#and ive done it never noticeable that im aware of it always looking like im just stressed and not thinking but i know
gorefetishizer · 2 years
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stedebonnit · 1 year
Thinking about Ed getting injured at some point, and him being so used to just taking care of himself because no one has ever really cared if he was injured beyond "keep the captain alive so he can tell us what to do next". Hes never been cared for, especially not for a minor injury like this (i mean, getting a sword slash on the arm is really the least scary thing to get. A couple of stitches and he'd be right as rain)
But Stede sees it happen, and in a second Ed is being scooped into Stedes arms and fucking carried back to the ship. Stede is settling Ed on their bed, and hushing him when he tries to tell Stede that he's fine, that this really, really isnt a big deal.
Stede is so gentle as he peels off Eds jacket, and the little tsk's and, oh dear's that fly from Stedes lips as he assesses the damage pull at heartstrings that Ed wasnt aware he had.
Then Stede is scrambling over to the medicine cabinet and pulling out supplies, and rum to numb his pain for fucks sake, as if Ed wouldnt have just stitched this up with one hand if he'd been left alone to handle it.
Stede approaches, handing Ed a small glass of rum and intructing him to drink. Ed, too shocked to argue, does just that.
"Good, now lie back, dear, Ive got you. This may sting a little, but I'm hoping the rum will make it a little easier."
It does sting, just a little, in a way Ed never cared enough to notice before. Its not that it never hurt, Ed had survived far more painful injuries in the past, but Ed had never been allowed to feel it before. He'd never had someone care enough to hold him and tell him:
"Its alright, sweetheart, we're almost done. You'll be all better in just a tick, you're being so brave. We'll take a nice long rest after this. The crew can wrap up the raid no problem."
On the last stitch, Stede looks up to find tears in Eds eyes.
Stedes face melts and he reaches up a hand to carefully wipe the tears away.
"Oh, my heart, did it hurt terribly? I'm so sorry, but its done now."
Ed shakes his head, blown away by the fact that he can be loved so gently.
"No, love, you did perfectly. Thank you. I've just...never had this before."
"An arm slash? Ah, theyre quite nasty, I hear."
"No, had plenty of those. Plus...tattoos are just one big arm slash if you really think about it."
Stede snorts out a laugh.
"You know, that tracks. What did you mean, then?"
"Ive been injured plenty. Much worse shit than this, that's for sure. I've never...had someone care. Not like this. People cared enough to keep me breathing, sometimes even that was only up to me. I've never had someone want to help me feel better, you know?"
Stedes brows pull together, his ever expressive face dripping with empathy as he nods.
"I do. Im so sorry youve been alone for so long, Edward, but you arent alone anymore. I will always take care of you, because you deserve it."
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peacockrulz · 1 month
youre so right about narration!! i could go on all day really, its the biggest thing for me that takes a fic from good to great, especially with characters like j- characters with a persona of sorts, characters that lie to themselves or are in denial, or characters with a lot they need to sort through, and j is sort of all three in some capacity. i cannot wait for hostile takeover to update! if you ever decide to try writing a fic id love to give it a read! ive noticed you have a lot of interesting ideas about characters and their dynamics through your fanart, something i think could translate to writing well. you also clearly have an understanding of what makes a fic good- though i know from experience its often easier said than done. still, id love to see you try! this is actually my first time rp-ing canon characters, ever. right now im playing j (thanks hostile takeover) in a discord server, though i might try n soon because i reaaallly struggle with characterizing him. ive been roleplaying my whole life really! i started with roblox warrior cats though... im shuddering with you id kill for more dollxn art from you though. no pressure but you get them it seems. its been a while since i listened to final girl but its definitely their song suggestive lyrics or not i hope they die and go to robo-hell together <3 - juzi anon
*sigh* putting this under a readmore because HOO BOY did I maybe went full analyzer on this one. thanks for your time Juzi Anon <3
I've read alotta fics in my time on the internet and honestly? I don't think I've ever read a fic that hooked me on a character narration quite like Hostile Takeover's J. J's awareness of every part of what shes doing and how shes doing it makes it even more subtle when you realize that despite all of that, she has so little awareness over what she thinks. Like she doesn't question it. Uzi's narration makes a point to show how she censors her own thoughts, she doesn't allow her mind to wander to certain parts of the past, shes completely aware of how some thoughts sound and decides against saying it all together. Meanwhile, J will go on and on about how much better the job would be without V's constant talking back and N's inability to do anything right, and in the same paragraph be constantly thinking about the argument with V, and what got V so messed up to begin with. J is like a rock, a precipice of confidence. But the moments where she doesn't know what to do, (like when she thought she was going to die in that church tower from the rising sun) its almost like she has to put on appearances even in a moment where shes completely panic-ed, that she still somehow has to pretend she knows what shes doing, even with no one around. Its why the fic made me rethink J in general, I've loved J for while but Hostile Takeover was the first time I actually was able to SEE what J could be as a character story. It really puts into perspective how important narration can be in telling a damn good story. (Sorry this became a J paragraph. I could analyze fics for the rest of my life and be happy lol)
Haha maybe one day I'll finally sit down and write. I'm not really the greatest at translating my thoughts to text, for some reason its easier for me to illustrate my feelings about a character then to write it out. The only reason I can draw fanart like that is because I analyze these characters to death lol. Looking at all the angles of two characters and then asking the question of 'what would it take for them to be on friendly terms' is a pass time I indulge it frequently!!!! Thats why I like rarepairs, sometimes they're dynamics are alot more unique than most, even if they're 2 characters that have never once canonically interacted (which is my favorite. Alot more creative thinking with that one yknow?) Still, maybe I'll get to it :O (prolly would practice writing analysis post first. because I always have to stop myself from doing it on other posts XP)
I've also grew up on roleplaying (my brother is into roleplaying and that got me started on it lol) used to roleplay on roblox even before I could read (which. isn't a joke actually. who gives a 5 year old unrestricted internet access???) funnily enough I can't even say I ever completely grew out of it, I still visit alot of roleplay maps on roblox (including WCUE!! never actually roleplayed there but I think its fun to spec) but mainly I used to roleplay on animal-based mmos like FeralHeart in my younger days.
Iffff,,, I could say anything about N's character,,, to hopefully help inspire some ability to write him (and sorry this gets its own paragraph) I would probably say that he is a very self-destructively selfless person, whos never gotten over anything or anyone in his life (I.e when V was in stasis during their time in the manor, N constantly visited her and would draw pictures of the two of them together ((as lizards)) and is kinda implied to have been reading books to her during this time. Even after getting 'digitally lobotomized', while N couldn't exactly remember V as he knew her back then, he still carried that affection he had for her all that time ago. He never stopped caring about V, even when he forgot) while I wouldn't describe N as in anyway 'innocent' or 'naive', N still has a habit of unconditionally caring about pretty much anybody lol. He had like, what, a 27 minute conversation with Uzi? And while it wasn't enough to completely convince him, it still was something that made him hesitate ("I really enjoyed our time together,"). And while I'm here (having mentioned Uzi) I would also say N is a very lonely character, seeing as he was often belittled by his peers (J) or in some cases completely ignored (V, but she had her reasons and thats a different discussion) a funny part of N's character is just how much he IS like Uzi. A person completely isolated by his kind because of how he is, who was never given an explanation as to why, why everyone is so oddly cruel to him. The biggest difference though being that N never fought it, he completely accepted getting knocked around if it meant he could stick around. It took someone else to point out how fucked his situation was to make him think twice about it. Uzi is the type of character to go down kicking screaming and punching(asterisk but thats also a different discussion), and N, despite being in such a similar place to her, isn't that kind of guy. While I wouldn't say N is the type to take everything lying down, there is something to say about just how much he is willing to take before getting angry, yknow? Overall, I think N is a very loving, loyal-to-a-fault, kinda guy, but his compassion for those around him is often times the reason he gets so tunnel-visioned in the first place (i.e causing explosions and throwing rocks and debris everywhere in a mass, angry panic, trying to go save V.) and its why he is so willing to get himself hurt in the first place. ("I really enjoyed our time together, but I can't have you shooting V with that thing.") (Or yknow, cutting his arm off, but thats alot less selfless-ness and alot more self destruction) His patience and understanding is one of his biggest strengths and somehow always the reason he gets hurt. Basically I think he need to go a lil insane as a treat.
((Oh its also good to note that his unconditional love for everyone around him is also the only reason why he has lived this far to begin with (the characters this includes: V, Uzi, AND Cyn.)))
I also think the above, is the reason why I enjoy NxDoll so much. it takes SO MUCH for him to hate someone and yet Doll did the one thing that would make him do it (hurting someone he cares about the most). I just knoooowwww if they saw eachother in that church it would've been ON. That fight would've taken out the whole god damn BUILDING. it would be two people fighting for the exact same fkcing reason!!! REVENGE!!! the horrible chain of trauma contuines with them!!! killing one will only leave the other with what remains!!!! And yet I also see them as two people who would really benefit from being on friendlier terms. Both becasue N's softness is just not something we ever see Doll treated with, and because Doll's avocation for justice might just be the thing N needs to get a god damn backbone for once and earn himself some self-appreciation.
But I also think its more fun when its enemies AND lovers.
They should make eachother worse <3
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clonehub · 2 years
i mean part of the reason why arcane is as good as it is, besides the stunning visuals, is because it was in development for 6 years. they had six years to go back and forth on the look, the style, the story the story the story. 6 fucking years. that requires patience. that requires cooperation from all writers and directors. that requires seeing the culture change and responding in kind to reflect what people would like to see.
you notice how there's so many female characters, and while even though some of them are on thin ice a little (jinx/powder being that mentally unstable wide-eyed violent young woman/girl who doesn't really wear a lot) they've got beautiful stories that connect deeply with one another's without being centered on a man at all. look at vi's body shape. look at the range of body shapes for female characters, the range of faces. even how they walk (I love Vi's walk). you have a the tale of two cities, political depth and manipulation, meaning displayed in the way character's dress, stand, walk, how they're designed, what their hobbies and interests are, etc. all these things that would take time to figure out. that's partly why arcane is so good. they had time.
anyone who's been following me for a while knows where this is going. im sorry but the reason so many star wars shows falls flat for me is because these stories do not have the time to develop. i see development in the singular. one year here. one year for another show. maybe the concept existed for a while (with DF and GL, it seems they always have concepts that exist for a long time) but because they're concepts and because they basically go in the freezer until they're needed again, they don't really have the time to develop both deliberately and organically. the misbalance of the book of boba fett. whatever is happening with the mandalorian. the general mess that is the bad batch.
arcane is fundamentally a show about politics. you can't have a council, and oppressed class, the rich/poor divide, and all the ways that the class divisions have affected people (vi's incareceration, silco's manipulations, the lack of children in the undercity, viktor's disability) and not have the show be about politics. the writers understood this.
in the bad batch, a show about that takes place during the post-war rise of a fascist regime that has just speedily and aggressively replaced not only an entire republic, but also succesfully committed genocide and now spreads its terror throughout an entire galaxy, hunter, a soldier, says he and his team never cared about politics.
and indeed, theres a clunky way that the bad batch handles the inherently political existence of the clones, the empire, etc. politics should be permeating the interactions that the batch has with greater galactic society, but instead they relegate political discussion to specific episodes or scenes, and then say "okay we'll focus on that later, let's get back to X and Y". the extrajudicial execution of civilians is a political act. running from the empire is a political act. joining the empire is political. having one episode and a handful of scenes dedicated to the political side of their lives doesn't cut it.
its probably because i majored in political science that this is bugging me as much as it is. i know ive moved very far away from the thesis of this post, but bear with me lol. figuring out the political structure of a world and how it affects the characters within that world is hard. like. its not easy. it's not as simple as making a government and slapping a few laws onto it (and notice how even in the well-done political fantasies, there rarely is a government structure that hasn't already been seen in the west specifically). arcane's works as seamlessly as it does because they took the time to figure that out WHILE being aware that there would be large swaths of the audience that know nothing about league of legends (me, all my friends, etc).
people who wanted to watch the bad batch asked if they needed to have seen tcw or any other part of star wars to watch it. most bad batch fans said no. ive seen the bad batch and even i would tentatively say no. but then you watch the series, and nearly every episode has a cameo that you can tell is significant story wise, but if you've never seen tcw and have no idea who anyone is, you'd be really confused as to why everything grinds to a halt to dramatically reveal a character you've never seen before. and then they take two episodes to focus on the development of a character from another series. anyone watching can tell that they're filling in gaps and closing arcs or opening stories for people you will never see again. the bad batch wasn't written with non-star wars fans in mind, as much as people would like to insist otherwise. the main characters want to be apolitical in a politically tumultuous time, while living politicized lives. the political world is not set up very well.
