#and then refused to let me pay for what he was buying as thanks
zickmonkey · 9 months
I always say 'i need more sisterly relationships in my writing, why do they never have sisters?'
But I never think about big brother/ little sister relationships.
I need those.
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thatsdemko · 10 months
without you there’s nothing to live for - l.norris
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pairings: lando norris x fem!reader
warnings: jealousy + insecurities + fluff + build up(kinda long I’m sorry about that) + some errors here or there
a/n: while I had bits and pieces of this work in millions of other lando drafts I think I have to give credit where it’s due to @userlando and her anons ☺️🫶 I’m in such a shit mood so i figured posting this might make me feel better. enjoy xx
Lando Norris was annoying. a childhood friend of yours that somehow stuck throughout the years and never seemed to vanish. he was like a a piece of gum stuck to your shoe, he just never left.
and while you’re thankful he’s the longest lasting friendship you have; did you fail to mention he could be annoying?
his hands drum against the kitchen island, a distraction worthy of you flicking your pencil in his direction, but he’s too quick the pencil would just end up behind him, so you result in throwing him a very pointed look that shuts him up.
“is that pencil up your ass too today?”
you give him another look before staring down at the empty grocery list you failed to create, because lando has claimed your flat as his flat. the lavish lifestyle penthouse was abandoned at the instant call of your arrival to Monaco, and now all of his expensive taste clutters your space.
“did you put eggs on the list? I need eggs. it’s good protein—“ he shuts up to the sound of you breaking the pencil in half, another annoyed look tossed his way.
lando could be a lot. but there was no one who could keep up with you. there was no one like him in your corner, and while he pushed your buttons you were eternally grateful for his loyalty despite your rather jaded friendship.
“let’s just go to the store? I’ll drive.” he says like there’s another alternative to the store. ever since he got his license and moved in, you’ve never even put your foot on the accelerator. you’ve almost forgot the thrilling feeling of driving.
“eggs have been added to the list.” you finally say, typing up your notes of a grocery list once you were finally able to think straight without lando tapping away or chatting your ear off.
god was he annoying, but you loved him for him.
his wallet funds are bigger than what you have. you feel guilty every time he buys, but it’s not like you have the funds to do so. he knows that guilty look across your face when he ends up paying for 10% groceries and 90% female hygiene products. he doesn’t mind, just shoves his card in the machine and says a thank you for the person who bags your things.
“you have to let me pay you back—“
“no, nonsense.” he cuts you off, the conversation goes like it always does. you beg, and beg, to try and wiggle in a payback, but he refuses. all those years of your parents giving him shelter, taking him to races, or letting him play in your backyard it’s the least he could do.
“but the price adds up, and you’re paying for most of the rent—“
“I won’t have this conversation with you. just get in the car.” he says it without letting you have another word in. it’s his turn to shoot you down with pointed looks every time you try to mention money.
“y/n?! is that you?”
lando’s heart nearly drops to his stomach at the sound of that voice—that voice, being your ex boyfriend. he came out of nowhere, like the stalker he is, and finds himself walking around lando’s spiffy mclaren with wide eyes and confusion at your presence with the formula one driver. he must’ve forgotten lando was your best friend.
“you going to introduce me to your new boyfriend?”
before you can protest lando shakes his hand. you can tell by the grip lando has on him it’s a firm hard handshake. one to prove a point about the 2 a.m calls of you crying to your best friend from across the world. he was a shitty man, and maybe showing lando off like that would put him in his place.
“this is lando, you guys met awhile back.” you say.
you watch the two of their eyes glimmer in the sunlight with hatred for one another. lando was the guy you told him not to worry about— and he still was— and he was the guy lando was desperately wanting to kick ass.
“don’t remember that.”
“I actually remember, didn’t you spend half the night snogging another girl?” lando’s gentle reminder makes your ex’s face flush pale. you watch a little smile lift to lando’s lips before you both excuse yourselves to head home.
“my new boyfriend is so cool.” you say in a sarcastic tone once it’s just the two of you in his car.
lando let’s out laugh, and just puts the car in reverse. the simple act makes your head spin. his hand reaching behind the head of your seat, the way his eyes quickly glance on you before he looks back to ensure no one is coming. these thoughts were never present until this run in. would lando be a good boyfriend?
you can’t help but explore those thoughts in the twenty minute car ride home in pure silence.
your mind wanders to the idea of waking up to him in your bed. his legs tangled with yours, lazy soft kisses pressed your cheeks. you could melt at just the thought of it.
or maybe he’d make you eggs. you’d wake to the smell of bacon grease and him shirtless—like he always is in the kitchen— creating a masterpiece meal that you devour in minutes.
what switch has suddenly changed in you? because now when you look at lando, your heart does things it never did before. your head spins of ideas of him as your boyfriend and it’s so sickening you could throw up.
“I’m going to unload the groceries, you’re more than welcome to sit and stare into space for as much as you need.” his words spook you. a little yelp escaped your lips that he’d caught you. your eyes bug wide—like they always are when you get into your daydreams— and mind so full you lose track of time and often forget your surroundings. you had no clue you’d been sitting in the driveway this whole time.
“where do you want the tampons again? I seem to forget.”
“under the bathroom sink please.”
you wonder if you can shove your thoughts under there too. a nap is needed to clear your mind of whatever seems to be boggling it all about lando.
a nap certainly did help, however, waking up to lando shirtless in your bed also napping? yeah, all that hard work of suppressed thoughts came right back.
you think about taking your finger and running it all over the divots, curves, and muscles of his body. you think about how much stronger he’s been looking lately and how the little hair on his chin is growing onto you. what is going on with you?
it was common for lando to come in your room and sleep with you. nightmares were rare for you, but they happened more often than you expected and lando always wanted to be there for it. but this was just a nap? why did he have to come in and sleep with you? he could’ve just slept in his own bed, that certainly would’ve helped your heart if he did.
you roll out of bed and tip toe around your bed, until your heart makes you stop. you stare at his peaceful state. the way his curls fall over his forehead, the thick long lashes you desperately want, the soft smile on his lips— his eyes are opening, shit, you think to yourself.
you quickly book it out of the room to save yourself from the embarrassment of him catching you watching him sleep. what a creep you were becoming in the matter of hours. this is why you shouldn’t like your best friend. hell, this is why you shouldn’t let your man best friend live with you. it was destined for one of you to fall in love.
but it was also destined for you to most likely get your heart broken.
lando doesn’t date women like you. you’ve seen his roster of women rotating in and out of your place, none of them looked like you: an average woman with average looks. who’d want that?
a little part of hope lingers in your chest when you see him enter the kitchen. his lips press against your temple as he mumbles a good morning.
“how was your nap?”
“not long enough.” you admit watching him type away on his phone. his elbows are pressed against the granite counter tops, his fingers work vigorously against the screen. a little smile appears on his lips that make you nauseous. it could just be max, but it could be another girl.
almost two hours ago this wouldn’t of mattered to you. you wouldn’t of cared if lando invited a girl over and you stayed locked up in your room, but now all of a sudden it’s bothersome.
“what’s got you all smiley?” you ask, partially out of curiosity but partially to just kill your heart with his response. he sets his phone face down on the counter resting his chin in the palm of his hand, “max is coming over, and so is pietra.”
“exciting.” you grin, though the words disagree with your expression making his face drop with worry.
“are you worried max is going to take your best friend spot? he could never, y/n.”
best friend. yeah, that’s all you’ll ever be when girls like ria and pietra exist. deadly beauty that could put a man in his place. when was yours ever going to show up?
you’re tipsy off the expensive bottle of wine max brought. your body is pressed against lando’s for support as you all laugh about something max said. you can’t help but wrap your arms around his strong bicep, resting your head against his shoulder listening to pietra expose Max’s recent mess up.
lando doesn’t take notice in the way you’re seated. he knows you’re beside him based off the heat that radiates off your body. you always got overly warm when drunk, and sometimes a bit too affectionate, but he didn’t mind. he actually loved it when you wanted to be beside him.
