foot as he waited and his mind wanders back to you once again. Your gentle eyes of compassion, your sometimes rare but always bright smile, your soft hair. The inside jokes you two came to have, the gentle touches you give him when he's not being an asshole, the way his entire family cherishes your presence. How he feels about you- he knows the feeling and knows it well. Which is why he needs to get rid of it.
Shabablurb re-enters the room with a vial. "Okay, one and done. I'm not here to judge any of your decisions but just remember Rick, that once you take this, you won't be able to remember an-"
"I got it. Thanks. I'm out."
Rick snatched the compound from the man's hand and began making his way back to Morty and Y/N.
He was starting to wonder if you two had went to a bar or club somewhere when he heard your voice, wavering and meek. Unusually out of character for you.
"Hey stop, don't, back up- don't touch me please."
Rick narrowed his eyes at the crowd he was walking through, pushing past everyone to reach the sound of your voice.
Many feet away, Morty was nowhere in sight but he caught a glimpse of your face, flush with panic and anxiety, as the strange men continued to prod you and several attempting to grab a part of you- your clothes or body.
Your eyes meet Rick's and he can clearly see the plea for help in them as one creature grabs hold of your shirt and begins yanking it.
Rick feels his anger start to surge. He removes his laser gun from his coat and fires it at the crowd, freezing some suitors in place and burning holes in others. Once you're no longer engulfed in bodies, he finds the job satisfactory.
"R-Rick, thank you," you murmur while he walks over, embarrassed by the scene that just played out. You gently brush your fingers over his hand after he puts his gun away and he stares at you with an unreadable expression.
"Uh yeah, sorry. Glad I could save the day. They w-would've had a feast with you."
Your cheeks flush although you're not sure in what context Rick was even referring to.
In honesty, neither was he. All that was consuming his mind were second guesses. Guilt and pain that clutched his chest with a deathly grip. And a single question ringing in his head.
How could he make himself forget about you?
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three-dee-ess · 18 days
Sending some tips I've learned, so other people can learn it before making the same mistakes I have!(I figure you have better reach than me!) Pictures of 3ds as payment, one with the splasg screen and one with the home screen!
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Now, onto the tips!
If you are going to buy replacement/spare styluses, make sure you look for ones For Your Model!!! I bought a 4 pack of styluses only to learn later that they were made for the old normal sized 3ds, and so wouldn't fit in my 3ds! While this isn't a HUGE inconvenience, it meant I kept losing them! (Side note: replacement styluses are very cheap to get! I now have 5 on my own, and I gave one to a friend and lost another!)
You don't have to buy the traditional grey brick chargers. Listen. We are in the modern age. You can get USB to ds adapters instead. Like the kind you use for your phone. They feel MUCH more durable than the old ones. I've gone through 4 of the old ones and I'm a bit tired of it. Plus these take up less space on the extension cord!
I highly recommend learning how to virtually access your 3ds SD card using FTPD! This makes it a lot easier to get non-3ds roms onto your system, especially with systems where you have to use a screwdriver to get to the card. It also makes it easier to make backups! You CAN access it remotely with official methods if it's a new 3ds, but honestly ftp transfer is a lot faster to me.
Join the 3ds hacking discord! I highly recommend searching any questions you have there as well as the Internet! Things are often changing, and unless it's a very popular site like the 3ds hacks guide, it's probably not going to stay up to date for long! Best to double check, and it can save you some hassle!
When in doubt, ask! Hacking communities tend to be very friendly and open to help, as evidenced by the blog I'm sending this too!
red o3DS
honestly I don't need the payment pictures but I'll happily take bribes in the form of them. >:3c
#1 if you have access to a 3D printer, all of the styluses have readily available free 3D models online so just get some printed!
#2 I've used those in the past! mine is currently missing but yeah it's huge. Super nice to have an extra long cable and everythin.
#3 thank u!! i didnt know that. I'll have to try it out.
#4 h u h. is there a perm url I can link to? (I dont like joining public servers myself but i'm willing to link to it!)
#5 yes yes yes yes!
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pocketseizure · 7 months
King Mode
Using his parachute cap, Luigi arrives at the final castle early only to find that it’s not set up yet. Bowser invites him to talk, and Luigi confesses his disappointment that his green hat has become synonymous with easy mode. Bowser puts this into perspective before making a confession of his own.
complete at 1,350 words . ( also on AO3 )
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Luigi glided to the upper balcony of the castle. As soon as his feet touched the ground, the green hat in his hands shrank down to its normal size. He pushed back his hair and replaced his hat on his head as he stepped across the threshold.
He expected to be met by traps, but instead he found a koopa and a shy guy sitting on a bench and eating sandwiches. The koopa greeted him with a wave.
“Hi Luigi! You’re here early,” she said. “We’re still getting set up. The boss is in the back. Just head down this hallway and take a right. It’s a bit of a mess, but you’ll be fine.”
Luigi didn’t know what he expected. “Okay,” he replied. “Thanks, I guess.”
“Nice place, isn’t it?” the shy guy added.    
It certainly was. Bowser’s team had been taking care of the castle flowers, which looked as healthy as they’d ever been, and the carpet running down the center of the stone floor was freshly shampooed.
“Yeah, it is nice,” Luigi agreed, not knowing how else to respond. “Well, enjoy your afternoon.”
He set off down the corridor. Piranha plants were already arranged along the walls. A few offered their snouts, and Luigi pet them absentmindedly. He took a right at the end of the corridor and abruptly found himself in a cavernous hall whose floor was submerged beneath a swamp of bright purple ooze.
This would have been a problem if he didn’t have a magical hat that doubled as a paraglider. While everyone else had to navigate obstacles by trial and error, Luigi could just glide and enjoy the scenery. That was why he was here early. So early, in fact, that the scaffolding over the poisonous pit hadn’t been removed yet. A few gnarly vines thumped lazily on the boards of the shaky wooden platform, but Luigi had the luxury of ignoring them as he crossed.
The throne room lay on the other side of the makeshift bridge. Aside from a thick jumble of electrical cables snaking across the floor, the chamber was empty. With nothing else to do, Luigi seated himself on one of the oversized plush chairs and made himself comfortable as he studied the colorful mess of objects occupying the room. He couldn’t make sense of most of it, but it was clear that Bowser intended to pull out all the stops for this performance.
If he waited long enough, Luigi decided, Bowser would show up eventually. Sure enough, as soon as the thought entered his mind, there was the man himself.
“Luigi! Good to see you,” Bowser called out. “I was just taking a break. Want some coffee?”
“Wouldn’t you prefer to battle to the death?” Luigi asked as he accepted a mug.
“Maybe later,” Bowser offered affably, seating himself on the throne next to Luigi’s.
Luigi tried the coffee. It was surprisingly good. “Is there any way I could convince you to give the Flower Kingdom back the… what was it you took this time?”
“Just their castle. Sure, I’ll give it back. But I’m not done with it yet.”
“Don’t people live here?”
“Would you want to live in a giant castle with bad plumbing built over a poisonous swamp? I’m telling you, this place was practically begging for renovations.”
“That’s a fair point. Sorry for getting here early, by the way.”
“Don’t apologize! It’s good to see you.” Bowser flashed his teeth. “And besides, the Yoshis have been running around the castle since this morning. They’re handy little buggers. Who do you think made this coffee?”
“Yoshis drink coffee?”
“Don’t dinosaurs drink coffee where you’re from? Listen, I want to show you something we’re installing on the lower level,” Bowser said as he passed Luigi an electrical panel adorned with a comically large red button.
“I’m not sure I should push this.”
“Come on, I’ve been working on it for weeks. You’re gonna love it.”
Luigi shrugged. What was the worst that could happen?
As soon as he pushed the button, a set of wall panels dropped to reveal cannon barrels. An explosive bang reverberated across the room as missiles fired into the room. They moved slowly, their flight governed by motion stabilizers. Each trailed a puffy cloud of rainbow-colored smoke.
Luigi considered how he might navigate this hazard. Jumping from missile to missile would require keen reflexes and precise timing. Or, as he had done up to that point, he could simply glide. Not much challenge there.
“That’s impressive,” Luigi said, doing his best to infuse his voice with enthusiasm.
