#and had a normal one. just kidding i am never normal about your lie in april.
scientia-rex · 1 day
Also an elderly patient the other day was throwing herself a pity party about how she doesn’t have anyone to drive her to eye surgery. And while I was talking about how okay there are some local volunteer organizations that—she cut me off to bemoan her terrible childhood, and then started grilling me. “How old are you? Do you have children? Why not? Who’s going to take care of you when you’re old?”
Her point was supposed to be that having alcoholic parents fucked her up for life. Which, fair! But assuming that the person you’re talking to had a GOOD childhood? Buddy, no. By the end of the visit she was apologizing to ME, unclear whether for my shitty life or for asking overly personal questions.
I was just SO angry. It’s like when chronic pain patients just blithely buy in to the “invulnerable doctor” myth and talk to me as if I am not One Of Us. “You couldn’t possibly understand—“ bitch want to bet? Don’t pull that shit! Don’t assume that you know someone’s backstory! The more you meet people, the more utterly BANANAS backstories you will encounter. The idea of a “normal person” with a normal family and a normal life is rare to the point where you can safely assume you will never encounter it.
And don’t ever try to use your assumptions about someone who is talking to you as a weapon. Because if you say “now have YOU ever—“ to score points, there are decent odds you’re going to force someone to choose whether to answer a REALLY inappropriate question or lie or make the whole thing awkward by saying they’d rather not answer.
I often think about a post I was reading from a man who got asked “have YOU ever been raped?” by a woman acquaintance who was trying to win a fight, and he had to decide whether to say yes, actually, this one thing he’s been struggling with is probably—and she cut him off mid answer anyway to assume he was going to answer the way she expected and carry forward her fight from there.
Patients are allowed to make it all about them. If they want to wallow a little, that’s fair. Their life probably did suck. But they are not allowed to make my personal life all about them. That’s inappropriate and disrespectful boundary crossing that’s also counterproductive, because it takes time away from their issues, and time is about ten bucks a minute in your average doctor visit in the US.
She talked so much about why I don’t have kids that she never got to hear me finish saying that we could look into connecting her with local volunteer organizations.
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mytalemyworld · 3 days
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He could tell all the lies, he could speak frustratingly, but when he remembered she said she would hate him HE JUST COULD NOT BEAR IT
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He looked at his house that didn't make him feel like a home anymore.
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He regretted it and went to her.
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Asi: What do you want? Alaz: Asi…I can't do this to you. If you want the baby, I can't stop you. Asi: Go away. Alaz: Look, if you want, I will be by your side. Together we will-
He was not ready to be a father but he couldn't stand the possibility of a life in which she wouldn't exist, in which she would hate him.
So he was willing to be by her side. If she wants to have a family, if she wants to have a baby, he will give her that. After looking at his home, after seeing how much she loves him, after understanding she is the only good thing in his life he is okay with anything she wants.
Now, will I ever get over the way he spoke or the way he looked at her? Will I ever be okay after knowing he could do anything so she wouldn't hate him? Even if that meant he would accept to be a father?
The answer is a big fat no.
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Asi: There is no baby. Alaz: What? What do you mean? Asi: Because I got an abortion.
Some of you might be stronger than me, then good for you. But the moment she said she had an abortion, the moment he realized he was too late and might lose her for good, I knew I would never forget the way he looked at her.
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Asi: You were right. Why would I have a baby with a man who doesn't know what he wants and whines like a kid? You made me lose my mind. I dragged myself after you while everyone was trying to show me the truth. I forgot myself. But this time I didn't do wrong to myself again. I had an abortion and it's over. Now fuck off forever.
Nope. I am not going to say anything about how this made me feel. Because there is not a word strong enough in dictionary to describe my pain.
But if we're asking... what was the point of this scene beside the obvious ones? I think it was so realistic. It was such a huge moment for her to realize how much she sacrificed from herself to be with him. This kind of realization was expected but the way she vented on... this was so heartbreaking to watch.
Also I think there's an interesting thing about this messed up situation. So since he finally was okay about the baby, why would she lie about the abortion? Because I believe she didn't. First of all let's start with the obvious reason: He is untrustworthy. She can never be sure whether he will keep his promise. He always makes promises but fails to fulfill them. But I think the other reason might be the fact that Alaz just wanted Asi, not the baby. And this can be very problematic. Like, he might regret it later. He should want to have a family too, otherwise how can they be one?
But the thing is...Alaz could have kept his promises if things were different. When he said he would never leave her alone again -he kept his word actually in a way by coming back to her- everything was normal. Under normal conditions there was no reason for him to betray her trust.
However I can understand Asi too. Because she is too tired as well. The man whom she loves madly just let her down again when she needed him the most. She wanted to put herself first this time and wanted to keep him out of her life.
Well, we know this isn't going to happen. But they always pay the heavy price to be able to make things work. Since we still care, we're stuck with them too on this road. *lol*
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lorillee · 1 year
i dont like to get pretentious about media in a "i understand her (the media) better than you" way but i absolutely will get pretentious about your lie in april. its not about the romance. it was never about the romance. its about the piano and its about music !!!!
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a-spes · 1 month
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| ALL THE THINGS I AM NOT - One shot (3.097 words).
| Summary - Since Peter Parker joined the team, things aren't the same anymore. Why does everyone seem to prefer him to you? (Inspired by that post from @th3-c0rps3-r0gu3)
| Tags & warnings - soft mom!Natasha Romanoff x adoptive daughter!Reader, former widow!R, angst with a bit of comfort, happy ending, R&Nat are insecure (they're trying their best), self-hatred, mention of past traumas, R is injuried (during a mission), mention of blood&death.
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You wouldn’t say that you hate Peter Parker. 
It is a strong word to describe your feelings, and you don’t like what it implies. You can’t hate someone who hasn’t done anything wrong to you, someone like him. He is the opposite of a bad person, so why I am feeling that way? He is nice. That’s what everyone is saying about him, and you know they are right, even if you don’t like to admit it. He always has that smile when you two are talking, answering you kindly even when you’re trying to test his limits.
It would’ve been easier to not like him if he had any defects, but he doesn’t. You’ve tried to find some, you’ve spent hours observing him, waiting for the moment he would make a fatal mistake, but the moment never came. You even started to question if he was human.
Natasha told you that humans make mistakes all the time, and that you can’t avoid them. It’s normal, she said, that’s what makes you one. You used to think you were better than that, better than everyone, but are you? When you look at the boy, you are not sure anymore.
He is everything I am not. 
You thought you were doing good, really. You made a lot of progress, and effort, since you've joined the team. Two years ago, most of them wouldn't even agree to let you out of your room. Now, you could talk normally to almost all of them.
You thought that you were doing things right with the team, but you slowly realised that your attempts are not enough anymore. You have made a lot of progress since the first time you set foot in the compound, no one will deny it, but you are not at his level yet. 
Two years ago, you wouldn’t even step out of your room during the day, barely sleeping when the night came around, and at best you would exchange wary glances with the team. You didn’t trust them nor they did, and even if you are now talking, it hasn't changed a lot. That’s something they never told you, but their eyes and actions have done it for them. These two never lie, not when you know how to interpret them.
They don’t even let you go on a mission alone, let alone attending the most important meetings. You think it is stupid because you are the most skilled of everyone here. Well, maybe it’s not true, you never managed to beat Natasha in a fight, but you are sure that you are at least as useful as them on the field. 
I am too young, just a kid. 
That’s what they call you, but the nickname doesn’t carry the same kindness as when it’s for Peter, their voices being tinged with disdain. Except when it’s from Natasha, you like it when she calls you nicknames. She doesn’t do it because she thinks you are not capable of handling yourself, but to remind you that you have time. The time to learn, to make mistakes, to grow. You both know that you will never be a normal teenager, it is too late for that, and nothing can erase the first years of your life, but the redhead is confident : you’ll learn how to live, you just need a bit of help. 
She is the only one that doesn’t seem to treat you differently, but you are not sure if she counts. You two are the same. You have been through the same things, and she is the one that brought you here, it is obvious that she wouldn’t let you go. 
She wouldn’t, right?
You don’t know. You are not sure of anything, everything seems to go backward since he joined the team. All the progress you’ve made? Gone. In a few weeks, he did better than you’ll ever be able to do, and you don’t even understand how that’s possible.
You can beat him in a fight whenever you want, no matter the conditions. Even with your eyes closed, and your hands tied behind your back, you would be able to put him down in a matter of seconds. You are fast, strong and attentive while he is clumsy, dreamy and weak. He can’t even use a gun properly, always missing his target when it’s moving, even slowly. Whenever you are looking at him, all you can see is a kid that has no idea what he's doing here but thought it would be fun. A kid that was given a toy, and thought that it made him the most important person on that earth, a hero.
I am everything he is not. 
Yet, they prefer him, so there must be something you are missing. Since he joined the team, he has created a strong bond with all the Avengers, even with Natasha. You thought your relationship with her was special, but it’s apparently not that much. You saw them laughing together, but you’ve seen worse when you witnessed the woman ruffling the boy’s hair. You are sure she would braid the boy’s hair too if it was longer. 
Well, maybe I hate him.
You have every reason to feel this way when he was stealing what’s yours, destroying what you had taken so long to build. Only, it somehow didn’t feel right. Natasha doesn’t belong to you, none of them are. They are humans, and humans have feelings, they don’t have to get along with everyone. That’s what you’ve learned from the redhead, but you only realise now that it is not only true for you ; you can’t force anyone to appreciate you. Yet, you would have liked to live up to their expectations, something the boy seems to do effortlessly.
He is always smiling, saying the right thing at the right moment, laughing with the others. Since he arrived, he has never made anyone angry, he never had one of those violent breakdowns where you would hit someone by accident. Natasha says it is not your fault, but you know that the others don’t think the same way.
Durings meals, apart from their missions, Peter Parker is the only thing they know how to talk about. Everything he does is praised. Even the things you were doing as a kid, things you’ve never been congratulated for because everyone had to know that, it was normal. Natasha said it was not, but you are not sure if you believe her yet because if it’s not, where are your praises? 
Maybe it is because they don’t expect anything from him. He is just a kid who’s learning, not a threat to be dealt with, let alone a weapon to train. No, Peter Parker is none of that. He is nothing more than a stupid kid who’s trying his best to save the city, and it’s a story you can’t bear to hear anymore. Just his name makes you feel as if your whole body is burning. It’s a feeling you can’t name, but you are sure that you don’t like it.
He is everything I am not. 
If you saved him that day, it is definitely not because you appreciate him. You even had a moment of hesitation before throwing yourself between him and that bullet, wouldn’t your life be easier if he wasn’t here? No, it wouldn’t. 
You didn’t want to take that bullet for him, especially not when this is the consequence of his own stupidity, but it was the obvious choice. You hate being sent on a mission with him because it is like going with a baby widow. You have done everything right, he has not, and yet you are the one suffering the consequences of his recklessness. 
If he had died today, it would’ve been your fault. You know it’s not true, but you can already hear them tell you that it is. That’s why you did it, because you know they value his life more than yours. It is not easy to accept that you are not the most important person on the team anymore. In fact, you have never been there since you joined the Avengers, but you believe that it was true before. 
Those people, they have powers and technology. They can do things you will never be able to achieve, no matter how hard you try. You hate that too, that feeling of failure. Yet it is not your fault if you are trapped in a competition that you can’t win. So you thought that, maybe, if you save their precious boy, then you would get the attention you wanted. 
I didn’t want to, but I did what I was supposed to. 
Except it doesn’t feel right. The Quinjet was quiet during the return journey. You didn’t even know where the boy was, and honestly couldn’t care less. You were even relieved to know that he couldn’t witness you in a moment of weakness, leaving you alone to inspect the wound left by the bullet. You told him it was nothing, but you lied, and you don’t even need to take a close look at your abdomen to know that.
However, it wasn’t the pain that was worrying you. The only thing you could think about was their reactions. Natasha told you many times that you are allowed to make mistakes, that it makes you human, not weak, but you know she is lying. You’ve already heard Fury scolding people for their mistakes, even the Avengers sometimes fought for the same reason, and you definitely don’t want to deal with that right now.
So when the Quinjet eventually lands, you go straight to your room. You were scared to step foot in the common areas in this condition because you knew your mom was waiting for you there. Maybe she had made your favourite meal, or maybe she decided to do the boy’s favourite. This time, you can’t stop the tears from welling up in your eyes.
