#and i hope your days are a little less annoying now that you dont have to deal with all that
silly-songs-with-saph · 2 months
thousand yard stare looking at the dinner I'm cooking on the stove contemplating grabbing my disposable from my purse
"It'll be okay, we all get to die someday"
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iwanty0uu · 1 month
How would aot boys react to reader saying she want a break and goes to sleep on the couch
Ony :
- “Baby girl what’s the matter?” He asked as he wrapped his hands around you, nuzzling into your warm body on his bed, his dark features enhanced by the blue light of your phone. You didn’t respond which earned a poke in the hip from him. “ You dont wanna talk t’me? What i do?” You hummed in response, scrolling through his following and his liked posts, all the girls that you felt looked better than you.. the insecurity started to get to your head. “Hey Ony..I think we should take a..you know..brea-” You heard the bed creak beneath you as he straightened himself up. “Y/n.. don’t play with me. You not deadass. How you finna be upset with me and not tell me what I did so we could fix it?” He said, his tone changing in frustration and confusion, but internally, he was afraid.. “Ony I dont wanna agrue nd I can tell Im just gonna make this worse.. I’ll sleep on the couch for tonight” You mumbled softly. “Like hell you will, the fuck. You gon talk to me whether u like it or not and if i gotta read your notes app to figure out who or what the fuck got in my baby’s head I will.” He grabbed your face peppering it with butterfly kisses.
• “We’ll figure it out together girl”…
Armin :
Armin was very observant, so when he noticed your distance, he panicked and it bothered him for days. “Love?” He asked from the living room, slowly entering making sure not to invade your space. You looked up in response turning your phone off to give your boyfriend your full attention. “ I got your text.. about, you sleeping on the couch tonight and stuff, n I don’t know if this is because mood swings or if its something that I did or if its something that you’re upset with me about not saying that I have to be the center of your life and emotions and everything because I know that you work really hard in school and-” He paused abruptly collecting his thoughts. He averted his eyes from your now concerned gaze. You never knew it would affect him this much. “What I’m trying to say is.. I got you chic-fil-a and a new blanket to make you feel better.. and hopefully we can watch a movie and talk about it?
• “I’ll give you your space but I’m only a call from our bedroom away okay?”…
Connie :
The ping of the basketballs in the gym echoed in your ears. You watched as your boyfriend got a little too friendly with his personal trainer who you weren’t jealous of, but you simply weren’t fond of her. Who would want their man getting touched up on by a girl for lord knows how long.. but Connie assured you that the only reason she’s here is because his usual trainer broke his arm and in three weeks, he’ll be healed enough to get back in action.He wanted to ask if you wanted to join him for the day but your energy was low so he let you be.. All was well until you were facing the window in the car, being less talkative than usual. The sun retired for the day and the sky was dark, “I’m gonna sleep on the couch tonight”… “ No ur not..”… “You cant tell me what to do..”…. “ k .”
11:04 pm
You felt a sudden jerk, which made you open your eyes skightly, and a pair of hazel eyes met yours.“Hope you got all the space you needed girly..you wont see her training me again tomorrow, she was annoying anyways..”
• His plump lips met your temple as you nustled into his neck, “night”…
Jean :
You never knew when to stop playin. You set up your phone in the kitchen to record your boyfriend’s to your little “prank”.
8:15 pm- jean comes home
8:30- jean showers after greeting you
9:25- jean lays on couch
9:28- “Jean baby.. I’m gonna sleep here tonight..I need some space..”
9:30- “Back in my day, when the women needed space, they’d sleep with the oxen and mules..so”
You stared blankly at his unfunny joke, walking into the kitchen keeping deadpan eye contact, revealing your phone. “It was a prank fucking old ass man.”
• “Oh aii…”
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lookingformoondrop · 8 months
Honestly I'd take any writing about Andy LMFAO whatever you want to write, I'd just love to read something, be it headcanons or some short story <3
Absolutely! I was shocked when I tried finding content for TCOAAL, and there was none💀. For the sake of fluff Andy, the reader is the closest thing Andy has to a sister!
*Leyley doesn't exist*
P.S. Hopefully, this isn't OOC. This is also not proofread, so
I hope these meet your expectations <3
Andrew Graves x female best friend! Reader
TW: Everyone has a filthy mouth (swearing)... N/M = Nickname ♡
♡925 WORDS♡
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Ever since Andrew was a kid, he was treated more as his parent's friend than their kid.
This often meant that Andrew was forced to miss out on childish routines like throwing a tantrum, making a mess, having fun the loud way, and making mistakes, simply because "he was so easy."
If he were to add to his parents' load of problems, he wouldn't be able to live with himself, let alone sleep.
But that was all before he met you.
Every Friday, Mrs. Graves would give Andrew money to go on a snack run for the weekend.
But no matter what he did, no matter when or how he entered the grocery store, this little girl (no less than five) would terrorize Andrew.
"She's so annoying, mom! She always snatches the snacks I go for and then bolts for the next aisle. Then she just giggles and runs away with MY TOMATO SOUP."
Mrs. Graves sighed and turned around to face her son, "Andrew, just because a little five year old girl is taking some of the same snacks as you DOES NOT MEAN I am letting you shop at a different store! 'Shop Shop Shop and Shop, with more Shop' is the best for low-deals and prices. Please don't be difficult."
With no other choices, Andrew was forced to continue shopping.
Every week, she did the same thing. She'd sneak up behind him when he wasn't paying attention. She'd snatch the poor snack out of Andrew's hand and would bolt out of the aisle.
And everytime she did this, Andrew would grow angrier and angrier.
Finally, when the little girl stole the hundredth can of soup from his hand, Andrew turned around and grabbed the little girl's hair.
"AHH! Get off of me asshole!"
"You little shit! Give me that can back!"
They'd fight over the can of soup in the middle of the aisle for the next 10 minutes before the store owner kicked them out for "public disturbances."
Now, without his can of soup, sitting at the curb outside the store, with new bite marks along his arm, Andrew was more pissed than ever.
"What the hell is your problem? Do you just find malicious torment funny, you borderline psycho?"
Andrew turned towards the girl. She turned her smile towards Andrew, "Nah, just you."
Annoyed and exhausted, he put his face in his hands.
She thought for a moment , "No one plays with me, so I figured I should play with someone who looked as miserable as me."
Andrew looked at her through his fingers, "What about me screamed misery?"
She put a finger on her bottom lip, deep in thought, "You just have this face,"
Andrew scoffed at the girl, burying his face in his knees. She giggled.
"You just naturally look like an asshole"
"Watch your language, you fucking shit!"
Andrew went to grab the girls hair, "You dont even know my name, and yet you're calling me an asshole!? No wonder you dont have any friends."
She slapped Andrew's hand before it could reach her, "Well, what's your name?"
Andrew hesitated, "It's...Andrew Graves. What's yours?"
The little girl smiled, "Y/N L/N, your new best friend, Aaaaandy."
Andrew sat lazily with Y/N, laying on his lap. He cringed when he thought about their first meeting.
Of all the things they could've fought about, it was a can of soup... God, they're fucking stupid.
Since that day, Y/N would beg Andrew for attention and fun. She'd stalk him when he was out and about and would drag him away from any errands he was requested to run on.
"Leave me alone, N/M"
"Make me~"
"Lame. Now I have to come with you! With that bitch ass attitude you'll get beat up."
And when Andrew accidentally reveal his address? Andrew was permanently stuck with Y/N.
Every Friday, she'd follow Andrew home, and even when Mr. and Mrs. Graves questioned the foul-mouth girl Andrew would never offer an explanation better than, "Some stray I picked up that won't let go. I have to keep her."
"Aaaaandyyy, can you change the channel? I don't want to lift my eyelids."
Andrew sighed, "The remote is right by your leg, dumbass"
"So?" She scoffed, "reach it for me."
"It's closer to you than it is to me!"
"Andy change the goddamn channel!"
"i'm not getting up just because your ass wants to be lazy!"
Even if that meant pissing each other off with meanless schemes.
Despite their bickering that has made local pedestrians' ears bleed, they still were there for each other in everything.
"Whatever, you dumb bastard," Y/N mumbled to herself.
Andrew played with Y/N's hair as he stared at the mindless TV.
"Veronica Steveson asked me out to the date."
"Aw, poor hussy"
"Ouch, you think so lowly of me?"
"No, I just assumed you said no," Y/N continued to watch the TV.
"Why would I...?" Before Andrew could finish his sentence, Y/N sat up and stared at him with intense eyes.
