#and I don't need drink to do that. for sure. I can do that just fine. but the alcohol slows down my body. and that's what I like
sirianasims · 2 days
Psssst! Hey! Yes, you! We need to talk about clubs:
Using the Clubs for Immersive Gameplay
Of all the systems that Sims 4 has, the club feature is probably one of my favourites (Restaurants are a close second, but they're not why we're here today!) Clubs are one of the easiest ways to increase your immersion when you play and make the random townies that show up on community lots just a tiny bit less random.
The Basics
Often, people are mostly concerned with the groups their active sims are in. You might already have a club to keep track of your sims' closest friends, study group, or baby daddies, we don't judge here.
Clubs are also a great way to automate what you want your sim to be doing with less micromanaging, but for immersion, we're actually more interested in clubs for the sims you don't (or rarely) play.
WTF are the neighbours doing?
Most of the pre-made clubs are kinda meh. I prefer to add my own so I can make my community lots just a bit more lively and make sure people's activities make just a tiny bit of sense because the autonomy in this game is not great. These are just for inspiration based on clubs I often add to my own game:
A group of teens who meet at the retail clothing store to try on clothes and gossip about Nancy's nose job or whatever.
A local bowling league (complete with uniforms) who meet and bowl - just don't fuck with The Jesus.
An HOA of Karens who meet at the park to clean, raise property values, and be mean to people.
Geeks and gamers who meet at the local arcade to awkwardly flirt over pizza.
Comedians who meet at the local comedy club - you can even use the club doors to make a VIP backroom only for the performers.
Sports teams - such as a basket team who meets at a local basket court, or a swim team who meets at the local pool (you can even give them tiny matching speedos!)
Scouts! The scout feature is cute but it's a rabbit hole, boo! But you can make a Scouts club, complete with uniforms, and have them show up in parks where they can do various activities and work on their badges. Add a teen or two to supervise the younglings, their parents will be so proud, aww.
A sorority or fraternity in university who meet up at the local bar in matching varsity jackets to make all the other students feel inferior.
A group of old ladies who meet at the park to knit or cross-stitch and brag about the accomplishments of their descendants.
A "business" club, usually CEOs, lawyers and such, who meet in fancy bars to hold important business meetings and probably commit white-collar crimes, so predictable.
If you have a sim with an office/work from home job and you'd like to pretend they actually go to work, you can make an office building and a group of "coworkers" who'll show up to drink coffee, chat, and work on computers next to them in the office. It'll even simulate rotating desk assignments for an instant capitalist hellscape!
The possibilities are endless, and I find the club feature really useful to add little interesting scenarios to the background of my gameplay.
Thanks to SQOTD for inspiring this!
📩 Simblr question of the day: according to you, what are the most underutilized gameplay features in the sims games you played, dlc included? - @simblr-question-of-the-day
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yelenasdiary · 2 days
For the AU request, what about nervous Wanda asking Natasha to take R out just the two of them. Maybe they just go to the park or to a movie. R being 5 :)
Can't Say No
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Daughter! Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Wanda wants to get to know you a little more and asks your mom if she can take you out for the day. 
Warnings: None | 2K
Translations: милый (darling), мед (honey), 
AC: Thank you for sending this! I love the idea; I hope you enjoy it! x
A Widow’s Sunshine Masterlist
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"Do you want cheerios or porridge for breakfast?" Your mother asked with a soft smile as you took a seat at the small wooden table in the kitchen with your favorite stuffie sitting beside you, "uhm, porridge please!" You replied with a sweet smile that your mother loved so much. "Coming right up!" She said, reaching for the cupboard. You weren't much of a fuzzy child which was something Nat was a little thankful for, you'd eat most things, you loved your fruits and most of your vegetables, but you weren't too big on meat because you didn't like when it would get stuck in your teeth. 
While the porridge cooked in the microwave, your mom poured you a small cup of orange juice and placed it in front of you just as the microwave peeped. "Thank you, mommy" you said before you took a small sip of your drink. Your mother returned with your breakfast in hand, placing a kiss on the top of your head, "it's a little hot милый, we'll just give it a moment to cool, okay?" She said. You nodded, not too fussed. 
"What are doing today mommy?" You asked, looking up at her. 
"Well, baby, mommy has to go into work and do a little paperwork so I thought we could go to the park afterwards, how does that sound?" She replied, stirring your breakfast around. 
"Can Dory come?" You asked. Your favorite stuffie named after a character from one of your favorite movies. 
"Of course, милый" Natasha smiled right as her mobile began to buzz, placed your breakfast in front of you and reached for her back pocket. "Be careful baby, if it's too hot, give it a few more minutes, okay?" She said, you nodded but it was just right to eat. Natasha looked down at her phone, butterflies fluttered in her stomach when she read Wanda's name on her screen, and she wasted no more time before answering. 
"Wands, hi!" Your mother said in a sweet tone as she slowly wandered out of the kitchen, 
"Hey, sorry if I called too early" Wanda replied. 
"Don't stress, I just finished making Y/n breakfast, is everything okay?" 
"Everything is fine" Wanda replied and Nat was sure she could hear the soft smile through the phone, "I was just calling because you mentioned yesterday that you were gonna head into the compound today and catch up on some mission reports so I thought and of course if you're not okay with it, I completely understand but I was wondering, you could be okay if I took Y/n for the day? That way you can get as much work done as you need, and Y/n and I will get some time to get to know one another more. But like I said, it's completely fine if you're not okay with that, I just thought I'd ask" She added. 
"Actually, that would be really helpful, let me just ask Y/n" Natasha couldn't help the smile that tugged at her lips. Having you meet her partner was a big seat for Natasha and it meant the world to her to know that Wanda wasn't put off about the idea of Nat being a single parent and she loved knowing that Wanda wanted to get to know you more. 
Your mother came back into the kitchen and smiled softly at you, "мед, would you like to spend a few hours with Wanda today instead of coming to work with me?" She asked. 
You enjoyed Wanda's company, you liked her long hair and the funny faces she could pull, you nodded instantly with a growing smile, "yes please!!" You almost jumped out of your chair, making Natasha chuckle. 
"I'm not sure if you heard that but I have a very excited little girl who would love to spend the day with you" Nat said back to Wanda. 
"Well, I am glad! Tell her I am very excited too! Shall I come by and pick her up in an hour?" Wanda asked. 
"Sounds perfect to me, thank you detka, we'll see you soon" Nat replied before hanging up. 
An hour later and you were waiting by the front door of the small apartment you lived in with your mother, dressed and full of excitement for your day with Wanda. Your mom braided your hair just like she did hers, as requested by you of course. "She's here!! She's here!!" You called, jumping up and down when you heard a knock at the door. Your mom chuckled at your excitement and grabbed your backpack which had some snacks and your drink bottle in it before opening the door. 
Wanda smiled instantly when she saw just how excited you were, "Hi Wanda!" You greeted her with your stuffie, Dory, in your arms. "Good morning, Y/n and I believe that is Dory?" Wanda replied. You turned and looked up at your mother with wide eyes and a dropped jaw, "she knew Dory's name mommy!!" You said with shock. 
Both adults chuckled, "I told you, she can read minds" Natasha smiled. Of course you didn't think she was being serious. "Make sure you're a good girl for Wanda, okay?" Your mother kneeled in front of you and placed a kiss on your cheek, "I'll be the best mommy! So will Dory!" You smiled. 
Nat handed your backpack to Wanda and explained what was inside while you waited so patiently to spend the day with your new friend. You said goodbye to your mother and took Wanda by the hand before the two of you began to walk down the hall to the evaluator and out into the busy street. 
"Is there anything you would like to do today?" Wanda asked while the two of you walked hand in hand down the street to her car. "Mommy was going to take me to the park today" you said, but not too sure on what on earth you wanted to do besides that. 
"Well, how about we do to the movies and then after that we can have lunch in the park?" Wanda offered, your eyes lit up and your smile only grew bigger as you nodded. 
Wanda took you to see Shrek 2, she let you pick the movie, and it was a hard pick between Shark Tale or Shrek 2 but when you saw Puss in Boots on the cover, the choice was made. You enjoyed a small soda and shared some popcorn and giggles with Wanda throughout the movie. To Wanda's surprise, you weren't tired at all after the film, in fact it was almost as if you had more energy than before but then again, you are the Black Widow's daughter. 
After the movies, Wanda let you pick what the two of you would have for lunch. You picked the small pizza restaurant that was only a short walk from the cinema. Wanda brought you a slice of your pick and then it was off to the park. Of course, Wanda didn't let you run off to play until you had some of your pizza and some water but once you did, you were off making friends with many of the other children on the playground. 
"Wanda!" You said, running up to her while she sat watching you from the park bench, "can you please look after Dory?" You asked, face red from all the playing you had been doing, "I don't want her to get dirty" you added. 
"Of course, I can" Wanda smiled as you handed her your stuffie, "I will look after her with the best of care" she added with confidence. You thanked her and then it was off to play some more. 
When it was time to start heading home, Wanda noticed you playing in the bushes by yourself, she frowned slightly as she walked over to you with Dory in one hand and your backpack in another, "Y/n, is everything okay?" She asked, startling you. 
"Look, Wanda!" You said, pointing into the bushes. Just as Wanda kneeled down, a small black kitten popped out of the bushes, you giggled when the little kitten brushed up against you which brought relief to Wanda who wasn't sure what to expect at first. 
"Can I take her home to mommy, please?" You begged, catching Wanda off guard. 
"Oh, uhm, I'm n-"
"Pleaseeee" you begged and honestly, who was Wanda to say no too? 
"Well, alright, but we should get you both home before it gets too late, I'm sure your mom would like you to have a bath before dinner" Wanda smiled, reaching for her phone and texting Natasha right away, "just know, I tried to say no" she texted before the two of you started walking back to her car. 
Natasha could hear your little voice in the hall, which brought a smile to her lips as she opened the door to greet you but what she saw you in your arms made Wanda's text message make sense. "Hi мед, who is this?" Your mother asked as you smiled at her. 
"A kitty I found at the park, Wanda said I could bring her home" you replied honestly. The small kitten took Natasha by surprise, you had already fallen in love with the little animal that she quickly noticed how Wanda tried to say no.
"I tried" Wanda whispered. 
"Can we keep her mommy, please?" You begged, placing the kitten on the floor. 
"мед, we don't know where this kitten has been, we would need to take it to the vet first" your mother replied, "she was in the bushes" you said back, not letting any excuses pass by, "please mommy, I will let you name her!" You offered. Wanda tried to hide the smirk that tugged at her lips, you were most definitely Natasha's daughter, that's for sure. 
There was a moment of silence, your mother unsure how to tackle this but on one hand, she didn't see the harm in allowing you to have your first pet. "How about you go wash your hands and I'll have a think about it, and we can talk more about it after dinner" your mother offered and just to win your mother over, you did exactly what she asked. 
Wanda stayed for dinner, the three of you enjoying some lasagna while you fed tiny pieces of mince to the little kitten, both Nat and Wanda noticed how the kitten didn't seem to leave your side, even when you came home and placed her on the floor, she was by your feet which to Wanda is more of a sign but to Nat it was going to be harder to tell you that you couldn't keep the animal. 
"Look mommy, she has the same eyes as Wanda" you pointed out after dinner, now your mother definitely couldn't say no. Wanda chuckled, "that is pretty cool" she said but your mom just smiled softly as she placed the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. 
When the time came for Wanda to go home, you didn't want her to go but it was almost your bedtime and Wanda promised to come see you again another day. "Thank you for all the fun today!" You smiled before giving Wanda a hug, "you are more than welcome, thank you for the fun" she replied.
"милый, how about you and Liho go get ready for bed and I'll be in to read to you in a few minutes?" Your mother smiled softly at you as your eyes widened, "we can keep her?" You asked, earning yourself a nod from your mom. "Thank you, mommy!!" You hugged her tightly before running off to your room with little Liho running shortly behind. With you distracted by your new little friend, Natasha was able to show Wanda just how much she really appreciated her help today, kissing her deeply, something she had waited all day to do. 
"Promise me on thing" Natasha said, her hands placed on Wanda's hips. 
"Depends" Wanda bit her bottom lip making Nat lightly chuckle, "next time you and my daughter hang out, no more pets" Nat replied (not so) jokingly. 
"Hey, if you couldn't even say no, how do you think I'm supposed too? Besides, it got me a little extra date so I'm not complaining" Wanda replied with a playful wink. "Great, now I have two people I can't say no too" Nat rolled her eyes playfully before giving Wanda one last kiss for the night.
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Taglist: @koinsss | @liloandstitchstan | @marcia-maximoff | @skittlebum | @katethewritersblog | @taliiiaasteria | @nova-kyle | @daddipantherr | @riyaexee | @sgm616 | 
If you want to be on the taglist for this series, please see the masterlist. It's linked at the top of this post.
