#and then i end up hitting a mental brick wall and have to lay down staring at the ceiling for a couple of days or weeks
kyriey · 9 months
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and today i’ll write an essay on how this scene affected me
thank you
(orlams tears are normal bc i am a fool and forgot about the molasses that was flowing through his veins)
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gepardling · 11 months
what if reader had a one night stand w gepard? for him it was his first time and he can’t forget about reader and longs to see her again🧐
fleeting embers w/ gepard.
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desc. : the once-a-week upload schedule will b customary while i am back at university sowwy ♥︎ i had fun wit dis 1 !! it was very cute writing geppie's reaction :) i kept the ending open-ended for now ( wc : 1.3k )
tags / cw : sfw (implications of sex), fluff-ish (more flirty), gepard is struggling mentally (real), gn!reader, not proofread
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Gepard values his pristine reputation. He is a man of discipline, and despite his lineage, worked hard to get where he is in life. Growing up in the shadow of his family's name was no easy feat. Expectations were high, and the weight of their legacy could have overwhelmed a lesser soul. However, Gepard embraced the challenge with unwavering resolve. He wanted to stand tall on his own merits, with accomplishments that were truly his own.
It wasn't just his physical prowess that defined him. Gepard's true strength lay in his unyielding sense of honor and duty. He held himself to the highest standards, refusing to compromise on his principles. It was this unwavering integrity that earned him the respect of his fellow guards and commanders alike. In a world where corruption and deceit were not uncommon, Gepard stood as a beacon of righteousness.
Yet, amidst his unwavering dedication to his role as a Silvermane Guard, Gepard was still human. Behind that stoic facade, there lay a heart that longed for connection and understanding. He yearned for companionship, but the fear of compromising his professional image held him back. Relationships, especially romantic ones, were delicate territory for someone in his position.
Despite his discipline, Gepard had a tendency to struggle with resisting peer pressure, especially when it came to bonding with his fellow Silvermane Guards. He was often urged to join his comrades for a night of camaraderie and revelry, but the fear of things going awry held him back. However, after much persistent begging from his brothers in arms, Gepard finally gave in and decided to join them for a night of drinks.
Though he remained mindful of his intake, the warmth of the alcohol seemed to soften his resolve ever so slightly. Surrounded by the laughter and camaraderie of his comrades, Gepard found himself feeling more at ease than he had in a long time. In this vulnerable moment, he crossed paths with a captivating stranger. Your mischievous gaze and gentle laugh charmed him, subtly breaking down those walls he kept up around his heart.
Uncharacteristically, Gepard allowed himself to be swept away by the night's events, giving in to the spontaneity of the moment. It was an unexpected and impulsive decision, one that he would later come to question. As the night wore on, the connection deepened, and boundaries blurred. He followed you through the city like a lost puppy, the subtle wave of your hand beckoning him to follow you to the nearest hotel.
As the first rays of morning light filtered through the curtains, Gepard slowly stirred from his slumber, his mind foggy from the previous night's events. For a moment, he struggled to make sense of his surroundings, and as his eyes adjusted, he was met with an unfamiliar sight. This was not his own bedroom. Panic shot through him like a bolt of lightning, and he sat up abruptly, his heart pounding in his chest.
It all came rushing back to him in a whirlwind of emotions and fragmented memories. The Goethe hotel room, the intoxicating laughter, the captivating stranger who had drawn him in with such ease. It was his first time, and the realization hit him like a ton of bricks. He had crossed a boundary he never thought he would, and now he was waking up in a bed that was not his own.
The silence of the room was deafening as he tried to collect his thoughts. He didn't even know the name of the person who shared this intimate moment with him. The fear of the unknown gnawed at him, and he couldn't help but wonder what might have transpired during the night. Had he done something he would regret? Did he say things he shouldn't have?
Gepard's mind raced, but before he could unravel the full extent of the situation, there was a soft knock on the door. His heart leaped into his throat, and he hesitated before calling out a cautious "Yes?" but he realized a moment too late that his naked form was covered with one measly sheet.
The door creaked open, and the Goethe hotel receptionist peeked inside. Their gaze met, and Gepard could feel the weight of their unspoken question. The receptionist's silent stare peered over the rim of their glasses, right into Gepard’s soul. It was a glance that made his heart sink even further into his stomach.
With a professional smile, the receptionist simply said, "Breakfast will be served in the dining area shortly, sir. Please take your time." Then they closed the door, leaving Gepard alone with his thoughts. In that moment, Gepard couldn't help but feel a sense of shame and embarrassment. The awkward encounter was just his luck, and it was definitely not the image he wanted people to remember.
As he got up from the bed, he found a note left by the stranger, a name signed at the bottom. Mixed emotions surged within him as he read the name, his full memory of the night crashing down on him all at once. He remembered the gentle touch of your hands, your plush thighs, gentle kisses. His cheeks flared when he realized he had done things he didn’t even know he was capable of. But despite all this, the image of your face remained clouded.
After getting dressed, leaving the hotel was difficult enough. Every staff member he passed sent him a knowing glance – the walk of shame. Not only that, but he found out that you made the tab to be in his name, leaving him to pay for the hotel room. The receptionist could only shrug in response, once again peeking at him over their glasses.
In the days that followed the memorable night, Gepard found it increasingly difficult to focus on his duties as a Silvermane Guard. His mind would often drift back to you, and despite his best efforts to maintain composure, the memories of that night would creep into his thoughts at the most inconvenient times, causing an embarrassing blush to spread across his cheeks.
On patrol, he would catch himself daydreaming, his mind wandering into unsavory territory, replaying moments he had shared with you. It was a constant battle to keep his thoughts in check, especially when he had to interact with others and couldn't afford any distractions. He cursed himself for letting his guard down, for allowing himself to be swept away by a night of passion that was now becoming a source of distraction.
But amid the embarrassment and the struggle to keep his thoughts under control, there was a part of Gepard that couldn't help but smile at the memories. As the days passed, he found himself cherishing those moments with you, the connection he had felt, and the vulnerability he had allowed himself to experience. It was both thrilling and terrifying, and he couldn't deny the longing that still lingered in his heart.
However, he couldn't bring himself to ask around about you. The fear of others finding out about the night you had shared made him hesitate. He was afraid of the judgment and the speculation that might come with such revelations. Not only that, but all he knew was your name and the bar you had met at. So, instead, he kept his thoughts to himself, burying them deep within his heart.
As the days turned into weeks, the marks you had left on Gepard started to fade. The blush on his cheeks grew less frequent, and he tried to convince himself that he was moving on from that night. He focused on his duties with renewed determination, pushing himself harder to distract from the memories that threatened to resurface. Yet, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't completely forget you.
Locked in conversation with another Silvermane Guard, his heart skipped a beat as he heard your voice echo from around the corner. He came to an abrupt halt as he instinctively turned his attention towards the source of the sound. He felt a rush of emotions flood back, memories of that unforgettable night intertwining with the present moment.
For the first time, he could remember your face, the glint in your eyes and that signature smile that punctuated the evening. But reality quickly pulled him back, and his heart pounded in his chest as he wrestled with his emotions. He knew he couldn't let himself get lost in the past, not now, not when he had responsibilities to uphold.
Taking a deep breath, he attempted to regain his composure, forcing a smile as he turned back to his fellow guard. "Sorry about that," he said, trying to sound casual despite the lingering tremor in his voice. "What were we talking about again?"
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will geppie go after you? or will he finally let you go?? (we win these)
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katbakubae · 1 year
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Summary: You meet a man when you stepped out for a cigarette. He intrigues you, and doesn’t seem to care that you don’t have a quirk…well, he doesn’t seem to care about anything. All he did was ask for a cigarette.
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NSFW Dabixchubbyfem!Reader (she/her used as opposed to you)
Words: 4k
No beta. Forgive any idiocy you see.
This is my self-indulgent shit I quite honestly wrote for myself, but decided to share it 💜
Part 1 of ?
CW: Smoking, language, reader is quirkless,(eventual) smut, blood, rough sex, dub-con, non-con elements, 18+, arson, obsessive behavior, stalking, threats, mental health issues, murder, gore, alcohol, breeding kink, dry humping, oral (both), vaginal penetration, praise, degradation, dacryphilia, slight age-gap (6 years. Reader is 18 and Dabi is 24.)
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She leaned against the building, her head laying against the brick as she took another drag.
The world was so fucked up. So what? She was quirkless. She was still fucking human, though no one cared about that. All they cared about was that she couldn’t make her body gummy (seriously? That was dumb anyway) or freeze shit with her hands. She wished she had a quirk. Of course she did. But it didn’t help to sit around and wish for something that just wasn’t achievable.
“Can I get one of those?”
She gasped in alarm, her head whipping around as she tried not to gape at the owner of the deep voice. His skin was heavily scarred and stapled, his bright blue eyes boring into her with a neutral expression as she tried to hide her alarm at his appearance. She didn’t want to be rude.
“O-oh! Absolutely,” she said quickly, reaching in her bag and pulling out the pack and lighter, holding it out to him. He smirked, her heart jumping at the surprising sight of his perfect teeth.
“Thanks,” he said in a gravely voice, pulling one out and handing the pack and lighter back with a long fingered hand. His hands were large and normal looking, but staples were around his wrist, holding scarred skin to healthy skin. She hesitantly took it, being careful not to touch him and getting ready to tell him he didn’t light it when he raised two fingers to the end of the cigarette. They were instantly covered in blue flames, making her eyes widen for moments before her eyes trailed over his spiky black hair and down his body.
He was tall, thin, and in a very weird way, he was kind of…handsome. She knew that if his heavy scarring wasn’t present, it was very likely he’d be quite the heartthrob. He was wearing what appeared to be a trenchcoat, a white shirt, black pants and boots. Staples held together damaged skin to healthy skin in various places on his body, including the lower part of his face. She observed the piercings in his nose and the staples under his intense eyes.
Her eyes trailed up, flushing when she saw he was quietly observing her observing him. She hoped he didn’t think her rude, but he had to know he was interesting to look at. She expected him to walk away after getting his cigarette, but to her surprise, he leaned against the opposite wall in the alley. She swallowed thickly as he quietly looked at her, taking a deep drag.
“Names Dabi,” he offered in a deep voice, his eyes moving over her face as she felt the tension leave her at his polite introduction.
“Oh, I’m Y/N,” she offered kindly, giving him a small smile that seemed to surprise him slightly. However, he didn’t show it past a slight quirk of his brow. “It’s nice to meet you, Dabi.”
He gave a small smirk that slightly made her heart jump. Was she seriously a little attracted to this dude? If so, she was seriously taking her “bad boy” fondness way too fucking far.
“You seemed like you were having a rough day,” he offered blandly, taking another hit as you flushed again and shifted. She was under no delusions this dude actually cared, but he seemed bored and it began to feel like she was just something to pass the time. She wasn’t sure how she knew that, but she just did.
“Oh, uh, yeah…” she chuckled, trailing off. “Just…high school shit. I don’t think you’d find it very important or interesting.” She smiled bitterly, seeing him cock an eyebrow.
“I can be the judge of that,” he immediately said, finishing his cigarette and flicking it to the side. He shoved his hands in his pockets and raised a challenging brow at her surprised expression.
“Just…” she shifted, scratching her cheek as her heart beat uncomfortably. “There’s a few others giving me a hard time because…” she trailed off, feeling embarrassed and looking down at the ground. “…because I’m quirkless.” She finished in a mutter, biting her lip and waiting for the scoff of disgust that never came.
Her head shot up at his almost bored tone, and sure enough, he was looking at her with a neutral expression. His dark head was tilted as he observed her quietly and calculatingly.
“I…thanks,” she said awkwardly, rubbing the back of her head.
“You’re thanking me for saying ‘so’?” He asked slowly, his face remaining impassive, but she swore she saw amusement pass through those intense orbs.
She felt heat in her cheeks. “Oh, well…I guess I wish that was the response of my peers when I tell them I’m quirkless,” she chuckled bitterly, feeling embarrassed at what a dork he likely thought she was.
He snorted. “There’s way worse things than being quirkless,” he mused in a deep voice, pushing himself off the wall as she watched with big eyes. “You should go back inside. A young woman shouldn’t be in an alley by yourself like this.”
She swallowed thickly at his words, tossing her cigarette down and stepping on it.
“I…have to get back anyways,” she mumbled, adjusting her bag on her shoulder. “It was nice to meet you. Maybe I’ll see you around…” she trailed off, putting her hand on the doorknob as she looked at the stranger... Dabi. It seemed like slight intrigue crossed his eyes as his head tilted slightly, looking at her as though she was some kind of oddity that he didn’t understand.
He nodded his head slightly, and turned away. She watched him walk away a little before quickly entering the school, her heart scurrying in her chest. She mildly wondered what the fuck was wrong with her. He easily accepted she was quirkless, or at the very least, didn’t care about it…then again, he didn’t seem like someone that cared about much of anything. Still, she felt flattered by him? He looked dangerous, and with that fire quirk, he likely was. It occurred to her that the damaged skin was likely from his own quirk burning him.
She winced, unable to imagine the amount of pain he was likely in. How did he stand it? Didn’t it always hurt? Did it hurt him every time he used his quirk?
She certainly had a lot of questions for someone she’d only met for ten minutes. To be fair, her life was a bit boring and he honestly was the most interesting thing she’d come across in a very long time. It wasn’t abnormal to see someone that would look ‘strange’ to society, but she’d never seen someone that looked like him. Part of her wondered how he was even alive.
She found herself in the alley multiple times over the next week, playing with her zippo lighter and smoking a cigarette, wondering if the mysterious man would make another appearance. It had probably been a fluke that he’d been there.
A few weeks passed and she’d essentially given up on seeing him again. She tucked her cigarette in her mouth as she leaned against the wall, reaching under her plaid school skirt to adjust her thigh high stockings.
“Hmm, what did I say about being in alleys by yourself?”
She jumped in alarm at the deep, sly voice, almost dropping her cigarette as she looked over to see him leaning against the brick wall. Her face heated moderately when she realized that he’d seen her adjusting her stockings. However, her heart raised substantially at the sight of him, her curiosity of him springing back to life as she moved the cigarette from her mouth.
“Oh, Dabi. I was wondering if I’d see you again,” she said lightly, tucking her hair behind her ear and giving him a small smile.
His eyebrow cocked as though he was doubtful she’d thought of him again. “Is that so?” He asked after a moment's pause, his lips barely moving. “Any reason for that?”
She bit her lip for moments, averting her gaze when she saw his cerulean eyes flick down to the action.
“You’re interesting,” she blurted, internally cringing and feeling like a massive loser. God, he was going to think she was weird.
He was silent and she couldn’t bear to look at him. God, why was she so awkward?
“Do you need a cigarette?” She asked, already digging in her bag to avoid looking at him.
“How old are you?”
His sudden question in a low tone threw her off for moments as she slowly pulled the pack from her bag. He was looking at her blankly still, making it impossible for her to tell what he was thinking.
“Eighteen…” she trailed off, seeing his nostrils flare slightly in response. “How old are you?”
He chuckled darkly, shaking his head and extending his hand towards her, his eyes flicking towards the cigarette pack in her hand. She immediately handed it to him without the lighter, once again being careful not to brush his fingers. She watched as he pulled one out, lighting it with his fingers again and handing it back.
He looked at her serious for moments, the cigarette burning between his lips. It was almost as if he was debating telling her. “I’m twenty four, if it matters,” he surprised her by answering, smoke billowing from his lips.
“Why does it matter how old I am?” She asked, biting her lip as he slowly took a drag off the cigarette. Smoke billowed from his two toned lips and nose.
“I was making sure you weren’t underage,” he shrugged, taking another hit.
She chuckled, scratching her jaw and smiling. “Why? Would you confiscate my cigarettes?”
“Actually, no,” he shrugged, leaning against the wall. “I did worse shit than smoke when I was younger than you.”
She looked at him for moments, taking note of the faraway look in his eyes as he stared at the brick wall in front of him instead of her.
“What worse shit is that?” She asked curiously, almost regretting it when his eyes snapped back to her, a frown marring his face.
“If I was you, I wouldn’t get that curious about me,” he said in a low, dark voice, pushing himself off the wall and walking closer to her. Her back tensed a little, but she remained where she was as he approached. He stopped next to her, looking down at the ground as she stared at his profile, wide eyed and feeling unsure. Had she offended him? Why couldn’t she be curious about him?
“You’re a nice girl,” he said in a low voice. “Don’t talk to bastards like me.”
She stared as he immediately began walking away, her eyes wide and feeling a little sad as she watched his back disappear around the corner. Her breath left her in a rush as she fell back against the wall, frowning to herself and feeling a little disappointed that their conversation had been cut short. She didn’t think it was intentional, but he played the mystery card better than any man she’d ever seen or heard of. All he’d really done is pique her interest even more, and honestly, she needed to get a life because her mind was buzzing with the need to know more about him.
She had a feeling that he wouldn’t come back, not after that. But still, over the next few days, she still went out for a cigarette. Part of her hoped he’d show, even though it was weeks between the last two times. He seemed a little bothered that she’d asked him about himself, so she told herself that if she did see him again, she’d keep the conversation on more surface level topics.
It had been five days since she last saw Dabi, and she began to wonder if she would again. It didn’t seem likely as she walked home from school as usual, kicking a rock with her boot and sighing to herself.
“Hey pretty lady.”
Her eyes shot up, pausing her steps as she stared at a man with long blonde hair blocking her path. She shifted backwards at his lecherous smile. Though he was quite handsome in a ruggish way, his hazel eyes were dangerous - more so than Dabi, who was physically more frightening than this man. Dabi’s eyes looked dangerous, but they lacked the glint to intend harm towards her; not like this man.
She immediately looked around, gulping when she saw she was alone on the street, her eyes narrowing when he smirked knowingly.
“Are you lost, little lamb?” He asked sinisterly, taking a step towards her.
Before she could react, a hot hand enclosed around her upper arm, ripping her back harshly with a loud gasp. She blinked rapidly as she looked at the back of Dabi’s spiked hair and dark coat. His arms burst into blue flames as he raised one threateningly.
“Get lost before I make you fuel for my fire,” he said in a low, eerily calm voice. She peeked around Dabi, seeing the guy looking like he was about to shit himself before stumbling back and running like hell as Dabi extinguished his flames.
Her heart was pounding as she stared in disbelief when Dabi turned around. He was frowning, looking over her frame for moments, but his face continued to remain neutral.
“Are you alright?”
She nodded almost dumbly at his words, her face flushing as her heart punched her rib cage. Adrenaline and flattery ran over her all at once.
“A little shook up, maybe. But I’m okay…” she forced herself to say, a small smile curling on her lips.
Dabi’s eyes trailed over the woman, nodding his head and disliking the fucking tightening feeling in his stomach when he saw that skeev try to grab her. If she hadn’t been standing there, he would have roasted him alive.
Maybe he could find him later…He abruptly stopped that line of thinking. After all, why would he even do that? Why should he give a shit? The woman was curious, sure. She didn’t seem to be afraid of him or disgusted by his appearance. For fucks sake, if he didn’t know any better, he’d say she had some sort of fucking schoolgirl crush on him.
