#and god i hope we can burn disney to the ground
stackthedeck · 4 months
I fully recognize that being sad about losing my blorbos is not like a Real Problem, but I've decided that given the whole Sabra situation I can't in good conscience ever support Marvel again, and every day I remember another character that I'm never gonna get to see again and I get so sad. How are you dealing with it?
Okay fun answer that is like so deeply unserious but like i do think it is practical if you're like me and fandom has been your main hobby and identity for years. and then i'm putting the more political and upsetting answer under the cut because frankly they should be separate posts but I only got the one ask
I've been dealing with it but like forcing another hyper fixation lmao which you know doesn't work for everyone but like hey join me in booster gold and blue beetle brain rot!! It's super easy to not talk about marvel if all i want to talk about is other characters from dc and indie comics. I'm not buying marvel comics anymore because I've gotta save my money to buy the current blue beetle run. I can't post marvel fics right now, I'm working on boostle fics and I'm hoping that if I scream loud enough about them I'll have convinced enough people to read their comics and they'll have 1000 fics on ao3 by the end of the year
To some extent I still think about the characters in marvel that I hold dear, I'm still doing fandom for them through discord and continuing fics and i still reblog art on here. I do this because the cultural capital of those actions are negligible that the marvel brand and disney company really gaining nothing for it and i truly believe that all art needs to be discussed and thought about especially when the creator is problematic and like deeply involved in politics. I'm still thinking and talking about marvel because the space i gave it in my heart and brain never goes away and like quitting cold turkey this thing that's been in my life since i was 8 isn't super attainable. but I'm not doing these fandom behaviors on tiktok because it's a larger platform with no nuance, a younger demographic, and it's designed to sell you things. If I talk about marvel on that platform, aside from making people aware of the boycotts it is giving disney cultural capital and frankly it'll probably convince people to buy from the disney company. Still think deeply about these works because when we stop looking, we give ourselves permission to miss the actual messaging. when we say art has no value, we can't see it's values it portrays and we let too much shit slide.
I've found that the way i've distanced myself most from all my positive fandom feelings for marvel is through becoming more aware of the politics around comics. Getting really deep into the history of comics and the film making process of the mcu movies scratched a fandom itch in my brain, but most importantly I became so deeply and terribly aware of how the modern superhero genre has so deeply lost the plot. I gave a tedx speech about this on my campus and written a few papers about it but like Jack Kirby and Joe Simon made the character of Captain America to plead with their government to stop the oppression and genocide of their people in europe, they received death threats from nazis because they did that, despite the way people view the character as propaganda for the us military, steve rogers was first and foremost two men using fiction to beg for change and for their government to get involved to save lives. And now marvel studios is using the company they started to platform a character that represents the legitimacy of a settler state, marvel studios who is funded in part by the pentagon, who with every new movie results in increased enlistment in the military, is platforming a character that declares the right of israel to exist as it does now with the same tactics and symbols kirby and simon used to create a character that was made to stop genocide. It just makes me sick. It is a complete and total pervasion of who kirby and simon were and what they stood for. I respect their work too much to continue buying from marvel studios in any form and i can't stomach any of the new storylines the comics are telling because this isn't what comics are supposed to be
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I think about this spider-man costume that was found in the rumble of a home in Gaza (link to original post) and i think about how these stories connect us, how there was a little boy who need to feel strong and powerful who wanted to be a hero and he was killed for the crime of being born Palestinian but he's no different than any other child i've loved in my life. and this multibillion dollar company funded his death, sanctioned the idea of it through the art they create, and my tax dollars fund every step of it. When I look at Spider-Man, a character who i grew up with, I can feel only grief and rage.
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yukinojou · 2 years
The Sandman - rewatch the first...
Some notes on rewatch, to continue from previous babble:
It's amazing how good CGI can look when composited into practical sets where the light on the actors and the set bits nearest to them freaking matches. The pan towards the decayed Dream realm works because that light is there, right on the floor and the actors, and the CGI is matched to all the real textures. Can someone show it to Disney plzkthx?
The red lamps in Roderick's office being lit in the morning of Jessamy's death are a Thing.
Cain and Abel are so perfectly in sync.
I like the rapid cutting in the Hecatae scene much better on second watch, though I still wish we had a close-up on the last shot, the CGI would hit more.
Joanna is really both more practical and more quietly self-destructive than John. Less picturesque, more despairing in a way. More closed off. I still love her messy flat and office.
We don't get Rachel's dad plastered all over the walls, but we do get security guards plastered all over an elevator. That is one picturesque effect.
I do wonder whether the Corinthian didn't push Ethel into her sacrifice play, just a little. But I suspect he was planning on John taking the amulet, not this. Still, he always rolls along with the changes in the plot.
The choice for white light drifting from above in Lucifer's reception room is Something. It does make for moments when live actors and practical sets look like CGI alas, and even worse when there's actual CGI of Satanic St Peter's Square.
That last shot of Lucifer in episode 4 is freaking perfect. So much pride, which is all Lucifer should be about.
There's a doctoral thesis in how much the 24 Hours rewrite focuses on Bette as a writer and writers' fears and stories in general. Morpheus is the Prince of Stories, he's basically the God of Writers, and gods the burning manuscript thing still hurts, the way it's an equivalent to everyone else mutilating and killing themselves.
Lighting two people with skin tones as different as Tom and Kirby must have been a pain. Look at the bench scene, in shots where there's only Tom his skin looks like three tones darker because the camera isn't compensating for all that range.
Tom absolutely nails "younger brother with embarrassing older sister" acting. Like, whoa, the eyerolls alone. They have a perfect sibling vibe.
Come to think of it, Mason and Donna nail it too. The moment where Desire cuddles Despair's crocs is to die for.
Dear Hob, you have a serious case of heart eyes for your friend. And nope, the song choices in the 80s scene aren't helping.
Liking Rose much better this time around, because she does have that writer's remove from the events, that analysing touch. She's usually very in control of herself.
Oh gods, Carl isn't a new character. He's a genderswapped Carla, Lyta's friend who appears in both The Doll's House (like, one panel while Lyta learns that Daniel is Dream's) and The Kindly Ones. So when the Corinthian finds Lyta's home burned to the ground, it's going to be that little bit more personal for him.
In the Doll House arc, Dream suddenly gets texture to his face. It does correspond to his frequently unshaven state in the comics, but I think it’s also a factor of how he’s seen by Rose, who does not expect fae-like perfection. Compare and contrast his skin/makeup in A Hope in Hell for peak inhumanity.
Still utterly amused by the riff on SFF lit conventions. They are exactly like that, complete with the deep hobby conversations with people you've just met.
I love the fact Unity's last sequence has her in a nightie with her upper arms bare - very often a societal taboo for a woman of her age and shape - and no bra. She has the shape of family members of mine❤️
I love the fact someone finally noticed that Gwendolyne Christie has a very renaissance face. Can't wait for season two.
Skipping Dream of a Thousand Cats until I can watch it with my cats, who are still on holidays.
Calliope story / presentation upgrades are good, but dear gods the CASTING. That show should get the best-casting-of-all-time award, because Arthur Darville just disappears into book!Madoc and at the same time gives him so much nuance. Sir Derek Jacobi is having so much fun being sleazy. And then you have Amita Suman, whose deep beautiful eyes steal every scene she's in. Which isn't even touching on Mellisanthi Mahut and how she's a muse statue come to life. (That hair at the end, too!)
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wpdariacutnes · 6 months
Me: redsinging one doodle song because how ask for? Dont get woring say but I dont finks a so good singer but makes dys like note staws sure das can
Someone fakers in levan Hollywood after wings in apple tree wer get me a sevelity from soberiter
Ween get in a funky not enifing a pop little pixel tret after knows a frends a female is grom in witches tress a me not fult a past
After matcher radom kids say me a hollydesly me say so desneliter "well a come deasy a grow in evret stret" because look self so wirdo a me bit bloming flowers in you keness
After say omost cry well me Hollywood get hit a tret
own sisterhood get a nader a sister tutu for
After a been disney stret a funkytowers of kaness
After childhood a frend in mean so creppy mean'less someone say " play me ground on bitches"
After coll knows me aqua endless a fire born/ fly is trenders in someone tret mean
Only say i knows dys angels after hope a levan meed a got hem or her fore a next law quielty eskuze a happy afters a been perfect Bloody merry lie a after Real nitchmer a corupters because care for
While society is falling sylesy a venus mean a eyes
Protecting the planet a funky sidrom after green out a dead face a disgrace of disatsers pal on pau planets
After hiling a childhood healing a gun from disaster a out logic been stres
Turn someome off loghts and form rings a dont give a from a give ballmess
"What have you been doing? Don't forget I get angel stret am your home"
Mister playrode a been Mister destroyer plames matcher on the lines humands " she see eyes on you" after ingnoring me a on the phone
After a angel smoke a cigarettes on until perfect and lames human law
Say enifing humands from been born after hem stick on pall after hem levan a prenesnt law of true a frendship look a so cartoones a Hit on car a care for
"disaster? How hevan a disastelless, you are not matcher my sink a lame master"
how a madd head get a candle
From every
Venus not get a virus come a been a burn fires a learn a hem lines on sea laem light
("Virus come, fires burn")
until human beings learn dont give up a red coll after a anfone enifing lame treat funky on fun
I dont need a bitch girl power on the dessy poison
Me hevan a show not lew limit on humality
Angel same been a treat after same day say a wona been save on renbow a fevolcess
All the bad and good
Hoparsis on sister Hipokrates after been a stret a none happy afters
Or not enifing filings human been for a pall
racism a knows of mean going so funky bit 8 give a venus swart code gam is enifing gay status of dead both
God, forgive America for every single war enifing rage come out a mad head mean LKR expleing a only funny of fun a venus sistem miss it hit
Nothing's hidden anymore a cotroling meed for made us poor a hevanfunk
I dont need a bitch girl power on the dessy poison
I dont need a bitch girl power on the dessy poison
Me meed sistem off the lights afters saver a hillen a need a purge in paget for. . .
Only man see a frends a deasy poisen aftee from both system to need
Until human beings listen only wine a one
"Tell me, who do you think you are, are?"
After bron a womand a hevan been sisater after pall her skin But your home is now your prison
"You forgot that evil stret a without me, you won't go far, far" after she done you a deasy stret cand a terror mean'less
Need to purge the poison from our system
"After on cool in coll get It's your own decision?"
Tell me who do you think you are?
I say a not mess a miss rezan a care save
("Need to purge a venus truse the poison sistem a never dead off a from our her stret on system")
and misoog get a smoke
2007 when size zero was the rage after brake true a venus 1985 pall a born her's
Coll me a so orgenit after orange juse of true line Until human hide a dead beings listen
Britney hit a hazbent one's a meed shaved her head and
All we did was call on say names a get a law her crazed on crazy means frow role sidrom care off
Afters bittle now frow a jail a tame line a truse care off self's
Enifing marina get far a been law jail after kill me a stret a fams stret on both us
After not cool her but dys and enifing gone to jail after care a human and look left on miss a coments
Someone a queen get me a universe on care suvalite sistem after look back a how toking for a so long a get in bus
Me Too went on to veil of venus tarp univers a been seld fire deas in mean man kenss legs stret
Truth and all its glory end a someone cute pastel Madness a futnes bubbles disatser lines on
The ending of a story cry baby's
"It's a new world order not meed a deam on agnry esly a wona do
everything just falls away on self worlds role in you after peretns deatch lines enifing same sagers "
now none a not only belongs to yesterday
Knows a pliss a high a Our life as we knew it
After look a dog a knows me spish and coll had cow
Onlesy ingoring but same a karent dice can't levan law off dys tone
Inside all the love and hate we can now regenerate been so toxic a knowa for
Stopped how we'd been living only say a pastel queen a been on hem shit finks a onbel it only say " bitch you ask for a wona fuck you a been older man a act a little gril fames shit mad heat"
every single day after care it a never heppend after me knows a heppend on smile
I dont need a bitch girl power on the dessy poison
I dont need a bitch girl power on the dessy poison
I dont need a bitch girl power on the dessy poison
Karen cry a Need to purge the poison from my system after total get a gun on enifing shit quent on Gucci been a haunt bitch dog longs
Like how you spek stret a ween for a toch it a wona elsating electric funk
a haow on after cry a one bitches
is lames a wona faceploe a me on shit
a lafing a evil hazbent killer hoa
After cry a me so rap funkytown a so trauma a knows Relax a care seld bitch~
Tell me, who do you think you are, are?
Until human beings listen hoa~
After mean female a cutness is bullshit
Someone say a wona bitch in me kness a limps a care sheep cake shit witch a kill it a rage out's
Like not coment~
Only so chill a grap on anfone coll after a female is disaster a trauma on in rage the radę care a ritch bitch~ coll me family treat a none frends a shit~
"After gril get out a pussycat but dys a none sider on destryer bus hit" after only look sleep face "ween get bro"
After someone more dark snik say hem spish a enifing chill a toking same legvich a knows me hamer a little shit hoa~
She knows a deam mean male lot me howa frend wona been cool a knows drinks me legs fruntes a her lipnes on lame
Someone knows "head of her a bitch"
Knows me maen a male after so sidrom dobert a shit "chill a ass a gril powers hopelss!? Hit me snake cake a care on ritch on you boobis shit" after smile a never heppend and play cute
After say a deam care a frends
After care a bulling because her matcher is same a hamer witch rep "It's your own disainer ones decision dont coll a witch ritch bitchess for"
But your home is now your none prison a backworn a had what?. . .
Only stand up a only fron me a look a rund on someone been here
After she so panik a say
you won't go far, im get self shut a far
Me say
Well you drop self a bulling gum a forgot death note a without me a knows bro hit a bug from a saverlity you devil shit
"You forgot that, without me"
Need to purge the poison from our system~
I dont need a bitch girl power on the dessy poison
Until human beings listen
I dont need a bitch girl power on the dessy poison
Tell me, who do you think you are?
A pikcock a knows a tone Coke a deasy funk poisen a blow a her rage out a how a dead tert show a freek show a blow shit
Like deam friday night funkin after care old spolebrant a get deam blood nose
shit a mood in shit Real plase sone
femi get your momy lolipop a dead soap
I just want a world hevan where I can see the
Like an angel gone to hell
Because say a das ex-frends give deam
Cast the moon under our spell
like a white rose
Because bezz a bees jazz a das a bitch
Eath is lems We only make up bead how
A place so corrupt where a dead of forget name out mean head lmao
Cry a use lmao a knows get lot a back skin a funk but dys a frends tree ween
Sorry a sorry a grilfrend is act me a wery rage a after knows shiti knows mean
A get male frends a rip knows she say so deas frendsoon
Dont supraze a boy say knows a do witch strep a gum in lips
Deam~ gril so lame is act like man a gril bitch
Yeah here dys male is gril on you play chess idiot
Owning female power, taking back a nader trauma me a enifing femism stick deatch what's home
Pall a deassy in jazz man~ man is hot a gril after so shy more
Deam das skini man like dessy poison das sexy shit
I dont need a bitch girl power on the dessy poison
Not me fund a mank get a red lips a kiss me neck a knows me had went been lol
Only argument is yoru is act like you dumb guy a das boba chess but it
Angel flesh and blood is sold
Man can do like bone on boba~
Man a sexy a red lips a note me a knows me a fuck it a head a self a mad distans sexy
Man can do like bone on boba~
The is born as new ones a wona enotret me
Man wona same pricess out a disney jazz rope on blood flor
But bro gril
Is not me fult a man wona red hils and care a shapen a knows on get self a so "head brunet a funky a hate hem eterus a gril giveshit fuck hem haters in tret"
A fames gril act like animal a knows me a wo enifing care a pisen and toxic apple but dys or frow me a sea none move for
Not me fult a not femism grils powers a white blitch buchu buchu~
None me fult a man filing so female a stage a statuse wona head out's
Man's self say a get red hild a powers a enifing filings a univer staws in star
None me fult a gril get more powers gril powers a cool "pretty jazz pricess just sexy head" enifing gun a war on
Like ugh dys gril is get a fuck hem what been it
After get giggle a man woking a long back hild a care a legs but dys a paparaci in after is fell a more open legs
But supraze fell get blood nose out me lips a finks but dys Man's
Someone more love boy powers enifing lames life going on a enifing boring fork on
Started with a diamond dew
Cupid wona enifing wona man good treat a care you been here
None me ploblem man woring a red legs a more introsting but dys a sexy back likes on line
I dont need a bitch girl power on the dessy poison
Head a Hit on
Man can do like bone on boba~
Man same fuck a hate in get one life
Tell me, who do you think you are, are?
Offical epic note: 17.12.2023.r
0 notes
nityarawal · 2 years
All The Colors Of The Rainbow
Part 3
"I Like Your Vibe"
Morning Songs
Just Saw A
Hanging Over
Thomas Mountain
Sprinkling And
Getting Ready For Snow
Gotta Vote
Up The Mountain
Need A Ride
Need WiFi And 
Living On The 
Edge Of The 
Like An Alien
Next Door
Why Does
Land Endowed
For Camping
Have Same Name
As #BlackLivesMatters
#BLM Is The Wilderness
That Belongs To All Of 
If I Were Camping
Today On The Pacific
Coast Trail
I Might Not Make It
Like Cheryl Strayed
In "Wild"
Just Survived
So Much Pride
That Book Gives 
Me Songs
Dear Sugar
Only Touching
The Edges Of
Mountain Center
Santa Rosa Mountain
Obama's Beauty Wilderness 
Cahuillan Art
Much Like Picasso
If He'd Carved Boulders
Someone Had A Vision
Out Of Rocks
Pre-Historic Birds
Indian Lingums
Fertility Sites
Stories In Heiroglyphs
Fish Like
Disney's Greatest
Swimming Down Rivers
To Springboxes
In Aguanga
How Did All The
Artists Know
Oh My God
There's A Full Rainbow
Oh My God
All The Way Across The Sky 
It's Gone
Should've Taken The Picture
Oh Wow
That Was Stunning 
Thankyou God
How Did They Know?
"I Like Your Vibe!"
A Miracle
Just Saw A Rainbow
Across The Sky
"I LIke Your Vibe!"
How Did They Know
Artists Sometimes 
So High
Did It Really 
I Just Saw
A Rainbow
Across The Sky
It's Gonna Snow
I'm Gonna Vote
Call A Nice Handyman
Or Girlfriend
Up To Idyllwild
Like Pilgrims
For Hundreds of Years 
Before Me
Weather Said 
Snow At 10am
Pretty Rough In A Lexus
No Windshield Wipers
Had To Pull Over Every
2 Minutes
All The Way Home
From Anza
On My Windshield
My Favorite Element
Water- Agua Pura
How Can A Man
Live For 40 Years
With Water Off And On
How Can Our Counties
Harass Our People
Like This
About Such An Important Element
70% Of Our Bodies 
Are Made Of Agua Pura
How Can A Man
Alive Be Wondering
If He'll Lose His
In Probate
Or Divorce Courts
Soon Civil Soldiers
Come- Only One 
Thing Can Be
Pray To God
Pray To Holy
Unified Field
Christ Almighty
Mother Mary
We Respect Them All
We Might Not Have
Tasted All The Colors
Of The Rainbow 
But Our Hearts
Siddhartha - Hesse
Rumi - Hafiz
Our Hearts Did- JFK
Marilyn Monroe
Our Hearts Saw
Flames Of Your Love
John Lennon
Even Though
Your Long Gone
I Felt I Had A
Purple Rose Of Cairo
Moment With
George Harrison
And Saw His Face
Appear On A 
Fertility Rock
Shiva Lingum
Hare Hare Shiva Ram
Wally Says It's
Like The Caves
In India That
Fill With Crystal's
Lunar Moons
Same Sulfer Water
Minerals I Love
Agua Calliente
Of The Mountains
San Bernadino
Is A Serious Range
Had No Wipers
Lexus Warranty
Expired- They
Kidnapped Me On
A Bribe With
Atty Ashby Clark Sorrenson 
And Therapist
Julie Anne Steiger
Slumlorded Me
For Custody
Mental Health Warrants
Restraining Orders
From My Own Attorney
Felt Like She Hooked
A Rockstar We Liked
Lied About Her 
Loyalities On A Bribe
CPS Worker
In The Comfort Of Her
Living Room 
I Told Her Every
Thing And She
Burned Me And 
11 Months
Into Our 1 Year Court
Back To Hawaii
An Auntie
I Listened To
David The Page
Loved His Astronaut Band
Spaceman Trilogy
For Years Tried
To Understand
How She Must've
Shrank Him
Was It For The CIA
I Saw Their Pictures
On Instagram
Looked Like A Fiance
Yet She Lied 
Said She Didn't 
Know Him
Sat On The Edge
Of Her Seat
Reeled Me In For
11 Months Of Recorded
Weekly History
Paid Her $5,000 
Dollars $100 Weekly
She Enjoyed Drawing
From My Card
Saw Her At All The Fancy
Vegan Restaurants And Cafes
Dressed So Warm And Cozy
In Knits
Made Idyllwild Seem
Yet No Alibi
Or Loyalty
To The Sisterhood
She Threw Me Out
On A Bribe
With Broken Ribs 
Covid 19 
Like 3 other Therapists
Hope And Healing
I can't Reccomend
Nor Calm
And Ground Counselling
Tima Ivanova
Only Want To Talk
About The Murders
Of Emily
Julie Anne Steiger Advised Me
To Stay With Irish Rock star
Darin David Joye
Also Known As Diego
Of Birds Of Olympus &
Old Yellers Too
From Oregon Olde Country
But He Had A Bride
And A Step Grandbaby
Waiting back in Wicklow, Ireland
Didn't Understand
Deceit of Dating A Married Man
Under False Pretence
Against Irish Catholic Laws
And My Scottish Faith
Pope Francis
Wouldn't Approve
Lied To Us A Bribe
Bullied For A Plea
With Atty Ashby Clark Sorrenson
Dari Was My Caretaker
Romeo's Too
Enjoyed My Lexus 
With Spud
From Our
Birds Of Olympus
When I Was Caged
Like Abi Odam
For Silencing.org
Mommy Shaming
At Las Calinas
Ladies Detention Center For
UK #PrinceOfPegging Ivy League
Marine Officers
Hiding Their Crimes
With Gag Orders
Cambridge Analytica
Federal Government 
IRS Stripped
My Accounts
Creditors Attacked
Divorce Crushed
My Little Home
Cold- Handyman
Dennis- Lumber
Jack Shined Me For
Two Months while
He and His Jezabelle
Had Covid
I Wrote Josh and 
Dhani- Burnin' 
Prayers For The Universe
It Was Magical
No Money
But Cupboards 
Full Of Herbs
Oils Nutbutters 
Harvested Manzanita Berries
Made Hot Cider From Garden Bushes
I Survived
I Ate Well
Like An Asian
Miso- Gomazio
Sprouted Lentils
Toasted Sesame Seeds
I Enjoy Food
Salty Sweet
Strong Tastes
All 6 Flavors of The Rainbow
Satisfy Me
Even Bitter
And Astringent
I'm So Thirsty
"I Like Your Vibe,"
I Wish I Could
Eat With You
All The Colors
Of The Rainbow
Every Vegetable
And Fruit And
Flavor Too
I Like Your
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
0 notes
eerna · 2 years
Can you elaborate on what you don't like in the pjo books?
Ok here is a list of random things I want to change for the adaptation. It's not full bc it's been a long time since I really really thought about these books, but it's long enough.
1) American Values Propaganda. USA is just as evil and filled with hate and propaganda as their enemies are, and these books really love to ignore that. I understand that it's weird to ask an American author not to be so American, but I am still allowed to be annoyed. Thankfully, the books are already critical of the the system and demand change, so it's not just pure brainwashing and can be easily fixed in the show just by removing certain sentences and paragraphs. This is one of the aspects where HOO did better than PJO, since they were much more divorced from ideals of Western civilization, so I'm hoping they bring that energy over into the adaptation.
2) How demigods influenced WWII. YOU KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. We can just say that demigods supported both sides and the gods figured their kids were uncontrollable and thus made the Big Three Pact. I like smaller jokes about famous demigods like Houdini or whatever, but let's not turn the most well known men of history into magical campers pls.
3) 2000s era misogyny. This is a weird one because these books are pretty progressive on that front while also following the trends of the era??? Like, one of the main ideas of TTC is that men are raised on a system that encourages and rewards them for using women and how women shouldn't be blamed for making extreme choices to avoid it, but we STILL get a girlhating love triangle a book later. So yes, more of the first and less of the second please.
4) LUKE AND ANNABETH. What the FUCK was that. If I am forced to go through that again I will burn Disney down to the ground. So yeah make his love for her a purely brotherly one and her crush unrequited and we are chill and I'll def cry over them.
5) Writing shortcuts that are chill for a kids' book, but will be very annoying onscreen. I'm talking about how no one ever explains anything to Percy, how conversations sometimes feel written around a subject just so it can get explained at a later date, basically anything that is used to build suspense but also makes character seem very dumb and mean and unnatural.
6) To this day I do not understand what the relationship between Annabeth and her dad is supposed to make me feel. I like the concept of a character with a less-than-ideal home life who is still trying to make the best of it, but I just don't understand how bad it is supposed to be? I don't like the idea that she is only making it all up in her head, and the books sometimes agree, so what's the truth? Asking as a big fan of the "MC with a complicated relationship with their father" trope.
7) This is a minor one and makes me laugh more than anything, but maybe explain the incest thing BEFORE your main character has clearly fallen in love and started kissing the girl who appears to be his niece. Looking back it's hilarious how I didn't question it at all as a kid, but nowadays I'm p sure parents will get heart attacks if this isn't cleared up before s5.
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btxtreads · 4 years
Epirus || Choi Soobin
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Part of the Olympus Falls Series 
➴ Pairing: Choi Soobin x Reader ➴ Word Count: 11.5k ➴ Genre: Fluff, Angst, Slowburn ➴ Warnings for this teaser: none ➴ Warnings for this fic: mentions of war, death, mentions of death, soul exchange, ghosts/spirits, a trial, implied smut, a disappearing fetus
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Even when chosen one succumbs to the fields,
the hero will never yield.
To save Olympus and finish the war,
Is everyone’s final goal thus far.
The son of Zeus stands high and proud,
While the other watches happily from the ground.
The war is to end when the other is safe and sound,
To break the chains keeping Olympus bound.
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Y/N collapsed on the floor, her mind racing a mile a minute.
Joonhyuk is dead.
From behind her, she can hear Ari—daughter of Aphrodite and Joonhyuk’s girlfriend—break into hysterics.
Bongjoo—son of Demeter—fretted over the girl and Beomjae—son of Athena—wracked his mind for solutions to the current dilemma.
“What do you mean my brother is dead?” Y/N muttered from her spot at the floor.
No one bothered to reply.
In that one corner, she never felt as alone as she did.
She just lost her little brother, the boy who has been by her side through everything—her little protege who never let the title son of Zeus get in his head.
Joonhyuk, the savior of the prophecy, is dead.
Beomjae’s eyes softened as Y/N pulled herself up.
“He—Joonhyuk can’t die, guys. The prophecy said he’s the hero, the son of Zeus. He’s the only son of Zeus so—“ Y/N stuttered out.
Beomjae approached the girl with a soothing pat on her shoulders.
“I-I know, I don’t understand either, Y/N,” Beomjae sighed.
“We can’t win the war without him,” Bongjoo mumbled.
“Is there any way to get him back?” Ari sobbed. “I love him—I want him back!”
Y/N whirled around to the grieving girl, fire in her eyes as she snarled.
“Can you stop being selfish for once?!” Y/N growled.
Ari cried harder as she glared at the daughter of Zeus.
“Y/N, that’s enough,” Beomjae mumbled soothingly as he pulled the angry girl away. “I can think of a way,”
“Souls have been saved from the Underworld before, through diplomacy and negotiation with Hades,” Beomjae offered.
“Do you think it’ll work?” Ari asked weakly.
“I think so,” Beomjae sighed.
“I think we can pull it off and reason with Hades—after all, it is the war of the gods we’re fighting,” Bongjoo sighed, still comforting Ari.
“Okay, not to be pessimistic—but this is Hades we’re talking about,” Y/N said. “One: we’re not fighting the war of the gods—we’re fighting the war to save Olympus. If you haven’t noticed, Hades is the god that hates Olympus. I doubt he’d care,”
Ari opened her mouth to talk, but Y/N continued her rant.
“Two: This isn’t a Disney cartoon. You can’t just go down and go all Hercules and steal a soul off Styx—Styx doesn’t even have the souls. We won’t know where Joonhyuk is,”
Ari started to cry once more as Beomjae sighed.
“Well, do you have any other solutions?”
Y/N stopped talking, lips pursed as she thought of another loophole.
There wasn’t.
“Well?” Beomjae asked.
Y/N sighed, grabbing her coat from a nearby rack.
“Fine, but I’m going with you,” Y/N said, grumbling under her breath. “If this fails, I told you so,”
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Y/N pulled on the loose threads on her jacket as she groaned.
“I can’t believe this is happening right now,” Y/N hissed.
“Better believe it, we’re here,” Beomjae scolded as he cleared his throat as he looked up at the gigantic door leading to Hades’ castle.
“How exactly do we get in?” Bongjoo asked, flinching as Ari scoffed.
“The faster we get in,” Ari said, stomping forward and pushing the other three demigods out of the way. “The faster I get him back,”
Y/N blinked as Ari pounded on the gigantic wooden door with a scream.
“Hades, let us in!” Ari screamed hysterically. “Let us in!”
Y/N pulled Ari away.
“Calm down—we don’t want to infuriate the god—“
The four demigods looked over at the wooden doors swung open.
Another wooden door was visible at the end of the hall.
Ari brushed Y/N’s hand off her shoulder to shoot the girl a glare.
