#and I am a baby punk/alt kid
hidefdoritos · 7 months
in other news, today I bought new boots
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queen-helmaroc · 3 months
to me being alt means questioning society norms and beauty standards. bc why should i do what makes me look the most conventionally attractive? to please other people? thats dumb as hell. in fact it pisses me off. fuck societal norms and beauty standards, all my homies hate that shit
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
My audhd brain won't stop telling me to do a full breakdown of the parallels between Percy and Hobie so i will.Alright,let's do this one last time!
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Troubled but good kids
Afro-dominican New York/Jamaican-English(NY and England are where punk first started)
Anarchists,proffessional instigators,always helping out around communities(it's implied Percy participated in Rachel's protests and charities with her)and looking out for the little guy
So they're actual punks instead of just EdgyTM douchebags because they wanna do the right thing no matter what
No masking game autistics
Trans femmes who come across as masc only to normies
Chillaxed and super kind and love cute shit and people but also have major street credit,a huge edge and strong as fuck backbones and the reason they're so kind is that their childhood was beyond brutal so as they grew up they decided to be the positive older figure in younger people's lives they didn't take to have to the point they turned into Team Dad's
The EXACT same sense of humor
Alt music lovers
Expressions are always either super intimidating or meme worthy goofy
Pet supernatural dog(Spidermutt and Mrs O'Leary)
Widely regarded as the coolest ever in-universe and correctly so but they're huge dorks when you get down to it but that only makes them even cooler-They were this cool the whole time
6'something with guitarist hands and described as so attractive it's shocking
Go by a nickname instead of their full name and have a common black surname
Oldest and most experienced heroes in their main casts
Hobie's dad is a deadbeat who left him as a baby to do supernatural shit
'I'm not a role model' 'I hate the a.m,i hate the p.m,i hate labels' 'I don't believe in consistency' / 'Was i a troubled kid?Yeah,you could say that' 'I AM impertenent' 'The sea does not like to be restrained'
'Calling yourself a hero makes you self-mythologizing'Hello???????????
Gwen is the Hazel to Hobie's Percy.She's a younger trans girl with a ghost motif who's a pastel ray of sunshine and runs her mouth as much as they do and has a dead mom,an abusive corrupted figure dad and their own impressive experiences in heroism before meeting them
Nico is another teen Ghostkid who Percy gifted a Ramones shirt and gave shelter to multiple times when he was homeless because Hades/Pluto is as much of a fucking cunt as George Stacy is.Nico is also a Miles kinnie because he's an optimistic softboy who's nerdy,a fast food lover and a lot stronger than he gives himself credit for and Percy is the big brother mentor to him the fandom thinks Hobie is to Miles(Nah fr Hobie and Miles are ambigious but Percy's canonically a grown ass man and Nico's Miles' age,P*rcicos pack it up and get over that your ship only works for transfem Percy proof)
Karl=Jason(the cooler St*ve R*gers,the actual voice of reason on the team but just as unhinged as the rest of them,very nice guy vibes and Hobie's righthand),Riri=Annabeth(Black girl genius who takes no shit but is still written as a person instead of a stereotype)and Mattea=Clarisse(red-coded,rowdy tomboy and war paint)
Mayday and Margo are basically just Estelle and Rachel,Jessica makes a pretty convincing Sally and Miguel reminds me of Poseidon but especially when he's interacting with Hobie
Sarcastic troublemaker smiles i've always found endearing(Rip to Annabeth but i'm different)(Also for Hobie i mean this platonically)
Immaculate rizz that's mostly unintentional but reaches critical levels when on purpose
Cocky asf and self-loathing at the same time
That one scene of Hobie leaving Gwen a Watch with the 'In case it don't work out' note with a lil doodle of him on it after getting her dad's ass/Percy sending the Olympians Medusa's head in a box after slaying her with a note saying 'Best wishes' to spite them
Goofy ahh who are nonetheless taken seriously cause Watch Out
They even both have terrible singing voices
And technically not the same thing but Hobie's also pink-coded so they're cotton candy colors and with Percy's white streak they can be the trans flag too!!