“so when did this happen?” pietra points her finger between you two, a bright smile pressed against her lips as she cozies herself up to her own boyfriend.
lando clears his throat. he practically yanks his arm out of your grip leaving you to fall back against the cushions beside him. you hide your face into his back out of embarrassment suddenly becoming aware of how you two look. “oh umm—“
“oh gosh! I’m so sorry. I think it’s the wine talking in me.” she quickly apologizes, a blush filters her face similar to yours.
“it’s not the first time today that’s happened.”
“do tell,” max sits on the edge of his seat listening to lando explain the run in, your face is still pressed into his back. you’re hoping that maybe if you just stay there you would disappear into thin air or end up in your bedroom sound asleep away from all of this.
“I still want to kick that guys ass—“
“wait,” pietra cuts off max, her voice demands all the attention in the room. you pry your head from out of lando and peer behind him at her, “you didn’t even tell him you are just friends? you let him assume that you’re dating?”
lando’s mouth opens and closes. nothing seems to come out making max throw his head back in a laughing fit, “oh god! I owe ria money for this, you like y/n!”
Lando’s face is flushed red, a similar color to the glass of wine in his hands. there was nothing he could say. he couldn’t even protest it when it was true. he hadn’t even realized he never corrected your ex boyfriend, because truth be told, he wanted to be shown off as your boyfriend.
“come on pietra, let’s leave these two alone.”
they leave as quick as they came, leaving only the half full bottle of wine for yourselves. you both sit in silence, no one musters up the courage to speak.
you both get ready for bed like nothing happened. the awkward silence eats you up. you want to speak up and tell him you feel the same, you want things to go back to normal. you just want annoying lando back.
when you finally finish your nighttime regiment, you’re ready for bed. you turn the corner into your bedroom and see the silhouette of lando reflecting against the wall. your night light was on, and he was laying in your bed, cozied up under the covers.
“sleeping in here tonight?” you ask slipping under the covers beside him, he moves himself closer to you occupying the middle of the bed.
“you don’t mind, do you?”
you shake your head curling your body against his, “I like it when you sleep with me.” you say making a sense of pride soar through his chest. he likes the way your body molds against his.
“your new boyfriend will protect you.” he smiles down at you, carefully place a kiss to your forehead before reaching over and turning off your lamp.
“thank goodness he’s here, I can’t sleep without him.”
“you know I’m talking about myself right?” he lifts his neck up, face looking down at you, your eyes closed practically half asleep already.
“goodnight, boyfriend.”
“goodnight, girlfriend.”
tags: @oconso @xcicix @imsorare @weasleyswizardwheezes-blog @monzabee @lpab @frreyaa @motorsp0rt @lovelytsunoda @smoothopz
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spikedhe4rt · 11 months
I need dating Darry hcs. NSFW and SFW
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Darry Curtis x Reader Headcanons 🪸🪸
A/N: I hope yall enjoy this, I also have a darry smut coming out soon. My request box is always open!! Love you guys<3
✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
❥ You met eachother while he fixed your roof, which your family helped you pay for.
❥ You kept making excuses to come outside and talk to him.
"Hey, Darry" you yelled out to make sure he could hear you from the roof. He responded with a loud "yea?" I smiled at his voice. "I made you lemonade and homemade pretzels.
❥ You started to invite him inside the house and talk more
❥ You were highly upset when he finished your roof, you knew you would miss him.
❥ He asked you out on his last day because he took so much interest in you.
❥ You both wanting to take it slow, because he had his brothers to look out for.
❥ Meeting Soda and Pony, and them taking a liking to you.
❥ Visiting his parents grave with him for support.
Darry gave a sad chuckle as he finished a story about the time his parents bought him his first bike. "They sound amazing, Dare" you gave him a loving smile before a tears ran down his cheeks. "They were. I just really miss them sometimes."
You nodded and brought him in for a hug. Once the hug ended, his lips found their way to your forehead, kissing it softly. "Thank you for coming with me."
❥ Trying to keep a serious face when he lectures Pony over the silliest things.
"Ponyboy, how many times do I have to tell you...you can't leave your stuff anywhere. You left your book on the floor and Soda slipped on it." You truly tried to hold it in, but once he said Soda fell, you lost it. Wheezes came out as you tried to control yourself. You were met with the eyes of shocked and mildly offended Darry as he stared.
❥ You calming him down with kisses.
❥ Holding hands when you walk together.
❥ He will fix anything for you. He basically refuses to ever let you hire a maintenance man because he claims he can do it.
❥ Thinks about what you like when he buys groceries.
"Since when did any of us like Pringles, Darry?" Pony asked with a face of pure confusion. Darry grabbed the can of salty crisps from his hand "Y/n likes them, tell the rest of the boys not to eat them either" Pony nodded to his older brother, smiling at the fact that he cares enough about you to do that.
❥ Random slow dancing when you guys get bored. It seems cheesy to others but it makes you guys feel like the only people in the room.
❥ Him randomly picking you up just because he can.
❥ You running your hands along his abs under his shirt when you guys sit together.
❥ You two always making sure Johnny is safe and taken care of.
❥ Him promising that he will put a ring on your finger one day.
  ✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
❥ He loves any physical marks on you both. Hickeys, bite marks, bruises, scratches make him go crazy.
❥ He loves how much bigger he is so he can bend and take you how he needs to easily.
❥ Is strong enough to keep/hold your hips down while he eats you out and overstimulates you.
“Im gonna cum!” I panted out for the second time tonight. My hips bucked up into Darrys face again, as continued too suck my throbbing clit through my high. Two hands snaked around my thighs, making he secure as he continued. “Give me a couple more, hon”
❥ Will not cum until you have at-least once because he puts you first.
❥ Takes his stress out in the best ways, the bedroom
❥ Burys his face in your neck and moans when he cums.
❥ Grabs your chin to force eye contact when you can't look at him.
"Look at me, baby." Darrys fingers were thrusting in and out of your pussy. Your head was over his shoulder and tucked into his neck, trying not moan out loudly. "Please-" your words were cut off when you felt his hand on your chin, making you look him. "You look so pretty like this. Keep looking at me, just like that." His words made you whimper, grinding into his thick fingers.
❥ Loves to cum on your ass after taking you from behind.
❥ He will whimper while getting head from you.
❥ Holds your hips and bounces you up-down when you get tired when riding him.
"Fuck, Darry!" you panted out, grinding your hips down on him. "Im tired, Dar" your movements came to a halt as you tried to catch your breath. "I gotchu, hon. I always do." His large hands came to your hips and slowly moved you up and down on his cock. "Faster please" you moaned out as your hands came down to steady yourself. "There you go, baby. Such a good girl for me"
✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
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doobea · 11 months
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contents: gn!reader is missing an item that they left at their ex's, their boyfriend isn't too pleased to hear. established relationship, sfw, lots of clinginess and jealousy ensued, a bit possessive (chigiri) characters mentioned: isagi, reo, chigiri, nagi, shidou a/n: this was fun to write hehe
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He scowls and stops what he's doing, making sure that he heard you right. Usually, he's a pretty secure guy and ever since you guys have been dating there weren't any major red flags or issues in the relationship aside from minor arguments here and there. He's wondering where this is coming from.
"I'm sure it's not all that important, babe." He emphasizes the pet name to knock a little bit of sense to you.
"But Yoichi, it's my emotional support animal." You plead, explaining that you had accidentally left your stuffed teddy bear over at their place after a date and ever since then you've been having trouble sleeping soundly.
Isagi groans and is quick to put on a pair of sneakers, knowing that he can't say no to your puppy eyes. "Okay, but we are washing them at least five times."
"The water bill tho—"
"Five times!"
Your boyfriend smiles, pulling you into a deep embrace and raking his fingers through your hair before firmly saying, "Absolutely not."
"W-What? But that was my favorite necklace, I have to get it back!" You had saved up so much of your time and money to buy the piece of jewelry you were eyeing for a while. It just so happened that your ex stole it from you during an argument.
Reo knows about this, and he knows that you hate it when he showers you with too many gifts, but he simply refuses to let you revisit a person who even treated you like that in the first place. Eventually, he convinces you to let it go, who would even want a necklace that now carries negative sentiment anyway. "Just let me know which one you want, okay?"
You sigh in defeat and nod, nose brushing against his. "Thanks, Reo."