“You we’re saying?” Ari hissed as she stomped in the castle with an arrogant pep in her step.
“That’s it—we’re going to die,” Y/N said, smacking her lips as she followed Ari into the hall.
As they neared the second door, it swung open as well—and they were met with a man their age.
He was decked in a black turtleneck and jeans as he slumped on the throat—head propped on his palm as he looked onto the group.
“Hi,” he sighed, straightening up. “What can I do for you?”
His voice was so deep, charming—simply alluring.
There was no reply as the demigods looked at each other.
Y/N stepped forward, clearing her throat as she looked at the boy straight in the eyes.
Very cute boy—with long legs, jet-black hair, bright brown eyes, upturned lips.
“We would like to speak with Lord Hades,” Y/N spoke, voice firm and determined.
The boy smiled, chuckling silently as he tilted his head.
“You are speaking to Hades,” The boy laughed.
Y/N’s eyes widened as she turned back to her companions.
By those words, Ari was gaping, Bongjoo looked confused and Beomjae just looked downright shocked.
“Y-You’re Hades?” Ari asked, holding a hand to her mouth. “I thought you’re like 43? You’re not 43—you’re cute!”
Hades blinked on his throne before looking back down at Y/N, coughing awkwardly.
“I—uh—I look like this usually,” The god muttered as he fidgeted in his throne.
He cleared his throat before smiling once more.
“Anyway, what can I do for you?” He asked.
Y/N was mesmerized as every move of the boy made the diamond jewelry on his body glint in the firelight.
She shook her head as Hades looked at her expectantly.
“My brother—his name is Joonhyuk, son of Zeus. He’s the hero of the prophecy for the current war, but he died,” Y/N spoke.
“Prophecy?” The god asked, furrowing his eyebrows. “Like, the war of Olympus prophecy?”
The god look taken aback as he opened his mouth.
“Oh, but,” Hades frowned. “he’s dead, and even I can’t dictate what the fates would decide. If he’s dead, he’s dead,”
“He can’t die, my lord,” Beomjae started, stepping up next to Y/N. “He’s our only chance at winning—and you’re our only chance at getting him back,”
Y/N turned back to the god as he only tilted his head.
Beomjae launched into a monologue of explanation.
“Orpheus and Eurydice—you gave Orpheus a chance to get Eurydice back,” Beomjae reasoned.
“I knew he was going to look back,” The god shrugged. “Wouldn’t cost me a soul, so—“
“Please, Hades,” Ari pleaded.
“I don’t get paid for this shit,” Hades sighed, running a hand through his hair and smiling tiredly over at the demigods. “Fine. There is a way,”
“We’ll do it!” Ari said, stepping up. “What is it, my Lord?”
“I need a soul in exchange of Joonhyuk—there needs to be a balance,” Hades sighed. “There are other ways but this is the guaranteed—fastest—way,”
Y/N turned over to her friends, who started to talk amongst themselves.
“Guys? What do we do?”
Ari started to tear up once more, and Bongjoo looked lost.
For the first time, the son of Athena was lost for words as his shoulders slumped.
“I-I don’t know,” Beomjae said silently.
“Look, I’m really sorry,” Hades said, frowning. “But that’s the way—even gods have rules to follow,”
Y/N screwed her eyes shut as she stepped forward more.
“I’ll do it,”
All heads snapped over to her.
As she opened her eyes, her gaze locked with Hades.
“If I do this—there’s a guarantee that Joonhyuk will survive, right?” Y/N asked.
Slowly, the god nodded.
“Yes, you have my word,”
“You swear?”
“I swear on the River Styx,”
There was a strike of thunder, sealing the deal.
Y/N closed her eyes and breathed deeply as she turned back to her friends.
Ari’s tears started pouring out as Beomjae gasped in shock.
“Bongjoo—make sure you three make your way up with Joonhyuk, alright?”
The boy nodded sadly.
“Beomjae—You are so smart,” Y/N smiled softly as she patted the younger’s hair. “And with you and Joonhyuk fighting side-by-side, you’ll win this,”
Beomjae only regarded the girl with soft, sad eyes.
“Ari,” Y/N started, taking the girl’s hands. “We may have had our differences—but I know you, and I know you love Joonhyuk. Can you tell him I love him, too?”
Ari sobbed harder as she launched herself on the girl.
When they pulled away, there was a hand that landed on Y/N’s shoulder.
The girl tensed up as she felt Hades’ tall presence behind her.
“I’ll take care of you, don’t worry,” Hades soothed before looking up at her companions. “Joonhyuk will be outside the throne room,”
As the other demigods bid their goodbyes and made their way out, Y/N turned around slowly to look over at the god.
“Lord Hades,” She said softly, bowing.
“No! No, none of that!” The god rushed, burning red as he shook his head fiercely. “And—uh, call me Soobin,”
“That’s my name,” The god nodded slowly. “Hades is just the title—but, uh, I’m Soobin,”
“Soobin,” Y/N mumbled, letting his name roll on her tongue before she looked back up at the god—boy—with a frown. “Shall I proceed to the Fields of Asphodel, then?”
“No,” Soobin said, smiling softly as he shook his head once more. “I’ll show you to your room upstairs.”
“Because I feel bad for you, for essentially keeping you here against your will,” Soobin shrugged, walking forward as Y/N followed behind him. “Letting you stay in the castle instead of being lost in the Fields is the least I can do—you technically aren’t dead, anyway.”
“If you really feel bad, you’d let me go back with my friends,”
The boy turned his head back, shooting the girl a sympathetic look.
“I’m really sorry, but you know I can’t do that—it’s either one of you or him. You were the one that wanted to stay,”
“Yeah,” Y/N pursed her lips as she looked out at the window they were passing—catching a quick glimpse of her former companions.
This time, there was another figure—a tall boy with brown hair—following them. Joonhyuk.
“I know,” Y/N sighed sadly as Soobin shot her a sad smile.
“I hope you at least like your room,” Soobin offered as he threw open a set of double-doors. “Take a look,”
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Y/N sat on the couch, uncomfortable as Soobin sat across from her—completely immersed on the novel he held in his hands.
“Big library,” Y/N squeaked out.
Soobin smiled as he set his book down.
“You didn’t have to say yes to accompanying me here if you were that uncomfortable being with me, you know,” Soobin said, eyes amused as he looked over at Y/N.
“No, no, it’s fine. I’m great!” Y/n said, as she reached out to take a random scroll of parchment nearby. “I’m just going to read this parchment!”
Soobin chuckled as he turned back to his book.
Y/N cleared her throat, wincing at her awkwardness as she unrolled her parchment—eyes scanning the words on the paper.
Today, I took a stroll on the beautiful gardens of the Underworld. I particularly loved the Scintilla blossoms and the Gumamelas. Strangely, there was a bush of white roses with golden outlines. I’ve never seen anything quite like it. Maybe it was being grown for me?  I feel like he really is in love with me—despite what my family tells me. I do feel more and more endeared to Hades—Soobin. I grow more and more in love.
Y/N blinked as she let her hand run through the parchment.
“Persephone,” She mumbled.
“What was that?” Soobin asked, raising his head once more.
“Oh, nothing,” Y/N shook her head as she passed him the parchment. “Just—uh—read a little something,”
“Ah,” Soobin winced as he glanced at the handwriting. “Persephone.”
“You must really love her to start a whole flower garden for her, huh? And a new type of rose?” Y/N asked, tilting her head. “I want to be loved like that—I mean, minus the kidnapping—No offense.”
Soobin chuckled as he rolled the parchment once more.
“None taken, seeing as I didn’t grow a garden for Persephone, or make a new kind of rose for her,” Soobin shrugged. “or even kidnap her. I did none of those.”
“What?” Y/N blinked.
“Hm, how do I start?” Soobin smiled, adjusting his sitting on the couch. “I saved Persephone. I didn’t kidnap her,”
“But Demeter?”
“Demeter nags. She nags a lot,” Soobin snorted. “But no, I didn’t kidnap Persephone or anything—I never even married Persephone, or wanted to. I didn’t like her like that. I didn’t like anyone,”
Y/N pursed her lips as Soobin fiddled with his thumbs.
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as the god narrated his story, laying himself and his history bare in front of the demigod.
“So, if that all didn’t happen—what exactly happened?”
“Well, I saved her—she was in an open field. There was a god rampaging that day, and he saw Persephone. Left alone, who knows what could happen to her?” Soobin shrugged. “She was a sweet kid and I was there anyways, so I figured—sure, why not? She did stay here for a while, I accommodated her though I kept telling her to go back to her mom in Olympus. She didn’t want to. It felt rude to kick her out, so I didn’t,”
“So, what gave Demeter the impression you kidnapped her?”
“I don’t know,” Soobin shrugged. “She just came down here and started calling me a kidnapper. Persephone didn’t defend me or anything,”
“Why did you make Persephone go back and forth, then?”
“Please,” Soobin snorted, smiling at the girl. “That’s not true—notice she’s not here? It’s drought season,”
Y/N nodded slowly, processing the information as Soobin cleared her throat.
“I never made her go back and forth—I never wanted to be with her. I never wanted to marry anyone, really,” Soobin said as he mumbled under his breath. “I don’t even know why I’m telling you this,”
“That’s got to suck—Why?” Y/N smiled sympathetically as she tilted her head.
Soobin cleared his throat as he shrugged.
“I—uh—think Aphrodite hates me? I’ve never loved anyone or had anyone fall in love with me,” He said. “It’s not like I don’t want to, it’s just that I haven’t felt it, so,”
“I don’t understand,” Y/N said—curiously taking the bait to peek into the life of a god. “gods fall in love all the time—you guys literally have sex all the time,”
Soobin laughed.
“Sex, sure—I had it,” Soobin smiled. “But never love. It’s scary—have you seen Orion, Medusa, Helen, Cleopatra?”
“Not all love stories end in tragedy, you know.” Y/N said, frowning as Soobin shrugged.
“My life is a tragedy—I’d be more surprised if my love wouldn’t be,”
As Soobin shot the girl a small smile and returned to his novel, Y/N had an epiphany—Hades was never the villain of the story.
Hades was just a victim of Olympus—thrown away and used as a scapegoat when he was just a kind and gentle creature too shy to defend himself from all the allegations thrown to him by the gods playing protagonist.
Hades—Soobin—was just the misunderstood outcast living under the shadow of Zeus and Poseidon.
It was her next to Joonhyuk—and Beomjae, Ari and Bongjoon.
Maybe, for the first time, she finally found somebody understood how she felt all these years.
It just so happened he was the god of the dead.
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Y/N laughed as Soobin scrunched his nose, grip tight on his fork.
“I’m not the god of death, okay? I’m god of the dead.” Soobin scoffed as he stabbed into a plate of ambrosia. “Death is Thanatos.”
Y/N shook her head as she took a bite of her eggs.
Soobin looked at her with a tilt of the head.
“You know—you’re technically a soul. You can eat ambrosia by the bulk now,” Soobin said, pointing over to the big serving plate of ambrosia in front of him.
“I—um—like the sense of humanity,” Y/N smiled, shaking her head.
Still confused, Soobin nodded.
“So, um, are you busy today?”
Y/N looked up, raising an eyebrow at Soobin.
“I mean I have nothing to do here, so—“
“Right, right,” Soobin said, coughing awkwardly. “I just—have a free day? I was thinking maybe I could show you around the castle.”
Y/N bit her lip, smiling softly.
“Yeah, Okay,” She said with a chuckle. “I’d love that.”
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After breakfast, Y/N found herself taking a stroll at the castle gardens with Soobin by her side.
This time the boy wore a loose, white, collared shirt, black slacks and black dress shoes—the whole ensemble fitting him just right.
His hair was styled delicately—black hair perfectly parted by his forehead.
He looked ethereal.
Y/N shook herself out of her stupor as Soobin bent down to admire the sunflowers growing out of a small patch in the gardens.
Soobin turned to Y/N waving her over, making her smile and press closer to the flowers and to Soobin.
“Sunflowers are actually my favorite,” Soobin confessed as he caressed the petals of the flower. “These are one of the first plants I had growing here. Don’t you think they look pretty?”
Y/N smiled as she reached out to the flowers herself.
“Pretty,” she agreed.
She wondered how these flowers, especially ones that thrived on as much sunlight as it could muster, prospered underground in the world of the dead, but as she looked over to Soobin who smiled fondly at his garden, she realized that she was with someone who could do the impossible.
Soobin looked over at her, chuckling as he stood up.
“What’s your favorite flower?”
“Roses,” Y/N answered without a beat.
A look of recognition flashed in Soobin’s eyes as he dragged her over to another area of the gardens.
“Remember when you read about the white and gold roses that I made?” Soobin smiled, presenting her with a rosebush in full-bloom.
“Oh,” She gasped. “Oh, wow.”
Soobin smiled, letting his hand wander over the bush and pluck a rose off—expertly cutting it off.
“Soobin—the thorns—“
“Here,” he smiled, giving it to the girl.
Y/N blinked as she looked over at the rose—no thorns.
“I—no thorns?”
“Nope,” Soobin smiled as Y/N reluctantly accepted the flower. “Nothing can hurt you here, Y/N, not even a flower—so don’t worry. I got you,”
Y/N smiled as she smelled the flower in her hands.
“It smells nice,” She commented as she looked around, smiling at the gardens. “It’s beautiful—everything is beautiful,”
Soobin smiled, letting his eyes dance on her face as he echoed her words.
“Beautiful,” Soobin said, his hands reaching out to brush Y/N’s hair away from her face. “You’re beautiful.”
Her shocked eyes snapped over to his equally wide ones, but none of them pulled away or made a move to stop the action.
Then, she smiled.
“You’re beautiful, too,”
It was dangerous—what she’s doing— growing fonder and fonder of the boy who swore up and down that was scared of falling in love.
It’s alright.
This feeling was probably nothing, anyways.
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Y/N smiled, leaning on the gates of hell as she chuckled.
Soobin groaned as he rolled his sleeves back to his elbows, wiping the sweat off of his forehead.
This time, the boy wore a loose grey hoodie and kept his hair undone.
He looked so, for a lack of a better word, boyfriend.
Y/N winced—she just called the god of dead so boyfriend.
That was disgusting.
Still, she couldn’t help but observe the male as he picked up a gigantic red ball and tutted at the three-headed dog.
“Cerberus. Here, buddy!” He whistled before throwing the ball up.
The dog—dogs?—yipped as they shot up for the right head take a bite of the ball.
It, then, leaned down to place the slobber-covered ball by Soobin’s feet.
Soobin frowned, looking back at Y/N.
“You know, I still can’t believe you convinced me to play ball with Cerb,” Soobin deadpanned as Y/N walked forward—black skirt trailing behind her as she wrapped her arm around Soobin’s.
“Aw, come on—you’re having fun, I can tell,” Y/N laughed as Soobin sighed, picking the ball back up.
Y/N laughed at the sight—the ball was the size of an extra-large-sized Yoga Ball that almost engulfed Soobin.
“You come here and throw it, then!” Soobin humphed, passing the ball over to the girl.
Y/N yelped as her hands made contact with the slobber-covered ball.
“Soobin—“ She started to whine before she looked up to see Cerberus’ three heads looking down at her with bared tongues and a furiously wagging tail.
“Uh,” Y/N started, stopping short when hands wrapped around hers and a body pressed on her back.
“Okay, just uh—Throw the ball up so he doesn’t crush the spirits coming into the underworld,“ Soobin guided her. “and then—uh—step out of the way so he doesn’t crush you too. It’s not fun,”
Y/N nodded stiffly as Soobin adjusted her grip on the ball, his hands falling down to her waist.
“Okay, and go,”
Y/N threw the ball up.
As Cerberus leaped up to catch the ball, Soobin’s hands gripped her waist and roughly pulled her back and out of Cerberus’ way.
Y/N yelped as she stumbled, falling back.
Soobin groaned as he fell down, Y/N’s weight crushing him.
“I—am so sorry—“ Y/N stuttered, turning around.
Immediately, both of them froze with bright red blushes.
Soobin’s hands rested on her hips as she sat directly on his lap and hovered over him.
Soobin gulped, eyes locked onto Y/N as she burned redder.
“Oh, um—“ Y/N rushed, pulling herself off of Soobin. “Sorry,”
“S’okay,” Soobin smiled softly, a fiery red blush on his cheeks as he gestured over to the chimera. “But—uh, look. Told you you’d get crushed if we didn’t move,”
Indeed, Cerberus was plopped down on the place where they previously stood—middle head happily gnawing on the red ball.
“Oh, that’s uh—great—“
Soobin and Y/N turned away from each other—the latter with a soft smile on her face.
He gets cuter and cuter by the day.
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Soobin chuckled as Y/N propped her elbow on the dining table, staring fondly at the boy.
This time—the god wore a silk black shirt with a collar, then an expensive-looking black blazer over it.
Y/N had to hold her praises back because dear gods, he looked so good.
“So,” Y/N spoke. “Do you want to hang out today—“
Immediately, Soobin frowned sadly and sighed.
“I wish I could, but I have work,” Soobin shrugged sadly. “God of dead things to attend to,”
“Oh,” Y/N said dejectedly, looking back down on her plate.
“I’m really sorry,” Soobin frowned, reaching out to place his hand over hers and running his thumb over the back of her hand.
“No, no—it’s okay! It’s your job, of course you have to go,” Y/N shook her head, before her eyes widened with mischief. “but that doesn’t mean you have to go alone,”
Soobin raised his eyebrows in confusion as Y/N perked up.
“I can go with you—I promise I won’t be a distraction or something!”
“I don’t know,” Soobin said, scratching the back of his head as Y/N gasped.
“Come on, please?” Y/N pleaded, intertwining her hands with his and giving it a gentle squeeze. “It’ll be like take your daughter to work day—except I’m not your daughter and the work is, you know, death,”
Soobin laughed in amusement as he tilted his head at the girl.
“I don’t know, Y/N—You? My daughter?” Soobin snorted. “No, thanks,”
“What—I don’t have the daughter of Hades spunk?” Y/N scoffed in mock offense as she held a hand to her chest. “Frankly, I’m offended,”
“Do pray tell,” Soobin shot back, leaning his head on his free palm as he squeezed their intertwined hands. “Who’d be your mother, then?”
“No idea,” Y/N quipped as she looked up in thought. “Who?”
As he looked over at the girl, Soobin muttered under his breath unknowingly.
“How can I imagine you as my child when I keep seeing you as the mother of mine?” He mumbled.
The statement was not fallen onto deaf ears as Y/N shot her head over to Soobin.
The boy’s eyes were only trained on their intertwined hands.
Y/N chuckled awkwardly, blushing as Soobin realized that she heard him.
“Stop being cute,” Y/N giggled as Soobin burned red.
“Why did I just say that?” Soobin mumbled to himself once more.
“I can still hear you,” Y/N laughed, reaching out and brushing his hair off of his forehead. “I promise I’ll behave,”
Soobin sighed.
“Okay, but just because you asked me to!”
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Hours later, Y/N and Soobin stood in the middle of a barren field with cloudy gray skies.
There were hazy white figures wandering around.
One of Y/N’s hands gripped Soobin’s hand, the other clutching on his sleeve as she looked around.
“What is this?” Y/N asked, eyes confused.
“This is the Hall of Judgement,” Soobin smiled, wrapping his arm around her figure. “Don’t be scared,”
“I’m not scared,” Y/N said, pressing herself closer to Soobin—making the boy smile. “Just, uh, don’t leave me,”
“Okay, follow me,” Soobin laughed as they neared a soul of a female girl in war-gear. “Hello,”
The soul flinched, turning around swiftly with a fierce glare.
“Who’s there?” The spirit demanded before looking at the two. “Wait—Y/N? Daughter of Zeus Y/N?”
“Aris?” Y/N asked, eyes wide as she pulled herself from Soobin. “You’re—“
“Where—You were missing?” Aris gasped.
“Aris, I— you’re in the Underworld,”
“Oh, the Under—Are you dead? Wait, am I dead?”
Y/N’s eyes turned sad as the girl gasped in realization.
“What’s the last thing you remember?” Soobin asked, stepping forward and letting a hand rest on Y/N’s lower back.
Y/N’s hands reached behind her back, clutching his as she smiled at him.
“And you are?” Aris’ challenging tone was back.
“Aris,” Y/N started gently. “This is Lord Hades—the god of the Underworld,”
Aris’ eyes widened as she gasped.
“I-It’s real—“ She said as she observed Soobin. “You’re—I really am dead,”
“I’m sorry, Aris,” Y/N sighed. “But what’s the last thing you remember?”
“Um,” Aris started, voice quivering as she gathered her thoughts. “I was—I was talking to Joonhyuk—“
“Joonhyuk, is he okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, he’s alive,” Aris said. “He, uh, told me he came back to finish the war and save us all,”
Y/N smiled gently as Soobin squeezed her hand.
“Okay,” Y/N said softly, urging Aris on. “So, you were talking to Joonhyuk? Then?”
“Oh, uh, we heard that, um,” Aris’ eyebrows furrowed as she worked hard to remember the details of her dead. “We heard there was a breach in our defenses over at the bridge—Cyclops attack, so I went there. It was a big flock. I led the army and next thing I know—I was on my way here,”
Soobin nodded softly as he leaned in and whispered to Y/N’s ear.
“I have to talk to the judges, would you be okay with her?”
“Yeah, Bin,” Y/N smiled softly as Soobin pulled away. “I’ll be fine,”
The boy shot her and the spirit a small smile before striding over to a large black tent.
“Y/N?” Aris asked, eyes turning confused. “Why did you call Lord Hades ‘Bin’?”
“Oh,” Y/N chuckled, realizing that not everyone was familiar with his real name. “That’s his nickname—he likes being called by his nickname,”
“Ah,” Aris nodded. “Well, are you here to be judged too?”
Y/N smacked her lips before shrugging.
“He told me I didn’t need to—I’m not really dead and I’m staying with him anyways,” Y/N said.
“With him?”
“His castle is so big—there’s so much rooms!”
Aris furrowed her eyebrows as Y/N’s eyes shifted back to the black tent—waiting for Soobin to exit.
“Y/N?” Aris asked, tone grave. “Why aren’t you fighting up there?”
Y/N’s eyebrow raised in confusion.
“What do you mean why am I—“ Y/N gasped in realization. “Do you guys not know—Do you all think I abandoned you?”
“Didn’t you?” Aris blinked in confusion.
“No—of course not!” Y/N shook her head rapidly. “In order to get Joonhyuk out of here and back to life, someone had to stay so the souls were balanced in the Underworld. A life for a life, so I gave up mine—so he can come back and fight for you all,”
“Oh,” Aris nodded slowly. “They—Beomjae, Bongjoo, Ari and Joonhyuk never told us. We figured you just up and left,”
“I-I didn’t,” Y/N’s eyes turned sad.
“Why are you staying with Hades, then?” Aris asked, crossing her arms before she gasped with wide eyes. “Is he—Did he kidnap you like he did Persephone? Is he—“
“No, he’s not like that!” Y/N said, sighing in frustration.
Her eyes wandered back over to the tent as Soobin exited, making a beeline for a nearby flock of child spirits with a smile.
The boy crouched down, eyes soft as he talked gently.
“I love being with him,” Y/N said, eyes soft as Soobin continued to converse with the children—reaching out and ruffling the hair of one. “He’s nice, kind, considerate, charming—“
Soobin looked over at Y/N and smiled, winking before he turned back to the kids with a chuckle.
Immediately, her heart pounded in her chest.
Gods, she was doomed.
Y/N cleared her throat before looking back at the girl.
“I’m happy to be here,”
“But it’s not exactly Olympus—“
“I know, and I’d rather be here with him,” Y/N said softly.
The girl flinched as a figure in a dark cloak approached them.
“Im Aris—Daughter of Ares, you must proceed to the Judgement Pavilion,” The figure spoke in a muffled voice.
“I—This is it,” Aris said softly, eyes downcast as Y/N nodded to her.
“Good luck, Aris,” Y/N mumbled, watching Aris shoot her a small smile as she followed the figure to the tent.
A hand landed on her waist, making her heart stutter as she looked up to see Soobin smile down at her—his figure towering over her.
“Hey,” he greeted as he looked over at Aris’ departing figure. “Good to go?”
“Yep, yeah,” Y/N nodded smiling up at him. “Come on, let’s go home,”
“Actually, let’s go on a walk,”
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Y/N gasped as Soobin pulled her towards River Styx.
“Come on, over here,” Soobin smiled as they walked by the river bank.
As the clear waters of the river flowed gently, a soft haze floated above it.
The haze contained hundreds of different artifacts streaming back and forth.
“I—I thought they said that the Styx was polluted because of the lost hopes and dreams and stuff?” Y/N asked as she marvelled at the sight.
Yeah,” Soobin pointed down at the water. “Some of the dreams fall down,”
Y/N looked down at the water just in time for a broken baseball bat to fall out of the haze and sink into the water.
“Oh,” Y/N winced.
She reached out to intertwine her hands with Soobin.
“I take a walk here sometimes, when I want to think,” Soobin softly smiled as they continued walking. “Seeing all these lost hopes and dreams remind me that I’m actually pretty fortunate to be where I am right now, even if I’m not doing such a good job as the god of the Underworld,”
Y/N frowned, squeezing his hand as she reached out and brushed her hand against the haze.
“Soob, you are doing amazing,” Y/N said smiling softly as her hand grasped on an object in the haze.
Immediately, her vision sparked—showing her a quick memory of a child forced to give up his dreams of being an actor to be a doctor.
“What did you see?” Soobin asked curiously as Y/N pulled her hand out of the haze to find a rusty Oscar Award. “Ah,”
Y/N sighed, releasing the award back to the haze.
“So, you see the memories, huh?”
Soobin nodded, tugging her along as he continued walking.
“When the memory is strong enough,” Soobin shrugged, smiling as Y/N continued to run her hand through the mist.
When her hand gripped on a small square item—she pulled it out.
It was a velvet box.
Soobin looked down at the box, stopping his walk as he opened his mouth and let out a soft ‘oh’.
Immediately, Y/N pried the box open and she was shot into a memory of a girl whose dream was to get married to the love of her life—but she wasn’t able to because he was a soldier that died fighting in a war.
“She said no?” Soobin said as Y/N returned from the memory, her thumb softly caressing the small diamond atop the rusting gold ring.
“He died,” Y/N mumbled softly as she closed the box sadly, returning it to the haze.
“Oh,” Soobin said, eyes downcast. “A lost love,”
Y/N nodded sadly as she looked back up at Soobin, who was silently observing the passing stream of lost hopes and dreams.
She can’t be like that girl with the lost love.
“Hm?” He looked back down at her with a small smile. “What’s up?”
She’s got to take a chance.
Mustering all her courage, she inhaled softly and locked her gaze with him.
“I love you,” Y/N said firmly before her gaze wavered, looking back down. “Or like—I’m not really sure what love feels, so I can’t say for sure,”
Soobin blinked in confusion as Y/N gulped.
“Anyways,” Y/N nodded. “I like spending time with you, and everytime I look at you or talk to you, my heart just deadass wants to sprint out of my chest,”
Soobin blinked, body tense as Y/N ranted.
“Everytime you to hold my hand, or pull me close or brush my hair, I—I really want to kiss you and I literally just stop myself. It’s at that point where I’m really going crazy and if I don’t knew what you feel in the next hour, I’m going to lose my mind,” Y/N pleaded as she looked back up. “So, please, just say something so I know what to do with myself,”
Soobin only gaped—eyes shifting around speechless.
His mouth opened and closed in shock as he stood—unsure what to do.
His eyes flew behind her pulling her closer to his body to avoid the water of the Styx splashing on them as a person—a demigod, from what Soobin felt—stumbled into the Styx.
Y/N’s hands clutched his arms as she heard the pained screams of the demigod falling into the Styx.
When the screams silenced, Y/N softly pulled herself out of Soobin’s grasp.
The boy looked down at Y/N.
“Y/N,” he started softly.
“I should have known,” The girl only smiled softly, nodding.
“Wait, Y/N—“ Soobin said, reaching back to grasp her arm and frowning when it was pulled out of reach.
“No, it’s okay—You have a mess to clean, Lord Hades,” Y/N nodded.
Soobin’s eyes turned sad as he looked back down at the demigod underneath the Styx, running a hand over his face.
“Soobin,” Soobin said, looking over at Y/N. “You call me Soobin, remember?”
“Please don’t make me do something that will make me feel closer to you,” Y/N said, furrowing her eyebrows as she bowed. “I’ll make my way back to the castle, my Lord,”
Soobin can only watch as Y/N walked away from him.
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Soobin sighed in frustration, throwing his head back in exhaustion as Y/N didn’t appear for breakfast with him yet again.
One of the spirits serving him came out, refilling his glass of nectar.
“Where’s Y/N?” He asked softly.
“She ate her breakfast early, my Lord,” the soul replied.
Soobin furrowed his eyebrows as he set his fork down.
“I don’t understand—didn’t you say she ate at this time yesterday?” Soobin asked, growing frustrated.
“Yes, my Lord, but she changes her eating schedule often,” The soul replied, eyes downcast as she bowed in apology.
Soobin calmed himself down, breathing deeply.
“I-I see, I’m sorry, thanks,” Soobin ran down his face as he stood up. “I’m done eating,”
The souls serving him bowed and started to clean up as he left the dining area.
It’s been a week since he last saw any trace of Y/N—much less heard.
He missed her.
He wouldn’t admit it, but Soobin even dressed up today—remembering how Y/N once mentioned she liked it when he wore clothes that made him look more teenaged liked his face and not “a half-dead CEO”.
Soobin sighed, clutching the ends of his black windbreaker as he stopped in front of Y/N’s bedroom door.
He never made his way over to here, no matter how much he wanted to.
He wanted to give her space—she obviously didn’t want to see him.
In truth, he never replied to her because he didn’t know what to say.
