#and the looking/sounding angry on accident even when you're not mad
manofmanymons · 2 months
Top 5 boys that make me go *points* he's just like me fr fr
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vainvenus · 2 years
⌲;꒰ Head over heels. ꒱
Pairing(s): Vance Hopper x Gn!Reader
Summary: You're the only person Vance can stand being around or talking to.
Includings: No Grabber!Au, best friends to lovers, chill x hothead dynamic, kinda ooc vance, jealousy, bit of a slowburn, mutual pinning, happy ending tho!
An: First post for Vancey boy! 💪🏾
I don't like the ending bc it was rushed a hard to write
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"And now I'm the one who's in trouble! Me? Because that fucking dipshit and his stupid ass friend bumped into me!"
You hummed in response so that he knew that you were still listening to him as you were looking for your dark blue lighter.
You were listening to Vance rant, having just learned that he was now banned from the Grab-And-Go for a week for starting a fight all because some boy's bumped into the pinball game he was obsessed with.
"It's fucking stupid and I should've kept pounding his head into the floor until he passed out."
You had found your lighter and grabbed a lavender scented incense, lighting it and letting the flame burn before you blew at it and put it in the incense holder.
"It was an accident, Vance. You should've handled it more responsibly and walked away from the situation."
He had furrowed his brows, he knew that you were right but he was still too stubborn to admit it at the moment so he rolled his eyes.
"Whatever. The fuckers should've watched where they were going." He said, crossing his arms over his chest.
You nodded "Yes, they should have. I'm sorry you got kicked out, Vance. I'll make sure no one beats your high score."
Although Vance was in the wrong for him beating the boys up over a something like that you didn't want him to feel like the way he felt about the situation was invalid or him overreacting.
You walked over to your record player, going through a few of your discs to find something to play so that he at least wouldn't be in such a bitter mood.
You smiled softly as you pulled out one of the discs and put it into the record player, placing the stylus on it as it had started playing 'Dancing Queen' by Abba and you turned your head to smile at Vance.
"C'mon..I know you want to." You said, walking towards him and chuckling softly as you grabbed his hand and tried to pull him up from his spot on the bed.
"I don't fuckin dance... especially not to Abba." He said and you knew for a fact that he was lying because the last time you borrowed his mixtape player it was one of the first songs that played.
"Dancing is a good way to free your body from negative energy. Something you seem to have a lot of." You had said as you swayed to the music, the sound of the multiple bracelets you wore shaking together.
Vance narrowed his eyes up at you "That's bullshit."
"Is not! Works for me whenever I'm angry."
He furrowed his brows "I've never seen you angry before though."
"That's because I don't show it. I don't let my emotions control my actions or mouth. I find better ways to release my anger."
Vance had thought about that sentence for a while. He wondered what you were like if you were to finally snap like how he does, furrowed brows and shouting profanities like a sailor.
"Dance with me, Vance! C'mon!!"
He groaned as he rolled his eyes and stood up from his spot on your bed and stiffly moved to the song like he was a robot and you couldn't help but laugh.
"What's so funny?!"
"You dance like we're at our first dance together and the slow song just came on!" You had giggled. "Loosen up!"
Vance had glared playfully at you. "I thought this was a judge free zone?"
"Oh it is...just not for stiff dancers."
The boy had chuckled at this, a genuine one that showed his teeth and he couldn't even be mad about the situation that happened earlier.
It was always like this when he would go to you to rant for a bit, you would talk to him and make him feel like his feelings were completely valid, you reassured him every single time but scolded him rightfully.
You were the comfort he longed for constantly. That missing peace in his life. You felt like what home should've felt like for him.
You were sweet and caring. Not once could he think of a time where you yelled at him even if he was screaming his lungs out at you. You were understanding and he loved that, he love that you knew his better than he knew himself.
Vance loved you.
"Hey, Vance!"
He snapped from his thoughts as he looked over to you who was back at the record player, going through your discs once more. He was sure you had every song under the sun with the stack you had.
"Any song requests?"
"Hotel California."
When you heard your door swim open an slam shut you hadn't even questioned it at this point, already knowing who the culprit was.
You turned your attention away from the painting you were working on as you turned to look at Vance who looked like he was already angry if you couldn't tell by the door slam.
"What's the matter now?"
"Nothing. What're you doing?"
You had knew that he was lying but you would take care of what was bothering him when he wanted to talk about it so you gestured to the canvas.
"I'm painting. The sky's really pretty right now so I'm trying to capture it while I can." You had told him and he had rolled his eyes.
"You should try it. Painting can help let off steam." You said, dipping your brush back into the light pink paint.
You always tried to get Vance to paint or draw with you, telling him it was a good way to express his anger without yelling or breaking something but art just wasn't his forte.
"i don't paint. It's hard to work with and I'm not good at it." Vance had complained as he crossed his arms, standing beside you while staring at your painting.
"Oh c'mon, the last time you painted with me was a finger painting."
"I don't care."
You shrugged as you turned back to the canvas, glancing back at the sky before you went back and had glided your brush against the canvas, letting the music playing fill in the silence.
Vance shifted in the spot next to you, eyes glancing from the painting before back to the sky which was a mixture of soft purple, blues and pinks with the sun peaking from them.
He looked back to you as you were back into focus mode. Your eyebrows knitting together whenever you were like this and he couldn't help but smile a bit at the expression.
"Starings rude, y'know."
His face immediately shifted and he had scoffed "I wasn't staring, asshole! I was looking at the painting!"
"Mhm..you sure you don't wanna give painting another go? You don't even have to paint the sky you can paint your emotions and-"
Vance swiftly cut you off "Just give me a canvas and brush before you start with your hippie emotion bullshit."
You had giggled softly as you went to grab another canvas and easel, setting them beside your own as you gave Vance an empty pallette and set the paints between the two of you.
He picked up the blue paint and looked back over at you who seemed to be caught up in finishing up your painting and he had smirked.
He had opened it as turned his body a bit as he squirted it onto the palm of his hands, rubbing them together and pressing them against the canvas.
He watched as you turned to him with a smile before your smile had dropped. "Vance, really?! C'mon! I thought you were behind finger and hand painting! You're gonna make a mess!"
He had smirked, reaching out to touch you as you had backed away. "Vance Hopper! Don't!"
"Don't what? Do this?"
He had grabbed you arm to pull you towards him as he pressed his palm against your cheek now leaving a blue handprint there as he pulled away laughing.
"Asshole!" You had playfully shouted as you grabbed the pink paint and rubbed it across your palms, now pressing your hands against his face and he had laughed loudly as he pressed his hands back against yours.
You both pulled away to reach for more paint, a childish game now being played between the two of you as you were grabbing different colors.
Red, blue, pink, purple and yellow handprints were plastered all over your faces, arms and even shirts. Neither of you were mad at the mess though now on the floor and laughing at how idiotic the two of you looked.
"You're an idiot, Vance! I'm gonna have to take like four showers!"
"Oh stop complaing! You literally fought back."
You giggled as you looked at the red paint on your finger and rolled closer to Vance as you lazily drew a heart on the back of his hand.
Vance stared at the red heart with wide eyes before he looked back at you who had that same bright smile on your face that made his heart skip a beat.
"See, you could've just drew that on me but you wanted to be a childish asshole." You hummed, pressing red paint again this nose and Vance stared at you.
Vance had already fallen in love but he was falling harder.
The next time Vance had came over he had noticed that you had the music playing again but he could also make out the sound of another person.
The two you seemed to be laughing together, the sound overbearing the song that was playing at the moment and he furrowed his brows.
He stomped up in the stairs and made a B-line for your room, gripping onto the doorknob, twisting it and pushing the door so roughly that it slammed against the wall when he entered the room.
His eyes glanced from you who was staring at him with wide eyes gore he glanced over the person you had been laughing with.
Bruce Yamada. somebody he wasn't too fond of just because he was everything Vance wasn't. Popular (for the right reasons), kind and caring, not a bad bone in his body. Everyone either wanted to be him or be with him.
He noticed that you were holding his hand with a bottle of blue nail polish in your other hand as the two of you were staring at him with wide and confused expressions.
"Vance. Stop entering my mom trying to catch me doing drugs."
"The hell is he doing here?" He completely disregarded your statement, glaring at Bruce and oh if looks could kill the Yamada's would be having a funeral.
Bruce had only smiled that award winning smile at Vance though "We're painting nails! You-"
He had cut him off swiftly, venom dripping from his tone as he spoke "I wasn't talking to you, asshole."
You had frowned as you looked up at blonde, placing the nail polish back in the tube. "Vance you shouldn't talk to him like that. He hasn't done anything to you."
You were right, Bruce was innocent and all he did was answer his question but Vance was acting on his emotions right now which were pure jealousy and fury.
"And? I wasn't fuckin' talking to him so why did he even reply?" Vance spat and Bruce awkwardly sat there.
You had narrowed your eyes slightly at Vance before inhaling and exhaling softly, looking back to Bruce with a small smile.
"Bruce, I'm sorry to cut this short but can we continue another time? I think me and Vance need to have a talk."
"Yeah..of course. Sorry for..uhm.."
"No, don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. You told him, glancing back to Vance back to him.
"Get home safe, mkay?" You commented and he had smiled and nodded at this. "I'll call you when I get home. Thanks for having me." He had waved you goodbye, slipping past Bruce and out the door.
Once you heard the door from downstairs close you had gathered up the nail polish and put them back into your box.
You turned to turn off the record player and looked back at Vance who was giving a distasteful look to the wall.
"Wanna tell me what that was about?"
He hadn't answered, keeping his eyes away from yours and after a short while he had just shrugged.
"Don't just shrug at me." With the way you were talking with him he was sure you were irritated and it only upset him more when he realized he ruined your mood.
"That was completely uncalled for." You stated, gesturing to Vance who looked like a child being chided for the first time.
He shrugged again, his words being stuck in that lump in his throat and he watched as you crossed your arms, shaking your head like a disappointed parent.
"I don't know what made you so upset before you came here but it gave you no right to call Bruce names and get angry with him."
Vance knew this, he knew he was in the wrong all the way this time but he couldn't help it, always thinking with his mouth and fists and never that head of his.
He huffed "Yeah? Well, he shouldn't even fucking being over here....with you...alone."
You raised your brows, holding back the urge to scoff "So you're the only one who gets to be alone in my room with me?"
"No! I...I'm not saying that but-"
"Then what are you saying, Vance?"
And there it was, that word vomit that he had been trying so hard to hold back.
"I'm saying that I love you, okay?! I fucking love you and every time I'm around you I just fall harder for you!" He shouted, voice cracking like he was on the verge of tears.
"So yes when I saw you alone, painting nails and giggling with Bruce 'Hearthrob' Yamada I was a little pissed off!"
It was silent after that.
Not even any music playing in the background to fill it up, just complete silence and the heavy pants of Vance.
It was probably four minutes of silence before you had spoke up.
"So you mean to tell me..you were rude to Bruce because you were jealous?"
Vance had gave a small nod, biting on the inside of his cheek.
You had let out a huff, chuckling a bit "Vance...that had got to be the most idiotic thing you've ever done. I don't even like Bruce like that, we're like siblings ."
"Oh.." Vance mumbled, now more embarrassed than before. He would definitely owe the boy an apology at school tomorrow.
"And plus, I'm not really into baseball players, I like people who play pinball."
His eyes widened slightly as he pointed to himself "You're... You're talking about me, right?"
"No Vance, I'm obviously talking about Moose. Yes, you."
"Why me?"
You tilted your head in confusion "What do you mean?"
"I mean, why me? I'm not definitely not a dreamboat like Bruce or-"
He was cut off by your lips on his, that vanilla flavored ChapStick you always wore now glossing over his lips and he stared at you like a deer in headlights when you pulled away.
You tilted your head and shrugged "I don't want dreamboat Bruce or any other person you're about to name."
You grabbed his hand and held him softly while grinning up at him "I want been my best friend for years troublemaker Vance."
It was quiet for a bit and Vance rubbed his thumb over the palm of your hand after you made it pretty clear that you weren't letting his hand go.
"You sure?"
You placed another kiss on his cheek, pretending to think for a moment before nodding.
"Positive. Couldn't see myself with anyone else."
He had smiled and brought you close to wrap his arms around you and decided that walking over to the bed would just be too much and he slid down the wall onto the floor with you.
With you laying on his chest and playing with his curls that definitely needed a good wash or brush he had heard you mumble;
"Well...maybe Keanu Reeves..."
"Joking! Joking! You gotta admit he's pretty though"
He gestured to himself "Am I not?"
"Oh you are! Prettiest boy in Denver. But have you seen Keanu Reeves?"
Sure he had competition with Keanu Reeves but at least he knew that he outranked everyone in Denver.
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milkb0nny · 1 year
🤍 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒂𝒅 𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
characters: Alhaitham, Dan Heng, Blade, Sampo Koski
content: soft angst, good endings, gn!/reader
warning: mention of harsh language, drinking, not proofread
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🍃... 𝑨𝒍𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒎
▫️ It doesn’t take much to annoy him since he despises when he gets bothered reading and just weird sounds alone throw him off. You do know that but at some days you’re not too aware of his bad mood.
▫️It starts with him ignoring you, trying to focus on whatever he’s doing but the fact he’s actively trying to ignore you makes it worse. You’ll notice he grunts in dissatisfaction or completely avoids you. When you ask him what’s up with him, he might blow up.
▫️ He’s dislikes yelling at you and therefore he simply doesn’t. He dislikes when people yell at him since he feels like a child that just broke a plate. In his mind yelling isn’t a solution. He'll tell you his issues in other way such as very harsh and cold words.
▫️Most of the time he's annoyed or mad it isn't actually you who caused it. Alhaitham struggles to find right moments to discuss emotions and maybe lets his anger slip.
▫️You're often questioning yourself being a nuisance when he shoves his madness in your face. The moment he notices you hating yourself he feels sorry. It's not your fault he has a hidden short temper.
▫️Alhaitham feels sorry afterwards since he usually ends up saying hurtful things when mad. He never intends to harm you and it pains him seeing you hurt over his silly emotions. To make up for it he will apologize with small gestures.
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🍃... 𝑫𝒂𝒏 𝑯𝒆𝒏𝒈
▫️Dan Heng gets constantly annoyed by March and is used to have a constant nuisance sticking on him. His border from annoyed to mad is pretty high up and it's hard to actually drive him crazy. His clam attitude is nearly impossible to provoke.
▫️At times there are bad days though where Dan Heng can't handle anyone and anything. Alone the thought of March jumping in his room to show him some of the newest trends is a bother to him. These days he shuts himself in his room to read in peace.
▫️With that being said it's quite hard for you to make him angry. He usually keeps everything in himself until he can't handle it. When that happens you're not allowed to be around him. The answer is quite simple: he doesn't want to hurt you because others made him crazy.
▫️Maybe it hurts you to avoid Dan Heng, your loved one, all day. On the other hand it shows his care for you and how afraid he is to lose you due to some irrational feelings.
▫️Dan Heng gets angry, not very angry but a little angry, whenever a book of him gets destroyed. If you accidentally spill coffee on his limited edition astrology book he gets angry with you. It won't last long as the both of you know it is an accident but books are very important to him.
▫️The same goes for his clothes. Dan Heng isn't the tidiest but dirt on his clothes make him feel incredibly uncomfortable. You have to count in some mad side eyes if you make his clothes dirty.
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🍃... 𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒅𝒆
▫️Oh dear it is not a good idea to wake the anger inside of him. Blade has a short temper especially when his strength or authority gets questioned. He hates it when others look down on him. So you better not even make a joke about his lacking skills (which he does have).
▫️He isn't a violent man but a loud man. Yes, he will shout at you, not understanding why you're so incapable of doing things and he will be very hurtful. It is a rare occurrence though. When you start crying or distancing yourself he immediately falls in panic.
▫️Most of the time he'll show annoyance whenever you don't follow his instructions. He's not controlling but when you go into a fight that isn't made for you and you get hurt, he does get angry with you. In other cases it's you being mindless about your health or too easy with people who are obviously trying to manipulate you.
▫️Blade dislikes whenever you don't take yourself serious and end up getting hurt by bullshit people. His anger overtakes him sometimes. You could say his anger is a product of worry and annoyance.
▫️You need to grow a little cold when he's mad at you and yells. It's something he has to get out somehow and you need to protect yourself from stupid statements he says. Afterwards he'll be apologizing so much.
▫️You shouldn't play with his emotions. It won't turn out pretty but after all he is a great man and his only goal is to protect you.