"Say," Reo begins to twirl with the ends of your hair, "how much does the earth cost?"
You blink at his question. "Uh—"
"I'll buy you the whole earth."
"Baby what?!"
"Go on ahead, darling." Chigiri doesn't look up from the book he's reading and, with a free hand, he takes a long sip from his coffee.
You look at him with surprise, "Really?"
"Mhm," He flicks to the next page. "Just drive safe and tell them I said hi."
It was almost too good to be true for his oddly calm behavior but you didn't have time to worry over it. You really needed to hurry and retrieve back your passport from your ex before who knows what might happen. You plant a chaste kiss on your boyfriend's forehead before heading out.
"I'll be back soon, Hyoma!"
The door shuts with a quiet click and he puts down the book that had his phone tucked in the middle with your location flashed on. When he sees that you're on the go, he grabs his car keys and silently tails you behind, just to be sure your ex doesn't pull anything weird.
The big sloth of a man pretends to not hear you. Even when you repeated your sentence again, saying you needed an old film camera back, he drowns himself in the sounds coming from his computer.
"Seishiro, are you mad? It'll be quick." You promise but he doesn't budge from his chair.
He hums in thought, his grey eyes dotting around the in-game map before finally replying, "Lovebug, can't they just deliver it? Going all the way there would be a hassle."
"I don't mind Sei, it's honestly fine, I don't want them to pay a delivery fee for it."
Nagi pouts, wondering why you're acting considerate for someone who's an ex. "That doesn't make sense."
"If I leave now, I can make it back before sundown and then we can—"
You're caught off guard by the sudden large arms that now wrap around your waist, the grip is tight as Nagi could make it. He buries his face in the crook of your neck before pleading, "Mhm, I'll pay for their delivery fee if you can just stay here."
Your boyfriend almost chokes on the sandwich he was eating, eyes widening as he gawks at you. He's always thought of you as his mischievous side-kick and co-conspirator in his schemes. Hearing that one, you had an ex was a shock to him, and two, you needed something back from them.
You told your boyfriend that you were merely attempting to retrieve some old clothes that a friend had requested back.
For a moment, Shidou was in deep thought before an uncanny grin crawls to his face. An expression that you're all too familiar with.
"Okay," He chimes a little too innocently, "how do you want to go about this?"
"What do you mean, Ryusei?"
"I mean how do we break in?"
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waitingonher · 1 year
hiii!! I saw your Percy x Hecate reader and was wondering if you could do a percy x Aphrodite reader?? 🫶🏽🫶🏽
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percy jackson dating a child of aphrodite
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pairing: percy jackson x reader
content warning: coupley things
word count: 916
author's note: hi!! sorry this took so long (finals r around the corner) enjoy tho! i also put my own gas station order in this LOL
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you and percy have got to be the most attractive couple on the planet. honestly, it’s an unspoken camp rite of passage to have a crush on at least one of you two. everyone literally has their own story about how they have/had a crush on either you or percy (or both) it’s crazy. 
percy is such a green flag!! 
HE FOLLOWS THE SIDEWALK RULE. no matter where you are, you WILL be walking on the inside. 
you could be on a super dangerous quest being chased by monsters and percy would still make sure he’s running on the outside. like i’m pretty sure being ran over is the least of your worries… but it’s still cute.
percy is actually so obsessed with the fact that you can speak french/other romance languages. he’d make up any excuse just to hear you speak them.
all of a sudden he’s paying attention in his spanish class and he needs your help pronouncing certain words!! 
or one day he’d randomly come up to you and would start speaking to you in french??? turns out he’s been secretly learning it without you knowing?? percy’s 387 day duolingo streak is all because he wanted to hear you speak your language more. he’s definitely dedicated!
sometimes when you’re talking, percy would suddenly be like “wow, she’s so pretty???” and he’d (accidentally) zone out, just completely admiring you. he knows that you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever seen, but sometimes he just has to take a moment to take it all in. 
shopping dates with percy!! 
you’d ask him which top looks the best on you and then he’d tell you all of them?? he really thinks you can afford all 10 shirts you showed him.
“perce, between those three pants, which one looked better on me?” you ask, holding one of the pairs against your body.  your boyfriend looks deep in thought before coming to a decision, “all of them,” he declares. “babe,” you groan, “you can’t choose them all, choose one.”  percy looks genuinely worried when he realizes he has to actually decide on one, because he thinks that you looked absolutely gorgeous in all of them. so he comes up with the only other idea that makes sense, “well i don’t mind buying them all for you. besides, you looked super great in them.”  you immediately shake your head, “percy, i’m not about to let you drop $150 on three pairs of pants. that’s actually insane.”  “but-”  “no percy.” 
HE KNOWS WHAT COLOR JEWELRY YOU WEAR. percy absolutely refuses to be one of those lousy boyfriends who don't even know what kind of jewelry their girlfriend wears. 
he’s been patiently waiting for the day when someone asks which color you prefer.  
this guy has your gas station order down to a tee! 
percy walks up to the passenger door with a plastic white bag in hand. he opens the door and begins to take out its contents, “thanks perce! you got my-”  “i got your arizona, the green tea flavor, and your hot fries. and yes, i made sure to shake all the bags to make sure i got the one that was optimally filled,” he responds, a smug expression spreading across his face.  with an impressed look, you nod your head in approval, “wow babe, you’ve really got my order down.”   percy nods his head pridefully, “i know.” 
dates where you two have to dress up are one of his favorites!! 
him seeing you all dolled up…whewww…someone call 911 for him. 
despite how much percy hates dressing up, he’d do it if it means he gets to see you all dressed up. 
percy makes you flower bouquets!! 
they’re always so unique and special every time?? you didn’t even know that camp had such a wide variety of flowers until he started making you bouquets. 
and he always makes sure to keep a flower in his cabin so he knows when it’s time to make you a new one jdfsklds
one of percy’s favorite things to do with you are little skincare nights! 
you’d come over to his cabin and you guys would light some candles and make tea. overall it’s a very calming ambience! 
even though it’s terrible for his skin, percy has an affinity for peel-off face masks. every single time, without fail, he’ll make some sort of joke about how he’s shedding. LMAO 
you look over in the bathroom mirror to see your boyfriend applying the very thing you hate, a peel-off face mask, “love, why can’t you be normal and use a sheet mask for once? or even a clay one like mine?” you point to your face.  percy takes a quick glance at you in the mirror and shrugs, continuing to apply the mask onto his skin, “those ones are lame, and it’s not fun if i can’t peel it off,” he responds, very concentrated on spreading the mask around. you cringe when he gets a glob of the mask onto his fluffy headband.  “well the formulas aren’t really good and it’s super irritating for your skin, babe,” you tell him, hoping that the thought of a damaged skin barrier scares him out of using peel-off masks.  “y/n, you can have the good skin. i’m fine with a damaged skin barrier or whatever,” percy replies, trying to remove the mask from his headband.  you roll your eyes, “whatever, lizard face.” 
you two are actually a match made in heaven <333 
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scoobysnakz · 5 months
More 1940’s hubby Migs bc I'm going insane in my enclosure.
1940’s hubby Miguel who takes you out on dates every Friday night. He refuses to let the excitement die out from your relationship so he always changes it up. Sometimes it's the movies and other times it's a walk along the peirhead.
1940’s hubby Miguel who is still trying to get you to leave work. “I make more than enough for the two of us, Doll,” he almost always says. and you always refuse claiming, “he could lose his job at any moment.” knowing damn well he won't.
1940’s hubby Miguel who refuses to let you pay for anything. He tells you to save the money from your job for a rainy day but even then, he's going to be the one spending money.
He buys everything for you. Clothes? That blouse you were eyeing in the shop window is waiting for you in your wardrobe. Makeup? You don't need it but if his girl wants it she gets it.
1940’s hubby Miguel who secretly checks you out while you're cooking. It's not his fault your pinny makes your ass look extra plump. He has to fight the urge to bend you over the countertop and take you right there.
1940’s hubby Miguel who loves teasing you about your little crush on spiderman, while unbeknownst to you, is stood next to you.
He takes no offence to it at all, in fact, he adores the way you commoderate his strength and loyalty towards the people of nueva York. In all honesty, he's had thoughts of running into you on the street as the cities favourite vigilante and flirting with you just to see how you'd react.
