#also i just wanted to have fun with soul eaters fashion
proxythe · 26 days
I am very invested in the P3 x soul eater au even if I have not seen soul eater
unfortunately i didn’t plan it as far as an actual plot goes. i basically just assigned whether or not they were weapons or meisters and moved on with my day 😭
if u dont know soul eater, the simplest way i can explain is that there’s meisters (ppl who use weapons) and demon weapons (ppl who are weapons). & theyre usually partners.
the way i had partners set up was:
minato/ryoji + kotone/aigis + junpei/fuuka + yukari/mitsuru + akihiko/shinjiro + ken/koromaru
yeah it’s hard to yap about this when i never had an actual storyline in my head 😭 basically how i chose the actual weapon form they take was i picked what weapons the characters already use in the game. so, even tho akihiko uses boxing gloves, shinjiro is an axe. yukari uses a bow, but mitsuru is a fencing sword, etc. i could’ve made shinjiro & mitsuru be knuckle dusters & a bow respectively, but i didn’t see the fun in it tbh. i thought it could be cool to see them learn to use what their partner is comfortable transforming into ✌️
except fuuka. she was kicking my ass trying to decide what she’d be, so i just pictured fuuka would be the one weapon catering to ppls preferences. so, partners w junpei, she’s just a sword or a baseball bat or smth + koromaru is the same. w ken, he’s a lance… as much as i thought about & laughed at ken, small child, running around with a knife that happens to also be his dog best friend, i figured it wouldnt work out…
lastly, ryoji is a scythe & aigis is a gun. kotone using a machine gun is an important part of this au. not for any particular reason i just think its a little funny
i had stuff planned for ryoji to make him all special but honestly i think planning the au so intricately was what burnt me out 😭😭 opening the wiki to relearn anime lore i watched at like 11 years old and doing my research when all i wanted to do was draw akihiko with a big ass axe 💔
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melodrangea · 7 months
halloween never really ends for me so could i request maka, soul, and dtk with a vampire s/o? thank you :>
absolutely my dear, all reign halloween!
Soul Eater Characters with a Vampire S/O
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Soul "Eater" Evans
-would think it's mad cool, only adding to his 'cool persona'
-I mean a cool guy like him should have a cool S/O too
-only thing that would worry him is the whole "drinking blood" thing
-but once you explain that you usually only get blood from vendors (like Sarah in My Babysitter's a Vampire) or from bad people you fight (technically kishin souls still have human blood I think)
-Soul absolutely love your sharper vampire teeth, he has pretty sharp teeth too so he thinks it's fun that you two match
(plus he thinks it's hot to leave bite marks on him and the same for you)
-wouldn't let you drink his blood if you needed too out of fear for his lack blood spreading but he will either find someone else to help you or figure something else out
-do not walk on the ceiling around this man, he will scream and cry
-only thing he isn't a fan of is the whole 'never sleeping' part, like Soul needs sleepy cuddles to function, so you're being dragged whether it's you staring at the ceiling at night or not
-overall 8/10; isn't really bothered but it's not like he absolutely adores for the sake of being a vampire, he just likes you for you
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Maka Albarn
-oh ho ho she thinks you're hot
-if you have the stereotypical "vamp goth" fashion style, she will do anything you ever ask of her
-she will be staring at you with red tinted heart glasses
-(and don't even get me started on when you bit her lip with your vamp teeth while making out)
-does find you being a vampire very interesting and will often ask you a lot of questions about what it's like
-it has crossed her mind more than once that you will outlive her by a long while but you always just kiss her until she forgets; deciding to save that issue for a later time
-she doesn't mind a lot of the you being a vampire quirks
-like you'll be climbing the wall and she'll just hand you a duster
"can you get that spot in the corner for me babe?"
-would probably be the only one on the list to let you drink her blood if you needed to
-but would also offer you other options and solutions first(let's be honest she has you on a schedule so you know when you need to feed so situations like that don't happen)
-Maka often stays up fairly late studying so she likes that you don't really sleep so you can keep her company
-overall: 11/10; Maka loves you so much and would do anythgin for you, please just cuddle this poor thing
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Death the Kid
-probably the most apprehensive about you being a vampire out of the three
-once you get into a relationship he will actually learn to appreciate it
-I headcannon that as a grim reaper Kid doesn't really sleep much either, maybe a few hours but he doesn't need more than that
-so you both will be able to spend time with each other during the night when most are asleep <3
-will not under any circumstance let you drink his blood, as much as he wants to help you, there is no way to make the bite marks even on both sides of his neck or both wrists etc...
-but he will personally purchase blood from a blood bank or pay someone to regularly donate for you (rich boy privileges)
-another one to have a calendar or schedule to make sure you get the blood you need but will be less obvious about it then Maka though, would probably just make a light handed comment
"it's been a few days do you think you will need blood soon?"
-Kid will also be so happy that you're a vampire for the same reason Maka is worried, you will live a lot longer than a normal human being
-when Kid takes over as Lord death he will be semi immortal so he's so thankful that you will live just about as long as he will
-the rest of you being a vampire...not so much unfortunately
-like you will terrify him to his soul if you walk onn a wall
-and heavens forbid if your fangs aren't symmetrical
-but just love on him until he forgets about whatever he's rambling about and you're fine
-would be another to appreciate goth fashion, he would get you two matching outfits as your styles are similar <3
overall 9/10; I cannot think of a better part for Kid than an immortal being like himself, you guys will get to spend the better part of a thousand years with each other <3
that's all my loves!
hope you enjoyed anon
-Melodrangea <3
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mikansei · 10 months
from a doylist perspective i recognize why kisuke - like a lot of characters in visual media - doesn't get outfit changes often. 1: kubo and/or the animators would have to design & draw the new outfit, which would create more work for themselves for no narratively relevant reason, and 2: a single, consistent design gives a sense of continuity, helps with character recognition for the audience & helps with brand recognition for merch (hence: The Hat™).
from a watsonian perspective i find it MUCH more fun to believe kisuke simply found one (1) outfit that he liked & bought a dozen identical copies of it b/c damn if that ain't relatable!!! when i have to replace something in my wardrobe i, too, simply wish to buy an identical version of that exact same thing forever! (which the fashion industry has decided is Fucking Illegal don't get me started lmao)
anyway i don't have a good segue but here's my (personal) headcanons:
💚 as per word of god, he's an incredibly picky eater whose favorite food is plain rice, so extrapolating a bit - maybe it's a texture thing. tight clothes BAD shirt collars BAD socks EVIL
🤍 after having his life upended by captaincy & his worldview upended by aizen's betrayal, he craves stability & is allergic to change - so he's chronically, stubbornly unadventurous in certain aspects of daily life. save the experimentation for the lab (and/or the bedroom)! stop trying to get him to wear socks!
💚 his hair covering his eyes, the hat & the fan are all ways to hide his face when he doesn't want to be Perceived - which is not the same as not being literally physically seen, so the hat & fan being so eye-catching isn't a contradiction (to him. he may or may not be aware how little sense this makes to anyone else)
🤍 he emphatically does not care to follow fashion trends - especially since they change so often in the human world. his outfit was perfectly fine & normal in the 1920s thank u very much! what do u mean that was 80 years ago? the '20s were like, last week!
💚 because he was punted out of soul society with nothing but the clothes on his back, some half-dead friends & a hougyoku, he's loath to throw anything away - so he's kept every gift he's ever been given, even if that gift is a really ugly hat. yes he WILL, in point of fact, wear it every single day for the rest of his life, yoruichi-san! (she & tessai have a betting pool. she is not winning)
🤍 the first black haori with white diamonds at the hem was a gift from shinji, hence why it looks like an inverted captain's haori - complete with insignia on the back. no kisuke does NOT realize that it looks like that, and he's bought eight more just like it since. (the visored have their own betting pool. kensei lost 40 years ago)
💚 (also he will not admit it on pain of death but he wears the haori b/c he got used to the dramatic Swoosh of the captain's haori & REALLY missed it. he can have a lil Swoosh. as a treat)
🤍 the fan was a gift from tessai which might make u think it's secretly an iron fan to be used as a backup weapon but it's not. it's literally just a mass-produced party favor made of cheap bamboo & paper. if everything's secretly a hidden weapon there's no mystique anymore! gotta keep 'em guessing sometimes~
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habken · 2 years
Hey! Firstly, I love your art so freaking much like AHHHH Secondly, I have a few questions if you don't mind... one, how do you come up with your drawing ideas especially AUs??? Cause I swear they're so freaking creative, fun, and also pretty true to the characters. Two, how did you get so good at anatomy? Like, I am obsessed with the way you draw bodies and faces (and hair and...) Anyways, hope you have a lovely day and thank you for all your creations!
hello !! thank you so much !! I'm happy to answer! (this might be long)
For AUs, honestly a lot of them are spur of the moment things. Specifically IT!deku is something I came up with like 2 seconds after someone tried to scam me lmao. I was taking with a friend about it who suggested that the scammer and I should fall in love, and the bkdk gremlin that lives in my brain ran with it (The friend's also the one that came up with 'scammers to lovers')
A lot of my other AUs I do in a similar fashion to that, talking with friends about things or taking inspo from the world around me. The witch stuff was super inspired by Witch Hat Atelier! (the clothing and drapery in the manga are so breathtaking, I recommend everyone read it, it's a gorgeous series and the story is awesome)
I have a boat load more of AUs tbh, a lot of them are just me putting my favourite little guys into other series like Soul Eater, Madoka Magica,,,, Monsters Inc.