(although i dont know that the "Right" amount of development would have changed much. DF and GL seemed dead set on having their little Trope Troupe, so they may have been doomed from the beginning)
so i know ive contradicted myself in some ways. if the bad batch had time they'd be better but also they've existed for a while and they're still bad and also theyve been doomed from the start. i think all of these are true. conceptually, as characters, doomed from the start--but at least an inch of thought and consideration for the current sociopolitical climate would have undoomed them at least a little. worldbuilding, not doomed from the start but the writers definitely needed more time to consider all their options and write a clear beginning, middle, and end to bridge through, if That Interview with Rau and Corbett signifies anything.
its time and its intent, and arcane takes the cake
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sammysnaughtygirl · 1 year
my heart skipped a beat
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warning adult content not suited for persons under 18 years of age" pairing Sam Winchester & Brooke Davis
the sky lite up like a firecracker on news years eve,everything seemed normal. the night was crisp the air was cool brooke enjoyed dancing in the streets to the music she could hear for miles .not even noticing when sam winchester walked into the scence she was in the moment like a child having her way .sam stood quitely waiting patiently watching her as she whirled her body in cirlces like water flowing down a stream.sam could hardly hold himself back he was so aroused by her dancing Sams eyes were clued to Brooke she was having the time of her life until she spotted Sam.when brooke,s eyes meet Sams it was like christmas ,Brookes whole body shooke as she looked at him ,she started walking toward him but she began running like her life depended on it .when she reached him she jumped up into his arms holding him in an embrace ,Sam placed his arms around Brooke and held her as tight as he could without giving her broken ribs i missed you so much Brooke confessed ,i missed you too Sam replies.he squeeses her tightly and kisses her sweetly on the cheek you have no idea how much ive missed you Sam sighs,oh,come on Brooke says give me a kiss i deserve much better than that dont you think? yes,Sam says as he leans down to brush his lips to hers ,a kiss that not only takes her breath away,but a kiss that makes them both realize how much that they have sacraficed ,makes them both realize how just how much the other means to them .Sam ,Brooke gasped as she pulls her head up to glance in Sams eyes,yeah,he answers i dont want you to leave again i dont think i can take it anymore i dont want to be without you.i know how you feel but i cant make any promises rember our deal? i do Sam but i dont think my heart can take it if you leave me one more time ,i might not be able to overcome it next time.Sam picks Brooke up and presses his warm lips to hers ,sliding his tongue into her mouth so she couldnt speak.the two carry on for ten minutes,until Brooke gives in ok you win for the moment but im not giving up i want this to change between us she spoke .Sam replied with a shaking of his head ,really sam i want more i want you in my life forever not just when you want to pop in and out that isnt fair to me ,or you for that matter Brooke said as she turned her back to him so he couldnt see as she started to cry ,Sam noticed something was wrong as he reached out to touch her he could feel the tears flowing from her eyes slowly.please dont dont that Sam pleaded,you know i cant always control these things ,my brother and i have work and it takes us away some times ,and for months at time,im sorry but its our job you know this.yes Sam i am aware of what you do but im asking you as she turns to face him im asking you to include me or this has to be over and done i cant ,i love you to much Sam i dont want to do it anymore without you.Sam slide his hand out to take hers its gonna be ok he instisted,i swear its gonna be ok as he hugged her tightly i promise . dont Brooke responded you have told me that before and here we are again Sam i mean it you have to choose you have to make a choice either you love me and want me to join in the hunt or you dont its thats simple .Brooke started to walk away ,please Brooke ,i do love you but this life this job you dont want to be a part of this ,why dont you let me decide what i want for myself ?i chose you Sam what are you choosing? Sams heart skipped a beat as he stood there thinking of his life without her ,i choose you Sam blurted out i could never love anyone but you Brooke , she ran up and pressed her lips to his as they embraced .the had just deciced to be togather forever as a couple and now they had to tell dean their news. would dean rejoyce and be happy for them or will he be inraged and jealous?
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b0mblover · 5 months
a gods confusion
by: J
(help this is just about lopt plates and jirou being grossed out by it)
6 in the morning, not much was on the docket, the only reason jirou was up at this time anyways was because he had online classes, well just one, who decided to host a class about sewing at 6 am anyways? more importantly why would jirou join. winter classes were always hardest, it was too cold to get out of bed and everyone takes the evening classes more than in the summer, but just one class at 6 am wasnt the end of the world. it spanned for an hour, giving a ten minute break in the middle, some people worked on what they were taught, or used the bathroom or got something to eat. jirou prefered to use the bathroom and continue whatever he was working on, to not lose focus. 6:35, he came out of the bathroom, he noticed that lopt was chewing on something that had a… less than pleasant sound. Not wanting to miss class for the 5th time already, he mentally made a note to ask lopt. thankfully, the last 20 minutes went mostly smooth, since it was only the beginning of the semester, it was just mostly about how to get your ideas onto paper and whatnot. Jirou, as much as he wishes he wouldve, didnt pay much attention, his grades were mostly fine, granted a few c’s and d’s in math but over all a’s and b’s so he didnt hwve to worru about grades that much, jusy missing classes. He walked out of his room to see lopt watching some news station called “fox news”. he was aware that was an american “news” station, how the hell did they get that in japan? “hey” “oh youre done with your class already? what do you want me to tuck you back into bed?” lopt replied, with a vague british accent, lopt isnt british. “i, wha, no, i meant to ask you something” he said, vaguely confused. “which would be..?” “what the hell were you eating earlier, it sounded disgusting” “huh? what do you mean, oh those white disc thingys?” he sounded as if he were actually confused as to what jirou said. “Uh, i guess? i thought we didnt have much food.. and i know mostly what we keep.” “oh, do you not know the name either?” “i mean no? i guess not??” jirou had literally no fucking idea as to what lopt was talking about “here hold on ill show you” “um alright?” lopt walked over to the kitchen cabinets before skimming over tiny labels at the bottom, they were in braille, how was he even reading them by looking? 
(note, braille because 1. noriko has shit eyesite and its funny to imagine that she basically is blind 2. i have a parasite in my brain that makes me include some part of my life)
he landed on one, the third from the oven. opened it, grabbed whatever the hell he was speaking of and walked back to jirou. “see this!” “lopt.. please dont tell me you were eating that” “huh i was why?” lopt spoke at a rather quick pace, which is just wonderful for someone with auditory processing disorder. (sarcasm) “i, lopt, those are plates, why the hell” “oh, plates huh? they taste bland honestly, maybe they need to be heated up?” he thought to himself aloud “i uh no? lopt youre not supposed to eat those? how do you not know that..” “what do ya mean? ive heard the word but ive never seen one, must be some new day thing” he muttered the last part to himself. “lopt, what i know you know what a plate is, yknow.. a dish? bowl? salver? platter??” “Oh a salver! oh thats what this is wait what why does it look so weird?” “i what? lopt thats how plates have always looked?” “nah what no, salvers dont look like this at all!” “i, i mean maybe not? i why am i still awake, im gonna go sleep goodnight” jirou groaned and walked to his room alone. Lopt, still questioning if he really ate a “salver” decided to look for his phone, of course he had no idea where he put it, for being a god, he was awfully forgetful. 
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2jaeh · 2 years
hi! here’s my request, i hope im doing this right😌 ive never sent a request before
08. Same soul by pvris, taeil, genre is insignificant to me, it’s up to you😚
i hope you’ll consider writing this:)
same soul | taeil
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"i think we've loved a thousand lives, i try to find you every time"
genre: smut, tiniest bit of angst
content: soulmates, fem!reader, dilf!taeil, aged up!taeil, soft dom!taeil, daddy kink, praise kink, fingering, unprotected sex
word count: 2.2k
so um... this was meant to be a sappy soulmate au, but then daddy issues came on and this mess happened 🥴
♡ prompt list
You always had dreams about the lives you lived before your current one. They were vivid and when you were old enough to go see an expert, all she could tell you was that you were a divine soul and you had the privilege of being so aware of your past lives. You had to admit it was quite cool knowing you could recall all the different bodies your soul resided in, from an 1800s housewife to a rebellious teen from the 90s. You started to note them down once you were in high school as you became more curious about the spiritual side of your life. In your research you discovered one common factor; your soul always had a lover.
A young rich girl that lived in a Victorian mansion, a middle class guy who worked as a mechanic; the lover was always different but also always the same. The same gentle, loving aura engulfed you whenever you saw them. You always wanted to hold them, kiss them, make love to them. You loved them. You told that to them in countless dreams and the lover would just smile, but no words were needed. They loved you too.
"It seems to be a fated soul you keep meeting in their different bodies," the tarot reader explained to you in excitement, "a soulmate, Y/n."
No one believed you when you explained your dreams or what the tarot reader insisted to you. They were just very vivid dreams. That reader was just trying to make a quick buck, don't be naïve. So you ignored the dreams for a while too. You started college, dated a few people here and there, not a single soulmate in sight. The dreams stopped for a long time. Maybe everyone was right about them being… insignificant.
And you would've fully come to terms with that if it weren't for him.
When a single dad and his son moved into the apartment next door and you shared the elevator with them, something shifted in you. It was as if all those nights of sleepwalking and vivid dreams came rushing back to you all at once when you locked eyes with him for a brief second. Physically, you couldn't recognise him at all. But his aura, his presence, seemed all too familiar to you. It was that same feeling in your vivid dreams, when your soul spent time with their lover. It was as if he was the soulmate you were finally supposed to meet, just like your soul had done thousands of times before. But it wasn't that easy.
For starters, you were only just a few years older than his son. Jisung, Mr Moon's son, went to your college and you passed him a few times when he was rushing to class, books and pens flying out of his arms. Your father grew close to Mr Moon, they watched soccer, shared recipes and your father even gave Jisung a lift to school every time Mr Moon was running late for work. Mr Moon was always kind to you. He'd send leftover desserts with Jisung to give to you. He always gave you that adorably polite smile and asked you about your studies whenever he was over at your house, having drinks with your father.
You don't think anyone noticed, but your eyes tended to lock with him a tad bit longer than anyone else, and he never looked away. He always stole glances at you, smiling sheepishly when you caught him before returning to the conversation with your parents. Perhaps he was just as intrigued with you as you were with him. Did he also feel that inexplicable pull towards you? If he did, he didn't do anything about it. It stopped at kind gestures and suggestive looks, but he could never really act on what he was thinking and neither could you.
"You don't like mushrooms right?" Mr Moon hummed from the kitchen, never peeling his eyes away from the stove.
You lifted your head up from your notebook, shifting in your seat at the dining table. Your parents had gone out for a business dinner and Jisung was visiting his mother for the weekend. You were more than capable of holding down the apartment by yourself, but your parents insisted you go over to Mr Moon's apartment to eat something since you weren't exactly a maestro in the kitchen. And you weren't going to argue with them. You would take any opportunity to spend time alone with Mr Moon.
"Yeah, I don't." You replied in a small voice.
"Alright, dinner is almost ready," Mr Moon dusted his hands on a cloth before he made his way to you, leaning himself against the table as he folded his arms, "Sorry Jisung isn't here, I'm not the most entertaining company, right?"
"No, it's alright." You chuckled awkwardly.
Sure, to everyone else you were just his new friend's daughter, but to you it was way more intense than that. He was definitely the soul that your own soul was destined to meet, as crazy as it sounded whenever the fleeting thought crossed your mind. You couldn't convince yourself otherwise, not when he was in your vicinity and that familiarity from your dreams was so painfully distinct. You needed to do something about that.
And it didn't help that his work clothes, a white dress shirt and a pair of navy blue slacks, didn't leave much to the imagination. He drove you insane.
"Mr Moon?"
"Hmm?" He lifted his eyes away from gazing over your notebooks to make eye contact with you. Your head was spinning and you almost forgot what you were trying to ask him.
"Do you… believe in soulmates?" You asked hesitantly, twirling your thumbs absentmindedly.
"I believe that… people always enter your life for a reason," Mr Moon nodded in thought, "souls that are on the same path, I believe in that."
"Do you think we're on the same path? The two of us?" Your glassy eyes peered up at him and he cleared his throat, adjusting his posture.
"I find you very interesting, Y/n," Mr Moon smiled softly, his chocolate brown hair hanging over his forehead, "I think that you are in my life for a reason."
"And do you know what that reason is?"
"I'm not sure yet…" Mr Moon leaned forward, holding up his weight with his hand pressed against the table.
He inched closer until his face was level with yours, just two or three fingers spaces away. You could feel his breath on your skin and you took in the strong smell of his cologne. His dark eyes peered down at your lips then looked back towards your line of vision. You nodded in silent confirmation and he immediately closed the gap between the two of you, pressing his lips against yours. His tongue glided over your bottom lip and you gladly opened up for him, letting out a whimper of excitement into his mouth.
Mr Moon broke the intense kiss to push away from the table and take a seat at one of the dining room chairs. He sat with his legs spread apart before beckoning you towards him by patting his lap.
"Come here baby girl." He cooed and you excitedly left your chair and took a seat on him, straddling his thighs.
His hands came up to rest on your thighs, his fingers ever so gently picking at the waistband of your jeans. You shyly placed your arms around his shoulders, your actions bringing a smirk to his handsome face. You ducked your head down to kiss him again, the feeling sending sparks throughout your body, eliciting a sweet moan from your throat. Mr Moon hooked his fingers through the belt loops of your pants and jerked you closer, making you gasp in surprise. He took your slightly ajar mouth as an invitation to slip his tongue inside, letting you taste the pineapple sweet he'd been chewing on when he let you into his apartment, a grin on her face.
