#and she brought her to my house for the 4th lunch my dad made because ‘she just hates fireworks’ well idk whos setting off fireworks between
trendfag · 10 months
i cant get over when we went to a chinese restaurant for my brothers birthday and my dads gf was there but wasnt eating because “oh you know i can only eat panda express because everything else has msg in it!” and the owner heard her saying that and came over and was like we dont use msg here and my dads gf looked at the owner of the restaurant in the face and told her that she was wrong about the food at her own restaurant. and this was the same day she told the story about the time she only tipped ten cents to a visibly anxious and stressed waitress on her first day on the job because 1) the restaurant was busy and 2) the food that she and her friend had picked out from the restaurants website like months before wasnt available and wasnt even on the menu. and laughed like it was a cute little anecdote as we all stared at her like what the fuck is your problem
0 notes
servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #130
Is there a person you talk to everyday? Mom and Girt without fail. I'd say most days some messages go between me, Mazzy, and Tez.
Does one of your parents ever complain to you about the other parent? My mother will take any opportunity to talk shit about my dad, yes, meanwhile Dad NEVER has while I've been with him. As a matter of fact, all my dad ever has to say about her around us kids is that she did a damn good job raising us/is a wonderful mother. I honestly would not be surprised if Mom, meanwhile, would prefer him dead with how she handles the topic of him. I know I don't know everything about why they split, but how she is about Dad nearly a whole decade after they split is kinda ridiculous. It's uncomfortable showing in any way that we care about him in her presence because she VERY obviously hates it.
If you have a webcam, do you take more pictures or make more videos with it? I've never used this webcam and historically have also avoided using them at all costs. I only ever really have for virtual appointments.
Who was the last person you wished a “Happy Birthday” to? Actually Kelsee today; she's the daughter of my favorite teacher. Basically an impossibly sweet human being.
Last person you kissed, are they into any type of sports? Which ones? No.
Does your best friend have a job? Yeah, he's worked at the same place for very nearly a decade.
Do you ever visit people at work? Thus far I've brought lunch to Girt at work once, and I plan to keep doing that occasionally forever. I just don't do it a lot now because his work is rather far and Mom has a super shitty car that doesn't need to drive that far, but also I don't have my own income and am not having Mom pay for it. The one time I did do it was with gifted money.
When you move out your house (or if you already have moved out) do you plan on still visiting your parents' house? I fully intend to invite Mom over for dinner like once a week, and I'd absolutely come back here if she wanted me to for something. It breaks my mom's fucking heart how Ashley and Nicole are, generally acting like she's no longer important, and I'll fucking die before I let her feel like I've left her behind, too. I'd still visit Dad too, probably occasionally invite him over. It's a hard situation to imagine just because I already very rarely see him.
What is one thing you hope never changes about you? How much I care about people.
Who was the last person you were mad at? Me.
Why did you break your last promise? Honestly, I feel like the only real promise I HAVE broken (that I remember, I'm sure it's happened more than just once, realistically) is the one I made with Sara, to keep her straight-up diabolical political stance a secret. I broke it because I don't protect the feelings of Nazis/very literal Hitler fangirls. I never should have kept it secret in the first place.
Has anyone ever told you that you were really pretty? Yeah, somehow.
Do you listen to a wide variety of music? Not really, but I've been more open to pop music in recent times... granted, they're primarily songs I grew up with lmao, but still.
What holiday are you looking forward to next? So I'm not very big on the 4th of July just because I'm not this country's biggest fan, but it's more appealing knowing I'll probably spend it with Girt's family, like last year.
Did you ever go through a phase when you didn’t want to take medicine? My problems have always been just being upset over how many medications I've been prescribed during certain periods. There have been many occasions in the past where I've gotten verbally pissed off and even cried over just how many medications I was waking up to and having to take before bed. 100% convinced my memory and focus problems hold DEEP roots in just being so grossly overmedicated by the time I was just a young teenager, and it remained that way for a very, very long time. Thankfully, I'm more at peace with the number I take now; I'm not happy about it, but it's absolutely nothing like it used to be.
Do you love popsicles? They're fine.
Do you like your smile? No, entirely convinced I look high as shit and I know I have a lazy eye when I do smile.
Was the last book you read good? Yup, it was. Jesus, I need to start reading more again... I've been on the same book for SO fucking long.
Does sunlight make you feel happier? Yes, it absolutely does. This was something I learned around the time I started recovering from the breakup and my worst level of depression: I used to be the person who kept the shades closed, lights off always, and just live in the dark. Then I started keeping my shades open and just in general stay in decently-lit rooms, and it made a pretty profound impact on my happiness, eventually. It's why I'm not even big on rainy days anymore; they used to be my favorite, but nowadays I will absolutely feel a difference if it's gloomy outside.
What helps you fall asleep? Fucking nothing. I finally almost cried last night over just how atrocious my ability to fall asleep has been lately; I'm regularly not falling asleep until early morning hours. I just lay in bed for hours on end tossing and turning and being completely fucking miserable. Thankfully I'm starting a new medication tonight that is meant to help me fall asleep... I just hope it works, because historically, meds meant to assist in good sleep have had zero effect on me. I'm one of those people that isn't even knocked out by Benadryl, and you always hear about how that'll knock you flat on your ass.
Do you have stomach problems? Yes.
Do you enjoy editing photos? Yeah, that's basically mandatory to be a notably successful photographer lol, as much as many people don't like to admit.
What was the last photo filter you used? I think it was this one called "Honey" that's on my phone for a picture I took of Girt's sister's dog Onyx.
Do you live a simple life? I'm sure it looks like it on the very surface to people who don't know me well whatsoever, but you realize pretty fucking quickly it's astronomically far from "simple."
What was the last song you listened to on repeat? "Rein raus" by Rammstein.
What are three of your favorite toppings for a pizza? Pepperoni, sausage, and jalapeno are all good.
What are three of your favorite ingredients for a salad? Besides the lettuce, I'm assuming? Cucumbers, bacon bits, and uh... that's it lmao I am MEGA basic with salad. WELL I will say I do absolutely love the jalapenos that are in Olive Garden's salads, like that's my favorite part of the whole thing haha, but idk if I'd enjoy them in every salad.
Do you express yourself better out loud or in writing? Oh there is ZERO competition here, my ability to express myself in writing is indisputably WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than my capability to do so verbally. I can barely make a normal sentence when speaking.
Do you sing in the shower? No.
What are three random things you are good at? Writing, taking pictures I'd hope, and understanding animal body language, generally.
What is one thing you’ve been waiting patiently for for quite some time? Finding a job, I guess. Though I've been less patient about it lately. I've been doing daily (and I do mean daily) checks online for around three months now for various job titles I feel I could realistically do, and I'm just not getting lucky at all.
What are three of the most painful things you have ever stepped on? Uh idk, honestly.
If you could choose three US states to visit, which three states would you pick? Alaska, Arizona, and one of the states Yellowstone is part of; I'd have to research more about each state.
What color is your camera case (if you have one)? It's black.
What are three things you like that start with the same letter as your middle name? MEERKATS (are you even remotely surprised), music, and mountains.
Which do you use more: Facebook or Instagram? Facebook.
When was the last time you swam in a pool? Today actually; I did hydrotherapy today at PT because there were no land slots for this week when we were scheduling. Well, I guess I didn't really swim because I couldn't get my tattoo wet (it's a saltwater pool), like both my feet never completely left the bottom, but still.
Who or what do you worship? Nothing; I'm not even really a "hail thyself" person just because I think it puts too much divine worth on just us insignificant humans. We're nothing special in the grand scheme of the universe and I think that mentality feeds the ego too much.
Do you know a Ted? Yeah, that's the name of one of my childhood friend's dad.
Have you ever swam in one of the Great Lakes? No.
What is one thing you wish were more easily accessible? ADEQUATE FUCKING HEALTHCARE.
Have you ever chopped something with an axe? No.
What is one mistake you’ve made that you hope to never repeat? Hand my entire identity and worth over to another person.
What was the last thing that kept you awake? My brain doesn't know how to shut the fuck up whenever I try to sleep; that's the primary problem, and it's been that way since I was a literal child. My brain is just always, ALWAYS going, even when I try to tell myself to just concentrate on sleeping. Then there's also the fact my tattoo is starting to scab, and just because of the location, I can really feel the scabbing pull when I roll around in bed, and that obviously hurts.
If you have pets, do they sleep in your bedroom at night? Roman generally does, and sometimes Cookie decides to sleep in my bed instead of Mom's. Venus' terrarium is also in my bedroom.
Can you sleep with background noise or does it keep you up? Only if it's something on the quieter side and monotonous, like a fan. I definitely struggle with like, a TV being on.
Who was the last person to cook you a meal? What did they make? Mom made popcorn shrimp and white rice tonight.
Who was the last person you cooked a meal for? What did you make? I made eggs once when Sara was here.
Who is your female celeb crush? (If applicable) Y'ALL I fucking hate wrestling and find the acting cringy as shit, including whom's I'm about to mention (I know because my niece and nephew like watching????), but Rhea Ripley could RUIN ME and I would thank her
Who is your male celeb crush? (If applicable) I don't think I'll ever be able to explain my level of attraction towards Richard Kruspe even though he could literally be my dad h e l p
Do you have a favorite Marvel character? Probably Deadpool.
Favorite DC character? Harley Quinn.
Who has been your favorite actor to play Batman (live-action)? No opinion, I haven't even seen them all.
Who has been your favorite live-action Joker? Heath Ledger was MADE for the role imo, even if it did cause him a lot of harm. I probably also just have a bias because Heath Ledger's Joker was Jason's favorite thing on the face of the planet.
Has a horror film ever actually scared you? Which one(s)? [TW: RAPE MENTION] There's only been one that has, and that's only because it fed off my pregnancy phobia: The Rite. Doubt it's spoiler material with just being a big part of the plot and it's an old movie now, but a woman is raped by either a demon or just straight-up the devil and it's EXTREMELY fucking gross, like I could not handle it. I still wouldn't watch it to this day, I'm pretty sure I didn't even finish watching it when Nicole had it on. Like obviously I don't believe in supernatural impregnation but I still couldn't handle it.
What was the last horror movie you saw? Well Girt and I startedThe Black Phone but didn't finish it, I've told this story enough.
What was the first horror movie you remember seeing? What did you think of it? Hmmmm... it might have been the OG Paranormal Activity movie. At least, that's the first I remember. I liked it; I tend to like "paranormal evidence" horror films, the ones that seem like they actually happened and can't be explained. I find those much easier to put yourself into/imagine them happening to you.
Name a few historical figures you find interesting. Why? I don't care enough about history for this lmao.
What is your favorite historical film and why? The Boy in the Striped Pajamas because it tears my fucking heart ENTIRELY open every time I see it. I'm crying without fail.
Do you usually enjoy historical films? Not usually, or at least they're not the sort of movies that I seek out.
Name a sequel film (any franchise) you like better than the first film. Why is that? Shrek 2 lmao, the first movie is absolutely legendary and I love it but the second is just more fun to me.
Which do you find most interesting: Greek, Roman, or Norse mythology? Why? Greek. I think it's just because that's what I know most about, though. I will say what I know of Norse is awesome too; it has total potential to be my favorite if I actually knew more about it. All I do know comes from the two most recent God of War games, and while I'm quite sure it is a rather accurate representation of key roles and events, I'm definitely not sure.
Which tale from whichever mythology you listed above do you find most interesting? ... You're making me realize I actually don't remember a lot of Greek mythos lmao, it's been too long since I was in mythology class. With Norse though, I think Jörmungandr as well as Sköll and Hati's lore are very cool.
Do you collect anything? What was the last item you added to that collection? Meerkat stuff is my primary collection; I think the last thing I got relating to meerkats was a shirt. I also collect Silent Hill merch, but I can't recall what the last thing I added on was.
What is your favorite vampire movie? I don't really have one.
Your favorite fictional couple? This is BASICALLY impossible, but I thiiiink I can pick one: Woo Young-Woo and Lee Jung-Ho from Extraordinary Attorney Woo, like that is just a STRAIGHT-UP wholesome, genuine relationship that warms my fucking heart to mush.
Do you have a favorite historical couple? Nope. Again, just don't know enough about history or care enough to dig into their personal lives, especially.
0 notes
romewritingshop · 3 years
I’m a Dad
Fandom: Choices, Open Heart, AU
Relationship: Dr. Ethan Ramsey X F!MC (Name: Alyssa Brooks)
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst, mentions of birth complications, Alan is okay no need to panic 😅, anxieties of fatherhood, slight injury (nothing gruesome).
Rating: 12+ Word Count Total: 3209
AN: This is a birthday commission for @tsrookie who wanted a fic of dad!Ethan. I hope this is what you wanted and enjoy. The song that inspired this was Michele Morrone’s Dad (Accoustic Version):
I wanted to portray the significance of Alan in Ethan and Alyssa’s lives. It was emotional writing this 🥺.
Rome’s Birthday Celebration Masterlist 2021
Tagged: @eleanorbloom @juliafranquet @me-and-my-choices @drethanramslay @choicesficwriterscreations @queencarb @miss-smrxtiee @melaninnntae @they-callme-ami @openheartfanfics @mvalentine @starrystarrytrouble @drariellevalentine @nikki-2406 @caseyvalentineramsey @kiara-36 @choicesreal @sophxwithers @brightningstar @tsrookie @gryffindordaughterofathena @arnikki-2406 @mercury84choices ​@theinvisibledreamergirl @stygianflood @ethansramsey
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A blissful silence settled in the room as Ethan tossed his house keys onto the kitchen countertop. Flicking the switches as the lights turned on in his house. A large suburban white painted house that he and Alyssa bought a few years ago. Ethan’s eyes wandered around the living room, taking in the quiet. Alyssa wasn’t home yet which gave Ethan the time to head to his study. Clambering up the stairs and going to the first door on his left, a spacious room with forest green walls. A metal case of shelves with wooden baskets filled with stationary, was diagonally placed in the corner to the door. Directly opposite the door was a mahogany table with a cushioned wheeled office chair.
To the left of the door, was a red and green small plastic table and bench. Crayons and pencils were scattered on the table and floor, there were sheets of coloured papers with indiscernible scribbles. The furrow in Ethan’s eyebrows relaxed as he slipped off his black cashmere jacket and hung it on a hook to the left of him. Crouching by the small kids table and glanced at the drawings, noting the curved shapes to be attempts at writing. Writing what exactly? He wasn’t too sure. 
Nathan and Savannah were the smartest kids he knew. Why wouldn’t they be though, since their parents were the acclaimed doctors of Bloom Edenbrook’s diagnostics team. Ethan put their drawings in a woven basket which had a label of ‘kids’, he held onto all the crayons and pencils and placed them in their respective labelled pots. Placing the pots in their woven basket and placing their basket on top of the shelf unit. Alyssa probably didn’t have time to tidy up their mess because they were spending the afternoon and evening with Alyssa’s friends.
Maybe now was a good time to get started on his project as he pulled out a basket and took out a few sheets of thick matte paper and an envelope. Bringing them over to his desk and seating himself, opening a drawer in his desk. He took out a few ink pens and placed the pens next to his paper, his eyes darted to the wooden picture frame of Alyssa and their three kids: Allison, Nathan and Savannah. He still couldn’t believe that he was theirs, and they were his. It was only yesterday, when he and Alyssa were in the reception, treating for a thoracotomy and now they had a house and kids.
Ethan knew what he had to do as soon as he brought his pen to the paper, the words flew right through him as he wrote. The memories of his kids flooding his brain with a warm familiar glow.
“Out of the way!”
Ethan rushed down the stairs, shoving past nurses and doctors before slamming the corridor door open to the maternity ward. Sienna was hot on his heels as he growled and grimaced at people, his eyes went to the pager as a message from Naveen popped up. ‘4cm dilated’. Ethan was close as he weaved through a never ending maze of Edenbrook’s corridors. In the distance he spotted Naveen, his dad Alan, and his daughter Allison were looking into the window of one of the maternity rooms.
“Ethan! There you are!”
His crinkled grumpy face relaxed at the sight of Allison. Five years old with a knack for mischief and a carbon copy of himself. She had his eyes and ears but Alyssa’s nose, lips and hair. Alan was taking care of Allison while Ethan and his wife were working, however, Alyssa’s contraction pains strengthened and her constant lavatory needs indicated that she needed to be checked in. Naveen came up to stand beside Ethan; who took Allison into his arms.
“Naveen, how is she?”
“Well the contractions are hurting and I have a feeling the babies are coming now. Dr. Delarosa is in there with her. Are you ready Ethan?”
Ethan gave a nod as he turned to Allison, a calm gentle smile reserved for her.
“Time to get your new siblings. You okay to wait here with Uncle Naveen and Grandpa?”
“Yeah! Uncle Naveen is buying me chocolate!”
Ethan quirked a brow at his mentor, who in return stuck with a confident grin before Ethan placed Allison down. Naveen clasped his hand around her tiny hand and led her to the staff break room, whilst listening to her ramblings about her new siblings. Ethan took a deep breath as Alan stepped up to rest his hand on his shoulder.
“I’m proud of you, son.”
Ethan smiled and was about to step into the room, when something held him still. His buried nerves leaked through his wall as memories of Dolores seeped to his front. Alyssa was pregnant with twins, that alone carried several complications in terms of the positioning of the babies, possible post partum haemorrhage. On top of that she was one week late, twins born post due date carry risks to the mother and the babies.
