#and i've gotten so attached to that face for them that it feels weird to try and play them as a tiefling
exocomets · 5 months
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warlock jumpscare. their name is vidar and they're a goofball. the only thing they're committed to more than the bit is astarion
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fandoms--fluff · 5 months
Heloop can you do one of baby Mikaelson, that she is always with nik and Elijah but when Hayley comes to leave with them yn what to be with her
New Favorite
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Baby Mikaelson sister reader x Hayley marshall (+ Klaus & Elijah)
Warnings: pregnancy?
A/n: I've been wanting to write something like this for a while and I got so happy when this request came in!
You peek out from behind your big brother, Elijah's, leg. Across the room, where she's sitting on the couch with her legs crossed, is Hayley. The lady who all of your brothers and sister have been fighting about what should happen.
Apparently something happened with Niky and her, but no one will tell you and you've been too nervous to go up to Hayley and actually say something to her.
The closest you ever gotten to her is right now, holding on for dear life to Elijah's leg. You don't like being around people you aren't familiar with. Which I weird that you're feeling like that with Hayley, Elijah has been noticing, since you technically have met her before in Mystic Falls. But you guys did just move back to New Orleans and it's a bigger change for you considering you like being in Mystic Falls, that's sometimes hard to believe truthfully for him. Then again you don't have some horrendous memories of the place like the others do.
You look at what she's wearing and your eyes land on her hands. On her fingers, there are a couple rings in various shapes and some have a colorful stone on them.
Elijah is talking with Niky. It sounds like he's mad with him. Though that's not really concerning to you considering he and Elijah get into fights all the time, so you're used to it. The same with when Niky and Bekah also get into fights.
As they continue to squabble, you carefully start letting go of your big brother's leg and start to make your way over to Hayley. You move slowly, not wanting to accidently trip like you do sometimes when you're nervous or excited.
Hayley looks down and sees you standing a couple feet away the end of the couch supporting your small basically toddler frame. She smiles softly, she took a liking to you during her time in Mystic Falls. Even though she despised, and still kinda does, Klaus, she likes how he acts all soft and protective of you.
She's noticed you're basically always with either Elijah or Klaus. Whether that be them carrying you, holding your hand, you attached to their legs or just being in the same room.
"Hi there" She speaks to you first, her tone soft.
You look up at her with big eyes and take a small step towards her, still holding onto the couch cushions on the way. You lift your other tiny hand up to give her a small wave.
It takes you a moment to climb up on the couch and sit down on your knees, facing her.
She has to admit, You're pretty cute.
You look up at her face and then down at her hands, repeating that a couple more times. Your sight finally lands on her hands. The rings shine under the light.
She realizes it's her rings you're looking at, so she moves her hand and places it in front of you, right above your knees. "You like my rings?" She asks you quietly.
You wrap your tiny hands around her hand and start tracing the ring with a butterfly on it. It takes you a moment to reply, but quietly you finally say something, "Pretty." You mumbled before looking back up at her, your hands still clutched to hers.
"It is, isn't it?" She smiles.
Rebekah walks into the house from being out all day. She rolls her eyes at the two arguing. Instead, she made her way to the both of you.
"Well, I think it's time for a certain someone to get ready for bed," She tells you after reading the clock that's sitting on the mantel.
You frown before complying and climb off the couch. You reach up and grab your big sister's outstretched hand. As you guys start walking toward the stairs, you look back and wave a 'bye' to Hayley.
Over the next few months, you start spending more time with Hayley. You got attached to her quickly. She revealed to you about being pregnant with Klaus' child, earning an excited reaction from you, and getting a smile out of herself as well.
It seems as if you're spending more time with Hayley than your brothers. As Rebekah has teased your guys' brothers about.
Klaus sits with you on your bed, trying to get you to sleep. Which isn't working in his favor. When you want to be, you can be more stubborn than Rebekah, and that's saying something.
"It's past your bedtime" He whispers. He's not exactly trying that hard anyway, but you usually listen to him.
"Bad sleep" You frown up at him. "No, not bad sleep, you need sleep, or else you'll be grumpy in the morning," He says, leaving out the point on how Elijah will have his head if he lets you stay up way too late again.
"So let's lay back down, curl up, and go to sleep," He tells you softly, handing you your stuffed yellow teddy bear.
You slowly follow his wording and snuggle your teddy bear as he tucks you in. Your brother places a kiss on your head before turning the lamp off and slowly leaves the room.
After laying in your bed for ten minutes, unable to fall asleep, you sit back up and shuffle out of your bed.
You quietly walk out into the hallway until you find yourself in what used to be Kol's room and now is Hayley's. You patter in and Hayley looks up from her book to see you standing a couple feet away with your teddy bear clutched in your hand.
"Hey sweetie, aren't you supposed to be in bed" She asked you, already knowing the answer. "uh-uh" You shake your head and walk over to the bed and climb up with Hayley helping you.
"Whatever you say, hun" She chuckles.
You crawl closer to her. She lifts her right arm up, having you cuddle into her side. You move down a bit to rest your head on her pregnancy bump. You giggle from the feeling of magic coming from the baby. You're the only one who seems to be able to feel any of it.
You hug your teddy with one arm while your other hand is tracing shapes on Hayley's bump, tiredly. Not even ten minutes later, you're out like a light.
Klaus searches around the house, trying to find you. He hasn't seen you all morning. While he searches, Elijah stands up from where he's sat. "What's wrong?"
"I can't seem to find our baby sister anywhere" Klaus answers before leaving the room, obvious that you're not in here. Elijah follows after him.
"Have you checked Hayley's room?" Elijah asks him. That makes him pause before going up the stairs to where the bedrooms are.
He opens the door to the pregnant werewolf's room and walks in. What he sees makes him breathe a sigh of relief. Showing in front of them, Hayley and you are sound asleep, you cuddled into her arms with your bear still in your grasp.
"What are you two doing? There are more than enough reasons as to why not to wake up one of them, let alone both of them" Rebekah whisper at them, pulling the two men out of the bedroom and closing the door.
"But I think, you guys have been replaced with a new favorite" Rebekah smirks, nodding to Hayley's door before walking away.
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hoegender · 1 month
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BREAKING: the most toxic duo is currently rotting your brain and you need to see more of them NOW!
keep reading for my very incoherent thoughts about these two
i'm crying idk why i'm so attached to ginkir suddenly but they are currently my guilty pleasure brainrot. i know gin is so so so toxic to kir (and to everyone else. what's new) but i don't ship them in the "i want them to fall in love and kiss" way i need them in the "gin is strangely and inexplicably obsessed with kir and the series will end with kir killing him with his own gun" way (incoming spoilers for movies 20 and 26 + the kir arc/the shuichi akai special collection)
i'm probably reaching with this but bear with me. gin is an impulsive, violent man. his first instinct when faced with anything is to take out his gun and shoot. he's shot kir multiple times - in the darkest nightmare, when she and bourbon were chained to a pole for being on the NOC list, then in black iron submarine, when she was standing in between gin and the eur•p•l agent he wanted dead. OKAY. but he's never shot her with the intent of killing her AND I KNOW THAT'S A LOW BAR BUT BEAR WITH ME.
gin kills as a safeguard!! he killed akemi because of her relationship with an fb! agent and she'd become a liability. he wants to kill haibara because she escaped and is a liability. but after kir gets literally captured by the fb! AND is suspected to be a NOC, gin doesn't...gaf?? gin goes through so much trouble to get her back alive when he could've just blown up all the fbi vans and gotten rid of not only kir, who may have become a liability at this point, but also a bunch of fb! agents to snipe their manpower?? ok gin
"she's an absolute beast when she's cornered" ok gin. ok. is it also because she's the only woman apart from vermouth who dares to manhandle you. is that it. ok gin. i'm nowhere near done with this quote yet i fear i've truly lost my mind. gin is so clearly impressed by the lie she told him about brutally murdering the c!a agents but from what he actually sees of her firsthand he knows she's doesn't like to kill. he literally has to keep telling her "don't hesitate". gin's not dumb! he should have caught on to her lie by now! he should already know in his BONES that kir is a NOC! AND SHE'S STILL ALIVE?? ok gin
the close-up shot of kir's hand on gin's in black iron submarine as she stops him from pulling the lever. people d!ed (me). on a side note i feel like i understand gin on a whole new level after these revelations. i mean have you seen kir
to conclude i think gin is really, really strangely tolerant of kir and i love thinking about him having some sort of weird confused one-sided obsession with her that he doesn't know how to express apart from doing what he always does and holding her at gunpoint. i want this series to end with kir shooting him dead because YES i know gin's true long-established rival (cough 恋人 cough) and the one who will probably actually do him in is shuichi but shuichi's not the one who's been subjected to gin's impulsive bloodthirsty whims as part of his little evil squad ok. rena deserves this just as much as shuichi does
ok about the actual art. sorry i probably could've translated all of my ginkir thoughts into a much better more intense and analytical comic but then i started giggling like a crazy person and this happened. sorry i made gin too babygirl. i need kir to kiss me
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cosmicanemoia · 1 month
The Random Person
Amelia Shepherd x Reader
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Love Me Till You Leave Me part 3
      Amelia wakes up 10 mins. before her alarm rang, she didn't know why, but she felt at peace, she feel as if that was the best sleep she's ever gotten in a long time. She stared at the ceiling thinking about how this day would go before she realised her alarm was sounding, it has already alarmed two times before she actually turned it off. She got up in bed with a smile on her face, and she stretched a little. She seems contended and fulfilled.
       She opened the glass doors of the hospital, and someone on the other side was going out before she got in the hospital-- She whiffed a scent that was vaguely familiar to her nose.
      She didn't think of it much, but she would somehow smell a faint familiar scent everywhere she went. It's as if a ghost attached themselves to her. In the hallway, in the cafeteria, in the OR gallery, in the labs, and in the cafeteria, but the faint scent was not so faint in one particular place, which is the on-call room.
       She walks in the on-call room and lie on the bottom bunk she tried to find where the scent came from and sniff the pillow, which she find weird but it wasn't in the pillows she's laying on, when she raise her head the scent grew stronger and when she stand up, even more, she climbed to the top bunk and lay there, there it is, the scent she's been smelling all over the hospital, somehow the smell feels like a warm embrace in a cold rainy morning. She felt calm and cozy, and she fell asleep unknowingly.
       An hour passed, and the ringing of her phone woke her up. She answer, and pick the phone up, and put it on her ear. "Dr. Shepherd, I've been paging you for a long time. Where are you?" Bailey inquired. "I'm in the on-call room," Amelia replied with a tired tone. "If you are with someone, you best leave them now. We need you in the trauma room 3." Bailey said on the other end of the line. Why would Bailey think I'm with someone? Amelia thought to herself. On-call rooms are for sleeping, though they are usually used for sleeping indeed, but with someone. She shrugs when she thinks that she actually slept in the on-call room by herself and not with anyone. She quickly gets up and rushes to where she's needed.
       When she entered the trauma room, she quickly stated, "I was sleeping in the on-call room, by myself." The nurses and the residents, even Dr. Bailey exchanged looks with one another. Amelia notices and says, " Believe it or not, it's the truth." Bailey looks at her and says, "Whatever you say, Shepherd. We need you to look at this girl. She fainted one time before they got here. She was hit by a car." Amelia checked and tested the girl for anything that might indicate that the girls life is in danger but she didn't see anything out of the ordinary and said that the girl was fine, but ordered a CT to make sure. She took her leave in the trauma room and walked to get to the elevator. When the elevator opened, Dr. Altman was already there, they exchange smiles and greetings as Amelia walked inside the elevator. She can smell the scent she's been following or has been following her on the chief.
A: Did you buy a new perfume?
       The chief smelled herself and looked at Amelia with furrowed brows. Where did that question come from? She thought to herself.
T: No. I've been using the same perfume for like ever.
      Amelia bewildered swings back and forth from where she was standing while her hands were on the pockets of her white coat.
A: Huh.
T: Why? Do I smell bad?
A:No, no, no. Nope. You smell good, chief. It's just that I've been smelling this somehow familiar scent all over the hospital, and now, on you.
       The two stood there in awkward silence. They are now on the ground floor. As the elevator opened, they both walked out of it and headed to the reception desk. There is a tall woman with a h/c wavy hair up in a ponytail, and she's waving at the two women with a smile on her face. She's waving at Dr. Altman. When the two doctors got there, the woman gave Dr. Altman a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Amelia felt a strong gust of wind in her face, which carried the scent of the woman talking to Dr. Altman, she thought she connected the dots, that it's her that she's been smelling all over the hospital.
       "What is she doing all around the hospital? What is she doing with Dr. Altman? Is she a doctor too? Is Dr. Altman hiring a new doctor? Why is her smell in the on-call room if she was not yet hired? Is she sleeping with Dr. Altman? Is Dr. Altman cheating on Owen?" Amelia thought to herself and had been lost in a haze. She didn't even hear the two talk. Her mind just went on and on, and was full of questions about the woman. Dr. Altman grabbed her hand, and it full her out of her trance. She went to introduce her to the other woman.
T: This is y/n l/n. She's a very good friend of mine.
       You held out your hand for her to shake.
T: This is Dr. Amelia Shepherd. A very good doctor. Also a friend of mine.
A: Just a friend, not a very good friend?
       Amelia jokingly said while she still held your hand and looked at you and Teddy. You let out a laugh that made her heart skip a beat. Teddy then pulled you away and led you to her office while Amelia was left there standing speechless.