You’ve seen how she acts with the boy. She is so caring, always smiling, and her eyes are even shining. You don’t think it has ever happened when she is with you. Her expression is always tinged with sadness, perhaps pity. It is when you witness those moments that you realise that she deserves more than you will ever be able to give her : a normal kid. 
Maybe she realised it too.
Last night, she came home late, called in for a last-minute mission, and she missed your return by a few hours. She had no idea how your mission went, and even if she trusts you to handle yourself, she can’t help but feel concerned. She doesn’t like to know that you’re on a mission without her because anything can happen.
If Natasha was already worried, it is only when the following morning came that the feeling began to gnaw at her from the inside. She even started to bite her nails again. It was almost ten in the morning, and no one had seen you yet. They say that you are probably sleeping, and they might be right, but what if they are not?
She knows that some missions can be exhausting, and not only physically, what if it was one of those? You didn’t seem to be doing well lately. Despite the appearances, she noticed every little change in your behaviour, and she is sad to see you going backwards. She guessed that, maybe, you needed a little space, but she is no longer sure she made the right choice. She has the feeling that your relationship has deteriorated in recent weeks, almost as if you were avoiding her.
The redhead could no longer bear to stare at the hands of the medical bay’s clock, all she wanted to do was go, and check on you, but she couldn’t. She made a promise to the boy’s aunt. She glances at Peter who was asleep, he has been injured during the mission, nothing serious, he should be out of here the following morning. However, she promised her aunt to look after him when she couldn’t. 
She always keeps her promises.
Natasha didn’t bat an eye all night, but even if she had wanted to sleep, she wouldn’t have been able to. She couldn’t stop thinking. When the day came, she still had no idea what to do. Widows aren’t known to be good at expressing their feelings. The woman always felt awkward in her interactions with you, scared that her actions could do more harm than good. Maybe you weren’t the one that needed a bit of space. 
“How is she?” is the first thing the boy asked when he woke up that morning, but the frown on the Avenger’s face let him know that she had no idea what he was talking about. “We got a bit of a … situation during the mission” he explained, avoiding saying that his recklessness put them in danger, “we both got hurt, but it is nothing too serious”, he quickly added when he saw the expression on the redhead face changing suddenly.
The boy tried to reassure her, but it was too late. The woman barely heard him as she was rushing out of the medical bay. She was an idiot. She should’ve checked on you the moment she stepped foot on the compound, she should’ve guessed that you wouldn’t go to the medical bay on your own. You’ve always hated those places because it is where you are the most vulnerable.
It was almost eleven when she knocked at your door. She did it three times, but each of them was met with an oppressive silence. When she tried to open it, she discovered that it was locked. However, there isn’t a door in that world that can stop a widow. In less than a minute, she manages to open it, and enters the room.
She understands something is wrong when she sees your form under the covers. You would never stay in bed that late, being awake before she is most of the time. If at first she was hesitant to step in, she almost ran to your bed when you didn’t reply to her calling your name multiple times. Your sleep is so light that someone walking across the corridor is usually enough to wake you up in a flash.
She pulls back the covers without thinking twice about it, and the view she sees is definitely not what she would call “nothing serious”. The sheets are covered in blood, your blood, and you are not sleeping at all, she can see how you are struggling to keep your eyes open. She is not even sure you noticed her presence.
"Baby?" she tried to call again, but you didn’t react to the nickname either. "Baby, what happened? Talk to me, please, open your eyes", she said, kneeling by your side.
She shakes you slowly, but it has no effect. You don’t react before her hands grip your face, her nails leaving marks on your skin because of the brutality of her precipitous gesture. She is trying to open your eyelids to see your eyes when a whine escapes your lips.
You have no idea what’s happening, but don’t have the energy to ask the question. You just wish the woman would let you go back to your comfortable slumber, far from the pain, and that world of misery you were trapped in. But she doesn’t. Instead, she stole your blanket, leaving you shivering with cold, and she wouldn’t stop talking, worsening your headache.
When she takes you in her arms, being as careful as she could, she notices how cold you were. Yet, you seemed to be sweaty. She doesn’t waste more time, almost running back to the medical bay. You were hanging in her arms as a rag doll would, your head dangling painfully on the side, and the same was true for your limbs.
She held you firmly in her arms, constantly glaring at you, as if she feared you might disappear if she let her guard down. On the way, she kept mumbling things that you couldn’t understand, not knowing if those were really intended for you, or if it was a way to reassure herself. Maybe it was both.
When the woman pushed the medical bay door, she didn’t even need to yell for someone to come. The second the doctors saw you, they knew it was an emergency. 
It is only a few days after that they let you out of the medicine that was keeping you out. The first thing you felt was the pain you tried to ignore since you've been shot. A whine escapes your lips. You felt your mom close to you before you saw her. She probably didn't sleep or left or eat since you've been, no matter for how long it have been. You feel a bit guilty at the thought.
“Don’t you dare to do that ever again,” she whispered, holding you as close as she could against her chest. One of her hands rested on your back, gripping the soft fabric of your hospital gown, while the other one was stroking your hair, “you scared me to death …” she added, and you felt really stupid for not realising that she had always cared for you, and probably always with, but you were too blinded by jealousy to see it. 
“I am… sorry,” you managed to reply in a hoarse voice, “I was scared. I wanted to show you that I can be strong too,” you whispered, “I wanted to prove that I’m worth loving,” you eventually admitted, your voice being so low that, at first, the redhead wasn’t sure if she heard correctly. It broke her heart to realise that it was her fault. You didn’t need space, you needed her by your side, and now she was here, you wouldn’t let her go, holding her as you could, not minding the pain it caused in your abdomen. 
"But my little dove, you are already the strongest person I know, you don't need to prove it anymore to anyone,” she whispered, “and I will always love you, I won’t let you doubt it,” she added, letting you go to cup your jaws with her hands. She let her thumbs brushing your forehead before she kissed it, repeating the three words you were dying to hear the past weeks again, and again, and again.
You could both feel tears running down your cheeks.
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| Tag list - @godhatesgoodgirls
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dreamofbetterthings · 2 months
No Regrets Noah Sebastian x Reader
Prompt: "The problem is, if I kissed you, I don't think I'd be able to stop."
VIP: Noah Sebastian
Band: Ban Omens
Summary: There's no such thing as a "calm" Halloween night, especially when hidden feelings are involved.
Warnings: It's gonna be a little spicy, but not full-on smut. Still, this is 18+ due to descriptive language and some curse words scattered about, so minors, please DNI. 
Hello everybody! I'm sorry that I dropped off the face of the Earth. I have an abundance of things going on in my personal life and I am trying my hardest to get through it all. I know in the last post I said chapter 3 of It's Been A Long, Long Time was coming soon. That wasn't a lie. It is still in the process of being edited. I'm working on a new uploading schedule for you guys, and a page redesign as well so if everything pans out the way I'm hoping, it will be put into effect starting next week. In the meantime, I have a couple of stories I'm planning on getting out before Chapter 3 gets released. This turned out a lot longer than I thought it was going to be, but I had an idea and ran with it. I've never written for Bad Omens before, so let me know what you think. Enjoy!
This is a fictional story about real-life people. Nothing that is mentioned in the story below represents who said individuals are, or how they act in real life.
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Halloween night was always your favorite time to be around certain people, specifically the friends you called Motionless in White and Bad Omens. There was always something up their sleeve to turn the normal night into one that you weren't sure you wanted to remember in the morning. Luckily, tonight was the annual hangout at Chris' house this year, and you couldn't be more excited. Every year you all would get together at someone's house and pass out candy to the kids, then watch a couple of movies after the last stragglers came through. After that, came your favorite part of the night, Hide and Seek. It might seem childish, but watching a bunch of tipsy/drunk people try to stay quiet in a hiding spot was always hilarious.
 You were making another batch of popcorn when Chris walked into the kitchen. "Hey, we just put on The Lost Boys, just thought I'd let you know." You smile. "I'm not surprised. That's almost everybody's favorite." He laughs and grabs another bowl from the cabinet. "I know, that's why we put it on first, so nobody can complain about it later." The timer on the microwave went off signaling that the popcorn was finished, and you carefully took the bag out. You gave Chris the cooling-down bag and picked back up the one you set on the counter before he walked in. After emptying them and grabbing extra napkins, Chris brought the popcorn out to your friends who were talking through muffled and hushed whispers. Before you walked back into the room, he pulled you back for a second to whisper something in your ear. "I pulled the seeker for tonight. Unfortunately, it wasn't you. Maybe next year." You pout and then smile "Fuck, I'm never going to get picked." He laughs as you glanced around at everybody scattered in the room. 
Ryan sat with Justin on the loveseat. Folio was a drama queen and insisted he get his own seat. Nicholas, Vinny, and a few other of your friends, Florence, Nicole, Victoria, and Robert who were invited sat around the coffee table on the floor. Ricky, Jolly, and Noah were on the couch. Then, you and Chris got the two giant bean bags in the corner. The lights were changed to red and the TV just started the opening credits to The Lost Boys. You and Chris give the popcorn to Ricky and Nicholas respectively, everybody else having their own mostly full bowls, and grab your drinks before plopping back down on the bean bags. Folio rubs his hands together and smiles. "Now that our final two goofballs are here, who's ready to watch one of the best horror movies ever made?" Everybody gives some form of yes or a holler, and he immediately turns the volume up. As the movie plays, there is a small conversation here and there, and occasionally someone has to get up for a new drink, but you are relaxed and having fun. 
At about the halfway point of the movie, Noah gets up to get another drink from the fridge. On his way back, Jolly scares him, causing his wine to spill all over the floor and your sweatpants. "Jesus man!" The movie is paused and everyone's attention is on you guys. Jolly laughs and puts his hands up in defense. "Sorry dude, I had to scare you at least once today." He turns to look at you. "Didn't mean to ruin your sweatpants though, my bad." You wave him off. "It's no big deal, these were old anyway. You guys can keep the movie playing. I'm just gonna change into different pants real quick." You take a sip of your drink and get up from your spot to go upstairs. 
After finding your weekend bag, you huff as the extra sweatpants are nowhere to be found. Instead, you pull out a pair of spandex volleyball shorts and go to the bathroom. Noah hears the sink running upstairs as he's cleaning up the accidental mess he made by your spot. He throws the paper towels away and before he gets to the stairs, Chris quietly asks "You good?" He nods, telling the other singer he's going to make sure you're okay, and heads to your bathroom. He knocks a few times and after a couple of seconds, the sink cuts off and you open the door. You were expecting one of your girlfriends to be standing there, but instead, it's Noah. "I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I'm sorry about spilling on your sweats. I hope I didn't ruin them." Holding up the pants, you show him where the stain had previously been. "If these sweats can make it through one of your tours, they can certainly handle a little bit of wine. I just didn't want them to stain, since you drink the darker stuff." He chuckles and follows you back into the bedroom. 
You grab your shorts and get ready to put them on, but Noah points to your leg. "I didn't know you had a thigh tattoo." You glance at it and glance at him confused. "Really? I got it a while ago. I could've sworn I showed you when I got it done. Then again, I'm always in longer shorts, so it's not exactly easy to see." Setting them down, you turn to the side and pull part of your underwear band up, showing the last covered part of the tattoo. Looking up at Noah, you can see he's staring, but there's something else behind his eyes. Just not sure what it is though. You don't flinch when he reaches his hand out, but your skin gets goosebumps as his fingers ever so lightly trace over the ink on your leg. Everybody that came over tonight had seen each other in their undergarments or even completely nude before, whether by accident or on purpose. Hell, you've walked in on him changing plenty of times. 
So why did the room suddenly feel hot? 
It could be that you've had a crush on the man since you were kids. There wasn't anything not to like. His personality just made you want to be around him all the time. He's sweet and kind, and has a terrible sense of humor that only you two get. You could go on and on. He was just an all-around amazing person. You were so caught up in your thoughts, that you missed the hand that was snapping in front of your face. "Hello? Are you there?" Coming back to reality, you saw Noah looking down at you with curiosity. You quickly apologized and asked him to repeat what he said. "I said it looks amazing on you. The placement is perfect and it works great with the curves of your leg." You thank him and can't help but notice just how close he's standing to you. There's a tense silence for a couple of moments, and neither of you moves from your spot. You glanced at his eyes, then his lips, but immediately looked away. 
