#and my mom seemed to enjoy it. i have a strong hunch she's gonna love kuwabara. she seems like a kuwabara enjoyer to me
hiccanna-tidbits · 3 years
this is a genuine, curious question! what's appealing 2 u about jackunzel :^] ??
Sure, I can talk about why I ship Jackunzel!!!
@gryffindorkxdraws has some posts about why she likes Jackunzel here, here, and here, so those are a pretty good rundown of reasons to supplement mine. But I’ll make a list of my own!
Why Jackunzel Owns My Entire Soul: An Essay in Disorganized Bullet Points ~I dig the sun/moon symbolism! Like Jack was chosen by the moon and Rapunzel has the powers of the sun. It’s such a nice contrast, and it also lends itself really well to star-crossed lover-type fantasy/fairy tale AUs (which I am ALWAYS a sucker for!) ~From what little we know about Jack’s preference in girls (i.e. the slight crush he seemed to have on Tooth), Rapunzel seems like EXACTLY his type--bubbly, energetic, optimistic girls with a bit of a maternal streak. I think even the RotG director confirmed Punz is the kind of girl Jack would like! ~Jack also absolutely seems like Punzel’s type--if Flynn/Eugene is anything to go by, she’s kind of into sarcastic troublemakers with a hidden soft side XD And she also seems to like guys who are good with kids, if Eugene reading “The Adventures of Flynnigan Rider” to the younger kids at the orphanage is anything to go by! ~They both seem to be naturally pretty social people who suffered a lot from being isolated for a really long time--Jack had it worse, obviously (300 years--OUCH), but it was rough on Punz as well, growing up for 18 years with no one for company but Mother Gothel and Pascal. Jack, spending all that time with no one able to see him and only the guardians (who weren’t even really his friends from much of that time) for company, would understand that pain a lot. I feel like they’d be able to connect on a really deep and intimate level about the pain they felt at being isolated for so long, and this would give them a really strong bond that I can easily see turning into something romantic. ~They’re both just such genuinely lively and fun-loving people, and I can imagine them having a ton of fun together and just genuinely really enjoying spending time together. Like imagine the snowball fights!!! The ice-skating!!! The sledding!!! Chasing each other through the forest!!! Jack grabbing onto Punz and her wrapping her hair around a tree and swinging them around Tarzan-style!!! Like literally the entire scene where Punzel leaves her tower for the first time and is goofing off and doing Silly Shit for like an hour straight??? Like man...if Jack was there, they’d have the TIME OF THEIR LIVES together. Idk I just really love couples who I think would have a lot of fun together, it’s so pure <3 ~They’re both so loving!!! Like Rapunzel goes out of her way to be supportive to an entire tavernful of terrifying “ruffians and thugs” because they have dreams, and she’s so sweet to Flynn/Eugene no matter how many times he snarks at her and tries to alienate her!!! And Jack loves loves LOVES entertaining kids, and it genuinely makes him so happy to give them snow days :3 I just feel like they’d shower each other with love, and it’s honestly no less than they both deserve!!! ~Rapunzel especially is such an affectionate person, and I can see her doing just absolutely everything in her power to make Jack feel as seen and as loved as possible after 300 years of being alone. And god, does he NEED it, too. Like no way is this boy NOT touch-starved, and with some MAJOR self-esteem issues (although he’s good at hiding them). Rapunzel would do absolutely everything in her power to build him up and make him feel wanted and validated--and since it’s in her nature to do so, it would never feel like a burden or an effort for her. And she’d love him so much that hyping him up just comes naturally! She’s just got the kind of nurturing personality that someone as affection-starved as Jack really needs, and I think she could help him feel safe, comfortable, and loved in a way a lot of people couldn’t. ~For all the fun they’d have together, I also feel like Jack needs someone to ground him a bit and provide the Brain Cell to perhaps reign in that Unchecked Chaotic Energy of his sometimes XD Rapunzel certainly has a smart and rational side--I mean, she charted STARS as a teenager!!! She figured out how to get this stranger she captured to take her into the kingdom to see the lanterns!!! Girl can be spontaneous and goofy, sure, but she’s got smarts and kind of a mature streak that I think mesh with Jack really well. He’d never feel like she was a wet blanket stifling his fun, but she’d also have a sense of when to transition away from goofing off and focus on responsibilities (princess and guardian responsibilities in this case, I suppose?) ~On the flipside, I don’t see Rapunzel as being someone annoyed or irritated by Jack’s antics. She might like...gently scold him if he takes a prank too far, but she never finds his shenanigans to be grating and tiresome the way other people might. Rather, I think she’d be endlessly entertained by him. Like in his memory reel when he’s dicking around pretending to be a deer, she’d get a kick out of that! Jack would always be trying to make her laugh and make her smile, and Punz would love that so much about him! ~They’re both searching for a deeper meaning and a deeper sense of purpose in their lives. Rapunzel entertains herself with hobbies, but doesn’t feel like her life has really “begun” and is desperate to find out if her hunch is right and the floating lights really ARE meant for her. Jack has no idea why he was chosen by the moon or what he’s meant to do, and he’s determined to find out so he can finally have a sense of purpose. Rapunzel clearly wants a sense of purpose too, since she wants to do more with her life than pass the time with hobbies. I can definitely see them bonding over this! ~They’re both just so adventurous, and love to explore! Rapunzel is curious, and loves to read and learn, and she wants more than anything else to see the world and all it has to offer. Jack loves adventuring and flying around the globe spreading winter and fun, and he could show Punz everything she ever wanted to see. A perfect match, honestly! ~Aesthetically I LOVE the similarities!!! Like they both like to go barefoot, kinda showing their free-spirited natures. And I love how they’re both naturally brunette, but had their hair turned a different color by magic. It’s a little thing, but I think it’s a really neat parallel and it helps cement me thinking they really ARE perfect for each other in every little way! Haha XD AND they both have small green companions, and as of Ralph Breaks The Internet, they’re hoodie buddies as well!!! Not that surface-level parallels like that are actually that significant BUT I just think they’re neat XD ~While I am fond of Flynnzel/Eugenzel (still my favorite canon Disney couple!), finding out their age gap is around 8 years admittedly made me a bit uncomfy and just pushed me further into loving Jackunzel as an alternative option. I still really love Eugene as a character and adore his and Punzel’s dynamic, but these days I prefer their relationship as more of a big bro/little sis type thing. Jack I think is the best match for Rapunzel romantically, and Eugene I prefer with Elsa--or poooossibly Tooth, Astrid, or Zarina, if I read a fic that sells the pairing well enough! ~On a related note, I was into Jack x Tooth the first time I watched RotG, but after discovering Jackunzel, there was no going back--I was hooked! Rewatching the movie, Tooth strikes me more as a mom figure/”fun aunt” for Jack, and I actually prefer her with Bunnymund (I am WEAK for “the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one” lmao)
Well, I think that just about covers it!!! I’ll add more reasons if I think of them! Thank you for the ask, and I’m always happy to answer more ship asks about CGI crossover pairings :3
Also @ the anon who asked for Jackunzel headcanons--fear not, I shall provide them!!! I just wanna make a complete list and accumulate all the ones from my various fics so it’s gonna take a while XD
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your-cryin-fool · 3 years
Married in Vegas
Pairing: Tom Petty x F! Reader
Request: I wish I had copied it down because unfortunately I do not remember it. But I would like to thank @run-down-that-dream​ for requesting it and for being so understanding that it took me until now to finish it
Word Count: ~1.6k
Warnings: Mentions of Tom smashing his hand while making Southern Accents 
Rating: T
Notes:  If you enjoyed this please lemme know! Just a like would be fine, but if you can comment or reblog, or even shoot me an ask about it I’d be so grateful! As much as I am writing this because it makes me happy, I also like to know how it’s being received by all of you! Thank you for reading!!
Tags: If anyone would like to be tagged in my fics please let me know :)
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Going on tour with Tom and the band wasn't anything new to you, you'd been with them on their previous tours, but this one seemed risky to say the least. It hadn't been long since Tom had recovered from shattering his hand, though you worried that going out on tour right away would mess something up, but when he assured you he would be okay, you believed him.
You sat next to him on the tour bus, he had his arm around you, your head was turned so you could look out the window and watch the dusty horizon, and he idly twirled strands of your hair.
"You okay?" He asked after a noticeable silence grew. "Seem awful quiet."
"Hm?" You turned to look at him, "Sorry I was zoning out a bit. I'm alright, though."
"Just makin' sure," he smiled then kissed your forehead.
"Be nice to get out of this bus though, I need to stretch my legs."
"Shouldn't be too much longer. You wanna take a walk when we get there?"
"Yeah I'd like that."
He moved his hand from off of your shoulder and held yours instead. You smiled and leaned against him, gently stroking his hand with your thumb. 
You eyed the thin pink line running down the back of his hand, and as you stared you remembered the circumstances that resulted in that scar. Mike calling you from the hospital telling you not to worry while Tom waited for an x-ray. And of course Tom telling you it wasn't a big deal when you burst into the waiting room looking for him. Then, what you remembered most of all and what you never wanted to see again, the pain in Tom's eyes. Not just pain from the injury, but pain from the doctor telling him that they could fix his hand but he may never play guitar again. Pain he hid behind a smart-ass comment. He didn't accept the possibility, you recalled him saying 'Fuck that' and you knew then that he was determined to prove the doctor wrong, and he did.  
You snapped out of the memory, "Hm?"
"I was wondering if I could ask you something." Tom's voice was quiet, shy. Not a tone you were used to hearing when it wasn't just the two of you.
"What's up?" 
Just as he was about to speak, the bus stopped. 
He fumbled, almost as if he was counting on the engine to muffle whatever he was going to say.
"Well it's just--"
"C'mon lovebirds, we're here!" Mike beckoned the two of you as the band headed toward the exit.
"Guess I'll ask you later." He sighed, but a smile stayed plastered on his face as he got up from his seat, and helped you up after.
You stumbled slightly as your legs woke up, but Tom just held you tighter to stop you from losing your balance. You smiled at him, then headed toward the exit. When you stepped out you immediately felt the contrast between the nice cool bus to the dry desert heat, but it was only temporary as you headed into the hotel shortly after. 
Once you'd checked in, everyone went up to their rooms to rest from the drive. Your mind was preoccupied on what Tom could have possibly wanted to talk to you about on the bus, to a point where you didn't even notice him leave the room. 
Was it something bad? Had you done something? No, Tom would have told you then and there if there was something wrong between the two of you. Neither of you really believed in going anywhere angry, so if you'd fight, you'd always be quick to make up. And there was a lot of fighting when he was in recovery. 
His frustration with not being able to play anything or do anything, and your inability to help him. To say your tempers and stubbornness would clash was somewhat of an understatement. You knew neither of you meant anything you said, but you still said it, and you both would always apologize as soon as you realized you had said something that hurt the other. 
In all the years you had been with Tom, that was probably your most difficult time as a couple, but through patience and understanding, and beyond all things, love, you got past it.
"Hey, you ready?" Tom asked you after he had come back in, once again snapping you out of your thoughts.
You nodded and took his outstretched hand, then once again headed out into the arid city air.
The two of you walked hand-in-hand along the strip, pointing out the fun looking buildings and funny signs and taking pictures in front of them. 
It wasn't very often that he could go out while he was on tour, but one good thing about Las Vegas was that everyone there was too preoccupied with sight-seeing to pay attention to who was standing in front of them. It was a nice break. 
"So," you began, "What were you going to say on the bus?" 
He rubbed the back of his neck, "Oh right, well I…" 
You couldn't help but think that he seemed nervous.
"It's just that you mean the world to me, you know that?"
You laughed, "I had a hunch."
After a pause, you continued. "Was that what you wanted to say earlier?"
He shrugged, "It's part of it."
"You gonna tell the rest?"
He laughed, "I might." 
The two of you continued walking, and eventually he spoke again.
"What would you say Vegas is pretty known for?"
You looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "I don't know, casinos?"
"Yeah, but anything else?"
"Strip clubs, tourism, cocaine... wedding chapels."
He stopped suddenly and you looked at him. "Is this still about what you were gonna tell me on the bus?"
"Sort of." He pointed up at the sign on the building you stopped in front of.
You looked up to read it, then looked back at him.
"Wait are you-?"
"Do you want to?" 
You grabbed his face and kissed his lips. "Let's go." 
The two of you walked in and were greeted, not only by someone dressed as Elvis at the end of the aisle, but the rest of the band waiting for you.
"Are you kidding me?" You asked him, "You set this up?" 
"Well, I figured we might as well." He grinned.
"And if I said no?"
"Then I'd be pretty embarrassed I guess. Good thing you didn't."
You stood hand in hand at the altar, listening as Elvis spoke to you about what you were agreeing to, and then Tom asked to say a few words. 
"(Y/N), you helped me through one of the hardest times in my life. Having to go through surgery and relearning to play, I don’t know if I'd have ever been able to do that on my own. I know I probably wasn't much fun to be around, but you stayed by my side the whole time. Without you, who knows what I would have done, maybe I'd have done what the doctors said and stopped playing. But you believed in me, you've always believed in me. And I wanna return the favour, I promise to be there for you when you need someone by your side," he chuckled quietly, "And even when you say you don't. I know you're strong, but you don't have to do everything alone. I'll always be in your corner, I'll always believe in you, and most of all, I'll always love you."
You were fighting back tears, you thought this was a spur of the moment decision, something brought up just because you were going to be here, but he was speaking like he had it written down long in advance. As you dabbed at your eyes with a tissue, he pulled out a small box from his pocket, opening it to reveal a ring you recognized.
"Wasn't that your mom's ring?"
"She loved you, she would've wanted you to have it." He smiled.
The tears you were fighting back almost came out right then and there. You knew how much his mother meant to him, and you knew how heartbroken he was when she had passed away. So for him to give you a ring with such importance to him meant everything to you.
"But how... Did you plan all of this?"
"The guy dressed as Elvis is a surprise." He shrugged then slid the ring on your finger. 
Soon, the two of you said your 'I Do's' and Elvis declared you married. 
You kissed Tom and the guys cheered from the audience, and without really having a plan to do so, you'd just married the love of your life. 
That evening, you laid in the bed with Tom, tangled up in a cuddle.
"So, we're married," Tom said, a smile growing on his face.
"Apparently." You wiggled your ring finger and smiled.
"Can I talk about it at the show?"
"What, like, tell the whole world now?"
"Not the whole world, just a couple thousand people."
"And the press."
He frowned, "So that's a no?"
"It's a 'not yet', you know my parents, they'd kill me, well they'd kill you, if they found out we got married in Vegas."
"Yeah, I didn't really think of that. My folks would've probably been a little pissed too." He shrugged and his smile returned. "You know what that means, right?"
"Means that we have to get married again, just not in Vegas. I'd rather not be killed because I couldn't wait."
"Well, if it spares your life, I guess I can agree to that." 
He pulled you close to him, "I'm glad that I'll get to call you my wife, even if no one knows."
"Well, the two of us know, and the boys."
"And Elvis!"
You yawned. "Right, can't forget Elvis." 
He kissed your forehead, and smiled at you, "Goodnight, Mrs. Petty." 
Just as you were about to drift off to sleep, he spoke up again.
"Can I tell the crowd I proposed?"
You laughed sleepily, "Sure." 
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lonelyreputation · 4 years
A/N: Hello hi!!! I’m slowly making my way through all my requests! I have like four-ish docs left! Thank you for being patient and dealing with my wonky writing process 🥴 I appreciate you all 🥰
Request: hi, can you write about shawn being there for his wife during labor? like he’s holding her hand through the contractions and whispering how amazing she’s doing while pushing? if you don’t have time i understand. thank you 💗
Also!! I did my best to research giving birth and the stages so this is all based on articles and I may have ~tweaked some stuff I’m not really sure BUT I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless!!! 
Warnings: Giving birth, swearing
WC: 3.3K // Fluff
“You sure you don’t want me to get it for you?”  
You waved your hands in front of Aaliyah, “Even though I’m pregnant,” you took a deep breath, pushing one hand on the sofa’s cushion as oen rested on your very round stomach, “I can get myself a water.”
“Shawn said––”
“Shawn is upstairs on a phone call,” you rolled your eyes as you leaned forward to pick up your water glass from the coffee table, “Oof.” You squinted an eye shut as you felt a pain in your lower back.
Aaliyah stood up from the couch, taking the water glass from your hand, “Are you alright?”
You waved her off for the second time, “Fine, just some back pain.”
“Do you want me to get––”
“No,” you shot her a glare, and took the water glass from her hand, “I don’t need him for everything.”
Aaliyah followed you into the kitchen as you went to the sink to fill up your water.  Once your glass was filled to the top, you shut the faucet off, and turned to see Aaliyah leaning against the kitchen island with a pointed look on her face.  You let out a sigh, knowing exactly what the next words out of her mouth were going to be.
“Y/n, your due date is literally in two days you could have this baby at any moment.”
You moved one of the stools back to sit on and placed a caring hand on top of Aaliyah’s, “I appreciate the concern, but I’m fi––Ouch.” You scrunched your eyebrows as a hand automatically went to your stomach.
“What was that?”
You let out a deep breath, the pain prolonging for a moment, before you shook your head, “Just a little pai––pain.”
“Y/n…” Aaliyah’s tone was one of warning, but the smile on her face was growing, “Do I need to interrupt Shawn’s phone call?”
You continued to shake your head, grinding your teeth together, “It’s been happening sporadically throughout the day––”
“You’ve been having contractions and didn’t say anything?” Her eyes bulged out of her head.
“They are not contractions,” You sucked a deep breath in through your nose and slowly let it out, “Braxton-Hicks are co––common.”
Aaliyah’s smile was beaming ear to ear, having an inclination that she would soon be an Aunt.  You stayed sitting at the island in silence as Aaliyah looked at you with a gleam, just as bright as her smile, in her eyes.  
While you couldn’t wait to welcome your child into the world, you were absolutely petrified of everything that came with raising a child.  You were responsible for another person’s life. You had to enroll them in school, make sure they made friends, help them find a passion in life, and teach them lessons in hopes they take them and make smart decisions.
It wouldn’t be you and Shawn against the world anymore; it would be you, Shawn, and your baby.
Two days is still two days, you thought to yourself, this baby isn’t coming out yet.
You pushed yourself back from the island, and just when your feet hit the floor, your eyes widened as you felt something wet trickle down your leg.  You didn’t have to look down to know what just happened.
“Aaliyah,” your high-pitched nervous voice only made her smile more, “Interrupt Shawn’s phone call, please.”
Your sister-in-law didn’t need to be told twice before she was running up the stairs, calling out Shawn’s name before she even knocked on the door to his office.  Being alone in the kitchen with fluids trickling down your leg, signaling that your water broke, left you terrified.  This would be the last time you stood in your kitchen alone because the next time you would have your baby with you.
The harsh steps of Aaliyah and Shawn bolting down the wooden stairs didn’t break you from the trance you found yourself under because all that was floating through your mind was, holy shit, I’m going to be a mom.
“Hey,” Shawn’s gentle voice snapped you out of your paralyzed state.  He gently took hold of both of your hands and gave them a light squeeze, “Breathe.” You didn’t realize that your breaths were shaky, close to hyperventilation, but you tried to match the pace of Shawn’s even breathing.
Aaliyah walked over to you with a wet cloth and a dry one, cleaning up the spillage, as Shawn smiled ear-to-ear, “Ready?”
Ready…That one word held so many sub-questions you didn’t even know where to begin.  Were you ready to start a new chapter of your life? Ready to add to your little family? Ready to take care of a child with the love of your life?
“I––I’m scared,” your chin wobbled as you felt tears well up in your eyes.  There was not a doubt in your mind that you were ready to start a family with Shawn, but you were so scared of messing up.
“I’ll be with you––”
You cut him off with a sharp intake of breath as you gripped his hand as you felt another pain rip through your stomach.
“I think you should go to the hospital,” Aaliyah looked at you with concerned eyes as she held out the hospital bag you and Shawn had prepped a few weeks ago.
Shawn took the bag and slung it over his shoulder, “Hospital, yeah, of course.”  He ran a hand through his curls as his eyes darted around the kitchen, “Aaliyah, can you drive?”
Dangling his keys between her thumb and pointer finger, Aaliyah smiled, “Figured you wouldn’t be sane enough to drive.”
With a hand still in yours, Shawn placed his free hand gently on your lower back, slowly walking out to the car with you.  He kept mumbling how he couldn’t believe that this was happening, that he remembered it like yesterday when you told him you were pregnant, and of course, he repeated how much he loved you.
While your contractions were still spaced out, they were more painful, and you were sure you cracked a few bones in Shawn’s hand, but he was all smiles as he called your parents, and his parents, to let them know you two were on your way to the hospital.
Aaliyah dropped the two of you off at the front doors to the Emergency Room, as she went to go park the car, and much like how Shawn held your hand when you left the front doors of your house, he did the same as the two of you walked through the doors of the hospital.  
The next time you would be outside you would be taking your kid home.
Everything was becoming all too real.  You always fantasized about having a child of your own, and when you met Shawn you knew you wanted to have his kids, but back then it was just thought.  It was a romanticized thought of having something––someone––that you both created.  Even while you were pregnant, it didn’t seem real.  Nothing seemed real until this moment and you had never felt this amount of terror in any situation before.
“Y/n, hey,” Shawn’s eyes were wide with concern, “You have to calm down, everything’s gonna be okay, everything will be––”
You shook your head rapidly as a few tears leaked from the corner of your eyes, “I can’t––Shawn, I can’t do this.”
He scrunched his eyebrows together, “I am absolutely positive that you can do this,” his face softened with a smile as he cradled your cheek in his hand, the pads of his thumbs wiping away the tears on your cheek, “As much as I want to tell you how strong you are, I think you really need a doct––”
And like the time in the kitchen, you slightly hunched over with one hand clutching Shawn’s, as the other went to your stomach, as an unbearable pain shot through your whole body.  Shawn’s eyes widened larger than you had ever seen them as he tried to hurriedly rush you to the front desk.
“Hi, my wife––” Shawn was interrupted by you letting out a whimper of pain as he talked to the front desk woman, “––She’s giving birth so we need a doctor––Like, now.”
You peaked through your eyelashes in your hunched position and saw the front desk woman sweetly smile at you and tell you as Shawn recited your information for a wrist band.  All you wanted to do was glare at her.
Once the band was placed on your wrist a doctor and a few nurses came out with a gurney.  You shot your head over to Shawn, not liking the idea of being wheeled into the maternity ward, but just like every moment of uncertainty before, he squeezed your hand in reassurance.
The doctor introduced themself, and the rest of the people on their team, before helping you up into the gurney, and asking you questions about your contractions and other medical inquiries that Shawn tried to answer to the best of his abilities.  You did your best to answer through your gritted teeth and sharp pains in your stomach, but Shawn’s hand had never left yours since the moment you stepped foot into this hospital, so that provided you with some comfort.
After you were brought back into a private room, Shawn helped you change into the gown that was provided, and then the doctor came back in to measure your cervix.  And your mouth was left hung open when he said you were only halfway dilated.  With your contractions lasting a few hours, you assumed you would almost be ready to have your baby by the time you got to the hospital.
“Oh, no,” the doctor laughed, “Television really doesn’t give an accurate representation.  New mom’s usually always have a longer birthing process––The early part of your first stage could be anywhere from six to twelve hours––”
“Twelve hours?” You leaned up on the hospital bed as the beeping of the heart rate monitor began to increase.
The doctor took a moment to read the screen before chuckling, “Everyone is different.”
You felt your palms begin to sweat as you looked over at Shawn, “I’m not ready,” you felt more tears start to cloud your vision, “I can’t––”
“You can,” Shawn’s voice was stern, he spoke with so much determination in his voice that, for a split second, you did believe in yourself, “This is what all these nine months have been leading up to.  I have never loved you more in my life,” his voice wavered at the end of his sentence, “So believe me when I say that you can do this.”
Shawn’s words were starting to break through to you; you were starting to feel like maybe you could get through this treacherous process of bringing a life into this world if he was by your side.
The doctor told you that you could walk through the halls if you were up for it, and that people could come and visit you, but when it was time to give birth, you were only allowed three extra people in the room.  And soon after that, your parents had walked into your room, your mom already had tears free falling down her face as she peppered kisses along the top of your head.  
They were in the room for about an hour, congratulating the both of you as soon-to-be parents, and then came in Shawn’s parents and Aaliyah.  Just like your mom, Karen was full on sobbing when she saw laid eyes upon you in a hospital gown, as Shawn soothingly rubbed his fingers on the top of your hand.
