#and i did bc if she asks im gonna respect her request
stevethehairington · 2 years
sitting here in my room scrolling through the limited pictures/videos i took at the fatm concert wishing i was back there again 💖
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funky-sea-cryptid · 1 year
If it ok to ask, what’s puppet show? That doodle of Yuno got me curious 👀
HI COLUCANA,,,, it's perfectly ok to ask its just also. slightly insane and absolutely busted and its probably bc it stemmed from a goddamn dream.
it's gonna be a long one. tw for fucked up human experimentation and body horror
ok so we all know lilliane vaude fucking HATES finral. like it's an entire thing she's out here deadass telling a child "i dont love you because you're not my son". (she has inferiority issues huh. mad about being a second choice are you?) anyways. i was like 'what if it was worse!' and it did that.
so lilliane on her power trip is like "what if i tortured my stepson :)" and she has a facility in her basement that's theoretically to discover the limits of childhood mana but it's really because she hates her stepson. initially it's just finral down there but she's like "oo you know i gotta find subjects that Aren't finral or else if im found out people will Talk"
enter luck, yuno, and asta, subject numbers 17, 34, and 35 respectively. they're brought in fairly young. luck's put to work fighting and "disposing of" useless subjects (except for finral (1) because unfortunately lilliane cannot kill him bc that will be A Problem). yuno with all his mana quickly becomes one of her favorites, and asta uh.
it's an issue that he doesn't have mana. it quickly becomes not an issue when lilliane ramps his healing factor up to 1000 and now he can regrow organs. so, you know, if finral nearly dies again, she can Fix It.
langris trains against luck (but luck's severely inhibited) to become a magic knight yes he's involved and he has punched spatial magic holes directly into multiple people. he's got a body count of peon children.
anyways asta and yuno make it out by asta dying and ressurecting himself in the Body Pit and yuno throwing such a fit that lilliane just straight up leaves him to die. therefore they escape with their memories and make it back to hage with x100 trauma. asta's goal to become the wizard king is to protect yuno from this happening again bc he blames himself for yuno being taken. yuno on the other hand is like "if im the wizard king,,,, i can fucking Kill Them" he's mad.
finral and luck on the other hand get their memories blocked off and released bc lilliane isnt about to deal with their grimoires yet. now they're out with a bunch of weird scars that neither of them remember. owen is VERY confused.
canon continues as normal up until the magic knights test where langris whoops finral's ass and asta's like "OH YOU THOUGHT" langris realizes exactly who he is and is like "oh. oh no." and immediately tries to kill him.
the elf thing happens before anything goes on but julius got mad suspicious after asta uniquely introduced langris to the crystal (ft yuno freaking out) so after the elf bullshit he's like "hey lilliane :) what's up with uh. with uh. your uh. your lab?" and she's like "oh yk just stuff. you can request an examination if you'd like" and she specifically requests finral + luck bc "i dont want a biased investigation". yami of course has her bitchass READ and sends magna and nessa along with them bc luck, magna, and nessa would Eat Her.
it ends up being just magna and nessa. being confronted with the fact that your life's a lie and you spent your childhood in a laboratory does shit to people. it's a disaster, both luck + finral completely lose it and revert to subject-mode, lilliane Dips Out after magna and vanessa make it out with the others, asta has 37 brand new panics to deal with because now luck recognizes him and his particular breed of trauma has been exposed to the entire squad, yuno becomes even more homicidal. (sylph is terrified btw)
julius ends up smiting lilliane after a very traumatic trial where the captains read all her bullshit files and it's very cathartic for everyone involved (especially sister lily and father orsi, they're angry for the sake of their boys). langris Dips after the trial and yuno catches up with him to Fuck Him Up.
trauma squad back at base is currently undergoing healing (ft ness and mags grieving/relearning their partners). umm yeah its very fun for me personally.
thanks to alex my beloved for helping me with all the plot holes in the initial story and now it's a lot more cohesive <3 and thank you for asking.
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nyeddleblog · 2 years
It's Always the Quiet Ones. [Part 1]
Pairing: Andrew! Peter Parker x Fem!Reader.
Warnings: Some swearing, reader being a little bit rude, no smut (yet).
Request: 1. HI HI DO YOU STILL TAKES REQUESTSS?? cuz im so down for andrew's peter parker smut where he can sense y/n being turned on and w3t bc of his spidey senses? And its like all hot and dom stuff its okay if you dont write smuts or this tho just ignore itt 🙂🙂
2. Okay since you said we could request anything for any Peter Parker so I’m gonna ask you to write a Andrew Garfield‘s Peter Parker/Spider-Man Smut (if you’re comfortable with that ofc!!) a smut where he definitely knows what he wants, lots of dirty talk maybe something like enemies to lovers (like the reader and Peter can’t stand each other and are always arguing and stuff like that) maybe also semi-public smut but like I said only if you’re comfortable with that!!<3 anyways I would appreciate if you could do something like that, thank you!!
3. Can you make a Andrew's Peter Parker....Reader is Peter's girlfriend.... She seems innocent, turns out y/n loves lots of kinky stuff....
Peter discovers her kinks for bondage etc., by looking at her laptop....
Peter plans for the big night to have a kinky sex instead of using rope... He uses his webshooters!
Summary: Peter and you weren't friends, but you definitely loved arguing.
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Peter wasn't reliable.
You remembered all of those times when, in high school, your teacher would pair you up together for a school project, and he'd always show up late; always busy, always running, always apologizing.
And then, when you had made the great majority of the work, ready to call it yours, he'd have the audacity to come over the day before the deadline and correct you, being a smart-ass with his asshole comments.
So when he sat right next to you on your shared subject in college, you couldn't help but sigh, loudly.
He noticed, obviously.
"Ah, yes; always happy to see you" Peter seemed relieved by your presence, as if your expression was also of companionship.
Maybe you would come off as mean, but you couldn't help saying:
"Shut up, Parker"
Offended by your answer, the boy opened his mouth to differ, but the lack of time between his thought process and the beginning of the teacher's speech left him cut short. You genuinely weren't willing to talk.
And so, as the class begun, you could feel his constant, and rather annoying, stare. He was waiting for some kind of explanation.
In his eyes, you used to be a sweet classmate that would always save his ass on every school project. He trusted you, he thought you were intelligent and he definitely thought you were cute.
He probably would've had asked you out if it weren't for the way you'd only focus on your studies, and how clear you had made it to everyone that you weren't interested in dating.
However, he really thought you were both on the same page, and that the respect was mutual.
So he was surprised to realize that you had become this rude person who wouldn't even take the time to greet him. Did getting into college make you an asshole, or were you always like this and he had never realized?
You stood up from your seat once the class had finished, and the mix of curiosity and need for approval took over him. He needed to know.
"Hey, wait up!"
You tried to ignore him, he noticed by the way you froze for a second before returning to your walk. He softly grabbed your hand and spoke:
"Please, wait."
"Do you need help with your assignment?"
"What...? No, no! I just, I wanted to know if I did something wrong"
The strange look on your face made him realize how you definitely thought differently than him. "Yes, Peter, of course you did."
"W-What did I do?"
He genuinely seemed clueless, you almost felt sad for him; so you sighed, composed yourself and explained:
"Look, I am willing to forget that I almost failed every class because you were an irresponsible asshole; but I won't fall in the same trap again. I don't want to have anything to do with someone who clearly doesn't care about his academic future or can't even get in class in time."
He raised his eyebrows, realizing how precise your choice of words were; but then again, he still didn't want to lose you. He almost considered you his friend.
"Shit, I'm sorry, I never thought about it that way"
"Of course you didn't" You shrugged "So, just stop talking to me."
"That's harsh."
"That's fair."
He pouted, and damn, you almost regretted your decision right there, but you had things to do. Your study loan wouldn't pay on itself, and you still had things to move into your new apartment; besides, you were hungry, you thought your tummy would growl loud enough for him to hear...
"And if I invite you for something to eat?"
Damn you, you knew you should have had breakfast in the morning.
"A coffee, or maybe a pizza..." Damn, that sounded good. "A burger, waffle house... Whatever you want."
"Do you know that place near Midtown? Where everyone would go to eat after PE?" No, no, no. What were you doing?
"Where they sold those cheeseburgers?"
Fuck, fuck, fuck, don't...
"Yeah, there." You answered finally, turning to see him. And there he was with a wide smile "I want to go there. And I'm hungry."
As if it were a frightening announcement, he made a face to which you laughed, almost tired of forcing yourself to hate him.
"And why did you chose Biophysics, Y/N? I didn't notice you were a science nerd."
"Oh well, that's because not everyone has the privileged intellect you do, Parker" you chose to sarcastically answer, following it quickly "I've always liked science, I just have a hard time showing it on my grades. That's why I needed the Oscorp internship which, of course, I couldn't get."
"I didn't know you were struggling, I always thought you were some kind of teacher's pet."
"Oh, no, I was. I totally was" You looked at him "I just didn't get the good grades, and it didn't get me a scholarship, it just erased my social life."
"Damn, I understand why you hate me now."
"Nah, I don't hate you. I just... Don't like you."
"Right, that's better... I guess."
He entered the local, which still was filled with Midtown students, now younger than you two. He greeted the cashier and took a seat in one of the empty tables. You imitated him.
"So, what did you used to get?" he asked, raising his head to look at you on the other side of the table.
"I never ate here"
The way he opened his eyes made you laugh, again.
"And why did you want to eat here, then?"
"Because I never ate here" you shrugged "I want to have that experience."
He smiled. "Okay then, I'll make it the greatest experience you ever have."
"Yeah, whatever, I just want a cheese burger." But the smile on your face betrayed you.
He analyzed your figure. You looked adorable, your bag on your lap; your hair covering your face, not wanting to look up into his eyes.
"And... Are you dating anyone?" Smooth, Parker.
"I've literally treated you like shit all day and you think I'm a person who is able to date anyone?"
He laughed, you smiled.
"Well, I think you have been a little bit grumpier today than you used to be, yes. But I don't think you're an asshole."
"Well, you still have like thirty minutes to change your mind."
"Thirty minutes? A date doesn't last thirty minutes"
"This is not a date"
"Well, you won't eat that cheeseburger in thirty minutes."
"Like I said, I'm hungry."
"They're huge."
"And I'm hungry."
"Okay" he laughed, looking at you "Let's do this. If you eat it in thirty minutes, I'll leave you alone, but if you don't, you'll let me invite you for dinner tomorrow."
You sighed in disbelief, trusting your will to eat. "Deal."
TAGLIST: @itssvphia @swaggysposts @allisonxmcu @elarasstardust @lartdestrouvailles @crying-is-your-latest-fashion @mrsbarnes107th @pastel-painted-sunrise
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juhaksworld · 3 years
The Boyz reactions to dating someone outgoing/talkative
disclaimer lol: i’m really introverted so writing a character who is outgoing was a new experience haha. i hope this makes sense though <3
requested by: @jonghos-left-airpod <3
would be so invested in everything you said and did. like you’d be at a party and you’d be very emphatically talking with your friends, being the life of the party, and he’d just watch from a distance: in loveeee. you look so happy and everyone listening to you talking were smiling and happy because of you. you have a very kind and welcoming personality which just draws people towards you. sangyeon be standing beside you like “mhm, yup, this is my baby.” he would just love it when he overheard people talking about how fun you were.  occasionally some stuck up spoiled person who felt intimidated by you would start talking bad about you and sangyeon would just be like “????? excuse me??? what???? have you actually ever spent time with her??? she’s literally the kindest person there is!!!!”
opposites attract right?? well you and jacob certainly did! you met at a party and you noticed he was pretty quiet. you felt instantly attracted to him bc he was so sweet and cute! you really wanted to get to know him but you were afraid of intimidating him. but like girllllll he was so smitten with you!!!! you just filled the room with a pleasant and sweet aura like,, everyone was attracted to you bc you’re so talkative and nice! after you started dating he just like: heart eyes everytime you were with people, bc being with people brought out the best in you. he preferred staying home with just you, but he knew you like spending time with lots of people, so he respected that, and often tagged along with you bc, goodness when you were with people you were just so happy and cute and fun!!! 
he would be like “what to do with this girl??” he sometimes feels a little jealous of all the attention you get. you never try to get a lot of attention on purpose, it just comes naturally bc you’re so outgoing and fun to be around. sometimes he’ll be watching from afar and then he’ll see some guy eyeing you up and so hoonie rushes over and puts his arm around your shoulder. he really tries not to be too overprotective, but gosh you’re so cute when you’re talking excitedly-- he can’t help but be a little afraid someone’s gonna try and steal you away ;-; sometimes when you’re talking with ppl, specifically his mother you’ll tease him a little bit and he’ll get all shy and blush and be like “stopppp” but he secretly loves it when you talk about him to others. he loves it even more when you’re like in a group of friends and they’re like “ come spend time with us more!! you’re always the life of the party!” and you’re just like “nope! I gotta bf who needs me more than y’all” and hoonie just gets super embarrassed but super pleased that you chose him over others.
oh lordy. the craziness. the fun y’all would have. when you guys show up to a party, or literally anywhere at all, everyone KNOWS you’re gonna make it a good time. you’re both super friendly and funny and….loud hahaha. sometimes when you’re in public you’ll both be so friendly to everyone that ppl will be like “ are they dating or are they siblings cuz it looks like they’re flirting with everyone???” but you aren’t haha and you both know that so you never have misunderstandings and stuff (you do flirt with each other all the time though ;-; )  sometimes your personalities will clash and you’ll get in a heated argument, but it doesn’t last long. you’ll both sulk for a little while and then be like “ hey,, wanna go get some ice cream “ and ofc you will and then you’ll quietly hold hands and eat your ice cream and feel better and apologize and everything and then go back to being super talkative with each other <3
is. in. awe. of you. not bc he doesn’t know what it’s like to have lots of ppl like you, or bc he’s shy, but bc he just loooooves your vibes so much. like--- you’ll be talking and he’ll walk up and you’ll just throw him into the convo and make it seem like he was part of the conversation from the beginning and he loves that. you’re so outgoing and welcoming to ppl around you, he never feels left out. and he loves seeing you reach out to other ppl too. he’ll lowkey see some person like all alone and by themselves and he’ll be like “ heyyy! I wanna introduce you to someone really awesome!” and then he’ll walk up to you and like give you this look and you’ll be like “oh my goodness!!!! heyyyyy!!! hru?????” and the person will instantly feel special and juyeon will just stand back and be like “ wow. I have an awesome gf!” and then he’ll just listen while you talk and get the new person involved. juyeon’s pretty quiet, so he likes to stand around you when you’re at parties bc he can rely on you to talk with everyone haha 
the first time kev met you he’d be like “I love this person, they make me feel so comfortable talking with them!!!” and you’d be like “ I love this guy, he’s so interesting to talk to!!” and you’d start dating right away. kev is pretty talkative once he’s comfortable. y’all would have the best conversations. at parties or whenever you’re with large crowds of people he’ll stand beside you the ENTIRE time. not bc he feels he needs to claim you and keep other guys away, and not bc he’s scared to talk with people himself, but simply bc he loves listening to you talk. like you can turn the most boringgggg conversation into something interesting just bc you have so much experience with people and you love talking. one thing he absolutely loves about you so much is that even though he sometimes has a hard time staying involved in a conversation with strangers for very long, you don’t, and like--- you never let him feel left out when talking with ppl. you always remember who you love spending time with most and keep him involved.
