#and she is definitely not normal. about anything. idk why he let her even message him i would be blocking her ass
terraos · 1 year
Every time i see stupid ass discourse on my dash for some reason i’m reminded that genuinely some of u ppl are not well!
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theflyindutchwoman · 10 months
You know what I feel like we don’t talk about enough?
The way Tim took Lucy’s radio off her belt in 5.18
No hesitation, just grabbed that shit right off her belt and Luce didn’t even flinch, it makes me feel some kind of way
The casual intimacy of it maybe? Idk but I don’t think we discuss that enough. Lol
Or that episode in general because there was so many Chenford things in that we could talk about lol (I also need to discuss her nightmares comment — I’m supposed to just move past the knowledge that Lucy has nightmares about Tim getting hurt or worse!? Like what? When did they start? How often? I need to know)
Oh you're definitely not the only one feeling some kind of way about this! Let me go rewatch that moment. For science, of course. No but the familiarity of that gesture, the lack of hesitation, how Tim grabs it… and the fact that he does it in front of everybody! Without caring one bit. And listen, I know this is an ongoing tradition of his, snatching things from Lucy (like a piece of paper or a TV remote). But it's one thing to take something from her hands… It's another to do it from her body. At work! And Lucy staying completely unbothered by this… So unhinged. Also, since we're talking about that scene, I love how their expression is the same when they hear Aaron on the radio.
And you're right, there were so many little moments like this one. I need to rewatch the entire episode because I know I missed (or forgot) some of them. I remember that you already mentioned one of Tim's look in a precedent post. I also loved all the fondness that emanated from Lucy's looks and smiles when she was talking about Tim. She has such a warmth to her. Or how she was relieved (and happy to see him) when he interrupted her interview at the beginning, as it was getting too personal. Or her little laugh after refusing to read Jake's text messages. And the contrast with Tim's reaction.
That's actually why I liked that this time, they had solo interviews first, before having a final one together. Mainly because it allowed for a completely different dynamic. Lucy - who's usually enthusiastic - was more subdued and a bit nervous for this one. Tim was even grumpier than normal. And he was so ready to kick them out of his office. But it all balanced itself out when they were together. Lucy was more confident, even glowing, and was able to smooth over Tim's rough edges a bit. Until he got his wish and really kicked them out from her apartment haha. The looks during that interview though… And Lucy calming him instantly by simply touching his arm… The way they ground each other is unmatched.
And yes, that nightmare comment! How are they going to drop this info and not even extend on this? Did Lucy already have them before they found Jake's body? Is this what triggered them? I need to know more! And does she wake Tim up for reassurance? Or is he the one who wakes up first? And am I really to believe that the fact that his doppelgänger was shot and dumped in a dumpster LIKE HIS EX-WIFE didn't trigger anything? I have so many questions… I'm going to need a scene in s6 where one of them has a nightmare - with everything that happened in the last two episodes, the writers even have the perfect setting for this.
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symptoms-syndrome · 2 years
More talking abt the whole kidnapping thing. Don't be a dick. Sort of a traumadump so heavy TW again. Heavier than the last.
The thing is like, it's really only by strict definition kidnapping. And not really in the classic sense, or maybe I'm just only thinking of Hollywood and comparing to that.
I'm not gonna give a play by play, but the TLDR is that when I was homeless, my at the time partner said I should sneak into her parents basement, and then she just. Didn't let me leave. It was really scary of course, but I feel like it should be more dramatic or something in order to call it kidnapping, even though that's what I've been told it was. I mean there was the obvious like. I don't know, what anyone would do to a hottie they keep in their basement.
Anyway when her parents found me down there I was frankly disgusting because, you know, it's a basement and I'd been living there for a few days, and her parents were these richie rich yuppie types so I got kicked the fuck out and police gave ME a warning for trespassing and said I wasn't allowed back there, which is insane. And I was like "hey I'm homeless and a teenager" in some sort of effort to maybe get help for a shelter or something, but of course they were like "ok? Fuck off." Because who gives a shit honestly.
The craziest thing is I didn't even break up with the girl until later. I mean it's not that crazy, I was homeless and she had money and shit. But you'd think locking you in her basement for days would be enough to break up with someone. But apparently not. She even ended up getting me kicked out of like two or three places after that, because she just would not leave me alone and was a little nympho, and her parents were weird control freaks about their "only son." I only "escaped" her when I left the state. I'm just like, ugh you know? Why did I make such stupid decisions? But also what else was I supposed to do. If I was more compassionate I'd say some bullshit about how I was doing the best I could or whatever, but that's dumb. I was just afraid. Scared out of my mind. It's a good thing I'm not afraid of shit anymore. I won't be ruled by fear again. That's the worst emotion to be controlled by, I think, because it doesn't serve any good purpose to me. If I'm in danger, I fight or run or whatever, and either I get out and I'm fine or I'm not and fear doesn't do shit to protect me from whatever bad thing, it just makes it worse. And I've been in danger since then absolutely, but I don't think I felt fear like I did in that basement. Which again, is stupid as fuck because the times I felt most afraid were the times I was alone and there wasn't anything to be scared about because there wasn't jack shit I could do except wait around for the next bad thing.
It's also incredibly, I don't know, frustrating is an overused word, but I hate the way my girlfriend at that time was so...I don't know. Un-scary. She was some dweeby skinny computer nerd who tried to be all cutesy and shit all the time. I probably could've overpowered her in a normal situation. I guess I'm mad at myself for letting myself be victimized by someone like that, and I'm mad because if anyone met her they wouldn't think she could do shit to me. I was the strong one, I could lift her easily. I was the hardier one too, real butch. She was even like half a year younger than me. So how come she was the one with all the power over me? Why couldn't I just fight her? I could've kicked her ass if I wasn't so fucking afraid.
She's probably real successful now, she was real talented at the computer shit and obviously had powerful connections and shit. She was really on her way up, IDK why she even decided to keep fucking around with me. Last I heard she was fucking someone way too young for her, which I found out bc the kid (a mutual? Acquaintance, real complicated) messaged me a year-ish ago to tell me I was right about her and she's awful and how he should've listened to me. I was real gentle with him about it, and we haven't talked since. I hope he's doing alright, though I know he probably isn't. He and I were fucked in the head to begin with, even before her.
-jesse again
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veezesgirlfriend · 2 months
So I did something kind of crazy (I normally would never but I’m so fed up!) I messaged a girl about her boyfriend cheating from a fake a account I made on Instagram....I would have texted her but she blocked me from the last time I told her everything and didn’t want to message her from my own account. Anyway, I was kind of mean about it. I was calling her a pick me, dumb crazy bitch and how even if I sent proof she wouldn’t do anything about it. She in turn called me crazy, said it was a fake account (I know it was clear it was a fake account with little followers and following my point was to just express what needed to be said...) called me obsessed and have no life. Since then, (her boyfriend who stalks my page everyday for months I see on tiktok profile views has stopped, stopped liking my pictures which he always would on my story...) and I’m wondering does he/she know it was me that made the fake account? He also deleted his Instagram, is following a lot of girls on tiktok...and she changed her profile picture that was of both her and him to just a selfie of her...I feel bad I did that but at the same time I already told her everything before, she didn’t do anything about it (I sent her SO many screenshots and talked on the phone with her...and didn’t know about him having a gf before..) so I’m really just mad and think this situation is ridiculous especially when she said he’s cheated on her other times too so why’s she still asking for proof and like I said not doing anything about it.... ?I just find it odd too he was talking to me weekly asking to see me now nothing but he’s following other girls and deletes his Instagram? What do you think?
I mean I wasn’t nice at all...I’m just fed up maybe I should feel bad? But idk what it’ll take for her to understand or feel embarrassed ? This is how the conversation went “Lol ohh girly you know Armany’s been cheating on you? Dumb pick me it’s embarrassing and sad. No backbone 🤭😂 “ and she goes “Proof? No? Alright then. Find something better to do with your life” and I was like “Hahaha cause u need proof😂” and she goes “Yes definitely do You think I’m gonna listen to you? Funny” and I was like “then you’ll do what...😂” and she goes “You really have a waste of a life making a fake account to reach out to a someone you don’t even know. I guess you’re the pathetic one. You’re an obsessed dumb bitch and the sad part is you’re gonna get nothing out of this. So enjoy your worthless life” and I was like “hahaha who’s the crazy bitch? Yeah...you won’t do shit” and she goes “Yeah I won’t do shit because you’re nothing Not gonna waste my time on nothing” and I was like “yeah ok😂”
That’s very crazy of you to do.
1. Not trying to be rude, but you shouldn’t be THAT invested in someone’s love life. A fake account is crazy. I wouldn’t even come to a female woman to woman on my main account lol
But… in all seriousness,sometimes you just have to let people get fed up and tired. Soon she will get tired of getting embarrassed and realize her worth. We’ve all been there & done that, yknow?
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less-than-three-3 · 2 years
lots of thoughts on ff7 remake (base game + intermission)
I played this a while ago and I’m just copying and pasting a writeup I had- I promise as I get through games it’ll be fully original content lol
obviously spoilers I should start with that I do overall like the game, but I don't like love it and I don't really think it's a best of all time or anything, maybe when the whole trilogy comes out it'll end up like that but for now it's just pretty good. Speaking of the trilogy, I'll just address that first - I don't really think this game is badly paced... storywise at least. It's badly paced in other ways but let's put a pin in that. I think that yeah it's a 30 hour game that covers like barely the first disk of the original ff7 but like I think this argument is pretty disingenuous and misses a lot of huge differences just between generations. Being fully 3D, fully voice acted, and more in-depth (for better or worse) just generally makes the scale much larger and theatrical and that's a good thing for immersion and experience, but having to run around in a fully 3D space as opposed to a 2.5D space means you're spending a lot of time just running around and you're spending a lot of time doing those theatrical things and it just builds up. Overall the story I felt was fairly engaging, at least once it got going, and I can't in good faith say that the story was badly paced, it is about as well paced as the original ff7 just in a much grander medium that deserves more attention to detail (rightfully). So I liked the story, right? Well... I do but I also wished a lot of the characters didn't suck. Ok honestly in the last like 30% of the game the character writing did get a lot lot better but that does not mean I liked the characters and dialogue for the other 70%. Jessie literally has no character she is the biggest offender (doesnt mean her death wasn't sad lol until pizza time). Aerith is sort of annoying and feels stiffly written but at least has decent rapport with Tifa. Aerith just suddenly talking about how sephiroth is gonna fuck up the world and stuff is like a weird sudden exposition dump at the end of the game. I get that Cloud is supposed to be edgy boy merc guy who's been hardened by war but like.... the bit only works for so long. Wedge is like the thin line between annoying and "a character I liked", his arc is neat and despite everything the plot ghosts killed him (?). Tifa is the most normal girl in the main cast and she has a good internal conflict and isn't endlessly horny for Cloud so she's fine. Barret and Biggs are fucking chads I love them, I was genuinely devastated at Biggs' death scene and popped off when he was alive (which is bullshit but hey plot ghosts or whatever). Barret I feel like people probably find annoying but I love his conviction, call it one-note but dude stands by his message and loves his daughter, absolute king shit. I hate the triangle with Tifa/Aerith/Jessie. I imagine it's why a lot of people like this game (they won't admit it) but like no it doesn't work stop lmao. Keep it to persona I should mention that I do kinda like the plot ghosts like yeah they are pretty much just plot armor but you know no one's gonna die until the funny spoiler moment anyways lmao and even then with the events at the end of this game who knows maybe the funny spoiler moment won't happen. I think it is cool that you don't know what will happen in this remake of perhaps the most spoiled game in history. It reminds me of like the ticktockers from DQXI (even though I hated the time travel of that game). Besides characters the writing at least in the first half just feels so off sometimes, like I genuinely don't understand sometimes if people thought this is how people talk. Obviously funny "you owe me a pizza" which... honestly I think it was the voice actor's delivery and really odd sound mixing. But also just a few back and forths between various main characters throughout the "exposition" just felt sorta stunted but idk it definitely got better over time. On the other hand there's a lot of parts that I did find funny like people do shit on the "Mayor." part of the game but I thought that shit was hilarious. Big shoutouts to the cameos of Cait Sith, the timing of which felt like a complete shitpost, and zack crisis core, who felt like a DC cameo. Not a Marvel cameo, but like you know the cameos from BvS foreshadowing the justice league or whatever lmao. More of that shitpost energy and less of the serious shit please. Though I guess they do want people to take it seriously so idk Music I have to admit is incredible. Nobuo Uematsu is a pretty good composer. Same with visuals.  Gameplay I did genuinely enjoy the combat. It has good mashy energy but it didn't overstay its welcome or get tedious like I felt Tales of Arise did. Materia management and skill trees were fun to manage even if ultimately I do not really think it mattered much lmao. But my GOD the start of this game is slow, not story-wise but LITERALLY slow. There are so many sections where you just hold forwards and WALK SLOWLY and talk to people and then watch cutscenes and you do not fight many things in the early game between reactor missions and then the battles early game are piss easy too (for more or less tutorial purposes I get it). I just want to beat people up, can you tell me the exposition while I beat people up thanks Which is where I go back to that pin about pacing- I really don't think the story or world was introduced at a slow pace, even by jrpg standards. But when you account for the amount of "downtime" it is so much time that I just feel bored. Like I don't think things really pick up action-wise until like 10 hours in and in a 30 hour game I think that is just literally inexcusable. Why does crawling/shimmying take so long why am I not allowed to run all the time why does the game force me to walk to follow this npc i just want to run around please let me run my god Not being able to like click through dialogue also kinda sucks, I get why they didn't want to let you because they paid good money for voice over but like Tales did it and like yeah the cutscenes sounded stilted when you "mash" through dialogue but like I am reading the text at double the pace that they say it I could save so much time lmao idk. With the main game I can see the hype but I think it really needs the next 2 installments to really be considered a modern classic. I am genuinely intrigued by it though and I'm looking forward to where the story goes.
all that said intermission is way better lmao yuffie is fun and fun to play as, there’s a ton of goofy shit and the serious parts still hit hard. granted the world has been built from main story but still a banger compared to main game you get to play clash royale!! CLASH ROYALE!!!  the fact that literally all the hold forward to parkour stuff is actually not slow and makes you feel sorta cool is just a cherry on top lol
if intermission is a sign of the direction of the next games I’m all on board. 
petition to just replace cloud with yuffie going forwards 
and let sephiroth kill aerith still
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lucyandthepen · 2 years
“Because I want you to like me. Just me.” NAHHH THATS A HUGE RED FLAG JENO NEEDS TO BE GONE! No but seriously that is kinda of (very) weird of him to say especially after he just told her he knows she likes him and instead of confirming his feelings he just tells her to keep on liking him without any other comment, he’s fr gonna lead her on like this, I feel bad for mc 😭
ALSO I’m sorry but I’m rooting for jaemin and her 🤭 the funny part is that they barely interact in the story but I still want them to end up together cos jaemin is all I could ask for in a guy. He’s nice funny and not a trouble maker AND he’s smart too like that’s so hot plus he knows how to have fun and respect other’s boundaries like I’m so in love with him (this may or may not be due to my own personal bias towards him in general lmaoo💀) the only problem is that his actions are not clear to assume whether he likes her as more than a friend or not 😒
AND POOR RENJUN I FEEL SO BAD FOR HIM. I was definitely on his side when he called Jeno out cos what jeno did WAS a dick move and i support him, though I understand how embarrassing it must’ve been. mc fr is too into jeno to the point all she thinks about is him but I can’t blame her as she is still in a honeymoon phase.
<3 anon
i actually woke up to this message and i gotta tell you this was a TRIP i kinda feel like i went on a roller coaster BUT I AM DETERMINED TO ANSWER EVERYTHING SO cracks knuckles let's get down to business !!! i absolutely think that there's an issue with how jeno says things and i am not even hiding or denying the fact that it's lowkey problematic SJBIFJBSIJB like i said i think he is a somewhat selfish person that can't tell the difference between genuinely expressing interest and simply reinforcing someone's interest in him ............... but that really isn't a product of malice imo he just a lil Not It and probably can't see anything in a more empathetic way (like idt he really thinks about what a person would want to hear from him in a situation like this) as for jaemin........... I THINK MANY PEOPLE R ON THIS MC/JAEMIN BOAT AND YOU KNOW WHAT? i always think that's valid?? to be completely honest w you i perceive jaemin as the kind of person who figures out what he wants very quickly (in comparison to jeno who always seems to sit in the field of ambiguity) but what he does about it is a totally different story? there's definitely no wrong intention about how he acts and there's also nothing calculated about it IDK IF THAT MAKES SENSE ??? this jaemin is pretty honest but he also doesn't overtly do anything or force a situation even if his feelings are plain as day BUT MAKE NO MISTAKE !!! he's also not a one punch roll over kinda guy and i think that is very important............ in the future :^)
renjun has many rights in this fic and his perception is like 85% correct most of the time BUT his execution is VERY bad. my writing could be very POOR in this regard but there are very weak hints that renjun likes mc, but the question is also why (ik this sounds bad but there's a logical reason) SJFISDJf i don't think renjun is unjustified AT ALL in what he thinks because (1) he's a slightly more objective party when regarding jeno even though there's a slight tint of ew and (2) mc is a little too blinded and as a friend, i feel like it's normal to get annoyed at that kind of behavior because she literally talks like if jeno asked her to woof in the hallway she would get on all fours and do it and JFBIFJBSJIBJBJ like i just feel like that's upsetting to see as a friend because you know that two people should be on equal footing in a relationship if that's where it's headed? so i feel like him constantly trying to knock some sense into her is not a problem BUT i feel like there's also a time and place to do it especially if you know the other person is not in a good place (i.e. she won't listen to you because of her blinded behavior).
and there was no real point about this but i'd also like to add that mc is ................................................. easily one of the most unreliable narrators which is a pleasure to write but frustrating to deal with in context because all of her ideas are very skewed. you have someone who might lose a friendship and still be on the crush's side (which, again, is normal if you're blinded) and who literally views herself as someone lesser than jeno (again, contextually normal but not great) yet believes that this is how the world should be despite being told it's really not ... but you also can't blame her completely because if you're that into something / someone, you tend to have tunnel vision and dont notice what you're doing wrong until it's way too late. in this case, you make a lot of mistakes you don't notice and people don't know how to blame you for, which means she doesn't really know that she has anything to apologize for either. :^( this is a problem that's going to keep coming up until she opens her eyes a bit more :(
anyWAYS THANK YOU FOR THE LONG MESSAGE AND I APOLOGIZE FOR MY LONG RESPONSE i just had Much to get out there because i love discussing this (and other) fics but have NO friends to do so with (my writing life is a big ol secret) so THIS WAS GREAT AND I HOPE YOU KEEP ENJOYING MWAHH!
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vritest · 2 years
3 words
fezco x fem!reader
warning: NOT EDITED, drug use, euphoria drama idk? this kinda follows the plot but it’s very much different and i kinda added my own twist so enjoy! lol
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it was a summer night. hot, humid, quiet. the only think that could be heard of was the slight breeze coming from your open window of your little room, as you sat in your bed. crisscrossed, holding your phone as if you were waiting for a text to come in. from maddy or cassie. you hadn’t heard from them ever since the whole nate situation. you also haven’t heard from bb, or kat. it seemed as if your only friends that you thought would have your whole back, just left you in the dust. you were left overthinking every second now. maybe it was your fault. even if you hadn’t done anything. you knew rue was the one that confronted cassie about it infront of maddy, but still you felt that weird sense of guilt you just seemed to consume like a normal thing.
truth was, your mental health had been recked. your whole friend group had been destroyed basically. now you really had nobody. that you trusted at least. you sat on your bed for a few more minutes reminiscing and thinking replaying happy memories with your friends you missed so much. you sighed looking up at your ceiling, inhaling the summer humid air and exhaling, and with repeating like a pattern. it wasn’t long until a boring sensation filled your body, which made you suddenly have the most craziest idea ever.
you wanted to get high. truth is, you didn’t get high everyday. perhaps when it was at a party and the music was blasting to your ears with the smell of sweat and dancing body’s making you wanting to try the drug, just for the sake to not feel anything even if it was just for a second. you liked it. of course not the extent that you were a drug addict, it was simply just a pleasurable thing to expirence for you.
you looked down at your phone, still in your hand. the screen turning on slowly the lock screen showing, you, kat, bb, maddy and cassie holding up the middle finger. you guys were posing on maddys bed your tounges out, you guys were happy. you were happy.
you only let out a sad smile, unlocking your phone and pressing messages. you scrolled through your contacts, occasionally passing by their names ones again, it was like you couldn’t escape it. but then there it was. rues name. ‘rue rue’.
“fuck it” you muttered. you hesitantly pressed the call button near rues name. putting your phone close to your ear biting your lip as the ring of the phone buzzed through the screen. until it suddenly stopped.
“hello?” a voice said, from the other end.
you sighed in relief.
“hey rue, i know it’s probably not the best time but um you know a few people that sell, right? i’m just feeling really fucking down right now and i need something to get my mind of everything”
you said letting everything out. you chuckled sarcastically, as you could hear rues slow breathing through the other end of the line, tapping on your phone as you waited for her to answer your question.