TLDR; just take whatever you see in front of you and make it bkdk (or whatever you're interested in)
As for anatomy, some of the things that really helped me are life-drawing and analyzing animation and dynamic posing!
I'd recommend anyone that wants to get better at drawing the human figure to go to a life drawing session, I have since I was like 15 lmao and it really helped with my understanding of the human figure!
Having someone real in front of you instead of photos is incredibly beneficial, but if you can't afford/don't have anywhere like that near you, there's sites online that share videos of life drawing sessions! Croquis cafe is one that I know, but I believe they only share videos through patreon now.
There's also tons of books online about figure drawing ! I've got a few posing and anatomy books of my own, I'd recommend Figure Drawing: Design and Invention by Michael Hampton (here's a pdf) as a starting place along with Morpho: Anatomy for Artists by Michel Lauricella
I also think studying from other artist's is incredibly important !! From old masters to artbooks from films to people online, everyone draws the human figure a little different and seeing how other artists have broken down and simplified the shapes and proportions of the body is super helpful ! Don't be afraid to study artists and their styles, cause it'll only serve to elevate your own !
Hope this helps!!
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suguruuz · 6 months
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haiii everyone!! so ermm yah I wanted 2 post on tumblr cuz... well idk it's fun :3
Info abt me!!!:
my name is Essie but I also go by many other names like Mihawk, Perona, Blackstar, any names of my favs!!! characters!!!
I have adhd, anxiety, chronic health issues
I'm 16
I use she/her prns, straight ally/aroace ^_^
I listen to like all music mostly
I love fashion alot
I'm goth!! I also dress goth/vintage style :3
I love to draw, cosplay, listen 2 music, and alotta stuff!!
my tiktok is @loujitsulvr :D
what I'll mainly post (fandom wise):
One Piece
Dr Stone
Jujutsu Kaisen
Honkai Star Rail
Soul Eater
Bungou Stray Dogs
Twisted Wonderland
Project Sekai
Persona 5
and mannnyyyyy others it's gunna be alotta junk!! u can always ask and I'll like give more examples
Stuff I'll do:
character explanation
ships (specifically rarepairs!!!)
I'll also always take requests/commisons for any of these!!
basic dni criteria
rarepair antis
toxic ppl
just no insensitive ppl yk!!!!
Most of my favs from stuff:
Sanji, Mihawk, Kinemon, Nami, Denjiro (like a hundred more) - One Piece
Nanami, Nobara, Geto (soo many more...) - Jujutsu Kaisen
Senku, Kohaku, Chrome, Kinro, Francois - Dr Stone
March 7th, Sampo, Hanya, Jing Yuan, Pela - Honkai Star Rail
Riddle, Trey, Jade (literally everyone) - Twisted Wonderland
Emu, Rui, Tsukasa, Nene, Saki, Akito - Project Sekai
Akutagawa, Atsushi, Kunikida, Kyouka, Fyodor, Nikolai (just starting bsd heheh) - Bungou Stray Dogs
literally all the phantom troupe but specifically Ann, Ryuji and Yusuke the most - Persona 5
Hachi, Nana, Shin - Nana
Michelangelo - almost all TMNT variants
I have a tough time picking favs and I've been in 100+ fandoms so I love alotta stuff!!!!!!!
andddd yah!!! open 4 new friends and anything!! as I said I'll always take requests like headcanons, stimboards, anything :3
have a lovely day!!! <3
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virusgeist · 9 months
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Isaac/Heaven | he/him | 25yo | aro/ace
big dork | literal angel | artist | disabled
stupid emo twink | sex hater | Dec 2nd 🎂
pacifist | pescatarian | vampire coded
i am unwell be nice to me
-> i'm very shy and have anxiety so sorry if i'm awkward when we talk lol
-> i love Love and I'm a sucker for romance.
-> i just look a little scary but i'm nice i swear
-> i am super passionate about my OCs... making little guys and stories is my favorite thing to do
My blog will NOT contain NSFW content but have occasional suggestive or dirty jokes.
My blog will also tend to avoid negativity and stay as silly and good vibes as can be.
My art blog!!! -> @virusgeist-art
My hazbin/helluva sideblog -> @loosey-furr
My tags:
I tag most of everything accordingly I think. Sometimes with silly tags.
Me talking bout random shit - #isaac talks
If you wanna talk to me my discord is @/virusgeist !!
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cats and kitties, drawing, art, guitars, video games, horror, spooky things, Halloween, lots of musics, cute stuff, nostalgic things, plushies, cosplay, emo/scene/alt/goth/punk/harajuku stuff, kandi, making DIY clothes and fashion, pizza and soda lover, watching movies, I LOVE cartoons and animation... anime is okay I guess, I get BRAINROT over my OCs
vvv some of my OCs in question vvv
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CORPSE, Ashnikko, Rabbit Junk, Younger Hunger, Paramore, Mother Mother, Marina and the Diamonds, Simon Curtis, Call me Karizma, Crystal Castles, The Hoosiers, Rebzyyx, KAMAARA, New Medicine, Slipknot, Panic! at the Disco, LOTS OF MUSICS!!!
tiktok, stand up comedy, drugs, fighting/arguing, tickling, dishonesty/manipulation
(not necessarily in the fandoms just like it)
Trigun, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, The Wolf Among Us, Borderlands, Gravity Falls, Sanrio, Cookie Run, Villainous, Monster High, Animal Crossing, Batman, Danganronpa, Invader Zim, Adventure Time, Your Turn to Die, Panty and Stocking, Sonic, Overwatch, Cuphead, Pokemon, Arcane, Bloodborne, The Evil Within, Silent Hill, Death Note, Soul Eater, Five Nights at Freddy's, MySims, Trolls, LOTS OF STUFF.
Jerma985, Corpse Husband, Ashnikko, Kitboga, Call Me Kevin, DigitalNex, The Click, Rebal D, Film Cooper, Oompaville, Markiplier, jacksepticeye, Johnnie Guilbert, Jake Webber, Kurtis Conner, Danny Gonzalez, BENOFTHEWEEK, courtreezy, Spilling the Milk, Naomi Jon, Gabi Belle, kallmekris
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(I do NOT support; heavy Christians that push beliefs, pro-life, pro-ship, ableism, racism, sexism, anti-lgbtq+, TERFs, pedophila, beastiality, incest, looking down on homeless people/sex workers/retail or fast food workers, belittling serious topics, not liking a person based on media they enjoy, anti-fun, generally hateful folks and bullying)
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Spoilers for 100 years quest so uh. You've been warned.
Ok so I was looking for those old character refs that Mashima used to put in chapters that had name, age, magic, likes and dislikes and I couldn't find Rogue's for some reason so I ended up on TVTropes and started looking through the characters and ended up on Laxus.
So now I'm hysterical because what the actual fuck.
I was aware that he removed his lacrima as I'd seen the picture floating around but first of all, the guy full on ripped it out himself.
Obviously it meant he wouldn't die since his opponent was trying to kill him if he didn't do that but that had to hurt like a bitch.
But also he ate Alexion's soul to get his slaying abilities back.
So he isn't second gen any more because he doesn't have a lacrima anymore and he isn't 1st or 3rd since he wasn't trained by Alexion. He isn't fourth since they weren't human, they were machines given dragon slayer properties(Dragon cry) and he isn't 5th because he didn't physically eat the flesh of a dragon, just the soul.