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jojotier · 1 year
-Dirk is the titular Guy Who Doesn't Like Musicals. this, along with the singing aliens, is the only thing similar to the musical
-Dirk, Roxy, and Jake all run a little indie record store/hang out coffee spot where they contract sweets from Jane's catering company. The opening is all very down to earth and chill, with all four mentioning their respective little sibs out in the town.
- Hal, infected by a hybrid tech and alien virus, mysteriously breaks out into the first number of the day, along with those initially infected, after the meteor crashes into an ectobiology lab outside of town.
-(the ectobiology lab is manned by an alt-universe vers of Roxy (Mom Lalonde) who came to this universe with the other alt-versions of the humans for sci fi govt reasons. just roll with it)
-the first number of the day is Synchronous Chorus, wherein an ensemble of the first wave of infected, led by Hal using a deep fake model of Dirk with red eyes, singing about how in a small town like this everyone knows everyone and soon you'll see our narratives are all parallel!
-initially everyone assumes it to be a joke, since Dirk gets Wildly uncomfortable seeing himself singing and dancing. then Dirk, on his way to Jane to grab some more danishes, gets accosted by musical zombies (Let's Take a Walk, Baby). Realizing this is the apocalypse his Bro (alpha Dave, just roll with it) trained him for, he starts sounding the alarm, helping Jane fend off zombies to find their way back to the record store (Cute Enough to Eat (Doo-wap))
-don't know where the trolls are in this but I am DESPERATE for an infected Aradia to sing a Haelstorm-esque punk rock number (Apocalypse Now!) that slowly eats up members of her friend group
-The alpha kids are racing against the clock to try and find their lil sibs so they can make it out of town before the bomb the govt has set in the quarantined area explodes. Musical Shenanigans Ensue
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rogueddie · 2 years
All this punk Steve talk reminds me of the time a few years ago when my friends and I did goth singles night. Or at least attempted, I think we all swung punk rather than goth.
It was Valentines Day and none of us had a date to speak of. So the four of us dressed our queer asses up as alternatively as our respective wardrobes would allow -makeup, leather, the works- and went... fucking bowling of all things.
I haven't been back to that bowling alley in years, but I hope they still have the old screen animations because they were balls to the wall bonkers. My favorite was the one for a double strike: two flaming Xs over some jacked guy's oiled pecs. I think a single strike was over his bicep.
Anyway we all had a blast. And despite, well kind of everything, one of us actually managed to land a date that night.
Food for thought
I don't think it's possible to aim for goth and somehow land on punk asdfghsdf they're so different, if you did then I'm kinda impressed. also the idea of what looks like a group of new baby alt kids going bowling is very cute.
And I am having a lot of thoughts, there's so much food here. Because it would be easily steddie-fied asdfhds
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faun-the-fae · 7 months
Okay hi I probably need to make an intro post
Who am I?
I’m Arson, 17, my pronouns are basically anything except she/her. I’m a chronic pain rat and Jew(ish), and also a baby alt/punk kid. Kinda a furry, definitely not neurotypical (part of a system whee!) Please be nice to me I’m very nervous always
What I post:
Various fandom related things, (tma, GenLoss, sometimes creepypasta if I’m being generous), my art, my silly little thoughts and feelings, general shitposts that are bouncing around in my skull, and sometimes I get really really emotional about things and post that.
Pfp and header are made by me
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comfy-whumpee · 9 months
1, 6, and 10 for Jax, please!
Hey there number 2 Jax fan 💕 (no.1 is @ashintheairlikesnow and if you're new here, Ash writes Savvie, Izzy and Jamie)
What common traits do you share with your oc? What about them is the least like you?
This is an especially interesting one for Jax because he's probably the whumpee who's least like me. Normally you portion out your issues to your whumpees, right? Ty has my sensory issues, Ellis has my anxiety, Spencer has my academic burnout, Northlight has more sensory and trust issues…
Jax was just there to be a defiant little shit and then he developed that into a whole character because Savvie came into existence.