A flash of baby Ethan in the NICU drained the warmth from his face and he felt like he was drowning. He couldn’t breathe as he pressed a hand against the door ledge, bowing his head as Alan stood beside him. Alan could tell Ethan was panicking. His shoulders shook as Alan gently probed.
“What if something happens?”
“Boston’s famous doctor is worried about a twin birth? Ethan, you’ve done this before. You know what to do.”
“It’s different. Alyssa is in there. She’s the patient. What if I can’t make the right decision?”
“Ethan Jonah Ramsey. You are a diagnostician. A famous one at that. You look at the possibilities before you make your decision. You have it in you son. Plus she’s a fighter. She won’t back down. But she needs you. Be brave and if you can’t be brave, be brave for her. She needs your support.”
His father’s words felt like a warm wash of life as he inhaled the air, exhaling his anxieties and giving a steady nod. Ethan smiled at his father before pushing open the door to step into the room, stepping into action to help make Alyssa’s labour as easy as possible.
“Daddy! When is Twilight Sparkle coming?”
“In a bit. If you finish your lunch, then she’ll come.”
“Daddy! Will she bring a lot of presents for us?”
“An average amount, Nathan.”
Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose as he watched over the several little kids munching on their mini pizza slices and tater tots. It was the twins’ birthday today and the two of them invited their whole class to celebrate, the sun was shining as the kids sat on picnic blankets. The Ramseys’ had a spacious garden which could hold for nearly twenty five kids and several adults. Bryce, Jackie and Elijah were keeping an eye on the kids as Ethan slipped away to the kitchen where Alyssa was sat on a breakfast stool with her foot in Sienna’s lap. Aurora was beside them as she carefully tapped a finger against the swollen skin near her ankle. Jenner paced on his paws with nervous energy as he whined at his mom, Alyssa.
“Alyssa has sprained her ankle … Ethan.”
The friends still had a difficult time addressing Ethan by his first name but he paid no heed to it as Alyssa tried to come off the stool, trying to brush off the pain.
“It’s nothing, I’m sure I’ll be fine as long as I don’t walk on it.”
Ethan sighed rather exasperatedly as he folded his arms at his wife. That motion alone made Alyssa meekly smile and remain in her seat. Aurora handed her a cool pack for Alyssa to use for her sprain. She knew that she needed to rest her ankle but the twins would be so upset.
“Fine. But how are we going to solve the entertainment issue?”
At that moment the front door opened and closed as Alan strode in with a confident excited gait. He had a white cardboard box in his hands as he hummed and placed the box on the table, unveiling it to reveal a My Little Pony cake with ‘Happy 4th Birthday! Nathan and Savannah’. Alan’s brows sagged at the sight of his daughter-in-law.
“What happened?”
“I … fell.”
Ethan resorted to pinching the bridge of his nose before explaining the story. The children were showing off dance moves and there was a little girl who was showing off her gymnastics ability. Alyssa thought she could show off her talent by demonstrating a cartwheel, unfortunately her cartwheel was aimed the wrong way and Alyssa landed awkwardly in a bush with her legs askew. Alan smiled at Alyssa as he realised that there was an issue of entertainment since Alyssa was planning to dress up as the kids’ favourite character, Twilight Sparkle.
“I guess that means Alyssa can’t be Twilight Sparkle.”
Sienna gave a nod and spoke up.
“Aurora, Jackie and I would do it but I don’t think there’s enough time for any of us to learn everything about My Little Pony. The kids are gonna see right through us.”
“It’s a conundrum.”
Everyone took a moment to think before Alan’s eyes twinkled with an idea.
“I have an idea. Sienna, start watching some My Little Pony, I’ll stall the kids. ‘Lyssa, where did you keep your guitar?”
Alyssa’s eyes twinkled as she informed Alan of the guitar, to which Aurora ran up to search for it. It seemed everyone knew what to do, everyone except for Ethan, who placed his hands on his hips, turning to his father.
“Would you mind clueing me into your plan?”
“A little singing will have the kids distracted while Aurora, Alyssa and Sienna get ready. The kids will love it!”
At that moment, Bryce popped his head through the glass garden doors, there’s a slight line of sweat near the crown of his neck as he nervously glances back.
“The kids are going rabid if Twilight Sparkle doesn’t come in the next five minutes.”
Aurora rushed back down and handed Alan a brown varnished acoustic guitar, a gift from Alyssa’s patient Remy. Alan hung the strap over his shoulder and strutted outside to where all the kids shrieked and yelled.
“Okay kids! Who’s gonna sing the My Little Pony theme song?”
Ethan went out and noticed all the kids sitting at their picnic blankets, bopping and singing while Alan strummed the tune of the My Little Pony theme song. Ethan and Rafael took the time to begin cleaning up the rubbish whilst Bryce, Elijah and Jackie kept an eye out for Sienna, Aurora and Alyssa. All the kids and the twins were enraptured, even Jenner was happily panting to the music. Alan was going through a list of songs going from the My Little Pony Theme Song, to the lime and coconut song and to  the rhinestone cowboy.Not long after, Alan got a thumbs up from Bryce and Jackie to which Alan smiled and announced.
“Now children! There is someone who’d like to wish two special children a Happy Birthday!”
Nathan and Savannah jumped up with excited shrieks as Alan strummed the music of the theme song and out came Twilight Sparkle. It was Sienna donning a purple sparkly dress, wings protruding from the back and a dark wig flowing off her shoulders. Her unicorn headband was fixed into the wig and her purple make-up shone in the sun as Sienna skipped towards the kids, tossing bounds of glitter.
Aurora and Jackie were helping Alyssa settle on a deck chair as the twins hugged and cried at the fact that Twilight Sparkle had come to their party. Ethan and Alyssa sent a thankful smile as Alan returned their smile, everyone’s faces warming at the twin’s excitement.
Ethan used the back of his hand to wipe off the sweat on his brow as he pushed the front door of his apartment open. Baby Allison happily chewed on her yellow teether while bouncing in the baby sling, strapped across Ethan’s chest. Alyssa was working at the hospital after spending four months at home and it was Ethan’s turn to stay home with Allison. He was glad he opted for a loose linen shirt and khaki trousers as the Boston heat was slowly racking up. Ethan had gone out to buy some ingredients for their dinner: stir fried tofu and broccoli. 
Alyssa would need some good comfort food after going back to work and he knew that Chinese would delight her. He unclipped one arm strap, pressing a palm to hold up Allison before unclipping the other to carry his daughter to her high chair in the kitchen. Allison was teething so he handed her a teething ring to help Allison improve motor skills. His daughter smiled and babbled at the sight of her dad as Ethan pressed a kiss onto his daughter’s forehead.
Allison was a daddy’s girl since she would whine and cry with Alyssa, but when it came to Ethan, Allison babbled and laughed. Alyssa was sure that she would say ‘Dada’. Ethan grinned as Jenner padded into the kitchen, bringing himself up to stand on his hind legs beside Allison. The dog was protective and loving to Allison as she tried to swat at Jenner’s nose.
“Jenner, keep an eye on her.”
Jenner barked as Ethan began taking out utensils and the shopping to get started. Draining the water from the tofu and breaking up the broccoli into florets. Every so often, his eyes would wander to his little girl on the high chair. Ethan still couldn’t believe the fact that he was a father. A living breathing child was in his care, one he made with the woman he loved as his eyes glistened at the memories of her birth. Despite expecting for children to not be in the cards for him, life had a way of telling him that it was always the case.
As Ethan stared longingly at his daughter, Jenner could smell something faintly burning; turning his head to hear a loud crackle and pop. Jenner barked furiously which had Ethan snap out and realise the onions and garlic had burnt in the wok, the broccoli was charred beyond recognition as Ethan turned off the induction hob. The loud barks caused Allison to startle and little beads of tears streamed down her face.
His heart lurched as he immediately stalked to his daughter to take her in his arms and get her to settle down. It was the first time in a long time that Ethan burnt dinner as he exhaled at the time on his wrist watch. Alyssa would be home in an hour and it was too late to restart. He didn’t have enough ingredients and he couldn’t whip up something else in time for Alyssa to sink her teeth into.
At that moment his phone rang as Ethan reached into his pocket to rest the phone between his ear and shoulder, while bouncing a teary Allison in his lap.
“Ethan Ramsey.”
“Ethan.” The corner of Ethan’s lips curled upwards at the recognition of his father’s voice. “I’m just about ten minutes away from your home. Alyssa invited me to have dinner, do you need anything?”
Ethan glanced at the mess behind him, a low exhale left his lips.
“Can you please pick up some Chinese on your way here?”
It wasn’t long when Alan arrived with several bags of Chinese take out from Xing-Fu’s Restaurant. Ethan took the bags from Alan and set up the dining table while Alan took the time to talk and play with his granddaughter, Jenner wagged his tail rapidly as he watched Alan and Allison. Not long after the kitchen was clear and the dinner table was set, Alyssa had entered the apartment with a smile on her face.
She took a moment to freshen up before joining the Ramseys at the dinner table. Her eyes sparkled at the array of side dishes as she pecked Ethan’s cheek before digging rather ravenously into the food. All the tension from the day melted under the spicy heat of duck and the softness of lotus buns. Ethan and Alan share a knowing smile as they too get stuck into their meal, Allison smiles and babbles in her high chair next to Alyssa. Glad to have her mother with her.
The memories faded as Ethan lifted his pen from the letter, a soft nostalgic smile brushed on his face as he pushed the frame of his glasses up the bridge of his nose. A faint sound of the front door opened as excited chirps and barking fluttered into his study. The kids, Jenner and Alyssa were home as Ethan smiles at the incoming thunder steps, spinning his office chair to the direction of the door. The twins come tumbling in and launch themselves into Ethan’s arms, not giving a chance for Ethan to pay attention to their chatter. Jenner is sitting at the entrance of the door, while Allison stands behind him with her hand scratching the top of his fur. 
“Nathan, Savannah! I cannot understand your rambling.”
“Yeah, they had a lot of pastries. Aunt Sienna made a lot of cakes and biscuits.”
Ethan shook his head with a teasing grin at the twins. The two of them hid their mouths as Nathan denied.
“No we didn’t. Ally did!”
“Liar, I saw you two take two slices of the chocolate fudge cake.”
“No! You’re dreaming Ally.”
Ethan raised an eyebrow at his troublesome twins but pressed long kisses into their hair. Savannah leaned over his shoulder and noticed the pen and paper before pressing her two palms on Ethan’s face, forcing him to look directly at her as she asked.
“Are you drawing without us?”
Ethan shook his head as he explained.
“I’m making a gift for grandpa.”
“Are you gonna give it to him tomorrow?”
Before he could answer, Alyssa appeared at the door with her hands on her hips, dressed in a green cotton dress and brown knee high boots. Her mom voice was coming through as she moved her eyes between the troublesome twins.
“Nathan and Savannah. Time for bed. We’ve got to wake up early tomorrow if you want to spend the whole day with Grandpa.”
“Do we have to?”
Ethan stood up and held on to the twins as he smartly urged.
“Come on if you get dressed for bed, you can stay up late tomorrow.”
The twins gasped as they scrambled off Ethan’s arms and rushed to their bedroom to get into their pyjamas. A small smile curled up on Alyssa’s lips as she turned to the eldest Ramsey child.
“You too, Ally!”
“But Mom!”
“Come on.”
Ethan steps up to the doorway and sweetly kisses his wife as she cupped his cheek.
“You coming?”
“Just finishing up.”
Alyssa gave a nod and led her daughter away to her bedroom, Jenner obediently bounding behind them. Ethan returned to his desk to read over the last words he wrote.
Look at me now. I’m a dad.
Thank you for making me the man I am today.
Dr. Ethan J. Ramsey
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Monsta x reacting to you having a daughter? Seeing them with kids again gave me all the feels, like they hit me with a truck
oof hell yeah
This also has some of my own experiences baby sitting
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(Y/n) said that he was at home sick so Hyunwoo went through the dorms closet and went by a grocer that wasn't too far. He knocked and heard quick footsteps and the door opened to reveal a un sick man. (Y/n)'s eyes widen as he and Hyunwoo's eye met. A quick sharp cry ran through the air distracting them.
"Just come in." (Y/n) muttered
He just stood there with his shoes off and saw bright and small shoes on the rack. (Y/n) walked into the room where the crying was coming from. Soon the man came out with a baby about 9 months to a year old.
"I wasn't sick, she was." He couldn't look at his boyfriend, Hyunwoo was shocked but he saw that he needed to do something. He stepped forward and took the child in his arms and she was fascinated with him. (Y/n) let out a breath as his daughter, named Sooyoung, started grabbing at his hair and squishing his face in her pudgy hands. Hyunwoo could feel how warm she was but paid no attention as she was happy for a moment and he could help but smile at her antics.
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As soon as he saw anything related to kids that his boyfriend was wearing, Wonho would find the truth and he would see the child. (Y/n) blamed the bracelet that he kept on his right wrist for Jiyoo, she made it on her 4th birthday and he would never take it off. Wonho wanted to meet her badly since he knows that he had a daughter, (Y/n) wanted to wait and make sure not to expose to many people to Jiyoo. After pleading on either side he gave in, a day was set to go by a coffee shop and go to the park. Wonho and (Y/n) got a coffee but Jiyoo got a cookie with the frosting as a cute cat. Wonho was great with her, he stole a bit of her cookie and she took a sip of his coffee. Saying it was only fair, Jiyoo grabbed both of your hands when walking and asked Wonho to push her. She reasoned that he was so strong that she could fly. He wouldn't admit it but Wonho's cheeks hurt badly from smiling so much.
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One day he came to surprise his boyfriend and saw the Little girl hanging off his hip. He was a little disappointed but (Y/n) and he had a long talk and agreed that Minhyuk and his daughter could have a relationship. In the end the worst part of it was that Yujin and Minhyuk would have screaming battles. He and Yujin would be best friends. Her favorite was when Minhyuk would read to her, he would do the voices and it wouldn't just be bedtime. (Y/n) took her to the library and she would pick out 12 books just for Minhyuk to read to her. Also, they would love to cook together, Yujin would be on the counter showing Minhyuk how to cook and bake. Her favorite thing to make was cupcakes with him. They both would make the worst messes and the cutest cupcakes. (Y/n) would sit on the floor just to see his little girl yelling at Minhyuk saying that green was an unacceptable color for cupcakes.
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For someone who is called a mom a lot, he would be awkward. He panics too much until he was settled with (Y/n)'s child. Hyunjae would lead him around his boyfriend's own apartment because he was too stiff. (Y/n) laughed at him for being scared of a 5-year-old. Many times Kihyun wouldn't even be able to punish her, (Y/n) didn't even want to but he could see his flushed face after seeing her puppy eyes. Kihyun and Hyunjae loved cooking together, they would do it every time they could. Kihyun would let her mix and do everything that wasn't dangerous. Hyunjae could easily power the whole building with her smile when she cooked. They loved singing Disney and children's songs too. (Y/n) felt sorry for their neighbors but seeing Kihyun and his daughter dance and sing "into the unknown" from Frozen would never be something he apologizes for.
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He would be awkward around his boyfriend's girl, thankfully, she was quiet and reserved like him. Misoon was famous for being quiet around (Y/n)'s home. She wouldn't ask for attention but would come up behind someone and pull on their shirt. Hyungwon was too tall so she resorted to pulling on his pants, it didn't always go well but she was only 4 and trying her best. Hyungwon is the type to put her on the counter when he was cooking or putting something together. Or just give her a piece of tape when he's using it. He quickly learned that things go into her mouth at an alarming rate. Whenever Hyungwon would stay the day, she fell asleep on him. the amount of pictures (Y/n) has of Hyungwon trying to sleep in a small bed where his legs are either 2 feet out of the bed or scrunched, is enough for the member to never see him the same.
Jooheon (I am going to write about an autistic child, I have a bit of experience with taking care of children with autism but these are just my experiences)
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(Y/n) was apprehensive when introducing his daughter to Jooheon, he didn't know how either of them would react. He thought the perfect place would be their house and having a picnic in their back yard. Jooheon was so happy to see her, Nari was nervous and couldn't make eye contact. Jooheon was doing all he could do to make her relaxed, he even brought flowers for her. Nari opened up more at lunch, still holding a flower. She talked about what she was drawing lately and how math was her favorite subject. Some days she and Jooheon would work on it together and he would help her out in literature, it wasn't her best subject but she tried and Jooheon would set up a fake test for her to practice. One day when he came over he saw a fidget cube in her hand and soon she wouldn't put it down, not even for bath time. Everyone could see how much she love to stim with it. Jooheon love this and for her birthday, he got one in her favorite colors and got himself one so she wouldn't feel bad that she only saw her self using one.
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He was shocked that someone so young had a daughter but he didn't question much. His boyfriend was happy and so was his child. Changkyun was with (Y/n) for so long that Yunhee saw Changkyun as another da. Yunhee was a few years old when she said that he was her dad. He still won't admit it but he held her and shed a few tears. He didn't plan to be a dad so young but he loved (Y/n) and Yunhee so he was a dad and he was happy with it. His favorite thing to do with her is to sing, she would be laying on his chest ready to fall asleep and she would fall asleep to his voice. Changkyun would have the books he grew up and read them to Yunhee, with movies to. He'd find the Lion King and Nemo and having them playing all the time. He would often think that he was raising a human and what if he did something wrong, it would keep him up at night.