He never thought about whether or not he was in love with her to be honest—he just wanted to be with her.
With that thought in mind, he nodded to himself and cleared his throat.
He placed a soft knock on the bedroom door and waited.
There was no answer.
He tried again.
No answer.
He sighed again, running a hand through his hair.
Maybe today’s not a good day.
As he turned to make his way out, his ears heard the distinct barks of Cerberus—along with a laugh that was all-too-familiar to him.
He made his way over to the nearby window, looking down to see Y/N laugh as she played with Cerberus.
With a smile, he made his way down—leaning at the door as he watched Y/N pat one of Cerberus’ heads as the other snuggled her and the last one chewed on their ball.
Y/N hummed as she scratched the back of the dog head’s ear.
“I do, I do like Soobin,” The girl ranted. “But like, I’m stupid, you know? He’s a god—a cute god, which is way worse,”
Y/N sighed as the dog tilted its right head.
“Like, he told me he’s never even fallen in love before—at all—so what makes me think I’m better than Persephone, right?” Y/N snorted. “Like I’m in way over my head. Persephone—really?”
Soobin pursed his lips, exhaling slowly as Y/N frowned to herself.
“I mean if he didn’t fall in love with Persephone—fat chance of falling in love with me, right?” Y/N cooed as Cerberus’ right head barked. “You didn’t have to agree,”
“Y/N,” Soobin said, walking forward.
Y/N flinched, wincing as she turned over to Soobin.
“You didn’t hear all of that, right?” Y/N said, clutching the skirt of her dress.
Her hair was down in pretty curls—she was dressed in a long, flowy, white dress.
Soobin only smiled softly as he looked over at her.
She looked beautiful.
“Can we talk?”
At Y/N soft nod, he turned back to lead her to the gardens—smiling softly at her soft cursing.
As soon as they stopped by the rose bush, Y/N sighed.
“You know, this is the part where you break up with me,” Y/N said, her hands tracing the gold outlines of the petal of a nearby rose. “but since we’re like, not dating or involved in any way at all, I’m assuming this means your’e kicking me out of the castle to the Fields of Asphodel—or the Hall of Judgement or something,”
Y/N bit her lip as she looked over to Soobin, who only put his hands in his pockets with a smile.
God, she hated that he looked so good even when he was booting her out.
“If that’s the case, can I like change into comfier clothes before you cast me into eternal damnation or something?” Y/N asked, chuckling nervously.
Her nervous smile fell as Soobin soflty shook his head.
Y/N sighed, screwing her eyes shut as she fiddled with her thumbs.
“I messed up, didn’t I?” Y/N said, scratching the back of her neck.
She looked back up at the god, who only smiled wider.
She hated how her heart still pounded at the fact that he was smiling at her.
Y/N cleared her throat as she nodded.
“Well then, I’ll—uh—escort myself to the Fields. I know the way,” Y/N said with a deep breath. “Uh, thank you—for taking care of me even for a short while. Sorry I screwed things up,”
She turned to leave, biting her lip as she felt tears spring up to her eyes.
She swallowed down the lump in her throat as she turned back to Soobin.
“Uh, since I’m here, I just—I wanna tell you that I’m angry at myself for falling in love with you, but there’s not a thing that I regret from that,” Y/N said, sighing as she smiled over at him and tried her best to hold her tears at bay.
Soobin’s eyebrows furrowed slightly.
“I’m not going to lie—I still love you. I think even more than i did when I told you the first time, and I’m grateful to have spent all these moments with you and for having met the man behind ‘Hades, the god of the dead’ title,” Y/N continued, gathering her thoughts as she fiddled with her thumbs. “And, um, Olympus is missing out of you, because you’re so perfect!”
Soobin’s smiled, eyebrows raising in surprise.
“And, I hope whatever you do or get up to in the future—you’d be okay, and happy,” Y/N said, nodding her head. “Because, the thought of you being sad makes me sad—though, obviously you wouldn’t care about that,”
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows as her mind snapped into attention at Soobin’s lack of response.
She nodded to herself, pursing her lips.
“Yeah, okay, I’m saying too much,” She turned abruptly. “I’m gonna go now,”
As she took a step forward, a hand grasped onto her wrist to pull her back.
She stumbled, letting her body follow as she was turned around.
Before she could say or do anything, she felt his soft lips crash on hers.
As soon as she felt him clutch her waist, Y/N swore she fell in love with him all over again.
Her heart skipped a beat as she let her hands reach up to run through his hair, eyes falling closed as she melted into him.
It was like the world could melt and break down all around her, but all that would matter to her was Soobin’s lips on hers.
Soobin smiled as he pulled away, leaning his forehead on hers with a soft chuckle.
Y/N blinked—stuck in a daze.
“Wha—“ Y/N started, looking up at him. “What was that?”
Soobin laughed, leaning back in and brushing his nose with hers.
“I love you too, genius,”
“Oh,” Y/N’s eyes widened as Soobin brushed her hair away from her face. “Honestly, I’m a bit disappointed we spent a whole week skirting around each other—that was so much wasted time,”
Y/N’s eyes softened as she sighed, brushing her lips on his and wrapping her arms around his neck.
“I’m sorry,”
“It’s okay,” Soobin smiled. “We have all the time in the world to just—stay here,”
“Here with you,” Soobin nodded. “When I’m with you I feel nothing—I’m not the Lord of the dead, or Hades, or some weird godly outcast. I’m just Soobin. I feel nothing but you,”
Y/N breathed deeply, closing her eyes.
“You know,” she started. “When I told you I loved you I really wasn’t expecting you to love me back, so if you’re just forcing yourself to love me back then I—“
“I’m not,” Soobin said, shaking his head as he let his hands fall down to grip her waist again. “Look at me, Y/N,”
The girl opened her eyes, frowning as she locked gazes with Soobin.
“I’m not forcing myself to love you because it’s not hard to fall in love with you, okay? And I really do feel so lucky because you chose to fall in love with me,” Soobin said, hand softly lifting her chin and lips softly placing a peck on hers. “You are extra-ordinary, and I can’t believe you fell in love with me even if you’re stuck here like some prisoner—“
“Soobin, I don’t feel trapped here,” Y/N smiled, hands reaching up to cup his face. “Not when I’m with you,”
Soobin smiled happily, chuckling as he leaned back down to press another kiss on Y/N’s lips.
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Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as a group of Empousa stood in the throne room in front them.
Soobin, sitting on his throne next to her, rubbed his forehead in stress as the Empousai listed their demands.
He reached out, grabbing Y/N hands and setting it on his lap—squeezing it to relieve his stress as he looked back up at the Empousai.
“You know you’re in Tartarus for a reason, right?” Soobin said with a sigh.
The leader of the Empousai scoffed.
“We believe we are misjudged,” the empousa sniffed. “we demand that all empousa be taken out of Tartarus—immediately,”
Soobin groaned, head falling back on his throat as he grumbled.
“Baby, my head hurts,” he whispered over to Y/N.
The girl shot him a sympathetic smile—squeezing his hand as she turned to the Empousai.
“You’ve killed demigods, correct?”
“For a good cause!”
“No,” Y/N shook her head as Soobin looked over at her. “You killed them to take over the world—That’s called ill-intent. No matter how you spin this narrative, it’s called murder,”
“No, we are doing it for the greater good—Olympus knows nothing!”
Soobin blinked in wonder as Y/N’s gaze turned fierce, standing up and sauntering over to the unruly monster.
“As far as I’m concerned, you’re dead. If I were you, I’d go back to Tartarus, accept I’m a monster, take my punishment, and do better when I’m reborn,” Y/N hissed at the Empousai before turning around and walking back over to Soobin. “Take these demons back to where they belong,”
At Soobin’s affirmative nod, the spirits dragged the Empousai back to Tartarus—nothing but their shrill screams to signify they were ever there.
“That was something,” Soobin blinked over at Y/N as she chuckled, sitting in his lap and kissing his lips.
“You know I never butt in, but I’ve seen how stressed out you were these past few weeks over them—I had to do something,” Y/N smiled as she leaned her head on his shoulder. “Besides, they’re like the bratty cheerleaders that were mean to be in middle school. Sweet revenge,”
Soobin chuckled, laying a soft kiss on her temple.
Y/N pulled away and smiled at Soobin as he caressed her cheeks—eyes soft as he gazed at the girl.
“What?” Y/N asked. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like you had a mind-blowing realization about me,” Y/N narrowed her eyes.
“Because I did?”
“I want to marry you,” Soobin quipped, smile widening at her shocked expression. “Surprised?”
Y/N blinked before scoffing, punching his arm.
“Stop making fun of me,”
“I’m not kidding,” Soobin laughed, letting his hands run through her hair and his forehead attach to hers. “I’ve been thinking it over for weeks—I want to marry you,”
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows as she clambered off of Soobin, crossing her arms.
“Bin—Getting married is serious, okay? You’re a god—you can’t just marry whoever you want,” Y/N said. “Your wife is going to be queen of the Underworld,”
“Don’t you want to?”
Y/N’s head snapped up to Soobin, who also stood up and walked over to her—hands buried in his pockets as he tilted his head at her.
“Don’t want to what?” Y/N asked.
“Get married,”
“With you? It’s a god damn dream come true,” Y/N chuckled as Soobin smiled, taking her hand. “But I’m not fit to be the queen,”
“Yeah, you are,” Soobin snorted. “with how you handled those Empousai? I’d say you’re perfect already,”
“Binnie, you’re just saying that,” Y/N rolled her eyes as Soobin shook his head.  
“You’re already perfect, Y/N,” Soobin said, smiling as he pulled a ring out of his pocket and fell down to his knees.
Y/N blinked in surprise—not even a sound or a peep or any movement from her as her eyes followed Soobin.
“I was supposed to plan this whole thing in the gardens, propose to you the greek way by tossing you an apple and then do it the modern way with romantic lights and a ring and everything—but I couldn’t wait,” Soobin shook his head, taking her hand and squeezing it. “Please, marry me,”
Y/N pressed her hands to her mouth as she gasped.
“I’d be the king and you’d be the queen—and we’d be so in love and we’ll have a lot of godly kids,” Soobin chuckled as Y/N laughed, tears welling up in her eyes. “and we’ll run Underworld—just you and me together, like it’ll always be,”
Y/N bit her lip, holding back her smile as she cleared her throat.
“Are you sure you want this?”
“More than anything in the world,”
“Then, yes.”
Soobin smiled, an emotional laugh bubbling out of his lips as he slipped the ring excitedly on her finger.
Y/N smiled as she marvelled at it, Soobin standing up and pulling her close to him.
“I’m going to marry you,”
Y/N giggled, leaning forward and placing a deep kiss on his lips.
Soobin laughed through the kiss, hands desperately clutching on her hips as he pulled away.
“My queen,” he whispered against her lips.
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Three months later, Y/N and Soobin giggled amongst themselves as they talked about everything and nothing.
Their hands were intertwined, Y/N’s diamond ring glinting in the firelight as the book Soobin was reading was thrown haphazardly at the side.
“What’s the first thing you’ll do when we get married?”
“Consummate it,” Soobin snorted, bursting out with laughter as Y/N slammed a hand down his chest.
“We already did, doofus!”
“Well, we can do it again,” Soobin said, wiggling his eyebrows. “Wanna try tonight?”
“You are insane—“
The couple was interrupted as loud knocks sounded on the door.
“Come in,”
“Lord Hades, my lady,” The spirit stuttered as it bowed. “An iris message appeared at the throne room,”
Y/N rose up slowly, furrowing her eyebrows at the spirit.
“An iris message? Throne room?”
Soobin stood up, frowning as he followed the woman down to the said room—gaping at the rainbow in the middle of the room.
“Oh, wow, it’s been a long time since I saw one of these in the throne room,” Soobin commented as he neared the message.
“It happens?”
“Yeah,” Soobin shrugged. “Last time it happened was Hercules, I think,”
“That’s amazing,” Y/N smiled as she peered into the rainbow.
She gasped as the face of a tall figure manifested—features all-too-familiar.
“Y/N!” Joonhyuk screamed as he slammed his hands on the desk in front of him in relief. “Are you okay?”
“I’m good,” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. “How—It’s been months, why are you only calling me now?”
“The war isn’t over yet, Y/N,”
“It’s not?”
Beomjae popped up next to Y/N with a worried face.
“Y/N, we cracked the prophecy,” He said. “You have to get up here,”
Soobin walked over, a soft frown on his face as his hand rested on Y/N’s waist.
Y/N looked up at him, frowning.
“I can’t. I have to stay with Soobin—Hades, I mean,” Y/N shook her head. “I exchanged my soul for yours, remember?”
Joonhyuk’s eyes turned worried as he glanced at the boy next to Y/N, hand tightly wrapped around her torso as he frowned.
Y/N reached up, softly cupping his hand and squeezing it.
“Is that Hades?” Another voice asked from the iris message.
Y/N paid no mind as she turned, looking over at Soobin.
“I sort of knew it,” Soobin whispered as he pressed a kiss on her forehead. “I just wish it wasn’t this soon,”
“Baby,” Y/N said, pulling away and cupping his hands. “what are you talking about?”
Soobin only sighed as Joonhyuk and Beomjae gaped, Ari appearing next to them equally as shocked.
“Baby?” Ari asked in surprise.
“You and Hades?” Beomjae asked as Joonhyuk sighed, shaking his head.
“There’s no time—Y/N you have to leave him. You’re the only one that can save us,” Joonhyuk said. “Go now,”
Beomjae turned to Joonhyuk with worried eyes.
“Why me?”
“It’s what the prophecy said,” Joonhyuk said in frustration. “and there’s a magic barrier around the chains—no one can break it but you, just like the prophecy said. So, come here now,”
“If you break it the gods can wake up to save us—why do you have so many questions?” Joonhyuk said, eyes leaking tears as he almost cried in exhaustion. “Y/N, please. This is our one shot,”
Y/N bit her lip as she turned back to Soobin, burying her head on his chest.
Soobin’s eyes widened as he looked down at the girl.
“Y/N!” Joonhyuk called, but the girl only waved her hand through the message to disconnect the call.
There was a moment of silence, before one of them moved.
Soobin’s heart panged as she felt Y/N’s shoulders shake with sobs against him.
“Baby,” Soobin sighed, gently pushing her away and wiping her tears. “I think you know what has to happen,”
Y/N shook her head.
“No,” She whispered. “I don’t want to,”
“I’m not going, Soobin,” she said, body shaking as she sobbed even harder.
Soobin sighed, smiling sadly as he let his eyes take her in.
“You know,” Soobin said, brushing hair away from her face. “I was fixing our wedding already,”
Y/N looked up at him, tear-stained eyes drinking him in for all it’s worth.
The boy bit his lip as he squeezed her hands softly.
Y/N closed her eyes as tears start to silently roll out of Soobin’s eyes.
“I was dreaming that we’d get married soon, and then I’d be the king, and you would be the queen—the most beautiful goddess queen to ever exist,” Soobin said, holding back the quivering of his voice as he cleared his throat. “We’d have a lot of children playing around, and it’s just you and me for eternity,”
Y/N opened her eyes cupping his face.
“Soobin, Soobin, look at me,” she mumbled as she lined her gaze with his. “There has to be another way,”
“It’s the prophecy—there’s no other way,” Soobin shook his head, tears now free-flowing. “It has to be you,”
Y/N cursed, leaning her forehead on his.
“I—I can just not do it,” Y/N said. “You won’t get affected, you’re not in Olympus. We can just stay here, they don’t deserve to be saved,”
Soobin sighed.
“They pushed you away, Bin,” Y/N said, cupping his face. “They made you an outcast, they made everyone think you’re evil—“
“Y/N, they’re my family and yours,” Soobin said, eyes pained as he breathed. “Baby, you have to go,”
Y/N’s eyes shook as her lower lip quivered.
“B-But I love you,”
“I know,” Soobin said, smiling as he cried. “And I love you too—but you know you have to go,”
Y/N nodded her head, as she sobbed.
“Soobin,” Y/N started. “I love you—more than anyone else I’ve ever loved before, more than anything I’ve ever loved my whole life,”
Soobin smiled, leaning forward and pressing a harsh kiss on her lips.
Tears flowed out of both of their eyes as their hands intertwined.
Slowly, Soobin pulled away with a smile.
“When you die, I’ll be there—for you,” Soobin said, nodding to himself. “I’m going to pick you up myself, and if you still want me, we’re finally going to get married. You’re going to wear a beautiful white wedding dress. You’re finally going to be the queen and we’re going to fall in love all over again—and we’re going to have a lot of kids and we’re gonna run the underworld together, okay?”
Y/N bit her lip, nodding.
“Okay,” she said, caressing his cheek. “Wait for me,”
“I will—no matter how long it takes,” Soobin said, pressing another desperate kiss on her lips as he pulled away. “Remember that I will always love you. Now go, and don’t look back,”
Y/N let herself look at him one last time before turning her back.
Not even when she heard him collapse to the floor, sobbing.
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With tear streaks on her face, Y/N found herself stumbling into the tall building and into the elevator to the top floor.
Y/N bit her lip as she held back her tears, hands clutching her torso as she cried.
As soon as the elevator doors ring open, she faced Beomjae, Joonhyuck, Bongjoo and Ari at near the entrance to the border—surprised to see her.
“Y/N,” Joonhyuk started.
Y/N promptly ignored her as she marched forward, past the barrier and turning the key shoved inside the chain.
There was a bright shimmer as the chains dissolved.
Seconds later, there was the large crack of thunder.
After a few minutes, the entrance to Olympus opened—Y/N being met with her own father.
“Joonhyuk,” Zeus boomed as he neared his son. “you have saved us all. The war has finished,”
Immediately, Y/N broke to a loud sob—falling into a heap on the floor as she clutched her stomach.
“There, there, daughter,” Zeus soothed. “I know it’s been hard, but the way is over—we can celebrate!”
Y/N didn’t reply, crying harder as her hands tightened on her stomach.
Hera observed the girl sadly.
“This war is not without casualty,” Hera commented. “I can feel the grief of a mother who lost her child,”
At those words, Y/N cried harder as she curled up.
“Take me back,” Y/N mumbled. “Bring it back,”
“She’s—“ Joonhyuk said, eyes widening in horror as Y/N grieved.
“Yes, why would you think she broke through the barrier, child?” Hera explained. “Only a god could—a god like her child, who gave up it’s spirit and godly essence to his mother to save you all,”
“We killed a baby,” Ari gasped, sitting next to Y/N. “Your baby with Hades—I’m sorry,”
“Is she a goddess?” Joonhyuk asked, eyes trained on his sister.
“Not yet,” Hera hummed. “but she is promised,”
Joonhyuk frowned, looking over at Hera—eyes burning in recognition.
“Epirus—“ Beomjae gasped as he reached the same conclusion as Joonhyuk. “This is the Phyrric War all over again,”
“King Phyrrus of Epirus—the man who sacrificed too much to win,” Hera nodded grimly. “Your sister sacrificed everything to win this war—her love, her happiness, her husband and her child. Congratulations on your win, boys,”
Hera nodded at the two as he neared Ari and Y/N, laying a soothing hand on her shoulder as Artemis and Aphrodite approached the grieving girl.
Joonhyuk’s sad eyes locked onto his sister.
A win at much too high a cost.
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70 years later, a bed-ridden 90 year-old Y/N lay in bed—eyes trained on her great-grand daughter with a smile.
“Grandma!” The kid bounced as she held up her book.
Y/N sighed softly as the kid clambered up the bed.
This child looked so much like Ari.
Y/N smiled fondly at the memory of the late daughter of Aphrodite.
Right after the war—Ari never left her side, having found out about her and Soobin.
The girl was obsessed with her tragic love.
While Y/N never married or fell in love with someone else ever again, she was happy to have witnessed Ari and Joonhyuk grow as a couple—and soon, parents to a healthy baby boy—Donghwa.
That boy grew up to have a daughter—Bongsoo, named after Ari’s other best friend and Donghwa’s uncle, Bongjoo.
Said daughter bounced her way into her grandma-aunt’s frail arms.
“Bongsoo,” Jiyong, Donghwan’s wife, chastised the kid. “I told you to be careful around grandma,”
“Grandma, I’ve been reading!” The kid exclaimed—waving her book. “It’s about Hades,”
At the mention of the god, Y/N perked up—eyes softening with love as she turned over to the girl.
“What about him?”
The kid made a fart noise, crossing her arms.
“He sucks—he kidnapped Persephone,” The kid said.
By the doorway, Donghwa arrived to watch with a sad smile—having known of his aunt’s story with Hades.
“Bongsoo,” Donghwa said softly. “Don’t say that,”
“But he did!” Bongsoo argued.
Y/N tutted her tongue as she softly patted the area beside her.
“Let me tell you about Hades, a good man and a good god who never kidnapped Persephone and was never in love with Persephone,” Y/N said as Bongsoo settled on the spot next to her.
“But, grandma, the book said so!”
“Let me tell you the real story,” Y/N smiled softly as Jiyong wrapped her hand around Donghwon, listening in.
“Once, there was a big, big war. There was a boy that wanted to finish it, but then he died. So, his friends and his sister went down to the Underworld, but Hades said that he can’t come back to life,” Y/N started.
“But why?”
“Because there are rules, little one,” Y/N smiled, poking the girl’s nose. “There has to be a soul that stays to make sure that there was balance in the world, so the hero’s sister stayed with Hades instead so the hero can go save the world!”
“Wow,” The child gaped.
“At first she was scared of him, but then he was so kind and gentle—she fell in love with him and he fell in love with her. Soon, she was going to be married with her and she was going to have a baby,” Y/N narrated, straight from her memory as the thought of Soobin and her lost child resurfaced in her frail, fragile heart.
“Then what happened?”
“Well, Bongsoo, one day the girl found out that she had to leave him because she needed to save the world too. Her baby died while saving the world. Until now, she still thinks about him—and she always wishes that Hades thinks about her too because she loves him so much,”
“Oh,” Bongsoo pouted. “Is the girl still alive?”
“Do you know her grandma?”
Donghwa smiled in sadness as his aunt’s eyes sparkled.
“Grandma, you do?” Bongsoo gasped. “Can you tell her that I’m sorry for judging Hades, and I hope she gets her happy ending, and get married to Hades soon,”
“Of course,” Y/N smiled softly as she urged the child to her mother. “she says to go eat some dinner,”
“Okay!” Bongsoo squealed as she made her way out of the room followed by her mother, leaving Donghwa.
“Auntie,” Donghwa started as he walked over. “You didn’t have to do all that,”
“You know how much I’d defend him—of course, I had to,” Y/N hummed, closing her eyes.
“Alright, well, I’ll go get dinner,” The man sighed, kissing her forehead. “I’ll be back to feed you afterwards,”
Y/N didn’t reply, turning sleepier and sleepier as Donghwa left.
She closed her eyes.
It feels weird.
For once, Y/N felt no pain in any part of her body as she shot up abruptly.
No pain in her back, head, feet, waist—nothing.
Y/N lifted her hands in wonder to gasp as the diamond ring on her finger—Soobin’s ring—glistened under the florescent lights.
Another detail she also noticed was the lack of wrinkles on her hand—just like it used to when she was young.
When she was—
Y/N stumbled over to the vanity, gasping and grasping her face as she only saw a hazy figure on the mirror.
It was her—she was almost transparent to the fact that she almost looked like mist.
She then realized she was wearing something too puffy—this wasn’t her regular pajamas.
No, she was wearing a white ballgown with diamonds encrusted at the bodice—a wedding gown.
Her hair was styled neatly, a ring of her favorite white and gold roses from Soobin’s garden embedded with beautiful jewels sat on top of her head.
Even her shoes were jewel-encrusted—the platform heels felt so light, yet she can see the diamonds glinting at the straps and the heels.
Y/N turned, gasping as she saw a body on the bed—her dead, 90 year-old body.
She was dead—she was dead, and wearing a wedding gown.
She felt expensive, regal.
Like a queen.
Picking up her dress as she realized it, Y/N bolted out of her room—stopping short at the dining table to smile at her blissfully unaware family as they dined.
They’ll be alright.
Y/N smiled as she nodded to herself, continuing her way out of the house.
She saved the world—it was finally her time to be happy.
As soon as she stumbled onto the front porch, her eyes trailed over to a tall figure wearing a tuxedo at the end of the driveway.
The man was tall—too tall for his own good as he clumsily rocked back and forth on his heels.
His black hair gently swept around with the summer breeze as he fawned over the rose bush that Jiyong carefully tended to.
Y/N walked over slowly, heart pumping fast as she smiled delicately.
She drank in the first sight of him she’s seen in 70 years.
“I didn’t know Thanatos wore tuxedos now,” Y/N hummed.
The figure only tensed slightly, before there was a familiar laugh.
He turned around, brown eyes softly landing on her as he shot her a smile.
“Nope, but I’ll tell him it’s a good look,” Soobin said, eyes raking down at her figure with a soft smile. “You look beautiful,”
Y/N laughed, tears pouring out of her eyes as she reached out to kiss him—tears pouring out of her eyes as they shared their first kiss in seven decades.
The first kiss for the eternity to come.
Soobin’s hands ran through her hair as he kissed her back, a smile permanently etched in his lips as he pulled away.
“I’m never letting you go again,”
“I’m never, ever, going to go away,” Y/N said, smiling happily.
Her smile dropped as Soobin’s hand trailed lightly over her stomach.
She smiled sadly, hands reaching down to bring his hand to her lips.
“Let’s go,” Y/N said, smiling as she tugged him lightly to place a soft peck on his lips. “I believe we have a wedding to get to,”
Soobin smiled, laughing as he nodded.
Finally, he got his happy ending.
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otterskin · 3 years
Dumb Details From the Loki Trailer I noticed but then got too serious about
First - apparently it’s not a trailer, so I guess we’ll get ‘Trailer 1′ later? ‘Exclusive Clip’ hardly seems accurate, but hey, I’m not Disney’s marketing division. I wouldn’t live in a shoebox if I was.
Dumb detail no. 1:
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Owen Wilson’s jacket is...weird. Look closely.
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And another shot:
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Yeah...his jacket has a ‘reversed collar’. It’s a cut-out rather than cloth folding on top. Huh. What a strange design choice. What could it mean?
I’ve no idea, but that I watched the trailer enough times to notice this should concern you.
Detail No. 2
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In this scene, we see what we can presume to be President Loki’s ‘Throne’. Notice the candy-canes. This is a Santa Claus throne, presumably from some mall Santa. This whole place might be in a mall, judging by the stuff in it.
But the Loki in this shot is not President Loki. Notice that he’s wearing brown pants, a thin brown tie, and the beige shirt he’s seen wearing in other parts of the trailer after he's apparently joined the TVA. President Loki wears black pants, a green vest and a wide green tie with a golden clip that resembles Loki’s little chevron he always has (more on that later).
So it would seem that Loki might meet President Loki here. President Loki might even be addressing him at the end of the trailer. It’s possible that his minions turn on him because there’s two Lokis and they don’t know which is the ‘imposter’. 
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Speaking of, there’s a minion with bicycle handlebars grafted to a football helmet here, likely meant to resemble Loki. I dig it. There’s also cans of food scattered among the rubbish here. Makes sense that food production is non-existent since everyone has resorted to wearing license plates and spoons. Love how tattered the whole aesthetic is.
This reminds me of the opening Michael Waldron’s script ‘Worst Guy of All Time’, which featured a similar post-apocalyptic setting after the ‘worst guy’ ruins everything and makes himself king of the ashes. That’s likely what’s happened here, but I hope that Loki isn’t anything like Logan Paul, who was the inspiration for that title character.
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Ah, the mysterious female character watching a meteor shower WAY TOO CLOSE UP. But my eyes are drawn to one thing...
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What is that oblong object with a shiny handle? Could it be...
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A sword? I do love swords. Did you know there’s a bunch of pictures of me in the stock photos for ‘Fencing?’ That’s my cred for loving swords.
I suspect that this female character will be an amalgamation of Amora (shudder) and Sylvie and an alternate Loki of some kind. This sword is currently in her possession, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it or another timeline version of it becomes the Loki Show’s Loki′s weapon. 
Loki has lacked a ‘weapon of his own’ in the MCU for quite some time. I mean, yes, he has his little knives, but they are many and disposable and something he chose for himself, rather than the two legendary weapons wielded by Odin and Thor, Gungnir and Mjolnir. In fact, throughout his appearances, Loki has seemed to want such a thing of his own - he briefly had Gungnir, and then the Gungnir-like scepter, and even tried to lift Mjolnir.
One might ask why Odin would’ve overlooked such an obvious show of favouritism. Why give Thor a storied weapon and leave Loki empty-handed? Heck, even Hela had the Necroblade.
In Thor 1, we might’ve assumed that the Casket of Ancient Winters was perhaps intended one day to be given to Loki, as it is shown with Mjolnir in the Vault and thus connected to it and the children who would inherit it.  But in the comics, Odin did have another weapon of storied history put away for his second son: Gram the Sword.
It was locked for eons by Odin in a special vault which required five keys to be opened, and it was meant to be for Loki if he be worthy.[2] The five keys were infused by Odin with the powers of "journeys", "endurance", "secrets", "new beginnings", and "brotherhood", respectively.[3]
The sword, like everything else in comics, has a complicated history full of take-backs and twists, but let’s just leave it at ‘it’s a representation of Loki’s worthiness and belonging in the trifecta with Odin and Thor as a King of Asgard’. It gives him ‘equality’.
In the original mythology, it’s wielded by Sigurd to kill the dragon Fafnir, and the only relation it has to Loki is that Loki is partially responsible for Fafnir existing in the first place (my username is nod to this myth by the by. Sorry Ottär.) But hey, maybe that means we’re getting a dragon? The Fafnir would be very cool.
Or it could just be a bit of rebar in this mining quarry.
Then again...it appears somewhere else...