"Do you like her?"
"W- Well no, but it's not like any other girls are crawling to date me"
Y/N scoffed at Andrew, flicking his forehead, "That's because you're stupid to notice."
She laid back down on his lap, and Andrew secretly smiled to himself. "So...who aren't I noticing?"
"Your mom."
And even if no one admitted it out loud, and even if you blushed one too many times around each other, you belonged with each other.
"But seriously, Andy, pass me the remote"
"Eat shit, N/M"
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Thank you for the ask <3
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seaadc · 5 months
hello!!! if you’re up for this, can i request any genshin men with a reader who feels like a horrible person because of things they’ve done in the past? i have a guilt complex lmaoooooo (i say lmao but it’s agony) (PEOPLE IN THE CROWD WITH A GUILT COMPLEX PUT YOUR HANDS UPPPP)
also this is a complete side note but i think this concept would be especially interesting with wrio since he’s always in the fortress or meropide, seeing people who have done wrong everyday in the fairly normal system (by jail standards) they have down there
guilt | wriothesley x reader
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angst w fluff at the end, soft!wrio, he’s comforting youu, gets a bit suggestive at the end, no pronouns used but reader is referred to as ‘my love’ and ‘princess’
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it’s nothing to be concerned about really, if you were a criminal and probably rotting in the fortress of meropide for— archons knows how long, you would’ve just let your conscience be the death of you.
but you aren’t! your not sitting around and laying in the fortress of doom meropide, thank the archons.
though you can’t help but think if the seven are laughing at you, quite literally. your state isn’t so stable as it seems..
wriothesley, your partner, had called sigewinne ages ago to check on your health status. although it was all negative, the tests, the results, the examinations, all negative.
there wasn’t anything wrong with you, so why is there an aching pain in your stomach whenever your brain just relapses back to the past, the time where you had done such unforgiving sins, you couldn’t even do a whole statement word for word on what you had done to those poor victims.
one of them, someone special to you. someone special that you had lost because of your own carelessness, someone you had lost because you were being selfish, someone who you wished to cherish for a lifetime— though fate is mocking you unfortunately.
and the pain, the inkling pain deep inside that you cant ignore, it’s annoying. it’s frustrating. it’s … sad.
it’s a pity to see someone like you, a nice person who only wished to improve themselves and hope for a better future. yet it seems celestia didn’t approve.
your longtime partner, wriothesley, had been worried for you. ever since you met, you were always dozing off, not focusing, you looked uncomfortable yet he couldn’t pinpoint what was actually wrong.
it was starting to piss him off, really. the way you doze off when he talks to you, when you two spend time together and your too busy in your own little world to pay attention to him.
wriothesley had decided to sit you down, like what any partner would do when they encounter a misunderstanding or a mishap. communication is key after all.
he couldn’t ever forget the look on your face, the day where you looked at him with such pitiful eyes and regretful ones while he just stared back at you with a stern look.
he feels pity, wriothesley feels pity. someone like him shouldn’t, so what is this he feels?
“tell me what’s been bugging you for months, [name].” wriothesley takes a deep breath, then exhales as you sat there, fidgeting with your fingers. “i didnt get the chance to ask you back then, since it was your privacy after all, hm?” he spoke firmly, his voice laced with curiosity and the tone where he just wants to know the truth.
just tell him, it wouldn’t be so hard. he’s your partner after all, you have every right to tell him so. “[name], i’m doing this to help you. you’re someone extremely precious to me and i can’t help myself just seeing you look so lost.” wriothesley explains, sighing deeply as he waits for your response.
how would he react? he’s the all mighty scary wriothesley after all. he’s known to have less mercy and sympathy on others. why tell? you’ll just embarrass yourself, you thought to yourself.
but you couldn’t. you couldn’t keep a secret, especially towards him. if he was any other people, a stranger, you would’ve kept it till the end of your life. but he’s not just a stranger.
he’s your partner, your loved one, your everything. wriothesley is someone you can trust, someone you care for. is it really worth keeping a secret from him?
you took a deep breath, letting the air get past your nostrils. “i have.. committed alot of unforgettable things in the past, someone like you wouldn’t like. someone like you wouldn’t appreciate.” you confessed, looking down and avoiding your beloved’s longing stare.
wriothesley looks at you, tilting his head in confusion. you? doing things that he couldn’t possibly imagine? “ever since i’ve started to open up a new path to walk on, the guilt in my chest still pains me. it’s almost eating me whole.” you continue.
he smiles at you, not a happy smile, a faint sad smile. he’s quite joyful about how you were guilty, and not like any other person who wouldnt even feel the slightest bit of empathy to what they’ve done wrong in the past.
this is the [name] he fell inlove with. the honest, confident, firm, one. there was no denying that wriothesley was hopelessly inlove with you. and he finds it lovingly amusing.
“if you regret it, then it’s okay. you don’t have to be in debt of a thing you regret on doing. if you truly feel guilt, then it just means your improving and want to be a better person my love.” he smiles, standing up and walking over to your seat, crouching before you as you were forced to look at him.
wriothesley holds your chin, going up to caress your cheeks coated with a red flush. “it may be your fault or not, but there will always be a way to fight back the sins of the past. you can get through it, i know you can.”
“your the strong and confident lady i love after all, hm?” he says with a grin, which makes your already flustered enough face go even more red.
you smile tenderly as he continues to caress your cheek, you leaned into his touch as you hear him chuckle lowly. wriothesley stands up straight, his hand now on your head as he ruffles your soft and silky hair.
wriothesley smirks, a teasing one. which means he’s probably going to say something just to tease you and to lighten up the mood a bit. “besides, i’m the only one who’s allowed to eat you whole, princess.”
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made by @seaadc and @seaadc only !!
laughinf bc i made this at exactly 1am LMFAOO (i’m mentally unstable)
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iaeriy · 4 months
Issues • ferran torres x male reader
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summary: vacation planning is never wrong, not unless there’s somebody along with you.
word count; 4.81k!
warnings; m!reader, slight angst, drunk m! reader, smut! spanish translated sentences, praise kink, insecured reader! if this is somewhat ‘uncomfortable’ then gtfo my page.
a/n; hihi! This isnt proofread..i just finished this and its midnight ummmm,,,idkk how i did so far but pls anything disrespectful just gtfo my page like i have on the warnings. hope y’all enjoy reading this! 🎀
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Chaotic. That’s how it was already going for no reason. Arguments and insults thrown across the room, one because they didn’t want to go along, or two because of how you had to come along. Not even putting your headphones on would help and make it less annoying. The team had agreed on a vacation from what xavi had said, “a break was needed” apparently..but now here you were involved for some reason.
“Hostia! Quién le dijo a el que viniera ademas!? El se pudia quedar aqui!” (Fuck! Who told him that he had to come along!? He could’ve stayed here!) you heard joão talking about you before you took your headphones off.
“Tu ni digas tus pinches puterias, puro pendejo te pones. Además, cállate actuándote como niño pequeño.” (Dont you date say fucking nonsense, acting all dumb. Besides shut up, acting like a little kid.) You spat out before going on your phone, joão gave you a disgusted look and with the corner of your eye you stuck the middle finger out. João was about to get up before ferran held him.
“just let him be, you started this so why don’t you just leave for now, it was already final. we’re all going and he’s coming along for a reason.” ferran said as you turned around looking at him, you admired everything about him. Especially his eyes. You were watching him as joão was somewhat trying to calm down. “Well then, i’ll go. It’s late and we leave tomorrow. Xavi said to be there early to the training site so from there on we go to the airport he said.” joão said grabbing his stuff before walking to the door, leaving the house.
You got up before ferran sneaked behind you his fingers wrapping around your waist as you turned around, “what? Do i have to argue with you as well??” You said before he shook his head, “not at all, quit having the attitude too.” He said, you rolled your eyes. “i wasn’t but okay.” you said before walking away, ferran followed you to the bedroom. your steps to the room were quiet, you were trying to hold a particular side of yours in, a side that made you go ballistic over ferran. You were currently fixing the bed to go to sleep before a pair of arms wrapped around you, “go away..” you murmured, putting the pillow on his side. “woah there.” he said as you turned around, "que?" (what?) you said before he held your cheek, you looked around trying to avoid his look.
