#and the answer to both for TP is yes so
searidings · 2 years
Heyyy! I just saw your reading list for the past months and saw that you loved To Paradise so I’m v curious ! I’ve heard some disappointing reviews of it but at the same time I loved A Little Life and kinda can’t believed someone who wrote that kind of beast could go to the extreme reverse so what are your thoughts on To Paradise, I mean on its own? A killer reading list regardless! Ty xx
i mean, i liked it!! another monster of a book but i thought the three sections were a cool premise and although parts of it were a little slower/weaker (as is to be expected w/700 pages) i enjoyed the subtle twists on reality and the fact that the parallels to recent world events weren't too ham-fisted. also, the repetition of the characters/storyline that a lot of people seem to complain about? to me that's the point she's trying to make. yanagihara does trauma and suffering really well (if really harrowingly) and to paradise is imo a delicate meditation on 'progress' and the fucked-upness of human nature
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chainedcatau · 4 months
Now, I'll be your regular here. I hope you won't be tired of me GAHAJKFKAHAHJGJAHK. Oooooh, so I can ask more questions??? Tell me! Tell me! Is Catnap locked because he accidently did something bad to his friends or smth? Are Catnap and Dogday still best friends? Have he visited him? I have so many questions! I feel like you're my friend already x)
You're free to ask as many questions as you'd like!! But I can only answer so many without revealing too much
CatNap is actually locked up by The Prototype!! You're going to learn this in the scene I'm going to post in like, an hour or two, but CatNap basically "sold" himself to The Prototype for The Smiling Critters' safety!!! Woah!!!! So as long as he does what TP wants, they SHOULD be spared from TP's slaughter.
And he hasn't seen The Smiling Critters since his imprisonment. Which was just before the Hour of Joy. How sad :(
But yes!!! DogDay and CatNap are still best friends (maybe more)!!! And they're both actively looking for ways to get back to each other!!
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qxldnya · 1 year
Enemies to lovers
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Part 1 Part 2
Jude Bellingham x baller!reader
(ongoing series)
Wc: 800
Warnings: swearing, insults
A/n: thank you for the love since the first part this one will have a lot more jude in it though;)
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Is the only conceivable answer you're finally able to squeak out, hands beginning tp tremble at your sides.
"I- People are saying what?"
Oh no no no no....
Someone. Had fucking heard you. But how????
Jude's eyes flash annoyed, shoulders stiffening.
"People," he grits out from between his clenched teeth, like you're too stupid to properly comprehend what he's saying.
And to be fair, maybe you are.
"are saying that we are dating. And I sure as fuck didn't go around saying bullshit like that."
You can't help but cower against the wall under his scrutinizing gaze, wishing that someone, anyone, would come by and help you out of this shitty situation.
This shitty situation that you might've somehow made for yourself, yes, but dammit, you deserve to be rescued from someone like Jude.
"Don't play dumb, cause apparently Rice heard you saying some shit like that. And now it's spreading like fucking wildfire across camp."
He leans in even closer. The close proximity has you flushing despite the tense atmosphere, and you blanch, fumbling with your gym bag as it nearly slips from your grasp. Him being all up in your personal space is seriously messing with your concentration.
"Rice?" You finally stutter, like the oblivious idiot you are. "Like, Declan Rice?"
"Who else, dipshit?"
A thousand thoughts are racing through your mind because holy shit, out of all your teamates, Rice would've been one of the last people you'd ever want to overhear that particular conversation. The main reason being that anything gossipy that anyone tells him or anything he happens to bear apparently - will be broadcasted to the entirety of the team in a matter of hours.
So if he was the one to overhear your stupid blunder of words... It's no wonder you're fucked right now. But you'd checked the room, you're positive you did, and he wasn't there. So how...? And then it hits you, like a brick in the face. You forgot to look behind you. Like an actual idiot, too hurried to properly survey your surroundings.
"No," you laugh nervously, trying to wave him off in earnest and hoping that your internal panic doesn't manifest itself onto your face.
"no that can't be true. He probably... overheard something stupid I said and, y'know, just took off running with it."
Forcing another laugh, you trail off when you realize your words have had zero effect on him. In fact, he looks even more pissed off now, which you weren't aware was even possible at this point.
"So you said something?" A sharp question, and you realize your mistake far too late. Implying that Declan could've overheard something is only bound to incriminate you further.
You should've just denied it all from the beginning. "I definitely didn't!"
Comes the feeble protest from your lips. You both are aware that it's a truly pathetic attempt to dissuade him.
"Bullshit," he snarls, and you realize you've dug yourself into an even deeper trench. "I know Declan. He's a fucking gossip, but not a liar."
Trying to backtrack, because now he's thinking you're insulting his friend, you search for another escape route from this conversation. Anything at all to end it, so you can go and put yourself six feet under the second you get back to your room.
"No! No, I'm not saying he's a liar, I just-"
"You just! what?." He's even closer now, jaw locked in. Positive that if you press any farther into the wall, you'll fuse with it, you instead try to dodge to the side again. He doesn't let you, shifting his weight to the side, and you're unable to fight back the blush that spreads across your cheeks when you realize his lips are only inches from yours.
The day you kiss Jude is the day the world splits in half and rains fire and lava across every nation on the Earth.
Today is not about to be that day.
"Jude, training's is going to start-" He positions himself to block your way again, forearm completely pressed against the wall next to your head.
"You don't get to fucking run away right now, alright? So tell me what the fuck is going on."
"Then the rumors?"
"I don't know-!"
"No, I want the fucking truth."
"It was an accident!"
You finally hiss, squeezing your eyes shut in utter mortification, because holy SHIT this could not possibly get any worse right now. The sound of footsteps from farther down the hall squeaking to a stop alert both of you to the presence of an uninvited onlooker.
Both you and jude whip your heads around to face them, and you both stand stock still as a petite girl from the media team stands awkwardly in the middle of the hallway, clutching her bag tightly in her arms.
The universe is just full of surprises: it CAN get worse! It's very possible that you might go into cardiac arrest within the next few minutes.
Jude's still boxing you into the wall his chest nearly touching yours as you both flush bright red at the sudden intrusion.
To anyone not aware of the very hostile context of the situation at hand, you've both become hyperaware of the fact that your positions probably look... far from innocent.
Eventually she just giggles bashfully and passes by the both of you to enter the pitch, but not before she could take a picture of you both in the compromised position. She then proceeded to hurriedly say something along the lines of-
"hey!" Jude tried to get her attention but she had scurried away out of sight. He knew it was too late and that the picture probably already been posted on all the gossip accounts on twitter by now.
You're legitimately too scared to look back at Jude. And for good reason, because you can hear how hard he's breathing right now.
If he was pissed before, you don't want to imagine how angry he must be right now.
"What the fuck did you say," he growls, still not moving from his current position. In turn, you choose not to respond, busying yourself with the scuffed floor beneath your sneakers as your heart pounds wildly from within your chest. Ah, yes. Linoleum. Your favorite.
"What the FUCK did you-" he starts again, pushing himself off the wall to stare at you in utter disgust, and you snap.
You're not sure if it's from the adrenaline of this whole situation, or if you've just lost almost all of your braincells in the past 24 hours, but you immediately step forwards after him and hold out a finger to press it firmly against his lips, silencing him in his tracks.
A ballsy move, that's for sure. "Shut up!" You whisper-shriek, your entire body vibrating with energy. "Just- shut the fuck up! I'll explain all of this after training, but I am... NOT going to be counted tardy because.. because of this!" The floor beneath your cleats klick as you turn on your heel towards the pitch, clutching your gym bag firmly and casting one last scathing look over your shoulder.
"Next time, ask me shit like a normal human being without just- trapping me against a wall, you fucking asshole! I can have ur ass in jail for that Bellingham. It's called harassment at workplace" you shouted.
And then you walk into the pitch, as if he's not about to eventually follow you and stand right fucking next to you and listen to coaches instructions.
But damn, did that feel good. Your victory is short lived however, because instead of waiting an appropriate amount of time to enter the room, Jude instead chooses to saunter into the pitch right after you. Like. Directly behind you.
The looks that you're getting from your fellow teammates are overtly obvious at this point, and you can only imagine what they all must be thinking.
