#and I would have preferred it to have him never mentioned again post-rebels than to have him treated the way he's been
martianbugsbunny · 8 months
Are you seriously telling me that all of that work happened just to separate Zeb from Kallus.
I used Zeb's appearance in the Mandalorian as a reason he would definitely show up again! "Oh, why would they put all that effort and time and money into creating a live-action model for him if he was only going to appear in the Mandalorian briefly and then not be in the Ahsoka show, aka Rebels Season 5? That would be ridiculous!" Yeah keep laughing past-Martian, it did go down like that. I thought there had to be some deeper reason he was there, like setting the groundwork to appear again later, because why would he be pulled away from a pretty conclusive happy ending in Rebels just for some two-bit meaningless cameo in a show he had no connection to? Where's the logic in that? How does that make any sense? But no. That's all it was. And on damn top of it all, Kallus was never mentioned once in Ahsoka. Not once. Zeb is inexplicably away from Lira San with a job training recruits with no explanation as to how he decided to do it or how long he's been doing it or if Kallus is with him or even if Kallus is still alive.
All that time and effort was put the hell into trying to create a version of Zeb post-Rebels where he is explicitly not living on Lira San and there is no Kallus by his side.
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mosswitch219 · 28 days
Some thoughts on Bad Batch Season 3
First off I want to say this is going to be a very unpopular opinion and if you liked the szn this probably isnt the post for u, but I feel I have to speak my mind.
Overall after watching season 3 I honestly feel let down and unsatisfied with the events and especially the ending.
1. Techs death is probably the biggest thing that frustrated me because when you kill a character off you should either have your other characters morn and grieve them and learn to accept the loss or bring them back.
However they didn't either of those, instead they pretty much forget he existed they barely reference him and only say his name like twice, it would be fine to show characters in denial about someone's death but it's more like the show is in denial. This is why many bad batch fans were expecting tech to come back, if you don't morn a characters death than the story arch feels incomplete a ppl will wait for it to "end".
Not to mention techs story didn't seem over he left on weird unfinished terms with Phee and it seemed like they would touch on it again but nope.
Also they introduced CX-2 and made it seem like he might be tech, such as having the same build and teasing the identity like it's important and like it will mean something and then at the end for CX-2 and all these super soldiers to mean absolutely nothing.
2. So many unfinished questions, I can't believe this is the end of bad batch and apparently the last clone show. Especially when we still don't know where tf Cody is and all we're told is that he's gone AWOL (mentioned like it will mean something in the future) and then we never see or hear anything about him again.
Then there's Wolffe obviously we know he's in Rebels but what happens between then and now?
Then there's Echo same as Wolffe what happens to him as we never see him fighting alongside rex in Rebels.
Then ventress she was introduced back and then she leaves and we never see or hear about her ever again, she didn't rlly add much they revived and went "look ventress is back" for one episode and then that's it she's no longer important all she did was say "yup omega has a high M count" and then left.
3. Omega and the other force sensitive children could have patched up the plot hole of "somehow palatine is back" by saying using omegas clone DNA that can sustain high levels of a M count and a force sensitive child they were able to figure out how to clone palatine or smth but no it all meant nothing and we never rlly knew what the tests where for even when they had a golden opportunity to reveal it when Rampart forces Nala se to tell him everything abt the experiments
Honestly season 1&2 were great and so I went into season 3 expecting the same amount of quality but I didn't get that. They usually tie everything together and I never felt unsatisfied or confused in szn 1&2 but I did in szn 3. I kept waiting for things to start to tie together especially when the had so many moment where it seemed like the scenes where there just to make things make sense but no they were all there for nothing.
I walked away from szn 3 thinking it must have been rushed or gotten a new writers team bc wtf was any of this, it was so out of character for the writers to make such bad decisions.
I understand if other people like the ending bc we don't usually get somewhat happy endings but this was more like a half-assed happy ending to me, I would have preferred a well written devastating bad ending but this is what we got instead and I am so disappointed. All I could think of szn 3 was about how angry, let down and confused I was and that it was a lame and made me feel meh.
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strangertheories · 10 months
Stancy in Season 5?
I hope not, but it's possible. I'll explain the proof for Stncy, the reasons why they'd write that, why Nancy would be best off with literally anyone else than Steve/single and then some hope for unrequited Stncy under the cut. Warning: I didn't mean for the post to be this long! I'll put a TL;DR at the end if you want the spark notes version.
S3 Steve's whole thing was about moving on from Nancy via developing feelings for Robin I said before S4 that I hoped they'd make Steve realise he gets all his validation from dating and have him realise that he doesn't need girls to like him to have worth. Think of Ken's arc in the Barbie movie minus creating the patriarchy and horses. And then S4 was...not that.
Regardless of my personal hopes, I have no idea why else they'd bring Stncy back up again considering they had the opportunity to have Steve find a new love interest or, god forbid, not date anyone because there's more to life than dating maybe! They're also repeatedly showing strain in Jancy's relationship, and there is the ticking time bomb of Jonathan's college not being Emerson (although it looks like Hawkins will be quarantined so I don't know if they'll even be at college).
The reasons why they could bring back Stncy would be either to reward Steve for not being an asshole by giving him Nancy or, and this is my theory, they're planning on killing Steve off so want to make his death sadder by making him love Nancy. Maybe he'll get a death bed confession from Nancy where she finally tells him that she loved him. I'm sorta thinking of Spike's death in Buffy for that (ifykyk). Alternatively, he could tell her that he loves her, dies, and then she can be all wistful at his funeral.
If Steve dies, then I think it would still work for Nancy to not end up loving him. His unrequited love could also be used to drive these emotions forwards in the same way and work with all the proof given...except the official script, in which it is said that Nancy's heart skips a beat after Steve does his whole six nugget spiel.
The reason why I'm so opposed to Stncy ending up together is because Steve is the polar opposite to Nancy. Steve wants a traditional suburban life with six children and road trips in an RV. Nancy's greatest fear is becoming a typical housewife; she wants a good career and to not end up stuck in her mother's position.
Not to mention, her dating Steve was at first a way of rebelling, but later became a trauma response in order to deal with her grief over losing Barb (see this post for context). Their response to Barb's death further highlights their incompatibility too: Steve was unwilling to help Nancy expose the truth, but Jonathan was. This doesn't make Steve a bad person, but shows that they have different goals in life and respond to things differently. Steve prefers staying safe, whereas Nancy is willing to take risks (sometimes to an extreme extent). Neither response is wrong, but it shows they cannot work together as a couple.
Nancy enjoying being told Steve's fantasy, the opposite of all her goals and dreams in life, and being happy? It is quite frankly, to quote Nancy, bullshit. It shows how surface level the Duffers see her as. They want this badass feminist cool girl with her guns but then are willing to sacrifice her whole character because they like how they redeemed the boy who slut shamed her in S1 and want to reward him for being a fan favourite. Maybe this is a reach, but it just feels kind of sexist how willing they'd be to throw away this female character's hopes and dreams for a guy she never loved and left 5 years ago. It's also bad for Steve which I explained a while ago in this post.
However, the incompatibility between their dreams gives me hope somewhat. Maybe the writers know this and are purposefully highlighting Stncy for Steve's death, not because Nancy will love him back but because he'll die knowing that he never won her over and that she always truly loved Jonathan and we'll get Jancy endgame. I'm more of a Ronance shipper, but I do not think that would ever happen and I think Jancy are cute too.
Or maybe they'll both end up single, with Nancy acknowledging that whilst she likes Steve and loves Jonathan, she has to move on and grow and live her life and with Steve realising that he needs to establish himself outside of dating and appreciate his friendships with Robin and Dustin instead.
TL;DR: the writers seem to be hinting at a Stncy return, either to reward Steve or to make his death sadder. Steve and Nancy are fundamentally incompatible and it would ruin Nancy's character if she gave up on her dreams for him. However, maybe this incompatibility is intentional and Stncy will remain one side or (hopefully) both Nancy and Steve are able to move on.
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raxistaicho · 2 years
Why the re-united Fodlan will likely NOT split back up anytime soon.
As I’ve mentioned before, Edelgard’s detractors really like convincing themselves that things will go right to hell shortly after Crimson Flower ends. Naturally, this is just a case of sour grapes at the devs treating Crimson Flower as no less valid than any other route (if anything the outlook is brighter) masquerading as a legitimate argument, but I’ll humor them because it’s been a really long time since I had a good idea for a Three Houses post.
A common feature of these arguments involves Edelgard actually being an incompetent ruler (Three Hopes pretty casually destroys this claim), or her successor being incompetent (ignoring that her method of succession has infinitely better methods to filter out poor successors compared to Azure Moon’s, “just hope Dimitri’s kid isn’t a shitbag, I guess,” approach).
There’s no indication that either is likely to happen, and in fact the backstory already has a precedent for southern Fodlan militarily subjugating the north and holding it for centuries. And that would be when Rhea and Willhelm rolled on up and brought proto-Faerghus into the Empire by killing King Nemesis. Why would Edelgard see less success? I mean, aside from the fact that her detractors want to believe she would, of course.
I suppose the argument would be, “obviously, Nemesis was a tyrant to the north and nobody wants him back, but Dimitri would have been real popular!” but that doesn’t exactly track with anything that would be called sensible. Now, I’m not trying to stan Nemesis here, I’m just saying there’s nothing to indicate he ruled the north poorly. “He’s a bandit, so obviously he couldn’t rule a kingdom!” doesn’t exactly track when kings in Fire Emblem are often made by being the biggest ass-kicker around.
According to the Fodlan Timeline, Nemesis ruled northern Fodlan for, at minimum, 130 years. You can’t hold that much land reign of terror style for that long a time. You just can’t. Uprisings will happen, and even if you’re super-powered enough to slaughter the peasants, you can’t just kill all your people or you have nobody to grow the food, and your soldiers (and your you) kinda need food.
Now, moving on to the most relevant point: Loog’s rebellion was only a success because of the Agarthans supplied him equipment and a strategist, and the Agarthans aren’t exactly going to be around in force anymore post-CF.
Additionally, the end of Fodlan’s focus upon Crests, Relics, and the Aristocracy, not to mention the slaying or conversion of so many Faerghan heirs, means that anti-Imperial elements wielding Relics will be all but out of play for generations to come, and men like Count Rowe’s predecessor won’t be able to unilaterally steal fortresses from the Empire without oversight.
So in summation, the Empire’s likely to remain united for many, many years to come after Crimson Flower. The set of circumstances allowing for Loog’s rebellion will likely never come again, and it remains in doubt whether similar ones could ever happen. And this is without even discussing the possibility that Edelgard and her successors provide the people no impetus to rebel against her at all. The notion they might come to prefer life under the Empire never seems to come up.
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muthaz-rapapa · 3 years
A Study of Yuna D. Kaito Analysis #2: Antidote for a Poisoned Heart
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One thing you absolutely need to understand about Clear Card is that past all the magical girl gimmicks, it is a much more advanced story than the original CCS was.
CC deals with very real, darker, mature and harder to swallow themes such as child abuse, depression (+ implied suicidal tendencies) and the struggles of mental recovery post-trauma which are all portrayed through its new characters, Akiho and especially Kaito.
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However, unlike Akiho who was able to nurture an inner strength to not let her pain and sorrow hinder her determination to live a better, happier life, Kaito has yet to even acknowledge the mountain of issues he still carries with him.
Because his emotional scars are still largely untreated and run deeper than Akiho’s, stemming as far back as when he was just a vulnerable child growing up in a community full of horrifyingly amoral magicians.
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Origin unknown and with no parents or family, Kaito was shown to have been kept at a distance by the people around him. After they discovered his potential for magic, it’s implied they feared him and likely saw him more as an abomination than a little boy.
It was probably here at this point, when his psyche had only just begun to develop, that he attached the thought of “I have no one, I am alone in this world” to his own existence.
That’s the first poison and it’s fucking depressing as hell because it is never okay for anyone, much less a child, to ever think there is no one they can rely on.
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Then not long after, the Association recruited Kaito. Not because they respected him or wished for him to stand among their ranks but because they wanted to use his formidable powers for their own benefit.
And it was quite easy for them to do so at the time. Because Kaito was still so very young and innocent, who could not yet discern right from wrong. Who didn’t even understand the meaning of the word “consent”.
The Association saw that he had no will or proper understanding of his own, that nobody cared to help him foster some self-preservation, and they took advantage of that. They roped a defenseless little kid, who couldn’t have known better when nobody taught him how, into their shady affairs in magic.
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Furthermore, even when Kaito was in the Association, nobody wanted to get close to him. They wanted to use his magic, yes, but at the same time, they were also afraid of how powerful he was.
Again, he was always kept at a distance. Only called upon to perform tasks the Association didn’t want to dirty their own hands with but otherwise, left to fend for himself.
It’s possible that the Association might have deliberately avoided him, too. Because as long as Kaito never gains further self-awareness and remains emotionally and mentally stunted, they can continue to manipulate him as they please without worry of him rebelling against them.
They wanted him to stay as their mindless tool.
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Kaito’s comment about the magicians preferring Akiho to lose her soul (thereby, making it easier for them to control her as the artifact) along with Eriol’s findings from his investigation into Kaito’s history more or less support this theory.
It was the Association who ordered Kaito to take up rewind magic, after all.
And rewind/time magic drains the lifeforce of its caster. This is the magic that those magicians were too cowardly to use so they made a mere child to perform in their place.
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There’s also the “battle records” (jpn version said “battle records”, eng version said “battle exploits”) Eriol mentioned in his special chapter with Kaho .
What could that possibly mean and why would someone take such great lengths to hide that information about Kaito from the public? Was it Kaito himself or his former employers that did so?
We’re still not sure as there hasn’t been any confirmation on this yet. But if there’s one thing we can be certain about, it’s that when he was still a member, Kaito had zero initiative to act on his own. So whatever deeds he did in the past, he did it at the behest of the Association, not because he wanted to. Kaito literally had no desire to do anything for himself. He only obeyed what others told him to do without truly understanding why.
Almost as if he were a child soldier.
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That’s how despicable the Association magicians are. They didn’t just collaborate with the Squids to experiment on, violate and turn Akiho into something non-human, an act that is considered very forbidden even by the standards of their society.
They also exploited Kaito’s utter lack of will and sought to make a convenience out of him. Until that resource exhausted itself (aka Kaito essentially expiring from abusing too much time magic) which would then prompt them to toss him aside.
And this can be backed up by the fact that when Kaito refused to return Akiho to their joint custody with the Squids, the Association immediately excommunicated him for disobeying their command.
They don’t need someone who can’t follow their orders, not even if that person is one of the strongest magicians in the world with the rank of “D”. They only want someone they can use which makes this...
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The second poison.
Under such circumstances, how exactly do you think a young Kaito would come to perceive people? Do you think he would readily trust them? Believe that they would approach him for anything but their own interests?
Kaito already displayed symptoms of depression (constant boredom, no motivation, feelings of emptiness, etc) and perhaps, most notably, anhedonia (the inability to feel pleasure as suggested by him previously not caring what food tasted like) at such an early age. And the time he spent in the Association not only prolonged them, it added even more to the damage of his mental state.
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Every single day was just him waiting on what the Association will tell him to do next.
Any new magic they needed him to perform, he learned in an instant. He didn’t have to try and master it so there was no sense of reward for him. Life was incredibly dull and tiring.
Yet Kaito still had no wish to do things for the sake of himself. Nothing stimulated him to want to be more than a pawn of the Association. Even when it came to food, he only ate out of necessity (to “keep the hunger pangs at bay”), not because he enjoyed it.
Everything was a hassle. But he also didn’t want to bother fighting it because what was the point of struggling?
“I don’t care. I have all this power but I don't have any reason to use it. If others want it, fine, let them. Everybody uses everyone around them anyway. Trust doesn’t exist. I am alone as I’ve always been.”
That’s the environment Kaito was raised in. That’s how fucked up his upbringing was, how his perception of the world has been shaped and warped under the influence of the Association. An organization that persisted these thoughts in a growing boy.
The world he knew never gave him reason to believe in it. As a result, when he finally came to the realization of just how dispensable he was, he doubted everyone. Even the ones closest to him.
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Including Momo, who for all her annoyance with him and his stubbornness, is clearly on his side, always shows concern for him and is greatly saddened by his disregard for his own life every time he chooses to rewind time.
Kaito can’t even trust his contractor and wasn’t the least surprised or angry over what Momo did when she threw Sakura into that simulation in chapter 51 to give our heroine a “hint” into his schemes. It was almost like...he expected Momo to betray him.
Which is truly so disheartening but it just goes to show the extent of how much that poison from his love-deprived past has affected his heart.
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However, this poison isn’t without an antidote and for Kaito, it came to him most prominently in the form of Akiho.
After meeting Akiho and living together with her and taking care of her for years, he changed.
What’s more, a lot of those changes were outcomes of choices he made of his own will as well.
Kaito constantly refers back to that moment he volunteered to accompany Akiho on her journey as “the first decision I ever made for myself”. On some level, he recognizes that as something very important because before Akiho, he always let others decide for him what to do.
But for the first time in his life, this was different. This time, he wants to be the one calling the shots. Not the Association, not other magicians. Him.
And though we’ve yet to find out what pushed him to say “I’ll go” that day, it’s heavily hinted that it has everything to do with Akiho.