“ahora me ignoras?” (now you ignore me?) he said scoffing before a giggle slipped out of your mouth, “no..te lo juro que n-no! ay que haces!” (no..i swear i’m not..ugh what are you doing!) he said picking you up placing you on the bed, your head resting against the pillow. you looked up at him, your cheeks warming up as his hands were placed next to your head, “algo que debería haber hecho hace un tiempo para mantenerte callado.” (something i should’ve done awhile ago to keep you quiet.) he says as your brows furrowed, “que-“ you said before he shut you up with his lips, you melted in kissing back. his hands tangling in your hair, a small grunt coming out of your mouth, he continued to kiss you. You felt him lowering down to you, feeling his bulge on yours. Your hands wrapping around his neck, his kiss going from your lips to your neck. “that isn’t going to h..help..” you panted out before tapping on his shoulder.
He pulled himself up as you blushed heavily, “let’s just get ready to sleep..we have a long day tomorrow right? besides you complain a lot for sleep cariño.” you said sitting up before getting up, he scoffed knowing his plan didn’t work out well. “whats wrong? upset your plan didn’t workout?” you said smirking to yourself without him looking, “how did you-“ he said as you looked at him, “i’m not this dumb, such things like this happens when you’re upset..” you said before taking your hoodie and shirt off at the same time changing into a white shirt and a pair of grey sweats.
You walked back to the bedroom and found him on the bed without his shirt, you gulped trying to avoid the look. Now you were thinking..thinking stuff you honestly promised to yourself you wouldn’t.. You walked over to your spot laying down under the covers, your back facing ferran. His hand slowly creeping up on your shoulder attempting to turn you around “no..please..” you said before he turned you around, you groaned loudly, looking at him. “what! i don’t want to look at you right now!” you said covering your face, “come on it won’t even be that bad, as long as we make it seem like we’re not a thing yet then we’ll be fine. we’ll wake up early in the morning and hopefully pack then we’ll be leaving..” he said as you looked at him, “fine..that stupid argument was so unnecessary tho..” you said before he placed his finger on your lip, “i know it did, it was annoying either way.” he said you whined before turning around, your back facing him.
“Let’s just sleep amor, you’ll feel better. I promise.”
you nodded against the pillows as he chuckled kissing your cheek before he turned the lamp off, the two of you dozing off.
Approximately the next morning..
The sound of ferrans alarm blaring through the room waking you up before you rubbed your eyes, ferrans arm was on your chest. You nudged him off, before reaching over to his nighstand turning the alarm off, “hey..wake up..” you said shaking him slightly, he groaned turning around. You huffed out shaking him harshly this time, “get up! we’re going to be late..” you said before he turned back around looking at you half awake, “mi niño hermoso..” (my cute boy..) he said cupping your cheek, you blushed heavily before he pulled you in, kissing you. you kissed back cupping his cheeks, “ya..no mas..vamonos que tenemos que apurarnos..” (stop..no more..let’s go we have to hurry..) you said getting off the bed, he sat up frowning. “should’ve just stayed home..” he said as you scoffed, “now is not the time..” you said before he got up himself starting to help you pack.
you were already done packing, you felt him behind you as he pressed himself against your ass. you stopped your movements in shocked, this early and he was already in..the mood.. “ferran..it’s early to be like this..” you sighed out before turning around, he shook his head. “no it’s not..” he said, you rolled your eyes. “of course, because you’re the one pleasuring me.” you said before walking off, “attitude again?” he said before you put your hoodie on and shoes, “yes. matter fact, deal with it.” You said before walking out, he pinned you against the door. You looked up, not afraid before you tilted your head. “sex isn’t going to fix this situation by the way.” you said before he grabbed your jaw, you looked up at him. “and your attitude isn’t fixing this since last night, so i..” he said smacking your ass, you whined. “—i’d shut up or we’ll continue doing this. mr cocky.” he said before he let you go.
you rolled your eyes before walking out, “you’re one to talk..” you said before closing the luggage, “now let’s go. i’m driving.” you said as he smirked at your attitude, “sureeee..” he said as you two walked downstairs, you went into the garage before opening it as you unlocked the car, opening the trunk you placed the luggage inside. you felt the pair of arms around your waist again, you turned around looking up at ferran. “don’t..” you said before he placed a finger on your lip, “from now on, you speak and it wont look pretty. understood?” he said as you gulped, “..m-mhm..” you said before he slapped your ass, you bit your lip before getting inside the passenger seat. He got in the driver seat before turning the car on as he opened the garage, driving to the training site.
you were on your phone, you felt ferrans hands tracing near your thigh. your eyes shooting down to his hand, you gulped. “q..que haces?” (what are you doing?) you said his hand squeezing your thigh, “nada..” (nothing..) he said, you looked at him beofre looking back down at your phone, suddenly his palm cupped your crotch. you yelped before smacking his hand off, “i-is this because of my attitude!?” you said, he shrugged as you scoffed. “don’t fucking scoff at me and answer!” you said before he squeezed your bulge again, you bit down on your bottom lip holding in your moan. “..and you don’t give me attitude, it’s not that hard amor.” he said, you nodded before he rubbed his thumb around your crotch before you moved his hand away, turning around. “idiot..” you murmured quietly before going back on your phone.
he parked the car before you unbuckled your seatbelt, he looked at you. “you’re seriously not mad?” he said as you shook your head, “no..you tease too much.” you said, he chuckled kissing your cheek, you blushed before you held onto his index finger. “remember not to-“ you said before his finger was placed on your lip, “not to argue with them because they’ll make you involved, yes i understand..” he said, you smiled nodding your head before he kissed your cheek. “let’s go then.” he said before you two got out the car walking inside the site.
after being on the bus and now on the plane..
you sat next to the window laying down on the small bed, ferran was asleep, although his hand was resting on your thigh..you looked at him while he was sleeping. right across from you and ferran was pedri and joão, you and joão were back on good terms..i guess..ferran slightly moved around looking at you half awake, you looked down at him. “hey..” he murmured sleepily, you felt the pool of butterflies flow through your stomach, the voice making you blush heavily. “hey sleepy head..” you said, he chuckled holding your hand. “you’re so handsome..” he said, you smiled as you interlocked your pinkie with his. you two making eye contact for the longest bit of time, although you felt a glance you didn’t care.
you smiled before joão started talking, “you two never stop with this bullshit..” you almost spoke before ferran sat up covering your mouth, “be quiet, you always want to start something joão, i think your time should be done..why not talk with fermin too..” he said, your mouth still covered trying to move his hand away but he tightened his grip around your mouth. you smacked his hand before he slapped your thigh without joão seeing, you blushed again before joão scoffed turning around talking to fermin. “seriously!” you whispered yelled before he nodded his head, “yes, i think the attitude is mostly enough for today, especially since yesterday.” he said, you rolled your eyes slapping his arm. “you idiot..” you murmured, he chuckled spanking your ass as you were turning around. you slightly moaned, he chuckled.
you looked at him laying on your stomach, “what are we going to do when we get to the hotel..” you said as he shrugged, “don’t know yet hermoso..” he said before he covered your lower body with the blanket, before he began to squeeze and play with your ass. “s-seriously!?..” you whisper yelled before he began squeezing your bum, you rolled your eyes attempting not to moan. “y-you do this the wrong moment..” you murmured as he said “nuh uh”, you tried to move his hand off but earned a smack on your ass. you sat up before slapping his hand, “that’s enough. besides we land in 30 minutes..” you said before turning to face the window, trying to fall asleep.
“now you’re ignoring me..?”
“no, cállate mejor.”
“en serio? me vas a dar tu actitud?” (seriously? you’re going to give me your attitude?)
you ignored him falling back asleep for the last 30 minutes of the flight, suddenly a harsh squeeze went to your ass. you whimpered into your pillow as he chuckled, “dumbass.”
30 minutes later..
after a small turbulance and a 30 minute nap, you woke up to ferran whispering in your ear, “wake up..” and tapping on your shoulder, you woke up. “did we land..?” you said sleepily, he nodded kissing your cheek. you sat up rubbing your eyes before standing up, ferran on the other hand was grabbing both yours and his luggages. you put your shoes back on. “did the nap help your attitude?” he said, “sorta..d-do y-you need help tho..” you said yawning slightly as he chuckled, “no, not unless you want to-“ he said, you nodded your head before you held his luggage, “they’re not heavy, they’re both the same weight baby..” you said before he kissed your cheek.