       You are not the gorgeous woman everybody wants to date, sleep with, or marry. You know that well. You are just an average girl, but you are nice and easy to have around. Everyone feel like they can cry and rant in front of you without feeling judged. You know just what to say but not always what to do, so you're kind of awkward. You are sometimes weird and insane, but you love that about yourself. You have a sweet smile and kind eyes. Everyone you're close with loves that but won't admit it to anyone else, including yourself.
       Amelia is in her apartment having a nice warm bath. Her mind always thinking about tumour and brain and neuro stuff, but lately it always drift to something, more likely, someone. She thinks she's seen you before but doesn't remember when or where and how. You seemed very familiar, and you smell very familiar. Amelia now walks out of the bath , wraps a towel around her body, and goes to her closet to get some pyjamas. She then lay in her bed on her stomach and then turned around to stare at the ceiling. Her mind is at peace. She doesn't realise it, but when she thinks about you, she gets a good night sleep.
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fxchild · 2 months
The Switch
Miles Fairchild x fem! reader
Chapter ten: I think I'm in love with you.
Your pov
It's been two days since Miles had gotten sick and I had to take care of him. I'm still kinda surprised he even let me since he usually gives me the cold shoulder but I'm assuming it's because he was too weak to care. I'm glad he's finally feeling better because breaking my back to nurse him back to health (even though he was always cold hearted anyways) was hard work.
We haven't spoken since two days ago, I feel like Miles is mad at me because I told him he was delirious. I didn't really mean it, I was nervous that I was going to get attached to him and he leaves the manor again for months and acts like nothing happened. He's been ignoring me even though I told him I was staying for the summer, so he can't do that if he really does want me to stay, he'll suck it up.
I've been laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling for a while. It's finally Sunday so I could go downstairs whenever I feel like it and I don't have to worry about doing anything all day.
After another 15 minutes of thinking, I finally rolled out of bed and got dressed. I wore a white sweater, a black skirt and black tights, doc martens on my feet. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and then I went downstairs.
When I walked downstairs I found Miles and Flora on the couch together in the den. Flora was sitting on Miles' leg while he read her a book. They didn't notice I came downstairs until I sat on the other couch, smiling softly as Miles read enthusiastically to Flora, a story book about a rabbit family. They only noticed me when Miles looked up for a split second while he was reading an energetic part of the story, he saw me smiling and got quiet. He looked away, shyly, which was new and then Flora saw me. She got up and hugged me good morning.
“Hi Y/n! Goooodmorninggg! Miles was reading me this book about rabbits and they get chased by a mean farmer and-” Flora continues to babble. I try to pay attention, I really do, but Miles looks so good right now I can't focus on anything but his body. The way his hands folded the corner of the page and held the spine of the book drove me crazy. And the way he was with Flora.. to say he looked desirable while he was taking care of kids was an understatement.
“Miles is the best reader ever! My last nanny, Kate, was a terrible story teller! No emotion or anything!” Flora exclaimed. Kate? Who was Kate? I looked over at Miles and he looked down at the mention of her.
Oh. I get it now.
“Hey Flora?” I smile at her, sitting her down next to me, moving hair behind her ear. “How many nannies have you had?”
“Oh only about a million!” Flora laughs but then actually tries to think. “Um, maybe like eight?”
I nod and look at her again. “Were they pretty?” I smile and then look over at Miles, giving him a stern face.
“Oh yeah! They were beautiful! But you're way prettier Y/n.” Flora hugged me tightly and smiled up at me. I smiled back and kissed her forehead.
“Flora, why don't you go find Ms.Grose to make us some breakfast hm?” I smile again lifting her up and she runs out of the room smiling. I look over at Miles again and he's glaring at me. I cringe at his face and stand up. “So, do you scare all of the babysitters off after you're through with them? Or is that just me?” I spat and walked out of the room.
I don't even know why I was upset. I don't know this Kate chick, she was probably ugly anyways. Whatever, it's not like he's my boyfriend anyways. I just don't understand why he's treating me this way after he practically begged me to stay and almost wormed a confession out of himself. I grabbed a book and started reading it to calm down and it worked for a bit.
When breakfast was ready I went downstairs and ate in silence. Miles was quiet, I mean he's always quiet, he's a weirdo, but this was a weird quiet. It's not like an observing quiet but a sad quiet. I ignored it until it annoyed me. When Miles was done, he sat on the couch picking at his nails. I got up to put my plate in the sink and stopped in front of him.
“Do you want me to take your plate to the kitchen?” I softly smiled down at him. He looked up at me and softly nodded, staring at my face. I nodded back and took the plate. When I was done I went back up to my room to finish reading.
Miles pov
What is up her ass today? I didn't even say anything and she's being all bratty for no reason. It started when Flora mentioned Kate and Y/n flipped the switch and started being mean. I honestly don't know what her problem was because I was just trying to read to my sister and she had to get all jealous. By the way, Kate's not even alive anymore! Typical Y/n, gets upset and she doesn't even understand what she's upset about. She's the first nanny that's been my age, why would I try to hookup with babysitters way older than me? And I don't even want Y/n as a hookup, I want her. I kinda feel bad for her, maybe she was confused about her feelings and needed help opening up. I can't do all the work on trying to make this happen.
I was in my room sitting on my bed, particularly bored today. I wonder what I could do to get her to stop being so bitchy to me. I looked around my room and my eyes landed on my wallet, okay that's a start. Last time I went into town with her we got into an argument.. eh, it's worth a shot.
I changed into jeans and a green jumper, washed my face, brushed my teeth extra so my breath doesn't smell, and styled my hair. I grabbed my wallet and slipped on my shoes before heading to her room.
I knocked on the door and heard a faint “come in” and did so. I saw her sitting on her bed with a book in her hands. She looked ready to me so I cleared my throat for her to pay attention to me. When she finally looked up, that's when I spoke.
“I'm uh- thinking of going into town. Wanna join me?” I smirked at her, raising my wallet and keys at my last words. She smiled and nodded, placing down her book while I raised a brow. She got off of her bed and I took a step back to let her put her shoes on.
“Let me brush my teeth alright? Give me like 4 minutes!” She smiled and ran to the bathroom quickly. I leaned up against the wall and pressed the back of my head against the door. This is gonna be good.
Your pov
We got into Miles' car (which I didn't know he had but he said Ms.grose gave it to him since she felt too old now) . It was nice, tiny, but cute. The ride was awkward, he put on music but neither of us knew any of the songs so we tuned it out. It took about 20 minutes to get into town, he parked along the street and turned to look at me, rubbing his hands on his legs.
“Sooo..where do you wanna hit first? There's clothing, music, nic naks, or we could grab lunch?” He smiled kindly at me which almost made me blush. I thought for a moment before responding.
“I've only been to the grocery store, why don't you show me your favorite store?” This made him smile even more, with teeth this time, now I was really blushing. He nodded and opened the door for himself. He was coming around to open my door but I already stepped out. We walked up the street until we got into a record store with guitars along the wall. It was clustered and small but it had a homely feeling to it.
Miles turned around to face me, catching my reaction to the store, he could tell I thought the place was nice. “I uh, bought my first guitar here. I was 7 and with my dad. The owner helped me get into music, that's probably why I have the best taste ever.” Miles smiled and then joked with me. I laughed a little and looked around more, almost tripping on a stack of CDs before Miles caught my shoulder and held me up straight.
“You good?” He snuffed out a little laugh, his hand lingering longer than I expected it to. I nodded and moved hair from my face looking around again. Miles headed over to the record boxes and started scrolling through. I did too and smiled when I saw something I liked. An ACDC record, “Back In Black”. When he saw my wide smile, he looked over my shoulder and lifted it fully out of the box.
“ACDC huh? Never knew you'd be a rock girl, always thought you'd settle on Madonna or The Mamas & The Papas or something like that.” He raised a brow again and I teasingly took the record out of his hands.
“Well then I guess you don't truly know me.” I smirked, turning around with my back to the boxes, he's standing right in front of me, almost on top of me. I eyed him for a moment, he eyes me too and I want to pounce on him.
“I guess I don't.”
After almost four hours, Miles and I have been to the record store, two clothing stores, a candle store, a store with nic naks for tourists and now sitting in a cafe with 8 bags, and lunch (that Miles had INSISTED on buying). We sat there laughing because Miles kept making jokes about Ms.grose. I felt bad because she was only an old lady but couldn't help the fact Miles was funny. I sipped on my smoothie, trying not to choke as Miles sipped his coffee and told another “joke”
“No, I'm being serious. She used to change my diapers and I'm surprised she's not making Flora or I change hers yet!” Miles laughed while I doubled over in my seat crying of laughter. After a minute of laughing I finally calmed down and looked at him with a smile.
Miles pov
She looked amazing right now, and I think that was an understatement. The way she laughed or sounded wasn't ugly like other girls were. It made me want to marry her on the spot. I made jokes to her and she laughed harshly before calming down. She gave me a look that melted me, tugging on the bottom of my sweater because was it just me or is it hot in here?
“Why did it take so long for us to be friends?”
“I mean, what changed?”
My feelings for you duh?
Being friendzoned hurts man, and I didn't even ask her out yet. I don't think I ever will, I don't wanna ruin what we have. She's amazing perfect, what if she doesn't like me back?
“I don't know, maybe we just, understand each other more?” I smirked again, eyeing her, TRYING to give her a god damn hint that she'll actually take. But I can't tell if she did. She laughed and looked down at her hands but I could tell she liked how I spoke to her.
I'm not sure when I fell in love with Y/n, maybe it was when I first met her, maybe it was when I stayed up all night to make sure she was okay when she got drunk, maybe it was when I left her, maybe it was when I came back, maybe it was when she took care of me when I was sick, or maybe it was right now. Whenever it was, I'm glad I did because holy shit I love this woman.
When we left the cafe, we started to head back to my car when we saw a group of four boys, I knew them and god I wish I hadn't. They used to be a group of five, with me, but I smashed one of their heads into the bathroom tile repeatedly 2 years prior for ruining the things my father had sent me.
I grabbed Y/n’s arm and urged her to walk to the car faster but before I knew it, the boys crossed the street and were right in front of us.
“Well well well, Fairchild? It's been a while, man. Say, got yourself a girlfriend huh?” The boy turned to face Y/n and I grit my teeth. I grabbed her hand trying to push past them but two of them stepped in front of me and distanced myself from Y/n. Before I knew it one of the boys, Marcus, was getting closer than I would like.
“So, what's a pretty little thing like you doing with a freak? I'd run far away from him before something bad happens. He tends to..mess with your head.” He winks at me and I get even angrier.
“She's not my girlfriend, dickwad. Leave us alone” I managed to say calmly, two of the boys stepping away and Marcus stepping back, but not before grabbing her hand and kissing it.
“Bye pretty lady, and remember what I said about the crazy man, he'll screw you up real bad, and not the way in bed if you know what I mean.” Marcus laughed as we walked away. I held her tight and she had a disturbed look on her face.
Your pov
We got back to the house, the car ride was dead silent, not even the radio was being played. When we got out of the car, Miles slammed his door in frustration. It made me jump a little and he looked up at me with a sorry expression. I walked over to his side and held his arm as we walked to the house.
“I think it was really nice, you know? I had a lot of fun with you today Miles. Thank you for that.” I smiled up at him, he looked back at me and smiled a little, nodding at my words.
“Course angel. I had fun too.” He smirked and I flushed red. We walked into the house, putting our bags down and going to sit with Flora and Ms.grose in the den.
About 45 minutes later I start to get tired. I kiss Flora's head and say good night.
“Flora, I'm going to bed okay? Miles, can you put her to bed for me please?” I smile at both of them and Miles nods quickly. I head upstairs and grab pajamas while heading to the bathroom. I take a quick shower, wash my face, brush my teeth and get into my pajamas. I walk out of the bathroom and hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I head to my room but before I can head inside I hear Miles call my name.
“Y/n.” I turn around to face Miles with a smile, he's not smiling though. He looks nervous and is picking his skin, his hands dangling down at his sides, looking back and forth between me and the side of him.
“You okay?” I question and stifle a little laughed but stop when he steps a little closer and stops picking his skin.
“Okay so I know like you totally didn't think of today as a date and don't worry I didn't either! I was just thinking that you're really pretty and nice and wondering if you were up for it you would let me take you on a nice date- a real date? I mean like only if you wanted too, I didn't wanna pressure you into anything.” Miles spoke fast I could barely understand a word coming from his mouth.
I smiled and walked up to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Sure Miles, I'd like that a lot.” He looked almost stunned, his mouth a little opened. I laughed a little before heading back to the door, he's still staring at me. “Good night Miles.” I say before closing the door, hearing a faint “Goodnight gorgeous.” Making me blush.
Okay.. so Miles fucking Fairchild just asked me out on a date? Is this real? I pinch myself quickly to make sure I'm not dreaming and smile widely as I lay in my bed feeling giddy. Thank god I'm staying for the summer.
Hi guys I'm finally back after like forever!! This chapter is longer than usual to make up from the time I've been away... So I hope you like it! There will most likely be only 1 or 2 more parts left so if I haven't said before, please fill my inbox/DMS up with requests! I'm also thinking about starting up a Wattpad where I will post all my stuff there as well. Thank you for all the support and have a great day
Love- fxchild
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silvershiningtarot · 1 year
PAC18+:🍨✨Channeled Message From Your True Love & Karmic Lover❤️
This is a channeled message from your true love and karmic partners. Take what resonates and what doesn't. Remember this is a general reading💕💕. Enjoy this reading. Most of those piles from your partners are advice for you.