It felt like you were a school girl again, talking to the guy you've had a crush on for ages. You heard him mumble a "Fuck it" before he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. They were soft and tasted like wine, courtesy of the drink that led you here in the first place. You felt his hand move to rest against your cheek. His lips were gentle, almost as if he was savoring the moment, afraid it would never happen again. When the two of you finally pulled away for air, your eyes remained closed for a moment, before slowly opening them and meeting Noah's. The two of you looked at each other in pure awe before you let out a small "Woah" He laughed, and you looked down, feeling your cheeks become hot.
The thought of you being so flustered made him blush too. How was it possible for someone to be this cute? Your heart was pounding out of your chest, and you almost couldn't comprehend what just happened. "You know, for someone that always complained he was a terrible kisser, that was uh, really impressive." He could feel you now completely relaxed against him and he laughed a little, slightly embarrassed. "I'd say that I've had practice, but you already know my teddy bear in fifth grade doesn't count." The two of you laugh. Remembering his hand resting on your cheek, you look away and take a small step back. "I think we should get back to the movie. It's gotta be almost over by now, and I don't want them to yell at us for taking too long." He let out an uncomfortable laugh and muttered a "Yeah." 
You never noticed but Noah frowned slightly when you pulled away from him. He felt so comfortable being that close to you. As you turned to the door he realized something. He really liked you and didn't want this to be just a one-time thing, especially if it was going to make things weird between you afterward. He picks himself out of his thoughts just as you open the door. He walks across the room, taking your hand and silently closing the door. Standing there surprised, you ask him, "Are you okay?" It was now or never he told himself. "I'm sorry, I just..." He takes a breath before continuing. "I really want to kiss you again." You stand there just as surprised but decide to see just how far this could possibly go. "What's the problem then?" He lets go of your hand and brings his own up to hold your face. Pressing his forehead against yours, he whispers. 
"The problem is, if I kissed you, I don't think I'd be able to stop." 
He obviously likes you, right? But this is your best friend. You've known each other for years. If he did like you this much, he would've told you by now, right? You two have been affectionate towards each other before, but there's a line neither of you dared to cross. If you crossed it now, you would rather do it with no regrets. It was better than wondering what could have been. "What if I don't want you to stop?" Noah tilts your head so you're looking him in the eyes. 
"Then I won't." 
He pushes his lips against you again, this time with newfound hunger. His hands fall and grab at your waist while yours go around his neck. Your feet follow his backward and you hit the edge of the bed. He pulls you down to sit on his lap, completely forgetting your lack of pants while he pushes himself further back on the bed. His tongue runs across your bottom lip and you open your mouth allowing him in. Your hands gently tug at the now-cut-short hair on the back of his neck and he grabs at your hip hard enough to leave bruises before pulling you even closer to him. Shifting your weight a little, your lower half sits directly on his hardening cock and he groans into your mouth. He pulls his lips away only for them to move down your neck. You tug at his hair a little harder and he sucks at the tender skin that connects your neck and shoulder. A moan leaves your lips and you mindlessly grind down against him. There was nothing that could prepare you for how right this felt. Like you were seeing a whole different side of him, hidden from the outside world, and for your eyes only.
Noah moved to whisper in your ear. "Quiet baby, wouldn't want everybody to hear us, hmm?" You shake your head no, but it doesn't matter as he kisses you again. "Hey, are you guys-OH MY GOD!" The bedroom door opens to see a shocked Chris looking at the two of you. Noah pulls away from your mouth, and the two of you look like deer in headlights. "I'm going to go... quickly." Chris walks away, before coming back and closing the door. You and Noah make eye contact for a split second, before the two of you look away, slightly embarrassed that you were caught. "Maybe we should go back before someone comes in again." He clears his throat and nods. "Yeah, that's a good idea." Carefully getting off of him, you stand up and let him off the bed. You both straighten out your respective clothes, and you finally put on those shorts. 
"Are you alright?" He nods and you get ready to walk toward the door. Noah runs his fingers through his hair. "Um, Before we go, I just wanted to ask...You don't regret any of what just happened, right?" You immediately shake your head no, slightly frowning. Maybe this was all a big mistake. "Not at all. Why? Do you?" He smiles and also shakes his head no before taking your hand in his. "Nope. No regrets." A smile replaces the frown on your face. You ask "Are you ready for them to never let us live this down?" He laughs and glances at the door. "That doesn't sound like such a bad thing to me." Giving him a nod, he opens the door and the two of you walk back into the living room where the rest of your friend group is talking amongst themselves. When they hear you guys walk in, it gets silent. Noah lets go of your hand so you can sit down first, and then goes to his spot on the couch. 
Nobody said anything for the first couple of moments before Chris broke the silence. "You guys fucked in my spare bedroom..." Instantly you and Noah sat up and shook your heads. Your voice and his overlapped and both of you tried to tell your friends that technically nothing happened. Once the two of you were finished explaining, the room was silent for another couple of moments before anyone spoke. The silence was starting to make you uncomfortable, but before you could say or do anything, Ryan threw his hands up and yelled. "Fucking finally!" This breaks the tension in the room and everybody starts laughing and giving you and Noah happy looks. You even saw a couple of people passing money around. Those fuckers bet on you and Noah getting together. When the commotion has died down, another movie has started, and everybody turns their attention to the TV. As you focus your attention on the screen, your phone buzzes, and you pick it up. 
"I was thinking later we could finish what we started in the spare bedroom?"
You smile at your phone and quickly respond before setting it down.
"Well, we're still playing Hide and Seek after the movie. I'm once again not the seeker, lol. If it happens to be you, don't go easy on me. Depending on how the rest of the night plays out, you might get your wish ;)"
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Noah readjust himself in his seat. He sends back a text almost instantly, and goosebumps litter your skin again as you read his last text.
"Oh, I won't. I like the hunt."
Nope, no regrets.
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envy-of-the-apple · 3 months
LOVE the new fic. The betrayal literally made me tear up.
I was just curious would Gojo have given up on Ms. Moon if she were married or maybe had a kid.
oh fu c k such a good idea whydidn'tithinkofthis- (this got so long i am so sorry)
in the fic, ms.moon is pretty traumatized after the gojo incident to have any real relationships after.
But maybe ms.moon gets into therapy, works through the issues of intimacy. You meet someone, nice, kind. You settle down, have a kid. It'll be nice for a few years...but when gojo comes back into your life. he'll shut it down quick.
Gojo's worse than his high school self now. He might not beat your husband up, but that might be a blessing compared to the tsunami he's about to havoc on your family. Using his connections, he'll make sure your husband never finds a job in the entire city, the entire region even. He might even dig up something your husband did in his past, a small drug problem he had with highschool-something that would get swept under the rug normally, but with Gojo's scrutiny, it's about to become a lot bigger.
You could stop it. With enough begging. After you'd cry your heart out, he'd shush you, wiping away your tears, saying that he'd forgive you for your transgressions.
You'd be expected to divorce your husband. Your husband would be pretty pissed with your flimsy reasoning of 'my childhood bully isn't done with ruining my life' but then he'd remember that there is a reason the Gojo family is so big. And they don't take kindly to competitors who stand in their way. You'd understand why he lets you walk away without a fight, but a part of you wished he would have pushed more, even if the result would have remained the same.
It's your child who suffers the worst through all of this. Maybe you had a daughter. Perhaps gojo would be a bit more tolerant towards her if she looked like you but she was clearly her father's daughter. In the past, you adored it, now it's another curse for you.
You have to keep her away, for her sake. Gojo is already more than upset that you dared to start a family without him. Besides, why would you want her with you? Why would you want her to suffer under gojo's whims?
A part of you has to admit that it's also for your sake. You don't want your daughter to see you like that. Weak, rolling under that man's thumb.
She's probably just a toddler when you have to leave. She's too young to understand when you say 'mommy's going away for a while'. Maybe you'd lie to her, say that you're going overseas and when she asks if she can come with you, you'd shake your head because talking anymore would be too much because Satoru's waiting in the sleek black car right on the curb. It doesn't matter what you say, she screams and sobs the entire time.
You don't touch your ex-husband, you don't even hug because you know Satoru's watching. You just ask him to take care of her before you walk into the car, getting into the passenger seat. Your daughter's still begging you to come back. You make sure the car is out of her sight before you start sobbing.
There's a hand on your thigh, squeezing, a mocking act of comfort. You're sure Satoru's grinning.
"Aw. Don’t cry, baby," you can barely hold yourself back from slapping him, though you doubted even pain would wipe that look off his face.
The hand drifts up your thigh, playing with the hem of your pants.
"Once we have our own kids, you’ll get way too busy to think about your old one.”
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crazyk-imagine · 5 months
Tumblr media
Pairing: Paul Lahote x Fem!reader
Characters: Fem!reader, Paul Lahote, Sam Uley, Emily Young, Jared Cameron, Embray Call, Tiny Tim (made up)
Warnings: Reader knows about the supernatural, implications of dead parent, ex's inspire people, Sam and Emily are adorable, am I making them my favorites bc of the way I write them lol, Paul and Reader are adorable, Paul is a little shit, so is Embry and Jared, no one can act normal around a sassy person
Word Count: 1,231
A/N: Was I listening to Mean by Taylor Swift? You can't prove anything
I've had this ready for a week, but shit kept happening at work man ughhhhhh
It was meant to be, or so you thought.
You blink, staring at the ceiling not sure why your ex came to mind.
He was partial to the reason for your move the gloomy town (which you enjoyed more than the sunny state you were in) but not the entire reason.
If only your mom could see you now, working hard and still keeping true to who you are.
You push yourself out of bed, needing to get started on your day.
You finish up and jot down another line, knowing it's slowly turned into a "revenge" song.
You exit your place and hop in your truck, heading down to your favorite person's place.
"Emily, your other honey is home."
Sam lets out a dry laugh. "Funny as always."
"I know, it's one of the perks of being my friend."
"Are going to do..." You snatch a muffin from the tray. "Sam things?"
The couple glance at one another, curious if you know.
"Yeah, we won't be back till later-" He doesn't finish as the boys burst through the door. Almost all ignore you, not aware of your presence.
You mumble, "now I know why you're ready to feed an army."
The boys freeze, all conversations stopping. "Uh-"
"Who's the girl?" Jared asks, snaking a muffin.
You raise a brow, picking at the muffin, breaking it into bite size pieces. "What a question."
"Who's the sassy girl?" The same guy asks.
"How do you deal with idiots?"
Emily snickers, scanning over the pack for their expressions.
"Good thing Paul's not here or else he'd flip a lid," Embry mutters.
You push yourself off the stool and grab your bag. "Later, Em. Bye bye, Sammy."
You wave them off before glancing at the group. "Such an interesting... gang you have here."
You spin around, smirking to yourself, not wanting to let the cat (wolf) out of its bag. "I heard there's going to be a full moon tonight."
Or maybe you don't care if they know you know.
"Does she-"
The door slams shut.
You shake your head, smirking to yourself, proud of your teasing. You bump into a body, not entirely paying attention. "Sorry." You pass by the person and hop in your car, not realizing the electricity he felt in that simple touch.
You look up after putting your keys in the ignition, only to find a dark pair of eyes on yours.
The subtle feeling through your body alerts you.
"Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap." You have to force your gaze away from his. "Please don't be able to read lips. Oh, crap. They can hear." You start pulling out and make it back to your house.
Weeks go by and you screen another one of Emily's calls.
"I'll call her when this passes," you mutter, writing another line. You slam your pencil down, "who am I kidding? It's never going to stop."
You don't want to answer her and send another lie.
Boo Thang #2 <;3
'Sorry, not feeling good. Will text later.' 2:59pm Sent Read
A knock on your door surprises you.
You carefully make your way to the door, scanning through the peephole. Your back's flat against the door. "Why the hell is he here?"
"We need to talk."
"I don't think so."
"You know more than you let on."
"We need to talk."
"Can I just call you?"
"No, Emily's been trying for days, and it hasn't worked. Let me in."
You scoff, "not with that attitude."
He growls under his breath, "fine. Please let me in?"
"You're testing my patience."
"Go test it out with someone else."
"That's not what I meant, and you know it."
"You gotta be more specific bud."
"I don't like that name."
"Stop it."