Aaliyah still had a grin spread on her face, much like earlier in the day before she interrupted Shawn’s phone call on your behalf.  And like your parents, they were the room for a little over an hour, before leaving the two of you, wanting to give you and Shawn some time alone before the extra addition to your family came along.
You mustered up the strength to walk around the halls of the hospital.  But you didn’t last long as you felt your contractions grow stronger.  You clutched onto Shawn’s arm, as he practically dragged you back to the room, and he pressed the call button for the doctor.
Within seconds, the doctor was in the room, and you were trying to hold back the screams of pain you felt bubble up in the back of your throat, the pain of your contractions happening more frequently and lasting longer.
The doctor measured your cervix again, and when he said you were at eight centimeters, you started to cry.  There was no possible way you could handle the pain of dilating two more centimeters.  You wanted to give up, turn back, but realistically that was not an option.
Shawn requested the doctor to go into the waiting room and bring back both of your mom’s, as those were the extra people, save for Shawn, that you wanted in the room as you gave birth.  A few minutes later, your mom and Karen hurriedly walked into the room with concern clearly written on their faces.
Karen got you a cup of ice chips as your mother went to your other side to hold your hand.
You squeezed your eyes tight as you felt another contraction rip through your body, you turned your head toward Shawn, as you tried to muffle your shout.  You felt hot, nauseous, and in more pain than you had felt in your entire life.  If this was only eight centimeters dilated you sure as hell didn’t want to know what it felt like to push a whole baby out of you.
Shawn’s hand was still held tightly in your grasp as he sat up from his chair and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Shawn, this is––”
“If you say you can’t do this one more time––”
“You’re not the one who’s about to push a fucking baby out from their vagina.”
In any normal circumstance, a harsh quip like that would’ve started a petty argument, but Shawn’s eyes only looked at you with admiration as he let out a laugh, “You sound like you’re giving birth.”
You shut your eyes, trying to relax yourself, but you were in so much pain and everything was getting on your last nerve.  As if on cue, the doctor walked back into your room, and the nurse who had been in the room watching over you gave him an update.  The only thing you heard from the nurse as a pain, that came so forcefully––it felt as if it was tearing apart your body from the inside out––was that you were almost at ten centimeters.
“Get this fucking kid out of me,” you cried through the pain.
Your mother shushed you, Karen offered you a sympathetic smile, and Shawn thought it was necessary to crack a joke.
“Hey, that’s my kid you’re talking about.”
You glared at him, “And I will never give you another fucking kid again––Argh––Shawn Mendes I hate you so much––”
“I love you too––”
“I hate you so fucking much––Ah!”
“Ten centimeters,” you heard the doctor say from the bottom of the bed.  They peaked their head around your bent knees, “Ready to push?”
As much as you wanted to meet your baby, and as much as you wanted them out of you, you shook your head no.  You continued to shake your head no as more tears slipped past your eyes and another shout of pain escaped your lips.
Shawn tried to squeeze your hand in reassurance, but with your hand gripping onto him so tight, his hand was numb.  So, instead, he placed his other hand on your shoulder and pressed a kiss to the top of your head, “I’m right here.  Holding your hand.  You have me.”
You looked up at him through your blurry vision. While you wanted to strangle him for putting you through this, his words resonated deep within your soul that you could physically feel his love for you through his words.
“I’ll never leave your side,” Shawn whispered as he wiped your tears away, “Now, are you ready to push?”
And for the first time that day, you nodded your head yes.
“On three,” you faintly heard the doctor instruct you, but all you focused on was Shawn whispering his own soft count down until your first push.
“I,” one, “love,” two, “you,” three, ”now push.”
You clamped your mouth shut, gripped Shawn’s hand until your knuckles turned three shades lighter, and pushed.  Pushing was worse than any contraction you felt and you wished you could go back to that pain.  But once your first push was done, and your muscles relaxed for a little bit, the doctor was giving you a warning that you were going to have to push again on three.
You looked up at your husband with fear in your eyes, who was already looking down at you, but before you could verbalize your fears, the number three was said and you started to involuntarily push.  
You let out a cry as Shawn stroked the hair on top of your head, “You’re doing so well––Incredible––” another push, “––You’re the strongest woman I know––” another push, “––There’s no one else I’d want to start a family with––”
“The baby’s crowning!”
“You hear that?” Shawn wiped away a few of your tears as you heard him get choked up, “They can see the head of our baby.”
You knew you still had more work to do, but you were exhausted, all of the physical and emotional pain was catching up to you.  But when the doctor said push, you leaned forward, focusing on Shawn rubbing your back, and pushed.
Shawn’s voice was the only thing that got you through giving birth.  But when another sound––one of a cry––filled a void in the room you didn’t know was there, it gave you a new sense of purpose.  
“One more!”
“I,” one, “love,” two, “you both,” his last words were rushed together, three, “now push.”
And as you squeezed both your mom’s and Shawn’s hand so hard––that you were sure they would need to go to get x-ray’s for broken bones––you suddenly felt all of the pressure lifted from your lower half as you fell back on the bed.  You dropped your death grip on both your mom and Shawn’s hand, but Shawn didn’t let go of your hand as you saw the doctor hold up the most beautiful baby you had ever laid eyes on.
“Say hello to your baby girl.”
Your mouth was hung open in awe as the doctor placed your baby––your child with Shawn––on your chest for skin to skin contact.  After all the pain you went through, and the tears you shed, you would do it all over again just for this moment.  This first little moment with your baby girl pressed to you, her cries sounding like music to your ears, as you felt Shawn’s tears fall on your skin as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
You looked up at him with your own tears in your eyes, “Ready?”
Looking into his tear-filled amber eyes, you saw him look down at your daughter, with an amount of love that was beyond how he ever looked at you.  And you knew that he was already planning his future with his daughter: seeing her first steps, driving her to guitar lessons even when she didn’t want to go, eating ice-cream with her all night when she would inevitably go through her first heartbreak, and then seeing the pure joy in her eyes when she would eventually get into her first choice school––Even though that was 18 years in the future––she was his daughter, and he knew that she was destined for great things.
And with a sniffle, he pressed a soft kiss to your lips and then to his daughter’s head, “Ready.”
Tag List: @fallinallincurls @alina--jpeg @adelaidestreets @5-seconds-of-mendes @particularnarry @now-that-i-saw-u @turtoix​ @shawnsmutal @vinylmendes @mendesficsxbombay @lights-on-mendes @illuminatepotter @shawnmendez
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a-pretty-nerd · 4 years
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Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
Chapter 1
When The League of Villians discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you're in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
Word Count: 2551
Warnings: Themes of depression, emotional abuse, and violence.
A/N: I'm kinda obsessed with Shigaraki.
I think he's just a wonderfully well written character that not even I can get my head around 100%. He's like Kylo Ren...but way better and with actual values, not good values, but values. Anyways, I'm super excited to be writing this because the last series I wrote was also a villiany character thing but it was less work to work out the characters because one was an actualy psychopath were as Shigaraki isn't even a sociopath, he's just a survivor of truama and grooming and his own hate so I'm really excited to play with it! DON'T FORGET! I have a Patreon acc if you wanna support me there, you can make requests and vote for new content and join my discord! Thanks for reading!💕
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Prologue Chapter 2 
"So, how do you like teaching?"
You asked as you played with the small bowl of Udon in your hand. All Might looked up from his bowl. The past month had been uneventful and lousy. There were little opportunities to spend time together and when you did, it was awkward and hopeless. It was hard to open up, apart of you just couldn’t bring yourself to get personal with him. You still had a little time left, you were hoping it would just a slow and gradual change, but a change none-the-less. 
“I enjoy it more than I thought I would.” 
“You miss hero work?” 
“It’s more frustrating than anything. Not being able to really do anything anymore. I was used to be the symbol of peace and now I’m just...” 
“Normal?” You asked. The insinuation clearly made him uncomfortable, his shoulders relaxed and let out a sad sigh. 
“As normal as a retired hero can be.” You felt bad for his, really, he looked so sad and defeated. 
“What is it they say back home? Teachers are the real heroes. They define and build the future by teaching future generations. Right? So really, you’re still a hero. Just in a different way, right?” He looked up at you with a small twinkle in his eyes. His lips slowly curled into a reluctant smile. 
“I guess you’re right.” The apartment fell silent again as you ate your meal. Finally, he broke it again. “So, two majors. That must have been a lot of work, what made you get two?” 
“The deal was if I could get scholarships for both, I could study what I wanted. Just as long as I got a law degree too. As a , quote, ‘backup’.” 
“A backup? I though forensic science is a pretty stable thing anyways.” 
“Forensic psychology, and yeah, it is. She told me she wouldn’t support me if I didn’t get the law degree.” 
“Wouldn’t support you? That’s a little harsh, but I thought you got a lot of scholarships to pay for it all.” You sighed at his ignorance. Apart of you had forgotten how little he really knew about you. It stung to even think about. 
“Well, I had a bit of an incident freshmen year and I lost them.” 
“An incident?” 
“Yeah. I had a bit of a breakdown. I’m fine now. I just lost everything and I had to take a lot of makeup courses so I could graduate on time.” You tried to avoid eye contact by looking out the window and onto the city at night. 
“Why didn’t you call me? I could have helped. Money’s no object, you could have-” 
“It’s fine. It’s not like she couldn’t afford it. Besides, it’s all done now and I have more opportunities. I have a job lined up as soon as I get home anyways. Everything’s fine now.” You brushed it off. 
“You can come to me for things, y’ know. I know I wasn’t around much when you were a kid but I’m here now. I was hoping this trip would help us reconnect.” 
“Yeah, me too.” 
“How is your mom doing, by the way?” 
“Oh, she’s fine. She got married again recently. Nice gal.” 
“Oh yeah? What happened to the last wife?” You shrugged. 
“I don’t know, it’s always something with her. Sucks, I really liked Sandra.” 
“Yeah, they seemed really good together. Do you at least keep in contact with Sandra? You guys were close, right?” 
“Yeah, she was there at my graduation. I miss her a lot.” 
“Do you not like the new girl?” 
“I don’t know her enough to know really. I didn’t even know mom was dating someone. She’s not much older than me though.” 
“Yeah, y’ know people expect this kind of thing from a Dad but I guess Mom’s always been the type to break stereotypes. I don’t get what you ever saw in her.” All Might chuckled as she scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. 
“It was a long time ago, we were different people back then.” 
“Yeah, I know.” The conversation fizzled out from there. “Are you done?” You asked him as you finished your bowl. He looked down at the empty thing. 
“Oh, yeah.” 
“I got it.” You took it from his hand and got up to toss the little bowls of takeout away. He stood and cleaned up the rest of the table before dropping dishes in the sink and walking over to the couch. 
“What do you want to watch tonight?” He asked as he sat down and turned on the TV. 
“Um, I was gonna go to the gym for a little if that’s okay.” You said as you shuffled your coat over your shoulders and adjusted it. He looked up at you, a little surprised, or was that disappointment? 
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll see you later.” 
“See you.” You waved as you threw your backpack over your shoulder and headed out the door. You locked the door behind you with the spare key and shoved it into your bag before going on your way. Usually, the gym would be empty at this time of night. You were a little disappointed to find you weren’t alone. Another man was running on a treadmill across the gym. You continued with your routine regardless. Pretty soon you were left alone to go about your business. 
You didn’t love to workout, it wasn’t the physical aspect that you enjoyed so much. You just liked the peace, being left alone to your own devices, and having people respect your privacy. You could plug in with your headphones and zone out for a while in the name of exercise. Sure, the strong body you’d acquired was nice and all, but you didn’t work out for appearances, not anymore. 
Sometimes you pushed yourself a little too hard, it was easy to. It was easy to ignore yourself at this rate. Easy to brush yourself aside, your wants, your needs, your desires, it was too easy to push aside and give in. It was so ingrained in your being to ignore yourself, that you barely even noticed how badly you were hurting. The constriction of your chest, the struggle to breathe properly was normal now. You hardly even noticed how dehydrated you were until your vision began to darken and your body started to crumble. You came out of your train of thought panting and sweating profusely. You reached for your water bottle and began to huff as you drank desperately from it. 
You gave yourself a long moment before the heavy feeling overcame you and you shuffled helplessly to the bathroom before hunching over, and spilling your guts in the toilet. You cursed at yourself, scolding yourself for working yourself sick. You stood in the cold shower for longer than you probably should have, your body shaking under the water as it ran smoothly over your form. You closed your eyes and tried to relax the best you could. 
Then you heard footsteps. What time was it? There usually isn’t anyone there at this hour. You turned off the shower to dry yourself off and to listen to the sound. The footsteps came around the corner to the showers before stopping abruptly. Weird. This is a little too weird. The silence felt wrong, felt suspicious. Then you heard the breathing, louder and louder until you knew it was right outside your shower stall. Your heart pounded rapidly in your chest and you began to panic. Normally, you could manage in a fight, but you had overworked yourself now. Your stomach was empty, your muscle ached, and your head was pounding. You felt sick. 
The silence was broken with the harsh sound of the shower curtain flying open. On the other side, a girl with a big bright, twisted smile lunged at you. She held a knife over her head and swung. You threw yourself to the shower wall, missing the blade as it came down. You pushed yourself out of the small space, clinging to your towel to cover yourself. You ran to the bathroom door, only to find a man standing in your way. The man lurking in the gym before. Your stomach dropped with fear as you gawked up at him. Now you could see him, a scar carved into his forehead. You watched him as you back away from his advancements, he pulled a mask over his head to complete his costume before he spoke. 
“Hold still now-Sorry about this!” He shouted at you before reaching out to grab ahold of you. 
“I got her!” The girl declared as she came from behind and grabbed ahold of you by your arm. She held the knife to your throat and tucked her chin in between your neck and shoulder. 
“Let me go!” You struggled against her, unable to push her off, unable to think of what to do. Unable to lift a finger at this rate. Your body cried out in defiance of your movements, the sick feeling rushed through your body and into your vision. Everything went blurry, and then everything went black. 
When you opened your eyes again, you found yourself clothed. Everything was still black, you realized there was a blindfold over your eyes and bindings on your wrists and ankles. You took deep breathes as you tried to make sense of your surroundings. Pressure, you felt pressure on either side of you. You were sitting. 
“She’s waking up.” The girl’s voice came from your right side. 
“Man, she really took a tumble!” The man’s voice came from your left. 
“I didn’t think it’d be that easy to grab her. You’d think the daughter of the number 1 hero would be a better fight.” The girl. 
“Doesn’t look like she has a quirk either, otherwise she would have used it, right?” Another man’s voice spoke from farther away. A car, you were in a car. It was moving, taking left and right turns. The voice now must be the driver. 
“She looks sick-She looks fine!” The man’s voice to your left spoke. 
“We’re close.” The driver spoke. The car turned another corner and pulled into a secluded garage before parking. 
“Come on, girly. He’ll be so happy to see you!” The girl giggled as she pulled you by the elbow out of the car. You still felt sick, hardly able to walk, especially with the ropes around your ankles. 
“Up ya go!” The man’s voice came from behind before you felt large hands grab ahold of you. They picked you up and held you like a baby as the man’s torso leaned back to properly carry you. He walked with you in his arms through a door and into a building. It was much warmed inside. 
“That the kid?” Another man spoke. 
“You wouldn’t believe how easy it was to nab her!” The girl cheered as she followed. You heard a lot of shuffling before he finally sat you down into a chair. From there, you were restrained further. 
“Not what I expected.” A raspy voice spoke from far away in the room. The blindfold was finally removed and light-flooded your view. It took you a second to make out figures, then the details of those figures, then the details of the room. It appeared to be the living space for an abandoned home. 
“You sure you got the right kid? I thought they’d be younger.” A man from the back of the room spoke. He held his arms tightly across his chest. His patchwork face starring you down in distaste. 
“100%!-Not sure!” 
“It’s All Might’s own flesh and blood alright! We’ve been watching them for weeks!” You shook in your seat as you looked up at the girl who boasted. A man with a face covered by a single hand stood from his seat across the room. He lurked closer and closer until he loomed over you. One red eye stared down at you as you stared back at it. 
“Are you really All Might’s daughter?” The raspy voice asked. You watched him for a moment before responding. 
“What do you want?” You croaked. He paused and stood up straight before looking back at the others. 
“Why is her hair wet?” He asked the girl. 
“We caught her off guard! Got her in the shower. She just passed out too, poor thing. Her body just gave out. Had to dress her myself.” Your face went hot with embarrassment and fear. 
“What’s her quirk?” 
“Doesn’t look like she has one.” The lizard-man spoke as he entered the room from the back door you came through. Red-eye looked back down at you. 
“What do you want?” You repeated. 
“You look pale. You sick or something?” He ignored you and changed the subject. 
“No. What do you want?” You insisted. 
“She looks sick, get her some water or something.” He groaned before walking away and sitting back down on a couch nearby. 
“What do you want with me?” 
“Should we tell her?” Patchwork asked Red-eye. 
“What? That’ll ruin the surprise!” The girl said with a face of glee. 
“I don’t know anything about the Heroes if you’re looking for information.” You spat helplessly. 
“Oh, we don’t need information.” Patchwork lulled. 
“Your accent, it’s American, isn’t it?” The girl smiled at you. 
“She’s American?” 
“That’s right, she flew in ‘bout a month ago to visit Daddy. And judging by her Japanese, she doesn’t visit much.” 
“She doesn’t know who we are, does she?” Patchwork spoke as he approached your chair. You stared up at him before he leaned over. 
“I don’t know names, but I have a pretty good idea who I’m dealing with.” You spoke softly. 
“And who do you think we are?” He purred. 
“The League of Villians.” Suddenly a sharp, raspy laugh rattled the room. Red-eye was hunched over giggling to himself on the couch before he stood and walked back over to you. He shoed patchwork away and knelt down to look up at you. He looked you in the eyes. 
“Bingo.” He smiled under the hand that covered his face. 
“What do you want with me? Clearly you know where All Might lives, why not hit him there? I can’t give you any information about UA either.” 
“I’m no low-life murderer, Y/L/N. I have bigger plans for you.” 
“You’re not trying to recruit me, are you?” He let out another chuckle at you. 
“No. You see, it would be easy to take All Might out now that he’s retired, that’s not the point. The symbol of peace is done for, people know that. What they can’t seem to understand is that its not just All Might that’s done for. It’s all heroes. They’ll see that when not even the world’s best heroes can get you back.” 
“So you’re going to kill me.” You murmured. He reached up and removed the hand from his face. He scared face peeking out from behind his shaggy hair. 
“Why would I kill my most valuable player? We’re not going to hurt you, we’re just going to keep you for as long as we need until the show is over.” He stood up finally and looked down at you once again. His face was almost, handsome.
@craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable 
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maybeimamuppet · 3 years
how to win friends
hi friends!! happy (belated, I'm sorry!) mean girls day!! please enjoy this little bonus drabble :)))
cw for violence/blood (and please let me know if i've missed anything!!)
Janis isn’t a big fan of first grade.
She likes the work. She likes learning to read bigger words and longer books, likes learning about clouds and planets and bugs in science. She’s not particularly fond of math, but it has its moments. She loves art class and recess, and lunch and music.
It’s the other kids that are the problem. Janis has always been quiet and shy. She doesn’t like confrontation, and making new friends is always tough. Her best friend Regina from dance class goes to another school, and Regina usually does the talking for her. So Janis just sits in her spot and does her work. At least her teachers all say she’s a pleasure to have in class.
In December, they have their first indoor recess of the year due to cold. Janis decides to spend it drawing a picture of a lion for her new baby sister.
She looks up when she hears raised voices coming from the table next to her, where some boys are playing with legos. “Girls are weak! My dad said so.”
Well, that can’t be right. Janis’ mom always says girls are the strongest people on the planet, and Janis shouldn’t listen when someone tells her she can’t do something just because she’s a girl. So Janis stands up and marches her way over.
“No they’re not! We’re just as strong as any stinky boy,” she huffs, crossing her arms.
“Nuh uh!” The boy replies. “You can’t even punch! You’re just a girl.”
Janis clenches a fist in frustration. Can’t punch, huh? She looks down at it thoughtfully. Her stepdad always says to keep her thumb out, so she carefully moves it. Squeezes her fingers a little tighter. And then she swings.
“Ow!” The boy yells, covering his nose with a hand. It’s covered in blood when he pulls it away again, so he puts it back with a frightened squeak. Everyone around starts making noises and frantically calling for their teacher.
“What is going on over here?” the teacher demands, marching up to the both of them.
“Uh oh,” Janis whispers. She’s done it now.
“Both of you, main office, now,” the teacher says, pointing to the door. “Janis, I expected better from you.”
Janis bows her head in shame and leaves the room, followed by the boy leaving a trail of blood behind him.
The office calls Janis’ and the boy’s parents to come pick them up. Janis sits next to him on the scratchy seats in the office, elbows on her knees and her head in her hands.
The boy has now been equipped with tissues to stop the blood, but his nose is broken. Janis is even more afraid when she learns that means he’ll have to go to the hospital for it to get fixed.
“Whad’s your nabe?” the boy asks kindly. Janis looks up at him in confusion.
“Janis,” she murmurs. “I’m Janis.”
“I’b Dabian,” the boy replies, holding out a hand to shake. Janis winces at the blood on it, so he wipes it on his pants before holding it out again.
“No, Dabian,” Damian replies. “Wid an eb.”
“Oh, Damian,” Janis says. Damian nods.
“You punch good,” Damian says. “Wanna be frie’ds?”
Janis nods eagerly. “Yeah.”
“Okay. You can sid next to me toborrow.”
“Thanks,” Janis grins.
“Hey, we’re missing da sabe teef!” Damian says, smiling to show off his own missing teeth. Sure enough, they’re both missing their top front teeth and one on the bottom.
“We’re like twins,” Janis giggles. Damian nods eagerly.
“Yeah!” He cheers. “Whad do you like to do?”
“Uh… I like to color,” Janis says. “And read. And dance.”
“I dance too!” Damian gasps. “I do tap dance!”
“I do ballet,” Janis says. “Maybe we can do tap dance together!”
“Yeah! Ask your mom!”
“I will. If I’m not in big trouble,” Janis huffs. “Does your nose hurt?”
“A liddle,” Damian nods. “You punch bery hard.”
“My mom taught me to. And my stepdad,” Janis replies sheepishly.
“What’s a sdepdad?” Damian asks. Janis bristles slightly, but she knows he’s not trying to be mean.
“My real daddy died when I was four,” she explains. “And then my mama got married again. Her new hubsand is my stepdad.”
“Oh.” Damian says. “Did you getta go to da wedding?”
“Yeah. I had to wear this big dress, it was so itchy,” Janis huffs, shuddering at the mere memory of her hellacious gown. “I was the flower girl. But I got to stay up super late! And there was a lot of chocolate.”
“Ooooh,” Damian says in awe. “I lub chocolate.”
“Me too,” Janis giggles. “My mama drinks this… uh… I forget the name, but it’s like hot chocolate mixed with coffee. It’s sooo yummy.”
“I’b neber had cobee,” Damian says sadly. “My mom won’d led me. She days id’ll gib me too much edergy. And she days I already gots too much.”
“Mama only lets me try a little bit,” Janis agrees. “Maybe you could come to my house and try some. And you can meet my baby sister!”
“You hab a sisder?”
“Uhhuh. She’s just a baby, but she can already play with me,” Janis says. “But she still eats all the drawings I make for her. Her name is Julie.”
“She dounds cude,” Damian says. “I don’ hab any brudders or sisders.”
“They’re really loud,” Janis sighs. “Julie cries aaaaaall night. Mama says babies are kinda a pain, but then they grow bigger and it’s better.”
“My mom days I was already too buch,” Damian says. “Bud she days we mighd ged a dog soon instead.”
“I’ve never had a dog,” Janis sighs. “I had a fish, but he died. But I think cats are better anyway.”
“Bud dogs are so cude!”
“Yeah, but they’re so… wet,” Janis shudders. “So much slobber.”
Damian seems to consider this, and nods. “Cads are cude too.”
They both look up when they hear the door to the building open, and look out to see a man there. Janis hunches her shoulders up slightly. “Uh oh.”
“Whad oh?” Damian asks.
“It’s my stepdad,” Janis whispers.
“Oh. Is he mean?”
Janis nods. “He’s nice to Mama. And my baby sister. But he doesn’t like me very much.”
“Oh. Thad’s stupid.”
Janis gasps in dismay, as if he’s just said the most vile profanity known to man. But after a moment’s thought, she nods. “It is stupid.”