So does that make Laxus a new 6th generation of dragon slayer. And is Alexion's soul actually dead or will this be like Wendy with Irene and Laxus is just gonna have this dragon talking to him randomly.
Also also, is Laxus now the lightning dragon king like how Natsu was given the mantel by Igneel or does Kiren hold that title as he was the one to kill Alexion.
Its implied that dragon titles are passed on to the ones that kill them as Acnologia killed to get his title and then said that Natsu would be the next king or he'd make a good king or something that I don't remember exactly. So does it apply to dragon eaters as well since they are dragon slayers.
I am still hopeful that Cobra, Sting and Rogue will show up (Probably unlikely as they have no reason to be in another country at this point in time since he isn't in Fairy tail and that's the reason Gajeel and Laxus were able to pop in and get so much attention (I mean backstory for Laxus' lacrima and him becoming a new generation and Gajeel fighting God Serena (even if it isn't him) is pretty good all things considered) but I really want them to appear because they also have lacrima so it would be cool to get maybe one more case of a dragon eater causing a lacrima to exist or even just get more info on the dragons that their lacrimas came from (because it is also now canon that the souls do cry out for their hearts so there is at least 3 other dragon souls out their trying to find their hearts if they haven't faded by then) and I just really want more screen time for them. Firstly I love Rogue's new outfit and want to see more, second I want to make fun of Sting's because his fashion sense is awful, third I am desperate for more canon Cobra content because he is used so little and it disheartens me (Cobra has had the oracion seiz and Kotsh arcs to be a villian, the dragon king festival to be a reluctant ally(non-perma death included), the tartarous arc to change his tune(even if Jellal giving them no choice but to listen to him or they go back to prison makes me feel uncomfortable. Just let them be free at last dammit), the Alveraz arc (which we don't get to see him fight August just that sorcier lost) and half of the Rhodonite spin off manga (Which some if not a majority of people haven't even read the three spin offs and if you haven't then you should because they are amazing and hilarious and I wish they made one for Cobra because the potential that was their because all three of the books had two stories so one could focus on his time in the seiz or a short section about his reflection in prison or something and the other his time in crime Sorciere as they all have at least 1 story set during Fairy tail's disbandment) so if we got more Cobra screentime I would cry and sing to the skies.
Besides, if we don't get anything about their lacrimas then no one is stopping me from doing it myself. (I'm still debating if I want to do a sequel when I'm finished 'the bringer of death and the apocolypse' that follows 100 year quest although I have thought about it and have a few ideas because I have in fact planned how this story ends roughly, just a couple things that may change between then and now) After all, every dragon slayer is prominent in this au........ eventually
Well I went on a real long tangent here. Oops. I wasn't joking when I said I have no one to talk to about this because the like 3 friends I have either aren't interested in the series or don't want to put in so much time to watch over 300 episodes.
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weirdo09 · 2 years
erica sinclair headcanons <3
i feel like she would love to smart talk her teachers but she just mouths the things she wants to say.
she has the BEST fashion, yo. like, if there were awards for the best dressed, she’d get it
i’ve seen lesbian erica absolutely love it but what about pansexual erica or better yet unlabeled erica? 😁
i also feel like she would really love movies where yk black faces are the main characters or do revenge(cuz i love it)
she loves to tease her brother about any of his crushes, doesn’t matter if it’s a guy or girl, she’ll tease him relentlessly.
I also headcanon she’s afro latina(cuz i can 💅🏾)
she’s very resourceful and her wittiness just adds to it, she’d definitely be a great person to have on a team.
she definitely speaks more than one language
she likes mike and max cuz they make fun of people automatically
and her boy, dustin ofc
even though she’d say her brother’s a totally idiot and a whole lot of other things, she still loves him(don’t tell him that)
she’d love to play dress up when she was young and that fueled her love of fashion.
she loves her hair as well.
she used to be a mega picky eater
she definitely would love beyoncé,(she just gives me bad bitch, cross me you’re dead)
she also teases lucas with max and max is like her older sister kinda.
she loves r&b, boy bands(and no, she’d never tell a soul) bobby brown and whitney houston.
she’d definitely want to be a fashion designer when she grows up.
her and s4 will would go off, bruh. like, they’d be definite besties and she would hate will (affectionately) for liking mike cuz that boy is dense you sure you want him?
she gets along so well with everyone in the party that she’s a party member too(pry this from my cold dead hands cuz it’s canon)
in modern au, she’d definitely also love jazmine sullivan, Tyler, the creator, brent faiyaz, sza, aaliyah(ik she’s early 90s to early 2000s) doechii, willow, h.e.r, muni long, ariana grande and more(i’m kinda reflecting but who cares? 🤷🏾‍♀️)
she’s a part of the scoops troop but she’s also a part of the bad bitches(her, max, will and el)(mike’s been trying and almost succeeding)
that’s all I have rn hope you like them 🤭
@adorewillbyers @adoremaxmayfield @l0v3c0r3e @pimplepogue @foodiewithdahoodie @forever-augustine @feelin-a-bit-frazzled @forevereternally-janedoe @fangirltrashsthings @tinylittle-superfan @fruity-cryptid @borispavlikovskymybeloved @lumaxer @no-ordinary-demigirl @high--infidelity @livelaughelmike @quinnick @delusional-dingus @japplejottomjeans
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bokutosbiceps · 1 year
HIII!! I hope your having a great day…! I saw you take matchups but I’m not sure if your requests ar woken or not but I think they are—? Forgive me if I’m wrong anyways but I’ll take a romantic matchup for Soul Eater, Bungo Stray Dogs and Fairy Tail please ^^
So small introduction..! My name is Joey, I use he/him pronouns, im transgender aromatic unlabeled and bisexual, i have autism and adhd(diagnosed), and im a cool person 😎/hj My personality: I am a ENTP and I’m extroverted but I am awkward at first when I meet someone new so it may take me some time to adjust to the new person before I emote freely, my enneagram is a 6(not sure if that’s important BUT ANYWAYS—!), i usually love to ramble about my Interests a lot or just how my day went, I also like texting a lot usually as well so I make jokes like “UwU”, “hai”, or “I’m homophobic” (Bro don’t take the homophobic part seriously 😭), and lastly I also like to make sexual jokes a lot lololol only if I’m REALLY close with someone
Appearance: I’m 5’6, I’m white skinned, I have brown (now more boyish) hair, brownish/hazel eyes, and I shave a rectangular body shape (I also gained some muscles so nkw I can squeeze ppl plus I’m more stronger xD), i also wear a shit load of styles—! Like goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, and nu goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, kogal and tsuyome), scenemo/emo and vkei ouji and lolita but!! i wear that stuff when I’m doing social media stuff, at home, school, malls, etc, but usually I also wear streetwear stuff like baggy pants and usually anime shirts or a regular shirt
Interests/hobbies: anime/manga, gaming, cosplaying, art(drawing, painting, pottery, digital art and more), cooking, fashion, making clothes of my own, making/listening to music(I’m a vocaloid producer hahahah—), science/history, shopping, writing, learning new languages likes Japanese and Spanish and more so on
Likes: cats, hajime hinata (danganronpa), a silent voice, albedo (genshin impact), lemon demon, felix kranken (twf), bread, musicals, sharks, christmas music/christmas in general, scp 3008 (roblox game), get a snack at 4am (roblox game), hotels, and my friends!
Dislikes: negative mentions of my voice, comparing me to people like “you remind me of ___”,hate talk about my interests or myself, drama between friends/family, loud noises(yelling, vacuuming, etc), and spiders
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a/n: i'm so sorry if these suck. this is the first time i've written anything in like almost a year so i hope you enjoy them LOL
bungou stray dogs
I match you up with Edogawa Ranpo! You guys are two sides of the same coin which makes your relationship all the more fun and interesting! You guys would have tons of fun together either learning about new things and Ranpo loves to listen to whatever new music you make or inspect any new art you may create! Ranpo especially loves your fashion sense and is often envious of how you can figure out how to put a whole costume together. He would especially love your sexual jokes because he also loves to make lewd remarks with a smirk just to see someone flush in embarrassment. Honestly, chaotic power couple right here, the vibes are immaculate.