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Hey, you, I know I haven't been talking to you for a minute, because I have been focusing on my bullshit. I hope you are doing the same thing with yours. I can see that you've been writing some stuff down about our future. So am I. I can feel your energy. I am searching for it in everyone else even girls I've been going on dates on. I realized something yesterday about some bullshit ass friends and family. I've attached myself to these fake ass friends because I keep forgiving them. So I still have a lot more karmic shit to deal with. Sorry for keep delaying our connection. I know that you've been working and keeping up with your finances. I know how you feel. I was in your shoes before. I feel that someone had stolen something from me. I don't know who but I'll figure it out. If you need any help! Let me know. I don't like it if you are struggling. Our connection is part of the universe. You and I shared a past life before. I am your friend that came down here to help you out. Whatever struggle you going through I am here. Call out my name. I can feel that you are the most important person in my life. I can feel the love between us, even when we are apart from each other. Make sure to keep writing your list down. I hope I am everything on that list. I wanna tell you something, I am shame of the choices I've made in life. If I tell you that you won't look at me the same again. I've been working on myself. Left to right I've been stuck in the middle. I've attached myself to people's bullshit drama. I can't help it. I love to help other people. Now my question is to you? Are you eating right? How are you feeling? It's okay to feel those emotions whatever you are feeling. Feel it. I used to be the same way. Blocking those emotions. I was so afraid of being vulnerable. Now I am a fucking crybaby. When I was younger, I have been manifesting someone like you in life. I feel that I lost you. I can feel my soul searching for you. You are such a boss-ass woman/man. Can you notice that? I can see it. Even though I can't see it physically but I can see it when I dream about you. I remember when I was younger I used to watch a lot of Disney movies. My family used to make fun of me because of that. But I didn't care I mean don't get me wrong it hurt but I still watch it. So again. Whatever you are dreaming about or writing down it better be me. Because that's what I'm doing. I pray to the stars when I'm thinking about you. When I look up at the moon, I see your beautiful face. You have a beautiful face, energy, etc. I don't like it when you cry 😭 because it makes me cry. I've been seeing a psychic about you. She says some pretty weird 😕 things about you. I've gotten scared about it. Sorry for my delaying our connection with you. Maybe this is my desire talking. But I fucking want you! I wanna meet you right now! I wanna feel your energy around me. I don't want to feel other people's energies anymore. I am getting fucking frustrated 😫. It is bothering the fuck out of my soul. I feel uncomfortable talking to people about my fucking problems if they ain't hearing me. I am sorry for yelling. But this is how I feel. Ain't you ready to meet me? Because I am. I don't care if you got karma with other people we will deal with it together. Ugh!!! Forgive me my darling. I am just scared about the timing and everything. My doubts come to me saying that I'll never meet you. That would be fucked up of me to say wait. Anyways, I love you so much. Ughhhhhhh!! See! I am feeling the water in my eyes right now. Because I wanna cry. I am tired of messing around with other women or talking to other women. I just wanna talk to you and you ONLY!!!
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My precious cupcake 🧁, I know what you've been feeling. Our energies transfer to each other🥹. You know how I feel and I know how you feel. I know you are getting tired of waiting for me. For our connection. You wanted it to happen right now. I get you, my love. Everything takes patience. I think that you should go after what you want. Don't think about anything else. Just do it. I mean be smart. We have a telepathic connection. We have conversations with each other. You might think that shit is stupid or corny or whatever but it ain't. I like talking to you. Even though we are far away from each other. We still like right there with each other. If that makes sense. I've been meditating and isolating myself away from people. Because of those types of bad energies, I won't do that to myself. In that area. I climb out of a dark hole. I won't put myself back in there again. You shouldn't either. I've seen the way how you've been moving lately. It's good 🌟 but I can see you falling back into that bad habit. I'm telling you I noticed it because I am noticing it in myself. I feel that you should isolate yourself, away from people because they are not for you. I know you have a lesson you need to learn from these people. So do I. But don't let anyone try to fucked up your peace of mind. Because that person ain't worth it. Maybe I'm deflecting. Nah! Haha 😂 I am just giving you advice. My precious darling. I've been seeing you grow so tremendously. I love every inch of you. Watching you grow helps me grow. I've bet if I was the type of man/woman then I was before tell me the truth you wouldn't want me. Not at all you wouldn't. The choices I've made. Made me the man I am today. I realize my mistakes and actions. I told myself that shit wouldn't fly today. Because I am in a different head space now. Figuring out my peace and my sanctuary. I am sorry for deflecting. See! I'll take accountability for my shit. But still, take my advice. As your husband regardless of what label I am to you. I am still your husband/wife. Because I am confident that you are my wife one day to be. Let me boost your confidence real quick. Do you know how amazing you are? Do you? Your light is so bright it burns the shit out of people’s eyes. You are the best 🌟 beautiful woman/man in the world. The way you sing, move, dance and talk is fucking amazing. You have such a gift. The universe speaks to me when I meditate. I daydream about you all the time. I dream about you. 💘💘🌟💋Your my cupid. You shoot your arrow into my heart ❤️. I fell deeply in love with you. Yes, I don't know you but I know of you. If that makes sense. I know I keep giving you advice because I love helping you out! But you should try meditation with me. Whenever you're ready. Do it. Speak to the universe while you are meditating. Even if you don't believe in us. I say give it a try. What's worth the risk? I have a mental issue, sort of people say I do but oh okay. I am fucked up in the mind. I'm honest about that. That's why I try different outlets to help me. My ancestors speak to me about you. Calling on you. Do you hear me calling? Hear me, please. I got you. No matter what.
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I’ve seen you in my dreams before. But damn for the life of me, I can’t remember your face when I wake up in the morning. But I can’t ever forget the way you make me feel in those dreams when I wake up in the morning. My dick stands up. The way you make me feel, I fucking wanna pull you out of my dreams. Like what they did in the movie Nightmare on Elm Street. But that’s how life works I guess. I’m being impatient. I want you here with me and forever. I search for you every single day. I never stop. Maybe you don’t see me. But I am right in front of your face, you don’t even recognize me. You push me away. Like I don’t exist. That’s hurt my feelings when you do that. But I like you a lot. You know who I am, what I do. We've talked before many and plenty of times. But I just think you don't feel the same way about me. Can I ask you something? Am I wasting my time? Because I promise I won't waste your time. Your face, time, and energy are too important to me. I think that I can be your true love. If you give me a chance. I believe in love. The way you make me feel, it's like no other person I ever felt this way about. I dream about you, manifest you, and sort of been writing to me. You may not know who I am personally. But I am me. If you give me a chance let you experience me. I am one in a million. You're like my Willy Wonda. I am your Golden Ticket 🎫. I'll try my hardest best to not make you cry, or make you feel that I remind you of someone. That'll never happen. You are my wish fulfillment🧑🏾‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏾. I bet we have so much in common. I think that we do. Are you some type of psychic? Or whatever you do your aura pulls me closer to you. I tried to walk away from you but it seems like I can't. You're fucking everywhere. That's not a bad thing for me. I got you back. If you call on me. I'll do anything for you. You know that right? You are the key to my heart. Don't be surprised when I come knocking on your door. You'll be shocked to see who I am. Just don't run away from me. Please, don't. I'll hate being rejected by you. Everyone else do it to me. I just hope you don't. Sure I ain't the best-looking type but for damn sure I am hell worth it. If you give me a chance. Will you, my darling? I miss talking to you and I miss seeing you in my dreams. Come back to me. Please, I won't let you down. Like these other people did to you. Give us a chance.
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🥹Yesterday, I saw something so gorgeous yesterday. You want to know what that was. It was your beautiful smile. Do you know that you have a beautiful smile? I mean fucking drop-dead gorgeous smile. I fucking love it. That's what made my day. A beautiful smile. I wish people can see that. But I don't care I'm selfish. Keep that smile for me then... Hahaha 😂😂. I do be making myself laugh so fucking hard sometimes. I wish I can share my jokes. But you might think it's corny or you probably won’t get the joke. Hey! Do you like nature? Or are you allergic to nature? One day we should go hiking. Just you and me together. Nobody else but us. One day you get off from work or we don't go to work and we can just camp in nature. Too much lack of communication in this world. Don't you agree? It's not much face-to-face communication when I was growing up. Now it's I'll send you a message across the room. Like Boo! That's so lame to me. I will sometimes be on my phone when I'm bored. That's all technology is to me. Boredom. I want to have a real ass conversation. Sorry for being all preachy. I am a babbler. Haha. I fucking love to laugh. You gotta laugh today. Make sure you laugh today nothing but laughter. If anyone tries to ruin your laughter. Tell them that I say go suck it! Seriously suck it!! 😂😂😂😂. Once we both enter each other's lives. My mission is to make you happy and laugh a lot. Because I don't like bad energy. Sad-ass moods. I am such an optimistic person once you get to know me. I've been through hella darkness in my life. I'm a calmer person now. I can see that you are too. Well trying to be. But I love it either way. My advice to you is. Don't get swiped up by other people's bullshit ass aura. Because it makes you dark too. Have you noticed that? When you are around other people's energy who isn't happy? You start feeling down. Yeah! Whenever you are feeling that way! I don't give a fuck if it's social media people, friends, family, or people on here. Remove yourself away from that. Because all you gonna do is get yourself caught up with their nonsense and it has nothing to do with you. I mean nothing. So again! I'm talking to you, my sweetheart. My gift to you for now! That is my advice. And please take it. I don't say shit just to say it. I mean it. So love ya! Remember what I said laughter! Laugh all day every day!! 😂😂😂😂Laughing helps the soul. 💋💋Sweet dreams my darling. I'll give our future a big hug 🤗.
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Yay 👏🏾, I heard that you did well! Did you get a promotion? I sure did! I'm so happy for you. I am sorry I haven't talked to you. Because I've been working on myself. Healing myself. Dealing with all these karmic debts with these co-workers and my family. My family has been fucking with me. They have been spreading a lot of bad rumors about me. I've been trying to exit myself away from that shit. Telling me how to run my own business. But I've been isolating myself away from that nonsense. I just couldn't take it anymore. My ex-friend doesn't talk to me anymore. Cut me off. A lot of people who I so-called my family I had to cut them off. Because a lot of money, things and important items have been stolen from me. I had lost a lot of money. I haven't been eating well. Enough about me! Don't feel bad for me btw! I got this shit handle. Don't worry about me either my love. I hope that you've been putting yourself first. I know that you've been feeling stressed out lately. But baby girl, I just wanted to tell you this. The stronger you get the better. Cross out those bad people, and families who don't wish you well. If those are the people who don't wish you well. Then they need to be out of your life. But how are you? How are you feeling? Did you eat today? Did you get your strength up? I hope you weren't procrastinating. Get your ass up and move around. You are too good for this bullshit ass life. Because what am I about to give you can't match up to what you are doing now. I know this is going to sound very weird to you. But I love that body. You've been working out lately, haven't you? Goddess body! Yes, I have a song for you. Maybe you should whine your body for me. Work it! When you wake up in the morning. I want you to hug yourself. Hold yourself tight for a minute. You'll see why. Then ask yourself how you do you feel. When you hug yourself. Anyways I am sorry I have to make this short. But I love you, I know we have our karmic debts to deal with. But let's enjoy ourselves. We'll deal with our debts when we are married. Is that a deal? Sounds like a deal to me. I'm getting tired. Feel my kisses in your dreams and when you are waking up. Remember to smile. Alright, gotta go. If I don't I'm gonna keep talking to you. See! Here I go again. Haha 😂 love you so much. My precious diamond. Keep on shining ✨. Remember your light. You are light 💡.
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allastoredeer · 3 months
I love theory/lore time!
I wanted to say that I also agree with both intakes and those who overall theorize that the person/entity that owns Alastor's soul is either Eve or Roo.
Honestly, Idk if Eve and Roo are different or the same. Maybe they started as two separate entities, but after Eve ate the forbidden apple, they slowly became one. Kind of like how it seemed that Roo was an entity and not just a concept, what allowed Roo to get released in the physical world was the ingestion and possession of Eve… or maybe I'm just sippling.
Anyway, I think the main reason why I feel am not Alastor's contractor is because I just have this feeling that she is not a threat. The show makes it seem as if she was sort of conspiring against hell, but it does not make sense to me for a person who was basically that face of the resistance to sort of be a threat to Charlie and hell in general. She seems sketchy, not going to lie, and that whole thing of both Lilith and Alastor disappearing at the same time is highly suspicious, but idk… maybe I'm crazing but I do not feel such animosity from Alastor to Lilith.
One could look at Al's reaction to Lucifer as maybe a remainder to whom he may a deal (if it was Lilith), besides the obvious of him maybe threatening his position at the hotel. But if that was the case, I would think he would not act the way he does with Charlie. Yes, it can be argued that acts that way because he is trying to manipulate Charlie into something regarding the deal (probably… he is but we are uncertain of what he might really go for with the deal he made), but it just does not add. He might have a soft spot for women, but it does not add that he acted mildly with Charlie (the daughter of the person who owns his soul, in this scenario) when just the mention of him being on a leash had him losing his cool like he did with Husk in ep5. It does not add that he had a mental breakdown because he might have almost gotten attached and risked his life for this group of people (also because he might have overestimated his powers, and we do not exactly know how much the deal restricts him in terms of power). I totally see him working alongside her because he must gain what he has, but I just do not see it being so "friendly" with her. Or maybe I am just underestimating his acting skills.
