#and being at a stage now where you're like. those are children.
ms-demeanor · 7 months
sex work is work, no problem with that, but spamming sex work absolutely everywhere now is not okay. bot or not, it is not okay to shove your probably fake/stolen tits or ass into everyone's face even where kids are. it is absolutely the lowest, cheapest trash doing that. are these people showing their barely covered up pussy to school kids on the street to maybe get a customer? because they are doing exactly that on the internet. if you cant find customers and need to lower yourself to std ridden junkey trash standards who missed the way and entitled themselves to begging for money outside trash town, zero support from me!
Yeah you really sound like someone who supports sex workers. That's what I always think when I hear people using words like "disease-ridden" and "junkie" - 'wow, that person must be SUCH an ally. braver than any US marine, thank you for your service, person who believes sex work is work but thinks STIs or drug addiction are 'trash'.'
So, point by point:
It's not absolutely everywhere. You don't see people trying to link their onlyfans on facebook most of the time (i've actually never seen it but i could believe it is happening, though it's not common because FB has real-name policies that are unfriendly to sex workers). You're unlikely to see fansly links as sidebar ads on cspan. People aren't linking their pages in the amazon reviews. You're seeing it "everywhere" because you're not going anywhere. Tell me you spend all your time on two to three platforms without telling me you spend all your time on two to three platforms. Instagram, tiktok, twitter, and tumblr are full of people who are promoting all kinds of brands and one of those kinds of brands is sex work.
Those are also all platforms that have age restrictions and behavior standards, and of all of them tumblr is the one that has the history of being the most openly sexual and the least connected to legal identities. People are linking to their diy porn because of the culture of these websites both currently and historically. I once posted a video on this website of me bringing myself to orgasm in a public bathroom stall then inserting a dildo into my vagina before I went on stage and performed a set with my band. I did it for free and for fun five years ago, the week before the porn ban hit.
What I'm saying here is that the culture of this website has a much longer history of openness about sex and sexuality and the visual presentation of sex than it does of being full of people who think teens shouldn't see nipples. This is an *extremely* reasonable place to post information linking to porn that you make and to use cute pictures of yourself to do so.
It's also really easy to tell that these people aren't bots or using stolen images because the whole point of the live platform is that you can click through and go talk to them. Strange Aeons did just that and you can see what happened. (click on that video for a fun cameo at 6:04) Turns out live users are just a bunch of people (not networks stealing images the way that actual porn *bots* on tumblr do) and the ones who are trying to do sex work on the live platform itself get banned.
But also kids too young to see the occasional boob shouldn't be on tumblr! (like, seriously, define kids. what age is too young to see the kinds of images allowed by the tumblr live tos? how about the ones banned by the tumblr live tos? How old should you have to be before someone shows you an ahegao face on a hoodie in public? What should the punishment be for the ahegao fashionistas for exposing six year olds to anime tongues? What should the minimum age be to go on the beach and see men in speedos? Fifteen, or is that still abusive to children? Maybe we should make it twenty to be safe, or better yet why don't we make it twenty AND ban speedos? this is what you sound like, you fucking asshole). Tumblr has age limits and people under that age limit shouldn't be looking at most things on this website. A smiling woman in a bikini top or a dude with his abs out are fucking nothing compared to the kind of damage you personally and specifically are trying to inflict with your shitty ideas.
Posting t&a on tumblr is not at all comparable to doing street level work and soliciting children for a number of reasons, but I'd just like to really take the time to point out that you just compared the profile pics on tumblr live to sexually soliciting a child. You literally did the "x group i hate are pedophiles" thing, which is exactly why it's such a huge problem that any and all types of nudity have been stigmatized online. We have created an entirely new paradigm of "pedophile" that means "existed around a child while wearing tight pants." You are such a fucking clueless, sanctimonious pile of shit that you can't even see that that's what you're doing. This is literally, exactly kink at pride discourse.
And that's even if I grant you that these people are posting t&a! Go look at the live leaderboards, you don't have to accept the ToS to see the leaderboards! We are talking about *at most* saucy pin-up levels of eroticism. I have seen fucking holiday cards with more visible cleavage than any of the top 200 tumblr live streamers right now.
The only thing in your final sentence that makes any sense is that you are positioning tumblr as trash town.
Yeah. I'm actually not at all impressed by tumblr recently and that has a lot more to do with the influx or resurgence of nuance-allergic, anti-sex, whiny shits like you than it does with a banner that i can scroll past in a quarter of a second.
I want people reading this to really, really sit down and think about what they're calling assault or hypersexualiztion or whatever. We are talking about profile pictures. You are so offended by a bar of 4 profile pictures at the top of your dash that you're comparing regular ass humans (some of whom are sex workers and some of whom are just streamers who took thirst trap selfies) to the real life solicitation and abuse of children.
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radfemfox5 · 9 months
Hi there - I'm trans and Jewish and I'd like to share my perspective on the "trans genocide" thing. I don't think we're experiencing active genocide in the US; that's definitely an extreme and offensive statement to make regarding what's happening. However, I do think that the increasing legislation attacking trans rights and autonomy as well as an increasingly polarized public view of trans people points to the potential for a worse situation that moves closer to genocide.
Now, personally, I live in a state where no laws limiting trans rights have passed. I was able to legally begin my medical transition when I was 15, I've never experienced transphobic violence, and the majority of people around me are supportive of my transition. My experience is similar to most other trans people in my area, with varying degrees of familial support.
But nation wide, we have seen an increase of trans people being murdered, and a massive increase in anti-trans legislation. This legislation aims to strip trans people of their autonomy and privacy. It seeks to put trans children in danger, remove information about what it is to be trans or queer from children's access, and enforce archaic ideas about what it means to be a man or woman.
Most of this is happening because right wing politicians can capitalize on moral outrage and fear to win votes. They're scapegoating trans people instead of trying to improve the lives of their constituents. This is kind of politician's thing, so it's not surprising in any way. However, when those policies successfully do win these politicians support, they'll have to make them more extreme. They'll want to make it illegal to exist as a trans person in public.
Now I'm not saying that that's genocide. I think we're an awfully long way off from trans people being mass arrested for being trans, and then murdered by the state. But we are in a rising climate of fear, and I don't think the trans people calling this the seventh stage of genocide are doing so out of bad faith. I think they're doing that because they are terrified of having their right to take life-saving medication, or have protection in the workplace, or be able to use a bathroom, or have children, or wear what they want to wear taken away. And they're terrified of those things because the bills on the table in states across the country put those rights in jeopardy. And if calling this a genocide makes people pay attention? I'm not super mad about it.
Hi, thank you for sharing your perspective on this. I appreciate it.
Your fear is primarily based on sensationalist headlines and interpretations of the law that are unfounded. I can assure you, you are not even in the early stages of a genocide.
But nation wide, we have seen an increase of trans people being murdered
In 2021, the Human Rights Campaign recorded 50 deaths of trans, nonbinary and GNC people.
In 2022, the HRC recorded 38 deaths (source). So. If we take these numbers at face value, that's a decrease of nearly 25% in one year, in a growing section of the population.
Taking these numbers and the size of the transgender population in the US (1.6 million), in 2021, trans people had a death rate of 3.1/100k, and in 2022, this dropped to 2.4. Again, the numbers provided by the HRC include nonbinary and GNC people, and accidental deaths.
Some of these aren't even murders or intentional homicides. They just say they were killed. I wouldn't consider these numbers reliable whatsoever, but they're the only estimate we have for now. There are so few trans deaths that they can fit on a single Wikipedia page, along with a little blurb about their life and who they were. It would be impossible to do something similar with victims of femicide, since there are too many to count. This page lists victims of femicide, only in Canada, only in 2022, and it is nearly as long as the Wikipedia page I listed above.
This is a perfect segue to my next point, which is to compare trans genocide to femicide, which is actually real. Women are killed so often that the UN has to categorize female murder victims as either killings (unnatural deaths), intentional homicides or gender-related killings (hate crimes, therefore considered in femicide statistics).
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The intentional homicide rate for female victims in the US is 2.9/100k (data from 2021), and it is steadily increasing after having been on the decline since the mid-90s.
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That only includes the pink and red circles shown in the UN's chart, not accidental deaths or unknown deaths like the HRC includes in their counts. Some countries have as many as 10.6/100k women die a year.
TL;DR: The murder rate for trans people in the US is not increasing, it is decreasing. This isn't indicative of a trans genocide in the slightest.
But nation wide, we have seen [...] a massive increase in anti-trans legislation.
As I was saying earlier, this idea stems from sensationalist headlines. It's concerning to me how widespread the misinformation about anti trans legislation really is, when house bills are publicly available online. You can literally do a quick Google search and find that most of these bills are nothing burgers.
Unfortunately, it's easier for you to just go on a website like translegislation.com and have them tell you what these bills say. I'll do some of the work for you and go through how these sites lie to you.
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Alabama imposing criminal penalties on providers of trans healthcare? Sounds scary. Let's see what the source they linked, the HRC, has to say.
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Ah. So it's specifically regarding transgender youth. As in, minors. This is after going through an insanely long title detailing how bad the bill is. The trans legislation tracker essentially lies by omission, implying that all trans healthcare is being criminalized.
Going to the bill in question, AL SB184, we can see that it actually acknowledges the existence of dysphoria in children.
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However, they also acknowledge that this feeling may be fleeting, and that making permanent changes to a child's body solely on account of the child's personal sense of identity is unwise.
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I won't go through every single bill here, as this post is already very long, but you get the idea. Feel free to send another ask if you would like me to look at specific bills.
Back to your ask: the way you speak of these bills shows that you've never read them for yourself or know how legislation works, since you're acting like it's the beginning of Armageddon.
This legislation aims to strip trans people of their autonomy and privacy. It seeks to put trans children in danger, remove information about what it is to be trans or queer from children's access, and enforce archaic ideas about what it means to be a man or woman.
I'm assuming by autonomy and privacy, you mean the choice to undergo medical transition and the bathroom/locker room/women's sports issue respectively.
Bills limiting "gender-affirming" care are focused on children, since puberty blockers like Lupron are now known to have very negative and permanent effects. The bills don't ban adults from choosing to take HRT. It's extremely profitable for doctors to continue to prescribe HRT and for surgeons to continue to recommend expensive plastic surgeries. Legislation won't go that route unless there's a massive shift in public perception.
The "Save Women's Sports Act" literally just limits participation in women's school sports to females only. That's it. The trans legislation tracker even acknowledges this.
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Most of these bills are copy pasted from eachother, which is why they're all dubbed as "Save Women's Sports." Here's a snippet from HB61 in Ohio:
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If someone's sex is brought into question, a simple blood test is all that's needed. Contrary to what the media may have led you to believe, there are no forcible genital inspections. No trans person is being forced to undress for this. Only 6 trans "girls" are affected by this in Ohio, out of 400k total athletes in girl's sports. So I'm not sure why this feels like a precursor to genocide to you.
remove information about what it is to be trans or queer from children's access,
Personally, I don't think children should be aware that medical transition is even a remote possibility unless they are in extreme psychological distress related to their sex. Even then, therapy is usually the best solution. I don't think the "Gender Unicorn," a surprisingly complex graphic created in part by an alleged violent rapist and groomer, should be used in classrooms to teach children about gender ideology. Gender ideology should be taught to college students who are better equipped to form their own opinion, not children who barely know how to read.
