#and also priya and malini.
"Rao," Aditya called out. "I dreamt of you." ... "I saw your eyes, shining like stars."
("What had happened, to make them shine?")
"I don't know," Aditya said. "But Rao- perhaps one day we'll meet again, on the other side of this war, and you will be able to tell me."
"I know now," Aditya said. "Why I dreamt of you as I did. Don't forget what stars are, Rao."
What is a star, Rao thought, in Aditya's slurred, smiling voice, but distant fire, reaching for you across worlds?
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driluth · 2 years
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priya and malini by nimali
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tragedykery · 7 months
tagged by @ofpd tyy <33
last song: the deal by mitski
currently watching: nothing? I have many series abt which I’m like omg I should watch that but none of those I have the time/energy for. sad
currently reading: rereading a day of fallen night by samantha shannon, reading the rise and fall of d.o.d.o. by neal stephenson & nicole galland and de vrolijke verrijzenis van arago by tomas lieske (still. I have like. two chapters to go but I keep forgetting to read them lmao)
current obsession: my phonemic/phonetic dutch tengwar mode whoops. also linguistics ofc
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The beginning of The Oleander Sword was a teensy bit slow but now I am having SO much fun... I love weird fucked up nature body horror AND I love Malini absolutely humiliating men who undermine her power <3
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checkoutmybookshelf · 2 years
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I got wildly sick of white European farm boy fantasy a while back. Thank goodnes I didn't have to look hard to find other things, and plenty of them (literally this is not my whole collection, I just couldn't ffit everything in the picture)!
Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko follows Tar as she finds her family in an African-inspired fantasy world. The haunting "made of me, and me is mine" still echoes in my head. That and Dayo literally being the adoptive uncle who gets his nibling an elephant.
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong explores Chinese and Russian rival crime families in fantasy 1920s Shanghai. For my Shakespeareans in the audience, yes, it's also a retelling of Romeo and Juliet. For those of you with bug phobias, beware.
Tha Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri is often described as having morally gray lesbians, and that's true. But while Priya and Malini are compelling and fascinating to follow, I am HERE for the Hirana. Semi-sentient, possibly evil temple who is soft for its favorite trainee priestess in hiding? YES.
Jade City by Fonda Lee follows the Green Bones in fantasy Asia, as two warring gangs find their places in a rapidly modernizing world. Shae and Hilo's relationship in particular is fascinating.
Full Disclosure: I haven't finished Axie Oh's The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea, but the first couple of chapters are a WOW and I can't wait to finish this Korean-inspired fairy tale retelling.
The Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan was sheer joy from start to finish, and I have not yet stopped asking "What the Actual HELL, Wenzhi???" Inspired by the myth of Chang'e, this book is a must-read. (The sequel is out November 2022 and I am so excited!!!)
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao took me by the throat and literally did not let me go until the book ended--and even then, it less let me go and more threw me against the boards until round 2. The triangle is the strongest shape, and this has phenomenal poly and disability representation.
Another full disclosure: I haven't started Judy Lin's A Magic Steeped in Poison, but I am so excited for it. There is literal and figurative tea promised, and I am here for it.
The Stardust Thief by Chelsea Abdullah scratched a reading itch I didn't even know I had, and I love this book so much. It has cinnaprinces, a Loulie, jinn, forty thieves, and stories within stories.
Last full disclosure of the post: I also haven't read the doorstopper that is RR Virdi's The First Binding, but it is a heckin' chonk of a book that I am super excited to dive into.
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bachelor4choice · 4 months
I love the romantic and/or agonizing passages like all of you. But can we talk about the funny parts? Like:
“I think the Parijatdvipans may believe it is, even if the empress doesn’t,” Bhumika said steadily. “I can imagine that has some... implications.”
The pause between her words was heavy with meaning.
“You’re going to have to tell me what all the implications are.”
A sigh. “Priya.”
“I threw a river,” Priya laughed. “Threw it—and you think I’m going to fall over?”
Priya froze, limbs trembling.
She bit off a curse as she fell.
“I’ve considered my options,” said Malini. “And this is the best path. We can perhaps—perhaps—take Harsinghar and the throne. But I cannot keep it if the priests of the mothers refuse to serve me. Kartik is the key, Priya, and this is the price he demands of me.”
“You should negotiate with him then. Get a more reasonable price... It’s so clear you’ve never haggled at a market,” Priya added in a mutter.
“I can’t believe we’re having this kind of conversation like this,” Priya said eventually.
“Like what?”
“With you clinging to me.”
“I’m not clinging,” Malini said.
“‘Clinging’ doesn’t sound very dignified.” Malini’s voice was faintly disgruntled.
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imakemywings · 2 months
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Below will be fanfic recs for ASOIAF, 80 DAYS, THE BURNING KINGDOMS, and TOLKIEN. Once again, I’ve tried to break the Tolkien recs down by character groupings but you all know what a thankless task that is. (。・ω・。)
(Photo credit to Michael Anfang on Unsplash.)
Past fanfic rec lists
80 Days
One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy by Prox - T - 11.1k - Fogg/Passpartout - Wonderful characterizations; the author really captures Fogg's voice and keeps it feeling in-character throughout his tribulations.
It's a Long Way from the Red Keep by Storytelling_Necromancer - T - 703 - Cersei/Jaime - The Lannisters and the Folgers incest commercial. What more needs to be said?