“Damn right it is,” Bowser agreed. “You could even say these missiles pass with flying colors.”
Luigi nodded. “I like the rainbow. It’s always good to take a shot in the bright direction.”
The missiles hit the far wall, and the castle shook. Luigi cringed as the thick electrical cables hanging from the ceiling swayed with a menacing looseness.
“You don’t seem all that impressed,” Bowser observed. “I can take critique. Lay it on me.”
Luigi knew that Bowser could not, in fact, take critique. Mercifully, it wasn’t Bowser’s work that was the problem.
“I was just thinking about how it’s a classic combo, the bullet bridge over the poison swamp,” Luigi said. “It’s a fun obstacle course to navigate, if you have the skills, but that sort of thing always gives me trouble. I assumed I would get better, but I never did. Now I probably never will. I’m starting to feel bad for using my hat to bypass traps like this.”
“Why would you feel bad?”
Bowser seemed confused, so Luigi told him the truth. “It’s like I’m going through this on easy mode.”
“And what’s the matter with that?”
“It feels like cheating. And worse, I hate that it’s my green hat that’s become the symbol of just gliding through a level.”
“Hey, I worked on this project for years with the help of my staff and the entire Flower Kingdom. Don’t you think I want people to see as much of it as possible? No one is going to appreciate the full extent of my brilliance if they quit halfway.” Bowser laughed and clapped Luigi on the back. “You keep saying ‘easy mode,’ but I think they should call it king mode!”
“Don’t mind that I got here early?”
“Of course not. Junior’s away from the castle, and everyone’s busy with last-minute prep. I don’t have much to do until Mario and the princess get here, and I wanted to spend time with you. That’s why I made those adjustments to your hat. Didn’t I tell you?”
Luigi finished his coffee, savoring the moment. Bowser, who normally couldn’t keep his mouth shut, hadn’t said anything about this before now. Luigi supposed that he didn’t mind. In a world built for people like Mario, it was nice to feel welcome and included.
“So, now that I’m here,” Luigi prompted, “what do you want to do?”
“I was hoping you’d ask! Did you get a chance to try the wonder seeds on your way to the castle?”
“I took every chance I could get. Wonder seeds are way better than mushrooms. Back at home, there are so many mushrooms that I’m always tripping on them.”
Bowser snorted in approval. “I can see how that doesn’t leave mushroom for adventure. But wouldn’t you know it, I happen to have a high-quality batch of wonder seeds not available to the general public. This is the king’s own stash,” Bowser boasted as he presented Luigi with a velvet bag.
Luigi selected one of the chestnut husks and pulled its sprout, revealing a seed of an unusually brilliant turquoise blue. Something this neon couldn’t be healthy, but Luigi’s time in the Mushroom Kingdom had taught him not to be picky. With any luck, this wouldn’t be the strangest thing he’d put in his mouth before the day was over.
“Here’s to king mode!” Bowser toasted before emptying the bag of seeds into his mouth.
“Here’s to king mode,” Luigi agreed. He took a bite of the wonder seed and sat back to enjoy the show.
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Frat bro Friday!
Can we mix two of the categories?
Jock!Ransom x Nerd!Reader soulmate au
Ransom is mad that his soulmate isn’t a hot cheerleader. Instead it’s nerdy reader with her turtlenecks and oversized cardigans. She looks like a blob walking around campus but then one of his teammates invites her to a party as a way to humiliate them both but reader is dressed up nice. Leaving the idiot teammate and Ransom shocked!
“God, this is my soulmate? Wanna trade?” Ransom’s quick fired laughter cuts through you, you knew he was an ass but the sting from your soulmate hurts, it digs deep and makes you backtrack your previous objections to him.
“She’s such a loser, have you seen her?” Laughter upended you, laughter had made you step back, the sound of the girls company they kept made you wince.
“I don’t know what’s uglier,” the door opened, and you could see into the room, you were able to look at the girl grinding in Ransom’s lap, “her or the clothes she wears.”
It makes you wonder if you could pay to have the reassignment done, to have the soulmate mark replaced with someone else’s. Its expensive, but you were not going to be kept to someone out of disdain.
You grit your teeth and turned on your heel, leaving the room of cocky assholes behind. You were angry, you were pissed that he would treat you with such a lack of dignity, as if he was the best there was out there.
Your teeth ground against each other, you had wiped at your eyes to dry them as you stalked away from the room. You didn’t understand how he could be so cruel. Why would he invite you there just to insult you?
Regardless, Ransom Drysdale was going to pay for it. You were going to make him damn sorry for treating you like this.
The invitation was sent to everyone, it was the frat’s open house parties that were as legendary as the house itself. You knew Ransom would be there, he had told you as much when he had found you a few days after his closeted confession to his hookup, a stark reminder that he didn’t really give a damn about you.
“I was studying, gotta keep my nose clean.” He teased you, playing with one of your favourite cardigan’s, his fingers toying with the cable knit design. “Is this new? I like it.”
The urge to cold-cock with your textbooks was almost impossible to stave off. The urge to drive your foot up his ass and your hand down his throat was almost unbearable.
“Its not new.” You smacked his hand away and flipped the page, reading what should have been notes for him to take.
“It looks good on you.”
“Asshole.” You huffed and ran your hands down the front of your dress, grabbing hold of the hem to yank it down your thighs.
The dress was new, it was bought in the next town over and had cost you a pretty penny, but it was worth it. The material was soft and luxurious, the neckline was sexy enough to transform you into a femme fatale. There was a crystal chain that ran around the twisted bandeau bodice, and had drawn further attention to your breasts, something you wanted.
“I’ll make him pay.” You inhaled and exhaled slowly, clearing your mind and urging yourself forward. Your heels clacked against the pavement as you walked toward the frat house, your hair drawn over your shoulder.
You could hear the sound of the party from down the street, the heady beat of the music as it thrashed from the speakers. There were people milling about outside when you approached, a few of them you recognized as being part of Ransom’s team. You drew in a breath and brushed your tongue against your bottom lip when they openly stared at you, confused by the sudden shift in your appearance.
“Can you tell me…” you approached the first, setting your hand upon his chest while tapping your nails against him. “Where I could find ransom?”
“I-inside.” He stuttered and blew out a puff of air, flustered and taken back by your boldness, even more so when you had leaned in and brushed your lips against his ear. “C-couches-“
“Thanks for all your help. Its so nice to have a man like you around.” You cooed in his ear and stepped away, flipping off the girls hanging around him when they scowled at you.
You blew him a kiss before entering the frat house, slipping past people as you moved throughout the house to the living room of the frat house. There were a few beer pong tables set up near the wall, both which had been inflicted by the spilled beer already.
In the middle of the chaos was Ransom, his fingers brushing against another girls thigh as he zoned in and out of focus. His lips were pursed, he was clearly in thought, and you had studied him for a mere moment before you stepped forward.
“Hey Andy!” You raised your voice and directed your attention toward one of the only frat boys you could actually stand. His head had whipped around in your direction at the same time that Ransom had raised his.
You felt the weight of his gaze as he stared you down, his jaw clenching and his hands balled into fists. You continued in your original path, walking past Ransom as you moved toward Andy, dragging your nails across his chest.
“Bee,” Ransom hissed, using your nickname, “what the fuck are you doing?”
“Don’t worry, Rammy.” You grinned and winked. “You don’t have to worry about having someone so disgusting as your soulmate. You can have any of the sorority girls you want. As for me..”
You drew yourself against Andy, looping your arms around his neck. “I’ve got better offers.”
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ijwrite · 1 year
Female mothfolk x Female reader
Designer lamps, salt lamps, standing lamps, chandeliers, you name it. You had it all. A nifty little shop on the corner of a bustling city, your little space of peace. Customers came in a steady supply, everyone needed a lamp once in a while, and you were content with your calm life in the middle of the busy city.
You were spending a rainy day at your shop, sitting down with a nice hot beverage and a book, expecting a very slow day, when the chime rang, signaling a customer. It was a person covered head to toe, long coat, hat, gloves, sunglasses and a scarf obscuring their identity. You wondered shortly if you were about to get robbed, but the figure began nervously fidgeting around one of your himalayan salt lamps, before grabbing one of them and marching over to the counter. They put it down quietly and pulled out their credit card. You rang them up with a smile and wished them a good day as they rushed their way out into the streets.
