#and that being silly doesn't equal being stupid
mintanoia · 11 months
gen z is so funny bc someone could write the most thought-provoking, well formulated comment on the inequality of economic resources in the world and how it's rooted in constitutionalized prejudice and then theyre named "shreksleftballsack" or something like that
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Pjo stranger things au in which even after the gods take an oath to claim their children, Steve remains without a parent. He's a half-blood no question about that, he's been at the camp almost his whole life, has been on missions, fought honorably in battles, has the scars to show it.
Still, even after the last child at the camp has been claimed and the Hermes cabin has become surprisingly empty, Steve remains without a mark. He keeps a brave face, tries not to let his sting. His father never wanted him, why should his mother be any different?
He doesn't even mind staying in the Hermes cabin. He has been here all those years, it's become his home, his family. Now that there is enough space he even gets his own little room, right across from Eddie, whose counselor for the Hermes cabin and right after Robin and Dustin, Steve's best friend.
"Ya, know," Eddie says, arm slung around Steve, who wills his heart to beat at a normal pace, "I bet if Hermes could claim you, he would."
He is actually not that far off. The Gods are watching their children. And all of their hearts ache when they get to claim a new kid at the camp and Steve's face falls slightly as he remains without a parent. Most gods don't care about their siblings' children, but there is something about Steve the gods can't ignore. Tragic hero, so lonely, so brave, so filled with love despite everything.
There is a rumor quietly echoing through the halls of the Olymp that Steve remains unclaimed because he is Hera's child. It's a scandalous suggestion, a heinous rumor, a forbidden truth. Spreading it might be enough to cause another war. The goddess of marriage having a child with a human? Unthinkable, and yet. Everyone knows that marriage doesn't equal love, knows how spiteful Hera is, how most of her children are hated. No one could blame her for the affair really, if the rumors were true, if anything the gods are surprised she didn't snap sooner with Zeus having affairs left and right. But if the rumors were true, they definitely would blame her for not claiming Steve. Steve who protects the younger kids fiercely, how cares so much about everyone.
It hurts one goddess especially. Aphrodite looks down at Steve and aches. Aches how he thinks that he is hard to love, hard to want, always easy to leave. Who despite that fear won't stop giving pieces of his heart out, who loves so much even though it hurts. Sometimes when Aphrodite watches Steve, he already feels like one of her own. She loves her children easily, constantly, it's impossible not to for her yet at the same time she loves them on purpose. And as she watches Steve, she can't help but love him too.
She reaches her breaking point on a warm summer night. After the bonfire, Steve goes down to the lake, sits at the pier, legs pressed into his chest in a poor imitation of a hug. He looks at his reflection in the lake and wonders why. Why is he so hard to love? It's silly really, all that had happened was some new Ares kid talking to Eddie. Tall, muscular, pretty and the guy had made Eddie laugh. Steve's thoughts had spiraled from there on.
He's so busy licking his own wounds and wallowing in the feeling of not being wanted that he almost doesn't notice the goddess emerging from the lake like she had once emerged from the ocean at the cyprian shores. Steve startles when he does notice her, before he quickly bows.
"My lady," he greets her politely, always the charmer.
"There is no need for that, Steve," she says kindly and Steve looks back up at her. She is truly the epitome of beauty, dark, bouncy curls, deep brown eyes, dimples around plum lips. Steve is not stupid, knows the goddess appears in the form you most desire, he is just glad he is alone. Robin would never let him live this down.
"What can I do for you?"
"I've come to make you an offer Steve," she explains. "I want you to devote yourself to me."
Steve gasps, stares at her a little shocked. She can't blame him.
"Why would you want my devotion?"
She can tell he isn't asking why she wants devotion, but why she specifically wants his devotions, why she would want him.
"Because I love the way you love," she says with a smile. "I love the way you love and that makes me love you. I admire your devotion, the affection you hold for your friends. If I could, I would claim you as my own. But I can't, so I am offering my patronage instead."
Steve still looks a bit struck, surprised a goddess would want him like that, would appreciate the way he loves. Steve had always bounced back and forth between being too much and not being too much. No one has ever said that they loved the way he loved.
"What would being devoted to you entail?" he asks, knowing there very often is a catch when it comes to the gods.
But Aphrodite means no malice.
"It would essentially be the same as being my child. I will come to your aid, I will love you, I will lend you my gifts if needed. Only that since we are not bound by birth, you would have to take a sacred oath. Become a...paladin is the name your Eddie would use, I belive."
Steve likes the way she says it. Your Eddie. His Eddie. It sounds almost too good to be true, being wanted like that, being offered a family like that.
"Would I have to move cabins," he blurts, overwhelmed by al his emotions. Aphrodite laughs.
"Don't worry, I wouldn't dare to tear you away from the people you love so dearly. I believe you are friends with my children anways, strengthening that bond a little will be enough. But I am sure you and Chrissy will make sure of that."
"Then I take the oath," Steve decides and goes down on one knee. "I devote myself to you, goddess Aphrodite. I will worship at your altar and fulfill your quests. I am yours as you are mine."
There is a tingling sensation as he finishes his oath, warm spreads through him and he can feel himself be filled with Aphrodite's love. It's a lot. It's everything. Gently, she reaches out and cradles his face in her hand.
"Go on then, my brave little hero," she whispers. "I think you have a bonfire to return to, friends, family, your beloved."
"He isn't my beloved," Steve mumbles, blush on his cheeks.
Aphrodite just raises a brow. Steve knows she can see into his heart, he knows he can't lie to her.
"Remember that you are loved," she tells him and Steve will try his best.
He leaves the lake, a tattoo of a circle with a cross at the bottom carved into his wrist. Aphrodite watches him leave, casts a little blessing on the red string connection Steve's and Eddie's pinkie fingers. She knows her paladin doesn't need the extra help. He just needs love and she is willing to give to him all.
(part 2)
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gremlingottoosilly · 6 months
Been reading through your König fics and what if König x dumb fem!reader, like they are totally clueless about everything, gets lost 89% of the time, they're sweet and all but they can't do shit, she trusts literally everyone's advice and doesn't know when someone's joking so they just take everything seriously,
I have no clue who would be chasing who, but if it's König trying to court the reader, it's going to be a long ass time before they ever figure out what's happening, he could be throwing the most obvious signs and she be like "oh that's nice!" And moves on with her life holding the bouquet König gave or something, Bonus points if her whole aesthetic is just bimbocore
Oh, you people share like 3 brain cells between the two of you. Konig isn't stupid - he is a genius of strategy, as he proudly declares to everyone, he got his rank quite young and his achievements are nothing short of the greatest - the only problem with him, is that he is quite...well, silly when it comes to social situations. Our man never had much female attention growing up, he doesn't know how to play the relationship game, intimidations to him comes much, much easier than confessions, and he wouldn't really play with you before you would be certain he is interested. He likes you? He takes you home, no questions asked. he tried flowers one time, you were looking so surprised and adorable, telling him how thoughtful he is about giving you the decor for the apartment, there must have been a sale in a flower shop somewhere. He is devastated, completely, he is heartbroken and understands that you can't be trusted with your life. In his mind, unfortunately, as Konig has very outdated views on gender equality, there are two types of girls - his colleagues, the badasses that he can't ever see in a sexual way, and weak little angels who need protection. you and your dumb, naive eyes fall perfectly into the second category - and you could almost feel the way he strips away your rights along with your clothes. It's not even that he is annoyed by you being dumb - he loves it. You cry for him and ask why you can't leave, and he would just distract you with some dumb and nerdy monologue about his favorite lego set or something! He keeps you as airheaded as he possibly can.
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teddybeartoji · 6 days
☆. contains: satoru gojo x gn!reader; con-artists au, crack, he's stupid, he also has a massive fucking crush on you (and you're no better btw), reader smokes a cigarette gasp!! oh and reader is wearing a suit wc: 2.2k
+ a few hours later...