It was morning, the team decided to fly to ibiza. surprisingly it was afternoon, about 4pm and the team already had plans..a fucking goddamn club.
after stepping out of the plane and getting on the bus, you took the seat next to the window as ferran sat next to you, his hand resting on your thigh. “hey..” he said as you looked at him smiling, “hi..” you said before he chuckled, “what’s wrong?” he said before you shook your head, “nada..did you get everything loaded in..” he said as you nodded, “what are we going to do after this?” you said, he chuckled. “remember..they want to go to the club so half of us are going..do you want to go..” he said, you looked at him nodding your head. “yea..alejandro made a deal about drinks.” you said looking down giggling, ferran scoffed. “okay well..not to much drinks tho..” he said, you nodded your head, “mhmm..” you said holding his hand on the top of his.
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After a long Shananiganz from the hotel to now at the club, you and alejandro were just talking with fermin. ferran was..well..busy you could say. You dont even remember what drink you were on, like your 5th? 6th? But that was since alejandro was paying. You were tipsy and all giggly, to the point fermin had to leave and get ferran on you. “i-i’m fine..! wh-why is he even getting..” you said confused before ferran appeared right behind alejandro, you scoffed whining loudly before drinking your drink. “come on let’s go.” He said as you shook your head, “no. i-i’m staying..i want..m..more..” you said before burping. ferran rolled his eyes, “no vamonos ya.” (no let’s go now.) he said grabbing your hand, you slapped his hand off. “stoppppp! you’re being dramatic..” you said before he slapped your thigh, “let’s go now. i’m not fucking playing around.” he said, you giggled shaking your head. “nooopeeee..” you said booping his nose.
you were giggling, in a mess technically. the alcohol was making your brain fuzzy, keeping you distracted from whatever. You rubbed your hands on your thighs slightly whimpering before ferran turned to alejandro, “cuantos?” (how many?) he said crossing his arms against his chest, alejandro shrugged. “cuantos tomo alejandro!” (how much did he take alejandro!) ferran slightly yelled, you gulped looking at him. “como seis o diez, no se y no me importa.” (like six or 10..i dont know and i dont care.) he said, your hand traced under ferrans shirt. “stopppp..being m…mad..” you said looking at him.
he grabbed your hand looking at you, “you think im joking?” he said, you giggled before he pulled you off your seat. “hey! you’re no funnn..!” you said before he whispered something to alejandro and fermin as he took you out the building. “that was not needed! ugh!” you said before he dragged you by the arm to the car, you were following him before he pinned you to the car hood, you gulped. “whatttt are you goinggg to dooo nowww..” you said giggling befofe he grabbed your cheeks in one, “shut you up.” he said as you furrowed your brows, “huh? h-hey! mmngh..” you said as he kissed you deeply, you kissed back holding onto his shoulders, his hand squeezing your bum slightly. you grunted into his mouth before you slipped your tongue into his mouth, the taste of the alcohol spreading through his mouth as you giggled.
he picked you up as you blushed heavily, “p-put me d..downnn!” you said, his bulge slightly rubbing against your ass. you slighty moaned into his mouth before you pulled away from the kiss, breathing heavily and wiping your lips. “you done giving me your attitude?” he said as you nodded giggling, “maybeeeee..!” you said wiggling out of his grip before walking over to your side of the seat, sitting down on the passenger side as ferran sat on the driver side, starting the car before he drove to the hotel. your hand sneaking through his bulge, you bit down on your lip rubbing your hand over it. he groaned before glancing at you, “en serio?” (seriously?) he said as you giggled, “youuu started..th..this..” you said midway giggling before you burped on accident from the alcohol, “you’re just a cute little thing when you’re tipsy aren’t you..” he said, you giggled drawing lines around his bulge, and boy. It was aching through his boxers, things he wanted to do to you right now but you guys were even halfway near the hotel.
“parale.” (stop.) he said as you shook your head still moving your finger, your hand nearly about to slide into his pants before he slapped your hand off. “how about now, just wait til we get to the room.” he said glancing at you, you blushed heavily. “this is your f-fault by the way! i-i was only doing my business and y-you got mad!” you said before he slapped your thigh, “more quiet less talking, yeah?” he said as you rolled your eyes, “fuck you..” you murmured before he looked over at you, “oh i definitely will and enjoy it.” he mumbled before you looked out the window, hands crossed against your chest. You were quiet, matter fact the drive was quiet.
he parked the car now infront of the hotel, you looked at him without him noticing before you got out the car, slightly wobbling you held onto the car before he grabbed your hand, yanking you around. “o-ow! th..that hurts!” you said before he shook his head, “this is what you get.” he said before you two were now in the halls near the room, you gulped before whining. “l-let go of m..me..” you said before he opened the door, he pushed you inside as you yelped. the lights were fully off, it was dark. “i-i can’t see anything..” you whispered before the second he turned the lights on, he cupped your cheek kissing you. you kissed back, you cupped both his cheeks as you were pinned to the wall. you continued kissing him, before he tugged on your shirt pulling you closer, “not much talkative no more huh?” he said, you whined pushing him off. “i-i only wanted y-you!” you said before you tried walking away, he grabbed you picking you up. “put me down!” you said moving around before he placed you on the bed, you sat up on your elbows looking at him confusingly.
he took his shirt off as you watched the tee go over his head, you swallowed nervously. he chuckled watching your breathing slowly increase, he hovered above you. you looked down at his clothed member, it was already..big.. you were staring down to the point you couldn’t even hear ferran calling your name. he lifted your chin up, “look at me.” he said before you whined, he chuckled before he caressed your cheek softly with his thumb, “sit up.” he said before you didn’t hesitate to sit up, his hands crawling to the hem of your shirt before pulling it up to your chest, over to your head. you blushed heavily before he discarded your shirt somewhere in the room, “now we’re equal.” he said chuckling, you whined before he kissed you again shushing you, you whined again as his palm pressed down onto your bulge, you moaned into his mouth.
he chuckled still kissing you, before you unbuttoned his pants, leaving him fully naked, ferran kissed your neck before you looked away, he stopped before you sat up looking at him.
“what’s wrong?” he said sitting down, you looked at him and well..you were the only one still clothed. quickly you tried to cover your chest. that wave of feeling grossed out for who you were.
he tilted his head. “que paso?” (what happened?) he said as you shook your head. “n-nothing..” you said looking away not wanting to made any sort of contact with him, “talk to me..we can stop if you want-i-i’m sorry if i was being a bit aggressive..” he said before you shook your head, “i-it’s..n..not that..” you said playing with your finger.
“then what is it?” he said holding your other hand, you slighty smiled.
“just what if u think im too boring for sex.. i mean.. you probably changed..” you mumbled, he shook his head. “you’re not babe..we haven’t done it in awhile and it’s okay, i’ll make you feel good..” he whispered, you blushed heavily before he held your cheek, kissing you passionately. you kissed back still blushing before he laid you down, his hands slightly tugging onto your pants as the kiss was distracting you from what he was doing, he slowly unbuttoned your pants before he looked at you, you nodded before he pulled your bottoms down. you blushed heavily feeling much safer around him, before you felt his hand slightly palm you. you moaned into his mouth, your hand on his shoulder. “see..nothing to be afraid of..you’re already doing well..” he whispered in your ear, kissing your cheek as he continued to stroke you slowly, your cheeks all red from the encouragement. his hand still moving up and down slowly.
the two of you still kissing, your moans being drowned into your boyfriends mouth before he pulled his hand away. “w-why’d you stop..” you said sitting up on your elbows again, he chuckled pecking your forehead, “just..getting you started..” he said, your cheeks heating up again. “lay on your stomach..” he whispered before you nodded your head, laying down on your stomach, close enough to being on your fours. you gulped before he spat down onto his cock, he slightly stroked himself groaning quietly before pushing his tip in. you gaspy moaned, slightly leaning your head back as his free hand held onto your abdomen, “shhh..” he said in your ear before pushing himself in all the way. you moaned at the way his length filled you up just..perfectly.
he began to slowly pound into you, you were already moaning since it had been awhile since the last sex, he continued moving his hips in and out of your hole, “like i said..doing so well pretty..” he groaned out in your ear, his cock thrusting slowly and steadily into you, your head was slightly resting against his shoulder as small uh uh uhs came out of your mouth, he placed small kisses on your shoulder before his free hand poked your thigh, you giggled between your moans. “tell me if i-it..feels good.” he said in between his groans, before he went back to stroking your cock again, you whiny moaned before you nodded your head quickly, unable to answer from the constant uncontrollable moans slipping out due to a long hiatus of well..no sex.
he continued slowly pounding into you before pacing up, you grunted at each thrust feeling his pelvis bone smack against your ass hardly but not as hard against you, your head falling forward. you constantly moaned out feeling his hand rub against you, his kisses went to your neck slightly sucking on your skin leaving a few marks behind. the slow but hard pace making you already see stars, you could feel him everywhere. it felt so good, so good you couldn’t even explain the deliciousness in your body. he continued thrusting deeply into you groaning through your ear, you bit down on your lip.
the deeper he was burried, the way your eyes would slightly roll your eyes at the pleasure. your ass slightly bouncing with how hard he was thrusting. the small sounds of the bed creaking and the sounds of your moans and ferrans groans echoing through the room, hopefully no complains in the morning.