“yeah no i totally get it” she stopped
“i know a guy.”
rue had told you were this, “guy” was. apparently his name was fezco. you kinda didn’t believe someone would ever be named that. i mean sure it was a bad ass me but, it seemed a little too good to be true. at least that’s what you thought, until you stepped in to the little liquor store. a guy, who you assumed was fezco, sitting in the counter smoking a blunt calmly. his eyes slightly closing but then opening as he saw your figure walk, towards him. you placed your hands behind your back and coughed awkwardly quickly gaining his attention.
fezco grabbed his blunt, turning the other way around and placing it onto his ashtray. quirking at eyebrow up as he definitely recognized your face quickly. he’s definitely seen you before, he didn’t know why out of all people your face was so familiar, maybe it was your eyes of lips, but something was definitely a highlight to him. you were also extremely, pretty.
“hi, a friend told me you sell, just wondering how much for some pre rolls” you blurted. fezco wasn’t suprised that you came for drugs, you were just another costumer, right? that’s what he tried to convince himself at least. he didn’t know why he expected so much from you. sure you looked like an angel, a halo on top of your head and those dimples of yours standing out, but still he was suprised that’s all you said.
“for sure, gimme a minute” he muttered. getting up from the counter, starting to walk near what seemed like a little room near the refrigerators with beverages. you looked around a while. by now it seemed like fezco was whipped for you, and there was no denying that you hadnt ignored him either. you were nervous once you face his face. his gold chain dangling on his neck and his colorful polo shirt fitting his figure so nicely.
he walked out the room, as you watched him and noticed the blunts on his hand. you and him exchanged blunts and money. paying him 40 dollars which was the average price you’d pay for pre rolls.
there was a light awkward silence in between you two. as you still were in his store, lighting up the blunt there with your pink lighter. inhaling the smoke and coughing as you exhaled. fezco chuckled a bit, as he clearly noticed you didn’t smoke often, for sure, he thought.
“you don’t smoke a lot, ain’t you?” he asked. his voice deep and raspy yet suddenly bringing comfort. you chuckled awkwardly proving his theory right.
“i guess i just do it when i have a lot on my mind” you muttered softly. he bummed in understanding, but wanting to know more. you both exhaled and inhaled at the same time, the smell of weed spreading through the tiny store.
“so life’s been tuff, i’m guessin?” he asked. you nodded.
“you could say that, or you could say my friends definitely hate me”
he eyebrows furrowed.
“those ain’t real friends then” he stated. you pouted, letting out a cloud of smoke again. squinting to look at him, his blue eyes staring right at your c/e. you shrugged, brushing it off, but you knew he had a point kinda.
“i don’t know. maddy and cass are like so close to me i just can’t let them go” you said. fez eyes widened at the names. he put the puzzle pieces together, how had he not noticed? you were the girl that was always dancing with maddy, cassie kat and bb. he was snapped back to reality once there was that, silence, again.
“oh so you friends with them?” he asked.
“i don’t really know where we stand. you made a good point”
he let out a teasing grin. you smiled back leaning against the counter which he was sitting in. letting the breeze let your hair wave. fez admiring your eyes and how shiny they look, even if you were starting to squint them because of the weed hitting you already. he didn’t know why you even bothered to stay and talk to him. especially someone that would hang out with those types of people.
you never had someone that bothered to listen as well. half the time it was brushed off by your friends boys drama or whatever the fuck. you were never really payed attention, but you were to blindsided and didn’t see the truth. fezco made you come to realization. you admired him for that. even if it was just a simple conversation. no strings attached.
you looked down at your blunt. it was already small. which meant your smoke sesh was done, you were satisfied. surprisingly, you didn’t think the weed was the thing that satisfied you the most. it was definitely fez’s company, at least now you knew you you could come to when you needed to let it out, even if you two weren’t close.
“i gotta go, my moms gonna beat my ass if i’m not home by the time she told me to”
he chuckled.
“shitttt, you gon leave me like that?”
you laughed. letting out a genuine smile. which fez felt like he absolutely folded, your smile seeming like a rey of sunshine.
“thanks for letting me talk to you though” you stopped. “i enjoyed it”
“whenever you need me, you know where to find me”
your cheeks flushed red. screaming in the inside. walking backwards to leave and waving goodbye to him. your reaction automatically telling fez, you would definitely be coming more often.
after the cute little conversation between the two, you did what fez told you. you knew where to find him, and so you did.
every day you would come over to his liquor store. not for weed, more for fezco. just for him. every conversation you had with him was like a breath of fresh air in between all the fire that was surrounding your life. whether it be your parents divorce, or your friend drama thingy, he was there every step of it to make sure you weren’t alone. you did the exact same thing to.
“i’m planning to go to college, after senior year. maybe ucla, berkeley i don’t know. i just wanna make my parents proud” you told him. leaning against the counter. he looked at you with a fond expression, admiring your desire to go to college.
“you a smart girl. if non of them accept you, imma have to send a full ass essay explaining to them what they missed out on”
you giggled at his caring tone.
you both continued talking about, school , college other shit like that. you expressed your passion on starting your own business, definitely modeling or something. for high fashion brands. fez talked to you about why he had dropped out, you obviously understood and felt bad for him as he described his life. it seemed as if he never had a childhood, it had been taken away from him because of all the drug stuff. that’s why fez told you if he wasn’t able to go to college, you definitely could for him.
giggled and smiles were shared a bit more. ash peeked through the refrigerator, his eyes squinting and eyebrows furrowing seeing you definitely over heels for his brother. then after a few more long minutes you smiled again. genuine and fez returning that smile with a flirty grin. inside ash wanted to vomit, but he was curious of the girl he had been watching for the last weeks.
fezco walked inside the room again, sighing. ash followed his figure as he went to sit down on the chair next to ash.
“youre fucking wipped dude, it’s gross” ash said which made fez look up at his brother acting dumb. ash scoffed.
“don’t act like you don’t know what the fuck i’m talking about. you were obviously flirting with that girl” he pointed out.
“nah man i wasn’t flirting. y/ns just nice and we was.. talkin that’s it”
ash just snorted. making fezco grab a joint on the little table and lighting it up. pulling it up to his lips while he started to randomly think about, you. he wasn’t quite sure where you both were at this point in your guy’s relationship. it definitely wasn’t a just friends thing that’s for sure. it was more than that at least he felt it was. you also had that feeling too, the both of you oblivious of each others feelings leaving ash to just watch as the two fell more in love every day.
the days passed. you still hadn’t heard from your friends. which for some reason, started to be the last thing on to it mind. normally that’s all you’d be thinking about, stressing over to be specific, but everything’s changed. by changed, it meant the momment fezco came in to your life, and you came in to fezs.
it suprised rue when you told her about fez. basically how wipped you were for him. the tone in voice you used when you talked about him was definitely a huge clue. you’d been talking to rue more often, wether it be about fez or just random shit on your mind. you’d also been hanging out with her and fez at the store a lot often, maybe just to fuck around for a while, smoke or simply just having fezcos presence there.
you knocked on fezs front door. the rain hitting you as you tried to hold on to your sobs hoping it wouldn’t make it obvious that you were feeling like shit. your parents had had a crazy fight that night. with them both yelling at eachother, but then something that never happened, happened. they started getting violent. you didn’t know what to do at that momment. all you wanted to do was run. probably escape from everything. you didn’t think weed could help you this time.
the door cracked open. fezcos eyes meeting your sad ones as you stared down, your hair covering your face as you pulled fez into a hug you so needed right now, crying into his shoulder.
“woah woah woah” he said. you sniffed in response, looking up at him, mascara on your cheeks and your makeup smeared across your face, messy.
“is it fine if i stay here for a while?” you asked.
“of course.”
when you first moved in with fez it was definitely unexpected. especially for ash who was still doubting you were good enough for his brother. you could definitely tell every time he would test you. you found it cute, the way he did everything to make sure his brother was making the right choice.
he didn’t like you at first. thought you were some junkie. that wasn’t the case at all though. you were really fucking smart. probably spending most of your time just reading and writing essays and poems, in the notebook you’d had since middle school occasionally using it as a diary to let everything out.
he noticed how much you loved to take care of people, wether that be comforting fez when he came back from a really tuff day, or ash when he was feeling like shit or just really needed someone he was only 14 after all. you were pretty much always there. and eventually he understood why his brother had fallen in love with this girl.
you and fezco were both in bed. he smoked his weed as you had a book in your hands, your hair up and your glasses on concentrating on every word on the book reading it, as a cloud of smoke appeared next to you, looking over at fez who pointed the blunt your detection offering it to you, you accepted as you took it in and closed your book.
“you ever think about the life you’d have after college or some shit?” fez asked, you furrowed your eyebrows thinking about his random question wisely. you sighed.
“probably live in the city, i like the skyline. it makes me happy you know? especially the lights at night, it’s really beautiful. once my parents took me to la at night, with the palm trees and everything it was amazing” you said. even though fez had a completely different, it didn’t matter. i’m every form of way he could possibly live his life, the picture in his mind always contained you in it, there’s not a single one that doesn’t have your comforting smile on it.
“live in a fucking farm for sure with them cows and sheep , you feel me?”
you chuckled, receiving an unexpected response.
“we’d live separately then, that would definitely suck. cant really go a day without seeing you to be honest” you said. fez looked down at you, as you made contact with him. your eyes basically shining as hard as when you first saw him at the liquor store, smoking his blunt like he was right now. it took fezco a momment to let what you said sink in.
“whatchu mean by that?”
“that i love you too much to leave you”
you finally said it. the 3 letter word that for some reason had been so hard to let out of your mouth. you looked away kinda embarrassed hoping you didn’t make it awkward all the sudden. you only could hope that tus wouldn’t ruin your relationship. you’d gotten so far, you weren’t about to mess this friendship up.
“shit, sorry that was-“
“i love you too”
that night everything changed. it was time you and fez stepped out of the friendzone taking a huge step forward in your relationship. you two became inseparable, literallly. your physical affection was something you two became more comfortable with.
ash noticing everything.
occasionally throwing sarcastic commentaries like “don’t fuck on the couch, jesus” or “ew” whoever you’d kiss or whatever the matter may be. but deep down ash was internally cheering being basically both of your guys number one fan, so much so he could basically start a fan account everything.
months passed quicker than usual. you started school, which meant you had to see THEM again. sure you weren’t really happy, because then everything would come back to you but at least you knew you had fez and ash on your side, your family.
every month seemed to be like it was in 2x speed. you’d been doing well in class, doing your homework on time thanks to fez laying down in your bed smoking while you rehearsed your college essay to him for the 100th time still not convinced if it felt right, but he was always telling you to not stress out that much.
“some colleges will be smart enough to accept you, others will have missing fucking braincells” he said.
you’d submitted your essay and now all you could do was wait and worry.
the school year continued to go on. you still only talked to rue, fez picked you up from school now, and you still avoided maddy and cassie. they seemed to avoid eachother as well. that was until one day after school.
you walked to the back at the school, looking for fezs car before walking to the parking lot. until you heard a voice yell your name.
“y/n! wait! please!”
you looked back to see maddy running towards you. she embraced you to a hug. your eyes widening and tightening her grip on to you. you chuckled a bit.
“i’m so so sorry, i was being a total fucking cunt” she said. you hugged her back finally. it was nice to finally have one of your childhood best friend back again. you’d waited all summer and half the year of her and finally she was back and she definitely looked healthier, you pulled away.
“you’re fine maddy, don’t be sorry. i should’ve put in the effort to make sure you were okay as well”
she shook her head disagreeing. you turned back at saw fezcos car, maddy looked at you and then at fezco, widening her mouth as she got an idea of what was going on. you hadn’t told her about fezco.
“bitch…are you hooking up with fezco?!” she squeeled. pulling you into a hug again. you laughed at her excited tone in voice remembering how much maddy had hoped for you to get a boyfriend. she’d always talk to you about how much you needed to be in a romantic relationship.
“we’re dating” you chuckled. “and i have to go but text me so we can make plans alright? love you!” you said, starting to walk away.
“you better, we have a lot of shit to catch up on!” she yelled, you turned back at nodded laughing. it was good to finally be back.
you were happy again.
you started hanging out more with maddy, catching up on all the shit like she said. you also still talked to rue, not as much as you used to but definitely still consistent enough to consider her still as a friend.
fezco on the other hand, had taken you to a million dates already. wether it be the beach, a restaurant, the mall, anywhere you wanted to go hell take you and he will make sure you enjoy the fuck out of it. and you did.
you two had fallen so in love with eachother. something you’d always been afraid of because of your view of love shown by your parents and how sometimes in can really cause to hurt eachother it really sucked.
it was already march. which meant the acceptance letters would be coming in, some not luckiers than others. you’d been waiting for a few weeks now, for the email to come in to your computer. you’d find yourself sitting infront of the computer for hours simply just waiting.
“don’t worry about it ma, i’m sure one of them will accept you”
fezco would say, ash would agree, but he didn’t really want you to leave. so didn’t fez he much rather you stay with them until the day he fucking dies but you had a life to live, placed to head, money to earn, too much would be waisted if you’d just stick with him, he thought.
finally after weeks, the notification on your email app rang, quickly you opened it. the first think on the email saying.
“Congratulations Y/N!”
“no fucking way.” you said, slapping your mouth with your hands. you yelled as fez and ash came in to your room, hugging you as tears strolled down your cheeks, this time much for a much different reason than the time you showed up at fezs for the first time.
it was the momment you’d been prepared for. you’d waited your whole life for this momment. and for some reason you couldn’t help but want to stay. but you knew you wanted to continue striking for your dreams maybe become a model, poet or writer wherever destiny takes you is where you believe you would succeed.
it took fez a while and ash to realize that they wouldn’t see you for a while. it was hard for both of them to leave you at the front of the university, after a 4 hour drive. there tired faces, leaving your suitcases at the front of the dorms. you just stood there for a minute, and then hugged them both tightly.
“ i love you guys” you said.
“imma miss you a lot surprisingly” ash said. fez sucked his teeth elbowing his brother making ash scoff and you giggle as you held to fez a bit longer not wanting to let go.
“i want you coming back with that doctorates degree or whatever the fuck” fezco said. you chuckled nodding and sniffing. finally exchanging your final goodbyes and i love yous.
this would be the new chapter of your life, a blank page ready for it to be filled with memories.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
birthday wishes
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Description - it’s your daughters birthday party and harry isn’t there
A/N - idk if any of you know but i’m sleepwalkingstyles on wattpad too and this imagine was my most well received so i couldn’t not post it here!! hopefully you all enjoy too x
warnings - self deprecation, swearing
[ masterlist ]
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The morning sun crept through your window, its rays warming up your cold skin. You would normally be temperate and comfortable, but without your loving husband, Harry, sleeping next to you, you were left to feel a cold and empty bed instead.
Harry was in Japan currently. He said he needed some time to escape and write music, for his new album, just like he had done when he went to Jamaica. You had been reluctant to the idea at first, because you knew how much you, your 3 year old daughter and 1 year old son, would miss him, but he assured you that he'd call, text, face-time and even snapchat you both all the time. And he kept his word. Even if he was like a granddad when it came to using snapchat!
You knew he needed the time to himself, because that's when he writes his best music, and you didn't want to be the one to take that away from him.
But it has been really hard.
You definitely couldn't have coped if you didn't have Anne, Gemma or your parents around to help.
You knew that Harry wasn't escaping to get away from family responsibilities, because he would do anything, and you mean anything, to help you out when he was here. His management had been pushing him for new music for a while, but he explained he wasn't ready. However, when management started to become more strict with him, you told him he must go - just for a little bit.
He made sure that Theodore, you newest baby, was at least 1 year old before he went to Japan. He was only going for 5 weeks. It was always lovely face-timing him, although each time it made it much harder to say goodbye to him.
As you turned over to look at the alarm clock you heard the light pitter-patter of feet, on the hardwood floors, indicating that Ella, your daughter, was about to intrude into your bedroom. It had been like this most mornings recently, the feelings of missing her dad growing stronger.
The door was slowly pushed open and you felt movement on your bed sheets. It wasn't long before Ella's small hands were softly pushing your body, thinking that she was waking you up herself.
"Mummy wake up!" Ella whined.
You turned your body to face her. Her hair was crazily orientated over her head, which was the sign of a good nights sleep. Her large, green orbs were so bright and happy you were sure they could make even the saddest person smile.
"Morning, baby." You poked her in the stomach, earning a little giggle from her.
"No mummy." She swatted your hand away. "Mummy?" She crawled over the bed sheets to crawl on top of you. You shuffled back against the headboard so you could get comfortable, whilst also paying attention to Ella.
"What, my love?" You patted her hair down in places, trying to calm the chaos.
"Do you know whose birthday it is today?" She asked in a sing-song voice.
"Let me think." You played along with her, scratching your head for effect, obviously knowing it was her birthday. "Is it a gorgeous, little girl, called Ellas', birthday today?" You rhetorically asked. Ella was smart for her age and so she'd caught on to the fact you were messing with her.
"That's me! Mummy, that's me!" She jumped onto her feet and started bouncing on the king sized bed. You never understood why you'd bought a king sized bed, when you and Harry could quite easily sleep in a single bed you sleep that close. "It's my birthday!"
"Of course it is, angel!" You grab her under her armpits, pulling her in to kiss her all over her face. "Happy birthday, my gorgeous girl." You continued to kiss her until you believed she'd got the message that you loved her very much.
"Now can I open my presents?!" She asked excitedly, not understanding how she had this much energy at 7:30 in the morning.
"How'd you know you've got presents, baby?" You asked. Of course you'd bought her presents, but you didn't want her to grow up a brat and have the mindset that she'd get treated every year; even though she would! Especially if Harry had anything to do with it.
"Daddy said, last night on the phone, that you'd got me lots of presents, but that his present was the best." She furrowed her eyebrows as she remembered last nights phone call to Harry.
Harry's present was the best?
You knew Harry had bought her a few gifts, sent through the post, but you and him had collectively bought her main present. How would Harrys gift beat a personalised, painted, wooden-toy princess castle?
"Oh okay then, baby. Let me go and care to Theo and then we'll join you in the lounge." You squeezed her little, dimple filled, cheek and helped her off the bed, as you got off yourself, allowing her to scramble away to discover her presents.
You went to the toilet and did your morning routine before going to wake up Theo. He had been a really good sleeper for the first week, but after that he'd been really restless, meaning endless all-nighters for you. You think it has something to do with the absence of his father.
The duck-egg painted room was met with the muffled whimpers of an awakening 1 year old. Theo could sit up by himself now and had mastered the ability to crawl. You opened his blackout curtains and let the morning sun awaken your son.
"Morning mister." You coo as you reach in to the cot to pick up your son. He had little tears running down his cheeks already, and he'd only just woken up. You'd managed to get him back to sleep at 2 am, after him waking up at 1 am. "Oi what's wrong with you, hey?" You rhetorically ask him, obviously not expecting an answer. "You missing your daddy?" You ask and Theo lets out a little hiccup from crying and wipes his tired eyes with his small fists. "I miss him." You keep talking to him, hoping it would distract him, kissing his forehead a couple of times.
You walk to the lounge, with Theo on hip, and admire Ella patiently waiting for you. She was surrounded by a mass of presents.
"I waited for you mummy." Ella told you, looking proud of herself.
"Good girl." You praised her, as you came down to sit on the floor with your back against the sofa. You placed Theo on the floor, in front of you, between your open legs so you had your hands free to help Ella if she needed it.
"Do you think Theo wants to help me, mummy?" She sweetly asks as she grabs her first present.
"That's a lovely thought, baby, but I don't think he knows how to open them just yet." You stroke your hand through her soft, chocolate curls. Ella surely got her heart of gold from her father.
"And the presents are quite heavy." She exaggerated as she picked up the first present. She definitely got her drama queen side from her dad too.
"Well just be careful then, angel." You cautiously told her, not wanting her to hurt herself. Theo was sat upright, intensely watching his sister. His tiny onesie engulfed his fragile body, just making him look so adorable.
Ella unwrapped her first present with ease. "Mummy look!" She held out what looked like a jungle themed jigsaw puzzle. You knew that was off your parents.
"Wow, baby!" You humoured her. It was the best feeling getting to see your children happy. "What's this animal?" You quizzed her.
"A lion?" She timidly asked, obviously not wanting to get it wrong.
"Good job, Els." You kissed the top of her head in praise. "We'll have to keep a record of what everyone's bought you so that you can send them 'thank you' cards. Okay?"
"Okay." She agreed, but you knew she was too engrossed in her presents to actually have listened and understood what you just told her.
The past 2 hours had been spent opening presents, slowly... But it showed just how grateful Ella was for every gift. She'd gone crazy when she opened her princess castle. She ran around the lounge for a minute straight, screaming how much she loved it. How could Harry's present top that?
You'd made breakfast pancakes, with bacon and syrup, as per Ellas request. Theo was very stubborn at breakfast, refusing to eat or drink anything, which ended up with you nearly having a breakdown. You didn't, because you knew it would be selfish to do so in front of the kids.
Ella was now getting herself dressed and you had just put Theo down for a nap, due to him being so restless. His sleeping pattern was so messed up, but really you needed Harry back in order to help fix it.
Harry was due home next week and you were so ready for him to be back. You couldn't miss him anymore if you tried. He said he would call at some point today, to speak to Ella. You were upset, for him, that he would be missing Ellas 4th birthday, but you knew he would make up for it when he returned. He had already booked for him and Ella to go their favourite ice-cream restaurant. Yes, restaurant. They always ended  up getting the 3 course ice-cream meal - resulting in them rolling home with their full bellies.