The Burning Kingdoms
Cautionary Tale by @meadowlarkx - M - 1.4k - Malini/Priya, Mani Ara/Priya - Lark blows it out of the water with the character dynamics here, and Mani Ara preying on Priya post-TOS when she's vulnerable, particular wrt her feelings for Malini, feels so on-point.
A Word and a Kiss by Miss Kitty - NR - 1k - Luthien/Thuringwethil -  An oldie but a goodie–this take on Luthien and Thuringwethil has me foaming. Exquisite vibes!
Duet by @welcomingdisaster - E - 4.2k - Daeron/Maglor - Lena plays with a really interesting take on the emotional power of song on the singer in Tolkien’s verse. And some lovely Daemags sex!
Everybody Needs a Second Chance by myliobatis - G - 1.2k - Thingol & Turgon - This fic was just such a delight, a funny little fic about Thingol and Turgon meeting in Aman.
Interlude in a Minor Key by yletylyf - M - 2.5k - Aredhel/Luthien - Cute PWP with Aredhel and Luthien.
It Would Make Every Nightingale Sing by eye_of_a_cat - M - 6.6k - Elwing/Maedhros - The pairing is certainly unusual, but this author makes it work so well and follows such a captivating arc of development for it.
Love is Not Love Which Alters When it Alteration Finds by i_did_not_mean_to - E - 3.5k - Melian/Thingol - Delightful Thelian piece which just revels in the strangeness of their relationship and how much each of them enjoys it.
More Precious was the Light in Your Eyes by @searchingforserendipity25 - G - 1k - Daeron/Man OFC - Such a tender look at Daeron’s growth post-exile.
The Myth Hanging Heavy Over You by stormfallen - G - 1.1k - Elrond & Elwing - UGH so painful and tasty Elrond parental angst. I really love the framing techniques of this piece.
No Sacrifice Without Blood by everythingnumbs - M - 18.9k - Luthien/Thuringwethil -  F/F LONGFIC! A tasty 18k of Luthien imprisoned by Celegorm and visited by whom she thinks is a servant of his…all the while plagued with unsettling and lurid dreams…
Stained Glass by @polutrope - G - 400 - Elrond & Elwing - Bittersweet tenderness when Elrond arrives in Aman and seeks out his mom. Love this for them <3
Untitled by @swanmaids - NR - Dior/Nimloth - I looove the uncertainty here where neither Dior or Nimloth really know what to expect from their experience with children because of Dior’s strange blood. Also, love the use of the Silmaril for their own needs.
Wildflowers: The Tale of Aredhel and Luthien by lightofthetrees - G - 10.3k - Aredhel/Luthien - A sweet AU fic where Aredhel escapes into Doriath with Maeglin, who grows up there instead of in Nan Elmoth. I really enjoyed the glimpses into their lives in Doriath and the ending suited them very well!
Wild-Wandering by Wood and Glen by @meadowlarkx - M - 1.7k - Daeron/Luthien - Beautiful writing which so brings you into the physical and emotional space of this tragic fem!Daeron/Luthien story.
Winter Glowed on her Leaves by BloodwingBlackbird - M - 1.2k - Galadriel/Luthien - Luthien is a powerful force on Galadriel and I love her as a perpetual “what-if” in Galadriel’s memory.
Woman Into Bird by arriviste - T - 6k - Earendil/Elwing - Beautiful, heartbreaking Elwing piece. The final scene is a gut-punch.
Berries and Starlight by Narya_Flame - T - 829 - Indis/Miriel - Indis and Miriel out during the winter <3 Does an excellent job capturing the natural atmosphere and I love the energy between the women!
Crescendo by Gilithlin - E - 3.7k - Daeron/Maglor - Fantastic Daemags; I was just delighted with Daeron’s character portrayal here.
Fouled Water by @grey-gazania - G - Another touching look at Elves and the land they inhabit, and the tragedy of Beleriand.
Her That I Call My Own by LiveOakWithMoss - M - 644 - Indis/Miriel - Tasty Mindis smut with feelings <3
Glasshouses by @searchingforserendipity25 - 2.5k - G - Glorfindel/Turgon -  Ahh such a sweet relationship here and wonderful characterization of both Glorfindel and Turgon <3
Indissoluble by @polutrope - E - 2.5k - Idril/Tuor/Voronwe - P does such a great job showing characters are are comfortable with each other and really beyond being embarrassed about their sexual foibles. This fic also does a great job balancing a committed three-way relationship!
The Kinslayer in the Woods by @elvain - T - 4.5k - Daeron/Maglor - Love this portrayal of Daeron, as well as the games he and Maglor play to avoid having to be who they are.
Life in Miniature by @thescrapwitch - G - 2.8k - This is SUCH a lovely little fic surrounding the memory of Gondolin in Aman. Author does an excellent job of weaving in the views and feelings of many characters and it feels so true to Elves’ strong memories, particularly to places.
Like I'm Set on Fire by corollaire - M - 808 - Indis/Miriel - Tasty Mindis oral; see Miriel on her knees for Indis.
One Whole with My Other by lonelyvisitor - E - 4.2k - Indis/Miriel - Now obsessed with the idea that Miriel and Indis are legally married to each other vis-a-vis Finwe. The author does a wonderful job with the feelings here.
