#and i am beyond honored to have helped you feel even a little more at home here
phoebe-delia · 1 year
I think that you are one of the kindest people on here! I have become braver about interacting with this fandom's creators because you were so lovely and kind anytime I went into your ask box or left a comment on something.
You've posted a few things about your irl workplace stress, so I think you're also a mature, high achieving, goal-oriented type. And it makes me a bit worried because you have such a big heart. If you're in the corporate world, it can lead to burn out so quickly. So I also hope that the stress doesn't become too much and that you make time to do things that make you happy ❤️
Anonymously tell me how you feel about me. I can't reply, I just have to read it and post it.
(Except I'm putting my responses in the tags because I cannot help myself).
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
A little Eddie x bookworm!Reader fluff for my beloved @corroded-hellfire 💚 thank you for being my soulmate. You mean more to me than you’ll ever know.
The school library is your favorite place to be. Surrounded by stillness and books, rows and rows of novels that allow you to escape into your own fantasy world. You love it so much that you’ve started volunteering there after school just to embrace its feeling.
“What’re you in for?”
The voice startles you, breaking your focus of reshelving mysteries. You turn around to see Eddie Munson standing beside you, pushing a cart of paperbacks. “Wh-What?”
“The manual labor,” he clarifies, gesturing to your book stack. “I accidentally told O’Donnell to kiss my ass, so Higgins stuck me here. Guess he finally realized that detention wasn’t helping me ‘learn my lesson.’”
You’re not quite sure how someone can accidentally tell a teacher to kiss their ass, but you move on. “Oh, um, nothing. I mean, I just help out here. For fun.” You cringe at the phrasing. Yes, while most people are out partying, I hang out in the library. Try not to be jealous of how cool I am.
Eddie just nods. “Fellow bookworm, huh? Nice.” He glances around the library. “You’re really smart, right? Probably read everything in this place.”
“Pretty much,” you agree, even though it’s far from the truth. Your crush on Eddie Munson is beyond cliché: shy honors student falling for the metalhead bad boy. He leaves you both tongue-tied and rambling. “I didn’t know you liked to read, too. What’s your favorite book?”
He brings his hand to his heart as though he’s just been stabbed, stumbling back dramatically until he bumps into a bookshelf. “That’s like asking a mother to pick her favorite child,” Eddie laments, rubbing the back of his head where it collided with the shelf. When he does, his Hellfire shirt rides up slightly, exposing a pale sliver of stomach. “I love anything Tolkien writes, but pretty much anything fantasy is fair game.” He hands you a book to shelve as he asks, “What about you?”
“Fantasy’s…fantasy’s good,” you manage, embarrassed at how flustered you got by just seeing a bit of his skin. You grab another book off of his cart. “But I’m especially partial to the classics. Like Little Women.”
You expect him to scoff at that, but he just plucks a pen from his back pocket and clicks it open, scrawling the title on his calloused palm. “Little…Women.” His tongue pokes out from between his lips as he concentrates, skin not the best medium for writing. “Okay, now I’ll remember to read it.”
You spend the next hour shelving books with him and swapping stories. Eddie tells you about his band and his D&D Club, and you confide in him that you’re working on writing your own novel. His eyes widen at the information. “No shit!” he exclaims, seemingly unaware of his otherwise quiet surroundings. “How much have you written?”
“Just an outline so far,” you admit, but he’s already excited.
“Bring it with you tomorrow,” he instructs, “and I’ll read it after we’re done.”
You cock your eyebrow at this. “How many days of manual labor did Higgins give you?”
Now it’s Eddie’s turn to be bashful. “Just, uh, just the one.” His cheeks tinge pink. “But I’d like to keep talking with you.” He lets his fingers brush against yours for just a moment, but it’s enough to tell you that there’s hope for something beyond friendship here.
“Yeah, okay,” you smile, returning the empty cart to the circulation desk and shutting the lights. “Walk me to the bus stop?”
“I’ll do you one better,” he offers with a grin. “Let me give you a lift home?”
And who are you to deny this cute, metalhead, bookworm bad boy?
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mystic-shadows42 · 2 years
Trying to Ignore The Last Kingdom Men’s Advances Would Include:
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For the past several weeks that Uhtred and his men have resided with you as they hid, you’ve been trying your hardest to keep the men from the young ladies when you should’ve been looking after yourself. Sister Mary had her hands full being an elder nun who often sheltered young ladies who were in need of repairing their reputation wherever they came from.
You yourself were not a nun but one that enjoyed the sheltered life and helping out others. As sister Mary would state, “might as well take the sacred oath.”
It never occurred to you that since Uhtred and his men arrived that he always tended to flock to your side. It caught you off guard that one of your girls nudged you and subtly gestured in Uhtred’s direction that you understood what she was hinting at.
Uhtred had his eyes on you. Not a lustful look but one with keen interest that scared you even more. Once dinner was over Uhtred was the one that volunteered to help you clean. You could feel him staring, making your hands shake in nervousness.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?” He asked with the biggest smile on his face.
“I don’t very much appreciate the way you look at me the way you do. It is inappropriate.”
“It’s hard not to look considering you are very beautiful. Where else am I supposed to place my attention? Certainly not on sister Mary.”
You couldn’t help but stifle a laugh and tried covering your mouth with your hand once sister Mary looked over trying to oversee that nothing of sin occurred in her household. You cleared your throat and waited until the attention was away from you both.
“Flattery can only get you so far my lord Uhtred.”
He placed his hand over yours before taking the dirty bowls from your hands. “It’ll take me far enough.”
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Uhtred and his men made it inside the alehouse. It was hard to ignore the group of men especially when they all looked over to where you stood and ended up pushing Finan to where you were.
Finan certainly was no stranger to the alehouse. You and him often chatted igniting the spark that you both felt but never acted on. You were a barmaid from a little town and he was a warrior that was constantly traveling.
It went nothing beyond the casual flirting whenever he came here. After serving him and his companions all night Finan had dragged you away from prying eyes.
“Come away with me.”
You looked at him and chuckled. It was so sudden that you thought he was joking.
“I think you’ve had too much to drink.”
“I haven’t. I swear on my life that you needn’t want for anything.”
The smile on your face dropped knowing he was serious. No one had ever offered to take you away from this place. It was all you’ve ever known but still, you would deny it.
“This is my home.”
“Take a look around. This place offers you nothing but little coin to get by. Come with me and you’ll see the world. Beautiful places beyond what you can imagine. Isn’t that your dream? To see the world? You can see it with me.”
Apprehension filled you. There was nothing more you wanted than to see the world with Finan but you hardly knew the man besides seeing him now and then. You saw men every day of your life at the alehouse and heard how they spoke. All men ever wanted was to bed women and move on. There was no commitment to anything.
Finan held onto your hands. 
“If your fear is that I’ll abandon you, I won’t. I’ll swear it on my lucky sword.”
“Finan,” you whispered.
He unsheathed his sword and knelt down on the floor raising his sword up to you with both hands. “I Finan swear to you that I will honor my word. I will keep you safe and never lie.”
Your heart felt incredibly full like never before.
Finan’s whole face seemed to light up at your answer.
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“You need to stop with all the gifts and coins.” You stated giving Sihtric a serious look when all he was doing was smiling.
“I only wish to provide for you.”
“Why must you do so? I’ve done nothing to deserve such kindness nor your affection. It must stop now. I have children that I must take care of. I don’t have time to get into something that isn’t meant to be.”
He cocked his head to the side regarding your words. He didn’t seem bothered or phased by what you said. No, he looked more determined than ever.
“You think that’s going to stop me from pursuing you? Then you’re sorely mistaken.”
He took a step forward that made you hold your hands up to stop him.
“I have children Sihtric.” You spoke hoping that would deter him just as it did to other men.
“I love children.”
“They don’t very much care for strangers.”
“I’m very entertaining. I carry a sword and have plenty of stories to tell from my adventures. I think that’s enough to capture their attention.”
“You travel constantly. Even if you were to be in their lives they would miss you immensely.”