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dreamonminecraft · 4 years
oh yes, tell me more about this beautiful lesbian slowburn. I’m a sucker for a good love story
Okay so to start off, My sexuality fluctuates greatly throughout this story, but as of now I identify as a Bisexual lithsexual lesbian, which means that I am attracted to lots of people but lose attraction when the feelings are reciprocated, and I'll only date girls.
The story starts off August of 2018. I was starting 6th grade (middle school) and didn't really have any friends aside from a few people that I had last talked to in 3rd grade.
It's important to know that I'm a GT kid and so I almost always have the same group of about 20 kids. This started when I changed to an all GT class for 4th grade.
While it's nice to have a comfortable learning environment, it also means that there's no escape from any drama, and you get to pick friends from the very small pool of kids that you'll spend the rest of your education with.
This is a pretty long story as well and I'm not sure I'll be able to accurately retell many of the things because dates get mixed up and stuff. Anyway, I'm gonna try my best to explain but these are really only the things from my point of view and I don't remember a lot of the things. (This is also gonna be written like a fanfic because that's all I know how to write, I apologise)
So start of sixth grade, I don't really have any friends, I'm kind of this awkward nerd, there's 2 people in my class (we switch classes like normal middle school, but I'm with the GT kids for most of the day so that's what I'll refer to them as) that I've known for years, a few I've met before, but mostly new people.
I sit by some old friends from volleyball at lunch for the first few days but begin to feel unwelcome. One day I decide to sit by these two people that I know are in GT but haven't talked to before. I don't say anything, but I sit and they don't mind.
The next day we get new seats in English. I'm behind a boy named Owen, Inara, who is one of the girls I sat with at lunch, is to my right, and in front of her is a girl named Emilyse.
Inara and I hit it off immediately.
It's kind of crazy because we're both crazy anxious introverts, but we gel nicely. I'm a boyband-obsessed 11 year old and she's a mature and mysterious 11 year old.
She's a lefty. I'm a righty. The way we've been placed makes us bump arms everytime we try to write anything.
We have every class together. Somehow, we sit next to each other in every class as well, even in the ones where we didn't pick our seating chart.
It's September. I cry over boybands. She watches curiously.
For the next couple of months we casually talk. She spends every lunch period in the library. We text occasionally.
I have another friend who takes priority. His name is Logan. We got introduced by his friend Lennox when she asked for my phone number to give to him.
Lennox and I don't talk. Logan and I text nonstop for months. We discuss possibly dating in the future. I identify as bisexual and biromantic at this point.
I've been in this position before. Having mainly guy friends growing up puts me in a lot of awkward friendship/relationship situations. They always end the same.
I have an issue with dating in middle school. You're not dating if you don't go on dates, hold hands, kiss, or cuddle. But you can feel like you are.
In December Logan starts being mean. We start a game where we step on each other's shoes at lunch or in the hallway. It's fun.
Eventually, he recruits his friends to do it to me, too. It's a joke a first, but eventually there are 10 middle school boys chasing me and trying to hurt me.
I get kicked in the hallway and fall. Someone steps on my arm and people laugh. Logan watches. I tell Inara and she steps on his shoe for me.
Logan and I stop talking. Inara and I hang out more. By early January, Inara has stopped going to the library at lunch. We hang out with Emilyse in the field instead.
I text Logan one day in mid January and ask why we fell out. He says that I told someone that I was going to punch him in the face.
The person he said I told, only talked to me at the bus stop, and he didn't ride my bus. I had never said it in the first place, but his logic made it even more frustrating.
I tell him I got scared because I had a crush on him and didn't want to make things weird. It was a lie.
In February I came out to someone for the first time. They asked if I was bi and I said yes.
By March I had accepted that coming out didn't really make a difference. Inara and I hung out at school but not really anywhere else.
My birthday's in April. I invite her, Emilyse, and Rebekah. We paint rocks and draw on a table cloth. Emilyse feels distant.
Emilyse is homophobic. We find out in English one day. I don't remember how. Inara and I look at each other. We know we're both queer but haven't come out to each other.
I ask Emilyse if she would hate someone in GT for coming out. She says yes. Inara and I stop talking to her.
By May I've become obsessed with Marvel. Inara's interested in it and I decide to be, too. We talk about the movies. It gets awkward. She's not as interested when I get in on it.
By June we're best friends. We hang out fairly regularly, have all our classes together, and text all the time. Logan is forgotten.
School lets out at the start of June. We keep texting regularly. We make plans to see the new spiderman movie in early July with one of our other friends.
I have a complicated relationship with said friend. They're non-binary, although I didn't know it yet, and I've known them since Kindergarten. Inara met them in an advisory this year. I get jealous easily.
The day of the movie I shop at Kohl's. I buy the two of us matching shirts. We meet at the movie theater and it's awkward. I pay for popcorn and sneak in snacks that we share. Our friend's dad is there, but Inara and I don't have parents present.
We sit next to each other during the movie. At a certain scene, I start to get anxious. My stomach hurts and I can't breathe, I start to get sweaty.
I get up and rush out of the theater. I get to the women's bathroom and sit down on the floor of the very last stall. I'm panicing, dry heaving into the toilet, and trying not to cry. I try to text my mom that I'm having a panic attack but don't have reception.
I go back into the theater room after a few minutes. I'm still anxious, but better. Our friend is highly concerned, Inara just glances at me worriedly.
It's my first panic attack, and it sucked.
We leave awkwardly after it ends, trying to avoid the obvious elephant in the room. My mom is concerned when she picks me up. We don't talk about it. My dad and brother are watching it illegally when I get home.
We don't see each other until August of 2019, but continue to text through the rest of the summer.
When 7th grade starts, I'm still into Marvel. I've seen all the movies at this point, but there haven't been any new ones (even now) since FFH. Inara's interested, but not fully.
In late August/Early September we take BuzzFeed quizzes for fun and text each other the results. I take one about soulmates. I get her initials. I send her the link. She gets mine.
We take more and they all point to us being soulmates. We propose by sending pictures of rings over text. The wedding date is set for September 28th, 2019.
The time comes. It's Saturday and my brother has a double football game. We've planned to pick her up and take her there. It's a Christian league, so the games are at a church.
We go to the garden. There's a small white bench in some rocks, surrounded by flowers. We joke that we've had our ceremony. We wander around for a while longer.
My dad suggests that we go to the taco bell across the parking lot. We do. When we're done, we walk back to my house. Its not far, but we're alone. I carry her halfway back.
When we get to my house we pick things from my garden. We're barefoot and I'm wearing overalls. I joke that we're gonna get a farm one day when we're older.
She picks things while I stand back and watch. The sun hits her dyed-red hair just right. I vividly remember smiling at thinking "holy fuck she's pretty" you would think I'd put together my crush by then.
October rolls around and she cancels plans to go trick-or-treating with me. I'm upset but understand.
We "work" on a school project at her house. We don't actually get anything done before cuddling up on her bed and falling asleep to black panther.
In November, it's Emilyse's birthday party. We've gotten distant but still talk occasionally. Inara and I both go to the party.
We're watching Spiderman Far From Home because that's what Emilyse wanted. I've seen in twice, Ianra has too.
We're given candy and popcorn and then curl up on the couch. Inara and I sit next to each other.
(I forgot to mention this but at some point she stayed the night at my house. She slept on the floor in her swimming suit even though I asked if she wanted to sleep on the bed. Swimming was fun though. We also go to an arcade. We mini-golf and play laser tag. We also danced in the rain together at some point that day.)
Once we're no more than 15 minutes into the movie, I'm cuddled into her chest. It's important to mention that at this point I'm 5'6 and she's no more than 5'0.
We cuddle the entire movie. We share candy and pretend no one else is there. It feels great.
We don't talk about that night for months. Nobody brings it up. I come out to Rebekah around this time, saying no more than that I like girls. I still haven't told Inara.
By December, I've brought her to church a few times. I don't enjoy going to church, but my parents always encouraged it.
(I'd like to say at this point as well that I have been raised Christian and identify with the faith despite the fact that I despise Church and disagree with many of the common teachings. If I ever had to choose for some reason, my sexuality matters more to me than my religion. Regardless, I respect your beliefs if they differ from mine :) )
Inara's birthday is in mid December. Her party consists of us making gay jokes with our enby friend despite not being technically out to each other.
My church youth group plans ice skating. I invite her and she accepts. I'm worried about it. It's essentially a date. Neither of our parents will be there.
We carpool with the youth leaders, who are actually pretty cute for a hetero couple. Inara and I share awkward glances the whole time.
When we get there I learn that Inara took ice skating lessons as a child. She's much more confident than I am, but pretends she doesn't know what she's doing. I skate about once or twice a season, but also rollerblade.
There's a wet, sloped, melty part of the rink. I get nervous and grab her hand. She holds it until we're out of the melted ice.
Every lap around I grab her hand at that point. Eventually, we just keep holding hands for an entire lap.
By the end of the night, we've both fallen a few times but held hands the whole time. We drop her off and I say goodnight.
That night, I rant about the adventure to one of my (ex)friends, who excitedly listens to my talk about holding hands with a girl.
There's a GT Christmas party at Hannah's. Inara and I carpool there. It's an all together boring party with the exception of a few interesting truth-or-dare questions.
(side note, remember Owen? Well he's one of Inara and I's best friends and we were actually close enough that the three of us were basically cuddling on the couch during part of the party. Also the whole class knows about Inara and I's wedding and calls us wives.)
Paislie asks me if I wanted to "marry" Inara before we got "married". I mumble an answer that nobody hears. I don't repeat it. When it's time to leave, Inara and I have our legs intertwined on the couch. We don't mention that, either. We drop her off and I say goodnight.
January is good. There's a night, the 4th I believe, that we really connect. We officially come out to each other for the first time on that night, and it gets really real, really fast.
She says she's pan, I say I'm bi but confused.
In mid January she texts me that she's crying because one of her favorite YouTubers finally hit a million. She cries for hours but never tells me who. I pay it no mind.
A few days later, she mentions a YouTube channel called Unus Annus and tells me that it's super interesting. I text back but don't look it up.
A few more days pass and I'm randomly on the trending page for YouTube, which I never do. I see a video trending called "Mark and Ethan go casket shopping". The thumbnail is interesting enough that I check what the channel is. I notice it's the one Inara told me about.
I watch the video and subscribe within 5 minutes. I text Inara quotes from that video, Ethan Finally Becomes a Man, and the Lie Detector test videos, until she responds and is surprised that I found the channel.
I obsess quickly and depend on her to know the new video at 1pm everyday. She gets annoyed and we drift apart slowly.
In February things get rocky. We fight often. If I win a small argument she doesn't talk to me for hours. She gets pissed at refuses to tell me what the Unus Annus video is called if I ask too many times.
At some point I get fed up and confront her. I don't remember what about, but we stop talking all together.
Friends pick sides. I'm left alone. We don't talk for a month. She tells me that she pushed me away because she thought I'd react badly to her telling me she loves me.
I confess my crush. She tells me she feels the same.
We finally make up at about 8:30 on a Sunday night in March. It's not fixed but we plan to talk. And 9:00, the school district announces that it's shutting down until least after spring break.
We stopped trying to communicate, but eventually, slowly we started talking again. We text a few times a day now, mostly about UA and anxiety, the best combo.
We haven't seen each other since. We're probably going back to school in person in about a month, but I'm not sure. Nobody is.
I've called her my girlfriend on here before, simply because I don't know what we are. I joked the other day about how the youth leaders would react if I said I was texting my girlfriend.
Here's how that went:
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So we're just jokingly married for now! It's a confusing pile of garbage but we both came out as lesbians the other day so that's a new development.
I don't know if any of that makes sense but I'll answer any questions anybody has :)
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1mfa0 · 4 years
Oh fuck pt 2
Oh fuck pt 1
Fandom : IT
Characters (as of right now) : Riche, Eddie and Bev (+mention of the other losers)
Word count : 1959
Warnings (as of right now) : Excessive swearing, kissing, implied sex, alcohol, minors smoking
Summary of pt 2 : Eddie try’s to make things normal again but he is frfr struggling
Disclaimer : I have never really written anything before but I had a lot of fun with this so I hope you like it!
Tomorrow is the first day of senior year. Richie and Eddie had originally planned to have a sleepover tonight and then go to school in the morning together but they have almost completely stopped talking. Richie has thought about calling Eddie about a million times but he doesn't even know what he would say. Debating back and forth with himself for hours. And then all of the sudden with perfect timing, his phone began to ring.
It was eddie.
“Holy fuck,” he said to himself under his breath.
He lunged for his phone at the end of his bed. Trying to keep his cool staring at it waiting for at least three rings as a desperate attempt to not seem desperate.
He answers.
“Hey Eddie..” His voice cracked.
“Hey Richie, we still on for tonight I rented some movies”
Richie is so thrown off by the calmness in Eddie's voice, why was he actually like nothing happened. Richie didn't have time to think about it but he also didn't care.
“Oh yeah totally. Um uh, my place at 7?”
“Cool see you then.” Eddie hung up.
Richie dropped his phone and proceeded to drop himself down on his bed. Lying on his back, he could not believe what just happened.
At 7:00 there was a knock on the door. Richie darted down stairs swinging it open. It was Eddie of course being as punctual as ever. He was wearing gray sweatpants and a fitted maroon crewneck. He looked so much more casual than usual, but he did tend to relax a bit more when it was just them.
“You gonna let me in rich?” he smiled, Richie had been just staring at him for a little too long.
“Oh haha of course Eds.” Richie said, forcing a laugh.
“So how have you been, did you pick out all your classes?” Eddie said he as he was taking off his shoes and setting down the movies he brought on the counter.
“I've been alright, I'm talking public speaking and art, easy As for senior year ya know. And then like all other normal classes.”
“Of course you are” He laughed, god richie missed making him laugh. “I'll take out my schedule later and we can compare to see if we have any classes together.”
“Yeah sure” Richie couldn't help but smile at him.
Once the ball started rolling, it was like nothing had happened. They just talked and laughed for hours. After they ate dinner and the rest of the house was asleep, Richie and Eddie settled down on the couch and started watching a movie. Though the noticeable space between them was normal for teenage boys it was not normal for these too. Normally they would think nothing of just cuddling together with Eddie's legs stretched out over richies, and even though they seemed to be in a good place now, the tension was still pretty high when it came to physical touch. And in an effort to try and break that tension Richie yawned while stretching his arm while putting it around eddie. As he felt Eddie began to shift he was worried he was going to pull away but he slid closer to Richie resting his head on his shoulder. Richie's heart was beating so fast he was worried Eddie could hear it. Neither of them moved until the second movie ended.
Eddie sat up, looking at richie, inches away from his face. “Hey I’m sleepy, I think I wanna go to bed”
“ah eds, as sleepy and adorable as ever.” Richie said pinching Eddie's cheek.
“Oh fuck off rich.” Eddie said, trying to hide his smile. Though he was unsuccessful making richie grin like a kid opening his Christmas presents. His eyes dropped to Eddie's lips, he swallowed hard and sat up fast when he realised what he was doing.
“Um uh we can go to bed.”
“No I don’t want to,” Eddie said leaning into Richie wrapping his arms around him and laying his head on his chest, “I just wanna stay right here.”
Richie didn't know what to say, so he just got comfortable putting his arms around Eddie and they both fell asleep.
Luckily Eddie already had an alarm set on his phone so they woke up with enough time to get ready.
“Hey Eds, Whatcha want for breakfast?” Richie yelled to Eddie as he peered his head threw the door of his room, Eddie was in the shower.
“Richie? get out!!” Eddie squealed from the shower, “BUT Also eggos would be nice..”
“Coming right up,” Richie said.
Richie was honestly more surprised by the events of last night then what had happened a couple weeks back. But he didnt care, he didn’t want to even think about it, he just wanted to appreciate every second he had with eddie. Once Eddie was out of the shower he got dressed and hopped downstairs to join richie at the table.
“Finally done princess?” Richie said with a smirk.
“Oh shove off, just because you literally take a 2 mintue shower doesn't mean I took a long one.”
After breakfast they got their stuff together and headed out to Richies car, well his dad's car but Richie had practically just taken it as his own by now. The drive felt so long, they hadn't been in that car together since that night and you could cut the tension with a knife.
Pulling into the school parking lot they could see the rest of the losers club waiting for them in their usual spot. No one thought anything of seeing Eddie and Richie arriving at school together but when Bev saw them approaching her eyes lit up. Eddie noticing this stopped Richie before he got out of the car.
“Um uh- Rich..”
“Yeah?” He said looking puzzled at the shift in tone.
“Don’t freak out ok, but..” not knowing how to word what he was about to say next he just spit it out. “I TOLD BEVERLY. I-I told her everything.” he said, giving Richie a look so he wouldn't have to Elaborate.
Richie started laughing hysterically “oh eddie, I told bev too.”
Leaning back with a sigh of relief. “Oh wow, she's really got us wrapped around her fingers doesn't she.”
“We aren't the only ones” Richie whispered to Eddie pointing to Ben intently listening to whatever nonsense Beverly was spewing now.
They laughed and then sat in silence for a moment, looking at each other. While leaning forward ever so slightly, Richie again felt his gaze falling to Eddie's lips but this time Eddie was the one that swallowed hard in realization. Causing Richie to pull away only to feel Eddie's hand on his leg. He leaned into richie and whispered in his ear.
“Meet me at my locker between 4th and 5th period,”
Quickly jumping out of the car Eddie ran over to where the other losers were, not waiting for Richie to catch up.
“Hey guys!” Eddie yelled excitedly as he approached.
As they all exchange their different hellos. Beverly shot Eddie a look.
“Where's Richie?” she said with a smirk.