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🍃... 𝑺𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒐 𝑲𝒐𝒔𝒌𝒊
▫️You don't notice when he's mad. Is he really? Or just a little annoyed? It is a hard mission to look through his laid back facade. Most of the time you won't even notice.
▫️The causes of his inner trouble are rather trivial: you get hurt, you leave him on read, you make him feel lonely because of lacking affection. These are all things you may not notice here and there but to Sampo they're very important.
▫️So in cases of madness and sorrow he visits a local Pub or the fight club to have one or two drinks. Alcohol helps him with processing his emotions. He wouldn't dare to let his anger slip through you. It's not his personality and Sampo knows anger can hurt everyone severely.
▫️The evenings he spends in the pub and not with you, you do question what you did wrong. To make up for it you prepare some little surprises but what more can you do if he doesn't express his feelings towards you? It is a hardship and both of you have to overcome some barriers.
▫️Sampo knows that alcohol never truly solves the issues but to him it's a way to deal with it. It takes him some time to give in his emotions and let them roam freely. In the end is afraid to hurt you or make the situation worse.
▫️When he gets home and sees you're little tries to make it up to him he tears up and falls in your arms. He's an easy boyfriend and sometimes needs extra love or else he'll struggle.
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mothercetrion · 8 months
I had a really angsty idea regarding certain aspects of Johnny's relationship with his father. under the cut for length and sensitive topics.
(CW for mentions of (physical) child abuse)
when Johnny is around eleven, he breaks some kind of one-of-a-kind thing in his dad's house when he is over there. he tries to cover it up, but his dad finds out when Jimmy (older brother) rats him out. Johnny tries to explain that it was an accident but is ignored, and his dad is angry at the inconvenience that Johnny has created and punishes him accordingly. it's one of the most notable instances of Johnny's dad being physically abusive to the point of him being frightened of him (and the fear of him remains, only getting worse as Johnny gets older). for months after, each time his dad lifts his hand, he flinches. he doesn't look his dad in the eye anymore so he doesn't look like he's intimidating (but he looks him in the eye when he's being yelled at; lack of eye contact means he's being disrespectful and just makes it worse). he memorizes the sound of his footsteps—and whether or not he's angry depending on those footsteps—to know if he needs to pretend to be asleep or hide from him.
when Johnny is 15, he accidentally breaks a plate when he's getting dinner. the plate shatters, and Johnny finds that breaking things period immediately causes a physical reaction. his stomach drops, he gets nauseous, and he gets incredibly tense, just waiting for his dad to get angry. it doesn't take long, and Johnny is punished accordingly and sent to his room without dinner that night. he cries himself to sleep and does so for many nights after when he dreams about his dad's reaction.
when Johnny is an adult, living alone in college, he breaks a plate again. his own plate, in his own home, and he still panics. he has a panic attack in his own kitchen and scrambles to clean it up, even though he's alone and his dad has been dead for a year. nothing's going to happen, and he still panics and hurries to get it up all the same.
when he and Kenshi are dating, maybe only for a few months, they plan a date night at Johnny's place. Johnny reaches up to get a glass down and it slips out of his hand, and it breaks into several large pieces at his feet. Kenshi is in the kitchen with him, and imagine his shock when Johnny physically flinches and falls to his knees to get it up. Johnny almost immediately starts panicking, his breaths rapid and shallow, and he is trembling from head to toe. he won't look at Kenshi, even when he asks him what's wrong, and he's focused on cleaning it up because Kenshi's going to be mad and he's going to yell at him and how could he have broken the glass like this and he's such a shitty boyfriend-
Kenshi kneels on the floor and tries talking to him more to find out what's going on because he is extremely worried. it's entirely out of character for Johnny to be so frazzled about anything, and he is clearly freaking out and in another world entirely. Johnny suddenly picks up a piece of glass and cuts his outer palm on accident. he doesn't react, and he doesn't slow down, even when it's clear that it's a bad cut. Kenshi's instincts take over, and he grabs Johnny's hand. Johnny physically jolts at the sensation and its lack of violence. "Johnny, you're hurt, stop. let me see," and Kenshi is so gentle and not at all angry that it immediately shatters the defense he has put up for himself—if he stops reacting to things, they can't bother him, he's fine, he isn't scared, he's not upset, he's fine, he's fine, he's fine—and Johnny immediately starts sobbing. within seconds, he's out of breath, and he's literally wailing. he covers his face with the hand not in Kenshi's, weakly trying to hide it from Kenshi, but it's clear all the same.
Kenshi is immediately confused because what the hell is going on? Johnny is panicking over a broken glass, and Kenshi unfortunately knows enough about Johnny's childhood (still very little, but enough all the same) to put the pieces together. he puts his other hand on Johnny and pulls him into a hug, and Johnny freaks out a little more before he fully leans into him. they sit on the floor for half an hour while Kenshi tries to bring Johnny back to reality, assuring him that he's safe, he's with Kenshi, they're at home, it's okay, he hasn't done anything wrong. Johnny apologizes under his breath over and over and over again, it's all he can do right then, it's all he's known. over apologizing when you aren't sure what you actually did wrong.
Johnny eventually stops panicking, and Kenshi just holds him a bit longer. his heart is still racing, and he's shaking from head to toe. but then Kenshi remembers that he's hurt, and he gently pushes him out of his hug and asks to see his hand. Johnny won't even look at him and shakes his head no. Kenshi says that he needs to see so he can help, assuring him again that he's not upset and just wants to make sure it's not that bad. Johnny doesn't say anything, so Kenshi takes his hand and looks at the cut. it's not enough for stitches but it'll have to be cleaned and covered regardless. Kenshi helps Johnny to his feet and guides him to the bathroom, and Johnny sits on the closed toilet while Kenshi kneels on the bathroom floor. he has to use Sento to see, and he gets the first aid kit and cleans the cut and covers it. Johnny occasionally flinches, and he's still shaking, and Kenshi comforts him with his free hand and an occasional vocal assurance. he's eventually taken care of in that regard, but he's still deeply frazzled and incredibly shaken.
Kenshi takes both of his hands, squeezes them as safely as he can. "breathe with me, Johnny," and they sit together and simply breathe for ten minutes or so. Johnny holds Kenshi's hands like a lifeline, and he shuts his eyes and slouches and focuses on his breathing. every now and then, a breath will hitch, and Kenshi kisses the tops of his hands and eventually moves their hands to Kenshi's chest so Johnny can feel his heartbeat. "you're safe. you're with me. you're doing great. breathe. breathe. breathe." Johnny is doing a lot better after that. however, he still hasn't said anything to Kenshi since everything started other than his apologies, and he's clearly mentally and physically exhausted. he needs to rest. "do you want to go lie down?" a nod. "alright, come on." Kenshi stands and pulls Johnny with him, and they walk together into the bedroom. Johnny sits on the edge of the bed, and Kenshi dismisses himself to let Johnny change (if he wants to, but he does not) and to get him a snack.
Kenshi goes into the kitchen and cleans up the broken glass. the mess truly wasn't that bad, and it took 45 seconds for him to get it disposed of. it makes the fact that Johnny panicked—and Kenshi's guess as to why—all the more gutting. Kenshi gets him a bottle of water, a bottle of blue Gatorade (his favorite), and a peanut butter Clif Bar. he goes back in the bedroom to see that Johnny hasn't moved an inch, and he's staring off at a wall. though not panicking, he's still in another world entirely.
Kenshi steps up and offers what's brought. Johnny looks down with his eyes, but his expression is still indifferent, and he doesn't move. Kenshi unscrews the lid of the water and holds it up to Johnny's mouth, and Johnny drinks. Kenshi offers the Gatorade then and then the Clif Bar. they spend ten minutes like that, Kenshi holding things up for him to have because he needs to eat and drink. at least a little. he finishes around half of the Clif Bar and most of the Gatorade, but he eventually turns his cheek in silent rejection.
Kenshi feels conflicted because he wants to find out what's going on and why he panicked. but he knows that he won't get an answer when Johnny is in a state like this, so he decides to let him rest and ask him when he's doing a bit better.
after that, Kenshi helps Johnny lie down and get comfortable, he covers him with the blanket and even lays with him. he's not tired, but he knows Johnny is and wants him to feel less alone. out of nowhere, Johnny apologizes again, and Kenshi asks why he would apologize, he's not done anything wrong. Johnny looks away and mumbles, "I ruined your night." that's all he says, and it's so telling all the same. Kenshi assures him again that he hasn't done anything wrong and certainly hasn't ruined anything. "I want you to be safe, Johnny, and comfortable. I would do this again and again if I needed," and then he adds, "and you can tell me anything by the way," as a silent invitation to talk about what's bothering him when he's ready. Johnny looks at him in shock for several seconds before he nods.
and that's that. Kenshi lays with him and eventually starts running a hand through his hair, brushing it out of his face and massaging his head. he worries about a headache from all that crying. Johnny lays there with his eyes closed and eventually relaxes enough to take a nap. Kenshi doesn't move an inch, just in case.
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anonymous-rendezvous · 7 months
You Comfort Him - ❤️ Vox
Vox Akuma x GN!Reader
✦ — Written by Mod I ✨. Beta Read and Edited by Mod S 👿. ⏌
✧ — Comfort & Care Masterlist | He comforts you ❤️
✦ — Contains: Established Relationship, fluff, & comfort
✧ — Word count: 985 | Ao3
Snippets of time showing how you and your partner care for each other.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
It has been a while since you’d last heard from your boyfriend, Vox. That is really saying something, considering you literally live together. The only times you've seen him these last few days have been when he’s left his office to eat or shower, and even that was becoming rare. This could only mean one thing: he was trying to ward off the burnout that had taken over him the past few days. You tried to warn him; you saw the telltale signs pretty early, but your boyfriend – being the ever-enthusiastic people pleaser he is – wanted to keep working.
With a huff, you get up from your spot on the couch. “Time to initiate, plan: be an annoying and sweet significant other till he stops working!” You let that sink in before shrugging your shoulders, “We’ll workshop that title…” With a nod to yourself, you steal your nerves and march towards his office. The only sound you can hear from inside is a mixture of angry mouse and keyboard clicks. Raising a hand, you knock on the wood. The clicking doesn’t stop. You knock again, calling out this time. “Vox.” A few moments pass and you still don’t receive a response. Taking a deep breath, you knock again, a bit more force behind your movement - calling his name louder. “Vox.”
The clicking finally stops, Vox calling from within the room, “What?” Opening the door, you're greeted by the sight of your boyfriend hunched over his desk. The demon looks more disheveled and exhausted since you’d last glimpsed him; hair was messy and eyes strained. When you continue to stand there in silence, he cocks a brown at you. “Do you need something? I’m in the middle of working right now, love.”
Pursing your lips, you move further into his room. “Babe, you need to take a break.” You don’t miss the way his fingers twitch over his keyboard. “Why don’t you come and eat? I can make one of your favorites. And then we could throw something on the T.V., or maybe we could play a game?” He’d already returned his attention to the computer in front of him, picking up wherever he’d left off, seemingly ignoring your proposal. “Vox.”
There’s a bit of an edge to his tone when he responds again, “Darling, I’ll take a break when I actually get some of this done. Now, can you please stop interrupting me?”
“I’m not leaving until you agree to leave this room.” He’s ignoring you entirely at this point. Chewing the inside of your cheek, you contemplate your next move. It will no doubt make him mad, but really, it was time for drastic measures. Moving to his side, you reach over and turn his monitor off.
“Why the fuck did you do that?” He reaches up to turn it back on, except you quickly switch it off again. This back and forth continues for a few moments before he attempts to swat your hand away, growing increasingly frustrated. “Stop it! Fuck! I have important work that needs to get done.”
“I’m serious. You need to step away from all of this and take an actual break.”
“Well, if I got all this work done, then I could, but you had to interrupt me. I can’t coddle you right now, so just go away!” Biting back a bitter response, you feel like you have no other choice, forcing his desk chair back and standing firmly in front of his computer. Golden eyes glare up at you, his fists clenched atop the desk on either side of your body. You can tell at least a small part of him wants to push you aside, yet he refrains from it; more than likely not wanting to risk hurting you by accident. “Fine.” He eventually spits out before standing up and walking out of the room.
Following behind, you watch as he collapses onto the couch with a frustrated huff. It’s a small step, but at least you’ve gotten him out of the room. Shuffling into the kitchen, you quietly prepare him a cup of tea and a light snack. Once done, you set them on the coffee table in front of him before sitting on the other end of the couch, flipping the T.V. onto a show the two of you have already seen.
It takes a while, but eventually, he starts to relax into the couch cushions; frustration slowly fading from his knitted eyebrows. It remains silent for a while before you hear him let out a deep sigh. Eyes drifting to the demon next to you, you see his eyes already looking at you apologetically. “...I’m sorry.” He opens his mouth to say more, but pauses, swallowing hard as he thinks over his next words. “I shouldn't have lashed out at you the way I did.”
“It’s alright, I know you were frustrated.” You give him a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry for breaching your space. Honestly, I didn’t know what else to do.” Your eyes drift from him to the coffee table before you continue, “I was worried, love. You haven’t given yourself a proper break in weeks. I don’t remember the last time we shared a meal, or went to bed together…”
He lets out a deep sigh, shifting across the couch to be closer to you. “I’m sorry, sweet thing. I–” He cuts himself off before shifting to rest his head against your shoulder. “I’m trying to get better at it… clearly, I need to try a little harder.”
“It’s a work in progress and that’s okay. I just hate watching you work yourself into the ground.” One of your hands raises to gently pat his head. “I care about you, Vox.”
“I care about you too, darling.” He presses a kiss against your shoulder, and you return it by pressing one against his hair. “Thank you.”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
Likes are nice and we do appreciate them. However, comments/feedback is what really motivates us to continue writing. Even just a keyboard smash or emojis are a joy to see!
We do not allow our stories to be translated or reposted/shared anywhere. The only places our stories should be found are on Ao3 or Tumblr. Nowhere else.
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kingschclar · 2 years
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KINKTOBER DAY SIX — sounding with floyd leech
contains :: gn!reader, sub!floyd, mean!reader, bondage, punishment, overstimulation, edging, vibrators, third year floyd, cock slapping (once)
kinktober mlist!!
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Exam season was approaching, and while you weren't overly worried about it, you still had to do revisions for all the topics tested. The third year in Night Raven college was one of the most important years, after all. That combined with being Crowley's helper and taking care of Grim, you were running dangerously low on time to yourself. Floyd, as your boyfriend, wasn't helping much either. In fact, it's almost as if he's been getting more frustrating recently, even going out of his way to get in yours. What happened today, however, was the straw that broke the camel's back.
"Floyd, I'm not in the mood today. Please return that notebook to me," you tried to be patient, knowing that it'd do none of you good if you were to get mad at him. You've already lost at least 3 hours today on the headmaster's stupid errands, and he was just messing around. You also didn't want all the other students around the courtyard to witness your possible outburst. Floyd pouted, the hand with your notebook still raised up high. "Please, I have to study."
"Awww, you're no fun." He sighed but lowered his arm anyway. You thanked the heavens above that he was cooperating with you today, feeling some of your stress dissolve at the act.
Until his fingers loosened their grip.
You watched in horror as the notebook fell backwards, and Floyd spun around quickly, his action unexpectedly pushing the notebook away from him and right into the old well. He looked at you with panic in his eyes, only seeing anger and hurt in yours. A million thoughts raced through your head, but you just grabbed his hand tightly, a visible sneer on your face. "Do you just want my attention? Is this what it's all about?" He tried to tell you that it was an accident, that he wouldn't have done that to you, but you tugged on his arm harshly before he could. "I'll give you my damn attention then, Floyd."
The merman knew where this was going. Obviously, he did, and though he felt bad, he was just a little excited. What would you do to him? How would you act when you're angry? Would you be rougher? Or manhandle him and make even the walls shake?
The moment you got into your room, you pulled out your chair and pushed him onto it, seething as you looked around for something. Probably rope. Bondage wasn't his favourite thing, but it wasn't really up to him to decide what you were going to do at this moment.
As expected, you pulled out a familiar red rope, walking over to Floyd wordlessly before wrapping them around his wrist, then tying them to the back of the chair securely, hard enough to leave marks on his pale, perfect skin. He stayed mostly still the entire time, save swaying just a little and hands trembling just slightly. You took more rope, tying his ankles to the legs of the chairs as well.
“I didn’t want to take this out yet, but…” you grumbled, pulling out a set of rods. Sounding rods. Floyd gulped as he eyed the rods, then you. “These are sounding rods, and they’re supposed to go up and into your urethra.” You almost sounded bored as you moved to unzip his pants. You pulled his cock out, staring at it for a moment as it twitched in your hand. You scoffed, slapping it and drawing a yelp out of the tall man and causing pre to dribble out of it. “You’re a freak, Floyd.” He winced, watching you contemplate for a few seconds before selecting a rod of medium thickness.