You smirk, "bud."
He knocks on your door with more force, trying to get one of your neighbors to come out so they can tell him to stop and make you let him in.
You snarl as the door swings open, "stop it you, idiot." You yank him in, earning a confident smirk from him.
"I don't like this look on you. You think you've won."
"Who says I haven't?"
"Me. I am the one who decides since this is my place."
"Living here alone? Really?"
You shrug, "parents died."
"Oh," he clears his throat, "sorry."
"It's fine. Not your fault."
"So, uh- what do you know?"
"I used to visit when I was a kid and heard the stories because of my cousin."
"You know?"
"That we happen to be united forever essentially, kind of hard not to, not gonna lie."
"Are you upset?"
You furrow your brows, "what do you mean?"
"Your imprints with the hothead. The one with "anger" issues. The list goes on." His brows furrow in annoyance, the pout on his lip making him look... cute.
He shocked you don't know who he is. "Lahote?"
"Paul?" You ask, not entirely sure if you got the right name or not.
"Oh, so you do know."
He sighs, "great."
"Barely, I just remember your guy's names from the elders at the meetings."
"How long has it been since you were in town?"
You shrug, "few years. I haven't been out of the house as much since my life went to crap," you offer a sarcastic smile.
"I feel like I've brought the mood down, do you- do you want to go out? I know this one place with uh- with decent music." He tells you the name and it takes all of you to not smile.
"Let's go, but we take my car."
He lets out a dramatic sigh, "fine."
You two arrive half an hour before you have to go on stage.
You make up an excuse and say you're going to be right back, needing to use the little girl's room.
"Next up, is one of our favorites," the mc, Tiny Tim (your favorite guy there) announces.
You walk across stage, confusing Paul but not Emily and Sam (who told him to take you there if he got far enough). They cheer you on while listening to your song.
All you are is mean And a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean
You make it back to your seat beside your wolf.
"Where'd you learn to do that?"
You shrug, not liking the attention on you.
"That was- that was amazing."
"It was nothing."
"No- no, that was really good." Emily sneaks up behind you. "And that's saying something, Paul doesn't like to use his words to express his emotions."
The man frowns. "We get it. We get it."
You roll your eyes, "stop it, you two."
You two make it back your place. "I should at least drop you off."
He shakes his head, "I'm not that far from you."
"I don't know if I believe that."
"Then believe ne when I say I can run and not get tired."
You narrow your eyes before turning your head to hide your chuckle. "Get out of here, you idiot."
You hear him close the door and stare into the woods, hoping to catch a glimpse of him.
The only wolf standing between the path of trees sticks out and you know it's him.
You shake your head, going into your home. "Idiot."
You swear you hear him huff.
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furiousgoldfish · 6 days
Abuse seemed normal and justifiable to me, the entire time I was living in it as a kid. I didn't question it, the justifications and defenses would appear in my head before I would even start to get upset about it. 'They didn't mean that, they did it to make me stronger, to teach me how hard life is. They only did it out of anger, they wouldn't have done it if I didn't make them angry. It happened because I did x. They're my parents, they're doing what's best for me. I just don't understand yet because I'm not old enough but eventually I'll get why they're acting this way.'
It feels like that when you've never had a life away from abuse; it is the only normal way of life you've ever known, and implication that it might not be normal are too scary to explore, but also completely unbelievable. Because you would have to believe that you yourself are in a special situation where normal rules no longer apply. Rules like 'your parents love you and do everything for your own good', 'you need to listen to your parents, they know what they're talking about', and 'Your parents are just trying their best'. And you feel like you're nothing special, nothing that happens to you is special, nothing is out of the ordinary, you're feeling even less than normal, you feel like something is deeply wrong with you, rather than the situation you're in. Of course your parents are normal, and mean well, it's you who needs to get their shit together and stop being, whatever you are, it's unclear.
It can seem from an outside perspective, that a child would recognize at least some of the abuse for what it was, even if subjected to the rules of 'parents love you, they know best, you need to obey them', if the abuse is extreme, but no, they wouldn't. Looking back at my experience I was able to justify not only the physical violence, neglect, insults and humiliation, but even the constant, very detailed death threats that would constantly come out of the abusers. I listened to them describe to me how they would kill me, often implying they should have killed me already, and all I thought was 'they are just saying that, they're not actually going to kill me, they're saying it because they're angry, I shouldn't take this personally'. When I think about that now, I am appalled, you would think anyone subjected to constant detailed death threats would know for sure that this is wrong. But I was also hearing about how they 'sacrificed everything for me' and 'nobody else would ever love me like this', and how could I have known, as a kid, which one of these are lies, and which are the truth? I was heavily pressured to believe that they loved me. How would I have known that my parents had reasons to convince me that their murderous intentions were fake, but the love they had for me was real?
Without a clear reference to how parental love looks like, there's no way to tell. And if you ever do see a depiction of a loving family, your abusive family will be very quick to tell you that they're "doing it wrong", "spoiling that child", and "created a selfish brat". And how would you know that this isn't true? You don't yet know that they have reasons to lie to you. You've been told they're your parents and they only want the best for you, like all parents do. They just don't want you to grow up a selfish brat, so that's why they don't do all of the listening, hugging, caring, paying attention, conversing, and advocating for you. To make sure you're strong and responsible as a human being. It makes sense when you're a kid. When you're an adult, you understand that it never made any sense, that shaming good parents only served the purpose of making you feel like you're having a normal experience, and that your parents were right to abuse you, even superior for it.
It's possible to endure any amount of abuse and to be convinced that it's normal. I've talked to adults who've been sexually abused and trafficked by their parents and still believed the parents loved them. There's no limit to what you can convince a child is normal. Any abuse can be hidden by a guise of normalcy.
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sinsinsininning · 5 months
A little bit softer
Chapter 2.
Eustass Kid x crew mate!fem!reader
TW: depictions of DV, descriptions of medical terms and procedures, not as smutty
A/N: I don’t know why but l always have to make my reader inserts or OCs a medic in some way……It’s probably bc I’m a vet tech.
Kid felt… guilty, which wasn’t a normal thing for him. Suspecting you were scared of him was one thing. But knowing you were scared of him was another entirely.
He wanted to shake himself some days, you were just a rookie. Not his lover. Not his partner. He didn’t owe you anything. But then he’d ruin his own pep talk by thinking of you and your face.
After your conversation with Heat, Kid walked on eggshells around you. The entire crew was still trying their damnedest to meddle with him, so encounters with you had ramped up a lot. You both still did your best to avoid eye contact or speak to him. But it was clearly starting to wear on the crew’s patience.
“You need to handle your shit.” Killer said to him one day in his workshop. Kid couldn’t even pretend not to know what he was on about.
“You need to fuck off!” He shouted, feeling his shoulders shake.
“Just talk with her, you never know, maybe she likes you as well.”
Kid burst out in hysterical laughter, needing a few moments to catch his breath.
“She’s terrified of me Killer,” He coughed. “She thinks I’m gonna hit her or something. I heard her telling Heat.” Killer cocked his head, thinking.
“All the more reason to clear the air. What’s more is I can’t have the crew keep trying to pair the two of you up, it’s getting in the way of their tasks.” Kid fixed him with a glare.
“Newsflash, asshole! You were the one who started that shit!” He turned back to his table. “Besides the fuck am I gonna say to make her feel better? Huh?”
“That’s true, you’re not good with words.” Killer nodded and began approaching him. “You’ll just have to use your actions.” Kid laughed.
“Oh yeah? How am I gonna do that?” He asked sarcastically before a sharp pain flared in his right arm. “Ow what the fuck?!”
Killer had cut his arm, a deep laceration at least 5 inches long. The masked man shrugged at his shouting.
“She’s in the med bay, go up there, tell her you got cut while working. Ask her to patch you up.”
“Fuck you this stings!” Kid pressed a used rag to his arm. “I’ll fucking stab you.”
“She won’t be there much longer. Tell her you can’t find me and you can’t stitch yourself with one hand.” Killer took that moment leave, Kid stood there fuming for a moment. Part of him wanted to just stay down here and fix it later, just to piss Killer off.
But a stronger part of him wanted to see you, hopefully you wouldn’t run or hide. He made his way slowly to the med bay, almost hoping you’d be gone. As he entered he saw how unlucky he was.
You had your back to him, wiping down the machines that sterilized the suturing materials and other rudimentary instruments. He coughed to get your attention, keeping his injured arm hidden behind the doorframe.
“Hip are you don- oh!” He hated how tense you became, you soft stomach clenching in worry. “Sorry captain, I thought Hip was done with the mop. What can I do for you?” He showed you his arm and felt a small bit better as you gasped with worry.
The rag he’s used to staunch the bleeding made it look worse than it was, but it had dried a little and was now stuck to his skin. You motioned for him to sit on the chair by the table.
“How’d that happen?” You asked, trying to gently peel the rag off.
“Was working and it just kinda happened.” He wasn’t sure why, but he didn’t want to lie to you. “Don’t know where Killer is and I can’t sew with only one hand.” Still not lies technically.
“Gotcha.” You’re all business and he feels a little flush at the sight of you zipping around the room gathering materials. “Well it’s not too bad, really deep though. I’ll numb it, suture it really quick and you should be on your way.” Any trace of fear or anxiety was gone, your posture alert but relaxed, you soft face was focused.
“Take your time.” Kid drawled, enjoying the view, didn’t hurt that your ass looked good as you bent over to grab something under the desk. Your ass always looked good he decided. “Got nowhere to be.”
“Not true,” You return with a small syringe, some type of numbing drug he assumed. “You’re the captain, you probably got plenty of stuff to be doing.”
He didn’t respond, the injection you gave him stung so he had to bite back his swears about it. Neither of you spoke as you worked. You had to stand pretty close to place the sutures, your hands cold but soft as you touched him.
You shivered at one point and Kid realized, horrifically, that he’d leaned to far forward to watch your hands. You glanced up at him, caught his gaze and shuffled a bit further back. He wanted to growl as he saw how tense you’d gotten, your soft apology only making him more frustrated.
You were halfway done and he couldn’t take the silence anymore.
“So.” You tensed again, he could see it in your neck especially. “I never did ask… who was your old captain?” You jabbed the needle a bit harder at the question, obviously not on purpose as you profusely apologized. He ignored and continued to stare until you answered.
“His- um. His name is um… It’s Badger. Captain Badger.” You try to focus once more.
“How long did you sail with him?”
“2 years.”
“How big was the crew?”
“About 15.”
“Where’d you sail?”
“West Blue.”
“Why’d you leave?”
“Um.” You were almost shaking, he almost hesitated.
“Why’d you leave his crew?”
“What does it matter?” Oh that was a response, he grinned, anger was better than fear. At least in his book.
“Answer the question. It’s important for me to know.”
“You never needed to know before. Why now?”
“Because I’ve been watching you.” He leans forward more, meeting your heated glare as you tied the final knot. “You’ve got some peculiar habits, I’d like to know more about that.”
“You’ve been watching me?”
He nodded.
“Like on deck or like…. In my room?”
“Not like that you pervert!” He can’t help but shout, you don’t flinch though. A small grin on your face as you successfully get him off the topic.
“So not my room or the showers? Just to clarify.” He knows he’s blushing but he still growls and stands to his full height. You step back but he follows you, a look of fear in your eyes takes over the glee. But he can’t stop himself from continuing.
“You’re clever, but I still need an answer.” He crowds your space, placing both hands on the counter behind you, caging your body with his. He leans forward, letting his breath fan over your ear. “Why did you leave?”
You stay silent, face red and a little sweaty, he pulls back just enough to admire the sight. He can’t make a reassuring face to save his life, but he tries as tears fill up your eyes. Still, he can’t stop, he needs this. You need this.
“If you are unhappy with my performance or skills, tell me and I will fix them. I haven’t brought any bad habits on board. I assure you.” You finally answer, your words felt warm against his face, he grinned some more.
“Uh-uh you see, one of those habits, the only one really,” His grin drops from his face. “Is that you’re scared of your captain.” You pale at his words and start to shake a little. He continues, drawing back slightly.
“That’s something he taught you, right?” He tilted his head a little. “To be scared of your captain. Because you never know when he’ll just up hit you, right?” He parroted your words from the bar back to you. Your eyes are wide with recognition.