“c-can you move faster?” you said before he nodded his head, “of course pretty..” he said as his thumb rubbed over the tip of your cock, you cried out a moan before he pounded quicker into you. you nearly moaned loudly, holding onto the sheets as ferrans fingertips caressed your waist, “shh..shh.. it’s okay..” he said softly into your ear, you turned around looking at him from your shoulder before he kissed you again, you kissed back with hicuppy moans, his hand matching the same exact pace as in how he was fucking you, you blushed heavily at the moment happening right now. “doing so well baby..how does it feel? hmm?” he said pulling away from the kiss, you were fucked out. unable to think as you mumbled, ‘s-so gooooodddd..’ he chuckled at your state of expression, his hand kneading your ass as you whined. “n-not there!” you said in between your moans.
he continued ramming his hips back and forth with a pattern of the pace, you were in your own world enjoying the tingling feeling, he pulled out as you gulped sitting up wobbly, “w-why’d you..” you said panting before he laid down, “come here..” he said before you looked at him, crawling over to him sitting over the tip of his cock, as you felt him stretch you out yet again.. differently. you let out a hiccupy whimper before he tilted his head, “fuuuck..much better like that..” he said as you began to roll your hips back and forth, his hand slowly going in contact with your member, the new position making your brain feel mushy and wussy, “like it so far?” he said as you nodded your head, your hands placed on his chest.
“i-it feels s-so go-ood!” you said before you rolled your hips faster, your bulge pumping in and out of his palm, he chuckled before you felt him twitch underneath you, he held your waist tightly before thrusting above you. you whiny moaned, feeling his cock hit against your sweet spot, making your eyes roll back. you scratched his chest, as he continued pounding into you. “did so well..think you can do well one last time?” he groaned out as you moaned in response, you leaned closely kissing him before he kissed you back, with him thrusting into you and the kiss, he released himself with a low moan. his spirts of cum warming you up before you released yourself on his chest, half of your cum landing on your chest before you felt on him.
you breathed heavily burrying your face into the crook of his neck, “you did well pretty..wake up..” he said as you shook your head, “t..tired..” you said before slightly sitting up, you were still ontop of him before slightly getting off, you squeezed your leg shut so nothing would leak out of you, he chuckled before you laid next to him. you were fighting off the sleep before he got up, he came back with a towel cleaning you off then himself. you rolled back under the covers before he wrapped his arm around you, “still tipsy?” he said as you shook your head, “no..i’m okay now..probably a headache in the morning..” you mumbled sleepily, “cutie..” he said intertwining his pinkie with yours, breaking the silence. “you know..i don’t care about what you think right..at the end of the day i love you and nothing will seperate us..” he said as you smiled, “mhm..” you said. he smiled before kissing your cheek,
“i love you.”
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ganondoodle · 25 days
I just wanna say firstly that i adore your artwork and takes6on Zelda in general! Secondly, much as I wish you never had to deal with the frustrations of creating (especially when you tack on the stress of being on any kind of social platform), I'm glad you talk about your struggle. I've heard people talk about art block every day since I learned what Art was, but nobody ever mentioned "painting oneself into a corner". It's such an apt description that is so infuriatingly relatable that I had to stop eating to thank you for putting it into words. I really appreciate that you're willing to talk about your setbacks in a place like Tumblr, and still share your arts and thoughts. All the best from US of hellscape A, i hope you're doing well.
Thank you!
i used to call it artblock as well, its the most normalized term i guess; i randomly started calling it painting myself into a corner when i got stuck or frustrated on a painting bc welll, it sure feels like it, you painted the walls all around you and dont know how to get out now
it usually happens when i stop having fun and just draw what i want and instead keep subconsciously forcing myself into arbitrary rules; in my case its usually trying to be too perfect, i try to adhere to the sketch, i try to make every block of color have a perfectly clean edge, separate the drawing into way too many layers and am afraid to delete or erase anything, i tense up my whole body as frustration builds bc of impatience as this method of painting does not work for me at all and in the end lose motivation on it all and my nerves are stretched thin (i work best when i think as little as possible, just kinda loosely letting my hand do what it wants on few layers and no specific plan, after losing that its hard to get it back)
having those low moments with your art is normal as your skill grows, but even knowing so, and having gone through it countless times, it never stops making you feel like shit, and its especially frustrating when it happens when you just got enough time to work on stuff or have alot of ideas but you cant get it to work
(and funnily enough it also tends to happen after another work of mine got more attention than i thought .. even worse when it was just a sketch bc now i got the pressure on me to actually finish it and the fear of it doing worse once done looms over the whole thing- which doesnt mean i dont want people to interact with my wips, bc that also has an extremely demotivating factor to it bc it makes me think no one cares or it sucks and doesnt deserve the time i would need to spend on finishing it; also .. alot of my wips stay wips forever, which is fine, but like .. you cant always expect a finished tm version to happen)
i do find it a little funny you praise me for talking openly about it bc i am notoriously unable to shut up ever and only recently got better at NOT talking as much about it when i feel as shitty as this bc it doesnt really help anyone and gets annoying really fast xD (im also notoriously unable to not post absolutely everything bc i got no one to show it to and otherwise it will just collect dust on my harddrive so i might as well throw it out there no matter how much i might hate it, someone else might still enjoy it anyway)
and greetings back from the -not really much less of a hellscape- that is germany o/
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kamikkyu · 9 months
little ghost rui au notes under cut!!
1. mizuki?
though rui and nene were never close, rui was friends with mizuki
but like. he was more distant with them? he didnt know how friendships worked and still kept distance between them, not telling her much
aaand then he graduated and never saw them again
aaaaaaand now hes dead and has no memory of anything
2. random stuff
- emu brings him snacks! he cant eat any of it
- nene tried talking to him and saying sorry for never being close with him but she ends up talking in the wrong direction and rui doesnt know shes trying to talk to him so shes basically talking to nothing
- rui can wipe away dust and chalk power and stuff. he draws little smiley faces on the chalkboard for emu tsukasa and nene to see when they come
3. wonderlands x showtime with no rui???
tsukasa caught nene singing to herself while cleaning the classroom after everyone left and he complimented her and hung out with her even though she thought he was annoying but eventually she warmed up to him and yeah
tsukasas the reason shes regaining her confidence
they arent really performing though theyre working alot slower
1. mizuki?
though rui and nene were never close, rui was friends with mizuki
but like. he was more distant with them? he didnt know how friendships worked and still kept distance between them, not telling her much
he felt like an alien
1. mizuki?
though rui and nene were never close, rui was friends with mizuki
were we?
i dont know.
i dont remember anything.
nothing feels familiar with the name.
nothing feels familiar
its alright
emu kun and the others are working to help me remember
itll be alright
and one day, ill be able to tell mom im ok
maybe shes worried about me
maybe she misses me
theyre taking a while
my friends, i mean.
emu kun, tsukasa kun and nene kun.
apparently nene kun was my neighbor.
i dont remember
ɹǝqɯǝɯǝɹ ʇuop ı
are you waiting, too?
yes, i understand. this school is rather boring, is it not?
you can leave.
why cant i?
my head hurts every time i try to.
it hurts less if i stay.
well, if youre also staying, lets play a game.
it seems itll be a while until they come.
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you go first!
ah, excuse the squiggly lines. my hands are rather shaky.
you can just use the chalk.
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clever move, clever move.
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there! i hope you can see it clear enough.
your turn!
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fufu, youre not going to win yet~
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ah— i suppose it ended in a draw...
well, that was fun, now, wasnt it?
you... have to go now?
...are you sure?
i wouldnt mind another game.
please? a tiebreaker round?
no, please, just a little more time with me
ill listen to your problems
ill keep you company
im good company, i promise
just stay a while longer
just stay until emu kun gets here
i cant be alone
4. rui hates being alone
like. hes desperate for company LMAO
well mostly emus company
because she actually talks to him and can see him
company when ppl ignore you isnt really company now is it
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yourbpdgf · 2 years
hello!! i love ur work ^^ can i request hcs of muichiro being protective of his s/o? thank u and have a great day <33
hii and thank you <3 im really happy you like my work! i made muichiro sound a bit yandere-ish, but i hope you enjoy this despite that. you have a great day as well :D! kinda ooc mui..