He ushered your hips to grind your core down on him, a series of pornographic sounds escaping your lips when you felt how hard he was through the many layers of clothes. Your whimpers only egged Mr Moon on as he grabbed a hold of your ass and trailed his lips down your neck, littering you with cheeky open mouthed kisses.
"Baby, we have to be fast," he groaned against your skin, "your parents will be back in the next hour."
"Yes daddy." You mewled. 
Mr Moon's ears perked up at the term used to address him and it only made him more aroused. He sucked one last hickey onto the tip of your shoulder before leaning back in his chair, hands lazily rubbing up and down your thighs.
"Can you show daddy how wet you are?" He tilted his head to the side, a smirk adorned his swollen lips.
The heat immediately rushed to your face, but you nodded enthusiastically and climbed off his lap. You stood with your back to him as you unbuttoned your pants. You slipped them off, bending over to give Mr Moon a good look at your ass. Judging by the low groan that he let out, you knew he could clearly see the arousal dampening your underwear. You turned to see him with his hand over his crotch, his eyes hooded and devouring every inch of you.
"Take that off baby," Mr Moon hummed as he began to undo the first few buttons of his shirt, "then come sit here."
You obliged, tugging off your underwear and slowly walking over to him in nothing but your cute crop top. By the time you were back to straddling his lap, Mr Moon had already placed his belt on the table and undid the button of his pants. He tucked a hand behind your neck and pulled you in for another kiss, his other hand trailed over your thigh until his fingers were ghosting over where you needed him the most. You unconsciously bucked your hips forward, looking for any sort of contact.
"So needy…." Mr Moon chuckled, but as usual, he was always kind to you.
So he ran a finger over your folds, teasing you a little before he began circling your clit with his thumb, the sensation making you moan out in pleasure. Still rubbing your sensitive bud, he slowly snuck two fingers into your entrance. His lips swallowed your moans as his fingers stroked the walls of your core, bringing you closer and closer to your high.
"D-daddy… I want you…" You wailed as you clung onto his shoulders desperately.
"Of course baby girl, anything for you." Mr Moon cooed gently, removing his finger from your core only to bring them up to your lips to lick them clean.
You sucked on his fingers, his lustful eyes zoned in on you. You unzipped his pants and tugged down his underwear until his length was finally revealed to you. Both his hands held onto your waist as he guided you closer, lining up your entrance to his member. You sunk down on him, his length filling you up completely. You whined in pleasure, ducking your face into the crook of his neck while he brought one hand up to stroke your hair.
"Ride me, darling." He murmured, massaging your ass cheek gently.
"Yes, daddy."
You began to slowly bounce up and down on his length, rolling your hips as you hugged him close. Mr Moon cupped your face so he could lift your head and give you an intoxicating, desperate kiss, your whimpers getting caught in your throat.
"Daddy… you feel so good."
"Yeah, just like that," he sighed, his hips beginning to grind against yours to match your rhythm, "good girl..."
The praise was enough to send you over the edge and you came undone, your body twitching and falling weak against him. Your walls tightened and clenched around Mr Moon, making him reach his climax not long after. Once you caught your breath, you quickly climbed off him and pulled your clothes on in silence. You heard the rustling of Mr Moon pulling his pants back on. You turned around to look at him, his clothes neat again as he pushed the hair out of his face. He smiled when he made eye contact with you and the butterflies began raging in your tummy. He walked over to you and planted a kiss on your forehead, softly petting down the strands of hair that had gone rogue.
"Let's have dinner," he hummed casually, "your parents will kill me if they find out I didn't feed you."
"My parents will also kill you if they find out you fucked their daughter." You replied with a light laugh.
"And I'll gladly do that again." He mused, so confidently and effortlessly, before pecking your cheek and disappearing into the kitchen.
Mr Moon was interested in you, no doubt about that. But, obviously, it wasn't what you expected. Your dreams nor the tarot reader were able to confirm that your fated soul knew that your soul existed; that your soul was waiting for them. To you, Mr Moon was your soulmate that your soul had loved forever in thousands of different lives. To Mr Moon, you were just a girl he met and thought was cute. But you didn't mind. You would happily let your soul fall for him again. And again in the next life. And the life after that.
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poptod · 3 years
Hello! If you’re taking requests atm can I ask for headcanons for natm Ahkmenrah where the reader wears alt fashion and at first he’s VERY intimated by them (like won’t even look them in the eye) cause they come clomping in with their big platform boots and Ahk thinks they’re sum sort of demon but later on ends up loving it and thinking it’s the coolest thing ever? Thank you for your time💝
notes: IM IN LOVE WITH YOU ANON. i love my big clonking boots and spike collars too! this was... very long tho cause ive never written headcanons before and idk how to keep it short
* youve definitely got a certain style to you
* but that doesnt mean youre only interested in punk concerts and raves
* actually, when you learned your friend nick’s dad worked at the national museum you were psyched
* nicky is horrible at keeping secrets so you’re prepared for everything coming to life your first night going there
* at first you’re greeted by the huns which, in all honesty, was pretty terrifying
* but they took to your style very well
* the cavemen go fucking bonkers for your pocket knife and lighter
* meeting the president is awkward because, as someone interested in history, you’re very aware of all the bad shit he’s done, and generally you’re vocally anarchist
* what’s really interesting though is meeting a king - something you should definitely be against, he’s an all-powerful monarch - and he’s. almost silent
* its really weird cause you see this guy reflecting all the light in the room like a disco ball, with pure gold jewelry all over his body, and he says like two words to you and then leaves
* “I’m... Ahkmenrah.”
* “That’s weird,” Nicky says when he’s gone
* egyptian history is some of your favorite, so you’re obviously disappointed in the whole experience and kinda bummed
* you come back on weekend nights that you’re not working
* for the most part you talk to nicky or “talk” to the huns
* usually that just means playing soccer with them and yelling a lot, which you’re all for
* sometimes you’ll feel eyes on your neck, and when you look up at the balcony, you can see the tail end of a golden cape
* one night you decide to follow him because at this point it’s getting a little annoying. he barely ever talks to you yet spends most of his time watching you
* he returns to his exhibit and you follow down the guarded hall, cornering him in his coffin room
* when you find him he’s too busy staring at the murals on the walls to notice you
* “Nice room,” you say
* he turns around with the widest eyes you’ve ever seen, raking up and down your body
* it’s one of your tamer outfits but it’s still boots with patches stapled to them, an oversized flannel with burn holes everywhere, chains hanging from your studded belt
* that’s where his eyes stop - on your belt
* you ignore that though
* “Let’s see,” you say, turning back to the hieroglyphs, “I used to study these.”
* it takes a moment of you staring and slowly thinking, which he is of course entirely silent for
* “This is a passage from the Book of the Dead. Ani’s papyrus, actually, though I doubt you knew the man.”
* (its not actually the hieroglyphs that give it away, its the illustration above them, but shhhh)
* he’s obviously very taken aback
* “How did you know that? That’s... incredible.”
* You blush. first time in a while and you look down bashfully
* “I studied the Book of the Dead for a little bit. Just a side interest of mine,” you say
* “But... these are holy.. texts,” he trails off, looking between you and the hieroglyphs
* it looks like something clicks behind his eyes
* his lips make an “oh” but no sound comes out
* he’s one of those types that almost always tells the truth, so he admits he thought you were some sort of delinquent demon
* “well, i am, technically,” you say, which makes him laugh
* later on in the evening you decided to trade your wristbands for fun - you’d get his golden braces, he’d get your studded leather with sharpened spikes
* both of you forget about it until you go home, start getting undressed, and realize you’ve got 4,000 year old gold on your arms
* you get terrified that the museum’s gonna arrest you or something for ‘stealing’
* the next time you see ahk you tell him that in a rush
* he, being the little gremlin he is, just laughs
* youre still in a fluster trying to give his bracelets back but he just laughs and goes
* “keep them. they look better on you.”
* “but.... theyre yours??”
* as it turns out he fucking loves the spikes on your own bracelet so half of that was just ahk wanting to keep YOUR wristband
* when he sits or stands near you, he fidgets with the spikes on his wrist and the spikes on your shoulder from your leather jacket
* it does make it a little hard for him to lean against you, which he does like to do with his friends
* but in the end you both decide he can put his head in your lap. you play with his hair and he practically moans and keens from the stimulation
* he may be friendly with others but its only in your company that he feels safe enough to sleep
* and youre happy to act as a pillow, even if your clothes aren’t made for such things
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jackassbroadcast · 3 years
Hello im a Tommy enthusiast who watched that one stream where he monologued to foolish for like hafe an hour bc i heard it was a cool stream or wtv to realize how much amazing character moments it had that barly anyone in this damn fandom is talking about so ill fucking do it
(Only after finishing this i realized i wrote 1.7k words LOL OOPS)
If u dont know what in talking about its this stream (apologies for linking a clips channel the actual vod on foolish's channel is deleted by now)
Also heads up /rp /dsmp every time i refer to someone here by name is their character unless stated otherwise bc writing c! Before every name Is tiring LOL
Also // suicidal idealization , death mentions
The conversation starts off with foolish and tommy mining for Wilbur, and foolish questions how simply mining will solve the problem to which Tommy reponds with "they dont get solved, do they? It just ends uo with some madman screaming 'Hes solved it!' And now look at him." And how he wants to "prevent the problem before it goes outta hand" something that clearly references Wilbur and his destruction of lmanburg, which paired with him collecting stone for Wilbur as the way to stop said problems he believes if he does anything he can for Wilbur and support him by his side enough this time around, that he wont do anything like thay again, which as im writing this makes be realize by doing that we learn hes blaming himself for what happened to Wilbur in November 16th and pogtopia and a whole, by not being enough for Wilbur in his mind.
The conversation continues, foolish off hand asks why would tommy want to stop Wilbur? Weren't they friends at some point? To which tommy leads foolish to lmanburg and tells him the story of the nation (how it was him and Wilbur's nation, how they made it to espace dream's iron fist and how they held an election "which puts your life on the line, which is good- if you're confident but- perhaps we were too confident", how they lost)
Tommy: "You know the phrase: 'treat other how you wanna be treated', foolish? People dont ever listen to it. Wilbur- he decided he wanted to be treated poorly so he treated everyone around him poorly "
This Tommy quote, to me at least, so so amazingly strong in conveying how understanding he is? To the world around him. Like-
I have not seen one person bring this quote up, and yet its (at least to me) shows such growth and understanding in Tommy i saw little to nothing like it in other streams. It shows he understands, he knew Wilbur didnt change just because, he knows he was struggling, that he thought everyone around him were againt him, were going to abandon him the first chance theyll get- and he thought he deserved it. So he, as a last way to defend himself against that, hurt them first, abandoned them first, so theyll see how much of a 'bad' person he was and take him out- and tommy saw right through that, possibly understanding it more after exile.
This next qoute was talked about much more but i still wanna bring it up
Foolish: "Do you believe in second chances?"
Tommy: "Oh, no I don't really believe that its not really a thing for me foolish its just that-" *sigh* "- i believe everyone has a little bit of good in then and this is not about giving him a second chance or a third chance- its not about *chances* foolish. Its about not giving up on the poeple you care about. "
Which. I mean. I dont know how healthy that mindset is, but comign from Tommy it makes so much sense.
Techno, tubbo, eret, sapnap. These are all people Tommy used to be extremely close to, had either a war or had been betrayed by them, and yet still found it in his heart that he still cares for them, with all of these, they did horrendous things, that hurt tommy physically and mentally, while also not being once or twice, but a contentious thing, but while tommy is to this day still effected by their actions he still found it in himself to forgive, because he knows he fucked up too, a lot, and he knoes they learned from their mistakes just as he had (except c!techno FUCKKK c!techno mf doesnt learn SHITTT) and he knows, when the time comes he knows hed want the people he hurt to forgive him too. (And he wants Wilbur to do the same)
Next qoute i will cut to a couple parts because its really so good and full of character i had to bro
Foolish: "Do you consider yourself to be the good guy or the bad guy?"
Tommy: "It really depends who you ask, isn't it? Yknow? If you asked dream he'd say im *his little toy that he plays with* you know? It doesnt.."
This part really stunned me when i first heard it because, and correct me If im wrong, but i dont think tommy ever acknowledged how dream sees him, and  how right he has his viewpoint too. Just the fact tommy is so *painfully* aware of how dream doesnt even see him as a person anymore but just a toy to mess around with for a while than just throw it away when it get too boring really hurt me. Someone give this kid a hug
(Continued) Tommy: "...foolish, honestly? I used to consider myself 'the good guy', you know? The fuckin'- second in command! But these past- these past like six months or so, foolish, everything got so much harder than it was before. Because before it was just us vs bad guys, it was all so clear! But- its not been 'clear' for so long, right? It wasn't; 'these are the bad guys! These are the good guys!' Now it's : 'he's doing this and it makes him a bit worse-' i mean, it all got so complicated, so- i don't know. Depends who you ask."