1940’s hubby Miguel who does just that. He slips out of work when he knows you're going to be doing the weekly shop and waits for you.
He swings down from a rooftop and catches the loose change that slipped from your grasp. “Here you go.” he has to hold back his smirk as you gawp up at him.
His chest swells with pride as your pretty little eyes light up at the sigh of your much adored hero standing in front of you.
“I… um, spiderman?” you blabber dopily.
“Tis, I,” he grins.
“Wow,” you're practically melting. He towers over but you don't feel intimidated at all. You're well and truly starstruck.
“What’s a pretty lady like you doing here by herself? Boyfriend not doing the shopping with you?” he teases.
And suddenly your whole world comes crashing down. Your idol had just insulted the love of your life, it might not have been intentional and maybe he called Miguel your boyfriend but it makes you scoff all the same.
He's shocked from you scowl at him. Part of him loves the way you pout but he can't help but feel guilty as disappointment shines in your eyes.
“My husband,” you correct, “treats me amazing treats me amazing, thank you very much.”
Miguel’s taken aback, masked eyes now comically wide as his cheeks flush. How proud of you he is! He wants to scoop you up and plant kisses all over your adorable cheeks. But he refrains from doing so and just swings away with a feigned irritation.
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7ndipity · 6 months
Long Distance Relationship HCs
Yoongi x Reader
Summary: How Yoongi would be in a long distance relationship. In connection to this blurb.
Warnings: not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! Writing these really brought my mood up(can I pls have a Yoongi? For my health?) I hope you like them!
You’re 100% on point about him making those little ‘joking-but-dead-serious’ comments constantly, like “There’s a flight leaving in like two hours, I could be there by the time you wake up tomorrow morning… Why are you laughing? I’ll even bring breakfast!”
He would use any excuse to fly you to Seoul.
“It’s done nothing but rain here all week.” “Damn, that sucks. Although, you know, that wouldn’t be a problem if you were here.”
“I’m not flying to Korea just to buy potato chips.” “Why not?! I’ll pay for your ticket!”
He does make sure you don’t go more than about a month without seeing each other in person, whether that’s him coming to you or vice versa, even if it’s just one day.
You tend to video call each other while you’re doing whatever and just leave the call open, not even really talking outside of the occasional comment or question, just keeping each other company.
Y’all send little care packages to each other full of things like favorite snacks, random little gifts you’ve found, hoodies, etc.
For some reason, I think y’all would have some little plushie that you send back and forth, sending pics of what they're up to while they’re with you(hanging out in his studio, binge watching youtube with you).
Because he’s so busy all the time, it doesn’t actually feel all that different sometimes from when you’re in the same city, but that almost makes the moments when you do feel the distance all the worse. Not being able to physically be there for each other when you’re really down or having a tough time is absolute agony.
“Did you know that the international space station is only 250 miles up? It’s closer than we are right now.” “Babe...”🥺
Literally the first time you cried over the phone with him, he lived up to his ‘jokes’ and had his plane ticket booked before you’d hung up.
You wake up the next morning to him calling you like “Open your fucking door, I brought coffee.” and you’re like wtf?! But you open the door and sure enough, there he is.
And when you ask “What are you doing here?!” He’s just like “You were crying. I couldn’t leave you here on your own.”😭
The first time you surprised him like this(probably for his birthday or Christmas), he cried and refused to let you go for over an hour.
The day you tell him you’re moving to Seoul is probably one of the happiest days of his life. (He won’t hear of you getting your own place tho. “I’ve had more than my fill of distance, Love. I need you here, with me.”)
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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peridotglimmer · 2 months
Hi there,
My name is peridotglimmer, also known as Belle or SugarsweetRomantic around these parts. I'm a queer Deaf mum to a toddler living in the Netherlands, an avid fic reader and writer for many different fandoms, and as difficult as I find to say this:
I need help.
Over the last months, I've been coming to the realisation that my wife, who I've been with since I had just turned 17, is abusive. And I need to get myself and our son out as soon as possible, as safely as possible.
My wife has isolated me from everyone IRL, including my parents and friends, and controls every aspect of my life.
This entire situation has had an immense effect on my own mental health, which means I'm currently on disability income myself. That's just enough to pay for bills and groceries. She also controls what we spend money on, which means it's nearly impossible for me to set any money aside. I'm trying to save up as much as I can, but I'm not reaching the amount I need to get out anytime soon.
I have two major issues that I need to take care of:
I need a passport. I fear I'll need to flee when I break this whole cyst open, so to speak. I can take shelter with a friend in the UK, but Brexit means my European ID card isn't enough to enter the UK. A passport costs approximately 85 euros, and I'll also need to get photos taken for it. My wife tracks my location 24/7, but I have some opportunities to get to town hall and get it without her knowing. Getting to my friend would be cheapest by taking a train, then a plane, and then a bus. From that point, they will be able to help me out, and I will be able to support myself as well.
I do not have custody of our son. She's been saying I have to earn custody of him, but it's not looking like she'll ever grant me custody. I'll potentially have to take her to court for that, and I will. I refuse to give up on my son. He's the love of my life, and my motivation to create a better life for us both.
If any of you reading this is in the position to help out financially, I would be eternally grateful. The easiest way to do so, is via Ko-Fi, and thus, I'll link mine below. Please only help out if you can miss the money.
I'll be eternally grateful for any help I might receive. Reblogs are greatly appreciated, thank you in advance. I'm terrified, but determined. I have to get out.
Love, Belle
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kazutora-kurokawa · 4 days
Bonten with a reader who is literally a little princess; a girly (something like your tenjiku publication with a hyper feminine reader)
Bonten x Hyper Feminine!Reader
♡ SFW, suggestive, fem reader, fluff, reader likes dresses, skirts, heels, scrunchies, ribbons, bows and all that stuff, reader wears perfume and makeup ♡
Characters: Mikey, Sanzu, Kakucho, Kokonoi, Ran, Rindou, Mochi, Takeomi
note: thanks for requesting anon 🩷
note 2: my brain is simultaneously on overdrive and dead asf lol, this took me forever for no reason
💠 Emo boy and his princess girlfriend lol
💠 He doesn't mind your fashion sense and actually enjoys the pop of color and brightness you bring to his usually dark and bleak life
💠 Keeps you far away from the rest of Bonten, he doesn't want nor need you getting involved in his shit
🌸 Have you seen this man's hair? Bubblegum pink 🙄
🌸 He'd probably want to match hair colors
🌸 He'd absolutely sort through your hair clips and such, arranging them by color and size
🌸 Seems calm but is actually going feral on the inside whenever he sees you in a fluffy dress
🩷 Buries his face in your neck because he loves the smell of your perfume
🩷 Sprays his cologne on a jacket or shirt and leaves them with you before he goes on business trips, better yet he'll leave the whole bottle
🩷 Loves when you leave kiss marks on his clothes, even though the Haitani brothers (and Sanzu lol) poke fun at him for it
💵 Bought every piece of clothing and accessory you own
💵 Tries heels on before he buys them for you, probably fell while walking in them too
💵 Does your hair for you even though he could definitely pay someone to do it instead, he likes the bonding experience
💜 Treats you like royalty, you look like a princess and deserve to be treated like one
💜 Lets you run wild with his credit cards because anything his princess wants, she gets
💜 Picks out your outfits everyday and gets pouty if you wear something other than what he picked
🩵 Likes when you play in his hair and style it with hair clips
🩵 Let you put makeup on him once....never again lmao
🩵 He'd tie a ribbon on his arm for you, no doubt
🍡 Wears your hair ties and scrunchies on his wrists, either you leave them with him or he just snatches them
🍡 Has probably ripped your skirt on an occasion or two, he's very heavy handed but he doesn't mean to be
🍡 Type of boyfriend to lift you up and spin you around just to see your dress flow in the wind
🚬 Refuses to smoke around you because he doesn't want to leave the smell of cigarettes on your pretty clothes
🚬 Constantly checking your closet for new clothes so he can know what not to buy you
🚬 Always finds your hair accessories and jewelry scattered around the house and struggles trying to find where it goes
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkusuo @happy-trenchcoated-impala @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies @manji-hoe @southside-otaku @xxchthonicreaturexx
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kmiuu1 · 2 months
Gojos GF
Gojo Satoru x F! Reader
Synopsis: Pretty much just HCs of you dating the strongest and the hottest.