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It’s easier to see in motion, but that’s a sword swinging on this person’s back.
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So the hooded figure is this lady...shall we call her Amylkie? Does that mean she’s the antagonist of this show? Well...maybe, but I suspect the true antagonist is foreshadowed here  -
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So, what’s going on here? A young girl (Young Amylkie? Some other TVA prisoner that the guard is watching over? An oracle, A Norn, or a kid who wandered off from the tour group in a basilica somewhere?) She’s giving Mobius M. Mobius a...piece of chocolate. Maybe he saw a Dementor, I dunno. I suspect it’ll be a MacGuffin of some kind later. He looks pretty concerned here, which contrasts with his ‘another day at the office’ blaséness when dealing with Loki. But of course this is the eye-catcher:
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So, Norse Mythology. It’s been Christiannized. You can thank Snorri Sturluson for that, but you can google all about him later. Let’s just say that he made many Norse figures into equivalents for Christian ones. Baldur is Jesus, pure and a sacrificial lamb who dies for a greater good. And the devil is...Loki. Something the Marvel comics and the MCU have continued.
Here we have a devil, dressed in green and with a distinct shape on his chest:
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Hmmm...wait...I know that weird horny shape...
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Ah. I’d say that cinches it. This is meant to be Loki. If you look at the devil’s hair, it also resembles Loki’s, being shoulder-length and black.
So, what’s devil-Loki doing? Laying an egg? Trying out a foot massager? For a second I thought it was a moon, but we see the moon over his left shoulder, amongst the stars. Which means this is - probably the Earth.
...Dammit; I live there.
So Earth is barren and being devoured by flames, likely caused by this Loki sitting atop of it (in a throne, no less). Aw gee, things look pretty bad, don’t they?
But wait - what’s that? Under the Earth (and, possibly, under the earth)?
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It’s a plant. A shoot, to be exact.
Back to Ragnarok for a second. Ragnarok isn’t the apocalypse (something we see a lot of in this trailer - all of it seems to be exploring the end of days). Ragnarok is the fire meant to wipe out the old and fertilize the ground for the new. And after the gods have died, what happens? Well, Baldur emerges from Hel, one of the only surviving gods (hmm, seems him dying worked out, didn’t it?). He’s joined by Líf and Lífþrasir, who are the new first man and woman, who’s names mean ‘Life’ and who are pictured, usually, with plants and new life. It is they who are tasked who growing a new Yggdrasil after the destruction of the old. The previous first man and woman are Ask and Embla, meaning Ash Tree and Vine/Elm tree, so there’s a theme there. 
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So a new sprout, possibly a tree, growing out of the destruction of the old.
This fits with Loki’s role as understood in mythology. He checks the arrogance of the gods, including when they tried to achieve immortality (sorry, Baldur, nothing personal), and that keeps the gods at their best. After Loki is imprisoned, the gods become weak, unhelpful and foolish, and Yggdrasil starts to rot. Eventually Loki escapes and returns along with Surtur (who also resembles this figure) to burn it all to the ground. This is also referenced in Thor:Ragnarok, with Loki releasing Surtur in the Vault, a place of thematic importance to Loki and one that represents the hidden secrets and sins of Asgard). You could say Ragnarok continued into Infinity War, where Loki played an important part in aiding Thanos’ destruction, giving up the stone to protect his brother and essentially dooming the rest of the universe - but also ultimately leading to its salvation, even if, like Myth Loki, he wasn’t around to see it.
So, we see Amylkie literally start a fire in the trailer -
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- in fact, this whole trailer is awash in flame -
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It’s fire, fire everywhere and she’s setting them!
It’s possible Amylkie’s our big bad, but I think there’s a chance she’s either a red herring, or, much like how Loki ‘worked’ with Thanos in The Avengers, she is the pawn of a greater foe -
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  - a Loki bent on destruction, for some reason or other. The TVA is obviously aware that this is the case, and it seems like they might be trying to ‘fight fire with fire’ by enlisting one Loki to combat another. The villain could be President Loki, since there's evidence of 2 Lokis in that scene - or maybe that's one of many Lokis, and the Big Bad Loki is being played by Hugh Grant as Old Loki. In any case, it would appear that Loki will be coming face-to-face with the worst versions of himself, and many of them. And, if I’m right about this scene:
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...Loki will likely eventually discover that even his ‘good’ timeline ended in the destruction of his people and home, plus his own gruesome and torturous death. Although I think the TVA will keep that from him, and just show him the happy parts in an effort to inspire ‘good behaviour’. Until Loki inevitably discovers the rest of how that timeline played out and realize he’s been lied to. I don’t imagine he’ll take that very well...
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Damn, even our ‘hero’ Loki is burning stuff down! Does this mean that Loki is doomed, always meant to be an avatar of death and toasty destruction?
Well...let’s go back to that stained glass.
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Hmmm...wait...I know that weird horny shape...
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And there’s something else...the bottom of the Earth is being lit up, and not by fire. Light appears to be coming off this little plant.
What colour is this plant again? That’s right, green. Green is the colour of new life and growth and change and...hang on, I’ve heard that before, too...
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Hang on hang on HANG ON... let me have a look at the shape again.
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That’s...a letter. An L? For Loki? Like in the title sequence?
Wait...no, a different letter. An older letter. After all, Loki is old Norse. How do you spell his name in that again?
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ᛚᛟᚲ ᛁ -
And ENHANCE on that third letter!
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This, my friends, is a Kenaz/Kaunaz, or what would become 'K' in our alphabet. It is also known as the 'Loki Rune' (and the Ulcer Rune, for some reason. I suspect Odin understands why). It’s used to spell his name, but is also used on his own to represent him. Heck, it's even his Superman 'S' in the comics:
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Runes are more than letters - they are symbols for concepts. So what else does it mean?
Primarly, it means ‘torch’.
And also ‘knowledge’ (ken). As well as ‘growth, change, the search for truth, decay, arrogance, elitism, feminine, kinship and creativity.’
...Okay, that’s a lot, but you have to admit it fits.
More specifically, it means ‘Mastery of the Fire’. As in, someone who has learned to tame fire so that it is helpful, not harmful. To bring light and, symbolically, knowledge.
There’s another way Loki’s been associated with fire - in the Wagner Ring Cycle, Das Rheingold, the opera that inspired much the Thor films’ aesthetic and certainly their helmets, Loki is called ‘Loge’, which means ‘Fire’. He’s usually dressed to match, too -
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Many trickster figures are associated with fire. They are usually called ‘Fire-bringers’ - See: Raven, Lucifer, Prometheus, etc. They are often complex figures with a foot in different worlds, but who nonetheless help mankind with the gift of ‘fire’ - although they usually pay for it, and tend to be self-destructive.
(Side note. Lucifer means light-bringer, which is what luciferase is named after. Because it glows. Which is helpful in labs. In case someone needed to know that.)
Moving from a destructive fire-starter to a fire-bringer seems like a great character arc for Loki to take, especially given his rehabilitation in pop culture, the comics, and even wider culture. Loki has gone from being seen as an evil, deviant, destructive character to one who’s seen as a patron of the arts and creativity, of stories rather than lies. Heck, some scholars of Norse Mythology even posit that he’s the closet thing to a protagonist Norse Mythology has, so I guess that backfired, Snorri!). Being dressed in green and with the sprout clearly also being stylized after his Kaunaz, there’s foreshadowing that he’ll be capable of growing good things even out of ashes.
So, to sum up: Being ‘Satan’ sounds pretty bad, but with a little letter re-arranging like we see in the title sequence, you can be...
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...practically a saint. Maybe even a saviour.
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Merry Christmas, everybody.
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mintaka14 · 3 years
See the Light
A Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction
By Mintaka14
Chapter Two – Chasing Down a Daydream
 “Luka’s not seeing anyone,” Rose said conspiratorially as Marinette pinned a swathe of calico dress pattern into place on the tiny blonde girl, and Marinette couldn’t help the involuntary glance in Luka’s direction. “Not that he hasn’t had his share of girlfriends, and a couple of boyfriends too, for that matter,” Rose went on.
“I’m sure he has,” Marinette said coolly.
“They’ve never lasted more than a few months, though,” Rose told her, and said with studied innocence, “I think he’s still waiting for the right one to come along. Or to come back.”
Marinette ignored that, and focused her attention on how the rough bodice was sitting. The neckline was still not quite right.
“Deny it all you want, but I know there’s something in the air with you and Luka. I can feel it. My Sparkly Sense is tingling.”
“Your Sparkly Sense?” Marinette said, a little louder in disbelief than she’d meant to be, and Luka looked up. Her eyes met Luka’s over Rose’s shoulder, and he gave her a quick grin. Marinette rolled her eyes back at him.
“Like Spidey Sense,” Rose was saying, “only more sparkly. It’s never wrong.”
Luka went back to playing, and Marinette found herself watching his hands as they moved over his guitar. There was something indecently hot about the leather cuff and bracelets around his slim, strong wrist, and she got dizzy just thinking about those callused musician’s hands of his. It turned out that Rose wasn’t the only one getting ideas, and Marinette clamped down hard on that particular little daydream before it could get out of hand.
Rose saw romance everywhere she looked, but that bridge had been well and truly burned. Luka had moved on long ago from whatever damage Marinette had done to him, and there was no way that he could ever feel like that about her after the way she’d broken his heart all those years ago, even if she was willing or able to try and start anything again. She considered herself fortunate that he was willing to let her back into his life as a friend.
“We’re just good friends,” she muttered, and the piece of calico she’d been pinning shifted as Rose folded her arms. Marinette glanced up into Rose’s wide blue stare and one raised eyebrow. Rose flicked a glance back over her shoulder at Luka, and turned back to Marinette.
“Just friends, huh?” the blonde girl said, and Marinette put her hands on her hips.
“Don’t start,” she warned her friend, keeping her voice low. “We tried the whole relationship thing, remember? Do you really want to put Luka through all that again?”
Rose rolled her eyes. “That was ten years ago! You were fourteen.”
“And nothing’s changed,” Marinette said firmly. Rose didn’t look convinced, but Marinette started unpinning the back of the rough gown so that she could step out of it. “I think I’ve got enough to work on with this dress for now.”
Rose reached for her tunic and leggings, tugging them on over the slip she’d been wearing for the fitting, and Marinette folded the calico gown, careful not to dislodge any of the pins or markings. When Juleka came over for her fitting, Marinette said, “Your girlfriend is a compulsive romantic,” and Juleka grinned at her.
“Yeah,” the taller girl said, and held out her arms with professional ease while Marinette set up the pattern around her. “My life is full of unicorns, and I have glitter in places I didn’t know existed.”
Marinette pulled a face. “I did not need to know that.”
After Rose’s constant fidgeting, it was so much easier to work with Juleka, who was used to holding a position while seamstresses buzzed around her. The mock-up started to take shape much more quickly this time.
“And somehow my wedding is turning into a fairytale extravaganza,” Juleka complained, but she didn’t sound too distressed about it. At least Juleka got to be a little bit Maleficent, Marinette thought, eyeing the gown and picturing it in the shimmering black metallic fabric she planned on using.
“Luka said that Jagged’s going to be at the wedding,” Marinette said, taking another pin from the band on her wrist and frowning critically at the calico pattern piece she’d just adjusted on Juleka. On the other side of the room, Rose had started making something that involved a lot of glitter and offering the occasional critique on whatever Luka was playing.
“He’s the one who got us the venue,” Juleka said with a shrug. “Or rather, Penny did. It’s amazing how easy it is to make things happen when you’ve got Jagged Stone’s wife and personal manager organising it.”
“And you don’t…?” Marinette broke off, not quite sure how to finish the question.
“It never bothered me like it did Luka.” Juleka shot her brother a look, and Marinette followed the direction of her gaze. “And if a lingering sense of guilt means Jagged wants to spring for a château on a vineyard estate and a weekend in Bordeaux for all of us, I’m not going to stop him.”
“A vineyard in Bordeaux? That sounds lovely.”
“Yeah,” Juleka said softly, and her eyes went to Rose, surrounded by glitter and black craft paper. “Yeah, it does.”
Marinette knelt and busied herself with the fall of the calico pattern while Juleka stood there patiently in her slip. The strains of Luka’s acoustic guitar made a pleasant background as he drifted from one song to another, breaking off occasionally to call out something to Juleka or ask Rose’s opinion, and then sliding into something else. Somewhere along the way, he started singing scraps of the songs, and Marinette found herself caught by the soft, husky burr of his voice.
Luka was still the same sweet boy he’d always been, but older. Sharper. Hotter, she had to admit. The kindness that had always been in his eyes was still there, and that indefinable sense of grounded calm had only grown stronger. Luka wore maturity well, and gave the impression that he had nothing he needed to prove to anyone.
She’d been relieved to see that he still dyed his hair. That shade of ocean teal was one she always associated in her memory with Luka, although he wore it in a longer undercut now that shadowed his face when he wanted it to and left her itching to run her hands through his hair and tangle her fingers in it until she could see those eyes go as dark as the open sea.
She found herself following the angular outline of his jaw, which had lost the softer edge of his teenage years, and she wanted to reach out and run her fingers along the shadow of stubble there now, down to oh god those shoulders and the swell of his biceps with the ink that coiled around his arm and along the sinews of his forearms.
The fashion designer in her that always paid attention to people and what they wore couldn’t help but notice that Luka still wore his clothes with an easy air. He wore a shirt and tie with the same casual indfference that he wore his favourite band shirt, and, if Marinette was any judge, a complete lack of interest in how he looked in either. It really wasn’t fair how attractive that indifference was, or that he looked so stupidly hot no matter what he put on.
Right now, he was wearing an old tshirt and a sleeveless hoodie that had seen better days, the heel of his heavy black boot hooked over the crossbar of his chair and idly tapping along with whatever it was he was playing on his acoustic guitar.
Marinette found herself imagining the staff and school parents, and probably more than a few of the students themselves, who probably swooned over him, and wondered if he noticed them. She drew a swift, sharp breath and suppressed the pang at the thought. Nice as it was to be back in his life, and as easy as it was to fall back into that closeness that they’d had before things had fallen apart in their teenage years, nothing had fundamentally changed. She still couldn’t ask him for more, and she certainly couldn’t give him more. No matter how much, a tiny fragment of her whispered slyly, you might really, really want to.
He laughed at something Rose said, and suggested, “Fine, Miss Disney Princess, what about this one?”
The guitar shifted and rippled into something else, and Luka sang, “All those days, watching from the windows,” with a laugh in his voice. He broke off to tell Rose, “But you might have to grow your hair out for that. Or is Juleka going to be Rapunzel at your fairytale wedding?” and then he picked up the melody again.
Marinette didn’t realise that she’d been singing along, or that Luka had dropped back to a soft hum, until she felt Juleka tap on her shoulder. Juleka pointed behind her, and she looked around to find Rose staring at her with huge, excited eyes and her hands clasped under her chin. Luka’s hands stilled on his guitar, and he gave her a warm smile.
“That. Was beautiful!” Rose squeaked. “You two sound so good together. You have to sing that for us at the wedding!”
Marinette shrank back a little, her eyes going to Luka.
“I can’t sing.”
“You sound just like Mandy Moore!” Rose insisted, but Marinette was pretty sure that that was just Rose’s enthusiasm speaking.
“You’ve got a nice voice,” Luka said more moderately from the chair where he was bent over his guitar. “Sweet, with a little rough around the edges. It’s nice.” The corner of his mouth lifted in a smile as he strummed a random chord. “And you can sing on key.”
Luka couldn’t lie to save himself when it came to matters of music, no matter how much he might want to spare a friend’s feelings, and Marinette felt a little reassured.
“I’m already making your wedding dresses,” she told Rose. “Isn’t that enough?”
“It’s just one little song,” Rose pleaded. Those big, Bambi eyes were dangerous, and Marinette could only hope that Rose used them for good and not evil. “One little song. Hardly anything. Please??”
Marinette shot Luka a surreptitious glance, but he was focused on the soft music he was playing again and all she could see was the fall of his blue dyed hair and the sharp line of his jaw. She sighed in surrender.
Rose beamed triumphantly. “Oh, this is going to be so good!” She clapped her hands together, and got a look of cunning that left Marinette feeling uneasy. “You two are going to need to practise together. We’ll leave you to work it out.”
And she hauled Juleka out of the room, towing the taller girl with surprising strength. The door closed firmly on Juleka’s protests, and Luka and Marinette exchanged glances. Marinette couldn’t help laughing, a little helplessly.
“Rose is not subtle.”
“Ro’s the eternal romantic. I think she’s decided that if she throws us at each other hard enough, the magic will happen. She’ll get over it.”
The guitar strings sang At last I see the light, and he raised an eyebrow at her in a question.
“You really want to do this?” she asked him. “I’m not a singer.”
“You can hold a tune, and you know most of the words already.” Luka’s smile grew wider. “I’m a pretty poor music teacher if I can’t get us through one song.”
She let out a small huff, and Luka’s eyes grew soft with concern. “If you don’t want to, I’ll talk Rose out of it.”
“Is that even possible?” Marinette muttered, and Luka chuckled.
“I have my ways.”
Marinette considered it for a long moment, then, against her better judgement, she shook her head. “I might as well give in now as later,” she told him. “The things I do for my friends.”
“Tell me if you don’t want this,” he insisted. His ocean blue eyes were still on her, giving her that look that saw more than they should, and Marinette remembered sixteen year old Luka telling her You can tell me everything, or nothing if you prefer as he held her while she fell apart. And she’d wanted to tell him everything. She’d come within a breath of spilling all her secrets and risking the safety of everyone she cared about to keep him.
Looking into his eyes now, Marinette had a bad feeling that the man Luka had become would be even harder to walk away from than the sweet sixteen year old boy he’d been. So it was just as well that Rose and her Sparkly Sense was way off base.
“What have I gotten myself into?” she sighed.
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
Playful - Chris Evans x reader
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a/n - hey lovely people! i’ve had all these little headcanons in my head for quite a bit of time, so i’m finally posting it! let me know what you think and enjoy!<3
warning: implied sexual content
you and chris are known as a really goofy couple
what do you expect? when you put a couple of children at heart together there’s bound to be at least some chaos
once you built a blanket fort in the middle of the living room and spent the night in it
obviously, a disney marathon was involved
on the morning you wake up to find chris tangled up in the blankets you had for yourselves, leaving none for you
i mean you were pretty sure he didn’t do it on purpose, but still
you woke him up with a pillow to his face
which led to a pillow fight that ruined your fort
“oh well, it was bound to be ruined sometime”
you took your tongue out at him and he returned the favor
you were both pretty fond of puns as well
if you found a good one you’d make sure to share it
sometimes you’d get on a roll
“what did the grape say when it was crushed? nothing it just let out a little... wine,” you burst into laughing and so did chris
“what do you call a can opener that doesn’t work? a can’t opener!”
you could get into hours of laughing at each other’s stupid jokes, until your sides hurt and you were practically crying with laughter, when you got in a silly mood 
once you were having a nice saturday lunch at his parents' house, the whole family coming together to see each other and staying the afternoon
you were sitting on the couch, reading a book Lisa just lent you
the kids were playing outside, and, so you thought, was chris
but once you were immersed in your book chris came in without you noticing 
he came up behind the couch and circled his arms around you
“you look pretty” he smiled and whispered in your ear, startling you from your book
“awww, you’re pretty too,” you replied
and then, smirking, you continued
“pretty annoying”
you burst out laughing
chris pouted and turned to walk away
you quickly grabbed onto his arm and turned around, so your knees were on the couch and your face was towards him
you pulled him back towards you, circling your arms around his neck
“you look handsome,” you whispered before bringing your foreheads together 
you smiled and pecked his lips
just then one of the kids came in 
“ewwww,” he exclaimed at your PDA and everyone laughed
a lot of times when you mildly annoy chris he has a not-so-secret weapon against you
the mustache
god, you hated it with a passion
so if you were feeling particularly bratty that day, he’d just sigh and go “you know what? i think it’s time to bring back that iconic stache”
which would prompt you to thoroughly apologize 
“okay okay i’m sorry, please just not the mustache, i won’t do it again!”
you’d pout and you’d both laugh
you actually challenged him to a push-up contest one time
was it an excuse to watch him do push-ups because he didn’t like working out in the house? 
anyway, you actually held up better than you thought but he still won, obviously
you started rambling about how it’s kinda unfair that he won but he cut you off swiftly, putting his arms on the small of your back and asking you in a low voice
“when do i get my prize?”
there was one summer day when your AC broke down
it was an absolute nightmare
you called a technician but he said he could be there only in about three hours
you laid down on your bed with your phone, the heat boring into you like hellfire
you had one of those ceiling fans, but they were no match for an AC, doing nothing to cool the room down 
you were scrolling on your phone, a bit sweaty even though you were laying down, when chris came to lay behind you
he started moving his hands on your hips and sides, coming to squeeze on your ass
“chris,” you groaned “it’s hot as shit in here, please let’s not make it worse”
he hummed as if debating it, then brought his lips to kiss along your neck, sucking and nipping at your collarbone, drawing a moan out of your lips as you tilted your neck to grant him easier access
“i don’t know,” he mused, “i think we could use a distraction”
he ground himself against your ass and your breath hitched as you tossed your phone aside
once you both came down from your high you laid down beside him, sweaty and breathless
you huffed and rolled yourself to lay on top on him, like a big sweaty blanket
“nooo,” he groaned, “it’s like 200 degrees in here”
“oh really? who would’ve known something like this would happen?” you exclaimed
you lifted your head from his chest and smirked at him
“this is really your fault, you brought this onto yourself and-- oh!” you squealed and giggled as he suddenly rose from the bed, lifting you with him
you wrapped your legs around his waist as he made your way to the shower, smiling the entire way
sometimes interviewers would ask stupid questions about him working out, or people who met him would say they thought he was bigger
he tried to take it in good humor but you knew it still stung a little
so you never missed a chance to show chris how much you thought he was hot
touching his arm and pulling your palm away immediately, holding it in your other hand as if you got burned
“ahhh,” you hissed, “you’re hot!”
he laughed heartily, his hand slapping his chest
other times you see him talking to someone in a family gathering and come up next to him, slipping your hand into his back pocket and splaying it on his ass
luckily for the both of you, he’s an actor, so no one but you sees the glint of laughter in his eyes
other times you’d just see him standing in your kitchen, or in front of your bathroom sink, brushing his teeth
and you’d just give his butt a nice little smack
america’s ass wasn’t the only one who appreciated a nice ass in this house😏 
once you were sitting on the couch when you had scott and some friends over
you were sitting in chris’ lap, talking to him in a hushed voice, your hands intertwined in your lap
absentmindedly, chris brought your hand up to kiss it
you rubbed your nose on his in an eskimo kiss
which resulted in you both gave each other mad heart eyes
everyone in the room rolled their eyes
“c’mon guys,” scott said, “you’ve been dating for more than a year, when’s this gonna stop?”
the both of you just laughed
because you knew the answer to that was never
in conclusion chris evans come wife me up right now!!
hope u enjoyed! as always if you have any requests/ideaslet me know! btw for this anon - this is the fic i was talking about lol
Chris Taglist: @swatson06 @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @phoebe-21-99 @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​ @wanessalopesueiros @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @darkwitchfromthesouth @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal
if you wanna join / be removed from the taglist, comment/message me! this is a taglist for Chris and his characters. much love <3
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Title: Hibiscus Kisses {2}
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Chris Evans x OFC Ajali Rambaue AU {Ah-Jah-Lee, Ram-Bow}
Warning: Plot Heavy, Mild Cursing, Mild Slow Burn
Words: 4.9k
Summary: Ajali decides on a rash decision to go on a Disney cruise, not for her love of Disney, but because she needs time to figure things out after things get even more complicated in her complicated life. She only expected peace, quiet, tropical drinks, and an overabundance of Disney songs. What she got was more than she bargained for when the cruise of a lifetime on the brand new ship Enchantment turned into a nightmare. The only saving grace is that she’s not the only one living through the nightmare. Can Ajali survive the test of a lifetime and the dangers ahead of her, and better yet, will she finally be able to live a little?
Note: Hey, hey, hey, guys! So here we are trying something different/new. I hope you enjoy this. 🤞🏽 Please feel free to tell me what you think. I’m super excited to explore this one with you all. 🤗 
As always, thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed this, please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG! ❤️❤️
I appreciate each and every one of your guys’ support and love!
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
**Slightly Pic Heavy**
Previous Chapters: 1 | 
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Anyone who got up and at em’ on the first day of vacation had something to prove, and you hated them. You had nothing to prove, so you kept your ass in your room and utilized the “to cabin” service. You don’t know if it was the sound of the waves from the balcony, the lull of the ship as it pushed through the water, you being physically exhausted, or if it was your emotional exhaustion that did you in. Whatever it was, you slept until it was damn near dinner time. Even then, leaving your room was not an option.
So you called for a meal to be brought to you, snuggled into the covers, and watched the available tv channels. Not wanting to watch any movies, you decided on a channel that seemed to be a mix of the animal planet, discovery channel, and a survivalist’s dream. The program that was on was something about figuring out the difference between good food and bad food. Things like this you found interesting and always watched. It wasn’t that you planned on ever needing the information but why the hell wouldn’t you be prepared for a never possibility.
 When the food arrived, you were well into another program about common dangers on Caribbean islands that tourists would never know. Once you accepted the three reusable food bags, you buried yourself right back into the bed and surrounded yourself with everything you’d requested. You bet whoever prepared it thought it was for at least three people, but nope it was all yours. Vacation was about overindulging, right?
 A few hours later, your phone rang. Knowing your sister’s ringtone, you answered without looking at the ID.
 “You know better than not to send a message to mom before you disappear, Lulu.”
 “Disappear? Lali, I am on a huge ass ship. Where am I disappearing to?”
 “You know what I mean. You know if she hasn’t heard from you, then that’s just as good as disappearing,” Atali countered.
 Sighing, you rubbed your forehead. Your mother was a bit much sometimes.
 “I slept in.”
 “All day?”
 “All day,” you repeated.
 Kissing your teeth, you rolled your eyes and leaned back on the headboard.
 “Lali, you do know it’s me you’re talking to, right?”
 Atali giggled. “It is a vacation; excuse me for thinking you’d live a little.”
 “There is living a little and living recklessly,” you dryly responded.
 “Recklessly? Lulu, you’re the one who is sleeping with--.”
 You loudly cleared your throat, interrupting what you knew she was going to say. Atali was always good for bringing up everything you wanted to forget.
 “Jeez, Atali.”
 “Sorry, sorry.”
 You put another piece of cake into your mouth and moaned, savoring the strawberry and the smoothness of the cheesecake. You bit your bottom lip, and for some reason, your mind ran to the stranger you still had yet to get the name of.
 “Met anyone on board?”
 “Lali, I didn’t come here to meet anyone.”
 “I know, but you still could have—in passing.”
 You sighed and went over the details of his face. You really didn’t like men with that much facial hair, but it fit him well and easily made him look younger than he quite possibly was.
 “What’s his name?”
 “I don’t know his name, and he doesn’t matter. I did meet a woman.”
 “Woman? You’ve been gone a day and already experimenting?”
 You smiled and shook your head. “Shut up. Listen, she’s really cool. Her stories are classic, and she does her makeup like a goddess. You would like her, Lali.”
 “She’s an older woman, isn’t she?”
 “Yeah, so what?”
 “You always attract these old-young souls.”
 The two of you giggled together, but it went on for longer than just a few seconds. When you sighed out and leaned back against the headboard, you again thought of him.
 “What’s your first port?”
 “Dominican Republic, then Turks & Caicos, the British Virgin Islands after that then Aruba and Jamaica.”
 “Jeez, you’re living life,” Atali commented.
 “You have no idea. You should see this ship. They went all out times two with it. It’s just absolute luxury everywhere. I said pick me a ship. I didn’t say give me the Cleopatra treatment.”
 “You knew what you were getting into when you asked me to do it,” Atali replied. “By the way, isn’t BVI and Turks and Caicos pretty close to Bermuda?”
 Taking a moment to think about it, you responded, “Yeah. So?”
 “So? Lulu, Bermuda,” Atali repeated.
 When you didn’t speak immediately, she continued. “The Bermuda Triangle, dummy.”
 Kissing your teeth, you rolled your eyes, “Oh god, you cannot be serious.”
 “I am. Have you never heard that ships get lost and disappear in that area?”
 “Lali, I’m sure there is a scientific explanation, and I am also sure that no one would charter a course near somewhere that they’d get lost, especially with hundreds of passengers,” you finished, confidant in your response.
 The two of you talked for almost an hour before she was urging you to get out of your room and go to one of the clubs on the ship. You protested, but you knew she would not shut up about it, so you gave in though you had no interest in actually going. You spent the next hour going back and forth with your options. Most of you wanted to stay in bed or sit on the balcony and just get lost in the view, while the other knew that you’d only think of Javii if you did that.
 Following a shower, you scanned your clothes. Once you found a cute dress, then applied a lite layer of makeup and did your hair, choosing to leave it down rather than putting it in a cute bun. Five or ten minutes later, you were standing in front of the entrance to one of the clubs—Jewel. The music from inside was lively, and you could imagine the number of young bodies pressing against each other, seeking a cheap thrill. Glancing from left to right, you decided to bite the bullet.
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As soon as you stepped inside, you didn’t feel like you were on a ship in the middle of the ocean. It felt like it was a well established nightclub on solid ground. Whoever the DJ was, they were doing their thing, and it was evident from the bodies that littered the floor. It looked like this was where the parents came when their kids were tucked away in bed cuddling Tiana and Jasmine close. You walked through the crowds and saw plenty of couples making out and sharing drinks. Never again would you think to sleep on a Disney cruise. You thought it would be a chill time, but damn this was like parents gone wild.
 After a few minutes of walking around and scoping things out, you found a place at one of the three bars.