“I’m sor-“
“Save it,” He cuts you off. “I know I’m scary, it’s my whole deal. I’m a scary pirate who murders and pillage. But my crew is mine. Understood. I don’t let anyone harm them, especially not myself.” You lean back into the counter more.
“You hurt Wire. You made him need staples and you didn’t even seem sorry. You didn’t help patch him up.” Kid knew this was coming, he still didn’t know what to say.
“It was a mistake,” He said. “I didn’t mean to hit him, but you’re right. I should’ve check on him and made sure he wasn’t hurt.” It was hard to admit he was wrong, but in the small medical room, to you, it was a little easier.
Both of you stayed quiet for a while. He made no move to let you go. And you made no move to try. He wasn’t sure if he would’ve actually stopped you if you did. Finally, the tension in you jaw and shoulders eased, just a little.
“Badger… was bad. He didn’t just hit us. He stole from us and wouldn’t let us leave, even if some managed to escape they’d have no Beris. It’d be like starting from scratch, but worse because if he caught you he’d kill you.” You paused, taking a big breath, turning to stare at the wall. “I was secretly saving Beris, to hopefully run off and be able to hide from him. I didn’t have much, barely anything. One day he came and told me he wanted me to be his… wife.” Kid stood up straight, leaning back like he’d been struck, you continued barely noticing him.
“I told him no, I should’ve said yes and bided my time. Maybe I could’ve taken more people with me, but I was an idiot.”
“No that’s not-“ You cut him off.
“He threw a fit, tried to kill me. His devil fruit power nullifies weapons, so I couldn’t fight back. I tried to stage a mutiny, but everyone was too afraid, he’d never lost a fight. Eventually I jumped over board and swam to shore. I hid on a marine ship, I never had a bounty so I just pretended to be some girl who wanted to travel. I flirted with some of them and got a ride to a port a few islands over.” You sighed, a long exhale that seemed to deflate you. “I had no Beris or even clothes. But I overheard some rookies talking about joining your crew. I figured it was the safest option. So I spoke with Killer and here I am.” You trailed off quietly, tears still hadn’t fallen yet, it was almost impressive.
Kid didn’t speak for several long minutes, just watching you hold your breath. Finally he pushed off the counter, giving you both some breathing room. He began to exit when you called out.
“Captain what are you doing?”
He turned with a scowl.
“I’m setting a course to go murder that asshole.”
“What? Why that’s so far off our course.”
“I told you, you’re my crew. We’re gonna go murder him, then if any of your old friends wanna join the crew they can.” He laughed at your shocked face. When he’d caught his breath he turned again to leave.
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Nail Salon
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WARNINGS: none, flirty wives Nat and Reader, fluff, concerned nat and reader fr
WORDS: 1,458
PAIRING: Natasha Romanoff x f!Reader
SUMMARY: you and your wife Nat have a nail salon day with your toddler
A/N: chapter 1 of Darkest Nights will be posted a bit after this ;)
haven't checked up on you guys in some time <3 how are you, my loves?
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Natasha woke up with your hair spread all across her face and her arms stuck around your body. “Detka..” you groan at her attempts of awakening you, “babe. I can't move my arms.” you huff as you sat up and release her arms. You flutter your eyes open, only to be blinded by sunlight. Which you hadn't expected, normally these days it would be cloudy this time. “It's beautiful out, isn't it?” you glare at your wife, “why did you have to be a morning person?” you whined as she pressed soft kisses against your neck. “Beautiful day, beautiful wife. Good morning moya lyubov..” your frown transformed into a smile, “Hi Natty.”
“Mommy! Mama!” you heard one of the kids call, Aliana had just recently started pronouncing words a bit properly, that of which you couldn't get used to quite yet. “Mommy's awake, sweetie! Just one sec, I'll be out there.” you threw off the covers and leaped out of bed. “What was that about morning people?” Natasha said with a cocky smirk. As of course, Aliana was too, a morning person. “This is why I'm Alex's favorite!” you shouted out as you left the bedroom.
“Mommy!” the little girl clung onto your legs, “how did you sleep, honey?” you grabbed her by the arms and pulled her up in your arms. “I sleep good. Alex snores.” you chuckle as you walk into the kitchen, “wanna know something sweetie?” the toddler nods curiously. “Mama snores too.” you said with a hushed tone. The girl giggles as you set her on the kitchen island. “What do you want for breakfast?” she hums as she thinks of a response, “hmm.. cereal! Pwease.” you mentally thanked her for not asking you to make anything too crazy this early. “Hi guys.” you heard a small voice pop up in the kitchen, Alex with his hair a complete mess, and his clothes wrinkled. “Someone slept well tonight, hey buddy.” you got on your knees to his level and hugged the boy. “Hi mommy!” he wrapped his tiny arms around your neck. “Do you want cereal, Alex?” he nodded as he let go of your shoulders, allowing you to stand back up. “Is Uncle Thor coming over today?” he asks as he padded his way to the table.
“No, not today buddy. But, I can ask Uncle Clint to bring your cousin over.” he had a bright smile on his face, “yay! Thank you mommy! You're the best.” you handed him his bowl of cereal. “You're welcome cutie pie.” he frowned slightly, “I'm handsome, not cute!” you pinched his cheek before walking over to the kitchen island. “Mommy loot!” you scrunched up your brows in confusion, wondering what she was pointing at. “What is it sweeti—” you yelped as Natasha came up behind you with her hands resting on your waist. “Nat! Oh my God, stop scaring me it's 9 AM!” she laughed as she placed a searing kiss on your jawline, “I would say I'm sorry but.. you look cute when you're scared.” she whispered into your ear. You couldn't lie, that did slightly make your cheeks go red, but you still managed to lightly smack her on the bicep. “Natasha! The kids are in the room. Shut up.” she pecked your cheek before turning her attention to your daughter.
“Mama can you paint my nails today?” Natasha paused before answering, Ali never asked her to paint her nails before. Usually, she'd ask you. “uh.. alright, if that's what you want sweetie.” the toddlers face lit up as she grinned at the redhead. “Yay!” you looked at the little girl, “what do ya say? Mommy can dress you up all cute and mama will paint your nails?” you ask her. “Yes pwease!” you brushed away some of her stray baby hairs and fed Aliana a spoonful of cereal. “Eat up, then we can have a little salon day.”
After Ali finished breakfast you went to go search for her cutesy floral and multicolored dress. She's been begging you and Natasha to let her wear that for a few days by now, so you chose to let her wear it today. “Nat come here! Please.” the redhead walked into your bedroom, “yeah, babe where are you?” you peeked your head out of the closet. “Over here darling!” you call out to her, “what is it detka?” she asked— her question soon being forgotten as she laughed slightly at your attempts at grabbing the dress. “Stop laughing. Just get the damn dress for me.” she narrows her eyes at you, “someone's feisty today.” she said as she backed you up against the wall. “Nat..” you poke her side. “Give me the dress.” she pressed her lips against yours, pulling you in for a slow kiss, she lifted you up by your waist and moved to the shelves. “Take the dress baby.” she breathed out as she broke the kiss, “thanks..” you picked up the dress and got out of her hold.
“Ali! Whe– when did you get here sweetie?” she squealed as her eyes widened at the dress, “I just walk in room now.” you sighed in relief as you placed the dress on the bed. “Mommy ups!” you saw the little girl with her arms up and smiled as you picked her up into your arms. “Honey, I need to put you on the bed if you want to wear the dress.” she pouted slightly, “okay..” she hopped out of your arms and onto the bed.
You changed her out of her pajamas and into the dress, “yay! Thank you mommy!” she slid off the bed and did a little twirl in front of the full-length mirror. “Can mama paint my nails now?” Natasha walked out of the closet, “I don't know.. can she?” your wife said as she picked up Aliana on top of her shoulders. “Hi mama!” she giggled as she pecked at Natasha's cheek.
“Can we play nail salon toooo?” you nod, “yes, of course, sweetie.” Natasha looks down at you with her brows laced in confusion. “Uh.. krasivaya what's nail salon?” “Some game Ali made up, we pretend to be her little nail technician rather than her parents– it's silly I know, but she's your daughter so I blame you.” you open the nightstand drawer and take out a few bottles of nail polish. Natasha placed the toddler down on the bed and you handed her the nail polish. “What color do you want Ali?” she pointed at the pastel pink. “This one?” the little girl nodded. “uhm..” Natasha turned her gaze to you, “what do I do?” she mouthed.
“Just talk to her but— remember, you're pretending to not be her parent Tasha.” she nodded and opened up the bottle, “so.. what's your name sweetie?” she asked as she put light strokes of nail polish on Aliana's tiny nails. “Aliana.” Natasha smiles, “how old are you Aliana?” “I'm four!” the girl giggles as your wife paints her nails.
“I have a husband and kids!” you and Nat slightly frown at her statement, but she keeps doing her nails nonetheless. “oh really? Is your husband nice?” Natasha asked, “he's mean!” you couldn't tell if you would laugh or scold Aliana. “He doesn't help wif the kids, and–” the toddler continues, “he's wike, "ba- babe go make dinner!" she mocked in a masculine voice. “oh wow.. um–” the redhead looked over at you with a confused look and widened eyes. “I'm gonna spill tea on him.” you burst into laughter, someone had been hanging out with Uncle Peter too much lately.
“ooh thank you mama! My nails look so pwetty!” Aliana jumped onto Natasha's lap and threw her little arms around her shoulders. “You're welcome..?” Natasha said, still processing the words that came out of her toddlers mouth. “I'm gonna go show Alex now. Bye bye!” she crawled out of Natasha's arms and ran out of the room.
“What was that.” she asked you, “I think she should cut down getting babysat by Peter and his little kid friends.” you sighed as you sat down in bed beside her.
“Yeah..” she chuckled. “Did I tell you how beautiful you look today, babe?” you smile and roll your eyes, “I don't know, have you?” she sneakily slid her hand up to your upper thigh. “Let me show you moya lyubov.” you smirked as she leaned in closer, her lips almost touching yours. “As much as I would love this.. Clint's supposed to be here with Nathaniel soon.” she groaned. “how soon? I'll make it quick detka.” you got up from the bed at the sound of the doorbell, “that soon.” you giggled as you left her to go open the front door.
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snazzilystoopid · 9 months
What it's like to date Cole Brookstone
The dragons rising trailer gave me Cole fever 😭😭 so yk I just gotta do a Cole post to appreciate this lego man's existence
Enjoy this yall heheh
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Starting off strong: texting. The guy will spam you if you don't answer within 5 minutes
He's always worrying if something bad had happened to you 😭
He's also a ninja (obviously) so he's gonna be busy most of the time
That doesn't mean he doesn't make time for you though heheh
Before he'd leave for a mission he'd send you a sweet message, or leave small pouch of your favourite sweets for you
For your 3 month anniversary, he got you a pair of headphones
They're extra special bc they match with his <3
He sends you gym pics. Ok? He just does.
Mainly because he knows on the other side of that screen you're a blushing mess
Sometimes Cole will just walk around you shirtless to tease you, because he knows you're always gonna be staring
If you can bake, this man will BEG you to make cakes.
If you can't, you at least try. He'll always eat them, even if they are a little burnt
Its the thought that counts though, right?
His love language is touch, so you guys cuddle often
If cuddling isn't really your thing, that's okay! He'll settle for always holding your hand
When it comes to kissing however, hes so passionate that you usually have to lean on something, like a wall or a table 😭
When things get a little steamy he'll definitely be hoisting you up and wrapping his arms around you
Your dates usually consist of desert places, picnics, and CD/Vinyl records shopping
He love love loves music so whenever you tag along with him to these shops he loves it, and also really appreciates the company
Sometimes you both put in one ear each of Cole's earphones and just lie on his bed together listening to music
Its so therapeutic for both of you
He tried to teach you how to play the drums a few times, but you're horrible at it, sorry 💀
(Unless you can acc play the drums ofc)
When you met Lou, he told you a bunch of funny stories about his dance lessons as a kid
Cole gets so annoyed whenever he does this but you think its cute <333
Lou would also go on to tell you how much Lily would've loved you
It felt a little uncomfortable talking about his mother, because you know how much of a sensitive subject it is for him
But Cole did agree, you reminded him a little of his mother
In truth, Lou sees himself and Lily in you and Cole
Although he denies it, Cole loves it when you trace his scars
Especially the ghost scar on his forehead
Also loves it when you trace his jaw
Whenever you randomly do, I promise this guy WILL just melt right there
Since his hair is really long, you're always trying out random hairstyles on him
He always protests, but he really does love it hehe
The man is such a tease, sometimes he'll swoop down to capture your lips in a kiss, only for him to kiss the corner of your mouth instead
Other times (when you're alone ofc,) Cole trails kisses down your neck and just randomly stops, and you always complain
He finds you so adorable when you're complaining 😭
He has a passion for singing, but will never sing in front of anyone apart from you
Most of the time, whenever he sings to you its a love song that both of you like 🥰
He's usually a pretty chill boyfriend, and doesn't normally get jealous
But on the very rare occasion that he does, he won't show it
Instead he'll get all pouty and whenever you ask what's wrong, his only response is to pull you into a hug
He'll most likely feel a little self-conscious and wonder if you're becoming uninterested in him
DONT give Cole a reason to feel sad. Do not. 😒
He didn't tell the ninja he had a partner until Jay and Nya spotted you two in a vinyl records store holding hands
They interrogated the poor thing for like 3 hours when he got back
But once they all met you they really liked you!