You decided that you were feeling generous, practically covering the rod with lube before placing it at the slit of his dick, pushing it in slowly. Floyd let out an awful noise, hands struggling against the rope as he felt the unfamiliar feeling spread through his body. He cried out your name, squirming around like a worm. “Hurts! It hurts!” He complained, yet his cock only got harder in your hand. You spat on it, stroking him harder as you continued inserting the rod till it was all in.
Floyd’s head was thrown back, panting and shaking as he tried to get used to the feeling of the rod in him. It was so foreign, and he didn’t know if he loved it or not. He felt so sensitive, so exposed under your gaze, but it only made him ache for more pleasure. He repeated your name over and over, continuing to jerk around as he pouted at you, hoping that you’d do something instead of standing there, staring at him.
His calls for you finally worked as you got down between his legs, ghosting your fingers over his cock before starting to stroke it once again, watching as your boyfriend tried to thrust up into your hand, sounds that can only be described as pathetic flowing freely from his lips. Such a masochist. “Ah! I’m going to cum!” He sniffled as he met your eyes, seeing that cruel glint in them that he knew too well. You withdrew your hands from him almost immediately, making the eel tremble and whimper. You held back a smile as you leaned up, pecking his cheek.
You pulled out a vibrator out of your pocket, quickly attaching it to his cock before turning it on. Floyd screamed unabashedly, pulling on the ropes harshly and making the chair rock slightly. “I’ll be back soon, Floyd,” you cooed, and he looked at you, eyes wide.
“W-Wait! I-”
“See you later.”
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lowkeyerror · 2 years
Interview Slip Ups
Liv Morgan x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: None
Summary: There were a few good things about working for WWE, but out of all those things, you missed Liv the most. ( Not my gif)
An: Major fluff
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The wrestling world had many couples. It is common in almost any job for there to be at least one couple. However, in wrestling things were a little more convoluted. Sometimes couples break up and have to run storylines together, sometimes someone gets fired, and sometimes you're separated by a brand split.
Y/n had gotten released by WWE in one of the cuts. Liv took it pretty hard, considering that first her friends were cut and now her girlfriend.
Luckily, Y/n wasn't out of work for too long, immediately being snatched up by AEW. The only thing that bothered her about it was being away from Liv.
They weren't a public couple, so only a few close friends knew about the strain on their relationship.
Y/n hadn't talked much about WWE since leaving, until Renee asked her to be on Oral Sessions. The former superstar was initially scared, she knew she was in good hands with Renee. What she didn't know was that she would incriminate herself without any help from the host.
" Do you miss anything about WWE?"
Y/n pondered for a moment," So many of my friends are there, and I miss being on the road with them. Sometimes I miss the big ol' cinematic feel that Raw and Smackdown have. But out of everything there, I miss Liv the most. She's always on the road with WWE, and I'm obviously always with AEW. I just miss her so much, like I'm so tired of FaceTime. I just want to be able to kiss her in person."
Renee opens and closes her mouth a few times before Y/n realizes what she's done," Oh shit. I mean um, well fuck… I can't really take that back, can I?"
Renee laughs at how flustered Y/n is," No, I don't think you can."
Y/n shrugs her shoulders," Sorry Liv, don't be mad. I miss you."
Renee continues to laugh before moving on to the next topic. Once the interview is over, Y/n's phone starts blowing up with notifications.
She doesn't get the chance to look at them all before she gets a FaceTime call from Liv. Though she wants to ignore it, she also wants to see Liv.
Y/n picks up the phone," Hi, babe… how was your day?"
Liv gives Y/n the look and even on the screen it's pretty intimidating," My day was fine, I think we should talk about yours."
Y/n scratches the back of her neck," It was good, I was on Renee's podcast."
Liv fakes a pensive face," Hmmm, what did you talk about on the podcast."
Nervous laughter fumbles out of Y/n's mouth," Oh, you know a little bit of everything. WWE, AEW, um other things."
" Personal things," Liv stated.
Y/n broke," Baby, I'm sorry it was an accident. I just really missed you. I mean, Renee is just so good at her job, I forgot we were live. It felt like a convo between two friends."
Liv drops the angry act as soon as Y/n cracks," I'm not mad, well maybe a little because you said you didn't like my FaceTimes."
Y/n shook her head," No, I love your FaceTimes, I just wish we could have a little more than that sometimes. Like I'm home for the weekend, and you're not here."
Liv frowns a little," I know, I miss you too. Are you home any time next week?"
Y/n checks her schedule on her phone, trying to figure out a day she can just make free," I could be home for a few hours on the 5th, but I'd need a red eye that night."
" That sounds too stressful, baby."
Y/n shakes her head," I honestly don't care, as long as I get to see you."
Liv gives her a stern look," You should care. You can't be jet-lagged and sleep-deprived in the ring, anything can happen."
The AEW star whines," This sucks."
Liv sighs," I know, but we'll see each other soon, I promise. I love you way too much to go any longer. It feels like I'm having withdrawal."
" Same, I need an extra dose of Liv like right now," Y/n slumps on the couch.
" When we see each other, I promise you'll see so much of me, you'll be so sick."
Y/n laughs," I'd never get sick of you."
" I've gotta go baby, I'll call you later, ok?"
" Ok, be safe, love you," Y/n says to the phone.
" Love you too, bye," Liv waves her hand before ending the call.
Y/n takes this alone time to scroll through social media. Most of the reactions to her accidentally outing her relationship were funny memes.
She retweeted a bunch of them and shared some on her Instagram stories. She hadn't realized how long she had been on the phone until the doorbell rang.
Y/n assumed it was a package and trudged to the front door. When she opened it, she was immediately tackled to the ground. However, she knew this frame of person.
" Surprise!"
Liv was on top of her. Y/n didn't even notice Ruby behind Liv holding the blonde's phone, recording the whole thing.
Y/n squealed and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend. She pulled Liv into a sweet kiss. When Ruby started cheering, Y/n finally noticed her.
" I just had to get her, especially after this morning. You sounded like a total simp," Ruby says to Y/n.
" My simp," Liv places an extravagant kiss on Y/n's cheek.
Y/n kisses Liv again, this time more passionately and Ruby makes the executive decision to end the live.
" How long are you home for?"
Liv breaks out into a big smile," The whole weekend."
Y/n's eyes light up," The whole weekend?"
The short woman nods excitedly," The whole weekend."
" I missed you so much," Y/n mumbles into her neck.
Ruby clears her throat," Well, I'm just going to leave you two here. I'm sure you have lots of catching up to do."
The pair sprang into action, enveloping Ruby in a hug that she didn't necessarily want," Thanks for the special delivery Ruby, I owe you one."
" Ya ya ya any time lovebirds, now let me go," Ruby slips out of their grasps and out of the door.
" Well, what now?"
Y/n rushes towards Liv, picks her up and spins her around. The blonde giggles at her lover," Is it safe to assume that you missed me?"
" I've said it like 80 times already," Y/n says.
" I know one of those times was on a livestream for millions of people to see," Liv teases.
Y/n blushes," Well, what can I say, I love me some Liv Morgan."
" I'll never get tired of hearing that."
" Good," you kiss her again," Cause I'll never get tired of saying it."
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pupwindelcrinklewuff · 4 months
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You whined behind your paci as tugged on the back of your skirt. Daddy just smiled at your feeble attemps to hide your thickly diapered butt. Well... Daddy is what you had to call him. He was really your college dorm mate but after he noticed some websites on your computer that was left turned on after a furious fap session he quickly learned about some of your perverted fantasies and had been using that to control you for the last 2 months of your freshmen year.
He had shook you awake as you had passed out in front of your computer, limp dick still in your hand and a pacifier portruding from your dozing mouth. "Man, I knew there was fucked up shit on the internet, but you're into some real fucked up shit!" He said with a laugh as you groggily processed what he had just said and then started realizing the sordid scene you had allowed your roommate to walk in on. "I mean jesus, could you have at least cleaned your jizz off of the floor and desk or is part of the fucked up shit you like unwillingly exposing others to your perverted desires?" He said suddenly sounding angry. You wilted in your chair and started suckling nervously on your pacifier.
Inside you were cursing yourself. Why did you have to fall asleep right after cumming? It wasn't even that intense an orgasm. Maybe because it was your 5th that day and you were exhausted? That didn't matter to you in the moment. What mattered was you had stupidly allowed yourself to be caught looking at diapercuck porn, covered in your own cum, dick literally in your hand and passed out at your computer desk like some degenerate slob. You went to take the pacifier out of your mouth and start working up an apology, but your roommate pushed it back in, quite forcefully. Apparently he had other plans.
"You really are sick. What were you hoping I'd be into this crap too and want to I dunno... change you or fuck you or something?" He had a stern look which was making your dick grow. But that wasn't the case. You were always very shy and private about your kinks and never wanted anyone to know. Sure you had fantasized about wearing in public and maybe getting seen and snickered at, but nothing like this. He noticed your dick, still in your hand starting to grow and furrowed his brow. "Jesus christ you really are getting turned on by being caught aren't you!" You shook your head, tears welling in your eyes but your dick betrayed you and stood at full mast even though you could swear up and down that this was the last thing you wanted.
"You're lucky I don't call the cops, this is basically sexual assault you know!" At that, you spat your pacifier out and started apologizing and begging and explaining. You explained it all in your anxious state. Just rambling off everything. It wasn't about kids, it was an accident, you want to be the kid, you never meant to fall asleep, you're so so sorry, please don't call the cops, I just like the cute diapers, how humiliating it would be to actually be caught, on and on and on you went. Your roommate just stood silently, arms folded and listening to every last bit of your near breathless word salad. When you were done your room simply smiled and hugged you and said he understood and was sorry he got mad and left you and your still rock hard cock alone as he went to bed. You breathed a sigh of relief and went to bed yourself, thinking the matter resolved. 5 days later though, everything changed...
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kaddyssammlung · 24 days
Granite – Analysis
“Sulfur on your breath”
Alchemy boy! At least that is how I would connect this.
Taken from Google: Sulfur represents properties such as drynesss, heat and masculinity. In alchemy it could also represent evaporation, expansion and dissolution.
Dissolution makes me think about Aqua Regia.
But also maybe he means rather alcohol on your breath than Sulfur. Just that phrase alcohol on your breath brings back so many bad memories. I don't really feel like diving deeper into this.
And yes drinking is hard to hide.
“Granite in my chest”
I guess that he means that he is angry. When I'm really angry I can feel a heaviness in my chest, also.
“You won't ever have to talk about it You'll never have to talk about it”
I have a feeling I don't even want to know what he means with “it”. The whole vibe so far just feels like he is angry.
“Fury too damn late”
Does he means his fury? As if he can see someone now for what they really are and now he feels like he should have gotten mad at them a lot sooner?
I know that feeling. But also regretting things does not really help.
“Reason dislocates”
The reason as to why it took him so long to realize that he was not being treated well? It dislocates? Like in an accident? A dislocated shoulder? "Remember my cracking bones"?!
“I was more than just somebody in your passenger seat”
Since I went to therapy for quite some time, I'm familiar with that analogy. It was often used by therapists to describe something to me. How you let somebody else take control over you and over your life. You are not in the driver's seat and not the one in control but you are just in the passenger seat and someone is driving for you or has control over you. Or in my case it was something else that had control over me (addiction).
I get that.
Or he means an actual passenger seat.
He mentioned alcohol before and now a passenger seat. That seems like a bad idea.
“and you were more than just somebody I was destined to meet”
I really do feel that you meet someone for a purpose. You can learn something from everything. I say this and mean this but when it comes to stuff like trauma that is being put on children then I have my doubts about certain things...idk...I don't feel like elaborating on this more.
“I see you go half-blind when you're looking at me but I am”
I have this connected with aura seeing. He probably does not mean that but that's just what I have this connected with.
Some humans out there, such as spiritual teachers, I percieve as “bright”. As if there was light coming from them. That's why I have this connected with going half-blind.
He probably means someone who does not want to look at him for some reason? Or maybe he does not feel like he is seen? Or maybe it has something to do with the “sulfur” from the begging?
“Between the second hand smoke and the glass on the street”
More drinking and even some smoking? The greens I guess?! Idk though.
“You gave me nothing whatsoever but a reason to leave”
Then go, Vessel. They seem like they are no good! But that's just me making assumptions.
“You say you want me, but you know I'm not what you need But I am”
"I am" with nothing added is the strongest affirmation we can say btw. Just wanted to add that. I forgotten the explanation for it, though.
It's free from Ego that's for sure.
But also in this case he says that he is not what they need but he still is what they need?! It feels like a contradiction.
“When you sit there acting like you know me acting like you only brought me here to get below me never mind the death threats, parting at the door”
What?! Death threats is the one that always gets to me. Why be with someone who does that to you? And also yes some humans out there just want to sleep with you. That's not a secret. It's not a nice feeling for me when you kind of sense that in someone. As if you were a toy for them. I don't like that.
“We'd rather be six feet under than be lonely”
Burry me to the sound of name.....
Why stay in an abusive relationship? Because the fear of being alone or lonely is bigger then the abuse that you are dealing with. Either that or you don't even recognize the abuse as such.
Or in other words: welcome to my BPD hell. But that's not the case anymore but it was.
Then I ended up totally on my own and alone and it was the best thing ever. But it took me a really long time to see that.
“And if you had a problem, then you should've told me before you started getting all aggressive and controlling”
Someone who is in “survival mode” gets controlling. They don't trust themselves and they also don't trust others.
“You only drink the water when you think it's holy”
??? For some reason this makes me think about alcohol again.
“So keep an eye on the road or we will both be here forever”
You will be there forever because you will die? Drunk driving? I have mentioned my car accidents before. I was rear-ended twice in one year. Accidents like these can be seen as “initiations”. I could write more about that but this a big topic.
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lemon-boy-stan · 2 years
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Scowling, you took your seat in between Riki and Sunghoon on the bleachers.
Jay grinned, handing you his jacket and his waterbottle, which you put to the side.
"Don't go falling asleep on me, baby," then he kissed you on the cheek and joined the rest of his team.
You didn't really know anyone else on the footy team besides your friends, and you weren't really interested in the game that much, either. You just kind of looked out for their numbers.
The footy team divided up into two groups - red and blue. Jay and Sunoo were on the blue team, and Jake and Heeseung were on the red team.
Someone on the red team kicked the ball, and the game started.
You looked at the field, confused. You had no idea what's going on. Sunghoon must have noticed this, because he grinned and laughed softly.
"Red team is winning," he leaned in and pointed out towards the field, "there, see? Jay-hyung just scored a goal."
You smiled and tried to pay attention, but soon you were zoning out and Riki was cackling loudly. "Oh my god, hyung, you've bored her. Hey, Y/N, do you want to watch some TikToks?"
"That's something I understand," you grinned, making Sunghoon roll his eyes.
"Here, look at this. This cat is playing Fruit Ninja," Riki showed you his screen and you leaned in.
Sunghoon scowled, "you're on a really weird side of TikTok," before averting his attention back to the game. You grinned, rolling your eyes and leaning back.
Sunoo ran down the field and turned to the three of you and waved. You grinned, waving back. Then you opened your phone, looking at bathers.
Sunghoon looked over your shoulder, "don't you already have so many swimmers?" you grinned, shaking your head. "I'm getting matching ones for when we go on the retreat,"
Riki looked up and grinned, "that's so cool! We can all match." and Sunghoon rose his eyebrows. You pursed your lips shyly, "I was just getting them for me and Jay," and you looked away in embarrassment but Riki didn't seem to mind. "Yeah, that makes more sense."
Sunghoon rolled his eyes, "you're such an idiot," making Riki grin. You smiled, "well, maybe we can all get another set of matching bathers? We could all pitch in and -" a loud sound like wind rushing by blew past your hair, and something rough and hard hit you in the face.
The impact of the ball didn't hurt that much. Sure, there was blood, but it really wasn't at all that painful. You didn't know how you'd been sent flying back in the first place, but you did know that someone had started screaming angrily from the other side of the field.
"What the fuck was that! You idiot! Yeah, you! Player Ten! Are you trying to aim for her or something? Are you trying to get her injured? Because it worked!" as Sunghoon and Riki helped you to sit back up, you looked over to see who was yelling and groaned loudly in dismay.
Of course, it was the captain of the team, your boyfriend, who was shouting abuse at this poor kid over a tiny accident. Jake, Heeseung and Sunoo stared at the drama unfolding.