Now, it was a fairly cold day, so you didn't think too much about the mystery person for a month. Until they appeared again.
Once again it was raining as they came into the deserted store, nervously looking around as they fiddled with their fingers. This time they chose a globe with a light inside. It wasn't normally what you would carry, but you found them neat as you were ordering your stock for the month, and now you were happy that you did. The person was still silent as they paid for their lamp and left. You once again wished them a good day and went about your own.
The third time it was raining again, but there was another customer in your shop. The mystery person just managed to close the door before freezing as they saw someone else at the counter. It was just a sweet elderly lady who had to have a cable replaced on her old reading lamp.
The person went through your shop quickly, always peeking at the lady who was still talking about what happened to her lamp as you finished the simple repair.
"-So I was very confused when I heard foofy give a yip and so I of course went to check on him, and I swear, I have not laughed that hard in ages, all his fur were standing straight into the air. Turns out he had chewed on the cable, and I simply can't go to sleep without reading before bed, so I had to come out in this dreadful weather-" she rambled on and you smiled at her story. It wasn't the first time someone had a pet bite an electrical cord, fortunately no animal had ever gotten more than a scare. Well except that one dwarf hamster, but they die if you sneeze in their general direction.
You gently handed the repaired lamp back to its owner and she thanked you graciously, paid and left.
The mysterious person saw their chance to get out of the shop and hurried over to the counter with a box of fairy lights. You rang them up, wished them a good day, and once again they left without a word.
This became a regular occurance during the spring, they visisted around once a month, bought a light and left silently.
It was soon summer, and a hot one at that. The mysterious stranger hadn't been around since it became warm, which kinda made sense. You don't know why this person were so insistent on staying anonymous, but you were never one to pry. You were sitting in your usual spot behind the counter, a pitcher with ice cold water beside you and the ceiling fan on max, when you saw the stranger once again. You were quite surprised that they were still wearing the same outfit they used during spring, which would be unbearable in the heat of summer. It looked to affect them too, they staggered slightly when they walked and kept tugging on the collar of their coat. You were slightly worried for them, they didn't seem to be doing so great. They leaned on one of the shelves before their knees buckled under them and they fell to the floor. You jumped out of your chair and hurried over to them. They must be having some kind of heat stroke. You heaved the surprisingly light person to your chair behind the counter and sat them down.
"I am going to take off your outer clothes okay? I am trying to help you" You tried to calm them as you took off their hat and scarf. What greeted you were antennae and a short buzz of white fluff, going all the way down from their head, to under their shirt. You also pulled off the heavy raincoat and gloves, before filling a glass with cold water. You put the glass in their hand, still keeping yours on it, and helped them lift it to their mouth. They drank greedily until it was empty. You turned around to fill the glass again, and as you did so, you heard a slight flapping. You turned around and promptly covered your eyes. The person- woman had taken off her long sleeved shirt and were now sitting in only her bra as her wings were flapping slightly.
"Uh... Ma'am? I think you should go I to the back before someone else enters" You squeaked out, apparently waking her up from her daze.
"Yeah... Okay" The sweetest voice you ever heard in your life answered you. You took your hands away from your eyes, though you still keot your gaze at the floor, and offered her your arm. She groaned as she stood up.
"Urgh... I feel sick" She sounded miserable. You opened the door to the back and led her in.
"Yeah, heat can do that to you. You can cool down back here and I'll go get you some more water. If you need to throw up, I have a trashcan by the door" You sat her down on one of the boxes and went back out into the shop. A customer has entered while you were occupied with the woman, so you quickly told the person that you would be back soon, before hurrying the pitcher of water out to the woman. She grabbed the pitcher and started gulping water like there was no tomorrow. Satisfied that she seemed to be slightly better, you tended to the customer. As soon as the transaction was over, you grabbed the discarded clothes and went to check on the woman in the back. She was holding the empty pitcher close to her as she was looking around. She had taken off her sunglasses, and you could now see her large pitch black eyes. Paired with the wings and the fluff she had on her whole body, you quickly determined her to be a mothfolk. She looked back at you, before quickly looking at the floor.
"I- I am sorry, please don't tell this to anyone" She sounded very ashamed.
"Hey, don't worry. I usually don't run around talking about how people almost fainted in my shop" You gave her the clothes you had taken from her earlier. She looked up at you and looked away again. She bit her lip.
"That's not... I know it's funny. A total stereotype for a mothgirl to frequent a lamp store. I get it. I won't come back again" She sighed and hang her head.
"Why would it be funny?" You asked quietly, not really understanding her apprehension. She curled even more into herself, hugging the pitcher as if it was a stuffed animal.
"I can't sleep without looking at a light, but I keep breaking them. This is the only place that doesn't know who I am. But I guess that is over now" She sounded as if she was close to crying. You sat down on the floor in front of her.
"I don't think it's weird. I like light too. I mean, I opened a whole ass shop about it, so I kinda understand what you mean" She looked at you.
"I don't really know the stigmas about mothfolk, but I don't mind you visiting. As long as you don't give yourself a heat stroke again" You gave her a gently smile, which she hesitantly returned. You then cleared your throat.
"Well, I will let you get dressed again. Use as much time as you need to cool down back here. There is more water in the fridge over there" You stood up and left a slightly flustered mothgirl behind.
After your first official meeting with "Clarrisa" as she told you to call her, her monthly visits continued. You learned a lot about her, how she really liked oranges, that she worked as a programmer and how she always fluttered her wings when she giggled. You had developed a friendship over the autumn, and Christmas was around the corner. You wanted to give Clarrisa a gift, though you had no idea what it should be. You had been wracking your brain trying to come up with something, but it only came to you as you were absentmindedly browsing a catalogue for new items for your store. A Bluetooth lamp, which projected a coloured night sky onto the ceiling. This would be the perfect gift, you just hoped that she would like it.
With the gift neatly wrapped and placed under your counter, you waited for Clarrisa. Christmas was a fairly busy time for your shop, and you made a good amount of money by selling Christmas lights. But all you could think about was how Clarrisa would react to your gift.
As the days passed, you became more and more anxious. Clarrisa had not been in your shop for a couple of weeks, and you started to overthink the past couple of interactions with her. Had you come off too strong? Did she not feel comfortable in your shop anymore? Had she found another lamp store?
All the questions were driving you crazy, and it only got worse the closer you got to Christmas.
At the last day your shop was open, you resigned yourself to the idea that Clarrisa wasn't coming. You were just putting on your jacket as you heard frantic knowing on the front door.
"We are closed!" You yelled over your shoulder, but the knocking persisted.
"I said- Clarrisa?" and it was indeed her standing out there, and you hurried to open the door. She was standing in the snow, no coat on and breathing heavily. You ushered her in, closing the door after her.
"What are you doing out in this weather without proper clothes? I'm starting to think you have misunderstood the idea of coats" You brushed some of the snow off her fluff.
"Well I..." She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, and you gave her time to find her words. She sighed deeply, shuddered, then looked back up at you.
"I wondered if you would like to come have hot chocolate at my place?" She asked, then looked back down at her feet.
"I mean, if you have the time, it doesn't have to be now, I just thought-" You placed you hand on her shoulder and smiled.
"I'd like that" You said softly. She smiled back.
"Though, you are borrowing one of my jackets, you must be freezing" You went into the back to get a jacket for yourself and her, sneaking her gift into your pocket.
She shook her wings free from snow and tucked them under the jacket you lent her, still looking slightly flustered. You turned off the rest of the lights and followed Clarrisa outside.
Clarrisa lived in a small and cozy flat in the outskirts of the city. It was filled with personal touches, small things that made the space feel lived in. She had a 3d printer occupying a portion of the small living room, her walls had pictures of family members and the entire place smelled like her citrus perfume. She nervously cleared a bunch of papers from the coffee table with a muttered apology and asked you to sit in her small sofa while she made the hot cocoa she had promised. You could hear her moving around the kitchen, the distinct whirring of a microwave being started before she suddenly spoke up.
"I'm sorry I haven't been to the shop this month" You turned around to face her.
"I have been working on something, but I couldn't quite get it right. I panicked today when I realised that it was the last day I could see you" She moved over to her desk and pulled out a small packet from behind her computer.