Satoru, your lovingly needy boyfriend, just loves to tease you whenever. Whether it's your students, or infront of your friends.
"Goodmorni—" Your greeting to the whole class is quickly interrupted by Satoru just randomly smooching you out of nowhere, elicitting confused expressions from everyone while he just runs away.
"What just happened...?" Maki furrows her brows along with Nobara. He did it while you had to take charge of mixed classes.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey," He continuously pokes at your cheek, before digging his fingernail in causing you to smack his finger away.
"Stop that!" You scold, and he immediately pouts like a child. "Ugh, seriously—I'll buy you Kikufuku so stop being so needy for a minute."
Letting his head rest on your lap while you do something, continually running your fingers through his soft snowy hair.
"Can't you do your work later? I can pay for anything you want, anyway." He makes a ducklip expression, looking up at your concentrated face.
"I'm trying to finish it up as fast as I can, but your stupidly attractive face is slowing me down." You bluntly admit the fact hes good looking, earning a smug smirk from him.
The nicest part of him is how he always brings your favorite chocolate over every morning. "They say chocolate is good for the mind!"
"You don't need to always bring this over every morning, but thanks..." You try to hide the obvious blush on your face as you take a bite.
"Awh, can't I atleast get a kiss in return?" He points at his cheek happily, and you comply with his umpteenth request...—demand.
Becomes a totally different man when hes jealous. "Who is this?" His brows furrow, imitating a disgusted look as his arms wrap around your waist.
"Hes an old friend of mine." You answer his question, trying to get rid of that look on his face.
"I don't care. To be completely clear, I get to fuc–" His words are immediately interrupted by your hand slammimg onto his mouth, your face bursting into a bright hue of red knowing what he was gonna say.
Will cling to you throughout an entire day if he hasn't seen you for more than even ten hours.
"Gojo-sensei...?" Itadori tilts his head in confusion of the sight of Gojo slowing down your walk over to somewhere, hugging you from behind.
"Satoru, please." You beg him to let go of you as he forcefully squishes himself against you on the couch, still having lots of space on his side.
Refuses to apologize with words after a fight, but will show it with actions. "I brought you icecream..." He shows you the plastic bag with two rectangular tubs of your favorite flavor.
"Why don't you just say sorry...?" You raise a brow while you eat out the tub with a spoon.
"Well aren't you gonna accept my apology?" He eyes your expression, completely relaxed while taking spoonfuls of icecream into your mouth.
"I already did, by eating the peace offering."
You hold onto the Kikufuku as he munches on it from the side. "I'll start pairing everyone up, the first duo that manages to collect the most flags throughout the forest using teamwork wins."
"Hes being hand fed like a child." Panda awkwardly points out the obvious.
"Salmon." Toge shrugs blankly.
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freuleinanna · 8 months
I'm still confused about Verna.. I thought she was a demon?? Because why would Death be going around making a bunch of deals with people? After Verna told Pym she decided to go "topside" I thought she was some kind of crossroads demon since it implies she came from below (hell)
Oh! I feel you, and I struggled with that a lot too. She does seem a lot like a demon. I'm not saying I'm 100% correct in my thinking either, but here's why I personally think she's Death. Kind of a long post, sorry. I hope I make myself clear, but feel free to follow up!
So, Verna. An anagram for Raven, that much is established. Ravens are wonderful - symmetrical even - creatures. Bringers of death in a wide understanding. Bringers of good luck in many cultures. The duality is amazing. To me, that also leans majorly into the theme of death being a concept of duality: an enemy for some, a friend for others. Each greets her differently. I'm not talking about the characters here, but people in general.
There's a proverb I came across a while ago that reads 'Death is a great leveller'. Meaning, everyone's equal before her. You have no leverage or buffer against death, and it doesn't matter if you're poor or blindly, feverishly, grotesquely rich (like our folks here). Everyone pays the last bill. For everyone, there's a day of reckoning. It's a major theme with the show, at least. Verna also says 'Buy now, pay the bill later' - although it can still read very demonic, I agree.
She's obviously ancient, and I was leaning toward the demon theory based on all of her talking. Yet - she also keeps ranting about Egypt and pyramids and Cleopatras and such. What's the one thing with Egyptians everyone knows of? They honored death. Death may have been a bigger part of their lives than life itself. The Usher Twins' obssession with all things Egyptian, antiquities, jewelry, swords and such, plays a nice parallel here too, because they're just collectors. They have no grain of honor for the real thing, for what these things are tied to. Kind of a nice thought, I guess.
Anyway, back to Verna. She says on multiple occasions how intrigued she is with us, 'adorable little things'. She saw the pyramids, the expeditions, and she wanted to see what else we do, she wanted to see what Roderick and Madeline will do (in her own words). It's all an experiment to her. She makes an offer just to see what we, people, do.
Here's where my beef with a demon theory comes in. No demonic creature I could think of, be it an actual demon, a trickster, or something else, is that sincerely intrigued. Something something death loving life something something.
Demons, in my understanding, are most interested in winning the deal. They come up with incredible challenges, they enjoy torture, emotional or physical, they never let anyone win. Verna has never once expressed this. Quite the opposite. She gives everyone a chance to step back. Even when the ink has dried and everything's decided, each Usher sibling is conditioned to make a choice: push forward, or step back. Neither of them steps back. Neither of them takes a long hard look at themselves (except Tamerlane, both literally haha and figuratively, as she's the only one to have realized how lost she was in her way - just at the end, when it didn't really matter anymore, but still). Verna is kind to those she takes (sincere pet names, regrets of having to do it this way, making sure they know it's not personal, etc). She grieves with them, just before. Grieving - 'The Raven' being about an expression of grief and trauma - ravens as synonyms for death... you get the gist. Oh! Except Freddie - cause Freddie struck a cord. Infuriated her. So he doesn't get an expressed choice. And he would've blown it like coke anyway, so meh.
And then Arthur Pym. Oh, Arthur Pym. I honestly couldn't imagine a demon kneeling and thanking someone who's refused them.
About Arthur Pym, by the way. It's the one story I hadn't reread, and I should have, it turns out! haha Anyway, a few notes about his travels:
In the story, Arthur Pym is expressedly afraid of white color (North Pole, yada yada, white being the absense of colors/life, and the absense of life is death).
Verna enumerates the moments she witnessed of his travels. Someone getting left in Sahara. Someone getting shot in the Arctic. Something bad that was done to an Inuit woman. Why would she follow Arthur so closely? She didn't know him, he wasn't her favorite. I think it's because she came to collect those deaths. If she is death, she would've been exactly there, where people died. She would have also seen Arthur not partaking.
Aaaaaaaand it makes her 'You saw me' line sound better, because he had sure seen death along his travels.
I think the part about a place of out-of-time, out-of-space creatures and hollow Earth was a bit unnecessary, BUT I can try and tie it in this way:
It showed us how Arthur might have coped with what he saw, and he 'saw a lot', even in his 70s it's difficult for him to recall, and it made him think of humanity as a virus, literally;
He might have thought up that ethereal realm simply because he was in an expedition? Exhaustive conditions for both body and spirit? Traumatic experiences? If he saw Death, he might have cloaked it in his mind to cope with it, thus came his stories;
Verna going 'topside' may just mean that she had to go take a look herself, actually be willingly present for the events - to see the brave little humans conquer the earth. 'Topside', as in, 'visible, present, participating'. If Death exists, I doubt it bothers with our boring human realm but lives downunder, among all threads that weave the world.
So that's that on Arthur Pym.
A few other references my mind is too exhausted to tie in nicely:
Death takes Lenore. THE Lenore from 'The Raven' (mostly) and 'Lenore' (secondary). That happened. Also, death talking to a child of life? Regretting having to take her? Not very demonic of dear ol' Verna, in my opinion.
Her mourning veil, her last toasts to the Ushers at the cemetery? Demons don't tend to grieve their players. Demons don't respect and love them enough, and 'what is grief, if not love persevering'?