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moonlit-imagines · 2 days
Headcanons for being an Avenger with a low social battery
Avengers x reader
prompt: anonymous: “Can I have the avengers with a reader who has a really bad social battery. Like they can be out in public and then they just disappear and are like “nah I’m done with these mofo’s””
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the avengers are quite the rowdy bunch
but you always as excitable as them
these guys were often in the public eye, always being asked all sorts of questions
but you just couldnt handle it a lot of the time
"y/n, can i get a picture with you? you're my hero!" -fan
"uh...yeah, sure. big smile!" -you, completely exhausted
you tried to be nice and not obvious that you were drained but boy was it hard
especially when tony threw his parties
you'd typically sit in the corner with a drink and try to make it through the night
but there were always some guests who were just dying to come talk to you
"hey! why are you hiding over here, there's a party going on! come, have some fun!" -clueless party guest
"oh, i'm okay over here, thank you" -you
"i'll keep you some company, then. why don't you tell me a story of one of your avenger missions"
some people just could not take the hint
but the avengers usually knew when you'd had enough
"wanna get out of here?" -nat
"please." -you
you'd recharge alone whenever you escaped the madness
dont even get me started on the news
they would do anything to get an interview with you
"y/n! could you comment on the recent events in [country] that you accompanied the avengers in?" -reporter
"we were there, we saved the day" -you, obviously exhausted
"is that all you have to say?" -reporter
"hey! don't you want to hear what i have to say? huh?" -tony
"thanks, tony" -you
"no problem, kiddo" -tony
wanda got it
you liked spending time with her because she liked to be calm and alone sometimes too
you'd read or watch tv or listen to music together in silence for hours
it was nice
it was funny because sometimes the team would all be socializing and then bam
"hey, where's y/n?" -steve
"i think they tapped out" -clint
"oh. i'll go check on them" -steve
"no, just leave them alone, they'll be back" -tony
after a lot of missions you'd just wait for the avengers on the quinjet while they spoke to authorities or SHIELD or whoever
"just forward me the mission report, i'll fill it out" -you
everyone just kinda let you do your thing
which worked out just fine for you
it drove fury crazy back in the day
"just why are we giving y/n special treatment? what? they're tired?" -fury
"i didn't say that, i said they were over your shit" -tony
"you better not have said that, i'll give you one last chance" -fury
and that is just another reason you were depleted
some days were better than others, and sometimes you could keep up! but once your battery died, that was it
"'social battery,' you say? any way i could be of assistance? maybe a small jolt from mjolnir to charge it back up?" -thor
"oh, no, just a figure of speech, no need for...that" -you
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 // @deanzboyfriend //
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Hi! I just scrolled through your blog and loved your writing, so I decided to make a request! I was wondering if you could write fem!reader x Lucifer where they're kind of just hanging out but R is kind of grumpy and Luci is subtly (but not subtly cause lord knows he's too awkward to be good at hiding things) trying to figure out what it is. R kind of just dismisses him while scrolling on their phone and Lucifer's like "let me try something..." and just slides a snack to R to which she nibbles on and then becomes normal again. Bonus points if she apologizes when she realizes she was being mean without meaning to. Anyway, this got long. If you decide not to write this, I understand. If you do, you are required to drink water and eat a snack too at some point. Love you and your writing! <3
A/N — OOOOOHHHHHHH anon I love you for requesting this 😭💖 thank you so much! It's just a little short, but I wasn't sure what else to add lol
Hangry | Lucifer x Fem!Reader
Warnings: reader being a little mean, Lucifer being loving and understanding
Word Count: 489
Summary: Luci forces you to eat something after you unintentionally snap at him.
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On a couch, in a palace, in hell, there was you. Glorious you. The very one who kept Lucifer sane — his Heavenly best friend turned perfect stepmother to his beloved daughter, which was a more recent (and super awesome) development. 
He could tell just by looking at you that you weren't exactly feeling the best — it was clear by the present frown and the way your brows furrowed every once in a while, as if you were fighting something. 
For a split second, he thought you were sick. But as he placed his hands all over your face, forcing you to look away from your phone screen, he soon realized that you weren't sick.
“Sorry. . .” He mumbled when you set your darkened glare on him.
You rolled your eyes, looking back to your phone. There was important stuff going on. Meetings to be scheduled. You didn't have time for anything else. 
“Did you sleep?” Lucifer questioned not even five minutes later. 
You sighed, irritated, practically growling out your answer. “Yes.” 
“Okay. . . Well how long did you —”
“GOD! Can you give me five fucking minutes to do my job, Lucifer!?”
He was momentarily taken aback by your harsh tone,  but then it was as if a light bulb went off in his head and he stood from where he had previously planted himself in front of you. 
Guilt began to settle in your being as you nestled yourself further in the couch to continue working. You hadn't expected him to leave — just maybe stop hovering like you were going to spontaneously combust and disappear.
You knew he meant well, but you just weren't feeling it. Any of it.
Five minutes later he returned with a plate that had your favorite sandwich and bag of chips on top, snatching your phone out of your hand and replacing it with the plate and a bottle of your favorite drink. 
You growled. “Luci—” 
“Eat.” He demanded, holding your phone out of your reach. 
And you did. That first bite of the sandwich made you realize that you hadn't eaten breakfast. . . Or lunch. . . You felt better immediately, which showed him instantly what the problem had been. 
Once you finished, you sat in silence, trying to figure our what to say. . . It ended up being a ‘thank you’ that was said so low it was almost missed in the quiet room.
“You feel better?” He asked.
“Yeah. . . I'm sorry I snapped at you — I didn't mean to. . .” You trailed off when he grabbed your face in his hands and forced you to look at him. 
“I forgave you the moment you started eating. Before anything, you're my best friend, and we don't need you being hangry.” 
“Wife.” You corrected with a slight smile.
“Even better.” He grinned, placing sweet kisses all over your face — even the tip of your nose. Yeah. . . You were definitely forgiven. 
So long as you remembered to eat and stay hydrated.
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Little comfort things
Self-Aware! BSD AU x SAGAU Imposter AU
Self-Aware! Kunikida Doppo x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Paul Verlaine
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Description: You can't sleep. Doppo and Verlaine are here to make you feel comfortable.
Set in a week after Lost and Found. At this point, BSD Cast don't know, what happened to Reader
Warning: OOC. English is my second language.
Shortish comfort fic
You tossed and turned in your bed. You opened your bloodshot eyes. You couldn't sleep. You were afraid of sleeping. Because each time you close your eyes, you saw Teyvat. That wrenched place... For the last week you couldn't sleep, the only time you could catch some sleep, was during dawn hours, while you lose focus on anything, because of exhaustion.
You sobbed and hit the mattress. You wanted to sleep! You don't want to feel afraid anymore.
You groaned and put the pillow above your head. You remembered, how it was, when you were a kid and had a nightmare.
If you were a kid again... Your parents would probably put your favorite blanket around you, took you to the kitchen and make you a cup of cocoa. You will have your favorite toy with you, hugging it, while drinking your cocoa and eating cookies. Then you will go to bed, and there would be no nightmares.
But you were an adult. There were no little blankets with colorful print, no favorite toy, no cocoa in a cup with cartoon animals on it, no cookies with smiley faces...
Only memories about Teyvat, fear and guilt of making BSD Cast worried about you...
"Are you sure, that you need my help?" asked Verlaine, looking at your parents' place. Kunikida nodded slightly.
"Yes. [Y/N] are..." Kunikida didn't finish. Everyone knew, what was happening to you. "Maybe, their parents knew, how to help them."
Verlaine nodded, yet, asked again.
"But, why me?"
Kunikida sighed and open the car's door.
"I need someone, who will make [Y/N] feel safe. If there's no way to comfort them, we need to find how to do it ourselves. And [Y/N] see you as a protector."
Kunikida stepped outside from the car. Verlaine followed after him.
"Besides," Kunikida's ears became slightly pink. "I need someone, who will help to came up with a believable lie."
Verlaine was carrying a box in his hands. Your parents were sweet enough to share stories about your childhood with "[Y/N]'s nice friends". With some sweet words, Verlaine managed to get some of your old things from your parents.
Verlaine didn't know if it was true, that things from childhood can lift person's spirit. Well, at least Kunikida was sure of it. Verlaine only hopped, that it would help you.
Tonight, they will help you.
Another night, another sleepless night.
You just lay here, looking at the ceiling, thinking about anything you can, to distract you from Teyvat.
A quiet knock on the door cut your line of thoughts.
Did you wake someone up?
You sat up and spoke. Your voice was hoarse.
"Come in..."
The door was opened, and Verlaine stepped into your room. You looked at the floor. You didn't want to look at Verlaine. You were too embarrassed.
Verlaine took a few more steps, until he stepped right before your bed. You were waiting for him to ask you to be quiet.
Instead, something soft was wrapped around your shoulders.
It took you some time, before you realized, what it was. Such an old, soft, familiar thing. Now, it was too small for you and only can cover your shoulders.
"M-my childhood blanket?" You looked at Verlaine. You can't believe it. How he got it from your parents' home? Then you saw another thing. A familiar toy in his hands. Your favorite one.
You didn't resist, when Verlaine gave you the toy. You only hugged it closer to your chest.
And then Verlaine pick you up.
"Let's go, Dear Opal. Your cocoa and cookies are waiting for you."
When Verlaine carried you to the kitchen, a little ghost of a smile appeared on your face.
Kunikida was here. He was keeping an eye on a pot. A bag of milk, few sugar cubes, box of cocoa powder, bottle of whipped cream, box with chocolate chips, a bottle of vanilla sauce and bag of marshmallows were on the table.
Kunikida turned towards you and Verlaine, and a smile appeared on his face.
"It's almost ready. Give me another minute."
Verlaine and you nodded. Verlaine put you on one of the chairs.
Soon, a big cup of cocoa (with whipped cream, chocolate chips, vanilla cream and a marshmallow) was put before you. Ingredients were put away and were replaced with a big bowl of cookies.
Doppo and Verlaine didn't touch their cocoas, until you make a first sip.
Then Kunikida spoke.
"[Y/N]. I want to tell you that we all care about you. All of us love you. You are dear to all of us. Don't be afraid of asking for help. We will help you. We will be here for you."
Then Verlaine started talking.
"Please, don't be ashamed of being vulnerable. We... didn't know why. But we will be here regardless of the reason. You deserved everything in this world."
You didn't answer, but another faint smile touched your lips.
Then you whispered.
"Thank you..."
The rest of the cocoa drinking were in comfortable silence.
You felt calm. You were among friends. Your little comfort things were there.
For the first time in a week, you felt truly safe. And sleepy.
You finished your cocoa and eat the final cookie.
Kunikida and Verlaine noticed your sleepy expression. Kunikida gently pat your head.
"Let's get you to bed, My Ideal. We will keep you safe. We will stay in your room tonight."
Verlaine pick you up again. Both him and Kunikida returned to your room.
You were put into bed and tucked in. Your childhood blanket and toy was put near you on your bed.
Verlaine and Kunikida got themselves comfortable on your bean bags. It seems, they were serious about staying in your room.
Your room was dark. You closed your eyes.
And finally had a long dream without nightmares.
Kunikida and Verlaine observed your sleeping figure. At this moment, all their problems disappeared. You were sleeping. And you were slightly happier. With small steps, they will help you. With small gestures and warm words.
Because you deserve every bit of happiness they can and will give you.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters @nervousinfluencertidalwave @ayameshu
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ghouljams · 2 days
I would love to see you take a crack at a spy au with the boys and their darlings, I don’t know but your writing could do that sleek bond vibe justice, just a random little worm in my head but I’ll be honest spy content is always on my brain. Anywho you can disregard this but all the best!
I wrote this in an airport last July:
Blonde, Ghost thinks, and too pretty to reasonably be any of these men’s arm candy. He’s got his mark. You fit your dossier to a T. It’s almost comical how easy it is to pick you out and make his way over. All he has to do is secure you and deliver you in hand to Price tomorrow. Easy peasy, he’s never had trouble bringing women home, you won’t be any different.
You spot him before he can reach you, eyes dragging over him with a smile. God you’re gorgeous. Arms dealers, smugglers, the highest in power of the lowest of the low, you stand out like a diamond among shit. Ghost understands why James Bond always had a girl on his arm if you’re the type of gold these criminals run with. You hold out your hand as he approaches, eager to be introduced. 
“How’d a pretty little thing like you get caught up in all this dirty business,” He asks, taking your hand firmly in his. You tip your head, doe eyes staring up at him as you do your best to wrap your fingers around his hand. 
“Oh I wouldn’t say I’m caught up in anything,” You tell him, your voice soft and entreating, “I’m more of an… outside contractor.”
“Is that what they’re calling it?” Ghost raises a brow.
“It’s what I’m calling it,” You drop his hand, he almost misses the warmth, “Can I get you a drink?”
“Bourbon,” Ghost tells you, leaning against the bar next to you.
“A good ol’ boy,” You purr, and tap the bar to signal the tender. You’re so close he can feel your warmth, smell your perfume. You smell divine, even prettier up close when you bat your lashes at him, everything about you seems designed to entice and entrap.
“Not that good.”
“I’m sure you more than make up for it,” You pick up the glass the bartender slides across, holding the rim with your fingers as you offer it to him.
“Never had any complaints.” He lets you set the glass in his hand, enjoying the way your eyes never leave his, even when he tugs his balaclava up to drink.
“Awfully confident for a man with no face," You hum. Ghost's eyes flick over you, the hug of your dress over your body, the low dip of the neckline. Your practically spilling from it as you lean over the bar. Makes him want to get his hands on you, see if you're as soft as you look. He'd bet you are.
"You lookin' to try for yourself?" Ghost raises a brow. He's glad for the mask with the way you press yourself against his arm. Your tits squish comfortably against his bicep, the warmth of your body burning him through his jacket. Your hand settles on his thigh, and he wonders if you have some sort of fetish for men that are bad news.
"I'm wondering," Your head tips, your voice scraping his ear as he settles his glass on the bar, "why the biggest man in the room needs to hide his face when he's confident enough to approach me." Ghost feels the twitch of his smile, enjoys the pressure of your fingers against his thigh, even flexes it for you.
"You're a pretty bird," Ghost supplies, "and I'm a wanted man."
"So is every man in the room," You lower your voice to whisper, "but you're the only one who-"
"If you're that curious," Ghost finishes his drink, the burn of it steeling his nerves, "Why don't we go up to my room, and I'll take it off for ya."
Ghost wakes up to a cuff being snapped around his wrist. “Really sorry about this,” You tell him with a pitying look, “but I can’t have you getting yourself hurt.” He yanks at the cuff, hears it click against the bars of the headboard. You take a step back as he reaches for you with a growl. Oh, he’s not the one you should worry about being hurt. You twist an earring into your ear, watching him struggle to get his wrist free. Wait, weren’t you blonde? The dossier said blonde, he saw you last night, you were blonde.
The metallic ping of his pistol’s safety brings his focus back.
“That’s my gun,” He says, watching you check the magazine.
“Correction, was your gun.” You slip the mag back into place and holster the gun in your waistband. You rifle through his jacket and pull his passport free, flipping it open to check it. You give a low whistle, “How’d you manage to get by without a picture, I mean that is really-”
“When I get out of this,” He warns low. You give him a look.
“You know I should really be thanking you, last night was… wow,” You fan yourself with his passport, before tossing it onto the bed next to him, “but otherwise this has been very disappointing. I mean,” You hold up a flash drive, “the heel of your shoe?-” Ghost stills, “-Sort of embarrassing, really.”
Shit. He yanks at his cuff harder, free hand searching for anything to stop you with. The drive disappears from your hand and you scoop your dress from the night before off the floor. Wait, that’s his shirt, you’re wearing his shirt. You turn the dress inside out and tug the sleeves, shouldering the reversed garment turned bag. 
“It’s been a pleasure, Ghost, truly.” You tell him with a smile, “The maid should be in to release you shortly. Don’t wait up.”
Ghost watches you leave, effectively crossing off the only two targets he had to secure last night. Price is going to be so monumentally pissed.
