#and i have one for all my adulting info i need to memorize and adulting lists
astralcurses · 10 months
why do i smell coffee :standing emoji: its 2:30 am and theres no coffee anywhere NEAR my house girl what
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What is the most trouble you’ve ever been in?
when i was twelve, i spent one of my father's allotted weekends with him. he was paying for food and i was able to see the keychain on his keys.
for some fucking reason. for some unknowably insane and extremely stupid goddamn reason. he had a keychain of his debit card. it was just a tiny little version of his actual debit card with the numbers on it. i dont know why the credit card company thought this was a good idea.
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anyway i saw my dad's mini card on his keychain and in the span of the 90 seconds it took for him to pay for my Egg Platter kids meal, i memorized the number.
i frequented inuyashaworld.com and at the time they had debuted 'game bots' which were stolen fanart on little bots that could 'learn' from you.
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they were $5. i wanted a little sesshoumaru bot. i did not have $5. what i DID have was my dad's card number. in my brain. from six hours ago. i put in his info, and back then all you needed was the name and the card number.
my dad had slow as fuck internet so the page didn't load immediately. i clicked the 'submit' button like 3 to 5 times. it charged my dad 3-5 times. he had roughly 2 dollars in his account. he went negative and was charged an insufficient funds fee of $50. every time. this happened multiple times, until the page finally loaded and i stopped clicking.
when i was caught (almost immediately because his bank called to tell him he was negative by $300) i was told that i had to tell my mom what i did, and he would call her that night to make sure i did.
i was grounded from all computers for 2 months including going to the library, and i was no longer allowed to use the computer at my dads place at all, and i was only able to sneak using the gamecube at night in the dining room while everyone was asleep. my dad's girlfriend had already been treating me like a nuisance and now that i was a full on criminal i was a complete burden to her. i had to sleep on the tile floor in the kitchen because she told my dad i might steal from her house if i was allowed to sleep in a room on a bed. and he agreed with that. my pillow was a throw pillow from the couch and my blanket was the dogs blanket from the couch.
i had to keep the door open when i showered (which was "fine" because the glass was frosted) and when i went to the bathroom, i was timed. and i wasn't allowed to use the bathroom more than once an hour, even if i had been drinking a lot of water. one time i nearly peed myself, got in trouble for breaking the one hour rule, and got a new one hour rule stating i wasn't allowed to have more than one glass of water in an hour. even if it was spilled or otherwise compromised, as her shitheel grandkids often did by sprinkling dog hair and dirt into my cup.
on christmas eve that year i was forced to go to sleep (on the couch--luxury) at 9pm "with the kids", and forced to wake up at 6am. despite the hour, i was not allowed to open my present, singular, until i showered. which was only after the adults showered. then until everyone showered. then because one of the grandkids threw a tantrum it became until after lunch. then until everyone else opened theirs. my gift was a fluffy robe and a pair of socks, in this ugly ashy brown color. the reciept was in the box. it was purchased on december 22nd.
i tried dealing with it for another year before i just couldn't anymore and refused to go to my dads a few months after i turned 13. he didn't even question it, he just immediately accepted it.
the crime was stealing five dollars from my dad at age 12.
the punishment was no longer having a dad.
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kaiyobi · 17 days
i need u to tell me everything about mha, i know,,, nothing
it's a shonen jump battle-manga so there's lots of fights, powers, lore dumping, family drama, quite a few shonen tropes that are pretty tiring but not enough to take you out of it. it's long but it seems like it's not going to go past 450 chapters and most every arc will connect with each other pretty alright. The characters and their quirks aka superpowers are very attachable and all the villains that get some screentime aren't too bad with their bg's! There's lots of mysteries and questions to ask and answer while reading through and subsequent re-reads make for interesting connections. though, the power scaling and info can get kinda wordy? I expect it when reading shonen now but it's not so bad there
the art is to die for, I mean the author is incredibly talented and you can see his improvements for each chapter. posing, storytelling, facial expressions, the unique designs of characters and avoiding the 'same face syndrome' that a lot of authors have make it easier to remember who's who, everyone is very memorable and attractive to look at ; honestly I think every design in mha has their charms to them, even the ones you hate. a downside is that some of the female designs look a bit too adult and can be uncomfortable to look at for certain frames ( creati, toga, hagakure ) that make you say 'was that necessary???' the answer is 'no' but it's a total speedbump
some things are very frustrating when dealing with a few characters at first ( bakugo, mineta, endeavor, etc etc, some people even have an issue with deku ) but all of them have some depth to them at certain points that help you to understand their complexity. though, mineta is the stereotypical 'pervy schoolboy' and its super annoying but he does get better lmao a little bit.
It actually seems to be almost over. seems to be. this is shonen jump and if I know that magazine like I do then I know there will be maybe 4-10-ish chapters left until it's done. Or it could go the way of dragonballz and naruto-shippuden and have a sequel that runs another 400 chapters! Who knows, but I do know i've enjoyed myself reading and re-reading and watching the anime ( though I think watching anime nowadays is kind of a slog ) and I'm looking forward to seeing how this ends.
it's like, comic-books but make it manga. a lot of american comic references if you've read them like I have.
the main mc? adorable. painful. you want to root for him and have him figure things out and be successful, he's great, like I genuinely love him. deuteragonist? shigaraki? spectacular. interesting. brilliantly creepy and smart design when certain things are revealed. the main villain??? Oh my, dastardly is the only thing I can call him. he plays a role in everything. like the final villain of a story he's very memorable.
check it out if you have the time, give it a go, the first season of the anime is only 13 episodes but i'd recommend finding the manga and appreciating the art he gives cause it's so worth it. i didnt expect it but I did cry a few times when reading, especially for toya and eri's stories. and as with most fandoms, people tend to steer clear of it since. you know. it's more geared to teenagers, stick to me and i'll protect you
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 2 months
Hart and Hunter - Chapter 28 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Dane Hunter
With a sharp bark to Freya, I circle behind a clump of bushes and Shift.
She does the same, emerging with her long hair pulled over her shoulders.
We keep a good distance between us, clothing ourselves in shadow.
Growing up in a family of Wolves, nudity is no big deal but we're still more modest in human form.
"What the fuck?" she mutters under her breath, turning in a slow circle.
The two moons are directly opposite one another, so we can't look at one while simultaneously looking at the other.
"Come here."
I beckon to her.
"Stand next to me but face the other way."
She obeys, so we stand shoulder to shoulder, facing opposite directions.
"What do you see?"
"The fuckin' moon," she says.
"Me, too."
Bypassing the fact that this is impossible, she remarks.
"It was higher than before."
"It's an illusion."
She huffs a laugh.
"I sure as hell hope so. I ain't ready for an alien incursion or broken reality or whatever else it might be."
"If I'm right, this isn't much better."
"The Fae?"
I nod.
"Mom mentioned something like it once."
I scratch the back of my head, wishing Noah was here.
He'd paid much better attention to all the Wolf-Fae lore than I ever had and I'd trusted him to have my back with the info in the unlikely event something like this came up.
Unfortunately, he's far away, absorbed with writing the book he hopes will make him famous or as famous as professors of linguistics can get.
"It's called a 'Confusion,'" I say.
"It happens when Fae magic is used to bend the rules of our world. Stories of people who get lost and end up miles from where they thought they were or who feel as if they've been gone only minutes but were missing for hours or days? Those people probably walked into something like this."
"You think it's Halloran?" I shake my head.
"Maybe but if so, he's not working alone. This is seriously complex magic. Come on... we need to find Ingrid and Julian."
"Human or Wolf?" she asks, meaning which form we ought to take. I think for a moment.
"Human. If there are other Fae here, especially Rhiannon, we don't want to give them any excuse not to try diplomacy first."
She scoffs under her breath.
"Kinda late for that, isn't it? This is an act of war."
"No, it's not," I mutter, eyes scanning the shadows beneath the trees.
"The ritual's not completed yet. Until it is, anyone has the right to challenge my claim... the Fae included."
"Shit. We don't even know which direction we're going. Should we split up?"
I growl in frustration.
"No. That's the worst thing we can do. We need to stick together and stay quiet."
"What about Ingrid?" Freya's whisper sounds strangely loud and I realize it's because the rest of the forest is silent.
"She's a Wolf. She can handle herself."
"She's just a kid," Freya hisses.
"And she's never been in a situation like this."
"Neither have we," I point out.
My voice sounds strangely calm in my own ears but the adrenaline in my veins is like fire as fear for my sister and Julian threatens to eclipse the rational part of my brain.
"Come on. We know the steep side of the ridge faces south and if we know we're looking south, we know the rest. Just ignore what's in the sky and focus on landmarks. We've been over this area enough in the last few days to have it memorized."
"Yeah," she grumbles as she falls into step at my side, keeping a few arm's lengths between us.
"That's probably what everyone who gets stuck in one of these things says."
I grunt a reply, most of my attention on our surroundings.
She's right, and no matter how careful we are or how certain of our location, we can't completely trust our senses.
Which is why, despite a burning desire to find my Mate, I don't call out to him.
If I hear his voice, I know I won 't be able to stop myself from bolting off towards the sound, despite the probability I'd be heading in the wrong direction.
We walk in silence for several minutes but we hear no further sounds... of Ingrid, Julian or otherwise... and the eerie stillness begins to grate on my nerves.
Worse, it already feels like we've been walking too long without coming across the familiar landmarks that we should have seen by now.
I'm about to say as much, when Freya stops in her tracks, staring straight ahead.
I follow the direction of her gaze and stop short as well as a shape emerges from the shadows at the base of a tree.
I've never seen her before but I recognize Rhiannon easily enough.
Freya stiffens, ready to Shift and attack at my sign but Rhiannon steps forward with raised hands.
She stops a dozen paces from us and looks between us with wide, familiar amethyst eyes.
Her resemblance to Julian is striking.
"Rhiannon," I state.
"Is this your doing?"
Slowly, she shakes her head, keeping her eyes locked with mine.
She flinches at his name but again shakes her head.
"Who, then?"
She begins to gesture with her hands... quick, flowing motions as Julian described.
It's clearly a kind of sign language but I have no clue what it means.
"I'm sorry. I don't understand."
Becoming agitated, she repeats the gestures and begins to back away.
"I think she wants us to follow her," Freya says, staring at the other woman with an intent, curious look.
I glance back at Rhiannon, who nods eagerly and beckons.
"Could be a trap," Freya cautions.
I shake my head.
"Something tells me it's not."
"And if you're wrong?"
"Then we'll find out," I say, and follow the Fae into the trees.
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molluskmirage · 4 months
Expectations in learning a 2nd language
As someone who has learned (and is continuing to learn) a 2nd language as an adult I’d like to share my insight and experience.
My interest in learning a 2nd language has always been a factor in my life but there were never any resources for it so I didn’t have the opportunity till later. when I first initially tried I kept failing, textbooks never made any sense and I was frustrated with it and would quit, that is until I had an epiphany, I had already learned a language once! As a baby! And I did that purely by listening. With this framework in mind I started to breakdown expectations.
past childhood expectations on language learning is very harsh from both peers and yourself alike. You’re smart enough to know you’re smart enough so why is it so hard and take so long. People expect you to know a word after having it being explained and you saying it however thats not how language works. Language needs to map out its own pathing in your brain and that takes time rather then memorizing.
mimicry is when you repeat what another has said. While they my have coached you and you said the word expertly these words have very very little grounding in your brain. You are in essence a vocal mirror you can reflect what has been reflected but you do not retain that info in a manner that is reachable for many years.
learning language takes years. Now for everyone there will be some variety however its all generally the same. On a personal level you will hit the same landmarks as you did when you were a baby.
Me for instances I have a language disability were I wasnt really speaking till 3 yrs old. Keeping this in mind I knew that I could set my expectations there, in 3 yrs time I might be saying my first words and I was right!
The stages and expectations are as follows:
1st yr is strictly for listening. You do not need to ‘hold’ on to words but rather all you need to do is hear how the words and rhythms flow. Knowing when a sentence starts and stops, what is a word and the next word, the spacing and pacing and inflections are the goal! If you are achieving this you are on the right track and thats all you need!