You were reaching by this point. Anything to try to distance yourself from this man starting to invade your life and into your heart.
“No matter where I go or for how long I will always find my way back to you. That’s a promise and I’m not one for breaking my promises once I’ve made one.”
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Osferth barged through the doors of the church in what seemed to be a hurry. He breathed heavily and his eyes widened when he saw you smiling back at him amused by his actions.
He cleared his throat. You tried to hide your smile by biting your lip. You found Osferth to be cute and his nervousness around you was amusing.
“Pardon the intrusion, my lady. I was hoping to see father Beocca or Hild.”
“Neither are here but I am if you need anything.”
He looked down and shuffled his feet.
“I’m afraid it’s private.”
You smiled even more. Osferth was more than welcomed to confide in you after all you were the apprentice of Hild herself.
“Your in God’s house among friends. I’m offering guidance if you’ll allow me to.”
He seemed to debate it then sat down next to you visibly gulping.
“I’m afraid my thoughts have been impure as of late.”
His honesty caught you off guard at first. It was so unlike Osferth to have any impure thoughts considering he was one of the nicest and humblest of men you’ve ever met.
“Impure in what way?”
“I know I’ve made an oath to God when I was young but now there’s a part of me that is beyond my control.” You nodded and allowed him the time to continue. “There’s this woman whom is quite beautiful and whenever I’m around her I want to act on these urges I’ve been having.”
You took a deep breath trying to settle your own thoughts. Could this woman he speaks of possibly be you? It was bad to think so but you so badly wanted it to be.
“How far do these desires go?”
“All I want is to kiss her but in my dreams I’m,” he gulped before licking his lips. “Doing more than that. Then I wake up, inflamed, in need of relieving myself all the while my thoughts are of her still.”
“This woman in question,” you inquired. “Is she aware of your thoughts?”
He silently turned his head and looked right at you. “Now she does.”
Now it was your turn to appear as nervous as you felt. It felt as if your heart was leaping out of your chest and your body was hot all over. He was now looking at your lips and like a trance both of you closed the space between your bodies until your lips met.
It was all new and foreign to both of you. Purely from watching others embrace their lovers you parted your lips allowing his tongue to invade yours. His hand grazed your leg reaching higher.
It was all escalating until someone cleared their throat loudly. That’s when Osferth jumped from his seat and stood up clearly not helping the situation with his apparent erection appearing from beneath his robes. He seemed to notice it too and folded his hands before himself.
It was Hild who had walked in on you both but she stood quiet. Now judging with her eyes which to you seemed just as worse.
Osferth’s cheeks reddened. He quickly looked over at you before he departed past Hild who you knew would reprimand you later.
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marichive · 3 months
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Writing / roleplay prompts collected from the POV chapters of Catelyn Tully / Stark in A Game of Thrones , the first book of the ASOIAF saga. Feel free to adjust pronouns / etc. as needed.
tw: dark & mature themes, death, violence, suggestive / sexual content
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❝ Where are the children? ❞
❝ Is he afraid? ❞
❝ He is only three. ❞
❝ He must learn to face his fears. ❞
❝ Winter is coming. ❞
❝ The man died well, I’ll give him that. ❞
❝ You would have been proud of him. ❞
❝ I’m always proud of him. ❞
❝ The poo man was half mad. Something had put a fear in him so deep that my words could not reach him. ❞
❝ It will only grow worse. The day may come when I will have no choice but to call the banners. ❞
❝ He is nothing for us to fear. ❞
❝ There are darker things beyond the Wall. ❞
❝ You listen to too many of her stories. ❞
❝ No living man has ever seen one. ❞
❝ You did not come here to tell me tales. ❞
❝ I know how little you like this place. ❞
❝ What is it, My Lady? ❞
❝ There was grievous news today, My Lord. ❞
❝ I did not wish to trouble you until you had cleansed yourself. ❞
❝ I am so sorry, my love. He is dead. ❞
❝ Is this news certain? ❞
❝ It was the king’s seal, and the letter is in his own hand. ❞
❝ I saved it for you. ❞
❝ That is some small mercy, I suppose. ❞
❝ His memory will haunt each stone. ❞
❝ She needs the comfort of family and friends around her. ❞
❝ The letter had other tidings. ❞
❝ The king is riding to seek you out. ❞
❝ We should send word to your brother. ❞
❝ And he gives us no more notice than this? ❞
❝ Where the king goes, the realm follows. ❞
❝ Please, guard your tongue. ❞
❝ Kings are not like other men. ❞
❝ Can’t you see the danger that would put us in? ❞
❝ I never asked for this cup to pass to me. ❞
❝ What is it? My Lady, you’re shaking. ❞
❝ There is grief in this message, I can feel it. ❞
❝ This is no time for false modesty. ❞
❝ My father went south once, to answer the summons of a king. He never came home again. ❞
❝ There must always be a Stark in Winterfell. ❞
❝ He must learn to rule, and I will not be here for him. ❞
❝ He must be ready when his time comes. ❞
❝ You know how he loves to climb. ❞
❝ This is hard, I know. ❞
❝ He is my blood, and that is all you need to know. ❞
❝ He cannot stay here. He is your son, not mine. I will not have him. ❞
❝ A boy with a bastard’s name . . . you know what they will say of him. He will be shunned. ❞
❝ How can you be so damnably cruel? ❞
❝ When the time comes, I will tell him myself. ❞
❝ I can’t leave him, even for a moment. ❞
❝ I have to be with him. ❞
❝ He’s not going to die. ❞
❝ What if he needs me and I’m not here? ❞
❝ I need you too. I’m trying, but I can’t . . . I can’t do it all by myself. ❞
❝ He needs to hear them sing. ❞
❝ Don’t be afraid. ❞
❝ Swear to me you’ll sleep. ❞
❝ It’s good to know my son’s life was not sold cheaply. ❞
❝ What I am about to tell you must not leave this room. ❞
❝ You have my oath. ❞
❝ If this is true, he will pay for it. I’ll kill him myself! ❞
❝ Never draw your sword unless you mean to use it. ❞
❝ I must go myself. ❞
❝ The honor of carrying a lady like yourself is all the reward I need. ❞
❝ The captain was just telling me that our voyage is almost at an end. ❞
❝ I have not been the most valiant of protectors. ❞
❝ The moment we go ashore we are at risk. ❞
❝ There are those at court who will know you on sight. ❞
❝ It’s one thing to be clever and another to be wise. ❞
❝ A man must make his own choices. ❞
❝ Even in a place like this, one never knows who may be watching. ❞
❝ Why have I been brought here in this fashion? ❞
❝ You were not mistreated, I trust? ❞
❝ I am not accustomed to being summoned like a serving wench. ❞
❝ I’ve angered you, My Lady. That was never my intent. ❞
❝ A wife is allowed to yearn for her husband. ❞
❝ Please don’t expect me to believe that. ❞
❝ This sudden trip of yours bespeaks a certain urgency. ❞
❝ I beg of you, let me help. ❞
❝ I know things. That is the nature of my service. ❞
❝ I am soaked through. Even my bones are wet. ❞
❝ There is an inn at the crossroads up ahead. ❞
❝ I hope I have not spoken out of turn. I meant no offense. ❞
❝ Frank talk does not offend me. ❞
❝ You are far from home. ❞
❝ Your home is in my heart. ❞