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Because ever since Kaito made that comment about her being a “blank book”, it seems he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about her. Which is quite unusual for him because the Kaito of the past could not be bothered to take an interest in anything. Hell, at an Association meeting, he openly yawned and acted rudely before the upper ranked members. He couldn’t give a damn about whatever “crucial” matters they were discussing.
But Akiho was different. Or rather, she was similar to him in a lot of ways (no parents, ostracized and isolated, lonely childhoods) and he felt a connection to her because of that.
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When they formally met, he made a conscious effort to smile kindly and speak gently to Akiho. He didn’t wish to scare her, because she was already so terrified of people no thanks to the way her clan often treated her, and asked politely to talk with her.
He expressed curiosity in wanting to chat with her, to get to know her.
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Then the rest was history. As Momo stated, he changed his entire lifestyle to revolve around Akiho and her needs. He learned how to cook, brew tea, do domestic chores, all so Akiho could live comfortably.
He often engaged in conversations with her, learned about her preferences (what she likes and doesn’t like) and always, always, always offers her choices with a consistent emphasis on what she wants. Not her “family” or him but what Akiho wants.
The Squids never gave her any of that. They never cared about Akiho’s happiness or what she wished for. But Kaito did and most importantly, he wanted to.
Even though nothing in his job description as her caretaker specifically instructed him to do all these “troublesome” things like making her chara-bento or preparing snacks for her after school or comforting her when she struggled with her own insecurities. Even though his only duty was to “look after the book”, Kaito went above and beyond to earn Akiho’s trust and simply see her smile.
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Because those were the things he could not automatically summon with magic.
For once, Kaito had to put in actual effort at his “job” and every time he was able to make Akiho happy, he found more meaning and purpose than he ever did as the Association’s go-to errand boy.
What’s more, Akiho always appreciated everything Kaito did for her as well.
She always thanked him and wanted to express that by doing something for him in return, like making food for him (remember, food = love in CCS).
And Kaito was not only touched by the sentiment, he was thrilled to have received something from Akiho.
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Him! The boy whose previous diet was composed of calorie bars. The person who used to say “I couldn’t care what food tasted like” and just ate whatever was edible to not be bothered by hunger.
To go from that bland disposition to this sincere reaction (“It’s delicious!”) towards another person’s cooking is one of the biggest proof that Kaito has been irrevocably changed by Akiho’s presence in his life.
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Unlike the Association, Akiho didn’t view him as a frightening magician or a tool of convenience.
She saw and treated him like a human being, showed concern and kindness for him because he is a person.
She never demanded anything of him but instead, grew comfortable enough around him to share with him her thoughts and eventually offer him her help.
Because it’s so obvious that Kaito being by her side for all these years they’ve been traveling together has encouraged her to come out of her shell. That his companionship, ever present thoughtfulness and care for her had taught her not everyone in this world was cruel and allowed for her true self to blossom as it should have.
Akiho loves Kaito dearly and every action and words she shows towards him proves that.
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It is Akiho’s love and compassion that finally fill up the void in Kaito’s hollowed heart.
She brought light and joy to his barren, cold world, gave him warmth and comfort just by being in his company, taught him that even the simplest things such as eating good food and spending time together are worth enjoying.
He remembers every little detail of his time spent with her when he couldn’t have bothered to even listen to his superiors before.
She enabled him to feel, to care, for someone else when all he wanted to do before was not get involved with other people.
He learned to love Akiho deeply in return (even though he hasn’t realized it yet) and through that, he found something worth fighting for.
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Moreover, notice that Kaito could’ve gotten revenge on the Association and Squids for what they’ve done to Akiho (and himself) if he wanted to. He is a magician with the rank of “D”. Nobody can stand up to him. He could’ve gone back to Europe and easily slaughtered them all so that they never bothered Akiho again.
But he didn’t. Instead, he chose to stay by Akiho’s side to ensure her safety and ease of mind. He prioritized finding a way to remove the artifact planted within her over acting on his hatred for her (their) abusers. He’s so desperately determined to prevent the loss of her soul (as demonstrated above in his declaration against Momo’s comment about the progression of the “book”) and won’t stop at anything until that threat on Akiho’s life is completely gone.
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Because everything that’s good in his life were all given to him by Akiho.
She is everything that he has ever come to genuinely care for. She is his entire world.
The most important person in his life.
As such, he can never bring himself to stand by and let a fate others had imposed on her come true.
He can’t lose Akiho. If he does, then he loses his everything. He absolutely just can’t allow that to happen no matter what.
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But if solving this problem were that simple, then we wouldn’t need to go through 12(+) volumes of story. It’s not just the difficulty of removing the artifact from Akiho that we have to deal with. There’s also the complex mess that is Kaito as well.
Akiho as his “antidote” can only do so much. An antidote counteracts a poison...but it doesn’t heal the damage the poison has already wrecked on the person’s mind. The trauma and pain are still there.
True, Akiho brought peace to Kaito’s long troubled soul, making her the special exception in his eyes, but that’s not enough to change his bleak outlook on the world. He still believes he’s always going to be alone. He still can’t trust people and sees everyone as either an obstacle or an enemy to his goal of saving the one he loves most.
Adding onto that, the more light Akiho sheds on him, the more he becomes aware of his own inner darkness and weaknesses. Things that he doesn’t want Akiho to see and tries to keep secret from her (like the fact that he is a magician and also the one targeting Sakura for her cards).
This reveals to us the third poison: Kaito’s self-loathing.
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Every time Kaito mentions the happiness he wishes Akiho to have, he lists these things: a warm home, kind friends and family who care about you, precious memories, a future.
Nowhere in there did he ever include magic.
Because magic has only ever brought Akiho tears and sadness. Akiho doesn’t have powers and she was harshly criticized and shamed for it by her own kin.
Magic hurt Akiho.
And who has magic and lots of it?
He does. Yuna D. Kaito does.
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In other words, in the ideal world he wants to give to Akiho, he probably doesn’t see him fitting anywhere into that picture. He doesn’t believe he can be those things that he considers the “happiness” she deserves.
Because he’s just a caretaker. He’s just a magician who claims he doesn’t understand what love is and believes he’s destined to always be alone.
He’s not like Sakura and the kids from school who can provide Akiho that type of normalcy she needs.
And he’s envious of that. It shows in his expression in the above panel, how much he aches over how (in his head) he’s not necessary for Akiho to be happy.
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The only thing Kaito sees himself capable of doing is using his magic to bring about such a world.
And he gaslighted himself into thinking he’s fine with that. He’s fine with sacrificing his life to make that happen. He’s fine with being alone (dying alone).
For him, that’s the only worth in himself that he can offer Akiho. The only thing he can do for her.
Kaito, who loves Akiho more than anything else in this world and places Akiho above even his own existence, is content with wiping himself from her life, her memories, if that means she no longer has to cry anymore.
That’s the extent of how much Akiho means to him...and how low a value he places on himself.
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Someone who is driven by greed won’t act like this. They’d fear for their lives and think twice about activating some taboo that requires a price to realize their wish.
But Kaito never wanted magic. He was already powerful enough, what does he need more magic for?
Certainly not for himself. But to save Akiho? Yes.
If the payment for that is his own life, then it’s a small price he can spare.
“I’m always alone. Nobody would care. So it’s fine this way. It wouldn’t matter to anyone if I disappeared. (The sooner, the better)”
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This does not bode well for all the parties involved. Because the fewer reservations Kaito has on using time magic (essentially beating away at his own life) to reach the endgame he wants, the closer they all move towards a tragedy that cannot be undone (“you can no longer go back”).
His refusal to face his own feelings (that he loves someone and in truth, doesn’t want to leave her) and increasing avoidance of Akiho, who already noticed his deteriorating health, hurt their relationship.
Again, Akiho loves Kaito the most. So if he were to die, then all his efforts on bringing her happiness and her efforts of overcoming her insecurities will go down the drain. She’d be heartbroken forever, stricken with grief and guilt that he had to sacrifice himself for her sake.
For Akiho, everything she ever needed was given to her by Kaito. He is her greatest happiness. No magic spell or perfect life can ever replace him.
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As for Sakura (who, let’s face it, is protected by plot armor, nothing bad will happen to her), she won’t stand for such an ending either. How can she live with herself if Akiho, one of her best friends, was left to mourn her most important person for the rest of her life? She’d have to carry that regret with her always (and therefore, so will Syaoran and her allies), blaming herself for not being able to do anything because that’s just the type of person Sakura is.
She’s a person who cares for everyone.
Which is why when the time comes for her to learn the truth behind Kaito and Akiho’s situation, she’ll do everything within her power to stop him from going further down this self-destructive path.
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By that, we don’t mean beating him with brute force because Kaito faces attacks from the European magicians on a regular basis. He’s prepared to retaliate towards any offensive strike launched at him so those tactics won’t work.
No, it cannot be violence.
It has to be with compassion and understanding that will allow Sakura to get through to Kaito.
She has to convince him that she doesn’t want to see him as an enemy or a magician. She has to let him know she sees him as a person.
She has to make him believe her when she says “I know you’re hurting and I don’t want to fight you. I want to help you (save Akiho-chan).”
By acknowledging Kaito’s true heart (which he’s too afraid to do atm) and his humanity, it will be the first step to breaking down the walls he always has up around him.
And we’ve already seen this happen in other scenarios, too.
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There’s Akiho’s mother (presumably) who approached Kaito in an attempt to teach him about love. He says he still doesn’t understand what she meant but the fact that it left an impression on him, that this conversation stayed in his memories, proves he’s not a lost cause.
He does have the capacity to comprehend love because he didn’t wholly dismiss it after that encounter with her.
Akiho’s mother also foresaw the future too (all the way up to the alarming growth of Sakura’s powers) so she definitely knew what she was doing when she met Kaito that day. She was literally laying out the groundwork for him to fall back on.
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Then there’s Nadeshiko.
Unlike Syaoran and Touya who tried to intimidate Kaito with their threats and couldn’t, Nadeshiko’s interference was actually able to throw Kaito off his guard and get him talking about Akiho, the one he holds most dear.
Nadeshiko wasn’t even mad that he was up to no good. She was more worried that he could actually see her, a ghost, and implored him not to go any further with his magic because that would take him one step closer to death.
As such, she is currently the only person not on Kaito’s side who succeeded in breaking past his perfect composure (the smiling mask that is his defense).
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Lastly, there’s Momo.
Momo who’s been constantly telling Kaito to “look deep into his heart” and always asking him “why do you need to activate the magic (of the book I guard)?”. All her questions were met with stubborn no-answers, culminating into the one that finally pierced through his core and stunning him so badly that he was unable to retort back.
“Who are you doing this for?”
For whom is Kaito willing to risk so much, to actually put his life on the line?
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Momo knows very well who. Of course she does. She’s been with Kaito since the beginning of this journey. She’s the one whom he talks the most freely to, who knows the details of his plans, who knows the real Yuna D. Kaito.
But she needs Kaito to be the one to say it. To admit that he has changed from the person he once used to be and that everything he does now, it’s for the sake of protecting Akiho.
It’s only when he realizes this himself that he can begin to put a halt to the craziness of his actions. Because properly facing his feelings would help him discover what he truly wants: to stay by Akiho’s side always (and effectively, not go through with ending his own life).
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So for all the times they butt heads on the matter, it’s so clear that Momo is Kaito’s ally through and through and that she’s also fighting for a way to keep him alive.
If she didn’t want that, she wouldn’t have protested him using time magic. She wouldn’t have pushed for Akiho to take him out to enjoy a day together, to let them grow closer together. She would’ve just let him abuse the rewind over and over until there’s nothing left of him.
She argues with him because she cares about him.
Akiho isn’t Momo’s only charge. Kaito is, too. And Momo’s had it with the tragedies. She doesn’t want to see another one after witnessing the disasters her former contractors faced, especially when she’s known Akiho and Kaito since they were practically babies. They are both precious to her.
Which is why she’s banking it on Sakura to come out the victor of this “game”. For Kaito’s plan to fail so that he can live.
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That said, we now know there are at least five people who are or will be against Kaito’s inclination towards death. Because they all understand that nothing good can come out of it.
It will only hurt everybody and create pain that they can never recover from. There’s no going back once you’re gone from the living world. The laws of CLAMP’s universe even dictates it is not possible to bring someone back from the dead.
But if you’re alive, you still have the chance to heal. You can still find happiness, find peace and have a future. There’s still hope as long as you want it enough and aren’t afraid to chase it.
And that’s what Clear Card is really about.
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Because you know, stopping Kaito is only the tip of the iceberg. As said above, an antidote only neutralizes the poison to stop it from progressing any further. It doesn’t cure a person of the suffering they experienced. That trauma is always going to be there and whether the healing process succeeds or not depends on how much the victim wants to get better.
For Kaito, that will be incredibly difficult.
(and the following is based on my own experience with depression and what I’ve confirmed with my therapist multiple times)
All the pain from his childhood-adolescent years that he stuffed away under the rug, the feelings he didn’t have the capacity to comprehend when he was younger...they’re starting to resurface almost simultaneously and at full force because he’s on the verge of understanding himself a little better now.
Because he can feel more now than he did when he was just a little boy.
And that’s a very scary thing. Especially when it comes at the moment in the story where Kaito has been driven to a corner. Not just by Sakura’s group but also Squids and the Association...and the stress and pressure of saving Akiho before his “time runs out”.
There are too many overwhelming emotions (+ the risk of magic going berserk) for one person to be able to handle on their own.
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But nobody said he had to face them on his own. He has Akiho and Momo on his side to ground him. And pretty soon, Sakura will be too.
Dying isn’t hard. Living is.
Kaito is terrified to live because up till now, all he’s ever known was excruciating solitude and struggling through it alone. Deep down, he’s still the same vulnerable little kid that showed up out of the blue one day. Lost and unsure of what to do with himself.
But unlike the past, he has people willing to guide him and protect him now. To stand by him when he’s confronting his inner demons as many times as he needs (because depression doesn’t only just strike once). To help him own up to his mistakes and teach him the correct way to do things in order to bring him back onto the right path.
He has always been a poor soul who needed help and though that came to him later than it should have, it still came and should not be wasted. He should not be denied this opportunity to heal.
If Sakura can have a full support system to help her come to terms with her powers, then Kaito deserves to have people who understand him and aid him in moving on from the nightmare that was his past.
Regardless of what backgrounds they come from, help should be given to those who need it.
Don’t discriminate when it comes to treating mental illness.
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This is why I’m positive Kaito will survive this ordeal and most importantly, stay with Akiho in the end. Without losing what’s important (i.e. his love and his memories). Because he needs to for this story to conclude well.
Because Ohkawa is an amazing writer with deep insight and knows what she’s doing and what message she wants to tell through Clear Card.
She’s not going to undermine that message by employing the death of a character, much less on a character who has a severe mental disorder. That would be a major insult to all those who struggled and are still struggling with their own ailments, essentially telling them “you can rid yourself of all your hardships and pain by dying.”
Also, this is not TRC or something that is drastically far removed from reality. CCS is much more relatable than those high fantasy settings (at least through metaphor and a few select case scenarios) and its author is well aware of the portion of young readers it has in its following. To show them a tragic ending in what’s supposed to be a story stressing the importance of love would be extremely irresponsible. As a good author and as a sensible adult, Ohkawa would never do that.
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Cardcaptor Sakura is about love.
And Clear Card is about hope.
Hope to be stronger than your past, hope to achieve true freedom from your oppressors and hope for a brighter future.
Don’t ever let anyone else tell you it’s not.
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belfrygargoyles · 3 years
*whispers* I would like to hear what you have to say on reader inserts in the SW fandom because I too have a problem with them and I feel like not enough people are calling it out 👉👈
I’ve made a few posts about it in the past but I think it’s high time I actually Do This and really get into it.
Before I start: 1) This will be in specific reference to fanfiction written for the Star Wars fandom, particularly tcw and the mandalorian eras, 2) A lot of the issues come down to racist fetishization of men of color by white women; I am white, so there is much that is simply not my place to make statements on. What I can speak most on is my take from the gender side of things.
I’d honestly recommend reading this post by @nibeul with addition by @clonehub first, as they discuss the core issue with reader inserts in the Star Wars fandom.
And 3) some of this will involve discussion of sexual acts (as they relate to fanfiction) and sexual fantasies. These discussions will be non-explicit, and no pornographic text or content will be displayed.
Also. I’m GNC and nonbinary. I’m also a very feminine looking person that falls under the generalization of “small and petite.” I don’t have dysphoria, I like my body and the traits I have, and treating them like inherently female sends me into a blind fury. This is, unfortunately, important.
For the sake of making sure I come across as clearly as possible, I will be writing as though the reader of this post has never read or is broadly unfamiliar with reader-insert fanfiction.
Without further ado.
Hey, Star Wars reader insert fic writers? Please get your shit together.
I’ve been reading reader-insert fanfiction since I was a grade schooler waking up early to check Quizilla. I love it! It got me into fandom, kept me engaged, helped me make and develop some of my oldest OCs, and it’s just fun to read and write- it’s like a self-indulgent little gift you can give to a bunch of people all at once. Because who doesn’t like the idea of starring in their own little adventure, usually alongside some of their favorite characters? It can be fun, immersive, get you attached in ways other ways of fandom interaction may not, make you feel just a little bit special, or be a way to express some feelings you might have about canon and the way the story went.