Dad Jax is most like me. His interaction with Jamie but especially Izzy often mirror how I try to support some of the kids I've met. I've worked with some vulnerable kids, and the unique calm that Jax can channel when his babies need it is something I'm often praised for at work.
But I am not an angry person, and who would Jax be without the power of fury and hate? That's part of why he's so fun to put in Situations.
6. How much thought does your oc put into what they wear/look like? Any reason why?
Before the Teacher and Savvie, Jax could be a little vain and had confidence in his appearance. While Savvie would have done her emotionally needy whump regardless, I do wonder if she would have gone further if Jax wasn't pretty good-looking. So he used to put effort into wearing clothes that suited him and looked cool. Obviously, that was punk shit.
When he came back the first time he completely switched to clothes that wouldn't grab attention, and only occasionally went out in clothes he liked when he knew he'd be around other people who were dressed that way. Being stalked did not help at all, and when he came back with the kids, he defaulted to T-shirt and jeans, with or without jacket, most of the time. The main thing he does pay attention to is whether he wants to hide his shock collar scars that day (which is most days), with a scarf or bandanna.
10. What are some of your oc’s pet peeves? How do they handle it when the annoyance doesn’t stop?
It's hard to think of a pet peeve that doesn't have some deep-seated Savvie-related trauma behind it. Most of them are. Don't put flavouring in his coffee. Don't touch him out of turn. Don't clap your hands in excitement. Don't fake smiles. Don't comment on whether his kids are cute and definitely do not ever call Izzy a good girl.
The first infraction gets a glare, then a terse shutdown. People who continue after that, in his mind, deserve to be sworn at or - if they're stupid and not just mean - they get aggressively trauma-dumped on to shock them out of it.
For a light-hearted pet peeve, he thinks the music elitists you get in the alt scene are all dumbasses.
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This page is going to be a page full of thought drop bullshit. Here's a bit about me. My names Samm, though I have been thinking of changing that for years. And now for an info dump:
I am a pet groomer who is studying to become a Death doula/Death midwife.
The career choices may seem random but they do have significance.
I have a deep love for anything creative; reading, writing, music, embroidery, leather work, gem stones/jewlery, cosplay, and a million ects.
Dog grooming goes hand in hand with my love of creativity, the death doula work may seem a bit more out there.
I found out shortly after making the decision to start school that I was picking up a family torch that had been dropped a few generations back as my family were Death Sitters, while I find that amazing I am glad that in the age we live in I am glad I am able to find a way to use my creativity to help people and their loved ones on the journey between this world and the next.
My biggest escape has largely been books through my entire life and they have helped shape me into who i am. I have been on a journey through the Cosmere for the past year and have gained a bit of an obsession with the universe and Brandon Sanderson works in general. While he is my favorite author at this point there are many others that hold special places in my heart, 99.9% being fantasy.
I am considered by most to be on the Punk/Alt side of things. I am pretty covered in piercings and tattoos. I love rock/metal music but people always seem surprised that I am also a huge indiepop fan as well.. I love finding new music especially from around the world. One of my favorite bands that I'd be happy to show some love to is Bloodywood- they are an Indian folk metal band that are absolutely incredible, if you choose to listen to them make sure you check out the translation for the lyrics.
I have a partner of almost 6 years whom is the most amazing person and I am so lucky to have them. Together we have 3 pups, all being rescues from sad situations. Creed was a bottle baby who I bottle fed from 2 weeks old, Thor is the sweetest boy who was used by addicts as a "tester" and had to go through puppy rehab before coming home and Fenrir who was kept in a tiny space with kerosene heaters (he smelled for ages). My last 2 pups are part of the reason I tell people do to their research and think long and hard before naming pets/kids after gods. I swear they take on traits of their namesake.
ok I think thats enough shit about me. I think I just needed to have a place to put shit that I cant really put anywhere else.
Per Aspera Ad Astra- Through Hardships to the Stars.