❝ Take off your helm. I would look on your face again. ❞
❝ I have not been a child in many years. ❞
❝ Suspicion casts a long shadow. ❞
❝ It seems to me she is only playing at courtship. She enjoys the sport. ❞
❝ A woman can rule as wisely as a man. ❞
❝ Pride? Arrogance, some might call it. Arrogance and avarice and lust for power. ❞
❝ I, however, am innocent as a little lamb. Shall I bleat for you? ❞
❝ I promise you, my lady, no harm will come to you. ❞
❝ I do not frighten easily. ❞
❝ I am going to die here. ❞
❝ I . . . I cannot do this. ❞
❝ I’ll come back for you. ❞
❝ I don’t want to look. ❞
❝ Keep your eyes closed if you like. ❞
❝ Have you taken leave of your senses!? ❞
❝ Isn’t he beautiful? ❞
❝ The seed is strong. ❞
❝ Not in front of the baby. ❞
❝ These are not times for delicacy. ❞
❝ You’re scaring the boy. ❞
❝ We’re safe here. ❞
❝ Don’t be a fool. No one is safe. If you think hiding here will make them forget you, you are sadly mistaken. ❞
❝ No castle is impregnable. ❞
❝ Tell me the rest of it. ❞
❝ I should have been woken. ❞
❝ Isn’t it a lovely morning? The gods are smiling on us. ❞
❝ Alive, he has value. Dead, he is only food for crows. ❞
❝ It’s said that poison is a woman’s weapon. ❞
❝ He’s too fond of the sight of blood on that sword of his. ❞
❝ Stand and fight, coward! ❞
❝ My son is leading a host to war. ❞
❝ When night falls, there are said to be ghosts, cold vengeful spirits of the North. ❞
❝ Remind me not to linger here. ❞
❝ You’ve grown a beard. ❞
❝ You are as fair as ever, a welcome sight in troubled times. ❞
❝ Can you understand why I might fear? ❞
❝ The real message is in what she does not say. ❞
❝ I know the sound of a threat, even whispered. ❞
❝ They have her hostage, and they mean to keep her. ❞
❝ Our best hope, our only true hope, is that you can defeat the foe in the field. ❞
❝ You cannot afford to seem indecisive in front of men like these. ❞
❝ It is not my intent to linger here long. ❞
❝ I’ll speak any way I like, damn you. ❞
❝ I have agreed to take them as wards. ❞
❝ Let him grow as tall as his father, and hold his own son in his arms. ❞
❝ You should let the men see you before battle. I will give them courage. ❞
❝ And who will give me courage? ❞
❝ So this is what death sounds like. ❞
❝ I would offer you my sword, but I seem to have mislaid it. ❞
❝ It is not your sword I want, ser. ❞
❝ He . . . he killed them . . . ❞
❝ If they hadn’t tried to stop him — ❞
❝ Your men did what they were sworn to do. ❞
❝ Grieve for them. Honor them for their valor. But not now. You have no time for grief. ❞
❝ Your grief is mine. ❞
❝ I swear it, you will have your vengeance. ❞
❝ Will that bring him back to me? ❞
❝ I prayed to know what to do, but the gods did not answer. ❞
❝ I shared his bed and bore his children. Do you think I love him any less than you? ❞
❝ I will mourn for him until the end of my days, but I must think of the living. ❞
❝ I want you to live your life, to kiss a girl and wed a woman and father a son. ❞
❝ I want to write an end to this. I want to go home. ❞
❝ Why shouldn’t we rule ourselves again? ❞
❝ It was the dragons we married, and the dragons are all dead! ❞
❝ There sits the only king I mean to bow my knee to. ❞
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Noncanonicals Tournament Round 2, Match 4
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Match 4 is between John 'Jack' Seward from Dracula (shizun/mentor: Abraham van Helsing) and Han Ying from Word of Honor (shizun/mentor: Zhou Zishu)
Propaganda under the cut! (Warning: Propaganda may include spoilers about the characters and their media)
John 'Jack' Seward:
Actual quotes from the letter in which John Seward introduce Van Helsing:
"I am in doubt, and so have done the best thing I know of. I have written to my old friend and master, Professor Van Helsing, of Amsterdam, who knows as much about obscure diseases as any one in the world. [...]
Van Helsing would, I know, do anything for me for a personal reason, so no matter on what ground he comes, we must accept his wishes. He is a seemingly arbitrary man, this is because he knows what he is talking about better than any one else. He is a philosopher and a metaphysician, and one of the most advanced scientists of his day, and he has, I believe, an absolutely open mind. This, with an iron nerve, a temper of the ice-brook, and indomitable resolution, self-command, and toleration exalted from virtues to blessings, and the kindliest and truest heart that beats, these form his equipment for the noble work that he is doing for mankind, work both in theory and practice, for his views are as wide as his all-embracing sympathy."
I feel like this speaks for itself tbqh.
Also, here's Van Helsing's answer to Seward's offscreen summons:
"When I received your letter I am already coming to you. By good fortune I can leave just at once, without wrong to any of those who have trusted me. Were fortune other, then it were bad for those who have trusted, for I come to my friend when he call me to aid those he holds dear. Tell your friend that when that time you suck from my wound so swiftly the poison of the gangrene from that knife that our other friend, too nervous, let slip, you did more for him when he wants my aids and you call for them than all his great fortune could do. But it is pleasure added to do for him, your friend, it is to you that I come.[...]"
The Gangrene Incident is never explained beyond this. Just. Jack sucked Van Helsing canon and real
Rest assured that they are like this from here to the end of the novel
See above; also, let's remember the fact that Jackie can apparently do a bang up Dutch accent to give full bodied performances mimicking his professor. Van H also implies that he and Jack are blood-married.
Even though they are mentor/student, Van Helsing strongly believes Jack is his equal in many ways and confides in him just for emotional stability. Stereotypically the mentor pushes the student outside of his comfort zone, but it is Jack who introduces the professor to everyone else in the story. Van Helsing tells another character that Jack helps alleviate his loneliness. He writes his "in case I die" memos to Jack specifically, because there is no one else who would understand him better.
Oh also Van Helsing has a running theme of barging into Jack's room unannounced, waking him up gently from his sleep, invading his personal space with little protest.
#you have to understand just how MUCH jack wants to fuck van helsing#so badly#he is constantly heart-eyes at van helsing even when he thinks van helsing might be a bit mad#like literally he writes about how GOOD van helsing would be at being a madman if he were to do so because he's the bestest at everything 😍#he and van helsing talk about the two of them being as one#they mirror the ultimate main couple in that - just as jon and mina write their 'if i should die' notes to each other -#van helsing writes his to JACK as the one whom he loves most#anyway in conclusion jack wants van helsing and his 'all encompassing sympathy' SO bad#and honestly i think getting some of that aged D might fix him#like not all of his problems because dear god man. but like. at least a few could be solved with a good solid dicking
#did we. or did we all not read jack asking van helsing to be his pet student AGAIN
#when it comes to mentorfucking#there's no greater mentorfucker than jack seward
Han Ying:
He idolized and was mentored by Zhou Zishu to the point of recruiting other young martial artists to revive ZZS’s dying sect and willing to die live happily ever after for it.