There are better, more useful things to push in our education curriculum, like compulsory comprehensive sex ed. That way, young men don't learn about sex through violent pornography, and young girls don't accidentally get pregnant without knowing what it means. This would also be a good time to teach them about sexual orientation. Leaving it up to the parents or focusing on abstinence evidently doesn't work.
enforce archaic ideas about what it means to be a man or woman.
The lack of self-awareness here is pretty astounding. The trans movement actively enforces these archaic ideas of gender by telling tomboys that they might actually be a boy. This implies that femininity is what makes womanhood, which is objectively untrue.
By telling masculine women that they are men and feminine men that they are women, you're literally enforcing the gender roles you say you're destroying.
They'll want to make it illegal to exist as a trans person in public.
You can speculate about this all you want, but you can't see laws limiting child transition and keeping sports sex-segregated as writing on the wall. We're not even close to that.
Now I'm not saying that that's genocide. I think we're an awfully long way off from trans people being mass arrested for being trans, and then murdered by the state.
I'm glad to hear you are moderately sane.
But we are in a rising climate of fear,
Your phrasing reminds me of US politics in the wake of 9/11. When people act out of fear, decisions are made in haste, and wars are started over made-up WMDs. Being fearful clouds your judgement.
Look around you. You're safe and accepted. The trans flag is flown almost everywhere in June. A trans woman won the NCAA National Champion title just last year. For International Women's Day, multiple companies featured trans women. Time Magazine featured many trans women as Women of the Year. Language is now inclusive, so women don't actually exist anymore. We're just uterus havers. This is all to cater to trans people.
Yeah. It's getting to be a bit much, isn't it? Don't you expect the least bit of pushback, especially from women? We aren't living in fear of some invisible boogeyman. We are angry at how rapidly our hard work has been undone.
We're pissed that after decades of feminist progress, we've regressed to being considered non-men once again.
and I don't think the trans people calling this the seventh stage of genocide are doing so out of bad faith. I think they're doing that because they are terrified of having their right to take life-saving medication, or have protection in the workplace, or be able to use a bathroom, or have children, or wear what they want to wear taken away.
Puberty blockers and HRT do not save lives. They actually haven't been proven to have a substantial enough effect on mental health to consider them an adequate treatment for gender dysphoria.
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2. Trans people have the same basic human rights as any other human being.
3. Many places are adding gender-neutral bathrooms in order to accommodate the growing trans population. No one is checking your genitals at the door of a bathroom, no one cares that much. I care about girls being assaulted at school by boys in skirts and the school boards covering it up in the name of trans acceptance (x).
4. Trans people remove their own ability to have children by going on puberty blockers, HRT and even eventually physically castrating themselves. If you mean the ability to adopt or foster children, I don't know. Gay and lesbian couples still have a hard time adopting to this day, so progress can be made in that department.
To conclude this hodgepodge of various facts, screenshots and links, I'll leave you with this:
I fundamentally disagree with you that crying "genocide" is in any way helpful for your community. It's not. Most of Western society might have forgotten what genocide looks like or doesn't even know what the word means anymore, but you should know better as a Jew.
The attention trans people get from saying that they're going through a genocide is overwhelmingly negative from people on both ends of the political spectrum at this point. People are annoyed at trans people for making shit up, which ruins your movement's credibility.
When you have to lie to get someone's attention, you've already lost.
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marcusakito · 3 months
Lyney Cat Hybrid Boyfriend HCs (Sfw and Nsfw)
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I blame my friend for inspiring me to write this. But I still had fun thinking about it, so was it really that bad?
Lyney x Fem!Reader
CW: Minors DNI, Slight Yandere (Just to be safe I'll add that), Biting(?), Rough Sex, Breeding, Penetration, and technically a monster cock.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
I really wanna believe Lyney is a cat hybrid like his sister Lynette. Perhaps he takes a special suppressant that makes his cat features less prominent.
His ears would be small enough to be completely flush in his hair, and his tail small enough to hide in his clothes. The only thing visible in his cat trait would be his eyes. The glow in the dark, and see just as well in the dark too.
Why would he do that? Having one cat on stage makes it special, unique, don't you think having two makes it less so?
Of course like most medicine, I doubt taking the suppressant constantly would be healthy. He has a few days where he doesn't take them.
So imagine your surprise when his cat ears spring up, and being in casual clothes, his tail moves freely around.
Yes, he'll allow you to touch them. But only if you promise to be gentle.
If you pet his head and scratch his ears, he'll be snuggling up against you and purring. Same goes for when you sleep together.
What a clingy cat. But that's what makes him adorable, no?
If he purrs, he definitely hisses. He's learned to surpress that since he was young, but if he gets jealous towards someone... Well now, he can't help it at that point.
He'd have the urge to scratch their face off, but he resists doing that. That would be rather... Unbecoming of his charismatic self. Besides, he has other possible ways of handling things.
That is, to show outwardly open affection to you. Prove to that person you're his.
Just like any other cat, Lyney's stomach is a sensitive spot. Very, very ticklish and he doesn't mind if you wanna tickle him, he trusts you! Just don't tickle him out of surprise when you're outside, he might accidentally scratch you.
He'll be sure to give a thousand apologies for it though. And maybe a rose or two.
He can't help himself, it's his primal instincts taking over when you two have intercourse.
His cock is a little thinner than average, 6", bulbous and red tip, and extremely sensitive. His dick has rough, rounded barbs around the base of his shaft.
Those barbs rubs against your walls and clit just right. It was an unexpected pleasure for the both of you, since they were sensitive for Lyney, and it makes him cum pretty easily even without much stimulation.
He retracts his claws (His nails) so they won't hurt you when he plunges them into your hole to finger you. But he'd use them to sensually graze his nails softly too.
His favourite position is doggystyle (Or rather, catstyle?) And prone bone, but he wouldn't mind other positions. He just knows that particular one makes him certain you'll be properly bred.
He'll either hold you by your hips or pin your hands above your head, with his chest pressed against your back. He'll praise you for doing so well, how well you'll take his seed, and for the beautiful bump for when you bear his children.
The thought of you pregnant just riles him up and turns him on.
He's got naturally high libido, but oh boy, good luck during his heat cycle.
He'll be clingy, snuggling against you constantly that you'll have to shove him off. That doesn't stop him, though.
And once you're home, well...
He'll be thrusting into you roughly, overstimulating you over and over again to cum inside you without a moment of rest.
And if you try to get away and act up? He's not above biting you at the back of your neck.
It's his cat instincts needing you to stay longer. Even after you've had what, 5 orgasms and a ton of his load in you?
He'll realize what he did and make up for it later by drawing you a bath or patching it up.
Mandatory snuggles after sex. No exception.
And he'll be keeping his dick inside of you all night. You don't mind cockwarming, do you? He's just making sure not to waste a single drop of his semen inside you.
Hope you don't mind not walking for a while. Don't worry, Lyney's taking care of you well throughtout the mating season.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Hope you enjoyed my hcs! I was thinking of writing more monster(?) Human headcanons, not limited to animal hybrids. It's just fun to think of the possibilities.
If you have any concerns or suggestions, feel free to give a comment or ask!
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hard-core-super-star · 6 months
you're my morning sun [H.Steinfeld]
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pairing: hailee steinfeld x reader
summary: a look through your fondest memories featuring your wife and the chaos that comes with forming a family.
warnings: literally just fluff; most of the story is told in flashbacks so the POV gets weird at times; so many cheesy moments; will i ever learn how to write endings? no.
wordcount: 1.4k
a/n: i'm sorry this took me so long to write but thank you for the request and for the kind words! i had no idea where to even START with this and i didn't hit all the points i wanted but i tried to make it as light and fluffy as possible. i don't know if it's become obvious by now but i've kind of been struggling to write for hailee so opening this mini-universe back up was a nice way to get back into the groove. hope you enjoy <3 [find honeycomb here if you haven't read it yet; once again the descriptions of the twins, as well as their names, are gender neutral so feel free to picture them however you want]
* * * * * * *
The sound of soft giggles drifts out of the half-closed door and into the hallway. An affectionate smile plays at your lips as you approach, opening the door and finding your adorably mischievous children thumbing through the old photo albums sprawled across their bedroom floor.
“Where did you guys get those?” You ask. 
Two pairs of wide brown eyes look up at you and you can practically see the wheels turning in their head while they both try to come up with an excuse. You have a pretty clear idea of what said excuse will be and in no less than five seconds, you’re proven correct.
“Mom gave them to us!” A triumphant voice replies.
Their win is incredibly short-lived but you appreciate their attempt. “Is that so? And why would she do that when your bedtime was thirty minutes ago?” 
You’re met with more silence and you almost feel bad at the way they so quickly realize their mistake. The twins share a look before the more outspoken of the two attempts to win your favor. “Because she loves us…?”
The words make you laugh and it thankfully brings down the tension in the twins’ small frames. Maybe you should be mad but it is the weekend and if they’re okay with being tired in the morning then that sounds like their problem. (Okay, it’s going to be your problem when your wife finds out but you’ll deal with that later)
“When did you get so smart, little bee?” You push yourself off the doorframe and join the adorable brunettes on the floor. “So, what are we looking at?”
Both Charlie and Em attach themselves to your sides before they each point to a different picture. They’re both from the same day but one shows you hiding behind a cup of coffee while the other one shows Hailee in the middle of laughing at something that you can’t remember anymore.
“When was this?” The quieter of the two asks, staring up at you with eyes that look almost exactly like your wife’s.
“Your mom and I’s first date,” you reply with a gentle smile.
“Can you tell us about it?”
The question catches you off-guard even though it really shouldn’t. The twins adore both of you but they usually make faces whenever you and Hailee start being overly mushy with each other. Their curiosity has finally started to beat their, quite literal, childish response, though.
“Are you sure you guys can handle it?” You tease. “It’s a long story.”
They each make their own noises of displeasure at your playful words and you wrap an arm around each of their shoulders, pulling them close and bringing the photo album onto your lap. You’re certainly in for a long night but you can’t say you’re entirely mad about that.
You bring their attention back to the photo album before starting to tell your favorite story.
* * *
You’ve never been the biggest believer in the idea of right place, right time. It’s always felt like an oversimplification, one that goes hand in hand with the idea of love at first sight and the concept of fate.
Your friends say you’re a grouch, you just say you’re too realistic to ever fall for that type of capitalistic BS.
But, of course, you have to be proven wrong in the most ridiculous way possible.
It’s not enough that you’ve been frequenting the same coffee shop as the most gorgeous woman you’ve ever seen, no, you also have to end up at the same place, at the same god-awful time: rush hour. 
You’re crammed in some tiny booth in the most faraway corner you could find, mumbling under your breath while you write email after email to your procrastinating coworkers. You were supposed to be taking a break but there are far too many unchecked items on your to-do list and it’s not like you’re in the most relaxing of places anyway.
You’re in the middle of arguing with yourself about the order in which to tackle said to-do list when you’re interrupted by quite possibly the loveliest voice you’ve ever heard.
“Hey, sorry to bother but do you mind if I sit here?”
You look up from your laptop and allow the words to slip out before you can back out. “Go ahead, I don’t mind.”
The smile your words get is enough of a reward for your sudden confidence until sitting in front of each other turns into an easy conversation which turns into exchanging phone numbers.
You’re not entirely sure how it happens, you just know when you finally leave the coffee shop, it’s with a spring in your step and the number of the most gorgeous woman you’ve ever seen saved on your phone.