Kai and Jay subjected you to more embarrassing Cole stories, which the earth ninja was NOT happy about
He prefers to spend time with you alone, away from other people
He vents to you a lot of the time and tells you about his struggles and his feelings
Hes actually really open with you, but he never pressures you to tell him anything
He wants to be able to earn your trust <3
(Sorry for any typos!!)
That is all ! I hope you guys enjoyed this little hc post 🤭 stay tuned for more !!
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harrywavycurly · 8 months
Sarah my dear dear sweet Sarah I am on my knees begging for a look into the future with One Night Eddie and Reader when Dotty is older! I’ll take anything! I just love them🥰😇
Hiiii babes!!! You’re so sweet, I will give you some conversations with Eddie and Reader where Dotty is older like toddler-ish and in kindergarten! I hope you enjoy!💖
-find all things It Was Just One Night here ✨
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“Why is she wearing that?” “Because we are going to the pool…” “Eddie…you can’t be serious.” “Uh yeah? I’m off for the day and she said she wanted to go do swimmies so…that’s what we are going to do.” “The pool is closed today….it’s Monday.” “What? No it’s not it’s closed on Tuesday’s.” “Are you calling me a liar?” “Why are you like this? No I’m not calling you a liar I’m just saying the pool is normally closed on Tuesday’s.” “Okay then walk down there and see if it’s open…we will be here putting on sunscreen.” “And if it’s closed? Then what?” “Then you’re going to be dad of the year and go get a blow up pool and put it in the backyard….duh.” “Right! Yeah that’s a good idea….love you I’ll be back either in a few minutes or like an hour depending on…what happens when I get to the pool.” “Sounds good.” “Uh..you..wanna say anything to me before I leave?” “Oh sorry..love you too…now hurry up we wanna do swimmies.”
“You have to make her eat something other than chicken nuggets and Mac and cheese.” “Why? She likes what she likes and besides she had broccoli with her Mac n cheese.” “Babe she can’t have your eating habits okay? She needs to like…try new stuff.” “What exactly is wrong with my eating habits Eddie? Hmm?” “I’m not doing this with you…just please maybe tomorrow we can try something new? She’s like four now so she isn’t as picky as she was when she was a baby.” “Next thing you know you’ll be buying her a water bottle from hell to keep track of how much she’s drinking.” “That’s not a bad-” “just let her eat what she likes Eddie…it’s hard enough to even get her to eat her nuggets…that’s why they have to be in fun shapes or she gets bored and won’t eat anything.” “Gee wonder where she gets that from…” “i can’t help that I am more likely to eat something in a fun shape than something that looks boring…now go see if she wants more chicken.”
“It’s her first week of kindergarten and we are already getting a call from her school?” “Don’t look at me…all I did was drop her off at her classroom and went to work.” “Baby…you’re a horrible fucking liar..what did you do?” “I didn’t do shit Edward…” “just tell me.” “I just want to say you would’ve done the exact same thing if you were the one who dropped her off.” “Stop stalling and tell me what happened.” “This bitchy ass mom was walking behind us and I heard her say something about Dotty’s shirt and-” “her shirt? The one she wore today?…it’s just a Metallica shirt…” “exactly and she was saying how she felt sorry for some kids and how their parents dress them.” “Oh god…did you hit her?” “What? No I didn’t fucking hit her you asshole….I dropped Dotty off to her room and then I saw the mom in the parking lot and I…just told her how I felt about what she said.” “Right…and what exactly did you tell her?” “That she doesn’t need to feel sorry for my daughter…but..I might’ve said that I feel sorry for hers because she has a boring ass bitch for a mom.” “Jesus….how are we going to explain ourselves out of this? The principal is the one who wants to meet with us.” “Just toss them some Eddie charm and offer a free oil change or something.” “You’re going to have to apolo-” “it’s bad to lie so..I won’t be apologizing to her.” “You’re so annoying…fine I’ll go in there alone and…see what I can do.” “That’s my man! Go knock ‘em dead.”
“Look at her…doing the monkey-bars all by herself…remember when she needed us to help her up the steps so she could go down the slide?” “Yes…she’s growing up too fast…next thing you know she’ll be asking us to drive her places and never wanna be seen with us.” “Speak for yourself…I’m a fucking cool dad she’ll wanna be seen with me.” “Really? You’re wearing a Fanny pack right now…nothing about that says cool dad.” “It’s easier than carrying the backpack around…it has all the things she needs in it.” “I will say…we are way cooler than those parents over there…total helicopter parents.” “Oh yeah they look like newbies…won’t even let their little boy go down the slide alone.” “He’s so cute though.” “I bet we’d make a cute little boy…” “who’s we? I told you this baby factory only does limited editions and Dotty is a one of one.” “I guess Dotty is all we really need…she is kinda perfect.” “She really is isn’t she? We got lucky with her.” “I love you.” “I love you too..even when you wear your lame ass Fanny pack.
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lucy90712 · 1 month
By your side- Jude Bellingham
I thought I had my life together I was engaged, planning a wedding and had just found out I was pregnant everything seemed so perfect. I don't know how it all went wrong so quickly I just came home from work to be greeted with a note from my fiancé saying he was leaving me because he had been cheating and felt he was more in love with the other woman. He was so kind to let me have the house that I bought and only took his things from it although he did leave the place in a mess doing so. To start with I didn't feel anything as I was so in shock but once it sunk in I haven't stopped crying. Luckily finances aren't a worry for me as I make a good amount of money so I can continue to pay all the bills and can afford everything for the baby but having no support has been hard especially because no one knows I'm pregnant as I'm still quite early on. 
All of this happened Friday so I haven't been back into work yet and I know I should probably take some time off to figure things out and give myself time to work through my feelings but I need the distraction I can't wallow in self pity anymore. Luckily today I just have a lot of paperwork to do so I'll be in my office just getting on with things not talking to the players who would definitely ask questions as to why I'm not wearing my ring. Something I didn't account for out of pure stupidity is all my co workers as soon as I arrived they asked about my weekend just to be nice but just being reminded of everything that happened hurt. One then asked where my ring was as I never take it off and I had to just lie and say I took it off for something and forgot to put it back on all while trying to hold back tears. 
When I was finally in the confines off my office I couldn't hold back the tears anymore my whole world has been turned upside down and here I am trying to act like everything is normal which is so much harder than I thought. Even my office still portrays my perfect life my pc background is of me and my ex fiancé and I have so many pictures of us throughout my office. In my desk draw I even have an ultrasound picture from my first ultrasound which made me think about the fact that my baby has to grow up without a dad which I was so against for my own kids as I know the struggle. 
As I was sobbing I thought I heard a knock at my office door but no one said anything so I just kept crying until I felt a hand on my shoulder which scared the living daylights out of me. Part of me wanted to punch whoever or whatever was behind me but instead I just jumped back and turned around at the speed of light. My soul came back into my body when I realised that it was just Jude although I still kind of wanted to punch him for scaring me so badly. That's when it hit me that Jude had just seen me crying my eyes out and I have to explain why I was so upset which only made me cry again thinking about it. Jude knelt down in front of me and tried to wipe my tears as they fell but he couldn't keep up so instead he tried comforting me to stop the tears altogether. 
It took a while but eventually I had no more tears left to cry and I was forced to try and regulate my breathing again. As I tried calming myself down my morning sickness kicked in at full force and my options were throw up all over Jude or try and make to to the bathroom so I picked the second option and ran towards the bathroom. I made it just in time and apparently so did Jude as I felt him gather my hair and hold it back while rubbing my back. He must think I'm insane as I've just cried in front of him for 20 minutes now I'm throwing up but his opinion of me is the least of my worries right now. 
"Are you ok?" Jude asked once I had stopped throwing up 
"Yeah I'm fine" I lied 
"Whats wrong and before you tell me there's nothing wrong I know there is no one cries that much for no reason" Jude said 
"I'm just going through a hard time" I said 
"Look you don't have to tell me but it might help to get things off your chest plus I promise I won't tell anyone" he said 
"Ok but be prepared it's a lot" I said 
"Friday night when I got home my fiancé left me a note saying he was leaving me for another woman that he'd been cheating on my with for nearly a year and to top it all off I'm 10 weeks pregnant with our baby" I explained 
"Oh wow that is a lot" he commented 
"I knew I shouldn't have said anything I'm sorry" I said suddenly feeling insecure 
"No no I don't mean it like that I just wasn't expecting you to be holding onto so much I don't know how you are even here right now I'd be wallowing in bed" Jude said which made me smile 
"Look I know we aren't extremely close but you confided in me and as long as you'll let me I want to be there to support you with anything you need and I mean anything if you need a shoulder to cry on I'll be there and if you want someone to beat up your ex I'm on it" he said completely seriously 
"Thank you your support would mean a lot just don't tell anyone at least not right now" I said 
"You got it I won't utter a word to anyone else until you are ready" he said miming zipping his mouth
3 months later 
The last few months have been difficult but Jude has made my life so much easier. Every day after training he comes to my office usually with a snack of some form and just sits and talks with me as I work. He also gave me his number so anytime I need to talk I can call him or text him and he'll be right over no matter the time. He's been more caring and supportive in the last few months than my ex ever was throughout our whole relationship. I've come to realise that maybe this situation isn't all bad as if none of this had happened I'd still be with my ex settling for what I know now was a shitty relationship at best. He never cared for me he was just there and did what was necessary to stop me leaving but Jude has taught me that I deserve better as even though we are just friends I've enjoyed his company way more than my ex's.
Not only has Jude been there for me emotionally he has been physically present when I need him. He has come to some baby appointments with me he is too busy to make them all but he tries to be there as often as he can. The first time he came he didn't come in with me he just waited outside for me but the second time I let him come in and since then if he can make it he always comes in with me. It has been nice having someone else with me to keep me calm as they check that the baby is developing as they should be and having someone else there when I found out the gender was nice too. I think Jude was more excited than I was to find out I was having a girl I went sure if I wanted to find out but Jude convinced me as he wanted to plan an on theme baby shower for me so that I had some good memories of this pregnancy.
Today is the day of the baby shower and I haven't had to lift a finger Jude and some of the other boys have planned it all and are setting up. The party isn't even being hosted at my place Jude said he'd set everything up at his and he promised to pick me up so I'm literally doing nothing other than turning up. My morning was so relaxing I was able to spend as much time as I wanted getting ready doing my hair and makeup all nice and putting on my dress which I got when out with some friends as they insisted that I looked too good not to buy it. For the first time in a while I actually felt really good, pregnancy has been really hard on my self confidence but I must admit that I look good all done up. 
Jude arrived right on time to pick me up and he even brought me a cupcake in case I was hungry which at this point in my pregnancy I pretty much always am. When we arrived Jude made me close my eyes and led me all the way through his house back outside to the garden where I opened my eyes to see everyone already there and everything decorated perfectly. I nearly cried seeing everyone there for me I've felt so alone and like no one cares about me at times but knowing that they all took time out of their days to come here means so much to me. I made my way round and talked to everyone thanking them all for coming before Jude dragged me away and got me to sit next to a table which was stacked with gifts. Everyone had gotten me such lovely things and some essentials some of which I hadn't even thought about myself yet. Once I had opened everything from everyone Jude invited it was time to open the things he had gotten for me. He went completely overboard getting all sorts of really expensive items such as cribs, car seat, stroller he thought of it all. 