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fairy tail
I match you up with Mirajane Strauss! Mirajane is super nurturing and extremely supportive of whatever you want to do, she’s your biggest fan! She also knows a thing or two about putting together different outfits (she’s got all these demon equip outfits that are awesome and I just love them so much) so you guys bond over your fashion sense and your interest in cosplaying. Lewd comments/jokes will make her blush ear to ear at first but after you guys get more comfortable with each other, she’ll be quick to fire some back and start a battle of who can make the dirtiest joke around ;) She also hates drama between her friends and family so that will never be an issue in your relationship, since she’ll do everything in her power to avoid any sort of drama between the two of you.
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soul eater
I match you up with Crona Gorgon! You both are just the most precious little beans and need to be protected at all costs. Crona is interested in everything you do and admires your many talents; they think you are the coolest person ever. They look up to you in every way and often ask you to teach them how to do things. Right now, Crona is the most interested in the music that you make. Music makes them feel happy and warm, no matter what kind of music it is, and they think that it’s just the coolest that you can actually create a whole voice! Please be patient with Crona though, they will most likely take quite a while to warm up to you, but once they’re comfortable with you, they’re never leaving your side!
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rot10fruits · 1 year
please dont be an asshole or a hater on my blog especially racists and anti-lgbtq, please fuck off
[also under 16 tread lightly / mostly dni cuz i talk about wild shit sometimes. plus my fave shows are rated tv-14]
this is my "stuff" blog. just everything i like that i also want to keep aside from my other more focused blogs.
i'm 18. i use she/her pronouns. i am bisexual. i have a masc nb partner of 5 years who is the light of my life. i am mixed white and ojibwe/odawa. i live in the very top of the pnw and love that fresh air. i am autistic and suffer from agoraphobia.
please follow me if u don't meet any of the prior criteria and are into this stuff :
american dad, king of the hill, futurama, bobs burgers, rick and morty, family guy, the simpsons, south park, dan vs., aqua teen hunger force, smiling friends, xavier renegade angel, my name is earl, trailer park boys, it's always sunny in philadelphia, seinfeld
[i do not partake in discourse about any media, my favorite shows can regularly make fun of marginalized groups or concepts and while i understand how harmful it can be and that it will make people uncomfortable - i am also part of some of those marginalized groups and i can still find the humor and/or ignorance within it. i see no reason to police the things that other people watch on tv]
[i take adult animation very seriously, i am deeply attached to american dad (and king of the hill/ family guy but to lesser degrees) and have been since childhood. it is my main special interest. i rewatch episodes literally every day of my life and have for about 4 years. i am in the process of writing my own fan episodes. my favorite characters are haley and roger, but i love the whole smith family.]
my little pony g4, adventure time, amazing world of gumball, craig of the creek, total drama, teen titans and teen titans go, chowder, regular show, victorious, icarly, the garfield show, most pokémon shows
aggretsuko, panty and stocking, mob psycho 100, one punch man, dr. stone. (i was a major anime and manga fan in 2014-2016 - blue exorcist, soul eater, the devil is a part timer, free!, ouran high school host club, food wars, sword art online, fruits basket, tokyo mew mew just to name a few). i have recently gotten into the precure series, with my favorites being tropical rouge, delicious party, and kirakira a la mode.
shopkins, squishmallows, tokidoki, rainbow high dolls , num noms (r.i.p) and other random cute toys and plush
casual to gourmet cooking / gastronomy (big fan of sweets of all kinds)
vampires (i am also a sanguinarian vampire and focus more on that at my blog @sanguinep0wer), gothic literature, gothic fashion genres, gothic horror, kawaii culture, visual kei
the sims 4, world of warcraft, tf2, minecraft, stardew valley, am overwatch 1 veteran, indie horror games. used to be into comic books but only DC (teen titans were my fave)
goth music aka darkwave, post punk, gothic/doom metal. also into numetal, experimental, and spooky sounding electro pop. (aural vampire, the cure, tiamat, to/die/for, cradle of filth, sisters of mercy , insane clown posse, aphex twin etc) some breakcore, and mid to late 2000's rap/pop music, sometimes nightcore'd. (akon, eminem, britney spears, rihanna, etc). i also used to be really really into vocaloid, i am still but much less so. my music taste is kinda all over the place honestly but i like what i like
i am interested in spirituality, specifically law of attraction and manifestation. i also am kinda starting to get back into ritual "witchcraft" worship of Dionysus but im trying to get as close to original/proper sources as possible before officially starting
i am also super into art specifically abstract and surrealism / dreamlike paintings, i use both dark harsh colors and softer pastel colors depending on what i'm trying to convey. i am planning a large project for april or may this year
[if i use improper terminology when talking about my interests pls be kind i am incredibly socially awkward and really don't get the chance to interact with fellow interest community members so i may not be up to date on everything. i am always looking for more friends! thank u for reading this far :) ]
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pennylime · 11 months
Introduction Post!!
Hello!! Welcome to my blog! I'm Penny Lime. This is my art account where I post my fanart and art of my ocs! Imma just draw whatever I want, post whatever I want, and interact with whatever I want.
Don't expect much, but if you find a method to my madness, thanks for sticking around :)
PLEASE feel free to ask me stuff!!
Also please don't be weird, im just tryna vibe. DNI if you like trump, are a proshipper, etc etc. Thanks, it'll save us both some time.
Basic Info:
18 || They/She || Unlabeled Asexual || Fanart & OCs
Tools of the Trade: Clip Studio Paint Ex (for drawing and animating) + Gaomon PD2200 (tablet)
Fun Facts! Cuz why not? :
I am a person who stutters
I have trichotillomania
I have a twin
I do cross country and track (indoor & outdoor)
I want to go into fashion for college! (Now let's see if I can learn how to sew)
Commission info and other social medias
Commission status: open
Find me elsewhere on: Instagram and YouTube (links in carrd above)
My Tags:
pennylimeart - for my art
pennylimerambles - for text posts
Active Interests:
Bungou Stray Dogs
World Trigger
Varian and the Seven Kingdoms / TTS
Ghost Eyes
Other/Dormant Interests (it's long, strap in):
Assassination Classroom
Countdown to Countdown
Avatar the Last Airbender
Soul Eater
Demon Slayer
The Owl House
Devil's Candy
Steven Universe
Sk8 the Infinity
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-Kun
Made in Abyss
Hunter x Hunter
Epic: The Musical
Nerdy Prudes Must Die
Camp Camp
Grey is...
Vanitas no Carte
Murder Drones
The Amazing Digital Circus
All Saints Street
Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss
A ton of freaking webtoons including but not limited to:
Lalin's Curse, The Last Dimension, City of Blank, Castle Swimmer, Your Wings and Mine, The Prince of Southland, Cherry Crush, The Blind Prince, Uriah, Odd Girl Out, unOrdinary, Realta, MiCoVerse, Lumine, Watermelon, Silent Screams, Humor Me, Jupiter-Men, DeathSitter
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soul-dwelling · 1 year
Maybe it's just because of my personal views, but I wish Ohkubo would have maybe subverted his whole "God is just human imagination/subconsiousness" thing in the end, cause the thing he did seems just very standard for manga (heck Berserk did that in the late 80s with the idea of evil). Like it was teased that Arthurs father was an actuall prophet, and he wasnt really involved with the white clad. Maybe leave it ambigious that maybe sometimes mirracles happen that cant really be explained? Idk
In theory, I don’t mind an author pursuing “God is the totally of humanity’s imagination.” It’s very transcendental, oversoul kind of stuff. It’s “Sympathy for the Devil” kind of talk, that what humans consider God and the Devil is just manifesting whatever good or bad we see in ourselves, a way to excuse ourselves from saving ourselves or from our own responsibility for harming ourselves. 
It just isn’t the story Ohkubo was telling. 
I do think ambiguity would help here. I’m going to end up talking about how I wish some things were more concrete in Fire Force (how did the Tabernacle get there, why does it resemble Amaterasu). But the metaphysical, the philosophical, the allegorical? Leave that stuff vague to perpetuate discussion and let this text mean more than one thing, rather than just one thing. Religion is rarely just one thing, one message--we have multiple denominations of religions not only due to humans bickering but also because ethics vary, meanings vary. 
So, sure, yeah, let Arthur’s dad just be a prophet, that’s fine. The story is silly enough, you’re not breaking anything by just letting some things just happen because they happen. I know, I want the Amaterasu and Tabernacle stuff explained--but I also don’t need everything about pyrokinetic abilities, weapon transformations, and why the Sun and the Moon are like that explained: after how badly Fire Force turned out, I have learned that lesson, just let some things be vague. 