You were positive you'd never seen Jay so angry in your life. He was fuming, and he looked mad, scary, even. You did not want to get on his bad side.
Riki chuckled softly and held his phone up, but Sunghoon leaned over and turned the camera off. Jake turned to Jay and whispered something, making Jay turn around to look at the three of you sitting across the field.
Jay clenched his jaw before walking over. You were pretty sure he'd barked something about the practice match being over, because the rest of the players left the field too.
Heeseung and Sunoo shared looks as they followed Jay and Jake off the pitch. When Jay was walking over, he still looked pretty angry, but at least he'd calmed down a little bit.
"Baby," you didn't know why he was rushing over. It didn't hurt that much. "Y/N, are you okay?" you shrugged and wiped the blood off your nose, "yeah, I guess. Like it wasn't that bad, JayJay," you didn't know why you were trying to reason with him. He looked like he was way beyond the reasoning point by now.
"He got you in the head!" Jay insisted loudly, "you're bleeding!" Jake sighed softly, cutting in quickly, "I can take her to the nurse." Jake despised conflict more than anything.
Anyone in a normal mood would've thought Jake's comment was a nice offer, but Jay turned around and snapped at your brother, "I'll take her. She's my girlfriend and anyway I'm the captain of the team so it's my responsibility if people are stupid and get bystanders injured."
Jake shrugged largely, "okay, man, whatever. Just trying to help," making Jay open his mouth widely. You stopped him just before he could say anything, though, getting up and taking his hand, tracing small patterns on the lines of his palm.
Jay exhaled quietly, "yeah, okay. Sorry, dude. Y/N, come on, let's go." You didn't really want Jay to coddle you the entire way you walked to the nurse's office, but at least he was coddling you rather than beating up that random guy from his footy team.
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summary: no one told y/n life was gonna be this way - her housmates are trying to identify jay’s secret girflriend, but that's the least of her problems. all while this is happening, y/n and jay must maintain their relationship while hiding it from their friends and y/n’s older brother jake. genre: crack, fluff, smau. warnings: swearing, sexual references, bad jokes. pairing: park jongseong (jay) x female reader
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tags: @fourthirtyone-am; @lhsng; @enchillstuff; @1unxtic; @tomorrowbymoa-together; @en-jongseong; @beans-and-jeanes; @blxckcatner0; @linaccurate; @cyuuupid; @1-800-call-ria; @enhacolor; @nyfwyeonjun; @dxlicateee; @lalalalawon; @yoglol123
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The Eighth Child (~TUA AU~) - Season 3
Chapter 7: Surface of Our Potential
Warning: Strong language, mention death and blood, talk about emetophobia
(The Eighth Child Masterlist)
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"Hey, remember how you woke up from death and you started apologizing?" I gently kissed the spot where the spear formerly empaled him. I had woken up just a few minutes back and couldn't resist taking a little time to watch Klaus sleep. 
"Good morning to you too," he joked, mindlessly stroking my hair. "But yeah, I did."
"That kinda reminded me of this other time you were apologizing for something that wasn't your fault. I don't know why I remembered this while I was holding you, but I did... That day in the mausoleum when you threw up and I didn't want to hug you. You were apologizing and begging me not to be mad at you when none of that was your fault."
"You probably remembered that because you were reading my mind without knowing. I was reliving that memory in the void," he explained. "I apologized because you looked terrified. I had another look and you were so tiny and cute, you looked so scared that day."
"Yeah, that's probably why I have emetophobia after all, might have come even before dad started pushing me too far during endurance training."
"Oh my God, you're right... Your biggest phobia is my fault!"
"I was just saying it wasn't your fault. I guess seeing someone I love so much like that messed me up too much."
"I know, but I can't help feeling a little guilty. I mean, you suffered with this your whole life and it stopped you from getting drunk with me and eating new foods, going to new restaurants, I basically put you in a cage."
"It wasn't you, it was dad! He was the one behind all that."
"Y-yeah, yeah you're right," Klaus shook his head before pulling me closer for a kiss, almost like trying to forget everything else. "How's your head? You had one too many last night. Are you feeling sick?"
"A little bit, but I think I'm fine. My head kinda hurts, but I think I sobered up quite a bit after the bath and the pizza."
"The old greasy food trick, I'm glad it worked, Schnucki. Are you hungry? We could get room service if the kitchen staff didn't get vaporized by the Kugelblitz," he suggested, reaching for his phone when someone knocked on the door. "Wow, that was fast..."
"Yeah, but the tone of that knock, I think I know who it is," Vicky sat up and grabbed one of the hotel robes to answer the door. "What, Diego?"
"Have you seen Stan?" he asked, Lila right by his side.
"No, last time I saw him was yesterday."
"Are you sure? Diego told me what you've done to him, could it be you're still angry?" Lila pointed accusatorily at me.
"No! I apologized to him for everything! He had just murdered my fiancé!"
"By accident..." Lila rolled her eyes. "And he came back anyway."
"I'm not even gonna respond to that. I can try and read his mind if you want."
"NO! After what happened yesterday better to stay out of his mind for now," Diego tried not to sound too harsh, but I couldn't blame him for it. It must've been very traumatic for Stanley. 
"Okay, if I see him I'll make sure nothing happens and deliver him back to you in one piece."
"Thanks, Vicky," he tousled my hair before leaving.
I closed the door and sighed heavily, now worried about my nephew. He was clumsy and prone to major trouble, like someone else I knew... That made me feel even worse, I knew nothing good ever came from leaving Klaus alone, last time he formed an entire cult for fuck's sake!
"The little squirt is missing?" Klausie asked.
"Seems like it, I bet could find him in two seconds too. But after the mental torture, they don't want my help. It wasn't even my fault, I didn't know what I was doing. It just felt really weird."
"You never knew you could do that, it's normal to mess it up the first few times using a new power. Maybe dad could provide us with some clarity on our newly-found gifts? And also about the whole White Buffalo suite. When I was dead, eating menudo with my mom, there was a buffalo in the soup."
"Not a real buffalo, the little cubes of meat formed the shape of a buffalo."
"Oh... that's odd."
"And she said I was so blind for revenge that I couldn't see what's right in front of me... So I'm really curious to know what that would be," Klaus reached into one of the shopping bags from the other day and got a fresh pair of trousers and the blue jacket with the fringes he had bought. "I talked to Chet last night, by the way. We are getting married tomorrow at five."
"We are?" I gasped, not even believing what he was saying. "Oh my God! We are actually doing it!"
"Don't tell me you've got cold feet now, Liebling..." he teased.
"No, of course not, I'm just really excited," I looked in the mirror, the plaid yellow skirt matching the suspenders and frilly white button-up probably wouldn't help with dad thinking I look and act like a child, but I felt pretty cute... "I will be Misses Victoria Maria Hargreeves tomorrow! I can't wait to tell everyone!"
"We can invite all of them when we're back, shouldn't take long over there, dad just needs to answer a few questions and we can come back to plan the menu and the cake."
"Jesus, what a mess! We have to find a better way into the house," I said as I broke the window with my fist to let us into the mansion. 
"Well, until we make peace with our dear step-siblings, we can't really come through the front door," Klaus groaned, climbing and falling in with a thud. "Here take my hand, I'll pull you up."
"Are you sure?" I held my arms up.
"Yeah, you can't really climb in that skirt, it's gonna give everyone a great show, but I should be the only one with access to the VIP area."
"Klaus Hargreeves jealous? I thought you were all for free love..."
"I am! But I don't really like the idea of some creep seeing you like that, call me a hypocrite," he pulled me up and I fell head first inside. 
"Aw, you're the only creep I want looking up my skirt."
We made our way down the hall as I dusted the broken glass from my clothes and my hair. Somehow we knew dad would be watching TV in his office, even after he stopped the pills that's all he seemed to do.
"You again!" Father huffed, opening the door with the same back-scratcher as a defense weapon. "To what do I owe the intrusion?"
"Oh, you know... The world ending for the thrice time I thought why not finally get to know our old man?" Klaus murmured. "Also we're getting married tomorrow, thought you might wanna come by."
"The world is ending and you are planning a wedding?" Dad asked mockingly.
"If the world is ending I'd like to cross that off my bucket list," I shrugged. "We would love to have our old man there."
"I'm not your old man, young lady. I may look like him, act like him, but I did not raise you or your brother."
"Yeah yeah, different timeline stuff, we get it, but you're still him though! You look like him, you act like him only... You're so much nicer than the other one, he was a complete asshole! Back me up here, Vicky!" Klaus nudged my shoulder.
"He was! He was a sadist who loved to torture us."
"Such opprobrious language for you father," dad chastised.
"I don't know what that means," Klaus breathed.
"It means you're being too critical," I whispered.
"I'd love to stay here idly chatting, but I am terribly busy," Reggie pointed at the TV and I turned to leave, but Klaus pulled me back.
"Too bad!" He turned the TV off. "Cause everything is leading us back to you, back to here! The White Buffalo suite, the menudo that resembled the painting!"
"You know about the White Buffalo suite?"
"That's where I died!" Klaus exclaimed, making a dramatic pose to illustrate what he said. 
"What is it that you want from me?"
"Have you ever felt like there's something you're supposed to be doing, something important, but no one's telling you what it is? And you're scared that you're gonna miss out or mess it up, because you're always screwing things up and you're really fucking tired of it! I need you to help me understand certain things about who I am."
"Klausie, you don't screw everything up, don't be so hard on yourself," I placed one hand on his naked chest and immediately removed it when I saw the way our father was looking at me with his eyebrow raised. "Sorry, dad."
"What sort of things would you like me to help you with?" Reggie asked.
"Like why you locked me in a mausoleum and slowed down my heart rate until I came to in a pool of my own vomit? Why did you force Vicky to go in there with me when you knew she was scared and wanted to leave? Was it because you wanted her to enter my mind? Did you even know she could do that? That's what the little girl on the bicycle showed me, she might be a god, she might be the devil, who's to say? I don't know which one is which," Klaus continued.
"You are marvelously deranged," dad shook his head with a smile. 
"That's sweet, now say something nice about me," I grinned, secretly craving that sweet sweet validation ever since I was born.
"You look very young for your age."
"That wasn't a compliment..."
"Sit down you two, tell me everything about this death and entering people's minds, sit down."
"Okay, it all started when we had to babysit our nephew. We were going with him to the rooms to watch him as he cleaned them up. We managed to get into the White Buffalo suite and we were looking around when that little rascal shot my Klausie with a speargun and killed him. Of course I was beyond pissed, so I might've... Slapped him and said some less than kind words," I lowered my voice with embarrassment. "So I held the body in my arms the entire time until our brother Diego came with his son to see what was happening. I was still very angry at Stan, so everything went black and suddenly I was inside the kid's mind. I could pick and choose what he felt, what he saw, which memories I could replay for him, everything. I ended up misusing this power to make him suffer for killing my fiancé, but it wasn't on purpose, I couldn't control it properly."
"I see, that is very interesting," he grabbed a notebook and a pen to take notes. "And you, young man? How was it like being dead?"
"It was so weird. First I had to watch all these times I died before and didn't even realize it, I had no idea I was dying. It was kinda like a dream, but it was also like a perfume commercial, and then there was soup. And then when I was finished, I just came back, like a click," Klaus brought my hand to his hair so I could play with it as he remembered everything. "Are you even listening to what we're saying?"
"I'm hanging on every word," Reggie assured. "This is fascinating, everything is fascinating. Ever since you weaned me off those damned pills and helped me clean up the broken bowl, I'd like to return the favor. Help you to understand who you really are. Would you like that?"
"There's nothing I'd like more. Other than a probiotic yogurt that doesn't make me fart," Klaus sat up nodding.
"To be fair, I don't think it's entirely the yogurt's fault... You've always been like this," I commented, watching as Reginald headed to the desk and opened a mysterious wooden box. 
"Then come over here, boy!" Dad held his arms open for a hug and Klausie smiled in a way I had not seen in decades, it was a childish grin of pure joy. 
I was about to join them when I noticed the electrodes in his hand. I was about to warn my fiancé when dad lifted his jacket to place them on his back. 
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Part one of his healing, experimentation," dad pressed a few buttons on the box and poor Klaus fell to his knees seemingly being electrocuted.
"KLAUSIE!" I pulled him into my arms again and he stared at me with those vacant eyes. "What are you doing? I am gonna kill you!"
"Breathe, young lady, breathe! He is going to be just fine, he will come back just like he did the first time," Reggie caressed my cheek, catching a tear that escaped my eye. "Now let's see what you can do."
"No! Don't bring out the hydraulic press!" I cried, my back already heavy just imagining it.
"I do not have one, child, and I am not interested in testing your endurance. I knew you were quite strong when I saw you were the only one leaving the house without a scratch when you first arrived. I want to see how accurate this mind of yours can be. First I will take a book and read it, I want you to read it too, through my eyes."
"Yeah, okay..." I frowned, still quite disturbed by the scene I just witnessed. 
"Fret not, he is expanding his power. And you will as well," he emptied the trash can next to his desk and placed it over my head like a helmet to cover my eyes. "This one will do, please read this paragraph for me."
I closed my eyes even though it was dark and let my brain connect with his. I saw the book right in front of me, and I saw myself sitting on the couch through his eyes. 
"The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly, that is what each of us is here for. People are afraid of themselves, nowadays. They have forgotten the highest of all duties, the duty that one owes no one's self. Of course they are charitable. They feed the hungry, and clothe the beggar. But their own souls starve, and are naked. Courage has gone out of our race. Perhaps we never really had it. Terror of society, which is the basis of morals, the terror of God, which is the secret of religion, these are the two things that govern us," I recited as his gaze roamed the page slowly. 
"Fascinating... This is fantastic. Let me fetch my device to measure your brain activity and this time I want you to find someone you know and infiltrate their mind instead, see your surroundings and tell me everything," dad opened one of his closets. 
I was about to ask if it was going to hurt, but it didn't matter, I just wanted to know what he would say.
Reggie connected me to the machine, placing several electrodes around my head, and sat me down on his chair, something my old dad would've never allowed. I still felt unsafe when I remembered my brother was dead on the floor though. Even knowing he would come back, it still hurt cause I knew it hurt him.
"I want you to choose someone, anyone who isn't in this room and enter their mind as you did to your nephew," Reginald asked. "But don't move anything around, I just want you to observe for now. Access their memories, their information, see what they see..."
I nodded and closed my eyes for a moment while I focused on the several signals I could pick up from there. Diego's was loud and I decided to go with him, hoping to find out where Stan was as well. I was worried about the little asshole.
"I'm in," I murmured as everything turned black once again.
"Whose mind are you inside?"
"My brother Diego."
"And what do you see?" 
"He's at the hotel lobby, it's empty, Lila is having sushi. Stanley isn't there... Shit, Stan isn't there!" I whined, frustrated just like Diego. I could feel his anger, I could see it like his brain was a computer. "Lila lied to him about something, but it's confusing, I can't see what it was. She is kinda crazy, so I'm not surprised."
"Tell me more about the place where you are. Is it cold? What is the lighting like?"
"It's warm, the lighting isn't so good. The walls and the floors are dark so it all seems darker, but I can see the light coming in through the revolving doors. He's about to ring the bell... Now everything is dark, I hear snarling, I hear footsteps getting closer."
"Very good, continue..."
"It's not looking good," I started to get anxious being unable to help from where I was, but my heart nearly stopped when some sort of axe or something like that flew from the dark hall, chopping two of Diego's fingers off. 
I screamed, seeing his pain and feeling it too. I involuntarily pulled the strings so he wouldn't hurt too bad, but there was nothing I could do to get those two fingers back. 
"Victoria, Victoria, come back," dad called, noticing I was starting to get out of control.
"I can't! Something horrible is happening to my brother! I don't know how, I'm stuck!"
"You need to learn how to return quickly, ground yourself! Listen to my voice," Reggie demanded. "Klaus needs you, he's waking up."
"Klaus!" I finally shut down all the outside interference and the light coming from the window blinded me. I never had an issue to come back, but now I was terrified to go inside someone's mind and never be able to get out. "Don't make me do it again, dad, please! I don't want to!"
"Should a child stop trying to ride a bike when they fall for the first time? Foolish! You need to learn how to let the training wheels go and navigate through the souls of anyone and everyone. You will keep trying until you are a master of puppets."
"I've never been a metalhead... I'm more into pop or pop-rock."
"I have no idea what you're rambling about, child."
Klaus groaned as the tossed and turned in pain. I rushed to check on him and he nodded, trying to catch his breath, but before we could even exchange one word, Reginald turned the electricity back on, killing him again.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I felt the electricity running through my body as well, but it didn't affect me like it did for him. "He had just gotten back!"