2nd yr is when babbling and parroting come into play. Babbling is the early form that some may start in the latter half of yr 1. It is when you move your mouth around to fit in with the sounds you are hearing. Babbling is very crucial but often extremely embarrassing as an adult so often this is avoided or done in seclusion however this can stunt and prolong your language track. the stigma is very hard to beat however and this really bars how many are willing to go the distance in learning. After getting comfortable with making the sounds then we get to parroting which is different from mimicry because it comes from a frame of intention and active participation. In parroting an individual will repeat words they hear others say, again this can be a fragile practice as an adult because of feedback like ‘what are you doing? Stop copying me? That’s annoying.’ Again however a very critical part to participating and learning. By 2 yrs you may have learned your first actual words, I say ‘actual’ because while being an adult you are capable of memorizing and mimicking words but to know a word from the ground up is different, its different because under stress it stays with you, its the difference in knowing vs understanding. You can procure the word with your own thought rather then repeating a set script.
3rd yr more singular words become known to you some may even be making their first simple sentences however may still be off from things like telling a story with it. Year 3 is what most people expect year 1 to be picking up words and making simple sentences. because the progress is tangible people are much more willing to praise and encourage your efforts (however with expectations set as they are most would frown upon you saying you have been learning for 3 yrs not one and be like ‘thats it? Thats all youve done in 3 yrs?. Yes!) when you converse with an actual 3 year old and apply that experience to yourself the compassion and curiosity for both those younger then yourself and your own language journey self grows ten fold. Its just as frustrating as a child as it is an adult but the good news is that achieving fluency is right around the corner and it is achievable even though its a long process and often taken for granted, it is achievable!
4-5 yrs is when language is starting to solidify and take form. Out of every sentence you hear you may be able to understand 10% with certainty and 20% with suggestion, while 30% you might be able to glean from context clues and the remaining percent is simply out of reach at this time. But! You can start to ‘see’ the words you know that theres ones you know and ones you dont and your taking stalk of all of that and rapidly improving each day you practice
6-8 yrs is when you’re understanding about 30% with certainty 50% with suggestion 15% you could gather from context while 5% still out of reach. Full sentences and stories are achievable but are basic and matter of fact.
10 plus years and this is really when practice and preforming the language settles and fine tunes your understanding. You know enough to get around and while abstract/philosophical thoughts might be difficult to express or understand you are capable and its within your grasp
(now results depending on wether your immersed with the language or gaining it from watching shows also contributes to speed in learning)
For me I'm a bit behind this curve due to both a learning disability and chronic illness but even so for walking this path for 10 years now Im in such an exciting place for language learning. I was able to hear jokes my extended family told and laugh with them and everyday is so much fun at how much more I gain in understanding. Whats been really lovely too is while it is work its not ‘hard work’ it takes being kind and patient as it comes at its pace but so long as I’m tuned in with the intention of learning and stay with it, it does come and it does stay! There are long stretches between when I can learn at times because my health is so poor but everytime I return I feel as though im greeted with even more then I thought I knew. its such a positive feedback loop that didn’t happen when I tried learning from textbooks, or focusing on ‘polite’ language, or held the expectation that I should know things if I repeated them.
the work is long, gradual, and humbling however its doable and not hard, if you shut down the naysayers and expectations about where you ‘should’ be at, its such a rewarding practice that at the end leads you to being able to understand and communicate with another culture and thats so beautiful and fun.
so while at the beginning of your language learning thinking to yourself man 5 years? Until I can speak basic sentences? Seems daunting or absurd if you are ready to settle in with that and accept it, it is incredibly rewarding.
learning takes time and thats ok, youre doing great whatever your journey or path. Wether you’re faster or slower, your doing awesome and Id love to encourage the snot out of that!
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josephejlersen91 · 1 year
We don't have the Usual LMS
Everyday, I hear of the amazing work being carried out by children from around the world, as they become knowledge-able, as well as knowledgeable in their gaming interactions. Many children, supported by experienced elders (parents and their peers) are taking part in this exciting platform. Teachers are also helping their students to achieve amazing feats.
Look at this stunning construction in Minecraft The Minecraft build is stunning! Babylon in a completely modern world of our children's futures. By amazing - I don't mean just building in a gaming environment! I'm talking about engaging in the arts of literacy and communication, digital citizenship and storytelling and, most importantly, in the realm of creativity and global cultural. It requires effort from adults to nurture students in this way.
Minecraft in education is a growing phenomenon and educators are taking to the platform to see how they can integrate Minecraft into the learning environments of their schools. To be honest - Minecraft is also becoming a minefield of its very own in the 'grown-up world' (consultant warning) - and that is why it is crucial that we connect with a quality user with a solid knowledge of best practices in Minecraft rather than with consultants.
Project Mist
Project Mist, from Donelle Batty, is one of my top Australian leaders - working with her kids daily that we could only wish for all our children. Donelle has been running Project M.I.S.T (Minecraft In School Transforming education) for what seems like eons now. Her students have very powerful learning experiences. GMods experience in Minecraft tells it all!
My experience in Minecraft this year was truly memorable; the team work, the efforts, the creativity gained and witnessed was simply amazing. I was able to interact with others with similar interests as me and made friendships throughout the year. The most enjoyable thing was cooperating. When there were large mobs and deaths, we took shelter and shared our supplies. If someone needed help with creating or building something, it was always satisfying to show them how to do so. I've also learned about the importance of my appearance online and how I present myself to the people of the world wide web. Presentation is important and your first impression of you is everything. If you act like an online tool, people will see you once and say "Wow this person is ridiculous and rude." And that would be their last visit to your page/ sever/ profile. Editum
Recently I followed a tweet to read what Donelle wrote about the 2014 launch of #ProjectMIST.
2014 #ProjectMIST is about to begin. It requires a dedicated community! http://t.co/HwGMrUlHI5 #minecraft @natbott42
- Donelle Batty (@dbatty1) March 21, 2014
She reminded us that Minecraft is a collaborative experience as are the many stages of learning that are required to gain Minecraft experience. Donelle is a leader in the world, and will soon be traveling to Tasmania as an Hardie Fellow (Info re Hardie Fellowship recipients 2013-14).
Donelle was also reminded of Jo Kay's incredible work, who I have worked closely with over the years on many projects. Jo currently supports and builds our work in the Master of Education, Knowledge Networks and Digital Innovation degree here at CSU. We do not use the typical LMS however, we have created our own version for the degree at present.
Donelle is also able to explain this in a similar manner:
ProjectMIST is extremely fortunate to have one person who has been with since the beginning of the project and is there every day, even at 12:00 am. Jo Kay is there to assist the students when I'm not. Her assistance is highly appreciated by the students and they show this by building replicas of her avatars on their own servers, one young man did this the other night , when she helped him out when he locked himself out of his server. This student has now just been accepted onto Massively @ Jokaydia Minecraft Guild and is very excited to be able to build, learn and explore with others from all parts of the world.
If you're an educator, a parent, or just someone who wants to give kids the chance to play Minecraft I suggest you visit Massively @ Jokaydia.
The Massively @ jokaydia Website is an online community that is sponsored by jokaydia.com – provides parents and kids with games-based spaces where they can collaborate, learn, and play!
The project is designed for kids aged 4-16yrs who are interested in gaining digital media skills, exploring their imagination and enhancing their online social skills. We currently use Minecraft, a video game Minecraft to provide a secure whitelisted server, as well as various activities that allow kids to choose their own fun learning paths and adventures.
You can't do better than that! Babylon was designed by one student!
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sforsus · 1 year
Info for this blog. I recommend reading it.
—Introducing myself-
Hiya! I’m Spoot! I’m the one who runs this blog, I’m a fumbling 18 year old who likes art. And appreciates writing, sadly however not all this art and not all this appreciation i can show on main. As being Suspicious on main is never a good idea-(Don’t do it it’s not worth it-).
This is a side account so I don’t have a posting schedule unlike my main that has one, so do NOT expect a solid posting schedule, but DO expect at least one or two posts a week.
—Why I make art:
•I make art to help me love myself, wether that be with my dysphoria or just not feeling well. And me being a trans-masc individual(you can see where this is going) there will be many many men(and sometimes women) here! In many many situations, for lewd eyes to enjoy in their entirety- you will be subjected too my fantasies so you’re walking into this willingly-. I’ll post from whatever fandom I’d like here as well, it won’t all be Submas.
•I also make art to cope with every day struggles, like depression and anxiety/ADHD, so on so on. So anything I deem too adult too post on main will also go here, that includes Vent art.
•I finally make art like this to practice anatomy, being nakey isn’t always sexual, or sad, sometimes it’s just beautiful. I’ll be posting anatomy practices of the nakey verity I do here as well. Like I said being nakey isn’t inherently sexual, but I will be putting it here anyway. Because I don’t want to put it on main.
(Will add more if need be)
—What tags do I use?:
List of tags and what they’re for👇 (I may use multiple of these on one post, so make sure to block a tag of mine if that content is something you don’t want to see from me. Like my vent art, so on.)(Don’t worry about memorizing these or anything, I’m serious, I just love being overly organized-)
•#SForSus , General tag that I will be putting on all my posts. To make them easily found and recognizable as mine(You might wanna include this tag if you’re reblogging something of mine, entirely up to you.)
•#SForSpread , My reblog tag I use when reblogging materiel I did not make <3
•#SForSweaty , Explicitly sexual content. Aka content that I’ve made or reposted that is inherently sexual.
•#SForShowy , Nakey things that is not supposed to be sexualized. Either made for appreciation, used in vent art, or for anatomy practice.
•#SForSorrow , Vent art/posts from me.
||Fandom tags/others||
•#SForSubmas , Submas posts <3
•#SForSelf , posts of self insert things
•#SForSelfMade , oc posts <3
—Big No No’s and yes yes’s
Yes yes I will/accept:
•Asks in my ask box
•ideas for future posts
•Always tag my posts correctly using the tags I have listed.
•include trigger warnings, content warnings when needed.
•try my hardest to be respectful, honest and kind to everyone.
No no I will not/not accept:
•Allow anyone under the age of 18 onto this blog, anyone who doesn’t have their age in their bio And follows me will be blocked as well without question.
•Allow BlankShippers/Incest/Rape/(Blantant and Genuine)Homophobia/Transphobia/Racism/Sexism anywhere near me. If I find you are engaging in these behaviors, I will block you without hesitation.
-Closing thoughts
I hope that you enjoy your stay here! If you’d like you can check out my other art on my main. I won’t be even alluding too this tumblr on my main, as I want to keep these separate from each other.
But other than that!
-Introducing the regards, Spootie boi!
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builder051 · 2 years
C, D, P, and X if you please.
C is for calling--
I've never had a moment of "passion" in what I'm doing, either as a job/career, or in any of my other interests. I have completed one of those "Choose your way" journals (I'm addicted to Piccadilly--most of their stuff is a blast to fill out), though, and, probably somewhat due to my disabilities and therefore inabilities to work a set schedule, I'm called to writing and art. I don't mean this to be, like, all superiority complex, or anything, but I remember being in elementary school and taking the "write a story" prompts very seriously. By the time in was in Sophomore AP English 10, my teacher personally complimented me for some random original fiction assignment, saying it was particularly above and beyond the usual drivel. I'm not sure I have another book in me, like Battle of Troy, but my NaNo content, my fanfiction, my Piccadilly prompts-- they're all still there to motivate the urge to create.
D is for dust mop-
My bio family was full of neat freaks, and chores like dusting the baseboards (I'll give it a tiny bit of a pass, considering they were white baseboards on white walls), was done almost daily to keep them from accumulating the smallest greyish hue. What stain remover was for which type of flooring was expected to be memorized. As well as what was "safe" to clean the granite countertops (fyi acetone is not in that category).