Plus, Soul Eater in canon has gods. Like, not just Lord Death. One Soul Eater audio drama had Poseidon--does Fire Force now retcon that, or did Shinra somehow create literally Poseidon? Tezca Tlipoca may not be the same literal god Tezcatlipoca--but isn’t it fun to imagine that he may be? I thought Soul Eater was more interesting that these gods just existed because; I didn’t need an explanation that saps some of that magic by saying, “First there was our godless real world, then an apocalypse that made everything into a 2D cartoon, then an edgy teenager made the Soul Eater universe because he saw a woman in a cloak and skull stuff on his commander and his teammate and this guy who tortured him as a child.” So, if the gods existed anyway, sure, let a prophet exist. 
(Again, I speak as an agnostic, but giving me a story that says, in our real world, all religions are bullshit, hence the Evangelist just tapped into belief systems to fashion their own religion to trick people, then have Shinra make Lord Death as the primary god? Again, agnostic here, but I find this offensive--it discounts all religions just to make a story that says, “Nah-uh, the fictional religion I make in my fictional story is the only real religion!” …Then just make Soul Eater without the prequel, literally no one was thinking somehow other religions were made invalid because Lord Death was walking around. Hell, various religions didn’t get voided in Marvel Comics just because Thor, Hercules, Jack Kirby as the Abrahamic God, and other deities were walking around.)
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wineponyu · 2 years
Reader ideas I think would be cool in a fic but also stem from daydreaming:
(Below the cut cus’ I wrote a lot)
• Reader who works at a nightclub/rave type-scene, just a bunch of neon lights and loud music and are dressed like head-to-toe in full neon clothing like true coolest look ever.
• Reader who’s like one of the mutants from “Legion” like Sydney: Physical touch can cause them to switch bodies like the kiss or even Lenny’s projection powers and whatever she does.
• Moon-knight! Reader
• Reader that’s like Alice (in wonderland): constantly floating away and dreaming of a better odd-er reality, maybe even takes [character] with them.
• It/Sad girl! Reader. Sad girl: I always envision this one while listening to specific songs like “Brooklyn Baby” or really any Lana song.. cries beautifully while smoking a cigarette, or even like the woman form Scarface. It girl (if you can even call it that?..): more like a quick-response woman, as in if you say something stupid she’ll never hesitate to let you know just how dumb that sounds. Constantly out-smarting the other and doing anything to see them fall. (So basically like Angelina Jolie in “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” is what I’m picturing.)
• Reader that can manipulate reality. I don’t know how to actually describe this one but there’s always a scene in my mind where the reader would be in danger and almost everything around them would change form: like the walls to squares that rotate that basically confuses the enemy but only they have the power to navigate this weird Rubik’s Cube looking room. Or maybe even Wanda in “WandaVision.” Just really crazy sh*t.
• Reader with Angel wings/is an Angel: Yeah this one’s pretty basic lmao, there’s a million and one angel!reader stories but still I think the thought of having giant Angel wings is just sick in general. Along with the thought of how truly gorey that must be, I mean protruding wings the size of a monster truck and plus? Is your spine okay Y/N..?
• Reader who’s like Angel Salvadore: If you know who Angel is this one is pretty self explanatory, however if you don’t Angel is a character that appears in “X-Men: First Class” with fairy-like wings. Basically like a butterfly’s, along with spit that’s extremely dangerous. Stay Clear!
• Devilman! Reader: Yeah so if you’ve been sticking around for a few short (?) months you’ll know this is an idea I had back when I actually finished DMCB. Just a fun little one to think on.
• Meister/Weapon! Reader: Soul eater? Really? I thought of this one at random but to see [character]’s reaction to either their Reader wielding a weapon that they could’ve sworn was just a person?.. Or the reader being that weapon is amusing to think about tbh.
• Just a really really badass grandma. This one I want to envision fezco’s grandmother from “Euphoria” I mean come on.. shooting someone in both knees while their naked below the hips is really badass to see, especially in her case. Seriously you guys, what’s not to like here!?
• Nanno-like! Reader: Nanno in her glory as we all know her, the bringer of bad luck and punishment. Maybe I’m the one out of the loop and this has been done maybe over 10 times but hey, what’s the harm in having some more? The reader does wrong to those who have committed it, pretty simple lol.
• Reader like Emma Frost: Who ISN’T in love with Emma’s fashion and attitude, I mean come on being so close to murder in an all-white outfit? That’s definitely badass. I’ve seen fics with a reader who can alter their skin as she does but it was just a fun thing to add because I just really love this idea.
• Let’s get straight to the point with this one because I have no idea how to describe it. Reader is basically a loyal woman/man/individual who will go extra lengths for their love, not in a yandere way but in a “my lover is an extremely dangerous individual but there’ll always be someone closer who’s even worse, and god help you if you cross their path if you’ve done something to agitate their s/o” way. Basically two lovely people in love who will and can slaughter anyone in their way for eachother. But we’re focused more on the femme-fatale energy Y/N’s putting out here.
• A reader who’s just as deranged as the girls from the purge: if we’re all going to be totally honest here, who wouldn’t want to murder people in adorable outfits and a blinged out car? (If you don’t then think of the circumstances while in the purge maybe it’ll help.) This idea came to me when I was reading a riddler fic, yk his whole murder on stream thing? Yeah maybe the reader could be like that too but they have the most energy that anyone can enjoy, what they’re complimenting people and are dresses really cutely who cares about the man screaming? With this reader though I almost ALWAYS imagine them having a little posse. I mean a group of gal pals (or just pals) to murder with while also looking like the girls in “California Girls”? Literally what’s there NOT to like!
• A reader who’s like “The Countess”: we all know Lady Gaga’s absolutely iconic role as The Countess in “American Horror Story”, and who wouldn’t love to output that kind of energy? It’s just a fun time for everyone isn’t it.
• A reader like Michiko Malandro! (A.K.A. The baddest): A reader who’s recklessness leads them and their sidekick on a journey of mystery and searching, how fun! Michiko’s all over the place attitude is just what some of these characters need, and why not be the one to give it to em! The reader would most def drag them around while they’re insanely confused. Who cares let’s get back on that bike and ride to another country!
Jesus if you’ve stuck around till here you must be ready to close your eyes , thanks for reading my random thought post of stuff I think I would like to read!
Des - 💌
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misterewrites · 2 years
Wrap-up: The Salt-Irons Case
Hello! E here with the next chapter, little late but I had to deal with a head cold and i freaking hated it! Yay! So here we go the finale of Finn's case and the start of the next arc. Who will get the spotlight? What's going to happen? Find out soon!
I hope you are all doing great, being safe, keeping your loved ones safe and all that jazz. Keep wearing masks because no, despite what everyone wants, the pandemic isn't over especially for a lot of places that need the vaccine. Stay safe, keep your loved ones safe, get vaccinated if you can and stay extra safe if you can't. Push for global vaccinate because a lot of places still need it. Keep Ukraine in your hearts, in your thoughts even if it gets a lot to keep track of. I get it. Also keep your eye on any bullshit somebody is trying to pull cuz right now a lot of places are trying to fuck over everyone but if you want to just exist, i get it. I do I really do. Just keep your health in mind alrighty?
That's it for me! Seriously I cannot thank you all enough for reading my story, for taking the time out of your day to give this a read. I am so surprised and happy how many views this story gets and I am so grateful for them especially since it's an original work i know how really hard it is to get any success out of it. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Tell your friends, recommend it, comment likes, reblogs I love them all! and appreciate every single one. Stay safe, have great days untill the next time I post and thank you for reading. You're the best!. E is out!
So we’re at the part of the tour where I shamelessly plug myself. Yes I know but I have to or else no one will read. I gotta try at least you know?
If you want to read my story on a more user friendly site that doesn’t hate me and where, fun fact, i sometimes correct my work typos and all, here’s the link right down here 
If you need a refresher cuz holy snap it’s been a month. I meant it to be two weeks you can click right here https://archiveofourown.org/works/30599756/chapters/96221044
If you are curious about what this is or bored and need something to do, here’s the story from the beginning. I promise it’s actually not bad. evidently. Who would’ve guessed! not me I’m way too modest for that.
And here’s link to my page where I have various different stories ranging from some Vi/Cait from Arcane, a story involving Jinx, Soul Eater, Genshin Impact, Owl House and some Red Hood among other stuff because I like to write and let me tell you I do it way too much yet not enough.
And that concludes this portion of the tour. if you are disembarking here have a great week and be safe. take care of yourself. 