"It took him 38 minutes, we need to get a better time," he wrote down in his notebook. "Do you know how long it took him the first time?"
"A little under an hour," I mumbled.
"Very good, let's go for a ride, shall we? You two still have a lot of progress to make," he grabbed the keys and opened one of his drawers to get a gun.
"Don't! Are you gonna keep killing him?"
"This isn't for him, young lady, this is for you. Being bulletproof isn't enough, you need to learn how to make the bullets ricochet and kill whoever shot you."
"But Alphonso told me I needed more mass to be able to do that."
"What you both failed to understand is that your powers are not at all alike. Number Four was able to reflect the damage his body suffered with the injuries it sustained. Your body is unharmable, you're more remarkable than you can imagine. Now help me carry your brother... Fiancé... To the car."
"You think I'm remarkable? Really?"
"Chop chop!"
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lazybouquetruins · 1 year
♡   Swords are our languages when we wanna talk♡
I sight  wiping off my tears  everyone  has put heavy weight on my shoulders i took of my glasses wiping my glasses my cheecks were flushing  i put my glasses on and got up from my bed i was wondering what will cheer me up yeah books about swords would be great i like to read them in the garden it was raining but i didn't Care i took my umbrella  and got out the sound of the rain was so satisfying while reading books i was reading but then i heard footsteps i was nervous i looked up to see a male with a green hair and 3 gold earrings.... Oh right roronoa i wasnt surprised we have met each other so much that we got used to it he looked at me his clothes were all wet from the rain i looked away so i could continue reading my book he lifted an brow with a Confused looked "arent you gonna ask me to duel or something" he said i was not in the mood to fight that Dumb pirate! So i replied with"today i thought to stop being childish and ask you to duel so buzz off" he looked at me with a confused expression  "are you joking because i think you are i cant imagine you not asking me to a duel"  this man really knew how to make my blood boil every time doesn't he? "i said i dont want to duel stupid swordman! Why couldn't you leave me alone i am busy with all people relying on me so could you leave me alone you're not helping with my troubles!" i yelled i was shocked i shouldn't have said that infornt of him  he looked at me" what did you break your glasses and no one is buying you a new one " he said jokingly  i felt tears dropping on my checks i felt mad i was quite until i got up from my seat" if you don't know anything you can't judge anything about me  you don't understand you never did because of your impetuous self! " i yelled tears were dropping  hands were shaking i was full of angry tears  i was furious how could he mock me  i gave him a hurt look" i thought you'd become better" i turned my back at him leaving to my house  i kept thinking about it all night till i fell asleep i was going to get out of the house but i saw a box "hm whats this?" i picked it up i opend it and saw strawberry cake my favorite! And a letter i opend it and started reading
Dear tashigi
I am so sorry that i said what i said i never knew what kind of pain you're going through i was Speechless when you started crying i knew i was wrong for mocking you i shouldn't have done that i apologize so much i dont know if i could face you anymore i would be very happy if you'd forgive me i was having trouble sleeping without apologizing to you i know you're very mad that i said that but i really didn't know what you're going through once i saw you enjoying a strawberry cake you'd looked like you were gonna  eat the fork on a accident of its Taste so i thought of buying it as an apology if you forgive me meet me at the 14768 park at 7:00 pm(night)
By:Zoro or How you call me Roronoa
I was astonished he was apologizing? That couldn't be zoro could it be? I was happy at least someone understands what i am going through
Time :7:00pm
I guess its time for me to go i took my bag with me i went to the park but zoro was no where to be seen  i sat on the chair and thought maybe he is just a little bit late  seconds passed to minutes to hours  it was 9:00pm i have been waiting 2 hours why did i even believe that he was going to arrive maybe he is just pulling some foolish jokes on me i was about to go until i heared someone saying my name "tashigi!!!" i looked back it was roronoa i was already pissed off but still waited for his arrival  he pulled me into a hug "i am so sorry for being late i was just  trying to find the stuff you like so i buyed all of the stuff i could think of"
He said "i thought you wouldn't come" i said while pulling him from his wrist "Lets go roronoa i heard theres a place it serves great Food we have to try it
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♡ they're so  Cute i dont know who is the artist ♡
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i'm realizing more and more you're not perfect. i had this imagine of you in my head and it's slowly dissolving into who you really are and i'm not sure how i feel about it. i know that sounds bad, but its true. maybe there is a reason you've been single for so long other than your fear of getting hurt. idk. you're kind of just a big kid. you don't have any real world responsibilities. you get so mad so easily when you drink. idk if these are necessarily super red flags, but i'm noticing things i don't like. i still really hate you ruined what was supposed to be the best night of ADE. like it really, really bothers me. i know i'll get over it, but it's only been just over a week now since it happened. after jake i never want to be with someone angry ever again or someone who can get so angry for no or little reason. that's not the person i want to be with. ever. or someone who will say things to deliberately get a rise out of me. that is not something i will ever entertain. that i need to tell you, sometime.
also, you saying love youuu at the end of our call and then pretending it was an accident - no. it was sooo not an accident. we've been properly dating for 3 months, chill. especially after the ups and downs we just had in ams?? no, absolutely not. i know i shouldn't compare, but i told jake i loved him after we were together for 6 months and we spent many days a weeks and most weekends together. i've seen you for a total of maybe 3-4 weeks in the last 3 months. i don't love that easily, darling. especially after ams you're gonna have to earn my love. you're gonna have to show me who you really are and i'm going to have to accept you. and that only comes with actually spending real time together. i dont even think i'll be ready or mind you even want to say it during xmas. idk, we'll see. personally i only see it happening in february once you've been here for a bit. we'll have a full month or so together and that is going to determine where this relationship goes.
telling you ilu hasn't even crossed my mind, because i don't yet. i'm not in love with you. sure, i love you as a friend and i really like you, but love? no. not yet. i need so much more time with you. i need to get to know you more. see who you really are.
you said love youuu and then i couldn't stop laughing. and you looked so embarrassed but we literally joked about this happening. and then i said i thought you said we we NOT there yet. and you go, i know i know, maybe i do, maybe i don't. idk.
yeah, i know you do. it's okay. it's ok to love me so early. but fuck it is SO early. 3 months into dating! ryan told me he loved me after we were together for 4 months but we were completely inseparable. and i said it back and i fucking meant it. maybe you did say it by mistake. but man what a shitty first i love you. you didn't even say I love you just love youuu like byeeeeee love uuuu. like fuck me, i deserve something more serious than that. i think you'll say it properly during xmas and that terrifies me if i'm not ready to say it back yet. cause if i'm not, i won't. and i think that'll really hurt you. but if i were you i would wait until i say it. especially if you think i'm gonna leave you. let me lead. let me say it when i'm ready.
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astoryisaloveaffair · 2 years
Fix You - Chapter 12: Free Fallin’
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Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales x Fem!Reader
Fic Masterlist
Read on A03
Spotify Playlist
Chapter Summary: You and Frankie have to look inwards when you get into a fight
Word Count: 9500
Rating: 18+, Explicit, Lemon
*If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature and explicit themes, kinks, and violence. Additionally, you understand and acknowledge warnings may not be present to avoid spoilers for the story*
Chapter Warnings: age gap (10-15 years), cussing, drinking, ANGST, PiV, oral (m rec), exhibitionism, SOFTNESS, Frankie being a dick
A/N: Hello and welcome BACK my friends, I couldn’t leave you hanging that long without posting so here we go! LETS GET INTO IT! Shit’s really picking up now so prepare for multiple scene shifts. We are also getting a Santiago POV!! This chapter does have more of a limitation on where reader lives, but it had to be this way because it’s significant to the story. BIG big shoutout to my babe @musings-of-a-rose​ for being a cheerleader, sounding board, and for making the chapter moodboard I AM IN TEARSSSS. I also dedicate this chapter to @moralesfish​ who made an amazing fancam for this fic last week! Go check it out pleassseee!
Suggested Songs: “Free Fallin’” by Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, “Yellow” by Coldplay, “Runnin’ Down a Dream” by Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, “Let Down” by Radiohead, “Where It Stays” by Charlotte OC
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“What the fuck are you doing?”
You freeze, your heart dropping in your chest. Shit. You turn to face him and grimace, sloppily shoving the paperwork back into the dresser without even looking to see where it was going.
It’s hard to look at him. His jaw is clenched so tight you swear you can hear his teeth grinding as the muscles twitch and shift in his cheeks, his entire body is stiff as a board, hands at his sides in fists, opening and closing, fingers twitching. His eyes…are so wide, his brow so furrowed, it makes you look away because keeping eye contact with those hard black eyes staring angrily in yours actually physically hurts. 
“I asked you a question.” Somehow, him not yelling made it sound even worse.
You look at your feet. “I was…just trying to help.”
“By snooping through all my shit and trying to find all the things you can fix about me?!”
You jerk back at the jab, the harshness of it making you feel like you were shot in the chest. “No! Frankie…I meant I was just trying to help you with your laundry! I didn’t know there was anything even in there. It was an accident!” You can feel the tears welling in your eyes and you subtly pinch the bridge of your nose to keep them at bay, playing it off like it’s an irritated tic. You heave a sigh and return your gaze to Frankie’s. “Look, I was just putting your clothes away and I got a papercut and I was wondering what —”
He cuts you off, his voice cold and stern. “I don’t need you to clean up after me. I’m not a child.”
“Um. I know that, I thought I was doing you a favor. You don’t need to be condescending. Why the fuck are you being so mean? Throwing the things I told you back in my face? I told you that in confidence, I don’t do that anymore.”
“Yea, you told me in confidence, and I didn’t show you this at all, so if you’re mad, maybe you can understand how the fuck I feel.”
You could never have prepared yourself for how this anger would feel when it was directed at you. It swells and burns, and when the pangs in your chest abate and your chest swells, you realize you're getting angry too. Before you can stop yourself, you snap back. “Well, who hides something in a dresser drawer?! And why are you hiding shit anyways? I don’t have any secrets from you. But I’m starting to feel like you do.”
“Get out.” His eyes are completely hollow, devoid of any emotion whatsoever. You almost don’t even process what he’s saying. Your heart drops into your stomach, throbbing as you stand and stare at him. “What?”
“Get out of my house.”
“...Are you serious?”
Still no emotion. He looks like a robot, but not the cute Wall E kind. More like Hal 9000. Or an IG-Series. 
He continues. “I don’t like having to repeat myself.”
Who is this person? You grit your teeth to stave off the tears once more, swallowing thickly before you look up at him and fix him with a glare to match his own. “Fine.”
You push past him to the bedroom, grabbing the overnight bag you’d set down in there when you came to the house a few hours before, not making any eye contact as you stuff your things back in and zip it up. You can feel the tears finally swelling and cresting over your lower eyelids and you would rather die than let him see it, so you stare at the ground and hustle past him without a word. You manage a shaking goodbye to Gabi as you rush past, opening the door and shutting it with a slam just to piss him off as you stomp to your car, get in, and leave.
All you can feel is rage as you drive, and you try to calm yourself by surfing your Spotify shuffle, choosing some vintage Eminem and screaming the lyrics in your car. You feel like you’d never been so pissed in your entire life, the fact that Frankie chose to take something you told him with trust and throw it back at you sets you into such a violent temper that you actually kind of want to drive back over there and barrel your car right into his truck or something.
Okay, so maybe you should just turn the music off. You smack the dial to switch off the sound transmitting through your aux cord to your phone, releasing a heavy sigh. How the fuck did that even happen? Everything was fine, so incredibly domestic, only to devolve into that? You’d imagined how cute he’d be when he came home exhausted to find his things washed and put away, clutching you close to his chest as he presseskisses all over your face. 
But instead he flipped out like a fucking psycho over some papers you didn’t even understand, and why? He’d just told you he trusted you. You’d been completely open with him, fuck, you let him tie you up and fuck you rough and raw with the amount of trust you had in him. Why didn’t he trust you? What was he hiding?
You simmer on the drive home, and as your anger abates, the lava of it melts and oozes, sliding off your heart and exposing once again the real source of your ire. 
This really fucking hurts.
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You don’t text Frankie the rest of the night and none the next day, but he didn’t text you either so it didn’t feel vindictively fulfilling for you.  You’d cried yourself out that night, burritoed in your bed, but now you just sit in various places glaring at your phone, hovering between wanting him to contact you and not, you texting him or not. You finally just turn the damn thing off and veg out catching up on shows.
Late in the evening when you finally turn it back on, you feel a rush of happiness to see Frankie in your banners, and you hate yourself for it. You hate yourself even more when you see the messages.
Frankie 🐈🐟: Are you coming for your shift tomorrow or should I find someone else
Frankie 🐈🐟: Please let me know ASAP
You pull your lips into a hard line, the muscles of your jaw churning, seizing with tension that travels down your neck and shoulders and worsens the mini headache already starting to form from crying all day. All business. No acknowledgement of what happened. No apology. No request to talk it out. Just what you can do for him. Fuck. Him. It makes you almost sick to your stomach and you consider telling him to fuck off, but you don’t. You like the job. You love Gabi. You want the pay.
Yep. I’ll be there.
You wait, hoping maybe this would leave the door ajar for him to reach out and say something, but as the seconds slip by and you get no response at all, you finally get impatient and throw your phone across the room. At the exact time that it chimes.
“Son of a bitch…” You crawl back to your phone and flip it over, wondering what he said. A thumbs up. And nothing else for the rest of the night.
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You can be petty. You know it. It’s not your favorite thing to admit about yourself but sometimes just being sooooo fucking petty makes the hurt sting less, makes the anger feel like it has been fed. 
When Frankie opens the door for you Friday evening, you breeze through without acknowledging him at all, ignoring his hardened expression while he stares at you with an open mouth. You do the absolute most greeting Gabriela, more dramatic than your normal greeting, but she doesn’t seem to notice or care, running towards you with a shout as you lift her into your arms. 
“Hi baby” You murmur into her soft curls. After putting her down you start setting up a movie for the two of you facing away from Frankie, who is still standing frozen at the front door.
“Hey..” His voice is low, and incredibly soft. It makes your heart lurch, an uncomfortable twinge radiating through your heart to your arteries and out through your body like you’d been stabbed with a knife and severed them. It would be so easy to relent, turn around and run to him, hug him, tell him it’s okay, but your stubborn streak flares up instead. You did nothing wrong.
You completely ignore him. 
He slams the door on his way out.
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“Remind me again what it was she found?” Santiago leans back in the booth, flinging an arm across the seat top. 
“My paperwork. My suspension, trial date, all that.” Frankie refills his glass with another round of beer from the pitcher.
Will’s brow furrows. “I thought you said you’d already told her about that.”
“I did, but it’s another thing completely to be looking through my things and reading what a fuckhead I am on paper.” The table goes silent, the tension so thick it’s like they can feel it compressing them even as they sit. Frankie has been unbearable the past few days, cranky and irritable, morose and slightly paranoid in a way Santiago hasn’t seen in a long time. Usually he understands. This time, it pisses him off.
“I think you’re creating drama when there doesn’t need to be any, as usual.” Santiago says pointedly, shrugging nonchalantly at Frankie’s answering glare.
He puts his hands up, his palms facing Frankie in the universal sign of calm. down. “Consider this. Take one second and use that dumb ass brain of yours and consider the fact that she might just have been cleaning up your house to make your life easier, like a good girlfriend, and she wasn’t snooping around. That what she said is true.”
“I’m not a dumbass.”
“You kind of are, because every time something gets fucked up, it’s you that did it. You sabotage your own damn self and you’re doing it right now. So I gotta call it out.”
Frankie bristles for a second at the insults, but quickly settles back down, slumping into the seat back of the booth, cupping his palms around his mug. “Yea. Yea…I — I know…I flew off the handle and then I guess I dug my feet in and got stubborn because I didn’t want to look like a dick for yelling at her, and now she won’t even talk to me. I did it to myself.”
“You’re fucking stupid.” Says Benny.
“Fuck you Ben, you haven’t been able to keep a girlfriend for more than a month.”
“Not all of us have had the perfect fucking girl dropped right in their lap. And she actually likes you back! You!”
Frankie stands up abruptly, his hips colliding with the table and jostling it, shaking their beer and spilling some of it across the bar top. He slams his palm down on the surface and gets right in Benny’s face. “Hey, fuck you man.”
Benny stands up too, shoving Frankie back. “Nah, fuck YOU!”
Both men turn and stare at him, as well as several other customers in the bar. Their chests heave and swollen like some ridiculous pompous birds that haven’t even attracted a mate yet. Frankie opens his mouth to argue but Santiago cuts him off.