Death is the last threshold. Before death, we look upon our legacy (major theme with the show), we remember our losses and loves (Annabel Lee!!!!! love the poem, brilliantly done), we get heavy with regrets. We face death as an enemy & fight, like Madeline did. As a friend, like Arthur did. We confess, like Roderick did. All that is too significant to me overall.
And the last thing. It's Edgar Allan Poe. The whole Death tribute is a giant, incredible, thought-through-to-the-bits hommage to his literature where Death, figuratively and literally, takes the throne.
I hope I managed to express myself alright there. Thanks if you read it through, and as I said before, feel free to follow up or elaborate on some ideas. There are oceans to discuss. <3
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ribread03 · 2 months
Matt Sturniolo Head cannons
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matt sturniolo x reader, use of y/n, head cannons, what I think it would be like dating Matt
warning smut talk at these bullets ◈
AN: so this is the first thing Im really putting on the internet that is from my brain lol. I've posted edits on my TikTok that's a fan page for them ri.bead03 (shameless plug here lol). But I hope you enjoy this and even if you don't I still think this is going to be fun lol.
◆ Matt really likes the outdoors so he takes you on hikes and on picnics all of them time just the two of you and nature. Taking you out to public places aren't really his thing.
◆ He loves being around you when your comfortable with who your around and seeing the true side of you. He loves hearing your true laugh and when you smile and show off your teeth.
◆ He really likes cats. All animals really-cats, dogs, fish, deer- but cats really stick out to him. you like to think it's because he relates to them and how sometimes they like to be around people and sometimes they just sleep the day away and don't see anyone at all.
◆ He loves to cuddle. He just likes to be touching or hugging you at all times. It doesn't matter what time or day or where you guys are at he's always asking you if he can hold your hand or hug you.
◆ He cant cook and you think its the cutest thing ever but he hates that he cant provide for you even tho he does in more way than one.
◆ He is always asking to talk and tell you about the way he is feeling and wanting to know what is going on in your life as well. He always wants to know why your upset or why you could be mad at him, wanting to know what he can fix about something he is doing.
◈ Matt is a switch in bed, he loves being the top and having you become a moaning mess unraveling beneath him
◈ Matt loves when you take over in bed becoming possessive and telling him what to do.
◈ Matt loves when you squirt. He loves when you make a mess with your juices praising you when you do. "you did so good for me y/n" "God you're such a good girl I could cum again just from you squirting around me"
◈ When you are the dom to Matt he loves when you ride him, he loves seeing your tits bounce as you ride him. You telling him to hold him orgasm as you ride to your high.
◈ Matt loves when you scream his name, it makes him crazy.
◆ Matt loves driving you around and taking you from store to store, even if he stays in the car he refuses to let you pay when you go out. He is always handing you his card saying "no limit" "go crazy babe". He loves to spoil you rotten.
◆ When Matt goes out to film a Friday video he always makes sure to text you when they get to the parking lot, when they start and stop filming, and when they are on the way home.
◆ (if you read) Matt loves going to the book store with you. He likes the calm atmosphere and calming smell of books. He's always buys the ones you touch even if you put them down he's asking " are you sure princess? I don't mind getting it." He will always take the books from you and carry them around the store for you and all the way out to the car as well.
AN pt. 2: Ok I hope you guys liked that lol. also if you want any of these kinda turned into a fic I will try my best with that lol. let me know what you think, if anything could be improved and what not. OKAY BYE LOVE YOU! thank you for reading :) :)
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promptedwordsmith · 3 months
I have a request my birthday is on March 3 so can you write something with the LDS boys?!?
Hi, thanks for the ask! I wasn't sure what you wanted me to write since I've already done a birthday post so I hope you don't mind what I chose instead! Happy birthday!!
(ps I also gave Caleb a shot as an extra treat I hope that's OK!)
LADS guys when you get injured
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Is furious but he’s not sure at who, you? The wanderer? Himself? He can’t believe it happened, it could have been so much worse, you could have died and what was he doing? Painting peacefully in his studio.
Is very clingy for the next few weeks, appearing at your door to make sure you’re taking care of yourself, and that’s after you had convinced him to not just sleep at your apartment.
When the doctor declares you fit to go back to work Rafayel refuses and makes you go for a second opinion, claiming the first is delusional, claiming you still had a slight limp and if you limped on the battlefield it could get you killed.
Claims he needs to nurse you back to health and he doesn’t tease you as much, he’s quite serious actually.
Tries to make you foods that are good for healing, three meals a day and thinks you don’t notice when he slips out to call the nutritionist he hired and collect the food from the chef.
Everything considered, he would give you the silent treatment while tenderly taking care of you, he’s supposed to be your partner at work and outside of work so why were you out there without him? If he had been there the wanderer wouldn’t have had even the slightest chance of hurting you like it did.
He’s constantly thinking about what could have happened and is more driven than ever to be there when you needed him.
When he did start talking to you again, he made sure to drill into your head how it made him feel for you to not even think of getting his help, that he understood you were strong and capable but that he was always available, he knows he could have made a difference and it’s never too safe to bring back up.
Makes sure you go to doctors’ appointments; he may not take proper care of himself, but everything be damned before he let you work yourself to death with this injury.
 Tries to make you food but quickly learns if he wants you to be stationary and comfortable, he should not even approach the kitchen, opting to order the healthiest takeaways he can, sulking a bit you don’t trust him with the oven.
As your doctor he’s startled when you appear with a large injury, but he’s instantly more comfortable when he finds its mainly just superficial, doesn’t stop him from lecturing you about how you could let that happen.
Makes you go through every test he can justify you getting to check there’s no poison or corruption or anything that could risk your life in anyway and pays special attention to your heart.
He’s now more concerned for your safety, especially about if this is going to be more common and starts researching wanderers and whether they were getting stronger or smarter to cause this, start keeping up with any news on wanderer evolution.
Schedules a few more appointments for you than is really necessary but since its large he justifies it as a higher chance of infection because of its location, even though he’s busy he just extends his working hours to see you in a professional capacity or if he can’t do that because of working laws he’ll come see you as soon as his shifts are over to check on it.
When he’s sure you’re healed he reluctantly signs you fit for duty and gives you a stern lecture about avoiding those types of injuries in the future.
Doesn't hear about it for a while because he's occupied by his job, but the second he does he's desperately calling you and texting you, all while booking time off, a flight back and buying you get well soon gifts.
As soon as he's home, he's giving you a big hug asking how you are, what happened, "what does the other guy look like?" in a teasing tone.
Promises he's sticking around for at least a week, preferably until you're feeling better though, and makes you all your favourite food while he's there, insisting you stay at your grandma's while you recover so they can both dote on you.
Let's you talk his ear off, spends the whole time reminiscing with you and doing things you did together when you were younger, just being more careful with you of course.
When you eel better and before he leaves he makes you promise not to get hurt again any time soon, and makes sure you know he'll tease you like crazy if you do, ruffling your hair before he goes.
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blushhingblue · 10 months
Regular Customer
Yandere!Love Quinn x Reader age gap, kidnapping
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As per usual, around half past twelve, the door of Love’s bakery would chime, and in would walk her favorite customer. Love’s face would beam in excitement, a welcoming smile plastered across her face. You slid up to the counter and returned her smile. Before you could mutter a word, she was already making your coffee just the way you liked it.
"How are you, Love?" you inquired.
She stopped facing the coffee machine only for a second to look over her shoulder. Her eyes were longing to admire your face, but she swiftly looked away as you were already looking at her.
"I’m hanging in there. Henry is doing well, though. He’s with my mom since Joe’s at work," she explained.
She wanted you to know every little detail about her life. She figured if you knew everything, you were somehow indirectly part of her personal life itself. She handed you your coffee, and as you tried to hand her money, she shook her head and pushed it away.
"Come on. You have to let me pay at least once."
She shook her head stubbornly, but your hand was stubborn too, not refusing to move. Eventually, realizing she wasn’t going to take it, you shoved it in the tip jar and headed out the door.
"See you tomorrow!" She called out as the door closed.