You were expecting guests over from around 12pm. You'd invited over close relatives of yours, and Harrys' of course, friendly neighbours and some of Ellas friends from play group. You couldn't believe Ella was starting school this year! She was growing up too fast for your liking.
You blow-dried your hair, and made your way in to the walk-in-wardrobe. Each time you stepped in you laughed to yourself about the door at the back of the closet and how it, did indeed, lead to a vault for Harrys suits.
You picked out a pastel green and white dress. It was a piece from your best-friends new, spring, fashion collection, and you loved promoting and helping her fashion line. It was, abnormally, good weather today and so you decided to bring the spring look out. You added some white heels to make your outfit look more sophisticated and finished off by adding light amounts of natural-looking makeup.
After getting yourself ready you proceeded down the hallway, to Ellas room, to check on her. As you approached the room, you could hear her talking to herself. "No Barbie, you like Ken remember?"
You moved around the corner to see her sitting on the plush carpet, playing with her Barbie dolls. She had put on a green dress, with funky patterns on, that made her look like a princess. You were surprised she'd chosen that dress and not her Cinderella costume!
Her room was currently a tip. You'd moved all her presents in to her room, until you could find storage for them, so that guests could actually move around your lounge without stepping on a plastic toy.
"Ella, sweetheart, are you ready? People will be here soon." You stepped in to her room.
"Mummy!!" She ran over to you and hugged on to your legs tightly.
"Hello angel!" You giggled at her small, but loving, action. You crouched down, so you could be at height with her head and kissed her forehead.
"Can you do my hair mummy?" Ella asked politely, stepping away from your legs.
"Of course, my love." You guided her to the children's table and chairs set, that was in the corner of her room, where she liked to host tea parties, and sat her down on one of the chairs. You pulled out a bobble and a hairbrush from a nearby drawer, and began to comb her hair. There were a few nots along the way, but her hair was back to its lush, bouncing curls in no time. You tied up the majority of her hair on to a ponytail, some pieces falling out due to how short the locks were.
Once you were done you phone begins to vibrate in the back pocket of your trousers. You pull it out expecting it to be Harry, but instead it's your mum.
"Hey mum?" You tried to sound excited to hear from her, but you secretly was hoping to hear Harrys voice.
"Hiya, pet. Just calling to say we're five minutes away from yours." She spoke rather loudly down the phone, as all older people do.
"Do you want me to put the kettle on?" You asked.
"Yes please, pet. See you in a few." And with that she ended the call.
"Was that daddy?" Ella asked with her big doe eyes.
"No, i'm sorry angel." You brushed a strand of hair back behind her ear, so it wouldn't bother her. Harry was Ellas hero, and all she really wanted for her birthday was his phone call.
You made your way to the kitchen, with Ella following closely, and let the water run in to the kettle before letting it boil. You made note of the time, 11 am, and made a mental list of things you needed to prepare for having guests over. All the food was pre-prepared, last night, with the help of your sweet daughter, and the majority would only need to be shoved in the oven. The rest was just snack bits and platters of fruit and veg.
"Mummy?" Ella called out.
"Yes, darling?" You responded whilst pulling out three mugs from the cupboards, filling them all with tea bags. PG Tips, of course, not that gross Earl Grey stuff.
"I miss daddy." She sadly admits. You turn to see her eyes were glossing over and her lips starting to wobble, preparing herself for the tears that would shortly follow. You instantly crouch down in front of her, and cup her cheeks with your loving hands.
"Aw, baby, it's okay. I miss him too. He'll be back before you know it, though, alright?" Ella offered you a cautious nod instead of words. "He wouldn't want you to cry, though, okay? So we're going to have a happy day."
"A happy day." Ella repeats to herself, putting on a grinning smile.
"That's right, baby." You awarded her with a kiss on her forehead before heading back to the finishing kettle. "Nana and Grandad will be here soon!" You cheer, trying to make her think of anything but her father.
"Yaaay!" She screams excitedly, making you laugh.
As if on queue, there's a knock on the door, as well as a chime from the doorbell. You follow an ecstatic Ella through the house and unlatch the chain, to open the door.
"Nana! Grandad!" Ella runs and jumps in to your dads arms.
"Happy birthday, petal." Both her grandparents chorus. You give your parents a hug and a kiss upon entry and direct them in to the kitchen.
Ella takes her Grandad off upstairs, probably to show off all her new toys.
"How are you, pet?" Your mum asks as she places her handbag on the kitchen island. You begin transferring the hot water from the kettle and into the mugs.
"I'm alright. Tired, but alright." You truthfully told her, because you knew that being stubborn wouldn't get you anywhere with her.
"And the children? Where's my baby grandson?" She asked whilst pouring the milk in to the mugs, you adding the sugar where necessary.
"Ella misses her dad, obviously. Theo has been a handful recently. He's not sleeping well, luckily he is now, and he refused to eat, or drink, this morning and I just feel really helpless. You know?" You stressfully run your hands over your face. "They just need their dad. Hell, I need him." You admit.
Your mum moods in acknowledgment before talking. "It'll be alright Y/N. You're a strong woman, mother and wife. Harry will be here before you know it." She tells you, the tone in her voice sounding beyond convincing.
"I know, I know." You remind yourself that you only have to keep going, without Harry, for another week. "Right. Okay." You talk to yourself, before you could start crying due to stress. "I'm going to bang everything in the oven and hopefully it'll all be ready by the time people arrive." You couldn't tell whether you were telling your mum, or yourself, that.
"Anything I can do to help, pet?" She takes a sip of her tea, finding it too hot so leaving it to cool on the side. You'd downed your tea, not really having the time to lazily sit around today.
"There's some tables already set up outside." You pull out some colourful, checkered table cloths from a cupboard and hand them to her. "If you'd kindly dress the tables with these, and then the platters in the fridge can be arranged on them then." She nods in understanding before walking off to do her job.
You managed to have everything in the oven, and back out of the oven, within an hour, which was perfect timing for your guests.
Anne, Gemma and Michal had arrived shortly after your parents and they all sat in the sunny garden, whilst you continued to cook. Neighbours and extended family continued to drift in throughout the afternoon. Ella's friends had arrived bang on 12pm, as you expected, and they were all having bundles of fun out in the garden. You had hired a bouncy castle and so that was occupying the kids for the moment, knowing it would cleverly tire them out for bedtime.
It was now 2pm and the party was in full swing. You were currently warming up some extra sausage rolls in the oven, seeing as they disappeared at lightning speed once you'd placed them on the table.
"Hiding in the kitchen are we?!" You turned around to see Gemma waltzing in, with a glass of champagne in her hand. You couldn't help but laugh, knowing she was trying to make you feel better.
"Kids ate the sausage rolls like the world is ending tomorrow!" You joked, leaning to rest on the kitchen island.
"How are you doing?" Gemma sincerely asked, knowing how hard it had been over the past couple of weeks. Gemma was the sister you never had, which meant you told her everything. She knew how badly you, and the kids, missed Harry and how it was taking a toll on your mental health.
"I'm getting there. Yourself?" You asked to make polite conversation, but Gemma could tell by the dark circles under your eyes that you putting on a brave face; pretending you were alright.
"Not too bad. Missed my niece and nephew though." She placed her hand over her heart for effect, making you smile.
"Yeah they've missed you too. You're definitely Ellas favourite person."
"Pfft! Not true! You are, for sure." She put down her champagne glass so she could open the bottle and refill her glass.
"Oh, I don't know Gem! You'd be surprised!" You laughed. Gemma was about to reply before the deafening cries of Theo echoed through the house. "Excuse me." You apologised and left for Theos' room.
Upon arrival you noticed how much louder his screams were. You walked in and shut the door softly behind you. Theo was sat up in bed, crying his eyes out all over again. You not having a clue why, since he didn't need changing and he rejected food, drink, sleep and even you.
"Hey mister! What's all this about hey?" You cooed, whilst lifting him out of bed. Once he was in your hold he stuffed his head in to your neck and continued to cry, with his heartbreaking sobs. "What can I do, sunshine? Hey? What can I do?" You kept asking him, as if he was going to give you an answer.
You aimlessly walked around the room, bouncing Theo up and down in your arms to comfort him. Nothing working. His continued cries made you feel so weak, because you couldn't do anything to help him.
"C'mon Theo. Help mummy out here. Please." You whisper your last word, hoping, by some miracle, he would stop crying. But he didn't.
The door slowly opens and you see Gemma enter. You sigh to yourself, not liking other people to see how bad a parent you were being.
"I, uh, sorted out the sausage rolls for you." She told you, earning a thanks from you. "Do you want me to try?" Gemma asked carefully, not wanting to step over any boundary you may have drawn.
What was the harm in her trying?
"Okay." You softly say, handing over your sobbing son to his Aunty. He chokes on his tears a bit, making him cough, but Gemma helps him out by gently, but firmly, patting his back. Within a minute, Gemma had gotten him to calm down and he was quite content with spending time latching on to her.
Even though you were beyond relived that Theo had calmed down, you felt pretty shitty. You couldn't even stop your son from crying. In that moment you felt like a worthless mum and you quickly excused yourself, from Gemma, before you ended up breaking down in front of her.
You zipped to your bedroom and shut the door. You made your way over to the edge of the bed and sat down on it. You hunched over, planting your elbows on your knees, and face in your hands, before you starting crying yourself. You tried to be as strong as possible for your children, but it has all gotten a bit too much recently. You were also jealous from how Gem had managed to quiet your son, yet you couldn't. You tried to make sure your crying could only be heard by you, not wanting to concern other people. You breathed heavy, attempting to control your falling tears.
Your bedroom door opened, expecting to see Gemma with Theo, but instead seeing your gorgeous Ella.
"Mummy? You okay?" She softly asked, clearly worried about her mother.
"Yeah, baby, i'm fine." You assured her, hating yourself more for letting your daughter see you in such a vulnerable state.
"Why are you crying mummy?" She padded over to you and stopped in front of you, to take your larger hands in her tiny ones.
"It doesn't matter, sweetheart. Mummy's fine." You kissed the top of her head to comfort her, knowing you probably looked like a mess with your bulging red eyes. "Did you need something, angel?" You queried, wondering why she'd come looking for you in the first place.
"Oh yeah! I nearly forgotten!" You smiled at how her sentence was grammatically incorrect, but not having the heart to tell her in that moment. "Grandma says there's a surprise for me downstairs, but she wants you there too. I also want you there mummy." She rocked back on her feet sweetly.
"Of course i'll be there, baby." You smile at her, letting out a large sniffle to stop your nose from running.
"Yay! I love you mummy!" She told you. You'd heard it a thousand times already, but each time she said it, it made your heart melt.
"I love you, birthday girl." You pinched her cheeks lightly and she let out a world-saving giggle. Ella clamped on to you hand, weaving you both through the halls, and the stairs, until you ended up outside with everyone else.
"There's the birthday girl!" Michal shouted causing Ella to cling on to your leg, and hide away, out of shyness. Utterly adorable.
There was a mix of people standing up and sitting down, and you decided to sit down. Mainly because you were so exhausted. Knowing you had a restless night with Theo ahead of you, made you feel even more exhausted. You loved the boy, so fucking much, but you wished he could just sleep like a sloth, instead of a nocturnal creature.
"Right. Can everyone hear me who wants to hear me?" Anne shouted up, causing the chatter to die down. Ella came and clambered in to your lap, casually laying against your front. Gemma was standing near Anne, Theo still attached to her, and she mouthed to you whether you were okay to which you nodded, not wanting to make her feel bad.
"Before we sing happy birthday to the birthday girl, and then get to eat some lovely cake, we have a surprise for our lovely Ella." Anne continued, making Ella all giddy in your lap causing people to chuckle.
"Baby, sit still." You whispered to Ella, because she kept unintentionally fidgeting.
"The surprise took a while to plan." Anne rolled her eyes dramatically. She was such an entertainer, much like her son.
"Grandma what is it?!" Ella shouted impatiently, whilst kicking her legs excitedly.
"What do you want it to be?" Anne asked.
"Hmmm..." She thought to herself. "My daddy to phone call me." She decided, making your heart break at her words. You were pissed off that Harry hadn't called yet. It's not like he had that busy of a schedule.
"Okay. Let's do that first then. Shall we call him?" Anne asked Ella, everyone watching and listening intensely.
"YEAH!" She squealed in your lap, launching out from your hold and over to where Anne was dialling numbers into her phone. It was quiet enough so you could hear the ringing. You bit your lip and prayed to God that Harry would answer his goddamn phone. But after the line went dead, you knew your prayers hadn't been answered.
Your heart broke even more, if that was possible, whilst watching Ella frown in confusion as to why her dad hadn't picked up.
"Why didn't daddy pick up?" She quietly asks to herself, but loud enough for people to hear. Everyone looking upset for her.
"Maybe because he wanted to say happy birthday to you in person, instead?" You heard what sounded like Harrys' raspy voice reply, thinking your mind was playing cruel tricks on you. Until you saw him weave his way through the crowd of people he'd been hiding behind.
You took one look at him and that was enough to set you off crying again, in disbelief that he was actually here.
"DADDY!" Ella screamed so loudly, you could've sworn a glass cup broke. She sprinted over to him where he was already crouched down awaiting her embrace. That was all you saw before you buried your head in your hands, crying to yourself again.
You knew he was really here, you'd just seen him, but part of you kept asking yourself 'is this a dream?'.
It'd been twenty odd seconds and people were laughing and awing loudly around you, probably because Harry was being the best father to Ella and Theo, whilst you couldn't move you were so in shock. Beautiful shock though. Completely relieved he was back, and safe. You heard the sounds of knees cracking, indicating someone had crouched down in front of you. Large, warm hands pulled yours away from your face, to uncover the tear-stained mess.
"Well hello to you to, baby!" Harry chuckled, causing you to do so too. Looking in to his mesmerising green orbs, you felt at home again. Tears flowed freely down your face as you laughed at him.
"Jesus H! You know how to give a woman a heart attack!" You choked out between sobs, but made him laugh nevertheless.
"Just you, love." He teased, making you roll your eyes at him. "Really? I fly back to surprise you and all I get is a roll of the eyes!" He continued to tease you.
"Fuck off! You nearly killed me with shock Harold!" You say dramatically.
"Can I get my welcome home gift now?" He smirks, knowing full well he would.
You harshly grab the back of his neck and pull him towards you, as if you were in a real hurry to make his lips meet yours. Which you were. He reacted as quick as you did and engulfed your cheeks with his large hands, showing he was just as desperate for you as you were for him. The second your lips touched lips, the firework display ignited within you. A feeling you had so deathly missed. You were never one to display so much affection in public, especially in front of your parents, but in that moment nothing else mattered except for you and Harry. The kiss merely lasted a few seconds, but that was enough for each other to realise how much you missed and needed each other. Your tears continued to fall throughout the interaction; Harry's finger caressing your cheek, continuously, to wipe them away. He absolutely hated it when you were upset.
Neither one of you wanted to pull away, but there were still many people watching you both, and Harry knew that if you continued you'd start to feel uncomfortable. So he took what he could of you, in that moment, knowing you'd both continue this later tonight.
"Shit, i've missed you." Harry gasped for air due to you leaving him speechless, as always.
"Same here." You chewed the inside of your lip to refrain yourself from attacking Harrys' lips again, not wanting to cause too much of a scene. Harry kissed your forehead and then rested his against yours, you closing your eyes in comfort. Your world feeling at peace again.
"Mummy! Look! Daddy's back!" Ella ran over to you and told you the news as if you didn't already know. You pulled away from Harry, licking you salty lips, to look at your joyful, now, 4 year old.
"I know, angel!" You laughed as she bear tackled Harry in a hug. "Isn't it great!?" You asked her.
"Yeah! But why are you crying again mummy?" She asked sincerely.
"Agai—" Harry was about to ask with furrowed eyebrows, but you beat him to it.
"Happy tears, Els. I'm just happy." You assured her, for the second time today. She turned back to Harry, happy that you were too, but Harrys face was more of a 'we're-talking-about-this-later' kind of face, clearly concerned.
"Was that a good surprise Ella!" Anne reached you, smiling so widely at the happy family.
"Yes! The best present ever." It clicked as to what Harry meant now. Yeah he definitely won the presents game.
"Where's my other little rascal?" Harry questioned over Theo. You pointed over to his sister and you looked down at your oh-so-interesting hands to distract you from the negative emotions from previously.
Ella ran back in to the bouncy castle, with her friends, after asking Harry to join her. He told her he'd be there when he's seen to everyone else, because he knew after he started to dedicate his time to his daughter there was no way anyone was pulling him away from her. Harry waltzed over to Gemma and Theo, retrieving him from her arms. You noticed Theos' face light up at the sight of his dad, body wiggling like crazy trying to be as close to him as possible.
You got up yourself, giving Anne an enormous hug and thank you for setting up such a wonderful surprise. You'd forever be in her debt now. You headed in to the kitchen and took out some fresh bottles of champagne, from the fridge, replacing the empty ones.
As much as having Harry back had repaired your longing, broken, heart for him, you were still frustrated and upset at yourself for not having been able to take care of your children properly. Ella had been no problem, apart from the occasional tantrum over missing her dad, but Theo had been tough work. You knew having Harry back would calm things down now, but you were angry at yourself for not being able to do it yourself.
You started to wash and scrub the dishes as a distraction. It was your daughters birthday for God sake. Why were you being so selfish?
Your dad walked in a few moments later. "Heya, pet! I'll do the dishes, love." He told you, instead of offering.
"Oh it's alright dad! I got it." You start scrubbing the plate harder out of built up frustration. Your dad calmly, but firmly, places his hand over yours preventing you from scrubbing any more.
"Y/N." Your dad starts. You turn to face him, wondering what he was doing since he never called you by your name. It was always pet names instead. "Stop. Harry wants to speak to you anyways." He pulls your hands out of the water and starts scrubbing the dish you were once doing. "He's in your bedroom I believe."
You nod and silently make your way to the bedroom. God if Harry's about to tell you that he found someone else in Japan, and was leaving you, you might actually over feed yourself with ice-cream until you die. That would be a happy death, right? You open the door and see he's sat on the edge of the bed, twiddling his thumbs together, something he always did when he was anxious. The close the door, locking it in the process, the sound making Harrys head shoot up. It was only then that you realised he was crying. His eyes, puffy read from all the shedded tears.
"Baby what's wrong!" You dash over to him and tackle him to lay down on the bed. You straddling him, laying over the top of him to hug him tightly. His feet still dangling over the edge of the bed made you wonder how comfortable he was.
"I-I'm sorry Y/N/N." His words taking you aback.
"Sorry for what? You have nothing to apologise for H." You meant it. The man had done nothing, that you currently knew of, that was wrong.
"I shouldn't have left you." He muttered to himself, before turning to directly face you. You sat upright, because he did. "Why didn't you tell me you were struggling, baby?" He sadly asks whilst cupping your cheek, to which you lean in to. There was no point in playing dumb.
"That wouldn't have been fair on you." You looked down to escape his intense gaze.
"So you made life harder for yourself?" He rhetorically asked, but you answered anyway.
"It's only been like this for two weeks, H." You stated, not thinking it was a massive deal to get in to an argument about.
"Two weeks too long, baby." He added, making you sigh in defeat. "Gem told me how you've been beating yourself down over being worthless and unfit to be a mum, and I need you to understand baby, this is important, I need you to understand that you are the best fucking mum in the world to our kids. You would do anything for them, I know you would, because I would too."
"I haven't finished." He cuts you off and boops your nose to tell you off. "It's meant to be hard, baby, and it's not meant to be a straight-forward road, but you're making it harder for yourself by not allowing my inside that pretty head. Okay? You need to let me in, and help you out. We have different purposes as parents. You are far much better at getting the kids organised for events or distracting them with creative activities than I am, and it just so happens that i'm better at sending the kids off to sleep than you are. Over time those roles may change, or we may even perfect them all and be equals in every area. None of that means you are a shitty mum. So don't think that, ever. Alright? Promise me."
"No, baby. I need you to promise me." He lifted up your chin and pressed a curt kiss to your lips before allowing you to respond.
"I promise you, Haz." You kiss his lips more passionately and allow yourself to linger on them for a a prolonged few moments.
"Don't try and distract me, baby." He pulls away, making you pout in annoyance. "I need to know that you're okay first."
"I'm okay." You hang your arms over his shoulders and massage the curls at the back of his head.
"I know Theo has been a handful recently, and i'll tell him off when he's old enough to understand-" You abruptly laugh. "-but i'm here now and i'm not leaving, like that, again. I hated it. Next time you're all coming with."
You were excited to hear every minute detail about his trip, knowing how he secretly will have loved it.
"Hope you wrote some good music whilst you were away!" You laughed, hoping the late nights and early mornings weren't all for nothing.
"Of course." He came to your lips for a quick peck. "I wrote a song caller Sunflower, Vol. 6 because I re-wrote it 6 fucking times before I liked it."
"Because it was going to be my 'honey-im-home' gift, for you, and i wanted it to be perfect. Like you." You laughed at his cheesiness, but not wanting him any other way.
"Can I listen to it?" You bite your lip in anticipation.
"After you've given me your welcome home gift, baby." He winks coming to kiss you neck a few times, after moving your hair out of his way.
"Harry it's your daughters birthday! Go and spend time with her and treat her like the princess she is." She try and push him away from your neck, but heavily fail.