My point is that (at least in my head, and the way I interpreted the situation) I see more possibility that Eve/Roo/something else is the one holding Al's soul and not Lilith. Now, again, it is really weird that both of them went away at the same time. My theory is that, somewhere along the lines (sometime after Al's made the deal maybe) both he and Lilith partner to maybe stop Eve/Roo or Eve/Roo made Al and Lilith confront in a way that made Lilith having to seek shelter in Heaven, and Alastor to go away. But I feel it was Lilith who might have asked Alastor to watch/help Charlie, and he might have agreed because it is convenient as well… and maybe because it was also Eve/Roo's order…
IDK maybe he is a double spy, and despite all this, he is trying to seek the perfect opportunity which is going to give him the chance to "move all the strings". I also headcanon that both might have a level of respect for one another but that is just a crazy thought of mine because they haven't even interacted so… idk
Anyway, sorry for the rant. Love how your mind thinks!
ALRIGHT IM HERE! I know this has been sitting in my inbox for the past week, but I'm here now and ready to get into it!
I've never considered the possibility that Eve and Roo are the same, but hmmm, thinking about it, I'm not so sure. In the opening of the show, it's said that evil already exists.
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Angels shielded all from Evil. So, Roo (the literal Root of all Evil) will have existed long before Eve was even created. If she were using Eve as a host, however... ◉_◉ As being the first one to let evil into the world being the gateway (for a lack of better word) and Roo taking advantage of that...
It was Adam and Eve eating the apple that allowed evil to find it's way to Earth.
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Like, the phrasing here says it all. "For with this single act of disobedience, evil FINALLY found its way into Earth."
So not only has evil existed for a long time, it's implied that it's been trying to find a way to get to Earth. (Also, the Roo theory brain is taking over, this whole scene, with these black tendrils growing, turning into a hand, and curling around Earth, do those not resemble roots to anyone? I'd gif it if I knew how, but it literally looks like roots growing up and wrapping themselves around humanity. ROOT OF ALL EVIL, come on, the symbolism is there.)
And with Alastor, I truly think he cares more than he wants. I think he cares more than he expected to. I know there's a lot of people who just do NOT think he does, and that he's going to be the big bad (or at least an antagonist), and while I don't disagree about the antagonist part (I can see him being an obstacle to get in their way), I just think there's going to be more to his character arc. I don't think he's just going to manipulate the hotel, betray everyone, and get all the power he's ever wanted and that's IT.
For one, as any writer knows, stories need conflict. Characters need conflict. One could argue that Alastor's deal is his conflict, but I think his true conflict is going to be getting attached to Charlie and co. and not wanting to. i think he's going to fight it tooth and nail, but I think, in the end, he's going to be their ally (or as much of an ally as he can be considering someone--most likely the actual antagonist of the show--has his soul).
And I agree with you about his relationship with Charlie. We can already see that he's a good at manipulating. The "Dad Beat Dad" episode gave us numerous examples of him using his relationship with Charlie (saying things like "We're all very proud of her," and that he's "happy to fulfill her bizarre requests") to get under Lucifer's skin, while Charlie is shown to whole-heartedly believe him. He IS a manipulator and he knows how to pin-point that insecurity to get what he wants.)
However, there's also examples in the show where he was kind and considerate to Charlie when he literally didn't need to be. There was no reason or benefit to him for doing so.
One example would be him going with her to assist in getting the cannibals help. He didn't need to do this. He got what he wanted. He officially has a deal with Charlie. He gave her the information she needs in exchange for a favor, there's no reason to linger. But he does, and not only does he freely suggest Cannibal Town, but he's going WITH her to recruit their help.
When Charlie is talking to Rosie to get said help, she's frantic and stumbling over herself, and Alastor pipes in to help her. Later, when Charlie is singing her song to convince the cannibals, he pipes in again (when it's obvious they're not entirely on board) to include that they'll get to eat angels, which is the tipping point that gets the town interested. And another time during that same song when he said "he knew she could do it all along." Charlie wasn't there, so who was he supposed to be manipulating in that scenario?
Rosie? As if Rosie doesn't already know Alastor's whole schtick, she was literally telling him about souls he could go make deals with earlier in the episode. Demons who are in a territory that they can't properly defend, which would make them desperate. Easy pickings to manipulate a few into giving up their souls.
He had faith in Charlie getting the cannibals to join and even helped her along every step of the way.
And that's not even mentioning the fact that he has literally let her use his cane twice. His cane, which Vivzepop has said is like an extension of himself. We haven't seen him let anyone else in the series touch his cane. Hell, he didn't even need to offer his cane in the first place, the microphone she was using earlier was still right there.
One could argue he was trying to get the cannibals to help so they could defend the hotel and have a better chance at, you know, NOT dying. But there's multiple times when he does things he didn't have to do, because there was literally no benefit of it to him. But he did.
Because I think he's more attached than he wants to believe.
Where was I...I went on an Alastor tangent.
But yes! The way I see it right now, I can see Roo going after Lillith because Lillith empowered demonkind.
Lucifer may the the ultimate ruler of Hell, but it's obvious that he didn't really...interact much with the rest of Hell. At least from what we've seen. He was ashamed of what he did and lost his will to dream.
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He fell into depression. I think when he and Lillith had Charlie, it really did make him happy. I think it brought him out of his depression for a bit, but depression doesn't just...go away. At least not for everyone. And we do see that something had to happen between him and Lillith to result in them splitting up, AND something had to happen to him and Charlie to result in them not seeing each other for long periods of time, to the point of Charlie not even wanting to call him for help when she could really use it.
Guys been in depression for a while, and I can't see him getting involved with Hell, which he's ashamed of creating at all. I can see him being more than happy to step aside for Lillith to handle it herself. I don't think Roo would see him as much of a threat so long as he's not getting involved.
Because as the show says:
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She literally EMPOWERED demonkind. Hell grew and evolved, and it became so much more. It became powerful enough for Heaven to not only take notice, but to get worried.
Lillith has MUCH more of an impact in Hell. She has more reach and authority, and I can see Roo being intimidated and/or threatened by that. There's a lot Roo (the Root of All Evil) can do in Hell, where the sinners and wicked go--those who commit evil acts. This should be her PLAYGROUD. But it's Lillith who has authority here.
So maybe Roo needed to get her out of the way? And how much farther can she get Lillith from Hell then having her go to Heaven?
I definitely think there's a connection between Alastor and Lillith. Maybe Lillith did enlist Alastor for his help. Maybe Roo already got Alastor's soul and he helped her, in some way, get Lillith to go to Heaven. I don't know what the connection is, but I'm so eager to find out.
(Also, can we all talk about how Lillith empowered demonkind with her voice, her songs, and Charlie is out here singing every time she wants to help Hell--when she first got the meeting with Adam, when she's trying to convince Adam of her plan, her song with Pentious, etc... And when Rosie asks how she typically tries to get people interested in her hotel, she does so by singing. All of her songs are about love, redemption, being better, working together, almost as if she's trying to empower demonkind with her voice too.)
I think we should talk more about not only what Charlie gets from Lucifer, but what she gets from Lillith as well.
But YES, I'm just so eager to see the whole deal with Alastor and Lillith, and I REALLY think Roo is going to come into play here somewhere. I really do. If not now, then later.
Personally, I still think Roo has Alastor's soul, but who knows? Maybe Lillith DOES have Alastor's soul, but Roo blackmailed/threatened Lillith into going to Heaven, so Lillith ordered Alastor to keep an eye on Charlie for her? Who knows? No one.
Who wants to know? ME!
fgo;fg;sgnsjn AHH I fucking love talking about this show, it gets my brain going.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
What if Steve saw Eddie's performance in the Upside Down?
Nancy made sure that Steve stayed with Dustin and Eddie while they were the distractions because she knew why Steve needed to stay even if he didn't. Meanwhile, Vickie would be going with her and Robin. It had been Vickie who tracked them down, looking for revenge for a cousin she never got to know. Thanks to Chrissy's mother, they never got to know each other. Luckily, Vickie had been open to listening and never once believed that Robin would harbor a murderer. So, the three young women marched off to kill Vecna while the three young men stayed behind.
"It's a big step for woman kind everywhere. They're going off to war while the men folk stay behind," Eddie said cheerfully, and Steve gave him a look while they set up the trailer. "What? I mean it. I'm totally down for being the one barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Let the women be the badasses they always have been."
"Yeah. I wouldn't mind being Mr. Mom," Steve said. "I definitely love to cook. If I could find the right man or woman. . .I mean. . . Shit."
"You too, huh?" Eddie asked, his eyes twinkling. "Man, can I tell you something, and you promise not to laugh?"
"Yeah, of course," Steve said.
"I've always been a bit envious that women can grow an entire human inside of them. It's like fucking magic," Eddie said, pausing, and before he knew it, he was rambling. "I feel like we should be worshipping at their feet with all the shit they have to go through. I was young, but I remember when my mom was pregnant with my brother, and it was tough on her. It was a rough pregnancy, and my dad was a misogynistic piece of shit. The doctors didn't think they would make it. It was so bad. I was there in the delivery room after begging to be there. The look on her face. . .she was so determined to bring him into this world, and she did. She was a warrior. He died a few months later. My dad was supposed to be watching him. He left him on the changing table and stepped out. . .well, you can guess what happened. She never forgave him, and I didn't either. She died a year later, and her heart had given out. She tried man, really, she did."
Eddie sniffled as he worked on turning the trailer into a cage. Steve stared at him with big eyes, his heart hurting for him.
"I'm sorry, Eddie," Steve said softly.
"He was just starting to get his Munson curls. They were the cutest little things. I think that's why I've gotten attached to Dustin. He would have been Dustin's age right now, and sometimes I wonder if he would be anything like Dustin is now. I try not to compare him to a ghost, but it's hard," Eddie said. "I definitely think of him like a brother, though."
A loud sob came from his left, and before he knew it, Dustin was throwing himself into Eddie's arms. Steve let them have their moment as he finished up, smiling softly as a deep wave of affection hit his chest. Once they broke the hug, they got the amps hooked up on the roof, and then they climbed up with Eddie's guitar. Steve watched as he flipped the guitar around, a look of glee on his face. He ripped his necklace off, his face serious.
"Chrissy, this is for you," Eddie said.
Then he was playing, and Steve watched in amazement. If anything was magic, it was him. Steve’s mouth was open as he watched his fingers move across the guitar and the way he focused. . .the way he put everything into it, he was beautiful. The lightning flashed in the background, enveloped him like it was a radiant light and not shitty weather from another dimension. It was like Eddie owned this world, like he was their God. He threw his head back and exposed his throat, his hair cascading backward. Steve was watching threw heavy eyelids now, and his heart was pounding nearly as loudly as the music. Steve knew he was gaping like an idiot now. Eddie glanced briefly at him and winked. Steve closed his mouth, blushing. Suddenly, he felt like maybe he should throw his underwear at him. Weird. He felt an elbow dig into his side, and he looked over to find Dustin wiggling his eyebrows at him. Steve rolled his eyes.
"You know if he married you, he really would be my brother," Dustin whispered.
"That's illegal," Steve scoffed.
"So, is us harboring a fugitive," Dustin scowled at him. "Why would that stop you both?"
"And your mom never officially adopted me," Steve said rolling his eyes.
"Yet. She's still arguing about it with Sue," Dustin said. "I keep telling them they can both adopt you."
"Sue wants to adopt me, too?" Steve asked.
"Oh, yeah, it's a thing," Dustin said.
"Technically, I'm an adult," Steve said.
"You can adopt adults, Steve."
The bats started coming. They climbed down and rushed into the trailer. Eddie pulled them into a hug, jumping up and down.
"That was ho - awesome!" Steve said, catching himself.
"What's hoawesome?" Dustin asked.
"Yes, Stevie, what is hoawesome?" Eddie asked, crossing his arms.
Suddenly, the bats started trying to get through the vents in the living room.
"Is this the only vent?!" Steve asked.
"My room!" Eddie yelled.
"Got it!" Steve yelled, grabbing his shield and running into Eddie's room.
Once they got the vents sealed, Eddie and Steve helped Dustin through the gate. They stood at the sheet and stared at each other. Eddie bowed, raising his hand to let Steve go first. He rolled his eyes and started climbing up. Eddie watched him with a grin, his eyes focused on his ass. He couldn't help but whistle.
"What was that?" Steve asked.
"Nothing," Eddie said quickly.
Once Steve made it through, Eddie started climbing up when he paused midway. He stared up at Steve, then looked down and looked back up as if he knew what he had to do. Steve glared at him. He knew that self sacrificing look.
"No you fucking don't!" Steve yelled out.
He jumped down and cut the sheet. Steve cursed as he watched him run out the door. He turned to Dustin.
"For the sake of our mother, stay here," Steve said. "I'll bring him back."
He jumped into the gate, did a flip, and then ran out the door. Eddie was peddling off onto a bike. He knew what that asshole was doing. He was trying to buy the others more time, but Steve couldn't let him do it alone. It wasn't because Steve wanted to be the hero. It was because he was afraid that Eddie might die trying to do it, and he couldn't let that happen. He grabbed a molotov out of his bag. When the bats drew closer to Eddie, they knocked him off his bike. He pulled the cloth out and wrapped it around his spear. He doused it in alcohol and lit the spear on fire. Steve saw them bite into Eddie, their tails wrapped around his throat. He hollered and started waving the spear at them, beating them off Eddie. Suddenly, they all dropped. Eddie stood up shakily, clutching his side.