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motherofqups · 11 months
The Iris Oracle (Referenced Songs)
Updated 07.28.23
Black Mambo - Glass Animals
Toes - Glass Animals
Gold - Chet Faker
All Your Gold - Bat for Lashes
Queen of Peace - Florence + the Machine
Thunder Love - Little Dragon
Days Are Gone - HAIM
Water Slides - Mew
Rabbit Will Run - Iron & Wine
Die Young - Sylvan Esso
I Bet You Look Good On the Dance Floor (Arctic Monkeys cover) - Baby Charles
Pristine - Snail Mail
Hearts A Mess - Gotye
Unraveling - Violents, Monica Martin
Not - Big Thief
I'm on Fire (Bruce Springsteen cover) - Bat for Lashes
715 - CRΣΣKS - Bon Iver
Only Got one - Frou Frou
How It Left - Violents, Monica Martin
I Go To Sleep (Pretenders cover) - Sia
Premonition of the Hex - Circa Survive
Fiction - the xx
You Know I'm No Good - Amy Winehouse
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
Ill Wind - Radiohead
Shh - Frou Frou
Bad to Worse - Ra Ra Riot
Floorplan (Tegan and Sara cover) - Sara Bareilles
In a River - Rostam
Elephant Gun - Beirut
No Plan - Hozier
Canvas - Imogen Heap
Tessellate - alt-J
Pop Song - Perfume Genius
Panic Switch - Silversun Pickups
Guilty Party - the National
Boy With a Coin - Iron & Wine
Resurrection Fern - Iron & Wine
The End of Love - Florence + the Machine
Cornflake Girl - Tori Amos
Rabbit Will Run (Iron & Wine cover) - Psaikozet, Marina Pavlova
There, There - Radiohead
I Fold You - Elder Island
Gallipoli - Beirut
Glass - Bat for Lashes
House by the Sea - Iron & Wine
I Told You Everything - Sharon Van Etten
Down Side of Me - CHVRCHES
Delicate - Taylor Swift
This Is the Last Time - the National
Indestructible - Robyn
The Recluse - Cursive
I Never Learn - Lykke Li
Retrograde - James Blake
As It Was - Hozier
sad day - FKA twigs
These Things - She Wants Revenge
begin again - Purity Ring
The Season - the Dodos
Barefoot In The Park - James Blake, Rosalía
My My My! - Troye Sivan
Slow Show - the National
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
Numb - Sia
White Flag - Dido
imagine - Ariana Grande
Two Slow Dancers - Mitski
Soon We'll Be Found - Sia
Starboy - the Weeknd, Daft Punk
Metal Heart - Cat Power
Radioactive - MARINA
Missing U - Robyn
Joga - Björk
Ascension - Gorillaz, Vince Staples
when the party's over - Billie Eilish
Atticus, in the Desert (live) - Kishi Bashi
Gobbledigook - Sigur Rós
Dreams (Fleetwood Mac cover) - Lissie
Pang - Caroline Polachek
Fourth of July - Sufjan Stevens
Turn the Light - Karen O, Danger Mouse
Work Song - Hozier
Mystery of Love - Sufjan Stevens
Closing In - Imogen Heap
Psychobabble - Frou Frou
Fever Dream - Iron & Wine
Precious - Depeche Mode
Machete - Amanda Palmer
Hanging On - Active Child
Three Men Hanging - Murder by Death
Daydreaming - Radiohead
needy - Ariana Grande
Soft Animal - Hotelier
Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift
Grendel - Sunny Day Real Estate
Marigolds - Kishi Bashi
Night Light - Sleater-Kinney
Puffer - Speedy Ortiz, Lizzo, Lazerbeak
Paris Is Burning - St. Vincent
Your Fake Name Is Good Enough for Me - Iron & Wine
Jukai - Jhené Aiko
Mother - Florence + the Machine
New World - Björk
Youth - Glass Animals
Call It Dreaming - Iron & Wine
Kids In the Dark - Bat for Lashes
6/10 - dodie
Runner - Tennis
She - dodie
In a Black Out - Hamilton Leithauser, Rostam
Roses/Lotus/Violet/Iris - Hayley Williams
Garden Song - Phoebe Bridgers