Peaches We Devour, Dusty Skin and All by @niennawept - M - 2.2k -Aredhel/Elenwe -  Some very tasty Aredhel/Elenwe! Their dynamic here is sexy and the pull towards each other warring with Elenwe’s goals for herself 👌
The Most Precious of Treasures by AroaceMoon - E - 651 - Celebrimbor & Sauron - SHIT this dialogue is tasty and ever so painful. Silvergifting.
The Love I've Found by Corollaire - 1.4k - M - Indis/Miriel - Modern AU Mindis fluff with bonus kid shenanigans from Feanor. It’s so cute!
Picnic by @swanmaids - E - 1.6k - Aredhel/Vana - Ahh! Here we get the Aredhel/Vana partner relationship to Celegorm/Orome and I love it!! Vana is so carefree and relaxed here, but still concerned with Aredhel’s feelings <3
Pity For Your Hurts by @thelordofgifs - 666 - G - Finduilas/Gwindor - Finduilas and Gwindor before his capture </3 This piece captures a very ~courtly love~ kind of feel in their relationship and despite differences, you can see how much they care for each other.
The Plans We Make, the Memories We Record by LadyBrooke - M - 1k - Indis/Miriel - Bittersweet Mindis (w/ hints of Finwe/Indis/Miriel) as these women struggle to move on in the wake of everything that’s happened.
Sawdust by @starspray - T - 559 - Findis & Finwe - I love this exploration of Findis’ relationship with Finwe! I feel like that’s one that isn’t often explored and it’s done very well here.
Shadow-Song by Arveldis - T - 730 - Finrod & Sauron - This ficlet does an excellent job capturing the power play between Finrod and Sauron, as well as making Sauron terrifying.
Shadows of Valiance by Midnightjynx1813 - G - 2.5k - Azaghal/Maedhros - Azaghal and Maedhros bonding! This author works poetry into the fic to great effect and I really enjoyed how much Maedhros comes to rely on Azaghal.
Sometimes Too Hot the Eye of Heaven Shines by @welcomingdisaster - M - 2.6k - Celebrimbor/Narvi, Celebrimbor & Sauron - Crunchy look at the dynamics between Celebrimbor, Narvi, and Sauron from Sauron’s perspective.
To Give Up Control by @jouissants - NR - Maglor/Uinen - Ahhh just delicious Maglor/Uinen…Alix’s descriptions are always SO vivid and beautiful.
Two Queens by LiveOakWithMoss - E - 262 - Indis/Miriel - Miriel sure knows her way around a strap.
Untitled by @that-angry-noldo - Finrod at torment with Sauron :’) Author really does well with Sauron’s otherworldly presence and the fear that causes.
Untitled by @jouissants - NR - MY FUCKING HEART. Five sentences and I’m gone. Finrod stop hurting me challenge 2k24.
Untitled by @tanoraqui - NR - Feanor & Fingolfin - Love that tasty angsty awkward post-rebirth Feanor-Fingolfin bonding.
Untitled by @polutrope - NR - Daeron/Maglor - Beautiful little Daemags fic…<3 Really enjoy the touches of Maglor’s nostalgia and I’m a sucker for him treating Daeron like a treasure.
Void-Junk by arriviste - G - 2.2k - It’s so juicy, Maedhros finding his way onto Vingilot.
White Flowers by @starspray - T - 841 - Aredhel & Turgon - Weeping once again over Nolofinweans, especially Aredhel and Turgon.
A Monster in the Shadows by @hobbitwrangler - G - 3k - Eowyn & Theoden - Really cute but also heartbreaking bonding between Eowyn and Theoden, when Eowyn is new to Edoras and still recovering from her parents’ deaths :( Author does a great job capturing how that grief might manifest for a child!
Celebration by maitimiel - NR - Tar-Miriel/OFC - Crunchy tasty Tar-Miriel’s favorite handmaidens sleep with her ft. her and Ar-Pharazon’s marital issues. Excellent look at the dying Numenorean state.
Courting Gifts by Muccamukk - G - 1k - Arwen/Eowyn, Aragorn/Arwen - This is such a cute Arwen/Eowyn piece focusing on the cultural differences between Arwen and the Men around her.
Cousin, Sister, Lover, Queen by broken_pencils - E - 11k - Eowyn/Lothiriel - This one is so good and so bittersweet and hit so many real notes. I’m just aching for Eowyn. The author does a great job of balancing her inherent unhappiness as a lesbian in a marriage with a man with the deep platonic love she obviously has for Faramir, and Lothiriel is such fun in this.
Fade by Lady Ash - E - 6.2k - Denethor/Gandalf - Can I say something other than "Denethor/Gandalf BDSM relationship" that would entice you more?
Ode to a Nightingale by @maironsbigboobs - E - 1k - Aragorn/Arwen -  Some light, fun, Aragorn/Arwen smut.
Plentiful as Sand is Plentiful by @searchingforserendipity25 - G - 675 - I so love this look at Aragorn and Elrond’s relationship <3
Shake Loose All Your Garnet Jewels by lastwingedthing - T - 2.8k - Arwen/Eowyn - Lovely lovely fic on “what if Arwen and Eowyn had been part of the Fellowship?” Absolutely cinematic!
Untitled by @swanmaids - NR - Annael & Rian - Rian :((( Her story is so sad and yet there are at times griefs that cannot be overcome and Heather captures that very well here.