You want to turn around and reprimand the shit out of him for not realizing the awkward position he's just put both of you in, for the second time in the past five minutes, but there's already been far too much attention on you today.
Jude surprisingly says nothing, choosing instead to turn away from you and stare off into space.
He seems lost in thought, you think. And for a brief moment, you wonder if you've finally put him in his place. Your phone buzzes, and you see mason from the other side of the pitch trying to catch your eye by "discreetly" waving his phone around like a traffic flagger.
Rolling your eyes, you slide your phone out of your pocket to face the inevitable. You immediately open your phone to see the three unread messages from earlier this morning, as well as a new one from a minute ago.
From: money mase
8:12 AM
8:14 AM
swear down you do!!
8:20 AM
wtf is going on? I'm hearing about it all over camp, I didn't even know that people knew ur name ;P
UR WALKING IN TOGETHER????? IS IT TRUE???????? How big is it.
Gritting your teeth, you type out a response, fingers tapping the screen a bit harsher than necessary.
You can feel his expectant gaze focused on your form as you answer her.
From: You
9:15 AM
It's all a big shitty misunderstanding
His next text is immediate. And at this point you had no idea how no one had clocked you two being on your phones.
From: money mase
9:16 AM
So ur not dating?
From: You
AM Ok what exactly are people saying????
From: money mase
9:17 AM
Ok so Idk how it got spread but Rice's been saying something about you two dating and finally becoming official? And that was according to you??? I didn't hear the details but everyone's kinda curious since Jude is like Y'know famous for being him and there's a lot of angry fangirls ngl but he's a good looking boy, so I'm not surprised this blew tf up.
Groaning quietly,
You'd known Jude Bellingham to be a popular figure throughout the country, but his reputation had spiked considerably after that game, with people going as far as to making thirsty edits of him
You had still disliked him.
From: You
9:18 AM
I forgot about the fangirls. Idk how he even has any they don't know what he really is like...
From: money mase
9:20 AM
hahaha they like the bad boy vibe But yeah since some people knew you two were uh really cold with each other like in training and team bonding activities.
It came as a big surprise and Rice took off and made it into a whole hidden romance thing so it's got people weirdly intrigued. But main thing is he's claiming you were the one who said you and Jude were dating and idk he's a gossip but a reputable source soooo what's goin on?? >_>
Your coach begins to explain session course and you tuck your phone back into your pocket, mentally cursing every god in existence. Of course Declan just had to take one out of context conversation and turn it into a whole... real life fan fiction plot. Or something stupid like that.
What on earth are you supposed to do now.
You wind up pondering over that question for almost the entire rest of training, halfheartedly dribbling the ball past the dummies as you desperately search for a way out of this mess.
On one hand, you could try and ignore it all. Go about your life like nothing's wrong. But that would probably raise questions from people that you, quite frankly, wouldn't care to answer.
The other option is just telling Rice the truth, or at least saying you and Jude definitely AREN'T involved. So maybe he can spread that around instead. But you have a feeling that somehow, the whole thing might spin around on you, and you'll be branded as a liar, or worse: a creepy fangirl. You might even get kicked out.
The imaginary accusation makes you shudder. Dragging your hands down your face in exasperation, you snag a glance at Jude through the gaps between your fingers. He appears... less angry than you'd expected him to be. Considering everything that's happened in the past 24 hours.
brown eyes snap to meet yours. You panic and look away. Slapping a hand over your mouth, you stand in stunned silence as the guy in front of you just stares apathetically back at you. "I'm sorry-" you begin, but he scrunches his nose in disgust before you can finish.
You try to apologize again, stumbling over every word that comes out of your mouth, but he just turns away from you with a glare.
"Learn to speak properly you, prick," he mutters. Walking past you to greet James.
"keep ur mouth shut. Wouldn't want your fangirls hearing their little judy using such words, now do we?" you question with a lingering smirk playing on your lips. Only to be greeted by him simply turning his head glaring at you and mouthing bitch.
Nice going.
You've got half a mind to run like hell when training is finally over. But you did promise Jude that you'd explain, well, everything. And he's definitely holding you to that promise.
He stands up seemingly prepared to follow you out of the pitch again and it takes everything in you to not turn around and bap him on the head for not realizing that him tailing you so closely is bound to solidify the rumors in your fellow peers' minds. "Follow me," he grunts, slipping past you and into the aisle walkway.
Never mind.
Now you're the one following like a lovesick puppy. The thought of being that enamored with Jude grosses you out, so you discard it. It feels like everyone's looking now, though.
But the stares don't seem to bother him as much as they bother you, because he doesn't so much as bat an eye when a few of your teammates begin to whisper to themselves as they look at him, then at you, then back to him.
You scamper along behind him, willing yourself to become as small as physically possible so you can shrink away from the curious gazes that surround you. Leaving the classroom feels like a much-needed breath of fresh air, but you still notice a few students lingering around.
Jude leads you down the hallway and to the right, and from then on takes multiple turns and twists across the building until you find yourselves in front of the doorway to an empty room. The people have completely thinned out, and this wing of the facility seems completely abandoned.
You peer around his broad shoulders to get a good look inside. It seems like it's been abandoned for years now, with thin layers of dust coating nearly every surface and with thin layers of dust coating nearly every surface and cobwebs hanging from the ceiling.
He explains stiffly. "Used to chill here with Trent and James "
And then he's walking inside without so much as a glance backwards to ensure that you're following. He probably assumes you'll go after him anyways, the cocky bastard.
But you actually do, much to your own displeasure, so maybe it's not totally unjustifiable. It still pisses you off though. He stops in the middle of the room, staring absentmindedly at the ceiling with his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans.
"I'm sorry about earlier." You nearly pinch yourself to ensure that, no, this isn't a dream, and the Jude Bellingham is actually apologizing to you for something.
"I shouldn't have grabbed you like that," he admits, his voice low. "Shitty move on my part."
"I- You're fine," you manage to stammer out, still dumbfounded at this recent development. The tension seems to visibly lift from his body.
Then, with a glance over his shoulder, he narrows his eyes.
"So... explanation. Now." Sighing, you trod over to an empty desk and plop down. You shouldn't have expected him to truly be any different than normal, you supposed. But, there's no time like the present. Might as well get this all over with.
"Ok, so... this all started because of my aunt Sylvie's wedding."
Fifteen minutes later, you've completely caught him up to date on the truth about what happened - as well as a tiny rant about just how much you desperately hate Tom - and finally finish your story, only to be met with an awkward silence.
He's turned to face you completely by now, having been listening intently with only a few subtle shifts in his expression. None that you could read, though. For all you know, he could be mentally plotting your murder right now. Swallowing your pride, you stare down defeatedly at your hands.
"I'm sorry," you finally whisper when the deafening quiet becomes almost unbearable. Because being honest, this mess is your fault at the end of the day. The least you can do is clean it up.
"I'll tell Rice, and hopefully he can just spread the truth around this time. Or, you can, if you haven't already. I don't know. And I mean, that's fine, I just don't want to put you in an awkward position, so actually if you want me to do it instead-"
"You need a plus-one?" The question catches you off-guard, and you stop mid- ramble.
"Excuse me?"
"The wedding," he repeats, rolling his eyes. "you need a plus-one to go?"
Nodding cautiously, you shift in your seat. "Yeah, my aunt's kind of a micro-manager about that stuff. I don't know why, but now she thinks I RSVPed so... I'll probably have to just pay her back."
He stares at you for a few moments longer, before cursing and roughly running a hand through his hair. You're completely perplexed now, unsure of why he asked such a question in the first place.
Does he feel bad or something? Why would he ever feel bad though? No, it must be something else. Turning to the side, Jude clicks his tongue a few times, foot tapping impatiently on the hardwood floor. He curses once more, then wheels around to face you again with resigned scowl etched onto his features.
You raise an eyebrow.
"I'll do it."
The words are so sudden and out of place that you can't help but bark out an abrupt laugh, quickly moving your hand to cover your mouth.
"What?" He takes a few steps closer, eyes still narrowed. "I said I'll do it."
"Oh my god, you're serious," you breathe, unsure of what emotion you're exactly supposed to be feeling right now. Because elated is definitely not one of them. Why the fuck is Jude, the guy with whom you share a mutual hatred, offering to be your plus-one to a week long wedding vacation?