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the spring sun warms your skin as sit on a little bench on top of the hill that overlooks your destination. a castle – it's fancy, fanciest you've ever seen. it's fucking massive and you can't help but wonder, how it would feel to sprint through the long beautiful hallways of the place...
way too many super cars are lined up in front of it and their various colors are making your eyes hurt. people in stunning dresses and equally stunning suits spill out of the machines and they laugh and roar, smoke blowing from their noses and lips as they flex their expensive pipes and cigarette holders. bald men with terrible mustaches flood your vision and you decide that you've had enough for the moment and let your head fall back. this is your last chance to recharge before the work begins.
digging in your inner suit pocket, you pull out a silver cigarette case with a beautiful engraving on it. memories reside in the little crevices of the art and the thoughts make a sentimental (albeit an annoying one. you'd never do this in front of him.) smile tug at the corners of your lips. the tiny machine was part of a set, a gift for you.
you try not to think about that for too long.
patting the side of your upper thigh, you dig out a lighter. it's just a plastic one; it's old as hell and it has definitely seen better days. but despite its tired look, you still consider it a friend, a partner, a helping hand.
you grab a cig from the box and place it between your lips before pocket the case again. the lighter is warm in your hands as you stare at the design on it. swirls and lines run all across the silver, dancing and merging together. a lot of memories are buried in the cracks of them and a sentimental smile tugs on the corners of your lips.
click! click! click!
perhaps today is the day you'll lay it to rest. there's no fire, no heat, but you're not mad. the cigarette hangs from your lips and you let out a sigh. you lean back onto your hand and close your eyes; if you won't get your final energy boost from nicotine, the sun will have to do it.
a gust of wind brushes over your skin, it cards through your hair and you feel alive. the laughter from down below finds it way up to you and it makes you crack a grin yourself – these rich pricks won't know what hit them. this'll be an easy job, no sweat. in and out, it'll only take a few hours tops if everything goes without a hitc—
time slows.
cracking open an eye, you watch the stick catch fire.
engravings in silver – a perfect match to the ones on the case that's hiding comfortably in your chest pocket. right beside your heart. pale, slender fingers and manicured nails, a perfectly fitted sleeve – it's him. trailing up his arm with your eye, his cologne fills your nostrils and you realize that he's standing way closer than you thought.
it takes a mere two seconds and you craning your neck to meet his eyes. they match the clear sky, the only difference being that while birds twirl and dance in the blue ocean up above your heads, little stars twinkle in his.
satoru gojo.
and his stupid fucking smile.
you hate him.
he snaps the little silver machine shut before placing it back into his pocket with one swift move. his pearly white teeth shine under the blinding sun and the sight of his dimples makes your stomach churn. silly butterflies.
staring up at him, you hollow your cheeks and breathe in the smoke. it travels through your mouth and makes its way deep into your lungs. he's patient. the grey fog fills your organs and you let it simmer before letting out out again. you blow it at him but he doesn't budge; your eyes look so pretty in this light. he watches your lips curl into a pretty little smirk and then he's already being blessed with your saccharine voice. "gojo."
he does a dramatic bow as he stands before you – his one hand behind his back and the other on his heart. "my beloved."
the hum and the eye roll you award him with warm his insides. he straightens his spine and locks both his hands behind him, almost making him look like an innocent, virtuous person. it's that charming smile of his that's able to save him from just about everything. his ability to bare his teeth in the most endearing way pisses you off.
it really fucking does.
he twirls on his heel and the gentle gust of wind ruffles his snowy hair. he eyes the castle below and the little ant-people that buzz in front of it.
"you got an invite?" he asks in a sing-song voice. he seems excited. that's a bad thing for you. he will ruin your plans, you already know it.
"i did not."
you don't need to see his face to know that his smile has stretched even wider. you hate it. he quirps a little "hm" before spinning back around. his hand dips into his inner suit pocket and returns with an ivory envelope. his eyelashes flutter shut as he dramatically fans his face with it.
you hate him.
"that's too bad. they have this cool new system – they give you a keycard. they check it at the door, of course, but after that you can just go wild with it." he paces around in front of you while you just inhale the smoke back into your lungs as a way to alleviate the fact that he's going to ramble about a fucking key card. "there are tiers, you see. the smaller guys just get to use it as the invite while others..."
he turns to you with a big grin. "can actually open some super secret doors."
he flicks the envelope just to show it off some more and you wish you could suffocate him with the cigarette smoke. or maybe you should just push him off this damn hill instead.
"not that you would know anything about it though..." his words trail off as his eyes snake their way up from the ground and to your pretty face.
"and you're one of the big guys then, i presume?"
your remark is like water off a duck's back. it's the exact opposite actually – it only eggs him on. he watches the smoke slip from between your lips as you try to bite him back, he watches your chest fall; you look handsome in your suit. he's never seen you in an outfit like this - sure, he's seen you in some fancy fits before but this... takes the crown for sure.
you almost look like you belong here, though he skeptical on whether you'd think of that as a compliment or not. he doesn't say it, opting for something else.
"you look good– "
"you look good."
you blink up at him, he blinks down on you. he fiddles with his fingers behind his back and he bites back the comment he wants to make about you complimenting him, about you two speaking at the same time. something about being partners, something-something.
he does look good.
he's also wearing a gorgeous black suit on top of a pearly white shirt and a matching black bowtie adorns his neck, and it looks like he did try to style his hair just a little, but you know him – you know he likes it when the wind messes it up. he always says it makes him look more rugged.
you assume he doesn't know what the word means.
silence falls upon the two of you, engulfing you in this comfortable little bubble. your lips wrap around the cigarette again and he pockets the envelope in his hand.
"y'think so?"
he asks for praise so nonchalantly that you almost give in. "...maybe."
satoru's chest puff up and his eyes light up even more than ever – you regret your decision to tell him that. his lips part but you don't give him a chance to tease you any further.
you shake the cigarette butt before pushing yourself off the bench. satoru observes you, always so excited about everything you do. he can't tear his eyes from you. placing the cig back between your lips, you approach the man in front of you in a confident stride.
without locking eyes with him, you take your place a little bit too close in front of him and casually reach for his tie. satoru's breath hitches at the sudden proximity but he doesn't back away. you tug at the edges of it, your eyebrows furrowing in the process. you look cute, all concentrated and everything. his smile makes its way back onto his lips as he stares at you and his hands twitch at his sides.
smoke dances in the air as you take your time to fix his tie; the sun melts the two of you together as the silence settles around you again. the breeze plays with his hair some more, it grazes the apples of your cheeks and it's refreshing. this feels like the old times.
"smoking kills, you know."
his voice is barely above a whisper and you snort at him. "so do cars, dipshit."
"hm, douche."
you send a sharp glare at him and he doesn't even try to hold his ever-growing grin. the stupid fucking butterflies in your stomach are making you sick. he's about to say something ridiculous again, so you rush to give his earlobe a gentle-not-so-gentle tug. you laugh at the way he winces and the way his skin turns a dark shade of pink in a matter of seconds; it manages to bloom all over his ears and the apples of his cheeks before he decides to swat your hand away.
your eyes and the tingling pain in his ear are enough to distract him from your wandering hands. skilled fingers dip under the front of his suit jacket as you lean forward to whisper to him. "it's touché."
his eyes glue themselves onto the cigarette in your mouth, between your pretty lips, giving you more than enough time to swipe the envelope from his chest pocket with ease.
dusting off some imaginary dust from his shoulder, you cock your head to the side and take the cigarette from your lips while giving him another good look. how could you not? despite his god-awful personality and his tendency to screw up every single one of your plans in one way or another – he's the most beautiful man you've ever seen. from this angle you could count the freckles that are scattered across his nose and cheeks, hell – you could count his damn eyelashes if you really wanted to.
(you kind of do.)
while he's being bewitched by you and your eyes and your perfume and the damn smoking stick in your hand, you hide the envelope behind your back. you make use of the promiximity between you two, your own body concealing the movement of you tucking the thing under your own suit jacket and into the waistband of your pants. you're here to steal afterall.
satoru rubs his ear and feigns a pout. it's the fakest one you've seen yet, but then a dopey smile makes it's way onto his lips and for a second you think that your plan didn't work, that he felt it, that he saw it—
"you know... if you wanted satoru to just get you an invite, you should've just said so, sweetheart."
you stare at him with a blank face and he shines right back at you. he plucks the cigarette from your hand and throws it to the ground, stomping on the thing, he puts out the light with the heel of his foot.
"but... since you didn't ask for it, since you didn't ask for satoru's help... you'll have to find your own way in, yeah?" he's way too smug, too arrongant and the only thing that's making you feel better is the thought of him being shut out from the party because he doesn't have the invite. anymore.
"stop referring to yourself in third person, it makes you look stupid."
"you don't think i look stupid in the first place then?"
you can't wait for this day to be over.
"alright. go now. run along, little prince." you give his shoulder a shove but he refuses to back away, leaning closer a little instead.