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protective dog privilege
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• muichiro is actually surprisingly protective and a little jealous.
• we all know muichiros forgetful, but if your his s/o he vividly remembers everything about you let me dream alr.
• since your one of the only people he can actually remember alot about your very veryyy important to him.
• and to see his favorite, most important person be around someone thats not him? irritating, hes gonna have to change that.
• so when he sees giyuu try to talk and hang out with you more often? it annoyed his soul.
• he starts to hang around you more often even more so than usual so when giyuu walks up to you he shuts him down.
• giyuu will walk up to you like, "oh hello y/n i-"
• and muichiro will just be passive agressive asl like, "hello to you tomioka, its not too polite to completely ignore my presence now is it? i didnt know you were on first name basis with y/n either. she still calls you tomioka."
• you just stand behind mui, covering your laugh.
• tomioka gets red faced and speed walks away ☠️.
• muichiro looks pretty proud of himself ngl before he returns to his normal face.
• this actually isnt even the first time this happened.
• multiple people of lower rank than him, who would never be able to protect you like he can, may he add try to get a date with you all the time.
• muichiro knows youre an attractive person dont even try to argue ur fine asl i take no criticism so he expects people to ask you out. it doesnt make it any less annoying though.
• he usually rejects them for you and you let him because its entertaining. when you have to do it youre pretty nice about it though so people try to find you when your not with mui.
• overall being the most important person in muichiros life is entertaining. he loves you and you love him, he wont let anyone get in the way of your love <3.
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toonztown · 2 months
Mafia husband! x (GN) reader Part 2
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It has been about 3 days since you've moved into the mansion, your 'fiancé' is constantly busy with work so to your delight you hardly see him. You still couldn't believe it just a few days ago you were a normal high schooler, average grades but now your staying in a house you couldn't afford in your lifetime to be married off to a member of the mafia.
You sat up in bed, you spend most of your days in your room, sleeping the day a away, hoping that this is all just a bad dream; only to find yourself disappointed every time you wake up.
just before you were about to go back to sleep, there was a soft knock at the door. "excuse me mr capone has requested you come down for breakfast at once." the voice on the other side said. you made an audible groan and you make your way out of bed, the last thing you wanted was food much less breakfast with Mr. capone. You knew denying would be a- foolish decision, he could kill you in a heart beat. You open the closet and are stunned by the amount of expensive clothing, not a single one of them looked worn, could it be? he bought them for you? You felt your heart warm ever so slightly at the thought, you shook your head. You pick out something that you liked and changed into it, not bothering to fix your hair, maybe if he finds you unappealing to the eyes he'll let you go? its a small chance but it gave you hope. now here you were, seated at a large table full of various foods you've never tried before and across from you was the man who brought you to this hell, Mr capone. Maybe this is a good time to question him when the time was right? you picked up your glass of wine, you didn't take a sip just stare at it then back at him. You gather the courage to finally ask him "so why me." you asked, your cold gaze fixed on him. your question seemed to catch him off guard for a moment, he tilted his head in confusion with a sly grin. "i have no idea what you mean dearest." he replied, downing a glass of wine, his voice had a hint of playfulness, he was totally taunting you.
now he was playing dumb? who does he think he is. You clench your fist into a ball before slamming it down on the table "dont act dumb! why did you chose me! why did you bring me here instead of just killing me! why do you want to marry me?!" through all your questioning and ranting he just stared at you silently, tapping his fingers on the table. He was going annoyed, maybe going on a rampage was not a good idea. once your anger died down you were filled with deep regret- ohh why did you do something so stupid, you sat back down. You grabbed the bottle of wine and drank it, if your going to die, might as well die intoxicated. Mr capone got up from his seat across the table and made his way over to you.
your cheek was met with a harsh slap that would have your face stinging for a while, he grabbed you by the hair and yanked your head back forcing your eyes to meet. Oh he was pissed.
"let us get one thing straight you little bitch. Firstly i didn't 'chose you' your father just didn't have the ability to have more attractive offspring, second if i wanted to kill you i would have."
his grip on your hair tightened. He then slammed your head onto the table, you could feel blood drip down your nose from the impact, you struggle to get away but this only made him do it again but harder.
" Finally, marriage is the ultimate way to have claim over you. this isn't some dumb little fairy tale where i 'fall in love with the innocent damsel.' your my slave, im the master. If you EVER, have that attitude with me again, i will send you home to your old man in a fucking body bag you worthless whore."
His words and the buzzing pain in your head made it hard to do anything but nod, he threw you to the floor and gave you a beating that you would never forget. you dont remember what happened next or how you got to bed. When you woke up, you found that your wounds were treated and a bouquet of expensive looking flowers on your bed accompanied by a note. you did not have to open it to know who it was from, i guess this was Mr capone's twisted way of apologizing after injuring you to the point of you having to passing out.
inside the note was the basic im sorry, please forgive me, i do it cause i love you and how he promises to never lay a hand on your ever again, you scoff at the thought, that was a obvious lie, did he think you were that stupid?
you crumpled the note and toss it across the room not caring where it landed, your head still hurt from how hard he grabbed your hair. If he was willing to beat you that badly for just questioning him, you fear what he will do if you try to escape. you lay back down in bed, silently cursing your dad and his stupid gambling addiction, if it wasn't for him you would be in school right now, even the worst of your bullies were better than being stuck with him. you turned and faced the wall, holding your now bruise ridden body. Pulling the covers over your eyes you drift off to sleep, dreaming of being back home with your parents, even your dad. ignoring the fact that you were to be wed, in just 5 days.
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thychesters · 7 months
Re, your post about sanji v absalom, i hope you dont mind a little rant, because I have a lot of feelings about this. Basically, post-timeskip sanji has become a huge frustration for me because it felt like his perviness has been dialed up by 1000 at the expense of not only the rest of his personality for the most part, but also in instances like this where someone he allegedly cares about has been violated and yet instead of really helping, he just makes the situation more unpalatable???? The fight with absalom became all about sanji and how pissed he was about absalom trying to marry Nami and that he has the invisible devil fruit, not about Nami and everything the asshole has been putting nami through. When we first met Sanji, he was still a perv, but it wasnt his like whole personality the way its become these days. It's just really disappointing, because I loved him when we first meet him and the perv stuff was annoying but i could at least roll my eyes and move on because its a stupid trope but at least it wasnt as bad as some manga Ive read, but now it's so much WORSE than most of the manga I've read and I dont like him much at all because of all this shit. He gets a little better in later arcs post-thriller bark, but it's unlikely I'll ever like him like I did before, and that makes me so sad.
one of my friends said he gets worse and and i'm just. beyond so disappointed about that. him being a little pervy was a quick gag in the beginning that was easy to roll your eyes at, if you addressed it all, because you knew there was never any intent behind it. he might faun over nami and robin, but again, they know there's no ill intent behind it. but hearing the perviness becomes his personaility is so disheartening. i want a sanji who cares about his friends and crew, not one who's overtly lecherous.
the fight with absalom really turned into being about him and his feelings when it never should have been that at all. his only feelings should have been anger -- anger over nami and what had been to her and what she'd been through.
frankly i'm really surprised and disappointed no one actually expressed any anger over that? after hearing usopp tell them nami had been spied on and attacked in the bath. (i get it's an action story with a few emotional beats, but you can talk about and show murder but not have someone go "that wasn't okay" about what absalom did?) that also gets me about usopp -- i mean yeah, i might be thrown for a second if i open the door and my friend is completely nude, but that's immediately going to be overshadowed by the fact that she's yelling for help and clearly being restrained. usopp, you can ignore the fact her boobs are out. do something to help her. (having her bathe before they were supposed to leave is also weird writing because they 100% could have been separated some other way.)
the same thing is played off for laughs later on -- sanji bursts in flame and oh man, he's so silly! gonna go save nami!
and when he first showed up in the church and was pissed i was like yes!! yes!! be angry for her and what she was made to endure. be pissed that your friend was spied on, assaulted, drugged, and stripped and forced into this situation. and instead of being pissed on her behalf it feels mostly like it's on his own. when he said absalom stole his dream my heart dropped into my stomach because was it something like dumb to marry nami (which absalom was forcing her into against her will?) or something creepier like he saw her naked when he didn't?