"I wanted to give you this. Merry Christmas" Her hand shook as she gave you the gift. You opened it carefully and a small 3d printed figure fell out. It was a little cat figurine.
"God, it is such a lame gift, I understand if you wanna leave now or something" She scratched the fluff on her neck nervously as you inspected the small figurine. It was very well made.
"Well, I like it. It is cute. Thank you" She looked at you surprised for a moment before giving you a bashful smile. You then plucked out the present from your pocket and gave it to her.
"Merry Christmas" She took it with a curious expression, turning it in her hands before opening it. She gasped as she saw what it was. She looked from the gift to you, and then back again. And then she launched herself at you, engulfing you in the most comfortable hug you've ever had.
"Thank you" She whispered. You hummed in confirmation. The moment was interrupted by the beeping of the microwave and she slowly let go of you, not looking you in the eye.
"I'll just uhh... Get those" She mumbled and went to fetch the mugs of cocoa.
A few minutes later you both had your steaming cups of cocoa with whipped cream on top. You quickly fell into comfortable conversation, the earlier nervousness forgotten. You both talked for so long that it had gotten very late, and it seemed that the both of you had fallen asleep on the sofa. You woke up cuddled into the softest fuzz and felt more warm and comfortable than ever before in your life. Clarrisa had her hand securely around your waist, still snoring softly into your hair. You could get used to this
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punisheddonjuan · 2 months
Over the last week I've been back in my hometown of Hamilton staying at my parents' house and sleeping in my old bedroom. I had that optometrist appointment earlier in the week, it's Easter on Sunday, and I need to order my prescription at the pharmacy here on Monday anyway. So, an extended visit was an obvious choice. It's been nice. This afternoon I did a little dig through my closet after my mom mentioned that she would like to clear out anything in there which I wasn't keen on keeping. So I took a look, and while there was definitely stuff in there I am fine getting rid of, and in many cases can't remember why I hung onto it for as long as I did, there was also a bunch of neat old stuff in there.
Everything in that closet is thrown into a few banker's boxes, I wasn't quite sure what was in each of them. The first box I dove into turned out to contain all of my university coursework, all five years of it, and much of it disorganized and in disarray. I must have just thrown things in there, because there were loose sheets of translation work interleaved out of order, folders stuffed to breaking with photocopied journal articles and book chapters from different courses, syllabi and unrelated essays in messy piles, and various notebooks, loose notes and revisions. Organizing it all is not a task I'm up doing any time soon, and part of me doubts that I'll ever get it done, it's hardly important anymore. Surveying it all made me think on what a shame it is that I never have any occasion or reason to write things out by hand. I miss using my fountain pens, and my cursive was really quite nice.
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I also found my official transcript, of which I have seven copies for reasons that have been lost to time. Presumably I ordered more copies because of grad school applications, but I can't remember.
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I guess I did pretty well. And even though grades don't matter at all after you graduate, I did have to do a double take and think back for a minute trying to remember how the hell I managed to bomb Beginner's Ancient Greek II winding up with a C after getting an A in Beginner's Ancient Greek I (and then back to getting As after that). The memory did eventually resurface; I had deferred the exam on account of illness, but when it came time to write the exam in the summer, I wound up running a fever anyway, and on top of that, I was writing it a little over a week after my girlfriend had broken up with me. To be entirely honest, that summer and back half of the year is something of a blur. Welp, oh well.
Oh and hey, in one of those messy piles I found the paper for which I won a departmental essay contest and then third place in the national CAC undergraduate essay writing contest.
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The professor's comments were far too kind. It's an okay paper for an undergraduate, I'd change a lot of things looking back at it now. I wonder what Dr. Corner is up to these days and if he finally finished his book. We had lunch together when I first moved to Toronto but that was years ago now. He was the professor I was closest to, a real mentor.
Buried behind the coursework box was another banker's box containing something entirely unrelated but very cool, these:
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It's my old iPods! The 30GB iPod Video is completely dead, but the 160GB iPod Classic booted after I found a cable and gave it a quick charge. The headphone jack is busted, if I recall correctly, I had already paid to get it fixed once, and then it died a few months later. By that point I was fed up with having it fixed, and replaced it with an iBasso DX80. The electronics in it are still functioning fine; I might give a go at modding it into something I could put to use. Modding iPod classics is a whole scene these days and you can buy custom DIY replacement parts like microSD card readers to replace the harddrive, and there's custom firmware that allows the iPod to support higher capacity storage. Modding it shouldn't be too difficult and wouldn't even require much soldering. I'd replace the headphone jack, pull the 160GB HDD and replace it with a dual or quad microSD card reader and cram as many 512GB/1TB microSD cards it can take, and replace the battery with a higher capacity one. I stream my music collection from my media server to my phone via PlexAmp these days, but it would be cool to have an offline option, or something I can just leave permanently plugged into the Aux port of my stereo. My dad says he's got a 120GB model that half works floating around too, maybe I'll mod both of them.
There were a few other neat things in that second box like playbills from when I used to attend the opera. Which is yet another thing I used to be able to do and now miss terribly. That double feature of Bluebeard and Erwartung was phenomenal.
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There was also a copy from one of the godawful and glossy annual "All About Sex" supplements the University newspaper published. I won't share pictures of that because there are a lot of half-naked semi acquaintances in there, but be assured, it's godawful.
In a third box I found approximately half of my physical PC game collection:
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Check out that copy of X-Wing on 3.5" floppies and the sticker advising Windows and Pentium users that this is a DOS game. That's the very first PC game I ever got as a kid, received it as a present for Christmas '95. What you see there is less than half of what I know for a fact that I own on CD-ROM. Just off the top of my head I know I have physical copies of Half-Life, Red Alert 2, Tiberian Sun, Dune 2000, Emperor: Battle for Dune, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, Sid Meier's Civilization, Total Annihilation, Unreal Tournament, Star Wars Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, Mechwarrior 4, Star Trek: Bridge Commander, Doom 3, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, Thief 2: the Metal Age, Deus Ex and most of those games' attendant expansion packs. I didn't find any of them while clearing out the closet, which means that they're almost definitely up in the attic above the garage, along with the sci-fi and fantasy novels I had from adolescence which I didn't take with me when I moved. Getting up into that attic is a pain in the ass though, and it's cramped and stuffy once you're up there. Maybe next time I visit my parents I can put aside a day to go up there and locate everything. I'd really have to be feeling up to it though. I'm pretty sure my hardback copy of Good Omens is up there, as is my copy of Neuromancer, and the Black Company omnibuses. None of which I've read in years.
The only other things of note were a bunch of pewter figurines of wizards I had for unknown reasons and a few nice and largely unused (with the exception of a few pages that I must have torn out years ago) notebooks that I can put to good use.
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Actually, I just figured out the reason I owned these and hung onto them. It's because they're rad as hell. Wizards rule.
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watchmegetobsessed · 1 year
👀 shy IT guy fic sneak peek:
“Hi Steven, do you happen to have a moment?” you ask, as politely and nicely as you can in the light of what just happened, but apparently it’s not enough for him, because the look he gives you makes you want to turn around and run away.
“What’s the matter?” he grimaces, fixing his glasses as he leans back in his seat.
“My laptop just died,” you hold up the device. 
He stares at you, then at your laptop and then his eyes flicker back to you and he stays silent for what feels like forever before he speaks up.
“I have no time for this now,” he says, returning to his own computer and your shoulders fall forward in defeat, but then he speaks up again. “Go to the back and ask for Styles.”
“Thank you,” you breathe out and are already on your way away from his desk.
Maneuvering between the desks you’re trying to find out who’s Styles or who to even ask to tell you where to find him and you’re just about to stop at one of the desks when you see a big screen, a sticker on the back of it that says H. Styles, so you make your way over there.
As you’re approaching the desk a head full of chocolate curls appear and soon you spot the guy sitting behind the screen, peering up at you with curious, green eyes from behind his glasses.
“Are you… Styles?” you ask, feeling weird that you only know his family name. He stares at you for a second with wide eyes and you start to think you’ve got the wrong guy, but then he nods, the curls bouncing along with the movement.
“Y-yeah. I’m Harry Styles.”