"are you gonna be okay out here, hm? all alone? no keycard or nothing?"
even his breath smells good. you want to punch him.
"don't worry about me, gojo. i'm sure i'll figure something out."
"ahh! you always do! and that's why you're the greatest, baby!" wincing at the volume of his tone, you clench your jaw and press your teeth together. satoru loves it when you do that. "don't take too long, okay? i'll miss you."
he offers you another fake pout and turns around on his heel, but not before giving you a wink. he looks over his shoulder for the last time and...
"don't forget to throw away the cig! littering isn't sexy!"
he's so overbearingly annoying and he will so ruin your fucking plans.
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bitchimasnake-sss · 8 months
"have i ever told you i love you?" ft. monster trio
silly goofy headcannon with my favourite idiots of all time <3
ft. luffy, zoro and sanjiii x GN reader
set-up: you've been them for quite a while but the "three magical words" have been off-limits (until today ig?)
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he was munching on a piece of meat (again) after having successfully begging sanji for forty minutes (and enduring two kicks)
literally, his mouth is full, there's crumbs on his cheek and through it all, he says "hey, have i ever told you i love you?" (with a smile as big as the one in the gif)
you almost choke on air, cause who the fuck asks it like that?
"i mean, no. not really?" your face is hot and you cannot decide if its a blush creeping up your face cause he is telling you he loves you or if its second hand embarrassment because hes admitting he loves you with face stuffed with meat.
atleast he looks cute tho? (take a win where you can lmao)
"huh? i haven't?" his brows are furrowed together, and just for a moment his focus isn't on his food.
"yeah" you sheepishly admit, giving into the warmth spreading across your cheeks
"okay" motherfcker just shrugs.
he's back to munching again. like he just shrugged and went back to eating. like he was asking what day it was and not confessing his love. what a fucking idiot????? how do you love him ur so confused?????
"that's all you have to say?" you're about to commit homicide.
"yeah?" then through a bite, he says "i do love you though."
and nvm, maybe the homicide can wait another day because right now you're busy ignoring the shit-eating grin that spreads across your lips.
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mf is drinking (like always)
and obviously, it takes quite a lot to take him down enough for him to say stupid shit
and even on the days he does drink quite a lot, he just falls asleep and wakes up with a shitty hangover and even shittier attitude
but on the days he doesn't fall asleep, well let's say it's a whiplash inducing experience
"hey" gulping down the last of his sake, his speech is as slurred as a swordsman can possibly get. you don't blame him, i mean it's been a rough couple of days after all, maybe he needs the booze to cope.
"mhm?" you're equally under the influence (if not more)
"have i ever told you i love you?"
yeah, that shit straight up sobers you up
"have i told you that i love you?" he repeats, without any hesitancy at all.
this stoic bitch (who took 2 business weeks to finally hold your hand in public after you got together) is asking this question, absolutely unfazed.
for a second you wonder if the alcohol is making you hallucinate (can alcohol do that? probably not)
"did the alcohol make you go deaf?" still fucking unfazed.
"...no? you haven't" your voice is shaky, still confused if you're fucking hallucinating
"oh, well then i should let you know." and he gives you a classic, soft smile "i love you."
and then he passes out. he doesn't even bother hearing your reply.
yeah, next day you're furiously blushing every time you think about him and the words he said, meanwhile this stupid human being doesn't even remember. he is giving you weird looks and asking you if you feel okay because your face looks very red. and maybe you should ask chopper for help.
well, i mean atleast you remember what he said.
drunk words are sober thoughts afterall hehe
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a fucking gentleman!!!
actually the only one who had made a fucking plan to confess his love to you. he's a romantic dude (he just sucks at execution)
the entire day before, he is a wreck. he cannot hold eye-contact with you for more than two seconds, his food doesn't exactly taste as it always does (why is there salt in place of sugar sanji are you okay??), he is lost in his thoughts and giggling whenever left unsupervised
jesus lawd, this man is whipped
meanwhile you're out here wondering if he is going insane or getting terminally sick. you're not alone cause the entire crew is thinking the same
maybe you guys should ask chopper to take a look at him??
it's evening, the sun is going down and you're standing at the deck, admiring the view
everything seems perfect. then he taps on your shoulder and you turn around to a furiously blushing sanji with his hand behind his back
"sanji?" you gingerly place a hand on his shoulder, "are you okay? you have been acting a little weird all day"
"i- uh"
he fumbles for two whole minutes. nami counted (she told you at dinner later).
then after receiving a confused look from you, he finally blabbers it all in like one breath.
"yn ln you have made me the happiest man on earth and if you would please accept this bouquet, i would be grateful. would you please go on a date with me?"
the date was in your room, the room had been cleaned, he had cooked your favourite meal, he had got your favourite flower and although the whole ordeal had started rather awkwardly, you cannot help but feel giddy as he serves you desert
"say yn," he is blushing again, "have i told you i love you"
you snort out the desert.
sanji almost performed heimlich
when you're good again, you say, "no, you haven't actually."
"then you should know, i love you. more than anyone can ever imagine."
yeah you pray to god every night for this magnetic force of a fucking man. you must have been a good person in your last life.
perfect man, husband material, 10/10
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idakyrie · 1 year
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(This is part of an AU and a LOT OF TEXT asdfg) WHAT IF.... That weird deformed shape of Fake Peppino (AKA Bruno) is actually that way because of a brain problem (known as TBI)? That would explain that peculiar way of behaving (Silly? Goofy? Childish? Doesn't think straight? Doesn't know what he's doing? Almost 0 common sense, that almost permanent expression on his face, that strange way of moving... He is doing his best to stay on his feet and not melt completely (even if it shows a bit), he can barely speak coherently, among many things (WE MUST PROTECT HIM).
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I'd like to think that the brain is the only organ he has, because the rest is just... Mmh, slime? amalgam? xD, it could be a HUMAN brain that Pizzahead (his creator) got (I like to think he is actually someone insane in a bad way and too different when it comes to his lab, just pretending to smile, hints of psychopath), that brain belonged to another chef, here I clarify about getting 2 adns: Peppino and Bruno (this last I mean the one from the abandoned pizzeria and yes, he is dead, where the hell Pizzahead was going to get that brain from? Actually dead for trusting a humanoid pizza)
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So Fake Peppino has 2 adns? Yeah, that makes sense... Although Peppino and him don't look quite the same (Although Pizzahead's goal was that, to be the perfect impersonator), except for the clothes BUT here comes my favorite part, his stable form. 
Actually, his brain problem can be treated, he would still have 2 forms: stable and unstable, this unstable form is the one we all know, it would be present whenever he feels threatened, in danger or any other negative emotion (although he can take any form whenever he wants and be a mix of both forms).
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Some history: Bruno is the first "clone" to be created, it went well, everything was perfect and one more minion... UNTIL... Pizzahead has a complicated, abusive, stupid, manipulative and ignorant attitude, basically he never treated him well, it started with scolding and even abuse (And yup! it was Pizzahead himself who caused him great injury) Why? He is a demanding and perfectionist guy, the clone had to come out EQUAL to Peppino (the irony is that he hates him and only does it to fuck up his life, to be able to replace him with some of the SO MANY clones out there) at the time he thought it was a GOOD IDEA to mix both adns and come out the same as the original, I repeat that this guy is an idiot?
Something funny is that after that he made other prototypes of clones (Classified as second generation idk) but these... None came out well, they are aberrations and can be found in a frozen chamber, he doesn't want to relive that moment and kept trying until he finally succeeded, the famous Peppino clones that can be found everywhere in the lab, inferior versions, weaker and more animal behavior than the first "clone".
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Here comes another problem, Pizzahead paid more attention and was nicer to those clones, making Bruno jealous and annoyed, he never received a good treatment from him (Still he was loyal) and he had to fix and clean up all the atrocities the clones did, that means ALL the time, he could not defend himself and lived in silence, developing a great hatred towards them, precisely his behavior changes drastically to the most aggressive, just hearing a "croak" makes him angry (MODO BERSEK GOES BRR)
Many years enduring physical and emotional pain until he ends up in what? In an abandoned pizza restaurant? Just him being abandoned being very bad in all aspects? Completely alone for years, the only contact he had with others were those clones that invaded his "new home" (explaining why there are so many peppino corpses in that pizzeria).