Your romantic plus-one? Your first thought is that he pities you, but that seems unlikely even for Jude. So is he trying to score reputation brownie points by helping you out in this situation? What is going on??
You're about to flat-out refuse, not wanting to be some asshole's charity case, when he speaks again.
"But I need you to do me a favor in return."
(a/n) - chapter 3 comes out tomorrow
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wandanatsbaby · 9 months
I Love you
Pairing: wanda maximoff x reader
Warnings: none
"You told me you loved me"
"While you thought I was dying in your arms"
"Well, I'm still alive. Care tp repeat that?"
Promt by @creativepromptsforwriting
“Wanda?” You called out as you walked into the kitchen where the witch was standing stirring something in a pot.
“Hm?” she hummed back as she looked at you over her shoulder.
“Well yesterday you had” you paused and looked down while playing with the bracelet that hangs off your wrist. “You told me you loved me.” the witch stopped her stirring and turned fully to face you.
“Yes” she answered while taking a step towards you.
“While you thought I was dying in your arms.”
You both had come face to face at this point and with a deep breath you spoke.
“Well, I’m still alive. Care to repeat that?” the witch laughed and wrapped her arms around your waist.
“I love you. I love you so much” leaning in she gave you a kiss which you happily reciprocated
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goingxmissing · 26 days
F1 Ask Game
thank you so much for the tags @mecachrome & @omigodyall, i am incurably nosy so i LOVE reading people's answers to this <3
Who is your favorite driver?: oscar. constantly embarrassing myself in tags about him but here's a highlight about why. (sidenote in looking for this post i just realised you can view your archive by TAG and oh it is SO over for me.)
Do you have other favorite drivers?: lando, max, charles, logan, alex, george, liam are the ones i love in a vaguely unhinged fashion, but unfortunately i'm cursed to mostly want good things for everyone on the grid. or just chaos in qualis, that too.
Who is your least favorite driver?: as @omigodyall said it's whoever has wronged my drivers most recently 👀
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?: bit of both; i think when you love a driver, particularly if you read fic about them, you become attached to the people around them (e.g. kim and jon as the exasperated but lovingly supportive trainers in jump right in). i haven't had a fave driver switch teams yet though so god knows how that will change things.
If you like teams, what team do you pull for?: any1 else papayapilled??? 🧡 <- @mecachrome said it best. when your two faves also have the best TP how u gonna argue?!
How long have you been into F1?: the first race i watched was imola 2022, which was 24 april. on 11 may we booked tickets to silverstone lmao. totally chill since 2022. 5 GPs attended with 3 more booked so at least the hyperfixation is going well...
What got you into F1?: @strawberry-daiquiris often used to watch Boring Sports Documentaries if i was out for the evening. i got home one night to her having mainlined 5 episodes of DTS and selling it to me with: "they're all so drama, it's like real housewives for sport!" she wasn't wrong tbf.
Do you enjoy Fanfic/RPF?: yes. immensely and as often as is reasonable.
How do you view new fans?: i am still a new fan by length-of-time standards really!! most importantly i don't think there's a "right" way to be a fan, just about having a laugh innit.
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?: i'd be andrea stella so i could look up laughingly at oscar like that and pat him on the knee in a reassuring and proud manner.
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?: well my literal fiance brought me here, and i have found some lovely (some surprisingly local!) friends through fandom <3 i also dragged @thewindowatkirkland here and i have to deeply apologise to her for Everything.
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?: always always always though please know when i brashly enter your DMs i am deeply anxious and just pushing through it for the sake of Observing the Blorbos. (however if i enter your DMs with christian lundgaard propaganda it's because i'm trying to spread my Passion lmao)
no pressure tags if you'd like (i love feeling like i'm on myspace again soooo here's my bulletin guys hope you enjoyed xo): @strawberry-daiquiris, @thewindowatkirkland, @freeuselandonorris, @glasscushion, @monacotrophywife
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obraveyouth · 1 month
outofcharacter. totally not stealing this idea from @dullweapons nope not at all :^)
aka: my link’s view on the golden goddesses / hylia
regarding link being a self dubbed ‘sacrilegious hero’: it isn’t like he’s an atheist but moreso like while link still holds some weird belief in the gods, it isn’t anything close to faith ( for how can one believe in someone/something that he’s also intertwined with? ): it isn’t hate but moreso a strong distaste and the questioning of ‘why’ if, by his understanding, the gods are all powerful and all knowing then why do they set up hyrule ( and by extension: zelda, himself, and any others that get wrapped up into the destiny ): to succumb to such an awful fate time and time again. he doesn’t realize that it is due to a curse by the original big bad demise, but thinks it was from the actual golden goddess / hylia herself.
link can regularly can be found at ordona’s, or any of the light spirits springs, cursing up a storm and just pondering / kinda praying in asking: why why why. he’s never once gotten an answer and it kinda leads into him trying to find out himself why things are the way they are. why he seems to both long for ‘more quest/adventure’ but want to go back to his peaceful life in ordon village. with this though, while still steadfast and courageous, link is more bleak about certain things he feels alone, he has such a burden to carry and he lives with it. he has such an expectation to live up to and he knows he’s already failed every time he opens his mouth ( how many times has he heard the nobility / highborn of castle town give heartless remark on his accent ), or whenever he chooses to pick up a book instead of a blade. its like the moment zant and ganondorf made their move onto hyrule with the twilight, link was no longer allowed to just be himself and he hates it.
this hatred of longing for what once was causes his hatred for the goddess as they chose him ( but he still has the spirit of the hero and he also battles with the whole ‘if not me, then who?’ and ‘it can be nobody else but me’ ): he wishes they would’ve picked anyone else. he wonders if he was truly chosen or if his desire to save his friends had been what landed him into such a fate. even after everything is said and done link isn’t allowed to be happy. the friend he’d made out of midna ( and i like taking some bits of the manga as canon so this includes the midlink kiss ): left and he’s also got this intense feeling of ‘what if’ and how he’s spent a decade just trying to be able to contact her again someway, somehow because he cannot let go of that ‘what if’. everything else in his life kinda went to shit and he’s only seen as a hero now ( even by those within his own village ): people hardly ever call him link, it really makes him feel so damn lonely.
he got forcefully turned into a wolf, had to battle all manners of extraterrestrial creatures, nearly die countless times, encounter countless people that added onto his quest with side missions within it, had the ever expansive memory of a literal god implanted inside his head ( even if it was only a fragment ), almost lost midna mid quest ( only to regain her back and then loose zelda ), had to fight said princess of hyrule while ganon had control of her, and then kill another mortal man just like himself. oh and something specific to my link is that his mother was half-gerudo and when he had to kill ganondorf it left a really bitter taste in his mouth because it was like he was killing off a piece of himself. while, the gerudo aren’t in TP, he learned about them from telma ( who i see as being of gerudo descent herself and yes, link affectionately calls her auntie ): all this to say is that link’s mental is really fucking broken, even if he hides it well most days he finds it really hard to relate to the average person anymore and puts up a massive front except when he’s alone.
sure, link can speak with zelda but she’s got an entire kingdom to run and he doesn’t wanna bother her, even if she’s the only person that can truly understand what its like to have this fate. he’s extensively spoken with the hero spirit, shade too and while it helped a bit it doesn’t solve the root of his overarching problem. link is just really fucking alone and if he ever actually hears from the gods / hylia he’s going to be anger and rage filled sure but he’s also going to break tf down because everyone always expects the hero to come in and be strong and save the day: but nobody ever checks in on the hero, nobody ever thinks maybe the hero can’t be strong every second of everyday and maybe just maybe the hero should be saved too.
tl;dr: link misses his old life but knows he can never get it back, he holds such regret in knowing that even with having power of the gods there are those he simply will always be too powerless to save. finds the closest of comforts from animals not humans, and just really needs someone to hold him together so he can properly break down for the first time in his god damn life. if he ever encounters a hylia it would be a lot of anger and bitterness and just a sad young man who grew more into his sadness before he lost himself in it.
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echogekkos-writes · 2 months
💚 🤍 💔 🏳️‍🌈 💀
(Sorry im sending so many 😭 i just really want to hear your opinion on a lot of things)
Long answers so putting them under 'keep reading' for the sake of yall's dashboards.