Buzzcut Season - Lorde
Blue Monday (New Order cover) - Orgy
I Got It - Charli XCX, cupcakKe, Pabllo Vittar, Brooke Candy
Rylan - the National
Where Is Her Head - the National
Tap Dancer - Local Natives
Glass House - Gabbie Hanna
peacefall - Purity Ring
Is It Cold in the Water? - SOPHIE
Under Ice - Kate Bush
Hot & Heavy - Lucy Dacus
Shimmer - Moose Blood
HYD - Hayley Williams
Hysteria - Muse
Strange Terrain - Circa Survive
i like the devil - Purity Ring
My Enemy - CHVRCHES, Matt Berninger
Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) - Kate Bush
Various Storms & Saints - Florence + the Machine
Rat A Tat - Fall Out Boy, Courtney Love
Therefore I Am - Billie Eilish
Go As a Dream - Caroline Polachek
No Light, No Light - Florence + the Machine
Scatterheart - Björk
Baby Girl, I'm a Blur - Say Anything
Hey, Ma - Bon Iver
Prescilla - Bat for Lashes
Heavy Balloon - Fiona Apple
As You Are - Kimbra
Can I Believe You...? - Fleet Foxes
Nate Growing Up - Labrinth
Burn the Witch - Radiohead
Kingslayer - Bring Me the Horizon, BABYMETAL
Space Ghost Coast to Coast - Glass Animals
Applause - Lady Gaga
Running Up That Hill (Kate Bush cover) - MEG MYERS
Aura - Lady Gaga
As It Was - Harry Styles
2-1 - Imogen Heap
Daydreaming - Radiohead
Imposter Syndrome - Circa Survive
One Day the Only Butterflies Left Will Be in Your Chest As You March Towards Your Death - Bring Me the Horizon, Amy Lee
Gone For Good - Circa Survive
Truth Is a Beautiful Thing - London Grammar
Asking for a Friend - CHVRCHES
Weights & Measures - Dry the River
Laughing With a Mouth of Blood - St. Vincent
Blood in the Cut - K. Flay
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cripple-punk-dad · 1 year
imagine being a kid and new to alternative styles and seeing an adult that you think looks really cool, and you want to be like them, so you try to compliment them and ask them where they got their clothes. and then they start yelling at you, calling you a poser, all because you are a child who doesn't know everything about alternative styles and doesn't have the time, money, or skill to diy your own clothes because you are a child. idk about you but i would stop trying to be punk and probably gain a negative view of the punk community as a whole. it costs nothing to not be a dickhead.
2 things buckaroo
1) I am 18 years old. I am only technically an adult my friend. I am also in a wheelchair so people will come up with literally any excuse to talk to me so they can ask invasive questions about my medical history. I treat most questions from strangers as that. If someone asking is alt or alt-adjacent, I tend to give more leniency with that. The person I was talking about in the post is a rich bitch from my high school.
2) Nowhere did I say that I actively yell at people younger than me for asking me about my clothes. Wanting to do something and actually doing it are two different things. Thought crimes ain't real. I was expressing frustration at the literal, by definition posers that I've seen everywhere online and in person. Believe it or not that post was about one specific person at my high school and I never intended for it to blow up, but here we are.
I lied one more thing
3) I actively know 3-4 baby punks who regularly ask me for advice on punk-related stuff so I'm nurturing the younger people in our community more than you are lmao.