he would lowkey be like “ what is wrong with her” the first time he met you hahahaha but then he’d grow used to your personality and be totally charmed by you. like i can totally imagine chanhee being with you one day and watch as you have the most random conversation with some stranger you just met and then he’ll be like “ shoot-- i have a crush on this girl” after you start dating he’d just be like “ i’m literally dating the coolest person, like she can talk with anyone and make them feel so special” and all of his friends are like “ yeah you tell us that everyday” and he’d love taking you everywhere with him bc you just make him feel so much more at ease wherever you go. when he’s having a bad day he looooves spending time with you the most bc he knows you’ll 100% make him feel better with your bright personality! and you guys are like so cute together bc he’s pretty tall so whenever he’s feeling pretty shy or whatever you like stand on your tiptoes to whisper in his ear that he looks so pretty that day and make him smile and feel a little more confident and then you’d like hold onto his arm the whole time you were talking to other ppl bc you didn’t want him to feel like you forgot about him at all.
he’d be like “ ok, this is her personality, cool” like he’d love that you were outgoing but it wouldn’t surprise him at all or anything. he knows you love being with ppl so he always takes you with him whenever he goes to parties or gatherings of any sort and then just smiles as you immediately blend in with everyone and make friends. some dude would come up to changmin who’s standing near you watching you with heart eyes and listening to you talk and the guy’d be like “ who’s that?? she’s cute!” and changmin would be like “ she’s my baby...I..I...meant gf. she’s my gf. “ and the guy’d be like “ok simp” and changmin would be like “me??? a simp???” and then he’d realize he was a simp for you, bc like, even though he’s outgoing too, no one does it like you and he’s just obsessed with the way you brighten any day and any place with your sunshiny personality and smile! and he’d be like “ gosh she really won me over” and then he’d go stand beside you and hold your waist and join in the conversation if he could and just be so happy to be spending time with you while you’re having so much fun!
this baby. he’d get pouty when he saw you spending more time with others than with him so he’d like some up to you and tug on your arm and be like “ hey remember me” and you’d be like “no??? who are you again? “ to tease him and then he’d laugh bc he knew ofc you remembered him,,, you just thought he’d be perfectly alright without you bc he likes being with people too! but then you kinda felt bad for leaving him alone so long so you’d stop conversing with everyone and turn your full attention on him--- which is just what he wanted haha. he loves knowing he gets all your attention to himself. you’d tease him a lot though-- like someone would ask you if they could ask you a question rq and you’d be like “ oh im sorry,, i gotta ask my bf if he can spare me for a moment” and hak would be like “ stopppppp” and you’d both laugh. he’s outgoing too, but not as talkative as you are, so he’d just bask in your bright aura constantly surrounding you and whenever you said something funny he’d laugh his iconic laugh and that’d make you laugh and then you’d both forget about everyone else and just laugh together. when you guys were together talking with ppl you were like the power couple. you’re funny and smart and super friendly so everyone just gravitates towards y’all
this boy would be SO whipped for you,, like he would just stand beside you and smile down on you the whole time you were talking with others. he just loves seeing you enjoy yourself so much! lowkey jealous anytime you start talking to some guy for too long tho, like you’ll will be walking hand in hand home from somewhere and you’ll see a guy walking his puppy and you’ll be like “ahhhhhhhhhhhhh oh my goodness so cute!!!!” and you’ll start talking to the guy about what breed, and how old, and where he adopted the puppy, and the guy will tell you several cute stories about the puppy and you will become like best friends (obv the guy isn’t hitting on you tho cuz sunwoo be standing there behind you like -_- ) but you get along so well with everyone and sometimes you just get so caught up in the conversation you’re having with whoever it happens to be and sunwoo never wants to just push his way into things, so he just stands there like “ what do I do?” and then as soon as you turn back to him with your eyes sparkling bc you love talking with ppl so much he’s like “ oh shoot, i love her.” and so he doesn’t mind so much anymore.
you guys would be sooooooo cute!!!! you would talk over each other sometimes when y’all were really excited, but you would somehow understand each other anyways hahaha. ppl sometimes joke about how talkative you both are and say things like “how are y’all even dating???” which you hate bc you love eric more than anything and eric feels the same way so y’all are just like “tsk,, you’re just jealous that i’m dating someone so awesome” and walk away. but seriously, somehow your relationship just works out! like when eric’s super excited about something but you’re already talking about something, he holds back until you’re done with your story and vice versa. when you guys are out in public together you just laugh and talk like normal bc you know others love hearing ppl be happy together and sometimes it leads to meeting new people and making new friends! like one time-- you and eric were on a picnic and were just laughing and laughing about something and a little old lady was just absolutely in love with you both and so you invited her to join you and she did and she told you stories about back when she was young and you all three just had the sweetest time together. things like that always happen for you and eric bc you have such friendly personalities ppl love being with you.
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wienerbarnes · 3 years
Italian Heart
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Pairing: Bucky x Italian!MobBoss!Reader
Word Count: 4,867
Warnings: canon level violence, possible inaccurate italian slang lol
A/N: ive been watching a lot of the sopranos lately and i feel like ive never seen a bucky x mob boss reader au (ive only rlly seen em where buckys the mob boss. if there are ones where reader is the mob boss PLS SEND EM TO ME I BEG) a lot of the slang and mob stuff here is from sopranos bc... im not in the fucking mafia so forgive me anyway enjoy :)<3
Bucky’s never seen a woman quite like yourself.
Dressed in expensive satin and jewelry that hangs between your breasts, an angry look on your face at the fact you’re sitting before him and Sam in an interrogation room in the tower. Freshly done nails, clean and crisp lipstick, spicy perfume, and an expression of annoyance.
As put together as you look, you don’t look like someone to be fucked with. Which, he supposes is good for a mobster; the Boss of Newark.
Looking at you, though, he’d never thought you to be such a figure of intimidation. While the mafia is still alive, despite how the media tries to deny this, he always pictured an old Italian man that chain smokes cigars. He doesn’t think he’s too far off, to his credit; he can smell the remnants of smoke on you.
“Mind if we make this fast? My cousin’s comin’ for dinner and I was gonna make ziti.” You huff, crossing your legs under the table.
“Sounds delicious. Sorry for dragging you all the way out here.” Sam says, a calm look on his face even though he’s well aware of what you’re capable of.
When hunting down the last traces of the super soldier serum, he never thought Nick Fury himself would suggest getting in touch with you. He didn’t think it was worth the time to question how the two of you knew each other.
Theft. Drugs. Murder. Bribery. The list goes on, and there’s not a single thing that ties you to any of it.
A shrug of your shoulders, “So, what exactly is this about?” You ask.
“What is it that you do for a living?” Sam asks.
“I work in waste management.” You respond, a rehearsed answer.
Not exactly a lie, the environmental facility you manage is one of hundreds of covers used by your crew for your crimes. Environmental facilities, deli shops, strip clubs, auto shops. There isn’t a business in Jersey you aren’t tied to.
“Waste management? Like, garbage disposal?” Bucky asks, knowing exactly what it is you do for work.
You smirk, “Yeah, we dispose of garbage sometimes. What’s that got to do with me being here?”
“It’s to my understanding that you’re in the business of… buying and selling things. You and… the people you hang around got a real knack for it.” Sam tells you.
Bucky holds back a roll of his eyes. More like stealing and selling. Expensive Italian suits, antique watches, cars, electronics, illegal cigars. Who knows what else.
“I don’t know where you heard that… but I’m a popular gal, maybe I know a guy who might know a guy. What are you lookin’ for?” You ask.
You know this game, after being in the mob for so long. After being a part of your own crew for years, your patience and hard work paid off, working your way up to a captain and finally a boss. It didn’t take you long to learn in this business that government officials are jokes. Always wanting to bust my balls and then come crying to my corner for help, it’s a bunch of ugatz.
“Serums.” Bucky finally speaks.
A laugh escapes you, “What, like vitamin C?” You teasingly smirk at him.
His chair makes a loud sound in the small room as he pushes it back harshly and stands, resting his hands on the table in between the two of you. You don’t flinch.
“Enough with the bullshit. Super serums. To create super soldiers. We need to get them before they end up in the wrong hands and make a big ass mess.” He snaps at you, but you don’t seem phased in the slightest. In fact, you seem rather amused.
“You must have a lot of agita with all that anger, Sergeant Barnes.”
He doesn’t hold back this time and rolls his eyes before you speak up again, “Your first name is James, isn’t it? Ain’t that Italian?”
“No, it’s English. Or Scottish. Or Jewish - I don’t know, who cares? Are you gonna help us or not?” Bucky takes his seat again, crossing his thick arms over his broad chest.
“What’s in it for me?” You ask, leaning back in your chair.
“Not being arrested for all the shit we know you’re caught up in.” Sam offers.
You roll your own eyes this time, “I’ll take my chances. Thanks for wasting my time, boys, don’t let it happen again.” You stand, prepared to make your way back to the train station to go back to Jersey.
“Wait,” Sam stops you, “What is it that you want?”
You smile innocently and take your seat again, taking a minute to think before answering, “My little sister’s a big fan of yours. I’m sure she and all her friends would think it’s cool if you showed up to her prom as her date.” You wink at Sam.
Silence fills the room as the men think about your request.
“You’re gonna do it, right?” Bucky looks over at him and sees Sam rubbing the crease in between his eyes. He was expecting you to ask for immunity, protection, money, guns. But after hearing your request, he supposes you have enough of all that stuff anyway.
“Man -” Sam begins to refuse.
“Sam, it’s a fucking school dance in exchange for some of the most powerful and sought after serums on the planet - go to the fucking prom.” He tells him, eyebrows scrunching in confusion as to how he would hesitate on something so simple.
“She’s eighteen, so you won’t have any problems with the media or none of that.” You add, the information not really making Sam feel any better.
“Alright, alright, fine. I’ll go to the dance with your sister if you help us get these serums.”
You smile, happy to have done business with the two men, “What information do ya got for me?”
Bucky and Sam wait outside a back room in the facility you own. They passed the garbage trucks parked neatly outside, but could hear your screaming and the smell of Cuban cigars as soon as they entered the building.
She’s with a customer, they were told, by someone in your crew, them meeting Bucky’s expectations for mobsters more than you did. None of them ask any questions, but Bucky and Sam aren’t stupid, they’re sure your crew is aware of what’s going on and know the exact reason they’re there.
“You’re a fuckin’ asshole, you know that? The Bible says, Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit -”
“You listen to me, you take your Bible and your quotations book and shove it up your fat fucking ass! Now get the fuck out of my face!”
Bucky can’t help but scoff listening to you scream at whoever’s inside. Sam elbows him, silently telling him that now isn’t the time to find your work funny, especially not in front of the rest of your crew.
Bucky knows he’s old-fashioned, and while things that were taboo such as body modifications or certain fashion styles don’t phase him anymore, he doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to hearing a woman talk like that. He doesn’t think he’s ever even heard anybody talk like you do.
Suddenly a man bursts out of the room, huffing and puffing, and you walk slowly behind him, as if to make sure he makes it outside okay.
“Grab his plate for me, will you?” You say not to anyone in particular, voice smooth and calm as if you hadn’t been yelling and threatening that man’s life for the past twenty minutes.
One of the men from your crew follows outside, seemingly to collect the license plate of the man who just left.
“Nothing’s gonna happen to that guy, right?” Sam asks as he and Bucky enter the room, taking a seat in front of the desk you have in there. He knows there’s no point in asking, that you’ll do whatever you want regardless because it’s obvious you’re passionate about receiving respect, but it was worth a shot.
“Is that what you came all the way to Jersey to ask me? Christ, I’m fuckin’ starving, you boys want anything to eat?” You ask, accent heavy as you reach into the side drawer of your desk and pull out what seems to be some kind of meat wrapped in paper.
“Gabagool?” You offer to them, picking out a slice for yourself and placing it in your mouth.
“Gesundheit.” Sam responds.
“It’s pork, you asshole.”
Bucky silently reaches over and picks off a slice of the cured cold cut, putting the meat in his mouth and savoring the flavor. While he can’t stand the way you make a living or the sailor’s mouth you have, he loves Italian food, and actually chose a neighborhood in New York that has plenty of traditional cold cut markets and restaurants to live in in order to fulfill his cravings.
“There’s a big party staged downtown this weekend, we think that’s when the drop is going to happen.” Sam tells you, bringing the focus to their reason for coming here in the first place.
“I’ll send one of my boys.” You reply in between your chews.
“That wasn’t the deal. The deal was you get the serums.” Bucky speaks up.
“Buck, you know how many people want her dead?” Sam tries to reason.
“What the fuck do I have a crew for then? - No, if pretty boy wants me to do it myself, then I will. The same people that want my head are the same fucks who are terrified to be within twenty feet of me in fear they’ll make eye contact. I’m not scared of nothin’.” You say, narrowing your eyes at Bucky.
“What did you guys come here to talk about?” You ask.
Sam looks confused at your expression, “...To go over the plan? Hash out details? So you know how everything’s gonna go?”
“I’ll be fine; I’ve seen The Godfather once or twice,” You tell him, wrapping up the cappo, after Bucky picks off one last slice, and replacing it in the drawer, “Don’t worry Captain, this ain’t my first rodeo. I’ll get the serums for you.” You open a different drawer and pull out a cigar and a lighter.
Bucky watches as you place the large cigar in between your red-painted lips, bringing the flame of your lighter to the end and hollowing your cheeks until smoke exits from the corner of your mouth. Bucky feels blood travel south as his eyes glaze over your hand grab the cigar out of your mouth and blow out a long string of smoke.
“I guess we’ll be in touch then,” Sam stands and Bucky follows after.
“My sister’s wearing blue, so find yourself a nice tie.” You call out, lifting your feet up to cross them on the desk, dress rising and showing your legs.
Bucky blushes, and then laughs as he exits when he hears you, in a deep and more exaggerated accent than your own, “Just when I thought I was out… they pull me back in!”
The morning of the party, Sam and Bucky pick you up from your house, planning to take you into New York to discuss final details before tonight.
You get in the passenger seat, Sam offering it to you and climbing in the backseat. As Bucky begins to drive off, your phone rings.
“I told you to leave that.” Bucky says, telling you explicitly to leave electronics here to prevent anyone finding out where you are, and also to avoid any distractions.
“Wanted to see what you’d about it, Sarge,” You wink at him, pulling out a flip phone and answering the call.
“Yeah… Uh huh… He what? Are you fucking kidding me?... Alright… Tell him not to move a fucking muscle.” You hang up, slamming the phone closed.
“Stop at the facility for a sec, I gotta take care of something.” Bucky sighs and turns away from the route to head to your facility.
“Bucky’s going to be going with you tonight, by the way, he’ll be in disguise. Just in case anything goes wrong.” Sam tells you, not really caring anymore about having to make a stop for you to take care of whatever business you need to take care of.
Your only response is a hum as Bucky can feel the anger radiating off your now tense body.
You slam the car door shut as Bucky parks behind a garbage truck outside, not even waiting for him to fully put the car in park before you exit.
Him and Sam follow quickly behind you to see what’s going on. You enter through a side door that leads to a large room, a garage for the trucks, Bucky assumes.
There’s a large truck inside, and racks of suits wrapped in plastic scattered around. A younger man stands near the truck as your crew peruses around the racks, he couldn’t be older than twenty-five years old. Your heels click on the ground as you approach, slowing down as you glance between the suits and the young man. Bucky and Sam hang around a few feet behind your trail.
You stop, fuming, staring at the man before you speak, “You wanna tell me what the fuck happened?”
“I -” He begins, but you cut him off, raising an open hand at him.
“Actually, I don’t even want to hear your fucking voice right now. Because if what I heard you did is true; if what you did to Vinny’s guy is true, you’re gonna be a fuck load of trouble.”
“Can I -”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“But -”
“I said shut the fuck up, Christopher! What part of that don’t you understand?” You yell, and even Bucky feels intimidated.
You turn to your crew, “What the fuck happened.” You demand, more than ask.
“Kid says he tried to take the truck, Vinny’s guy had a gun that fell outta the seat, went off, shot him.” One of the men summarizes, not looking up from the rack of suits.
You raise a manicured hand to pinch between your eyes, “You keep me skinny, Christopher, with all the fucking stress you cause me.”