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
Mmmmm. I'm gonna pick two and cheat cause I have feelings on how both are written.
First, Mipha. Like you and other mutuals, when it comes to Mipha, we all are on the same page of just how bland and weak she is written or seen by others in the fandom.
That her crush on Link gets in the way (it doesn't. Yes she loves him, but her love of him never overtakes her duties). That she only cares about Link (no she cares for all the people in the Domain and Link and is selfless to a fault, one of her intended flaws). That she is not partially adept (her spearmanship is described being a league of her own). It just culminates into all of these weird mix of Mipha becoming a bland side character when she really is not. Yes is some of her canon writing a bit shallow? Absolutely. But that's true for all of the Champions. And yet Urbosa and Revali get more love and deserved writing in the fandom, leaving Mipha and Daruk in the dust.
As for the other character? Garrus Vakarian. I love my boy. I love me one space dino. but PLEASE fandom you all need to course correct how you write him. Garrus is Shepard's best friend, no matter if they are in a relationship or not. Also, Garrus is protective of Shepard, but not overprotective to the point of smothering. Yeah the party shenanigans with him and Zaeed talking about defensive parameters for Shepard is great and funny, but some have him way overprotective of Shepard to the point of getting in her way. Shepard can take care of herself. Garrus knows this. And he steps in only when he knows he should. Also....Garrus isn't as suave as you think he is. All that bravado is to hide his self-depreciation and yall gotta remember that. Temper that badassery with some good old depression and PTSD cause that's Garrus for you.
🤍: Which character is not as morally bad as everyone else seems to think?
That's a hard one. Rhoam? Yeah he's a shit father and yeah could he have treated Zelda better? Absolutely. Pretentious to think all the races will drop everything to give their best people, or in the case of Urbosa and Mipha, ruler/heir? No doubt. There's no if and or buts there.
But keep in mind. Hyrule's fate was residing on him. On Zelda's sealing powers. On him excavating the entire regions, finding the divine beasts, organizing the Sheikah with the Guardians, raising an army, diplomatically asking for help from the other races...all while trying to run a kingdom. The stress got to him, and he did what he did because partly he thought he was right, but mostly he was, I feel, nervous and scared. Everything was riding on his and his daughter's success, and he took his frustration out on his failure. Does that make him morally bad? Yeah. But it doesn't make him an outright villain or asshole as everyone likes to dunk on him for.
Rhoam to me is more of an anti-hero. His ultimate end goal is the salvation of Hyrule, but his methods to get there, while noble, are questionable when dealing with people themselves.
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
Ganondorf. I'm sorry, I love him, but I actually think his repeated presence in Legend of Zelda severely limits the creativity and storytelling behind the LoZ franchise. I could even throw in the argument of Link and Zelda as well. The one thing I will never forgive SS for was the Curse of Demise. That shit right there? Ruined the series to come. We can no longer get a new BBEG without Ganondorf either being directly or indirectly involved in the story. Like look, I love games that took either a different take on Ganon before the whole Demise curse, or after by distancing it in some way. Look at TP, BoTW, and MM. Zant being controlled by Ganondorf, a Calamity born of his hatred, and no Ganon involved.
Now granted, WW is probably one of my favorite takes on Ganondorf, but that's because he was given a little bit more humanity alongside his evilness. That he is a 'person' and despite that, still evil.
And even still, I would argue, by having Gandondorf as the same villain over and over you are just re-hashing the same story with the same characters, the same old Good vs Evil plot of Hylia vs Demise just in a different era. And while the gameplay may be great for future games,. at some point, there will be a breaking point for the story. ToTk a prime example.
🏳️‍🌈: Which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn't seem queer to you?
Sidon? And yeah I'm gonna toss in Revali there too. I just don't see them as queer. And that's not cause I'm straight either.
I just..I don't know I don't even see Sidon as being romantically involved with anyone (I am still choosing to completely ignore any and all ToTK Canon). And if he is? I don't know who I'd ship him with or who his partner would be? Am I currently in the middle of writing a Sidbazz wip as part of my miphlink modern AU? Yeah. Still, I don't really headcanon him myself as queer. It's a fluid concept for me...whatever fits the story I'm writing best.
As for Revali, I ship him with his own ego.
💀: If you had to choose one major character to die, who would you choose?
BoTW Zelda. She should have died at the end of BoTW. Here's my reasoning.
She should have died alongside the other Champions. The last relics of the past, leaving an amnesiac Link with barely any memories to make a new life in a land he has come to slowly recognize as the world he lives in now, and not the past. It's how I initially hoped BoTW was going to do. That we encounter Zelda's spirit at the end of the story, her last act to hold the Calamity back in enough time for Link to finish the job.
Now I know Nintendo would never even fathom something like this. Can't kill off your precious Zelda and piss off all the Zelda/Zelink fans. but narratively I think it would have made for a great bittersweet ending. And would have made for a better sequel as well.
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georgieluz · 8 months
getting a few things off my chest about Gen Kill. sorry im in your inbox. but i am. you can publish this ask or keep it in the DM, both are fine.
First, actually the hardest series to watch in all three shows for me. I'm ok with the level of violence in the other two (as well as other trigger-warning content) but the level of civilian casualty in GK just really fuck with me. I find it very hard to want to rewatch GK, even tho I do like the show a lot.
Second, Both TP and GK, for me, are the anti-thesis and deconstruction of BoB. In two different ways. TP talks about another theater and how fucked up these stories are and basically pushes the audience away. Don't look, it's not a story to share (vs BoB that invite you to take part and be with the characters). GK is the modern day glory-seeking meaningless chaotic and toxic reality of the US military (vs BoB's fighting for the right thing, our officers are smart and capable). And they're both meta answers to BoB's more propagandistic story.
Third, ok, let's get silly lol. I have to say whatever is going with Brad and Nate is fucking homo. "Not to be homo sir, but I can kiss you right now" um what. And the eyes contact. Bro. Bruh. That being said... I ship BradRay xD Their bantering old-married-couple dynamic is more my speed, than BradNate victorian yearning dynamic xD
hello, no worries, it's all good, my inbox is always open for thoughts, insights and opinions! this got pretty long so i'm gonna put it under a read more so it doesn't annoy anyone
i published this bc i ended up adding a lot of my own thoughts about it and didn't want it to seem like i was directing them specifically at you or your opinion bc i do go off track a lot.
it was the hardest series for me to get into as well at first, for a similar few reasons. first of all, it felt like i was being dropped into a locked room with men who would hate my guts, and not just have bullied me in high school, but detest my existence too. so i think that atmosphere of over the top toxic masculinity instantly made me uneasy, but that's the point. that's the whole reason the articles, book and show exists really. to show how that mindset and atmosphere laid the groundwork for what happened. i think if they were to have made a show where we as viewers are allowed to laugh along with their jokes, enjoy their interactions, but not be forced to confront the realities of both the invasion and the people taking part, then it would defeat the message and themes that the show is trying to present to us. i think the civilian death, and basically the way the military treated civilians in general, has to make you uncomfortable, otherwise it's not doing its job as a text or piece of media. at least from the writer's perspective and what they wanted to say about what happened there, bc ultimately, everything is a construct with biases and a goal. so i 100% agree with you in that it's easily the most uncomfortable show to casually watch in that regard, but if it didn't show all of that, it wouldn't be a show with a purpose, imo.
i would personally put the pacific a bit closer to band of brothers than gen kill when it comes to discussing its propagandism actually. bc whilst it has the caveat of "this is the reality and brutality of war, it's horrific, you don't want any part of it" and "it's not all camaraderie and brothers being bonded for life", the show still has its 'heroes' who are depicted as sacrificing either their lives or their mental wellbeing for 'the cause', and it still carries the message of "yes this is terrible but it's needed". two things that propagandist themes can thrive amongst. just reading some of the more bootlickery youtube comments about the pacific shows how some of those people cling onto the brutality and harshness of that theatre of war, and the show itself, as a display of heroic bravery and badge of honour. i've seen a few commenters on reaction videos and stuff and they're basically frothing at the mouth about how it's so much more brutal than band of brothers, and they aren't saying it from a critical perspective either, which is what the show may have intended, but more from a "omg brutal war porn nice!!" kinda way. i know i'm rambling off point from what you said, but it's just some of my thoughts. i'm probably gonna ramble a bit in the rest of the post so don't see it as me disagreeing with your points bc i think we have pretty much the same opinion in most ways, but i guess your ask has prompted a lot of thinking from me so i'm just getting some of my thoughts out about the shows.