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(that girl in the image is an oc of mine hshs)
Bruno still has that silly and innocent personality, sensitive but at the same time disturbing if something bothers him. Paternal sense, playful and a big fan of Peppino, sometimes he annoys him by imitating him HAHA. Does he keep that frog behavior? YES! It's not as obvious as the clones because he knows how to control it. 
At the beginning he doesn't like to be touched, after all the problems he went through he doesn't even know if there are good people in this world, so gaining Bruno's trust is a bit complicated but if you talk nice to him (as you would do with your pet XD) the interaction will be effective. 
Does he have traumas? Besides he doesn't want to see Pizzahead and the clones again, or there will be a massacre, it's the first time someone is nice to him, he's afraid of abandonment and losing the little progress he has made... AND NEVER EVER SEE OR HEAR ANYTHING RELATED TO ANY LABORATORY AGAIN, his life was hell there, anything related either scares or angers him.
If you have any questions, you can ask and also, sorry if there are errors in my English, it is not my native language, I hope you can understand ;w;
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ratstwond · 4 months
Smiling Critters? As if the cartoon show?
Disclaimer: This is made for fun, there's no specific lore to them.
Warning: Bad English.
MC will be a Red Panda, since i did research about these little fellas and immediately fall inlove with them. But that doesn't mean i won't write for Lamb!Reader or Other animal!Reader.
Reblogs and comments are encouraged! Any kind of interaction are appreciated!
Pervious || Next
Confusion plastered on your face when you rolled to the side, expect to feel the hard, unforgiving cold floor. You were met with the soft patches of grass, tickling your skin, swaying slightly to the cool wind. Colorful flowers surrounded you as if they're concerned. The smell of fresh air assaulting your nostrils, lacing with a tint of newly baked pie. Sounds of laughters and happy squeals filled your eardrums instead of off-putting silence or screams that get you traumatized for days. Your body is light, relaxed, the backpack's absence seems to
Is this heaven? Or a dream? Was everything in Playtime.co just a nightmare? So many questions running through your mind.
Bird's chriping snap you out, you brush it off. More distracted by the newly surroundings, warmth envelopes like a weighted blanket as you squint in surprise when the sun light grazed your eyes. Unfamiliar with the sudden change of environment. Being in the dark for so long with makeshift lights and sunny sky had your body unconsciously adapted, naturals make you recoiled.
You feel like crying. You don't know when was the last time you bother to think about the outside when all you focused was trying to survive. Reality hit you like a truck and left you broken.
"Oh no no! Don't cry!"
In the midst of moment, hands reaching out to cup both sides of your face, tilting you chin upward gently. You can't help but jolt, quickly get on your feet and stood with your arms raised, tail puffed up and claws out.
You got a good look at the foolish soul that dared to touch you so suddenly and immediately you recognize the familar mascot. A bear. Who's equally as spooked as you, debating whether back off or calm you down. Red fur with some lighter tone of red, heart necklace dangling on its neck, signature blackened eyes with white pupils, and a stretched out smile. She is nervous, and you're too. Both of you had a stare off for what seems to lasted 3 minutes before the bear decided to cut the tense string.
"Hi-! My name is Bobby Bearhug."
You stared, Bobby took it as a sign to continue.
"I'm really sorry.. For touching you so suddenly like that. It wasn't a wise choice-"
"No-nono! It's okay! It's not your fault, i wasn't in my right mind!"
Now it's her turn to stare at you, unexpected as you fumbled, fiddling with your fingers nervously. Now it's her turn to jolted when you let out a short scream after you took a good look at your hands- er paws? Colored fur instead of normal human skin you once had. Panicked, you ran to a nearby river, glancing at your reflection just to be met with a whole new body. Built exactly like the critters, black conjunctiva with white pupils, unsual big mouth. A red panda. And oh you smell like old books-
You grabbed your own ear.
"Wah- hey!"
It was a bit stupid to tug it so harshly like that, the painful ache on your head is enough for you to know that this is real. You groaned in pain, sitting on the grass then get spooked by seeing your tail tucked beside you. Bobby, upon watching you - couldn't help but snort while you're busy freaking out by your own tail.
She shook her head, taking her seat beside you - who had done with their silly antics and is too tired to move - as she only smiled. You're still confused why all of the sudden you woke up in another- word? Yet, weird shits happened all of the time so you maybe will just go along with whatever came to you.
You told Bobby your name, which, the bear immediately brightened, smiling happily. She shakes your hand when you held out,
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"You're silly." She added.
"Thank you."
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beelzeballing · 7 months
actually i dont think ive posted my thoughts on ofmd s2 overall here yet have i?
ok here goes: i think it had incredibly high highs, and at some parts i genuinely enjoyed it more than i did the first season, episode 6 being peak imo. however, it had equally abysmal lows with some glaring writing-, tone- and pacing issues that all came to a head in the finale.
i once read someone say that, if you ever feel like a finale ruined the whole story, maybe you should take another look at the story. there were most likely cracks and problems all along, and the finale did nothing besides dashing the hope that these would perhaps be addressed later. very rarely do genuinely well written stories go completely off the rails in the finale and ruin the whole thing.
i think this is applicable here in some ways, SPECIFICALLY in regards to edward. good god edward was a MESS this season, and it's so sad because i loved the starting point! the kraken era was absolutely terrifying and iconic as FUCK but... they shouldn't have leaned so hard into the drama and trauma of it all. don't get me wrong, i loved that it did. it's one of my favorite parts of the season and i'm so glad we got it. but if they wanted this arc to work with the overarching plot as they wrote it, they would've had to lighten up the tone here CONSIDERABLY. had they played the kraken era for comedy then sure! edward's bad youtuber apology would've been funny. his fast redemption would've been less jarring. the lack of consequences less disturbing. but as it stands in the show, this arc is too dark to function with the later episodes.
i feel like they wanted to have their cake and eat it too here. they wanted the gritty drama of ed coming off the hinges entirely but also didn't want to deal with the aftermath of such a heavy arc in their silly pirate romcom. be that due to time constraints and budget cuts or because they were simply unwilling to, doesn't really matter in the end. the result is the same either way: a very tonally messy season with some accidentally troubling implications regarding abuse.
and mentioning troubling implications regarding abuse; izzy. my poor, poor izzy... his arc was absolutely glorious. i liked izzy the second he showed up in s1 and i was absolutely EATING this season up in that regard. and i think in this case, they genuinely did fuck it all up in the finale with that one stupid choice:
choosing to kill izzy was the DUMBEST thing they couldve done here.
ive talked about this over and over and over again. ive reblogged so many meta posts. and still i am left absolutely flabbergasted by how stupid of a decision this was. the fridging, playing at the fallen woman trope, killing the beating heart of the season and the character who delivers what is essentially a thesis statement, killing off the character whose arc is about coming to terms with his disability, having him die in edward's arms, comforting him and apologizing after an entire season of finding community and love outside of edward, the absolutely godawful pacing of it all, the extremely easy and obvious solution of just having IZZY become the new captain of the revenge to mirror s1 and hammer home how much he has developed since then in one go... i could go on. and i have. it was a stupid writing decision, completely fucked the tone and pacing of the finale and took away attention and time from things that really would've deserved a better wrap up (lucius and black pete deserved better)
now. the whole prince ricky & zheng plot line... yeah that shit sucked ass, sorry. they bit off more than they could chew here. i honestly think those are the arc words of this season:
✨️ bit off more than they could chew ✨️
right off the bat: i think he was good as a concept. bringing in a foil for stede who just doesn't Get It as stede does could've made for very good comedy and drama (and to be fair there is some of that). but that shit got away from them extremely quickly. nothing about how he's implemented past his first episode works, and i think this is very specifically because he's mostly played as the comic relief in his debut episode. making this completely bumbling fool, who gets his nose hacked off on his first job, the main villain of your entire season is... definitely a choice. idk. he didn't work for me at all.
ok wow mentioning shit getting away from the writers. this definitely got away from me. this was supposed to be a short lil post. well. i guess tl;dr i loved this season but jesus christ there was a lot wrong with it. if you want to hear more thoughts. ask box is open. be my guest. i have more to say so even if you dont ask i might add more to this at some point but im tired and have work tmrw.