#han ying wants to fuck zhou zishu SO BAD#han ying#shizunfucker tournament
#my sweet ying'er wants to fuck zzs so bad he's gagging for it
#HAN YING HANDS DOWN#would have licked his boots if he asked
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edenmemes · 2 years
game of thrones (book) starters
❝ a mind needs books like it needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge. ❞ ❝ a lion doesn’t concern itself with the opinion of sheep. ❞ ❝ nothing burns like the cold. ❞ ❝ i've angered you. that was never my intent. ❞ ❝ do the dead frighten you? ❞ ❝ the day will come when you need them to respect you, even fear you a little. ❞ ❝ did i offend you? my pardons...but you are scum. ❞ ❝ folly and desperation are offtimes hard to tell apart. ❞ ❝ you must put your dreams aside. they will only break your heart. ❞ ❝ a man in your place should count himself fortunate that his head is still on his shoulders. ❞ ❝ every hurt is a lesson, and every lesson makes you better. ❞ ❝ life is not a song. someday you will learn that, to your sorrow. ❞ ❝ once you’ve accepted your flaws, no one can use that against you. ❞ ❝ the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. ❞ ❝ make no mistake. i fought for you, but i do not love you. ❞ ❝ some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word. ❞ ❝ fear cuts deeper than swords. ❞ ❝ if i look back i am lost. ❞ ❝ your mind is as deft as your blade, it would seem. ❞ ❝ i cannot think of anyone whose company i desire less than yours. ❞ ❝ sleep is the great healer. ❞ ❝ when you play a game of thrones, you win or you die. ❞ ❝ most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it. ❞ ❝ the things we love destroy us every time. remember that. ❞ ❝ death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities. ❞ ❝ what, lost your taste of adventure? ❞ ❝ i have seen dead men with more humor than you. ❞ ❝ there are times when you give me cause to wonder whose side you are on. ❞ ❝ what good is it to wear a crown? the gods mock the prayers of kings and cowherds alike. ❞ ❝ the gods have fashioned us for love. that is our great glory, and our great tragedy. ❞ ❝ i have a tender spot in my heart for broken things. ❞ ❝ laughter is poison to fear. ❞ ❝ love is the bane of honor, the death of duty. ❞ ❝ we need men of your courage. ❞ ❝ my crimes and sins are beyond counting. ❞ ❝ perhaps i was wrong to distrust you. ❞ ❝ do you always find murder so amusing? ❞ ❝ i will not soften the truth for you. if you lose, there is no hope for any of us. ❞ ❝ every flight begins with a fall. ❞ ❝ oh, my sweet summer child, what do you know of fear? ❞ ❝ the man who fears losing has already lost. ❞ ❝ the things i do for love. ❞ ❝ all the grief has been burned out of me. ❞ ❝ i make no threats. that was a promise. ❞ ❝ spare me your empty little compliments. ❞ ❝ i will not forget the help you gave me. ❞ ❝ let them see that their words can cut you and you’ll never be free of the mockery. ❞ ❝ a lord must learn that sometimes words can accomplish what swords cannot. ❞ ❝ you wear your honor like a suit of armor...you think it keeps you safe, but all it does is weigh you down. ❞ ❝ a dead enemy is a thing of beauty. ❞ ❝ you look well, but...tired. ❞ ❝ love is sweet, but it cannot change a man’s nature. ❞ ❝ if you tell anyone, i’ll kill you. ❞ ❝ minds are like swords. the old ones go to rust. ❞ ❝ there’s something wrong here. can’t you feel it? listen to the darkness. ❞ ❝ everything’s better with some wine in the belly. ❞ ❝ grief can derange even the most strongest and most disciplined of minds. ❞ ❝ in life, the monsters win. ❞ ❝ damn it. you might at least humor me with a smile. ❞ ❝ why is it when one man builds a wall, the next man immediately needs to know what’s on the other side? ❞ ❝ if you must hate, hate those who truly do us harm. ❞ ❝ tell me again what you saw. all the details. leave nothing out. ❞ ❝ what do you think might’ve killed these men? ❞ ❝ you are too hard on yourself. you always were. ❞ ❝ such eloquence. i never suspected you had it in you. ❞ ❝ if i need instruction, i will ask for it. ❞ ❝ if there are enemies in this wood, a fire is the last thing we want. ❞ ❝ what is it? you’re shaking. ❞ ❝ i am out of wine and out of patience. ❞ ❝ i am pleased to see there are still men of sense in this city. ❞ ❝ i do not mean to frighten you, but neither will i lie to you. ❞ ❝ we have come to a dangerous place. we have enemies who mean us ill will. ❞ ❝ you have the wildness in you. ❞ ❝ i can only stomach so much ineptitude in any one day. ❞ ❝ what you are is weak. ❞ ❝ why, that almost sounds like praise. ❞ ❝ none of us wants trouble, but i fear these are troubed times. ❞ ❝ keep out of matters that don’t concern you. ❞ ❝ i trust you as i would my own blood. ❞ ❝ just where do you think you are going? ❞ ❝ give me honorable enemies rather than ambitious ones, and i’ll sleep more soundly at night. ❞ ❝ i am in no mood for your insolence today. ❞ ❝ you weren’t supposed to be here. no one was supposed to be here. ❞ ❝ you are shaking. do i frighten you so much? ❞ ❝ there is small honor in tricks. ❞ ❝ we who presume to rule must do vile things for the good of the realm. ❞ ❝ should war come again, how many soldiers will die? how many towns will burn? ❞ ❝ it is one thing to be clever and another to be wise. ❞ ❝ even in a place like this, one never knows who may be watching. ❞ ❝ forgive me. i am tired. ❞ ❝ if friends can turn to enemies, enemies can become friends. ❞ ❝ all alone, are you? ❞ ❝ we are about justice here, and what you seek is vengeance. ❞ ❝ i promise you, no harm will come to you. ❞ ❝ you will dishonor yourself forever if you do this. ❞ ❝ we all need to be mocked from time from time, lest we start to take ourselves too seriously. ❞ ❝ open the door. we need to talk. ❞ ❝ come share my fire, the night is cold. ❞ ❝ make certain i never look on your face again, or i swear, i’ll have your head on a spike. ❞ ❝ you dare give commands to me? to me? ❞ ❝ we all need to be mocked from time from time, lest we start to take ourselves too seriously. ❞ ❝ you do not love me and you do not want me here. ❞ ❝ nothing was harmed save my dignity. ❞ ❝ be strong. the gods are cruel. ❞ ❝ have you no shred of honor? ❞ ❝ something’s wrong. something’s very wrong. ❞ ❝ i want to be by myself for a while. ❞ ❝ do you take me for a servant? ❞ ❝ i never asked for this. ❞ ❝ i did warn you not to trust me. ❞ ❝ duty, honor, friendship, what’s that to you? ❞ ❝ i hope you are not thinking of doing anything stupid. ❞ ❝ save your pity for yourself. i want none of it. ❞ ❝ i think i will try to sleep. wake me if we’re about to die. ❞ ❝ never show them you’re afraid. ❞ ❝ i am doing the right thing, so why do i feel so bad? ❞ ❝ you must not do this. don’t die on me. ❞ ❝ it is not for you to tell me what i cannot do. ❞ ❝ it stinks. the stick of death. ❞ ❝ you are as fair as ever, a welcome sight in troubled times. ❞ ❝ there’s someone out there, isn’t there? ❞ ❝ can’t say i’ll be sad to see the back of this place. ❞ ❝ travel by night and hole up by day, avoid the road while we can, make no noise and light no fires. ❞ ❝ mercy is never a mistake. ❞ ❝ i don’t wish to hurt you, but i will if i have to. ❞ ❝ i swear it, you will have your vengeance. ❞ ❝ i bow to serve you, to obey you, to die for you if need be. ❞ ❝ a man who fights for coin is loyal only to his purse. ❞ ❝ we have won a battle, not a war. ❞ ❝ do i look like a liar too? ❞ ❝ more than once, i have dreamed of giving up the crown. ❞ ❝ distrusting me was the wisest thing you’ve done. ❞ ❝ poison is a coward’s weapon. ❞ ❝ how many times must i tell you to hold your tongue? ❞ ❝ you have done all i could have asked of you, and a hundred times more. ❞ ❝ i have made more mistakes than you can possibly imagine, but that was not one of them. ❞ ❝ sometimes the gods are merciful. ❞ ❝ go ahead, call me all the names you want. ❞ ❝ not now. you have no time for grief. ❞
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2aceofspades · 8 months
*slides into dms with fanfic*
It is two in the morning as of writing this but I am only capable of writing around this time (just as a warning; mistakes maybe inbound [':<)
Hope you like it!
Screams were a normal occurence in the apocalypse, but never had Mikey heard a cry so raw and gutteral. What was more concerning was the source of that scream, one that shook him to his very core because of how familiar yet foreign the voice was.
Even as a little brother, he was still a brother.
Bounding off the walls with restless energy, Mikey dashed into the infirmary. There were snippets of conversation that he could barely register his panic, but he threw the doors open. The wind knocked silence into the room, his hair and cape fluttering in the air as Mikey called out for his brother.
There, Cassandra and Leo were sitting in front of each other, bearing different levels of stunned silence at Mikey's entrace. It didn't matter though.
Cassandra pulled away, and Leo held onto the bandage... where his arm was.
"I- I h-heard screaming."
Mikey approached Leo, seeing his older brother so unsure of himself and in such rough shape only made his heart shatter more. He did his best to piece himself back together. Mikey wasn't the oldest, but he still had to be a brother.