Damian giggles as she claps her hands over her mouth and looks around to make sure nobody else heard. “I don’ dink my dad likes me very much eidder. I’ll prodect you.”
“Thanks, Damian,” Janis says. “I’ll protect you from your dad.”
“Thanks,” Damian says. “Oh, dat’s my mom!”
“Oh, my poor boy,” Damian’s mom tuts as she comes barreling in, crouching down in front of Damian and assessing his nose. “What happened?”
“According to their teacher, Janis here punched him,” the secretary helpfully informs her.
“Janis Sarkisian,” Janis’ stepdad says angrily, also stepping into the room. Janis hunches further into herself in fright. “You need to apologize to this boy before we take you home.”
“No,” Damian says. “She proobed me wrong, she doesn’t hab to say sorry. I said girls couldn’t punch.”
“She certainly showed you,” Damian’s mom chuckles.
“Janis is duper cool, sir,” Damian continues. “She shouldn’t be in drouble.”
Janis’ stepdad hums thoughtfully. “We’ll talk about this with your mother at home.”
“See you toborrow!” Damian waves as Janis is hauled out the door.
“I don’t know about that, bud,” his mother chuckles. “Noses take a few days to fix, you might have to stay home tomorrow.”
“Bud I just med Janis!” Damian pleads. “I gotta cobe toborrow so we can be frie’ds!”
“We’ll see what the doctor says. Maybe we can set up a playdate soon if you can’t come to school,” his mother chuckles, ruffling his hair. “Let’s go get your nose fixed.”
Damian hops up and grabs his backpack, following his mom and chattering away about his new best friend forever.
Damian is, miraculously, back at school the next day. He’s sporting a dashing splint and two black eyes, and is awed over by the other kids all morning.
But he keeps his promise and saves a seat for Janis. He helps her at science time, and Janis helps him with reading. They work together in art class that day to make a masterpiece of a clay turtle, and make the coolest snowman ever on the playground at recess.
“Did you get in trouble yesterday?” Damian asks as he heaves to lift the head onto it.
“Yeah. I’m not allowed to watch TV for a week,” Janis replies, hunting for the best pebbles for his buttons. “But Mama gave me a high five too.”
“Grownups don’t make sense,” Damian sighs. Janis holds out a handful of stones she’s found. “Those are good rocks.”
“I think so too,” Janis smiles, patting them into place with her little mittened hands. “Oh, and Mama said I can do tap dance class! She’s gonna sign me up next week.”
“Awesome!” Damian yells, bouncing up and down. “Wait, do we go to the same dance school?”
“Mama says there’s only one nearby,” Janis shrugs. “I know Mama’s phone number, you can give it to your mama and then they can make sure.”
“Okay,” Damian shrugs. “Come on, let’s see if lost and found has any hats!”
ten years later
“Hey Dame?” Janis asks, cuddled up with her best friend on his bed and looking at the new playbills they’ve just finished adding to his wall.
“Sorry I broke your nose.”
Damian bursts out laughing. “It’s okay. Sorry I said you couldn’t punch.”
Janis smiles and ruffles his hair. “It’s okay.”
Because that was the best thing that ever happened to me.
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Chapter 1 - The Curse
Hello all! Welcome to my first MHA fic! This is the first part of a series about if Izuku was a quirkless vigilante, because I really love that trope.
TW: This fic, the first part especially, has some themes of injury, death/being on the verge of death, and ideas of suicide. No suicide is attempted, however. If these ideas bother you, please be cautious. To skip the first part, do not read until the first “~” symbol. There is also weird church stuff (that’ll make sense when you read), so if that makes you uncomfortable please be cautious. Thank you, hope you enjoy!
Ao3: queenofliterature
They say before you die, your life flashes before your eyes. Izuku never thought that was accurate until now.
There had been plenty of times he had almost died. When a shot rang and the muzzle of a gun flashed, the only thing Izuku thought was run, dodge, never anything about who he was, or how he got here.
Now though, now he understood.
Izuku blinked his tired eyes, focusing on the grey sky. The city was surprisingly peaceful, though maybe that was the falling snow coating the sounds of the bustling life under him. Or the ringing in his ears.
Eyes swollen with exhaustion refused to close for too long. If he fell asleep now, he would never wake up. And as much as he lied to himself, Izuku wasn’t ready for that, not yet.
Hypothermia was settling quickly into his bones, his shallow breaths obvious against the cold night. But the gentle flakes tickled his nose, and all he felt was relief when they touched his fevered skin. Besides, he wouldn’t be dying of the cold tonight, the pools of blood gathering steadily underneath him was a testament to that.
Maybe if Izuku tried hard enough, he could roll off the edge. The rooftop had no railing, and if he stretched his arm just enough, he could dangle his hand over the streets below. But that wouldn’t do, he wanted to see the sky when his body finally let go, and his eyes closed and never reopened. Besides, Izuku could barely even move his fingers, let alone roll his entire body. No… he was stuck here.
It wouldn’t be long now.
Perhaps it was the fact that his blood was sluggishly trailing out of his body this time instead of the threat of instant death but…
His mind began to drift.
He was happy.
The middle class apartment he lived in with his mother and father always had the drapes thrown open, rays of sun keeping the apartment a comfortable temperature and bathing the bright green house plants.
His mother would playfully yell and scream, the damsel in distress. His father and him were the heroes.
He doesn’t remember much of his father, but he remembers the warm feeling of his chest, of the hot and smoky breath that would tickle his ears and ruffle his hair.
His father’s hands would hold him in the air as he flew to rescue his mother from the villains that had taken her.
Most of his peers probably wouldn’t want to spend their 5th birthday in the doctor’s office, but to Izuku it was the best present his parents could give him. He should have had a quirk by now, Kaccan said so. But if it was taking this long, it should have been cool and powerful! Just like Kaccan’s!
Izuku buzzed in excitement as the doctor read his file and looked at the x-rays they had taken in the big machine they put him in. Maybe he’d get telepathy, or fire, or a combination! Kaccan and him would grow up and be an unstoppable team and they’d share the rank for Number One hero (no matter what Kaccan said) and they’d save people and fight villains and-
And just like that Izuku’s world shattered. The doctor’s uncaring drawl barely pierced his mind as his stomach lurched.
“W-what?” His mother questioned tearfully. His father simply sat there, eyes clouded with something Izuku would never understand. Sure 20% of the world was quirkless, but most were old and that number was dying out everyday. Only .01% of Japan’s population remained quirkless. And Izuku was now one of them.
When Izuku awoke the next day, his father was gone, and his mother wasn’t surprised.
There was no explosion, no shouted words, no hits or screams. His father was simply gone, any traces of him lingered like a ghost. Sometimes Izuku thought he had made up his father, the only proof he had that the man existed were the pictures Mom had kept in the trunk beside her bed.
It was raining the night he got diagnosed, as if the heavens were weeping for the shattered dream of a crushed child. He sat for hours watching the video of All Might saving all those people at the factory, hitting the replay button until his fingers hurt.
“Because I am here! Because I am here! Because I am here!”
Izuku heard the door creek softly behind him, but he didn’t turn around, he didn’t need to. “S-see that Mom?” Izuku’s tiny voice cracked, and he finally turned around. His mother already had tears springing to her eyes, and Izuku would realize later that’s the moment he would never see his father again.
“He always has a smile on his face, no matter how bad things get.” Izuku’s voice was slowly breaking down along with the little boy. “Even when things seem impossible, he never gives up.” Izuku will never forget the look on his mother’s face, the pain and the sorrow.
“Do you think… I could be a hero too?” Izuku already knew the answer to that question, he saw the answer in his mother’s eyes. His mother rushed forward, gripping him tightly and nuzzling into his hair, murmuring apology after apology. Her touch burned and the ache in his chest choked him, but Izuku didn’t bother to fight her off.
Izuku doesn’t even remember his father’s last words to him.
Izuku and his mother went to church the next day.
His mother was aching for a sense of normalcy, and some foolish part of Izuku believed his father would be there waiting for them.
His father was half japanese, but he never told Izuku what his other half was. Hisashi’s parents and siblings chose to follow the Christian faith, though what branch Izuku also didn’t know, he never paid attention. There was a small church half an hour away from the Midoriya apartment, and Hisashi thought it would be good for the small family to have a sense of community.
His mother must have opened up that day to the pastor before Sunday Service, because that was the first time Izuku was called a curse to humanity.
The little boy sat in the pew, hunching over as every word the pastor said pierced his heart.
“The quirkless are a scourge, a curse, a remnant of the days of old. They are a reminder of the sins of man!” Izuku’s eyes pricked at the cheers coming from around him. “We must stay strong in the face of adversity!” The cheers were stronger this time. Whatever his mother told the pastor must have sunk deep into the man’s skin, because they spent the next hour listening to the talks of plagues and scourge and punishment that were the quirkless population, all while he looked at the little green-haired boy.
After the service, all Izuku wanted to do was disappear. Going home would mean facing the unnatural quiet that now suffocated the once bright household, and staying here meant facing the lingering glares and whispers. His mother was in the restroom preparing for the semi-long trip back when Izuku heard footsteps approaching.
“Hello, Izuku.” The pastor greeted with a soft smile. He supposed it should be comforting, but all Izuku felt was fear.
“H-hello.” A meek voice greeted back.
“Your mother told me of your condition. I just wanted you to know I meant every word I said. But I can help.” The pastor offered, and despite the dangerous glint in the man’s eyes, Izuku perked up.
“You can?” Izuku asked cautiously. Maybe this would make Dad come back! And he could make Mom happy again! Izuku’s heart clenched when a hand grabbed his wrist.
“Come, child, it's not your fault. The children of God are innocent, you are being punished for the misgivings of your ancestors.” The gentle words of the pastor did nothing to ease the bile growing in Izuku’s throat. The more Izuku fought, the tighter the bruising grips became.
“W-wait.” Izuku protested as he was dragged away from the restroom. “My Mom! She’ll wonder where I am!”
“It will be a nice surprise for her, don’t you think?” The pastor ignored the protests and continued dragging the boy through the church.
“What-what’s gonna happen?”
“Simple, child. We’ll get the Devil out of you. It may hurt but I promise you’ll be better for it.” The pastor reassured. Thi wasn’t right. Mom and Dad said never go with strangers! But… the pastor wasn’t a stranger, he said he could help?
“Can we ask my Mom, p-please?” Izuku gave a powerful tug, and that seemed to be the last straw.
“Foolish child! Your mother does not understand what needs to be done! I do!” The others in the church startled at the noise, but turned away when they saw what was happening.
Izuku didn’t know what was happening, but he didn’t like it! In a last attempt, Izuku lashed out and bit the man’s hand, pulling away with a gasp when the pastor yanked his hand back.
“You evil child!” The pastor screamed as Izuku ran as fast as his little legs could carry him. He remembered the way to the restrooms, he just hoped his mother would be there. He wanted to go home! He wanted to play hero and be held by his dad and be tucked in by his mom when he fell asleep on the couch!
“Mom!” Izuku screamed when he spotted green hair. The woman quickly turned around from the couple she seemed to be frantically talking too. Izuku’s own eyes matched the tears that were streaming down his mother’s face.
“Izuku!” Inko yelled in relief as her little boy crashed into her. “Baby, where were you? I was worried sick!” Inko cried.
“M-mom, the p-pastor, h-he, a-and-” Izuku couldn’t get any of the story through the spasming of his little lungs. Through hiccuping sobs, Izuku heard the frantic footsteps of the pastor approach him, and he buried himself further into his mother’s neck.
“Pastor? What-what happened?” Inko hesitated at the teeth marks on the hand of the pastor. Her little boy wouldn;t do that for anything.
“H-he said.” Izuku’s little sobs broke her heart.
“Said what, Baby?” Inko coaxed, ignoring the man above them.
“G-gonna get the Devil out.” Inko’s heart dropped, knowing the implication.
“You were gonna beat him?” The horrified whisper reached the poster’s ears and he scoffed.
“Not him, the scourge. The boy may feel pain, but it would make him better.” The pastor declared. Perhaps if Inko hadn’t already been in pieces, she would have yelled at him. Perhaps if her husband hadn’t left and her son wasn’t falling apart she would have defended her son, but for now she had enough.
“Izuku, we’re leaving.” She said to the pastor just as much as her son, and Izuku saw the glance towards his blackened wrist.
It was the first time his mother ignored a bruise, but it would not be the last.
The drive home was quiet, and Izuku didn’t think he would ever get used to the silence that now permeated his new life.
“Mom?” Izuku spoke up, his timid voice uncomfortable with breaking pure silence. “Everything is going to be okay, right?” He just needed to hear those words as his world was crumbling beneath him, ‘It will be okay’.
“Izuku, my baby, there will be many more like him. From now on I want you to walk to and from school with Katsuki. No detours, nothing.” Izuku nodded at his mom’s serious voice. “We’re gonna get you a phone, I want you to text me everyday at lunch, and before and after school, and when you get home.” Izuku nodded again, and kept doing so as more rules were given to him.
When they got home that afternoon, his mother shut down. From afternoon till night, Inko Midoriya held an empty tea cup, not having the energy to fill it. She sat at the table, and tried to remember the deep voice of her husband that floated around the kitchen like embers, and the light and airy voice of her child that bounced against the walls.
Now all she heard was the stone cold silence of a shattered household.
Meanwhile, Izuku sat at the computer. Mom didn't bother to enforce computer time. So he watched the video, over and over again until it somehow pierced the unfeeling void that was beginning to set in. It never did.
“Because I am here! Because I am here! Because I am here!”
He realized that night with a bitter numbness he was already forgetting what his father’s laugh sounded like.
Izuku was finally beginning to understand, he knew he was a plague on his mother and father’s life, an infestation in his own skin.
He knew he was a curse.
Disclaimer: Nothing against any religion. Just as long as you don’t use it to hurt others I don’t care what religion you are/aren’t, this specific church, however, was very radical and was based loosely on unfortunate experiences I had in churches with some personal issues of mine. I just thought it would be interesting to explore how radical groups like this would see quirklessness.
I don't usually do this, but each chapter is gonna have a song I think that fits it!
Chapter Song: i can't breathe by Bea Miller
I have a Discord, and this fic has a channel! Same with Tumblr
Discord: https://discord.gg/UpWvDzKC5R Tumblr: cursed-and-quirkless
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supernaturalee · 4 years
Then & Now: Part 2 - Gwilym Lee x Reader
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Pairings: Past!Gwilym Lee x Reader, Platonic!Joe Mazzello x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Pillow Throwing, and Shirtless Wet Joe
Word count: 2.9k
Summary: It has been nearly ten years since Y/N had last stepped foot in London and made a promise to herself to never return. Yet, here she is back again for two weeks with her best friend in tow. After being left the apartment of her late mother. The same one where she had her heart taken and broken into two by the blue-eyed boy across the hall. When a mistaken knock is answered, blue eyes come flooding back into her life and suddenly two weeks seems like a lifetime.
Previous Parts: One 
Author’s Note: Sooooooooooo...I’M BACK. Basically I had terrible writer’s block, no desire to write, and life just got in my way. A huge huge HUGE thank you to @slutforbritdick​​ for supporting me these past couple months. We are getting into the meat of the story now. I also plan to update regularly and also look out for a Green & Gold update coming soon. Enjoy. Please let me know if you would want to be tagged. 
Tagged List: @ixchel-9275​​ @slutforbritdick​​ @reavenedges-lies​​ @rogertaylorsfalsettogivesmehives​​
Y/N screamed loudly as she reached over the rest of the couch, grabbing the closest softest thing to her. She held it against her face, her headache returning as she screamed into the stuffed fabric of the throw pillow. It wasn’t helping because even in the darkness of the fabric, she could still see his eyes. She could see how they stood out on his stupidly beautiful face. The blue was a color she could never forget. It was like the sky after a snowstorm when the sun had returned. Clear and crystal blue. It had once ranked among her most favorite colors, but now she despised it.   
She threw the pillow across the room, hitting the wall with a soft thud. She stood from the couch, too angry to sit.  It was like the last ten years of repressed emotions finally bubbled over the edge of the pot, spewing their negative energy all over the place. She began to pace across the hardwood floors. Her hands in fist as she held them out from her, trying to keep herself from punching something. If she would have known he was going to be just ten feet across the hall from her, she wouldn’t have gotten on the plane. Hell, she wouldn’t have even thought about coming to London. She would have called a realtor and dealt with the place that way.  She continued pacing quickly as she heard something move around in the bathroom, the door flinging open as Joe stood there. Soaking wet with a towel around his waist and shampoo half unrinsed in his hair as he tried to keep his feet from slipping on the damp tile in the bathroom. His eyes wide in fear that his friend had been hurt. 
“Y/N!” He shouted before looking at her as he got his footing right. She turned her head to him, as he continued. “Y/N! Oh fuck are you okay? I heard someone slam the door and then you screamed.” He panted, holding up the towel with one hand and balancing himself in the doorway of the bathroom. Water dripping down his chest. 
“NO!” She threw up her arms as she faced him fully. Her body slightly shook from all the energy flowing through her. “I AM NOT OKAY!” She exclaimed. His eyes widened even more. 
“What happened? Did someone come in? Did they hurt you?” He asked concerned, 
looking her over for any injuries and then surveying the apartment for any damage. After seeing no facial or structural damage, his body relaxed. His eyes softened as he realized she had no bodily harm. “This better not be about a spider, I already told my stance on killing arachnids. They eat the mosquitoes, Y/N. They are the good boys.” Joe said launching into his usual spiders are important tyraid. Y/N cut him off before he could finish. 
“There is no fucking time for spiders, Joe. He is across the hall.”
“HE!” She pointed at the closed door.
“Who?” He asked again, more confused than ever. He rubbed some of the suds from his forehead to avoid them getting into his eyes. “Could you just tell me cause at the rate this soap is moving I’ll be suffering from severe soap in eye pain in a few seconds. I don’t have time for the pronoun game.” He said, as Y/N explored with the answer.  
“GWILYM FUCKING LEE. That tall blue-eyed Welsh bastard!” She shouted, moving to throw something out to release the wave of rage that was cresting inside of her. She grabbed the discarded pillow from a few moments earlier and threw it again, Joe dodged it as it zoomed passed his head, hitting into the bathroom doorway before thudding to the ground next to the toilet.  
“Wait...no fucking way.” He said before thinking a moment that it could be true. She nodded furiously, her head looking almost bobble like.  He had rarely seen his best friend this worked up before. He knew she had to be telling the truth. He removed his hand from the doorway and held it up in a somewhat calming gesture.
 “You need to breathe, you’re gonna pop a blood vessel. So go scream into your pillow, I’m gonna finish my shower and then we are gonna talk about the fact that the asshole who broke your heart is across the hall currently.” He remained calm, reminding her of the fact that he was her emotional support this trip. This trip was supposed to be about her family, and not Gwil. This trip was supposed to be about her mom and how much London meant to her. Yet there he was there less than 100 feet away and invading her thoughts. Y/N took a series of short breaths which were doing nothing for her racing heart.
“Inhale.” Joe said calmly. He moved his hand up to mimic an inhale before pushing it down to mimic an exhale. “Exhale. I’m gonna shower now, don’t burn the fucking apartment down while I’m in there.” He gave her a cheeky smile which was his attempt to relax her more before turning around and moving inside the bathroom. 
Joe returned to his shower and Y/N moved to her bedroom. She grabbed a pillow from her bed, placed it over her face and screamed loudly into it.  The sound of all her emotions were muffled again by the stuffed fabric. She did this over and over again for about thirty minutes. She was almost hoarse from it. Trying her best to remain calm and collected. She was cool, she didn’t need to prove herself to that snarky jerk across the hall. She was a strong woman who was clearly lying to herself about the past decade and was spiraling away from anger and towards regret.  At that moment, she knew she had to get out of there. She grabbed her laptop and moved to the couch. This was it, they were going home. 
Joe finished his shower and changed into comfier clothes. His hangover quelled for the moment as he readied himself to deal with his current and appropriately emotionally best friend.  He moved out of his room and into the living room where he saw Y/N frantically typing on her computer. He moved behind the couch to see what was drawing her attention so much as he rang the towel over his hair to dry it. 
“What are you doing?”
“Finding flights. I can’t stay here. We can’t stay here. He and I are currently breathing the same air. It-it's toxic!” She said quickly, her hand darting across the mouse pad, her eyes glued to her screen.  
“Yes you can. You are so much stronger than you think you are.” Joe moved from behind her and sat down beside her on the couch. “You can and you will stay. We will both stay.” His hand moved over hers as he pulled it away slowly from the mouse pad. This kind gesture drew her attention away from her screen, her eyes looking up at him. He gave her a small but sure smile. She shook her head.
“No I’m not. I can’t be here. Joe, I was not emotionally ready to see him. I thought in all that time I was ready but turns out I am still that hurt little teenager that he knew then.” She admitted to him.
“Munchkin, people are not emotionally ready for a lot of things but remember who this trip is for.” He moved his hand onto her shoulder and squeezed it gently. Before rubbing it back and forth to soothe her soul a bit. “Your mom wanted you to come here again, Y/N. She knew you were ready to come back to London. I know you were ready. I think it's just you that doesn’t believe in herself. When you should, you are one of the strongest fucking people I have ever met.” Y/N leaned back from her slightly hunched position. She wiped a tear from her the inner corner of her eye as she looked at Joe. He was right and now she was trying to run from her problem instead of facing it head on. She was trying to let the past win and bury her in regret. She was strong, her mom taught her that. Y/N sniffled as she wiped her nose with the back of her hand.
“Stop being wise.”  She chuckled gently hugging her best friend, resting her chin on his shoulder. “Can I still vent about him?”
“Oh, fuck yeah. Like I am going to stop you from venting but can we get some food first because I am absolutely starving.” 
“Take out?”
“Please and out of curiosity how much were flights home?” He smiled as Y/N turned her attention back to her computer, looking for takeaway places nearby.
 “Remember how much I pay Sallie Mae a month.”
“Triple it.”
“Oh fuck no. We are staying here and we are going to enjoy this trip. Even if it means I have to go across the hall and punch Mr. Perfect in the mouth.” He said looking at the different options for food on her screen. Not knowing that across the hall the same tall man was pacing and frantically trying to get his own best friend on the phone. 
Gwilym moved across the hardwood floor back and forth, back and forth.  His hand in his hair as if stuck by some unseen glue. He kept going, his brow furrowed in a thinking position. If he didn’t divert from his pattern soon, he thought, there would be worn wood from where he walked. He had been just as surprised to see her. Almost shocked to see his first love and the woman who he unknowingly based all his relationships on for the first time in nearly a decade. It was more than he could handle, that’s why he was calling for help.  
“Ben, if you really are my best mate, you will come to my place now. I need to talk about something and the houseplants don’t want to hear about it again….. Please man, I need you.” He said holding the phone to his ear.  Ben explained that he was on his way to meeting a potential client. “Please please please…. I saw her, you know the one that I...Yes! Her! Please!” He heard a long sigh before a mutter of agreement. “Thanks mate and um, bring scotch. I need it.” He hangs up. Returning to pacing again. 
About thirty minutes later, once all the water had dried from Joe’s hair, their pizza had been ordered from take away, and Ben had apologized to his client and rescheduled for another night, things were being to align for a night of duel venting. 
“Joe, pizza guy is here.”  Y/N said pouring them two glasses of some of the wine from
the pantry. “Also I don’t know if this will be any good.”
“The pizza or the wine?”
“Both. I mean we are like pizza snobs, you are lactose intolerant, and the label on the wine has faded.” 
“If it kills us, it kills us.” He said grabbing the small pile of cash they had pooled together 
on the counter. “Plus I took my lactaid tablet so we are good on the cheesy front here.” He moved into the hallway and down the stairs outside to meet the pizza delivery person. Once the exchange for goods and services was complete, Joe moved back up the stairs.  
A young blonde man was moving inside before him. He wore a pair of slacks with dress shoes, his white button up had been undone on the top button, a brown paper bag covered bottle in his left hand. 
“Hold the door!” Joe said holding the warm pizza boxes in his hands. Ben turned and caught the closing door. 
“Oh yeah mate. I got it, come on in.” Ben said holding open the door for Joe as he moved in first. Ben followed behind him, shutting the door. 
“Thanks man.” Joe gave him a smile before moving down the hallway to the apartment. Ben followed him to Gwil’s door, he knocked lightly. 
“Are you following me?” Joe joked before laughing. Instead of knocking and the pizza boxes occupying his hands, Joe kicked up his foot and kicked the door a bit. 