"Thanks, Ste-"
Steve drew him into a furious kiss. Eddie clutched his waist as he deepened the kiss, not caring that he was bleeding all over Steve or the fact that that he was bleeding. All he cared about was Steve's mouth and slipping his tongue inside. Suddenly, a pair of hands were pulling him away from Steve.
"Hey!" Eddie yelped.
"It's you who's bleeding," Nancy said furiously.
"Jesus, Wheeler. If you didn't want me kissing Steve all you had to do was say something," Eddie said.
"I'm perfectly happy with you kissing, Steve," Nancy said. "I just don't want you to die while doing it."
"It would be so worth it," Eddie replied and then pointed excitedly. "Oh, hey!"
Meanwhile, Vickie and Robin stood behind her with worried looks as they held hands.
"Yeah, we had the same idea, except we did it without the blood," Vickie replied.
"Smart," Eddie said, nodding.
"Alright, let's get the fuck out of here," Steve said.
As they walked towards the gate, Eddie leaned heavily on Steve. He realized something.
"Hey, we match!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Yeah, I think I'd rather we have matching tattoos," Steve said.
"That can be arranged, big boy," Eddie said.
"By the way," Steve whispered in his ear. "Your performance. . .so hot."
"I fucking knew that's what you meant to say," Eddie said. "So, back to those matching tattoos. . ."
"I don't know, I have to ask my moms but they're not going to like that interdimensional bats gave me some piercings, I doubt that they're going to let me get inked with a metalhead that's wanted by the police," Steve hummed.
"That's not a no!"
The world had been saved, Max was alright, Hop was alive, Eddie had been cleared of all charges, and Steve had been properly bullied into a hospital bed by both of his moms.
"Hey, moms, I was just wondering, and you can say no if you want, but can I get a matching tattoo with Eddie?" Steve asked.
"Absolutely not," Sue said, fluffing his pillows. "We're happy you found Eddie, but you are not getting a tattoo."
"What if it gets infected and you die?" Claudia asked as she fussed with his blankets.
"Dad -," Steve started.
"You're new to having family that cares, son," Charles said, without looking up from his paper. "Let me tell you something, mothers are usually right about this. Better let them swaddle you. I'm pretty sure that's what Claudia is trying to do now."
Claudia dropped the blanket and gave him a look.
"They said no, Eddie," Steve said to the other bed in the room.
"I heard," Eddie pouted.
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zorosq · 2 years
blooming sakura ; roronoa zoro
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↻ fluff, falling in love ig, wano setting, mentioned of injury, mentioned of alcohol, slowburn, grammatical error, not proofread
↻ pairing ↬ zoro x fem!reader!
@yumi-yaaaa asked: Hello! I really like your writing and I've been following you since then, can i request some zoro x reader in wano? Thank youuuu! Have a good day!
a/n sorry that it took me so long to get this finished :(( i’ve been focusing on my studies and i just had my final assessment. hopefully i dont have any failed subjects so i dont have to repeat them in my 3rd sem. might have part 2.
the green-haired male took another swig off his bottle before letting out a satisfied groan. when he heard the soft breathing coming from you, he quickly tried to volume down his happy noises.
it was so weird. he wondered how you looked so tough, yet you were in the hands of some cruel weak man that he had saved you from. he could feel it, how much stronger you are.
zoro didn't want to intervene. but seeing how you were already so badly injured; he knew that he had to. but the moment he had finished off the bad guys, you were already out cold. probably due to the excruciating pain.
his haori fell off you slightly because of your movement, probably trying to find a comfortable position. for a moment, his eye fell onto the messy bandages that were done by him. it wasn’t the best but hey, he only knows how to discard of them.
you really couldn’t blame him for this. his forte is not in medicine stuff or wrapping stuff. he leaves all those complicated jobs to chopper since he’s the doctor. his tense body relaxed once again when he saw you continued to sleep, unbothered by your surroundings. 
that is, until you suddenly jolted up awake, screaming out a name. “eiko!” you screamed out, zoro’s haori long forgotten as it fell to the ground. you looked around frantically, trying to get a grasp of your surroundings. your eyes instantly fell onto a certain greenhead.
“w-who are you?! where is my sister?!” you asked, slowly inching away from him by the second. he looks like a bad guy. no— even if he’s a good guy, you still can’t trust him.
the man stared at you blankly, confusion was written all over his face. “sister? there was only you when i beat those shitless guys,” he said, taking another swig of booze. your eyes widened when he mentioned those guys. 
“you did what—” before you could raise your voice any higher, a sharp pain to your side stopped you as you bend over slightly, trying to recover from the pain. “you better take it easy. i don’t have the skills to properly tend to your injuries,” he said.
“y-you still haven’t told me who you are,”
“zorojuro, a samurai,” he introduced himself. you chuckled lightly when he introduced himself as a samurai. it was quite obvious to you, seeing how he has three swords attached to his hip. “yeah, i can see that,”
“you have a name or what?” zoro asked. “i’m... y/n,” you said. “you shouldn’t have attacked them you know... i need to go home now. my sister might be in danger,” you said in a hurry, struggling to get up from your sitting position. “easy there. let me help you,”
he crouched in front of you with his back facing you. “hop on,” he mutters. “how are you going to take me home?” you asked. “dunno. just tell me which way to go or something,” he replied, already standing up with ease. 
“um, okay. you should find the main road first,” you said, internally sighing in relief.
it was a disaster. the man was useless. the first few minutes after you got on the main road, you had told him to head west at the divided road. but he went north-west instead. thankfully, you weren’t asleep at that time or else the two of you would’ve gotten lost.
you sighed for who knows how much already before resting your head on his shoulder. giving directions to people shouldn’t have been this hard. but somehow, he made that possible.
“oi, is that your house?” he uses his head towards your neighbor's house. you muttered a quiet no, loud enough for him to hear. “that kid looks like you,” he said. your eyes widened and you quickly look around for your sister. when you spotted her getting out of your neighbor’s house, you jumped off the samurai’s back and quickly run towards her.
“eiko!” you shouted her name, gaining her attention immediately. “sister!” she shouted while running towards you. you lowered yourself to the ground and brace yourself, almost falling back to catch her in your arms. 
you winced slightly when she made contact with your wounds but quickly masked it with a sigh. “they didn’t come home, right?” you asked, your voice shivering in fear. when she shook her head, you sighed in relief, hugging her tightly. 
“you really want to die, don’t you?” zoro asked, finally catching up to the two of you. “w-what do you mean? y/n, who is he?” eiko asked, slowly hiding herself out of zoro’s watchful eye. “she’s heavily wounded,” he grumbles.
the girl lets out a surprise gasp before detaching herself from you. “why are you hurt? what happened? did you ask them to raise your salary again?” she bombarded you with questions.
before you could say anything, he picked you up in a bridal style before walking towards your house. without any word, your sister followed behind the man quietly.
when the three of you arrived at your house, he started looking around. as if he was judging you. but then you could see his clenched fist. clearly, he wasn’t from anywhere here. all these people have gotten used to their ruined house. it’s still a home. a place where you could sleep and eat comfortably.
you sighed when you finally felt the comfort of your house. “make yourself comfortable,” eiko spoke in a silent pitch. the samurai only hummed before he sits himself up against the wall.
and not long after, his snores filled the small room. “eiko, did you buy anything at all for us to eat? the money i gave you, was it enough?” you asked her. her eyes flickered guiltily before hanging her head down.
“they found me and took the money,”
“oh... that’s fine. i can work two more jobs for us,” you said, feeling the deep sadness gnawing inside you. it’s a really bad situation for the two of you. if you don’t do anything soon, there will be no future for you two.
“i can help,” zoro suddenly spoke up. “w-what? what could you possibly help us with?” you inquired. “let’s just say that i have some good friends,” he smirked.
“nghh... sanjiiii... i’m hungry,” the man with black hair said. he wore a red kimono while his straw hat was tied around his neck. there was also the blond guy that wore a yellow stripes kimono... with heart eyes?
“moss-head... why do you always attract the most attractive woman?!” the blond-haired male shouted at your savior. “maybe because you’re making weird faces at them,” he grunted. 
well, he wasn’t wrong about that. the blond haired guy makes a terrible first impression in your opinion. you’re sure that you’re talking for most women that he first met.
looking at them, not bragging about their power, you simply could tell that these are strong people. they could help you. maybe even free wano from kaido’s clutch. 
not long after, zoro explained your whole situation but still managed to keep it short. he is a man with not many words. “sure, we’ll help,” the man who wore the red kimono that goes by luffytaro. 
your eyes widen. how could he easily accept a plea of help from a stranger? “why... why would you even want to help me?” you asked. “you’re zoro’s friend, right? then that would mean you’re our friend, too!” he laughed.
you didn’t expect that. tears started to well in your eyes. how can someone possibly be so kind? “thank you...”
your eyes met with zoro’s, who was smiling at you gently. your heart stuttered at that. you returned his smile and looked away shyly.
he’s not a bad guy after all.
a/n im just going to turn a blind eye and act like this is good
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calmlyy-chaotiic · 1 month
Hello ockins/fictionkins
i need advice
(tw for mentions of fictional abuse, violence, and related trauma)
I'm trying to figure out if I'm an ockin or not, and I could use some input. This is gonna be a long post so check under the cut for the info.
So, the oc in question is Leona. She was originally created back when I was a teenager (a few years ago). She was made as an avatar/player character for the game Pokémon: Legends Arceus. At the start, she was basically just me, but cooler. Typical sona type thing. Fast forward a few months, and I start changing her story, eventually creating this whole dark au of the game and giving her a bunch of trauma and all that jazz.
I got... VERY attached to her, very quickly. Thinking about her all the time, coming up with new details, rambling about her. More characters joined her story, and she formed bonds with them.
I'm starting to realize that she might be a kintype of mine.
Since I've been writing her, I've gotten moments where it feels like I AM her. I know what she feels, how she views the other ocs in her story, how she reacts to her trauma, and I sort of... share those feelings. I'm terrible at explaining things, but it's more than just "getting to know the character" like I've seen other writers talk about.
As she's gotten attached to her friends and her family, so have I. It's like I see them as MY family, and not just because they're my ocs.
For example: there's a character named Ricochet that was originally going to be her best friend. Purely platonic. I was in one of my "Leona moods" where I was thinking like her, feeling like her, etc. That's when I started wondering if there were any romantic feelings towards Ricochet, and BAM. I could SEE her face, picture her voice and her laugh, and it felt like I was genuinely in love. However, I only feel like this when I "am" Leona.
It probably sounds stupid/weird, but I don't know how else to explain it.
Another thing that I think about a lot is this one time my mom was jokingly asking me questions and talking to me like I WAS Leona, and calling me Leona, and I got this HUGE dose of euphoria. I don't really get species euphoria, and normally I'd dislike being referred to by a feminine name, but it felt RIGHT
Now, onto the problems with her being a kintype.
Leona is a violent person who does bad violent things.
She has violent urges.
When I "am" her, I sort of get them too. It's a lot like what I imagine some predator therians deal with, like wanting to bite people or hunt things? (I'm a canine therian, but I've never gotten urges like these for any kintypes before Leona)
Also, Leona has a lot of trauma and mental problems (namely familial abuse and ptsd) that I don't have, and I feel like by "being" her I'm disrespecting people who actually struggle with those things
Another thing I feel like is weird is that she is a cis woman, and a lesbian, and I am neither of those things?? I'm a genderqueer guy, I prefer masc terms, and I'm omni, so??
Finally, outside of when I'm getting "shifts" for her (if that's even what these are), I don't act like her at all. We still have some similarities left over from her being a past sona of mine, but otherwise there's nothing.
So, ockins!! Fictionkins!! What're your opinion? Is it plausible that I'm an ockin? Do I just have something deeply wrong with me??
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aerodaltonimperial · 2 months
Got some sads today.
I've written 12 books. I've been trying to be traditionally published since around 2008, give or take some spots of time where I wasn't writing. Book #10 is the only that finally got me a literary agent, and I got two offers on it. I chose wrong, but hindsight is 20/20.
During the time my ex-agent was actually doing much, which wasn't a lot, I almost got there. I got to second reads with an editor we had subbed to. Part of the rejection feedback that came back was that it "wasn't queer enough for readers looking for a queer romance." It was not a romance. My bisexual protagonist ended up in a M/F relationship. I'll never forget how it made me feel, as a bisexual woman. It was the closest to being trad published I've ever gotten, and it felt like I was being rejected as a person for not being "enough."
I left my agent last fall because they had stopped responding to emails or meeting deadlines or even doing anything with submissions. Once I left, that book was dead. My ex-agent had rejected book #11 I wrote and given me no feedback on what was wrong or how to change it. I had still not gotten feedback on book #12 when I terminated our contract.
I started querying with book #12 to try and find a new agent. One of the agents I reached out to was the agent who had offered rep on the other one, the agent whose offer I refused. They said to send it over so they could read. Today, they rejected it. The feedback was blunt. I guess I deserved that, for rejecting them two years ago. It was the last possibility for the book, as all the others have rejected it.
I think I'm a good writer, but trad publishing does not want anything that I write. I've spent so many years chasing this goal, and I've failed every time. Maybe I'm not good enough. Maybe the industry just doesn't want my genre. Maybe I'm just unlucky. Maybe it's all three. In the end, this was the end for me. That should have been an easy offer, if the agent liked my writing to begin with, but it wasn't.