For those of you joining us beyond the keep out sign, enjoy!
Summary:  Still alive, Finnrick meets up with Eden and Garrus to debrief the M.R.R.D on what happened and answer any lingering questions. Due to his injury, however, he'll be forced to sit out the next adventure which may be sooner than anyone hopes. Luckily there's someone who can help with that. Probably.
“You gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“I am, in fact, not.”
“Hey ya’ll” Maddie cut the conversation with a soft smile, a long line of plates running up her arm in impossible fashion “Make room so I can feed you.”
Given it was a typical day of cheery chatter and utensils hungrily scraping plates to ensure every last bit of food was consume, it was fair to assume Finnrick had survived his deadly encounter with the being from another reality.
The detective awoke several hours later under the care of Doctor Carmichael, a cleric of Altruism and close family friend. Despite both he and Casey’s best efforts, Finn’s injury hadn’t been a clean enough break to mend properly by either cleric. Healing magic, while powerful, included certain requirements to be used safely. So until the bones realigned properly to heal with magic, Finn was on mandatory vacation which meant arm in a sling and no cases for at least three weeks.
Finnrick did not like that but there was little he could do as when he reached to take his plate Jaime smacked his hand away.
“No.” She said firmly “What part of taking it easy do you not understand?”
Finnrick chuckled softly “Jai it’s a plate of eggs. I think I can manage.”
“Mhm. Like you managed to walk out of the cemetery on your own.”
Finnrick opened his mouth to argue but Jaime continued “Because you did not walk out of there on your own. Case and I had to carry you out.”
“Well…” Finnrick tried to chime in.
“You got fat.” Jaime nudged his stomach playfully “Too much of Ma’s food.”
Maddie pretended to be scandalous “Mind your tongue or I’ll take back your French Toast and eggies.”
“Sorry ma’am. No disrespect meant.”
The other occupants of the table began to let out a cheery laugh as Jaime smiled sheepishly.
Maddie pinched her cheeks lovingly “Only joking sweetie.” Jaime let out a sigh of relief “Oh thank god because after the fucking scare my brother gave me I need to treat myself.”
“You.” Maddie pointed accusingly at her “Are just as bad as him. Every day you used to be in here and now I hardly see you!”
“Why we picking on me? He’s the one that did something dumb.”
“Stones and glass houses dearie. Casey, honey, here’s your order.”
Casey smiled gratefully as he carefully leaned over Finn to take the plate.
“And officers: Miss Eden and Mister Garrus. Your orders as well.”
Finn felt an odd mixture of annoyance and gratitude as his closest friends and allies were surrounding him in a protective cocoon: Casey and Jaime on either side of him with Garrus and Eden sitting across. It was unlikely someone would attempt to take a swing at the detective in his current state. Injured or not, he remained a powerful spellcaster but people weren’t always logical and sometimes a bad idea was too tempting to pass up.
Jaime had been allowed to take time off until Casey could properly heal him in few weeks time and Casey, who couldn’t take as much time given he was the entirety of the Neighborhood Watch, at least agreed for today. Eden and Garrus claimed they chose Ma’s so Finnrick didn’t have to come all the way down to City Hall for the debriefing but the detective wasn’t fooled: Between two clerics, a wizard, a sharpshooting badass and Maddie herself, Ma’s was probably the safest place at the moment.
And given the fact Eden insisted that they pay for everyone’s meal meant they probably felt guilty about Finn’s injury.
“I can’t believe it.” Garrus mumbled unhappily, his silver-gray eyes still wide “He transferred his soul into another body? Are you sure?”
Finnrick gave a quiet nod, digging into his meal.
Garrus ran his hand through his hair nervously “How is that possible? Drift, how is this possible?”
“I was surprised myself when I confronted him. I was expecting a simulacrum with his personality copied over, an imitation thinking he was the original. I wasn’t expecting….”
He could still remember the dangerous glint in Richard’s eyes, the spark of insane creativity only humans could achieve. Copies lacked the flame of existence, the drive that burned bright in living creatures and it always showed.
“I’m not sure what I was expecting but it sure wasn’t that.”
Eden scoffed in disbelief “Come on don’t be so fucking modest Finny. You must have some idea. You’re Finn! You know everything!”
“Yeah no.” Finnrick chuckled lightly “Fun fact I do not actually know everything. I’m only human guys.”
“But….you’re a detective. Isn’t your job to detect, to know everything?”
“Well yeah but sometimes I just don’t know.”
“But you’re Finn.” Jaime shot him a sideways glare “You always know. That’s like your thing.”
“No.” Finn corrected, playfully tugging his sister’s cheek “It’s not my thing. Guys I’m very good at my job but I’m not a bloody psychic.”
“But you’re Finn....” Eden couldn’t keep the confusion off her face.
“You know most of the time I have the case solved like 80% but for some reason everyone thinks I know everything so by the time I confront them, they assume I already have their entire plan in a notebook somewhere and just blab. It’s honestly very refreshing. Makes my life way easier.”
A hush fell over the table, a quiet realization as everyone present began recounting all the times they just casually revealed their secrets to him under the assumption it was pointless to hide as he would discover it sooner or later.
Eden was the first to recover, eyes narrowing in mock fury “You are so ground…”
“Any theories then?” Garrus cut in gracefully. Eden openly threw a death glare at him but he paid it no mind.
Finnrick paused for a moment, digging into his wizardry knowledge for an answer.
“I suppose...”He started slowly, ideas still poking and prodding at his half formed thoughts “The soul of something could be made out of an energy we don’t understand. I guess with the right spells and tools one could theoretically transfer it into a body though it’s probably insanely dangerous. Too many factors like keeping your sense of self intact, making a human body, souls getting rejected. I mean spirits and ghosts are real but they’re still the person they were in life and don’t require a body to stay in this plane of existence but possession is a thing. Spiritualism isn’t really my cup of tea. I have a friend I could call. Maybe she figure an answer for us but as of now I have no idea how the fuck that works or how to even begin to answer that question.”
“But Richard did.” Eden answered darkly.
“Good thing he’s dead.” Casey replied in kind.
“Worse than dead.” Finnrick corrected.
Garrus glanced out the window thoughtfully.
“Da?” Finn asked, his concern clear.
Garrus took a deep breath, his voice dropping to a whisper. “When I was growing up Mister Valka was very...adamant about certain things. Souls were one of them. I suppose I am just curious how angry this news would make him. I admit it’s affecting me more than I was expecting.”
Eden and Finnrick shared a look, a quiet understanding passing between them.
“So.” Eden cleared her throat loudly “What were the creepy dolls for? Creepy shit right?”
“Oh totally Ma. He was using model art dolls to get his new wooden body’s movements down. Probably freeballed it the first go around and people noticed.” Finnrick explained while popping a piece of bacon into his mouth.
Garrus snapped back to reality “What about the creature getting here? Any ideas on that mystery?”
“Amos” surprisingly Casey was the one who answered.
Garrus shot him a curious glance.
“Sorry.” Casey grinned nervously “Felt a little left out. No I didn’t figure it out” he quickly added “Finn told us on the way. We kinda pestered him about the case too.”
“Amos?” Eden raised an eyebrow “Wasn’t aware he was in town.”
Finnrick gave a hearty chuckle “We’ve long theorized that the Fae Realm is probably whatever connects all the different realities together. To get any other existence means you gotta through the Fae. Amos had been tracking a fae folk creature in London and he told me when he tackled it through a portal and landed here. Distance and time are funky in the Fae so it’s possible the creature was just waiting there, looking for some way in.”
“And the little bit that attacked you outside the Salt-Irons? Inkwell is the name you gave. What about it? Any chance it’ll get punted out of this reality?” Garrus asked hopefully.
“No” Finnrick answered honestly “It seemed to have its own sentience, its own existence. Big daddy ink was aware I fought it but didn’t seem to know where it ended up. My guess it was ‘born’ here so it’s native and reality won’t kick it out.”
Eden straightened up, a bit of professionalism seeping into her posture “Is Inkwell going to be a problem?”
Somewhere hidden in a forgotten alleyway long thin inky tendrils spread out like spider webs, clinging onto any and everything it could grab: bottles and empty bags, discarded newspaper and bits and parts of random junk. The ink shimmered and pulsated.
Inkwell was weak but soon it would be strong. Soon it will be strong.
All it had to do is wait.
“I’m sure it’s fine.”
It was impossible whose stare was more deadpan: Da or Ma’s.