Without Dawn, No Evening by pscoptera - M - 4.6k - Arwen/Eowyn - If you want a truly historic fic, this one was originally written before the Return of the King film had released. A really interesting look at Eowyn’s sexuality and desires with what feels like realistic muddling of the issues in her mind.
On These Hither Shores by Arveldis - G - 3.2k - Boromir & Frodo - Boromir and Frodo bonding (sort of)! This fic does a great job capturing their feelings.
The Power of Tea by @hobbitwrangler - G - 1.8 - Bilbo & Gilraen - Fantastic character dynamics! And Bilbo feels so in-character.
Twist to Uncoil by katajainen - G - 1.3 - Bilbo & Thranduil - Ahhh lovely lovely look at Thranduil and Bilbo’s relationship as Bilbo recounts his time living in Mirkwood unseen.
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halcyon-hyacinth · 3 months
Read both books in The Burning Kingdoms series and IDK why Malini wants to keep her relationship with Priya under wraps, like, she's in the business of overthrowing the status quo anyway, she could always change the law and make it so that same-sex relationships are no longer illegal once she secures her throne???
Legalizing something doesn't take away the discrimination or existing bias traditional Parijatis (and even people of the city-states that aren't Ahiranya) will hold towards the idea.
Malini and Priya are at odds because Malini wants to unite the empire under her rule. Priya wants Ahiranya freed from the empire.
As it stands, there is no way to free Ahiranya from the empire because of the yaksa. The rest of the empire is terrified of them, and a free Ahiranya is always going to be a bigger threat than one brought to heel by the empire.
At the same time, it is also difficult for Ahiranya to survive on its own with zero support from the empire since being conquered their power has greatly diminished. Most of its population is impoverished and struggling to make ends meet. It relies on trade from other city-states, and rich nobleman visiting the city and spending like crazy to keep its local economy going.
As it stands, Malini being in a same-sex relationship would be bad image wise on a political and religious level. And she needs to raise her image and keep it as impeccable as possible in order to retain her title as empress - she needs the support of the priests and of the highborn politicians.
Even if Malini was able to legalize same-sex marriage again, it would take years to repair all the damage done by it being made socially unacceptable to begin with.
And again, it's only part of the problem. Malini is not just a girl. She is now the ruler of an empire. And she has to do whatever it takes to keep control. Especially if that means adjusting to socially outdated norms in a bid to keep the highborn political elites on her side, along with the priests.
Personally, I think Malini and Priya will find a way to work together in book 3 and take down the yaksa once and for all with help from Bhumika. And I hope, one day, Malini can marry Priya in Ahiyanya.
But for now, it's a dream that cannot be fulfilled.
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melanielocke · 2 years
Book recommendations - Queer POC books
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Some more book recommendations, this time I'm focusing on Queer PoC books, all by authors of color. All the books shown in the picture are UK editions. I generally like it when books have a UK paperback edition because they're a lot cheaper than US hardcovers, usually also cheaper than US paperbacks, and release the same week as the US hardcover. I don't think these editions are always available if you live in North America, but to those living in Europe, buying UK editions can save you a lot of money. Other parts of the world I honestly don't know which editions are easiest to come by. Only downside for UK editions is that sometimes there are some with a redesigned cover that is very ugly. Of the books shown here, only the Witchery has a different cover than the US edition but in this case I like both.
Starting with this Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron
This is a duology, the second and last book was released last June and so this is a complete series. It is inspired by Greek mythology, and specifically, the myth of Medea, and follows Briseis, who was adopted and inherits an estate from her aunt whom she never met. Briseis has always been able to make plants grow, and is immune to poisonous plants, and at the estate she discovers her birth family had these same gifts, and they keep a garden with some of the most poisonous plants in the world. This book has some great characters, and Briseis was adopted and raised by two sapphic Black mothers, who also play a big role in this series. This series has also served as inspiration for the Lightwood's magic garden in Flowers Bloom
Also by this author: Cinderella is Dead, which I'd also recommend, the Vanquishers, a MG which I did not read
Upcoming books: My Dear Henry, a Jekyll & Hide retelling (3-2023); You're not Supposed to Die Tonight, a slasher horror (6-2023)
Next up is Afterlove by Tanya Byrne
This is a sapphic love story with a MC of Indian decent. At New Years's Eve, just before midnight, Ash is hit by a car and dies instantly. She gets the offer to become a reaper, who guide the city's dead to their afterlife. But Ash can't forget Poppy, her girlfriend, and will do anything to get to see her again.
I haven't seen a lot of people talk about this book, but I really enjoyed it. The main focus is the romance here, and it's more romance with a fantasy aspect to it than fantasy.
Other books by this author: there are several other older books, none of which I've read
Upcoming books: The Mermaid of Black Rock (9-2023), a sapphic book about a girl with no memory found in the sea and a girl who falls in love with her
The Jasmine Throne is the only adult series I put in this list (the rest is YA), and is a fantasy trilogy set in an India inspired world. Book 1 and 2 are out now.
Malini is a princess who is imprisoned in an old temple by her dictator brother, an emperor obsessed with religious ideas revolving women gaining purity and immortality by being burnt alive. Malini refused to burn for his sake.
Priya is a maidservant who travels to the temple every night to clean Malini's chambers. Before her land was conquered by Malini's family, Priya was a temple child, and she had passed through the magical deathless waters once, but all the temple children were murdered except a few who survived and she has to hide her past.