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Lucifer appears to be the only fallen angel in hell in the hellaverse
(even vaggie as pointed out can still enter heaven), with the other sins being far more clearly demonic and somewhat implied to have been created along side hell
and, I love this change, that not all the big names in hell were originally angels, makes hell really feel like it's own place with its own history and power structure that got haphazardly repurposed into an afterlife as a second thought
(there's a very interesting meta-narrative to follow if you assume the human realm of the hellaverse has the same understanding of Christianity and the Lucifer story as we do and all reinterpretations are in world misconceptions, it makes it look like the story was reframed to make hell existence more defined by heaven, to delegitimize their right to self-determination, that anything in hell is just a result of heaven's defects going to stir trouble, which is a justification that commonly pops up in imperialism, and on top the resistance from oppression being used to justified even greater atrocities, golly the themes-)
right where was I?
i like that Lucifer stands out so much, his silly little guy sits a top the throne works cause he feels like he's operating on an entirely different Power system to everyone else, it doesn't matter how weak of an angel he lets himself be they'll never even begin to touch him (overlords cry themselves to sleep over not being able to beat the whimsy out of this stupid little guy that ranted about differences in scale colourization of snake breeds for 3 hours)
the contrast of the other sins being giant demonic creatures while he's this small angelic humanoid of light in chef's kiss
Everyone talks about the other sins being like aunts and uncles to Charlie but we need to acknowledge the equal importance notion that that means Luci crashed into the sins' realm at mach 5 with the impact cater alone probably forming a whole ass new ocean (his distraught sobbing filled it) and they immediately accepted him as their new not-sibling (they fucked at some point lets be honest, you can't convince me he and Lilith have a monogamous exclusive relationship, she invented feeling restrained by a relationship) in the sins weird eternal dysfunctional found family
Fuck, I Need That Fic with a freshly fallen Lucifer and the other sins So Bad, link me if you know one
The Six: No Angels allowed in hell
The Six: OK we'll make an exception because he looks very polite-Prideful
there is one(1) acceptable angel
It's so important to me that Luci has his sibling archangels in heaven just so they can watch him have a better family in hell
Given it seems like Lucifer's fall wasn't a result of being intentionally cast out but some inherent consequence you know they miss him so much, that twist of 'how could he do this?' and 'why didn't I stop him?', you know there's this awkward mix of pity, anger and longing whenever they interact that Luci's grown both resentful and numb to
He needs to lose his entire family only to find a new one please Im so attached to this concept, shaking him
Trading in one group of assholes that lovingly give him shit out of jealousy(dad's favourite) for a different group of assholes that lovingly give him shit out of jealousy(highest ranking prince, also A Mess)
Luci: "Hey, Can you finish signing off on those trade-?"
Belph, yawning: "Can you talk to your daughter?"
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greyskyflowers · 8 months
I have decided that I love the idea that Luffy and Zoro don't let the crew hide.
Let me explain.
We as viewers, see the highlights of the anime/la/manga. We see the big wins and we see the occasional big losses that evening lead to big wins.
The crew always comes out stronger in the end.
Fantastic. I love that. We all love that.
What about the little stuff we don't see? The little battles that don't mean anything? The day to day things that don't seem big at all?
There wil be times where they feel weak, stupid, and cowardly. Times when people are cruel for no reason, when silly mistakes are made, and when true embarrassment and shame creep up on them.
Luffy and Zoro don't let them hide.
Every time they curve their spine to curl into themselves, Luffy and Zoro put a hand on their back and push lightly. Just enough to have them straightening up and holding themselves taller.
Everytime they drop their eyes to look down, Luffy and Zoro tap them on the chin and urge their head back up. Hold your head up, the tap says, make them look you in the eyes as equals.
Eveytimes they withdraw, taking a step back to slink away or be forgotten, Luffy and Zoro move with them. Sometimes they step back too, sometimes they catch and hold eye contact in a silent I see you and it's okay.
I think Luffy and Zoro take the approach of I know you are capable of doing anything and everything, so I won't interfere unless you ask me. I trust you to fight your own battles.
I think it's important to all of them that they have the freedom to mess up, to fight their fights, to fix their mistakes, and to be human.
Luffy and Zoro will always be proud of them.
They will always want the crew to hold themselves with pride because they should be proud, and they should hold themselves in a way that commands respect because they are deserving of it.
So Luffy and Zoro tell them to straighten their spines, to stand tall and proud.
And they tap their chins so that anyone who wishes to belittle them will have to look them in the eyes.
And they move together so that it's clear that no one is alone or overlooked.
The crew doesn't see all of it either.
All the times Luffy says best with pride when talking about them. Or how Zoro stands behind them, quiet and ready but knowing they'll be fine.
Eventually that type of care and affection sinks in. They also learn to hold themselves with pride and respect because it's never just themselves they represent.
Everytime they do those things, Luffy and Zoro are also disrespected.
The idea of Luffy curling his spine in shame or Zoro not meeting anyone's eyes out of embarrassment... it infuriates the crew. It makes them want to be cruel and destructive to anyone who has wronged them. The idea of those two being weak or ashamed is terrifying and unbearable.
So whenever Luffy's spine starts to curve, they call him captain and tell him to get up.
And when Zoro starts to get a little dip to his head, they shove at his shoulder and tell him they need him.
They carry each other everywhere and none of them will allow anyone to make their crew feel small.
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maxcuntstappen · 2 months
maxiel + you asked me to join your friends for a game of beach volley but we have very different ideas on how serious it is
Max has to bite down on his lip to stop himself from cussing as he watches Daniel's body fall atop the glittering ground.
Usually, the sight would bring so much fucking joy to Max.
All of Daniel's golden skin on show, grains of sand stuck to his tattoos, the biggest smile on his face, his laughter louder than the waves.
But right now?
Right now, Max wants to kick his boyfriend's shin and tell him to get his shit together.
Instead, Max shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath in through his nose, focusing on the smell of summer air and the taste of salt on his lips.
When he opens his eyes, he feels better. Ready to move on and have a jolly good time at a casual, friendly, FUN game of beach volleyball.
His resolve lasts for exactly one more shot. One more shot that Daniel fucking misses because he is trying to pirouette like a goddamn fucking ballerina while reaching for the ball.
"OKAY!" Max says, perhaps a touch too loud based on how Daniel, Oscar and Lando freeze, "We need a time out. I need a drink."
Max, in fact, very much does not need a drink. But he will use the reason to get the others to nod and agree.
They start moving to their little island of towels and water bottles and iPhones.
Max tugs harshly at Daniel's arm, making him come to a stop.
"Ow," Daniel whines, exaggerated and loud (and adorable but that is not on the forefront of Max's find right now).
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Max hisses, trying very, very hard to keep his volume in check.
Daniel looks equal parts taken aback and really confused.
He scrunches up his nose and eloquently replies with a, "Huh?"
It's cuter than it has any business being.
And any other time, Max would've kissed his nose before covering his entire face with many more.
But as he said, not at the forefront.
"We are losing at fucking volleyball to two of the least sporty people on the grid," Max says, hand still gripping Daniel's arm.
Daniel still doesn't catch up, only saying, "Uhhhhh."
Max rolls his eyes, dropping Daniel's arm to pinch his side.
"Ow, Max! What the fuck!" Daniel exclaims, a frown on his face.
Daniel reaches out to poke at Max's belly. But Max saw it coming so he simply steps back, leaving Daniel thrusting his finger through the air.
"Daniel," Max says, voice stern and serious, "I will not lose at fucking beach volleyball to those two twinks, you hear me?"
Daniel's eyes widen, and it seems like he's finally getting with Max's programme.
And then he keels over, body folded in half, arms wrapped around his stomach as he lets out his stupid, stupid, beautiful, gorgeous laugh.
"Max," he pants, before dissolving into a fit of guffaws again.
Max huffs, pissed at being laughed at and pissed that the sight of Daniel's laugh still makes his belly flutter even if he's the one being laughed at.
"Max," Daniel repeats, pushing through his heaving breaths, "Are you seriously pouting because we aren't winning at a fucking game of beach volley against our very dear friends, Oscar and Lando, who also, by the way, are very much not trying hard to even properly play and are only using the game as a way to bump into each other and feel each other up?"
Max's face flushes. It sounds silly when Daniel says it like that.
But it's not silly.
It's serious.
"Daniel," Max frowns, "It's of course very embarrassing if we are losing if they, as you say, are not even trying. I will not lose to them, Daniel. I will not."
Daniel chuckles, much softer this time, his hand coming to brush against Max's cheek, always so gentle.
"Okay, Maxy," he says, "Okay. We won't lose, okay? I promise."
Max nods, finally able to exhale a sigh of relief.
Max and Daniel win all the following matches.