(not to ignore the scene in alabasta where she flashed them, but she was more in control in that situation and was able to make a choice. she was in control of her body! [sidebar, but cobra peeking over the wall was also fuckin weird because his daughter was there. she was also clearly less comfortable with what was happening too.])
nami is his crew mate and more so than anything his friend. she's his friend.
i hope nami's angry after all of this. i hope she stays angry. i hope the crew, her friends, are angry too over her treatment, over what happened to her. at least i will be.
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innocent-cat · 1 year
hey whore, help fix my daddy issues by writing me headcannons of fatherly soldier 76 as readers(m) dad. (pls) i jst need smth sweet.
xx not kaikai
i have had no sleep. its 5am. i've written 2 works, and about to be 3 with this within the span of 17 hours. lord give me strength to make another work so i dont ruin my sleep schedule.
Father!Soldier 76 x Son!reader (Platonic)
Head canons
Warnings - None
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"My dad could beat your dad in a fight.", Father!76 x Son!reader
with lack of a better idea of how to explain reader, he was saved by overwatch and taken in when they realized he was orphaned.
To say jack thought you were annoying at first is an understatement.
"Why do I have to watch the kid? What the fuck do you mean I give you 'Dad' energy??"
Confused and annoyed
Being the scared and timid kid you were, you kinda just.. followed him around.
You'd follow him EVERYWHERE except missions. he had someone babysit you when he had to leave. (Anyone except the junkers. good on him)
Whenever someone turned a corner and spotted him, they always looked down and saw you, some fragile little boy, clinging to his leg.
Everyone thought it was hilarious and bugged him about it.
"Hello there mini 76, how are you today?"
You'd literally just look up at them while they bent down to your level to talk to you.
Awkwardly shuffling into Jack.
EVERYONE noticed how much less he swore after he started having to take care of you.
Jack has never once swore in front of you, but, he'll have slip ups and correct himself.
"What the hel-heck. heck. are you doing?"
Even funnier than how much you clung to him.
He used to get a funny face at first when he corrected himself, but now he just points towards you and everyone's just like "ohhh okay"
When he does paper work in his office, he sits you in a chair across his desk and you just. spin in it. for hours. or run around with his pens. He thinks you're really weird.
its okay though, hes accepted you as his own atp
doesn't mean he's not strict though.
hes lenient with you, but, you still complain about it to him
Walking around headquarters to catch up with everyone, he'll just ruffle your hair to show he still knows you're there
He feels super bad when he doesnt talk to you for an extended period of time
like. straight up feels like a bad person and like he was ignoring you, when in fact, he was in a meeting while you were being babysat by Ana or smth.
literally auntie Ana. babysits you all the time. Absolutely adores you.
"You're gonna grow up just as big and strong as your dad!"
She says this forgetting hes not actually your dad, but just kinda keeps it rolling hoping you let it slide
spoiler alert, you appreciate her saying that and youre happy for at LEAST two days about it
Jack was shocked when he got back from his meeting to you rambling about 'training' and 'being just like him'
Ana just smiled and left. out of there before the idea was tracked back to her
He just kind of. pats your head and says he will when you're old enough.
he knows damn well he doesnt want you to be a soldier
wouldnt be able to live with himself knowing you died on some battlefield because HE had trained you to
referencing the title, you are one HUNDRED percent the only kid who can actually say "My dad could beat your dad in a fight." and not get retorted because he obviously could and no kid was walking that down that road
he obviously would die for you before any danger even comes near you. but. yk.. he'll stay near you for as long as possible.
you sticking to him like glue literally made you the baby brother of all of overwatch after a while
"Oh my gosh there you are! I saw these, did you want them?"
A box of fucking dinosaurs.
you of course said yes.
babying and gift giving never stopped since
(but jack still got you new things whenever he thought you'd like them)
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cozyqueerchaos · 3 months
i just found your fics like, maybe a week or two ago (your blog today) and it’s truly a bizarre feeling to know that you’re going to leave the fandom for indefinite time in the future. i’m glad that you’re taking a break for your health, it’s no joke that sonic fandom can be toxic and piled with stupid discourses (i just got here and already wanted to have nothing to do with the fandom rip) but also hope that you wouldn’t find my incessant rambling in the comments annoying, i dont want to make it awkward or anything ;;. i appreciate your stuff lots!! they truly live up to your name, super cozy :D! so thank you for sharing a whopping amount of 81 fics to the fandom, thats an insane amount, we’re lucky to have you for real. i’d love to stick around because i think you’re a super cool person :3c please always have fun no matter what you’re doing!!
anon you're so real for that one,, i'm sorry the general atmosphere of the fanbase has driven u away from partaking, that really fuckin sucks :( i can't tell if it's gotten more or less toxic over the years? i'd hope less, but maybe i just finally started blocking the right people haha
and no you're not annoying at all!! it always makes me so, so happy to hear people's thoughts on my work, it's just a little bittersweet now :> if i didn't want comments i'd lock those comment sections, but i have no plans to do that so go nuts! ^_^
thank you for all the kind words, it's so sweet of you to go out of your way after just a couple weeks reading my stuff ;;_;; i'm glad you're still enjoying the fics and i hope you have a wonderful day!! <3
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fallensuguru · 2 years
[00:30] AM
bonten!haruchiyo sanzu x reader
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are you falling in love?
i have the feeling you are.
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"why are you here?" he doesn't even look in your direction. his attention focused on the smoke that was vanishing in the air. while his cigarette burned slowly in his fingers.
he was still, with his bloodied clothes on. his hair and face with blood, too.
"just checking on you… and I like your company, sanzu." as you get closer to him.
"why are you so fucking close to me like this? look what I did over there, l/n." he finally looks at you. His hand closed, throwing his cigarette end on the street below.
"and what? that was our mission, haru. if you didn't kill them, i would be dead right now." you shrugged. "i'm happy that you were there." you sent him a smile.
he stops looking at you and stares at his feet.
he was annoyed. his mind wouldn't stop thinking about what you were thinking there. it was clear that he enjoyed killing people, but he didn't want you to know that. especially because of the past few days that he was "sober".he couldn't use drugs as an excuse now.
but hey. why does he mind your opinion?
why he care so much about you and all of this suddenly?
before you could say anything, he spoke:
"just go y/n, i want to be alone". he lit another cigarette, leaning against the parapet wall.
you just laughed. it was the one thing you could do after hearing this nonsense shit.
"haru, you can say whatever you want." you walked, hugging him from behind. your arms entangled around his waist, while your head is on his back. "i will never leave you. you will have to kill me if you want that." you hold him tighter than before.
he doesn't even move. it was like he was glued to the ground.
you start to loosen your grasp. he touches you with his right hand, tracing random patterns with his finger on your hand. his hands were cold like ice. but you couldn't care less. he was finally paying attention to you.
both of you stay like this for a while. sanzu was on his fifth cigarette, and his mind was constantly telling him to pull away.
but he doesn't do that.
you release your arms, and he lets you go. you go by his side and extend your hand to him. he looks at your hand and then at your face.
"let's go!" you could see that he was avoiding this, but he finally took your hand.
you were walking slowly to the exit from the roof, sanzu behind you, still smoking. you turned your head aside.
"i'm never going to leave you. i promise you, haru. we are bound to be partners until the end." a little tint of red could be seen on your face.
sanzu swears his heart will get out of his chest. he stops in his tracks while his cigarette falls from his hand after hearing you.
"are you ok, haru?" you turn to him, worried.
a big smile appears on his face.
then he finally realized why you were becoming so important to him.
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im finally back, hope i dont go missing again
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cyberdragoninfinity · 6 months
🔥🔥 i need your opinion on the duel links meta rn. or like. idk, a card you think is ugly that everyone else loves or vice versa? (hope your day gets better!!)