Like any form of fiction, it ends up saying more about the author’s feelings than anything else, whether the author realizes it or not. For many, many authors of reader-insert fanfiction, the primary enjoyment comes from writing “themselves” into the story- before the readers, the author most often makes the “reader character” someone they, themselves, can relate to and substitute for themselves. They write to live out a self-indulgent fantasy they have, and their readers can come along for the ride.
Some writers do actually try to write as diverse or as vague of a reader character as possible- as few details about the body, identity, etc. as possible so anyone could superimpose their image without the narrative directly contradicting it. This is not the kind of reader insert author I will be discussing.
The kind of author I will be discussing is the one most common in the Star Wars tag on Ao3: White, AFAB, cisgender, gender-conforming, able-bodied women who assume all of their readers are also White, AFAB, cisgender, gender-conforming, able-bodied women. Yes, you can tell.
ISSUE: fetishization of men of color
Again, this post puts it in the best words, but there is a rampant problem with Star Wars reader-inserts, particularly those involving the clones, Boba Fett, and Din Djarin, fetishizing characters played by men of color as either “physically aggressive and threatening, hypersexual and dominant, big strong men who are scary because they do violence and fuck constantly when they’re not” or “completely inexperienced baby who doesn’t know anything about things and needs a gentle nurturing guiding touch to introduce him to the mere idea of a vagina.” The former is common across all of them, the latter most common among clone trooper fics or Din/Reader.
I went into the Boba Fett/Reader tag on Ao3, because I like him and hoped to find something alright. Here are some stats I tallied up (give or take some) based solely on tags, summaries, and warnings:
There are 284 works in the Boba Fett/Reader category as of the time of this post.
198/284 are rated E for explicit sexual content. 69.7% of all Boba Fett/Reader works are sexually explicit.
259/284 are in the F/M category. 91.2% of all Boba Fett/Reader works involve an explicitly female or AFAB reader.
24/284 are tagged with or mention “Age difference,” “Older man/Younger woman,” “Innocence kink” or “Virginity kink.” 8.4% of all Boba Fett/Reader works are written explicitly with an age gap, with Boba Fett as the older party
26/198 E rated fics are tagged with or make reference to “Daddy kink” or involve the reader being called some variation of “little girl” by Boba. 13% of all E-rated works under Boba Fett/Reader are daddy kink fics, or allude to Boba Fett being a daddy dom/sugar daddy.
102/198 E rated fics are tagged as, make reference to, or suggest in the summary that Boba Fett takes a dominant sexual role with a submissive reader involving rough or painful play, or make reference to Boba Fett being frightening, physically intimidating, having a power dynamic over the reader, or being possessive or violent. 51.51% of all E-rated works under Boba Fett/Reader portray Boba Fett as sexually dominant and/or enacting use of physical force or pain play.
Just using this as an example, because it’s the easiest stats I can gather and also what made me realize there was a pattern.
The problem isn’t even necessarily that people write explicit fic about Boba- it’s that 1) over half of all fics in the category are explicitly pornographic, and 2) the way those pornographic fics are written. The two things compound on each other. They’re dominance fantasies projected onto a character of color in which he becomes extremely sexual, physically rough with the reader, possessive, and demeaning towards a reader character who is always written as White, AFAB, and petite.
This brings me to the next issue.
ISSUE: The way sexual relationships are portrayed.
Let me clarify so there is no chance of me being misunderstood: sex is good. Liking and wanting and enjoying sex isn’t bad. It is not bad if you are AFAB and have submissive fantasies. It is not bad to be sexually attracted to a man of color. You can write about sex even if you haven’t had it. Writing about sex can be a good way to express some more complicated feelings you could have about certain things. It doesn’t even have to be realistic. It has its time and it has its place.
This being said.
Sexual relationships as they are portrayed in the vast majority of E-rated Star Wars reader inserts are… not great.
The reader is always AFAB. I can think of maybe one fic off the top of my head where an AFAB reader was written with they/them pronouns and not just she/her.
The reader is almost always submissive, the dominant character is almost always portrayed as cis male. Even when the characters are supposed to just be having spontaneous casual sex, D/S or BDSM aspects will be introduced with no prior discussion or talks about it afterwards. Sometimes characters will start using dirty talk and it just does not fit at all, but it’s what the author thought was hot.
Sometimes, it just reads like a quick smutty oneshot. More often than that, it reads like the author doesn’t realize that sex… isn’t always a dom/sub thing. Or that someone can take the lead in sex and that doesn’t automatically make them a dom.
It’s not bad to be inexperienced. It’s not bad to have preferences or kinks or specific turn-ons.
But it gets… tiring to read, over and over and over and over, because that’s all there is.
That and… I dunno, it just has me a little worried? It doesn’t make me feel good knowing so many people can only portray a sexual relationship if it’s dom/sub. I don’t know why it makes me so uneasy.
Vanilla sex isn’t a bad thing I promise. It's this feeling of insistence that something "spicy" absolutely has to happen for it to be worth writing that gives... some weird vibes.
I’m going to move on to the next Big-
ISSUE: Every “reader” character is exactly the same
By which I mean the following:
Always cis AFAB female
If a character is written with gender neutral pronouns they will always be AFAB and written like Girl Lite
I have never seen an explicitly stated nonbinary/gnc reader character unless it was a request specifically for a nonbinary reader
I have never seen a gender neutral reader insert fic where the reader was AMAB
I have seen a grand total of 1 cis male reader fic and 1 trans male reader fic. The trans male reader fic was about dysphoria.
The reader is allowed to have one of the following backstories: slave/runaway, mechanic, medic, ex-Rebel, secret Jedi, bounty hunter.
The reader is allowed to have one of the following personality traits: throws knives, babysitter, completely civilian, WOMAN, says curse words.
The reader is never written with any narrative agency- things only ever happen to the reader character or around the reader character, they are never written to take charge and actually affect things on their own. Essentially the sexy lamp trope.
Remember when I said the majority of people writing Star Wars reader-insert fanfic on Ao3 were White, cisgender AFAB women who are gender-conforming and able-bodied? This is how you can tell.
It’s at this point where you can tell they’re really not meant to be reader-inserts, but author-inserts with the names removed- they were only meant for a very narrow selection of readers.
I’m nonbinary, I’m gnc, and I’m a very feminine looking person, generally speaking. I’m used to people looking at me and assuming oh, girl. I’m at peace with that.
I can barely stand reading some of these fics just because of how much the author emphasizes that the reader is FEMALE shes a WOMAN with BOOBS and a VAGINA and FEMININE WILES. There’s barely ever even a chance to give myself room to mentally vault over all the “she”s and “her”s because then I’m getting hit with Din or someone calling the reader “girl” or “the woman.” It’s unbearable, and I even fall into the general description every fucking fic author uses for their generic protagonist!
Even with the “gender-neutral reader” fics, it is just. Painfully clear that they just wrote a female character and changed the pronouns- no, there is no such thing as “male behavior” or “female behavior,” and I quite heartily rebel against the concept of gender essentialism. And honestly, I can barely even begin piecing together how I know it and what it feels like, because it’s just one of those vague conglomerates of cues and writing patterns I can’t consciously pick up on but I know it’s there- it’s frustrating, it’s demeaning, and it feels like you’d have to threaten these authors at gunpoint to get them to write a reader character who was any major deviation from the same three cutouts they use every time.
It seems like they can’t possibly force themselves to write a reader character who isn’t meek and submissive or has the sole personality traits of “mean and can hit things”- you can actually strike a balance between “absolutely no personality” and “fleshed out oc” you know? And you don’t actually have to tell the reader what their hair looks like or how full their figure is
It’s like 2:20 AM and I started this at like 8something PM but.
I’m someone who loves reader-inserts. I enjoy them. I still check for new ones regularly. I’ve been reading them for well over half my life now.
So many of these authors are just locked in on exactly one way to write things and it fucking shows. It’s like a self-feeding loop, they just keep writing the same things and the same dynamics because they see each other doing it and they never think about taking a step back.
It’s… exhausting. I’m exhausted. If you’re a reader-insert fic writer and you want to improve your reader character inclusivity and have also read this far, you can DM me or shoot me an ask.
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kcatta-wodahs · 3 years
Making Lore Out of the Angel Event
Im the definition of 'its not that deep but I'm going to dig a hole to make it that deep'
In this case its me making it that deep because otherwise this event is upsetting so I'm making some dark lore theories to make it make sense to me.
I'll have a lot of spoilers below. For the event and everything I know, which is up to like lesson 32 I think.
Basically, TLDR; this was an attack by Michael/their Father on Devildom. Simeon and Diavolo have successfully negated the threat by turning it into a game.
TLDR Thesis; The Celestial Realm is governed through careful mind control. The Demon Bros are not "avatars" because of being demons- they have been cursed by their Father to suffer as no other demon nor angel has to.
First we hear direct from Michael, and he's giving these bangles that appear to brainwash the main cast.
This was an attempt by their Father to bring them back under his control. By control, I mean this literally.
I've felt for a long time that the way the Celestial Realm seems to be run is... shady. It's a utopia to outside appearances only, and those who have been most deeply embroiled in the Great Celestial War know this.
The Great Celestial War was over free will, rather than the specifics of Lilith's situation. She was the catalyst for a long-time-coming revolt against the rulers of the Celestial Realm.
My logic for this:
The reason for Lilith's expulsion goes against the current action plan of the Celestial Realm. Peace between the realms? Sure, but their Father is bound to realize that you put angels, humans, and demons together you're going to end up with more angels like Lilith, who fall for other races. Why would he accept this truce if he lost his favored children over an issue that is very similar? Did he have a change of heart? Heavens no.
Luke's behaviour towards the demon's seems case-and-point. Luke is not the strange one out of the angelic transfer students- Simeon is. Not only that, Simeon is chosen not in an attempt to promote peace, but to protect Luke from being influenced. (Which is, again, the whole point\of the exchange program.)
That time we went to the Celestial Realm for real - Lucifer was worried. Scared, even. This can be explained by, you know, the War and Lilith.. but I wonder if it may be more sinister. Like perhaps being brainwashed.
Diavolo and Barbatos weren’t required to wear bangles to become less “demon-like” for the “party”. This is because the bangles were a ploy to get the brothers back.
My theory is that when an angel begins to show signs of rebellion or questioning the divine order, they are forcibly stopped. Michael is that enforcer, and these 'gifts' are a method of stopping them.
The bangles cause a person to act *perfectly angelic* against their free will. The people affected become all smiles and sunshine, so clearly nothing could be wrong with it, right? They’re happy, right?
No. Very not right, and we can see that through Satan.
Poor Satan is always the exception to the rule of the Brothers, as his circumstances are different from everyone else's.
In this case though, he's the one who provides insight on this mind control. 
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Let me remind you of the quotes Satan gives us during this time:
“I feel worked up.” “I don’t feel like myself at all.”
“It feels like something foreign is forcing my heart to be calm.” “Like my heart... becoming tranquil.”
Satan has never been an angel. He has never experienced this before. He has something the other brothers don’t: self-reflection. Satan can tell the difference between his feelings and feelings that are being imposed upon him. He tells you what he feels - “worked up” and “not like himself” and he is not smiling during this. He’s clearly unhappy, even though an angel might say he should feel unburdened by losing his anger.
He even mentions this.
“Normally, that wouldn’t seem like something bad, right?” “Something isn’t right.” “Maybe you shouldn’t come near me when I’m in this state.”
Satan is under the effects of the bangle, being forced to act angelic, but he can tell something “isn’t right.” He clearly shows that he thinks this is a “bad” thing, not because being calm is bad, but because it’s not “normal”. And can I remind you that he’s the Avatar of Wrath? The Sin that is most likely to be dangerous to be around - and yet it’s only when his anger is forcibly quelled that he thinks you should stay away from him. He knows that this is not something to desire. He knows that it is not happiness.
“I can’t concentrate on reading today.”
I mean, he’s obviously going through a lot, so that’s fair. But I have the theory that if he were to try and research this condition he wouldn’t be able to either. I have a theory about the Garden of Eden. My theory is about Paradise.
Remember when Eve ate the fruit? Do you know what that fruit was? Sin?
No. That fruit was knowledge.
Specifically, knowledge of good and evil. Now, why would this knowledge be something to keep from those under the control of the Celestial Realm? It sounds rather like they might be able to then make their own decisions of what is right and wrong.
Satan has known this from the beginning. Knowledge is power. The Ruler of the Celestial Realm, the other demons’ Father, knows this, too.
Why are there no other Avatars?
Sin was not something inherent to Devildom. Sin is a judgement sent from the Celestial Realm. There are no other Avatars because they are a wholly angelic creation. There are other posts that have examined the Sins as outlets, and how each of the brothers are attempting to find ways to allow themselves to express their sin so it does not overtake them.
From the get-go, we are shown that these Sins are a defining point for the brothers, but we’re also shown that they cause more trouble than anything else. Again, part-and-parcel of being a demon, right?
So why aren’t other demons like this?
Look at Diavolo and Barbatos, or even just the background demons who work across Devildom. Look at No. 2. They are all far more complex, and could even be considered normal. No. 2 is specifically meant to be based off of Mammon and his greed, but is much more rounded when we interact with it.
If Diavolo is meant to be the ruler of demonkind -- the paragon of what a demon should be -- then why would he not be the epitome of all of these Sins in one? What is Diavolo, instead?
Diavolo is accepting.
Hold up a moment here. What? Sorry y’all but it sounds to me like Mr. Demon Daddy King trusts his son enough to pass the kingdom on to him... so that must mean that Diavolo is behaving as a demon should.
Barbatos doesn’t question Diavolo’s choices. Nobody does. He’s an all around popular ruler. Devildom seems to be quite.. the opposite of what we’ve been trained to expect, huh? Trained by who exactly?
What are the Demon Brothers?
Cursed. They don’t act like other demons because they’re not like other demons. When they rebelled against their Father, they were punished for this act, but I posit that the punishment and the exile were two different acts. Their Father knew that leaving the Celestial Realm was not punishment to those who desired free will. So instead, he gave them Sin. Something that Demons are not normally bound to.
But how would the brothers know this? They only know what they’ve been taught by angels about demons. Surely these new, pressing desires come from turning into demons..? 
So, why was this not taken seriously?
Short answer: it was. But in the way that aligns with Diavolo’s ultimate goals.
Diavolo wants peace. 
Let’s Talk About Simeon
Simeon is an enigma and a half isn’t he?
Simeon is close with Michael, closer than Luke in any case. Now, I’ll be honest, I can’t remember if it was a fanfiction I read that said this or if it was canon so uh - forgive me. But Simeon was chosen to accompany Luke as an exchange student so that Luke would get some education. Simeon says this is to help relations, as Diavolo wants, but of course that’s what you would say as a sleeper agent?
Now, don’t get sad. Because we love Simeon here and we support him.
Simeon is wise and neutral. He seems to support the brothers, and even still wishes to foster a relationship with them. This could be seen as an attempt to bring them back, or some such, but I like to think that Simeon knows what’s wrong with the Celestial Realm.
Simeon, however, doesn’t think that a revolt can solve it. Simeon is working with Diavolo to create a form of peace - and has been transparent about the fact that Michael chose him to prevent Luke from being corrupted. I like to think he’s also been transparent with Diavolo about Michael’s actual goal. 
Simeon believes that the races should co-exist and love freely. How could love be evil, after all? Whether or not this is a new concept to him (because of his falling for you) or if this is just who he is, I’ll leave up to you and your preferences, but since he is now no longer undateable, it is established that he does not believe love between angels and humans to be bad - as his Father did with Lilith.
What happened, then?
My theory is that Simeon told Diavolo that Michael had given him a task - to give these bangles to the brothers to remind them of the joy they were missing by disobeying the Divine Order. Either that, or to brainwash them into coming back home. 
Simeon’s position would be revealed to Michael if he didn’t give the brothers the bangles, but he does not want to instigate another war either. So he told Diavolo Michael’s plan. 
Diavolo wants peace, and he knows that with time, the brothers can overcome this mind control as they had in the past - especially with his help. 
So thus comes the “party”. 
An excuse to make the bangles seem like a “harmless” gift, that had only gone wrong because of strange magical interference, when really they had done exactly what they were supposed to.
And a wonderful way to maintain peace while leaving the Celestial Realm to stew in their own pots. 
Simeon gets to maintain his facade for everyone - and put on a show for Michael as being loyal. He also gets to show Luke that perhaps being wholly angelic isn’t the way for some people, letting him learn a little more about peaceful coexistence. Nothing happens to ruin Diavolo’s grand plan for peace, and he gets to learn more about the curse that is set upon his friends - One that he hopes to be able to break someday, so they can live their lives unfettered by their Father.
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aegor-bamfsteel · 2 years
Hi there! First of all, I loved your nickname and blog description! Very creative! I just stumbled across a very nice post about Bloodraven and I would like to ask: What do you belive it's Bloodraven's agenda? We know he's not a good person and he has no good intentions with Bran. Do you also belive Bran will end up killing him somehow? I fear Bloodraven will try to harm Bran.
Hi there! Thank you for the compliments about my blog handle and description. It’s always good to know when people appreciate my silly sense of humor :)
(Post being referenced is here.)