“Would you let me explain?” He tries.
“If you don’t do as I told you and shut your fucking mouth, you’re gonna be buried with two assholes,” You threaten before continuing.
“They were fuckin’ suits! All you had to do was take the truck! How did you fuck that up -” You stop yourself and sigh, attempting to calm yourself down.
“Here’s what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna take all this shit, you’re gonna take it back to Vinny, and you’re gonna tell him what happened yourself.” You finish.
“Marone!” He exclaims, rubbing his face with his hands.
“Enough with the theatrics! You’re lucky I don’t put a bullet in your ass! Now, I don’t see you grabbing that rack and that rack and that rack and putting it back in the truck!” You wave your arms around the room.
The kid sighs and begins grabbing the racks one by one and rolling them back in the truck.
“Would it be such a shame if they all went back?” An older man from your crew asks, already wearing one of the expensive suits. You scoff and laugh.
“Bucky, pick yourself somethin’ nice for tonight,'' You turn to face him, and he jumps at the sound of your now calmer voice being directed at him, as opposed to the harsh one used on Christopher, “On me.” You wink.
Sam and Bucky sit on the bed and watch as you get ready. A small apartment near the party that’s already been swept for bugs. A favor, you called it, from someone you know.
They don’t question it.
“You and Bucky will go in together and I’ll be waiting at a secondary location watching and listening to everything.”
Bucky can’t tear his eyes away from your dress. A mermaid dress, he thinks it is, black and tight and hugging you in all the right places, curving around your ass and sleeveless at the top, allowing you to show off a nice necklace and your cleavage. It’s an understatement to say that he’ll enjoy accompanying you tonight, even if it’s in a costume.
His mother probably would’ve loved it if he would’ve gotten with someone like you. Someone who loves their family, a spitfire that wouldn’t take any of his shit, and whose god damn gorgeous. She might’ve had to wash your mouth out with soap, though.
“So, why is Bucky goin’ again?”
“Safety.” Bucky answers.
“Is he going for my safety or am I going for his?” You tease, finishing the last few curls of your hair, smoke coming from the iron after each time you pull your hair away from it.
“Once you find our guy, get talking with him and see if you can get him to make you an offer,” He begins.
“One I can’t refuse?”
“Then, you’ll try and get him alone, see if he’ll show you the serums, and once you do, we’ll be taking care of the rest.” Sam finishes explaining.
Bucky plucks a box from his pocket and opens it to reveal a pair of diamond earrings. One, a camera, and the other, a microphone. You’re also given a comm to hide in your ear so both him and Sam can hear everything and you can hear them.
“Easy - peasy.” You respond.
The ballroom is lively, loud music and people everywhere, and Bucky attunes all the action overwhelming him to a sweat and not that fact that you’re pressed up against him, his arm wrapped around your waist.
About a hundred different people come up to greet you, asking about your family, offering you drinks and food. Bucky can see right through all of them though; they’re all putting on the act out of fear. Everyone’s attention is on you, and Bucky’s sure if he wasn’t in disguise right now, no one would even notice.
You bring him to the middle of the crowd and he can’t be surprised when you start to dance with him, pulling at his arms to get him to loosen up. He complies, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close as the two of you move together.
“I’ll let you know when I spot him.” He tells you, voice causing goosebumps to rise on your neck; goosebumps that he notices but doesn’t point out.
It only takes a song or two before he spots who he’s looking for and sends you over, making sure your com is on, and choosing to stick by the bar, giving him a good view of you and allowing himself a break of having your body pressed against his.
He’s impressed listening to you talk to this guy, voice smooth and sultry, yet still commanding.
He knows there was a lot of talk when you took position as boss; not a lot of people in the mob took you seriously and didn’t think you or a woman in general would be good in that kind of position in power. So, you use that to your advantage to get shit done, and Bucky applauds you for that.
It’s not long before the guy offers to go somewhere more private to discuss business and Bucky follows far behind, Sam praising you through the coms from where he waits in the car outside, watching through the camera in your earring.
Bucky waits outside of a closed office door upstairs, listening to the conversation through the coms but hearing your exclamation through the door when the guys give you his asking price.
“5 mil each?! What do you take me for, some kinda stunad?”
“Take it or leave it.”
“Take it or leave it, yeah, I can put a bullet between your eyes and take it, alright.”
“Stop messing around and take the offer, it’s not real anyway!” Sam tells you, not wanting to lose their chance on the serums.
You ignore him prioritizing your need for respect over the stupid mission, “How do I know these aren’t Kool-Aid pouches poured in glass bottles?”
“Well, I’m certainly not going to test ‘em out for you.” The guy scoffs.
“Stronzo. You’re outta your fucking mind offering me that.”
“I’ll lower the price for you if you give me a little dance, how ‘bout that?”
“Vaffanculo.” You curse at him.
“Up yours, lady!” He yells back, and Sam sees through the camera, he grabs at you.
“Buck, get in there.” Sam tells him, and it only takes Bucky a second to kick open the door.
He’s a bit taken aback when he not only sees the case of serums out on the table, but you holding the man bent over the small table in the middle of the room next to the serums, gun held to the back of his head.
He very quickly decides that you’re fine and moves to grab the serums, closing the case and holding it securely in his left hand.
“Don’t kill the guy.”
You stay silent and Bucky looks at you again. He can almost see the steam coming out of your ears and he notices a small cut on your cheek bone. He looks down to the man’s cowering figure and notices a large ring on his hand.
You mumble something in Italian to the man, a threat of some kind that Bucky can guess given how the man shuts his eyes and shakes a bit under your hold. Sam finally enters the room, military grade handcuffs in hand.
“Feds are on their way, get her out of here.” He tells Bucky.
You slowly lift the gun off the man’s head and stand up straighter, walking over to brush past Bucky in the direction of the back door.
He makes eye contact with Sam and gives him a nod before following after you, watching as you scrunch up the bottom of your dress to replace the gun in an ankle holster. Once outside, he stops you under a street light near the car and raises his hand to look at your cheek.
“We gotta get going,” You swat at his hand.
“You’re still bleeding.” He says, using his thumb to brush away the line of blood, smearing a red tinge on your skin.
He looks into your eyes and for a second he sees the tough exterior drop. The face of someone who got smacked across the cheek all for mouthing off at some asshole.
Your vulnerability doesn’t last long, though, as you sniff and walk towards the car, opening the passenger door and sitting inside before Bucky can make it over there to open the door for you.
The drive back to the apartment is silent, and Bucky doesn’t know what to do or say to fill the silence. Stepping into the apartment, you immediately go to change and collect your things. Bucky moves to the bathroom to look for a first aid kit of some kind.
He meets you in the room and you’re now in cotton pants and a large t-shirt, sandals on your feet showing the bright red color of your toenails and the lines indented in your skin from how tight your heels were. You’re hanging up the dress and zipping it back in the cover when Bucky drops the first aid kit on the bed.
“Christ, it’s only a small cut.” You mumble.
“Just - Let me, would you?”
He takes out the liquid of disinfectant and soaks a cotton pad, cleaning off your cheek bone with it before covering it with healing ointment and a bandaid.
You don’t thank him when he finishes and he huffs as he closes the kit, “When do you drop the act, huh?”
“I don’t.”
“Really?” Bucky asks in annoyed disbelief.
“No. People tend to try and have me whacked when I drop the act.”
He sighs, “So, what, nobody ever takes care of you? Treats you? You don’t have any days off? Time to be yourself?”
“This lifestyle doesn’t really allow me to have days off, Sergeant Barnes.” You snap, gathering the dress in your hands and turning to face him completely.
“Take me home, I’m tired and my feet hurt.”
You leave him in the room and he waits an extra few seconds before dropping the conversation and following you out.
Bucky opens the back door to the environmental facility with his right hand and sees the door to your office open, you and your crew sitting together surrounded by cigar smoke and he can hear a TV on.
“Sir, please step into the vehicle.”
“Like the cop would be callin’ this asshole Sir if the fuckin’ cameras weren’t around!” You wave a hand at the TV, not yet seeing Bucky standing there.
He finds it funny that the gnarliest criminals - the literal Mafia - spend their time watching shitty, scripted cop shows.
It’s been about two weeks since the mission with you where you retrieved the serums. Sam went to prom with your sister five days ago, which was hilarious for him, especially when he got photo prints of different sizes in the mail at his apartment. He didn’t bother thinking about how you found his address.
One of the men sitting next to you glances his way and sees him standing there, smirking at the vision of him; hair combed slightly back and to the side, and a large bouquet of flowers in his right hand and a small paper box in his left.
“You got company, Boss.” He says.
You look over to the doorway and your jaw drops in an open-mouthed smile.
“Look at googootz! Now this is a man that knows how to treat a lady, are you boys paying attention?” You tease, scurrying over to him and pinching one of his cheeks, resting your free hand on his large bicep to guide him into the room, the rest of your crew ushering out to give the two of you privacy.
“What’s in the box?”
You throw your head back with an exaggerated moan, “You know the way to an Italian woman’s heart, Sergeant Barnes. What’s with all the gifts?”
“Thought I’d treat you.” Is all his response is.
You narrow your eyes at him and stand up a little straighter, crossing your arms over your chest.
The last conversation before he dropped you off that night hasn’t escaped his mind. He understands the difficulties of life - how it’s hard to find time for yourself among the busy schedule that is existing. He catches himself sometimes, too, forcing his body to run with no sleep, burning through all of his energy until he’s completely drained and blaming it on life.
But life’s not always like that. Life allows for days off. For treats. For a bit of kindness. And Bucky’s come to show you just that.
“What, a beautiful woman like you never received flowers and pastries before?” He says, taking a half-step forward to be close enough to look you closer in the eyes.
“Are you flirting with me?” You whisper in amusement.
His eyes glance away from yours to look down at your red-painted lips. He gives you a shy smirk, really turning up the charm. For a big, bad, boss, you’re pretty easy to break down.
“Let me take you out tonight.”
“Maybe I’ve got plans.”
“Cancel ‘em.”
“What makes you think you’re worth canceling plans for?”
“Why don’t you trust me and find out?”
“You should know by now, Sergeant Barnes, that I don’t trust.”
He doesn’t respond for a moment, setting the box of cannoli on your desk before reaching his now free hand up to your face, using his finger to brush away a stray hair and push it behind your ear.
He then takes a hold of one of your hands, turning it over to place a kiss on the top of it, before wrapping your fingers around the flowers in his other hand, forcing you to take them.
“No restaurant you’ve been to a hundred times over, no drama, no business. Just a man trying to treat a lady.” You look down at the flowers before meeting his eyes again.
“I get to pick the place.”
“The kind of food.”
“The -”
“No. Let me take care of everything.” Bucky insists, determined to get you to give up control for the first time in what he can only imagine has been a very long time.
Bucky knows better than anyone how terrifying it is to give up control. It was terrifying when he was forced to give up control, his free will taken away from him in the war for decades upon decades, but it’s terrifying even now when he has to do it as a free man. It makes a person vulnerable. When was the last time you were allowed to be vulnerable for somebody?
“I’m gonna pick you up here at six. Wear something nice and leave the executive attitude at home.” He finishes, leaving you with the flowers and cannoli before returning back outside, ignoring the stares he receives from you crew who wait patiently outside your office.
He feels your eyes follow him at the door, and he can’t wait to sweep you off your feet tonight.
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highdwightofmylife · 3 years
If your requests are open, could I request something with Jeff and his s/o basically adopting the legion as their kids please 🥺 thank you so much
God so WHOLESOME THANK YOU... also I'm writing this while waiting for a match why do I load in immediately as surv but the moment i wanna play killer it takes 300 years... just let me be Evan bhvr
Jeff, His S/O and Their Four Teenage Ruffians
Jeff had told you that he'd met with the Legion prior to all... this. The fog, yknow? He told you about how he'd painted a big mural for them; how they gave him drinks, how... How he felt like he couldn't leave them alone up in that abandoned lodge after he'd finished their commission because it didn't feel right. So he told you he often checked up on them, and they always seemed so happy to see him. He told you it was like he'd suddenly adopted four kids that he'd occasionally bring snacks and cds for and make sure they were looking after themselves.
So now in the fog. His kids are a lot more vicious than he thought they were! But... That didn't mean he wasn't their dad anymore!
You met Jeff here, you started dating him here, and, well, with Jeff comes his misfit kids.
It takes them some time to view you as anything other than just another survivor, really. They have respect for Jeff but still kill him (although they have, occasionally, turned a blind eye to him in trials). So you? You worm you way into Susie's heart first. She doesn't trust you by any means, but her curiosity about what papa Jeff see's in you is too much to ignore. She begins to like you because you don't talk down to her. You don't treat her as the child of her group, as some people have done. She likes that you talk to her as an equal.
Doesn't mean she won't kill you though. But, at least she feels bad about it.
Joey's next. He trusts and respects Jeff, but he also sees how you are with Susie, and that's a bonus for him. He's more laid-back than the others, and he would have no qualms about approaching you when you're alone, sitting down beside you and gently asking some things. About what you did before all this, about how you and Jeff got together... He's really chill to talk to, and once you start conversing with him, he gets more at ease. Consider the first spontaneous meeting alone to be a test where he sizes you up and decides whether you can get closer to he and his family.
Susie talks about you all the time. She really warmed up to you and fast. Honestly Julie has gotten sick of hearing how nice you are and veing asked when you can come over.
Surprisingly? Frank's the one that follows suit with liking you. He starts teasing you every time he sees you, "ewwww, they liked Jeff,, ew... Old people love". Doesn't matter how old you are. You could be 18 and this man still calls you old just for being with Jeff. "ew are you two gonna fuck?? Gross"
But all that teasing is literally just because he's not very good at dealing with things, and he doesn't want to admit he likes you without making a fool of himself.
But you know he does like you because one time in the dead of night he came to you to ask you to bandage something for him and he was all like "BUT THIS IS ONLY BC UR THE LAST OPTION, I ASKED EVERYONE ELSE" but when you patch him up and send him on his way he says "thanks mom/dad" and then you see him go rigid and he's like "I-I-I MEAN... UH... FUCK YOU" and then runs away
Julie is the hardest kid to warm up to you. She always puts on a sour face when she sees you, and she actively distances herself. It's like. She doesn't need a parent. Doesn't want one. Says Jeff is more so "just some guy who painted our wall once" but everyone knows that's a lie. And when the other three start flocking to you, she feels very left out. She feels angry that you're taking her family from her. Stereotypical biological kid getting mad at a step parent for existing.
Julie accidentally let's her emotions flow in front of just you and Jeff. He says something trivial and she just blows up. "YEAH?? WELL ITS NOT LIKE I WANTED YOU TO BE MY DAD. BUT NOW YOU'RE IGNORING ME AND EVERYONE ELSE LOVES /THEM/ BUT I JUST KNOW THEY HATE ME"
And Jeff looks at you and looks at her and. "When did you assume they hated you?" And you can hear sniffles from behind her mask as she sadly/angrily kicks at the floor and, "Well it's obvious isn't it?? Why would they not"
Jeff looks you dead in the eye. "Sweetheart, do you hate Julie?"
"Absolutely not. Never have, never will."
And Julie looks up like ?????
And then Jeff laughs and it's very hearty and just... Good man...
Julie is now your aloof daughter than every now and then will give you a quick hug from behind, where you can feel her sigh and get all her emotions out, and then glare at you and power walk away.
You love your kids.
All six of you watching old VCRs on a beaten up TV in the lodge. Jeff and you snuggled up in the middle of the couch. Susie with her head on your lap. Joey sprawled out on the other side of Jeff with his legs dangling over the arm rest. Frank on the floor, hogging some really shitty popcorn. Julie sat on the back of the couch, closer to you than she ever thought she'd let herself. One happy, albeit dysfunctional family.