A brother of four... Now in the apocalypse, where they all had bigger things to worry about than themselves. Age roles don't matter now.
"The effects must have worn off by now..." Mikey mentioned matter-of-factly, more to distract himself than Leo. He reached his hand out to rest a hand on his head. "Hold still for a second."
Leo looked away, hiding... He was always hiding. Spitefully, he let himself simmer for not being at the nexus of Leo's cry for help--where his brother was always putting on a face for everyone and reserving such agony for those who were closest to him. Though nowadays, even around his family, Leo seldom ever let the facade drop.
But no point in dwelling now--there were other matters to tend to.
"It might feel a little funny..." Mikey let a smattering of Doctor Feelings come out; just enough to convince Leo to calm down, "Just relax, okay?"
Mystic magic coursed through his veins, ninpo ebbing at his form and warping out of his hands to Leo's form. The latter struggled, winced, hurt. Hell, his powers were beginning to take a toll on his body. Healing that used to come easy to him caused him to struggle, his vision going blurry and focus becoming difficult to maintain.
Even worse were the flood of emotions he felt coursing through his body, the give and take of ninpo with Leo--letting Mikey feel the snippets of regret and injustice his brother felt.
A wince.
"I know..."
A hiss.
"I know..."
A quiet plead.
"I'm almost done."
Leo was moving--his energy began to wane and his concentration began to falter.
"Leo, please..."
His connection to his power felt like gathering water with his bare hands. He couldn't balance Leo completely anymore. Or rather, Leo wasn't trying to sit upright anymore.
Just as the last remnants of mystic magic left him, he felt it. The agony, the pain, the burden. All of it for a split second came rushing through Mikey's body.
His vision and bearings returned to him, and then he felt a weight on his shoulder. A desperate hand clung to his cape, a familiar dampness slowly staining the fabric.
He was paralysed; unable to comfort him, but unable to leave. Mikey was just a brother, and his brother needed him.
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This is like...scary accurate oh my STARS 😭😭
I am...beyond words like...this is beautiful I feel so honored and undeserving like haawwuhhgh-
Thank you so much seriously I can't thank you enough I am in awe of your talents 🙌✨!!! I love it I love it I love it!!! GAH!
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when daffodils bloom (h.rj)
pairings: huang renjun x reader genre: fluff (hbd baobei hihi) summary: your typical highschool nerds find a way to express their love for each other in the way they know best, very shy rj and kinda dense y/n
Renjun knew you had high standards. He expected nothing less after sharing all his honors classes with you for the last five years in high school. You even showed him a list you kept in your school journal, pointing at each item to explain why it was necessary. For example, you swore that the average shelf in a common household was just beyond the reach of someone like you, who stood at five foot three. Therefore, you needed someone at least five foot ten or taller to help you grab items on the top level.  
three inches, Renjun thought, he was below your standard by just three inches. 
This is exactly why he never found the courage to confess his feelings. Sure, he was the smartest guy in his class and it wasn’t like there weren’t other girls he could pursue, but there was just something special about you. He’d lost count of the amount of times Chenle had nagged at him to just come clean or give up all together. The thing is, Renjun may be a Math whiz but he was also really terrible at expressing himself. 
So he settles for giving you his reviewers. As in, only you. Whenever his friends would complain about how you didn’t need an extra hand in your academics, Renjun would wave them off and say you’d exchange top secret study notes anyway, nothing special. 
On the contrary, he would work tirelessly making sure he’d get all the right topics and jot them down in his careful handwriting, spending hours at a time before handing you a copy. 
And you were completely oblivious. 
To you, Renjun was your confidant, someone who could understand the many pressures of growing up in a family with high expectations. You thought he was way too handsome to look your way and always insisted to everyone who teased you that he was just a nice guy. 
On the days when you had Math tournaments to attend and missed class, he would be the one you’d run to for notes. Which is why you never stop to think that it was ever special treatment. 
That was until Giselle came sulking one day at lunch, begging you to lend her a copy of Renjun’s notes. 
“I told you already, I did ask Jeno if he had them but he told me that Renjun ever only gives them to you,” she whined. 
“That sounds a little far fetched now don’t you think?” You pause for a second contemplating the possibility of Renjun actually having feelings for you. It was absurd. 
“Well, notes aside, don’t you notice how he always likes to hang around you?” 
"That's just cause we have the same advanced electives," you counter.
"Okay how about, that time when he stayed behind while you sorted out responsibilities as homeroom representative? That' definitely counts for something since he belongs to a different homeroom class plus it was a Friday."
You take a thoughtful bite out of your sandwich.
am I really that dense?
The truth was you always thought he was handsome. You’ve just always been drawn to the more athletic type that your friends all fantasized about. 
A quick mental run down of your list makes you smile to yourself. He was top of his class (intelligent), could tolerate his chaotic circle of friends (patient), always willing to tutor struggling classmates (kind), and was very generous except with his reviewers. 
Did he still need to be five foot ten to be a guy you liked? 
After the bell rings Renjun returns to his classroom to find the reviewer he’d given you last week on his desk. You left a little post-it on the front with a message that read, 
thanks for the special subscription thinking of going premium…not just for the notes though :)  we can discuss terms over coffee this afternoon
Renjun bites his lip to hide his stupid grin. It’s no use when his friends have been peeking from behind, yelling and shoving each other over their friend’s newfound love life. He covers his face in embarrassment, more than anything else because Yangyang and Chenle are obnoxiously shrieking and making a scene. 
Whatever the case, he sits in class distracted for the first time. He thinks the entire English lesson probably went over his head, but it was a small matter. You asked him out. Given, it was likely to turn into a study date. Then again, studying is always better when it’s with you. 
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lenniereadsalot · 3 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love 💞
Ooo thanks!
1) https://archiveofourown.org/works/55865695
In Which Atsumu’s Intelligence Turns Kiyoomi On - E - Haikyuu - SakuAtsu - 1,685 words
Anytime Atsumu said something that made him think, he always made sure he knew how smart he was in one way or another. Whether that was just telling him he was smart, holding a genuine conversation with him about whatever the topic was, or just simply pulling him in for a quick kiss that he always pulled away from with an adoring smile.
I wrote this one for @mniqqss! I struggled a little writing it due to the concept and due to it being my first ever published smut fic, but I really like how it turned out! If you like Kiyoomi-adores-Atsumu-but-is-bad-at-feelings-Sakusa and some sexy SakuAtsu time, you should go read! One of these days I’ll write a companion with adoring Atsumu and bottomi.
2) https://archiveofourown.org/works/46009780
Kitchen Confessions - T - 911 - Buddie - 1,369 words
Eddie was expecting Buck to ask questions, but it was still unexpected when the other man looks at him and asks, “Hey what do you remember about getting shot?”
He stands there and thinks for a moment. Should he tell Buck he remembers waking up in the ambulance scared beyond belief when he saw Buck covered in blood?
I watched 6x12, immediately decided they should’ve had a deeper conversation in the kitchen, and stayed up until 2am writing and rewriting it lol. I do adore this fic though! I don’t often enjoy my own writing, but this fic has always been one I enjoy :)
3) https://archiveofourown.org/works/40050939
Accidental Daughter - G - My Hero Academia - platonic KiriBaku - 1,225 words
Katsuki is patrolling late one night when he becomes the victim of a quirk accident.
Katsuki ends up with a daughter and Eijirou is more than willing to help a bro out.
This was a fic I wrote for an exchange in an old discord server! I don’t normally write non-romance stories but the person I was paired with didn’t care for romance, so it definitely expanded my writing style a bit! I also just adore the concept to this day
4) https://archiveofourown.org/works/54750349
Stories - G - Haikyuu - SakuAtsu - 1,029 words
In all honesty he was used to it, he had spent his entire life being compared to his twin by everyone after all. His first ever girlfriend, Suna, Kita, heck even their parents had compared them with some remark or another.
He just never expected Sakusa to do it too.