He says this, in response to foolish asking if hes a good guy- but its awfully similar to if Wilbur asked him if they were the bad guys. Because foolish just asked about him, and yet in his answer tommy made sure to keep using the words "us, he's, guys" as if hes not really talking about himself, as if hes explaining how Wilbur was wrong. Which he was. Also something interesting ive noticed, he says "the last 6 months or so", which indicated that with Wilbur he knew better to follow his word and leadership- with Wilbur he was always on the right side but when he lost him he felt much more lost alone, and couldn't trust himself enough to be on the "right side" .
Foolish: "I dont know, it all seems strange because just from, you know- hearing from others and, you know, learing a little bit, its seems like you've been the hero, you've been the villain, the conqueror, the savior, and, even now, i have no idea what you exactly are."
Tommy: "that's up to you to decide, isn't it? Im just- *uh*  i dont know. These days, foolish, I'm a little weaker than i used to be"
Foolish couldn't be more right with what he said, another example of this we see where a character acknowledges tommy never sticks to one thing us Charlie when calling him "tommy fron nowhere" which shows more how he cant stick to one thing, during the course of him on the server he had been friends and enemy with nearly everyone, been on pretty much all sides, and while never really intentionally, being in the center of conflict. When foolish says he doesnt know who tommy is anymroe at this point and all Tommy says in return is that "hes a little weaker than he used to be" does to show he misses who he used to be, with lmanburg, with Wilbur, when he knew who he was, now he doesn't know who he is anymore, but still so desperately want to be more demonstrated by the lines coming rigth after that one:
(Continued) Tommy: "..I'm not- I'm now who i want to be, but-"
Foolish: "Being honest with you, Tommy, that's the same case for me as well."
Tommy: "...heres the thing, foolish, unlike you i dont really have a choice. I have to try and be who i want to be, because if i dont, very bad things are gonna happen in this server. And now that Wilbur's back i can't- quite frankly *no one* can risk that. So i dont really have a choice."
Tommy want's to change- he wants to be better than he is now, to be closer to who he used to be, no matter how impossible that might be, but he also sees it as an immediate thing, he wants to change now, or asap, which is why hes collecting stone for Wilbur in the first place- old him would've done that with ease just because Wilbur asked and he wants to have that back so badly, asap. The way he talked about this reminded me of when he tried getting over his trauma stream before he went in the prison to kill dream: he knew he wasnt the best but he tried getting over that asap to go kill dream asap. He didnt wanna take the long road of years of healing and instead thought he could get over it just like that, and that experience clearly didnt teach him anything because now hes trying to slide back to the relationship he and Wilbur used to have and ignoring the drastic changes they both had plus the bad moments that were the reason they feel out in the first place, or maybe he knows, but at this point, after everything that happened to him and the server, he doesnt care anymore? He knows hes not the same he was and he'll never be the same, because thats not how it works, but his mentor, president, big brother is back after so long tommy felt so lost and alone he thinks maybe, this time around, with Wilbur, he could try and be better again.
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wizkiddx · 3 years
your song blurb
hello!! sorry ive been so inactive and I have got a number of req that I am trying to work through - I am sorry, please be as patient as you can with me. general life shit and all hasn't been ideal. I am aware I reaaallly need to update my master list and will get round to it when I can I promise ;)
also have lots of asks abt the t + z situation but all I have to say is im so very happy for them and hope people respect their privacy ;)
harryhollandxreader // friends --> lovers blurb
summary: harry never sings in front of you, until you need it
There were some things that Harry, even after being friends for years, kept close to his chest. The one that you always tried to catch him out on was his singing. For some unknown reason, he was super self conscious of it. Every time he was nonchalantly humming along to himself, all it took was for you to make a single sound, and he’d immediately lock his mouth shut. From those fleeting moments, you had thought he didn’t even sound half bad, hence where your frustrations drew.
Because whilst you, who sounded like a cat being tortured, would scream your lungs out - Harry, who wasn’t even that bad, refused to make a fool out of himself.
It was exactly what had happened this evening when you had let yourself into Tom’s house otherwise unannounced. It’d been years since you’d been given a spare key by Harry - when they were both away, you often ‘house-sat’ for Tom; plus, you spent most evenings there too because that was where your best mate was.
Tom had messaged on the group chat to say he would be out for the evening, and Haz was around his girlfriends tonight, meaning on arrival, you’d known it’d just be you and Harry. So once you heard the quiet tune of a song, that you couldn’t quite place yet, safe to say you were on stealth mode. Sliding your shoes off and wincing as the floorboards creaked a little, you slowly crept through the house to find your frizzy-haired friend.
Sure enough, as you made your way through the kitchen, you found him stood over the hob, stirring round a wooden spoon of a saucepan - presumably filled with pasta he’d promised to have ready for you. Pouting as you leaned on the doorframe and crossed your arms, marvelling at him. He was dressed just in grey joggers and his favourite pink hoodie, arms rolled up to his elbow as the poor boy slaved away at the stove.
You stayed silent, to what you now recognised as billy joel, only unable to stifle a giggle when he reached a particularly high note. Like a rabbit caught in headlights, he jumped around and yelled, eyes fiery and pointed at you.
“OH fuck off Y/n!!”
“Billy Joel, an old school choice.” You smirked, now walking into the room to greet him properly.
“How long have you been stalking on me?”
“It’s not stalking if the stalkee gave me the key.”
“I don’t think that’s admissible in court.” He deadpanned back, pouting for a couple more seconds before finally shooting you a wide grin. The boy held his arms out, welcoming you into a proper greeting hug. Happily reciprocating, you inhaled deeply with your face pressed into the crook of his shoulder.
“How was work?” He murmured, already guessing the answer correctly.
“Shit. Exhausting. Hell, you want any more adjectives?” Harry just snorted back as you leaned away from his warmth.
“Nah rule of three is quite enough. Did you never pay attention in GCSE english?”
“Fuck off you can’t even spell GCSE.”
That was always how your friendship had been; it had always been a piss-taking battle. You simply were one of the boys - or at least that’s what you thought. Said boys though (meaning Sam, Tom, Harrison, Tuwaine and even Paddy) disagreed. You didn’t know, or didn’t believe, that Harry did NOT treat you like one of the boys. He cared about you differently, too. Tom thought it didn’t stop there, that Harry did in fact love you.
And yes, you might’ve admitted to Harrison on one very, very drunken night that you had occasionally thought of Harry as something more than your sarky friend. He had been since sworn to silence, though Haz had in fact, told Tom - who only replied with an ‘i told you so’.
Even though everyone else saw your relationship as complicated, to you and Harry it was just simple. You were just the best of friends.
And that’s how the evening went. The two of you were just messing around as usual; after eating the tomatoey pasta creation Harry had tried, you both made a right mess of the washing up - water ending up coating the floor and maybe one of the walls too (Tom would never know). And just like usual, it ended with you sprawled out on one sofa, Harry mirroring you on the adjacent one.
It was love island season, which meant every night at 9 pm there was only one place on earth either of you would be. On your respective sofas, watching the most trashy tv in the world.
Tonight though, no matter how excited you were for the next instalment of who-likes-who, your day of work caught up with you. Not that you noticed, but you’d pretty much passed out as soon as the opening scenes started. There were only two minutes of silence before Harry registered something was up - typically, he was trying to make you shut up so he could actually hear the TV. To investigate, he jumped off the sofa and leaned over the couch, the sight making him pout.
He knew work had been super stressful recently; and he also knew that your insomnia had been coming back with a vengeance. So instead of treating you like ‘one of the boys’ and throwing things until you woke up - Harry used a different approach. He draped the blanket that hung off the side of the sofa over you, biting back a slight smile as you huffed in appreciation for the soft quilt. Then Harry left you alone, knowing you could do with every little bit of rest you could get.
That was all good until it reached the third set of adverts when Harry heard you huff and move about on the sofa. And then again and again. Then again with what sounded like a bit of whimper too.
Brows furrowed, he paused the TV and slowly got up, rounding the sofa to see you somewhat matching his expression. Your face was contorted in one of distress, and you kept thrashing your head from side to side of the pillow. It didn’t take a genius to work out; this was your nightmares rearing their ugly heads.
Harry just wanted to stop this for you. Although the two of you were never particularly ‘mushy’ or vulnerable with each other - he knew just how much you were suffering recently. So without much thought into it, Harry knelt down to sit on the floor, side leaning up against the sofa as he looked towards you. Trying to hush you, he ran his hand over your forehead and over the top of your hair, though it seemed to take little effect. And then, again entirely without hesitation, Harry started to softly sing.
It’s a little bit funny
This feeling inside
I’m not one of those who can easily hide
Why Elton John was the first that came to mind was a mystery to Harry - except maybe that the lyrics ran true a little.
And you can tell everybody
This is your song
It may be quite simple, but now that it’s done
I hope you don’t mind
I hope you don’t mind
That I put down in the words
How wonderful life is while you’re in the world
You’d always loved old 70s music, you were the one that had properly got you into all that stuff - the beatles, billy joel, elton, even a bit of springsteen. He owed half his music taste to your Spotify playlists, even if he’d never admit it to your face.
So excuse me forgetting
But these things I do
You see I’ve forgotten, if they’re green or they’re blue
Anyway the thing is, what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I’ve ever seen
With a final huff, you finally settled down, Harry swore he could see all the discomfort literally melting away from your face. It took a minute but your breath evened out, mumbling something incomprehensible as you curled up toward him on the edge of the sofa.
This wasn't the first time he’d sang to you in your sleep - and he sort of hoped it wouldn't be the last either.
feedback is really appreciated <3
harry taglist : @euphorichxlland @lovehollandy12 @pandaxnienke @msmimimerton @crossyourpeter @hallecarey1
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train-wrecc · 3 years
• hamish duke x fem!reader
warning(s) ⚠️: none? somewhat angst (not really), death, mentions of blood
pairings: vera x niece!reader, hamish duke x reader
summary: y/n is vera stones niece who had been inducted into the hermetic order of the blue rose 4 years ago (senior in college) however when reviewing books in the reliquary/vault for an assignment she stumbles upon a certain fur coat, the hide of alpha.
wc (word count): 2.2k
Tumblr media
gc (gif credit): unknown/google
y/n had barely set foot into the temple before alyssa almost tackled her to the floor. "geez, medicum, watch where you're going."
"magistratus! you're just the person i was looking for! im so sorry for bumping into you but uh, " the blonde gestures behind her with a hand, "the temple magus would like to see you..." she says, before plastering an awkward smile and walking off.
"and i thought today couldn't get any worse..." y/n mumbled.
y/n walked down the corridor before stopping at the large doors which the temple magus who just so happened to be her aunt, sat behind.
the doors opened before her, and she was met with her aunt and a large older man. "temple magus." y/n said nodding her head, glancing at the man that was stood beside her aunt in confusion.
"magistratus, welc-" vera was interrupted by the older man beside her.
"vera quit with the formalities, she's your niece!" he chuckled.
"edward coventry, the grand magus." edward extended his hand out for y/n to shake. she embraced his hand with hers giving a firm shake.
"your aunt has told me a lot about you y/n,"
"all good things, i assume." y/n responded.
"yes, of course, you could say im intrigued... meet me in the temple tomorrow afternoon. I have an interesting assignment for you."
the door clattered open as alyssa made her way into the temple where y/n and a few other magistratus' stood.
the others glanced in shock, "what is a medicum doing here?" selena questioned as she snickered at kyle as alyssa walked past the group.
"she's here like the rest of us, the magus wouldn't have allowed her to be here if she hadn't proven herself." y/n said in an attempt to get selena to shut up.
"are you sure? the only reason you're a magistratus is because of your auntie." selena continued.
y/n rolled her eyes tired of dealing with selena, "you're right, who else promotes us besides the magus? selena, why don't you keep your mouth shut, before i shut it for you, after all, my aunt is the temple magus."
before selena could utter a snarky remark edward strode in.
"okay! vera says that you're the ones with the most potential. potential will get you into the door, but it will not guarantee you a seat, " edward rips off the cloth which was obstructing the view of what appeared to be an obsidian block, "at the table." he continued.
"this obsidian block is estimated to be between, mhm, 1,500 and 2,000 years old." he gesticulates to the block.
"but spoiler alert. this is no ordinary... hunk of rock," he says, dropping a bug onto the rock which in turn burst.
"something is inside this obsidian that people don't want others to have. i want you to reverse engineer the magic protecting this stone."
y/n notices alyssa begins to write "deleatur?" on her notebook, as kyle glances at the word on the book before speaking up.
'of course he would, arrogant prick....' y/n thinks to herself.
"magus?" kyle steps forward, "with your permission?" he continued, as edward motioned towards the rock, as a signal to continue.
kyle raised a knife to his right hand before slicing it and muttering "deleatur", flicking his wrist toward the stone.
shortly after the flick of his wrist, his right forearm collided against his upper arm, his limb broken now, bone sticking out.
he gasps in pain, which puts a small smirk on y/ns face, 'serves him right...' roaming in her mind.