i think for me, i would say the pacific is a stepping stone between band of brothers and generation kill. i do agree in that it is pushing the viewer away from the idea of war as noble, in favour of saying "no! it's dirty and cruel and harsh and you won't survive it, even if you're alive when it's over" but it's also presented in the same way as band of brothers in regards to how we're supposed to view these men. there's many competent and intelligent guys making decisions and the humanity of those men is always on display. they're still shown as heroes, even if they're broken ones. so i think i can't fully align it with gen kill as a direct opposition to the messaging in band of brothers, but more one that says "ok, we've seen it from that perspective, now let's open up the casket up a little more and try to understand it looking through another lens".
whereas for me, gen kill sets explosives in the casket and blows that shit to pieces. there are no noble heroes competently achieving great feats, or sacrificing their lives for 'the greater good'. the people who do die, or get wounded, are seen as wasted casualties and missions gone wrong, fuck ups that we see in the corner of exterior shots to remind us that it's not all singing avril lavigne in a humvee, that there are consequences, even for the invaders. we see the destruction they inflict on civilians constantly, but the marines that get wounded/die are essentially proof of the incompetencies and fuck ups that even the most militaristic audience has to admit to.
the line of morality is non-existent, apart from a few people that we meet, but they have no power whatsoever. they can't actually do anything even if they disagree with what's happening. they stand by and they watch. we get nate who hates it, very clearly, but his whole thing is that he literally can't do anything. he has no actual power or impact on anything there. i saw a meme on here a few days ago where it was like "i'm competent at my job but i'm starting to think i'm just decorative" and it's funny and just a silly meme but it's also kind of the truth. we see him make a few decisions that go over the head of the initial orders, etc, but in the big picture, they have so little effect that it's a drop in the ocean comparatively. so the little competency we do have is ineffective. and even the more authoritative roles within the narrative that we get to see, like ferrando, are shown as not just making bad decisions, but actually not having much control over matters themselves. they're all floundering from top to bottom. there's no basilone or winters or ack ack there to make us sigh with relief as viewers bc finally, someone will make things right, make the right choice, do the right thing. instead we have these very complex people who have a lot of messed up flaws and shit within them, but some realistic relatabilities too. and sure, a good few of them want to do better and will call out certain shit they see in different ways (doc bryan, nate, espera, brad) but ultimately, they're forced to not just watch and let it happen, but a lot of the time, take part and be culpable for those actions too.. and it's not depicted as a noble sacrifice of their morality, it positions them as helpless and incapable. so the viewer doesn't get their usual hbo war heroes, which to me, feels like a direct answer to both band of brothers and the pacific in that kind of way.
i feel like walt's character shows us that (on a surface level basis but still). he's presented to us as the more appealing contrast to trombley. they're both young and in brad's team, two sides of a coin you could say bc we're shown immediately that trombley is the problem child and walt is the pretty golden boy that spends his scenes telling brad to get some rest or trying to fix the dodgy equipment they've got, or essentially is just trying to be helpful. but they both fuck up bad and kill civilians as an individual. we don't get to keep our clean innocent pretty boy. he fucks up. bad. his hands aren't clean. none of theirs are. not nate's, not even doc bryan's. he says that himself. walt clearly feels terrible afterward and that's the difference between him and trombley (though i will say i do think trombley is much more complex than we see on the surface), but walt doesn't get to escape the blood on his hands. even the most seemingly "innocent" characters never get to remain that in this show. there are no heroes.
and then the second point i mentioned above about the message of "yes was is terrible but needed sometimes" is the other thing that gen kill throws away and abandons. nothing, not a single thing, is depicted as needing to happen. yeah, they're told it's needed and honestly, a lot of those marines were brainwashed into believing it, but the whole point is that it wasn't. it was a colossal fuck up in every way and the show holds up a massive flashing neon sign showing us exactly how, but from the ground.
so absolutely fully agree with you that this show is positioned as a meta deconstruction to band of brothers themes, and even the pacific, especially when the shows are presented as a package deal, as hbo war so often is. it's all a lot more nuanced than what i've said bc i've just been rambling AGAIN, but i think there's a lot of dialogue going on between the three shows when you analyse them from further away that is really interesting to discuss.
so yup, definitely agree with what you said and thank you for dropping by my inbox to talk about this kinda stuff with me! i'm sorry if i went into too much detail or overtook this ask with my own opinions or anything but yeah. i think we all know by now that i tend to ramble when asked about anything!
it genuinely feels like bradnate have taken up residence in a very large part of my brain. i had heard a lot of people mentioning bradray on here before i watched, so i was expecting that to be the main 'ship' of the show, and kinda thought i'd probably end up getting onboard with that, but i actually only got platonic besties vibes from them. i'm always down for as much gay as possible, so i support it, but i just don't really see anything outside of platonic love between them? i do really enjoy their relationship and interactions though, and some of their scenes are my absolute favourites.
but i'm ALL about the victorian repression and yearning, so ofc bradnate is where it's at for me. as a gay man who repressed all his emotions growing up it just calls to me like a siren lmao. i think that's why i'm like a feral little gremlin about nate actually
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howlingday · 1 year
Sun: Remember, dude, this kid is seriously messed up. He TP'd over three hundred homes in less than a year.
Neptune: He scares the hell out of us!
Nora: We just need to talk to someone who knows how toilet paperers think.
Sun: Fine, but just remember that he's not just some kid. If he had the chance, he would TP you both in a second if he had the chance.
Neptune: (Opens door) Last door on the left.
Nora: ...Are you "Paper Snow"?
Pyrrha: I'm She-Tective Nikos, and this is She-tective Valkyrie. We're with the Vale Police Department.
Whitley: (Behind glass wall, Gentlemanly) That's a lovely perfume you're wearing, but I don't think it fits a woman of your caliber. You should try something more... casual.
Pyrrha: ...We were hoping you could help us solve a vandalism case involving toilet paper.
Whitley: And why would I do that? Because I'm such a charming fella?
Pyrrha: Please, we need your help. What can we offer you in return?
Whitley: (Hands behind back, Turns away) Due to the harsh nature of my crimes, they do not permit me the use of toilet paper in my incarceration. I am left only with the bidet. I'm sure you can imagine how bothersome that becomes after a while.
Nora: Are we even allowed to give you toilet paper?
Whitley: (Turns around) No, but it was worth a try, wasn't it?
Whitley: (Steps closer) Tell me something, She-tectives; why police only in Vale? I'm sure you both would make for accomplished huntresses, yes?
Nora: That's kinda personal.
Whitley: Quid pro quo, She-tectives. You want information on your vandals, and I want information on you.
Nora: Look, kid, we have very little time to catch whoever vandalized Prof. Goodwitch's car. Tell us what you know!
Whitley: Are tjose the crime scene photos? Let me see them. (Handed through slot) Mm, yes. Very nice. Not bad work. Not bad at all. These toilet paperers are professionals, or at least one of them is.
Nora: So you think there was more than one?
Whitley: Tell ME something first!
Whitley: When you joined the Academy, you had something to prove. You swore to protect and serve, but more importantly you wanted to protect. Who were you trying to protect? Yourself? And who were you protecting yourself from, She-tectives?
Whitley: ...Thank you.
Whitley: Your toilet paperers are most likely teenagers. Likely females between the ages of 13 and 18, all of them virgins. Their parents or guardians would have noticed that much TP missing, and the treasurer would have noticed an abnormal amout of TP purchased. Thus they obtained it illegally, or from someone else's lien. Find out who bought the TP and where it came from, and you just might catch your girls.
Pyrrha: ...Whitley? Whitley, we need more information.
Whitley: The answer is staring you in the face, but you just can't see it.
Nora: What do you mean?
Whitley: Tell me about the toilet paper. Was it quilted?
Pyrrha: Yes.