“Just being a slow poke that's all, but why don't you go check on him bev” Eddie said pointing “parked right over there”
Standing up and already walking in that direction she said “Maybe I will,” she shot a wink at eddie.
As Beverly made her way over to Richie she could see him sitting on the ground next to the side of his car smoking.
While slamming her hand down on the hood of the she said “Sup rich, fixin to get caught?”
“Huh uh i-” Looking up and seeing beverly he calmed down.”Awh fuck you bev,”
Sitting down next to him and pulling out her pack “So you and eddie. Is that like-”
“No. no it's not like- well i mean, it's…” he trailed off.
“Common rich you can talk to me, you know that.”
Richie started giving her a quick recap of yesterday, how Eddie had called him and came over. How they cuddled and slept on the couch together.
“And then before he left the car to go over to you guys he told me to meet him at his locker after 4th period..”
“Omg he did? What are you gonna do!”
“I don't know. Meet him after 4th period?”
“Why do you think he wants to meet up?” She asked with a smirk and raised an eyebrow.
“Get your head out of the gutter Beverly I swear, that's not why he wants to meet up..” looking at his feet then looking back at her. “Uh um that's not why he wants to meet up right?”
She shrugged “you won’t know until you go now will you?”
“yeah ..”
Richie had been staring at the clock all fourth period just waiting for it to ring. He was nervous, yes, but he was more curious than anything else.
“Fuck” he said to himself.
He shot up out of his seat and walked quickly out of the class and down the hall. He could see Eddie already waiting at his locker. He shut it closed as he saw Richie approaching.
“Hey rich!”
“H-hey eds, whats up, did you need to talk or something..”
“I don’t know, I just thought we could hangout. I have a free period right now and you have lunch right?”
“Oh yeah of course.” richie said as he wondered why he felt slightly disappointed.
They walked through the halls together toward the cafeteria when richie blurted out.
“Wanna go off campus, now that we are seniors we can go off campus for lunch”
“Oh yeah, that's right we can. Sure, totally we can go to the diner across the street.”
As they made their way to the car there was this weird energy between them, it wasn't awkward but something was definitely off. The drive to the diner was yet another silent drive filled with loud radio music. Richie pulled up into a parking spot, it was still pretty early in the morning so there were only two other cars there.
“Rich..” Eddie said under his breath, they were both just sitting in the car not knowing what to do next.
“Yeah eds”
“Richie, I'm so sorry.” He looked up at richie. His eyes filled with tears.
“Oh Eddie, no, stop what's wrong” he said, grabbing Eddie's hand.
“I just- I thought I could make things normal again, and I thought if we just spent more time together I could put it past us and just move on richie.. But I can't. I can't stop thinking about you and that night and I don't know what to do. This is all my fault.”
“Eddie looks at me,” Richie said cupping Eddie's face in his hands.
“This is not just your fault eds,”
“Shut up you know it is, I came on too you remember.”
“Yeah I guess technically, but I gave you my jacket, right”
“Richie don’t be stupid, that was not the first time I wore your cloths”
“Yeah ok Eds but it was different. I mean like-”
Eddie's face was bright red. He wasn't crying anymore. He looked angry, but not at Richie, at himself. Richie was speechless, he could feel himself just staring at Eddie but he didn't see him.
“Richie say something, anything... please,”
The moments that past felt like hours but within seconds Richie had leaned into Eddie putting his lips on his. Pulling away ever so slightly so the noses are still touching and looking him deep in the eyes.
“Oh Eds you are so much braver than I will ever be.”
to be continued
notes : AAA i honestly don’t know what I’m doing but I’m having fun so imma keep going. I Lowkey highkey don’t know how to write stuff like this but I hope you liked it! I feel like the point still comes across lol.
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daddysgirlblog · 3 years
Daddy’s Little Girl
My father is in the hospital, and I don’t know if he will ever leave. 
At 83 years old, he lives alone, just a few doors down from my brother. 
Twenty-three days ago Dad suddenly got dizzy and fell in his closet. He was rushed to the hospital, where he was quickly diagnosed with Covid. He was barely symptomatic, but his lungs were full, and he needed 100% oxygen and all the drugs the ER had on hand. 
I was not surprised. I knew it was only a matter of time before I got that call. Dad didn’t think he needed a mask around others, so I knew he would eventually catch this highly contagious aerosolized virus. 
My brother is a lot like him. Even as a kid he was Mr. Don’t Tread On Me. It always had to be his way, and he used his size and testosterone to push me around. But he was my baby brother, so I kept looking past his transgressions to maintain a relationship with him. I don’t know why, though. It truly has been the most empty, lonely relationship of my life.
It was no surprise that my brother and his wife caught Covid a few days before Christmas. In the early days of his infection, I was worried that my brother might die, as he is not a healthy guy, a size 3XL and heart attack survivor. I felt bad for him a little bit, but I was also a little bit glad that he was suffering. It felt like Karma. 
I found myself wondering if I was about to lose the only two family members I had left. 
Last summer, when I visited Dad, he didn’t think we needed to wear masks while I was in his house. I brought him lunch and other goodies. I held my ground on masks, reminding him that he was older and receiving chemotherapy, and it was important that we both wear masks to protect him from coronavirus. He reluctantly obliged, but continued to question the need to eat outside, and my ongoing concern about the virus.
“Do you wear masks around Noah (my brother) and Sarah (his wife)? His kids are attending school in person, do you wear masks around them?” It was a resounding “no” on all fronts. They drive him to doctor appointments and bring him groceries, and no one ever puts on a mask.
I’ve always known that my brother is self-absorbed (and his wife is, too), but I didn’t understand, and I still don’t understand, why Dad would not protect himself by wearing a mask, knowing that he is high-risk. He is a big Trump supporter (another thing I don’t understand), so it was clear that he would not change his mind. I prepared myself for the inevitability of his infection many months before it actually happened.
It’s been almost four weeks since the fall that sent Dad to the hospital. After his first two weeks of ER to ICU to finally a regular room, his lungs healed a good bit. They checked him out of the hospital with oxygen and a wheelchair, and into a managed care facility. That didn’t last long. He started getting confused and having panic attacks. He called me in the middle of the night in a tizzy. The managed care facility could not offer him enough support, and they realized he had been released too soon. Back to the hospital he went.
In Covid times, I can’t visit Dad in the hospital, but I have called him every morning and evening since he got admitted. We have talked more in the past 3 weeks than we did in all of 2020. Our relationship is complicated, and our talks leave me feeling untethered, as they always have in my adult life. But I call him anyway, because it is the right thing to do. 
I have spent decades in therapy, trying to heal my past with him. I see it all much more clearly now, but still feel traumatized by every interaction with my father. 
Even so, I still keep showing up for him, in every way that I can. Checking in on him, and trying to support him as he fights to reclaim what he can of the life he had before. 
He is my father, and I think I love him, but I also hate him. How is that even possible? It’s so confusing. 
Hate is a new thing for me. I never hated anyone in my entire life until recently. I grew up in the church and have a strong moral compass. Throughout my life, I forgave, or at least moved on from, all of my dad’s violations of my boundaries, telling myself it was better to keep the peace. I did this with others as well, and I am only now realizing that do unto others as you would have done is not always the best approach.
The world has changed a lot in the past 5 years, and my faith in people has slipped away from me. My faith in the church has slipped away from me as well. I still believe in God, but I don’t like Christians very much.
I know I am partly to blame for the insecurity and sadness that I can’t seem to shake. I wish I was more resilient, more confident, more optimistic. But life has beaten me down and I feel completely broken right now. I have allowed my dad, my brother and so many others to walk all over me, and destroy my self esteem. I am so deep in the hole, that it feels like I will never find my way back out.
I am aware of my shortcomings, and I think I am getting better at maintaining boundaries. But with that has come a wave of anger, hatred and resentment that makes me want to throw up, pretty much all the time. It also feels like too little, too late. 
I blame my Dad for that. The emotional abuse and neglect of my childhood has left me with wounds so deep, that I never know how to feel about anyone anymore. I question myself and struggle to trust others, even my husband and kids.
All of these conflicts swell in my chest every time I call my dad. I wonder if he will pick up every. single. time. Is he still alive? Will he be better or worse today? Will this be the last time I talk to him? How do I feel about that? Do I want him to live? Why? Do I want him to die? Why?
He picked up when I rang this morning, but it sounded like he was slurring his words. This is a first for him. He is normally sharp as a tack, with an MBA from a near-ivy league school and a 60 year career as a finance executive.
Thanks to Covid, however, he does not have even half the life he had a month ago. Dad can no longer walk and uses a bedpan. He is confused often, and thought he crapped all over himself this morning. The nurse came to check after he rang, and it turned out he hadn’t gone at all. 
This confusion is new. I wonder if he had a small stroke? I talked to the nurse and she didn’t seem concerned, but she said I know him best so she can’t tell if he is talking different or acting different. She agreed to keep an eye on him today and look for signs of stroke. 
Dad is better today than the past few weeks. I guess they don’t think he is going to die because of covid now, but it still feels to me like the end of his life. 
The doctors said it was a miracle he survived the first week of Covid. I felt certain he wouldn’t, as he said “I love you” to me though the phone with a finality that made me shake, not once, but in three separate conversations. 
What I am really struggling with is three rounds of thinking I just hung up with my Dad for the last time, preparing myself for his death, accepting it, and then learning that he wasn’t dying after all. Am I a bad person for feeling relieved that the end of our relationship was in sight? That I could finally cross the finish line and say goodbye to my abuser? He never beat me physically, but he still injures me all the time with his words, beliefs, and neglect. 
It wasn't always like that. Until 4th grade, I was the center of his universe. Dad spent his evenings and weekends playing games with me, teaching me piano, and reading me books. He was the best man in the entire world, and I was so proud of him. Once my parents separated, however, it all changed. He started ignoring me, and my needs took a backseat to his own.
I was no longer the conductor in our relationship, I was the caboose. I was along for the ride as he pursued someone who was not my mother, married her, and made her the center of his universe, until she died in 2017. It was a co-dependent relationship that left no room for any other woman, even his own daughter. Another story for another day, but Dad’s remarriage rocked my world like nothing else ever has.
I know I am not alone in how I feel. I am not the only woman in the world that was cherished and held up as Daddy’s little girl, until she got old enough to think for herself. Lots of people get divorced and the kids pay the price. 
And of course I am not the only one who was emotionally abandoned by her father during her pre-teen years. And I am not the only one who feels unworthy and powerless in her interactions with her father, even as a 49 year old mother of 3 girls. I am not the only one who sees this dynamic impair her marriage, and make her question her right to have her own needs met.
So I think I will try to sort it out by writing about it.  I hope that if I write my story, it will help me feel more grounded in my grown up life. It’s all so complicated, and I struggle to put it into words, but it feels like I have to try. And maybe I can do it in a way that might help someone else. I hate feeling so lost and scared, and would never wish it on my worst enemy. 
I’m not looking for validation, just a way to make sense of how I feel. Thank you for reading along.
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bloomeng · 4 years
MDZS/Hogwarts au Headcanons
This au is a classic, but per usual I have opinions so here we go. (Also let’s pretend we do not see you know who)
All the patronuses are based on the official list and descriptions (I’ll leave the link below).
Wei Wuxian:
Do I even need to make an arguement for this??
Patronus: Crow or Dolphin (I genuinely can’t decide)
Has friends in all houses and floats around among the tables in the great hall
Has been in all the houses common rooms tho
Probably good at most subjects, but he is amazing at defense against the dark arts
Definitely plays Quidditch, and is definitely the seeker too
Y’know typical over-achiver, star of the show, but without really trying
Steals books from the resticted section, not because he wants to read them, just because he was told they were off limits
He also steals food from the kitchen on his way back from the Hufflepuff common room (visiting Yanli ofc)
Is the kid that looses all of the points for his house, which means he also has most of the names in trophy room memorized (just from the sheer amount of time he’s had to clean them in detention)
Curfew is more of a suggestion, in his opinion nightime is the best time to roam the castle
He’s ended up in the hospital wing so many times that he basically has a bed reserved
Jiang Cheng:
Between the loyalty, courage, ambition to “attempt the impossible,” and secret heart of gold, he could rival wwx’s Gryffindor spirit
Patronus: Chow Dog
Grumpily follows around during his misadeventures to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself
Or rather he’s the one who drags wwx’s ass to the hospital wing when he does hurt himself
Only one out of the trio (wwx, nhs, jc) who actaully studies
Hates divination, thinks it’s all a hoax, and it bugs the crap out of him that nhs actually belives in it
Is the captain of the Quidditch team, started as a chaser but now he’s the keeper
Was chosen to be a prefect
His favorite perk is the fancy bathtub, which nhs has definitely bribed him to gain access to
Shares his dorm with wwx, and he’s always complaining how he has to drag him out of bed
Lan Wangji:
He do be out here being super creative with that Guqin, and also owning our asses with his intelligence
Patronus: Wild Rabbit
I’d estimate that he spent 90% of the first 3 years of school in the library
Insert intense glaring at wwx as he tries to sneak into the restricted section
Somehow missed that wwx played Quidditch until his brother dragged him to a game
Needless to say he never missed a Gryffindor game after that
Somehow he managed to score one point off of a perfect grade on his OWL
Y’all already know he’d be a prefect, do I even need to say it
His favorite place in the castle is the window seat in Ravenclaw tower
Pretends to protest wwx sneaking into his common room
Imagine: Wangxian Hogsmeade dates and wwx trying to get him to wear his Quidditch jersey
Lan Xichen:
Although I feel like you could make a strong case for Ravenclaw, but the compassion and open-mindedness wins out
Patronous: White Swan
Professors love him, even Snape manages to tolerate him, probably by his 5th year he’s friends with half his professors
His favorite class is herbology but he’s also really good at charms and transfiguration
Owns an owl that he shares with his brother that he named something dumb like “Harold”
Has the Daily Prophet delievered every morning, and always thanks “Harold”
He grew up in a pure blood family so he is fascinated by muggle culture, and he is constantly asking jgy questions
Once jgy shared music from his ipod (yknow like one of the og ipods) and it blew his mind
Probably tried to help the house elves in the kitchen at some point, but was kicked out because he caused more damage then actual help
Somehow he was made a prefect in his fourth year???
He just roots for the under dog in Quidditch games, which often leads to a friendly competition between he and his brother (Gryffindor is never the underdog, not with wwx and jc on the team)
Nie Huaisang:
Again do I even need to make a case for this???
Patronus: Sparrow
Doesn’t even try and hide the fact that he let’s wwx and jc into the Slytherin common room
Often sits at the Gryffindor table because he wants to sit with wwx and jc
Instead of studying, he is constantly trying to find ways to cheat by designing bewitched items
By his 7th year he has his own business selling his cheats
His favorite class is divination, everyone assumes it’s because he’s a believer, but in reality he finds the subject hilarious and he’s amazed how a scam can go so far as to have a full educational class dedicated to it
Forged his brother’s signature on the Hogsmeade form, because Mingjue told him he wasn’t allowed to go if he was failing a class
Can’t fly a broom for the life of him
Barely passed his OWLS
In general he’s far more concerned with gossip and playing match-maker then doing any of this school work (who do you think told lxc to bring lwj to a Gryffinsor Quidditch game??)
(My monkey Xiyao controled brain likes to think that he’s been trying to set the two of them up for years, but that might just be me)
Jin Guangyao:
AGAIN do I really need to explain my thought process on this??? He’s cunning and manipulative, case closed, I do not take critism
Patronus: Grass Snake
Struggles in conjouring magic, but makes up for it in written work and testing
In general he works very hard and is most likely top of his class, despite the lack of natural ability
His favorite class is potions, because it’s simply a matter of following directions
The first friend he made was lxc after realizing as first years that they had really similar class schedules and decided to study together
His mother was a muggle, and thus he was raised in the muggle world, so there’s a lot of prejudice from his housemates
Every once in awhile he’ll quietly ask lxc to explain something about the wizarding world
To the annoyance of his house, he was made a prefect
Somewhere along the way he befriended nhs
The relationship dynamic is as follows: jgy forces nhs to study, while nhs forces him to come with him to Hogsmeade (mainly so that he doesn’t have to pay for his own food)
Jiang Yanli:
She’s just so sweet, compassionate, and kind not to be a Hufflepuff
Patronus: Doe
Her favorite classes are Herbology and Care for Magical Creatures
She’s really good with animals
She read that you were allowed to bring an animal and immediately went out to buy a cat
Buys wwx snacks on the Hogwarts Express, even though she made him lunch
She brought a phonograph and a collection of records from home, and set it up in the common room
No one knows where it came from, but people started to slowly add to the collection of records
Now the common room is just constantly filled with music
Lxc knows it was her, but he didn’t see the harm in letting it stay, so he let it be (plus he also enjoys music)
She goes to Quidditch games and roots for Gryffindor despite... not being in Gryffindor (she’s a supportive sister)
Spent most of her 4th year stopping wwx from fighting Jin Zixuan (the year before she started dating him)
She really do be living the cliche dream of the Hufflepuff/Slytherin relationship
Jin Zixuan:
He’s the typical pompous, preppy, asshole, that people assiociate with Slytherins
Patronus: Peacock
The first thing he did when he got to Hogwarts was set up his side of the dorm room to make it more up to his “standards”
His dad tried to convince him to play Quidditch, but he refused
Basically ignores jgy’s existence.... even though they’re in the same house
Loathes herbology because it requires getting his hands dirty
Is racist(?) towards muggleborns
He always has a mob of girls surrounding him at all times, yet doesn’t know how to properly process his own feelings for Yanli
I’d say he’s trying his best but that would be a lie, he thinks he’s doing the most though
He takes school very seriously, and he scored pretty well on his OWLS
One time in potions something went wrong and his potion blew up in his face quite literally, and wwx hasn’t let him live that down
Xue Yang:
He is bad man grrrrrr and a sly bastard, so ofc he’s the house of snek
Patronus: Weasel
Everyone hates him, his professors, his housemates, even the ghosts avoid him
Except Peeves, in fact Peeves love him
Probably because he’s constantly messing with people
He’s the only person to rival wwx’s detention record
He is fantastic at defense against the dark arts
He likes to mess with Trelawney by purposely making death omens in his readings
He just doesn’t do assignments, yet does really well on exams and passes???