"you know how to heal that?" edward breaks the silence. kyle responded with a shake of his head 'no'.
"right. my driver will take you to the hospital."
kyle walks out of the room, hunched over, cradling his right arm the best that he can.
edward picks the obsidian up from its frame, "now that you know what you're dealing with, impress me." before he follows behind kyle.
"alyssa. make sure the temple gets a proper cleansing." are his last words.
"at once, magus." alyssa replied.
"now we know why she's here." diego called, his arm around selena's shoulder calls, a smirk on his face as she laughs before they continue to make their way out of the temple.
a sigh falls from alyssa's lips.
"don't worry about them medicum, you're not here for that. they just feel threatened by you." the y/h/c (your hair colour, i.e. brunette, blonde) girl spoke up.
"thanks, magistratus." alyssa responded.
y/n simply nodded in return, before stalking off to go pester her aunt, she had an idea about an incantation that might work on reversing the magic which was protecting the obsidian.
next day...
y/n's fist met the door as she knocked.
she could faintly hear the word "aperiatur" slip from her aunt's lips, as the doors opened.
"magistratus." vera greeted y/n.
y/n rolled her eyes, her aunt had always been so persistent in remaining professional at the temple, so that other members never thought y/n only got in due to vera.
"hey auntie vera," y/n says her words practically covered in honey.
"one. what did i tell you about keeping our professionalism and two. what do you want?" vera smirked knowing her niece too well.
a sigh came from y/n's lips, knowing her aunt had caught on.
"you're aware of the assignment of edward's that i'm apart of?" her aunt nodded in respond to the question.
"well i need to get into the vault, and before you interrupt me there's a book in there that i want to examine and see if i can find an incantation for the assignment." y/n explained, she had been planning on talking to her aunt the day before but something had come up.
"no." vera gulped knowing well she had given alyssa, a medium, access to the reliquary the day before. however the vault is different she reassured herself.
"of course, god forbid you do me one favour." y/n said her voice sour, her head nodding in false understanding.
"y'know ive worked my ass twice as hard as anyone else to be here, and yet i'm always getting criticized the most for every simple mistake that i make which aren't very many..." y/n began, her aunts answer irking her.
"and you decide to do alyssa the kiss ass a favour and give her access to the reliquary when she's a medicum, however, you can't do me a favour and let me use the vault once." y/n finishes brows furrowed, done with her aunt at the moment.
y/n began to stalk off before vera stopped the girl.
"y/n. you may use the vault." vera murmured.
the y/h (your height i.e. short, tall) girl returned to the room silently.
she handed y/n a necklace with a pentagon-shaped charm attached to it. "repeat after me. sanguis meus tuas laminate acuit." vera says the incantation.
"sanguis meus tuas laminate acuit."
with the movement of vera's hand, the bookshelves began to separate and opened to a corridor.
"y/n, sweetheart, you know i love you. the only reason i criticize you, harshly at times, is because i know you have the potential to be twice as great as you already are. greater than me." her aunt said dripping in sympathy and love.
however, y/n doubted that.
"of course i know because you remind me so often." the words slipped from y/n's lips, filled with sarcasm.
y/n made her way through the fear corridor and into the vault clutching the pentagon necklace as vera watched from the entrance.
y/n had been searching for the incantation for a few hours now and had yet to find the incantation.
she had rummaged through all the books that were out in the open and visible before deciding maybe there were some in hiding.
she had scoured high and low for books and had nearly given up before her eyes caught a rugged brown chest of some sort.
"this has to be it!" she exclaimed to herself, noticing the lock on the latch of it.
she'd assumed vera had left a while ago, and figured she'd have to talk to her about it the next day.
however, before she could even reach for the lock, it burst and the top of the trunk rose.
all she could see was some kind of fur coat before it had engulfed her and her vision was captured by darkness as she gasped.
(a/n: thank the lord she's a werewolf now, we can now get to the good part!!!!! 🥳)
a groan emitted from the y/h/c, as she began to stir. she felt like she was repeatedly getting pricked by something.
sweat dripped down her trembling body, teeth chattering from the cold. her eyes peeled open, vision fuzzy before it cleared. she wrapped her arms around herself, her arms met her bare chest.
her eyes widened in realization, she was naked.
eyes gazing down, she took in her bare body, painted red. her fingers met the dark red, substance. blood. blood, that was not her own.
"no, no, no, shit! what the fuck did i do?" y/n says in disbelief, hands twitching, as panic fills her veins.
she retrieves herself from the dirt of the forest as she makes her way through the large trees, hiding behind them every so often in order to not expose herself in case anyone were to be in the forest.
she nears a tent not too far from where she awoke and evaluates the area for anyone. it appeared to be vacant, so y/n made her way toward the tent in search of something to cover her bare body with.
however, when she neared the tent, her vision was once again met with blood. on the ground lay a man a hole where his heart should be. her vision became blurred by the tears that filled her eyes. this was the persons life she had took. a young man, who had his whole life ahead of him.
and it was put to an end because of her.
his blood was on her hands. literally.
though her hands trembled y/n had managed to rummage through his things, and find a change if clothes which we had immediately put on.
the pieces of cloth, which caressed her body, aided in warming her. she didn't waste another second and got to work quickly, digging somewhat of a grave for the male.
once she had covered the now cadaver-filled hole, y/n gathered a few leaves which took the place of which would ideally be flowers.
she sniffled, viciously blinking to try and rid her eyes of tears. y/n gently pressed the leaves into the soil, before getting up from her knees.
next came getting rid of any evidence that the man had ever set foot in the woods. she used a simple incantation to rid the small area of any objects.
after she had done so, she mad her journey near the edge of the woods, which she was quite familiar with, being in the order and they tend to venture in the woods often, especially when recruiting neophytes.
however, around fifteen minutes had passed, and y/n's eyesight was no longer a captive to the never-ending trees.
she no longer knew where she was... she'd never seen a house on the outskirts of the woods. she wondered if it had always been there.
y/n hadn't thought up a plan, before she knew it her legs were carrying her to the front door, and her curled fist met the wood of the door.
she truly hadn't thought about what she was gonna say, until she had knocked on the door.
what would she do? how would she explain her dishevelled appearance? the blood... oh god she had forgotten that she was practically drenched in the dark fluid from head to toe.
a/n: y'all this is so bad I'm sorry and it's on the longer side and like for what reason? 🤨😂
like literally nothing happened im so sorry this is literal shit...  obviously there WILL be a PT 2,
& sorry if the spacing is weird i’m on the mobile app...
also this is the only part that’ll be in third pov, i normally write first person but i was trying something different & i didn’t like it
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nikmikaelsonswife · 4 years
Jealous Angry Hate Sex With Klaus Would Include…
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you’re out at rousseau’s with rebekah and a couple of your other girlfriends when you feel as if you are being watched
with one subtle glance to the side, you notice a familiar silhouette in the corner of the bar
you can’t believe it — actually you can — but it pisses you off that he feels as if you can’t handle yourself. you have been a vampire for the last 300 hundred years for goodness’s sake.
the lingering stare on your back is enough motivation for you to finally give the mediocre looking man beside you the bit of your attention he’s been enthusiastically yearning for
or maybe the seventh vodka shot you had taken only moments earlier
which causes that same lingering stare to instead burn holes in your skull
you can practically feel the anger radiating from him all the way on the other side of the room as you trail a manicured finger down the innocent’s bicep.
and when footsteps reach your ears, you whisper an apology to him, who returns it with a puzzled expression right before he’s ripped from his seat by the collar.
“nik!” rebekah shouts, cami frowning at the scene from the other side of the bar.
“what the hell was that?” you question loudly, earning an incredulous look from klaus and even more attention from the citizens surrounding you
“i should ask you the same! you were getting rather touchy there, wife.”
“you shouldn’t have even been here in the first place, husband.” you slide off your stool, smacking a couple of bills on the bar before storming out.
“this conversation isn’t over!” klaus growls from behind you.
“you got that right!”
there’s only a short minute before klaus grabs you by the waist and your back home, and as soon as you cross the threshold, the war is back on
you slam your clutch on the coffee table, alerting elijah who’s reading a book near the window. “why were you following me?”
“why were you entertaining that bloody wanker?”
you notice the raise of elijah’s eyebrow as he listens in, but you’re too blinded by rage to comment on it.
what you don’t notice is him formulating a plan in his head to leave before this argument ends because he’s — along with everyone — is aware of what comes next. this isn’t his first rodeo.
“answer the damn question!”
“i’d prefer it if you went first.”
“ugh!” you run your hands through your hair, charging toward your bedroom with klaus right behind you. once you’re in the privacy of your room, you flip around and shove a finger in his direction. “i am not the one in the wrong here. this is all on you!”
“me? if you would’ve taken your marriage into account and happened to have been a tad less friendly, we wouldn’t be having this conversation!”
“i was only doing that in revenge and because i knew you were watching. i am my own woman, klaus, you don’t need to be on my ass twenty-four seven!”
he takes a step closer, gesturing at you. “i was protecting you! what do you not understand?”
“you always do this! ive been on my own since the fucking seventeen hundreds! i don’t need protection! i don’t need a stalker husband!”
“well, i don’t need a wife who finds aggravating her husband entertaining!” he rebuts.
“then maybe you don’t need a wife at all!” you yell, finding yourself just inches away from your counterpart.
“sounds like a splendid plan! perhaps then, i can assist you in discovering a better strategy in getting that imbecile down your pants!”
“are you SERIOUS!? have you lost your fucking mind?”
“i doubt that IM filling the role as the irrational one here!” his chest heaves, complete silence ensuing as you both stare at each other, so close that if you take another step….
he smashes his lips to yours, gripping your waist to pull you smug against his hard body, so smug that you can feel his erection poking at your stomach
you’re slammed into a wall, wandering hands feeling you up before your jeans and underwear are suddenly missing
whispering of how upset you both still are with each other and how this isn’t going to change a thing
klaus gripping your throat, forcing your eyes on his as he shoves himself inside you, stretching you out despite all the times you’d been like this before
dried blood staining the fair skin of his back, evidence of healed scars from your hell sent nails
the relentless pounding of his hips as you wrap your legs around his waist, needing something to keep you grounded on earth
your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you reach states of oblivion before you feel him shaking you from the grip on your neck, a silent demand for you to never look away from him
screams, curses and very loud moans
grunts, groans and chants of your name
your teeth clamping down on klaus’ shoulder to muffle your sounds, which he doesn’t appreciate and yanks your hair to pull your chin back up
klaus tearing your shirt down the middle as he continues to fuck you against the wall, not caring that everything that is being done can be heard throughout the house, choosing to instead take pleasure in it
the pinching of your nipples which cause your screams to increase in volume
klaus taking your tongue in his mouth and sucking it
your hands gripping him tightly, holding on as best as you can as the heels of your boots dig into his bare ass
and it only taking a low groan in your ear of, “come for me, love.” for that withering band to snap
your legs began to shake as mascara tears flow down your cheeks, your entire body shuddering as you scream his name with all the air in your lungs
pleasure reaches every single part of your entire being as your high seizes you, the warming feeling of klaus’ seed inside you only prolonging it
and when you’ve come down from your high, you only stare at him, waiting for him to pull out
which he does not and instead says
“i am not finished with my revenge, darling.”
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vanserraseris · 3 years
END OF PART IV - This is just some more Lucien and Eris. Eris is pretty ooc, idk, I just imagine that Lucien and Eris got along at some point. I hope you enjoy it :)
yesssss im so here for lucien and eris being brothers <3 
Prince of Ashes. Part IV.
Eris had read the same business proposal three times. With a small, useless snarl, he threw the sheets of paper onto his desk and frustratedly rubbed at his eyes with the heels of his palms. He took a deep breath. His father had been demanding more from him, a strange thing Eris couldn’t understand considering how quickly his father had shoved him out of The Forest House after the War.
Eris had also managed to get into another fight with Cato, which, while a very common occurrence, still managed to leave him in a terrible mood. Blowing at a strand of blood-red hair that had fallen into his face, Eris lifted the proposal once more, hoping that this time the words would make some semblance of sense. When he became High Lord, Eris decided he was going to make his brothers answer all of his correspondence so that he wouldn’t have to.
Eris almost growled when the heavy oak door to his study slowly creaked open, but he opted to ignore whoever thought it would be a good idea to interrupt him. Perhaps they would just leave, Eris hoped, eyes scanning the document in front of him. With a scowl, Eris raised his head to snap at what was most likely a new servant, but when he saw no one at the door, Eris paused. He carefully placed the proposal off to the side, the fireplace on the other side of the small room flaring.
Just when Eris was about to stand, a small face peaked up at him from the opposite end of his desk. Eris frowned, “Lucien?” He asked it in a soft tone, one that he reserved for only three people in his life. Mother, Rufus, Lucien. Eris didn’t know what it was about them that put to sleep the dark thing inside him, but for whatever reason, he felt at peace in their presence.
“I knew you had come,” his youngest brother must have been on the tips of his toes to look over the desk at Eris. He didn’t look too pleased. 
The frown did not leave Eris’s face, “I am not to stay long, but I have much to do.” 