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muddymiddle · 1 year
about /byf/dni
hi >:3 im luke and this is my age regression + dreaming blog!!! im transmasc and use he/him pronouns but meow/meows are okay when im Kitty or in a therioshift. im adhd and likely autistic and im in college which is very stressful. used to have a lotta mental illness but im mostly better now.
i have a partner but she isnt a caregiver i dont need one.
im 21 years old physically as of writing this but i have two regressive states: an older little (8-10) and a middle/teen (12-15). i regress + dream for comfort mostly (and trauma but thats my beeswax) but im always childish even when im big!! its just a chance to let myself fully embrace that side of myself. i also become a kitty sometimes but i dont rlly consider that “regression” since... i had to have been a kitty sometime in this life for that word to make sense but i am a domestic cat therian. 
my agere is not sexual. im not into cgl scene because having that sort of parental relationship makes me uncomfortable and i dont think childhood/childishness or familial dynamics should have a place in sexual or romantic contexts. but i know that cgl is not the same as sexualizing real children and can be okay if done safely n healthily. that bein said if ur blog is cgl-heavy pls dont follow but i wont block u unless i think youre weird
i HATE the lacey/pastel/cutesy aesthetic of most agere and get SO MAD that all the content out there is for either feminine kiddos or toddlers and babies. im here to make myself a corner of the internet where MY liddlespace is for ME. do NOT talk to me like a baby or call me special things - im too big for that and only my partner is allowed to give me special names.
when im 8-10 i like: - YUGIOH AND POKEMON!!! - cartoons that arent for babies, like ben 10 - mud, dirt, sticks, rocks, and bugs - building forts and climbing trees and playing outside - gross stuff like boogers and mold - nerf guns/swords, lightsabers, and other kids toy weapons - dinosaurs and dragons! (my fave is the ankyolosaur) - toys, plushies, action figures, tech decks - making comics like captain underpants          and im usually very happy n excitable and reckless and get lots of scrapes. i HATE VEGETABLES and i WILL NOT go to bed on time!! 
when im 12-15 i like: - alt/punk/skater aesthetic and music - early 2000s internet aesthetic - making inappropriate jokes and giggling about it for too long - reading manga/watching anime, mostly shounen - prince stuff / kodona fashion - pranks, spitballs, stinkbombs, etc - being obnoxious on purpose - going on adventures!!               and im snippier and annoying and like to push peoples limits and i HATE grownups cause they NEVER LISTEN!!!!!
when im Kitty i like: - playing with strings, mice, or laser pointer - play hunting - napping in my cave or a box - knocking things off tables - climbing anywhere i can - FISH - kneading, purring, headbutting, and biting my loved ones                    im usually very self centered and think i am the bestest and smartest creature ever and i demand pets NOW
dont interact if you: (nonbold means u can follow if u dont post abt it, bold means DONT FOLLOW UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES)
- are racist, MAGA, alt-right, xenophobic, white supr3macist, neon@zi, antisemitic, islamophobic, etc - are homophobic, transphobic, biphobic, lesbophobic, or LGBTphobic in any other way (you can have your opinions on LGBT discourse but if you are anti-LGBT go away) - pro harmful paraphilia (infanto/pedo/hebe/ephebo/zoo) - ship incestuous or adult/minor ships - pro non-harmful paraphilia (plusho/objectum/etc) - nsfw blog (occasional is fine)  - cgl/ddlg/ageplay as a kink, even “sfw” (i cant tell u what to do but it makes me uncomfy. petplay is fine i dont consider them related at all) - anti otherkin/therian/fictionkin (u can have your opinion just dont post hate)
if you pass all those just know before you follow:
- i swear and make naughty jokes sometimes when im middle, but ill tag everything - i picture myself as an anime catboy esp from like, rlly bad middle school shoujo - if youre biologically a minor pls dont follow me - reblogs/likes/asks are fine - im not cringe youre cringe
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Oh, I'd love to learn!! I didn't really know much about punk until hobie brown, and even then, my knowledge is limited. I think it's so cool, though. I bought a vest to like dress up but I never got to doing it. I crocheted spikes to put on it but I couldn't figure out how to attach them and gave up.
Anyways I'm so glad you like it!!!