You assume that will be the end of things (because why in the world would she ever give you a moment of her time?) but you end up being completely wrong. Only a few days go by before she reaches out, inviting you on a real coffee date. You’re so stunned it takes you almost a full hour to reply to her, an hour that you later find out was the cause of more than a few panicked texts to her brother.
There’s a lot of panic on your part too, although yours is mainly due to having no clue what to wear or how to act on a date with someone like Hailee. Saying you’re nervous is an understatement and you end up arriving late because you wanted to bring her flowers but couldn’t find an open shop nearby.
You rush into the coffee shop ten minutes late, a string of apologies flowing from your lips and a small velvet box clutched in your hand. 
The brunette’s response is nothing like what you were expecting. Instead of laughing at you or being upset, she merely stares at the box, an amused grin tugging at the corners of her lips. “What is that?” 
“Oh, I, uh, well, I wanted to bring you some flowers but I could only find a jewelry shop so…” You trail off before you can embarrass yourself further, choosing instead to hand over the box to her and face the consequences of your actions. 
Turns out, the consequences aren’t bad, you’re just too much of a mess around Hailee and her adorable smile to be able to handle her reaction. 
“You’re kidding,” she says once she opens the box and sees the small bumblebee charm hanging from the silver chain. “This is so thoughtful, thank you. Help me put it on?”
You’re pretty sure your heart stops right then and there but you agree nonetheless. Your legs wobble a little as you walk behind her, gentle hands moving her hair out of the way before clasping the necklace together.
It’s strange how right being with her feels despite the nerves and the way your heart pounds in your chest. 
You didn’t know it then but you were already head over heels in love with Hailee Steinfeld and her soft brown eyes.
* * *
The ending of your story earns you yet another groan from the tiny brunettes. You open your mouth to make fun of them when your wife’s voice stops all three of you in your tracks. “Why did no one invite me to this party?”
“Apparently you’re the one responsible for it,” you reply. “A little bee told me you gave them the photo albums.”
“Weird.” She makes a face designed to make the twins laugh. “I don’t remember doing that.”
“Mom!” They complain in unison, causing both of you to laugh this time.
Your hands reach out for Hailee and she instantly complies with your silent request. She settles onto your lap, her back fitting perfectly against your chest while you rest your chin on her shoulder.
“How far did you get?” She asks, her eyes scanning the pages filled with random photos and scraps of paper.
“I was just wrapping up the story of our first date.” 
“Did you include the part where you showed up half an hour late?” The teasing tone in her voice makes you smile but you decide to be dramatic anyway. 
“It was ten minutes!”
The room falls into a chorus of laughs at your offended response and you bask in all the love and joy your family brings you. Maybe it was a mere coincidence or maybe it was fate but there’s no denying meeting Hailee changed your life forever.
“So, what’s next?” Em asks, shifting closer to the brunette while she flips through the rest of the photo album.
“You wanna take this one?” You ask your wife with a warm smile.
“Oh, yeah. But I’m telling the real version.”
“Little bumblebees, today is the day you find out your mom is a liar.”
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norieoncrack · 4 months
(N): the inability to express your feelings.
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Angst
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: Furina de Fontaine
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞: On
𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞: One Shot
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬: they/them
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Conflicted of the way she's supposed to feel, what path of loss should she take, how can she be like you? Tell her, Creator of Teyvat.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Violence, Sagau AU themes, spoilers for Fontaine Archon quest storylines. This story is only a second branch linked to the Sagau Au that I'm working on and is not the main one, there will be a very huge difference compared to the one I'm working on.
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It’s like you're underwater… the world quietly embraces you as you fell from the stars, did you remember anything as the sound of a loud splash occurs and attracts the unsuspecting creatures? How could you when you’re already too busy falling asleep at the bottom of a lake? 
Ah… could the creator not hear the gentle song of joy that their creations are singing? The return of such a noble and loving soul to its children, this could only mean hope and prosperity towards the creatures who have always prayed for their return.
(Y/n), you who sank to the bottom of the lake unable to remember who you were before coming to this land, can you face them? Your creations who do not even remember your face, except for the guiding voice you’ve always been towards your vessels, resent you for leaving for so long. 
The waters which surround your injured and sleeping figure brings you the tales and troubles of what happened while you were away, though you already know these tales haven’t you? 
A blond traveler and their silver companion walked on the soil of Teyvat, they who claimed to have been your vessels, your apostles. Though their name brings hopes and joy to those who are “humans”, just the mere thought of them to any other creature stikes fear and terror to the heart of their beings.
“They’re approaching Fontaine soon…” You opened your eyes slowly finding yourself surrounded by fishes and curious creatures.
“It will be a while before they finish their involvement with Sumeru..” Should we get to know you a bit more? But then again you have no time to think for all that’s on your mind right now was finding a safe spot to hide before the blond traveler finds you.
“You’ll find a safe spot for me to hide right? I trust you all.” The water current gently pushes you away, you don’t know where in Fontaine are you right now, but you definitely aren’t close to the Fortress of Meropide.
The trail of red blood, your trail which bleeds life into Teyvat remains to be un-tampered. The waters of teyvat cannot heal you nor can anything else if anything, for a god’s creation cannot heal them. You can’t feel pain however since your body is as fragile as a human’s obviously you’d get hurt, as gentle as the skies tried when first delivering you into Teyvat it still could not be gentle enough and hurt you.
Truly you do not understand the connection between you and the land of Teyvat, because if you did then maybe you would have understood why, Teyvat no longer dreams of your return for so long…
Somewhere else…
Bored figure above the crowd, what are you looking for in the crowds of peasants and fools? She was a noble in every way yet so flawed and faulted, the perfect human, of course she cared about those voices who talked about her every move.
It’s the weight of the crown she’s wearing right? Isn’t she tired of pleasing them? The people who could stare at her in awe and contempt, doesn’t she ever feel like running away from her problems?
“Is it worth it?” The whispers in her head render her useless, relying on its encouragement to continue walking for the day.
“This isn’t how you’re supposed to smile, fix those corners” mental images began appearing, how many days has it been since she stood in front of this faulty mirror?
Perhaps she’s gonna break under all this pressure, but this eternal act must never fall, no matter what extend this stage forever as she continue to dance and play for their love, perhaps it wasn’t even their love she was looking for but the approval of a figure she doesn’t even know of.
‘I can’t hear anything, I don’t know anything’ she’s denying it again, denying the fact she knows what’s gonna happen next. 
‘Oh Creator of all creatures, can you at least give me peace of mind as the years have gone by? I wish for oneday… where I have no need to be the ‘Hydro Archon’ no more’ However no matter how strong or sincere the wish is, even Furina knows that the Creator has long gone from Teyvat’s memories… because of that incident. 
“Lady Furina there is something we think you’d like to see.” a cold and strange figure behind the door of her study snapping her away from her daydream, Furina coughed and returned to her ‘god’ demeanor.
“Very well then, enter.” A gentlemen in dark colored clothing, she remembered his father and the ones before him… ah, so it’s something related to the rising sea levels matter. 
“Lady Furina, the matter is that…” 
Oh? How interesting… a prophecy, long ago but not too long after the prophecy that the people of Fontaine shall dissolve into the sea and the Archon shall be left crying on her throne, a prophecy which had been mysteriously erased from the people’s memory.
A star bright enough to be mistaken for the sun shall fall in Teyvat’s embrace, carrying with it the remnants of the past and the answers to the future, when the waters rise and the creatures dance, the star shall leave and a trail of blood shall follow where it goes.
Furina remembered that prophecy long ago, the one prophecy which no longer seemed to be remembered by anyone else but her it seems, even Neuvillette does not understand of the said prophecy she talks about oh so often, eventually Furina kept this prophecy to herself and let the world seemingly forget of it’s existence all together. 
However the news that this informant has brought her… this one truly is fulfilling the first part of the prophecy, a bright shinning light had been spotted across the night sky not too long ago, just like that same light 500 years ago. However not knowing whether this could mean sometime interesting or important Furina decided to dismiss the informant temporarily after getting information of the location where the star was said to have landed.
The water levels are rising faster after that star had landed, it might seemed like useless worry but Furina is afraid, the prophecy never truly mentioned what would become of the star and only the result of their appearance to Teyvat. Trails of blood… should she start looking into this dangerous matter?
“I don’t know what to do anymore… not only do I have to solve my prophecy now I am at risk with another one.” She stared at the floor tired and devastated, how does she compare between threats? The one that the people know of or the one that has been erased from Teyvat’s very memory?
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Your mission... what plans did you have when you first arrived in Teyvat? You weren't sure however you did sense a sort of familiarity towards the land and it's creatures, you have yet to meet anyone else such as the "archons" or inhabitants of Teyvat.
"To take responsibility... but this was never your realm."
"It was still my mistake"
"You have until ?̴̨̩̘̗̪̯̅͆̽̆?̴͙̖̉͊̓̈͗̏͆̐̕͝?̷̹̞̻̫͚̝̭̮̫̏̒̑͂͗?̷̖̠̖͙͉̝̠̇ to solve it"
Ah, a flash of memory strikes you, your mind hurts as it tries to remember why and how you ended up here in the first place, it seemed you were the one who prevented yourself from remembering your purpose here.
Bandaging yourself up from the minor wounds you had from falling earlier you felt the water currents try to push and play around with your figure, though not a god, you certainly aren't some mortal being, something similar to a Demi-god or some sort.
"Enough with that, we have preparations we must do if we are ensuring the other region's safety." You had all the information you needed from the water, water carries the memories of all living beings, whether if it was drank, on the sidelines or even spilt, the water hears and memories it all.
Your plan was to make a barrier between Fontaine and the rest of the world, should the day ever come that the prophecy is filled nothing too drastic would happen if the water overflows and influences the rest of the world.
It's too late to try and stop the prophecy, not like you had a chance to stop it in the first place, however you did have a chance at preventing a bigger catastrophe and try to find a way to slow down the prophecy from happening.
Unfortunately for you, you didn't have enough materials to start making the barrier runes however that shouldn't be a problem if you could collect them in Fontaine. You can't expect all the ingredients for crafting to be in Teyvat seeing as some of them could be unique and a specialty for where you came from.
"We'll have to replace some ingredients but that's okay, whatever it is it shouldn't be too much of a problem." with the list in your hand your current goal was clear, ingredient hunting.
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Why did you even come into Teyvat in the first place? If the memory and intensive headache wasn’t already evident you have no idea why, perhaps you previously did something stupid and as a result were punished to be confined to Teyvat and stay there until your memory comes back, but if that truly were the case then why wasn’t all of your memory erased?
Another one of your theories for this was you witnessing something so disgusting or weird that it shook you so much, you had no choice but to run away and erase that part of your memory, and if this was true then maybe that part of your memory is connected to Teyvat and this land. However ultimately you had a feeling it was also connected to your teacher… the person who was in that blocked memory, you don’t know what transpired between you and your teacher but it definitely wasn’t that good.
Oh well, it’s not good to get distracted from your original goal and forget why you’re even here, you do not have forever to live and will die just like any human, getting distracted is the last thing you want on your list. 
You were lead to a village full creatures they called “Hillichurls”, you could feel remnants of curse on some of them though not all… however it’s not like you can break such a curse, if you don’t know the full story and origin of the curse breaking it could lead to more disastrous problems… like the last world.
The creatures were agitated upon seeing you however they didn’t seemed to be hostile and allowed you to calmly walk freely in the village. 
“Let’s see… I might need these, a little bit of that, probably a handful of this.” You were collecting a material called ‘Star tears’, despite the poetic name it’s basically a type of star dust and for some reason had been infused with the belongings of “Hillichurls”.