I took a long time in answering this because not only am I not great at creating my own theories, I���m not exactly familiar with all of the theories regarding Bl00draven and where he’s going (although thanks to this ask, I did have the dubious honor of watching Alt+ShiftX’s videos and this video by InsideGeek). From what I can tell from my cursory research, the prevailing view of BR is an “antihero” who manipulates events from behind the scene for what he believes is “the greater good” for the realm; this of course is completely opposite my own view of him an immoral character (we’ve seen what kind of characters murder children, murder surrendering hostages, burn down 1/4 of their city in a humanitarian crisis, neglect vassals in need, deny safe passage and guest right, who kinslay.…for what they believe is right or even just revenge. They are not heroes. They are villains whose plans inevitably fail) who isn’t nearly as intelligent or above emotional manipulation as thought, and prefers to rule visibly than behind the scenes. Some of the theorists have to misinterpret the details to depict him as a hero (attributing Aegor’s encouragement to rebel as rejection by Shiera, not even mentioning Aemon/Naerys, or that Daemon’s sons were children, squishing all the rebellions together to argue killing Aenys was justified…I fast forwarded through most of the rest of the BR biography). From a fan perspective, I can understand—with several GFM considering him a hero or at least a necessary mentor for Bran and Jon—your frustration; that thematic or character parallels seem to get thrown out the window when people discuss BR. I don’t think BR is working to protect the realm considering a deep connection with said realm (although Varys’ connection with the realm is obviously shallow) has never been established (in fact his actions have hurt the realm) nor with its rulers. There’s also GRRM showing that the Blackfyres are not bad people and are even capable of good; for people to claim that BR “protected the realm from the Blackfyre rebels” (thanks AltShift 🙄), it has to be established that the Blackfyre rule would be demonstrably worse than BR’s regime, which was so terrible it turned previous Red supporters (ex: Lord Smallwood) against him. As it is, it’s portrayed as two rival factions of a civil war, like Stannis vs the Lannisters at Blackwater, or Robb Stark vs the Lannisters; Blackfyres are hardly an inhuman omnicidal threat like the Others.
All right, I’ve ranted long enough about what I don’t think BR’s plan is (to train the next greenseer to save the world from the Others). Once again, I’m not the best at speculating, so apologies if this is hard to follow: The immediate goal seems to be to get Bran to lose his connection with his human body/humanity primarily by teaching him how to warg birds. “The strongest trees are rooted in the dark places of the earth. Darkness will be your cloak, your shield, your mother's milk. Darkness will make you strong.” essentially to replace the ghosts of his family with the “darkness” of the weirwood roots (which, as I’ve explained in another meta, are where the blood from human sacrifice enters the tree and allows greenseers to see through them.) This is a good parallel to Arya training to lose her identity and become “No One” as a Faceless Assassin, or even Sansa having to become Alayne Stone for Petyr Baelish.
Even more speculation under the cut.
We know that despite his short time in the cave, Bran is losing track of time and what is reality:
You have to wake, he would tell himself, you have to wake right now, or you'll go dreaming into death. Once or twice he pinched his arm with his fingers, really hard, but the only thing that did was make his arm hurt. In the beginning he had tried to count the days by making note of when he woke and slept, but down here sleeping and waking had a way of melting into one another. Dreams became lessons, lessons became dreams, things happened all at once or not at all. Had he done that or only dreamed it? —Bran III, ADWD
Dreaming into death through too much warging? Sounds a little like Bran is living Haggon’s warning to Varamyr:
Men were not meant to leave the earth. Spend too much time in the clouds and you never want to come back down again. I know skinchangers who've tried hawks, owls, ravens. Even in their own skins, they sit moony, staring up at the bloody blue. —ADWD Prologue
Alright, so warging into birds isn’t safe. Unlike Varamyr’s shadowcat and snow bear, who went insane when Varamyr bent them to his will, birds will turn the warging against the skinchanger and make them insane, wanting to leave their human flesh behind. And what does BR promise Bran? To teach him to fly. The first thing Bran wargs in that cave? A raven.
Then there’s this promise about how powerful Bran will get:
Nor will your sight be limited to your godswood. The singers carved eyes into their heart trees to awaken them, and those are the first eyes a new greenseer learns to use … but in time you will see well beyond the trees themselves."
"When?" Bran wanted to know.
"In a year, or three, or ten. That I have not glimpsed. It will come in time, I promise you. But I am tired now, and the trees are calling me...."
Hardly sounds like time is of the essence for Bran to learn this, if BR is allegedly so concerned about an imminent war with the Others. It also sounds like seeing beyond the trees isn’t something BR can do, since he’s still connected to them. And then he immediately changes the subject and stops teaching, claiming he’s tired (a dude who doesn’t seem to eat or sleep). That’s so suspicious it‘s practically a cliche, especially compared with Moqorro to Victarion “I have seen the glory that awaits you” in the same book.
Then there’s this wholesome decor:
"Bones," said Bran. "It's bones." The floor of the passage was littered with the bones of birds and beasts. But there were other bones as well, big ones that must have come from giants and small ones that could have been from children. On either side of them, in niches carved from the stone, skulls looked down on them. Bran saw a bear skull and a wolf skull, half a dozen human skulls and near as many giants. All the rest were small, queerly formed. Children of the forest. The roots had grown in and around and through them, every one. A few had ravens perched atop them, watching them pass with bright black eyes. —Bran II, ADWD
A passage lined with human bones? Just a misunderstood hero
There’s a ward on the cave to prevent dead things from coming in, so everyone was alive when they entered. It seems that at least some of those skulls belonged to greenseers whose flesh has been fully eaten by the weirwood. You’d think that their consciousness would have gone into the trees. But then there’s the ravens atop them, ravens with wargs inside them:
"Someone else was in the raven," he told Lord Brynden, once he had returned to his own skin. "Some girl. I felt her."
"A woman, of those who sing the song of earth," his teacher said. "Long dead, yet a part of her remains, just as a part of you would remain in Summer if your boy's flesh were to die upon the morrow. A shadow on the soul. She will not harm you."
"Do all the birds have singers in them?"
"All," Lord Brynden said. "It was the singers who taught the First Men to send messages by raven … but in those days, the birds would speak the words...”
I don’t have to tell you that any normal raven that a “long dead” child of the forest warged into probably would’ve also been dead, but she’s still there. So congratulations, there’s another form of quasi-immortality at a price that doesn’t involve the trees. If I had to guess, that’s probably what BR meant by seeing beyond the trees: Being trapped in a raven’s body forever after your human body has rotted away (because you got so addicted to warging you neglected your human life). Okay, so BR wants Bran to lose his connection to humanity. What does he gain out of this?
Well, he gets…Bran’s body to warg into. All of the benefits of warging a human (aside from not being able to walk, although the greenseeing and skinchanging is still there), he can leave the cave and influence events in a second life as Bran Stark, and Bran won’t even put up a fight like Thistle did Varamyr because he’s too occupied as a bird. BR actually seldom manipulated events behind the scenes when he was in power; he made sure that he was at the top of Weeping Ridge, raining down arrows on Daemon Blackfyre and his 12 year old sons; he was Aerys’ Hand of the King and essentially ruled the realm with an authoritarian police state while Aerys was preoccupied by dragon prophecy (seems like this could be a metaphor for BR taking King Bran’s skin and exerting power through him); he improbably survived Maekar’s reign as Hand as well. He purposely created an air of fear and mystery around him to keep his subjects in line, making gory displays out of those who spoke against him. The one time it‘s implied he worked behind the scenes was at Whitewalls, where he glamored himself to look like the ordinary hedge knight Maynard Plumm. So exercising lots of brutal power over the realm, even if he has to wear someone else’s skin, isn’t exactly out of character.
Then there’s Bran warging Hodor, who he promises he won’t hurt but he just wants to be strong for awhile…imagine if the tables were turned somehow and he was the one warged (We’ve never seen what it feels like from that side). And he’d be losing his connection to Summer as well, since Varamyr tears Haggon’s second life from him, and later Summer forces Varamyr as One Eye to make his pack submit; once you submit the warg to your will, you get his animals too. This could be why Ghost as Jon can no longer sense one of the direwolves (“Four remained…and one the white wolf could no longer sense” when there are two dead siblings he knows of, and he knows Nymeria is OK. Something happened to Rickon or Bran’s warg connection that made Ghost no longer recognize the wolf as his sibling).
To summarize this speculation: BR wants to warg into Bran’s body to get back into power, and is using teaching him to warg the ravens and greensee to make him lose his connection to his humanity in order to make this easier. Obviously this is already taking a mental toll on Bran. Now for your other question:
Do you believe Bran will end up killing him somehow? Definitely. I’m not sure of the details (then again, I’m not sure of anything, even what I just wrote) but thematically it makes sense. Sansa will end up killing Petyr Baelish—probably after a trial where his crimes are publicly known—the “evil mentor” who sought to groom her to take power for himself. Arya is definitely going back to Westeros, reclaiming her identity, and it’s possible she destroys the House of Black and White (she already disagrees with their warped sense of “justice”). Bran also has an “evil mentor” who wants to use him for potentially selfish reasons, so it follows that Bran turns the tables on BR (even if indirectly), resulting in his death (the punishment for deserting the Night’s Watch, as meted out by Ned, Arya, and Jon) or even a fate worse than death (living as a “shadow on the soul” of a raven subordinate to Bran?)
“He died weeping and alone when I ripped his second life from him. Varamyr had devoured his heart himself. He taught me much and more, and the last thing I learned from him was the taste of human flesh.” A grisly end for a mentor who taught him to warg. I don’t think Bran would be that vicious as to order Summer to eat him (although Summer has already eaten dead men), but BR reduced to flesh, alone without his powers, no second life waiting for him would be a karmic ending to someone who wanted to grasp far reaching power founded on blood and dehumanization. It’s even a parallel to how BR’s hated half-brother Aegor Rivers died, “defeated and alone, a broken man in an alien land” (The Lost Lord, ADWD).
But again, these are all just guesses about what could happen.
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Feel free to keep asking. You’ve been warned about my slow response rate, though!
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Hi hi! i think you said asks were open in your newest post? If not feel free to ignore this lol
I would love to see headcannons of an MC who, though acting brave, gets very scared of the brothers
example after lucifer and the grimoire and such? like MC slowly becomes MORE scared of them, and tries to hide it, but it's getting obvious that theyre scared if that makes sense lol 💖
Ahhhhh, sorry this took longer than it necessarily should have! I feel like I was much closer to what you wanted with this request than the other, so hopefully you'll enjoy it too ❤️
Living with demons is hard, especially when they're the rulers of hell, err, the Devildom.
Sure, there's the implication they're not supposed to hurt or do anything harmful to you, as you have the safety of being an exchange student, but that veil of ignorance was quickly lifted before even the two week mark of living with these brothers.
You've tried getting along with them, and for the most part you've been successful, but a few circumstances have arisen that have reminded you that these boys are dangerous demons... and you're the human that keeps poking the three-headed dog while it sleeps.
You're not so much scared of what Mammon could physically do, but you're paranoid that he goes into your room and rummages in your belongings and personal keepsakes. Your room is the only thing you have that you can claim as your own, and it's your sanctuary, despite it being in the brothers' house.
Of course, the brothers will periodically just barge in without alerting you by asking or knocking, but you've grown okay with that. You're at least in your room and able to see what they do in there. There are a few occasions Levi or Satan might mention going into your bedroom to retrieve a video game or book they had loaned you, but you make sure to put their item on the dresser by the entrance, so they don't have to venture too far in. You're okay with that.
You're not okay, however, with Mammon when he goes into your room unannounced. Hell, you're not totally comfortable with him being in your room unattended if he does give you a heads-up.
You know how kleptomaniac Mammon can be. You've heard enough complaints and stories to know how relentless Mammon can be in his search for anything that could give him a few Grimm from his brothers. You've talked with this greedy demon about items he's stolen, witnessed thefts a few times too.
So, you feel something akin to victimized when Mammon goes into your room without your permission or you being there. Your room emits this vibe of disturbance, and it bothers you because you don't know what might be missing or "borrowed". It troubles you more because now your room feels foreign again, like the atmosphere was plagued by essences that you know aren't yours. Your anxiety swells with paranoia, fear, and mistrust again.
Oh, for the most part, you don't have much conflict with Levi anymore. Once you made a pact with the otaku demon he relaxed a lot more and invited you to hang out in his room to play games or fuss about animation qualities in animes or gush about his favorite manga characters.
It's just that after that contest of who was the bigger TSL fan and Levi, enveloped by jealousy and fury, came at you with the intent to seriously harm you, you've had this overly-suspicious fear in the back of your mind, itching your paranoia that it could happen again.
You've learned that Levi's demon form is easily triggered by extreme feelings, rather that's excitement, irritability, or the emotion he avatars over, and you can't help be irritationally cautious when that happens. It's a reflex from the panic that engraved itself into your psyche for self-preservation.
If you weren't so anxious about another envy-fueled incident involving your life you might find Levi's excitement for the stuff he loves more endearing and cute.
If you hadn't seen how destructive Beel's tantrums over food firsthand could be you might find it hard to believe this relaxed and mostly uninvolved brother would have such a temper... but you did experience it, so you do believe it.
It was a custard! They're so easy to get more of, but Beel immediately flew off the handle and wouldn't see reasoning, lashing out and destroying the kitchen. If Mammon hadn't pulled you down with him to the floor as Beel started his outraged tantrum you're positive you would have been collateral damage too, like your poor room that was unfortunately placed on the other side of the kitchen wall.
It was a terrifying sight to behold, seeing the kitchen torn asunder and reduced to broken walls, obliterated cabinets, and smashed counters, with kitchen utensils and ruined cookware being sent into flight and raining down, razor-sharp and shattered into broken edges that could easily pierce flesh.
That moment of destruction lingers, along with the intense emotion of fright, triggered whenever Beel complains about being hungry or when he meets your gaze at the table during times to eat. You immediately offer your unfinished plate to him, which he happily accepts and consumes in seconds, to appease the Avatar of Gluttony's temper.
Asmo's promiscuity and salaciousness are what unnerve you the most. He's the Avatar of Lust, so obviously you were already on your defense, but you've seen glimpses beyond the surface level to what Asmo can be like. That's what intrigues you about him, and you try to focus on those bits that slip past his perfectionistic lifestyle and narcissistic personality. At the same time, however, this is the cause of your near downfalls when Asmo tries to allure you with his physical prowess.
He's tried a few times to charm you, and you feel this invasive power trying to persuade you to give into your raw and sexual temptations, or this tugging sensation that tries to attract you beyond what you feel is comfortable. The repulsed response is usually what repels you from the power Asmo tries to flaunt over you.
He usually huffs after his failed attempt but quickly rebounds by placing his hands around you and trying to embrace you himself, which Mammon, prompted by his denied feelings and jealousy, usually intercepts in your honor.
There's a few times you've worried yourself nauseous Asmo will corner you, and you won't be able to save yourself from his lustful persuasion. There's also the couple of times he's mentioned eating your heart, so that's also worrisome.
There's no questions that you secretly fear Satan, more specifically his wrath. You slighted him once before, and the threat he imposed upon you while you were trapped between his demonic form and an over-stuffed bookcase was enough to brand itself to your soul as a reminder.
As docile as Satan may appear with his affection for cats, deep interest for detective shows, and shared affinity of books he could and, possibly, would rip you apart and lavish in the blood that wept from your lacerated flesh and tension of your bones rebelling before snapping satisfactory in halves and thirds.
Other than that, Satan is much easier to hang out with compared to his brothers, except when he gets that cruel temperament to torment Lucifer, which you exempt yourself from if the pranks are too excessive.
Terror has never seeped into your soul like this before. Your anxiety spikes to levels you've never experienced before when Belphie plops down next to you on the couch or tries to start up a conversation. Your fight, flight, freeze, or fawn system goes haywire, and you become petrified, unable to respond properly.
You either stay away from Belphie altogether or stay glued to one of the other brothers, Mammon or Beel preferably. Just in case.
Just in case Belphie's lament arises again in the form of murderous hate, gleeful contempt clouding his eyes, as his hands find their way to your neck that remembers the tight embrace his fingers engraved into the nerves of your throat, the ghostly suffocating that chokes you up sometimes if you become too immersed in the memory of a body that hadn't belonged to you.
You're also sure you remember an aching in your ribs and spine that causes you to shiver sometimes, but you're not sure if you experienced that in a dream or illusion of the timeline merging. It still bothers you all the same.
For such a sweet face and quiet voice, Belphie is a demon that decieves, and you're better off staying away from him until you're over your PTSD. If that's possible.
How many times has he almost killed you? Twice or three times? Enough to be too many and to penetrate your core with panic and trepidation whenever you see that sly smile that forms on his lips. It doesn't have to be directed at you, but it's enough to launch you into a panic attack that you barely keep under control.
That safety guard of being a representative from the human world and exchange student mean nothing when you test it by being a busybody in affairs that definitely don't involve you over and over again, especially when it's the pride and dignity of Lucifer being tested.
You hear your lesson but never learn, and unconsciously you must be masochistic for how many times you've brushed death with Lucifer's anger, but you keep pushing the limits.
You can't help going to Mammon's defense when you feel Lucifer is only targeting him for personal reasons or standing up to his ego when you feel he's going over his limits. Your bravery is stupidity though, and you feel your courageous backbone turn into a central nerve system of adrenaline and fear. You're just too stubborn and self-righteous to let Lucifer do as he pleases, but that doesn't mean you're not scared out of your wits.
You've gained an intuition for when Lucifer is approaching or silently comes up from behind you, and it sends a shiver down your back almost every time you're alone together.