Part of me is relieved. I think I want to be done with this. I've spent a decade feeling like a huge failure. In truth, I just want to write fic, because at least people can read that. At least I feel like I can impact people with my words. Maybe I'm not good enough to be published. But I'm happy that people read my words here. I'm so grateful when people engage with me on my fics.
I put on one of my Hoodlum shirts today. I'm feeling scraped raw and flayed. It's hard to watch a life goal fizzle to a miserable end. But maybe, this was all I was ever meant to do: be in fandom. Maybe this is just all I was ever good enough to write. I still love writing fic. I want to create things for the people I care about, these silly, goofy, weird little people that I have parasocially attached myself to.
If you have read my fic, thank you. If you have left me feedback, thank you SO MUCH. I'm being serious when I say it is the only thing that has kept me writing. These were my only wins. Here, at least, I feel like my words mean something. Thank you for being here with me. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face. Thank you for flailing and capslocking and being full of excitement with me.
This is a hard day. I hope there is some sunshine on the horizon. I'm very grateful for you all.
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symphonic-scream · 3 months
⭐️ for persona 5 aus?
Okay since you gave me a star and asked for P5 and I've gotten a feel for the kind of AU's you like based on when I see you in my notes (HI BESTIE!!), I'm bringing back my first ever arcana swap
And for the first time ever, I'm gonna talk about the Beta Version
It all started with Chariot Makoto and Lovers Haru. I'd just read an unfinished fic with Lovers Makoto and World Haru, and well, I wanted to try something like that
At first it was a Fool Futaba, so it was goober first year with their only friends being the gayass third years. Magician Akira, for the hilarity of sassy cat
Yusuke became the Fool when I got attached to the idea of Yusuke and Haru being friends, from another fic again. This one had them get legally married to give Yusuke groceries before staging a divorce. So. Foolsuke
Cap, my bestie, of course suggested the brilliance of Devil Akira, so. I needed a new Magician, someone to be the straight man to the chaos I'd created. So, Goro
Anyways that's the history of it lemme go off a bit
So it's Foolsuke, his Thief name is Jester. He's not as strong of a personality as Joker, but he makes up for it with his drama, his poses, his long speeches of Justice and Rebellion. He wears the Shujin uniform normally for the most part, but his blazer is always open
Magician Goro is a bird in the real world, but human in the Metaverse. His Thief name is Crow, though his bird form is a robin. He has the prince outfit Goro has in P5, and instead of the Monabus, there's a white limo, a bird emblem on the hood
Chariot Makoto is tired of being told how to feel, what to do, how to live. She's stepping out of her sister's shadow, since she's already been cast out after lies spread by a certain teacher. Top grades, low attendance, leather jacket and uniform pants. Her Thief name is Knight, and at the end of the day, she's perhaps a little too self-sacrificial
Lovers Haru feels alone for so long. When her dad calls, it feels like he's not really listening. Would he even believe her, if she told him about how a certain teacher treats her? She's tired of not standing up for herself, but to gather the courage, she just needs someone, anyone, to hear her call for help. Or, for her to witness an extreme... Her Thief name is Eros, and she hates seeing good people hurt
Emperor Futaba has been lied to her whole life. She thinks her foster father Madarame is a good man, who just needs a hand with programming sometimes. She thinks her mom died naturally. She thinks she doesn't need anyone else in her life. Only when forced to witness the bloody truth, does the rage within burst free. Python, that's her thief name. She'll make sure those that cloud the horrible truth are paid what they're due
Priestess Hifumi plays Shogi, attends student council meetings to improve her reputation, and trusts her mother isn't up to anything. Then, weird things happen to the students around her, and the nicer items in her home disappear. Kaneshiro's strings control Shibuya like a puppeteer, and it takes her too long to see the strings lying across the Shogi board, pulling at her peers and mother. She goes by Rook. A great planner, she's more than eager to prove she earned her wins after all
Hermit Ryuji lies awake, remembering the smell of booze, the shouts of a bastard man, the pained scream of his mom. He feels the phantom pains where his right leg used to be, and is now a stump that ends at the knee. On good days, he streams video games, with a digital avatar. On bad days, he can't forget that he's the reason his mom isn't around. He asks for help from people he's never met, and opens up for the first time since Tae Takemi first took him in. Compass guides them from his floating ship, his prosthetic a cool ass pirate peg, and he feels helpful when he shoots canonball boosts at his friends
Empress Ann is the face of teenage beauty, both in Europe and Japan. She, hates the flashing cameras. Her parents are up to something behind the flashes, and she's ignored it for too long. Though, her deadline approaches fast. They want to scurry back to Europe, take Ann from school and have their doll of a daughter model for the highest bidder there, escaping their sins in Japan. Ann becomes Puma, a thief who wants to bring back the passionate parents she remembers
Justice Yuuki shoots two palace leaders. His podcast is toxic, and his audience grows by the day. Behind the scenes, he's an attack dog, a chain wrapped around his neck, held tight by Shido. He tricks the Thieves, has them call him Gamma. On November 20, he looks Yusuke Kitagawa in the eyes and pulls a trigger
Faith Kasumi Sumire is a dancer. She's a Shujin for ballet, moving with such grace and delicate passion that she's destined for greatness. Only, something's wrong... But that's not a big issue, Dr Maruki is helping her recover after she lost her sister.
Kasumi makes a decision. Puts away the glasses that don't help her, ties up her brown hair. When the Thieves ask her what she wants them to call her, she answers with Scarlet
Okay I'm sorry about the long paragraphs here's some little bits for the other arcana
Hierophant is Tae Takemi, with her experimental coffee shop, and her adopted son
Fortune Shinya. He stands in the shadows at the arcade, tossing a few coins. Says he knows a way to change your future. He never messes up the script given to him by his mom's strange boyfriend.
Strength Morgana. He starts human, and when he finds himself again, he becomes Monster Cat
Hanged Man Kawakami. She got into some bad stuff after believing she led to a kid's death
Death Lavenza is a recent med school grad, who's younger sisters call themselves drug dealers, when really they just help Lavenza with some basic pharmaceutical stuff
Temperance Sae. A teacher, who didn't believe her sister over her coworker. She feels like a failed teacher, and failed sister
Devil Akira! He runs the school newspaper, known as the Tea Party, it's. Unofficial. He hangs out at the gay bar, Crossroads
Tower Kaoru Iwai. He posts an ad looking for a high schooler to teach him how to be more sociable. He says it's to get girls, but he's building up the courage to try to reach out to his dad
Star Yoshida. He sits in the park, playing chess with anyone who will sit and talk with him. He has many regrets, and honestly just wants to meet someone who will talk with him
Sun Ohya. A reporter who feels like she's lost her voice, doing what she's been told, not reporting what she believes. Teaches Yusuke better ways to phrase his wording and shit
Moon Shiho! Local discord mod notices the weird kids in her class being extra weird, and decides to be their social media manager. She's the one that asks them to help save their Empress, her girlfriend
Judgement Sojiro. Still working as, an agent of sorts, he's highly trained in interrogation. He feels weird about using his skills on a high schooler...
I love this swap so much,, I miss you Chaos Arcana Swap
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silvergolddraco28 · 11 months
Scorched chapter 1 (full)
‘Just a little bit longer... Everything is ready... Just have to get that last ring out of Mei.’ a male in a bright yellow and black hoodie thought sunglasses covering his eyes while looking out the window of the train car, a dark gold nearly ginger tail swaying behind him in contemplation, his shaded golden eyes looking at each of his companions. Two teens, a boy and a girl, a male pig demon chef, a male river demon that was also a therapist, and the last of their group a male human food critic and their resident historian. ‘This is for the best Wukong... Once we get to the mountain it will mark the beginning of the end for Lady Bone Demon and her so-called game.’ The immortal being thought while the trail ride continued in silence. Something Wukong was rather thank full for than being interrogated by Pigsy aka the pig demon that did not like him.
The human, Tang, cleared his throat after prying his eyes from the window in worry. “So uh Mr. King Sir. I didn't want to rush you or anything-” Tang began before being cut off by the teenage boy holding three large rings in his arms.
“I don't mind rushing him! We have all three of the rings how do we use them to make LBD go boom?!” the kid asked getting straight to the point before falling over as the train car rocked after hitting a bump.
‘The cub sure knows how to get straight to the point with me... By the gods, I've become attached to this kid if I'm already thinking of him as my cub... Guess that goes for Mei too...’ Wukong thought glancing at the girl before looking away before they could lock eyes. “The only way to reforge the fire is at the summit of the mountain we are currently heading for. Before that, Mei can I speak with you in the next car?” Wukong asked the young girl.
The dragon heiress blinked at this odd request. “Sure thing Monkey King!” Mei chirped trying to keep a positive attitude.
The dark golden Simion gave a thankful smile to the girl. “We’ll be back in a few minutes. I think Mei might have gotten hit with a spell of some sort. Has some energy in her that needs to be taken out.” Wukong explained to the group.
Pigsy scowled at him while the kid-Mk- jumped to his feet. “Mei are you feeling alright!?!” Mk asked, zipping around the green-clad girl.
“I’m fine Mk... I have been having some weird discomfort in my chest after our last encounter with Macaque.” Mei admitted with a shrug.
“Let's get whatever is causing you pain out while we have the time,” Wukong advised, making his way to the end of the train car to cross over into the next car that was empty of people. Something Wukong was internally happy about.
Mei followed Wukong into the car watching as the simian seemed to relax like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. “You okay there Monkey King? You look pretty tense.” Mei asked, it was very unusual to see the King so wound up like a clock ready to break at a moment's notice.
“I'm fine. So have you ever tried meditation before?” Wukong asked with a calming grin on his face.
“A few times, especially after I got my family sword. I can only do it for an hour or two and that’s just the tip. I can barely do fifteen minutes of deep sleep like meditation but it kind of leaves me on a sugar high afterward.” Mei sheepishly stated rubbing the back of her head.
Wukong nodded at this, digging into his hoodie pocket and pulling out a small glass bottle with a peach-pink liquid inside. “So to get whatever the nasty energy is out of you I need you to be meditating with the help of this potion. It will help separate anything harmful from you while I do the rest to extract it. It's also got the benefit of helping you quickly enter that deep meditation state.” Wukong explained.
Mei looked at the bottle with a frown. “That's not hair is it?” she cautiously asked.
“No. Monkey’s honor that it's not hair.” Wukong replied, holding up a hand like he was swearing an oath.
Mei grinned snatched the bottle and downed the liquid in seconds. She hummed at the taste. “Kind of tastes like sweet peach tea…” She trailed off before swaying as Wukong caught her. She was in a deep deep sleep.
“I did tell you to sit before you drank it.” Wukong huffed half-heartedly, laying Mei down on the bench closest to them before hovering his hands over her chest slowly letting out golden pulses. In response dark red nearly black pulses pushed back with hints of gold and neon green flashed out of Mei’s chest.
“Alright… Let's get this done quickly.” Wukong spoke to himself as he made a complicated and tricky motion with both of his hands that seemed to slowly pull the dark red energy mixed with the bright gold into a swirling mass before it slowly became a ghostly ring with a fire flickering around it. Wukong then grabbed the ghostly ring, shoving it into his body feeling a burning pain as he bit his lip to keep from screaming out while the energy slowly began to bleed a neon green. Wukong swiftly cut the connection huffing and puffing with shaking limbs at the effort it took to transfer the energy into himself combined with the burning pain from the agitated ring.
‘Don't scream, don't scream, don't scream,’ Wukong thought like a mantra in his mind collapsing down to his knees while holding the nearby pole for support. ‘Focus on the pain, embrace the pain, atone for all the pain you've caused.’ Wukong continued breathing in and out to settle his burning-hot body. He grimaced as his nose picked up the smell of roasted peaches. He would be lucky if no one else picked up on that.
Like and Comment for more please and thank you!