“Great! Steven said you might be able to have a look at my computer, it’s completely dead.”
“Sure,” he clears his throat as he pushes back from the desk while you round it to give the laptop to him. “W-what happened?” he asks as he opens it up and tries to turn it on, but the screen remains black.
“Um, basically it froze right before the most important presentation of my life and then it died and hasn't turned on since then,” you summarize with a sad smile as you watch him grab some kind of cable to connect your laptop with his computer.
Harry hums as he opens some kind of program that has a long, complicated looking code running in front of him and he clicks and searches in it so easily as if he was reading a children’s book. 
“Is it fully dead?” you ask after a couple of minutes. 
“No, but you got a virus, it might take some time to restore everything and some files might not make it, I’m sorry.”
You let out a shaky breath, feeling like crying again, but you manage to swallow them back as you lean against the edge of Harry’s desk. He looks up at you like a frightened kid.
“I-I can try to get everything back, I promise, it’s just that–”
“No, I know it’s not up to you. Thank you though. I’m just on the verge of… would it be weird if I started screaming right now?” you ask rhetorically as you pinch the bridge of your nose. 
“I can set up another one for you to use with all the access cloned from yours, but you won’t have the files in the meantime.”
“That would be wonderful, thank you.”
“Is there any file in particular you want me to try to recover?”
“There’s this folder that would be nice if I had it, here, this is the name,” you say as you grab a post-it and a pen and scribble the name down with all the files in it. 
“Okay, I will try to restore it. Give me a few minutes to set your replacement computer up.”
Nodding sadly you wait by Harry’s desk, watching him work on his computer like it’s an instrument and he is pretty much a professional. You know nothing about programming, but Harry seems like a wizard, you have no idea why Steven makes him deal with all the tiny things when he could pretty much redeem the world. 
“Here, this is the password, everything is set up,” he hands you the new computer.
“Thank you.”
“I’ll give you an email when I have something about your old one.”
“Okay, my address is–”
“I know, I just… I literally just logged you into your account,” he reminds me with a shy smile and you realize he’s right.
“Oh. I forgot. Well, thank you so much, Harry. And I’m sorry you have to deal with it now.”
“It’s fine, I’m the newest on the team, this is how it goes. Rookies get to deal with all the device issues,” he chuckles shortly.
You nod with a sympathetic smile and pay one last look to your savior. He looks young, around your age, but he’s sporting a slight stubble that adds some harshness to his otherwise boyish face. He’s got kind eyes behind his glasses, the prettiest pink lips you’ve ever seen on a man and his curls are screaming to be touched, though you’re not sure HR would take it well if you were just walking around the office, touching people’s hair. Oddly, it wouldn’t be the first time they would have to deal with a situation like this. Bobby DeMarco was a weird dude who worked in sales and he had an even weirder obsession with playing with women’s hair randomly. He didn’t last too long at the company, luckily.
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ivycorp · 1 year
Megatron and his servo
The door slid shut behind Megatron, his quarters quiet and empty as always (but they weren't like that not long ago, he remembered with a twist of the mouth); his frame was hot and charged up despite the time it took to:
Return to Nemesis,
Get told off by Soundwave (it was an interesting thing, to be told of with no words),
Subsequently to be told off by Knock Out that he needed to leave the injured hand to heal or it would require an entire replacement next time.
He was so dazed by the fight earlier, he just nodded and went out into the corridor from the medbay, on automatic letting his legs carry him back to berth. The vehicons he passed in the way scrambled to not cross paths with him, but the warlord didn't really care about them.
No, he had more pressing matters on his mind. 
Taking a look at his freshly repaired arm, he noted with humor that at least it was not the servo he needed tonight anyways. 
With a practiced ease that spoke of the pathetic disposition he was finding himself way too often these days, the silver mech locked the door, put the music on loud and shut off his own audio input. In case of emergency, Soundwave would shoot him a direct comm anyways.
The music was not for his benefit, after all.
As the silence filled his mind, Megatron allowed himself a shudder as his extensive (not extensive enough, whispered his greedy spark) collection of material on Orion-Optimus started taking its place, feeding his newly rediscovered needs like a mech starved.
'My, pet, you are positively begging to be touched, aren't you?' Optimus's voice seemed to drown him, as the silver frame settled itself down on the floor, knees spread, servos held behind his back in a looser grip than he usually preferred, but the medic's warning was enough to keep him from pushing it.
He sighed softly, chasing the memories of the way Orion would look at him, teasing him with the softest strokes, as the latest battle took hold and reminded just how much he enjoyed the digits on his throat.
It was enough to cause his charge to grow at once, as he desperately held the self-imposed position; he was even facing the chair the blue and red mech took as his during the stay at Nemesis, from the first time they fell into the familiar dynamic.
Megatron both rejoiced and cursed that moment, as it had changed something between them irrevocably- he had no clue precisely why, but the recent losses they were suffering were telling enough.
They have gotten under each other's plating and Megatron was obviously losing control. He expected Soundwave to lose patience with his behavior any day now.
He grimaced, as he felt his frame shiver at the notion of losing control, of letting Orion take care of him, to make him break apart and be rebuilt over and over again in the most agonizingly pleasurable way there could be.
He could feel his valve clench as lubricant started falling on the floor through the seams, but he kept the cover in place.
There were rules to be followed, even when he was alone.
'Beautiful, my sweet, so obedient for me, thank you for waiting for the commands,' cooed the imaginary Prime, as Megatron could feel himself tremble at the praise; discovering that he liked it made Orion smile so nicely, as he explained one day that it also was something he loved to indulge in.
"What a complementary pair we make, Megatron," the mech said once over Energon, and the silver tyrant couldn't help but agree.
Yet now, ex-vents coming out loud, Megatron could only think about the voice in his helm, which chuckled and finally prompted him to move, but still kept the panels closed.
'I want you to take your time and show me where you would like to be touched,' caused the silver servos to move from behind to the front, as Megatron started to stroke his frame, before he arrived at the throat, neck cables just inches away from his wandering digits.
It was the spot Optimus bit him earlier that day.
Touching on the tingling part of his throat, he suddenly wanted to know if the bite was still visible - Knock Out took a look but did not repair it, so most likely it was not threatening and would be taken care of by his own self repair.
He pressed, hissing, as the motion flared with numb pain, which made his spark throb.
He needed to see it badly.
His imagination fed him another memory, the impression of Orion smiling, walking over to the berth and motioning for Megatron to join him, as it offered an undisturbed view of the mirror in the private washracks.
The silver mech knew better than to rise up, instead crawling hastily and setting himself down, pedes spread so his reflection would show the entirety of the heaving frame between them, servos flat on the floor.
'I can see just how desperate you are - if you keep it up I might even let you overload today, despite your prior behavior,' teased the Prime’s voice, as he fought hard to keep his panels closed and optics down; he did not miss the echo of shame that ran through him on the battlefield about not yielding when Optimus threatened to feel disappointed by him.
He did not want to disappoint Orion. He was good and will keep on being good if it meant he could stay in this dazed state longer.
'Now, pet, I want you to open your panels,' instructed him the warm voice he could listen to forever, as his panels slid open and lubricant gushed out of his needy valve, spike pressurized and aching to be touched.
'Look at yourself as you get your valve prepared for me - tell me when you get close to overloading,' ordered the specter of his memories, as Megatron turned his gaze and locked sights with the reflection and allowed his optics to take in the mark on his neck cables as one of his servos went up and wrapped itself right below it.
His other servo was already in motion, working the sensitive mesh open, rocking onto the digits; he did not think it would take long for him to reach the edge, but when he tightened the hold on his neck and brushed his digit against the anterior node, he was hit with a jolt of pleasure that got him immediately there, and he gasped out:
"I am close, so close, please," came the begging, so much faster than expected. He faintly blamed the forward actions of the Prime for driving him insane with the damned bite, but that thought left quickly as he continued the ministrations on his leaking valve. 
He knew at this point he could probably take some of the largest toys hiding in the closet, but it was too far from him now - and, more importantly, there was no command that specified that anything but his digits were allowed this time.
'That was quick, even for you - but then, I knew the bite would do the trick… or was it the talk about a collar, perhaps?' came the question, as Megatron's servo stuttered in its rhythm, nearly bringing him over the edge.