Yesterday my roommate and I cleaned the whole dog and cat feeding area with a package of Swiffers (which, interestingly enough, we got as swag at Pridefest back in June). I clean the hammy house with water, paper towels, the tiniest bit of Dawn, and a few alcohol wipes on the tough spots. I have moved most of my painting/figurine restoration studio into my bedroom, so, if I find a dust bunny along with that rogue flower stem, I pick it up and bin it. Cleaning is as cleaning does, I suppose? I like that method much better
P is for privilege
Oooooook, I don't want to get into anyone's crawl here, because I have had some fantastic opportunities, which I only had access to because of where I lived during what span of time and who my bio parents associated with. I get that. There was cushioning in my childhood that allowed me to experience sets of circumstances that others cannot access. I apologize in advance if any of this comes across badly; I mean to share, not brag or condemn.
My bio parents had me in "school" (educational daycare) from the time I was 3 years old. Before that I was completely unsocialized; I was raised as a toddler in a commune-like situation where I only knew 2 or 3 adults and 2 or 3 other children.
As far as education goes, in my opinion, it's a coin flip. The neighborhood school has a good rep or a poor one. The teacher is kind and inventive, of they're mean. You love school, or you hate it. College, too. It's either a great experience to learn how to adult, or it's a red flag that no, no, we are not ready for this yet.
I still have that 50-50 mindset about a lot of things. Will it rain tomorrow and make the baby cranky? Will it be warm enough to wear my Black Panther shirt? Will my child have a meltdown because I opened the refrigerator and didn't take anything out specifically for him? Got to keep playing the odds. Somehow it all turns out alright.
X is for xanax
Very convenient when sleepy is needed (or a convenient "out"). I once, quite some time ago, when I was new on the med, I had, like, 1mg, and I slept on the couch in my roommate's father's office for 3 or 4 hours and completely missed the visit (We're all civil with him. Friendly-ish, but you have to keep a guard up for sudden impossible plans and info dumps that may be, erm, inappropriate for the ears of our younger bunch.)
The X is currently the thing I'm prescribed for relaxation, and more often than not, I'll put it crushed through my J tube for a fairly immediate spray-n-squeegee of the walls to take down intrusive thoughts, then I'll nest like a hamster for the sleepy effects, and hopefully be feeling better and ready to resume problem-solving by the time I wake up.
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a-pop-of-korean · 3 years
Vocabulary: Pronouns
안녕하세요! It’s been so long since I last made a vocab post huh lol. Today we have a list that’s pretty important -- we’re going to learn about pronouns in Korean! Let’s start!
Also, if you want to learn about interrogative pronouns, which are words like “what” and “where,” check out my lesson about them here! For info about indefinite pronouns (things like “anyone” and “somewhere”), click here!
Demonstrative Pronouns
이것 (이거, 이건, 이게, 이걸) = This 
그것 (그거, 그건, 그게, 그걸) = That
저것 (저거, 저건, 저게, 저걸) = That (used for when you’re talking about something far away -- farther away than what you would use 그것 for)
여기 = Here 
거기 = There
저기 = There (more like “over there.” You also hear 저기요 used a lot when someone is trying to politely get a stranger’s attention.)
You may also hear 이곳, 그곳, 저곳, which literally mean “this/that place.” These are less common, though.
All of these translate to “this/that thing” literally. If you want to say something like “this/that house,” then you would drop the -것 and add the noun: 이 집, 그 집, 저 집
You might also be wondering about how to say “it.” In Korean, there isn’t really a word for “it.” In situations where you may need to say “it,” there probably won’t be a subject at all since it is understood what you are talking about. For example:
가: 고양이 어디 있어요? = Where is the cat?
나: 제 방에 있어요. = It is in my room. 
Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns are nice in Korean since the most common ones are gender-neutral, so you don’t have to memorize different words for different genders. That said, there are gendered pronouns that you might hear in songs and poetry, but you rarely if ever use them in regular conversation -- it sounds unnatural. Let’s talk about those unnatural ones just so you can recognize them!
그 = He
그녀 = She
당신 = You -> You’ll probably hear this one more than the other two, but only in specific situations. You might hear it in an argument or when someone is talking to someone they love. In general though, don’t worry about this -- it’s rarely ever used.
Here’s what you’re more likely to use and hear:
저 / 제가 = I (formal)
나 / 내가 = I (informal)
너 / 네가 (pronounced 니가) = You (informal) -> Be careful with this one! Only use it when referring to your friends who are the same age as you or younger!
걔 = He / She / They (singular) -> Short for 그 애, which means “that kid.” You can, however, use this for adults too (just not when referring to someone older than you!). 
쟤 = He / She / They (singular) -> Short for 저 애
얘 = He / She / They (singular) -> Short for 이 애
걔들 / 쟤들 / 얘들 = They (plural) -> When you add -들 to a noun, it makes it plural!
그 사람 = He / She / They (singular) -> This literally means “that person,” but is another term to use as a pronoun and can be translated as such. 
우리 = We / Us
저희 = We / Us -> more formal than 우리
As for the distinctions between 걔, 쟤, and 얘 in terms of position, I don’t really think it matters. I’ve heard people say 얘들 for people who are not even in the same room as them, so it’s not like the people you’re talking about have to be close to you for you to say “these kids” if that makes sense.
What if you want to say “you,” “he” or “she” or something when talking to or about someone older than you? In that case, it’s best to use their title or their name with the proper suffix. For example:
가: 선생님이 어디예요? = Where is the teacher?
나: 선생님이 교실에 계셔요. = He is in the classroom.
If these two people are students, they would have to use the teacher’s proper title when referring to him. 
You could even just say 교실에 계셔요 since it is understood that you’re talking about the teacher.
계시다 is a more formal version of 있다 btw, so use it when you’re talking about people who deserve respect!
The same goes for when saying “you”: 
백현 씨 어떻게 생각하세요? = What do you think? (when talking to someone named Baekhyun) 
Again, you could just say 어떻게 생각하세요? since Baekhyun can probably tell you’re talking to him.
Possessive Pronouns
제 / 저의 = My (formal)
내 / 나의 = My (informal)
우리 = My -> In some cases, this can mean “my” when you’re talking about a person, particularly someone you’re related to. You would say 우리 엄마 instead of 제 엄마, for example. That gives the nuance of your mother being a part of your family -- hence the use of the word that means “we” -- rather than your mother being an object that you own.
네 (pronounced 니) / 너의 = Your (informal)
우리의 / 저희의 = Our 
자기 = His / Her / Their
Notice how a lot of these end in -의. When you attach -의 to a noun, it makes it possessive. For example, 언니의 옷 means “my older sister’s clothes.” It may also be translated as “of” (like “the clothes of my older sister”) if that sounds more natural.
But what if you wanted to say something like “her clothes”? You can use the word 자기, which means “oneself” and is often used as a possessive pronoun. Let’s look at this sentence:
언니가 자기 옷을 빌려 줬어요. = My older sister let me borrow her clothes.
However, I would say that I don’t hear 자기 super often (but someone let me know if it’s more common than I think it is!). You could also just say 언니가 옷을 빌려 줬어요, with no possessive pronoun, since it is understood that the clothes that your sister lent are hers. 
I think that’s about it for this list! I hope it gave you all a better understanding of how Korean pronouns work -- I know they’re quite different from English ones! 다음에 또 봐요!
My masterlist
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Do you like High Fantasy Worlds? What about Majority Queer Casts? Rebellion Narratives? Analyses of Vengeance vs. Justice vs. Atonement? Family, both found and established? Neurodivergent and/or Nonbinary Main Characters?
If you answered yes to any or all of the above, I have just the beta-ready WIP for you!
My novel Firebreathers has reached an editing stage where I’m ready for a few outside perspectives!
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Ember Timber has grown up with one death after another painting the backdrop of their life, and it’s left them and the remainder of their family struggling to keep their grip on the frayed edges of Ehlven society they call home. Ehlven society, where militarism, fear, and poverty are woven deep into the fabric of life. When they join a rebel group known as the Firebreathers, they find an opportunity to change their life--and those of others--for the better.
And just when they think they’ve found their footing, the world calls their bluff, whisking them into involvement of a much grander scale than they ever wanted, because stories never actually end with the rebellion, do they?
Narration Style: First person, present tense. Multi-POV Target Audience: New Adult, Adult Blend Pitch: Mistborn x Avatar: the Last Airbender x Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Themes: Anti-Imperialism, trauma and recovery, the pitfall of idolization, identity, stigma surrounding mental illness, and the differences between vengeance, atonement, and justice.
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Important Info:
Firebreathers clocks in at 148k words (or about 600 pages)
The reading period is from Dec. 15th, 2021 to Feb. 28th, 2022
I am mainly looking for feedback on pacing, character likeability/memorability, and narrative inconsistencies, though I am open to all kinds of things you might bring up!
Trigger warning information for Firebreathers can be found on the sign up form. As this is a story with a strong focus on mental health (especially trauma and abuse) and imperialism, please keep in mind that it gets quite dark at times, even if it starts out lighthearted.
If it sounds interesting but you want more information, here’s the tag (excerpts are almost all pulled from first draft, if that’s important to you) and the official intro!
How to sign up:
Fill out this form! All you need to beta read is an ability to read the draft somehow (including Text-To-Speech!) and availability during the reading period. I’ll also have questionnaires to fill out to help you organize your thoughts, if you need them!
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subwaysurf45 · 3 years
Ghost Rider
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summary: on a mission you drop and few flirty comments to Bucky,  he might not pick up on them but Steve helps him figure it out. 
pairing: Ghost Rider!Reader x Bucky Barnes. 
words: 2375
warning: fighting, violence, burns(?), sexual innuendos 
the whole “demon with the skull on fire” look was kinda hard to keep hidden, not that you wanted to. You were recruited by S.H.E.I.L.D. after a fight, the Ghost Rider needed to be stopped but you had info on the real bad guys that made you who you were, you helped the Avengers with hunting. 
your performing days were over, after crashes and trauma you tried to hide away...like before, the head on fire thing was very memorable; but you wanted to forget. 
Tony and Banner worked together to find a face for you, and after sometime -and a little input to make your hair fire-red- you looked normal, for an Avenger. 
The team sat in the conference room, Cap was leading the discussion. He was going over the plan and all the different ways it could end and the proper ways to handle the multiple endings. 
Bucky was sat beside you, he always found a way to be near, not too close but just enough. “I like the face, forgot to tell you- I mean, I didn’t see the skull because you were in a cell and only Banner and Tony saw it but still...looks nice,” he whispered, you smiled and nodded. When you looked back to Steve, out of the corner of your eye you saw Bucky shake his head, he muttered  something to himself before listening in again. 
“Like the hair,” you whispered after a couple seconds so you didn’t get caught like school, Bucky had just cut the long locks to a nice trim. “looks strong and healthy, like someone could pull it.” you joked 
“Thanks, it really stays out of my eyes-”
“Buck.” Steve slightly raised his voice, “c’mon, man.”
“Sorry,” Bucky whispered before looking out of the corner of his eye to you, you felt like kids trying to be proper in front of the adults. Bucky flashed a smirk before really listening. 
You were all in the quinjet, your combat pants were full of knives, you preferred knives rather than guns; it just happened like that. Bucky sat across from you, you tried not to look at him because of his intense stare you thought your new face was going to melt off if you really focused on it. 
Everything was ready, your uniform was set. or so you thought, Bucky stood and kneeled beside you, His nimble fingers going to your left calf to zip up an open pocket. His hand rested on your knee as he took one final scan, looking at your legs and pockets. His thumb swayed back and forth as he checked, as he stood he used your thigh to get a little push up even though he didn’t need it. 
“Wow,” he dusted off his own knee from the dirty floor, “great thighs, you should teach me your workout routine.” He smirked before going back to his seat, his tongue flicked up and rested on his tooth, he was really going for it. 
and you weren’t one to lose in a battle of flirty comments, the first thing that came to mind was blurted out with the coolest tone. 
“they make great earmuffs,” you winked, but Bucky just nodded, he didn’t get the joke and you were now wondering if that complement he gave you wasn’t supposed to be sexy, he just thought you were strong.