She had flushed and unconsciously batted her pretty eyes at him. If she did, she had to be fucking insane. She was pretty and curvy looking. If he were being honest, he’d always been attracted to soft looking women. Perhaps it was because he was so rough; everything about him was harsh. But not her, no. She wasn’t remotely what he’d consider thin.
He supposed he’d never suspected a woman was genuinely attracted to him before; as much as he loathed to admit it. He knew his scarring had ruined his appearance. He was fully aware that if he’d never been burned so severely, he would be very handsome. However, that wasn’t the case. So, he avoided women. Of course, he was a man. He’d occasionally look at porn, beat one out, or take back alley whores if he felt really pent up. Generally, women were afraid of him. But she didn’t seem to be; she intrigued him with her shy smiles and nervous glances. The way she chewed on her bottom lip nervously when she spoke to him made him want to throw her down on a bed, or perhaps shove her against a wall.
He didn’t have time for this. He had goals to accomplish. He couldn’t be thinking about…pursuing some…student? Even though she was an adult, it was laughable. Those things were fleeting and unimportant. It wasn’t something he needed, and he couldn’t afford to let these thoughts take up his time.
“I’ll walk you home,” he said, seeing her pretty eyes widen in alarm, making his jaw tense slightly. “You shouldn’t be fuckin’ walking home by yourself anyway, especially quirkless.”
He almost felt bad when her eyes widened and she averted her gaze, looking down at the ground. “I…don’t have a choice,” His nostrils flared. He was smart and could read between the lines. She was either poor, or her parents were shit; maybe even both. “I’ve done it for years and this is the first time…um…”
“A rapist tried to grab you?” He asked in a bored tone, trying not to smirk when her head snapped up as she looked at him a bit horror-struck. Her inexperience was obvious, and he knew it was likely because she was quirkless. He’d never been faced with a female that intrigued him past something carnal. Now that he had, he couldn’t help it when he burned with curiosity and want.
He wanted to fuck her brains out.
Still, he’d meant what he’d said. She seemed to be a nice, young woman- untainted. She really shouldn’t waste her time speaking with him when she could go find a nice man that worked in a cafe or some shit; not an older, heavily scarred man that killed whenever he felt like it and had only ever fucked whores. Regardless, she should be more afraid of him than the man that tried to grab her. He may have been a bottom-dweller, but Dabi highly doubted he was a serial killer.
Serial killer.
His stomach twisted in pleasure when she didn’t argue and nodded, hesitantly walking while he followed. He could easily find out where she lived, but clearly, she didn’t seem to mind. Why should she? He just “saved” her after all. She didn’t need to know he’d hesitated and thought about walking away.
He wasn’t some fucking hero.
“Thank you…by the way.”
Dabi’s jaw tensed at her soft words. Part of him was reeling in shock. If he were being honest, he didn’t think he’d really been thanked for anything before - not that he’d ever really done anything to inspire someone to feel thankful towards him. Though he had ideals of what a hero should be, he had zero desire to stick his neck out for random people. What the fuck was he supposed to say to her? You’re welcome? Fuck that. He chose not to answer, but she didn’t seem to mind. Her nervousness was still there, making him watch her closely out of his peripherals. Partly from curiosity and the other part was because truth be told, he did find her appealing, though he wouldn’t tell her that. He could see the way her stockings clung to her thighs, and he couldn’t help but to imagine his rough fingers digging into her soft flesh.
He knew it would feel so fucking good.
“So…did you just happen to be around, or were you following me or something?” She asked, half jokingly and half serious. Seriously, she’d been halfway home when he popped out of nowhere. It would have been a weird circumstance, now that she thought about it. But, perhaps her crushed-riddled, insane mind was being hopeful. Logically, she knew it was a bad sign if it were true. It wasn’t something she should be hoping for.
But she couldn’t bring herself to care.
She paused when he suddenly stopped, making her turn to look at his neutral face, her heart pounding in her chest. He was looking at her blankly, giving nothing away except for the burn of his eyes.
“Why would I follow you?” He asked in a low voice, barely moving his lips as her face warmed from the sheer heat of his cobalt eyes.
“…I don’t know. Why would you?” She replied in a low voice, seeing his brow cock slightly in amusement.
“I wouldn’t,” he said so blandly, that she had no choice but to believe him. “I just happened to be around. If you must know, I almost walked away anyway.”
Her heart stuttered in her chest, her feelings a little hurt before she reminded herself that she was a stranger to him. He wasn’t a hero. He just didn’t seem the type. If anything, she’d say he looked more like a villain, but that was unfair and judgmental of his appearance.
His cobalt eyes looked curious as he looked over her reaction; or lack of reaction. “You aren’t offended?” He asked in a gravely voice; so gravely, she wondered if his injuries to his skin extended to his voice box. His voice was so deep, especially for his lean frame.
It sent pleasurable shivers down her spine.
“No, not really,” she shrugged, scratching her cheek. “Most people don’t want to be involved, do they?”
His brows knitted immediately, his intense eyes flashing in annoyance, as though he didn’t want to hear he was like most people. She wanted to tell him he definitely wasn’t like others, but she wasn’t sure if that was equally offensive. Though she she’d never met anyone like him before.
She paused in front of her house, glancing at him nervously. Should she invite him in? He just saved her, after all.
“Would you, um, like…tea or coffee, maybe?” She asked hesitantly, twisting her hands in front of her as he looked at her blandly. Her heart was thumping, knowing he’d refuse…wouldn’t he? Was it weird that she asked?
He half-smirked, looking genuinely amused as she swallowed thickly, feeling nervous. “You want to have tea with…me?” He asked in a low voice, as though he’d never been asked something more ridiculous. He looked like he was going to refuse, or perhaps even laugh at her, but he surprised her when nodded slowly, curiosity sparking in his eyes.
She gave him a nervous smile as she fumbled with her keys, knowing it would be Monday before her mom came home. She finally opened the door, gesturing an arm out as she moved to take off her shoes. He nodded and his heavy boots stepped in the door, his bright eyes moving around her mothers sophisticated decor for moments before bending down and sliding his boots off. She took notice of his black socks as he sat the shoes next to the door, looking over at her with a cocked brow.
“Does your room look like this…stepford wife shit?” He gestured a long arm around her mothers pristine living room, making her chuckle and shake her head.
“My mom…likes everything to be perfect,” she shrugged. “I’m….” she trailed off, his eyes cutting to her as she stopped talking. But, what was she supposed to say? Unwanted because I’m not perfect? Hidden away? Her quirkless, fat daughter.
“I’m uh…not what she hoped I’d be, I guess,” she finished, feeling his eyes burning into her as his brows furrowed and he looked away.
He snorted softly. “That makes two of us, then,” he said in a deep, low voice. Her eyes widened slightly. Did he actually offer a piece of information about himself to her? Before she could linger on it, he spoke up again. “So, where’s that tea you said you were gonna make?”
“Oh!” She exclaimed as he walked further into the apartment, his black socks contrasting against the white of the carpet. “Make yourself at home and I’ll start the tea.”
She watched out of her peripherals as he slid over to the couch, falling down heavily. Her face flushed slightly when she saw him manspread, hooking his arm over the back of the couch.
Fuck, if her mother could see him on her expensive, suede couch? She’d surely have a heart attack and kick her out.
If she were being honest, the thought thrilled her. She tried to keep her eyes off of him as she boiled the water for the tea, biting back a smile when he picked up the remote, turning the living room tv on without a care in the world. Well, she did tell him to make himself at home.
She finished up the tea, putting it on a tray and bringing it in the living room, sitting it down and noting with amusement that he’d turned on a rock video music channel. Absurdly, she thought that was fitting for him, even though she didn’t know him at all.
She poured his tea, and then hers and began preparing it. She paused when she noticed he was watching her, then glanced down at his cup.
“It’s not poisoned,” she let out a bark of laughter, his cobalt eyes narrowing slightly. She had been joking, but she saw from his serious expression that she hit the nail on the head.
Just who was he to worry about his food being poisoned?
She held out her hand for his cup, and he silently handed it over to her. His blazing eyes watched intently as she clearly took a drink from his cup, handing it back to him.
He took the cup, looking down at it once more.
“What now? Afraid it has cooties?” She said with humor, his eyes flicking up to her face. A small smirk curled the corner of his mouth, her heart fluttering as he raised the cup to his lips. It pleased her as he took a few sips, his eyes trailing back to the tv.
She tried to watch too, but the object of her…thoughts…was sitting on her couch - with a manspread, of all things. God, he looked like he invented man-spreading. He had a casual elegance about him that almost didn’t fit his dark aesthetic. Up close, she could see he wasn’t nearly as thin as she initially thought. His coat had hid most of his frame, but now that he was sitting, she could somewhat see he was actually…muscular. She could see his pecs peeking through the top of his baggy, white shirt.
She swallowed thickly, looking away and towards the tv before he caught her.
She jumped almost violently when a ringing noise sounded from his jacket. She looked over at him as he sighed, sitting his cup down on the table and pulling a cell phone out of his inner coat pocket. His relaxed, neutral face became firm with irritation as he looked at the screen, tapping it and putting it to his pierced ear.
“What?” He answered rudely, his expression turning lazy as he listened, making her look down at her tea. She didn’t want to look like she was eavesdropping…should she leave the room? “None of your business - what do you want?”
She chewed her lip and sipped her tea as he fell quiet again, listening to whoever called him. By his displeasure and rudeness, she could only assume it wasn’t a girlfriend or something. It didn’t even occur to her that he could have a girlfriend. If he did, this wouldn’t be appropriate, would it? It was innocent tea, but she….
Is he married? He is twenty-four, after all.
She looked up slightly, observing his left hand that was resting on his thigh. It was devoid of any rings, and it’s not like he had an aversion to jewelry with all his ear and nose piercings…
She looked up, seeing him hang up the phone and quickly down the rest of the tea in his cup before standing, causing her to do the same. She looked at him expectantly as he looked over at her, his neutral face giving nothing away.
“I have to go,” he said simply, his voice sounding bored. He looked away, walking towards his boots near the door while she shifted. He offered no explanation; not that she expected him to.
She felt her curiosity thicken as he slid his boots on. She knew she couldn’t question him. The last time she innocently had, he’d shut down even more (if such a thing was possible). The last thing she wanted to do was push the intriguing man away more, but she couldn’t stop the question from flowing from her lips when his large hand landed on the knob of her front door.
“Will I see you again?” She blurted, seeing him freeze at the door, his back looking a little stiff as his black head whipped around. His expression gave nothing away as he gave her a disinterested stare, making her feel self-conscious.
His next words surprised her. “Do you want to see me again?” He asked in a dull tone, tilting his head slightly, a minuscule smirk curling the corner of his lips.
Her face immediately flushed, his intuitive eyes moving over her cheeks, causing her to look down at her feet like the coward she was. “I-I mean…yes?” Her confirmation came out more of a question than anything else, but it didn’t stop the embarrassment from rippling over her skin.
He was quiet for moments. She chanced looking up, seeing his eyes were squinted, his jaw ticking slightly before he sharply looked away. He stared at the wall next to the door for moments with a furrowed brow, as though he was seriously debating never seeing her again.
That was likely exactly what he was doing.
His sudden, one word reply brought her neither rejection or hope. He didn’t look at her again as he exited her house, closing the door behind him. She released a breath, letting her back hit the wall. She wrapped her arm around her stomach, the telling fluttering feeling that had been present during his entire presence still lingering.
Part 2
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shewritesallnight · 7 months
Fairytale Ending [PTotN]
Happy Halloween my little ghouls! 🎃
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Rei's girlfriend has been seeing snakes and hearing whispers in the dark of the night. She knows it's a part of the curse; she just doesn't know what it means. 
After a visit with Owner for the truth, she decides it's time to end things once and for all. But the Saejima Curse isn't so willing to let her go.
Yandere!Rei (so just regular Rei?? 😂)
Tw: dubcon, breeding, baby trapping
Rating: 18+, NSFW
2.1K words
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"You mean the curse will over take Rei and if-if we have a child, the curse will basically start again." Its not entirely a question when she speaks up, processing the information.
She hastily stands from the low table; body aching to move, to start pacing, or even better, to leave.
It's too much information. This thing, this curse, goes much deeper than she ever could have imagined.
"A son," Owner tacks on, like its some sort of bonus.
"And if we refuse to have children?" She asks.
"If not you, then another. The curse will ensure that." He pauses, tilting his head as if studying her. "Would it be so difficult to accept? You could always have another child. Have you not dreamed of having your own family, your own... what did you call it? Ah- yes, happily ever after?"
Her expression sours as she scoffs. "You make human life seem so disposable. As for my so called dreams of happily ever after; You were the one who put those thoughts in my head! Whispering little fairy tales to me as a child about love and marriage."
"I merely put into words the most basic of human desires. You would have those things, for a time."
She wants to lunge across the table and choke whatever life there is from him. It's the knowledge that it would change nothing about their predicament that keeps her in place.
"Rei was right, you drag us around like puppets on strings. I'm not going to play into your little game anymore. I want nothing to do with you or any of this." She gestures to the traditional room around them.
They both know she means beyond the walls, to the curse and the role she plays in a centuries old feud.
With an exhausted sigh, she turns on her heel towards a lone steel door; a blaring oddity among the three surrounding shoji walls in the room.
Hand gripping the handle, she pauses when Owner speaks up again.
"While you may fear the curse, you still desire the Slayer and his child."
The door slams against the outer brick wall as she shoves it open. Her boots hitting pavement as she steps out into an alleyway.
Another of the countless backdoors to the Murakumo Inn. 
She halts, turning to look back at the demon sitting on the tatami floor. Two finished tea cups lay on the table before him.
There's a moment of deja vu, memories of enjoying tea together. Of Owner entertaining a lonely child with stories of demons, heroes, families, and love.
Despite her frustration, she finds herself thanking Owner for the tea.
He gives her an infuriating grin, "Your secret now belongs to me. Until next time." 
A tendril of darkness oozes from beneath the table, sliding across the floor and reaches up to pull the door shut.
She has a feeling that if she were to reopen the door, it would no longer be connected to the Inn. 
Until next time.
Fat chance. She's wants nothing to do with this supernatural crap anymore. This was goodbye.
A chill creeps down her spine like a spider's dance; she spins around to glance along the seemingly empty alley. 
There is a rustle before a small snake slithers out from behind a bag of trash. She uses her boot to kick it away with a look of detest.
Lightning flashes above and she curses under her breath. Pulling her coat around her, she makes her way to the main road. 
She has just stepped through the threshold of her apartment when she's roughly pushed against the wall.
The door slams shut beside her.
"You were at the Inn?" Rei grips her by the arms. 
She mentally groans, the snake must have been one of his spies.
No point in hiding it then, "I did."
"What did he want, what did he say?" He studies her with narrowed eyes, cold and wary. 
"Rei, I'm tired of this."
"I'm tired. I'm done. No more demons or slaying. No more curse." 
It hurts to say it out loud she realizes, makes it feel real.
"What are you saying?"
"It's over, Rei. We are over," she motions her hand between them, "this is goodbye."
"No, baby, please. Please..." his face stricken with panic. "Whatever lies that monster told you-"
"Stop it!" He stiffens and her heart aches in her chest. "If...if I stay, it will never be over. I will always be second to your endless need for revenge; to this curse. We both know this."
His head falls forward, hair covering his eyes. "Okay," he utters softly after a few moments.
"O-okay? Just like that..." 
"Ju-just give me tonight." His eyes find hers again, pleading. "Let me touch you, let me love you."
That hurts the worst. 
Rei's not sentimental, he's only ever uttered those words to her once before. 
One more night, to feel his touch. To pretend they're just another normal couple in the world. 
It's so very tempting.
"I don't think th- oh." She's cut off when his mouth finds her pulse point, pressing unspoken promises to her skin.
Rei's gloved hands glide up her arms, grazing her shoulders as he brushes back her jacket. It slips down her arms to the floor.
His body crowds her against the wall. She moans, feeling the heat of his length pressed against her stomach. 
It’s almost muscle memory the way her legs spread as a knee presses between them. Her dress bunching up around her hips.
"I want to feel you dripping for me."
And she is.
She can feel the dampening of her underwear growing as she rocks back and forth on his thigh.
Owner isn't wrong, she does love Rei. Dreams of marrying him and starting a family are no stranger. 
But whispers and scales have started to plague and blacken them.
Right- the reason she had to get the truth from Owner. The reason she needs to leave.
The curse.
Her hips still, Rei notices the change and pulls his leg back. She ignores the shiny dark patch on his pants.
"Rei, we sh-shouldn't..." she loses her voice when his hand crawls up her inner thigh. 
His bare hand.
When was the last time he even touched her with bare hands, she wonders. Her train of thought is lost when his mouth finds and claims hers.
She's shaking by the time deft fingers press to her center. Rei groans at the feel of the soaked fabric.
He wastes no time, ripping at the cloth to rid her of the barrier.
"Need this, need you. Only you." He says against her mouth, slipping his ring and middle fingers in.
Lightning brightens the room and she sees the desire in his eyes. 
She finds herself nodding, unable to find the words. His fingers work in and out of her, rubbing against that perfect spot inside. His thumb teasing at her clit.
He is as methodical as a lover as he is a slayer. Calculating and all consuming and she needs to cum like she needs to breathe.
"Please Rei," she's breathless.
He quickens the pace, switching to grinding his palm against her with each thrust.
It only takes a few more flicks of his wrist before her essence is dripping down his hand and Rei is swallowing her moans.
Her hands are on autopilot, reaching for the buckle of his belt. It falls to the floor and she greedily pulls his cock free, stroking his length.
"I need to be inside you. I need this tight pussy squeezing around my cock. You're the only one I want, the one I need."
His words feel like molten lava in her stomach. She feels a drop of her release slide down her thigh.
"Con-condom," she pants. 
Rei stalls for a moment but hums in acknowledgment, she watches him leisurely pull one from his back pocket.
Her head falls back against the wall, eyes closed, basking in her afterglow. 
One hand grips her thigh, lifting and opening her to him. She feels his tip press to her opening. 
Her gaze drops to watch, but Rei's other hand grips her neck, thumb tilting her jaw up and exposing her throat to him. 
His teeth sink in the same time his cock does.
Her moan echoes against the walls of the room. Arms wrapping around his shoulders to steady herself.
Rain pounds against the window muting any other noise. But there's a sound, an almost whisper. It makes the hair at the back of her neck stand at attention.
His hand releases her jaw to rip the thin strap of her dress. He pushes it down to cup her breast and takes her nipple into his mouth.
She's trying to listen but Rei makes it difficult, muttering filthy things as he suckles at her chest; hips pumping into her.
Gods, it feels divine.
His cock so warm inside of her, so full. Like she was made for him, only him-
The storm illuminates the room and thunder rattles the glass.
Icy dread spreads across her skin.
There on the floor, the unopened condom lay discarded next to his belt.