“I was about to ask you the same thing.” Ben answered before laughing himself. “Just here to help my friend.”
“Man, I get that.” Joe said as he banged against the door with his foot again. “Wait, are you friends with the guy in that apartment?”
“Yeah, he’s my best mate. I’m Ben.” 
“Oh, we just became enemies. Also I’m Joe.” Joe said as Ben looked at him with surprise. 
“Um….how? We barely know each other...oh. You’re the American’s girl boyfriend?” 
“Me and Y/N?” Joe laughed. “No, just best friends but it is the best friends’ creed that an enemy of my friend is also my enemy. Or something like that.” 
Ben laughed as both still stood there waiting for their doors to be opened. “To be honest, I think Gwil is being a bit of a prat about it.” 
“Well, Y/N has every right to overreact.” Joe says. “Do you know the story?”
“Of them?”
“No.” Ben shook his head. 
“Ask your friend and then you will see him more than just a prat.” Joe said banging on the door again. 
“I’m coming!” Y/N shouted from the other side as she opened the door. Her eyes going to 
Ben as he knocked again. Of course Gwil will had gorgeous friends, stupid attractive people being friends with other attractive people. 
Gwilym moved and opened the door spotting Ben before looking across the hall at Y/N. The two just stared at each other as their friends moved passed them in the respective apartments. He went to open his mouth to utter an apology for how he reacted, however, nothing came out. Y/N moved first, shooting Gwil a death glare before shutting and locking the apartment door. Gwilym let out a loud sigh before shutting his door. The first thought in his mind was how incredibly sexy Y/N looked when she was angry.  
Ben put the bottle of scotch on the wooden coffee table as he sat on Gwilym’s couch. 
“What was so important that you had to call me in the middle of my busy morning? You know I had a meeting with a new potential client.” 
“Actual client or just a young gorgeous woman who doesn't know how stocks and bonds work.” 
“Little bit of column A and a little bit of column B.” He said. Gwil moved grabbing two glasses from his cupboard. “So that’s her.”
“Yes.” Gwil moved to the bottle, opening it and pouring out two drinks. “That’s Y/N. The one who got away.” He admitted softly, sitting in an armchair.  He held out the glass for Ben. Ben nodded before taking the glass. 
“She’s pretty.”
“She’s more than pretty mate.” Gwil admitted. “But god, she’s so infuriating.” He took a long sip from his glass. 
“Well, I kind of took home that girl from the pub home last night and well...let’s just say I am lucky none of the photos on my wall are held on loosely.” He said looking at the amber colored liquor in the glass. 
“From the girl or from Y/N?”
“Both I guess but in different ways.”
“Cheeky bastard. Continue.” Ben smirked before taking his first small sip of scotch. 
“Chelsea was leaving and left her bra on my floor. She came back up and knocked on Y/N’s door and then well next thing I know I am face to face with a woman I hadn’t seen since I was 19 years old.” His blue eyes were a mixture of regret and fear. Regret on how it ended and the fear that he had ruined all the chances to make up with Y/N then it twisted in his mind to a bit of anger. How could Y/N be angry still, Gwil had tried to mend it back then. It was her that didn’t want to get back together. 
“I see.” Ben said as Gwil stood, starting to pace again. Unaware to both men that across the hall, Y/N was pacing with a piece of pizza in her hand half eaten and Joe on a sofa watching her. 
“I mean who does he think he is!” Y/N huffed almost flinging the pizza from her hand. 
“I mean who does she think she is!” Gwil said as he paced, drinking more of the scotch. 
“He’s the one that cheated!” Y/N took a small bite before swallowing it. 
“She’s the one that wouldn’t even talk to me after she broke us up!” Gwil exclaimed.
“And to stand there so smug like he’s some fucking prince!’ Y/N looked at Joe, her eyes wide with anger.
“And to stand there so angry like we just broke off! It's been nearly ten years!” Gwilym said stopping and filing his glass more. 
“How dare he!” 
“How dare she!” Both exclaimed similar things in their respective apartments. Their chests heaving with racing hearts. 
“Yeah, fuck him.” Joe said. Y/N nodded sitting back down eating the crust of the slice she had just finished.  
“Maybe you’re overreacting.” Ben said as Gwil sat back down. “What happened between you two that makes just a mere glimpse of each other makes you both crazy?” Gwil let out a breath. 
“It’s a long story.” 
“We have almost a full bottle of scotch and I have no client to meet now.”
“Okay. It started when we were five…”
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS Episode 3 commentary (Taiga)
I am SO RELIEVED that this episode is FINALLY out. 
I finally get to show you guys what the inside of my head has been like for two months. 
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Taiga’s room is divided into half Kazuki worship, half Aomori. Seems about right.
Let me start off by saying it brings me SO MUCH JOY how much Taiga loves Aomori. Aomori is way far removed from Tokyo, on the northernmost tip of the main island, and pretty much in the countryside. I went there 4-5 years ago before King of Prism existed AND I. LOVED. IT. There was a cool breeze even in the brutal Japanese summer, the atmosphere was refreshing and wonderful... and the festival. Two of the biggest things Aomori is known for are apples and, of course, the Nebuta festival which I’m convinced has to be the best festival in all of Japan. Those giant festival floats are just fucking amazing and I will be inter-splicing this post with my travel photos from that time. 
But even so, I’d think a boy at Taiga’s age would still think Tokyo is a lot cooler and want to be in the big city. BUT NO. NOT TAIGA. And since I also CANNOT FUCKING STAND TOKYO either, every time Taiga in this episode says Aomori is better than Tokyo I just want to stand up and be like 
Okay moving on, sorry this post is gonna be long enough as it is. 
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When I first heard this line I swore it sounded like he was saying something about “Las Vegas” ahah... ha...
I am very happy with this screenshot. 
*ahem* Anyway. I looked up “rassera” ages ago because I had no idea what that was about and apparently it’s a phrase that lost it’s original meaning over time as it got muddled together, and is now only used as a festival chant. It used to mean “bring out the candles” or something?
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The “us” in the sub kind of annoys me because Over the Rainbow isn’t a part of Edel Rose anymore but maybe that’s.... just.... meeeeeeeeee..............
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I took the night bus from Tokyo to Aomori before. It was 10 or 11 hours. It was... unpleasant.
Old dude club in the back row.
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I really wonder what people who have never seen Pride the Hero are gonna think of this exchange. If you have not seen Pride the Hero, sorry to disappoint you(?) but taxi is actually not a metaphor. 
I wonder if Kakeru would have really kept hounding Taiga if he didn’t pay him back. It’s not like Kakeru needs the money. I think it’s more that Taiga just has his pride and wants to do right by Kakeru and not take advantage of him. Or at least I like thinking that way. 
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My second favorite line by Taiga in SSS. 
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People at the cheering shows are like “Gimme the apron!!”
No, I have no idea why they decided to design Taiga’s cousin(s) to look like Ann and Wakana. 
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My third favorite Taiga line in SSS. I just love how perfect the timing is. Taiga just watches everyone walk past him trying to debate if this is really happening or not and then just HOLD ON WAIT--
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Behold Yukinojo examining what I think is supposed to be the armor that made Taiga pee his pants in Young of Prism. This is the Easter egg I was talking about. 
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Another great thing about SSS is learning how all of the boys have these amazing female characters in their lives. 
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The first/only anime reference to Taiga’s distaste for apples. In side material it’s been explained that Taiga can’t stand apples because they are everywhere in Aomori. Even the sound of someone biting into the skin of an apple drives him nuts. Minato has used it as punishment before in Prism Rush. 
People in the theater like to say “Don’t forget the apple!” 
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At the midnight showing I think the girl next to me had a brain aneurysm when she saw Wakana here. And I might of as well. 
At this part I always yell “WAKANA DON’T GO!!!!”
Just.... ahhhhhh Taiga being seamlessly inserted in the Rainbow Live continuity like this is just... kjlfjfkljfls.......
Even though I know in the logical part of my brain that Taiga did not exist when Rainbow Live was made, I still kinda want to go back and look for him in the background of that episode anyway. But I hesitate because I know I won’t want to be disappointed with not finding him. 
Still, the idea that Wanana, Ann, and Kazuki all supposedly knew him from way back when is crazy and makes my heart warm. 
(Oh but WAKANAAAAAAA so sad)
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So. “Gaudy” huh. We’re goin’ with that huh. HUH. “Gaudy” I know for a fact is the literal translation you get when you look up “charachara” in a Japanese-English dictionary. I have used it too... AS A PLACEHOLDER....................
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Seeing this and trying so hard not to FUCKING SCREAM at the midnight showing was a moment for all of us. Taiga.... Taiga.................. Taigaaaaa................. I can’t see this without feeling it travel through every nerve in my body. 
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Accurate description of summertime in the countryside of Japan. Everyone hangs out and eats copious amounts of fruit probably from a neighbor’s farm. Just go out and walk down the street and you’ll come home with fruit. 
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So this is Aomori city, the area not far from the station. When I saw this in the theater I was like, that looks.... kinda familiar. Then the next day I went searching for photos from my sideblog @mdawnjpn and....
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I found this and I just immediately started tearing up, like hand over my mouth trying not to cry on the bullet train from Tokyo back to Nagoya during that first weekend. I was there I WAS THERE. 
So I mentioned previously I got to Aomori after a 10 or 11 hour night bus. And I didn’t sleep for almost any of it because I just can’t sleep on buses. And I felt LIKE. DEATH. But I couldn’t find an internet cafe or anywhere to sleep for a while because Aomori city just doesn’t have a lot of things. So I ended up literally just sleeping on a park bench by the ocean for a couple hours. Like around here.
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And I remember seeing them starting to set up the festival when I woke up and being like woooah where am I this is amazing. But.. Just like, since Over the Rainbow performs here every year I guess I must have slept through their show. Oh NOOO ahaha
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And here it is. My number one favorite Taiga line in SSS. Just like the way he says it
Ohhhh Taiga you’ll know very soon......
Also notice the different colored tie. I wonder if this was his legit school uniform at the time. 
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People hold up two concert lights and break them apart when Hiro’s pride is broken in the first movie, and they do the same here.
Oh Taiga...... why is your pain so hilarious.........................
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Sometimes I ask myself the same thing.
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I love the contrast here between the overly realistic uncomfortable crowd, overenthusiastic Ozora, and poor Taiga. I love it. I LOVE IT. I WAS NOT KIDDING WHEN I SAID EVERY FRAME IN THIS EPISODE IS A FUCKING MASTERPIECE 
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It took me two or three viewings to realize that Taiga is actually crying here. Or rather trying really hard not to cry. 
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I’m not sure if I’m counting favorite Kazuki lines or not since he doesn’t have a big roll in SSS, but if I am this little “Huuuaah” might be it. 
Poor Kazuki. He does nothing on purpose to incite the storm that has brewed around him with both Taiga and Alexander.
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Taiga’s Mom is the fucking best. Like I said, I love SSS for bringing out all these amazing, supportive, strong female characters. Everyone’s Mom is great but Taiga’s Mom might be best Mom. 
Or at least I thought so until I met Alexander’s Mom but the jury is out right now. 
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It took me like five viewings to realize their watermelon switched to corn and I laughed way harder than I should have. 
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I loved seeing him be a big brother here eheh. 
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Taiga why did you even ask. You know how Edel Rose works.
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Shin just looks so happy. He’s a puppy. 
My goal in life is to enjoy everything the way Shin enjoys things.
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Yu’s AHHHHH MOOOOUUU in this scene might be my favorite Yu line ahaha. 
I don’t know why, but I the more he whines the more I love him. That’s just how you know Yu is having a good time.
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I’m like 40% considering going back this summer. 
I live in Aichi not Tokyo by the way so if I don’t fly that’s about UMMM 16 or 17 HOURS ON TWO BUSES BUT
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Okay okay okay. So NOW it’s “street style” huh. Well what the fuck was with that whole “Solid Style” thing in episode 1 then? I guess the translator didn’t realize they were literally talking about street dance? Like WHAT? Or did they just forget?
And you know what actually this kinda pisses me off more, because the least they could do is keep it consistent. 
Because now that whole important line where Shin actually explains it for the first time in the main canon MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE ANYMORE 
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(I’m OK now.)
Giving him a shojo reaction here was a choice. They didn’t have to. It was a deliberate choice. To portray Taiga’s feelings for Kazuki. Ahhhhhhhh
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So remember when I stayed up translating this all of a sudden after I watched SSS Part 1 for..... reasons..... 
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No I do not know why he’s an apple. Well I assume it has to do with the job he’s doing. And I do have a hunch from a creative standpoint but I’ll talk about that later. 
First timers in the theater always be like “R... RINGO..?????”
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....Is one of my favorite callouts of this episode. 
At this point during the midnight showing I was like.... is the real villain of SSS just gonna be Joji going around casually inconveniencing everyone? ....I’d watch that. 
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This is the storage area near the main festival stage where you can go and see the floats before the festival starts. 
Here’s what it looks like in real life: 
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One of the few instances where I can assure you real life is just as good as the anime. 
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For people who read my shitty out of context spoiler about how a character beat Louis for the amount of skin showed in a prism show. Wasn’t kidding. 
Tasuku kinda spoiled this outfit in the first day greeting show by saying something like how it was an outfit which fit Taiga’s tastes well (festival wear) and everyone else was like NO STOP--
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But yeah. This show. This soonggggg
Taiga’s voice is just SO. BEAUTIFUL. He has my favorite singing voice in all of Edel Rose. 
So after the first weekend I made a post to Tumblr about how I thought I had avoided getting any of the songs in my head, but then a certain one started CREEPIN IN...
Taiga’s song is both the first one to get stuck in my head, and the one that keeps getting stuck in my head the most often to this day.  
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I just love how he makes Nebuta floats of all his friends ahhhhhh 
Here are some more photos of the real thing..
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It was raining the year I was there, and when it rains they put plastic over them so they look like snowglobes. That’s kinda cool in itself though.
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I’ll never forget seeing this for the first time, realizing what was about to happen and being like NO... NO WAY.... IS THIS REAL LIFE NO WAY IS WHAT HDHFKHFDFH;LSFHDLSHFDS 
I’ll never forget it because I basically still feel the same way every time. 
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They didn’t have to set this up like a confession scene. But they did. It was a choice.
But during this scene at cheering shows, I am much less concerned with what Taiga was trying to say and much more concerned with prepping blue and green lights for..... 
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Words cannot express how happy this made me. If you haven’t picked up on it already Wakana is my favorite girl from RL. MATTE NYAAAAAAAAAA
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Oh look here. A GOOD translation for “charachara”. One that I might actually steal from now on. Usually the best I can come up with is “flirty”, “carefree”, or “showy” depending on the situation.
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So it seems at this point the translator finally understood what “charachara” actually means in the context of King of Prism. So of course, the logical thing to do here would be to go back and correct the previous wonky line where they used “gaudy” to make it consistent... right.... RIGHT??
Does Crunchyroll actually translate line-by-line as soon as the episode comes out in the hour before they post it? 
They don’t even get any time to edit it?
I dunno about you but I would wait a few more hours for fucking slightly more decent consistency in the translation BUT MAYBE THATS JUST ME 
OH LORD Kakeru’s episode next week is gonna be A SHITSHOW. 
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The sitcom ending to this episode is so dorky but I love it. 
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It was really cool to finally see the details in these festival floats in the ending since they go by so fast in the episode. Shin’s has a rainbow! I wasn’t expecting Masquerade, but I suppose it fits Taiga as well. And it’s not that the Taiga version isn’t good but...  
It’s just that... I.... I want the CD but I..... I already have three different King of Prism covers of it on my phone........... nnnrhg
I dunno about you guys. 
But basically my interpretation of this episode is that no matter what Taiga says....
Everything he’s done...
It was never about the street style.
It was always
about Kazuki
And that makes a lot of sense.
Kazuki spends this entire episode being an apple. Taiga hates apples. Kazuki is a personification of something Taiga hates. But it changes nothing. He loves him. HE LOVES HIM. 
I always questioned whether Taiga’s feelings for Kazuki were pure admiration or true love. And now I know the answer. Probably both. 
So this ends what I know to be King of Prism SSS Part 1, as per the theatrical release. 
Next week is Kakeru and also the beginning of what I know as SSS Part 2. 
I don’t want to de-hype you guys that much, but I actually feel the Part 2 episodes are a good deal more low key than Part 1. But then again that doesn’t say that much for the King of Prism standard.  
I have been looking forward to Kakeru’s episode being released with subs for the sole reason of finally being able to clarify a lot of things I didn’t understand about it. But after seeing the subs this week. HMMM. 
29 notes · View notes
veridium · 5 years
happy pills
The storm is on the horizon for your favorite modern thedas college girls. It’s my honor to push my piece a step further on the board. This episode brought to you by Norah Jones’s “Happy Pills,” otherwise known as my favorite song to sing wine drunk in the shower! 
Enjoy some sad, tepid burn and friends knocking sense into each other! uwu!
start from the beginning // previous episode
6:50am, Friday morning:
--dude, send me your coffee order in ten minutes or perish.
Ellinor: surprise me
--you hate when I do that
Ellinor: you always say that! you know me
--ok fine, it’s my funeral after it’s yours. I’m at the studio. Hopefully you’ve snuck back through the window from your nocturnal love nesting.
Friday morning workout at the dance studio does not rival Josephine’s pep talk as far as therapeutic outlets go, but it’s a close placebo. She’s been going once a day at least since Wednesday evening, and switched to early mornings in order to evade any possible ‘run-in.’ Now she is an even more mean, lean, dancing machine than she usually is, dressed in her black leotard, tights, and running shorts. The last thing on her to-do list while in town is to stop into the coffee shop downtown to pick up coffee for her and Ellinor -- she called dibs on the honors, edging out Cullen for once that week.
She parks her car on the curb at 7:45am and tosses her hair up in a clip. Hopping out of her mini and over the crosswalk, she walks in with ease though the memories flood. Down the way she sees the table where her and Cassandra had their disaster coffee meet-up, and butterflies yet linger in her stomach as she waits in line to place her order.
Just as it’s her turn, people come down the shop stairs from the second-floor lounge area. A set of flats with ballerina laces, the other calf-high, military style boots. The worst combination of people there could ever be. Cassandra, and the red-headed friend of Josephine’s. Lily? Leliana. Leliana.
What are they doing here? It’s the crack of fucking dawn!
They’re walking close, and it’s not due to the lack of space. Shoulder-to-shoulder, like...like how they used to. Olivia can’t bare to look at their faces and have it be made worse. She closes her eyes and turns away. Dread and its accompanying sensations flood her from nose to toe. She braces for a collision, a cringey ‘oh how do you know so-and-so?’ and sly grin for absolutely no reason. Cassandra’s awkward inability to hide her feelings of uncomfortable distaste.
But, across the floor, the secondary door entrance rings its bell, and she turns to see they are gone. Left without so much as a horrible side-eye. Well, fine, if that is how it is...
Is she that unrecognizable post-workout? God, she must be. She pulls out her phone and flips the selfie camera on. It isn’t the worst she’s ever looked -- sophomore year, second semester finals definitely takes the cake in that category. But she does look...human. Mortal. Normal, sans emo pride flag hoisted in her wake.
Her gawking is interrupted by a text from Ellinor:
Ellinor: Hey, still bringing my coffee? I have some things to do and class later…
--Yeah, I’m ordering now. Be at the dorm in 15.
Oh, so she is alive. Funny. She pays for her to-go order, a white non-fat mocha and an Oregon chai. She’s expanding Ellinor’s palate, slowly but surely, starting with the chai family. Today is a risky day to try, though -- Ellinor has been a happy nervous mess, and last night’s antics have them both on edge: another instance where she’d said she would come home in a few hours, tops, only to stay over until morning. Something’s got to give.
Heading to her car, she makes a couple more texts, but to Theia instead:
--dude, hey, do you know Leliana?
She’s buckled up by the time Theia responds. The early mechanic bird always gets first dibs at tinkering with the shop stuff, as she would say.
Theia: Leliana? Who fucking doesn’t.
--That makes me feel better. She queer?
Theia: Yeah, she’s one of us. Cool once she likes you. I swear she ran a government background check on me when I started hanging out with Josie.
--well, great, she’s hanging out with...she who shall not be named
Theia: Well, hope she says goodbye, because I’m still killing her lol
--Ha, very funny. I gotta drive, I’ll text you later. See you this weekend at the gala?
Theia: Yep!
Well, shit. What’s there to like about the situation besides their choice in shoes? Nothing. But she’s got a coffee order to deliver to her best friend, and that takes precedent. She puts the car into gear and takes off.
Once on campus she marches straight up to their rooms, where Ellinor is waiting with a boot tapping the ground and phone in both her hands.
“There you are! Fuck,” Ellinor sighs, rubbing one of her eyes. “Tell me it’s at least a double-shot.”
“Triple,” Olivia grins, handing it to her. They both sip, and Ellinor makes a face.
“Is this a boujee chai? You got me a boujee chai again.”
“I got you a nice chai. You’re welcome, Olivia, for being my coffee fairy…”
Ellinor pinches the bridge of her nose, like a reset button, and refocuses on her phone screen. Is she still grumpy from Olivia’s read last night? Maybe, it was a bit...brutal. That’s what happens when you catch her trying to sleep, noise machine on ocean sounds and late night oreos digesting.
“Thank you,” Ellinor finally spits out, pulling her headphones from her denim jacket pocket. “I’m sorry, I’m just...worried.”
“Why? What’s up? Fuck, my class starts soon, let me throw some clothes on and get my bag.”
A black spaghetti strap, black jeans, and a grey long cardigan will have to do. She runs some product through her wet hair and ties it back up, and out in no more than 3 minutes. They get down the stairs and onto the sidewalk. Private enough for multitasking gossip and academia.
“So, what’s with the stick up your ass?” Olivia asks, slipping her aviators on.
“Not even!”
“You got ten minutes before the door closes and you gotta find another plucky blonde to be your confessor, dude. Speak now or forever hold your peace!”
“Urgh!” Ellinor chokes back an erroneous groan, pressing her to-go cup to her lips. “I need to be beamed up, Scotty. This is getting too much.”
“Too much? Dude, what?”
Ellinor takes another long chug, and their walking gets faster. Oh no, she’s not getting out of this one.
“His sister is arriving today.”
“I thought you were excited to meet her.”
“I am! It’s just...It’s…” they round a corner, a back path to the area of campus where their buildings are located. “You know in movies and shit when people get introduced to other people and the mutual friend goes “ah, shit, this is...my...friend,” like all awkward? I realized this morning that he’s gonna have to do that.”
Olivia sighs, adjusting the position of her bag shoulder strap and hooking her thumb onto it. “And you want to be introduced as an important person.”
“Yes! I--NO!”
“Aha!” Olivia finger guns. Caught red-handed...or...hearted...whatever it is.
“That is not what I am having an issue with! Look, you were right, okay. I don’t want it to be this way. I need to nix it.”
Olivia dragged her shoe heel to a halt, eyes round and mouth agape. “The fuck?! Ellinor, how am I to blame for this?”
“Your text! You...with the thing...and the ‘is this what I want’ shit!”
“Ugh! Ellinor, Jesus Christ!” she grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her off to the side. They had entered a little park-like area, with a couple trees and a cheap looking sitting bench. Guiding -- no, yanking -- Ellinor to it, she slung her onto her ass and set down her coffee.
“Alright, Ellinor, gloves coming off.”
“Gloves, off,” Olivia rolls her shoulders. She’s still feeling bouncy and strong from workout. “You keep saying the opposite of what you feel and it shows. You obviously like him, and he obviously likes you. Why are you acting like being an adult only means saying no? The fuck?” Olivia throws her arms up.
“I’m not! I’m just being practical! I don’t even know if would want to be anything else. He seems perfectly fine as it is!”
“Who said to be friends, Ellinor? Who? I’ll give you three guesses, the first two don’t count!”
The world seemed to stop turning. Olivia stood there, hunched forward in her shoulders, looking like she was lobbying on a Congressional floor that water was a basic human right. That same ardor, all for her best friend botching her love life. But Ellinor was squirming for all the wrong reasons. She was doing exactly what she did when things got too good: finding a reason to call it good, while they were ahead.
Ellinor bunches her knees together and sits back, pouting.
“I said it,” she mumbles.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite hear. Who?” Olivia holds a hand to the rim of her ear.
Ellinor purses her lips and looks off to the side, evading her eye. “I did…” another low tone.
“Uh, come again?”