“You really believe that?” Their voices spoke as one.
“No. but there’s not much I can do about it, is there?” Finnrick gestured to the sling “Besides the city’s huge. There’s no way we can check everywhere and be sure we did. As much as we hate it we’re going to have to wait for Inkwell to make its first move.”
Neither Eden or Garrus liked that answer but they knew Finn had a point. Until Inkwell showed up it was a waste to hunt for it.
“There’s one thing I’m curious about.” Casey piped up after a moment of silence.
Jaime stared at him with a playful grin “Only one?”
“One that I’d admit to yeah.” Casey stuck his tongue at her before continuing “Why did you go alone?”
Finn could feel every pair of eyes fall on him, their gaze half irritated half expectant.
He cleared his throat theatrically “Well it was better that way: It could shatter my shields with little to no effort so taking you Case wouldn’t have been ideal. You’re not exactly graceful on your feet.”
Casey opened his mouth to argue but Jaime had beaten him to the punch “Hey! He’s an excellent dancer and you know it!”
“Naturally” Finnrick agreed “But in an uneven graveyard with fog everywhere? Way more cause to trip up.”
“True….” Casey mumbled unhappily.
“And you Jai.” Jaime jumped back in surprised as her brother whirled around to face her “You are more than agile enough to hand the terrain but you don’t have much experience fighting stuff out of this world. I can’t be worrying about you tucked away in some corner and trying to make sure I don’t get skewered. Either of you actually. Without my shields to cover you I’d be too worry to focus. Better to take less targets than getting everyone killed.”
“And you two.” He faced the officers as they opened their mouths “Red tape. All the fucking red tape. No signal to call out there and no time to wait.”
Garrus and Eden frowned but said nothing.
“And there are my perfectly legitimate reasons why none of you could come with me.” Finnrick gave a short nod, allowing a smug smirk to grace his face.
“Fuck you son.”
“I still think I should’ve been there.”
“I was worried all fucking night bro!”
“With my rifle I could’ve been in the forest. No one had to know.”
“Guys, guys.” Finnrick raised a hand in surrender “It’s over. It’s done and everyone is safe. If a dislocated shoulder is the price I have to pay for it, so be it. Now we gotta get a move on.”
“Another case son?” Garrus stared disappointingly towards the detective.
Jaime scoffed “Not with me on watch. He’s going to get a lot of rest but he wants to make a stop first.”
“I have an idea where to find our little helmeted vigilante.” Finnrick admitted “Going to drop something off and then head home. I’m sorry what my injury is going to do to the streets.”
Garrus waved him off “We’ll do our jobs. Same as always. You get better.”
Casey let out a sigh of relief “Thank god. I got the monthly Watch meeting tomorrow. I need to ask Evan if he could watch the neighborhood.”
“Bye kids!” Eden gave a friendly way at the departing trio “Don’t get into trouble but if you do make sure to kick its ass!”
“Why must you encourage them?”
“Builds character” Eden answered with a smirk “Now pay the bill.”
“Why do I have to pay the bill?” Garrus mumbled grouchily “You’re the one who invited the kids for breakfast.”
“Yes but you’re their ‘father’. You need to show some responsibility for them.”
“Pfft you’re the one that adopted them.”
“We, we adopted them.”
“Then you should pay for our ‘children’.”
“Oh what’s that? Sorry Maddie’s calling me. I’ll just be over here.”
As Eden began making her over to the counter, Garrus shot her a halfhearted glare before pulling out his wallet, a small smile gracing his face as he shook his head in disbelief.
It was 11 at night when there was a knock on the office door.
Frankie, a younger member of the Troll’s Toe Neighborhood Watch, was on call. At first she thought it was the soft pattering of the rain hitting the pavement streets but the tap became increasingly louder and louder, uneven with the torrent outside.
It wasn’t uncommon for members of any Watch to answer calls at all hours of the day but Frankie wasn’t used to anyone seeking help at this time. Most people in the Midtown magical neighborhood were already cozily tucked into bed especially with the sudden thunderstorm.
Frankie drew her weapon, a large wrench she kept under her desk, and slowly inched her way towards the convenient store styled door of the building. She tried to peer outside to see who it was but the shifting shadows from the storm made it impossible to see.
Without warning, thunder echoed impossibly loud out of nowhere, rattling the office violently as a streak of lightning bolted across the sky and lit up the figure standing in the doorway.
Frankie screamed at the sight of the tall shadow that stood before her: Covered head to toe in a long black riding cloak with ghostly green eyes peering at her with a soulless gaze. Chains wrapped around their torso tightly as a large stone slab simply hung on their back. Long, wild gray hair hung in front the stranger’s silhouetted face. One hand was outstretched to knock again while the other held onto some sort of walking stick as a rusty faded unlit lantern hung from it and swung menacingly in the breeze.
“Back!” Frankie’s voice squeaked, raising the wrench high in both hands “I armed and not fear to use!”
The figure reached for their hood and Frankie could feel her heart drop at the sight of how toned and muscular this stranger’s arms were. In a straight fight Frankie didn’t like her chances.
The figure pulled back the hood and shook the hair out of her face.
Her face?
“Hi!” the woman smiled brightly as she gave a cheery wave “Sorry to bother you I just got into town.”
“What?” Frankie let the wrench fall out of her hands.
The woman gestured to her ear “Yeah sorry I can’t hear you. Can you open the door?” she pointed at the door between them.
Frankie nodded and opened the door to let the strange woman in.
“Much better” She let out a sigh of relief as the warmth of the office filled her bones “Sorry about that. I just got in and I was told this is where I could get some help.”
“Umm…..what kind of help?”
“Well you see.” The woman began hurriedly “There’s a powerful spiritual disturbance here. I could feel all the way in India!”
Frankie opened her mouth to say something but all she could do is stare at this tall, freckled faced green eyed woman who carried some kind of stone strapped to her back.
“And as The Gravekeeper of Souls, I take my job very seriously. I mean if it’s that powerful that I felt it on another continent, it was going to be bad!”
“Excuse me.” Frankie finally piped up “I’m sorry I don’t follow.”
The woman gave a cute sheepish grin “Oh right. Sorry. I travel a lot so I forget who knows me and who doesn’t. I’m Yorrick! Yorrick the Gravekeeper of Souls!”
“Okay. And you are here….?”
“Oh.” Yorrick gave a little nonchalant gesture “Some powerful spiritual entity is about be unleashed and probably raze your city to the ground.”
“WHAT?!” Frankie could feel her blood pressure rise.
“Raze. You know destroy, obliterate, consume. Hee consuuuuuuume. Fun word.”
Frankie’s face paled “Are you serious?”
Yorrick smiled brightly “As the grave. But I’m here so it’ll be okay. Probably. Anyway I need to call a meeting of the Watch. Can I do that here or…?”
“There’s one tomorrow.” Frankie weakly answered.
“Excellent! I’ll come back then. Good night! Thanks for all the help!”
and just like that, Yorrick vanished into the storm, swallowed whole by the dark though Frankie could hear her excited laughter amid the rain and thunder.
“This is going to be fun!” Yorrick’s voice called happily from the shadows.
Frankie decided it was better to sit on the floor.
For the rest of the night.
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bunnyywritings · 3 years
a shy, goth s/o who goes by they/them pronouns
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requested by anon; HIII!! I recently started watching soul eater and i finallyyy found someone who writes for them so im reallllly exited!! So i wanted to request something!! Can you do like how Crona, Kid, Soul and Stein would be like in a relationship with a shy goth s/o who uses they/tem prounons (sometimes she). Also when they talk about the things they like they get superrr extroverted and could talk for hourss about it! Also would it heart to ask if you could make cronas a lil longer, they are my comfort character🤧Also wanted to ask if you did emergency requests! If you dont that’s totally fine!!
[a/n: thank you for this request, my lovely anon! It gave me the way to get back into a writing flow again. I quite enjoyed writing for these characters since I don’t get very many Soul Eater requests, as for emergency requests...go ahead and send them in but I apologize if I don’t get it done quickly, seeing as I’m not quite that active on here like I was before. for now, enjoy! - yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´-] 
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- truthfully, i think he'd be a little confused at first
- about the whole pronouns thing
- despite being friends with Crona
- so, he'd approach Maka, Crona, and Subaki about it
- he'd be a little embarrassed because he mistakenly exposed his HUGE crush on you
- Subaki coos at him and thinks it's sweet
- Crona is glad to help, knowing that using they/them pronouns is still a foreign concept for some people
- Maka would definitely tease him but ultimately, she's glad he had asked for help
- after realizing that it was a rather simple concept to understand
- he'd get SOOO cocky
- he absolutely loves your style
- obviously thinks you're the coolest person to ever exist
- now the only thing in his way??