 “First Disney cruise?”
 Snapping your head around, you looked at a smiling bartender with long hair that was piled on top of his head in a neat man bun.
 “That obvious?”
 “Let me guess, you expected tame, princess sing-a-longs, virgin pina coladas, and plenty of mickey mouse.”
 The look on your face must have given you away because he was laughing a few seconds after he said it. You snorted and shook your head as you rearranged your dress and recrossed your legs.
 “Fine, you got me.”
 “It’s okay. I get how you’d think it was a tame little adventure. Why do you think we get so many reservations?”
 “I thought it was for the kids,” you blurted out. It was his turn to laugh.
 “Silly rabbit, while Disney is for kids, what happens after those kids lay their pretty little heads is a whole other story.”
 Glancing around once more, you made a mental note never to make the mistake again. Disney cruises were probably as raunchy as Carnival or those geared toward singles. At that thought, you began to wonder how many swingers were on board, and if this was a swinger’s playground.
 “What can I get you?”
 “Something strong so my innocent mind can adjust.”
 The bartender chuckled to himself as he walked around, preparing your drink. You bopped to the music and looked around again. Now it made sense to you when the mom of two who was preggo with her third said these cruises always gave her just what she needed. You bet they did—three fucking kids. Your mind was blown.
 When the bartender slid your drink to you, he smiled and slipped away to serve the others. That was when you turned back around to people watch. There was no way you were going to dance with any of them. after a few sips of your drink, you saw him across the way. He was sitting at one of the other bars watching the dancefloor as you were. His hat was gone, and it showed you that his hair was long. The lights were too dim to make out much else, but what you couldn’t make out, you quickly filled in from your other encounter.
 Before you realized your glass was empty, your eyes met and lingered on each other for several long moments. The only reason you looked away was because of the passing people who got in the way. When you looked back, his eyes weren’t on yours anymore, they were looking lower, but it was unclear if he was looking at you or someone on the dancefloor. Shaking it off, you spun around and requested another drink.
 As you waited, you scrolled through your phone and did your best to fight the urge to check his social media. Javii wasn’t huge on social media. He preferred to have his team handle his brand's social side, but he did have a secret one that not many knew about. There he posted things that interested him, showed his lifestyle and his passions. It was also where he posted his “thirst traps.” You knew that if you went on, you’d find one or two, and you knew the caption was going to be code for you. You doubted you were mentally prepared enough for that psychological minefield.
 “What can I get you, sir?”
 “Another beer, please.”
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The deep voice beside you had your finger pausing before you tapped the circle with Javii’s picture that indicated he’d made a new story. When you looked next to you there, he was again. The dim and colored lights in the room gave you a new appreciation of his eyes. It was at this moment you knew he got a lot of attention from women. With eyes like those, how could he not? He looked at you and smiled, and that sold it for you. His teeth were perfect, and though his smile made the wrinkles at the sides of his eyes more prominent, it also made his face light up. He looked like a kind man--a gentle one perhaps.
 “Either you’re following me around, or we’d call this fate.”
 You couldn’t help but smile. The cocky on him was so strong. It was a familiar cocky.
 “Or you’re following me around. You’re the one who bumped into me twice,” you countered.
 “Eh, I was the one doing the catching, so it’s more feasible that you’re following me.”
 He wore a soft grin, one that you mirrored.
 “Maybe if you weren’t like a brick wall, you wouldn’t have to catch me.”
 “I’m not complaining,” he responded. You stared at him and quickly got his meaning. Again, you couldn’t help but smile. Not only was he cocky, but he was charming, you thought.
 You finished your drink with one raise of your hand. When you lowered your glass, you watched as he raked his fingers through his hair, bringing it full out of his face. It was then you recognized him.
 “Oh my god.”
 “Now I know where I’ve seen you from.”
 He looked confused. “Now? You didn’t know this whole time?”
 “No. You looked familiar, but I couldn’t place you.”
 The look on his face was a lite one. He softly scoffed and raised his bottle to his head, and took a few gulps of his beer. When he lowered it, he spoke again.
 “That’s refreshing. I’m not used to people not recognizing me.”
 “That must suck. I couldn’t imagine living my life under suck a microscope,” you said without thinking. When you realized what you’d said, you glanced at him and tried to backtrack.
 “Uh—what I mean is--.”
 He smiled and shook his head. “It’s okay. I know what you mean. I’m Chris,” he replied, holding out his hand to you. When you touched his hand, you were surprised by how soft they were. He’d never used them for manual labor a day in his life, you thought.
 “Ajali,” you responded.
 “Aja—li, he slowly repeated, trying to mirror how you said it.
 “Wow, that’s a beautiful name, very unique,” Chris noted.
 “Thank you.”
 “What do your friends call you, Aja?”
 You looked at him after raising your hand to the bartender, signaling you’d like another.
 “Why? Are we friends?”
 Chris smiled and dipped his head down, making his hair fall into his face. He looked good with long hair and this grizzly beard combo. Again, he raked his fingers through his hair before he looked at you.
 “We can be. We can be good friends if you like.”
 Searching his eyes, you tried to find evidence in there to match the flirtatious tone of his voice.
 “What if my husband isn’t into that?”
 Chris smiled and turned his body to you. “You don’t have a husband. From the first time we bumped into each other, I noticed you’re not wearing a wedding ring, nor do you have any tan lines to signify you’re hiding one.”
 Raising your eyebrow, you allowed his words to sink in. “I could have--,” you began.
 “—Kids? Nah, you were alone the first time outside and again on the deck when I passed you and the night in the dining room and even at the show.”
 He’d been watching you.
 “No, I’m not stalking you, I promise,” Chris quickly spoke up. “Plus, even if you had kids, it wouldn’t matter. I like kids—they like me.”
 The two of you sat in silence for a few moments. When you got your drink, you took a long sip.
 “So you’re alone here on this family Disney cruise. That alone deserves a question,” Chris continued.
 “It does. You’re also alone on this same family Disney cruise,” you countered. Chris nodded and took another sip of his beer before he leaned closer to you.
 “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours,” he whispered.
 There was no way you were going to divulge personal information to a stranger, no matter if he were Captain America. You spun to face him, then uncrossed your legs to recross them. His eyes dropped to your thighs, and that told you what you needed to know. He was on this cruise for hookups. Scoffing, you finished your drink.
 “Your eyes just told me yours.” You slipped off the barstool and stood before him, leaning in just a little. “I hear Disney cruises are the place to be for after dark entanglements, and you’re in the right place. Have a good night.”
 You walked away, not giving him a chance to respond. Instead of moving to another bar, you decided to leave. You’d heard plenty of rumors and stories of Chris Evans and his booty calls, and you were not impressed. He was clearly here for easy, strings free sex. You’d heard more than you needed to about how he met his hook up buddies and just not was textbook. You were not here to be another notch in his bedpost.
  -The Next Day-
-The Dominican Republic, 11:10 am
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As you walked through the ship, everyone was abuzz with excitement for the first port. You were also excited but not to disembark like everyone else. You’d been to the Dominican Republic plenty of times and had no intention of going out today. You had a plan, and it was to soak up the quiet and empty ship. You wanted to get a spa treatment, a massage, and soak in the hot tub or the steam room and allow the essential oils to work their magic on the tension coursing through your body.
 “Attention passengers, we are officially docked. I’d like to be the first to welcome you to the beautiful Dominican Republic. As you disembark, a reminder that we will be leaving port promptly at ten o'clock. Please be on time, ladies and gentlemen, and enjoy your days.”
 While everyone was walking in one direction, you were walking in the opposite. Everyone was decked out in their beachwear and sunscreen, and you could tell these kids planned on swimming every inch of that beach. The ride on the elevator was a quick one because you were going lower than everyone else. The spa was on the first level below water. The pamphlet advertised it as being one with the sea thanks to the unmatched view of the ocean and life under the sea. You were excited.
 Once you got to the spa entrance, you smiled, seeing that it was completely empty.
 “Welcome to Aqua Spa. My name is Vikki.”
 “Hi. Am I the only one?”
 “You are the first here. Between you and me, I don’t expect many guests being the first port and all,” the blond wearing a sea blue uniform said.
 “Have you reserved?”
 “Yes, Ajali Rambaue.”
 You watched her scan the computer screen before her. It didn’t take her long to smile again.
 “Ms. Rambaue, welcome. I see you’ve booked the clearing treatment, a gold facial followed by the milk and rose oil bath,” Nikki listed.
 Just her listing off your treats had you even more excited. Nodding, you confirmed. She returned your smile and ushered you through the spa. You could already see the blue hue from the portholes, and it bathed the entire spa in the same blue. It felt as if you were gliding underwater, completely immersed with the other creatures.
 “Right this way.” You followed her into the room and gasped. The entire room was completely blue, and the sight before you through the clear window was breathtaking.
 “Incredible, isn’t it? I guess you can see why they named her Enchantment.”
 Maybe Lali’s splurge wasn’t so bad, you thought.
 “So, the clearing treatment is an intricate one. You can change behind this screen as I prepare the room for you and your therapist,” Nikki explained.
 You stepped behind the glass screen that immediately frosted once you were behind it, then began undressing and listened to her explain the treatment.
 “Not only is it an incredible treatment, but it stretches to about three hours from start to finish. World-renowned masseuses and acupuncturist Jadenna Sole designed it. He aimed for it to restore the body’s balance. It does this through a mixture of Eastern and European techniques.”
When you stepped out, you were wrapped in the towel and sighed, seeing the newly lit candles that warmed the room. If you were doing a couple’s massage, this would have been the perfect atmosphere.
 “It begins with a full-body exfoliation with sea salt and Indian Kama oil. After your therapist will perform a lymph system massage, and that will prep the body for your Swedish massage. After that, then your body will be wrapped in neem black clay, and you’ll sit and allow it to seep into your pores. Then you’ll rinse and sit in your milk and rose oil bath to then rinse again, and the finishing touch would be an intricate blend of oils and herbs rubbed into your skin that will help your chakras realign,” Nikki finished.
 You were impressed as hell. You’d never expect a treatment like this on a cruise. It was more something for Manhattan among the rich. As you got comfortable on the table, you could hardly contain your excitement. When your massage therapist arrived and introduced herself as Marta, you prepared yourself to be shot into space. Massages were your thing. Lali joked that massages were your love language.
 When Marta began the exfoliation process, it was relaxing enough for you to nearly fall asleep. You hadn’t realized how tense you were these last few days. You blamed Javii. It was all his fault. After twenty or so minutes, Marta rinsed you then really got started with the massage, all the while putting her back into it. She was a lot stronger than she looked. The pressure was perfect, and the scents from the oils were sublime. In no time, you were drifting from the ground into the sky.
 After an hour, your mind was completely blank, and the knot between your shoulder blades was nearly gone. Marta made a few comments on how tense your muscles were and gave pointers on how to prevent locked muscles. You listened as she spoke and tried to retain the information, but you were too distracted with how relaxed you felt. By the time two hours had passed, your muscles were putty, and Marta was now on your gold facial.
 This wasn’t the first time you’d gotten one. You and Lali often got them together as part of your sisters day. They were good for your complexion and elasticity. Your mother often stressed that collagen loved you when you were young but liked to play hide and seek the older you got and that you should cherish it and do all you could to maintain your healthy skin. You and Lali listened. After Marta finished applying the mask, you laid back and listened to the sounds of the classical music playing and drifted off to sleep.
 When you awoke, it was time to wipe the concoction off and dip into your milk and rose oil bath. The warmth of the mixture had you moaning. There was something so luxurious about lounging in milk like you were an Egyptian queen that had you feeling like a boss. The mask that was applied to your hair was slowly hardening, so you fought the urge to dip your head back. Instead, you leaned back onto the cushions and sighed again.
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The silence in the room was just what you needed. Any stress you’d been feeling was a distant memory now. This was just what you needed, you thought.
 “Who knew milk and rose oil could be so relaxing.”
 Your eyes snapped open as you looked from side to side, trying to see if someone was beside you. The tub pods were empty, and from what you could see, you were alone.
 “I’m glad I took Nikki’s recommendation for this over the peppermint soak,” the voice spoke again. You recognized it. Spinning around, you saw a bare back behind yours. He was close enough to touch.
 Chris turned around to face you. His face was painted with a mask, only keeping his eyes and lips visible. You quickly forgot your state of undress, but you somehow knew of his. Your eyes dipped down to his bare shoulders and the hair that laid across his chest. You saw a peek of two and a possible third tattoo, and your curiosity piqued.
 “Fancy seeing you here, Ajali,” Chris said as his eyes dropped lower. You looked lower on yourself to see your breasts almost out of the milk enough for him to see some nipple. Quickly you sunk down and turned back around, facing your back to him.
 “What’re you doing here?”
 “Same as you.” You sighed and hugged your legs to your body.
 “Shouldn’t they have men in a separate room or something?”
 “I’ve seen a naked woman before,” Chris informed with a scoff. You turned around from the tone of his voice.
 “I bet you have. You’ve seen plenty naked women.”
 Chris turned to face you with his brows knitted together as if he fully got your meaning.
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“Just what are you insinuating?”
 “It doesn’t matter.”
 “It does. Are you suggesting that I came on this cruise to sleep with unassuming women?”
 You shrugged and turned back around, keeping your back straight.
 “Wow, that’s insulting. Where do you get off?”
 You remained quiet. He must have taken your silence as more judgment because he spoke again.
 “I didn’t come on this cruise to snake myself into someone’s bed. I came because I needed a change of pace, some breathing room. Hollywood gets confining, and the more confining it gets, the more I feel like I’m—suffocating.”
 Slowly you turned to look at him. His back was turned so you trailed your eyes over the exposed skin of his back and saw peeks of more tattoos. The man was getting sexier with each passing minute. His shoulders were broad and looked incredibly strong. The low light in the room didn’t help you see anything else, but you could more than imagine everything else.
 “So, the confines of a ship wouldn’t feel suffocating?”
 Chris turned to look at you.
 “There is Hollywood confinement and this. This is not confinement. I have freedom here; I’m not watched like a hawk. Yeah, someone will recognize me here or there, but they are so respectful. For the most part, it is always quick. Plus, I don’t mind talking to the kids.”
 This was the second time he brought up kids, you thought.
 “Plus, now I’ve met someone who seems to have no problem telling me I’m a whore.”
 Immediately you snorted loudly then laughed. “I never called you that.”
 “Hinted at it is just the same as saying the words,” Chris accused.
 You smiled and sighed, and your eyes lingered on his.
 “It’s refreshing again. A lot of women will say what they think I want to hear or be how they think I want them to be.
 “Not me.”
 “Not you.”
 It was said in unison. Once both of you realized what you’d said, you laughed together.
 “It must be something having women fawn all over you.”
 Chris shrugged, and again your eyes fell to his shoulders, and that is where they remained.
 “Something is the word. It gets old, though—real quick.”
 When your eyes met again, he held your gaze. “I’m sure men fawn all over you too.”
 You took a deep breath and sighed out. “I’m sure they don’t.”
 Chris snorted and gave you a “yeah right” look.
 “I’m sure you’re full of shit. You’re a beautiful woman.” His eyes dropped below your face again, but they quickly came back up.
 You turned your back to him again and stared into the milk and oil concoction. He wasn’t wrong, though he wasn’t right either. Men didn’t fawn over you. Yeah, you got attention from men a lot but to go as far as saying they fawned over you was a stretch. You didn’t notice any man besides Javii for the last three years.
 “This is supposed to be a relaxing spa day for me. Maybe we should cut the talking out and just enjoy the rest of it,” you suggested, a little salty he’d reminded you of what you’d come to forget.
 “Sure thing,” Chris softly answered.
 The two of you remained in your separate bath pods without speaking one more word. However, you were aware of his body and every move he made. His body gave off this energy that felt like your body reached out for. So instead of fully relaxing, you’d spent the time fighting the sway of your body or the urge to slink closer.
 An hour later, you were in your clothes again and feeling ten times better than when you’d walked in. You thanked the staff and gave a generous tip, then left. When you got into the elevator, you leaned on the wall and sighed. As the doors closed, a hand stretched out, preventing it from closing. Chris then stepped onto the elevator with that stupid grin.
 “We’ve got to stop meeting like this,” he joked as he pressed the six that was already lit up.
 “Is six your floor too?”
 “Maybe.” He nodded and leaned on the wall beside you.
 The two of you rode the elevator and looked outside the glass enclosure to the ship and even the ocean outside.
 “They did a fantastic job with the ship. Even though you’re not on an island right now, you feel like it’s still a tropical vacation.”
 You nodded, agreeing with him.
 “Do you come on Disney cruises often?”
 You shook your head. “No. This is a first.”
 Chris lit up and smiled widely. “Wow. It’s been a while since I’ve met a first-timer.”
 “I take it you’re not.”
 “Nope, veteran. I come on a cruise at least once a year and go to Disneyworld and land twice a year,” Chris excitedly bragged.
 “Oh, a little boy trapped in a grown man’s body,” you teased.
 Chris chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.
 “Eh, nothing wrong with being a little boy.”
 “Only if you aren’t that way because you refuse to grow up,” you responded. Chris looked at you and kept his eyes there. The ding of the elevator brought your attention back to the dial.
 You walked out the door, then turned left and proceeded to your room, wondering the whole way if that was a bitch thing to say. You had to learn to censor, you thought as you scanned your wrist and stepped into your room. Peeping back, you saw Chris still walking to his room with his head dipped low as if he’d lost his best friend.
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113 notes · View notes
“Okay!” Alex bellows and claps her hands together, “Next game! You gotta partner up!”
Nia scoots in close around the coffee table and pushes into Brainy’s side, while Kelly settles down on the arm of the chair that Alex is sitting in and cards a hand through her hair.
“I’m with Lena!” Sam claims across the room from the kitchen and runs over with two precariously balanced glasses of wine in one hand, plopping down next to Lena on the couch.
Kara, hunched over in front of the fridge, stands up quickly and lets out an indignant scoff, “That’s not fair! Lena is my partner by default. House rules.” Kara closes the door and jams her finger into the scoreboard stuck the front of the fridge. “See!”
“She’s my best friend!” Kara and Sam say in unison, and Alex swears she can see her sister’s eyes pulse with a burst of hot anger and sinks down into her chair a little further.
“I am the property of no man.” Lena counters, which causes an elbow to jab her in the side from a smirking Sam.
“Ain’t that the truth,” Sam says conspiratorially under her breath, and Lena snorts into her wine glass as she brings it to her lips.
Kara’s brow crinkles as she makes her way over to group and takes a spot on the floor across from the couch, “Fine, I guess I’m the game master.”
Kelly glances down at Alex, who gives a small grimace as she reaches into her pocket and removes her phone, “Uh, okay. So I-..”
“Not going as planned?” Kelly dips her head and whispers into her girlfriend's ear.
“Nope,” Alex reponds under her breath with a pop.
Nia clears her throat and gives Alex a pointed look from across the room and motioning with her eyes discreetly towards the couch.
Alex opens her mouth to speak, but realizes she is taking too long and juts her hand with her phone out to Kara, “You gotta read the questions and keep score.”
Kara eyes her sister suspiciously and she plucks the phone from her hand. She scrolls through the screen for a few seconds before glancing up and looking around the room.
“Really?” Kara deadpans.
Alex tries her best to hide her pained expression, so she picks up her beer bottle and presses it to her lips and tilts her head back with an emphatic thumbs up.
This is going to be a disaster.
Kara rolls her eyes and places the phone down on the table and picks up a pen and paper to keep score, “Okay, so, you gotta guess the answers based on what you know about your partner.”
“Like the Newlywed game?” Nia asks, perking up.
Brainy tilts his head, taking in his girlfriends information, “Yes. Exactly like the Newlywed game, we discussed this earli-.. OOF! ” He is effectively silenced by a sharp elbow in his side. Brainy clears his throat and forces a smile, “continue” he whines through a breath and raises his hand weakly, relinquishing the floor back to Kara.
“What is the Newlywed game?” Lena asks, arching a quizzical eyebrow.
Sam waves her off, “Don’t mind her. She has never had a stay-home-from-school-sick day and watched daytime tv.”
Lena scoffs and presses hand to her chest in offense, “I would never watch daytime tv.”
Sam turns her hands over in a so-there gesture, “See.”
Kara smiles softly, because of course Lena doesn’t watch daytime tv. Though, she does remember the one time she had to convince a hungover and couch-bound Lena not to order Lifelock  just because “Jane Rizzoli said so.” Lena had relented only after Kara made her a mimosa to nurse her headache and sang “Take my identity as a Luthor, take all my money too, for I can’t help falling in lo-..” until Lena’s bright laughter had cut her off and filled the room.
“Hey,” Alex leans forward, snapping her fingers in front of her sister's face, “ground control to Major dork. Let’s go!”
Kara shakes her head, loosening the memory from her thoughts, but a floating warmth remains in the center of her chest. She adjusts her glasses and smiles in Lena’s direction, who has a single finger pressed against her lips and a curious look.
“Wha-.. oh, yeah, right. So, I ask a question, and both of you come up with an answer. If the answers match, you get a point.”
Everyone nods agreeably, and Kara lifts her glass, and takes a long pull of the amber, alien liquid inside, “First question, what is your partner’s favorite movie?”
Alex and Kelly raise their hands in unison, “Terminator 2!”
Alex pumps her fist and gives her girlfriend a high-five, “Yes! And yours is....” Alex snaps her fingers, hoping that perhaps it will jumpstart her brain, “honestly, anything black and white. She’s a sucker for classics.”
Kelly nods and presses a quick kiss to the crown of Alex’s head.
Brainy’s favorite is ‘any movie with Keanu Reeves’, which causes a ten minute reprieve of the game as he launches into nearly a film-thesis-length speech about the transgender allegory of The Matrix until Nia clasps her hand over his mouth.
“Babe, I love that you know that, but just answer the question.” she says.
“Ah, yes. Nia Nal’s favorite movie is the Harry Potter series. She is a Gryffindor and her Patronus is a dapple grey stallion.”
Kara tallies two points each under their score column, and taps her pen against the table with growing impatience as Sam stares intently at Lena.
“God, you had the VHS box set in college. I can picture it on your shelf.. fuck, I can’t remember it!” Sam throws her hands up in frustration.
“Titanic.” Kara says under her breath to no one, and averts her gaze down the point sheet in front her, because how could Sam not know that? Best friend, her alien ass.
“Yours was that obscure French one, Jeux d’enfant,” Lena laughs, “God, how many times did you watch that? I swear you just wanted to impress that French exchange girl. What was her name?”
Sam lets go of a breath, “Esmée.” she says, dreamily, “I could be living in the French countryside right now as a vineyard wife.”
Lena gives Sam a playful swat against the arm, “What’s yours, Kara?” Sam asks between playful attacks and fits of laughter from her friend.
“Working Girl,” Kara and Lena say in unison, and Lena’s laughter dies down, “she always cries at the end.” she says, punctuating with a wink at Kara.
“All of the hair in that movie is just so horrifically 80’s. It would make anyone cry.” Kara counters as she marks down a one under Lena and Sam score column.
The game continues, and Alex and Kelly are so finely tuned that Kara reminds herself to tell her sister to wife Kelly quickly, because she has already started a mental catalogue of what she is going to need for their wedding.
“Favorite TV show?”
“Game of Thrones!”, “Greys Anatomy!”
“Worst handwriting?”
“Alex. She writes like she finished medical school.”
Brainy and Nia seem to find a rhythm, even if Brainy keeps going on tangents about each of his answers.
“Her favorite musical artist is Taylor Swift, but not 1989 era Taylor. She considers that album too popsugar polished, especially since it is widely believed that she played up her so-called ‘beef’ with fellow singer, Katy Perry.”
Kara’s scoring has started on a sideways slant, because every time she ends up on Sam and Lena, she finds herself drinking more and tempering down her annoyance at Sam who can’t seem answer one fucking question right.
Kara instead has started a running tally in the corner of the score sheet, checking off each answer as she mentally screams.
Lena’s favorite junk food? Big belly burger. Check . Silliest pet peeve? Lena hates fliers and leaflets because “They are a waste of our time and trees, Kara. Honestly, if one more follower of Rao tries to shove one in my hand, I’m going to shove a redwood tree up his ass.” Check.
Lena’s favorite color is purple. Check. Lena hates salmon. Check. Lena doesn’t like tequila, but if she is buzzed enough will take a shot of it, but only with lick of salt and a lime as a chaser. Check. Lena hates her brother. Triple Check. Lena takes her coffee black. Check. And Lena always looks like she stepped out of a noir film with a dark shade of red on her lips that Kara is sure, ‘so sure’, would not smudge if she was kissed. Check (tbd).
Kara is throwing her head back, finishing off the liquid in her glass, burning and hot in the back of her throat when Sam answers ‘Maleficent’ for what Disney character Lena would be.
“Oh my god,” Kara shakes her head, “how are you so bad at this?”
Sam seems taken aback and looks between Lena and Kara, “Excuse me?”
“This.” Kara gestures towards Lena and then drunk and loose over the scribbled score sheet in front of her, “You haven’t gotten one answer right. Lena is carrying your team. You,” Kara sits up straight, trying to center herself but sways as she points an accusatory finger in Sam’s direction, “suck.”
Sam looks around the room. Kelly and Nia are both suddenly very interested in their phones, while Alex’s eyes have grown wide, wondering briefly if her sister is going to rear up off the floor and throttle their friend. Lena is staring at Kara with a bewildered look from over the rim of her wine glass while Brainy’s searching eyes move across the room from each person, trying to form the proper reaction to this level of intensiveness.
“Relax, Danvers. It’s just a game.” Sam scoffs as she leans forward to pick up her wine glass from the table.
“No!” Kara shouts a little too loudly, and brings her hand down on the table, splintering a corner and nearly rattling the drinks off of it, “No.”
“Kara,” Kelly leans forward, and with her best therapist voice, tries to defuse the situation, “perhaps we should just take a break from the game, and get some wate-..”
“No. Anyone with eyes knows that Lena is Moana. She would cross oceans and fight Gods and do whatever it took to do the right thing.” Kara says resolutely towards Kelly, and then turns back to Sam, “Lena is Moana. She is a Queen and she is good, and she isn’t fucking ‘Maleficent’!” Kara punctuates with air quotes.
Sam’s eyes grow wide, and she settles a steely glare on Kara, “Fine. You wanna do this?”
“You’re damn right I do.” Kara bites back, pushing her sleeves up her arms, “Lets go.”
“Well, fuck me I guess.” Kelly mutters under her breath as she sits back, defeated. Alex cautiously leans forward, and takes her phone from in front of her sister.
Brainy narrows his eyes and glances between Kara and Sam, “Am I to believe they are fighting for Lena’s honor?”
Nia waves a hand frantically in Brainy's face, “Just.. shush.” she says squeezing her eyes shut, “Shhh.”
Sam finishes the last of the wine in her glass, and juts out her arm in Lena’s direction, a silent demand for a refill. Lena rears back and plucks the wine glass out of her friends hand at the stem, “Oh kay, then.” and cautiously moves from the couch towards the kitchen.
Kara and Sam’s eyes never leave the others as Lena scoots past.
Alex clears her throat and lets a silent prayer float up into the rafters of her sisters loft that Kara has home insurance in the event Sam ends up dangling over the fire escape.
“Describe your partner in one word.” Alex says, and glances up from her phone.
Kara nearly digs her fingers into the hardwood floor beneath her.
“How are we gonna keep score?” Nia whispers over the table to Alex.
Alex grits her teeth at the realization and shoots the woman in the kitchen a sympathetic look, mouthing “I’m sorry.”
“Oh, no.” Lena shakes her head, “No.” she says, pointedly.
Brainy perks up, “So Lena must determine the answer, and then deem one worthy of her affections.”
Nia smacks him in the chest.
A pair of bright blue and honeyed eyes look towards Lena, who is gaping in the kitchen with one quaking hand holding a scotch tumbler and a wine bottle in the other.
“You must decree it so, Lena. Who gets the point?” Brainy bellows enthusiastically, and then flips a single kernel of popcorn into his mouth with a smile.
“Where the hell did you get popcorn?” Nia asks, dumbfounded.
“Inconsequential!” Brainy declares, shoveling a fistful into his mouth.
Lena swallows hard, and dips her head towards the living room, “Kara.”
“HA!” Kara barks, and raises her hand, which is promptly high-fived by Brainy.
Sam cranes her neck side to side and shakes out her arms, “Again.”
Alex glances up at Kelly, “Is this how I die?”
Kelly gives a noncommittal shrug, and leans over her girlfriend's shoulder, scrolling through the questions on her phone, “What is your partner’s worst habit?”
“Biting her nails when she is nervous.” Sam says, glancing at Lena as she sits, who promptly pulls her thumb away from her mouth.
“Running on three hours of sleep and thinking of a large, black coffee as a meal.” Kara counters.
All eyes land on Lena, leaving her drumming heart echoing in her ears and the steady crunchcrunchcrunch of popcorn filling the room, “Nails. It is horribly unsanitary.” she says with a wince.
Kara curses in Kryptonian under her breath, and Sam sits back on the couch, arms crossed with a smug smile plastered across her face.
Nia raises up on her knees, and reaches across the table, quickly snatching the phone from Alex’s hand, “My turn!” she declares and scrolls for a few moments, “Ideal vacation?”
“Beach, getting her cute, pale ass burnt in the sun with a margarita in her hand.” Sam waggles her eyebrows, and nudges Lena with her elbow.
Lena sways and keeps her eyes set on a single thing; the door, her only escape from this current hell on earth.
“Swiss alps. Skiing and just relaxing in the lodge,” Kara answers with a smile that shifts with a distant look, “bundled in some cozy sweater, hands curled around a cup of Irish coffee. She’d probably read a book and enjoy the quiet of the falling snow. She’d doze off on the couch by the fire, and she’d look so at peace and warm that you wouldn’t want to move her, but you know she’d complain in the morning about the knots in her neck, an-..”