Joey seems to be taking after Jeff. Sometimes you and Jeff would just sit and draw or paint (or if you don't, you just vibe with him as he does). It was nice. And now sometimes, Joey gently asks if there's a space for him. It's so soft to see Jeff enthusing about his work while Joey eagerly listens. You like to watch them both lying on their stomachs on the floor, sketching. Jeff is teaching him all his tricks and Joey just eats it all up. Father son activity that you get to witness. And sometimes Joey will lift up his art and show you! If he has taken off his mask you'll see the absolute joy in his eyes.
Susie makes u a keyring I don't make the rules. Its made out of scrap and she had to get evan to help and when she presents it to you she is just SO HAPPY. The model daughter except she kills people on a daily basis
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jesswritesthat · 3 years
omg hi i know this request sounds a bit hefty but hear me out: you’ve got y/n, and you’ve got her twin. they’re both exchange students but their school somehow messed up the application or there wasn’t enough space in one school whatever, so one of them ends up in nekoma and the other in shiratorizawa. then, they each decide to be the managers of that school’s respective teams. and then when training camp comes up, they finally meet each other again and are happy to be together but the rest of the teams are SHOOK (including their own maybe 👀👀) bc they didn’t tell their teams they had a twin. bonus points, inarizaki is there and the miya twins try to flirt w them (ships are up to you bc tbh anything sounds fun asf, idk i’ve had this idea in my head for so long IM AN ONLY CHILD I DONT EVEN HAVE A TWIN FKDKSKSKS) idk if you wanna just do headcannons go for it babes it’s a lot i know lmaooo
This is genius!! Omg, I’m not a twin either but I’m VIBING with this idea — I did headcanons because there was so muuchhh. I hope you like 💕
(T/n) = twins (first) name
(L/n) Twins going to seperate schools and reuniting during a Shiratorizawa vs Nekoma practice match and Nationals:
• Due to unfortunate circumstances, (L/n) (T/n) had gotten into Shiratorizawa however, her twin sister (L/n) (Y/n) had to attend another school - luckily Nekoma had last minute vacancies.
• You stayed in Tokyo whilst your twin lived in the Shiratorizawa Dorms, it made seeing each other tricky but you always had video chats and since you were identical, it was easy to sneak into the dorms and stay for the weekend.
• You both loved Volleyball and had looked into your respective teams, (T/n) having the more famous one begrudgingly but being siblings... things got competitive.
“I’m going to become the manager of Shiratorizawa and I’m gonna take them to Nationals~” Was your twins cheery statement, whilst you playfully taunted her.
“Hah, more like they’ll take you, if I join Nekoma I’ll actually be useful.”
“No way - I’m a better manager than you (Y/n)!”
“Oh yeah?! Bring it on (T/n)! I’ll see you at Nationals - if you make it!” Thus, the challenge had begun.
• Nekoma and yourself had bonded, you’d heard the same about (T/n) and Shiratorizawa, it was like fate had gifted you your perfect matches in the end. Even if it meant being separated.
• It was around your second year with them that you’d heard about Karasuno, the once- upon-a-time rivals of Nekoma and how they’d organised a practice game with them over in Miyagi.
• You’d be playing other teams in the district to make it more beneficial... which is where your scheming came in.
“Hey, Tetsurō Senpai...”
“What do you want, you’re only ever so cute when you want something from me.”
“That’s not true! (Y/n)-chan is cute all of the time!” Yamamoto playfully punched his Captains shoulder, the latter reluctantly agreeing with a flush before clearing his throat and gesturing for you to continue.
“Think we could play Shiratorizawa whilst we’re over in Miyagi?”
“I’ll talk to Coach Nekomata and see what I can do, no promises though (Y/n).” Kuroo would do his best, you knew he tried for those he cared about, especially his team.
• It was no surprise then, that within 3 days you’d received a call from your twin.
“You’re coming to challenge me and my team (Y/n)?” The excitement in her voice, as well as that in yours was clear.
“You can thank Kuroo for that — you’ll finally get to meet my team!”
“And you mine! Tendō and Ushijima are incredible, I love them.” You’d spoken of respective players, shared stories and felt like you already knew part of each other’s teams despite never meeting them.
“Yes! I can’t wait - Lev isn’t coming with us, but Kenma and Yaku more than make up for it!”
“Lev is that first year you told me about right? I hope you’re ready to lose (Y/n), Goshiki is talented as hell.”
“And Nekoma is a unified machine, you’ll need a tissue to wipe away your loser tears~”
• Fast forward to the training trip, and the second you walk into Shiratorizawa you and your twin immediately rush over to each other, a collision of hugs, screams and excited conversation exchanged amidst the suddenly silent room.
• Tendō is the one to separate you both, guiding you to stand side by side as he leans in to inspect you both with a finger on his chin.
“Well well well, seems our Chibi-chan has a Chibi-chan 2.0~”
Ushijima doesn’t seem all that phased by the phenomenon, meanwhile Shirabu had to restrain the awed interrogation of Goshiki.
• Nekoma weren’t quite as calm, immediately Tendō hopped out of the way as Yamamoto tackled you, gawking between you and (T/n) whilst Inuoka attempted to null his yells.
“Aw he’s cute, my team are never so nice to me.” (T/n) tutted, a subtle glare sent to Shiratorizawa - Satori being the one to stick his tongue out.
“Trust me, Yamamoto is the only one.” Cue your mirroring glare sent to a scheming Kuroo, whilst Nekomas Ace is still gushing over the two of you.
• The teams are moderately amused once the game starts as the main smack-talkers are you and (T/n) hollering over the court as you’d reached the Third Set at a tie. Friendships between both teams were formed due to your family relations.
• It’s not until the game is over and the Captains shake hands whilst you two hug it out with congratulatory words and playful insults that they start messing around again.
“C’mon (Y/n), we’ve gotta go~” Kuroo smugly states, purposefully slinging an arm around (T/n)s’ shoulders and guiding her out.
Before you had the chance to retaliate, Tendō gladly joined in.
“The Cat Captain is right, I’ve missed my little kitten anyway~” The redhead cheerfully gave you a high ten, intertwining your fingers in the process adding intimacy and offered a mischievous wink which you only laugh at.
• Nekoma are freaking out, that’s their manager and they’d know if you had a boyfriend, right? Yaku and Kai are quick to hold back Yamamoto with Kuroo suddenly sweeping you away from Satori since Ushijima had already reclaimed (T/n).
“That’s our kitten- ah manager.”
“And (T/n) is ours, but I look forward to seeing you at Nationals Nekoma.” The Captains bid one another farewell and you can only hope to play your twins’ team again.
• Shiratorizawa didn’t make it to Nationals (since Karasuno beat them) but (T/n) wanted to come and support you (bitterly). Ushijima came with her too since he’s the Captain and wanted to keep you two out of trouble. Plus he loves Volleyball.
• It’s when you’re checking the matchups do you encounter your beloved rivals, whilst Nekoma were distracted you went to scope out the area. ‘Luckily’ for you, you bumped into other competitors, the blonde ‘accidentally’ tripping.
“Woah, are you okay-“ Before you could finish, he’d interrupted all suave.
“Yeah, I just fell for ya that’s all~“
“-send me a postcard next time~”
There was a moment of silence, you impressed by the smoothness and him awed by the sheer sarcasm.
• The boy introduced himself as Miya Atsumu, Inaruzakis Setter and took note of your Nekoma jacket, asking you to watch him play if you got the chance. Especially if you become opponents.
• Bidding farewell, you found (T/n) with a bright smile upon her face, Onigiri in hand.
“The games haven’t even started and you’re eating.” Was your bemused observation, your twin scoffing with an innocent pout.
“I was hungry, and this cute player from Inarizki recommended the teriyaki Onigiri here so I brought some, wanna try?” (T/n) justified, showing the item to you.
“I met an Inarizaki player too, and I’m too nervous to eat but thanks (T/n).”
“Suit yourself, good luck and I’ll look for you later.” She rejoined Ushijima, the pair waving as you met up with Nekoma.
• It isn’t until after the first round beating Kiyokawa High School, before the Karasuno vs Inarizaki game that you’d encounter the Miyas again — or rather Atsumu approached (T/n).
“Yer scoping out the competition huh gorgeous? I don’t blame ya (L/n), ‘Samu and I are the best of the best.” The blonde proudly told (T/n), thinking you’d shed your Nekoma jacket to be inconspicuous.
“I— I don’t even know you? Wait, how do you know my name?!”
• Osamu meets the pair, and actually thinks it through, Atsumu on the other hand jumps to conclusions.
“We just saw eac-“ Hearing (T/n), Atsumu was quick to argue but Osamu kicked his calve.
“Shut it dumbass.”
“Hey, loser twin!” You called over, gaining the attention of her and the Miya Twins.
“Ah... ‘Samu there’s two of them...”
“That’s what I was gonna tell ya.”
• It must’ve been a twin instinct (twinstinct hehe) but yourself and Osamu could tell the individual differences/quirks immediately, hence how he’d figured it out so quickly. A mutual smile was shared as your respective twins continued their petty insults.
• “(T/n)! Ushijima is looking for you and I need to find Kuroo so...”
“Oh, yer boyfriends?”
“Uh - aha -no no, our Captains.” Your twin managed, flustered and embarrassed - you were glad she’d spoken because you were no better with the heat on your skin.
“Perfect, tell your Captains’ that we’re not sorry for keeping you~” Atsumu shouted as you both waved goodbye and headed back to the stands/courts.
• Nekoma won against Sarukawa Tech High, your next opponents currently battling it out on the court which you’d all raced to see - mainly for Karasuno.
But it was during the break after the first set that the twins approached the stands, well, you.
“(Y/n), ya won?” It was brave of Osamu to address you so casually but you didn’t mind.
“Of course, my team, my friends, are truly amazing. Our next opponent is either Karasuno or you.”
“You’ll be facing me- us- Inarizaki! Don’t you worry sweetheart.” It seemed whatever suaveness Atsumu once had was long gone by now.
• They played incredibly, but the entirety of Nekoma were glad of Karasunos’ victory, you’d taken a second to see the twins though.
“You were amazing, I’m grateful I got to see you both play. Looks like you won’t be facing me after all, sweetheart~”
“Yeah well- I— jus’ watch yer back next year beautiful. I’m comin’ for ya.”
“Yamamoto! Apologies for him.” Yaku forced the Mohawk to bow, Kuroo slipping an arm around your waist with a smirk. “But he’s not wrong.”
• You were staying with (T/n) for the weekend, utilising Shiratorizawas practice break to tell the tale of the Miyas and their flirting. The team were oddly protective over the both of you, but you hadn’t the time to question it with Goshikis inquiry.
“Okay, so if you two had children with the Miya twins respectively... would your children be identical?”
“We won’t have to find out.” If anyone else had said it you wouldn’t have believed them, but something about the certainty of Wakatoshi made you both smile.
[ Masterlist ]
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angelictrl · 3 years
heyhey! for the plant asks could you write clover, daisy, and honeysuckle for mahiru and celeste
geez, i dunno why this took me forever to write, but it was still fun nonetheless ! celestia's under the cut after mahiru (honeysuckle for her got pretty long bc im a simp </3) :)
🌻 clover ;; what type of gifts do they like to get their s/o ?
this is probably a pretty common thing everyone would agree on, but she'd give you polaroids and show you pictures she took of you either previously or currently !
this strawberry shortcake lookalike would make scrap albums and give it to you as a gift on your birthday and/or anniversary.
she'd even make a collage of all the pictures she's taken on your dates or even just your domestic lifestyle together to relive the nostalgia and peacefulness of those moments.
regardless, photos are strewn and hung up everywhere, whether that be clipped against fairy lights on your wall, on your desk in an actual picture frame, hung up in a collage, pinned on the fridge, or simply displayed in an album on a bookshelf - there's always at least one picture showcased of you two <3
however, just because she's the ultimate photographer, doesn't mean all she gives you is photos !
she travels a lot because, well, people would like her to hire her to take pictures with how clean and clear her shots are, so she explores lots of places pretty often - even if she doesn't talk about it much.
on those trips, she'll pick up souvenirs or items that you've requested or remind her of you, and she'll present it to you first thing when she gets back. she'll be all excited to show you and warmly smile before getting just as red as her hair when you thank her.
🌻 daisy ;; what is their love language, both giving and receiving ?
in all honesty, i think she switches between all five love languages pretty often. if i had to rank it from most commonly expressed to least, though, it'd have to be words of affirmation, acts of service, gift giving/quality time (in a tie), and physical touch.
she doesn't mind her partner's love language at all - as long as they're also somewhat keen with words of affirmation.
i don't think she's too picky with physical touch. she enjoys it, yes, but more so privately. and even then, it's not something she really needs in a relationship, so she wouldn't constantly ask her partner for physical touch unless they're clingy.
though, she does love to hold hands with her s/o a lot <3
🌻 honeysuckle ;; if their s/o was hurt, what would they do ?
mama bear mode activated.
but like, no, literally, she has a big temper and will get really overprotective of you - especially if someone else caused intentionally wanted to harm you and was the cause of your injury.
she wouldn't hesitate to snap at their ass and get all up in their face. she'd roast the fuck out of them and honestly probably leave them a sobbing mess, ngl - at least, internally HRKEJEJ
especially if it was a guy, she'd show no mercy ... "what the hell is wrong with you, picking on my s/o ?! you sure have some balls doing so, but when i'm through with you, you sure as hell won't !"
yeah ... thanks, mahiru <3 /gen /lh
regardless if you're left bedridden or not, she'd be at your every beck and call. she'd be so soft with you and would get so cuddly.
you want her to hold you and distract you from the pain ? she's on it, stroking your hair as she whispers sweet nothings to you. you just want to hear her voice ? she'll talk about the history behind your favorite photos she's taken. you're freezing cold ? she's already asking you how many blankets you want while tucking you in, a heating pad heating up right then and there all for you.
she can be a bit of a worrywart though, so as much as she reassures you that you're going to be okay, she also needs some reassurance from you too - especially if your condition begins to deteriorate. being positive all the time can be pretty hard and exhausting :(
🌻 clover ;; what type of gifts do they like to get their s/o?
celestia doesn't gives gifts often, but when she does, it's mostly expensive items. she loves to spoil you - after all, you're the only one who deserves to rule beside her in her eyes.
when she's away at a gambling tournament, if her opponent has something that reminds her of you, she'll find a way to get it from them whether that be by making them bet on it or intimidating them.
she may be dainty, but when it comes to you or gambling, she won't hesitate to stoop to the lowest levels. anywho, she'll come home all smug but mask it with her elegant facade.
"ah, darling, it's nice to see you after such an exhilarating day. here, i picked this up for you while i was away. it reminded me of you quite a lot/i remember you saying you adored this item. where and how did i get this ... ? hmm ... are you sure you'd like to know, my love ?"
she'd prepare some tea for you two and set down her cup after drinking with a smirk, proudly telling you how she made someone go bankrupt again LMAO DJSKDJ
she's may be a menace to society and peoples' wallets, but we still love her all the same </3
🌻 daisy ;; what is their love language, both giving and receiving ?
giving, celestia's love languages are quality time, words of affirmation, gift giving, and acts of service (occasionally and surprisingly) in that order.
recieving she doesn't mind any, but acts of service and words of affirmation are very appreciated by her and don't go unnoticed.
she'll praise and thank you but state that you aren't a servant for her with acts of service, but instead an equal. after all, being her s/o means that she actually grew to respect you enough to take a liking to you.
she appreciates you being so kind to do things for her, really - she likes to be treated like a princess - but being in a relationship with her would mostly be a longterm relationship. she'll actually open up to you, so she doesn't want you to think she's only using you. privately, she has no problem doing things for you.