You were all camped out by the building which was deep in the forest, everyone was in position. The rain was beating down hard, you could hear thunder from afar but you knew it was getting closer. You were slightly slipping up in the mud, your boot would get caught and would almost fall off. 
the earpiece was buzzing, everyone was confirming their status and what they saw. The tall trees covered the moonlight so you would have to rely on the earpieces way more than a typical mission. 
“west entrance, clear.” you whispered. 
slowly everyone worked their way inside, your door was open so you went right in. You did have a gun on you but you knew if anyone came to fight you’d switch to knives, but long distance needed guns. 
All you needed was files, this group had too much information. 
Bucky was on the second floor, he and Nat were getting files loaded on the hard drives. She was typing away while Bucky covered her six, he scanned around and around even though the building was extremely dead and quiet. It didn’t look dead, there were no cobwebs or any tipped chairs, it looked like an office that was in use. 
“this isn’t right, they would have someone protecting the files.” Bucky muttered and left Nat’s back, going to the doorway where he came in to look again. When he turned, she was there. “I have this feeling, I don’t know wha-aah!” 
You heard a scream from upstairs, you dropped what you were doing and headed up, gun ready to open fire. Nat was looking around and breathing hard. 
“what is it?” you asked. 
“Bucky- he was there- and then not there- they’re like assassins, they are so quiet.” She was paranoid, you’d never seen her like that before. “I have all the info, but we need to find Bucky.”
the earpieces were constantly running, everyone else was listening. “We have to roll out, we’ll get Bucky soon.” Sam said, “this place is freaking me out.” 
“We can’t just leave,” you shake your head, but Natasha was already leading you out.
As you reached the outside Natasha let go of her death grip, you shook off her hands and looked back to the building, something was wrong; there should be sounds of movement.
“It’s too dark in there and this won’t end well, I’m calling the shots and I say no.'' Steve put his foot down and towered over, you were a little shorter but the build of that man made you feel small.
You turned back and headed to the door, Steve tried to grab hold of you but he retracted his hand with a hiss. He looked at the palm of his hand and saw it was red, there were already pus bubbles forming.
“You burnt me?” Steve yelled.
You closed your eyes as Steve yelled nothing at you, you needed to help Bucky and you were going to do whatever you needed to do. Your head started to heat gradually, like boiling water. The fake couldn’t hold your heat, the jaw began to melt exposing the skull you used to sport; a little melted near your left eye. But what changed the most was your hair, like a bonfire it was big and tall; you were now taller than Steve. Red flames licked the air as the blue flames in the middle stayed almost still, a ball of light from the actual fire on your head lit around you, allowing you to see.
“I did burn you, third degree.” You sneered and walked to the door, “and if you’re gonna leave Bucky and make me save him, get me Steve’s bike.” You left them with the sound of the door slamming to echo around the vacant forest, it rang louder than thunder and rain.
You walked around, trying to hear for any sign of life. Your heart dropped when you heard a muffled scream, it had to be Bucky. Your feet stomped and echoed up the stairs and the screaming got louder and more despite, when you turned the corner you saw Bucky strapped by the ankles and wrists to a medical table, his eyes were wide with fear and his mouth was stuffed with some rag. 
“oh god,” you muttered and ripped out the cloth in his mouth. 
Bucky didn’t even give himself time to breathe, “ghost! It’s fucking ghosts- and they went through me- i can see your jaw bone- and then they could-your head in on fire- and then I’m tied- and- BEHIND YOU!” 
you turned and saw a ghost, your flaming hair swooshed and shot out sparks because of how fast you turned. The ghost had a knife in his hand, and three emerged from behind him. They were opaque and seemed like ghost zombies, parts of them were missing. 
There was a stand off for three seconds before the fighting started, and Bucky could barely see what was going on. You danced around the ghosts with ease and it seemed as though you knew what was coming, he wanted to help but as much as he tugged on the restraints he couldn’t break free. HIs body was about to give out, he was in shock and he was tired like everyone else; but being tied up made him remember his Hydra days and that was enough to make him become small. 
“I got you,” you muttered and untied him, the ghosts were gone. 
“how did you-...?” Bucky didn’t need to finish his sentence. 
“I took one of their knives and used it on them, they couldn’t die from our real weapons so I had to use theirs, it was easy.” you got him out and helped him up,  Bucky was putting most of his body weight onto you. 
“You’re warm,” Bucky tiredly muttered, he was about to pass out. 
“I know, I have fire hair,” you said with a smirk, the fire helped you out of the building. Just for safe measures you leaned down and allowed your hair to light the wall, the rain that was pouring outside would put out your fire and you’d just have normal hair but it would also put out the fire that would start in the building; you didn’t want it to burn the entire forest down. 
Bucky was about to collapse on you, his eyelids hovered and barely stayed open.  he looked sick, his face was green and extremely pale. 
“I-I need to sit..” Bucky slurred and fell against the bottom of the staircase, “I think they drugged me...” You tried to pick him back up again but he was heavier than you. 
“Buck, we gotta go,” you warned. 
he sloppy grin covered his face, “you’re cute when you’re stressed, I love it!” he sang, “you’re always so cute, I just wanna put you in my back pocket and take you everywhere with me- Oh! I could put you in my backpack and... oh that a good idea, good one, James.” Bucky giggled as he thought of taking you everywhere with him. 
“You’re definitely drugged,” you giggled and got him up again, when he protested you thought of staying for a bit longer but the fire you light was fast approaching, “Shit!'' you yanked Bucky up and headed for the door, only then did you notice a oxygen pipe running down the wall, “Bucky was gotta go!” 
you busted through the door and smiled widely at Steve’s bike waiting there for you, you carried Bucky over and put him on the seat and you got in front of him. 
“My butt is wet!” Bucky yelled like a child, it had been there for a while because of the pool of water on the seat.
“Hold on!” you yelled, the engine revved and as your feet left the ground the bike took off. There was mud everywhere, little potholes and murky water splashing up. you spotted a ramp-type-mud-thing near a tree and went for it. Bucky saw it too and grabbed hold, “Bucky!” you yelled. 
“What?” his voice was shaky. 
“That’s my boob!” you screamed as you went up the ramp, the building exploded behind you and Bucky forgot to move his hand, the loud noise made him hold tighter, “Ow!’ you grumbled as you landed, going at top speed. 
Bucky lowered his hand, “sorry, sorry, sorry, god i didn’t mean to, sorry,” he kept repeating himself, you could feel the blush radiating on his cheeks from behind you. 
“Never said I didn’t like it...” you muttered. 
“What did you say?” Bucky asked, but he didn’t get an answer because you were back with the rest of the group. 
You all went home, Bucky was wheeled to the medical ward to see what he was drugged with and you went to your room. 
Steve was holding a laptop as he walked into Bucky’s room, he was still in a hospital bed in the med center, it had been a couple days and Bucky was feeling fine; it was a mix of shock and some random drug they never really identified. 
“Alright, I’m showing you something,” Steve’s eyebrows were knitted together, he opened the laptop and it had the audio recordings from the earpieces from the last mission. 
“Those earpieces save?” Bucky groggily asked. 
“Yes, and I’m showing you this.” Steve had pulled audio clips, “you and y/n need to stop flirting and actually do something, I can’t keep hearing this in my ear all the time.” he sighed and hit play. 
‘great thighs, you should teach me your workout routine’
‘they make great earmuffs’
Steve deadpanned to Bucky, Bucky just shrugged, “I didn’t know what she meant by that so I just smiled and nodded.” 
“Bucky!” Steve yelled, “where does your head need to be for her thighs to make earmuffs?”
“between her legs?” But was picturing a really fatal choke hold that Nat did once. 
“what else is between her legs?” 
“her- oh...” his face went from confused to red, “oh...!” Bucky bug eyes met Steve’s knowing face. 
“and you grabbed her boob, and just listen to what she says when you moved it.” Steve scrolled a bit and then hit play. 
‘never said I didn’t like it...’
“I was drugged, I didn’t know what she was saying!” Bucky cried, “I can’t believe it went over my head.”
“go talk to her!” Steve said. 
Bucky stood up and rolled his shoulders back, he walked out of the med center and to the rooms, and at one point he thought about turning around and wimping out but he held strong and kept going. Once he was at your door he knocked and you opened pretty quickly. 
“I-” he cleared his throat, “I was thinking about you,” Bucky said. 
“really?” you smirked. 
“ya... I was wondering if you had a pair of earmuffs I could try on?”
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frenchly-anxious · 4 years
Here’s why you (and I) have been studying the wrong way all this time - part 1
Have you ever studied hard for a test, spending all your evenings on it, feeling prepared, just to fail it spectacularly?
Have you ever been told to re-read your lessons to learn it better?
Have you ever been told after a failed test that you obviously didn’t learn despite you knowing you definitely did?
If so, I’m very sorry, it means school has failed you on something it was supposed to teach you: how to learn. And really, the fault isn’t yours.
Fasten your seatbelts my friends, we’re going on an adventure to explain why school sucks at its own fucking job!
First of all, a little experiment by Tulving. We have 2 groups and we ask them to simply read 6 times a list of 22 words. Then, we give Group 1 the same list and ask them this time to remember as many words as possible. With Group 2, same task but it’s not the same list as before.
Question time: which group will do better? Group 1 with the list they have already read 6 times, or Group 2 with a totally new list?
I can guess you’re probably telling me Group 1, right?
Well. Actually, there is no difference at all between the groups. Nothing, nada. Reading the words 6 times before didn’t give any advantage to Group 1.
What is this witchcraft, I hear you say?
Let me introduce you to the biggest misconception of our school life: reading your lesson over and over won’t help you at all.
How is that possible? Well, there’s a concept we all heard countless time, but that was never explained correctly: effort. To learn something, you need to make efforts. I’m not saying you’re not being serious when reading your lesson, not at all.
The thing is, reading is by now is a reflex for you, it doesn’t require a lot of efforts. Do you remember how hard it was to read when you were a child, or have you seen a young child trying to read? Every word is a battle, to the point that sometimes, they have finished reading but can’t remember what they read: all of their attention was on how to pronounce this group of letters, not on what they were saying.
For us, adults, reading is not something very complicated. It became a reflex, so now our attention isn’t on how to read, but on what we read. It sounds like a good thing, right? It is, but not when it comes to learning.
The action of reading isn’t complicated, and so you don’t have to be involved that much. You’re reading it, you’re understanding it; but when are you making the effort to memorize it? That’s where the problem is: reading is mostly passive, whereas learning is active.
You probably already encountered this paradox, though: the more you read your lesson, the more familiar it feels. You’re reading it and you’re like “Yeah, I remember that, and that too, and this after too”. But once in front of your exam: nothing. Or at least, not enough. This familiar feeling is just that: a feeling. Your brain is only telling you “Yeah, I already read that”, but we mistake it for “I already learned that”.
The difference is quite important, but we aren’t necessarily aware of it. So when teachers are telling us “You didn’t study”, we’re offended because we’re certain we did. Yes, we did work; but we didn’t in the right way.
Another study to prove my point (Roedinger & Karpicke, 2006):
Once again, 2 groups. My question would be: when asked to remember as much info as possible in a text, who would win?
Group 1, with 4 sessions of 5 minutes to read the text?
Or Group 2, with 5 minutes to read it and then without the text, 3 separate sessions of 5 minutes to write down as many things they can remember (without any correction from the examiners of course)?
This time, you already know where I’m going. But our instinct tells us “Obviously Group 1, they had more time!”. Which is technically true. 5 minutes after the end of that experiment, when we ask each group what they remember, Group 1 takes the lead. They get around 85% of the notions from the text, while Group 2 gets 70%. It isn’t much but it’s indeed better.
Which is great. But that’s 5 minutes after learning.
If we meet with them again 1 week later, and ask again what they do remember, Group 1 falls at barely 40% of the notions, not even half of what they learned. What about Group 2, you ask? They’re at 60%, which is very good!
The funny thing is, if asked, Group 1 will tell you how confident they feel about what they remember and that they will nail the test, while Group 2 will be saying they don’t remember a lot. Because once again, Group 1 has this feeling of familiarity about the text.