“Okay,” Sam raises her hand, “we get it. You’ve put a lot of thought into this.”
Lena turns her head and looks at Kara, who gives her a soft smile, one that she returns.
“Oh, you gotta give Kara that one.” Kelly says, propping her head up in her hand, nearly swooning.
Alex takes in her girlfriend’s dreamy reaction and looks around cluelessly, “I’ve lost her.”
“Whatever,” Sam rolls her eyes, “you’ve clearly never seen her in a bikini.”
“Oh, snap!” Brainy bounces in his spot.
Nia places a calming hand on his shoulder, “Not the right time, babe.”
“Yeah,” Lena concedes with a sheepish smile that she masks behind the tumbler at her lips, “you get that one.”
Kara straightens and gives a quick nod and bright smile towards Lena, who gives a subtle wink.
Brainy flips up fingers on his hand, “So, that makes two for Kara and one for Sam. At what score does Lena determine the winner?”
“Best of five?” Nia offers, and Lena tips her glass towards her friend, “Five is good.”
Nia hands the phone back to Alex, who smiles as she lands on the next question, “Who is your partner's hero?”
Lena nearly spit-takes her scotch, but instead dribbles it down her chin and shirt.
“Well, it sure as hell wasn't Reign, that’s for sure.” Sam mutters under her breath. Lena gives her friend a sympathetic smile, and a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
“Oh, I’ve got this,” Kara says, pushing up on her knees so she is nearly level with Lena on the couch. She clears her throat, and pulls back her hair into a tight ponytail, “Supergirl may have saved me, but Kara Danvers,” she gives a sly smirk, donning her best Lena impression, “you are my hero.”
Lena pulls her bottom lip between her teeth and forces a tight smile, “Oh, so you can do me now? You think you’re so clever.”
“Oh my god,” Sam breaths out under breath, and looks over to Alex, “do they even hear themselves? Are they always this stupid?”
Alex closes her eyes and gives a pained nod, “ No, and always.”
Kara quirks an eyebrow and shuffles on her knees closer to the couch, “Am I wrong?” she asks, all the alcohol having burned out of her system. She is simply gloating for the sake of gloating at this point.
Plus she likes the flush that is creeping up Lena’s neck, and settling in her cheeks.
Nia leans over towards Brainy, “Now you can ‘ oh snap.’ ” she whispers.
Alex puts down her phone, “Sorry, Sam. It goes to Kara in the best of five.”
Brainy suddenly stiffens, “Wait,” he turns fully towards Nia, “this is not going according to our original plan.” he says, conspiratorially.
“Ya think?”
“Lena was supposed to partner with Kara, so that Kara would gradually be led into her feelings for Lena. Sam has co-opted this entire operation!” he hisses, “every scenario that I ran had Lena and Kara confessing their feelings to each other with 98.6% success rate, leading to their eventual coupling.”
“Does she always have that lovesick puppy thing going on with her face when she looks at you?” Sam says out of the side of her mouth.
“Samantha!” Lena admonishes.
“What?” Kara’s gaze shifts from Lena to the woman beside her, and a warm pulse flickers behind her eyes.
“Oh, chill with the theatrics. I already handed your ass to you once, I can do it again.” Sam says a little drunk and with far too much bravado.
A round ‘WOAH’s’ quickly moves throughout the loft. Kara is on her feet, along with Alex.
“I’m going to say it. Lena must know how Kara feels. Their future depends on it.” Brainy says resolutely, and stands, taking in a deep breath.
“Brainy, don’t!” Nia pleads, pulling on her boyfriend's arm, trying to reel in the control of a situation that has clearly lost it.
Kara takes a confrontational step forward and cocks her head to the side, “You need a flight back to Metropolis?” she says raising a fist, “Oh? You have a layover? Then I’ve got your connecting right here.” Kara mocks, raising her other fist.
“How about I dangle you over the fire escape and drop you off the side of a building again?” Sam sneers.
“HEY! WOAH!” Lena stands abruptly, positioning herself between the blonde and brunette, “We are all friends here. What is going on?!”
“She started it!” Sam and Kara say in unison, pointing an accusatory finger at the other.
“Lena! You must know that Kar-..” but Brainy is effectively silenced by his girlfriend’s hand clasping tightly around his mouth.
“Shut it.” Nia says curtly, and pulls Brainy back down the floor with her.
Sam closes her eyes for a moment and shakes her head, “It’s just a game. Why are you so bent out of shape about it?”
Kara scoffs, “Because you claim to be Lena’s best friend, and you don’t know a damn thing about her!”
“Defensive much?” Sam counters, and arches an eyebrow as her eyes flit to Lena, “I know more than you think.”
“Sam.” Alex warns, quietly.
Sam scoffs, and rolls her eyes, “Watch this.” she says, raising a finger, “I’m going to take care of this in less time than it took you dummies to set up this game night coup.”
An offended noise rumbles in the back of Alex’s throat, “Wh-..what are you talking about?”
Sam cranes her head back, “Ugh, you’re what? The director of a covert government agency? Kelly has a Phd in psychology, so she should really be better at this. Nia is...” Sam glances down to the woman on the floor.
“A journalist.” Nia finishes.
“A journalist, and Brainy is what, a twelfth generation Texas Instruments calculator?”
Brainy’s mouth falls open, and he lets out an offended, high pitched whine.
Sam turns her attention back to Kara, “You wanna be Lena’s partner?”
“More than anything.” Kara grinds out.
“Oh my god. Grant me the serenity.” Sam mumbles under her breath, “Lena, you have what? An IQ of 168?”
Lena straightens slightly, and tilts her head, “180, why?”
“Because you’re the dumbest genius I know.”
Lena’s mouth drops open, “I beg your pardon?”
“And Kara” Sam glances over Lena’s shoulder,  “I bet you learned calculus at seven.”
“Five.” Kara says, the anger draining from her tone.
“And you probably know all about quantum entanglement.” Sam says with a smirk, which causes Lena to turn around with a surprised look.
“You do?!” Lena asks, affronted.
“Pfft, of course she does. She just likes to hear all the words that come out of your dumb, pretty face.” Sam says with a tone that leaves no room for an argument, “Do you know how long I had to hear Lena go on and on about your stupid, cute, dumbfounded face after that conversation?”
“You think I’m stupid?” Kara asks dumbly.
“You think I’m pretty?” Lena says, giving a hopeful smile.
Sam cuts her eyes to Alex, who raises a hand, effectively cutting her off before she has the chance to ask the question, “Yes, it is like this all the time.”
Sam sighs, “Look, I’m going to ask you both rapid fire questions. You need to answer at the same time.”
“Why?” Lena asks, glancing over her shoulder.
“Because we ,” Sam gestures vaguely around the living room, “can no longer live like this. Just humor me, okay?”
“Fine.” Lena says sharply and turns her attention back to Kara, “Ready?”
Kara gives a resolute nod.
“Okay, great. Favorite color?” Sam starts.
“Navy blue!”
Lena and Kara both smile at each other, and Kara gives her a playful poke in the shoulder, “Nice.”
“Favorite junk food?”
“Eliza’s chocolate pecan pie, but that is only rivaled by Noonan’s sticky buns.”
“Those little scones from Dublin.”
Lena’s eyes flutter shut for a moment, “God, those are good.”
Kara leans forward and winks, “I’ll make a trip soon.”
Brainy narrows his eyes, “This is actually quite clever. I did not take this into account during my scenarios.”
Kelly, Alex, and Nia nod in agreement and continue watching in rapt awe.
“Who is the little spoon?”
Sam pinches her chin, and taps her index finger against her lips, studying the two women in front of her, “Anything clicking yet for you two?” When she is met with resounding silence, she continues, “No? Great. This isn’t painful to watch at all.”
“What song best describes the other?”
“Where You Are.”
“Glass Vase Cello Case”
Kelly throws up her hands, and Alex sinks down into her chair, nearly collapsing onto the floor, “Oh my god, from the movie?!” she groans.
“I didn’t know Kara was so emo.” Nia whispers towards Alex.
“We went to Warped Tour three years straight,” Alex says, pulling herself back up into her chair, “It was a whole phase.”
“It wasn’t a phase.” Kara says, keeping her gaze fixed on Lena and taking a tentative step forward.
Sam quirks an eyebrow and takes a step back, “Phew, it’s like a sexual tension black hole,” she glances over her shoulder at the audience behind her, “how do you guys deal with this?”
“You get used to it.” Nia says nonchalantly, throwing some popcorn into her mouth.
“Right, so last question,” Sam claps her hands together and rubs them together,  “are you two in love with each other?”
The collective gasp nearly sucks the remaining air that Lena and Kara haven’t already burned up out of the room.
“Great!” Sam chirps, “My work here is done.”
There are a few beats of silence, and Lena blinks hard, breaking the moment, and bringing Kara back to reality along with her.
Kara’s hands shoot up and clasp over her mouth tightly, skewing her glasses, eyes wide behind the sideways frames
Lena lets out a bubble in incredulous laughter and shakes her head in disbelief, “Oh.”
“Ho-..how did you do that?” Alex asks.
“Sometimes you just gotta light a fire under their asses.” Sam chuckles, and smacks Lena firmly on the backside, the impact sending her forward and into Kara, who catches her with steady hands on her hips as Lena’s arms wrap around her neck
Brainy is the first to stand and offers his hand to Nia, assisting her to her feet, “This is our cue to leave.”
“Mhmm.” Alex hums in agreement, swatting Kelly against the leg, “Let's get out of here.”
Sam scoots past the two intertwined women and gives a sly wink as she passes, “This was a fuckin’ blast. You two have a great night.”
“Oh, they will. There is a 100% probability they will be engaging in a copious amount of lovemaking tonight.” Brainy says, gathering his and Nia’s jackets from the coat rack by the door.
Alex’s face scrunches up, “Ew. Copious?”
“Nice.” Sam says, opening the front door.
Brainy waves his hand towards nothing in particular as he steps into the hallway, “It will be an entire thing in the future. Any available surface will be a target for their insatiable sexual appetite: work desks, kitchen counters, the bathroom stall at Al’s, Alex’s bed.”
Alex turns on her heels in the threshold of the door, “My bed, Kara?!” she shouts as Kelly pulls her back, and leans around Alex, closing the door and muffling her girlfriend's curses.
“I-..I haven’t done anything yet?” Kara says confused, looking back at Lena, who is barely containing her laughter.
“What’s so funny?”
Lena loosens a hand from around Kara’s neck, and waves in between them, laughing “It’s just... have we always been that clueless?”
Kara snorts out her laughter, “I mean... I guess so?” she says with a growing, bright smile.
“Well,” Lena says quietly, bringing her hand up and removing Kara’s glasses, “I’m glad we figured it out.”
Kara hums her agreement, and kneads her fingertips firmly into Lena’s hips, and walks them around her lower back, pulling her in closer, “So now what? I heard something about copious lovemaking ” she says in her best Brainy impression.
Lena tosses the glasses behind her, somewhere forgotten on the couch, and wraps her arms around Kara’s neck, absently twirling soft, blonde hair around her fingers, “How about,” she presses a soft kiss to Kara’s cheek, who turns her head in an attempt to capture Lena’s lips, “you explain quantum entanglement to me.”
Kara drops her head to Lena’s shoulder, and sways in their embrace, groaning her displeasure into the fabric of her shirt before lifting her head and flipping her hair dramatically away from her face with a pout.
“Alexa, play Warped Tours greatest hits.”
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handmaid - 17
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap
A/N:  i wrote this while watching hamilton on disney + and then proceeded to watch love never dies, so i’m pumped. hope you enjoy this chapter xxx
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The babysitter rushed after the two girls down Fifth Avenue, only noticing the vibrant colours of their winter coats lined with white faux fur that mixed with the white of the fresh fallen snow on the ground. All that could he heard down the streets were carollers and child-like glee. Y/N followed Gwen the fastest her six year old legs allowed her until they stopped at the front of the beautifully decorated Cartier shop. The two girls fawned over the beautiful shimmer of every single necklace and diamond on stand for the richest of all the richest. Y/N, however, was more interested in a red box of three Christmas ornaments with the most adorned, precious and precise craft. 
      - I’m gonna have all of them when I’m an adult. - a young Gwen smiled at the shop front, ignoring their breath catching babysitter who was praying to the gods the children had lost all their energy. - And I’m gonna wear all of them all the time.
      - You can’t wear all these earrings all the time. - Y/N retorted, eyes still glued on the Christmas ornaments. 
      - I’ll wear them as necklaces. - she rebuffed. 
      - Ladies, we should be going. - Ms. Wellington held both her hands out for the girls which both took gleefully, eyes still glued onto the Cartier glass as they were hushed onto the car.
The car took them back to the Forrest house which was covered in garlands and fairy lights looking like a winter wonderland. The young Y/N rushed down the halls onto the common room where several maids and handymen were putting the last details for the Christmas Eve dinner. She watched with pure glee and childhood innocence the Christmas tree being crowned with an acrylic and crystal angel. 
       - Good morning, Miss Y/N. - one of the maids spoke up as the young girl rushed through the crowds and into the kitchen which was boiling with heat due to the heaters and constant cooking. The no more than 39 feet tall girl watched in awe as the cooks prepared various amounts of precisely decorated sugar cookies. 
She put her tiny hands on the marble balconies, bracing herself to take a closer look at the cooks and maids preparing what would be Christmas dinner desserts. One of the maids noticed the face of the soon to be handmaid starring at them and went from behind her, grabbing her and sitting her on the marbled tops. 
      - Trying to get a peek of the Christmas desserts aren’t you, missy? - Y/N giggled at getting caught. - You can’t be naughty, Santa is still watching. 
      - I’m never ever ever naughty. - she crossed the arms over her Christmas dress embroidered with Christmas imagery. 
     - That it’s true. - the maid laughed, handing her one of the sugar cookies which Y/N’s eyes sparkled at. - It’s our little secret. 
     - What secret? - Y/N gobbled up the cookie as Mr. Forrest walked into the kitchen quarters. - How come you’re not with Gwenie watching TV?
     - I wanna help. 
     - You always wanna help. - the head of the mob family sighed, taking a slightly medium sized wrapped box off his jacket and handing it to the soon to be handmaid. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, mouth agape in surprise. - Gwen got her bracelet and I thought you’d want something nice too that doesn’t come from Santa.
     - Can I open it? - she questioned excitingly picking at the bow on top of the red box. As he nodded, Y/N ripped the paper off revealing a shiny red box with a little ribbon which, when pulled, open a little drawer lined with white cushioned satin. In the middle stood a gold Christmas bauble which glistened whenever the light hit it. - It’s so pretty.
     - It’s pure gold. - he lifted the bauble for her to see it more clearly. - Ms. Wellington did say you were inclined for Christmas decorations.
    - What is gold? 
    - It’s a precious metal. Men kill each other over it. 
    - It doesn’t look that precious. - Y/N closed the box, holding it close to her chest. -  It silly to kill people over metal. 
    - Well, some would say men will kill each other over women with hearts of gold. 
    - Sounds painful. - she grimaced making Mr. Forrest laugh at her comment. 
    - Why, some would even say you have one of those precious metalled hearts, Miss Y/N. 
Y/N sighed, watching her reflection on the mirror as she tied her hair back before reaching into her suitcase, grabbing an old yet still in pristine shape red box with the golden writing fading due to time. Mindlessly, she smiled, opening the little drawer to stare at the intact bauble that always hanged on the Christmas tree every single year. She wondered if her salary would be enough to buy some decorations for the penthouse as Sebastian didn’t seem one to decorate or at least over do it as the only thing he had a Christmas garland surrounding the lift’s door.
    - Y/N! - Gwen screamed from outside her door, proceeding to bang one of her fists against it. - C’mon, we don’t have all day. 
    - I’m sorry, Gwen. - Y/N put her red box back, getting her bag and phone before unlocking the door. Gwen was wearing a faux fur white coat with her only Birkin which she hoped to have a collection of someday. - Remember when Ms. Wellington used to take us to Fifth Avenue?
   - I wonder if Cartier has a new stand this year. - Gwen gave her a soft smile as the two girls went downstairs. Her eyes lingered on the handmaid’s neck noticing a soft bruise there. - Hey, when did you get that bruise?
   - Oh ... - Y/N’s flew to her neck. - It’s a curling iron burn. 
   - No, that’s look like a hickey. - she smirked. - Soooo, who is he?
   - He’s no one. - Y/N tried to run away from the subject, standing a bit further away from Gwen in the lift. She, however didn’t seem to let go of the conversation and what was Y/N supposed to say? Why yes, Genevieve, this hickey was caused by your husband to-be? Gwen would have her head on a stick in the middle of Times Square for everyone to shame her. - Will you knock it off? It’s really nothing, it’s just a curling iron burn.
   - Oh c’mon, Y/N. Why are you being so secretive? Is he married or something?
   - What?! No. - no other time had Y/N replied so quickly. - There isn’t a he.
The shopping trip was filled with Gwen asking more and more questions about who had made the bruise despite Y/N saying various times that she had just burned herself with her curling wand. Luckily for her, Gwen had gotten distracted by the Hermes’ concession stand which gave her plenty of time to go into a less higher end shop and buy as many Christmas decorations as her salary pay check allowed her. She had gotten lost in the glimmer lights and shimmer of Christmas, smiling at everything she could find. 
After she had paid for an unholy amount of Christmas baubles and garlands, a particular dark jumper caught her eye. It wasn’t branded, it was probably cheap but it did felt nice and she wondered how good Sebastian would look in it. He always looked better in his casual attire rather than the perfectly tailored suits he was known for and besides, she did needed to get something for him for Christmas before she left with Gwen for the Forrest household. 
Once Gwen was done shopping for herself and everyone else who she considered high enough to be in her gifting list, the girls were driven back to the penthouse where Gwen took to retreating to her bedroom probably to be with Christian while Y/N started to wrap garland around the staircase rail. She was rather found of decorating and with the help of some staff managed to locate an old Christmas tree which she filled and filled with baubles and lights making it bright enough for people on the other side of the Atlantic to see it. 
    - Angel, what have you done to my house? - Sebastian had left his office to grab himself another cup of coffee to find Y/N still decorating.
   - It’s Christmas.
  - Yeah, I’ve noticed. - he rubbed the back of his neck. - Listen, angel, Mr. Williams is coming over for a meeting and I think you should go to your bedroom. 
   - Mr. Williams is not threatening. You said it yourself. - Y/N finished putting various baubles on the tree, staring at it with a proud smile on her face. - Doesn’t that look beautiful? 
   - Angel, you find beauty in everything. - Sebastian grabbed the Christmas star from the pile of decorations she had. - Saving the best for me?
   - Oh ... of course. - she shifted her weight from feet to feet. Sebastian had learned to understand whenever she felt embarrassed or shy and that sounded like one of those moments. Chuckling, his hand laid rest on her natural waist, while the other holding the Christmas tree star placed the ornament on her warm hand. Before she could question him, his now free hand came to rest on the other side of her waist and with a proper grip onto the fabric of her jumper and skin, he lifted her up. 
   - Go on, angel. Finish it. - he spoke up and with a child-like glee only present in the young handmaid, she placed the star on top of the tree. Gently, he lowered her down, twirling her so he was face to face with her. - Y/N, I ...
   - Mr. Stan, I see you decorated. - Sebastian grip hardened against Y/N and in a swift move, he placed her behind his back, observing as one of his least favourites walked in. How Mr. Williams had been his father’s favourite was still a mystery to him. How someone who beg, borrowed and stole their way to the hope without as much as getting a stain in his suit was someone who was still respected in the mob irritated him, yet again, he kept him around mostly in his father’s memory. - Miss Y/N, ever so lovely. 
   - Mr. Williams. - she bowed her head ever so slightly, before taking back to her bedroom. 
   - Some would comment on allowing a handmaid to decorate your home. 
   - Some would be smart enough not to comment on my decisions. What is the meaning of this meeting? You should be in France by now. 
   - It’s really about Miss Y/N, some associates have questioned about your ... closeness. - Sebastian rolled his eyes at the words. - She’s an unmarried woman accompanying a promised man to a cabaret, people ought to comment, Sir. 
   - All of my associates have seas and seas of mistresses besides Miss Y/N was only filling in for my fiancée as she was not feeling well. Whatever you are trying to imply, I suggest you shut it before you get off this house with a shot wound. 
   - Your father would’ve been more discreet with his mistresses. - his blood was boiling at the mere thought of calling his angel a mistress. It sounded dirty and unfitting of the own purity that came along with her but it sounded even worse coming from the middle-age balding man who was everything but a great man even less a good associate. - Your mother, may she rest, she never ev...
  - Don’t speak of my mother and next time you wanna accuse any of my employees of being everything other than my employees I suggest you buy a new identity because I will fucking kill you. Now, GET OUT!
Y/N was perched by her door, ear against the wood as she tried to listen to the argument which surely had become heated based on the screaming she could hear. She peaked through the door, watching as some bodyguards escorted Mr. Williams out. 
Sebastian sighed, walking over to the silver tray that held most of his liquor and spirits and poured himself a glass which he seemed to down in no time. She sighed, looking at the black bag with the jumper she had bought him, he probably needed something nice right now. With that idea tattooed on her mind, she went down the stairs, reaching a very stressed Sebastian. With a soft touch, she called out for his attention.
   - You need a break. - she smiled softly, hand coming to caress his cheek.
   - Mob bosses don’t take a break, angel. 
   - Everyone needs a break. It’s Christmas season, you’re eventually gonna burn out if you don’t take a break. 
   - Y/N ... - he sighed. - I can’t take a break but I’m happy you care. 
   - I’m sure you can take a break, Mr. Forrest never worked during Christmas season and he’s doing just fine. - she shrugged before handing him a bag. Sebastian furrowed his brow, gaze moving from her to the bag. - It’s not much and I was gonna give it to you for Christmas but you look like you need a treat. 
   - You shouldn’t waste your money on me. - he opened the bag which showed a knitted black jumper. - It’s great, angel. Thank you.
   - You should use it when you take that break. 
Meanwhile, outside Mr. Williams was waiting for his ride. Out of everyone that could’ve inherited the mob boss title of the Stan family it had to be Sebastian. In his mind, Sebastian was too emotional to run the family and the arrival of the handmaid had surely started to show how unprepared he was to run it. No mob boss should show weakness yet there it was, the mob boss weakness displayed for everyone to see. With a swift move of his wrist, he placed his phone by his ear. 
   - I need a favour. 
tag list: @lilya-petrichor @xoxohannahlee @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater @nikkipea @madisonpillstrom @cevans98 @thelostallycat @sideeffectsofyou @anxiousdreamersworld​ @captainchrisstan @lookiamtrying @sarge-barnes-sir​@stuffforreferences
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seijuurouxryuu · 3 years
when will we break from this painful cycle
Title: when will we break from this painful cycle Author: Shiro (TeitoxAkashi [AO3]/ seijuurouxryuu [tumblr]) Rating: T Pairing: Giotto/Cozarto; Kozato Enma/Sawada Tsunayoshi Event: @khrrarepairweek Prompts: Disney/Fairy Tale AU | Reincarnation Tags/Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warning, Major Character Death, No Archive Warning
Day 4: Lightning Day
The air was bad; full of smokes and pollutions and dusts. It was really bad, and Enma couldn't breath properly even through the mask. All these were the main reason why Enma hated big cities, why he hated smelling air that is so filled with bad stuffs. It gave him headache and stomachache. Not to mention the smell of people always got him iffy and nauseous.
Slowing down his breathing, Enma tried to move as fast as he could through the waves of people. He mumbled excuse me under his breath with every steps he took, making his way towards a mall that was packed with people
It was so bad.
But he endured. After all, he was meeting with Tsuna there, and so as long he could spend time with Tsuna, all was worth the trouble.
It hurt. It hurt so much, pain burning into his core as he tried to crawl his ways under the rubbles, dragging blood on the grown. It hurt even more as he pulled himself forward, ground full of dust, dirt, wood and broken cement digging and scratching his skin open.
 He gritted his teeth, tears dripping down his eyes as he screamed. "Giotto!"
 There was no reply.
 He continued forward. He was tired, he was dying, he was desperate to find the lock of blond he loved underneath this pile of broken house they were buried under, all in shambles from the disaster that struck.
  'Heaven, please. Please let me find him.'
 His fingertips bleed red.
 He did not find him in the end.
 The air was bad; full of smokes and pollutions and dusts. It was really bad, and Enma couldn't breath properly even through the mask. All these were the main reason why Enma hated big cities, why he hated smelling air that is so filled with bad stuffs. It gave him headache and stomachache. Not to mention the smell of people always got him iffy and nauseous.
 Slowing down his breathing, Enma tried to move as fast as he could through the waves of people. He mumbled excuse me under his breath with every steps he took, making his way towards a mall that was packed with people
 It was so bad.
 But he endured. After all, he was meeting with Tsuna there, and so as long he could spend time with Tsuna, all was worth the trouble.
 So as long he could hold onto Tsuna, nothing was ever too bad.
 Seeing the mall just a street away, Enma sighed in relief, smiling. He took out his phone while he waited at the junction for the lights to turn green, typing rapidly into the chat box.
 EnEnEnEnN: Just a street away! Where are you waiting?
 TsuTsuTsuTsuN: !!!
 TsuTsuTsuTsuN: The boba shop! I got us some tea! <3
 EnEnEnEnN: Yay! <3
 Enma's gaze softened when Tsuna sent a selfie of him and two cups of bubble tea. The latter looked so adorable, and Enma wanted nothing more than to see the real person immediately.
 Pocketing his phone, he looked up at the still red light eagerly, bouncing on his feet. The count down was at 10.
 A series of cracking sound similar echoed through the whole street. Enma's eyes widen.
 A crack ran through the walls of the mall, large enough to be seen even from afar.
 An explosion from one of the shops in the mall; windows shattering down onto the street full of pedestrian. Screams followed as people started running away from the mall.
 The whole building started collapsing.
 Enma froze in place as people ran pass him, cars quickly rushing away from the building while some stuck were stuck in place right in front of him.
 The building caved down even before the timer hit 2.
 Enma's ears were ringing from the loud sounds around him, from the fact that the building where Tsuna was was in shambles.
 Tsuna, he was in there still.
 Enma ran down the streets towards the building.
 "Tsuna, Tsuna, Tsuna." He mumbled mindlessly, pushing past people who ran the opposite direction. "Tsuna!" He screamed.
 "Giotto! Where are you?!"
 Tears unknowingly dripped down his face as he tripped and kicked himself up even before he fell. "Tsuna!"
 Everything overlapped in his eyes.
 "Tsuna!" "Giotto!"
 Why was it him? Why not Enma? Why not Enma again?
 Giotto groaned, injured from the falling beam of wood. It had hit him when he was getting into the house, but fortunately, it was the only thing that had hit him.
 Unfortunately, because it was too heavy and that he had hit his head on the ground, he couldn't get up. He squinted at the collapsed house, trying to pull himself out from beneath the beam to no avail, and croaked. "Cozarto..."
 He coughed and breathed in deeply, grunting in pain as he pushed at the beam on top of his body. "Cozarto!"
 His beloved; his Cozarto, he was in the house when it collapsed. His ears were ringing still, but he could hear Cozarto's voice. "Cozarto, hold on!" He cried. "Please, hold on!"
 Giotto screamed as tried again, and again, and again. Cozarto's voice were softening, and Giotto knew he was running out of time. He had to hurry.
 "Help!" He desperately shouted at the top of his lungs, trying to scream for whoever that could hear him from the nearby village. "Please, somebody help!"
 It was too late.
 "Dear god, please, let it be me the next round, please don't hurt my beloved anymore."
A/N: it looks a bit confusing.... but basically, during their last lifetime as cozarto and giotto, there was an earthquake that ended up with the both of them buried under their house but giotto had it better because he was still out of the door when it happened. Then in this lifetime, it turned into tsuna being buried under a wholeass building instead.
I just added the last line but basically they got their wish. They hoped next time it is them who is injured, and they got it. And it continues on and on and on. I didn't write the subsequent cycles mostly because am lazy which is why i put it as an open end. Whether Tsuna survived, or not, and their next lifetime continues with the same thing happening with the other party getting it, it's all up to you guys.
I did think of not letting them have an happy end forever tho, like, every cycle they can never grow up old together; each lifetime they suffer from separation because of one wish they continuously wished for during every cycle. Be careful of what you wish for, essentially :)
Anyways *passes out tissues*
[I apologize for any grammar, spelling, etc. etc. mistakes]
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nekoabiwrites · 4 years
Oh my god, they were roommates...
IT’S @not-so-innocent-bi-sander‘s BIRTHDAY! At least in my time zone~ And I tried my best to make a fic that covers all that Jordan loves :D
AU: Human/College AU Pairing: Prinxiety Words: 3408 Warnings: Panic attack, nudity. Anything else, please let me know!
Summary: Virgil didn’t think he’d ever see him again and yet, here he was... and he was hot!
“Across the hall from your room is our final roommate, Virgil Evans. He pr-”
“Virgil Evans?!”
The loud exclamation of his name had something clicking in the young adult’s mind. The voice was eerily familiar, though Virgil would have sworn up and down that it was just a hallucination and that no one was even out on the landing. The now muffled voices and the thumping of heavy things hitting the ground told him that someone was definitely out there, or at least was before they moved into the empty room opposite his own. There was no way it could be… could it? He went to shake the thought from his head and get back to work, but a sudden excited knocking at his door interrupted him. With a slight shake of his hand, Virgil walked up to the door and grasped the handle to see who was on the opposite side.
Everything stood still immediately once the door was opened. Virgil was, metaphorically, flung back in time by the mere sight of the man before him.