🌻 honeysuckle ;; if their s/o was hurt, what would they do ?
oh, boy. you thought mahiru was scary ? everyone's gonna piss themselves when celestia gets word that you hurt yourself. especially if someone else hurt you.
"WHAT ?! what the hell do you mean s/o got hurt ?! WELL ?! what are you blubbering idiots doing standing around gawking at them for ?! either do something to be useful or move out of my way so i can do something, you cantankerous plebeians !"
she'd snap at anyone and everyone who dares to defy her or hesitates for even a second to do something until you're finally safe and healthy.
internally, she's panicking and the only way she knows how to express her desperation for you to survive is to snap orders at everyone to help out or do something.
she's just really scared since she's never cared for someone so much in her life. she loves and trusts you enough to be herself around you.
to show you her true personality, to show you her true looks, to tell you and let you call her her real name, to let down her fake accent with you - she just learned to open up to you in general.
she'd help you with everything and anything you need after you're finally resting and in good hands. you'd catch a rare sight of celestia being domestic.
as you stumble into the kitchen to find out what that good smell is early in the morning, you'd catch celestia wearing a cute little dark and lacy vintage apron without her wig/extensions or makeup, swaying her hips happily as she cooks breakfast for you two and quietly sings along to some good classics.
her playlist is honestly random, so one minute she could be humming or singing along to songs like sudno by molchat doma, jealous by eyedress, verbatim, hayloft, or oh ana by mother mother, and the next she'd be spitting raps so fast that even eminem can't keep up with her.
she'd finally notice you while she's catching her breath after rapping, a blush visibly painting her milky white skin.
"aha - um - dear, i didn't notice you were up already ... did you hurt yourself on your way over here ?"
she'd completely change the subject LMAO DJSKJD
but even so, the best medicine you got that morning was celestia's singing in her normal voice as she allowed you to backhug her while she finished cooking breakfast for you two <3
danganronpa masterlist.
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malereader-inserts · 4 years
How Art Thee, Romeo?
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Derek Morgan x Male!Reader x Spencer Reid  Summary: How are you Romeo? Well, now you’ve mentioned it - not good. Word Count:  1,042 Request: “hello! its been a minute, ive been stressed lately but im ready to resend my ask for a spencer × mreader × derek! since spencer is nicknamed pretty boy, could mreaders nickname be romeo? i want something like the two of them trying to calm/destress the reader since hes been acting really distant lately, and when they go to comfort him he just breaks down bc hes so exhausted,mentally and physically? something angsty w something fluffy? also keep up the great work with your series!” WARNING: EVER HEAVY TOPICS BRIEFLY MENTIONS SUCH AS SEXUAL ASSAULT, TRAFFICKING, MURDERS, KIDNAPPING
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“How art thee, Romeo?” 
It was a common phrase that’s thrown around the bullpen, at first it was teasing but at this point, you figured that it was genuine asking if you were okay without being too serious. You were the youngest of the group and overly protected, not that you minded. You can be serious, but it’s mostly you being neutral, and most often not you’re more chilled out and a little playful.
But, recently, there has been a change of your presence. That even your boss and your boyfriend has not approached you. Your relaxed vibes have turned into stressed wavelengths. Your peaceful and playful aura had swapped with grumpy and stern. It was weird to see you not crack a smile or jokes, lighthearted comments and such to keep the mood a little uplifted.
You have been distant from your boyfriends, you used to get lunch together or even join them on coffee breaks, but you don’t do that anymore. You come home late, usually stripping and getting into the shower. Derek no longer hears you blast music whilst you perform a concert in you shower. Spencer no longer get his half an hour cuddles in the morning from you because you’re usually in the shower and out the door before he wakes up.
You just became distant, even sometimes sleeping on the couch rather than the shared king bed in the bedroom. Missing lunch breaks, coffee breaks, even carpooling. It came to a point that you were missing dinner as you were staying late in the office.
Then, your days doing paperwork had changed as Morgan and Spencer started to notice that you would have a bag in your car constantly, they tried to rule out you were cheating because you were never the type to do so - you were too genuine and sweet. 
“Didn’t you hear?” Garcia asked, reassuring the boy, “Our Romeo wouldn’t hurt you like that, I heard director Strauss put him on training rookies out on the field and getting their level fitness up for their test - he’s been on 100% as I heard Strauss was gonna have a word with him.”
Spencer and Derek tries to reach out to you, but you were dismissive, snappy and grumpy most of the time. Even JJ and Rossi has stated that you were unpleasant to be around.
“I doubt he’s getting a good night sleep,” The team, minus the boss, was gathered at Emily’s and Spencer’s desk as they look at the silhouette of yours and Strauss in her office, “Would explain his behaviour.”
“I don’t even know if he sleeps, he comes too late in the evening and gone too early in the morning,” Derek responded.
“Think about it, our sweet young agent being rude to his elders, he respects us as we respect him - it’s out of character for him. I mean I would probably be worst if I got his caseload.”
“What’s his caseload?” Spencer asked as JJ shrugs her shoulders as did Garcia.
“I heard they were homicides,” JJ replied.
“I heard they were robberies,” Garcia answered afterwards.
“Well, I took a sneak peek on one of his case files,” Emily hummed, “Child trafficking, sexual assault, even necrophilia. Seems like heavy cases.”
They see you exit the office, looking tired as hell, and it seem you were about to have a caffeine crash as you held a few files in your arms against your hip. Thick ones, but you tried to smile to a passing coworker as you rubbed your hand against your eye then through your hair.
It seemed, on your journey to your desk, you were stopped one after another colleague. Before giving up as you went to the elevator to go get lunch.
“I’m worried for (Y/n),” Hotch states out of nowhere, the group jumping at his voice, he took had sneaked behind the team and observed you, “I’ve warned Strauss not to put too much effort on him but she’s putting too much on him.”
Derek and Spencer looked at each other. You needed help and you had no energy to even call for help.
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You were expecting the house to be quiet, really, it was eleven and your boyfriends try not stay up too late on a work night. So, you were momentarily surprised to see them awake, with a movie on. The moment you had clicked the door close. Derek had got up and came towards you.
You’d like to think your eyes widen in surprised at sudden movements towards you, but you really looked unphased. You were expecting yelling, you had replayed many things that your two boyfriends could say to you and you have come up with a thousand responses. 
“Are you okay?”
It was something you haven’t heard for a while, and at the moment, you let your guard down as you just broke down. The aches from training rookies had taken you out as they started to deactivate as you crumpled, Derek catching you effortlessly. As Spencer comes along and hugging you from behind. 
“Hey, why don’t I take some of your caseloads?” Spencer asked, running his hand through your hair, “I’m sure Derek will happily help you with training too. You know what he’s like, that athletic freak.”
You managed to smile, even chuckle as Derek and Spencer hold you up, not letting you fall and crumble, a way to tell you that you will always be picked up by your boys if you ever fall behind. 
“Come on, let’s get you something to eat and we’ll help out on the case whilst you eat. Then, we’ll run you a bath, and you are going to get nine hours sleep, you hear?”
You chuckled at Derek’s sternness, “Alright, alright.”
“So, for dinner, it’s Chinese because both Derek and I are terrible at cooking without your help and supervision, so hope you don’t mind.”
“Honestly, I haven’t had a takeaway for a while so, that’ll be great.”
Derek pulls you the kitchen island seat, as you allow Spencer to rummage through your bag and grab the first file case of the night as Derek prepares your food for the night. You smile to yourself, you’ll find yourself feeling better, Romeo.
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azucanela · 4 years
Hi i really loved your first date HC❤❤👌 i dont know if your requests are open but if they are could you maybe do the same thing with baby boi kiri ??
[ft. denki kaminari, kirishima ejirou]
bakugo, todoroki, shinsou version
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SUMMARY: how did they ask you out? And how’d the date go? Well... 
WARNINGS: kissing, pretty pg, corny pick up lines
A/N: im glad you liked it! hope you don’t mind that i added denki bc i wanted to do more than one person lol. also im sorry it took so long!!! i lacked inspiration akjsdlksjkldj
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so panicked when asking you out like he almost gets bakugo in on it
kirishima suggests super manly stuff like buying you roses but he ends up writing you a little note that says “will you go out with me? check yes or yes.” he’s kinda freaking out lol
he’s genuinely worried you will say no be careful with his heart
anyways he has it passed through the classroom and is highkey worried the note will be intercepted by aizawa but its fine it fine
and then mina gets it 
in all honesty, you probably thought the note was for mina, and if it did involve getting asked out, it was definitely for her
but then mina passes the note to you with a SMIRK
looks like someone couldn’t READ THE R O O M
anyways, when he turns over to face you in the middle of class, basically sweating bullets, you’re kinda like ??? bc what is this mans doing
you look at the note and realize your name is on it like OH, he probably need homework answer lol
then you open it and it says “will you go out with me? check yes or yes.” 
even though he’s a really flirty person, he likes you alot so that persona kinda fades with you since he respects you 
and it also makes him really nervous around you
you’re kinda like :o
and he’s like :,)
so then you laugh a little in your seat and he begins to panic, and then you look over to him and with a lil grin, and after class you come up to him, “how about a study date, im honestly worried about your grades.”
then you kiss him on the cheek
hes dead you killed him, nearly passes out
and thats how denki got his first study date! because his crush who liked him back thought he was dumb!
poor bb
the actual study date would probably be in a café or a library
denki probably prefers the library since it would be easier to just make out with you in the isolated and quiet space BUT
you want food so café it is ugh, you don’t know what you’re missing out on.
he gets there first, and he actually brings his textbooks and homework, he’s invested and he wants to impress you so he is going to try his hardest okay
kaminari is internally panicking when he sees you, you do a lil wave and he swears his heart explodes with uwus and WOW you look SO good, he really wants to see you in street clothes more often.
he learns more that day than during his entire time in the hero course at UA. 
naturally, since you two live in the same dorm, he walks you back to your room
and then he comes inside
and then-
anyways he really really really want to kiss you on the first date and totally will if you allow it
you make him drink respect women juice at that café and he leaves a changed man
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Denki’s knee was bouncing rapidly as he sat in the café. He’d taken the time this morning to pick out an outfit, and pack his textbooks, along with pens, highlighters, anything you could imagine really. If Y/N wanted a study date, he would try his hardest to make it the best study date possible, though he wasn’t really the best at studying, she’d been right when she’d pointed out his poor grades.
But hey, those grades got him a date, so they weren’t all that bad. 
He’s beginning to regret drinking caffeine as his hand taps against the table anxiously, despite his flirtatious personality, Denki had been on few dates. And he’d been stood up before, that was never fun. Also, it was Y/N, the girl who tried to help him pass all his classes, and shared food with him, and reminded him to do his work. This was important.
He’s about to pull out his phone and text her when the bell at the door of the café rings, his head snapping upwards at the sound to see if its Y/N. Relief floods him when he realizes it is her, a nervous smile finding it’s way onto his face as he waves at her. 
Y/N’s face lights up at the sight of him, and she makes her way over to him with ease, taking a seat across from him as she places her backpack on the floor. Y/N raises a brow, “some came prepared.”
“Yeah well, I’m excited to study.” His eyes meet hers, “with you.”
A small laugh escapes her, and Y/N tilts her head at him curiously, “I’m glad you’re excited.” Her eyes fall on the empty line in the café, “you want something?” 
Denki shakes his head, “no. I’m fine.” 
Y/N hums in response, sitting up to go buy a drink. Before heading over to the cashier, she leans over to him, grinning as she speaks, “calm down, Denki. It’s just a study date.”
“A study date with you.” Comes his response, earning him a flick to the head.
He decides then that Y/N looks very pretty in street clothes, it’s something he wished he’d seen sooner. Her outfit is fairly simple, but she looked beautiful in Denki’s eyes nonetheless. His eyes were trained on hers as she paid the barista, coming back to sit while she waited for her drink. 
Y/N rests her head in her hands, “so. You ready for a crash course in calculus?”
Denki hated school, he wouldn’t deny it. But learning alongside Y/N was far more bearable, and it gave him a sense of normalcy that he craved, seeing as he was incredibly nervous. Though Denki managed to loosen up over time, and now that they were walking back to the dorms, he found himself flirting like normal, “I’m not a photographer, but I could picture you and I together.”
She’s been laughing at the corny pick up lines he’s been using the entire walk home, “really now?” Y/N asks, grinning at him as they walk along the path.
“Yeah, really!” He replies, leaning closer to her, “now. Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist right?”
There’s a pause, and Denki wonders if he passed an invisible boundary as he turns to Y/N, only for her to yank him by the collar, bringing his lips to hers. Y/N’s other hand comes to his arm, and Denki is temporarily frozen, though he soon realizes he needs to reciprocate if he wants to keep kissing her.
He really wants to keep kissing her.
Bringing his hands to her waist, Denki pulls her closer, smiling when they pull away and she says, “you were wrong.”
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it’s literally just so much chivalry like kirishima single handedly revived it
chivalry is NOT dead, kirishima just has ALL OF IT
asks you out with the help of our boy baku, gets him to good a meal and puts it in some tupperware,
lol convincing bakugo was the funniest part, and he agreed only because he was like, “what you think my cooking couldn’t get you a date? just you watch!” 
genuinely sees his cooking as a means of bribery
kirishima is grateful because he cannot cook so i hope you can
buys you roses, and approaches you, obviously nervous but keeping his cool
you think he’s gonna ask out bakugo HADHJGDSJHGD
you nudge baku and he gives you a look and is all like, “what the hell, that is all clearly for you.”
lol kirishima is really sheepish about it he’s all like, “so would you be interested in... i dunno maybe going to dinner or something, as a date?”
embarrased bb
you accept the roses and the food and smile at him like, “sure!”
kirishima is relieved™
your first date is probably just like to the mall, you two get food and shop its nice
tries to pay for everything but he is not todoroki
he is your sugar baby congrats
he likes to watch you shop because you get really excited over really simple things and he does too and its just really adorable
definitely wants a fashion show with you
you’ll probably be like, “i don’t wanna waste your time.”
and then you turn around and kirishima is already holding seven different outfits like, “FASHION SHOW!” because hes manly
he also thinks you look REALLY pretty in all these different outfits like wow
he also has a fashion show and he has no right looking that GOOD in these CLOTHES 
y’all probably have your first kiss here, like you’re trying on clothes and he is hyping you up and you get all soft and he gets off soft and he’s like can i kiss you? and you are like HELL YEHA
opens doors for you, pulls out your chair, gives you his jacket, the KING of being a gentleman 10/10 treats you right
would ask to kiss you and will respect whatever you say when he walks you back to the dorms too
assuming he gets a kiss he’s throwing a party lol
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Kirishima smiles as he watches Y/N stare at a skirt, squinting at it as she examines it. It’s cute, she’s cute, and he was ecstatic when she’d agreed to go out with him. The date was simple, just a trip to the mall and lunch in the food court, they’d already eaten, so now Y/N was leading him around the mall as they looked at all the stores.
“Do you think this would look good on me?” She asks, bringing a skirt to her lower half to inspect the look.
He simply takes the skirt and throws it over his arm, which is already holding several other articles of clothing, not that he minds, “I think everything here is gonna look good on you.” Kirishima raises his arm up to gesture towards all the clothing he is carrying as he smiles at her. 
Y/N can’t help it when her cheeks warm and she looks away, “C’mon let’s go to the dressing rooms.” She mumbles, eyes falling on hi, “you sure you don’t want help carrying those?”
Kirishima puffs his chest out a bit at this comment, “I wouldn’t be a very manly boyfriend if I didn’t.” Came his response.
This earns him a raised brow from Y/N as she guides the two of them to the dressing rooms, “boyfriend huh?”
His cheeks flush as red as his hair, “I-I’m sorry! I didn’t-”
“I like it.” Y/N winks as she takes the clothes from his arms and heads into the dressing room, shutting the door behind her and leaving Kirishima in shock.