But then why is Group 2 so much better after a week?
It’s about effort.
The 5 minutes they spent reading didn’t require a lot of efforts. They understood what was written, maybe had enough time to read it a few times. Then they didn’t have the text anymore, but we asked them to write down what they remember. Once. Twice. Thrice.
During those 3 sessions, they had to make efforts. Efforts to search in their memory for what they had read. And this, contrary to reading, isn’t really easy and definitely isn’t passive.
“What did I read?” they asked themselves in front of this blank page, the text long gone. “Wait, I almost forgot this! And didn’t they talk about something else? Wait, what was it?... Oh!”
By doing so, they re-activated neurons, creating paths, reinforcing them. They did that 3 times. So their brain was like “Wait, we searched for that info multiple times, it must be important!”
Then what about Group 1, you wonder? They had 4 sessions to read it! Didn’t their brain also realize it was important?
Your brain’s goal is to automate things you need. Because if those things are automated, you don’t have to focus on them anymore, you don’t have to spend all your energy on it.
Do you remember when you learned how to ride a bike? It was hard, you fell often, but now you don’t have to think about; that’s because your brain was like “Shit, this is giving us a hard time. This is a problem, because if it takes all of our attention to just stay on the bike, we won’t be able to avoid obstacle or anything.” The solution to that is making ‘staying on the bike’ a reflex, something you know so much you don’t have to reinforce it anymore.
With Group 1, reading that text wasn’t hard. Their brain was like “meh, no problem, it doesn’t require more of my help”. If it isn’t problematic, no need for trying to automate it or make it easier.
But for Group 2, it was harder. Making the effort to try to remember what they read was very consuming in time, attention and energy. Their brain HAD to do something so it would become easier: it learned, and it learned for a longer time. Because of the repetition of that effort, because this difficulty kept appearing and being annoying in a way, their brain realized they needed to know that. Just like how you learned your phone number, your address,... You searched for it multiple times, you used it multiple times; now you don’t need to re-learn it, it’s there to stay.
So Group 1 spent 20 minutes reading a text, just to remember it for a day or two.
Group 2 also spent 20 minutes, but 5 for reading, and 15 to test themselves, and it lasted way more than a week.
Both groups did work. But one of them is obviously more efficient.
You want to learn efficiently? Leave your notes aside, and make the effort to try to remember it, even if it’s imperfect. No: especially if it’s imperfect.
Yes, I know, it seems counterintuitive. However it works incredibly well!
But that will be for a part 2...
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2dmenenthusiast · 3 years
Fire's Cool, Revenge is Better
Aizawa x Villain Reader, Dabi x Villain Reader
Listen I know I write for Aizawa a lot but I just love him :( But there's some Dabi in here to add a lil somethin somethin. ALSO I kinda kept this open in case ya'll wanted a part 2? There's no guarantees, but if enough people want it I might consider it
Summary: Meeting Shouta on rooftops was always fun and games until he thinks you're going to set him on fire.
Word count: 2.9K
Warnings/Other Info: Swearing, sexual themes, very small mention of assault, age gap, reader used to be his student but that was years ago and the reader is an adult in this so don't worry lmao, reader is kept gender-neutral, reader's quirk is spontaneous combustion (they can set things on fire just by looking at it)
This fic is intended for adult audiences, so minors DNI
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The breeze felt good against your face, eyes gazing at the night sky as you sat on the edge of the roof of some random corporate building you couldn’t remember the name of. You briefly looked down at the street below, watching pedestrians walk along the sidewalk as cars drove by, and you idly swung your feet as you rummaged around in your jacket pocket before pulling out a pack of cigarettes. The sound of traffic at night was always relaxing to you, having lived in the city most of your life. You didn’t know if you’d ever be able to sleep without the distant noise of a car honking. The idea was honestly kind of unsettling, and you thought maybe a part of you liked it because the bustling of the city was comparable to the constant racing of your thoughts.
Letting out a huff, you checked the time on your phone as you placed a cigarette between your lips, looking at the end of it and feeling a slight pressure behind your eyes before it suddenly lit up and you took a drag. He’d be here any minute now, having memorized the schedule for his patrol. You’d been thinking about what you should say to him when you finally saw him but realized there was no point. There was no “preparing” when it came to Shouta Aizawa. You knew whatever you wanted to say would be thrown right out the window when you saw his piercing gaze, so you decided you’d just wing it. Not like that was unusual for you. You’ve been winging it most of your adult life, purely acting on impulse.
You heard a soft rustling behind you, smirking as you knew exactly who it was by how quiet they were. If you hadn’t committed his habits to memory, you probably wouldn’t have heard him. You heard him take a few steps towards you before suddenly stopping, and you let out a soft chuckle as you took another drag from the white stick, blowing the smoke into the air and watching it slowly fade.
“Took you long enough. Almost thought you wouldn’t show,” you said, a playful lilt to your voice as you stood and turned to face the erasure hero.
The city lights illuminated his shocked expression, eyes slightly widened as he took you in before his gaze narrowed.
“Y/n… what are you doing here?” he asked, the low timbre of his voice sending a pleasant feeling up your spine.
You shrugged, that familiar mischievous look in your eyes as you swiveled on the heel of your boot and began to pace. “Oh you know, just thought I’d get some fresh air, get a good look at all the pretty lights.” You paused, eyes hooded and a smirk tugging at your lips as you glanced over at Shouta. “Meet up with a certain hero.”
He audibly sighed, clearly not interested in whatever game you were playing, and you couldn’t help the grin that spread over your face. You didn’t meet up like this often, but when you did, it was always fun getting underneath his skin. It had been almost a year since you saw him last, and you swore he always looked different when you would see him. Maybe it was the circles under his eyes getting darker, or the new scar he acquired between visits, but you knew none of it mattered. This was still Shouta, a man you grew close to during your years at UA. Though, it all seemed like a distant memory now.
“So, how’ve you been, Sho? Still catching bad guys and putting ‘em behind bars and all that?”
“I have half the mind to do the same to you.”
“Oh, we both know you wouldn’t. You like me too much to see me locked up,” you said, taking a few steps closer to him as he stared at you with a pointed look. “You know, it wouldn’t kill you to smile when you’re around me. You don’t always have to be so stoic and brooding.”
“What reason do I have to smile when being around you always gives me a headache?” he said, voice void of any emotion as you winced and placed a hand on your chest.
“Ouch, Sho. That actually kinda stung. I thought my presence was quite enjoyable.”
“You need to stop this, y/n.”
You raised an eyebrow, only a foot of distance between you now as you reached forward and lightly tugged at his capture weapon, feeling the fabric between your fingers before he swatted your hand away.
“Stop what? My general villain tomfoolery or annoying you?”
“Both. We both know you’re better than this.”
“Am I?”
You looked at him for a moment before letting out a scoff and taking a step back, shifting your gaze from him as you took one last drag from your cigarette. Throwing it on the ground, you stomped on it with the toe of your boot and turned to move back to the edge of the building, arms crossing over your chest.
“Fuck, hate it when you make me think about all this dumb, sappy shit. Can never let me have my fun, huh?” you huffed, tongue poking the inside of your cheek. “‘You’re better than this,’ fucking christ. If I had a damn dime for every time I heard that I’d be fuckin’ rich.”
You heard him sigh again. “Y/n-”
“Don’t ‘y/n’ me!” you yelled, spinning around as you felt your anger flare up, and your eyes landed on a red-eyed Shouta, his black hair floating in the air.
You both just stood there, gazing at each other until his hair eventually floated back down to his shoulders and his eyes stopped glowing, and you let out a humorless chuckle that eventually turned into a full-blown laugh, clapping as you doubled over.
“Oh, Shouta!” you cheered, arms out at your sides as you backed up towards the edge of the roof. “How glad I am to know that you have so little trust in me. What? Thought that I didn’t have my anger under control?” You took another step, heels peeking over the edge. “Thought I was gonna blow something up?”
“Y/n, don’t,” Shouta said, fists clenched as he stepped towards you.
“Don’t what, Sho? Jump?” You looked over your shoulder down at the street below, knowing that a fall from this height would certainly kill you. “Why not, huh? One less villain for you to deal with, right? One less inconvenience for you.”
“You really think that little of yourself? You think I want this?”
“It’s what everyone else believes. What the media spews out daily without any fucking semblance of the truth. The League… those guys are messed up, but they’re still people. People that society abandoned when they gained some gross fetish for heroes. You’re just their pawn, you know? They don’t give a shit about you.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said through clenched teeth.
“Maybe not,” you shrugged. “Maybe I’m still that naive student in your class, dreaming of being a big-time hero one day just like All Might.”
You moved your foot back, feeling nothing but empty space underneath it as you slowly let yourself fall back, your heart jumping up in your throat and your stomach in your chest. Your other foot was almost off the edge until you felt something wrap around you and you were pulled into a sturdy chest, and you looked up to see Shouta staring intently at you. Something between concern and confusion in his eyes, or maybe a combination of both. The corners of your mouth twitched up into a sad smile, reaching up to lightly trace the scar under the hero’s eye with the tips of your fingers.
“You’re not like them, Sho. You’re so much better. You don’t let the bullshit and lies cloud your judgment. You’re just… you. In all of your cynical and stubborn ways.”
Your hand moved to his stubbled cheek, feeling your eyes begin to well up with tears. He looked so tired, constantly burdened with the responsibility of being a hero and a teacher, dealing with rambunctious kids all day. And there then there was you, that same student that ran away all those years ago, just giving him more trouble than he needed. Maybe it was time to end this little “game” once and for all.
“I suppose I’ve never made things easy for you, have I? Always causing trouble in school… guess that attitude carried into my adult life, huh?”
It almost made you cringe calling yourself an adult in front of him. You half expected him to laugh in your face and remind you that you were just a kid, but he remained silent, gaze softening when he noticed the moisture build up under your eyes, and he removed his capture weapon from around you.
“I… I just wish I could run away sometimes,” you whispered, both hands holding Shouta’s face as a tear rolled down your cheek. “There’s nothing here for me. Though, I don’t think I’d be able to when you’re here.”
Despite how confident you were earlier, you felt like crawling into a hole at that moment. Your confession made you sound like a stupid love-struck teenager, which is the last thing you wanted him to see you as. It didn’t really matter what he was thinking, though. The way he was looking at you already made you feel like he was judging you. You sniffled and pulled away, arms wrapping around yourself as Shouta reached out for you, your name on the tip of his tongue. You shook your head.
“Don’t, just… I know I sound dumb. And I know it was stupid of me to think that…”
You sighed, memories of being in his class flooding your mind. You weren’t always so troubled. You had a few friends you got along with, but other than that you usually remained quiet. That excluded your outbursts, though. Something or someone would set you off, making some off-hand comment about how you didn’t belong in UA, and you would just vibrate with so much rage that something nearby would suddenly burst into flames, and it only made them tease you more.
That was until Shouta took you under his wing. He began teaching you how to control your quirk and use defensive techniques that didn’t involve setting anything on fire. It was the first time in your life that you felt like somebody cared about you. You were on your way to becoming a great hero. That all changed when you saw how corrupt hero society really was. Your mother worked at a pro hero’s agency, working her damndest to put food on the table for your family until there was an incident at her work with her boss, and his pro hero friends covered it all up to protect him. You remember how upset you were, blowing up the tv when you saw his smug face on screen talking to the press. It got so bad you almost destroyed a whole city block. You ran away before the police could find you, packing a bag and promising your mother you’d avenge her before setting off on your own, leaving before you could finish the second half of your third year at UA. Then the League eventually found you and took you in. No, you weren’t interested in destroying heroes like Shigaraki and his crew, but you were determined to expose them. Uncover all of the dirty truths they had all kept hidden away from the media so that they could keep their perfect image and have their fans worship the ground they walk on. It all made you sick, getting so angry and upset that you could practically feel the vomit wanting to crawl up into your throat you would get so nauseous just thinking about it.