If you have any headcanons that you want me to write, please send them my way! I enjoy writing these out. NSFW is okay, but please know I might not do it if I don’t like it. ❤️
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jadelotusflower · 3 years
It’s Cold in that Fridge: The Case of Nakari Kelen
Since The Case of Mara Jade has been doing the rounds again, I’ve finally gone back to this post that has been sitting in my drafts for literally years. So let’s honour this absolute badass who deserved better:
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Once upon a time, the Star Wars universe was but six films (and a tv series) in the story of the Skywalker family. But beyond George Lucas’ story was an absolute boatload of books, comics, games, and other materials that made up the Expanded Universe. When Disney purchased Lucasfilm and the rights to the Star Wars saga, everything in this universe was decanonised and deemed “Legends” - some aspects of this universe were retained or re-purposed, others sit in Disney’s figurative vault and will likely never see the light of day (and seeing how the ST turned out, maybe that’s for the best).
But this transition between Legends canon and Disney canon was not so simple, because the nature of publishing meant that there were novels approved during the time of Legends canon that would be released in the time of Disney canon. In particular, there had been the planned trilogy “Empire and Rebellion”, set between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, with each novel from the perspective of one of The Big Three.  
Razor’s Edge (Leia) and Honor Among Thieves (Han) were released prior to the Great Canon Split of 2014.  But while the Luke-centric novel had been planned, it was not due to be released until well after the Split. So Heir to the Jedi (so called as an homage to the Legends progenitor Heir to the Empire) became one of the first books of the Disney canon.
What does this background have to do with Nakari Kelen?  Perhaps nothing, but I do wonder how the writing process was affected by the shift from Legends to Disney - was the novel a relic of the old EU with any reference the LFL storygroup didn’t like excised during editing, or was it a trendsetter for the new EU, a Sign of Things to Come?  
The most salient point being, of course, that Nakari Kelen - like so many love interests before her - was not allowed to go along her merry way at the conclusion of the novel, but was shoved into the fridge.
If there was one constant of the Legends EU, it was that Luke Skywalker’s love interests couldn’t catch a break. Mara Jade naturally lasted the longest relationship-wise, with almost twenty years of marriage to Luke before some bright spark decided she had to go (as per the aforementioned case study). But before Mara there was Jem, Shira Brie, and Gaeriel Captison (who came close to escaping the curse), and in the Legacy of the Force series they brought back sole survivors Akanah and Callista, only to kill them off for good too (and rather brutally, if I may add).
So perhaps when Kevin Hearne began writing HttJ within the confines of the Legends continuity, he was merely sticking to the status quo, or perhaps once subsumed by Disney they needed to make sure Luke's slate was clean (so to speak).  And I can’t put all the blame on Hearne since I don’t know whether it was his idea, or LFL mandated - but regardless it was a poor decision.
The root cause of fridging, imo, is limited imagination.  How best to cause your male protagonist pain if not kill off someone they love, or at least have strong feelings for? The answer is of course, easily. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
The Luke Skywalker of HttJ is fresh from his victory in ANH, a lieutenant in the Rebellion: young, not dumb, and full of...
Nakari Kalen is an absolute Queen a civilian volunteer and crack-shot sniper who loans her ship Desert Jewel to the Alliance. Luke is immediately attracted to her, they bond over a mutual love of fast ships and leaving behind desert home planets, and engage in the inexpert flirting of two nineteen year olds while also risking their lives several times over.
I want to make it clear: I actually really like this book. It's a breezy read, almost serialised as The Early Adventures of Luke Skywalker, and is ofttimes genuinely funny. And credit where it’s due to Hearne, many of of the supporting roles in the novel are female. Other than Nakari, there's Soonta, the Rodian who gives Luke her uncle’s lightsaber, Sakhet the Kupohan spy, and the Givin cryptographer/math genius Drusil Bephorin. In a genre where male characters are often the default for these kind of roles, it was nice to see, but makes the regressive fridging of Nakari even more egregious.
Luke and Nakari make a good team fighting brain-sucking monsters and Imperials, but more importantly they have fun together - she encourages him to work on his Force skills, and he successfully moves objects with his mind for the first time (leading to Nakari adorably dub him "a little noddle scooter"). It's a very sweet, if brief, relationship, and a respite from the danger of the mission. They spend the night together (leaving the reader to decide exactly what happened behind closed doors), and share a kiss before splitting up to try and escape bounty hunters. No prizes for guessing what happens to Nakari immediately after she received the Skywalker Kiss of Death.
I assume there were two motivating factors for why Hearne and/or LFL couldn't let Nakari live:
1. If she survived, fans would wonder why she doesn't appear in ESB/subsequent material.
I recall this bandied about on forums back at the time of the book's release, and to that I say - so what? Fans are always going to wonder, and try to paper over the gaps in canon, to make up their own headcanons to explain any any perceived inconsistencies. It's certainly no reason to kill someone off.
It is in fact possible for two young people to have a romance that just fizzles, or doesn’t work out for whatever reason - it should not require great maneuvering or explanation. If Nakari doesn’t show up in the next book in the timeline, what about it? The reader is smart enough to assume she and Luke broke up, decided to just remain friends, whatever. But it seems that the only way for a female character to exit stage left is for her to die, which is bullshit.
And actually, there's no reason why she couldn't have shown up again. ESB and RoTJ cover a month and a few days, respectively, of Luke's life - just because there was no mention of Nakari doesn't mean she didn't exist at that time, whether or not she and Luke were an item. She could have made an appearance in a subsequent novel, or Rebels, or the comics - she could have become a recurring character, showing up when the Rebellion needed her, or - heaven forbid - even have her own comic/book/show! Her existence in Star Wars canon didn't need to begin and end with Luke Skywalker, merely to service his plotline and backstory and abandoning the richness of her own.
No, the only reason Nakari had to die was to facilitate this:
It was a blow to the gut, realizing what that sudden absence meant. I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, but I had felt Nakari's life snuffed out through the Force, and into that void where she had shone anger rushed in - anger, and a cold sense of raw power and invincibility...I took a step to join in the hunt but stopped, breathing heavily, unaccountably sweating even though I felt so cold inside and the power of the Force roiled within me... I shook with emotion and power, and none of it felt the way the Force had before...I saw what kind of space it was , a black hole that would always be hungry no matter how much I fed it. I might never feel warm again if I didn't get myself under control.
Luke feels the dark side and is tempted by the boost of power it offers him, but immediately identifies it as dangerous and unnatural. I can understand why Hearne wanted to include this - it is a book of firsts after all: Luke's first solo mission, his first time using telekenisis, and ending with story with his first experience of the dark side makes sense. But it wasn't necessary, which leads to:
2. How to push Luke to touch the dark side without killing someone he has romantic feelings for?
Also, obviously, shite of the bull (or nerf, if you prefer). Even if this brush with the dark side was absolutely necessary for the novel's climax, there's any number of ways it could be achieved. At this point, Luke is fresh from losing important people in his life - Owen and Beru, Ben, and Biggs - lumping another death on top of that a narrative trick for Luke to react not only to losing Nakari, but the others as well. But it's cheap, the first card in the deck, and why not show a bit of imagination? Luke is young and inexperienced enough at this point that any number of things could be the catalyst - the whole book he's struggling with his growing powers, why not try and reach too far in the firefight with the bounty hunters, his anger and frustration with himself in not doing enough trigger the dark side temptation? It would work thematically and doesn't involve a fridging that ultimately has very little payoff.
Because Nakari is killed less than ten pages from the end of the book - afterwards Luke grieves, but ultimately chooses to honour her memory and be grateful for what he learned with her, recommitting to becoming a Jedi. It's all very surface level, and once again a female character's death facilitates a male character's development. Was it so imperative that Luke lost someone he cared about as part of this story? Sure, this was a time of galactic civil war, and it's far from unrealistic that these stories have a high body count, but who to make collateral damage remains an authorial choice, and in this case Nakari Kelen was (a) a female character of color, (b) a love interest of the protagonist - not just of this book, but the entire Original Trilogy.
I don't know to what extent (if any) race had to play in the decision. I'm sure there was a segment of the fandom absolutely livid that Luke Skywalker kissed (and maybe had sex with) a black woman. Was her death LFL hedging its bets, or demonstrative of the general lack of attention/respect they show their characters of colour?
In any case this was a chance to stand out from the old EU and it's fridge full of Luke's dead girlfriends, but instead they chose to introduce and kill off Nakari for the sole purpose of Luke's manpain and character development, and that's gross.
And then there's this:
A grisly yet reliable fact about custom bounty hunter ships is that you can always count on them to have body bags stashed somewhere for the easy transport of their kills. They often have built-in refrigerated storage, too.
I really hope this was unintentional on Hearne's part, because yikes. He was halfway there, this book was full of interesting female characters who had agency - Drusil in particular was a delight with her super math and inability to understand human interaction. Nakari was full of life and fun - capable but relatable, showing a different side of the Rebellion and those that suffered under the Empire's rule. Fridging her in her first appearance is considerably more vile, because it reduces her to a footnote of Luke's story, a plot device to Help Him Grow, rather than a springboard to tell more of her own story.
Because Nakari was a compelling character ripe for spinoff potential. I would absolutely have read or watched her continued adventures, juggling missions for her father's Biolabs company and trying to aid the Rebellion, shooting her slug rifle and cracking wise, maybe even finding a way to amplify her mother's song Vader's Many Prosthetic Parts to really stick it to the Empire, or try and free the political prisoners on Kessel.
The old EU was made great by allies and enemies of Our Heroes showing up again to help or hinder them, and/or branching out into their own material. We fell in love with them, and followed their stories even as they diverged from the main saga, eager to read more about their lives.
Nakari Kelen never got that chance. In many ways, she exemplified what Disney Star Wars was to become: an exercise in wasted potential.
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randomsnakesimp · 3 years
As the last one seemed to actually be of interest to some people, I thought I might move on to another section of my theories on w.i.t.c.h. : Jonathan Ludmoore, Elias van Dahl and time travel.
So, this one is more of a "trying to warp around canon" kind of theory.
The main issues I am trying to solve here, which I stumbled upon while reading, are:
- how did Elias and Cedric get to 400 years in the past if Phobos is only five years older than Elyon?
- if both Cedric and Ludmoore worked for Phobos, and were seemingly close to him, why did neither of them acknowledge knowing the other in any way, shape or form?
- how did Ludmoore get a hundred years to the past to open holes in the veil if, again, he had to have interacted with Phobos?
- if there is a time travel option, why do neither Phobos nor Cedric nor any of the rebels ever try using it to their advantage?
- We know Elyon was brought to modern day earth, and that Phobos was about five at that point, so Meridianese time cannot run that much slower than earth time, unless there's a weird time warp involved, but...yeah, if I go there, my brain will probably implode. Feel free to if you're smarter than me, though, I'd love to hear thoughts on that.
- We also know that time travel will never be freely available, as otherwise, there'd be time travelers around somewhere during the comics time line for sure, but there has to be some way Cedric and Elias, who were definitely no born time travelers, did travel in time.
Now, I'm gonna offer up two different theories. The first one is the best I can come up with to explain all of the above is the following line of events:
Ludmoore is actually from future Meridian, likely Renaissance or something, so roughly equivalent to the time he ended up in on earth, as well.
He was a brilliant alchemist, and also apparently rather charming, so he managed to get a hold of the pathetic leftovers of the breath of time - remember, it was severely damaged during Phobos' attempt at reviving himself, and according to Yan Lin, only a few corns of the magical sand had remained inside. I assume Ludmoore took the remaining sand and managed to produce a potion or some other sort of product usable by anyone who got a hold of it.
Since this fatally destroyed the breath of time, and it's the only magical artifact with time altering abilities, the only option for more time travellers to exist would have been if Ludmoore got a hold of the old, complete breath of time, since he's the only one with the recipe for the potion and from his first time travel onward, no more sand of time is available, but since he never got there, this explains why no other time travellers exist.
So Ludmoore went back in time, to Phobos' reign just before Elyon returned to Meridian. Using a fake name, so he wouldn't be recognized in history books in his present, he approached Phobos to sell him his time traveling potions, and Phobos used the opportunity to ask Ludmoore to weaken the veil. Ludmoore agreed, and used his magic to travel to earth into a time he felt comfortable with. Since Cedric never saw Ludmoore, and Phobos never mentioned Cedric to him (likely on purpose, as I feel his childhood emotional trauma coupled with his love for Cedric would leave him prone to a never-ending fear Cedric might, one day, meet someone he prefers over Phobos), Cedric would only have heard Ludmoores fake name and since neither of them were aware that Ludmoore created the portals, instead expecting him to weaken the veil even further in their time, they just assumed he failed and kind off forgot about him.
It was only when Ludmoore got to earth that he realized HE was the one to create the holes in the veil in the first place. From there on, we know the rest of his story.
Meanwhile, in Meridian, Elias van Dahl decided that he, for some reason, really needed to paint a portrait of Phobos against his explicit wishes - like, dude, there are so many things you could have painted, why Phobos? - and got himself persecuted. He got a hold of one of the three time travel potions Phobos bought, and used it to escape.
Fearing he might use the extra years gained from this to create a massive rebellion scheme, Phobos sent Cedric after him, using up the remaining two potions for his back and forth travel. Rip Phobos' money.
Now, as promised, I have another take, which does not explain Elias van Dahl and Cedrics time travel, but I somehow just prefer? It came to me from the discussion with @sp1c3m0nst3r about multiple princes in the past being named Phobos.
This theory would be that Ludmoore did, indeed, live a hundred years from the present in the story, and was ordered to weaken the veil by a different prince Phobos, for whatever reason.
This theory builds more heavily on how I believe the book of elements to work. I might dedicate a post to this entirely in the future, but for now, it's enough to know that I think it works like a book for those in it, in that it displays what they would picture if reading the written words - think how the more of the girls are present, the more details we see, and how Ludmoore looks so different in chapter 2's flashback than in person. So, since they don't know it's a different prince Phobos Ludmoore talked to, the one they know is portrayed.
I just feel like this one takes less weird leaps and somehow fits the overall tone and story better? But this might be personal preference.
Last but not least, since this is kinda on the same topic: after some back and forth consideration, I do not think the dinosaurs in the book of elements are a product of Ludmoores time travels, as much as that would have been a great thing to include.
This is mainly due to two facts:
- if they were, the chapter should have been before the one where he's trapped in the book
- the dinosaurs are just so damn inaccurate, and he, being a scientist, would have likely described them in more detail, drawing attention to how they differed from popular belief during the early 20th century, so the girls would likely not just have imagined the stereotypical animals displayed
I believe that, since the chapter is called "Matt", this is the one Matt wrote, and likely Ludmoore was just like "create a highly dangerous environment that will stop my enemies and suit my new giant pet lizard" and Matt's controlled mind - remember, Cedric states he has a pounding headache that makes thinking difficult while Ludmoore controls him - did the best it could. (This should work since I don't think the island Matt stranded on is the same the girls go to, but including the reason for this would, I think, go too far off topic and take up a lot of space. I might touch on it in the aforementioned post on the book of elements, though)
Thank you for reading to the end!
This one was a bit convoluted, and I'm pretty sure I still missed some important points that likely render this theory useless, so again, feel free to agree, argue or add anything you like! I look forward to hearing your ideas on this
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dalekofchaos · 3 years
Killing The New Republic and Luke’s New Jedi Order killed the Sequel Trilogy
Disney you’re a business, who’s all about money, but then you chose to destroy the New Jedi Order and New Republic, that is definitely killing your billions, even after refusing to put storytelling first and foremost, and then having the audacity to claim “we don’t have source material” never mind the countless series of video games, comics, novels, tv shows and films, merchandising etc. Not to mention all the fucking stuff you could’ve done with the NR in BATTLEFRONT! YOU COULD HAVE MADE WITH THE NEW REPUBLIC AND NEW JEDI ORDER!
But no. Instead you made Leia an incompetent general leading an even weaker  and an on the budget Rebel Alliance. Han’s character arc was dropped, Han and Leia’s iconic romance was broken up and they were both turned into absent parents and Luke’s Jedi Order failed and 30 years of peace was undone pointlessly. But instead you just wanted Rebels vs Empire 2.0, but only this time around it’s dumber. 
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Do you know what we could’ve done with The New Republic? Leia as Chancellor. Han and Lando as her Ministers of Defense. Boba Fett, Din Djarin and Bo-Katan leading The Mandalorians together as allies to the New Republic. We could’ve had a House Of Cards/West Wing/Game Of Thrones styled writing for the overall politics of The New Republic. You could’ve made a goddamn fortune on New Republic troopers, armor, weapons, fighters and frigates. Hell, you could even have The New Republic wield their own Star Defenders as opposed to Star Destroyers.  I am well aware that canon demilitarized The New Republic and already made a post on why disarming the New Republic in new canon was stupid.
What should have happened is that the NR commanders the Imperial Fleet and starts protecting systems who join the NR, all while chasing down and fighting any of the Remnants (Moffs, Warlords, Crime Lords, etc) who have grabbed power in the resulting vacuum. We could have seen an evolution of ships from Old Republic to Empire to NR ones. They could have renamed Star Destroyers into Star Defenders. Hell, they could have had a Republic of independent systems, each with their own sizable military, so that power isn't centralized.
Here is what the Sequel Trilogy could’ve been with the New Republic in power.