This fic is a lot less angsty than the summary makes it sound I swear- It’s actually very fluffy! I love writing kid fic so this was a treat to write :)
5) https://archiveofourown.org/works/37831144
My Mom Thinks We’re Dating - G - My Hero Academia - KiriKami - 1,088 words
“My mom thinks we’re dating”
I wanted to write a fluffy rare pair while I was still heavily into MHA and this was born <3
Unfinished but Honorable mentions:
Jealousy - E - 911 - BuckTommyEddie - 1,299 words so far
Writing this one for @librarianafterdark <3 I’m far from finished but I have absolutely loved writing this so far and am sure I will continue to :D
Raising Megumi - Not rated yet - Jujutsu Kaisen - SatoSugu - 344 words so far
This was an idea I had, but TJ who is tagged above, @a-bi-cat-with-books , and @fabled-lady-twilla have all encouraged it and I am thankful for that <3 I haven’t written much of it yet, but I know I’m gonna have a lot of fun with it!
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star-girl69 · 1 year
Writing Tips
so someone asked me if i had any writing tips. i am beyond flattered and i’m so so honored!!!
in no way do i claim to be a professional writer, i’ve just been reading and writing fanfiction for a long time and i’m pretttttty sure i know my way around by now!!
this is not a specific how to list, writing is very personal and subjective to the author. these are just some basic rules that may help you.
the most important thing i could ever tell anyone who wanted to write would be this — show, don’t tell.
this basically means instead of saying: “Bob was sad.”
DESCRIBE what he’s doing! if he’s sad, maybe he’s sitting at a table with his head in his hands! if he’s angry, maybe his fists are clenched!
always remember that your characters are human (or human-like haha) and have human emotions!!
-the secret art of writing is that everything you do is for the reader. as a writer, it’s your job to create a world and characters where those two things interact with each other.
always remember your audience. if you’re writing fanfiction for young adults, maybe don’t overcompensate your writing by using “fancy words” that the majority might not understand… no one wants to look up the meaning of a word when they are reading fanfiction
the opposite also goes- if you’re writing academically for colleagues with the same skill level and knowledge as you, feel free to use all those big fancy words! it may even help your credibility as an author if you know how to correctly use those words, make sure you aren’t just cluttering your writing
setting and character go hand in hand.
-don’t overwhelm your reader!! it’s tempting to just explain everything all right away, all the lore, all the characters — but that makes your writing very difficult and overwhelming to read. instead, reveal things like that slowly.
-characterization!! i could talk about characterization for hours, but here are a few basic things to remember!
direct characterization: the author explicitly tells the reader something about the character. (example: Bob was very tall.)
indirect characterization: the author reveals a character’s traits through their actions or words. (example: if a character is always seen as asking a lot of questions, the reader can probably assume that the character is very inquisitive/curious.)
-let your readers mind fill in the blanks!!
if your setting is at the beach, your reader most likely already has a clear picture of the beach in their mind. don’t spend precious words talking about the waves hitting the sand, the reader already knows that!
-and finally, as my beloved ap lang teacher always says: BE CONCISE AND PRECISE!!!!!!
of course, with creative writing you’re guaranteed a little more imagery and artistic freedom, but still be cautious!
okay and now here’s some more technical stuff!!
-when you switch speakers, start a new paragraph!
“Hi,” Speaker A said. “How are you?”
“I’m good,” Speaker B replied.
“Hi,” Speaker A said. “How are you?” “I’m good,” Speaker B replied.
-when you have dialogue ending in a comma the next word after it isn't capitalized!
for example:
“I know this,” she said.
when the next word is a name, or I, you capitalize it as usual.
for example:
“What is it?” I asked.
“That’s not it,” Bob said.
that’s all the tips i have!! tysm for reading all of this and i hope it helps!! happy writing 🫶
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kyleraynermybeloved · 7 months
Wedding Day
Pairing: Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia x NavySEAL!Reader Summary: Your wedding day arrives and as usual there’s bound to be some playful banter with those you love. Warnings: None, tooth rotting fluff. Word Count: 903 A/N: It's my birthday and I wanted to post this fun little drabble as a gift to y'all! Hope you enjoy! TWAHF Masterlist
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To say you were nervous would be a complete understatement. The nerves kept you up much later than you would have liked, keeping you groggy for the better half of the morning.
You were just glad you had Mickey’s mom to help you get prepared. Once you were finished you looked at her through the mirror as she hugged you from behind, smiling with tears in her eyes. “You look breathtaking. Just as kind and beautiful as the shy little girl Mickey had been excited to bring home for the first time.”
Your dress was gorgeous, beyond anything you’ve ever dreamed of with the beautiful necklace she had gifted you in the morning.. It was a family heirloom that’s been passed down for generations, usually to the first married woman of the family. With Mickey being the oldest of two siblings and his younger sister not planning on getting engaged any time soon, it went to you, no matter how much you declined.
A few tears slipped as you hugged her tighter to you. “Thank you so much for everything. I don’t think I’d be where I am now without you or the family, you mean the world to me.”
The remaining hour went by in a flash. The venue was decorated with an assortment of fairy lights, giving it an ethereal glow. You both had invited a handful of people, a few family members and your closest friends, wanting to have a small wedding. Mickey was beaming with joy while trying to contain his crying as you both said your vows, you were no better. His best man and best friend Reuben had subtly handed you both tissues causing your heart to soar as you thought about your now husband having wonderful people in his life that cared deeply for him.
Your first kiss shared as husband and wife had completely swept you off your feet, your friends and family cheered loudly with a few hoots and hollers coming from the back. You were so enraptured by the kiss you didn’t realize Mickey had swept you up and carried you towards the reception area. The group had followed heading to their seats as all the food was being served.
“How are you feeling, Mrs. Garcia?” Mickey beamed at you.
“Absolutely in love, Mr. Garcia.” Winking at him, you leaned over and gave him a peck. It was so easy to get lost in each other. After all, you two had practice since you were five. You had a whole life together and were ready for more, greedily taking what you could get.
“You two are so sickly cute it’s disgustingly endearing. Remind me to nausea meds when I’m around the both of you,” Reuben teased you both. He was sitting at the table next to Mickey, shoving food in his mouth with a grin.
“Oh, I second that. It was bad enough I was forced to see her read the novels he sent her but now I have to see them interact in person.” Casey, your best friend who was your maid of honor chuckled. She sipped on her drink next to you with her date on the other side hiding a laugh with her hand.
“Hey, I wasn’t that bad. And those letters were sweet.” You grumbled under your breath causing the whole table to laugh. In all honesty, you were down bad.
She raised an eyebrow at you, “Need I remind you of the events leading to your callsign, Wraith?” She had got you there, not even your loving husband knew about that.
“Nope!” You squeaked, cheeks turning a dark crimson color. Reuben gave a questioning look to Mickey who shrugged back. He knew of your callsign, just not the story of how it came to you.
“Now you have to tell us. You can’t expect us not to bite the bait you’ve just thrown at us.”
Casey opened her mouth to speak but stopped at the look you gave her, instead she shrugged. “Sorry. Lips are sealed.”
“How wonderful,” you replied dryly, shaking your head at her. The others protested, wanting to hear the story that managed to ruffle your feathers. “I promise it’s nothing too interesting. She’s just making it out to seem like more than it really is.”
“I beg to differ,” Casey said behind her glass, smirking at you from the memory but relented in the end. It wasn’t everyday she got to tease you endlessly which had been payback for all the times you’ve done it to her. But she knew her limits and didn’t plan on crossing that line lest it fall back on her.
Reuben perked up at the exchange, “You’re not getting out of it that easily, I will expect an explanation some time in the future. As for now, go have your first dance you two lovebirds.” He and Casey had all but pushed you and Mickey out of your seats towards the makeshift dance floor. 
Giggling at their antics you grabbed Mickey’s hand in yours pulling yourself into his embrace as the music played after the announcement of your first dance. 
Finally having a moment to yourselves without any interruptions before the rest of the party joins you.
You looked up at him, completely love-struck, eyes shining with emotion. “I love you, Mr. Garcia.”
“I love you more, Mrs. Garcia.” He smiles, leaning down and pulls you into a kiss.