Lando and Oscar don't seem to give a single fuck, all caught up in their own bubble of flirting jabs and not-so-quick kisses.
Max does give a fuck though. In fact, he gives several fucks.
And he makes sure to show his gratitude for Daniel's brilliant performance as his teammate by spending a couple hours on his knees that night.
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sapphic-boy · 11 months
To say that transmisogny is the intersection of transphobia and misogyny and then say that all afab trans people or transmascs (transmasc doesn't equal afab btw) are "transmisogyny exempt" implies that afab trans people or transmascs don't experience both transphobia and misogyny which is an absolutely fucking buckwild take considering someone can easily be both transphobic and misogynistic at once to someone they just view as "a woman trying to be a man"
For example invalidating trans men while implying they, being afab, aren't smart enough to know what's good for them by saying shit like "the transgender cult is indoctrinating our helpless daughters" is both transphobic and misogynistic.
To act like trans men and transmascs and any afab who's not a woman is somehow "exempt" from transphobia+misogyny because they aren't women is silly at best when the same people enacting the transphobia would also see them as women.
And if your thinking "well the misogyny from transmisogyny refers to hurting someone for embracing womanhood and actually being a woman so then there should be a separate term for when someone is hurting someone they see as dumb little girls trying to be men and ridiculing them for being a man" but think "transandrophobia" as a term is stupid then I need you to sit and really reflect on yourself for a minute
But what do I know, I'm just a hysterical little whiny gir- i mean uh, transmasc crying about misandry and mens rights according to you.
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jae-bummer · 1 year
Perfect for You
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Request: 7&9 with Shua 👀
7) "Doesn't matter what happens...if you call me, I will always answer."
9) "I don't want them. I want you."
Prompt list can be found HERE.
Pairing: Seventeen Joshua x Reader
Genre: Fluff
"Lovie," a gentle voice cooed, followed by an equally comforting set of arms wrapping around you. "Look at me."
"No," you croaked, burying your face deeper into the pillow.
"Please?" your partner, Joshua, beckoned. "Pretty please with sugar on top?"
"I don't wanna," you pouted, knowing you were being a touch ridiculous.
"Guess I'll have to eat all of that pizza I ordered by myself," he sighed, unwrapping from you and plopping on to the mattress at your side.
"Pizza?" you squeaked, swiveling so just your face could be seen above the blanket. "Did you get-"
"Nope," he hummed. "I didn't get any of your favorites because you refuse to talk to me."
"Joshuuuaaaa," you whined, now completely rolling over in his direction. "This is cruel and unusual punishment."
"But effective," he grinned. "Listen to all of those words!"
"You're the worst," you grumbled. Wiggling your way across the blanket, you stuffed your face into his bicep.
"Of course I am. Now are you going to tell me what has you upset?"
"Ugh," you groaned, leaning back and looking at him. He was already set to listen attentively to whatever problem you were about to present him. He was honestly too good for this world.
You knew your eyes and overall face were likely swollen from the number of tears you cried that afternoon. If that wasn't enough of a dead giveaway, the pint of ice cream on your bedside table was. "I upset myself."
"And how did that happen?" he nodded.
"I was on the internet."
"A very dangerous place," he prodded. "But I think you're leaving parts out."
"I got a notification about the photoshoot you did a few months ago," you said quietly.
Joshua took a quick breath before shutting his mouth again. You knew the silence meant that he already knew where this was going.
"I know we talked about it before it even happened," you sighed. "But I wasn't quite ready for the reality of it."
Or the centerfold spread of your half naked partner modeling some expensive fashion brand alongside a very beautiful half naked woman.
Okay, maybe half naked was pushing it, but you were feeling especially sensitive.
"I had a lot of big feelings!" you wailed, burying your face back into Joshua.
"Baby," he sighed, reaching over to set a hand on your hair. "Why didn't you call me earlier?"
"Because I'm stupid and silly!" you gasped in between sobs. "And you were busy, and my problem wasn't even really a problem."
"Doesn't matter what happens...if you call me, I will always answer," he whispered, kissing the top of your head lightly. "No matter how silly or stupid you think it is. Your feelings are always valid, okay?"
"Okay," you whimpered.
"Now, tell me what has you upset."
"Isn't it obvious?" you groaned, leaning away again. "All of these beautiful people you're around all the time! What if one day you realize you've been doing charity work this whole time with me?"
"Y/N," Joshua sighed, a smirk threatening to appear on the corners of his mouth. "I don't want them. I want you."
"You're just saying that!" you sniffed. "You don't know what's in the future!"
"And neither do you!" he said, finally letting out a light chuckle. "If I wanted to be with one of those people, I would have already. You realize that right?"
"But what if-"
"If you play the 'what if' game with yourself all the time, you're going to drive yourself crazy." He pulled you close and nuzzled into your hair. "I want you. No one else."
"Are you sure?" you muttered into his t-shirt. "This is your last chance for an out. It's now or never."
"Have you ever had that feeling where something is so cute and clueless that you want to squeeze the crap out of them?" Joshua asked thoughtfully.
"Cute aggression, yeah."
"That's how I feel about you right now."
You both stilled as the buzzer to your apartment sounded. Looking down at you and quirking a brow, Joshua smiled. "That's the pizza and I did in fact order all of your favorites when I heard you were having a crisis."
"Joshua Hong," you gasped. "You are perfection."
"No one's perfect," he sighed, slipping off of the bed. "But perfect for you? Yeah, that's me."
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goopyedgay · 4 months
I feel sentimental I'm sorry but–
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You don't know how happy these stupid guys make me, I don't know why, simply seeing them causes me immense joy in any circumstance, in any medium, they make me smile at my worst moment.
It's funny because when I read Hell Park for the first time I completely ignored them, and my favorite character was Tweek (which is why he is the protagonist of my AU Coven Park), but for some reason when I read Hell Park again, their dynamic caught my attention and I loved them.
Gregory and Estella inspired me immensely, even daring to make my own AU just because of them, what for me was a way to avoid problems and harassment became something ambitious that I am currently working on and trying to give my all.
and not only that, they also inspired me to create my ocs and an equally ambitious story that I have in mind, in case anyone was wondering, these are the ocs that I mainly based on Gregory and Estella to create them lol
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And all that thanks to two stupid characters from a canceled South Park AU, honestly, I don't know how I would be if I hadn't met them, it's impossible for me to imagine knowing that they have influenced my life from the end of 2021 until today, this was one of my first drawings 🥲
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I know that the issue of the Gregstella ship is somewhat dense, although I don't classify it as "problematic" because I consider that it doesn't even reach that sick level that they want to label it so much. And I know that I am perhaps the most directly responsible for having popularized the ship, and I apologize for that, it was not my intention to attract weird people, because yes, I have seen that quite questionable people have come to like the ship, or at least less so on this side of the pond, but I refrain from interacting with them because I simply don't want to and I have seen very unpleasant things coming from those people.
I would be lying if I said that I no longer like hp gregstella, I think it is something inevitable, even knowing that it is wrong, it is something that I cannot help, but nevertheless, I no longer urge people to ship them, but I also do not harass those who they do it. I think people can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't cross the boundaries of what is considered healthy. So yeah, I still kinda like hp gregstella, but I doubt I'll make content of them in the future, maybe I never will (and I never actually did, other than edits), maybe I'll start drawing them again more frequently since the annoying comments stopped, but I will never make hp gregstella content, but if I do one day, at least you will see it coming i guess 🤧
To the point I no longer care what people think of me, nor do I care to be in the Hell Park fandom, but I am aware that a large part of the fandom likes my art and inevitably I am part of it, so it also makes me happy that people appreciate my drawings despite everything, I love you, especially to the gregstella shippers who follow me and who I talk to (who are mostly lesbians just like me, a little ironic lol) 😭💕
I just want to do what makes me happy, and if people are bothered by what makes me happy, you can just block me, no hard feelings. I will continue drawing my silly couple, because it is the closest thing I will experience to love, being aromantic, I like to write couples with interesting dynamics, but being part of one? No thank you 😦
I finish with this little animation I made of Gregory and Estella from Coven park, for whoever took the time to read this, thank u and gn
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snapeshuggy · 11 months
In SWM, we have this iconic monent:
“I don’t need help from filthy little Mudbloods like her!”
Lily blinked. “Fine,” she said coolly. “I won’t bother in future. And I’d wash your pants if I were you, Snivellus.”