This could have been an interesting question for the ST. What happens after you win a war? How do you not make the same mistakes or become the thing you fought. What happens in a power vacuum? The NR should have been the dominant emerging power, and the Remnant should have been a small, secretive, unknown order, striking strategically from the UR where they hid, and causing fear and panic to spread in the NR. But no, instead of telling an interesting story, we are force fed the recycled poorly written rehashed Rebels vs Empire and the Rebels are made to be weaker than The First Order. The First Order are a terrorist movement, they should not be reigning after Hosnian Prime’s destruction, ESPECIALLY AFTER LOSING STARKILLER BASE! Concentrating your government and defenses around only one system is really stupid(AND BAD FUCKING WRITING) The New Republic’s forces should have been spread far across the galaxy. So after Hosnian Prime, The New Republic  sees the bigger picture and mobilizes their fleet and unites their forces with The Resistance. Instead The New Republic is stupidly destroyed because Rian wanted the Rebels to be the Rebels again.(lol this movie is fucking dumb) God forbid we get The New Republic fighting the First Order and making the heroes looking strong in force instead of stupidly having all the Rebels fit inside the Falcon. For the love of fucking god I hate this fucking timeline.
As for The Imperial Remnant. Thrawn, and Rae Sloane would lead the fleets and  Darth Plagueis and the Knights Of Ren would would be in command of the dark side.
Do you have any idea how fucking frustrated it was to play The Battlefront games with The Resistance who are just discount Rebels? They look fucking pathetic.
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Oh and just look at the NR Troopers from Legends and fan concepts
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As for the New Jedi Order.
Ya’ll were sitting on a GOLDMINE with the New Jedi Order. You murdered the goose which laid thegolden egg. Imagine proper video games, novels, animations, films in that era.  Think about all of the unique characters and designs we could’ve seen, all the unique toys they could have sold, plus they could’ve centered Galaxy’s Edge around becoming a Jedi, building your own lightsaber, and undergoing training at Luke’s academy. I know they have a lightsaber-building thing there currently, but it would’ve made a lot more sense if they could’ve tied it in to the new trilogy with the New Jedi Order. Plus, Mark Hamill was the only one of the major OT actors who was willing to continually reprise his role well into the future, and they reduced Luke’s role to a cameo in 2/3 sequel movies and ruined his character and killed him off in the other one. They could’ve kept Luke around for several more decades and thrown him in to as many TV series, video games, and movies as they wanted to, and people would’ve flocked to see or purchase whatever he’s in, because it’s freaking Luke Skywalker. Destroying the New Jedi Order offscreen and ruining and killing off Luke Skywalker were the two dumbest decisions made with the sequel trilogy. They could’ve made BILLIONS off of this stuff. The continued pre-trilogy and post-trilogy stories, the toys, the merchandising, the video games, the books and comics, everything. What makes matters worse is that as I said, Mark Hamill was the only one who wanted to continue with his role,( Also he is an accomplished voice actor so he would have done well in the animated stuff, which also gives him opportunities to do action scenes without being young) he honestly probably would’ve been willing to reprise Luke up until he was in his 80s or even into his 90s, hell, Billy Dee Williams was just over 80 when he reprised Lando in TROS, and Luke wouldn’t even need an action-heavy role as he got older, as the Grandmaster of the New Jedi Order, he’d be able to have a similar role to Yoda in the prequels and The Clone Wars, where he provides wisdom and guidance the majority of the time, but he every once in a while he steps into battle, while the new characters go on the vast majority of the adventures. They really shit the bed with these new movies, because using the New Jedi Order with Luke as Grandmaster would’ve made them BILLIONS. I truly don’t understand how such a money-hungry corporation could’ve missed out on this, because using the NJO would’ve been like printing money. It’s genuinely baffling.
We could’ve had it all
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For story purposes. It could’ve been like this. 
Luke starts to rebuild the Jedi by training his sister Leia. Leia could not fully commit to the Jedi because she had to lead the Republic as Chancellor, but she is made an honorary member on his Jedi Council. Leia would agree to be trained as a Jedi Master. Leia has a Yellow Lightsaber she keeps hidden should the moment arises. Leia’s most powerful force ability is Battle Meditation. After training Leia, Luke eventually encountered The Emperor’s Hand Mara Jade. Their dynamic and romance would be the same as in Legends. Eventually after Ezra Bridger returns, Ahsoka Tano, Cal Kestis, and Ezra Bridger return and join Luke’s Jedi order. The Jedi council would be this. Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Mara Jade, Ahsoka Tano, Cal Kestis and Ezra Bridger. The new Jedi Order embrace both the Light and Dark Sides Of The Force instead of repeating the mistakes of the Jedi of old and so balance can be brought to the force. Balance would mean understanding both aspects of the force and you can indulge in your anger and more toxic emotions, but you can’t let them rule you and when you can come to peace with that, that’s when you have balance.
Also, Luke’s Jedi order would include multiple aliens species from Wookies, Twi'leks, Iridonians, Trandoshans, Mirialan and you get the picture. 
Finn would be a mix of Kyle Katarn and Finn Galfridian.
For those not familiar with either character. Kyle Katarn, a self taught force sensitive who was a former Imperial Stormtrooper that later became a Jedi Master, Battlemaster and a Jedi Council member. Finn Galfridian, a Jedi who is from Royal background and is part of the New Jedi Order who was being taught by Luke Skywalker Finn could still be a Stormtrooper that chose empathy and to walk away, this results in Finn becoming Force Sensitive and brought to be trained by Grogu. We would later find out that Finn is a lost prince of Royalty stolen by The Imperial Remnant. Perhaps, in this scenario. Finn could be the lost Prince of Naboo. Finn would of course continue fighting in the war, but with Artorias on the New Republic’s side, they will gave more funding and at least another ally. It would also provide Finn the ability to have a home for the Stormtroopers after Finn liberates the Stormtroopers from the Remnant. Finn could allow the Stormtroopers that still want to fight to serve in the Naboo military. The Naboo having weak defenses could greatly benefit from having trained soldiers serve them and if the Stormtroopers would prefer a peaceful life, Finn can offer them a civilian lifestyle away from the judgment the rest of the galaxy would give them for their past, even offering them reparations.
Also, Finn would find love with best damn pilot in The New Republic, Poe Dameron!
Luke and Mara would have a daughter. Kira Jade Skywalker(who of course would be Rey) she would grow up loved, with her family and with the Jedi. They would all truly be With her. 
Ben Solo, Breha Solo(Played by Billie Lourd) and Jaina Solo(played by Millie Bobby Brown) would be the Solo children. Ben, Breha, and Jaina would all grow up close and would thrive as Jedi while their parents would visit and shower them with the love they would naturally receive from Han and Leia as their parents and Han and Leia would stand strong together leading The New Republic
You could have Ben Solo being the most promising of Luke’s Jedi Knights. He can either stay as a Jedi or choose The Imperial Remnant and become Kylo Ren. The Jedi Order is split between the Jedi loyal to Luke and those loyal to Ben. I will say Ben’s fall would be similar to Jacen’s. Because he sensed something terrible coming. The Grysk. He feels that the Jedi and the NR would not be enough. So he gives in to Darth Plagueis and leads the Knights Of Ren. But when The Grysk attack, Ben shows us his true colors and returns to his family to fight The Grysk and unites both The New Republic and Remnant. 
If Ben doesn’t turn to the dark side, Ben would stay true to the Jedi and his family. Ben would lead the Jedi to face the Knights Of Ren and destroy Plagueis.
Together Kira, Ben, Breha, Jaina and Finn would rise together and destroy Darth Plagueis and end the Sith once and for all.
But that’s not the end, because The Grysk would invade the galaxy.
Towards the end of the Trilogy, The NR and FO will join forces to fend off The Grysk invasion. Sloane will call for a cease fire and signing a treaty with Leia, where The NR and FO align their forces and build The Galactic Federation. Building a better galaxy together. Leia's vision for a Republic and Sloane's virtues for the Empire.
We get the legacy characters getting treated with respect, we get the new generation built upon and being prepared for the coming war and are all treated as important heroes, we have a FO treated like strong villains and a stronger threat to unite both forces and we have peace in the end. This is how I think the ST should have been handled.
The theme should’ve been family. It’s about how the Skywalkers and Solos lead and protect the galaxy. How well Han, Luke and Leia became after the fall of the Empire and the upbringing of their children. It should end with all is well with the Skywalker and Solo families. Not end in misery.
As Carrie Fisher said
“It’s about family. And that’s what makes it so powerful.”
We could’ve had it all.
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cursebreaker-lilith · 3 years
HC List #4-Wands
Wand HC’s! Mostly focused on the wood since there’s more variety than with the cores.
Also if you have any suggestions for Ismelda, Skye, or Murphy please tell me, because I don’t have their characterizations down as well and I’m not 100% sold on my choices for them!
Hornbeam “with a single, pure passion, which some might call obsession (though I prefer the term ‘vision’), which will almost always be realised.”   Unicorn hair
I had a lot of trouble with Rowan. I considered, duh, rowan wood, and I believe the former head writer said Rowan had a rowan wand, but I think hornbeam fits. Rowan has a clear ‘vision’ and goals with which to get it, so it seems fitting.
Black walnut “If the witch or wizard is unable or unwilling to be honest with themselves or others, the wand often fails to perform adequately and must be matched with a new owner if it is to regain its former prowess. Paired with a sincere, self-aware owner, however, it becomes one of the most loyal and impressive wands of all, with a particular flair in all kinds of charmwork.” Phoenix feather
This is sort of inspired by someone who had done a wand wood post then deleted it :’) Anyways, there’s the good at charms bit (Ben’s specialty) but also it just fits Ben’s narrative. He is not someone honest with himself and that affects how he lives his life hugely, so a wand that reflects this problem makes sense. Then a phoenix feather core, because again, Ben’s problem is he has a lot of talent but is held back by himself. If he were to shake off his fears, i think itd be a good match .
Alder “not stubborn or obstinate, but often helpful, considerate and most likeable.” “whence comes its reputation for being suitable only for the most advanced witches and wizards.” Unicorn hair
Saw the first quote and was immediately like Penny! Then saw the second quote and knew it was Penny’s wand wood. Unicorn because she’s pure .
Red oak “You will often hear the ignorant say that red oak is an infallible sign of its owner’s hot temper. In fact, the true match for a red oak wand is possessed of unusually fast reactions, making it a perfect duelling wand.” Dragon heartstring
She fits that first part. hot temper, a good dueler, fast reactions, all very Merula. And she pairs it with dragon heartstring for extra power and ease to do darker spells.
Poplar “‘If you seek integrity, search first among the poplars,’ was a great maxim of my grandfather, Gerbold Ollivander, and my own experience of poplar wands and their owners tallies exactly with his. Here is a wand to rely upon, of consistency, strength and uniform power, always happiest when working with a witch or wizard of clear moral vision.” Dragon heartstring
It’s like Penny, I saw the description and immediately went Bill! Literally everything about that description fits Bill very well. Dragon heartstring, as its considered to do more powerful spells. As for some hc’s, I feel he’s one of the few Weasley’s to get his own wand just because he’s the oldest so he kind of gets everything new.
Dogwood “Dogwood wands are quirky and mischievous; they have playful natures and insist upon partners who can provide them with scope for excitement and fun.” “when paired with a suitably clever and ingenious witch or wizard, can produce dazzling enchantments.” Dragon heartstring
I wavered between giving dogwood to Tonks and sycamore to Tulip but in the end I put dogwood for Tulip because I saw “clever and ingenious” and immediately thought of Tulip over Tonks (not that Tonks isn’t clever, but Tulip is more proud of her cleverness). Plus I thought of a wand much more known for mischief would delight her in rebelling against her parents. (I know the former head writer said her wand is meant to be cherry wood and a hand me down from her grandmother, but I like Tulip having her own wand. Fits with her sense of independence better.)
Sycamore “The sycamore makes a questing wand, eager for new experience and losing brilliance if engaged in mundane activities.” “As may be deduced, the sycamore’s ideal owner is curious, vital and adventurous,” Unicorn hair
Like with Tulip above, both could fit either girl, but certain words made me choose these woods. for Tonks, it was the use of “curious” and “adventure.” Tulip rebels to break rules, but Tonks just likes fun and adventure, so this felt a better fit.
English oak “A wand for good times and bad, this is a friend as loyal as the wizard who deserves it. Wands of English oak demand partners of strength, courage and fidelity. Less well-known is the propensity for owners of English oak wands to have powerful intuition, and, often, an affinity with the magic of the natural world, with the creatures and plants that are necessary to wizardkind for both magic and pleasure.” Dragon heartstring
Another one where I instantly put the wood to a character. With perhaps the exception of the “intuition” bit, every part just screams Barnaby. Loyal? Yes. Strong? Yup. Courageous? Deffo. Loyal again? Mhm. Affinity for natural world? Totally. And dragon heartstring for extra power.
Yew “Yew wands are among the rarer kinds, and their ideal matches are likewise unusual, and occasionally notorious. The wand of yew is reputed to endow its possessor with the power of life and death, which might, of course, be said of all wands; and yet yew retains a particularly dark and fearsome reputation in the spheres of duelling and all curses.” Unicorn hair
I had a lot of trouble with Ismelda. This probably isn’t what i’ll settle on tbh but it’s good enough. It’s sort of like her. Has a dark reputation but is much lighter on the inside.
Ash “Those witches and wizards best suited to ash wands are not, in my experience, lightly swayed from their beliefs or purposes. However, the brash or over-confident witch or wizard, who often insists on trying wands of this prestigious wood, will be disappointed by its effects. The ideal owner may be stubborn, and will certainly be courageous, but never crass or arrogant.” Unicorn hair
Charlie does have a canon wand for this period, which is Ron’s wand. Probably coincidentally, but the ash tree description fits him well, so I do like to think that the second wand he gets after he graduates was also ash. And a hc note, I like to think the wand Ron had was also a hand me down to Charlie. No way that wand got that bad in only 7 years, even if Charlie is a bit rough and tumble. Plus if it was a personal wand, why would he give it away? So, yea, he graduated, got enough money for a new wand and Ron received his old one.
Spruce “The spruce wand requires a firm hand, because it often appears to have its own ideas about what magic it ought to be called upon to produce. However, when a spruce wand meets its match – which, in my experience, is a bold spell-caster with a good sense of humour – it becomes a superb helper, intensely loyal to their owners and capable of producing particularly flamboyant and dramatic effects.” Unicorn hair
I had a hard time with Andre, but this called to me best with him. I thought adjectives like ‘bold’ ‘good sense of humour’ ‘flamboyant’ all fit well with him.
Redwood “redwood wands are not themselves lucky, but are strongly attracted to witches and wizards who already possess the admirable ability to fall on their feet, to make the right choice, to snatch advantage from catastrophe.” Dragon heartstring
I struggled a lot with Jae unable to decide if I wanted him to have Redwood or Fir. He always had dragon heartstring, but I couldn’t decide on a wood type. I liked them for pretty much the same reason in that both have an emphasis on coming out on top despite the odds which I think fits Jae. Anyways, I eventually picked redwood because I just liked the description in regards to Jae better aha.
Walnut “Highly intelligent witches and wizards ought to be offered a walnut wand for trial first, because in nine cases out of ten, the two will find in each other their ideal mate. Walnut wands are often found in the hands of magical innovators and inventors; this is a handsome wood possessed of unusual versatility and adaptability.” Unicorn hair
I had another one originally, but “innovators and inventors” just fits Badeea much better than what I originally had. Not much else to say.
Apple “They are powerful and best suited to an owner of high aims and ideals, as this wood mixes poorly with Dark magic. It is said that the possessor of an apple wand will be well-loved and long-lived, and I have often noticed that customers of great personal charm find their perfect match in an applewood wand. An unusual ability to converse with other magical beings in their native tongues is often found among apple wand owners” Unicorn hair
One I took from that post mentioned above as I was rather stuck on Liz. But I do feel it fits. Liz is a Slytherin but is against the idea that Slytherin = dark, so that bit fits, plus she’s all about the magical beings and I wouldn’t be surprised if she was good at speaking mermish and such.
Red oak ”In fact, the true match for a red oak wand is possessed of unusually fast reactions, making it a perfect duelling wand. Less common than English oak, I have found that its ideal master is light of touch, quick-witted and adaptable, often the creator of distinctive, trademark spells, and a good man or woman to have beside one in a fight. Red oak wands are, in my opinion, among the most handsome.” Unicorn hair
So this is the same as Merula, but I feel he fits the second half of the description while she fits the first. A dueler, quick witted, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a distinctive spell, and I’m sure he agrees that his wand is as handsome as him. He however has a unicorn core as hes much lighter and nicer than Merula.
Chestnut “The wand of chestnut is attracted to witches and wizards who are skilled tamers of magical beasts, those who possess great gifts in Herbology, and those who are natural fliers.” Phoenix feather
There was another I considered entirely bc it had like “mysterious loner” in it, but honestly this one sentence screamed Talbott to me. Like, he’s mentioned being great at comc, loves herbology and is one of the best in the class, and I would definitely say he’s a natural flier lol Now with chestnut wands, they change a lot depending on the core. But the description mentions only unicorn hair and dragon heartstring alongside specific descriptions, while the one above is standalone. So I’m assuming its meant to go with phoenix feather, which I would’ve given him anyways. Bird core for a bird boy.