Here!!!You don't have go through all this all at once ofc and it's black-centric due to me being afrolatina + The extremely large role black people play in punk history^^
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Hi my name is lala!! And here’s some stuff to get to know me better! I’ve been thinking of doing this for a while so I hope we have some things in common
I am 22 and I live in the United States in the Pacific Northwest
I work full time as a barber and I’m hoping to own my own shop where we specialize in alt/goth cuts and colors!
I LOVE drawing more than anything in the world! It brings me peace and joy and helps my process emotions
I am a witch and I practice daily and only in the good karmic stuff! To go with it I collect crystals and tarot cards. I also have a BIG OBSESSION with yummy smells so I always have a wax warmer, incenses or an essential oil diffuser goin on all times. I find clarity in my practice and it teaches me patience and to rid all negativity.
If I were to chose a favorite dish it would be sushi hands down every time
My favorite colors are red and black and I hardly have anything else in my wardrobe
I collect stuffed animals and right now I’m trying to find meilin lee or baby yoda stuffies anywhere I can
My style ranges between witch goth, punk, pastel goth and right now cyber goth.
As you noticed I’ve been into cyberpunk recently and the music is amazing in that category! I have a playlist made that I’ll share shortly
I love all music but I grew up on 80’s and 90’s Rock grunge metal etc. I later found a love for screamo and emo in middle school and now am branching out into industrial goth music!
I’m OBSESSED with Germany! If I could have a one way ticket anywhere it would be Germany. I plan on learning the language and one day I’ll save up a enough to see that gorgeous country! I even have a instrument that was built in east Germany before the fall of the Berlin Wall!!
I came to tumblr to escape from the miseries of life and to find a collection of people like me! And I’m so happy I found it in the marvel fandom. Marvel has been a big part of my life since I was a kid and I hope to pass it on to my future family! Marvel had been a sanctuary for me when I didn’t have much of one so I thank everyone for accepting me into this weird little corner of the world!
I love meeting new people and making friends! I always look to see the good in people and understand them and what makes them happy!
I ADORE EVERYONE I HAVE MET ON HERE! The talent you all share in your art and your story telling just blows my mind! You have shown me that you can still shine as an artist even if that’s not the career you chose. For a long time I was lost in my art and didn’t know if I could ever reach greatness! But thanks to every single one of you on here I’ve learned I was wrong. If you wish to be An amazing artist you can! Even when you feel like no one sees your art it is still valuable and perfect because you made it with PASSION!
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elflikesfrogs · 2 months
Elven System
I recently got diagnosed with OSDD, so here is a little info post about it. (Forgive me if I get some of the terminology wrong, I'm new to this!)
I am a 4-part age regression system. We are all memory-sharers, but hold different responsibilities/personalities. We are also all autistic, but showcase symptoms differently.
I tag some, but not all, posts with the alter's name, especially if it's specific to them and their interests.
Here is a little introduction to the alters.
posts about the system (usually jokes/memes)
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20 years old currently. They/them. Host/core.
Elf is the host alter, so they are almost always fronting or co-fronting. They are in the process of emotional healing (which is how they found out about their OSDD in the first place!!). They hold most of the body/society responsibilities (eating, going to class/work, etc). They like writing and art. Most of this blog is from their POV, so I won't usually tag them.
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14 years old. He/him.
Sam is the trauma holder and harbors a lot of anger as well. He uses humor as a coping mechanism. He is also very into music, with his favorite band being Twenty One Pilots (blurryface/trench era specifically), though he also likes folk punk, alt, and hard rock. He is transmasc. Sam fronts when the other alters are stressed or tired. He's sort of like the protector I think? He's a pretty cool guy, if perpetually tired. He's the only(ish) alter in the system to have romantic desires, and he mainly likes men/masc folks. Resting bitch face type autism, but mainly just wants to listen to music and vibe.
#sam tag
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6-8 years old. She/her.
Ellie is the innocent one of the system. She is the most outwardly noticeable personality change; she speaks in a "baby voice" and her neutral expression is different from the other alters'. She cannot mask autism worth shit, so she is constantly stimming vocally or physically. She's usually very excited and happy, though she sometimes fronts when other alters are overstimulated and can take on that anxiety. She is always ready to infodump about anything and everything, especially our special interests. She loves typical "kid's stuff" like stuffed animals, dinosaur chicken nuggets, etc. The rest of the system is very protective of her and will not let her front unless they all feel that it is safe for her to do so.