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seldaryne · 5 months
haven't finished the durge pt yet (idc about spoiling anything though that has 0 impact on me enjoying the game fdgh) but i've been thinking Thoughts.
edit okay as i was writing this i went ahead and just read up on the backstory so i could continue my thoughts in a coherent manner lmfao
(lots of info here, apparently ive gotten Very attached to her in the last uh. three weeks give or take. kinda sorta chronological?? idk it makes sense to me lmao)
velrith probably definitely only settled on that name in act 2. prior that she was just called whatever people drifted to if they needed her attention. & she didn't really care, having a void for memories will do that to a bitch, but it can make introductions awkward or give them a weird 'im too good to even give you my identity' energy. not super great when paired with someone who doesn't really emote or put a ton of effort into masking tonal inflections. she pointedly allowed other people to do more of the talking as a result for a while & would get roped into conversations that way.
i'd like to go ahead and tie in astarion's frequent use of pet names here to this too. he's got a goal here, and can't just drop a 'hey you' every time he's angling for something. it's easier to fill in the blanks that way & make sure it doesn't come across as cold and calculated as the seduction actually is for a time. of course, the mental gymnastics weren't necessary here. aside from the fact that she's extremely intense about her oath & therefore is legally obligated to send cazador straight to hell on sight, he'd also have the same luck with a low-effort, straightforward 'do you want to have sex?' the lines are... usually fine, never actually crossing boundaries, but she does find a lot of them to be really goddamn weird & unnecessary when the point could be made in less than 10 words.
picture a distraught-looking sighthound & you have the general idea of the face she makes when he lays it on thick. she's giving her best shot at a socially appropriate expression. it's not working.
also on names, she can't say for sure if that's who she was before or if she just pieced together syllables that sounded like Something from memory. again, doesn't really matter either way, since she's not in any hurry to reclaim her former self. it's fine.
ketheric felt straightforward. a tragic figure who she did extend an olive branch towards, but ultimately felt nothing when it came time to bring her blade down (besides, isobel seemed like she knew what she was talking about when velrith confessed [suddenly coming back into her room just to point-blank tell her about the desire to spill her blood] certain thoughts of violence towards the cleric, and it felt like the sort of assurance she should be trusting, right? more than any of her own emotions, anyway.)
gortash gives her the ick. like, there's no other way to describe that one. he actually probably still would even without all the history (and the fact that he needed to repent for what he'd done to karlach), but the slimy over-familiarity was really the nail in the coffin there. velrith isn't smooth nor particularly socially gifted, but she has a certain air of formal pride she carries herself with. acting like you know her better than she does herself (even if it may very well be the truth!) is so beyond an overstep of what she's able to function with. stripping away everything else, if he even tried to touch her casually on the shoulder, he would have been liable to lose that hand.
orin troubles her. for the obvious reasons, but she also just... pities her. almost. pre-tadpole, velrith was honestly relatively similar compared to her current personality. colder and more able to justify slaughter, sure, but still staunchly refusing to compromise her own feelings for social games. she understood how the game pieces moved when she watched other people, even when she was younger, but if asked to copy the same techniques, she was only ever able to bludgeon straight through in a line. consequently, people don't really care how strange you are if you're just that good at your job. orin made a one-sided rivalry out of someone who otherwise just regarded her as a peer in the same arena, and now sees her as someone who wouldn't have been able to take the chance at redemption even if it had been on the table. she was too far gone, unable to stand on her own or cope with the fact that she would always be lesser than someone who genuinely could not have cared less about standings. maybe if velrith had feigned some interest, there wouldn't have been so much hatred. or maybe there would have.
either way, she sees orin in a depressing light. someone who had nothing and no one but the prospect of power, and who crumbled as soon as that chance at power was taken away. to let her live would have been to co-sign on her projecting those emotions outwards. velrith isn't stupid and knows there's a good chance she might have gone the same way if she hadn't been lucky enough to receive her parasite. in another life, she thinks that maybe she could have found a connection, and they might have saved each other (either genuinely or in a twisted version of the word). this isn't a thought she shares with anyone. she thinks about that death and their interactions for a long time afterwards.
her 'normal' childhood sometimes comes to her in fleeting memories that disappear out of her periphery if she focuses too hard. she thinks she liked her parents, and they seemed like nice people from what she can semi-recall. but she can also tell that there's always just been something wrong with her if she compares herself to other people. many of these snippets feature her looking anywhere but at her parents' faces, unable to express herself verbally in a way they could understand (the words were right, they way she used them was... her own, shall we say?). something flipped at some point, and all of the sudden she would stare too much at them, not blinking or looking away at the right moments. they'd seemed to squirm a bit under this. they always seemed a bit sad when they looked at her, as if they'd loved her but she was never quite as they hoped she would be.
she had to be taught what to do during a hug as an older child instead of leaving her arms limp at her sides. she knows that.
she doesn't remember killing them. she doesn't remember how it would have felt to receive her first order or how she was unable to do anything but listen to the violent urges.
there's more guilt for not feeling much towards them than there is for the killing.
the staring hasn't shifted again. she knows she looks at people too hard and/or too long, looks at them dead in the eyes and studies their faces, but she can't help it. one, it's good to be aware and alert. two, looking away doesn't seem to be the answer either. at least this way they know she's paying attention, right?
she thinks she shouldn't care about these things, that it's so ridiculous coming from her blood-soaked past, laughable that she'd wonder what it meant to have people relax in your presence instead of becoming more visibly anxious. but she wants to be good, she really, really does. she wants to be able to join a group like everyone else, slipping seamlessly into their words and laughing how they laugh instead of her own (the faintest of smiles and a soft rush of air running past her lips, blink-and-you'll-miss-it laughter that may as well not exist outside of her head). she doesn't hate herself for these things, because she doesn't know how else to be, but she does wonder. she wants to know what it's like for these things to be easy. bhaal's favourite hadn't been blessed with charisma, apparently.
consequently, she has a very hard time now figuring out how to actually connect with anyone, or what it should feel like to have friends.
it made her somewhat uncomfortable in the beginning to be asked questions by these people on a regular basis. not even personal questions, just things to signal that she existed to them in some capacity. gale remembers when she'd wrinkled her nose at a certain seasoning, and leaves it off her plate when he makes dinner going forward. lae'zel likes how she fights and asks her questions on technique, asking to spar so she could better understand the answers. shadowheart thinks they're alike with similar holes in their memories, and seeks out her company because of it. she doesn't understand, and for a while she even feels a bit suffocated by it. exposure therapy is really the only remedy here.
initially there are some reasonable assumptions on whether she just dislikes them all that much, or if she thinks she's better than them, or some other nasty reason. it takes approximately two conversations with her for everyone to understand that's not the case. it's like speaking to someone who only every studied social behaviour from an incomplete textbook and was visibly struggling to fill in the gaps in real-time. is she scary? yes, a bit. does she stare at you Way too much when you're speaking to her (at her, really, because you will be carrying that conversation until she's gotten her footing)? also yes. but she's really earnestly trying to sort herself out for the sake of the people around her, brain twisting around itself to learn things that were as easy as breathing to most. and it's sort of sweet, in its own way.
over time, she stops simply caring about these people based on her code of ethics. she starts to remember things about them too, her love language starts to show itself through gift-giving at an absolutely glacial pace, but it's noticeable to literally everyone despite that. a small trinket picked up at the market matching shadowheart's usual taste is pressed into her hand with only a nod before velrith is turning on her heel and almost running away. a tome is thrust at wyll with such startling intensity that the kindness actually comes off as a bit of a threat, but she looks visibly relieved when he takes it with a smile. so on and so forth. every incident like this, every blunt display of 'i notice you. i think you would like this. i thought of you today,' is accompanied by a hasty exit. task accomplished, but now the script has run out, so she's doing the same. she also finds it hard to look at people once the exchange has taken place, and is pretty sure this is an affliction only she suffers from.
she's going to push through it anyway, even if it makes her skin feel like its trying to recoil off her bones.
it also comes out in the protection. again, it's expected as a paladin of devotion, but no one is quite prepared for the molten fury that burns in her eyes or the weight of her voice whenever ghosts from the past arise. not only has she sworn her protection to those suffering from harm (and names like orin, gortash, cazador, viconia & more absolutely qualify as those who cause harm), but it feels personal. acting as shield and guillotine is when velrith is truly in her element, standing tall and embodying the virtues laid out in her tenets.
she is fighting internally just as much as externally, pushing back against base instincts to continue her sworn oath. driving her sword through the flesh of the emperor is just as much about defeating him as it is proving to herself that she is still capable of goodness. if she falls here, she can at least die knowing she was dedicated to rebellion until her very last breath.
this does not mean that she actually registers it when people like her, though. in fact, once she pieces together what her true nature is (she hadn't wanted to kick that poor animal, or make a spectacle of that nice bard's corpse, or try to rip out astarion's throat as he slept--but she had done those things, and more, and what's worse, some of them don't even to her like they would anyone else) she's pretty sure that the unanimous, logical choice would be to put her at a distance.
so she braces, prepares, makes peace with returning to the status quo & starts pulling away before staging her little ted talk. jaheira catches her first, though, and it gets to her. she's not spoken much to the woman, but she's... incredibly understanding, actually. so much so that it leaves velrith with a profound ache in her chest when she rolls over and tries to sleep again (jaheira's insistence, and her promise to stand watch all night in case she lost control again). being around jaheira hurts like hell, but she still seeks her out after that incident. she looks at her kindly but doesn't treat her with any more fragility than before. she's good-humoured when answering question after question about bhaalspawn, and stays honest the whole time too. she seeks her out when she isolates as much as she can on the outside of camp, dropping a sack of potatoes at velrith's feet and sitting beside her so that they can peel them in easy silence.
she likes that the most. sometimes it feels like velrith's head is too full; not from the parasite or the echoes of a murderous god, but from--she's not sure, actually, but it makes thinking hard, and speech tends to take a temporary leave as well. no amount of coaxing makes a difference, it'll return when it decides to. that's the bad sort of silence, the type that other people feel like they should fix so that everyone can be comfortable again. except jaheira, who apparently can figure out what she needs before velrith can even process that question. and sometimes, she just needs to peel some potatoes for a bit.
standing before everyone else, she prepares for the logical choice of rejection again. instead, she's greeted with shrugs, support, sympathy, but overall--not much of a change. that's the part that sends her off, only pausing just long enough to take a breath before excusing herself to the surrounding woods. it hurts so damn much, being loved like this. she wonders if any technicalities in her oath actually require her to slay herself at this point, just based on the implications alone. they should be appalled. fearful. cold. and she'd wound herself up so much inside determining this to already be the only end to her confession. bare your soul, lose what you'd only started to ease into, return to your duty.
the other shoe never does drop, though. it's gone so catastrophically well that she can't even make the tears flow properly (she's only done it once before that she remembers, but that should be adequate). instead, her sobs are muffled gasps against her hands, choking on her own confusion as she sinks to the ground, shaking.
of course, this comes out after the "incident", in the underdark, which means astarion has already seen her cry precisely once of something that seemed to her a similar scale. he's got a better handle on it, he'd like to believe, and he can sense that he's being silently volunteered for the 'fetch our bhaalspawn' quest. she's not hard to find either, an ice-white tiefling amongst the greenery with her head hidden in her arms, folded in on herself like she's not worth the weight of her own bones. it's sad, and a little annoying, actually, because if she was to insist that he possessed worth like it was the most obvious fact in the world, like he was strange for not feeling the same way, why shouldn't that same sentiment extend in her direction.
of course, there's little he can say to soothe in a way that matters, he's not going to make that mistake again, but he's at least able to bring her up for air. yes my love, perhaps it is foolish and unwise for any of us to stay around something so dangerous, but that argument can be made in many directions, not just yours. you would be the first among us to dismiss those very notions if they were coming from someone else, and have done so--multiple times, may i add--as bhaalspawn. if there's upset about the reveal, i'm confident that it's more to do with how you feel than anything else.
and really, what's she supposed to do with that aside from break even more (from relief, maybe? tension and fear of rejection that she hadn't known how to recognize, hadn't known she was holding onto? the understanding that this is not just from him, but on behalf of everyone else too?) and crumble into him.
against all odds, she is worthy of loving. despite her bloodline and her personal shortcomings, she is worthy of that much.
nothing in half-measures, as most paladins tend to be. does she remember when or why or even how she took the oath? not even a bit. but it's the only thing in her head when she wakes up on the mind flayer ship, the sole thing she's sure of, the only guiding direction she has. it should be enough to understand right and wrong, but it isn't for her. following the oath is a choice, something she can steady herself on when nothing else makes sense. devotion to her cause of protection, restoring some of the balance in the world that she lost before orin killed her. maybe that was why she lived; something needed her to right some of her sins before death arrived. or maybe a divine power was looking for someone who wouldn't be missed if they were lost in stopping the ithilids.
whatever it is, she does everything in her power to stick to it. until, of course, life happens (as it tends to) and she does something in the underdark. what did she do? she doesn't know, because she thought she was helping--that myconid was going to betray the colony that took him in when he lost all others. she raised her sword when it was clear a scolding wouldn't change his mind. and then... the sinking feeling that something was wrong.
something was missing. the only part of her that felt like it was anything was gone, and for the first time (maybe ever?) she gets emotional. there's no anchor anymore, no calming guide of tenets to follow.
the oathbreaker knight will find her later, she knows. at camp, she's distraught, and the little bit she dared interact goes out the window entirely. there's nothing anyone could actually say that would help, anyway. this does not stop astarion from trying.
glib as ever, were she in a more normal headspace she would have seen the dismissive comment for the hand-waving attempt at comfort it was. he probably knows there's nothing he can actually say to bring her down, but surely a joke (meant to reassure that she would be fine regardless, whether the oath stayed broken or was re-taken, she was competent on the field and he at least trusted her that much) would be alright?
it was not.
for all that he carried, he could not--did not--understand. of course he could be cavalier about it; despite all that was taken from him, he still had his own gods-damned name. he knew who he was, wasn't scrambling to put together fragments of his own ghost just to make some unimpressive small talk like she was. she has not yet chosen her name at this point, and that oath is where she begins & ends as a person.
he's silent when she snaps, unexpected. like a cornered animal about to tear its own leg out of a trap, daring anyone to come closer to 'help' so that they too can be maimed. a total loss for words, even when she stalks off to keep herself from acting out even further (who knows how prone she would be to violence now? not her!), raising her voice for the first time at him in pure grief.
he doesn't really get it, but he understand more in the middle of all that. the pieces click together in his mind, working themselves out during the berating. the gods never answered his cries, and so his outlook remained fairly bleak on the whole pantheon. paladins occupied a space at the opposite end of the spectrum, and he'd assumed that her more uptight habits were an offshoot from that (it's not like she gave him a ton to work with, either. he did his best from what he was allowed to see). for her, there may as well have been no gods involved in any capacity. it was simply the thing that kept her from fracturing entirely, now gone thanks to a misunderstood line in the agreement.