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freneticfloetry · 1 year
tarlos top five
@rmd-writes asked for my top five tarlos scenes, and after some soul searching (because season four shook some shit up), my list is as follows:
4x16 | “Hi. You’re TK, I’m Carlos, and we’re soulmates.”
GAMECHANGER. Yes, it confirmed what most of us already knew: Carlos was gone from the first second. But the execution is so beautiful, from the impetus to the ease and certainty of Carlos’ declaration to TK’s confession in turn (“why do you think I ran?” is the most TK Strand way ever to do this, and oddly enough, the easiest to believe). My favorite thing, though, will forever be the exact way this was worded and performed — that “Hi,” which is unrivaled levels of perfection (seriously, it sits somewhere between addressing a lost child and a spooked puppy, which is just brilliant as a line read, and every time I hear it I want to toss flowers at Rafa’s feet), but more than that, the fact that he says “you’re TK” before introducing himself, because the most important thing to Carlos is that TK know who he is first. True love at its finest.
3x04 | “Hey, baby. Breathe. Breathe, breathe.”
This was, up until the season three finale, the most fanfic shit I have ever seen aired on national television. Seriously, this is straight out of somebody’s multi-chapter slow burn whump fic wet dream, and watching it live, I was living. His raspy voice. Those hands clenched into terrified little fists. That breathing. The script said “he takes a deep breath” and Rafa was like “BET.” But beyond that, we had that whole bedside missive with Carlos lamenting about consent — that he couldn’t hold TK’s hand, run his fingers through his hair, kiss his head. And the fact that coma TK heard all this, woke up and reached out his hand as permission, and then Carlos did all those things, in that order… Deceased. It still gives me fits. (I am also counting the Tarloft reveal as part of this favorite moment, because I can’t not. “Push” is just perfection.)
4x18 | “We both ended our vows with ‘heart.’”
The vows. The dancing. The Sondheim serenade. The cake cutting (which I’m counting as aired-in-canon, dammit, because it is beyond precious). The honeymoon hand holding. Just, the wedding. All of it.
3x13 l “I love you.” “I know.”
They went Han and Leia on me and it wasn’t even cheesy. Honestly, this whole episode was so important to their growth — their sense of security, their confidence and understanding in each other — to their story, that it couldn’t be left out. Carlos realizes that the best way to help TK is to let him get help where he needs it, even if it leaves him feeling a little helpless, and TK realizes that he still has someone in his corner who’s invested in him, his sobriety, and his happiness, even with his mom gone. The fact that that “I know” holds so much meaning (all while “Transatlanticism” plays on)… Gah. Just beautiful. And on top of all that, Carlos got to be funny!
3x18 | “Marry me.”
“For the first time in my life, the love that I feel is infinitely more powerful than the fear of losing it.” Yep, that’s where I lost it. Because I thought back to baby TK in 1x08, who was being a dick to a cancer dog because he couldn’t fall in love with one more thing that he could lose. The growth. The maturity. The love. 3:18 am, y’all. (The engagement reveal counts as an extension of this as well, because that entire adorable “yes way” exchange between Team Tarloft, with Carlos grinning and TK bouncing and everybody figuring it out from context clues but Mateo is officially the most fanfic thing I’ve ever seen aired on national television, and I love it beyond reason and measure.)
Honorable mention shoutouts to the police station and the airport tarmac, which were knocked down the list by season four things. I still love you!
Tagging @ambiguouspenny, @hoko-onchi-writes, and @mixtapestar, because I know they haven’t been yet.
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madamlaydebug · 7 months
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Whether you’re on the path to finding your soulmate or trying to rekindle the flame in your current relationship, it’s so important that you explore how to manifest the love you truly deserve. Why? Because we are all worthy of finding and experiencing true love with a Beloved.
However, the biggest problem can be that we sometimes lose ourselves and our sacred vision in the process. We make the search ALL about the other person and less on how we can prepare ourselves spiritually for the adventure to ignite the love flame.
You’ve probably encountered (and even maybe dated, possibly even married) the narcissists, the needy, the people with ‘mommy’ issues, the control freaks, the addicted, and the beautiful weirdos that encompass the vast spectrum of traits that are not quite in alignment with your desires and your ideal notion of ‘true love’. Just remember that no one is, or will ever be perfect.
The true beauty is in the imperfection of the human spirit that rises above judgment.
After all, we come to earth to find healing and the Law of Attraction will always bring to you your mirror or your lesson to facilitate that healing. The reason? To help you to rise up to the present moment and live joyfully beyond the pain the of the past and the unfinished business.
Once you heal these themes and elements then lasting true love is bound to show up in your life…
You must be prepared to shine a light on the deal-breakers and intuitive nudges that tell you whether or not you’re on the right path. You just know when something feels right or when something feels a little off.
Make sure you honor the tiny nudges of intuition that you are being given and guided to follow. Most of the time these inner knowings are lifesavers, but sometimes you might be questioning yourself for foolish reasons. Also be aware of self-sabotage that can mask itself as discernment. Pay close attention to the difference between the two.
True Love Affirmation: My soul knows when it is in alignment with my heart’s desires.
How much does your judgment of others prevent you from deeply connecting with people? For instance, the deal-breakers and limiting beliefs that we might have can prevent us from finding happiness with another human being. Your role is to be open to all possibilities and open your heart to love.
For instance, when I was single I said that I would NEVER date a younger man. I held the belief that “they” were too immature and would just be likely to hurt me. Seven years later I’m now happily married to a man that is 5 years younger than I am. I’m so glad I decided to shift my bullshit rules about that one and I’m sure our baby girls are too!
True Love Affirmation: My heart is open to finding true love and rising above all limiting beliefs.
You will only ever manifest the love you believe you deserve and have wired yourself to attract. As Whitney Houston reminds us in her 1986 mega-hit:
“Learning to love yourself, is the greatest love of all.”
Self love is a lifelong commitment that is always reflected back to you in a relationship. When you focus on self-acceptance and nurturing your body/mind/spirit complex (the best you can) on a daily basis, then you will be infinitely more attractive, more magnetic for love and Divine guidance will flow into your reality with ease and grace.
True Love Affirmation: I love myself enough to feel worthy.
Is it someone else’s responsibility to be in your life to make you happy? Nope. When you take responsibility for your own wellbeing and happiness then you have something truly magnificent to share with another human being. Focus on appreciation for everything that shows up in your life and make every day an opportunity to not make your happiness reliant on the actions of others. Take your power back!
True Love Affirmation: I am responsible for my own happiness.
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vixen525noms · 10 months
Defying Certain Death Part 8
Copied from my DeviantArt account, a non-sexual G/T vore story featuring adults along the lines of the lion and the thorn fable. There will be tons of hurt/comfort aspects, lots of safe vore. That is the primary focus in this.
Barrett is and adult giant standing 85ft tall and Hope is an adult human at 5ft 6. Barrett does not eat children at any point.
Warnings: Unwilling Prey; Safe Vore; Soft Vore; Characters in Distress
Future: While this part is relatively tame, future parts include fatal vore and violence. Barrett, the giant, is not a good guy, so will be doing some occasional bad things.
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He felt the girl squirming and fighting as she made the trip down, and he continued to purr. He was quite familiar with those struggles, it was common for his kind to have live prey, some even liked the feel of the fighting and squirming from the frightened prey. When she dropped to the bottom of the stomach he sighed, beyond glad to have the feeling of something in his belly. With the protection spell to keep her safe, to prevent damage and digestion, it was more or less just an illusion of having food... but he didn’t care. Just losing that feeling of desperation helped significantly. 
He rested a hand over his stomach, able to feel the frightened girl panicking, trying to figure out how to climb or escape. He knew she wouldn’t listen while panicking like this, so he would have to wait until she stilled a bit. Since she was in poor shape as well, she tired out quickly, the adrenaline from fear burning out quickly and leaving her without any energy. Once she wasn’t moving as much, when he knew she was more likely to hear him, he started to speak softly. “Don’t worry, little one. You’re safe... Like I told you before, there’s a protection spell. You won’t be harmed. I am sorry... but there wasn’t any food. I couldn’t get to the wild sheep, and I have no idea how long it will take to find something else. I promise I’ll get you back out as soon as I find something to eat. I’m just going to take a little time to get cleaned up, and then I’ll start trying to find something again. You won’t be in there long, and you’re perfectly safe.”