Snape would vouch for him, that’s the vibe I get
He plays as a beater on his Quidditch team, and he’s known for knocking people out
Xiao Xingchen:
He’s kind, selfless, and is always trying to see the good in people, which screams Hufflepuff
Patronus: Dragonfly
Is really good with charms
Even though he’s of age, he hates appariting and will do a lot to avoid it
Runs group study sessions, with the help of sl
A big activist in freeing house elves working for old families
Stops to have full conversations with the paintings
Is the only person in the school that tries to be friendly to Xue Yang
Song Lan:
He seems to have that very principled and intelligent nature of a Ravenclaw
Patronus: Dun Stallion
He doesn’t really have a lot of friends outside of xxc, but he doesn’t seem to mind
He’s that one person who actually enjoys professor Binns’ History of Magic class
He lets xxc drag him to Hogsmeade, even though the crowded shops make him uncomfortable
Shh it’s a secret but he also has a major sweet tooth and he will buy a shit ton of candy
Because of his scary amount of knowledge of Hogwarts and its history, he managed to find the room of requirement
So he and xxc end up moving their study sessions there when their group size outgrows the library
Anyway that’s all for now, but if you have a request be sure to ask!
Anyway I’m proud of the patronus choices I made for these, mostly. I know that it’s inevitable that someone will disagree with the house placements, so just note that these are purely my opinons.
Patronus info link:
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Back in His Arms Again
Characters: Teen!Dean Winchester x Teen!Reader (for the most part), Sam Winchester
Word Count: 1,908
Warnings: mostly fluff, minor angst, brief mention of being abused by parents but it’s not that and it’s only mentioned twice, implied smut
Request: If it's not too much trouble can I request a teen hunter!reader who's in high school with teen!dean and he slowly starts to fall in love with her but has to push away because he's a hunter and he doesn't want that for her. eventually years in the future (when they're in their 20/30) they run into each other on a case and it's all fluff that turns to smut and then the reader starts hunting with the boys. 
Summary: You try to keep Dean out of the life while Dean tries to keep you out of the same kind of life. Two hunters from two different families and neither of you know it.
Squared Filled: High School AU // Free Space // Teenager(s)
Author’s Note: This is a well overdue request I got back in March. Thank you for being patient with me. This is also for @spndeanbingo and @heavenandhellbingo and @spnclassicbingo respectively and this is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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“Dean,” you whispered as you tried not to get caught by the teacher. She had a strict rule about talking in her classroom. One time, she caught a kid speaking to her friend in the back, and she kicked her out of the classroom for being disrespectful. She had hard rules, but if you follow them, then you would certainly learn a few things. This time, however, you really wanted to talk to your best friend.
Your parents were hunters, and they taught you things periodically so you weren't ever in the dark. They took you on small cases sometimes, but sometimes the cases were so rough, all you wanted was your best friend. It’s why you risked your education for this moment. Dean heard you trying to get his attention, but he purposefully ignored your efforts. His dad was pissed at him enough for skipping class eve though he wouldn’t do anything about it.
“Dean,” you hissed, trying once more. It was movie day in class, so you were trying to be discreet as you tried to get his attention. The teacher was at the front grading some papers, so you weren't too worried about getting caught.
“Shh, you’re going to get in trouble,” he whispered back without looking at you. Smirking, you grabbed a piece of paper from your notebook before scribbling a short note. Folding it a billion times, you slid it to Dean’s desk. He knew you weren't going to give it up, so he opened the note to read what you had wrote.
Hi :)
Just as something as simple as this made him laugh. He could be having a tough time on a hunt or with his brother or just in general, and then you go and write this and he had the world’s dorkiest smile on his face. He grabbed his pen before writing something and sliding it back to you.
This is what the two of you did the rest of the class period. No talking, no disturbing the teacher or classmates, just note passing. What he didn’t know is that you didn’t throw these notes away, you kept them in a shoebox to read later when you really needed a laugh and he wasn’t there to make you feel better.
“So, I got the place to myself tonight,” you grinned as you ate your lunch. The only class period you had with your best friend was first and second period, and lunch was after 4th. So, there were two whole periods where you don’t see him at all. “Want to come over? I got some new movies, and my parents left me 20 bucks. We can get pizza if you want.”
“Where did they go?” he asked as he ate. There was no way you were telling him the truth. Hunting was hard enough, you didn’t need to involve him in the life. He was too good, too pure to ever be involved with that mess. Your parents were actually going on a complicated hunt that would last a week, but you didn't tell him that.
“Date night,” you lied.
“Oh, I would love to come over, but I can’t,” he sighed.
“Why not?” you asked, your face falling. It’s been a while since you hung out with him, and you really wanted to be with your best friend.
“My dad needs me to watch Sam. He told me it was really important, and that I can’t let him go off on his own. He will if no one watches him.”
“Oh, okay,” you sighed, suddenly not feeling an appetite anymore. Dean hated the look on your face because he wanted nothing more than to be with you, but he had a hunt. Sam was going to stay by himself while his dad brought him along on a case. He didn't want to tell you about the hunting life because you were too good, too pure for any of that shit. For now, you two kept each other in the dark of a secret you both harbored.
Last night’s hunt was worse than expected. There were a lot more demons than usual, and you got tossed around before your parents could kill them. It left you with bruises and cuts all over your body, but you assured your parents that this was part of the life. They felt guilty for not protecting you, but after a hot shower, you asked if you could join their next hunt. This life was going to leave you with more than cuts and bruises, so this was nothing that was compared to what was going to come.
When you walked into school, all you felt were eyes on you. Most of your cuts were on places where you can use clothes to hide it, but there were some on your face that makeup couldn’t cover. A bruise was wrapped around your neck, and so you wore a scarf to try and cover it up. You didn't need people thinking that you were getting physically abused by your parents.
Approaching your locker, you saw Dean already there as his was next to yours. It’s actually how the two of you met. You knew he would ask questions about what happened, there was no escaping it. Taking a deep breath, you approached him as you opened your locker.
“Hey, how are--what the hell happened to you?” he asked when he saw your face.
“Nothing, Dean, it’s fine. Please drop it,” you sighed.
“Are you safe at home?” he whispered. You loved how cute he was when he worried for you.
“Yes, I am. This didn't happen at home,” you said, thinking of a lie. You knew it was going to hurt him, but it was better than the truth. “This happened when I was walking home yesterday. A group of guys jumped me and beat me up. I’m fine, though.”
“I was supposed to walk you home yesterday,” he said in realization. If he didn’t have a hunt, he would have been with you.
“Dean, it’s not your fault. It’s okay, really. I’m fine.”
“No, it’s not fine,” he glared as he slammed his locker shut and left you all alone. Sighing, you watched him walk away as he already started blaming himself.
“Will I ever see you again?” you whispered as tears left your cheek.s His dad was getting them pick up at school since they were moving yet again. He’s told you about how many times he’s moved, but you hoped this was a permanent fix.
“I don’t know, sweetheart,” he sighed as he wiped them away.
“I’m going to miss you, Dean,” you sniffled as you pulled him into a tight hug. Dean sighed before hugging you back, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck.
“I’ll miss you too.”
“Dean, we need to go,” his dad said from the car. He pulled away without looking at you and got in. His dad gave him a few seconds before pulling away from the curb, taking your best friend away from you forever.
You never saw him again.
There were 6 demons. 6 fucking demons and only one of you. Rock salt and holy water weren’t cutting it anymore. Every time you tried to say the exorcism, they would throw you into a window, a wall, or the floor. There were too many of them and not enough of you. Luckily, you had a tattoo of the anti-possession on your body so you were safe from one of these bitches possessing you.
“You’re cornered. You have nowhere to go. You have no one,” one of the female demons laughed as all 6 of them began walking to you. You knew if they got you, they would carve the symbol out of your body just so they could use you. However, before they could get their hands on you, the front door of the house busted open, and two tall guys entered with guns while the other held a knife. What would a knife do to a demon?
“She has us,” the shorter one spoke. There was something familiar about his voice, but it was too dark to see his face. Some of the demons cowered in their presence and escaped using the easy way out. The ones that thought they had a chance started charging to the men. These men must have done something scary for demons to fear them. The two men slaughtered the demons with ease, and when they were all gone, they walked to you before the taller one helped you up.
“You okay?” he asked. Nodding, you looked at the other guy who came into the light. 20 years later, and he still looked the same as he did when he was 15. The same green eyes were a bit brighter, but they held so much pain. His hair got shorter, but it suited him. The freckles on his skin littered everywhere, and there were so much more than you remember. He grew a lot taller, gained a lot more muscle, but he was still just as handsome if not more.
“Dean?” you asked with wide eyes. He took one look at you and everything clicked for him.
“You two know each other?” his brother asked.
“Sam? You fucking grew. Shit,” you gasped as you looked at the taller man.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Sam asked with a chuckle.
“We went to high school together. She was my best friend,” Dean answered.
“This is the girl you wouldn't shut up about?” Sam asked which caused you to blush.
“You’re a hunter?” you asked.
“Since I was 5. You’re one?”
“Since I was 7. All those times you couldn't hang with me was because you were hunting?” you asked softly.
“And all those times you came to school with cuts and bruises was because you were hunting?”
“Okay, I like this reunion, but we should get out of here. We don’t know if they’re coming back,” Sam said.
“Yeah, let’s go,” you nodded.
“Where are you staying?”
“My car. Money is tight these days,” you chuckled.
“Don’t worry, you can stay with us. Right, Sammy?”
“Yeah, right.”
“I can’t believe you’re a hunter. Here I thought, all these years, that you didn’t want to hang with me because you didn't like me,” you chuckled. Sam offered to give you two some space which you gladly took. He said he wasn’t going to return until the morning which was perfect.
“Sweetheart, I loved you back then.”
“And what about now?” you whispered. Dean set his drink down on the table just as you did. He got up and stalked towards you, but you remained seated. You wanted to know what he would do. He gripped the arms of your chair, effectively trapping you inside his embrace.
“I am in love with you. You’ve never left my mind since I left.”
He was a lot bolder than before, but you could still see the hesitation in his eyes. Maybe the alcohol loosened his tongue a bit, but you didn’t care. You felt the exact same way. Reaching up, you cupped his cheeks before pulling him down to you. Your lips met his passionately, and he moved his arms from the chair to your thighs. This is what you should have done 20 years ago. This is where you wanted to be all along.
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fictionalbiographer · 3 years
The Inappropriate End to the Story of Jasmine Stratton
At 12 years old Jasmine asked the reason behind why her parents picked to name her after the flower. They answered that it was because the flower meant ‘a gift from God’, her mother liked it, and the fragrance was versatile with the hope that one day she would grow up to be a useful person in society.
            She found it funny when her parents told her the reasons that she burst with laughter, her parents all confused in turn asked why.
            “You might as well named me Vanilla,” she laughed.
            “Well, that’s not nice. We prayed and put a lot of consideration into choosing your name.” Her mother took off her reading glasses to have a better look at her.
            “Also vanilla is black and bitter.” Her dad pointed out.
            “First of all, it is technically a gift from God, along with everything else. Second, it’s not bitter ‘cause Mom likes to bake with it, she likes it alright. Lastly, the fragrance is ‘versatile’; vanilla muffin, vanilla ice cream, vanilla latte, vanilla perfume, I can go on if you need more proof.” One by one she counted on her fingers, proving her point.
            “John.” Her mother looked at Dad as if saying ‘Please deal with your daughter.’
            He looked up from his book and turned to Jasmine saying, “You’re in trouble young lady, please go to your room right now.”
            Before she went out the door, she turned her head around and said, “You know, I really wouldn’t have minded if I was named Vanilla.”
            “I don’t think you’d say that if you were.” Her mom sighed, massaging her temple.
            She saw the slight upturn on the corners of her dad’s mouth before she walked out.
            Jasmine didn’t like jasmine.
            Moreover being associated with this delicate thing. So, she didn’t. When people ask her name she would tell them her family name. She modeled her life after villains in comic books; tormented lonely genius. She had virtually no friends because she thought they couldn’t understand her, all they do were being boy-crazy, making stupidity a quirky quality, and gossip. They were not productive at all.
            On the other hand, she read books religiously, considering both her parents were professors, it’s basically a family activity. She was a little pessimistic about the future which made her realistic, and she had only one friend in other word; a side kick.
            Villain? Check, check, check.
            A specific sequence of knocks could be heard on her door.
            “This is John of Stratton who has come a long long way from the drawing room in the north. I bring news of peace, may I be permitted to be in thy presence?”
            “Yes, you may Sire John of Stratton. It must have been a long journey. Please take a seat.” She opened her door, her father did a little head bow and so did she, then they each sat on bean bags near the bookshelves corner of her bedroom.
            They sat in comfortable silence.
            “What are you reading now kiddo?”
            “A Little Life. It’s good, there is a tormented soul in there whom I so can relate.”
            “Oh, dark as usual.”
            “Well, that’s my brand.” She shrugged.
            “I see, I might take that up one day after you’re done.”
            “I don’t recommend it for you Dad. It’s like hardcore, and you have a tender soul, it’ll scar you for life.”
            “Vanilla. You’re dramatic.” Dad reached out to ruffle her hair gently, that nickname had become their inside joke, she smiled. “Your mother is going to stay in Boston this weekend for that conference she’s so excited about these past 3 months.”
            “Oh trust me I know. Mom became like a maniac when she’s in the ’zone’.” They shared laughs on that. Mom really can’t be bothered when she is being serious on her work, she debates with herself, suddenly running to write, and books can be found lying open everywhere. It’s a whole thing.
            “That means that we are going to spend this weekend together unless you already have plans with your friends?”
            “Dad, what are you talking about? You’re my friend.”
            “You melt my heart. What do you want?” John put his hand over his left chest and she laughed, talking to her Dad was one of her favorite thing to do. He didn’t patronize her, and his listening made her feel understood.
            “I want to go to Frank’s Bar & Grill.”
            “Yes, there’s this open mic thing that a theatrical community hold there this Saturday night for their 5th year anniversary. I want to sign up.”
            “I see.” He calculated in his mind, he wanted to make sure she had someone to go to and be open with because all tight restrictions do is make great liars. People are going to do what they want to do anyway. It’d be better that she goes with supervision he thought, rather than not.
            “Alright, little vanilla. We have to make this a secret mission if we both still want to live in this house.”
            “I won’t tell if you don’t.” she put her fingers up in a ‘V’ form, looking away.
            “Roger that, also no alcohol you’re still 15. Over.” Dad talked to his fist near his mouth as if talking with a walkie-talkie.
            “Copy that. Over.” She followed suit. John checked his watch.
            “For dinner tonight, I can cook us some baked chicken.”
            “Oh no Dad, no offense but we shouldn't burn the house before Mom gets home. Let’s just get pizza.”
When they arrived the place was already packed with people, the seats were almost all filled up. Jasmine had signing up as the first order of business so that’s what she did. She said happy anniversary to the founder who stood near the end of the bar, filled up some form, exchanged numbers, the works. She joined her father, he handed her a wine glass filled with red liquor.
            “You said that I can’t drink alcohol and yet you’re giving me red wine.” She tried to smell it the way she saw someone in a movie had done but she didn’t know what to look for so she brought the glass to her lips.
            “Is the red wine good?” John asked calmly.
            “It’s tart and sour. Is this what red wine taste like?” Clicking her tongue in an attempt to decipher the taste. “No, that’s what cranberry juice taste like. Do you like it?” He swirled his own glass, smiling at her.
            “Can’t believe I’m fooled,” She made a shocked expression. “But, I’ve never had it in a wine glass before so it’s pretty cool.”
            “Good. I am having the same drink because no drunk driving. Do you want to play wine connoisseurs?”
            “And snobbishly make ridiculous comments on whatever is on stage? You don’t even have to ask Dad.” She hopped on the barstool. They had a great time drinking fake wine and critiquing really silly stuff.
But her Dad of course couldn’t always be with her all the time, he’s still a professor after all. The theory she had learned when she was in 4th grade: ‘human being is a social being’ punched her in the gut. As her parents became busier, she too busied herself with school to cover up that feeling of loneliness which ate away at her soul. However when she reached 18, running away from it was no longer sustainable, it had caught up to her.
            Her body gave opposite signals simultaneously; high level of Ghrelin in her body makes her feel hungry and yet she would want to throw up at the sight of food as if she had food poisoning.
            She felt sad for no reason.
            Often she cried when she got home from school, on the floor in the bathroom trying to shower, or when she couldn’t sleep for days in a row. The pinnacle of it all is that she didn’t feel pleasure in doing what she loved to do anymore. She couldn’t feel anything anymore. None. Nada. She’s exhausted.
            It would be nice to sleep and not wake up she thought.