Malini and Priya eventually start working together, with the goal of restoring the throne to Malini's other, oldest brother who'd abandoned the throne to become a priest.
Other books by this author: The Books of Ambha duology, adult fantasy, and What Souls are Made of, a YA Wuthering Heights retelling
Upcoming books: Book 3 of the series, scheduled for 2023, currently no release date known
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas is one of my personal favorites of this year. It's the first book in a YA fantasy duology set in a world inspired by Mexican culture. In this world, the sunbearer trials are held every ten years to replenish the energy of the sol stones and keep the sun alive and evil gods at bay. Ten demigods (called semidioses) are chosen by Sol to compete in a set of trials. The winner becomes the Sunbearer and gets to replenish the sol stones. The loser becomes a human sacrifice that is necessary to replenish said stones.
Semidioses are divided in gold and jade categories, depending on if their parent is a gold or jade god. Gold gods are the most powerful gods, ruling over things like the earth, the seas, fire etc, while jade gods are considered less powerful and their children too. There haven't been any jade competitors in the Sunbearer trials in over a century, but that year, two are chosen.
Teo is the transgender son of Quetzal, the goddess of birds, and he never expected to be chosen for the trials. The other jade is Xio, the son of Mala Suerte, god of bad luck. The other 8 competitors are all gold semidioses, including Teo's best friend Niya, daughter of Tierra, god of the Earth and the twin children of the fire goddess, Aurelio and Auristela. Compared to many of the others, Teo does not have a lot of powers and will have to fight with everything he has to survive.
The fantasy world in this book is modern second world, so while everything is different from this world, there are equivalents of instagram and tiktok for example, and they have trading cards featuring different semidiose heroes.
Other books by the author: Cemetery Boys, Lost in the Never Woods, I've read both and they're very good
Upcoming books: book 2 of the sunbearer trials (expected in 2023), companion/sequel to Cemetery Boys (fall 2024), untitled book pitched as gay titanic in space (2024), Just Max (a contemporary set in college, 2024).
I don't think it's likely there'll be 3 books coming out in 2024 but that's the information I currently have
The last book in the picture is the Witchery by S. Isabelle
This book features four witches and two human boys. Logan only recently found out she's a witch and transferred to a school for witches, and so far she's no good at it. But she's taken under the wing by the Red Three, three Black witches and the most powerful witches at the school. Thalia, a greenwitch, Iris, a deathwitch and Jailah, the most powerful witch at school, want to end the curse that's plaguing their town, and want Logan's help to do it.
Every year, there's a Haunting Season during which wolves come out of the swamp and kill people. The witches can protect people, to some extent, but the Red Three want to end the Haunting Season once and for all.
This book has a total of 6 POV's, which can make it confusing but I think it worked well. All the characters were interesting, but there wasn't enough space to flesh them all out as much as I would have liked. Still, I think the story was great, and would recommend it. There's not much focus on romance, but Jailah is a lesbian which is why I included it on this list.
Other books by this author: The Witchery is her first book
Upcoming books: another book is expected to be released in 2023. I have no idea what this book is about
Let me know if there are specific recommendations you'd like me to cover next time, I think I'll make more posts like these because it's lots of fun. Also, if you've read any of the books I recommend and want to talk about it, let me know, because I don't have a lot of people to talk about my favorite books with
@alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @life-through-the-eyes-of @astriefer @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction @imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s @tessherongraystairs @boredfangirl16 @artist-in-soul @bottomdelioncourt @ikissedsmithparker
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lordgolden · 1 year
Tasha Suri writes some of the best complex female relationships I’ve ever read. Of course there’s the romantic relationship between Malini and Priya with all its complexities- they’re both using each other but love and really know each other at the same time. but equally as important to the story is Priya’s relationship with Bhumika- they love each other but were hardened by their childhood and being the last of the temple children and don’t always know how to express their love for each other as sisters and they argue. Priya and Sima’s friendship is also so wholesome and great and has really become more complex in book 2 with the tension between Sima wanting to pass through the waters vs. Priya trying to protect her. Then there’s Malini’s relationship with Narina and Alori, they’re always haunting Malini and the narrative. I’m excited to see how Malini’s relationships with her court develop too. Overall 1000/10 I’m really enjoying Oleander Sword so far I’m ~100 pgs in. everyone stream the burning kingdoms series
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wondereads · 11 months
WLW Book Recommendations
Happy Pride!
Recommendations are under the cut due to the size of this post. The books listed below are:
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
Crier’s War by Nina Varela
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
The Winter Duke by Claire Eliza Bartlett
Ace of Spades by Faridah Abike-Iyimide
Seven Devils by L. R. Lam and Elizabeth May
Malice by Heather Walter
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The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon (high fantasy)
Yes, this book is a monster, but it is well worth your time. Told from multiple perspectives spanning a huge fantasy world, an ancient evil is waking up, and humans must be prepared. This book does a great job of blending many different cultures into one narrative, and the way it deals with organized religion is better than any other book I've ever read. While this is a fantasy over a romance, the sapphic relationship in this book is top tier. It develops slowly and naturally; it's not big and sweeping like a lot of romance in fantasy, but the smaller things really come through.