He listened silently a moment, hoping for a response. He knew the protection spell would keep her safe, but he would prefer to have some sort of confirmation that she was fine. He sighed as he lowered his hand, realizing she wasn’t going to respond. He removed his clothing and knelt down, starting to wash the dirt from the fabric. When he leaned over to better work on the clothing, he felt the girl move as the change in angle sent her tumbling to a new spot. She cried out in surprise and he froze, listening in case she spoke. When there was still no comment from her, he went back to cleaning off his clothing.
Once he had finished cleaning up his clothing and himself, he dressed despite the slight chill from them not yet being dry, and started heading down the mountain. He decided to try to get a response from the girl, talking to her, “You know, I don’t think we ever exchanged names. We’ve talked about a great many things, but I don’t think that came up.” He paused as he finally heard a response from her, glad to have better confirmation that she was alright. However, he wasn’t that happy with her response. “I... didn’t see a point. I figured as soon as you were free... well you wouldn’t need my help anymore.”
He sighed, a touch depressed by her answer. He knew Syors like him were known for eating humans, but she actually believed that her work to save him would have no meaning? They may be predators, even seen as monsters... but they weren’t animals. Not just some wild beast. They still knew honor, knew that some circumstances required exceptions. And owing someone your life was such a circumstance. “While it is true that I no longer need your help for survival... You saved my life, and that has meaning to me. I owe you greatly... I intend to see to your safety, little one. How about I start? I’m Barrett.”
He waited for a moment, listening to learn the name of the one who saved him. He was a bit surprised at the length of the silence, and had just started to speak up again when she replied, “Li...” “You’ll laugh.” He frowned, confused by this unusual statement. “Excuse me?” There was a brief hesitation before she spoke again, “You’ll laugh... If I tell you my name, you’ll laugh.” “I don’t see why. It’s just a name.” He started to walk again, moving quickly to leave the mountain to seek better hunting. “Shouldn’t the fact I want to learn your name make it clear I don’t want you hurt?” “I... I’m starting to see that... but... you’ll still laugh at my name...” 
Barrett paused briefly, sighing, “It’s just your name, something to call you by that’s a bit more polite than things like ‘little one.’ Come on, why would I laugh at your name?” She was hesitant to reply to his question, feeling very certain he’d laugh. Not that it was a name that always got laughed at, but rather this particular situation would make it humorous. She didn’t like the idea of him laughing at her name, but she also knew he probably wouldn’t drop the topic so easily. “I figured you’d laugh because... Because my name is Hope.”
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calizzie · 4 months
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The beauty on the left is my Lizzie, who passed away in December at the age of 15 1/2. Even all of those years were not enough. She was my shadow and my “soul dog.” I also have two other wonderful dogs (3 is a great number!) and each is different and special. Many of us here on Tumblr have lost a pet whose connection was beyond description. I thought it would take me awhile to be ready for another little dog (my others are large), one to share my lap, my bed, and my heart, but my arms felt too empty, so I hoped that Lizzie would lead me to that someone special to fill the hole in my heart, and she did. I rescued this adorable little peewee on January 20. We named her Phoebe, but she’s become our precious Peanut instead. I will never stop missing Lizzie and I still cry when I think about how quickly those 15+ years went, but I smile through those tears because I know that not only would she be happy for me, I’m confident that she will be standing at Jesus’ side to welcome me when I get to Heaven.
We are all different and some people take longer to be able to open their hearts again, and some never feel they can. I have always believed that just like when we have children, our hearts expand and find room and love for each one. No one we love can ever be replaced and I would never want that. I’ve lost other pets and each will always have their special place in my heart, some more deeply than others, as each relationship was different. But what I have found is that Peanut fills my arms, my lap, my thoughts, my bed, and her own special place in my ever-expanding heart. I feel that one of the greatest ways we can honor a pet we’ve loved so much is to open our hearts to share that love and caring with another pet who deserves everything we have to give.
My heart breaks every time I read about another friend on Tumblr suffering such a devastating loss. We’ve all just learned about @skippyv20 losing her wonderful Panda, and what has made it even more tragic is how recently her Cathy crossed the Rainbow Bridge, as well. One can seem unbearable, but two so close together is almost beyond description. I know that many, many of us have been surrounding her with our sympathy and love as she deals with such heavy grief. I am thankful to be part of a community of friends who care so deeply for each other and freely express how much we care. I know, Skippy, that you will continue to mourn your beautiful girls but I’m so happy for you that your arms and heart have found some peace and joy in the gift of your new oh-so-precious little girl. I hope and pray that she will help ease a bit of your pain as you move forward. You are so loved and appreciated here!
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sexynetra · 4 months
Hi! LATAM queer here that doesn't have English as a first language writing this just so you understand the importance of your work:
I haven't been active in tumblr for like almost half a year now, but I literally just logged in today to see if you had post any RAWNSYF update/new dialogue that I might have missed. I had no ideia what was going on on twitter when I logged in today. And I'm so sorry that you got exposed like that. If it is any consolation, RAWNSYF is one of my favorite fics ever written. Def my fav anarcia fic. To me, fanfic in queer spaces is a way I can read about the queer experience and relate to my own life. That is what I love about RAWNSYF, I have a past love experience that is really similar to what Anetra is going through in your fic. By reading it, I can help my 18 year old self heal. I'm not sending you this to necessarily encourage you to post a new chapter. After all that happened yesterday, I'll totally understand if you never update. I'm telling you all this so you know that your work matter. Your fic might be one of the few media work that I've ever felt so represented. Fanfic is important to queer people like us because of this: we don't have much representation in the wide media. So we turn to our own community to see ourselves being represented in this kind of spaces. Because of this, I ask you with all the kindness that I have inside of me: if you don't want to post an update, I'll totally get it! But please, PLEASE, don't ever feel guilty for what you've already wrote and posted. It means more to people that never saw themselves in media that anyone who's not queer could ever understand.
Hi there <33
This has just been sitting in my inbox because every time I went to respond I started crying again 😅
This is the sweetest message I have ever received and I cannot even possibly express just how much it meant to me to read this.
I started rawnsyf out of a desire to see the stories I wanted to read about being shared. (Well, technically I started rawnsyf as a 2am writing practice that was never supposed to be expanded upon but here we are) I honestly never thought anyone else would actually read it 😂 it was just a little story that had all my favorite story tropes in it. That was it.
But then rawnsyf grew. It grew in the scope of what I was writing about, and it grew in its reach. Suddenly, people were reading it, and it was connecting with them on a level I never anticipated.
Rawnsyf started as a fanfic about two queens I enjoyed, but I hand on my heart believe that it has grown to be so much more than that. This story, that was originally just a fun little writing exercise and a cute little love story, has become something that people really feel a connection to, and feel represented by.
I honestly never expected that, it’s beyond my wildest dreams. I think anyone who creates content hopes that it will resonate with people, but I never expected the scope it would have (which sounds braggadocious but I never expected the story to really become important to anybody besides me, and over and over again the amazing community on here has proven me wrong).
It started as a story about two queens I love, but it has grown beyond that. The characters in the story have lives of their own. They exist beyond the drag queens that inspired them. And this message, maybe more than any other, reminds me just how powerful those characters can be.
I am so infinitely grateful that you took the time to send this message, and even more infinitely honored and touched that you have allowed me to express myself through my writing and taken it onto yourself. Nothing will ever mean more to me than people being able to feel seen and find healing through something I’ve created.
Rawnsyf is not over, and it’s all because of the love people like you have shared with me for this story.
I hope I can do you justice with this story and my heart is so full <3333
I am crying again so I will end this here but my heart just feels so full. Thank you for sending this to me and being so honest and vulnerable. It means more to me than you could ever know
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