He had plopped down onto the bench outside the dressing room, earning sympathetic smiles from those who pass by him, though he really doesn’t mind. If he was honest, he liked this. Y/N got excited over the smallest of things and that got him pretty excited as well, her joy was contagious almost. Kirishima was shocked he’d even scored a date with Y/N in the first place, she was in the top of their class, and had a ridiculous amount of friends, and even more admirers it seemed. 
She’d been trying on clothes for quite some time now, exiting only to show him the outfits, not that responses to these outfits ever changed, since she looked beautiful every time. 
Resting his head in his hand, he hears Y/N call out, “you sure you aren’t bored yet?” She’s slipping on a different outfit, a small smirk on her face as she wonders what his reaction could be. 
“No, not at all.” Kirishima replied, shifting in his seat. 
And then Y/N came out of the dressing room, she had chosen the skirt she’d previously show him along with a low cut top that he had not seen her pick.
Oh god.
Kirishima felt his mouth go dry as it gaped open in shock, “how do I look?” Though she clearly knew what he thought, given his reaction, Kirishima couldn’t help but remind himself that it wasn’t manly to stare. 
“Pretty.” Kirishima replies, “really pretty.” He straighten in his seat, offering her a nervous smile as she watches her spin in a circle. “How is someone so beautiful, literally?
Y/N is beaming at him, a small laugh escaping her as she comes to stand in front of him and replies, “I could say the same about you.” Kirishima's face breaks out into a smile and she brings her hands to his shoulders, “thanks for taking me out Kiri.”
He tilts his head curiously at her actions, “thanks for agreeing to got out with me.”
She hums in response, hands coming to his cheeks as she stood between his legs, locking eyes with Kirishima Y/N gives him a small smile, “can I kiss you, Kiri?”
His eyes widen a fraction and he nods rapidly, “definitely.” He mumbles in reply, eyes closing as their lips met. Kirishima allowed his hands to come waist, squeezing her hips as they kissed.
Yeah, he liked this.
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A/N: i have zero inspiration and i feel like kirishima is out of character i am sorry akjdhkjshdkjahs 🙃 anyways kirishima looks respectfully
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TAGLISTS[lmk if you want to be added or removed via askbox or replies]
BNHA: @shawkneecaps​
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / OCTOBER 3, 2019 // the trial
it's the reveal!!!! love that for her hope shes thriving (shes not) again w the two minutes of the next episode to sync the dates
-lmaoooo so i honestly wonder why they went for the full pulling-it-out-the-throat thing but idk (an interesting foil to her getting sick for more stereotypical reasons ie s2 "people find out theyre grandparents every day"
-"i'd do anything for nancy" okay but....why 👀bit of an odd reaction imo
-bess with spilling the truth again 😂and gets shot down. tragic #shetried
-wait sooooo nobody tested the fingerprints on the knife when this shit happened?? or that tech didnt exist in 2000? i mean without a body how could they even call it murder? and who told the police?? like if the drews took the baby, the dress, and said nothing, who tells the cops shes missing or even dead? how did they know to search the bluffs? who told the media/public? it had to have happened that same night because ryan said when he got there later there were already rumors she was killed. after the baby and bloody dress, only her crown, a knife, and tire tracks were left. how did anyone find anything at this remote bluff without some kind of tip off? and why on earth would they think murder and not suicide with so little evidence?? thats gotta be like suicide central, sorry for the trigger
-"a little help, lucy?!" lucy seems unable to disobey a direct request from nancy (ie "lucy, stop" from later in the ep) when nancy speaks directly to her. so maybe if nancy had spoken aloud/engaged more lucy could have appeared more? nancy said she only comes around when she wants to but what if nancy herself could do a bit more, being the last thing lucy touched and all
-so in ep 2 when nancys in jail carson says "great grandma rosalind buried her valuables in the trunk" including the knives shown here. did carson and kates families even know about nancy? how did they explain not announcing a pregnancy or birth?
-"oh." john lmfaoooo
-BESS lmaoooo and ace's looks in the background and then at seeing nick approaching lmfaooo oh no / also why on earth is she apologizing?? he dumped her but she has to be sorry he found out she fucked someone else? someone nicer pls explain to me bc i dont get it. she dont owe him shit
-george is SO CUTE lmfaoooo and so forward and he was so shook but then he was like "oh hell yeah"
-"is he a vampire?!" ik nobody i knew got that reference 😂
-this entire search of the claw is a sham. what are they even looking for. clearly a set up by tamura but why/what does he suspect them of. esp w karen as accomplice, story should be airtight so why are they still investigating?
-john + ace dream team 💙
-god ace is such a yes-man. why is he so fucking loyal?? people like him are insane. how are they real. i suspect they arent. and no matter what you do you are never worthy of their unending loyalty anyway.
-so in the Good Place nancy was the one who had the key but in reality its ryan
-wonder if lucy's listening to ryan here talking about his love and grief for her
-"you were throwing away your future on a nothing girl" - nancy & ryan - their fathers dont want them to see "troubled" kids, want them to focus on school instead --> which they both struggle with and eventually do not achieve (maybe bc they want their kids to leave horseshoe bay?) for nancy its an interesting vice for someone whos really a goody two shoes/for ryan its subverted bc karen actually did worse than him ie committed real crimes
-"stay away from my family" surprise bitch bet you thought youd seen the last of me 😉
-interestingly, ryan probably would have agreed with karen about switching the ballot boxes but he wouldnt have really understood the social consequences. both josh and karen are determined to see ryan as the bad guy when actually he didnt do anything, they did. 🤔
-karen is such a ride or die friend. again w the loyalty. if someone swapped ballot boxes for me i'd be touched. im sure going into active labor made lucy a bit upset but damn. what a friend.
-wonder when nancy starts calling her "Lucy" instead of "dead lucy"
-lucy primarily haunting her own house/love seeing this house overtaken by nature
-the concept of writing things down : starting from the first ep, nancy's journal (then and now), writing out simon cards, similar cemetary cards in the Good Place, "beautiful minding it," culminating in lucy's journal / writing it down to help figure it out/when theres too much going on to keep it inside
-"i'll make a salad" NICK LMAOOO
-wonder what happened to carson's old lawyer?
-"my testimony begins in the summer of 1999" because your story always starts with your mother's story
-lmfaoooooo this shit taking the stand is soooo never allowed but oh well
-"she stole a knife" and carson's face lmfaooooo he knows its not true but what could he fucking say?? no?
-"i love you mom, i hope you never find this." ironic bc nancy didnt want her dad to find her journal either
-lucy never wanted anyone to find out how she died d/t shame- but she didnt want carson to go to jail for it so she finally allowed it (or just couldnt refuse nancy asking)
-"i'm sorry for what you lost"/"i'm never gonna be free from them"
-awww ace/mcginnis goodbye / i wonder if ace is nervous thinking about tamura --> ace's dad since chief mcginnis covered for ace out of respect for his dads sacrifice but tamura would throw both ace and his dad under the bus just to get at nancy (get at her via ace? since he was already used as the blackmail plot device? they kinda touched in this in s2 but not fully)
-okay sooo why are they still doing this forensic analysis thing? like the whole things over so whats the point. i wonder if john had packed up and gone home what coulda happened
-nancy/carson - interrupted moments:
•family dinner interrupted by nancy's accsations
•being home after finding ted interrupted by carson's arrest
•celebration of dropped charges interrupted by nancy discovering the truth about her parentage
-"i cooked your favorite to celebrate" ironic bc shes upset that hes not her "real" dad but he IS because he knows her best. like theyre literally proving it right in front of her. vs ryan whom she doesnt really want anyway AND rejects requests to get to know her. like come on sis. his 20 years of parenting you arent going away, ever. deal w it.
-carson's little smile before he said "'mom never hurt lucy" like he knows this is the end / scott's acting here just kills me
-why did the drews come back at all? and why did kate really keep the dress? carson says she did it as a link to lucy, but did kate want to keep it to be connected to lucy? or did she bury it to keep lucy repressed? is this a positive or a negative? +keeping in attic - did lucy start to haunt kate, so she unburied the dress?
and lastly:
-why doesnt lucy haunt everett and celia hudson? she kind of does ie painting but only when nancy visits bc shes actually haunting nancy. isnt everything the hudsons' fault?
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biussworld · 4 years
Henlo, could I pls ask for a scenario where Aizawa has a kid who's that one chill kid who's just vibin and gets along with most people and during the sports festival's one on one battles, someone (preferably monoma but you can pick whoever you like) pisses her off by insulting her classmates and stuff and she just snaps and proceeds to destroy them? Like she just yeeted them outta the ring while telling them to roasting them in the process?
hello! thank you for requesting~ i changed it up a little bit, though i did put a little monoma action in there. there's also not much aizawa and more of a class 1a x aizawa's daughter qwq
i hope you like it!!!
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your quirk is similar to your dad's, and you've begged him to train you ever since you were a kid so you best believe you also have something similar to his capture weapon
he ain't no enji todoroki, my child, so you don't need to worry about him being all strict nd that HOWEVER he's not lenient with you, he's just like what we see he does with class 1a
SOOO with that aside, even though you have similarities with your dad, your personalities definitely are different. somehow.
like you'd be alone and quiet one minute, all of a sudden a few people come up to you and talk to you a bit and then you're friends with them already that's!!! not him ahk-
but it's cute, he thinks you're a less scarier version of him
one time when he was scolding half of the class for playing along and almost getting the other half of the class injured with kaminari's school pool prank (we all know what he was about to do) you went in and said "awh, give 'em some slack, dad. it's not like anybody got hurt."
and that's when everyone in the class knew you were so cool and dangerously funny and nice
you'd be goofing around doing tiktok dances with the condiments trio (sero, kiri, kami pls don't let me explain it aka soy sauce, ketchup, and mustard respectively)
you'd also be pestering bakugou with the three, but bakugou's a little docile this time for some reason !!! it's a bit scaryyyy
jirou and yaoyorozu got ur back if you need study help
cant find your notes? yao-momo's got extras for you
want some BANGIN study playlist? ayyy jirou's got one ready. SHE ALSO!!! LETS YOU PLAY WITH THE INSTRUMENTS IN HER ROOMMMM
the dekusquad !!! they love youuu and you're basically scolding deku too everytime he's about to break his arms again like hahahaha what the heckkkk deku stooop but go on it's your body but stopppppp dad's gonna kill meeee hahahaha
iida and todo would just be watching you do something STUPID but todo would be more like holding iida back from stopping you because he has to see this shit go downnnn
you, mina and tsuyu take uraraka shopping some time and shE'S ALWAYS !!! UWUUUU and you know this mochi recipe from your mom so you three get to make 'em in the dorms
the big bois satou and shoji along with the lord birb of darkness tokoyami walks with you to and from school grounds, or hangs out with you in the common room when you need a break from being around LOUD and NOISY classmates (kami, baku i'm not saying it's you, luv, but i am,,,,,, looking at you)
dark shadow also gives you head pats!!! because you gave him one time and now he's giving you lots all the time!!!
not because you're aizawa's kid!!! but because for a teacher's kid you're so cool and kind and chill !!!
then the sports festival came around
and for the cavalry battle you met this bitch monoma and he basically started yapping about how you only got in because of aizawa
which isnt trueeee you went in through the same exams as them as you didnt want to rely on your dad's connections, plus aizawa wouldnt have agreed to you entering without breaking a sweat anywayyy ;(((
but you didnt tell him that bc you really could care less about what he says
when their team lost you LAUGHED AT HIS FACE lmaoooo but gave the rest of his teammates a kudos to their work
so you made it into the one on one battles
and for your first fight, you're up with shinsou
now, now, shinsou isn't one to pull out insults just because
he needs to incite a reaction from you, so he does a little nudge here and there
it's all about you, how your position as a ua student is unfair to him and a lot of kids in the gen studies because you're a teacher's kid and some of them could've gotten in just fine, too
but again you didn't mind it because you knew a lot of them would say that, so you mentally prepared yourself for it
"i bet they only tolerate you because you're aizawa's child, huh?"
ah, this. right in your HEART and your insecurities
though you were irked, you felt that your classmates have been kind to you even before so you brush it off, taking a step towards him
then with all the smugness he can muster he's up and saying "maybe the entire class 1a is irrelevant and useless, even slacking off during trainings but nobody would know because you wouldn't say a thing"
you can tell he's getting desperate, as he's using everybody else against you now
you have this dark aura surrounding you, your face contorted in a scowl
you FINALLY use your quirk on him so you can finna talk without getting mind controlled, glaring red at him as you step on his chest
"i let you talk shit about me, call me incompetent and whiny but i'll NEVER let you talk shit about my friends."
as he struggles in your hold, you tighten the capture weapon around him and lower your face so he can hear you loud and clear "if you really want to throw all of us in the hero course out, then you gotta do better than just spitting in our faces." then you basically YEET him out of the bounds.
he rolls on the ground in pain as you stand in the middle of the arena, your head hung low.
after your fight everyoneee in the classs is just qwq awww our widdle baby you so sweeet qwq like you didnt just YEET the living daylights out of shinsou
and your dad personally went up to you to nudge you in the shoulder with his bandaged elbow
the rest of 1a is giving you pats on the back and cheers!!!
you bet bakugou is at the back like, "yeah, obviously she's got bite. she's from 1a."
all in all, everyone's so proud to have a sister like you in their class!!! they love you as much as you love them uwu
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bitchiha · 4 years
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A/N: I accidentally posted the request before I finished LOL. So I don’t know much about Tsundere relationships, but I did some reading on it just before I started writing and I hope I did the request some justice! Also I’m literally Kankuros bitch <3
Ps, I’m sorry I didn’t put a keep reading thingy idk how to do it on mobile and my trash laptop is broken 😭😭
Also I didnt include tobirama bc I absolutely hated how his turned out and I had to delete it im sorry 😖
✎ Tsundere relationship! (Hidan, Kank, Naruto)
Ahh, where to start? I think you’ll meet on a mission co partnered with the Leaf...
You and Shikamaru are sent to assist the Sand on a mission. Now, we already know Kankurō is a bit of a sassy mf when it comes to the Leaf like I think he whole heartedly believes the Sand is superior and you also have those feelings about your own village... So there’s an instant dislike for one another. Kinda like an instant rivalry.
Literally the first thing you say to him is “So, the Sand can’t take care of their own missions?” And that sets Kankurō off, “What, how dare you- ack! Temari, that hurt! I’m not gonna let her walk all over us like that, I’ll fight you right now you Leaf Village bi- ow! Temari!” Shikamaru has to hold you back LMFAOO you’re ready to throw hands “Huh, what’s that? Sounds like you’re really determined for me to kick your ass?” He lowkey liked when you said that to him lol.
Anyways, the two of you are bickering the whole entire way to the missions destination. You’ll tease eachother about anything and everything you can. So, once you find out about his puppet master jutsu its only natural that you fall on the floor with laughter. Like full on tears and strangled breathing. Now this is something you can really tease him about.
“What! You still play with dolls? I bet you have little sleep over parties with them and do their hair-“
You’re cut off because he tries to trap you in the Ant. Temari has to strangle him and force him to let you out. You’re lucky he didn’t iron maiden your ass LMFAOO.
This is the kind of the energy you guys carry whenever you see eachother from now on. He’ll see you more often too because you carry out a lot of Leaf and Sand allied missions and duties. Rip to anyone who gets put on a mission with you two tbh.
But on one particularly hard mission it ends up down to the two of you fighting off like 10 enemies. He’s trying to focus on fighting them, but he can’t stop thinking about if you’re okay. His distractedness earns him a particularly hard blow.
You end up having to fight off the remaining enemies yourself, all the while protecting him. The last thing he remembers is you screaming his name when he gets hit and the fear that was in your eyes at seeming him like that. It slowly turns to anger and then you kick the bad guys asses. He’s like half conscious but is laying there like: whatta bad bitch. Then he passes out.