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Crier's War by Nina Varela (high fantasy)
In a fantasy world, humans are ruled over by automae, artificial beings that were initially created by humans but have now taken over as the 'superior' beings. Ayla's family was killed by the king, and she vows to take revenge by killing his own family, his only daughter, Lady Crier. I find the history of the automae very interesting in this book, and Crier's story in particular has a lot of good reveals. While this is an intense high fantasy, there is a bit of humor in it. Told from both Ayla and Crier's perspectives, I find it incredibly funny that a human girl is scheming how to assassinate a princess while said princess is experiencing her first crush on said human girl.
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The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri (high fantasy)
This book is set in a world inspired by ancient India, and tells the story of a maidservant and princess. The maidservant has a dark past that involves illegal magic and old societies, and the princess has been imprisoned by her cruel and despotic brother. This book is very much on the slower side, but some people prefer that. Similar to Priory, this book is told from multiple points of view, not just the two main characters. The unrest in the kingdom is slow and creeping but happens steadily and realistically. Also, concerning the romance, I actually quite like that the two main characters, Priya and Malini, don't exactly have a very healthy relationship.
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The Winter Duke by Claire Eliza Bartlett (high fantasy)
One of my favorite books, The Winter Duke is about Ekata, one of the many children of the duchy of Kylma Above. All she wants to do is leave this place and her family to pursue her dreams of scholarship, but when her family falls into a permanent sleep the day before her departure, she must step up to rule. As someone who loves political fantasy, this book is right up my alley, and yours too as long as that's something you like. I really like that this book explicitly states that Ekata has zero interest in men romantically and is only interested in women. Her romance with Inkhar definitely brings out the YA aspects of this book. Ekata is forced to grow up so quickly, it's nice to see her have a crush and get flustered over it like any teenage girl.
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Ace of Spades by Faridah Abike-Iyimide (mystery thriller)
At a predominately white private school, the only two Black students are targeted by an anonymous texter, Aces. Though they have nothing in common, they team up in order to uncover Aces and protect their secrets. Plot wise, this is by far my favorite thriller I've ever read. It's tense, it'll keep you on the edge of your seat, and it discusses institutionalized racism, especially in academia, masterfully. One of the main characters, Chiamaka, has a great sideplot of coming to terms with her sexuality. However, when it comes between her safety and her romance, I love that she keeps a level head on her shoulders and always chooses the former. (There is also MLM rep in this book with the other POV character.)
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Seven Devils by L. R. Lam and Elizabeth May (space opera sci-fi)
An intergalactic empire spreads across the universe, and it's up to a ragtag group of rebels to stop it. Eris was once heir to the entire empire, but she gave that up to be part of the Resistance, and one mission may be the deciding factor in the universe's continued freedom. While Eris is technically the main character, this is fundamentally an ensemble cast with multiple perspectives. This book has quite a bit of LGBTQ+ representation, including a sapphic relationship between two of the POV characters. While not a huge focus of the book, their relationship is sweet and touching.
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Malice by Heather Walter (high fantasy)
Malice is a retelling of Sleeping Beauty following Alyce, the Dark Grace, who is reviled but used by all in the kingdom of Briar. Alyce dreams of escaping Briar until she starts to master her powers and meets the Princess Aurora. I will admit that I prefer the plot to the romance in this book for the most part, but the ending really gets me sometimes. Alyce's powers and her people's history are so interesting, and Aurora is a great, understanding, and kind love interest.
Stay tuned for more pride recommendations all throughout this month!
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opheliaweeps · 11 months
hi, I wrote a fic.
because aditya and rao and priya and malini and the entire world of ‘the burning kingdoms’ has me in a goddamn chokehold. so I spat out 1.4k words of sad feels for rao because he deserved better, but also I’m not practiced enough to write a fix-it. so for now, you get angst.
also: this is the first fic that I’ve written and posted online. that’s how much of a grip this series has on me, and how deeply I felt reading a story inspired by my heritage.
hope y’all like it. enjoy!
How pathetic he was, a war general who should be protecting his ruler after such a betrayal, to protect the woman his true name had declared to be the true sovereign. A warrior returning from a successful siege in his empress’ name, and he was here, grieving and drinking the same Parijati wine Rao had shared with him that fateful day, when they laughed about stars and religion.
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tragedykery · 2 years
I think mai would struggle a lot with feeling monstrous. for her queerness, for her coldness, for her thoughts and feelings (both for having them and hiding them). moving away from the fire nation helps her and ty lee unlearn the idea that what they have/what they’re doing/what they feel is wrong or shameful and that they need to hide it
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fiefgoldenlake · 10 months
Recs for Disability Pride month (and some bonus belated recs for Pride!)
All titles link to Storygraph, which can give you a further synopsis, as well as any warnings.
Godkiller (Godkiller #1) by Hannah Kaner
Meet Kissen - the eponymous godkiller. In a world which has forsaken gods, Kissen deals with those who still prey on the public. She finds herself drawn into a quest with a young girl who is bound to a god. Along the way, they start to uncover what truly happened in their country's war against the gods. Bisexual rep, queer-normal world, main character has a prosthesis.
Iron Widow (Iron Widow #1) by Xiran Jay Zhao
Zetian volunteers herself to be a concubine pilot, to avenge the death of her sister. Giant robots, known as Chrysalises, are piloted by men, with the assistance of a female (concubine) pilot. Zetian's actions lead her to be punished by a match-up with Li Shimin, who has killed every concubine pilot who has ever flown with him. But everyone has underestimated Zetian. Poly, bisexual rep, the correct resolution to a love triangle. The main character suffers from chronic pain, mobility issues, and uses a wheelchair on occasion. 