Her heart was left beating irregularly. The rest of the day, there were mediocre customers, none of whom radiated like you. Whenever you weren’t around, she was desperate for you to be. As she arrived home, she was met with a familiar darkness and cold. A household where love used to be so vibrant and alive was now devoid of anything.
Joe was gone. Love knew he was out preying on some woman, as if he didn’t have a wife at home. When they first moved and Joe started obsessing over Natalie, it hurt, but now she didn’t feel anything towards him except resentment. She headed upstairs to Henry’s room and saw her mother putting him to sleep.
"Thank you. I really appreciate you being here," Love said.
Dottie placed a hand over her heart and said, "Of course, anything for my grandson."
Love was surprised she didn’t get a snarky remark as she walked Dottie out. She checked the time. It read 9:37, and Joe still wasn’t home. Love didn’t really care, but it felt like time went by so slowly when you weren’t near.
She sat on the couch with her head in her hands, thinking about all the things she wanted to do with you. She wants to hold your hands and kiss your sweet lips. She wants to buy a house and grow old with you. That’s when she decided tomorrow was going to be the day she did something about it.
The next day, Love was noticeably nervous while serving customers. Her hands were shaking so rapidly that she even dropped a cupcake. When she had no one to serve, she kept an attentive eye on the clock. It was four in the afternoon. Where were you? She began to feel anxious, like something bad had happened to you. Just as her nerves were beginning to boil over, you walked in.
"Y/N! You’re here!" She practically shouted, her hands slapping down onto the counter in excitement.
"Yeah. Here I am," you said in a questioning tone with an eyebrow raised. "What has you so excited?"
"Just my favorite customer," Love said, already about to go make your regular.
You gently grabbed her by the wrist to stop her. She felt her heartbeat begin to rise as a faint pink blush covered her pale cheeks. Your touch was so light yet had such an effect on her. At this very moment, Love was practically putty in your hands.
"I think it’s a tad bit late for coffee, and you’ve probably been working so hard all day. Why don’t we sit down?"
The light pink hue on her cheeks had grown into a blazing red. She felt as though she was going to pass out. That was until you let go of her wrist. Now that she’s felt your touch, she can’t go back to not having it. You pulled out a chair for her, and she quickly scurried over like a lost puppy.
"Thank you," she muttered.
What was happening? Love was usually so outgoing and boisterous. How had you made her so shy?
"Love, I’ve been thinking," you started, but took a deep breath to release your nerves. "You’re a beautiful, mature woman, and admittedly, I’ve developed some feelings for you."
At this very moment, Love felt her world light up. You were going to be the one she came home to, cuddled to sleep with, and folded laundry with. You were the one. She immediately reached over the table and grabbed your hand, just enjoying the warmth it expelled.
"And that’s why this is so hard,"
Both Love’s smile and mood dropped. She felt your hand loosen from her grasp, though Love didn’t let go.
"You’re 28 and I’m 19. This will never work. Besides, you’re a married woman with a child."
Y/N, we can make it work!" Love cried, practically begging for you to stay with her: "I don’t even love him!"
"I think that's a problem for you to figure out with him. I just wanted to stop by and tell you that this is the last time you'll see me. I want these feelings I have for you to go away, and that can't happen if I'm seeing you every day," you explained.
You tugged your hand out of her tight grip. Love knew she had to think fast. She couldn't let you go, not now and not ever.
"Wait Y/N. Let me at least give you a goodbye gift. How about a box of treats?" Love suggested, seeming much less sad than she did a few moments ago.
You figured that the idea of her giving you a parting gift made her happier and filled her with some sort of closure, so you obliged. As you nodded, she walked over behind the counter, her steps much more buoyant than before. In a large box, she placed a mélange of Danishes, cupcakes, tarts, and just about every other pastry available.
"What do I owe you?" you asked, taking your wallet out of your pocket.
"Nothing, silly. This is a gift." Love giggled childishly and handed you the heavy box of treats.
"Thank you, Love, You've always been so kind to me, and I'm sorry I ended our friendship." You apologized, a sad glint masking your eyes.
"I'm sorry, too,"
"For what?"
Just then, you noticed she only handed the unusually heavy box to you with one hand and had the other positioned behind her back. Before you could connect the dots and save yourself, she took a rolling pill out from behind herself and hit you over the head with it.
When you awoke several hours later, you were lying on a hard floor with a single, thin blanket underneath you. In confusion, you looked up and saw that you were trapped in a glass cage full of baking supplies. That's when everything came rushing back to you. You touched your head and winced as you pressed the gauze.
Although severely panicked, you tried to think rationally and push open the door. But, unfortunately, Love wasn't stupid, and she wouldn't make such a foolish mistake. Next, you tried to open the box that you can only assume Love would give you food and other small necessities through. This time it actually worked, but the opposite side wasn't openable. Lastly, you began to look through the nooks and crannies of the cage, hoping to find a key. Though when you found nothing, you knew it was helpless. You sat back down and pondered your options.
"Speak of the devil," you mumbled under your breath as you saw her peek out from behind a wall.
"Hi sweetheart!"
"Love, where the fuck am I?" you yelled, raising your voice at her for the first time ever.
All Love could do was smile and place her hand on the glass.
"Look, I know this isn't ideal for you, but it's either this or you leave me forever, and I couldn't deal with even the thought of that."
You didn't say anything and only looked at the floor.
"I promise, once I know you won't try to leave me, I'll let you out. Once that happens, we can raise Henry together." She swooned at the idea of becoming a family.
"What about Joe? How could you betray him like this?"
"Don't worry about Joe; he's taken care of, and I didn't betray him. I was once in love with him too, but once he saw the side of me that you're seeing, he didn't reciprocate my feelings anymore. He moved on and began preying on other women. I knew I couldn't win him back, but then you started coming to my bakery, and all the feelings I once felt for him, I began to feel for you," she explained.
"I don't blame him for wanting to leave once he saw this. I want to as well."
Love frowned. "I'll come back when you've adjusted better."
She began to grab her belongings.
"Wait, Love,"
She turned around, expecting an apology or a love proclamation, but that was wishful thinking.
"Do you have anything for me to eat?" You asked.
She scoffed in response and stomped away and up the stairs. You sighed and began to accept your fate.
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chaotic-iguana · 10 months
Hii! Again, congrats on 400 followers!💗 How about Joel Miller x Reader, with "Shut up and kiss me." for the prompt? <3 can't wait to see what you write! :)
wordcount: 1.2k
thank you for the ask and the congrats!! love u fr omg. let me know what u think!
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Joel was being an asshole. 
In a way, you suppose he always was. At least a little. Always scowling, grunting, biting out one-word responses. It’s why you and Ellie had taken to (affectionately) calling him a caveman from time to time, resulting in a sharp glare at both of you before he’d just shake his head and walk away. 
Most of Jackson was afraid of him. This hulking, snarling figure who towered over them all, tension practically rolling off him in waves. His brother might be the leader, but Joel was the one with the real sense of authority to him. But you never truly got that side of him. None of that was for you. Ever. No, for you, Joel had reserved only his softest gaze. Large, scarred hands brushing gently against yours. Lips curling up - albeit slightly - at your offbeat singing rather than twisting in displeasure or growling at you to shut up. 
Ellie had noticed it, too. Had giggled while teasing him about his childish crush. He’d batted her away, of course. Gruffly told her to go check on the pasta. But she was right, how couldn’t she be? You were the sweetest, prettiest thing he had ever seen in his damn life, but he never could find the words to tell you that. 
And you might have been sweet - and pretty - but you were also stubborn. You refused to acknowledge any of what was between the two of you - that simmering, electric something lingering in the air when you were with him, leaving the taste of honey and the sweet scent of jasmine lingering in your mind long, long after. You wanted him to say it, for him to tell you what he wants. Waiting wasn’t a problem. Not like you had much but time. 
But Joel simply didn’t know how to. He had lost far too much, far too fast. Only now, with Ellie, was he beginning to pick up the fractured pieces of who he used to be. He needed time. 
And so the limbo continued, as it had for years. 
You didn’t mind. 
But then winter rolled around, and with it came February - specifically, the fourteenth. Maria, in her efforts to make life seem as normal and unaffected as possible, had held a Valentine’s dance, and scoured roses from god-knew-where for Jackson residents to gift to those they wanted to take. 