“I did! Dammit!” she kicks the floor and folds her arms. “Shit, fuck, dammit…”
“BINGO! Ya’ll we got a winner!” The salt in her tone’s getting excessive, even for her own internal standards. Which, clearly, are immense. Deflating her tirade and taking a breath, Olivia puts her hands to her hips. Shifting from antagonist asshole friend to helpful soccer coach mom.
“Babe,” Olivia gives in, “maybe it’s time you listen to the Disney song and say you like him, and you know what you want from him.”
“Do I?” Ellinor asks as Olivia sits down next to her, thigh-against-thigh. She lays her head on Olivia’s shoulder. “I’m so confused I can barely think straight.”
“Hey, that’s less of a problem then you think.”
“Oh. Ha-ha, nice gay joke, funky little bisexual.”
Olivia giggles, and wraps her arm around hers. “Hey, it worked. And now, we’re gonna be late for class.”
“I know.”
They both sigh, and accept the inevitable. Each of them has their reasons. Ellinor probably doesn’t want to see Cullen and have all her existential agony to show off. Olivia just...wants to stop caring. The week has gone on logistically without a hitch, and her workaholic personality has ensured everything but her love and social life has gone smooth. Everything is on fire, but it’s fine. It’s so fine.
“Well, games are fun, right? We’ll have fun.”
Olivia stills, her cheeks flushing. It suddenly gets a whole lot hotter. “Uh, hey, about that…”
Ellinor twitches and sits up, looking at her with a pointed face of ‘oh god, please don’t.’ “Olivia…”
She cringes and bunches her shoulders. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“You said yesterday it’d be fine! That you were all good under the hood!”
She glares, but with a laugh in the back of her throat. “I didn’t say ‘all good under the hood.’ I have never said that in my damn life.”
“You! But you said! Ugh, unbelievable!” Ellinor let her hands fall up, then down onto her jeans, making a slapping down. “What’s going on? Did you talk to Cass?”
Cass. She calls her Cass all the time. It’s nice, but it’s not her. Cullen calls her Cass, too. They all call her Cass. Why not her? Why does she have to be extra and say ‘Cassandra’ all the damn time? For fuck’s sake.
“No, I haven’t. It’s still radio silence, but…” she teeters on whether or not to explain, but she figures it’s written all over her face anyways. Ellinor’s look of skeptical frustration says as much. “I saw her this morning.”
She pauses. Anticlimactic, so it seems. “You...saw her? Is that...a big deal?”
“No, it’s…” she rubs her hand against her scalp of tied-back hair. “It’s not that, really. It’s...how I saw her.”
Ellinor looks as if she’s about to hear a testimony of assisted homicide, as she turns to face her, criss-crossing her legs and picking her coffee up. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“You know that girl I told you about, the one Josie introduced me too?”
“Yeah, the creepy redhead. What about her...oh, oh no. Liv…” she scowls in sympathy, “they weren’t…”
Liv smiles with sadness and looks off to the grass in front of them. “They were at the coffee shop. What was supposed to be our coffee shop. At 7:45 in the morning, no less. You know what that means.”
“...morning after hookup coffee…” Ellinor whines a bit in secondhand misery. “Fuck. It can’t be.”
“I mean, I was wrong. I must be,” Olivia shrugs. “Or she’s having very fond friendships.” Very, very fond. 7:45 in the morning, dressed with makeup on and school bags packed fond. No one’s that fond without something that perked them up the morning before. Unless you were Ellinor Trevelyan and hated admitting feelings.
“The worst part,” she chuckles again, “the worst fucking part! Is that Leliana said she heard about me. My dumbass was like ‘oh, cool, Josie mentioned me,’ but no! It was! Her! That...that!” she stops before she gets carried away, gritting her teeth as she puts her coffee to her chin. “They must laugh about me. Goodness, why would she make a move on Cassandra, she’s clearly not interested and spoken for! Secret...CIA lesbians…”
Ellinor rolls her lips, choking on her laugh she so desperately wants to let out. They refrain from eye contact in order to save face.
“You might be jumping to conclusions, maybe? They could be friends. Josie and her seemed tight, and you don’t know if this Leliana person is even--”
“I texted Theia after I saw them. She’s ‘one of us.’ And pretty, and sophisticated, and...has leadership roles. I look like a chipmunk and Marilyn Manson had a love child on a good day.”
Ellinor gasped, and slapped her in the thigh. “Olivia Berenice, shut up! What the hell! Whatever this woman has going for her, you’re hot, okay? Hot, and brilliant, and cultured!”
“I’m a chipmunk!”
Ellinor roars and starts tickling her in the side, but she only groans and squirms like a gangling preteen without proper cognitive awareness. But, laughter does take hold, and she even snorts.
“Fine, fine! I’m not a chipmunk!” she wiggles, “I just! I’m mad. I’m mad that I’m mad. I shouldn’t be jealous of something that wasn’t mine to begin with. But here I am, sulking and pouting, going ‘but that’s MY spare bike helmet she’s probably wearing, riding on the back of her motorcycle.’ I want to bury myself alive. This shit blows.” She sips more of her mocha, but the sweetness is no longer satisfying. The taste of resentment and unresolved bisexuality overtakes the white chocolate.
“It...it does blow,” Ellinor admits, leaning forward with her elbows on her knees. “Damn.”
“So, forgive me, but I don’t think me showing up tonight will be good. Or necessary. I’m just gonna be that awkward friend that Cullen wants to be nice to but also respect his roommate’s choices. And from what I gather of Leliana, she’ll probably just go Avril Lavigne and kick me into the mini-golf lagoon.”
That evokes a laugh, but a sorry one. Pity. Ellinor downs the rest of her chai and slides her feet over the edge of the bench, boots barely touching down on the dirt. “That means I’ll be on my own with Rosalie, probably. Fuck.”
“Hey, that’s not a bad thing. You’re cute, and funny. From what I’ve heard of her, she’ll probably look at you like the sun shines out your ass. A grunge babe, out in the world and getting educated. Yeah…” she teases, a crooked and charming smile.
Ellinor groans. “I’m a mess, is what I am. She’ll see me twenty yards out and go ‘shit, what’s that hot mess express doing out here in public?’ and Cullen will go, ‘hey, that’s my friend! My friendly friend, who I only have friendship for. The friendliest friend to ever...friend…” she gets sadder the more she talks, as does her posture. It’s disheartening to see her spin and spin and spin, rather than just cut herself a break.
“Ell, you gotta put yourself outta your misery,” Olivia concludes, pulling her phone out. “And I don’t mean by taking a break.”
“There’s no way to know if I’ll be more miserable for indulging myself, though. I’ll just jump out into the water and fall flat on my face.”
“Or, he could catch you, like he’s been trying and offering to this whole damn time.”
“That’s not true!”
“Ughhh, Ellinooorr,” Olivia falls forward into her lap, her head hung low. “Christ alive.”
“It’s not! He doesn’t look a touch uncomfortable with being friends.”
“Yeah, because so far friends has gotten him a spooning-mate for what, three nights?”
“Two! My God, forget about it, nevermind!”
They roll their eyes at the same time but for contrasting reasons. Olivia, fed up a bit by the circular direction of the conversation, would rather go to class and risk being locked out for her delinquency. “Come on, to class, binch.”
Ellinor lays her head back but pushes herself up, dragging her feet but carrying on. When they’re back on the sidewalk, fresh air in their lungs, things feel a bit less useless.
“But that also means he’s probably sick of me making demands,” Ellinor speaks again after about a minute of walking. “If I try to reset the boundaries, he’ll probably think I’m too bossy or something.”
“The man likes to be bossed,” Olivia says rather mercilessly, “I’ve never seen a guy with a more apparent invisible “peg me” sign on his forehead.”
“What?!” she shrugs, “there’s a nobility in getting pegged.”
“Yeah? And what would you be, if Cassandra was involved?” a sharp, cutting response. Maybe Olivia hit a nerve too far.
She sighs. “The best peggers know when it’s their turn to get pegged,” she answered, “I do not possess such talents. The force is not with me.”
They come to the short concrete walkway to Olivia’s building and stop. People walk past, closer so that they have to be more secretive with their highly classified discussion.
“The force could be in you, maybe,” she giggles crassly, “uh, I mean, pour one out for your pegging skills,” side-stepping towards the path where she must walk alone. “You sure you don’t wanna go, dude? It’ll be a crowd, and you can spend all your time with Rosalie if you want to. I might need the help if she turns out hating my guts.”
Olivia slides her hands into her jean pockets and looks around. No one familiar, no one worth her attentions. Good.
“I’m sorry, Ellinor. I’m recovering, and I’m a hell of a lot better than I was last weekend, but...I don’t think I can see her. See them...at least, not like that.” The sight of Cassandra playing soccer was still sacred to her. The first real sight she ever got of her in action, and the epicenter of happier times with Ellinor on the grass sipping drinks and fantasizing about their love stories.
“Okay. Text me, alright? If you change your mind I can just swing around and come get you.”
“No worries. I’m probably gonna drive home tonight, actually. I got my dress for the gala, I just need to go spend time with Mother dearest.”
“Ugh, really?”
“Yeah. I know,” she huffs, looking up at the third floor windows where her lecture is being held without her. “Time to wake up and get on with life. You, at least, are still holding out.”
“Psh! No,” Ellinor make a ‘yikes face.’ “I’m on thin ice right next to you.”
Olivia stares at her, a brow raised. “Ellinor.”
She shakes her head, and turns her shoulders towards the doors that await her. “I’ll put it this way: I walked out on my person after demanding space once, and she came back around. I did it again, and I lost everything good about it in fear of facing the ‘maybe’ bad stuff. Don’t be me, checking messages that are a week old, hoping that I somehow missed one. Don’t get your heart smashed into the sidewalk when you see him out with someone else because you didn’t know what you may have had. Please.”
It pains her to say it out loud, but it’s true. The week was a yellow-brick road of life lessons learned all-too-late. If she could go back, she’s unsure of what she’d do. Maybe not kiss her, maybe still try but then ask what was wrong. Talk to her. Listen. God, listen better. But it’s too late -- or, it’s too close to being too late, and she can’t keep doing this to herself.
Ellinor frowns, as if she is about to tear up. Olivia grins and pats her on the shoulder. “Hey, go to class, kid.”
“Okay. Text me, please? Let me know when you’re on the road and when you’re home.”
“I will. Love you, bestie.”
“You too, bestie.”
And with that, they part ways, Olivia retreating into her sacred building, called Tifton Hall by everyone else. The stairs sound better than an elevator, and when she gets to the third floor, she sees that class was let out early. Great, so it was no use showing up. She climbs back to the second floor where the faculty offices are along with the TA office desk and inboxes. If she can get nothing else out of being there, she can check for any last minute notes. She’s been a horrible TA -- it’s been over a week since she checked it.
Nothing’s there, though, with the exception of a red post-it. Some Professor’s shorthanded nonsense, probably. Ripping it from the box and sticking it on her finger, though, the truth is revealed:
“Stopped by to drop off things for a Professor. Hope you’re having a good day. -C”
Her throat nearly closes, or so it feels. It must have been old. She looks on the back, and true to Cassandra’s erudite character, it’s dated. The day before last Friday. The day they hadn’t seen each other, or text, really. Turns out her distance wasn’t so far.
She looks down either end of the hallway -- no one’s there to make fun of her for what she is about to do. She pulls out her favorite notebook and presses it to the inside cover. The last thing she’ll ever have, for when she starts to forget it was ever real.
God, Ellinor, don’t fuck up like I have.
Time to put headphones in and marathon King Princess, St. Vincent, and Halsey, her sapphic patroness Saints, until she feels too heartless to care. A playlist on her Spotify made by Sera for her last fallout with a girl, titled “Girl Troubles, Dedicated to Baby Liv.”
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onelovewonderwoman · 7 years
Jealous - Peter Parker x Jealous!Stark!Reader
After days of procrastination, I bring you yet another overly detailed and shitty fic. I really hope you guys enjoy. This probs the longest one of written. Imma try to get a few more chapters of stuff done the rest of the summer. I can’t write as often like two weeks from now because of school and stuff, which sucks, but whatcha gonna do. On to the fic! 
tags : @running-outta-time
words : 3431
warnings : death of a parent (due to cancer)
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You're whole life, it'd always been you and your mom against the world. She raised you all on her own, young and working multiple jobs to get by and support the both of you. That aside, she'd always been there. The best mom ever. From school talent shows to the science fair to everything; your mom always has your back. She was all you really knew, as it was hard to make friends. Most kids found you odd for being the smartest in the class, which resulted in a lack of friends as no one ever wanted to hang out with the weird girl.
You didn't mind though because you always had your best friend, your mom; until you didn't.
You always thought she'd live a longer life than five more years after being diagnosed with cancer.
You were five when you mom had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Despite the pain she'd felt as the days went on, as much as she didn't want you to ever see her the way she was after months would go by, she was always there for you.
But, once you'd reached the age of ten, you watched your mother die right in front of you; surrounded by white walls that seemed blinding at the time. Your mother’s best friend had stood by your side that day, sobbing as the woman who was once practically her sister laid limp on the hospital bed. You stayed silent for the longest time, shedding no tears. You hoped that it'd been one big sick joke. You hoped that any minute then, the monitor would start back up again and her heart would beat once more; it didn't.
You thought you'd stay with the only other person you'd known; your mother’s best friend and your godmother. However, due to the lack of income, and legal rights, she couldn't.
Legal rights caught you both off guard.
As it turns out, your father was out there. You always thought he'd passed or something, due to the fact that your mother always brushed off the subject; but that was just naivety, you should've known better.
As it turns out, your father was the infamous Tony Stark; Iron Man as most now knew him.
You were sent to live with your father, despite pleading and begging with your godmother to do something, anything, for you to stay with her. All she could do was promise you that everything would be okay, and that you were strong and your father would love you all the same as your mother did.
A month after your mother passed, two weeks after her funeral, you had officially moved to New York to your father’s home. Well, home as in tower, it took getting used to. You reminded yourself countless times that day that that was your new home.
You'd spent the first year sulking, unbeknownst to your father of course, who was always busy. The resentment towards him was huge and you felt as though you could never forgive him for leaving you and your mother like that. For never even being there or attempting to help. You reminded yourself day after day that he hadn’t known of your existence ‘till the passing of your mother but anger kept you drowning in a dark hole.
You’d spent the second year actually attempting to get to know him. You came to terms that this was the way it was going to be. You tried for hours a day to spend time with him, but you'd only ever been brushed off because of his busy schedule. However, as your mind opened up to the idea of getting to know your father that year, you'd become great friends with Pepper Potts. She'd given you advice over the years and acted as the parent Tony should've been when she was around. You were glad that you had someone to keep you company in the cold tower once and awhile.
Due to the fact that you couldn't get your father’s attention, you began to attempt to earn it. During the beginning of the third year, he'd complimented your intelligence briefly over one of the empty dinners you both shared after he'd gotten word from your in home teacher about how well you were doing. You found your heart swell at the comment; from then on you found yourself chasing after his approval. You began working on different projects; even attempting to replicate his suit and an artificial intelligence, one much like J.A.R.V.I.S. and F.R.I.D.A.Y.
Your relationship with your father had grown since you'd first arrived, he cared tremendously about you; and your lack of interaction with kids your own age. He just never had acknowledged your attempts at proving yourself. When you'd show him something new you'd been working on, he'd say, “That’s cool, Mila, but I have to get to working now.”
But during your fourth year there, your father never ceased to remind you about how Peter Parker, A.K.A. Spider-Boy, was doing so great and was so smart and a good kid with a good heart; especially after the boy put away The Vulture only two weeks ago.
You found yourself jealous of the kid you'd never even met but only heard of. He'd managed to earn all the affections you ran after from your father in three months. Where as you spent over three years; and probably more to come.
Today, though, was the first day you were going to meet him.
Your father had claimed that you needed friends your own age, and who better than his old golden boy, Peter Parker.
You begrudgingly stood next to your father, waiting at the front doors of the tower for Happy to bring in Peter.
“I don't get why I have to do this.” You grumbled and crossed your arms over your chest, back hunched.
“Have to do this? Mila,” Tony placed a hand on your back, “This isn't some project at school that sucks, this is a friend,” He gave you a stern look, “A friend only.”
You rolled your eyes and sneered, “Well what if I don't want a friend?” You turned your head back to the doors, mumbling, “I've always been fine that way.”
Tony sighed, “You haven't even met the kid yet, give him a shot.”
You let out a growl at the back of your throat, only to get a look from your father to calm down.
Soon, you both saw two figures walking through the glass doors, one you recognized as Happy, and the other you assumed, Peter.
Tony was quick to tell you, “Be nice.”, before leading you to Peter.
You had to admit, the boy was attractive. His brown hair was slightly gelled and to the side; you could tell he had curls. He had warm brown eyes, and couldn't be over 5’9. His shirt had a nerdy science pun on it, that was covered by a jacket and paired with simple dark blue jeans.
You both stared until your father said something about having to talk to Happy about an infamous Tony Stark party. He pushed you forward before he left, only for you to trip on your own two feet and land into the hero’s arms.
He stared at you wide eyed before clearing his throat and smiling nervously, “S-Sorry. I’m-I’m Peter,” he let you go and held out his hand, “Parker Peter - Wait, no, I mean Peter Parker.”
You only stared at his outstretched hand. ‘What kind of teenagers even shake hands?’ You thought, ‘Although, I can't be one to judge. I don't even have any teenage friends.’
You nodded your head, giving a tight smile, and nodded, “Okay.”
Peter’s smile fell a bit as he retracted his hand and shoved it into his jacket pocket, “S-So, I've heard a lot-a lot about you. ‘Cause, ya know, being the daughter of Stark and stuff.”
You continued to stare him down as he squirmed slightly in discomfort, before you said, “I'm gonna go upstairs.”
His eyes widened, “Oh, co-cool. Could-could I maybe come? Mr. Stark said he wanted us to get to maybe-maybe know each other.”
You rolled your eyes. As cute as you thought he was, you didn't want him to come with you. You didn't even want to meet him five minutes ago! You knew your father was only concerned about the fact that you didn't have any teenage friends; maybe that's why he thought you spent so much time in your room when in actuality you were finding different ways to impress him. But bringing in his ‘teen protegé’ was not the best way to make a normal teen friend. Especially when your father couldn't see the burning jealousy you had.
You sighed and shook your head, “Well, maybe you could go find Tony and Happy and tell them that you'd like to go home or something,” you turned on your heel and began walking, “Oh, and don't seem too nervous, I'll never hear the end of the inability to make friends my age.”
With that you left Peter with standing alone in the huge entrance, eyebrows furrowed and face dumbstruck.
‘What could her problem be?’ He thought to himself. It was obvious you had a problem; that or you were just incredibly rude. Tony had reassured him, though, that you were really, really sweet girl with insane ambition.
It was no lie when once Peter walked into Stark Tower he’d been met with the sight of a very beautiful girl, who he assumed had a very beautiful personality, especially from the way Tony would make it seem. However, he was met with an unexplainable rudeness.
For now, Peter brushed it off as a bad day.
After three weeks though, Peter had had enough of it. He had also had enough with falling for you despite your rude behaviour towards him. He knew that wasn't really you, but he also knew that he didn't do anything wrong. He was going to get to the bottom of it.
After the same three weeks, you had finally been able to finish the design on the A.I. you'd been working on.
Now, you really hoped this would make your father proud.
Grinning, you rushed down to the lab, excited to show your father and see his reaction. He’d have to be impressed by this.
You ran to the lab, only to be met with Peter working on new designs with your dad for a new Iron suit through the glass doors.
‘Not even his own Spider-Boy suit,’ You thought, ‘How come Tony never asked me to help?’
You didn't let that falter your mood completely though, as you walked, and saw Peter give you a small smile and wave. Your glared back which caused his smile to fall and for him to roll his eyes.
“Tony!” You came forward, “You won't believe it, I finally finished working on the new A.I. it's design is done and everyth-,”
“That’s great honey, but Peter and I are working on something right now, okay?” His head didn't lift from what he was tinkering on, “I'll check it out some other time.”
You felt a drop in your stomach and heart sink. ‘Some other time.’
“Oh…,” you quietly said, “O-Okay. I'll-I’ll just be in my room if you need anything.”
Tony hummed as you stood for a couple more seconds, opening and closing your mouth and debating whether or not you should say anything else.
Peter’s eyes shot between the two of you, “H-Hey, maybe I could check out that design. I'm not too bad with that stuff.”
Tony’s head lifted at the suggested, “Yanno, that's not such a bad idea kid.”
You widened your eyes at your father in disbelief, “But-,” you cut yourself off and sent the meanest possible glare Peter’s way before stalking off to your room.
Tony furrowed his eyebrows and turned to Peter, “D’you do anything to her? ‘Cause I swear, Spiderling, if hurt her in any way, I'll do you just the same but a billion times worse.”
Peter's eyes widened, “No, no, Mr. Stark, I would never. Your daughter and I aren't even close, I don't know why she would be mad at me.”
Tony raised his eyebrows, making Peter say, “But I'll definitely go check on her. Make sure she's okay, yanno?”
Tony hummed, “And only check on her. None of my interns smooch my daughters.”
Peter’s eyebrows furrowed, “But-But, Mr. Stark, I'm your only intern. And-And Mila’s your only daughter.”
Tony smiled, “Exactly. So no Peters smooch Y/Ns. Got it?”
Peter nodded frantically and turned quickly to get out of the awkward situation.
Once he'd made it to your room, he held his fist over your door, hesitating. Once he'd finally made up his mind, he went to knock the door, only for it to open suddenly and have his fist hit you right in the eye.
“Dude!” You clutched your left eye, he did have super strength after all.
Peter’s eyes went wide with panic, “Oh God, I didn't mean to - I'm so sorry! - It was an accident, I promise! - I really didn't mean t-,”
You huffed and moved passed him, bumping your shoulder accidentally into his on the way. Making your way into the kitchen, you grabbed a cloth and put some ice in it, resting it on your eye.
Peter, who'd followed you, asked, “Why did you open the door so suddenly?”
You squinted, “Suddenly? Dude, I got thirsty, opened the door, and got knocked in the head by Spider-Boy. What were you doing at my door anyways?”
Peter mumbled briefly, “It’s Spider-Man,” before saying aloud, “I came to see if you were okay.”
“I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?”
“You didn't seem to be back in the lab.”
You rolled your eyes at him and began to walk back to your room, stopping when you heard,
“What's your problem anyway? Did I do something to make you hate me?”
You turned and chose your words carefully, “No… I just like keeping my distance,” You didn't want to start anything now, although you still mumbled, “from the kid my dad wishes he had instead of me.”
Peter must've heard you, because he responded with, “What are you talking about? Mr. Stark would never want to replace you. H-He’s never said anything bad about you.”
You scoffed, “Yeah, but he's always saying amazing stuff about you,” You began to imitate your father, “Oh, Mila, did I tell you how smart Peter is? Oh, Mila, Peter’s helping out in the lab today, even though I know you've always wanted to do just that.” You added on the last part yourself.
Peter squinted his eyes, “So, you’re jealous?”
“God, of course I'm jealous!” You threw your hands in the air before walking closer to him with each word you spoke, “I have spent over two years trying to impress my father. I've worked my ass off trying to make that stupid A.I. so he'd be proud of me. I've tried so hard to work in the lab with him. But after only four months of knowing you, not even four, he's always talking about you and how impressed he is! It's not fair! I've worked so hard on trying to gain his approval, and every time he just brushes me off!”
You were now chest to chest with Peter. His gaze softened as he look at you. He didn't think you were jealous of him; there's never been a time where someone was.
“I-I didn't kn-know. I'm sorry,” He shook his head, “You're dad thinks you're amazing, you know. Even if he doesn't acknowledge it, he thinks you’re really smart and talented. He's always talking about you too; and not just about how kind.”
Your shoulders slumped, “Oh.”
Regardless of Peter saying such things, your father had yet to show that interest and approval, in the things you do, to you.
Both of you stood for a couple of moments, you avoiding his gaze as he stared down at you, examining your features.
You took a breath before backing up slightly, “I-I guess I'm sorry for-for blowing up at you like that. That wasn't really cool.”
Peter shook his head and gave a small smile, “It happens, don't worry ‘bout it.”
Before you could leave, Peter spoke up again, “You should talk to your dad,” You looked at him with a type of innocent wide eyed look and he suddenly found himself nervous under your gaze, “Mayb-maybe that'll- that'll help.”
You gave him a shy smile and murmured for only him to hear, despite being in the kitchen alone, “Yeah, maybe,” you sighed lightly, “Thanks, Spider-Man.”