she still refuses to speak to him, even after she's begged for the oath back--she'll be good this time, really, she'll be good, she promises, it won't happen again, please--and received it successfully. she's not talking much to anyone, feeling both too exhausted and over-sensitive to even contemplate that. his apology isn't... good, exactly. but it's honest and that's really all she gives a shit about. things are still weird and cold for a bit, manifesting in a physical distance & reinforcing just how off his initial read on her was. but it's her first real brush with interpersonal conflict, so learning curves are expected. time and circumstance eventually help things settle, with there being bigger things to worry about.
she's quiet during sex. responsive and hyper-aware of her body, definitely, but still restrained. she enjoys the act, however, despite the lack of volume, and this shows through a readiness to explore and feel things. the ability to feel physical pleasure is something that at least seems to be something she has in common with most people. but she's overly permissive too, sometimes uncomfortably so; she's simply not attached enough to her body to have real concerns or strong preferences. at first glance, this seems to be deference, the need to be agreeable in every situation lest she tip the scales too much in her own direction.
he puts his finger on that after the third encounter, and finds himself taking a break from her for a while after as a result (once again, an act that she's absolutely fine with--god, has the thought of challenging him ever even crossed her mind in this department?). Further observation, however, reveals something else. her actions are exploratory. experimental. there's no frame of reference, she needs to establish preferences all over again for this version of herself. in fact, he sees that this extends to other tasks people ask of her as well. every action or accompaniment is met with the same reserved curiosity, considering what's being asked of her before ultimately deciding to try something new. perhaps that was why he felt like he was being intensely studied if he squints.
there's no doubt that she does see him. but she only sees enough to know that she lacks the connections to actually do anything with that. an unbalanced, vexing sort of safety net. (still, there was probably no one better for him to glue himself to than a paladin, and he tells himself that's why he spends so long trying to figure her out. because surely, her motivations can't be as obviously honest as they come across--can they?)
it's only after she tells him on the name she's privately decided to give herself (private for now, since everyone else will be informed in the morning) that he starts to realize just how much he enjoys kissing her. she's not nearly as practiced as he is, but gods, there's such a single-mindedness to the kisses it actually leaves him dizzy. her focus is so all-encompassing, the world around them may as well have been unravelling at its seams and she still wouldn't break contact. chasing pleasure but holding back just enough to keep her head above the water, prolonging the act as much as she can. he's been kissed before. many times, actually, but not like this.
there is... so much disappointment when rejecting bhaal doesn't actually change anything fundamental in her. on one hand, that really does mean that it's been her personality the entire time. that the good choices she made were hers, and they were worth fighting for.
on the other hand, fostering even that small seed of hope that she might become less of herself and more like other people had been a dangerous game. the distance remains, along with the lack of understanding and knowledge that some things would always be more hard-won for her, while others would simply be entirely beyond her reach. knowing this logically is one thing. accepting it is... entirely different. it will take time, and she will at least allow herself as much so as to properly grieve a version of herself whose body knew how to laugh freely.
she'll be okay.
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phantasmiafxndom · 1 year
I’m pretty sure you said basic asks for TokyoRev are open (sorry if i misinterpreted, I feel like my English gets worse by the day T_T) so what would the dynamics for the TokyoRev boys be in the A/B/O AU?
I included all of the characters from what I've done for the Hybrid Au in this, so... I hope it's everyone you wanted to see? >3> For those unfamiliar with my particular style of A/b/o Au stuff, here's a general info post I'd done for another fandom.
. . .
Takemichi — Beta: Despite his Alpha-like tendency to make everyone else's issues his problem, he's not as pushy or aggressive about it as a typical Alpha would be. Unobtrusive, easy to trust, and easy to be around because he doesn't feel like too much of a threat to anyone.
Mikey — Beta: His instincts are an erratic disaster of wanting to protect everyone around him (often from himself) and desperately needing someone to look after him. The dual-ended extremes are draining; he often wishes he could shut them all off...
Emma — Omega: Perfectly content with it, too! She doesn't mind being spoiled at all (in fact, she quite likes it), even if that means playing up her "helplessness" sometimes. It makes people happy to take care of her, so isn't it fine to enjoy it a little?
Draken — Alpha: Pretty classic Alpha behavior all around, especially the part where Mikey probably couldn't survive without him. Highly protective of the people he cares about, especially when his softer side comes out around someone who truly needs him.
Baji — Alpha: More of the violent kind. He's not fully aware of what his instincts want, beyond that beating the shit out of anyone remotely threatening is a source of great pride. While he can be much too impulsive and thrill-seeking, his intentions are (usually) good.
Chifuyu — Beta: And mostly normal about it. He's fairly stable and level-headed overall, though he still does have his aggressive moments (like everything involved in keeping up with Baji), and more of a desire to be cared for than he likes to admit.
Mitsuya — Beta: The adaptable kind. He does what the people around him need, whether that's a more Alpha-like protector or something a little softer. He doesn't care much how people perceive him— and others often find it difficult to tell what dynamic he is.
Nahoya — Alpha: It's not immediately obvious, but once you realize it, it makes perfect sense. Most of his instincts are directed at his brother, who he's constantly doting on. More caring than he seems, especially when someone seems to truly need it.
Souya — Omega: A total baby of one, at that. Despite his grouchy face (and a desire to be a little more independent), he's heavily reliant on his Alpha brother to make him feel safe and doesn't do well on his own. Highly clingy toward those he's gotten attached to.
Sanzu — Omega: Overcompensating so hard. He feels small and weak and useless, so he does everything possible not to show it. He's terribly needy at his core, however, and does an awful job of taking care of himself without someone around to keep an eye on him.
Senju — Beta: While she has a protective streak and solid moral compass, she's also prone to ending up pushed into unfortunate situations. Pretty neutral overall, and perpetually confused by how other people's instincts make them act so weird.
Kazutora — Beta: Not handling it well. He's desperate to be loved and cared for, and has developed a terrible complex about not being Omega-like enough to deserve it. Another one whose instincts often make him erratic, especially when he gets jealous of someone.
Kisaki — Omega: The manipulative kind, at that. While he's nowhere near as tough as he likes to think he is, he's still very skilled at getting other dynamics (especially Alphas) on his side by presenting himself as harmless and good to keep around. Yes, Hinata is an Alpha here.
Hanma — Omega: And relentlessly weird about it. Delights in his dynamic just because of how much it freaks people out when they realize it. No one has any idea what's going on in his head, but he seems almost immune to normal Omega instincts. Almost.
Taijuu — Alpha: Highly protective, which manifests in all of the worst ways. He's the possessive, pushy kind of Alpha who acts like that because he has absolutely no idea what else to do with himself... and partially because he's convinced he has to behave a certain way.
Yuzuha — Omega: With her household's situation, she has to make herself tough enough to look after her brother. Deep down, though, she really just wants someone to take care of her instead, for once. A lot softer than she seems, though she hides that softness well.
Hakkai — Omega: Also a total baby about it. While he's also had to step up in his own ways (and the constant abuse has done very bad things to his mental state), he's still all kinds of needy... which his sister has encouraged a little more than she probably should have.
Inui — Beta: His sister was an Alpha, so he's got all kinds of identity issues about his dynamic by now. While he's naturally kind of neutral, he's never quite sure how he's "supposed" to act, and tends to present himself more aggressively to fit with certain expectations.
Kokonoi — Omega: And the constant stress he puts himself under is not doing his mental state any favors! He's made himself capable and self-sufficient enough to stand on his own, but underneath it all, he's surprisingly needy, and truly sick of having to do everything himself.
Izana — Omega: Another of the manipulative ones. He's prone to vicious jealousy and possessiveness when he feels close to someone, and the behavior those feelings bring out isn't pleasant. Craves attention desperately, but can't trust it when it's given to him.
Kakuchou — Alpha: He's the kind of Alpha whose instincts come before reason, more often than not. Loyal, protective, and determined to be a strong and capable caretaker, he's well-intentioned, yet a little too reliant on others for his own happiness.
Ran — Beta: While he usually seems relaxed and unbothered by instincts at all, the reality is that he's simply adaptable— whether it's being a protector to his brother or more lazy and demanding, he's usually just doing whatever he feels like in the moment.
Rindou — Beta: Aggressive and stubborn enough to be mistaken for an Alpha sometimes... though certain bratty tendencies seem more the opposite. The reality is that he's every bit as "in the moment" as his brother, regardless of how his behavior appears to others.
South — Alpha: Not that he at all knows what to do with it. Being constantly surrounded by violence has twisted his idea of what an Alpha's instincts want, though, so he ends up using aggression in a misguided attempt to find some sense of security.
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
(1) I’ve largely erred on the side of not saying this because I don’t care to rain on anyone’s parade, but since you mentioned feeling like the friendship between Tomura and Spinner can get blown out of proportion, I can think of at least one concrete reason for why that disconnect might exist. I obviously don't blame people for taking the official translations at face value, but I feel like Spinner's line about "bonding" with Tomura over games is another example of sentiments getting
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Ahhhhhh lot of good stuff here
Putting a cut for length but also people who just don't wanna see this type of response
I feel this way about a lot of peoples' interpretations of the League and their interactions. Not just Spinner and Shigaraki, but all of them. I feel like a lot of gestures get blown way out of proportion. Shigaraki's "I just want them to be able to live how they see fit" does not equal "Their happiness is my priority, and I'm going to work to create a world where they can be happy". I'm sorry but those two are not the same thing, and I haven't seen Shigaraki act in such a way either. Those two goals may point in the same direction (they don't because he's a fucking liar to his own face and so is Toga to her own face), but that kind sentiment did not suddenly mean that he is prioritizing their happiness and wellbeing above all else. If that was the case, well, they wouldn't have formed a giant ass army to take on the world at war and risk dying (which one of them did) and Spinner wouldn't be in the situation he is in now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .
I don't want to rain on people's parades either, but my opinions are pretty clear and have been for a while and people have had plenty of time to block/unfollow me as they see necessary. So at this point, I don't hold back (I try very hard to avoid being super negative though about any character in general). I used to hold back my not so popular (in the villain corner of the fandom) interpretations on the League up until recently. As we've gotten closer to the end, I've decided that I'm just gonna put my opinion out into the void even if many people--specifically in the little circle of blogs I occupy--don't like it. And many don't, and that's okay. My opinion doesn't change unless the manga gives me a reason to change it.
Spinner and Shigaraki--I have a lot of issues here, MAJORITY of it due to fandom hyping them up as more than they are. And look, I don't care when stuff is clearly fanon or headcanons. Posts that are meant to be taken that way are usually pretty clear about it. But these are whole analyses based off of this overblown bond/friendship that literally only Spinner seems to acknowledge/be so attached to.
I don't doubt Shigaraki views everyone in the League as a friend in some capacity. I don't doubt that at all. I don't doubt that he cares and genuinely wants them to live how they want. However, I would like for someone to show me where he pays the same type of special attention to Spinner that Spinner gives to him. Imo, Shigaraki treats them all pretty equally--Spinner included.
I didn't know that about the Japanese, and yet, I still felt this way. Assuming that someone who has a good understanding of Japanese can correct your statement, I'm gonna take your word for it since I can't say shit otherwise lol. But cool--yeah that particular line is used quite a bit. And I get it! It's fun especially if you ship the characters or just enjoy their interactions.
But I feel like people overlook the fact that Spinner's idolization and attachment is literally negative and is a challenge in his arc, not some cute uwu friendship that was just about video games (when would they have played video games in canon??? WHEN????).
Spinner decided to seriously devote himself to Shigaraki (which in itself is a weird not great thing to do) during MVA, because it looked as if Shigaraki had made progress and overcome a barrier and become this all powerful destructive god who can make dreams come true (dreams for someone who wants to lash out at least). But MVA was not any of that. MVA was Shigaraki doing exactly what AFO wanted him to do--get worse emotionally, spiral more mentally and become even more unstable, and hate himself to the point that he sees no point in thinking or hoping for change for the better. Perfect, all according to keikaku. And THAT is when Spinner was like "FUCK YEAH THIS GUY". I know Spin didn't know that, but come oN guys THE TIMING OF IT IS SO FORETELLING.
AND IT WAS. Because look now. What has turned me completely off to this dynamic is the fandom hyping it up as a pure devotion that isn't stemming from a lot of self-worth issues and negative idealization. Spinner associates Shigaraki with destruction, rage, anger, and misery. That's also what Shigaraki associates himself with, and that's exactly what AFO wants. And man, he sure got it out of both of them.
And I'd like it if people acknowledged that more for what it is, but it's just reduced down to "two gamers that AFO groomed and took advantage of". And I feel that is just super oversimplifying what actually happened. AFO didn't groom Spinner from the age of 5, he took advantage of a vulnerability he was able to pinpoint super quickly after Spinner made it painfully obvious.
I like Spinner more on his own, and I like the potential for him to face the reality that him ignoring his gut instincts in favor of that dream of destruction he associates with Shigaraki eventually led to him making things worse for Shigaraki--unintentionally. I mean he hasn't made shit hit the fan YET--but man if things aren't looking ominous as fuck right now. AFO is counting on Spinner? Oof. But the potential for drama here is exciting, and I'm ready for it.
But yeah. I agree--it's overblown imo. It has become a plot point in Shigaraki's arc in a negative way. So I feel people miss the mark when they focus on how devoted Spinner is to Shigaraki during all of this mess, because that's exactly why things look the way they do lol.
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