“Hm? You want me to make a replacement for the things I’m taking?�� The Hillichurls dance and spoke as you looked through their stuff, looks like you have to make them something in return for the things.
“Don’t worry I’m not taking your stuff just erasing some bad omens on it.” The glittery dust on your hand shimmers as you continue to collect them, oh boy, this was gonna take a while.
Furina was a bit shocked to see that the scene where the supposed star was supposed to be… turned out to be completely normal!! Nothing!! Not a single crater or dead plant, it’s as if it was all an illusion.
“H-How could this be?! Did that-?! Ughh…” she was frustrated at the fact she had been lied to, she couldn’t understand why but now that she’s here she might as well take a break and enjoy the scenery.
It’s quiet… it’s too calm and quiet, she’d expect slimes and hillichurls to be popping out right and left since it was normal for this region to have them spawning but… it’s as if they’ve disappeared into thin air.
But this was good right? Here, she could probably rest her mind and not get worried about being attacked, maybe she could cry her heart out now that she’s in the middle of nowhere. It’s comforting… as if the creator had heard her words from earlier and gave her an excuse to temporarily break from her duties and role as the “hydro archon”, it’s a wonderful feeling as she realized she could breath the first time in a long time.
Slowly lying down on the grass the world lured her to sleep, the gentle sea making waves, the soft winds blowing, and her feeling tired and broken, she’d fall and slowly slip away from reality. 
“A nap wouldn’t hurt anyone… right?” An answer she would never receive, who knows how long she’ll stay asleep, but maybe long enough for someone to spot her.
You walked back to your hidden space with a bag full of star tears, the stuff was all over you including a hillichurl mask, very friendly creatures, you have no idea why they would be mercilessly killed though… maybe it was something different between your aura and others?
Teyvat’s ecosystem was very lively and diverse, more than the ones where you came from at least, compared to the rest of the worlds you’ve been through you could say it was… pretty mid, sure the scenery and landscape was nice and pretty but that was all. You couldn’t really find another reason to settle down or stay in Teyvat, not when your final goal was to travel and explore, despite having limited memory of your home plane and almost none of your life before this you still want to travel.
Stuffing the bag full of star tears inside your inventory you decided to call it a day and rest for now, the sun was already down by the time you stopped collecting star tears so for now you decided to spend that time to rest and collect your thoughts for the night. 
“Oh?” light blue hair and noble like clothing, unique lashes, and an obviously sleep deprived look on her face, who was this girl sleeping in the middle of nowhere close to the place you were residing?
At first you wanted to pay no mind to her, yet after standing there for a while thinking of all the possible benefits you might get from her judging from her appearance, you decided to save her from her miserable fate of being in danger and princess carry her into the waters with you.
The young girl on your bed seemed like she was having a nightmare, tears spilt for her shut-closed eyes, she’s whimpering as if someone hurted her, she was in so much pain. It shouldn’t bother you, it doesn’t involve you, she doesn’t have anything to do with you, you drew a line between her and you, never intending to cross that line and help the crying girl.
It’s cold underwater, even when you’re in an drier and not as cold part of the waters, everything was still so cold, it’s not like you weren’t bothered by the sticky feeling of your clothes hanging tightly on to your frame but you just chose to simply not mind about it. But what about the girl? Sniffling and shivering with the lack of heat and freezing cold waters, ah, you really don’t want to get involved.
“Forgive me for my lack of decency,” you pulled her closer to you “ but I really don’t want to see someone dying from being cold.”
You feel like a pervert for crossing the line and holding a girl so close to you like this, considering there’s no flammable materials near you at the moment and if you left her alone to go find the materials something might happen. Boredly you traced her facial features, a beauty indeed for your standard but if anything you aren’t attracted to children who are below 400 years old, that was about how old you were at least, you don’t remember how old you truly were, but you’re definitely older than the average human.
“You’re… the perfect example of a human I’ve seen so far,” beautiful yet so tragically fragile, you wonder what lead the girl to have laid so defenselessly and tiredly so “you’re so interestingly weird with that curse on you.”
It’s cold… it felt so cold being asleep, why did she feel so lonely for some reason? It’s like she was underwater, it’s calm and serene yet so lonely and dark compared to the surface world, it’s simply too… suffocating for her.
“Furina… why did you abandon them?” she doesn’t understand why, who was telling her this? Where was she even in the first place, blinded by the dark and sadness of the warters. She who is being judged for all that she has done so far in the name of “hydro Archon”.
“Do you not hear their pleas?” it’s too much, make it stop… unconsciously trying to reach for her ears she try to block out the words and sounds that she hears, it’s too much, it’s al simply too much for some one like her to handle. “ You’re so heartless”
‘Creator, where are you?’ she silently pleas holding her body as if she was going to break any moment, the pain was too much for her to bare, how was she to move if the weight of her guilt was holding her down? ‘Let me hear your voice just once, even for a moment I want to have hope.’ but there was nothing there, nothing to catch her tears or listen to her pleas.
The darkness of her nightmares engulfing her slowly but surely, she was losing her mind having to dance and play someone else for so long, a never ending torture to her life. For a moment she felt at peace with the cold and suffocating darkness, and slowly it stopped scaring her, like an old friend she finally opened her arms to embrace it.
“Is this what you really wanted?” A voice she’s never heard before, yet a feeling of warmth and relief washes over her like a wave of sea on a summer day, who was this?
“How can I continue when I’m already at my limit?” she’s weak, oh so weak, how come the barriers that she put up seemingly start to crumble now?
“...Don’t ever stop or give up ever again,” she’s angry at those words, they’re just stupid meaningless encouragements others spew, so what if she continued? There’s no grand prize waiting for her at the end…
“What do you know about giving up or stopping?!” her bailed fist swung at the direction of the voice, yet it only hits a barrier between her and the voice, it’s so frustrating… “You don’t even know what I’ve been through, you stupid, incompetent, pathetic voice in my head!!”
She played the role of a god, and will always play according to the role of “Hydro Archon”, so then why in this part of her mind does she let go of that mask and become one with “Furina”? Why was she wavering and growing weak only now after so long on her throne and stage of endless night?
She’s frustrated, she’s angry, she’s confused and so so lost in her own mind, she doesn’t understand what she has to do anymore, the voice in front of her in this dream right now… she hates it. With her clench fist in frustration she starts hitting the invisible wall, letting out all the anger and frustration onto something that is the result of her own mind.
“You’d never understand, you’d never see,” the walls which slowly crumble with each hit, she’s still so lost in her emotions “yes I won’t stop or give up just yet, so listen to me!!”
With her last hit the invisible wall broke like glass making her fall into the deeper darkness in front of her, the weak yet beautiful human, you acknowledge her perseverance. 
“I’ll listen to you,” gently you traced her tear stained face, her eyes still so full of life looking up at you in surprise “so wake up, Furina.”
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Jolting out of her sleep, Furina breathed heavily trying to calm herself down, after a minute or so she began to look around and noticed that she was in one of the underwater ruins, the barrier between the ruin and the water was clear but that wasn’t what her attention was on right now, it was on the strange figure sitting close to the barrier seemingly playing around with strange gold-like dust. 
“Y-You! Where am I and how did I end up here?” however the figure did not stop and continue to inspect the glitter, standing up the figure dump the whole bag of glitter onto the ground “Can’t you hear me?! You’re in the presence of a god, mind your manners and praise me will you?”
“...Patience is a virtue, dear god, and I’m performing a task.” Huffing her chest, Furina looks pissed, but in reality she’s curious on what they were doing.
You combined the vial of Primordial seawater together with star tears, nothing seemed to react out of the ordinary, for the ritual in making the barrier to work you have to also combined another element, which is in fact your blood, long story short as the person to form the barrier it is your duty to preform and replace the missing ingredients so to apply with the last missing material which is the blood of the elemental sovereign of water, you had to use your blood which qualifies for some elemental properties. 
“So, how should I address you dear god?” The long silence as you both stared into each other’s eyes, it seems she’s slowly realizing who you were.
“You… you’re the voice in my dream.” An empty smile, Furina has seen a smile like this many times, she knows just by looking at those (e/c) with specks of light like stars however those specks of light quickly die out, your eyes are like a quiet and dead night sky. “Drop the act, how much do you know about me?”
You only stared back at her, not sure how to answer her, to be able to sneak into someone’s mind was one of your skills, it was an underhand trick taught by your mentor a long time ago on a mission. Normally you wouldn’t be able to get into her mind like right now when she’s awake and her mentality is strong, however, when the target is weak and defenseless and their mentality is at the worst state possible then you would have a chance to take a peak.
“Even without the ability to know as much as I do right now,” a pitiful look on your face, why do you look like you’re pitying her for no reason? “I already knew from the moment I touch you, you were no more than an ordinary human cursed for some reason.”
“What proof do you have for that accusation?! Don’t you know it’s a crime on Fontaine to accuse the Hydro Archon with no proof?!” This wasn’t the first time someone had accused her of being a fake god, but still she can’t let down the act just yet.
“You’re right, I have nothing to prove that you’re not a god yet, but deep down inside you knew, didn’t you?” temporarily throwing your cloak away you take out an old and rusty dagger, how long have you kept it in your coat? “Whether or not you answer me doesn’t matter, feel free to leave now that you’re feeling better.”
With one swift action, you stabbed your left arm and winced at the pain, Furina in horror starred as your blood shimmers like glitter in water, as if you were controlling your blood, the liquid combined with the dust was used like ink on a strange looking type of stone in your palm.
“Excuse me~” A blink of an eye and now you’re suddenly in front of her, she falls behind out of surprise however you caught her by her waist and let her lean against you, you both still ended up on the ground but at least it’s only you who’s in pain right now “Well that hurts…”
“...What are you doing?” you calmly dust yourself off and help her stand up, while also taking a few strands of her hair.
“Making a barrier rune! Though I don’t think you’d ever seen one like this before.” Breaking your calm and gentle demeanor, Furina was surprised to see this child-like attitude and look on you. 
Your smile was beautiful, it’s strange for Fruina seeing as she’s never felt like this before, you had this sort of light glow on you when you both first met, even in her dream where she met you she was awestruck with how god-like you look in her dreams, if this was true then maybe the comet… you were the comet that fell from the night sky. 
‘A star bright enough to be mistaken for the sun shall fall in Teyvat’s embrace, carrying with it the remnants of the past and the answers to the future, when the waters rise and the creatures dance, the star shall leave and a trail of blood shall follow where it goes.’ 
That’s the prophecy wasn’t it? However you don’t look nor feel like a hostile person nor someone searching for something they have lost but… more likely it then not you’re just here to explore and look at the land. You looked like a traveler solving riddles and finding something new right now but before that… you were like an ancient being who had seen everything.
“You know, Furina, I really love this world” You’re lying.
“I love the people and creatures I’ve seen living and laughing” You’re lying again.
“I love the beauty of this country you’re trying so hard to protect.” Please… you’re hurting her heart…
“I love your strength and everything you’re standing for right now.” Shut up…
Angry tears spilt out of her eyes as she pushes you into the wall, she doesn’t believe you at all, you’re a lying voice, you’re a god who lies, you’re the god… who left Teyvat for no reason at all!! 
Pausing for a moment she looked into your confused yet curious eyes, how could she not recognize this carefree attitude and beautiful eyes? Despite your statues and paintings being long destroyed she still had runes and writings of your glorious days of when you were still in Teyvat.
