#there truly is no ethical consumption I swear
hidefdoritos · 7 months
in other news, today I bought new boots
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hidingoutbackstage · 7 months
Resident Evil Tumblr Simulator
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☸️ biohazheard Follow
Friendly reminder that Tricell was found guilty of dealing with bio organic weapons so if you buy from them you’re a piece of shit
💊 raccooncitywasfaked Follow
oh sure it’s all “there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism and people who are poorer might sometimes buy from unethical companies in order to stay alive” but the line is drawn when it comes to companies that sell medical supplies i just can’t with this hellsite today
📷 terrasavedd Follow
there are multiple posts going around this site of alternatives to tricell for buying medical supplies but all you wanna do is bitch on other people’s posts i see how it is
📷 terrasavedd Follow
Update: apparently @raccooncitywasfaked is literally a former Tricell employee lmaooo no wonder you’re so butthurt
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👩‍🦰 sarahjp Follow
Girl help why the fuck am I seeing blacklisted posts with the tags “#sex and the city spoilers” AND “#umbrella pharmaceuticals” in the same posts hello???
🍒 carryingbradshaw Follow
The Sex and the City finale aired tonight, and like five minutes later the official ruling of the Umbrella Trials was closed with a guilty conviction
💕 regenblue Follow
only on tumblr would we be finding out about world events like this
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💖 biowesbian Follow
the media is so fake sometimes i swear there’ll be a whole live debate on “should we call them z*mbies or ‘infected individuals’?” bro people are dying this is not the time for semantics
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🐻 don-kinxoite Follow
every time i think “the kinning community isn’t THAT toxic” i get hit over the head by some new out of this world discourse. today it’s people trying to kin actual real world fucking viruses
🐶 stolenface Follow
i’m sorry…REAL VIRUSES??? like ignoring the irl implications of that aside how would you even fucking do that?
🐻 don-kinxiote Follow
yeah real viruses. someone tried to claim they were the t virus and said to someone who tried kinning t veronica that they were copying them. what has this community come to
🌡️ engineered-kinning Follow
y'all are JUST now seeing this discourse? damn. i was mutuals w/ someone who claimed they kinned a (made up) virus that gave them all of the symptoms of alphas in the omegaverse
🐻 don-kinxiote Follow
horrible information, thank you
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💙 grahamscracker Follow
Look ik we're all "fuck the government and the dogs that work for em" but like come onnn look at Ashley Graham's new bodyguard he is fineeee
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🧬 bowliving Follow
important confession
i lied about my BOW status and all aspects of my identity (marital status, science experiment past, family, etc.) on this blog and i truly apologize
☎️ brbabow Follow
a) why is this tagged breaking bad
b) what the fuck is going on
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kaija-rayne-author · 10 months
It's so sad. Bioware has been a staple, almost, of RPGs for a long time.
But them laying off so many people (it's 125ish over the past handful of months) really doesn't increase confidence in the company.
Even though DA:DW is in Alpha, it's going to affect how many people buy the game. Because they'll think that many layoffs will affect the quality of the game. Average people have little idea about how games are made. Alpha means it's in primary testing, meaning the game is mostly finished.
Could they have shot themselves in the foot better if they'd tried?
Fans are pissed and swearing they're done with Bioware.
A lot of fans.
And I have a Kassandra like feeling that DA:DW is Bioware's last chance as a company.
So, their behavior toward employees = loss of consumer confidence = fewer people buy Dreadwolf = Bioware sinks and we don't get any more Dragon Age after DA:DW.
Don't execs have business degrees and such?
If so, why is my ridiculous ass better at cause/effect for economics and business than they are? I've never even taken a business class.
What exactly do the execs do to earn those obscene paychecks?
Anyway, I really think it comes down to this; if we want more Dragon Age past Dreadwolf, we'll have to ignore Bioware's behavior and buy the game regardless.
And... I don't know how many people will do that. I don't even want to do that. I've boycotted companies for far less.
Edit Saturday Aug 26, '23
I need to add some thoughts to this.
Unfortunately, negative chatter will likely affect whether they release the game at all. Which sucks for people who do want it. (It's rhetorical, but it’s almost finished, why wouldn't they release it?)
I've read that Andromeda DLCs were canceled because of that. I won't be boycotting. I'm unhappy with bioware, but there's much more to consider.
For me, I've been thinking and reading what those laid off have said. It's them that are most affected, after all. It's not about bioware as much as it's about the people who no longer work there who poured years of time, love, and passion into Dreadwolf.
I don't like bioware, but at the same time, I refuse to shat on the creatives who loved and made Dreadwolf. I know, personally, how much of yourself you pour into a creative work. I'd be heartbroken if people boycotted something I'd worked on and truly loved. Even if I were no longer working at the company. I believe the devs can't even talk about it, unless/until it's released due to NDAs. Can you imagine putting years of your life and creativity into something only to have people boycott it?
And to use your status at the company as the excuse?
Kirby has said she hopes people love it as much as she does. She's one of the most affected and she's still hoping people play and love it.
And to be calmly realistic, Bioware isn't the main source of the issue. EA demanded a layoff of 800 people across all their holdings. Corporate greed. I doubt bioware would've made such awful choices without that pressure.
So even though my kneejerk reaction is to boycott, I'll buy it and play it for the creatives who poured everything into it.
Is it right? Hell no. There's no ethical consumption in a late stage capitalist nightmare world. But I'm also not going to punish the people who loved it enough to make it.
Y'all do you, but I wanted to share my more measured thoughts on the matter.
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danielradcliff · 5 years
seen a lotta ‘going vegan isn’t cruelty free’ posts this fine holiday season which is always, ALWAYS hysterical to me because the poster and the thousands of people re-tweeting it are so obviously trying to absolve themselves of guilt in any way possible... what is the point of calling out one of the only groups of people who genuinely make an effort to consume ethically in regards to animals and the underpaid workers who work in slaughterhouses etc etc... ? some forms of unethical consumption under capitalism are more unethical than others. 
the ‘veganism isn’t truly ethical’ bit is // I swear to god // always posted by people who don’t care at all about the environment or the actual quality of working conditions for people. like oh really neat buddy, you recycled two glass bottles for the first time in your fucking life last week, your consumption is just as ethical as veganism. fdsnkjjbhfsdbfsd
also someone always inevitably points out in the comments that ‘they’re not saying veganism isn’t ethical at all they’re just bringing attention to the worker’s rights as well as the animals’ give me a break lmao that is NOT what the other 4k people who retweeted this thought... I like to fantasize that my classmates on twitter are knowledgeable enough to at least understand this. but no, I take a 5-minute break from writing my thesis to witness someone I know bravely attempt to make themselves feel better by liking a tweet that says this. I can feel your desperation through the computer screen. try harder bitch
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