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doctorbitchcrxft · 7 hours
Provenance | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual)
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore, j e a l o u s y
Word Count: 6703
A/N: Taglist will be closing at the start of season 2! if you aren't currently tagged, and you'd like to join, please please let me know within the next two posts!!
Series Rewrite Masterlist
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You gripped your beer tightly watching Dean getting a girl’s number across the bar from you. 
“(Y/N), if you hold that thing any tighter, you’re gonna break it,” Sam snorted. “What’s your deal?”
You looked back at Sam but were unable to pull your eyes from Dean and his new “friend” for longer than a few seconds. “Nothing.” You took a swig of your drink.
“Are you sure you don’t know how you feel about Dean?” the brunet taunted. 
You shot him a glare. “Shut up.”
He snickered in response and returned to looking over the papers in front of him.
You waved Dean over, who held a hand up behind the woman’s back to get you to wait. You gestured again and his smile dropped. He said something to her quickly before making his way back over to you. 
“I think we got something,” Sam told his brother. 
Dean grinned over his shoulder. “Oh, yeah, me too. I think we need to take a little shore leave; just a little bit. What do you think, huh? I'm so in the door with this one.”
You rolled your eyes. “So, what are we today, Dean? Rock stars, army rangers?”
“Reality TV scouts,” he grinned at you, ignoring the bite in your voice. “Looking for people with special skills. I mean hey, it's not that far off right?”
“If by ‘not far off’ you mean ‘completely off the mark,’ then you’re spot on,” you deadpanned.
Dean shot you a look while he turned to his brother. “By the way, she's got a friend over there. Possibly hook you up. What do you think?”
“Dean, no thanks, I can get my own dates,” Sam responded to his question.
“Yeah, you can, but you don't.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
Dean shook his head. “Nothing. What you got?”
“Mark and Ann Telesca of New Paltz, New York were both found dead in their own home, a few days ago. Throats were slit. There were no prints, no murder weapons, all—” He trailed off as his brother looked back at the women at the bar. 
“Dean!” you snapped your fingers at him.
He turned back. “Huh, what?”
“No prints, no murder weapons, all doors and windows locked from the inside,” Sam continued.
“Could just be a garden variety murder, you know, not our department,” Dean answered.
“No. Dad says different.”
“What do you mean?” Dean’s interest was piqued at the mention of his dad.
You pointed at the map. “John noted three murders in the same area of upstate New York. First one here in 1912, second, right here in 1945, and the third in 1970. Same M.O. as the Telescas. Throats slit, doors locked from the inside; the whole nine. Now, so much time passed that nobody checked the pattern. Except for your dad. It’s frustrating how much better he is at this than me sometimes,” you muttered at the end of your sentence.
“Alright, I'm with ya. It's worth checking out. We can't pick this up ‘til first thing though right?” Dean asked, trying to contain his excitement.
“Yeah,” Sam answered.
“Good.” Before you could stop him, Dean was off to the two women again.
You were fuming; staring daggers at him and downing the rest of your drink.
Sam snickered at you. “Let’s get you out of here before you end up killing one of those girls.”
“Nah, I’d kill your brother. They didn’t do anything wrong,” you responded, helping Sam pick up the papers scattered about the table. “How ‘bout the Telescas’ house?” you asked.
You and Sam headed back to the motel you were staying in to research the history of the Telescas’ home. You sprawled out across Dean’s bed with your laptop, and Sam sat on his bed with his laptop.
“Finding anything?” you asked him.
“Nope. You?”
You shook your head. “Nada.”
He shut his laptop. “So? You wanna talk about it?”
You shut yours, too. “About what?”
“Oh, hell no,” you snorted.
“You two are made for each other,” he deadpanned at your boxed-up emotions.
“Fuck off, Sam,” you retorted. “What about you? Still not ready to jump back into the dating pool?” You snuggled into the blankets on Dean’s bed, reveling in his scent emanating off them.
He shook his head. “No, I don’t think so.”
“What was she like?” you asked after a moment.
“Jessica. You never told me much about her.”
He sighed. “She was just… the best, man. You two would’ve gotten along great, honestly. She was—” he grinned sadly at the thought of her, “—so smart. So beautiful. Quick, witty, and…” he shook his head. “I was looking for wedding rings. Few weeks before she...”
You smiled sadly at him. “She sounds amazing.”
“She was,” he responded. A quiet settled over the room.
“Don’t you think she would’ve wanted you to be… I don’t know, happy? Do you think she’d want you to move on? It’s been almost a year,” you said. “Jesus, I’ve known you guys for almost a year now," you realized.
He chuckled before going quiet again momentarily. “I think she would. But Jess… I don’t know if I’ll ever be fully over her. She was my best friend, y’know?”
You nodded. “I get it. I’m glad you had that with her, though. Sounds like you really loved each other.”
“We did.”
You and Sam went silent once more, and you succumbed to the tiredness of your limbs and mind. You were so comforted by the scent of worn leather, Dean’s cologne, and whiskey, that you slept better than you had in years.
When you woke up the next morning, Sam was standing over you, shaking you gently. You popped up and grabbed his wrist, twisting it and putting a hand to his throat. “Hey, hey,” he tried to calm you down, “Dean’s back.” 
You released him immediately. “Sorry, dude. Uh… reflexes,” you laughed awkwardly.
“It’s okay. Dean does that, too.”
The man in question stumbled into the room tiredly. “Move your asses. Let’s go.”
You and Sam had just swept the Telescas’ house for EMF while Dean slept in the car trying to get over his hangover. When you returned to the car, you beeped the horn. Dean shot up a foot in the air and groaned. 
“Man, that is so not cool.” He adjusted his sunglasses and leaned back against the car door. You and Sam climbed into your seats and began to explain what you had been up to.
“We just swept the Telescas with EMF. It's clean. And last night, while you were, well, out—” Sam trailed off.
Dean’s smirk made your stomach drop. “Good times.”
“—we checked the history of the house.”
“Nothing strange about the Telescas, either,” you said, swallowing your feelings.
“Alright,” Dean’s gravelly voice came, “so if it's not the people and it's not the house, then maybe it's the contents. Cursed object or something.”
“The house is clean,” you said.
“Yeah I know, you said that.”
“No, no, it’s empty. No furniture, nothing,” you explained.
Dean turned back to you. “Where's all their stuff?”
You felt so out of place in the swanky auction house the Telescas’ belongings had been brought to. Even the Impala looked like an outcast in the parking lot full of McLarens and Corvettes. 
You and the brothers wandered around the auction house, and you wrapped your jacket tightly around yourself.
“Consignment auctions, estate sales. Looks like a garage sale for Wasps if you ask me,” Dean commented. He took some food from a tray table as a man came up behind you.
“Can I help you?” the man questioned. 
You wheeled around to face him.
“I'd like some champagne please,” Dean said in a mock posh voice.
You could’ve killed him. “He’s not a waiter.”
Dean cocked an eyebrow at you, and you held out your hand to the man. “I’m (Y/N) Dewitt. This is Sam and Dean Connors. We’re with Connors Limited. We’re art dealers.”
The man didn’t give you the courtesy of a handshake. You fought the urge to make an inappropriate comment.
“You. Are… art dealers,” the man said, clearly having difficulty grasping that concept. “I'm Daniel Blake, this is my auction house. Now, this is a private showing, and I don't remember seeing you on the guest list.”
“We're there, Chuckles, you just need to take another look.” Dean, of course, talked through a mouth full of food.
You shot a sharp look at Dean as he took a glass of champagne off the tray. He turned and walked off, and you followed him.
“Can you chill out?” you asked him.
“What?” he asked through a mouthful of champagne.
You rolled your eyes. “You know what I’m talking about. I don’t like this crowd either, but relax.” You noticed a painting just beyond where you and Dean were talking. It was of a family in an American Gothic style; presumably from the early 1900s. The family contained three young girls in frilly dresses, a man with a gaunt and creepy face, and a woman you assumed was the mother seated in a chair.
“A fine example of American Primitive wouldn't you say?” a woman’s voice called from behind you.
You turned to the place the voice came from to find an extremely good looking woman in a sleek black dress with glossed lips descending the staircase. You noticed Dean beginning to ogle her as Sam answered her. “Well, I'd say it's more Grant Wood than Grandma Moses. But you knew that, you just wanted to see if I did.”
The woman smiled as she approached you. “Guilty. And clumsy. I apologize. I'm Sarah Blake.”
“I’m Sam,” he said. “This is my… brother, Dean.” Dean was still stuffing his face with food from passing trays. “And our friend, (Y/N).”
“Dean. Can we get you some more mini-quiche?” Sarah questioned.
You snorted. You liked her.
“I'm good, thanks,” he smiled through a full mouth.
“So, can I help you with something?” she asked Sam. You knew she liked him; she was giving him the same look you often gave Dean.
“Yeah, actually. What can you tell us about the Telesca estate?” Sam asked her.
She grimaced. “The whole thing's pretty grisly if you ask me, selling your things this soon. But Dad's right about one thing, sensationalism brings out the crowds. Even the rich ones.”
“Is it possible to see the provenances?” Sam asked.
The man from earlier came up behind you. “I'm afraid there isn't any chance of that.”
“Why not?” you asked.
“You're not on the guest list. And I think it's time to leave.”
You rolled your eyes, dropping your polite disposition. “Don’t have to tell us twice.”
“Apparently, I do,” he said.
“C’mon, Dean,” you said, dragging his arm out.
You and the brothers found a decently priced motel and approached the rooms you had been assigned.
“Grant Wood, Grandma Moses?” Dean scoffed at his brother.
“Art history course. It's good for meeting girls,” Sam replied simply.
Dean unlocked the door to his room and chuckled. “It's like I don't even know you.”
You walked a little further down to the room next to theirs and unlocked it only to find a gaudily outfitted room full of obnoxious disco decor. The "do not disturb" hanger was even of John Travolta’s silhouette from Saturday Night Fever.
“Huh.” You dropped your bag off and headed back to the boys’ room.
“What was… providence?” Dean was asking as you entered the room.
“Provenance,” you corrected. “It’s like a biography for a painting. You use ‘em to check the history of the pieces; in this case, to see if they have a freaky past.”
“Alright, professor,” Dean taunted you. “Well, we're not getting anything out of Chuckles, but Sarah…” he smirked at his brother.
“Yeah, maybe you can get her to write it all down on a cocktail napkin,” Sam smirked back.
“Not me,” Dean laughed.
You shot a look at Sam, too.
He seemed only mildly horrified. “No, no, no, pickups are your thing, Dean.”
“It wasn't my butt she was checking out,” Dean snorted.
You giggled despite yourself.
“In other words, you want me to use her to get information,” Sam deadpanned.
“Sometimes you gotta take one for the team. Call her,” Dean instructed his brother.
Sam rolled his eyes, but took out his phone. You weren’t sure when he had gotten her number, but he left about an hour later to take her out to dinner.
You and Dean sat in awkward silence for a bit.
You went silent again. 
“What’s goin’ on with us, (Y/N)? You’ve barely spoken a word to me this whole trip.”
You huffed. “Nothing.”
“Obviously, it’s not nothing.” Dean held your challenging stare.
“Seriously, drop it, please,” you said.
“Fine. You wanna go get some food?”
You smiled despite yourself. “You know I do.”
You and Dean found a crappy diner with deliciously greasy burgers to stuff your faces with. 
“So, how ‘bout you, sweetheart? Why don’t you ever go out?” Dean asked.
“On dates, you mean?”
He nodded.
You nibbled on a fry. “I’m just not one for hookups. I can’t take ‘em,” you admitted. “You, though, are king of the unattached drifters.”
He chuckled. “What’s wrong with hookups? 
“I get too attached, which kind of defeats the whole purpose,” you replied. “The idea of being intimate with somebody I don’t even know makes me want to throw up.”
“Why? You’re gorgeous. Anybody would kill to get with you," he said casually.
You ignored the way your heart swelled in your chest. “It’s not that, it’s just…” you sighed. “I’m, like, allergic to vulnerability.”
“I get it,” Dean chuckled. “You know by now I’m not exactly the best with it, either.”
“Oh, yeah, you’re worse than me,” you quipped. “You look like you’re gonna throw up any time you have to tell me you’re sorry or something like that.”
“Maybe it’s just your face,” he retorted.
“Hey!” you giggled. “You can’t call me gorgeous one minute then tell me looking at me makes you sick the next.”
He chuckled. “I just did, so…”
“Whatever, Winchester. What is it about hookups you enjoy so much, anyway?”
He shrugged and took a bite of his burger. “Sex is just fun, I guess. Always helps me blow off steam.”
You scoffed. “I’m sure it does.”
“I’m serious! Helps me take a break from… all this.” He gestured around him. 
“That’s why you have hobbies, Dean. Sex is not a hobby.”
“It can be! You draw, Sam reads, I fuck."
“Well, get a better one,” you scoffed.
“What would you suggest I do? Knitting?”
You rolled your eyes. “No, just… something a little more wholesome, maybe. You said it yourself, it doesn’t always make you feel great.”
“Never should’ve told you that,” he responded.
“Well, ya did, so.”
He snorted at you. “It’s frustrating how well you know me sometimes.”
“Oh, look at that, another crumb of vulnerability from Mr. Closed Book.”
“That’s the best diss you could come up with?”
“Hey, it’s not easy being effortlessly funny all the time,” you retorted. “It’s a lot of pressure.”
When you and Dean returned to the motel room, you pulled out your whetstone to sharpen your knives.
“Who you plannin’ on carvin’ up, sweetheart?”
“Haven’t decided yet,” you answered.
“Remind me not to piss you off,” he remarked.
“You do literally all the time,” you quipped. “You’re lucky you’re still in one piece. If you give me yours, I’ll sharpen ‘em, too.”
“Thanks,” he said. He handed his knives over to you. 
Sam burst through the door at that moment holding a stack of papers. “Got ‘em.”
“So she just handed the providences over to you?” Dean questioned.
“Provenances,” you corrected.
“We went back to her place, I got a copy of the papers—”
Dean raised his eyebrows expectantly. “And?”
“And nothing. That's it. I left.”
“You didn't have to con her or do any… special favors or anything like that?” Dean questioned.
“Dean, would you get your mind out of the gutter, please?” the younger brother scoffed.
“You know when this whole thing's done, we could stick around for a little bit,” he suggested.
“So you could take her out again. It's obvious you're into her, even I could see that.”
Sam ignored his brother. “Hey, I think I've got something here.”
You headed over to Sam’s seated position at the desk and looked over his shoulder at the papers. “ ‘Portrait of Isaiah Merchant's family, painted 1910’,” you read off.