“No. That’s it. I’ve fucking had it. This is absolutely ridiculous. Benny, learn some tact. Frankie, get your goddamn tail between your legs and go fucking talk to her. You’re fucking wrong. Right now. Get the fuck out of here.”
“I —”
“Get out of here or I’ll bitch slap you. MOVE OUT.”
Frankie jerks, an audio trigger response buried deep within before giving him a soft nod, his lips twisting about his face as he throws some money on the table and slides out of the booth.
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The drive home is agonizing. What does he even say? How can he even explain how he reacted? How can he explain that sometimes he gets so mad in the moment he can’t see just how completely and utterly wrong he is. That when he realizes it, sometimes he still won’t admit it, because he doesn’t want to feel the shame and guilt of being wrong. That he’s completely fucked up and creates his problems himself, then runs away from accountability because it’s easier. That you should find someone who’s better, nicer, less stubborn, who has a stable temper and doesn’t have all his baggage. That he might never change, but he’s too fucking greedy to give you up.
He doesn’t even get an opportunity. The moment he opens the door you’re up, your crossbody already slung across your chest so you could get away from him as fast as possible. And it shatters his heart. As you drive away he realizes, you didn’t even take your pay. You’d been that desperate to get away from him.
I ruin everything.
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Luckily for you, that had been your last shift before Gabi went to Lex’s for two weeks. Two weeks. Maybe enough time to calm down and process what happened. You almost spoke to him that night. You wanted to, but once you realized he was trying to reach out you decided instead to dig your heels in. No you cannot talk to me. Sit in your fucking feelings for a bit, like you did to me.
He texts you for days straight.
Frankie 🐈🐟: Baby
Frankie 🐈🐟: Please talk to me
Frankie 🐈🐟: I love you
Frankie 🐈🐟: I’m really sorry
But after a week, nothing. And not the day after, or the day after that. After several more silent days, you hear from someone else.
Dali🌻: Hey babe, what you up to today? I’m bored.
So were you. You’d done nothing but sit around your apartment watching bullshit. You were growing tired of maintaining the anger.
Not doing anything. Wanna come over?
She does, giving you a tight hug when you open the door for her. “I brought wine, fancy cheese, and Pride and Prejudice!” She declares. 
“BBC or Keira Knightly?”
She scoffs. “Keira Knightly, obvs. I can’t be here all week.”
You laugh and hug her again, stepping aside so she can deposit everything on your kitchen counter, not wasting any time before breaking open the wine. She offers you the first glass, then pours herself one, before pulling out all the cheese and crackers she bought, arranging them neatly on a plate.
“I’m such a whore for a charcuterie board.”
“MMmm me too.”
The two of you bring your wine and snacks to your coffee table, settling in a giant blanket together for the movie, only pausing once to order some pizza.
“Thanks for coming over.” You mutter as the credits begin rolling.
Dali smiles softly. “Of course. Are you okay? I know you and Frankie are in a weird place, but you haven’t answered anyone else either.”
“It’s okay. We just care about you. Benny’s pretty beside himself though. Look…we don’t have to talk about it if  you don’t want but I love you and I’m here for you—”
“I think I ruined it.”
“What do you mean?”
“He…he reached out to me last week, a lot. I ignored him. And he isn’t anymore. I was just so mad. He told me to ‘get out of his house’. I…that really shocked me. He’s never talked to me like that before. It was like he was a different person. Who talks to someone they love like that?”
“Maybe a rough mess of man who cares so much about what you think of him that he has completely irrational reactions to stupid shit he thinks will change your opinion of him but he did that on his own by being an asshole.”
You stare at her. “Dali…what the fuck.”
She shrugs, taking the last sip of her wine. “I’m dating someone very similar. But I don’t think yours choked a guy out in the grocery store.”
“No— but. Wait WHAT?!” 
She widens her eyes, her lips resting on the rim of her wine glass as she nods, then takes a big gulp. “You didn’t know? I’d figured Frankie would have told you.”
“No. I mean, I could tell there was something in Will’s past but Frankie thought it should be up to him to tell me, and I never asked. Now the barbecue we had on the Fourth makes so much more sense.”
“He wanted to keep that side of him a secret from me too. I mean, I get it. His fiance’ left him soon after that. But he’s getting better, and I don’t give a shit what he did in the past. I care about who he is now. And he’s never going to be perfect.”
“I didn’t ask for perfection, I asked for honesty. And I want respect.”
“I know…”
You sigh, leaning back against the back of your couch. “Fuck.” You pause, pursing your lips as you try to articulate what you’re thinking. “I think…I probably pushed the ‘ignoring him out of spite’ too far and he’s done with me anyways.”
“I can tell you with absolute certainty that he is not.”
“Yup. He is so fucking in love with you, talks about you all the time. Quite annoying actually.” She teases. You stick your tongue out at her. 
The two of you end up crushing almost two bottles of wine and watching movies late into the night, finally collapsing in a giggly heap in your bed, dead to the world. 
What only feels like minutes later, several loud dings yank you right back out of that sleep, and you moan dramatically as you flop onto your back, rubbing your face. Dali is sitting up next to you, texting furiously.
“Hey, morning!”
You groan. “You are way too chipper for this morning.”
You groan.
“I have a remedy. You like pancakes?”
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You and Dali meet up with Will and get breakfast, the sweet carb and protein goodness doing wonders to settle your head and stomach. Maybe it’s Will’s presence, or maybe it’s the pancakes, perhaps it’s even both, but by the end of the meal you’re feeling much better. There’s something about Will that is just so comforting to fold into when shit hits the fan. He just seems so solid, so mentally strong, you can see why Frankie confides in Will the most about his sobriety.
“I don’t understand how you can get shot in the stomach and just be like, ‘okay well that was a small annoyance, let me continue on with my day.’”
Will smirks, lifting his shoulders in an uneven shrug. “Non-vital organs. That time. Headshot was worse.”
“Fuck.” You murmur. “I…don’t really know what to say to that other than that sucks and I’m really sorry you had to go through that.
“It is what it is. I’m here. That’s all I can ask for.” 
Dali reaches out her hands, threading her fingers through his. You look down at your plate, not wanting to intrude on an intimate moment, lifting your eyes when you hear him speaking again. 
“We’ve all been through a lot. Shoulda died many times. Fish too. Kinda puts stuff in perspective that some shit just ain’t that important. He made a mistake. He’s really sorry. You should talk to him.”
You scrub your face with your hands. “Yea, alright. I know. I’ll go over there after this.”
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After several hugs and more words of support, you jump in your car and head to Frankie’s. It’s a rainy day, somewhat gloomy, and a light fog permeates the semi swampy neighborhood Frankie lives in. His truck is there when you pull up, but the lights are dark, so you decide to knock on the door rather than just burst in. 
It takes a few knocks for him to answer the door.
“God dammit Pope— oh.” The irritation on his face shifts immediately, eyes widening into that puppy dog look like his eyelids are just drooping down his face. “Hi.”
“Hey. Ummmmmm can I come in?”
He blinks several times before almost jumping out of your way. “Yea! Yea…please come in, you don’t have to ask.”
You step inside and lean against the back of the couch. “Well, last time I was here, you kicked me out.”
He swallows. “Yea…look I’m really sorry. I thought something else was happening and I completely overreacted. And then I didn't wanna admit I was wrong. But I was.”
“Why did you do that?”
“I dunno. I guess I think you’re gonna find something you hate about me and be done with me.”
You bite your lip, raising your gaze to look at him. He looks like shit. Still handsome, but also like shit. His hair is disheveled and slightly matted, he’s got huge bags under his eyes, and it looks like he may have been wearing the pajamas he was in for an entire week. 
You bring his attention back to you. “Look, Frankie. I know it’s hard to trust people but please try. I’m not trying to find a defect in you. The only person that can push me away is you. But when you flip out like that, it makes me think you’re hiding something. Are you?”
He looks at you, the hurt so plain on your face, the sheer disappointment, and he can’t bear to ever see that look from you again. It’s too much. Too similar.
He lies. “No.” He steps forward, lifting your hand from your thigh and holding it in his. “There’s nothing else, I swear.”
“Okay. I’m sorry too.”
“For what?”
“For ignoring you. That was wrong too. I shouldn’t have done that. I was just really hurt, and mad.”
“Oh.” He looks down, not able to look you in the eyes. He can’t even understand why you think you would need to apologize to him, but here you are, doing just that. He glances up at you again, starts towards you then halts, hovering awkwardly in front of you instead. “Baby, can I…please hold you? Is that okay?” And fuck, when he looks like that you just can’t say no, you can’t resist that sad, droopy face and those pouty lips, those warm brown eyes, the coziness and warmth radiating off him. You step into his arms. He releases a stuttered breath, his arms wrapping around you and molding you into him, burying his face into your neck. He definitely has not been showering regularly, but you find you don’t much care. He still smells good. He smells like home. 
He says your name. “...I love you. So fucking much. I’m really sorry.”
You thread your fingers into his matted curls. “I love you too. But please don’t ever talk to me like that again.” He nods and squeezes you harder.
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Today was super important. Not as important as the suspension review next week, but definitely very important. Frankie was going to take you on the best date ever. He can’t stop beating himself up over your fight and how he talked to you, so he decided that he was going to make a grand gesture to show you how much he loved you and how sorry he was. He can feel the adrenaline pumping in his veins when you pull up to his house, bright and early.
You open the door of your car dramatically with your leg, heaving yourself out of the car. “Alright! I am here! At 8:00 AM! On a Saturday! Now tell me what we’re doing.”
He’s already bounding down the steps of the porch and all but skipping to you as you shut your car door, again with your foot. “Nope!” He opens his arms to you, bending at the knees and wrapping his strong arms around your thighs, lifting you up with a squeal as he rumbles with love-sick giggles. As he puts you down, he plants wet kisses all over your face and your neck, suckling one little spot and releasing it with a pop. He has stupidest grin on his face. It’s adorable. “It’s a surprise.”
His mood must be infectious cause you giggle back and step towards him, pinching his little tummy fat with your nails before swirling them out towards his hips. 
He pushes you back with a chuckle. “No no no! None of that. Come on, hop in the truck, I’m almost done loading up.” On your way, you stand on your tiptoes to look over the bed of the truck and then the cab backseat, which is completely full, a blanket resting over everything and hiding it from view. Whatever he had planned, you knew it would be worth the wake up call. It was Frankie. If you were with him, you were going to have a good time.
The two of you stop at Starbucks for your caffeine fix, then hit the road. You spend the two hours chatting, arguing amicably about TV shows or movies, and singing along to a playlist that Frankie made for the trip that is solely made up of Tom Petty songs.
You’re not from Florida, you don’t really pay attention to where you’re going or the signs that pass, content to relax in Frankie’s beloved truck with your feet up on the dash, the sun shining on your bare legs and your hair tousled about by the wind, humming along to “Runnin’ Down a Dream.”
When he finally pulls to a stop with an ecstatic grin, you’re even more unsure of where you are.
“Frankie, why are we in front of a random house?” He says nothing, letting you figure it out, which doesn’t take long because there’s a sign on the lawn saying exactly what it is. Your mouth drops when you notice it, your heart lurching up into your throat and you jerk your gaze to Frankie, who is watching you with the softest fucking expression, and you just can’t help it, you start crying because Frankie has driven you to Gainesville and has brought you to Tom Petty’s childhood home. 
A broken sob of joy and disbelief escapes your lips as you fling yourself to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and crying into the fabric of his shoulder. “Baby!” He chuckles. “Why are you crying?!”
You pull back, not even caring your face is a mess as you sniffle. “Because! You brought me to his house?! This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me!” You press yourself back into his neck, and he reaches an arm over to undo your seatbelt and drag you the rest of the way over to him and into his lap. He cups the back of your head and presses his nose into your hair, inhaling and exhaling with a sigh. “I love you so much babe.” You talk back to him but your mouth is still muffled by the breadth of his shoulder and the fabric of his shirt, and the only thing he hears is the cutest little muffled mumbling sounds. He slides the hand from the back of your neck to your cheek, cupping the other with his other hand, and pulls you back a little to look at your tear-stained face. 
You’re starting to calm, and he swipes a tear away with his large thumb. “What was that?”
You sniffle. “I love you too.” 
He pulls you to him with a hum, not caring about the salty taste of your lips from your tears. “Well, do you wanna get out and look around or not?”
The home is small and modest, with light gray paneling and a dark brown wooden door, a steel column on each side completely covered in pretty cascading ivy vines. The entire property is overflowing with plants, whether it’s from whomever lives there now or someone maintaining how it was when he lived here. 
After leaving Tom’s house, Frankie takes you into downtown Gainesville, a pretty main street with little shops and even a Farmer’s Market. He’s patient as you meander up and down the aisles to visit every booth, even though you know he is bored out of his mind. 
“Here.” You turn to him as you walk side by side. “Open your mouth.” He does, and you pop the most delicious and warm apple cider doughnut into his mouth.
“Oh fuck.” His moan is absolutely sinful, and you can feel your body responding to the sound as he grabs the baggy from you and stuffs two more into his mouth at one time.
“Frankie!” You chide, yanking the bag back. “You’re going to make yourself sick.” He whines like a baby and you laugh, ending up returning to the donut stall to get a bag for the house.
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As the day fades to evening, Frankie hustles you to the truck to take you to your final destination. If you weren’t a blubbering mess before, you certainly are now. Frankie pulls into the parking lot of a massive park named after Tom Petty after he died, handing you warm insulated tote bags and ushering you forward deeper into the park. He urges you to sit as he whips out a picnic blanket and then starts emptying the tote bags with a ridiculous amount of food. Fried chicken, salad, biscuits, his world-famous mac and cheese he’d been promising to make you, and a homemade pie. You’re so overwhelmed with emotions you can’t even say anything.
After stuffing yourselves silly, you pack everything back up and put it back in the truck before taking a slow walk around the park, observing the sunset and just enjoying each other’s company. You tell Frankie about how your dad introduced you to the music, and it reminds you of him when you listen, a welcome comfort living so far away.
Your heart sinks as the sun disappears and the darkness falls, because you know that must mean it’s time to leave. But Frankie surprises you again, spreading some blankets for cushioning into the bed of his pickup, and he helps you up into it, strong hands squeezing into your waist and leaving goosebumps on your arms. 
It’s where you are now, lying back in the truck, whispering and giggling to each other while eating more pie directly out of the tupperware. 
“I ate so much I got my pregnant belly.” Frankie observes, patting his puffier than normal stomach.
“I told you not to eat all those donuts.” You tease. 
“I thought you loved my tummy.”
You roll towards him, your hand resting on top of his belly as you skate your fingertips around his belly button and hip dips, eventually slipping your hand under his shirt and running your fingers through his happy trail. “I do.” He relaxes under the attention, letting you rest your head on his arm as he gazes at the night sky. The quiet is comforting and welcome, like with the closest of friends, you could simply be together without having to talk.
You realize that this man has ingrained himself in you so deep that you consider him your best friend, as well as the love of your life. You don’t think you’ve ever had that before. You scold yourself once more for being vindictive and almost ruining this. You turn to look at him in the dark, admiring the way his profile cuts into the darkness of the night. He is so fucking handsome.
“Do you know any of them things?” His voice is husky from disuse.
“What things?” 
“The astrology.”
“Kind of, I had this cool little app that would tell you where everything is when you point your phone at it. Did you not have to know them for the Army? Er—Delta Force?”
“Some. The North star and the Little Dipper.” He points to them.
“Mmmhmm and Ursa Major is attached to them.” You trace the line of it with your finger for him, temples pressed close together. 
“Do the app thing.” You oblige, pulling out your phone and re-downloading the app, then spend the next hour letting Frankie aim your phone at different sections of the sky, revealing which constellations lay hidden there. 
“What’s your sign again?”
You roll your eyes, poking him in the side. “No, I mean your zodiac. Your sun sign.”
“I don’t know what all that means, but I'm a Virgo.”
“Oh yea. September. Hmmmmm. Reliable. Logical. Hard-working and observant. Completely accurate.” You scan the sky for his constellation and show him, then find yours, as well as Venus and very weak Mars, your favorite constellation Draco, and Orion’s belt. When you’ve had enough of stargazing you snuggle closer against him, closing your eyes and just taking in the sounds of the night, of the crickets and frogs, of Frankie’s heartbeat pressing against your ear. 
“It was my stuff for my suspension hearing.”
“What you found. It’s my original suspension and the notice of the hearing, and some letters of recommendation. The hearing is next week.”
“Suspension of what?”
“Um, my helicopter license.”
“Oh. OH! Of course! Frankie, I already knew you were suspended.”