“Have you ever heard of them? My prayers for peace and rest after so long?” her grip on you loosen allowing you to gently push her away and continue finishing the barrier rune. “Did you ever hear anyone’s wishes? You’re so cruel, Creator...”
“I’m not your Creator.” You’re still lying to her… why can’t you just accept the fact you carried everything that was written in the scriptures? “Your Creator… no longer exists.”
With the affinity of water that Oceanids had you combined Furina’s hair into the rune and formed the barrier needed to protect the rest of the World for a certain amount of 2 weeks. Now how did you know Furina was an Oceanid? It might have to do something with her peculiar eyes and hair color, however even without the Oceanid’s affinity with water your blood should have been fine on it’s own.
You aren’t the Creator, you have no memory of making nor creating a world much like this one, in fact you don’t even think you have enough power to make a world like this. But to be called the Creator? What a messed up joke…
Long ago, on one of your expeditions with your mentor, an accident happened on that trip killing your mentor. In their dying breath, your mentor told you of a world they hid from you and that one day you would find it, it would answer the questions they couldn’t answer you before. Though they wanted to tell you more, death had already taken them away.
There’s no use recalling old memories, based on assumptions you could only guess that this world is the world they were talking about, your mentor was truly a sly and secretive person. Leaving so much information yet so little ways of understanding it, creating a world of beauty and pain yet leaving it to rot and forgotten, you could never understand how they work.
“Will you tell them?” You stored the finished rune back into your pocket, Furina stood there with her head hung low not daring to face you directly anymore. “Will you tell the people that a fake god had pretended to take care of them and had contributed almost nothing in protecting them?”
She’s scared of the betrayal look on the people’s faces, the disgust in their eyes, the indifferent look on Neuvillette’s face as he passes down her judgment for being a fake God. You knew too much about her, and she could feel that by looking at your (e/c) eyes, though they show almost no emotions it also has shown that you had seen through her and her facade as a fake god. 
“No.” She looked up at you shocked at what you just said, weren’t you going to expose her for lying? “Because I saw the trials you have put on for yourself, to please the people’s expectations, to weigh the heavy responsibilities alone with no one to rely on, praying for peace only to wake up the next day putting up a front and slowly losing yourself, you’ve at some point have forgotten yourself.”
She can’t cry anymore, because there were no tears left for her to cry. It’s so quiet next to you, it’s so lonely next to someone like you, perhaps she somewhat understands your true nature, a lonely vagrant drifting among the stars, someone with no place to call home of your own.
“Are you going to stay in Fontaine?” It’s hopeless to hold you back she knew, yet childishly she still hopes for you to stay even when this is the first time you both had ever talked to each other.
“I can’t,” her face darkens at the answer, someone like you… perhaps it is better for you to leave than to stay here in this cursed land she calls home. “Although my job is far from over and I cannot stay in one place for too long, however.”
A hand you offered her helping her to stand up from where she seated, hesitantly she took it and stood next to you, she looked at where you pointed, despite the fears of being underwater she still found it’s beauty, the beauty you pointed out for her. She’s rarely, no she’s never been underwater until now, there’s just been too much for her to worry about to even have a break. The peace of mind she wanted before… you’re giving it to her now… she’s grateful to you.
“When you no longer have to act as the Hydro Archon anymore, I’ll lead you on a journey beyond Teyvat.”
"Then I'll trust you... beloved Creator..."
You caught her in your arms as she fell asleep once more, gently you handed her to the ocean, the waves shall bring her back to Fontaine and the memories she had just now with you shall be nothing more than a dream, whether it had grant her what she wanted or not you don't know.
The promise you made to her you don't intend to break, it's up to her whether she wants to leave with you or not.
" Furina... You'll get your deserved rest soon, just a little bit more, please dance for the gods."
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That took so longgggg jenvjrv
I know this request in away isn't as good as the ones I've finished before, but I really tried.
I'm so sorry it took so long @canigotosleep--plz
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Like and reblogs are extremely appreciated, please do so if you've enjoyed my writing thank you!
Request for a story! Or you can talk to me in my discord server:
Edit 1: You saw nothing
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helix-studios117 · 25 days
Halo Reloaded - A Non-Canon April Fools Story
Picture, if you will, the formidable members of Blue-Team, Spartans who've faced down the worst the galaxy has to offer, now brought to a standstill by...well, let's call it an unexpected anomaly.
Enter stage left: a pint-sized Master Chief, replete with those iconic green armor plates shrunken down to toddler size, and—because the universe apparently has a sense of humor—a pair of fuzzy cat ears affixed to his helmet. If you're thinking this sounds like something out of a fever dream, congratulations, you're not alone.
Kelly-087, whose reflexes are so sharp she could probably dodge lightning, can't seem to move. She's caught in the tractor beam of cuteness emanating from mini-Chief. Linda-058, who can hit a bullseye without breaking a sweat, has her sniper rifle pointed at the ground, her usual laser focus redirected to the miniature spectacle before her.
Then, from the depths of the comically oversized helmet, comes a voice. It's like Master Chief's if you ran it through a "cute" filter and then decided, for good measure, to throw grammar and syntax out the window. "Me hungy. Tummy go brrrr," declares mini-Chief, patting his armored belly with the seriousness of a soldier, yet sounding more like he's auditioning for a role in a children's TV show.
Kelly's stoic facade crumbles like a cookie in the grasp of our mini hero. "Is he... did he just say he's hungry?" she asks, disbelief wrestling with amusement in her voice.Linda, eyes softening, chuckles. "Yeah, I think we've got a hungry mini on our hands. Never thought I'd see the day," she admits, finding joy in the sheer absurdity of the moment.
This is where Fred-104, the epitome of leadership and the guy who probably reads manuals for fun, steps in. Even he can't ignore the bizarre cuteness of their miniature comrade. "Team, we've got a mission," he declares with a gravitas that feels slightly ridiculous given the context. "Operation: Feed Munchkin Chief is a go."
As Fred reaches down, those tiny Spartan hands—looking more suited for playing with action figures than being one—latch onto his finger. "Fwed, foodies, pwease?" mini-Chief implores, gazing up with eyes that could probably convince a grunt to lay down its arms.
Kelly snorts, the sound a mix of disbelief and delight. "Foodies? Seriously, are we really doing this?" Yet, the smile tugging at her lips betrays her tough exterior.
Linda, already scrolling through her mental catalog of snacks suitable for their pint-sized leader, nods with enthusiasm usually reserved for planning sniper nests. "Oh, we're doing it. Let's rustle up a feast worthy of a...well, a very small supersoldier," she suggests, her sniper's poise giving way to mischief.
And so, the members of Blue-Team, these paragons of strength and strategy, find themselves embroiled in a new kind of mission. It's one that involves less sneaking and shooting and more...snack preparation.
@jellotherelol, @makowrites, @empresskadia, @pelgraine, @caffeineyum.
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dalekofchaos · 5 months
William Afton's motivations and goals
From this reddit thread
and this reddit thread
I'll say this right off the bat: I am 100% certain that William's motives for murder revolves around his family. I think everything we know about William from the games, novels, and now film is pointing to this being the case.
However, there is nuance to this that should be understood. Even with this being the case, with William somehow caring about his kids in his own twisted way, William can not love.
Look to The Silver Eyes:
"We both wanted to love," he [William] said in those melodious tones. "Your father [Henry] loved. And now I have loved." "You killed."
Then The Fourth Closet:
"I wanted so desperately to have been the one on that stage, but it was always her. All of his love went into her." "You're talking about Afton." Jessica stopped, and Charlie [Really Circus Baby/Elizabeth] nodded confirmation. "William Afton never made anything with love," Jessica snarled.
Baby then described the moment of Elizabeth's death, from both of their perspectives.
“The little girl approached me and pulled the sheet away. I felt nothing; it’s no more than a record of what happened. But there is feeling, my feeling as I pulled the sheet away, and stood in awe before this creature my father loved, this daughter he had made for himself. The daughter who was better than me, the daughter he wished I had been. I wanted to be her, so badly.”
William did not love Elizabeth, he loved Circus Baby, which remember, in the novel's storyline was originally created by Henry as the oldest-aged Charlie. William is obsessed with Henry, his creations, and his family. Quote from The Silver Eyes: (this was when the police was investigating him following the Missing Children's Incident)
A search of his house had found a room crammed with boxes of mechanical parts and a musty yellow rabbit suit, and stacks of journals full of raving paranoia, passages about Henry that ranged from wild jealousy to near-worship.
Another quote from The Silver Eyes:
“Oh,” he gasped. “You’re something beautiful aren’t you?” Charlie recoiled as if he had touched her. What’s that supposed to mean?
With later context, we know better why he said that- Quote from The Fourth Closet:
“Even after this; embodying the one thing Father did love, I'm not enough. Because he can’t duplicate this, he can’t make himself like me.” Her [Elizabeth's] voice began to grow angry again. “He can’t duplicate what happened to me, or maybe he’s too scared to try it on himself. I broke free of my prison, I emerged from the flames and the wreckage of Henry’s last great failure, and I went to my father. I gave myself to him, to study, to use, to learn the secrets of my creation. And still it is you [Charlie, the 3rd robot] he wants.” “You, maybe he can re-create. Henry somehow got a piece of himself into you, and that’s something we haven’t seen before. That’s ... unique.”
Throughout The Fourth Closet, we see William trying to do this, to recreate what Henry did: to put a piece of himself into his own creation.
That was in the chapter immediately after Carlton finds William, next to what's revealed to be the molten amalgamation of all of his victims. That amalgam makes an appearance earlier in the book, but let's look at what William says in that scene, describing his goal and reasoning for this. (I am trimming down these lines for the sake of this post)
“I have faced my own mortality, Jessica. I knew I was dying and through every broken fragment of my body, I was profoundly, immeasurably afraid. I fear it more than I fear life like this, even when every waking instant is pain, and sleep is possible only when induced by enough medication to kill most people.” “Everyone is afraid to die,” Jessica said. “And you should be more afraid than anyone else, because if there’s a hell, there’s a hole at the bottom of it reserved for you.” Afton nodded with a moment of honest resignation. “In time, I’m sure that’s where I will find myself. But the devil has knocked on my door before, and I’ve turned him away." “So, what? You want to live forever?” “Certainly not like this,” he said. “So, what, you’re making yourself into a robot?” “No, that’s science fiction,” he said, unamused.
Then, William says this.
“The most terrible accidents sometimes bear the most beautiful fruits,” he said, as if to himself. “Re-creating the accident—that is the duty and the honor of science. To replicate the experiment, and obtain the same result. I give my life to this experiment, piece by piece.” He nodded at the girl, and she approached Jessica with deliberate steps.
He then shows Jessica the "melted scrapheap," then asks her how she thinks the original animatronics came to life.
“How did the creatures at Freddy’s move, of their own will, with no outside force controlling them?” he asked mildly. “The children were still inside. Their souls were inside those creatures,” “Oh, Jessica, come now. What else? What else was inside them, to bind their spirits so inseparably to the bear, to the rabbit, to the fox? How did they die, Jessica? How Jessica?” “You killed them. They died in the suits,” she said hoarsely. “Their bodies were bound inside, along with their souls.”
Then, he describes how he plans to live forever:
“The spirit follows the flesh, it would seem, and also the pain. If I wish to become my own immortal creation, my body must lead my spirit to its eternal home. Since I am still ... experimenting ... I move my flesh piece by piece.” He looked thoughtfully over at the creature on the table. “More and more,” he murmured, almost to himself, “it is a test of the strength of my own will. How much of myself can I carve away, and still remain in control?”