He wished to reply, but all that left his mouth was just a low keen, words escaping his frayed focus and leaving him bare to the wants of his greedy frame. At this point he would agree to whatever the other would demand, if only he would be granted release.
Yet, as Megatron looked towards the mirror, he could not stop feeling a rush of humiliation at the sight; spike neglected, valve leaking so much lubricant it made a considerable pool on the floor, neck cables held tightly and squeezed to the point of pain whenever he would feel himself get dangerously close, until the charge would die down again just enough to escape the temptation.
And he would start again, because he was not told to stop.
The digits were avoiding his node now, as he knew just a brush would make him overload hard. 
He would not do this without permission. 
There were rules to be followed.
The rules were important. 
He could hold it off for longer.
A hum sounded in his audials, as a curt 'optics up front' made him realize he was looking anywhere but the reflection as he was wrestling with the need to obey and the whispers of his frame.
He burned, and the assault on his valve did not stop as he turned to pleading for permission to overload; seeing the desperation in the mirror only made him glitch up.
Such a wanton display…
'Now, pet, we both know who you need to ask if you want to overload,' reminded him the voice, as he briefly wondered if maybe he could break the invisible hold Orion had on him; it's not like he would know what Megatron was doing right now, and what he wouldn't know wouldn't hurt him.
The warlord shook his helm, disappointed at even entertaining this idea.
He would not fail.
As he opened his comm list, he made sure to pick the adequate encrypted frequency - Optimus told him he would not revoke the access again unless he abused his openness, with a threat of terminating their games once and for all.
He could feel the heady state overtake him, as he dialed for Prime to pick up - the Autobot leader usually did not leave him hanging, and more often than not, his release would come very soon after they connected on the line.
The call dropped. 
He sobbed, as he tried again and again, to no avail. With the last dregs of thought, he realized the Nemesis was jamming communications both ways.
It must be his way of punishing him for today's loss. Apparently, the TIC's patience has finally ran out.
The elation he felt at the idea of finally being allowed to overload got replaced by the icy chill of shame that made him feel like he was torn apart at the seams; the wetness of his valve felt wrong, but he still could not stop moving his digits.
He wondered briefly if he was too far gone to ever come back to his life before the Optimus-As-Orion incident.
A sympathetic whisper of 'poor thing, you know what is left to do, come on, maybe next time you will get to overload,' made him openly weep, as he withdrew his digits and pushed himself up, shakily going under the solvent in the washracks, set to the coldest setting. 
As the steam lifted from his burning frame, he rested his helm against the wall, charge gradually dropping to the buzz he started associating with just being awake.
Megatron nearly stepped back into the lubricant on the floor, as he felt at once nauseous at the sight and the throb his tired valve gave at the reminder of what he just did. Grabbing a rag, he began to clear it away, noticing to his dismay that the charge was building up again, fuelled by his own sense of humiliation.
It would seem he will need to stay under the cold solvent for a much longer time than expected…
Fowler frowned at his phone, as he fiddled a bit and checked if maybe his WiFi had disconnected.
No, full bars.
Frustrated, he turned to address Ratchet working on the side, grumbling to himself.
"Are we being jammed? Or jamming the Nemesis?" Fowler asked, trying to discern the possible reason why the vehicon group chat stopped updating mid-rant. 
The medic looked at him puzzled.
"No, I don't think so," he replied, going back to doing the inventory, while in the background Optimus stilled his console repair. He looked pensive, but something must have clicked as he relaxed and chuckled to himself, getting back to work.
The Prime even began humming a soft melody as he was mending the pieces he tore off himself because of…
The agent's eyes opened wide when the dots connected:
The group chat has just remarked on loud music picking up.
The incident earlier that day on the battlefield.
Optimus's air of satisfaction as he mended the mangled parts of the console.
Fowler rolled his eyes hard, and asked himself for the fifteenth time that week as to why he even felt surprised anymore.
Another one prompted by this post of @paraxodicalundressing as a direct follow up to this (mentioning here the time on Nemesis)
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Billy and Eddie got a little place together after highschool.
It’s nothing fancy, really. But it’s nicer than the house on old cherry road, and nicer than Wayne’s trailer. Which yes, is Eddie’s home, and he’d never speak bad of, but god knows is held together by duck tape and prayer.
Honestly it’s only nice because it’s new. It’s a little 2 bedroom apartment above one of the stores on main. The owner used to use it as storage but since the mall opened he could used the extra income from converting it to a little apartment.
It’s got steady heat and electric. And they can even make the room to splurge on a basic cable package. they both know just how much that is to have. just how lucky they are to have that much.
they both know how lucky they are that the fridge isn't overflowing but always stocked enough. that they can afford a few meals out a week when they’re lazy, or as a little treat. that they can have days off during the week, fucking weekends!!! like they're middle class or some crazy shit. ends are met, and there's still some give. fuck, there's even a tiny savings account ($10 a week in the big shoebox Billys work boots came in. they deposit it when it fills up).
The entirety of the apartment is pretty humble. the “new” bed frame was from ikea, on sale because it was the display. the nightstands were from one of the thrift stores. the couch was from garreth’s place before his mom decided to redecorate, and garreth told them if they would lug it it was theirs. the coffee table was a house warming gift from Joyce Byers (and Billys still not sure he deserves her forgiveness or love, but that’s besides the point), the kitchen table from a flea market and the chairs (which honestly look like they could go, right eds? they're a great match we’ll take em) from a yard sale (same as their dressers). but everything works damn fine.
And best of all they were able to take Max in.
See, when Billy got the fuck outta dodge Neil got real mean to Max.
nothing happened, at least they were told so by the girl. and if she lied? billy wouldn't hold it against her, he'd been there- lying to anyone and Eveyone about what went on in that house. but assuming it didn't happen, it did still come too damn close.
And when max called one night and said “Billy I’m scared”, the boys were over with Eddie’s van in a half an hour and packing her shit while eddie Called in a favor from Steve harrington who called in a favor from Jim hopper, who just stood menacingly in the doorway, daring Neil to say or do a damn thing.
And this town is too damn small. Because Jim told Joyce, (the boys guessed), and Joyce must have called around, because when they got home Nancy wheeler was standing outside their door with an air mattress, a shopping bag full of some twin size linens, and a bag from melvads, just of “what her and her mom thought max might have forgotten or might need. there's some uh, snacks too. whoppers are mikes favorite so-”.
And max settles in easy. Eddie took her to the mall that Saturday to pick up some “posters and shit” for her new room, because “babe come on it’s the least we can do, that room is fucking sad”. she replaced a couple of the tapes she left at Neil and Susans, and even got 2 new ones. she picked up some posters for her wall, some stickers. some fuckin girly bath shit or something, Eddie was trying not to get a headache from how much that store smelt like one of Santas elves hurled, and some odds and ends clothing wise. (”you forgot your raincoat but not your boots?” “no you need a real jacket for the cold its fucking November your bother would kill me come on, pick one” “how many pairs of socks- no honey we don't do laundry that fast you need another pack... maybe two”) 
and billy spends the morning calling around the thrift stores, flea markets, the god damn churches, to see if anyone has anything for a bedroom set for a teenaged girl. saint some-fucin-one had a dresser he could come get, and the sally anne had a decent bed frame and a desk too (fuck the kid needs a desk doesn't she, billy realized), and he saw a little nightstand on someones curb that was fucking fine condition just needed a good cleaning. but he had to bite the full price bullet on a mattress and that hurt a little but okay. and... shit she’d like that rug. it'll make it more homey. the kids had to hard, she deserves it.
after everything they were a little low on their usual comfy pocket change and 80 bucks into the shoebox fund, and fuck were they so lucky to have it. max was overjoyed, and so happy with it. and she looked so relaxed, so comfortable. 
they never even mentioned kids. not even in a far out future way, but here they were.
max slowly casually slips into calling billy her brother. and then one day her and Eddie are getting tacos on the way home from a movie billy thought was “way too stupid to sit through, you two dorks have fun” and they bumped into one of max’s classmates and she introduced Eddie as her bother in law and fuck, did Eddie feel a lot of things at that. not as many as when he heard her on the phone say “sorry my brothers hosting his d+d thing tonight and its like, a family thing so I can’t”
the apartment is a weird mix of metal and Kate bush, but they’re all so comfortable with eachother.