            “Jasmine.” Her mother one day woke her up after a sleepless night. “We’re going to either a doctor or a therapist, you choose. But, we’re going now.”
            “I can’t, there are final tests for economics and English today.”
            “You can’t keep going on like this.”
            “The alternative would be me being dropped out as a senior. What do you think of that?”
            “No, the alternative would be worse than that,” Her mother said grimly, Jasmine closed her eyes as her mother continued. “Also it’s not about me. Your hair is falling out in clumps, you feel nauseous often — you can barely sit to eat dinner, let alone stomach a healthy portion — that your weight drops really fast and I notice those blackened bags under your eyes.”
            There was a beat of silence, then Jasmine looked into her mother’s almost neutral face and replied “I don’t know this person. Since when do you care Mother?” There was a slight change in her mother’s expression to hurt when she said that, it went as fast as it came but she did catch that. She expected it, she wanted it. It’s cruel she knew, but her mother had mastered the skill of being unaffected that she wanted to extract any reaction from her. She felt a little satisfaction from seeing that.
            “I can’t help you if you don’t want to be helped.” Her mother got up from her bed and slowly closed the door.
            She sighed. Sure, why not try this. If it didn’t work, she could just jump off a cliff right?
Jasmine is now 25 years old. She still goes to therapy once a week and take anti-depressants, to help balance back those empty feelings that made her world gray to at least decent. She doesn’t live with her parents anymore, she lives in a little apartment in New York, ride those subways with rats moving here and there. Her breakfast consists of bagel and a cup of coffee, her lunch the $1 pizza from the sidewalk pizza parlor. It all started because somehow she finished high school, higher education, and got accepted to work at New York Magazine.
            Her relationship with her Mother got better, they meet for dinner once every 3 months although her parents are not together anymore, Dad had retired and chose to move to Netherlands because he wanted to become a painter. And while her mother supports him she didn’t want to move to Rotterdam and so they parted. They remain in good relationship which is all that matters for Jasmine.
            If you asked her now as she sits on one of the benches in Central Park on a calm Sunday morning while she waits for her friend, a fellow journalist at NYM.
            “How are you still alive?”
            She would probably be stunned for a second, and then took another couple seconds to think before saying, “I don’t know.” lightheartedly, then maybe she would add, “My feelings get better, my relationships with other people and my mom got better, my parents split and after all of that somehow I came out okay. I mean I didn’t get my childhood dream to become a great genius villain, but I get to be a journalist at New York Magazine and I think it’s not too shabby.”
            She’d pause to ponder a bit more and then she’d shake her head.
            “Even though now I live in New York and it’s always noisy, I don’t know. I don’t know how it all happened but I’m okay.” That’s when the friend comes in the picture and she would say that it was nice to meet you, wished you a good day, and walked away.
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tiemeupspidey · 7 years
Missing you..
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Series: Tom Holland Dad Imagines
Relationship: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Evelynn Toms Daughter misses him while he’s away in the states filming. The reader snaps a photo of their sleeping daughter.
Warnings: cute fluff,sad, adorableness
Word Count: 1,500+
A/N:Why I make these kind of imagines more often is because when I was younger the chemo I had damaged parts of me and my ovaries and I won’t be able to have kids unless a miracle happens. I’m living my future vicariously through my imagines when I type these FYI..
-not a part 2 for Double Trouble but I’m tempted to just make a series for Evelynn & Reid’s mischievous adventures.
[Reader’s POV]
    The hard parts are when Tom is away for months. It’s especially the hardest on Evelynn because she is definitely a Daddy’s girl. Whenever Tom was home she fluttered around like a moth to the flame. Currently Tom was in the states working on a film and Evelynn hated it. 
    She would have Tom read to her over FaceTime so she could sleep. He FaceTimed the twins as much as he could. Sometimes he would be so tired and pass out,but would send a video in the morning for both of them. Tom loves the twins so much and it hurts his just as much. He can’t see his children grow up and cause mayhem while he’s away.
“Reid have seen your sister?” you ask cutting some apples in the kitchen. Reid looks up from the book he was reading at the table. Shaking his head no he looks back down flipping a page.
  Setting the knife aside on the counter next to the cutting board. Grabbing your phone off of the charging stand you exit the kitchen. Checking the living room for her little body she isn’t in there as well. Heading up the stairs with Tessa following closely behind.Her tags jingling as she ran up the steps.
    Walking down the hall you check her and Reid’s room. The shared room looking a mess but no Evelynn. Making a mental note of having to come back and clean the mess. Turning to the side you see your bedroom door slightly cracked open. A small enough crack that matched the size of your missing daughter. 
    Opening the door slowly you peep your head into the room. Seeing a bun of curls resting against Tom’s pillow. Your feet sinking into the soft carpet of the room as you walk towards the bed. Her dark rose dress peeking out from the comforter that she was hugging. Looking at her sweet sleeping face made you did a bit on the inside. You created that little human, you can stare all you want.
    Pulling out your phone to open up the camera. Once it’s ready you snap a few pictures of Evelynn. Hitting the share button you type Tom’s name in the recipient bar. Clicking it when it pops up the message forms. The cursor flickers waiting for you to type something.
Someone is sleeping on your side of the bed, she misses you so much baby xx
Your phone buzzes instantly with a response from Tom.
Tom Holland/Daddy Holland:
She looks so peaceful, how is she doing? More importantly are you still feeling ill?
She had another fit that you couldn’t call tonight for the 4th time this week. I’m not mad baby it’s her that’s fussy. I’m still feeling nauseous and my head is pounding. 
Tom Holland/Daddy Holland:
Darling please tell her I’m sorry, we’ve been so busy on set sometimes we get let out super late. I don’t want her to be mad at me.. Tell her and Reid I love them so so much. Take care , go to the doctor if you feel worse.. I love you so much 
I love you more,remember to stretch before doing anything crazy xx
Tom Holland/Daddy Holland:
Of course darling, see you soon 
    Going into our closet I pick out one of Tom’s t-shirts. Picking up Tom’s cologne bottle and taking off the cap. Spraying the shirt once and setting the bottle down. Raising the shirt to your face inhaling the scent. A pang in your chest happens of missing your husband. 
     Walking over to the bed you lay the shirt over her exposed body. Her face scrunches from slightly waking but them smiles as she turns over. Evelynn grabs the shirt holding it to her chest. A smile tugs at your lips at the sight of your daughter. Even though he wasn’t here you could still make it feel like he was home.
    Before the kids were around you would do that. Spraying his shirts would help you sleep better. Of course it helps Evelynn a bit while he’s gone. Reid misses him as well but is afraid to show emotions cause he’s the “man of the house” while Tom is away. Yet he holds onto the s]Spider-Man figure in his sleep. It was the one Tom brought home for him while he was away.
    Tying your hair up into a ponytail you slip on one of Tom’s jumpers. Heading out of the room you make your way back down the stairs. Reid was playing with Tessa in the living room per usual. Reid drops the toy running over to you.
“Mum did you find Lynn?” he asks looking behind you to not seeing his sister come down the stairs. 
“She’s sleeping love, let me finish your lunch okay? I’ll put hers in the fridge for when she wakes up.. Daddy sends his love all the way from the states” Ruffling his hair and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“Is daddy ever going to come home?” Reid question makes your smile drop.
“O-Of course Darling, he’s just working really hard with Robbie J’ to make a cool movie.. It’s a part of his job to be away sometimes” Tilting your sons chin up you poke his nose earning a smile from him. 
“When does he come back mum?” Reid asks as you make your way to the kitchen.
“Well if you live everyday without thinking of the time it will go by faster, that’s what I did while your daddy and I dated before we got married” You explain pulling out a plate from the cupboard. 
“How did you get through your days without seeing daddy?” his questions making you smile, he was curious about so many things. That’s why he has his nose buried in a book most of the time.
“Well I got through it by just knowing your daddy loves me very much and I think that’s what you and Evelynn should do too.. He loves you so much and will always come back home to us because we’re what he gets to come home to after all his hard work” explaining to him how you truly felt while you arranged his food. Picking up his plate you walk over to the table setting it down in front of him.
“Mumma I miss daddy” Evelynn’s voice makes you turn around. Her curls were disheveled and a pout on her lips. She was holding onto Tom’s black t-shirt that you sprayed earlier.
“Oh honey, I miss him too.. but hey guess what.. Daddy says he loves you very much and hopes you’re not mad at him” you say picking up your half awake daughter.
“Mumma I could never be mad at daddy!” Evelynn gasps looking up at you, her mouth ajar from shock.
“Maybe you can say that in a video to reassure him, he feels bad he hasn’t been able to read to you these past few nights..” Pulling out your phone you open up the camera. Clicking the reverse button so it’s now facing Evelynn. She presses the record button grabbing the phone from your hands.
“uhm hi daddy! It’s one of your twins and I wanted to say I love you and I miss you lots, so much it’s crazy.. I’m not mad at you daddy, Reid and I just want you to come home.. Mumma cries at night so I think she misses you mos-”
“Evelynn oh jeez” you face palm from her saying you’ve been crying.
“before Mumma interrupted me daddy, know we’re all missing you.. even Tessa bear” Evelynn smiles showing her missing tooth. She presses the stop button handing your phone back. Sending the video to Tom so he has something to watch later.
“Can we make a drawing for daddy and Robbie J?” Evelynn asks as you set her down on the floor. Nodding you walk to the closet in the hall. Grabbing some craft stuff you bring it to the table along with her food.
“I call the Spider-Man coloring book!” the twins shout simultaneously. Watching the both of them reach for it. Evelynn and Reid having a staring contest as their hands grip the book.
“You two there are two sides to a coloring book, what do we do? You ask looking at the two of them. They both sigh looking over at you letting go of the book.
“We’re twins and there’s two sides cause sharing is caring” Reid and Evelynn speak at the same time with smiles on their faces. There we go, go mom.
Just have to keep them busy and distracted till he comes home.We’re missing you around here Tom..
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skippyin · 7 years
school story plz
WELL ALRIGHT THEN BUCKLE UP KIDDOS BECAUSE WE’RE GOING BACK TO SKIPPY’S SCHOOL DAYS. Now I’m not gonna drop any names but holy shit my early elementary school years were a trash fire. 
I have Aspburgers (I’m high-functioning though so it’s hard to tell), my brother has ADHD, my Mom has Dyslexia, and my Dad also has Aspburgers same as me. Both my parents went through hell when they were children, the school systems were brutal back then. They didn’t want to same for their children, so they got my brother and I 504′s and put us into Catholic Schools because we are Catholic and they wanted us to have that kind of education. The first school we chose, however, would be a den of nightmares. I’ll just use the initials: SH when referring to the school. The following is my account of what I went through in that school.
1st Grade: A good start! The teacher started out kinda mean but then shaped up. Treated me nicer when she realized I needed extra help and gave me that extra help. More or less went smoothly.
2nd Grade: Shit starts to get fucky. This teacher: Mrs. B(itch) was very stuck up. She was one of the members of Principle S(kanky Panky)’s little friend group. She greatly disliked me and my friend, Katie, not only because we both had learning disabilities, but also because we were both artists. The class was required to cover our textbooks to protect them from damage, but instead of using the stretchy cloth textbook covers like everybody else; Katie and I would use blank brown wrapping paper so we could draw on the covers, add stickers, etc. It was fun for us to personalize our textbooks, but Mrs. B HATED that we liked to draw because she thought it was a waste of our time and hers. It wasn’t easy, but I managed to troop through.
3rd Grade: Nice teacher. She liked me, and I had no problem with her. Though she would yell at the class often because a lot of the kids in the class were very misbehaved. This year went by without incident.
4th Grade: Another good year! (Unfortunately, my last at this school.) This teacher was my favorite and she was more than willing to give me a hand. The worst of my problems that year was the other kids in my class who liked to pick on me, but I was able to get through.
5th Grade: The beginning of The End. The gateway to True Hell. Which is ironic considering my teacher this year was a nun. Sister H(ell) was very old and therefore very old fashioned. She liked to play favorites, and usually preferred the boys over the girls for some reason, despite the fact that a good 75% of the boys in my class were assholes (don’t get me wrong though, a percentage of the girls in my class were bitches too). She gave me a hard time for my lacking math skills. Funny thing is, she had no idea how to teach the mathematical course material and told the parents on parent-teacher night that she was basically just winging it. She didn’t like me, or anything I did. It became a habit of mine to hum the Darth Vader Theme quietly to myself whenever I saw her walking by.
It was at this point my mother started complaining to Principle S that my education was starting to get hindered. At the same time, my brother was in 2nd grade and had gotten saddled with a different 2nd-grade teacher than me. This woman was ALSO in the principle’s friend group and was an even bigger problem then Mrs. B. She was just out and out mean to my brother and it was starting to become a problem. My mom filed these complaints and brought up our legal documentation. Principle S acknowledged that they were doing everything the documents told them what they had to do, but that she would have a personal word with our teachers to try to solve the problem.
A month passed. Nothing Changed.
Shit was still fucky, the Principle kept smiling and lying to her face, and my Mom decided that it was time to infiltrate. It was one of those kinds of situations where when peoples’ backs were turned, the staff was horrible. But when parents came over or people visiting from the school board: they were all suddenly super nice and acting on their best behavior. My Mom got a job at the school as the kindergarten teacher’s assistant in order to keep an eye on my brother and I and make sure we were being treated properly. The Principle and her friend group knew this was what she was doing and tried to keep her out of the loop as much as possible. Though her presence was very comforting to me, knowing she was so close by in this den of wolves.
(Side Story: Principle S is FUCKING Nuts.
While my Mom was working at the school she got into a friendly conversation with the Principle one day during lunch in the teacher’s lounge. She proceeded to tell my Mom a story of how she and her husband went to go visit her mother. Upon arriving at the elderly woman’s house, they found her on the floor and not moving. Now, any rational person would immediately call 911, right? Principle S didn’t. No, instead, her and her husband starting going around the presumably dead woman’s house and putting sticky notes with their names on all the fancy stuff they wanted. Turns out she wasn’t dead, just passed out. Upon realizing this, then they called 911. She laughed at it like it was a funny little story but my Mom just looked at her like she was crazy. And she was. There were many other stories like this, but that is the only one I know about.)
Nevertheless, the kindergarten classrooms were very out of the way from the rest of the school, so even though my Mom was present, they still pulled a lot of BS. When my 5th-grade year was finally over I was relieved, but boy oh boy was I jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire when I started--
6th Fucking Grade: What would be my last year at SH school. This year was my personal hell. THIS YEAR was when shit hit the fan. Ms. F(ucking Desperate For A Boyfriend) was the final member of the Principle’s friend group and was by far the worst in my opinion. Dear gosh this woman... Who let this woman near children... Where to begin, where to begin...
I guess I should start by saying she hated me. Just plain and simple. She hated me and anybody I associated with. She thought I was a Bad Kid. She thought I was a demon in disguise or some shit. That I was lying when I told my Mom about my hard time in school. How dare I get my Mom to “harras” her good friend Principle S with my disability papers. I’m just a lazy kid who doesn’t want to do any work so I’m giving myself an advantage over the other students who don’t have extra time on tests, or special seating, or get copies of notes from students who are doing good in school. How dare I get extra help that “I don’t need”. It was “unfair”.
So she proceeded to make every day of my 6th-grade life an uphill battle. And let me tell you it was a battle an emotionally and mentally draining one.
Here is a list of incidents I remember:
One day when I was absent, she made my two best friends sit out in the hallway and told them they couldn’t come back inside until they wrote a list of all the bad things I had done. They couldn’t do this, of course, because I had done nothing wrong, and were forced to stay out there until lunch time.
Complained every time I came to get my photocopied notes from her (only teachers had access to the copy machines). Would tell me every day that I didn’t deserve notes taken by a better student.
Never helped me whenever I would get bullied by other students.
Whenever I gave a wrong answer in class, would make it out as if it was the dumbest thing she had ever heard.
Kicked me out of my group who I was teamed up with on an important History Project. Said I was kicked out because I wasn’t “doing the work” and therefore my punishment was to do the whole thing by myself. I was absent for two days because I was sick with a fever, and I had told one of my teammates over the phone that I had my part of the work ready and I’d give it to them when I came back. Nope, doesn’t matter, what Ms. F says goes. I got saddled with four people’s weight in project work, along with my regular homework. My Parents helped me out a great deal because it was complete bullshit.
Went off on me when she found out I had started a trend among my classmates. Of drawing pictures of bad/dumb/silly things happening to her on sticky notes and trading them like trading cards. We all hated her.
Things really got set in motion during a private before-school meeting between Ms. F and my parents. Ms. F, my Dad, and my Mom, all sat down in our classroom and started to discuss what the fuck was going on. I was constantly asking my parents to keep me home from school, my grades were slipping, I was constantly stressed, and was showing the bad habit of plucking out my eyelashes. They wanted to know what was going on and they wanted it to be fixed. Ms. F proceeded to tell them the following:
A) I wasn’t disabled, I was only faking it because I am a lazy horrible brat who doesn’t want to do work and only wants extra help to give me an advantage.
B) If I really am disabled then I should be sent to a mental hospital/children’s special needs school for the severely disabled. I don’t belong in their school, I had no place in her classroom. I had to go where all the other “crazy children” were sent.
C) I am a manipulator and a liar playing everyone for fools, but NOT HER. No sir she doesn’t fall for my tricks.