"Thank you so much Jude you don't need to get me all this in fact you shouldn't have it's all so expensive" I said 
"I wanted to you've had a hard time and you deserve nice things for the baby which I knew you wouldn't get for yourself" he said 
"Well thank you I don't know what else I can say or do to show you how much I appreciate all this" I said 
"You don't need to do or say anything I can tell by the tears in your eyes that you appreciate it and knowing you are happy is all I need" he said 
4 months later 
So many people have told me to stop working and start my maternity leave but I just hit 38 weeks so I have a bit more time left and I don't want to waste my time off if the baby could not arrive for up to 3 weeks. I need as much maternity leave available for after the baby is here as possible as I'm the only one who will be looking after her and I can't bring myself to put her in daycare until she's closer to one which is when I'd come back to work. Working while this pregnant is difficult as I can't move as quickly as I used to and I have to pee what feels like every few minutes but I push through and get everything done with a bit of help from coworkers and Jude when he's around. 
This morning I woke up with pain in my lower back which isn't completely unusual but for some reason it felt different to the back pain I normally have. Despite the pain I got myself ready for work and drove to the training centre as that's where my office is. I made it to my office and started turned on my pc and started gathering the things I need for the day when I felt liquid tricking down my leg then it happened a big gush of what looked like water hit the floor. It felt like time stopped for a few minutes as I just stood there looking at the floor panicking slightly because as much as I tried to prepare for this moment now it's actually happening it's quite scary. Past me was prepared for this situation though as she brought spare clothes to the office a few weeks ago and I put my hospital bag in the car just incase. 
After a few minutes of panicking my rational brain kicked in and I got myself changed and found my phone so I could start timing my contractions. I waddled my way from my office down to the physios area of the training centre as I knew Jude would be there as he picked up an injury a few weeks ago so he's still getting treatment. My idea was to just deal with the contractions on my own for a while until I felt like I needed to go to the hospital but they were slightly more painful than I expected and I just didn't want to be alone. Jude had told me if I needed him he'd make himself available so I’m definitely going to take him up on that at least for a little while. 
He was exactly where I expected him to be but he definitely wasn't expecting to see me because as soon as he spotted me he told the physio to stop what he was doing and leapt off the bed towards me. There was a moment where he was clearly processing what must be going on as I never come and find him during the day and definitely not wearing comfy clothes like I am right now. It took him a second but it eventually he worked out why I was there and he looked just as panicked as I felt. 
"Oh my god are you ok do we need to go to the hospital?" He asked 
"First off I'm as good as I can be and two we can't go yet my waters have just broken I just didn't want to be alone" I said 
"Ok let me talk to Carlo and then we can go back to your office until it's time" he said 
"Wait do you need anything?" He asked before running off 
"Just some water please I didn't get chance to fill up my bottle" I said 
"Got it go back to your office and I'll be there before you know it" he said 
He wasn't wrong he got there just after I did although he did have the advantage of being able to run and not having to stop for contractions. As soon as he arrived he took over the timing of my contractions and let me squeeze his hand when I needed to although I didn't want to hurt him so I didn't squeeze too hard. Things started progressing a lot quicker than I expected and my contractions really started to hurt as they got closer and closer together which made it harder to stop myself from making too much noise like I had been. 
"Thats 5 minutes apart now" Jude said 
"It fucking feels like it" I groaned
"Do you have everything in your car?" Jude asked 
"Yeah my hospital bag and car seat are all in there" I replied 
"How about I drive your car to the hospital then so you can have everything you need" he suggested 
"That sounds like a good idea but when we get there please don't leave I don't think I can do this on my own" I said 
"I won't leave you don't worry as long as you want me there I'll be there but if you want me gone at any point just tell me it's all up to you but first let's get to the hospital" he said 
From the second we arrived at the hospital things went by so quickly I'm not sure that I remember everything that happened. What I do know is that I was already 6cm dilated when we arrived and things only progressed from there. I did a lot of walking around trying to let gravity do some of the work but when a contraction hit I couldn't keep going I had to grab onto whatever was nearest which sometimes was the bed and other times was Jude as he followed me around. 
When it got to the point that I was nearly ready to start pushing I considered whether I wanted Jude to stay because I really value the bond we've built over the last few months and I don't know if I want to ruin that by making him watch me give birth. My feelings for him go past that of just friends but of course he doesn't feel the same way as why would he want someone who's just about to birth another man's baby. Maybe having him stay would mean he doesn't want to see me again which would help me get over my feelings but then again I don't know if a harsh break in our friendship is what I need right now. In the end my fear of doing this alone won so I asked Jude if he was comfortable staying and to my surprise he said yes and promised he wouldn't look while laughing which definitely lifted the tense atmosphere in the room. 
All the doctors and nurses filed into the room and put my bed in the right position and put my legs in the foot holds on the bottom of the bed. Jude was stood right by my side as the nurses instructed me on how to breathe and when to push. It was definitely painful but the nurses and Jude kept encouraging me which kept me going even when I wanted to give up. All it took was a few minutes until I heard the most amazing sound of my daughter crying for the first time. There was no energy left in me to use to stop the tears so I just let myself cry and the tears only intensified when my baby girl was placed on my chest for the first time. She was just so perfect I don't think I've ever felt more love for anyone or anything in my life. Jude tried wiping the tears from my face but they were only replaced by more in just a few seconds. 
The nurses had to take my baby girl to do all of the necessary tests to make sure she is healthy which pained me as I just wanted to hold her but I know it's important. It was only then that I realised that I was still holding Jude's hand so I went to let go but he just held my hand tighter. I looked into his eyes and he too had tears in his eyes which made me even more emotional. His free hand pushed my hair back as it had become a mess over the many hours of labour I had been through. As he moved my hair out the way he leant down and completely unexpectedly his lips met mine in what was the best kiss I've ever had in my life. It was unexpected but I kissed him back pretty much straight away but he pulled away after a few more seconds. 
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that I crossed a line I'm sorry" he said 
"Don't be sorry I enjoyed it I've had feelings for you for a while I just didn't think you'd want me" I said 
"How could I not want the most beautiful girl in the world" he smiled 
"I hope you know I come with my mini me now" I laughed 
"I wouldn't have it any other way" he said 
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LMAOO this is such a weird req I feel but I want a platonic Kishibe x reader where the reader is someone he raised and took out of a harsh environment as a kid and after trying to give them a more normal life the reader wants to be a devil hunter and Kishibe’s like really conflicted about it 😭
Father Figure {Kishibe}
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A/n: lol it is not a weird request, in fact, it is very interesting. Hopefully you'll like it, thank you for requesting. Sorry if it came out short but I had no idea how to enlarge it and still stay in the subject
Pairing: platonic Kishibe x reader
Trigger warnings: mentions of rough family life, mentions of death,
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When Kishibe and you met, you were crying in the external staircase of the apartment building your parents and you stayed in. He was still relatively young back then, a little less emotionless.
At first he didn't pay any attention, not because he didn't care but because the amount of kids he saw everyday crying because of falling victims of devils was insane. So at first he thought that a devil had most probably killed your family.
Naturally he approached you, gently asking what's wrong and when you flinched at even him speaking to you, he knew that it wasn't a devil who had made you cry.
In a matter of two hours, you moved in with him.
And Kishibe had no idea what to do with you. He had never taken care of a child let alone an emotionally broken one. But he eventually managed just fine, providing you a more than decent life and doing his best to make the remaining of your childhood as best as possible.
And all of a sudden you come up to him and tell him that you want to be a devil hunter.
"No." He said coldly and took a drug from his cigarette.
"Give me one good reason."
"You'll die." His response came out naturally because that was what the harsh reality was. Devil hunters died. At that point devil hunters dying in their line of work felt like death from natural causes. And Kishibe would be damned if he let you die like that. Even though he had been hesitant about raising you at first, he now felt as if you were his own child and no parent would let their child march to their death.
"You've taught me how to fight." He couldn't lie... you were right. He had taught you how to fight but it was purely for self defense.
"You're understuffed."
"It's not a good enough reason." Kishibe finally put his cigarette out in the ashtray and looked at you. "I hate what I am about to say but... back when I took you under my wing, you were given a second chance at life." There was a small pause during which you couldn't deny the tension in the room. Kishibe was looking at you with tired eyes, eyes that had seen so much death. "Don't let it go to waste."
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theferrarieffect · 3 months
jealousy, jealousy - chapter 3: the boys are back
f1 fanfic: lestappen (max x charles)
previous chapter | next chapter
summary: the twitch quartet decides to hit the games, for old time's sake. and charles finds out that there is a lot more to the guys than they let on...
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chapter 3: the boys are back
“Oh my god,” Charles groaned as he ran over yet another virtual patch of dirt. “This is frustrating me so much.”
“If Alex didn’t have his problems in the straight—” Lando’s pixelated face complained from the corner of Charles’ monitor.
George snickered evilly as he clipped Alex’s rear right, even as his own lawnmower spun out.
“GEOOOOOOORGE!!! PLEASE!!! What the fuck, honestly, this guy—”
Charles navigated a turn to the left.
Then someone moaned, except the word moan did not do whatever that sound was justice. Mooed, maybe, like a fucking cow.
“What the—” he heard George say.
“WHAT WAS THAT???” Lando howled.
Charles couldn’t stop gasping. “DID YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF, ALEX?” he barely made out, before emitting an involuntary high-pitched shriek of laughter.
“Whaaaat?” Alex cried helplessly among the din.
“What was this NOISE, Alex?” Charles demanded. A tear snaked its way down each cheek. And then another. And then he realized he was crying, really crying, and he threw down his headset and ran to the bathroom.
“Alex,” Lando growled, “we lost Charles cause of you!"
Charles shuddered over the sink, splashed some water on his face, and ran back to his rig. “Sorry lads.”
“Whatever, Alex ruined any chance we had to keep playing,” Lando sneered. Alex rolled his eyes and flipped the lid off the top of a beer.
“Guys,” George said. “Not gonna lie, this has me kind of emo for the pandemic days.”
Charles felt a wave of relief wash over him. He wasn’t the only one who’d felt so…mushy. The crying might have been instigated by Alex being a complete degenerate, but he was suddenly overwhelmed by the realization that he and these three other guys, whose literal job it was to overtake each other on the track, had survived some of the worst days by just…existing together. Playing their games. Laughing when there wasn’t much else to laugh about.
“Aw, quit it George,” Lando said, “you’re gonna make Charles cry again.” George laughed amicably, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. And as the guys said their goodbyes and signed off, Charles’ DM lit up.
GR63 You okay? charlesleclerc haha yeah sry for game again GR63 Lmfao Alex is an idiot not your fault stay on call
“What’s up?” Charles asked, when he and George were alone on the Discord.
George raised an eyebrow. “Just seemed like you were going through it for a second there, that’s all,” he said, in his smooth George way.
Charles was taken aback. George, although arguably a notch above Lando and Alex on the emotional intelligence scale, never was all that close with Charles. He suddenly remembered George being interviewed for his first points in 2021, his normally photogenic face crumpling as he cried. Actually, who was he kidding, the bastard was beautiful even when he did cry. Some people were just immune to blotchy faces and snotty noses, and the Brit’s worst was everyone else’s most fabulous. But perhaps it was that memory that inspired Charles to say, probably against his better judgment, “Maybe I am.”
“What’s going on?”
“Hmm, well…I dunno, do you ever feel like you don’t know what the other guys on the grid think of you?”
George looked thoughtful. “Yeah, definitely I do.”
“Well? Doesn't that stress you out at all?”
“I mean, sure it does. I guess that’s why the whole communication, team bonding thing is important. I just try to be honest with Lewis, we’re obviously not always on the same page all the time, but I’ve never regretted just telling him what I think. Or just asking him what he honestly thinks about—”
Charles realized that George thought he was hinting at drama between him and Carlos. Or scared about the prospect of having Hamilton as his teammate next year. “Wait,” he said hastily. “Just so you know, things are chill with Carlos. In fact, they’ve been pretty great. I’m gonna be sad when he leaves. But I’m not worried about Lewis, either.”
“Oh,” George said, now looking confused. “Then what exactly are you talking about?”