Eddie hosts his D+D nights in the apartment and the kids are still a little bit skittish around Billy but he’s getting better. He stays out of the way, spends most of the nights in the bedroom, but occasionally comes out to make the party snacks and put out some water or iced tea. Interrupts with a kiss to Eddie’s cheek, saying “time to take a fucking break there’s snacks on the counter”, virtually court ordering a 10 minute recess so he can ask Eddie to catch him up on the campaign. And Max, who only really comes out of her room on these nights to bully Lucas and sit with El on the sidelines spectating (making fun of the boys), realizes that Billy doesn’t give a fuck what the campaign is, or how it’s playing out, he just wants to see how excited Eddie gets talking about his hobby, watching with soft eyes as he gets the full eddie munson: DM experience. And it seems like even if he doesn’t understand, Billy does encode what Eddie tells him, with the questions he asks and the comments he makes. Her brother is in love. And yeah she kinda knew that, they did move in together after all, but he’s really, really in love, Max realizes.
Billy’s a better cook than Eddie. And Billy isn’t great by any means, but Billy had to learn how to keep himself alive at a young age, whereas Eddie kinda always had Wayne looking out for him. So Eddie’s in charge of toast and coffee in the morning (which he burns more often than he’d like to admit) and Billy does the honors of real breakfast on the weekends, when they aren’t rushing around for work and school. Billy usually handles Dinner, and Eddie tries to help, god knows, but he’s a safety hazard and a half, as max has screamed while shooing him out of the kitchen many times.
Eddie takes good care of Billy too. It’s like he reads his mind, face getting worried and asking if he’s okay out of no where, catching a triggered Billy before even billy knows sometimes. Eddie takes care of Billy emotionally, which Billy’s never had before. He holds his hand and rubs his knuckles and promises him the world and delivers it. Max never really saw Billy cry before she started living with them. And it’s only happened twice, but she’s caught Eddie holding Billy while he honest to god Sobs, and she thinks it should probably freak her out but it’s kinda comforting to know Billy feels safe enough to do that, and that Eddie’s gonna take care of him.
Max thinks that maybe this is what normal parents are like. Loving each other, looking out for each other, taking care of each other. Trying to appreciate the others interests.
And they support her too. Much to her discomfort. Her report card is on the fridge, (held down by a magnet that’s a bottle opener) and both young men had stars in their eyes that she did so well her first quarter living with them because that means they haven’t fuck up too bad. (“It’s 4 Bs and 3 A’s Billy it’s not that great” “it’s better than I ever did! Fuck, Eddie get over here look that this! Isn’t this amazing!” “Yeah max holy shit! I had to re do senior year like, twice, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten an A in my life!”) Eddie was digging through the drawers desperately looking for anything magnetic to hang it up the second he finished talking. Eddie never really got into skating himself but some of his friends did. He gives max rides to the park a few towns over some evenings, swears it’s no sweat because he likes the record store here better anyway. And sometimes cassettes just show up on her desk randomly, songs and albums she maybe said she liked once on the radio in Billy’s car.
At first max doesn’t know how to interact with Wayne. She never knew her grandparents too well, and neither her dad or step dad were worth their weight in salt. So the first dinner he’s around she’s a little stiff. So stiff that Billy takes her aside to make sure she’s alright.
But Wayne’s alwyas been good with skittish kids with fucked up families, and he gets on her good side pretty fast. Wayne helps max replace her old skateboard wheels that Sunday.
It’s not a normal family, Max is well aware of that. But it’s the best she’s got, and the best she’s ever had. She likes it fine enough.
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nothing0fnothing · 3 months
Hey! So I have some lived experience in being poor and mentally ill I had to learn the hard way in my adulthood after growing up with abusive neglectful narcissistic parents. Maybe it will help someone else.
1. Instant pot. Crock pot. Rice cooker. You only need one, but all 3 are versatile, can use very little electricity to run, and are perfect to dump ingredients into and come back later to a healthy, cooked dinner.
You can research which is best for you by looking up "crock pot recipes" "rice cooker meals" to get a feel for what types of meals you can prepare in each and how it's purposes can best fit your cooking style.
2. Get your electronics secondhand. Phone companies make so much off of poor people bc they contract us into pay plans that mean that by the time our phones are needing replacing, we've paid for it 2 or more times over. Consider going Sim only and getting your phone secondhand.
Websites like backmarket and envirophone sell refurbished phones, tablets, laptops, smart watches, TVs, consoles, headphones, all sorts like new and for a fraction of the price point you'd usually get them at. I've not bought an electronic new since 2015 and the products I get refurbished last just as long as if I'd bought them new. Plus it's better for the environment. Even if I had money I don't think I'd go back to buying new honestly.
3. Static charger. If you're Autistic and can't sit still, like me you might be finding that the first thing to go on your electronics is your charge port. It's really annoying because it's not a cheap fix and I have had to replace phones early when they won't charge any more.
Last year my girlfriend and I got static chargers. It's an adapter that sits in your phone/tablets charger slot that magnetically connects to a universal charger. Its great for us because now everything rechargeable (phones/tablets, but also headphones, game controllers, keyboards/mouses) takes the same cable. It's really handy, but for me the best part is that the adapter doesn't move. So even if I'm fidgeting with my phone on charge it won't wear down the charger pins over time. We paid £20 for 3 and it's paid for itself because I've not had to take my phone for it's yearly fix since I got it.
4. Make a cozy space outside of bed. As a bedrotting girlie I know the allure of just saying "fuck it" and curling up in bed is so strong. I also know that when I do it for days at a time my sleep quality gets worse, my days blur together and my mental health gets so much worse. Especially if I'm working, watching TV, eating all my meals and doing my hobbies all from my bed.
One thing that helps me break up the bedrotting and at least helps me get some decent sleep so I might wake up feeling better tomorrow, is having a cozy spot that isn't in bed I can spend at least some of my day in.
For me, it's the couch in my living room. I've furnished it with pillows, blankets, and a little coffee table I can rest my stuff on so I can feel as comfy as I do in bed, but not actually be in bed most of the day. For You it could be a book nook, or a floor bed, or a desk with a chair in your bedroom.
5. Giant water bottle. This one is really simple. We need 8 glasses of water a day to be healthy and hydrated. Basically nobody depressed has the energy to fill up a glass of water 8 times a day. If you can get a water bottle that holds 2 litres (65oz) of water, now you only need to fill one drinking vessel once a day to be healthy and hydrated.
It's really simple and sill but it honestly saved my life. I buy those drink flavor packets because I drink more when it tastes nice. Is it as healthy as plain water? No. Is it healthier than no water? Yes. Easy peasy.
My bottle is from Meoky, its the 64oz stainless steel camping bottle with a flip straw I got for under £20. I like it because it keeps my water cold and I'd rather walk on hot coals than take a sip without a straw, but I've bought same size BPA free plastic bottles for like £3 and they have lasted me 2-3 years too so the budget options are absolutely worth it too.
6. Reconsider what's worth getting second hand. Generally when thinking about buying secondhand we mean clothes at the thrift, and that's great, but buying pre loved can be anything, and you can buy some high ticket items at an affordable price point that way.
If I ever want an appliance I always look second hand first. My rice cooker is secondhand and it is my favourite appliance. I've also bought a popcorn maker for a fraction of the price I'd buy it new, and I'm looking for a Kitchen Aid mixer for no more than a third the price they usually sell at. My vanity houses my shark air styler, I got it refurbished second hand and it was like new when I bought it. I use it every day and it still has so much wear in it.
Generally, the bigger and heavier something is, the closer to free you can get it, because the people getting rid of it just want it gone. If you ever need a washing machine or some furniture, look on gumtree or local no buy groups first. Type "free ___" followed by where you live into Google to get an idea whats available. If you're furnishing a space it's very likely you can get everything you need for the cost of the van you hired to collect it all.
7. Frozen vegetables. Fresh produce is getting more expensive and because we neurodivergent and mentally ill people can have a habit of letting fresh produce rot in the fridge, wasting money and making more mess to clean up, it's usually not worth it. The thing is, frozen produce is cheaper because it is picked in season, healther because it is frozen at optimum ripeness, and can be safely stored in your freezer for months, it's so worth doing.