The Final Strife (The Ending Fire Trilogy #1) by Saara El-Arifi
This is a class-driven society, and clear-blooded Hassa belongs to the ghost class, who've had their tongues cut out and hands severed by the ruling Ember class. The book follows Sylah, one of the Stolen Ember children, forged into a weapon and using drugs to cope with her past, and the beautiful and privileged Anoor. In the background, there's Hassa, keeping an eye on everything. The Ghostings communicate through sign language, and although Sylah is as fluent as possible without being a native, she can't speak it - it is a language exclusive to them. Sylah also suffers from drug withdrawal symptoms in the first book. Trans rep, wlw, mutism. 
Black Sun (Between Earth and Sky #1) by Rebecca Roanhorse
Xiala is a disgraced Teek, charged with bringing a 'harmless' passenger to Tova. Serapio has a destiny, one which has caused him to be blinded, and he's determined to fulfill it. Blind main character (but has the capacity to be magically enhanced), queer-normal world. 
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue (Montague Siblings #1) by Mackenzi Lee (YA)
Monty is already well-versed in vice before embarking on his Grand Tour with his best friend, Percy. It isn't a problem that he has a big crush on Percy - really. But it is Percy's last chance for freedom, since he suffers from epileptic seizures, and his uncle has judged it best that he be put in a sanitorium at the end of the trip. Bisexual rep, mlm, epilepsy, period-typical homophobia, period-typical discrimination. 
Six of Crows (Six of Crows #1) by Leigh Bardugo
If you haven't already read it and you want to know more about a world like the Court of the Rogue, definitely check this one out! The Crows are a fantastic group, and you can't help rooting for them. Leader Kaz uses a cane and suffers from PTSD - Bardugo says she was looking to create a character who was "disabled and ferocious". Queer found family, mlm amongst the main characters, limp/use of cane, PTSD. 
Bonus Belated Pride Recs The Jasmine Throne (The Burning Kingdoms #1) by Tasha Suri
There's a rot spreading through the nation, which sees dying plants sprout inside people’s bodies, killing them. The Emperor is seeking to crush a rebellion, and will not tolerate any dissent. Priya does what she can to help the poorest citizens, but it's not without a cost, and she needs to keep her head down. Malini, the vengeful princess imprisoned by her own brother, has other ideas, however. Wlw. 
The Priory of the Orange Tree (The Roots of Chaos #1) by Samantha Shannon
A quest fantasy with a queendom on one side, where magic is prohibited and the throne of Inys has passed, generation after generation, from mother to identical daughter. On the other side, there be dragons. Assassination attempts, a beautiful wlw romance, another main character who reads as ace, and a gripping plot, this book is worth every one of its (almost) 850 pages. Part of a series but each book stands alone.
Little Thieves (Little Thieves #1) by Margaret Owen (YA)
Vanja is one of my favourite characters that I've encountered in years (and as a bonus, the author is a confirmed TP fan!). This is an irreverent retelling of the Goose Girl from the maid's perspective, and the concept behind the title is, "The little thief steals gold, but the great one steals kingdoms; and only one goes to the gallows." Vanja is a little thief, accustomed to fending for herself, but she comes up against a curse, an impending marriage, and a personified pocket ledger. Demi rep, queer found family. 
Finally, I read Something Wild & Wonderful by Anita Kelly, which is a story about two guys who meet hiking the PCT. One of them brought his comfort read - Alanna: the First Adventure
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hi makenzie! i’m currently looking for some good fantasy, do you have any specific favorites from your recent reads? 🤔
oh BOY do I!
Jade City (Fonda Lee) - the first of a ROLICKING fantasy novel unlike anything I've ever read before. the setting is stunning: the post-war island of Kekon, where technology (radio and telephones, cars and airplanes, etc) lives side by side with a magical jade that the native population has harnessed for generations to enhance their natural abilities to become fearsome combatants. the series begins with three adult siblings - Lan, Hilo, and Shae - struggling to find their places within their famed grandfather's legacy, and follows them for years as international conflict blooms and the family grows. Lee is BRUTAL writer who will kick you in the gut out of absolutely nowhere with some of her twists, but goddamn you will never be bored. I haven't read the final book yet but my hopes are HIGH.
City of Brass (S.A. Chakraborty) - also the first in a trilogy, this time centering around a secret city of djinn in 19th century Egypt. it starts as a fun romp as Nari, an adult orphan with inexplicable healing abilities that I'm sure won't be relevant to the plot at all, no sir, becomes entangled with an ancient warrior (bastard) and a naive prince (best boy, never done anything wrong in his life) and elevates into an absolutely epic political fantasy that I was heartbroken to finish. this isn't strictly "recent" but I really cannot recommend the trilogy enough!
Kaikeyi (Vaishnavi Patel) - a standalone retelling of the story of Kaikeyi, the wicked stepmother figure of the Sanskrit epic the Ramayana. this book is some of the most fun I had with a doorstopper novel all year; Patel strikes a really good balance between political maneuverings, interpersonal developments, and sprinkling in reimagined Hindu myths and legends. Kaikeyi's a blast, give it a chance!