With a sudden boost of confidence, Peter found himself pulling you back with a web he'd stuck to the back of your shirt, pulling you into his embrace. The arm that pulled you back came around your waist as the other hand was placed on your side, only a little higher than the other.
Nervousness took over his body again as you stared at him wide eyed in shock, him stupidly saying, “I promised your dad no Peters would smooch any Y/Ns.”
It was then Peter’s turn for his eyes to widened as yours morphed into an estranged look.
Peter still stood frozen in embarrassment, opening and closing his mouth, searching for an answer.
You laughed nervously before stating shyly, “I mean, if you wanted to,” you eyebrows furrowed, “smooch; all you have to do is ask.”
Peter stood the same wide eyed and frozen.
You rolled your eyes a little before leaning in and pressing a small peck to his lips.
You laughed lightly as he stayed the same, eyes widening even more if possible.
“You should probably get back to my dad, Spider-Man,” you back away, “Or else he’ll think we've been smooching.”
You winked before turning away and walking to your room, a grin forming on your face.
Once you'd left, Peter’s face broke out into a huge smile before paling, “Oh God, Mr. Stark’s gonna kill me.”
You hadn't made it to your room by that point and heard the boy express his concern, shouting at him, “What Mr. Stark doesn't know, won't hurt him!”
It wasn't until the next night, while you were texting Peter, that your dad showed up to your room, knocking lightly on the opened door to grab your attention.
You turned off your phone and sat up, “Hey.”
He came over and sat on the edge of your bed, a comfortable silence taking over the room for a few moments.
“I heard about what you said the other day,” Tony spoke up, “I would never want to replace you, you know that? I’m so impressed with how talented and amazing you are.”
You lowered your head and began to play with the duvet, mumbling, “Then why don't you ever show it?”
“I didn't think you needed my approval,” Tony’s hand reached over to hold yours, “I've just been focused on other things, I thought you could wait because you handle yourself well, but I'm sorry for making you feel like I prefer the Spiderling over you, and making you feel like you had to prove yourself over the four years you've been here.”
You looked up at your dad and gave a small smile, “It's okay. I'm glad that at least now I know,” you laughed and attempted to lighten the mood, “Hey, at least now I have an actual teenage friend; Parker’s not that bad.”
Tony’s eyes darkened at the mention of Peter from you, “Speaking of Peter,” he stood and made his way to the door, “You're texting him right now, right?”
You furrowed your eyebrows, you knew it wasn't hard to guess ‘cause he's the only person you could possibly be texting, but you wondered why it made your father so mad, “I mean, yeah, why?”
“Okay, well, remind him,” you pulled out your phone again and began to write up a text, “that none of my interns smooch my daughters, because it seemed to have slipped his mind yesterday.”
Your fingers froze over your keyboard and your eyes widened, not daring to look up.
“Anyways, goodnight, honey,” just before he left, he leaned back into the room, “Oh, and you’re grounded. Tell underoos that, and to watch out.”
The moment he left, you type to Peter,
‘Swing away, Spider-Boy, swing away.’
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A Gentle Giant part 1
Okay for obvious reasons Pennywise's height is based off of Bill's but just thought it's be better to get this out of the way first so I don't have to explain his height. K hope y'all enjoy part 1/? ~~~~~ It all started in the summer when Y/n L/n had their first run in with the strangest moments of their entire life. They could remember mosying down Neibolt Street on their motorcycle, the Yamaha XS 650 to be exact, they had just gotten out of work to get home. When they noticed Bill Denborough's bike.They recognized it due the fact that they had known Bill since he was in diapers. Living next door made it easy to recognize Silver. It was at 29 Neibolt St. It sent a chill down their spine, not only could it be infested with squatters, mice, snakes, ect. ect. It also was rotting away from the foundation. 
Bill and the 6 other bike owners, who y/n assumed would be his other friends they've seen running around, could be in big trouble. They parked the Bike on the curb deciding to throw caution to the wind when they heard a symphony of screams. running toward all the kids you recognized most of them.The first thing they saw was the bleeding new kid, they had no idea who he was, but they knelled down to assess the situation when they heard a familiar scream from none other then Eddie as Richie set his bone into place. Pushing the other child to the back of their mind they rushed to Eddie,demanding for the preteens to get out of their way. They picked up Eddie trying not to jostle the small kid, telling the kids to tell his mom where he was Y/n rushed out onto their Yamaha as the sped off to the nearest hospital.
After about ten minutes at the hospital, Ms. Kaspbrak came bursting through the door demanding to know what happened to her son. "Ma'am I just heard a scream from 29 Neibolt St. Where Billy and his friends were, that was when I saw Eddie's arm and rushed him over" Y/n explained as calmly as possible, having known the woman for as long as they had, they had come to expect this act from her. She nodded her head frantically babbling about how grateful she was that they had been there and how they were an angel in disguise and how "those little devils were trying to kill her son". "Now Ms. K" Y/n interjected, "I've known these kids since they were in diapers. None of them would something like that. They were in an old house, perhaps," They paused to stoop down to her level who was on the verge of hyperventalating, "Ms. Kaspbrak you need to take deep breaths come on, in and out. in, out. That's it!" they beamed straightening up a litte. "Eddie's gonna be fine, he's tougher then he looks. When i was their age I probably explored that damn house 100 times over.It's really old he could've just fallen. Bill's not going to attempt to hurt Ed's anytime soon." "Now I know you babysat that boy when he was little but kids change!" she started up her rant again, talking about everything that could be the cause of 'Eddie's friends trying to kill him"
Y/n's patience's started to fade as they listened to the woman, remembering that she might be going into shock and that keeping her talking could be a good thing! They never had anything to do with medicine so they wouldn't really know. Though one suggestion seemed to make them lose themselves. "I bet you that they were trying to sacrifice him... Yes that's it! Sacrificing my son so that... Georgie was it? yes yes it was, for... For him to come back! Devil worshipers the whole lot of them!" which caused Y/n to turn roughly and stalk outside of the building. ~~~~ I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose as I rushed to my bike, knowing that was how Ms.K was I tried not to dwell on her words so much as I turned my focus to the road. How were the rest of them? I decided to try and make sure the kids were at least out of that damn house before I went to investigate it myself. I knew it could have something to do with Georgie, Bill was devastated when he went missing. As was I, I was his babysitter when he was only 3, it hit my family pretty hard when he was announced missing just a few months ago. Georgie was one of the most caring little kid I could've known.  He never seemed to care about my height when I hit the sudden growth spurt near my Senior year of high school pushing me passed 7 ft, no he just continued to treat me like a cousin, or family member, always asking for bike rides and if I could play. Even if I had to work or study he'd be right there trying to convince me that I could just live with his family so I could play with him. I was his "gentle giant" as some would say. My growth spurt has continued until I was a ridiculous 7 ft 4. Of course that sent mocking and self consciousness in my direction as I felt even more out of place in this sleepy little town. I got this bad habit of hunching over that only seemed to go away when I was with loved ones, like my mother or the Denborough's, now a days I was slouched over almost all the time. I drove back past the "haunted house" which, to my relief was lacking in the children's bicycle department.
Though I felt like I was being watched as I drove back to my neighborhood, deciding to take a stop at Bill's house to make sure he was okay. Parking in my driveway I walked over to his house and knocked on his door. I was greeted by his mother letting me go in to talk to him. I walked up to his room and knocked "Bill, it's Y/n" I called softly. After a sound of shuffling feet the door opened to show the tired and red puffy eyes of a desperate and sad Bill. "Can I come in?" I asked, he stepped out of the way and let my in his room. We used to always keep his door open when I was in his room but he shut his door the second I was out of the way.
"Whoa bud, what's gotten into you?" I asked started kneeling down and looking into his eyes. "I-I m-m-messed up b..bad Y/n..." He whispered. "aw hun no!" I collected him into my arms rocking him back and forth hushing the silent sobs. "I came to make sure you were safe. I also want to know what you were doing in that house Billy." I mentioned as his breathing calmed down and he seemed to freeze up in my arms. "You... You wouldn't un-understand..." he grumbled into my shoulder. "I will if you want me to know" I said straightening me, "but since I know your safe, I'll be going no-" "W-wait!" Bill grabbed my arm seeming to have an inner struggle on whether or not to tell me what happened until he muttered. "m-meet me a-at the B-B-Barrens tomorrow th-then I'll let you kn-kn...know"
I sighed, "I've got school tomorrow, my thesis isn't gonna write itself, but I'll be back at one, then I'll pick you up and we'll go there okay?" I said looking down at him. He gave me a determined little nod that made me smile. "Well," I paused to ruffle his hair, "See ya later squirt~" 
"H-hey!" He grumbled pushing my hand of his head, "E-everyone's a-a s-s-squirt to y-you Y/n!" He called after me making me smile. "Your not wrong kiddo!" I called after him as I exited the Denborough's household to walk back to mine. As long as I lived under my mother's roof, I would have to uphold the curfew.  Even though I was able to basically do whatever I want in the legal world, I was still under the control of my parents. After a quick dinner with my parents I head off to bed. After all that bullshit I had to put up with today, I half wished I could sleep forever.
After curling up for what seemed like an eternity, I finally seemed to fall asleep.
I felt it beofre I saw it. A hand creeping up my shoulders, pressing it's sharp digits into my shoulders causing a pang of pain and a yelp to erupt from my lips. I tried to trun my head before I heard him. "Y/n, don't you want to float with me?" Georgie, he was at the foot of my bed, his big innocent eyes in his cute rain slick. My eyes widened as I sat up completely ignoring the tearing feeling in my shoulders as the claw like features racked down my back. "G-goergie?... GEORGIE!" I tried to leap towards him and grab his arm but, my body seemed to hit a solid mass of dirty white pantaloons. "wh-what?" I was on my knees so I looked up at the towering figure. 'What the Hell?' I asked staring intently at the man in a clown costume.   "Where's Georgie!" I growled in confusion staring the freak right in the eyes, I started to stand up, but a surprisingly strong hand puished flat against the end of my bed. "What the Hell..." My mumbles got more unintelligible as I felt another pair or hands, seemingly coming from inside my mattress, started to strangle me. All I could hear from the freaks mouth was "You'll die if you try, you'll die if you try,you'lldiifyoutryyou'lldieifyoutry..." Then my vision faded to black.
I shot up from my bed gripping my throat taking deep breaths. I was covered in sweat, I was in my room, I was ALIVE. "Well, I did a lot yesterday" I reasoned with myself "It's just stress..."
Little did I know about the pair of golden eyes looking at me from the closet.
Not much Pennywise in this one but there will be in part 2!))
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zecretsanta · 6 years
To: @cammieanime
From: @oolb
Hi there! This is for @cammieanime. I just LOVE Seven and Lotus and I’m glad you do too, so I wrote something about the two of them meeting up after the events of the first game. It was really fun to write, so I hope you enjoy!
It wasn’t often that she went out, honestly. Raising two daughters by yourself wasn’t an easy feat, even though they were already past 18 and didn’t really need any more raising. Truth be told, the thought of being away from her daughters made her nervous, especially given the events that had transpired only 6 months ago… Hazuki – or Lotus, she’d taken a liking to that despite the bad memories the name was associated with – considered herself to be a strong-minded woman, but there wasn’t a soul in the world that wouldn’t be shaken by the Nonary Game.
Funny. Now that all had passed, the number nine kept on showing up in repeatedly in her life… often she caught herself thinking that maybe the game had never ended and this was just a sick version of the Truman Show.
“Or maybe you’re getting a bit paranoid, mom,” Ennea said as she put the car into park. “You have your cell phone, right? You’ll call if you need me?”
“Eh? Ennea, you’re acting like the mom here.” She laughed and gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead. “I love you. Tell Nona I love her too.” And then she grabbed her purse, her coat and jumped out of the car before she could change her mind and ask Ennea to drive her home.
‘Blue Ocean’ was a really fucking stupid name for a bar, Hazuki thought, yet it was her destination nonetheless. What would the ocean be other than blue? Well, maybe green, maybe muddy brown, but still. Something else about the name bothered her, though she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Still, for such a gaudy name, the Blue Ocean was rather… plain on the inside. Some lopsided fish stared down at her from the wall as she walked in, but that was pretty much all that the Blue Ocean had going for it. Pity. She’d seen fake ships with better décor. Hazuki set herself down by the bar and ordered a pint of beer. On the television screen behind the bar, some soccer match had just started its second half. Perfect. It would be just her, her beer, and two teams she’d never heard of playing for a sport she didn’t care for. If this was what it took to make her feel like a regular person again, Hazuki was all for it.
Yet halfway through her pint of beer… “Well, I didn’t think I’d be running into the demon again so soon.”
Oh, she knew that voice. Hazuki ran her thumb over her rings and gave a little laugh. She stared down at her beer. “I think it’s too early for a reunion, Seven.” Then she gestured loftily to the chair next to her. Not that she thought that Seven was a particularly interesting company, but she was in a good mood.
“Oh, you’re offering me a seat? That’s unexpected.” He shuffled into the seat a little clumsily, a man of his size looking out of place on the dainty bar stool. Seven turned to face her with a grin. Since the last time she’d seen him at the Nonary Game, he’d… changed, somehow. A little bit. It was as if the wrinkles near his eyes became just that much more apparent in the bar’s dim light.
“Good to see you’re wearing regular clothes this time around.” Seven chuckled and smoothed his hair down with a broad hand. He was no longer wearing the beanie and overalls, though his fashion sense still leaned towards “comfortably baggy”.
“I can wear whatever I damn well want,” Hazuki said, sipping her beer. “Plus, belly dancing is only on Tuesdays and Thursdays.”
“I believe ya.” Seven gave her a look. He waved down the bartender and asked for the wine list.
Hazuki nearly spit out her drink. “You’re ordering wine? Really? And I’m the exhibitionist grandma.” For some reason, the thought of a guy like Seven sipping Pinot Noir (Chardonnay? Whatever, who fucking cared about wine anyway) seemed absurd to her. She thought him to be the beer guzzling type.
Clearly, he seemed to think the opposite about her. “Well, I was gonna ask you to join me, but seems you’re all set.” He shrugged. “Don’t diss my wine. Red wine is good for the noggin.” He tapped the side of his head. “If it wasn’t for this thinking machine up here, we would have never gotten out of that confinement room.”
At this, she scoffed. “Please. I was way better at those puzzles than you.”
Seven gave a noncommittal grunt as the bartender slid him the menu. He squinted down at it, lips pursed. He slid his finger down the list and something crossed his expression. “This is gonna sound crazy, but d’you feel like you’re being haunted… by a goddamn number?” He flipped the menu to her. “Nine different types of wine on the list… sometimes I think I’m losing my mind.”
“Ha! You’re not the only one.” She gestured in a conspirational fashion at the television. “Ten minutes ago, number 9 on the red team scored a goal.”
Seven turned to her, a little unnerved. “Really?”
“Tch! I can’t believe you fell for that one.” Seven frowned for a moment but, surprisingly, they shared a moment of laughter. She’d be damned. Laughing with enemy.
“Y’know…” Seven started after ordering a glass of his fancy wine, “I gotta say… I’m sorry I said you looked like a half-naked raisin. I mean, it was true, but I’m still sorry I said it.”
“Nice of you to admit that.”
“Hey, I’m feeling rather generous lately. I guess that’s the side-effect of surviving a Nonary Game. Glad to be alive.” He gave a shrug, which looked a little like a mountain yawning. The man glanced at her, as if trying to gauge something from her expression. “Say, how’s that… how’s that treating ya.”
“How’s what treating me?”
“Y’know… surviving that fucking mess.”
Hazuki lowered her eyes from the television screen. She ran a finger around the mouth of the pint glass, pondering the question. And also pondering how much she wanted to tell Seven. He was still a stranger, after all, despite what they’d been through.
“It’s fine if you don’t wanna talk about it. I get it.” Seven said suddenly. He turned away, drumming his fingers on the counter. “Your kids were in it. You were in it. It must’ve been like living the nightmare all over again. Hell, I don’t even know why you got wrapped up into it… I mean. Junpei, that’s obvious. Aoi too. Those weirdo siblings, they were part of the original mess. And Ace too.” He listed the people off on his fingers. “I mean, the only weird part of the equation is you.” He was practically muttering now, speaking to himself.
Hazuki raised an eyebrow. “Seems like you’ve been thinking a lot about this.”
“I have, actually.” He gave a quick glance over his shoulder and leaned in. “Junpei and I are… Junpei and I have teamed up. Sort of. We just… we just want to get to the bottom of this.” He scratched the stubble on his chin. “I can’t say much, but I feel like… this Nonary Game wasn’t the last of them.”
Hazuki’s stomach sank. “What?”
“I mean, I can’t say much, but… yeah. Just a hunch.”
God. Another Nonary Game. First her daughters, then her. Maybe she should call her mother soon just to make sure everything was okay.
She examined her glass. “I hope I have absolutely nothing to do with the next one.”
Seven laughed. “Hell, I hope so too.”
“Maybe they’ll write us out of the next two games and give only vague hints about our whereabouts and existence.”
Seven’s eyes widened and he scratched his chin. “Uh…”
She shrugged. “That was a joke. Don’t think about it too hard.” The smile faded from her lips and she paused. “You know, I do wanna talk about it. The Nonary Game, I mean. I think I’m ready.”
He waved his hand in a broad, inviting gesture. She took a deep breath:
“It was awful, and I would rather lick this bar’s floor than spend nine hours stuck with those idiots again, but… honestly, part of me… well, I felt closer to my daughters. I mean, I think it was important for me to go through what they had gone through. It sort of—sort of breaks my heart knowing just what they went through, but it killed a mystery that has been haunting me for years. To some degree, I guess.” She pursued her lips. “Closure. I guess that’s the word. Closure.”
Seven nodded slowly. “You know, I can respect that.”
Feeling a bit uncomfortable after that word vomit, Hazuki took a swig from her beer. “Well, respect it or not, that’s what I feel about that crazy bullshit. My two cents. How about you?”
His wine had arrived. Seven swirled it around in the glass before answering, watching the little rivulets of wine slide down the sides. “I just think we’re part of something bigger. Not me or you, specifically, but… What we’ve been through. I don’t think we fully understand it yet. Maybe we never will.”
“I suppose asking you to go more into detail isn’t allowed?”
He grinned. “Heh. Yeah. Sorry, Lotus, you’re pretty, but I ain’t riskin’ my job for you so soon.”
“It’s Hazuki.”
“Hazuki. I remember that.”
She paused. “Is… your real name classified information too?”
Seven laughed at that, a big, booming laugh that had always gotten on her nerves during the Nonary Game. “I s’pose you wouldn’t believe me if I actually said it was Seven, would ya?”
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Heheh. See?” He grinned. “Told ya.”
Somebody at the other side of the bar suddenly cried out—“Oh!” Both Hazuki and Seven jumped, until they realized the person was reacting to the television screen. Hazuki and Seven swung around to see a goal being scored. By the red team—player number 9.
“Huh.” Seven’s wine glass was raised and he kept it there for a moment, staring at the TV screen. “That’s… that’s… huh.”
“Blue Ocean,” Hazuki said suddenly, her eyes wide.
“Blue Ocean. It has nine letters. That’s what was bugging me.”
“Oh.” Seven blinked. “I thought you’d be bothered by—well, I mean, Blue Ocean is a stupid name—“
“Yes! That’s what I said!” Hazuki raised her arms in exasperation. The gold bracelets on her wrist jangled noisily. “Thank you, Elephant Man.”
Seven chuckled at that. He raised his wine glass. “A toast to the Blue Ocean?”
“That’s lame.”
“Uh… to Zero?”
She raised her glass. “To the Funyarinpa?”
“What the hell is a Funyarinpa?”
“You don’t know about the Funyarinpa?” She scoffed. “Ask Junpei later. He knows.” She clinked their glasses together; both of them gave a hearty sip.
Seven leaned back in his seat. He cradled his wine glass, and then let out a huge sigh. “Let’s just hope we’ll never have to deal with any of this bullshit ever again.”
“You know… I can actually agree with you on that.” Hazuki said, nodding. A life without another Nonary Game—they’d paid their dues. They were done.
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jjbaconsumedmysoul · 7 years
I just have to say that I love your stories. Every time a new story pops up on my screen I immediately drop whatever I was doing to read them. That being said When you get the chance could you do one for Okuyasu?
Aww, thank you so much! I’m really glad that people are enjoying them, and I’m really having fun writing them. Okuyasu was especially fun to write, there were so many things I could have done with it that I honestly kind of regret not doing. That being said, I kind of want to write a sequel to this one one day maybe… We’ll see how things turn out, Hope you enjoy!
Okuyasu x Reader: “The Rest of the Summer”
“Come on, come on!”
“Just give up already!”
“I’ll never surrender!” He grinned cheekily. You scoffed back, fingers blazing as they trailed over the console. Josuke had been annihilated within the first minute when you and Oku had ganged up on him, while Koichi repeatedly walked off the end of the platform as he mashed the wrong buttons.
But now, you two were the only ones remaining: Mario against Link, duelling for the prize. He grunted, leaning in towards the TV.
“Come on, COME ON!”
Suddenly, Link jumped up, brandishing his sword in a combo that left Mario flying from the stage.
“YES!!!” You jumped up in triumph as the words “GAME SET” flashed across the screen. The adrenaline surge began to curb, though your palms still sweat and your fingers trembled. But the victory was worth it.
“DAMMIT!!!” Oku  banged the floor with his fists.
“Ha! She totally got you!” Josuke  choked out through fits of laughter as he rolled on the floor.
“That wasn’t fair!” Okuyasu’s face reddened as he became visibly irritated. But you skipped over and brought him into a hug, still giggling from your victory.
“Calm down, it’s just a game,” You buried your head in his neck “Now, come on Oku, let’s eat!” Right on time, you heard Josuke’s mother call out.
“Pizza’s here!”
“Sweet!” You quickly climbed over him to make your way to the food. The boys stayed behind for a while while you helped carry in boxes and get out the paper plates. You chatted with Tomoko for a bit, but soon yelled at the boys to get their butts in there.
Josuke strode smugly into the dining room while Okuyasu stomped in, face still burning with frustration. Koichi was glaring at Josuke annoyance. For now, you laughed and dismissed their childish antics.
You all filled your plates and strode back to the living room to chow down. You lay on the couch, occasionally eating a bite of Tonio’s pizza (he had begrudgingly consented to cook you take out food every now and then), while Oku sat on the floor with his back to the sofa. Occasionally you’d tease him by poking him or fiddling with his hair. He’d swat at your hand and tell you to cut it out, but never got that mad. For some reason, Okuyasu let you mess with him more than he let the others…
“Aww, but Smash Bros. is so boring! I don’t wanna play it again.” Oku whined.
“You’re just bitter ‘cause you lost,” you railed at him, as he scoffed.
“Yeah, but I wanna watch a movie!” He complained between mouthfuls of pizza.
“And yet you don’t want to watch The Shining?” You teased him. He groaned at your suggestion.
“Nah man! That’s scary as f***!”
Josuke laughed, seizing the opportunity. “Don’t tell me you’re scared of a little movie.” He nudged Oku in the shoulder, squatting on the floor next to him. You teamed up with Josuke, hopping up from the couch to squat on the other side of Okuyasu
“Really?” You feigned surprise. “Come on, we brought down a serial killer, and you’re scared of some little girls in pigtails?” You whined at him, poking him in the elbow.
Koichi finally let out a sigh.
“Come on guys, stop teasing each other!” You, personally, couldn’t ever upset adorable little Koichi, so you decided to back off. But as you returned to the couch, Okuyasu abruptly shouted.
“Fine, we can watch the damn horror movie. I’m not scared, I’m just…”
“Apprehensive?” you suggested, giggling. Oku’s face went blank.
“Appre… what?” Okuyasu was so cute when he was confused. Josuke laughed and patted him on the back.
“Don’t worry about it Oku. Koichi,  you, get the popcorn–”
“Aww, why me?”
“–I’ll get blankets and pillows.” Josuke continued.
“I’ll set it up.” You jumped up excitedly, grabbing the case off the shelf, and inserted the disk. Then you paused.
“You sure you’re okay with this Oku?” You turned to see him sitting criss-cross on the floor, his back hunched and his fingers fidgeting in his lap.
“Of course I am (y/n)I love horror” His voice sounded a bit shaky, and you crawled over to sit next to him.
“I mean, it’s totally fine if not…”
“No.” He cut you off, “I wanna watch it.” He was committed in his response. You smile as you turned on the TV.
“Well, I’m gonna go change first.” You ran up to grab your overnight bag.