And you had gotten one. Some kid (compared to him, anyways) named James had approached you when you were on your way home from patrol, and stuttered his way through asking you to go with him. You’d laughed, politely taken the rose, but had whispered to him that you already had a date. 
Joel hadn’t heard the whisper, though. All he’d seen was you, beaming at the boy like you beamed at him. Laughing, putting a hand on his shoulder, taking the flower and leaning in. He’d looked away, then. Walked home, faster than usual, his step unfaltering. He refused to watch any longer. 
But since then, which had been a week ago, he hadn’t even looked in your direction. Hardly spoke to you. He was like a stranger - paying little to no attention to anything you said, or ignoring you entirely. Brushing past you while you were mid-sentence. He’d closed himself off entirely. You were waiting for him to ask you to the dance, but when you asked Ellie what his plans were, she said he’d told her he was just gonna catch up on some sleep. Sleep? Seriously? 
And now the dance was tonight, and you didn’t know what to do. You put on your cleanest clothes, did your hair in a half-up style that he’d complimented once, and waited. All night, at The Tipsy Bison. It was way past midnight, when everyone had gone home and you’d grown tired of nursing the same drink you’d been sitting with all night, snapping your head towards the door every time it opened. Most people had come, danced, drank, and gone home. And you were still here, like an idiot. 
Tears of frustration building in your eyes, you didn’t even realise where you were going until you’d slammed your glass on the bar, wrenched the door open, and stomped your way over to Joel’s, now loitering outside his front door. You shuffled on your feet, unsure what to do, before the door swung open - making you step back in alarm. 
And then he was stepping out , with a scowl on his face, brows furrowed as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at you. 
“Can I help ya?” His voice was so fucking cold and you couldn’t even think through the stabbing pain in your chest. Before you knew it, you were choking on sobs, shaking on his doorstep. Instantly, his anger melted into worry, eyes wide and panicked as his arms curled around your shoulders gently. “What’s wrong? What’s happened? Did he do somethin’? Gonna break his fuckin’ face, swear to God.” And that just made you cry harder - because what in the fuck was he talking about? Who the hell was this “he”? You brought your hands up to your face, pawing at your eyes, but he gripped them delicately. “What’d he do?” His eyes were blazing now; fury evident in his tone. That was your breaking point, and you erupted, fueled by your anger and stumbling your way through a lecture somehow with sobs shuddering through you.  
“Who the f-fuck is ‘he’, Joel? Who the hell are you talk-ing about? I was-I waited, Joel. You wouldn’t-you-you didn’t even ask me out to the dance, and it was fi-I was sad at first but then I was like- I thought m-maybe you were be-being shy. For whatever fucking reason. And then-“ you gulp in a shaky breath, swallowing to clear the snot in your throat before continuing. “And th-then I waited there. All-all night. For you. Why would there ever be anyone else? But you’ve be-been so mean and I haven’t done anyth-I don’t deserve it and I miss you. What-why are you angry w-with me?”
You could see your words sink in. His shoulders slumped, mouth pressing into a straight line as he looked down, hands falling. He was ashamed, and he looked like a schoolboy being told off as he did it. But then another one of your tears fell on his hand, and he was looking at you again. 
“‘S all my fault, baby. You ain’t done nothin’. “ A deep breath. “I saw ‘m give you the rose. James. Saw you smile at him, real pretty, too. Thought you’d be with him tonight. Got inside my own head, y’know? Didn’t know how’t ask you to the dance, honey. Didn’t know how’t say it. Didn’t know how’t tell you I lov-“ and suddenly the large, stoic man in front you becomes a bumbling mess, trying desperately to cover up the words he’s been struggling to utter for half a decade. 
He stutters for a few seconds, then takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, resigning himself to his fate. It takes you fisting his shirt at his shoulder for his eyes to snap open again, confusion written on his face. 
“Shut up and kiss me, Miller.” 
And for once in his life, he shut his mouth and obeyed. 
hello loves, as always - thank you for reading. comment your thoughts or find me on ao3. stay hydrated and have a great day! taglist (message me to be removed, no hard feelings): @imherefordeanandbones, @theywhowriteandknowthings, @josephquinnswhore, @millerscoffee, @nostalxgic, @sscorpiiio, @pedrosaidsheispunk. @its-nebuleuse, @sofiparallel, @mandoisapunk, @bastardmandennis, @pawnshopb1ues, dividers by @reveriesources! go check them out they’re amazing.  
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saviorellie · 1 year
roommate!ellie headcannons.
pairing : ellie williams x reader
pov : second person , she/her pronouns
warnings : mention of porn i guess? college!ellie!! she’s got a big fat crush on you
notes : PLEASEEE send me headcannon and blurb requests for ellie (AND ABBY)!!
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roommate!ellie that you met in a facebook group (she promptly deleted facebook as soon as you met)
roommate!ellie who refuses. and i mean re fuses. to do laundry.
she hates it oh my god she hates it. she does dishes, you do laundry. that is the agreement!
roommate!ellie who does not care what the place looks like, please take all creative control. she’ll love it regardless
she WILL kick ice under the fridge no matter how many times you tell her not to
roommate!ellie who would rather die than forget to water your plants. because she knows you love them and she KNOWS you will forget
she’s so “dad who says he doesn’t want a cat but loves that cat more than himself”
(the cat’s name is star. i will not elaborate.) (savage starlight.)
roommate!ellie who introduced you to fortnite and is mad because you’re better than her
roommate!ellie whose love language is physical touch
she will Die if your legs aren’t in her lap while watching a movie. she will sit on the counter beside the stove if you’re cooking.
roommate!ellie is a LOOOOSERRRRR
i’m talking sweating when you’re wearing pajama shorts, shaking when you play with her hair, blushing like all the fucking time.
she needs you bad.
roommate!ellie who turns into a handyman any time something breaks (she will break it more than it was already broken)
she was laying on the kitchen floor tiles when she accidentally broke the ac
roommate!ellie who refuses to let you buy groceries
“i eat more than you anyway” “you pay for the netlifx and the disney+” “let me sugar momma you”
roommate!ellie who will get on. All fours. if she comes home from work or class and you’re cooking or you made dinner for her.
(please please please be her housewife) (omg who said that?!)
roommate!ellie who puts cream and sugar in her coffee even though she likes black the best
because she knows she won’t finish the mug but you will and you like cream and sugar
roommate!ellie who is actually not! an astronomy major! she’s a paleontology major for sure
roommate!ellie who spends every paycheck she gets on 1. groceries and 2. random little trinkets she knows you’ll like
the sonny angel collection is crazy (thank you ellieeee :P)
roommate!ellie who can not stop giving you weird nicknames
“sweet girl” “angel” yeah yeah the normal ones but why is she calling you “beef” and “charcuterie board”
roommate!ellie was the first person you smoked with and she almost cried because she felt so bad when you greened out
her music taste is so. Bad (comedically, she actually has really good music taste)
“ellie if you play mask by dream one more time i’m going to [TRAIN PASSES BY]”
roommate!ellie (loser) who says “can i put my minecraft bed next to yours” LOSER
roommate!ellie who is So fucking smart but she pretends to not know what’s going on in her classes so you will sit next to her and your upper arm will touch hers as you help her
roommate!ellie who has to be constantly reminded to close her bedroom door at night
“i don’t know if you’re getting laid or watching p*rn but Hey close the door”
(you’re not jealous. why would you be jealous? it’s not like you like ellie or anything so if she’s getting laid why would it matter you don’t-)”
roommate!ellie who worships the ground you walk on
do Not try on a dress or a skirt or a cropped shirt in front of her because she will pass out and d*e
stuttering and shit when you ask about her day (say it with me) (loooserrrr)
roommate!ellie who will Not hang up the phone or say goodbye without saying “love you”
cuz she does :,) she loves you :,)
don’t say “love you too” though because she will overthink it and stress herself out to tears
roommate!ellie who annoys dina so bad with how much she talks about you
“i was talking to y/n and she said” “y/n really likes this show” “y/n said that we should”
“oh my job just fuck already”
ellie’s best friend!dina who will look over you and at ellie and mouth “kiss her!!!”
and you’re clueless obviously
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