#and thats MY TRUTH!!!!!!!
cherry-shipping · 10 months
i think its awesome how every single one of my f/os, romantic or otherwise, would smoke weed with me EXCEPT dave. hed joke about it but if i asked him he would be so fucking scared. mf would never
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lucabyte · 2 months
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i feel like people are sleeping on the occam's razor situation of how buckwild it is to outright accuse a guy of being a clone of your friend even if you DO have a lot of circumstantial evidence. there's other options is what im saying. they could just be like. a guy. that's a sensible deduction. you should explore that deduction. ignore my shirt that reads I <3 RED HERRINGS.
i still think odile has the correct theory on lock but she's smart enough to know it needs like... a real smoking gun to be able to bring it up without sounding insane.
anyway. (mirabelle voice) i know its rude to speculate but has anyone else noticed the grieving? they seem to be grieving. does anyone have any thoughts on the grieving? i have some thoughts on the grieving.
#[isabeau voice] am i insane or does sometimes loop talk like they might have killed their whole family. is that just me? just checking.#nille design highly inspired by @kiwibrain's since its the one that imprinted in my mind. liberties taken since i didnt look @ reference#anyway i have a lot more thoughts on this? i guess ill hide them in the tags...? scroll down i suppose.#isat#in stars and time#isat spoilers#in stars and time spoilers#isat act 6 spoilers#isat loop#isat siffrin#isat bonnie#isat nille#isat fanart#in stars and time fanart#doodlebyte#----------------------------------------------------------------------#anyway the extra thoughts. are literally just my general thoughts on postcanon. (and thus are the context for all of my postcanon doodles!)#which is i think nille joins the party before loop reappears for a start (either from a period of nonexistence or just wandering around)#and that like. i think the party should be able to integrate loop as a completely new person. because they are! the secrecy isn't great but#They and Siffrin shuffle into different ecological niches in the party (eg. i think sif is more squeamish after it all but loop isnt)#and while it's not *exactly* what Loop wanted they get that beggars can't be choosers. and its pretty good#(i am glossing over how i think loop's reappearence drags both them and siffrin into a massive behavioural backslide and is likely a bit#distressing to watch go down. cycle of argument -> lovebombing -> normalcy -> repeat. etc etc. but since they are no longer literally#stewing in the worst pressure cooker of all time they do resolve it via productive conversation on their own time. its fine)#the party well-meaningly tries to deduce things from loop's vagueries and are able to pin down the DEAD FAMILY vibe pretty quickly.#but eventually the question of their prior identity falls by the wayside because well! they're just their friend loop! (also change belief)#as for how The Truth Come Out... this is what i mean by The Isabeau Torment Nexus(tm). which is that i think... isiloop should almost occur#BEFORE isabeau knows who loop is. he's just genuinely charmed by them eventually and tries to close the open end of the polycule#which FREAKS LOOP THE FUCK OUT because thats just too genuinely sick and wrong. and obviously w emotions high its not a great confrontation#ANYWAY told u i had more thoughts. if i were normal itd be a text post but.
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daenystheedreamer · 2 months
can i b real with you guys. i think the eldest daughter thing has lost all meaning..... many of these guys are simply eldest sons. eldest daughter syndrome needs an inherent lack of trust and respect despite all responsibility placed on them. entitlement is very much eldest son behaviour. aegon is not eldest daughter that man is an eldest son for sure. kendall roy.... ill not speak on that man. i know a piranha pond when i see it. but know he is part of this post.
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aerequets · 1 year
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quick aggie session things :D
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allforthe-gay · 11 months
it is completely one hundred percent baffling to me that any of the foxes would come away from witnessing neil and andrew's reunion in baltimore with the opinion that their relationship was just hate fucking . like my brother in christ are you blind
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Everyone knew not to trust Regulus behind the wheel. He passed his driving test with nothing but money and a twirl of his hair, not with an actual ability to drive. It wasn't like he minded, he very much enjoyed being a passenger prince. He still wrestled the aux and got to bitch about whoever was driving him like he actually knew what the third pedal did (he was probably told at some point, but he has much better things to remember).