“Yea, I know. It’s just…the paperwork is just really…damning. I didn’t want you seeing it. And I’m nervous about the hearing too, so I was a dick. I’m sorry.”
You wrap your arm around his waist. “That makes sense. I wouldn't worry about it though, I’m sure you’ll get it back.”
“You think?”
You nod. “Yes. And you better take me in one when you do.”
He raises his eyebrows, thankful for the topic change, and he uses his strength to flip you so his body is pressed atop yours. “Oh yea? Can’t wait to get in my cockpit, hm? You know, the joystick vibrates.”
“Oh my god you are such a dork.”
“Mmmm but you love it.”
You wouldn’t have even argued that even if you could, because your attention is completely taken by the feel of Frankie’s stubble rasping against your cheek down to your neck as he lays a trail of soft kisses from behind your ear to your shoulder blade.
“Cat…” You sigh, and he takes advantage of your open mouth and sinks into your lips with a groan, massaging your lower lip with his tongue, then sliding it in to meet your own. You wrap your arm around him as the kiss deepens, tugging on his hair with the fist of your hand as you whine into his mouth. He tastes like pie, and salt, and Frankie.
He wriggles against you, pressing himself in between your thighs, and you open for him instinctively. You can feel him rising for you, and he starts to lightly grind against your thigh as he tries to find some relief. You can already feel that familiar tingle, your body always so reactive to his. But this time it’s just…not right.
“Frankie…we can’t. It’s a public park.”
He lifts his head, looking around in the dark. “There’s no one else here. We’re fine.”
“No, I can’t explain it. I’m not comfortable. It's just too open.”
He halts his kissing immediately. “Oh. Truck?”
You pause, considering as you rub your arm up and down his toned forearm. Plenty of room. The car is facing a dark mass of trees. His windows and the back cab window are blackout tinted. And you haven't fucked in it yet. “Yes.”
He takes your hand with a grin, pulling you up off the blankets on the bed of the truck, holding your waist once more as you jump down, landing so close you're pressed together and you can feel his hot breath caressing your face. He lunges for your mouth, can’t help himself, and you whimper at the ravenousness of it as he slides his hands up the back of your thighs, grasping your ass with his hands. You’re wearing incredibly short shorts that expose just a tease of your plump cheeks and sliding down the truck bed didn’t make them any longer, the fabric riding up so your cheeks are almost entirely exposed. He hums appreciatively at your lack of clothes and presses you into him so he can show you just how bad he wants you, the fat bulge of his cock against your stomach, belt buckle pricking into your soft tummy flesh. 
He groans as he pulls away and looks at you, taking in how disheveled you probably look but you’ve never felt sexier, and you swear, even in the dark, you can see his predatory eyes blown out black with lust, looking you up and down, licking those pouty lips until they’re wet and shiny. You want to suck on them. Bite on them.
“Look at you…” He husks, before taking you by the hand and pulling you to the cab, helping you up into the seat. He hops in right after you and you reach for him, tracing the line of his zipper. His hips buck up toward your palm. 
“I want to suck your cock.”
“Jesus.” He exhales sharply, chest heaving as he pretty much rips open his belt buckle, the metal jingling as he pulls his pants down just enough for his dick to spring free. You slide your shorts off too, the lights of the dashboard emitting enough of a glow that he can see the wet spot gathering where your juices are leaking out of you. It’s almost too much, he squeezes his cock to calm himself down, but the sight of him touching himself is doing something you never thought could be so fucking hot. 
You urge him on. “Don’t stop. Keep touching.” 
His breath hitches and his eyelids are hooded and he rests his head back on the headrest as he lazily slides his hands around himself, slow tugs morphing into longer strokes. His eyes never leave yours as he touches himself, breathing in and out heavily with how good it feels. The eye contact makes you nervous with anticipation, but you don’t look away, and you can feel yourself clenching involuntarily at his expression. You join him, sliding your hand into your panties and rubbing your clit, the sound of the wetness between your folds commands his attention, and he can't stop staring at you. “Hey. C’mere.”
He sounds so pretty and you don’t want to make him wait, so you pull your hand out of your panties and slide forward again to reach for him. He hisses as you grasp him, his eyes slamming shut and his head thumping back against the headrest. You bend down, making sure he would be able to see himself in your mouth before poking your tongue out and swirling the tip of your tongue around the head of his cock, continuing until your tongue dips into the little hole and you lick up the pre-cum already gathering there. His right hand grasps the back of the flannel shirt he put on you when you got chilly and clenches it in his fist as he struggles not to thrust up into your mouth, to let you take control while he just takes.
In the safety of his truck he feels comfortable to be loud, the beautiful sounds of his moans, pants, and whispers spurring you on as you slide the head of his cock in between your lips, suckling it like a lollipop, the salty tang of more pre-cum oozing into your throat. After torturing him a few minutes you finally take his cock fully into the heat of your mouth, enveloping him, slowly bobbing up and down as he continues to struggle not to buck up into you. You moan around his cock every once in a while so he can feel the vibrations around him, can feel just how much you love sucking his cock, because you do. You wrap your hand around the parts of him you can’t reach, pumping him slowly, then twist up his shaft in a corkscrew and back down. When you look up at him through your eyelashes he is a vision, eyebrows tilting up, mouth slack, eyes heavy lidded and trained on the sight of you. He licks his lips when you make eye contact with him, groaning loudly and bumping the back of his head against the seat’s headrest again, giving you a nice view of his strong corded neck muscles. He pulses beneath you, and suddenly you feel his fingers taking you by the hair and gently tugging. You sit up with a hum and wipe your mouth. 
“You gotta stop or I’m gonna blow my load in your mouth, and I want to fuck you.” He gasps.
You chuckle softly and he grabs you around your ribcage, pulling you to him and settling you in his lap. You can feel him hard and waiting underneath you, pressed against the small strip of the thong’s fabric covering you from him. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling his hat off his head and throwing it to the side. He leans in and nibbles along your jawline, your neck, nosing at your ear.
“Can you ride me like this?”
“I think so.” You whisper back, and you lift yourself to hover over his lap as you reach for him, pushing your panties to the side, sliding him through your wetness and sinking down on him. 
His head tilts back once more, a low, guttural “Fuuuuuccckkkk.” releasing from his mouth as you take him to the hilt. He pulls you to him as close as he can, your back arcs into his body as he burrows himself into your chest, pushed towards him from the bend of your spine. He nuzzles into you, placing open mouthed kisses all over the tops of your breasts, occasionally squeezing them over your tank and bra. When it’s no longer enough, he pulls your flannel, tank top, and bra down your arms and chest to rest on your stomach, exposing your breasts to the air of the cab. 
He pulls back and watches you as you rise and fall slowly onto him, your tongue between your lips and your eyes screwed shut as you figure out your rhythm. He cups your breasts in his palms, squeezing softly, thumbing your nipples as you start moving faster, eventually pushing them together so he can take both nipples in his mouth at the same time. 
“So fucking beautiful.” He lathes and suckles, nips and pulls, your moans pitching higher, your pace increasing. The sensation soon becomes too much and you lean back, resting against the wheel, careful not to hit the horn. Frankie helps support you, one arm around your back, the other runs flat up your stomach in between the sweaty valley of your breasts as he watches you impale yourself on the thick girth of him.
You never knew “Mmmmmm”s and “Yea”s could sound so fucking sexy but you also knew that Frankie’s deep rumbling voice made anything sound hot as fuck, and you whine against him as you slide back and forth on his cock, basking in the sound of his coos and praises. He’s transfixed by the sight of himself entering and withdrawing, more of your juices on his cock each time he slides out, and he grips your hips and tilts them so he can see better.
Your thighs are growing tired and he can feel them quivering against his own, so he gives you room to lean forward once more, your arms braced on the headrest, and he eagerly resumes touching you all over your chest. He helps relieve some of the work, his hands placed firmly around your waist as he bounces you on his cock, your tits jiggling in his face. He pulls you forward even more so you’re pretty much smothering him in them, but you can hear how much he enjoys it as he moans against them, tasting you wherever he can reach as he thrusts up to meet your hips with his own.
He suddenly has to kiss you, and he angles his head up and pulls you into him by the back of your neck, kissing you frantically as your bouncing shifts to a grinding roll of your hips while you chase your peak. You return the kiss just as fiercely, licking into him and moving your head so he can delve further into you, your whole reality becoming only this kiss and the fullness of him inside you. 
“Frankie…m’gonna cum.”
He hums under you, taking you once more by the hips as he all but yanks you back and forth on him, grinding your clit on the coarse hair above his cock. His belt buckle is jingling and the metal is cold against your ass and his hair is soft and wet from sweat as you finger it, his mouth gaping open as he watches you take your pleasure, and just the idea that watching you can fuck him up so much, the constant desire to always make sure you are taken care of first causes you to shatter over him, lurching forward into his chest as you quiver in his arms, your slick gushing out and soaking his lap. 
You don’t even notice him flipping you to your back onto the seat until you’re already there, your mind hazy and mouth gasping to regain your breath. When you open your eyes, he is on his knees above you, or as much as he can in the space of the truck. His cock is stilled partially inside you, and he’s just looking at you, your heaving chest, your wet hardened nipples, your pussy being split open by him. He meets your eyes. “You’re the most beautiful girl in the world.”
Your cheeks burn under his warm scrutiny, and you squirm under him hoping to spur him on. But he takes his time, his hands leaving your hips down to where you’re joined. He circles your clit softly with the pad of a thumb, the other hand opening you up further to him. He sighs. “So small. So fucking pretty.” He presses down harder on your clit.
“Frankie…please move.”
He meets your eyes again and smiles shyly. “Sorry. You’re just so fucking pretty.” He starts moving slowly, the heavy slide of him allowing you to feel every ridge and vein. “And mine. Yea?” 
Your eyes roll back in your head as his hands move back to your hips, your eyelashes fluttering against your cheeks as you reply purely on instinct. “Yes. Only want you…don’t want anyone else. Ever.”
He moans, his heart palpitating like a million butterflies exploded out of it. “I fucking love you. I love you so much.” He drops his head to watch himself fuck into you, the white creamy buildup of your cum gathering along his shaft. His pace is leisurely, he can feel the grip of your pussy and the way it tries to pull him back when he withdraws.
“Love you too…please don’t stop. Just like that. It’s so good.”
“Yea? Want me to keep fucking you like this?”
“Tell me. Tell me I’m the only one that fucks you this good.”
Your brain suddenly switches back on and you look up at him and bite your lip with a smirk, your hand reaching down to touch your clit, thinking of what things you can say to make him explode. Frankie loves praise. He likes to hear how big he is, how much better he is than anyone else. How you’re his. It’s all true. “Mmmmm no, no one else has fucked me so good. They were all little boys. I needed a man.”
He whines and moves faster at the praise, the tops of his thighs hitting the back of yours as he pulls you onto his cock. You can hear the squlching of your slick as he slides in and out, the sound seeming so much louder in the small space of the truck cab.
You bite your lip. “Yea…a big, scruffy older man with a thick cock. Takes such good care of me.”
“Oh shit. Ho fuck…”
You smirk as you deliver your coup de gras, hoping the risk lands. “Give it to me, fuck me daddy.”
“Oh-my-god-jesus-fucking-christ!” Frankie pulls out of you with a roar, pushing your ass down flush to the leather of the seat. You hiss at the loss but he doesn’t make you wait long, bending your knees up to your chest as he pushes back into you all the way to the hilt, the new position allowing him to amp up his pace, punctuating each word with a thrust. “You fucking…filthy, dirty little girl. FUCK!” He can see everything. The slide of his fat cock forcing itself into your tightness, your body expanding just for him, pulling him and hugging him into your warmth. 
“Frankie has a daddy kink.” You whisper, a light giggle escaping as he pinches your ass. 
“It’s…about the care.”
“Dad you love fucking.” He laughs with you, his hips stuttering a little before you both regain your rhythm. You rub your clit furiously, determined to cum again. He loves how you’ve become so comfortable taking what you need, how vocal you are now and how you fit him so perfectly. He can feel you clenching around him, you are impossibly tight, and he finds himself slowing down to long strokes so he doesn’t cum before you can. You’re hovering on the edge, your body tensing and your back tics up into a mini arc as you try to get there, but he can see you need more. Frankie pushes your legs into your chest further, allowing him to grab your jaw and make you look at him. You open your mouth for him, he pushes his thumb into your mouth for you to suckle as he presses deep into you. Your eyebrows are pinched and your eyes slam shut as you sloppily chant his name over and over. 
“That’s it baby doll. Come on. Take daddy’s cock.”
Your eyes snap back open and he’s sending that shit-eating smirk right back to you, but you can’t even say anything snarky back because you are suddenly fucking cumming hard. You throw your head back, exposing your neck as you wail for him, waves of pleasure exploding from your core, rushing out onto him until you’re shivering and shaking under his restraint, and in the back of your mind you tease yourself. Holy shit, that made me cum, that actually, really made me cum. 
He swallows the end of your cry with a kiss, you hadn’t even noticed he’d settled between your legs to cover you, his broad body and comforting weight pulling you back from the brink to the present. The weight should be too much but it isn’t, it’s warm and exquisite, and safe, and overwhelming, and the smell. It’s just Frankie.
He grabs your leg and pulls it up to his plush waist, his pace relaxed but the sound of wet slapping still permeates the entire cab of the truck. You reach down and grab his little ass, pulling him deeper into you as he buries his face in your neck, his hot breaths prickling the skin there. His other arm rests beside your temple, a soft flannel sleeve pushed up to the elbow to anchor him as he moves. You turn your head and lathe your tongue against the flexing muscles. The sweat of your back pulls against the leather of the seats with each connection and withdrawal, but you find the prickling sensation welcome. You pull his face to you, cupping his cheeks as you bring him to your lips to kiss him sweetly. “Wanna make you cum.” You whisper against his lips. “Want you to cum in me and make me stain this leather.”
He can’t even speak, just lurches forward with a groan as his hands curl around your shoulders for leverage. You wrap your legs around him as he focuses on himself, his cries hitching higher and louder, his hips lifting and rutting back into you one, two, three more times until he pushes in deep, his hips pressed firmly against you as he tries to burrow his cock in you as far as possible, spilling himself inside you with a low groan. 
He collapses into your arms, nosing at your neck, his panting breath causing goosebumps to rise along your skin. You drop your legs to the seat and wrap your arms around him, your fingers sinking into his sweaty curls and carding through them just as he likes while he catches his breath.
You’re about to relax and doze when a single thought rushes to the front of your mind. We are in a public park. In the dark. Naked in a truck. “Frankie!” You hiss. He whines grumpily, you can tell he’s shaking his head in your neck, his nose dragging back and forth across the skin there. “Frankie, We should get dressed. We’re pushing it. And I don’t think getting arrested for public indecency is a good idea for you especially.”
He responds to that, jerking his head up to the window to peer into the dark. The two of you scramble to put your clothes back on amongst giggles and frantic looks in every direction, settling back into the seat to catch your breath from the rush.
Frankie looks towards you in the dark. “Well, at least we—”
A sudden knocking on the window behind him jolts him upright with a yell, followed by an annoyingly bright light trying to illuminate the inside of the truck. Frankie lowers his window with a sigh.
A park ranger is standing there, but he politely lowers the flashlight once the window is down. “Park’s closed.”
Frankie clears his throat. “Uh yea. Yea, we were just leaving. Sorry.”
“It’s alright. Y’all have a good night.”
The two of you nod quietly, sitting shock straight until the ranger gets far enough away and Frankie starts the car. Your eyes creep to his as he pulls out of the lot and onto the main street to head home.“Okay. He definitely knew.”
“Yup. Sure did.” He makes eye contact with you quickly before reverting his eyes back to the road, flexing his pointer finger from the hand gripping the top of the steering wheel. “No one needs to know we did that. It never happened.”
“Aw, what about the daddy thing.” 
“No. Especially that.”
You sigh.
“Special occasions.”  He winks at you and reaches his hand to yours, intertwining them together.
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You’re completely passed out by the time Frankie pulls into the driveway, and he carefully and quietly brings the leftovers inside, shoving them quickly into the fridge before coming back to you. He chucks you lightly under the chin. “Baby doll, we’re home.”
You moan softly and reach out for him, your intention clear. He undoes your seatbelt, grabs your bag, and hauls you up and into his arms to carry you inside. 
Oh, fuck does this feel almost as good as sex. Frankie holding you, supporting you, taking care of you, the texture of his tee shirt soft against your cheek, his neck warm against your arms, that intoxicatingly comforting scent of him cocooning you. Musky spice. A little bit of sweat. Cinnamon. A forest. The coconut shampoo of yours he started using since it was already at his house.