- your shyness
- he's only interacted with you a few times but because he tends to be a bit abrasive, you usually keep your distance
- the few times that Stein had called on you in class to answer a question was the most he's really heard you talk
- you were good friends with Kid though
- so you ended up hanging out with the group a lot
- he's seen how passionate you could get whilst talking about your hobbies or about things you liked to Kid or Liz
and Patty
- it made him a gajillion times more attracted to you
- after FINALLY gaining the courage to ask you out (you can thank Black Star for telling him that it wasn't cool to be such
a wimp)
- he'd be on cloud nine
- being in a relationship with Soul would be fun
- he'd be a little awkward at first but he'd soon ease into it
- he's really good at respecting your pronouns
- in the case that he slips up, which i don't really think he would, but if he does he'd feel absolutely terrible
- like he'd beat himself up so hard
- he would do anything to make it up to you
- 100% would cook you a super nice dinner as an apology
- if anybody ever made fun of your style or your pronouns, it's over for that person
- they'd have, not only Soul and Maka on their ass, but they'd have Black Star and Tsubaki, AND the literal son of the grim
reaper and his twin pistols
- overall, Soul would be such a sweetheart
- you make him so, so soft
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- gosh i love him so much
- okay
- Kid is definitely somebody who would be up front with his feelings
- he knows about your use of different pronouns and he really admires your bravery to be so open about it
- i feel like he's definitely thought about going by he/they pronouns
- thinks it's absolutely adorable how shy you are
- despite being shy and closed off, he never overlooked you like some students or other staff
- he knows how clever you are
- don't even get me started on your style
- he love love loves your goth style
- especially when you wear anything with skulls on it
- when it comes to his feelings, Liz gets fed up with how ridiculous he's being
- she's watched him break down crying because the stripes on his head aren't symmetrical and someone as precious as you
would think he's trash
- which obviously isn't true
- he sees you out on the balcony, sat on the ledge and book in hand
- he's noticed you with it a lot but it's only the 1st book of a series
- he figures that maybe you just haven't had the chance to find the rest of them
- after some research, he finds that the series had been completed but because of the lack of readers, it was put out of
production and copies were pulled out of libraries and bookstores
- but alas, he had found one of the only complete series in existence in somewhat excellent condition
- it was quite expensive but that was really no problem
- he had wrapped up the set and had gifted them to you with a note and as you read the note, your cheeks burned
- he confessed his feelings
- the next day, you had approached him and thanked him for the gift as well as confessing your own feelings for him
- he thought the stuttering and flushed cheeks was adorable
- 100% the power couple at the DWMA
- sorry i don't make the rules
- Liz and Patty are definitely in love with you, especially with how versatile your fashion is
- Patty has definitely volunteered to paint your nails before
- Kid definitely gets you a et of skull rings, just like his
- will go beast mode on anyone who makes fun of your style and/or use of pronouns
he's be such a gentleman and he practically worships the ground you walk on
- as he should  
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- Stein would be quite used to the use of they/them pronouns since he has students who go by them
- when there's word of a new teacher at DWMA who goes by they/them, he's quite intrigued
- so much so that he would volunteer to show you around the enormous school
- 10/10 falls in love with you instantly
- your shy demeanor is such a contrast to your style
- definitely lives for teasing you
- anything to make you stutter
- but he'd be very blunt about his feelings
- he makes sure that you're being respected by students and staff alike
- threatens anybody who doesn't
- he gets you some screw earrings or a necklace (if you don't have piercings)
- it's his way of making sure people know that you're his
- Stein would be an excellent significant other
- he's a bit more on the playful side so just always be prepared for cheeky remarks
- he doesn't mind your shyness at all
- since he doesn't really favor going out too much so most of your dates are in doors, his place or yours
- probably with a cup of coffee and a book
- he can be sweet when he wants to
- isn't really into pda but i wouldn't be too surprised if he had a moment of spontaneity and pull you into his arms and
kiss you passionately  
- some students think it's romantic and others definitely tease the both of you
- since your social battery probably runs out pretty quick, he loves that it gives him an out from tiring staff get
- Death Scythe thinks it's absolutely HYSTERICAL to make fun of Stein's moments of softness
- but ultimately, he thinks the way Stein looks at you is sweet and makes him happy that his friend has found someone like
- cause you're the best
- duh
- his wardrobe has infinitely improved since the both of you got together
- all thanks to you
- overall 15/10 a good significant other
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- ahh Crona, sweet sweet Crona
- they're the freaking cutest
- now i know that in the anime and manga, it's written that he uses he/him pronouns but it seem like on tumblr everyone has
just settled on using they/them instead because of Crona's androgynous style and frankly it's a bit of an unclear area
- so uhhh yeah, let's get started
- Crona would have trouble admitting that they had feelings for you, so they tries to hide it but alas, Maka had caught on
- it took Soul a bit longer to realize but he eventually did
- the group had caught on and thought it was adorable
- all of them had tried to help in any way they could
- but Crona just couldn't muster up the courage to tell you
- the both of you were quite shy so it was nearly impossible to get some type of interaction between the two of you
- Crona also really loved your style
- the both of you were similar in so many ways
- Black Star had actually been the one to let it slip that Crona had harbored some kind of affection for you
- Tsubaki had smacked him upside the head and chastised him since it wasn't his place to say anything
- but now that it was out in the open, it had given you the slight confidence boost you needed to confess
- but when you did, Crona just stood frozen, almost mortified by your words
- you took it as rejection and ran off into the woods surrounding the school campus
- Ragnarok had then made an appearance and started tugging at Crona's cheeks and telling them that they should go after you
- but of course, they hadn't
- instead, turning to Maka and Tsubaki for help
- the two had taken it upon themselves to look for you and clear up any misunderstandings
- the next day, Crona had approached you and apologized
- even though they're words were stuttered, you appreciated the gesture and asked Crona on a proper date
- they accepted before panicking because it had dawned on them that they had never been on a date before
- overall, Crona is such a sweet partner
- sure, a bit unexperienced but sweet nonetheless
- they try their best
- both of you have similar styles and everyone thinks the both of you are just the most adorable couple on campus
- Crona loved hearing you talk about the things you loved
- your eyes would sparkle and you'd move your hands so animatedly
- it's almost like you're a different person in that moment
- they just adored you
- they'd get upset if someone had disrespected your pronouns
- Ragnorak would definitely rage if someone disrespected you
- as much as he hated to admit it, he really really liked you
- mainly because you always carried sweets around for him
- ugh I just love Crona
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legacysagas · 2 years
New Muses (in the making)
I’m not sure how strong the feeling for these muses will be but I do hope to have fun with these. Some I am going into new territory and others I will be familiar with and want to delve into them.
First: Princess Peach
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So I wanna do something a bit more different than how Peach is typically depicted here. I do intend to keep the pretty, fashion and girly Peach but add a touch of kick ass to it. Like Totally Spies or Kim Possible flare into her. She knows what looks good on her dress and what she can use to bludgeon someone to death with. Some of you might be thinking this being similar to the Nintendo Power Comic of Peach, which is accurate and the best Peach, but I also love the Mario Strikers Peach. So basically I want to make her into a bad bitch.
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Next is Team RWBY! After so long of contemplation and debating, and questioning myself on whether I love this series or not.... Yeah I’m doing this. Not entirely sure how much I will divert from canon. There is JPDE which is my favorite fan-made game. I can’t recommend it enough for anyone a fan of RWBY and visual novels. Might even get around to finally giving my OCs a RWBY AU, as I am still working on a team for the final member. Will I include others in the RWBY cast? Not entirely sure.
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Soul Eater! Thanks to a certain ask I might actually delve into anime characters. So far, Maka and Soul are good candidates. Lastly, I am currently reading the manga and I will develop more connections to characters. But I always did love the world of Soul Eater and such, it’s kinda like those animes that I grew so close to that are my personal favorites despite not being as big as some others. I am just so rusty.
Possible new ones:
Sora, Kairi and Aqua from Kingdom Hearts. Just not entirely sure how strong I feel about it.
More might come. Thinking of Undertale or Deltarune, maybe more Mario stuff. Who knows.
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