“G-Good idea,” He called after you.
You headed to the bathroom with your pyjamas. You were so glad that Josuke’s mom had finally let you sleep over with the boys. She had seen how you acted like one of the guys, and how happy it made Josuke and Okuyasu when you were around.
You slipped off your bra and brought the loose tank top over your head. Hopefully the guys wouldn’t mind that your sleepwear was a bit… revealing. But you found that a tank top and shorts were the most comfortable, you didn’t care how that looked.
You skipped back into the hallway and through to the kitchen.
“Popcorn ready?” You asked Koichi, already smelling the delicious salty scent filling the room.
“Yep, could you bring it to the living room?” Koichi handed you the large bowl as you nodded. You couldn’t resist sneaking a taste as you bounded into the room and back onto the sofa, proceeding to lick the butter and salt off your fingers. A creak sounded near the door, and you looked up to see Okuyasu changed into a fitted tank top and sweatpants. You couldn’t help but stare at his muscular arms.
At school, Josuke always had the reputation as the lady-killer. Girls would swoon at his well built frame, his immaculate hair, his kissable lips. But you never really saw the appeal. Okuyasu was just as attractive. Though it was rare to see him out of his jacket, when you did see his bare golden skin, his well defined torso, you simply lost. Sometimes you four would go swimming, and you had to do your best not to admire his body every single second he looked away. Of course you pushed these feelings down as far as you could. You were one of the guys, you weren’t even sure if they realised you were eligible to date any of them.
Okuyasu had halted at the door. His eyes rested on you. Was something wrong? Was there a popcorn kernel in your teeth or something? A slight blush spread to his cheeks, and you were taken aback.
“Umm… Oku, are you ok?” You looked at him questioningly.
“What?” He seemed to emerge from his brief reverie. “I, umm, yeah… what?” You chuckled at his confusion. He was such an adorable little idiot.
“Come on,” you patted the seat next to you, offering him to join you on the couch. He didn’t move, however. Josuke approached him from behind, bearing two large and puffy blankets as well as several pillows. You grabbed another handful of popcorn as Okuyasu grabbed Josuke’s arm. What was he doing. The two walked out of the room.
As soon as the exited, Koichi emerged from the doorway on the other side of the room.
“Hey Koichi,” You began “Is something wrong with Oku? What happened earlier when you guys were talking.”
“O-Oh!” Koichi blurted out, nervously rubbing his neck. “It was, umm…” Noticing his discomfort, you sighed.
“It’s fine, you don’t have to tell me if it’s none of my business.”
“No, No. It’s not that. He just,” He seemed conflicted. But before Koichi could say anything else, Josuke and Okuyasu came back. Oku slid on the couch next to you as Josuke sat down on the floor in front, throwing you a blanket. Okuyasu was grinning, though his cheeks still showed a red flush. His arm reached around your shoulder, and you smiled at the warmth.
“Popcorn?” You offered, handing him the bowl.
“Y-Yes please!” he grinned, grabbing a handful. As you placed the popcorn back onto the table on the side, he continued. “By the way, (y/n), you’re really pretty!”
“What?!” this caught you by surprise as your heart began to race, but Okuyasu kept a smile plastered on his face. You could swear you heard Josuke mutter something as Oku pulled you closer into his arms. “Thank you, I guess. I mean, I’m just… I..” You stuttered, trying to find words. Did he mean you looked pretty right now? In your pyjamas? Or in general? Your mind flooded with questions as looked at Josuke and Koichi, trying to discern what was going on.
“You’re also really funny,” he continued. “And smart,” He grinned triumphantly at you, but you simply sat there, a blush rising to your face. Josuke face palmed, and Koichi cringed. Was Okuyasu trying to–
“Let’s watch the movie!” Josuke blurted out, scrambling over to grab the remote.
“I’ll hit the lights!” Koichi offered. Okuyasu leaned his head onto yours. Did Oku… Did he like you? Was that what this was about. Your heartbeat quickened as this thought came to your mind. But maybe he was just trying to flatter you so he could ask a favor or something. Right?
As the movie began, he pulled you closer, and you gasped. His calloused fingers stroked your shoulder. It’s not that you weren’t enjoying his touch. In fact, you nuzzled into his strong arms, resting your head against his shoulder (somewhat surprised that he didn’t smell like a stinky teenage boy).
The movie began, and you remained relatively quiet, though the boys would occasionally pipe up to comment or make fun of the movie. Suddenly, the screen flashed to a bloody scene. You felt Okuyasu’s grip around you tighten, and craned your neck to see his face, which was contorted as if to hide his fear.
“Y-You know,” He began, “If you’re scared, uhh…” You could almost feel him trembling, the poor baby…
“I won’t be scared,” You whispered. “Because you’re here.” You grabbed the hand resting on your shoulder, and he seemed to relax at your touch. Maybe he did have feelings for you…
He flinched and let out a small yelp at the next jump scare. Josuke snickered, and you gave him a disgusted glance. You grabbed the blanket lying on the couch next to you, spreading it over. the two of your laps.
“Thanks,” Okuyasu mumbled, somewhat embarrassedly.
“No problem,” Josuke and Koichi were still fixated on the screen, so in a split second you gathered all your courage and placed a light kiss on his cheek. You could feel his face burning as you remained there for a moment. Your chest twisted with nervousness as you pulled away, looking down into your hands to hide your anxious expression. Okuyasu remained still, so you quickly stole a glance at his face. His eyebrows were raised in shock as he gazed into your eyes. A shy smile came to your lips as the movie continued to play in the background. You rested your head back onto his shoulder. His fingers slowly slid down your arm, to your waist.
You couldn’t believe this was happening. Of course it might just be that Okuyasu was an idiot and he didn’t realise he was even flirting with you. But, you shooed these self-defeating thoughts out of your head. You had Okuyasu in your grasp, just as you always wanted, and you would have him.
The rest of the movie was not several terrified gasps and twitches from Oku, but each time he seemed scared, you would make sure to hold him tighter, to stroke him gently. Eventually, it seemed, Josuke and Koichi had drifted off to sleep, though you were quite certain Okuyasu was still awake.
“Oku,” you whispered softly. He tensed slightly.
“Yeah, (y/n)?” You smiled as he whispered your name.
“Do you wanna keep watching this, or can we turn it off?”
“I’m not afraid,” he began. You chuckled at how cute he was.
“I’m not saying that you are, I’m just saying that we can turn it off…” You turned to face him, though his eyes were still glued to the screen.
“I guess,” You reached over to grab the remote, unwillingly pulling yourself from his arms. As soon as you heard the click of the TV switching off and the room went almost black, you heard his soft voice.
“Yeah, Oku?” You settled back next to him under the warm covers, even though you were extremely warm already.
“Does this mean… Do you…” He began scratching at the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact with you. Your stomach felt fluttery as you fidgeted in anticipation. But his shoulders slumped, “I know I’m kinda dumb, and my hair’s not as cool as Josuke’s and–” He pulled away from you, his voice speeding up and his hands gesturing with each word “and you’re so beautiful and smart, and you’re way out of my league,” You panicked, placing your hand on his cheek and pulling his head to face you. You almost wanted to laugh out of nervousness.
“Okuyasu, I don’t think you’re dumb. Oku, you’re hilarious and caring and kind. And, uh, really hot,” You paused. Dear gods, did you really just say that? He took in a shaky breath, and you figured you had nothing to lose. You looked him straight in the eyes. “Do you like me Okuyasu?” He looked down, but nodded shyly. You felt a rush of joy, of relief, of excitement, and pulled him into a hug. You could feel his heart beating quickly between the thin layers of clothes that separated you.
“So…” You heard his faint whisper. “D-Do you like me?” You buried your face in his neck.
“Of course I do!” his body relaxed as he let out a sigh of relief. Words began to flood out his mouth as he pulled away from you.
“Oh my god, I was so scared it was just me, I’m such an idiot, I can’t believe–” You placed a finger to his mouth, silencing him. His eyes fixated on you, holding his breath.
“Shh, Josuke and Koichi are still asleep,” but you couldn’t help but giggle and smile a little. You remained quiet for a moment, gazing into his eyes. You wanted him so badly right now, but you just remained, sitting side by side for a long while. What was he waiting for?
“Uhh…” He began. “Does this mean I can, like,” He paused, again. Could his cheeks get any more red? Could he get any more adorable?
“Can I kiss you?” You giggled at his request, your heartbeat surging with the offer.
“What do you think?” You teased him, resting your hand on the side of his face and stroking his cheek with your thumb. He sighed, almost defeatedly.
“You know I’m not really smart, you’re gonna have to help me out here…” With that, you attacked his lips, wrapping your fingers in his hair. He flinched in shock when his lips met your, but gradually melted into your arms. They were surprisingly soft and warm. However, you broke the kiss a bit too quickly, so you could see how he reacted. You gazed at him, questioningly.
“Wow,” His eyes were wide, and his mouth hung open in amazement. “Your lips are so soft,” He trailed his fingers up to your mouth to graze across them. You couldn’t help but laugh at his response, and he quickly pulled away, a bit embarrassed. But you grabbed his hand in yours, pulling it to your hip. He looked back at you.
“Can we do it again?” Okuyasu pleased. You smiled and nodded as you leaned in. The kiss was rougher this time. Your palm slid down his back to pull him closer. He finally got the courage to place his hand on your cheek, and you leaned into it, deepening the kiss. Unintentionally, your thigh slid up onto his lap, and he let out a small gasp. Your face grew hot, but you continued as his hand slipped down to grasp at your bare thigh. You heard a moan, only to realise it was coming from you, and he pulled you closer by your waist.
You wanted more. You just wanted him to wrap you in his warm embrace, to feel his skin against yours, to fall asleep there and never wake from your dream.
Your lips slowly parted, as you continued to suck and lick at his top lip. He quickened the pace, hand groping your thigh. Suddenly he bit your lower lip, causing you to gasp. He pulled away.
“Sorry, sorry… was that weird? I thought that was what I was supposed to do but maybe I’m wrong,”
“Oku,” you smiled again. “Nothing’s wrong.” You slowly leaned forward pressing him down onto the couch. He stared up at you as he lay there, face flushed red, chest rising and falling rapidly. Your knee rested in between his thighs, and you supported yourself by resting your hands on either side of his head.
“B-But,” he began again “What do I do?” You gathered your courage and leaned into his neck, kissing him softly behind his ear.  
“Do anything you want.” You smiled, continuing to kiss down his neck. He shuddered as he ran his fingers through your hair. You sucked at his skin, relishing the warmth of his touch. One of his hands slid down your back. You made your way back to his lips, placing a palm on his firm chest to support yourself.  You wanted him to touch you even more, though you knew he probably didn’t have the nerve to go that far. But that was ok. You had the rest of the summer…
Thanks for reading! Next up, I have another request (YAY!) for Kakyoin x Reader!
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mbtizone · 7 years
Spencer Hastings (Pretty Little Liars): ENTJ
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Dominant Extroverted Thinking [Te]: Taking charge of situations comes second nature to Spencer. Following Alison’s disappearance, Spencer often acts as the unofficial leader of her group of friends. She’s decisive, straightforward, overachieving, driven, blunt, competitive, bossy, extremely intelligent, and good at coming up with plans. Spencer has a hand in everything. She takes on internships, does charity work, plays on the field hockey team, and is a member of several after-school clubs, all while dealing with a cyber stalker. With everything she has on her plate, Spencer is proven to have strong time management skills. Spencer is motivated to get results. Spencer deals with all of her problems in an analytical manner. She’s good at taking control of situations, and is often depended on by her friends to “think” them out of the trouble they get into. When they find Emily standing over Ali’s grave with a shovel, Spencer takes her back to her house and burns her clothing, then leaves a note telling her mom they were at the lake house all night in order to provide an alibi. She remains cool-headed during times of crisis and can always think of a plan. She gives the orders and everybody else typically follows them.
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Auxiliary Introverted Intuition [Ni]: Although Spencer lives in the world of facts and evidence, she also knows how to rely on her intuition. When Spencer has a hunch, she sees it through until she knows for sure. When she has a strong gut feeling about something, she pursues it with fierce determination. Spencer is good at coming up with suspects, as well as possible motives, and, once she is struck with the best theory, she latches onto it, sometimes becoming very stubborn and obsessive in her quest to prove it. A lot of the time, her intuition is great, but every now and then, she fixates on the wrong people or the wrong detail and can end up falling down the wrong rabbit hole. Spencer, more than any of the other girls, has a tendency to speak in metaphors. She is good at thinking several steps ahead, and often pokes holes in other people’s plans or theories because theirs tend to be more short-sighted and not as well thought out as hers. When Spencer has just one or two small pieces of information, she can formulate complex conspiracy theories based on a minuscule amount of evidence. In the doll house, Spencer doesn’t immediately realize that the blocks spell “Charles.” However, she sleeps on it, resulting in an “Aha!” moment. When she realizes that someone has called Emily from her phone after she goes missing, she immediately jumps to the conclusion that they’re being set up.
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Tertiary Extroverted Sensing [Se]: Spencer has a good handle on her physical environment. She’s athletic and, in addition to being on the field hockey team, Spencer plays tennis at the Country Club. She has an eye for fashion and design, as noted by Melissa after Spencer renovated the barn. Sometimes, she acts on impulse, which can get her into trouble. Spencer is resourceful and can see opportunities in her environment to use to her advantage. When she goes over to Marco’s apartment to try to get him to drop the case and he refuses, she notices the flash drive on his table and swipes it. Then, when he calls her about it, she subtly threatens to blackmail him (Ni-Se). Spencer is unafraid to take risks and readily puts herself in dangerous situations in service of the plans she develops using her higher functions. Out of all the girls, she is the most dedicated to getting to the bottom of things, and is focused on exposing A by any means necessary. She doesn’t care if she has to break into an office or a house to do some sleuthing, or if she has to manipulate people to get information. Spencer is good at paying attention to her surroundings and is constantly observing. She is quick to react to things – such as when she hears noises while investigating and instantly flees the scene (sometimes before the other girls even have a chance to realize they’re not alone).
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Inferior Introverted Feeling [Fi]: When Spencer is angry or upset, she doesn’t talk about it, she does something about it. Sometimes, she’ll throw herself into a plan to avoid her pain (Te), and other times, she’ll make uncharacteristically reckless decisions (Se). Other times, she’ll make dumb mistakes that she wouldn’t ordinarily make. When Spencer is upset about Caleb and Hanna, she drinks excessively, leading to her accidentally paying for drinks at the bar with Archer’s credit card instead of her own. Spencer doesn’t like to be a victim and she doesn’t want to think about the pain she’s feeling. In the past, she has turned to drugs as a coping mechanism. When Spencer is upset, she makes eye contact with Aria in the hall and turns in the other direction. She goes into the bathroom and hides out in a stall, but Aria follows her in, and Spencer pretends she isn’t there. When Aria insists that she knows Spencer is in there, Spencer maintains that she’s fine and tries to avoid talking to her. While Aria talks, Spencer remains silent, and Aria eventually gives up and leaves.
Enneagram: 3w4 Sx/Sp (Tritype: 3w4 1w2 6w5)
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Spencer: I don’t think this is gonna come as any surprise to you. But I can be really certain about things. I like being certain, okay? Its where I’m comfortable. I am not happy in the grey places.
Spencer: A dream is an experience and an experience is real.
Spencer: I really don’t let myself cry in front of anybody.
Spencer: Why enjoy today when you could be worrying about tomorrow?
Spencer: I’ve been in the library so much I am on a first name basis with the homeless guy that sleeps next to the microfiche.
Spencer: Giving into a bully never works. Even if you give them everything that they ask for, it’ll never be enough. Your only choice is to stand up to them, even if it costs you something.
Spencer: If you think I’m going to let you hurt her, you’re underestimating me.
Spencer: I don’t want to be here anymore. Is that legitimate enough?
Melissa: For once in your life, stop trying to be the smartest person in the room.
Spencer: I decided I didn’t want to be the victim anymore. That’s not who I am.
Spencer: Is there something going on between you two? Aria: No Spencer: And why did you bring him to Emily’s last night? Aria: Okay, we had a slip. Spencer: A slip!? Aria: Well, technically it was two slips. Spencer: Oh my god Aria you said you were never gonna go there again. Aria: I meant it when I said it. Spencer: Are you forgetting about what he did to you? What he did to us? Aria: No Spencer: You couldn’t eat or sleep for weeks after you found out about that book. Aria: Okay, well he took a bullet for us, Spence. Spencer: Yeah, but that doesn’t change the fact that he deceived you for years!
Spencer: The quitter did. That’s what you do, isn’t it Emily ? You quit things. When things are too much for you, you just throw in the towel. I mean, you quit the swim team, you quit Paige, you even quit Maya.
Spencer: Our familiers are connected. They’re more than just connected they’re tangled up like necklaces int the bottom of you jewelry box.
Spencer: How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. Emily: What brilliant scholar said that ? Spencer: Winnie the Pooh.
Spencer: Did you ever play the game with the flowers when you were little, he loves me, he loves me not ? He loves me, he loves me not… The trick is, you just find a flower with the odd number of petals.
Spencer: I knew who I was when they found me. I knew that my family and friends would be worried. I just — I wanted to fold up and stop. I didn’t want to think anymore. Anne: You were overwhelmed. Spencer: Yeah, well, I wasn’t Spencer Hastings for almost a whole day and nobody else showed up to take the job, so, I guess I’m stuck with it. Anne: Because you’re the only person in the world that can be you. Spencer: You don’t have to rub it in. I’m sorry, this can’t be very entertaining. There are people here with real problems. Anne: Just like you. Spencer: Yeah. Just like me. I…I fell down. In the woods. When I was running, I fell down and I looked at the ground and I saw my hand and my sleeve and the little button on my sleeve and some dirt and an old acorn, and I said to myself, “OK, if this is the last thing I ever see, I can handle that. I’m done. I’ve had enough.” But it wasn’t the last thing that I saw. I just kept going. How do you keep going when the worst thing has happened? What do you have to change inside to survive? Who do you have to become? I’m sorry. I don’t expect you guys to understand. You don’t know me. [From her point of view, she sees Emily, Aria and Hanna sitting across from her] I’m sorry, but that’s true. You don’t know who I am anymore. And you can’t count on me.
Hanna: It probably is and were just sitting here like geese Spencer: Ducks Hanna: What? Spencer: You say like lame ducks, not geese Hanna: OK, well whatever they both quack Spencer: Geese honk…
Emily: Coincidences happen. Spencer: Yeah, all the time. They just grow on trees like coconuts, waiting for you to walk under them.
Spencer: With Ali, I keep peeling, I just always seem to find new layers.
Spencer: Uh, drugging yourself is the best alibi ever. Classic Sharon Stone movie.
Spencer: [about Mona and Jason]: Okay, he’s basically hugging a hand grenade.
Spencer: If she’s going to dip back into the A-bag to scare me off the decathlon team, she’s got another thing coming. Hanna: Is being captain brainiac really that important?
Hanna: Spencer, stop giving us orders. We’re not your winged monkeys.
Mona [to Spencer]: You’re like smart-smart. I always thought you were just book-smart.
Spencer: Hide and seek was my favorite game with Melissa. You want to know why? I always won.
Spencer: Melissa is a Hastings, we bounce back like super balls.
Spencer [about Jenna]: How can you miss her? She’s been gliding around school all day like a Thanksgiving float.
Spencer: Hanna, you have all the subtlety of a hand grenade.
Spencer: He’s your boyfriend, Aria. He’s not a baby squirrel. Aria: I was just trying to do the right thing. Spencer: Totally wrong. Look, I’ve been there, I’ve done that. Every time you baby squirrel Ezra, you’re taking away his nuts. Aria: You did not just say that.
Spencer: [about Aria and Ezra’s relationship] Part of me thinks this is really self-destructive behavior, but most of me just thinks it’s really hot.
Emily: [About Paige] Just some snarky comment about me being gay. Spencer: I will destroy her. Aria: Can I help?
Spencer: [On the phone] Where are you? Aria: What are you talking about, I’m right here. Spencer: [Hears sirens] Any firetruck you can here at your house, I can hear at mine– Oh my God! Are you in his apartment? Are you on the bed…?
Spencer: Mona is five feet of insidious snark with a side ponytail, and I just — I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
Spencer: I know every club. I came close to joining The Madrigals.
Spencer: “A” is being our ultimate “frenemy”, forcing us to get what we want, but knowing that when we do… Hanna: All hell breaks loose.
Hanna: Lying is not a crime. Spencer: It is when you’re giving false statements to the police. It’s called obstruction of justice.
Maya: So, I get your connection to Spencer. You both like to win. Emily: Winning’s great, but if I’ve done my best, I usually feel good about the outcome, no matter what it is. Maya: And Spencer? Emily: Spencer needs to win.
Hanna: Spencer, you do not need to know any more big words. You’re already scary enough to anyone under fifty. Spencer: I’m not scary! Am I scary? Aria: A little.
Spencer: I think we’re supposed to go to where we found Ali’s bracelet. Aria: That was in the middle of nowhere. Spencer: Actually, it was fifteen steps east of the half-point tree, which is 136 steps from the main road. Aria: You’re a freak, and I love you.
Spencer Hastings (Pretty Little Liars): ENTJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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kuroasutoro · 7 years
Who The Quiznak Did That? Parts 1&2(Edited)
Based off this post: http://rejected3.tumblr.com/image/150086965075
“Fight! Fight! Fight!” The crowd demanded blood. Her heart was pounding out of her chest. She was about to die. Never to see her mother, safe and lonely, back on Earth. Never to find out where her father and brother went, or even what happened to their pilot. She was going to be killed in a coliseum full of aliens that were craving her blood. All because she went searching for answers. Curiosity killed the cat, she chimed at herself. “Your up!” One of the alien’s robotic soldiers told her, calling her out of her mental ramble. She whimpered as the soldier held out the half sword, half battle axe for her.   “Let’s go!” He pushed her up and out of the corridor the second she took hold of the weapon. The lights of the stadium blinded her as she stumbled into the arena.   When her vision cleared, what she saw standing in the middle of the arena puzzled her beyond belief. Wasn’t she supposed to be facing the Champion? Standing in front of her was none other than the pilot of the Kerberos mission. Takashi Shirogane was standing in the rink with a robotic, prosthetic arm and yellow glowing eyes. Eyes that were looking at her with an intention that was unknown to her. “You ready to fight, little birdie?” His voice called out to her. That was not fully the voice of her brother’s best friend. This voice had a deep, dark undertone. One that matched the glowing eyes perfectly. They were both something that scared her. She was in disbelief that this man was Takashi. This man was more than capable of killing her in the blink of an eye and ready to do so at any moment.   For a split second his eyes went back to those of a normal person, white and full of shock, than instantly faded back into yellow as he sent her a sly grin. “Let the fight begin!” The second the announcer started the match, she knew she was going to die. She knew that she, Katie Holt, was about to be killed for sport by Takashi Shirogane.  