However it sucked when it was too late to get an Uber without pissing someone off and all of his friends were either asleep or plastered. His brother included. So instead he has to stand awkwardly on the sidewalk, waiting for the person Sirius sent to get him. He knew the name of the person, of course he has. The infamous James Potter, who is the light of Sirius' life and an angel on earth. Regulus definitely thought Sirius had a thing for him for far too long until he realized James was a replacement.
All that is water under the bridge now, he doesn't care anymore. But now he's just fucking cold. Maybe going out on a Tuesday wasn't the best idea, but he was bored and wanted to do something that he didn't usually do. And also Barty and Evan came with him (That should have been a red flag considering they hardly got a drink in before their hands were all over each other. They 'only have sex when they're drunk' and 'there's nothing else going on.' safe to say that they have some things to talk about).
He pulls out his phone just as a car pulls up in front of him. He notices but he doesn't care, he's far too busy looking at a time lapse of someone rebinding a book. He hears the window going down, but still doesn't look up until he hears a voice.
"Regulus, right?"
He sighs, rolling his eyes as he puts his phone back in his pocket before actually looking at who is picking him up and. Oh. Okay.
Big brown eyes that match with messy, but charming, hair. James leans over, unlocking the passenger door and all Regulus can focus on is seeing the muscles in his arms flex and he swears that he can see a hint of a tattoo on his shoulder when the fabric rides up.
This is probably one of the only times that he'll ever say something has come in handy with how his parents raised him, his poker face still intact except for maybe a slight blush. Maybe.
"And you must be James." He takes a step and another and one more before James leans over again and pops open the door. Regulus really has no choice but to slip into the car now. It's too late to call Sirius again and beg him to pick him up instead.
"Don't wear it out, love."
This will be fine. Perfect even. Better than driving himself, that's for sure.
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scribz-ag24 · 10 months
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I wonder if Grovyle's comment about himself not trusting people easily was refering to him not trusting hero and partner with a bit of crucial information.
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d0d0-b0i · 1 year
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lil something
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koumori666 · 3 months
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young ratchet
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wastelandhell · 10 months
the way you draw danse is PERFECT!!! I LOVE HIM!!! i'm GAY!!!
Thank you I think about him a normal amount
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monochromeia · 3 months
Wangxian high school AU where Lan Wangji thinks that Wei Wuxian is being bullied by Jiang Cheng and keeps standing up for him despite thinking WWX is annoying and neither WWX nor JC tell him that they're brothers because this is infinitely funnier
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linipik · 2 years
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“Red sky at night, sailor’s delight”
Comic for the Merklance Zine  Besitos del Mar 
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immortalsins · 8 months
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Killing must feel good to God, too. He does it all the time, and are we not created in God's image? Depends on who you ask. God's terrific. He dropped a church roof on thirty-four of his worshipers last Wednesday night in Texas, while they sang a hymn. Did God feel good about that? He felt powerful.
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justaboot · 5 months
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'Gone but not forgotten,' is the perfect phrase.
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velvetwyrme · 11 months
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( ❌ ) Sorry! That name is taken :(
Figuring out a username is tough. So... why not outsource it ;)?
The upcoming chapters of Flipping Fate require Edge to have a username, so we figured we should open that up to y'all to decide! This is all for fun, so go buck wild! Do you want to give him the coolest, most badass username? Or perhaps you want him to be embarrassed to even type it? (Maybe his brother got into his account and changed it?)
We'll hold another poll with your submissions once this poll ends so that you guys can decide what username he gets stuck with >;3c
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fairycosmos · 2 years
girls will think they look like shit rotting in bed but really they are like angels nestled in the soft crook of the universes arms. Smoking cigarettes or vapes
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