They had both been akin to outcasts in middle school; one a fledgling emo who was too scary and quiet, the other a small pudgy child who was too loud and excitable. Somehow, they were complete opposites yet fit so well together, almost like puzzle pieces. They liked to play make-believe, watch Disney movies, draw and paint. Though, on a deeper level, there was far more in common.
Virgil had been in denial in middle school. He realised that he found his friend absolutely adorable and really cute, and he realised one day during a pretend scene of true love’s kiss saving the day that he actually did like kissing his friend. But Virgil couldn’t say that, it could ruin his best friendship and – most definitely – the rest of his entire life. So, it stayed hidden and Virgil pretended like all of his emotions weren’t there. Up until the day he left.
One day, Virgil was waiting in the usual spot when his friend approached him, looking sad. He told Virgil that his family were moving away, and he was going to have to change schools. It felt as though Virgil’s entire world was crashing around him. A week passed and he was gone. Virgil was back to being alone. He thought he’d never see his friend again. Apparently, he was dead wrong.
“I can’t believe it! It’s actually you! I’d recognise your emo ass anywhere, though I didn’t expect you to get better at it!” His old friend laughed heartily, giving Virgil a once over.
Virgil rolled his eyes and leant against the doorframe, arms crossed, “Didn’t expect you to become a meathead like your brothers, but I guess we were both wrong, Roman Prince.” Virgil put extra emphasis on his last name, which caused a grin spread across his face as the man before him almost inflated with indignation.
“How dare you!” Roman pressed a hand to his chest dramatically, “I will have you know I surpassed them greatly with my grades, thank you very much!”
“Like that was hard.”
“Are you undermining my achievements?!”
“A little.”
They continued to argue back and forth for a few more minutes before a quiet voice interrupted them and both of their heads turned to the new participant in the conversation. “Um, are you two fighting? Please don’t fight, at least not on the first day…”
Virgil ducked his head in embarrassment, “Sorry, Pat… Didn’t mean to freak you out…”
“Yes, many apologies. We weren’t arguing. Just old friends teasing each other as you do!”
Patton’s eyes lit up, “Wait! Are you the friend from middle school that V-”
Immediately, the emo was out of the doorway and in front of Patton, his hand clamped over his mouth. “Patton, shut up!” Virgil hissed, his face already beginning to burn in embarrassment.
A chuckle had Virgil’s stomach churning, “So, Virgil has mentioned me, hm? I guess I am unforgettable.”
“Whatever. I’ll be in my room.” Virgil muttered, slinking back into the dark bedroom. He shut the door in Roman’s face, who tried to get one last comment in. He listened carefully to the sounds in the hallway; the short conversation between Roman and Patton, the footsteps descending the stairs as the door across the hall shut and vague noises of Roman unpacking started. Only then did Virgil allow himself to whisper scream as he collapsed onto his sheets. He asked a question in his mind, ‘How the fuck did he get hot?!’
Virgil hoped that, over time and with exposure, his sudden surge of attraction to his old friend would dissipate. Perhaps Roman would have weird habits that would turn Virgil off or maybe his personality – having changed over the years – would grind on Virgil’s last nerve until every ounce of attraction fizzled away. Of course, things were not that simple.
Roman was just as energetic and friendly as he had been years prior, easily making friends with not only the other roommates living with them but also many other students, and even the grumpy old lady who lived in the house next door who always complained about the weird phantom noises they were apparently making at 3am when they were all asleep (or at least, lying in bed). He always had time for Virgil though.
By the end of the first week he’d been living in the house, Roman had somehow gained an all-access pass to Virgil’s room at most reasonable times of the day. To the point that the two would just sit and do work before eventually falling into long discussions – or arguments – about nothing in particular. Some days, they’d simply fill each other in on their lives since they parted ways. Roman was extremely invested in Virgil’s life and what became of the other kids from their school, and Virgil could say the same about Roman.
It was during one of these conversations that Roman asked a particularly interesting question. He was laying on his front, head held up by his hands. There was an open notebook to the side of him, though it was all but forgotten at this point.
“I haven’t heard you mention anything about the topic but I’m very interested, so I’ll ask anyway. How many of the girls did you have throwing themselves at you when you got older? I bet that dark and mysterious vibe got them all, didn’t it?” Roman wiggled his eyebrows playfully, grinning slyly as Virgil choked on the drink in his hand.
The emo put the cup down and smacked his chest a couple of times before rasping out a short “What?! No. The fuck?!”
“Oh… Sorry, I just thought with your good looks and the whole… aesthetic you have going on, you’d have the pick of them all.” Roman said sincerely. Virgil’s cheeks darkened at the compliment and Roman’s eyes quickly lit up. He swung around, throwing his legs off the side so he could assess Virgil closer, “Virgil… I don’t mean to pry, and you don’t have to answer me but… were there any… guys?”
The immediate spinning of Virgil’s desk chair told Roman everything. The sly grin creeped back up onto his face as he stood, approaching the chair that now faced away from him. Roman faked a gasp before resting his crossed arms on the back of the chair, “Did I get it right?”
Virgil huffed in annoyance and rolled his eyes. In a single swift movement, he grabbed the rainbow stress toy from his desk (a gift from Patton) and threw it over his shoulder, attempting to hit Roman’s shoulder with it. However, the tug on the back of the chair and the undignified high-pitched yelp followed by stumbling steps had Virgil thinking he’d missed his mark. It didn’t stop him from laughing after he turned in his chair and found Roman pouting at him indignantly.
“Oh, yes. Laugh it up. It’s just so funny that you tried to assault me!” Roman tossed his head with a sniff, a haughty look upon his face.
Virgil managed to control himself a little in order to respond, “You look like such a jock, but you are way too gay for that. And I hope that this answered your dumb question, Princey.” He picked the stress toy off the ground and held it up for Roman to truly get a look at before putting it back on his desk.
Roman perked back up once he saw the toy properly, “Well, thank goodness for that! I don’t think I could have lived knowing someone as pretty as you was straight.” He situated himself back on Virgil’s bed and went back to looking over his notes, while Virgil stewed over what he’d just heard.
The weeks passed and nothing was getting better for Virgil. It had gotten to the point where he couldn’t just bottle it up within himself anymore, he just had to talk to someone. That’s how he found himself laying on his back on Logan’s bed, staring up at the precise constellations that dotted his ceiling.
“If you truly want my opinion, Virgil, it seems there is enough evidence to show that your affecti-”
“Ahhh, don’t call it that!” Virgil threw an arm over his eyes, as if that would help him get away from the truth of his smart friend’s words, “Is there anything else you can say instead?”
Logan placed his tablet pen back into its holder, twisted the lid of his laptop back to its regular position and turned to face his bed. His left leg crossed over his right and his arms tightly crossed over his chest, looking at Virgil with his stern steely gaze. The emo lying there almost squirmed away, as he could feel the piercing gaze even without seeing it.
“Ughhhh, I knew you’d be no help!” Virgil slid himself off of the sheets and onto his feet, heading towards the door, “I’m gonna go see if Patton’s in. Maybe he’ll help me more!”
Logan said nothing, simply shrugging – which Virgil caught sight of in the mirror next to the door – before turning back to his work, “If you think he’ll help, then go ahead. Unlike you, I am actually trying to complete my studies, so you’ll know where I will be.”
A light twitch of a smile came to Virgil’s lip as he muttered a thanks under his breath before fake-storming out of Logan’s room, shutting the door behind him. He pulled his phone from his pocket and went to text Patton. His attention was so focused on his phone that he didn’t notice the sound of a new door opening near to him. It was only when he collided with something warm and solid that Virgil realised someone else was in the hallway with him. He quickly lifted his head to apologise, but found his words catching in his throat at the sight.
Roman stood just in front of him, still damp from his shower that he’d clearly just finished. His hair was slicked back with the water, though a few strands had fallen across his forehead from the slight jolt of someone walking into him. Virgil’s eyes couldn’t help but follow the trail of a droplet that had already run its course down Roman’s torso, drinking in every detail of his clearly well-looked after body. He was just muscular enough to have definition, as well as being incredibly broad chested – which really made Virgil realise how much taller Roman had grown as Virgil had clearly made contact with his pecs when they’d bumped into each other. His eyes travelled even further before Virgil could even consider tearing his eyes away from the sight before him. Roman’s body was almost that unbelievable triangle shape that he’d only seen on magazine covers, advertisements and movies. It even had that V-shape that guided Virgil’s gaze to the towel that was hanging low on Roman’s waist, being held up by only one of Roman’s hands.
All of a sudden, Virgil came back to himself. Thankfully, it had only been a few seconds since the impact, and both had been a little startled. Virgil, however, took several steps away, blushing a deep red. He stuttered, attempting to find something to say as he backed up to Logan’s door again. As he fumbled behind him for the door handle, Roman approached slowly, looking concerned. Virgil hadn’t even noticed he’d started to panic.
“Virgil. It’s okay. We’re both okay. Try to breathe…” Roman spoke calmly, holding his hands before him. However, he’d seemingly forgotten that his hand was the one thing keeping the towel from falling to the ground. As he went to reassure Virgil with both hands, Roman could feel the fabric fall from around his waist.
Virgil outright screeched pterodactyl-style and dove into Logan’s room, his face burning. He didn’t see Roman also turn a fantastical shade of red as he saved at least some of his modesty as the door had been slammed shut just as quick. The larger of the two listened at the door for a few seconds. He waited until he heard Logan speaking to Virgil, coaching him through breathing techniques to quell his panic, before heading back to his room to get dressed.
In Logan’s room, Virgil was slowly uncurling from the tight ball he’d managed to get into in his panic as his breathing was starting to return to a somewhat normal level. His eyes were swimming and his head was pounding, but he was able to make out the shape of Logan kneeling beside him.
“Are you feeling better, Virgil? Would you like me to fetch you some water?” Logan asked, analysing Virgil’s body language.
“That… um, please… yes.” Virgil wheezed, stretching out on the ground. He carefully stretched each muscle from the tips of his fingers to his toes as Logan cautiously stepped around him and out of his room. Virgil allowed the sense of embarrassment to wash over him again and his face continued to burn, though his panic was manageable. He could not believe that he’d almost lost it over Roman, of all people. He went to audibly groan whilst slapping his hands across his face, but the sound of Roman’s voice had him stopping mid-movement to listen to every single syllable.
He heard Roman address Logan, clearly both in the hallway nearer the kitchen.
“How is everything?” Roman asked, concerned.
“He is doing relatively well, compared to the state he came to me in, if that’s what you are asking.” Logan’s voice was getting closer. Virgil sat himself up, so he wasn’t caught by Roman lying on the ground.
“That’s good. Um, could you tell him that I’m sorry for whatever happened. I don’t know if it was my fault or what, but I just want to cover my bases, just in case.”
“I’ll be sure to let him know. I think it’s best if you don’t come too close. Seeing you again may cause a slight relapse.” Logan stated as his voice came right up to the door. Virgil was now sat with his back pressed against the bed, trying his hardest to look natural.
“O-oh. Right. Of course. Um, well… I hope everything is okay…” Roman sounded disappointed, but a set of footsteps started to retreat away from the room and up the stairs.
Logan then opened the door and entered, his face as stoic as ever. He handed the glass of water to Virgil before sitting himself back into his desk chair and continuing to work. Eventually, there was a rustle of bedsheets that told Logan that Virgil had gotten off of the floor and sat himself back on Logan’s bed. Virgil was muttering something under his breath.
The chair spun back around before stopping on a dime as Logan sighed, “Virgil, if you are going to say something, please let me hear it. I would like to help you, but I can’t if I don’t know what’s going on.”
Virgil gave his friend a withering look that had no malice behind it as this was just the way they worked, “I said ‘I’m going to fucking die’” Virgil made air-quotes around his words.
Logan smiled wryly, “If you’re going to do that here, could you at least make it quiet? I do have a project to finish.” He waited to see Virgil smirk and stick his tongue out playfully before turning back to his laptop, giving Virgil some space to think.
It was after dinner when Virgil started to make his ascent back up to his room finally. There had been a long conversation with Logan once the emo had his thoughts in a semi-coherent order which had ultimately ended with the conclusion that both sides had a mutual interest and that Virgil should really just go for whatever he wanted. It was just as that final point was made that Patton knocked on Logan’s door in order to call him out for food.
“Oh! Virgil! I was about to call you and Roman down, but since you’re here, come on out!” Patton cheerfully said, grinning from ear to ear. The peppy student practically skipped away to call out to Roman, leaving Logan’s door wide open. Both of the other students emerged, slipping into the kitchen quietly. As food was being served up and they were all eating, Virgil avoided eye contact with Roman, even as his roommate was trying his hardest to catch Virgil’s eye. He was working out the script in his head, as Virgil knew he would never do it if not today.
It was only once he was halfway up the stairs and Roman called his name that Virgil even contemplated looking at his roommate again. When he did, his face flushed pink once again at the memory of what he’d seen. Virgil pushed that all away however, as Roman took the stairs two at a time to catch up to him.
“Are you alright? I wanted to check on you after what happened earlier, but Logan said I probably shouldn’t. Just in case. But I wanna make sure you’re okay.” Roman rattled off as they both headed up to their rooms.
Virgil stopped outside his room, leaning against the closed door. “Yeah, I’m good. Just was a little… surprised, I guess?” He mumbled, looking at a very interesting piece of the carpeted floor.
“Good. Good. I didn’t want to uh… traumatise you or something.” Roman laughed nervously, which got Virgil’s attention. He’d never heard Roman nervous before.
Slowly, Virgil raised his gaze, “Well, um, thanks? I guess? Logan helped me. We talked about a lot…” he trailed off, unsure of himself.
“What did you talk about?”
“Just… what happened and things.”
Virgil was shifting his weight from foot to foot, his nervousness getting the better of him. He was trying to remember the script he came up with in his head, but nothing was coming to him. This wasn’t how this was all supposed to go. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. The emo growled under his breath before practically shouting, “I fucking like you, okay?!” Immediately, Virgil clapped his hand over his mouth and his eyes widened in shock at his own outburst.
The silence rang out between the two students. Virgil was unwilling to move and Roman was almost moving in slow motion. He tentatively reached out, loosely grasping Virgil’s wrist in order to pry his hand away from his mouth. It only took a step to close the distance between them, “I like you too, Virgil. Took you long enough to notice.”
Virgil was shocked this was working out the way it was. He was barely aware of what happened before Roman’s lips were brushing against his own, silently asking a question that required an answer. Instead of words, Virgil simply threw himself onto Roman, crushing their mouths together.
Immediately, his back was pushed up against his closed door once more as Roman took charge of the situation. The larger let go of Virgil’s waist in order to grab the door handle and push it open, leading Virgil inside. As the emo let his bedroom door swing shut, he watched Roman tug his shirt over his head and tossed it aside before taking one large step to close the distance between them once again. The lock on the door hit home immediately.
My other stuff: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/myworks Mobile Accessible Masterlist: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/post/181954641376/fic-masterlist
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Take Me, I’m Yours ♡
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader
Summary: You’re the baby of the group, a twenty something year old fire goddess and the untouchable sister of Thor Odinson, your sworn protector and overbearing brother. It's the fourth of July which means it’s Cap’s birthday, your long time teammate, but when an unexpected guest arrives, things don’t go according to plan. 
A/N: oof I haven’t written in forever it seems, I’m sorry I’ve been so busy I hope you guys enjoy this ik I did writing it, this is set after Endgame but Tony and Natasha survived because I WANT THEM TO and I have never really written a Steve Rogers fic or at least in a long time cause I’m watching Avengers on Disney plus rn and it’s a lot be gentle and plz leave feedback it warms my heart and make my day I also crave validation
Warnings: slight angst, loads of fluff, cheesiness, sexual tension, tropes, violence, men being touchy, assault, language, smut, rushed writing, get ready 
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Steve is golden. You’re coal black, despite innocent appearances, you’re dark with jagged edges, but your blood is radioactive, glowing with power, just like your brother Thor. But that is what you two share, you and Cap, you’re both broken. 
You’re the baby of the team, young, pink pouted lips, big, doe eyes that get you what you want, round face, flushed cheeks, ample curves, and honey suckle voice, velvet like your y/s/c skin, woven with power and fire. 
You’re strong, smelling of a forest fire in the depths of winter, burning embers and cedar. 
He sees this, all of it, like you admire his broad shoulders, hard muscle, all strength and statue, he’s Apollo, a Greek god made of heat, brick, and mortar. He’s let his chestnut hair grow out slightly, hanging over his face, enough to run his fingers all the way through, a rugged, barbaric beard you want to tug on into submission. 
The goddess and the god-like man.
But he can’t have you.
You separate Thor’s hair into three strands, tugging them into a braid as you both watch the meeting planning Captain’s birthday party. Thor winces at your harsh pulling, trying to make it tight. 
“For Odin’s sake, sister, be gentle,” he curses under his breath.
“You want it to last, don’t you? Stop being such a baby and let me work, remember I hold all the power here,” you continue, rolling your eyes with a hint of a smile. “God of thunder can’t handle getting his hair done, how ironic.”
“At least I have a soul.”
“I will light you on fire.”
“You two, stop bickering or I’ll put you on clean up duty,” Stark reprimands.
You roll your eyes, “Kiss my ass, Stark.”
You make the mistake of making eye contact with Steve from across the conference room, lips slightly parted subconsciously when his eyes, a darkened, stormy blue with lightning striking his irises, are drawn there, perfect pink mouth, resembling a rose petal in full bloom. He folds his arms over his chest and looks away while you duck your head down, embarrassed. 
He’s hot and cold when it comes to you, longing glances when he thinks you’re not looking, silent, lustful touches on your waist when he passes you, an occasional wink when no one is around, flirting with you, a conversation or two at the crack of dawn when it’s just you two on the balcony, painted with gold and auburn from the sunrise. But other times he avoids you, going out of his way to be anywhere you’re not, cold words and stares that shiver you down to nothing but your bones, leaving you bare and he won’t even take the time to look at you, your undoing by him. He’s quiet around you at times like he’s hiding something.
Thor looks at you with a face of disgust and you pull his hair.  
“I propose an idea when it comes to my party,” Cap raises his hand, looking at Tony.
“By all means, birthday boy, let us hear it,” Barton chimes in, Natasha casting him a look meant to kill.
“We don’t have it.”
“Proposition denied,” Tony says. “This is happening, and frankly, we could use the good press after the world nearly ending.”
“And celebrating that with a party is your idea of good press?” Bucky leans his weight against the doorway, Sam letting out a small chuckle.
“Hey guys we, as a human race, were all almost completely wiped out by the jolly purple giant but let’s forget about that by celebrating Captain America’s birthday that none of you are invited to,” Sam mocks. You giggle despite yourself, looking at the floor while tying off Thor’s braid, Natasha elbowing your ribcage playfully for encouraging them. 
“Maybe I just want to throw a party,” Tony scoffs. “Sue me.”
“Believe me, if we could, we would,” Clint looks up at him with raised eyebrows.
“I’d be so fucking loaded,” Bucky whispers to Sam.
Sam lets out a deep sigh, “Tell me about it.”
“Y/n... what do you think?” Tony asks, letting out a deep sigh, pinching the space between his brow with his fingers. 
“What do you mean?” you look up, admiring the french braid you did on your brother, smiling to yourself before looking back up at Stark. 
“About the party? What we’ve been talking about for the last half hour?” 
“Oh I wasn’t listening...” you chuckle, looking at Steve from the corner of your eye, his lips turned up. “I um... well I think we should have a small party with all of us and friends, just enough to draw attention from the right people. We can fire up the grill and light a campfire, roast some s’mores... light fireworks, of course,” you trail off with a laugh.
Steve cracks a smile. “I like her idea.”
“That... sounds perfect, actually,” Natasha looks at you then to Tony. 
Tony sighs, but he wears a large smile, adorning his face, “Meeting adjourned.”
You paired a baggy striped winter sweater with a pair of black jeans, tight and fitted to your curvy figure, definitely not going unnoticed by Steve, eyes outlining the curves of hips, thighs, dips, and soft round shapes on your body, plump and attractive. He watches you move to the music Tony blasts on his speakers, night just settling in on the sky and painting it black, sun peaking upon the horizon to say hello. 
Natasha hands you a bottle of beer, condensation coating your hand, sweat there too, but the cold night is seeping in and you shiver, “Thanks,” you smile graciously. 
“Have you... you know-” she demonstrates a crude sexual gesture and you scoff. “With you know yet?”
“I want to tell him I like him first,” you explain, taking a gulp of your liquor and feeling the cool bubble tingle your tongue and throat. “Not just fuck him and be done with it... I want more than that.”
“How romantic.”
“I’m serious, Nat. I really like him and he...” you look at her with begging eyes and she sees that you’re sincere. “He wants nothing to do with me.”
“You know that’s not true.”
“Do I?” you look at the ground, chuckling dryly, nursing your beer. Your hands heat up, something that happens when you grow nervous, your powers light up, literally, a fight or flight reflex for survival. Except now anxiety from a crush. 
You shake your head, taking a larger sip, “He’s so hot and cold.”
“That can be true, but the ways he looks at you...” she hums. “That can only be described as hot,” she snaps her teeth jokingly and lets out a giggle, officially buzzed. 
“You’re ridiculous,” you laugh, getting in the party spirit once again. “He doesn’t-”
Your interrupted when an old friend appears in your view and he waves in your direction, Timothy, a S.H.I.E.L.D agent from your starting days here on Earth with your brothers. He trained you alongside Fury before S.H.I.E.L.D and HYDRA fell, and you turned to the Avengers when they offered you a position alongside Thor. He did, however, have a temper and you and many others were sure Timothy had a crush on you for a long time, your fears of losing your colleague becoming a reality when he asked you out and you had to reject him, because you’d already fallen for Steve. He didn’t take it well at the time and you haven’t spoken since. 
“Hey, Timothy,” you smile warmly, politely, moving to return his embrace, he squeezes you tightly, one hand holding a beer and the other wrapped around your waist. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, Tony invited all the old S.H.I.E.L.D members, not the HYDRA ones, of course, but I decided to pop in,” he flashes a grin. “And Fury’s over there cutting up a rug,” he points to where Fury is being taught by Peter Parker how to floss. 
You laugh and force a believable smile, “It’s good to see you.”
He looks you over not-so-subtly, something both you and Natasha catch, “It’s really good to see you, too. I’ve missed you.”
You smile, a little anxious all of a sudden, especially when you begin to smell the liquor on his own breath and how grabby his hands look to become, reaching out to touch your waist. You move his hand away, uneasy.
Natasha frowns and moves to take his hand off of you, “I think you’ve had a little too much to drink there, buddy. Why don’t you go sit down?”
“Maybe you need to sit down, I’m talking to y/n,” he rips his hand back. “Mind your own business, bitch.”
“Talk to me or touch y/n like that again and I’ll break your fucking hand,” she seethes through her teeth and sets down her drink.
Shit, shit, shit.
Steve sees the commotion over everyone else talking and chatting, paying no mind to the altercation between you, Natasha, and Timothy. He catches the look on your face, retreating into yourself as Nat rips him a new one, pointing a finger into his chest. He walks over, pushing his way through friends, all out here on Tony’s terrace, past the grill but people keep stopping to talk, anger brewing in his chest at seeing someone hurt you.
Timothy grabs you by the waist, “Hey, I know it’s been a long time, baby, but I wanna get back to what we had.”
“Let go of me,” you push at his chest. “And don’t call me baby. We didn’t have anything.”
“You rejected me all that time ago,” he says, voice growing louder. “Why?” Natasha rushes off to get Tony to kick him out, knowing she shouldn’t cause a scene even further by hurting him, she had to get Tony. 
“Because I don’t see you like that,” you push at him but he grabs both your wrists as you try to push him away. 
“You’re lying, tell me the real reason.”
“I’m. not. lying,” you say but you know what he wants to hear, your eyes burning with tears. You wish you could your power, light him up, but you can’t, your mind is too preoccupied with the answer to his question and you can’t concentrate. 
“Tell me the truth or I’ll tell him myself, say it,” he grows angrier, pulling you. “Say it!” and using your god like strength, you shove him to the ground at last and flames lick your hands. 
“Because I’m in love with Steve!” 
Just as the music goes quiet for Bucky’s toast to his friend, you catch everyone’s attention, head’s turned towards you and you want to crawl in a hole and get buried up again, to sink into the ground. Your face is hot with eyes on you and you can’t move. Tony and Natasha both look at you from the corner of your eye, unknowing of what to think. 
You’ve said it. Said the damn words out loud and you can’t take them back. You’re breath is heavy and weighs on your chest when you look up. 
Steve is in front of you, looking at you with wide eyes and a deep, questioning look and furrowed brow, chest heaving after he’s heard your confession, surprised. 
“You bitch,” he gets back up and moves to hit you but Steve grabs his hand, forcefully and painfully.
He moves over further and manages to pull Timothy off you completely, hand curled in his shirt with his feet off the ground when he pulls him inches away from his face, “Get the hell out of my party, stay away, and don’t touch her again. Are we clear?” his voice is a deep timbre, a low growl with a warning tone. 
He finally listens and grabs another drink on his way, shooting dirty looks to those who watch him leave and you’re left panting, out of breath with tears staining your cheeks, eyes glassy.
Fury trips him on the way out, “I knew you were trouble.”
You look up at Steve who’s in front of you now, “I-I... I’m sorry I ruined your party, Steve... I’m sorry,” you say when he moves to cup your face in his hands, soothing you with shushes and soft coos, wiping away your tears with his calloused thumbs. “I’m sorry-”
“Doll, you didn’t... he did, I’m sorry he was invited here if I had known...” he curses himself. “I’m so sorry.”
You meet his eyes. Oh, he’s so sweet, he’s so sweet it makes your heart ache.
But the question still remains, lingering over your heads: Now what?
You’re in the living room of the compound following the events of the disastrous birthday party, curled up on the couch by yourself as everyone’s gone to bed, snacking on remaining popcorn and watching Friends. Tony had sent everyone home after what happened, which people understood, apologizing to the few other friends that attended and offering goodie bags for coming, stuffed with hundreds of dollars of Stark merchandise for good measure. 
Thor had missed the party to visit Jane after they rekindled their romance since he’s back on Earth, but upon hearing the news of this guy touching his baby sister, he dealt with it in his own Thor way. 
Trashing the guy’s house. 
Then after, you and the team went inside, watched a movie, ate popcorn, and laughed at the crappy, Hallmark Christmas movie until your sides were sore.
But even now that everyone is asleep and in their respective rooms, you couldn’t sleep.
And so couldn’t Cap.
You look up at the sound of a door opening from the terrace, Steve walking inside after getting his nightly moment of fresh air and because he agreed to water Stark’s plants a long time ago, and because Tony is well, Tony, he assigned him that job for the entirety of his stay here, much to Steve’s dismay. 
But sometimes he didn’t mind it, going out there at night and seeing the stars because you’re so far up here, set aside from the rest of the world in this safe little pocket of a home and solace and the benefit of seeing you out there with a drink in hand, getting some time to yourself. You with a robe on, nightgown peaking beneath, hair in it’s natural, messy form, bare face or face mask on, and glowing smile. That made it worth it. 
Now it’s just the two of you after a night of you confessing your feelings for him, not directly to him per say, but he heard it nonetheless and he stood there, choking on his words because he had to get that leech of a man off of you, it wasn’t the time to discuss your feelings.
But unfortunately for the both of you at this moment, you can. 
“Hey,” you say, the word somehow weighing on your lungs when you breath it out, muting the television. 
“Hey,” he says back, smiling to put you at ease. “May I join you?”
“Of course,” you say, scooting over to give him room and patting the spot now open for him. 
He chuckles at your nervous energy and sits down beside you. He scratches the back of his neck, all that suave nature leaving him. Captain America is anxious.
“I feel... like we should talk about what happened and what you said earlier,” he looks at you, the same begging eyes you look at with Nat when you want her to see you were serious. You see it in his too. They’re wide and pouring out from all seams, want and need. 
“We should,” you nod, awaiting the rejection you’ve been preparing for all night. 
“I’m.. so sorry about that guy, I wanted to kill him for what he did to you and what he was trying to do,” he says, visibly getting angrier but you lay a hand on his, soothing him into a relaxed, calm state. 
“I’m fine,” you reassure him, brushing your thumb over his knuckles. “Guys like that come and go, but guys like you who help, stay forever.” 
He looks down at your intertwined fingers, softly comforting each other, smiles, and breathes a laugh, “I should have done more.”
You tilt your head, “You helped and he’s gone and that’s what matters, so thank you. Don’t take that blame.” 
He finally looks at you. “And when you said that thing... I didn’t know you felt that way about me,” he admits, turning so he sees you in the eyes as you turn to look away from him now, not willing to face him fully. “If I had, I would have...”
“Said no sooner?” you laugh but there’s no humor found in it.
“Can you let me finish?” he tilts his head and smiles, lopsided and pretty. 
You look at him as a signal to continue and he takes it, taking on a bit of your nervous energy in his stammering.
“I like you, y/n, I like you so much,” he says, open and out on display for you. You search his face for the lie, the catch in his words, how this’ll twist around to bite you in the ass and turn out to not be true, all some big elaborate lie or scheme. You don’t know what but what he’s saying can’t be true. 
Not you. Not him. 
“And for so long,” he laughs. “I’m such an idiot, I’ve just been so nervous,” he looks you in the eye, so raw and vulnerable. “You’re so goddamn beautiful.”
You’re a flustered, flattered, blushing, blabbering mess.
“But... you... you avoid in me in the halls,” you say, stunned. “Y-you don’t look me in the eye and you don’t talk to me at times, sometimes for days, only when I initiate it, yet you’re always looking at me and around when I’m there a-and...” you blink hard and rapidly, coming to the realization.
He gulps, embarrassed himself now, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know how or if I had a chance with you, you’re brother’s one of my best friends and I-” He looks to you for forgiveness as he tries to muster up what he wants to say. 