The whispers were louder now, like a dull chant.
Lightning flashed again and again and she sees them in the shadowed corners of the room.
Hundreds of eyes watching them.
"St-stop! Rei, stop!!" Her fists pound against the Slayer's shoulders. 
Two things happen at once. 
First, Rei drops her breast to grip her wrists and pin them to the wall above.
Second, his tongue forces its way into her mouth to shut her up.
His grip is iron on her thigh, thrusts deepening, bottoming out again and again. 
She feels him in her guts, tears pooling at her lash line.
She feels sick.
"Did ya really think I would let-let you walk away?" His breath is labored but she doesn't miss the murmur of hurt in his voice.
Her heart crumbles as Rei licks at the stray tear that escapes.
"It has to be you. I need you. O-only you, no one else. Gonna fu-UCK a baby into you. L-like you've always wanted."
The worst part is, she can almost see it. Fueled by her own dreams, by Owner's words; the thoughts of a beautiful dark haired child cloud her mind.
She hates it and she hates herself for wanting it, for wanting this, for wanting him. For loving him.
But she does... love him.
She's tired, defeated, delirious with want and fear. 
Her free leg comes to wrap around his waist. 
"That's it, that's my good girl."
She tugs on her wrists and he releases her. Hands moving to her hips to slam her down on his cock.
Her arms wrap around his neck once more, pulling him close to press a kiss to his jaw.
"'M gonna stuff you full. Gonna -nngh- breed this little cunt." He’s babbling now.
Rei's fucking into her like a man possessed, and he is. The need to breed her slithering beneath his skin. Desperation fuels him to go deeper, harder, until his seed is dripping out of her. 
Until she cannot leave him.
His hips snap into hers and she cries out.
Beady glowing eyes gather closer, watching the Slayer drive into her.
She can hear the chanting clearer now, "a ssss-son, a ssss-son."
A son.
She doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.
In a last ditch effort, she toes at her boot, kicking it off.
It thumps in the middle of the room, the shadows having scattered to avoid it. But it's only moments before they engulf and drown the leather beneath a sea of scales.
Fucking snakes. 
She hates them the most.
"A ssss-son, a ssss-son, a ssss-son," the chanting is louder now. The unearthly shadows only a few feet away.
Lightning strikes the building across the street and the walls shutter. The room lights up like mid-day but darkness has consumed the apartment. 
Thousands upon thousands of vermin surround them. Creatures dripping from the ceiling, the floor and walls writhing with curses.
They're close enough that if she reached her hand out, she knows she would feel their forked tongues brush against her fingertips.
It's overwhelming, the mixture of adrenaline and fear coursing through her veins.
It brings her closer to the edge than she expects. All it takes is a pinch to her clit and a graze of teeth at her throat to have her falling apart.
The voices roar to a crescendo around them.
Rei's hips become sporadic, fast half thrusts sprinkled between his deep pounding against her cervix.
He jerks and her walls pulse around his cock when she feels his warmth finally spill into her.
The chanting vanishes with the stilling of his hips. Just the sounds of their breathing and rain.
Chest heaving, she's only half aware of the tears streaming down her face.
Rei pants in the juncture of her neck quietly muttering against her damp skin.
She holds him to her, hand almost petting his hair as she listens.
"Only you... a son..."
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I’m not gonna lie…
But I’ve been rather bitchy lately. I don’t understand why or what’s going on. I’m well rested.. normally food makes me perk up, but it hasn’t been hitting the same.. and I’m not near my period (at least I don’t think I am, it just ended and I’ve been mean since the last day of it.. not to mention I have a pretty irregular cycle, so it’s hard to pinpoint “hormones” as the reason)…
Only trent’s facing my attitude, he’s the only one who gets the raw mentally ill & not so chill version of me. Maybe because I actually trust him pretty heavily so I can “unmask” around him. However with that being said, I can be pretty up in arms against him too. In times like this I feel like I’m laying down the bricks and cement & building a wall. I really don’t want to be full of negativity but there’s this energy I can’t hold back. I get a spicy tongue who doesn’t think before it speaks, a mean thought immediately comes to mind and I spit it out.
Things triggering me
“We can of you want”
“It’s up to you”
“I guess” but with that tone
“No we have to eat at home” (I’ve been on a Panera craving lately)
Thinking about my birthday & what I want to do
0 notes
speakeasymyfriend · 3 years
Still Dispare fights Hope (Cross-blog story?): Revenge
"She's getting blood everywhere! Where is it even coming from!?"
"The severed arteries, veins, and her head."
Two girls tried to handle the situation. A girl wearing a blue dress held a handgun keeping watch over her jet-black, school uniform wearing, girl was trying to close major sources of bleeding to another.
The guns blazing around them didn't help with the situation either.
"We'll have to get her moved out of the alley if possible."
"Don't test the knowledge I already know 'ight. It's hard as it is not to run out heavy with boss out getting those enforcers."
"Well," -She pointed out a way up outside of a close building- "There's that way. It's probably the best bet for what we need to do." She got out something then wrapped it around the bleeding figure.
"What are you doing?"
"Using a clear wrapping to keep insides inside her body."
"What about her bleeding?"
"Can't do much on that front."
"Alright let's go Kaiha."
The hit-woman nods before picking up the pick suited woman. Both went off fast, yet careful, up the mental stairs creaking with each step.
With the Mafia boss going on his rampage didn't leave him immortal.
"Done yet?"
Fujita went for a punch only to stumble on the wet pavement; rain washed away crimson from brick walls, down to the sidewalk, before draining away. His blood was washing away.
"Now this'll be ea-"
"Stop. We're being called back."
The girl looked at her companion only to growl, "Looks like you're lucky."
They walked away, leaving a exhausted Fujita. Laying on the ground he noticed a medical helicopter flying away.
He smiled before getting up.
"Don get in the car. We'll take ya to the doll." One of his goons got him in the car.
When the door shut his rage began to play his next moves. Oh they just pissed off one who doesn't take anything regarding his family and friends lightly.
This is War.
--------------[Present day]--------------
"Got everything Kaiha?" The Jazz pianist went over to Kaiha.
Kaiha gave a nod, "I got my leads and Snippy ready for going out. You?"
"F sharp hun."
The time was fast approaching for the family. They're attacks on the Rifters haven't stopped once he got out of his own hospital stay.
Fujita was outside watching cars go by on the street corner. He was just existing for a while among his thoughts on his attacks. Riko has been handling the school area for what he knows.
The two decided to take things on with both sets of hands. They want it all to end just like everyone else.
@human-monokuma @luckygreedyrainbow and anyone else
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swtki · 3 years
Cedric Diggory NSFW Alphabet
Pairing: Cedric Diggory x Fem! Reader
A/N: I’m gonna be working on more headcannon stuff like this, so follow me if you want to see them when they are posted!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I think Ced won’t hesitate to clean his partner up. Just a warm rag and quick wipe. Sometimes Ced will pass out as soon as he hits the mattress, but most times he’ll hold his naked body to yours and talk until you fall asleep. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite part of your body is your lips, for sure. He loves to watch them wrap around things, even when you put his finger into your mouth it drives him mental. His favorite part of himself is hands, he has fairly large hands so everything in them looks small. He loves that when he holds your waist its like his hands were meant to be there. Not to mention his long fingers, one hand can do so many wonders. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I honestly don’t see him as someone who loves anything to do with cum. He would be more than happy to wear a condom while you’re dating, because that way he can make sure you enjoy it without the worries of unprotected sex. I also can see him not wanting to go raw because so many things could go wrong, but if you’re on birth control he will definitely be persuaded to pull out. Once he pulls out the first time he is utterly hooked and loves cumming on your stomach while you lay there on your back, looking all fucked out.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Not to say that Cedric secretly wants to explore public sex, however I am saying every time you two go out hes thinking of railing you in an alley against a brick wall. He loves public affection in a sfw way so I think he would be eager to explore nsfw public stuff. Now this all being said, he doesn’t ask you for a long time though, until you’re walking home from the shops and he starts to kiss you because god you look so gorgeous in the soft lighting, and then the kiss gets more intense. Then, he basically says fuck it and asks you if he can eat you out on the wall.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Like I said in Cedrics headcannon post, I doubt he lost his virginity with anyone other than Cho when they were maddly in love. When he meets you he wants to be nothing less than perfect. When things started to get serious in your relationship he swallowed his pride and looked up sex tips because he was worried he wasn’t experienced enough. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Cowgirl. No doubt about it. He loves how accessible it is for you, he can rub your clit, he can be chest to chest and thrust into you, he can be hypnotized by your perfect tits, it has everything. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Theres times where he kills the moment because he makes a joke in between thrusts, but more often than not hes got his head in the game. It will always start of playful and innocent with Cedric, but as soon as hands start roaming, he gets focused on the task at hand.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He isn’t shaven, but tidy for sure. Just a nice little bit at the base and he’s groomed. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Cedric loves nothing more than to brush the hair out of your face and stare into your eyes while your blissed out. Also he loves kissing and touching even before clothes come off. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I can see Cedric having a pretty high sex drive and sometimes you have to tap out for the night because your body can only take so much, so he’ll for sure be rubbing one out in the bathroom as soon as you fall asleep. He doesn’t mind of course, he’d rather you be comfortable even if that means he has to jerk off in the shower to the memory of twenty minutes prior.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I thoroughly believe that Cedric Diggory has a praise kink. He loves nothing more than growling “So fucking perfect, my perfect fucking girl” into your ear during sex. I also think he has a roleplay kink, because you dressed up as a nurse for halloween and he was in another dimension.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
As I said previously, Cedric likes the idea of walls. However, I think he much prefers the bed or floor of your room. It just feels like you two are the only ones in the world and he cant deny how much of an angel you look like while surrounded by his soft white sheets. He would settle for a car, but your home is much better.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Kissing is his number one movement to start things off, so I think just kissing him would make him ready to go. I can see him having a thing for lip biting, especially when you’re reading or doing some other innocent task.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
If its something you don’t like, he won’t ever do it. He draws the line at bodily injury and excretory body fluids, Cedrics not hardcore like that. Wouldn’t mind choking you but he could never slap you or hurt you in any other way.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Cedric prefers giving, he feels bad because he takes so long to finish so he always leaves it up to you. He is an absolute got at eating coochie though, he pays attention to what you do and don’t like. And he would honestly eat you out anywhere. Like sometimes he just drops to his knees and hikes your leg up. His eyes when he looks up at you tho....fuck.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Definitely depends on the moment but I think most of the time he’s sensual and slow. He wants the world to stop and for it to only be your bodies moving in sync with each other, and especially so he can look into your eyes while he gets you closer and closer to orgasm.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Loves the whole rose petal romantic 2 hour long sex thing but will rip off your underwear in a closet to eat you out if he can.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He only takes risks by asking about something. He would always get your consent before anything else happens, so he knows worst you could do is say no. That being said, if you ask him 97% of the time he’s on board. Public sex took some convincing but he was in love with it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
I just think he’s ready to eat pussy 24/7 despite how hard he is. He’s horny all the time (in spirit if not physically) so I think he would go for multiple rounds. Though he will eventually get tired in one position, so you end up switching through 50 different positions in the span of the hour.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
The only toys Cedric uses on his partner are handcuffs at most. He prefers to use his skill because after all, he’s the one who should be making you feel that good.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Cedric isn’t the tease, you are. He wants you but simply can’t take you from behind during potions class, so he rests his hand on your thigh. He secretly loves how cocky you get, and secretly you love how turned on he is from your legs.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Listen to me: breathy moans. He’ll get so close to your ear and start whisper-moaning the most risque words. But, volume wise he’s quiet and he prefers it that way. He never wants to drown out the pretty mewls you make because of his fingers and cock.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He eats pussy that way iykyk. I’m glad every fic writer agrees that Ced is a pussy conesiour, because he loves grabbing your hips and pulling you down closer on his tongue, thats non negotiable. He probably has the strongest tongue in the world.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He thought he was small until he met you and was like “Sorry, I’m not that impressive 😔” then pulled out 6 inches of cervix shattering dick. Its thick too, but not like the porn-type thick, like it fits in your hand comfortably and fills you up perfectly.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Like I said: Always horny. Every time he watches you bite your lip he’s got a million things he wants to do to you in a broom closet.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He would rather watch you fall asleep even if that meant he never slept. But once he knows you’re sleeping, he wraps his body around yours with his chin on your shoulder and falls asleep. Prefect rooms= naked naps.
Taglist: @annasdani @mullthingsoverinthehotwater @faeinorbit @anchoeritic @cedricsyellowscarf
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goldenkirstein · 3 years
never knew what i was missin'
or alternatively, reiner being an oblivious simp
@clean-soap requested: Hi. I saw that your requests are open and i was wondering if I can request a Reiner x reader. I was thinking the story line could be like My Love Story!! Anime, where Reiner comes and protects you from a creep and the both of you fall in love. However, through some misunderstandings he thinks you like Bertholdt and not him. So he tries to set you guys up, even when you try to be with him. I was hoping for some angst through the story and fluff at the end!
pairing: reiner x gn! reader
wc: 2.5k+
tags: fluff, some angst, modern! au, fem bodied reader, language, mentions of violence & assault, threats of assault, mentions of blood & bruises.
a/n: so i got a little carried away writing this, but i hope this fits what you were looking for. i really loved writing for reiner, its my first time and my first request !! also I haven't watched the anime, but i read the synopsis and tried to make some ties to it !! I hope you enjoy.
this is a work of fiction. please reach out to the necessary hotlines and call for help if you're in any danger. Please read the warnings before reading.
“I’m sorry, I’m flattered, but unfortunately, I’m busy.” You offered the man in front of you an apologetic smile and tried to hand back the tickets he had given you. Occurrences like these weren’t common, but you had your fair share of handing out rejections. It wasn’t something you enjoyed doing; someone was exposing their heart to you, and you had to crush their hopes.
Most understand. Most will leave you alone.
“Is that a no? You expect me to be okay with that?” The man glowered at you; any sight of despondence wiped clean from his face.
“Sorry? I’m not sure-” You stepped back to try to get away from him, back hitting the wall, any sense of composure inside you disappearing. He responded by advancing towards you.
“Are you trying to get away from me? I asked you a question, you ungrateful bitch.” He spat the words at you, grabbing your wrists caging you between his body and the brick behind you. His nails began to dig into the flesh of your wrist, causing you to drop the tickets in your hand. “I bought you those, and this is how you repay me?” His eyes had darkened; you could feel his hot breath on your face, making you sick.
“Get off me, or I’ll scream. I don’t owe you shit.” You sneered at him, trying to twist out of his grip.
“Oh, don’t worry, darling. You’ll be scream-” A prominent figure forcefully shoved him off of you before he could finish his sentence. You let out a sob, eyes-widening as you realized what scene was playing out in front of you.
The man was on the ground gripping his nose, which was gushing out blood; the figure was standing over him, chest heaving, fists clenching and unclenching.
The figure whipped his head back to look at you; his expression immediately softened as your eyes met his. You let out a shaky sigh; it was Reiner, the figure was Reiner.
“Lay another hand on them, and I swear you won’t see the light of day again, Grieves.” The man haphazardly stood up and scurried off before Reiner could cause any more damage to his face.
You were frozen to the wall, not even registering that Reiner had walked over to you and was calling out your name.
“Are you okay? Can I look at your wrist, if that’s okay with you?” He gave you a worried look, waiting for your permission before touching you. You gave the blond man a short nod, and he bent down to place his fingers gently around your wrist; you could barely feel them as he carefully examined your forearm.
“What were you doing out at night? If you don’t mind me asking.” His hazel eyes flickered up, a concerned expression still painting his face.
Your breathing had stabilized, Reiner’s hands on your wrist were a comforting presence in contrast to the harsh man who had touched you prior, “I was out with Bert; he was helping me with an assignment.”
Reiner’s jaw clenched at the mention of Bertholdt; you barely picked up on the slight change in expression from him.
“Grieves offered to walk me home, but I had no idea-” You let out a shaky sigh; the jarring experience was still fresh on your mind. The man stood up, giving you a heavy nod.
“It’s okay; you don’t have to continue if you don’t want to.” Reiner was still worried for you, his mind racking through ways to get your mind off of what just happened. He noticed in the corner of his eye the outline of what seemed to be tickets.
You watched as he bent down to grab the passes, wiping them on his pant leg. “Two tickets to the theatre, how fun!” He looked up at you with a crooked smile.
“Wait, no, I didn’t mean it like that, it is fun, I mean, not by yourself though-” You giggled at his awkwardness as he quickly stood up, his cheeks rosy with a blush.
“I got what you meant, Reiner, but to be honest, I don’t think I’ll go.” He shook his head and laughed. You looked at the man and bit your lip, words threatening to spill from your mouth.
He gave you a questioning look and tilted his head. “Reiner, walk home with me. Please?”
Having Reiner near you was already doing enough to calm your nerves, but you didn’t want to be alone after what you experienced. He blinked a few times, processing your request before giving a short nod.
You peeled yourself off the wall and promptly placed your shaking hands in your coat pockets, hoping that spending more time with Reiner might quell any remains of anxiousness you felt.
He waited for you to start walking before matching your steps, eyes flicking between your face and the path in front of the two of you.
Both of you walked in silence, the sound of your shoes clicking against the pavement filling your ears. Reiner spoke first, “I know you said you didn’t feel like going, but you should ask Bertholdt; I’m sure he would love to go with you.”
You turned to look at him, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “Bertholdt? You think he would wanna go with me?”
The tips of Reiner’s ears were coloured a stark red, from only what you could assume could be the cold. He gave you a strained smile, “Yeah, of course, he would; you’re such a kind person, and I hear him talking about you all time!”
“Oh. Yeah, maybe I will ask Bert. Thanks, Reiner.” You hoped that any sign of dejection wouldn’t be evident to the man next to you. Sure, you thought Bertholdt was a nice guy, but it wasn’t him that you longed for; it was Reiner. Moments like these made you doubt the little hope you had that maybe, just maybe, he reciprocated those feelings.
“What play is it anyway?” You asked him, noticing that his shoulders had tensed after you accepted his suggestion.
Reiner realized that he was still holding on to the tickets that he had picked up earlier; he brought them up, reading the fine print, “it’s Much Ado About Nothing, hey, at least it’s not Macbeth.” He whispers at the end, handing you the tickets. You blinked at him before bursting out in laughter.
“You can say that outside of the theatre, you know, you don’t have to whisper it.” Grabbing the tickets from him, you watch as his mouth falls open before he turns his face away from you to mumble curses under his breath.
His face was flushed; it was odd seeing such a burly man get embarrassed at the slightest of things. For you, however, this was commonplace; Reiner was gentle and kind. He never overstepped your boundaries and treated you with compassion. While others would look in fear to him, scared to ever cross paths with him in the dead of night, his presence brought you immense comfort. It wasn’t surprising how quickly you fell for him; you thought he might feel the same, but it was clear that he saw you just as a friend.
“Okay, okay, I’m the idiot ha-ha, sorry for not knowing how theatre works.” He rubbed the back of his head as he smiled at you.