My Dad is a slow to anger man. He is usually pretty laid back, and fun loving, and cool. But when he gets mad, watch out. Meanwhile, my Mom kind of is the opposite. She is a very passionate woman who likes to yell a lot whenever she feels there is some sort of injustice. Small but Loud. Like Anger from Inside Out. I’ve seen her mad, but when she’s Angry her rage burns brighter than the light of 1000 suns. The only thing keeping the two of them from beating the ever-loving crap out of Ms. F right then and there was the knowledge that they’d probably get pressed on Assault charges.
No, instead, they advanced on her. Forced her to back up against the wall. My dad, tall and looming behind my mom fixing this woman with a death glare. My mom pointing a finger at her face and said “I swear to God in heaven above if I ever catch you off school property... I don’t care if we’re in the grocery store, I don’t care if we’re in church, I don’t care if it’s years and years from now and I’m an old woman. I will punch you dead in the face for talking about my daughter that way and putting her through this. That is a promise, you Bitch. So you better be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life and praying and you don’t see me there.”
It was at this time school was starting, so my class came in to see my parents staring down our teacher. I was oblivious to the tense air in the room and just waved at them saying “Hi Mom and Dad!! :D” 
Meeting over.
My Mom is the kind of person who keeps her promises. She once knocked out a guy with a single punch. And another time my Mom broke some chick’s jaw when she tried to mug my Aunt. She knows how to throw a good punch.
But unfortunately, Ms. F was undeterred by my parents legal and physical threats. And only made things harder.
The final straw happened when we were 3/4ths through the year. The home stretch. I wanted to try my hand at writing poetry. We had some free time, so I got out a sheet of paper and got to work. Not too long after, the group of boys who liked to pick on me came over and tried to read it. I knew it would only give them cannon fodder to use against me so I tried to keep it away from them. They were persistent so I decided to try to use my pen to fend them off. One of the nice boys, Anthony, came over to try to break up the commotion. I accidentally wound up getting pen ink on his uniform shirt. I apologized, knowing he had only been trying to help and he told me not to sweat it and that his mom would just wash the shirt. The situation is over, right? Wrong.
Not ten minutes later, Ms. F slams her hands on her desk and screams my name. I snap to attention because “Oh no what’s happening?” She starts yelling at me because I got ink on Anthony’s shirt. How dare I do something so atrocious. Now Anthony’s poor mother has to slave away at the washing machine tonight to try to clean the ink off of his expensive uniform shirt. It doesn’t matter that I already apologized, it doesn’t matter that Anthony forgave me, I should feel bad about doing this horrible thing. She basically proceeded to humiliate me in front of the entire class and I was mortified.
I went, hid in the girl’s bathroom, and cried like Hermione Granger did in Sorcerer's Stone. After I calmed down, I refused to head back to class, too afraid getting yelled at again. Usually, if a student spends too long in the bathroom, another student is sent to go check on them to make sure they’re okay and bring them back to class. I decided to wait for someone to come for me. So I sat, and I waited. And waited. And waited. Nobody came to get me. My Mom wasn’t notified of the incident either, so she was waiting for me outside. It wasn’t until hours later when one of my friends came up to her after clubs were over and told her what happened that she found out. That I’ve been in the bathroom all day, and Ms. F didn’t want anybody to go get me. My Mom rushed into the school, ran into the bathroom, and embraced me. She was so worried because I was a child, left alone, unsupervised. This is how kids get kidnapped and go missing. This is how kids’ faces get plastered on missing posters and billboards. I was left alone in that bathroom with nothing but my own self-loathing all day, anything could have happened to me. We marched out of the bathroom, down to the Principle’s office, and my Mom called Principle S a sick pig bitch, threatening to sue her for every penny she had.
That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. My Mom was outraged by the school and its horrible treatment of myself, my brother, and any other disabled child that happened to come up to their doorstep. She was sick and disgusted and DONE. I remember vividly when we got back in the car, the first thing she did was call my Aunt on her cell phone and said: “I want a lawyer.” Unfortunately, we never did take them to court on this, I can’t remember the reason why. We’ve always been pretty financially tight, so I think it’s the fact that we just couldn’t afford a lawyer to do an all out lawsuit. 
My Mom pulled me and my brother out of that school and sent us to a different Catholic School. This one was so much better, so much nicer, all the teachers loved us, the principal he was so great and nice, we made friends with tons of different kids. It was the exact opposite of what we went through in that hell hole.
And you know what? I’m not mad. I’m not bitter. And I still feel like I’ve won even though we didn’t get any sort of “revenge” on these people. Me living my life, being happy, and being with my loved ones is revenge enough. In the end, they don’t matter to me. But at the same time, they did wind up teaching me something. They showed me the kind of person I didn’t want to be. They were bitter, revenge seeking, condescending, lazy, and prideful. They got enjoyment out of making me and anybody they deemed “unfit” miserable. I don’t want to be like them. I could have used their real names, I could put their addresses and phone numbers out there for everybody to see, with a call to action to “teach them a lesson” in order to form a justice-seeking mob mentality amongst anybody who reads this story. But I’m not. Because I don’t want to be seen as a victim. What I experienced was horrible, yes, but I don’t feel the need to cry out for justice. Because I’m satisfied with living my life and winning against them by leaving them behind, by not letting what they did to me haunt me every day of my life. And you know what? I’m fine.
I got two little sisters who I love very much.
I met some of my very best friends still to this day in high school.
I got my Associate's degree with honors.
I’m currently studying for my Bachelor's and eventually will get a job doing something I love.
I play games with my friends.
I do what I love every day.
I spend every day with my family who loves and supports me and encourages me.
I have so many blessings, I’m not going to let those years ruin my life when my life so good.
I guess the thing to take away from my story is, don’t dwell on things. You don’t have to nessicarily forgive them for what they did, but which sounds better to you: Dwelling on memories that make you feel like shit for the rest of your life or surrounding yourself with the people you love and making new better happier memories? I rolled with the punches that were thrown at me and came out stronger for it.
So while they sit there, stewing in their own bitterness, in a teaching job they hate but only took because they want the summers off. I’m off in the world, experiencing new things, and Living.
I am very happy. ^u^
Thanks for reading.
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sweetteapauldee · 4 years
Tumblr media
After eight weeks of pregnancy, I could not take another milestone picture like the ones above.
On March 28, 2020, my monthly friend did not visit. I waited for five whole days before I took a pregnancy test. My husband and I were being lazy on a Saturday, and I casually mentioned we should go out and buy a pregnancy test. He was shocked and thought I was joking, but I knew I was pregnant in my heart. We were just one month away from approaching one year of marriage, and this was the perfect gift. We went to the store and purchased multiple inexpensive tests, and I came back home, took two, and waited on the results. Instantly, two lines that indicated I was pregnant popped up. I gave him both tests, and he was the happiest I had seen him in the five years we have been together. So, first, we thought about who we could tell. Well, our parents, of course. We invited his mom and aunt over and handed them the tests, and their reaction was priceless. They jumped up and down, screamed for joy, and hugged us both. However, his mom insisted we get a more reliable test. So, my husband and my mother-in-law set out to buy more tests.
When they returned, I took two more tests, and that was all the confirmation that we needed that Baby Williams was coming in 2020. My parents live about 1 hour, and 15 minutes, we hopped in the car again and got on the road to deliver them the good news. We arrived at my parent’s house unannounced they were confused at first, but happy to see us. We started chatting, my husband was smiling ear to ear, so we showed them our bag of tests, and they were sooooo excited. We discussed names, and my dad was super delighted to hear he would get another namesake (other than myself) if I bore a baby boy. We went back home happy as can be and cooked dinner that night. The next morning, we went out to get prenatal vitamins and healthier food options, because we were determined this would be a great experience!
On Monday morning, I called my gynecologist’s office, scheduled my first prenatal appointment, which was nearly a month away. I was concerned as first, but the office assured me this was normal, and they gave me all the new rules/precautions because of COVID-19 (our nation other parts of the world are in a pandemic state due to this new virus). 
Examples: My husband could not come with me to experience my first prenatal appointment. Have a mask on, or you will be provided with one.
I also called my insurance provider to notify them of my pregnancy. They offered to enroll me in a Motherhood Management program because it was my first pregnancy, and a Nurse Practitioner would send me articles and call me biweekly to check-in. I could also call them if I had questions about my new experience.
A few weeks later, I was off to my first prenatal appointment. Nervous, yet excited. I got dressed (put on a new dress, makeup, and styled my hair—something I had not done in months due to working remotely because of COVID-19). If you know me well, I always wear a new outfit for a memorable experience—I buy a lot of clothes. Haha. When I arrived, I was met at the door by a medical assistant (MA) that checked my temperature and asked me if I had a fever or traveled out of the country in the last 14 days. My answer to all those questions was NO. I had on a surgical mask; the MA offered me another. I tucked the new cover away in my purse and then checked in for my appointment. I wrote my name down, assured the front desk my address or insurance provider had not changed, and she told me I’d be meeting with a doctor, I wasn’t familiar with him. I knew I was scheduled to see my regular doctor, but I was anxious to know if my pregnancy was going well. I saw the stranger danger (I’m joking, of course, but I would have felt more comfortable seeing my usual doctor, who were familiar with my struggles with obesity and fibroids—we’d also discussed a pregnancy plan in February). The appointment was a struggle for the beginning. I went in for an ultrasound, and since I had fibroids, I was used to getting pelvic ultrasounds to measure fibroid growth, but this time was different. The technician counted fibroids and then pointed out the pregnancy; we heard a heartbeat and printed out copies of the ultrasound for me. Then I met this new doctor, who came in and announced I was pregnant. Well, I already knew that, sir. He performed a pelvic exam, saw a little concern, but told me it was probably from a subchorionic hemorrhage, but since my cervix was not dilated to keep an eye on it. My husband texted me the entire appointment wanting updates and asking questions. How I wished he could have been there in person. I was already worried about possibly miscarrying because statistics show 85% of miscarriages happen in the first trimester. But I came home with hope and continued working remotely and taking an online class. 
After my 4th Zoom meeting of the week, on a Friday, I got up to use the restroom and saw concern. My husband had just gotten home and was about to shower. I asked what do you think I should do, we Google, called my doctor’s office (they were closed, and the answering service was acting janky), and made a few more calls and decided to go to the ER. Again, I am met at the door with questions and people wanting to take my temperature. I fill out a form, and I am immediately taken into triage. I explain the problem I am having, and I am taken into a room. The doctor on call comes in and preps me with a miscarriage speech. We took lots of tests, and I was taken for two more ultrasounds, I asked the technician a question she was not allowed to answer. At that moment, she tells me a comforting story about one of her pregnancies, and I am taken back in the room. Twenty minutes later, I am escorted to my car to get my charger to keep my husband updated—and the doctor comes back in to tell me I suffered an incomplete miscarriage. At that point, I was scrolling through Facebook, leaving a comment on my friend’s picture, as she and her husband had just made their pregnancy public. I cried. The nurse brought me Kleenex and asked if she could do anything else for me; I told her no. She brought me a folder with two print outs explaining what an incomplete miscarriage was, and I drove myself home. My husband and I pulled up to our apartment at the same time. We hugged, and I cried a little more. We went upstairs and decided to come back out and get some food because I had not eaten since breakfast. We told our parents the sad news—They tried to be positive, and I appreciated that.
After the weekend, it was time to celebrate our 1st anniversary, and we made it! My husband brought roses 🌹 home while I was out grocery shopping to prepare for a COVID-19 anniversary dinner. I was surprised when I got back home, and they were on the table. That was sweet. Later that day, we went out to get cupcakes (any sweets are my favorite) and my absolute favorite flowers, SUNFLOWERS!!! 🌻 We ate a nice dinner and talked about the heck of the weekend we had, but still blessed to be celebrating our anniversary. 
Later in the week, I had another appointment, and since I had an incomplete miscarriage, I had to decide how to pass the pregnancy with the doctor. The less invasive way seemed to be medication, so that is what I chose. After a hell of a day of announcing Student Affairs Division Award winners and completing my Facilitating Career Development presentation– I went out and got lunch. I told my husband he would have to assist me with this process—we did it. He also went out and got me pain pills to help. I took the first round of meds, and then, I set the alarm to take the second round. The pain was manageable—but the types of undies I had to wear were not, lol.
I felt pain for like another week, and I finally passed my pregnancy. That Tuesday of passing the pregnancy was the worst pain I had ever experienced—worst than my degenerative fibroid from two summers ago. I could not even eat my dinner, which consisted of wingettes, and those are my favorites if you know me well. My husband knew I was in pain because I push them to the side and got in bed. After passing the pregnancy, we talked about it and went out to get donuts. If you know us, you know we like to eat. Friday was the first day I felt like myself. I went for a steam and did some grocery shopping. This month has been hard. I tried to write in my topic journal and could not find any reasons to be grateful. However, I am thankful to share my story. I am grateful for my parents, mother-in-law, aunt-in-law, and husband.
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getreadytosmash · 6 years
The Past that Smashed
Chapter 14
Ennui’s POV
I’m in my room at the middle of the night getting ready. I have prepared my bag that I was going to take to the Hulk’s base. I know it’s going to be a long trip, but I have to be there. I was about to leave until I heard the door open from behind me.
“So what time are you leaving?”
My heart stopped.
I looked back and saw one of the major agents, my mentor to Sir Unknown who wears a silver mask with a fancy black suit. I never told no one about this so I can’t get caught now, even if I will get in trouble. Usually I would never do anything like this but….Sams is over there. Well time to create some bullshit.
“I was called to go to the Hulk’s base, however they prefer to keep it quite. I cannot inform you anything about this situation, sir.”
He walked slowly into my room. Please for the love of God, get out. He then turned to me.
“You know….you are my favorite student. I trust you more than anyone else, with the exception for one person,” Unknown said.
Where the hell is this going?
‘You were like a son for me. I know almost anything about you, your family, your hometown, your likes, and etcetera. However you never told me some of the reason for a few things like your goggle’s color, your private jet named Uel, your password is maS, and that picture of that boy in your phone.”
….Fuck. Nope. Not tell him. I’m not saying anything.
“Not everything is actually linked into each other. What if they are private information about my life that I have the right to remain silent about?”
“I know who was your hero when you were younger.”
I rolled my eyes. They were friends when they were younger, my ex hero and Sir Unknown. “I know,” I replied.
“Well, what if I told you that Natty actually told me some of the truth about your boyfriend.”
Wait! No! What!? GOD, I WANTED THE GROUND TO EAT ME ALIVE!….I still don’t know about the ‘boyfriend’ part though. It’s rather complicated. *cough*
I was about to say something until he put his hand up.
“We actually know why Hulk is going to the past.”
What!? How did they know? There were only five of us who knew about that.
He went on. “We cannot tell you yet why until Hulk is done protecting that boy. I will only tell you this because I trust you. Doctor Strange is the one sending him back. He is watching both the Hulk and the boy but that is how I knew you sent that secret message at She Hulk with the help of the Albizu cousins. The reason why I knew is because of Natty telling me about how Hulk going back in time, then I asked Director Fury about this and he told me how and other information. There are still parts that I don’t understand but it’s not my business.”
They knew? They fucking knew? And here I am trying to keep this a goddamn secret.
“Sir? Are you stopping me from going?” I asked. I mean why is he here in the first place.
“No. We need you to be over there for more information about the boy because even we don’t know nothing about him. Even Doctor Strange is not telling us. I rather you tell me about this before so I could have lied about you going on a secret honeymoon maybe.”
I respect my mentor, but I hate him sometimes.
“Thank you, Sir. I will go as quickly as possible, but I’m only there personally. I don’t want S.H.I.E.L.D. knowing when I’m going.”
“Well then. Take the jet named Tiana, it’s the slowest jet but it’s the only her that doesn’t have a tracker. S.H.I.E.L.D would not worry about that one much so you can take it. By the way I took it off. But I’m making you take the slowest as a punishment for not telling me about your mission. It even need to be prepared so you are going to have to land a couple of times to fix it. AND it’s gas tank will run out quickly so you either find different ways to fill it up or leave the jet so S.H.I.E.L.D will have to take you back.”
He threw me the keys of the jet. Jesus. I’m being delayed for not saying anything about MY life which I don’t like to talk about. I grabbed my bag and head out the door. I bowed to him, since he likes that for some weird unknown reason.
“Hold up.”
Oh for the love of-
“Take these.”
He handed me some concert tickets. Why would I need this?
“Look at the name, my boy.”
I looked at it and it said that a concert at Vista Verde. Its in three day and it’s a DJ that was performing. I looked at the name….I hate him…..sometimes. DJ JD was going to perform. Of course he knew. Why wouldn’t he come. I couldn’t help but smirk.
“Now make sure to be there on time so those tickets would be such a waste if you didn’t go,” said Sir Unknown.
“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”
I looked at the tickets and thought of some fond memories of my teenage years until-
“Well, what are you waiting for? Go so you won’t be late.”
Shit! I need to go. I thanked him, again and left.
I ran out the door and towards where the jets are. I found old Tiana at the end and quickly got on. I took off remembering the problems of Tiana.
-Few Hours Later-
Remember what my wonderful mentor, Sir I’m so mysterious I have tentacles under my mask maybe? Hint the sarcasm in my mind please. Well it turns out that Tiana is slow as HELL and after fixing it, 10 minutes later it needs to be fixed again.
How am I going to make it over there? Is supposed to be like a day or less to travel over there on a jet. If I went on foot and hitchhike on trains or large trucks I can make it in about 4 days, since I don’t sleep a lot. But with this piece of crap I don’t even know. Hang on guys. I’m coming.