Starts to really admire you after that and his comments aren’t as snarky when he sees you next. It’s more like little jabs and teases because that’s how he shows his affection, but they were no longer the hardcore roasts he’d dish out before. You probably stop flaming his ass too because let’s be real here; you’ve both obviously been attracted to each other from the start you just didn’t want to admit it.
Like cmon, he didn’t wait for you at the gates every single time he knew you were visiting just to insult you first. No. He came there to see your cute ass first!!Same goes for you, like you didn’t take all the missions to the Sand for nothing. You came there to see your fav hot headed puppet master.
He’ll ask you out a few months later, when you end up at the Sand again. Probably takes you to dinner before going back to his place. I 100% see him showing you his puppets and this time you’ll actually show your interest and not just tease him lol. Probably ends up making out with you on his workbench. Ok that’s all.
You meet eachother for the first time at Ichirakus. Second to Naruto, you actually bring in the most cash for the place. So it’s surprising you two had never met each other before.
Until now of course. He’s just gotten back from a long mission and he’s dying for some ramen. He strolls right in and orders a miso pork ramen, but the old man tells him there’s no more pork left.
Probably flips his shit like who tf ate it all?? Then the old man points at you. You’re sitting there chowing down you’re literal 15th bowl, the giant stack of empty bowls next to you proving it. You watch the blondie charge right at you while you eat the last miso pork bowl of ramen for the day.
You put the bowl down and wipe your face just as he stops right infront of you, very close to your face. You can see the anger in his eyes, but you are not giving up. Also, the guy looks sorta comical so you basically laugh in his face which gets him more worked up.
“What are you laughing about? You just ate all of old mans pork for the day!! That last bowl is mine, believe it!” Once again you laugh in his face because you just can’t help yourself. Probably end up fist fighting eachother on the spot. Neither of you win because one of you ends up smashing into the bowl, sending it flying right at the old man. He kicks you both out, right after you pay your tab of course.
This arises a competition of who will eat all the miso pork ramen first, it goes on for a good few months. Ichirakus is swimming in your money now. Until one day, when you two arrive at Ichirakus at the same time. You basically have a show down. Unfortunately both your wallets are cleaned out and you can’t even pay off your bills anymore so you’re now indebted to the ramen place.
Narutos mission money won’t even cut it anymore and you can’t pay your debt off either. So you both have to get a job doing Ichirakus dishes until you can pay your debt off.
At first you two wanna strangle each other everytime youre in each others line of sight. But slowly — veryyyy slowly, you start to bond over your love for ramen. Like you can probably sniff the bowls before you clean them and tell instantly what ramen was eaten out of it.
You discover you both have the same favourite instant ramen, the same favourite Ichirakus order, etc... Then before you know it you actually start dating. Nobody knows how it happened because you were rivals for a good couple of months, but now all the sudden your holding hands while and eating ramen together peacefully. Mind blown.
You’re a brand new Akatsuki member and you’re cute. Really cute. Not only was Deidara drooling over you too, Kakuzu just asked to file your taxes. Do you even do taxes? You’re a rouge ninja. Anyways, Hidan is so sure that Jashin would love to have you.
You two start taking to eachother and actually getting along pretty well, until he mentions Jashin. You shut him down so quickly after that. Like you’re not interested in his fake God, no matter how cute he is.
From then on he tries to ignore you or is just super petty towards you all the time. Like you just got back from a failed mission with your Akatsuki partner and he’s at the hideout mocking you like “if you prayed to Jashin with me this wouldn’t have happened.”
Literally so fucking petty.
Anytime you suggest an idea to the Akatsuki he immediately tears it down. It doesn’t really matter when he does though because nobody really listens to Hidan anyways, it’s just annoying.
You two get put on a mission together one day because Kakuzu has some important money buisness to take care of. Hidans so pissy about it, “oh come on! Out of everybody you picked y/n? She doesn’t even respect my religion, how are we supposed to work together!?” Kakuzu just looks at him and is like “Hidan, I don’t care about Jashin either.”
Butthurt the whole journey. If you guys get bombarded or run into trouble he probably doesn’t even bother backing you up. If anything he tries to feed you to them LMFAOOO. Such a jerk.
Then, once he thinks that all the bad guys are gone he turns to you all confidently because you got your ass whooped and he’s like “see, I bet if you prayed to Jashin you wouldn’t be injured this bad-“
An enemy just stabbed him right through the chest and he watches the look of shock on your face. That’s when he gets an idea. He falls on the floor super fucking dramatically and you have to take the last guy down for him.
Then you kneel next to him and cradle his body because yes he was such a petty bitch but he actually started to grow on you. So you cry and in this distressed moment you probably even attempted to pray to Jashin because you’re desperate as fuck.
This bitch really makes his eyes flutter open and is like; “y/n?” Really fucking plays off that he was unconscious, “Jashin... Jashin saved me.”
Your ass just got clowned but I mean you believe it because like he just got stabbed right through the heart. Even immortal people should die if they were stabbed in the heart, right? It seemed like it was the case.
So yah he basically just emotionally manipulated you into being semi interested in his religion.
Then he stops being petty with you and probably asks you to sleep with him as an offering to Jashin. “It’s only fitting! He just saved my life afterall.”
Literal definition of a sleeze bag <3
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izukult · 3 years
@sushijimawakatoshi asked.. hi, i hope you don’t mind that i’m a newer follower, and if its not too much trouble, id like to request 💌 and 🌬 male matchups please!! * im a leo sun, taurus moon, sag rising, ISTP-T, use she/her prns, and straight * my voice is pretty quiet and i’m just a quiet person overall when i’m around new people. i don’t really show my emotions well and i have pretty bad RBF so i usually come off as hard to approach accidentally which sucks when i want to make friends but also works sometimes bc i also have social anxiety * my self esteem goes from *i am the sexiest mf to walk this earth* to *im ugly and deserve nothing* with no in between * my love language is anything tbh but especially gift giving and physical touch, even though i’m terrified of initiating it. quality time is also nice since i’m completely down to just sit in comfortable silence with them, spending time together. while i love big gestures sometimes, my way of showing affection is more lowkey like baking them stuff, tutoring if they want, attending games/practices, and always waiting for them to finish at the gym * i don’t really work well with clingy people. i feel like i’d be okay if my SO focused on volleyball a lot bc i respect that they need time to work on their own things, so i wouldn’t say that i need lots of attention in relationships. i also spend more time on studies (future med student *fingers crossed*) than extracurriculars. * i have a huge caffeine addiction bc my sleep schedule is WACK (monster energy, coffee, whatever) * i’m 90% book smart (my one flex is being good at math) and 10% common sense * Big Anxiety bc the only way i could get approval from my parents growing up was straight As and now my biggest fear is being unsuccessful 😎 * i love wearing my SO’s clothing and all of a sudden, their closet is now ~Our Closet~ 
hi bestie i’m sorry i took so long to respond!! leo gang rise the fucj UP
💌 matchup//
i match you with..
matsukawa issei!
-i feel like he is such a chill guy he’d be totally okay with being super close, or having space from each other. i also imagine he’d just be the kind of guy you could silently sit in a room with and do your own thing and just enjoy each other’s company
-i also think issei really fucks w quality time, so you just sitting in the gym and working on homework while he practices is super cool for the both of you
-you have a drawer of his shirts. like,, a whole drawer at your house dedicated to his shirts specifically
-i think he also has to quiet rbf vibe so youd be an intimidating couple mayhaps mayhaps
-matsukawa isn’t a dumb guy, but he’s not like a world renowned genius. will sometimes ask you for homework, but that’s more about you than him not understanding
-very calm couple. like, good energy and you two make each other laugh and shit, but it’s pretty laid back and super healthy
-he compliments u so much. but he’s not overly sappy about it? don’t expect like ‘omg you’re so beautiful🥺” texts it’s either “AYOO SHAWTY KILLIN‼️ BAE GOT MAD GAME🥰🥶” or “goddamn okay spit in my face why don’cha?”
-on that note i think his emoji use would be very questionable. like he claims he hates unironic emojis but has definitely sent 😌,😏, and 🤧 before and 100% meant it
-that doesn’t mean he’s not a super sweet boyfriend he’s just not cheesy about it
-will bring you your favorite coffee or monster or anything every day, and every day without fail he makes a little “those things are shitty for ya” comment
-stop buying them then issei huh? check point🙄
-he’s a touchy guy, but again on the lowkey. he’s not gonna be over dramatic about pda, but he’ll hold your hand, or rest a hand on your shoulder. in private, loves to have an arm wrapped around you all the time
-makes fun of you for being short a Lot
-side note but once u mention your pronouns he’s like “oh shit, that’s smart” and puts he/him in his bio. matsukawa is a good man ilh
-finds out his birth chart for u and sends a ss w a text saying “ok so can we fuck now😕” (no issei, you’re a pisces😐)
-he is super supportive. makes sure you aren’t overworking yourself when he knows big assignments are coming up, always sends you good luck texts before tests, congratulates you no matter what, and is quick to remind you that even if you did fail in some way, you wouldn’t be a failure
-such a good boyfriend god i fucking love issei so goddamn much
-loves it when u bake for him. loves it so much. makes him feel so loved please never stop doing it
🌬 matchup//
i’d prefer my request not be shown bc of the picture :) i’m 5’2” and i’m not really sure what my aesthetic is? but these are just 2 pictures i like haha
ok u are,, so pretty!! omg
i match you with..
akaashi keiji!
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my second choice is..
ushijima wakatoshi!
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seokjinsdisciple · 4 years
jinyoung x reader
when you switch places with your twin sister to teach English in South Korea. You quickly find you’re worse at the job than you think. Luckily, kindergarten teacher Jinyoung helps you navigate the waters of teaching and help your class pass their end of the year exams. 
requested, unedited
warnings: oh boy where do i even begin, sub jinyoung, baby boy and mommy used excessively (im not sorry), overstimulation (sort of), nipple play, jinyoung is just really subby and cute ok, let me know if im missing anything bc this is a mess
word count: 3.1 k 
There was a certain way that your twin sister had about her that made it impossible to say no. She had used this against you her entire life, and it hadn’t stopped as you grew out of teenagers and became adults. In fact, her requests got more and more demanding. Which is how you found yourself on a 15-hour flight to South Korea. 
It was a simple switch really, she had gotten pregnant and wanted you to fill in for her. She had spent about half of the year teaching English to 6th graders and couldn’t leave for half of the year. You were pretty positive that she had just told you that so she wouldn’t have to pay rent on the year-long lease she had signed, but honestly, you were kinda excited. Not about the kids, you had no idea what to do with them, but more so about living in a different country kinda thing. 
The flight was long, and you spent the whole time watching movies, unable to sleep. So, admittedly you were exhausted when you stood in front of your new apartment. You made your way inside, and you had to be honest, the apartment was way nicer than your home back in the States. It was nowhere near as big, but it was filled with nicer, comfier furniture and a giant bed that you couldn’t resist. 
You awoke with a start, rubbing your eyes and groaning. You had no time to waste since your first day in the classroom was supposed to be today. You hadn’t made any plans for your students, but you didn’t have enough time to make one. Scurrying around the apartment you pulled together a business casual outfit, grabbing a piece of toast from the toaster and hurrying out of the apartment with only one shoe on. The other shoe balanced delicately in your hands with a cup of coffee, and your toast. 
By the time you made it into the school, You were more put together. You were still extremely nervous about meeting the students and you were praying that they would be nice to you. You weren’t too fond of kids, and, unlike your sister, you were terrible at interacting with them.
Your thoughts of the day were taking over, and as you desperately searched for your sister's classroom, you bumped into a broad chest. 
“Hey, you ok y/s/n?” A handsome man asked, his sweater showing off his broad shoulders. You had no idea who this guy was, but damn your sister for failing to mention that someone so handsome existed. You smiled at him, your cheeks heating up as you stared, looking for some sort of name tag. You couldn’t find one.
“I’m ok, just kinda lost for some reason,” you laughed, “My brain hasn’t started yet, I guess.”
“Ah, well maybe I can point you in the right direction?” The man said, looking at you quizzically, you were clearly failing at convincing him you were actually your sister. If he had any questions, though, he didn’t ask them. Instead leading you down a winding hallway and into a classroom. 
“Ah, it’s good to be back,” you smiled, praying that he wouldn’t be too suspicious, “Thanks for your help!”
The man just took one glance behind him, before deciding to just close the door of the classroom. 
“So you’re the twin, right?”
“Uh, I don’t know what you mean…” You tried, glancing at the desk and seeing the picture of you and your sister. She could be a real idiot sometimes. The man just raised an eyebrow at you, glancing at the picture on the desk and then back at you. 
“Listen, I know you aren’t y/s/n,” he stated, “she’s never this nice to me. Plus, what kind of teacher forgets where their classroom is?”
You let out a nervous chuckle at his accusation, it was only the first day and you had already been found out. 
“Don’t worry,” he added, “I’m not gonna tell anyone. My name’s Jinyoung. It's nice to meet you…”
“YN,” you said, taking his outstretched hand and shaking it, “I really don’t want to get my sister in trouble, so it would be really great if you kept it a secret.”
“Like I said, I am not gonna tell anyone,” he smiled, “but you are going to need to learn everyone else's names if you are going to try and pull this off.”
That was how you found yourself studying the school’s website, trying to memorize faces and names, with Jinyoung’s tips about their respective personalities. One thing you learned was that your sister wasn’t liked here, probably another reason she hadn’t wanted to tell you who she was working with. You got to talking with Jinyoung and learned that he was a kindergarten teacher. You and Jinyoung talked through your planning period, at least that’s what he called it, and when you told him you had no clue what you were doing, he suggested putting on a movie, an English movie of course. 
You stared at the list of names on your roster, Jinyoung laughing at your pathetic attempts to pronounce their names. He had to write out the pronunciation just so you could get it somewhat recognizable.  As you called the students of your class up during the first period, you had them write an English name that you could call them by. It was just easier and the kids seemed to be relieved that you weren’t going to butcher their names, although you did feel kinda bad about not calling them by their names. You explained to them that you'd be spending this semester watching and dissecting movies before putting one on. 
As time passed, this became your teaching method, watch a movie with the kids, and go over any questions about words that they had after the movie. You weren’t really sure if this was an effective way to teach English, but you didn’t have any better ideas. Jinyoung had become your only friend, as the rest of your school hated your sister, it just made sense. Especially because he knew about your little secret. It had become apparent that the two of you were attracted to each other. Both your students and he had started asking if the two of you were dating. You, of course, denied it, because he was just your friend. No matter how handsome he was. You shook thoughts of Jinyoung out of your head as you started to clean up the pizza party you had to help calm down the kids. You had never met kids who were as stressed out like these ones. Plus their exams were in a few days, and they needed a little break. 
You let out a quiet curse word as a cough rang out from behind you. 
“Any pizza left for me?” Jinyoung asked, his presence beside you sending you into the same thought process that you had been in before. You cleared your throat, reaching for a plate to hand to him. 
“The leftovers are all yours,” you smiled, chuckling at his over-exaggerated hand heart that he sent your way. 
“I was wondering if you wanted to get a drink tonight?” Jinyoung asked, a mouthful of pizza making his words hard to understand. 
“What?” You laughed, “Chew your food first you monster.”
He just laughed with you, covering his mouth as he chewed, “Sorry, I was wondering if maybe you would want to get a drink with me tonight?”
“Ms. Y/L/N, you have to go with him!” One of your students whined, apparently he had forgotten his coat for recess. Jinyoung just grinned at you, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. 
“Stay out of it,” you warned, shooing the boy back to recess. Your focused honed in, ignoring a grinning Jinyoung and busying yourself with tidying the plates and napkins. 
“You should listen to him,” Jinyoung sang, heat flaming your cheeks as you looked at him. 