"After i've treated you, my queen." He said, all smug, and flipped you around, pushing you in to the bed and proving to you how worthy you just were.
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sxftkxssxs · 3 years
MC who kept some lingering plague symptoms after Asra's hijinks, except it's not contagious or lethal anymore? For the main 6, ooor if for whatever reason that's too much it can just be Asra Nadia and Julian
like, how would they deal with people being scared of them and deal with their actual symptoms?
sorry if this request sounds blunt or rude, it really isn't supposed to sound like that (I've never done a request before so idk how these messages are supposed to sound like :/ )
oooo this is a good idea! you don’t sound rude at all hun! <3
MC who still shows Plague symptoms
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terrified at first because he thinks this means it didn’t work and youll just die all over again
tries their best not to freak out over it in front of you since it might scare you
it especially gets scary if you end up having the whites of your eyes turn red
probably the fastest besides nadia to figure out it isn’t contagious or lethal anymore
does his best to inform you about why you can’t exactly go out with your eyes like that or showing other symptoms
you probably find out about your death faster this way, there’s no way asra could avoid it as long as they did normally
practically everyone in vesuvia knows you aren’t contagious but they probably can’t help but be weary
asra and the baker are the only ones in town who aren’t weary right off the bat
faust helps you as best she can too <3
they honestly love you just as much as normal! they just get a heart attack sometimes -
asra hates that people are afraid of you, so they use a little trick of magic most likely
it doesn’t change you no, it just makes you feel more approachable and nice,
they try to play it off but when more people start talking to you than normal, you know he did a little something for you :)
panic but mostly confusion
he doesn’t know it’s not contagious or lethal and he doesn’t really give you a chance to explain that
unless you scream it at him
when he hears it’s not anything horrible he’s gonna be even more confused
you’re sick, you’re showing all the same symptoms why aren’t you worried??
if you tell him or asra tells the two of you hes more relieved than confused
would definitely get you a matching eyepatch if you got a red eye like he does
helps you everyday if you let him
he feels even more guilty when he figured out you worked at his clinic when you got sick
malak probably doesn’t care- but still helps you if you ever need anything and can’t fetch it
the doctor probably knows how to suppress the symptoms the most,
lots of care with him, probably could pull off a joke or two out it if you tried hard enough
he’s sad when people get scared of you :(
he never had that due to his eyepatch, but he tries to get people to understand that if he, someone who never believed in magic, is saying it’s real, it’s gotta be!
most people still stay away but you both talk about it and probably come up with a solution pretty quickly
worry! she’s worried about the plague and most of all you!
she knows if it’s contagious then you’re absolutely getting quarantined and she has to think of the city and-
she’s in the middle of that internal struggle when you tell her it’s not gonna hurt you or i felt anyone
she’s so lost she actually thinks you don’t know what it is
she’s like “my dove..you have the plague?? of course it could hurt you or infect others-“
when you tell her it’s been this way since you could remember she’s even more worried
when you both figure out it’s from the circumstances of your death (and resurrection) she’s more understanding
very worried for you if the symptoms hurt you from time to time
has the court physician help you to the best of their ability
chandra brings you herbs she finds in the palace garden
if you’re symptoms get worse any certain day nadia would take the day to just do more paperwork than normal, which is practically a day off for her
she’s very upset when she realizes people are afraid of you, youre her lover! she hates if people start to advise her to quarantine you
eventually she explains to the entire palace, you are her lover and that’s not changing, you’re not contagious or dying.
she might have to come up with something since not everyone believes in magic but, portia and the other loyal people in the palace know the truth
he’s probably not worried, because asra most likely already told him beforehand
he does get worried however if your symptoms start hurting you
he doesn’t like seeing you in pain so he tried to help in any way possible
if you feel sore or just don’t feel like moving he’ll do the work for you, you’ll just have to ask
inanna always snuggles up to you when she knows you aren’t feeling too good, she’s definitely your cuddle buddy
muriel practices earthly magic, so id like to think he’s good with herbs
probably makes some sort of soup with good herbs in it for you <3
animals probably would gravitate to you even more, since most stick to people who don’t feel well to make them happier
muriel thinks it means you’re suffering and you’re just- “chickens :D”
he gets scared to even touch you sometimes, that maybe the symptoms make you weaker or more fragile than normal
you probably fake battle him to show him he’s wrong and even with this gross plague symptom, you can land some sort of hit on him
you probably aren’t gonna be around many people when you live in the woods, but if it does bother you he’ll talk with you about things you can do about it
he probably understands the most, people used to be scared of him too </3
completely worried
her brother already had the plague before and now you have it?!
she’s completely stressed and wondering if she should tell nadia to get you quarantined
you tell her that hey! it’s nothing bad, i’ve been like this since i can remember
she’s gonna go bombard asra with questions before you can stop her
when she knows it’s from when you died, she feels a little bad that you’re constantly reminded of it :(
she does try to help best she can but she’s always so busy! so she comprises and has pepi with you whenever she can’t be there
it doesn’t frighten her as much if you have red eyes! sure she knew the plague happened and it was awful but she wasn’t really there for it
pepi makes biscuits on you if you feel sore or tense
portia probably walks in on that and can’t decide to laugh or worry that her cat knows how to massage you
she’s very sad when she sees people are scared of you, and they just don’t listen when you try to explain!
she ends up telling everyone, no! you’re not sick or anything! it’s not gonna hurt them ! just give them a chance!
nobody likes a sad or angry portia so they try being around you for her sake, and probably start to like you too :)
the one most freaked out
if you seriously tell him you’ve been like this as long as you can remember he’s scared shitless
he’s probably still worried about himself more in the beginning but eventually starts to be more worried about you
if the symptoms are bad he probably has to clock out for a minute -
but he eventually will stop being a wimp and help you with whatever symptoms you’re experiencing
when he finds out it’s from your death it probably haunts him more than before,
the biggest reason he’d feel guilty about your death is because even if you’re alive, you’re still suffering because of his mistakes
he doesn’t really know how to make you feel better but does call for the best treatment
probably is really nice to nadia to make it happen lefbkabd
melchior is probably the one to snuggle if you feel bad but mercedes joins in if it’s any worse than normal
he tries his best to help, and he probably goes through his redemption arc a lot faster like this!
he really does try to make people understand that it's not bad to be around you, people just don't listen. Some do try to hang out because if you can transform their count what's the harm?
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newmysterygirl · 3 years
"Can Never Say No To The Princess."
Reader x Sadeyes, Oscar and Rio
Summary: You go on a date without the guys knowing but once they get word of it they decide to drop by.
Warning: Some Cussing, angst.
A/N: I didn't know what I was going to do with these three but then I saw one of the chapters for livingwiththem and my brain thought this up. Hope you like it :)
Shout out to @b3mybunnybaby for the idea of doing a quick one of these three Kings.
Not my Gifs but idk who they belong to because they were in my camera roll so just let me know if it's yours and I'll give credit.
The guys left around noon to go handle some business. Once you found out they would be gone for the whole day you were actually happy this time because you were finally going on a date with this guy you've been talking to, Luis and the guys don't know about him and you didn't want them to. At least not yet, you want to see how the date goes and then if you see a future you'll prepare him.
You go to the mall and buy a red lace top, a pair of black jeans that made your ass look great and a pair of black heels but not to much heel because you didn't want to be taller than him.
Around six Luis text you that he's coming to get you and he has a few places he wants to take you. He picks you up and drive you to the boardwalk, you guys do nothing but laugh. You guys get some sweets and eat as you walk on the beach, as the sun sets.
Once it's dark it starts getting cold so you guys go back to his car and sit there and talk because neither of you wanted the night to end. Your stomach growled about an hour an a half after being in the car so you guys decide to head back and grab something to eat but when he takes you to a taco place by your place everything goes south.
When you were driving away Rio was pulling up but he didn't think about the car that was driving away from him as he turned onto the street. Rio and two other Santos get out and head inside.
Once Rio gets to the door he unlocks it and they walk in; he calls out for you but nothing. He goes looking for you but can't find you so he calls you.
"She's not answering." Rio says pulling the phone away from his ear, confused because you had a special ring tone for him, Spooky and Sadeyes so you wouldn't miss their calls.
"Maybe we should call Spooky." One of the Santos suggest but Rio's quick to cut that idea.
"No. I got it." He says, sending you a few text messages.
About an hour of you not answering Sadeyes shows up at the house since no Santos were at Spookys. Once Sadeyes walks in he nods at the Santos and sees how tense Rio is so he asks
"What's up."
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"Y/Ns not here and she's not answering her phone." Rio says.
Sadeyes frowns his eyebrows, confused and pulls his phone out to see if you'd answer him. Once you didn't and Rio showed him how many times he called and texted you Sadeyes says "We need to tell Spooky."
Rio growls, irritated and sucks he teeth but doesn't argue.
Sadeyes told the Santos at the house to spread the word that they need to keep an eye out for you and call if they find you. Around 10 Spooky shows up at Rio's.
"You guys ok? They said you needed me here. Y/N ok?" Spooky ask once he walks in.
"We can't find her." Rio says after Sadeyes and him exchanged a look.
"What do you mean you can't find her?" Spooky ask, confused and worried. "She was here when you left. No?"
"No she was but when I got back-"
"What time? What time did you get back?" Spooky ask interrupting Rio.
"Around six thirty." Rio says.
Spooky turns around, trying to calm down and think of where you could of gone.
"We call and texted, nothing. So I sent Rocko and Jr to tell the others to keep an eye out." Sadeyes says
Spooky nods and pulls his phone out.
It can't hurt to give you a call and see if you'll answer, he thinks.
Voicemail. At least it's on, he thinks.
As he's pulling the phone away from his ear Cesar walks in and the Santos look at him.
"What are you doing here?" Spooky ask
"Joker said your looking for Y/N. Me and Monse saw her at that taco shop down the street."
The Santos look at each other and head out the door, to the famous red Impala and to you.
Your sitting there in one of the four booths in the taco shop, laughing and talking to Luis that you didn't notice the famous red Impala pull up and you didn't notice the guys walk in right away.
But once you see them your face drops. Luis looks behind him to see what your looking at and his eyes go wide with fear for a few seconds.
Makes sense since Luis is almost 5'8 and Sadeyes is 6'3, even when he's was sitting down he's still tall. Spooky is 6'1 and has a scary ass face when he wants to and Rio is 6'1 , they all had the Santo tattoo and some others. They were definitely intimidating if you didn't know them how you knew them.
Spooky silently tells you to move over and you do after rolling your eyes. Sadeyes stands next to Spooky, staring at Luis.
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Rio stands at the end of the table staring at Luis and honestly he was more intimidating now because he had some cuts on his face, that you would clean later.
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"Why didn't you answer your phone?" Rio ask you looking at you.
"Must of died." You seethe
Rio licks his lips and looks at Luis.
Spooky calmly says "Your the reason we were worried. The reason the whole block was looking for her."
You look at Spooky like he's unbelievable but you know you're lucky there weren't posters of you up on phone polls.
"You need to leave." Rio says happily but also deadly.
Luis looks at you and you give him a small lip tight smile and he gets out of the booth and is followed out by Sadeyes and Rio.
Once Luis leaves the parking lot you turn to Spooky and saying "Move."
He stare at you for to long so you stand up and step over the table then over the booth and storm out the taco shop, him hot on your tail.
"I ain't done!" Spooky says
You ignore him and March to the Impala. You know they won't let you walk, they would pick you up and put you in the car if they had to so you pull up the seat and climb in the back, pulling the front seat down you sit right behind the passenger seat, up against the window and wait for them to get in.
Sadeyes gets in, sitting up front, Rio gets in the back but thankfully doesn't move towards you, just looks at you, Spooky gets in after putting the seat down and starts driving.
It's quite till Rio looks at you and breaks it by asking
"You serious?"
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You turn your head and look him up and down, pissed then say
"Yes. You guys never let me do anything that a normal girl does."
"Your not a normal girl Y/N." Oscar says
"Your special, and not just to us. Everyone sees it. That's why girls hate you and why we keep guys away." Sadeyes states
You scoff at that comment before saying "But it's not fair! I want a man to love me, and have a family one day and I can't get that if I don't go on dates."
It's quite for the rest of the drive. The guys thinking about what you said till Spooky pulls up to the house you and Rio share. Since your in the back you can't get out till Sadeyes moves so you sit there, waiting for someone to say something.
"You know we love you. Right?" Spooky says breaking the silence.
"Yeah." You quietly say, looking down at your hands.
Spooky turns in his seat and looks at you. So does Sadeyes.
"You don't see what we see Y/N/N." Sadeyes says
"The guys that be looking at you and trying to get you ain't shit and we know that. That's why we scare them off." Sadeyes says.
"You don't know Luis though." You quietly say
The boys look at each other then Spooky says "Your right."
You look up at him and he continues "We don't know him- but we.... just-"
"We want you Happy. We do but you gotta understand that you don't see or hear what we see and hear. These foos around here really ain't shit." Rio says
"We're just looking out for ya." Sadeyes says
You look at them and think for a moment then say "Will you guys at least try to talk to Luis before you blow him off?"
"I ain't blowin that foo." Spooky says.
"I ain't blowin him." Sadeyes says.
"The fuck." Rio says.
Was their responses which made you smile.
"We'll think about it." Spooky says which means yes because they can never say no to the Princess.
A/N: I wrote this last night. It took me like an hour, I think but I'm actually surprised at how much I like this. I hope you enjoyed :)
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
“Z seemed to be enamoured with JE” i am offended solely because i am a shipper and i don’t think rationally when it comes to the “others” lol BUT NAH i cannot accept that she’s “enamored” with him. She dated him tho and that’s a fact and maybe clung to him while hurting over a breakup with the actual love of her life. It happens. Of course she’d do all those couply shit with that ratface (im very very very sorry) because z is a decent person and would not treat him harshly?? she chose to date him and that’s a fact. Of course at first she’d be enjoying herself?? I’d do the same with a rebound. BUT pretty sure when she had time to truly reflect on things, she realized her heart wasnt truly in it. I still believe she’s the one who broke it off with him when she realized how she’s not truly in love with him (added to the other factors like how pretentious he is and all the horrible rumors…kidding! idk him personally to say anything haha) ANYWAY! can’t change the past, can’t erase those pictures seared into my brain, but the wonderful thing about the past is how i can compare it to what i’m witnessing now. And yes, Tom is indeed the love of her life, and I said what I said no matter how delusional I sound to non-shippers.
Yea, it's so obvious she loved Tom more than she loved JE. I don't even know why that's even a question at this point lol. The signs have been there since 2019 honestly. Who goes and gives their ex or soon-to-be ex a keyhole neck chain with some secret picture or message inside of it right before (or after) they've split up?? 🥴
Who goes and wear's their ex's shirt after they've split up the night of their movie premiere?
Who almost slips up and says "cuddling with my boyfriend" on the red carpet when talking about her "perfect day"? And let's not even go into all of the other signs that there were still feelings between them after Tom and Olivia were spotted together.
Honestly, the signs were still there that they both loved each other even after they split up. It's not just a crack theory. There were plenty of signs that us fans who followed them closely even after their breakup picked up on.
Z was doing what any normal woman would do after a breakup. She moved on and dated another guy. 🤷 And if our suspicions are true (perhaps Tom initiated the breakup), then it's no wonder that she would move on to start dating JE as soon as she saw Tom spotted with Olivia. Knowing JE he probably saw the pictures and swooped in and made his move. 🤷
She definitely had an attraction to JE, and liked his company (otherwise she wouldn't have dated him in the first place), but do I think she was in love with him like she was in love with Tom? No way lol 😅🤣
Even Momma Claire knew that lol, "Jacob WHO??" 😅🤣
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nicoleheichou · 3 years
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Now All I See Is Color - chapter 30: don't know what to do
♡ masterlist ♡ 《 previous | next 》
In a world where soulmates exist, it's uncommon for most people to find theirs. A lot of them going their whole lives never experiencing the world in color because they've never met their soulmate. But that all changes for y/n when she becomes MSBY Jackals player, Miya Atsumu's assistant. They're about to experience the world in color together. But what does that mean for y/n when both her and Atsumu are in committed relationships?
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Earlier you received a text from Semi asking if you wanted to sit with him during the game, which of course you did. He promised to save you a seat, so now you were trying to find him in the crowd of people.
You spot him, surrounded by what you assume to be some of his fangirls. He immediately notices you and motions for you to make your way over, excusing himself from the fangirls. "Semi!" He pulls you into a hug and you can't help but laugh. "How have you been kitten?" Pulling away you get a good look at him. "I'm good! And I really like your outfit Sem, the colors go well together."
"You can see colors y/n?" He questions. Shrugging, you turn to look down at the court with both teams warming up. "That's one of the things I want to discuss with you and Ushi tonight. So let's save it for then. 'Kay?" Not saying a word, the male just nods.
You get the feeling that you're being watched, so you look around for the culprit and your eyes land on none other than Atsumu. He gives you a small smile which you reciprocate. Trying your best to ignore the butterflies in your stomach you turn your attention to Semi. "So what have you been up to?" You spend the rest of the time before the game distracting yourself from the feeling in your stomach by talking with the gray haired male beside you.
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You sit in the stands with Semi, waiting for people to clear out and just killing time before you meet up with Ushijima. Your phone vibrates and you see a text from the male, telling you that he's done and waiting for you and Semi by the back exit.
"Come on Sem!" Grabbing his hand you lead him to the back exit. Passing by the restrooms you notice a group blocking your way. You can't help but let out a sigh. "What are you guys doing by the restrooms? And why are you all crowding Sho?"
Atsumu is the first to speak up. "They're ganging up on my wing spiker!" The look of confusion on your face prompts Sakusa to speak up. "Don't listen to Atsumu, they're just saying hi." Finally noticing you, Hoshiumi practically tackles you into a hug. "It's been so long since I've seen you in person y/n." He says while burying his face in your hair.
"Sorry Kou. I've been so busy." You say while reaching up to pat his head. Semi clears his throat beside you, reminding you of what you were supposed to be doing. "Oh yeah! Good game tonight guys! And it was nice seeing you Kou, but I have to get going. Text me?" And with that you excuse yourself and finally head to the exit.
You notice a figure leaning against the wall and you can't help but smile. You could recognize him anywhere, what with how he towers over everyone and just by the way he's built, definitely bigger than the others. "Y/n." He's the first to speak up. "Toshi." You say with a smile before pulling him into a hug. "We got distracted, that little shrimp was having his usual run in with everyone by the restrooms again."
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"So what was it that you wanted to talk to us about y/n?" Semi questions as he shoves a spoonful of the curry into his mouth. "I feel like you're the only ones I can talk to about this. I can't go to Suna or my friends, I want an unbiased opinion because I really don't know what to do anymore." You notice that both men have stopped eating to give you your full attention.
Ushijima is the first to speak up. "What do you mean y/n?" Letting out a shaky breath, you decide to start from the beginning. "So I've met my soulmate. I can see colors now." You pause waiting for a reaction. "Holy shit! Really? What's it like? Wait. No. Who's your soulmate? What does Suna think about this? Are you going to leave Suna?" Semi fires out every thought that pops into his head, not bothering to filter any of it.
You bury your face in your hands. "I don't know what to do. My soulmate is Atsumu. And as of right now I have no intentions of breaking up with Rin but...I feel like the more time I spend with Atsumu the more I can picture myself with him." You feel someone rubbing soothing circles into your back, it's only then do you realize that you're crying. "It's okay. You don't have to make a decision right now sweetheart." Looking up you see Ushijima, his olive eyes staring back at you. There was something about his eyes, even before you could see color that almost always immediately comforted you.
"I'm scared. I'm scared that I'm going to hurt Rin. Or that I'm going to hurt Atsumu. I don't know if he remembers but one night he got drunk and told me that he's falling in love with me." It's Semi's turn to comfort you, thumbs swiping at the tears. "Kitten, it's normal to feel what you're feeling. You always put others before yourself, it's okay to be selfish sometimes, you know?"
Was it really okay to be selfish for once? "Well how do you feel about Atsumu? Just because you're soulmates doesn't mean you'll work out. You have to put in the effort like any other relationship." The olive haired male says. People always had the perception of Ushijima being a dumb jock but that was far from it. He just didn't like to talk if he didn't need to.
How do you feel about Atsumu? You've been so focused on his drunken confession that you never really got to focus on your feelings for him. "Sometimes he'll do something or say something meant just for me and I'll get butterflies. I enjoy the time we spend together. When he's hurting, I can't help but feel the same way. I don't think of being his assistant as a job because I like being able to be there for him. But I can't help but think what if I'm just thinking I feel this way because we're soulmates? What if I'm subconsciously trying to make things work because we are soulmates and not because I actually love him?"
"Well how do you feel about Suna?" Semi questions. You let out a sigh. You know your feelings for Suna. "Where do I even start? I love him. I love him so much. And I'm not saying this because I feel guilty or anything. I get excited to see his good morning texts, I look forward to our phone calls, I miss him whenever we're apart, I'm constantly thinking about him. I can see a future with him. That's why I can't help but feel guilty whenever I have these thoughts about Atsumu. They're both amazing, but I don't know what I should do. I don't want to hurt either of them."