He wants to surgically remove his organs, piece by piece, with Elizabeth's help, into his 'eternal home,' the amalgam, to become "his own immortal creation."
William is trying to recreate what Henry did, putting a piece of himself into his own creation. In Henry's case, he put a piece of himself into the robotic recreation of his deceased child; in William's case, he is putting a piece of himself into the fused amalgamation of all of his victims, which I think is important to my next point.
William sees the animatronics and his victims as family.
This was already clear with Baby, as Elizabeth described earlier. But here's more lines from The Silver Eyes.
“You're a sick bastard,” Carlton sputtered. “And you’ve created monsters. The kids you killed are still here. You’ve imprisoned them!” “They are home, with me.” Dave’s voice was coarse as he said it, and the large mascot head slid forward, tilting. “Their happiest day.” “How do we get out?” Charlie placed one hand on the mascot head and pushed it back into position on Dave’s shoulders. The fur felt wet and sticky, as though the costume itself were sweating. “There isn’t a way out anymore. All that’s left is family.” His round eye reappeared through one of the sockets, glimmering in the light.
I don't think its wrong to say that the story of FNAF (at least early FNAF) was about "the Afton family," because that is exactly how he sees the missing children. He finds comfort in living amongst them, especially as Springbonnie, and he even says why-
“Because I am one of them,” he said.
Most of what I'm referencing in this post comes from the novels, but this is not an exclusive trait to his character in these books. Look to the recently-released film:
“The Little ones tell me you have a sister, she will love it here!"
"Wake up Children! I brought someone for you to play with!"
That line I also find really interesting, because of William's language elsewhere in the movie, referring to his daughter, Vanessa:
"Put that thing away, and help me clean up the mess that you created!"
With the first line, he's referring to Mike like he's a toy for the animatronics. In the second line, he's referring to Vanessa's gun, but its also as if he's talking to a child, asking her to put her toys away and help him. Think about it, he's blaming Vanessa for something that is not her fault at all, it's the language of an abusive father to his little kid. I bet this is actually something William has told her before, to persuade and manipulate her. ("He really messed you up, didn't he?" as Mike put it.)
Anyway, I just wanted to bring it up because it just strengthens this point, William sees the characters like his own family; which is ultimately where I think his motives come from. He finds comfort in his robotic family because of his disdain for his real family.
William's kids change between each continuity.
In the games, he has 3 real children- Michael, the Crying Child, and Elizabeth- and kills Gabriel, Jeremy, Susie, Fritz, Cassidy, and so on. Michael of course, kills his brother. In the novels, he only has Elizabeth, and rather than killing Gabriel and Jeremy, he kills a kid named Michael (Brooks), and a kid without an established name (who is characterized by his black-and-white striped shirt, crying, and who gets told he'll be put back together by Carlton-- all relating back to the CC. All of this is stripped from the Graphic Novel, where that kid becomes Gabriel). Again, there's juxtaposition between the kids he murders and his real children. In the film, Vanessa is established to be his daughter, but only her- Michael and his siblings are not presented as being related to Afton (There could still be a plot twist regarding this though). We also don't know the identities of William's victims, aside from the fact that Mike's brother (Garrett) was kidnapped by William rather than bullied to death by Mike.
Ultimately, these continuity differences is why I can't say "William kills because he wants to bring back his son after Mike killed him," or whatever, because that objectively does not happen in either the novels or the film. He becomes deranged no matter what.
In my opinion, the Bite of 83 is the first thing that happens in the games timeline, and does result in William killing Charlotte (and also the creation of the Puppet, hence why it doesn't exist in the novels and why she doesn't possess anything).
In the books, William is established to be jealous of Henry, even before he brings his creations to life- and I think it's still because of his family- hence why he goes for Charlotte. William doesn't have his sons, and he clearly doesn't care much for his daughter, so he robs Henry of his perfect family.
In the film, I think his motives are more speculative. William's first kill in the other continuities is Charlie, but its unconfirmed if she (or Henry) exist in the film. William kills Mike's brother, Garrett, separate from the five missing children, but we have no established motive as to why.
This will probably be a big reveal in a future film, maybe Mike and Garrett are related to William and thats why he abducted Garrett (Affair Theory?). When Mike tells Vanessa about his family, he says they'd sit around the table, say graces, etc.- its a cookie-cutter perfect family. Maybe William wanted to destroy that, like he did with Henry's. Maybe, again, I don't know.
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Now for my spin on the theory. I believe this was William's goal, but his goal in the games was to became immortal, but also to bring his family back as the Funtime Animatronics. Mrs Afton would become Ballora, Elizabeth as Baby obviously, CC as Funtime Freddy and once Michael is killed, he would become Funtime Foxy. And they would live forever as the Funtimes, eternal and killing together as a family unbroken!
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pebblysand · 4 months
[castles update]
hello 👋. i hope you're all doing well. i'm going away skiing for a week tomorrow and thought it would be a good time to check in and talk about how writing is going for a bit.
as some of you might know if you are regular readers of this blog/listeners of the podcast, i've been working on chapter 20 for about two months, now, and it's been.... difficult. i think it's karma coming back to bite me because chapter 19 was so easy but this one has been a lot of: write, delete, write, delete, look through my docs history, getting back stuff i've deleted, sticking them back on, writing again, deleting again, etc.
i think what i'm struggling with is the fact that writing family vibes and people having children is... not my forte 😅. first of all, because #fluff and particularly, #familyfluff is not my forte (lol) but also because as a member of the #childfreebychoice gang, it's required a lot of research, a lot of trial and error, a lot of going back and forth to figure out what i really wanted to say. castles is obviously a fic that doesn't just exist as rainbows and butterflies, and the difficulties of modern parenting offer plenty of opportunities to discuss systemic issues to do with women's rights, etc. (all the hugs and support to all the mothers out there!) but it's been hard to figure out what i wanted to write about, exactly, how to write it without just being like "babies are hard" and moving on, and basically, who i wanted mum!ginny and dad!harry to be.
i also think that as someone who does not have (and does not want children), i feel very illegitimate writing this, and thus paradoxically feel a sense of duty to do it right and perfectly, which is a doomed enterprise given that a) every experience of parenthood is unique and b) no one is perfect. i think it's been an interesting exercise, and it's one that is necessary in terms of where i want this story to go, but a very humbling one. i don't think i've struggled this much on any chapter in the past. add to that the extra technical challenge that i need to basically cover 13 years in two chapters, which is an outlining and pacing mindfuck ✨ and you've got a recipe for ... a lot of swearing and hair-pulling.
having said that, the good news is that i've made... progress. i have about 20k of stuff. very messy stuff that needs to be badly cut down and edited, but stuff nonetheless. i really wanted to get a first draft down before going on holidays but it's past 10pm, i have a podcast episode to edit before tomorrow night and i need to pack, eat, and sleep, so i'm throwing in the towel. it'll wait until i get back.
i think at this point in time, i have a publication date in mind (18th february), and i'd like to get 20 & 21 out at the same time. i kind of see them as a single unit, that "parenting" and "before hogwarts" stage, and i've also made a number of choices with 20 so far where i would like to write 21 before publication, just to see how they pan out. also, frankly, they're not the most interesting of chapter to me, so i kind of want to get them out and move on 😅. i think it's just going to be some of those chapters where i need to be okay with "good" rather than "great", which i always struggle with. there definitely has been some of those in the past (i hate chapters 9 & 12 with all my soul) and that's okay. we deal, haha.
so, anyway, that's sort of where i'm at. i really am so excited to write 22, 23 & 24, so i think that's what keeps me going.
i hope you guys have a lovely week ❤️
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butmakeitgayblog · 10 months
Loving all the #awtr synopses! Thank you for indulging us 🥰 Would you be able to share one of the 365 letters that Lexa wrote to Clarke in the care package? Maybe one of those letters that Clarke return to over and over again?
You are a glutton for punishment
I like you 😈
My Dearest,
Each letter I start feels so awkward in the beginning. As though the blank page itself were mocking me. All bumbling sentences and half-formed thoughts vying for my attention, because how does one get to the point when there's so many things between us left to say? A lifetime worth of words live on the point of this pen, all yearning and jumbled in their haste to be written first. Each one wanting nothing more than to jump right into the thick of it; into the thick of being part of a lifetime with you.
And yet here I sit, struggling with exactly where to start.
I suppose I could begin with the most mundane part of this idea: the actual point of this letter. Forcing myself to tackle the 'why' of the whole reason you picked this one in particular sounds like the smart move here... Assuming, of course, you didn't tear through them all the first second you got... *wifely sigh* If that is the case, don't feel too bad. Your lack of patience is, bafflingly, one of the many things I love so fiercely about you.
You're 30 today.
My wife is 30. I love hearing how that sounds. The thought alone makes my heart skip a beat. (In a decidedly joyous way, I assure you, as it so often does whenever you wander yourself across my mind.) You're 30 now. An honest God adult in every measure, and truthfully that blows my mind because I still vividly remember seeing you for the first time when we were only children. It was drizzling and you'd crashed into me on the playground while running, and I—
Well, you've heard this story enough times before, but my point remains.
You're sleeping peacefully as I write this. Safe and warm in my bed. Tucked to me so tight I can barely hold the pen well enough to get these words out, and yet all I can envision when I look over and see the youth of your face is who you will be when this letter reaches you.
Know, in every version of 'you' my brain tirelessly cooks up, you are as beautiful then as you are right now. If not more so.
I envision that same smile, with those lips that sweeten my dreams, nestled in the crest of newly discovered laugh lines. I see the kindness of your eyes in every universe, my love. The way those same stubborn and fierce blues that take my breath away hold a depth of wisdom far beyond your (30!!) years. You told me once how you hated your beauty mark as a kid, but my goodness, the things I do to wrap my lips around it. Believe it or not, I secretly have impeccable aim. Stop laughing, I do. It's just too tempting. I can't even begin to resist. And your chin! Your wonderul chin, that was surely made to hold my thumb so perfectly each time I kiss you. I imagine it's somewhat sharper now. More refined. More dignified.
Tell me, love. Does it hold another's thumb now?
It should. It deserves to be cherished.
I find myself so often in these quiet moments before sleep thinking of who you are - who you will be - at these stages of your life. And while I know in my heart I'll be right there with you when these times come, smiling and cheering you on along the way, for now, I am left woefully guessing.
I write this all to say: I hope you are happy. I hope you have a life filled with more love than you know what to do with. I hope it makes you feel even a tenth as timeless as your love made me feel. Being loved by you is a miraculous thing in that way.
It's funny, as I've written these letters, I already feel as though I've lived an entire lifetime with you. And even then, it's still not enough. In the earlier ones I worried so much, as I'm sure you remember (again, that's assuming you actually followed the directions for a change and didn't binge them all at once), but I find myself writing this one in particular entirely calm. Make no mistake, I still feel the urge to dote on you. To fuss at you as I do with questions of 'have you drank enough today? Eaten enough? Take a nap with me, dear. You never seem to get enough sleep.' I will always worry about these things no matter where we are in the universe. But understand, love, it's only because I wish to take care of you.
Not that you need it. You've never needed me to take care of you, but I'm so very grateful you let me try all the same.