“You couldn’t be bothered to come say hello?” Lucien lifted his chin, the loose curls of his short hair shifting with the movement. Eris had not realised how upset Lucien was, his little face red in the cheeks with what Eris supposed was anger.
“Our father has given me a task, I can’t be spending the day with you,” too harsh for a child that had yet to reach half a decade, but Eris always had a hard time with softness. 
Lucien didn’t back down, with a small shake of his head he spoke, “You could have said hello.” 
“Go pester Rufus, Lucien,” Eris mumbled, lifting the paper and taking his eyes away from the sad gaze of his brother. Eris waved his other hand in the door’s direction, “Or go back to the lessons I know you should be in.”
Eris heard Lucien’s frustrated sigh and his small steps as he scrambled out of the room. While Eris knew that Beron paid very little attention to the whereabouts of Lucien, Eris had gotten plenty of beatings for missing a lesson. Noticing that Lucien had not closed the door but feeling much too lazy to do it himself, Eris settled once more into his cushioned chair. Grabbing a pen, Eris began to write out a lengthy response to the proposal.
He almost snorted when he got to the bottom of the page and signed it with his father’s name. As if Beron had such lovely writing, Eris thought rather arrogantly. His father hadn’t learned to do anything other than fight for the crown of the Autumn Court. He’d slaughtered five brothers for it. It was not hard to imagine how ruthless Beron must have been in his youth, but Eris also couldn’t believe how his father had killed his own brothers and slept at night.
Eris had always been thankful for having been firstborn. If being the eldest was good for nothing else, Eris was glad he wouldn’t be the one killing any siblings for a centuries old scrap of metal. 
Eris almost fell out of his seat when he heard the loud clang of the plate that landed on the desk, knocking him out of his miserable thoughts. Eris peered over the top of his desk, scowling. Red hair that was the same as his own was all he could see.
“Old Sae says you haven’t eaten,” Lucien made his way to Eris’s side, a small sneer on his face. Eris thought Lucien had never looked more like a Vanserra, like one of them — stubborn and determined, his chin tilted up and his nose lifted in a snobbish sort of way. 
“Lucien,” Eris began, but stopped to help his younger brother as he climbed onto the arm of the chair. “Fox, what in the hells are you doing?”
Lucien didn’t bother answering him — something that he did quite often — as he settled onto Eris’s lap, curling his small body up against his oldest brother. 
“Lucien,” Eris sighed, “I’m busy.” 
“I know,” Lucien said, looking up at Eris, russet eyes pleading, his mouth set in a pout, “I swear it, Eris, I swear that I won’t ask you to read to me or give me riddles or play chess with me, I swear.”
It was true that Lucien was always looking to Eris for attention, but he found it strangely calming to sit around with Lucien and do such ordinary things. Eris had thought about what he would do if he’d been born ordinary — if hadn’t been the Autumn Court’s heir — much more than he’d like to admit. 
Eris shook his head, but he was finding it very hard to say no. So much for not getting attached to the little runt, “I’m busy,” he repeated.
Lucien frowned, settling against Eris’s side and facing the desk, “So you be busy, and I’ll stay here and watch.” 
Eris felt something spark in his usually hollow chest. He sighed, leaning his chin onto the top of his brother’s head, hoping that Lucien understood how much Eris appreciated him in that moment. Lucien was a creature that gave love so freely, Eris prayed to the Mother that he would always be this way. “Alright,” Eris scooted the chair closer to the desk, “But I have a lot to do.”
Lucien hummed, knowing very well that he’d managed to do something great. Lucien had gotten very good at getting Rufus and their mother to do whatever he wanted, Eris was a bit more of a challenge. Small fingers lifting an apple slice from the plate he’d dropped onto the desk, Lucien handed it to Eris before he took a slice for himself and bit into it. Eris ruffled Lucien’s red locks, biting into his own apple slice with a small smile.
And so that was how Eris would spend the rest of his day. With Lucien sat quietly on his lap as he did the brunt of his father’s paperwork. Lucien had stayed true to his word and hadn’t asked Eris for anything. The sun had set by the time Eris was on the last letter, some marriage request for a young female in the aristocracy. The lord was hoping for a beneficial union between his daughter and one of the Vanserras.
Eris guessed that no harm would come from throwing that particular letter in the fire. It would be just his luck that Beron would choose another potential bride for him, assuming the old bastard had forgotten what a disaster it’d been the last time he had tried to marry Eris off to the first available female. With a knock on the door to his study, Eris wrapped an arm around little Lucien, who’d fallen asleep against his side. The door was thrown open, Priam walking inside with silent steps.
“Father knows Lucien missed his lessons and wants to speak with you,” he sounded calm and unbothered, but the embers flaring in his russett eyes gave away the fact that some emotion was brewing behind that cold façade. 
Brilliant, Eris thought, handing the sleeping Lucien to Priam, “Find Rufus,” Eris said, trying to keep his frustration at bay. He often had to remind himself that none of his brothers were at fault for whatever Beron was about to do, but he often got angry at them instead.
Priam didn’t give Eris a response, and as soon as Lucien was settled in Priam’s arms, they winnowed away, hopefully to Rufus. Rufus loved being around children, Eris wasn’t surprised. Rufus had always been the kindest of them, the most understanding and most loving. Eris had kept Rufus far away from their father, and while their mother had mostly ignored little Rufus, he didn’t seem to hold it against her. Eris supposed he should ask Rufus how he did it the next time he had a chance.
Only moments after Priam and Lucien had left, Eris felt the heavy, choking presence of his father’s magic, the smoking scent of it. He could only wait for whatever punishment his father had in store. Eris didn’t bother standing as his father walked into the study, his short brown hair brushed back and away from his face, his crown nowhere to be seen.
The High Lord of the Autumn Court slowly walked to Eris’s desk, his hand absently picked up a book that Eris had lying there. Eris wondered if Beron would throw it at him. 
Beron’s beringed fingers flipped through the pages of the book, his eyes scanning the words as he spoke. “I don’t pay those tutors for nothing, boy.” 
Eris swallowed, licked his lips, “I wasn't aware they were being paid.” Eris watched as his father huffed a humourless laugh.
“I don’t think I have to tell you that your behaviour has been unacceptable as of late.” Beron elegantly set the heavy book down, his voice calm. 
He’d been told countless times by his father to stop spoiling Lucien. Eris found that even without a vow to protect Lucien, he would have done it just to keep the smile on his youngest brother’s face. Mother above, Eris was a real idiot for thinking he could love someone in this court and not have it be a weakness.
Eris set his jaw, opting to act like a fool, “What behaviour?” 
The back-handed blow to the face he’d earned for that would surely bruise. Quick as an adder so that he hadn’t seen the hit coming, but Eris knew he wouldn’t have moved out of the way even if he had. 
“Don’t play the idiot with me, Eris, I have no patience for it,” Beron growled, his hand snapping up to hold Eris’s face in a tight, uncomfortable grip. Beron leaned over the desk, “I don’t think I need to teach you another lesson?”
Eris shook his head, his father’s grip on his chin still too tight, “No, High Lord,” he ground out. Eris had been beaten bloody less than a fortnight ago for taking Lucien and Rufus to the city for a day trip, but Beron’s lessons had always taught Eris absolutely nothing, and that one had been no different. Not only that, but Eris found he was very good at repeating his long list of stupid mistakes that managed to make his father absolutely livid.
Beron practically threw Eris’s face to the side, “Be careful, boy, I have six other sons to take my place. I have no use for an heir who can hardly obey a simple order.” 
The sudden urge for Eris to bark that Beron only had five was overwhelming, but he settled for glaring at his father’s back as he stalked out of the study. Eris would gladly give one of his brother’s the throne, he’d never fucking wanted it anyway.
Eris slumped back in his seat as his father left the room, the control on his own magic slipping so that golden flames flickered in his eyes. Eris wanted to flip the desk in his anger, but he hated making a mess of things, so he took a deep breath instead, cooling the fire in his veins. Eris raised a pale hand, wiping some blood from his split lip with the pad of his thumb. It would heal by morning, Eris thought, and all would be as if it had never happened.
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cluster-fandom · 3 years
Not the day for this
Atsumu, Oikawa, and Noya prank their S/O on a bad day
Warnings: Swearing, food/eating || hospital mention, knife mention, stitches mention, and getting a cut in Noya’s (nothing descriptive just the words themselves)
A/N: This is my first time writing for multiple characters! I enjoyed this a lot 
I was heavily inspired by @kybabi​ !! Go check them out if you haven’t before :)
• Today was not your day at all
• You had failed a test and got in an argument with your best friend
• So all you really wanted to do was come home to your boyfriend and relax
• Unfortunately Atsumu was not aware of how your day had been going
• You both liked to poke fun at each other and this time Atsumu had planned what he thought was an amazing prank
• He couldn’t wait for you to get home
You were driving home from university to your shared apartment with Atsumu. Between the frustration of scoring low a test you had studied so hard for and getting into a dumb fight with one of your best friends, you were ready to snap. The heat didn’t help anything either. At the very least you got to come home to Atsumu. The thought of being wrapped up in your boyfriends arms had kept you from lashing out at anyone that came in contact with you.
You two had been together for over a year and while he could be insufferable at times, you adored him. He was always making you laugh through his ridiculousness, and you were the same. But your favorite memories were when he looked at you with that lopsided grin and said that he loved you.
As you walked up to your front door you noticed it was slightly open.
‘Did Atsumu forget to close the door?’ You briefly wonder before going inside where it was cool.
“Ats-OH MY GOD!”
You were drenched in ice water and the bucket that had been sitting on the door clanked to the floor.
“HEY BABE I THOUGHT YOU COULD USE SOME COOLING OFF!” Atsumu grinned, finding his prank hilarious.
“FUCKING HELL ATSUMU THIS WAS NOT WHAT I NEEDED TODAY!” You yell as you shake your arms of water.
You shove past him towards the bathroom where you could get a towel and hairdryer.
“Wait wait wait! It was just a joke I’m sorry!” He’s fumbling over his words in confusion.
He follows you into the bathroom where you were shoving things out of the way to get your hairdryer out of the cabinet.
“Babe- I’m sorry I didn’t know you’d be mad!” He whines.
You ignore him as you try to (unsuccessfully) untangle the cord of your hairdryer.
“God-dammit-“ you mumble as you only end up getting it more tangled.
“Do you want me to hel-“
“NO ATSUMU IVE GOT IT!” You snap at him.
“Why are you so mad?” He’s genuinely confused. You’ve never been this mad at a prank before?? And this wasn’t even the worst one he’s done-
“I DONT KNOW MAYBE ITS BECAUSE IM DRENCHED AND FREEZING FUCKING COLD? JUST- LEAVE ME ALONE RIGHT NOW!” You’re just done with everything and Atsumu can clearly tell he’s not making anything better at the moment so he retreats to the living room.
After you’ve dried your hair and changed into some dry clothes you went to you and Atsumu’s shared bedroom.
You were scrolling on your phone when there was a knock at the door.
Atsumu cautiously stepped into the room.
“Y/N, can we talk?”
You sighed and set your phone aside.
When you nodded, Atsumu sat on the bed in front of you.
“I’m sorry I upset you. The prank wasn’t funny,” he looked at you with guilty eyes.
“I’m not mad about the prank. I’ve just had a really bad day and it all piled up and I took it out on you. I shouldn’t have yelled, I’m sorry.”
You explained the events of your day and how you had wanted some quality time with him, and instead you had gotten an ice bath.
“I’m so sorry Y/N, I never wanted to make you feel so bad. Let me make it up to you?” He pleaded. He gave you his biggest puppy dog eyes. (🥺)
Your heart melted and of course you said yes.
He perked up immediately, rushing out of the room. He came back with an armful of snacks and settled in next to you. He switched on your favorite movie and pulled you onto his lap.
“I love you so, so much baby,” he whispered into your hair. He leaned down to press a kiss into your cheek.
“And I love you,” you whispered back.
• You knew that with dating Oikawa, people would be jealous
• But his fangirls could get really bad sometimes
• Today they had been following you around saying how you weren’t pretty enough, smart enough for him
• It had gotten to you a little bit
• So you were ready to be home with your boyfriend away from others eyes
• Oikawa had no clue of this though and had devised, in his mind, a brilliant prank to get a rise out of you once you got home
You were finally home to your apartment with Oikawa. He had been on his phone when you walked in and greeted you with his signature grin. After a tight hug, he said he needed to go grab something in the bedroom.
You settled down on the couch letting your body relax on the plush cushions.
*bzzt bzzt*
You looked to see that Oikawa had left his phone behind. You were about to go back to resting, until you registered the name of the sender.
You bolted upright and grabbed the phone, hoping you had read it wrong.
#1 Fangirl 😉
You and Oikawa had been together for a year and you trusted him with your entire being. But seeing that name made fear pool in your stomach.
You didn’t dare to unlock his phone, despite knowing his password, for fear of what you might find.
Your thoughts were running a mile a minute as you entered your bedroom where Oikawa was in the closet.