Willow “Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and I have noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it.”  Dragon heartstring 
It took me a while to decide between willow or hawthorn, both of which mentioned healing and insecruties. Eventually I decided on willow entirely because it’s a paler wood and fits her whole silvery aesthetic.
Fir “There is no doubt that this wood, coming as it does from the most resilient of trees, produces wands that demand staying power and strength of purpose in their true owners, and that they are poor tools in the hands of the changeable and indecisive.” Phoenix feather
While Bea has a big change, I wouldn’t call her changeable considering she’s sticking with her new style and outlook. And I would call her a survivor. Poor girl’s survived a lot already and she’s only 12. : (((
Spruce “which produces wands that are ill-matched with cautious or nervous natures, and become positively dangerous in fumbling fingers. The spruce wand requires a firm hand, because it often appears to have its own ideas about what magic it ought to be called upon to produce.” Dragon heartstring
I used this for Andre, but I feel it fits Skye too. She’s very brash and confident (or appears that way) so I feel she would have that firm hand needed.
Ebony ”Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider” Unicorn hair
Murphy is very open about how he is who he is, so even though he isn’t an outsider, I feel he has that “courage to be themselves” bit down.
Beech “The true match for a beech wand will be, if young, wise beyond his or her years, and if full-grown, rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands perform very weakly for the narrow-minded and intolerant.” Unicorn hair
Yet another one where I read one sentence and was like oh that’s them. 
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skipppppy · 3 years
I’m so fascinated by your she ra fan character! I’m trying to understand the storyline but it’s a little hard to find everything, and I was wondering if you would mind explaining it here?
Thank you very much! Her story is SUPER convuluted, I elaborated on it a bit on another ask about her relationship with Entrapta, but I’ll try to sum it up as cleanly as possible but a lot of different factors come into play so it still might be LOOONNGG. It’s also not a very happy story, unfortunately, but it would be helpful for me to get it all written down!
In terms of things that might be triggering, her backstory involves mention of a wide range of abuse. It won’t be explicit but I just want to be safe!
I’m actually gonna put most of it under the cut for the sake of anyone who follows me or any tags so they aren’t cursed with a mile long post on their timeline. I know the pain 😅
-For background context, she’s a Wingfolk, a species of Bird People native to Etheria who live in a kingdom built into a forest of giant trees named Ornithia. I could go on about them for hours but all you really need to know is that they have hollow bones to achieve flight (which is also the case for real life birds), which makes Aria’s body very light and frail. So she’s basically useless in physical combat which is why she never really defends herself. She was also a particularly weak flyer, which is why she doesn’t avoid a lot of situations by simply flying away.
-EXTRA BACKGROUND CONTEXT, Aria was born around the time the Horde landed on Etheria. Her father was a sorcerer at Mystacor, who had a reputation for ignoring ethics in the name of science. This all came to a head when a meteorite struck the surface of the planet; he rushed to the sight, stole it, studied it for a while, and after learning it had a powerful magic, decided to try a ritual in which he extracted the magic from the meteorite and fused it with his daughter’s soul. It took a few years for people to find out but when they did he was exiled for his actions, and Aria, still a child, was given to her mother.
-ONE MORE SMALL DETAIL: from about the age of 18/19 onward, she started having dreams about a mysterious figure made of blinding light who knew secrets about the universe and promised to find her one day so they could “finally be together again.” 3 guesses who THAT is lmao (hint: it’s Horde Prime)
-I won’t go into details about her childhood because we’d be here forever but the most important things you need to know are 1) Aria’s mother was a HORRIBLE parent and preferred to get blackout drunk rather than look after her children. 2) Aria had 4 younger brothers who, due to her mother’s negligence, she had to raise entirely by herself, which is why she feels responsible over others and has such a “nurturing” disposition, it was forced on her. 3) She took her brothers and ran away from Ornithia when she was 15, and built a home in a small woodland in the mountains of Dryl where she has lived ever since. 4) Throughout her childhood she befriended Princess Entrapta and the two were extremely close due to their isolated upbringings.
-When the BFS visited Dryl for the first time in Season 1, Aria was there acting as both a lab assistant and royal advisor to Entrapta, and joined the rebellion alongside her. Nothing crazy happened, but when Entrapta “died” Aria was beside herself with grief and ended up leaving the rebellion in order to go tend to Dryl, since it needed a ruler and as advisor it was her job to step up and take responsibility. Unlike the others, however, she refused to return to aid in the battle of Brightmoon, since she was kinda miffed at how the Princesses treated Entrapta (lookin’ at you, leash lady Perfuma) and was thoroughly pissed that they didn’t even TRY to go back for her, even if it was just to find her body and give her a dignified burial.
-Season 2 was when things truly went to shit. When the Horde came to claim Dryl, Aria resisted but was defeated pretty easily. When Glimmer and Bow came to scout out the situation, they saw her being hauled away and tried to save her but basically got caught in a stalemate where they couldn’t act because the Horde threatened to harm Entrapta if they acted. They told Aria to go with the Horde and promised that they would form a rescue party to save the both of them. But after they learned that Entrapta had joined the Horde by choice and had more important missions to deal with, rescuing her just..stopped being a priority. She wasn’t a rebel so they had no obligation to get her, so eventually they forgot about her entirely.
-Aria was kept as a prisoner for a while, but Entrapta found out pretty quickly what happened and went to find her. At that point Catra was growing frustrated with all the menial paperwork she had to do, and since she’d had experience being an advisor/secretary type, Entrapta basically proposed to Hordak that Aria act as his assistant in the same way she used to at Dryl. He accepted since it meant he would be spending less time running the Horde and more time building the portal. Aria was against the idea of helping him since she was still holding out hope that the rebels would come save her, but she was simply threatened with the classic Evil Horde punishments (torture, more torture, being locked in a cell for weeks without food or water, a tad more torture). So from mid-Season 2 to the end of Season 4, that was pretty much the position she was in. Being the Fright Zone’s resident desk jockey.
-Not much happened in that timespan, most of what occurred revolved around the portal incident and the aftermath. While Aria had been playing the part of Hordak’s pretty little secretary she was trying to find weak points in the Fright Zone’s security system so she could bust her and Entrapta out of there. Due to her and Hordak building the portal (and smooching lol) she’d been spending less and less time with Aria, which had been making her a little upset. She felt like someone she’d spent her entire life caring for was replacing her for something better, but her suspicions weren’t confirmed until she asked Entrapta about leaving together and she refused. That was the first small nudge towards a downward spiral. Then Catra returned with Adora and the Sword in hand and the Princesses came to stop the Portal. The rebels had come to save Adora and forgot about her. She was willing to forgive and join them, until they saw that she had been assisting the Horde, assumed she had betrayed them alongside Entrapta, and decided to leave her behind without giving her a chance to explain herself. That was the second, slightly stronger nudge that made her teeter over the edge of a breakdown. And then Catra told her that Entrapta had abandoned her to rejoin the rebels. While it was a lie, it was perfectly placed salt in the wound, and the straw that broke the camels back into her shifting allegiance and properly joining the Horde.
-Throughout Season 4 she had the same role as before, except this time she actually cared about her work, and had taken on the additional role of helping Hordak with his busted tech since Entrapta wasn’t around to do it. He had already come to rely on Aria for paperwork, but now she was helping him with his machines and they had a shared trauma over being “abandoned” by someone they cared deeply for. She was literally filling the void Entrapta left, and in a way they started to care for each other. Aria, being a hopeless romantic who had read about a trillion love stories about gentle protagonists who healed the evil monster men with their kindness, took to him like a moth to a flame and happily played the role of “the next best thing” against her better judgement. It wasn’t really a healthy relationship, but they did genuinely care for each other and found comfort in one another’s presence.
-It didn’t last, however. Catra was vaguely aware of the “thing” they had, and while she was indifferent for the most part, she was dealing with a downward spiral of her own, and she slowly became paranoid that Aria would distract him from completing their plans. In her poor, burnt out kitty cat frame of mind, the only way to deal with the situation was to get rid of her. So, deciding to kill 2 birds with one stone, she told Hordak that Aria had been jealous of his relationship with Entrapta, and SHE had been the one to send her to beast island. And Hordak believed her.
-I won’t go into detail about what happened after that, because it was VERY GRUESOME! We all saw how Hordak reacted when he found out what Catra had done in the original show. Now remember when I mentioned that Aria has hollow bones that made her incredibly frail and physically incapable of defending herself? Yeah. It was not pretty. Hordak wasn’t completely at fault, since he thought his anger was warranted, but by the time he’d learnt the truth and realised his mistake she was dead. In the space between the incident and learning what really happened he’d thrown her in the abandoned black garnet chamber with no food or water and basically left her to rot. He was EXTRA mad at Catra for pulling that with him, but he didn’t have time to grieve since he, Glimmer, Catra, and Aria’s lifeless corpse were beamed up into Horde Prime’s flagship.
-When Prime initially found her she was still dead. However, remember the healing magic that came from the mysterious meteorite that had now fused with her soul? Spoiler alert! It belonged to him. The meteorite was one of his most prized possessions, and the dreams Aria had been having were the magic’s attempts at trying to establish a connection with him across dimensions. (the meteorite was somewhat sentient. This is perfectly normal and well thought out writing I swear) And being reunited caused a huge surge of magical energy that resuscitated her, allowing Prime’s clones to give her some much needed medical help.
-After being pretty much comatose for 2 weeks Aria finally woke up, and was finally able to speak with Prime in person. When she found out that the “mysterious figure” from her dreams who had promised to find her was REAL and had just saved her life, she basically just latched onto him. She was, understandably, TRAUMATISED from the last 2 or so years of her life, so she was too scared to go anywhere else or trust anyone, so Prime didn’t even have to try to win her allegiance. He was also very happy to have his meteorite back, even if it now had a mortal body with skin and a face and a slew of emotional baggage. So she spends most of Season 5 being showered in love and affection by Prime and all her attendants, eventually being crowned Empress. While Prime was unequivocally evil and Aria was aware of that, he mostly sheltered her from what he was doing, in fear that her loyalty to him might falter. Maybe in a fun au she could’ve convinced him to leave Etheria alone so they could be together for longer, but alas, it was not to be.
-In the aftermath of the Heart being destroyed and Prime being killed, her downward spiral returned and shifted into OVERDRIVE. The people who had abandoned and neglected her took her one safe person away from her and they were being hailed as heroes for it. While she now knew that Entrapta had never abandoned her and was instead sent to beast island, seeing her get a happy ending with the man who had, to be quite blunt, physically abused and assaulted her, shattered any part of their friendship that might have been recoverable. She retreated into herself, taking over Horde Prime’s role as ruler over the Clones. She turned the Velvet Glove into their new home, trying to be civil with the other Princesses but eventually descended into a cold, bitter, vindictive Empress who ended up making terrible decisions as a cry for help.
-I’m still undecided on what to do with her after her fun villain arc, but I do know that in the aftermath she’d probably either step down from the throne so she could properly heal from her trauma, or work with her clones to fix up Prime’s flagship and get as far away from Etheria as possible and find peace in a new life away from everything that hurt her. I may also bring back Horde Prime from the dead through my sheer will to ignore canon so they can be together, since they are for all intents and purposes, soulmates. And I don’t think it would be very fair to let my poor hopeless romantic who just wants to be loved lose her handsome prince forever. I think it would be sexy if I committed necromancy I think.
TLDR: babygirl has had it ROUGH
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nayarablueglasses · 3 years
Duo x male reader
a/n: oh gods this is so. anyways this was meant for day thirteen of the @gundam-wing-pride event but certain circumstances have caused me to be unable to post in time for it. the tears prompt was kept in mind for this, i hope it suffices.
word count: 2,059
summary: horrific battles never made you cry, so how did a joke from Duo manage to do it?
warnings: reader is in an active war at first, brief mentions of reader becoming deaf to loud sounds after the battle, reader has a very dry way of thinking, i haven't seen the entirety of the show in ages so i think my timeline is a little messed up
reader pronouns: he/him but comes off as gn
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How’d you end up here?
You’d woken up to the extremely jarring sounds of the space station’s evacuation alarms. Considering the immediate panicking masses of people that then flooded the streets, it wasn’t the best way to wake up. Especially when you factor in that your first evacuation drill since the ‘safe space’ had been rebuilt, relocated and refortified was supposed to happen next week. Though to be fair, there were absolutely no signs that you knew of that would signal a a war erupting on your colony.
Honestly? You never were impressed by the Gundams. All you knew about them was that they were starting a war with what a few of the colonies had begun to call the “colony rebels.” The White Fang. Maybe the White Fang had started the war, but you could care less. No matter who’d started this, the colonies- your colony- was caught in the crossfires now.
And it wasn’t like you could trust the Gundams, either. It wasn’t that long ago that Gundam Pilot 04 almost blew up an entire colony because their father had been killed. If that was how the Gundams handled personal loss, your colony could only speculate on the ways they’d deal with the political difficulties of a war. And unsurprisingly, it turned out that they handled it absolutely terribly.
The scariest part was the absolute absurdness of the whole war. Two sides that claimed to speak for the colonies. The White Fang pressed attention on the colonies, while the Gundams remained an absolute mystery. Plus, the individual power struggles claiming the colonies, the Treize Faction war against Oz that was reportedly occuring back on Earth... everybody was misinformed about absolutely all of it, and the best you could do was try to make sense of the chaos unfolding and hope it never touched your poor colony.
But wishes don’t always come true. And certainly never the wishes you make.
Like the wish you’d been repeating back to yourself for the last hour- to be able to come out of this unscathed. Your arm had some thoughts on that.
As it turns out, trying to run through an active warzone to the safe space you didn’t know the location of was extremely dangerous. So dangerous that your arm had been hit with a stray bullet. Right now the main dangers were the footsoldiers firing at each other, but not that far off in the distance you could see two of the Gundams fighting a swarm of Taruses. The fact that they weren’t close was anything but comforting, since you’d seen the speed of the Gundams before on T.V.
“Hey- get outta the way! Ya try’na get killed?” A White Fang footsoldier shoved you to the side, presumably trying to help. Instead you stumbled facedown into a very large pile of scrap metal. Which very much hurt your arm and effectively trapped your leg as well.
Fun. “The fuck kinda horror movie is this?” You muttered to yourself. Of course, of course you ran directly into the fray. Because of COURSE that was safer than the opposite direction (which in all fairness had been covered in sharp-looking rubble). That’s fine. You could work with this. What did your uncle usually tell you- take inventory in terms of crises?
You hadn’t brought a backpack with you, so, all you could take inventory on was what was in your pockets. One elastic, a single outdated coin, and fuzz. Plus, a bleeding arm and the bullet you figured was still in there, a possibly twisted and hopefully not broken foot, ringing in your ears... and the clothes on your back. Ok.
So this is how you die? Fine. That’s fucking fine. You had plenty to live for, but fine. Who cares?
“Woah-hoh, what the hell? Hey- hey handsome, you awake?”
A very neon green light pierced your consciousness. Out of habit, you tried to raise your arm to block it out- and then an even more painful, piercing feeling jolted through your whole body. “Ahh-huah- ‘m. ‘m awake now. Ohhh gods. Yeah. ‘m- yeah. Fuck. Who’re you and are you going to help me or kill me?”
“Kill you? Man, I might be the god of Death and all but I’m not going to kill you! You related to Heero or somethin’?”
“Don’t know- ow- who the fuck that is. What’s up with that green light shit> ‘M gonna be blinded if I open my eyes.”
And there the light went. Nice. If this guy didn’t kill you, you might actually survive. Sans your arm. Nobody on your colony could help your arm. You figured that life would be interesting from now on. “Great, thanks man. Fuuuuck. You- you see my arm? Yeah- I’m taking your silence as a yeah. This bitch’s fucked and moving at all is very very painful. So hey random stranger. You strong enough to carry me to the nearest amputator?”
Apparently you were just being dramatic. Your arm would 100% be still attached and your foot would survive. Your ears were… fine. After waking up in a hospital on an entirely different colony station, you learned that apparently, there exists a kind of deaf in which it was hard to hear things that were too loud. Which. You now had.
No more concerts. Meh.
The most jarring of everything was when you discovered that a) you were likely to have either trauma or ptsd and b) the guy that carried you to the hospital in his Gundam- was a Gundam Pilot. 02. Duo Maxwell. He’d brought you to Colony 14 Blue and was now reportedly “chillin’ outside until you get discharged.” with the promise that he’d bring you to the Peacemillion afterwards.
Oh. And almost everybody you knew closely had “likely” passed away in the attack. The therapy for that was going to be interesting when you consider that nobody of your family was on the colony at the time of the attack. Honestly the way they were pressing for you to be evaled made it feel like they were planning to make an example out of your supposedly poor mental state. Unsurprisingly the hospital was being run by the White Fang.
Discharge went quickly. The ride back to Duo’s Deathscythe went quickly. The ride in Duo’s Deathscythe went far, far too slowly. And adjusting to life on the Peacemillion went poorly.
Every now and again, Duo would look for you and, if he hadn’t immediately come from a fight (he passed out on your carpet once due to blood loss after being in a gunfight. Zechs was less than appreciative.), he’d bring you to the nearest colony. Being able to enjoy a day out on occasion was a rarity you usually only got to experience with Duo.