“Now, compare the names of the owners with my dad's journal,” Sam said.
Dean pulled it out. “First purchased in 1912, Peter Simms. Peter Simms murdered 1912. Same thing in 1945. Oh, same thing in 1970.”
“Then stored, until it was donated to a charity auction last month. Where the Telescas bought it,” Sam continued.
“So what do you think? It's haunted? Or cursed?” you asked.
“Either way, it's toast,” said Dean, getting up from his bed.
Under the cover of night, you and the brothers broke into the auction house. You were consistently impressed with and sexually frustrated by how easy scaling tall fences and gates were for Dean. 
“Come on!” Dean urged you. 
You disarmed the security alarm, wearing gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints. “Go ahead,” you whispered. 
Dean picked the lock at your cue. You shone your flashlight ahead of you searching for the painting. When you found it, you and the boys were in and out within minutes. You and the boys had clearly been breaking and entering for years. You found it comical almost how good you were. You brought the painting out to a field behind the arthouse and set it alight.
Dean dusted off his hands. “Ugly ass thing. If you ask me, we're doing the art world a favor.”
Dean banged on your door the next morning. “We got a problem. I can't find my wallet.”
You opened it. “How the hell do you lose your wallet?”
“I think I dropped it in the warehouse last night.”
“Fuck, dude, that’s bad.” You started pulling on your boots as he paced around the room.
“Yeah, I know. It's got my prints, my ID— well, my fake ID anyway. We gotta get it before someone else finds it. Come on.”
You and the brothers hurried around the auction house searching for the wallet. Sam was clearly frustrated with his brother until he caught sight of Sarah.
“Hey guys!” she smiled.
You wheeled around at the sound of her voice and attempted to act cool.
“Sarah! Hey,” Sam breathed. 
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
“Ahh, we.... we are leaving town and, you know, we came to say goodbye,” Sam responded.
“What are you talking about Sam, we're sticking around for at least another day or two,” Dean grinned as he strolled up to the two. He took his wallet out of his pocket and shot a look at Sam. “By the way, I'm gonna go ahead and give you that $20 I owe you.” He turned to Sarah. “I always forget, you know.” Dean chuckled and you grinned as he held out the cash to his brother. Sam took it and glared at him. “Well, we’ll leave you two crazy kids alone, I gotta go do something… somewhere.”
“Smooth, Dean,” you told him as you walked away from Sarah and Sam. The two of you headed back out to the Impala and sat in it waiting for Sam. When he returned, he was frantically saying the painting was back in the auction house.
“I don't understand. We burned the damn thing,” Sam rushed out.
“Yeah, thank you, Captain Obvious,” Dean remarked. 
“Alright, we just need to figure out another way to get rid of it. Any ideas?” you chimed in.
“Well, um, in almost all the lore about haunted paintings it's always the painting's subject that haunts 'em,” Sam began.
“Yeah. So we just need to figure out everything there is to know about that creepy-ass family and that creepy-ass painting. What were their names again?” 
“Merchant,” you answered. “I say we find us a bookstore.”
And so, that was where you headed. You found a proprietor whose personality was interesting, to say the least. You found his quirk had a bit of charm to it.
“You said the Isaiah Merchant family right?” he asked you.
“Yeah, that’s right,” Sam said.
You and Dean were flicking through a book with pictures of guns in it. The proprietor laid a book of newspaper clippings on the table in front of you. “I dug up every scrap of local history I could find. So, are you folks crime buffs?”
“Kinda. Yeah. Why do you ask?” you responded.
He held up the newspaper article before him. It talked about the sinking of the Titanic, and just next to it, read “Father Slaughters Family, Kills Himself.”
“Yes. Yeah, that sounds about right,” Dean replied.
“The whole family was killed?” You tilted your head.
“It seems this Isaiah, he slits his kids' throats, then his wife, then himself. Now, he was a barber by trade. Used a straight razor,” the proprietor explained.
“Why'd he do it?” Sam questioned.
“Let's look. Ahh... ‘People who knew him describe Isaiah as having a stern and harsh temperament. Controlled his family with an iron fist. Wife, uh, two sons, adopted daughter…’ “ he skimmed on. “Yeah, yeah, yeah… ‘There were whispers that the wife was gonna take the kids and leave.’ Which of course you know in that day and age, um, so instead, old man Isaiah, well, he gave them all a shave.” He drew his hand across his throat and made a noise to go along with it. You and Dean joined in laughing with the proprietor.
“Does it say what happened to the bodies?” asked Dean.
The proprietor shook his head. “Just that they were all cremated.”
“Anything else?” you asked.
“Yeah. Actually, I found a picture of the family. It's right here. Somewhere. Right— here it is.”
It was a picture of the painting, but something seemed off to you. 
“Hey, could we get a copy of this please?” Sam asked the man. 
He nodded, and returned a few minutes later with it.
You and the boys sat at a table in the motel room and looked over the copy of the picture. 
“I’m telling you,” you started, “The picture at the auction house, Dad’s looking down. Here, dad’s looking out. The painting changed.”
“Alright, so you think that Daddy dearest is trapped in the painting and is handing out Columbian neckties like he did with his family?” Dean questioned.
“Well, yeah, it seems like it. But if his bones are already dusted, then how are we gonna stop him?” Sam asked.
“Maybe other things changed in the painting, too. Maybe it could give us some clues,” you answered.
“What, like a Da Vinci Code deal?” Sam asked.
“Maybe,” you shrugged.
Dean looked down at you, confused. “I’m lost. Still waiting for the movie on that one. Anyway, we gotta get back in and see that painting.” He walked over to his bed and laid back, crossing his arms. “Which is a good thing ‘cause you can get some more time to crush on your girlfriend.”
Sam huffed. “Dude, enough already.”
“What?” he responded.
“What? Ever since we got here, you been trying to pimp me out to Sarah. Just back off, all right?” he said defensively.
“Sam, relax,” you told him.
“Well, you like her don't you?” Dean pushed.
Sam threw his arms up and looked to the ceiling.
“Alright, you like her, she likes you, you’re both consenting adults…” Dean trailed off with a smile.
“What's the point, Dean? We'll just leave. We always leave,” came Sam’s frustrated response.
“Well, I'm not talking about marriage, Sam.”
Sam snarled angrily. “You know, I don't get it. What do you care if I hook up?”
“ ‘Cause then maybe you wouldn't be so cranky all the time,” Dean answered calmly.
Sam stared at him and huffed before looking away.
“Look, I’m not crazy about hookups either, but maybe it would be helpful,” you suggested.
“And this isn't about just hooking up, okay?” Dean continued. “I mean, I think that this Sarah girl could be good for you. And... I don't mean any disrespect, but I'm sure this is about Jessica, right? Now I don't know what it's like to lose somebody like that, but... I would think that she would want you to be happy.” Sam’s eyes welled with tears as his brother continued to talk. “God forbid, have fun once in a while. Wouldn't she?”
“Yeah, I know she would,” Sam responded softly. “Yeah, you're right. Part of this is about Jessica. But not the main part.”
“What’s it about?” you asked.
He wouldn’t answer you.
“Well, we still gotta see that painting, which means you still gotta call Sarah, so…” Dean trailed off.
Sam picked up his phone and cleared his throat. Dean shook his head and closed his eyes, settling back on his bed. 
“Sarah, hey, it's Sam… Hey, hi… Good. Good, yeah. Umm. What about you?... Yeah good, good, really good.”
Dean opened one eye and looked at his brother. “Smooth.”
You suppressed a laugh. 
“So, ah, so listen,” Sam continued. “Me and my brother were, uh, thinking that maybe we'd like to come back in and look at the painting again. I- I think maybe we are interested in buying it… What?!” 
At Sam’s tone, you and Dean snapped to attention. 
“Who'd you sell it to?” Sam stood up. 
Dean rose and came to stand next to you.
“Sarah, I need an address right now,” Sam urged her.
Once she’d given it to you, you and the boys sped away in the Impala to an upscale neighborhood. You and the boys were surprised to see another car parked right outside the building: Sarah’s. 
“Sam, what's happening?” she asked as you and the boys ran up the front steps of the house.
“I told you, you shouldn't have come,” he responded.
“Hello, anyone home?” Dean banged on the heavy front door.
“You said Evelyn might be in danger; what sort of danger?” Sarah asked Sam frantically.
“I can't knock this sucker down. I gotta pick it.” Dean crouched down in front of you and you moved over to the windows, banging on them with all your might.
“What are you guys, burglars?” Sarah yelped.
“I wish it was that simple. Look, you really should wait in the car. It's for your own good,” Sam told her.
Dean got the door open and you followed him inside quickly. 
“The hell I will. Evelyn's a friend,” she said, trailing behind you and the boys. “Evelyn?” She moved over to the elderly woman sitting half-turned away from you. Something was wrong and you knew it; the woman’s gaze seemed completely empty. “Evelyn? It's Sarah Blake. Are you alright?” She touched her shoulder gently. 
“Sarah, don't. Sarah!” Sam told her. 
Evelyn’s head tipped back, exposing her slashed throat.
Sarah jumped back in horror and screamed. Sam put his arm around her and led her out of the room. You and Dean stared up at the painting before following the younger brother out of the house.
Back in the motel room, you and Dean clacked away at the keys on your laptops while Sam paced in front of you. A knock on the door stirred all of you from your thoughts. Sarah stormed into the room and brushed past Sam.
“Hey. You alright?” he asked her.
“No, actually, I just lied to the cops and told them I went to Evelyn's— alone— and found her like that,” she answered, wheeling around.
“Thank you,” Sam nodded. 
“Don't thank me. I'm about to call them right back if you don't tell me what the hell's going on. Who's killing these people?”
Sam looked back at you and Dean, and you shrugged.
“What,” he told her.
“It's not 'who'. It's 'what' is killing those people,” he explained.
Sarah was still looking at Sam like he was insane.
“Sarah, you saw that painting move,” he sighed.
The woman began to pace. “No, no. I was— I was seeing things. It's impossible.”
“Yeah, well, welcome to our world,” Dean grinned.
“Sarah, I know this sounds crazy, but we think that that painting is haunted.”
Sarah laughed humorlessly but had tears in her eyes. “You’re joking.” She looked between you and the Winchesters. “You're not joking. God, the guys I go out with.”
“Sarah, think about it. Evelyn, the Telescas, they both had the painting. And there have been others before that. Wherever this thing goes, people die. And we're just trying to stop it. And that's the truth,” the brunet told her.
“Then I guess you'd better show me. I'm coming with you,” she said matter-of-factly.
“What? No. Sarah no, you should just go home. This stuff can get dangerous and… and I don't want you to get hurt,” he admitted.
“Look, you guys are probably crazy, but if you're right about this? Well, me and my Dad sold that painting that might have gotten these people killed. Look, I'm not saying I'm not scared, because I am scared as hell, but I'm not going to run and hide either.” Sarah strutted over to the door. “So are we going or what?” She walked out.
“Sam?” Dean said. “Marry that girl.”
You and the boys returned to Evelyn’s house to scope out the crime scene a little further. Sam picked the lock to let you, his brother, and Sarah inside.
“Uh, isn’t this a crime scene?” Sarah protested.
Dean smirked. “You've already lied to the cops. What's another infraction?”
Once inside, you and Sam got the painting down from off the wall to examine it. 
“Aren't you worried that it's gonna kill us?” Sarah asked.
“Nah, it seems to do its thing at night. I think we're alright in the daylight.”
You took the copy of the painting out of your pocket. “Sam, check it out. The razor: it's closed in this one, but it's open in that one.”
“What are you guys looking for?” she asked.
“Well, if the spirit's changing aspects of the painting, then it's doing so for a reason,” Dean explained.
“And look, the painting in the painting,” you pointed out. “Looks like a crypt, or a mausoleum or something.” 
Dean grabbed a thick glass ashtray and used it as a magnifying glass. You ignored how your body came alight as he wound his arm around you to reach the painting. “Merchant,” he read out.
Your next stop was a graveyard. Several, in fact. You stepped over gravestones carefully to avoid disrespecting the dead even further.
“What, are you superstitious?” Dean asked.
“A little, actually. I think I’m in such deep shit with the spirits already; I don’t wanna make it worse,” you laughed.
“You are somethin’ else, woman,” he smirked. “This is the third boneyard we've checked,” Dean addressed your group. “I think this ghost is jerking us around.”
Sam and Sarah talked amongst themselves behind you and you and Dean walked a bit ahead.
“Over there,” you said, pointing to a mausoleum. The group followed you into the mausoleum where you found four urns in front of little glass-fronted boxes on one wall. On the opposite, there were five brass nameplates. 
Sarah looked at one of the boxes containing a little porcelain doll with brown hair. “Okay, that right there is the creepiest thing I've ever seen.”
“It was a sort of tradition at the time,” Sam told her. “Whenever a child died, sometimes they'd preserve the kid's favorite toy in a glass case; put it next to the headstone or crypt.”
Wind blew in the mausoleum, sending a chill down your spine.
“Notice anything strange here?” Dean asked.
“Ah, where do I start?” remarked Sarah.
Sam snickered. 
“No, that's not what I mean. Look at the urns,” said Dean.
“Yeah. There’s only four. Where’s the dad?” you questioned.
You and Dean discovered that Isaiah’s body had been buried in that same cemetery away from the rest of his family. You returned there that night with Sarah in tow. 
You stood watch with Sarah while the boys dug the hole down to Isaiah’s corpse. 
“You guys seem to be uncomfortably comfortable with this,” she said.
Sam climbed out of the hole laboriously. “Well, ah, this isn't exactly the first grave we've dug. Still think I'm a catch?”
You giggled when Dean’s shovel tapped something hard. “Think I've got something.” He cracked the coffin open to reveal Isaiah’s rotten bones. You helped him out of the ground and began pouring salt and kerosene over the body. 
“You've been a real pain in the ass, Isaiah. Good riddance.” Dean tossed the match he’d struck down on top of the body. 
“God, I will never get used to that smell,” you commented.
“What? Burning flesh?” the older Winchester turned his head to you.
You made a face and scrunched up your nose to which Dean just smirked at you and chuckled.
You returned to Evelyn’s house soon after to make sure the job was complete and bury the painting. You and Dean remained outside and told Sam to go in with Sarah. You and Dean smiled at each other before turning the radio up. A love ballad played loudly through the speakers, and Sam turned to the two of you. You both snickered at the “what the fuck” gesture he was giving you. Sam motioned for the two of you to cut the music. You sighed and turned it off.