"I think it would be best to let both of them know. They have a right to know what your feelings are for the both of them, because they're both part of it too." Although he was a man of few words, whenever Ushijima did speak, it was always exactly what you needed to hear even if you didn't want to. "You don't have to go at this alone, Suna and Atsumu are also there for you." The gray haired male gives you a quick pinch on the cheek. "And if you ever need to talk about it...we're here." He motions between himself and Ushijima. "Did you ever think of being in a relationship with both of them? I mean it worked out for the three of us."
You can't help but chuckle before playfully shoving Semi. "I think I want to be in a monogamous relationship now. It was exhausting having two boyfriends." You tease. But it was an interesting thought, could you really be with both of them? "But really, if you feel like you don't have anyone to talk to about this, we're here y/n." Ushijima broke you out of your thoughts and hearing him comforting you and telling you that you can rely on the both of them, that brought on a fresh set of tears. What did you do to deserve such amazing people in your life?
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so i really had Semi joking about a poly relationship in the drafts before y'all suggested it. lol.
the google form is still up if you haven't answered it! i'll probably keep it up for a few days so everyone has a chance to answer it. ☺
comment or message me if you want to be added to the taglist!
it's a crime that all the japan men's vball games are at 4:40am for me but will i be watching them? yes. 🥴
and have a fun weekend! stay safe & hydrated!
oh yeah sleepover is next chapter & it's pretty much a filler. but one of my faves idk.
Taglist [open]: @bakugouswh0r3 @youidiot91 @koffyee @kyomihann @szeonn @chantalkate16 @onlyonew @ntimacy @underratedmage @90s-belladonna @simpletype @toshikamo @todomaniac @sumebreaks @sammistry @pansexualproblemchild @kozuelle @roselleviennesstuff @erensnubs @fantasycantasy @choozari @starsabove-me @halesandy @encrytpta @youraggedybitch @pablopascal @qualitygiantshoepsychic @iheartkuroorin @curiouslilbeast @cannibalcuriosity @fandomsgotmefucked @xhyunjinbbyx
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shadowgirl138 · 3 years
My Random Obx Headcanons
● I know Rose is a realtor but she gives me strong interior decorator vibes. Like I can see her and Ward having their own flip or flop type vibe
● Wheezie runs a gossip page about all the kids in obx. She's definitely the gossip girl of figure 8 dishing out everyone's dirty secrets even her own siblings, no one is safe
● Rafe played football and baseball as a kid before giving it up to focus on golf. 
● John B is a horrible texter. He'll read your messages but forget to respond to them. It will take him a solid 3 days to a week to actually send you a message back. 
● Ward makes all the kids sit down for a family dinner at least once a week and makes them all say what the best part of their day was 
● Kelce is a secret nerd but won't let Topper and Rafe know in fear of them teasing him about it. His favorite things are probably star wars and anything to do with Superman and Spiderman. He goes to conventions in New York but lies and tells the boys he's visiting family. 
● Also credit to the person I saw post this, if I can find it I'll tag them for credit but I definitely agree that Topper is hands down the best fighter in the obx. Like he can definitely take down guys twice his size. 
● Topper was definitely student body president like there's no way around it like he was in student council and everything. 
● Topper was also in mock trial for sure since his grandfather is a judge his mom made him join. 
● Jj use to sell candy and silly bands secretly from his desk when he was in elementary school until a teacher caught him and busted down on his business 
● Barry is a really good artist, he's drawn portraits of everyone that's bought from him just for the hell of it. 
● Rafe once looked through one of Barry's sketch books and seen a drawing of himself. Barry was pissed but Rafe's nosy and can't mind his own business 
● Rafe and Barry go fishing together from time to time 
● John B uses 5 in one body wash while Pope has a normal shower routine and JJ insists that just water will get the job done 
● Sarah had braces in middle school but got them out before high school started 
● Kie got in trouble at school once for staging a walk out during class to ban plastic straws at school 
● Pope is afraid of mice idk why but I just know he is
● If Ward was still a pouge he be like one of those guys on deadliest catch that goes out looking for crabs and shit
A/n: These are random ass thoughts I had when I was board during work today , the only person they probably make sense to is me 😭😭 Anyway if you enjoyed this check out the first chapter to my fic Pouge Princess . If I knew how to do the little highlighted link thing I would but for now I just have it pinned to my page. Anyway hope you enjoy 😉
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hannie-dul-set · 3 years
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“i'll take your word for it and no one else's.” [lee jeno]
SUMMARY | maybe snooping through your friend’s phone wasn’t that much of a good idea. or maybe it was. either way, you didn’t regret it. PAIRING | lee jeno x reader GENRE | friends to something, fluff, lots of bickering JHDFJ WARNINGS | swearing, invasion of privacy (LMAO idk) WORD COUNT | 2.1k TAGLIST | @danishmiilk​ @lucyinthesunshinee​ @sehunniepot​ @nct-writers​ @czennienet​ @neowritingsnet​
a/n: i didn’t think i’d turn another one of my dreams into a fic, but here we are HAHHAHA i tweaked a few bits and pieces to make it work (setting + added some dialogue + changed the ending because i WOKE UP before it could finish hmph) but please enjoy this unscheduled fic!! <3
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early summer afternoons were warm.
bright rays of the sun were showering on your skin as you lounged on the park bench, hot enough to make you feel the season but not too hot to singe your skin. it was the perfect weather to waste the day outside, and your younger brother and cousin decided to haul you outside so they can play basketball at the park.
but you didn't know why your friend jeno decided to come along.
"your brother messaged me," he grinned at you, plopping down beside you with a long, refreshed sigh. a towel was slung around his neck and he used it to wipe the sweat on his face. "what? why are you staring at me like that?"
"since when were you close with my brother?"
"am i not allowed to be friends with the little guy?" he joked, but apparently he took the unamused look on your face completely the wrong way. "oh my god, are you afraid that he'll take all my attention away from you?" to further tease, he brought his smug face closer to yours that was dumbfounded in shock, his stupidly irritating smile moving in closer.
sometimes you wondered if this was the same boy who helped you cross the street the first time you met.
but you loved him nonetheless.
"like hell i want your attention," you sneered, lightly shoving him away with a glare. he only laughed at your display of annoyance. "go back to playing with the kids or something, you goof."
the never leaving grin in his face seemed brighter against the sun, and he playfully ruffled your hair before running off to disappear into the court.
"as you wish, m'lady."
you let out a huff of air, rolling your eyes as your cheeks were involuntary tugged upwards, prompting a smile to form on your lips. you brought your hands to your hair, fixing the mess that jeno left with, and your gaze landed on the phone he left beside you. the screen flashed on. someone was calling him.
brows knitted together, you picked up the ringing phone, unable to recognize the caller id. you brought the device to your ear, standing up walking towards the court— you figured that you'd just answer whoever that was now and just pass it on to jeno once he was at reach.
"oh, hello there!" there was a pause from the caller "is lee jeno around, miss? would you mind giving the phone to him?"
the voice was that of a middle aged woman's, but it wasn't someone that you recognized. you assumed it was a relative of his or something because you'd know that this was his mom if it were her. "ah, give me a moment! i'll just look for him."
your feet stopped at the edge of the court, the sound of a ball bouncing into the concrete jarring against your ears. not bothering to look at the scene in front if you, you covered the mic with your hand before deciding to shout.
"jeno! someone's calling you!"
there was no usual prompt answer from your friend.
"he's not here!"
the loud voice of your brother answered instead, causing you to narrow your eyes into the court scene with a tinge of confusion masking your expression. there was indeed no mop of blue hair within the area, and you were only confused even further.
"where did he— aish, nevermind."
scratching your head, you swiveled your heels and decided to just head back to the bench. "hi, sorry. i'm not sure where he is right now. so if it's fine with you, can you call him again later? or maybe i could just tell him to call you back when he returns?"
"oh, then can you just relay this to him? it won't take that long, i promise."
you inwardly sighed, but agreed nevertheless. oh, you were definitely gonna ask him to treat you and the kids dinner later. why the fuck did he just disappear like that? now you were responsible for memorizing whatever this woman was telling you (apparently it was about an architecture summer program he was interested in— the lady was a head from his department and she was just calling to tell him that he was accepted. she says she'll be forwarding more details later through text).
"alright, thank you! i'll be sure to inform him when he gets back."
the call ended, and you groaned. you were about to close the phone, but then all of a sudden a notification appeared with a quiet ding!
[haechan 🌟 liked your retweet.]
[ohhh shit why do i feel like i know who this is.]
you knew that you shouldn't be snooping inside your friend's phone. you knew that you shouldn't be invading his privacy no matter how enticingly juicy the bait was. you knew that it was flat out wrong. but—
"ah, just a peek," you clicked on the notification. "payback for making me deal with his stuff."
a hint of excitement rushed through you. jeno never told you his twitter. actually, you didn't even know he had one. he was always buried with studies, sports, and friends so you didn't expect him to keep up with social media— this fact enough was surprising, but the moment the screen finally loaded the tweet
you were even more surprised than you were a few seconds ago.
[@markly tweeted: "it's kind of funny how sometimes we just meet random people at the most random of moments and you don't expect it but they just end up sticking by your side until now"]
[@leejeno quoted: "yeah. a few years back, i saw this girl while i was walking. it wasn't the usual path that i took to school. i saw her having trouble crossing the street because there was a dog hanging around (she's scared of them) so i decided to help her. she couldn't even look at my face back then out of embarrassment but earlier we were calling until four in the morning. if i took a different path that day or if i didn't help her, i don't know how i'd be like right now because she's become one of the most important people in my life."]
your heart skipped a beat. two beats. three. it was running a mile a minute and you could barely even breathe to catch up.
[@do0 replied: how are you two right now?]
[@leejeno replied: "we're good haha. i'm going with her and her brother to the park later. we're still really good friends.]
[@leejeno replied: but i'm not sure if i want things to stop there."]
"hey, sorry for running off there. i went to get some— whoa. whats up?"
oh my fucking god.
you shot up, eyes wide, and you automatically turned off the phone. broken stutters left your lips, as the leaping of your heart to your throat prevented you from saying even a semblance of a coherent sentence. all you could think of when you met his worried gaze, the way he rushed to your side to check on you, was the last thing you read. your grip on his phone tightened.
but i'm not sure if i want things to stop there
you were gonna fucking lose it.
"hey, are you okay?"
quick, gentle hands landed on your cheeks, fingers brushing against your skin like a match igniting a flame. you nearly got lost and tongue-tied all over again, but you quickly slapped his hands away in a scolding fit. "jesus christ, i'm fine. you just surprised me. are you a ghost or something?" you glared at jeno, but it only lasted one second because you couldn't bear to look at him without your insides going crazy. because of that, your eyes flicked to the plastic bag he dropped onto the bench. he brought you something to eat.
"a-and before you ask—" you defended yourself indignantly when he didn't even accuse you of anything. "i wasn't snooping. the school called. it was about your summer program. you got in."
"oh? they called already?" you nodded. "ah, let's talk while walking— the kids are mad because i only got you food. they're asking me to buy the entire store for them to compensate," he released an airy laugh. you mentally scolded yourself.
keep it cool. you repeated the mantra inside your head as you strided beside jeno, your brother and cousin racing ahead of you. street lights were lighting up and the sky was fading into the night. cool cool cool cool cool. keep it cool.
the walk to the store felt way too gruelling than it normally would. it wasn't even that far. you told jeno everything the lady had told you, including the more detailed texts that she'd be sending later on. you thought that he'd be a lot more excited after hearing— he was interested, after all. but to you, he just seemed dismissive. "should i go?" he mindlessly asked.
"what are you talking about?" your brows furrowed. "yeah, of course. you wanted to, right?"
"but it's gonna last an entire month this summer," he yawed, stretching out his arms and hooking you by the neck, causing you to halt and stumble into him. you held back a squeak, and he looked at you, eyes gleaming with curious anticipation. a car sped by. "you still want me to go?"
those damned words that you read echoed inside your head again. you wondered if it resonated into the fucking nerves of your heart, as well.
"i—i mean," you stammered. "it's only one month. and it would also help you a lot in the future, right? you'd make a lot of connections during the camp. so yeah, i do want you to go."
he blinked at you. a hum sounded from his closed lips. he let go of you and resumed walking. you gaped when he left you behind.
was this karma?
"hey, what the hell?" quickly, you caught up to him, grabbing onto the sleeve of his shirt so that you could hang on to him. "why are you being sulky? i didn't do anything wrong!" technically you did do something wrong, but he didn't have to know that.
"you said you wanted me to go."
"you're a baby," you scrunched your nose is disapproval. "i only said that because you said you wanted to go."
jeno abruptly stopped. maybe you were causing a scene in front of all the passersby, but you really didn't give a fuck anymore when your head was in a looped up mess. all thanks to your extremely difficult friend who apparently doesn't want to just be your friend. you swore that he was driving you insane on purpose.
he pulled out his phone and faced the screen to you. your sweat dropped.
[@leejeno replied: but i'm not sure if i want things to stop there."]
"even after reading this," he started. "you still want me to go?"
he just had to be so fucking sharp. well, you weren't exactly slick either. maybe he saw a glimpse of the screen before you got to turn it off earlier. heat started to rise from your neck into your face, a grinding mixture of embarrassment and desire to be hit by a moving truck afflicting your nerves. why were you the one suffering? shouldn't it be him?
he hummed, turning off his phone and shoving the device into his pocket. arms crossed, he leaned in to your face, bearing a look of feigned innocence. "but you said i'd make a lot of useful connections."
"you can make those anywhere."
"and it's only a month, right?"
"that's thirty days too long."
"oh, come on!" you exclaimed, balling your fists in vexation. another car sped by with an accompanied honk. jeno simply wore a look of faint amusement at your little outburst. "i don't want you to join your stupid summer program. happy now?"
"well, if you say so."
you stared at him. he patted your head, eyes disappearing into a pair of crescents with a smile.
"i'll take your word for it and no one else's."
you were left frozen and dumbfounded in the middle of the sidewalk as jeno brazenly spun his heels to chase after the runaway kids that went before you— literally leaving you behind. letting a curse slip past your breath, you also went after them. he was definitely driving you insane on purpose.
sometimes you wondered if this was the same boy who helped you cross the street the first time you met.
this was one of those times.
"you said you weren't gonna go, you asshole!"
"payback for snooping through my phone!"
but you could still love him nonetheless.
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© hannie-dul-set, 2020.
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kimnjss · 4 years
best friend | loy!smau
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⤑ series: less of you
⤑ pairing: fratboy!jimin + dancer!reader
⤑ genre: angst!!
⤑ rating: PG13.
⤑ word count: 3.9K
⤑ warnings: kinda sad idk.
⤑ chapter song: the knowing // the weeknd
⤑ A/N: another written chapter because this just would not!! work as a text part. read it and let me know what you think bc all im gonna say is... yall..... 
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DECEMBER 23RD, 2019 | 17:34
[17:34] she's my girlfriend: just to push it a few hours... or maybe rain check for tomorrow? promise to make it up to you.
“'We'll go to the place you like this time, hm?'” Jimin reads the thread of messages flooding his phone sent from you out loud. Back slouched against the couch, mind working a mile a minute to figure out what kind of emergency could Miju be having right now. And why were you always so willing to drop everything to be there for her.
Being bitter was the last thing that he wanted. Rocky roads with your best friend are something that takes a long while to sort out for girls, he could see that. Just hoped that you'd soon realize that something's gotta give. That he wouldn't always be so keen on letting Miju shift the plans that he made for the two of you.
All of this could definitely be fueled by the fact he's now pushing telling you what he should have a long while ago until the next time you were both free to spend time together. It won't be that bad, right?
[17:36] to – she's my girlfriend: yeah, baby. it's fine. if things clear up before late, let me know nd ill come pick you up.
The best he could do at this point, he'd just wait for you to have a free moment. He was done pushing this off, knew that speaking to you should've been at the top of his list since he found out about it. Would've been able to do it today if it wasn't for Miju. Would there ever be a time where he wasn't falling second to her?
“What's with the scowl on you face?” Yoongi's voice is breaking through Jimin's thoughts as he crosses the living room, entering the kitchen. He rummages through the cabinets before pulling down a box of cereal, head cocked to be able to see Jimin who's shifting his position on the couch.
“Yn canceled on me.” Saying it out loud made him feel shittier than he had been originally. What kind of boyfriend couldn't buck up when their girl had important matters to tend to? Got sulky because she needed to handle an emergency. At least she had the decency to text him about it, right?
You could've just stood him up.
Yoongi doesn't stop the snorted laughter that falls from his lips, shaking a large amount of cereal into an even larger bowl. He moves toward the fridge to fish out the half-finished carton of milk he hid behind Joonie's growing vegetable collection.
“What she finally get tired of you?” A lighthearted joke directed to his best friend that has Jimin's eyes rolling instantly. He rises to enter the kitchen where his friend had just sat at the island.
See? Why couldn't girls make up like this? Had, had his own dispute with Yoongi weeks ago and they were back on speaking terms – the normal way. No need for some serious sit down that wasted both of their time. Just the understanding of who was in the wrong and the changes that needed to be made to fix it. 
Girls were too emotional, always wanted to talk and talk about everything when really?? telling someone when they're being an asshole is the most effective form of friendship counseling in Jimin's opinion.
“Yeah, right. She's crazy about me.” Jimin gloats, reaching for the cereal box Yoongi had left out and pulling a handful out. “That girl had some type of emergency so she wanted to reschedule... help her sort it out,” He shrugs his shoulders, opening his palm to pick out the marshmallow pieces instead.
“Her friend? You mean Miju?” Nodding, Jimin drops the cardboard tasting pieces back into the box, dusting his hands off in front of him. “Wait. Miju told Yn that she had an emergency which made Yn cancel on you?”
With a short laugh and a roll of his eyes, Jimin is nodding again. “Yes, that's what I just said. You feeling alright, buddy?” He teases, not noticing the perplexed look on his best friend's face.
It takes a few short seconds for Yoongi to put the pieces together, eyes widening at his realization. There's no way she'd do anything like that, right? He had been talking to her for weeks and it seemed like she had given up on her whole 'catch them in the act' plan. But this wasn't catching them in the act, this was just... wrong?
And there was Jimin, no the wiser, picking marshmallow pieces out of the cereal box without a care in the world. He had to tell him. That's what any self-respecting best friend would do. Especially with the growing regret in the pit of his belly, the knowledge of the mistake he made with letting the information slip.
The last thing he thought Miju would do was try and ruin this for Yn. Had it set in his mind that if she was able to get through this maturely with his help then she'd start looking at him the way that he had hoped she would. Maybe he was wrong.
That was a conversation for later, though. Right now, he had to prepare Jimin for the shit storm that was coming. The shit storm that he had unintentionally caused when he refused to mind his business.
“I don't think Miju actually has an emergency...”
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DECEMBER 23RD, 2019 | 17:49
 With a quick tap to your thumb over the blue button, your promise to try and make it tonight was being sent to your boyfriend. Ooh, your boyfriend. Just thinking sent a flutter through your chest.
Your boyfriend. Jimin. Park Jimin was your boyfriend. Yours. And you were his. And finally, you were starting to feel comfortable with him. Despite everything. It was like nothing could put a damper on the shine in your heart.
Not even the walk up to Miju's front door, knowing the conversation you were about to have. The conversation that you were going to have to force onto her no matter how much she tried to fight it. You were done feeling guilty, you were done lying to her. Finally ready to just be at peace with Jimin and if she wanted to support you great, but if not?? too bad.
Definitely, Jeongguk speaking, but you were sticking to it. If she didn't want to support you, then too bad!
The front door is swinging open before you even have the chance to knock. Miju stands opposite of you, wearing a pair of frilly shorts and a tank top despite the chilly weather outside. She greets you with a large smile, waving you into her warm home while stepping out of the way for you to enter.
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DECEMBER 23RD, 2019 | 17:47
“You told her!?” Words can't describe how angry... how betrayed Jimin feels right now. Out of all the low things he could imagine someone he had referred to as a close friend doing to him? This had to be the lowest.
It wasn't a secret that he wasn't a huge fan of Miju, so why did Yoongi think that it would be a good idea to share his business with her? All because of his stupid crush? A crush that was pretty much one-sided at this point. The boy needed to open his eyes and realize that she was using him. For this exact purpose.
“Listen, I didn't think-” Yoongi starts, but Jimin is cutting his words. “Didn't think what? That she'd do something irrational with the information you've given her? Use what she knows as a way to hurt Yn, you didn't think she'd do that? And for what reason?”
Jimin was the most laid back in the house, what pissed him off pissed him off but he was never one to raise his voice. Always one to keep a level head in an argument, careful not to let words slip that might ruin things in the long run.
But right now and lately? It's like Yoongi has been testing his patience almost on purpose. For what? He had no clue, but he was starting to get tired of it. And it was starting to show.
Yoongi could see it. That he had royally fucked up. That Miju wasn't the person that he thought she was and it would take a lot more than just a few late night conversations to get her to see the error in her ways.
Her only focus was getting back at Yn for humiliating her and sleeping with Jimin. Nothing else mattered. No one else mattered. He was starting to see that now.
“I've been talking to her and she seemed-” Yoongi stops himself this time, the fact that he's been keeping quiet contact sort of a secret up until this point. Knew that it wouldn't sit well with his friends if they knew he was getting close to them who they all perceived to be the bad guy.
She never seemed all that bad to him, though.
“Jimin, be honest. Do you think she'd really go ahead and tell Yn? I mean, you guys were pretty fucked up for going behind her back – but do you really think she'd stoop that low?” Yoongi's words have Jimin's eyebrows lifting, hiding underneath his bangs.