“Ooooi, Duo. Check these out. Tell me these aren’t the coolest gloves you’ve ever seen.” You held up some black fingerless gloves for him to inspect. He’d brought you to a new colony, where apparently a special holiday (complete with fun sales) was happening. Admittedly, some of the people on this station were giving you and Duo some especially strange looks whenever Duo would tug on your shirt or grab your hand to get your attention but like. Fuck them.
“Hey, those look pretty awesome!” he grinned and bounced over, snatching the gloves from your hands to look for a price tag. “To steal or not to steal, that is the question.”
You raised an eyebrow. So maybe the crush you’d developed on this overgrown child of a thief was growing. So what? It’s just a crush. Everything’s going to be fine. “Is the price tag expensive or something?”
Duo shook his head. “Exact opposite. There isn’t one.”
“Let’s just leave ten gilla and bolt, then.”
Normally the rides back home were silent and awkward, but after the rather exciting day you’d had, you were feeling especially chatty. Which wasn’t to say that there weren’t still awkward breaks in the conversation. It was quiet, sure, but a lot of things had been quiet lately. Being deaf to louder things tended to do that to a person.
Duo drew you out of your thoughts with another tug on your sleeve and pressed one of the gloves into your hand. “Here. Figured we’d both look badass with just one glove. Plus we match!” He held up his gloved left hand with an air of confidence. He wasn’t wrong, honestly. Wearing his braid the way he did, he already cut an impressive figure, but the gloves really sold the look.
You pulled on the glove he gave you, flexing your fingers to test it’s flexibility. After all, if you couldn’t engage in you and Duo’s elaborate handshake, you might have to ditch the glove altogether. Luckily the glove fit you well- functionality and style alike. Ten gilla spent well.
“Not bad. Y’think Zechs’ll get jealous?” Duo laughed at the idea.
“Doubtful, doesn’t he have Noin to get him cool stuff? Plus, I think his mask and that hair are defining accessories, what else does he need?”
You shrugged. “What gay wouldn’t love these? ‘M already enjoying mine ‘nd yours look more worn in than mine do. Solid fuckin’ proof right there.” Not like you could confirm or deny that Duo was gay. Honestly, you didn’t really care for his specific labels, but Zechs was definitely gay so it just helped further the joke. With his demeanor and his lesbian best friend? Could the flags get any gayer.
“More like pansexual on my account. Good to know your take on gender preference though. This mean I’m allowed to openly flirt with you now?” He leaned back into his seat, throwing his feet up onto the table in front of you and resting his head in his hands.
You raised an eyebrow. “Only if you promise not to ‘no homo’ me afterwards.” Duo pretended to fall backwards, clutching at the nonexistent pearls and acting offended. You two giggled when Sally came in from the cockpit to assure herself that somebody hadn’t just gotten a concussion. To which Duo immediately pretended to have a head wound of some sorts (you suspected he was being purposely vague) in hopes of attaining the candy that Sally sometimes had on hand.
Once she left (leaving you and Duo with strong warnings against fooling around more, lest Duo’s “head injury” get worse; to which you had saluted and replied, “absolutely no promises, ma’am!”) you shared a look with the brunette and tried to keep from dissolving into a fit of laughter. To your chagrin, it was a fail. You were laughing so hard that your stomach was starting to genuinely hurt. Duo was doubled over on the ground, wheezing unintelligible words and trying to hand you the lollipop that Sally gave him.
By the time you had managed to calm down and breathe, Duo was getting into the chair beside you and clutching his side. “I think I pulled a muscle from laughing so hard.”
“Yeesh, ‘m crying from laughin’ so much. Aah, this is what y’do to me.” You joked, wiping away tears from the corners of your eyes.
“Y’know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you cry before,” Duo paused to think. “like, at all! Now that I think about it, didja even cry when I rescued you?” You shrugged again. The battlefield was pretty terrifying and if you hadn’t found it in you to cry from fear… well, you were feeling a lot of emotions during the whole ordeal. Who could really blame you? “Pretty tough that a fuckin battle didn’t even make you cry. Hey- my bit musta been pretty damn good to make you shed a tear!”
“Yeah, don’t let it get to y’head. ‘S just because ‘m crushin on you.” You mentioned casually, testing the waters.
“Full homo?”
“Full homo.”
Well, would you look at that. Now Duo was crying. What was with you two and tears today?
“You’re so cheesy.” You muttered to Duo, who was proudly holding up your guys’s fingerless gloves- which he had sewn a rainbow patch onto the back of.
He smiled, tugging your glove onto your hand. “Mhm. You love it though.”
Sighing, you returned the favour and pulled his glove onto his right hand. “You’re right. I love it. I love you.”
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[all works found under the name "nayarablueglasses" are property of nayarablueglasses. please do not repost, claim as your own, or edit. i do not consent for my works to be part of any social media other then tumblr, including having my works be adapted for asmrs.]
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bonjour-rainycity · 3 years
Odin’s Ward ~ Chapter 13
Link to previous part: https://bonjour-rainycity.tumblr.com/post/638162885025120256/odins-ward-chapter-12
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Word count: 2678
Warnings: Adult themes
True age: Y/n: 1197 // Loki: 1323 // Thor: 1575 // Audunn 2961
Human equivalent age: Y/n: 19 // Loki: 21 // Thor: 25 // Audunn: 47
Loki’s POV
“Your Highness, rebels have attacked one of the outer villages and stolen their food supply.”
Damn. I purse my lips in frustration. This is the third attack by rebels in as many months. “Take six of our warriors and station them in the village with enough grain, wine, fruits, and vegetables to feed everyone for half a year. By then it should be harvest and the people will have enough to feed themselves.”
“Yes, Your Highness.” The advisor bows deeply as he records my decision. Pride gathers within me.
“We need to re-think our security strategy for our borders. These rebels keep finding chinks in our armor. We must—” In my mind’s eye, the old painting in the attic glows purple.
All breath leaves me.
“My Liege?” The advisor looks at me with concern.
“I have to go.” Without another word, I stalk out of the room. Once I’m sure no one can see me, I teleport to the attic in the turret.
The last place I had a nice moment with Y/n.
The painting of the door, the one I told her to use to contact me if she ever needed me, glows her favorite shade of purple.
With shaking hands, I reach into the painting, open the door, and retrieve a letter. Just seeing her elegant script—the first sign of her in over sixty years—nearly brings me to my knees. It reads:
Dearest Loki,
Can I even still call you that? I’m not sure I should, given our circumstances. Nevertheless, it is true. You are dear to me.
I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face. I read the words in her voice, I can see the faces she makes as she awkwardly stumbles through writing this letter. It points to her still being the Y/n I once knew.
I read on.
Anyways, I have a favor to ask of you. It’s a pretty big one and could get us both in a lot of trouble if we’re found out. Due to my current situation, I am willing to take that risk. Are you? If so, please agree to meet me so we can discuss the specifics of what I’m asking of you — in person. It is better to keep as much of this as possible out of writing.
I realize that you said we needed to keep out of each other’s lives, and I understand why that is the best way for us both.
Still, I cannot help but be excited at even the possibility of seeing you again.
~ Y/n
P.S. Please burn this letter as soon as you’ve read it. Thanks.
Had the tone of her letter not been so concerning, I would have grinned at her sign-off.
After teleporting to my chambers, I throw the letter into the fire, as instructed, and sit at my desk to craft a response.
My Dearest Y/n,
I hope I have not overstepped in returning your greeting. You raise a valid point in wondering if we can still be that to each other—dear—but I believe our hearts cannot be lied to. There is no point in ignoring the fact when it is just us.
I know you would not contact me unless you absolutely needed my help. Fret not, my dear; I give it freely. If it is to your convenience, I shall meet you tonight in your bedchambers in Alfheim.
To respond, simply write on the bottom of this letter, and it will appear on a copy on my own desk.
I, too, look forward to seeing you again.
~ Loki
I glance over my letter. For all that I want to say, it seems incredibly short. But a voice in my head reminds me that, although seeing Y/n will be fresh air for a drowning man, I cannot lose myself in her completely. She is married. And denial and wishes are no way to live for two people who must spend their lives apart.
After using magic to send the letter to Y/n, I find a book to distract myself while anxiously awaiting her response.
Y/n’s POV
Out of the corner of my eye, I see a piece of paper appear on my desk in a hazy green glow. My breath hitches.
“Ragna,” I fight to keep my voice steady. “Could you go and find out what the cooks are serving for dinner?”
“Yes, My Lady.” She curtsies and leaves my room. As soon as she’s gone, I snatch the letter from my desk and open it.
Seeing Loki’s handwriting, so familiar after such a long time, makes my heart flutter and ache. After reading the letter, I take a moment to breathe.
I will see him again tonight.
With shaking hands, I write a single word on the bottom of the paper:
The letter shimmers once more and disappears. I bite my lip, doing my best to contain my excitement.
There’s a knock on the door and I quickly try to calm my expression. “Yes?”
Ragna enters with a curtsey, as always. “Lamb, My Lady.”
“Hmm?” I find my gaze wandering back to the desk, waiting to see if another letter has appeared.
“For dinner, My Lady.”
“Oh, yes!” I snap my attention to Ragna. Oh, shoot! Ragna. I’ll have to get rid of her for the night. “You know, I’m actually not feeling very well. I think I’ll skip dinner tonight.”
Her brow furrows. “What’s wrong, My Lady? I will have a healer come to check on you.”
She begins to leave. Ugh, I need this room free of other people, not filled with them. “No!” Ragna turns around, a questioning look on her face. I take a breath, trying to calm myself so I can focus on how to make a convincing lie. Channel your inner Loki. After another breath, I put a soft but assured smile on my face. “My ailment does not require healers, but thank you for the offer. It is nothing more than a headache. I would prefer to be alone. Please alert the guards that I am to have no visitors tonight.”
Ragna looks convinced by my explanation. “Yes, My Lady. I hope you feel better. Please call for me if I can be of assistance.”
I smile. “Thank you, Ragna. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, My Lady.” She curtsies and leaves the room.
Now I just have to wait.
I alternate between pacing and reading as I watch the sun sink deeper into the horizon. Every minute that passes seems ages longer than it actually is. A relaxing candle does nothing to help. I change my outfit twice before going back to the original.
Finally, it’s pitch black outside.
Should be any minute now.
My heart flutters and my hands shake. I find myself nervously tucking and untucking my hair, unable to decide which is best.
“Hello, Y/n.”
The smooth, familiar voice stops me in my tracks. The voice that, for a short time in my life, brought me both great peace and excitement like no other.
I turn around, unable to wrap my mind around the reality of seeing him again.
But there he is, just as tall and handsome and wonderful as I remember him.
“Loki.” The breath escapes me and suddenly I’m running across the room. He pulls me into his arms and hugs me with as much force as I use to cling to him.
“Y/n, I—” I look up to see him beaming a smile of disbelief. “I cannot believe I’m seeing you again.”
“Nor I, you.” I stroke his face, running my hands over the angular lines that were once so familiar to me. He hasn’t changed a bit. “I,” I take a steadying breath in an effort to calm my shaking hands. “I cannot thank you enough for coming to see me. I know there is risk involved for us both.”
He shakes his head and pulls me to the couch, where we sit. “I trust your judgement and I am here to help. What kind of trouble are you in?”
I look down at our hands, still intertwined. “Please, we can talk about that in a moment. How have you been?”
He shrugs, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. “Well, Asgard is prospering, minus a few rebel factions that would see us undone. We avoided a trade embargo with Vanaheim and—”
I smile, cutting him off. “I asked how you have been, Loki, not the kingdom.” An uncomfortable, insecure feeling pricks at the back of my mind. Why isn’t he talking about his personal life? Oh, how I did not want to feel this way. I try to mask it with nonchalance. “Tell me about your life.”
He sees through me in an instant. He shifts in his seat, looking slightly uncomfortable. “You’re asking me if there have been other women.”
I huff, annoyed at my own insecurity and at having been found out. “I am not!”
He chuckles lightly, returning to his state of ease. “You are, and that’s fine. The truth is, yes, there have been others.” He looks at the ground, running a thumb absently over my knuckles. “None of them stick. I’m not sure I want them to.”
Now I feel guilty. How utterly unfair of me. “Loki…” At the mention of his name, he looks up. “I am with someone else now. For as long as he and I both shall live, as they said in the ceremony. The union between Audunn and I is,” I swallow, willing myself not to sound full of despair over these words, “forever. I hope that one day you find someone who is good for you.”
He smiles softly, though there is too much sadness in his eyes. I pull a hand free to stroke his cheek, letting it come to a rest on his chest when the tenderness re-enters his eyes. “I did.” Subconsciously, I clutch at his shirt, remembering our fleeting time together. After a heavy pause, he grins. “700 years ago a sniffling child was placed in my clubhouse and I was told to entertain her.” He rolls his eyes playfully, leaning back into the couch. “How was I supposed to know I’d grow up to fall in love with her?”
Breath catches in my throat. It’s been so long since I’ve heard him say that.
Loki can tell this affects me.
He leans in and I can see the deep emerald of his eyes. His voice is soft and sincere when he declares, “I do still love you.”
“And I love you,” I whisper without hesitation.
I’m not sure who reaches for who, but by the next breath, we’re intertwined. The kiss is desperate, hopeful, sad, and passionate all at once. Heat floods through my body. Vaguely, I realize that this is the first time in 63 years that I’ve felt desire. I’ve never once wanted Audunn as I want Loki. And as soon as Loki leaves, he’ll take this desire, this connection, with him.
Because Loki isn’t here for long.
With that realization, I stop holding back. Loki meets me there, and soon we’re undressing each other on the couch.
“Wait,” he pulls back, lips pink and slightly breathless. “It wasn’t supposed to go like this. I had a plan. I was going to be a gentleman. This is not being a gentleman.”
I smirk and quirk an eyebrow at him. “Who said anything about a gentleman?  I called you here, didn’t I? And I think I’ve been quite clear about what I want.”
That mischievous look I adore pops into his eyes. “Well, if the lady so wishes….”
We pick up where we left off.
“To be completely honest, I’m not convinced he can. Audunn is very old.”
It’s the early hours of the morning, and we’re leaned against my headboard, comfortably naked, me tucked under his arm. Loki throws his head back and laughs, pulling our entwined hands up to his mouth for a kiss. “That’s awfully unfair of you.”
“It’s true!” I join him in his laughter, loving this time we have together. “All he does is grunt and then he’s done! Absolutely no work required on my part.”
He scoffs playfully. “So what, you’ve just suffered through sixty pleasureless years?”
Now it’s my turn to grin. “There are ways in which a woman can pleasure herself, you know.”
“Yes,” a glint comes into his eyes. “But why should she have to when I am here and oh so willing?”
He kisses me deeply then, shifting so we’re buried in the covers once again, him on top of me. We break the kiss, and I sigh sadly, knowing that our time is running out. “I wish you could stay here forever.”
“What I wouldn’t do to stop time,” he responds sincerely, laying his forehead against mine.
I smile softly, the sadness creeping back in. I kiss him lightly on the nose before pushing against him so we’re sitting up.
He looks at me expectantly, waiting for me to explain why I called him here in the first place.
I look at my fingers, contemplating how I want to frame this. If I tell Loki too much of the truth, that Audunn is manipulative and abusive and filled with hatred, there is a real possibility that Loki could do something rash and ruin future relationships between Alfheim and Asgard. Norns, he could start a war! Besides, it’s not like confiding in Loki would change anything. Even if Audunn were to suddenly be removed from the picture, it is likely that I would just be passed onto the next eligible suitor, not returned to Asgard to be with Loki. With all this in mind, I go with a half-truth.
“I don’t love Audunn, and I don’t want to have his children.”
Unexpectedly, tears enter my eyes. It’s so freeing to be able to share this with someone other than Ragna, to not have to pretend to enjoy Audunn’s company, and to be able to be, well, mostly honest with someone I love and trust.
Loki runs a comforting hand through my hair, looking at me with understanding and sadness. “You will be ridiculed. Alfheim views women as being required to provide heirs for their husbands. If you do not…” He trails off, hesitation in his eyes.
“I know,” I assure him, gripping his hands. “I’ve already been subjected to some of it. It has been over sixty years, after all.” I look him straight in the eyes so he can see just how sure I am. “But I can handle it. I can handle anything if it means saving myself from being bound to Audunn in that way.”
Loki nods steadily, and I can see that he’s made up his mind. “I will do as you ask.”
I release a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “Thank you.”
He brings a tender hand to my forehead and murmurs softly. After a moment, my body warms with the barely-tangible weight of his magic. I feel no different, but when he removes his hand, I know it is done.
“It will either take myself or another sorcerer to remove the spell, so if you change your mind…” His voice trails off.
I shake my head, completely resolute in my decision. “I won’t.” And, heavy with exhaustion and the weight of how my life has just been changed, I lean forward into Loki’s chest. His arms encircle me immediately, and I try to memorize exactly how this feels.
Because it’s likely I’ll never see him again.
He runs his hands gently up my back, easing me into rest.
“You’re a good man,” I remind him, because sometimes he forgets.
Before I hear his reply, I drift off to sleep.
In the morning, my bed is cold, and I know that he is gone.
A/n Happy holidays! Let me know what you thought and if you would like to be added to the tag list!
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Link to next part: https://bonjour-rainycity.tumblr.com/post/639152911075672064/odins-ward-chapter-14
Tag list: @80strashbag @dark-night-sky-99 @what-am-i-doing10 @chxrryycola @ravenclaw5606 @hiddlebatchedloki
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