Before you and Dean could say a word to each other, the door slammed shut behind Sam and Sarah. You and Dean jumped out of the car and ran across the lawn, trying your best to unlock it. 
“Guys! Hey! Is that you?” Sam called from inside.
“Sammy, you alright?” the older brother asked. Moments later, you got a call from Sam.
“Tell me you slammed the front door,” you said after you answered.
“Nope, it wasn't me. I think it was the little girl,” he told you.
“The little girl? What girl?”
“What’s he saying?” Dean interjected, leaning close to your ear and the phone.
“Yeah, she's out of the painting. I think it might've been her all along,” Sam said.
You snorted humorlessly. “The dad was trying to warn us all along. He was looking down at her the whole time.”
“Hey, hey, hey, let's recap later all right? Just get us out of here," the younger brother rushed out.
“Well, Dean’s trying to pick the lock, but the door won’t budge.”
“Well, knock it down!”
“Okay, smartass, just let me get my battering ram,” you remarked.
“(Y/N), the damn thing is coming!”
“I know, I know, just hold it off til we figure something out. Get some salt or iron or something,” you responded. “Stay on the phone with me!”
Moments later, you heard Sam say to himself, “What kind of house doesn't have salt? Low-sodium freaks.” Another minute or so went by before he spoke back into the phone. “Uh, (Y/N), give me a sec, don't go anywhere.”
You and Dean began to walk around the outside looking for an alternative entrance. A bit of yelling and crashing was heard on the other end of the phone. “You okay, dude?”
“Yeah, for now,” he responded.
“How’re we gonna waste her?” you asked.
“I don't know, she was already cremated. There's nothing left to burn.”
Dean got close to the phone again. 
“Then how's she still around?” you challenged.
“There must be something else!” Sam went silent on the other end, but you could faintly hear Sarah’s voice.
“(Y/N), Sarah said the doll might have the kid's real hair. Human remains; same as bones.”
“The mausoleum,” you and Dean said in unison. 
“Hang tight, Sam,” you said, snapping your phone shut. You and Dean sprinted back to the car, and Dean drove as fast and as wildly as he possibly could.
“One of these days, your driving’s gonna fucking kill us all,” you said, gripping the leather of the seat next to you and the door. 
“Not now, (Y/N),” he responded evenly, driving even faster. He plowed straight through the fence of the cemetery and drove right up to the mausoleum. You and Dean jumped out of the car and hurried into the building.
Dean pounded the door of the glass box containing the doll with the butt of his gun, and then went to walk out of the mausoleum. “Come on, Dean,” he grimaced. “Cover your eyes!” He told you. He shot at the box, and you shielded your face as he did so. You leapt back into action and knocked away more of the glass with your hands, cutting them as you did so. You ignored the burning in your palms and took the doll out of its case. 
You held the doll’s hair over the lighter, which Dean was having trouble lighting. “Come on, come on!” he said. Thankfully, the lighter caught the hairs of the doll and sent it up in flames. You dropped it on the floor between you and Dean and watched the rest of the doll burn.
Dean pulled out his phone moments later to call his brother. “Sam, you good?” He breathed a sigh of relief and hung up the phone.
You looked down at your bloodied hands. Dean followed your gaze. “(Y/N), you maniac, what were you doin’ pawin' at that glass with your bare hands, huh?”
“It seemed like a good idea in the moment,” you mumbled.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, huh?” He guided you back to the car. He held your wrists and sat you down in the front seat of his car. He went to his trunk and returned a few moments later. He sat next to you and gingerly began wiping down your hands. You hissed and grabbed his hand at the pain. He looked back up to you and paused momentarily.
“Sorry,” you said.
“All good,” he responded and went back to work. He gently cleaned your wounds with an alcohol-soaked rag and began to wrap up your left hand. You watched as he worked, heart swelling at the kind gesture.
“Thank you,” you said. 
“You’d do the same for me,” he muttered.
“I would,” you affirmed, smiling. 
He picked a piece of glass out of your right hand. You hissed again. 
“I know, I know, I’m sorry,” he said. “This one’s probably gonna need stitches.” He handed you his flask. “Drink this.”
You did as told and took a sip, swallowing sharply as you felt the first prick of the needle in your palm. “I’m not trying to be a little bitch. I’m really not when it comes to pain,” you said. “I can finish stitchin’ me up on my own if you wanna get back to Sam—”
“No. Let me,” he responded authoritatively. He looked up through his eyelashes at you before returning his attention to your fingers. He ran his along yours and gingerly cleaned the cuts, giving special attention to the deeper ones before bandaging the exterior of your hands. You flexed them painfully.
“Thank you. Seriously,” you said softly.
“Any time,” he responded.
“This was archived in the county records. The Merchant's adopted daughter, Melanie. Know why she was up for adoption? 'Cause her real family was murdered in their beds," Dean explained to you. “Who'd suspect her? Sweet little girl. So then she kills Isaiah and his family. The old man takes the blame. His spirit's been trying to warn people ever since.”
“Huh,” you said. “Psycho bitch.”
He scoffed. “You know you’re talking about a kid, right?”
“Yeah. Psycho bitch all the same.”
You and Dean were waiting outside of the auction house for Sam to finish talking to Sarah. You and he leaned against the car, watching Sarah and Sam talking at the door. Sam turned away from her before turning back moments later. He grabbed Sarah’s waist and pulled him to her, kissing her deeply. 
“That's my boy,” Dean smiled.
“Alright, perv,” you remarked. You shoved him down into the car.
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @iloveshawn @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @davina-clairee @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @stephshaww @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @here-for-the-extravaganza @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @rei0812 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @more-espresso-less-depresso-og @mysticmyth @favoritefandoms27 @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h
quite a few tags are broken; so sorry, my loves!! make sure you have my blog notifs on so you don't miss a chapter, and please let me know if ive misspelled your blog name!
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scenetocause · 3 days
💘 mando, pretty pls?
(omg so hard to decide on a heart, i wish i could send all of them!)
🫡 this is loosely set on that night when lando had everyone round to max's parents' lounge for a slumber party DJ set but i forgot it was martin not oli and whatever factual inaccuracy is actually ethical in rpf in this essay i will-
"Max." Lando says it casually, confidently, like he's not just tilted Max's world on it's axis.
He can't help spluttering. "You'd what, Bob?"
Lando's entirely unapologetic. "If I had to snog someone here, it'd be you, wouldn't it?"
That does sort of make sense, when Lando's slurping his can of White Claw and using the sensible, adult voice he did when he offered Max the Quadrant contract.
Except that. "We can't make out, mate."
Lando shrugs and Max is dimly aware there are other people here, that someone (Tom) is hollering at them to stop being fucking losers and get on with the game of truth or dare but that can wait, for now.
"Why not? Conor's got a girlfriend, I'm not snogging Tom and Oli's my brother. So, it just makes sense, doesn't it?"
Someone, Max suspects himself, whimpers quite pathetically.
"S'only a theoretic-whatever, innit. Just saying."
"Ok Bob." He sounds very weak. Feels very weak. Like he needs a cup of tea. Or perhaps he's become one, too dilute and half-cold and much too milky.
"What if it wasn't?" He's not sure that makes any sense, blurted out between sips of wine.
Lando catches up quickly, though. Always has. Looks at Max way too shrewdly for someone who's been drinking, like he's somehow got the focus to bore through Max's soul still.
"Go on, then."
He's never been very good at holding his breath. It makes him panic a bit, like he's drowning. 10 seconds is a long time to wait to exhale, staring at Lando to check he heard him right, through the blood thundering in Max's ears.
"Right, ok."
"Not here," Lando unfolds from the floor, offers Max a hand up. "Don't wanna do it in front of Oli, it's weird."
"Yeah, wouldn't want it to be weird," Max can't help the sarcasm. What the fuck's happening?
"Why would it be, mate?" Lando's got him backed up against the corridor wall and Max is forced to remember, for the millionth time, that he's the shorter one, now.
"Dunno." Max tilts his chin up, defiant now. If Lando's going to fucking snog him then like, just get on with it, yeah? They've nearly got here so many times, waking up tangled together in the Woking house and maybe if they had-
No. Max is done thinking about the past like superstitions, as though he could've saluted a few more magpies and made things different.
"Well don't be weird." Like it's that simple. It might be?
Lando leans in and Max has to scrabble a bit, to get a hold on him. Has to push his fingers into the muscle on Lando's shoulders, haul himself up a bit.
Annoyingly, Lando's good at kissing. Teases, with his tongue, before he nips at Max's lower lip to let him in. He's not as over-eager as Max thought he'd be, the times he's let himself think about them kissing. Has a sense of control, restraint that he knows the bloke must have a lot of but sometimes seems completely absent.
He's tender, too, holding Max around his waist like he's precious. Like this is romantic. Not like snogging one of your mates when you're both a bit tipsy. It's like an... old couple or something, still in love. Maybe that's what they are, still together after all this time and distance.
When Lando pulls back, squeezes Max around his middle, leans back in for another little kiss, Max has to stop himself saying anything stupid. No need to make it weird, is there?
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hell-hoound · 2 days
umemiya hajime - headcanons
• okay so we all know this mf is goofy, aloof and serious when he has to be, but I think he would def be petty and hella dramatic.
• I ?? can see him as a tutor ? idk I think he'd often have lil meetings with the students at fuurin and ask everyone if they'd need help or even put up posters for study groups. just thinking abt ume w glasses..
• two words: smug bastard. if you're on the short side, I can see him nudging you a lil bit as he picks up his walking speed because what are you gonna do with those short n stubby legs?? he'll feel bad last minute realizing how far away you are and wait for you to catch up. or just like.. empty and out of pocket play fighting. he is a big brother after all, he has an inkling to pester lowkey and he just heckles you for it.
• the town, his fellow classmates, kotoha, and his garden.. he may be particular and protective about them but I think he'd be significantly ocd about his garden and have a select few persons to water if he couldn't for some reason.
• when he's sick !! the first hc and the fourth go into this one but he's dramatic and kind of sensitive when he's not feeling his best. he'll be all comfy in his bed, snot dribbling down his nose with a fever patch on his forehead covered by his messy gray locks. you make frequent visits to see how he's doing in the mornings on the way to school and come back after stopping at the grocery store to cook him some food and make sure he's taking meds and drinking enough fluids. depending on how sick he is, you take it yourself to help him clean his place up: laundry, dishes, taking out the trash, buying him some groceries he can microwave for his convinence of not having to be up out of bed if he doesn't have the strength- little things like that. if you offer to water and watch over his plants- I hope you know what you're getting yourself into.. he'll put on his glasses like an old man and get his camera set for facetime to watch you take care of them and nit-pick. yeah, it's nice to see your pretty face but don't be hurt when he tells you to turn the camera view to the plants bc he wants to talk to them LMAO "look at those beautiful babies.. don't worry, papa will be back soon!- *aachoo*"
• last but not least !! I think whether or not he's interested in you romantically or just as a friend, I think he'd appreciate you a hundred times more if you became good friends with kotoha. like- be friends with her to be her friend. idk but she just looks so lonely :(. take her out on lil lunch or dinner dates, shopping sprees, get manis or pedis or to hang out at your place, and have matching phone cases !! and bring along miss queen tsubaki bc that will be your lil trio and make plans for concerts or more matching things. and then tell ume abt your lil trips !! he'd just smile and hold his head up with his hand, elbow supporting him on the table. "thank you for hanging out with her, I can't tell you enough how happy it makes me to see her happy and have a great friend." then would proceed to pester kotoha abt why she wouldn't have anything cutesy and matchy with him, he is her big brother after all !! 🥺
a/n: I hope you guys enjoyed!! some of these headcanons were inspired by @sunnyangy on their post abt umemiya’s hcs, check them out !!
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i-yap · 2 days
Hello, good evening, how is everything there?
I was wondering if you could write something about Dick taking his cute girlfriend [Us] shopping (clothes, shoes, jewelry) and also what it would be like to do grocery shopping with him. I love going to the supermarket, it is one of my favorite activities.
By the way, you are like an angel fallen from heaven, there are so few writing about Dick and the Bat-family in general, I feel like writers who are fans of them are becoming extinct.
I just hope they continue making content with these characters, maybe the fandom will resurface once again.
praying for DC and Warner.
Bro same, Idk why but it feels like the fandom is dying but also batfam content is dying? Like I don't remember the last good batfam show was out ..fingers crossed ig.
Dick grayson x reader- Shopping headcanons
Best batboy to go clothes/fashion shopping . He has great style, can pull off anything, very supportive and all the store ladies are really jealous. He gives genuinely good advice and honestly he is like your personal styler and this point.
i dont think you even need to go shopping cuz he gifts you so many dresses and for home wear- his tshits exist?? why would be need sleepwear? why??
but its fun and I get it , sometimes even the perfect man forgets to buy something for his gf. He does keep track of whatever is about to finish, so idk honestly.
Maybe he drags you to go shopping, let him "spoil you" as if he doesn't do that enough already. Or if there's a gala and the 100 dresses in your closet arent enough?
um dressing room sex? yes sorry but yes. Honestly you probably will get jealous of hot seeing dick but dw if you don't initiate, dick totally will.
Mostly fancy ish stores, but unlike bruce he does shop as excitedly at smaller shows( you can find great deals there and really good fits)
Grocery shopping is so cute, he holds the cart and gets all the important stuff while you run around putting sweets and chocolates and while he might say "20 bags of chocolates may be a bit much sweetie, they'll go bad" he doesn't mean it. He is just teasing, and you know that so you play along with a pretty please and big pleading eyes. Thats all he wanted tbh, that and to pull your cheeks.
On the other hand if you look at a snack but don't buy it because you don't want to be excessive , he puts 5 of each in the basket without you noticing. you just notice when they show up in your cabinets .
Will need you next to him or in his eyeview, don't you dare run too far otherwise he will joke about tying you to him( actually considers it)
Will hold all bags and when you offer, he just gives you his hand and tells you that you have the responsibility to make sure not to drop his hand.
All smiles and excitement. Will want coffee afterward or during and will happily try out now boba places or anything cute you wanna have.
Will die if you guys share a piece of cake in a cute cafe..like that is so fricking cute, sharing a drink and a cake and omg he lives for it.
He genuinely enjoyed shopping with you and out of all batboys he is probably the only one that would enjoy it (maybe tim in certain cases) In the end, he got to spend time, compliment and dote on the love of his life..what more can he ask for?
lowkey wanna do all batboys now..maybe if I get time after the requests..i love grocery shopping too. the big American stores- literally dreamed of them growing up. the first time I went to America I just ran around the grocery shop( thebig ones) with my brother and it was so much fun.