Whitley: Single sheet?
Nora: No, it was two-ply.
Whitley: (Chuckles)
Nora: What?! What does that tell you?!
Whitley: Tell me, She-tectives; why does a person toilet paper a car?
Pyrrha: Revenge?
Whitley: NO! That is incidental! They wanted to TRANSFORM her car! CHANGE her whole career!
Nora: What do you mean?!
Whitley: Your mommy who hit you with her belt, was she a large woman?
Nora: I'm not telling you anymore.
Whitley: Did she stink of tea and sweat after spending all day, tired from servicing men at the ol' "Tea Leaves & Me"?
Whitley: Holy shit... Er, I mean, thank you. Your toilet paperers are likely students in the Professor's class. Likely poor students who aren't getting good grades in her classes.
Nora: Of course! One of her students! Let's go, Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: (Sniffles, Hiccups) Okay...
Whitley: (Watches them leave) Fly along, She-tectives. You have a few naughty girls to catch. Fly, fly, fly! (Turns away)
Sun: (Walks in) Whitley, were you doing the silly voice with the She-tectives again?
Whitley: (Normal voice) N-No, sir!
Pyrrha: Pardon us, Professor Ozpin, but we have someone who is able to tell you the names of the toilet paper vandals in person.
Neptune: (Wheels in Whitley)
Whitley: (Bound and strapped to a dolly, Smiles as he sees toilet paper on the desk)
Ozpin: Thank you, but that will not be necessary. Mr. Arc has already confessed to his crimes.
Nora: Jaune?!
Ruby: (Runs in) STOP! Professor Ozpin! I need to tell you something!
Ozpin: Miss Rose, please do not barge into my office.
Jaune: It's okay, Ruby. I know I'm guilty.
Whitley: Are you sure, Mr. Arc? Was your father abusive? Did your mother smack your thighs with cold cuts? Did your sister shove umbrellas up your ass?
Ozpin: Get him out of here!
Pyrrha: Er, Junior Detective Vasilias, could you escort him out of the room?
Whitley: (Wheeled out) Ooh, Junior Detective Vasilias! Never quite made it to Detective. Why is that, Junior Detective Vasilias?
Nora: I'm glad that's over. Still can't believe Jaune did all of that.
Pyrrha: Neither can I. This seems like a set-up.
Nora: Yeah! It stinks of- (Sniffs) Two-ply quilted toilet paper?
Pyrrha: WHITLEY! (Runs down the TPd halls, Finds Sun and Neptune TPd) Report! What happened here?!
Sun: We took our eyes off of him for a second! He turned into a whirlwind of toilet paper and got us good!
Nora: Well, why didn't you chase after him?
Neptune: All TPd like this? We'd look silly!
Pyrrha: (Scroll buzzes, Answers) Hello?
Whitley: (Via scroll) Hello, She-tectives.
Pyrrha: Whitley?! Where are you?!
Whitley: I'm afraid I can't tell you that, as that would put my freedom in jeopardy. I simply want to thank you both for helping me escape.
Nora: Dude, you had like one week of your three week sentence left!
Whitley: Sorry, She-tectives, but I have a flight to catch. I've been away from home for far, FAR too long, and my father is worried sick, no doubt. Auf wiedersehn. (Hangs up)
Whitley: (Carrying backpack full of TP, Approaches ship at SDC shipping wharf)
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thebrixtons · 1 year
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Previous - Beginning - Next
(Transcript under the cut!)
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Prime Minister Benson: I’m glad you’re back home, Your Majesty. Your tri tp Nihon was necessary, but I missed our weekly audiences.
Benson: How’s the tea, ma’am? I had the best roasted barley imported from Simyeo.
Mary: That’s thoughtful of you.
Mary: I don’t drink it often. As much as I love it, barley tea reminds me of my time at the Imperial Simyeo Court.
Benson: Ah, yes. You lived there as a child for what, three years?
Mary: You didn’t request a private audience at your estate to talk about my childhood. You and I both know that.
Mary: What’s your true intention in asking me here?
Benson: Would you believe me if I said I wished to see how my queen was doing in person?
Mary: Such a politician. You know exactly what to say and when to say it.
Benson: Thank you for your praise, ma’am.
Mary: The answer to your question is no. I wouldn’t believe it.
Benson: I wanted to discuss the trip to Nihon. It went well and raised the general public’s opinion of the Crown Princess, however—
Mary: However?
Benson: Nihon’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Yuta Hamasaki, had much to say about her behavior. He was at a dinner two nights ago, and members of the Nihonese elite were present.
Mary: Good things, I imagine. Clementine did an excellent job entertaining him. They even danced together at the reception.
Benson: He talked about how she made errors and he said some... impolite things.
Mary: What did he say?
Benson: Pardon me, ma’am. I just— I’m repeating what he said.
Mary: It can’t be that bad. Say it.
Benson: He drunkenly said, “She’s a bumbling fool so dull and juvenile. She’s nothing more than a toddler waddling around in her mommy’s heels.”
Mary: I see.
Benson: Naturally, this raises some concern. I don’t want to meddle in your side of things, but the Crown Princess must be trained harder and do better.
Mary: Clementine has done better. She’s done her best. The whispering of corrupt Nihonese officials means nothing.
Benson: It does mean something, ma’am.
Benson: It’s possible she made a misstep and Hamasaki’s blown it out of proportion. But that’s the thing, ma’am. She can’t give anyone an opening for criticism— she has to be perfect.
Mary: Perfection isn’t what matters.
Benson: It is. What others perceive of her is important. If one person believes she’s performed poorly, then she has.
Benson: It might not be true to you, ma’am, but it’s the truth regardless.
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max13l · 24 days
F1 Tag Game! Tag some people you'd like to get to know better!
who tagged you?
@3mula1 thank uuu <3
who is your favorite driver?
I mean, it's obvious but Max and Daniel. I would pick one of them and it might feel sometimes like I have a preference but I truly feel like its a disservice to myself and them both if I do (and they belong together) so I won't and you can't make me :)
do you have any other favorites?
Nope. When I like people I gotta like them a lot to truly give a fuck and those two are more than enough for me. I like others in principle (Alex, Seb, Jenson, Kimi, etc) but they don't compel me anywhere near how Maxiel do.
who is your least favorite driver?
Didn't exactly have one but the number from China and especially how he handled the situation puts Lance there for me, Lando can be a dishonorable mention too. Mostly I just focus on my favs, I can't be bothered to care, unless its shit that actually gets on my nerves and/or during races when I pray on anyone's downfall if they inconvenience Maxiel, to dislike people openly. I'm indifferent to most people on the grid aside from Maxiel.
do you pull for drivers only or teams as well?
Definitely mostly drivers, wherever Maxiel are I will support them. But I do have a fondness for Red Bull as a team too, what can I say I do like their energy, but Not the drink (aka haven't tried, I stay away from energy drinks as a whole) lmao. And ofc I do have teams I hate with a passion (McLaren can take this win lol) too.
how long have you been into f1?
I've know about it for the longest time bc my dad has watched it since forever and I have watched some races with him along the years, but I fully got into it last year. Zandvoort 23 is the first race I watched with full intent to understand it and pick people to root for.
what got you into f1?
Needed a new interest bc my previous one wasn't being fun for me anymore and I started seeing clips/pics/etc of F1 on Twitter bc I had some mutuals that got into it and also got tiktoks of it on my fyp, plus started watching with my dad more when I was home from uni on the weekends. Then I imprinted on Max pretty quick and I was doomed (affectionately). And after that I saw clips of him and Daniel together and decided I wanted that one too. Also, their relationship just intrigued me from the beginning I had no choice.
do you like fan fictions?
Of fucking course I do, been reading fics for over a decade now. And to continue the previous question, when I started reading fics about Maxiel I knew I was past the point of no return. Thank you to all the lovely Maxiel writer girlies (gender neutral) I love every one of you, y'all make my life more enjoyable fr <3
how do you view new fans?
Just like any other fans, if you're chill and genuinely here for a good time and want to enjoy the sport (however that may be) all the power to you, making mistakes and not knowing things is perfectly okay if you're not being obtuse on purpose and/or rude about it. We all start somewhere.
if you could take over for any team as team principal, who would it be and why?