You help him with the door so he doesn’t have to put you down and he heads straight to the bedroom, his cheek pressed to your head. He whispers to you, soft nothings and coos, a long press of a kiss to your head, and then you’re on the bed. You pull off your shorts and shoes as he undresses too, ripping your bra off to sleep in your tank and panties because putting on pajamas would take too much effort. The bed dips as he lays beside you.
“Reminds me of the last time.” He murmurs.
You press your forehead to his. “What do you mean?” 
“When you fell asleep at my house that time, before we were together. I picked you up just like that and carried you to bed, you were holding me so tight and I kind of wanted to die because I wanted you so bad. I kissed you on the head.”
“You’re so fucking cute…” Your voice trails off as you slip into sleep, a soft smile on your lips. 
When he knows you’re asleep, Frankie pulls away from you, sitting against the headboard as he scrubs his face with his hands.
I’m not cute. I’m a fucking liar.
Post A/N: Me - “I’m not going to have a daddy kink in here.” Also me - “here is some daddy kink”. Also, I’m one of those people that constantly makes up new nicknames for my partner at random times so Frankie and Flower doing so isn’t weird for me. Sometimes that shit just pops out lmao.
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wonwoosthetic · 3 years
Hiiii! I read the Seventeen reaction and it was really good. I was wondering if you could do a request for seventeen when you snap at them on accident because you had a bad day? Thank you ❤️
Sure! Thank you for your kind words and the request :)🤍
SVT: When You Snap At Them Because Of A Bad Day
K-Pop Masterlist
┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ S.Coups
The moment you snapped at him, unfazed him actually. While you kept on ranting about stuff that had absolutely nothing to do with the situation, but just made you mad for no reason, he started getting closer to you and stopped right in front you. He grasped your hands into his and held them close to his chest. You slowly started calming down but he kept on listening and nodding his head even though you started snapping at him, he just took it in.
He's been there with you before, so he knows how to handle it and that you don't mean most of the things that keep on falling from your mouth, but that you're just incredibly frustrated. In the end, you calmed down and leaned your head on his shoulder while he was still holding onto your hands.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Jeonghan
He would sort of turn into that really kinda annoying but logical adult. Just looking at you and then be like, "Don't snap at me just because you had a bad day. This has nothing to do with me. You can talk to me if you want to, but don't snap." In the heat of the moment this would obviously make your blood boil even more and you decide to retreat to the bedroom to change into comfier clothes than your work outfits and just lay down in bed for a while.
After about an hour later, Jeonghan would join you in the bedroom and find you napping. He'd lay down next to you to put his arm around you and pull you closer, so when you wake up, you can wake up in the embrace of your loved one.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Joshua
This man knew you had a bad day the moment he called you at some point during the day and your voice didn't sound the same as it normally should. "What's wrong?" He asked on the phone, to which you of course replied, "Nothing." And that's how he knew you'd come back in a bad mood since the tone of your voice was that like the usual.
He prepared your favourite meal and got everything ready for a bath as soon as you'd open the front door. You weren't even fully in the apartment yet, when he already heard you sigh out loud. Joshua joined you in the hallway and you were ready to start, "Don't even try anything-", but he cut you off and just told you, you should go into the bathroom and food was already waiting for you.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Jun
Poor thing didn't notice your bad mood at all after you had arrived home, so he just started talking to you casually, asking you why you had been so silent because that was the only thing he had noticed. You immediately snapped at him, asking him why he would even ask you such things and he flinched at the sudden volume of your voice.
He was shocked but quickly realised that it was because of a bad day and something probably had happened at work. As shocked as he was, he was also understanding of your mood, therefore didn't want to provoke you more. He apologised (even though he obviously didn't have to) but that only got you more angry, telling him not to just say sorry like that.
That man's still trying to figure out how to approach situations like this.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Hoshi
He. Was. So. Shocked.
Very taken aback as he didn't know what he had done and he immediately started thinking about it. As soon as you left the room, he was pacing back and forth, trying to figure out what was wrong, what mistake he had made. As Hoshi couldn't think of a good reason for you to snap at him like that, he called his sister for help.
She talked to him, explaining why you could be in a bad mood and passed the phone to their mum afterwards. His mum then gave him some advice on how to handle the situation and what he could do to make you feel better. Both of them also had to reassure him that it wasn't him who made you feel like that.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Wonwoo
He, at first, was a bit shocked at your sudden outburst when he just asked how your day was, laying on the couch. Then though, he turned to look at you, "You okay now?", "Don't ask stupid questions like that." Which he didn't take too personal.
Rather, he then patted the seat next to him on the sofa and offered to cuddle with you, which at first you declined, but he kept on motioning for you to sit down. You didn't talk much after that, but just let your head rest on his shoulder and closed your eyes. If it was an especially bad day, maybe tears would leave your eyes, making him hug you tighter.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Woozi
Yes, he too flinched slightly since he didn't expect you to snap at him but rather just rant about your day. But he let you let everything out and afterwards raised his hands to stop you, "Alright, alright. I'm sorry," and approached you slowly, "But don't let it out on me. Just tell me what I should do?" Thanks to the years you guys had been by each other's side, he knew how to handle situations like this quite well.
He didn't need to do much, just listen to your speech about your miserable day. This was how it usually would go. Sometimes you'd ask him to play the guitar to calm you down.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Minghao
While you were ranting non-stop, mentioning things he had or rather hadn't done (like not cleaning the living room when really the only "messy" thing was the position of the pillows on the couch), he wrapped his arms around you, making you shut up quickly. Once he felt tears on his neck, he pulled away to look you in the eyes. Caressing your face in his hands, he looked at you with a sad face, "Don't cry. Everyone has bad days."
Minghao had always been very understanding about your outbursts, also those directed towards him, and he hated seeing you cry out of frustration, so he would try everything he could, to help you - and most of the times it was just someone telling you "It's okay," and a hug.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Mingyu
His wide eyed puppy gaze appeared the second you mentioned him during your shouts. "What? What did I do? Why are you mad at me?" He was so confused and while he was looking at you with scrunched eyebrows, he was also listening to every word you were saying. Mingyu quickly understood the situation but he still tried to make you understand that he shouldn't be in your rant, that he was just a victim of your rage, which made your blood boil even more and you left him in the living room.
After a few minutes, you came back and were ready to apologise which he saw, so he just hugged you tightly, assuring you that he didn't take your words personally... not most of them. He kept in mind everything you had mentioned and made sure to do better in the future.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ DK
You opened the door and he was ready to greet you, but you rushed past him, "No! Don't talk to me, I don't want to hear anything from you!" As you voice was louder than usual, he got a bit scared and didn't know what to do at first since he didn't even get to see you properly.
He eventually called the older members to ask them for their advice as he explained what had happened. You overheard it and whined to him as to why he had to tell his friends that you snapped at him. Dokyeom told you honestly, that he only did it because he didn't know ho to handle the situation and needed some advice.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Seungkwan
He wasn't ready to take any of your shit and just started being a smart ass, "And what? What will you get out of snapping at me, huh? Just because your colleagues made you mad doesn't mean you have to take it out on me, does it?"
That man only enjoyed provoking you when he was SURE that he was in the right, like in this situation. You had to stop your speech and looked at him with a buffed expression on your face. "Exactly." Was what he said. Without saying another word, you just left the room and that's how that situation was solved because only about thirty minutes later, you ate together at the table.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Vernon
"And why are you mad at me?" He didn't raise his voice, but kept it as slow as he usually would, "I just wanted to know, how your day was." Since he had trouble truly getting behind why you were shouting at him about not only your day but also about him, just mentioning random things that apparently annoyed you at that moment, he couldn't do much but to use logic and ask you those questions.
His calmness made you realise your mistake rather quickly and you started apologising, which made him smile slightly. He told you it's okay to be mad but to just talk to him and not sap. While sitting on the couch later on, you were able to do just that and he listened closely.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Dino
Why you gotta do this to him? That was also pretty much what he thought, "Why me?" But rather than saying that out loud, he went for the safer option of, "Ok, I'm sorry." It didn't calm you down much, but it made you quiet for a few seconds. "You don't get to say sorry and just leave it at that. I'm mad. Let me be mad."
He was too stunned to answer, so he left the room to (like DK) get some advice from his older brothers. Since he had already messed up, which his members only told him as well, the only possible thing was to try to do it all over again. Therefore, he went back, nervous as hell, to see you in the living room, "Let me do that again." And asked you what was wrong and if you needed anything.
┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
Thank you again for the request, I hope you guys liked it :)
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Little Red Dress
Pairings: Harry Lewis x fem!Reader, Callux x sister!Reader Word Count: 1.8k Warnings: Swearing, some violence, maybe a few spelling mistakes Request: Idk if this is a request but like a secret relationship with Harry that you hide and you like calluxs sister or something like that and when he finds out he gets really mad or something
How you had gotten here you didn't know. It was a question you had continually asked yourself for the last five or so months. You hadn't long moved to London, where your older brother Callum lived. You had wanted to be closer to him, not that you were far anyway but you were very closer to your brother.
There were quite a few years between you and the older boy, you being born when the latter was 7 years old. Now at the ages of 22 and 29, the two could not be more inseparable. Despite having different fathers - both of whom hadn't stuck around long enough for the pair to remember them - you and Cal were like peas in a pod. With no father figure for you to look up to, you naturally clung to the boy growing up, and Cal being the only male in the house, quickly took on the protector figure for both you and your mum.
As awful as you felt leaving your mum back at home, you had been missing your brother desperately since he had moved to London so long ago, having spent the latter majority of your school years without him. Now after graduating from university, you finally felt free enough to move to the city with your brother and make your own way in life.
That was nearing a year ago, which led you to now. The situation that you were currently in, sneaking around with one of your brother's best friends.
You had met Harry before you could even have been introduced by Cal in one of the most cliche ways ever. Being the clumsy git he is, he had bumped into you in the hallway of your new apartment building and had spilled the contents of the box you were carrying all over the hardwood floor. Awkwardly the man had tried to pick up the contents in a hurry, spitting out apologies to you and once again dropping things from his arms in an attempt to put them back into the box. It was something you had found very endearing and is a quality of his that you adore.
In an attempt to apologise for both spilling the box full of stuff and then dropping the contents whilst trying to pick them back up, Harry had offered to help you bring up the rest of your boxes. It was there that you both ran into your brother, who was visibly confused as to how his cumbersome best friend was talking to his baby sister like they had known each other for years.
Cal would never actually admit it to you but witnessing that interacting had a large pit forming at the bottom of his stomach. He knew how Harry could be and knew from the look in his eye that he had quickly found an attraction in you.
Any spark found in Harry's eyes quickly distinguished when he learned of your relation to Cal, knowing how protective the older boy could be of his baby sister, but nothing could stop the fluttering feeling the boy got when he was around you. Not even Cal's warnings against dating his sister. Warnings that his other friends got, to his relief, all of which assured Cal that his sister was out of bounds. Pleased with the responses, Cal never had a second thought, something you were glad for.
Something you weren't glad for however, was the feeling of uneasiness you got whenever you were with Harry. You almost felt guilty for being with him, even more so for keeping it from your brother.
Your boyfriend of five months, however, was quick to chase away that feeling with his affection. You got to see another side to the boy that many of the people in his life never got to witness. It gave you a feeling of euphoria knowing that you were the object of Harry's affections, and affectionate he was.
When the two of you got to spend time at your apartment, the boy could not remove himself from you. Whether he was lying in bed editing a video, cuddled into your side, or sprawled out on the settee with his head nestled in your lap, he always had to have some body part touching you. His hand always found yours when he was particularly anxious, something that happened quite regularly, which was one of the traits you found most endearing. It warmed your heart to know that you were able to calm him down.
Something you did a lot was steal Harry's clothing. There was just something about those jumpers, especially the sidemen merch, that was just so comfortable. Even after insisting on getting you some sidemen clothing of your own, so he could continue to make use of his own wardrobe, you still wore his. You had told him very shyly that you liked wearing his clothes because they smelled like him, and it brought you comfort when he was away visiting his own family.
Harry thought he might have broken down then and there. Not that he would say it out loud, he secretly loved it when you wore his clothes but knowing that you would wear them when you missed him? He felt like he was on cloud nine.
Which is how you found yourself right now, snuggled on your sofa, drowning in Harry's jumper and a fleece blanket, watching the TV. Harry had been away visiting his family over the new year, and wasn't due back until the following day but you missed him dearly. Your phone had been forgotten in your bedroom, your only distraction was reruns of Grey's Anatomy, a show you had already watched religiously.
You hadn't realised how much time had passed as you easily lost track of time when you got into a show. You also hadn't realised that your brother had been trying to get hold of your for over an hour. Which is why you were startled when you heard the click of the lock turning.
"Y/N?" The sound of your brother's voice filled the small apartment. "Are you in here?"
"On the sofa." You called back with a yawn. He could easily hear the drowsiness in your voice, he would put his money on you falling asleep within the next hour.
"You didn't answer my calls or texts, I was worried." He scolded gently.
"I left it in my room to charge, sorry for worrying you." You stretched causing the blanket that covered you to drop to your lap.
"Whose? Whose jumper is that?" Cal inquired, suspicion laced in his tone.
"Oh, is it not yours?" You asked, trying to cover up the fact that his best friend's jumper adorned your body and was currently the reason that you were about to be outed.
"No. You know that's not my jumper Y/N. It's too small to be mine." You winced at the hardness in his voice.
"I must've picked it up thinking it was yours. Oops." You tried to play it off coolly, and your brother seemed to be coming around to the idea that it was just a misunderstanding. Thank God, you screamed internally.
"Right." He sprawled himself out next to you and let out a groan when he noticed what you were watching. "Really? Grey's Anatomy? You know I've experienced enough hospitals in my life without having to watch this garbage."
"How dare you?" You gasped playfully, whacking the older man on the arm. "I'm not turning it off, so either accept it or leave."
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A week later, Cal was visiting Freezy and Harry's apartment to hang out with the boys. You were meant to be coming soon though as you and Cal were going out for lunch. Cal was sprawled on the sofa and Harry was on another, whilst Freezy was in the bathroom. Cal's suspicions once again peaked as he noticed Harry wearing the jumper you were wearing just a week ago.
"I'm sure that's the jumper Y/N was wearing last week." He muttered loud enough for the younger boy to hear.
"Is it? She must've picked it up by accident and thought it was yours." Harry spoke coolly although his stomach felt like it was doing backflips.
"Hmm. That's what she said." He grumbled. The two fell back into a comfortable silence scrolling through their phones, waiting for Freezy to arrive back from the bathroom.
"Harry, I'm sure you've got some secret girlfriend you're hiding from us or something." The loud voice of Freezy echoed through the apartment.
"What?" The boy in question stumbled over his words. "Why would you say that?"
"Well, if I had to guess, I wouldn't put you down as the type of person who used Sunkissed raspberry shampoo and conditioner." He cackled.
"So, what if I did?" Harry's heart was racing, trying to play the situation off. Even if the boys found out he was seeing someone, they still wouldn't know who. That's what he was trying to tell himself anyway.
"Right, so you're telling me this dress from the washing basket is yours too?"
Harry's face dropped as Freezy held up the little red dress that you had thrown in the washing basket after a night out. A night out with your brother and his friends.
"What the fuck Harry?!" Cal seethed, gripping him by the collar of his jumper and shoving him into the wall. "My fucking sister!"
"Oh." Was the only thing that come out of Freezy's mouth once he had realised the severity of the situation. Your brother on the other hand was seeing red. What they hadn't heard was you entering the flat, having heard the shouting from the hallway. Cal raised his fist, bringing it to meet the side of Harry's face, who hadn't said a word yet.
"What the hell Cal?!" You exclaimed, marching over and pushing him away from your boyfriend.
"When were you going to tell me?" He asked you through gritted teeth.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You honestly had no idea what was happening right now, but if you had to make a guess, you'd put your money on Cal having found out about your relationship. You could count on one hand how many times you had seen your brother as angry as this. Not ever had it been directed at you though.
"Stop lying Y/N!" He roared making you cower into Harry behind you and let out a small whimper. "Come on, we're leaving."
"No!" Your brother grabbed the top of your arm and began pulling you away. You tried to shrug his hand from your arm, but he held on tightly. "I'm not leaving."
"Fine." He spat, storming out of the apartment.
"Hey." Harry whispered softly, touching your arm gently.
"I'll just leave you two." Freezy muttered awkwardly, leaving to go to his room. Harry pulled you into his chest and wiped away the tears you hadn't realised had fallen.
"It's okay." He assured you. "It'll be okay."
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