What type of seed did that girl plant in his best friends head that had his mind all screwed up? Could he not see the blaring signs right in front of him? Was he just that against lying or was he really this pussy whipped?
Level headed, level headed. “Are you really trying to blame me right now?” He tries not to hiss his words but can't help the way they slip through his teeth. “Yes, Yn was wrong for lying about our relationship and I guess I was wrong for going along with it. But-,” 
Hit with a sudden headache, Jimin is stopping his words. Hands washing over his face as he paces around the kitchen. A sigh leaves Yoongi's lips, his butt sliding off of his seat to make his way over to his friend.
“Look, Jimin. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything,” It really had been an accident. He didn't agree with how Jimin was going about things, but he would never sell him out like that. They were best friends, it just came out. And he's telling him all of that, Jimin only half-listening past his racing thoughts.
Desperately trying to figure out how he was going to fix the mess that was being made right now as they stood here talking. “I need to call her,” Rushing to find his phone, Jimin is quick to scroll through his messages to find your contact.
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DECEMBER 23RD, 2019 | 17:52
“You came fast,” Miju notes with a smile, watching as you loosen the belt of your light coat, pulling it from your shoulders. It falls heavy on the couch with the added weight from your phone in the pocket. “Yeah, you said it was an emergency.” You nod, taking a moment to peak around for any 'emergency signs'.
The air is tense, tight. Suffocating in a way. There's this awkward silence looming over the two of you as she stands there staring with those big accusing eyes of hers. Clearing your throat, you reach your hand up to push your hair back. 
“What's the emergency?” You wonder, generally curious what had her texting you 911 when everything seemed fine? 
The usual pout that she wears settles on her lips, eyebrows furrowing slightly to add to the whole look. “It's in the kitchen.” She turns without another word, leading you out of the living room and into the kitchen.
And you follow behind her, eyes landing on the mess littering the kitchen counter. “I have nobody to make everything but the kitchen sink cookies with me.” Her arms spread out at all the different ingredients she has laid out, peaking over her shoulder to shoot a large smile in your direction.
“We use to make these all the time when we were younger, remember? And this morning I woke up craving them, which is so weird because I never crave sweets.” She's moved to the other side of the counter, picking up the half beaten bowl of batter she left out. “And who better to share these treats with than my best friend, right?” She smiles, but there's something else written in it. 
You don't have a second to analyze it because she's waving you over with a wooden spoon, handing you the utensil once you're close enough.
“Was this really it? I had plans tonight...” Despite the disappointment in your tone, you're still taking the spoon from her hand, reaching for the bowl that she had kindly set out for you.
Miju's ears perk at the mention of your plans, wondering if you'd actually let it slip what you had intended to be doing tonight. “Plans? Who with?” She asked, feigning curiosity, although she knew all the answers to her questions.
“Just plans. And when you said emergency, I didn't imagine you meant baking cookies?” Not paying much attention to your words, Miju busies herself with reaching for the sugar, measuring some out into her bowl.
“It's not about the cookies, it's about our friendship, Yn.” Her attention quickly shifts to you, pinning you with that 'duh' expression that she likes to pull when it seemed like people just weren't getting it.
Your friendship. Right. So right now is as good as time as any. If she had been thinking about your friendship recently, then she'd maybe take the news well, right? Not blow it out of proportion once you're able to give her all the details, remind her how much you thought about your friendship the entire time. How hard it made things for you. Jimin. And that you were done lying and sneaking around, that you were ready to come clean to her. For the sake of your friendship.
“Actually, it's funny you say that, because-”
Her words overlap yours in panicked haste, bowl clambering onto the counter, the large spoon falling suit. “And I've been really sad, lately!” As expected, she's hitting you with a large pair of sad eyes, paired with a pouted lip. She doesn't wait for you to ask what's wrong, she doesn't need to. Know that you'd listen despite the fact you were literally in the middle of a sentence.
“I know we haven't really been talking to each other, about boys and stuff... but I found out earlier that.” She pauses, reaches to push the loose strands out of her face. “Jimin is moving... to New York! And things have been so weird?? with him lately. I'm just- I can't believe he's leaving.” There's a whine in her voice, paired with a stomped foot.
But your mind is so far from whatever fit she's throwing. Eyes blinking slowly as you try to register the words that had just come out of her mouth. Jimin was leaving? Like moving, leaving? Packing up and going to New York... and he didn't tell you?
No way he wouldn't tell you something huge like this. No way he'd leave you clueless for God knows how long until you're finding out in your best friend's messy kitchen in the midst of making cookies. No way he'd do that.
“Jimin's leaving? How do you know that?” She must've got the wrong information, overheard it wrong. Jimin wasn't leaving. He wouldn't just leave and not say a word to you about it.
She's raising her shoulder in a slight shrug, eyes focused on the thickening cookie batter. “Yoongi told me.” Yoongi? As in Jimin's best friend? So if he was saying it then it had to be true, right?
“Yoongi told you? Or you just heard it?”
Miju's sucking her teeth at your pestering, facing you to get a good look at your face. Taking in the distraught crinkle of your brow, the frown on your lips, the widening of your eyes. “He told me. Jimin is moving to New York. Next semester.” She repeats, slowly just in case you couldn't hear.
Her brow furrows in mock confusion, head tilting to the side slightly. “Why do you look like that? Does Jimin moving mean anything to you?” She lets out a laugh to add to her facade. “I should be the one frowning. I mean, it's my crush moving six thousand eight hundred and sixty-three miles away. I looked it up.”
Miju doesn't take her eyes away from your face, lifting her hand to suck the batter from her thumb. You can only imagine how you look right now, could literally feel your heart shattering in your chest at the thought of Jimin being so far away.
Being so far away and not telling you about it. There was no telling the way it showed on your face right now. “You're getting really worked up over a guy that you're not even interested in, Yn.” She pushes, dropping her spoon again to set her hands on her hips, looking at you expectantly.
Jimin was leaving and he didn't tell you. He kept it from you. He lied to you. The two of you didn't lie to each other. Maybe to other people together, but never to each other. And here was Miju, staring at you – enjoying this all too much. She knew, didn't she?
That's why she had invited you over. That's why she made up this whole stupid cookie emergency. What? Did she want to rub it in your face? 'You may have stolen my crush but he's been lying to you this entire time'. Well, she won.
“Are you mad? That's so weird. You're mad?” She continues and you can feel your blood boiling just from the sound of her voice.
Droning on in your ear as if she had no end. Asking if you were mad, wondering why you would be mad about someone that you had no involvement with whatsoever moving away. Why would you even have an opinion on the matter whatsoever? It's not like you're the one that's in the love with him – and that's where you snap.
“God quit it! Alright!? I'm with Jimin, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear? He's my boyfriend. Happy?” Voice much louder than you had intended it to be and you see her flinch from the way you're yelling at her.
Yet, you can't stop yourself. Can't find it in you to use your inside voice. “Is that why you called this whole fake emergency? Not two fucks given about 'saving our friendship', or whatever bullshit you made up. Just wanted a chance to get back at me?” 
“You've been lying to me for weeks, yn! And you're supposed to be my best friend!? Best friends don't lie to each other.” You don't bother to mask the bitter laugh that falls from your lips.
Best friend. Best friend. The way she threw the word around as if it meant nothing. Treated it like it meant nothing. Just a label. Only close because you lived that way, but all the other best friend elements? Zero to none. The way she went out of your way to do all of this just proved it, more than anything.
“Are you supposed to be mine? Have you ever stopped to think why I felt like I had to hide this from you, huh? Or did you even think about how much it was killing me knowing how badly this would hurt you? Because that's the last thing that I wanted to do.” You're not yelling anymore, voice oddly level. And it's more off-putting than the sound of your shout.
“And I bet you thought I jumped at the chance to be with him, huh? Did you think for a second that I tried to fight my feelings for in, for your sake, and couldn't? Fuck all of that, right? Why would you have to worry about that, it's not like it matters, right? No, fuck the fact that I've actually fallen in love with the guy – which is much more serious than a stupid crush, might I add. Fuck all of that, because it makes you unhappy, right?”
There's more at the tip of your tongue, so much more than you've been holding back for the past seventeen years. Things that you didn't even think had bothered you before, but it's like the list keeps going on and on. You want to lay it all out, but your head is such a mess and it feels like everything is slipping all at once.
Tightness growing in your chest and spreading to your cheeks, eyes feeling heavy like they always do before you start crying. Sad about Jimin. This stupid friendship that you wanted so badly to save. Realizing that you had been the only one that cared that much.
“You don't love him. You were just trying to take him away from me like you always do...” Her words have your eyes bulging out of your head, jaw-dropping in disbelief. This girl really didn't quit, huh?
“What?” You try because maybe you didn't hear her right. Maybe she didn't disregard all of what you had managed to get out, focusing on the one bit that had absolutely nothing to do with her. “Name one thing that I've ever taken from you, Miju. Because how I remember it I've been bending over backward just to keep you from falling apart.”
She scoffs, rolls her big eyes before answering. “Yeah, exactly. You were always looking down on me. 'Ooh, poor little girl can't take care of herself, let me swoop in'. Always two steps behind me all the time, making sure nothing happens, protecting me when I never asked you to!”
“You're mad because I looked out for you?” Disbelief is evident in your tone. Slightly convinced that she might be joking, because if she was really mad about something like that then she should've learned to hold herself up a long time ago.
Not made it seem like she was so needy all the time, acting helpless until you were forced to swoop in and fix everything. Like you always did. Without a moment of hesitation, but not anymore. Way past over it. Over the worrying. Over this fight. Over this conversation. Over her.
“I can't do this,” You're deciding with a shake of your head, a defeated raise of your arms. “I can't even be around your right now.” You're turning to leave the kitchen, scooping up your jacket discarded earlier.
Miju is hot on your trail, flops hitting against the hardwood as she moves to catch up with you. “Wait. Where are you going?” You don't say anything as you pull your jacket back on, her being the least of your worries at this point.
There were more important things than this childish back and forth with her. You had tried to tell her, the right way – maturely. She didn't want that, and instead came up with this whole plan to do what exactly? Hurt you as you had done to her? Make you feel humiliated? Great, she did it.
Got her way like she always did, you just couldn't bring yourself to care like you always do. “I'm going to see my boyfriend.” Eyes piercing as you lift your gaze to her, tightening the bow on your coat before turning and exiting her house.
Letting the door slam behind you without bothering to look back. 
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– girl code rule #1: never, ever, under any circumstances fall for your best friend’s crush. but what happens when your best friend’s crush checks all the boxes of your ideal guy… and to make matters worse… he’s crazy about you too.
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
Treat You Better
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Mark Tuan X Reader
Genre: Angst with a bunch of terribly written smut ahaha idk why I keep trying to write smut I can’t write smut to save my life
Word Count: 12.6k
Warning: Intended for 18+ audience; cheating, degradation, riding, oral (both male and female receiving) face fucking, doggy style
Summary: Mark was at the club with a few of his friends when he spots you walking in all alone. Knowing the kind of person you were, Mark was well aware that you hated the night life. You were the definition of homebody and you weren’t a fan of clubs or bars which made Mark confused seeing you making your way in to the dimly lit establishment. Not wanting anyone to take advantage of you. he finds himself walking towards you with the intentions of making sure you were safe. He then finds out that you were there to find someone to get revenge on your boyfriend Jackson with. As much as you hated the idea of one night stands and sleeping with strangers, all your rationality was thrown out the window as soon as you found out Jackson had been cheating on you with his receptionist. What started off as an innocent little dance with Mark turned in to riding him in the back seat of his car and it’s in that moment of lust that you find out Mark’s true feelings for you.
A/N: Hey guys! I’m back at it again with an extremely rushed story and I’m not too sure when I’ll have the time to write again but I hope you enjoy this story. It’s based on a song called “Soliá” by Bad Bunny which means “Used to” in Spanish. I’ve been getting in to his music a lot these days and even if I don’t speak a word of Spanish, I love each and every one of his songs (they’re actually almost all about sex hahahaha) but he’s an amazing artist and I love how he speaks out for those who can’t use their voices. If you have a chance, definitely go check him out he’s awesome and so is this song.
She arrived alone, she went out without her friends Revealed, in alcohol looking for a way out From that fake relationship Baby, I saw how you look at me I repeat it to you in case you forget it Send him a message that says To not leave you alone Because he could lose you If one day he sees you again From me, tell him to not leave you alone Because he could lose you If one day he sees you again
Mark was quick to turn his attention to you the minute you walked in to the club. Although it was extremely dark besides the strobe lights moving around, the music was blasting and almost every single person there was grinding upon one another, he couldn’t help but let his eyes wander to your curvaceous figure the minute Yugyeom pointed you out. 
He had to do a double take; when the younger boy nudged him and motioned towards the entrance he almost didn’t believe it was you. Everyone who knew you personally was aware of the fact that you hated bars and clubs and never understood why people would spend so much money on alcohol and having a bunch of sweaty bodies pressed up against you. 
Curiosity got the best of him; why exactly were you there and better yet, why were you alone? If anything, Mark would’ve expected you to be there with your group of friends; they were always out on Friday nights and Mark saw them every now and then but you never tagged along. Maybe they were already somewhere in the crowded room and you were going to meet them. 
There was a tiny voice in the back of his head, the one that cared about you more than he probably should that told him to go up to you and make sure you weren’t messed with by one of the drunk and visibly horny men. However, he knew not to get involved whenever it came to you. He knew that you’d never put yourself in a dangerous situation; but with the outfit you were wearing, a short, red dress that stopped right at the beginning of your thighs and hugged each and every one of your curves, he was sure you were going to be the star of the night. 
You looked extremely beautiful and Mark couldn’t find it in himself to take his eyes off of you. Your hair that was normally thrown up in a messy bun or neatly tied back in a ponytail was currently down in bouncy waves. Even from far away, he could tell that you were hardly wearing any make up and it was something he always admired about you. If he was being honest, there were many pretty girls in the club wearing outfits similar to yours and even more revealing in attempts to catch the attention of men. 
However, you didn’t even have to try to look as sexy as you did; it just came natural for you. From the moment you were introduced to one another, he noticed that you weren’t one to care about your looks or what you wore. You cared more about your job, your personality and your desire to help others rather than your appearance and what people thought about you. In his eyes, you were the most beautiful girl he’s ever met both on the inside and out. 
He wasn’t used to seeing you so dolled up. You were always so shy and modest. If you weren’t wearing your scrubs for work, you’d either be in jeans or sweats and even then, Mark would find himself staring at you in awe of your beauty. But seeing you with your breasts and ass on display for the first time since meeting you over two years ago was driving him insane. This is his favorite look on you so far. Before he could process what he was doing, he found himself walking towards you; he didn’t even feel the need to tell his friends where he was going. 
All he cared about in that moment was going up to you and finding out what you were doing there. The closer he got to you, he could feel his heart racing. This was a mistake; he couldn’t stop the gut feeling that you were upset with him and you had every right to be. Yet it didn’t stop him from tapping on your shoulder once he finally made it over to where you were standing. As soon as you turned around and a soft smile rose on your face, he released a breath of relief. He’s been beating himself up about the entire situation for the last couple of months. 
When he first found out that your boyfriend Jackson who just so happened to be one of his closest friends was cheating on you, he wanted nothing more than to find you and tell you the truth. Sure, they’ve been friends for over ten years and he’s only known you for two, but he knew cheating was wrong especially because you didn’t deserve it. Everyone and their mothers knew just how much you loved your boyfriend. You gave him everything and more on a silver platter. Whatever he needed, you got for him or did for him without complaining. Your sole purpose was to take care of him and make sure he was both happy and healthy. 
Mark was always envious of Jackson. Not only was his younger friend more outgoing and very friendly on top of being very muscular and athletically talented, but he had you. When Jackson first told their group of friends that he was in a relationship, none of them could believe it. Jackson was the definition of a fuckboy. All throughout high school and college, he was infamous for sleeping around with almost every girl in their grade. There was even a rumor that he hooked up with everyone on the cheerleading squad and although it wasn’t confirmed, Mark wouldn’t have been surprised to hear that it was true. Jackson was a crowd favorite; all the guys on campus wanted to be him and all the girls wanted to be with him. 
That’s why he couldn’t believe Jackson was ready to settle down and commit himself to one girl. The first day he met you stayed in the back of his mind for the last two years. He was quick to pick up on how soft spoken and introverted you were. Probably because he was exactly the same. It was obvious that you and Jackson were the complete opposite of each other and the longer Mark got to know you, the more he felt like you deserved better. 
In the beginning of your relationship, Jackson was such a gentleman. He was quite the romantic; took you on cute dates, bought you flowers, opened doors for you and always pulled out your chair. He was also very vocal to his friends about how much he loved you and how he thought you were the one. Never in a million years did any one of them think that Jackson was going to find someone that made him want to change his playboy ways, but you did and they still had a hard time understanding how. 
Unfortunately, temptation got the best of him once a new receptionist was hired at the company Jackson was working at. Being the overly friendly person he was, he’d start small talk every now and then with her, but then it grew in to more and one night he found himself fucking her up against the wall in one of the storage rooms. 
He knew it was wrong, and he never hated himself more than in that moment knowing that he cheated on you; the only person whose ever meant anything to him but he couldn’t find it in himself to stop. Nor did he want to break up with you no matter how much he knew you didn’t deserve it. Two months in to his affair, there was one night he went out with Mark, Jinyoung and Youngjae to a bar and he got a little too drunk. 
Only four shots in, he began going in to explicit detail about his little dalliance with the receptionist and it took every bone in Mark’s body not to jump across of the table and sock him in the face. How could he do that to you? He told the guys that he had no intentions on giving you up because you were the best thing that’s ever happened to him yet he talked about his coworker as if it was the most normal thing to do. As if there was nothing wrong with fucking someone behind your back. 
Jinyoung tried his best in keeping Mark calm; he was the only one that knew of Mark’s feelings for you. Mark knew it was wrong to develop feelings for his best friend’s girlfriend, but it was inevitable. You radiated such a bright and positive energy. Although you were always to yourself, even when you went out with their group of friends, Mark was one of the lucky ones who got to know how you really were. You were very passionate about your job; as hard as being a nurse was, you loved helping people in any way possible. 
He got to spend time with you every now and then if he went to Jackson’s place and since the two of you both worked at the hospital, you’d eat lunch together every so often and sometimes you hung out even without Jackson being there. It was in those moments; watching your eyes light up as you talked about your love for cake boss, seeing you practically stuff your face with ice cream and hearing on you talk on the phone with your mom that Mark found himself wishing that he could be more than just a friend. He wanted to be the lucky guy that loved you. 
Mark has never felt this way about anyone before and you weren’t even his to be fond over but here he was, mentally beating the shit out of Jackson and wanting nothing more than to rip that dress off of you. During one of your lunches together just a few weeks ago, you expressed to Mark that you felt as if there was another woman in Jackson’s life. 
First it started off when he started contacting you less and you understood that he was busy, but so were you and yet you made it your priority to make sure he was eating all his meals on time and getting enough sleep. Then came the excuses as to why you couldn’t hang out together and the cancellation of dates. You confirmed his infidelity when you were over at his place one day and found a thong in his hamper that obviously didn’t belong to you. When the first tear fell when you were explaining everything to him, Mark could physically feel his heart sink to his chest. 
The confession was at the tip of his tongue, but it wasn’t his place to tell you no matter how badly he wanted to. It had nothing to do with his loyalty to his younger friend, Mark was willing to drop his entire friendship with Jackson if it meant getting to be with you. But he didn’t think he should be the one to relay the devastating news, which is why he confronted Jackson and ended up giving him a black eye almost three days ago. They ended up getting in to a heated argument with Jackson confronting Mark about having feelings for you and Mark telling Jackson to let you go. 
Jaebeom and Yugyeom had to practically rip their older friend off of Jackson or they were sure he would’ve sent him to the hospital. Your boyfriend might have been more muscular, but Mark was physically stronger. For someone with such skinny arms, he could throw a punch. 
“Hey, what are you doing here? You’re not alone are you?” He was trying his best not to look at you up and down, especially because now that he was closer to you he had a better look at you and your breasts were ready to pop out of your dress. Jackson was an idiot for cheating on you. Not only were you breathtakingly beautiful and right now you looked lethal, but you had the biggest heart and Mark felt like you deserved the entire world and more. He wanted to be the one who got to experience your love. 
Jackson no longer deserved it; no longer deserved you and Mark didn’t care what happened between the two of them anymore, he was going to make sure you left Jackson for good. 
“I came here by myself actually. I really don’t know why you guys come here so often, this place is bullshit. But I think you and I both know why I’m here. I don’t see him here, he’s with her right now isn’t he?” Although you looked eerily calm, the words bitterly fell from your mouth and Mark could feel his chest tighten at the realization that you now knew of your boyfriend’s affair. 
“Y/n—“ you put your hand out in front of him and shook your head. You were there to get drunk and had every intention to end up in bed with someone later that night. If Mark were to say anything to try to defend Jackson or if he were to lie, you’d probably decide that you made a mistake in coming to the club and leave before the night could really start. You may have considered Mark a good friend, but you had a huge feeling he knew his friend was cheating on you and didn’t feel the need to inform you. His loyalty was with Jackson or so you had thought. 
“I’m here to have a good time and to find a reason to move on. Don’t worry about me Mark. I’ll be fine. I’m a grown woman, I can take care of myself.” 