The both of you had gotten carried away in conversation, not realizing that you had already approached your apartment.
“I guess we’re here.” Reiner stopped in front of the pathway leading to the main entrance.
“Yeah, I suppose so. Um, Thank you for walking me back and helping me out back there. You’re a wonderful friend to have, Reiner.” You spun around, already wincing at your word usage.
“You are too. Remember not to put too much pressure on your wrists, okay? I'll see you soon" He waved at you before walking off, mind already replaying the way 'friend' rolled off your tongue so casually.
Reiner felt a sense of ache as he walked away from your apartment. Outwardly he didn't seem like the insecure type, he was well-built, and while people revered him for his strength, most never saw past that.
He didn't mean to scare people off, but Reiner couldn't blame them; he wasn't exactly the most inviting person to be around. He kept a small circle of friends, never venturing outside of his comfort zone unless forced. Practically a walking ‘Danger: Do Not Approach, unless you want to get hurt’ sign.
Then there was you.
For a long time, Reiner didn’t understand why you were so kind to him, never once in fear that he could ever hurt you; not that Reiner ever would, you were precious to him. He wanted to tell you how he felt, that he liked you more than a friend, but Reiner realized early on that it would never work out. While you were seemingly unaware of looks the both of you got in public, Reiner wasn’t. The lingering glances told him everything he needed to know. You deserved better; it would be selfish of him to confess and ruin your friendship just because of a silly crush. Which is why he shouldn’t have felt his heart sink when you mentioned Bertholdt.
You shut the door to your apartment before slipping off your coat and shoes. You were exhausted mentally and physically. Walking over to your kitchen, you poured yourself a cup of water and checked your phone. You were debating as to whether you should text Reiner or not.
Deciding against it, you made your way to your bedroom and began changing your clothes into something more comfortable. While you had calmed down significantly from the earlier events, your heart felt uneasy.
Did Reiner think you liked Bertholdt? You thought you made your attraction to the blond obvious, the soft touches, laughing at his jokes, stolen glances, maybe you were just bad at flirting, or perhaps he honestly didn’t reciprocate the feelings.
It couldn’t hurt to try one more time, right? Gather the courage to confess your feelings, and if it doesn’t work out, then so be it.
You chewed your lip before picking up your phone that you had thrown on your bed while changing, shooting him a text.
Hey! I’m going to be meeting with Bert again at the library tomorrow, do you want to join us, maybe?
You drummed your fingers anxiously against the back of your phone, waiting for his reply.
Sure :) What time?
You let out a sigh you didn’t realize you were holding in. This was it. Tomorrow you would tell Reiner how you felt.
“Reiner told me that you wanted to go to the play? Well, he didn’t say that he, uh, said you wanted to go with me?” You sat in front of Bertholdt, who paused his typing once he heard what you said.
He lowered his laptop screen to look at you more clearly, “Me? Why would Reiner say-” You watched as the Brunet groaned and his head fell into his hands. “That idiot, I swear to God, he’s so fucking oblivious.”
It was your turn to be confused, but before you could question the man sitting in front of you, Reiner cleared his throat from behind you.
You whipped around and saw him smiling gently down at you; his hands were tucked into his jean pockets, “Hey, can I sit here?” You nodded quickly, pulling out the chair next to you, watching as he promptly slid in.
You passed over your laptop to Reiner, showing him the assignment details, pointing out the parts where you were confused. He nodded at everything you said, mind occupied with the feeling of having you near him. Reiner looked up and caught Bertholdt’s eye, who raised his eyebrows at him.
Bertholdt mouthed a ‘what the fuck’ to Reiner, who furrowed his brows in confusion.
He realized that maybe his friend was jealous that you were giving him your attention and not Bertholdt. He cleared his throat, “Thanks, I got it.”
You smiled at Reiner, pulling your laptop back to where you sat. He looked at you before looking at Bertholdt, “So, did you end up asking Bert?” Reiner smiled back at you, watching as your head tilted in confusion.
Bertholdt spoke before you did, “You know what, guys, I have to get this call; I’ll be right back.” He shot Reiner a look before standing up and exiting the library.
“Um, I did, but uh, Reiner? He was confused why you told me to ask him; I thought you meant he liked me or something?” You turned to face the blond who was writing his notes for you.
He placed his pen down, and you noticed that the tips of his ears were red, “You like him though, right?” His voice came out as a whisper.
You blinked at him, eyes going wide. Had he thought that you liked Bertholdt and not him?
“Wait, what? I don’t like Bertholdt, I mean, I do, he’s a nice guy, but he’s not my type.” You watched as Reiner shifted his body to look at you; he was barely able to keep eye contact.
“Oh. So what is your type then?” His gaze finally met yours, and he watched as the corners of your mouth turned up, forming a smile.
You figured that it was now or never, “If I were to generalize, then I would say, six feet tall, Blond, some facial hair, looks really serious all the time but has the kindest hazel eyes, and the name Reiner.” You saw as the gears finally clicked into place for the man in front of you.
He let out a small chuckle, “You like me? Not Bertholdt? Why?”
“Why not? Reiner, you are the sweetest guy I know; when I’m around you, I feel safe, my heart is on cloud nine, I never have to pretend around you; you’re so genuine and caring. Sure, Bertholdt is a nice guy, but it’s you I like Reiner, always has been”
If Reiner was blushing before, his face had gone completely red now, “How could I have been so dumb. I like you too.” You giggled at his bashfulness; tiny moments like this reminded you that he wasn’t as scary as people described him to be; to you, he was just Reiner, perfectly so.
Bertholdt walked back in, catching the two of you in the middle of your moment, “So I take it that you sorted out whatever was going on?”
You nodded quickly, grinning at Reiner. The Blond turned to face his friend, “I’m guessing you aren’t going to the play with them, are you, Bert?”
Bertholdt gave the Blond a dead-panned look, “No, you idiot, I think it’s pretty clear who they wanna go with,” he tilted his chin in your direction.
You were fiddling your fingers, the sound of your heartbeat loud and clear in your head.
“Would you like to go with me, Reiner?”
For the first time, Reiner felt okay with being a little selfish.
“Yes, I would.”
a/n: i hope you enjoyed this !! I had a lot of fun writing it, though i understand it was sort of dark in the beginning. this was my first time writing for reiner, so any feedback is encouraged !!
taglist: @c0urtn3y, @depressedbisexual, @dai-tsukki-desu
taglist form in pinned !!
As always, please leave a like/reblog if you enjoyed this, I appreciate lots <33
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blkgirlcafe · 3 years
Professor Nasty
Professor! Florian Munteanu x Black! Reader
Warning: Public sex, unprotected sex, cheating, undefined age gap, dirty talking, slight degrading. 
I keep my description of the reader pretty vague, make her how you want, but she black fosho. I am trying to get better at writing from a Y/N perspective, so any constructive criticism is welcomed. 
Thank you @dersha98 for the inspiration and the ending. Thank you love!
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University of Munich
Y/N tried to keep her eyes on the slides but it was nearly impossible. She never believed the hot professor stereotype until now. 
Somehow she had gotten her dates mixed up and ended up registering for classes late. Which means all the good electives were taken. Y/N had gotten stuck with the two worst electives one could think of and she was sure to be in for a boring ass time. Public speaking and Romanian literature. 
Public speaking was the worst to Y/N, because well it was public speaking. Every other week she was giving a speech, standing in front of a class of 30. It was nerve racking and she always needed a break after that class. 
Romanian literature on the other hand surprised her. The professor was gorgeous, a man if she ever saw one. 
Talk and built like a brick wall that she would happily run into. She sat up front, eyes tracing his each movement. 
“So reports are due, please pass them up.”
Y/N pulled out the report that she put together less than 4 hours ago after reading the spark notes online. She hadn’t read most of the book, getting bored within the first 4 chapters. 
Everyone knew that professors didn’t read these things, just grazed over and did a length check. 
She quickly passed it forward and began to pack her stuff, last class of the day. Y/N couldn’t wait to get home and watch Netflix. 
1 week later 
A big bright red F was stamped on her paper. Not even a C or D. This would tank her grade in the class which would tank her GPA. 
Y/N waited until the class was empty before approving Mr. Munteanu
Up close he was even more impressive of a man. He was solid built and smelled like mint and firewood. She liked it. 
He didn’t even get her a chance to talk, “Your grade is your grade, stop staring off into space and maybe it could have been better.”
Y/N was shocked not expecting that out of the normally quiet professor. 
“I’m sorry Mr. Munteanu, the book was just really hard for me to get into. Can I try another book? Please?” 
Y/N tried her puppy eyes on him, hoping it would work like it would on her boyfriend. 
“Read the whole book, cover to cover and instead of a 2 page report, I want 4. The highest you can get is a B.” 
“Yes Sir, thank you Sir.” 
The way he licked his lips made her look away, something inside her heating up at the thought of his tongue.
“When is it due?” She finally asked. 
“I’ll give you a week, and Y/N don’t tell anyone. I don’t normally let students make up work.”
“I won’t, thanks again Mr. Munteanu.”
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Y/N declined an invite to drinks, and lowkey ghosted her boyfriend to finish the paper. Once she got past the first 4 chapters the book was actually good. Lots of drama and sex which she wasn’t expecting. 
She easily typed out a report after and printed it out. Excited to hand it back to him after class. 
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Y/N waited silently as Mr. Munteanu read her paper. His tall frame was casually leaned against the desk at the front of the auditorium. She fidgeted in her seat. Having him read it in front of her was nerve racking. 
The paper dipped below his lips and Y/N found herself staring at his lips and how pink they were, wondering if they tasted as good as they looked. 
“Miss Y/N, Y/N!” 
Y/N snapped out her daydream, “Yes Sir.”
“I asked what is your favorite part of the book?”
Y/N chewed her lips, wondering if she should tell the truth. The book had a few steamy sex scenes and they were explained in graphic detail. 
Y/N kind of shrugged, not wanting to answer him. 
“Use your voice young lady.” His voice was stern, making her clench her thighs. 
“The sex scenes Sir, they were just so real.”
One eyebrow shot up on his face. 
Y/N felt her heart speed up, this was not a conversation she was prepared to have with him. 
“Come here Miss Y/N.” 
On shaky legs she made her way to where he was standing, he picked the book up off the desk and handed it to her. 
“Show me your favorite part.” 
Y/N flipped through the book she was handed. For some reason her hands were shaking, she found the part. 
“This is it.” Y/N squeaked out. 
“Read it Miss Y/N.”
Y/N gulped, praying her voice did not fail her, “ His soft touch sent flutters through her body, this is what it felt like to be touched by a man. An experienced man…”
Mr. Munteanu wrapped a large hand around her hip, Y/N gasped.
“Can I touch you?” 
Y/N cursed herself, already begging. Mr. Munteanu stood and Y/N felt surrounded by him, he towered over her, his scent engulfed her. Y/N tilted her face up, to look at him. 
“Tell me you want this.” he barely whispered. 
“I want this sir.” 
Mr. Munteanu crashed his lips on hers, kissing her aggressively. Y/N kissed him back, biting back a moan as he grabbed her ass.  She needed more, wanted more. 
“Please Sir…” she broke the kiss. 
“Please what sweetheart.” 
Y/N wasnt sure what to ask, fuck my brains out sir, use me like a toy sir, do anything you want. The pad of this thumb traveled from her hip to her neck where he gently squeezed getting a moan out of Y/N.
“Don't make me ask twice.” 
“Please fuck me Sir.” 
Mr. Munteanu growled as his other hand yanked at her jeans, not even bothering to unbutton them, pulling them down. 
Cold air hit Y/N wet pussy lips she was absolutely drenched from the little he had done. What happened next happened so quickly, Y/N head was still swirling. She was face down on the hard wooden desk, Mr. Munteanu running a thick digit up and down her slit.  The clink of a belt was all that could be heard over both of their hard breathing. 
“Fuck I wish I had more time.” his thick accent broke her out her spell. 
“Please...I need you.” Once again begging like a whore to be fucked by an older man. 
“Don't worry sweetheart, I am going to fuck you like a man should.” 
His wet tip came in contact with her thigh as he guided the thick cock head towards her entrance. His pre cum mixed with her wetness as he pushed inside her, testing the limits of her walls. 
A gasp left Y/N as his thickness filled her up, a painful stretch that quickly turned into pleasure. Mr. Munteanu pushed until their bodies were connected, Y/N walls fluttered around him, reacting to having such girth in them. 
“Good girl, taking all of me.” he grunted. 
Y/N moaned as he begin to fuck her, slow deep strokes that left her breathless. Y/N let out a loud fuck as he hit a particular spot. 
“Have to be quiet for me baby, can't let them know what I am doing to you.” 
“I cant...It feels so good...please more.” Y/N tried to bite her lip, to keep from getting too loud. 
“You want them to know that you like older men, that you let me fuck and so quick.”
“Fuck Yes, please dont stop!”
“I'm not stopping until I flood that cunt.” 
Mr. Munteanu lifted one of her legs, setting it on the desk, hitting even deeper on each stroke, a tingling that started in her core finally let go, Y/N toes curled as she had her first orgasm, breath hitched in her throat. 
“Look at you, already cumming all over my dick. Imagine if I had you in a bed, the things I could do to you babygirl.”
Y/N head swam with the thoughts, the way he could use her body, she wanted that more than she wanted anything else right now. 
“Does your boyfriend make you feel like this?”
He knows I have a boyfriend, Y/N though. Mr. Munteanu picked up the pace, slamming his hips into her. 
“Tell me Y/N.” he said through clenched teeth. 
“No Sir, you feel better.” Y/N cried out. 
Y/N was being fucked so hard she swore the desk was moving, not that she cared, her second orgasm was sneaking up on her. 
Moans, skin slapping and the occasional grunt filled the empty auditorium. Mr. Munteanu pulled out, flipping her over before laying her back on the desk. All Y/N could see was him and his extremely chiseled chest. Her ass was pulled to the edge of the desk, her ankles by his ears, thick dick at her wet entrance. Y/N fist clenched around nothing, riding out her second orgasm. 
“Fuck, I am about to…” Mr. Munteanu never finished. 
He flooded her unprotected pussy, something she didn't even let her boyfriend do. He kissed her legs and thighs as he pulled her legs down. 
“I need more.” was the last thing he said as she rushed to put her pants back on and scurry out the door. 
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Y/N rushed across campus, she felt like everyone knew what just had happened, she felt like everyone knew that her professor cum was staining her panties. She made it to her boyfriend's apartment, praying he was not there, still at the gym, or at the pub with friends.
The whole way up all she could think was, I just had sex with Mr. Munteanu! In the same class that he taught me in. Y/N was going to have to stare at that desk for the rest of the semester. She got to his apartment and mentally cursed herself, she could hear him on the game already. 
“Babe! Where have you been?” He asked her. 
“I had to turn in that paper and he had me stay while he read it.” Y/N tried to quickly get down the hallway but  Fynn wouldn't stop talking. Any other time he would be so engrossed in the game she could walk around stark naked and he wouldn't notice. 
“I waited on you for dinner though, I am hungry babe.” he whined. 
“Let me take a quick shower and I'll order your favorite.” 
She should feel guilty that her boyfriend was waiting for her to return while she was having the best sexual experience of her life on a desk, with her professor, who was also her boyfriend professor. But all she could think about was two orgasms in less than ten minutes. 
“Why are you walking funny baby?”
Y/N froze in her place, she just got fucked with the biggest dick she ever saw. 
“Sprained my ankle earlier in heels, I need to put it up.” 
Y/N quickly faked limped to the bathroom, turning the water up super high. She set her phone on the counter noticing a text from an unknown number. 
Be free Friday evening -Flo
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jean-kayak · 3 years
A Little Courage To Confess
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Summary: Maybe Valentine's Day isn't so bad
Pairing: Jean Kirschtein x black!fem!reader
Warnings: friends to lovers, confession of feelings, (smut 18+!!), fingering, oral sex, unprotected sex, daddy kink, overstimulation, college!au, modern!au
Word Count: 2186
A/N: I hadn't originally planned to write a Valentine's Day fic, but I kept seeing them on my dash, so I caved lmao, and this is my first time writing for Jean, and I wanted to start writing for aot anyway so I thought I used this fic to break myself in lol, also this is lowkey self indulgent but nevertheless, enjoy!
All characters are 18+!!
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"I hate Valentine's Day," you grumble as you throw your arm over your face, listening to Jean chuckle in response.
"You say that every year," he says, and you scoff, not moving your arm.
"That's because it's stupid. Everyone expects so much on that day, but you should be getting that amount of affection every day in a relationship," you rant, and Jean listens intently even though he's heard this spiel many times.
"That's fair," he offers as he looks down at you. "Or is it because you've never had someone to celebrate the holiday with."
"Fuck off," you respond with no heat behind your words as you lightly slap him on the chest. "The only good thing is that the candy is basically free." You finish the sentence by opening your mouth, and Jean sighs before he digs into the bag of chocolate before dropping it in your mouth.
You swallow thickly as you move your mouth around to get out the candy stuck in your teeth. "Besides, I'm pretty sure I'll never get to celebrate it with anyone. I mean, I didn't think I was that ugly," you joke, the self-deprecating joke not even phasing you anymore, it's the one you always use whenever you're on the subject of your least favorite holiday.
"Hey, you're not ugly," Jean opposes firmly, and you smile softly.
"Thank you." He moves your arm from your face, and you open your eyes, blinking as they adjust to the light.
"I mean it. You're beautiful." You feel your face heat up as you give him a shy smile, and he feels his heart skip at your reaction, and he's reminded again of his dilemma.
He's been in love with you since he can remember, the only issue is that it's one-sided, and he hates it. You're in your dorm, both of you laying on the tiny twin size bed. You're laying on your stomach while Jean is laying on his side, propped up with his elbow.
He's so close to you that it's a little unsettling for him because he's afraid that you'll be able to feel every time his heartbeat changes, and he can see and feel that you're not wearing a bra, which does absolutely nothing at helping his situation. Every year you complain about Valentine's Day and how much you hate it, and he also hates it because every time it rolls around, he finally gets the courage to say something to you only to chicken out.
You've both basically made it a tradition to hang out on this day, sharing the candy that you brought for a ridiculously cheap price and he listens to you rant. And that's the routine. But he wants to change it.
"Any guy would be lucky to have you," he says, and he feels a ping of jealousy in his chest at the thought of another guy being the one to steal your heart.
"You say that all the time," you respond with a roll of your eyes. "I'm just convinced that no one will ever go out of their way to confess their feelings for me."
I would. In a heartbeat, Jean thinks, almost says it, but he keeps himself from spilling by shoving another piece of chocolate in his mouth. He grabs another one to focus on anything but the close proximity of you two, and you open your mouth to stop him before he can put it in his mouth.
He rolls his eyes again but moves his hand over, and you lift your head to meet him halfway, and his breath hitches when your lips graze his fingers, but you don't seem to notice, humming happily as you close your eyes, chewing soundly.