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kentocalls · 3 days
gojo satoru | we can't be friend scollege!au, runner reader, snowboarder satoru. sfw. is this considered fluff? idk. more satoru being satoru because he.
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gojo satoru who knows you can't say no to honest competition. it riles up all the other guys who try to challenge you to a race (they'd lose) that you quickly accept satoru's challenge, for a handstand and not something easily like a race. why? cuz you'd smoke them. satoru knows you don't wanna win easily. it keeps him on his toes, findings omething new for both of you to bet on.
maybe it's the twinkle in your eyes, the way your demeanor changes when he's being cheeky, as a fellow gold medal athlete, everything should be a peace of cake for you too, right?
its not, he knows how hard you train, admired you before every laying eyes on you. relishes in the fact that you can out train nanami kento, the reigning state champion for long distance running, long distance runner.
initially, satoru lost a bet and was bringing gatorade and fancy electrolyte drinks to nanami, he was supposed to drop the supplies off and get back to his own training but then he heard your laugh, whipped his head back so fast he might've hurt his neck. (he did.)
absolutely hounded nanmi about you, the sheer fact that nanami looked bored, "oh, her? out of your league satoru."
you are grace and power packed into such a feast for eyes and satoru is starving. barely paying attention to his tennis partner nanami who is so done with this game. nanami barely needs to move with how both you and satoru are turning this into a 1:1 match. fuck being competitive, neither you nor satoru notice both nanami and utahime have stepped off the court.
for every swing satoru sends flying you way, you're easily returning. so elegant, so graceful, fuck the way you twirl and easily make him run to the other side of the court.
satoru is so focused on you he barely hears the hollars of suguru bringing pizza, shoko with drinks and yu with extra snacks. doesn't even hear the whistle blowing only notices your face turn sharply to the side and the stupid tennis ball landing with a thud against your cheek.
he wants to die.
body moves before his brain can catch up, hands on your form, pulling you to sitting, examing the bruise forming. thank goodness your nose isn't broken, but he hates himself.
your eyes are watery and you're biting your lip so hard trying not to cry. you don't want to cry. you can't be weak, you can't do that. especially not in front of others. a similar memory tries to flash into your eyes and you look down, look away.
but satoru's hands are gentle, he blocks the others from getting close. you're absolutely sure the medical students, suguru and shoko should be examining you but you don't want to face him.
"hey, easy, easy now," satoru is rubbing your back, helping you even out your breathing, "you're good."
you nod, someone brings water and pain medicine. nanami pushes a cool soda can against your cheek and satoru hisses at him, "that strings!" he yells too close to your ears.
he's draped around you, long limbs keeping everyone else out. it’s be funny to see, the way haibara is snapping a photo has you pouting. satoru finally let's suguru and shoko examine after utahime’s pleading (you holding his hand may have had something to do with it too).
satoru still takes you to his personal doctor, wakes the poor old man up and makes a colossal uproar at the hospital, there’s a tons of nurses and scans and it gets too much. satoru commands everyone to tend to you, stopping when you pull his shirt and hold him back, "satoru i just need sleep."
he freezes, doesn’t like your voice that small.
his eyes soften when they meet yours, breath shakey. eyes unable to ignore the swelling on your face. a gentle warmth on his heart, your hand. he finds breathing easier, by a teenie tiny bit. "it's nice to know you'll have access to all this professional care."
"yeah yeah, spoiled rich boy." he grins, "we should really get an second MRI though."
"no i need sleep. and maybe some really hot, crispy, deliciously bad for us fries."
he has to be following you. showing up after lectures, before your morning training, sprinting over once you finish up and handing you snacks you love. claims he’s there to support nanami, but not once has a drink or snack slipped it’s way into nanami’s hands. he brings things for you.
he started small. some well researched blend of protein and coffee in the morning. then a big salad and your favorite carb loading meals in the afternoon. and someone, no matter how late you’re running, he waits with a hoodie, water, chocolates that are half eaten but that smile. the smile he gives you is what scares you. you’re getting used to him.
used to seeing his pearly whites and big eyes, saying “wow, 8 miles today? you made it look easy.”
“proud of you.”
“what a champ, you slowed down when your calf felt tight right? brilliant.”
attentive. he’s so attentive and obsessed with …helping?
sends you articles about running, sends you different playlists. it’s small, sweet, so much more attention than you’re used to. you don’t want to get used to it, don’t know how. you do everything on your own but satoru is showing up. filling a gap you didn’t know you had.
he’s such a good friend.
but utahime looks at you weird when you call him that. shoko looks bored and haibara laughs loudly.
because friends don’t wake up early to wish you good luck on your morning run, in person. don’t have coffee and food waiting when you’re done.
friends don’t travel to your far from home meets.
and surely, they don’t order you shoe after shoe because if that’s the best in the industry and you deserve no less.
so easy, it’d be so easy to understand his intentions if his words weren’t always upbeat, bright, laced with humor and mischief for everyone. there’s never a dull moment with him, it’s addicting sugar and spice and everything nice. doting and kind, slipping everything you want into your lap without you asking, without you doing anything extra. but he’s like this, with everyone right?
you still beat him at tennis. don’t let up when you’re playing chess against him. suguru has to pull you two from fighting over who draws better (you both suck). he’s the first person you text now, the last one you see and the only song thing on repeat in your brain.
when he travels for his own training its bad. you don’t get to see him, don’t get to feel him or lean against his shoulder. it’s his arm you seek when you train too hard and need rest but everyone wants to do movie night on your long run days. and this night, he’s off on a mountain doing scarily beautiful tricks at dangerous speeds and dangerous heights.
you settle for morning and evening facetimes calls.
it’s so silly.
friends don’t do this.
yeah breaking his personal best is great and all but seeing you jump out of the van is better. he’s holding you, hugging you close because you are here. along with all his other friends, but this is the first time you’ll experience snow with him, see what he can do in person.
you’re tired and he’s sure your muscles ache, you just ran in your qualifying races, lost a very rigged rock paper scissors game to Haibara so no being at home resting for you. you took the Gojo private jet (alongside the rest of his friends) to spend an entire week at a fancy ski resort. and gosh he’s NOT going to let go of you.
but he has to because apparently he can’t monopolize your time. it’s the first ski resort you’ve been to and everyone wants to show you the ropes, give you tips on how to stay warm, how not to trip and fall, when to eat and it’s really a lot to take in. you’d be happy sticking next to satoru but watching him discuss other resorts and their amenities has you feeling maybe a tiny bit out of place.
it’s not like he ignores you, he’s quick to pull you into conversations, absolutely keeps his normal teasing up. you reciprocate and that should be good enough. satoru is showing how much he likes you right? he hasn’t left you alone, but according to ever watchful gaze of shoko and utahime it’s not clear enough how he feels about you. he actually needs to actually say it.
but it’s there isn’t it?
the way you look up at him and scrunch your nose when the snow lands on your cheeks. the way you’re hand is glued to his when you’re practicing how to move on skis or a snowboard (you are not gifted with balance it seems.) it’s there when you do that little pause after his many hilarious jokes and breathe deep. saying it would just be declaring what he already knows, you both like each other. deeply.
and for no reason, the rare chance you’re left to socialize on your own, he catches sight of you smiling with haibara and nanami; satoru wonders. did he make up the smiles you give him? has he done what he always does and bulldozed into your life without establishing a real connection?
cuz sure, you two double, triple, quadruple text each other. and sure you’re never not talking and even if you suck at it, you send him food pics. he sends you his fit checks. it’s…it’s got to mean more, than niceties right?
there’s an ugly swirl of what if storming in his white locks and he considers being wrong. there’s evidence you’re awfully close to haibara too. maybe satoru is victim to his own tunnel vision. because if you’re not near satoru, you’re near haibara. laughing, joking, poking.
at the lodge it’s haibara who brings you hot chocolate and pats your back when you sip too quickly and burn your tongue. it’s haibara you sit next to and also make funny faces at. isn’t satoru cuter tho? aren’t his funny faces adorable? he can laugh at your jokes because they are funny, he’s not trying to impress you.
and he’d know what temperature you like your hot chocolate, would never bring anything less than perfect.
in his own moping satoru doesn’t catch when you look at him, doesn’t catch when you try to move towards him. and it’s hard. you want to congratulate him again, want to keep his attention but he’s so occupied by shoko and suguru’s banter that you feel that tiny feeling again. you’re out of place, can’t keep up with the luxury vacations they reminisce about.
satoru leads such a full life, you notice just how many people know him and come up to him, congratulate him. and even if the most honest soul, haibara yu, insists you aren’t a bother, that you need to talk to satoru, you can’t. somehow you feel like you’re annoying him? he’s grumpy and frowning and…maybe its in your head, but he’s pulling away. the week is going to end soon and you’re no longer sure he like-likes you how you like-like him.
but you drink not only your hot chocolate but haibara and nanami’s. wait for everyone to settle in their bedrooms and waltz over to the large door on the ground floor that belongs to satoru. you give a firm knock, planning what you’ll say to him but he’s not answering. (he was in the bathroom and didn’t hear it but you don’t know that.) you knock louder and nothing. he’s in there, it’s too dark and too cold to be out, all the cars are parked out front too. no footsteps on the porch (yes you checked.) so maybe it’s in your head?
you go back to your room but can’t sleep. consider texting him but burn at the thought of sending him a “you up?” text. fuck it, you need a run. sure you don’t have snow shoes and sure it’ll probably be stupid to run in all the layers you’re wearing but you gotta shake this feeling off.
when you’re dressed and make it down to the kitchen, your favorite person snacking on nutella toast. a towel on his shoulders, his pearl locks wet and dripping on the counter. “you’re gonna catch a cold.” his posture changes as he turns to you, eyes wide, smile firm. he has chocolate on his lip, you walk over and take his towel to swipe at his lip. up close you can see just how wet his hair is, did he even bother to towel dry it? “you can’t use this it’s soaked.”
you pull open the drawer selecting the finest looking microfiber towel knowing full well it’s gonna make his hair so frizzy but he has that pricey oil as part of his shave kit. he can use after, he has a competition coming up and is carelessly walking around with soaking wet hair.
satoru grins, leans his head towards your gentle touch. doesn’t remember the last time someone has done this for him, it feels nice, he lets his shoulders fall and closes his eyes. letting you fuss at his hair, once you’ve patted it dry to your liking you’re gently raking your fingers through his locks, taming the wild mane, moving pesky bangs from his face and he’s absolutely, whole heartedly, falling in love with you. this is beyond liking territory.
his hands find your waist, one poking at the many layers of shirts you’re wearing. “you can take my room. if its too cold in yours.” your hands rest on his shoulders, light. “i’m actually going for a run.” he raises an eyebrow, looks out at the frigid darkness painting the giant kitchen window frame, “are you?”
you remove your hands from him, and nod, biting at your bottom lip, your face is flushing and satoru is sure all these layers are too much for inside the lodge but will do nothing to help you outside. you have that stubborn energy about you, he’s not going to logic you into not going out but he can help you choose better. “okay, i’ll come too.” he stands tall, looking down with affection at your confusion. “no, your hair is wet, you’ll catch a cold.”
“i cannot let a lady out in the dark oh so late at night, think about the bears.”
“you said there aren’t bears.”
he shrugs, walks towards his room in jest, “satoru, you aren’t going. you’re in the competitive season, get some rest, you can’t go out there. what if you—“ what if he slips and gets injured? what if all his hard work goes down the drain because he’s such a good friend to you?
“and what if that happens to you?” he’s back, seated and pulling you close. “i know how to run in snow.” you do and absolutely don’t like it. however, the alternatives to not going for a run and feeling all these things because he looks at you like this don’t exist.
you’re too stinking cute and his hand finds your cheek, it’s warm to the touch. the stupid layers. “hear me out,” he starts, licking his lips, your eyes follow his tongue before returning to a very interesting spot behind him. “we stay in doors and watch a movie about running. mirror neurons and all that.”
you roll your eyes, the one time you let him attend a psychology class with you and this is the fact that stuck. you lean away and his hand is interlaced with yours, pulling you back to him, you pat at his somehow still weight hair. “you should dry this.”
he nuzzles into your hand, “do it for me. you can even curl it, braid it, don’t go outside please. i’ll wake up extra early and go with you before the sunrises. promise.”
“you don’t have to.” voice barely above a whisper, his lips find your palm, he chuckles, “i want to.”
and this is it, make or break. you need to tell him, burn his tender touch into your memory, cherish everything before you spill over how much you adore him.
“i really like you satoru.” he kisses your palm again, “i like you too.” he coos back.
fuck, he’s going to make this hard. “i…like-like you,” your hand traces his lips, his hand has wrapped itself around your lower back, closing the space between you too. “really?” he hums.
“satoru, please…” you close your eyes, “if i misread this, if you’re going to reject me—“
“we can’t be friends anymore, can we?”
worrying your bottom lip, you open your eyes already teary, “i.,.don’t think i can be that.” you’re inconsiderate you realize, of course he’d still want to be friends. and you…all you’ve thought about is wanting him all for yourself. stay his friend? after this? wait for him? or worse, watch him fall for someone else, oh fuck. your heart isn’t big enough to cheer him on like that.
selfish selfish selfish, when satoru has flooded nothing but delight and goodness to you. given over and over without you asking. “good, you’ll be my girlfriend then. i don’t have to share you with haibara or nanami?”
you’re pouting and he’s laughing? you have tears in your eyes and he’s giddy? you throw what you get your hands on at him, “i take it back, you’re stupid.” your cheeks hot, embarrassed as satoru somehow pulls you into a very warm hug, your protest is half hearted. “yeah, but you really really like me anyways.”
“you’re hearing things. might want to get that checked gojo satoru.” his chest vibrates and he pulls you closer. he kisses the top of your head, makes to kiss down your neck, “but you’re hearing’s all good, yeah?,” he drops the playfulness, “cuz i really really like you too.”
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greenxgloss · 1 day
Meet Cute -3-
Taglist: @nevvdrinksteaa @romanroyapoligist @444rockstargf @wildathevrt @hxllhxund @xxbl00d-cl0txx @lucidfever @teamokirkhammett @kappasbbgirl @jasperthefriendlyghostt
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“Oh you know I looked hot up there.”