When Jackson first asked you out over two years ago when he met you at one of his trips to the emergency room, he found himself falling for you faster than he’s ever done with any girl. There was something about you that was different; that stood out from all his one night stands and flings that never lasted longer than a month. To your surprise, you had a few friends that knew who he was and they informed you of what he was like; how much of a womanizer he was and how he never dated anybody. 
You told yourself you didn’t want to get involved with him and that you wouldn’t allow someone like Jackson to take advantage with you, but being the kindhearted person you were who tried so hard to see the good in people, you allowed him to take you on a date which led to many more throughout the course of your relationship. Jackson both told you and showed you with his actions just how much he loved you and loved being with you. You were excited knowing that out of all the girls he’s been connected to, that you were the one who ended up changing his ways and that you were the first girl he’s ever been in love with. 
Everything seemed to be going so well in your relationship and you couldn’t be happier. However, as soon as he began growing distant towards you, you couldn’t help but feel like there was a reason behind it. 
Hearing that you were there alone worried Mark; especially because he saw the way a lot of the men in the club were looking at you with so much lust and fervor in their eyes. He wasn’t a mind reader, but he knew a lot of the guys probably had the same idea in mind and he cringed at the thought of someone taking advantage of you. You were extremely vulnerable in that moment and for you to come to the conclusion that you wanted to go to the club with the intention of letting one of these disgusting and undeserving men get to take you home later on made his skin crawl. Which is why he didn’t find it surprising when he began following you to the bar with every intention of keeping an eye on you. 
“Mark, I said I can handle myself—“ the glare he sent your way was chilling, but it also excited you. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t find Mark attractive. In fact, there were some days that you considered him better looking than your own boyfriend. He had the softest heart shaped lips, the prettiest brown eyes with the cutest little mole underneath his right one, a well-defined, sharp nose and such a breathtaking smile. 
Whenever the two of you talked, you could never keep your eyes off of him. But it wasn’t just his charming good looks that had you swoon over him. It was how gentle he was; how he treated you like you were the only girl in the entire world. How he looked at you with so much admiration and adoration. How he made you feel important; made you feel things Jackson never made you feel once in your entire relationship. Since you were so in love with Jackson, you never got to admire Mark in that way. You were so blinded by love, that you failed to pay attention to your surroundings. 
That was until you found out Jackson was being unfaithful; then you began seeing Mark in a different light. You started falling for his sweet words; how he would compliment you on something only he would notice. When you colored your hair a lighter shade, he wouldn’t stop going on about much the color change brought out the color of your eyes and made you even prettier than you already were. Not even Jackson would notice things like that. He always made time for you, put effort in checking up on you and told you the lamest jokes to make you laugh. These days you’d hardly ever receive a hello from your boyfriend. 
The more time you spent with Mark, the more you began losing feelings for Jackson. You also finally came to the realization that you deserved to be treated the way Mark treated you. But Mark was off limits. There was no way you could be anything more to Mark than a colleague at work and someone who was dating his friend. You hated cheaters and the idea of cheating made your skin crawl, but you wanted to get back at Jackson for doing it to you. 
Although you didn’t think he even cared about you or what you did anymore, you wanted to hit him where it hurt. When you took your first shot of tequila, you hated how strong it was and how it burned the back of your throat, yet you found yourself downing two more and right before you could take another one, Mark grabbed it from you and downed it himself. 
“Hey, slow down. Take it easy, the night is still so young y/n.” You rolled your eyes at his comment and began looking out at the dance floor. The patron was starting to kick in and you wanted to let loose. 
“Hey Mark?” He saw the glint in your eye and he knew whatever you had on your mind couldn’t be good, yet he found himself humming in curiosity. 
“Dance with me?” 
Today she wants to dance all night long, eh She is almost single I don't introduce anyone to her, that make her bothered Total, at the end of the night she has what she wants The moon already indicated to her She posted something on her story, someone got mad Her song played and she dedicated it She says she wants to do it with me good, huh Let the windows fog The girl is grown up, how can someone scold her Don't ruin her night, huh The Kardashian is no longer for Kanye There have been many disappointments, eh Lies from all of these assholes, eh Once again they failed her She would give it a chance, but she ran out
Mark should’ve said no. There were red flags going off in his mind, but he didn’t seem to care. At all. His friendship with Jackson was nonexistent at the moment and he didn’t want you dancing with a stranger with evil intentions. You were oblivious a force to reckon with, but at the same time being quite the lightweight, you were already a bit tipsy and Mark knew you wouldn’t be able to handle yourself if he did end up leaving you all alone. 
Heat rushed to his face when he felt you reach for his hand and intertwined it with yours. Your fingers were fairly smaller, but your hands fit perfectly with his. As soon as you made it on to the dance floor, you wrapped your arms around his neck and began dancing. A soft giggle fell from your lips when you noticed how timid and flustered he was being so close to you. He hesitantly placed both his hands on your upper back but they didn’t stay there for too long. With the courage you didn’t think was possible for you to have while you were sober, you brought his hands down to your lower waist and continued to move your hips gracefully to the music. 
“Don’t be such a hardass Mark. If you’re gonna dance, do it right.” Oh he was hard all right. He was hard as soon as he saw you over twenty minutes ago. It was inevitable for him to get so turned on by you. He’s had a crush on you for almost two years now and here you were, smiling up at him while swaying back and forth to The Weeknd. After a couple of moments, Mark finally let loose and allowed himself to dance along with you. He never wanted this moment to end. You looked so free; so in your element and he wanted you to always be this happy. 
He craved to be the source of your happiness and he knew he would treat you the way you deserved to be treated. The two of you were in your own little worlds that you failed to notice that his group of friends were looking directly at you and everyone but Jinyoung were so confused. Why was Mark dancing so freely with you knowing that you were his best friend’s girlfriend? Did he not feel the least bit of weird knowing who you were and that it was wrong for him to have his hands so close to your ass? 
None of them said anything about it though and they were all still so upset with Jackson to want to tell him what was going on so they all pretended like they saw nothing. The next song was a little more sexual, and you didn’t even think as you turned around and began grinding on Mark. Your mind was too clouded with alcohol to realize what you were doing could jeopardize not only your friendship with Mark but his friendship with Jackson. However, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. 
Feeling his hands make their way down to your hips as he helped you gyrate your ass against his hips sent chills down your spine. As the song continued to play, your movement became more rough, causing Mark’s pants to tighten even more than they already were. He was hard as a rock and on the verge of coming by the feeling of your plump ass rubbing against his cock. Once this song was over, he was planning on excusing himself to the bathroom to fix the huge problem in his pants but not before bringing you to his group of friends so that they could keep an eye on you. 
You however, had other plans. The hardness against your ass caused the coil in your stomach to tighten and you could feel the wetness between your thighs growing when Mark started to thrust upwards. When he brought one of his hands up to your chest and cupped one of your boobs, you released a soft moan. At this point, all your sanity was thrown out the window and before you could process the entire situation in front of you, your lips were on his. 
The kiss was rough; you barely gave Mark any time to prepare before smashing your mouth against his and he knew he shouldn’t be taking advantage of you since he was aware that you were inebriated, but he couldn’t help himself. He’s dreamt of learning what your lips would taste like and feel like molded against his own and now that he knew, he wasn’t going to be able to get enough. His hands playfully squeezed both your ass cheeks before cupping your face in his palms and deepening the kiss. It was rough; your teeth began clashing against his and both your tongues fought for dominance. 
Mark felt as if his entire body was in flames; but at the same time he felt like a bucket of cold water was thrown on him and woke up each and every cell in his body. To his dismay, you pulled away to catch your breath and before he could reconnect your lips together, you went on your tip toes and whispered in his ear. 
“Let’s get out of here.” He felt embarrassed at how eagerly he nodded in agreement and followed directly behind you as you made your way towards the exit. His mind was too busy being filled up with the thought of what the two of you were going to do that he didn’t even think about letting his friends know that he was leaving and he didn’t even think he could make it back to either of your places. He wanted you now. Even if it meant taking you up against his car in the middle of the parking lot. Once you both made your way to his truck, he headed straight for the back seat with every intention on fucking your brains out. You didn’t even have to say anything; although he wished he asked you what you wanted to do first. 
He wanted to make sure the two of you were on the same page, but before he could speak up, you were pushing him down on the chair and reconnecting your lips together. You brought your hands up to both his cheeks and kissed him like your life depended on it. Although he was kissing you so passionately and intensely, you could feel like he still wanted to be gentle with you and the idea made your heart flutter. 
“M—Mark.” With the way he was looking at you with an unfamiliar look in his eye that looked like a mix of adoration and something you couldn’t put your finger on, you wanted to show him just how much he meant to you. You took one of his hands and brought it down to your extremely soaking pussy. “Fuck me. Now.” His eyes widened in shock and he didn’t think you of all people; the shy and gentle y/n who had a hard time telling patients bad news because her heart was so big who also couldn’t tell the barista in the cafe that her order was wrong was capable of having such a dirty mouth on her. He felt his resolve slowly coming to it’s end at the feeling of how wet you were and he was so close to just saying fuck it and taking you right then and there in any and every position possible. But being the gentleman he was who cared about you, he wanted to make sure that you were doing this for all the right reasons. 
“Are you—are you sure about this y/n? I don’t want you doing this because you want to get back at Jackson. Honestly it might even be the alcohol talking for you and I don’t want you doing something like this while you’re not in the right mind. Knowing you, you’re probably wanting to do it right now because you’re vengeful and want to hurt Jackson the way he did with you, but I don’t want you to regret this—“ you placed a sloppy kiss on the corner of his mouth to get him to stop talking before sliding his index finger back and forth along your entrance; collecting all your juices that he caused when he pressed his hard on against your ass. 
“I want this Mark—I’ve wanted you for quite some time. I came out tonight to get fucked by a stranger so that Jackson and his infidelity no longer clouded my thoughts but now—now I want you to fuck me so hard that I can’t walk for the next week. I’m not drunk at all, I sobered up the minute I felt your erection graze my ass. You—you’re all that I want Mark. Please—fuck me.” 
You didn’t care how desperate you sounded and you felt ashamed for sounding so needy, but you’ve dreamt about having sex with Mark on numerous occasions and now your dreams were going to become a reality. 
“You don’t have to ask me twice baby girl. Lay down for me, I’m gonna make you feel so good. Gonna let you know how much I’ve been wanting this—how long I’ve been wanting you for. Gonna eat this pretty pussy of yours and then I’m gonna rearrange your guts. Understand me baby?” 
You let out a soft whimper at the term of endearment. Only then did you process his words and your heart speared at the idea of him harboring feelings for you. There were a few times that you felt Mark held some kind of feelings for you. You don’t buy a donut every single day; their favorite donut to be exact for someone you considered just a friend. You don’t stay at work for an extra hour waiting for someone you considered just a friend to finish work so that you could take them home yet Mark seemed to do that for you almost every single day. 
If his shift ended before yours did, he’d wait for you no matter how long he had to wait for just so he could take you home. You questioned his feelings for you so many times, but you kept lying yourself by saying he did all those things because he was a good friend and wanted to take care of you for Jackson’s sake. Mark placed you down gently before placing his knees on either side of your hips. He left a chaste kiss on your lips before slowly making his way down your body. He started off at your neck, licking and sucking on the soft and delicate flesh. 
You let out a breathy moan when you felt him bite down all but gently on your nape and you were sure it was going to leave a mark but you were more than excited at the thought of him giving you a hickey. After loving on your jaw and neck for a few minutes, he made his way to your breasts and kissed both of them lightly before practically yanking down the top part of your dress, exposing your beautiful mounds and he grunted when he saw that you weren’t wearing anything to protect them. 
“Fuck—do you have any clue how fucking beautiful you are y/n? And how intimidatingly sexy you are? Do you have any idea, how many eyes were on you tonight? This dress—you knew exactly what you were doing when you put this dress on tonight didn’t you baby? Mmm, you like that huh? Like me calling you baby don’t you y/n? Your tits are so fucking huge and so pretty. Who knew you were hiding such a beautiful rack under all those stupid scrubs. I’m gonna take good care of you tonight—gonna make you feel so good. Jackson will be nothing but a name by the time I’m done with you tonight. Now sit back and enjoy the ride baby.” He engulfed his mouth around one of your breasts before massaging your other one and toying with your nipple. 
The feeling of him loving on your chest was such an indescribable feeling. His mouth was warm against your perky breast and whimper fell from the back of your throat when he brought your nipple in between his teeth. He continued his ministrations for a couple of minutes, flicking and nipping at one of your nubs while twisting and pinching on the other. Your hands absentmindedly made their way in to his hair and you couldn’t help but tug on it as he fastened his movements. When you felt him groan against your mounds, probably because of the grip you had on his hair, you sighed in content. He pulled his mouth off of your breast in order to show love to your other one but not before informing you exactly how much he enjoyed sucking on your tits. 
“How does it feel for you y/n? Feel good? You like how my mouth feels sucking on these pretty titties of yours don’t you? Because I know I do. Just give me a couple of minutes to spend on your tits then I’ll make my way down to your cunt. Okay? I’m gonna take my time with you tonight—gonna show you how perfect you are and how you don’t deserve anything but the best.” 
Although the two of you were doing something so naughty, you couldn’t help but smile at his sweet words. However, when you felt his tongue licking circling around your other nipple before completely taking whatever he could fit inside of his mouth, your lips formed a small “o” at the feeling. During your relationship, you and Jackson had sex multiple times and you’d be lying if you said he wasn’t a good lover. He was great in bed. 
Not only was he rough, but he was also very naughty and always whispered the dirtiest things in your ear while he pounded himself inside of you. However, he was more focused on himself; he’d always expect a blow job every single time the two of you had sex but he never ate you out unless he was in the mood. Another thing you could do without was the fact that he only cared about whether or not he came. There was nothing wrong with him wanting to make sure he reached his orgasm, you just wished he be more adamant in wanting you to receive the same pleasure. 
The way Mark was taking his time learning each and every curve while showing love to every one of your body parts made your head spin. It was one thing for him to say you were beautiful but it was another thing for him to prove it with his actions. The longer he spent on your breasts, the faster warmth grew between your legs and as much as you loved breast play, and you loved the feeling of Mark’s mouth sucking and nipping on your chest, you needed his mouth sucking on a different body part of yours soon or else you were going to lose it. 
“M—Mark.” He pulled his mouth off before looking up at you with his cute little doe eyes. 
“Yes baby?” You reached for his hand and brought it down to your core, cupping it all but gently so he could feel just how wet your pussy was. 
“Please—touch me—eat me—fuck me with that pretty mouth of yours. Do anything Mark please—“ he giggled softly in to your neck at how submissive you were acting. How could someone sound so cute while begging for head? Even if the two of you had yet to do anything really, he knew he wanted to have you again and again. As many times as he possibly could. Thankfully Mark didn’t seem to be the teasing type; he made his way down to your thighs, pulling your dress down and taking it off completely. 
“Fuck—how can you—you can’t be real. Shit y/n, I know I’ve said this countless times already but you’re so fucking sexy.” Soft kisses and a couple of love bites were  left in his wake as he gently grazed his hands along your sides. Once he finally made his way down to your entrance, he left multiple kisses on the inside of your thighs. Absentmindedly, your hands found purchase in his hair, gripping softly when he blew a cool breeze against your core. 
“Such a pretty pussy—so so pretty—“ He took no time in licking a strip along your clit. His tongue was firm and solid as he lapped up all of your juices. Both feeling and hearing him hum against your cunt tightened the coil that was building up in your tummy. He continued his licks but didn’t take too long before he brought your clit in between his lips. The feeling of him nibbling and sucking against your nub felt like heaven. To add to your pleasure, Mark pressed a sloppy kiss at your core and leaned himself away from your cunt so he could bring two of his fingers up to your entrance. 
“Wanna feel how tight you are for me y/n—wanna see if you can handle me later—you already taste so good baby, let’s see how well you take me. I wanna see the effect my tongue is having on you.” Countless moans began falling from your throat and you could feel your eyes roll to the back of your head once you felt his fingers make their way in to your tight walls. One of your biggest weaknesses were Mark’s fingers. You always found them so long and skinny. Whenever the two of you ate lunch together, you’d take notice how pretty his fingers were as he’d write something down or whenever he played video games, you’d watch as his fingers would flick at the controllers so swiftly and you’d find yourself wanting to know what else his fingers were capable of. 
Having him scissor you open while continuing his attack on your pussy with his tongue was driving you to the brink of insanity. Whenever you’d find yourself daydreaming of what making love to Mark would feel like, you always imagined it to be an otherworldly experience and as you have his face buried in to your core, you couldn’t help but feel as if it was even more than that. His pace with shoving his fingers in and out of you was relentless. And God, the feeling of his teeth grazing against your over sensitive folds would forever be etched in to the back of your mind. 
“Mmm—Mark—so so good—I’m almost there—f—fuck.” Your wanton moans and breathy curses only drove him to go harder and you couldn’t stop the screams that filled his car. It was getting too much for you to handle and with the way Mark was grinding himself in to the chair to get any friction against his extremely hard and painful erection, you knew you weren’t the only one losing your sanity. 
“Let go for me baby.” Those five words did wonders for the burning sensation in your chest and soon you were practically seeing stars. Mark literally fucked the shit out of you with just his fingers and mouth alone. Your spine tingled with excitement at the idea of what he was capable of doing to you once he did both of you a favor and penetrated you. He looked up at you with the most adorable smile once he licked you up entirely and you couldn’t help but giggle at how he looked so adorable with your essence all over his face. 
“Come here.” You didn’t have to ask him twice; he quickly got up from off the floor and connected your lips together. His kiss was more softer this time and it gave you the chance to really take in the beautiful man hovering on top of you. After years of having an internal battle with yourself; trying to lie to yourself saying you only appreciated him because of his devastatingly good looks and how nice he was towards you and that there was no way you could possibly have any feelings for him whatsoever, you came to the conclusion that you’ve always harbored feelings for the older boy. And that says a lot seeing as how you were sure you loved Jackson with your entire being. 
When he began to grind himself against your naked sex, you broke out of your thoughts and released an erotic whimper; one that went straight to Mark’s pants. The rough material of his skinny jeans against your sensitive nub was something you weren’t used to, but it was a pleasurable soreness you couldn’t get enough of. 
“Take off your pants. Now.” If this was under different circumstances and he had the normal amount of patience he usually did, then he would’ve laughed at your impatient demeanor. He would’ve also teased you and went against everything you were asking of him just to mess with you. But since this was the first time he got to have his way with you after pursuing you for the last few years, he was just as excited as you were. Breaking away from you for a few seconds, he yanked his shirt off not caring if he were to ruin it or not and pulled his jeans off, leaving him in just his underwear. Your mouth watered at the sight of his dick imprint against his briefs and you took no time in reaching over to palm him over the thin material. Seeing him bite his lip at your touch made your cheeks warm and before you could continue your ministrations, he ripped your hand away and sat you up. 
“You’re gonna ride me like the filthy slut you are. Then you’re gonna suck on my cock. Am I clear?” There were so many times you’d find yourself wondering what Mark was like behind closed doors. You got to see him interact with patients every now and then and he was always so sweet; so patient with them. Your personalities were practically mirrored each other’s, which is why you found it hard to believe he had such a dirty mouth on him. Although you hated the idea of men degrading women, you loved hearing him say such erotic and naughty words. You nodded in agreement, closing your legs together at the thought of finally becoming one with Mark. 
Sometimes you wondered what life would’ve been like if you were to meet Mark before Jackson. Sure, the last two years with Jackson were some of the best years of your life so far, but you couldn’t stop the tiny voice in your head telling you that Mark was so much better for you. You began to worry at what was going to happen after the two of you finished your love making session. Did he really want you like he claimed he did? Or was he just having sex with you to have sex? You didn’t want to ruin your time together before it could really start and looked up at him while dragging your finger along his well defined body. How was he so ripped for a x-ray technician? When did he have the time to work on his body knowing that he worked 40 hours a week with overtime? 
“You’re so hot.” It came out a whisper, but the giggle that fell from his lips made it aware that he heard it and your cheeks grew red in embarrassment. He placed a soft kiss on your nose and placed some of your hair behind your ear so he could get a better look at you. 
“Stop being so cute. It makes it hard having all these vulgar and filthy images of what I plan on doing to you right now.” After playfully pinching your butt and a couple of stolen kisses later, he pulled off his underwear and threw it somewhere on the ground. Your breath hitched at the sight. Not only was he long, but he was also very thick and you had to take in a big gulp when you realized how he was going to vehemently stretch out your walls. Noticing your blank face, he couldn’t help but feel like something was wrong and he hated the thought of rushing you. You were his best friend’s girlfriend for God’s sake. 
This was all happening too soon. You came out tonight with vengeance on your mind and he knew it was wrong to be an accomplice; to be the one you fooled around with but he didn’t care anymore. He was aware how unethical it was to lose a friendship of over ten years for a girl he’s known for two, but you weren’t just some random girl. You were the love of his life and once the two of you were to call it a night, he was going to try and see if you were willing to take things further in your relationship.
“Everything okay y/n?” You didn’t realize that you must’ve been blanking out and you nodded quickly while flipping the two of you so that he was laying against the seat and you were on top of him. 
“You’re just—um—yeah.” He looked at you in curiosity before placing his hands on both of your ass cheeks and kneading them all but gently. 