Despite your different goals and his hate for pretty much everyone, Dabi and you got along quite well, surprisingly. Maybe it was only because of the similarities of your quirks, but regardless, you were glad to have a companion. While UA taught you how to control your quirk, Dabi helped you unleash it, realize the full potential of your powers, and your face would glow with wonder and exhilaration as you set the world ablaze. You ended up kissing him one night, so full of adrenaline and desperate for some sort of outlet for all of it that you found your lips firmly planted on his, and he was more than okay with it, gripping you tightly against him as he pried your lips open with his eager tongue.
You thought that’d be the end of your little transgression, but you were wrong. On more than one occasion, one of you would end up falling into the other’s bed, and you would be nothing more than a pair of tangled limbs and desperate touches as you both tried to feel something. You didn’t really view each other romantically, simply using each other when you needed a release. But despite that, you thought Dabi was beautiful. He would laugh whenever you told him that, saying you were too fucked out to think properly. But you meant it. Every time. Whenever you’d lay your head on his bare chest and lightly trace the edges of his scars, muttering those simple words into the air, and they would weigh heavy on him. You didn’t know, but he’d think about those words well after you’d retreat to your own room, puffing on a cigarette and trying to banish every and any thought of you. Besides, he knew your heart belonged to someone else.
You looked up at the sky, feeling Shouta’s gaze still on you before meeting his eyes with a smile, but there was no joy behind it. “I suppose you think I’m pretty pathetic, huh?”
“I think you’re troubled, y/n,” Shouta said, taking a step towards you. “I think you need help. Guidance.”
“There is no helping me, Shouta,” you muttered. “I don’t think I can believe in being a hero anymore after what happened.”
“I’m not asking you to. But believe in me. Believe that I want the best for you.”
His words made you pause, swallowing the lump in your throat as you shook your head. “I do believe in you… I just don’t believe in the society you represent.”
Shouta sighed, lips pressed tightly together as he regarded you with an almost unreadable expression, but you knew what that look was. It wasn’t disappointment, but regret.
“It wasn’t your fault, Sho. You were the only one who was ever really there for me, and you were the only person who went looking for me when I ran away. You cared about me. And that’s the only thing I could ever ask for. I know you might think that you failed me, but you helped me. You taught me how to control my abilities,” you paused, letting out a short breath. “but someone taught me how to use them. And until people know the truth… I won’t stop.”
Shouta looked like he wanted to say something when you heard a shout from below, walking towards the edge of the roof and seeing the League waiting for you on the sidewalk. Toga waved excitedly when she saw your face, and you smiled and shook your head before going back over to the older man. You reached forward hesitantly, hand brushing over his chest before bracing yourself against him as you leaned forward and pressed your lips to the corner of his mouth. When you pulled away, you swore you might’ve just given everything up for him at that moment. He looked so vulnerable, so open like you could reach right into his chest and rip his heart out and he wouldn’t care. But with another distant shout of your name, you were snapped out of your reverie and you moved away from him.
“Don’t come looking for me, Sho, and don’t try to stop me either. I don’t wanna hurt you, but if you get in my way, you’ll leave me no choice,” you said, giving the hero one last look as you turned to walk away, but stopped when you heard him call out your name. You glanced back at him, a brow raised in question.
“You’re making a mistake. This won’t change what happened.”
You hummed, slightly nodding as you smiled bitterly. “You’re right. But maybe I can stop it from happening to other people.”
Sparing him one last look, you took a deep breath and jumped from the roof. The ground rushed to meet you as the wind hit your face, and before you could hit the pavement, a pair of arms caught you and gently placed you on the ground. You looked into those electric blue eyes, letting out a small hum as you lightly punched Dabi’s shoulder.
“Thanks, sailor,” you said with a wink, and you playfully bumped your elbow against Shigaraki as you walked between the two men.
“So, how’d it go with lover boy?” Dabi asked, his hands shoved into his pockets, and a bitter taste filled your mouth as you thought about the mentioned hero.
“I don’t think we’ll be seeing him again anytime soon.”
If Dabi saw the way your jaw clenched or the flash of anguish in your eyes, he didn’t say anything, just simply threw an arm around your shoulders and let you stumble into his side. You didn’t know when or if you’d ever see Shouta again. But if you did, you wanted him to give you everything he got.
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josephejlersen91 · 1 year
We Don't use the Normal LMS
Everyday, I hear of the amazing work being carried out by children from around the world, as they become knowledge-able, as well as knowledgeable in their gaming interactions. Many children, supported by experienced elders (parents and their peers) are taking part in this exciting platform. Teachers are also helping their students to achieve amazing feats.
Look at this stunning construction in Minecraft The Minecraft build is stunning! Babylon in a completely modern world of our children's futures. By amazing - I don't mean just building in a gaming environment! I'm talking about engaging in the arts of literacy and communication, digital citizenship and storytelling and, most importantly, in the realm of creativity and global cultural. It requires effort from adults to nurture students in this way.
Minecraft in education is a growing phenomenon and educators are taking to the platform to see how they can integrate Minecraft into the learning environments of their schools. To be honest - Minecraft is also becoming a minefield of its very own in the 'grown-up world' (consultant warning) - and that is why it is crucial that we connect with a quality user with a solid knowledge of best practices in Minecraft rather than with consultants.
Project Mist
Project Mist, from Donelle Batty, is one of my top Australian leaders - working with her kids daily that we could only wish for all our children. Donelle has been running Project M.I.S.T (Minecraft In School Transforming education) for what seems like eons now. Her students have very powerful learning experiences. GMods experience in Minecraft tells it all!
My experience in Minecraft this year was truly memorable; the team work, the efforts, the creativity gained and witnessed was simply amazing. I was able to interact with others with similar interests as me and made friendships throughout the year. The most enjoyable thing was cooperating. When there were large mobs and deaths, we took shelter and shared our supplies. If someone needed help with creating or building something, it was always satisfying to show them how to do so. I've also learned about the importance of my appearance online and how I present myself to the people of the world wide web. Presentation is important and your first impression of you is everything. If you act like an online tool, people will see you once and say "Wow this person is ridiculous and rude." And that would be their last visit to your page/ sever/ profile. Editum
Recently I followed a tweet to read what Donelle wrote about the 2014 launch of #ProjectMIST.
2014 #ProjectMIST is about to begin. It requires a dedicated community! http://t.co/HwGMrUlHI5 #minecraft @natbott42
- Donelle Batty (@dbatty1) March 21, 2014
She reminded us that Minecraft is a collaborative experience as are the many stages of learning that are required to gain Minecraft experience. Donelle is a leader in the world, and will soon be traveling to Tasmania as an Hardie Fellow (Info re Hardie Fellowship recipients 2013-14).
Donelle was also reminded of Jo Kay's incredible work, who I have worked closely with over the years on many projects. Jo currently supports and builds our work in the Master of Education, Knowledge Networks and Digital Innovation degree here at CSU. We do not use the typical LMS however, we have created our own version for the degree at present.
Donelle is also able to explain this in a similar manner:
ProjectMIST is extremely fortunate to have one person who has been with since the beginning of the project and is there every day, even at 12:00 am. Jo Kay is there to assist the students when I'm not. Her assistance is highly appreciated by the students and they show this by building replicas of her avatars on their own servers, one young man did this the other night , when she helped him out when he locked himself out of his server. This student has now just been accepted onto Massively @ Jokaydia Minecraft Guild and is very excited to be able to build, learn and explore with others from all parts of the world.
If you're an educator, a parent, or just someone who wants to give kids the chance to play Minecraft I suggest you visit Massively @ Jokaydia.
The Massively @ jokaydia Website is an online community that is sponsored by jokaydia.com – provides parents and kids with games-based spaces where they can collaborate, learn, and play!
The project is designed for kids aged 4-16yrs who are interested in gaining digital media skills, exploring their imagination and enhancing their online social skills. We currently use Minecraft, a video game Minecraft to provide a secure whitelisted server, as well as various activities that allow kids to choose their own fun learning paths and adventures.
You can't do better than that! Babylon was designed by one student!
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Bittersweet (JJK x Reader) ☕️💜🔞
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🍪 Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
🍪 Genre: Barista!AU, Mutual pining, smut because this is my content we’re talking about
🍪 Warnings: mentions of sickness, mentions of vomiting, best boi Koo, coffee puns, casual y’all during sex, protected sex because we have our lives under control in this household, overstimulation, rough! Koo, spanking (like..once), doggy-style because why not, reader rides Koo for a moment before he takes the upper hand again, they’re just being a mess ok
🍪 Summary: every day she’s his favorite costumer. So when she’s suddenly absent; what’s he supposed to do without any way to contact her?
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Jungkooks eyes began to sparkle as she stepped inside, wrapped up in a fluffy brown jacket, a scarf around her neck.
His scarf to be exact.
Now, they both weren't a couple- but close enough. He'd given her his scarf the day before as she'd forgotten hers at home; and due to the cold weather outside, he'd immediately gotten concerned over her health. He knew that she hated the cold- so he'd gifted his own protection against the harsh wind outside to her, uncaring about himself in that moment.
It gave him a weird sense of pride knowing that she wore it still. And as she stepped closer, Jungkook had already prepared her usual order- never forgetting to include her favorite cookies, a thing he'd memorized by now. She never quite drank coffee, but more like, milk and sugar with a drop of coffee. His coworker, Jin, had made fun of it several times in the past; he'd always stepped in however, as soon as he could see how embarrassed she got.
"Oh?" He asked, as he noticed her red nose and glossy eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked, and she giggled before coughing. He furrowed his brows. Hopefully she didn't want to go to work like that- but by now he knew her well enough to have a very big suspicion that that was exactly her plan for the day.
She rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh hey what's brewing? Looking good yourself, thanks for the compliment-" She said, trying to laugh but coughing again. "Hey look, I kind of wanted to return your scarf, but I also don't want to share my bacteria with you so- is it okay if I keep it for a bit?" She said, voice a bit muffled due to her facemask. He nodded, a slight pout on his lips.
"I know you're gonna go to work but-" He said, placing her order on the counter for her to take, as she placed down the money he took. "Can you at least go home a bit earlier? You really do look not so good." He said, doe-eyes growing a bit pleading at her as she sighed.
"I'll try, okay?" She said, and he nodded. Technically he'd ask her to promise, but he also knew how headstrong she was. The fact that she aknowledged his request was good enough for now.
"Okay." He said, smiling a bit as he waved from behind the counter as she left. "Take care!" He called out as she still waved, almost tripping over the small step outside the door as he chuckled, turning to the next costumer.
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She wasn't there the next day.
Typically he should not get too worried about it, but as the week passed, she still didn't show up. A coworker of hers couldn't tell him either what was going on; only that she wasn't at work either.
So she was probably at home resting. Hopefully.
"...kook. Jungkook!" Jin called out, saving his younger coworker from spilling hot milk all over his hand. "Okay, spill the beans loverboy." He sternly said as he took him to the side, the cafe calm and almost empty as they were close to closing time. Jungkook sighed as he ran a hand over his face, groaning for a moment.
"I'm worried!" He exclaimed, no need to say out loud who he was talking about. "I know that she's an independent adult person who can surely take care of herself but what if something happened? What if she's at home too sick to take care of herself? Jin during the entire time she came here, she never missed an entire week!" He explained in pout as he let himself flop down on one of the small chairs. Seokjin sighed, before he looked at the clock.
"Go. I'll wrap things up today." He said, as Jungkook furrowed his brows. Even if he went home now, that didn't help his situation at all! "I'll give you her number and you can call her-" He started, as Jungkook suddenly jumped up.
"You have her number?! Why didn't you tell me?" He yelled, absolutely scandalized by this.
Seokjin threw his hands up in defeat. "Okay slow down, first of all you never asked. Second of all she told me not to!" He said, and Jungkooks look shifted. He suddenly didn't look offended anymore- he looked hurt. Betrayed almost.
"Why.?" He asked, now way quieter.
Jin sighed. "She wanted you to ask for it instead." He answered, and Jungkook threw his head back again, groaning as Jin laughed. "Give me your phone.." He said, taking the device from him and putting in her contact info. "There you go. Use protection kid!" He called after Jungkook, who'd immediately grabbed his phone and ran out, putting on his coat on his way.