“Oh, well fuck. Um……..I’m gonna run now so, bye!” She took off running. There was no way in the universe she could beat someone like Takashi in combat. Sure she could run but that was basically it. Ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump! She didn’t know what was going to kill her first: an evil Takashi or a heart attack. As she looked back to see where he had gone she realized just running wasn’t going to help. He was already gaining on her. He was less then ten feet away. She took a sharp left, slid into a wall then took a right around a pillar. She then jumped behind a wall that was close to her. “Oh come on little birdie, hiding isn’t going to do you any good, and you know it!”  He was playing with her! She opened her mouth to send him a sarcastic remark than thought better of it. It would have given away were she was hiding. She slapped her hand over her mouth and tried to think of a way out of here. Than it hit her. She didn’t have to beat him, she only had to survive until the time limit ran out. She had a plan. She was using her weapon as a mirror to peak around the corner. She saw Takashi looking around every pilar and wall that he came across. She started to doubt her plan. What if he saw through it? What if things didn’t go as planned? What if she wasn’t quick enough? What if- “Found you!” He was siting on his hind legs like a cat, hunched over, on the wall above her. “Gah!” She shot backwards. Well that defiantly wasn’t what she wanted to happen. She hoped that she would have at least another thirty seconds to find another place to hide. Just as she went to dash away he grabbed her long, filthy hair. She knew she need to cut it. It was down by her waist and it was constantly getting in the way. Without a second thought she spun and cut it with the alien weapon. Now it hung just below her shoulders. Takashi was left sitting on the wall with a handful of her hair. His eyes were wide and full of surprise. He hadn’t expected her to cut her hair with ease. She’s a strong girl, Kuro. She is Matt’s little sister and the  Commander’s daughter.  Shut up Shiro! You won’t hurt her, I won’t let you. When have you ever been able to stop me? ……… Right, never! So just sit back and enjoy the view. Takashi had been so absorbed by his thoughts he lost sight of her. He looked back down at his left hand, his real hand, to find that he was still holding on to her hair. He gave a wicked grin and shoved it into his pocket. He always took a memento from each battle or victim he had. He bounded off the wall and broke into a run the second his feet hit the ground. This little birdie is fun! His laughter sent chills down Katie’s spine. The second she cut her hair she took off running. She ran around as many walls and pillars as she could. The battleground was a maze. She had been analyzing the layout when Takashi jumped up on to the wall. She might not be the most physical fighter being held captive but she was sure as hell one of the smartest ones. The arena was a circle and they had only been running (She was running and he was hunting but still) around maybe a third of the arena indicating that it was a lot bigger than she had originally calculated, but that gave her even more room to run and hide. As she rounded the next wall she flattened herself against the wall and tried to steady her breathing. There was no way to calm her heart so she just listened to it. In a strange way it was relaxing. She had been tuning out the crowd since the beginning of the fight. Now that she wasn’t so close to Takashi she aloud herself to breathe. The crowd was shouting and booing. They came here for blood and all they’d seen so far was running and hair cutting. My hair. She ran her fingers through it feeling all the knots and the end. It had always been so hard to run her hands through it before. She actually liked it now. To bad I’ll probably be dead soon, I would have loved to show this to Mom. She had always told her that short hair was really easy to take care of. “Come out, come out where ever you are!” He had taken a lot longer to call out then she though. Almost as if he had taken a break from trying to kill her. She knew that was to good to be true. Katie gripped the handle of her weapon tighter. She didn’t know how much longer she had to stall and she hopped that it would end soon. She really didn’t want to have to fight with Takashi but if this battle lasted much longer he would surely find her again and she knew that she wouldn’t get lucky twice. Stop this! Please, I’m begging you, don’t kill her! Shiro you must really care about this girl. You’re never this talkative in a battle. Hmm…all right I’ll think about NOT killing her, if you promise me something in return. Name it. I want more time in control outside of battles. What?! You are already in control of me when anything violent comes up and I know you have been taking control when I sleep. Well if that’s how it is then I guess this little birdie is going on our list of sins. NO! You…you can have more control out of battles, okay? Just don’t kill her. Hehe, Shiro you have got yourself a deal. “Hey little birdie? I’ve got something to tell you. I’m not going to kill you. Probably just hurt you a bit, but that’s it.” Is that supposed to make me feel better? She knew she couldn’t trust him but something defiantly different. Maybe it was the he sounded. It was almost like the real Takashi Shirogane’s voice. Nothing was menacing about it. she took a chance and took a peak at him. He was just standing there. He even put his weapon down. “How do I know I can trust you? I mean you were trying to kill me, like a minute ago?” She hated being wrong and she couldn’t make a wild guess even if her life was at stake. That was just how she was. Yet that’s what I just did. “Don’t worry, little birdie, I made an arrangement, of sorts, with Shiro. I keep my promises, so to speak. I swear you will make it out of this arena alive.” With the way he was implying this, Katie didn’t know what to think. But that wasn’t really what was on her mind. “Who is Shiro? I mean, I know you are Takashi, right? So did I miss something?” She was completely lost. The way he was talking made it sound like he was saying that he talked to another, actual person. “Don’t worry, sweetie, you'll find out in good time. I have a feeling that we will be seeing a lot more of each other.” Right as he started to talk to her, he was already stalking up to her. All sense of reason seemed to leave her there. She didn’t move. She didn’t make a motion to stop him from getting any closer. She just let him come right up to her. He was three feet away when he took a swing at her. But it was only his hand, for he had dropped his weapon when he started to ‘reason’ with her. She raised her forearm to protect herself, completely forgetting that in her other hand was a weapon. Then all she saw was darkness.
“-ey! Hey are you alright?!” She could make out what someone was saying but shouldn’t quite tell who it was. Her head was ringing. What happened? Where was she? The last thing she remembered was that she fighting Takashi in an arena. “Oh shit, Takashi!” Katie shot straight up. She remembered was that Takashi had struck her. On instinct she brought her hand to her face to hold her cheek. It was still puffy and hurting but was obvious it had been some time since she was struck. Wait if her cheek was this swollen then it most have been hours since it happened. “Y-yeah?” Came a very unsure voice. Katie looked over to where the voice came from. It was Takashi. “GAH!” She screamed as she jumped away from him. What was he doing here? Wait, where is here? She looked around as to where they where. She was sitting on a cot in a prison cell. He was kneeling beside the cot, looking worriedly at her. She looked back at him. He was looking at her with those beautiful dark gray eyes of his. Wait dark gray? Without a second thought she reached out to move his tuff of white hair to get a better look at his eyes. They aren’t yellow any more! “Your eyes.” She breathed out. From the moment she reached up to touch his hair, he just froze. To scared to make the wrong move and scare her. Call him selfish but he wanted her to like him. No one would talk to him, let alone get close enough to touch him. Not after Kuro pulled that last stunt. He ended up killing someone just waiting to get into the arena. Not to mention she was his best friend’s little sister and his commander’s daughter. So he just sat there as she played with his hair and examined his eyes. She had this gleam in her eyes that were telling him that she was trying to figure out something. By now his face was pink to his ears. But yet he just sat there, waiting till she either said something or jumped away from him once again. When she spoke of his eyes it seemed that she finally realized what she was doing. “S-sorry!” She squeaked and held her hands up in a surrender motion. He blinked a coupe of times as his hair fell back on to his face. He looked at her in an owl like way. Eyes wide and full of something that she couldn’t quite figure out. “It’s fine.” He shot her a sweet and sincere smile that made her heart clench in a painful way. Is this really the same man that I was fighting against mere hours ago? No that’s not possible, this is the real Takashi Shirogane. So then who was trying to kill me then? “Are you okay, Katie?” He was really concerned about if she was okay or not, because if she wasn’t, it would be Kuro’s,and unintentionally, his fault as well. “Yeah. I’m as good as a prisoner of an alien race gets.” Her voice was laced with sarcasm. She sighed out and let her shoulders drop. Is she mad at me? Or Kuro? She doesn’t look like she is in any pain. He was looking at her with real concern. Why is he looking at me like that? OH! Shit! “No, no, no! I’m good! Um, sorry, sarcasm is kind of my go to when I don’t know what to say.” She had a sprinkle of pink on her cheeks. She then gave him a goofy, awkward grin. That simple action made Shiro feel as if his heart was about to jump right out of his chest. “So, um, Takashi what happened?” She really hated not knowing what was going on. Then another question dawned on her. I wonder how he has been holding up? I mean he has been held prisoner for over two years. “Well, um, that’s a funny story….” He coughed into his fist and flushed another shade of red. When he looked up at her, she was just starring at him with a puzzled look. “If you want to know I’ll tell you but I have to know what the last thing you remember is?” He seriously hoped she didn’t remember that he nocked her upside the head. “Um well the last thing, I think, is when you hit me.” Well that plan just went out the window. How do I explain that? “But” She continued. He looked back at her hopping that he wasn’t about to be labeled as Monster in her book. “I think I know why you did hit me. You were trying to save my life, right? I mean at one point you did say you weren’t going to kill me.” Kuro actually said that? Yes I did! You should be thanking me Shiro, I had to do a lot of explaining to keep her alive.  The fact that Kuro had just spoken to him had seriously surprised Shiro. Kuro usually didn’t talk to him, like well, a person. It was usually right before something bad happened.
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Episode 4 - "We get to form the narrative" - Patrick
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I lost my two closest allies I am pissed. Vilma come home (Ginger too I guess). I do NOT trust Clash and Allan those people will backstab at moment's notice I am FUCKED
So tribe split is 3-2-2. Logically if the 2 other tribes will work together and uh take us out. And uhh I have def been the biggest impression person. And uhh merge is decently soon so maybe they use that as a reason. My predictions have been correct so far but how about not this time? :) 
Goal is to beat Vilma in the scavenger hunt
hosts' mean making me doubt my life 
I really want to make merge so I'll actually get my game on I guess. I'll throw Allan and Clash under the bus if I must. I'll do my best to befriend these people as part of my game because all other friendships are fake as we know. So far I'm trying to get with the aussie gang. Yanks will burn 
I am slightly less mad about the swap now. But it's for personal reasons. Here are the power rankings of my new tribemates: - SluggyG - Stephen - Pat - Randy. Randy and I don't seem to click sadly.
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Just like our tribe predicted there was a tribe swap and i ended up being in a tribe of 7 with 2 people from my previous tribe - Stephen and me. Having Stephen here is honestly great because although we didn't look like we were a pair in the old ala mai, we actually were and made a solid 2 man alliance before tribal council. I also told him about how Jacob and Michael were playing in the middle to gain some trust and so I believe we're tight. Every step from here on out is crucial to our game. We need to take out faatasi, there's two ala mai and two salaotoga (however u spell it), we just need to make sure we are together as a 4. 
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I hate swaps, when zwooper did its first 40 person swap survival game, my social and strategic game at the first stage was perfect. I was aligned with everyone. Once the swap came all of my allies disappeared to the other tribe and I flopped BADLY ! 
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FINALLY WAS PUT ON A TRIBE WITH VILMA! I HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY THE SURVIVOR GODS! hehe. anyway. for real though, love this new tribe. my analysis of each person: liana: of all my old tribe mates, I wanted to be with her the least. but it's fine I guess. she's nice, I'm just not close with her. if the tribe wants to vote her out I'd do it. vilma: amazing active queen goddess mOM she told me she's heard good things about me and was saying in her host chat that she wanted to be on a tribe with me this whole time and GIRL me too!!!!!!!! I want her to be my closest ally I adore her. she's also a great challenge help! I truly don't think we'll lose this scavenger hunt because we have some hard workers on our tribe like her ginger: very sweet!! I love her. I think we'll align. she mentioned how she liked how many girls were on this tribe and to that I say hell yeah - we love some girl power! she's somewhat of a weird texture but like a lot of emotion gets lost when typing? lots of people sound bland to me? but she's cute and been talking to me a lot today! I appreciate her tyler: I'm like low key scared of him for some reason I remember watching him in a game a while while back and he was like so mean?? so I'm hoping he's not mean anymore? or if he is mean that he isn't mean to ME like pls like me? but also he kinda gives off a I am scared of women and only like men vibe......... uh idk? jacob: okay I love him he's so sweet! interesting that he got the 1 vote from the ala mai tribal - kind of shows he's more or less in the bottom of the ala mai bunch so maybe I can infiltrate that and make him a good ally for me going forward! he said tribal was hard because everyone was pretty active and got along. so it seems he thinks the tribe is all big and happy - maybe he's not in any alliances? who knows michael: barely talked to him tbh. but idk how much I really like him? seemed really good in the w4 c9 challenge so ???? maybe he'll be good challenge help and someone to look out for at merge. I also feel like he and tyler would be good allies together. so yeah. that's just a hunch based off of their personalities overall: I have hope that my tribe won't flop and HOPEFULLY we will win these upcoming challenges!! and I'm going to pull my mother fucking weight so they know I'm good in challenges and that they should keep me if they don't want to go to tribal! I really really really do not think randy will do anything in the scavenger hunt LMAO like no tea no shade I don't think I remember him doing anything in mongolia and he's in four fucking games. also never goes out of his house. so it's like we're a tribe of seven vs a tribe of six? lmao let's hope!! 
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God I am really not photogenetic, really don't like how I come off in videos but oh well what can you do. I used to struggle with my looks but honestly I really like how I look nowadays. Issue now is manerisms :/ Slowly but surely. Hope you enjoyed this deep dive into the psyche of Veni 
I am going out with friends today to go all over town in search of hopefully doing really well in the scavenger hunt. I can do almost everything, the ones that are doubtful are all the DVDs, the book, the airplane and the sandcastle. I might build a sandcastle. I wanna build a sandcastle. 
Man I really miss Vilma the more days pass. Some people are just a drag to talk to and now I can't share my determination for the challenge with anyone. It is disheartening 
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Tribe Swap: Well It was bound to happen, at least I got swapped into a tribe with possibly my 2 closest allies in Tyler and Jacob. Vilma is also on this tribe, I'm thinking we might be able to use her as a target due to how strong she is in challenges and that we wouldn't want to take her to merge. I have spent some time cultivating new relations with Emily and Vilma, Chatted a little with Ginger and now trying to chat with Liana. Need to find out where votes are going. Immunity Challenge: Why are the big challenges like this when Im at work for most of the time. I can get most of these selfies and videos, unfortunately I wont be able to get to a Zoo, Beach or Airport for some of these points :( Flags apparently don't exist in South Australia either... WTF?!?! A bit concerned with amount of black spaces in out hunt, hopefully during the night it will pick up again. Time zones are making it difficult to chat with people, but I will continue to try :D 
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So you would be thinking that with a tribe swap you'd have a breath of fresh air meeting new people and having challenges in a new environment, it's actually quite the opposite. In this challenge so far only 3 out of 7 people have pulled their weight which is why we're likely to head to tribal sooner than we think. Having NA people on your tribe is so different because I'm 12 hours ahead of them, I sleep when they wake up, they sleep when I wake up. 
I must move forward with some sort of plan even though I'm trying to take it round at a time, Stephen and I aren't going anywhere. Originally I wanted Veni gone seeing he's a threat and could go back to OG Faatasi at the merge. But after thinking about it, he's a THREAT. He's the meat shield that I need to get further in this game - if I work with him, even at the merge, the target will be on him and all the heat will be of me (unless he wins immunity). EITHER WAY (dnnyys says that a lot) there are more pros keeping Veni around till merge - doing well in challenges, having someone to talk to, plus veni is also part of the old community Michael, Jacob and I are in so if we all make it to merge something may happen? That's a maybe but the idea is keep Veni and gain his trust and his loyalty. He seems fine taking out anyone who isn't contributing so we'll just do that for the timebeing.
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I am really sweating right now hopefully my tribemates actually post points. If not hopefully they don't vote me out as a challenge threat and keep me around. 
Pat is rising in my power rankigs. Seems like a really chill dude with a heart for trying stuff. 
Allan and Clash are being kinda bad at talking to me. I want to stick with them but bleh. I don't know.. 
Pat is my #1 in the power rankings
Well I can't blame anyone specifically. And I got beat by 1 point by 2 differnet people. This is rather depressing.
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This tribe is so much more inactive than Ala Mai... also we’re gonna lose this challenge. Sluggy says he wants to work with the US guys to take out the EU guys, but I’m thinking the opposite, for several reasons. First is the europeans timezone is closer to ours, so we have more time to talk. Another is the europeans are more active and social in general, and better in challenges. Finally.... I just don’t trust Sluggy, hes hard to read, he seems to be hard to work with cause he won’t let go of ideas :/ For now I’m gonna bide my time, see what develops, but if the opportunity to work with the europeans comes up Im definitely gonna consider it.
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Um so this vote is gonna be real messy trust me I want to do sluggy but it might be Veni or randy and I honestly don’t know... I just hope whatever is done is done for the best and I stay safe 
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Winning the challenge is great, but the lack of communication coming from Ginger and Liana is a little annoying. They seem to be very inactive, whereas Emily and Vilma are amazing. I actually like this tribe more than the original Ala Mai. I feel like Vilma and Emily were a good trade for Stephen and Sluggy. Sluggy and Stephen were great and reliable, but Vilma and Emily are more active and seem to have a much more bubbly personality. 
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Things are looking alright this vote. I will have to betray someone either way so that sucks. I am bad @ Randy though for the 6 points. 
I believe the current plan is, EU and AUS/Sluggy unite against Pat and Randy. In case of idol we split the votes 3-2-2. 3 being on Randy. 
I wanna make merge I wanna make merge I wanna make merge I wanna make merge I wanna make merge I wanna make merge I wanna make merge I wanna make merge
So like genuinely I really like Pat Sluggy and Stephen more than the rest of tribe in terms of working together and such but like, the OG tribe lines are really bugging me. If I at some point vote out Allan or Clash then I lose potential trust from Ginger and Vilma maybe and definitely from Allan/Clash depending whoever goes. I want to tell Pat the alleged plan so I really hope it does not backfire. I am uncertain yet. 
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So we expectedly lost the challenge and now we have to go to tribal. Stephen and I are in the middle of the OG Faatasi and OG Salotaoga (is that how you spell it?). Anyways my original plan was to go for the europeans because if we get small in numbers the europeans can as a force of 3 pick us off, but now because of what happened in the challenge and Randy's performance people like Stephen and Veni wanna vote Randy off. I've made my case to Stephen and it really comes to a cost benefit analysis for him and I and I'm honestly looking at it from a long term point of view, hope it pays off.
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Getting bad vibes from the vote. I mean honestly as long as it's not me go nuts
I am really struggling with what information to give to people
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today i went to counseling then ate a biscuit for lunch. and i want to host a bachelorette org. nothing is happening in the game tho because guess what MY TRIBE WONNNNNNNN THE CHALLLLLLENGGGGEEEEEEEEEE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i love this tribe because we can actually win things and people actually talk to me :-) also i shared my idol guesses with vilma & liana and they shared back. either way i think it’s already found. i just wanna find the spot that it’s at ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just so i know know know for sure
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This week has been very interesting. Coming with randy was exactly what I wanted so that I know I could trust my old tribemate and he’ll vote with me no problem. I just hosted a game with clash in it and we clicked instantly and both had the same excited energy when coming into this tribe and seeing each other. Me him and randy have all formed an alliance and then also have another alliance including Allan, whom I enjoy a lot, we’re planning an attack on veni/sluggy tonight because Veni is playing to hard too fast and it’s super obvious. He’s also super close with vilma (who I already perceived as a massive threat) and ginger. So voting out veni prevents Veni from going back to those two and telling them everything that happened. We get to form the narrative 
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Okay so I have a lot to talk about and very little time to do so, let's get into it: So at the start of this week (after immunity) Us Europeans decided it would be a good idea to team up with the Australians and get Randy out. However, my first issue came up with Sluggy said he had to "check with Veni and Stephen". That immediately set off alarm bells with me because why would Sluggy have to check with Veni?? Then, Veni brings up some plan to split the votes in case of an idol. Splitting the votes seemed like the dumbest idea I'd heard of and everything started to sound suspicious af so Clash and I got together and decided to work with the Americans to make sure we would be safe. While we're doing all this, Veni makes about 4 alliances (All without me) promising final 2's and stuff. I'm honestly so done with him so we've all (hopefully) decided to vote him out. If I'm wrong then I guess my game is tanked but right now I feel good. 
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So the name of this round is “Is Veni a Snakey-Snake?” The answer is yes. Clash tells me he has alliances with everyone, so we’re gonna vote him out. Gonna double check my facts first tho 
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Hello this stupid european freak thinks he can outplay the greatest america player in history aka me so im just j chilling in this tribe when we swapped. and like this aussie sluggy rat comes to me and is like "american and aussies work together" and i said ok cool. and then i went on inactive mode because i didnt want to talk to anybody. then we had an immunity challenge and i didnt compete at all for it practically because i hated the challenge! but nobody else did stellar so it didnt matter. so we lost immunity, i get told real quick by pat and clash that the europeans want 3 votes on me while aussies do 2 votes on pat. we wanted to mix that up so originally we were going to vote together as 3 and just take Slugg out. But then we added Allan so we had four votes Then veni decides to heat up  his fucking crack pipe and take 4 hits before messaging me. Telling me things like "pats getting out, fix it" and "hey  i really trust you! hopefully you make merge". like stupid shady shit that doesnt look good so i g o to the alliance and i said vote veni out now we're about to go to tribal and we're going to see if the american brat gets his way. wish me luck
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For those who think I wasted an idol I technically did but remember I just woke up to hear my name that Veni, my second closest ally in the tribe wants me gone and is rallying others to vote me off, so if Veni had Pat and Randy and got one more to flip I would have definitely gone home. It was definitely scary and I'm not afraid to admit I was scared and shaking in front of my computer, but I made up my mind about playing it since half an hour before tribal so. I guess now is the real test to see if I can make it further in the game without any sort of extra protection on my back, but Veni was a sneaky guy despite being not fluent in his speaking.
Veni a huge threat is gone when I wanted to take him to the merge to use as a shield but that didn't work. That goes to show how important it is to make sure you're not playing hard in the first few parts of the game, but timing is really key in this game, and i gotta pick the right timing to strike and when to back off.
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Woooohoo! We wonn!! I'm so happy to have a night off. I am loving this tribe switch and have liked everyone I have talked to so far. I think we just got the power tribe both with challenges and socially. Emily actually shared where she has searched for an idol with me so we could cover more ground. It makes me sus of maybe her and someone else working together on Saratoga. (although maybe they were all just social flops) I'm still really happy I found an idol on the first try because I feel like I look semi inactive (always working) so no one would suspect it would be me who has the idol. My plan is to maybe blame Ruthie? Idk i haven't thought it through yet, but she definitely seems like someone who would find an idol first. Anyway my lying has already started because I told Emily how frustrating it is to have so many combinations to make it seem like I don't have it.
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Uhhhhh so we swapped. Immediately I was excited to be on a tribe with Emily, because I've heard she's super nice and people were absolutely right she really is!!!! I like everyone on my new tribe to be fair, but I'm kinda spooked because Ginger is the only og Faatasi who swapped with me and I've been performing fairly well in challenges so I'm scared I will be targeted fast if I end up going to tribal with these guys. I'm glad Ginger and I have a good relationship though, plus he is super social (unlike me) so hopefully he can help me in that regard and use his social skills to build new bonds. Obviously I'm trying my best to do that too but I'm not too convinced in my ability to succeed at that. It's just a lot. I'm too introverted all I wanna do is keep to myself and hide in my cave even though I know that's not smart. I've chatted some with everyone though and they all seem nice.... But yeah I could definitely step up my social game some. Emily and I have been sharing our idol guesses and Ginger told me he is becoming close with Tyler and Emily... We'll see how things develop from here. Personally I've enjoyed talking to Emily and Michael the most. Plus Michael seems to be quite a challenge threat as well, I'm hoping he would like to keep me in as his shield. That's what I'm gonna try to pitch for at least, if we ever end up in tribal. We won the scavenger hunt challenge which was neat because I love scavenger hunts. I went all out in the challenge ONCE AGAIN and tbh we need to talk about my threat level in a bit but first let's have a Moment of Silence for my NUMBER ONE ALLY VENI WHO GOT VOTED OUT ON FAATASI AND I'M VERY UPSETTI SPAHGETTI. :'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''( VENI ROBBED HE DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER THAN THAT. I'm so shocked even Clash and Allan turned on him and I NEED SOME EXPLANATIONS. I'm dying to know what happened there. I really wonder if Faatasi threw the challenge to get rid of him, but Sluggy played his idol though, so he must have thought for real there was a chance he was going home tonight?? That's what confuses me. But it's cool to know he had the og Ala Mai idol and it confirmed my suspicions that it had already been claimed thanks to all the reward challenge clues they got. I wonder if it will be rehidden now though... Doesn't hurt to try and search anyway, I guess? But yeah let's talk about the fact how screwed I am if I ever go to tribal with this tribe. Veni going was definitely a reality check for me, and now I feel super uncertain about my own position in the game. For some reason everyone and their mother seems to think I'm a big threat and I guess it's mostly due to me performing well in challenges and that SUCKS. Because music videos and scavenger hunts happen to be my two favorite challenges and I simply don't know how to hold myself back when it comes to them. Dennis asking me the threat question at first tribal plus the judges hyping me up in the music video challenge definitely didn't help my case either ugh ily guys but I'm in TROUBLE. KAJSHDKAHF. But to be fair I've always done middle tier / poorly in flash game challenges, I feel like my challenge threat status isn't completely accurate. Most of the immunity challenges so far have been those kind where those who put in the most effort have been rewarded (Music videos, The 24 hour challenge, Scavenger hunt). I've done well in those because 1. I happen to love 66% of those challenges and 2. I have no life. But if we had skill- or luck-based challenges like flash games or puzzles I don't think I'd perform very well at those at all. Even Ginger told me I need to stop performing so well in challenges and I agree with him. But I'm just scared it might already be too late now. Also challenges are genuinely the part I enjoy the most in orgs, I hate the backstabbing and socializing, so it feels stupid to restrict myself from enjoying the game just to do better at it... Ugh. What an internal struggle. I hope the next challenge will be something I naturally suck at so I don't even have to think about it.
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