“Apologize to Evans!” James roared at Snape, his wand pointed threateningly at him.
“I don’t want you to make him apologize,” Lily shouted, rounding on James. “You’re as bad as he is. …”
“What?” yelped James. “I’d NEVER call you a — you-know-what!”
“Messing up your hair because you think it looks cool to look like you’ve just got off your broomstick, showing off with that stupid Snitch, walking down corridors and hexing anyone who annoys you just because you can — I’m surprised your broomstick can get off the ground with that fat head on it. You make me SICK.”
... In which Lily says James Potter is as bad as Severus Snape calling her a mudblood. And she expands on that, equating James being a show off, conceited, walking around and hexing people for trival cause is equal to calling Lily a mudblood. It doesn't seem like the insult from Snape meant that much to her by this comparison of it equalling petty silly teenage dunderheadedness that isn't even personal to Lily. Pissed her off, certainly. Hurt her? It doesn't seem so.
I contend that the "mudblood" moment was of little importance to Lily - it was only a trigger, a last straw, the final pebble to break this friendship. But to Severus, it was a mountain; he didn't understand or see what had been building on Lily's side and of course he hung the fallout on the tip of the iceberg that was all he could see.
That was mean of her. She had no obligation to stay his friend but given his apology attempt and their 7ish years of (best on his sidd) friendship, she cannot have not understood how big this was to him. She chose to kick him away instead of just shutting the door.
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persage · 1 year
My Best Gift - S. HARRINGTON
I wanted to post it on Christmas - yes, it's a silly fluffy Christmas story- but it was a busy time and now here we are a little late but I still hope you enjoy it.
Summary: Steve is resigned to spend Christmas alone. He certainly doesn't imagine that Robin has planned a surprise for him, much less seeing someone he honestly believed he would never see again and that he misses more than he cares to admit.
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Words Count: 3.5 k
Tags: none, just some Fluff I needed on Christmas time. It's silly but I promise it's cute
Steve Harrington is ready to spend a serene and peaceful Christmas, just him, his father's good whiskey and a good action movie. A calm evening, for the first time in a long time without family dramas, parents in quarrels, embarrassing silences or equally embarrassing reproaches. Also without Nancy and her family, but Steve prefers not to think about it. With them he spent the first happy Christmas with a family of his entire life, then he just lost them. Being alone on Christmas day is not sad and it is not pathetic and he has no intention of indulging in excessive thinking, he will enjoy the peace like a grown man.
Like a Harrington.
After wishing Dustin and Rob and everyone else happy holidays, reassuring an unspecified number of people that "No, I won't be alone", giving Robin and the kids his presents, now Steve clutches the remote in his hands and think back to Joyce Byers' unexpected invitation and the way in which for a moment, just one, he has risked calling her mom. He feels pathetic now.
Dinner time approaches, but he has no desire to start cooking, so he shrugs, concentrating on the colorful images that pass before him on TV. He takes a gulp of warm alcohol down his throat, which burns like pure fire and he is about to light a cigarette when the doorbell rings and for a moment he lets himself be taken by the stupid fantasy that it could be his parents, that they have come home  to surprise him and he runs towards the door without even realizing it, like a child who hopes to be able to see Santa. His heart sinks into an abyss, a dark place that he didn't even know he owned, when opening the door he finds nothing but darkness and silence waiting for him. He wants to cry to be honest, like a stupid little boy.
But before he can slam the door as hard as he is able, Robin's face peeks out. He doesn't have the chance to say anything because a pair of arms tighten around his neck and he immediately catches a scent that he knows well and calms him down. "Dingus!" Robin exclaimes happily, pulling away.
"Rob? What are you doing here? I thought... "
"Did you really think we'd let you celebrate Christmas alone?"
He raises his eyebrows in defiance, spreading his arms to make room for a series of all too familiar heads and faces and this time Steve has to use all his strength not to be moved and start crying for real, because his real family is here and for the first time he is not alone."Merry Christmas Steve"  Nancy says, making her way with Jonathan,  a turkey in her hands. She places a kiss on Steve's cheek standing up on her toes and Jonathan squeezes his shoulder and after all that has happened this is enough for him to know that everything is okay, that they are friends, that they can be together without embarrassment or resentment.
"I'll put this in the kitchen" she shouts, smiling at him. Steve lets his gaze slide over Robin, her open jacket, her red sweater and a Christmas hat identical to Max's one, who wears it with a much less happy expression than Buckley. Envelopes of every shape and color protrude from her feet.
"What are you waiting? Will you let us in?" Dustin asks, in a fake annoyed tone, actually smiling to the point that Steve fears his cheeks might come off.
"And your families?" He asks shyly, still fearful that now they might leave again. They enter the house one by one, greeting him, some with a nod, some with a hug. "They'll understand" Max replies, trying not to show satisfaction in seeing Steve so excited.
"You don't get rid of us, man." Lucas continues, bypassing him and entering the house, where Nancy is already beginning to dictate orders. One by one Dustin, Robin, Max and Lucas, even Will, Mike (who would rather be anywhere else) and El file past him. He can't deny it, this is a surprise, more like a Christmas miracle... And for a moment he feels different, lighter, more carefree. Steve Harrington feels happy. He is not used to that feeling during Cristhmas. He looks down at the ground and shakes his head, unable, however, to stop smiling. When he thinks that parade of his people is over and that there are no more intruders to let into the house, he gently pushes the door with a wave of his arm, and turns towards the living room. Before he hears the door close, however, he senses someone coughing lightly, and a voice comes clear and distinct.
"You won't let me in?"
Steve's eyes widen, because he's sure he knows who this voice belongs to and up until now he's been sure he won't be hearing it again any time soon. His breath catches in his chest. In a second he turns back towards the entrance, where the toe of a black shoes block the door from closing.
"Y/n?" He mumbles before meeting your face again. He hurries to open the door all the way back and immediately freezes to the spot. In front of him, wrapped in a black coat,  hair scattered around your face and eyes brighter than the stars exactly as he remembered them, you star at him with a faintly hinted smile on your face.
"Oh my god y/n" his voice shakes  more than he wants to, so he fakes a  a cough, while Robin looks at him knowingly and a sly smile. You star at him for a few more moments, just a fraction of a second, before dropping the envelope and purse on the floor and throwing yourself into his arms. After all it's been a while since you last saw him, before your parents forced you to leave Hawkins and move.
Hardest experience of your life.
You still remember the day of departure, passing in front of your friends' houses, you have flooded your clothes with tears and thought about everything you left behind and the things you never had the courage to say and do. And all these things are now here, in front of you and they are looking at you with the biggest eyes in the world.
Because Steve Harrington has always been your biggest regret and your only desire.
"Steve." You sigh against his skin, so happy to finally be here that you almost shiver. When Robin Buckley has called you to ask you to join her in Hawkins, she really thought you couldn't do it, given the short time in which she had organized the surprise for Steve. "You'll be his Christmas present!" And you had thought of a joke and you had anxiety until you had Robin in front of you and she smiled and embraced you happily, as if your presence could really be a gift. Yet here you are, with the boy you thought you hated so much as a child, only to discover that you felt everything for him except hate, that never really felt anything but love.
"What... What are you doing here? You should... Be on the other side of the world. I haven't seen you in..." He strokes your hair lightly, then he grabs your face in his big hands and squeezes it tightly to check if you are real. "One Year and Three Months Stevie" And after saying that he squeezes it a little tighter, because he probably just realizes right now how much time has actually passed. You are one of the things Steve tries not to think about, filed away in a corner of his heart where your absence can't hurt him. You wrote to each other in the beginning, even quite often, but then it just became too difficult. He moves away a little, just enough to look you in the eye, and none of you try to hide the surprise and the smiles. Somewhere deep down there are  regret and the fear too.
"You are... Changed." he says, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. You've gotten slightly taller and your cheeks have taken on color and are fuller than the last time he saw you, when the upside-down chores were slowly draining you. You seem healthier, calmer and happier, safer than you will ever be here. With him.
"You too Harrington look...Grown up. A man"
He doesn't answer and you continue. "I guess being a hero makes you grow up fast" You burst into a nervous laugh and look down at the toes of your boots.
"Sorry, it's just that... I'm nervous" He shakes his head.
"Don't be y/n, this is still your home." You observe him, the words get caught on your tongue, stumble and never come out right.
I love you. I miss you. I wished I was here.