Charles panicked. He couldn’t just tell George Russell, Max, yeah, that Max, has hated me since we were literally children, and for a long time I hated him too. Then we tried to not hate each other, but now we’ve had these just—weird, that’s really the only way to describe it, moments that I keep replaying in my head, and it’s just driving me insane at this point. It’s the rival thing, right? Please tell me I’m actually just obsessed with winning, not obsessed with—
“Earth to Charles,” George said pointedly.
Charles felt his ears go violently red. “Sorry,” he squeaked.
“Jesus,” George said, his face softening. “Are you sure it’s a grid problem, as opposed to, I don’t know, a girl problem?”
“Ah, yeah. I mean, no. I mean, yeah, it’s like a girl problem. But it’s really a grid problem.” What? Charles was pretty sure he wasn’t capable of forming complete sentences at this point.
George folded his hands and leaned back in his chair. “I’m going to ask you a very, very personal question, and you don’t need to answer it if you don’t want to.”
Charles stared at him blankly.
“Do you like guys?”
Charles burst out laughing. George looked annoyed.
“No! I mean, of course I do as mates, just, you know, not like that. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” George said, although his lips were tight at the corners. “Although I wouldn’t say that in front of Lando.”
Charles was dumbstruck. “Lando’s gay?”
“Bi. Didn’t you know? He had a thing for you at one point even. Max shut that shit down pretty quick though.”
Charles didn’t know what was more shocking, the revelation that Lando actually liked men, or that Max had, for some unknown reason, tried to prevent Lando from making a move on Charles. “Max?” he asked weakly.
“I mean, nothing against Lando,” George said. “He was convinced you weren’t straight. Max said a bunch of shit about how long he’s known you and that you were definitely not into guys. And then all the guys kind of realized at that point that you’d never really said anything one way or the other.”
He supposed this made sense. Sure, Charles had dated a few girls in the past, but before he became really famous, and none very seriously at all. And as for boys…never had he even considered the fact that he could be with one. But why was Max so convinced he was straight?
“Uh, hey, George,” Charles said. “Are you?”
George smirked cryptically. “I’m only going to say this because you seem to be going through a bit of a crisis, and I will personally put an end to your rear wing if this gets out, but I did kiss Alex once, a long time ago.”
Charles gaped.
“For absolutely no reason,” George continued. “We were alone at a party winding down, and he was giving me these eyes, and I suddenly felt like I…had to. Like if I didn’t, everything would just be wrong.”
“And how did that go?” Charles tried to keep his voice steady.
“I think it helped that we were a little drunk,” George chuckled. “We just carried on like it never happened for a while, then Alex got together with Lily. Actually, I talked to Lily and she told me that she knew about it. It was casual for him, I guess. All in good fun, just two stupid blokes. So then I knew I could joke about it with him.”
Charles relaxed. So George had just given it a go, and it was all fine. Probably a good experience, if anything, for them. Having a mate you could be that comfortable with…it must have been nice.
Then he thought of something.
“But it was casual for you too, yeah?”
George’s smile faded.
“I don’t know.”
notes: OKAY so i know i said there would not be more ~main~ content till next gp but i made the mistake of watching the twitch quartet stream which inspired this chapter HAHA i have fully given up on following the season and am now taking inspo from past gps
creative liberties were taken portraying the twitch quartet video and when it was made - irl, it was streamed 2020 during pandemic but obviously this takes place in the 2024 season ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also....spicy spicy georgeeee ;) ngl, not sure if we're going to dig into george's emotional turmoil...i love him so much, i might just have to write him his own fanfic.
bonus george advice if you too happen to be going thru some shit <3
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ilexdiapason · 9 months
(part one here) (part four here)
Oli doesn't try to broach the subject again until the pizza is delivered and the ice cube is a soaked-up puddle in a napkin on the coffee table.
When he does, though, it's with his hands in his lap and his best efforts to not sound like a scolding teacher. "You wanna tell me what that was about?"
Martyn, in lieu of answering, pulls open the pizza box and wiggles a slice free from the still-stringing cheese. His fingertips bounce it between them, ginger; he bites down and clearly regrets it. Still, he chews, mouth caught in a conflict between ventilating the heat and keeping his secrets sealed tight shut behind it.
"Come on," Oli continues, gentle as he can push it. "I can't help you if I don't know what the problem is."
Martyn swallows. He looks like he's deliberating.
He must decide, whatever the stakes of this crisis are, that Oli's worth it, because he does reply.
"You know," he says, quiet, "I wasn't kidding when I said you should keep your computer away from me."
"Do you want me to take it upstairs?"
"I mean - bit late now. But yeah, that'd probably help."
So he probably has the conviction that something, somebody, is listening in through the machine. That's understandable; if whatever his situation was involved him being able to join some random strangers' games, he probably had a computer, and it was probably monitored, which would explain why he's so terrified of being tracked. It makes about as much sense as anything else in this exchange does. 
Even if it didn't, though, Oli still would have taken his laptop back upstairs, tapped out a quick notice that he'd be unavailable for the rest of the day, and tossed it on his bed - and his phone beside it, after a moment's thought. Martyn's comfort is what really matters here.
"There we are," he says on his way back in, "the highest-tech thing in the room now is probably the microwave."
Martyn offers him a thin smile, which feels more like progress than anything else.
"Right." He sits back down, takes his own piece of pizza (which by now is a far more edible temperature than it must have been when Martyn tried it), and gets the whole thing down before he takes another shot. "You want to start, or shall I?"
Martyn exhales amusement. "Go on then. Tell me what you know."
"Not a lot," Oli admits, "apparently. You don't make a lot of sense. You fell out of the sky, you still seem fairly surprised that things are real, you didn't know we’d been playing Minecraft - and you were calling me CHEST agent, which isn't a job title my company offers, as far as I'm aware. What, were you born in a video game?"
"I told you I was born in Nottingham."
"That might have been a cover story!"
"Nah. Wouldn't lie about that. I am a real boy, Gepetto, you can believe me on that one."
"Well, there's one thing I know for sure about you," Oli says. "All this talk of being in there, though. I don't know. VR?"
"Something like. You -" he hushes his voice, even though it's the middle of the afternoon and the neighbours won't be home "- you're, like, a normal CHEST employee, then? Front end stuff?"
"Yeah. I told you, I'm a software dev. If it's a front, I'm not in on the secret."
"God," says Martyn, "okay, so you're still not safe, but… okay, telling you this now, you're not getting the whole truth. But your company sucks and you should quit your job."
"Sucks like questionable QA policies or sucks like torturing teenagers in the basement?"
"I - shit," says Martyn, "a lot of those agents might have been folks like me, huh. Damn. Least I never killed anyone."
"I seem to remember you being pretty handy with a knife."
"Yeah, 'cause none of that was real, I was a bloody rat in a maid dress. You can't be on at me for killing people there."
"Suppose Jimmy killed the gardener."
"So, what, CHESTCorp have figured out how to turn VR into R, and you got caught up in it?"
"Not CHEST," Martyn takes another go at his slice of pizza, "just Doc. It's real experimental stuff. You're lookin' at test subject number one, I'm pretty sure."
"And now that you're not a test subject any more," he finishes, "you're having trouble readjusting."
"I guess. It's just… y'know, like, it's nice to be back, but… weird. Incredibly weird."
"Two and a half years would do it," Oli nods.
They take another lull to properly eat. Oli hadn't realised before this how starving he is; he would have thrown something together from the groceries he'd picked up if he hadn't had a guest to entertain. Martyn, too, seems fairly intent on ingesting an entire pizza by himself. His mother’s voice sounds inside his head, urging him to slow down, but Oli ignores it. If Martyn ends up with stomach problems it’ll just be another stark reminder that he’s not… trapped in a virtual reality simulator, he supposes.
“So, er,” he picks back up, once they’ve cleared the wedges and made more than a dent in the pizza, “what now?”
“You’ve gone through all that. Nobody’s going to believe you, I assume, if this stuff’s as top-secret as it seems to be.”
“Kinda thing you’d need a two-hour primer with your therapist for,” Martyn nods, “and a lot of faith in doctor-patient confidentiality.”
“But, what, do you just… go home?”
“I’d like to,” he says. “I would really, really just like things to go back to normal.”
There’s a silence. But they can’t rings clear as a bell in the air between them anyway.
Martyn looks down at the last three slices of pizza. “You should take me home.”
“You’re sure?”
He swallows. “Yeah. I’ll just… I’ll be a big surprise for my parents when they get back home from work. And then I’ll add you guys on Discord, and hopefully we’ll be able to talk more on there?”
“Hopefully,” says Oli, meaning it more than anything. His entire life’s been pretty much flipped on its head by this encounter. “We’re always wondering about you, y’know. Or, I mean, I am. Owen probably thinks you’re there from Apo, Apo probably thinks you’re there from Owen, all that, but… Hard not to wonder who the hell you really were, when you would never act like it was actually a game.”
“I mean, it’s all a game, isn’t it, really?” Martyn muses, half-distant. “Just in the long dream now.”
“Is that from the End Poem?”
“Is it?”
Oli shakes his head. No time for all that. “So I’m driving you back to Nottingham, and… you’ll DM me when you can?”
It’s the best he can ask for.
Martyn refuses to tell Oli his exact address, just asks him to drive close enough that Martyn can walk the rest of the way home. It’s understandable - a CHESTCorp employee knowing Martyn’s exact location is, apparently, an incredibly dangerous thing - but still a little concerning. He’d at least like to be sure that Martyn won’t be getting poached back by this Doc guy at the earliest notice. Still, Martyn’s comfort remains the most important thing, and so he leaves his Google Maps at home.
It’s a bit of an autopilot drive, even without directions. Oli feels the wheel under his fingers, the pedals under his feet, like they’re abstracts. He looks over once or twice and sees Martyn glued to the window, to the mirrors, hypervigilant; he hopes that Martyn feels a little more real now than he did before.
They’re idle at a semi-populated roundabout when Martyn straightens his back. “Second exit, then pull over,” he announces.
“Almost there?”
“Pretty close.”
Oli obliges.
Martyn, with just the barest tremor in his fingers, pops the car door and steps out.
“You’re sure you’re gonna be okay?”
The words leave Oli’s mouth in a rush, the emotion behind them probably more visceral than Martyn is expecting, if the way he startles at them is any indication.
“Because - ‘cause if you need a hotel, or cash, or -”
“No,” says Martyn, “no, I’m fine. Promise.”
He hesitates, hand on the open car door, a few more seconds.
“And thanks,” he finishes, “I don’t - I’m not - I don’t know. Appreciate it.”
Oli understands what he’s getting at. “Stay safe, okay?”
“Nah, I’m gonna throw myself right in the Trent when you’re gone,” Martyn smiles, and Oli dutifully ignores the crack in his voice. Blame it on the last vestiges of teenagehood.
“And if you do end up needing to - I suppose erase all traces of your old life online… then it’s been an honour.”
“... Good luck.”
“Talk to you later,” Martyn says, and slams the car door closed.
All Oli can do, once he’s ambled out of eyeshot, is mechanically drive back home.
So that was InTheLittleWood. Friend group cryptid, unethical experiment, man with more trauma than Oli could ever begin to help him deal with… but man he was able to feed, and house, and walk through an emotional response, which is better than nothing at all. The one person in the world who Oli could almost hit with his car and have that be a better situation than the one he’d just escaped from. Still a mystery, too; he’s left Oli with far more questions than answers, left him returning to an empty house and wishing he’d been selfish enough to make Martyn stay a little longer, talk a little more.
Oli picks up his phone where he’d tossed it in the bedroom.
He has one new email to his work address.
Human Resources 3:04 PM
to me ˅
Subject: Performance Review
Dear Oliver,
You have been scheduled for a performance review. You are required to report to our Shoreditch location by 09:00 tomorrow, Tuesday December 12th. Failure to comply with this request will result in disciplinary proceedings, which may lead to your subsequent termination.
Human Resources
That’s… well.
The word termination is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that threat.
… Okay, so they’re working to a deadline now. That’s fine. He can deal with that. Martyn’s been dealing with far worse, right?
The friend request, at least, flips through from pending to accepted.
TheOrionSound — Today at 16:14
[Attachment: Screenshot_20231025_161408.png]
InTheLittleWood — Today at 16:14
(end! now on ao3, if you’d like to leave a comment slash kudos slash bookmark!)
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