Contents: Underage drinking, kissing, suggestive language
You stood staring at yourself in the mirror, picking at your skin before brushing your teeth. your phone rang with Snow's name written across your screen. “hey what’s up?” you uttered into your phone once you answered. “I’m bored. what are you up to?” snow asked, her voice crackling through the speaker. “I can hang out for a bit. wanna come over?”
both you and Snow huddled into your bed. “you should come to the bands gig tomorrow.” snow invited as she raked her hands through her hair. “I don’t know, I haven’t been in the mood for crowds.” you spoke. “just think about it. clyde really gets to show off and I’m sure he’d love to show off how fun he is in front of you.” she giggled. “oh I’m sure.” you replied, thinking about the many times Clyde tried to impress you with his smoke tricks or being able to throw mike n ike’s in the air and catch them in his mouth.
You two sat around bantering like you did the night before until you had to get ready to head over to Myra’s. "your mom seemed like she already didn't like me." Snow giggled, recalling the stale greeting your mom gave snow when you opened the front door for her earlier. "oh yeah don't worry about that... My mom is unique." you giggled. "what are you talking about?" she asked. "well my parents got divorced and so that gave my mom a lot of free time to focus in on me... let's just say it hasn't been the happiest home in a while." you giggled, pushing off your bed and gathering your things as snow gathered her own. snow by now had put together that this was why you never wanted to go home. "you can call me too.. when you need to get out of something, y'know?" she whispered, glancing up at you. you nodded awkwardly, giggling. "it's not a big deal. but I appreciate it."
"so... I'm going to sleep over at a friend's house and you should join. Myra and I are just gonna gossip and all that, maybe order pizza. I’d really love for you two to meet" You smiled with your hands behind your back, politely as you watched Snow put her shoes on. "I mean... Yes!? are you kidding? I need more girlfriends." she laughed. "yeah I'd be tired of all that boy funk too." you giggled.
you stepped into your bathroom to grab your toothbrush and closed the door behind you, taking the opportunity to call Myra. “hey! I’m just getting ready to head over and I was wondering if I could invite a friend? she’s one of Clyde’s friends and I think it would be nice.” you rambled hoping to get all your words in before Myra could respond. “I mean yeah if you think she’s cool then obviously she can come along.” you jumped and squealed in default response causing Myra to giggle.
“up here.” you instructed Snow to pull into the driveway. "how often do you hang out with other women?" you asked her, taking a moment to sit in the car before going inside. "Lola's the only girlfriend I have. I don't know, the group grew up together and I never thought to make other friends let alone other girlfriends." she shrugged. "add two to that list tonight." you smiled and hopped out of the car.
“no way he did that,” Myra exclaimed. you were all now sitting in one of many rooms in Myra's massive home. “yeah and then he wanted me to apologize, it was insane. I just walked myself home and deleted my dating app. I was so over douchebag guys like that.” snow continued her story, both you and Myra laughing. “so y/n any crazy boy stories?” snow turned to you and asked. “oh y/n actually hasn’t gotten involved with a boy before.” Myra answered for you before you could open your mouth. “not until Clyde anyway.” she added. “you like Clyde! I knew it!” snow exclaimed and you were now flushed. “please don’t tell him. I don’t wanna make things awkward.” you pleaded. “why would it? he obviously likes you..” she answered, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “I doubt it. and we established that we’re friends.” you began but Snow and Myra were shaking their heads.
“oh what are you shaking your head about you haven’t even met Clyde.” you scoffed at Myra playfully. “y/n you’d be plain stupid if you thought that a guy who takes you to break into a movie theatre to sneak up to the roof and watch the stars wasn’t head over heels for you.” she laughed at your oblivion. you rolled your eyes in response. “you should hear the way he talks about you when you aren’t around, y/n he’s smitten with you.” snow added. “I don’t know.” That was the only way you could respond. "he would have said something by now... right?"
the rest of the night the three of you watched movies and chowed on pizza while commenting on terrible acting and editing mistakes. but all you could think about was Clyde. a boy taking this much space in your mind was driving you insane. you went to sleep wondering if this crush would consume you.
“what do you guys have going on today?” Myra asked you and Snow as you all dug into your breakfast. “well our friends' band is performing tonight. I already told y/n about it but she’s declined the invite, unfortunately.” snow rolled her eyes after looking between the two of you. “oh y/n we gotta go. please!” Myra begged.
“what the fuck am I going to wear?” you practically screamed at yourself in the mirror. “what about that top you have that’s all twisty in the middle?” Myra suggested, religiously checking the time. “why is it that you’re suddenly worried about how you look?” she asked. soon enough you were dressed and ready to leave.
“how does this stuff usually go? like in movies?” you asked Snow and Myra from the passenger seat of Snow's car. “what stuff?” snow asked. “this boy stuff. the romance..” you answered checking for a third time if you smell good. “oh honey this is a slow burn. you gotta let it slowly burn.” Myra replied, earning a laugh from Snow but you were still anxious. your need to know what to do next was taking over and you felt stuck.
the three of you walked into the venue and straight backstage. “hi boys. I got her, as promised. plus her hot friend Myra.” snow announced your entrance. myra was usually calm and collected when it came to boys and compliments but right now she was red in the face. the whole band was eyeing her and she was unprepared. the whole interaction caused you to giggle. “settle down!” you laughed.
clyde approached you, tonight in jeans, fresh sneakers and a black tank top. “you look hot.” he let out, checking you out. “i can say the same for you.” you fought the blood rushing to your face. “um clyde this is myra. myra, Clyde.” you smiled. “the one and only Clyde. the first boy to be taking up so much of my girl's thoughts.” you winced at her remark but sighed and shrugged it off. “I guess we’re even now,” you said, referring to what Snow said when you first met her. Clyde laughed. “well I look forward to being the last.” he smiled and walked off to the stage. “big dick I'm telling you.” Myra whispered, causing you to cackle.
the band was now playing and the strobe lights were glittering over the crowd. you watched as everyone jumped and moved to the music that you surprisingly loved. you looked up at the stage and there Clyde was crowd surfing. “no fucking way.” you yelled and pointed. “wow y/n he looks really hot right now.” Myra remarked. “mine!” you scolded, jokingly. myra laughed and continued dancing. once Clyde was through his part of the entertainment he tracked you down in the crowd.
“sooo what’d you think?” Clyde dragged, hoping you enjoyed his performance. you watched his smug look, deciding to mess with him. “I don’t know.. not amazing.” you joked. “what?! Man, fuck you.” Clyde’s smile dropped. you shrugged and he soon picked up on you teasing him. “oh you know I looked hot up there.” he laughed and though you tried to keep up the ruse you began blushing. “yeah you couldn’t keep your eyes off me y/n I saw you.” he smiled. “maybe.”
“god get a room.” Myra scoffed. both you and Clyde began laughing. “no you did look pretty cool up there.” you spoke, the smugness brewing in you now. “I know.” he smiled. myra had now walked off into the crowd and it was just you and Clyde surrounded by strangers.
you absorbed the sounds, smells and textures as Clyde snaked his arms around your waist. you could both feel each other's hearts beating out. soon you could feel your breaths clashing, your lips inches apart. his cologne taking dominance in your nose, the scent of his humid skin meshing with yours. you needed him.
the rest of the band met up with you in the crowd. “i don’t think we’ve had a turnout like this before.” Johnny laughed, looking over the crowd. “you guys sounded amazing.” you complimented. the lights were still flashing and other bands were playing, the bass pulsing in your skin.
“we’re gonna play spin the bottle backstage if you lot wanna join.” snow popped in to inform you. “absolutely!” Myra squealed and you all headed backstage and sat down in the circle. the empty green beer bottle sat in the middle almost like it was smirking at you.
the bottle landed on you and Snow. when you leaned in to kiss her you both giggled, pressing your lips together. clyde blushed and almost frowning. was he jealous? maybe then he’d make a move, you thought as the bottle then landed on you and Johnny. “okay I’m over the game.” Clyde spoke. but you kissed Johnny anyway. myra and Snow were frowning now too, the rest of the boys sat silent with anguish. clyde stood up and walked off in silence as you pulled back from the kiss with Johnny. your stomach sank in the realization that you'd made a huge mistake.
Meet Cute Masterlist
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seaoflove07 · 1 day
Love Planted a Rose 🌹
~ Dark ~
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• Artwork by The Drawables •
Full Art Cover and Story Description, Here.
OCXCanon. 🔪 Azusa & Christine’s Story. 🌹
Fan Fiction Written by Me.
Fandom: Diabolik Lovers.
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Christine and Yui as both were walking, they had a bit of conversation before they got to the Garden. Questions like, “How old are you? And, “Where are you from?” Both of them felt easygoing talking to each other.
- They arrive at the Sakamaki Garden -
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• Official by Rejet •
Yui: “We are here.”
Christine: “Wow! It's extremely beautiful.”
(The garden is breathtaking! So many beautiful flowers in so many different colors, the sound of the fountain, the statues. It looks straight up from Victorian Era paintings...)
Yui: “It really is beautiful.” She smiles.
Christine: “If I had lived here, I would have visited this garden every single day.”
Yui: “I come here every once in a while with Ayato-kun.”
Christine: “Yui… can I ask you a question?”
Yui: “Yes, of course. What would you like to know?
Christine: “How’s it been for you living with the Sakamaki brothers? They all seem like assholes and I can tell that they are very dangerous. Reiji was a big example.”
Yui: “When I first arrived here it was bad and I was very afraid to know that they were all vampires. They all wanted my blood, especially the triplets who were so forward. So out of spur of the moment, I told them to let me choose the person who can drink my blood.”
Christine: “So you end up choosing Ayato, right?”
(She’s blushing...)
Yui: “H-how you know?”
Christine: “Well… you did walk into the living room with him and you left with him before I left with Reiji. So it seems obvious that you picked Ayato. Why him?”
Yui: “Since I blurted that out so they can stop getting closer to me. I really wasn't sure who to even pick since I didn't know any of them personally. The reason I chose Ayato-kun, was because he was the first one I saw when I walked into the mansion. He was sleeping on the couch and when I touched his skin to wake him up. He was so cold that I thought he was dead.”
Christine: (I see. They all have cold skin because they are vampires. I felt the cold touch with Azusa, Ruki, and Reiji…)
Yui: “Christine-san, who did you pick from the Mukami brothers? Is it Ruki-kun?”
Christine: “Huh? I didn't choose any of them and I don't want to either.”
Yui: “Eh! So you don’t mind them all drinking your blood?”
Christine: !!! I-I do mind but they haven’t even tried to drink my blood. The only one who has sucked my blood is... Azusa. I just hope the other brothers will never try. Azusa is already acting weird as it is.”
Yui: “I see. I wonder in this case if Azusa-kun chose you instead, and that’s why the other brothers haven’t even tried.”
Christine: ... ...
Yui: “Christine-San? You seem sad... I’m sorry if I said something I shouldn’t.”
Christine: “No you didn’t... But I do feel sad because… I don’t know what will become of me. Azusa has been violent, I fear for my life.”
Yui: “Ayato-kun was violent with me too in the beginning. Then over time, we fell in love with each other. It wasn't easy, but I’m happy being by his side.”
Christine: (How can anyone fall in love with a monster? I truly wanted to ask her this question but I decided not to. I have read many paranormal romance novels of human girls falling in love with the dreamy vampire. But in this case, neither the Mukami’s and Sakamaki’s are dreamy. They are dangerous and sadistic…)
“Even if you are in love with him please stay safe. I know you just met me but if you ever need advice or help or just need someone to talk to, I'll be here to listen.”
Yui: “Thank you, Christine-san. You are so kind.”
She smiled.
“I'll be fine and I’m looking forward to have our girl talk every Friday then. I will be here for you too if you ever want to talk about anything.”
Christine: “I'm glad to know that. Thank you. So should we start grabbing flowers? Can we pick any flowers that we want? Or does Reiji wants a specific flower?”
Yui: “We can choose any flowers we like.”
Christine: “Great. I will pick pink and red roses.”
Yui: “Then while you get the roses, I will get Tulips.”
Ayato: “Chichinashi! I found you!”
Surprising her from behind.
Yui: “Kya!”
Ayato: “Hahaha… Dummy, you should have expected I was coming to get you.”
He kissed Yui’s cheek and wrapped his arms around her.
“What the hell you are doing here in the garden anyway? Let's go do something more fun.”
Yui: “Reiji-san needs fresh flowers to put in the mansion vases.”
Ayato: “That damn four eyes should get the flowers himself!”
Yui: “Is part of Christine-san's task. I’m here to help her and show her around. I promise you once we are done we can do whatever you'd like.”
He smirks.
Ayato: “Then you will entertain me and I will give you all my attention when we go back to your room. Hehe… Look at that happy expression on your face.”
“Guess I have no choice, but to help you pick up these damn flowers so we can hurry up and leave.”
Christine: (They kinda look cute together…)
Yui: Smiling. “Thank you, Ayato-kun.”
“Christine-san, if you walk straight ahead a little further, you will see all the roses. While you grab some roses, Ayato-kun and I will get Tulips.”
Ayato: “And you better grab a bunch, Chihuahua. Because I want to get the hell out of here as soon as possible.”
Christine: “My name is Christine! Not Chihuahua.”
Ayato: “I will call you whatever I want! Come, Chichinashi.”
He takes her hand.
“Let’s go.”
Yui: “We will meet back here, Christine-san.”
She gave Christine an apologetic look and left with Ayato.
Christine: (Asshole! I wished I could have told him that. Anyways, I have to go get roses…)
While she was walking, Christine was admiring the beautiful summer night. The warmth and the scent of the flowers filled the air. The stars looked so shiny she couldn't help thinking about a little piece from John Keats's poem, Bright Star.
Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art-
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart.
Once she found the roses, she stopped in her tracks. Christine saw the white-haired vampire, holding and looking at a white rose.
She walks closer to him.
Christine: “Are white roses your favorite flower?”
Subaru: “Che, I thought I smelled you.”
He turns around to face her.
Christine: (He looks upset…)
Subaru: “I hate them!”
He crushed the rose petals with his palms, throwing them to the ground.
“Now get the hell out of here!”
Christine: “I can't. I need to grab roses for the mansion. It’s part of my task.”
Subaru: “I don't care about your stupid task, now leave!”
Christine: “Fine! I'll go grab other flowers then.”
She started walking away.
Subaru: “Wait!”
She stops and turns around, looking at him.
Christine: … …
Subaru: “What’s your favorite flower?”
Christine: (His face is bright red and one of his hands is shaking. Is like he's trying to control his temper…)
“Pink and Red Roses are my favorite.”
Subaru: “Che, not surprised. You smell like a rose.”