“I’m sorry—I didn’t quite get that y/n. I’m gonna need you to speak up if you plan on sinking on my dick at all tonight. Don’t hide from me baby. I want to see the real you. The you that no one else gets to see. Be loud for me y/n.” A soft sigh fell from your lips before bringing your hand to his face and bringing his cheeks in between your fingers. 
“Your cock is huge and I can’t wait to feel it inside of me. Is that what you wanted to hear? Don’t lie, you want me to ride you just as much as I want to so even if I didn’t admit it you—“ The forceful kiss he smashed against your lips got you to stop all together. 
“I’ve wanted to fuck you the minute I’ve met you. Well—I mean I wanted to do a lot of things with you. I wanted to kiss you at the most randomest times of the day, I wanted to hold you and to be held by you. I wanted to beat you in halo and have you take out your anger from losing on me in bed. I wanted to take you out on cute little dates and have you meet my family. Everything Jackson got to do, I wanted to do it. I hated seeing the two of you be all lovey dovey knowing that I had feelings for you—have feelings for you. I still can’t believe we’re here right now and I’m just seconds away from burying myself balls deep in that tight cunt of yours. You mean a hell of a lot to me y/n. I’ll take good care of you baby—not just right now. If you’ll give me the chance—I’ll treat you the way you deserve. I’ll give you my all—everything I have. I’ll never give you a reason to question your worth. You’re so fucking perfect y/n and you’re all I could ever want—need in my life.” 
You didn’t even realize you were tearing up until he brought his fingers up to your cheek to wipe away a stray tear. He ran his thumb across your bottom lip and you playfully brought it in to your mouth, seductively sucking on it to get a rise out of him. When you first found out that Jackson was cheating on you, you were quick to blame yourself for not being good enough. You began to feel like you weren’t enough for Jackson. Not pretty enough, funny enough, smart enough, sexy enough. You felt worthless and you were afraid that any man would get tired of you and move on to someone more exciting; more thrilling who did more than baking new recipes she saw on the food network and reading romantic novels in her free time. 
Mark however, in less than an hour made you feel like you were the most beautiful girl in the entire world. Like you were an ethereal goddess on this hell forsaken earth and he’s always treated you this way. It just took so long for you to finally come to that realization and now that you did, you knew that you wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your life loving and being loved by Mark.
“Take me Mark. I’m yours.” The growl that came from the back of his throat sent you in a frenzy. For someone who had such an adorable and extremely contagious high pitched laugh, it was hard to believe that he had such a deep and raspy voice. Whenever the two of you had shifts early in the morning, you were lucky enough to hear how hoarse and rough his voice could get and it was extremely attractive. Now that it was being used in such a sensual and lustful atmosphere, you couldn’t be more turned on. 
“Wait—y/n, I don’t have a condom. Fuck—“ you gave him a smirk before taking his cock in your hand; you grazed your thumb against his slit and spread the precum around the tip before cupping his length and dragging your hand along his girth. Watching him throw his head back while biting his bottom lip in attempts to keep in his moans and grunts gave you a huge amount of confidence you didn’t think was possible. In most of your love making sessions with Jackson, you let him dominate you every single time. It wasn’t like he gave you much of a choice though; he made it aware that he never submitted to anybody. 
Seeing Mark; completely putty in your hands was a sight you’d never get over wanting to see. After giving his cock a few pumps, you lined him up at your entrance; gliding his tip along your folds to collect some of your essence from earlier as lubricant. Neither of you were prepared for the delicious stretch once you finally sank down on him. Your walls were so warm; so tight and so wet and Mark knew he wasn’t going to last long. He could come right then and there if he really wanted to but he didn’t want to seem like a loser who came in less than three minutes no matter how crazy you were driving him. 
The two of you moaned in sink and he immediately sat up; not being able to physically stay away from you. He wanted to be as close to you as he possibly could. His chest was warm against yours and the feeling of his heartbeat made you smile against his neck. 
“I’m on the pill if you’re okay with that.” He nodded quickly and smashed his lips roughly against yours. 
“You feel so fucking good—so fucking tight—I’m gonna need you to do something soon—ride me y/n. Fuck me like you hate me baby—I wanna see those tits bounce for me.” You took his arms off from your waist and shoved him back down to his previous position. As much as you loved the feeling of his arms wrapped protectively around your body, you wanted to watch his facial expressions as you bounced on him. He looked at you with so much lust in his eyes; seeing you so forceful and commanding made his dick twitch. You grabbed tightly at both of his wrists and pinned them above his head before you got off of him and sank back down. His cock was throbbing at this point and you were sure he was probably suffering not being able to do anything about it for the last hour. 
Feeling his cock glide perfectly against your tight, velvety walls was mindblowing. He began meeting your thrusts roughly, shoving himself as far as he could go in to your pussy that this position allowed him to. Mark may have been underneath you and readily allowed you to take the lead, but he was a power bottom. He couldn’t help himself; you just felt so good each and every time your ass sank down and clapped against his abdomen. Sure, he already thought you were so beautiful, but having you there with your hair a tangled messed, your otherworldly figure naked and bare, breasts bouncing, sweat building up on your body with your skin glistening and your face reacting to each and every pump of his dick against your core, Mark felt like this was when you were the most beautiful. There was nothing he loved more than hearing his name fall from your lips the rougher he thrusted himself in to you. Skin on skin slapping filled up the car and the windows began to fog. 
“M—Mark—fuck me—“ he giggled softly and cupped your cheek with his palm as you continued bouncing on him at a fleeting pace. 
“Isn’t that what I’m doing baby? Fuck y/n—you feel so good. I love being buried in this tight cunt of yours. Tell me y/n—whose making you feel so good. Whose cock is stretching you out so well huh? Fucking say it y/n.” You placed one hand on his chest while bringing the other one to wrap around his neck. He gasped at your movements and you could tell it wasn’t something he was used to, but he didn’t do anything to stop it nor did he seem like he wanted you to pull away. 
“You Mark—you. And only you. Your cock feels so good—you’re so—ugh—fucking huge—“ right as you were about to continue, a noise interrupted the two of you and you wanted to ignore it, but you knew exactly what—or who it was. 
“What is that?” You groaned before looking around for your phone. You had no clue where anything was at this point; your mind was so set on having Mark fuck the living shit out of you so you didn’t care about anything else. “Nothing, ignore it. Keep fucking me.” His hands cupped both of your breasts and playfully flicked both your nipples before continuing to massage them. Unfortunately, your phone went off again and this time, Mark grew curious as to who might have been calling. 
“Maybe you should answer it. It must be important if they’re calling a second time.” You looked towards the ground in search of your phone and rolled your eyes at the caller id. 
What perfect timing he had. “It’s Jackson.” The frown that rose upon Mark’s face made your heart sink; he didn’t understand why he was so bothered. He was the one with his dick inside of you at the moment, so what did it matter if Jackson was calling? His grimace didn’t last long when an idea immediately popped in to his head. 
“Answer it.” You looked at him in disbelief. Did he really think you were going to answer your boyfriend’s phone call while you were currently riding another man? He had to be crazy; but the devilish grin on his face said otherwise. “You heard me y/n. Answer it. Answer him while I fuck you. Let’s see how much of a good girl you really are.” It was risky, and you were afraid your cover was going to be blown as soon as you said hello. But you didn’t care anymore. If Jackson were to find out what you were doing right now and who you were doing right now, then so be it. You were already having such a hard time controlling your moans and stifled cries of pleasure, what more now while talking on the phone with your boyfriend? 
“Hey—what’s up?” Mark looked at you with an unreadable look in his eye but deep down you knew it couldn’t be good. 
“What am I doing—I—uh—I’m working out—yeah—f—fuck—hmph—sorry, there’s this one squat that’s—so fucking hard—“ he lifted you off of him in one swift motion and flipped the two of you so that you were lying on your stomach and he was hovering over your back. Out of all the positions, doggy style was his favorite. Mark couldn’t count on his hands how many times he pictured you on all fours as he fucked in to you with no mercy. He didn’t even give you any time to prepare before inserting himself back inside of you. Jackson had to be an idiot for not even thinking that you were currently fucking someone else. Your moans were that of pleasure, not pain. 
Mark’s pace was relentless; he was practically in jack rabbit mode pulling out and pushing himself inside of you at a pace that was driving you closer to the edge. He found his way in to the crook of your neck and left a few wet kisses there. 
“You—you wanna come—over? Right now? Oh, um, I’m actually really tired—FUCK—sorry I just stubbed my toe—I’ll probably take a shower and go tO BED FUCK—“ For some reason, knowing that Jackson was on the other side of the call heightened Mark’s desire to want to hurry up and reach his orgasm. Something about the fact that the two of you were so close to getting caught aroused him even more. You didn’t even have the chance to continue before Mark yanked your phone away and threw it back on the ground. If you weren’t so focused on your release, you would’ve been mad at the lack of care he had for your expensive technology. But you could feel your orgasm building up and it was all you wanted at this point. 
“He talks too much—you’re supposed to be focused on me—how do you think he’ll feel knowing that his best friend fucked his girlfriend doggy style? You like this position don’t you y/n? You like how it feels getting your back blown out. Love the feeling of your beautiful ass clapping against my navel? Love being on your knees like the dirty girl you are. I hope you know once we’re done in here, I plan on taking you back to my place and having you again. I’m never gonna get enough of you y/n. I love—I—fuck I love you so much ahhh shit—“ his creamy, warm liquid filled up your body in deep, rushed squirts. You couldn’t put in to words how full you now felt and you didn’t know if it was because he filled you to the hilt with his cum, or because he just confessed that he loved you. 
Being the insecure person that you were, you couldn’t stop the tiny voice in your head telling you that he said it in the heat of the moment. There was no way he could love you. He was Mark Tuan; one of the most popular and sought out bachelors in your entire hospital. Every nurse, receptionist and medical assistant had eyes for him and you couldn’t blame them. He was gorgeous and you were sure he could get anyone he wants; especially someone without baggage from a toxic relationship with someone he called his best friend. Mark could do so much better than you. 
Although you could tell he was tired, he continued his thrusts inside you while bringing his hand down to your clit and rubbing on it to help bring you to your orgasm. He wanted you to feel the euphoria he was feeling since you milked him dry of everything he had and rode the living hell out of him. Before you knew it, you were soon seeing stars and coming a second time that night in less than an hour. Jackson, and any one of your previous boyfriends could never get you to come even once the entire duration of your hookup. Your heart warmed at the idea of Mark wanting to make sure you were having an equally amazing time as he was. 
He was the first man who seemed genuinely interested in making sure that you were taken cared of and as selfish as it sounded, you craved to have another chance to be one with him. Once you both reached your highs, he turned you over and gently placed you down on the seat before plopping himself on top of you. Usually you would complain about how sticky and sweaty your partner was after sex, but something about Mark was different from everyone else. You wanted to be as close to him to be able to feel his heartbeat. 
The one that was practically beating against your chest like a snare drum. He leaned back to take a good look at you and stole one kiss from the corner of your mouth while brushing some stray hairs away from your face. “That’s my pretty baby. Such a good girl y/n. I can’t—that was—fuck. You are ethereal. I know I told you to fuck the life out of me but shit—I didn’t think you’d actually do it. I’m gonna need to have you at least three times a day.” 
You let out an exhausted giggle while tracing some patterns on his back. No matter how tired you were though, watching him stare at you like you were some marvel, like the person who set the solar system in the sky made you want to show him what the idea of making love to him again did to you. “Mark. I want to suck you off.” The fit of coughs that fell from the back of his throat was unexpected. In his past experiences, Mark never forced a girl to ever do something she didn’t want to do. One of his favorite parts of sex was receiving head, but he only wanted his partner to blow him if she wanted to; not because she felt like she had to. However, hearing you confidently confess that you wanted to give him a blowjob made his heart flutter and he could feel himself getting hard again. 
“God y/n, you’re too good for me. I can’t wait to fuck that pretty mouth of yours.” He was quick in pulling himself out of you; the whimper that fell from your lips at the absence of him inside of you made him stifle back a laugh but seeing you sink to your knees was a sight that Mark would’ve never thought he would ever see in his 27 years of existence. You put your hair up in a makeshift ponytail and brought his dick in to the palm of your hand. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t think penises were ugly. Genitals in general were extremely ugly; but something about Mark’s made your cheeks warm and your core throb. Was there nothing wrong with this man at all? It was obvious he was God’s favorite. 
You spit on the tip of his cock to lubricate him before you began pumping him from the tip of his cock down to his balls. You brought your thumb against the side of his length and slowly glided it back and forth. Then, after what felt like hours to Mark, you placed a kiss on the tip before wrapping your mouth around it. The feeling of your tongue circling against the head while you ran it in between his slit made him want to pull his hair out. You barely got to do anything and he felt like he was overstimulated. You lowered your hands to both of his balls and began fondling them while completely engulfing his dick with your mouth. You tried to take as much of him in to your mouth as you possibly could. 
His tip hit the back of your throat with each and every thrust and you could feel tears building up in your eyes. It hurt; your mouth was already opened as wide as it could possibly go and Mark lost himself in how amazing it felt. Your mouth was warm and tight; just like your cunt and he was enjoying the feeling of your teeth grazing along his veins. 
“Fuck y/n—you’re swallowing me so well. Your mouth—fuck your mouth—so warm—so wet. You look so pretty like this; with my cock down your throat. Even prettier with it buried in your soaking pussy. Do you think I could—would it be okay if—I face fuck you? Sorry baby—it’s just too much. Don’t hesitate to tell me if it hurts okay? I just—fuck I can’t wait to feel you choking on me.” He allowed you some time to prepare and to get in to a comfortable position. When you gave Mark the okay, he reached for your ponytail and gave it a light tug. 
“Wait Mark—before I start, I want to try something.” The question was on the tip of his tongue, but stopped altogether the minute he felt you bring one of his balls in to your mouth; roughly sucking and grazing it ever so softly with your teeth. You didn’t spend much time on his balls, you wanted nothing more than to feel him fuck your mouth but you wanted to show his body the same amount of love he was showing to yours. After nipping, sucking and fondling both of his balls, you brought your mouth back on to his cock and let him control the pace and tempo of his thrusts. He placed one hand on the back of your head as the other yanked at your ponytail. You could feel your jaw working pretty hard on swallowing him and you could feel saliva falling from the sides of your mouth; but the moans, animalistic grunts, and compliments of how good you were blowing him made the pain worth it. 
Not too long after you began sucking on his cock, your phone started to ring again and you had a fear that Jackson put two and two together. At this point, you didn’t give two shits if he were to find out. Matter of a fact, you wanted him to find out. You would even take a picture of Mark’s dick down your throat if you could. Even if Jackson no longer loved you, his ego would surely hurt if he were to find out you slept with his best friend and if you told him that not only was Mark more well endowed, but that he was a much better lover than Jackson could ever be. You were in shock when Mark picked your phone up with his foot and glared at him for doing so, but in even more shock when he answered the phone. 
“Hey man—it’s Mark. Y/n can’t talk right now, my cock is shoved deep down her throat and we would like it if you would stop interrupting us I’m trying to bust a nut in her mouth right now. Bye.” Your eyes widened in shock at his words; not only did he confess that you were blowing him, but he said it so nonchalantly. Like getting sucked off by your best friend’s girlfriend was something natural that happened every day. You pulled your mouth from off of him and looked at him in awe but all he did was smirk and give you a noncommittal shrug. 
“What? It was gonna come out sooner or later. Don’t act so surprised, you weren’t all that inconspicuous when you were riding this cock while talking to him. Oh you’re exercising all right—clenching your tight pussy on my cock—they call that kegel if I’m not mistaken. Now, be a good girl and take me back in to your mouth.” You playfully rolled your eyes at his command and wrapped your lips back around his cock, taking him as deep in to the back of your mouth as you could. Whatever you couldn’t fit, you wrapped your hand around and began pumping him; the sounds that fell from his lips were so heavenly. 
Never in a million years would you have ever thought you’d find yourself on the floor of Mark’s car with his dick down your throat but you weren’t complaining. He continued to thrust roughly inside of your mouth, trying his best not to hurt you too much but you just felt so good. Watching as you hollowed your cheeks as you continued bobbing your head up and down brought him so much pleasure. There was so many things he wanted to do to you and with you. Face fucking that pretty little mouth of yours was always at the top of his list and he still couldn’t believe it was happening. Feeling you choke on him as he continued ramming himself inside of you is what finally got him to break and to your delight, he released his load in your mouth. You milked him of everything he had and made sure to leave one more kiss on his tip before pulling your lips off with a loud pop. 
“Damn—Jackson really fucked up didn’t he? Fuck—you can’t be real. You suck dick like your life depends on it. I always knew you were a kinky little shit. You were made to suck my cock y/n. That was incredible—you were—wow. I can’t even tell you how much I loved that. I always knew sex with you would be an experience but I wasn’t prepared for that.” 
You let out a soft giggle, but your mind was filled with so many different thoughts. He told you he loved you while he was buried inside of you. Did he really mean it? Or was he having a mental breakdown and wasn’t able to think of what he was saying? But he also mentioned on having you again and that he’s dreamt of having you like this for a while, so that had to mean something right? 
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours? You’re spacing out y/n.” He reached out for you and brought you on to his lap while running his fingers along your ribcage. Mark knew you long enough to learn the meanings behind your different mannerisms and he could tell something was on your mind. He was going to make it aware that he was telling you the truth earlier. Taking care of you and your happiness was his new main priority. All he ever wanted to do was to be the main reason behind your breathtaking smile and contagious laughter. He wanted to remind you every single day of how you were the most special person in his life. No matter what this was going to do with his friendship with Jackson, he was going to let it happen. 
“Mark.” You looked up at him with curiosity in your eyes and nervousness in your chest. “You said you love me and that you wanna take care of me from now on. Did you—um—do you mean it?” You brought your attention to the ground; not quite prepared for his answer. If this was a spur of the moment kind of thing, you were screwed in more ways than one. Not only were you newly single, or at least had every intention on breaking up with Jackson now, but you didn’t want to lose your friendship with Mark. You were mad with yourself for letting your carnal urges take over, but he was allowing it to continue. He could’ve stopped you the minute you began grinding your ass against his crotch, but he made it aware that he wanted you just as much as you wanted him. His lips were warm against the corner of your mouth; he began placing feather light kisses all around your face until reconnecting your lips together. 
There were times in your relationship where you no longer got butterflies from kissing Jackson and that’s when you knew there was a chance your relationship was going to go downhill. Kissing Mark however was a completely different story. Your body felt electrified. His kiss ignited a fire in your bones and you couldn’t stop wanting to kiss him. 
“I meant every single thing I said y/n. I love you—I’ve been in love with you for longer than I’d like to admit. I um—I don’t know how to say this without sounding like an asshole or a bad friend—I’ve actually been single this entire time because I’ve only ever had eyes for you. Pathetic right? I’ve been pining after my best friend’s girlfriend from the beginning of their relationship. I just—I’ve always thought the world of you. I always admired you; your determination, work ethic, your kindness, generosity, intelligence—you’re the most astounding person I’ve ever met. I knew you were out of Jackson’s league when he first introduced us to you and the more time I spent with you, the more I realized that nobody really deserved you. Not even me. I don’t know how you feel about me, but I can only hope by the mind blowing sex we just relinquished in that you have some kind of feelings for me. Even if this was a brief lapse of judgment on your part, I hope you realize that you deserve so much more than what Jackson can give you. I’m sorry for not telling you of his infidelity earlier, but I wanted him to tell. I can promise you I’m not hiding anything else from you and if you give me the chance, I’d love to be yours y/n.” His confession sent your head spinning and you didn’t think you could form the words to show him how much he meant to you and how excited you were to take things further in your relationship. Seeing that beautiful smile of yours that he loved so much light up your face made him mirror your expression and placed a soft kiss on your nose. “I’m taking that pretty smile of yours as the answer—“
“I love you too. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have any feelings for you. I think I always felt something toward you and only now did I realize that it was love—I knew it was wrong to like you while I was in a relationship so that’s why I tried my best to ignore all the romantic thoughts I’d have of you. I just—I didn’t think I deserved you. You did so many things for me—things that Jackson didn’t even do for me and I couldn’t help but thinking that I was with the wrong person. Just a few months ago, I started wishing it was you whenever I kissed Jackson or whenever we had sex. Every time he held my hand or pulled me in to his embrace, I’d pretend it was you. I always felt this connection with you and sometimes I’d mention inviting you over to Jackson’s every now and then so I had an excuse to see you. You know when I found out he was cheating, I had this crazy idea of getting back at him and this naughty fantasy of fucking you in my bedroom and having him walk in on us would replay over and over in my head. I’d love to be yours Mark. It’s all I ever wanted. Things would’ve been so much better if I met you on my own in the hospital before I met Jackson, but let’s not worry about it. We’re together now, that’s all that matters. But Mark—what about Jackson?” He let out a scoff. 
“What about Jackson? Fuck him—wait don’t. I’m going to be the only man you fuck from now on. I lost all respect for him when I found out he was cheating on you. How could anyone in their right minds do such a thing to you? You’re the most flawless being in existence and his dumbass took advantage of you. Now his karma is going to suffer watching me take care of you in the ways he failed to. Maybe we should go and make that fantasy a reality right now? There are so many ways and so many places I plan on taking you in baby. You’re mine y/n and I’m going to make sure everyone in your building knows it once I’m done with you.”
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