You don't notice him staring at you, but his resolve is starting to weaken. So what if he confesses to you and you don't feel the same? What's he gonna lose? Many, many years of friendship? That only nearly makes him shut up, but his head is screaming at him to say something.
You hum when he calls your name softly, and you open your eyes when he doesn't speak right away. "Please don't hate me for what I'm about to do."
You frown in confusion, but he's leaning down, his lips brushing yours and he hesitates for a second but finishes the contact anyway, and you make a surprised noise as you kiss him back, your hand tangling into his hair.
He shifts so that he's hovering over you, the bag of chocolates resting on your stomach falling to the floor, but neither of you pays it any mind. He brings his hands to rub at your sides as he deepens the kiss, tasting the chocolate on your tongue as he moves a leg to rest on the other side of you, caging you under him.
He moves down to your neck, snaking his tongue over the junction between your neck and your shoulder before pulling the skin between his teeth, making you keen as your grip tightens on his hair lightly. He moves to the other side doing the same thing a few more times before you pull his face back to yours, crashing your lips onto his has his hands run up under your shirt.
He pushes the material over your chest, his hands running over the exposed skin, rubbing your nipples until they're erect before breaking the kiss to let his mouth have a turn. You moan as soon as the wet muscle circles at your nipples which makes Jean groan, his pants too tight to be comfortable.
You start to become impatient while he's working on the other one, your hands pulling at his shirt as you struggle to get it off. He sits up, quickly stripping off his shirt before resting his hands at your shorts.
He looks at you for permission, and you nod quickly, lifting your hips to help him pull down your shorts, slipping them off your legs, the soaked clothing landing with his shirt on the floor. He groans loudly at the sight of your pussy shiny with your slick, and he doesn't wait any longer to move down, his face inches away from what he's been dreaming of.
He licks an experimental stripe up your folds, and he revels in the feeling of your thighs squeezing around his head, and it makes him eat you out with more zeal. The pretty sounds you're making go straight down to his dick, the feeling of your thighs making his ears even warmer.
He pays a generous amount of attention to your clit as he nudges a finger at your hole, groaning when he slides it in, feeling how tight you are around his finger. He adds another, spreading them apart to stretch you out as you get louder.
This is what he's been thinking about for way too long, and he thinks he might just pass out from the fact that he's finally getting to taste you. He curls his fingers, hitting the spongy spot inside of you, causing a gush of wetness to seep out, and he quickly laps it up, moaning at your taste exploding all over his taste buds.
"Jean, please," you beg, practically breathless as you try to push him off of you which he does reluctantly, and he mentally takes a picture of the blissful look on your face, your skin glazed with a thin layer of sweat.
He's taking off his sweats along with his underwear, grateful that he isn't being constricted anymore when his dick slaps against his stomach, and he feels pride bubble in his chest when he sees your mouth fall open slightly at how big he is.
"Jean," you plead desperately when he rubs at your folds with the angry, red tip, and he lines up with you, throwing your leg over his hip.
"I know, baby, Daddy's gonna take real good care of you," he murmurs as he lines himself up. Your nails dig into his arm as you already feel stretched out from the head, your breath feeling like it's being punched out of your lungs.
He's whispering praises with soft caresses on your hip as he slides in slowly, your walls so tight around him, he thinks he might cum before he even gets all the way in. He groans into your neck when he bottoms out, his chest rising and falling quickly at how your snug walls pulse around him.
"God, Daddy, you're so big," you wheeze. He's even bigger than you ever imagined, almost forgetting to breathe. He whines into your neck, his grip on your hips turning from soft to bruising.
"Please tell me I can move," he groans, trying to wait for you to adjust, but he can't hold back for much longer. He feels you nod quickly and before you even finish, he's pulling out and slamming back into you, making you cry out loudly.
He lifts his head to see nothing but ecstasy on your face, your body jolting with every thrust of his hips. You've never felt so full, feeling like he's hitting every nerve ending in your body.
Your back arches off the bed when he rams into that spot, and you claw at him frantically as if you're trying to ground yourself. His eyes flutter close when you clench around him, but he quickly opens them to keep looking at you, finding it hard to tear his eyes away.
This is what he's really dreamed of. Having you literally writhing underneath him, but you feel amazingly better than any dream he's had. He lets out a deep moan when you clamp around him hard at the same time you let out a silent scream as your orgasm hits you like a brick.
Your tears blur your vision as Jean keeps moving, and you jump when he fingers your clit. "D-Daddy," you whimper, feeling it hard to keep a grip on him.
"You got one more for me, baby. You got one more for your Daddy, don't you?" he coos, and your breasts bounce with every jab of his hips, and he leans down pulling at your nipple with his teeth as he seems to go impossibly deeper, kissing your cervix.
He does the same to the other as you feel another orgasm building up, your clit puffy from overstimulation, but he doesn't stop his strokes on your bundle of nerves, and you feel like you're going to explode from having two highly sensitive areas stimulated.
"I'm so fucking close," he rasps out, crashing his lips onto yours before his body goes rigid, and he cums with a loud moan of your name just as you do the same, your release squirting all over him. He kisses you softly as he fucks you through your highs, slowing to a stop as he kisses away the tears on your face.
"I love you." His post-orgasmic state makes him lose his filter, and he's so out of it that he doesn't even register that he said it.
"What?" you question, and he pulls away, his blood running cold when he realizes what he said.
"Shit--I," he blanches, searching for anything to say now that he's in the most awkward position. "I didn't mean--"
"How long?" You cut him off and he stops his scrambling to look at you.
"For as long as I can remember," he tells you honestly. There's no point in hiding the truth now that the cat's out of the bag, and this is the part where he gets hit with rejection.
"Really?" you ask, almost in disbelief, and he brushes a strand of hair from your face as he looks at you fondly.
"Yeah. I love you, I've been in love with you," he admits wistfully. "And it's okay if you don't feel the same way--"
"I love you, too." His eyes widen at your confession like he can't believe what he's hearing. You bring a hand up to push some of the hair behind his ear, and then he's leaning down kissing you until you both are breathless.
You nod easily. "Yes, really. I have for as long as I can remember," you repeat back, and if his heart didn't already feel like it exploded, it sure did now.
He pulls out of you, giving you a quiet 'sorry' when you wince before slipping on his sweats, and you watch him walk out the room, coming back a minute later with a glass of water and a washcloth.
You grimace as he cleans you up, the soreness already blooming in your lower region, and he picks up the chocolate as you drink some water. He gets back on the bed, pulling you into his chest, the rhythm of his heartbeat starting to lull you to sleep.
"Do you still hate Valentine's Day?" he whispers into your curls, and you hum softly as you shrug.
"Eh, maybe." He chuckles before pulling you closer to him.
You might still have a little resentment towards the holiday, but maybe it isn't so bad.
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daisybeewrites · 3 years
Sorry, I’m Married
word count?: 3.5k
warnings: canon-typical violence, i don’t describe it graphically tho, just a minor skirmish. happy ending :)
requested? no
ship: dousy/daisy johnson x daniel sousa & dad!coulson
hey guys! i wrote this on a whim after hanging out in a dousy group. i was inspired by the chat at the end of the fic. as always, thank you for reading!! and drink some water ;) fic under the cut!
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Neon lights reflected off rough concrete walls as Daisy’s combat boots walked down the steps to the underground club. Light up signs glowed and glittery heels flashed as crowds of people surged and stepped on the technicolour dance floor. The sequins of her dress reflected spotlights that roved the entry area. There were booths with cushy red banquettes lining the walls near the bar, giving college girls a place to rest their feet and hotshot businessmen a table to sip beer. Currently, the club was full, young men and women crowding the bar and dance floor. Decades night, Daisy deduced, as most of the inhabitants were wearing flashy dresses or denim bell bottoms. Deke would’ve loved this, she thought. I wonder how Deke is doing…
Daisy’s mind drifted as the light up jukebox in the corner switched songs. She didn’t spot the target anywhere, so she pushed in a quarter, chose her favourite 80s hit, and watched as the jukebox queued her song. The vibrations of the speakers were reverberating through her, pumping her adrenaline up. Good, more energy for a fight if I need it. 
Three leather stools were open at the bar—one by itself, and two side by side. She nodded at the bartender and sat in the single empty seat. Her comms crackled in her right ear, reminding her of why she was here in the first place. 
“Dais, can you hear me?” She located where Coulson was speaking across the room, sitting in a wooden booth near the side exit. He casually leaned back and sipped his drink. 
“Loud and clear,” Daisy mumbled. 
“New intel from HQ just came in. The weapons the target is dealing? Alien tech.”
“Great, she said sarcastically,” said Daisy, clearly annoyed. 
Coulson laughed. “On your 3.” 
Daisy rested her elbow forward on the bartop, scanning the selection of alcohols as a premise to look down the row of people to her right. She noticed two young lads dressed in all black suits, carrying briefcases. There was no way these guys were in charge of the illegal operation. Well, at least they won’t be a problem if it comes down to a fight, she thought.
As Daisy’s eyes roamed the club, she locked eyes with a muscular, bodyguard-type with a small, raised scar over his eye. She smiled then turned around. She recognized the uniform he was wearing as standard bouncer garb, but his side-piece was not. CF380, Princetown standard issue. Daisy signaled his presence to Coulson. 
“These guys? Again?” 
Princetown was a group of rich, privileged sons of international diplomats and of heads of large corporations. They slipped through the FBI’s fingers like sand. Now, they had alien tech. No diplomatic immunity would allow them to get out of an arrest now. 
Coulson nodded behind her. She subtly turned her head and glanced in that direction. Wearing an overly expensive silk suit and holding a glass of champagne, stood Luca Casagrande. Son of the Italian Minister of foreign affairs. Notorious for his parties, wealth, and lack of self-control. He winked at a blonde waitress who slipped him a piece of paper, which was very obviously not a bill. Daisy rolled her eyes. Criminals these days are so stupid, she thought. 
Coulson bit back a laugh at Daisy’s reaction. “Alright, Daisy, you’re up.”
“Remind me again why I was chosen for this part of the mission?” she murmured while sipping her drink to hide her words.
“Because, you’re good at it.” Coulson went quiet for a second then added, “And I'm not Casagrande’s type.”
Daisy flashed her eyes in Coulson’s direction, frustrated. She mentally went over the calming exercises May taught her. Deep breath, exhale. Let’s do this.
Daisy slid off the barstool, and approached Casagrande slowly. He only looked her direction when she sidled up next to him. 
“Hey, sweetheart. What’s a beautiful girl like you doing out here all by yourself?” A smooth, accented voice inquired.
Daisy bottled up a sarcastic remark and stocked it on the shelf for later use. Only Daniel is allowed to call her sweetheart. 
“Well, I was hoping,” she blinked up at him, batting her eyelashes. “to find some product. Heard you had all the good stuff. I'm lucky I even caught you here, considering your reputation.”
“Geez. Laying it on a little thick aren’t we?” Coulson couldn’t help it. The snort Daisy covered up as a cough was too hilarious.
Luca smiled. It was charming, but unsettling. “Oh? And what reputation would that be?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Daisy countered. She looked around before continuing, “Look, I've got pressure on me to deliver. I’d appreciate it if we talked business before pleasure.”
 “Hard to get.” Luca’s eyes sparkled. “Alright. Let’s talk business.”
He leaned over the bar and signaled the bartender to bring him two glasses of whiskey on the rocks. Once a glass was in his hand, he gestured to Daisy’s. “You don’t drink?”
“Not when I'm on the clock. My employers frown upon it.” 
Casagrande nodded. “I see. So, what type of product were you looking for?”
“Anything I can sell. Uncle Sam called and said they need a next gen advantage for soldiers. Weapons, maybe?” She ran a finger down the lapel of his suit. “They pay generously.”
“You work for the US military.”
“We have a... mutual understanding.” Daisy flashed a brilliant smile. It was kind of fun playing an undercover persona. 
Luca studied her face. “I don’t get details?”
Daisy scoffed, “Of course not. Son of a foreign diplomat, it’s a risk the US can’t take. If other countries found out…”
“Yes, I understand," He responded carefully. 
“And I understand that you also do some dirty business with governments.”
A menacing half-smile rose on his face. “Only the beautiful ones.”
Looking up into his eyes, Daisy felt the same disgust that had been worn by everyone at the mission briefing. Au contraire, Luca seemed to find Daisy extremely attractive. 
“Why don’t we—”
“No.” Daisy internally cringed, but on the outside she seemed relaxed and blasé. She risked a glance at Coulson, to see his reaction. His entire body was rigid. She didn’t blame him. Hearing some douchebag proposition your daughter...yulgh. She wished Daniel was here to watch her back, too... this guy was getting under her skin. Everything about Casagrande pushed her buttons. 
“No,” Daisy affirmed, tilting her head. “Business first. We can talk about any other deals after.” 
“But there is a possibility?” He cheekily remarked. 
Not a chance in hell, Daisy thought. “Maybe. But for now, I need to move product ASAP.”
Luca mulled thos over and sipped the burning whiskey. “I may have some contacts that could help you. In return, what will you give me?”
Though the question was innocent, his intentions were obvious. That was exactly what she wanted. 
“Depends on how good the product is.” She stepped a little closer “It’s a little crowded in here, don’t ya think?”
He pushed off the bar, inches from her. He smelled like overly expensive cologne, and not the good kind. “I'm meeting some business associates out back in a few minutes. We’ll make a deal after that.”
“Would they happen to have anything I could—”
“Sorry, sweetheart, I do business privately.”
Daisy faked a sweet smile and resisted the urge to punch him. 
Luca took two steps toward the back door, then turned around and strutted back. He tilted his head towards her. “A good luck ki—?”
BRing. BRing. Bzzzzz. 
Best. Timing. Ever. Daisy shot Luca an apologetic look before picking up. 
“Hello? Oh, Dad! One sec.” Daisy took the phone off her ear, and whispered to Luca, “It’s my Dad. He’s in the hospital. Doesn’t know what my real job is.”
She brought the phone back up to her ear as Luca irritatedly glanced around. 
“Dad? Yeah... No, I'm fine, how are you feeling?... That’s great, Dad.” She winked at Luca and held up a finger. Daisy was glad he didn’t notice Coulson over her shoulder, also on the phone. 
“I'm with some friends…” Luca raised his eyebrows. “Luca Casagrande... He does business with my marketing firm.”
Daisy waved Luca away after noticing him checking his Rolex twice in ten seconds. He nodded and headed out back. She made sure he was out of earshot before alerting Coulson.
“Coulson, he’s headed out.”
“Yup, QJ-6 is on the way. I’ll stay to watch his lackeys.”
Daisy gave the bartender a tip and walked towards the back door, grabbing her gauntlets from behind the bar. He dipped his chin and continued wiping down the counter.
As she walked into the chilly night air, Daisy was greeted with silence. Droplets of water dripped onto the leather of her boots from the rooftop. The concrete crunched in the darkness of the alley. Light from the streetlamps was scarce, melding shadowy corners with the dim alleyway.. Daisy could hear faint music through the brick walls of the club. A smirk formed on her face as her pick from the jukebox played. Walking towards the street, she checked behind the moldy trash bins for a sign that Casagrande was hiding. The opening guitar grew louder as the safety of a gun clicked off behind her. 
“So,” Daisy raised her hands up. It was a trap. “what happened to your business associates?”
Luca chuckled behind her. 
“You’re not stupid. You can figure it out.”
Daisy slowly turned around to face him. 
“You bluffed to see if I would follow you.” She wasn’t surprised. She had counted on this. “You’re a decent liar.”
“So are you.” Luca lowered the gun a bit. “Who are you? CIA?”
“That’s classified.” 
Luca laughed, haphazardly slinging the pistol to the side in a grand gesture. “Of course it is.”
“I wasn’t lying when I said that the government and I have a mutual understanding.”
“But that isn’t the whole truth, is it?” 
Daisy smirked. “Of course not.”
Technically, this was true. Her status as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent was protected knowledge, no one but people inside her agency and a handful high-ranking world intelligence officers were aware.
Daisy decided he might as well know who she was. He was going to be locked up in a max-security cell pretty soon, anyway.
He fell against the wall as Daisy hit him with a small quake, just enough to get her point across. His expression was one of pure shock.
“You- Y- You’re…”
“Daisy, what’s going on?” Coulson must have felt the vibrations. She didn’t think she had hit Luca that hard. Daisy could hear the quinjet approaching, the comforting vibrations of the engine helping to calm her nerves. She stepped toward Luca.
“You have two options: come peacefully with me, or I call the cavalry to take you in by force.”
Luca stayed on the ground, silent. He reminded Daisy of a pouting toddler. 
This toddler had a few tricks up his sleeve. 
Coulson’s voice came through her ear. “Daisy, do you ha—”
Daisy’s blood ran cold as she received static from the other line.
“Coulson? Coulson?!”
Wide brown eyes turned to watch Casagrande’s smirk grow. 
“Problem?" He said smugly. 
Daisy quickly knocked him out with the mini-ICER she kept inside her boot and ran back inside. Opening the solid metal door to the inside of the club, she registered the panicked screams from the main room. As she hurtled through the plain hallway towards the crowds, she wished she had a way to tell the backup team that they were flying into trouble. He must’ve known we’d be here. How did he know we’d be here? 
The walls were a blur as the confusion and fear from the civilians in the club became palpable. The door squeaked on its hinges as Daisy threw it open. She didn’t see Coulson anywhere. Actually, she couldn’t see anything at all. An EMP. Cool. Fun. Alright. That’s fine. 
It’s all fine.
Wandering the crowds, Daisy tried to find a way to contact the team. Surely they had a landline in here? 
The bartender pulled her aside as she passed him. He silently pointed to the jukebox. It was the only thing still on and functioning. Of course, Daisy didn’t know how she hadn’t seen it before! 
She walked to the jukebox and searched the sides for a dial, a button, something... Aha! She unlatched the panel and bent down to dial Piper’s number. She pressed the call button while her vision grew blurry. Her eyelids drooped. A sluggish head turn towards the dance floor gave a view of unconscious bodies asleep next to each other. Daisy tried to stand, to walk to the nearest victim of the sleeping gas. A burning zap that seemed to travel through her veins rendered her unconscious. I have to find Coulson…
Daisy knew she probably shouldn’t have left Casagrande in the alley by himself. She was playing right into his hand.
Coulson was more important.
Coulson. What would he do?
Daisy slowly tried to open her eyes. She felt like she had a hangover. The light was dim, the floor beneath her cold as ice. Her hearing slowly came back as she took in her surroundings. A pair of black dress shoes blurred into her frame of vision. 
“Hey, you’re awake.” Coulson’s voice flooded her with relief.
“What happened? Where…?”
Coulson helped her sit up against a rough stone wall. “I have no clue. Best guess? An Italian castle.”
Daisy was suddenly very awake. “We’re in Italy?”
“Hey, I said best guess.” Coulson pointed his fingers to the ceiling. “I heard footsteps up there earlier.”
Daisy just nodded. Last time she was in Italy, she had a hell of a lot better time. For starters, no one zapped her with— wait, what was she hit with?