He walks closer to her.
Laito: “Fufu~ I see the little kid has a crush on you, Bitch-chan. Nfu~”
Christine Flinch at the sight of Laito.
Laito: “Nfu~ Isn't she pretty?”
- Laito suddenly embraces Christine from behind -
Christine: “Eww, Let go of me!”
He smells her neck.
Laito: “Haah... you do smell like a lovely rose. Nfu~ I wonder what your blood tastes like.”
He licks her neck.
Christine: “Eww! Please stop!”
Laito: “Nfu~ Subaru, let’s have a sip of her blood and have a little fun together with her.”
Subaru: “Fuck no! You’re just a disgustin’ pervert.”
Laito: “Look at you getting all irritated. This is exactly why I can’t deal with kids. Suit yourself. I will take the first bite then.”
Laito leans closer to her neck and opens his mouth wide.
Ruki: “Laito!! You better let Livestock go right this instant.”
Laito: “Geez! You just had to appear when the good part was about to start.”
He let her go.
Ruki: “Livestock, let's go!”
He pulls her arm.
“I’m done with this night.”
- In the limousine -
Ruki: “You are so troublesome! I feel like I'm babysitting!”
Christine: “It is not my fault!”
Ruki: “Hmph, I told you to be careful and not get yourself into trouble, and yet again, you do the opposite. You are a blonde airhead!”
Christine: “I am not an airhead!! I graduated with excellent grades and I am a Teacher just so you know.”
Ruki: “You teach really young brats that most of them don't know how to read yet. I don't see anything to be proud of.”
Christine: !!!
(This asshole!!!…)
But she held her tongue, she didn't want the same situation that happened with Reiji repeating.
“I love working with children and teaching them the foundational knowledge. Helping them practice problem-solving, pre-academic, and social skills. There is so much more to being a Pre-K Teacher, and I wish we were appreciated more.”
Ruki: “Hmph. I see you are that simple-minded, Livestock.”
Christine: … “How did you know I was a Pre-K Teacher? I've never told you or any of your brothers.”
Ruki: “I know everything about you, Livestock. Once they told me we were having a young woman in our manor for the summer. I had my familiars get every information about you. I know where you live, I know who are your family, friends, and boyfriend. I also know where you work, and I know the car you drive. All the important details about you, I know… So running away would be pointless… and even if you do, my brothers and I would find you in seconds.”
Christine: !!!!
(Chills run down her spine!…)
“I don't have a boyfriend, anymore…”
“So this job was a setup. I knew this was too good to be true. It was all bullshit! And you guys were already spying on me!”
Ruki: “You better watch your mouth! Next time I will punish you for raising your voice at me. Am I clear, Livestock?”
Christine nods.
Ruki: “My brothers have nothing to do with this. I am the one who is in charge of you. My brothers only knew a woman was gonna live with us for the summer, that’s it. They will only help me if I ask them to.”
“So you see Livestock, if you dare escape from us. We will kill your family as punishment.”
- She starts to panic -
Christine: “Please!… I don't know what Karlheinz wants with me, but I beg you! Please don't hurt my family! I promise I won't run away!”
Tears start running down her cheeks.
Ruki: “Well if you are a good woman and don't do anything foolish. I assure you. Your family will be safe. We are back to the manor, this discussion is over.”
As Christine watched Ruki getting out of the limousine, her hands began to shake.
Christine: (Why is this happening!? From what I know, my family and I don't have any enemies. Was she sent here like Yui to be one of the brother's bride?…)
Just thinking about it is making her anxiety way worse.
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🎶In the still of the night
I held you
Held you tight
'Cause I love
Love you so
Promise I'll never
Let you go
In the still of the night🎶
As I was walking in the hallway.
I hear music playing.
A 50s song.
I remember this song.
In the Still of the Night by The Five Stains.
My Mom and Dad used to play this song when I was younger.
She followed where the song was coming from…
Christine opens the door and to her surprise, she sees Azusa dancing with a woman.
She Flinch!
Christine: (That woman! Is me…)
I’m looking at myself dancing with Azusa.
We both look in love.
The way Azusa is holding me.
The way I have my arms wrapped around him.
Holding him tight.
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• Artwork by MonMonartz •
Azusa: “My treasure… is a beautiful Rose… keep me safe… keep me alive… in your heart… my precious rose.”
Christine: (My heart is racing! Hearing him speak those words to me. Suddenly, I feel dizzy and my vision is blurry…)
Christine opens her eyes and sees that she's in her room and she sits up.
(It was a dream. How drastically different this one was, compared to the ones I had back home...)
She hugs herself with a sad expression.
It was a nice dream,
but it wasn't real,
It will never be real.
My heart is broken
Shattered by Mark
I don't trust any man
to put stitches on it.
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• By Me on Picrew •
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hwanchaesong · 2 days
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☞🍹Seventh Drink: Beyond the journey of espresso to dry martini, the only thing that he manages to remember is his baby. 🍸
🎧: The Weeknd - Blinding Lights
wc: 651
genre & warnings: angst, fluff, comfort, singer!jisung, bar setting, drinking, implied friends to lovers, etc etc
a/n: this is a part of The After Hours Bar series. if y'all want, you can read the other album inspired fics of other groups here.
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"Don't you think you're overstaying your visit?"
Jisung tilted his head to look for the source of the voice, spotting you beside him, sitting in the bar while you motioned the barista to give you a drink as well.
"I work here." he chuckles, answering your question and relaxing in his seat more, "What brings you here?"
Interrogation is necessary for you, considering that you are not one to go to bars. You usually stay at your house, enjoying ramyeon and rewatching your favorite movie.
You hummed, sipping on the alcoholic drink that the barista concocted before cringing at the bitter taste, "I am here for you."
He points at himself, "Me? Why is that? And why are you being weird?"
You gave your friend a side eye, slightly offended by his words, "First, I am not weird. I am completely normal. Second, you are the one being weird because see, your gig just finished but here you are..."
Your sentence trailed off, not wanting to continue it but he understands.
He'd usually go back to his own flat after a performance at the bar, but this time, he stayed for a drink. Which for you, his neighbor slash friend, is unusual.
So you went on a journey, despite clubs not being your thing, to check up on him.
It was safe to say that you were worried about him. You are well aware that you might have overstepped his boundaries but you really couldn't care, his welfare comes first.
"Can't I loosen up a bit?" he smirks at you, then his mood suddenly turns gloomy, "It's blurry."
He admits and you listen intently as he attempts to open up to you.
"I don't understand what is happening, actually." his eyes are downcast, slowly swirling the glass of tequila on the wooden table, "You know how much I love performing, right?"
"Yes, why?"
He laughs without any humor, and your concern rises when he blurts out his next words.
"I feel like I can't do it anymore. Like.. I am slowly losing my passion for it and I don't know what to do."
Your eyes widened, not expecting his confession because this man loves singing. Maybe he's confused? Or what he said a few minutes ago, he's tired and he needs to rest?
Surely, he must be mistaken because this, this city that he chose is his lifeline.
The way he talked about it made you realize that achieving your dreams in life is possible if you worked hard for it, just like he did.
He basically fought his parents for this, going against their wishes for him to become a doctor— and if you're going to be honest, his zeal for singing made you love him the way he is.
"Jisung I-" you stopped yourself, is it really worth it?
You urged yourself to do it, if no one else will push him, then you will take it upon yourself to do it.
You left your seat in lieu of extending your hand in front of him to take, and you gulped your nervousness.
"Listen, Jisung. I am not well versed when it comes to things like this but," you bit your lower lip, bashfully meeting his curious gaze, "let's go back to my apartment and think of ways on how to motivate you."
He raised an eyebrow, not moving an inch until you groaned in exasperation, grasping his hand in yours.
"Come on! If you lose interest in this then.. I'd miss those moments where you sing to me the new songs that you're composing."
It is now Jisung's turn to be surprised.
Amidst the neon lighting of the bar, illuminating the place and promptly blinding the eyes of people who dare to look straight into it, Jisung thinks that he's already seen the brightest glow of all.
But strangely enough, he can clearly see how gorgeous she is.
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@sunghoonsgfreal @yeosayang @mystverse @shakalakaboomboo
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nixie-writes · 3 days
Hello, hence being almost 3am in writing this request.
Can I request a platonic Carmilla & daughter reader who is insomniac?
Can bring in the other 2 daughters in too and the reader is the oldest with she/them pronouns.
-Carmilla cares for all her children equally. You, being the eldest, had the most tasks and responsibility. You always attended meetings where she was present, and you were always there to guide your sisters.
-it seemed exhausting, and it was, but you just couldn't sleep. You'd tried meditating, you tried drinking warm milk, you tried listening to whatever shit on the phone helps people sleep, you even tried sleep pills, nothing helped.
-Carmilla noticed you hadn't been getting much sleep. You always seemed tired but when it was time for bed you tossed and turned restlessly. She had to get to the bottom of this.
-that night while you were staring at the ceiling Camilla came into your room, announcing herself. She sat at the end of your bed, close enough that you felt safe but far enough away that you didn't feel trapped. Sitting on your bed she asked outright, "why haven't you been getting much sleep, dear?"
-you sighed. How could you explain that you simply couldn't sleep? "I don't know, mom, I just can't. It's like sleep is running away from me. I even tried your sleeping pills and I only got 4 hours that night and I had an awful hangover." You explained. Camilla nodded her head. "What do you think would help?" She inquired. That was a loaded question.
-"I don't know, I just always feel...alone, I guess. I want to make sure my sisters are safe, and I want to feel safe with you, but I don't know how to achieve that." You explained briskly.
-Carmilla nodded. "Would it help if your sisters and I slept in the same room with you?" She suggested. It was like a light bulb went off in your head. Of course that would help! You nodded your head vigorously. "Yes! Please." You added politely. Camilla nodded and called your sisters into your room. She shortly explained that you needed her and them tonight, and they gladly climbed into bed with you, one sister at each side, and Carmilla at the end. It was perfect. You finally slept a solid 8 hours.
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artofhazbinhotel · 1 day
heyyy you can do a guitarspear short in the garden of eden (where maybe, if you want, Lute will be a curious angel about the new creation/Adam lol)
Here we go! Hopefully it was worth the wait, I had a lot of fun writing this :)
Alone sat a man, alone for the second time, while his wife had been condemned for her sins he wasn't, she was banished and he wasn't. He wouldn't be alone if his kids were awake but the late night silence was better than their cries about where their mother went. He blamed Lucifer for what happened to Eve, not her, she was just listening to a man and that's what she had been taught, if only Lilith learned that, maybe she wouldn't have chosen Lucifer over him, she was too difficult for him. He likes to think he's the one who wanted that to end, not her. The lake he sat by in the grass reflected the moon and he cupped some of the water to his mouth to drink, drinking away your sorrows hadn't been invented yet but he'd try.
He was interrupted by the sight of an angel slowly flying down to him, he wanted to be annoyed but she was kind of hot in his opinion. Long light silver hair, golden eyes with thick lashes, a flowy dress of black and white patterns and matching black and white wings large enough to support her. She landed in front of him and took a seat next to him in the grass, quiet for a minute, like she was thinking of what to say. "I'm sorry about what happened to Eve" she finally said. He sighed, "Geez does all of heaven know? I must look like some fucking loser." She tilted her head "What does fucking mean?"
Adam snickered running a hand through his hair "Oh right, I made it up, it's like something you add before a word to make it sound cooler, what do you think?" He looked at her for approval, he'd always assumed angels would be bigger until he saw Lucifer and now her, she's tiny. The angel thought about it before offering an awkward snicker in return "I like it, maybe I'll use it" He offered a high-five with an enthusiastic: "Hell yeah!" But she wasn't sure what to do so he took her hand and make it tap his for her then let go, it fell back at her side. "So what's your name?"
"I don't have a name" Adam's eyes widened in offense for her "That's lame, what about I give you one?" She smiled and nodded. Adam took her in again, what words come to mind? The animal names were made up, she should get something that doesn't exist yet. "Lulu.. no that's dumb. Light. Already exist." He tapped his head before snapping his fingers, "Lute!" Her eyes lit up, to have the person she's been watching from afar give her this gift was a warm feeling. "I like it"
"Well, it's nice to meet you Lute" "Nice to meet you too, Adam, I always wanted to but it didn't feel like the right time." He tilts his head, "What do you mean?" Lute sighed "As an angel the only way I can access this world is if a soul needs me, I jumped at the chance" "I guess that makes sense, but does that mean you can't visit unless I'm sad?"
Lute paused before answering, "I can sneak out" The human was kind of impressed, "Risky, I like it" Before their chat can continue a small pair of hands tapped Adam's shoulder lightly but several times. He looked down to see Abel, not very old yet. "Hey buddy, what you doing up?" Abel sat beside his father and pointed to Lute "Who's the pretty lady daddy? Is she our new mommy?" Lute blushed embarrassed and shook her head "No no, I'm just an angel-"
Abel stumbled over and snuggled up to her wing "You're like a birdy" Adam picked up his son "Hey you can't go getting all handsy with the ladies unless they're into it" Abel nodded and Lute stood. "I'm sorry to cut this short but I really should be heading back, I have a lot of responsibility up there" Adam looked at Abel and joked "See? Look what you did" Abel just immediately started crying"Wait fuck- I was joking!" He bounced him panicking, Eve was so much better at this parenting thing than he was.
Lute didn't judge, she'd have no idea what to do with a tiny human either. She waved goodbye and so did Adam. Her wings spread and she went back up, he was looking forward to seeing her again, it was the first time he'd felt happy in a while. Okay back to the crying baby, he just kept shaking up and down like a protein drink "Hush little baby don't say a word-" awkward singing ensues.
The two continued their meetings until eventually Adam's death came, Lute watched from behind the gates to welcome him as he was let him in. She took in his new appearance, golden wings and a considerable height boost. "I can show you around" She suggested but he was just excited to see her and lifted her with ease, crushing her against his chest. "Lute! This is great, now we can hang out all we want!" The other angel blushed being so close and tried to shove away, wings flapping rapidly. "Yeah- great- you can put me down now."
Adam nods and sits her down "Oops sorry" He laughed as she fixed her hair. Their conversation was interrupted again by something mirroring their first, it was Abel. "You look so majestic father! I missed you" Adam ran over and ruffled his brown hair, it matched his own. "Not too bad yourself, look at those wings!" Lute watched them with a small smile, it was sweet to see the reunion Abel always talked about, she never filled the mother role in his life, but she did let him ask about his father, she'd never complain to talk about him.
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