Was there someone else? He wouldn’t do that to you right? He seemed so happy with you. He had never said he wasn’t satisfied with anything at all. Nothing had changed recently, so was something going on the whole time? Were his fangirls right?
That last question scared you the most.
“Love?” You called out.
Oikawa had a devilish smirk on his face. He knew that you would have seen the texts by now. He had come up with the prank a few days ago and was excited for you to get smart with him and call out the obvious.
“Yes?” He called back, not looking to you.
“Who’s number one fangirl?” You said, voice shaking. You didn’t know when your vision had started going blurry.
At the sound of your shaky voice, your boyfriend whipped around, eyes wide.
“Oh Angel, it’s nobody, it was all a prank I swear,” he pulled you to his chest, “I asked Iwa-Chan to help me, that’s who’s actually sending the texts.”
“S-so you’re not cheating on me?” You hiccup slightly and Oikawa’s heart aches he wipes away a stray tear. He mentally slaps himself for making you insecure.
“Never. I would never leave you for some other girl who just wants me for my looks. You love me for who I am and I am so, so grateful to have you,” he holds you tighter to him.
Once you’ve collected yourself, you tell him about all the things that had been said to you and how it had made you doubt if you were good enough for him. He quietly listened to you talk, holding you the entire time until you were finished.
He gently lifted your face up to meet his eyes. You noticed how his jaw was clenched and his lips were pressed in a thin line.
“Y/N. I am so sorry that those people made you feel unworthy. I promise, you are more than I could have ever asked for. They won’t bother you again ok?” His voice was low, but still as gentle as ever. His eyes softened as he looked at you. He let his muscles relax and gave you a small smile.
Your heart felt full as you nodded.
“Okay, now why don’t we go to the couch and cuddle for a while. Let me show you how much I love you,” he gave your forehead a light kiss.
You smiled up at him.
“I love you Tōru.”
“I love you more, Angel.”
• You were one inconvenience away from exploding
• You worked the customer service center at your malls department store (it hadn’t been your first choice but you needed money) and you had already had to deal with two Karens this morning
• The second one actually made your manager come down, who wasn’t happy about that
• So now you were at risk of losing your job
• Thankfully though you finally got to go on your lunch break
• You were excited because your boyfriend had time to spend it with you today
• You needed the pick me up and Noya’s naturally energetic personality never failed to do so
• Unfortunately, Nishinoya decided that today was the perfect day to execute his genius prank
You growled in annoyance as your keys got momentarily stuck in the lock to your apartment.
You had been yelled at three times today already. By two entitled middle aged women who wouldn’t listen to you no matter how many times you gave an explanation to them, and then by your manager who told you off for making him get involved with your “nonsense.”
You had been hanging on to your last shred of self control to not start screaming at your boss.
But you were home now and were more than ready to have a nice lunch with your boyfriend.
“Y/N! YOU’RE HOME!” You stumbled back as you were tackled in a hug.
“I made you lunch!” Noya grinned as he released you from his hold.
You giggled as he grabbed your hand to lead you to the kitchen.
Now, you loved Noya, but his cooking was, well, not edible sometimes. But he seemed to have gone pretty safe this time around.
There were two bowls of ramen with bread rolls on the side.
“Looks like someone was busy,” you tease. He rolls his eyes and motions for you to eat.
You were listening to Noya talk about his morning while you ate.
“And then I-“
“AH! HOT! HOT! HOT!” You were panting. The noodles were spicier than you could handle. You took a bite of the bread and nearly puked.
“Is- IS THAT MAYONNAISE?!?” You cough trying to get the awful tastes out your mouth. You rush to the fridge and down a glass of milk.
“Yū what the fuck?!” You say after catching your breath.
“What? I thought you said you wanted to expand your palette,” he’s wearing a smug grin.
You huff and get your things together to leave.
“Wait- don’t go!” He’s scrambling to catch up to you.
“I can’t do this today. I’ll see you after my shift,” you slam the door behind you as you leave.
You picked up a quick meal from the food court and find an empty table to eat at.
You had turned your phone off, not wanting to hear your notifications go off. The rest of your shift was uneventful thankfully, but you were still beyond irritated.
It was twenty minutes until the end of your shift when you turn your phone back on. You had about a dozen texts from Yū, which you were expecting, but you had a missed call from Tanaka from five minutes ago.
Confused, you called back.
“Y/N! Uh, so you see, Noya he- well he was trying to make something up to you? Anyways, he called me over to your place and I was helping him cook and he may have accidentally, umm, cut his finger pretty bad.”
“What?! Tanaka where are you right now?” You were already gathering your things and writing a note to your boss explaining your leave.
“The hospital,” he replied.
“I’ll be there in a few minutes,” you rushed to your car.
You may have been driving way a little past the speed limit, but you were at the hospital in record time.
Thanks to the lady at the front desk, you found Yū quickly. You thanked Tanaka as he left the room, not wanting to stand around awkwardly.
“Yū! Are you okay? What were you even doing with a knife! Here let me see,” you grabbed his hand and looked it over.
His pointer and middle finger had been wrapped up in bandages, but the rest of his hand looked fine.
“They didn’t need stitches,” he said bashfully.
“Hmph you’re lucky,” you mumbled, “but why would you need to use a knife?” You searched his face. He looked away, hand rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“I was trying to make you a nice dinner. I wanted to make it up to you for lunch,” he was uncharacteristically quiet.
You gently turned his face towards you, giving him a quick kiss. His face turned bright red and he sputtered incoherently for a minute.
“I’m sorry for what I said. I was having a pretty bad morning and getting my tongue burnt off didn’t help. You’re still an amazing boyfriend though and I still love you,” you intertwined your hands with his and gave it a gentle squeeze. He smiled and leaned to touch his forehead to yours
“Does that mean we can have spicy ramen for dinner then?” He asked.
“Don’t push it.”
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I hope you enjoyed! Any feedback is highly appreciated!
*I do not own Haikyuu!! or the characters only the story*
*Do not repost anywhere, all credits to me*
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bleep-bleep-richie · 3 years
i know myra is canonically unattractive and that this fact is intentional to show that the *only* reason eddie married her was because her idea of loving him was an exact replica of how his mother treated him
ive considered the idea of conventionally attractive myra, like five foot eight bombshell myra, beating men off with a stick myra. a version of myra that's cold, calculating and smart. who is introduced through mutual friends to the well-off limo service CEO and uses every weapon in her arsenal to intrigue him so she can get his money. a myra who pursues eddie intentionally, using her attractiveness to lure him in without either of them realizing- at first- the actual reason why he allows himself to be lured. myra who mocks him when he can't perform in the bedroom on occasion. myra who zeroes in on every one of eddie's insecurities and plays on them like a fucking fiddle. eddie who for reasons he can't identify is absolutely desperate for her to stay and does anything he can to keep her. an eddie who thinks it's because he loves her, because love with a woman to eddie is always tinged with a little bit of fear, always feels a little bit like walking on eggshells. love that feels like a sacrifice of self, and not in a heroic way.
so when eddie lives (!!!!) but doesn't get divorced and the losers meet his hot wife, she sees the way the comedian eyeballs her with contempt and rage he doesn't even try to hide, sees eddie's eyes light up when richie tells a joke in a way they never do with her, and it all clicks.
those times he'd stopped her when she reached for him. how she always had to coax him into touching her, how all the physical contact that should be normal for a husband and wife was always forced and awkward on his end. she watches him laugh with this bug-eyed mess in a tacky orange polo with the collar turned up on one side, watches her husband reach over and adjust that collar, sees how neither of them even notice that he's done it. and, suddenly, she knows.
her husband, the queer.
she announces she's ready to leave, suddenly, the first thing she's said since they all sat down. raises an eyebrow at the way richie bristles and wraps a protective arm loosely around the back of eddie's chair. "eddie, darling," she purrs, "you can get the car."
eddie's already scrambling to obey. "yes, dear, of course."
she corners richie when he excuses himself because she just knows, somehow, that he's going to try to talk to eddie without her there.
he says, "im not going to say it was nice to meet you," before she even opens her mouth, and she's glad they can skip the niceties and get straight the point.
she hooks a hand on her hip, "so you have a crush on my husband." he towers over her even in her heels, but he feels, suddenly, like he's two feet tall.
"im in love with him, actually," richie admits, not at all surprised at how easy it is to do so.
her lips curl wickedly and richie wants to empty the contents of his stomach onto her shoes. "good." richie arches an eyebrow. "he'll need someone when i bleed him dry and take every. last. penny."
richie thinks about decking her, remembers they're in public, wonders if that's going to be enough to stop him. "you don't love him."
she snorts a laugh, quirks her head. "you don't miss a thing," she says, mocking. "i don't, i never have. but you know what i have done?" she leans closer, conspiringly, whispering next to his ear. "i fucked the queer right out of him." she knows, minutely, that it isn't true, but judging by the look on richie's face, he's not so sure.
eddie appears then, slips his suit jacket off and onto myra's shoulders. she throws another smile richie's direction, knows she's trained eddie well. loves how crestfallen richie looks, how hard it is for him to hide it.
eddie looks between them, "everyone getting along?"
"swimmingly," myra answers, daring richie with a bat of her eyelashes to contradict her.
"call me later," richie says belatedly, warily. he looks away from myra slowly, almost like he wants to keep an eye on her, the same way he never takes his eyes off a spider while he's getting a shoe to wack it with. eddie's blinking up at him and richie, for about the millionth time in his life, wonders what he's thinking.
"sure, rich," eddie agrees, voice soft, like it's a private thing.
"well," myra says after a charged moment, too loud in the small space, "i am ready to go, aren't you, eddie, dear?"
"yeah," eddie offers, peeling his eyes off richie and giving his wife a small smile, "i'm tired."
she says, "hopefully not too tired," and the blush that rises on eddie's cheeks makes richie's entire world tilt on its axis. she pecks a kiss right on top of that pinkness, and the red from her lipstick leaves a mark. "oops," she giggles but doesn't make a move to wipe it off. she shifts her gaze back to richie, grin wolfish.
he wishes her lipstick had smudged so he could tell himself she isn't beautiful. but it didn't and she is, and she knows it.
"don't forget to call," richie says, wanting eddie's eyes on his again.
"first thing tomorrow," myra says, tugging eddie out of the restaurant by the hand.
"bye, rich," eddie says.
"nice meeting you," myra calls over her shoulder. she loops her fingers with eddie's and waves to richie with her preoccupied hand, on purpose. something flashes through richie's eyes at the sight of it. anger definitely but something else too- determination, she thinks.
she knows he'll probably tell eddie exactly what she said, can sense that he's that type of friend. she also knows she can make certain eddie doesn't believe a word he says. a couple tears, a well placed declaration of love and loyalty- she's well aware of how to work him.
she wonders if richie will cause such a stir that she can, eventually, give eddie an ultimatum: her or his childhood pack of misfits. from the ease at which they fold into one another, she already knows it won't be easy to convince him.
but she's okay with that. she welcomes it, even. she always did love a challenge.
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Prompt: “what happened to your clothes?”  “I think i’m falling in love with you.” “I think ive always known, deep down, i think i’ve always loved you.” 
Dean x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, somewhat detailed sex scene, iunno not much really. 
A/N: Sorry it’s so long, i had this idea and thought it’d be a fun read. Enjoy :)
Dean sat on your bed, mindlessly watching and waiting as you hid in your closet, dress after dress, skirt after skirt flying out, one almost hitting him in the face. He caught it mid air before tossing it down next to him. 
“I don’t know why you’re getting so worked up, its just a few drinks at the bar, Max already knows you, you dont need to impress him, he already likes you.” Dean spoke, watching as you popped out from your closet, three different shirts in your hands.
Dean was your best friend, you had met him and Sam as a child, your fathers had been hunting partners for a few years, always leaving you and the boys at bobby’s to cause trouble for the old man. You could still hear bobby’s voice sometimes, demanding Dean stop influencing you with his schemes. 
His buddy Max had run into him at the bar last week while you guys had stopped in during a hunt and they had caught up for hours, you had connected with Max off the bat, and when he’d asked you out, you were skeptical, see deep down you always knew Dean was your guy, your never ending crush on him had turned into deeper feelings years ago, you tried to deny it for years, and definitely never told him, but when Dean had convinced you to give it a shot, go out on ONE date with a guy he knew and liked, you gave in, never being able to say no to him, i mean, to be fair you hadn’t been with a man in over 2 years and you could use a night out, maybe even some quality time in bed with a good looking guy, plus, Dean trusted him, and that was enough.
“Dean, i haven’t been out with a guy in 2 years, i’m not going out with a guy looking like a swamp monster, first dates are everything, and looking your best can make or break the date.” You huffed, holding out a shirt to him for an opinion, he shook his head, grimacing. 
“First, you never look like a swamp monster, you’re stunning no matter what, you hardly have to work at that, secondly, that’s an old ratty tshirt you stole from me, really?” He pointed at it, now realizing he was right, why the hell you were even suggesting this. It was time to pull out the big guns. You sighed, hiding back into your closet, you had to have something date worthy. 