And instead all you can say is "I know things have happened...Bad. Difficult. I.." Steve closes his eyes, trying to erase the images of StarCourt, of the Russians, of Billy. Hopper. You have lost so many things but honestly he is happy about it. When he opens them you're watching him worried, his fingers reach your cheek again, gently brushing it
"Yes but I'm glad you weren't there. I prefer to know you're safe"
You smile, softly, placing your hand on his still firm on your skin. You're about to reply that you wish you were here just to keep him safe but Dustin's voice cuts you off.
"Lovebirds, would you do us the favor of coming here?" Stepping back, he coughs lightly as a blush spreads across his cheeks. "Come on, before someone destroys my house." He leans in towards you, reaching out to close the door behind you, and for a tiny instant, you were numb by the scent of him. The moment soon vanishes as he takes you by the hand and leads you to the room where all the voices come from.
"Steve, you haven't even decorated the tree!"
Nancy says shocked. When her eyes lock on your clasped hands, she just smiles at you sweetly.
"It's not like I exactly expected to spend Christmas like this." He tries to justify himself, earning a series of insults and "You're terrible!" from the rest of the company. "As if you mind," Dustin teases. "I'm the one who minds being here actually" Mike mutters slyly.
An hour later Steve is leaning over the dining table, a glass of white wine in his hands and watches as Lucas and Will attempt to scramble over each other to position the three topper. Robin and Jonathan burst into laugh after noticing they brought the same kind of decorations. You and El are trying in every way to whiten the tips of the tree to simulate snow. Right now, while looking at his friends, Steve again perceives this feeling: pure joy. It's has nothing to do with food, gifts or Christmas lights.
It is more a warmth,  something that objects can't bring people. He feels it again, this damned wonderful overwhelming happiness, when, having puffed and abandoned the hard work you've been doing, you look up at him and smile at him from across the hall.
You are here.
You're here, for real and Steve already feels the pain of having to let you go again. But you're here and he can hold you,  kiss your hair, talk to you. It's the best gift ever. He still remembers so distinctly the moment he met you, you were just a little thing, so small you looked like a doll running around the garden of his house and rolling with him among the flowers that his mother cared for more than her own son and Steve hated to death. He remembers your little hand hanging a drawing of the two of you on his bedroom wall. He rembers you throwing your head back and laughing by the sea when Tommy and Carol dragged you for a weekend away from the city routine and then you hiding your tears at Barbara Holland's funeral, trying to be strong and breaking down anyway, shattered in front of an empty coffin, devoured by guilt. There is no memory of his childhood or adolescence that does not involve you, or that he cannot be traced back to you. Even after your departure in every memory you are, a distant thought. Now that you're here everything seems to be back exactly as before. And even if he doesn't even know what heaven is, Steve Harrington feels very close to it. The dinner is not as perfect as Robin planned it, but no less exciting. As she studies her best friend sitting next to you, she still can't believe she haa managed to bring you home. You laugh with Nance and Jonathan. Dustin, Will and the boys are chatting across the table. Robin feels like a little girl waiting for her presents and always leaving a plate of cookies and a glass of milk by the fireplace.
In the imperfection of her life and the difficulties that her family has to face, she has managed to do something great for Steve and this is the most precious gift in the world. If everything they've been through has brought them here, Robin is ready to face it all again. There is nothing  she could want more then her dingus being in peace. You wake up abruptly, still upside down from the jet leg, in the living room, lit only by the tree surrounded by colored lights.
You must have collapsed just a few hours ago, curled up on Steve's couch - specifically next to him, surrounded by his perfume - and now you see your friends curled up in their sleeping bags scattered around the room, each too tired to even notice they're asleep on the floor. Shifting the blanket someone must have wrapped you in after you fell asleep, you decide to use it to cover Max, lying on the other side of the sofa clutching one of the large pillows to her chest, her hand left dangling down to where Lucas promptly reached out to squeeze it . With all the delicacy of which you are capable, you place your feet on the floor and try to get around the various sleeping bags scattered along the room. Luckily, you manage to make it to the kitchen without waking anyone – not that they could have woken up anyway – but noticing a light on.
Before you can even think anything, your eyes met the figure of Steve who has his back at you, wrapped in a burgundy sweatshirt and wearing a pair of shorts. You've missed seeing him so calm, so relaxed. You just missed him to tell the truth, more than you expected.
"What are you doing up?" You ask in a low voice, leaning an arm against the counter and waiting for him to turn around.When he does, he runs a hand through his messy hair and smiles at you.
"I can't sleep" he explains to you, placing a cup on the counter. You catch the movement and narrow your eyes. "By chance is that...?"
"You caught me." He raises his hands in surrender.
"Hot chocolate. Oh, God... You shouldn't have done it without me it's pur thing Steve!" You scold him, silently approaching and trying to suppress a grin. Chocolate has always been their ritual during the endless study afternoons, spent doing everything but study.
"I am sorry... "
"Now, my dear Harrington, I shall be forced to take serious measures."
You threaten. Before he can do anything, you've gotten very close and managed to grab onto his hips. You begin to tickle him when he tries to move, but you're faster and let your hands slide under the sweatshirt, on the abdomen and Steve is shaken by a series of irrepressible laughter. "I give up, I give up!" He almost screams, grabbing your wrists and finally managing to stop you.
"What do you have to say in your defense?" You lift your chin to him, closer than you've ever been all evening, and your smile fades as you notice Steve's eyes roaming over your lips tracing them with his gaze. Just do it. Please . But don't speak, in fact your breath catches in your chest. Everything is exactly like in the good old days.
Immediately he releases your wrists.
"Steve" You mumble confused by whatever is going on, this is enough to bring him back from the trance he seems to have fallen into. Steve turns and leans towards the top right locker where he keeps his cups, with his back to you. "A cup of hot chocolate on the way." He mutters, you try to suppress the sigh you feel growing in the center of her chest. "I missed you, you know?" You confess with a half smile, going to sit on the opposite counter, continuing to observe his back. It's nothing new, you know what there is between you, affection, Devotion but sometimes it's feels like it could be so much more it actually hurts.
"I would have liked to keep in touch, to contact you more often..." He starts.
" I know it. It looked wrong. ridiculous. I get it, really." you interrupt him. He still won't look at you. "I'm glad you're okay." You continue."I'm glad you're okay too. Thank God you are safe. I would die if everything ever happens to you Steve." Only now  he turns around, hitting you with the intensity of his gaze "I missed you too. You don't know how much, princess" As soon as you hear that nickname, that stupid nickname he gave you years and years ago, your heart skips a beat. And you blame the memories, you blame Christmas and the distance, for what you do afterwards. While Steve walks up to you carrying the hot cup, it's easy to take it out of his hand and place it behind you. It's easy to grab hold of his fingers that you know as your own and bring him close, just as it's easy to stare at him from below without letting go. The easiest thing, however, is to close your eyes. Close your eyes and wait, as you have done since you were twelve, when you finally understood that there is no person in the world more similar to you, more suited to you than stupid Steve Harrington. And that's why, in the end, you fell in love with him hard.
The long-awaited kiss reaches you,  the only light that remains is the sensation of this moment, imperfect as it has always been between you two, but nothing less than exceptional. You sense the initial awkwardness, which, of course, has nothing to do with inexperience– Steve seems born to kiss ypu and make it seem like the simplest thing in the whole universe. It's an embarrassment that says "you've been my best friend since before I even remotely looked like a girl, but now you want me and I want you and here we are" and likewise you feel it fade, giving way to an ease you haven't felt with anyone else.
The romantic side of your mind suggests it's because he knows you better than any other guy.
Steve, who has leaned over your legs stretching his neck towards your face as if a natural thing, moves his left hand towards his side, and only now  you suddenly realize you want him closer, you need him. Therefore you surround his waist with your legs and cling to the collar of his sweatshirt, devouring his mouth in a need that has been ignited since he held you in his arms in front of the door. Despite the desire, however, you are  this is Steve you are kissing now and you must know what the hell it means to him before doing something you could regret. In the same moment in which Steve starts to move away slightly, you do it  too and finally open your eyes.
"I wish I hadn't waited a year to be able to do it." He whispers softly, letting the fingers of his right hand get lost behind your neck, in your soft hair. And it's enough for you, for him and for everything you've never said.
For now, that's enough.
"You've always been slow Harrington"you scold him, trying with all your strength not to smile at him, "Give me a good reason to stay Steve" He leans down once more to kiss you.This time, you both smile.
This time you will never leave.
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