They're usually pre-cut and can generally just be chucked into your dish frozen to defrost while cooking, making them easy and accessible. You can buy mixed vegetable packs (in the UK the most common is sweetcorn/peas/carrots and broccoli/cauliflower/) for some variety too, which I like to just dump a portion into soups or broths for some added vitamins.
8. Medication delivery. I've been medicated for mental illness for years, and a regular problem I used to have was I would neglect going to pick up my meds because I was depressed, then I'd run out and be unable to collect them because the lack of meds was making me more depressed.
Now however, I'm signed up with an online pharmacy. They processes my prescriptions exactly the same way any other pharmacy would and dispense them through the post in a box that fits through my letterbox. I never have to leave the house for meds again which is actually a lifesaver, the shipping is super cheap, like free for 3 day delivery and £2.99 for next day, and it's all processed through a super simple app that I only have to use like one a month when I request my refill.
It's so worth it and if you struggle to get out like me I absolutely recommend it. In the UK it's called Lloyd's Direct Pharmacy, but I'm sure it's a service you can find in other places of the world too.
9. Laundry separation is a lie. Which isn't a big deal for people who don't care about throwing money away on extra loads or people who have the spoons to faff around separating their clothes arbitrarily, but for poor neurodivergent people, it is.
So here's the thing, the rules of separating laundry by colour came about when clothes were made of all natural materials that would stick to each other when agitated and natural dyes that would run in water. Nowadays, clothes are made of synthetic or blended materials that can handle the friction of a modern machine and synthetic dyes that hold up to basically anything. 99% of clothes on the market, and therefore probably 99% of your wardrobe, is polycotton or some other poly-blend. So generally, everything you have can just all go in together on a warm wash.
Now, if you have woolen, linen or cashmere pieces, you should be separating them and following the care instructions on the label, but everything else, just shove it in mate, nothing bad will happen.
10. Protein powder. Protein powder is cheap, it's stored dry to it basically never goes bad, it's obviously protein so it's a really good addition to your diet, it tastes of whatever flavour you buy it in so it's a good meal substitute if you're depressed and your appetite is low, and it comes together really easily.
I usually get it in big tubs because they're cheaper per gram that way and I just add them to my coffee/hot chocolate for a boost or stir it into some Greek yogurt for a quick healthy snack. Thats actually my favourite way to get protein in because it's like 2 minutes and it covers up that sour taste yogurt has. I've also stirred it into milk for my cereal to varying success but it's good because the fat in the milk and the carbs and fortified vitamins in the cereal make it basically a meal. If I'm struggling for breakfast I usually add a scoop or two to an instant porridge pot and I have a ready to eat nutritional meal ready in the time it takes to boil the kettle.
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marshalmallow · 5 months
Fuck it, because I want to, I'm gonna rank my IEMS and give them a short review lets go
KZ x Crinacle CRN - ~£30 - These were my first "Neutral" sounding IEMs. I felt like a Real Music Liker when I used these, however they had no bass and a very weird treble response. I later found out that most units sold of these were completely broken, with some only utilising the Dynamic driver, and other having glue in the inner routing channels. I don't know if mine was affected by this, but there's is a whole story behind KZ and Crinacle (popular youtube audio reviewer) so I don't buy KZ anymore. This is the first of a few Crinacle collaboration IEMs.
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Moondrop Chu - <£20 - These were the first IEMS I brought from a more reputable brand, and they honestly blew me away for the price. This is what started my IEM hobby. For the price I cannot fault them for sound or build quality. Metal shell, solid sound signature, however not having a removeable cable did make them a little tricky to keep in my ears. Unfortunately my ears seem to be cryptonite to any budget Moondrop IEM, and the audio filters quickly clogged. I did replace them, but it happened again soon after.
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Moondrop Aria - £80 - Because my Chus blocked up (i didn't know about the filters at the time), I upgraded myself to their Big Brother. This IEM was the original market shake-up, you could not get sound quality and tuning anything like this for the money they were asking. I still have them, however like the Chus, the filters got blocked very easily. I replaced them fairly regularly for a while, but I could only get them straight from china, and the hassle of that quickly wore me down. I've stopped using them now because I have better IEMS, but they do hold a place in my heart for being such a mind blowing IEM when I first got them.
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Dunu Titan S - £80 - I bought these for no other reason than other reviewers saying "They compete with the Aria" and they look really cool. That's it, no other reasons. The reviewers were right, they have a slightly different midrange and my pair felt a little more bassy than the Aria. They do not, however, like to stay put in my ears no matter which tips I use with them. So they don't sit in my regular rotation. I got them in sandblasted black and red.
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7hz Salnotes x Crinacle Dioko - ~£100 - I'll be honest on this one, I regret buying these. They have no bass, they don't stay in my ears, and they look... unique? Weird. They look weird. They were the first IEMs I bought that came with a nice hard case and a lot of accessories. I do not use these at all and have tried several times to try to sell them, but my thoughts seem to be pretty common. These use a planar driver which is the only thing that sets them apart from everything else on this list, which is largely Single Dynamic Driver IEMs.
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7hz Salnotes ZERO - <£20 - These came out in a wave of sub £/$20 IEM offerings from the chinese hi-fi scene, and these were a standout competitor in sound quality and tuning. I still use these sometimes, but only when I use the bass boost on my headphone amp. The neutral tuning is great, but they really do sing when the bass is boosted. It later came out that these are actually a Crinacle collaboration as well, however due to him working on these at the same time as the next IEM on this list, he decided it would be a silent collaboration instead. Solid recommendation for anyone who wants to get into IEMs or wants a solid pair of earbuds!
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Truthear x Crinacle Zero - £40 - Due to NDAs from both companies, Crinacle couldn't sway either Truthear or 7hz to change the name, Crin chose to put his name on these as he wanted to help this incredibly new company break new ground. These IEMs were fairly unique when they released, they have 2 dynamic drivers, with one set to be a subwoofer and the other to handle everything else. The quality of the bass in these IEMS is like nothing else I own and this is what solidified me in the hobby, as I finally knew what was possible. I barely use them however, as the nozzle on these (the part that goes in your ear) is HUGE. I can't find a way to wear these comfortably, which is a huge shame in my eyes as this is the tuning that I have the most fun with. This isn't the last time you hear about Thruthear though.
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Sennheiser IE200 - £120 - These were something of an impulse buy while at a hi-fi show. I got them for £100. These are without a doubt the best sounding IEMs that I own and I always come back to them. I don't know how sennheiser managed to squeeze this level of audio quality from a single dynamic driver, but the experience and heritage of the brand really comes through with these. One thing that I don't like is the cable. It feels cheap, it tangles easily, and makes these look much cheaper than they actually are. The ear hooks having wire in them is a huge help though, and it helps them stay in place. These would be my desert island IEMs.
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Moondrop Chu 2 - <£20 - it's the Chu but better! WIth detachable cables this time. The sound signature is better than the original Chu, but again, the filters are very prone to clogging for me. At £20 they were more of a throwaway impulse purchase than anything else. Will be gifting these to a friend at some point if I can be bothered to replace the filters any time soon.
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Truthear NOVA - £150 - They're back! This is what I refer to as the Zeros big brother. The design on the outside of the shell is similar, but everything has been updated on the inside. One dynamic driver and 4 balanced armature drivers (basically hearing aid speakers) with the DD set up once again as a subwoofer. These feel like premium IEMs and they're my newest purchase, so I think I'm still in somewhat of a honeymoon period with them, but they're really solid. The nozzle is much narrower then the Zero (which is something I researched thoroughly before buying) and they fit very nicely in my ears despite being a much larger shell than anything else I have. I do wish there was more bass on them, and while many people call them a "baby Variations" (a Moondrop IEM that is only big money wishlist at £520), they don't hold up in the same way, and I am still looking for a more bass heavy IEM.
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Tin Hifi T2 - Free - I found these in a bin at the hackspace with a broken connector. Fixed it and bought new cable. They're terrible.
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Thank you for reading if you did, i'm always happy to talk recommendations and stuff if you want them so feel free to do that if you want to!
why did i do this
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