Dean had popped away, grabbing himself a beer, giving himself a break from outfit advice. You were his best friend and he wanted nothing more than to see you happy, even if it meant trusting Max to take you out on a date. It was one date, it’s not like he was stealing you away forever. He had always had a soft spot for you, you were his first kiss as a kid and he’d looked out for you ever since, and even though he trusted Max, seeing you get all worked up over a guy that wasn’t him still didn’t settle well with him, but he shoved his feelings down and tried to be as supportive as he could. 
He walked back into your room, realizing you were finally working on your makeup, you were slightly bent over your bathroom sink, reaching closer to the mirror as you did your eyeliner, truth be told, he loved when you did that black wing thing, it enhanced your big E/C eyes and drove him nuts everytime. He looked you over, realizing what you finally had chosen to put on, a shorter than he’d like black leather mini skirt, a matching leather shirt thing that looked similar to a bra more than anything. He cleared his throat. 
“What happened to your clothes?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
You finish your eyeliner before walking past him, fetching lipstick out of your little makeup bag before making your way back to your bathroom, “What do you mean? Theyre fine.” You spoke, applying your lipstick as he piped up.
“I mean like, where’s the rest of it?” he sassed and you rolled your eyes as you walked back into the room. “It’s not that bad is it? It’s literally all i can find that isn’t covered in holes, old blood or stained monster guts.” You looked down at yourself, smoothing out your skirt. Dean cleared his throat as he eyed you properly, trying hard to calm his way out of a boner. 
“Uh, no, no i’m just teasing, you look incredible.” He smiled, nodding, you shoot him a innocent smile, “Better, Winchester. Much better, right answer.” You shoot him a small wink and he chuckles. He had come a long way on talking to women because of her, she helped him realize as a teenager and a young man that he didn’t need to be vulgar or gross to pick up women and he’d learned a long time ago thanks to her that chivarly was key.
He watched as she put on her coat, Max waiting by the door to take her out, she gave him a little wave as she told him not to wait up, she’d be fine. 
“Be safe, have fun.” He smiled as she walked out the door, his internal groan coming out of his mouth and he kicked himself for being too scared to ever make a move himself. He’d liked her since they were teenagers, but he was too stubborn to do anything, his fathers voice telling him hunter relationships never worked. 
The night had been a blast so far, you and Max were having a great time chatting, dancing and enjoying each others company at the bar, he was sweet, nice and had a good view on life and hunting. He told you entertaning stories, some even involved moments he and Dean shared as young teenagers hunting together, being boys and trying to get girls, Max pranking Dean. They had a good friendship and you were happy Dean had someone besides you and Sam he could pal around with. 
You had moved to his truck a while ago, the mix of alcohol and pure need affecting you both as you made out like teenagers, the windows began steaming up, it was an unusually warm evening in lebanon and you were thankful you wore this outfit or would have soaked right through it from the heat. 
His hand moved freely on your thigh and you straddled him, his back against the backseat of his pick up with you on his lap, dry humping him like some silly teenage girl who hadn’t had sex yet, you made the first move, desperate to feel a mans touch, it had been so long. 
You yank your top off, nothing but some nipple covers to cover your exposed breasts, Max lets out a soft moan, “Beautiful,” he mumbles while he kisses softly around your skin, he slowly peels off the covers off you and his mouth lands on your nipple and you let out a louder Moan than you want to but it doesn’t seem to bother him. 
Before you know it, your both down to nothing but your underwear, you reach down and pull down his boxers, reaching a hand in and grabbing him and placing him at your entrance, you’re already so turned on you don’t need foreplay tonight, not when you’re this sexually frustrated. 
You sink down on him slowly, and you both moan out, yours comes out as more of a shout, and you begin to move, slowly at first before changing into a soft but faster bounce, he’s making sounds, you know that for fact but you’re so distracted by the feeling of pure pleasure you haven’t felt in so long you aren’t even fully aware of what’s happening, you let out a shout, and before you know what’s happening, it all suddenly just stops.
You come back to reality and notice Max has pushed you off, he’s pulling his pants back on and avoiding your eye. Oh for fuck sakes, you haven’t even came close to your release and Dean set you up with a 2 minute one pump chump. You were going to kick his ass. 
“What’s wrong? are you done already?” you ask, his looks at you, letting out an exasperated huff before licking his lips and shaking his head. “I’m sorry Y/n, i don’t think this is going to work out, besides, you shouldn’t really sleep with a guy if you’re not going to rememember his name.” He scolds, glaring at you before he shoves his shirt on and climbs out the back, you put your skirt and shirt back on, deciding to skip the panties all together.
“Hey! I do remember your name, it’s Max, i’m not stupid!” You yell at him, angry now that he would even suggest that. Max turns to you, glaring, “Oh yeah, then next time maybe you should try screaming my name out and not Dean’s, jesus christ y/n, if you want him that bad just go fuck him, i doubt he’ll say no!” He shouts and you stand frozen. 
“What? Dean?, i didn’t...I don’t-” you stutter, he cuts you off. “It’s kind of obvious y/n, you screamed his name for a reason, you obviously have lingering feelings for him, and im not going to be your pitty fuck.” He sighs, he ushers you into the passenger seat, offering to drive you home in what is the most uncomfortabe, quiet, embrassing drive home ever. 
You slam the bunker door closed, worst date ever. You make your way past Dean and Sam in the library as you try your hardest to avoid them, especially Dean, you were embarassed enough, you didn’t need to face him right now, and you sure as hell hoped Max kept his mouth shut about it too.
“Y/N? That you? “ You hear Dean call out but you avoid answering, flying past them to your room before slamming the door shut. 
Dean’s eyebrows furrow.
“I guess the date didn’t go well then.” Sam speaks out, looking over at Dean. He shrugs, before getting up and walking towards your room
He knocks on the door softly, “Y/n, you okay? did Max do something cause if he did i’ll beat the living crap outta him.” He calls out, he can hear your sniffle, he sighs, before softly opening your door. You’re cuddled up in bed, watching your favorite episode of golden girls as you cry softly. He sighs and heads over, sitting on your bed. 
“Bad date?” He asks and you shrug, “Something like that.” He gives you a soft smile. “Want to talk about it?” He asks and you shake your head. “No, i just wanna forget it.” You speak, he notices you never meet his eye. He nods and agrees to leave it alone, he joins you quietly, watching tv with you but giving you your space. When you finally fall asleep, he goes to bed himself, but not before shooting Max a text. 
“Whatever the fuck you did man, she’s upset, and if i find out you hurt her, i’ll kill you.” 
It’s two weeks later when things finally come out, you haven’t spoken to Max since that night of your date. The bar is busier than usual, a few more college kids then there usually is but it is spring break, most of them are probably home for the much needed time away from school work. 
Dean is at the pool tables, hussling some airhead jock out of pool money. You watch and laugh when he heads over to you, cash in hand. 
“Ha ha, stupid brainless jocks. Always so much fun seeing how much of daddy’s money i can get out of them.” He chuckles, setting the money back in his pocket. You roll your eyes but smile. Why did you put up with this dork. 
Before you know it, someone is calling out for Dean. “Yo, Dean!” You both turn to spot Max, waving Dean over for a game. You swallow, nervous that the details of your date will come out, you still weren’t fully over it, and you dreaded Dean ever finding out, he’d never let you live it down and he really didn’t need a bigger ego. Luckily Max hadn’t noticed you yet. 
Dean motions he’ll play one round and be right back and you try to give him a smile, dreading this inside. Just don’t ask him about the date, you interally tell him, even though he’s long gone and can’t hear it. 
You sip your drink, asking for another one and you try to keep your cool at those two being in the same room all of a sudden. 
One game had turned into 4 and before you knew it, the two guys had captured a crowd, some betting on Max and some on Dean. It was becoming a friendly competition between the two boys. 
“Aw come on Max, don’t be a sore loser, i’m sure you can come back from that.” Dean teases, watching as Max lines up his next shot. 
“Easy for you to say Winchester, tell me, do you ever get sick of being a pompous prick?” Max winks at him and Dean smiles, “Eh, Sometimes, but then i remember how fun it is to watch you lose and its all worth it.” Dean chuckles, Max suddenly isn’t in a joking mood and he shoots, it goes in, he gets a few more and Dean’s actually surprised. 
“Not bad, man. You’re getting better.” Dean smirks, “Still no match for me though, i always win.” Dean leans in, takes a shot and gets his last three balls in, He lines up with the 8 ball, looks up at Max, and smirks, then his eyes find you, sitting behind Max a few tables down and he shoots you a wink, before sinking in his ball. Game over. 
Max turns around, realizing who Dean winked at, he turns back around, slamming his pool stick down. “Good game, I’m done, guess you won Dean, you got the money, and the one girl i’ve liked in a really long time, guess you always do win, huh?” He spits out, a bitter tinge to his voice. He scoffs and walks away.
Dean’s suddenly confused, what the hell was he talking about. He looks over at you, you’re watching the television over the bar, no clue what had just happened, he follows Max outside catching him before he reaches his truck.
“Hey! I didn’t get anything, if this is about y/n, you screwed that up on your own, okay? I had nothing to do with that!” Dean shouts. Max laughs and turns to face him. “Oh bullshit Dee, you have everything to do with it!” He sneers, “I really liked her man, she was cool, but like always, Dean Winchester always gets the girl!” He scoffs, making Dean frown, confused. 
“Y/n isn’t mine! she’s my friend, whatever you did to piss her off on your date was your problem, she didn’t tell me what you did but if you wanted her that bad, you had the chance to fix it!”
“REALLY DEE? Tell me, how the fuck would you fix the girl you like screaming your best friends name in bed when shes with you? Huh? How the fuck do i fix her thinkng about you while she’s fucking me?” He swallows, “Man, forget it, you wouldn’t understand, god forbid that ever happened to you.” He spits, before he’s in his truck, driving away. Dean’s still standing there, more confused than ever.
He finally makes it back inside, his eyes roaming around for you. He finds you in the same spot, the female bar tender chatting with you and making you laugh. Your eyes find him, beckoning him over and he moves.
He finally reaches you and you smile, “I got you another beer. How did the game go? You disappeared.” You ask, and he stares at you, he finally pipes up, and your heart sinks. Oh no. Please no.
“Max seemed very upset when he saw you, what happened on your date again? Why didn’t you ever go out with him again?” He asks, you take a sip of your beer and shrug. “I dunno, he wasn’t my type, just didn’t work out.” You bite your lip, hoping to god he lets this go, you don’t need to relive that embarassing moment. 
He nods, taking a drink of his own beer, “Okay, so he just wasn’t your type, that’s all? It had nothing to do with you screaming my name in the middle of sex?” He calmly points out and you nearly choke on your beer, spitting beer across the bar table, everyone close by stares at you, you turn red, apologizing and grabbing napkins to clean up your mess. 
You turn and face Dean, “He fucking told you!” Dean raises an eyebrow, “In a not so nice way, so it’s true? You really did?” He smirks and you bury your face in your hands, “Oh god...” You call out and when you look back up Dean’s cheesy grin is staring back at you, “Actually, apparently it’s Oh Dean.”
You throw a nice solid punch into his shoulder before you run out of the bar, “Y/n...y/n wait!” Dean calls out but you’re already half way across the bar and out the door. He throws down some cash and chases after you, catching you half way down the road.
“Y/n...” He calls out, “Just leave me alone Dean, i knew you would use this against me, i knew it. You’re a jerk.” You wipe away a tear, he finally reaches you and grabs your arm, turning you to face him. 
“Hey, i didn’t mean to upset you, i’m sorry, i just, i was surprised, that’s all.” He sighs, “Why didn’t you just tell me? I thought Max was the one who hurt you or something.” He speaks softly and you sniffle. 
“it’s embarassing, i didn’t even know i did it, i was so into it and then he just stopped, for a second i thought he’d already, you know, i was disappointed then we got into an argument about it and he took me home.” You shrugged. 
Dean nodded, he was quiet for a while, and then he spoke, revealing something that made even you question if you were drunk.
“I uh, i guess i wasn’t expecting to hear that, and i guess i got a little excited cause iunno i just, i think i’m falling in love with you, and when Max told me i just uh, i guess i was hopeful that maybe it meant you felt the same.” He swallows before going quiet, watching your reaction carefully. 
You nodded, frowning as you realised you weren’t dreaming, Dean loved you, Dean Winchester loved you.
“I think i’ve always known, Deep down, i think i’ve always loved you.” You shrug, “Every since we shared our first kiss, i think part of me has loved you ever since.” You smile, finally meeting Dean’s eyes, the grin on his face tells you all you need to know, this man is crazy about you, always has been.
“oh yeah?” He smiles, reaching out to grab you, you chuckle, leaning up and placing a slow, deep kiss on his lips.
“Yeah, what can i say, you’re just my type.” You smirk and Dean laughs. 
“Well then, why don’t we get back home and i’ll give you a real reason to scream my name.” He smirks, leaning down quite a bit to place wet warm kisses along your exposed neck. 
“You’re never going to let me live that down are you?” You roll your eyes, he meets them and a sexy grin appears on his face. 
“Not a chance.” 
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