“I’ll get drinks with you, but only if you SWEAR not to tell your kindergarteners, deal?”
At this, Jinyoung just chuckled, “It’s a deal, I’ll pick you up outside of your room at promptly at 4:30.”
It was your turn to laugh, the banter that the two of you often shared making a warm fuzz to fill your tummy. The fuzz that was normally only achieved through alcohol. You ignored the periods after lunch, your thoughts filling with Jinyoung. To be fair, most of the conversations your students were having were about you and Jinyoung too. The word of the date spreading quickly through the 6th grade, and you were assuming through the rest of the school. 
Your nerves didn’t pick up until your students were dismissed. Frankly, you couldn’t stand the thought of grading worksheets when you knew what was in store for you later. You needed some time to relieve some stress, and you had a feeling that Jinyoung would help provide that for you. 
Jinyoung was at the door of your classroom right when he said he would be, and his over the top bow made you chuckle as you collected your things. You weren’t sure exactly where you were going, but you knew Jinyoung would take you somewhere nice. He did. 
When you walked into the Korean Barbeque restaurant, the smell of cooking meat filled your nose, and the sound of it sizzling on the grill had your heart beating faster. You hadn’t realized how hungry you are until you sat down and heard your stomach grumble. 
“You should really take care of that,” Jinyoung laughed, lazily perusing the menu. 
“Well then, order me some food,” you smiled, taking your hair down from the bun it was in. When you look back at Jinyoung, his eyes were darker, and if you could’ve seen his crotch, you were certain there would be a noticeable bulge. 
“Excited for the food?” you asked, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“I’m thinking about dessert,” he smirked, his tongue wetting his lips. 
This flirty banter continued all throughout dinner, your arousal growing by the time the both of you had finished your 3rd soju bottle. 
Jinyoung’s cheeks were flushed red and you couldn’t help but smile at his drunken ramblings. When he paid for the dinner and stood up, he wobbled a little bit.
“Woah, there,” you laughed, watching his ears burn red as he steadied himself. 
You walked together out of the door, his balance much better than it had been when he stood up. 
“Listen, I’m not that drunk, just feeling a little fuzzy,” he said, his already red cheeks flushing even more. 
“It’s ok Jinyoung, I’m feeling fuzzy too.”
You walked in silence for a moment, but you could feel Jinyoung’s eyes burning a hole into the side of your face. When you turned to look at him, he had a goofy grin on his face, and you couldn’t help but let out a laugh.
“I like making you laugh,” he whispered, grabbing your hand and interlocking it with his own. His hands were cold, but they warmed you up from the inside out. His thumb rubbing gently over your hand as you walked. He had your heart beating out of your chest, and by the time you made it to your front door, his body was pressed flush against you. His arms wrapped around your waist, and you both waddled into your apartment, Jinyoung refusing to let you go. When his face landed in the crook of your neck, your stomach flipped. 
“Your hair smells good,” he sighed, his soft tone making you close your eyes and rest your head on his shoulder. You stood like that for a while, peaceful silence almost causing you to fall asleep. When Jinyoung started tonguing at your neck, you couldn’t help but let out a low whine. His actions sped up, and when you were desperate enough, you pulled him along behind you to your bedroom. Your lips found his, softly pressing against each other. His hands roamed your shirt, squeezing your boobs he deepened the kiss. When you pulled away, you both threw your shirts off, his hand reaching around to undo your bra. That’s when you first noticed it. 
One hand became two hands trying to remove the garment, and then with two hands came a pout. You held back a smile as you reached behind yourself and unclasped the bra in one go. His pout just deepened, and ears so red they could probably be seen from miles away. 
“Jinyoung,” you whispered, placing a chaste kiss on his lips as you pushed him gently down on the bed, “are you a virgin?”
Jinyoung’s hands found your waist, and as he pulled you onto his lap, he buried his head into your chest. You ran your fingers through his hair as he gently shook his head no. 
“I’m just inexperienced,” he whispered, his head refusing to come out from your chest. You continued to massage his head, a whine leaving his throat as you helped him relax. When he started to nuzzle into your boobs, you weren’t expecting him to lick your nipple, and then take it into his mouth to harden it. He repeated his actions on the other side, your breaths hitching every so often as he sucked and bit. When he finally looked up and met your eyes, you almost squealed at how cute he was. His nose and cheeks were flushed a deep red, and his eyes were watery.
“Oh, baby boy,” you whispered as his pout deepened a low whine leaving his lips at the nickname, “What’s wrong?”
“-m ard,” he mumbled, hiding into your chest again. You just cooed at him, running your hands through his hair again. 
“But baby, I have barely even touched you,” you said, “Do you want me to help you?”
You just tsked when Jinyoung nodded into your chest, speaking a little louder than before, “Use your words, baby boy.”
Jinyoung looked up at you, his lip trembling at your harsh tone. You caressed his cheek to soothe him, and that's when he said, “will you- will you please touch me?”
That was it, you were done for. You normally considered yourself to be a more sub leaning switch, but boy was this subby little baby making you go crazy. You pressed your lips onto him, reaching your hand down and pressing on his bulge. Jinyoung almost didn’t let go of you as you climbed off of his lap, but one glance at him had him looking down and loosening his arms from around your waist. 
When you undid the button of his pants and allowed you to pull them down his legs you praised him. His pretty cock bobbing at your words. 
“Do you like being complimented baby boy?”
Jinyoung nodded again, letting out a whimper as you slapped the inside of his thigh, “Yes, I do mommy.”
If you thought you were a goner before, you didn’t know what to think now. It was clear Jinyoung was going deeper into subspace, and holy shit you didn’t know how much you liked being called mommy. 
“You’re such a good little boy, Jinyoungie,” you smiled, pressing a kiss to the tip of his cock, “and you have such a pretty cock.”
His whines at your teasing only intensified as you complimented him, “Look how big it is, baby,” you smirked, wrapping a hand around his cock and tugging once,” but you don’t even know what to do with a cock like this, do you baby?”
“N-, no mommy,” he hiccupped as you sank your mouth all the way down his length. 
“It’s ok, love,” you smiled up at him, “Mommy will take care of you.”
His sniffles were just so cute, you couldn’t stand to tease him anymore. You slipped your skirt off, placing both of your hands on Jinyoung’s cheeks. 
“Are you sure about this?” you asked, running your thumbs gently over his cheeks as he nodded, “Words, Jinyoung.”
“Yeah, god yeah, please,” he whined, gulping as you straddled him, sinking down until you had all of his length inside of you. 
“You tell me if you wanna stop, ok baby?”
“Yes,” Jinyoung whined, letting out a broken moan as you began to ride him. His fingers gripped your hips, pretty moan after pretty moan leaving his mouth as you chased your high. You were worked up, he had worked you up. He was just so good, and once you set eyes on his cock you knew you wanted to feel him in you. Now, you could maneuver yourself so that he was hitting you in all of the right places. And your sweet little love was so so close, you could tell. His hips were almost running from you, sinking as far as he could into the bed to try to take some of the pleasure away. His moans gave him away as he clung to you. 
“Mo-mommy, need to, need to come,” he whimpered, tears pricking his eyes at your silence. You kissed his nose and picked up your pace.
“You can come, little love,” you moaned, your heat clenching around him. He muttered a string of thank-yous, as you felt his cock twitching inside of you. You just kissed him, not wanting to hear his overstimulated moans as you kept riding him. But his mouth broke away, scrunched face as he moaned. 
“M, mommy,” he whined, face still red and scrunched. You tried to calm him, slowing your hips to try to relieve some of the overstimulation, but that's when you felt it. His cock twitching in you again. You let out a groan and came with him. Your eyes rolling back into your head as you clenched around him. You relaxed around him, your hands finding his cheeks as you took a deep breath. You quickly looked up when you felt the wetness on his cheeks. 
“What’s wrong love?”
“I was bad,” he sniffed, “Youngie came without permission.”
“You weren’t bad baby,” You smiled, pressing several kisses all over his face until he laughed, “you were the best boy.”
You let him pull you down across the bed, snuggling into your side and nuzzling into your neck. You fell asleep, and so did he soon after, both of you worn out.
You and Jinyoung spent the entire weekend together, laughing, making out and growing his experience. When you arrived at school on Monday, you were glowing. Your kids begged you to tell them if you went on that date, but you refused. At least until it was time for them to start their exam. In fact, you promised to tell them what happened (minus some details of course) if, and only if, they passed their exams. 
Not a single person in your class failed.
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el-im · 3 years
im putting all the things ive been meaning to write posts about into one single item because i am feeling Very Observed lately and i figure with it being as early as it is that hopefully this wont show up on some peoples dashes by the time they get around to pulling up tumblr today. 
first of all heres a photo dump and some captions
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from when i texted charlie my images of the sisko card, which i was really hoping he’d like
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a smiley face on my coffee 
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i was gonna make a gender joke here bc the longer i looked at these before n after pinning back my hair pictures the more i was like ‘oh we just flipped gender presentation like a lightswitch huh’ but that was not funny and i am not funny and I wish i were but im not and its kind of a >:( fact thats been bugging me lately. 
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from mom, yesterday, who dropped off one for me, one for nick, one for mia, and one for abe. i was expecting this to be the only thing i got/heads up/message on valentines day but i woke up this morning to find that aub had sent me a playlist that i looked at but havent listened to yet (because im trying to order my responses to things in increasing complexity and time--i responded to the tik toks elanor sent me first, them had a look at the star trek document that joe sent me and commented on the questions he asked without giving away spoilers, and am now making this post, which ive been meaning to make, and will then maybe try to listen to the playlist and then respond to michelle’s email) 
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these are joes thoughts from some ds9 episodes. initially, i’d sent him a list of ‘best’  episodes (my favorites AND the eps i thought were most emblematic of ds9′s issues--bajor’s relationship with cardassia, trill relationships, etc) hoping that he’d be able to see the merit of the show, but he insisted on re-watching the first episode before he started working on the list because he’d only seen it once a long time ago, and then, after watching ep 1 and captive pursuit (with tosk) decided that he’d try to watch the full first season, especially after i expressed my dismay at realizing he wouldn’t get the chronological introduction to garak bc ep 3 wasnt on my list of best episodes. anyway. he showed me this list of written reactions after watching ep 1 and captive pursuit and it made me so happy he decided he’d keep doing it, which i insisted wasn’t necessary because it seems to me like a lot of work (and which i still feel guilty about) but he was like told me that he’d only seldom seen me as happy as i was upon reading that and it was something little he could do to foster that joy which.. makes my heart crack in two). 
anyway. the real reason i started this post was because ive been up in arms for the past few days about mia and covid. 
speaking of which. 
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baby ‘passed’ first covid test. that arrow on the side is the minimized player where im watching nemesis. hah. 
to make a longer story short, my (pregnant!!!) sister decided, stupidly, to go with her boyfriend abe, a sound engineer, to a broadcast stage he was setting up in california, because she has a liver condition that appeared during her pregnancy which makes giving birth difficult (which is emotionally challenging for her because she had always wanted to do an at-home birth without drugs) and in fact, is a condition which typically leads to the birth having to be induced early, which means, at this point in development, that she could potentially need to have the child at any time. she went with him because she didn’t want to be without him if the baby needed to come. she was there for a week, with the both of them feeling sick all the while, and then came home early without abe because she felt bad and wasnt having fun, eventually getting a ride from my mother (who lives with my grandmother and great aunt, 93 and 86 respectively) back home from the airport (she took a PLANE!?). anyway. at our insistence, she was tested the same day she got home. she was reluctant to do it because she ‘didn’t think she had it’ and figured that it was ‘just the flu, honestly’ as if she had any way of knowing that???? in the day she was waiting for her test results, she came out of her room multiple times without a mask on, walking around the kitchen or playing with the dogs, even though we told her to stay in her room (and had brought her food/hot tea/whatever else she needed). she had no reason to come out when she was 1. sick and 2. not quite sure if she had covid or not
anyway. her test came back positive so she was trying to ‘stay in her room’, which lasted for.. not even a day. nick and i, who hadn’t seen either of them in a week, but had been around each other, got tests. we (as pictured) both got negative results, so mia must have gotten it in california rather than from someone we’d all seen (like nick and mia’s dad or stepmother earlier in the month) 
abe came home soon after and had taken two rapid tests when he landed, but then, when coming home, immediately was sitting in the same room as my sister, without a mask on. he slept outside in our ‘arizona room’--a screened in patio with a futon in it for the first night. when his results came back (as negative), he decided that he was fine to be in the house, so wouldn’t wear a mask in the kitchen or in the living room, (something nick and i both did) AND would also be in the same room as my sister for long periods of time. i’d like to think he was wearing a mask in there, but i can’t be sure. he was playing video games in their shared room where mia was watching tv, as long as he (AND I QUOTE) ‘stayed in his corner’. it’s a ten by ten room at most. there’s no way that staying in there, even with a mask on, for as long as he did was a smart option. so... to reiterate. abe was in a room with my sister, who has covid, for a long period of time, and then wouldn’t wear a mask when in the common areas that everyone uses. which is... great right
and the thing thats been annoying me for these last couple of days in particular, ASIDE from all the dumb shit they’ve done up to this point, is that mia says abe needs to bring her food (valid) and YET mia is always in the kitchen (which doesn’t make sense). i was in the kitchen preparing a meal the other day and she came out to refill her water. which, if abe was functioning SOLELY to bring her things, as she was insisting, would not have warranted her coming out of her room. it was the middle of the day. she could have said she needed water and left her cup by the door and i could have refilled it and brought it back.... but she didn’t. i was wearing two masks (a cloth one over a medial grade one) but was still wary about her being there--because I was making food. i told her to get out of the kitchen because she’d finished getting her water, but she said ‘just a minute!!’ and continued, not three feet away from me, trying to pick up one of the dogs and playing with her. i kept telling her to go back to her room but she was acting as though i was being rude and being completely unreasonable??? she takes every request we make for her to stay away from us as a personal attack, like we don’t want to see her or be around her, instead of us trying to protect ourselves from covid?? 
THEN the fun part is after all this, abe sets up an inflatable mattress in the office (which is :) right :) next :) to my room) because he decides he doesn’t want to sleep in the same room as mia (reasonable) despite having been occupying the same room as mia for hours (STUPID). so now abe is using the hall bathroom, which nick and i use/shower in/brush our teeth in. before, abe had been using mia’s bathroom off the bedroom, and, again, had been sleeping in there. so now, if abe DID catch it from mia, which is likely, at this point, he’d going to give it to nick and i.
nick and i were upset about this, and told mia last night that she needed to stay in her room. that was how people quarantined. that is how you quarantine. you do not leave your room for ANY reason, especially if you have 1. MULTIPLE PEOPLE CAPABLE AND WILLING TO BRING YOU FOOD AT ANY TIME OF DAY and 2. A BATHROOM THAT CONNECTS TO YOUR ROOM. she came out and started yelling at us about abe, though neither of us wanted to fight with her (and there was no reason to fight about something we were CLEARLY right about). she said ‘YOU CANT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS’ which meant that abe can’t not use the livingroom and the hall bathroom (which we were saying he shouldnt do) and that he can’t be in quarantine with mia (stay with her in her room) but the thing is.... BECAUSE he has spent so much time with her, and because they weren't wearing masks when they were outside and BECAUSE he spent hours playing video games in the room that my sister has been quarantined in for a whopping two days--he now shouldnt ALSO be using our bathroom, because now we can get sick. (and probably fucking will!!!!) she is having him now stay in the office and use our bathroom (GREAT) instead of just biting the bullet and staying with her because he ALREADY HAD BEEN staying with her 
and now they are both in the kitchen :)! i can hear them from my room. great. 
anyway here r some sketches that i never uploaded before cause theyre hideous but im putting here because i hope to fuck no one actually reads this/scrolls down this far
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