“What was that weapon I was hit with? It felt like it was melting my insides.” The thought scared her. The only other time she had felt that type of pain was when... she didn’t like to think about it. 
“You know the alien tech that Casagrande was running?” Daisy nodded. “Yeah, it was that.”
A loud groan solidified Daisy’s frustration. Her eyes closed while she tried to concentrate. She tried to feel any vibrations near her, to soak up anything that could signal where they were. Instead of feeling the vibrations of a mountain or a plane, she felt footsteps. Coming closer, closer... Daisy opened her eyes. 
Luca entered the chilly cell through the thick steel door. She would have quaked him back about a hundred feet if it weren’t for Coulson’s hand on her arm. 
“You two seem comfortable. Can I get you a drink? Water? Coffee?” His smile was smug and irritating.
Coulson replied before Daisy could. “No, we’re good thanks. How about instead, you give us some answers. Starting with: where are we, and who’s your source?” His voice got harder and colder as he went on. Luca acted unfazed. 
“No. You are insurance. You have physical evidence of my illegal trades. I was going to leave you on the curb, but then this guy,” Luca pointed over his shoulder at a soldier then slapped the short lad on the back. Daisy recognized him as one the short lads with briefcases at the bar. “This guy had to go and shoot you with the Widow’s Bite!”
Coulson's eyes grew wide in recognition. Daisy could connect the dots herself.
“You stole Black Widow’s weapons?” They said in unison. Coulson and Daisy looked at each other and fell silent. By Daisy’s profile, if they kept acting surprised and in awe, he would keep giving them answers. 
“Yes, I did. Amazing right?” Luca stared off into the distance. “Last month I hired a thief to get into the Avenger’s Compound. She got a copy of Stark’s old hard drive, picked up some old relics, modified them with alien metal stolen from Hydra. But every time I tried to open it, it would corrupt my servers. I took the damn thing to every hacker I knew, now they all want to kill me because I crashed their servers. Some of them used to be part of the Rising Tide, when they were still young and hotheaded. They told me about a hacker named Skye. She disappeared, never heard from again. She has no information on her. She has no records. Not even in the top intelligence departments of America. She doesn’t exist.
“But Daisy Johnson does. Daisy Johnson, a hacker who rose in Skye’s place. Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.”
“And you need us to get to her,” Coulson finished. “I hate to burst your bubble, but we’re expendable. You’re better off throwing us in the ocean than you are waiting for her to come.”
Luca seemed to be seriously considering this. Then he nodded. You’re right, I need to up the ante. Raise the stakes a little.”
He jerked a thumb over his shoulder as he turned on heel and swaggered down the hallway. “Bring them.”
Two soldiers came in to get Daisy and Coulson. They reached down to grab Daisy, and she swiftly brought her head forward to hit theirs. Stunned, the soldier took a step back, giving Daisy time to stand up before she gave a hard kick to his stomach. The other soldier was similarly impaired, having taken a startlingly strong punch to the jaw from Coulson. The crack! of the bone echoed off the stone walls. Daisy quaked them against the wall for good measure, realizing they hadn’t taken her gauntlets. Coulson was waiting by the door. 
“Let’s go.” 
They ran through the halls, following where they thought Casagrande might have gone, stopping in several rooms on the way to hide from Casagrande’s soldiers. They ran into him at the front of what was, indeed, a stone castle. He stood on the uneven steps gazing out at rolling hills and cottony clouds hung high above a choppy lake. The wind blew hard, just enough to make you wish for a sweater from someone warm and comforting. It was all quite picturesque. 
Except for the criminal standing in front of them. 
“Congrats, you escaped! I’m so glad.” Luca smiled and opened up his arms. 
“Somehow this guy still sounds smug. We just escaped from his prison and this guy still thinks he’s won.” Coulson turned to Daisy. 
Daisy shook her head and shouted, “Hey, Luca! The fight’s not finished yet!”
“Really, sweetheart? Because it looks to m—”
He was interrupted by a violent quake in his direction. She strided over to where he was struggling to get up. 
“It looks like what? I can’t hear you.” Daisy rested her hands on her hips. 
“It looks as if you are lost. Even if you escape, you have no way to get home,” he wheezed. 
Daisy rolled her eyes. Coulson walked up behind her, squatting down beside Luca and using a hand on his shoulder to keep him in place. 
“We’re resourceful. And while we were hiding from guards in some of your fancy tech rooms, we found an old sat phone. They’re easy enough to use, all we had to do was phone a friend and tell them exactly where we are,” Coulson explained. 
“Ah, but you don’t know where we are, sweetheart.” His rebuttal was pointed at Daisy. She decided it was her turn to prove him wrong. 
“See, that’s where you’re wrong. You counted on us not being able to crack your hard drive’s encryption and get past your feeble firewalls. That took less than five minutes. The only remotely hard part about hacking you to find our coordinates was trying to read everything in Italian.” Daisy laughed. 
Luca tried the wiggle away from them. “If you have my hard drive, then you know there isn’t anything of importance on there.”
As she pulled a pair of handcuffs out of her boot, Daisy exchanged a look with Coulson. 
“You’re right, there isn’t anything of value on that hard drive,” she said. “There are about 100 other files I downloaded from your personal computer that do have important intel, though.” 
Coulson pulled a face and sucked in a breath. “Yikes.”
“So, I guess if you’re arresting me, there isn’t any chance we could ever do business, if you know what I mean?”
Daisy mentally pulled that bottle off the shelf and dusted off her sarcastic remark. 
“Sorry, I’m married.”
Daisy locked the cuffs into place and stood Casagrande up. Two quinjets touched down thirty minutes later, one with a team of agents to search the castle, and one to take Daisy and Coulson home. Agent Piper met Daisy on the ramp of QJ-6, something metallic and glittery in her hand. 
“Thanks for holding onto it.” Daisy hugged Piper before taking her ring back. 
“No problem. Wouldn’t want this rock to get lost in the field!” she laughed. 
Daisy slipped the smooth metal on her finger and sagged into the jump seat next to Coulson. She rested her head on his shoulder, softly gazing at her hand. 
“I can’t wait to be home with Daniel.”
A/N: heeeey! this fic was inspired by @starkmaiden ‘s post in a dousy group i’m in. thank you!! if you have a request, question for me, or want to be added to my taglist go visit my ask box! i love each and every one of you :)
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kuuderekweenfics · 3 years
Dabi is Not a Liar
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Hello everyone,
This is it. I’ve fallen off the precipice of...what exactly? Sanity? Or, perhaps, lack of shame? Who knows. But this was a fun little piece I wrote about a month ago. I put it up on AO3, but I thought I’d create a Tumblr for future fics since this is a bit more social.
Please keep in mind that I am shaking the dust off my writing and so it may not be the most polished piece of work. Go easy on me. But I hope you enjoy it regardless!
Explicit Warning: non consent or extremely dubious consent.
Fingernails carve into the the filthy brick of the abandoned building nestled by the sea. The pier moaned, it’s cold breath wrapping around your body and reeking sourly of fish and decay. 
Your head hangs low between your hollow arms. How you got yourself into this position is due to several reasons, of course. One, your brain is swollen twofold in your skull, pounding with the weight of lead. Two, shame caresses every part of your body far more thoroughly than the man who currently has you trapped between him and the wall. Three, and most likely the most crucial reason, Dabi, ‘the Cremator’ as he was so often called, has been railing you senseless for the past hour.
You cried yourself dry after about ten minutes. He came quickly the first time, unabashedly getting off on your whimpers and pleas. Where he dug up the stamina to keep his cock hard for another three rounds was a dull ache for your mind, and pussy, to ponder over. 
The strength in your knees escaped long ago. His fingers gripping your bare ass as he currently pounds himself into you, deeper and deeper each time, is the only support you have against gravity. 
He attempts some foreplay occasionally, killing the space between the two of you as he whispers into your ear threats of what is to come and reaches under you to thrash at your clit rough and carelessly. This is, you figured out, more to his benefit than yours; he had to get you more motivated to continue the little game he set for the both of you somehow. You mewl softly when he does, cursing your needy body for betraying your wants.
Because this isn’t what you want. No, no, no. Not even if his thick, veiny cock fills you to the brim and sometimes hits a spot in your core that makes you see stars and silently beg, much to your humiliation, for more.
What you want is to go pro. You just started working for a small agency start up only a week ago. You’ve dedicated to becoming a top ten hero, even if your quirk isn’t the most convenient. But if a guy who’s power was to do laundry could make it to the top, so can you and your absurdly comical gacha quirk. You are able to generate capsules from your hands, ranging anywhere between the size of a tennis ball to a beach ball, but the contents inside are always random. This little inconvenience made your quirk almost entirely useless. Despite it all, you trained hard and got a once in a lifetime opportunity at this agency. Your task today was to survey the pier for any suspicious activity called in by a concerned citizen. You were strictly told not to engage and call for back up as soon as you surveyed something worthwhile. But you immediately ran in, all too confident in your ability at hand-to-hand combat, as if you had something to prove. You crouched behind stacked crates and fumbled through your creations: a teddy bear, a toaster, a tennis racket. Before you could generate another capsule, you heard his whistle behind you. He was crouched, hands lazily in his pockets and looking over your shoulder with a deadpan expression that plainly said you were in over your head. 
But you knew you were quick. The tennis racket sped toward its target only to be crumbled to ash as his hand stopped it an inch from the side of his head. He smiled at you then, not quite reaching his eyes but eerie and menacing all the same. And before you could even fathom throwing the toaster, he pinned your neck to the wall. Your feet kicked helplessly against the brick, unable to find purchase on the floor a inches below. One of your hands pried at his arm while the other reached for his face or his neck or anything you could grab hold of that could cause enough pain to lot weaken his grip. Your breaths came up short, your lungs screamed for a sip of air. 
“It looks like a little mousy lost her way,” he chuckled. “Now whatever am I going to do with you?”
Drool leaked from your mouth as you fought against your restraint and blurred vision. Your mind clawed for consciousness, your body begged for survival. You had come to terms that one day you could potentially meet your end at the hands of a villain, as does any hero in this field of work, but you hadn’t expected it to be so soon. 
You felt the obstruction in your mouth before you saw it. The thumb of his free hand pressed on your dancing tongue, drool pooling where he held it down firm. If the look in his eyes scared you before, now they were wild and carnal and more terrifying. 
He first has his way with you with his hand still around your throat. He let up on his grip and was so gracious enough to let you wrap your legs around him while he impales you without a second thought. 
He grunts. “Fuck, you’re tight.”
You are no longer a virgin, but you’re sure you never experienced cock of this size, all the while without some form of foreplay. Granted, he used your drool to lubricate himself before sheathing himself deep in your gummy walls, the friction elicits a gasp of pain while from you as he moans and nips at your neck. Not long after he begins to thrust do you start sobbing, and soon after that he shoots inside of you, his cock twitching to unload what feels like everything he had. You hope it is over then. He would either kill you or leave you there broken physically and mentally. You find out soon enough it is neither.
“I’m gonna fuck you until your voice is gone from screaming my name, little mousy,” He gasps into your shoulder as the twitching finally ebbs and his release oozes down your thigh. “I’m gonna fill you with my cum until I am sure that when I leave you in this shithole, you will have a little part of me with you for the rest of your miserable life.”
And if there is one thing you can call Dabi, among the million curses and names you can conjure, you aren’t sure if you can call him a liar. For true to his word, albeit only partially, he comes into you, hard and relentless, two more times before starting once more. You are absolutely positive this goes against all modern male biology. But you guess, in a world with bizarre quirks, anything is possible.
Halfway through round four, you feels his fingers weave into your hair and, for a moment, you think Dabi just may capable of being passionate. Or, at the very minimum, maybe he thinks more of you than just a bucket for him to shoot his load in. This moment, you find, is fleeting as he yanks your head back and pulls you up until your back lies flat against his chest. He slowly pulls the zipper of your shirt down and grabs your breast callously, pinching your nipple hard until you cry out. 
You can only imagine that he’s grown bored of your silence and complacency because his other hand reaches around until his fingers find your clit, exposed and hungry for some well-deserved stimulation. His fingers rub small circles against it, and you feel nauseated as you let out a moan, your pussy clenching desperately around him in newly kindled desire.
He hisses at your reaction, an obvious stamp of approval and continues flicking your bundle of nerves as he pumps in and out of you. “Say my name.”
Your mind, which, up until this point, had been lost in a sea of fog, finally breaks the surface. And it is pleading with you to not give in. He speeds up, each thrust hitting the right spot and oh no, oh no, it feels so fucking good.
“Say my name, little mouse.”
Your core coils tight with stimulation, the spring on the precipice of release with the pressure of his calloused fingers. The ache you had felt up until then is replaced with an immense pleasure that you haven’t felt in, let’s face it, ever. You stand on your toes to give him a better angle. Your hands searched for something to anchor onto. One mindlessly reaches above to grab onto his hair as he licks you, hot breath warming your already flush neck, the other latches onto your ignored breast.
“Say it.”
You bucked against him, almost there, almost there, so very close....
Until he becomes utterly and completely still. 
“No, no. Please, Dabi! I need it. Fuck me, please Dabi!” You sob. 
And with that, you feel a smirk form against your neck. He pulls out of you and before you can so much as whimper, he shoves you back onto a large crate. He grabs one leg and forces it up and over his shoulder as he penetrates you, holding your waist to keep you steady as he pumps in fast and hard. His hip bumps into your overstimulated clit with each thrusts and it nearly obliterates you. In this new position, his cock kisses your cervix and, if you ever had any semblance of control since being pounded into, it has all but disappeared.
“Dabi! I’m going to...Ah, shit, I’m gonna...”
As you begin convulsing, you hear his name, loud, hot and heavy, escape from your lips. Your release sends him over the edge, and he ruts into you. 
Just as quickly, he slides out of you, places himself back into his pants and walks out with his hands in his pockets without a word before the cum can so much as leak out of you. You lay still and let the world refocus before you get up and go home. You come to realize that he didn’t so much as care if you came or not, and that the fact that you had was a happy coincidence on your part. What he was really aiming for was you to scream his name, just as he said you would. How little regard villains had felt about others left you in awe. Can you really go head to head against him or any other villain again? 
You submit your resignation the next day.
And two months later, as you stand wide-eyed and frozen over the test exposing itself to you on the bathroom sink, you can finally confirm that Dabi is, in no way shape or form, a liar.
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oneoftheextras · 4 years
jealousy | villain aizawa x hero reader | one
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masterlist | tip jar
prompt: Yandere Villain Aizawa x Female reader. Former student of his turned pro hero, he’s always had eyes for her at UA but never acted upon it. Once she graduates, she takes a role at Endeavor’s agency, and Aizawa can’t stand the thought.
A/N: I’m gunna be honest with you, I can’t stop thinking about this one, and I really shouldn’t be making another series but I NEED this. It’s going to be filled with sooo much 18+ bullshit, I’ll put warnings for each specific chapter at the beginning of each one so you’ll know whats coming. I love love LOVE Villain Aizawa.
words: 1.7k
warnings: for this chapter, just violence, and swearing
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
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The black mass flew over head, jumping from one roof to another, if you weren’t sure what you were looking for you would have missed it, but you knew it was him. Climbing the fire escape of one of the buildings, you followed quietly in pursuit, hopping over the large gap between the roofs.
For six months pro heroes from your team had failed to come back from a mission, or came back so badly beaten that they could no longer work as a hero, all of them were chasing the same villain.
Spotting the shadow up ahead stop, you dashed behind a low brick wall, you were sure he didn’t spot you. Listening carefully, you heard a thump in the distance indicating that he’d jumped onto the next roof. You continued to trail him.
Every time another hero came back injured you begged your boss, Enji Todoroki or Endeavour as the public knew him, to let you go after the villain yourself - he always said no. Apparently, you were too valuable to him, too special, too new, to hunt down such a vicious villain.
Peering around the corner of the wall, you continued your silent sprint and leapt across the next building, you were still on his tail - far enough behind for him not to hear you but close enough for you to follow.
When the last hero Ending was delivered to the agencies doorstep with a message branded in his chest, ‘Bring me what is mine’, you knew you couldn’t just stand by and watch, not when you knew so much about the villain and his power. 
He was your teacher during your time at UA after all.
Speeding up, you were only one roof behind him, but he seemed to jump off the edge and out of your line of sight. Cursing, you closed the gap and ran to the edge, cautiously you glanced over. If he had really jumped he would still be falling, or climbing down the fire escape, but it was empty. As you had guessed.
The gravel crunched against the roof tiling behind you, you had to admit, he was clever and fast. Lifting your head in acknowledgement you spoke, not needing to turn around “You’re a hard man to find Eraserhead”, he blew air out of his nose in an almost silent chuckle.
“That is the point” his emphasis on ‘is’, it had been 3 years since you last heard his voice, it was at your graduation from UA High, when he was a kind hero. You would be lying if you said his commanding voice didn’t hold power over you the way it did when you were his student.
“But I managed it” you commented cockily, slowly and cautiously turning on the spot to face him, “Because I let you” he said back. Why would he let you find him? When he had tried so hard to stick to the shadows.
Your heart back flipped when you finally saw him, he hadn’t changed at all, even his hero- well villain- suit was exactly the same, black overalls, yellow goggles and his grey capture weapon. His face still held the scruffy stubble he refused to shave and the scar under his eye he acquired trying to save your class.
On the other hand, you had grown immensely both mentally and physically, you wondered how much you had changed for him.
Especially considering when a hero burst through the agency doors talking about a villain that could erase quirks along with a physical description, you knew you would have to rely on your combat training and physical strength rather than your quirk. You’d been training ever since.
“Look at what you’ve become, and to think there was a time when I called you Sensei” you spat, raising your fists ready for a fight, it was impossible to not let your memories and emotions take hold of you, and that was probably why Endeavour never let you go after him.
“Things change, people change” Eraserhead shrugged, seemingly unphased by your shift to a hostile stance, he began to stroll and circle you, he was being arrogant as though you wouldn’t be a challenge to him.
Which used to be true, he was years older and more experienced, as well as being physically stronger too. But he knew how to get into someone’s head.
“But you can still call me Sensei” he smirked, reaching up to take off his goggles. The look of surprise and confusion on your face must have been obvious because you heard a deep chuckle rumble out of him.
His tone was so different and so unlike the man you knew, you started to doubt how well you could fight him, “You’ve killed people! Innocent people!” you shouted at him, stepping forward, you had to get your emotions under control.
“Those people are not innocent” he shook his head, letting his goggles fall loose around his neck, you locked eyes, they felt so familiar but so distant as well.
This was the man who taught you, tutored you, helped you get back up again when you fell, and he had a huge part in moulding you into the woman you were today. It was heart breaking to see selfishness and greed consume him.
Overcome with emotion, you pushed yourself forward and attempted to use your quirk by extending your dominant hand towards him. Nothing happens. You stare down at your outstretch palm in confusion.
“Seriously?” he raised his eyebrow, his eyes were glowing red and his hair was flying high above his amused face. The one thing you had to remember, and you’d forgotten it.