THANK YOU we got raising cane's so all is well
ANYWAY god DL meta is kind of a shitshow right now (to be fair it is. very often a shitshow. it is very rarely not a shitshow. i have to be somewhat fond of this fact.) DL will usually have this thing happen like every other month where they give a character the most atrociously busted ass skill and well we just have to live with it as a facet of Duel Links Life, but i can't say it doesnt drive me a little insane. Lotta Yubel decks in the high ranks rn and I'd rather see them than that fucking atrocious BLS deck that was Tier 1 for like three godless months at least (though the Yubel decks' skill is also broken as shit and that's. frustrating 🥴 win for jaden and yubel fans tho)
I'm curious about Tenyis but I don't really have the time or energy to build a pretty UR/SR heavy deck at the moment... really rn I think my DL tier issue is just all the good decks right now don't interest me too much, which isn't a bad thing i'm just a little. not inclined to deckbuild at the moment. it's not even a really spicy opinion but DL's inclination towards rewarding Pay To Win decks, while expected, isnt any less annoying sometimes. imma keep it real with you chief: im not spending that much
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also god i would be remiss to not mention the Rush Duels. christ. i want to like them so bad. i want to enjoy and take part in the Rush Duel meta so bad. but oh my fucking god. "Rush" Duels. why dont they then. WHY DONT THEY. EVERY RUSH PVP DUEL TAKES 4000 YEARS GIRL GO!!! THERES ONLY LIKE 50 RUSH CARDS TO PICK FROM WHY ARE YOU STALLING!!!!! and then well konami shot Luke's dragons in the head so. there goes my main Rush deck lmfao. it was a bit of a messy release and im not super optimistic that they're going to get More Fun or Enjoyable but maybe. we can dream. the concept is fun and the sevens cast is delightful but trying to climb the Rush ranks sucks so bad dude.
also i wouldnt say shes ugly but i do not like her. i tend to not like Just Delicate Waifish Pretty Lady yugioh monsters but her especially
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leesalchemybook · 2 months
sometimes I remember how some individuals in the bts fanart community bullied me pretty intensely back on my bts twitter days.
(its been at least a few years now. I forget how long it's been) sometimes I still consider posting my screeenshot proofs of it and exposing them. but that was so long ago now, it's probably pointless. if they didn't stop, I was prepared to. but a friend I had at the time confronted them (after I told her not to) but it seemed to have helped and they and they didn't bother me after that. but I never got answers for why they were doing it
but it still pisses me off that they were "popular" and had a few thousand followers and everyone loved them and many other artists kissed their asses and tried to be part of their little popular clique (probably to feed off their popularity)
but for some reason when I was being genuine and wanted to be real friends and work on a collab for fun and was nothing but nice to everyone, I got bullied so bad that even other people in the collab pointed it out at first. i was blamed for it all even though it was obvious i did nothing wrong and they were the wrong ones. I even have screenshots to prove it. (I am missing some stuff, though, which is one reason I didn't post. I could have made them look so much worse if I managed to get everything haha but i didn't realize what was happening soon enough)
I was so confused. i'm STILL confused. was there a reason for the sudden bullying? or are they just nasty people that like to pick on small artists and get away with it because no one cares about me or will ever believe me? either way, I hope their art dreams never come true and they hurt their drawing hand many times.
some of the bts fanartists had such nasty attitudes and interacting with them made me wonder why people loved them so much. some artists acted so snobby, arrogant, and unfriendly.
some would whine and complain about wanting attention/friends/interactions but ignore me, act annoyed, not reciprocate. or tell me they don't want to talk, but then go right back to complaining they want friends and people to talk to a minute later. most wouldn't follow back if you weren't a big popular account or tell me they have ridiculous requirements I had to meet or they'd unfollow. but would always be begging for more mutuals.
some would post they're open to helping be a second pair of eyes to review your art, but only gave me destructive criticism and told me to "practice more so you can be as good as me" but they always ended up only being artists for 3-5 years vs my 20+ so they have nothing on me. I have practiced art longer than they've been alive!!!! but they still think they're superior and male it a competitive instead of actually being helpful like they claimed they wanted to be. I never got any real advice and they thought they had an attitude of being too good and perfect for me. sometimes I even got unsolicited destructive advice on art I was proud of and liked.
one annoying thing was many would whine about only getting a few thousand likes on their art and ask for more, or require me to interact with all their posts in order to be mutuals (I literally had one tell me they will be mutuals but if i dont interact with all their tweets daily they will unfollow) BUT THEY NEVER INTERACTED WITH A SINGLE ONE OF MY TWEETS. I had to give them all the attention, but they didn't give anything back in return at all. people like that are so gross and nasty, but they somehow tricked everyone into thinking they were so perfect and sweet and friendly.
and all these people didn't even have art that was that great. like it was kind of average imo, compared to other stuff i see. they started as smaller accounts that didn't have impressive art so I wanted to support them as they grew and got better. small artist solidarity. supporting newer artists who have 10-15 years less experience than me. but they all acted like such elitist snobs towards me.
and no matter how many times I post about it, no one ever confesses to experiencing the same treatment in the bts fanartist community!!!!! (or online art communities in general. i've never had any solidarity) makes me feel so shitty because I seem to be the only one that was treated horribly by other artists and bullied and unable to make many art friends/mutuals compared to the snobby shitheads that bullied me who somehow tricked everyone into loving them!! and all the people who supported them "the correct way" so they didn't get bullied and got to be added to the snobby elitist cliques.
still waiting for the day someone comes to me with stories of their own so I don't feel so alone 😅
to end this here's a reminder: art isnt a competition. we should all support each other and encourage each other and see each other as equals. share each other's art. boost each other up. work together. be friends. give constructive criticism only when asked, never destructive. don't act better than others. don't beg for attention and then refuse to give in return. a reblog/retweet/etc is very valuable even if you don't know how to share words. be kind and have fun!
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Hi....I saw your requests were open and I have one for Seong taehoon and SeongJun Baek (they are my fav characters)☺️
Jealous seongjoon and taehoon. If their s/o is getting attention from someone they admire and the guys are feeling jealous. How would they react and have their s/o turn their attention back on them.
I don't see a lot of work for SeongJun so if it's okay with you I'll be sending some in, if you are okay with that. Have a great day.
stealing their s/o's attention back from someone they admire
details: gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au, reader has been dating character for a while
a/n: hello and thank u for the request !! + i dont mind at all, i'd love to get more seongjun requests T_T i haven't written for viral hit as much as i'd like to so any requests are welcome~ also hope u have a great day too :]
side note; i assumed "someone they admire" meant someone the guys admire so i apologize if you meant someone the s/o admires 😭?
> most of the time he gets jealous rather easily, but other times he barely bats an eye unless he thinks, "actually. i'm jealous annoyed now" and goes to do something about it
> he's perfectly confident in himself, so his jealousy doesn't stem from insecurity. he just wants you to himself <3
> there's not many people he admires! maybe few adults in his life (his father included, even if he won't admit it) and some of his friends. he's not really the kind of guy who looks for role models so... ^_^;;
> to be honest his only "real threat" amongst the people he admires might be yeonwoo. he thinks the guy's a wimp but he can't deny the guy is good looking and, y'know. a decent, likable person. still, he knows, "my s/o could've had this goody two shoes but they chose me so i have nothing to worry about" but tinges of jealousy still come around
> his go-to is physical contact with you, even if it means inconveniencing you. yes, he will pull you in to sit in his lap, yes, he will hug you from behind. he is very loud about it all 💖
> if he can, he'll interrupt whatever's going on between you and the other person. just as a reminder that he's there, and that he's your boyfriend. also why bother talking to that person when you should be kissing him and--
> if he can't interrupt, he'll straight up change whatever's happening or at least talk to you so you look his way. and as a last minute resort, if needed? he will be very annoying by pulling you away from the situation lol
> he Might say sorry if you're particularly annoyed after his antics ★ will also deny any jealousy allegations, but rarely, admit it through gritted teeth if he "thinks you need to know" (whatever that means)
> he doesn't like people messing with what's his, period. either way, he knows his scary reputation and your love for him so he doesn't get jealous easily
> i can't put my finger on it but i feel like there's a speck of insecurity hidden somewhere in him. otherwise his jealousy doesn't come from a lack of self confidence, but rather you spending more time with someone instead of him
> ...i don't think seongjun admires anyone at all. except maybe hobin, but that was something he said during his death 😭
> well. just for this scenario let's pretend he does have someone he respects and sees on equal footing--because honestly if it's anyone less, he's even less likely to get jealous. why should he care for someone he views poorly? as if they'd have a chance with you anyway, right?
> the way he acts depends on the other person. he's not too keen on stealing your attention right away because he wants to respect how you choose to spend your time, and apparently it's hanging out with this person...
> he prefers to be subtle; staying close with you (usually wrapping an arm around your waist to show the ~intimacy~) and putting on passive aggressive smiles. may make comments with said passive aggressive tone if needed
> the second the person seems to show interest in you, seongjun amps up his attitude. just a little bit though, he doesn't want to lose his cool with you around ^_^
> doesn't readily admit his jealousy but if you prod at him enough, he'll say the truth. isn't too embarrassed by it either because jealousy is a normal feeling and he thinks he's not being dramatic whenever he gets jealous so <3
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