A-Bomb’s POV
So Hulk just told us that a tree house almost killed Sammy for fuck sake. Jeez. I really don’t like those aunts that he has. Especially Karen.
I did laugh on the part where Dawn came in and threw those bugs at the boys.
“You know what’s really great about Dawn?” asked Carla as she was drinking her tea. “Dawn was the reason why Robert and the other boys are afraid of bugs ever since she put cockroaches in their soup one time after not letting Sam or Dawn sit on the table with them. They’re all dicks, those cousins. Sometimes I want to give them a piece of my mind when I was younger.”
After that everyone went off doing separate things but I stayed with Carla. We are actually good friend since she said that she didn’t have a lot of people to talk to, like me, and usually boss people around.
She was petting Icarus, that giant rat that I kinda don’t want to get to close to.
“Jones, I’m bored. Do you have a radio to annoy the others? I feel like jamming out right now,” said Carla.
“Hell yeah, we do!”
I turned on the radio and put the volume really loud so the others can hear it. Carla has a thing to mess with people while not being in the same room with them.
Carla is basically everyone’s friend here, besides Red who sees her as a troublemaker so he keeps an eye on her. But I think the real reason is that he wants to know what’s going on with the time travel. I know for a fact that she HATES spoilers so of course she would not tell. She’s cool with Skaar and Jen, even if she does have a crush on her but they are actually okay. We think that she’s sees Hulk as an uncle figure for her since he was the only one she listens to.
Man, she’s been here for a while now. It’s been almost a month actually. I think she came at the 5th of August. It’s funny because the only reason she remembers the date is because her five pairs of shoes she brought with her.
‘In the name of love’ came on and we both sang our hearts out.
“IN THE NAME OF LOVE!” we both screamed.
“Goddamnit, kids! Turn that music down, I can’t train with that on!”
I noticed that Hulk was coming towards me, covering his ears. He gave me an envelope and left. I looked at it and I gasp. I got tickets to see DJ JD on 4th of September, and it’s only in three days! WOO! Man, I’m so excited!
Leader’s POV
She’s doing this on purpose. I just know it. And she’s secretly doing it to me. Jokes on her since we both like the same type of music.
“In the name of love!”
“Oh come on! Not you too!” groaned Red as he gave Leader his lunch.
/WOO! Got this one done. Get ready for more visitors coming. Sir Unknown was a last minute character, but I already made him part of it. Now let’s see what can you find here. Hmm those numbers look familiar for some reason, but I’ll let you guess. Hope you enjoy./
(Omg I love how annoyed Rick is "God damn it Sam, why must you almost get killed by a tree?" Lol! I'm surprised that you have time moving in this so the months are actually changing, soon it'll be Leader's birthday in this...Ennui is so in love with him omg it's so cute. His get is named after Sami, his password is after Sami, his goggles are orange...he even has a picture! I'm wondering when they first met, it makes me laugh to imagine Hulk being a protective dad, not wanting anyone to date his boy XD it'd be one hell of a shovel talk. The DJ event is going to be huge and I wonder why Ennui hates him...I'm looking forward to seeing him reunited with Leader. Ennui will get to him....IN THE NAME OF LOVE!)
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stilinskiimagines · 7 years
Abandoned//Scott McCall
Characters: Scott McCall, Malia Tate, Derek Hale, Reader.
I fell in love with you at 3:16 on March 4th. It was a Tuesday, I think it rained. I met you at 8:02 on September 26th. It was my first day of school, I was new to town. Lydia was my peer guide so I sat with you at lunch. You made me laugh. I laughed all the time with you, Agent Scotty.
“You’re really going to sneak into coach’s office and do it?”
“Yes! Stiles has done it. I’ll just redo it and put it on his desk. He’ll never know I flunked the test.” Scott shrugs.
“I don’t have a good feeling about this.” You sighed.
“Trust me. I’m like a spy. He’ll never know I was there.”
“A spy, huh?” You giggled.
“Agent McCall.” He raised an eyebrow.
“Sounds too formal…” You looked up at his smile.
“Agent Scotty.” You laughed, his smile widening as he laughed with you.
“Agent Scotty at your service.” He saluted you.
“Well, Scotty, I need the flunked test on my desk by 4 p.m. You better not fail me!”
“Yes, chief!” He shouts as he takes off down the hall to coach’s office.
You were my best friend. You had Stiles and I had Lydia, but we had each other. You were my net.
Do you remember that time we got caught cooking a 3-course dinner at 4 o'clock in the morning by your mom? I do. She was so mad at first, but then she grabbed a plate and sat down and ate with us.
What about that time we’d convinced Stiles that Leonardo DiCaprio was never in Titanic? He was so pissed when he found out we’d tricked him. He told Lydia he loved Ryan Gosling’s work in that movie. He wouldn’t talk to us until we brought him pizza and a life-sized cutout of Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie. I think he still has it in his apartment.
Did I tell you that Lydia and Stiles are engaged? He proposed last week.
Do you remember our first date? You took me to the reserve. We became official there. It was January 6th at 10:42 p.m. That was a Monday.
“Scott it’s super dark out here.”
“Trust me, Y/N. Please?”
“Okay. I do trust you. It’s just..really dark.” You grasp his hand and he squeezes it.
You walked until you reached light. You looked over the town, sighing as Scott approached the edge.
“You brought me to our spot.” You smile.
“Oh but of course. Where else would I take you?”
“I don’t know..” You look around. “Promise me that that if this doesn’t work out we’ll still be friends?”
“God, Y/N..you’re my best friend. Nothing, and I mean nothing will change that.” He stood behind you and wrapped his arms around you. “Besides, why is that even a question?”
“I don’t know. I just thought I’d ask.”
He kisses your cheek. “I plan on staying your boyfriend, if you don’t mind.”
“Boyfriend?” You look up at him.
“I mean…yeah. I thought so…is this weird? Am I making this weird? I didn’t know if we were official or not so..” He blushes.
“No, I like it. You’re my boyfriend.” You laugh.
“Good. That makes me feel better.”
I told my mom about you that night. She knew you only as my friend. I’d never told her I’d liked you. I gushed, and as embarrassing as it is to think back on, I’d do it again, just so I could talk about you like you were brand new.
I lost my virginity to you, it was February 14th. Super cliche. But you knew that, you were there. The sex was terrible and we both knew it, but it was Valentine’s Day, it was supposed to be romantic. We cuddled afterward, that was the first time you spent the night. I remember thinking how warm you were, I loved it. We woke up the next morning and you ran out of my room, afraid of my mom coming in. She wouldn’t have minded, she loved you. She knew that you were the one for me.
The next week was amazing. We were closer than we’d ever been. It was obvious to everyone that we’d taken that step but we didn’t care.
“God, Y/N…just go to the janitor’s closet already.” Malia rolls her eyes.
“Oh shut up. I’m just looking at him.” You roll your eyes.
“No, you’re devouring him.” She nudges your arm as you continue to stare.
“I can do that. He’s mine.” You smile at Scott across the room and he smirks.
The day I fell in love with you I’d just wrecked my car. My mom wouldn’t answer the phone and I walked to your house for help. You found me standing outside. It definitely did rain, now that I’m talking about it, because I was dripping wet. I even you remember you saying something flirty about it. I stood there shivering, my arms crossed over my chest. I was wearing that big blue jacket of yours. You pulled me inside, your warmth already making me feel better.
“Babe what happened?” Scott asks you, unzipping your jacket.
“There was a deer. I swerved to miss it and hit the guard rail.” You sighed, pulling your wet hair up. Your makeup was smeared all over your face.
“Look, I know I’m supposed to support my girlfriend and all but you’re a hot, hot mess.” Scott gives you a once over.
You laugh and step out of your shoes. They squelch as you put them to the side. “Thanks for that support then.”
“I’m just saying. Look, I’ll call AAA and we’ll take care of it. For now, come upstairs and get changed.”
You nod and take his hand as he leads you upstairs.
You changed into his T-shirt and some boxers, climbing into his bed. “Babe hold me. I’m cold.” You pouted at him.
He sits on top of his sheets, holding you in his arms. “I called while you changed, they said they’d get your insurance number from your mom.”
“Thanks, Scotty.” You sigh into his chest.
“Hey, that’s what I’m here for.” He smiles.
“Scott….” You mutter.
“Yeah, babe?” He looks down at you.
“I’m in love with you.” You said proudly. You knew he’d reciprocate, you’d heard him say it in his sleep.
A big smile spreads across his face. “I love you too.” He kisses you gently, your wet hair falling into his face.
You took care of me so well, everyone knew we’d get married. We even looked into getting married in a state that would allow us to get married as minors. We never did though, we kept putting it off. You said you’d never proposed so it wasn’t official, but I knew it was because of your mom and dad. You never talked about their relationship much, you just swore up and down to me you’d never become him.
We never got the chance to get married.
I lost you June 19th. I know the exact time. Every time I see it flash on a clock my heart breaks. It was 9:29 p.m. You’d gone out with Derek to talk to an alpha of another pack. Derek showed up on my doorstep, unable to speak. My last words to you were ‘don’t do anything stupid.’
You heard a knock at your door, you figured it was Scott so you ran to it before anyone else could answer it. It was Derek, he’d been crying. He had tears running down his red cheeks, he was bent over, he looked emotionally drained.
“Derek, what’s wrong?”
“Scott. H-he…we were all calm and we trusted the other alpha…he just…” He sniffles and you lean against the door frame.
“Derek…what’s going on?”
“Scott…he’s…he’s gone. The other alpha broke his neck..I just..God it happened so fast, Y/N! I’m so sorry!”
You fell to your knees, a scream ripping from your throat. This wasn’t real, it wasn’t real. This was just one of those dreams that Scott would hold you through. You’d wake up in Scott’s warm arms and he’d be stroking your hair.
“No…no it’s not real.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I took him to the hospital.”
Your sobs rang through the house, your vision going blurry. You felt your body go numb, the only thing you could hear was your heart pounding. Your tears soaked the front of your T-shirt. It was Scott’s, you’d kept it from the time you wrecked.
Derek squatted in front of you, holding you as you cried.
“He’s gone Derek. He left me! He left me in this stupid town and now I have no one!” You screamed. “I’m all alone! He abandoned me! The love of my life is dead!”
I’m sitting here writing you this letter. I hope you can read it in spirit. I plan on leaving this at your grave..your mom said they clean it up every week. So, read it before then.
I did find a ring in your room. Your mom let me go look after you died. It was in the second drawer in your desk. It had a blue post-it with my name on it. It’s beautiful. I still have the post-it. I left it on my fridge just so I can still see your handwriting.
I better end this letter before it gets too long. I love you, Scotty. I miss you.
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prqltothesql · 5 years
Entry 081719
Weird week. 
I skipped therapy on Monday because I was planning on taking the day off work and doing something fun. I didn’t ask off because my manager was gone the week prior and back on Monday so I didn’t want to/couldn’t take off. Monday wound up being bad because Rachel kept Ty downstairs that night and he woke up and was wandering around. Our other dog Wolfie barks everytime he moves because he thinks Ty’s gonna steal his stuff, when Ty is oblivious and barely knows what’s going on and where he even is. So he got down at 2am and started wandering around and Wolfie started barking and then Ty started barking and they woke my dad up. And apparently Ty did this thing he’s done a lot recently where he poops, and then because he can’t sit still or go lay down, he winds up pacing back and forth and walking in it and grinding it into the carpet. So my dad came upstairs to just a ruined carpet at 2am. So he barely got any sleep. I woke up and came down to that mess and just decided to shampoo and clean the floor before I got going that morning. From there, the rest of the day and week was very quiet. I left the house very late and decided to try and find somewhere to go and get breakfast and watch wrestling, cause there was a big NJPW show that morning. I wound up going to Brandywine Creek Park right outside of Wilmington and then cutting over and driving up Philadelphia Pike all the way up to 202. I’ve literally never been up that far, and it was such a quaint cute little drive. So much stuff up there. The whole time I was listening to The Who doing Tommy Live at Leeds. I’ve been obsessed with Tommy because my dad did the Overture as his latest recording project. Nothing else really to report about the day. 
Tuesday, I woke up with the idea to go to Middletown’s rehearsal first thing in the morning because they needed help setting up their sound system. But as I was waking up and going through my routine, I noticed the neighbor lady out cutting her grass. I knew it was going to rain and the grass needed to be done, and I didn’t want my dad to do it, so I got out first thing and buzzed through the front and backyard grass before I left. I didn’t mind too much. Was good empty stomach cardio. And my little dog was out in the backyard with me being good and keeping an eye on me, so it wasn’t bad at all. After that, I went down to Middletown to visit and give them Gatorade (a classic front ensemble instructor move). It wound up being a super easy fix for their sound system, took me about an hour. But it was nice seeing everyone and everything again. Saw Drew, Jaron, all the kids. They were a little sad I had to leave, so I started trying to make plans to come back next week for a few days. I drove out to the field to see the band director. The last time I’d had any communication with him, I sent him a letter quitting. The way I quit, I just wrote a form letter saying I quit. Didn’t say I wanted to quit. Basically gave nobody the chance to convince me otherwise. And he jabbed me first thing, which I didn’t totally appreciate, “Well if it isn’t Mr. Form Letter himself.” Ugh. So anyways, that was nice. Then I realized I forgot my wallet at home. Of course. So I went home during lunch break and then went home, and then ran out again to get something for dinner. I ran allllll around that day, it was crazy. Nothing else really again to report. Dad was fine, dogs were fine. 
Wednesday was another weird day. I wanted to make dinner that night, so I left from work to go to the store, but hit traffic so I got home late. By the time I was done cooking and putting everything away and getting everything settled, it was like 8:30 before I finally sat down. They told us at work we’re getting an interim CTO to help with stuff, which is like the 3rd or 4th attempt to do something to fix our department. I’m hoping things get solved soon. I don’t want to quit. I really don’t. I don’t know how I’d fare elsewhere, because I can’t leave here, I need to stay here and keep supporting my family. But from what I’ve heard, there’s nary a market for developers in this area. I think things will pick up at work soon enough. 
Thursday was another weird day lol. Dad seemed okay. It was another day where I’d planned to cook. I wanted to do cheesesteaks because the Eagles played on Thursday. But then I started making them and my dad said that he didn’t want one. That was kind of strange. So I made them and he went to bed around the same time I did. We both didn’t feel good Thursday. My dad said, and I agree, that I probably have high blood pressure because if I start doing something, I start sweating. And I think it’s just because of stress. I stress about everything. Around the house, every single thing I do, I have to hurry up and do before dad sees and goes off. Quick aside, when my stepmom lived here, we would go on day trips all the time to Hersheypark, the beach, etc. So that meant leaving all the animals at home all day. When we’d come home at 11pm-1am, after a 2 hour drive home, we’d tell dad to stay in the car and we’d run inside and start cleaning up the mess that the dogs had made because if he saw it, he’d lose his goddamn mind and start screaming. He brings that up and makes it seem like it’s a slight against the animals, when it’s him who has the temper of a child. So now it’s like, if there’s a mess or a problem, I have to try and fix it quietly and with no emotion before he sees or finds out and it becomes an issue that turns the entire house upside down. So for whatever reason Thursday, I just didn’t feel good. So I went to bed very early. Also Thursday, I stopped by the other school I used to teach to drop them off a case of Gatorade. I was way more nervous for there, but they were nice to me and seemed to miss me. 
Friday was a plain day again, no real issues. Had a good day. A wrestling show I really wanted to go to had tickets released at noon and I almost forgot but on my way to get lunch, I remembered and managed to grab a ticket before they sold out in an hour. I ordered pizza and a salad for him for dinner. Things seemed well. 
Then this morning happened. My dog woke me up in a manner she hasn’t in a while. When my dad used to take my sister to school, 9 times out of 10, he’d wake up screaming and yelling and when he took her to school, he’d be screaming and yelling and slamming things and banging around and if my dog heard that, she’d run and jump on my bed. She never gets on my bed while I’m on it except for when he’s yelling. So she did that. I thought for a second it was because she was thirsty or had to go, she’ll do that too, but this was different. So I went downstairs to my dad shouting about the dogs, cleaning up dog shit off the floor. My guess is that he took his dog upstairs, cause we let the dog sleep with him instead of me last night, and he was impatient because it was first thing in the morning, so he brought the dog upstairs and locked him in the laundry room and then the dog shit everywhere. So I cleaned up and took the dog upstairs. I was going to vacuum the pool but there wasn’t enough water in the pool so I had to fill it. So the rest of the day was calm. Dad said he felt weird all day, so he took a nap. Seemed to be in a fine mood. Around 6 or 7 I went out to do the pool to find he was out there and had already done it. Of course. Even though cleaning the pool kills his back, he did it anyways. I helped him finish up and brush. Then he came in (and I knew this was gonna happen to) and started screaming at my sister. Like really nasty. Being really really mean. Luckily in his rage, he didn’t swing to me. I came in and washed my hands and then went upstairs and changed my shirt and just closed my door and sat in my room listening. Like, this wasn’t the nastiest he’d ever been, but it was pretty nasty. And all things considered, nothing he said was wrong. She doesn’t have a job, isn’t even trying to do anything, spends literally every waking moment on her phone, fucks with the dogs too much, doesn’t listen to anyone, doesn’t try to get better at anything. But god, he was just so mean. When he has his bad days, he’s just the worst. 
So I went to the store to try and get it off my mind. Bought some stuff, came home. Things have been quiet. I just wish that we weren’t all sitting on this damn time bomb. 
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