In your frustration, you threw your other fist towards his head hoping to land a punch, but it was stopped midair, you watched his capture weapon curl around your closed fist and your wrist.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Eraserhead’s hair droop down for a moment, you took the opportunity to shoot a ball of purple fire at the man and hurriedly tried to untie your fist.
With little to no effort he hopped out of the way and sent his capture weapon onto your other hand, binding the two together. “Is this really how Endeavour’s been mentoring you?” he scoffed, which just made you even more frustrated.
You needed to think “All the trouble I went through to make you a good hero, and he’s undone everything in just a few years” he shook his head disapprovingly, he expected you to be weak, so you would play weak.
Trying to pull your hands apart, you pretend to struggle more than you actually were, making sure to fake a panicked look on your face. He smiled and tightened his grip on the capture weapon, pulling you forward slightly.
Seeing the opening, you moved forward with is pull and purposely fell to the floor, making sure you landed on your knees, the impact was rough and hurt so naturally you cried out at the sudden pain.
He was eating up every minute of it, in all his years of being your homeroom teacher, you had never seen such a wide smile and gleeful look on his face.
“I really expected more from you” he tutted, walking closer to you and reeling the capture weapon in like a fishing line to keep it nice and tight but closing the proximity between you.
Making your chest rise and fall harshly to make it seem like you were out of breath, you let him get closer.
Tugging on the capture weapon, he made your hands fly up above your head and towards him, the make-shift leash he’d created now so short he may as well have been holding your wrists together himself. As he pulled on the bindings you allowed yourself to rise as well, staying on your knees but staying tall, making it seem like he had all the control.
You waited patiently for the right moment, staring up at him and watching his every move, trying to predict it before it got you killed.
For a moment he dropped his guard, truly believing that he had already won, you shot your leg out to the side and used your thigh muscle to push your other leg onto its foot and spun as quickly as you could.
Your outstretched leg connected with his and knocked him off his feet, you had never moved that quickly in combat practice. The impact of him hitting the floor loosened his grip on the capture weapon, allowing you some movement, you yanked on it as hard as you could to free your hands, but to no avail.
He was faster than you’d ever seen him, he was already back up onto his feet and chuckling, why was he chuckling?
Not giving him time to react, you swung your leg upwards, making sure the bottom of your shoe connected with his weapon and you forced your leg downwards in an attempt to throw him off balance.
But nothing happened.
Shifting your eye-line from the fabric laying flat on the floor to where you thought he was standing, but he was nowhere to be seen. Had he ran? All that was left was his capture weapon in a bundle on the floor.
Hearing a noise behind you, you spun around to hopefully find him, but again there was nothing there.
What you didn’t notice was that all the spinning had wrapped the fabric around your arms and torso too, without your hands you tried to shrug it off of you and wiggle free but as soon as you did it got instantly tighter making you gasp.
“I really thought I taught you better” you heard from behind you, and all of a sudden you felt his arm wrap around you. You fought against his grip but the pressure of the capture weapon against your lungs was making you lightheaded, you couldn’t breathe.
“You’re a murderer” your voice strained out, you were starting to see specks of white in your vision, you had to do something and now if you wanted to get out. 
You threw your head backwards in a final attempt at escape, you felt the back of your skull connect with something and a distant shout of pain, but your ears were ringing and your vision was fogged by white clouds.
Feeling your head become weightless and your eyelids flutter closed, your muscles relaxed. You couldn’t fight anymore.
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@mylife-demonstrates-murphys-law @hereticpriest
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Chapter 3.5
Angel Reyes x Black Reader
Warnings: Crude Nasty Hot and Dirty Language. Oral Sex Unprotected Sex. Female receiving. Bodily Fluids
Summary: You return to Santo Padre after being gone for nearly 15 years. Your life and also others will change. Affecting everything you hold dear including your Mayan MC Family.
Not requested by anyone. This is a short Chapter solely dedicated to Angel basically being Angel. ENJOY PEEPS!!!
Pic credit by @claytoncardenas_angels from Instagram
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A thunderstorm has arrived to Santo Padre with howling winds, loud crashes of thunder and flashes of lightning. You were asleep after yet another lengthy round of sex with Angel who was holding you close as you two were asleep. That was while the moon was out. But, now it’s a different story as you two are awake again. Just like the raging storm outside there’s a whole different one of pain, passion and so much pleasure going on under Angel’s roof as he just has your back pinned against his heavy shower glass door as a mixture of cries and lustful pleas are mixed with the hot showering steam. You have your legs around him his tall solid figure as he drags more orgasms from your body. That feeling that was once wrapped so tightly in the pit of your stomach was never reached or challenged by any man before Angel also which wasn’t many either. He has single-handedly been able to push, tease, manipulate your body to the edge as he’d watch you dangle before taking the plunge into the abyss of ecstasy. His eyes, teeth, voice, lips, thick ringed fingers and deadly tongue have all done a insurmountable assault on you. Of course, not including that Double XXL King Cobra big dick energy swinging between his legs. Its funny how even before letting him touch you in such an intimate way he latched onto you in more ways than one. He occupied your mind loving there rent free as he eased into your heart little by little and grabbed a hold of your soul by revealing himself by warming up to you. He pulls you out of the shower as he dries your body slowly and on purpose. Then he walks you back to his bedroom. Grabs a blindfold covering your eyes as he sits you down at the foot of the bed.
“Don’t move mama. I’ll be right back”, he whispers as he kisses your lips softly disappearing for a minute.
All you can hear is the rain falling with the heavy winds as your breathing was steady until you felt the nearness and warm heat of a body coming near you. What you can’t see is that Angel is carrying a small tray in tow as he places it on the floor near your feet. A pair of strong hands touched your thighs as rough pads of his fingers trace the outlines of them as your breath slightly quickens. The feeling is making you nervous but, at the same time it’s exhilarating. Once the touching stops he stepped away from you heading toward the head of his bed. You can hear as if something was heavy and chained was being put in place at the headboard.
He comes back to you as he stares at you as you anxiously chew on your bottom lip while your curiosity is like a runaway train. He grabs a strawberry as he holds it in front of your face rubbing it against your lips.
“Hmmm is that a strawberry daddy?”, you ask as a smile appears on your face.
He doesn’t right away as he dips it in chocolate dripping down his thick finger as a he places it toward you lips as you take a bite. You moan at the taste as he watches you lick the extra chocolate from your lips. He nearly finishes the rest of it as he holds the last piece on his own lips. Moving closer to you as you pull him in taking the rest into your mouth as he lets out a feral growl as you suck on his bottom lip. He’s suddenly overheated and his dick is hard as fucking steel as he grabs you picking you up placing your body flat on his bed.
“Damn my necklace looks beautiful between these breasts I’m going to lick and suck the hell out of”, as your mouth waters with anticipation.
He grabs each of your wrists as they become shackled to his headboard while his hard dick keeps brushing your left leg as a yelp escape your lips. He laughs under his breath as he leaves your legs free.
“Alexa. Play Living Room Flow for me”, asks Angel.
“Sure thing Daddy. Anything for you”, the feminine voice responds back to him as you raise a quizzical eyebrow and shaking your head.
Suddenly music comes thumping from his sound system as Jhene sultry voice seeps through his sound system.
I’m so glad you called right on time
You must have just read my mind
If we skipped the small talk, want you now
But, I don’t have to stay til mornin’
I don’t have to, I don’t have pack no clothes
I am really not that lonely
We finished, we finished and I will go
 You gasp and hold you legs together for the simple fact that Jhene gets you in the mood for sex. Unless Angel knows now that her music is your Achilles heel and makes you melt to do just about anything.
He doesn’t say a single word as you only hear his heavy ragged breathing as you pool between your legs. So there you are chained to Angel’s headboard with a blindfold over your eyes when you as that moment feel him snake between your legs as your heart jumps into your throat. Suddenly hear as if something is being shakened in a can when something cold is applied to your belly button as you jump from the coldness of it. A split second later it hits you that this man is putting whip cream on your body so you know what’s going to happen next. His hot tongue laps up every drop of the whip cream as you want to free your hands from the cuffs to touch Angel so badly as you bit down on your lip. You call his name repeatedly as he continues to torment you slowly. He grabs your hips to hold you in place.
“You keep your fine ass still dulce. Or else”, he demands as you stay still not wanting the latter of his threat.
You’re body is still as a board as you feel a sticky and dripping sensation on your skin running between you breasts and on top of your hard as diamond nipples. A slow and agonizing slick trail of his tongue leaves you gasping and begging as he sucks up the honey. Putting your body in hyper drive as you feel two fingers dip between your folds as the pad of his thumb making tiny circles to you clit.
“FUCK ANGEL!! Make me come daddy!!!”, you when as he circles your clit faster as your hips move too.
He must’ve felt you were close to euphoria as he whispers to you.
“I told you to not move didn’t I?”, he whispers in your ear as your breath is ragged and uneven as rubs your clit as your upper body slowly leaves his bed.
Just as you were about to cum for him he removes his hand as you growl in anger.
“WHAT FUCK YOU DO THAT FOR ANGEL”, as you yell at him in frustration as he laughs at you.
“What fucking part of be still you don’t understand little girl? I fucking meant that shit”, as he toyed with you some more.
He then grabs the chocolate syrup as he dips his thick finger into it. He drizzles the syrup onto your folds and clit as he grabs your legs pinning you down so you can’t move an inch. He dives in laying his tongue flat as he suck up the syrup as he gasp and cry his name. You so badly wanted to touch and grab onto Angel as he assaulted your pussy with his stiff tongue and thick full beard as tears fall heavily from your eyes.
“Daddy please let me touch you baby”, you yell in a crying sob as you beg Angel for relief.
Of course, Angel being the brick wall he can be licks deeper and faster as you pull at the restraints wanting to be set free. You’re thinking to yourself as your running full steam ahead as Angel is nearing you towards that infinite orgasm you’ve been within reach as tears fall faster from your eyes as your so want to squirt all over his beautiful beard. Just as your nearing the finish line you whisper his name non-stop and he does it again pulling back from you as your now beyond pissed as your now cussing him out.
He does nothing but, guffaws with such cockiness you are practically beside yourself at this point.
“I fucking hate you Angel Reyes. I literally can’t stand you right now”, as you spew anger and cuss words.
He grabs you by the waist as he yanks your lower half toward him as you attempt to resist him.
“Colibri this is a losing battle of you trying to fight and rebel against me. Especially since I know you want Daddy to stretch out this tight ass pussy you been waiting for. All you want to do is wet and squirt all over this dick too. So, when you think you denying me you actually denying yourself”, he whispers in your ear as his tongue flicks your lobe as it sets your body a blaze. You cry uncontrollably as you plead with him to satisfy you so desperately. To a certain extent he’s enjoying this teasing game of cat and mouse he has going with you. But deep down he just wants to fuck you so hard that he’ll be the only man on your mind. He wants to be so consumed with all of you physically and mentally it’s tearing him up to an extent to see you begging, crying and pleading for him to fuck the living day lights out of you. So, he lets bygones by bygones and gives you just exactly what you needed. As another song ends he asks Alexa for another request.
“Play When we by Tank for me”, says Angel as a moan escapes from your lips.
He removes the restraints from your wrists as he softly kisses them, he goes for the blindfold as you move your head from his reach.
“Leave it on daddy. I just want to feel you”, as Angel rolls out a growl from his lips as he’s turned on and his dick is bricking up for your pleasure.
“Get on all fours baby. Head down ass up”, commands Angel as his voice has gotten deeper.
You bite your lip as music pours out from his system again.
When we
When we
When we
 I like it when you lose it
I like it when you go there
I like the way you use it
Angel rubs his nose along your folds as you hold onto his bed sheets.
I like it that you don’t play fair
Recipe for a disaster
When I’m just try’na take my time
Stroke is getting’ deep and faster
You’re screamin’ like I’m out of line
His tongue is flattened against your clit as circles and sucks on as you gasp for air
“Don’t stop daddy don’t you dare fucking stop. I wanna come all over your beard please”, as you spur him on. You feel to finger hook inside your center as you buck your round ass against his face. He lets out a moan telling you that he likes it as you pump against his stiff faster. His licks against your clit are more sloppy and profound as you start to shake uncontrollably.
“Oh fuck Angel it’s right there daddy take me to it pleeeease”, you beg as he starts to smacks your ass cheeks one at a time back at forth. Those butterflies in your stomach start to flutter out of control as you take to jump.
“Come for daddy baby. Wet up your beard you love so much” as you lose your mind as you spasm against his bed.
Without noticing “Wet the Bed” is playing as a split-second later Angel enters you from behind filling you completely drawing all the air from you as he steadies himself inside you. He pulls your hair to meet his long deep strokes as he reaches around to rub your swollen clit. You come instantly as you slowly try to pull away from his deafening strokes as he laughs at you.
Bring it forward, don’t you run run
I don’t want to be a minute man
Baby you’re just like a storm
Rainin’ on me girl, your soakin wet, ooh whoa
 He grabs his cell phone feeling himself at the moment as he starts filming. He snaps a couple of salacious pics of his dick penetrating in and out of you as your moans and cries mix with the skin to skin contact getting louder over the music.
 “Fuck girl I love hearing the sweet sound of my dick slapping against my pussy and sweet ass. This is the money shot right here Colibri”, he grunts as he strokes faster connecting to your sweet spot over and over. His strokes are erratic and slowly losing control. He regains as he grabs your waist as he flips you on top of him as he strokes upward into you as he grounds his feet into the mattress.
“You’re mine forever Senorita”.
“Always and forever Mi dulce”.
“No one can’t take my place baby.”
His words alone spare you nothing as you come for him again.
“You hear me? Unless I must remind you again”, as his hot breath is against you ear sending you into over load as he digs his thick fingers into your skin leaving noticeable bruises.
“Yes daddy. Please remind me”, you moan as Angel flips you onto your back as his darker side kicks in. He removes the blindfold as he see you teary brown eyes as he rubs them away. He grabs your legs and pins your knees to meet your shoulders as he moves back and forth inside of you
His beds starts to rock back in forth against the wall as he digs deeper and harder into you. Sobbing cries are grabbed from you as you dig your nails into his skin as you hear his bed creak back and forth from him pounding into you.
“Soy tan adicto a ti papi”, you moan to him as he kisses you with such power behind it his kiss leaves you a sobbing muttering mess.
“Mi Mundo, Mi Todo”, Angel whispers to you as he bits your bottom lip again.  
Your eyes glaze over as you dig your fingers into his hair as your signal to him that you about to cum again.
“Come with me daddy. Let me feel every drop of that pearly essence inside of me”, you whisper as you two come together as so strong that you both yell to the top of your lungs.
You both stay in the same position as you both began to breath evenly again as his head is resting against the crook of your neck.
“I love you Angel Ignacio Reyes” you whisper as your fingers play with his hair.
“Te quiero Y/F/N, Y/M/N, Y/L/N” as he kisses your neck softly.
“Angel I thought the frame was gonna give there for a bit” as Angel laughs at you comment.
“Nah, Colibri that’ll never happen. It’s too strong like the one who sleeps on it”, gloats Angel as you two slowly doze off to slumber as rain continues to fall.
Angel slightly adjusts his big body between your legs as there is a creaking sound.
“CRASH”, as the frame and headboard come apart.
Your eyes are wide as saucers when you realize what you said has come to fruition. Angel looks you in the eye as you attempt to suppress you sniggling giggles of laughter.
“Hmm maybe you should’ve let me come those 3 times you denied me and that would’ve never happened Angel”, you boasted.
“WHAT THE FUCK”, yells Angel as you can’t help but, laugh out loud as he tickles you.
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hazza-bear-care · 4 years
Bound to Adoration
A/N: I came up with this idea when I was high, so I hope this makes sense in execution. 
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader x Bucky Barnes
Summary: Reader went out for a girl’s night and comes home crossfaded. Steve isn’t happy, Bucky and Reader try to calm him down. 
Warnings: Mentions of drug use and drinking
The night was amazing. After months and months of excruciating and time consuming missions, (Y/N) was very happy for the opportunity to go out for a night of fun with a group of her girlfriends. Club hopping was a good idea on paper, but not in execution seeing as all 6 women were stumbling through the streets wearing ridiculous heels. At the third club, the group decided to make that one the end of their clubbing journey, the sticky vinyl booth their home for the rest of the night. 
“(Y/N)! Wanna go smoke a joint really quickly? I promise we’ll be back soon.” Nodding, the girls slipped out of the booth and to the front entrance of the club, the blunt already blazing. The air around them was cold, but that was soon forgotten as the skunky smell surrounded the girls with each inhale, the weed and alcohol mingling nicely. (Y/N)’s head was fuzzy, her already cheery mood boosted even more due to the joint that was rolling through her fingers. A few moments later, the joint was snuffed against the brick wall of the club and the pair decided to head back into the sweaty atmosphere of the building behind them to enjoy the rest of the partying time. 
At 3 a.m., the six girls decided to call it a night after two decided to participate in a vomiting contest. They split up into two Ubers and (Y/N)’s friend sparked up another blunt, of course after confirming that it was okay with the man driving the car. The little sedan was soon hotboxed to the max, a steady cloud of weedy air settling over the group. (Y/N) took one last hit as the Uber pulled up to the gate of the Avenger’s compound. 
“Do you want me to walk up with you?” The driver asked, being the only sober one in the car. 
“No thank you. I appreciate it though! Night, guys!” (Y/N) got out of the car and winced at the sharp gravel under her bare feet, her heels tucked securely under her arm. She started to shiver as she punched in her gate code, the warmth of the compound seeming too far away. With a groan, she pulled out her phone and dialed the only number she could think of for whenever she had a long night. 
“Where are you?” Natasha grumbled, picking up after barely half a ring. 
“Just inside the gate. Took an Uber tonight.” (Y/N) responded as she tried to mask the sound of her chattering teeth. 
“You’re cold. I’ll come grab you in a few.”
“Bring a hoodie!” (Y/N) finished, a light chuckle coming from the other end of the phone before Natasha hung up. Two minutes later, Natasha’s sports car was in front of the crossfaded girl. She stumbled over to the passenger side of the car and was immediately met with warm leather, Natasha’s perfume, and a soft fleece thing thrown at her head. 
“Did you have fun?” Natasha asked, waiting patiently for (Y/N) to put on the jacket before driving up to the compound. 
“Oh yeah, Nat. It was fantastic and very much needed.” (Y/N) slurred, the warmth of the car and the jacket comforting her so much that she almost fell asleep in Natasha’s car. 
“I’m not the only one awake, sweets.” (Y/N) didn’t have to ask what she meant. Bucky and Steve never went to bed on nights their girl decided to go out, needing the assurance that she would come home safe. 