You're gonna do great things, Griffin. I already know it, but for posterity's sake, I'll write it just to have one final 'told ya so' moment with you. I hope your life is so damn big now that you look back on the walls of this room that held our love in its sanctuary, and it impresses you how we managed to fit the both of us in here along with it. I hope with each dream you accomplish, it's replaced only by what great thing comes next for you. Because while the world is cold and terrifying and beats us down in so many ways, I know you, my darling girl. I know you're the one who can always best it.
I love you, Clarke. I've loved you since before I knew I could have you, and I'm going to love you long after I'm gone. I hope I made you know that in the time we had together, well enough to last this lifetime and into the next. I'll be here, love. Patiently waiting for you to crash into me again.
Wherever you are in this moment, know that I am so proud of the woman you've become. I want you to spend every last second of today celebrating the wonderful, stubborn, charming, passionate, fearless, tender person you are.
Don't ever let that fire inside of you die. I couldn't bear it. The world needs more people like you.
Lord knows I sure did.
Thank you for teaching me what selfless love is. Loving you made me a better person. And I'd like to think I played at least a little part in helping you become who you are too. So celebrate today. And every single day after. I mean it. You deserve it.
Until we meet again,
- Lexa
P.s. Have a whiskey sour for me 🖤
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
So we know that Morell can accidentally eat us, but would he still have those urges once he and his piglet have a family?
Those are more akin to intrusive thoughts than anything. The difference is that Morell will sometimes feed into them, which is, you know, not something you should do when you have an intrusive thought. At all.
Point being, they don't miraculously go away after you're a family. What might happen is that Morell can eventually come clean to you about these thoughts, because he feels like he can trust you now, you're not in the early stages of your relationship where his comments could be interpreted as mere morbid jokes.
Confessing helps, but they'll always pop up every now and then, and you can help him snap out of those loops with certain tricks. Perhaps time will help him curb them better. After all, you're the mother of his children, giving into those thoughts would destroy everything.
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dontbemeanmrbubz · 10 months
The neo-fascists guide to beating Democracy on brutal difficulty (country with universal access to high-quality education, political system specifically designed to prevent tyranny)
Latch unto very common concerns and resentments against badly implemented or badly communicated policies. Do most people feel like criminals are getting off too easily, that the unemployed don't have enough incentive to work and that some people on the political left lack self-awareness? Perfect, just use that. Keep in mind not to scare off the rich, you will need them later.
A lot of unpopular policies are in some way related to unpopular groups, so carefully and slowly position yourself against them. You're just saying what "everyone" except for the "establishment" is already thinking, right?
Escalate towards bigotry and paranoia. Why is no one doing anything against the gangs of immigrants making it unsafe to go out at night? Well, looks like supporting us is the only option to restore order in this country!
At this point you will have lost some people, but you will also have gained some who are more... ideologically consolidated. Also, a lot of your voters are invested enough that it would be a bit embarassing to back down. All in all, being against unpopular things should have made you fairly popular by now.
Create a bogeyman that is at the same time too weak and too powerful, preferably a minority. Quick, the gay/jewish/transgender elites are trying to oppress you! Also, aren't they pretty pathetic? Haha.
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, DO NOT SKIP: Keep in mind that you are thriving on ignorance. The more people have a good grasp on statistics, biology, economics and scientific methodology, the harder you will have it. Also, if most people understood what fascism looks like, how it begins, and where it ends, this would be extremely detrimental to your cause! This is where the rich come in handy: Use them as allies to weaken free public access to education. Make education exclusively about acquiring wealth. Actively combat the transmission of knowledge that might hurt you by claiming that it's biased (this is easy since the facts are indeed against you) and digging out the ol' reliable "we must protect our children" virtue signaling. What are you protecting them from? Doesn't matter as long as the bogeyman from step 5 is involved.
Once ignorance has reached a sufficient level, you can consolidate your power. Good education is expensive now, and since those who can afford it are now directly benefitting from your policies, many of them will side with you for self-serving reasons, even if they know better. This allows you to undermine the many barriers hard-wired into your country's political system to keep you from reaching the final step.
Make sure that you have infiltrated the military and police. Your enemies will, ironically enough, help you with this by deterring people who aren't comfortable with you from joining those bodies. Clearly only a fascist would join an organization that's being undermined by fascists, right? Self-fulfilling prophecies can be pretty neat.
After decades of hard work, you are finally in a position where you can seize power either through a coup or by slowly chipping away at democracy with incremental changes that don't face enough opposition to stop you.
Congratulations, you and your allies are now the only ones holding power and have uncontested access to your countries resources. The information technology which made it so hard to get to this stage in the first place can now be used to ensure that you stay in power.
Don't forget to like and subscribe for more guides, and let me know at which difficulty and stage YOUR country is in the comments below! (^‿^)
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forvalkyrie · 3 months
been watching chicago med and i’m either on s3 or s4 BUT i am starting to absolutely despise natalie manning and her character (ill put it under a readmore because i got a lot of words and she absolutely disgusts me)
First off, I know that she's an ER doc specializing in peds (though, maybe its because of how fast I watched everything but I never saw any epi specifically say that but its there whatever).
My disgust comes from how 1)she approaches people that aren't physically/mentally/emotionally prepared to have children and 2)how hypocritical she is. So lets get into it:
Her approach to her patients with children: I appreciate her dedication to childcare– whether this be giving the child the best of care or advocating for their rights when the guardian/parent(s) aren't listening. The thing... some of the things she's done or said are so surface-level, that they don't account for what happens after they leave the ER. Take the epi where she accidentally got a mother and her baby separated because she suspected child abuse due to a stained hematoma from child birth. Her medicine was sound, of course— anyone would suspect child abuse in that scenario. What I didn't like, and this patient (abbrev. pt) rightfully called out, was her judgemental ass. Like listen, I've worked in the medical field for years and even if you are judgemental towards something, you should NEVER let it affect how you treat/care for pt. Nat says she judged teh mom for being a single mother raising her child but... babygirl, you're a GD doctor. Your mother-in-law literally watches your kid FOR FREE. Your husband died from war– you know exactly who he is! That single mother was literally working two jobs just to support her and her baby. She even said that she doesn't know who the dad is so clearly she can't just "drop" the kid off at grandma's. People literally do the best that they can in the situation that they're in, whether purposeful or accidental. Whether or not they make sense is a wholedifferent thing. Like the other epi where the pt's older brother was a sociopath and the parents decided not to institutionalize him. As outsiders, ofc we'd be on Nat's side about taking him away from hurting his brother. But that's the thing– we are outsiders!! Nat's saying all this stuff yet if put in the same situation, she'd likely do the same thing as what those parents did and continue to keep him around. The decision to have kids is already an unfortunately loaded question but what about after? She has little to no care of her pts past the exit. This can get longwinded so if anyone wants more lmk otherwise imma stop here for this.
Hypocrisy: She's a straightup hypocrite. Early seasons, she followed most of the rules. She wasn't Will, ya know? But what got to me was how the show writes her cases. Ex. she had changed a treatment plan that Will was against because she didn't think it was that. Mind you, Will's under fire from that DNR incident. Before the autopsy, Will is rightfully angry that she switched treatment plans, despite her trying to justify it. Never change a treatment plan! Even with disagreements, shit will happen. There are contraindications, there are escalations, there's a bunch of different things that can happen even if the change is small. Not only was Will trying to be a good doctor, he was also trying to be a law-abiding, rule-following doctor. What about the time when she fought tooth and nail to use an experimental, not FDA-approved (not even a multi-stage study) drug to treat a cancer pt. Ofc, Will is furious that she's adamant on the switch and lo-behold, the pt dies. Now, this concoction could've worsen the cancer right? Except, rather than writing it so it either didn't have an effect or had a miniscule effect, the autopsy revealed that her concoction actually shrank it a few cms. Aint no fucking way that it did that-- mainly because there were no clinical trials documenting it. I mean, GIRL, WHAT ABOUT THE SIDE EFFECTS? Medicine isnt a magic potion unforunately. The time when she went off on that skivvy priest and his 14-year old wife is also on my list. She yells at Will or whatever doctor about professionalism but her attitude towards him (though RIGHTFULLY SO) was peak unprofessionalism. I mean there is a lot of bureaucracy in almost any institution, whether profit or nonprofit, but when anyone else breaks it, they get serious consequences. When Nat does it, its just a damn warning. Hell! What about when they induced a death-appearing coma to the guy that was abusing his wife? Shittt son, I'm surprised Will agreed to that given his DNR incident. God forbid that pt actally fucking died-- they both would've lost theirmedical licenses.
I just have so much to say! She gives me 'popular in HS' vibes since she is "always" right, rarely gets any true punishment/consequences and yaps of unprofessionalism to other people when she literally does the same thing. What crossed it for me and its the reason why I'm writing this now is when she snapped at Dr. Charles when she cut the dosage in half for a bipolar pregnant mother. You mean to tell me that YOU were in the right because you don't have time to keep up with every new psych journal? You literally specialize in peds– youre supposed to keep up with any and everything child-related, including pregnancies! Chief! God forbid there's new research and because you dont have fucking time to do some research (or at least keep up with medical literature), you end up killing a pt due to ignorance.
Maybe its how the writers are writing her but she's just... DISGUSTING. As a self-identifying female, I'm all about feminine/female power but this? Nah chief– Maggie is better written than she is and she's "just a charge nurse"!
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how do you get so good at analysis? ;_; i'm really dumb and take things at surface value, which i've been fine with up until now but seeing you read umineko so deeply makes me kinda like.... jealous isn't the right word? that sounds too spiteful. it just makes me feel like i'm missing out on a more fun way to experience things. but it seems so daunting i don't even know how to start. to me it seems like picking out every detail and exaggerating it as far as possible but it's obviously more refined than that because you're able to keep things together thematically and make some good theories. do you have any advice for it?
Hi, anon!
Don’t worry, I don’t think you’re being jealous/spiteful with this ask. I also used to want to write analysis on things because they seem fun, and actually this is my first proper try at it! I think I’ve said it before but if I’m not careful I’ll binge everything on first watch/read and miss details. (This is why I rewatch Utena every other month). So yes, I know sometimes I’m grasping at straws but that’s because I’m actively squeezing everything I can out of a page/scene.
I think what sets this liveblog apart and the reason I can pick up threads/themes is that Umineko seems very upfront about what it wants to say.
Utena is the same in that - even though people say it’s too symbolic - I think the fact that it bares its inner mechanisms for all to see is a huge kindness. If everything means something else, or represents both itself and a larger concept, then a show where everything is allegorical is actually discarding layers of obfuscation.
I think a good place to start to Notice Themes is at the very beginning.
The Golden Witch invites you to take things easy and accept them as they come, but The Revolutionary Witch tells you that - in any story - the first introductions matter the most.
Up until now, Umineko has drilled inside our heads again and again, repetition after repetition, that the Ushiromiya’s Western schtick is a product of Kinzo’s reverse weeb affectations. He started many of the “traditions” that seem so inescapable, he invented the name for the fucking chair he sits at the breakfast table and the order of the seats according to his own patriarchal standards.
His Western obsession is tied very obviously with his “black magic” obsession and he even gets angry when you don’t call them “grimoires” because part of the charm of magic is that it’s foreign and cool. He speaks of black magic when ranting about his urges to sexually abuse a dead Beatrice, all his children speak of Western things when recalling their own childhood and abuse.
The only exception to this is Kinzo’s Japanese sword - both a true object and a phallic symbol that doesn’t deny itself its origins - that he uses to spank Jessica’s naked butt.