The older one simply shook his head, smiling.
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"..yeah?" The very tired voice of hers answered as Jungkook sat up straighter on his couch.
"H-Hey its Jungkook! You know, Kookie, the barista who puts in vanilla sugar instead of the lame stuff?" He said, and suddenly a laugh reached his ear, making him involuntarily smile. "Hey, I.. you didn't show up the entire week and it made me kind of worry so, I wanted to ask if you're good?" He asked, shyness slowly dying down.
Her voice sounded strained. "Yeah yeah, just great-" She said, before coughing. "Okay yeah no. Have you ever needed to sneeze but you couldnt?" She asked, and he hummed a reply, agreeing that he indeed had been in that situation before. "I feel absolutely like I'm gonna, you know, throw up, but I can't." She groaned, and his brows furrowed at that.
"I promise I don't try to be creepy here but-" He started, as he looked at his dog, peacefully sleeping next to him on the couch. "Can you give me your address maybe so I can come over? I- Listen I'm super worried, and no one should be left alone when sick." He said, and wondered if he was overstepping a line. Until he heard some shuffling, and a jingling sound.
"I'll text it to you, k? I uh.. unlocked the door now because I sure as hell won't be getting up anymore today." She said, as he chuckled.
"Oh, so you're gonna make me your maid?" He asked, and she giggled.
"Thats the plan Kookie."
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"Y/N?" He called, without getting an answer. He thought about it, before trying a second attempt. "Midget!"
The answer was almost instantly. "The fuck do you mean Mid-" She tried, before coughing.
Jungkook walked inside the bedroom after searching for a moment, looking at her with a pitiful smile as he leaned against the doorframe. If she wasn't feeling so absolutely disgusting in that moment, she would've whistled at his way different outfit. After all, she mainly only saw him in his regular work attire; the black button up and ripped jeans he sported now a complete one-eighty to that. He looked so much more mature like that- now actually giving away that he was a bit older than her. Did he always have such a defined jawline? He could definitely cut a bitch with that-
Wow, exit was three miles ago.
"Done staring sugar?" He asked, and she only groaned, burying herself deeper into her massive mountain of blankets as he chuckled. "Alright. I'm gonna carry you into the living room, because I wont be spending my time in your stuffy bedroom." He said, making her giggle as she peeked out of her makeshift burrito.
"You won't?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively before sneezing into the blankets, making him chuckle again.
"You're sick, so no." He said, and she suddenly yelped as he leaned down to pick her up. "What?" He asked with wide eyes.
"I'm sick!"
"I'm sick."
"Heard that before." He said, crossing his arms in front of his chest. She swallowed a bit at that because- was that a tattoo staring at her? Why did she never notice his hand was inked?! She shook her head, to focus again. "You'll get sick too!" She explained, before he scoffed.
"It's not like I'm licking your face sugar, now stop being difficult." He said, as he picked her up, blankets and everything included as he carried her back, placing her onto her couch before he squatted down in front of her face. "I'm gonna heat up some soup, and you'll eat something alright?" He said, and she shook her head.
"I'm gonna throw it up." She said, a pout evident. She didn't want his hard work to simply go down the drain- quite literally.
"That's okay." He answered, as she furrowed her brows. "You probably can't throw up because you haven't eaten. People typically feel better after vomiting so it's okay. Win win situation, really." He said as if it wasn't a huge deal.
"It's gross though." She mumbled.
"It happens." He said back, as he placed the white plastic bag on her kitchen counter, filling some of the soup from the plastic container into a small bowl he had a bit of issues finding, before he heated it up in her microwave. He was absolutely terrified of using them usually, making her laugh at him every time someone brought it up, but this time he didn't care much. "Here, let me help." He hummed, as he placed the bowl and a spoon on the small coffee table in front of her couch, helping her sit up properly. "Slowly, okay? You don't need to finish it, just a bit at a time alright sugar?" He requested, and she nodded, watching him as he sat down next to her, bowl on his thigh while he blew on the spoon, careful to cool the liquid food down before offering it. She kept her eyes on his focused face as she opened her lips, accepting it as he gently smiled. "There we go. Hope it doesn't suck, Jin says I can't cook for shit." He said with a chuckle.
"Doesn't matter, I can't taste much anyways." She shrugged, as he offered another small spoonful.
He snorted a bit as he kept himself concentrated. "Well I guess I'll just have to get you better, and cook for you when your tastebuds work again." He decided, as she smiled.
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"Huh?" He noticed, as the small form of her whizzed past him, practically throwing open the bathroom door before he heard her. He dried his hands, sighing as he went inside the bathroom, spotting her leaning over the toilet bowl, gripping it with pale hands. "Oh sugar." He hummed, before he squatted next to her, a comforting hand running over her back as the other gathered her hair, holding it away from her face. He hushed her the best he could, a bit of helplessness seeping into his mind as he watched her struggle. She leaned her head on the side of the bowl for a moment, breathing heavily with closed eyes. Jungkook reached for a piece of toilet paper, wiping her mouth before he continued his gentle caressing of her back. "Better?" He asked, and she nodded, before opening her eyes, tearing up. "Whats wrong?" He asked, as he helped her sit, flushing the toilet.
"I hate this." She said, angrily wiping her eyes.
"Everyone gets sick." He said with a slight smile, searching for toothpaste as he prepared everything for her to get the taste off of her tongue.
"Thats not what I meant." She mumbled, as he looked at her. "I hate that you see me like this. I'm disgusting and a walking piece of dead meat at this point, radiating germs." She huffed, as he went down in front of her, pointing her toothbrush at her lips as she opened them almost automatically. He smiled at her reaction, placing the brush inside her mouth as she took over, lazily brushing her teeth.
"I think you're still pretty." He said, as she looked at him with an unamused look in her eyes. "I feel good that you let me take care of you like this. It feels nice that you let me see you like that." He explained, as he helped her up to walk towards the sink, turning on the water as she rinsed her mouth. "I don't like you any less, of you're worried about that." He said, and she almost choked on the water inside her mouth.
She knew he liked her, romantically, yet he'd never openly said it.
"I know its a bit sudden, but I've been pretty obvious." He said, as he wiped her mouth with a towel, before smiling at her.
"If I wasn't sick right now I'd be all cliche and kiss you right now, but I can't." She said, pouting a bit as he chuckled, kissing his two fingers before placing them onto her lips.
"Indirect kiss then."
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"Okay but espresso is absolutely disgusting." She said, leaning over the counter to grab a mini cookie, before yelping as Jungkook playfully slapped her hands.
"Everyone can decide for themselves, first of all, and stop stealing shit." He said as he pointed at her, gasping scandalized as she teasingly tried to bite his finger. "Really now?" He asked, and she laughed.
"Okay kids, be disgusting somewhere else please!" Seokjin yelled, grabbing Jungkook by his apron as he pushed him into the backroom, telling him to change and go home. "Yoongi and I will close up today." He said to the young girl waiting, as she nodded.
"Alright sugar, lets go and be disgusting!" Jungkook exclaimed as he emerged from the backroom, now dressed in familiar all black attire, as he scooped her up, making her laugh as they both walked out of the cafe, towards his car.
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"I want you to move in with me." He said between huffs of breaths as she mewled underneath him, body shaking with every encounter with his thrusting hips. She nodded as she smiled when he leaned down to kiss her collarbone, hand running over her breasts as he teasingly pinched a nipple between his fingers.
"You'll- urgh-" She groaned, as he bit the skin. "You'll have to carry my shit though." She pressed out, as he laughed at that, leaning back as he expertly angled his hips to hit her sweet spot deep inside, making her arch her back.
"Ah- that's fine with m..me!" He stuttered as he began to put more force into his movements, sacrificing speed for strength as she hummed in delight underneath him, grabbing the pillow above her head as she started to grow restless. "You gonna cum sugar? Nice and hard?" He asked playfully as he moved his hand over her exposed clit, fingers rubbing over the sensitive bundle of nerves as she gasped in pleasure, thighs suddenly shaking as she came, clenching around him. "Hm, good girl." He hummed, before she huffed, suddenly squirming before she squealed, wetness escaping her as he chuckled, sight enough to send him over the edge as well. "There we go, giving me a show aren't you sugar?" He said, voice hoarse as he let himself lean over her again, before she suddenly grinned up at him, pulling him down and shoving a bit to get him to lay down, suddenly above him as she sunk down on his still sensitive cock.
He laghed and choked up as she continued to ride him, her own second orgasm approaching as he squeezed his eyes shut. "God- good god ah!" He yelled out between laughter at the way he could feel his own legs tremble, unsure if what he was feeling was torture of absolute heaven. "Pl-Please God, Baby you're-" He pressed out, gasping as he suddenly felt himself close to a second orgasm as well. "You're gonna kill me you fucking demon!" He exclaimed, roughly turning her around as he pulled her legs against her stomach again, thrusting with newfound strength, as she giggled and squealed. "That's what you wanted?" He asked between gritted teeth as she pressed her eyes close. "Little demon can't get enough of this dick?" He teased as she nodded, now desperately racing towards her release as he suddenly slipped out of her, adjusting the condom with a trembling hand as he manhandles her laughing body onto her stomach, pulling on her lower half as he slipped inside her wet cunt from behind, bringing his inked hand down onto her butt with a loud slap for good measure as she whined. "Oh now you're complaining? Should've known what-" He groaned out in between his words as he grabbed her thighs, pulling her against his relentless hips as she moaned out into the pillow below her. "-Should've know what you got yourself into." He finished, before she arched her back again, reaching behind her to push him off as her eyes teared up from overstimulation. As he saw her painful expression he immediately pulled out of her, pulling the condom off of his erection as he desperately pumped his length, finishing in small spurts on the arch of her back before they both collapsed, breathing heavily.
"Okay, I loved every second of it sugar but-" He exclaimed breathless, as she cuddled up next to him, throwing a leg over his body as he laughed. "What the fuck was that?"
But she simply giggled, mind still too hazy to form any words.
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spookyceph · 3 years
Pull Test
Summary: Shigaraki and Kurogiri meet with the League of Villain's newest candidate.
Rating: Gen Fic, SFW
Relationships: Shigaraki & Magne
Characters: Shigaraki Tomura, Magne, Kurogiri, Giran, mentioned Dabi, mentioned Toga Himiko
Words: 2,732
Warnings: Implied/Referenced transphobia and deadnaming when Magne's background is mentioned, swearing
The manila folder dropped from the air like a dead bird, hitting the bar top with a slap. Tomura jerked back, stool wobbling beneath him, and grit his teeth as he heard the staccato sounds of his fighter taking damage in his game. Recovering balance, he hit the pause button before glaring at the warp gate that swirled into being across the way.
“Another one already?” he snapped the moment the tall figure of his caretaker stepped out of the darkness.
Kurogiri straightened both his tie and metal gorget. “I was quite impressed myself. Giran is proving to be as professional and efficient as advertised.” He motioned to the folder he’d air dropped in. “Shall we consider this new candidate together, Shigaraki Tomura?”
Tomura wasn’t in the mood to consider shit. He hadn’t been hanging around the bar for going on two hours hoping for work to come along. One of his hands strayed to his pocket. He touched the lump that was the jar of salve he’d taken to carrying at all times. The serpentine ridge of a friendship bracelet (I used red, white, and black string so it would match you, Tomura-kun!) had joined it a week ago. Of course, he’d die before admitting to lurking just to catch a glimpse of Dabi. Or that he’d agreed to let Toga show him her favorite otome games as soon as she came back from her shopping trip. He definitelycouldn’t tell the smug old ink splatter to fuck off and let him get back to his goal of a high score—not without having how wrong he’d been about those same two people rubbed in his face.
That left being a responsible leader as the only option.
Tomura growled and set his game aside. He flicked the folder open. “Fine. What’s this new asshole’s name?” Giving in didn’t require him to be gracious about it.
“Ah. About that. I believe there’s a conflicting issue in her files about that point. Her family name is Hikiishi, however, her given one, or both, may require an update.”