Red Bull Racing do need a new TP, I think we all agree on that, so I could take up on it :) We're getting the band (Maxiel) back together if I have a say in it, there's too many interesting ways it could play out and I would like to see it. Also, I would make sure Max doesn't need to answer questions about his future in the team every other week.
are your friends and family into f1?
Like I mentioned, yes, my dad (a Fernando fan btw) has been watching it for the longest time. We got my mom into it too, she's more casual about it but still watches with us and tries to get it too (her favorite is Lewis). And I've made a lovely good friend through this blog who obviously is a fellow fan and got my other online bestie from my previous fandom into it too (he likes Maxiel as well, and Logan).
are you open to talking with other fans/making friends?
Anytime and always very welcome! My dms are open to anyone looking to chat :D Would love to make more friends I'm just bad at reaching out, but I will definitely reply if anyone wants to message me or send asks, etc.
Tagging @hansoloooo and @felicity-smoak-is-my-goddess (if you want to ofc) and anyone else who'd like to do this too :)!
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thegeminisage · 1 year
Hmm. 20-22 inclusive …. making you be negative 😈 I’m assuming you’ll do zelda but as a scholar I’m also interested in your spn thoughts so you pick mwah
oooh dealer's choice this is so tough...what if i just answer for both LMAO im so sorry ok Lets Go
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
for zelda: i really, really wish i liked wind waker. i wanna like wind waker so fucking bad. i love wind waker's story. i love wind waker's ganondorf. i love how bright and cheerful the graphics are contrasted with how solemn it is underground. i love the dungeons and the gameplay. but god i HATE the cartoony little balloon heads. it takes me right out of those serious moments. i don't mind stylization but if it could have been just a LITTLE BIT. less stylized. just a LITTLE LESS like animal crossing characters. it's beautiful to look at but for a game with such serious hidden elements WHICH I LOVE i find trouble taking it seriously.
for spn: god, all of crowley's little arcs. he was almost never interesting, and while you can excuse bad writing for cas because it's cas, you can't make crowley happen. fetch is never gonna happen! you can show me his fun hot mom and his dead son and it still isn't happening! he's just the walking talking embodiment of the "angels and demons are just like OFFICE WORKERS" trope which i hate so fucking deeply because it's the least sexy direction they ever took and the exact opposite of what i want from my angels and demons. all of the middle seasons suffered deeply from this. crowley COULD have been interesting, but tbh, i liked him best in the season they killed him off.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
for zelda: i could do wind waker again but actually i completely understand the hype, bc wind waker is a great game even if i can't deal with it like a normal person. same with botw - i found most of the joy thru exploration, so it just didnt Hit on replays the way other zeldas do, but its influence cannot be understated and the hype is deserved. what if everybody is right all the time to hype any and everything about zelda?? oh wait actually. sorry. twilight princess ilia. idk if people hype her but if they do theyre wrong. love and light to her, she's Fine, but it feels kind of like a knockoff of malon (superior) and i generally dislike when link has romantic interests besides zelda, even if the love interest gets amnesia (wistful sigh). this sin was especially egregious bc zelda barely has any screentime at all, but i forgive tp for this because what screentime she DOES have is spent being in lesbians with midna. so it works out just this once due to the power of gay people, but that's some thin fucking ice. anyway, sorry to ilia and ilia fans for being a misogynist
for spn: i hate canon claire. i can't get into it in depth but like...sorry, even without the issue of My Own Claire Ideas, i still don't know if i could do it. being gay does not save her from having the exact same "damaged but spunky teen girl" personality given to almost EVERY OTHER TEENAGE GIRL (or young woman) on the show. to some extent she, krissy, mary from the winchesters, charlie, jo, alex, etc etc all have the same personality with a few defining quirks tacked on as an afterthought. do i love some of these characters? yes, of course. are they well-written? absolutely not <3
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
for zelda: in general, i think skyward sword gets a bad rap despite lanayru desert's entire (waves hand vaguely) and zelda being a fucked up evil goddess who canonically manipulates link's love for her. AND GROOSE. never forget groose. more specifically i think not enough people have acknowledged 1. the champions corpses are definitely still in those cockpits 2. oot link essentially became a stalfos by walking into the lost woods without navi and never came back. hello?? generally those dark little implications that u have read between the lines to get <3
for spn: oh baby its michael!dean. i waited so long and i only really got what i wanted for one episode but it was so good. it was SO good. no one else is as hype about the fact that it took nine REAL LIFE YEARS to get there. a DECADE of my finite time on earth. but ohhh was it ever worth the wait. what else could i possibly write 100k+ about
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tubapun · 1 year
📀, 💖, 🎶, ✌️ + Witch's Ghost (yes I am making you pick a hex girl. Sorry)
I answered fave tv show I believe!!
💖 - favorite relationship outside of the Gang?
This is hard cause I focus do heavily on the gang!! But I do love the relationship Flim Flam and Vincent have, it's really fun to think of them as a found family!! And on a romantic tip I think the Hex Girls should date
🎶 - favorite song?
Done with Monsters is on a constant loop in my head but also the theme to The New Scooby-Doo Mysteries and A Pup Named Scooby-Doo are both sooooo good!! Chase music wise I love I Can Make You Happy and Daydreamin (they're on the album from the 90s so I've heard em a lot more)
✌️ [+tv show/movie] - favorite side character?
Picking a Hex Girl is hard!! I think i have tp pick Thorn cause she gets the most character, being the lead of the band and all. But I love Dusk's hair and brows and Luna has such fun interactions with Shaggy in witch's ghost!!
(Side note I think their songs are best in the 2010 era, I really didn't like their song or episode in Guess Who, especially since the conceit was that they were literally ooc the entire time)
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
I noticed a trend in fictional characters, and I like to clarify if my reading checks with how it plays out in real life: It seems like the Fi types (specially xSFPs) don't need (or want?) any confirmation of what the other person is feeling/thinking during a conflict, they assume they know it because "their actions say so" (i.e. if she cared about me she'd be here, she's not so it means she doesn't care), and will act on it like breaking up with someone or shutting them off their lives).
Se believes in what it sees and interprets that on a surface level, so yes, that would be accurate for SFPs. Ne looks for motivations and reasons and alternatives, so NFPs speculate on things rather than take them at face value and they do not move on quickly. Both are only able to tell what they themselves are feeling "for sure" (and might not like to "assume" what the other person is feeling). IFPs are firmer in shutting down relationships than EFPs because they know how they feel about this and it's over, whereas EFPs absorb more information before making decisions and are flexible.
The FJ characters though seem to spend a lot of time (sometimes years) stuck on trying to understand why someone acted the way they did, like trying to find the reason why your ex cheated, so it looks like they never move on.
SFJs do this more than NFJs, because an NFJ would reach an intuitive assumption about their motivations and turn their focus into the future. SFJs have no firm views on why and would seek details, using Ne endlessly to speculate and might not settle on a firm thing; they would want confirmation in some tangible sense, as sensors.
I'm not sure this is also an issue Ts would have (there's really not a lot of internal emotional monologues with TP characters), but since Ti is about understanding I guess it might be?
There's a movie called Enigma, about an INTP who cannot and will not move on from a relationship in which his girlfriend disappeared. He has to find out what happened to her, and why, and it causes him to self-destruct, almost lose his job, etc., because he can't let it go. His Ti won't quit analyzing the past and searching for answers. INTPs have a harder time moving on than ISTPs for obvious low Si reasons (getting stuck in the past vs. living in the present and future).
As for whether this holds up in real life -- to some extent, yes. I've seen ENPs even get stuck in dwelling on past relationships because there are no present ones in their life to focus on, so they look back, romanticize, and wonder what went wrong.
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yuusaris · 1 year
Tell me about the AU's (pwease? 🥺)
So, Body/Life - the Au based on the Body for Body, Life for Life one-shot from 2021 - very much speaks for itself. Ryou Bakura is a young man who gave use of his body to a demon in exchange for his sisters life, falls in love (or trauma-bonds) with said demon and proposes. and the Demon, Bakura, says yes and we follow them throughout married life and it's various issues such as 'when will my husband devour my body', 'what is a present?', 'how do I cope with what I've done to get this far' and 'does he really love me'. All of which Ryou has answers to ('Someday', 'my husbands presence' 'cope with what?' and 'I've decided that he does'), and we're here to see if they're correct. I talked about some lore-stuff in another ask, so I'll cut this one short here.