“I know, Nat. Do you have any spray or something? I smell like weed.” Natasha nodded with a laugh, handing the loopy girl a bottle of body splash. After practically bathing in the spray and suffocating Natasha, the two girls exited the car and walked into the compound. Everything was quiet, almost too quiet even for (Y/N)’s crossfaded brain. She made her way to the elevator, the glass room taking her and Natasha to their respective floors and (Y/N) couldn’t have been more excited to see her men. Natasha’s floor came first, the fiery red head bidding her companion goodnight. (Y/N) used the last three minutes of her elevator ride to mentally prepare for the lecture she would get from Steve about how bad drinking and smoking are for your body and blah blah blah. She wouldn’t deny it, but it makes life more fun.   
“Well, I hope you had fun, (Y/N).” Bucky and Steve were waiting for her to get off the elevator before cornering her in their room. 
“I did. It was great. Thank you guys for letting me go out.” Slurring again, she stepped into the room and began discarding her clothes, opting her skin tight party dress for a pair of comfy sweats and a tight tank top.  
“You smell like sweat and weed, (Y/N),” Steve grimaced as he watched her undress, marveling at her dexterity. Whenever she drank at one of Tony’s parties, she drank so much that Steve literally had to carry her back to the room. 
“And what’s wrong with enjoying a little high now and then?” (Y/N) teased, wrapping herself in one of Bucky’s hoodies before fluttering to the bathroom. 
“Well, nothing, but do you have to do it as often as you do?” Steve asked from his place by the bedroom door. (Y/N) froze. 
“You’re kidding, right?”
“No, (Y/N) I’m not. Every night you come home and you reek of marijuana. It gets to be too much sometimes.” (Y/N) dropped the wet rage she had just placed to her face in order to remove her makeup, storming back to where Steve was still standing. 
“I can’t believe you! I was expecting a lecture, but not an accusation, Steve!”
“What are you talking about? I know that this is what you’re doing whenever you go out (Y/N)!” Steve’s voice started rising, not caring that the rest of the compound was asleep. 
“Steve, this is the first time she’s been high in front of you,” Bucky chimed in, the brunette spilling one of (Y/N)’s secrets. 
“What? You’ve seen her like this before?” Steve asked, shocked that Bucky had seen their girl in this shape before. 
“Stevie, I’ve been high in front of Bucky twice. He had to come pick me up the last time I hung out with my girlfriends because I knew you’d be worried if I didn’t come home.” Steve was still dumbfounded by what he was hearing. He trusted her with her friends, but she didn’t have to come home if she knew it wouldn’t be smart. 
“And the second time would be tonight,” Bucky finalized. He enjoyed (Y/N) when she was high; she was funny and ridiculously horny, but because she was under the influence neither Steve nor Bucky would act on what she was feeling. 
“But you smell like weed after you hang out with your friends?”
“Because they smoke more than I do and they smoke around me. I never partake as often as I used to before I met you guys. I may call you ‘Daddy’ in bed, but I don’t actually need you to act like a father, Steve.” In a flash Bucky was up off the bed, his metal hand tightening around her neck. 
“Oh no, Doll. You’ve got it mixed up: I’M Daddy. Steve is Captain. Or do we have to remind you?” Bucky teased, his thumb traveling to her mouth and dipping behind her lips, the metal cool on her tongue. The healthy mix of alcohol and weed dancing in her body made (Y/N) shiver at the commanding tone spilling from Bucky’s lips. The soldier smirked and patted her cheek, resuming his position on the bed and leaving (Y/N) pressed up against the wall. 
“I hate you, Bucky. I’m going to take off my makeup now.” Stumbling into the bathroom, (Y/N)’s hazy mind could only flash pictures of her intimate moments with her super soldiers, the projections making her weak in the knees. She knew neither of them would act on their feelings with the state she was in, but she could almost guarantee a frustrating day of teasing coming soon. Once her face was clean and moisturized, she went back into the bedroom where her favorite people were already laying; Steve on the left and Bucky on the right with a warm spot between them just big enough for her to slip into. 
With the excitement of the night now completely worn off, (Y/N) was tired. She crawled quite ungracefully to her place in bed, the neediness and desire for attention settling comfortably in her bones as she snuggled under the duvet. After bugging for five kisses each from Steve and Bucky, and a LOT of fruitlessly convincing them that she was sober enough for a little more fun, (Y/N) snuggled into Bucky’s arms as Steve read A Tale of Two Cities to both of his loves until they fell peacefully asleep. 
As much as he hated the smell of marijuana, Steve honestly couldn’t imagine his life without the little extra flavor (Y/N) added to his life. He was happy that she was happy and he’d do anything to keep her that way, even if it meant buying her a dispensary of her own. With a smile on his face, he kissed her and Bucky softly, wrapping an arm around his loves. 
“Love you, Stevie.” A quiet mumble fell from (Y/N)’s lips as Steve settled into bed. 
“Ditto, princess. Ditto.” 
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ortizobsessed · 4 years
No Matter What
This one was requested by @aimkatsz. It’s longer than any other fic I’ve written before, but I’m pretty confident it’s also one of my favourites. To anyone who takes the time to read the entire thing, thank you.
Reader x Juice where you and Juice are very close friends, and he comes to you distraught and in need of comfort. (This is intended to take place in the midst of the Season 4 craziness)
Note: I am in no way trying to say that sex is the magic cure to all mental health issues (and I tried to make that clear in my writing) but I truly believe that a moment of intimacy shared between two people at the right time can be beautiful and very powerful.
Warnings: Mention of a suicide attempt, a few swears, and smut.
Word Count: 3267
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Things between you and Juice were complicated, in your eyes at least. What started out as a casual friendship, talking for a few minutes here and there when you crossed paths at the clubhouse, soon blossomed into what you knew would be a life-long bond. Although unsure of what exactly that entailed, you knew you needed Juice in your life no matter what, just as much as he needed you.
The feelings you had for him started out small, when you began noticing all the little things he would do. Like the way he hugged you a little bit longer than the rest of the guys did. Or the way he smiled at you from across the room. Or the way he laughed at your jokes, even when you knew they weren’t all that funny.
It was late one night, and your phone rang. “Hey Juicy!” You became painfully aware of just how fast you always seemed to answer your phone when you saw his name popped up.
“Hey Y/N!” Hearing him say your name made your stomach flutter; that was new. “What are you up to tonight?”
“I don’t have much planned actually, so I’ve got some free time.” With this new self-awareness, you found yourself trying hard to play it cool.
“Great, well I was thinking of having a games night, maybe watch a movie or something. Would you be interested?” You knew any time Juice held a games night, everyone was there. You were more than happy that you were part of the core group of people he always invited, but something in the back of your mind wanted it to be just the two of you. Apparently Juice had the same idea, because when you asked who all was going to be there, his response was, “Well...that’s the thing. I was hoping you would be okay with it just being the two of us this time? The guys get a little rowdy sometimes,” he teased.
You laughed right along with him, “Really? I hadn’t noticed!” Breathing in deep, you attempted to calm your nerves before continuing with, “But yeah- yeah that would be fine with me! Maybe now we’ll finally be able to figure out who the real Mario Kart champ is!”
“Oh, you are so on!” The excitement in his voice was obvious, and you couldn’t help but smile.
Countless times that night you found yourself staring at him just a little too long.
One final lap was left on Rainbow Road, you and Juice were neck in neck, one tiny slip up away from being the loser. That’s when it happened, a lone banana peel laying right in the middle of the track, and Juice ran right into it. You made the final push over the finish line and threw your arms in the air.
“YES!” you yelled, pure adrenaline pumping through your veins.
Juice dropped his head and shook it side to side, before looking up at you, a huge smile on his face. “Okay- okay! You won, fair and square!”
Taking a deep breath and looking him in the eyes, you humbly thanked him. “Well, you made me work for it, that’s for sure!”
Then all of a sudden it hit you, like crashing into a brick wall at 100 miles an hour. You could see a future. In a flash you saw Juice teaching your kids how to play the game, one of them sitting on his lap, his hands over top of their tiny fingers, helping them move the controls.
From that day on, things were a little fuzzy around him. You couldn’t help but replay that night over and over and over again. But nothing seemed to come of it. You’d convinced yourself that it was all in your head. Besides, was the amazing friendship you had worth risking just to find out if he felt the same?
Fast forward 8 months.
Juice had been very distant lately, and it was getting more and more difficult to ignore as the days passed. The happy, playful person you had come to know and love over the past few years was slowly fading. You’d attempted to get him to talk about whatever was bothering him a few times, but he just kept telling you he was “fine”, it was just some “club shit”.
It was a Thursday night, and as you sat at home mindlessly flipping through the channels on your TV, all you could think about was Juice. You debated calling Chibs a couple times to ask if he’d noticed anything weird about him lately, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. If it was all in your head, you would be worrying the club for nothing. But you couldn’t just sit around and do nothing. You decided that if you didn’t hear from Juice by the weekend, you were going to call someone and figure out what the hell was going on.
A few minutes later, you heard a soft knock on the door. You turned the TV off and set the remote down on your coffee table. Looking through the peephole in your front door, you saw that it was Juice.
Before you knew it, you had the lock flipped, the door open, and you were standing face to face. It didn’t take long to realize that he had been crying; his eyes were puffy, and his breathing was heavy.
“Juice! What’s wrong?” You wasted no time, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders and pulling him close. The lack of response from him frightened you. As you released him from the hug, you slid your hands down his arms until you were holding his hands in yours. Giving them a light squeeze, you motioned with your head for him to come inside.
Once inside, you flipped the lock on the door and turned to face him again. He pushed the hood of his sweater off his head, and that’s when you noticed it. Large patches of bright red and purple all around his neck.
“Oh shit- Juan-”
Tears started to build in your eyes, and it wasn’t long before they were rolling down your cheeks.
“What happened?! Who did this to you?!”
You could see it in his eyes; no one did this to him.
“This- this wasn’t an accident...was it?”
He still hadn’t spoken a word, he just shook his head.
Almost like a switch had been flipped, he went from standing completely still, unable to speak, to pacing back and forth in your living room, mumbling to himself.
All you could do was stand there, trying to wrap your mind around this new information. “Juice tried killing himself. What happened? When? WHY? What the FUCK.” Taking a deep breath, it took everything in you to calm yourself down. You needed to be strong for him. This wasn’t the time for you to lose your cool. He was suffering, and he’d come to you for help.
Taking a couple slow steps towards him, you reached out your hand. He was still pacing back and forth, but this time as he passed in front of you, your fingers brushed against his arm lightly, and he stopped. It was clear he was starving for human connection. Without looking at you, he reached his shaky hand back and grabbed a hold of yours. You two stood there for a couple minutes in silence, just holding each other’s hand, until you noticed his breathing slowly return to normal.
All he needed was to be close to someone, know that someone cared. You knew he’d been alone for the majority of his life. The few things he’d told you about his childhood, why he moved to Charming, broke your heart, but in the silence they were all you could think about.
He finally spoke, his voice soft, “I always fuck everything up.”
“No, Juan, you don’t-”
He cut you off, “Turns out I can’t even do this right-” Laughing softly, he pointed to his neck.
You didn’t know how to respond. Closing your eyes, a single tear escaped and rolled down your cheek. When you opened your eyes again, he was standing in front of you, staring into your eyes. “I’m really sorry, Y/N. It must not be easy to care for someone as broken as I am. I’m sorry I’m putting this all on you.”
You shook your head, and brought one of your hands up to the side of his face. “You never have to apologize to me. I’m here, Juan, I promise. No matter what. Just tell me what happened,” you pleaded.
He explained it all. Everything from Roosevelt and the info about his father, up to what happened with Miles. Your heart broke for him.
“There’s nothing I can do. I don’t know how to get out of this. I just want it all to stop.”
You needed to do something, anything to get his mind off of the seemingly never ending pile of shit that kept coming his way. “Okay, then tell me if there’s something I can do. Anything- anything to make this hurt you’re feeling stop.”
Breathing deep, he took his time answering, as if going through a mental list of all the things he needed to make himself feel whole again.
“I need to know that someone needs me.”
His words broke your heart all over again.
“I need to know that YOU need me, Y/N.”
Your shoulders slumped as all your feelings for him, the ones you’d been pushing down for so long, began to surface.
“Make love to me.”
That was a really big first step. Although you would be lying if you said you’d never thought about it before, you didn’t want to take advantage of someone in such a vulnerable state. “Juan- I- I don’t know if that’s such a good idea-”
“No- please- please don’t turn me away ‘for my own good’. I need you, Y/N, I always have. I hate that it took hitting rock bottom for me to finally do something about it.”
You sighed deep, and tears threatened to escape once more. You could hear it in his voice, the desperate plea of someone searching to belong. This would be so much more than just two people fucking. He needed to be close to someone, intimate with someone he loved, who loved him back. And though you knew this wouldn’t be the cure for all his problems, you hoped it would at least give him some sense of comfort.
Feeling your body give in to what it had been craving for so long, you stood on your tip-toes and kissed him gently. You lingered for a few seconds, before squeezing his hand that was still in yours, and leading him to your bedroom.
Once at the foot of the bed, you motioned for him to sit down, and he did. Walking over to your nightstand, you pulled a condom out of the top drawer, and made your way back. Standing in front of him, you placed the condom on the bed beside him.
Leaning forward slightly, you kissed him again, whispering against his lips, “Are you sure this is what you want?”
When you pulled back, you noticed a couple tears escape from his eyes. As you wiped them away with your thumbs, he nodded. “This is all I’ve ever wanted. I need this. I need you.”
Giving him a soft smile, you leaned forward and kissed the top of his head. Trailing kisses down the side of his face and down his neck, being extremely careful not to put too much pressure on the fresh bruises.
Sliding your hands over his shoulders, you found the zipper on his sweater and pulled it down, pushing the sweater down his arms and off his body. He wasn’t wearing a shirt under the sweater, so you picked up your trail of kisses right where you’d left off. Kissing the side of his neck tenderly once more, you continued down the front of his chest until you were on your knees in front of him. Kissing his bulge through his pants, you could tell he was already aroused.
You looked him in the eyes, hoping he would see the love you had for him. Undoing his belt buckle and pulling down the zipper on his pants, you reached over and grabbed the condom wrapper. As you tore it open, he shuffled himself back, pulling his boxers and pants off in one smooth motion. Once his pants were out of the way, he rested one of his hands on your head as you rolled the condom down his length, and placed a soft kiss on his tip.
Standing up once again, you reached for the hem of your shirt, but felt Juice’s hands on yours. He joined you in standing up, as he grabbed a hold of the bottom of your shirt and pulled it over your head for you. As he reached around your back to undo your bra, you took advantage of the close proximity of your bodies, wrapping your arms around him and running your hands against the soft skin on his back. You trailed more kisses across his chest from one shoulder to the other, before he slid your bra down your arms and tossed it to the side.
Neither of you had spoken a word yet, your actions were saying all that needed to be said.
Looking into each other’s eyes, you smiled softly at him as you undid the zipper on your jeans, slid them off your body, and kicked them aside. Placing your palms gently against his chest, his arms around your shoulders, you kissed him passionately. You were completely breathless when you pulled away, feeling the warmth of his skin pressed against yours.
Placing his hands on your shoulders, he turned you around so your back was to the bed, and encouraged you to sit down. Sliding yourself back to the middle of the bed, Juice followed closely on his knees, until you were lying on your back and he was hovering above you.
Sliding your legs apart, he nuzzled his body between your legs, and placed both of his hands on either side of your face. As his kind brown eyes stared into yours, every emotion you’d ever felt for him came flooding in. You wanted nothing more than to show him just how much you cared for him; you loved him.
Your arms were wrapped loosely under his arms and around his back, pulling him down on top of you. The weight of his body on yours was comforting, and you felt all your anxieties disappear. You could only hope the same was happening for him.
Running his fingers through your hair, he kissed you tenderly and asked, “Is this okay?”
You nodded, “Yes Juan, this is perfect.”
A soft smile found a home on his face; it was both beautiful, and heartbreaking.
Reaching one of your hands down between your bodies, you grabbed his length and lined him up with your core. Moving your hips in a circular motion, you heard Juice moan quietly into your ear as he slowly pushed himself inside you.
You both laid still for a moment, just wanting to feel each other.
Still lying flush with your body, Juice started moving his hips, back and forth, back and forth. His pace was slow and passionate, and you could feel every inch of him leave your body, only to enter you again moments later.
You only switched positions once. He had pulled himself out of you slowly, rolled off you, and encouraged you to roll onto your side. Lifting one leg slightly, you felt his chest against your back as he slid himself into you from behind. His length was hitting all the right spots in this new position, every thrust pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
His cheek was resting against the back of your head, and you reached your hand back, caressing his cheek. With his hot breath on your neck, his arm reaching around your body to play with your breasts, it didn’t take long for you to reach your tipping point. Moaning his name, your body began to shake, and you felt him pull you close.
He began moving in and out of you again, and moments later you could hear his breathing hitch. His hips stilled, and his legs shook. His length still inside you, he emptied himself inside the condom, sighing heavily against your shoulder.
“I love you, Juan.” The words fell out of your mouth so naturally, it even caught you by surprise.
Unable to answer you, he simply pulled his length out of you, causing you to groan at the emptiness. You turned over to find that he had rolled onto his side, facing away from you. The person lying next to you was broken, and you knew it. Shuffling yourself towards him, it was your turn to hold him. You wrapped your arms around him, and placed a loving kiss between his shoulder blades.
Crying after sex; such a taboo subject, and something generally viewed negatively. There he was, mere seconds after cumming inside you, visibly shaking as tears streamed down his face, but judgement was the farthest thing from your mind. 
“I love you so much, Juan. More than you ever thought possible.” You hoped that repeating it might help him realize that you weren’t simply caught up in the moment when you said it earlier. “I just never knew how to tell you. I didn’t want to lose what we had. I love you too much for that to happen. I was afraid.”
He took a couple more shaky breaths, before rolling over in your arms to face you. Moving your hand to the side of his face, you wiped away the remnants of tears that lingered on his cheeks. As he leaned close, he kissed your lips, and whispered against them, “I love you too, Y/N. Thank you.”
Caressing the side of his face, your foreheads pressed together, you felt like there was still so much to be said. ”Juan- I’m going to say something, and I just want you to listen, okay? Really hear what I’m about to say, alright?” You pulled your face away from his so you could look him in the eyes, “Please?”
He nodded slowly, a single tear escaping from the corner of his eye.
“Okay,” you said gently, “This thing that you’re so worried about-” you hesitated, wanting to be gentle, but also wanting to get the point across, “your father-”
His body reacted physically to your words; his eyes shut, his chest tightened, and his brows furrowed. You gave him a few seconds to breathe before you continued. “I think you need to tell the club. Look at what this has already done to you. This can’t continue. I can’t watch you live like this anymore-” a lump in your throat stopped your speaking. Swallowing hard, you continued as calmly as you could, “I can’t lose you, Juan. I just can’t.”
He opened his eyes at this point, and wrapped his arms around you.
“And no matter what happens, you will always have me. I’m not going anywhere.” Your voice broke again, but your words were sincere.
He nodded, and with that, you knew he understood what needed to be done. He knew he couldn’t go on living like this, either, and knowing he had you by his side gave him the confidence he needed to face his demons.
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