A look at the top of the file filled in the blanks. The picture Giran had included showed the candidate flashing a bold smile at the camera. Shoulder-length auburn hair framed prominent cheekbones. Slightly darker fuzz lined her jaw and chin. Tomura couldn’t tell what color her eyes were behind her sunglasses, but they locked with his through lenses and stock paper alike. Hikiishi Kenji, read the first line of information on the page beneath the photo. A police report, by the looks of it.
“I see. Well, for now let’s just call Hikiishi by her alias until she confirms with us.” Tomura skimmed through the info again. “Magne, right? Related to her quirk, I assume.”
The currents of Kurogiri’s mist slowed and relaxed into looser coils. “Correct.”
Tomura frowned. “What? Did you think I’d have some sort of problem with the name thing?”
“After the misunderstanding with Dabi—”
“Dabi and I talked.”
The yellow eyes glowing within the darkness widened. “Did you now?”
Fuck, he wasn’t turning red, was he? Was he? “We’re adults. We worked shit out, okay? Not everybody has a stick up their ass about being polite all the time.” He scooped up his game, more than ready to retreat into something he could control. “When are we expecting Magne?”
“Giran can bring her by tomorrow evening.”
“Fine. Let’s get the stupid meet and greet crap over with.” When only silence followed, Tomura raised his gaze from the screen to glare at Kurogiri. “What?”
The wisps curling from the smoggy bastard’s head looked suspiciously like smiles. “Nothing, Shigaraki Tomura. Nothing at all.”
Tomura’s finger rose and fell on the bartop fast enough to give a sewing machine needle a run for its money. The ball of his right foot bounced on the stool’s crossbar in time with it.
Giran had promised he’d be there between 9:00 and 10:00. The clock by the door pointed to 9:51.
Lots of people would be riding the trains on a Friday night. Or roaming the streets, looking for food and alcohol, karaoke, strangers to stave off loneliness. Heroes would be out in force as a result, watching for any predators stalking the herds of humanity. Tomura didn’t know how to calculate exact probability rates for shit hitting the fan, but he got the sense they were on the higher end under such conditions.
Why couldn’t he just run into party members along the way as needed, like in games? Each one would specialize in a skill, forming a well-rounded team. Everyone would follow him to the bitter end because they believed in him and not some ass goblin named Stain. Why they believed in Tomura wouldn’t matter, though money would be a reasonable guess. Idealism didn’t pay much from what he could tell.
“Be calm, Shigaraki Tomura. This meeting will go well.”
He bared teeth at Kurogiri. “There has to be a meeting for it to go a certain way. And I am calm, damn it.”
“So I see.” He finished wiping down the glass he held before setting it on the bar and grabbing another. “My apologies.”
Tomura twisted on the stool to give the smart ass shadow a piece of his overthinking mind.
Knock, knock, knock.
Without missing a beat, Kurogiri stuck his free hand through a small warp gate and turned the handle of the door across the room. He went back to polishing as two figures entered the bar.
For someone who charged such high fees, Giran went out of his way to look cheap and kitschy. Little round tinted lenses pinched to the bridge of his nose. A scrunched scarf like someone’s guts slung around his neck. One front tooth missing in his low-key sleazy smile. The woman following right behind him and surveying her new surroundings made for a more welcome sight. Sunglasses (her and Giran both, for fucks’ sake) hid her eyes just like in her picture, but her lips held a hint of a smile.
The essence of good manners, Kurogiri bowed to their guests. “Good evening. Welcome to our humble home.”
Tomura, to balance the scales, snorted and folded his arms across his chest. “Took you long enough.”
Giran shrugged and twirled his hand, leaving behind a smoke spiral from the tip of the cigarette between his fingers. “Our train was delayed by some prankster threatening to blow up the tracks.”
“Doesn’t sound like a prank.”
“It wouldn’t have been if the lazy bastard hadn’t been trying to pass off children’s clay as plastic explosive. One of the cops noticed the stuff was bright yellow and they rushed him. They didn’t even call in a hero.” The broker shook his head. “What’s this world coming to? People can’t be bothered to find and pay for real weapons anymore. It offends my pride as a businessman.”
Behind Father, Tomura grimaced. His short-lived venture with Stain had indeed moved people to lash out at society. The problem was most of them were fucking morons. He doubted any decent candidates the League managed to net would make up for all the secondhand embarrassment he’d suffered in the past couple of weeks from watching the news.
“Oh, I don’t know,” the woman said, tapping her chin. “I felt kinda bad for the poor guy. He looked like your average office wage-slave. I thought he was going to break down in tears when they hauled him off.”
“Serves him right for cutting corners. No conviction, no integrity these days I tell you.”
She hid a grin behind her hand. “You’re heartless, Giran.”
The broker snorted smoke from his nostrils like an exasperated dragon. “I’m practical.”
“And yet you still haven’t introduced me.”
Posture straightening, Giran tugged at his weirdly anatomical scarf. “Sorry, got sidetracked. Magne, Shigaraki Tomura and Kurogiri of the League of Villains.”
“Pleased to meet you.” Slipping off his stool, Tomura gave her a short bow. The way Kurogiri swayed slightly, as if he’d swoon from shock, made the display worth it.
“I take it I’ve earned my fee?” chimed in Giran.
Kurogiri’s misty form shuddered as he roused himself. “Of course. We’ll hear from you again soon?”
“I’ve got a few candidates lined up.” The broker sketched them a mock salute before turning and closing the door behind him.
“Please, have a seat.” Tomura motioned to the row of barstools beside him.
“Thank you. Don’t mind if I do.”
While Magne approached, he studied her movements. She strode across the hardwood floor, work boots making minimal noise with each step. Grace as well as power. She knew how to use the muscle under her shirt’s rolled up sleeves rather than relying on pure size. Although, that didn’t hurt either—Tomura put her at over ten centimeters his own height at least, and she definitely outclassed him by weight. He wondered whether she had speed to go along with strength. She slid into the next seat over and rested her chin in her hands.
“Would you care for something to drink, Miss Magne?” Kurogiri asked, jumping at the chance to play host.
“Oh, my. So formal. Sure, I’ll have whatever you recommend.”
Tomura waited until a small glass of something amber-colored had been set in front of them both (ginger ale for him) and she’d taken an approving sip before getting things rolling.
“You have quite a record, Magne.” Though he’d already memorized the relevant bits, he flipped open the folder container her information.
She glanced over, shades slipping down her nose as she scanned the first page of the police report. “Twenty-nine attempted murders, huh? Is that what they’re calling those? I’m surprised you guys bothered having me come in after reading that garbage.”
Like a small bird, Tomura’s stomach dipped and fluttered when Magne looked at him over the edge of her glasses. Not quite in the same way it did when he caught Dabi watching him from across the room, but close enough to classify the sensation as pleasant. Her irises shone like polished agates, made up of rich layers of browns from a starburst of mahogany around her pupils to flecks of burnished copper. Tomura suddenly understood her hiding them behind lenses. Such a beautiful detail would stick in anyone’s memory.
“Somebody who tried and failed to kill that many people would look pretty incompetent, right?” she replied. “Or like they chickened out at the last second. I don’t enjoy killing. I’ll tell you that up front. But…I didn’t hesitate with the three I did put down, let’s just say that.”
Tomura, a multiple murderer himself, examined the square set of her shoulders, the twist of scorn to her mouth towards her accusers, and found no reason to doubt her. He nodded.
“The so-called attempts were from the robberies you pulled off then?”
“Mostly, though I’m sure a few of the bullies I smacked around exaggerated just to prove what big, strong men they are.” She harumphed and took another sip from her drink.
“And the actual murders?”
Her lips puckered, as if she tasted something more bitter than whatever alcohol Kurogiri had given her. “Personal matters.”
“I see.” Tomura turned the page and ran his finger further down the information. “Your quirk has some unique parameters.”
The lines of Magne’s face eased into a smile. “Oh, the gender thing? A theory really. I haven’t had much opportunity to test it seriously. It might be nothing but my own perception…but I guess that doesn’t make it any less real, does it?” She lifted a hand from her glass and reached halfway toward him. “Care for a demonstration?”
Tomura caught himself drawing away from her, his nails latching onto the sides of his neck. Cowering—great way to display his leadership skills. “What’re you going to do?”
“Oh, just tug on your arm a little. Go ahead and put it down by your side for me.”
Resisting the urge to look to Kurogiri for reassurance, he did as asked. For safety’s sake he curled his fingers into a fist.
Magne smiled. “Ready?”
According to the knot in his stomach, no, but he nodded anyway. His arm jerked and leapt up as if it were tied by a string. Tomura gasped, almost slipping off his seat. Magne caught and steadied him.
“Sorry, honey! Got so excited to show off I put a bit too much oomph into it.” She patted his shoulder as if there weren’t dead, gray hands clutching it.
“’S’alright,” he mumbled. And it was—his skin showed no marks, his muscles and joints registered no pain. He readjusted the delicate hand decorating his wrist. Cold, waxy, and pliant. Nothing like Magne.
“So, can you manipulate people’s movements? Turn them into your puppets?”
She hummed and pushed her sunglasses back into their proper place. “Not really. I can move someone with the proper amount of push versus pull, but it’s such delicate work that they could break free pretty easily. Hold out your arm and I’ll show you what I mean.”
Still making a fist, Tomura followed her suggestion. Magne positioned her hands on either side of his forearm, spread about half a meter apart. Concentration dug a V between her brows. A thrum jolted through Tomura’s bones. He startled at the rush of tingles in his elbow and shoulder but kept his balance. Something like a low electrical current pulsed along his arm, raising its pale little hairs. Eyes wide, he watched as the limb drifted from one side to the other, then up, down—anywhere the poles of Magne’s palms guided it. He could even see, feel his skin being tugged and pressed by her quirk. Taking a deep breath, Tomura drew his fist back. He met some resistance, but didn’t have to put up any real struggle.
“Weird.” He shook his buzzing fingers out. “But kinda nice. Tingly. Like an electrical field.”
Magne tilted her head and smirked. “Oh? That’s a new one. Then again, maybe I’d have heard it before if I used my quirk for something besides bashing jerks.”
What would he have done without Father hiding the fact he blushed at the slightest fucking thing? He’d never get used to talking to people at this rate.
“Your skills would be a great asset to the League, Miss Magne,” Kurogiri said, saving Tomura from having to pretend he could be witty. “I presume Giran discussed the expenses we cover? Upon joining, you would also be welcome to claim a room upstairs, should you wish.”
Magne went still. Even her breathing stopped for a moment. “You’d let me stay here?”
Tomura knew right then he’d never live down being wrong about not letting League members move into the hideout. Kurogiri would never be crass enough to say it out loud, of course. He didn’t have to. Tomura sighed, accepting his fate.
“Two members live here already, including another woman. We can introduce you to them both before you decide.”
Gaze aimed at the ceiling, Magne touched fingers to her pursed lips. “I’ve already made up my mind.” She met Tomura’s eyes, a smile lighting up her face. “Sign me up.”
Well. He had no clue whatso-fucking-ever how they’d convinced her, but results were results. Besides, she hadn’t mentioned Stain once. She deserved free room and board for that alone.
“Ah, wonderful. We’re so delighted to have you, Miss Magne.” Kurogiri steepled his fingers. “Please let me know if you require any assistance in moving your belongings. I can warp them to whichever room you choose.”
A soft laugh huffed out of her. “No need, honey. I travel light these days. Would tomorrow evening be too soon?”
Tomura shrugged. “That’s fine. I’ll make sure Toga and Dabi are around so you can meet them.” Even if he had to staple the latter to a chair to make him comply.
“Sounds like a plan.” Magne raised her glass. “To new friends then?”
There was that word again. Offered with the same ease Toga had shown. And Dabi…he’d never said it maybe but his gift had implied…well, something. Tomura touched his pocket. The weight and shapes of the items inside it. With the same hand, he picked up his own glass and clinked it against Magne’s.
“Sure. I’ll drink to that.”
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