I feel like, in Umineko, you just need to sit and listen to the characters and wonder at their motivations. But you also need to wonder about the choice of presentation.
For example, Kanon alone in the garden after he left the conversation, being dismissed by Gohda. All he says is “…even me” or something among those lines, very mysterious! But the way this is presented, the camera not caring about the Cousins + Adults but following an actor after he’s being kicked out of the stage? Unusual! Curious! Very interesting! The way the narrative describes it, (paraphrasing here) “you needed to get closer if you wanted to hear the words whispered to his heart”? Why would it be written like that? Who is the narrator speaking to?
So I think - to make an analysis close in methodology to what I’m doing - you need to question what’s onscreen, not in a “this isn’t real” way (it may not be real but that’s not the focus!), but in a “why is this being shown the way it is” way. This is a novel after all. Choices of words, choices of POV, what is described and what’s left unsaid!
Those are the tips from the Revolutionary Witch!
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— Rose, the Revolutionary Witch
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a-new-oasis · 4 months
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From Tamara Fleming's Simtube Video: 'Raising Teenage Boys'
For many mommas intending to raise Watcherly children, the thorn in their side, their test is the teenage stage. Here is where the Watcher tests us all! These kids are growing up, they want to be independent, they want to do all the things the secular media has told them are "cool".
I remember I was a pain for my mother, fiercely rebellious and foolish girl I was. I wanted to cut my hair short, wear makeup and stilettos going on about how I'm equal to men! It's harder with teenage boys, who are some of the most vulnerable to sin in their youths.
So how can you raise teen boys?
Training them up for Adulthood
One of my favourite verses has always been Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. I often come back to now as a momma of seven children. It is important at any age, crucial as our boys become men.
My standards for my boys is to be good, watcher-honouring men now so they can be good husbands and fathers. In your teenage years, what you are taught sticks, as I know. So, me and Xavier are training up Asher, and getting Benji ready for their adulthood.
Since I homeschool my children, it is easier than those who are reliant on the system. After all, it is hard to block your ears with all the time and still graduate! But nonetheless, Asher spends his time wildly. As much as the secularists would say our religious education is worthless, he learns more they do with their gender junk!
He helps out with Sunday School, supports our veterans and our unborn brothers in the Watcher. Since my husband's workplace put its faith in the Watcher's plan, he also helps out a couple days a week.
I know, already, I will get some comments about how teaching is a feminine job. I see you people. The holy men taught. A pastor teaches his flock. Teaching in the ministry of the Watcher is masculine! Plus, Asher will be a dad one day I hope, he must provide and occasionally providing as a father does mean teaching your sons and daughters in His way!
You might say, "woah, Tam, you pack your son busy with work". You're right! He's a busy young man. But if you work hard, you deserve to have hobbies. Watcher-honouring hobbies.
He goes to the library a lot. His current favourite is Russian Classic literature, specifically Dostoevsky. Not to mention the Bible! I think my sister has a rival for highlighting. He also works out, Xavier encourages him to take to weightlifting, but he's more interesting in climbing wall! One day, he wants to go Mt. Komerobi, maybe even take the gospel with him.
I still make him do his school work, don't fret! He has a knack for numbers like I did in my youth in between all the feminist garbage I was spoonfed.
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I mentioned before about standards. *cheesy rewind effect* My standards for my boys is to be good, watcher-honouring men now so they can be good husbands and fathers. In order to train them up well in the way of Proverbs and Ephesians, there must be standards like good, Watcherly Moses!
For my sons that means:
No grave sins - no sex, no drugs, no rock'n'roll.
Honour and obey their parents. If Xavier says no. It's a no, that's the law of the land.
Must earnestly pray and surrender their hearts to the Lord
Must attend church every Wednesday and Sunday. In proper, modest attire. No shorts in the house of the Watcher!
Champion being a courteous, amiable person, especially to those struggling with the Watcher. And those less fortunate - the old, the poor, women and youngling.
Devote themselves to the Gospel and its command of evangelism
Media Access
Now, I know some people would call me "extreme" but one place where I'd probably get flack from my colleagues, even within my own church here in Oasis Springs - media access.
I allow Asher to use our home computer for whatever. Schoolwork, writing for our newsletter, spreading the word. He's also allowed his own phone since the Watcher has blessed us with abundance in this season of life. There's two catches there before anyone accuses me of leaving my baby so exposed to sin!
Passwords, give them to me! If he signs up to any website, I get the password just to check for anything sinful. I also check his phone semi-regularly (though he doesn't know when) for the same reason! Teenagers are sneaky - I was one.
Xavier discovered this software called Custodian, it monitors any web access and blocks anything too illicit. He and Asher are accountability buddies. My husband says that's his domain and of course I defer.
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pixelatedquarter · 9 months
the Rammys of Hum, Dark Alley, AND 27 though
Don't even. The rammys of them playing all these songs.
Just the rammys of 27 feeling like a damn safety blanket are enough to send me, that it's become a song we're used to. A song from Folie about such a personal matter as feeling destined to die at 27. Because that's what you do when you're a doomed musician. (or actually otherwise, it is one of those milestone ages but i don't want to go over an analysis of why, it's way more complicated than just "glamorized by rock stars"). Doing lines of dust and sweat off last night stage just to feel like you is in some way where we're all at by replaying the videos and analyzing all these rammys and resharing all these things, but it's such a gentler version too, much as I'm enjoying the feeling of still being actively witnessing new tourdust angles and revisiting the highlights i remember.
But the actual rammys of that while humming the golden blues in a dark alley. That's why they play disloyal order bc somebody should restrain that man (patrick, needs to be restrained. not by the cops but by someone).
I don't want to go too in depth bc at this point we've mentioned and explored so much and more elegantly and specially tactfully than i'm finding the words now how they're playing songs that have been left in the vaults for being too raw, songs that are overtly about Pete's suicide attempt some being played by them all, others entrusted to patrick (bc i dont think dark alley was a unilateral patrick decision at least first time around). That they're having fun playing hum hallelujah, it isn't this loaded special episode thing but rather a song they enjoy and have (had? who knows what the next leg holds!!!) on rotation for their permanent setlist. ig that's also on me for yesterday pointing out that "oh yea at least it was doldrums and not hum before i've got a dark alley because can you IMAGINE"? (i should know better by now than to tempt pete wentz's imagination but in my defense it's usually patrick who says 'fuck you pixel i will do you one worse')
And yeah I added also jet pack blues and golden. The reading of jet pack blues's She as being Death kills me every time, soon as you put it anywhere near, let alone immediately before a song discussing reaching the breaking point that we know was that personal and directly ties to suicide ...i'm a basic guy, i go full emily dickinson ("because i could not stop for death he kindly stopped for me. the carriage held but just ourselves and immortality. we slowly drove he knew no haste, and i had put away my labour and my leisure too for his civility"). And the everything of Golden. How it ties to the feelings in pre-hiatus of superficially being golden plated but if you go a bit deeper being the monster people hope stays the fuck away and that their children don't become, versus their reality now being so far from that.
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magiwou-meowvin · 24 days
okay @kohakhearts I just used the generator so this is the crack fic you received
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fic under the cut
Slade gets a lot of weird contracts. Part of being the Best in the Biz™ is that all the absolutely insane shit that the small fries can't handle gets sent to him—and the shit the small fries can't handle is either way above their paygrade (re: sometimes he gets paid to murder actual gods) or it's just too weird to be taken seriously by those who haven't been around long enough.
Not Slade tho. Slade has seen some shit. Done some shit too, but that's neither here nor there. The point is that that only Slade could be contracted to murder—checks notes—possessed, killer animatronic robots for a childrens pizza joint.
He cannot make this shit up.
But the pay is good, and destroying a robot cant be that different from killing a live target, and he's bored as hell because he hasn't been able to torment a teenager or his kids in a while, so why not?
The pizza joint, Freddy Faxbears Pizza, is downright grody. Is this place still operable? It shouldnt be if it is. It's a walking healthcode violation, and that's not even including the murderbots he's about to turn into murderedbots.
Slade draws his sword and starts sweeping the place. He had to access Freddy's from a skylight in the office, which, according to his blueprints, is furthest from the stage rooms where the animatronics should be, provided they're not wondering around. The office itself is clear, so he moves into the hallway, checks the closet, and then heads into the kitchen.
The kitchen is where things get a little dicey though.
He follows his normal sweeping procedure, but when he walks past one of the counters, he notices a strange book on the counter.
Death Note, it's titled, no author listed.
Idly, Slade picks it up, wondering if maybe there's some intel in it that could be useful. Instead, he finds a long list of overly complicated middle school burn book type instructions.
“Useless,” he mutters and tosses it over his shoulder and onto the ground.
“Well that's rude,” someone says behind him.
Before they can even finish the sentence, he's swinging his sword sword sword, his (not)diamond sword directly at the figure—
Only for his sword to go right through.
“Motherfucking ghosts and shit,” he curses and swings again.
“Now, hey, that's not nice :(“ the goth ghost says. He seems very unperturbed by the whole thing.
“Didn't try to cut your head off to make friends,” Slade points out and tries swinging again. Every strike just goes straight through this guy though. Nothing at all like the animatronics he was contracted to kill.
Probably for the best actually that this thing isn't one of the attractions. It's an absolute horror show.
“You're not what I'm here for,” he moves to go around the thing.
“Hey wait!” it shouts. “You forgor your notebook!”
Slade glances back at the selfproclaimed Death Note, then hefts his sword up so the monster can see it clearly. “Don't need it.”
Slade doesn’t stick around to listen.
After the kitchen is more hallway. He gets, like, two steps in that fucked up ghost guy materializes through the wall and in his way. “Listen buddy,” it grumbles even as it's face stays pulled in that rigour mortis grin. “You're the first human to actually go through the building in a long time. Do you have any idea how long I've been stuck here?” he shouts.
“Don't care,” he steps around the creature again.
The thing grumbles and follows behind with its massive wings. “You're a killer, yeah? I can tell. I'm a shinigami. Well that notebook will let you kill with nothing but a name and face! Think about it! You could get your jobs done in a fraction of the time!”
Just then, a giant, robot chicken lurches from around the corner with thundering steps. Slade casts the shinigami a look, then calmly asks, “Hey, what's your name?”
The chicken does not respond. Slade holds out his sword and lets it run into it, then disembowel its metal guts.
It falls to the ground easily.
The next three robots go much the same, and not a single one offers up its name.
“There. I dont need your notebook,” he says smugly and saunters towards the exit.
“I'll admit, that was entertaining,” the shinigami says. Slade gets the impression the creature is grinning even wider somehow.
“Happy to help,” he says sarcastically. He reaches the front door and tries to open it, but nothing happens. “Weird.” He turns to go back through the building to use the skylight again.
“Wait, you forgot the notebook!” the shinigami protests as Slade pulls the desk under the light. “Even if you dont use it for killing, you can use it to extort others, or manipulate their every move prior to their death! You could sell it even!”
That…could be useful, he supposes, but it also takes all the fun out of murdering and tormenting. “Eh, I'll pass.”
The shinigami growls like a feral dog. “Fine!” he yells and pulls out his own notebook. “This is the end of you, Slade Wilson!”
“That wont work on me,” Slade points out. He hops on top the desk.
“What?” he yells. “Why not?”
Slade shrugs. “I once came back from the dead because I caught leprosy post-mortem, and this place is a massive healthcode violation. I'll just heal again.”
Then Slade pulls himself out the window before the shinigami realizes that that shit doesn't apply once he's out of the building.
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