You swallow that lump in your throat and duck to kiss the corner of his mouth, that pink curl of lip you love so much when he’s smirking at something you said or just because, and pull away, looking down at your clasped hands, all of you on fire. 
“It’s okay,” you whisper, voice low when you look at him through your thick lashes, demure. “I understand.”
His lips part and heavy sighs leave his mouth, cheeks red with lust and heat, eyes full blown to match. 
He ducks down just as you did, looking in your eye and you nod slowly for confirmation, before he catches your lips in a feverish, desperate kiss, moving with your mouth as you slide closer to him with your hand pressed against his hard chest. 
He takes hold of your thighs and pulls into his broad lap, erection potent against your inner thigh already as you straddle him, soft, flustered movements until you find the best position. His eyes hold both complete adoration and magnetism for you, a groan slipping past his perfect pink mouth when you move against his sweet spot of your doing. Your lips press together again and you move in tandem, tongue sliding past and licking his inner lip, like licking a flame, an ember of fire and ash and coal. You taste like summer rain and full promises of more to come, like hope after a long, hard day that things will get better, while also tentative and unsure. 
His large hand slides up under your t-shirt while the other keeps you steady wrapped around your waist, he moves to pinch both nipples, tweaking the erect, pink bud between his fingers and digs his fingers into your side. Sinful mewls escape you as he tilts your head up for access to the expanses of your neck and down, peppering wet, sloppy, rushed kisses to anywhere he can find, a begging, starving man and you’re his only hope of salvation.
“Steve...” you let out, hand dipping down between his legs and he groans, deep and guttural before catching your bottom lip between his teeth and tugging, your fingers threaded in his hair and pulling, and the moans that fall from him make that tight coil in your gut curl within itself, exciting you.
His cock twitches when he solicits a series of whimpers from you, lifting and pulling your shirt off and over your head to suck your nipples into his mouth, tongue flicking the sensitive peaks, and biting, switching between them. His fingers dance down your stomach and snaps the lining of your panties, sliding a single finger into your sex, the two equally heavenly sensations sending you to that fateful, blissful release you crave, and when a second, a third, joins you’re wrecked, moans falling out and you collapse into him as it subsides, lasting longer than any has before and he’s barely doing anything. 
So this is what it should feel like. 
“You were so good, baby,” he kisses your cheek, then your temple, then your neck, your lips, nose, forehead. “So good for me,” he tells you. “Do you want more, doll?” 
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that-good-trash · 4 years
Burn Away With Me 2
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Shoto Todoroki x reader / Dabi x reader????
Warnings: mentions of death, profanity, kidnap, Angst,
Word count: 6,315
Part 1
Summary: Kidnap and murder usually go hand in hand but not like this. The world thinks your dead and you have to watch them mourn you like a princess locked away in a tower. Except princes don’t look for dead girls. You might just have to rely on the villain who took you.  
Comment: Sorry I haven’t been posting but I’m back. This took longer than I thought and there will be a third part. I’ve decided to make this a series while I work on other fic ideas. Which if any of you have any suggestions or ideas I totally need inspiration for more one shots and series’s. I hope you all enjoy. 
You were dead.
At least that’s what everyone thought, was told, had ‘witnessed’. In a way you were dead because having to watch the world exist without you, killed you. Watching Shoto in interviews and reading article about him made you wish you had actually died since he was lifeless. You had agreed to this so you were an accessary to his misery. The one thing you always promised was to never abandon him, to always love him. You had failed to keep that promise. You were now causing him pain and couldn’t even apologize for it.
After your Hollywood murder, your vanishing act, you had woken up in an unfamiliar place that smelled damp and musty, like mildew under week old wet carpet. It was toxic to your nose which had become a little sensitive from living a modern clean life. You were wearing a jacket that wasn’t yours that smelled faintly of burning charcoal and cigarettes. While lifting the overly long sleeves you had become aware that you lacked any chest covering. You were naked besides the jacket and silk panties you wore under it. It wasn’t like you had time to pack, hell you actually hadn’t expected to ever wake up again. Trusting a villain was dicey, it could backfire terribly and you couldn’t figure out yet if it had. You were alive. That wasn’t for sure a good thing. The room you were in had a bed, which you were laying in, the sheets were stained and slightly charred in places. There was a single window and two doors, one leading into a closet, the other you didn’t know where. An old suitcase sat in the corner and you didn’t really want to know what was in it. Outside the door you could hear the sound of talking, it was staticky meaning it was coming from a TV or radio. You had gotten off the bed hugging the long black coat against your body as you made your way to the door. Fear flooded your veins. You had no idea what Dabi’s plan had been. While you slept the news of your death spread across all media. You weren’t even aware of this. You were thinking that this was a kidnap ransom thing. As the knob turned you could hear the voices a little more clearly. It was a TV, the light shining down the short hallway. You walked toward it before feeling your heart stop. Across the bottom of the screen was your name, your real name and hero name. It was the words that followed that made your legs give out. Now on your knees with shaking shoulders you read the headline, hear the news caster.
[ L/n F/n – Hero Name, was found murdered in her shared home.]
“Her fiancé Todoroki Shoto cannot be reached at this time but we mourn his lose.” You read the words and listen to the tail end of his sentence piecing together what had happened. The image changed from the inside of the news room to a helicopter view, footage taken hours ago. Your shared home had been surrounded by police vehicle’s and you watch Shoto rush out of his car and directly into the house. A sob escapes as you watch the police and pro heroes look down and away. You couldn’t hear anything other than the helicopter but you could imagine he was screaming your name. What was left behind? That’s when you became all too aware of a throbbing pain in your left hand. Looking down at your hand you scream, your ring finger is missing. How the hell hadn’t you realized this to begin with. There were so many pieces missing to this fucked up puzzle. How the hell did you get here? Where the hell was here? Where was Dabi and better yet your god damn finger? These questions invaded your mind as you watched the screen continue to show pictures of you with claims of death. You weren’t dead and if you were this was one hell of an afterlife. Purgatory was a shitty back alley apartment.
“When we, the public, were informed of L/n’s death everyone wanted to hear what the Todoroki family had to say, specifically Endeavor. His interview shows his conflicted emotions and many are quick to blame grief for his lack of emotion.”
You watch the interview and listen to your future father in laws words. He didn’t care. You had stopped crying as you watched him speak on your behalf. How dare he claim to know what you wanted. If you weren’t aware of the real mastermind, you’d think he tried to have you killed. How could someone be so heartless. You had spent so much time trying to prove you were worthy of Shoto even though your lover told you that you were more than enough. The social pressure Endeavor put on you was suffocating and you were really starting to realize that just by watching some shitty interview he did for publicity. Your hands were clenched into fist despite the pain in your left hand. You stood up a little too fast and fell backward. You never hit the floor, instead a hot hand caught you. You sighed in relief before staring into your kidnapper’s eyes. You weren’t weak or none confrontational. Your eyes burned with fury, your lips twitching with words brewing behind them.
“You son of a bitch, You bastard.”
“Woah, no reason to bring my mom into this, though I will say you’d be right about my father.” He was so smug as he held up his hands in defense against your hissed insults. He had expected tears and fear not an enraged hurricane. “Now calm down, what’s got you so pissed?”
“YOU FUCKING KILLED ME!” Your eyes were bulging out and your breathing was unsteady. Your eyebrows knit together as you glared him down with hell fire behind your eyes. You looked like a savage. Like a crazed lunatic. Instead of looking scared or remorseful he just backup against the tattered couch. His arms crossed and he lifted a brow. His smirk told you that he found this entertaining.
“Um, you seem pretty alive to me doll. You can’t believe everything you hear on TV.” He laughed at his own joke, or maybe the pathetic chaotic state you were in. As you heaved your chest in exasperation. You realized that you’d made a huge mistake. You killed yourself off on your own accord, you should have fought back then maybe you’d be in Shoto’s arms and not on every news station. If you had been kidnapped people would be looking for you but they aren’t. No one is looking for you. In an instant all anger subsided. You were tired, in pain, scared, pissed, lonely, dispirited, you were dead. Your shoulders slumped with no fight lingering. You let the wall catch you before sliding down it. Your head fell heavy into your hands before settling between your bend legs. You weren’t looking at him, but Dabi did seem a tad guilty. He pushed off the couch walking toward you. He dropped down, squatting in front of you. His fingers brush your hair out of your face, you slap his hand away looking at him with feral eyes that had tears bottled in them. A sigh escaped as he stood up, he could hear the TV mention your name. He watched people on the screen hold candles standing along a dark street. This was live. He yanked you off the ground and pulled you out of the apartment making sure he covered you with a scarf he snatched from the rickety coat rack. You didn’t know where he was taking you but when you ended up on the roof of this building you panicked. Was he going to actually kill you? Maybe that would be better for you. Instead you feel your face yanked toward a specific location. This building was old and crumbling but it was tall. It seemed to be taller than plenty of the buildings near it. As you looked off squinting you saw lights in the distance.
“What are you trying to show me?”
“Shh.” You were pissed. What the hell was his problem. Frustrated you cross your arms feeling the cold breeze and get a little less mad and grow shy after remembering again your lack of coverage. You go to ask if you can return to the apartment but he points and you follow. The city lights disappear and in a Disney moment the sky seems to light up. You watch from the ground miles away lights move like waves and from the tops of buildings lanterns fade into the sky. You watched in awe.
“They are mourning the loss of a true hero, you.”
He’s not looking at you but instead watching the lights. His hands are stuffed into his pockets and he doesn’t look at you as you collapse to the cold dirty roof ground. You scream into the illuminated darkness. It’s painful, like a wolf crying out for its mate after receiving a fatal wound. A howl of sorrow and agony. Was Shoto watching these lights mourning you as well? Your knees pressed into the harsh concrete beneath you cutting into them. Dabi stood next to your broken shaking form, his hands sat inside his pant pockets. He was watching the sky letting you fall apart. He had been in a similar situation before, having to mourn his own death.
It felt like hours had passed by the time you ran out of tears. Your knees hurt from the embedded concrete, your hands were shaking and your fingertips had the slightest tint of purple. You were cold, practically naked, empty, and alone. No one knew you were alive besides the person who killed you. The sky was no longer lit up and you wondered if this was goodbye. If this was how your life as a hero ended. You didn’t get a huge battle like All Might at Kamino, or Sir Nighteye’s battle with Overhaul. You didn’t get to retire or die in a heroic way, instead people would remember you as the hero who died in her home, murdered by some mystery villain. You knew in a week you’d be old news and everyone would be talking about this in the future like it was a part of Shoto’s tragic backstory. You stood up before almost falling directly back down. You catch yourself by grabbing onto Dabi. He winks at you which you react to with disgust. He nods toward the door and you walk toward it leading the way. You think for a moment that running off the side of the building would be a good escape plan. He knows what you’re thinking as he links your arm with his own and pulls you along back into the building and eventually into the hellscape of an apartment. You yank yourself free before walking to the couch and falling back onto it with a huff. You were pouting because he had caught onto your plan, because you had to be here in this disgusting shithole.
“This place is gross.” Dabi raises a brow before laughing, his laughter echoes throughout the small room.
“Sorry this isn’t a five-star hotel princess.”
“It doesn’t have to be a luxury hotel; it just has to be livable. The TV looks like it’s from the 80’s and the carpet feels damp. This couch smells like you set it on fire and it’s still burning. The bed room has various stains in various places. I haven’t even seen the bathroom but I imagine it’s even worse, oh god I can’t live here.” You weren’t prissy or someone with high standards, this place was just literal hell and since you were dead it was even worse. You could imagine that Dabi wasn’t going to let you leave whenever you wanted so having to be stuck in this place was going to drive you insane.
“I think you sound be more concerned with clothing than housing. You have a roof and a bed; you have no clothes.” Dabi made a very good point that you forgot in your depression over the living situation. You throw your head back letting out another frustrated sob.
“Fuck, you should have just killed me.” You thought you ran out of tears and yet some slid down your cheek. You were frustrated and wanted nothing more than to curl up against your fiancé while he comforts you but you couldn’t do that.
“This isn’t forever. My plan just needs to go accordingly and you should be free to go. Think of this as summer camp or a stake out mission.” You looked at Dabi skeptically. He stared back lacking any intension to deceive you.
“Tomorrow night I’ll bring you by some clothes. If you really hate this place so much, I’ll let you clean and decorate it. Give me a list of shit you need tomorrow and I’ll see what I can do. Your stuck with me and when I’m not here you are going to be under house arrest. You don’t get to leave and if I find out you tried; I’ll show you exactly why you shouldn’t disobey me.” His eyes darkened at the end. He wasn’t the smug Dabi but one who truly would turn you into ash. Minutes ago, you would have chosen to be burn alive rather than have this as your life but that was quick to change with the hope that you would actually be released. Dabi wasn’t all that bad, scary kind of but not bad. Clothes were a blessing you couldn’t wait for. The ability to make this place livable also enticed you. He really knew how to get you to stop whining. A smile spread across your face and Dabi raised a brow. He expected a thank you, he shouldn’t have.
“You’re still a fucking asshole who kidnapped and ‘murdered’ me so don’t go thinking I like you or want to rely on you. The idea of being burned alive is almost tempting when compared to living here with you as my only company.” All this was still served with your smile. You stood up and let the coat tail spin behind you as you walked off to the bedroom. “I’m a size [Y/size], don’t forget that.”
The door shut leaving Dabi alone in the living room. His head falls backward and a chuckle escapes passed his lips. “Damn, what a weird girl. Can see why you like her little bro.”
His hands dip back into his pockets as he leaves the apartment. Once on the street below the dirty building he looks up toward your window. It’s hidden away in the alley. You are looking out it hoping for a view but there isn’t one. He knows how miserable you are but also knows you’re a fighter who will survive. He lights up a cigarette as he disappears into the night. You are left sitting on a dusty windowsill thinking about your would-be husband, your almost widow. You wonder what he was doing, how he was doing. Were his friends with him? A single tear slips down your cheek and onto the window sill mixing into the dusk leaving a dirty mark. A melancholy laugh puffs passed your lips. You close yours eyes remembering the first time the two of you met. Remembering how falling in love happened slowly then all at once.
Shoto Todoroki was an emotionless teenager when you met him. You were older than him by a year and met him by complete accident. You both attended UA and he got lost ending up near one of your classes. He ran into you as you rushed to deliver paperwork to the office. More like you ran into him. Instead of swooning over the mismatched eyes and hair like most girls did you pushed passed him. “Sorry gotta go, next time watch where you’re going.”
You had found him outside your classroom afterschool waiting for you. You were confused as he looked at you with about as much emotion as a wall. Hell, you’d seen walls with more emotion. He was like a red and white brick. Your fellow classmates walked around you, some whispering questions amongst each other. You were as confused as they were.
“Um why are you here?”
“You ran into me.” You raised a brow at his blunt accusation. You thought back to earlier and indeed you ran into him. You should have apologized seriously earlier but now you were curious. He waited out here just to tell you that.
“Earlier I was walking down this hallway and you ran into me, then you proceeded to tell me to watch where I was going when you were the one who should have watched herself.” A child, a first year, a stranger was scolding you. A normal person would apologize or defend themselves. You weren’t normal. Instead you laughed at him. He didn’t like that but his irritation subsided into concern. What had he said that was so funny? This seemed like a very serious topic, had he told it like a joke? “Why are you laughing?”
“You seriously waited out here, outside my classroom, just to scold me. Man, you are taking justice pretty seriously, that or I offended your pride as a man. Is it that one? Did I make you feel less of a man because I pushed you while blaming you for my own neglectfulness?” Shoto couldn’t believe how you spoke to him. His cheeks actually heated up from embarrassment and that never happened. People didn’t usually speak to or toward him like this. It was, different? You patted his head when he didn’t speak but just stood there like an old windows computer trying to start up.
“See yah.”
“Wait.” You stopped behind him and turned around. He was facing you with conflicting emotions. “What are you doing right now?”
“I have training, why?” You were put off slightly by his change in attitude.
“Can I watch.” Okay that sounded stalkerish. “I have a classmate who likes to collect information on people’s quirks. You’re from class 2A so I assume you have a unique or powerful quirk. I think he’d like to watch and I have to write a report on quirk studies so…”
Bullshit, it was all bullshit, you knew it he knew it. The janitor that passed awkwardly knew it. This boy would die of embarrassment if you brought it up. A sigh slips out and you can’t say no because you are already late and at least this would give you an excuse to give your teacher. “Sure.”
After getting changed you found four underclassmen staring at you. It was uncomfortable and almost comedic. You never really brought attention to yourself, actually class 2A never really attracted too much attention. The dual hair colored boy stood next to a green haired boy who seemed really excited to see you. The other two consisted of a taller blue haired boy with glasses and a shorter round cheeked brunette. You actually realized you knew all four of them. A grin spread across your face as you pointed at them.
“You guys are from class 1A. I watched you guys at the sports festival and I watched you guys at the school festival. Oh man you are Midoriya Izuku, you’re Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, and that makes you Todoroki Shoto. They all looked amazed that you knew their names. Hell, it was hard to not when everyone talked about the class of villain fighting heroes. They were famous and you had mocked the class heartthrob. It made you laugh because you had classmates that found him hot with his cold demeanor and mysterious scar. When you looked at him you saw a socially awkward kid.
“You’re L/n F/n! Your quirk is so cool! I read about it in a book Mr. Aizawa had about former students. I would love to be able to see it in action! Would that be okay?” He was enthusiastic and you couldn’t say no. You also needed to get to training because you were even more late now. After a nod they all followed you to the training grounds. Other students looked at you and laughed at your entourage. They made teasing comments while others swooned over Shoto. You rolled your eyes. Training mattered more than some dumb boy. Little did you know how wrong you were at that moment. Running into him that afternoon started a domino effect. He had watched you never looking away as you fought. You were mesmerizing. He hadn’t heard a word said by his friends. It was cliché but he was captivated by you.
After that day Shoto found himself following you a lot. He would meet you after class and watch you train or go with you to the library. It was awkward to you but kind of cute. He opened up to you about his past and you didn’t cry. Instead you smiled and held his hands. You told him that he was strong and that his past would never define his future. He had fallen deeper and deeper in love with you, who seemed so far out of his league. Little did he know that he filled your thoughts. You always wondered what he was doing or thinking. You learned to make soba so the two of you could eat while watching the sunset. He missed being around you when you were at your work studies but he supported you behind the scenes. Eventually the two of you were inseparable, until graduation. You stood amongst your fellow classmates laughing and smiling, beaming with pride that you had made it. Everyone had flowers and gifts except you. You turned when someone had called your name. It was Shoto standing facing you, he had a bouquet of your favorite flowers with red streaked across his cheeks. He said something but you couldn’t hear over the crowds. As you walked closer you tried to hear him better. You kept yelling that you couldn’t hear so he mouthed it slowly and you realized what he said; I love you. Your heart stopped and all of a sudden no one else mattered. The loud crowd disappeared leaving just you and Todoroki. Your legs kicked off the ground flinging yourself the distance tackling him into a hug. He dropped the flowers, wrapping his arms around you.
“I love you too.” He cried against your shoulder because he hadn’t known love like this. Your love was something he gained and his trust was something you had fought for. He loved you and you loved him and that was all the mattered. That time felt so far away but in reality, it was only 3 ½ years ago. You’d been with him for 3 ½ years and engaged for six months. It wasn’t always perfect but you wouldn’t have traded it for anything, except you did trade it. You traded it for some shitty apartment and a death sentence. You were truly the villain of this story.  
It took Dabi two days to ‘find/steal’ the things on your shopping list. He brought you a haul of ‘crap’ and clothing of various sizes. You were miserable but this was one thing that made you smile through the depression. Cleaning supplies gave you something to occupy your time. A small chipped table for the eating nook next to the tiny kitchen, a dresser with mismatched paint and broken drawers. A clean set of blankets, sheets, and towels found a home on the bed and in the closet in the hallway. It wasn’t perfect but you were excited to put them where you wanted. It was like an interior design show for the less fortunate. Dabi sat on the couch with a bottle of bourbon while watching people play hero on the TV. You cleaned around him. He wrinkled his nose when you poured carpet cleaner everywhere. The apartment smelled of bleach and lemon by the time you finished. He was actually impressed, a smirk spread across his face as you flopped down on the couch. The large blanket he got you covered the dirty stains on it. He looked you over, noticing how you looked good in the wore torn jeans and oversized t-shirt he got you. It was casual and he liked it. He imagined from what you had come from that you wore a lot of blouses and skirts rather than this.
“You did a good job. I’d give the place two stars.” You hit him with the towel sitting on your shoulder. He laughed noticing your eye roll. “I gotta leave for a few days. While I’m gone you better behave and maybe I’ll bring you a treat.”
“Fuck you.” He had gotten used to your foul mouth and wondered how such an energetic snarky girl ended up with tight ass Shoto who only showed emotions like confusion and anger. He pushed off the couch. He needed to go back to the league and knew he couldn’t involve you in it. You were dead and it needed to stay that way. The league would use you for a different goal and he couldn’t let that happen. He grabbed his coat throwing it over his shoulder along with a wink and kiss to you. You blinked with an annoyed face before catching the kiss throwing it to the ground grinding it under your foot. His laugh could be heard even after the door closed behind him. You were once again alone which changed your demeanor from aggressive to weary. Your eye lids drooped and your shoulders fell. Your legs found themselves pulled onto the couch with your arms wrapped around them. You watched the news hearing segments talking about Deku saving three people from a fire and Red Riot helping catch a bank robber. You smiled happy for them. You never resented them, instead you rooted for your fellow heroes. They were saving the day while you scrubbed strange stains out of ancient carpet.
“As you all know we recently lost hero/name and it’s been hard to cope. This Saturday is her funeral. It is not an open viewing but we were informed that citizens are allowed to place mementos and grieve afterward outside the building. We are also being told to remind people to let hero Shoto grieve and not to bother him if you see him in public.”
Whatever was said afterword you didn’t hear because you were processing the new information. You were going to be buried, this makes it even more real. Chest tightening you stumbled off the couch reaching for the remote. Silence surrounds you as the TV clicks off. The room in spinning and you feel as if you are actually in a small box being buried. You cover your ears begging the world to stop spinning and for the voices to stop. You hear your friends giving eulogy’s, you hear crying and whispers of disappointment. You were a hero how did you lose. The ground hit you, wait no, you hit the ground. Your legs had given out and you were sobbing into the carpet, you could taste the chemicals you had used earlier. At the moment you didn’t care, not about the taste or about anything else. You had a request for Dabi that you knew wouldn’t fly well. You wanted to attend your own funeral.
A week after your ‘murder’ came your funeral. There were strict rules enforced by Dabi, you weren’t allowed to leave the apartment for obvious reasons. This rule prevented you from going but you got to watch it. After begging for some kind of way to be there Dabi returned with a laptop that had shaky footage. You didn’t know who was recording it and knew better than to ask. The footage wasn’t perfect but it gave you what you wanted. Dabi offered to leave you alone but you didn’t want to be alone. The sounds of sniffling were caught coming from many guests. The building was gorgeous. Huge with marble walls and columns near the entrance. It felt like you were at a Greek wedding not a funeral. Everyone was adorned in black. You didn’t recognize the people near the camera person. The camera angle moved and you gasped, walking down the aisle leading toward the end of the room where you assumed a casket laid were your friends. You had friends from your own classes but these weren’t them. These were the friends you made through Shoto. Midoriya walked, his hand holding tightly onto Uraraka’s, she was crying. You smiled sadly at her through the screen. They were an adorable couple who you always rooted for. Now they were finding comfort in each other mourning you. Following behind them was Kirishima with Bakugou, Bakugou looked good in a suit but his red eyes made the red around them stand out more. You felt bad since you knew how much he hated feeling or looking weak. Kirishima was smiling but it held pain. There were many other classmates following behind but the camera turned to watch people gather around the front doors. Your hands flew over your mouth and Dabi had to catch the laptop before it fell from your lap. He placed it on the coffee table angling it so you could watch without dropping it. He wanted to scoff at your pain because he couldn’t understand why you would be sad. This was all a game, a show put on for the media. No one really cared for others this much, or maybe they did, Dabi just knew that he didn’t understand why the dead felt bad for the living.
“Please let him through.” Tenya was signaling people to move away from Shoto. Once the crowds dispersed you could see him. He looked like he hadn’t slept in months, his eyes bloodshot with black holes surrounding them. His cheeks were hollowing, and the rest of him looked thinner. He hadn’t been eating. His hair wasn’t styled and seemed messier, longer. His skin was dull and lifeless, like his eyes. He walked like he had no idea where he was going. Tenya held his shoulder walking with him like a guide. Had Tenya been watching over him for you? You hope someone was, you hope someone will intervene and stop his self-destruction. The camera follows as close as it can and you don’t know how much you can watch. In the front, stood rows of chairs for close family and friends. Your mother was wiping her eyes with her head against your fathers’ shoulder. They looked at the casket that you knew was empty. The camera watched Shoto tap their shoulders. They stood up and hugged him. He was apologizing to them; they didn’t take the apology. Your parents were always fond of him. They wouldn’t blame him. Shoto sat down away from them, Natsuo and Fuyumi sat next to him. Natsuo was rubbing his sisters’ shoulder as she sobbed into her handkerchief. The seat next to them was empty, reserved for Endeavor, for someone who wouldn’t show up. Natsuo had told you before that Endeavor didn’t do funerals, he even missed his own sons. You were actually glad that he wasn’t there, he didn’t deserve to be there. Dabi noticed your change from a forlorn stare to one filled with scorn. He knew you had been thinking about Endeavor, he knew because he had felt he same thing. He had been in the same situation watching people cry over him while the person that caused it was MIA. He watched the footage continue and could feel you stiffen up as people got up to speak. Speech after speech drained you of tears and life. You looked like you were actually dying as you watched Shoto stand behind the mic.
“I don’t want to talk much. I could stand here and tell you every tiny detail about F/n that I love, that I miss. I could tell you about her but I won’t. Instead I’ll say this and only this. I will not sleep, I will not eat, I will not rest till the killer is caught. No one even cares that this was a murder. She isn’t dead, she was murdered and while the rest of you cry and live your comfy lives, I’ll be out there taking down her killer.”
A sentimental speech is what you expected but received a promise of revenge. People gasped and shook their heads in disbelief. It was tasteless to people but to you it meant he fell right into Dabi’s clutches. Dabi was smiling with knowing eyes. He already knew this would happen. He knew all along and you couldn’t be mad because apart of you hoped this would get you back in his arms faster. The rest of the funeral went by without much problem. You watched the casket be lowered into a hole and buried with goodbyes and bundles of flowers. Shoto was the only one left besides the camera man. He put the camera down walking over to Shoto. You gasped as the winged hero put a hand on Shoto’s back apologizing for his lose. Shoto didn’t react while Hawks picked up the camera and turned it off. You watched the black screen feeling your hands shake, you slowly turn to Dabi.
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.” You did was answers. You needed to know why the number 2 hero of Japan, Endeavors subordinate, was doing Dabi a favor. You had heard about heroes helping villains and selling secrets but this was to close to home. What the hell was happening. “Please Dabi, tell me what’s happening. Why was Hawks there? Why was he recording for you?”
“We all have secrets doll. I can’t tell you to much but I can tell you he owed me a favor and this was how he was repaying me. I needed to see your funeral as well to make sure my plan was actually working. It is and Shoto seems to be playing the game as intended. Soon enough you’ll be trading your stained walls in for your old egg shell white ones. Your pumpkin will turn back into a carriage sweetheart and while your dancing with the prince, I’ll have the kings head on a stick.” You knew he wanted Endeavor but you finally started piecing together exactly how he was going to do it. He was going to use Shoto to kill him or capture him. Either way Shoto was now a pawn on the same board as you. Dabi was playing the game against a cheater, someone who wouldn’t lose easily. Endeavor was not an easy man to break. This was going to be harder than manipulating your husband and you knew that.
“I want to help.”
“You already have. You being dead gives Shoto reason to kill. To go against his hero code. As long as you stay dead and he seeks revenge all goes well. I get what I deserve.” His phone beeps and he’s leaving you. The laptop goes with him, you don’t mind because there isn’t anything you can do on it anyway. You walk to the window watching his figure disappear into the foggy street. What an ugly night. You went to bed and curled up with a book Dabi had brought you.
Elsewhere Shoto stood in the darkness of an alley behind his fathers’ agency. Hawks walked by talking on the phone with someone not noticing the boy’s presence. Shoto waited and slipped into the building before the door closed. He couldn’t be caught using the codes or else they’d know it was him. He knew how to avoid the cameras, how to maneuver the building without getting caught. He found himself outside the large office he had been in plenty of times. To think it would be his father’s final resting place, it was perfect justice. He went to push the door open but hesitated when he heard him talking to someone.
“I offered her money, I offered her positions outside the country, Hell I had other heroes try to seduce her but nothing worked. She was hell bent on staying with Shoto. I couldn’t allow her to ruin his chances at being the number 1 hero. He needed to focus and if he were to marry it should be to someone with a quirk that complimented his. I needed her out of the picture and to think someone else took care of it before we had too.” Shoto knew his father was shitty, manipulative, abusive and so many other fucked up things but this was something else. This was beyond shitty and abusive. This was evil and a power trip. His father may not have killed you but he was going to get what he deserved for playing a part in it. The door opened under his touch and when he walked in his father turned a huge smirk across his face.
“Oh Shoto, I was just going to call you.” He put his phone down and Shoto was able to make out the name of the contact he had just been talking to, Hawks. He thought back to the funeral and pieced together theories. Hawks had a part in this and he was going to find out exactly what happened to you. His arm encases itself in fire the other arm freezing the exits. He stares at his still smirking father. “This isn’t a friendly visit. You’re going to tell me you killed Y/n and then I’m going to decide if I should kill you now or slowly torture you first.”    
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