Hypno-thruple is some I WANT to write REAL BAD but I struggle with smut, but it's FUN to spitball with @shameandhypnosis about. Essentially, Bakura (with his own body) convinces Atem (with his own body) to join him and husband Ryou for a hypno-session where the challenge is to not go under himself while Ryou hypnotizes Bakura. It's a roundabout way to get Atem some sleep and the tools to self-hypnotize himself to sleep easier (and tools for Yuugi tp help him sleep easier), while also allowing Bakura time with his crush (open relationship, toying with Ryou also dating Yuugi, and so would Atem, but the focus is on these three). After a while, Atem does realize they get... horny? After he leaves? Or when they think he's still asleep? And act on it?
Atem gets kind of into - very. Very into it. Very quickly gets into this and trusting Ryou and watching Bakura drop is now a trigger for /him/ to drop, and bringing this up to Ryou brings up the idea of hypnokink which eventually culminates with Atem becoming a very good hypno-submissive for the two of them, mostly Ryou, but he learned it from the other one who only realized too late that while Ryou was hypnotized, he was also studying the blade and has gotten better at it than Bakura.
Like, I have whole scenes for this in my head. I have inductions. I have /drama/. I deserve to write it. I deserve to.
Hanahaki fic is gunna be - exactly what it sounds like. Ryou's suffering from Hakahaki disease, but doesn't have it. Bakura does. It's a tendershipping fic and only Bakura knows this and it has made him pretty fucking cynical about the whole thing, to the point of ignoring it so bad than he canNOT control the body anymore, or horror happens. Which means it's up to Ryou to cure him, somehow, and it sucks for everyone involved.
I like the idea of Bakura being a hopeless romantic, potentially a straight-up fatal tsundere, every fucking time Ryou even /thinks/ something nice about him, he flares up and he is so fucking mortified about it. Even if eh thought he had a chance, petals shooting out of his throat when Ryou says he made him happy is so Not Murderous Spirit of The Ring Who Is A Villain And A Threat of him. I find it, canon be damned, funny. I find it funny and also terrible considering the very real mortal peril they are both in because of this behavior and because Bakura has effectively black-pilled himself. And that black-pilling leads to his condition rapidly morphing into something wholly worse and with less time on his side - bolting. I have a potential bonus chapter waiting in the wings for when I finish this, here's an excerpt from it talking about bolting, while Bakura is in the hospital because he was choking.
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imthefailedartist · 2 years
Predator: Complete Series Review
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One of the best creature feature creatures to ever feature. Every time that helmet comes off I want to vomit and cover my eyes. It's like a blown open vagina with eyes and teeth. It's truly terrifying and it makes me wonder if I can take it.
As these movies go on they suffer from "I'm the biggest and baddest thing to ever exist but you keep making sequels". Eventually, they need to make one of these where the Predator wins.
Question: From a skill hunting standpoint, does the Predator be cheating? I mean, it's going after animals with teeth and claws using technology. Same for it going against a person. It's got radar, heat vision, auto aiming/firing weapons, bombs, and it's strong as hell. Sure, humans have some of that, but never the person(s) it's hunting. Take that suit off player, and let's see wha-- Oh god, it snapped me in half with its bare hands.
Predator (1987) Fantastic. Really smart use of a small budget. Makes staring at trees entertaining. No bullshitting around gets right to the action. The way it shows the Predator stalking them, learning. So good. Features the world's strongest handshake. Bill Duke(s) with the machine gun. Arnold with the mud. The name Dutch. Great fucking time.
Predator 2 (1990) Very 80's in a bad and good way. I like the idea of hunting in the concrete jungle but also I hate it. I like that it's more investigative than outright hunting but these thrive in the forest. They don't use enough elements of a city for my tastes. Going after gangsters isn't the same as going against a trained hunter. They don't operate the same, so it's really just ends up being a skilled killer going after regular assholes with guns. Overall it's a good time.
AVP: Alien vs Predator (2004) deserves better than the dust y'all paid it. It was a fun ride. It's a cool way to bring two "ultimate killing machine" worlds together. They didnt need to tie the alien history together, no one cares. I also don't need the bred to hunt history lesson, but I dont mind it. We just want to see 'em fight. Sanaa Lathan kicked alien ass and lived to tell about it. My question is how did they decide which creature would win? Coin toss or the humanish one is more relatable?
Picture it AVP: Some R word, the predators are back on Earth because of a Xenomorph and the Predator finds Alexa because of her earth knowledge and together they hunt it down.
Aliens Vs. Predators: Requiem (2007) when do the Xenomorphs start versusing the Predators? Because 40 minutes in and its a lot of human bullshit and aliens, of both persuasion, doing stuff but not together. This could work if it knew how to use the aliens. Also, cut the damn lights on, can't see a goddamn thing. Also, why the hell was this called requiem?
50 minutes, and still no predator vs alien.
60 minutes, with no A-ing versus P-ing.
70 minutes, the title has nothing to do with the movie.
75 minutes, finally the A's are v-ing the P's, but for some reason the humans I give no fucks about are taking up the screen time. Should be called Aliens Exist: Can't See 'em Though.
Is this worse than The Predator? Yes and that's saying a lot. At least some action happens in TP.
Predators (2010) really enjoy the fish out of water alien planet element. Answers some questions without ruining the mystery. The twist with Topher Grace needed to be more laid out to have a better payoff. Would've liked to see more of how and why the Predators use this planet as a testing ground. What makes this planet special, the terrain, the atmosphere, the flora and fauna? Because its unpopulated? Without all of that they might as well be on earth. Would've been cool to see each person's hunting style more. Basically this is the I need more movie. It's fine to just watch but a little more wouldn't hurt. Laurence Fishburne needed more screen time.
The Predator (2018) Absolute shit. Paint by numbers studio picture. Why make a Predator 15' tall and then do nothing cool with it? This doesn't understand why people like these movies. A 15' Predator isn't interesting or scary for the same reasons as a slightly above the average human Predator. It requires no skill, no hunting prowess. This is one of those "we have better computer graphics, let's show off" movies. The 2010's loved a let's make a well known baddie a "goody" plot twist. It was shit then, its shit now.
Trevante Rhodes being here does give this like half a bonus point but he's not the lead so. . . Also, Sterling K. Brown.
The fire alarm goes off the teacher leaves the room before making sure ALL the students have evacuated.
All these years later I thought Boyd Holbrook was that tall blonde Swede, not that one, the other one.
Every female character is the worst version of third wave feminism. Science woman: I'm super smart but also super hot and I know some bad ass stuff and I have an idiotic and deadly need to figure out what's happening. Wife woman: I'm not a nag and were divorced because he wanted to soldier more than husband, but I still love him. I'll do something defiant to the bad guys to prove that I'm not in this movie to just be his damsel.
This movie tries so hard to be every sci-fi/adventure/war propaganda movie you've ever seen.
Who the fuck wanted answers about Predator genetics? No one!
Everybody has sleeves under their clear lab suit but of course shockingly hot nerd lady scientist has on a tank top.
Follow sterilization protocols: but have your mouth and your hair uncovered.
Why did Group 2 need to be like this? What do all of them being mentally different add to this movie? Other than 18 minutes of crass unfunny, uncomfortable jokes.
Why did they shoe horn in this kid. This is the laziest most obnoxious plotline. Was trying to get his gear back not good enough to stand alone?
Adding "dogs" was interesting and alien world expanding without doing too much. But did it need to look like a Predator? It's not like human hunters dogs look like their owners. That's a studio head idea.
I forgot they tried to set this up as a series. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahhahahahahhaha.
Prey (2022) fucking fantastic. Should've been in theaters. Amber Midthunder (and co.) did what needed to be done. I love that the Predator itself is less teched out than the ones "before" it.
I would not be mad if Prey set off a string of prequel sequels. Paleolithic. Medieval. Ice age. A battle Royale with winners of yore. I'd love to see the evolution of the Predators weaponry and hunting skills. Even a future sequel. Let's see the Predator battle a human with equal future tech.
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