Siren Queen (Nghi Vo) - I'm a Nghi Vo fan first and a person second, so there's no way I wasn't going to mention her most recent release. Siren Queen presents a fantastical alternate history where the rise of Hollywood film studios was presided over by sinister fey creatures, with each studio paying homage to eerie eldritch creatures in order to thrive. actors and actresses are bought and sold, changeling children roam the lots, and anyone who doesn't play along can be replaced with an uncanny replica. among all of this danger our heroine sets out to become a star, set on avoiding the stereotypical roles thrust at other Chinese-Americans. she finds success as the monstrous Siren Queen, but you KNOW she's not going to get a straightforward happily ever after in an industry that literally eats people alive.
The Jasmine Throne (Tasha Suri) - also the first in a series, the Jasmine Throne sees Totally Ordinary No Dramatic Backstory Here maid Priya ordered to look after Malini, an exiled princess banished to a haunted tower far from her tyrannical brother's court. Malini quickly reveals herself to be a much sharper political schemer than her sickly demeanor would suggest, and she enlists Priya in her plans to facilitate her own escape and overthrow her brother. this one is ripe with BODY HORROR PLANT MAGIC!
The City We Became (N.K. Jemisin) - we're once again stretching the bounds of a "recent" read, but the sequel just came out so now is the perfect time! this is a contemporary urban fantasy that asks the pressing question: what if cities that become old and powerful enough come to life, embodied in a single person who must represent and protect that city? and what if New York just had a big messy magical birth, just as its in danger from an otherworldly threat? great news - the five boroughs have also found avatars, and they're teeming up to save New York the person and New York the city.
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The Jasmine Throne
The Oleander Sword
Author: Tasha Suri
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Genre: fantasy
Format: novel
Serie: yes, named The Burning Kingdoms. Third and last book (The Lotus Empire) out in November.
Editions: Orbit
Romance: wlw, slow burn, no love triangle.
Other representation(s): brown-skinned characters (full cast) as the story takes place in a country inspired by India.
TW: forced captivity, non consensual drug use, feminicides, death by fire, death by various means, grief, hallucinations, fratricide, verbal et physical abuse on a child by her brother, religious fanatism, sexism, systemic homophobia, body horror, war.
Rating: 8/10
Tea association: a chai in the pure Indian tradition, the heat of the spices and the strength of the black tea, softened by the milk. Or a jasmine tea for the empress and for the the plants Priya grows.
Synopsis of The Jasmine Throne:
Author of Empire of Sand and Realm of Ash Tasha Suri's The Jasmine Throne, beginning a new trilogy set in a world inspired by the history and epics of India, in which a captive princess and a maidservant in possession of forbidden magic become unlikely allies on a dark journey to save their empire from the princess's traitor brother.
Imprisoned by her dictator brother, Malini spends her days in isolation in the Hirana: an ancient temple that was once the source of the powerful, magical deathless waters — but is now little more than a decaying ruin.
Priya is a maidservant, one among several who make the treacherous journey to the top of the Hirana every night to clean Malini’s chambers. She is happy to be an anonymous drudge, so long as it keeps anyone from guessing the dangerous secret she hides.
But when Malini accidentally bears witness to Priya’s true nature, their destinies become irrevocably tangled. One is a vengeful princess seeking to depose her brother from his throne. The other is a priestess seeking to find her family. Together, they will change the fate of an empire.
My thoughts:
Malini and Priya aren't the only characters we'll be following in this epic tapestry of a story. Bhumika, the last temple sister of Priya still alive is an important part of the story, as is Ashok, the third and last temple child alive with the other two girls. Rao often gives a different perspective and is an important support character. A handful of other characters give their point of view through out the two books. All of them combined tell us this story of war.
Because war, along with religion, is the central theme of those books. Some of the characters fight for power, other for survival. Some fight for their loved ones, other for freedom and their way of life.
The first book is about survival and escape. Getting to safety. Cutting a deal. Many deals actually. The characters want freedom and peace, but are not against fighting for it.
The second book is all about war. About the rise of an empress and the fall of an emperor, mirroring what happens in Ahiranya.
The third book will probably be about war too, but against a far greater enemy.
With all those struggles going on, there's not that much room for anything else, but it's there. Emotions. Love. Two women falling for each other in the midst of chaos. A mother cherishing her infant daughter. Friendship and brotherhood. But there's also grief, longing, hate, terror.
Faith and magic are also central themes in the books. Both always means sacrifice, but that sacrifice has to be done by a willing person. Magic comes from that willing sacrifice. However, sometimes the person seeking power doesn't know what it would cost them. Sometimes it's their life, sometimes their soul, or even their body. But it's never without a price.
As the plot unfold in front of you, you realise that not everything is morally clear cut. You realise that what you thought you knew about this or that was wrong, or wasn't as simple as you previously thought. The plot is beautifully woven, and I can't wait to finally read the last book. I feel like it's gonna be a killer!
A word about the cover art:
I'm not the biggest fan of the first book cover, which if I'm not mistaken, depicts Priya.
The second book cover is better, showing Malini with a murderous look her saber in her hand, though it's a little too green to my taste.
The last book cover though... It's stupendous! The colors, the details, the movements, the poses, everything is eye-catching. Priya in her green sari has lotus flowers growing in her hands and is surrounded by her greens. Malini in the back in her white and gold sari, the colors or Paridjat, is surrounded by fire, wielding fire. From what the ending of the Oleander Sword is hinting, that cover art seems really fitting for what's ahead!
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