#ellie tag
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????. It/its.
We started calling it Dog as a joke ("I got that dawg in me") and then the name kinda stuck. Dog rarely fronts and is in the background mostly. It's a "thing" alter, representative of the space in between alters, kind of when we're dissociating and don't really feel like a person/having a body. It's basically like a rabid animal, like those reaction image stick figures covered in blood, basically. It holds all the "nonhuman" emotions/feelings, sort of the instinctual stuff if that makes sense. Dog basically goes batshit over stuff that it's interested in, and is the "source" of hyperfixations. There's also like an inside joke between the alters that Dog is the source of songs getting stuck in our head, because it's just constantly playing music.
#dog tag (haha get it...)
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If you have any questions, please feel free to comment, DM, or send in an ask! As long as you're respectful, we won't be offended. I'm going to be editing this post with new info sometimes (and possibly collages to represent the alter's interests?).
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erigold13261 · 7 months
Peter B makes the mistake of playing “Mama” by My Chemical Romance in the living quarters for the arachnikids. It ends with multiple people contemplating their life. (Multiple trans kids, mama/papa issues) (and yes, this ask was inspired by that one art with Zimelu and Haym)
Oh! You remember that piece! I had a lot of fun with that and even now, looking back at it makes me happy because I just like the look I was able to achieve :3
Anyway! I think a lot of the arachnikids already knew of the song. It is one of the more popular songs out there (especially with memes and stuff). Possibly Peni, Pav, and Miles are the only ones who haven't heard or the song or heard it in its entirety.
Hobie definitely heard that shit! You better believe Ex-Jay were fucking screaming their lungs out to My Chemical Romance from time to time (especially Rei with that specific line "you should have raised a baby girl, I should've been a better son).
Gwen definitely heard that song through alt music exploration. Ham and Noir have heard it before, most likely through memes and then they looked up the song to listen to it fully (what am I saying? Noir has definitely listened to that song! They went through a goth phase!)
I think Pav, Peni, and Miles haven't heard it because they just never went down that line of music genre before. Or like not that deep into it (also I just think Pav's online experiences would be much different from the rest). Peni is also the youngest so fae probably just hasn't come across that song yet (might not have found any music like MCR yet but when kit does, kit goes deep into the alt rock emo punk music scene).
So what most likely happened was Peter B. put the song on (or it came on by accident) and part of the group starts screaming the song at the top of their lungs, part sings to things they know or headbang or something, and the rest have the whole life crisis/epiphany type moment at hearing the song.
(bonus points for Miguel and Liv walking by talking and seeing this but just walking away after Peter B gives a thumbs up because these are just teens being teens and not anything bad power related)
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stitchkiss · 9 months
brain, bc she hates me: we need to watch ted lasso one piece good omens ofmd teen wolf omg thiam write fics read fics spirk? spirk oh but nails are too long to type take them off we need to get acetone and soak them that takes too long we can’t and they look so pretty but there’s spray paint on them bc we got too excited at work but spray painting is so fun i feel like a punk i want to do it again hobie from atsv would love if i spray painted i love him this is bringing back my love of alt punk emo boys i went to party 101 and robbie shapiro from victorious played baby by justin bieber but he played the clip from diary of a wimpy kid let’s watch it again to relive childhood nostalgia why is rodrick heffley so HOT i’m having ideas why am i having ideas i don’t date but i want to be held ugh i’m disgusting but cuddling isn’t an option anyway bc there are so many crumbs on my bed why who put them there this is so uncomfortable i need to clean my whole entire room but my mouth is so dry i need water i drank so much the other day for an appointment but couldn’t donate plasma bc i had a cut on my arm that hasn’t healed im sad i want money so bad oh my god it’s time for work!!
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